Golden Celestial

How To Soul Travel – Everything You Need to Know!

Soul travel is travelling without physical limitations to another realm where you become one with God or the higher consciousness. Soul travel is often likened to a near-death or an out-of-body experience where the traveller becomes transformed. A soul traveller can become his/her best version since they receive powerful insights on their journeys from their spirit guides and angels. Soul travellers can also solve complex problems in real life, gain clarity, and live their lives to their fullest potential.

If you think soul travel is difficult or complex, think again. With the right tools and techniques, you can consciously direct your soul’s energy to travel wherever it wants to go. Learn to visualise and meditate so you can achieve your life’s dreams.

Table of Contents

Soul Travelling

What is Soul Travelling? 

Soul travel, as mentioned above, is an out-of-body experience where the traveller’s conscious body leaves his/her physical body and travels to a different realm. Many religious practices and scriptures have described soul travel in detail.

Soul travellers describe their experience as leaving their physical bodies and floating or hovering over them. They report meeting entities (including angels or the deceased) and visiting different locations they have never physically been to. They gain profound insights from these travels and can solve complex problems in real life.

It is believed that Nikola Tesla, Einstein, Edison, and other great inventors all soul-traveled which helped them solve complex scientific problems.

What Happens In Soul Travel? Is It The Same as Astral Projection?

People often confuse soul travel with astral projection. In reality, the two are very different. Astral projection is done with the help of the astral body (also called the subtle body or the energy body), whereas soul travel involves the light body. In astral travel, the subtle body leaves the physical body (either through lucid dreaming or meditation), but the traveller remains aware of her/his physical body.

In soul travel, you travel with your light body . It involves raising the vibrations so you are at the same frequency as the highest source. You achieve this through unconditional love. The main difference between astral and soul travel is that, in soul travel, the light body also encompasses the astral body and the traveller does not remain aware of his/her physical body. 

Here are some experiences you could have during soul travel:

  • Sense of separation – you might get a sense of detachment from the physical body. Some people report floating or hovering over their physical bodies.
  • Visit to different realms – Soul travellers report visiting different realms and dimensions. These realms have a dream-like quality. 
  • Encounters and meetings – a soul traveller might meet different entities and spirit guides on their travels. These could be angels, deceased loved ones, and spirit guides. These entities guide the traveller and give him/her a deep insight into any answers they seek.
  • Loss of time – soul travellers often lose the sense of time as time is not linear during these journeys. 
  • Heightened perception – soul travellers experience bright and vivid colours, sounds, and sensations they have never experienced in real life.
  • A deeper understanding of the self and heightened spiritual awareness – soul travellers often get deep insights into questions about their higher purpose and report having a spiritual awakening. They get a deeper understanding of reality and their true nature and selves. They come back with greater wisdom and knowledge.
  • Lasting bliss – once the soul traveller comes back to the physical realm or back into the body, they feel joy bubbling from their core. They report feeling a high, not very different from an orgasm or climax. This joy bubbles through their being and every cell. Life becomes beautiful.

Soul Travel

What Are The Benefits of Soul Travel?

Soul travellers often experience several benefits in their spiritual, personal, and professional lives. Anecdotal reports suggest that the practice could have the following advantages:

Deeper Understanding of The Self

Soul travel can connect you with the divine consciousness. This helps you become aware of things and concepts beyond the physical realm. A soul traveller could experience expanded consciousness and get a deeper understanding of the self, life, and the interconnectedness of all things.

Spiritual Growth

Soul travel can lead to spiritual awakening and growth. The traveller gets to explore realms beyond the physical. Many travellers encounter their angels or spiritual guides, who help them gain insights into the nature of existence and the afterlife.

Physical and Emotional Healing

Since travellers gain insights into their bodies and minds, they can heal themselves from diseases and emotional trauma. They get connected with their spirit guides, who guide them into spiritual, physical, and emotional healing.

Alleviated Fear of Death and After-Life

Death is one way of soul travelling (since the soul leaves the physical realm after death). With soul travel, you get to experience the concept of heaven without dying. Travellers get an understanding of the continuity of life and with the help of their angels, they can accept the cycle of life and death. Many travellers also report meeting their deceased loved ones, which fosters a sense of love and connection and brings immense peace and happiness.

Personal and Professional Development

Astral and soul travel can help you develop empathy for all those around you. They give you an understanding of the fact that we are all connected through a higher consciousness. This helps you see people and relationships in a different light. This can help you develop amazing relationships. 

Furthermore, soul travels encourage creativity, problem-solving, and intuition. They can help you solve complex issues and give you a greater sense of empowerment. These enhanced skills can also help you in your professional life.

Lasting Joy and Bliss

Soul travels allow you to have unique and beautiful experiences. You get to journey to different planes and exciting places. These mental adventures can give you a “high” without drugs and eternal bliss and joy that extend into your daily life.

What is the Importance of Soul Travel?

Soul travel is important because it gives an individual insight into his/her true purpose. It helps them view humanity with greater empathy. At the core of soul travel is unconditional love. This unconditional love can help human beings connect and look beyond race, gender, and other differences.

By journeying beyond the confines of the physical body, soul travellers get deeper insights into human existence. They explore facets of themselves that might be hidden in the routine of everyday life. This quest for understanding often leads to greater alignment with personal missions, values, and a sense of purpose.

Soul travel can help human beings see the interconnectedness of life. Through soul travel, humans can develop a deeper appreciation for the shared human experience – which can promote love, compassion, and understanding.

At the core of soul travel is unconditional love, which transcends ego and judgment. It can help provide a profound sense of unity and bliss. Imagine if every human got this experience; we could perhaps solve wars and conflicts with compassion, kindness, empathy, and understanding.

Soul Travel

How Can I Soul Travel?

Step 1: chanting a mantra.

Mantras are sacred sounds or phrases used to focus the mind. Some practitioners receive mantras from a guru or spiritual master. If you don’t have a guru, you can use commonly used mantras like “Om” to help centre your thoughts and create a meditative state.

Step 2: Setting Intention

Clearly define where you wish to go or what you aim to explore during the soul travel experience. It could be a specific destination or a realm you wish to visit. Focus your mind on this destination.

Step 3: Meditation or Concentration

Engage in meditation or concentration practises. This involves sitting quietly, relaxing your body, and calming your mind. Concentrate on your breath or a point of focus. You can also do guided meditations available online. We will discuss some meditation techniques later in this guide.

Step 4: Listening to Inner Sounds

As you meditate or concentrate, listen for inner sounds, particularly those related to the mantra you are chanting. The goal is to attune your awareness to these subtle inner vibrations or sounds associated with the mantra. It is not just about hearing with your physical ears but also perceiving these sounds within your consciousness.

Techniques for Soul Travel

Different meditation techniques have helped people transcend to other realms:

Guided Light Meditation

This meditation is aimed at activating the crown and root chakras while invoking unconditional love. 

  • Find a quiet, comfortable space to sit or lie down. 
  • Close your eyes and take deep, calming breaths, allowing your body to relax completely.
  • Take your attention upward to your crown chakra, located at the top of your head. Visualise a loving golden light here. With each inhale, imagine this light intensifying, opening up your connection to higher consciousness (the source) and divine love. Feel a sense of spiritual expansion, transcendence, and connection to the universe.
  • Imagine this light travelling down to your root chakra, located at the base of the spine. Imagine the chakra glowing red and light expanding with each breath, grounding you to the earth. 
  • Allow the light to enhance feelings of security, stability, and a sense of belonging. Feel the connection to the earth’s energy and unconditional love supporting you.

How to Soul Travel

Two Pyramid Technique

  • Find a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths to relax.
  • Visualise a pyramid-shaped energy field inside you. Imagine the base of the pyramid resting at your hips, extending upwards, with the tip reaching your crown chakra (top of the head).
  • Imagine another pyramid within your body, with its base at your heart and its tip pointing downward, grounding into the earth. Continue deep breathing while holding this visualisation.
  • Visualise a golden, loving orb of light encompassing both pyramids. Feel this radiant light fill your entire being with unconditional love and warmth.
  • Imagine the pyramids and the golden orb of light spinning gently and harmoniously. As they rotate, visualise this loving energy expanding and permeating your entire body, infusing every cell with pure, unconditional love.
  • Extend this feeling of love beyond yourself, sending it out to envelop the entire planet. Visualise the Earth bathed in this golden light, radiating love and healing energy to all beings.

Third Eye/Pineal Gland Activation

  • Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.
  • Close your eyes and take several deep, calming breaths. Relax your body by releasing tension with each exhale.
  • Bring your attention to the area between your eyebrows, often referred to as the third eye or the location of the pineal gland. Visualise deep indigo or purple-coloured energy centre in this area.
  •  Imagine a bright, radiant, loving light or a glowing ball of light at the centre of your forehead, activating and energising your third eye.
  • Focus on your breath. Inhale and exhale naturally while directing your attention to the third eye area. Imagine the breath flowing in and out of this centre, cleansing and energising it.
  • If needed, chant your guru mantra or Om/AUM.
  • Allow your mind to become still and observe any sensations, images, or insights that arise without attachment or judgement. Be open to receiving messages or guidance.
  • See unconditional love flowing through your body. Send this love to the planet.

 Build a Daily Practise

Practise these techniques daily. You can also do reality checks to see if you are dreaming or awake. These checks can help you enter lucid dream states, which help the astral body and light body travel to different realms.

You can also visualise a scene from your past while changing something in that scene – like wind blowing or people moving, etc. 

Keep your vibrations high while keeping up with the daily chanting, visualisations, and meditations. 

Key Takeaways – How To Soul Travel

Soul travel is a method of realising your soul’s true purpose or discovering your true essence or true self. 

To perform soul travel, you need to build a daily meditation practice, such as chanting your guru mantra given to you by your spiritual teacher or master. You also need to practise raising your vibration through unconditional love. Meditate on your pineal gland or use the two-pyramid technique. Do these practises daily and you will surely realise your true essence.

The Soul Travel

Soul Travel FAQ’s

What is Soul Travel?

  • Soul travel refers to the intentional journeying of the soul outside the confines of the physical body, exploring realms beyond the ordinary.

2. How is Soul Travel Different from Astral Projection?

  • While astral projection often involves exploring the astral plane, soul travel is a broader concept, encompassing journeys through various spiritual dimensions.

3. Can Anyone Learn to Soul Travel?

  • Yes, with practice and dedication, most individuals can develop the ability to soul travel. It requires honing spiritual awareness and deepening one’s connection to the soul.

4. Are There Specific Techniques for Soul Travel?

  • Techniques may vary, but common approaches include meditation, visualization, and energy work. Finding what resonates best with you is crucial.

5. Is Soul Travel Safe?

  • When approached with respect and positive intent, soul travel is generally considered safe. However, it’s essential to be mindful and follow spiritual principles during the practice.

6. Can Soul Travel Enhance Spiritual Growth?

  • Yes, soul travel is often seen as a powerful tool for spiritual evolution, providing profound insights, expanded consciousness, and a deeper understanding of one’s spiritual path.

7. How Long Does It Take to Master Soul Travel?

  • The timeframe varies for each individual. Consistent practice and patience are key. Some may experience progress sooner, while others may take more time.

8. Can Soul Travel Be Used for Healing?

  • Many practitioners believe that soul travel can contribute to emotional, mental, and even physical healing by accessing higher states of consciousness and divine energy.

9. What Role Does Intent Play in Soul Travel?

  • Intent is fundamental in soul travel. Clearly defined and positive intentions guide the journey, ensuring a purposeful and meaningful experience.

10. Are There Risks Associated with Soul Travel?

  • While risks are minimal, individuals should approach soul travel with responsibility. Maintaining a strong connection to the physical body and staying grounded are essential precautions.

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7 Spiritual Trips to Find Yourself

Have you ever felt a yearning deep within your soul, a longing to unlock the mysteries of your own being and discover the profound peace that lies within you? 

The quest for self-discovery and spiritual awakening is a universal

human aspiration – a journey that has the power to profoundly transform your life. In this article, we invite you to embark on an extraordinary odyssey as we explore 7 spiritual trips , each of which is a gateway to self-discovery, inner peace , and lasting memories.

But among these extraordinary spiritual journeys , one gem shines particularly bright: Sedona Soul Adventures . Nestled amidst the captivating red rock canyons of Sedona, Arizona, it has served as a catalyst for countless individuals on their quest for self-discovery and inner transformation for over two decades. We will take you on a deep dive into Sedona’s awe-inspiring landscapes, its powerful vortexes, and the life-changing experiences offered by Sedona Soul Adventures .  

If you are ready to embark on a voyage that has the potential to redefine your life, if you are eager to attract inner peace , Inspire profound self-discovery, create incredible memories, and, above all, take action to become the best version of yourself, then this article is your portal to that extraordinary adventure.

Let’s explore these spiritual locations and the profound, life-altering experiences they offer!

The Power of Spiritual Travel

Humans have been undertaking ritual pilgrimages for centuries, which reveals the deep craving we humans have to explore the layers and history of our collective consciousness. But “ spiritual travel ” goes beyond visiting hallowed ground. True self transformation arises from surrendering to the mysterious soul searching work that is uniquely possible and inspired by spiritual destinations.

For more information on navigating the spiritual journey , read here: Navigating the Spiritual Journey: A Roadmap to Inner Wisdom | by Humayun Saeed | Medium

My own life epitomizes this truth. As a high-powered lawyer, I reached “success” but felt increasingly empty inside. No accomplishment touched my spiritual longing for deeper purpose and meaning in my life. Over 20 years ago, I surrendered my career to make a passionate pilgrimage to seek healing in the American Southwest. And among Sedona’s earth-healing vortexes, I finally discovered my soul’s authentic calling: to lead spiritual adventurers here, so that they could experience the spiritual and transformational work that would completely change their lives on the deepest of soul levels. Also see: Personal Sedona Spiritual Retreat

Through spiritual surrender, you can manifest more happiness, healthier relationships and a deeper understanding of your life’s special mission…anywhere on Earth. While embarking on your spiritual travels , approach sacred sites as portals into your destiny! See also: Greetings from Egypt – Musings on living a Spirit-Centered life – Sedona Soul Adventures

Sedona Soul Adventures: A Gateway to Self-Discovery 

Among planet Earth’s rare “power centers,” the Sedona vortexes rank remarkably high! Infused with radiant vortex energy that pulses up through the desert floor, Sedona’s breathtaking landscapes seem touched by the universe’s mysterious hand. See also: What is a Vortex Anyway?

Indigenous tribes considered these canyons to be “holy ground” for centuries. Today, leading scientists and spiritualists alike recognize that Sedona’s unique high-frequency vibrations are conducive to healing, manifestations, and profound transformations that are not entirely explainable within the parameters of ordinary reality! 

To view a map of Sedona’s vortex sites, click here: Sedona Vortex Map | Find Vortex Sites on an Interactive Map

For over 20 years, Sedona Soul Adventures has been offering private spiritual retreats that combine this sacred vortex energy, with the compassionate and highly skilled guidance of Master Practitioners, who support our clients to experience true and lasting spiritual transformation. We use what I call the Sedona Proven Process, where we guide you on a spiritual journey to first unearth, and then transform all that holds you back – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We lovingly call these blockages “gunk” – which is years of accumulated fear, pain, trauma and limiting beliefs. Our healers employ customized therapies to gently release and heal this gunk, empowering you to finally embrace your wholeness. Cleansed of what weighed you down, you can rediscover how to thrive in mind-body-soul unity.

Our Master Practitioners (we have over 60!) have years of experience in their healing specialties, such as Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping), Family c=Constellation, Karmic Clearing, Radiant Heart Healing, hypnotherapy, energy healing, shamanic rituals, and past-life regression. We custom-tailor your spiritual retreat to focus on exactly what you as an individual or couple wish to manifest physically, emotionally, financially, romantically, or spiritually in your life. Each Practitioner radiates palpable sincerity, compassion, and gifted insight that comes from years of their own self-work, and of walking a committed mind-body-soul oriented path in their lives.

Every spiritual adventurer we guide here, (whether in Sedona or online!) enters an intensive personal spiritual journey during their time with us. Our private sessions support emotional release work, spiritual exercises , and breakthrough transformations that are tailored to align every aspect of someone’s life with their Highest Self. Expect magic, miracles, A-Ha’s…and yes probably some tears too! When we strip away old layers of accumulated psychic debris and energetic blockages, the unveiling of your deepest essence and truth can come flooding back into your present awareness to be witnessed, loved, integrated, or healed! 

This is why we don’t do group sessions – we only conduct private one-on-one sessions (or two-on-one sessions if you’re a couple!). Because every sincere human deserves a safe, personal space to explore the locked away ‘vaults’ of their own psyche, patterns, and blindspots without judgment from onlookers! The most profound shifts happen privately. From reawakened passion in relationships to unlocking your blocked life purpose, thousands of spiritual adventurers have left Sedona Soul Adventures wholly transformed from the inside out. They don’t just glimpse their best lives – they EMBODY it through the power of Sedona’s vortexes amplifying their intentions!

The question now is: when will YOU be ready to change the trajectory of your life, to answer Spirit’s call to walk through your own Soul Adventure portal? Could now finally be the time to give yourself what your heart has secretly longed for – the missing piece to your happiness and most vibrant abundant self-expression?

Let’s chat about your symptoms of spiritual unrest and we’ll design your custom soul searching adventure!

The Sedona Experience 

Even among spectacular Southwestern landscapes blessed by Mother Nature’s paintbrush, Sedona stands apart, igniting the senses unlike anywhere else on the planet. Our clients fly here from all over the world – called by an almost supernatural longing in their soul. Photographs of the city’s iconic blood-orange buttes, steeped in velvety purples as the sun dips behind the high desert horizon, simply do not prepare first-timers for that iconic “Sedona feeling.” See also: Renowned as a place of wellness, Sedona restores body and spirit.

There are scientific reasons for the palpable peace people describe when they connect with these highly-charged landscapes. Sedona sits directly atop an intersection of earth energy meridians and healing vortexes that spiral up through the iron-oxide bedrock. The measurable effects include:

  • A stronger electromagnetic field than anywhere else in North America 
  • Abundant negative ions are emitted, which continuously cleanse the air, producing a documented effect upon the human biofield energy – this can increase alpha waves in the brain associated with wellbeing!    
  • Extraordinary high frequencies that can be detected in the Schumann resonance bandwidth, which can reach consciousness more deeply
  • Subterranean aquifers that carry a unique mineral profile with silica in the crystalline quartz can demonstrate effects of electricity

While Sedona’s vortex energy may not be completely explainable, anyone who visits here can quickly grasp the reality of EXPERIENCING the power flowing here, firsthand. The red rock canyons along Oak Creek seem to be uniquely placed for healing, ceremony, and spiritual breakthroughs. That’s why ancient indigenous tribes like the Hopi called this their “sacred land” for centuries before Sedona became a booming tourist and retirement destination!

Today, visitors still flock here by the millions annually to soak up the vortex energy, clear their heads, and reconnect with nature’s beauty. See also:  

Whether absorbing the sunrise atop the iconic Airport Mesa Vortex or quietly trekking through the Cathedral Rock Eddy current, many visitors encounter mystical moments here, where the veil thins between worlds. Suddenly they feel better. They receive an accelerated clarity surrounding long unanswered questions. Soulmates unexpectedly cross paths. Many experience incredible personal downloads that reveal deep meaning or that unlocks their true life purpose! 

Sacred places like Sedona can instantly reconnect people to presence – then joy, meaning, and purpose naturally unfold! In this modern world of increasing anxiety, disconnection, and burnout…you may just discover your own greatest inner truths and reclaim wholeness right here, too! 

Let’s speak about your spiritual unrest or relationship struggles that called you to click this article. Our Soul Guides will design your custom Sedona Vortex Adventure, so that your work-weary soul can experience the profound personal breakthroughs that are awaiting you!

