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kings lake ferry boat tour in Berchtesgaden konigssee route map

Königssee Lake Ferry Boat Tour:

Location :  Kings Lake Berchtesgaden ( Königssee ) Cost :  Free, Self-Guided ( Boat and lift costs below ) Style :  Do-It-Yourself Walking Tour ( Self Guided ) Start :  Königssee Village & Boat Dock Time Required :  The full round-trip boat ride without getting off will take 2 hours ( 35 minutes to the church, 20 minutes to the end, and back ).  If you are getting out to explore then expect an average of 4-5 hours total. Seasonality : In July-September, arrive before 10am and return by 2pm to avoid long lines.  In the Winter the ferry still runs daily, but only goes as far as Saint Bartholomew’s Church and back as a half tour.  Many mountain hikes will also be closed in the Winter, but the ferry journey is great year round. Fun Scale :  9.5 out of 10

The King’s Lake ( Königssee ) is one of the most majestic places in Europe.  It is an angelic emerald fjord lined by powerful Alpine mountains that never fails to wow its visitors.  Nestled in a valley between the Jenner, Hagen, and Watzmann Mountains, Königssee is  Bavaria’s deepest lake  at 630 feet deep.  Rare species of fish swim in the 5 mile long lake’s crystal clear waters and the local restaurants serve them up fresh.

Tours on the lake take place on vintage  electric passenger ferries  which quietly glide past lazy boathouses, roaring waterfalls, and lofty mountain faces.  The red onion domes of Saint Bartholomä Church are breath-taking and the Obersee at the end of the lake is on of the most beautiful place in the Alps.  Every minute of the journey is picturesque and very relaxing.  We also love to take the cable car up nearby Jenner Mountain after taking the King’s Lake ferry boat tour.

Getting To Königssee From Berchtesgaden:

The easiest way to get to the King’s Lake from the Berchtesgaden Train Station is  Bus 841 ( Timetable Summer – Timetable Winter ) which goes directly to Königssee in just 10-15 minutes twice an hour.  Taxis are often available 24 hours a day from the station as well and the quick journey to the lake is only a couple Euros.  If you choose to hike instead it will take around 1.5 hours down the former Königssee train tracks which are now an excellent trail which used to be a railroad line.

Königssee Ferry Boat Information:

Ferry Boat Overview : The Lake Königssee Ferry Line has used only electric boats since 1909 to both reduce polution but also to keep the lake quite for the local wildlife.  Today there are 19 boats continuously shuttle visitors down the long fiord-like lake and service runs 365 days a year (shorten in Winter).  Each boat can hold 93 passengers but only 80 tickets are sold for each to leave room for strollers, wheelchairs, and backpacks.

Hours Of Operation : Ferries depart year round at least once an hour from and are increased to every 15 minutes in peak season.  During the Winter they only go halfway down the lake to Saint Bartholomä Church and cut out the Salet/Obersee stop at the end.  Check the current schedule for departure times.  In the peak Summer months, boats usually depart from 8am-5pm, in the Fall 9am-4pm, and in the Winter half tours run with shorter hours.  It’s very rare and only once every ten years that the lake freezes enough in Winter to shut down the ferries for a few days, however, in 2006 the ice lasted 29 days.

Trip Length :  The full ferry route to the end of the lake and back takes 2 hours round trip.  The route takes 35 minutes to reach Saint Bartholomä Church and another 20 to reach Obersee then follows the same route back.  You can get out at either stop and jump right back on any of the other return ferries, just make note on the time of the last return trip so you don’t miss it.  There is NO footpath to get you all the way back you really must make the last ferry.  In the Winter the ferry only does half of the tour, going just to Saint Bartholomä Church and back.

Peak Summer Months :  In the peak months of July through September the lines in the afternoon can get long so go early in the day.  Boats run every 15-30 minutes in these peak months leaving the main dock from 8am to 5pm ( current schedule ).  We recommend starting your journey as early as possible and no later than 10:30am to avoid a long wait.  If you plan on hiking around Obersee at the end of King’s Lake we suggest riding all the way through to it at the start and then on the way back get out at Saint Bartholomä Church.  This way you can have Obersee to yourself while it is quite and peaceful.

Round Trip Ferry Cost :  Adults 16.90€; Children 8.50€; Kids 5 and under Free; Family ( 2 Adults & up to 4 kids ) 42.30€; Dog 3€.  Fare is cheaper if you do the half tour only to St. Bartholomä and skip the Salet/Obersee Stop.   Online Advance Ferry Ticket : ( Here ).

King’s Lake Lake Tour Attractions:

1. königssee ferry boat dock :.

Kings Lake Ferry Tour In Berchtesgaden Konigssee Ferry Boat Dock

About The Boat Dock :  Whether you are arriving by bus, car, or taxi the boat dock is only a short walk down from the Königssee parking lot.  On our first visit to the lake we were just expecting a boat dock, but it’s actually a beautiful little village.  There are tons of cute little shops leading the way to the lake and the iconic half-timber lodge called  Hotel Schiffmeister  ( website ) sitting at the water’s edge.  If you were to work your way back toward Berchtesgaden by foot you’ll find even more shops and an excellent hiking trail of the former train tracks that once connected the train station to Schönau am Königssee.

The boat dock is impossible to miss as you reach the King’s Lake.  We love watching the graceful and silent electric ferry boats pull into the dock on the lake’s crystal clear water.  If you have time to kill between ferries, consider grabbing a drink at the tree-lined outdoor Franzinkaner Beer Garden next to the ticket booth.

Getting To  The Boat Dock :  From central Berchtesgaden, take Bus 841 to the Königssee parking lot and take a short walk.   360 Degree Photo : ( From Above ).  Ferry Company Website : ( Here ).  Online Advance Ticket : ( Here ).

2. Christlieger Island & Boat Houses :

Kings Lake Ferry Tour In Berchtesgaden Konigssee Tour - Christlieger Island

About Christlieger Island :  As you pull out of the ferry boat dock you quickly pass Christlieger Island, the only island in King’s Lake .  The small tree-covered island has a grotto and marble statue from 1711 of Saint John of Nepomuk ( Patron Saint of Sailors ).  From there Königssee begins to open up and the views get better and better along the way.

To the left of the island are a collection of covered ferry boat houses lining the lake’s Eastern shore.  These historic wooden houses are where the fleet of electric ferry boats are stored and recharged overnight.  When fully charged the boats can glide on the calm waters for a full 12-14 hours at a time.  In total there are 17 electric boats which can carry 80 passengers at a time plus one smaller 25-person boat.  When the boats were first put into operation in 1909 they were electric from the start as Prince Regent Luitpold was afraid that motor noise would scare away the deer in his favorite Royal hunting grounds.  The result is a quiet relaxing ride, but the lack of pollution has also helped to maintain the purity of the water in Bavaria’s deepest lake making it the  cleanest lake in Germany .

3. Falcon Stone Memorial ( Falkenstein ):

Kings Lake Ferry Tour In Berchtesgaden Konigssee Falcon Stone Memorial Cross Falkenstein

About The Falcon Stone Memorial :  Since as early as 1635 religious visitors have made the mountain pilgrimage on foot every August from Maria Alm in Austria, over the Sea Of Rock Mountain Range ( Steinerness ) behind Watzmann, and down Kings Lake to Saint Bartholomä Church.  On August 23rd, 1688, a boat carrying 100 of these travelers capsized and 70 pilgrims drown before they could reach the shore.  The large red cross in the rock face of Falcon Stone Wall honors the 70 that died and a wreath is laid near it every August during the annual pilgrimage.

Research has shown that the real location of the crash wasn’t at Falcon Stone, but instead at the rock wall near the Reitl Ditch on the shore opposite of Saint Bartholomä Church.  The water here is only 6-10 feet deep compared to up to 630 feet in deepest part of the center of the lake.  In 1913, the Falcon Stone Wall almost had a giant Assyrian lion carved into, but thankful that idea was left untouched.

Sitting across the lake from the cross is the popular Painters’ Viewpoint ( Malerwinkel )  which can be reached by foot with 10 minutes of the main ferry boat docks.  The viewpoint is very popular with painters as you can see far down the King’s Lake with a view of Saint Bartholomä Church.  More an even more breathtaking perspective , you can hike an additional 30 minutes up a switchback trail to Raven Wall ( Rabenwand ).  From its elevated perch 130 meters above the water, Rabenwand has one of the most beautiful views in Germany.  You’ll not only be able to see the church over 2.5 miles away but will also be able to see the end of the angelic King’s Lake 4.5 miles to the South.  This hiking trail stays open even in Winter as the path is cleared of snow.

4. Echo Chamber ( Echowand ):

Kings Lake Ferry Tour In Berchtesgaden Konigssee echo chamber cliff Echowand trumpet

About The Echo Chamber :  As your ferry boat rounds the only bend in the King’s Lake, you will enter it famous Echo Chamber.  The sheer rock wall of the fjord creates a natural echo surface that bounces even small sounds back at the boat.  Your boat captain will provide an excellent demonstration of the world-famous echo chamber by sounding his trumpet to show off a reverberating tune.  When the ferry boats first started in 1909 the phenomenon was demonstrated by firing off a loud Böllerschuss powder gun echo up to seven times .  Due to safety and fire concerns, the guns were traded out for flugelhorn trumpets in the 1930s and the echo seems to sound just a little different each time they are played.

5. Saint Bartholomä Church :

Kings Lake Ferry Tour In Berchtesgaden Konigssee Tour - Saint Bartholoma Church Bartholomew

About The King’s Lake :   Just a little more than halfway down the lake you’ll reach your first ferry stop at quaint white Church of Saint Bartholomä.  With its red onion domes, the unique church is the most photographed attraction on Königssee Lake. The church was first built in 1134 AD before being rebuilt in the current style in 1697.  After Berchtesgaden joined Bavaria in 1810, the St. Bartholomä Church quickly became a hunting lodge for the Bavarian Kings.

Many visitors taking our King’s Lake ferry boat tour get off the boat at the church to check out the grounds then jump back on the next boat which is every 15-30 minutes.  There is food, beer garden, and bathrooms available at the church grounds.  We highly suggest taking some time to stroll down the lakeside walking path where you can relax in peace at one of the benches.   Admission Cost :  Free.   Website :   Here .

6. Ice Chapel Cave & Glacier ( Eiskapelle ):

Kings Lake Ferry Tour In Berchtesgaden Konigssee Tour - Ice Chapel Glacier Cave Eiskapelle

About The Ice Chapel Cave : Probably the best hidden gem on the lake is the year-round glacier sitting above Saint Bartholomä Church.  The small glacier is set gas the perfect spot to preserve even though the snow much higher up the Watzmann Mountain melts away each Summer.  Winds tunnel into the glacier to create a natural ice cave and frozen overhang.  About 1/3 of the glaciers ice retreats in the Summer and the cave entrance can grow to be as big as 60 high by 80 feet wide.

The water from the same system that supplies water to the glacier has over time also created the fanning delta which the Saint Bartholomä Church sits on.  As you hike up the rift toward the Ice Chapel Cave, you’ll notice how the sand turns to gravel and then from rocks into large boulders .  The rugged trail will take you across the Ice Stream ( Eisbach ) Bridge and the small Chapel of Saint John and Paul.  As the trail begins to break up into a field of boulders you’ll be able to see the glacier.   Because the Ice Chapel is more of an overhanging ice sheet than a cave they suggest not going inside as it always has a risk of collapse.

Getting Here : It’s a 2 mile, 90-minute hike up from the church.  Time Required : Roundtrip it will take you 2.5-3 hours from the church to reach the Ice Chapel.    Clothing :  Make sure to wear sturdy shoes on the rocky mountain trail, flip-flop sandals won’t get you very far down the trail.

7. Upper Lake ( Obersee ):

Kings Lake Ferry Tour In Berchtesgaden Konigssee Tour - Upper Lake Obersee Dock Boat House Reflection

About Obersee : The final ferry boat stop on the lake is called Salet which has restrooms and is close to two cozy restaurant huts called the Gaststätte Saletalm and Mooskaser Saletalm.  The ferry dock is only a 10-minute walk from the beautifully secluded Upper Lake ( Obersee ) .  The mirror-like Obersee was cut off from the rest of Königssee Lake by a massive landslide in 1172 AD.  Because of this natural dam, the cold water in Obersee so  unbelievable clear  that it makes wooden boats here look like they are almost floating in the air.

Sitting at the peaceful pier on the edge of Obersee will send you into an instant state of relaxation.  Some of the photos we have taken near the dock it is almost impossible to tell where the reflecting water ends and the sky begins because the lake is so clear and still.  If you are getting off at Obersee make sure to double check what time the next Ferry will come so you don’t miss it.

8. Fischunkelalm Farm & Pasture :

Kings Lake Ferry Tour In Berchtesgaden Konigssee Tour - Obersee Fischunkelalm Farm Pasture

About Fischunkelalm :  Hiking the 30 minutes around the shore of the mirror-like Obersee leads to a special treat for any visitor called the Fischunkelalm Farm & Pasture.  From mid-May through early-October the farm is fully operational with their doors open for hungry visitors and their cows free roaming the valley.  The farm is known for having great organic milk, creamy buttermilk, cold beer, fresh bread with cheese, and a bunch of delicious berry jams.  While the name Fischunkelalm in German may lead you to believe it is an Alpine Fish Farm, the name actually slightly Latin-based meaning Narrow Strip Of Alpine Meadow.

At the end of the season, the owners herd all of their cattle onto a barge and float them across the King’s Lake for their Winter pasture.  It is a huge celebration in Berchtesgaden known as Queen of the Pastures ( Almabtrieb ) and includes the parading cows being fitted with flowered collars and floral headdresses.

From the picturesque farm, you can explore the surrounding pasture that takes up most of the rest of the Obersee valley.  It takes about 30 minutes to hike all the way to the back rim where you can find the 1,540-foot-tall Röthbach Waterfall.  This is the tallest waterfall in Germany !  Near the base of the waterfall is the cottage-like Wasser Alm Guesthouse which is very basic but popular with overnight hikers.

Getting Here : 30-minute hike from Obersee to the farm and another 30-minute hike to the back of the valley.

