

Small group travel, international trips & adventures. ages 30's & 40's., visualize the experience.

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While we have a slight different style than when we'd travel in our 20s , we're still looking for affordable trips so we can make travel a priority in our lives. Most of our travelers in their 30s and 40s come solo, but others come with friends, as a couple, but always leave the kids at home. Meet like-hearted folks, who want to be active, and know life doesn't end when you turn 30!

group travel for 30 40 year olds

In 2008, Co-founders Jared O'Toole & Matt Wilson started the popular media site Under30CEO.com. In 2012, they founded Under30Experiences which was named the Fastest Growing Travel Company by Inc. Magazine. For years, people asked "what happens when we turn 30?" Over30Experiences is the answer.

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9 Group Travel Companies For Millennials That You Should Have On Your Radar

group travel for 30 40 year olds

It's not a secret that millennials love to travel . Whether it's for the Instagram fame, a chance to party, or just the genuine life experience of being in a new place and culture, it's true. In fact, according to research done by Contiki in 2018, the majority of millennials would give up sex for awhile in order to travel the world . Yeah, told you we love to travel! Most millennials in the study were also legitimately willing to temporarily give up Netflix, booze, and coffee in exchange for travel, too, and that's saying a lot. I mean... coffee?

But another interesting quirk in the millennial travel game is our apparent penchant for more adventure-based trips. Many young travelers reportedly opt for hostels or vacation rentals over hotels, making for a more authentic experience, and they are also more likely to seek off-the-beaten-path experiences.

Another thing millennial travelers are into? Group trips. "One of the latest trends in travel is the guided small-group excursion, tailored to give a pack of like-minded young people an immersive experience in a destination," explained Newsday . Group travel packages have a reputation for catering toward an older crowd, featuring trips that check off the boxes of every predictable touristy destination in town. But due to their interest in travel and the difficulty involved in aligning schedules and budgets with a group of friends, millennials have embraced and revitalized the group-of-solo-travelers trend, resulting in a surge of travel companies catering to this generation and organizing international trips specifically for young people.

Check out some of the travel companies for millennials that are curating epic, unique, and adventurous trips for groups of young solo travelers — and start saving up that PTO for a trip of your own.

Contiki (the company behind the sex/Netflix/booze/coffee stats above) curates worldwide trips exclusively for 18-35 year olds. Their motto is "travel with no regrets," which we can get behind — and they offer hundreds of different trips to destinations on nearly every continent. They also have a student discount available, for all you millennial scholars out there.

For The Love Of Travel

For The Love Of Travel is a boutique travel company that offers unique curated group trips for people ages 25-39. "[W]e embrace the idea of 'slow travel,'" the company explained on its site. "That is, having an authentic cultural experience that connects us with the soul of the destination and people we can relate to." Check out their incredible selection of experiences .

Under 30 Experiences

Under 30 Experiences is an adventure travel company aimed toward solo travelers who are — you guessed it — under the age of 30 (with a minimum travel age of 21). But they're not too strict about it: Most guests are apparently between 21-35, and the company says they usually serve "professionals, creative types, ambitious students, entrepreneurs, and motivated young people just figuring it out."

Aimed exclusively at young professionals, Travendly is a group travel company that thoughtfully puts together tribes of like-minded young people (usually in their mid-twenties to late thirties) for ultimate travel enjoyment. With more than a dozen curated trips to countries around the globe , there's something for everyone.

G Adventures' 18-To-Thirtysomethings

The collection of 18-To-Thirtysomethings tours offered by travel company G Adventures are described as"fast-paced and affordable adventures designed for young travellers." Their goal is to create exciting, adventure-based trips that young solo travelers can actually afford, so check out their offerings of trips to destinations around the world .

Travel company Topdeck organizes trips for 18 to 30-something year olds, and the company's passion is to "inspire young people through life-changing travel experiences." The group trips are made specifically for solo travelers who are looking for fun and adventures, and they offer trips all around Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Australia.

Group travel company Flash Pack curates unique and stylish trips for anyone in the millennial age bracket. Their trips are designed for solo travelers in their late 20s through 40s who are looking for an actually authentic and adventurous experience, and they specialize in high-quality, flexible, boutique accommodations.

Intrepid's 18 To 29s Adventures

This is for those of us on the younger side of the Millennial canon. Formerly known as Gecko, the 18 To 29s Adventures offered by group tour & travel company Intrepid . While they are strict with the age range, these tours are specially designed to be suited to young travelers and focus on local adventures, making their trips sustainability-minded.

EF Ultimate Break

Travel company EF Ultimate Break offers more than 65 different trips made for every travel style, and cater to solo travelers who are ages 18 to 29 for group trips. Unlike many other companies, flight costs are built into its trips, so once you pay (or get on a payment plan) you'll be all set to go, making it super easy for busy millennials.

group travel for 30 40 year olds

Great Group Travel Options for (Older, but Adventurous!) Solo Travellers

group travel for 30 40 year olds

(Before we even get started, let’s deal with the dirty word: “Older.” I’m about to turn 40. And, while I don’t consider that *old,* I do also recognize that my current travel style is somewhat different than many younger travellers. You won’t find me out late at the clubs. Or crashing in a hostel with a shared bathroom if I can help it. But that doesn’t mean I’m not up for adventure! Or that group travel isn’t an option. It just means I have to pick a tour that fits my style.)

Looking to head out on a group adventure? Here are some great group travel options for older (but adventurous) solo travellers!

Why travel with a group?

There are lots of reasons a solo traveller might want to team up with a group tour. Maybe you’re heading somewhere that you don’t speak the language and would feel more comfortable having extra support. Or maybe a group tour offers an experience or access to somewhere that would otherwise be hard to arrange. Or maybe you just want some company for a change. There’s no right or wrong reason to join a group tour!

However, picking the right tour is important! The group dynamics and tour style will strongly influence your experience. Here are a few options to consider:

Intrepid Travel

While Intrepid Travel caters to travellers of all ages, their Premium and Comfort tours seem perfectly targeted at older individuals. Premium tours offer the widest range of experiences in a comfortable setting…and Comfort tours offer not only comfort, but a more relaxed pace. The higher price point on these tours is likely to discourage younger travellers looking for more of a party-vibe. All Intrepid Tours are small groups with an average group size of 10 individuals. Solo travellers can choose to room with another solo traveller of the same gender…or pay a single supplement to have private accommodations (when available). As an added bonus, Intrepid Travel is a B-corp and has a progressive animal welfare policy.

G Adventures

Like Intrepid Travel, G Adventures also caters to travellers of all ages, but their special collection of tours designed in partnership with National Geographic and the Jane Goodall Foundation (centered around wildlife!) are likely to cater to slightly older travellers. All G Adventures tours are small groups with an average size of 10 individuals. Solo travellers can choose to room with another solo traveller of the same gender…or pay a single supplement to have private accommodations (when available). As an added bonus, G Adventures has a progressive animal welfare policy.

Unlike the previous two tour operators, Flash Pack caters exclusively to 30 and 40 year olds…particularly solo travellers! All Flash Pack tours are small groups with no more than 14 individuals. Solo travellers are paired with another solo traveller of the same gender for rooming purposes.

group travel for 30 40 year olds

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Top Group Travel Companies for 30 Somethings: Unleash Your Wanderlust with Expert Recommendations

Unleash your wanderlust and embark on the adventure of a lifetime with expert recommendations for the top group travel companies catered specifically for 30 somethings. Whether you’re looking to explore the picturesque landscapes of Europe or immerse yourself in the vibrant cultures of Asia, we have curated a list of the best group travel companies that cater to the unique desires and preferences of this age group. With our expert travel writer’s insider tips and in-depth knowledge of the industry, you can confidently embark on your next adventure, knowing that you’ll be in good hands. So, get ready to satisfy your wanderlust and create unforgettable memories with the top group travel companies for 30 somethings.

