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Las mejores motos touring para viajar en pareja

mejores motos touring para viajar en pareja

En esta comparativa te vamos a mostrar las  mejores motos touring para viajar en pareja o en solitario , poder realizar viajes largos y recorrer largas distancias en moto dos personas de manera cómoda. Las motos sport touring conforman un segmento con muchas variantes, desde la media cilindrada y más económicas a las más potentes y caras.

mejores motos touring para viajar en pareja

mejores motos touring para viajar en pareja – ©BMWPress

Viajar en moto es una de las mejores formas de recorrer España, Europa o porque no, el resto del mundo. Dentro del segmento de motos para viajar sport touring podemos encontrar gran variedad de modelos, desde los más exclusivos y caros, hasta los más económicos o baratos, según las posibilidades de cada bolsillo.

En esta comparativa de 9 modelos, hemos recopilado desde las tradicionales motos sport touring, hasta un modelo trail para los más aventureros o dos modelos custom, para lo que buscan otra manera de viajar en moto.

Motos touring – Honda GL1800 Gold Wing

Motos comodas para viajar dos personas – bmw k 1600 gt, motos sport touring – yamaha fjr1300, motos para viajar en pareja – kawasaki 1400gtr, motos custom para viajar – indian roadmaster, motos custom touring – harley-davidson road king special, motos trail para viajar – bmw r 1250 gs adventure, motos touring media cilindrada – cfmoto 650 gt, motos para viajar baratas  – suzuki bandit 1250s abs.

Es quizás la referencia del segmento de las motos para viajar y su larga historia así lo demuestra. Potencia, tecnología y comodidad para recorrer kilómetros de manera cómoda y fácil, tanto solo como con acompañante. En 2018 sufrió una importante evolución con un nuevo motor que entrega 125 CV, más que suficiente para poder realizar viajes en moto de manera fácil.

Una completa electrónica, sistema de navegación y de audio, pantalla eléctrica, configuración electrónica de la suspensión para adaptarla al tipo de carga y un largo etc. de opciones y accesorios, la convierten en la reina de la carretera.

Dentro del segmento de motos Honda touring para viajar en pareja es la referencia, aunque para los que busquen una opción más barata la marca japonesa dispone de la Honda VFR800F . El precio de la Honda Gold Wing  parte desde los  32.925 euros.

motos comodas para viajar dos personas

motos comodas para viajar dos personas – Honda GL1800 Gold Wing ©HondaPress

La gama de motos BMW dispone de un amplio catálogo de motos para viajar grandes distancias, pero entre todas ellas nos hemos decantado por un termino medio, la BMW K 1600 GT. Este modelo que abre la gama, se divide en tres versiones, la mencionada, la GTL y la GTL Exclusive.

Su equipamiento es de primer nivel en cualquier área, con una completa electrónica que gestiona esta potencia adaptándola a las necesidades del piloto o de la carretera. Una de las motos mas cómodas para viajar gracias a sus amplias maletas y baúl, pantalla electrónica, puños y asientos calefactables o como opción un navegador GPS.

La BMW K 1600 GT no es una de las motos touring económicas porque el precio de partida supera los 25.000 euros, pero vale cada euro que se invierte en ella.

motos para viajar

motos para viajar – Yamaha FJR1300 – ©YamahaPress

Dentro del segmento de las motos sport touring la Yamaha FJR1300  cumple a la perfección ambos puntos. Dispone del corte deportivo habitual en la marca japonesa, pero a la vez es una de las mejores motos touring.

Sus líneas afiladas, su potente motor de 145 CV y su electrónica, nos permite disfrutar, una vez quitadas las maletas, de una ruta de fin de semana o un puerto de montaña con curvas.

Pero a la vez es una de las motos ideales para viajar gracias a su protección aerodinámica, comodidad en marcha, equipamiento general y tecnología. El control de crucero nos permite rodar a límites legales por autovía, con total tranquilidad y sobre todo, comodidad, en solitario o para dos personas con equipaje.

Obviamente, todo esto tiene un precio y no es precisamente barata la Yamaha FJR1300, los cerca de 19.000 euros en su versión básica, no están al alcance de todos los motoristas.

mejores motos para viajar

mejores motos para viajar – Kawasaki 1400GTR – ©KawasakiPress

Kawasaki también ha ampliado el catálogo de motos touring para viajar en pareja. Las nuevas  Kawasaki NINJA H2 SX  o la  Kawasaki Z1000SX , son muestra de ello. Pero nos hemos decantado en esta comparativa de motos touring por la gran  Kawasaki 1400GTR .

Este modelo, con mucha historia a sus espaldas, se ha ido actualizando año tras año para ser una de las motos para viajar en pareja referencia del segmento. Sus 155 CV permiten afrontar cualquier tipo de viaje sin problema, tanto en solitario como con acompañante y la capacidad de carga no es un problema gracias a sus maletas laterales y baúl o top case.

Dispone de un conjunto de equipamiento de gran calidad, con un sistema de suspensiones revisado y mejorado para adaptarlo al tipo de carga. Sistema de frenada ABS con potentes discos y pinzas, aerodinámica revisada y pantalla mejorada o los modos de entrega de potencia.

La Kawasaki 1400GTR es una de las motos para viajes largos que ofrece una gran relación calidad precio y por poco más de 18.750 euros la puedes tener en tu garaje.

motos custom para viajar

motos custom para viajar – Indian Roadmaster – ©IndianMotorcyclesPress

Dentro del segmento de las motos custom para viajar podemos encontrar grandes modelos. En este caso vamos a comenzar por la Indian Roadmaster . La marca americana dispone de varias motos custom para viajar, pero la Roadmaster, como su nombre indica, puede ser la referencia.

Una tradicional moto custom americana, pero que tras su apariencia dispone de toda la tecnología actual. El potente motor Thunder Stroke 111 ofrece la potencia suficiente para viajar largas distancias sin problema y dispone de control de crucero, sistema de iluminación LED, navegador o sistema de audio de 200 W, entre otras características.

La Roadmaster es una de las grandes motos cómodas para viajar dos personas, con una capacidad de carga en su baúl trasero para nada menos que 140 litros, además de alforjas fijas metálicas y una gran guantera delante. ¿Te faltará espacio para el equipaje? Creemos que no. Todo esto tiene un precio y la Indian Roadmaster parte desde los 32.000 euros.

motos custom touring

motos custom touring – Harley-Davidson Road King Special – ©Harley-Davidson Press

Sin salirnos del segmento de las motos custom para viajar en esta comparativa te mostramos otra opción, la Harley-Davidson Road King Special. La gama de motos Harley-Davidson es muy amplia en el segmento Turismo, pero esta Road King es un «termino medio».

Buena protección aerodinámica, equipamiento a nivel de suspensiones y sistema de frenos de gran calidad y un potente motor Milwaukee-Eight, que gracias al control de crucero te permitirá cubrir largas distancias en moto, sin cansarte.

Con sus maletas alargadas de serie podrás afrontar un viaje en moto de varios días, tanto en soliario como en pareja y no te faltará espacio para llevar todos tus enseres. El precio de la Harley-Davidson Road King Special parte desde los 27.500 euros.

motos trail para viajar - BMW R 1250 GS Adventure 2019

motos trail para viajar – BMW R 1250 GS Adventure 2019

Dentro del segmento de las motos trail para viajar hoy en día podemos encontrar gran variedad de modelos y marcas, pero en esta comparativa nos hemos decantado por la referencia, la BMW R 1250 GS Adventure . No hay carretera, camino o pista que se le resista, por algo es la moto trail más vendida.

Los grandes viajeros en moto por todo el mundo eligen este modelo, por algo será. Potencia, robustez, electrónica y versatilidad la sitúan como la referencia dentro del segmento trail de motos para viajar grandes distancias.

Poco se puede decir de ella, que no se haya dicho ya, quizá su precio de más de 18.600 euros en su versión básica. Una de las motos para viajes largos donde no habrá que temer que nos encontraremos en el camino.

CFMoto 650 GT

CFMoto 650 GT

Dentro de la categoría de motos sport touring media cilindrada muchas marcas disponen de modelos que podrían cumplir con nuestras necesidades para realizar largos viajes en moto, pero en esta comparativa nos hemos decantado por la CFMoto 650 GT .

Como bien indican sus siglas GT es una moto Gran Turismo y es un termino medio entre las motos grandes para viajar que hemos mencionado antes y quizás las 250 o 125 cc, con las que es mucho más difícil afrontar un viaje largo.

Con sus 71 CV, dispondrás de potencia de sobra, pudiendo mantener velocidades medias fácilmente, una buena protección aerodinámica gracias a su diseño del carenado y la pantalla. Además como buena moto touring dispone de anclaje para maletas, toma USB, pantalla regulable, así como la posibilidad acoplar tu teféfono móvil o navegador, asientos cómodo y una ergonomía cómoda para potenciar su carácter rutero.

La CFMoto 650 GT. combina un estilo deportivo y a la vez confort para los viajes en moto para viajar en pareja. Su precio de tan solo 6.475 euros la sitúa como el claro rival dentro de las motos para viajar baratas.

motos para viajar baratas

motos para viajar baratas – Suzuki Bandit 1250S ABS – ©SuzukiPress

Hoy en día motos para viajar baratas no hay muchas, aunque realmente, muchos modelos podrían cumplir perfectamente. Un  modelo económico y contrastado con muchos años de historia sería la  Suzuki Bandit 1250S ABS , una moto rutera apta para viajar dos personas de manera cómoda.

No destaca por potencia, ni por electrónica, pero si por la versatilidad y la facilidad de uso, tanto en solitario como con acompañante. Si buscamos dentro del segmento de motos touring económicas, la Bandit 1250 puede ser nuestra moto. Con un par de maletas y un baúl, nos permitirá realizar largos viajes en moto, sin ningún tipo de problema. Al ser un modelo Euro3, habrá que esperar que Suzuki la actualice.

En esta comparativa de 9 de las mejores motos touring para viajar en pareja hemos intentado recopilar modelos para todos los gustos, pero si aún así no has encontrado tu moto ideal para viajar puedes ver más opciones en nuestro comparador de motos .

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motorcycle tours & rental on the dominican republic



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Your Way Or The Highway

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Need Some Fresh Air?

We offer hotel guests a chance to join one of our daily guided departures to get out of their hotels and see some of the surrounding areas on 2 wheels.

We have AM, PM, full-day and 2 day rides.

We organise everything and all you have to do is twist the throttle and enjoy the ride. We offer 5, 7 & 10-day all inclusive packages with the best hotels and routes. This country is so darn beautiful and you're about to find out!

This company wouldn't be true to itself, if a pure rental option wasn't available. So if you're the kind of person who like to discover things on your own, then there are options for you too. You can rent a bike from us from 2 - 14 days at a time.


Here's our updated multi-day, guided, tour-calendar for 2024 & 2025.