The Seven Spiritual Trips to Find Yourself

While Sedona holds a special place in my heart, truth-seekers can find enlightenment across this amazing planet, if we approach these sacred places with reverence and presence while on our spiritual travels . Here are seven time-honored sacred sites for igniting your spiritual flame:  

Trip 1: A Journey to India’s Ancient Wisdom – The cradle of ancient yogic/meditation practices and Hindu traditions, aimed at unity with the Divine. Absorb 5,000 years of wisdom by visiting ashrams that practice mantras and mysticism beneath the fabled Bodhi tree, which is the site of Buddha’s enlightenment!

Trip 2: Peru’s Mystical Machu Picchu – Trek high up into the Incan citadel ruins that are aligned to celestial patterns and earth energy! They are maintained as an incredible majestic and mysterious ancient ceremonial site. Experience traditional Andean shamanic rituals that offer age-old indigenous wisdom for healing, manifestation, and illumination.  

Did you know that Sedona Soul Adventures offers sacred travel trips to Machu Picchu? Click here for all of the information on our upcoming trip to Peru!

Trip 3: Finding Inner Peace in Bali – Called the “Island of the Gods”,  words can barely capture the magic here. Immerse yourself in spiritual hideaways that offer an oasis for healing – from traditional Balinese massage to chanting at the stone Hindu temples that are draped in vibrant green vines and tropical forests!

Trip 4: The Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage – Dating back to 800 AD, hike the breathtaking Spanish countryside along this holy medieval 500-mile pilgrimage that was once walked by crusaders and devoted wanderers alike, who were seeking miracles. These spiritual seekers once believed that if you followed the Milky Way when lost, it would guide your way to Santiago. Discover the self-reflection and spiritual renewal that can happen when reliving this rich, spiritual history.

Trip 5: Egypt’s Mysteries and the Pyramids – Be prepared to be monumentally awed when you approach the wonders of this Ancient World – monolithic limestone burial chambers that harness geometric harmony and sacred ratios, built by an advanced prehistoric civilization that is still, to this day, shrouded in mystery! Mystical theories suggest that these structures once facilitated higher states of consciousness while supporting ceremony. The palpable energy here astounds spiritual seekers, visitors, and even the most skeptical of minds. Cosmic connections seem to abound here!  

We offer sacred travel trips to fascinating Egypt! For more information, read here: Sedona Soul Adventures – Egypt Trip

Trip 6: The Serene Beauty of Bhutan – Savor the harmony with nature that is cultivated here in history’s first constitutional “Green Kingdom” – where sustainability is law! This tiny Buddhist country pioneered the key tenet that gross national happiness matters more than productivity – living in contentment, compassion, and connection is valued far above greed here. Bask in the awe-inspiring panoramic Himalayan vistas boasting cliffside fortresses, fluttering prayer flags, and smiles from the happiest culture on Earth!

Trip 7: The Healing Retreats of Sedona Soul Adventures – Hike the North American “Holy Land” brimming with Mother Earth energies that support your mental, physical, and spiritual alignment. Embrace the sacred silence amid iron-rich red rock formations that emit regeneration effects. Realign with your authentic priorities and awaken to your soul purpose through embarking on one of our personal spiritual retreats , where you’ll experience timeless indigenous rituals, spiritual coaching, and our specialty – customized healing sessions tailored around exactly what you (and your partner if you’re a part of a couple!) wish to manifest in all areas of your life! See also: Spiritual Retreats for Couples

Let the ancient natural electromagnetic fields here detach any unhealthy emotional patterns that you may have, so that you can catapult into a newfound joy and abundance.  Also see: Personal Sedona Spiritual Retreat

Tips for Planning Your Spiritual Trip

Before leaving on a spiritual trip , it’s essential to carefully reflect on your intentions for the spiritual journey you want to take, long before you book your flights and make your travel plans. Take the time to ask yourself: “How will this spiritual trip facilitate my spiritual growth ?” Do you seek emotional healing, creative inspiration, a strengthened connection with your partner, or a revelation of your life purpose? Defining your ideal outcomes makes for the best possible outcomes for your spiritual trip !

For information on how to feel more spiritually-prepared for your trip, read here: 8 Simple, Everyday Spiritual Practice Ideas – Goodnet

I’d also recommend researching your trip thoroughly, and ask as many questions as possible to those who have gone before you, before committing to any spiritual trip ! Verify qualifications of any guides or location staff that may be part of your trip. Ask how they customize to individual needs, or if they only offer a one-size-fits-all group experience. Discover what makes their spiritual offering unique or transformative.

Make sure to select destinations that intuitively resonate as YOUR spiritual hotspot. Then prepare with an open mind, not a packed schedule! Instead of mere sightseeing, approach your trip with a reverent mindfulness – plan to quietly receive each moment as sacred. Trust the universe’s orchestration that is unfolding beyond your itinerary…and allow for magic to happen! See also: Spiritual Retreats

Over my years of leading sacred travel trips to Egypt, Peru, Bali and Costa Rica, I’ve come to find that doing the deep inner spiritual work while traveling to a sacred site can challenge the normal comfort zones that you’re used to. It’s helpful to temporarily downshift your busy mind into taking the time and presence to simply just be. Let go of any expectations of what you think you should be feeling at your spiritual location and just sit with the space and allow it to speak to you. This can open you up to the most incredible personal spiritual experiences! See also: Sacred Travel – Sedona Soul Adventures

Lastly, remain open to unexpected blessings and synchronicities that can blossom once you take action and commit to your spiritual trip …both inner and outer preparation is key!

Embark on Your Spiritual Trip

If the idea of embarking on a sacred trip or a spiritual retreat with us sparks your soul fire, speak to one of our Soul Guides today by calling us at (928) 204-5988 .

We’ll design your custom Soul Adventure by creating a sacred space for your spiritual growth and breakthrough in Sedona’s healing vortexes. This could be just the rejuvenating spiritual journey your soul has been seeking all along! See also: Spiritual Retreat Themes for Growth | Sedona Soul Adventures

Set an intention today for finding yourself spiritually – and trust that the universe has a unique spiritual journey planned for your destiny!

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One Thing You Can Do Right Now to Get Happy

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Wapiti Travel

The ultimate Seoul itinerary for 3-7 days (2024 edition)

By: Author Sylvia

Posted on Last updated: June 8, 2024

Are you looking for the perfect Seoul itinerary but not sure what to do while you’re there? Don’t worry, we have got you covered.

Seoul represents the futuristic race South Korea has run over the past years. 

The city was mostly flattened after the Korean War, and the pace at which this city has been undergoing development since then is just phenomenal. 

The few historical buildings that survived the war are now surrounded by modern skyscrapers.

In this Seoul travel blog post, we share an epic Seoul itinerary for 3 to 7 days.

We completely updated this Seoul itinerary in January 2023.

Table of Contents

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South Korea Essentials

  • We have always found the best flights to Seoul on Momondo . You also have Skyscanner and recently WayAway , a new and promising travel aggregator, has popped up. It may be worthwhile to compare these three sites.
  • Looking for more inspiration for your South Korea trip? Here are all our Korean posts.
  • Use this step-by-step guide to plan your trip to South Korea.
  • Looking for the perfect itinerary? Check out our 1 week Korea itinerary and 2-week Korea itinerary .
  • Since foreign credit and debit cards don’t always work, we advise that you bring some spare cash.
  • Don’t waste time upon arrival at the airport and order your Korea travel sim or portable WiFi device in advance so that it’s ready and waiting for you at the airport when you arrive.
  • Consider getting the  Discover Seoul Pass  which covers 65 of Seoul’s best tourist attractions. It also has a T-money function that will save you ₩2,500 from buying a separate T-Money card. As an extra benefit, you get one free one-way A’rex Express train ride.
  • Note that the Discover Seoul Pass is not always available. If it isn’t, you can see if they have the BTS edition. It’s a 24-hour edition of the Discover Seoul Pass without the T-money option. Instead, you get a Korea Tour T-money Card as a bonus. The BTS edition covers the same attractions as the regular Discover Seoul Pass. Here is more information about this pass and other Seoul discount passes.
  • Visiting the DMZ is on the bucket list of many travelers. Check out the  best DMZ tours  here.
  • Looking for accommodation? Look at this list of highly-rated boutique hotels or this list of cool hotels in Seoul . We also have a selection of Airbnb’s in Seoul . Accommodation posts for other places in South Korea are here .
  • Here is a post with more travel tips for Korea.
  • Last but not least, make sure you have travel insurance .

Seoul E-Guide

trip to soul

For the price of a single cup of coffee, you can get this Seoul itinerary as a nicely formatted PDF document.

It contains all the information in this post.

You can print it or store it on your phone so you can access it anytime during your visit to Seoul.

Have a look here for more information and a preview.  

Seoul Travel Itinerary

Here we share our recommended Seoul travel itinerary for 3-7 days.

The map below shows all the places you visit during these 7 days. Read on to discover which places you absolutely need to visit in Seoul.

Seoul Trip Itinerary 3 Days – What To Do in Seoul For 3 days

Brace yourself, this will be three thrilling days filled with amazing sights and activities.

After these 3 days in Seoul, you will have already seen many of the highlights of this fantastic city.

However, fear not. There is still more than enough to do during the remaining days.

Day 1: Discover The Palaces, Bukchon Hannok village, And Insadong

The palaces in seoul.

The Joseon Dynasty was the last kingdom in Korea.  

Over the reign of this dynasty, Seoul became the capital city and center of state affairs.

Throughout the years, the kings had many grand palaces built here. 

5 of them are currently open to the public.

Gyeongbokgung palace Seoul, South Korea

Gyeongbokgung Palace

If you can only go to one palace during your Seoul trip, I suggest you visit   Gyeongbokgung Palace ,   because it is the main royal palace and also the largest of the 5.

It’s also the most popular and often regarded as the most beautiful as well.

Try to be there during Royal guard Changing Ceremonies.

The Royal Guard ( Sumunjang ) changing ceremony can be seen for free on weekdays, except on Tuesdays, at 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM in front of Gwanghwamun.  This is the main gate of Gyeongbokgung Palace.

If these time slots don’t work for you, you can also witness a shorter Guard-on-Duty Performance at the Gwanghwamun gate at 11:00 AM and 1:00 PM on weekends.

The Sumungun (Gatekeeper) Military Training at the Hyeopsaengmun Gate at 09:35 AM and 1:35 PM is temporarily canceled.

Here’s the latest schedule with all the details about the above ceremonies.

There is a free guided tour of the Palace building in English at 11.00 AM, 1.30 PM and 3.30 PM.  Check the schedule on the official website to make sure the hours are still correct.

trip to soul

₩3,000 or included in the combined Four Palaces ticket (see below). 

Free entrance if you’re wearing a complete and correct Hanbok .  (see the explanation on the website of what exactly qualifies)  Free entrance with the Discover Seoul Pass .

Here you can rent a hanbok.

Changdeokgung Palace Secret Garden Seoul South Korea

Changdeokgung Palace

Changdeokgung was the second royal villa built after the construction of Gyeongbokgung was completed in 1405.

It was the main palace for many kings of the Joseon Dynasty and is the most well-preserved of the five remaining palaces.

It has been recognized as a World Cultural Heritage site by UNESCO in 1997.

The  “Secret Garden” (Huwon)  in Changdeokgung, one of the  most beautiful places in Korea,  remains a little bit mysterious up until today because there are only a limited number of people admitted each day.

The secret garden boasts a gigantic tree that is over 300 years old, a small pond, and a pavilion.

It’s a beautiful place to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. 

Be sure to reserve your tour online well in advance  if you want to visit the garden. (click on tour reservation on top of the page)

There is a free guided tour of the Palace building in English at 10.15 AM and 1.15 PM.  Check the schedule on the official website to make sure the hours are still correct.

₩3,000 for the palace building or ₩8,000 for the palace building area including the Secret garden.  Access to both is included in the combined Four Palaces ticket (see below). 

Free entrance to the palace building if you’re wearing a Hanbok.  Free entrance with the Discover Seoul Pass.

Deoksugung Palace

Deoksugung Palace is located at the corner of Seoul’s busiest downtown intersection and is famous for its elegant stone-walled road.

The palace is also worth a visit because it is the only palace that sits alongside a series of western style buildings that contribute to the uniqueness of the surrounding scenery.

Deoksugung Palace has its own Changing of the Royal Guards Ceremony. It is held at 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM except on Mondays.  Due to another event, the ceremonies on Saturday afternoon are often canceled.

Once the ongoing construction is completed the ceremony at 3:30 PM will be resumed.

There is a free guided tour in English at 10.45 AM and 1.30 PM.  Check the schedule on the official website to make sure the hours are still correct.

₩1,000 or included in the combined Four Palaces ticket (see below).  Free entrance if you’re wearing a Hanbok. Free entrance with the Discover Seoul Pass.

Changgyeonggung Palace

Changgyeonggung and Changdeokgun Palace

Changgyeonggung Palace is located in the heart of Seoul. It is located next to Changdeokgun. 

Both palaces used to share the rear garden and were commonly known as the East palaces as they are located East of Gyeongbokgung Palace.

The palace was often used as residential quarters for queens and concubines.

During the Japanese colonial rule, it became a park with a zoo and a botanical garden.

In 1983 the government of Korea decided to remove the zoo and began working on the restoration of the palace. 

The botanical garden was preserved and gradually the palace is regaining its old glory.

₩1,000 or included in the combined Four Palaces ticket (see below).  Free entrance if you’re wearing a Hanbok.  Free entrance with the Discover Seoul Pass .

Gyeonghuigung Palace

Gyeonghuigung Palace   is located Southwest of Gyeongbokgung Palace and towards Deoksugung Palace.

Gyeonghuigung Palace served as the secondary palace for the king in the latter half of the Joseon period.

The secondary palace is there where the King would move in case of an emergency.  The palace was also called Seogwol which means ” a palace of the west”, as at that time it was located on the west side of Seoul.

trip to soul


You can also choose to visit the 6th palace,  Unhyeongung .

It’s one of Seoul’s smaller and less touristic palaces and is located near Bukchon.  

A visit is therefore easy to combine with a visit to Bukchon Hanok Village.

If you plan on visiting all the palaces you can save by buying the Four Palaces ticket which grants you access to Gyeongbokgung Palace, Changdeokgung Palace, Changgyenggung Palace, Deoksugung Palace, and the Jongmyo Royal Ancestral Shrine for ₩10,000.

The ticket can be bought at any of these locations and is valid for 3 months from the date of purchase.

Here is a list of more free things to do in Seoul.

Seoul, Bukchon Hanok Village, South Korea

Bukchon Hanok Village

From Unhyeoungung you can make your way to  Bukchon   to stroll between  the traditional Hanok houses. 

This district is composed of many streets and alleys. You’re free to wander around and explore the cozy inner courtyards as long as you respect the privacy of the people who live there.  

Some of the beautiful traditional Korean Houses that you will pass date back to around 600 years ago. All of them have been renovated with great respect for the cultural heritage.

There are many small alleyways and long roads for great pictures.

Bukchon lies on a hill, so there will be some uphill climbing involved.

If you want to spend the night in one of the hanok houses, check out this post in which we share an overview of the best hanoks in Seoul.

Bus icon

  Nearest subway station: Anguk Station, Exit #2

Insadong shopping Seoul, South Korea

Bukchon it’s not far from  Insadong , one of the most traditional and cultural districts in Seoul.

It is one of those places you absolutely must visit while you are in Seoul. It’s full of coffee shops, art galleries, and restaurants.

A great place for lunch and for souvenir buying.

If you like to spoil yourself with a good brunch, take a look at the best places to brunch in Seoul.

Best Things To Do in Insadong

Make sure to drop by the beautifully decorated Jogyesa temple , one of the most famous temples in Seoul.

Noteworthy museums are  the Kimchi Museum  (Renamed to Museum Kimchikan in 2015) and The Alive Museum.   Museum Kimchikan is situated in the center of the cultural street of Insa-Dong on the 4th, 5th, and 6th floors of the Insa-dong Maru building.

It was named one of the top 11 best food museums by CNN in 2015 .

Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish and often recognized as one of the healthiest foods in the world.  Koreans eat Kimchi with almost every meal but only recently does it start to appear on tables outside the Korean borders.

A little bit further out and technically not in Insadong, but worth the detour is  Gwangjang market.

This is a traditional street market where you can mingle with the Koreans to taste some of the local street-food delicacies.

Have a look at the stalls that sell San-nakji which is a raw octopus that is killed by cutting it in pieces on your plate so that the tentacles are still moving while it is served. 

I can assure you that we did not try this either but there’s a lot more you can enjoy like the Soonday (blood sausage), different kinds of rice rolls, and bindaetteok, a kind of pancake.

Nearest subway station: Anguk Station, Exit #6

If you only have 1 day in Seoul, check out our Seoul 1 day itinerary post.

Seoul, Gwangjang market, South Korea

Day 2: Namsan Park, Seoul tower, Myeongdong, and Hongdae

Visit namsan park and n seoul tower.

Mt. Namsan – Namsan Park is a symbolic place in the center of Seoul.

It is the largest park in Seoul attracting over 20,000 people a day.  

Most visitors come to this park to enjoy nature, see the city skyline, or hike one of the trails.

A number of events take place at the park and one of the biggest is the annual cherry blossom festival in April. The Cherry Blossom Path in Namsan Park is the longest trail of cherry trees anywhere in the city and is spectacular in full bloom.

Discover all the things Seoul is famous for.

To get up the mountain you can ride the Namsan cable car or take the Yellow Bus. 

To get to the base station of the Cable car you take the metro to Myeongdong Station where you take exit 3 and head South. 

The cable car is probably the most convenient option to reach the top. 

The Yellow bus stops at Exit 2 of Chungmuro Station or Exit 6 of Dongguk University Station.

Alternatively, you can also just simply walk to the top of the mountain. 

There is a pedestrian walkway that starts about 50 meters from the parking lot of the Namsan Cable Car.  If you keep a steady pace you only need 30 minutes to reach the foot of the N Seoul Tower.

At the bottom of N Seoul Tower, you have some dramatic views of the Skyline of Seoul and the surrounding area.  Better yet are the vistas from the viewing platform of the N Seoul Tower.

Since 1980, the N Seoul Tower has been a landmark of the skyline of downtown. It’s also the first tower-type tourism spot in South Korea.  Rising at almost 480m above sea level, it is one of the tallest towers in Asia.

The great vistas of Seoul from Mt. Namsan are completely free if you walk to the top, you have to buy a ticket for the cable car or bus.

Check prices and availability: Seoul Tower Tickets

Seoul, Seoul Tower Love locks, South Korea

Shop till you drop in the  Myeongdong district which is situated at the foot of Mt. Namsan. 

This is a good place for shopping in Seoul. Here you will find everything you want from skincare to makeup, clothes, and more!

Starting at 4 PM vendors will get their carts in place and it becomes one of the best places to try the delicious Korean street food.

You will be surprised by the huge variety of sweet to spicy snacks that you can buy.

In Myeongdong you can feast on grilled lobster, tteokgalbi meatballs, and other delicacies in addition to the classics like bungeoppang (fish shaped waffle), gyerranppang (waffle with egg on top), and gimbap (Korean version of sushi).

A great place to get a snack after you come down from Mt. Namsan.

Make sure you have some spare cash for the street food as credit cards are usually not accepted.

Nearest subway station: Myeongdong Station

Hongdae Eatery Seoul South Korea

Its location near a few of Seoul’s colleges makes Hongdae  the mecca of nightlife, shopping, cafes, and activities.

It’s also home to one of the funniest museums in Seoul,  the Trick Eye Museum.

The Trick Eye Museum is an interactive museum that gives off impressive optical illusions.

A trip to Hongdae will also be incomplete without taking a look at the colorful collection of street art in the area.

Every Saturday from March to November, there is  the Hongdae Free market where you will find an array of local artists’ work.

Free admission to the Trickeye museum with the Discover Seoul Pass  or you can buy discounted tickets on Klook .