Group Travel Companies For 30 Somethings

Key Takeaways:

  • FTLO Travel is a group travel company specifically for young professionals in their 20s and 30s.
  • They offer curated international group trips, providing opportunities to make new friends and explore amazing destinations.
  • FTLO Travel offers small group trips to the Basque Country, Ireland, Scotland, Europe, South Africa, and more.
  • Weekender trips and a full calendar of upcoming trips are available for young professionals.
  • FTLO Travel provides gift cards for those interested in giving the gift of travel.
  • Other Way Round is another group travel company focused on adventure trips for 25-45 year olds.
  • Intrepid Tours is a popular tour operator for young professionals and middle-aged adults, offering adventure, cultural experiences, and custom add-ons.
  • When choosing a group tour company, consider your desired experience – adventure and cultural or relaxation and entertainment.
  • Small group travel can be a great option, offering a well-planned itinerary, expert guides, and pre-paid transportation.
  • Group travel allows individuals to meet new people while immersing themselves in different cultures.
  • FTLO Travel’s international trips are designed to include unique activities and authentic cultural experiences.

Table of Contents

Group Travel Companies for 30 Somethings

Are you in your 30s and longing to embark on an exciting travel adventure? Look no further! In this article, we will explore the top group travel companies that cater specifically to 30 somethings, providing you with expert recommendations to unleash your wanderlust. So, pack your bags and get ready to explore the world with like-minded individuals.

FTLO Travel: Curated Group Trips for Young Professionals

Website: FTLO Travel

One of the most popular group travel companies for 30 somethings is FTLO Travel. They understand the desires and preferences of young professionals like you, and their curated international group trips offer the perfect blend of adventure, exploration, and socializing. With FTLO Travel, you can make new friends while exploring amazing destinations worldwide.

If you’re a solo traveler looking to connect with others, FTLO Travel’s small group trip to the Basque Country is an excellent choice. This excursion provides the opportunity to meet fellow travelers in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, allowing you to forge long-lasting connections while experiencing the rich culture and beauty of the region. They also offer trips to Ireland and Scotland, two enchanting destinations that shouldn’t be missed.

FTLO Travel’s diverse range of destinations extends beyond Europe. Whether you’re dreaming of an African safari or yearning to immerse yourself in the vibrant cultures of Southeast Asia, FTLO Travel has you covered. Their expertly curated itineraries ensure that every moment of your trip is filled with unique activities and authentic cultural experiences.

To cater to the busy schedules of young professionals, FTLO Travel also organizes weekend trips. These quick getaways are perfect for those craving a dose of adventure without sacrificing too much time away from work.

And if you’re searching for the perfect gift for a fellow traveler, FTLO Travel offers gift cards that allow recipients to choose from their exciting array of upcoming trips. The gift of travel is truly unforgettable!

Other Way Round: Adventure Trips for 25-45 Year Olds

Website: Other Way Round

Another outstanding group travel company worth considering is Other Way Round. They specialize in adventure trips specifically designed for 25-45 year olds, offering an exhilarating range of experiences for young professionals seeking a thrilling escape. From trekking in the Himalayas to surfing in Bali, Other Way Round’s itineraries are sure to satisfy your craving for excitement and adrenaline.

Intrepid Tours: Adventure and Cultural Experiences

Website: Intrepid Tours

If you’re looking for a group tour company that appeals to both young professionals and middle-aged adults, Intrepid Tours is a fantastic choice. With their extensive range of destinations and tour options, they offer something for everyone. Whether you want to embark on an action-packed adventure or immerse yourself in the local culture, Intrepid Tours has the perfect itinerary for you. Their experienced guides, flexible add-ons, and emphasis on responsible travel make them a top choice for those seeking a well-rounded travel experience.

Choosing the Right Group Travel Company

When selecting a group travel company for your 30-something adventure, it’s important to consider your specific preferences and travel goals. Are you seeking thrilling adventures and cultural experiences, or do you prefer a more relaxed and entertaining vacation? Understanding your desires will help you choose the company that aligns with your travel aspirations.

Additionally, opt for group travel companies that offer tried-and-true itineraries, expert guides, and pre-paid transportation. This ensures that you can fully immerse yourself in the travel experience without worrying about logistics and planning.

There’s something uniquely special about group travel that allows you to meet new people while exploring different cultures. The connections formed during these adventures often turn into lifelong friendships and create memories that will be cherished forever.

So, embrace your wanderlust and embark on the journey of a lifetime with one of these top group travel companies for 30 somethings. Explore the world, make new friends, and create unforgettable memories. The world is waiting for you!

Looking for group travel companies for 30 somethings? Check out our curated list of options that cater specifically to this age group. From exciting adventures to cultural experiences, these travel companies know how to make your trip unforgettable. Explore the best options for group travel companies for 30 somethings here .

For seniors looking for group travel experiences, there are specialized companies that cater to your needs. Discover the top group travel companies for seniors here and embark on unforgettable journeys with like-minded individuals.

Calling all young adults! Planning your next adventure with a group of fellow travelers? Look no further. Explore our list of group travel companies that cater specifically to young adults here and get ready for an exhilarating experience.

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Attention singles over 50 in India! Explore our selection of travel groups that cater specifically to your age group here and discover exciting destinations while creating lasting memories with like-minded individuals.

Young adults, get ready for an unforgettable travel experience! Check out our list of travel groups specially crafted for young adults here and embark on thrilling adventures with fellow travelers.

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Curious about which Kpop groups are currently on tour? Find out all the exciting details and upcoming tours here and don’t miss the chance to see your favorite groups live in concert.

Group Travel For 30-40 Year Olds Europe

Adventure awaits! If you’re in your 30s or 40s and looking to explore Europe with like-minded travelers, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll dive into the top group travel companies that cater specifically to your age group, ensuring unforgettable experiences and a chance to unleash your wanderlust. Let’s get started!

Other Way Round: Authentic Experiences Tailored to 30-40 Year Olds

Founded by Steve, Other Way Round is a group travel company that focuses on adventure trips for 25-45 year olds. Steve’s journey and passion for offering authentic experiences led him to start this company, debunking the negative perceptions often associated with group tours. With Other Way Round, you can expect an inclusive itinerary that truly captures the essence of the destinations you’ll visit.

Upcoming trips to Peru, Colombia, and Mexico are on the horizon, catering specifically to travelers aged 25-45. But don’t take our word for it! Testimonials from previous travelers highlight the genuine experiences and well-planned schedules provided by Other Way Round. So, rest assured that you’ll be in good hands on your next adventure.

Source: Other Way Round – Group Travel Company for 30 Somethings

Flash Pack: Adventure Trips for Solo Travelers in Their 30s and 40s

If you’re a solo traveler and want to join a group of like-minded explorers in their 30s and 40s, Flash Pack is the perfect choice. This group travel company specializes in adventure trips designed specifically for this age group. With over 700 reviews on Trustpilot and glowing recommendations from previous travelers, Flash Pack has earned a reputation for creating unforgettable experiences.