Oct 4 - Oct 8, 2024: 3-Day Tour, Samaná

Oct 25 - Oct 31, 2024: 5-Day Tour, East-Central

Nov 15 - Nov 24, 2024: 8-Day Tour, South-West

Dec 13 - Dec 22, 2024: 8-Day Tour, North-West

Jan 10 - Jan 14, 2025: 3-Day Tour, Samaná

Jan 31 - Feb 6, 2025: 5-Day Tour, East-Central

Feb 21 - Mar 2, 2025: 8-Day Tour, South-West

Mar 21 - Mar 30, 2025: 8-Day Tour, North-West


The Dominican Republic is a true dual-sport paradise and with tons of beautiful things to see and experience, this bike is not only ideal for what we want to achieve - it's freaking perfect! It has a long range, incredible specs and coming out of the CF Moto factory ( supplier of private label engines such as KTM and Kawasaki ), we know it's up to par with any other bike out there.

multi tours moto turismo

Engine type : Liquid-cooled, four-stroke, parallel twin, DOHC, 270° crankshaft

Capacity : 449cc

Bore & stroke : 72mm x 55.2mm

Compression ratio : 11.5 :1

Fuel system : Bosch EFI

Maximum power : 32.5kW / 8,500rpm

Maximum torque : 44Nm / 6,250rpm

Transmission : 6-speed

Frame : Tubular steel frame

Front suspension : KYB Ø41mm USD fork, adjustable compression and damping, 200mm stroke

Rear suspension : Single KYB rear shock, adjustable preload, compression and rebound, 200mm stroke

Front brake : J.Juan four-piston caliper, single 320mm disc

Rear brake : J.Juan single-piston caliper, 240mm disc

ABS : Dual-channel Bosch ABS with the ability to disengage the rear ABS

Traction control : Bosch traction control with the ability to disengage

Wheels : Wire-spoked

Front tyre : 90/90 R21, CST

Rear tyre : 140/70 R18, CST

Length x width x height: 2210mm x 870mm x 1390mm

Wheelbase : 1505mm

Seat height : 820mm (optional 800mm seat is available)

Fuel capacity : 17.5L / 4.62gallon

Dry weight : 175kg / 385pounds


Check in with us on our YouTube channel to see all the different tours we've done and do. All tours will have similarities but also differences in terms of places we go, places we eat, stuff we see and do. 

This video is from my 12th day of solo-riding the country and took me from beautiful and fresh Constanza to Kitesurfers Heaven in Punta Salinas. The amount of contrast this day was just unreal! Enjoy!  


As you can see, the Dominican Republic has a bit of it all; mountains, rivers, windy roads, ocean and a level of freedom that should get most travellers excited! As a traveller at heart, we find that riding a bike is again and again proved to be the most authentic and beautiful way of experiencing the world.



Blogging might have gone out of fashion decades ago - but I still appreciate the exercise of explaining and expressing myself through words. In fact, it's in many ways a lost art. So from time to time, I'll rip a few hours out of the day to make sure I put together a little write-up about a tour, an experience, an event or whatever comes to mind about running tours and living on the Dominican Republic.

Tours 2024 - 2025

Tours 2024 - 2025

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Best Sport-Touring Motorcycle of 2021

Ryan Adams

Best Sport-Touring Motorcycle of 2021: Ducati Multistrada V4 S

best sport touring motorcycle of 2021

With the Ducati Multistrada 1260 S Grand Tour taking top honors of our sport-touring MOBO in 2020 , it should come as no surprise that the 2021 Multistrada V4 S further cements the Italian’s dominance of the category. The new Multi V4 is basically better in every way, from its stonking new V4 that can play the part of mild tourer or wild canyon ripper, to its more versatile 19-inch front wheel and world-class electronics package that includes adaptive cruise control and blindspot monitoring as well as electronic Ducati Skyhook suspension. The new Multi continues to impress in a way that is surprising for a bike of its size.

As mentioned in our recent heavyweight naked bike shootout , Ducati has managed to tune its V4s – the Granturismo variant in this case – in a way that provides a dual-purpose characteristic making the 1158 cc motor easy to use around town or for touring while simultaneously offering blistering performance when you pull its tail. This, combined with variable ride modes, TC, ABS, and electronic suspension allows the user to fine tune the ride however he or she sees fit. Where the Granturismo also delivers for touring riders is its 36,000-mile service intervals thanks to Ducati ditching the Desmo valve-train for a more conventional spring system.

2021 Ducati Multistrada V4 Review – First Ride

The addition of the 19-inch front wheel vastly helps the new Multi’s off-road chops, where the previous model’s 17-inch wheel never felt very confidence-inspiring in loose terrain. This does come at the expense of some on-road flickability, but not enough to cause much concern. If sport-touring exclusively is your cup o’ tea, the Pikes Peak model uses 17-inch wheels and will guarantee an exhilarating ride. The larger front wheel doesn’t detract from performance enough to pull it away from this category, rather, it further adds to the Multi’s bag of tricks.

With a claimed 170 hp and 92 lb-ft of torque, top-shelf brakes are necessary and the Brembo Stylemas combined with the stable chassis keep the ride well-composed even when it shouldn’t be. Ergonomics also place the rider in a perfectly neutral position and passenger accommodations are plentiful as well. In our opinion, the Multistrada V4 S is a stellar touring machine that can provide performance that is unlikely to leave any motorcyclist wanting, and it should for $24,095.

Best Sport-Touring Motorcycle of 2021 Runner-Up: Yamaha Tracer 9 GT

best sport touring motorcycle of 2021

In a landscape where adventure bikes are encroaching on the sport-touring space, the 2021 Yamaha Tracer 9 GT is a breath of fresh air. To be fair, plenty of adventure-touring bikes do the touring gig pretty darn well, but for the sporty aspect of it all, the big and narrow front wheels take some of that magic away.

The Tracer 9 GT isn’t pretending to be an adventure bike. It makes that point clear with its 17-inch wheels at both ends, making it known that it is made for paved ribbons of asphalt. Mix that with the bigger 890cc Triple first seen on the updated MT-09 , a five-gallon fuel tank, luggage, luxurious seats front and rear, adjustable bars and pegs, electronic suspension, and the R1’s rider aids package – including a smaller IMU – and you have the recipe for one helluva sport-touring package.

During our First Ride with the Tracer 9 GT , in and around the Los Angeles foothills, the combination just simply worked. The 890cc engine is a sweetheart down low, but can move you along with gusto once you open the taps. All the while, that sweet three-cylinder song is playing out of the exhaust. With its sophisticated electronics, even if you do find yourself getting a little ham-fisted, the TC will gently butt-in as a reminder to keep your throttle hand in check.

2021 Yamaha Tracer 9 GT Review – First Ride

No matter your body type, the adjustable seating and ergos all but guarantee you’ll feel comfortable for long jaunts in the saddle. Even the wind protection afforded by the (manually) adjustable windscreen is nice. This is as focused of a sport-tourer as the Tracer line has ever been, and at $14,899, it gets the job done without breaking the bank. Best of 2021 Categories

best sport touring motorcycle of 2021

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Ryan Adams

Ryan’s time in the motorcycle industry has revolved around sales and marketing prior to landing a gig at An avid motorcyclist, interested in all shapes, sizes, and colors of motorized two-wheeled vehicles, Ryan brings a young, passionate enthusiasm to the digital pages of MO.

More by Ryan Adams

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The Tracer GT I can understand. Doesn’t work for me personally, but it certainly has garnered positive reviews and fits the part. But not the Multistrada. Sitting bolt upright with your arms 5’ apart is not sporting. It is touring, and touring quickly at that.

Agree with the other commenters that a 19” wheel upfront also pretty definitely takes it out of the category.

To me, if you can’t get yourself leaned over the bars and the front wheel to weight that front contact patch, you’re not really sport riding. And a fairing you can fully hide behind is also not sport riding, touring or otherwise. Bikini fairing yes. Barn door, no.

To me, a sport tourer has to have enough sport bike in it that it removing the luggage gets you into sport bike territory.

The Triumph Sprint was a sport tourer. The Honda VFR. The BMW R1200RS (not the RT). As big & heavy as they were, the Kawasaki Concours and the Yamaha FJR were just in.

The Multistrada is an adventure bike. A great one by most accounts, but it’s not a sport tourer.


My definition of sport touring is 4k miles in a week in all kinds of weather. For that I need shaft drive. These bikes are weekend bikes.

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2023 MV Agusta Turismo Veloce R Guide

2023 MV Agusta Turismo Veloce R

Contents: Review – Key Features – Features & Benefits – Specification

2023 MV Agusta Turismo Veloce R

2023 MV Agusta Turismo Veloce R: EASY TOURER.

Introducing the 2023 MV Agusta Turismo Veloce R…

The Turismo Veloce R is available in matt black (Metallic Carbon Black) and in the classic red and black combination (Metallic Madness Red Gloss and Metallic Carbon Black Gloss). The rider saddle has been lowered to make it even easier to reach the ground and comfort has increased thanks in part to the wider windscreen and the longer gear ratios.

The high-performance sport touring bike that is now even more affordable. Make no compromises.

2023 MV Agusta Turismo Veloce R Key Features

  • 3 Cylinders
  • 110HP Engine max Power @ 10.150 R.P.M
  • 230KM/H Max speed
  • 798CC Engine displacement
  • 191KG Dry weight
  • 12.3:1 Compression ratio


Ride by Wire The electronic throttle control has been entirely redesigned to make using it even more intuitive and gradual, without sacrificing the responsive action that is an absolute must for a sport bike throttle control. The new double return spring and especially the 6° negative rotation simplify throttle management and allow the cruise control to be deactivated without braking: simply close the throttle. The negative rotation also reduces the risk of involuntary engagement when the road surface is particularly bumpy, all to the advantage of comfort. At the same time, the operating algorithms have been upgraded for a superior riding feeling.

Improved ergonomics and interface A new rider’s seat has been introduced on the Brutale R and Brutale RR, whereas the saddle on the Dragster R and Dragster RR has been changed entirely. Thanks to new development and design tools, as well as the use of 3D Mesh materials, comfort has increased drastically. To make any trip, from a city commute to a long trip on the weekend, a pleasant and comfortable adventure.

The instrumentation focused on the 5.5” TFT panel is one of the main interface points between rider and bike. For 2023, the software is updated and evolved to provide greater ease of use, in addition to the advanced connectivity, with navigation Turn-by-Turn, platform that has been further improved. The equipment includes the Mobisat geolocalised anti-theft system (with the exception of Dragster R and Turismo Veloce R).

New braking system The constant development path – one of MV Agusta’s fundamental values – also focused on the braking system. Brembo M4.32 monobloc front callipers come standard on the Brutale RR and the Dragster RR. The higher level of stiffness of the callipers improves both modular operation and power, also achieving a significant reduction in weight to the tune of 200 grams. On the F3 R, the F3 RR, the Superveloce, and the Superveloce S, the front callipers are Brembo Stylema M4.30 with Brembo PR 16/19 radial master cylinder. Overall, the new equipment increases braking power and reduces the weight by a full 300 grams. Rear brake modular operation has been improved on the entire 3-cylinder range thanks to upgrades to the hydraulic circuit, increasing the hydrostatic pressure in the system. The result? Improved feeling during use.

Tyres and ABS Introducing new OEM tyres, respectively Pirelli Diablo Rosso IV and Diablo Rosso Corsa IV. The Continental MK100 ABS has also been upgraded, with refinements made to the cornering feature in order to provide an even more precise and safer response in all conditions.


The new R family, which replaces the Rosso, was conceived as an entry-level offer to the MV Agusta world. The greater availability of colour schemes, focused on red and black in various combination, is just one of the new features for the Brutale R, Dragster R, F3 R, and Turismo Veloce R model.

2023 MV Agusta Turismo Veloce R Features and Benefits

DESIGN. TOTAL IMPACT The single-tone colour scheme of the Turismo Veloce Rosso makes it even more recognisable, thanks to lines that highlight the bike’s essence and elegance. For an unmistakeable MV look.


No compromises on performance: the engine makes the most of its 110 PS, just as on other versions, and it benefits from all the innovations in terms of electronics and machinery. The friction reduction and Euro 5 certification confirm the pioneering technology and efficiency of the straight-three engine.

COMPLETE HIGH-TECH PACKAGE The introduction of the new IMU inertial platform, developed by e-Novia exclusively for MV Agusta, has further improved the precision and efficiency of the electronic controls. In this way, safety and riding pleasure are enhanced simultaneously, equipping the Turismo Veloce Rosso with a high-tech package that guarantees utmost reliability on the road.

