WDW Prep School

Virtual Queues at Disney World: Tips, Updates, and FAQs

By: Author Heather Thomas

Published: May 14, 2024 Updated: May 14, 2024

Virtual Queues at Disney World: Tips, Updates, and FAQs

Stressed about snagging a boarding group using the Disney World virtual queue system? We can help.

We’ve been in your shoes before, but we’re eager to share a few handy tips and insights we’ve learned after years of experience with Disney’s virtual queue system.

In this post, we’re going to first go over the basics of virtual queues – including how they work with all-day park hopping. Then, we’ll go step-by-step on how to join a virtual queue. We’ll also cover our best tips, plus give you some suggestions for alternatives to using the virtual queue system.

Let’s go!

Update: Tiana’s Bayou Adventure Will Use a Virtual Queue

Over the years, there have been several attractions that have used a virtual queue, but here’s what you can currently find:

Note: With the addition of Tiana’s Bayou Adventure to the virtual queue system, we haven’t yet heard if Disney plans to keep TRON on as a virtual queue, too. We will update this post with that information as we get closer to the opening. But until we hear differently, we are assuming Tiana’s and TRON will be eligible for a spot in the virtual queue.

  • NEW! Tiana’s Bayou Adventure (beginning June 28th)
  • TRON Lightcycle / Run
  • Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind

In addition to those 3, Rise of the Resistance also uses a virtual queue, but ONLY during special events like Jollywood Nights .

Note: In the past, both Rise of the Resistance and Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure used a Virtual Queue daily, but as demand has dropped and other new attractions have opened, those attractions have stopped using the virtual queue.

Understanding Virtual Queues

Picture it – you and your family are pumped about riding one of Disney’s hot new attractions for the very first time. You wake up early, rope drop the park, and walk straight there only to find that the wait is over 300 minutes and there is no way your kids (or you!) can stand in a line that long.

That is precisely what used to happen when new attractions opened up at Walt Disney World. Wait times would consistently extend into the hundreds of minutes, and the overall experience for guests was not good at all.

disney cruise line virtual queue

Yes, there are always going to be attractions – even older attractions – where the waits often push past 100 minutes (looking at you, Peter Pan’s Flight ), but, having hundreds and hundreds of people in line isn’t good for anyone – including Disney.

In a perfect world, waits for even the most popular attractions at Disney World would never be more than 15 minutes and there wouldn’t be any need for systems to keep us from standing in long lines.

But alas, that isn’t the case and although it isn’t perfect, the Disney World virtual queue system does make it a bit easier to enjoy some of the most popular new attractions without spending half the day standing in line.

The virtual queue is FREE, but you’ll need to understand how it works to snag a spot:

  • Reservation : The first step in the Disney virtual queue system is to snag a reservation – or in Disney’s terms, a boarding group. We’ll go over that in more detail down below, but you’ll use the My Disney Experience app to join the queue. It’s like saying, “Hey, I want to go on this ride,” but instead of going to the ride and waiting in a long line, you do it through your phone.
  • Virtual Waiting : Once you’ve joined the queue, you’re given a spot in line – but it’s all virtual. You don’t have to stand in a long line; you can go do other things instead.
  • Notification : The Disney virtual queue system keeps track of the line for you and lets you know when it’s your turn (aka when your boarding group is called) by sending you a push notification to your phone. You can also use the app to check to see the status, too.
  • Your Turn : When it’s your turn, you head over to the attraction. In most cases, you’ll have a 1-hour return window.
  • Enjoy the Ride : Once you arrive, you’ll join the Virtual Queue Line, where you won’t walk right on, but you’ll definitely have a shorter wait.

BUT – this is where it gets stressful because boarding group spots are not unlimited in the virtual queue – and once they are gone, they are gone.

And for the rides with a virtual queue, your only options will be to either pay extra for an Individual Lightning Lane or Genie+ OR ride it through the virtual queue. There is no standby option , meaning, you might miss out riding if you don’t understand how it all works.

When can I join a virtual queue (or what is a drop time)?

Disney opens up the virtual queue at set times throughout the day. Those are commonly referred to as “drop times.”

There are 2 (and sometimes 3) drop times for the virtual queues:

  • 7 a.m.:  Can join from anywhere (onsite or offsite – you don’t have to be in the park)
  • 1 p.m.:  Must be in either Magic Kingdom (if you want to join the TRON or Tiana’s Virtual Queue) or Epcot (if you want to join the Guardians of the Galaxy Virtual Queue). Note: While Disney officially states guests must be INSIDE the park for the 1 p.m. drop, we’ve learned that as long as you’ve tapped into the park, you can try to join the virtual queue at 1 p.m. from anywhere.
  • 6 p.m.:  Only available to Deluxe Resort Guests, and only on nights when either Magic Kingdom or Epcot is hosting Extended Evening Theme Park Hours.  More on how the 6 p.m. drop works .

Step-by-Step instructions for joining a virtual queue

Note: these screenshots below are from the TRON virtual queue, but the steps are the same for all attractions with a virtual queue.

1. Make sure everyone in your party has both valid theme park admission and , when applicable, a valid Park Pass Reservation. Note: Date-based tickets will not need a Park Pass Reservation starting January 9, however on select days, Annual Passes WILL continue to need a Park Pass reservation. You can use the  My Disney Experience app  the night before to confirm that you have everything ready to go.

2. Decide on which drop(s) you plan to attempt to join the Virtual Queue As we mentioned above, there are 2 and sometimes 3 drop times (for Deluxe Resort guests only) each day. Here are some things to think about:

  • If you are only planning to try for the free virtual queue AND you are not planning to pay for an Individual Lightning Lane selection or for Genie+, you should  definitely  try at 7 a.m. so that you’ll still have the 1 p.m. drop as an option if you aren’t successful at the first one.  Remember, you must tap into the park prior to 1 p.m. if you want to try to join the virtual queue at the 1 p.m. drop. (Disney officially states guests must be inside the park for the 1 p.m. drop, but we’ve learned that as long as you’ve tapped into the park, you can try to join the virtual queue at 1 p.m. from anywhere .)

tron virtual queue and individual lightning lane information

2 people available to help book virtual queues in My Disney Experience:

  • If you are traveling with more than 1 person who can help you book, and your plan is to try to snag a spot in the virtual queue AND purchase an Individual Lightning Lane spot for TRON or Guardian’s of the Galaxy or Genie+ ( for Tiana’s Bayou Adventure so you can ride 2 times), as long as you both have your own My Disney Experience accounts, and you are connected as “ Friends and Family “, you can divide up the tasks and have one person do each thing right at 7 a.m. Note: If you are purchasing Genie+ for Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, remember that you will want to purchase Genie+ BEFORE 7:00 a.m. so that right at 7:00 a.m. you can try to snag a Genie+ return time. If you try to both purchase Genie+ AND snag a Genie+ spot at 7:00 a.m., you will likely miss out.

1 person available to book virtual queues in My Disney Experience:

  • If you are the only one attempting to snag the virtual queue AND you also want to purchase an Individual Lightning Lane for TRON or Guardian’s of the Galaxy or a Genie+ spot for Tiana’s Bayou Adventure (so you can ride twice), purchase the Individual Lightning Lane or try for a Genie+ spot first and then try for a spot in the virtual queue at the 1 p.m. drop.  Note: If you are purchasing Genie+ for Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, remember that you will want to purchase Genie+ BEFORE 7:00 a.m. so that right at 7:00 a.m. you can try to snag a Genie+ return time. If you try to both purchase Genie+ AND snag a Genie+ spot at 7:00 a.m., you will likely miss out. You must tap into the park prior to 1 p.m. if you want to try to join the virtual queue at the 1 p.m. drop. (Disney officially states guests must be inside the park for the 1 p.m. drop, but we’ve learned that as long as you’ve tapped into the park, you can try to join the virtual queue at 1 p.m. from anywhere .)

1 pm virtual queue drop time for tron

Guests staying at a Deluxe-level resort

  • If you are eligible for the 6 p.m. drop, you do not have to be in the park, but you will need to have valid admission to enter either Magic Kingdom or Epcot that evening. Also keep in mind that this drop is basically the chance to ride for a 3rd time in one day: you can ride once with a virtual queue spot during regular park hours, you can pay to ride once with an Individual Lightning Lane or Genie+ Selection, and then once during Evening Theme Park Hours.  If you are successful at snagging all 3, you’d get 3 rides.

3. Confirm your party Up to 1 hour before you can join the queue, confirm your party. You don’t have to do this right at 1 hour before you can join the queue, but give yourself a few minutes before the queue opens to confirm your party.

virtual queue

To do that, open up the My Disney Experience app, select virtual queues, select the virtual queue you wish you join, and then select “Confirm Your Party”.

confirm party for tron virtual queue

Make sure the correct people are selected (it should default to people in your group who are eligible).

confirm party for tron virtual queue

A common snag is the app automatically selecting people without tickets (like kids under 3).  Make sure that your party only consists of people who are eligible.

4. In the final minutes, get ready to go We recommend having the My Disney Experience app open and ready to go a few minutes before the official time. 

refresh button for tron virtual queue

Boarding groups go fast (within seconds), so you don’t want to waste time clicking around and waiting for the app to open. 

Use a second smart device to count down the seconds (like a smartwatch, a second phone, etc.). Don’t have a second smart device? Use the clock icon on your phone, which has a second hand.

5. Count it down…and GO! Boarding groups will not be available until the official queue drop times . Spots can be gone in a flash, so that means you’ll want to count down those last seconds so that you are refreshing right as the clock turns. Immediately as the clock turns to either 7 a.m., 1 p.m., or 6 p.m (if available to you), hit the “Refresh” button and then push the “Join Virtual Queue” button.

join virtual queue button for tron

The people you’re connected to in My Disney Experience who are eligible to join the virtual queue will automatically be selected when trying to get a boarding group (if you haven’t already confirmed your party as discussed in the previous step).

tron virtual queue confirmation

Your boarding group info should give you an estimated wait for how long it’ll take to be called (the time estimate is how many minutes from the current time they expect to call you).

This is important:

If you find that some members don’t want a boarding group,  don’t take time deselecting their names,  as that will likely cost you the chance to get boarding groups.

If you find that some people are missing, don’t waste time trying to add them.

Just go ahead and  snag them for the ones that are selected , and then you can visit the Guest Services team (the ones near the blue umbrellas) to change it later.

6. Keep an eye on the app The app should provide you with a push notification to let you know when it is your turn to ride.  

tron virtual queue notification that it's time to ride

Your boarding group info should give you an estimate for how long it’ll take to be called (the time estimate is how many minutes from the current time they expect to call you).

The app should alert you, but it is a good idea to keep an eye on the app yourself, too, just in case your notification doesn’t go through.

tron virtual queue notification that it's time to ride

When you’re called,  you’ll have 1 hour to make your way back to the attraction.  You can always check to see exactly what groups are boarding both in the app and on display boards found throughout the park.

Note:  We have personally been able to sometimes ride after our official return times at attractions with virtual queues, as well as knowing many others that were able to do the same. But you should never expect that to be the case, and you shouldn’t rely on Disney to allow it. Instead, whenever possible, we recommend you attempt to ride during your assigned time.

7. When it is your turn, enter the line When it is time to ride, head to the attraction and go to the line labeled Virtual Queue.   Your tickets or MagicBands will be scanned before you enter the line.  Remember: Each guest can enter the virtual queue no more than once per day. Guests may not hold a boarding group for more than one experience at the same time. If more than one experience is using a virtual queue, guests will need to enter those virtual queues one at a time .

Virtual Queues and Park Hopping

Here’s how the virtual queues work with all-day park hopping :

First, keep in mind that you don’t need to be in a park to book a boarding group for the 7:00 a.m. drop. The parks aren’t even typically open at that time anyway.

But, you DO need to be in a park to book a boarding group for the 1:00 p.m. drop . That means you have to be in Magic Kingdom to book TRON or Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, or in Epcot to book Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind.

Note: While Disney officially states guests must be INSIDE the park for the 1 p.m. drop, we’ve learned that as long as you’ve tapped into the park, you can try to join the virtual queue at 1 p.m. from anywhere.

So if you plan to hop to ride an attraction with a virtual queue, just make sure you are in the park OR you have tapped into the park you are hopping to before 1:00 p.m.

Remember,  guests can enter the virtual queue for each attraction no more than once per day  during  regular  park hours, BUT eligible resort guests with access to Extended Evening Theme Park Hours who obtained a virtual queue spot during regular hours can try again at 6 p.m., when available.

Bonus 6 p.m. Virtual Queue for Deluxe Guests (Extended Evening Theme Park Hours)

There is also a third virtual queue drop time — but only for select Disney Resort hotel guests.

This bonus boarding group at the 6 p.m. drop, available ONLY to guests of Deluxe, Deluxe Villa, Swan, Dolphin, and Swan Reserve, and Shades of Green resorts, doesn’t count towards your daily attraction virtual queue limit.

Keep in mind that the 6 p.m. virtual queue time is only available on select nights when Extended Evening Theme Park Hours are offered at either Epcot or Magic Kingdom. 

  • Read all about Extended Evening Theme Park Hours

To experience Extended Evening Theme Park Hours, guests will need valid admission.

Important: guests who are eligible for the 6 p.m. drop time  do not  need to be in Magic Kingdom or Epcot to request to join the virtual queues there.

Alternatives to Virtual Queues

Unfortunately, there really aren’t any free alternatives to virtual queues. You can, however, opt to purchase a ride using the Lightning Lane or, in the case of Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, try for a spot with Genie+:

Individual Lightning Lane Purchases

  • What It Is : The Individual Lightning Lane is a paid service that allows you to book a specific time slot for select high-demand attractions. This is separate from the virtual queue system and from Genie+ and is available for a limited number of attractions.
  • How It Works : You can purchase access to Lightning Lanes for up to two different attractions per day, per ticket. This is done through the My Disney Experience app. Once you’ve purchased your slot, you simply show up at the designated time and enjoy a much shorter wait.
  • Advantages : The key benefit to a Lightning Lane vs. a boarding group in the virtual queue is certainty and convenience. You know exactly when your ride time is (you get to select the time), and you can plan your day around it.

Read more about Individual Lightning Lanes

  • What It Is : Genie+ at Walt Disney World is a paid service that allows guests to skip regular standby lines and access Lightning Lanes for select attractions, offering more flexibility and reduced wait times. It replaces the former FastPass system and can be purchased via the My Disney Experience app. This is separate from an Individual Lightning Lane and once you purchase it, you can select a return time for an eligible Genie+ attraction – *if* there are any available. There are limited Genie+ spots, though, and you don’t get to pick your return time; your only option will be the next available time. And, purchasing Genie+ does NOT guarantee you’ll get to ride every Genie+ eligible attraction.
  • How It Works : Guests purchase Genie+ through the My Disney Experience app on the day of their visit and can make their first G+ reservation starting at 7 AM. Unlike Individual Lightning Lanes, you can NOT select the return time, though. You get whatever is currently available (which is based on the wait times at the attraction). Throughout the day, you can book additional Genie+ Lightning Lane access one at a time after using your previous selection or after a two-hour waiting period.
  • Advantages : The key benefit to Genie+ vs. a boarding group in the virtual queue is certainty and convenience. The free virtual queue option tends to go first since fewer people will be purchasing Genie+. However, you will still need to be trying for a spot right at 7:00 a.m. as the attractions that offer both virtual queue AND Genie+ are extremely popular.