Nearest subway station: Hongik University Station, Exit #9

JSA Panmunjom, South_Korea, DMZ

Day 3 Visit DMZ

Tours to the DMZ have restarted, but the JSA still cannot be visited. The JSA is the actual border post pictured above. The JSA is a highlight of this tour, but even without this stop, the DMZ tour remains an informative and fascinating trip where you will learn a lot about this unique border area.

A visit to the  DMZ  is a must-do when you’re in South Korea.  The DMZ area is located around 60 km up north of Seoul and can only be visited with a guided tour. 

Make sure to book your tour well in advance as they are often sold out. Tours to the DMZ, including the JSA,  run Tuesday to Friday. The regular DMZ tours continue over the weekend.

We recommend booking a full-day tour that includes the  JSA , the Joint Security Area.  This is the official building with the conference room where the leaders of both countries meet. 

The conference room is built on the border and you can step across the room, passing the border, to spend a few minutes in North Korea. Don’t forget your passport on the day of the excursion!

Here is an overview of the tours that can be booked today.

Check prices and availability: Overview DMZ tours

Or you can read our full guide about the best DMZ tours.

Seoul Bukhansan National Park, South Korea

Seoul Itinerary 4 days – 4 Days in Seoul

Day 4:  go hiking in bukhansan national park.

If you are like us and you like nature you should definitely spend a day at Bukhansan National Park . Bukhansan National Park borders Seoul in the north.

It’s the perfect place to unwind after some busy days in the city.

Things To Do At Bukhansan National Park

There are several walks of varying lengths. You should be able to find a hike in line with the time you want to spend in the park.

We hiked up Munsubong peak to  the Bogungmun gate. 

The climb is strenuous and demanding but the view from the top is awesome.

I dare to say this might have been the best view on Seoul we had.

At the top can either follow the old city enclosures further to the North or to the South.  We continued our way south and continued to follow the ramparts to get one beautiful vista after another on the skyline of Seoul below us.

Once we got to the Daeseongmun gate we descended back towards the entrance of the park. 

This loop took us approximately 2.5 hours with the occasional stop to take pictures and enjoy the magnificent views.

This is just one of the many hikes that you can do. 

On  the National Park’s website , you will find much more hikes along with their start locations and their difficulty grade. You can get a map that shows all trails at the visitor centers.

South Korea - Seoul - Bukhansan National Park

How To Get To Bukhansan National Park

The park is quite large and has 10 different entrances. 

We started our hike at the Jeongneung Visitor Center as we came by car and this is one of the few entrances with a parking lot. 

By Public Transportation

It may not be the best entrance if you use public transportation. 

In that case, you might opt for the Weondobong entrance further north at the Bukhansan National Park Dobong office . 

Nearest subway station: The Dobongson metro station (Line 1 or 7, exit 1) is just 10 minutes walking from this entrance. 

You should be able to follow the Koreans in their colorful hiking clothes to the entrance, hiking is very popular in Korea.

Directions to all entrances are very well explained on the National Park’s website .

Check out this alternative 4-day Seoul itinerary to get an even better idea about all the things that you can do in this amazing city.

trip to soul

Seoul Itinerary 5 Days – 5 Days In Seoul

Day 5: gangnam.

If you are 5 days in Seoul, you definitely should visit Gangnam.

Gangnam is very known from  Psy’s song Gangnam style .

Gangnam literally means ‘south of the river,’ the neighborhood borders the southern banks of the Han river.

It’s a district where many wealthy South Koreans live. You should reserve a day to explore this exclusive upscale district.

Fun Things To Do In Gangnam

Shop til you drop.

The Gangnam district is one of the most popular districts to go shopping.  It counts many shopping malls and department stores.  They are spread out across various areas in this district.

The main areas are Apgujeong, Garosugil, COEX , and Gangnam Station.  

At Gangnam station, there is a large underground shopping center with loads of stalls with affordable clothing, fashion items, shoes, etc. 

The mall is mainly aimed at millennials and is a great place to keep up with the so-called “Gangnam Style”.

The underground shopping center below Gangnam station is your best bet to shop if you are looking for bargains in the chic Gangnam District.

Stroll Along The Streets Of Gangnam

As we walked along the wide boulevards that traverse Gangnam we felt like actors playing a role in a futuristic movie.

It seemed like any minute we could expect a flying car to pass buzzing above our heads.

Nothing as futuristic as that happened but those flying cars wouldn’t be out of place in the pictures of this district. 

The huge boulevards are lined with skyscrapers and are best enjoyed after dark when Gangnam comes alive and the huge billboards lighten up the neighborhood.

We enjoyed discovering this neighborhood and admired the classy architecture and the shiny cars that are parked in front of the exclusive bars, restaurants, and nightlife venues.

The Bongeunsa Temple

Visit The Bongeunsa Buddhist Temple

Bongeunsa is a Buddhist Temple in the center of Gangnam.  

The moment you cross the doorstep of the temple you leave the bustle of the city behind and you will find yourself surrounded by the serenity of the Buddhist mantras and the peaceful landscape of the temple’s gardens.

The  Bongeunsa Temple features a more secluded and quieter atmosphere than Jogyesa Temple in Insadong .  The various buildings of the temple complex are spread out on a forested hillside.

Twice a day, at 4:10 PM and 6:40 PM, a percussion ceremony using four instruments is performed by the monks of the temple.

This ceremony is meant to save and awaken beings on the ground using the drum, beings underwater using the wooden fish, beings in the sky using the cloud drum, and beings under the ground using the gong.

Take Subway Line 9 to Bongeunsa Temple Station (Exit 1) 

trip to soul

COEX – Shopping Mall And Aquarium

The COEX shopping mall is located underneath the Korea World Trade Center and is one of the largest underground shopping centers in South Korea. 

It underwent a complete renovation in 2014. 

It is a shopping mecca for international brand name stores but besides stores, it also contains a movie theater, a concert hall, an aquarium, and an extensive food court just as well as several fine dining restaurants.

Note that the Kimchi museum used to be located in the COEX mall but has moved to Insa-Dong in 2015. (see higher)

Take Subway Line 2 to Samseong Station (Exit 6) or Subway Line 7 to Cheongdam Station (Exit 2).

Best indoor activities in Seoul. 

Seoul Olympic park, South Korea

Seoul Olympic Park

Seoul Olympic Park, often referred to as Olpark, is absolutely enormous and a popular date spot for Seoul residents.  

It’s also popular with families with small children, people playing sports, and couples strolling. 

There are bikes, kites, balls, and skates, all of which visitors can rent at a low price. It costs about 15,000 won to rent the bike for an hour.

The park is divided into several zones and houses impressive leisure facilities legacy of the 1988 games. But besides the 6 sports stadiums that are all still in use, you also find a large collection of art and sculptures. 

At the entrance of the park, near the peace square, is the winged world peace gate that symbolizes the ability of the Korean people and peace and harmony.

Recent efforts have also succeeded in re-introducing animals like raccoons, ducks, woodpeckers, pheasants, and many more.

The vast area covers approximately 1.4 million square meters and it takes about 3 hours to explore the park completely.

Jamsil (Green Line 2, Pink Line 8) and Mongchontoseong (Olympic Park) Station (Purple Line 5)

Samsung D’light

Samsung D’light is a global promotional and exhibition center that showcases the latest technology founded by Samsung.

The name is derived from the company’s vision of being a guiding light in the digital world’. 

The center occupies three floors in the Samsung Electronics building.

The first floor is an exhibition space for Samsung’s technology and devices.

The second floor is a showcase of the possibilities of the future with Samsung solutions.

The basement floor houses Samsung’s flagship store.

All Samsung devices are available for purchase but ironically foreigners can often find Samsung devices cheaper in their home countries.

Line 2 Gangnam Station (subway line 2, Shinbundang Line) exit 8

Lotte World, Magic Island, Seoul, South Korea

Lotte World Adventure, Magic Island & Aquarium

Lotte World Adventure in Jamsil , just outside Gangnam, is the world’s largest indoor amusement park. 

It’s a Korean version of Disneyland and a great place to go if you’re traveling with kids. 

The park can get crowded, certainly during holidays and on weekends when you may have to queue for 90 to 120 minutes for some of the popular attractions.

Next door is Lotte World Magic Island (entrance is included with your ticket for Lotte World Adventure) with many outside attractions.  The magic castle on the magic island looks like an exact copy of Disney’s castle. 

On the opposite side of the road is the Lotte World Mall which houses the Lotte World Aquarium.

You can buy a combi-ticket to visit all three parks on the same day but in Lotte World Adventure and Magic Island you can easily spend a day.

Check prices and availability: Dicount and combi tickets for Lotte World

Nearest subway station: Jamsil (Green Line 2, Pink Line 8) Exit 4

Here is a list of more fun theme parks in and around Seoul.

Lotte World Tower, Seoul, South Korea

Seoul Sky @ Lotte World Tower

The Lotte World Tower completed in 2017 is Seoul’s tallest tower and is ranked as the 5th tallest building in the world.

The top floors of this 123-floor skyscraper house Seoul Sky, the highest observation platform in Seoul which is also the world’s highest glass-floored observation deck.

Tickets are not cheap but worth every cent as Seoul Sky offers a great experience and a fantastic view over Seoul.

Check prices and availability: Lotte World Tower Seoul Sky admission

Nearest subway station: Jamsil (Green Line 2, Pink Line 8) Exit 1,2,10 or 11

Seoraksan National Park, South Korea

Seoul Itinerary 7 Days

If you have 7 days in Seoul we recommend taking some day trips from Seoul.

One of the highlights of our Seoul trip was a day trip to Seoraksan National Park .

Day 6- 7: Seoraksan National Park

Seoraksan National Park lies in the Northeast of Korea.

It offers some of the most beautiful sceneries of Korea and is a must-visit if you are 7 days in Seoul.

What To Do In Seoraksan National Park

You can choose from a whole selection of hikes, the shortest hikes take just a few hours the longest treks take 3 days. 

We hiked to the top of  the Ulsanbawi Rock , it took us somewhere between 3 to 4 hours. 

This is seen as the best hike if you don’t want to camp overnight in the park.

The description on the national park’s website lists 2 hours and 20 minutes but that’s quite a challenge knowing that the last kilometer of the hike is one giant flight of stairs that takes you steeply uphill along the mountainside.

Although it’s possible to get an impression of the park in one (long) day.

The interesting and impressive hikes will probably all take you up rocks or mountains and will require at least 4 hours. 

That’s why we recommend spending the night in Sokcho so that you don’t need to rush and instead enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the park.

Seoraksan National Park, South Korea

How To Get To Seoraksan National Park

The easiest way to reach Seoraksan National Park is by car or with an organized day trip from Seoul .

If you have a car, it’s a 3h easy drive to the Park along the Yeongdong Highway ( road 50). 

It’s very easy to do a road trip in South Korea, we wrote an article about hiring a car and driving in South Korea in which we share some useful tips.

By Public Transport

It’s quite a hassle to reach the park from Seoul by public transport.

You would first need to take a bus from the Seoul Express Bus Terminal to Sokcho from where you continue your trip to the park with bus number 7 or 7-1. 

The first part from Seoul to Sokcho takes 2 hours and a half and it takes an additional 45 minutes to get from Sokcho to the park.

Seoraksan National Park, South Korea

Where To Stay in Seoraksan

Ramada gangwon sokcho hotel.

We stayed in  the Ramada Sokcho hotel.  From here it was a 30-minute drive to the park. 

We had a big comfortable room with a balcony where we could see how the boats sailed in and out of the harbor.

We liked the extensive breakfast buffet although the restaurant isn’t really cozy.

A great place to stay if you like seafood.  It’s right next to the harbor. Boats arriving at the port drop their catch at one of the many seafood restaurants along the pier.

Check prices and availability:

Cherry blossoms South Korea

General Information About Seoul

Here we answer some general questions you may have about your trip to Seoul.

What Is The Best Time To Visit Seoul In South Korea? 

Seoul can be visited all year round. But some seasons are better than others especially if you don’t like hot and humid summers or cold winters. 


Mid-March to May is a great period to visit South Korea’s capital. After a cold winter, the weather starts to warm up.

This is one of the most beautiful seasons to visit Seoul.

Around the beginning of April, the cherry blossoms start to bloom making this a great time to visit Seoul. May until the beginning of June brings warmer weather.  These months are some of the most popular as well as the busiest months to visit Seoul.


July to August brings rainy and humid summers. There is also a risk of typhoons. 

The typhoon season starts around the end of June and lasts until the end of September. 

Although this is not our favorite season to travel to Seoul due to the weather, the many festivals that are organized at this time of year can partly make up for it.

Late September until November is one of the best times to visit Seoul.

This time of the year brings mild temperatures and low rainfall. Fall is also a great time to admire the beautiful colorful foliage in Bukhansan and other parks.

Winter is also the low season in Seoul, which means fewer crowds and lower accommodation costs.

It’s a great time to visit Seoul if you don’t mind the cold or if you like to do some winter sports such as skiing.

trip to soul

How Many Days in Seoul?

How many days do you need to visit Seoul?

The highlights of Seoul can be visited in a few days but you will need weeks to discover all areas of this stretched-out megapolis.

3 days ( 72 hours in Seoul) is a good amount of time to visit the highlights of the city.

4 to 7 days will give you the time to go hiking, visit more of-the-beaten-path attractions, or take a few day trips from Seoul. 

Passport page with Korean visa and immigration control stamps.

South Korea Visa Requirements

We didn’t need a visa and you probably won’t either except if you’re living in Africa or Asia.

Here you can check if you need a visa. 

K-ETA South Korea

If your country is part of Korea’s Visa Waiver program you won’t need a visa but you will need to apply for a K-ETA, a Korea Electron ic Travel Authorization . Do this at least 72 hours before your flight, the approval process can take this long and you will need to show the approved K-ETA to board your flight.

Make sure to enter all information exactly as it appears in your passport. The travel authorization will usually be valid for 2 years or until the expiry date of your passport if that expires earlier.

The K-ETA costs 10,000KRW (approx. $10 USD) at the time of writing.

The application can be done on the official site , if you feel uncertain about the process or want help with the paperwork you can use a visa agency like  iVisa  which will take care of everything for you.

Airplane sunset clouds

Cheap Flights To Seoul

  Skyscanner and Momondo are both good sites to check for cheap flights. 

Read our full review of 10 booking sites here or check out this  post where we review 10 booking sites. 

How to Get From Incheon Airport to Seoul

Most international passengers will arrive at Incheon International Airport.

South Korea’s largest airport is 47km from Seoul Station , which is considered to be the center of Seoul.  The airport is well-connected to this station.

Some hotels have courtesy shuttles to Seoul station but if they don’t you could continue your journey with the subway, the train, the limousine bus, or organize a private transfer.

The A’REX Airport Express

The fastest and cheapest way to get from Incheon International Airport to Seoul Station is using the A’REX Airport Express.

If you don’t have the Discover Seoul Pass, you can purchase your A’rex Airport Express tickets in advance here: A’rex Incheon Airport Express train tickets

Tourist is waiting the bus in Seoul, South Korea.

Take The Limousine Bus

Another option is taking the limousine bus. There are 4 lines that stop at various places in Seoul.

  • 6701 Airport: Seoul City Hall
  • 6702 Airport: Dongdaemun/Namsan
  • 6703 Airport: Gangnam/COEX
  • 6705 Airport: Jamsil/East Seoul Bus Terminal

The buses run from early in the morning until 9 or 10 PM. Each bus has a slightly different schedule so definitely check the bus hours before booking a ticket.

Please refer to the Klook page to see which hotels are served by which bus.

How To Get Around Seoul? 

The easiest way to travel around Seoul is to use   the subway. 

Seoul’s subway is well-connected and quite cheap.

Single ride cards can be purchased on vending machines with coins and bills, credit cards are not accepted.

To avoid the hassle of buying tickets for each and every ride you can opt for the T-money recharge card .

Marking seats for pregnant women on the Korean subway line This seat for interpretation is for pregnant women

T-Money Recharge Card

The card can be used on subways, buses, and taxis and you will save ₩100 on each subway and bus ride if you pay with this card. (not all taxis accept T-money, look for the T-money or Cashbee symbol or check with the driver before you get in)

The card can be recharged at the vending machines with coins and bills, credit cards are not accepted.

The card costs ₩2500 and this fee is not refundable. Cards can be bought in convenience stores a

At the end of your trip, you can get a refund of the funds that are still on the card minus a transaction fee of ₩500.

In addition to the regular T-money cards, there’re also some special editions that are exclusively available to tourists. We mention the most popular ones below.

Korea Tour Card

The Korea Tour card is a T-money card that can be used in the whole of Korea.

In addition to the comfort of just having to tap the card whenever you use public transportation, you also get discounts at a number of popular attractions, including Lotte World, Everland, and several more.

The Korea Tour card can also be bought in convenience stores and in a limited number of subway stations (at the airports and at Seoul Station).

The card costs ₩4000.

Users of Android phones can also use a digital version of the T-money card. It offers the same benefits. To pay for transportation you just tap your phone. NFC needs to be enabled and you need to have a data connection.

To top up the card you use the app on your phone. All major credit cards are accepted. Refunds can also be arranged in the app.

This card is a great deal as it is even cheaper than a regular T-money card. It costs ₩6000 and has a ₩5000 value that can be used towards rides.

Check prices and availability: Digital T-Money Tour Card ( Android Only)

trip to soul

Korail RailPlus Transport Card

In addition to the subway and busses, this card can also be used on Korail’s intercity trains, including the fast KTX trains. Some taxis also accept the Rail+ card and you can also pay your highway toll fees with this card.

You need to top up the card before you can use it. This can be done at the train and subway stations or in convenience stores. If you don’t want to use cash to add money to your card you can use the Rail Money App.

The card costs ₩2500.

Know that this card is not a T-money card. We’ve included it in our overview because it serves the same purpose and we particularly like it because you can use it to pay your highway tolls. It also offers a ₩100 discount on subways and busses (similar to T-money). You may never notice the difference with an actual T-money card but there can be instances where T-money cards are accepted but the Rail+ card isn’t.

At the end of your trip, you can go to a Korail station or eMart24 convenience store to have your remaining balance refunded.

Check prices and availability: RailPlus Card

M-pass card

During our first trip to Seoul, we used an M-pass card.

This is a transportation card exclusively for international tourists traveling in the Seoul metropolitan area.

M-PASS comes in five different durations: 1-day, 2-day, 3-day, 5-day, and 7-day passes. 

For the duration of the pass, you can do 20 free rides a day on the subway, and on the bus, and also the all-stop A’rex airport express is covered. 

You will only benefit from this card if you will be using public transport a lot, that’s also the reason we only got it once.

20 rides a day is normally more than enough but you can load extra funds on the card if needed as it basically is just another T-money card.  It cannot be used to pay for taxis though.

Discover Seoul Pass

If you plan to visit a lot of Seoul’s tourist attractions then the  Discover Seoul Pass is your ideal travel companion. 

The pass has a 1-day, 2-day, and 3-day variant and gives you discounted or free access to many top tourist destinations.

It also has a T-money function that will save you ₩2,500 of buying a separate T-Money card. As an extra benefit, you get one free one-way A’rex Express train ride.

Check prices and availability: Discover Seoul Pass

Discover Seoul Pass BTS

The Discover Seoul Pass is not always available. If it isn’t, you can see if they have the BTS edition.

It’s a 24hr edition of the Discover Seoul Pass without the T-money option. Instead, you get a Korea Tour T-money Card as a bonus.

The BTS edition covers the same attractions as the regular Discover Seoul Pass.

Check prices and availability: Discover Seoul Pass (24h+Korea Tour Card)

Hop-On-Hop-off Bus

If you don’t feel at ease using the subway, you can always jump on one of the hop-on-hop-off buses to see the highlights of Seoul.

They also have a special night tour where you drive along the river with the illuminated bridges and have beautiful views of the illuminated skyline of the city. Discover Seoul by night on a bus.

