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Saison 1 de Friends Trip

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La première saison de Friends Trip , intitulée Friends Trip : Qui sera le meilleur ami ? , est une émission de téléréalité française diffusée sur NRJ 12. Elle a été diffusée du lundi au vendredi en avant-soirée, à partir de 17 h 45 du 29 septembre 2014 au 14 novembre 2014 et à partir de 18 h 20 du 17 novembre 2014 au 28 novembre 2014. Mike Tyson, ancien boxeur américain, est le parrain de cette saison.

  • 1 Généralités
  • 2 Le Road Trip
  • 3 L'élection du meilleur ami
  • 4 Participants

Généralités [ ]

Friends Trip met en scène plusieurs équipes qui, tout au long d'un road trip aux États-Unis, s'affrontent lors d'épreuves aussi bien physiques que mentales dans le but de remporter la cagnotte, dont le montant dépend de la réussite ou de l'échec aux épreuves proposées.

Le Road Trip [ ]

Les cinq étapes de l'aventure se sont effectuées en Californie. Le départ a été donné à Los Angeles, puis le voyage s'est poursuivi à San Diego, à Las Vegas, à Oakhurst, pour se terminer à San Francisco.

L'élection du meilleur ami [ ]

La finale s'est déroulée pendant le 45 e épisode. Elle a été diffusée en direct le 28 novembre 2014 et était présentée par Matthieu Delormeau . Tout d'abord, chaque candidat a dû voter pour une personne de chaque équipe. Les élus étaient nommés finalistes. Ensuite, les huit candidats restants ont voté pour le finaliste qu'ils voulaient voir gagner. Ainsi, les quatre finalistes étaient Chloé ( #TeamBlondes ), Lucien ( #TeamMars ), Clémence ( #TeamGirlz ) et Jordan ( #TeamBoGoss ). C'est finalement Clémence qui a remporté cette première saison de Friends Trip au titre de meilleure amie de l'aventure Friends Trip. Elle a remporté 28 400 € .

Participants [ ]

Les candidats, tous anonymes, sont répartis par équipe de trois. Ainsi, sur le départ se sont affrontés la #TeamBoGoss , composée de Ricardo Pinto , Eddy Lhammi et Jordan Margaretta , la #TeamGirlz , constituée de Julia Paredes , Clémence Applaincourt et Fidji Ruiz , la #TeamBlondes , qui comprend Chloé Saive , Brenda Bourdouxhe et Justine , et la #TeamBro , dont les membres, David , Jonathan et Jérémy Antoine , sont frères.

De plus, au cours de l'aventure, d'autres équipes sont intervenues. Ainsi, la #TeamMars , qui unit Nikola Draskovic , Kevin Ludlow et Lucien Garcia , succède à #TeamBro , et la #DarkTeam , composée de Joyce , Nicolas et Marine , remplace la #TeamBoGoss . Enfin, à la suite de l'abandon de Justine , Marine a réintégré l'aventure dans la #TeamBlondes .

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4 Travel Tips For The Ultimate Friends Trip

By Daniel Betancourt

Traveling with friends can make for an incredible vacation. While orchestrating the perfect group getaway does take a bit of work, if done right, the memories can last a lifetime. Fall is the perfect time to grab a few pals and escape to an exciting destination the whole crew will love. Here are a few helpful travel tips to make your next friends trip a great success.

1. Find Common Themes

When it comes to group travel, not everyone vacations the same way. While a mountain retreat may be a favorite for some, others may find cities escapes more appealing. Make sure your entire group is on the same page about where you’re traveling to before setting your plans in motion. If the vacation destination is not someone’s cup of tea, they can always join in on the next trip. The same goes for activities. Be democratic about your plans. While everyone on the friends trip should get the chance to plan at least one activity of their choosing, in some cases, majority rules.