9. Jennerbahn Valley Station ( Talstation ):

Kings Lake Ferry Tour In Berchtesgaden Konigssee Tour - Jennerbahn Valley Station Cable Car Lift

About The Valley Station : The very popular Jenner Mountain got its first cable car system in 1953 which opened the mountain peak to a whole new group of tourists.   At 1,874 meters ( 6,148 ft ) tall, Jenner Mountain offers an entirely different perspective on the Kings Lake below to go along with its excellent Alpine hiking and Winter ski runs.  In 2016, construction started on an entirely new cable car system with large modern stations at all three levels.  Opening in stages from the Fall of 2018 through the Summer of 2019, the project is truly stunning.

The entirely redesigned Valley Station near the Konigssee parking lot is very accessible even for wheelchairs or strollers.  This goes along with the cable cars themselves being upgraded from tiny 2-4 person cabins to spacious 10 person cabins.  The Winter ski lifts are bumping up from 2-person to 6-person chairs.  The elegant Valley Station as a sports shop, storage lockers, a restaurant, a bar, and a large open-air terrace.

Jennerbahn Lift Cost : The full round trip is 27.50€ for Adults or 11€ for Kids.   Cable Car Lift Hours : Daily 9-6pm ( Spring and late Fall until 5pm ).  Jennerbahn Lift Website : ( Here ).  Online Advance Tickets : ( Here ).

10. Jennerbahn Middle Station ( Mittelstation ):

Kings Lake Ferry Tour In Berchtesgaden Konigssee Tour - Jennerbahn Middle Station Dr Hugo Beck Haus

About The Middle Station : We highly suggest checking out the Middle Station as you ride up the Jenner Mountain Cable Car.  The stop has great views of Watzmann Mountain across Königssee Lake, excellent access to barrier-free hiking , and a small spring-fed Alpine pond called Lake On The Mount ( Bergsee ).  You can take some really really great photos at the pond which reflects the mountains and sky like a mirror.  The best thing about the pond is that because it is spring fed with warm water it  never freezes  over in the Winter.  This is a very rare quality for an Alpine pond.

This the Middle Station also has a very modern restaurant with indoor and patio seating.  We especially love stopping here for a wonderful ice cream dish and beer.  If you want to go a little more rustic you will love the really fun Dr. Hugo Beck Haus Beer Hall  ( website ) which doubles as a hotel and has a great patio.  Like the reflecting pond, Dr. Hugo’s is basically just a short hike from the Middle Station.

To the West of the Middle Station, it is about a 25 minute hike to the Hinterbrand Parking Lot or an additional 20 minutes to the Bus 838 Stop ( Christophorusschule ) which can take you to/from the Nazi Documentation Center.

Jennerbahn Lift Cost : The full round trip is 27.50€ for Adults or 11€ for Kids.   Cable Car Lift Hours : Daily 9-6pm ( Spring and late Fall until 5pm ).  Dr Hugo Beer Hall Hours : Open in the Spring through Fall Wednesday-Monday 11am-6pm; Closed Tuesdays.  Jennerbahn Lift Website : ( Here ).  Online Advance Tickets : ( Here ).

11. Jennerbahn Mountain Station ( Bergstation ):

Kings Lake Ferry Tour In Berchtesgaden Konigssee Tour - Jennerbahn Mountain Station

About Jennerbahn Mountain Station : At 6,100 feet in elevation, the top of Jenner Mountain truly has the best view anywhere around Königssee.  You’ll feel like you are hovering above the King’s Lake below you, see hang-gliders flying by you, and can take in miles upon miles of Alpine beauty in every direction.  In the Summer months the top of Jenner Mountain has unbelievable mountain hiking trails, and in the Winter there are a ton of thrilling skiing opportunities.

With a modern Mountain Station since 2019, a large panoramic restaurant called Jenneralm also opened with stunning outdoor terraces is bound to be a highlight of your visit.  The very best views of Königssee are at the main platform just a short 400-yard walk down from the restaurant.  If you are feeling a little more adventurous there are a couple guesthouse and the true Mount Jenner summit within an hour’s hike of the Mountain Station.  One of the guesthouse sites right on the border of Austria and German.

Other Sites Near Königssee:

12. bobsled track rides :.

Kings Lake Ferry Tour In Berchtesgaden Konigssee Tour - Bobsled Track Rides

About The Bobsled Track :  You know you are truly in the Alps when one of the attractions lets you ride in an authentic bobsled going  80 miles an hour  down a mountain!  Each sled is manned by a German, Austrian, or European bobsled champion driver and will truly get your blood pumping.  In the Winter you will have the full authentic experience on an ice track, but it is open on a limited basis in the Summer also.  In the warmer months, the skates on the sled are switched out for tires and you ride down the bare concrete of the bobsled course.

If you aren’t looking for the full heart-pounding experience you can opt for the  Kini-bobberl  instead.  This bulky version of the bobsled goes at half the speed and is made out of think foam rubber instead of metal.  Either option you choose it is a very fun and safe experience behind an expert driver.  You must be 18 years old to join and each sled can have up to 3 passengers.

Summer Ride Hours :  They have rides available May-June on a limited basis of 3-4 days a month.  Winter Hours :  The Winter schedule comes out each Summer and is much more frequent than the Summer rides.   Cost :  In Summer it is 65€ a person and in Winter it’s 90€ a person.  Kini-bobberl is 30€ a person.  Includes professional driver, insurance, and an award certificate.   Website :   Here .

13. Greenstone Mountain Climbing ( Grünstein Klettersteig ):

Kings Lake Ferry Tour In Berchtesgaden Konigssee Tour - Greenstone Mountain Climbing

About Greenstone Mountain Climbing : The most popular peak near Königsee for rock climbers is Greenstone Mountain.  The rewarding climb has built-in handholds, metal ladders and an amazing wooden suspension bridge along its route.  The summit can also be reached by hiking along the South side of the peak and the top has incredible views of Watzmann Mountain.  If you are looking to climb we suggest joining a tour group unless you bring your own rock climbing gear.  Full climbing gear is required and children are not allowed to rock climb.

Hiking Time :  You can hike to the summit and back in a little of 2 hours.   Climbing Time :  To rock climb to the summit it takes around 2.5 hours.   Mountain Website :  ( Here ).

14. Saint Sebastian Church ( Ramsau, Germany ):

Kings Lake Ferry Tour In Berchtesgaden Konigssee Tour - Saint Sebastian Church Ramsau

About Saint Sebastian Church : Photographers will love taking photos at this riverside church in the nearby village of Ramsau.  As you approach the church it becomes perfectly framed by lush trees and quaint footbridge completed with the Reiter Alpe Mountain range as a backdrop.  The setting is so awesome that you’ll quickly understand why the church ends up being put on so many local postcards.  The age of St Sebastion Church is also impressive as it was built in 1512 before being remodeled in 1692 in the baroque style.

Getting to St Sebastian Church :  Bus 846 from Berchtesgaden’s Train Station stops right in front of the Church ( Ramsau b.Berchtesgaden Kirche ).  Buses leave a couple times an hour, it is the 9th stop from the train station, and it takes less than 15 minutes.   Live Webcam :   here .

15. Wimbachklamm Waterfalls ( Ramsau, Germany ):

Kings Lake Ferry Tour In Berchtesgaden Konigssee Tour - Wimbachklamm Waterfalls Ramsau

About Wimbachklamm Waterfalls :  The Wimbach River is a small tributary to the Ramsau and runs down a narrow gorge cut into Watzmann Mountain.  About a half mile down the Wimbach River it a weeping wall covered with a series of finger-like waterfalls in a tight canyon setting.  The well maintained wooden footpaths and the unique setting will make you feel you are on the set of Lord of the Rings.  It is truly a hidden gem in a region of wonders.

Getting to Wimbachklamm :  Bus 846 stops right in front of the Church 9 stops from Berchtesgaden’s Main Station ( Ramsau b.Berchtesgaden Wimbachbrücke ) and 7 minutes from the Church and 8 minutes from Berchtesgaden.  From the Bus Stop follow the signs and other tourists a short .5 miles South to the Waterfall.  If you skip the bus and walk the whole way, the Waterfall is 1.5 miles from the Church.

16. Watzmann Mountain & Guest House :

Kings Lake Ferry Tour In Berchtesgaden Konigssee Tour - Watzmann Mountain Hiking

About Watzmann Mountain & Guest House :  The iconic Watzmann Mountain dominates Berchtesgaden from almost every angle you can think of.  At 8,900 feet Watzmann is the  3rd tallest peak in Germany  ( behind Hochwanner & Zugspitze ), but is overall is the tallest mountain to be located completely on German soil as the others are on the Austrian border.  The mountain’s main dual peaks poke up like horns around a center dimple almost like someone took a big bite right off the top of the summit.  Sitting at the about halfway up the Alpine face is a large 200 person guest house called the  Watzmann Haus  ( website ).   Built in 1888, this hostel is one of the highest hotels in Europe at 6332 feet above sea level.  The average room is only 28 €  a night.

Watzmann is considered the center of the Berchtesgaden National Park and the area provides great rock climbing and unbeatable Alpine hiking.   During your hike, you feel like you are in Switzerland the entire time and the views are that good. You have to be in pretty good shape to do the hiking and should dedicate a full day to visiting the Watzmann if you plan on doing so.

Legend has it that the highest peak is King Watzmann, the second highest is his wife, and the peaks between them are their seven children.  Because the King was a mean tyrant, God turned him and his family into stone.

Hiking Time Required :  It takes about 4-4.5 hours to reach Watzman Haus from the valley and another 2.5-3 hours from the Watzmann Haus to the mountain summit.  The hike is strenuous and some stretches toward the top are not for the faint of heart.   You can do the whole thing round trip in around 12 hours, but we recommend staying at Watzmann Haus or just hiking to the hostel and back if you only have 1 day.

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  • Königssee Schifffahrt

Königssee Ferry Rides, Church St. Barthalomä | © Berchtesgadener Land Tourismus GmbH

Königssee Shipping

Another highlight in the Salzburg area is the Königsee lake in the Berchtesgaden National Park in Bavaria. A boat trip on the emerald green water amidst the steep rock faces is a memorable experience.

The 8-km-long Königssee with its crystal-clear water is located near the town of Salzburg in the Berchtesgaden district of Bavaria and is a popular destination for families, couples and outdoor enthusiasts. During the trip on the electric passenger boat, you glide silently and in an environmentally friendly way along the east face of the Watzmann mountain towards the famous pilgrimage church of St. Bartholomä, which can be seen from afar with its striking red onion domes.

The boat trip to the peninsula of St. Bartholomä takes about 35 minutes. It concludes at Salet another 20 minutes away. In St. Bartholomä, a visit to the historic pilgrimage church and a walk along the shore are a must. The shady beer garden of the St. Bartholomä restaurant, the former hunting lodge of the Bavarian royal family, is ideal for refreshments. From Salet, it is a fifteen-minute walk to the Obersee lake, in which you can observe a reflection of the Hagen Mountain Range. At the head of the valley is the Röthbach waterfall, with a drop of over 450 metres, Germany's highest waterfall.

About 20 minutes into the trip, the boat stops and there is a demonstration how the sound of a flugelhorn or trumpet echoes off the "echo wall".

  • Schönau am Königssee is only 30 minutes by car from Salzburg
  • year-round service (except 24.12.)
  • affordable family tickets
  • Children up to age 17 pay only half the adult price

Opening times

The opening hours can be found on the official website .

The prices can be found on the official website .


Königssee Ferry Rides | © Königssee Schifffahrt

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A Boat Trip on the Königssee

Königssee boat trip, pros.

  • Beautiful views and nice location
  • Great stops, good for hiking
  • Nice commentary on the outbound trip Cons

  • Too narrow seating in Covid-19 times
  • Commentary in Bavarian German only

The Königssee (literally: “King’s Lake”) is a beautiful lake in Southeastern Bavaria, not too far away from the Austrian border. During my trip to the region, I luckily managed to squeeze in a boat trip over the lake before I headed to the  Rennbobtaxi , the sommer bob ride on the Bobsleigh World Cup track at Königssee . Here are my impressions from a lovely summer day trip in July 2020.

Königsee Boat Cruise – Locations & Prices

The typical starting point for your cruise,  Königssee Seelände , is located at the Northern tip of the lake, not too far away from Berchtesgaden. You may use a bus to get here, but most people arrive by car and make use of the massive central parking lot. The boat trip is very popular, but others also go for the cable car to have a hike up the mountains. Daily parking at Schönau am Königssee, which is the city where it is located, is 5 Euro. If you are staying at a nearby hotel and have the visitor card, you solely pay 2.50 Euro per day.

The ticket price of course depends on the distance you are travelling. The return ticket (adult) to Salet, which is the full cruise (see below) was 20.20 at my visit. The one-way is half of the price. If you have a ticket to Salet, you may interrupt your trip on one way at St. Bartholomä. The schedule slightly differs by season: the daily trips at off-peak start at 9:00 at  Königssee Seelände and 9:55 at Salet Obersee . The last trips are scheduled for 16:15/17:10. In high season, boats start one hour earlier and operate until half an hour later.

konigssee cruise

Königsee Boat Cruise – Route Map & Ships

The cruises on Königsee are having four stops (please note that in the map below, the North is at the bottom of the map): as said above, you typically will start your trip at Seelände . The total cruise time to the final stop Salet is roughly 55 minutes. St. Bartholomä is very popular for hiking, but also the old monastry and a beer garden. Cruise time from Seelände is roughly 35 minutes, the stop will be serviced each way. On demand, boats also allow passengers to disembark and embark from  Kessel , which has hardly any infrastructure, but can be a waypoint for hiking.  Kessel  to  Seelände  is about 25 minutes.

konigssee cruise

Bayerische Seenschifffahrt (“Bavarian Lake Ship Cruises”, the drive of the Königssee and other lake transfer ships in Bavaria) operates up to 19 ships in parallel. The are driven electric, also due to ecologic restrictions. The boats are similar, but not equivalent. The differ in the seat layout, some have special roof features and the way you open the windows alters (which may be important for photography). On the way from the main port, Königssee Seelände , you are assigned to a boat already so that you cannot choose. When you embark a ship at other harbors, you may theoretically wait and opt for certain models. Apart from Salet , however, boats will likely already be quite crowded.

Especially on my noon trip Southbound, the boat felt comparably packed, even though masks are compulsory during Covid-19 times. The boats do not feature sanitary facilities – they are, however, available at all stops but  Kessel.  There was no registration of passengers at my visit.

konigssee cruise

Königsee Boat Cruise – The Trip

Right after leaving Schönau, I of course looked to the right and watched the bobsleigh track, looking forward to the bob experience. The lake gets significantly more narrow thereafter, passing a small island. The boat crew consisted of two people, one steering the boat and the other one explaining the sights and telling stories. This is done in German only – and to be fair, the “guide” we had on our trip spoke a quite heavy local / Bavarian accent – so even if you do speak German somehow well, you might run into trouble. The quality of the stories was good, even though you could feel a certain routine – or boredom – in them.