The Myeongdong Cathedral

Where To Stay In Seoul

Seoul is a large city with lots of districts each with its own atmosphere and attractions.

Here we share the best places to stay for tourists and first-timers based on our own experience.

Myeongdong – City Center

Myeongdong  is right in the heart of Seoul’s city center.  This is one of the most popular places to stay. 

The Metro hotel is a good choice in Myeongdong. It is within walking distance of shopping areas, street food, and public transportation.

Insa-Dong – Palace Quarter

Insa-dong  is one of the most traditional and cultural districts in Seoul and a very touristy district.  The streets are lined with souvenir shops, restaurants, and tea houses.  You are within walking distance of most palaces, the Jogyesa Buddhist Temple, Bukchon Hanok village, and Gwanghwamum square

The Sunbee hotel lies in an excellent location for sightseeing. It is close to 2 subway stations, the Bukchon Hanok village, and the Seoul city center. You will also find many nice restaurants, tea houses, and cafes in the area.

For an overview of more amazing hotels in Seoul, check out the following posts:

  • Where to stay in Seoul: Our ultimate guide that explains all areas in detail.
  • 16 best hanok stays in Seoul: For those that one to experience a traditional stay.
  • Cool hotels in Seoul: For those that are looking for a cool and comfortable hotel
  • Best boutique hotels in Seoul : For those that are looking for a quintessential holiday experience in Seoul.
  • Best Airbnbs in Seoul: For those that are looking for a list of vacation homes.

DMZ freedom bridge, South_Korea

Organized Seoul tours

Here is an overview of the best-organized tours in Seoul. 

An organized tour saves you time and, moreover, the tour guide will enlighten you about the different sights you visit.

We selected 3 great tours in Seoul just for you.

  • The DMZ: A visit to the Demilitarized zone is a must-do when visiting Seoul. Read more here.
  • Seoul City Bus Tour : For those that want to comfortably discover the highlights of Seoul in a short amount of time.
  • Nanta Show: For those that are looking for a fun night out in Seoul this nonverbal Nanta show is perfect for you. 

KT Olleh SIM South Korea

Internet in Seoul

The internet in Seoul is super-fast and many places offer free WiFi.

We don’t know why, but often our phones wouldn’t connect to these WiFi hotspots.

We, therefore, advise you to buy a local SIM card.

Another option is bringing or renting a Pocket Wifi Device.

South Korean won and currency money exchange. background of money.

Cash Is King for Visitors

Bring some cash money.

Koreans can swipe their cards everywhere but foreign cards are not always accepted.

We were surprised by the number of ATMs at Incheon airport, and even more surprised by the number of ATMs that didn’t accept our cards. 

We have been trying different machines for at least an hour before we found one that worked for us. 

Once we had left the airport things didn’t get better. 

It was always a hit or miss with the ATMs we tried.  There was no particular bank where we could say with certainty that our card would work.

The majority of times it wouldn’t work but luckily every once in a while the machine would start counting bills, a noise that made us very happy at that time. 🙂

We, therefore, advise strongly you to bring some cash money.

On the other hand, we had no problem at all using our cards for payments. Restaurants and shops would all accept our cards. We could also use it in hotels and for the deposit of our rental cars. The only place it wasn’t accepted was the highway toll booths, be sure to have some spare cash for those.

Korean street food

Handy Seoul Apps

  • Korea Seoul Metro Navi will guide you quickly and efficiently through Seoul’s extended subway network.  The app calculates the fastest route to your destination.

Available on: Google Play – Apple

  • Mangoplate is a good app to check for restaurant reviews and the best places to eat.

Do I Need Travel Insurance For Seoul

Flights are usually one of the most expensive and least flexible items in your travel expenses. 

To find a good deal on airfares you usually need to book a few months in advance and when you want a flexible rate you need to pay two- or threefold of the normal fares. 

Compare that with hotel bookings which you can book a few weeks in advance and where you only need to add a few euros to get the flexibility to cancel for free on the same day or one or two days in advance.

It would be a shame to lose this investment in a beautiful holiday through a stupid accident. 

Believe me, many things can happen in the run-up to your vacation. 

We once broke our leg in the last weeks before our vacation and had to cancel our travel plans.  

That’s why we always get travel insurance .

Travel insurance is much cheaper than paying for flexible airline tickets and protects you from any losses in case you need to cancel or change your plans. 

In addition, it covers a whole range of other things. 

Seoul is an amazing city where modern life and traditions go hand in hand.

We hope this itinerary for Seoul will help you plan an unforgettable trip.

Enjoy your trip!

Monday 3rd of June 2019

Help! We are going to Seoul in a week and im still not quite organized with our itinerary. We are planning to visit the Gyeongbokgung , Changdeokgung Palace, Bukchon Hanok Village , Namsan Tower , MBC World, SM Town Theater, Trickeye Museum , Figure Museum , Grevin Living Museum and we only have a full 2 days to do this. Pls help me maximize our time, i tried to google which one is closest to one tourist destination but getting confused. We are planning to take train and will be staying in Myeongdong. Thanks

Tuesday 18th of June 2019

I'm sorry, we were traveling ourselves so we just saw your message now. Hopefully, it turned out fine and you had a wonderful time in Seoul.

Best regards,

Thursday 28th of March 2019

This is the best- by far- guide I've seen online. I am planning to visit South Korea in December (by myself). So, for a first timer like me, this is very helpful! :) Thank you!

Thanks a lot for your kind words. We do our best to provide in-depth information. We are happy you appreciate it.

Wednesday 20th of February 2019

Great post! It is so in-depth, and I really appreciate that. I completely agree with you that having 5-7 (or more) days in Seoul is best for exploring the city. There is so much to see and so many different neighbourhoods that having only 3 days would be so hectic. I was there for a week my first visit and 5 days my second visit and still feel like there is so much more to see. Yes to your suggestion to bring cash. I thought I could take cash out of an ATM on my first trip and was horribly wrong. It was incredibly stressful, and I ended up paying a large fee to take cash from my credit card because it was the only thing that worked. Cash really is king!

Thursday 21st of February 2019

Thanks for your nice comment.

Living and traveling in Korea

The Soul of Seoul

Travel To Korea: The Soul of Seoul Starter Guide

Royyal Dog Mural, Ganghwado Island, Korea

If you’re traveling to Seoul or Korea soon, then you’ve come to the right place. My name is Hallie Bradley and I have lived in Seoul, Korea since 2006. I have been featured on CNN, the BBC, and Samantha Brown’s “Places to Love” and have written for the Forbes Travel Guide, Lonely Planet, and the Korea Times because I KNOW Seoul and I KNOW I can help you have the best time while you’re here.

Where To Start Planning Your Trip To Korea

Changgyeonggung Palace, Seoul, Korea

An Epic Travel Guide To Seoul, Korea For The First Timer

best Korean SIM card

The Best Korean SIM Cards For Your Trip

best korea power adapter

Recommended Travel Adapters For Korea

Signiel Hotel, Jamsil, Seoul, Korea

The 9 Best Areas To Stay In Seoul, Korea: From Gangnam To Hongdae

Korean transportation card, Tmoney card

Where To Buy A TMoney Card For Korea

Korean Wine Train

Navigating Seoul with Ease: Your Ultimate Guide to the Seoul Subway System

Cheonggyecheon Stream, Seoul, Korea: Street Art & Hallie Bradley

What To Pack If You’re Traveling To Korea: The Only List You Need

Incheon International Airport, Seoul Airport, Incheon, Seoul, Korea

How To Get To Seoul From Incheon International Airport: A Guide To All Of The Transfer Options

Wise Card, travel money card, Korea

Can I use the Wise Card In Korea? How To Send Money To Korea

Korea through the seasons.

Buramsan Butterfly Garden, Seoul, Korea: Hallie Bradley and daughter with azaleas.

A Guide To Spring In Korea: Cherry Blossoms and More

Oido, Korea: Hallie Bradley

A Guide to Summer in Korea: Get Ready For Fun

World Cup Park, Seoul, Korea: Hallie Bradley

A Guide to Fall In Korea: Foliage and More

snowy Hanok, winter in Korea

A Guide To Winter In Korea: Snow and Ice and Everything Nice

Seoul neighborhood guides.

Seoul has some amazing neighborhoods and districts to check out and they are all so different and special in their own ways. From areas that are more historical, to the trendy, here are the guides to Seoul’s neighborhoods to find.

If you don’t want to do all of the planning yourself, I’ve created 15 itineraries for Seoul which encompass these neighborhoods and more to make it easier for you to see more. No sight overlaps, check it out.

Sanchon, Vegan Restaurant, Insadong, Seoul, Korea

Insadong: A Guide To The Traditional Artsy Fun Neighborhood In Downtown Seoul

Greenmile Coffee, Bukchon Hanok Village, Seoul, Korea: Hallie Bradley, Modern Hanbok

Bukchon Hanok Village: What To See, Where To Go & What To Do + A Map!

Urban Space, Myeongdong, Seoul, Korea

Myeongdong, Seoul: What To Do, What To Eat, What To See, & More!

K Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea

Gangnam, Seoul: What To See, Do, Eat & Where To Stay

Grandpa Factory, Seongsu-dong, Seoul, Korea

Seongsu-dong: A Guide To The Brooklyn Of Seoul

63 Building, Yeouido, Seoul, Korea

Yeouido: A Guide For The Must See Island In Seoul

Hongdae, Hongik, Seoul, Korea

Things To Do In Hongdae: From someone who lived there

One Tree Hill, Olympic Park, Jamsil, Seoul, Korea

17 Things To See and Do In Jamsil

Space Shinseon, Hannam-dong, Seoul, Korea

Hidden Gems In The Hip Hannam District In Seoul

Coffee Nap Roasters, Yeonnam-dong, Seoul, Korea

A Guide To Yeonnam-dong: The Hot Spot Near Hongdae in Seoul

Mailroom (메일룸), Sindang-dong, Seoul, Korea

Things To Do In Sindang, aka the ‘Hip’dang of Seoul

Seoul’s Innovation Park (서울혁산파크), Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul, Korea

6 Things To See In Eunpyeong-gu You Probably Didn’t Know About

The most popular things to see in seoul.

When you start planning your trip to Seoul, it can absolutely be overwhelming but there are some tried and true must-see places in Seoul, Korea. If you don’t know where to begin… start with these places and then fill in around them when you are considering where to go and what to see.

Namsan Tower, Seoul, Korea

Why Namsan Tower Is A Must See In Seoul

Seoul Sky Observatory, Lotte World Tower, Seoul, Korea

The Seoul Sky Observatory: Tallest Building in Korea

Yeouido Han River Park, Seoul, Korea: I Seoul U Sign

The Hangang Parks: A Guide To The 11 Han River Parks In Seoul, Korea

Gwangjang Market, Seoul, Korea

Gwangjang Market: How To Get There & What To Eat

Tongin Market, Seoul, Korea

Tongin Market: Eat On A Budget Near Gyeongbokgung Palace

Ihwa Mural Village, Seoul, Korea

Ihwa Mural Village: A Guide & Guidelines For Seeing The Area

Jogyesa Temple, Insadong, Seoul, Korea

Jogyesa Temple: How To Get There & What To See

Bongeunsa Temple (봉은사), Gangnam, Seoul, Korea

Bongeunsa Temple: The Must See Korean Temple In Gangnam

Seoul, Korea: Noryangjin Fish Market

Noryangjin Fish Market: A Guide For What To See & What To Order

Gyeongbokgung Palace, Seoul, Korea

Gyeongbokgung Palace: A Step By Step Guide To Missing The Crowds + A Map

Changdeokgung Palace & The Secret Garden Everyone Is Talking About In Seoul

Changdeokgung Palace & The Secret Garden Everyone Is Talking About In Seoul

Deoksugung Palace, Seoul, Korea

Deoksugung Palace: The Most Unique Palace In Seoul

Lotte World, Seoul, Korea: Korean theme park

How To Enjoy Lotte World: From Discount Tickets To Magic Passes

Banpo Bridge Moonlight Rainbow Show (반포대교 달빛무지개분수), Banpo Han River Park, Seoul, Korea Banpo Bridge Fountain Show

The Banpo Bridge Moonlight Rainbow Show: Is It Worth It?

Changgyeonggung Palace, Seoul, Korea

Seoul In One Day: 24 Hours In Seoul

The best day trips to take from seoul.

Korea has an amazing transportation infrastructure so you can get in and out of Seoul, Korea to other regional areas easily even if you don’t speak Korean. You can travel by train, bus, and even fly to numerous places easily. Don’t just stay in Seoul when you visit Korea, plan at least one daytrip.

Pink Muhly, Udo Island, Jeju, Korea

Best Daytrips From Seoul: 25 Places To Go Near Seoul

Nami Island, Chuncheon, Korea

Daytrips From Seoul: The Popular Nami Island

Peace Land Korea (PyungGang Land) (평강랜드), Pocheon, Korea

Pocheon: What To See & What To Do Northeast Of Seoul

Garden of the Morning Calm, Gapyeong, Korea

How To Get To The Garden of the Morning Calm

Petite France, Gapyeong, Korea

Petite France: How To Get There From Seoul & What To Do There

Korean city guides.

I’ve traveled all around Korea and been to some amazing regional areas. Cities big and small offer so much. Visit the less touristy southern coastal areas, or head straight for Busan. Find the historic cities like Jeonju or Gyeongju, or visit Danyang for adventure travel. If you’ve got even two days, see more of Korea.

Cheomseongdae Observatory (첨성대), Gyeongju, Korea

A Guide To Gyeongju, Korea: What To Do, See, Eat & Where To Stay

Jeonju Hanok Village, Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do, Korea

A Guide To Jeonju Hanok Village: From Free Tours To Choco Pies

Busan Gamcheon Culture, Village, Busan, Korea

Busan, Korea: Everything You MUST See, Do, Eat & Try!

Yeosu, Jeollanam-do, Korea

Yeosu: What To See, Do, Eat & Where To Stay

Mancheonha Skywalk, Danyang, Korea: Hallie Bradley

Danyang, Korea: A Guide To The Best Things To See & Do

Seonyudo Island, Gunsan, Jeollabuk-do, Korea

Gunsan’s Seonyudo Island Is The Escape To Take In Jeollabuk-do

Imcheonggakgun jajeong (임청각군자정), Andong, Korea: pink Cherry Blossom trees

Andong, Korea: Everything You MUST See, Do, Eat & Try!

Goseurak (고스락), Iksan, Jeollabuk-do, Korea

Iksan, Korea: A Guide For What To See & Do

Sinduri Beach & Sand Dunes, Taean, Korea

Taean-gun: A Guide To The Beaches, Forests, and More!

Gongju, Chuncheongnam-do, Korea

Guide To Gongju: Where To Go, What To See, & What To Do

Canola Flower Field, Ulleung-do, Korea: Hallie Bradley

Ulleung-do: A Guide To The Secret Island You NEED To Visit In South Korea

Gaya Theme Park (김해가야테마파크), Gimhae, Korea

Guide To Gimhae: The Historic Places, Spaces & Fun Things Too!

Sparkland Amusement Park (스파크랜드), Daegu, Korea

A Guide To Daegu, Korea: What To See & Do

Sansok Lighthouse (산속등대), Wanju, Jeollabuk-do

4 Arts and Nature Places To See In Wanju, Korea

Wonju, Gangwon-do, Korea

Wonju, Korea: A Guide To The Area

There is a whole lot more information on this site to help you plan your travels, but this is the best place to start your epic adventure in South Korea.

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Welcome to Seoul, the dynamic and bustling capital of South Korea.

This vibrant city seamlessly blends rich history and culture with modernity and technological advancements.

From ancient palaces to bustling markets, and serene temples to lively neighborhoods, Seoul offers a wide array of experiences that cater to every traveler’s interests.


What to do in Seoul

Highlights of a Visit to Seoul

– Expect K-Pop, K-Drama, delicious food ( with lots of kimchi ), Soju (loads of it) and so much more. It is a fun city to discover! We lived there for 3 years and had the chance of being immersed in this amazing culture. – The Korean capital is a fascinating blend of history and modernity , also blending the culture and values of the country. Seoul will surprise you even more when you think that it was completely wiped out after the devastating Korean War just a few decades ago. – The largest city in South Korea has nothing but great things to offer.

Let’s start with some beautiful impressions of Seoul


1. visit gyeongbokgung palace, one of the best things to see in seoul.

Best things to see in Seoul: Gyeongbokgung palace

Like most palaces in Korea, their names are unpronounceable for non-Korean speakers. Well, try at least to remember Gyeongbokgung, as this is the main palace in Seoul . There are 5 main Royale Palaces in Seoul ( more info here ).

Gyeongbokgung Palace is truly stunning. This is probably what most tourists visit at first in Seoul. It is located in the center of the city, at the end of the main avenue ( Gwanghwamun Square ) where you will come across the statue of Admiral Yi Sun-Shin and of King Sejong, two famous figures in the history of South Korea .

As for the palace, it is gigantic and it will take you about 2 hours to visit .

The architecture of the buildings is just magnificent and they are all very well preserved. The palace was built in 1395 and it has been destroyed many times, notably by various Japanese invasions. Its name literally means “the palace of resplendent happiness”.


2. Visit Changdeokgung Palace and the secret garden, another beautiful place in Seoul


This is one of our favorite palaces in Seoul! It was also the favorite palace of many kings of Korea! Changdeokgung is a one of the main places in Seoul.

Surrounded by mountains and hills the site offers a beautiful harmony with nature. It was once a privileged resort for the kings and their subjects.


The main sight of Changdeokgung , is the Huwon Garden , also called Secret Garden. The Huwon Garden can be visited by booking in advance with a guide. Reservations can be made online or directly on-site (but be aware that it can be fully booked).

Additionally, you can enjoy a palace tour, titled ‘Changdeokgung by Moonlight’, during fall and spring from Donhwamun Gate. We highly recommend this tour by the way. It is absolutely magical to visit the temple at night. You can book a full guided tour in English here .


3. Head to the Namsan Tower for the best view of Seoul

Things to do in Seoul

Korea does not have many distinctive monuments such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris, The Marina Bay Sands in Singapore or the Pisa Tower in Rome. However, standing at 480m above sea level, the Namsan Tower has an observation deck at the very top for stunning 360 views of the city.

This is probably the most recognizable monument in Seoul. We wrote a full post here for more info .

You can access the park on a nice walk through Namsan Park . You can start from the Grand Hyatt , a majestic hotel located at the bottom of the park.

If you want to experience something even more fun, we recommend that you take the cable car which makes it a fun activity and it’s an unusual way to see the city.

Here is our local tip

Head there just before sunset to catch one of the best sunset lookouts in the city! Truly breathtaking. At night the vista is even more impressive with the millions of lights around the city. It’s a romantic area, which is really worth a visit.


4. Wander in Insadong, one of the most traditional neighborhoods in Seoul

Best things to do in Insadong in Seoul

Insadong is one of our favorite neighborhoods in Seoul, South Korea . If you travel to Seoul, visiting Insadong is a must. 

Immerse yourself in the traditional charm of Insadong, a neighborhood renowned for its cultural heritage and artistic atmosphere.

Stroll along the main street, lined with galleries, antique shops, and traditional teahouses.

Browse through an array of Korean handicrafts, calligraphy brushes, and traditional artwork at the street market. Indulge in a traditional tea ceremony or savor authentic Korean cuisine at one of the traditional restaurants.

Insa-dong (인사동), located in the middle of the city of Seoul, is an important place where old traditional and precious objects are exposed. The district is composed of a main street, Insadong-gil, which connects many alleys with Hanok (traditional Korean houses), where many galleries, restaurants, cafes, and traditional tea rooms are located.


5. Stroll in Ikseon-Dong, the cutest area of Seoul

Seoul, Korea

Ikseon-Dong (not to be confused with  Insadong ) is a district slightly east of Insadong.

