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Biography [ ]

In 2357 , K'Ehleyr was serving as a Klingon emissary in charge of a group of cadets .


K'Ehleyr and Cadet Worf on Dantar IV in 2357.

They were sent to Dantar IV , a joint venture colony of both the Federation and the Klingon Empire. There she met a group of cadets from Starfleet Academy including Worf . When the colony was attacked, the two groups of cadets were able to work together and helped the civilians to escape. They were eventually rescued by the USS Repulse where K'Ehleyr and Worf parted ways. ( Starfleet Academy novels : Line of Fire , Survival )

In 2359 , she had a relationship with then Lt. Worf , but neither was ready for a deeper commitment, so they separated. ( TNG episode : " The Emissary ")

In 2365 , she came aboard the USS Enterprise -D on an urgent mission to intercept the Klingon ship IKS T'Ong which was about to become active after its crew had been in cryogenic stasis. She renewed her relationship with Worf, but refused to marry him when he asked her. Due to this short renewal the couple conceived a son, Alexander . To prevent the T'Ong from attacking Federation worlds, Worf posed as the Captain of the Enterprise with K'Ehleyr as his first officer to convince the T'Ong crew that the war between the Klingon Empire and the Federation was over. After the T'Ong crew had agreed to lay down their weapons, K'Ehleyr beamed aboard the T'Ong to prepare the crew for the 24th century while waiting for the IKS P'Rang . ( TNG episode : " The Emissary ")

Not long after Alexander was born, K'Ehleyr became Federation Ambassador to the Klingon Empire . When she was on Qo'noS , she always stayed at the Federation embassy . In fact, in the time that Alexander lived with her, he never set foot anywhere else on the planet. ( TNG novel : A Time for War, A Time for Peace )

In 2367 , she accompanied K'mpec , Chancellor of the Klingon High Council , who had chosen Picard as Arbiter of Succession , to a meeting with the Enterprise . When she came aboard, Lt. Worf learned of his son Alexander for the first time. Later, she found evidence that proved Duras was involved in the conspiracy that led to Worf's discommendation; on learning of her search, Duras attacked K'Ehleyr in her quarters and killed her. Worf transported to Duras's ship shortly later and killed him in vengeance. Afterwards, Worf claimed Alexander as his son and put him in his adoptive parents' care on Earth . ( TNG episode : " Reunion ")

K'Ehleyr was buried at Woodlawn cemetery in New York City on Earth. Worf visited her grave for the first time after he was appointed to take her old position as ambassador to Qo'noS. ( TNG novel : Diplomatic Implausibility )

Worf told General Martok about K'Ehleyr after Alexander joined the crew of the IKS Rotarran in 2374 . ( DS9 episode : " Sons and Daughters ", DS9 novelization : Call to Arms... )

Appendices [ ]

Background [ ].

  • According to a reference cut from the script of " The Emissary ", K'Ehleyr met Worf on Samrin's Planet in 2359. When they were reunited six years later, K'Ehleyr was disappointed at how much Worf had changed since their initial encounter.

Connections [ ]

External link [ ].

  • K'Ehleyr article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • K'Ehleyr article at the Star Trek Timelines Wiki .
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Every star trek character played by suzie plakson.


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Every q star trek appearance ranked worst to best, star trek reveals trelane's final words, as the original series god finally dies.

  • Suzie Plakson has played multiple characters in Star Trek, including a Vulcan, a half-Klingon/half-human, a member of the Q Continuum, and an Andorian.
  • Lt. Selar, portrayed by Plakson, appears in one episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation as part of the medical team on the USS Enterprise-D.
  • Miss Q, another character played by Plakson, appears in an episode of Star Trek: Voyager and has a romantic connection with Q in the Q Continuum.

Suzie Plakson has played four different Star Trek characters throughout her career. Because of the often elaborate make-up and prosthetics necessary for Star Trek aliens, actors can often portray multiple characters without causing confusion. Many actors, such as Jeffrey Combs, Vaughn Armstrong, and Marc Alaimo have taken on multiple Star Trek roles over the course of their careers. Suzie Plakson's Star Trek characters include a Vulcan, a half-Klingon/half-human, a member of the Q Continuum, and an Andorian. Plakson imbues each of her characters with a certain intensity that makes them incredibly compelling .