The boat stopped at a certain point on the lake, where there is a very impressive echo and the sound of a trumped can be heard up to seven times.

konigssee cruise

The key mountain of the area, the Watzmann, becomes visible and the boat is also heading towards St. Bartholomä, which is not just the starting point for Watzmann hikes, but also a beautiful spot by itself.

konigssee cruise

The trip to Salet was comparably short afterwards. The route stayed very picturesque cruising on the lake between the mountains. There are a lot of hikes from that point as well – in addition, there is a biergarden close to the harbor.

konigssee cruise

Same route – No Commentary: The Way Back

Due to timing, I could not really profit from unboarding the ship. I just had a short break and took the next boat back to Schönau. The key difference of the return trip is that there is no commentary. I really enjoyed the lovely summer day and the views from the boat.

konigssee cruise

Königsee Boat Cruise – Services

The key services are at the harbor stations / villages. The boats do neither feature internet connection nor sanitary equipment. Only  Seelände features public WiFi.  Kessel  is not serviced at all. In case you need a boat trip, you have to turn a large sign to the desired direction of travel.

Königsee Boat Cruise – My View

The scenery at Königssee is just lovely. Under normal circumstances, there is no doubt that you should go for this boat trip. However, under Covid-19 times, you just have to mention that the social distancing measures are very limited. You are exposed to your very close neighbors for 55 minutes plus boarding if you go for the full trip and there is average ventilation. On other boat trips I took during this period, there was so much more distance between the seats that the Königssee performance is somehow confusing.

Kölnigssee Cruise map taken from Bayerische Seenschiffahrt Website.

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2 thoughts on “ A Boat Trip on the Königssee ”

' data-src=

What an epic looking boat tour! I really enjoyed reading this. How big is the lake? Did you happen to see any other vessels out on the water other than the tour boats? I can only imagine that spending a week or two on the lake there would make for some pretty great memories – all you’d need is a boat! Ill have to put this one on my bucket list boat destinations for sure!

' data-src=

Hi, the lake is not overwhelmingly large, some 7 kms long, 1.2 kms wide. They do have boats for hire. But as far as I remember, they have have rowing and pedal boats. I even feel that gasoline-driven boats are forbidden as it is a natural reserve something.

If you like being on lakes, there are a couple of more Bavarian lakes in the area, e.g. the Schliersee, Tegernsee and – close to Munich – the Starnberger See. Could be well worth a trip! Of course, currently, travel is very restricted…

Thx, Florian

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Königssee cruise, Malerwinkel and Jennerbahn

Only a few minutes away: your holiday home in berchtesgaden, staying near the königssee.

Your holiday home in the Ferienparadies Alpenglühn is only nine kilometres away from the hiking and nature paradise Königssee. Cover this distance by car within eleven minutes. Take the B 305 to the roundabout at Berchtesgaden station, then take the B 20 to Schönau and go to the parking facilities at the Königssee ship landing stage. Alternatively, you can take a 20-minute bike trip.

The holiday region around the Königssee is crossed by numerous marked hiking and bike trails. Walkers, hikers and mountaineers find a great selection of tours. The hiking trail “An der Königssee Ache” was even voted the most beautiful hiking trail in the category “land & nature” by the Deutscher Volkssportverband in 2016! Due to its easy route, this idyllic hiking trail is particularly suited for families. Host Peter Juhre has many more suggestions around the Königssee for you!

Bike pause at the Königssee

Cycling at the Königssee

Schifffahrt am Königssee

Königssee cruise

Ship cruise on the königssee.

Start your two-hour cruise on the Königssee at the Seelände in Schönau according to the current schedule, at least every half hour in summer and even more frequently if necessary. Glide into an alpine fairy-tale world on a ship and enjoy the views of the Watzmann, the surrounding high mountains, waterfalls and romantic corners. The captain elicits an echo with the flugelhorn reliably sounding back once or twice from the steep mountain hills.

During the warm season you can embark on hikes from the landing stages, such as from St. Bartholomä to the ice chapel, which is located inside the year-round snowfield on the foot of the Watzmann Ostwand, one of Bavaria’s most beautiful geotopes. Plan around two hours for the hike. If you have some time left after returning to the pilgrimage church, why not enjoy a snack in the inn with the lake view!

Here you find all prices for your ship cruise on the Königssee.

Malerwinkel and Jennerbahn

A particularly romantic walk leads you from the ship’s landing stage in Schönau to the Malerwinkel. You shouldn’t miss out on the view of the Watzmann and the distinctive pilgrimage church St. Bartholomä. The name of this place stems from the painters (German “Maler”) that eternalised the beauty of the mountains in their paintings during the Romanticism period in the 19 th century. Peter’s tip: the Malerwinkel is the perfect place for a declaration of love or a marriage proposal!

The Jennerbahn, the gondola cable car at the Königssee, quickly leads onto the mountain inviting hikers in summer and skiers in winter. Numerous hiking trails start at the middle and at the mountain station. Don’t miss out on the short path from the mountain station to the Jenner summit on 1,874 m. The view of the steep Watzmann Ostwand, the Königssee and the summit panorama are simply breath-taking! Six cable cars and lifts ensure skiing fun on eight kilometres of slopes in winter.

Here you find all prices for your trip with the Jennerbahn.

Hiking at Ferienparadies Alpenglühn

Hiking fun in Bavaria

St. Bartholomä | Berchtesgadener Land Tourismus GmbH (BGLT)

St. Bartholomä

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Exursion to the alpine pastures

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Lake Königssee Travel Guide – The Perfect Visit

In my Lake Königssee Travel Guide you will receive information and tips about the highlights and all the best places to visit during your stay to enjoy this beautiful place at its best.

One of the best things to do when you are visiting Bavaria is taking a day trip to Lake Königssee in Berchtesgaden National Park. Lake Königssee is considered one of the cleanest lakes in Germany. Amid Steep Mountain Slopes, the lake resembles a fjord and enchants with its emerald green color.

konigssee cruise

How to get to Lake Königssee

Lake Königssee is a mountain lake in the municipality of Schönau am Königssee in the district of Berchtesgadener Land in the Southeast of Germany in the state of Bavaria. This makes it the ultimate destination for a day trip from Munich . 

By Car: There is a large car park located 10 minutes walking from the pier. A day ticket costs 5€.

By Bus: From Berchtesgaden you can easily reach Lake Königsee by bus #839, #841 or #843. 

By Airplane: The closest international airports are Salzburg airport in Austria (SZG, 25km) and Munich airport (MUC, 185km) in Germany. Both of these have international flight connections. From there you can get a car rental and drive to Lake  Königsee by car.  

konigssee cruise

Tips To Know Beore visiting Lake Köngissee 

I highly recommend visiting Lake Königssee early in the morning and take the first boat. In the morning the jetty is still pretty empty and pleasantly quiet with not many tourists around. Take the boat to Salet first and hike to the upper lake. This way you will not have hikers in front of you and only the people from your boat as company, which will dispersed quite quickly.

Tickets and Prices  - the boat trip from Königsee to Salet and back costs 20,50€ for adults, children up to 5 years are free, and children from 6 to 17 years get a 50% reduction.

Online Tickets Königssee:  Prices  |  Timetable

There is a ticket boot located in front of the boat docks to buy your tickets. It opens 30 minutes before the first boat leaves. Make sure to always carry enough cash with you as payment by card is not always preferred or possible!

Best time to visit  - There is a year round boat service but there is no service to Lake Obersee during the winter months. 

October – May: The first boat to St. Bartholomä departs at 9:00 am, and the last boat returns at 6:05 pm.

June - September: The first boat goes at 8:00 am, and the boat returns at 7:05 pm.

Lake Königssee during Corona - during the entire boat tour, the mouth and nose must be covered and the seats and thus the possible number of passengers are significantly reduced.

konigssee cruise

Lake Königssee Travel Guide - Best Things to do at Lake Königssee

Go on a boat tour on lake königssee.

Within ten minutes, the boat sails from the sea shore to the so-called echo wall . If you're lucky, the captain will blow a melody with the flugelhorn at the Echowand and the echo will be reflected back once or twice, depending on the weather. Within another half hour, you reach the peninsula of St. Bartholomä . From Bartholomä, it's another 20 minutes by boat to the Salet stop and the end of the boat route. From here you can hike on to the beautiful Obersee.

Boat Tour Lake Königssee

Visit the Pilgrimage Church of St. Barholomä

The pilgrimage church of St. Barholomä is probably the most photographed object at Lake Königssee at the foot of the Watzmann mountain. It is most beautiful to look at from the water, that's why - in my opinion- it is not necessarily worth getting off the boat.  

If you wish to reach the Eiskapelle you have to get off at Saint Bartholomä. The trail to the Eiskapelle takes about 1,5 hour and is 3 km one way. I do not recommend to go into the Eiskapelle as it is pretty dangerous, but if you decide to hike there, make sure to wear proper hiking shoes and call the Tourist Information of Schönau am Königssee beforehand to ask whether the trail is accessible.

St. Barholomä Water Lake Mountains blue sky

Hike to Fischunkelalm at Lake Obersee

Lake Obersee is one of the highlights at Lake Königssee that you should not miss. You can reach the enchanting Lake Obersee after a 15-minute walk from the Salet landing stage.

It would be a pity if you only hiked to the northern shore, because the hike to the Fischunkenalm is very beautiful. To do this, continue along the path on the western shore of the Obersee to the far end of the Lake Obersee. Some sections of the trail lead over stairs and often slippery stones, which is why I highly recommend to wear hiking boots.

The hike from Lake Obersee to the Fischunkenalm takes about 45 minutes one way. As there is no fishing or boating on the Obersee and the location is very sheltered by the surrounding mountains, the lake offers fantastic reflections on the surface of the water.

From the Fischunkenalm, you can hike on to the Röthbach Falls within 30 minutes. With a drop of 470 metres, it is the highest waterfall in Germany. I decided to not walk there, because I already had a good view of the waterfall from the Fischunkelalm. 

Mountains Lake Blue sky


The round trip to the Malerwinkel offers a fantastic view of Lake Königssee. From the jetty, a path leads on the left past the dark brown boat huts into the Berchtesgaden National Park. The path goes slightly uphill, past Café Malerwinkel to the Malerwinkel viewpoint, which you reach after about 15 minutes. There are several benches up here that invite you to linger. From here you can even see as far as the pilgrimage church of St. Bartholomä. 

konigssee cruise

Hike to the Rabenwand viewpoint

From Malerwinkel viewpoint you have to hike up a little more. The circular trail continues through the forest until you reach another vantage point when you turn at a junction to Rabenwand . Some parts of this hike are more rocky and can be slippery so I would recommend to wear proper shoes!

Afterwards, you finally hike to the valley station of the Jennerbahn cable car and back to the car park. The circular trail from the jetty to Malerwinkel, Rabenwand and back to the car park is just under four kilometres long and takes about an hour.


take the jennerbahn to the jenner summit

After the hike to the Malerwinkel and Rabenwand viewpoints, it is a good idea to take the Jennerbahn up to the 1,800 meter high mountain station of the Jenner. The new mountain railway takes you up in comfortable ten-seater cabins in about ten minutes. On the way up you have a wonderful view of the valley. At the top station there is a spacious viewing platform from which you have a beautiful view of the mountain world. However, you should not miss the opportunity to hike up to the Jenner summit. From up here, Lake Königssee is truly at your feet and the entire beauty of the lake is revealed to you. 

Jennerbahn Timetable & Infos  :  Prices  |  Timetable

Where to stay During Your Visit To Lake Königssee in Berchtesgaden

I had the pleasure of staying at the  Pension Greti   in Schönau at Lake Königssee and would go back in a heartbeat! It is located 2.1 km from Lake Königssee and 6 km from Berchtesgaden National Park. I have received a very warm welcome and you can look forward to accommodations with a garden or balcony with a beautiful view and free Wi-Fi in all areas, as well as free private parking.

konigssee cruise

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to write them in the comment section below. ⇣


konigssee cruise

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' src=

Hi Nina! I enjoyed reading your blog on Lake Konigsee & Obersee in Germany. I’m curious about how difficult the path is from the boat landing at Salet to the Fischunkenalm? How much elevation gain is it? Do you think it would be ok for a beginner hiker? We would hike to the point where the Rothbach Falls can be viewed. Thank you for any advice!

' src=

Hi Jean, thank you for your comment! The hike from Salet to Fischunkelalm is definitely suitable for beginners and has an elevation gain of 78m. The waterfall can be seen from a distance from the Alm. From there the hike to the waterfall takes around 30 minutes and has an elevation gain of 200m. I hope that helps!

' src=

these photos are amazing!!!

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Lake Königssee

A natural kingdom.

A boat ride along the sheer rock faces of Lake Königssee, the jewel among Berchtesgaden lakes, makes for a special experience - rent a paddleboat and enjoy the National Park's nature in peace and quiet, away from the commercial boat traffic.

St. Bartholomew at lake Königssee

Lake Königssee with its emerald green color and nestled at the foot of the imposing eastern wall of Mount Watzmann in the heart of the Berchtesgaden National Park is one of nature's true masterpieces. The greatest luxury in these fast-paced times is silence. As soon as you board one of the attractive electric passenger boats all the noise, hustle and bustle is left behind. During the crossing to St. Bartholomew the boatman plays his trumpet to lure out the world-famous Königssee echo from the steep rock face. In St. Bartholomew the lovely pilgrimage church is world-renowned for its wine-red onion domes.

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Malerwinkl, the so-called painter's corner, is the only point easily reached on foot on the lake's banks. The steep mountains surrounding the lake forbid the development of any trails or roads around lake Königssee making it unique among Central Europe's larger lakes.

konigssee cruise

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Visiting Königssee

Home » Europe » Germany » Visiting Königssee

Reflections at Lake Konigsee

By Vicky · Published Jan. 10th, 2024 · Updated Jan. 12th, 2024

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Visiting Königssee is one of the top things to do in Germany. It’s a gorgeous lake surrounded by the towering Bavarian Alps with plenty of short hikes and other things to do. You should allow at least one day to explore the lake, relax and go on a couple of walks.

Page Contents:

How to Reach Königssee

Königssee from munich.