It’s a neighborhood with the cutest little alleys with many Hanoks, trendy boutiques, amazing cafes, and great restaurants. Some call Ikseon-Dong the hipster place of Seoul. It is certainly one of the trendiest and most up-and-coming neighborhoods in Seoul. We simply love it!

Ikseon -dong is becoming a trendy hangout for locals. You will feel back in the 1920s while walking down the narrow alleys. There the Hanoks have been revamped to become trendy cafes, bars, and restaurants. This should be on your to-do list while in Seoul (Trust us, this is our best local tip).

Visiting Ikseon-dong is one of the best things to see in Seoul. Don’t miss it!


6. Party hard in Itaewon, the best nightlife in Seoul

Things to do in Seoul

It is well known, Koreans like to drink and like to drink a lot ! Korea is the country where people drink the most in Asia .

In Seoul and especially Itaewon, you can enjoy the ultimate nightlife experience and dance until sunrise as most bars stay open till late. 

So head to Itaweon at night, and go with the flow. You may try the Korean local alcohol; Soju (which tastes a bit like vodka but much lighter).

Itaewon is the neighborhood where you will see most foreigners. It is also well known for restaurants from all over the world and shopping. 

A trip to Itaewon at night is one of the best things to do in Seoul! Put it on the bucket list of the best things to do in Seoul!


7. Hike the Bukhansan National Park, the most beautiful mountains in Seoul

Things to do in Seoul

After partying in the city, take some fresh air at the Bukhansan National Park . It is located in the northern part of Seoul. It is a real hiker paradise with many trails .

The changing seasons make the surrounding nature even more beautiful and constantly changing.

With a large majority of the South Korean landscape being mountainous, it is not surprising that rock climbing is an extremely popular sport for Koreans.

While the most famous peaks and mountain ranges lie outside of Seoul (such as Seoraksan ), the capital has Bukhansan (or “Mount Bukhan”) which is the highest peak in Seoul, reaching 836.5 meters above sea level. It is a difficult but rewarding climb.

The breathtaking views of Seoul and the surrounding area are an experience in itself. Beyond the superb panorama, it is an opportunity to meet very friendly Koreans on the roads and share a snack with them along the paths. Remember to take lots of water and put on your hiking shoes.


8. Shop crazy in Myeongdong, the best shopping area in Seoul

Things to do in Seoul

The first time we went to Myeongdong, it was at night and we were truly amazed by literally everything:

Millions of lights everywhere, loud music, hundreds of shops, tall buildings, and great street food. We were not disappointed with our first experience in Myeongdong. It’s a shopping paradise for fashion and beauty, where you will find most of the brands you are looking for. 

Visiting Myeongdong is one of the best things to see in Seoul!

Going there at night is even more fun, with all the street food vendors, loud music, and thousands of people wandering through the streets of Myeongdong. A unique experience, which we put as the top 10 things to do in Seoul.

Read more about Myeongdong in this guide .

9. Visit Bukchon Hanok Village, the most traditional part of Seoul

Things to do in Seoul

Bukchon Hanok Village is a traditional district in Seoul where many old Korean-style houses ( Hanoks ) have been renovated. You can even sleep in one of the traditional houses , for an amazing Korean experience like the stunning Bonum 1957 Hanok and Boutique .

Bukchon Hanok Village is also a place where visitors dress in traditional clothes (Hanbok) to tour the neighborhood. It reminded us a bit of Kyoto’s Gion district with travelers dressed in kimono. A visit to Bukchon is was really exceptional and one of the best things to do in Seoul!

After visiting head to Samcheong-dong a charming neighborhood at the bottom of Bukchon Village, with plenty of unique shops and great restaurants. The area is very arty, with great cafes and a good vibe overall.

Bukchon Hanok Village is located near Gyeongbokgung Palace , hence you can combine your visit in 1 day, all within walking distance.

10. Relax at Cheonggyecheon stream and visit Gwanghwamun Square


Cheonggyecheon  is a long water stream that runs through the city. The stream offers a peaceful oasis in Seoul .

It is nice to walk along the stream during the day or at night. Usually, there are many events with light shows and markets during the year. This offers a great and relaxing break from the busy city. 

Gwanghwamun Square

At the end of the stream, you can directly walk to Gangwhahmun Square, which is one of the main avenues located at the heart of Seoul.

You will see two very big statues. 1 of King Sejong, the most respected king of the Joseon Dynasty and inventor of the Hangeul (Korean alphabet). The 2nd statue is Admiral Yi Sun-shin , a naval commander who won many battles against the Japanese navy during the Japanese war in the 16th century.

Both are key figures of Korean history. 

11. Enjoy some Korean street food at Gwangjang market, the liveliest market in Seoul

gwangjang market, food zone, Seoul

Built at the very beginning of the 20th century, the traditional Gwangjang market has around 5,000 independent shops and boutiques selling everything, including high-quality hanboks (traditional Korean costumes). You can get lost in the labyrinth of shops and alleys.

At the market, you can taste many local specialtie s such as bindaeddeok , a kind of savory pancake. Enjoy this with makgeolli , a rice alcohol drink. Everything is very authentic there and the atmosphere is really unique!

Don’t try to resist, just sit in one of the many little hawkers and pick what you want to eat directly from the stand. This is a unique experience that will immerse you a bit more in the fascinating culture of this country.

Visit Gwangjang market is one of the best things to do in Seoul!

12. Go on a cruise on the Han River in the heart of Seoul

Best things to do in Seoul

One of the best ways to enjoy the famous Hangang River “Han River” is to cruise it and enjoy the scenic views and fresh air.

There are about seven different piers to embark on and these cruises have different themes.

During the cruise, you can admire many iconic landmarks, such as the N Seoul Tower , and famous tourist attractions such as Jeoldusan Park and the 63 City Building .

We recommend joining the cruise at night, as this is when the city is even more magical.


13. Visit the Namsangol Hanok Village, to step in Seoul’s past!

Things to do in Seoul: Namsangol

Namsangol Hanok village is located in the north side of Namsan in Seoul. It is the perfect place to discover more about the history of the Joseon period. Namsangol is famous for its preservation of Hanoks. These are traditional Korean houses. 

Five of these Hanoks in Namsangol were located in separate villages and then later brought back together to form the Namsangol in 1998. The objective was to develop the Namsangol Hanok village as a cultural garden in the middle of Seoul.

It shows the lifestyles of Koreans in ancient times from farmers to kings.

Hanok houses are a source of fascination for all tourists who visit South Korea. At least for us, we found the architecture so beautiful and couldn’t wait to visit more of these Hanoks when we arrived in Seoul. With their wooden construction, underfloor heating system, historic furniture, and beautiful fireplaces, they are simply exceptional.


14. Visit the modern Gangnam area, the birthplace of Gangnam style!

Oppa Gangnam Style

Gangnam is located south of the Han River. Gangnam is considered one of the richest and the most hype districts of Seoul. There are many things to do in Gangnam but one of the principal activities is to go shopping. If you don’t feel like going to a mall, head to Garosu- gil  aka the K-Pop Road.

Head to the Gangnam Station area to enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city. Near exit 5 is a tribute to ‘Gangnam Style’ by PSY , the most popular song in the world. 

Here, tourists and locals can dance the Gangnam style and record themselves A must-see if you are in Gangnam and one of the best things to see in Seoul!




If shopping or singing Gangnam style is not your thing, head to Bongeunsa Buddhist temple . This temple contrasts the modern district of Gangnam.

Bongeunsa temple is also a symbol of Seoul because it mixes both the traditional side of Buddhism and buildings, with that of modernity, near the tall buildings of Gangnam.

It includes a large Buddha statue which is reflected on the ground, as well as pretty views of Seoul due to its hillside location.

15. Hangout in Hongdae, the student district of Seoul

Things to do in Seoul: Hongdae

Hongdae is known for being the student district and one of the best party areas in Seoul . It has a unique atmosphere in the Korean capital. Between arts and street food, bars, discos, music, and original museums, the visit of this picturesque place reveals a dynamic and alternative culture. It is therefore a must-see when you visit Seoul. 

Hongdae is the most famous of all of Seoul’s student districts, and it’s hard to overlook it. It is located at the junction of three major universities: Hongik, Yonsei, and Ehwa.

At night you should come and enjoy its festive and lively atmosphere . In short, there is always something going on in Hongdae. If you’re curious, this is where you can take the pulse of Seoul’s youth.

We absolutely love Hongdae. This is one of our favorite districts in Seoul! We even lived there for a while. If you are moving to Seoul, check out the best neighborhoods to live .


16. Visit Ihwa Mural Village, a unique place in Seoul

Things to do in Seoul: Ihwa Mural Village

Ihwa Mural Village is a unique place in Seoul, completely devoted to Street Art. The walls of Ihwa village have been completely taken over by artists over the years.

Street Art in Seoul is filled with joy and color. Everything is fresh, delicate and so cute, a real pleasure for the eyes. And we must admit that despite the dozens of visitors who roam the place, we would love to live in such a cute neighborhood.

Ihwa is actually a village that was meant to disappear. But a project implemented at the instigation of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism changed the destiny of this place.

The “Ihwa-dong Naksan Project” began in 2006 and took place over approximately 6 months. More than 70 artists have made their contribution and have thus created unique, varied works of all kinds: paintings, sculptures, installations, etc.

Artists who were supported by some locals as well as university students who volunteered. They decided to rehabilitate this place to an art place and encourage visitors to come and discover this almost abandoned place before that.


17. Visit Namdaemun the largest market in Seoul

Things to do in Seoul: Namdeamun

Namdaemun is Korea’s largest and oldest market . It is a fantastic place to discover in Seoul. 

A visit to Namdaemun is a must while in  South Korea . It is considered a National Treasure .

Covering more than 66 hectares and with more than 10,000 stores and stalls, Namdaemun Market plays an important role in determining Seoul’s consumer price.

Namdaemun Market handles more than 1,700 different types of goods , including everyday consumer goods such as clothing, kitchenware, stationeries, flowers, accessories, food, seafood, and agricultural products as well as household items. folk art, local products, and imported goods. It is said in Seoul, “There is nothing you cannot find in Namdaemun”. 

If you are visiting Seoul, Namdaemun is a great place to buy souvenirs. It is also a great place to eat delicious Korean traditional food.


18. Changgyeonggung Palace our favorite one in Seoul

Things to do in Seoul

Changgyeonggung is our favorite palace in Seoul. It is located in Jongno-gu district, in the heart of Seoul. Changgyeonggung is known to hold the oldest throne room in Korea . 

Seoul has 5 Grand Palaces. To know more about them, you can  check out our post here.

Changgyeonggung is not as important as the main Palace:  Gyeongbokgung Palace . However, we always enjoyed visiting Changgyeonggung each season, as for us it is the most charming one and has a beautiful garden . It is also the very first palace we visited when  moving to South Korea .

Changgyeonggung is different to the others as there is a big a space devoted to the daily life of the family which is much larger than the space devoted to political affairs.

The site thus contains many more personal stories about the royal family, love and hatred between the king and the prince or even the tensions between the queen and the servants of the court.


19. Deoksugung Palace, the most modern one

Things to do in Seoul: deoksugung

Deoksugung i s one of five royal palaces located in Seoul. Its name can be translated as the palace of virtuous longevity.

One of the specifics of Deoksugung Palace is that it is the only royal Palace housing both buildings in the traditional Korean style but also buildings in Western architecture.

As Deoksugung Palace stays open until 9 pm, it is best to visit the Palace at night. At least we enjoyed it much more with all the beautiful lights inside the palace and surrounded by the city lights from the surrounding skyscrapers of Seoul. The contrasts of both make it a unique sight.


20. Visit Seoul – DDP Center (Dongdaemun Design Plaza), the most futuristic place in Seoul!

Dongdaemun Design Plaza

DDP are the initials of Dongdaemun Design Plaza which is a truly amazing building.

It was designed by Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid who is a very big name in architecture. She sadly died in 2016.

The DDP was built in 2014 and quickly became one of the symbols of the city of Seoul. It is now more and more visited by tourists who discover the urban and futuristic side of the city of Seoul.

The best time to visit the DDP is probably late afternoon to see the lights on. As for the interior, it matches the exterior aspect of the building with all-white hallways and staircases with surreal shapes and without pillars! A true work of art.

As for the types of stores you will find there, there are restaurants, clothing stores with many independent designer brands and a lot of other things. In a nutshell, go ahead, you will love it. For us, the DDP is one of the best things to see in Seoul!

21. Shop Till You Drop at Dongdaemun Market

Dongdaemun Market

Calling all shopaholics! Dongdaemun Market, a shopping mecca that never sleeps, awaits you.

This sprawling complex houses a plethora of shopping malls, department stores, and wholesale markets.

Explore the trendy fashion boutiques, browse through the latest K-pop merchandise, and hunt for bargains at the wholesale markets.

The shops are located all around Dongdaemun Design Plaza.

22. Go to the top of the tallest Tower in Seoul: Lotte Tower


This skyscraper is quite simply the tallest in the city but also in the country . The Lotte Tower is one of the 10 tallest buildings in the world with a height of 555 meters. The building is also called Lotte World Tower. Book online to skip the queue ( here ).

Since its opening in 2017, it has been possible to go to the Lotte Tower Observatory to enjoy the impressive panorama over the entire city .

The skyscraper is located in the south-east of the city. It’s a great spot during sunset with the Han River, the city but also the surrounding mountains. Make sure to visit the Sky Bar at the top!

23. Unwind at one of the many beautiful parks in Seoul

Best things to do in Seoul

Seoul is an urban jungle. Concrete, homes, shops and skyscrapers are stretched out over an area of approximately 605 km2.

Yet in the midst of this ocean of buildings and vehicles hide some unexpected pieces of gorgeous nature: parks scattered across the city.

Whether they are tucked away in the bend of a street, perched on top of a mountain, or along the Han River, each offers its share of activities and secrets to discover.

Here are the 10 best parks in Seoul:



24. Spend the night in a temple


The templestay program allows you to stay in a Buddhist temple in South Korea , for one night or more. This experience is clearly one of our favorites in the country. More information here. Here are some of our recommended temples:

Gilsangsa Temple in Seoul

You can spend 24 hours (or more) living with the temple monks and most importantly, to the rhythm of the temple. This would certainly be one of your most memorable experiences in South Korea. In the heart of Seoul, Gilsangsa Temple is in the perfect location for a convenient stay during your trip to Seoul. You can stay in the city and still experience the temple way of life.

Bongeunsa Temple in Seoul

Bongeunsa is another famous temple in Seoul. This temple located in the middle of the city, contrasts magically with the modernity of Seoul. We highly recommend a stay there too.

To learn more about Templestay in South Korea, you can visit the Templestay website here.

25. Go on a day trip to the DMZ

DMZ from North Korea side

If you want to see North Korea up close , join a day tour at the DMZ. The 235-kilometer demilitarized zone (DMZ) that separates the two countries has become a tourist attraction, especially as this No Man’s Land has been colonized by flora and fauna of great interest.

It is however only possible to access it by an organized excursion, which will take you to visit the key points along the area.

From the observatories, you may have the chance to observe deer, which take advantage of this natural environment.

There is also a more comprehensive tour, which includes the UN-managed JSA (Joint Security Area) which takes you inside the area. You can get there by bus from Seoul, it’s a full day trip.

You can book directly here .

26. Visit the biggest fish market in Seoul: Noryangjin

Noryangjin - Splash

The incredible Noryangjin Fish Market is not only the biggest fish market in Seoul but certainly one of the oldest covered markets in South Korea! Indeed, it has existed since 1927.

The atmosphere of Noryangjin Market is quite special. Here you can discover hundreds of different fishes!

You can find other types of seafood such as octopus, clams, rays, anchovies, blue crab, mussels, shrimp, sea cucumbers… More than 830 species in fact!

Another particularity of this market which brings together several thousand tourists each year. You can buy your food from a merchant and go directly to a restaurant in the Noryangin Market, upstairs. They will grill it for you with rice or prepare it in sashimi…

It’s a fantastic experience in Seoul not to be missed!

Location: here

27. Explore Suwon with its amazing fortress just outside Seoul


Suwon is the capital of Gyeonggi province . The city is very close to Seoul, about thirty kilometers to the south. In addition, it is very easy to get there by public transport: less than an hour by metro by taking line 1.

Suwon is best known for the Hwaseong Fortress, a UNESCO World Heritage Site . But there are several other places to see in the city including the royal tombs of Yungneung and Geolleung. You can also take wonderful walks on the city walls.

Spending more than a day here is better for getting a good feel of the city.

28. Enjoy a trip to the famous Nami Island not far from Seoul

Nami Island Korea

Name island is a small and charming island near Seoul.

Nami became famous thanks to a drama, released in the early 2000s, part of it was filmed on the island.

Following the success of the show, the island became a popular destination for drama fans who still travel to this day from all over the world. There is also a dedicated trail for fans where they can retrace the highlights of the drama.

However, for nature lovers, Nami Island is the perfect escape from Seoul ( more info on the best day trips from Seoul here )

Nami is especially a magical place in the fall, whose blazing trees offer a colorful spectacle. We loved the field of red, pink and orange maples. As is the golden yellow ginko alley.


29. Relax at a Korean sauna, Jjimjilbang

Best things to do in Seoul

These famous Korean saunas can be found on almost every street corner. They are usually very cheap (KRW 5,000 to KRW 10,000 per day). These saunas called jjimjilbang, are open 24/7 every day. At night people are even sleeping there.

What you should know is that in addition to saunas and hammams, many services are also offered within the Jjimjilbang: oxygen cellar, cold room, caldarium, and other rooms with different themes such as lounges for sleeping, TV room, gym, computer room and video games, etc.

The two most famous Jjimjilbang in Seoul are the Dragon Hill Spa and Siloam. We also recommend Aquafield in Starfiled Hannam-Dong, for a more modern setup. Check out their website here .


30. Visit one of the many museums in Seoul

Outside the National Museum of Korea

Seoul is full of interesting museums! Whether you like art, history or science, there is something for everyone in the Korean capital.

From the history of Korea, which is so rich, to modern art and even a museum on Kimchi! Here are the top 7 museums in Seoul that we deemed unmissable:

  • The Korean War Memorial : It is certainly one of the most touching museums in Seoul. It immerses us in the history of the war between the two Koreas which began in 1950. ( website )
  • Seoul History Museum : Located a few minutes from Gwanghuamun Square, there are temporary exhibitions that are also worth seeing. Discover the history of Seoul for free as well as a nice model of the city. ( website )
  • The National Palace Museum of Korea : Accessible from Gyeongbokgung Palace, this museum reveals a historical part of Korea, that of the Joseon period. Drop by when you visit the palace, it is right at the entrance.
  • The Kimchi Museum : How can you come to Korea without eating Kimchi, Korea’s national dish? From storage jars to various video documentaries and even Kimchi samples, you’ll know everything about Kimchi! The museum is located in Insadong. ( website )
  • The National Museum of Korea : this museum has many historical treasures dating back to prehistoric times. It is the largest museum in Korea! ( website )
  • The Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art : One of our favorite museums! If you want to get acquainted with contemporary Korean and international artists, this is definitely the place to visit! ( website )
  • LEEUM Museum of Art: this is our #1 Museum in Korea. If you like modern art, this one will really impress you! ( website )


his question torments many tourists looking for a comfortable and well-located hotel in the Korean capital. And it is not so easy to answer, because Seoul is so vast and visitors’s tastes can be so different.

For instance, Gangnam is nothing like Bukchon , and the vitality of Myeongdong contrasts with the relative calm of the banks of the Han River… 


Best things to do in Seoul: Ikseon-dong

To make it convenient during your stay in Seoul, we highly recommend that you choose a place in Jongno .

Jongno is the district that represents the historic center of Seoul and the Capital of the Joseon dynasty for more than 600 years, it shelters three of the five royal palaces (Gyeongbokgung, Changdeokgung, Changgyeonggung).