Read more about Genie+

Our BEST Virtual Queue Tips

  • Be Prepared and On Time : The virtual queue opens at specific times (typically 7 a.m. and 1 p.m.). Make sure everything is ready at least a few minutes before the queue opens. We recommend you set an alarm – just make sure your alarm isn’t going to disturb other guests around you.
  • Use a Clock to Countdown: Whether you use a watch or another phone, count down those final seconds and hit refresh as soon as it is time.
  • Use a Reliable Internet Connection : A fast and stable internet connection is crucial. If you’re at a hotel or in the park, be aware that Disney’s free Wi-Fi may be slower due to many people using it at the same time. If you have a good cell connection, that may be your better bet.
  • Update the My Disney Experience App : Make sure your app is updated to the latest version the night before. This can help prevent technical issues when trying to join the queue.
  • Confirm Your Party in Advance : Starting an hour before the virtual queue opens, you can confirm your party in the app. Doing this beforehand saves valuable time when joining the queue.
  • Multiple Devices and Accounts : Want both a spot in the virtual queue AND an Individual Lightning Lane or a Genie+ return time? If possible, divide up the tasks and have one member of your group try to join the queue on their device while another books the Individual Lightning Lanes or Genie+ spots.
  • Have All Park Tickets Linked and Ready : Make sure all the tickets or passes for your group are linked to your My Disney Experience account and that everyone has a park reservation for that day.
  • Be Persistent : If you don’t succeed in the morning, try again during the 1:00 p.m. drop.
  • Plan for Alternate Activities : In case you don’t get a boarding group, have a backup plan for other attractions or activities in the park.
  • Read more about the virtual queue at TRON Lightcycle / Run
  • Read more about the virtual queue at Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind

Virtual Queue FAQs

How many virtual queues can you join at a time.

You can only have 1 attraction virtual queue at a time.

How much does a boarding group in a virtual queue cost?

It is free to join a boarding group. But, you can also pay to ride with an Individual Lightning Lane OR Genie+ (which ever is available at the attraction you’re trying to ride), which would give you 2 rides.

Can I choose my return time for my boarding group?

No. You can’t choose your boarding group number; it is assigned when you join the virtual queue, and you don’t know an exact return time because all that depends on how fast the groups in front of you move and whether or not the attraction itself goes down.

What happens if the boarding groups are gone?

There are a limited number of free boarding groups available, and  once they are gone, they are gone.

At that point, your only option to ride will be to purchase an Individual Lightning Lane Selection or with Genie+ (whichever one the attraction uses).

Can I both buy an Individual Lightning Lane or Genie+ AND try for a spot in the virtual queue?

Yes, you can! You can have both a boarding group in the virtual queue AND a return time for an Individual Lightning Lane or a return time with Genie+. This will give you 2 rides.

For the 1:00 p.m. drop, does everyone who will ride need to enter the park first?

Yes. If you plan to try for a boarding group in the 1:00 p.m. virtual queue drop, everyone who plans to ride will need to have at least entered the park.

Which should I do first – the virtual queue or purchase an Individual Lightning Lane?

In nearly every case, whenever an attraction has both a virtual queue AND the option to purchase an Individual Lighting Lane or secure return time with Genie+, you should always join the virtual queue first and then buy your ILL or snag that Genie+.

Remember: you do NOT have to purchase Genie+ to buy an Individual Lightning Lane.

disney cruise line virtual queue

How does Rider Switch and DAS work with the virtual queue?

Both  Rider Switch  and  Disability Access Service  (DAS) are available, but  you must have already secured a boarding group to use them .

After you have a boarding group, you can see a Cast Member at the attraction for assistance.

Will any other attractions ever use a virtual queue?

Maybe. We expect to see the trend of virtual queues continuing whenever new things open.

Does Disney use virtual queues anywhere else?

Yes! During the holiday season, Disney uses a virtual queue for several of the Santa meet and greets and for some runDisney events, you’ll find a virtual queue being used for shopping at the Expo.

But, using virtual queues for other experiences will not impact your ability to get a boarding group for an attraction virtual queue. They are separate.

What about virtual queues and special events like Mickey’s-Not-So-Scary Halloween Party, Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party, and Jollywood Nights?

Sometimes attractions are available during special events.

tron virtual queue halloween party

How to ride TRON during Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party and Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party

  • A special 3rd virtual queue will open at 6:00 p.m. for all guests with a ticket to Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party or Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party. The ticket must be linked to your account in My Disney Experience in order to request to join.
  • Guests with MNSSHP or MVMCP tickets do NOT need to be in Magic Kingdom to request to join the queue.
  • You can confirm your party before the queue opens.
  • There will be no standby line or Individual Lightning Lanes available.
  • Each guest can only request to join the virtual queue once per event.

How to ride Rise of the Resistance during Jollywood Nights

During Disney Jollywood Nights, Rise of the Resistance utilizes a virtual queue system similar to the one it opened with and the one that is currently in place for Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind and Tron Lightcycle / Run.  There is not a Standby Line.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • The drop time for the virtual queue during Jollywood Nights is 8:00 p.m.
  • To join the virtual queue, guests will need to use their cell phones to log into the My Disney Experience app.
  • At exactly 8:00 p.m., you are allowed to request to join the queue. You can only join the queue once, and your return time is set (you can’t change it).
  • You also do not need to be inside the park to join, so if you are arriving late, you can still request to join as long as you have a valid party ticket linked to your account.

How do virtual queues fit in with Genie or Genie+?

Virtual Queues operate separately from Genie/Genie+. If you have a boarding group, you can view its status from the My Day tab in Genie.


So there you go! Everything you ever need to know about the virtual queues at Walt Disney World. Got questions? Leave us a comment below.

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The Disney Cruise Line Blog

Disney Cruise Line Adds a Virtual Queue to the Online Reservation System

Today, is Disney+ Day which includes promotions across The Walt Disney Company. Disney Cruise Line’s special offer for Disney+ subscribers results in the third and fourth guests of Disney+ subscribers get to sail free with 2 full-fare guests in the same stateroom during select sailings on the Disney Magic, Disney Dream and Disney Fantasy from January 2023 through April 2023.

Due to high demand for the Disney+ subscribers offer, Disney Cruise Line activated a virtual queue for Disney Cruise Lines’ reservation system as part of the many activations across Disney’s synergy machine.

DCL Virtual Queue System Disney Plus Promotion

The current virtual queue directly references demand as a result of the Disney+ promotion, but this could be a new feature that may be utilized in the future on opening day when new sailings go on sale.

Additionally, at this time, guests are subjected to the same virtual queue even if they just want to search and book a cruise via any of the other special offers or at the current prevailing fare.

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2 Replies to “Disney Cruise Line Adds a Virtual Queue to the Online Reservation System”

' src=

I never did make it through the queue in the morning but by the afternoon I was able to book multiple cruises without a problem.

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I am not eligible since I live in Europe – there’s nothing more frustrating than feeling you’re missing out !

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Home » Walt Disney World » Planning and Tips » Touring

Disney’s Virtual Queue – How It Works in Disney World and Future Changes

By Author Ziggy Oskwarek

Posted on Last updated: June 10, 2023

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Tired of waiting in lines at Disney World? There is a solution…the Virtual Queue! A few years ago, Disney started implementing this new attraction queuing system by assigning boarding groups to riders. Is Disney’s Virtual Queue going to be expanded throughout the parks and to more attractions?

Disney World Virtual Queue

Disneyland and Disney World introduced a virtual queuing system which has been designed to limit the crowds and make visiting the parks a more enjoyable experience overall. How does it work though and is it a good idea?

We’ve had a chance to experience the virtual queue ourselves many times over the last few years and we feel confident that we can share with you everything you need to know about it including why it’s the best solution for Disney attractions and superior to Genie+.

In this post, we are going to share with you the basics of the Disney Virtual Queueing system and Boarding Passes. We’ll cover: When you need to use it and a Step-by-Step How to get a boarding pass/group.

We’ll do our best to answer all your questions, and give you the best strategy to get into the Virtual Queue so you can get to experience all your favorite Disney World rides, without waiting in line.

Disney Virtual Queue and Boarding Groups

(UPDATE 4/7/23 – Over in Disney’s Magic Kingdom, the new ride TRON Lightcycle Run has been using the Virtual Queue and boarding groups since opening on April 4, 2023.

Disney World may continue making more additions to the Virtual Queue by adding more news rides when they open, or existing attractions such as Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run and Jungle Cruise in the future. This would help with the excess crowds at those attractions but for now, it’s not in the plans.

Read more of this in the NEWS section down below…

The Virtual Queue is starting to be used more in Disney World, just not as much right now as previously thought. It is being used for TRON Lightcycle Run and Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind , but is no longer being used for Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance in Galaxy’s Edge or Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure.

Right now Disneyland is not using the Virtual Queue system or boarding passes for Rise of the Resistance, and it is either a standby queue or Individual Lightning Lane attraction for now.

Also, Disney is not using FastPass+ (it has been replaced by the Disney Genie Plus system ), and the Single Rider option is not available on many attractions.

Riding Space Mountain with Disney Virtual Queue

Instead, Disney was using the regular attraction queues, and Lightning Lane queues to control crowds getting in line for various rides, which was Disney’s best option at the time. However, things have changed and everything has started getting back to normal again.

It was important to control the crowds in 2020 and most of 2021, but since more people started coming to the parks again, Disney has been less concerned, even eliminating the distanced queues. We’ll discuss how this all could affect the virtual queue moving forward.

To find out what else Disney is working on, read our post about All the New Disney World Guidelines and Changes coming when the parks reopen. If you are looking for general information about all the changes coming to the parks and resorts, read our Disney World Reopening Guide .

Outside of Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run queue

We’re keeping this page updated with all the latest news about boarding groups and the Virtual Queue so as soon as Disney announces any new details we’ll let you know. If they decide to use it even more it is going to have BIG implications on your park touring strategy, so stay tuned for more.

Here are some links to attraction-specific guides to the Virtual Queue:

  • How to Get a Boarding Pass for TRON Lightcycle Run
  • How to Get a Boarding Pass for Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind
  • How to Get a Boarding Pass for Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure
  • How to Get a Boarding Pass for Rise of the Resistance
  • Using the Virtual Queue for WEB SLINGERS: A Spider-Man Adventure

To make sure you’re kept up-to-date with the latest changes and Disney vacation tips, don’t forget to sign up for our FREE Weekly E-Mail Newsletter. You can sign up here: Join our E-Mail Newsletter!

Table of Contents

(NEWS) TRON Lightcycle Run Using Virtual Queue

For a while, there were no attractions in Walt Disney World that were using the Virtual Queue system, but that changed when the two newest roller coasters opened up and now there are 2 of them using it.

TRON Lightcycle Run roller coaster loading room

Before either TRON Lightcycle Run or Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind opened, Disney had announced they would each be using the Virtual Queue, and that has been the case ever since.

Let’s start with the newest ride, TRON Lightcycle Run .

This was actually the first time the Virtual Queue has been used in Disney’s Magic Kingdom, and it’s the only FREE way to ride TRON Lightcycle Run. That’s right, there are no standby queues for TRON at the moment, so you can’t just walk up and get in line. You need to have a reservation to ride.

The boarding group system works the same way for TRON Lightcycle Run as it does for Cosmic Rewind and other attractions that used it in the past such as Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure and Rise of the Resistance. It is also equally as difficult to get into the Virtual Queue for TRON, so expect lots of disappointment as the boarding groups sell out in minutes, or sometimes seconds.

Also using the Virtual Queue is Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind. In fact, it’s now been open almost one full year, and it’s still using the Virtual Queue and has never had a standby queue up to this point.

Eson Celestial Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind Concept Art

I don’t know what Disney’s plan is here moving forward, but they were unphased by TRON opening with the Virtual Queue, so it seems they are content to have 2 attractions using it simultaneously (even though they aren’t in the same park).

The only other option you have for either of these rides is buying an Individual Lightning Lane selection , Disney’s a la carte pay-to-ride system.

Make sure to read our guides to getting boarding passes for both of them before you visit. There you will find step-by-step instructions and all the tips to give you the best possible chance to ride!

  • Riding TRON Lightcycle Run with the Virtual Queue
  • Riding Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind with the Virtual Queue

( NEWS ) Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure Ride Stops Using the Disney Virtual Queue

Not too long ago Disney started using the Virtual Queue on some of the newest attractions in the Disney theme parks including Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure and Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance .

However, Disney has stopped using the Virtual Queue for both of these attractions, along with some others. Let’s see what happened.

Heading to Rise of the Resistance at Rope Drop

When it first opened getting a boarding group for Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance has been the only way to ride it and it was the first Disney attraction to use the then-new Virtual Queue. They did this both in Disney World and Disneyland.

This was a huge change for guests who wanted to ride such a ground-breaking attraction and finally after almost 2 years, guests finally mastered the Virtual Queue, only for Disney to pull a fast one and change to a standby queue.

Some people were not happy with the Virtual Queue due to the bad guest experience for Rise of the Resistance. In our opinion, that is mostly due to the ride’s constant mechanical issues, delays, and the extreme popularity of the ride itself.

This has changed how you tour Hollywood Studios big time, so make sure to read our full guide to Using the Standby Queue for Rise of the Resistance .

Remy's Ratatouille Adventure soft opening

Just like with Rise, when Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure opened on October 1, 2021, the Virtual Queue was the ONLY free way to ride Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure and it didn’t have a standby queue to wait either.

Then on January 10, 2022, Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure also made a big change and is no longer using the virtual queue or boarding pass system, but it is using a standby queue instead.

It also has a paid access option using the Lightning Lane, as part of the new Disney Genie Plus service .

Disney commented on the change:

“ Now, guests may experience this incredible attraction using a standby queue instead of a virtual queue beginning Jan. 10, 2022. With this change, we will end the use of virtual queue for now for Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure. Guests also have the opportunity to purchase access to a Lightning Lane queue at this attraction. “

Remy on the fountain outside the attraction

They also gave some insight into how the virtual queue could be used in the future:

“ Virtual queues continue to be helpful with the launch of popular attractions and the debut of new experiences and offerings, so we may use it again from time to time for select attractions in the future.”

So far the results for both of these attractions have been good and in a lot of ways, we prefer using the standby queue.

A few months ago, Disney was using the Virtual Queue for other attractions such as WEB SLINGERS: A Spider-Man Adventure at Disney California Adventure, and Indiana Jones Adventure in Disneyland Park and it worked very smoothly on both.

Jungle Cruise Ride Queue Virtual Queue

Disneyland Park also stopped using the Virtual Queue for both of these, less than a year after starting to use it. That means the Disneyland Resort does not have any Virtual Queue rides at the moment, and it’s only using it in Disney California Adventure for World of Color.