Source: Flash Pack – Adventure Trips for Solo Travellers

On The Go Tours: Group Travel for Adventurous 30-40 Year Olds

Another fantastic option for group travel in Europe is On The Go Tours. With a focus on catering to travelers over 30, On The Go Tours offers an array of exciting destinations, including Peru and Vietnam. Whether you’re seeking thrilling adventures or cultural immersion, they have the perfect trip for you. With expert Tour Directors, meticulously crafted itineraries, and all-inclusive packages, On The Go Tours ensures a stress-free and memorable travel experience.

Intrepid Tours: Tailor-Made Adventures for Young Professionals and Middle-Aged Adults

Intrepid Tours is a popular tour operator that curates trips tailored specifically for young professionals and middle-aged adults. With a wide range of adventure and cultural experiences, combined with the flexibility of custom add-ons, Intrepid Tours caters to diverse interests and preferences. So, whether you’re looking for heart-pumping activities or serene relaxation, Intrepid Tours has you covered.

Group Travel to Europe: Stress-Free and All-Inclusive

Group trips to Europe offer numerous benefits, making your travel experience stress-free and enjoyable. Many group travel companies include accommodations, flights, activities, and even an expert Tour Director. This means you can leave the logistics to the professionals and focus on immersing yourself in the magic of Europe.

So, unleash your wanderlust and embark on a new adventure with confidence. Whether you choose Other Way Round, Flash Pack, On The Go Tours, or Intrepid Tours, you’re guaranteed a group travel experience tailored to your desires and preferences.

  • Other Way Round specializes in adventure trips for 25-45 year olds, offering authentic experiences and inclusive itineraries. [^1^]
  • Flash Pack caters to solo travelers in their 30s and 40s, providing adventure trips with highly recommended experiences. [^2^]
  • On The Go Tours offers group travel for adventurous 30-40 year olds, with expert Tour Directors and stress-free itineraries.
  • Intrepid Tours creates tailor-made adventures for young professionals and middle-aged adults, providing a range of cultural experiences and customizable add-ons.

[^1^]: Other Way Round – Group Travel Company for 30 Somethings [^2^]: Flash Pack – Adventure Trips for Solo Travellers

Group Travel Companies For 30 Somethings

Q1: What are the best group travel companies for 30 year olds?

A1: Some of the best group travel companies for 30 year olds include FTLO Travel, Other Way Round, Flash Pack, and On The Go Tours. These companies specialize in creating curated group trips tailored to the interests and preferences of young professionals in this age group.

Q2: What is unique about Other Way Round as a group travel company for 30-40 year olds?

A2: Other Way Round stands out as a group travel company for 30-40 year olds due to its focus on adventure trips. They offer authentic and inclusive itineraries designed to provide unique experiences for solo travelers in their 30s and 40s. Their upcoming trips to destinations like Peru, Colombia, and Mexico cater specifically to this age group.

Q3: What are the advantages of group travel for 30-40 year olds in Europe?

A3: Group travel in Europe for 30-40 year olds offers various advantages. These can include stress-free planning, as accommodations, flights, activities, and an expert Tour Director are often included. It also provides an opportunity to meet new people while exploring different cultures. Additionally, curated itineraries by tour operators like FTLO Travel and On The Go Tours ensure a well-rounded experience.

Q4: Why is Flash Pack recommended for adventure trips for solo travelers in their 30s and 40s?

A4: Flash Pack is highly recommended for adventure trips for solo travelers in their 30s and 40s due to its positive reputation and extensive experience. With over 700 reviews on Trustpilot, Flash Pack is known for providing thrilling and unique experiences for this age group. Their itineraries are specifically designed to cater to the interests and preferences of solo adventurers.

Q5: What are some popular tour operators for young professionals and middle-aged adults?

A5: Intrepid Tours is one of the popular tour operators for young professionals and middle-aged adults. They offer a wide range of adventure and cultural experiences, often providing custom add-ons to enhance the trips. Other notable tour operators include FTLO Travel, Other Way Round, and On The Go Tours, all of which curate trips specifically tailored to the needs and preferences of this age group.

group travel for 30 40 year olds

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About Egypt

With one of the Seven Wonders of the World taking up residence here, Egypt needs little introduction. From it’s Valley of Gods to the Pyramids of Giza and thousands of ancient temples and mosques that drape themselves across the country, travelling through Egypt is like stepping into and then weaving a path inside a history book where the words take form and transform themselves into animate, tangible objects. With over 5000 years of civilization built under the gaze of the River Nile it is a country obviously steeped in tales both epic in scale and reality. Yet, Egypt is not all about King Tut and Ramses, monuments, temples and ancient lore. There’s much to be talked about its cuisine (consider the hawawshi, a flat pie made of minced beef and flat bread or ful wa Ta’meya – fawa beans and falafel), its souks criss-crossed with maze like alleys, its silk markets that compete for favour with its equally famous spice markets. Dolphin watching and indeed snorkeling with them, diving in the Red Sea, a trip to the chalk hewn landscape of the White Desert and that quintessential Egyptian experience of gliding down the Nile on board a felucca all combine to make a visit to Egypt a necessity for travellers in their 30's and 40's rather than an option.

Best time to visit:   is between October and April, when temperatures are cooler, but still pleasantly warm across the country. This makes exploring the busy streets of Cairo, visiting the Pyramids in the desert, and exploring ancient Pharaonic tombs more comfortable and enjoyable.

Currency: Egyptian Pound 

Weather and Average temperature:  Egypt has a hot desert climate, except for the northern coast, which has a temperate Mediterranean climate. Summer temperatures can reach a high of 32ºC (90ºF) while winter temperatures average at 17ºC (63ºF).

National Language: Arabic  

Top Dishes to try: Koshari – a blend of black lentils, rice, macaroni, and spaghetti topped with tomato sauce, vinegar and chilli garnished further with chickpeas and fried crispy onion,  Mulukhiya: green leaf dip, often eaten with chicken, Shawarma, Falafel

group travel for 30 40 year olds

Pyramids Of Giza

Step out onto Cairo’s city limits and stand face-to-face with this construct of colossal proportion – an architectural marvel built with a technical finesse that has evaded explanation even today.

group travel for 30 40 year olds

Hot Air Ballooning Valley Of The Queens

Soar high above the West Bank of the Nile and watch the sun quilt familiar sites with hues of early reds and gold from an unusual vantage point.

group travel for 30 40 year olds

Abu Simbel Temples

Explore the sizeable scale of two rock cut temple – Ramses II and the Temple of Hathor – built over 3000 years ago. Learn about its equally intriguing tale of relocation to its present site when the rising water levels of the Aswan Dam threatened to flood it.

group travel for 30 40 year olds

Nile River Cruise

Glide gently over this iconic river to get an alternative perspective of famous landmarks and discover, as you float by, everyday facets of life; away from the glare of the very monuments that has made the region famous.

Egypt Trips

19 Days Egypt And Jordan

19 Days Egypt And Jordan

12 Days Explore Egypt

12 Days Explore Egypt

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Radha Vyas 26th Feb 2022 6 min read

When she discovered a glaring gap in the market for group travel tours featuring 30- and 40-something solo travellers, Flash Pack co-founder and CEO Radha Vyas took matters into her own hands.

Summer 2012. I was single, in my thirties, completely tired of my job and desperate for a holiday. You know that feeling when you just need to escape and you need to escape NOW…? That was me. I’d always wanted to go to Cambodia so I decided it was finally time to tick it off the bucket list and excitedly set about trying to recruit a partner-in-crime. I racked my brain and my Facebook account but the reality slowly sunk in. I had no-one to travel with.