NO COMPROMISE ON ACCESSORIES The new optional configurations include Bluetooth connection, cruise control, the manually adjustable windshield, centre stand and the Mobisat anti-theft system. The wide-ranging catalogue of accessories boasts heated hand grips, a Garmin satellite navigator and the 34 litre luggage cases.

SAFETY The braking system, designed by Brembo, with two 320 mm diameter front discs, radial callipers and four pads. The advanced ABS is equipped with Continental MK100 con Rear Wheel Lift-Up Mitigation and cornering function.


2023 MV Agusta Turismo Veloce R –  Specifications/Technical Details US MSRP Price: $ NA USD Canada MSRP Price: $ NA CDN Europe/UK MSRP Price: £13,930 GBP

Type Three cylinders, 4 stroke, 12 valves

Timing system “D.O.H.C” with mechanical chain tensioner

and DLC tappet

Total displacement 798 cm3 (48.7 cu. in.)

Compression ratio 12.3:1

Starting Electric

Bore x stroke 79 mm x 54.3 mm (3.1 in. x 2.1 in.)

Max. power – r.p.m. (at the crankshaft)* 81 kW (110 hp) at 11.000 r.p.m.

Max. torque – r.p.m. 84 Nm (8.57 kgm) at 8.500 r.p.m

Cooling system Cooling with separated liquid and oil radiators

Engine management system Integrated ignition – injection system MVICS 2.1

(Motor & Vehicle Integrated Control System) with three injectors. Engine control unit Eldor Nemo 2.1, throttle body bore 47 mm diameters full ride by wire Mikuni, pencil-coil with

ion-sensing technology, control of detonation

and misfire. Torque control with four maps.

Traction Control with eight levels of

intervention with lean angle sensor

Electronic quick shift MV EAS 3.0 (Electronically Assisted Shift

Up & Down)

Clutch Hydraulic, wet, multi-disc with slipper clutch

Transmission Cassette style; six speed, constant mesh

Primary drive 22/41

First gear 13/40

Second gear 16/35

Third gear 18/30

Fourth gear 21/29

Fifth gear 23/28

Sixth gear 26/29

Final drive ratio 16/39


Voltage 12 V

Alternator 450 W at 5.000 r.p.m.

Battery 12 V – 11 Ah


Wheelbase 1.445 mm (56.89 in.)

Overall length 2.125 mm (83.66 in.)

Overall width 910 mm (35.83 in.)

Saddle height 830 mm (32.68 in.)

Min. ground clearance 140 mm (5.51 in.)

Trail 108 mm (4.25 in.)

Dry weight 191 kg (421.1 lbs.)

Fuel tank capacity 21.5 l (5.68 U.S. gal.)


Maximum speed* 230 km/h (143 mph)

Acceleration* 0-100 km/h in 3.95 s 0-200 km/h in 16.40 s

Type ALS Steel tubular trellis (MAG welded)

Rear swing arm pivot plates material Aluminium alloy


Type Marzocchi “UPSIDE DOWN” telescopic

hydraulic fork with rebound-compression

damping and spring preload external

and separate adjustment

Fork dia. 43 mm (1.69 in.)

Wheel travel 160 mm (6.30 in.)


Type Progressive, Sachs single shock

absorber with rebound and compression

damping and spring preload adjustment

Single sided swing arm material Aluminium alloy

Wheel travel 165 mm (6.50 in.)

Front brake Double floating disc with Ø 320 mm

(Ø 12.6 in.) diameter, with steel braking disc and flange

Front brake caliper Brembo radial-type, with 4 pistons

Ø 32 mm (Ø 1.26 in.)

Rear brake Single steel disc with Ø 220 mm (Ø 8.66 in.) dia.

Rear brake caliper Brembo with 2 pistons – Ø 34 mm (Ø 1.34 in.

ABS System Continental MK100 with RLM (Rear Wheel) Lift-up Mitigation) and with cornering function

Front: Material/size Aluminium alloy 3.50” x 17”

Rear: Material/size Aluminium alloy 6.00” x 17”

Front 120/70 – ZR 17 M/C (58 W)

Rear 190/55 – ZR 17 M/C (75 W)

Material Thermoplastic

Included accessories Bluetooth – Cruise control – GPS

Adjustable windshield – MV Ride App

Garmin navigation system – Heated Grips

Bags 34 l (8.98 U.S. gal. each) – Center stand, etc…

The full Special Parts range is available on the MV Agusta website

Environmental Standard Euro 5

Combined fuel consumption 5.5 l/100 km

CO2 Emissions 128 g/km

* Speed attained on closed course.

Every country could have a price variation due to local import duties and taxes.

Manufacturer Specifications and appearance are subject to change without prior notice on Total Motorcycle ( TMW ).

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  • Superveloce
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Atacama via Termas Rio Hondo

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A Route to Dream surgiu do sonho dos amigos Robson Ramos e Vinicius Amaral em proporcionar ao maior número de motociclistas a possibilidade de conhecer lugares incríveis em cima de suas motos. ​

Com a missão de divulgar o moto turismo e apresentar as belezas da América do Sul, surgiu a Route to Dream Adventure Tours. O nome reflete a principal intenção de seus idealizadores: Ser um caminho para a realização dos sonhos motociclísticos de nossos amigos! ​

Venha conosco conhecer os lugares mais fantásticos da America do Sul com a segurança de viajar com quem já conhece os caminhos e os melhores passeios de cada região. Nossos roteiros são pensados para que você  realize seu sonho com segurança e muita aventura!

O que dizem nossos clientes

Tive o prazer de conhecer o Vinicius. Pessoa maravilhosa de uma educação ímpar e um conhecimento vasto do mundo das expedições em duas rodas. Conversamos por horas, onde partilhou comigo seus conhecimentos e dicas sobre meu sonho de conhecer o tão afamado Deserto do Atacama.

A Route to Dream transformou meu sonho em realidade. A viagem ao Atacama foi maravilhosa! Formamos uma família de 11 integrantes (entre guias e clientes), 9 motos e 1 carro de apoio. Uma comunhão perfeita! Robson e Vinicius são profissionais muito competentes e amigos, sempre orientando e priorizando a segurança durante todo o percurso do tour.

Realizei o meu sonho em fazer uma viagem para o Atacama com uma equipe perfeita e um grupo de amigos sensacionais!!!

Quando decidi ir para o Deserto do Atacama de moto, tinha claro que não queria ir sozinho, a partir disso encontrei a Route to Dream e conheci o Vinicius Amaral. Desde os primeiros contatos, tive uma impressão muito positiva, pelo nível de atenção e explicação de todas as minhas dúvidas. Na viagem conheci o Robson sócio da empresa e que foi o guia. O padrão de qualidade continuou o mesmo. Sendo assim recomendo essa empresa, por sua seriedade, profissionalismo.

Meu sonho como motociclista era ir para o Deserto do Atacama. A parceria com a Route to Dream foi a união de diversão e boas gargalhadas…super recomendo!

Lista de interesse para moto turismo pós pandemia

5 razões para você assistir agora o documentário caminhos da américa, quarentena: hora de planejar seus sonhos, devo contratar seguro viagem, mais de 20 horas do bom e velho rock and roll, o início de um sonho.

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  • Train from Rome to Florence
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Florence
  • Train from Florence to Venice
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Venice

All Photos & Map

Popular Europe Vacation Packages

London and paris by train.

6 nights from $709*

no issues, everything went smoothly. thank yo ...

Rome - Florence - Venice by Train

Everyhing that you all offer was great and your customer service is great with fast response I love it. This was out of ...

Madrid and Barcelona by Air

6 nights from $679*

Excellent hotel choices; flights were almost perfect; support during the trip was outstanding. Tripmasters does GREAT ...

Suggested Europe Vacation Packages

Athens and Istanbul by Air

Athens and Istanbul by Air

6 nights from $449*

Take an exciting vacation in Grece and Turkey! . Begin with a visit to Athens (the cradle of civilization and home of democracy, is a heady mix of history and edginess with iconic monuments mingle with first-rate museums) and then, take a flight to Istanbul (which is world-famous for its rich history and culture, stunning scenery, magnificent structures across the sprawling Bosphorus Strait). This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

  • Hotel for 3 nights in Athens
  • Flight from Athens to Istanbul
  • Hotel for 3 nights in Istanbul

Budapest - Vienna - Prague by Train

Budapest - Vienna - Prague by Train

9 nights from $609*

Travel through Europe like never before, visiting Hungary , Austria and Czech Republic . Start in Budapest (two cities in one, Buda and Pest, connected by the Szechenyi Chain Bridge) and then, take a train to Vienna (city of music, cafes, waltzes, parks, pastries, and wine with stately streets and Baroque palaces) and a last train to Prague (it's known for its Old Town Square, the heart of its historic core, with colorful baroque buildings, Gothic churches and the medieval Astronomical Clock). This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotels and activities.

  • Hotel for 3 nights in Budapest
  • Train from Budapest to Vienna
  • Hotel for 3 nights in Vienna
  • Train from Vienna to Prague
  • Hotel for 3 nights in Prague

Madrid and Barcelona by Air

This top seller in Spain is a perfect introduction to Europe . Visit Madrid (its famous museums, nightlife and endless energy) and Barcelona (Gaudi, Gothic Quarter and always in the biting edge of fashion, architecture, food, style, music and good times). A flight connects these destinations. This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

  • Hotel for 3 nights in Madrid
  • Flight from Madrid to Barcelona
  • Hotel for 3 nights in Barcelona

Zurich - Lucerne - Geneva by Train

Zurich - Lucerne - Geneva by Train

6 nights from $669*

Take the time to enjoy this fantastic vacation package through Switzerland! , Start your adventure in Zurich (with museums and galleries which cement the city`s status as the political and cultural capital of Switzerland) then, take trains to Lucerne (a beautiful, small city with cobbled streets, frescoed houses and covered bridges) and Geneva (full of luxurious and exclusive stores; filled with parks and promenades). This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

  • Hotel for 2 nights in Zurich
  • Train from Zurich to Lucerne
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Lucerne
  • Train from Lucerne to Geneva
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Geneva

Athens - Santorini - Istanbul by Air

Athens - Santorini - Istanbul by Air

9 nights from $709*

A vacation package featuring three beautiful destinations in Greece and Turkey , beginning in Athens (the cradle of civilization and the birthplace of democracy), continuing to Santorini Island (recognizable for its whitewashed, cube-shaped buildings adorned with blue accents, steep cliffs and tangerine sunsets that light up the sky and sea); and finishing in Istanbul (world-famous for its rich history and culture, stunning scenery, magnificent structures across the sprawling Bosphorus Strait). Connect with air transfers and a flight. This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

  • Flight from Athens to Santorni Island
  • Hotel for 3 nights in Santorni Island
  • Flight from Santorni Island to Istanbul
  • Ramadan is a month of spirituality and purification during which participants abstain from eating, drinking, and smoking. Ramadan is typically celebrated in late winter or early spring. Please verify dates before booking travel because food and entertainment services in hotels and other public places may be affected.