For now, it looks like the virtual queue will only be used on new attractions, such as Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind in EPCOT, or when TRON Lightcycle Run opens at the Magic Kingdom.

Will they ever bring the Virtual Queue back to Rise of the Resistance or Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure? Will they use it eventually on other attractions? Only time will tell…

Stay tuned for more soon…

The rest of the article shows how to use the Disney Virtual Queue when it is being used in the Disney Parks and the benefits if Disney decides to expand it to more rides.

What is the Disney Virtual Queue? Boarding Groups?

Boarding Status Disney Virtual Queue on My Disney Experience

The virtual queue is a new way to queue up for an attraction in the theme parks, without actually having to get in line and wait hours for your favorite attraction. It’s a way to wait in line, but not physically have to stand there waiting in line.

Guests are given a boarding group and put into a virtual queue and if you want to go do something else like shopping or eat something, you can. Then you come back when it’s your turn in the queue.

The virtual queue is an alternative to traditional line queueing and the popular Disney Genie+ (the new FastPass+ replacement), both of which are heavily flawed.

Mon Calamari General Rise of the Resistance

Disney implemented the virtual queuing system for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge anticipating large crowds for the new land. However, it was really put to use when Rise of the Resistance opened up, and for a long time, getting a boarding group was the only way to actually ride. (It has since switched to a standby queue.)

If you are looking for instructions specific to that attraction, read our Rise of the Resistance Boarding Groups Guide where we break down the specific strategies needed to score a pass for the hardest-to-ride attraction in Disney World when it’s using the virtual queue.

Fans have made their opinions known, either loving it and praising its effectiveness or hating it with a passion. It has its pros and cons (we’ll discuss those later), but there is no doubt it’s here to stay and Disney is soon going to be ramping up its usage in the parks after the closure finishes.

Which Disney Parks Use the Virtual Queue?

Disney Boarding Groups Epcot

Right now, the Virtual Queue is being used in EPCOT (for Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind), in Disney’s Magic Kingdom (TRON Lightcycle Run), and in Disney California Adventure (for World of Color).

It’s also no longer being used in Hollywood Studios for Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge or Rise of the Resistance, nor is it being used in Disneyland Park for Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance. It has also been removed from EPCOT at Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure, and at Disney California Adventure for WEB SLINGERS: A Spider-Man Adventure.

Disney potentially has bigger plans to use the virtual queue as the future of attraction queuing and it’s likely they will continue adding it to more parks than where it’s used now.

Eventually, it’s possible we could see the virtual queue be used in all 4 Disney World theme parks (Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, EPCOT, and Hollywood Studios) as well as Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure on the West Coast.

What would be a little more challenging would be using boarding groups at the water parks since bringing your phone with you on a waterslide isn’t the best experience. The need for distancing in the water parks, however, is less since most rides have outdoor queues.

We could see boarding groups becoming a staple of touring the parks at some point in the future.

What Attractions Use Virtual Queues?

Virtual Queue for Disney attractions

When the Virtual Queue launched in 2019, only Rise of the Resistance was using it. That has changed and it was expanded out to other rides. Currently, the Virtual Queue is being used in 3 attractions domestically.

Here is a list of all the attractions that currently use the Disney Virtual Queuing System:

  • Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind (EPCOT)
  • TRON Lightcycle Run (Magic Kingdom)
  • World of Color (Disney California Adventure)

Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance at Hollywood Studios and in Disneyland Park, Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure in EPCOT, Indiana Jones Adventure in Disneyland Park, and WEB SLINGERS: A Spider-Man Adventure have all used the virtual queue at one point or another.

Obviously, this is only the beginning and it will get expanded to other attractions. How many and which ones will Disney include? Here are a few ideas:

If Disney decides to use the Virtual Queue more in the parks, it could go one of three ways:

  • Only use boarding groups for the most popular rides, the ones that always have long wait times and long lines.
  • Only use it for new rides when they debut and then go back to a standby queue.
  • Use it for ALL rides.

Conventional wisdom might say that the virtual queue should be used on all attractions no matter how popular. This is probably going to depend on how crowded the parks continue to get now that they are reopened and other deemed advantages in using them.

Distanced lines are not currently a thing in the Disney theme parks at this time so it will depend on how they decide to use them moving forward.

At this point, it looks like #2 is the most likely scenario as Disney has shown a willingness to use it on new attractions, but not keep it as a permanent ride queuing solution right now.

long line outside Spaceship Earth

Which Rides?

If Disney uses the virtual queue more, figuring out which rides will get it is anyone’s guess at this time, but it should start with the most popular rides in the parks that are known to have long wait times.

Here are the rides we think will most likely use boarding passes in the future:

Magic Kingdom Park – TRON Lightcycle Run , Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, Splash Mountain, Space Mountain, Big Thunder Mountain, Peter Pan’s Flight, Jungle Cruise

Popular rides like Pirates of the Caribbean and Haunted Mansion could also be included, but they use an omnimover system that is able to handle a large number of guests already so depending on the crowds it might not be necessary.

EPCOT – Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind , Frozen Ever After, Test Track, Soarin’ Around the World

These are all likely since they are the most popular in the park. We have seen the virtual queue used for Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure and it could always come back.

Hollywood Studios – Rise of the Resistance , Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run , Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway , Tower of Terror, Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster, Slinky Dog Dash, Toy Story Mania .

If you haven’t been to the Studios in a while, they have a lot of really good rides now! All of the ones mentioned above will see big crowds and could benefit from the virtual queue.

Animal Kingdom – Flight of Passage, Expedition Everest, Dinosaur, Kilimanjaro Safaris, Kali River Rapids , Na’vi River Journey

Disney Boarding Passes Queue Flight of Passage

Not all the attractions I listed are definitely getting boarding passes, but they are the most obvious ones in each park. I think Disney would do well to start with those. Then if they see a need to add more attractions to the list it can be done.

Again, based on Disney’s behind-the-scenes testing they have been already running for additional virtual queues in the parks, we have to think they were already targeting these attractions anyway, so it makes sense to have them be the first ones now.

Disneyland – Right now, Rise of the Resistance is not using the virtual queue. It was used for many months but has stopped for the time being. For a while, the Virtual Queue was also being used on the Indiana Jones Adventure in Disneyland Park, though it also has gone back to a standby queue.

However, since the addition of Indiana Jones Adventure, it has opened the door to using more virtual queues, in all parks.

Disney California Adventure – Right now, the nighttime spectacular World of Color is the only attraction using the Virtual Queue in this park, though others could easily be added.

Marvel’s Avengers Campus is a good location for the virtual queue, and it was used for months on the new WEB Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure ride . If necessary, it could even be used to permit access into the land as they did with Galaxy’s Edge.

This looks like the future of Disney lines, and it just might be the perfect time for them to implement it.

What Changes Need to Be Made First?

Disney Virtual Queue Millennium Falcon

While all of this sounds outstanding, there are still some changes that need to be made before Disney can make the virtual queue the primary, or even only way for guests to ride the attractions.

The first problem is trying to figure out how many virtual queues or boarding groups you can join at once.

In Disneyland, guests cannot currently be in multiple virtual queues at the same time. If you hold a boarding group for one experience, you cannot enter the virtual queue for another experience until using the first one.

This policy hasn’t been consistent though, and it’s tough to say what Disney will decide long-term. In the past, when multiple attractions had the virtual queue in Disneyland, guests could be in more than one but they were limited to 2 at the same time.

In fact, in Walt Disney World, it is possible to be in 2 Virtual Queues at the same time (TRON Lightcycle Run and Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind). Both these attractions are in different parks, however, which might make a difference.

One difference we have seen is with Rise of the Resistance and WEB SLINGERS. When they were using the Virtual Queue, you couldn’t get those two at the same time, and you were forced to choose.

WEB SLINGERS: A Spider-Man Adventure

As Disney begins using it on more attractions though, will there be a max number of queues you can enter, or will it be unlimited?

How Disney chooses to handle this moving forward and with other attractions remains to be seen. If boarding groups were limited to one at a time, this wouldn’t be a problem because not all guests would necessarily choose the same attraction as their first choice.

Guests could then report to that attraction when their entrance time occurs and then go ahead with joining another virtual queue for the next attraction.

Disney could also limit only one ride per attraction per day, at least for the super-popular ones, that way most everyone gets a chance to ride. That is how Rise of the Resistance currently runs.

Waiting for the Disney Virtual Queue in Hollywood Studios

Would Disney use something similar to the old FastPass rules where you would go from attraction to attraction getting tickets? Once you ride the first attraction, you get to make another selection. It doesn’t seem they will go that route since you already can have multiple virtual queues, but common sense is that they would have some kind of limit.

Guests might be given a choice of waiting 4 hours to ride one attraction, or perhaps 20 minutes to ride another. That would make it interesting strategy-wise and encourage people to select some of the less-popular ones.

Another change we’ve seen to Disney’s Virtual Queue is not releasing all boarding groups at once first thing in the morning. Disney fixed the problem of having to get to the parks early to get a boarding group, and the most popular rides using it you can get right from your hotel room early in the morning.

The idea is to have waves of boarding groups throughout the day giving guests who arrive later in the day the chance to still ride some good attractions.

For example, Cosmic Rewind has Virtual Queue distribution times at 7:00 am and 1:00 pm. This gives you a chance, even later in the day.

If Disney starts allowing even more attractions to use the virtual queue, things will get more complicated to figure out a good touring strategy, and it would depend on how many and how much attendance the parks have.

Virtual Queue Boarding Groups MDE

The virtual queue could also work as a hybrid system that works together with regular standby queues. In the morning everything is open and walk-on until guests start filling those queues.

Once the line gets to a certain point, the virtual queue is turned on for that attraction. Guests would see this in a list in My Disney Experience or the Disneyland app. This way, the less-popular attractions might not need to use the virtual queue.

This all hinges on having the right amount of people being given entrance to the parks. If the number is low, there should be enough rides available for everyone. Disney would have to come up with a balance between how many people they let in the park in order to make sure they each get their 6.8 rides per day to feel satisfied.

The goal of the virtual queue is to perfect a queuing system for the future where long wait times are all but eliminated. We’re still years away from that, but this is one step in the right direction.

Virtual Queue System vs. Disney Genie+

Disney Virtual Queue character meets

A lot of the principles behind the virtual queuing system are the same that already exist with Disney Genie+ and the old FastPass system. Let people “skip” the lines by making a reservation, tell them when to come back, and hopefully make it a short wait when they do.

However, since a big priority right now is to keep the lines from getting crowded, the virtual queue makes it much easier to do. A big problem with Genie+ is that you don’t know exactly when people will show up to the attraction to ride.

The way it works normally, Genie+ is a pretty good system for spacing out when people show up to ride. However, at times you can get a big group of people that show up at the beginning or end of return windows, creating a blockage at the entrance, which wouldn’t be good in the current situation.

Toy Story Mania Queue

This is further made a challenge if a ride goes down as then you have a backlog of guests all trying to return later in the day at once. The virtual queue can be controlled easier and depending on how the line is looking can be sped up to let more groups board or fewer.

The Genie+ system and the virtual queue are similar in that they don’t require you to make your ride reservations 60 days ahead of time like FastPass used to make you do. Both systems allow you to make reservations on the day you are going to the park.

Even though planning is required, a lot of pressure is taken off not having to decide that far out which attractions you are going to do each day and it makes things a bit more spontaneous.

If the virtual queue was used more in the parks, they could limit the number of reservations for attractions guests can hold at one time to only one or two. That would allow guests to make decisions more at the spur of the moment when they are there in the park and can evaluate the situation and existing wait times.

Make sure to read our Guide to Lightning Lanes and Genie Plus for a better understanding of how it works.

Best of Both Worlds

Disney Virtual Queue Animal Kingdom

Since Disney eliminated FastPass+ permanently, they won’t be using a hybrid Virtual Queue/FastPass+ system. Instead, it looks like they are going to start using the Virtual Queue as a connection to the Disney Genie service which offers paid access to the popular rides in the parks.

One solution would be to use both a standby queue, with potentially a mix of Disney Genie+ and Virtual Queue. Keep the virtual queue and expand it into other attractions for everyone, plus use the Disney Genie+ for guests who are willing to pay to skip the lines.

At the start of the day, open up all attractions using regular queues in the morning until the ride hits capacity. Once a certain ride hits capacity, they turn on the virtual queue for that ride, and people can make their selections. Limit the number of virtual queues they can be in, to only 1 or two at a time.

Crowd control is not a priority at the moment, but if it was again, you could have multiple checkpoints at rope drop each day and only let a few guests in at a time to keep them from creating huge masses of people. This would be both at the park entrance and once inside the park.

getting boarding passes for Star Tours

Release boarding groups in waves throughout the day, preventing people from all going after the same one at rope drop and it selling out first thing in the morning.

Even if you chose not to do that and you opened up all boarding groups immediately, it could still work. Yes, some attractions would sell out, but they did back in the day with the paper FastPass system too.

It forces guests to make a choice of what ride they really want to do that day and yeah you can get a Flight of Passage boarding group, but you may have to wait 3 hours to ride which means missing out on another attraction.

At the same time, they could keep a certain number of spots in Lightning Lanes or Disney Genie+ for guests willing to pay to ride. That way if there were no more spots in the virtual queue you still have a chance to ride.

There is no perfect solution at this point, but it’s the best option to run with the new restrictions now in the parks. Would you rather be in Disney World and potentially ride fewer attractions each day, or be stuck at home not riding anything?

These ideas can be built upon and I’m confident Disney can come up with a more permanent solution that at least can appease the majority of people.

That is the latest in what could happen if Disney used the Virtual Queue more in the parks. The majority of the rest of this article is to show you how the virtual queue has worked up until now, including instructions on how to use it.

Before You Go

My Disney Experience app intro screen

The first thing to do before you get to the park is to Download the My Disney Experience (Disney World or Disneyland) app . You don’t want to get there without this installed on your mobile device as it’s the easiest way to get a boarding pass.

Make sure your app has the latest updates downloaded to avoid any errors or downloading problems from the park.

We also highly recommend testing it out from home first . You can run some practice runs with the virtual queue getting a boarding pass and simulate what it will be like when you are actually there. This is one of the biggest reasons people don’t get the rides they want as they are then unfamiliar with what to do when the pressure is on.

Make sure you are logged in to your My Disney Experience account before going. The last thing you want is to find out you don’t know your password and can’t get in.

In order to ride with your family and friends, you all need to be connected together in My Disney Experience. Again, do this from home and make sure you can each see each other. Small children or people without accounts can be guests in your account.

If you or anyone in your party has an E-Ticket, this needs to be synced to your My Disney Experience account BEFORE getting to the park. Otherwise, it will take you forever at the ticket window and you’ll miss crucial time used for getting boarding passes.