2. Choose A Leader

Travel plans oftentimes come up because someone takes the lead and proposes the idea. It could be for a friend’s birthday, a bucket list trip for a significant other, or a suggestion made over dinner. With so much to coordinate, it makes sense the person with the most desire to get the gang all together takes charge and plans the vacation. That’s not to say all the work falls on the shoulders of one person. Everyone should take part in planning some part of the group getaway. The leader is just the one who pulls all the pieces together.

take the ultimate friends trip

3. Set Budget Expectations

While some travel expenses are personal, everyone on the group getaway should subscribe to certain attributes of a travel budget. Accommodations are a big one. The entire group needs to agree on where to stay and how much each person is willing to pay. The same goes for travel excursions, activities, and dining. Also, be sure to give the group enough lead time to pay for parts of the trip ahead of time. For example, airfare and travel expenses should be paid for well in advance. Another travel tip is to create a vacation fund. Everyone contributes equally to the fund to pay for shared costs during the friends trip, including ride share expenses, tips for housekeepers, gas, valet parking, and more. At the end of the trip, whatever is left in the fund is equally distributed back to the members of the group.

4. Be Flexible

Don’t expect to plan every single minute of a group getaway. Time should be reserved for group members to do their own thing for a bit. Designate a day or two for the group to spend time on their own or to split up and take part in separate activities. The key is to not be overly ambitious with your agenda. Reserve down time for your friends trip, whether that’s with a low-key breakfast, afternoon naps, or an evening with no set itinerary.

Ready to go? Get these five fun vacation destinations for your next group getaway.

*These vacations are limited and subject to availability.

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Friends predominantly takes place in New York but the main six occasionally ventured out and visited new places. Across the 10 seasons, the gang traveled to London for Ross' wedding, Barbados for a paleontology convention, and many other destinations for various reasons.

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Numerous trips didn’t go to plan while others only caused more drama, but all were brilliant to watch. Fans were so used to seeing the main six in their natural habitat on Friends , whether that be the coffee house or their apartments, so when they entered unfamiliar territory, hilarity always ensued.

Chandler Goes To Yemen (S4, Ep15)

In "The One with All the Rugby,"  Chandler finds himself in a sticky situation on Friends  when he reignites his romance with Janice and has no way of getting out of it. To officially rid himself of her, he lies and says his company is transferring him to Yemen the next day.

The lie goes too far and Chandler ends up at the airport with Janice refusing to leave until she sees his plane take off. Forced to buy an expensive plane ticket, Chandler boards the plane to Yemen and then comes straight back, finally free of Janice.

Monica And Chandler Go To Jersey (S5, Ep5)

Monica and Chandler find it difficult to get time alone so decide to spend a romantic weekend together in Jersey. When they arrive, Monica isn't happy with their room and asks twice if they can switch.

While the room switching is going on, Chandler loses interest in spending time with Monica and turns his attention to a high-speed car chase on TV. The trip ends in disaster for both of them, however, it's a memorable one because the misplacement of Monica's eyelash curler allows Joey to work out what they’ve been up to.

Ross And Rachel Go To The Stevens' Family Cabin (S6, Ep22)

When Paul threatens to have Ross fired for dating Elizabeth, the two continue dating in secret. They sneak off to spend the weekend together at Elizabeth's family cabin, however, Paul inadvertently takes Rachel to the same place for a romantic weekend.

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Although Rachel does her best to prevent Paul from discovering Ross, Paul's furious when he catches him trying to escape out the window. After telling Ross that he'll be fired, Ross subtly informs Paul that he saw him doing his love machine dance. Desperate to keep it a secret, he reluctantly lets Ross and Elizabeth continue their relationship. David Schwimmer's hilarity shone through on this trip and Bruce Willis' dance is something to remember.

Phoebe, Rachel, And Joey Go To See Phoebe's Dad (S2, Ep21)

Phoebe's backstory and childhood are some of the  saddest things about her on Friends , even though she has a positive outlook on life. In "The One with the Bullies," Phoebe decides to go and visit her dad with Joey and Rachel. When she arrives, she is attacked by the family dog who she later accidentally runs over.

When she returns the injured dog, the woman who lives there tells Phoebe that Frank abandoned them several years ago, similar to her. While Phoebe doesn’t find exactly what she was looking for on this trip, it was some consolation that she met Frank Jr, the half-brother she never knew she had.