To get to Lake Königssee from Munich you can either drive or take the train and bus. Alternatively, you can go on a guided tour from Munich * in a comfy van. Taking the train is more relaxing and doesn’t take much longer than driving. The train and bus are included in the German monthly €49 ticket and you miss the hassle of parking.

Königssee from Munich via Car

If you’re driving, it’s takes roughly 2hr30 . There’s a large car park by the lake , just next to where the boat leaves. It’s €7 for 3 hours, or €8 for a day ticket. Payment is via coins or with the Parkster App. A few of the payment machines accept cards but these are sometimes out of order.

Königssee from Munich via Train and Bus

It’s 3 hours on a train and bus from Munich to Königssee, all included in the €49 ticket. On the train, you have to change once at Freilassing, and the next train brings you to Berchtesgaden. From here, it’s an easy 10-minute bus ride on Bus 843 to Königssee. The bus stop you want to get off at is called Königssee, Schönau a. Königssee, and it’s where almost everyone gets off.

Königssee from Salzburg

Blue waters, sky and mountains on a visit to Königssee Lake

Salzburg is fairly close to Königssee and it’s easy to reach on public transport with a direct bus. Alternatively, you can go on a tour from Salzburg to Königssee * and be driven via beautiful mountainous scenery.

Königssee from Salzburg via Car

It’s about 40 minutes drive from Salzburg to Lake Königssee. If you’ve rented a car, check that you’re allowed to take it over the border from Austria to Germany. See above for parking details.

Königssee from Salzburg via Bus

It’s just over 1 hour on a direct bus from Salzburg main station to the bus stop at Königssee Lake. The bus to take is Bus 840 and it leaves every hour.

Visiting Königssee Map

Things to do when visiting lake königssee, 1. take a boat tour on lake königssee.

View from a boat tour of Lake Königssee, Bavaria, Germany

If you’re visiting Königssee, taking the boat tour is a must. On the boat trip, you’ll cruise across the beautiful turquoise waters of Konigssee to St. Batholema and perhaps Salet at the end of the lake.

Boat Tour Stops

There are two main and one irregular stop (Kessel) on the boat tour. The main stops are St. Bartholomew’s Church and Salet. It takes 35 minutes to St. Bartholomew’s and another 20 minutes from there to Salet. It’s definitely worth leaving the boat at both these stops to explore. You can go on great short hikes from both stops, for example to the Eiskapelle or to Lake Obersee. See below for more information.

Boat Tour Times

The first boat is at roughly 8am June-Sept, and at roughly 9am Oct-May. Check out the full timetable here . If it’s very busy, for example on summer weekends, boats leave more regularly when they are full. NOTE: the boat only goes as far as St. Bartholomew’s Church in winter, and does not continue to Salet, the stop at the far end.

Boat houses on lake Königssee on a visit from Munich

Boat Tour Prices

It’s €22.50 for a roundtrip and half-price if you’re just going one-way. Children under 5 are free and those 6-17 get a 50% discount. Check out the official price list here , where you can also buy advanced tickets online. In summer it’s best to book these tickets in advance, else you might have to wait in a queue for a long time.

Boat Tour Tips

The ticket booth is just by the boats and opens roughly 30 minutes before the first boat ride of the day. Taking the first boat is a great idea as it can get very crowded later in the day. If you’re early it will be much more peaceful walking around the lakeshore and at the lake viewpoints.

2. Visit St. Bartholomew’s Church

Visiting St. Bartholomew’s Church on Königssee

This unique onion-domed church, called Kirche St. Bartholomä in German, is an icon of Königssee. It’s a stop on the boat tour and it’s definitely worth getting out and wandering around. There’s also a Biergarten here, Gäststätte Sankt Bartholomä, which serves traditional Bavarian food.

3. Hike to the Ice Chapel from St. Bartholomew’s

Walking up to the ice chapel while visiting lake Königssee, Bavaria, Germany

The Ice Chapel, or Eiskapelle, isn’t really a chapel, but a cave-like hole at the bottom of a glacier, the lowest ice field in the German Alps. You can go inside the Ice Chapel, and it’s a really unique experience to be surrounded by a large tunnel of ice. The first part of the hike is easy and well-signed, just follow the signs pointing to ‘Eiskapelle’. After about 45 minutes of walking, the official trail ends and the signs stop. You can see the ice chapel in the distance from here.

If you want to reach the ice-chapel itself, the final section involves scrambling over rocks and the trail isn’t marked. In winter, and after snowfall, it’s not possible to see the ice chapel as it’s covered in snow. Don’t attempt to walk over the snow or ice here since it can conceal dangerous cracks in the glacier. This section is only recommended for experienced hikers wearing sturdy footwear. The hike takes about 1 hour each way.

4. Go Swimming in the Lake

View of a beach at Lake Königssee

Königssee is perhaps the cleanest lake in Germany since only electric and man-powered boats cross the water. You’re allowed to swim anywhere away from the boats, but it’s always very cold, even in mid-summer. You can also swim in Obersee, which is equally cold. Two good places are at the beach near St. Batholomew’s Church, and at the far end of Lake Obersee.

4. Walk up to Lake Obersee & the Waterfall

Lake Königssee and Lake Obersee in the distance

From Salet, the stop at the far end, you can walk to Obersee, a smaller but equally scenic lake nearby. When you arrive on the boat, take the only footpath leading away from the lake. You’ll soon come to the shores of Lake Obersee. From here it’s roughly 30 minutes around the lake to walk to Fishunkelalm, a picturesque mountain hut that serves food and drink.

From this hut, you can hike further into the mountains to see Röthbach Waterfall, the highest waterfall in Germany. The main trail stops some distance from the base of the waterfall, so you just have a viewpoint from afar. It’s very impressive to see the water streaming over the large cliff. If you want to, you can walk a little nearer but the trail is less defined and it soon becomes rocky. It takes about 45 minutes each way from Fischunkelalm.

5. Hike up to Rabenwand Viewpoint

If you’re visiting Lake Königssee, it’s definitely worth walking up to Rabenwand Viewpoint. It’s a fairly easy, 2 km hike from the ticket booth by the boats to the fantastic viewpoint. When facing the boats, head left behind the boathouses and keep left at the fork onto the smaller track. The path then winds its way up the hillside to the Rabenwand Viewpoint. On the way is another viewpoint called Malerwinkel, so make sure to take a break here. It takes about 45 minutes up and 30 minutes down to reach the top viewpoint.

6. Take the Jennerbahn to the Summit of Mt Jenner

Key Information: It’s €42/32/22 per adult/youth/child for the return trip to the top, or €32/27/18 for a one-way trip. In summer the cable car opens from 08:30 until 5pm. Check the official website for more information.

The Jennerbahn viewpoint is another classic viewpoint of Lake Königssee. It’s a 10-minute easy stroll gently uphill from the top cable car station of Jennerbahn. The Jennerbahn cable car starts just 200 metres from the car park or bus stop by Lake Königssee so it’s very easy to visit both. At the top station there’s also a mountain hut serving food and drink.

If you’re feeling energetic, you can also walk back down from the top station back to the car park at the bottom. This is a fairly easy but long descent on good tracks and trails. It’s 8 km with no uphill but roughly 1100 metres of downhill.

7. Go on a Longer Hike

A mountain hut in the Steinernes Meer in Berchtesgaden National Park

There are plenty of long hikes you can do from Lake Königssee. One example is the fantastic three-day hike across the Steinernes Meer (Stony Sea), a large rocky plateau in the middle of the Alps. There are several mountain huts in the region, but make sure to book in advance, especially on summer weekends.

8. Visit the Eagle’s Nest

The Eagle's Nest on a sunny day

A very popular trip near Königssee is to visit the Eagle’s Nest. It’s 15 minutes drive or 40 minutes on two buses to travel between the two. The Eagle’s Nest is a mountain retreat used by Hitler, where he had several famous meetings with other politicians. Today you take a bus (and elevator) up to the house, now a restaurant. You can wander along the nearby trails and there are great views of the nearby mountains.

Guidebooks to explore more of Germany

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For more walking tours and hikes in Germany, see our Germany hiking page .

FAQS for Visiting Königssee

To explore Königssee you should allow one full day if you want to go on the boat trip, take a few short walks and relax at one of the Biergardens. If you’re not interested in walking at all, then allow half a day.

Königssee is definitely a lake worth visiting for its clear, turquoise waters and idyllic setting in the Bavarian Alps. You can take a lovely boat trip across the water and go on many short strolls by the lakeshore.

You can swim anywhere in Königssee, apart from where the boats leave from. There’s a nice beach not far from St. Batholomew’s Church. You can also swim in Obersee, the lake above, with a great launch point for swimming at the far end.

The lake is 2hr30 from Munich or 40 minutes drive from Salzburg. You can also take public transport. From Munich take the train to Berchtesgaden train station, and then a short bus ride to the lake. From Salzburg there’s a direct bus to the lake from the main station.

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A magical boat ride on the Königssee Lake, Bavaria

April 10, 2022 · In: Europe , Germany , Nature wonders , Travel

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Bavaria , the south-east of Germany, is a region full of beauty and natural wonders. Königssee Lake ( King’s Lake ) part of Berchtesgaden National Park is one of those natural wonders. With its emerald color, surrounded by impressive mountains, the Königssee Lake is one of the nature’s jewel in the area. The lake is framed by impressive mountain peaks among which The Watzmann, one of the highest mountain in Germany.

There is so much to discover and explore in Berchtesgaden National Park . Beside Königssee Lake there are Eagles Nest, Berchtesgaden Town, Watzmann Mountain, Ramsau, Hintersee Lake, Obersee Lake to name only a few. The nature there is incredible and the views are spectacular in every direction you will look. That’s why it is worth to spend several days in the region to explore all its beauty.

konigssee cruise

Currently I live in Salzburg, and since Berchtesgaden National Park is located within a walking distance to the Austrian border, the attractions in the area can be easily visit as a day-trip too. A bus ride to Schönau am Königssee takes less than an hour.

The boat ride to Königssee Lake starts at Schönau am Königssee and it leads to St. Bartholomew Church. Once arrived at St. Bartholomew, one of the main attraction of the region, it is possible to continue the boat ride to Lake Obersee. The boat ride to Lake Obersee operates from the 1st of April, so it wasn’t possible to visit it when we traveled there in March.

konigssee cruise

Getting to Königssee Lake

Besides by car, Königssee Lak e as many other attractions of Berchtesgaden National Park, can be easily visited by public transport.

Getting to Königssee Lake by public transport from Salzburg was pretty easy and convenient. The bus ride (two buses 840 and 841) takes around 1 hour and it costs around 11 euro for a day ticket.

If you opt for the bus, take the bus 840 from Salzburg to Berchtesgaden, Germany which is the last stop. The bus ride takes around 40 minutes. From Berchtesgaden, take the bus 841 to Schönau am Königssee where starts the magical boat ride to Königssee Lake.

The boat ride to Königssee Lake operates all year-round, beginning 8 a.m. during the high season or 9 a.m in the winter. The exact timetable can be found on the official website, here .

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The nature in Berchtesgaden National Park is a bliss and a boat trip to the emerald water of Königssee Lake is so picturesque and unforgettable.

The boat beautifully decorated with wood and the traditional Bavarian costumes of the members of the crew transform the ride into a idyllic experience. During the trip, the boat stops and the boatman start playing the trumpet which attracts the echo from the echo wall of the mountains. In the quietness of the mountains, the sound of the trumpet and its echo is pretty magical.

Once arrived in Sankt Bartholomä there are several hiking highlights among which Eiskapelle is the most popular.

After exploring the surroundings a traditional Bavarian Apple strudel served at the restaurant located at the shore of the lake (actually the only one in Sankt Bartholomä) was truly rewarding.

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  • The Salt Mine
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konigssee cruise

The stories behind Lake Königssee

Read on to understand to understand how tourism on lake königssee has evolved over the years and why there’s a volkswagen beetle at the bottom of the lake….

  • 1. Boats on lake Königssee: A long tradition started by early visionaries 

2. Tourism at lake Obersee and the Saletalm

3. a brief history of the chapel of st bartholomew, 4. the berchtesgaden-königssee railway, 5. the sunken volkswagen beetle, 6. unexpected guests cross lake königssee: almabtrieb, 7. the waters of lake königssee remain drinkable, despite millions of tourist visits, 8. the schönau am königssee bobsleigh run: a world first at lake königssee, 1. boats on lake königssee: a long tradition started by early visionaries.

Gliding away from the boat piers, you are starting a journey across one of Germany’s deepest, purest and most picturesque lakes. Whilst you today travel courtesy of battery-powered electric boats, boating on the lake goes back centuries and started with sheer manpower alone.

konigssee cruise

At the end of the 1800s, around 200 oarsmen worked for the lake Königssee boating company. They catered for the thousands of visitors who came to make the same journey as you do today, with a total of 57 rowing boats carrying almost 80,000 visitors a year.

This changed in 1909 when electric boats, and an electric railway from Berchtesgaden to Königssee, were introduced by royal decree. 

The new electric boats appeared in July 1909. The first to set sail was the Accumulator, making its maiden voyage on the 15th of July with 38 passengers, silently gliding across lake Königssee to the St Bartholomew peninsula. These new boats were built by German firm Siemens-Schuckert and were only around half the size of the one you ride in today.

Since 1909 the boats of lake Königssee have safely carried over 45 million passengers to the St Bartholomew peninsula and beyond. 

The Bavarian Lake Shipping Company has operated the current group of 17 identical boats since 1997. In contrast to those original manned boats, these now transport around 600,000 passengers across the lake each year.

Believe it or not, tourism at lake Obersee began with a wedding gift from the then 91-year-old Bavarian Prince Regent to a couple from Berchtesgaden.

In 1912, a young couple from Berchtesgaden were to marry and their wish was to start a tourist kiosk on the Saletalm meadows. The only hurdle was the need to gain permission from the then 91-year-old prince regent Luitpold of Bavaria. 

The prince granted the couple permission on their wedding day and allowed them to build a small timber kiosk. They then began their married life together on the Saletalm. 

konigssee cruise

With the construction of the kiosk and boatloads of tourists on a daily basis in the summer, it wasn’t long before a guesthouse was added in 1936. Between 1952 and 1958 the kiosk became a fully-blown tourist destination, with electric lighting, beer cellar, telephone and staff accommodation. The large building you see before you today (Alpengaststätte Saletalm) was built in place of the original kiosk in 1966. 