Suzie Plakson appeared in many individual episodes of television before landing the role of Meg Tynan in the CBS sitcom Love & War . Plakson also voiced Monica Devertebrae on Jim Henson's Dinosaurs , and appeared as Dr. Joan Golfinos in Mad About You. Plakson has since continued appearing in various television roles, including a fifteen-episode run as Judy Eriksen on How I Met Your Mother . Here are the four characters Suzie Plakson has played and in which Star Trek series she appears.

The Star Trek TV franchise has existed for 57 years and consists of 12 shows (and counting). Here's how to watch them all in timeline order.

4 Tarah - Star Trek: Enterprise

Enterprise season 2, episode 15 ("cease fire").

In her single appearance on Star Trek: Enterprise , Suzie Plakson portrays an Andorian woman named Tarah who serves alongside Commander Shran (Jeffrey Combs) . When Shran and his forces reoccupy a Vulcan settlement, the Vulcans call for a cease-fire. Shran reaches out to Captain Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) to help with the negotiations, despite protests from Tarah. Tarah believes that the Andorians should retake the planet by force and she attempts to sabotage the peace talks. Tarah and her followers attack Archer, Sub Commander T'Pol (Jolene Blalock), and Ambassador Soval (Gary Graham), injuring the ambassador. Archer eventually captures Tarah, and Shran takes her into custody.

Tarah is the first female Andorian to appear in the Star Trek franchise.

3 Lt. Selar - Star Trek: The Next Generation

Tng season 2, episode 6 ("the schizoid man").

Lt. Selar is part of the medical team on the USS Enterprise-D, serving under the command of Dr. Katherine Pulaski (Diana Muldaur) . Although Selar only appears in one episode, she is referenced several times throughout Star Trek: The Next Generation and the character has popped up in numerous works of Star Trek tie-in fiction. In the TNG episode, "The Schizoid Man," Selar accompanies an away team to the home of celebrated Federation scientist Dr. Ira Graves (W. Morgan Sheppard). When Dr. Pulaski has to attend to another medical crisis, she says that Lt. Selar "has [her] complete confidence."

Tracy Tormé, the writer of "The Schizoid Man," originally wanted Lt. Selar to have a romantic relationship with Lt. Worf (Michael Dorn). However, this idea was nixed when Plakson was cast as Worf's former flame, K'Ehleyr.

After her arrival on the planet, Selar quickly determines that Graves is suffering from Darnay's disease, an incurable terminal illness. Selar endures Graves' leering at her, and Suzie Plakson imbues the character with a lot of personality in only a handful of scenes . After the away team returns to the Enterprise, Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) later calls Selar to his ready room to question her about what happened on the planet. Lt. Commander Data (Brent Spiner) has been acting strangely since returning to the ship, and Picard has his suspicions as to why. When asked about her impression of Dr. Graves, Selar responds that "he seemed brilliant, egocentric, arrogant, chauvinistic," which also describes the way Data has been acting.

2 Miss Q - Star Trek: Voyager

Voyager season 3, episode 11 ("the q and the grey").

John de Lancie's Q loves getting under the skin of Captain Picard, but he also has a certain fondness for Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) of the USS Voyager. When the Q Continuum breaks out into civil war, Q kidnaps Captain Janeway, intent on making her the mother of his child. With Janeway and Q trapped in the Q Continuum, Suzie Plakson's Miss Q appears on Voyager to offer assistance . She reveals that she and Q had been involved in an on-again-off-again romance for billions of years, and she helps Voyager's crew travel to the Q Continuum to rescue Janeway and Q. After Q reconnects with his former flame, the two agree to conceive a child with the hope that the child will help bring the civil war to an end.

As revealed in Star Trek: Voyager season 7, episode 19, "Q2," Q Junior (Keegan de Lancie) turns out to be a bit of a menace, just like his father, and Miss Q later disowns him.

John de Lancie's god-like Q became one of Star Trek's most popular recurring characters, and here are all of his appearances ranked worst to best.

1 K'Ehleyr - Star Trek: The Next Generation

Tng season 2, episode 20 ("emissary") & season 4, episode 7 ("reunion").

Suzie Plakson returns in Star Trek: The Next Generation season 2, this time playing K'Ehleyr, the former flame of Lt. Worf (Michael Dorn). With a human mother and a Klingon father, K'Ehleyr feels trapped between two worlds, in much the same way that Worf often feels trapped between his Klingon heritage and his duties to Starfleet . While K'Ehleyr can fight as well as most Star Trek Klingons , she instead chooses to lean into her human side, holding little regard for Klingon values. In her first TNG appearance, K'Ehleyr is working as an emissary for the Federation, and she travels to the Enterprise to find the Klingon sleeper ship IKS T'Ong.