How Virtual Queues and Boarding Groups Work

Snow White Seven Dwarfs Queue

It’s absolutely crucial to understand how the virtual queue system works before going, otherwise, you won’t be able to ride any attraction that requires it on your visit. Let’s take a look at how it works so you understand the whole process:

Choose How to Enter the Virtual Queue

Depending on which attraction you are getting a boarding pass for, you can either make reservations early in the morning from your hotel or you and your party need to be inside the Disney park .

Star Wars Galaxy's Edge Virtual Queue Disneyland

Once you identify the process for your desired attraction, there are two ways to enter a boarding group:

  • My Disney Experience App
  • In-Park Kiosk (currently not available)

Using the My Disney Experience app is much better because you don’t have to run around the park trying to find a kiosk to make your reservations. Secondly, you don’t have to fight in line with other people to use the kiosk once you find it.

The app saves you time and could be the difference between getting your favorite ride or not.

The boarding group will save you a virtual spot in line so you can enjoy other experiences while you wait to be notified of a time to enter. Once you receive your pass you will be given a boarding group number which will determine when you will be able to enter a given attraction.

Checking for Availability

Sign for all boarding groups distributed for the day

If you are using the Walt Disney World app or Disneyland app then the first thing you want to do when you get to the park is check there if the attraction you are looking for is already at capacity and if a boarding pass is required. If you arrive early enough then there might not be any need to get into the virtual queue.

There will be signage up when you enter the park telling you if you need a boarding pass or if the ride/land is open. You can also check this on the My Disney Experience or Disneyland app.

Joining Virtual Queue from App

Join boarding group button Disney Virtual Queue

Here are the steps you need to take to join the virtual queue with the app:

  • As soon as the distribution time begins, open My Disney Experience and there will be a button to join a boarding group or virtual queue right on the home page.   (This is available after the official distribution time starts for that ride, so if you try it before it won’t work). The “Virtual Queues” option in the app menu also gives you access.
  • Click on “Join Virtual Queue.”   You will then see the boarding status of the attractions and if boarding groups are still available.
  • Find the attraction you are looking for and if boarding groups are available, tap the “Join” button.
  • You will then be given a boarding group number . This number decides the order in which you can ride the attraction. There is also an “Estimated Return” time so you know when to ride.
  • You can navigate whatever virtual queues you are in clicking on “My Queues” on the top right of the screen.
  • When your number is called, proceed to the attraction entrance.

My Disney Experience Disney Virtual Queue notifications

When Disney was using the virtual queue for Galaxy’s Edge when the land was open it would say “Open” when you went to check in the app. In that case, you could go right in without a boarding pass. We expect that to be the same with whatever attractions are used with the virtual queue.

If one is not needed it would say “Open,” otherwise there will be an option saying something like “Access by Boarding Group Only” and you’ll then proceed with making your selection.

  • Make sure to download the My Disney Experience app BEFORE going to Disney World or the Disneyland App before going there . This is not to be taken lightly as technical issues can happen with electronic devices.

Joining Virtual Queue from Kiosk

Getting boarding group pass from kiosk

*In-park kiosks are not running for the Virtual Queue at this time.

If you aren’t using the My Disney Experience or Disneyland App to reserve your boarding pass, you can do it at one of the many in-park Kiosks located in various locations.

You can find them at:

In Hollywood Studios:

  • Near Toy Story Land Entrance
  • Tower of Terror
  • Center Stage

In Disneyland:

  • Haunted Mansion
  • Indiana Jones Adventure
  • Space Mountain
  • Splash Mountain
  • Matterhorn area

*if other virtual queues are rolled out to more parks, we’ll update their locations.

Guests lining up for Disney Virtual Queue

Once you arrive at one of the kiosks:

  • Enter/Scan your theme park ticket in the machine to receive your boarding group.
  • Do this with every ticket in your party to all be in the same group together.

If you use one of the FastPass kiosks then you will be given a paper boarding pass you need to hold on to. That paper will have your boarding group number on it and you will use it to get on the ride later.

Even though you can get into the virtual queue with a kiosk, it’s better to make your reservation by using the app. This is going to save you a lot of time in the long run, and you can take advantage of its notifications, keeping you up-to-date quicker.

How do I Know When My Boarding Group is Ready?

Disney Virtual Queue

When you get your boarding pass group, there will be a group number attached to it and Disney will call guests to ride the attraction in order according to that number. For example, they first call Group 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.

Disney is loading guests in multiple groups at a time so you will see: “Now Boarding Groups 5-8 for example.” If you are in any of those number groups, you can enter. If not, you have to wait.

You have multiple ways to check if it’s time to enter your attraction:

  • Check the status of your boarding group on the My Disney Experience or Disneyland App in the section “My Queues.”
  • You can set up push notifications to alert your phone when it’s time for your boarding group to enter. Guests will then be notified by push notifications on their mobile phones. We still recommend checking manually every now and then in case the push notifications aren’t working right.
  • Use the In-Park Digital Displays located throughout the theme parks which will tell you which boarding group is currently being admitted to the land.

Whether you use the app or a paper boarding pass, you can still look at any of the in-park displays to find out which boarding groups are currently being loaded for that attraction.

Disney also has recently started showing your “Estimated Return” time in the app. This is even more precise as it gives you an approximate time when your turn will be ready. This is only available in the app of course.

Boarding Group Return Times – How Long Does it Take to Get Called?

waiting in the Virtual Queue in Disney World

The time from when you make your reservation to actually getting called to ride can vary drastically. It all depends on the demand for that attraction and what boarding group you end up getting.

If you are in one of the first few groups (1-10), you might get called immediately or within a few minutes. If you get a higher number, it could take hours or more. For example, you could get a boarding pass for Cosmic Rewind before the park opens and still have to wait until the evening to ride.

Once your reservation time begins, you’ll have 1 hour to show up and use your pass. *We’ll see if Disney makes any adjustments to this in the future.

If you fail to arrive in time, your boarding pass will be forfeited and you won’t get to ride.

Redeeming Your Boarding Group

Jungle Cruise queue Magic Kingdom

Once your boarding group gets called, head to the attraction to enter the queue. See one of the cast members waiting outside the queue where they will scan your MagicBand/Ticket to redeem your boarding pass.

We know that Disney has tape down on the ground in the ride queues, so when you enter you can keep a safe distance from other guests.

Wait times from the moment you enter the queue to actually riding the attraction will vary, and we’ll have to see how the new safety changes affect wait times. Expect 20-40 minutes depending on the attraction.

What Should You Do While Waiting for Your Boarding Group?

Starbucks coffee in front of Tower of Terror

Sometimes you might have to wait an hour or more until your boarding group gets called to ride. What should you do with all that time? Don’t worry there are multiple options.

You could find something to eat while you are waiting. Either an actual meal at one of the park’s sit-down or quick service restaurants, or even just a much-deserved snack to tide you over. Check out our guides to the Best Restaurants in Disney World and Best Quick Service Restaurants in Disney World for some good ideas

Shopping is also an option and getting lost in all the stores is a great way to eat time.

The best thing to do would be to ride another attraction while you are waiting. In the future, this very well may be possible either from other attractions you are already in a virtual queue for or attractions that have a standby line still.

Backup Boarding Groups

Backup boarding groups now boarding

Besides “normal” boarding groups, Disney started releasing “Backup Boarding Groups” to deal with the high demand. What was happening in Hollywood Studios and Disneyland was that boarding passes were selling out within minutes of the park’s opening, so with backup groups you now had another chance to ride.

What is the difference between the two? A “Normal” boarding group guarantees you can ride that attraction at some point during the day. A “Backup” boarding group means that there is a chance you will get to ride if they finish all the regular groups first.

Disney chooses a number of groups initially they know for sure they will be able to get through in a day. It could be 50, 70, 100, etc. Then once those are through, they move onto the backup ones.

Again, riding is not guaranteed and guests with backup groups only get called if the original boarding groups move through the attraction and there is still time left that day. Even still, it can pay off if you are trying to get on one of the more popular attractions in the park.

If you do get called to ride with a backup group, expect it to be near the end of the day.

What Time Does the Virtual Queue Close Each Day?

Virtual Queue closed MDE

Right now, there is no way to figure out exactly when the virtual queues close for the day and stop giving out new boarding passes. The virtual queue for each attraction closes when that attraction has “sold out” of all its boarding groups for the day.

Cosmic Rewind and TRON Lightcycle Run have 2 boarding pass distribution times , with the latest time being at 1:00 pm respectively. In theory, you can still join the Virtual Queue at that time and after.

On evenings that Extended Evening Hours are running at those parks, guests will also have a 3rd distribution time available to them at 6:00 pm . However, this last time is only available for guests staying at one of the Disney World Deluxe Resort hotels .

The biggest factors are how many people are in the park that day and how many attractions Disney decides will use the virtual queue system in the future.

Obviously, if it’s a holiday or another busy day in the park, you can expect the demand to be high for boarding groups and for them to sell out quicker on those days. How many attractions Disney equips with boarding groups is also important because the more queues there are, the more options for guests.

Also, if each guest is limited to one or two queues, that will make the attractions use up their inventory slower, making them last longer in the day.

If each attraction can sell out at different times, you can be sure the more popular attractions like Flight of Passage or Seven Dwarfs would end much earlier in the day, while the less popular ones might be available to get into the evening.

Reserving the attractions you want most early on in the day is going to be key to you not missing out.

How Many Virtual Queues Can You Be In At Once?

Multiple Virtual Queues in My Disney Experience

Right now, the most queues you can be in at once is two, because there are only two attractions that use the virtual queue system in Disney World (Only one at the Disneyland Resort). This is consistent with other times that multiple attractions have used it (in Disneyland at least) and it was also possible for guests to be in 2 virtual queues at once.

We’ve known this for some time ever since the button for “My Queues” in the app was being tested and hinted at multiple queues at once.

In the Menu in the My Disney Experience app right now there is “Virtual Queues,” plural. Disney has made a way for you to manage all the different queues you can be in.

What will they cap it at? 2? 3? That is unknown at this time.

However, at this time, Disneyland has stated that guests cannot hold a boarding group for more than one experience at the same time. Will that hold up or will they eventually change it? That remains to be seen.

One thought would be similar to the old FastPass system and only let guests get in one queue at a time until their boarding group is called, at which point they could then make their next selection.

Again, the more queues they allow guests to be in at once, the quicker attractions are going to finish their quota for the day, and you could find all the most popular rides sold out in the early morning. That’s why we lean toward the one-at-a-time approach. It gives guests a more even playing field, especially for those who don’t show up at the crack of dawn to the parks.

It does seem like anything is possible, as you can be in the Virtual Queue for Cosmic Rewind and TRON Lightcycle Run at the same time as long as they are both using it. We’ll see what changes Disney makes to the system in the future.

How Many Boarding Passes Can You Have Per Day?

How many boarding groups can you have each day

As of now, the highest number of virtual queue reservations you can have per day is two. This varies though and sometimes in the past it wasn’t possible to get a boarding pass for certain attractions at the same time. That could change in the future, however.

There is no real reason to limit the number of boarding passes per day, especially if the total amount you can be in at once is low. Start in the morning with your first selection, then move on to your next, and so on. Ideally, guests would be able to keep going until they are ready to leave, or until the inventory is sold out.

This would work similarly to the way Disney Genie+ works. You can keep getting more as the day goes on as long as there are attractions with availability left. We’ll have to see what Disney decides to do and if they put a daily limit on them.

Maximum Boarding Group Size

waiting in Virtual Queue for Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway

Right now there is no limit on the number of people you can have in a boarding group using the virtual queue. Disney has confirmed that as long as the other people are connected to each other in My Disney Experience and have a valid theme park admission, you can have an unlimited size group.

That said, the more people you have in your boarding group, the harder it is to get a group, and the longer you are going to have to wait. From our experience, if you have a group of 12 people or smaller you won’t run into problems . However, once the groups start to get bigger, it’s going to be harder to fit you all together.

There also tend to be more technical issues with very large groups, so also keep that in mind. Our advice is to try to split your party into smaller groups if possible, which will make things much easier.

The only downside is you might not get into the same boarding group, but if they are within a few numbers from each other, most likely the boarding times will overlap and you can get in line together anyway.

Do You Have to Be in the Park to Get a Boarding Group?

outside Hollywood Studios waiting for Virtual Queue

This is one of the most popular questions about the virtual queue that we get. The answer depends on which distribution time you are trying to get a boarding pass in.

Morning Distribution Time – For both TRON Lightcycle Run at Disney’s Magic Kingdom and Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind in EPCOT, you can enter the Virtual Queue even from your resort hotel room.

Afternoon Distribution Time – Afternoon reservations must be made in the park at 1:00 pm. So you have to physically be inside the park entrance and with your ticket scanned in to do this.

At Disneyland Park, for World of Color, you can make reservations starting at 12:00 pm, but you must be inside the park. In the past, you could make reservations for other attractions from outside too.

When Disney decides to use the Virtual Queue for more attractions, they will likely continue allowing guests to make reservations from home as that seems to be working nicely. This is a better solution as it means guests will waste less time having to go all the way to the park only to get turned down for whatever attraction they were trying to get.

Can I Leave the Park with a Boarding Pass and Come Back?

Country Bear jamboree bears

If you get into the virtual queue and have a boarding pass for an attraction, it is possible to leave the park and come back at a later time to ride. While this is possible, there are a few things to consider when doing this.

The reason you might want to do this would be if you are park-hopping or if you really only want to ride one or two attractions in a given park that day. In that case, a good strategy would be to arrive at the park really early to secure a boarding pass for the ride you want.

At that point, if you want to go visit another park or go back to your resort to go swimming for a while, you can do it. We only recommend this though if you have a very high boarding group number, meaning it will be some hours before you actually get called.

This, however, does involve some risk. The biggest problem could be that you don’t make it back to the park in time when your boarding group is queueing up. Typically Disney gives you a 1-hour window from the time you are called to then get in the queue.

If you don’t make it in time, your boarding pass is forfeited. This may seem like a lot of time, but Disney transportation is notoriously slow, and if you don’t see the notification in time you could miss your turn.

Our strategy when leaving the park and coming back is to keep an eye on how fast the boarding groups are being called for that attraction throughout the day. Once you see that your number is about 20 spots away from being called, it’s time to start heading back to the park.

What Time Do You Need to Arrive at the Parks to Use Virtual Queue?

Outside Tomorrowland Speedway early in the morning

Typically in normal situations, we recommend arriving 90 minutes before the scheduled park opening whenever visiting. This allows you enough time to do a proper rope drop, where you can get in line quickly for the best attractions and do them first.

That recommendation has changed slightly since the reopening, and with a much lower capacity for the parks at this time, arriving 60 minutes before park opening is plenty of time.

This isn’t necessary for TRON Lightcycle Run or Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind however since you can make reservations from outside the park at 7:00 am.

This can still change moving forward, however, depending on what changes Disney makes to the virtual queues and boarding pass process.

We also don’t know exactly how assignments for the virtual queue will evolve, but we’ll update you on how exactly the whole system works as soon as we get a better idea of how Disney is going to use the virtual queues long-term and how wait times to get into the park also change.