It’s a bit like Seoul’s postcard, where you can admire the imposing statue of Admiral Lee Sun-Shin against the backdrop of Gyeongbok Palace and Bukhansan Mountain in the background. A place where political history continues to play out, since it is also here that Cheongwadae was built, the Blue House (today the main residence of the Korean President). 

Insadong, the main pedestrian street in Jongno, is the ideal place to find local craft shops, antique dealers, and even ceramicists . The Ssamzie- shopping center, the O’Sulloc tea house as well as the numerous cafes and art galleries give a more contemporary atmosphere to this tourist spot.

A little further, the Jogyesa Buddhist temple and the Jongmyo shrine in the east will fulfill your search for spirituality.


1.  Bukchon Bonum 1957 Hanok Hotel   for a unique experience in a Hanok (Korean traditional wooden house) with a garden. All rooms have heated floor and comes with traditional bedding. You will also have your private bathroom and a breakfast is served daily. It is a beautiful place which we highly recommend for your stay in Seoul. Book  here . 

Best places to stay in Seoul

2.  Four Seasons :  if you are not on a budget, then Four Season is a stunning hotel located right at Gwanghwamun Plaza, which makes it a perfect starting point for all your sightseeing. With many different cuisines, a sauna, state of the state-of-the-art gym, Four Seasons is a beautiful place to stay. You can book   here . 

Best places to stay in Seoul

3.  Aloft Seoul Myeongdong :   At Aloft Seoul, you will be located at the heart of Seoul in the shopping district of Myeongdong. The hotel is modern and serves a yummy breakfast. If shopping is your thing, then don’t wait any longer, book your stay  here . 

Best places to stay in Seoul


Best things to do in Seoul

1. Getting your flight ticket

To get there you can opt for various airlines. However, we highly recommend Korean Air or Asiana Airlines as they offer outstanding service and good value for money. If you want to compare different flights and get the best deals, click here .

Note that there are 2 airports in Seoul. The main international hub is Incheon Airport (Incheon is actually a city close to the capital). The second airport, Gimpo International Airport, is used more for domestic flights although there are international flights arriving/departing from this airport. Both are served by train/bus.

2. Visa requirements

Visa for Korea is not necessary for most countries to stay 90 days (more info here). During your flight, you will be given 2 forms to fill out (one for immigration and one for customs). The passage through immigration/customs depends on traffic at the airport but is generally fast.

If you don’t get the forms on the plane, don’t panic, you can get them at the airport, just before going through immigration. Whether at Seoul International Airport or elsewhere at the country’s international airports.

3. Renting a car in Korea

Renting a car as a foreigner can be very complicated in Korea. That’s why we highly recommend booking with Trazy here , for the best rate and specialized for foreigners.

4. Get a Sim Card or eSim Card

We highly recommend getting a sim card to connect to the internet when visiting Seoul. This would be much easier when navigating through the city than having to translate things with Google Translate. You can buy very cheap sim card here .

5. What to book in advance?

Apart from your hotel of course, we recommend booking for certain activities ahead of time, as it can get very busy.

Reservation for the visit of the DMZ. This is a great activity in Seoul, however, it requires that you book in advance. You can do so here .

Book your Lotte Tower Observatory ticket here . It is the tallest skyscraper and the view of the city is impressive


Best things to do in Seoul

The best time to visit Seoul and South Korea are April, May, June, September, October, and early November.

Spring and autumn are the two best seasons to go to Seoul and South Korea.

The summer can be extremely hot and unpleasant to explore the city in such heat. In Winter it gets very cold in Seoul, as the city is frosted by Siberian winds!



Best Things to do in Seoul: 5 Grand Palaces

Seoul, with its harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, offers a captivating journey filled with rich history, vibrant neighborhoods, delectable cuisine, and cutting-edge technology.

Whether you find yourself immersed in the grandeur of palaces, navigating the bustling markets, or exploring the city’s natural beauty, Seoul promises an unforgettable experience.

We lived in Seoul for more than 3 years and kept on discovering new places! In just a few days you won’t be able to cover everything but you will get a glimpse of how exciting is this city!

We wrote many posts about Seoul and South Korea in general. You can find them all here

If you have any questions about your trip to Seoul, drop a comment below, we usually answer within 1 day.

  • BUSAN , the second largest in Korea
  • GANGNEUNG and the East Coast
  • SOUTH KOREA :  99 must-see in South Korea
  • HAEDONG YONGGUNGSA , the most beautiful temple in Korea
  • TAEAN : amazing national park on the west coast of Korea
  • JEJU :  All you need to know before you go to Jeju
  • JEONJU Hanok Village
  • NAMSANGOL Hanok Village in Seoul
  • BEST ROOFTOPS in Seoul
  • WHY   visiting South Korea
  • DAY TRIPS :  best day trips from Seoul

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We are Hammer and Guillaume, a fun couple traveling the world. We will take you to some of the most amazing places on earth. Hammer is a yoga instructor and Guillaume a true water baby, enjoying all kinds of water sports. Follow-us to get the latest update about our travels.

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KoreaToDo - What to Do & See in South Korea

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5-9 Days Trip Itinerary for First Timers to Seoul, Korea

KoreaToDo  has put together a step-to-step detailed trip itinerary for first timers (or any busy travellers with little time for planning) to Seoul , Korea .

It offers ONE central page of information for all your key travel needs to Seoul . They include, where to stay , important mobile apps to use, how to get from Incheon International Airport to your hotel in Myeongdong (the most popular and central place to stay in Seoul ), day-by-day itinerary with detailed transport/walking guides on getting from one attraction to another, recommended tours, shops and restaurants .

The itinerary covers 8 out of 9  Korea's Top 100 Must-Visit Places in Korea (2023-2024)  in Seoul (e.g.  N Seoul Tower , Gyeongbokgung Palace , Hongdae ), as released by Korean Tourism Organization . It also covers previous attraction winners like  Myeongdong .

Itinerary Highlights

Cable Car to Seoul Tower

  🎖 Present/Past Top 100 Must-Visit Destinations in Korea

Top 10 Most Popular Attractions in Korea | KoreaToDo

Before Departure

1. Recommended Activities, Tours & Tickets to pre-purchase before trip (optional)

N Seoul Tower Observatory Ticket

N Seoul Tower Observatory Ticket

enjoy breathtaking views

Namsan Cable Car Round Trip Ticket (weekdays & min. 2 pax)

Namsan Cable Car Round Trip Ticket (weekdays & min. 2 pax)

beautiful scenery of Seoul

4G SIM Card (KR Airport Pick Up) - KT OLLEH (3/5/10/20/30 days options)

4G SIM Card (KR Airport Pick Up) - KT OLLEH (3/5/10/20/30 days options)

data, calls & texts/24 hrs pick up

4G Pocket WiFi (KR Airport Pick Up) - SK TELECOM (Unlimited Data)

4G Pocket WiFi (KR Airport Pick Up) - SK TELECOM (Unlimited Data)

max 3 devices / 24 hrs pick up

2. Recommended Hotel Location: anywhere near Myeongdong Station , preferably on the same side of the road as ' Nine Tree Hotel Myeongdong ' (i.e. 2 mins walk to airport limousine bus drop off/pick up bus stop , near exit 8 of Myeongdong Station )

➀ Nine Tree Hotel Myeongdong

★★★ | 8.5 Review Rating

➁ Solaria Nishitetsu Hotel Myeongdong

★★★★ | 8.8 Review Rating

➂ L7 Myeongdong by LOTTE

★★★★ | 8.6 Review Rating

➃ Days Hotel by Wyndham Seoul Myeongdong

★★★ | 8.4 Review Rating

➄ Moxy Seoul Myeongdong

★★★ | 8.8 Review Rating

➅ Henn na Hotel Seoul Myeongdong

★★★★ | 8.7 Review Rating

3. Download Mobile Apps

a) Korea Subway Info App - Metroid HD  (/ KakaoMap/Naver Map )

b) Location/Walking Direction Map - KakaoMap or Naver Map

more travel tips ....

Day 1: Arrived Seoul / Check in / Namsan Seoul Tower / Myeongdong

trip to soul

At Incheon Airport - Arrival Hall (public area after collecting luggage)

Pick up pre-purchased WIFI Router & SIM Card at Incheon Airport (where applicable).

Recommend to purchase T-money Card at any convenience store at the arrival hall of Terminal 1 (T1) or Terminal 2 (T2). Card deposit is ₩4,000. Suggest to top up at least ₩20,000 to ₩30,000 as the airport limousine fare is ₩17,000.

( Th e card ca n be used on airport limousine bus to city, bus, taxi, subway and convenience stores. Top up at any downtown convenience stores or subway stations.  More details ... )

💡If you can't get the card at the convenience store, you can walk a bit further to the subway station to purchase the card. Alternatively, you can get it at most convenience stores when you arrived in Myeongdong. Different stores carry different designs and you can pick your favourite  too !

T Money Card

Take Airport Limousine Bus from Incheon Airport (T1/T2) to City (i.e. Myeongdong Station Bus Stop )

Bus #: 6015

Interval: 2-6 departures per hour

Duration: 80 mins

Fare: ₩17,000 (discount may apply when used with T-money Card)

No reservation required. Just join the queue and it is free seating on board.

Airport Limousine Bus - 6015 | KoreaToDo

Departing from T1 to Myeongdong Station : 

First bus 05:40 | Last Bus 23:00

Walk outside of arrival hall (1F) at Gate 5, look for Bus #6015 to Myeongdong at bus platform 5B.

Incheon T1 - Airport Bus - 6015

Departing from T2 to Myeongdong Station :

First bus 05:20 | Last Bus 22:40

Go to Basement 1 for platform No. 28

Tab the T-money Card on boarding.

alternatively, bus ticket can be purchased at counters/machines (recommended) outside arrival hall (T1, 1F), bus waiting area (T2, B1) or by cash to driver.

Incheon International Airport - T2 - Platform 28 (6015 Bus to Myeongdong)

Refer to  Incheon International Airport official  website on the latest bus schedule and updates.

Alternative ways to get to Myeongdong from Incheon International Airport :

a) book your Private Airport Transfer by Car   OR

b) take the non-stop  AREX Airport Railroad  express train from Incheon International Airport direct to Seoul Station (Terminal 1: 43 mins / Terminal 2: 51 mins, ₩11,000) and transfer to subway for Myeongdong Station (line 4, 3 mins, 2 stops, ₩1,400). Luggage carrying up/down the stairs might be required. There are taxi stands outside Seoul Station too.

trip to soul

Check into accommodation booked after alighting from Airport Limousine Bus  at Myeongdong Station Bus Stop.

Myeongdong Shopping District - Airport Limousine Bus Stop (Myeongdong Station)

N Seoul Tower 남산서울타워

Namsan Seoul Tower - Cable Car

👉 How to get to N Seoul Tower

From N Seoul Tower, take the Shuttle Bus No. 01B  to the last stop (i.e. Namsan Yejang Bus Transfer Parking Lot). 13 mins bus ride. From there, walk towards  Myeongdong Station , 4 mins.

💡Myeongdong's main shopping area is right at Myeongdong Station's exit 5-8.

Namsan Seoul Tower - Namsan Shuttle Bus

Food & Drinks

Myeongdong Best Cafe & Restaurants - Cafe Swith SOL

Street Food

Myeongdong Street Food - Banana Pancake

Day 2: Seoul Plaza / Cheonggyecheon Stream / Gwanghwamun Square / Gyeongbokgung Palace / Tosokchon Samgyetang / Bukchon Hanok Village / Insadong

trip to soul

Depart 9:00 or earlier [ in time for the 10:00 changing of guard ceremony at palace]

Using KakaoMap or Naver Map , take an easy leisure walk from your accommodation to Seoul Plaza (15 mins) , located right next to City Hall Station (line 1, exit 5) and facing  The Plaza Seoul (hotel). The very popular Lotte Department Store (main branch) and the established Lotte Hotel Seoul that every taxi drivers know even in English are located nearby too.

Seoul Plaza 서울광장

Seoul Plaza

Walk along the straight road, Sejong-daero at the side of Seoul Plaza (passing by City Hall Station , line 1, exit 4/5) towards Gyeongbokgung Palace (20 mins) , bypassing  Cheonggyecheon Stream and Gwanghwamun Square  along the way .  This is a nice, spacious and modern area in Seoul .

Gwanghwamun Square

Cheonggyecheon Stream 청계천

Cheonggyecheon Stream

Gwanghwamun Square 광화문광장

Gwanghwamun Square

Gyeongbokgung Palace 경복궁

​ To arrive before 10:00 for the  Changing of the Royal Guard Ceremony (20 mins) , followed by the optional  Free English Guided Tour at 11:00 (1-1.5 hrs) . No reservation required.

The next Changing of the Royal Guard Ceremony is at 14:00.

For those who wish 'conserve' energy, you can take a taxi direct from Myeongdong to Gyeongbokgung Palace (20 mins, ₩7,200) or subway to Gyeongbokgung Station with 1 transfer (15 mins, ₩1,400). Use subway mobile app Metroid HD or KakaoMetro  for the lines and transfer station.

Hanbok Experience (Hanboknam Gyeongbokgung Store)

Hanbok Experience (Hanboknam Gyeongbokgung Store)

incl. basic hairstyling & inner skirt

Hanbok Rental (& Photoshoot) Experience by Hanbok That Day

Hanbok Rental (& Photoshoot) Experience by Hanbok That Day

3 mins walk fr. Gyeongbokgung

Walk from Gyeongbokgung Palace to the popular Tosokchon Samgyetang (Ginseng Chicken Soup) Restaurant. 10 mins .

Tosokchon Samgyetang (Ginseng Chicken Soup) 토속촌 삼계탕 @Seochon Village

Tosokchon Samgyetang

Seochon (Sejong) Village 서촌마을

Seochon (Sejong) Village

Walk back to  Gyeongbokgung Station (line 3).

trip to soul

Take the subway from Gyeongbokgung Station to the next stop, Anguk Station (line 3, exit 2). Walk to  Bukchon Hanok Village ( 10 mins) .

Bukchon Hanok Village 북촌한옥마을

Bukchon Hanok Village

Walk from Bukchon Hanok Village back towards Anguk Station to Insadong . 3 mins walk from exit 6.

Insadong 인사동

Insadong - Street

Dinner  at one of the quaint restaurants at Insadong .

After dinner, walk back to Anguk Station (line 3). Take the subway back to Myeongdong Station (line 4, 1 line transfer, 10 mins).

Alternatively, at any point along Insadong , you can take a taxi back to Myeongdong (11 mins, ₩5 ,600).

Day 3: Day Trip from Seoul

1. Recommended Day Tours from Seoul

DMZ 3rd Invasion Tunnel & Korea Traditional Boat Voyage Day Tour

DMZ 3rd Invasion Tunnel & Korea Traditional Boat Voyage Day Tour

river flowing out of North Korea

Everland Day Tour (Admission, Tour Guide & Round Trip Transfer)

Everland Day Tour (Admission, Tour Guide & Round Trip Transfer)

Eng./Mandarin speaking guide

Nami Island, Petite France, Italian Village & The Morning Calm Day Tour

Nami Island, Petite France, Italian Village & The Morning Calm Day Tour

Nami Island, Alpaca World & Samaksan Mountain Lake Cable Car Day Tour

Nami Island, Alpaca World & Samaksan Mountain Lake Cable Car Day Tour

longest cable car in Korea!

2. or Pick a Day Trip from Seoul under 3 hours

The Garden of Morning Calm 🎖

Day 4: Gwangjang Market / Hongdae / Ikeongdong Hanok Village

Gwangjang Market 광장시장속박물관

Take the subway from Myeongdong Station to Euljiro 4-ga Station  (line 2/5, 1 line transfer, 11 mins, exit 4).   5 mins walk to Gwangjang Market .

Gwangjang Market

Take the subway from Euljiro 4-ga Station to Hongik Univ. Station (line 2, 14 mins journey, exit 9).

Hongdae (Hongik University Street)

Hongdae / Kakao Friends Hongdae Flagship Store  / Line Friends Hongdae Flagship Store

Seoul Personal Color Group Consulting Experience Using Self-Tester

Seoul Personal Color Group Consulting Experience Using Self-Tester

Hongdae/Garosu-gil Branch

Nail Art & Hairstyling Experience at OLRANG, Hongdae

Nail Art & Hairstyling Experience at OLRANG, Hongdae

onsite English translation

Seoul Personal Color & Make-up Analysis in Hongdae

Seoul Personal Color & Make-up Analysis in Hongdae

with English speaking expert

Nanta Show Seoul @Myeongdong / Hongdae

Nanta Show Seoul @Myeongdong / Hongdae

Korea's longest running show

Walk back to Hongik Univ. Station. Take the subway to Jongno 3-ga Station  (line 1/3/5, 1 line transfer, 23 mins, exit 4/6).

Ikseondong Hanok Village

Ikseondong Hanok Village

After visiting the hanok village, take the subway from Jongno 3-ga Station  back to Myeongdong Station (line 4, 1 line transfer, 8 mins).

Day 5... : Self-explore based on your interest

Korean Folk Village, Suwon Hwaseong & Suwon Nammun Market Day Tour

Korean Folk Village, Suwon Hwaseong & Suwon Nammun Market Day Tour

Authentic cultural experience

Incheon Day Tour (Ganghwa Luge, Rail Bike, Wolmido & Fairy Tale Village)

Incheon Day Tour (Ganghwa Luge, Rail Bike, Wolmido & Fairy Tale Village)

enjoy the best of Incheon!

Alpaca World, Nami Island & The Garden of Morning Calm Day Tour

Alpaca World, Nami Island & The Garden of Morning Calm Day Tour

walk with adorable alpacas

Legoland Korea & Samaksan Mountain Lake Cable Car Day Tour

Legoland Korea & Samaksan Mountain Lake Cable Car Day Tour

longest 3.61km cable car ride!

2. or Pick a Day Trip from Seoul under 3 hours

Everland Theme Park 🎖

3. or Explore more on North of Han River  / South of Han River (i.e. Gangnam)

Lotte World 🎖

Day before departure: last minute shopping / chilling out

Last Minute Shopping

or Chill Out...

LOTTE Mart @Seoul Station

Buy your favourite Korean goodies back home!

Lotte Department Store @Myeongdong

Duty free shops, food court & supermarket.

Express Bus Terminal Underground

Largest underground mall in Seoul with over 600 shops (GOTO MALL).

Gangnam Shopping Street

For those who must see Gangnam & its underground shopping mall.

Dongdaemun Shopping Malls

cluster of shopping malls that open past midnight.

Hyundai City Outlets Dongdaemun

12 floors of shopping, dining & entertainment experience.

Hairstyling at Franck Provost in Myeongdong

Hairstyling at Franck Provost in Myeongdong

premium hair salon

O HUI & WHOO SPA Myeongdong

O HUI & WHOO SPA Myeongdong

25% off skin care kits

Art De La Peau Massage Shop in Myeongdong

Art De La Peau Massage Shop in Myeongdong

K-beauty by the professionals

Last Day: Getting to Airport...

Take the Airport Limousine Bus, #6015 (or #6001) from the same drop off stop ( Myeongdong Station ) to Incheon Airport (T1/T2)

Bus stop location:  near exit 8 of Myeongdong Station and right in front of KB Bank.

Duration: 80 mins (T1) / 90 mins (T2)

Fare: ₩17,000  (discount may apply when used with T-money Card)

First bus 04:35 | Last Bus 20:15 ( refer to the information at bus stop for the latest schedule )

Myeongdong Station Airport Bus Stop

Alternatively, you can book on a  private car transfer to Airport  as well .