Later, K'Ehleyr returns to the Enterprise with her young son, Alexander (Jon Steuer), whose existence comes as quite a surprise to Worf. Although K'Ehleyr wants Worf to marry her and become a family with Alexander, Worf does not want to shame K'Ehleyr and Alexander with his discommendation from the Klingon Empire. K'Ehleyr later discovers that the notorious Klingon Duras (Patrick Massett) had conspired to shun Worf. When Duras learns what K'Ehleyr has discovered, he brutally kills her, leaving Alexander without a mother. Worf then kills Duras in retaliation, before claiming Alexander as his son. Worf's complicated relationship with Alexander becomes an ongoing story, and K'Ehleyr's death remains one of the most tragic losses in the Star Trek franchise.

Star Trek: The Next Generation , Star Trek: Voyager , & Star Trek: Enterprise are all available to stream on Paramount+.

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K'Ehleyr was a female Klingon -human hybrid introduced in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode The Emissary , and the first wife of Worf .

She was portrayed by Suzie Plakson, who also portrayed Doctor Selar, a Female Q, and an Andorian named Tarah in other Star Trek related productions.

The product of a Klingon father and a human mother, K'Ehleyr was born in the first half of the 24th century. In the 2350s she was an emissary leading a group of Klingon cadets when she met a young Starfleet cadet named Worf . Working with Worf and the other cadets they were able to save a joint Klingon-Federation colony from an attack. She and Worf entered into a relationship in 2359 but didn't proceed as neither were ready to commit to a relationship.

K'Ehleyr and Worf met again in 2365 when K'Ehleyr was dispatched to the USS Enterprise -D to help deal with the Klingon ship IKS T'Ong , which had on an extended mission where the crew had been in cryosleep for over seven decades. The crew awoke not knowing the Federation and Klingons were now allies. Her visit forced her and Worf to confront their feelings for each other, and the pair made love after a Klingon exercise session on the holodeck, resulting in the conception of a child. Afterwards Worf wanted to immediately marry K'Ehleyr, but she refused to take the oath with Worf and become his wife.

Working with Worf and the Enterprise crew, the pair were able to successfully devise a means of peacefully resolving the situation with the T'Ong without having to destroy the vessel. K'Ehleyr boarded the T'Ong and spent the next three days bringing the Klingons up to speed on the 24th century until other Klingon ships could arrive and escort the T'Ong back to base.

Shortly after having her and Worf's child, who she named Alexander, K'Ehleyr was named the Federation 's ambassador to the Klingon Empire. She spent most of her time working out of the Federation embassy on Qo'noS, and Alexander never left the compound when he lived with her.

K'Ehleyr and Alexander accompanied the dying Chancellor K'mpec to meet Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the Enterprise in 2367. With K'mpec dying the threat of a Klingon civil war was high as various contenders would fight for control of the Empire. She also wanted Worf to meet Alexander. Recently discommended by the High Council, Worf was unwilling to acknowledge K'Ehleyr as his wife nor acknowledge Alexander as his son.

Determined to figure out what happened to Worf, K'Ehleyr began her own investigations, which had the unfortunate effect of alerting Worf's enemy Duras when she used her diplomatic codes to access Klingon computer files on Duras and the Klingon High Council's inquiries into the Khitomer massacre. K'Ehleyr was then murdered by Duras. She died in Worf's arms with their son Alexander present. As this was the first time Alexander had seen someone die, Worf told him to look upon his mother's deceased form and always remember death. Boarding Duras's ship, Worf claimed the right of vengeance against Duras on the grounds that K'Ehleyr was his wife.

After her death K'Ehleyr's body was transported to Earth and buried in New York City's Woodlawn Cemetery. After Worf himself became Federation Ambassador to the Empire, he visited her grave for the first time. He told his friend Martok about K'Ehleyr during the Dominion War when Alexander joined the crew of the Rotarran during the war.

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K'Ehleyr is a minor recurring character featured in on the 1987 - 1997 science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation . She was played by actress Suzie Plakson and introduced in the 20th episode of season two entitled "The Emissary".