Using the Virtual Queue without Waking Up Early

Spaceship Earth space scene

Of course, it’s not always fun waking up super early while on vacation, especially to drag kids to the theme park before the sun even goes up. Thankfully, virtual queues work differently than they did years ago. At that time, getting to the parks early was the only option.

Disney then launched the backup boarding groups, which were designed for people who couldn’t get there right at opening but still wanted a chance at a boarding pass. That later changed as even backup passes were going within the first 30 minutes or less of opening.

With the latest update, Disney has made it possible to book your attraction from your hotel or home, so there is no need to get to the park super early just for that.

However, whether getting to the parks before opening is necessary or not again depends on how many attractions get to use the virtual queue and how crowded the parks are during the reopening phase.

Nova Ship at entrance of Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind

In EPCOT and the Magic Kingdom, the Virtual Queue has distribution time slots at 7:00 am and 1:00 pm. That means you have to wake up early for the first distribution, but not at the crack of dawn, and you have an alternative if you want to sleep in.

Disney knows that it’s just not feasible to expect every guest to get to the parks early, so they either have to leave some attractions without a virtual queue so guests always have the opportunity to get in line there or make them all useable through the queueing system.

If many attractions are eventually using the virtual queue, they won’t all sell out early in the morning, therefore giving you a chance to ride something. Maybe your favorite attractions won’t be left but at least you should be able to ride SOMETHING, even if you show up late.

Right now, however, getting to the parks early is still your best alternative for touring the parks and it makes it more likely that you will get to ride your other favorite attractions.

Conflicts with Virtual Queue Return Time (Disney Genie+ or Dining)

eating lunch in Magic Kingdom

Since the virtual queues are opened up only after you step inside the park, like before, it is impossible to know exactly what time you’ll be riding. This could lead to conflicts with dining reservations, special events, or Genie+ reservations. * (FastPass+ has been permanently discontinued)

Those conflicts could increase with the chance to be in more than one virtual queue at the same time.

Disney will not switch your ADRs or your boarding group. However, since there is a window of 1 hour before you have to return once you are called, this should be enough time to finish your meal and get there on time.

In the rare case that there is a real conflict, please see one of the Cast Members working with the Disney Guest Experience Team. They will help you sort out any problem for you.

How to Get a Low Number

Virtual Queue status screen

Trying to get into a boarding group with a low number? The entire process of using the virtual queue happens so fast and only seconds separate you from a high number or a low number, or not getting one at all.

There are a couple of tricks we’ve learned after months of trying, which will help put you in the best position of getting a low boarding group.

Timing – The number one way to get a good boarding group is the be fast when making your reservation. This requires practice before going to the park and being familiar with the app.

The timing also matters when you open the My Disney Experience on your phone. Depending on your phone, there can be a 5-10 second delay from when you click the button to enter the app to when you actually can join a group.

If the distribution time starts at 7:00 am, that means you should probably open the page in the app around 6:59 and 30 seconds am. Every second counts and this way by the time it loads it will already be 7:00! Again this is where practicing at home helps.

Tiki Room queue

Don’t Do It Alone – Another way to get a good boarding group is don’t be the only one in your party trying to get into the virtual queue for everyone else. Everyone with a phone and My Disney Experience should be trying to get passes for the group.

It’s easy to make a mistake, or even have phone problems and if you are the only one trying, that means big trouble for everyone. Your odds are much better if 6 people are trying rather than just one, and every bit of help will go a long way.

The first person to secure a boarding group can get them for everyone, and the others will automatically be informed they are already in a group.

When Will Disney Stop Using the Virtual Queue?

How Long will Disney use the Virtual Queue

The answer to this question continues to change. First, it seemed like Disney was planning to use the Virtual Queue on many attractions. Then they made an announcement that they would not be using it at all during the reopening phase.

In the end, however, Disney changed their mind and used a modified Virtual Queue system with Rise of the Resistance, Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure, WEB SLINGERS, and more.

After months of not using it at all, they have brought back the Virtual Queue for Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind at EPCOT, World of Color at Disney California Adventure, and now TRON Lightcycle Run at the Magic Kingdom.

What about other attractions in the parks?

It was thought that Disney would likely use the virtual queue as a way to control crowds entering the attraction queues, which was especially important during the reopening period when guests couldn’t be too close to each other.

Attractions and Entertainment when Disney World Reopens

At this point, there is no telling how long the virtual queue will be a part of theme park touring. Disney may decide that while the park capacity is this low there is no need, but as crowds start to get bigger they could bring it back.

Walt Disney World’s 50th Anniversary celebration is now over, and we have seen it used on and off, with it likely coming to more new attractions in the future, at least for a period of time when they first open.

Since this whole system was developed when they were expecting large crowds for Galaxy’s Edge and its rides, it remains to be seen if this was Disney’s plan all along and if the timeline had to be sped up due to necessity.

However, even when Disney World returns to normal operation in the future, that doesn’t mean Disney is going to get rid of the virtual queues at that point. In fact, there are signs that point to this being Disney’s long-term plan for alleviating ride wait times for guests. After all, the number one complaint to Disney guest services is still long lines.

If that is indeed the case, that means you might never see virtual queues go away in Disney World.

The virtual queue is a new ride queueing system allowing guests to wait for attractions outside of a physical queue.

To get a boarding group you can use the My Disney Experience app or one of the In-Park Kiosks.

It’s different for every attraction. The Virtual Queue starts letting guests join boarding groups for some before the park officially opens. This is typically at 7:00 am. For others, you have to wait until the afternoon to enter and you must be inside the park.

Each rider is assigned a boarding group number. You can check when that number is called by looking at your My Disney Experience app or one of the In-Park Display Panels which updates the current boarding groups.

Riders using the DAS service can absolutely use the virtual queue. In order to ride, however, they need to secure a boarding group through the app or an in-park kiosk first. Once your boarding groups is called, see the Cast Members at the ride entrance who will then direct you.

Yes, you can use Rider Switch with the Disney Virtual Queue. However, you still need to secure a boarding pass for both guests of the ride of your choice. Once your boarding group is called, proceed to the queue and continue with the Rider Switch program as you normally would.

Disney World Virtual Queue and Boarding Passes

Like it or not, the virtual queue is a technology that Disney will continue to use for attraction queues, at least for the near future. That means we are all going to have to learn how it works if we want to keep touring the parks effectively.

Disney has already learned a lot from using the boarding groups from 2019 to 2023. With them still being used now, that experience will be vital to implementing a much larger-scale installation in multiple attractions and parks.

Of course, there are going to be some errors along the way and a learning curve for both the guests and Cast Members to get through initially.

However, if done right, the virtual queue can be a big time saver and get people out of lines and keep wait times at a minimum. Disney is happy because it means you will be spending more time eating and shopping and you are happy because you spend less time in line and have more options with your time.

I’m excited to see how it all plays out and I’m sure we’ll be talking more about this in the coming months, hopefully with continued real-world experience in this new setup.

Your Thoughts

I want to know what you think about the Disney Virtual Queue and Boarding Passes…

  • Do you like this system of ride queueing?
  • Should Disney use it for more rides?
  • What changes should be made to improve it?

Let us know in the comments section below!

If you enjoyed this article, as always I appreciate it if you’d share it with others via social media.  I work hard at making this website into a useful resource for you and your family to plan your visit to the Disney Parks and I hope it can help you! Thanks 🙂

Ziggy Knows Disney close

My name is Ziggy and I love Disney, everything Disney! I grew up on Disney and it has and continues to be a huge part of my life. I started young when my parents took me to Disney World when I was 18 months old. Little did they know that would be the first of an uncountable number of trips we would take. I have so many amazing memories going to Disney with my family and friends and it has been interwoven into my DNA.

Wednesday 27th of September 2023

Love all the information you are giving out. Thanks

Monday 21st of November 2022

Hi! I’m going to Disney World in about a month. My dad bought passes for our whole family and in his MDE app, it says he controls the plans for everyone in our group except me because I sent myself a family-link invitation from his account. I accepted the link and his app now says he controls plans for himself, my mum, my sister and her partner EXCEPT me. If he wanted to make a virtual queue reservation, will that plan also extend to me or would I need to relegate the invitation so he controls all reservations again? Will it give us better chances for ROTR or Cosmic Rewind if everyone controls their own ticket/reservation?

Michael Nelson

Friday 26th of November 2021

As I have posted before, my family and I HATE the virtual queue. We have tried 3 times to use it, and even with 8 adults trying, never got a chance. Bring back the fast pass. Getting kids and grandkids up and ready for the day, who has time for this! I leave my phone off on my vacation!

Monday 22nd of November 2021

So when a new attraction opens they will slap a virtual que label on it to limit riders who showed up probably to specifically ride the new ride ?

What a waste of time and money. Just wait a few months and save your hard earned money.

Tuesday 15th of June 2021

The Virtual Queue is the most ridiculous thing Disney has started! I was on the queue for Webslingers with a second timer, was able to click join, and selected the whole party (of only 3) and then an error with a red box came up and I was booted off. Why should getting on a Disney ride be causing this kind of stress and pressure? I thought Disney is supposed to be a magical place. Disney needs to stop this - it’s completely insane to do this to families trying to go have a good time at the park. My last trip to Disney for sure. Not worth the stress and disappointment. If there’s a petition going around to cancel the Virtual Queue, I’d love to sign it. Would love to hear who else had a bad experience with the Virtual Queue.

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Virtual Queue Guide

Tron Virtual Queue

The Walt Disney World Resort offers the option for Guests to experience select attractions using a Virtual Queue. This option can be found in the My Disney Experience app and allows Guests to hold their place in line, while being able to do other fun offerings while they wait. So, instead of possibly waiting 3 hours physically in line for an attraction, Guests will be able to experience other activities in the park and then being able to experience the attraction with the Virtual Queue with a lesser wait at a later time in a physical line.

What Is a Virtual Queue?

From time to time, a Virtual Queue may be used for select attractions or experiences. When it is in place, Guests are able to request to enjoy that attraction later in the day. Do keep in mind that a standby queue will not be available. The only way for Guests to experience that particular attraction will be to use the Virtual Queue. The will need to use the My Disney Experience app to enter the attraction or experience.

How Does The Process Work?

disney cruise line virtual queue

Each Guest can request to enter the Virtual Queue no more than once per day during regular park hours. Guests must have valid admission and a theme park reservation. There will be 2 daily opportunities to request to join the virtual queue for attractions offering this option.

  • 7:00 AM (Guests do not need to be in the park when they join. They must have a theme park reservation for that particular theme park)
  • 1:00 PM (Guests must be in the theme park to join the virtual queue at this time)

An additional opportunity to request to join the Virtual Queue may be available at 6:00 PM. This will be on select dates during extended evening theme park hours . This is a benefit for registered Guests staying at a Disney Deluxe Resort , Disney Deluxe Villa Resort or other select hotels. Guests with this benefit do not need to be in EPCOT or the Magic Kingdom to request to join at that time.

These Guests will need valid admission and a theme park reservation for the same park on the same day to experience extended evening hours. They may also experience extended evening hours if they have a ticket or Annual Pass with the Park Hopper option and first enter the park for which they made their reservation.

Keep in mind:

  • Joining the virtual queue does not guarantee the ability to participate in the experience.
  • Boarding groups are limited, subject to availability, and are not guaranteed.
  • Not all boarding groups may be called to return, based on availability of the experience.
  • Guests visiting from another theme park using an Annual Pass or the Park Hopper option may not be able to join the virtual queue in a park where they do not have a theme park reservation. In order to request access to a virtual queue during Park Hopper hours, a Guest must be inside the theme park where the virtual queue will be used.
  • If you have any questions or need assistance, find one of the Guest Experience Team kiosks throughout the park. You can also visit a Guest Relations location.

How to Make a Virtual Queue Reservation

disney cruise line virtual queue

Guests will need to have the My Disney Experience app, with notifications enabled so you receive important updates. This is because Disney will notify Guests of callback details and daily distribution times.

It is best to select one member of your party to make your Virtual Queue reservation to check for an available boarding group for everyone in your party. If multiple people in your party try to join the virtual queue at the same time, that may inhibit your ability to join a group.

To make the reservation at one of the distribution times, you’ll need to log into the My Disney Experience app. Select “Virtual Queues” on the home screen to join. The app will notify when there is no availability for a specific distribution time.

You can make Virtual Queue reservations for everyone at the same time. That is provided that your Disney account is linked to your group’s park tickets. In addition, everyone will need to have valid admission and park reservations for the park you will visit.

When your boarding group is called to return, Guests will receive a notification via the My Disney Experience app. Your party can then head over to the entrance of the attraction during your designated return window.

Attractions Offering Virtual Queue at Walt Disney World

The following attractions are offering a Virtual Queue option at Walt Disney World. Do keep in mind that this list can change.

  • Tron Lightcycle / Run
  • Tiana’s Bayou Adventure (Opens June 28, 2024)
  • Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind

Mouse For Less Tips

  • If possible, Guests may hold boarding groups for multiple virtual queues at the same time, when available. So that means, you can have a Virtual Queue reservation for TRON Lightcycle / Run in the morning and Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind in the afternoon, if the option is available.
  • Late arrivals may not be accommodated. It is recommended that you make sure to ride the attraction when your boarding group is called.

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Start planning your Walt Disney World Resort Vacation with The Magic For Less Travel . Use the form below to request a free no-obligation quote, and one of their counselors will get in touch with you to begin planning. The Mouse For Less recommends the Walt Disney World vacation planning services provided by our sponsor, The Magic For Less Travel. Their expert planning advice will help you make the most of your vacation time and money. The Magic For Less Travel is an Authorized Disney Vacation Planner and provides service free of charge.

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disney cruise line virtual queue

Complete Guide to the Disney Virtual Queue System


This article is the complete guide to the Disney virtual queue system! Disney’s newest ride, Tron Lightcycle Run at the Magic Kindom, and Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind at EPCOT currently run on a virtual queue system. This means that guests must use the Disney World virtual queue system if you hope to ride either of these rides. We hope you find this post helpful, and if you are planning a trip to Disney World, be sure to check out our other FREE vacation planning tools. Our goal at The Park Prodigy has always been to help you save time on your next vacation and find the cheapest Walt Disney World tickets!

We will cover this again later in our post, so read on for the complete guide on the virtual queue at Disney World!

 Disney World Crowd Calendar

How Does Disney Virtual Queue Work in 2024?


Whenever there is a Disney virtual queue is in place for a ride, guests must utilize this system to ride the ride. Once you request to enjoy an attraction, you can expereince it during your distributed return number later in the day. In order to ride an attraction using the Virtual Queue system, you must recieve a boarding number and wait for it to be called. All of this can easily be done through the My Disney Experience App! You can also track your place in the line while enjoying other attractions in the park while you wait.

Disney World virtual queue placements are distributed on a first come, first serve basis. And they do run out quickly! Disney virtual queues are for the newest and most popular Disney World attractions. So, if you are worried about grabbing a WDW virtual queue , we recommend visiting during the off-peak time of year .

What is a Virtual Queue at Disney World?

The virtual queue at Disney World allows guests to request to join the line for an attraction later in the day, which will enable them to enjoy other rides and attractions while they wait.