London and Paris by Train

One of the most popular vacation packages in Europe, combining England and France by train. Visit London (grand museums, stunning architecture, Royalty, glorious parks and diverse cultural scene) and Paris (the 'City of Lights'; home to rich history, museums, architecture, shopping, fine food and wine). This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

  • Hotel for 3 nights in London
  • Eurostar Train from London to Paris
  • Hotel for 3 nights in Paris
  • The Eurostar does not have guaranteed availability at Christmas, we suggest selecting air between Paris and London during this time

Rome - Cinque Terre - Florence - Venice by Train

Rome - Cinque Terre - Florence - Venice by Train

9 nights from $1,119*

Experience Italy with this lovely vacation package, leading you through Rome (Italy's treasure with two millennia of artistic achievement) after that, Cinque Terre (five miles of rocky coast with five small villages overlooking the sea, in the midst of two capes with hundreds of miles of beautiful paths), next is Florence (Michelangelo's David, Botticelli's Birth of Venus, and Raphael's La Velata) and finally, Venice (set on gorgeous canals, intimate Gondola rides will guide you past sumptuous palaces and under sculpted bridges). Travel between these cities by very convenient train rides which allow you an opportunity to observe the lovely country side. This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

  • Train from Rome to La Spezia (Gateway to Cinque Terre)
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Cinque Terre Area
  • Train from La Spezia to Florence

Munich - Salzburg - Innsbruck - Zurich by Train

Munich - Salzburg - Innsbruck - Zurich by Train

8 nights from $849*

This vacation package exploring will lead you through fantastic cities in Germany , Austria and Switzerland . Begin in Munich (the capital of Bavaria; stunning architecture and the annual Oktoberfest), continue to Salzburg (known as the Florence of the north for its undeniable contribution to the world of art; it is also the birthplace of Mozart) and after that, to Innsbruck (Austria's leading ski destination and one of the oldest and most idyllic ski towns in Europe). Lastly, visit Zurich (a charming old town with cobbled streets and museums which define its cultural and political position). Connect each destination with trains. This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

  • Hotel for 2 nights in Munich
  • Train from Munich to Salzburg
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Salzburg
  • Train from Salzburg to Innsbruck
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Innsbruck
  • Train from Innsbruck to Zurich

Athens - Mykonos - Santorini

Athens - Mykonos - Santorini

10 nights from $1,029*

Our most popular combination in Greece! . Enjoy Athens (the cradle of civilization and home of democracy, is a heady mix of history and edginess with iconic monuments mingle with first-rate museum), up next by ferry/hydrofoils, visit Mykonos (famous for shopping, beach parties, and the very photogenic Mykonos Town and its windmills) and after that, to Santorini (recognizable for its whitewashed, cube-shaped buildings adorned with blue accents, steep cliffs and tangerine sunsets that light up the sky and sea). Finally, fly back to Athens to finish enjoying what the city has to offer. This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

  • Ferry from Athens to Mykonos Island
  • Hotel for 3 nights in Mykonos Island
  • Ferry from Mykonos Island to Santorini Island
  • Hotel for 3 nights in Santorini Island
  • Flight from Santorini Island to Athens
  • Hotel for 1 night in Athens

Ferries/hydrofoils for the Islands do not operate in off seasons (autumn and winter) due to weather conditions

London - Paris - Amsterdam by Train

London - Paris - Amsterdam by Train

9 nights from $1,139*

What better combination for your vacation than the pure excitement of England , France and The Netherlands . Start in London (immaculate English gardens, Royal Palaces and vivid nightlife to explore); then, take a train to Paris (a heaven for the romantics; offering grand boulevards, museums, incomparable cuisine and wines); and after that, take a last train to Amsterdam (the eclectic city set on canals and wonderful atmosphere of diversity). This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

  • Thalys Train from Paris to Amsterdam
  • Hotel for 3 nights in Amsterdam

Magical Ireland (Self Drive - Dublin - Cork - Killarney - Galway - Limerick)

Magical Ireland (Self Drive - Dublin - Cork - Killarney - Galway - Limerick)

9 nights from $939*

A favorite vacation package that allows you to experience the best of Ireland on your own terms!. Spend a pleasant stay in Dublin (home to a rich literary tradition, stunning scenery, and fantastic food). On your last morning, pick up your rental car and head for Cork (the `Rebel City,` where you can see the charming Blarney Castle, whimsical sculpture gardens, and moody Drombeg Stone Circle); continue to Killarney (the unforgettable Muckross House and Gardens are a must see as is the breathtaking Ring of Kerry) and Galway (Connemara and Kylemore Abbey are simply stunning). Finish your stay in lively Limerick (a bubbling, revitalized city that honors its past as it looks to the future). Return flight will be out of nearby Shannon Airport. This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

  • Hotel for 3 nights in Dublin
  • Rental Car for 7 days
  • Pick Up: Dublin Downtown/Drop Off: Shannon Airport
  • Hotel for 1 night in Cork
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Killarney
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Galway
  • Hotel for 1 night in Limerick

Driving Time Dublin - Cork: 2 hrs. 50 mins. approx. Cork - Killarney: 1 hr. 20 mins. approx. Killarney - Galway: 2 hrs. 40 mins. approx. Galway - Limerick: 1 hr. 25 mins. approx. Limerick - Shannon Airport: 30 mins. approx.

Reykjavik and Copenhagen by Air

Reykjavik and Copenhagen by Air

6 nights from $719*

Tour two cities on one vacation in Iceland and Demark !. Experience Reykjavik (spectacular landscapes, from the edge of a fjord to the food of a glacier just minutes away). Then prepare to be amazed in Copenhagen (the cozy European capital filled with stunning architecture, historical sites, world-class museums, and some of the best shopping an dinning Europe has to offer); with a flight between these destinations. This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

  • Hotel for 3 nights in Reykjavik
  • Flight from Reykjavik to Copenhagen
  • Hotel for 3 nights in Copenhagen

Reunion Island - Mahe Island - Praslin Island by Air

Reunion Island - Mahe Island - Praslin Island by Air

6 nights from $1,059*

An Exotic African Holiday in Reunion and Seychelles Islands! . First enjoy Reunion Island (lying off the east coast of Africa; its famous for have one of the most active volcanoes in the world , hiking routes, beautiful villages and for its highest-quality vanilla plantations). After that, travel to the amazing Seychelles ; where the most famous island in the country; Mahe Island (capital city with beautiful beaches, local markets, big hotels and luxury resorts) and Praslin Island (Seychelles' second-biggest island; famed for having some of the world's most beautiful beaches, like Anse Lazio and Anse Georgette ; abundant wildlife, majestic palm trees, and wild nature trails) await you for unforgettable and relaxing days under the sun!. These destinations are connected by flights. This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

  • Hotel for 2 nights in Reunion Island
  • Flight from Reunion Island to Mahe Island
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Mahe Island
  • Flight from Mahe Island to Praslin Island
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Praslin Island

Emilia Romagna (Bologna - Rimini - Ravenna - Ferrara) and Venice by Train

Emilia Romagna (Bologna - Rimini - Ravenna - Ferrara) and Venice by Train

12 nights from $799*

Combine Bologna (a thriving university town and architectural gem), Rimini  (Adriatic coast, in Italy’s Emilia-Romagna region), Ravenna (former capital of the Western Roman Empire, the Visigoth Empire, and the Byzantine Empire, but best known today for the Byzantine mosaic decoration of its churches and tombs), Ferrara (known for the buildings erected by its Renaissance rulers, the Este family) and Venice (built on more than 100 small islands in a lagoon in the Adriatic Sea. It has no roads, just canals, lined with Renaissance and Gothic palaces) with train between cities.  This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

  • Hotel for 3 nights in Bologna
  • Train from Bologna to Rimini
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Rimini
  • Train from Rimini to Ravenna
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Ravenna
  • Train from Ravenna to Ferrara
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Ferrara
  • Train from Ferrara to Venice
  • Hotel for 3 nights in Venice

Zurich and Grindelwald (Self Drive)

Zurich and Grindelwald (Self Drive)

7 nights from $1,409*

Flawless cities in Switzerland with a Rental Car! . Combine Zurich (a global center for banking and finance, lies at the north end of Lake Zurich in northern Switzerland) and after that, drive to Grindelwald (a village in Switzerland’s Bernese Alps, is a popular gateway for the Jungfrau Region , with skiing in winter and hiking in summer). Drive back to Zurich for one last night stay, before returning home. This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

  • Hotel for 1 night in Zurich
  • Rental Car for 6 days
  • Hotel for 5 nights in Grindelwald

Driving Time Zurich - Grindelwald: 2 hrs. 15 mins. approx. Interlaken - Grindelwald: 2 hrs. 15 mins. approx.

Other Europe Vacation Packages

Lisbon and Porto by Train

Lisbon and Porto by Train

6 nights from $499*

Experience beautiful Portugal through two of its most popular destinations!. Begin your vacation in Lisbon (the dazzling capital with an ancient fortress at its heart with charming neighborhoods, local festivals, nightlife, and delectable food) and then, take a train to Porto (the former residence of the Royal Family; visit medieval cathedrals, concert halls, the national library and museums with breathtaking art treasures and porto wines!). This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

  • Train from Lisbon to Porto
  • Hotel for 3 nights in Lisbon
  • Hotel for 3 nights in Porto

Madrid - Seville - Granada by Train

Madrid - Seville - Granada by Train

8 nights from $629*

Discover Spain's most popular destinations, with visits to; Madrid (lively, energetic and vibrant - with a well earned reputation for its nightlife and cultural contributions with its diverse Spanish museums); Seville (a rich Moorish heritage, the passion of the Flamenco and the perfume of orange blossoms in every corner); and Granada (a historic Moorish-Christian artistic heritage and a UNESCO World Heritage site). Travel by train between cities. This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

  • Train from Madrid to Seville
  • Hotel for 3 nights in Seville
  • Train from Seville to Granada
  • Hotel for 2 nights in Granada

Paris and Rome by Air

Paris and Rome by Air

Discover the best of France and Italy ! With our European vacation packages, you can combine Paris and Rome into one unforgettable getaway. Explore the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysses and Roman Coliseum all on one vacation. Be enlightened by Europe's historical background with masterpieces from more than two millennia of artistic achievement, and much more. Customize your independent itinerary with a trip to the Louvre or the Vatican with flights between the cities. With so much to see and do, we want you to make the most of your vacation. This is a flexible vacation package. Select your number of nights in each city, desired hotel and activities.

  • Flight from Paris to Rome

Europe In the Spotlight

London and bath by train.

6 nights from $779*

London and Liverpool by Train

6 nights from $1,217*

Athens - Santorini - Heraklion by Air

9 nights from $749*

Athens and Santorini by Air

Lisbon - coimbra - porto (self drive).

8 nights from $443*

Lisbon and Albufeira (Self Drive)

6 nights from $549*

Explore Europe & All Countries

  • Bosnia Herzegovina
  • Czech Republic
  • Faroe Islands
  • Ivory Coast
  • Liechtenstein
  • Netherlands
  • Northern Ireland
  • Sao Tome and Principe
  • South Africa
  • Switzerland
  • United Arab Emirates

multi tours moto turismo


WeTravel Launches Academy Dedicated to Multi-Day Travel Product Development

  • Product Development

WeTravel has launched a new vertical within its Academy , the Multi-Day Product Development Hub , designed to support travel product managers, destination managers and marketers in researching, building and marketing multi-day group tours. Partnering with industry experts, this vertical offers a range of tailored resources including Product Marketing Workshops with Guest Focus, a familiarization trip to Jordan, and destination insights sourced from nearly a dozen tourism boards.

Partnering with industry experts, this vertical offers a range of tailored resources including, Product Marketing Workshops with Guest Focus, a familiarization trip to Jordan, and destination insights sourced from nearly a dozen tourism boards. The Multi-Day Product Development vertical provides original content crafted to equip travel businesses with the tools necessary to develop desirable trips, from initial concept to creating tour pages that convert, all in one centralized place.

“The launch of our Multi-Day Travel Product Development Hub is more than just a collection of resources; it’s an essential tool for travel businesses looking to explore emerging markets and rethink their approach to creating new travel products. Developed leveraging partnerships with industry leaders and tourism boards, this vertical includes resources on community-based tourism, BIPOC-led suppliers, and much more,” said WeTravel’s Director of Partnerships and Enterprise Sales, Shayna Zand. “By providing a comprehensive toolkit for product development and promotion, the learnings within the content are supporting global expansion among travel businesses, with a heart for purposeful, impactful experiences."