But if you stop here, you’re missing the best part of the Saletalm. Walking past the Alpengaststätte Saletalm and following the gravel path for around 10 minutes brings you to what is you perhaps one of the most photographed views in all of Bavaria: the magnificent mirror-like view over lake Obersee. 

Legend has it that it was a rockfall in 1172 that actually separated this lake from lake Königssee. Although the small distance between the two lakes supports this story, experts agree that the two lakes have most likely always been separated. At a maximum depth of 51 meters, lake Obersee is by no means as deep as lake Königssee, which is over 190m deep at some points.

Standing next to the fisherman’s hut you’ll also see the Röthbach waterfall in the far distance. This is in fact Germany’s highest waterfall, with a drop of over 490m.

With domes that wouldn’t look out of place in St. Petersburg, the Chapel of St Bartholomew is one of the most remote – and most photographed – chapels in Germany. 

There has been a chapel on lake Königssee since 1134, built by the Berchtesgaden Prince-provosts. These were the leaders of the Monastery in Berchtesgaden, and from 1134 until 1803 they used the entire St Bartholomew peninsula as their own private residence. 

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The Prince-Provosts built and dedicated the chapel to St. Bartholomäus, the patron saint of alpine farmers and milk maids. According to accounts of the time it was a modest building, with a spire instead of the domes we see today. 

During their long reign, the Provosts improved the chapel and surrounding buildings as the wealth of the monastery in Berchtesgaden grew. Almost everything you now see in front of you is the result of work that took place in 1697. 

Strangely, though, what you see today looks more like St Basil’s cathedral in Moscow than what you would imagine an alpine chapel to look like. This is due to the preferred style of the architects and craftsmen the Prince-provosts chose for the work in 1697.

As you make your way along the lakeside path, you will notice the huge extension of the chapel. Believe it or not, this extension was actually a hunting lodge also built by the Prince-provosts.

From 1910 onwards, thanks to the Napoleonic Wars, the Bavarian Royal Family took control the St Bartholomew peninsula, replacing the Prince-provosts. 

The hunting lodge was upgraded to the status of a royal hunting lodge and you can still see their regal hunting trophies inside. Entering through door opposite to the beer garden, you’ll see that the hallway and ground floor are still decorated with skulls and antlers from this period.

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The keenest hunter of them all was Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria, who reigned from 1886 to 1912. His hunting trips were often disrupted by the noise of the petrol-powered boats of the time as they passed the peninsula. To keep the noise down, Luitpold made sure that by 1909 most of the boats on lake Königssee were electric. Finally, he could hunt in peace.  

Luitpold’s passion for hunting is in fact the main reason that your boat to St Bartholomew today is also electrically powered! What he would make of the other 600,000 visitors to the peninsula each year, however, is anyone’s guess.

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Over a hundred years ago, a railway line from Berchtesgaden to lake Königssee once brought tourists – and electrical power – to the lake. Today the railway is gone, but its path remains for those who wish to walk it. 

Not far from the car park at lake Königssee is an art deco building with columns and a clock tower, which reveal it was once in fact a railway station. 

From 1909 to 1965 tourists could enjoy the mountain breeze as they sped along the railway line between Berchtesgaden and lake Königssee. The line itself was only 4.3 kilometres long (2.7 miles) but was key in getting tourists to visit the lake in a time before cars for the masses. 

Construction of the railway link between Berchtesgaden and the lake was approved in August 1908 by the Bavarian State Government, since they knew that the new electric tourist boats would soon be running. Thanks to the relatively short distance, the line was formally opened just eight months later, on the 29 May 1909. 

From the beginning the line was electrified, using an overhead line which also served the local railway to Salzburg. Something very few people know is that this power line was also used to re-charge the electric boats at lake Königssee overnight. It was no coincidence that the railway line and electrically powered boats were introduced at the same time. 

The family car meant the end of the boom-years for the trainline and so the state stopped investing in the line from the late 1950s. 

With passenger numbers still falling, the service ran until the beginning of winter in 1965, when on the 2nd of October the very final train ran. 

That it was the last trip was not publicised, and it was only in the spring of 1966 that the operators finally announced the full switch to busses from trains. 

The tracks were removed in the spring of 1971; however, you can now enjoy a small part of the former railway line by walking or cycling the path between Berchtesgaden and Königssee.

Lying at the bottom of lake Königssee is a mystery. A mystery that began in 1968 and was only solved nearly 30 years later…

Picture the scene: It’s the evening of the 28th January 1968. JH from Salzburg has braved the icy weather to visit his partner who is working on the St Bartholomew peninsula. He sets off from Salzburg in his Volkswagen Beetle. 

Low temperatures at this time of year mean that the lake has almost entirely frozen over, with ice as thick as 40cm (16in) in some places. Residents are usually allowed to walk and drive over the lake in these conditions, however, tonight, driving on the lake is forbidden as the ice has already started to melt. 

Despite the ban, JH finds an alternative route onto the lake and makes the most of the clear ice ahead of him, driving through the crisp night to the St Bartholomew peninsula…

But On the morning of the 29th January, local Berchtesgaden residents pick up their morning papers to headlines of tragedy on lake Königssee. 

On his return journey from St Bartholomew, JH had disappeared. 

A search by police discovered his tyre tracks, following them to a break in the ice. There were no signs of skid marks or swerving, instead, it seemed that JH had accidentally driven off the ice and into the freezing waters of the lake.

Neither JH nor his Volkswagen Beetle were found. It was only thanks to a scientific study of the lake floor in 1997 that they were eventually discovered, lying on the lake bed close to the Falkenwand.

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 JH’s family decided to let the vehicle and driver rest in peace at the bottom of the lake. With the purity and low oxygen content of its waters, this unusual memorial will most likely remain there for many decades to come.

Every year the herds of cows who call the Saletalm their summer home make their way back to the mainland by boat. Called Almabtrieb in German, this process is steeped in history…

Whether watching you from the cool shade of the pine trees or standing in the middle of the path you wanted to take, the cows that live on the meadows around lake Obersee certainly act like they’re the masters of this remote alpine paradise.

Masters perhaps, but they are only seasonal guests. The 30-40 cows who live on the Salet meadows (Saletalm in German) are in fact only summer tourists. Come October an extraordinary process takes place where they are transferred back to the “mainland” of Schönau am Königssee, known in German as Almabtrieb.

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The tradition of Almabtrieb takes place in Austria, Switzerland and Germany, but the cows of lake Königssee are a very special case indeed. The only way to reach their summer meadows is by boat – just like your journey today. 

Come the first week of October, the alpine farmers meet at the Saletalm and watch over their cows as they are herded through the early autumn mist down to the shore of lake Königssee. They look on with mixed emotions as their companions of the last few months depart for another year. 

Once at the shore the cows are loaded into flat-bottomed rafts known as Landau, making use of a loading ramp designed especially for four-legged sailors. Each Landau can carry around 30 cows, along with a crew including farmers and musicians in traditional local costume.

Once loaded it takes the Landau an hour to cross lake Königssee, cruising past the St Bartholomew chapel before finally reaching dry land at Schönau am Königssee. 

When the Landau reach the mainland, the cows are dressed with beautiful hand-made Fuikl. These colourful hand-made headdresses represent around 60 man-hours of work each. They are typically made from pine branches intertwined with ribbons and decorative knots.

The cows wear the Fuikl mostly on their heads; mature cows receive full height Fuikl, whilst younger cows typically wear smaller pieces. Once appropriately dressed, they process majestically back to their mainland farms. 

So, if you find yourself cruising on lake Königssee in early October and think you’ve had one schnapps too many, think again – you may well indeed have seen a boat load of cows passing in the other direction. 

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Ice ages. Not the kind of thing you’d give much thought to on a hot summer’s day, but without them we wouldn’t have the jaw-dropping scenery that surrounds us right now. 

Let’s rewind approximately 10,000 years: the most recent ice age is ending and much of the area today known as the Alps is in fact covered with gigantic bodies of dense frozen seawater – glaciers.

As these glaciers moved and melted, they cut deep rifts in the soft limestone rock underneath them, leaving great cuts and tears in the landscape. 

These carvings are still with us today and are in fact one of the most obvious reminders of the last ice age. The U-shaped Königssee valley (presently underwater!) is one such carving, with a maximum depth of around 200 meters at its centre.

As the glacier that formed this valley cut through the limestone it also produced a huge amount of limestone dust, giving rise to a layer of fine rock and shingle which now forms the lake bed. 

It’s these tiny particles of limestone present in the waters that give the lake its characteristic green colour. The water is also crystal clear thanks to its extremely low nutrient content. A few specialised types of trout and whitefish call the lake home, but very few species can survive in these waters. 

An expedition in 1997 led by Marine Biologist Professor Hans Fricke discovered a number of previously unseen and unidentifiable species lurking at the bottom of the lake.

But did you know that the waters of lake Königssee are actually clean enough to drink? We’re not exaggerating. The lake holds a drinking water quality certification and the local authorities are determined to keep it that way. 

An excellent example of their determination was the renewal of the lake’s sewage pipes in the 1980s. Rather than allowing organic waste from the St Bartholomew peninsula and Saletalm to be discharged into the lake, the authorities built a 7 kilometre (4.3 mile) long sewage pipe back to the mainland to ensure that no sewage made its way into lake Königssee.

So, thanks to the almost exclusive use of electric boats on the lake since 1909 and continued efforts to minimise the human impact on the lake, we can enjoy this glacial lake as nature intended – right down to re-filling our water bottles.

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Tucked away in the western corner of Schönau am Königssee is a world first which helped to almost bring the Winter Olympics to Berchtesgaden in 2018… 

Completed in 1968, Schönau am Königssee is home to the world’s very first artificially refrigerated bobsled, luge and skeleton track. 

Today branded as the Deutsche Post Eisarena Königssee, the original track from 1968 has been refurbished several times over the years. Athletes tackling the world-class course you see today have to master 18 curves over 1640 meters (5380 feet), including a 320° loop known as the Turbodrom – all at speeds of up to 125kph (77mph). 

The track is remains one of the world’s most challenging and regularly hosts both European and World Championships.

In 2007 it was announced that Munich would be putting forward a bid to host the 2018 Winter Olympic games, alongside strong rival bids from Pyeongchang in South Korea and Annecy in France. 

As part of the bid the track at Schönau am Königssee was to host the bobsled, luge and skeleton events. Many local residents, however, warned of the negative effects the games would bring, especially the potential impact on the natural environment. 

As you may already know, in July 2011 it was announced that Munich had lost the bid. Pyeongchang was to host the 23rd Winter Olympics, but the track at Schönau am Königssee still hosts European and world championships to this day. 

If you’d like to try it yourself, a Bobsled experience can be booked. Further information and booking details can be found  HERE .

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แบร์ชเทิสกาเดิน ( Berchtesgaden ) คือเมืองเล็กๆทางตอนใต้ของเยอรมนี ตั้งอยู่ติดชายเเดนประเทศออสเตรียในบริเวณพื้นที่เทือกเขา Bavarian Alps มีเเหล่งท่องเที่ยวทางธรรมชาติที่สวยงามเช่นภูเขาและทะเลสาบต่างๆ อยู่หลายแห่ง นอกจากนี้ ยังมีสถานที่น่าสนใจในเชิงประวัติศาสตร์ เช่น Eagle’s Nest หรือรังอินทรี (บ้านพักส่วนตัวบนยอดเขาของ อดอล์ฟ ฮิตเลอร์ ที่เคยถูกใช้เป็นกองบัญชาการเพื่อประชุมหารือและวางแผนของพรรคนาซีในสมัยสงครามโลกครั้งที่สอง) อยู่ในบริเวณนี้ด้วย

วิธีที่สะดวกในการเดินทางไปเที่ยว Berchtesgaden คือตั้งต้นจากเมือง Salzburg ของประเทศออสเตรีย โดยสามารถนั่งรถโดยสารประจำทางหรือการเช่ารถขับเอง ซึ่งจะทำให้สามารถท่องเที่ยวได้ทั่วถึงและรวดเร็วกว่า

เรื่องที่เกี่ยวข้อง:   เที่ยวเมือง Berchtesgaden: Rossfeld Panorama Strasse & Eagle’s Nest

konigssee cruise

Berchtesgaden อยู่ห่างจากเมือง Salzburg ของประเทศออสเตรียเพียงประมาณ 25 กิโลเมตรเท่านั้น เราสามารถขับรถข้ามเเดนไปมาได้อย่างสะดวก (ไม่มีการตรวจเข้า-ออกเมือง) ระหว่างการเดินทาง จะได้พบกับทิวทัศน์อันสวยงามที่มี Mount Watzmann (สูง 2,713 เมตร) เป็นฉากหลัง ว่ากันว่าสวยงามไม่เเพ้สวิสเซอร์เเลนด์..^^

konigssee cruise

Ramsau เป็นหมู่บ้านเล็กๆที่มีประวัติมายาวนาน ตั้งอยู่ภายใต้การโอบล้อมของภูเขาใหญ่น้อยของบาวาเรียอัลไพน์ ได้รับการยกย่องว่าเป็น Bavarian Mountaineering Village แห่งเเรกของเยอรมนี โดย German Alpine Association ในปี ค.ศ.2015 ที่นี่มีกิจกรรมเดินเขา (Hiking) ที่นักท่องเที่ยวสามารถเลือกได้หลายโปรเเกรม

konigssee cruise

มีรถบัสประจำทางสาย 845 และ 846 ผ่านที่นี่

konigssee cruise

ทางหมู่บ้านได้ติดตั้ง Webcam ไว้ สามารถดูภาพได้ตลอด 24 ชั่วโมงด้วย

konigssee cruise

ข้ามสะพานไม้กลับมายังถนน แล้วเดินเลยไปยังโบสถ์  Parish church of St. Sebastian ที่ด้านข้างจะมีสุสานประจำหมู่บ้านเล็กๆอยู่

konigssee cruise

ภายในโบสถ์ตกเเต่งไว้อย่างเรียบง่ายเเต่สวยงาม ให้ความรู้สึกสงบและร่มเย็น

konigssee cruise

ขับรถต่อไปตามถนนอีกประมาณ 5 กม. จะถึงบริเวณที่จอดรถ (ด้านทิศตะวันตก) ของทะเลสาบ Hintersee ที่นี่มีห้องน้ำให้ใช้ได้ฟรี เเต่ยังคงต้องเสียค่าจอดรถเหมือนเดิม^^

konigssee cruise

Hintersee เป็นทะเลสาบเล็กๆ น้ำใส เงียบสงบ มีเส้นทางเดินเที่ยวได้รอบทะเลสาบ มีรถประจำทางสาย 845 และ 846 มาถึง เเต่เที่ยวรถอาจจะน้อยหน่อย ควรเช็คตารางเวลาให้ดีก่อน

ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม:  แผนที่รถบัสประจำทางของ Berchtesgaden

Bus 845 – Ring line (Ramsau – Hochschwarzeck – Taubensee – Hintersee) Bus 846 – Berchtesgaden – Ramsau – Hintersee

konigssee cruise


konigssee cruise

ประมาณ 30 นาทีก็ถึงทะเลสาบ Konigssee ที่นี่มีศูนย์บริการนักท่องเที่ยว ลานจอดรถขนาดใหญ่ที่รองรับรถยนต์ได้นับร้อยคัน (ต้องเสียค่าจอดรถตามธรรมเนียมปรกติของประเทศในเเถบยุโรป)

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นอกจากนี้ ยังมีรถบัสประจำทางสาย 841, 842 วิ่งให้บริการจาก Berchtesgaden ถึงที่นี่ด้วย

konigssee cruise

ที่บริเวณริมทะเลสาบเป็นย่านที่คึกคักที่สุด มีโรงเเรม ร้านค้า ร้านอาหารตั้งอยู่ ตลอดจนเป็นจุดซื้อตั๋วเพื่อลงเรือท่องทะเลสาบด้วย

konigssee cruise


konigssee cruise

เรือท่องทะเลสาบ Konigssee ดำเนินการโดย Bayerische Seenschifffahrt มีโปรเเกรมให้เลือกหลายเเบบ ทั้งระยะสั้นเเละยาว (ขึ้นอยู่กับฤดูด้วย) ราคาอยู่ที่ประมาณ 16-20 ยูโร

konigssee cruise

ที่สถานีกระเช้าด้านบนเขา มีลานชมวิวและภัตตาคารขนาดใหญ่ที่จุคนได้เป็นจำนวนมาก ทั้งเเบบ Indoor และ Outdoor

konigssee cruise

จากอาคารสถานีกระเช้าด้านบน มีทางเดินเทรลเพื่อขึ้นไปยัง จุดชมวิวบนยอดเขา (Jenner Summit Viewpoint) ระยะทางประมาณ 2.4 กิโลเมตร เป็นทางที่มีสภาพดี เดินไม่ยาก (เห็นคนเฒ่าคนเเก่ พ่อเเม่พาลูกเล็กๆไปเดินกันหลายคน) ใช้เวลาเดินเพียงประมาณ 15-20 นาทีก็ถึง ระหว่างทาง จะได้สัมผัสถึงลมเย็นและภาพของทิวทัศน์ได้อย่างรอบด้าน ถือเป็นกิจกรรมที่ไม่ควรพลาดเมื่อขึ้นมาถึงข้างบนนี้เเล้ว

konigssee cruise

ที่จุดชมวิวบนยอดเขา จะสามารถมองเห็นวิวของทะเลสาบ Konigssee ที่อยู่เบื้องล่างและเทือกเขาใหญ่น้อยของอุทยานเเห่งชาติ Berchtesgaden ได้อย่างกว้างไกล

konigssee cruise

เยื้องไปทางด้านหลังของลานชมวิว มี Summit Cross ซึ่งเป็นไม้กางเขนที่มักจะพบเห็นได้ตามจุดสูงสุดของยอดเขาต่างๆ เเต่ต้องลงเเรงปีนขึ้นเนินไปอีกหน่อย^^

konigssee cruise

โอกาสหน้า เราจะกลับมาเยี่ยม Konigssee ใหม่ และจะไม่พลาดในการไปเก็บตกทริปล่องเรือเที่ยวชมทะเลสาบอย่างเเน่นอน..  \O_O/

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The Crowded Planet

Russian River Cruise – Waterways of the Tsars

Updated December 14, 2017

// By Margherita

Back to Russia! Did you follow our Russian river cruise in August and September? We travelled between Moscow and St Petersburg on the Waterways of the Tsars Viking River Cruise – here’s what we got up to!

russian river cruise viking ship

We both share a deep connection with Russia. I was named after the heroine of Master and Margarita , one of the best Russian books of the 20th century. Nick is actually of Russian ancestry – his maternal great-grandparents were from St Petersburg, and spent the best part of 50 years wandering around Europe escaping wars and revolutions, before settling in Australia .

russia volga river church

Russia has been at the top of our travel dreams for several years , but somehow something always came up whenever we made plans to visit. Once we couldn’t get a visa on time. Another time we couldn’t get time off. Winter is too cold, summer is too hot.

st petersburg hermitage square high

This year, Russia was one of our travel resolutions . Our desire was for the trip to be special – something different from what we’d done so far. We wanted a higher level of comfort, help with visa arrangements, and a trip that would help us understand the country we longed to visit for so many years . The Waterways of the Tsars river cruise with Viking ticked all boxes, so we made arrangements for a departure from Moscow in late August.

russia volga river lock

Things to Know Before a Russian River Cruise with Viking

When we announced our friends we would be travelling on a Russian river cruise , some of them were really surprised. A CRUISE? You guys are such hardcore independent travellers! What are you doing ON A CRUISE with all those OLD PEOPLE? True, the average age on a Viking river cruise might be a fair bit higher than 35 – but really, who is to say we wouldn’t enjoy the experience?

russian night viking river cruises

This awesome post by One Modern Couple  really nails the point – a Viking river cruise is an experience that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. In their words ‘River cruises are cultural, experiential, educational and scenic. Enjoy the ride, take in the surroundings, learn about the countries you are visiting – from history to local life, food to language – and experience the destinations in a thoughtful way.’ 

Whether you’re 30, 60 or 90, it doesn’t really matter.

russian river cruise sunset

Secondly,  who’s to say that travelling in a group is not ‘real’ travel? We have always been (and continue to be) lovers of independent travel, but sometimes you just can’t beat the insights given to you by a local guide . Viking River Cruises offer plenty of guided tours included in the cruise price, all led by experienced local guides.

russia river cruise out of moscow

Meals were always excellent – breakfast and lunch included a combination of buffet and à la carte specialties, while dinner was always à la carte. Every day we were given the choice to sample some Russian specialties, like beef stroganoff, borsch, pelmeni, solyanka and lots of delicious desserts.

russian night menu viking river cruise

Another great plus of a Russian river cruise with Viking is that during sailing time lots of cultural activities are on offer – things like cooking demonstrations, Russian language lessons and lectures about Russian history and culture, led by the local tour escorts who were with us for the whole duration of the trip. On top of that, every day we received a briefing detailing the following day’s activities, optional excursions and that night’s menu.

russia mandrogy crazy clouds

Whenever we passed points of interest on the boat, such as Mother Volga statue or the sunken Kalyazin Cathedral, we were always called out on the loudspeaker to make sure we wouldn’t miss them. There was no pressure to join in any of the activities – we could spend the whole day chilling on the deck or on our veranda, looking at the beautiful colourful churches built on the riverbank, surrounded by nothing but nature.

russia volga river

Waterways of the Tsars – the Itinerary

The Waterways of the Tsars cruise is 13 days long, starting either in Moscow or in St. Petersburg . Most Russian river cruises had always been described to me as ‘Volga Cruises’ – in fact, our boat cruised along a variety of waterways, including the Moscow Canal, the Volga-Baltic Waterway, the Rybinsk Reservoir, Lake Onega and Ladoga (the two largest lakes in Europe) and the Neva River (the shortest in Europe!)

Here’s a map to give you an idea of the route.


Days 1-4 Moscow

Three days were barely enough to get an idea of how amazing Moscow is. Our days were packed from morning to night with tours and activities – from visiting Moscow must visits like Red Square, the Kremlin, the Moscow Metro and the Arbat, to quirky locations like the Museum of Cosmonautics , located in one of Moscow’s best districts for Communist architecture (one of our passions!)


Even though our itinerary was packed full, we managed to spend half a day touring Moscow independently , visiting some of the sights mentioned in The Master and Margarita – Patriarch’s Ponds, both Bulgakov Museums and Sparrow Hill. Let’s just say that we need to get back to Moscow soon to explore more! Meanwhile, here’s our things to do in Moscow for first timers article, detailing our Moscow visit with Viking.

moscow metro revolutsia

Day 5 Uglich

After setting sail from Moscow, our first stop was Uglich , a cute town on the Volga River, famous for its pretty churches and for being the location of one of the darkest chapters in Russian history .

russia cruise uglich

After the death of Ivan the Terrible, his youngest son and heir to the throne Dmitry was exiled to Uglich, where he was murdered at the age of 10. Suspicion fell on the tsar’s chief advisor, but Dmitry’s cause of death (i.e. throat slitting) was ruled to be an accident. This episode started a period of political unsettlement, that ended with the start of the Romanov dynasty.

We spent an afternoon around Uglich , starting with a home visit of a local family where we had the chance to try homemade grain vodka (the best we’ve had in Russia) and a variety of pickled vegetables, tea and cakes. Then, we toured the Kremlin – the word ‘kremlin’ actually means fortified city, and several Russian cities have one. Moscow’s Kremlin just happens to be the best known!

russia cruise uglich kremlin

Day 6 Yaroslavl

The following morning we reached Yaroslavl , a much larger city compared to Uglich. It looked like the perfect Russian city – large enough not to get bored (there was even a cat cafe!) but small enough not to get frustrated with the traffic and crowds found in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

russia market yaroslavl

Our Yaroslavl visit was centred around four points of interest . The centre of Yaroslavl is located on the Strelka, a promontory formed at the confluence of the Volga and Kotorosl rivers. Our first stop was the covered market , where we tasted some local products, and then we headed to the Church of Elijah the Prophet , where we had a guided tour (and played with some cute cats). Afterwards, we visited the Governor’s Mansion , now an art gallery. We were welcomed by some beautiful ladies in period costumes, and treated to a music concert. Our final stop was the Yaroslavl Kremlin , where we admired the façade of the Dormition Cathedral, destroyed by the Bolsheviks and rebuilt and reopened in 2010 in time for Yaroslavl’s millennium celebrations.

yaroslavl governor mansion

Before heading back to the ship, we stopped at the lookout over the Millennium of Yaroslavl Park at the end of the Strelka – the flowerbed right in the centre displays a bear (Yaroslavl’s coat of arms) and the city’s age – 1006 at the time of our visit. Looking good!

yaroslavl millennuim park

Day 7 Kuzino

Kuzino is a small village in in the middle of nowhere – we visited on a chilly and rainy morning, to visit the stunning Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery , the largest in Europe. The Monastery is surrounded by walls and located on the shores of Severskoye Lake, with waters so pure that boat traffic is prohibited.

russia kirillo belozersky monastery

Kirillo-Belozersky was founded at the end of the 14th century, and had its heyday between the 15th and 17th century, when Russia’s tsars and noblemen (including Ivan the Terrible!) paid frequent visits and showered the monks with icons and precious gifts. Luckily the Bolsheviks spared the monastery from destruction, turning it into a museum instead. The day we visited was the feast of the Assumption and the churches were crowded with locals, but we had a lovely guided tour of the museum and time to appreciate its beautiful icons.

russia kirillo belozersky monastery inside

Day 8 Kizhi (Sailing)

Whenever travelling, you always need a plan B. Autumn was well on its way by the time we reached the northernmost section of our cruise, and we were held at a lock for the best part of one night due to thick fog . This meant we had to sail the whole day and miss out on Kizhi , a tiny island on the northern side of Onega Lake, famous for its spectacular wooden churches.


We were all disappointed when boat staff made the announcement – personally, Kizhi was one of the stops I was looking forward to the most, after reading about it on the Guardian and knowing that the site is very difficult to visit without a river cruise. However, we didn’t mind too much because we were both suffering the consequences of the previous night’s vodka tasting , organised by Frank, the hotel manager who also happened to be a real vodka connoisseur!

viking river vodka night

Viking staff were really amazing at keeping us busy during the sailing day with activities like guided tours to the wheelhouse, the room where the captain and sailors pilot the ship.

viking truvor wheelhouse

Day 9 Mandrogy

The last stop before reaching St. Petersburg was Mandrogy , a village on the banks of the Svir River, built in 1996 as a replica of a village destroyed during WW2. A Russian businessman had the idea of ‘rebuilding’ Mandrogy to provide a stop to river cruise passengers before reaching St. Petersburg. So, the village is not actually ‘real’ – it’s more of an open air museum. Cute little painted houses were built around a little forest, with people in traditional dress showcasing traditional crafts and selling souvenirs.

russia mandrogy

Those in search of souvenirs loved Mandrogy – the quality of matrioshka dolls, icons and other handicrafts was far higher than anywhere else we had been. We are not into souvenirs, but if there was a place to get something, Mandrogy would be it. The village was pretty, but it felt a bit fake for us – kind of like a tourist amusement park. Which in a way, it is.

russia mandrogy artist

However, we did enjoy Mandrogy for two reasons – the first was the chance to attend matrioshka painting workshop  where we decorated our own matrioshka dolls. That’s the best kind of souvenir in my opinion! The second was the delicious piroshki place where we had some delicious buttery pastries filled with green onion and egg. Just ask Viking staff and they’ll point you the way to the piroshki place!

russia mandrogy matrioska workshop

Days 10-13 St. Petersburg

After 6 days spent cruising, covering a distance of 1800 kilometers, we made it to Saint Petersburg . We had three gorgeous sunny days, and the city dazzled us with its beauty and artistic wealth – after all, it’s UNESCO-listed ! There’s no way I can convey everything we saw and did in three days in just a couple of paragraphs, so watch this space – a St. Petersburg article is coming soon!

st petersburg hermitage square

There are several St. Petersburg experiences already included by Viking in the tour price – a visit to the Hermitage Museum, a ballet performance, a visit to Catherine Palace in the village of Pushkin and a St. Petersburg city tour, either on foot or by bus. On top of that, we also joined some optional tours – a river cruise, a morning tour to amazing Peterhof Palace and my very own favourite, a Cossack performance!

st petersburg spilled blood church

Things to Know Before Travelling to Russia

  • Make sure you sort out your Russian Visa on time . Viking Cruises helps with an invitation letter that you can use to apply for your own Russian visa at your closest consulate – the process is pretty straightforward, provided you are applying in your own country, and takes approximately 2-3 weeks.
  • You can also ask Viking to sort out your Russian visa for an additional charge . This is especially convenient if you live in the US or if your hometown doesn’t have a Russian consulate.
  • River cruises of Russia only run between April and October, when the waterways are not frozen. The weather can be change dramatically between Moscow and Saint Petersburg , the latter usually being much colder than the former. Make sure you check the weather reports before packing!
  • English isn’t widely spoken around Russia , not even in the main cities. If you’re planning to spend some time travelling independently, learning a bit of Russian is a VERY good idea. The Russian language classes we had on board came in very handy!
  • Russia’s currency is the rouble , which fluctuates quite a bit. Larger cities are full of moneychangers, and some souvenir shops (like those in Mandrogy) also accept euro and USD.

russia mother volga statue

We would like to thank Viking Cruises for having welcomed us aboard the Waterways of the Tsars cruise.