  • 2 Biography
  • 3 Notes & Trivia
  • 4 Appearances
  • 6 External links
  • 7 References

Overview [ ]

K'Ehleyr is an alien of mixed heritage. She is one-half Klingon on her father's side, and half-human on her mother's side. K'Ehleyr was once romantically associated with the Klingon Starfleet officer Worf and is the mother of his son, Alexander Rozhenko . K'Ehleyr was murdered by the Klingon Duras after threatening to expose his involvement of the discommendation of Worf for the alleged actions of his father, Mogh .

Biography [ ]

Notes & trivia [ ].

  • The character of K'Ehleyr was created by director Cliff Bole and writers Richard Manning and Hans Beimler based on concepts originally developed by Gene Roddenberry .
  • Actress Suzie Plakson also played a female member of the Q Continuum in "The Q and the Grey" episode of Star Trek: Voyager , and the Vulcan doctor Lt. Selar in "The Schizoid Man" episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation . Plakson also played Tarah on the "Cease Fire" episode of Star Trek: Enterprise .

Appearances [ ]

  • "The Emissary"

See also [ ]

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation images
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation galleries
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation seasons
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation characters
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation cast & crew
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation miscellaneous

External links [ ]

  • K'Ehleyr at IMDB
  • K'Ehleyr at the Holosuite
  • K'Ehleyr at Memory Beta
  • K'Ehleyr at Memory Alpha

References [ ]

  • 1 Sophie Kachinsky
  • 2 Max Black
  • 3 Donnie Schenck

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Published Aug 8, 2013

INTERVIEW: Trek's K'Ehleyr & More, Suzie Plakson, Part 2

k'ehleyr star trek episodes

Do you have any shows or movies or music in the works? PLAKSON: Some music is beginning to come together. I’ve got to find a guitarist who can help me out. There is another How I Met Your Mother (episode) on the way. I’ll be back playing the mad Judy Eriksen, which I love to do. I haven’t heard anything further from them about doing more. It’s the last season, so I hope I get to come back one more time.

k'ehleyr star trek episodes

Click HERE to read part one of our interview with Suzie Plakson.

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What Happened To Suzie Plakson After Her Last Star Trek Role On 'Cease Fire'?

Tarah looking behind

Joining Star Trek in any form is a huge honor, but some actors are lucky enough to appear as different characters across different Star Trek shows and movies. One such example is Suzie Plakson, who has four Star Trek roles under her belt — Lt. Selar and K'Ehleyr on "Star Trek: The Next Generation,"  the female Q on "Star Trek: Voyager," and Tarah on "Star Trek: Enterprise." Her last showing in the franchise was on "Enterprise" in 2003 with the episode "Cease Fire," so it's only natural for fans to wonder what she's been up to in the years since. 

Following her final Star Trek stint, she continued acting for some time. She appeared in the 2005 film "Red Eye," and she had a recurring role on "How I Met Your Mother" as Judy Eriksen, mother to Marshall Eriksen (Jason Segel). Her final acting credit (as of this writing) was in 2014, but she's kept busy and even released another Star Trek project that's sure to be a delight for fans.

In 2023, she released an audiobook titled "The Poor Dead K'Ehleyr Show."  Her website describes the book as "a thirty-five-minute odyssey strewn with Trek Tales — that is, some behind-the-scene[s] stories from my journeys through guesting as four different alien species, tales that include people like Gene Roddenberry and Michael Westmore." It also includes a blurb from K'Ehleyr, voiced by Plakson, from the afterlife, seeing as the character died on "The Next Generation."

Tarah from Enterprise may be Plakson's most important Star Trek role

Tarah speaking to another Andorian

Each of Suzie Plakson's Star Trek roles stands out in its own unique way. For example, Lt. Selar, M.D., comes to the forefront on the "Next Generation" episode "The Schizoid Man," where she responds to a distress call and later speaks with Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) about strange behavior exhibited by Data (Brent Spiner). Her characters always have some impact on the plot, and while everything's open to interpretation, her part as Tarah on "Enterprise" may have been her most pivotal. 

"Cease Fire" centers on a conflict between the Vulcans and the Andorians, each side claiming ownership of a planet. Captain Archer (Scott Bakula) is brought on as a mediator between the two sides at the insistence of Andorian Commander Shran (Jeffrey Combs), who has his lieutenant, Tarah (Plakson), by his side. However, there's tension between Shran and Tarah, as the latter wishes to keep the violent conflict going rather than pursue negotiations. In the grander machinations of Star Trek as a franchise, it's a crucial episode because it shows the first steps toward creating a United Federation of Planets, which hasn't been formed yet since "Enterprise" is a prequel to the original "Star Trek" series.