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The origins of Flash Pack

All my friends were busy booking holidays to Devon and Maldives with their children or new husbands. What should I do? I could either go with, and act as an unpaid babysitter, or go on holiday on my own, which I was tired of doing. Who likes the idea of a dinner table for one on a beautiful beach?

While ranting about my dilemma to a friend, she suggested I look into a group tour. Group tour?! Me? The intrepid traveller? It seemed as though I had few other options. I found a couple of big companies offering loads of different group tours.

Travel has the ability to be a transformative experience

The slightly more dynamic itineraries I found were catering to the 18-30s market, which seems like a weird age bracket (what does a 30-year-old have in common with an 18-year-old?).

There was another option to travel with a much more mature group of travellers aged 60-70s. I finally settled on the 18-30s tour, on the basis that I do like a drink and a boogie in the evenings. There would probably be someone of similar age and life experience to me, right? Nope.

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A bland experience

Day One and all 15 of us sat round a table in a slightly grotty hotel in Bangkok, Thailand . As an “ice-breaker”, the tour guide asked us all to introduce ourselves one by one. A sprightly young Italian girl started “Hi I’m Fabiana from Italy and I’m 19”. And so it continued around the table. Oh God, the shame! I felt like I was at an AA meeting but instead of declaring an addiction, I had to declare that I was 32 and past it. Cue the raised eyebrows and funny looks. It was the first time in my life I felt old and totally out of place.

The 10 days were pleasant enough, the group were all friendly, fresh-faced travel virgins. We were ferried from an air-conditioned bus to an air-conditioned hotel and ate our watery noodles in specified tourist restaurants to avoid any possibility of an upset stomach.

The reality sunk in: I had no-one to explore the world with

When I got back home my Dad excitedly asked me lots of questions about my time in Cambodia: the culture, people and everyday life. I couldn’t answer a single question. My Dad looked at me like I was some kind of idiot but I’d had zero contact with any Cambodians. I had no funny stories of lost-in-translation moments with locals, no amazing street food recommendations or any idea of what life is like for an ordinary Cambodian. 

The whole trip was a canned experience, spent ticking off the usual tourist destinations and snapping Facebook profile pictures. It was bland, just like our noodles, and I was left feeling totally unsatisfied with my trip. I didn’t want to go backpacking around the world – I just wanted an authentic holiday with the chance to meet local people.

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A lightbulb moment

On my return I started researching the group tours – and I realised that the existing industry was set up predominantly for young gap year students and travellers in their 20s. The needs of 30- and 40-something solo travellers, who are busy professionals and aren’t looking for a singles holiday, were being ignored. This got me thinking about a new business idea, and I started to get really, really excited. Around this time, my co-founder and now-husband Lee Thompson (pictured below) came on-board with the adventure. His background as a photojournalist for national newspapers added an extra dimension to our quest for boundary-pushing escapes. Our focus groups revealed there are loads of people out there who want to continue indulging their passion for travel but worry that group tours are outdated.

So many of us are also missing out on amazing holidays because of the security issue with travelling alone. And an increasing number of professionals want to take career breaks but are daunted by the prospect of solo holidays.

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A different kind of travel

Et voilà , nine months later Flash Pack was born. Our mission is to shake up the outdated group tour industry and cater to passionate solo travellers – just like me.

I’m obsessed with really getting under the skin of the countries that I visit. Living abroad in Spain and Chile in my 20s gave me the opportunity to understand the psyche of a nation and what makes it tick. Now time is much more limited but the obsession remains, and every itinerary we create is carefully crafted around this principle.

No-one should come back from a holiday without feeling alive

If done right, travel has the ability to be a transformative experience. I’m not talking about the clichéd “go find yourself” nonsense. I’m just talking about the fact that no-one should come back from a holiday without feeling alive and in love with life. It’s about breaking the mundane routine of work for two weeks, experiencing something totally different and giving your brain the chance to shift gear.

Since starting the business in 2013 we’ve taken thousands of single travellers in their 30s and 40s all over the world in small groups, and have created raving fans (check out some of the reviews on Trustpilot ). Our group adventures are dynamic, and we include loads of unique and local Pack experiences. We also prioritise new friendships . No hidden fees or tourist traps, and not an inebriated 18-year-old in sight. 

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Feeling motivated? Find out how Flash Pack works , and celebrate your 30s and 40s by exploring the world with other like-minded travellers.

Got a story or adventure that could inspire a solo traveller like you? Tag @flashpack on social or email [email protected] to be featured.

Why 2022 is the year of private island travel – and how to make the most of it

By Anna Brech


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Other Way Round

Group Travel In Your 30s & 40s – what you need to know

by Steven Dillon | Feb 13, 2020

group travel for 30 40 year olds

Hi, I’m Steve.

About two years ago I started a group travel company called Other Way Round .

I done it because –

  • I’d been on group trips before and experienced how amazing they could be
  • I felt there was a need for a more modern version of a group tour that better suited people in their 30s and 40s (I’m 38 btw).

I had never worked in travel before, I certainly was no group travel expert – I simply had a vision of the type of company I myself would like to exist and travel with.

To be honest it’s been one hell of a learning experience.

Yes – I was already a group travel fan – but by being able to observe things from the other side I’ve gained what I think are some really valuable insights.

Here’s some of the things I’ve learned.

(Read also: Why I Started a Group Travel Company for 30 Somethings ) 

hiking during group tour for 30s and 40s

1. There’s Definitely a Stigma, But it’s Changing

Many people have negative perceptions about group tours and see them as being too “touristy” or “unadventurous”.  At one extreme they imagine the type of coach tour their parents might do while at the other, some debaucherous 18-30 trip filled with drunken youngsters.  But I believe that many people of my generation (30s & 40s) are now warming up to the option that a group tour could be a great alternative to going it alone.  In fact, 70% of our customers had never been on a group tour before travelling with us (I find that kind of cool).

(Read also: 9 Myths About Group Tours in Your 30s and 40s ) 

tour group for 30 and 40 somethings

2. Most People are Nervous About Who Else Will Be On the Trip

How old are they?  Where do they come from?  Are they male or female? How many people will there be?  You’d be amazed by how often we get asked these questions.  And it’s perfectly normal. Human nature I’d say. If you’re going to spend such an intense period with “strangers” you at least want to know that that you’re likely to have things in common. That’s why when we started Other Way Round we decided the focus would be group travel for people in their 30s and 40s. 

group tours 30s 40s

3. The Group Pretty Much Always Gets Along

In fact (touch wood) we’ve never had a bad group. Actually, we’ve only ever had brilliant groups. I can say that with all honesty. The thing is, most people who travel on our group tours tend to be of a similar mindset. They may not have the same careers, hobbies or interests but when it comes down to it they usually have a similar philosophy on travel and that always helps to create a bond.

travel group of 30s 40s females

4. You Will Meet People You Would Normally Never Interact With

And that’s a good thing. I don’t know about you but most of my friends come from similar backgrounds and do the same things. On group tours you will meet people from every walk of life – people you would never normally interact with – and that really helps to open your mind.

group travel in your 30s and 40s

5. These People Will Become Like Family. Your “Holiday Family”

Some may be lucky enough to meet “lifelong friends” while for others it will just be a great bunch of people to share an amazing experience in that particular moment of your life. You will laugh with them, sometimes even cry, have deep and meaningful conversations about life, and they will have your back like a longtime friend. They will become your “holiday family” and the intensity of the bond created in such a short space of time is something truly magical to experience.