Key resources offered within the Multi-Day Product Development vertical include:

  • Quarterly Product Marketing Workshops : Conducted in partnership with Guest Focus, these virtual sessions provide live, personalized feedback to create better-converting tour pages.
  • Indigenous Tourism: How to Partner with Indigenous Communities with ITCA course:  In partnership with Indigenous Tourism Collaborative of the Americas (ITCA) this course equips travel professionals with the skills to form respectful tourism partnerships with Indigenous people and communities.
  • Destination Spotlights : Insights sourced from nearly a dozen tourism boards representing both popular and emerging travel markets, aiding travel businesses in expanding their trip offerings.
  • Jordan Familiarization (FAM) Trip : Partnering with Intrepid Travel, Jordan Tourism Board, and Royal Jordanian Airlines, this trip offers applicants the chance to explore the diverse experiences offered by Jordan as a travel destination.

The WeTravel Academy was launched in December 2021, as a free resource for travel-specific content in 12 topics with more than 500 pieces. In 2022, WeTravel expanded their educational offerings with the addition of a Women+ in Travel vertical, aimed at better supporting and representing individuals who identify as women in the travel industry. The introduction of the Multi-Day Travel Product Development hub marks the second vertical within WeTravel's Academy.

“Through empowering travel businesses to enrich their offerings and venture into new regions, we're fostering a mutually rewarding dynamic where travelers gain access to superior tour options, while companies see a surge in their transaction volume," said Zand.

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About the author

Aerin England (she/her)

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14-Day Road Trip in Italy and France from Rome to Arezzo, Venice, Milan, Chambery, Genoa, and Florence

Photo of Cardiff, United Kingdom by Margaret Decker

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Cologne Aerial view with trains move on a bridge over the Rhine River on which cargo barges and passenger ships ply. Majestic Cologne Cathedral in the background.

12-Day Road Trip in Germany and Czech Republic from Berlin to Hamburg, Cologne, Stuttgart, Munich, and Prague

Photo of monumental ensemble of the sanctuary and the basilica of our lady of Fatima, Portugal.

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Brussels, Grand Place in beautiful summer sunrise, Belgium

7-Day Road Trip to the Netherlands, France, and Belgium

Photo of aerial view of Patras that is Greece's third-largest city and the regional capital of Western Greece.

13-Day Road Trip in Greece and Albania from Athens to Trikala, Thessaloniki, Gjirokastra, Preveza, and Corinth

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The Tourist Checklist

23 Best & Fun Things to Do in Santa Clara (CA)

In search of the best and fun things to do in Santa Clara, CA?

Santa Clara is a city in Santa Clara County, California, with a population of nearly one hundred and twenty-five according to the last census.

For over two hundred years, the city has existed as a Spanish Mission. Santa Clara is famous for its flourishing tech industry, known as Silicon Valley worldwide.

There is a touch of everything here for a fun vacation, these cuts across places to visit, events, fun adventures, and more.

Planning an exploration of Santa Clara? Here are the top things to do in Santa Clara, CA.

Things to Do in Santa Clara, CA

1. mission santa clara.

Mission Santa Clara

Mission Santa Clara is currently located on the campus of Santa Clara University, it was founded by Franciscans in the 1770s.

Fire, earthquakes, and floods eradicated the original building, so the location was changed, and a new one was established in 1822.

Mission Santa Clara was built to convert the Ohlone people, and the Franciscans were doing just fine until measles and smallpox attacked Ohlone.

The mission is one of the historic sites in the city, and it was gifted to the Jesuits in 1857, who built California’s first institute of higher education, Santa Clara University.

Mission Santa Clara is open seven days a week. Although it is no longer carrying out the function it was built for, it now serves as a museum and Chapel.

It is open to everyone, and visitors can take self-guided tours with the help of brochures found close to the entrance.

Address: 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, California 95053, United States.

2. The Central Park Library

Central Park Library

The Central Park Library is one of the three libraries in Santa Clara under the Santa Clara City Library. The other two include the Northside Branch Library and the Mission Branch Library.

This library is the largest library facility in Santa Clara, with more than 80, 000 Square feet of floor space packed with a massive library collection.

The Central Park Library consists of large community rooms, group study rooms, public art, and many more.

The library has more than one hundred public computers, a computer training facility with a high-speed internet connection for personal laptops.

Central Park Library features a children’s garden, fireplaces, and a large collection of educational and innovative programs materials.

There is a fully packed bookstore with a contemporary collection of books, a nice cafe, and lovely park views.

Address: 2635 Homestead Rd, Santa Clara, CA 95051, United States

3. California’s Great America

California's Great America

For an exceptional outdoor experience in Santa Clara, spend a day at California’s Great America with your friends and family.

California’s Great America is a massive and exhilarating fun park with many eye-catching attractions and activities.

The park features various kinds of roller coasters, including a twenty-story drop tower and the Xtreme Skyflyer that serves as hang gliding and skydiving found high above the park.

California’s Great America features rides for the family, such as a carousel, bumper cars, a flume ride, and more.

There is an amazing playground with lots of play equipment for the little ones to explore and have a great time.

California’s Great America features numerous water slides, cabana rentals, a wave pool, and a lazy river where visitors can relax and cool off.

Address: 4710 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, California 95054, United States

4. Beat The Lock Escape Rooms

Lock Escape Rooms

Beat The Lock Escape Rooms will be one of the highlights of your visit to Santa Clara with your friends and family.

Don’t forget to add a visit to Beat The Lock Escape Rooms to your checklist of things to do in Santa Clara.

Beat The Lock Escape Rooms offer visitors a unique sixty minutes of wonderful experience with their loved ones.

Each escape room requires a group of at least two to fourteen people who would be locked up in a themed room and made to find ideas, clues, crack codes, and solve puzzles to help them escape before the time elapses.

Beat The Lock Escape Rooms is an excellent place for nice team-building events by law enforcement, churches, companies, youth groups, sports teams, military, and others.

It is open for different special events and offers catering services for engagements parties, bachelor/bachelorette parties, birthday parties, reunions, anniversaries, and more.

Address: 1171 Homestead Rd University Plaza, Suite 280, Santa Clara, CA 95050-5478 United States

5. 49ers Museum

49ers Museum

 The 49ers Museum is a favorite location for football fans, especially 49ers fans, and it is open every day of the week throughout the year.

The museum is located in Levi’s Stadium, which is the home of the San Francisco 49ers consisting of a whopping eleven fantastic galleries and spaces for exhibitions.

The 49ers Museum is exciting and interactive; it features an education center that uses football as a case study to enlighten about math & art, technology, engineering, field trips, and science.

You will find a twenty-minute introductory movie close to the museum’s entrance with a vast exhibit of 49ers memorabilia such as helmets, Jerseys, super bowl rings, balls, and cleats.

There is an interactive area where visitors could try on helmets and Jerseys, learn 49ers cheers and throw a football.

49ers Museum features lifelike statues of players, including past and present, with a site of the 49er’s history.

Address: Levi’s Stadium, 4900 Marie P. DeBartolo Way, Santa Clara, California 95054, United States

6. The South Bay Historical Railroad Society

South Bay Historical Railroad Society

The volunteers who operate this museum staff the Edward Peterman Museum of Railroad History, buildings, and the society’s library.

The South Bay Historical Railroad Society displays a wide collection of historical artifacts such as a velocipede, locomotive headlights, signals, and more.

The Museum contains two nice operational model train tracks, one in N gauge and the other in OH, including maintaining a business class car from the Oregon-Washington Railroad exemplifying the different periods in railway history.

The South Bay Historical Railroad Society comprises a library filled with railroad-related books and materials.

Address: 1005 Railroad Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95050, United States

7. Anderson Lake County Park

Anderson Lake County Park

Visiting Anderson Lake County Park is one of the best things to do in Santa Clara for a spectacular experience.

Anderson Lake County Park stretches to a landscape of four thousand, two hundred and seventy-five acres.

The park is home to the Coyote Creek parkway with numerous trails, the Burnett Park area, the Jackson Ranch historic park site, and the Moses L. Rosendin Park.

Anderson Lake County Park is a fantastic location for picnickers, powerboat enthusiasts, equestrians, nature lovers, and bicyclists.

It is a great spot for fishing, jet skis, and swimming; the park is filled with beautiful wildflowers, cottonwood trees, sycamore, and more.

Anderson Lake County Park is a must-visit if you truly want to explore the outdoor pursuits offering exciting recreational activities.

Address: 19245 Malaguerra Ave, Morgan Hill, CA 95037, United States

8. Harris-Lass House Museum

Harris-Lass House Museum

The museum was built in a symmetrical Italianate style in 1865, and it was expanded and renovated in the 1890s.

The Harris-Lass House Museum is the last farm property in Santa Clara, consisting of a nice farmhouse.

The Museum contains a summer kitchen, a classic California barn, a Heritage Orchard, a tank house, and a landscaped garden.

Harris-Lass House Museum is remarkably furnished with Lass Family belongings, and it is open for occasional docent-led tours and school and group tours.

A ddress: 1889 Market Street, Santa Clara, California 95050, United States

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9. K1 Speed Santa Clara

K1 Speed Santa Clara

K1 Speed Santa Clara is an exciting destination for families, friends, and co-workers to experience incredibly fun.

This family-friendly fun center features fast indoor electric go-karts, state-of-the-art safety barriers, and a professionally-designed track.

K1 Speed Santa Clara consists of many meeting rooms and an arcade room that features different varieties of games.

There is a snack bar that offers delicious meals and chilled drinks for reasonable costs; this is the best place for motorsports lovers.

K1 Speed Santa Clara is a wonderful venue for corporate events, social outings, fun date night ideas, company parties, bachelor or bachelorette parties, birthday parties, and much more.

 The fun offered here will give you a feel of adrenaline rush, K1 Speed Santa Clara guarantees you a fun experience, and it is open for all skill levels.

Address: 2925 Mead Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95051, United States

10. Headen-Inman House

Headen-Inman House

Headen-Inman House was originally built in 1913, but the recent building was in 1985, and its location was changed.

The beautiful bungalow was established in Arts and crafts style; it was transformed into a lovely museum containing several items.

Headen-Inman House features a collection of furniture owned by the Inam family, as well as dining room furniture, an old pump organ, and a bedroom suite.

There is a reserved room specifically for photographs and artifacts that demonstrates the history of Santa Clara.

The Santa Clara founders and pioneers room consists of credible information about the early settlers in the region.

Address: 1509 Warburton Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95050, United States .

11. The de Saisset Museum

de Saisset Museum

The de Saisset Museum was established in 1955, and it is located adjacent to Mission Santa Clara at the Santa Clara University.

The museum started as an art gallery showcasing more than one hundred works made by the Painter Ernest de Saisset.

It combines both art and history with diverse and easily accessible exhibits, with great emphasis on art from the San Francisco Bay Area and the Santa Clara Valley.

The de Saisset Museum also houses European and American artworks from the Renaissance. In addition, the museum has an impressive collection of Mission-era Liturgical vestments and an exhibit on California history.

Address: 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, California 95053, United States

12. Henry Schmidt Park

Henry Schmidt Park

Henry Schmidt Park should certainly be on your list of things to do in Santa Clara, CA. It is home to the “Henry Schmidt Park Walls of Fame.”

This eight-acre park showcases sports memories of Henry Schmidt, a forty years old who dedicated himself to training athletes.

Henry Schmit coached Santa Clara University Bronco athletic teams and the San Francisco 49ers; the sports display is in the large neighborhood building.

Henry Schmidt Park features basketball courts, four tennis courts, the Tom Barrett softball field, a large play area, and an exercise course.

Picnic facilities are available in the picnic area with bbq grills and restrooms, including a playground.

Address: 555 Los Padres Blvd, Santa Clara, CA 95050, United States

13. Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival

Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival

Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival is one event you shouldn’t miss in Santa Clara.