Related Post: Complete Guide to the Newest Rides at Disney World 

Disney World Virtual Queue Rides 2024


Currently, there are two rides that are using the virtual queue system. They are Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind over at EPCOT and Tron Lightcyle Run at Magic Kingdom Park. Both of these rides are the newest and two of the most popular attractions in Walt Disney World. This is why we highly recommend being familiar with how the virtual queue system works if you plan to ride them. Both of these rides are also part of the individual lightning lane rides which can be purchased for a premium at Disney.

What are the 2024 Disney World Virtual Queue Rides?

  • Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind
  • Tron Lightcycle Run (Newest ride to be added to Disney virtual queue)

Related Post: How to Ride Star Wars Rise of the Resistance 

How to Join Disney Virtual Queue


The first step to using the Disney virtual queue is to download and sign up for the My Disney Experience App. Next, guests can log in to their account at one of the virtual queue distribution times and select “Virtual Queues” on the left side of the home screen. As long as the virtual queue is open, it will say, “Join the virtual queue. It’s important to note that it’s essential to time these steps correctly, as the Disney World virtual queue can fill up and sell out for any of the distribution periods. And if you are not a morning bird, one of our favorite ways to use the Disney World virtual queue is during Disney Deluxe Resort after hours. From our experience, it is significantly easier to use the Disney Virtual queue during this time, and it gives you a greater chance of grabbing a spot.

There are a few steps to make sure you can join the 2024 Disney World virtual queue system: 

  • Make sure you have purchased your Walt Disney World theme park tickets and have made a reservation for the theme park, which contains the Disney World virtual queue ride
  • Download the My Disney Experience App and link all members of your party
  • 15 minutes before virtual queues are released, confirm all members who will be riding
  • Click virtual queues 2 minutes before and begin to refresh your phone
  • When “Join Boarding Group” appears, click Join!

How to join virtual queue Disney Step 1

The first step to make sure you get onto your Disney World virtual queue ride is to purchase your Walt Disney World tickets. The reason is all guests must produce a valid theme park reservation for the theme park you are trying to make a valid Disney virtual queue reservation.

Join virtual queue Disney Step 2

So, the second step is to ensure your valid theme park ticket or annual pass is connected to your My Disney Experience account. As discussed in Step 1, make sure you have a Walt Disney World reservation for the theme park where the ride is located. The next step would be to ensure everyone in your party is linked and connected through the My Disney Experience App.

How to join virtual queue Disney Step 3


How to join virtual queue Disney Step 4

The last and final step to joining a Disney virtual queue is a few minutes before it is released, begin to refresh your phone. This way, at exactly the time when the virtual queue spots are released, you will be promoted to join. Once you see “Join Boarding Group,” click that button, and you will hopefully be part of the lucky group that is selected!

Related Post: What is the Disney World Genie? 

How Does the Disney World Virtual Queue Work After Selected?


Now that you have been selected, what happens next? If you have successfully joined a Disney virtual queue, you will receive a boarding group number. Once Disney is ready for your boarding group to go and enter the attraction, they will notify you. At that point, you will have an hour to go and scan in using the My Disney Experience app.

What Time Do the Disney World Virtual Queues Start?

Another popular question is when the virtual queues at Disney World come out? As a general rule of thumb, the Disney World virtual queues are distrusted daily at 7:00 AM and 1:00 PM. It’s also important to note that due to the popularity of Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind and how efficiently the virtual queue has been working, Disney can sometimes release more virtual queues at 6:00 PM for extended evening hours . It is important to note that guests can only join the same WDW virtual queue once within the same day.

What are the Disney Virtual Queue distribution times?

How long do you have to return to the Disney virtual queue?

Disney World guests have one hour to return to the standby line after their Disney virtual queue number is called. It’s important to remember that you have to check in and scan your ticket, mobile device, or magic band as you enter the virtual queue line, so be sure to have them out to speed up the process.

What is the 6 PM virtual queue?

An additional opportunity to join the virtual queue will be available at 6:00 PM during extended evening theme park hours – a benefit for guests staying at a Disney Deluxe Resort, Deluxe Villa Resort, or other select hotels. Guests do not need to be in the park to join the queue. Extended evening hours are only available on select nights for deluxe resort guests, so be sure to check the My Disney Experience App for updated park hours during your visit.

Related Post: Complete Guide to Disney Genie+ Rides

Disney Virtual Queue Tips and Tricks 2024


  • Getting more than one Disney World virtual queue for the same ride in a single day is impossible.
  • Do not load the My Disney Experience app exactly when the WDW virtual passes are released.
  • Double-check and be 100% sure that everyone in your party is linked to your My Disney Experience account.
  • We have found that using your cellular service is best, so we recommend staying outside and grabbing your virtual boarding pass before going on rides when trying at 1:00 PM. (Turn off your Wifi)
  • Be sure to have your smartphone push notifications on and keep an eye on your phone while enjoying the day at the parks. Guests must head to the ride once their boarding group is called.

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Is the Disney World Virtual Queue Worth it?

From our experience, we believe it makes for a better guest experience in many situations. The new 2024 virtual queue system has eliminated waiting in hours long lines for new attractiong. For example, the longest we have waited for Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic rewind has been around 35 minutes once our boarding group has been called. As opposed to the 3+ hour wait we expereinced when Rise of the Resistance first opened. Another reason we love the virtual queue is that it’s a free feature! Which we believe is very rare nowadays, especially when considering the prices of the Disney World Genie+.

Related Page: What to Bring to Disney World 

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Nik Chapman

Nik Chapman is the executive editor and one of the main content creators for The Park Prodigy blog and social media pages. Nik has been a life long Disney and Universal lover and recently moved to the Orlando area to enjoy the theme parks more often. In between going to the parks and creating content for The Park Prodigy, Nik also hosts a Disney themed podcast with her two best friends and helps run multiple Disney-themed social media accounts which help over one million people per year. Nik is a local Florida resident and spends her free time trying all the newest snacks as a self-proclaimed Disney Foodie and catching the Magic Kingdom fireworks nightly from her living room window!


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Accessing Attraction Queues

Walt Disney World Resort offers a variety of programs that assist Guests in accessing attraction queues. Some of the programs listed below are available to all Guests and help maximize the time spent in the parks.

Some of the programs described below provide accommodations that may be required for specific types of mental or physical impairments. Guests with disabilities can learn more about these programs, including how they operate and whether they may be eligible, through a personalized conversation with Accessibility Services.

Some of these options are available only at select attractions. We encourage all Guests to be familiar with the programs described below because they may provide valuable assistance in navigating attraction queues.

Here are a few tips and techniques to manage waiting in queues:

  • Encourage other members of your party to help create space around you in line to make it more comfortable.
  • In a theme park environment that requires additional walking or standing, bring a mobility device such as a wheelchair, ECV, walker with a seat or a cane chair.
  • Bring a sensory toy or a calming item—such as a stress ball, favorite device or activity like a tablet, video game, comic book or another item that may be calming or distracting while waiting in a queue.
  • Grab a snack or drink to enjoy while waiting in a queue. Just be sure to finish it before boarding the attraction.
  • Break up your day with other offerings at the Resort that don’t require waiting in a queue, such as entertainment.
  • Don’t forget other items to keep yourself comfortable.Some items to consider bringing include sweater or jacket, sun protection or hat.

Below is a list of options to assist guests in accessing attraction queues.

Rider Switch

Single rider, attraction queue re-entry, disney genie service.

Disability Access Service

Stroller as a Wheelchair Tag

Navigating Queues with Service Animals

Rider Switch is available for Guests who meet one of the following:

  • Does not meet the boarding requirements
  • Has a service animal that cannot board the attraction or does not want to use a provided kennel
  • Meets boarding requirement and does not want to ride but cannot wait outside queue on their own

Rider Switch is available at most attractions throughout Walt Disney World Resort.

How to Use Rider Switch

  • Upon arriving at the selected attraction, approach the greeting Cast Member with your entire group and inform them you are interested in the Rider Switch option. Members will be divided into 2 parties: “Party 1” will board the attraction first, while “Party 2”(a maximum of 2 people from the rest of your party) waits. 
  • A Cast Member will scan the admission media or tickets of Guests in Party 2. 
  • After Party 1 completes the experience, any Guests from Party 2 who have waited to ride should return to the appropriate attraction entrance as directed by the issuing Cast Member to have their admission media/tickets re-scanned by a Cast Member for the Rider Switch entitlement. At this point, the riding Guests of Party 2 may enter the appropriate attraction return line and board without waiting in the regular queue. Meanwhile, Party 1 waits with the non-riding Guests.

Single Rider is available for a Guest who meets any of the following:

  • Prioritizing shorter wait times rather than riding with their party
  • Meets the minimum age requirement

How to Use Single Rider

A Cast Member can direct you to the designated queue, where your party will be separated to fill remaining seats that aren’t occupied by Guests utilizing stand by lines. Please note:

  • Immediate boarding or choice of seat is not guaranteed
  • Single Riders must meet all boarding requirements
  • Special seating requests may not be accommodated
  • Participating attractions and wait times may vary
  • This service is subject to availability, and not available at every attraction

There may be times when a Guest must briefly step out of the standby line and then rejoin their party in the line. Every location has a defined process to support this option based on a person’s disability while the rest of the party remains in line.

How to Use Queue Re-entry

Speak to a Cast member at the location for directions on how to re-enter the queue.

  • A Cast Member will provide details about how to exit the queue and how to navigate back to your party.
  • While the Guest who must leave the line is briefly away, the rest of the party will remain in line.
  • The Guest reunites with their party to ride the attraction.

Note: Guests must meet boarding requirements to ride.

Disney Genie service is a program available to all Guests.

Our complimentary Disney Genie service helps you enjoy more of the magic during your theme park visit with 2 easy-to-use features.

The My Day feature lets you see your booked theme park plans for the day in one place. Plus, get personalized recommendations customized to your preferences.

The Tip Board lets you view estimated wait times, order food, make dining reservations and request to join an available virtual queue.

Learn more about Disney Genie service .

Disability Access Service (DAS)

DAS is one of our programs offered at Walt Disney World theme parks intended to accommodate those Guests who, due to a developmental disability like autism or similar, are unable to wait in a conventional queue for an extended period of time.

Guests may have a conversation with a Cast Member to determine eligibility for DAS via live video chat. There is not an in-person option to request DAS Registration.

“Stroller as a Wheelchair” Tag

“Stroller as a Wheelchair” tags are available for a Guest who meets one of the following:

  • Is a child with a disability who uses their stroller as a mobility device in lieu of a traditional wheelchair
  • Is a child with additional medical equipment who needs a way to transport their equipment while in a queue
  • Is an adult with a mobility disability who uses a stroller as a mobility device to assist with walking

How to Use “Stroller as a Wheelchair” Tag

  • Please visit Guest Relations for additional information about this tool. If appropriate, a “Stroller as a Wheelchair” tag may be issued.
  • Guests who are issued a “Stroller as a Wheelchair” tag may enter the queue using their device.

Service Animals are welcome in all attraction queues.

Due to the nature of some attractions, service animals may not be permitted to ride. Please ask a Cast Member at these locations about available options.

Learn More about Services for Guests with Service Animals

disney cruise line virtual queue

Tiana’s Bayou Adventure to Offer Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane Options

by Morgan Flaherty | May 14, 2024 | Magic Kingdom , WDW Blog

Disney has confirmed that Tiana’s Bayou Adventure will offer both virtual queue and Lightning Lane options when it opens on June 28 in Disney World. We’re sharing everything you need to know!

We finally have an opening date for Tiana’s Bayou Adventure in Walt Disney World! The newest ride will be opening on June 28, 2024 , at Magic Kingdom (with a counterpart in Disneyland to open later this year). Before its opening, Disney has teased that Passholders, DVC Members, and Florida Cast Members will have the chance to ride the attraction early . But, if you plan on riding for the grand opening or later, Disney has shared all the information you need to know on how  you can experience the attraction.

Tiana’s Bayou Adventure Virtual Queue and Genie+ Options

When Tiana’s Bayou Adventure opens, you will have the option to request a spot in the virtual queue at two points throughout the day. Open up the My Disney Experience app , and you can join at one of two times: 7 AM or 1 PM. A standby queue will not be available on the first few days of opening, but Disney did confirm that it will be available soon after.

Lightning Lane

Along with a virtual queue and (eventually) standby queue, you will also have the option to select a Lightning Lane for Tiana’s Bayou Adventure with Disney Genie +. Disney has confirmed the ride will be part of the Disney Genie+ service, and not as an Individual Attraction Selection like other newer rides.

In exciting news, we also have our first look at a ride photo for Tiana’s Bayou Adventure! If you have Disney PhotoPass Service, you can download a ride photo of yourself on the attraction. And remember, if you purchase Disney Genie+, you’ll have access to digital downloads of select Disney PhotoPass attraction photos on the day of your visit!

Photo Courtesy of Disney

Tiana’s Bayou Adventure Merchandise and Food

Starting June 28, you’ll also be able to find Tiana’s Bayou Adventure and  The Princess and the Frog -themed merchandise at the Emporium at Magic Kingdom. Shortly after the attraction debuts, you’ll also be able to begin shopping at the Critter Co-Op in Frontierland.

Plus, if you want to enjoy some of Tiana’s Famous Beignets, they will be available beginning June 28 at Golden Oak Outpost and The Friar’s Nook! The beignets will be drizzled with honey and powdered sugar, and served for a limited time.

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Disney Debate: Should Disney Use Virtual Queues?

by David Mumpower · May 27, 2024

Virtual Queue

When Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge opened, the potential popularity of its attractions worried park officials.

While Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance didn’t open at the same time as the rest of the themed land, everyone knew it’d be popular.

Flight of Passage

Flight of Passage

Park officials felt they needed to do something to avoid the issues of Avatar Flight of Passage.

That attraction’s popularity caused extended lines in the standby queue, which irritated guests.

Flight of passage

Photo: Facebook/Imagineer Podcast

So, Disney introduced the virtual queue instead. Five years later, Disney still has this system in place for some attractions.

That fact has triggered some discussion among fans. In our latest Disney Debate, we’ll discuss whether Disney should use virtual queues.

What Are Virtual Queues?

Boarding Group

Fans first knew this system as the Boarding Group. That was the modestly themed premise for the idea.

At least twice a day, Disney opened a digital queueing system. Guests attempted to enter this queue.

Walt the Dreamer line

Walt the Dreamer line yesterday

Each attraction includes a maximum number of guests it can host on a given day.

For instance, Disney’s Hollywood Studios was operating at least 12 hours a day at the time.

disney cruise line virtual queue

Let’s say that Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance hosts 1,200 guests an hour, which is on the low side but a fair estimate.

The attraction still isn’t servicing 15,000 park visitors daily. It’s falling a bit short at 14,400.

Star Wars

Credit: Disney

Now, here’s the other problem. More than 15,000 people were showing up at Hollywood Studios each day.

Many of those people would have waited in line for hours, only to discover they’d wasted their time.