Ross And Chandler Go To Vermont (S9, Ep19)

When Chandler can't get a refund from a hotel in Vermont, Ross tags along with him and gets a sugar high from eating too much maple candy. After arriving, they can't find Chandler's reservation and he is forced to pay $600 for a room.

Ross reassures Chandler that they can make their money back by stealing what the hotel owes them, thus loading up on several apples, batteries, and shampoo bottles. As they're about to leave, Ross' suitcase buckles and everything they stole falls onto the lobby floor. The comedy value of this trip was highly unexpected and Ross' behavior is utterly hilarious.

The Gang Goes To Barbados (S9, Ep23/S10, Ep1)

When Ross is selected to deliver a keynote speech in Barbados, he invites the gang to accompany him and the whole trip is one big romantic wreck. Charlie breaks up with Joey and ends up with Ross, Rachel admits her feelings for Joey, and Phoebe trades David in for Mike when he returns.

Before Phoebe, Chandler, and Monica listen to the new couples making out through the wall, Monica and Mike get involved in a rather long and intense game of ping pong. The best part about this trip is that it set up the funniest episode in Friends ' next season , "The One Where Ross Is Fine."

The Gang Goes To Montauk (S3, Ep25/S4, Ep1)

Wanting information about her parents, Phoebe invites the gang to stay at her client's beach house in Montauk. With no source of entertainment, they amuse themselves with "Strip Happy Days" where Ross and Rachel’s unresolved feelings hit a boiling point. However, Bonnie's entrance disrupts things.

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Rachel later admits that she's still in love with Ross, but an 18-page letter sends things sideways once more. Phoebe unintentionally finds her birth mother, while Monica, Chandler, and Joey are left traumatized thanks to a jellyfish sting. No character has fond memories of Montauk, but it made for a brilliant transition from season 3 to season 4.

Monica And Chandler Go To Ohio (S10, Ep9)

In "The One with the Fertility Test," Monica and Chandler find out they can’t conceive naturally and it’s one of the saddest episodes in Friends .  They decide they want to adopt and travel to Ohio to meet Erica, a woman who is considering them to adopt her baby.

Things get off to an awkward start when they realize their file has been confused with another couple. They eventually come clean, but Erica refuses to continue their interview. To make her reconsider, Chandler gives Erica a heartfelt speech about their desire to have children and how Monica will make a great mother. He succeeds and because of this, fans get to watch them adopt the twins in the final episode.

The Gang (Minus Phoebe) Goes To London (S4, Ep23/24/S5, Ep1)

Emily and Ross' whirlwind romance brings Joey, Monica, and Chandler to London for Ross' wedding, which becomes the catalyst in Monica and Chandler's relationship. As Phoebe is too heavily pregnant to fly, Rachel uses that as an excuse to stay in New York.

When everything seems to be going to plan, Rachel heads to London to tell Ross that she still loves him, however, after arriving she changes her mind. While saying his vows, Ross says Rachel's name, and everyone is left in pure disbelief. This episode features one of the most shocking cliffhangers in comedy TV and is a Friends trip that fans will remember forever.

The Gang Goes To Vegas (S5, Ep23/24/S6, Ep1)

When Monica and Chandler decide to merge their anniversary with visiting Joey on the set of his new movie, everyone tags along, and the gang head to Vegas. At Caesars Palace, Phoebe deals with a lurker while Joey discovers a million-dollar idea in the form of an identical hand twin. Chandler and Monica argue about Richard, meanwhile, Ross' pen prank on Rachel causes them to get blackout drunk.

After Monica and Chandler make up, they hastily decide to get married. However, a severely intoxicated Ross and Rachel beat them to it. The season 4 finale seemed impossible to match, but this remains one of the most unexpected things to ever happen in Friends and the setting of Vegas makes the episode pure brilliance.