The Festival is open to both tourists and residents alike for free, and it is an extremely exciting family event in Santa Clara.

Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival is held in the city’s central park and usually features numerous talented local and regional artists.

The festival features about two hundred vendors selling different merchandise like a wide variety of California’s best wines, fine arts & crafts, and gourmet food.

Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival features twenty-five community groups serving International foods, micro-brewed beer, and fine wines, with live entertainment on three stages.

The festival also features the ever-popular kids’ kingdom and a new shaded Craft Beer Garden.

Address: Location is Central Park, 969 Kiely Blvd, Santa Clara, California United States

14. Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar

Fleming's Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar

If you haven’t visited Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar, you’re missing out; add dining at this lovely restaurant to your list of things to do in Santa Clara, CA.

Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar offers the best sevice when serving amazing prime steak, handcrafted cocktails, and wines.

This restaurant offers an extensive food menu which includes French onion soup, Miso Glazed Chilean Sea Bass, fleming’s salad, sweet chilli calamari, lobster bisque, Crème Brûlée, key lime pie, caesar salad, Filet Mignon Sandwiches, and more.

Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar comprises a full-service bar that offers wines like loosen bros, maso canali, Kim Crawford, duck horn, Francis coppola, goldeneye, and more.

If you’re planning a special occasion, hosting a business date, or you just want to enjoy a delicious meal with great services, Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar is the best option.

Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar also offers online delivery if you can’t come yourself or simply want to enjoy the meal in the comfort of your home or wherever you are.

Address: 2762 Augustine Dr Suite 110, Santa Clara, CA 95050, United States

15. Santa Clara Farmers’ Market

Santa Clara Farmers’ Market

If you’re searching for a place to shop, add shopping at Santa Clara Farmers’ Market to your list of things to do in Santa Clara, CA.

Santa Clara Farmers’ Market offers a wide variety of commodities, starting from seasonal produce & freshly baked goods, prepared food items to health & body products.

The market is open all year-round on Saturdays only from 9am-1pm, offering goods for affordable prices you can’t get elsewhere.

Santa Clara Farmers’ Market offers fresh and healthy produce to encourage the public to always choose the best products.

The market offers you an opportunity to meet and interact with locals and ask them questions about the town.

Address: 950 Jackson St, Santa Clara, CA 95050, United States

Are you planning an exploration of California and wondering what to do? here is a guide on things to do in Chula Vista ,  things to do in San Marcos , and  fun things to do in Redlands for a memorable time.

16. Levi’s Stadium

Levi's Stadium

 A day at Levi’s Stadium is one of the top things to do in Santa Clara, CA. It has a sixty-eight thousand seating capacity.

Levi’s Stadium is home to the National Football League’s San Francisco 49ers, and it is one of the country’s premier professional football stadiums.

The stadium is the venue for the 49ers season; the pre-season begins from August to its final season-ending in early January.

Levi’s Stadium is a host of world-class entertainment and concerts that are always held daily.

The stadium is available for public tours, which may be booked through Ticketmaster; the public tour includes a 90-minute tour of the stadium and admission to the 49ers Museum.

A group of more than twenty people can organize a private tour, and the stadium features a restaurant, Bourbon Steak, that offers delicious American fares.

Address: 4900 Marie P. DeBartolo Way, Santa Clara, California 95054, United States

17. Voyager Coffee

Voyager Coffee

The best way to start your day is by drinking a flavorful cup of coffee, and Voyager Coffee serves the most delightful coffee in Santa Clara.

Voyager Coffee was founded in 2016 and has continually served the public with world-class coffee they can’t get anywhere else.

The owners and staff ensure the customers are happy by providing a comfortable environment to feel free and interact with other guests and form new friendships.

They offer fresh and delicious pastry and baked foods, tea, coffee, and other non-coffee drinks, served however you want it.

Voyager Coffee offers drinks like Chai latte, drip coffee, Americana, mocha, cold brew, drinking chocolate, London fog, cappuccino, macchiato, and more.

Aside from drinks, they also offer meals like Avocado toast, almond butter toast, nut & honey, cinnamon rolls, Chocolate Almond Croissant, Pesto Ricotta Toast, chocolate cake, and so on.

Many of their coffees sport internationally influenced flavors, and they’re often infused with things like orange essence and cherry blossom water.

Address: 3985 Stevens Creek Blvd, Santa Clara, CA 95051, United States

18. Triton Museum of Art

Triton Museum of Art

 Whether you’re an art lover or not, add a visit to the Triton Museum of Art to your list of fun things to do in Santa Clara, CA.

Triton Museum of Art’s primary mission is to promote local, regional, and national art by showcasing the various artworks.

The Museum collects and displays historical and contemporary California artworks with a duty to motivate cultural and gender inclusiveness.

Triton Museum of Art enlightens the public on art and the creative process; the building itself is a piece of art with a curved glass wall.

The Museum is home to the historic 1866 Jamison-Brown house and a seven-acre sculpture garden.

Address: 1505 Warburton Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95050, United States

19. Central Park

Central Park

Are you ready for a terrific fun moment with your dear friends and family? Then, visiting Central Park should be on your Santa Clara to-do list.

Central Park is a center for recreational activities, and it houses the George F. Haines International Swim Center and a 30, 000 square foot Community Recreation Center.

The park consists of two softball fields, two lighted tennis courts, basketball courts, a green bowling lawn, an exercise course, and more.

Central Park also consists of a fantastic amphitheater and a beautiful children’s playground with lots of fun equipment.

This park is a perfect venue for group and family picnics at designated areas with barbecue pits and public restrooms.

Address: 969 Kiely Blvd., Santa Clara, California 95051, United States.

20. Montague Park

Montague Park

Montague Park is a wonderful 5.5-acre park with several facilities suitable for both adults and children.

The park is home to a neighborhood recreation facility that features two tennis courts, a large multi-purpose room, and restrooms.

Montague Park features a children’s play area with several play apparatus for them to explore and have a memorable experience.

There is a picnic area with picnic tables and bbq grills perfect for a small family outing or friends gathering to grab a meal together.

Montague Park is adjacent to the Montague Swim Center, which offers recreational swim and swimming lessons during the summer months.

Address: 3595 MacGregor Ln, Santa Clara, CA 95054, United States

21. Santa Clara Fire Museum

Santa Clara Fire Museum

The Santa Clara Fire Museum is housed in an old training center behind the Santa Clara Fire House in Santa Clara.

 The museum contains numerous memorabilia from 1855 when the Santa Clara Fire Department was established.

The Santa Clara Fire Museum showcases photographs, documents, and fire equipment like fire extinguishers, nozzles, and hoses.

The museum features an excellently refurbished Model T Ford truck purchased by the Santa Clara Fire Department. It was used as a she truck from 1921-1945, and it has been well refurbished by volunteers.

The Santa Clara Fire Museum is open to everyone as well as school groups with educational programs relating to fire safety.

Address: 1900 Walsh Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95050, United States

22. Ulistac Natural Area

Ulistac Natural Area

Ulistac Natural Area is a forty-one acre open space that brings you close and helps you communicate with nature.

The area is committed to preserving the native Californian vegetation and wildlife with a variety of natural habitats.

Ulistac Natural Area consists of riparian woodland, grassland, savannah, wetlands, coastal scrub, and other natural habitats.

This nature preserve features a bird and butterfly garden with nectar plants, including monkeyflower and fuchsia, that attract hummingbirds and a wide range of butterflies.

Ulistac Natural Area consists of natural trails featuring interpretative signs, and it was once a seasonal camp for the Ohlone Indians.

This preserve was used as a golf course in the mid-20th century, as grazing land for sheep and cattle during the Spanish and Mexican conquest era, and as agricultural land for 19th-century Chinese settlers.

Address: 4910 Lick Mill Road, Santa Clara, California 95054, United States

23. War Memorial Playground

War Memorial Playground

 For your next family outing, add a visit to War Memorial Playground to your list of fun things to do in Santa Clara.

War Memorial Playground is a one-acre park perfect for families with children who want to share an intimate moment.

The playground is small but unique, with large sculpted ants and an anthill for climbing. They were designed and made by Francine Agapoff, California artists.

War Memorial Playground is ideal for preschoolers and toddlers with their guidance; for their utmost safety, dogs are prohibited from the park.

There are sandboxes for kids to play in and a flagpole with memorial plaques underneath it to commemorate those that died during the war.

War Memorial Playground provides benches for the adults to sit on while the little ones play around with picnic areas.

Address: 295 Monroe Street, Santa Clara, California 95050, United States

Check out more cities in California, here is  a guide on things to do in San Pedro ,  things to do in Merced , and  fun things to do Sonora  in for a fun time

Plan your trip to Santa Clara

Santa Clara offers something for everyone, making this city an exciting place to visit for the entire family.

Santa Clara should be your next vacation destination as there are several fun options to pick from. Whether you’re in the mood to go out and have great fun or simply want to relax, enjoy a delicious meal, read a novel, or discover new things.

Start planning a trip to Santa Clara, CA.

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  • Last Updated On
  • September 5, 2023

25 Best Day Trips From San Jose — Places Nearby!

Emily Appelbaum

San Jose is a gorgeous treasure chest of culture and tech wrapped up in the cozy blanket of NorCal’s weather.

But sometimes, you just have to break free and inhale something different.

And guess what? 

San Jose is your best friend in that regard.

What’s the catch?

The city is close to an array of picture-perfect spots within a few hours of driving.

I’ve wandered through these places myself.

So trust me when I say they’re worth every minute of your time.

I did you a solid and curated this little gem of a list featuring the best day trips from San Jose. 

You’ll also get some tips on what to do, see, and eat at each destination.

Ready to discover some hidden gems and have some fun? 

Then keep reading because you don’t want to miss these spots.

Best Day Trips From San Jose Compared

If you’re looking for a change of scenery from the hustle and bustle of San Jose, you’re in luck.

These are some of the most amazing places to explore from the city.

Editor’s Choice

multi tours moto turismo

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is renowned for being home to many global and start-up technology companies.

  • Family friendliness: 4/5
  • Safety: 4/5
  • Affordability: 3/5
  • Accessibility: 5/5
  • Fun factor: 5/5

#2nd Best Choice

multi tours moto turismo

Muir Woods is a National Monument that’s been protecting redwoods since 1908.

  • Family friendliness: 5/5
  • Safety: 5/5
  • Accessibility: 3/5
  • Fun factor: 4/5 

#3rd Best Choice

multi tours moto turismo

San Francisco

San Francisco is the financial, commercial, and cultural center of Northern California.

  • Accessibility: 4/5

Here are the top 25 day trips from San Jose.

1. Silicon Valley (Editor’s Choice)

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley, CA Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

Ratings Criteria

  • Technological hub: Silicon Valley is known for its high-tech companies and startup concentration.
  • Educational opportunities: The area is home to prestigious universities and research institutions, offering opportunities for educational visits, lectures, and workshops.
  • Lack of natural attractions: Silicon Valley is primarily known for its technology industry and urban environment, so it doesn’t offer as many natural attractions.
  • Traffic Congestion: The area can experience heavy traffic congestion, especially during peak hours, which may impact travel time and convenience.

It takes about 40 minutes to drive from San Jose to this attraction.

Who doesn’t want to learn more about where Facebook, Apple, and Google came from, right?

Visit the Facebook Headquarters and take a picture with the thumbs-up sign.

Then take a tour of Stanford University and its beautiful campus.

Or get your inner car geek out and test drive a car from the Tesla Motors ShowRoom.

And finally, learn about how technology advanced this much at the Computer History Museum.

This museum is right next to Google’s headquarters, so it’s like hitting two birds with one stone.

This is one of the many San Jose day trips worth checking out if you’re techy.