Private Transfer: Incheon Airport (ICN) to Seoul (1-3 or more pax/car)

Private Transfer: Incheon Airport (ICN) to Seoul (1-3 or more pax/car)

Myeongdong, Hongdae, etc

trip to soul

🌸SEASONAL HOT PICKS🌸 Handpicked Experiences from Seoul

2024 Boryeong Mud Festival, Daecheon Beach & Oeam Folk Village Day Tour

2024 Boryeong Mud Festival, Daecheon Beach & Oeam Folk Village Day Tour

19 Jul - 4 Aug 2024

famous summer festival in Korea

2024 Boryeong Mud Festival, Daecheon Beach & Suspension Bridge Day Tour

2024 Boryeong Mud Festival, Daecheon Beach & Suspension Bridge Day Tour

Korea's famous mud festival!

Hongcheon Starlight Music Beer Festival & Alpaca World

Hongcheon Starlight Music Beer Festival & Alpaca World

31 Jul - 4 Aug 2024

beer coupons & limited beer mug

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BEST First-Time Visitor’s Seoul Itinerary (3-7 Days)

Last Updated: Nov 11, 2023 by Max · This post may contain affiliate links · 2 Comments

South Korea is a land of mountains, palaces, and busy streets, and this 3 to 7 day Seoul itinerary will put you right in the middle of it all. With the city’s futuristic architecture and state-of-the-art technological advancements, people sometimes get culture shock when they see how integrated they are into more traditional lifestyles.

Everywhere you go, there’s always an event happening or a festival on, and there are plenty of surprises in store – especially if you visit any of the Seoul hotspots detailed below. But while Korea is truly a magical place, it’s far from what we see in the K-Dramas.

Fans often come here expecting to meet a dashing chaebol randomly in the streets (which is highly unlikely), and are disappointed when they’re not hit on in the nightclub. Dramas and idols are just a small fraction of Korean culture .

To truly experience it for yourself, you’ll have to immerse yourself in Seoul for 3 days or more, before heading further south. That way you’ll get to try everything Korea has to offer; from delicious food to astounding historical landmarks.

So if you’re figuring what to put in your Seoul itinerary, let us help you plan how many days in Seoul you should spend, and what to do and where to go during your South Korea vacation. Use the 'Jump To' box below to go to a specific section.

trip to soul

Basics of Travel in South Korea

How to maximize your seoul experience, faq about seoul, where to stay in seoul, seoul itinerary 3 days, seoul itinerary 7 days, tips for visiting seoul.

Visa: Most travelers will need a K-ETA ( Korean Electronic Travel Authorization ), applied for at least 72 hours before departure. If you needed a visa before, you'll need a K-ETA now. Note that from April 1, 2023, to December 31, 2024, passport holders from 22 countries, including the US, UK, Canada, and several EU nations, can visit visa-free – no K-ETA required!

Currency: South Korean won ( KRW or ₩ )

Arrival in Korea: all international flights arrive at Incheon Airport (ICN), one of the best-rated airports in the world. It usually takes about 1 hour to get through security & pick up checked bags.

Getting Around: Korea has an extensive & reliable public transport system. A refillable T-Money card is your ticket to buses and trains across the country; you can buy and refill yout TMoney card at any subways station or convenience store in Korea.

Internet & SIM Cards: Rent a Wi-Fi egg or purchase a prepaid Korean SIM card at the airport, available for up to one month of connection.

Travel Insurance: always recommended, though some credit card companies offers limited coverage when booking.

trip to soul

How many days should I spend in Seoul? While most guides will tell you that three days in Seoul is enough, we recommend that you stay in Seoul for a week.

But for those with tight budgets, we can help maximize your Seoul itinerary for as many days as you have, and thanks to the advanced metro system in Seoul, you’ll jump from one place to another without issue.

That being said, Seoul at night is a treat for the eyes, and most of the attractions in Seoul occur when the sun begins to set. Banpo Bridge, for example, has an incredible fountain show and the title of the World’s Longest LED-light display.

Around the same time each evening, stalls are set up where people enjoy delicious foods while waiting for fireworks to decorate the sky. The best part is, there’s a way to do all of these things in Seoul for free.

Simply purchase a Discover Seoul pass before your trip, and you can get into most of these attractions (once each) without worrying too much about your budget. There are three kinds of passes you can choose from (24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours), and even if you run out of hours, you can still use it to avail of discounts in any of the partner tourist attractions.

Other sites that provide discounts are kkday , Trazy and Klook .

Unfortunately, each attraction’s opening hours may change due to public holidays or unforeseen events. So if you follow this Seoul itinerary, please develop a habit of checking attractions’ schedules first if you don’t want to wait hours for a show that has already been cancelled.

trip to soul

For a solo traveler, a vacation in Seoul may cost between ₩1,000,000-2,000,000 ($800-1,600USD). This takes into account 3 meals a day, a public transport card, and a week in a hotel, which can all vary widely in price. The rest of your money will go to experiences and souvenirs.

The best time to visit Korea is from May to June and September to October, since this is the best time to see the cherry blossom trees bloom or watch the fall colors in the mountains. Moreover, the weather at this time is generally pleasant for locals and foreigners alike, making walking around more pleasant than in summer or winter.

Three days should be sufficient for a first trip to Korea, especially if you have a Discover Seoul pass , though one week is ideal. The pass enables you to visit key locations once for free, and best of all, get discounts on other destinations and experiences.

Here are the essentials to pack for Seoul: passport, credit cards, and travel medical insurance, as well as shorts, a sun hat, and tops with sleeves. Moreover, certain cellphones do not work in Korea, so you need to check if your phone is not region-locked or that it is equipped to intercept the networks provided in Korea, and possibly rent a phone for your trip.

trip to soul

Seoul is known for having culturally diverse neighborhoods, full of history, good food, and memorable experiences. There are several fantastic neighborhoods I'd recommend staying in when you visit Seoul.

There’s always something that will pique your interest, but you have to make sure that the neighborhood matches your preferences - since you might choose to add to your Seoul itinerary by experiencing the bustling Seoul nightlife .

Specifically in Ichon-dong, this is probably the most convenient place to look for accommodation, especially if you want something quick and cheap. This is also a convenient location if you want to visit the most popular areas in Seoul for free , like the National Museum of Korea, Yongsan Family Park, and Ichon Han River Park.

Creatives and digital natives love coming to this hub because this neighborhood is panned towards the younger crowd. If you’re reminiscing about your college days, this is the neighborhood in Seoul for you.

Cafés regularly host language exchange parties, coffee and pub crawls , and art appreciation guilds. Sometimes buskers hold small concerts in the streets, from late afternoon into the wee hours of night.

Rub elbows with the rich and famous by staying in this Seoul neighborhood . With large-scale suites with spectacular views of the Seoul night sky, this area boasts popular attractions for those with luxurious tastes.

Apgujeong-dong and Garuso-gil, for example, hold multiple high-end luxury chains with clothes made by internationally renowned designers, and worn by the famous K-Celebrities we know and love (like Lisa of BLACKPINK and V of BTS).

trip to soul

This is the city where tradition meets modernity, and you deserve to experience both sides during your 3 days in Seoul. This itinerary covers the basics and the must-sees of the city if you have limited time, with an optional extension to 7 days below.

Seoul Itinerary Day 1: Embracing Korea’s Traditional Side

Note: If your first day falls on a Monday or a Tuesday, you’ll want to move this day’s schedule to a later date— most of the palaces are closed on both those days.

Did you know that entry to any of the five Grand Palaces in Seoul is free when dressed in a hanbok ? Be sure to reserve a full day’s use online ahead of time to avoid the stress of long lines on the day of. The best thing about reserving online is that it also comes with a hefty discount.

Try checking the massive selection provided by the Hanboknam Gyeongbokgung Store , which actually has a Korean hairstyling service too! 

Stop 1: Gyeongbokgung Palace

Time: 9:30AM

Address: 161, Sajik-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Fee: Adults: ₩3,000, Children: ₩1,500; Groups have a discount, with ₩2,400 for Adults and ₩1,200 for children; It is free if you come wearing a hanbok.

The best way to start your day is to arrive at Gyeongbokgung Palace 30 minutes before it opens. That way you get to see the Opening Ceremony of the Palace Gates, and the procession that takes place as the guards shift their duties.

As you enter, the first thing you should do is fall in line to see Geunjeongjeon Hall. It’s quite a bit of a walk, and you’ll initially pass by the pumgyeseok (the markers court officials used to indicate where they should stand if the King calls for a meeting) before reaching the steps.

However, the view of the majestic ancient Korean architecture and the people wearing hanboks will make you feel like you have time-traveled all the way back to the Joseon Dynasty. As soon as you get to the red throne, you only have a few minutes to admire its splendor, so make sure to bring your camera with you.

If you’re able to join an English-language tour, your guide will certainly point out the parts of the palace that were heavily influenced by Chinese architecture , a fact quite revealing of the times.

Other notable parts of the palace are the Gyeonghoeru Pavillion, or what used to be the setting for lavish official banquets, and the beautiful Hyangwonjeong, a small temple-like structure on top of an artificial island on Hyangwonji Lake. 

There are plenty of things to do at Gyeongbokgung, but there’s a special tea ceremony that lets you drink the tea that delighted the King and Queen back then, and I’d highly recommend it. You’ll feel like royalty after just one sip. 

trip to soul

Stop 2: Hwangsaengga Kalguksu

Address: 78, Bukchon-ro 5-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul 03053 South Korea

Prices: ₩₩-₩₩₩

Notorious for being the “best noodle and dumpling shop” near Gyeongbukgung Palace, expect long lines of people dying to have a taste. Since these dishes don’t take long to cook, people don’t have to wait long to try some of their most famous offerings, like the cold soybean soup or the rich ox bone noodles. 

Stop 3: National Palace Museum of Korea

Time: 2:00 PM

Address: 12 Hyoja-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Nearest Metro Stop: Gyeongbokgung Station (Line 3, Exit 5)

Once you’ve enjoyed your meal, head back to the steps leading to the museum and walk further on in. This facility has everything you need if you wish to know more about Korea’s glorious and often difficult past.

Fourteen of Korea’s ‘National Treasures,’ including recovered pieces from the Joseon Dynasty and the Korean Empire, are housed in this free museum . Periodically they even host events to educate the people who come, usually involving activities like calligraphy, tea ceremonies , and even Korean traditional dance lessons.

trip to soul

Stop 4: Gwanghwamun Square

Time: 4:00PM

Fee: Adults: ₩3,000, Children: ₩1,500; Groups have a discount, with ₩2,400 for Adults and ₩1,200 for children.

This wide park is actually a huge commemoration site for the military strategist that led Koreans to victory during the Japanese invasion, Admiral Yi Sun-sin. His statue stands proudly next to the water fountain which entertains local kids every summer, and may be even more famous than the statue!

But this installation actually has a meaningful story behind it, because the water jets shoot exactly 18 meters high, with 300 smaller jets to symbolize the battles the Admiral fought on sea.

Meters away from the great admiral’s statue, an intimidating gold statue of Sejong the Great watches over you, perfect for taking selfies and startling visitors.

Stop 5: Cheonggyecheon Stream and Cheonggye Plaza

Time: 5:00PM

Address: 530 Cheonggyecheon-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul

Just a 10-minute walk from Gwanghwamun Square is a long man-made stream that doubles as a public recreation space. I recommend coming here in the late afternoon because the sunset view is legendary; you can rest your weary feet in the stream as you wait for the night to come.

By then, the lights will turn on, illuminating the traditional lanterns above and the long strip that makes the stream sparkle below. This makes for a beautiful sight, most especially if you look at it from above.

If your trip hits around summer, the sunset may come around 8PM, and the wait can get quite hot & sweaty. So if you have plans to really see the sunset, swing by Cafe imA, a coffee shop next to the Ilmin Art Museum. Visitors rave about their Hamburg Steak (₩13,500), but you can also try their desserts and waffles (₩6,500-₩8,000).

There’s also Dal.Komm Coffee on the other side of the stream, near the starting point. Most of their coffee, juice, and tea selection ranges from ₩4,100 to ₩6,100, but their Real Strawberry Lemonade (₩5,300) is the best drink to beat the summer heat.

trip to soul

Stop 6: Deoksugung Palace

Time: 7:00PM

Address: 99 Sejong-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul

Fee:  Adults: ₩1,000, Children: ₩500; Groups have a discount, with ₩800 for Adults and ₩400 for children; It is free if you come wearing a hanbok.

Cap off your first day by visiting Deoksugung , or the small palace that used to be the residence of Korea’s Royal Family. Unlike the other Five Grand Palaces , this one has the Seokjojeon , a building that features a more prominent modern & western style that King Gojong would use to enthrall the diplomats who came to visit Korea.

It’s also a beautiful sight at night, and if you arrive before 7:30 PM, you should sign up for “Seokjojeon at Night.” This is an evening tour program that lets you stroll and observe Deoksugung’s highlights, enjoy tea at the terrace, and watch a musical performance at the reception area (where the King used to meet with important figures in history).  

Seoul Itinerary Day 2: Feel Young Again in Hongdae

Stop 1: Thanks Nature Cafe 

Time: 8:30 AM

Address: 29 World cup buk-ro 4-gil, Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul

Fee: ₩₩-₩₩₩

For breakfast , there’s a famous cafe nearby that lets you make friends with two massively fluffy and docile sheep. You can mingle with them in the playpen while waiting for your breakfast, or watch from afar if you’re just there for the pics.

They have a wide selection of coffee, smoothies, and breakfast waffles; you have to try the latter, as they only use seasonal fresh fruits on the waffles. Unfortunately, breakfast in Korea is always enjoyed at home, so not many spots are open super early.

An alternate nearby recommendation for vegans or vegetarians is Salad Brothers , a fantastic salad bar that lets you put as much dressing as you want. Their Cobb Salad is a crowd favorite because it packs quite a punch, even though the portions are small. Plus, the food is just as photogenic as their menu.

trip to soul

Stop 2: Coconut Box – formerly known as the Trick Eye Museum

Time: 10:00 AM

Address: 20 Hongik-ro 3-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul

Fee: ₩23,000  

I was sad to learn that they closed the Trick Eye Museum in Seoul; I had many fond memories there. Still, the replacement attraction of Coconut Box is a worthy visit— they reinvented the entire place into a Southeast Asian beach, with sand on the floor and wooden huts you can sit in.

You can pretend that you’re vacationing in a tropical island garden, but the real highlight of the visit is the “metaverse play” in one of their bungalows. Getting there at 10am, shortly after they open, will guarantee you’ll have the chance to enter & interact in one of the most famous paintings in the entire world: Vincent van Gogh’s Starry Night.

Stop 3: Abiko Curry

Address: 25, Hongik-ro, Mapo-gu Hotel Seokyo Annex B106, Seoul

Fee: ₩-₩₩

If you’re craving a good Japanese curry, Abiko Curry lets you enjoy variations of this dish at a reasonable price. Sure it’s a little cramped, but if you don’t mind that, I swear their tonkatsu is to die for, and Koreans basically consider it a local dish at this point. Set meals are also good for sharing, and the servers are kind to foreigners. 

trip to soul

Stop 4: Caface Seoul

Address: 20 Hongik-ro 3-gil, Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul

Near Abiko Curry stands Caface Seoul. This popular spot is one of those ‘only in Korea’ kind of things, that lets you have your face printed as latte art. This is also the perfect way to commemorate your day in Hongdae, and then bring your masterpiece on a stroll around the neighborhood.

Just give them any of the selfies you took earlier, hand over ₩2700, and you can have a “face latte.” I know you’re too pretty to drink, but their coffee definitely tastes better warm – so drink it while it’s hot!

Stop 5: Hongdae Shopping Street

Time: 3:00 PM

Address: 365-8 Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul

In any trip, it is important to have a bit of time to do some quick retail therapy. In Hongdae, where the hip, young, and fashionable gather, most of the clothes for sale are aimed at the younger crowd.

But it’s amazing how much branded stuff has heavy discounts here, albeit mostly ‘free size’ (generically large or stretchy clothes), and there are a lot of ‘2 items for $8’ offers.

trip to soul

Stop 6: Mapogalmaegi

Time: 7:00 PM

Address: 14 Hongik-ro 5an-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul

Expect lots of young women in here, because this restaurant is located close to Ehwa Women’s University. I’m a meat-lover, so I can’t let you vacation in Seoul without eating in at least one typical barbecue-type restaurant.

All Korean BBQ spots are best enjoyed with a group of people due to the layout, but most places will accept a single person unless they’re packed. Aside from meat, this spot offers soju or beer, and you can try a variety of delicious banchan to go with your meats of choice.

Another option is the Analog Garden, a charming coffee house that serves delicious salads. Though most of their dishes have meat and egg in it, a there's a vegan-friendly option called the "Falafel Wrap" worth ₩7,500.

If that is too small for you, get the "Falafel Plate" instead for ₩11,000. But what people actually come for is a homemade fake-meat set meal (soy-based), that’s said to go well with their roasted coffee.

Stop 7: Come back to Hongdae Shopping Street

Time: 9:00 PM

Come back here after dinner, because this is when the buskers come to perform. Around the performance areas are food stalls packed with delicious Korean foods for a couple bucks each; if you couldn’t or didn’t want to eat KBBQ for dinner, you can find something here.

The beauty about this place is that you can stay out late and still spot people roaming around, browsing and entering restaurants and bars. This is why most shops close past midnight here.

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Seoul Itinerary Day 3: See Iconic Locations in Seoul

Stop 1: K-Pop Square

Time: 10:30 AM

Address: Right outside Samseong Station, Exit 5

K-Pop Square is a large public area in Samseong, featuring a massive LED-screen that promotes show-stopping performances from the past. This is an ode to K-Pop, which is responsible for a large portion of the country’s tourism, and why Korea is so well known across the world.

Fans will also be happy to know that somewhere in the area is a wall that lets them hold hands with their favorite idols. Also known as the “K-Pop Handprint Wall,” big stars like BTS, Shinee, and even EXO are among the artists featured here.

Stop 2: Statue of Gangnam Style

Time: 10:45 AM

Address: 524 Bongeunsa-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

At first I just thought this was a strange gold installation of two hands shielding you from the sun, but when I finally got close to it, I knew immediately who it was: Psy oppa !

Though this ‘Gentleman’ has been relatively quiet since his 2012 hit, the song Gangnam Style remains in the Youtube hall of fame as one of the fastest to hit a billion views. If you know how to dance Gangnam Style, this is the perfect location for you to shoot a dance cover of the video. 

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Stop 3: Bongeunsa Seoraewon ( 봉은사 서래원)

Address: 531 Bongeunsa-ro, Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

Imagine enjoying a warm meal inside a small Korean temple, without ever leaving Seoul. Bongeunsa Seoraewon lets you have that experience in the heart of the city, and the noodle prices are affordable too; most especially the sets.

After your meal, you can just walk outside and visit Bongeunsa Temple directly. What’s cool about this place is that it also has options for vegans (ask for their Bongeun Tofu).

Stop 4: COEX Starfield Library

Time: 1:30 PM

Address: 513 Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

This is by far the most famous library in Seoul. It’s a real operating library, located inside the largest underground shopping mall in all of Asia: CoEx Starfield. Book lovers will cry at the sight of tens of thousands of books filling the 13-meter shelves.

Visitors also come to watch famous authors do book signing events, and famous poets visit to motivate young children to write.

The downside about this place is only that it is always crowded and noisy – it’s hard to appreciate the rare book you found if there are couples chatting on either side of you. But did I mention that this space is free? This is why people often try to sneak out the books, which I discourage you from trying. 

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Stop 5: COEX Aquarium

Time: 5:00 PM

Address: 513 Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, 서울특별시

Fee: Adults: ₩28,000; Children: ₩24,000; Senior Citizens: ₩20,000

CoEx Aquarium in Seoul is for those who want to see marine life up close, with more than a hundred display tanks and over 40,000 sea creatures in various themed zones. Shark lovers will be thrilled to know that this is the aquarium that houses the highest number of sharks in Korea.

Touch pools also let you feel the fish (like the manta ray), allowing you to have a healing experience with nature in a safe setting.