Rise of the Resistance line

Rise of the Resistance simply couldn’t satisfy all its initial demand. It wasn’t even close.

To avoid angering guests, Disney added Boarding Groups, the digital queue, to offset these issues.


Photo: Disney

During those two daily attempts, guests would load My Disney Experience on their phones and try to join the Boarding Group.

The process was akin to Black Friday shopping in that those early bird specials sell out almost instantly.


Photo: wirefly.com

I watched a Boarding Group open at 8 a.m. on several occasions, only to sell out before 8:01 a.m.

The demand was ridiculous. We’re talking about thousands of slots taken in a matter of seconds!

disney cruise line virtual queue

All those people would have otherwise stampeded the standby line queue, walking the length of the park to get there.

Some of them would have waited for hours without ever experiencing the attraction.

So, we’ll all agree that virtual queues were necessary at first.

Why Don’t People Like Virtual Queues?

4 theme parks


During a park visit, we all want to control our own fates.

When guests employ a virtual queue, the system assigns them a Boarding Group.

My Disney Experience app

At that point, the tourist must return to the attraction within a 60-minute window. Otherwise, we lose our spot.

With Rise of the Resistance in particular, you could book a Boarding Group at 8 a.m. and not return until the afternoon.

Tomorrowland Launch Depot clock

Watch your clock!

Since Disney typically offers a virtual queue for applicable attractions in the early morning and early afternoon, this doesn’t happen often.

Still, the time of your virtual queue can and often does disrupt your park plans, which isn’t ideal.

disney cruise line virtual queue

The problem was even worse at Rise of the Resistance because the ride was in the back of the park.

Thankfully, Disney has since switched this attraction to a standby queue, which is more manageable.

TRON Lightcycle Run Queue

Disney also offers a virtual queue for Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind, which isn’t a problem due to its central location.

Conversely, Tron Lightcycle / Run requires a long walk from Main Street, U.S.A. to the back of Tomorrowland.

TRON: Identity Game

So, when the system calls your virtual queue, you probably won’t be anywhere near the appropriate location.

Similarly, when Tiana’s Bayou Adventure opens, it’ll offer a virtual queue. And I don’t have to tell you how far Frontierland is off the beaten path.

Tiana's Bayou Adventure

Photo: Disney Parks Blog

Once Disney calls your virtual queue group, you must drop everything and either walk or hop a train to Frontierland.

That’s a problem for guests who have other plans, such as competing Disney Genie+/Lightning Lane bookings or Advanced Dining Reservations.

TRON virtual queue extended evening hours screenshot 6PM drop

I’ve had my digital queue number come up while sitting down for a meal I know will take at least an hour. It’s stressful.

Disney should never be stressful.

Why Does Disney Use Virtual Queues?

Magic Kingdom

Magic Kingdom

As indicated, Disney uses these queues as a way of setting expectations.

When you are one of the lucky guests who snags a virtual queue booking, you know you’ll experience the attraction.


During the early days of Rise of the Resistance, that felt like winning the lottery.

Even now, a Tron virtual queue reservation feels like a victory. The feeling isn’t the same at Cosmic Rewind, though.


As long as you’re around when the virtual queue opens, you should be fine there on all but holiday weeks.

Presumably, Tiana’s Bayou Adventure will sell out its virtual queue allotment quickly during the early days.

Tiana's Bayou Adventure

After that, the massive throughput of the attraction mitigates the need so much that I’m not convinced this ride will use a virtual queue for long.

Still, the concept makes sense in that people know the deal. These three attractions don’t offer standby queues.


So, your options are simple. You book a virtual queue, or you don’t get to ride one of Disney’s newest, best attractions.

Thus, Disney has defined your expectations in an easily understandable way.

disney cruise line virtual queue

Also, with the currently open attractions, you can purchase a Lightning Lane should you fail with your virtual queue attempt.

In other words, you have contingency options for Cosmic Rewind and Tron.

disney cruise line virtual queue

Meanwhile, Tiana’s Bayou Adventure probably won’t be challenging to book for long.

In short, the system works. But that doesn’t mean we should like it.

Should Disney Use Virtual Queues?


I almost always favor progress, especially when it involves technological innovations.

Despite this fact, I don’t love virtual queues. In truth, they kinda annoy me.


When I’m at Walt Disney World, I should be able to decide what I ride. Virtual queues take away that option.

Since Disneyland opened in 1955, the system has worked the same way until nearly 2020.

disney cruise line virtual queue

We picked the attractions we wanted to experience. Then, we entered the standby line queue and waited our turn.

Cosmic Rewind opened more than two years ago. I still cannot enter the standby queue for this attraction because there isn’t one.

disney cruise line virtual queue

Instead, my options are limited. I can purchase a Lightning Lane or book a virtual queue.

Now, the latter option isn’t challenging for the most part, but we’re past the honeymoon phase with Cosmic Rewind.

disney cruise line virtual queue

Fans should be able to ride it when they want and as often as they prefer. That’s how Disney theme park admission works.

Unfortunately, when Disney places attractions into this rare group of virtual queues, it reduces choice.

About the Tiana Virtual Queue

Tiana's Bayou Adventure queue

On day one, I won’t be able to go to Tiana’s Bayou Adventure unless I book a virtual queue or buy Disney Genie+.

Even if I do the latter, I’m not guaranteed to snag a Disney Genie+ reservation for Tiana’s Bayou Adventure.

Tiana's Bayou Adventure queue

In fact, I suspect it’ll be quite challenging during the ride’s earliest weeks.

Since we already know the throughput from this attraction, I do not see the point of a virtual queue.

Frontierland Bridges Closed Magic Kingdom

If people choose to stand in line for three or four hours, Disney should let them.

Frontierland is basically its own island at the park. So, nobody standing in that line would be bottlenecking anyone else.

Epcot's Guardian of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind

For these reasons, Disney’s use of a virtual queue here feels like putting a thumb on the scale for no reason.

We don’t need this one, and we don’t need Cosmic Rewind at this point, either.


Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind

In fact, the only defense I’ve seen of Cosmic Rewind over the past year is that it’s a small building.

So, a standby queue here could feel a bit claustrophobic. And I don’t really buy that argument, as there’s plenty to explore here.

TRON Lightcycle / Run

TRON Lightcycle / Run

In short, the only attraction where a virtual queue makes any sense to me is Tron…and I’m shaky on it.

So, I’m con on Disney using virtual queues at any point other than the opening weeks of an attraction.

disney cruise line virtual queue

After that, it feels like a pointless exercise that does more harm than good.

This article was inspired by a post Robert Niles published at the Orange County Register .

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Everything You Need To Know About Disney’s Disability Access Service (DAS)

Disney is known for their world-class guest service. Their primary mission is to help every guest have a magical time. The Disability Access Service (DAS) is one of the accommodations that may be offered at Disney World or Disneyland for guests who need a little more pixie dust to make the magic happen.

What is the Disability Access Service?

The Disability Access Service is a program that lets eligible guests who cannot wait in a conventional standby queue for long periods of time wait in a more comfortable setting. DAS users are given a return time for a ride that is about when they would reach the end of the current line if they waited in it. When their return time arrives, they go back to the ride and wait in a much shorter queue (typically the Lightning Lane) to experience the attraction.

disney cruise line virtual queue

Which Guests Qualify for DAS?

DAS is designed to help guests with developmental disabilities. If you have used DAS before, you may be surprised to realize you no longer qualify for DAS. Disney has narrowed the scope of guests who are given this accommodation . They have other suggestions for helping their guests with mobility challenges, medical conditions, and other disabilities navigate the parks.

Visit the main Disney World accessibility page to see what accommodations might be available for you. And if you’re unsure, the DAS application process will allow you to chat with a Cast Member about which accessibility features are available for your specific situation, even if DAS is not the answer.

How Do I Apply For DAS?

The Walt Disney World DAS team is entirely online. You will chat on Zoom with a Disney Cast Member to request a DAS. In Disneyland, a Cast Member is available to help you in person, but I suggest you apply on the Zoom call if possible. For a detailed overview of how to apply, see How to Apply for Disney’s Disability Access Service (DAS) .

I was approved for DAS, Now What?

The My Disney Experience app is the tool for making a return time with the DAS. If you do not have a smartphone, visit Guest Services for assistance.

After you have been approved, you won’t see anything on the app until you enter the park on the morning of your first day. Check the hamburger menu on the bottom right of the app. There are tiles for different functions. At the bottom should be a tile with the DAS symbol and the words Disability Access Service. If you don’t see the tile, visit the Guest Experience team at one of the blue umbrellas, or Guest Services at the front of the park.

disney cruise line virtual queue

Tap the DAS tile, and a list of attractions available for DAS will appear. Almost every ride, show, or attraction that has a queue qualifies for DAS, including those with Virtual Queues.

  • Select the attraction that you’d like to make a return time for.
  • Follow the prompts, and you will have a return time for that attraction.
  • The return time will be the posted standby time minus ten minutes.
  • The return time is like a reservation, it gives you a time to arrive at the ride.
  • There is no expiration time, so you do not need to rush to get to the attraction, and it’s OK if you need to leave the park and come back.
  • You will not be able to make a new return time until you have used the one that you have.

Up to three people can join the DAS user when a return time is made, for a total of four who will ride using the return time. The only exceptions are when a group includes a DAS user’s siblings under the age of 18; they will be allowed to ride as a group even if the party size is more than 4. But every guest who will be included in the return time needs to be in the park when the return time is made.

When you arrive at the attraction, you will tap in to enter the Lightning Lane using either your MagicBand or ticket card. The DAS user needs to be the first in your group to tap in. The light on the tapstile will turn blue, and a Cast Member will check your photo. Once the Cast Member turns the light green, the rest of your group can tap in.

After you have tapped in at the ride, there is a 10-minute waiting period before you can make your next return time. For rides like Space Mountain that have two touchpoints, the ten-minute timer starts after you tap at the second touchpoint.

disney cruise line virtual queue

If you’re using MagicMobile, you’ll want to make sure the DAS user’s card is “on top”. See Everything You Need to Know About Disney’s MagicMobile .

How is DAS Different From Genie+ and Lightning Lanes?

DAS has return times. Lightning Lanes have return times. And almost all the time, when you come back to the attraction at your DAS return time, you’ll be sent through the Lightning Lane to ride. That leads to obvious questions (and a lot of confusion) about how DAS and Genie+ are different. So, here’s a rundown.

disney cruise line virtual queue

⭐ You can have multiple Lightning Lane reservations at a time, but you must use a DAS return time before you can make a new one.

⭐ With Lightning Lane, you need to ride within an hour of your return time. With DAS, you can ride any time after your return time up until the park or attraction closes.

⭐ You can make a Lightning Lane reservation for any park where you have purchased Genie+, at any time and from any place after 7 am. You can only make a DAS reservation for an attraction when you are in the same park as that attraction, and everyone who will be in the group must be in the park with you when you make the return time.

⭐ You can’t make more than one Lightning Lane reservation for the same ride in a day. You can make a new return time for an attraction with DAS, even if you have already used a DAS return time for that attraction.

⭐ The DAS return time is assigned based on the length of the standby line when you make it, minus 10 minutes. Lightning Lane return times are based on capacity and how many other users have scheduled return times. If you have bought Genie+, it’s possible that you can get a Lightning Lane return time that is earlier than your DAS return time would be.

⭐ You can make a Lightning Lane reservation for up to 10 people at a time. A DAS return time is generally limited to 4 people including the DAS user.

⭐ You can make a Lightning Lane reservation for anyone in your Family & Friends list, as long as they have purchased Genie+. To include someone in your DAS return time, they must be included in your DAS group during registration, or by contacting the DAS team to have them added later.

⭐ If everyone in your group doesn’t use their Lightning Lane reservation, it doesn’t cause problems. If everyone on a return time does not ride, it can cause problems making a new return time. And if the DAS user no longer wishes to ride, then nobody can use the return time.

Still have questions? Take a look at our Walt Disney World’s Disability Access Service: FAQ .

Do you or a family member use DAS when you visit the parks? Let us know how it works best for you. 

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Amy Schinner

Amy Schinner is a lifelong fan of Disney, a mom, and an advocate for people with special needs. She loves spinning in teacups, screaming down Mt. Everest, and exploring it with her family. Her joy is helping families vacation and create memories together because everyone deserves some pixie dust!

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The ONE Day That “Go Left” Is Bad Advice in Disney World

By Madeleine Zaharchuk Leave a Comment

Picture this: it’s a bright, sunny day in Magic Kingdom. June 28th , to be exact. You arrived early enough to rope-drop the park, meaning you’re among the FIRST inside the park. What an honor!

disney cruise line virtual queue

Cinderella Castle

OK, Cast Members are starting to let you make your way past Cinderella Castle. Where are you heading? Left? WRONG.

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Most days, we see a good majority of the Magic Kingdom rope-droppers make a beeline to the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train in Fantasyland. Most days, we also recommend going the OTHER way, to avoid getting stuck in that Fantasyland crowd. But on June 28th, that advice isn’t gonna work.

disney cruise line virtual queue

Seven Dwarfs Mine Train

Going left takes you to Adventureland or Liberty Square. Both lands have plenty of popular attractions, like the Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean, and the Jungle Cruise. But between those two lands is Frontierland. And THAT, friends, is where the problem lies.

disney cruise line virtual queue


Frontierland is home to the NEW Tiana’s Bayou Adventure ride. This ride replaced Splash Mountain — but don’t worry; that classic big drop is still there.

disney cruise line virtual queue

Tiana’s Bayou Adventure

The new attraction will pick up the story of  The Princess and the Frog  “after the final kiss, and join Princess Tiana and Louis on a musical adventure – featuring some of the powerful music from the film – as they prepare for their first-ever Mardi Gras performance.” We’ve seen a LOT of ride previews, which you can see HERE , but there’s one important reason we’re talking about June 28th. 

disney cruise line virtual queue

Tiana’s Bayou Adventure will officially open to EVERYONE in Magic Kingdom on June 28th, 2024. Yes, there are several ride previews happening BEFORE June 28th (look out for our full coverage), but if you’re not an Annual Passholder, Cast Member, D23 Member, or Disney Vacation Club Member, you’ll need to wait until the end of June to experience this ride.

disney cruise line virtual queue

We anticipate a LOT of people will be headed straight for Tiana’s Bayou Adventure on June 28th to see the big new ride in action . There’s one important caveat here, though, that is VERY important to know before you try to rope-drop this attraction.

disney cruise line virtual queue

Disney World will use a Virtual Queue/Boarding Pass system for the opening phase of Tiana’s Bayou Adventure. This will be accessible via the My Disney Experience app. Now, this is important, so listen closely. A traditional standby line is NOT currently being offered , though Disney hinted, “We expect to open a standby queue soon after the attraction’s opening.”

disney cruise line virtual queue

Ride vehicles

So, while you could hightail it to the new ride, being the first to see it won’t do much. Instead, you’ll have two daily opportunities to request to join the virtual queue — one at 7AM and the second at 1PM.