(Read also: Swapping Solo Travel for Group Tour )

holiday family during 30s and 40s travel tour

6. Be Careful Not To Judge People Too Quickly

We’ve all done it. Someone joins the group and instantly you think – “this person is going to be a nightmare”. Almost always, this turns out not to be the case.

group of 30 and somethings swimming in rosario islands colombia

7. The Cultural Exchange is Multi-Faceted

We travel to some of the most exotic destinations in the world (including Colombia , Mexico and Peru ) and of course a big part of that is learning about the local culture. But sometimes the biggest cultural exchange is actually between the guests on the trip. The cross cultural banter (between the Brits and Americans for example) is often a highlight of the trip.

30-40 travel tour enjoying meal in Colombia

8. The Hassle-Free Factor is Real

Going in I believed that by far the  biggest value of a group trip  was the opportunity to meet and travel with other people. And while that’s definitely important, I’ve heard from many guests that the thing they really enjoyed most was not having to worry about planning and logistics. It was their first holiday ever where they’ve been able to simply turn up, relax and enjoy it. Everything was sorted for them and they could really have that break they were so looking forward to. Don’t underestimate how important this is (I no longer do)!

travelling with others in their 30s and 40s

9. There Will Be Louder People and Quieter People

And that’s ok. In fact it’s almost necessary to help bring a good balance to the group.

solo female travel group in their 30s and 40s

10. Girls Do It More Than Guys

I’m not quite sure why but it definitely seems to be the case. I personally have a theory about “male bravado” (in the same way that men very rarely go to group classes in a gym) but I have no idea if that’s actually true. What I would say to my fellow “blokes” out there is that group tours in your 30s and 40s really are a great option and you’re definitely missing out if you don’t consider it.  (p.s. the photo below is what happens when 9 guys do a Champeta dance class in Colombia)  😉

tour for 30 40 year olds

11. The Roommate Thing is Never as Big A Deal as it Seems

If you don’t already know, most group travel companies price their trips based on you sharing a twin room with another traveller (assuming you’re  travelling solo ). That can seem very daunting I know, but it’s almost never an issue. In fact you’ll be amazed at just how quickly you get used to it. Some roommates will get on like a house on fire and become “besties”. Others will simply co-exist and get on with it. Trips tend to be so busy that you don’t spend much time in the room and it’s normally a non-issue (and if it is something you really don’t want to do, usually there’s the option to pay more for a private room).

group travel for 30 40 year olds

Still On The Fence? Here’s My Advice

So there you have it.

Two years in and that’s what I’ve learned about group travel for people in their 30s and 40s.

I genuinely am the biggest advocate of group tours (as you can probably tell) because I believe they are an amazing option for people who want to go on holiday but don’t have others to go with. 

If you’re on the fence my advice would be to  give it a go .

There are so many awesome tour companies out there that you will definitely find something you love.

Group Tours Designed for 30 and 40 Year Olds

If you are looking for group tours for people in their 30s and 40s then our itineraries at Other Way Round could be up your street.

We specialise in bringing together groups of this generation with a focus on a more immersive style of travel than your typical tour group. 

Take a look at some of our favourite itineraries.

11 Days in Mexico. Breathe in the pulsating Mexico city, roam the charming streets of traditional Oaxaca, and hit the beach in sun-drenched Tulum.  See Itinerary

Mexico group tour for 30 and 40 year olds

15 Days in Colombia. Dance salsa. Meet coffee farmers. Sail tropical islands. Hike lush jungles. Taste the finest Caribbean rum.  See Itinerary

Colombia group tour for 30 and 40 year olds

12 Days in Peru. Cook ceviche in Lima, sail the Amazon, hike to Machu Picchu and become awestruck by the Sacred Valley.  See Itinerary

Peru group tour for 30 and 40 year olds

Definitely interested 😊

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G adventures sailing & cruises, g adventures private travel.

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The Geluxe Collection

Our new line of premium active adventures is officially here. With perfectly paced itineraries, one-of-a-kind accommodations and elevated dining, this is adventure at its finest.

National Geographic Journeys

Go deeper into the cultures and habitats of the places we explore. More is included and you’ll enjoy greater hands-on exploration, interactions with local experts, and freedom to roam.

National Geographic Family Journeys

Are you an adventure-loving family in search of meaningful ways to discover the world together? These tours are specially designed for travellers seven and up and their inquisitive families.

Jane Goodall Collection

Step deeper into the animal kingdom while respecting all of its inhabitants. Our incredible collection of wildlife-focused tours is endorsed by the world-renowned ethologist.

Roamies by Hostelworld

The thrill of adventure. The awesomeness of hostels. Get ‘em both on these immersive small group trips for 18 to 35-year-old travellers.

Why choose us

As the leader in small group travel for 30 years, we know how to do it right: flexible itineraries, freedom to roam, safety, peace of mind, and locally based guides.

Change the world just by having the time of your life. When you travel with us, you become a force for good by acting responsibly and creating positive impact.

Together with our non-profit partner, Planeterra, we ensure local communities touched by our tours benefit from our visits in as many ways possible.

Trees for Days

Leave your destination even greener than you found it! For every day on tour, we’ll plant a tree in your honour and ensure that our forests get to live their best lives.

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18-to-Thirty somethings tours

On your terms.

So you’re thinking of adventuring around the world? Good call. Sure, there’s no right way to do it. But there is “your way.” Want days filled with culture, followed by nights of just going with the flow? Do it. Want to go where the entire planet hasn’t already been, with free time to explore how you want? Make it happen. Want to travel far and wide with new friends from far-off places? You do you. Because in your life, you call the shots. Make sure you travel that way, too.

Five reasons to travel with us

Travel with an, international.

Going on our tours means travelling with people (22 or less, if you want to get precise) from all over the world. So on top of learning about the local culture, you'll also learn from your international crew.

The numbers speak for themselves: group travel is a safer way to see our world. Plus, our expert CEOs (Chief Experience Officers) have local knowledge you can count on as they lead you on your adventures.

Making it rain:

Not required.

Seeing the world shouldn’t require spending all your savings. With us, you’ll get the travel experience of a lifetime, plus good bang for your buck.

do your thing

We built our tour itineraries to feature a lot of free time, giving you the freedom to explore on your own, with your new crew, or whatever way suits your style.

A bit of this

A bit of that.

Like balance in your life? We can help. Our tours give you a healthy dose of culture during the day, before letting you get a taste for local bars and restaurants as the sun goes down.

group travel for 30 40 year olds

Our ears are burning

They went. they saw. they captured.    follow us on instagram, so where you headed, central america, middle east, you’re making us blush.

Sure, we’ve won some awards over the years. But what really makes us giddy is what they mean: that you, our travellers, have loved what we’ve been doing.

Things you’ll get to experience.

group travel for 30 40 year olds

Sweet rides.

Travel in style and in comfort on our private rides. Our Landos in Africa have oversized windows for easy picture-taking, and USB ports at every seat. Sit back, relax, and soak in the experience.

group travel for 30 40 year olds

So many ways to stay.

Hostels, hotels, homestays, camping — on our tours, you’ll stay in a number of accommodation styles specifically chosen to give you that oh-so-authentic travel experience.

group travel for 30 40 year olds

First Night Out

On the First Night Out, we’ll take you to local hot spots where you’ll have the chance to get to know the crew you’ll be travelling with, plus the destination itself.

group travel for 30 40 year olds

Big Night Out

Towards the end of your trip, you and your new BFFs will hit the town to celebrate all the crazily-unbelievably-inspiring moments you’ve had together so far. Oh, and your first drink is on us.