Recommended Hotel: The Ameswell Hotel

Related: Beaches Near San Jose

2. Muir Woods

Muir Woods

1 Muir Woods Rd Mill Valley, CA 94941 (415) 561-2850 Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

  • Scenic beauty: Muir Woods is renowned for its majestic redwood trees and picturesque forest trails.
  • Wildlife viewing: The park is home to diverse flora and fauna, including various bird species and unique forest-dwelling creatures.
  • Limited accessibility: Muir Woods is located outside of San Francisco and requires transportation, which can be challenging for those without a vehicle. 
  • Parking: Parking can be difficult in the area and may require a reservation.

This trip will take 1 hour and 27 minutes to complete from San Jose, but it’s worth every second.

Walk among the oldest redwood trees in the country, and breathe in that fresh air.

It’s like stepping into a Star Wars movie set and is a magical park for releasing negative energy.

Attend The Park Ranger Presentation to learn about being safe as you take your trek through the forest.

One of the visitors’ favorite spots is Cathedral Grove, a quiet and still portion of the forest.

Take in the fantastic sights of the looming trees, take pictures, and indulge in nature’s grandeur.

Recommended Hotel: Holiday Inn Express Mill Valley – Sausalito Area, an IHG Hotel

3. San Francisco

San Francisco

San Francisco, CA Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

  • Iconic landmarks: San Francisco is known for its iconic landmarks, such as the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island, and Fisherman’s Wharf.
  • Cultural diversity: The city is famous for its diverse communities, vibrant arts scene, and culinary delights, offering a rich cultural experience for visitors.
  • Higher costs: Accommodation, dining, and entertainment options can be relatively expensive compared to other destinations.
  • Weather Variability: San Francisco’s weather can be unpredictable, with fog, wind, and temperature fluctuations.

It’s only an hour’s drive from San Jose and is a bustling city worth visiting.

You can’t visit San Francisco without checking out the iconic Golden Gate Bridge.

This bridge is the world’s most-photographed bridge, and for a good reason.

Take a tour of Alcatraz Island and learn about how it used to hold some of the most infamous criminals in the world.

Pier 39 is also a popular destination, especially when it comes to playful, barking sea lions.

Take a relaxing stroll along Golden Gate Park and its groves of trees, rolling hills, and hidden treasures.

Finally, visit the Ferry Building Marketplace to get into the heart of San Francisco and its love for art and cuisine.

This city is one of the top places to see near San Jose for apparent reasons.

Recommended Hotel: Fairmont San Francisco

Related: Activities in San Jose

4. Half Moon Bay

Half Moon Bay

Half Moon Bay, CA (650) 726-8380 Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

Half Moon Bay is a small city located on the California coast, known for its string of beaches.

This trip will only take 47 minutes and is one of the most scenic places near San Jose.

Visit one of Half Moon Bay’s four beaches to appreciate the gorgeous scenery and breathe fresh air.

Go hiking or biking through the California Coastal Trail, where you’re greeted with even more picturesque views of the Pacific Ocean.

Then visit Pillar Point Harbor for whale-watching during whale migration season.

There are also plenty of waterfront restaurants in this area, such as Barbara’s Fishtrap or Sam’s Chowder House.

Regardless of what you decide to do, this makes a beautiful one day trip from San Jose to destress.

Recommended Hotel: The Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay


Napa, CA (707) 257-9500 Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

Napa Valley is located in California and is well known for its climate, which is ideal for growing grape vines.

This drive will take an hour and 22 minutes from San Jose, and it’s worth every second.

Play a game of outdoor bocce ball at one of its parks.

Then see the scenery from a hot air balloon flying high above the valley floor.

Take the Napa Valley Wine Train to dine and sip on wine while passing through gorgeous vineyards.

Or enjoy a downtown Napa walking tour to check out the cute boutique shops and restaurants .

Finally, explore the di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art to see local and international art pieces displayed.

If you’re looking for places to visit near San Jose, you might love Napa.

Recommended Hotel: Embassy Suites by Hilton Napa Valley

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Gilroy, CA (408) 842-6436 Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

Gilroy is a city in Santa Clara County, best known for the annual Gilroy Garlic Festival that started in 1979.

This city is a mere 34-minute drive from San Jose and is perfect for a weekend getaway.

Visit the Gilroy Garden for the funkiest trees and over 40 fun rides and attractions.

These are some of the best fun activities you can do with kids from San Jose.

Discover award-winning wines and sip on a glass while admiring the vineyard views.

If you happen to be visiting during August, you’ll want to buckle up for the Gilroy Rodeo and its horses.

Head to Downtown Gilroy to find antique treasures or find gold at Casa de Fruta.

And as strange as it sounds, try the infamous Gilroy garlic ice cream when in town.

Recommended Hotel: Best Western Plus Forest Park Inn

Related: Best Weekend Getaways From San Jose

7. Livermore


Livermore, CA (925) 960-4000 Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

Livermore is a scenic wine-growing region located east of the San Francisco Bay area.

This trip will take only about 39 minutes, so it’s perfect for a one day trip from San Jose.

Explore over 50 wineries in Livermore Valley, and go hiking and biking through the gorgeous green valley.

The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Discovery Center offers plenty of hands-on fun activities for kids and adults.

Or have a relaxing picnic at the Sycamore Grove Regional Park, with plenty of trails for hiking.

Then enjoy a dance or comedy show (even acrobatics) at the Bankhead Theater before calling it a day.

Recommended Hotel: Hawthorn Suites by Wyndham Livermore

Also See: Best Day Trips From Fresno, CA Fun Day Trips From Lake Tahoe Day Trips Around Santa Barbara

8. Sausalito


Sausalito, CA (415) 289-4100 Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

Sausalito is a city in Marin County known for its scenic wooden boardwalk.

It will take you about an hour and 14 minutes to drive here, and it is one of the San Jose trips you don’t want to miss.

Check out the Bay Area Discovery Museum for fascinating interactive exhibits your kids will love.

Then look out at the stunning views of the Golden State Bridge and the ocean from the observation deck on Battery Spencer.

Finally, walk through the iconic Sausalito Boardwalk to check out boutique shops and renowned restaurants.

If you’re looking for things to do outside San Jose, you’ll find a thing or two here.

Recommended Hotel: Casa Madrona Hotel and Spa

9. Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz, CA (831) 420-5010 Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

Santa Cruz is a relaxing beach town located on the Pacific Coast, known for its family-friendly activities.

It’s only 40 minutes south of San Jose, so it’s perfect for that family weekend getaway.

Visit the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk for thrilling rides, fantastic food, and unforgettable memories.

This is one of the best day trips from San Jose for families that you could take.

Then visit the Natural Bridges State Beach, which has fantastic photo opportunities with stunning rock formations.

The Mystery Spot is a relaxing secluded beach you could check out for a fun swim.

Then indulge in the vibrant colors of plants and flowers at the UC Santa Cruz Arboretum & Botanic Garden.

End your day with sunset viewing at the Santa Cruz Wharf, and you’ve got the perfect daycation.

Recommended Hotel: Dream Inn Santa Cruz

10. Carmel by the Sea

Carmel by the Sea

Carmel-by-the-Sea, CA (831) 624-2522 Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

Carmel by the Sea is a quaint beach city located on the Monterey Peninsula.

It’s known for the museums and libraries of the historic Carmel Mission.

This city attraction is an hour and 16 minutes away from San Jose during regular traffic.

The Carmel Mission Basilica Museum is a stunning basilica dating back hundreds of years that you must visit.

For beautiful views and fresh air, head to the Point Lobos State Natural Reserve.

The Carmel River State Beach is also fantastic for swimming, picnics, and sun tanning.

Finish it with a meal at the Mission Ranch Restaurant for the best views.

Recommended Hotel: Tradewinds Carmel

11. Alameda


Alameda, CA (510) 747-4714 Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

Alameda is a city located in the East Bay region of the Bay Area and is known for its beaches.

This charming city is only a 43-minute drive from San Jose, so it’s perfect for a quick getaway.

Check out the fascinating metal birds of the skies at the USS Hornet-Sea, Air, and Space Museum.

This is a popular spot for kids or vehicle and spacecraft enthusiasts.

Spend a few hours sun tanning, picnicking, swimming, or biking at the Robert W. Crown Memorial State Beach.

Or visit the Pacific Pinball Museum to see the first editions of the classic game to exist.

End your day with a movie at the Alameda Theatre and Cineplex.

And you’ve just accomplished one of the most romantic day trips from San Jose for couples.

Recommended Hotel: Hawthorn Suites by Wyndham-Oakland/Alameda

12. West Cliff Drive

West Cliff Drive

W Cliff Dr Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (831) 425-1234 Visit Website Open in Google Maps

The West Cliff Drive is a scenic path along the Pacific Ocean with views of Monterey Bay.

It’s a quick 55-minute drive from San Jose, so prepare your road tunes and snacks.

Take a 5-mile walk to admire the sight of waves crashing into the shoreline and the Pacific Ocean beyond.

See Steamer Lane to watch surfers do what they do best, or join them yourself.

Then visit the Lighthouse along the way, which is now the Santa Cruz Surfers Museum.

Go for a walk with your dog, go biking, skating, jogging, or take pictures.

There’s plenty to do at their relaxing spot, and it’s no wonder it gets so many visitors.

Recommended Hotel: Hotel Paradox, Autograph Collection

13. Monterey


Monterey, CA (831) 646-3799 Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

Monterey is a seaside town in Northern California and has been a tourist destination since the 1700s.

This city is a 1-hour and 12-minute drive from Santa Fe, so you should head out early.

Visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium to see fascinating sea creatures.

You’ll even get the chance to feed them and touch others.

The Old Fisherman’s Wharf is an iconic waterside complex with seafood restaurants, shops, and water activities galore.

Then check out Dennis The Menace Playground to have your kids enjoy the maze, rock climbing wall, and more.

Take a stroll through Cannery Row, where you’ll find historic buildings housing old sardine-canning factories.

You’ll also come across boutiques and restaurants here, so it’s a great way to live in a local’s shoes.

Recommended Hotel: Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa

Related: Weekend Vacations in California

14. Berkeley


Berkeley, CA (510) 549-7040 Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

Berkeley is a city in Northern California known as the birthplace of the 1960 Free Speech Movement.

The drive from San Jose will only take about 56 minutes during normal traffic.

Visit the gorgeous and magnificent Botanical Garden at the University of California.

This garden features more than 10,000 plants worldwide and is even more stunning during the fall season.

Enjoy panoramic views of the San Francisco Bay Bridges, Alcatraz, and Angel Island from the Berkeley Marina.

A popular attraction here is the Adventure Playground, which is packed with fun for kids.

Then enter a magical fantasy land at the Tilden Regional Park, which also features plenty of activities.

There are nearly 40 miles of hiking trails to explore, a golf course, and Lake Anza, where you can swim during spring and summer.

Recommended Hotel: The Claremont Club & Spa, A Fairmont Hotel

15. Pescadero


Pescadero, CA Visit Website Open in Google Maps

A small rural town in Northern California, Pescadero is only 2 miles from the Pacific Ocean.

This town is 1 hour and 19 minutes away from San Jose and is worth every second.

Visit Harley Farms to say hello to the cutest goats and donkeys.

Or sit for a picnic around the pond and browse the farm shop for homemade products.

For wine enthusiasts, check out the Pescadero Winery for a wine tasting paired with award-winning goat cheese.

Head to the Pigeon Point Lighthouse to go whale watching from the deck while enjoying the stunning views.

Then enjoy the multi-colored pebbles at Bean Hollow State Beach.

You can explore tide pools while looking for starfish, sea urchins, sea anemones, and crabs during low tide.