Plakson's performance is also commendable, particularly toward the end of the episode, when she chillingly tells Shran there are others like her, who would prefer war to compromise. Fortunately, Shran remains resilient, and a cease-fire with the Vulcans is found. It's a prescient episode and an excellent showcase of Plakson's acting talents. And with so many Star Trek shows on now, perhaps there's a chance for her to come back into the fray to play yet another alien.

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  • Thread starter Handsomeyoungensign
  • Start date Aug 19, 2017


Lieutenant commander.

  • Aug 19, 2017

Just wanted to post a K'Ehleyr thread here.. One of my all series fav quotes on Duras.. "Dont play the wounded Klingon" Just one of the greats.. Shame they killed her off  

Paradise City

Paradise City

She should've gotten a few more episodes and then do the melodramatic death in Redemption . But, yes, a great character.  

Farscape One

Vice admiral.

She was killed in "Reunion" .  


Fleet Admiral

  • Aug 20, 2017
Paradise City said: She should've gotten a few more episodes and then do the melodramatic death in Redemption . But, yes, a great character. Click to expand...

Mad Jack Wolfe

Fleet captain.

She was a delightfully witty smart-ass, gone far too soon.  


Handsomeyoungensign said: One of my all series fav quotes on Duras.. "Dont play the wounded Klingon" Click to expand...
  • Aug 21, 2017
JesterFace said: Wasn't it: " Don't play the wounded Klingon for me, Duras. You don't do it very well." Click to expand...


Suzi's also an absolute doll to talk to at conventions. I think she was happy I wanted to talk about her sitcom Love and War instead of Trek for a change.  



"Don't give me that Klingon nonsense!" She kinda summed up my feelings of them. A great character killed off too soon. Shame that none of Suzie Plakson's characters didn't become recurring ones.  


K'Ehleyr: You don't have to act like a Klingon glacier. I don't bite. Well, that's wrong. I *do* bite." K'Ehleyr: Poor android. Whose behavior do you find more perplexing - Human... or Klingon? Data: At the moment... I would find it difficult to choose. K'Ehleyr: So would I. Gowron: What do you want? Command of a ship? A seat on the Council? There are many opportunities for you in the Empire. K'Ehleyr: Opportunities that will present themselves only if *you* come to power. You talk like a Ferengi.  

Leviathan said: K'Ehleyr: You don't have to act like a Klingon glacier. I don't bite. Well, that's wrong. I *do* bite." K'Ehleyr: Poor android. Whose behavior do you find more perplexing - Human... or Klingon? Data: At the moment... I would find it difficult to choose. K'Ehleyr: So would I. Gowron: What do you want? Command of a ship? A seat on the Council? There are many opportunities for you in the Empire. K'Ehleyr: Opportunities that will present themselves only if *you* come to power. You talk like a Ferengi. Click to expand...
  • Aug 22, 2017

Yeah, for diplomat, she wasn't much of a diplomat was she? Far too straight talkin' for that.  

Via mem alpha: GOwron makes a seemingly veiled threat, mentioning K'mpec, but K'Ehleyr says " K'mpec was old and weak – I am not! " Gowron smiles and leaves the room  

I loved her character and always thought her death was a cheap way to give Worf some manpain. Would have liked to see her more than we did.  



  • Aug 25, 2017

There was an idea going around that Next Gen killed off charismatic guest characters, so as not to outshine the regulars. At least early on.  

At least Robin Leffler and Sonya Gomez survived their two (each) appearances, even if they both disappeared afterward.  

Forbin said: At least Robin Leffler and Sonya Gomez survived their two (each) appearances, even if they both disappeared afterward. Click to expand...


Herbert said: Does anyone know what was going on with the Sonya Gomez character? It seemed very much like they were grooming that character to be recurring crew member but then was gone. Click to expand...

I was just sad because I've always liked Lycia Naff. And not just because she was a three-breasted hooker.  

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Memory Alpha

Suzie Plakson

Born as Susan Plaksin , she provided the voice of Monica Devertebrae on Dinosaurs (co-starring Michael Dorn in the role of the voice of The Elders). She appeared on Love & War (co-starring Michael Nouri ) in the role of Meg Tynan. She portrayed "Joanne Glotz", Robert Barone's ex-wife, on Everybody Loves Raymond .