Millennials and Gen Zers want human connection, so they're choosing travel tours with strangers to cure their loneliness

  • Intrepid Travel said young people are seeking immersive, non-traditional vacation experiences. 
  • Millennials share more travel similarities with Gen Z travelers than previous generations.
  • Young travelers are prioritizing interest-based travel over destination-based travel.

Insider Today

Young people are seeking more human connection in the post-lockdown era, so they're embracing small-group travel.

Modern technology and social media apps have created a hyper-connected world, but many millennials and Gen Zers say the focus on screens has caused an epidemic of loneliness .

While New apps and local community groups are trying to address this "social distance" problem, some young people are choosing to book their vacations with strangers to find more face-to-face camaraderie.

Intrepid Travel, which organizes small-group experiences in over 100 countries, including Morocco and Sri Lanka, says it's seen a growing interest from young people in these kinds of group tours.

"They're prioritizing travel over buying houses, mortgages, and other expenses," Matt Berna, Intrepid Travel's president of the Americas, told Business Insider.

Group travel can be hit-or-miss with people. They can conjure an image of 40-plus tourists being led off a bus to an overcrowded attraction by their shouting tour guide.

But Berna said Intrepid Travel's focus on small group experiences is the opposite. The average Intrepid Travel group has 10 people.

"It allows us to travel like locals," Berna said. "We eat in small local restaurants. We stay in family-owned hotels. We typically avoid mass market tourism, hotels, or experiences."

It also allows people to form new bonds in a tight-knit setting, which young travelers crave, after the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Camaraderie in a group is so special because you make great friendships and share laughs and stories," Berna said.

Related stories

Berna said these unique experiences are popular with 18 to 29-year-olds — Intrepid Travel's core audience. Experiences are designed with young travelers in mind, offering more free time to explore on their own and more active outings.

Berna said Intrepid Travel began receiving requests from people in their 30s looking for adventures off the beaten path. Millennials traditionally valued experience-driven opportunities , and that desire hasn't waned with time.

"It became clear that millennials are aging, but the style they want to travel is immersive," Berna said. "If anything, they resonated more with Gen Z than the generations above them."

American Express Travel's 2023 Global Travel Trends Report found nearly 80% of millennials and Gen Zers respondents said they want to "partake in a day in the life of locals in the destination they are visiting," pointing toward activities like visiting local cultural sites and "hole-in-the-wall" attractions.

Airbnb, owned by millennial billionaire Brian Chesky , reported in 2020 that it also found that "immersive encounters" were becoming more popular with this generation, with interest up 102% year-to-year.

Older generations, Berna said, book vacations based on destination. Older travelers tend to plan vacations around conventional tourist spots — think the Eiffel Tower in Paris — because it's popular.

However, younger travelers don't have the same sense of FOMO — or "the fear of missing out" — that their parents do. Instead, they book vacations by interest.

At Intrepid Travel, that includes cycling enthusiasts traveling to Vietnam to peddle through the local sites. Experiences based on camping, festivals, and food are also options travelers can explore.

"They want to be a trendsetter going to the next cool place," Berna said. "It will be something new you can share with your friends, so you get the bragging rights. It's a bit more adventurous instead of following the crowd."

After conducting consumer research among its more than 300,000 travelers, Intrepid Travel formally expanded the young trip age range to 35 in February.

"Intrepid identified an opportunity to better cater for an expanded age range after experiencing a rise in inquiries from travelers in their early 30s wanting to join Intrepid's young adult trips," a press release said. "The company conducted extensive consumer research which showed that most travelers aged 18 to 35 prefer to travel with those of a similar age."

As for where travelers are going, Berna said South America has emerged as a top contender, with Peru gaining traction. The country closed its tourist attractions amid political unrest from late 2022 to early 2023, but they reopened in February 2023, according to Travel Weekly .

Another top spot is South Korea, which Berna said is typically more affordable than Japan. Intrepid Travel said they saw 172% increase globally in bookings to South Korea from 2022 to 2023.

"People want to go away and have these stories. They've settled back post-pandemic into feeling life, wanting to travel again, and seeking connection," Berna said. "Not just with other travelers in groups but with destinations."

Watch: Marriott International's Tina Edmundson tells Insider that the travel mindset has changed since the pandemic

group travel for 30 40 year olds

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Vietnam Tours for Young Adults

Explore Vietnam with other Young Adults. These 17 tours include popular destinations like Hanoi and Halong Bay.

17 trips for '18 to 30 Somethings' in Vietnam with 2,971 reviews

Vietnam Intro 9 Day Tour

  • In-depth Cultural

Vietnam Intro 9 Day

"Die Unterkünfte gingen von gemütlich bis zu absolut atemberaubend. Die Aktivitäten waren sehr ausgewogen." Alexander, traveled in March 2024

Vietnam Intro 12 Day Tour

Vietnam Intro 12 Day

"All the activities were great fun and have made me some incredible memories." Finn, traveled in April 2024

Vietnam Experience (12 Days) Tour

  • Christmas & New Year

Vietnam Experience (12 Days)

"Great trip, we got to see a lot of Vietnam in a short space of time" Kai, traveled in January 2020
  • €100 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Essential Vietnam Tour

Essential Vietnam

"The tour was well planned and I always felt safe and comfortable while having fun." Francesca, traveled in August 2018

Vietnam Highlights (10 Days) Tour

  • Coach / Bus

Vietnam Highlights (10 Days)

"Rhi was the best trip manager I have ever had. She covers everything from being professional, organised, knowledgeable as well as being fun."

Vietnam 11 Day/ 10 Night Group Tour | ULTIMATE Tour

Vietnam 11 Day/ 10 Night Group Tour | ULTIMATE

"We loved this tour so much and loved our guide Lập. I will definitely recommend this tour to my friends, outstanding!" Cale, traveled in June 2022
  • €35 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Incredible Vietnam Tour

Incredible Vietnam

"The Halong bay cruise was by far the best. This is my third time with Travel Talk and won't be the last." Martin, traveled in September 2022
  • €150 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Vietnam: Historic Cities & Halong Bay Cruising Tour

Vietnam: Historic Cities & Halong Bay Cruising

"Good tour with a great guide" William, traveled in October 2022

Vietnam - One Life Adventures 12 Day Tour

Vietnam - One Life Adventures 12 Day

"The day spent cycling through rice paddies in Hoi An was a highlight, as well as the scenery at the homestay." Jacinta, traveled in May 2024

Vietnam - One Life Adventures 15 Day Tour

Vietnam - One Life Adventures 15 Day

"You learn much about Vietnam and the local people and see breathtaking landscapes." Alexandra, traveled in April 2024

Vietnam Explorer Tour

Vietnam Explorer

"The trips itinerary and activities alone were amazing. He was able to integrate everyone which took the enjoyment to another level." MatthewHopkins, traveled in October 2022

Cambodia to Vietnam: Night Markets & Noodle-Making Tour

Cambodia to Vietnam: Night Markets & Noodle-Making

"Everything was so well organised and the itinerary was jam packed."