Pin it for later?

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2 thoughts on “Russian River Cruise – Waterways of the Tsars”

Truly amazing place & photography! I loved the view of church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, looks awesome. I enjoyed reading. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Thank you for reading! It was a fab trip!

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Russia is again welcoming travelers!

  • A negative PCR test is all that's needed to enter Russia
  • Regular flights are now operating to / from Russia
  • Visas can be issues quickly (Volga Dream provides your invitation)
  • All Volga Dream personnel and guides are fully vacinated
  • Bookings are transferable without penalty for 12 months
  • Volga Dream arranges PCR-tests if needed for your outbound flight

Check our COVID-19 Policy page to learn more.

Lorem Ipsum

Luxurious river cruises in russia.

Explore authentic Russian cities. Enjoy premium service and engaging activities as you sail the Volga River.

Moscow. Red Square. St. Basil Cathedral

2022 Cruise Season

Join our signature small group journeys and cruise in luxury along the Russian Volga river!

St. Petersburg. Palace bridge

The Russian Odyssey

An extended 'South to North' view of Russia from Astrakhan to St. Petersburg through Moscow.

Kizhi Island

Explore Moscow, St. Petersburg and Russia’s Golden Ring in greater depth. Stay at gorgeous Four Seasons hotels. Enjoy special access to iconic cultural sites.

Moscow. Red Square

Lower Volga

Treat yourself to an unforgettable experience cruising the Volga river from Moscow to Astrakhan. The tour includes 2 nights in Moscow.

Yaroslavl. Local Church

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Select destination Moscow — St. Petersburg Moscow — Astrakhan Astrakhan — St. Petersburg

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A Volga river cruise is more than a geographical voyage; it’s also a journey through Russia’s rich and captivating history. No other experience takes you so completely to another place and time. The Volga is Europe’s longest and largest river; it meanders through the stories of Ivan the Terrible and his rise to power, the two historic ‘Greats’ Peter and Catherine, and then on into today. It’s a unique opportunity to see modern Russia in the context of its intriguing history, ably assisted by friendly and professional academics and tour guides. A Volga Dream Russian river tour promises to leave you with an unforgettable afterglow of fond memories.

St. Petersburg. Petehof

Moscow to St. Petersburg River Cruise

Moscow and St. Petersburg are Russia’s best-known cities, but the towns of Russia’s historic Golden Ring are delightful too. The luxurious Volga Dream offers a unique opportunity to visit these Russian gems by sailing gently along the Volga River on an unforgettable cruising experience. In small, exclusive groups you’ll enjoy preferential access to some of Russia’s most significant cultural sites.

Volgogard. Mamaev Hill

Moscow to Astrakhan River Cruise

Your River Cruise on the luxurious MS Volga Dream takes you from Moscow along Russia’s grand Volga River to the legend that is Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) and Astrakhan on the Caspian Sea. Along the way, you’ll discover the treasures of Yaroslavl, the oldest city on the Volga, medieval Nizhniy Novgorod and beautiful Kazan, the ancient Tatar capital. We plan our tour carefully to combine the very best of Moscow with a world-class Volga River cruise.

Discover Russia with MS Volga Dream - Click-through map

konigssee cruise

We love hearing from guests about their time in Russia and one comment often hear is how surprised people are by the Russian capital. We can’t say for certain what people expected but we do know that it’s always far removed from what they imagined! It’s been called a modern metropolis, a cosmopolitan city, an historic gem, an architectural treasure and a cultural powerhouse, among other descriptions. Majestic Moscow has always surprised our guests and left them with lasting and fond memories.

Russia’s famous Golden Ring is an archipelago of historic towns surrounding Moscow. Uglich is one of the oldest and was founded under Igor, the last Varangian prince. It once resisted the Mongol invasion and its ancient walls saw the grisly murder of young Dmitri, son of Ivan the Terrible. The impressive Church of St. Dmitri on the Blood, with its classic onion domes and blood red walls, is a fine example of classic Russian architecture. The tour ends with an enchanting choral concert.

This, the oldest city on the Volga River, and now a UNESCO World Heritage site, boasts a wealth of ancient orthodox treasures. The impressive Transfiguration of the Savior, adorned with murals depicting St. John’s apocalyptic visions can be seen in the Spassky Monastery. The Church of St. Elijah the Prophet is decorated with an awe-inspiring selection of rich frescoes. For a real taste of pre-revolutionary Russia, visitors are entertained by a costumed reception at the Governor’s House.

Close to the shores of White Lake once were the ‘tsar’s fishing grounds’. It lies in a place so serene that ancient monks chose to build no fewer than three holy sites here, including the Ferapontov Monastery. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site, its chapels boast magnificent frescoes by Dionysius, one of Russia’s most renowned icon painters. The Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery was a refuge for many nobles during tumultuous times and later a fortress that successfully repelled invading armies.

The Karelia region is a vast and naturally beautiful wilderness that spreads all the way from St. Petersburg to the Arctic Circle. The glorious island village of Kizhi consists almost entirely of the traditionally styled wooden buildings of ‘Old Russia’. Among them is the famous Transfiguration Church built in 1714. Remarkably, and in testament to the craftsmen of the time, not a single nail was used in its construction! Kizhi is one of the favorite stops on the river cruise to St. Petersburg.

A typical rural hamlet brought to life by warm and welcoming villagers. Volga Dream guests are invited into local homes to enjoy classic Russian fare, tea with jam and ‘pirozhki’ (pies). Enthusiastic hosts share Russian traditions and the appeal of village life while proudly showing off their scrupulously kept homes and kitchen gardens. The tour continues with a brief bus ride to see a unique World War II memorial and then, for a real glimpse of Russian life, a visit to a local primary school.

Nizhny Novgorod

This was once a wealthy city thanks to its proximity to rich eastern trading routes. During the Soviet era, the city was closed to outsiders because of its military importance. It’s also where many political prisoners were sent to live out their days in exile. The 16th-century Kremlin ramparts offer spectacular views and the city is known for its elaborately decorated churches. For Volga Dream cruise guests, the highlight of the day is an evening folk concert performed by local children.

Sailing along the Volga river, the riverbank gradually ceases to be dominated by Orthodox churches. Instead, beautiful mosques appear as the river crosses into Tatarstan where the first stop is scenic Kazan, the region’s capital. Inside the white walls of the citadel, the famous Kul Sharif mosque and the old Cathedral of Peter and Paul stand side-by-side symbolizing the two faiths’ long and peaceful coexistence in the region. A concert of traditional Tatar music ends the Volga Dream tour in Kazan.

Passing the Zhigulevskie Mountains offers wonderful views from the sundeck before touring the city. One of the key attractions is the fascinating Space Museum, which offers a revealing glimpse of how the Soviet Union pursued its ambitious journey to the cosmos. The town is also noted for its beautiful esplanade, perfect for a relaxed stroll beside the Volga river. This in turn leads to the Samara State Art Museum. Founded in 1897, it is home to a collection of more than 16,000 works of art.

This city is best known for its close associations with cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin. The Russian hero who achieved worldwide fame as the first man in space lived and studied here. Saratov used to be home to a large German community, a heritage that can still be seen in the local architecture. The Volga Dream tour visits the Radishchev State Art Museum, the first picture gallery in Russia outside Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Originally called Tsaritsyn, the city was renamed Stalingrad from 1925 to 1961 in honor of the USSR’s leader. During World War II, the city’s residents put up a heroic defense, repelling an advancing Nazi invasion. The battle for Stalingrad has gone down in history as a pivotal moment in the bloody conflict on the eastern front. The most ferocious and deadly fighting took place on Mamayev Hill, where an imposing memorial now stands close to the excellent Battle of Stalingrad Panorama Museum.

Saint Petersburg

If Moscow surprises, then St Petersburg delights. Peter the Great founded the city to showcase Russia’s newfound enlightenment. He wanted to show the modern world a cultured and advanced society. In short, he built the city to impress and in that he succeeded splendidly! The striking buildings were designed by some of the finest architects Europe had to offer and even now, the ‘Venice of the North’ never fails to enchant with its spectacular buildings and impressive canal network. It is a city of true grandeur.

Cocktails with the Captain

Commanding any ship is a complex role that calls for a long list of skills. Captains know their vessels inside out as well as well as the routes they sail and when things don’t go to plan, they have to make instant decisions. Above all though, the most important part of the job, underpinning everything they do, is to keep the ship and everyone aboard safe. The Captain’s cocktail party is a great and a wonderful opportunity for passengers and crew to get acquainted as the gets underway.

Matryoshka doll painting

There is nothing more typically Russian than a Matryoshka. It embodies the fact that there’s always something deeper to be found in every aspect of Russian life. Learning the traditional designs and techniques used to decorate these iconic dolls offers a pleasant diversion and some cathartic creativity!

Superb Service & Dining

Our restaurant serves the highest standard of international cuisine, freshly made by our Cordon Bleu Chef. Choose either a sumptuous buffet or set menu for lunch while dinner is always four or five courses with full service. High praise for the exquisite quality of meals is yet another constantly recurring feature in feedback from our guests.

Meet the Professor

From the Mongol hordes to Soviet times, Russia’s history is, like all of Europe’s, a complex web of political intrigue, war and peace, trade and treaties, as well as heroes and villains. Academics devote whole lifetimes to studying Russia’s long past and one of them presents a series of lectures shedding light on everything from Gorbachev to Chekhov, Khrushchev to Ivan the Terrible and of course, contemporary Russia. Our Professor is on board throughout the river cruise for informal conversation.

Beginner’s Russian

The Russian language can be rather beautiful and poetic and we know that many seasoned travelers enjoy trying their hand at different languages. Our onboard teachers provide an introduction to the riches of Russian, so guests can try out a few useful words and phrases on real Russians during the exciting river tours from Moscow to St. Petersburg or from Moscow to Volgograd!

Russian tea tasting

The drink we tend to associate with Russia is vodka, but tea, in fact, is the much more universal beverage of choice throughout the country. Guests will get acquainted with the Russian tea etiquette, a fundamental component of the country's social culture, and enjoy the traditional tea ceremony while cruising from St. Petersburg to Moscow or taking a Grand Volga river tour.

Russian Dinner & Vodka Tasting

All our dining is international but for Russian Dining night, the Chef includes a selection of traditional Russian dishes: Chicken Kiev, Kulebyaka and no Russian table is complete without Borsch. To add to the ‘Taste of Russia’ optional Russian dress, or at least a touch of Russian style, is provided along with enthusiastic help from our staff!

Russian Cooking Class

A plate of pelmeni might not look like much to the untrained eye, but it forms the heart of Russian cuisine and culture. Basically, it's a type of dumpling: small portions of meat and onion wrapped in a thin sheet of unleavened dough and boiled, a little like ravioli. Guests can join a Russian cooking class onboard the MS Volga Dream to learn how to cook this delicious Russian dish.

Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov Piano Recital

Some of the greatest classical music ever written comes from Russia. It’s hard to imagine a more fitting stage for a virtuoso solo recital by our resident concert pianist than the mighty Volga or a better backdrop than the heart of Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov’s own serene homeland.

Russian River Cruise Aboard Volga Dream

Moscow to St. Petersburg

Why Volga Dream

Kizhi Island

Family Owned & Operated

MS Volga Dream is Russia’s only family-owned river cruise ship. She can accommodate up to 100 guests, far fewer than most other cruise ships on the river making for a uniquely friendly and intimate atmosphere aboard.

Moscow. Four Seasons view

Five-Star Central Hotels

We at Volga Dream are completely convinced that, our guests should stay in great 5-star hotels in Moscow and St. Petersburg within comfortable walking distance of all the major attractions, theaters and restaurants, rather than having to waste time in traffic.

MS Volga Dream. Owner's Suite

Luxurious Accommodation

The MS Volga Dream is the most intimate and elegant 5-star cruise vessel in Russia. She boasts 56 cabins, all river facing, ranging from comfortable Standard Cabins to spacious Junior Suites and the luxurious forward facing Owner's Suite.

Yaroslavl. Local Church

Russian Cultural Experience

Explore Russia's past with the help of professional tour guides. Our on-board program includes fascinating talks on Russian history and politics, Russian language lessons, a festival of Russian cuisine (including vodka tasting!), and much more.

MS Volga Dream cuisine

Gourmet Dining

Our on board restaurant serves international cuisine to the highest standard, all freshly made by our Cordon Bleu Chef. For Russian Dining night, he prepares a selection of traditional Russian dishes: Chicken Kiev, Kulebyaka and Borsch.

MS Volga Dream bartenders

Tailored Service

All our service crew members are native Russians who are fluent in English and handpicked by the Owner. Proudly, the Volga Dream is famous for her hard working and very hospitable personnel who take care of every aspect of your life aboard.

Download Our Brochure

It's never been easier to plan your next holiday in Russia. Download our free brochure to learn more about authentic Russian river cruises.

Volga Dream Brochure

Escape the hassle and bustle and add a satisfyingly informative element to your trip and bring together a colorful mosaic of people, history, traditions,  religion, music and art. These are the many strands that time has woven into what is known today as Russia.

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All information

Are there any questions about your boat trip on Lake Königssee? Then check out our info sheets with all the important information for families, groups and charters.

Frequent questions

Is there a discount for seniors and students, how much is the parking fee.

The public car park in Königssee is operated by the municipality of Schönau am Königssee. Parking fees apply.

In order to enjoy the boat trip in peace, we recommend you buy a day ticket. The time required for a trip to St. Bartholomä and back, including boarding and walking from the car park is at least 90 minutes.

How long does the trip to St. Bartholomä or Salet take?

The sailing time from Königssee (lakeside) to St. Bartholomä is around 35 minutes. At St. Bartholomä, you must disembark unless you have purchased the round trip to Salet. You can sail back with any boat.