She has also appeared in Disclosure (1994, with Rosemary Forsyth , David Drew Gallagher , Jacqueline Kim , and Jack Shearer ), Wag the Dog (1997, with Geoffrey Blake , Brant Cotton , Kirsten Dunst , Phil Morris , J. Patrick McCormack , and Jack Shearer), On Edge (2001, with Jason Alexander and John Glover ), and Red Eye (2005, with Loren Lester , Robert Pine , Beth Toussaint , and Dey Young )

Plakson also had a recurring guest role on Mad About You as Dr. Joan Golfinos, the partner of Paul's sister Debbie (another regular guest star on the series was Anne Elizabeth Ramsay , who appeared in the same episode, " The Emissary ", with Plakson; Gates McFadden also made several guest-appearances on the show). More recently she's appeared in a recurring role as Marshall's mother on How I Met Your Mother .

Plakson was the keynote speaker during the closing ceremonies of Star Trek: The Experience in Las Vegas on 1 September 2008.

Star Trek appearances [ ]

Selar TNG: "The Schizoid Man"

External links [ ]

  • – official site
  • Suzie Plakson at the Internet Movie Database
  • Suzie Plakson at the Internet Broadway Database
  • Suzie Plakson at Wikipedia
  • 1 Bell Riots
  • 3 Daniels (Crewman)

Suzie Plakson

IMDbPro Starmeter Top 5,000 879

Suzie Plakson

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Bette Midler and Suzie Plakson in Bette (2000)

  • 1996 • 1 ep

Michael Douglas and Demi Moore in Disclosure (1994)

  • Mary Anne Hunter

Cillian Murphy and Rachel McAdams in Red Eye (2005)

  • Senior Flight Attendant

Wag the Dog (1997)

  • Judy Eriksen
  • 15 episodes

David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel in Bones (2005)

  • Rosalind Bassa

Jonny Lee Miller in Eli Stone (2008)

  • Jesse Bates

Scott Bakula, John Billingsley, Jolene Blalock, Dominic Keating, Anthony Montgomery, Connor Trinneer, and Linda Park in Star Trek: Enterprise (2001)

  • Dr. Ingrid Chekhov
  • Chief of Staff Nan Fleming (voice)

On Edge (2001)

  • Janet Bellamy

Futurama (1999)

  • Amazonian (voice, as Susie Plakson)

Judging Amy (1999)

  • Jane Holcombe

Stephen Collins and Marshall Bell in Code Blue (2000)

  • Joanne Glotz
  • Joanne 'Cinnamon' Glotz

Helen Hunt and Paul Reiser in Mad About You (1992)

  • Dr. Joan Golfinos
  • Dr. Joan Herman
  • 17 episodes

Seth Green, Mila Kunis, Alex Borstein, and Seth MacFarlane in Family Guy (1999)

  • Tammy (voice) ...

Personal details

  • Official Site
  • Susie Plakson
  • 6′ 1½″ (1.87 m)
  • June 3 , 1958
  • Buffalo, New York, USA
  • Relatives Barbara Berger (Sibling)
  • Other works (theater) "La Bete" (1991) as Marquise Therese Du Parc
  • 1 Interview
  • 2 Magazine Cover Photos

Did you know

  • Trivia The only actress to appear as 4 different aliens in 3 different "Star Trek" series: Vulcan Lieutenant Selar and Klingon K'Ehleyr on Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) , the female Q on Star Trek: Voyager (1995) and Tarah, the first female Andorian on Star Trek: Enterprise (2001) . Although, actor Jeffrey Combs exceeded her with 6 different aliens over 3 series: Tiron, Brunt and Weyoun on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (1993) , Penk on Star Trek: Voyager (1995) , as well as Krem and Commander Shran on Star Trek: Enterprise (2001) .
  • Trademarks Statuesque, model-like figure
  • How old is Suzie Plakson?
  • When was Suzie Plakson born?
  • Where was Suzie Plakson born?

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What were the Bell Riots in the greatest 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine' time travel episode?

As history catches up with a pivotal moment in the "Star Trek" timeline, we look back at the events of "Past Tense," which took place on Aug. 30, 2024.

people walk through dilapidated city streets lined with garbage and unhoused people

Along with First Contact Day on April 5, 2063, Friday Aug. 30, 2024 is one of the most important dates in " Star Trek " history. 