NEXT: The 10 Best Episodes Of Friends, According To Ranker

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Friends Trip : Les candidats affrontent leur dernière épreuve

Le 27/11/2014 à 19:10 par la rédaction

Modifié le 17/04/2023 à 18:38

Friends Trip : Les candidats affrontent leur dernière épreuve

L'aventure Friends Trip touche bientôt à sa fin. Une dernière épreuve les attend permettant de gagner une dernière fois jusqu'à 4000 euros. Vont-ils y arriver ?

Dernière épreuve dans Friends Trip : une chasse aux trésors dans les rues de San Fransisco ! Chinatown, quartier gay, port de pêche, les équipes se rendent aux quatre coins de la ville. Ils ont deux heures pour trouver un drapeau à partir de deux indices, deux photos. Nikola préfère se prendre lui-même en photo que de chercher et ça commence à exaspérer Lucien ! Vont-ils perdre à cause de lui ?

>>> Friends Trip : L'énorme chute de Clémence, Nikola propose à Chloé d'emménager avec lui (VIDEO)

Improbable, Eddy et Jordan, qui achetaient un chapeau souvenir, trouvent dans une boutique, leur drapeau Friends Trip totalement au hasard. Et les premiers. Ils n'en reviennent pas. Julia et Clémence trouvent le leur en seconde position. Marine et Brenda n'en reviennent pas de trouver à leur tour le drapeau. Ils sont bons derniers mais Nikola et Lucien trouvent aussi. Ouf !

Bilan : ils remportent 4000 euros supplémentaires ! Le cashprize s'élève au final à 14 200 euros. Les candidats réalisent véritablement que l'aventure se termine pour de bon !

Mais qui va être sacré meilleur ami de l'aventure et remporter cette fameuse somme ? Réponse demain soir lors du dernier épisode !

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Friends Trip : Une nouvelle épreuve pour les candidats ! (VIDEO)

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Friends who have attended every Super Bowl plan final trip

FILE — Members of the Never Miss a Super Bowl Club, from the left, Tom Henschel, Gregory Eaton, and Don Crisman pose for a group photograph during a welcome luncheon, in Atlanta, Friday, Feb. 1, 2019. The three men have attended every game since the first AFL-NFL World Championship held 55 years ago. They're meeting at the Super Bowl once again for this year's game, but future meetings are in question. (Hyosub Shin/Atlanta Journal-Constitution via AP, File)

FILE — Members of the Never Miss a Super Bowl Club, from the left, Tom Henschel, Gregory Eaton, and Don Crisman pose for a group photograph during a welcome luncheon, in Atlanta, Friday, Feb. 1, 2019. The three men have attended every game since the first AFL-NFL World Championship held 55 years ago. They’re meeting at the Super Bowl once again for this year’s game, but future meetings are in question. (Hyosub Shin/Atlanta Journal-Constitution via AP, File)

FILE — Donald Crisman poses with memorabilia from Super Bowls he has attended so far, Thursday, Jan. 25, 2018, at his home, in Kennebunk, Maine. Crisman, along with Tom Henschel, and Gregory Eaton have attended every Super Bowl since the first AFL-NFL World Championship held 55 years ago. The three men are meeting at the Super Bowl once again for this year’s game, but future meetings are in question. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty, File)

FILE — Gregory Eaton shows his tickets for the 2005 Super Bowl while seated among many other Super Bowl programs and souvenirs, Jan. 31, 2005, in Lansing, Mich. Eaton, along with Tom Henschel, and Don Crisman, have attended every Super Bowl since the first AFL-NFL World Championship held 55 years ago. The three men are meeting at the Super Bowl once again for this year’s game, but future meetings are in question. (Vicki Dozier/Lansing State Journal via AP, File)

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PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Three friends who have attended every Super Bowl are hoping for a memorable contest this year, because it will probably be their final trip to the big game as a group.

The three men are all in their 80s and have attended every game since the first AFL-NFL World Championship Game was held 55 years ago about 7 miles (11 kilometers) from this year’s venue, SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California. They are meeting at the game once again this year, but future meetings are in question.

Don Crisman, a Maine resident and the eldest of the group at 85, said this is his last game. Gregory Eaton, 82, of Michigan, wants to keep attending but said his health concerns could get in the way. Even Tom Henschel, a football fanatic who spends the cold months in Florida, said Super Bowl LX in 2026 figures to be his last.