Click here to learn more

If you see everyone running (or fast-walking, if they follow the rules) to the left on June 28th, don’t follow the crowd. Instead, reserve that Virtual Queue spot and go enjoy the rest of Magic Kingdom! Work smarter, people.

disney cruise line virtual queue

Tiana’s at night

Wanna learn more about this new ride? We have a TON to share!

  • FIRST LOOK At Tiana’s Bayou Adventure Cast Member Outfits!
  • Restaurants, Rides, and Restrooms Impacted by MULTIPLE Disneyland Resort Refurbishment Projects
  • BREAKING: Sign Revealed, Construction Walls Down at Tiana’s Bayou Adventure Ride in Disney World!
  • BREAKING: Let’s Go INSIDE Tiana’s Bayou Adventure for the FIRST TIME in Disney World!
  • A NEW Tiana’s Bayou Adventure Souvenir Is Now Available in Disney World!
  • 2 Reasons Why Annual Passholders Might Want To AVOID Disney World in June
  • NEWS: Disney Shares Sneak Peek INSIDE Tiana’s Bayou Adventure!

In the meantime, we’re always on the lookout for the latest Disney news, so stay tuned for more.

When Will Disney’s Animal Kingdom Expansion Open?

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We know disney. you can, too..

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Oh boy, planning a Disney trip can be quite the adventure, and we totally get it! But fear not, dear friends, we compiled EVERYTHING you need (and the things to avoid!) to plan the ULTIMATE Disney vacation.

Whether you're a rookie or a seasoned pro, our insider tips and tricks will have you exploring the parks like never before. So come along with us, and get planning your most magical vacation ever!


Which direction do YOU head first in Magic Kingdom? Let us know in the comments!


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Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind is a popular ride in EPCOT, but should you...

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OK, Millennials. It's time to spend that hard-earned money on a Target item that was...

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Did you know you can start your vacation IMMEDIATELY once you get to Disney World?!

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Make sure you're aware of this big 2025 Disney World change!

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EPCOT's DVC lounge has MOVED for a few weeks and we're checking it out!

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If you use Loungefly bags, this is a game-changer.

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We're not 100% sure what's going on with either of Hollywood Studios' nighttime projection shows...

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Victoria and Albert's is already the most expensive meal on Disney World property, but did...

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These Amazon water bottles are GREAT for keeping your drinks cold -- take them to...

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NEW snacks are coming to Disney's Animal Kingdom this month for a VERY special celebration....

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This is a letter for Disney's eyes only.

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Visiting a breakfast buffet and want to avoid food poisoning at all costs? Here's what...

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Southwest Airlines is hosting a free, family-friendly event this summer featuring music, games, and a...

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Beer lovers do NOT want to miss these new flavors at Salt & Straw!

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Here's what Cast Members will be wearing at Tiana's Bayou Adventure.

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We're headed to Batuu to try new space food that has just appeared at Docking...

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If you're an Annual Passholder, you need to head to Disney World SOON, before six...

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There are some cringey things at Magic Kingdom that seriously make me rethink ever walking...

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  • REVIEW: 2 NEW Eats Are Hiding in Disney's Hollywood Studios
  • We’re Getting Really Concerned About the New Tiana’s Bayou Adventure Ride at Disney World
  • 5 Disney Souvenirs Every Disney Dad Actually Wants
  • Dear Disney World, PLEASE Fix This Problem During the Test Track Closure
  • 55 NEW Menu Updates From the Disney Parks
  • ( view all posts )
  • This NEW Small Disney World App Change Makes a BIG Difference

disney cruise line virtual queue

Before you go on your Disney World vacation, we highly recommend getting familiar with the My Disney Experience App .

disney cruise line virtual queue

This is where you’ll check wait times, book Lightning Lanes//Individual Lightning Lanes , Virtual Queues , mobile order your food , and so much more. However, there’s been one major frustration many guests have faced in the app, and it’s FINALLY been fixed!

For years, you’ve been able to save a credit card or debit card in the app, but adding Disney Rewards Redemption Cards to be remembered in the app wasn’t an option — you’d have to input the card information each time.

Disney Rewards Redemptions Cards are the cards Disney Visa cardholders receive when they redeem their rewards dollars. They can be used at almost any Disney location as well as at AMC movie theaters to see a Disney, Marvel, Star Wars , or other Disney-affiliated film. Since they can be used at many Disney locations, having them saved in the Disney World app is a convenient way to use them around the parks!

disney cruise line virtual queue

Now, we’re thrilled to share that this has changed! When you go to your Profile in the app, click Payment Method, and you’ll see where you can add a payment method. Then, this screen will show up!

disney cruise line virtual queue

Now the app can remember this card information as well , so you don’t have to put it in every time, which can take up more time than you’d like. You don’t have to use this feature if you don’t want to — you can still walk up to most Disney World quick service restaurants and order normally with cash or your physical card if you’d like! But this is a great option for those who use their app for mobile checkout in stores or mobile order food at quick-service restaurants.

For more Disney World app news and info, check out our posts below!

More My Disney Experience News!

  • 6 Disney World App Warnings You Don’t Want To See Under Any Circumstance
  • There’s Something NEW on the Disney World App!
  • This Is the Best EPCOT Restaurant, and You Won’t Convince Me Otherwise
  • This Would Officially Be the COOLEST Feature On the Disney World App

Be sure to stay tuned to AllEars for all the latest Disney news!

These are the UNSPOKEN rules of mobile order in Disney World!

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One Reply to “This NEW Small Disney World App Change Makes a BIG Difference”

THANK YOU!!! It was frustrating not to have the Redemption Card info already loaded when purchasing Genie+ or Lightning Lanes. Hope this is also the case for these as well.

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  1. Virtual Queues

    Virtual Queues | Walt Disney World Resort. For assistance with your Walt Disney World vacation, including resort/package bookings and tickets, please call (407) 939-5277. For Walt Disney World dining, please book your reservation online. 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM Eastern Time. Guests under 18 years of age must have parent or guardian permission to call.

  2. Virtual Queues at Disney World: Tips, Updates, and FAQs

    Step-by-Step instructions for joining a virtual queue. Note: these screenshots below are from the TRON virtual queue, but the steps are the same for all attractions with a virtual queue. 1. Make sure everyone in your party has both valid theme park admission and, when applicable, a valid Park Pass Reservation.

  3. Using Virtual Queues at Disney World: Tips, Tricks, and How-Tos

    Here's how the virtual queue works for Disney World's theme parks: Open the My Disney Experience app an look for the Virtual Queues section. When the distribution window opens, click "Join the Virtual Queue" for the attraction you're hoping to ride. Enroll yourself and your party (any linked tickets or passes can be added)

  4. How to Use Virtual Queues at Disney World

    A virtual queue at Disney World is a system that allows guests to join a "line" for select popular attractions without physically standing in line. This system is accessed through the My Disney Experience App and allows you to secure a spot in line virtually.. Once it's your turn to ride, you'll receive a notification and head to the attraction to enjoy your ride without the need to wait in ...

  5. Disney Cruise Line Adds a Virtual Queue to the Online Reservation

    Today, is Disney+ Day which includes promotions across The Walt Disney Company. Disney Cruise Line's special offer for Disney+ subscribers results in the third and fourth guests of Disney+ subscribers get to sail free with 2 full-fare guests in the same stateroom during select sailings on the Disney Magic, Disney Dream and Disney Fantasy from January 2023 through April 2023.

  6. Your Guide to Using Disney World Virtual Queues

    All About Virtual Queues at Disney World. Disney World virtual queues act as a replacement for a regular standby line. Instead of waiting in a physical queue, you join a virtual queue on your phone via the My Disney Experience app (this is the same place where you link tickets and hotel reservations). Virtual queues allow you to spend the rest ...

  7. Disney Virtual Queue

    (UPDATE 4/7/23 - Over in Disney's Magic Kingdom, the new ride TRON Lightcycle Run has been using the Virtual Queue and boarding groups since opening on April 4, 2023. Disney World may continue making more additions to the Virtual Queue by adding more news rides when they open, or existing attractions such as Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run and Jungle Cruise in the future.

  8. 4 Rules You Need To Know Before You Use Virtual Queues in Disney World

    TRON Lightcycle / Run. The answer is virtual queues! For TRON Lightcycle / Run and Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind, you cannot physically stand in line — you must either use the virtual queue or purchase an Individual Lightning Lane. If you're going to go with the FREE option (the virtual queue), there are four important rules that ...

  9. Mask Rules, a Virtual Queue, and More Changes Coming to Disney Cruise Line

    Disney Cruise Line Navigator App. Disney has also updated some features on their Cruise app. The app will now include the ability to chat with a Guest Services Crew Member, sign up for a virtual queue to debark the ship at all ports of call, look at digital menus, and more.

  10. What Is Disney's Virtual Queue and How Does It Work?

    The Virtual Queue allows guests to enjoy other attractions and experiences, or even a meal, while they virtually wait in line to board the newest ride. On occasion, a Virtual Queue is used for special Disney merchandise releases to save guests time standing in line. There are some very important things you should know about the Virtual Queue ...

  11. Virtual Queue Guide

    Virtual Queue Guide. The Walt Disney World Resort offers the option for Guests to experience select attractions using a Virtual Queue. This option can be found in the My Disney Experience app and allows Guests to hold their place in line, while being able to do other fun offerings while they wait. So, instead of possibly waiting 3 hours ...

  12. Complete Guide to the Disney Virtual Queue System

    How to join virtual queue Disney Step 1. The first step to make sure you get onto your Disney World virtual queue ride is to purchase your Walt Disney World tickets. The reason is all guests must produce a valid theme park reservation for the theme park you are trying to make a valid Disney virtual queue reservation.

  13. Disney Cruise Line Reservation System Virtual Queue

    A look at the virtual queue for Disney Cruise Line's reservation and booking system.For more please visit https://DisneyCruiseLineBlog.com

  14. How To Use the NEW Virtual Queue at Disney's Hollywood Studios

    Once you book a spot through the Virtual Queue, you'll head to Stage 1 Company Store, which has been closed for quite some time. We tested it out, so follow along with the steps! First, we headed over to the Disney World app where we were able to view the virtual queue for a special event. From there, we just clicked "join virtual queue.".

  15. Journey of Water Virtual Queue Details and FAQ

    Yes. If the standby line is in use at Journey of Water, you can get a DAS if the line is longer than about 20 minutes. If the Virtual Queue is in use, you'll need to get a Boarding Group. When you return for either your DAS time or your Boarding Group, you'll enter with a short wait, similar to what you typically find when redeeming a DAS.

  16. I Was Late To My Disney World Virtual Queue, and Here's What Happened

    With these attractions, standby lines are not offered. So, the only way to ride without purchasing an Individual Lightning Lane to skip the line is by joining the Virtual Queue. To join a Virtual Queue, you'll need to use the My Disney Experience app. Virtual Queues open at 7AM and 1PM each day and typically "sell" out QUICKLY ...

  17. Learn how to snag your Disney Virtual Queue

    Virtual Queues are used for the newest Disney attractions, and if you don't get one or buy an Individual Lightning Lane, you won't be able to ride. ... New 2024 Discounts and Bookings for Disney's New Cruise Ship Start on 9/20. Magic Me Vacations. This site is in no way affiliated with The Walt Disney Company or its subsidiaries. The opinions ...

  18. Virtual Queues, Mobile Checkout, and More Details Announced for One of

    This way, you can utilize the virtual queues and mobile checkouts at the event. ©Disney. Fans will be able to buy products celebrating Disney100 (the 100th anniversary of the Disney company) and limited-edition and never-before-seen items from Disney, ... Disney Cruise Line Gives First Look at the NEW Disney Adventure Ship.

  19. Accessing Attraction Queues

    My Disney Experience. For assistance with your Walt Disney World vacation, including resort/package bookings and tickets, please call (407) 939-5277. For Walt Disney World dining, please book your reservation online. 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM Eastern Time. Guests under 18 years of age must have parent or guardian permission to call. Find more about ...

  20. Disneyland Virtual Queues: Tips, Tricks, and How-Tos

    At Disneyland, the virtual queue system works pretty much just like the virtual queues at Disney World. Instead of entering a standby line and waiting in a physical queue for hours, you join a virtual queue right on your smartphone in the Disneyland app. The virtual queue randomly places guests into boarding groups.

  21. Tiana's Bayou Adventure to Offer Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane

    When Tiana's Bayou Adventure opens, you will have the option to request a spot in the virtual queue at two points throughout the day. Open up the My Disney Experience app, and you can join at one of two times: 7 AM or 1 PM. A standby queue will not be available on the first few days of opening, but Disney did confirm that it will be available ...

  22. How to Apply for Disney's Disability Access Service (DAS)

    The Disability Access Service (DAS) is a program at Disney World and Disneyland that allows guests to wait out their time in line without actually waiting in most of the line. This virtual waiting system is available to guests who cannot wait in a conventional queue for a long time. In this article

  23. Disney Debate: Should Disney Use Virtual Queues?

    That attraction's popularity caused extended lines in the standby queue, which irritated guests. So, Disney introduced the virtual queue instead. Five years later, Disney still has this system in place for some attractions. That fact has triggered some discussion among fans. In our latest Disney Debate, we'll discuss whether Disney should ...

  24. Everything You Need To Know About Disney's Disability Access Service

    The Disability Access Service is a program that lets eligible guests who cannot wait in a conventional standby queue for long periods of time wait in a more comfortable setting. DAS users are given a return time for a ride that is about when they would reach the end of the current line if they waited in it. When their return time arrives, they ...

  25. The ONE Day That "Go Left" Is Bad Advice in Disney World

    The new attraction will pick up the story of The Princess and the Frog "after the final kiss, and join Princess Tiana and Louis on a musical adventure - featuring some of the powerful music from the film - as they prepare for their first-ever Mardi Gras performance."We've seen a LOT of ride previews, which you can see HERE, but there's one important reason we're talking about ...

  26. Virtual Queue and Lightning Lane Confirmed for Tiana's Bayou Adventure

    Virtual Queue. When Tiana's Bayou Adventure opens on June 28, it will use a virtual queue. Guests can request to join the virtual queue via the My Disney Experience app at one of two times: 7 a.m. or 1 p.m. While a standby queue will not be available during the attraction's initial opening days, Disney expects to open a standby queue soon ...

  27. This NEW Small Disney World App Change Makes a BIG Difference

    Before you go on your Disney World vacation, we highly recommend getting familiar with the My Disney Experience App. ©Disney. This is where you'll check wait times, book Lightning Lanes//Individual Lightning Lanes, Virtual Queues, mobile order your food, and so much more.However, there's been one major frustration many guests have faced in the app, and it's FINALLY been fixed!

  28. Everything You Need to Know About Tiana's Bayou Adventure

    Tiana's Bayou Adventure will use a virtual queue and Lightning Lane when it opens. It will not have a standby queue available but Disney expects to open one "soon after the attraction's opening." Guests can request to join the virtual queue via the My Disney Experience app at 7 a.m. or 1 p.m. At the later time, guests must be in Magic ...