It's the day Commander Benjamin Sisko got to ask that immortal sci-fi question – "What year is this?!" — after he and fellow time travelers Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax and Dr. Julian Bashir made a bumpy landing in 21st century San Francisco. It's also the eve of the Bell Riots that would shape the future of Earth , the Federation and the Alpha Quadrant as a whole. 

First broadcast in January 1995, the "Past Tense" two-parter is widely regarded as one of the best stories from " Deep Space Nine ." It's also among "Star Trek's" most politically charged adventures, set in a compassion-free 2024 where Sisko and Bashir find themselves trapped in an internment camp-like "Sanctuary", and Dax gets to see how the other half live when she's taken under the wing of a media mogul. So, to mark the anniversary of the history-shaping (but fictional) Bell Riots, we explain one of the most important events in the "Star Trek" timeline .

What were the Bell Riots?

Described by Commander Benjamin Sisko as "one of the most violent civil disturbances in American history", the Bell Riots took place in San Francisco during the first week of September 2024. 

The disturbance was centered on the city's Sanctuary District A, one of many Sanctuaries found in major US cities in the "Star Trek" version of the early 2020s. Their original aim was to help unemployed or homeless citizens to find work or accommodation, but that vision was soon corrupted. The settlements were overcrowded and violent, and — with walls erected around them — effectively became internment camps. They also became a convenient way for wealthier members of society to ignore the problems on their doorstep.

Related: The best Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episodes ever

Things came to a head when residents seized control of Sanctuary District A, taking guards and other administrative staff hostage in the Security Bureau. The government sent in troops to restore order, and hundreds were killed in the subsequent skirmishes.

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The authorities responded to rumors that the hostages had been killed by storming the building, but they soon learned that none of them had been harmed. They'd been protected by a certain Gabriel Bell, the man who gave the riots their name, and sacrificed himself to save the prisoners. 

He would become a national hero, his death generating such public outrage that the Sanctuary program was abolished. The riots would be seen as one of the pivotal moments in American history, as the US government acted to repair social issues they'd previously dismissed, paving the way for the more utopian future we'd see in TV shows and movies across the franchise. (We'll try to ignore the fact that "Trek" lore tells us World War III is just a few short years away.)

people walk through dilapidated city streets lined with garbage and unhoused people

How did Sisko, Dax and Bashir end up in 21st century San Francisco?

It's down to the sort of transporter accident that makes you wonder why anyone in the 24th century risks beaming anywhere. Sisko, Dax and Bashir were on their way to a symposium in San Francisco to discuss the Dominion threat when they were transported back in time to 2024 — a case of right city, wrong century. 

Chief Miles O'Brien quickly identified the cause of the problem. The USS Defiant's hull was polarized with chroniton particles, a by-product of the ship's Romulan cloaking device. When an explosion in a microscopic singularity passing through Earth's solar system "shifted the chroniton particles in our hull into a high state of temporal polarization", the transporter beam was refocused back in time.

How did the Starfleet officers impact the events of the Bell Riots?

Starfleet directives state that officers must not, under any circumstances, alter past events. So when Sisko, a keen student of early 21st century history, realized they'd arrived in San Francisco on Friday, Aug. 30, 2024 — the eve of the Bell Riots — he told Bashir it was imperative that they avoid interfering with a pivotal period in American history. This order proved particularly distressing for the doctor, who pointed out how many people in the Sanctuary required treatment for mental illness.

This being "Star Trek", however, it didn't take long for Sisko and Bashir to make drastic changes to the timeline. While waiting for food, the pair were involved in an altercation with Biddle "BC" Coleridge, one of the ringleaders of the impending attack on the Security Bureau. They were ultimately saved by the intervention of another resident, who was stabbed by BC and subsequently died from his wounds. The name of that man? Gabriel Bell.

Back in the 24th century, the crew of the Defiant soon learned how pivotal Bell really was, as all evidence of the Federation — Starfleet headquarters, the spacedocks, the Utopia Planitia shipyards on Mars, the lot — vanished. O'Brien theorized that the explosion in the singularity created a subspace bubble around the ship that protected the Defiant from the altered timeline.

Following the real Bell's death, Sisko assumed his identity to ensure that history got back on track. He was shot in the military's assault on the hostage takers, but the wound was not fatal. He and Bashir were helped to escape by Sanctuary guards who saw what Bell/Sisko had done, planted Bell's ID on a dead body, and promised to tell the world what he'd done. Dax, meanwhile, successfully lobbied media mogul Christopher Brynner to restore computer access to Sanctuary District A, allowing residents to spread their story outside its walls. 

people walk through dilapidated city streets lined with garbage and unhoused people

How did they get back to the 24th century?