Delve Deep: Vietnam & Cambodia (from Hanoi to Angkor Wat) Tour

  • Walking Adventure

Delve Deep: Vietnam & Cambodia (from Hanoi to Angkor Wat)

  • €75 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Vietnam Experience 15 Day Tour

Vietnam Experience 15 Day

"The Vietnam experience trip was incredible. I booked the experience rather than intro as I wanted to go to Sapa and it exceeded all my expectations." Kelly, traveled in May 2024

Vietnam Experience 12 Day Tour

Vietnam Experience 12 Day

"Lots of activities and opportunities to see new places. Experience new food and meet a range of people from all over the world." Holly, traveled in November 2023

What people love about Vietnam Tours for Young Adults

The tour was amazing!! I had Lorna as a guide, she is lovely. She is caring and made sure everyone on the tour was comfortable. Despite being really nice, she could also tell us everything about Vietnam!!
Great experience all round. Activities and experiences were absolutely awesome. Our group leader was Steph, she is an amazing person all round. Caring, down to earth, extremely fun/funny, and very knowledgeable on Vietnamese culture, are just a few of her qualities, Not once did it feel like we were being staffed, it felt as though we were on holiday with a bunch of mates (this is coming from a solo traveller perspective). Can’t fault this trip, it was awesome!
The heart, the soul, the brains and the beauty of the trip was Rhi. Rhi could have taken us on a tour of the seventh circle of Hell and we - and I can confidently speak for everyone else - would have told everyone that Hell is the place to be, the place to go, provided that Rhi was there. Vietnam was beautiful and this tour was wonderful - blind Freddy could tell you that. But I cannot explain to you, kind internet reader, just how quintessential Rhi was to this trip being something that I will tell my great-grandchildren about in my Alzheimer's-induced revelries. Rhi had a rapport and a vibe with each and every one of us, a kind of older sister confidant that made you wish you had an older sister if you never had one. I never, ever ONCE saw her lose her [Removed in Moderation] or get frustrated or not know what the go was - she was the ultimate professional but you didn't even realise because she made it look that easy - like a butler with a [Removed in Moderation], she was the time, she was the place, she was the moment! It sounds like I'm a paid-up AI writing this review, but I just have to stress this: if you are on Contiki and Rhi is your trip manager, don't bother buying a lottery ticket - YOU'VE ALREADY WON. Practically speaking (which I never do)? You will never feel safer in a country where you don't speak the language. You will never feel more relaxed in a country with rather relaxed driving laws. Everyone from Contiki said it when we were on Contiki and we all say it now: it doesn't matter where we are, but we would follow Rhi all around the globe. Can't wait til our next adventure! Book the trip, take the ride - as long as it's with Rhi!
  • Vietnam Travel Guide | All You Need to Know
  • What is the best time to visit Vietnam in 2024/2025?
  • Weather in Vietnam in 2024/2025
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group travel for 30 40 year olds

Singles vacations for over 30s

Solo tours for 30 to 40 year olds.

All of our inspiring small group adventure tours are ideal for single travelers over 30, from walking trips to safaris, cycling adventures to cultural and foodie trips. And you’ll be in good company – around half the people in our small groups are typically traveling solo. You'll have all the excitement of traveling solo, but you'll never be alone as our small group trips are designed to offer authentic and often action-packed experiences with like-minded people, plus an expert group leader who takes care of all the day-to-day details for you. That means all you have to do is arrive and enjoy your trip, whether you want to be active and adventurous on one of our  Multi-Activity trips  or a scenic and challenging Cycling adventure or  Walking tour , or you want to get to know a new corner of the world and meet the locals on a  Discovery trip. Even if it's your first time traveling solo, you'll fit right in with your group and have an adventure to remember! New to Explore? Read more about traveling solo with us in our blog, which answers some of the most-asked questions. Please note our tours are not limited to 30 and 40 year olds , there may be a wider range of ages on the trip.

group travel for 30 40 year olds

Adventure tours for singles over 30

At Explore, adventure tours are our speciality. That includes  adventure tours for single travelers , as we offer a variety of trip styles, themes and paces to suit every taste and energy level. Our Cultural Discovery trips are extremely popular for over 30s solo's as we plan your itinerary with daily activities, accommodation and transport, plus many meals, so you can focus on the adventure. Our faster-paced cultural trips include European group tours, such as the Journey through the Balkans trip, a 12-day tour around one of the world's most intriguing areas with plenty of opportunities to discover history, nature and Balkan city culture too. Foodies won't want to miss our  Classical Sicily  trip, where in between visits to spectacular and well-preserved archaeological sites there will be plenty of opportunities to indulge in exquisite local food and wine. Fancy venturing further afield? Explore Imperial cities, breathtaking mountain ranges and vast gorges on the  Highlights of Morocco  group trip, or become a  China Explorer  as we guide you through the Forbidden City, along the Great Wall and towards Shanghai, China's vibrant, modern city that cannot be missed.

Active adventures for solo travelers in their 30s

For over 30s solo travelers with energy to spare, join one of our group Active Adventure Tours where you can canoe, kayak, climb, or cycle to your heart's content! Our  Active Turkey!  trip includes a sea kayaking trip to the 'Sunken City' of Kekova, as well as swimming and snorkelling so you can truly get under the surface of this fascinating destination, or explore new heights by bike or raft on our scenic  Alpine Lakes of Slovenia  group trip. We also offer unforgettable trips for solo travelers over 30 that are ideal for keen walkers, trekkers or cyclists. Our Walking the Western US National Parks  trip includes the dramatic landscapes of the Grand Canyon and Yosemite National Park. Or perhaps you'd like to join our walking  Adventures in Patagonia , as we make our way through the unbelievably varied and beautiful terrain of Argentina and Chile, or hop on two wheels to  Cycle Sicily  with fellow cycling enthusiasts - we'll even provide your bike.

group travel for 30 40 year olds

Popular tours for 30+ year old solos

Jordan discovery.

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South Africa and Eswatini

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Toubkal Climb

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Amalfi Coast Walking - Agriturismo

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Maldive Dhoni Cruise

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Explore the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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Why take a solo travel tour in your 30s with Explore?

Mountains icon

Unforgettable experiences

From big wows to hidden gems, our tours leave you feeling that you've really explored.

Leaders icon

Expert tour leaders

Chosen for their great knowledge of your destination and a passion to make your trip extraordinary.

Square icon with number 11

Small groups

Average groups of 11; solos, couples and friends, united by a desire for authentic experiences.

Thumbs up icon

Responsible at heart

How we operate sets us apart; our flexible booking policy, our loyalty scheme & sustainable approach.

Other solo trip ideas

Solo tours for over 40s, solo tours for over 50s, solo tours for over 60s, solo adventure tours, solo walking trips, solo cycling tours, ready for your solo adventure.

group travel for 30 40 year olds

Read more about our solo travel adventures

group travel for 30 40 year olds

Top 10 trips for solo travelers

group travel for 30 40 year olds

10 unusual places to visit as a solo traveller

group travel for 30 40 year olds

First solo trip with Explore? Top 7 questions answered

group travel for 30 40 year olds

Solo travel guide for women

group travel for 30 40 year olds

Where to go? Our recommendations by month

group travel for 30 40 year olds

7 questions answered for your first small-group adventure tour


  1. 40th Birthday Party Ideas in Birmingham

    group travel for 30 40 year olds

  2. Group Travel In Your 30s & 40s

    group travel for 30 40 year olds

  3. Why I Started a Group Travel Company for 30 Somethings

    group travel for 30 40 year olds

  4. Small Group Tours For 30 and 40 year olds

    group travel for 30 40 year olds

  5. Small Group Tours For 30 and 40 year olds

    group travel for 30 40 year olds

  6. Why I Started a Group Travel Company for 30 Somethings

    group travel for 30 40 year olds


  1. Flash Pack

    What to expect. 98% travel solo. Everyone aged 30-50. 80% make friends. Small groups of 16 max. Hard to do by yourself experiences. Hand-picked hotels.