The far-flung friends use the Super Bowl to meet up, spend time together and reminisce. But in recent years they’ve come to grips with the fact it must come to an end one day, said Henschel, 80.

“I still think I have a few years left. I’m going to try to make it to 60. But old man age is catching up to all of us,” he said.

Crisman and Henschel first met at the 1983 Super Bowl, and Eaton met them decades later in the mid-2010s. Their small club of fans who have been to every Super Bowl has dwindled over the years as other members have aged and passed on.

This year’s game has special significance for the fans because they’ll be able to sit together again, as is their common practice. They were several rows apart at last year’s Super Bowl in Tampa, Florida, because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Attendance at last year’s game was also limited to 22,000. Eaton said the fans are looking forward to a more traditional big crowd at the Super Bowl this year.

He’ll be cheering for the home team Los Angeles Rams, because he feels seeing Rams quarterback Matt Stafford win a Super Bowl is the closest he’ll get to seeing his beloved Detroit Lions win the big one. Stafford played for the Lions for more than a decade before finding stardom and success in L.A.

“We just love football,” Eaton said, adding that he shelled out about $2,500 for his ticket — about 400 times more than the cheap seats cost in 1967.

Crisman, a Patriots fan, said he’s “moving slower, but I guess that’s better than the alternative” as he gets ready for his last Super Bowl. The friends plan to meet up Thursday in Los Angeles.

He said he has one caveat about this Super Bowl being his last.

“Barring a Mac Jones miracle next year,” he said, referencing the Patriots young quarterback. “One year at a time, but I’m feeling we’re very near the end.”



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  1. Friends Trip

    Saison 1. La première saison de Friends Trip, intitulée Friends Trip : Qui sera le meilleur ami ?, est une émission de téléréalité française diffusée sur NRJ 12.Elle a été diffusée du lundi au vendredi en avant-soirée, à partir de 17 h 45 du 29 septembre 2014 au 14 novembre 2014 et à partir de 18 h 20 du 17 novembre 2014 au 28 novembre 2014. ...

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    45 (saison 1) 40 (saisons 2, 3 & 4) Friends Trip est une émission de téléréalité française produite par Alexandre Dos Santos, Jérémy Michalak et Thibaut Valès, diffusée depuis le 29 septembre 2014 sur NRJ 12. La musique du générique, Friends Trip, est interprétée par Gilles Luka, qui est également l'auteur de celle du générique ...

  3. Saison 1 de Friends Trip

    La première saison de Friends Trip, intitulée Friends Trip : Qui sera le meilleur ami ?, est une émission de téléréalité française diffusée sur NRJ 12. Elle a été diffusée du lundi au vendredi en avant-soirée, à partir de 17 h 45 du 29 septembre 2014 au 14 novembre 2014 et à partir de 18 h 20 du 17 novembre 2014 au 28 novembre 2014. Mike Tyson, ancien boxeur américain, est le ...

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    Aujourd'hui dans Friends Trip : Ricardo est toujours (très) énérvé contre Eddy, Jordan accuse la #TeamBro d'être stratège et une nouvelle épreuve arrive pour les candidats !

  20. Friends Trip : Les candidats affrontent leur dernière épreuve

    L'aventure Friends Trip touche bientôt à sa fin. Une dernière épreuve les attend permettant de gagner une dernière fois jusqu'à 4000 euros. ... Friends Trip : Les candidats affrontent leur ...

  21. Friends who have attended every Super Bowl plan final trip

    Published 4:39 AM PDT, February 9, 2022. PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Three friends who have attended every Super Bowl are hoping for a memorable contest this year, because it will probably be their final trip to the big game as a group. The three men are all in their 80s and have attended every game since the first AFL-NFL World Championship Game ...


    Découvrez en avant première les candidats de la seconde saison de Friends Trip.

  23. Friends Trip 4

    Découvrez les candidats de la saison 4 de Friends Trip en avant première 😱 Aimez, commentez, partagez et abonnez-vous