O'Brien worked out how to use the chroniton particles to focus the transporter beam towards different points in history. Unfortunately, he had no idea when Sisko, Dax and Bashir had landed — beyond narrowing it down to "a dozen different possibilities" — and only had enough polarized chronitons to take five or six trips back in time.

He and Major Kira made several fruitless jumps, taking in (seemingly) the 1920s, the 1950s and a 2048 that was "nothing like the mid-21st century I read about in school". On their final trip they struck lucky, making contact with Dax's combadge in 2024. 

They all returned to a restored 2024, with one crucial difference: Sisko's face now appeared in the history books alongside Gabriel Bell's name.

people walk through dilapidated city streets lined with garbage and unhoused people

What is "Past Tense"'s legacy in "Star Trek"?

As well as being widely regarded as one of the best stories from "Deep Space Nine"'s seven-season run, "Past Tense" continues to have an influence on "Star Trek" lore. Indeed, in "Prodigy" season 2 episode "Who Saves the Saviors", Vulcan cadet Maj'el makes a direct comparison with the events of 2024. 

Referring to the Protostar crew's interaction with their own history, she points out that, "it would not be the first instance of a causal time loop in Starfleet history: the Bell Riots, the Cochrane warp test..." (The latter event occurred in "First Contact", when the "Next Generation" crew intervened to ensure Zefram Cochrane's first warp flight in 2063 wasn't derailed by Borg interference.)

people walk through dilapidated city streets lined with garbage and unhoused people

That said, "Star Trek" mythology may be more malleable than it initially appears. The 2024 Los Angeles visited by Jean-Luc Picard and co in "Picard" season 2 doesn't feel quite as dystopian as the San Francisco of "Past Tense", while the "point of divergence" mentioned by the Borg Queen is Renée Picard's space flight, rather than the Bell Riots. (Few "Trek" shows have embraced the past as "Picard" did, so it's surprising that show did so little to acknowledge the franchise's previous trip to 2024.)

Also, when La'an Noonien Singh visited 2022/23 Toronto with an alternative James T Kirk in "Strange New Worlds" episode "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow", they rescued a boy named Khan from the Noonien-Singh Institute — even though the infamous Khan originally left Earth to escape the Eugenics Wars of 1996. This suggests that, even if the core building blocks of the mythology remain in place, the order they occur — and the specific dates — may be open to reinterpretation as the real-life calendar catches up with its equivalent stardates from the final frontier. 

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Richard's love affair with outer space started when he saw the original "Star Wars" on TV aged four, and he spent much of the ’90s watching "Star Trek”, "Babylon 5” and “The X-Files" with his mum. After studying physics at university, he became a journalist, swapped science fact for science fiction, and hit the jackpot when he joined the team at SFX, the UK's biggest sci-fi and fantasy magazine. He liked it so much he stayed there for 12 years, four of them as editor. 

He's since gone freelance and passes his time writing about "Star Wars", "Star Trek" and superheroes for the likes of SFX, Total Film, TechRadar and GamesRadar+. He has met five Doctors, two Starfleet captains and one Luke Skywalker, and once sat in the cockpit of "Red Dwarf"'s Starbug.  

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  7. "Star Trek: The Next Generation" The Emissary (TV Episode 1989)

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    K'Ehleyr is a minor recurring character featured in on the 1987-1997 science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation. She was played by actress Suzie Plakson and introduced in the 20th episode of season two entitled "The Emissary". K'Ehleyr is an alien of mixed heritage. She is one-half Klingon on her father's side, and half-human on her mother's side. K'Ehleyr was once ...

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    Each of Suzie Plakson's Star Trek roles stands out in its own unique way. For example, Lt. Selar, M.D., comes to the forefront on the "Next Generation" episode "The Schizoid Man," where she ...

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    Ambassador K'Ehleyr, Lieutenant Worf's first love and the mother of his son, is one of the most beloved Klingons in the Star Trek universe. Though the character only appeared in two episodes ...

  23. Suzie Plakson

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    As history catches up with a pivotal moment in the "Star Trek" timeline, we look back at the events of "Past Tense," which took place on Aug. 30, 2024. Along with First Contact Day on April 5 ...