  2. Over30Experiences Group Travel 30s and 40s

    Over30Jordan. Early Signup: From $1,995. Over30Greece. Early Signup: From $3,395. Why the Over30 Community is Special. While we have a slight different style than when we'd travel in our 20s, we're still looking for affordable trips so we can make travel a priority in our lives. Most of our travelers in their 30s and 40s come solo, but others ...

  3. Group Travel in Your 30s and 40s: How to Choose, Book, & Go

    Learn how to choose, book, and go on small group tours designed for adults in their 30s and 40s. Compare different tour companies, themes, activity levels, and amenities to find your perfect trip.

  4. 9 Group Travel Companies For Millennials That You Should Have ...

    Travel company Topdeck organizes trips for 18 to 30-something year olds, and the company's passion is to "inspire young people through life-changing travel experiences." The group trips are made ...

  5. Group Travel Holidays for 30-40 Year Old

    Group Travel Holidays for 30-40 Year Old. One World Adventures is the best group travel company for 30 and 40 year old. Enjoyed by thousands of travellers every year.

  6. Group Tours & Private Trips for over 30s

    On The Go Tours for over 30s. Age is no barrier to travel and entering your 30s is the perfect excuse to tick a few more destinations off your bucket list. From Peru to Vietnam, our group tours offer the perfect mix of guided sightseeing and relaxation. Accompanied by an expert guide, you'll enjoy an array of authentic experiences with other ...

  7. Great Group Travel Options for (Older, but Adventurous!) Solo Travellers

    Unlike the previous two tour operators, Flash Pack caters exclusively to 30 and 40 year olds…particularly solo travellers! All Flash Pack tours are small groups with no more than 14 individuals. All Flash Pack tours are small groups with no more than 14 individuals.

  8. Top Group Travel Companies for 30 Somethings: Unleash Your Wanderlust

    Group Travel For 30-40 Year Olds Europe. Adventure awaits! If you're in your 30s or 40s and looking to explore Europe with like-minded travelers, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll dive into the top group travel companies that cater specifically to your age group, ensuring unforgettable experiences and a chance to ...

  9. Tours & Package Trips For the Over 40s

    Highlights of Croatia & Slovenia - 11 days. Zagreb, Croatia. 12 Jun 2024. CAD $3,493 was $6,985 2-for-1. . Jewels of the Adriatic from Dubrovnik Deluxe Superior - 8 days. Dubrovnik, Croatia. 10 Aug 2024. CAD $2,903 was $5,805 2-for-1.

  10. Travel to Vietnam

    Travel to Vietnam. Get detailed information on Vietnam tourism and explore Vietnam's top travel destinations, Best Vietnam tours & group travel for 30s & 40s. Browse best of Vietnam tour packages 2021-22 by interest, themes, destinations, duration and regions.

  11. Flash Pack

    We unite like-minded people in their 30s & 40s on group adventures where 98% travel solo. Book your next trip with Flash Pack today. ... 2024 destinations: where to travel and why next year. ... Boutique group adventures for solo travellers aged 30-49. Find your trip. 850+ reviews on Trustpilot.

  12. Travel to Egypt

    Egypt Trips. Travel to Egypt. Get detailed information on Egypt tourism and explore Egypt's top destinations. Browse best Egypt trips and group tours for solo travellers in 30's & 40's and plan your trip to Egypt with OWA and get amazing deals on Egypt group tour packages 2021-22 online.

  13. Group Travel For 30 40 Year Olds

    September 11, 2022 Brinley Williams. As people get older, they often find that their social circles shrink and they become more isolated. This can be especially true for those in their 30s and 40s, who may have young children and are busy with work and other commitments. Group travel can be a great way for these people to reconnect with friends ...

  14. Why I set up a group travel company for 30-40 something solos

    The slightly more dynamic itineraries I found were catering to the 18-30s market, which seems like a weird age bracket (what does a 30-year-old have in common with an 18-year-old?). There was another option to travel with a much more mature group of travellers aged 60-70s.

  15. 9 Best Spain Tours for Young Adults and Under 30/40

    Best of Spain Reunion 35 to 45 (Only Available To Contiki Past Travellers, Reunion, 12 Days) Destinations. Madrid, Burgos +9 more. Age Range. 35 to 45 year olds. Operated in.

  16. 10 Best Western Europe Tours for Young Adults and Under 30/40

    4.9 (16 reviews) The Mediterranean Express trip is a great way to get to know fellow travellers before arriving. Destinations. Italy, France, Monaco +1 more. Age Range. 18 to 39 year olds. Regions. French Riviera +2 more.

  17. Tour Groups for 30 to 40 year olds? Singles Groups?

    So have you found a travel group for 30-40 year olds? I'm also almosy 38, and don't want to be with a bunch of partying 20 year olds but also dont want to be with a bunch of fuddy duddy 50 year ...

  18. 9 Best Ireland Tours for Young Adults and Under 30/40

    Price per day. $253. From. US$2,781. $99 deposit on some dates. View tour. Download Brochure. Explore Ireland with other young adults and young professionals. Whether you're 20-something, under 30, or under 40, we have a variety of adventures that will take you down the streets of Dublin and astonish you with the vibe of Cliffs of Moher.

  19. Group Travel In Your 30s & 40s

    Group Tours Designed for 30 and 40 Year Olds If you are looking for group tours for people in their 30s and 40s then our itineraries at Other Way Round could be up your street. We specialise in bringing together groups of this generation with a focus on a more immersive style of travel than your typical tour group.

  20. Group Travel for 18-to-30 Somethings 2024 & 2025

    Big Night Out. Towards the end of your trip, you and your new BFFs will hit the town to celebrate all the crazily-unbelievably-inspiring moments you've had together so far. Oh, and your first drink is on us. Youth is a limited-time offer. Squeeze more out of yours with 18-to-30somethings - fast-paced and affordable tours for 18-to-39-year-olds.

  21. Gen Z Is Choosing Travel Tours With Strangers As a Cure for Loneliness

    Group travel can be hit-or-miss with people. They can conjure an image of 40-plus tourists being led off a bus to an overcrowded attraction by their shouting tour guide.

  22. 10 Best Morocco Tours for Young Adults and Under 30/40

    Northern Morocco: Blue Cities & Bustling Marrakech. 4.9 (25 reviews) It was an amazing experience traveling in Morocco with g adventure! Would definitely recommend the tour! Destinations. Casablanca +4 more. Age Range. 18 to 39 year olds. Country Region.

  23. 2024 Arkansas Business Publishing Group's 40 Under 40

    Get Little Rock's best in your inbox! From local events to community news, our newsletter will keep you up to date and in the loop, or sign up for a FREE vacation planning guide! Each year, Arkansas Business presents its 40 Under 40 list to recognize intriguing business and political leaders under 40 years old.Join us as we celebrate.

  24. 10 Best Vietnam Tours for Young Adults and Under 30/40

    Vietnam 11 Day/ 10 Night Group Tour | ULTIMATE. 4.6 (173 reviews) The tour with Ultimate is perfect to see the whole country with its different faces and cities. Destinations. Hanoi, Halong Bay +4 more. Age Range. 18 to 35 year olds. Country Region. Southern Vietnam +1 more.

  25. Vacations For Over 30s Singles

    Solo tours for 30 to 40 year olds. All of our inspiring small group adventure tours are ideal for single travelers over 30, from walking trips to safaris, cycling adventures to cultural and foodie trips. And you'll be in good company - around half the people in our small groups are typically traveling solo.