Recommended Hotel: Pescadero Creek Inn

16. Ano Nuevo State Park

Ano Nuevo State Park

1 New Years Creek Rd Pescadero, CA 94060 (650) 879-2025 Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

Ano Nuevo State Park is located offshore the Ano Nuevo Island, known for its pinniped rookeries.

It’s a 1-hour and 19-minute drive from San Jose, so it’s not that bad.

This beach is not only home to gorgeous views of white cliffs but a cute little surprise as well.

Year-round, you’ll see elephant seals wash up on shore to soak in some sun.

There are also plenty of trails around you could take for a hike so you could see more views.

There’s also a lighthouse from the 1800s you could visit.

Recommended Hotel: The Historic Brookdale Lodge

17. Bodega Bay

Bodega Bay

Bodega Bay, CA (707) 347-9645 Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

Bodega Bay is a village in Sonoma County known as the home of Alfred Hitchcock’s The Birds.

This quirky and friendly town is located 2 hours and 5 minutes away from San Jose, so you’ll need snacks on the road.

This town is jammed with biking and hiking trails that offer stunning views of the Pacific Ocean.

You can head to its nearby beaches to swim, have a picnic, or fly a kite.

Visit the Bodega Head Peninsula to go whale-watching and watch the magnificent creature break the water’s surface.

If you’re feeling adventurous, Ace It Bike Tours offers a fun tour that lets you explore the area and learn about its history as you go.

You can also explore the beauty of Bodega Bay by kayaking or paddling around on a stand-up paddle board.

Then rent a horse from Chanslor Stables and ride into the sunset and ocean views.

Recommended Hotel: The Lodge at Bodega Bay

18. Bodega Dunes

Bodega Dunes

3095 California 1 Bodega Bay, CA 94923 (707) 875-3483 Visit Website Open in Google Maps

Bodega Dunes is a beachside strip offering 99 campsites and a boardwalk overlooking a sandy beach.

This fun attraction is about 2 hours and 11 minutes away from San Jose.

You don’t have to spend the night to visit this campground, and it’s just as much fun during the day.

Take a hike through Kortum Trail and take in the scenic views.

Then bring your camera to the peak of Duncan’s Landing to watch the ocean and marine life.

You can also go swimming, have a picnic, or indulge in bird-watching here.

Recommended Hotel: The Inn at the Tides

19. Capitola


Capitola, CA (831) 475-7300 Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

Capitola is a quaint seaside village where the first beach resort was founded in 1870.

This town is only 45 minutes away from San Jose, so it’s worth your time.

Take a few hours to relax, sunbathe at Capitola City Beach, or go swimming.

This beach is also popular for fun activities like volleyball, birdwatching, and surfing.

For fishing and hiking opportunities, New Brighton State Beach is a nice spot to hang out.

Visit the Capitola Historical Museum for details of the social and cultural history of the Santa Cruz County regions.

Or head to the Armida Winery for a wine tour and tasting.

For a romantic meal, head to the Shadowbrook restaurant, a charming spot in a cozy 1920s log cabin.

Recommended Hotel: Capitola Beach Suites

20. Jack London State Historic Park

Jack London State Historic Park

2400 London Ranch Rd Glen Ellen, CA 95442 (707) 938-5216 Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

Jack London State Historic Park is a protected landmark known as the home of the legendary Jack London, a writer, and adventurer.

This trip will take you a little under 2 hours to make it from San Jose.

Visit the House of Happy Walls Museum to see some of the author’s original books and belongings.

London’s Cottage was built in the 1860s and is a charming visit for a step back in time.

Check out the Beauty Ranch to see scenic views of a vineyard and livestock.

Wolf House Ruins was the original house Jack used to live in, but all that’s left are the masonry and stone walls.

If you’re feeling adventurous, go for a hike on the Sonoma Mountain Trail.

Recommended Hotel: Gaige House


Jenner, CA (707) 865-9757 Visit Website Open in Google Maps

Jenner is a small coastal town located between the Russian River and the Pacific Ocean.

This trip will take you 2 hours and 26 minutes from San Jose.

Check out Goat Rock State Beach for unobstructed views of the ocean.

Then head to the River’s End Restaurant for a cozy and delicious meal.

Go wine tasting at the local winery, or have a picnic by the sea.

There’s also a historic park and fort you might be interested in, filled with fascinating stories about the town.

Recommended Hotel: Guerneville Lodge

22. Mission San Juan Bautista

Mission San Juan Bautista

406 2nd St San Juan Bautista, CA 95045 (831) 623-2127 Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

The Mission of the 18th century San Juan Bautista was started in 1797 and was named after Saint John the Baptist to honor him.

This attraction is only 45 minutes away from San Jose, so it wouldn’t hurt to visit for a quick day trip.

You can stroll along the relaxing grounds while taking in the peace.

Head inside the mission to see stunning artwork and architecture from hundreds of years ago.

Take pictures of the statues around the area, or go for a hike on one of the trails nearby.

Recommended Hotel: Hacienda de Leal, Ascend Hotel Collection

23. Nicasio


Nicasio, CA Visit Website Open in Google Maps

Nicasio in Marin County was once called Rancho Nicasio.

This was a Spanish land grant from the 1800s that covered the area from San Geronimo to Tomales Bay.

The drive from San Jose will take 1 hour and a half to complete.

Go shopping for gifts and souvenirs in one of the many charming shops downtown.

Or visit an old cathedral or church to see old architecture.

There are also plenty of biking and hiking trails where you can explore.

Recommended Hotel: Olema House at Point Reyes

24. Pinnacles


5000 Highway 146 Paicines, CA 95043 (831) 389-4485 Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

Pinnacles National Park in California is home to volcanic rock formations that are more than 23 million years old.

This natural beauty is an hour and 23 minutes away from San Jose and is worth the drive.

There are over 26,000 acres of diverse wildlands here, and it is renowned for its beauty and wildflowers.

This dry-looking desert and rocks come to life during springtime with vibrant and colorful flowers.

Go for a hike to explore the spectacular vistas and wildland communities.

Or try climbing some of the unique rock formations here.

Don’t forget to bring plenty of water for this trip to keep you hydrated.

Recommended Hotel: Ridgemark Golf Club and Resort

25. Point Reyes National Seashore

Point Reyes National Seashore

1 Bear Valley Visitor Center Access Road Point Reyes Station, CA 94956 (415) 464-5100 Visit Website Social Media Open in Google Maps

Point Reyes National Seashore is a 71,000-acre home to over 1,500 species of plants and animals.

This natural sanctuary is about 1 hour and 49 minutes away from San Jose, but it’s worth it for that peace of mind.

Listen to the thunderous crash of waves against rocky headlands as you walk along the seashore.

Relax on expansive sand beaches, take pictures, and make memories with friends and family.

Explore the open grasslands, forested ridges, and brushy hillsides for an adventure.

And keep your eyes open for over 1,500 species of plants and animals to discover along the way.

This has been home to several cultures over thousands of years and is a sanctuary that offers more than meets the eye.

Day Trip Guide 

Comparing destinations: which one is right for you.

I’m always on the lookout for fun day trips from San Jose that can satisfy my wanderlust.

As a tech geek, one of my favorite destinations is Silicon Valley. 

The place oozes innovation. 

You can almost feel the creativity in the air, and visiting the tech giants like Google and Apple is priceless.

It’s a massive playground for the intellectually curious, but it’s not all code and gadgets. 

There’s an unexpected dash of culture, too, with fascinating museums and delicious international cuisines.

Another destination that I love is Muir Woods. 

It’s a national park that preserves some of the oldest and tallest trees in the world. 

Imagine breathing in the crisp, eucalyptus-scented air while wandering amidst towering redwoods. 

It’s a tranquil escape from the city rush, a total soul-soother.

Now, San Francisco is the quintessential city experience. 

From the iconic Golden Gate Bridge to the quirky charm of Pier 39, it’s a city that never stops surprising. 

Where else can you ride a historic cable car, then turn a corner and find a gourmet sourdough bakery?

All three destinations are within an hour or two from San Jose, so they’re perfect for a day trip. 

But they’re also very different from each other, so it depends on what you’re looking for. 

Do you want to be inspired by innovation, reconnect with nature, or experience diversity? 

Where will your adventure begin?

How I Picked The Destinations

Choosing the perfect day trip destination from San Jose was a challenging task, but I’ve got you covered. 

As a resident of California, I know the state like the back of my hand.

I’ve experienced these gems firsthand, combining my personal explorations with extensive research and conversations with locals. 

I handpicked these destinations because they offer something unique and unforgettable. 

Our Rating Method

I rate these destinations based on the following criteria.

  • Family friendliness: This criterion assesses the family-friendly appeal of every destination. Does it offer attractions suited for the whole family? Does it have facilities and services that entertain and engage all age groups? I use these questions to evaluate family friendliness. 
  • Safety: I use this to evaluate safety and security. Does the area have a low crime rate? Is public transportation secure? Are local authorities reliable and helpful? I ask myself these questions when evaluating safety. 
  • Affordability: This is used to assess affordability. Will visitors get a lot of bang for their buck? Is it cheaper compared to the other options? I consider these factors when rating affordability. I consider these factors when rating affordability.
  • Accessibility: This criterion evaluates the accessibility of every location. Is it easily accessible by public transportation? How walkable is the area? How far is it from the base? These are the questions I ask when myself assessing accessibility. 
  • Fun factor: I use this to evaluate how enjoyable the day trip is for visitors. Will it create positive and memorable experiences? Does it offer attractions that promise fun experiences for the whole family? Are there theme parks, beaches, and hiking trails? I use these questions to evaluate this criterion.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Where to visit close to san jose.

There are many attractions and destinations close to San Jose. Some of the best places to visit close to San Jose include Silicon Valley, Santa Cruz, Alameda, Napa, Muir Woods, and San Francisco.

How Many Days Should You Spend In San Jose?

The number of days you should spend in San Jose depends on your interests and preferences, but a general recommendation is 2 to 3 days. This will give you enough time to explore the city’s main attractions, such as the Winchester Mystery House, the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, Tech Interactive, and the San Jose Museum of Art. You can also enjoy some of the city’s cultural and culinary offerings, such as the San Pedro Square Market, the Japantown, and the Santana Row.

How Do You Spend A Day In San Jose, California?

There are many ways to spend a day in San Jose, California. Here is one possible itinerary: start your day with breakfast at one of the cafes or bakeries in downtown San Jose, visit the Winchester Mystery House and head to the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum. Then, have lunch at the San Pedro Square Market and check out the San Jose Museum of Art. Enjoy dinner at Santana Row, and end your day with a show at one of the theaters or venues in San Jose.

Is San Jose Worth Visiting In California?

San Jose is worth visiting in California for many reasons. It is the largest city in Northern California and the heart of Silicon Valley, making it a hub for innovation, culture, and diversity. Moreover, it is near many other destinations, ideal for day trips or weekend getaways.


Silicon Valley takes the cake for the best day trips from San Jose. 

I’ve danced my way through the tech wonderland and the lush redwoods of Muir Woods and breathed in the intoxicating vibes of San Francisco. 

But Silicon Valley is like your favorite pair of stilettos; it elevates everything.

The innovation is electrifying, the energy is palpable, and it’s a paradise for curious souls. 

While Muir Woods wraps you in nature’s embrace and San Francisco tickles your cultural tastebuds, Silicon Valley is the powerhouse that makes your heart sing. 

Let’s not forget the educational treasures and the tasty food that are the cherries on top. 

So, for an unforgettable, inspiring experience, Silicon Valley is the crown jewel. 

And who doesn’t love a little sparkle?

travel tips southern california travel photo


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    11. Alameda. Alameda, CA. (510) 747-4714. Visit Website. Social Media. Open in Google Maps. Alameda is a city located in the East Bay region of the Bay Area and is known for its beaches. This charming city is only a 43-minute drive from San Jose, so it's perfect for a quick getaway.