The (free) tour of the world-famous pilgrimage church in St. Bartholomä is highly recommended. For the whole excursion, you can expect it to take a minimum of about 1.5 hours.  The sailing time from Königssee (lakeside) to the terminus at Salet (= big round-trip cruise) is around 1 hour. You can break up your trip to or from Salet with a stop in St. Bartholomä.

Can I smoke on the boats?

Smoking is not permitted on the electric motor boats of Lake Königssee Shipping.

As a mountaineer, where do I get my ticket in Salet, St. Bartholomä or Kessel?

The ticket for the return journey from Salet or St. Bartholomä to Königssee is available from the pier steward.

For sailings from Kessel, the ticket must be bought directly on the boat (please have small change ready).

Are the boats wheelchair accessible?

The boats at Lake Königssee are unfortunately not built for wheelchairs. Getting in and out of the boats should be done wisely. Boarding of the identically built electric motor boats is relatively narrow, steep and down three steps. In the midships area, there is space for about one or two wheelchairs per boat. Our boat crew will be happy to help you get in and out.

It is unfortunately not possible to transport electrically operated wheelchairs because they cannot be rolled over the stairs due to their design. However, we offer a limited number of mechanical wheelchairs for rental at the cashiers. 

How can I avoid waiting times at the cashiers?

Despite the use of all boats, during the holiday periods (especially July to mid-September), as well as on public holidays or in good weather and high passenger volume, there may be waiting times for the sailings.

Experience has shown that in the high season, many guests can be expected on the first beautiful day after a rainy period. On these special days it is advisable to take the trip to St. Bartholomä before 10.30 a.m. and the return from St. Bartholomä by 14.30 p.m. at the latest.

You can also purchase a ticket online in advance. With the online ticket you can go directly to the pier. Online tickets are only available for trips from the lakeside and unfortunately not as one-way trips from the piers back to the lakeside (= one-way sailings for mountaineers). This is due to the poor network coverage in Salet and St. Bartholomä. 

To the Online-Ticket .

Are there lockers at the Lake Königssee Shipping?

Lake Königssee Shipping offers a limited number of free lockers (e.g. for motorcycle helmets etc.). The lockers are located at the back of the cashiers building and are open to the public.

Are the boats pram accessible?

Baby buggies are generally transported. Due to the special design of the electric passenger boats, the space is limited. Folding prams and buggies are thus ideal. Bicycle trailers converted into prams cannot be transported. On days with a high guest rate coming with a big pram can cause delays in transportation.

The water temperature only partially reaches up to 20°C during long periods of good weather.

Swimming is allowed. Please don't swim in the shipping lane. Your head is barely visible in the green shimmering water.  

Due to the location of Lake Königssee in the middle of the Berchtesgaden National Park, air mattresses or inflatable boats are prohibited.  

Is it possible to paddle a boat or canoe on Lake Königssee?

No! Lake Königssee is located in the middle of Berchtesgaden National Park, which is why paddle boats, inflatable boats, canoes stand uo paddling and air mattresses etc. are prohibited. If the weather is nice, you can rent a rowing boat from Lake Königssee Shipping.

Where does the lake’s green colour come from?

The lake’s green colour comes from lime particles dissolved in the water, which break the sunlight. 

Does Lake Königssee freeze on a regular basis in winter?

Basically, we sail all year round on Lake Königssee. In January and February it can happen that Lake Königssee freezes. However, the ice rarely achieves a thickness that is possible to walk on. The last time this happened was in the winter of 2005/2006. Then, Lake Königssee was officially allowed to be walked on for several weeks. The landlord of St. Bartholomä even drove over the ice with a car and delivered to his restaurant. 

Information for mountaineers

Please pay attention to the last way back from the stops Salet, St. Bartholomä and Kessel (request stop) back to Seelände Königssee! You can gather the last departure of the boat from the timetable.

In Salet, St. Bartholomä und Kessel there are no accomodations, camping is prohibited according to National Park regulations! If you miss the last course boat, you will be picked up by the Wasserwacht Berchtesgaden (= water rescue). This causes in high costs up to 520 €.

Phone number: +49 8651 9999 100 - Wasserwacht Berchtesgaden (= water rescue)

Also the dogs of mountaineers have to wear a muzzle on the way back from Salet, St. Bartholomä or Kessel.

In order not to be excluded from the carriage, please take a muzzle in your backpack.

Kärlingerhaus (DAV Berchtesgaden), 1638 m

  • Hutphone: +49 8652 6091010 (only during the summer months)
  • Winterroom: from mid-October on the winterroom is closed. The key can only be picked up after prior registration and payment of a deposit (50 €), an overnight and wood fee in the office of the DAV Berchtesgaden section. The shelter is always opened (ceilings available, but no stove and no heating material).
  • Contact DAV Berchtesgaden, Watzmannstr. 4, 83483 Bischofswiesen: phone +49 8652 97646-10, [email protected]. opening hours: Tue, Thu, Fri from 3 to 5:30 pm.
  • Hutclimb: From St. Bartholomä through the Saugasse in around 5 hours to Kärlingerhaus. Easiest climb around 1000m difference in altitude.

Wasseralm (DAV Berchtesgaden), 1423 m

  • Hutphone: +49 8652 6091160 (only during the summer months)
  • Contact DAV Berchtesgaden (please refer Kärlingerhaus)
  • Hutclimb: From Salet along Obersee and either over Landtal- or Röthsteig (both partly secured hikes) to Wasseralm. Around 950m difference in altitude .

Gotzenalm (private hut), 1685 m

  • Hutphone: +49 8652 690900 (only during the summer months)
  • Accomodation: for just 100 people possible.
  • Hutclimb: From Kessel over Reitsteig to Gotzenalm. Easy. Around 1150m difference in altitude. From Salet over Kaunersteig. Sure-footedness necessary. Around 1200m difference in altitude.

Departure last boat

Mountain hut.

  • Online-Ticket-Shop
  • AGB Online-Ticket
  • Important information
  • Excurison tips


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  2. Die Flotte auf dem Königssee

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  3. Guide to Königssee Lake Berchtesgaden [Germany]

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  4. Königssee Schifffahrt

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  5. Königssee Lake Ferry Boat Tour In Berchtesgaden

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  6. Königssee Schifffahrt und Jennerbahn

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  2. Konigssee river resounds

  3. Kings lake Germany

  4. Konigssee lake, Königssee echo, Berchtesgaden, 康尼格西湖德国, озеро Кенигзее

  5. 20230728 德國國王湖 konigssee (2)鱒魚午餐+遊湖

  6. #Day 63 Lake konigssee germany serene view Maja hi aa gya ye dkh k 😊😊


  1. Shipping on Lake Königssee

    It is well worth sailing right to the end station at Salet. A short walk leads to Lake Obersee where your view stretches across the magnificently situated lake and over to the Fischunkelalm and the Röthbach Waterfall. From over 450m, Germany's highest waterfall tumbles down into the valley. At the end of the day, you will not only experience ...

  2. Online Tickets for shipping at the lake Königssee

    We only sell a part of our contingent online. You can also purchase tickets on site at our ticket offices. Please note that online tickets are only available for individual guests and not for group travellers (from 20 persons). Contact for group travellers: [email protected] or phone +49 8652 9636-14.

  3. Timetable for the shipping on Lake Königssee

    Infos about timetable on Lake Königssee from St. Bartholomä and Salet.

  4. Königssee Lake Ferry Boat Tour:

    Location: Kings Lake Berchtesgaden (Königssee) Cost: Free, Self-Guided (Boat and lift costs below) Style: Do-It-Yourself Walking Tour (Self Guided) Start: Königssee Village & Boat Dock Time Required: The full round-trip boat ride without getting off will take 2 hours (35 minutes to the church, 20 minutes to the end, and back).). If you are getting out to explore then expect an average of 4-5 ...

  5. Königssee boat trip : Excursion destination :

    Bayerische Seenschifffahrt GmbH. Seestraße 55. 83471 Schönau am Königssee. Tel. +498652 9636-0. eMail. Website. Route planner. back. A popular excursion destination in the Salzburg area is the 8-km-long crystal clear Königsee lake in the Berchtesgaden National Park in Bavaria.

  6. A Boat Trip on the Königssee

    The cruises on Königsee are having four stops (please note that in the map below, the North is at the bottom of the map): as said above, you typically will start your trip at Seelände. The total cruise time to the final stop Salet is roughly 55 minutes. St. Bartholomä is very popular for hiking, but also the old monastry and a beer garden.

  7. Königssee cruise and Jennerbahn

    Your holiday home in the Ferienparadies Alpenglühn is only nine kilometres away from the hiking and nature paradise Königssee. Cover this distance by car within eleven minutes. Take the B 305 to the roundabout at Berchtesgaden station, then take the B 20 to Schönau and go to the parking facilities at the Königssee ship landing stage.

  8. Lake Königssee Travel Guide

    Lake Königssee is a mountain lake in the municipality of Schönau am Königssee in the district of Berchtesgadener Land in the Southeast of Germany in the state of Bavaria. This makes it the ultimate destination for a day trip from Munich . By Car: There is a large car park located 10 minutes walking from the pier.

  9. A Travel Guide to Königssee Lake Berchtesgaden

    Cruise around the Königssee Lake and visit Saint Bartholomä Church: 1 to 1.5 hours. Hike to the huts in Fischunkelalm before climbing to Röthbach Waterfall: 4 to 5 hours. Visit the picturesque Hintersee Lake, Ramsau, and the Enchanted Forest in the Bavarian Alps from Berchtesgaden: 4 hours. Berchtesgaden town sightseeing: 30 minutes.

  10. King's Lake (Konigssee), Bavaria

    King's Lake (Konigssee) Tours and Tickets. 288 reviews. With its glassy blue waters framed by jagged mountains and lush alpine meadows, King's Lake (Königssee) is one of Bavaria's most beautiful. The natural wonder lies within Berchtesgaden National Park, offering a majestic backdrop for hiking and cruises. Learn more. Schönau am ...

  11. Price for shipping on Lake Königssee

    Children up to 5 years old sail free on all scheduled trips.; Children from 6 to 17 years old receive a 50% discount (rounded up to the nearest 10 Cents) on the adult price. This does not apply to special offers, such as combi-tickets, yearly tickets, etc.

  12. Lake Königssee: A natural Kingdom

    A natural Kingdom. A boat ride along the sheer rock faces of Lake Königssee, the jewel among Berchtesgaden lakes, makes for a special experience - rent a paddleboat and enjoy the National Park's nature in peace and quiet, away from the commercial boat traffic. Lake Königssee with its emerald green color and nestled at the foot of the imposing ...

  13. Visiting Königssee

    If you're visiting Königssee, taking the boat tour is a must. On the boat trip, you'll cruise across the beautiful turquoise waters of Konigssee to St. Batholema and perhaps Salet at the end of the lake. Boat Tour Stops. There are two main and one irregular stop (Kessel) on the boat tour. The main stops are St. Bartholomew's Church and ...

  14. A magical boat ride on the Königssee Lake, Bavaria

    The bus ride takes around 40 minutes. From Berchtesgaden, take the bus 841 to Schönau am Königssee where starts the magical boat ride to Königssee Lake. The boat ride to Königssee Lake operates all year-round, beginning 8 a.m. during the high season or 9 a.m in the winter. The exact timetable can be found on the official website, here.

  15. A day At Konigssee Lake: The Ultimate Guide

    Konigssee has a very unique characteristic. It is surrounded by really steep mountains that make building roads around the lake impossible. Because of this, the only way to visit and explore Konigssee is by an electric boat that will take you from Schonau am Konigssee to either St Bartholomew church or Salet. This has also helped preserve the lake in its original beautiful state.

  16. Königssee, Schönau am Königssee

    As you cruise, listen out for the mysterious echo of Königssee, created by the proximity of the sheer rock walls. You will also see the historic Eagle`s Nest viewpoint, a teahouse that was offered to Hitler on his 50th birthday. ... Salzburg: Konigssee and Salt Mine Private Day Trip. Get to know this picturesque corner of Bavaria near the ...

  17. Bavarian shipping at Lake Starnberger See, Ammersee, Tegernsee and

    You cannot go wrong, whichever lake you choose. The fjord-like Lake Königssee takes you across the emerald green waters on quiet electric boats through this majestic environment. Glide over to the world-famous pilgrimage Church of St. Bartholomä. On your journey you will experience breathtaking waterfalls and the Königssee Echo, which your ...

  18. Lake Königssee Travel Guide (2024)

    Königssee travel guide: tours, things to do, the best ways to get there, ferry schedule to St. Bartholomä, budget, where to stay & hike to Eiskapelle.

  19. The Stories Behind Lake Königssee

    At the end of the 1800s, around 200 oarsmen worked for the lake Königssee boating company. They catered for the thousands of visitors who came to make the same journey as you do today, with a total of 57 rowing boats carrying almost 80,000 visitors a year. This changed in 1909 when electric boats, and an electric railway from Berchtesgaden to ...

  20. เที่ยวเมือง Berchtesgaden: หมู่บ้าน Ramsau & ทะเลสาบ Konigssee

    ทะเลสาบเคอนิชส์เซ (Konigssee) วิวตลอดสองข้างทางยังคงสวยสะกดใจเหมือนเดิม..^^ ... ตะลอนเที่ยวปารีส (2): Saint River Sightseeing Cruise - ล่องเรือแม่น้ำแซน ...

  21. Russian River Cruise

    The Waterways of the Tsars cruise is 13 days long, starting either in Moscow or in St. Petersburg. Most Russian river cruises had always been described to me as 'Volga Cruises' - in fact, our boat cruised along a variety of waterways, including the Moscow Canal, the Volga-Baltic Waterway, the Rybinsk Reservoir, Lake Onega and Ladoga (the ...

  22. Russian River Cruises aboard the Volga Dream

    For Volga Dream cruise guests, the highlight of the day is an evening folk concert performed by local children. Kazan. Sailing along the Volga river, the riverbank gradually ceases to be dominated by Orthodox churches. Instead, beautiful mosques appear as the river crosses into Tatarstan where the first stop is scenic Kazan, the region's capital.

  23. Important informations and frequent questions about the shipping on

    If you miss the last course boat, you will be picked up by the Wasserwacht Berchtesgaden (= water rescue). This causes in high costs up to 520 €. Phone number: +49 8651 9999 100 - Wasserwacht Berchtesgaden (= water rescue) Important Informations about your excursion on Lake Königssee.