Stop 6: Gosoo Dalgalbi Gangnam

Time: 7:30 PM

Address: 20, Teheran-ro 5-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

Fee: Adults: ₩-₩₩

For dinner, you should definitely try the tastiest dakgalbi in Seoul. This is a famous Korean dish not common internationally, but very popular domestically. The dish consists of loads of chopped cabbage with tender bits of chicken rib meat, stir-fried in a thick, spicy sauce (that tastes so much better with cheese, in my opinion!).

What’s so wonderful about this place is that their special, the 치즈모듬사리 ( Cheese Modeumsari ), is a party plate full of cheesy rice cake and glass noodles that is perfect for sharing.

For a fun vegan option, come to Veg Green, a delicious vegan buffet that has a homey vibe - the staff will still smile at you, even if you come late at night for dinner. At just ₩12,000 per person, it’s full of options for those who enjoy large mixed salads, including fruits and jam in a cozy ambiance.

Stop 7: GSM Terrace

Address: 327-45 Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul

Fee: Adults: ₩10,000 for unlimited drinks

Friends are important, and meeting fun people from diverse, cultural backgrounds may also make your stay in Korea a fulfilling one. Sure, it’s an activity for international people, but you may spot some Koreans who are seeking places to practice their English.

Additionally, you can play all sorts of games with them if you run out of things to talk about. Everything comes easy and natural here, and all people are welcome to join in the fun.

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If you find that 3 days in Seoul is not enough, you’re not alone. Most visitors spend 5-7 days in Seoul to get a taste of the culture, nightlife, and food in Korea.

The suggestions below are ideal for people who are looking for other things to visit on their Seoul vacation, since the first three days have pretty much hit all the popular places. A good alternative to Everland is Lotte World.

Seoul Itinerary Day 4: Everland Theme Park

Everland is a popular theme park in Seoul, perfect for people who just want to have a magical day with their date, family, or friends. With over 40 attractions scattered across five different themed areas, it might take an entire day or two to exhaust all of the attractions.

What I love about this place is that it always has festivals and seasonal events to entertain guests of all ages.

Operating Hours: 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Address: 199 Everland-ro, Pogog-eup, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do

Fee: Adults: ₩54,000 to ₩64,000; Children: ₩43,000 to ₩51,000; If you want to skip the line, you can buy the tickets ahead of time . There’s also a fun option of wearing a Korean school uniform, which you can rent online or on-site.

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Stop 1: Global Fair

If you’ve always wanted to travel to far-flung destinations, this fair lets you see the world all at once. Historical structures, both existing and ancient, line one area of this zone - and here you can see various architecture from different points in time, instantly turning you into a time traveler.

Stop 2: Live Hologram Adventure (Global Fair)

Time: 11:00 AM

Never been to a K-Pop concert before? That’s okay, because the Live Hologram Adventure lets you experience a 30-minute snippet of a K-Pop concert in high definition.

If you also decide to take pictures and videos, it’d look so realistic that you can trick your friends into thinking that you actually went to a BIGBANG concert.

Stop 3: Snack Buster for Lunch

When you’re in a theme park , you need a lot of grub to keep your energy levels high. Unlike other theme parks with food in small, reduced servings, Snack Buster has generous servings of high-quality Korean foods sold at an affordable price.

I highly recommend their Korean fried chicken with french fries and tteokbokki, because it’ll come in a plate that’s big enough to share with your family or friends.

trip to soul

Stop 4: Carnival Square (European Adventure)

Time: 2:30 PM

Around this time you should join the people gathering by the Carnival Square, because this is when you get to witness a spectacular event only seen in Everland.

Here they’ll launch flowery floats with vivacious dancers and mascots, all inviting you to come join their party. Imagine being in Rio de Janeiro, but when you leave, you’re back in Korea.

Stop 5: Panda World (Zootopia)

Time: 3:15 PM

Need I say more? Pandas are such gentle creatures, and imagine entering a world full of these adorable bears. Everland’s Zootopia should be in your Seoul itinerary for this very reason. If you don’t like pandas and prefer a different animal, then next to this enclosure is the Friendly Monkey Valley.

Stop 6: Lost Valley (Zootopia)

Enjoy zipping through a safari, riding a tram that crosses difficult terrain dotted with real animals. To enjoy this experience, then join the queue at the Lost Valley, where you’ll find your ride crossing the stream.

The trip will take you  into landscaped enclosures full of large animals including elephants, giraffes, camels, and rhinos. And then, if there’s still time, your guide will let you hand-feed these animals, giving you a chance to interact with them up close.

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Step 7: Thunder Falls (Magic Land)

Time: 6:00 PM

Speaking of getting wet, there’s a fun flume ride in Everland that features backward drops and steep falls. It’s such a thrill to be on this ride, and the danger can be so exhilarating! But if you need more adrenaline rush, see if you can queue for the T-Express (aka. Everland’s Scariest Ride).

Step 8: Robot VR and Gyro VR (American Adventure)

Have you ever fantasized about channeling your inner Han Solo? These rides let you pilot a futuristic spaceship and navigate the stars. Sci-fi fans love this ride because the effects feel so real— the ride itself even follows the joystick you’re controlling!

Step 9: Four Seasons Garden & Rose Garden

Time: 8:00 PM

When the sun sets, this is the best area to end your day in Everland.  There’s always a light show with fireworks around this time, and a variety of performances that go along with it.

trip to soul

Seoul Itinerary Day 5: Feel the National Pride

As a tourist, one of the best ways to experience Korea is to visit the location where they played host to countries from all over the world. Coming here, you’ll see the effort Korea puts forth in promoting peace and harmony, as well as soak in the welcoming spirit. Plus, Olympic Park is 100% free to visit!

Stop 1: World Peace Gate

Time: 9:30 AM

Address: 424 Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul

The World Peace Gate is a marvelous winged structure that reveals a beautiful painting of a phoenix, tiger, turtle, and a dragon if you stand beneath it. This is called “A Painting of Four Spirits,” signifying the desire of Korea to be friends with everybody in the world.

As you stand underneath, it’s like a gate that genuinely welcomes you to enter and experience Korea. I’ve always thought it was a beautiful place to stand and reflect on your experiences in the country.

Stop 2: Olympic Museum

Learn more about the athletes that represented Korea in the past Olympic Games! Documentation about Korea’s best athletes, their training process, and even their histories are comprehensively explained here. Also, thanks to this museum, you’ll get to closely observe the gear used in the recent 2018 Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang. 

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Stop 3: Olympic Park’s Peace Square

Address: 326, Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul

If you time your visit around the last week of September to the first week of October this year, there will be a grand festival called the Hanseong Baekje Cultural Festival in the Olympic Park’s Peace Square.

Coming here lets you experience the rich Hanseong era in Korea, featuring food tastings, tea ceremonies, parades and performances, and even a demonstration of a hawk-aided hunting!

Moreover, the reason why they’re holding it here is because the Mongchontoseong Fortress area is known to be a remnant of the Baekje capital. Hopefully you’ll get to see this festival in person, because it truly is a fascinating way to learn more about Korea’s fascinating past.

Stop 4: Bukchon Hanok Village

Time: 4:00 PM

Address: 37, Gyedong-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Perhaps one of the oldest villages in Seoul, this area dates back all the way to the Joseon Dynasty. Also called the “northern village,” this is also where two significant Seoul landmarks, Cheonggyecheon Stream and Jongno, are located.

What’s admirable about this area is that people hold traditional events here, giving curious tourists an opportunity to get to know the Joseon dynasty even better. Fun activities such as hanbok wearing, etiquette demonstration, and even tea ceremonies are hosted by the people here, and all of these usually occur in the afternoon.

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Stop 5: Insadong Street

Address: Insadong, Jongro-gu, Seoul

One of the popular destinations in Korea, Insadong Street has a long array of lively stalls and shops to give you something to look at everywhere.This is also the best place to grab a quick snack, because they serve a variety of Korean foods you should make it a point to try.

If you’re interested in trying something new and enjoy green tea , track down O’Sulloc Tea House and order their matcha cake. Since this is one of your last days in Seoul, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that Insadong is one of the best places to buy souvenirs for your family and friends!

Stop 6: Noryangjin Fish Market

Address: 674 Nodeul-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul

I know that capping your day in a fish market is unusual, but after you swing by Insadong Street, head to the Jonggak Station and ride the subway to Noryangjin , because this is where people can eat the freshest seafood in Seoul.

You can even try the unique dishes they serve, most especially try delicacies that you definitely haven’t before - like the penis fish. You should come try the small octobps, king crab, and hwe (sliced raw fish) here, for example.

Don’t be shy if you can’t speak a lick of Korean because the people are so used to seeing foreigners that they have devised a way to make things easier and enjoyable for you.

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Seoul Itinerary Day 6: See Korea’s Highest Point

Stop 1: Namsan Park

Address: 231, Samil-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul

This public park is a nature-friendly rest area smack in the middle of the city. It has clear walking trails leading to Namsan Seoul tower, but I’d encourage you to take your time appreciating this quiet, vast expanse, because it has more facilities than your average park.

Aside from seeing gardens and free physical activity facilities, there’s also a library, a botanical garden, a memorial hall, and a culture center. 

Stop 2: Mok Myeong San Bang

Address: 71 Toegye-ro 20-gil, Namsandong 2-ga, Jung-gu 1F, Hannam Building, Seoul 04629 South Korea

People might have a hard time locating this place, but keep your eyes peeled for a hanok within Namsan Park. Mok Myeong San Bang is a vegetarian-friendly, healthy, traditional lunch restaurant that serves authentic Korean cuisine.

In fact, they pride themselves as chefs who never use artificial seasoning. I highly recommend their bibimbap , which is known to be the best in Seoul, but you should explore dishes like the crispy cheesy pancake and the yukhoe (raw beef).

trip to soul

Stop 3: Namsangol Hanok Village

Address: 28 Toegye-ro 34-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul

After a savory lunch, walk to Namsangol Hanok Village on the north side of Namsan Mountain. Here you get to see homes that were restored to their original form to give tourists a sense of how people in the Joseon dynasty used to live.

Sometimes you may chance upon demonstrations that show people how to play a traditional board game ( yunnori ) or fold a traditional paper called hanji . Sometimes there’s also a fun segment on how traditional herbal medicines are made and used.

Stop 4: N Seoul Tower

Time: 4:30 PM

Address: 105, Namsangongwon-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul

Fee: (Observatory) Adults: ₩11,000; Children: ₩9,000

Also known as the second highest tower in Seoul, Namsan Tower’s Observation Deck provides an unobstructed view of the whole city. There’s also a powerful telescope available for use that lets you have a high quality LCD view of wherever you’re pointing it at. 

Aside from museums and exhibitions, what people really come here for is attaching their own lock to Love Lock Bridge. This is the infamous site in Seoul where couples fasten a lock to symbolize their everlasting love— hence why there’s an area full of locks, and a booth that lets you customize your own to add to the bridge.

Stop 5: Lotte World Tower

Address: 300, Olympic-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul

Fee: Adults: ₩27,000; Children: ₩24,000; Fast Pass for all ages: ₩50,000

After seeing the second highest point, go to the tallest building in the entirety of Korea! Lotte World Tower, just 55 minutes away from Namsangol Hanok Village. Sleek and slender with a gentle curved design, you can end your evening in a fantastically fast elevator, taking you directly to the highest point in Korea.

The ride also allows you to take great photos, because you get to see the entire city transition to night time as you arrive. Inside you can also test your courage as you walk through the highest indoor glass floor, giving you perspective of how high up in the sky you are (and how teeny every person looks from above).

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Seoul Itinerary Day 7: Enjoy the Night at Dongdaemun

Stop 1: Dongdaemun Seonggwak Park

Address: right outside Dongdaemun Station Exit 1

If you feel like doing a bit of walking in the afternoon, this little tourist trap has an uphill road that takes you to a nice park. It’s not as pretty as the other ones, but it has everything you need, and it's very conveniently located for a chill afternoon out.

Since it is a little bit elevated, you get to have a clear view of Dongdaemun , which lets you see the fusion of traditional and modern elements scattered around the city. Moreover, this is where the beautiful Heunginmun gate is located, perfect for pictures on your last day in Seoul.

Stop 2: Heunginjimun (Dongdaemun Gate)

Address: 288 Jong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Don’t skip this gate before you leave. This is an ancient monument which used to stretch longer, as it used to be a fortress with three other gates. All four gates apparently have a meaning attached to their name, and Heunginjimun is loosely translated as “benevolence, with good energy.”

There’s also a semi-circular ongsung inside, which is a pagoda-like traditional structure that makes it stand out compared to the existing gates in Seoul. Plus, the reason we’re coming to see it at 6pm is because it lights up beautifully against the backdrop of cars.

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Stop 3: Bulgwangsikdang ( 부광식당 )

Time: 6:30 PM

Address: 207-26 Sungin-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul

Not many are comfortable in crowded places, but for this one, most will surely make an exception. If you feel like eating a proper home-cooked meal for dinner, this is the best option in Seoul. Since this is more frequented by the elderly and locals, most of the meals are made to appeal to their taste.

But who knows, you might find your favorite Korean meal here! Plus, the owners are kind and friendly, making it a less intimidating place for foreigners to try. Vegans might want to swing by Vegan is Hip (비건이즈힙), a wide sandwich and waffle bar that offers choices that range from sweet potato, tofu salad, fruits, and vegetables.

Their waffles are super delicious, even if they are made with rice flour and plant-based cream, a combination that most non-vegans find challenging to like. If you choose to come here, try their apple jam whipped cream waffle, and you won’t regret it.

Stop 4: Dongdaemun Design Plaza

Address: 43 Eulji-ro 45-gil, Sindang-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul

See that majestic neon embryo thing? That’s Dongdaemun Design Plaza. This huge building is absolutely worth seeing at night, since it glows brightly and makes for a good aerial photo. There are lots of free things to do inside since this also doubles as a museum and an exhibition center.

Speaking of which, there’s a large LED screen that allows you to relax your eyes with soothing colors that dance along to therapeutic music. Take your time strolling around inside. There are plenty of fun things you can do, like browse inside for things to buy or check out the books on the shelves.

You can even play on the funny chairs that let you spin without falling! There are also rest areas that let you charge your phones while you sip the coffee from the food carts outside. If you’re a K-Pop fan and you like artists from SM Entertainment, you’ll be happy to know that SM Town is inside.

Stop 5: Dongdaemun Night Market

Time: 10:30 PM

The reason you should come here late in the day is to experience one of the best night markets in Seoul . Known as a fashion destination throughout Seoul, plenty of people frequent Dongdaemun Night Market to shop, play, and eat. The best part? Most of the stalls are open until as late as 5am!

trip to soul

So you’re finally coming to Korea. Your bags are packed and your ticket is ready. Congratulations! But before you leave, here are helpful tips for visiting Korea that you might want to read before you arrive.

  • Learn some key phrases in Hangul – or download Papago

While most of the buildings and public spaces in Seoul provide English translations for foreigners, it is rarely enough to travel without learning a few key phrases . Trust me, you’ll want to know what to say if you need to know where the nearest station is or the cost of something.

If you cannot cram these many Korean phrases into your memory, I can relate, and I recommend that you have the Papago translation app ready to assist you just in case.

  • Learn basic etiquette 

Of course people don’t expect you to bow everywhere, but you should show them respect. One way to do this is, when you are giving or receiving things, you use both of your hands. As a foreigner, never call strangers ‘ahjussi’ or ‘ahjumma’ if you happen to talk to them, and most of all, learn how to respectfully address people in Korea .

  • You can connect to the internet almost everywhere in Korea, but get a Korean SIM card or wifi egg just to be safe 

Don’t assume that everywhere you go, the Internet will always be with you; most Koreans have cell phones with unlimited data now, so wifi is ironically harder to access. One of the hacks I’ve used to be able to connect while on the go is to find a metro station and connect to the free Wi-Fi in there.

But in cases where a station is quite far from you, and you need to use apps like KakaoMaps to sort out your route, it’s best to have a Korean sim card handy.

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  • Bring a power bank!

You never know when you’ll run out of battery, and Korea is a big city. Even though cafes let people stay for a long time, you may happen to come on days when most are either closed or crowded, so you can’t count on that.

Sometimes you can visit a convenience store and ask if they have ports to charge your phone, but if you don’t want a dead battery to ruin your trip, take a power bank with you (or buy one when you arrive).

  • Don’t rely on Google Maps

I cannot stress this enough! Google Maps doesn’t work in Korea, and what’s worse is that what they tell you is rarely accurate. Instead, download Kakao-brand apps when possible. Even though KakaoMaps is made primarily for Koreans in Korea, it is foreigner-friendly and even has an English version.

  • Ride public transportation instead of taxis

Taxis are expensive, but Seoul is even more expensive. Also known as the 7 th most expensive capital in the world, most of the fun things to do require you to shell out more money than you might want to.

So to save on your vacation to Seoul, when you can, choose to ride the subway or the bus. Both systems are very clean, extensive, and reliable.

  • Carry your own trash

Bring your trash back home with you. Unlike other cities where you can freely throw garbage in any bin, Seoul has very few public trash cans and a very specific system for sorting their waste.

In South Korea, there’s actually a national Zero Waste Policy which has resulted in 5 different types of trash and recyclables, each of which warrant a separate type of bin (I got a stern talking-to a few times over the years for using the wrong types of bags to toss my various types of trash).

I know this has been quite the Seoul travel guide, but that’s just proof that there’s plenty of things to do in Seoul. So whether you’re in Seoul for a week or just three days, I hope this Seoul itinerary can help you make the most of your trip.

More South Korea

empty red cup, soju bottle, and korean beer in can.

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Reader Interactions

vincent Liptrot says

July 13, 2023 at 2:57 am

great info in here about Seoul. As you can see many fun places are in small allies and harder to reach places. it can be tricky to navigate on your own an tiring by foot to get between sights, though have a wonderful time in Seoul and enjoy this excellent blog!

July 16, 2023 at 10:05 am

Thanks, Vincent!

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Things to Do in Seoul

Amazing Temples

Where to Go Shopping

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Foods to Try

Best Restaurants in Seoul

Nightlife in Seoul

Seoul Guide: Planning Your Trip

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A capital city for more than two millennia, Seoul draws in visitors with its food, culture, history, and highly-coveted cosmetics, among other things. Whatever the reason for your visit, you won't be disappointed by your trip to South Korea's bustling, vibrant capital. Get ready for your vacation with this complete guide including what to do, where to stay, and essential travel tips.

Planning Your Trip

  • Best Time to Visit : While crowds are bigger, the weather in Seoul is at its most pleasant during spring and fall.
  • Language: Korean
  • Currency: Won   . 1,100 won is equivalent to $1.
  • Getting Around : The Seoul Metro is fast, reliable, and covers a majority of the city and surrounding areas. What the subway doesn't reach, above-ground trains and buses do.
  • Travel Tip: Buy a tourist T-money card, you get discounts on dozens of attractions, and it's good on the subway, buses, KTX trains, and in convenience stores.

Things to Do

Shopping, eating, and exploring the city on foot are the most common things to do in Seoul, as in any major city. Because of the city's extensive history, there are several palaces and historic neighborhoods ready to explore. Seoul is also filled to the brim with cosmetic stores where you can get very cheap, high-quality skincare products. The primary commerce areas also have dozens of street stalls selling cute socks and trendy clothes.

  • Gyeongbokgung Palace is the largest of Seoul's five grand palaces. It was the former home of Joseon kings, and after being painstakingly restored, it's an incredibly popular tourist attraction. It's free to enter the first gate of the palace and to walk around the surrounding parks, but there is a fee to access the inner palace walls. Many visitors put on hanboks (traditional Korean dress) to walk around the palace. After visiting Gyeongbokgung, continue your tour of Korean history by walking to Bukchon Hanok Village. The neighborhood is filled with traditional homes and is free to visit.
  • Namsan Tower is one of Seoul's most recognizable landmarks. The tower is at the top of a mountain and can be reached by hike or funicular. There, thousands of love locks are attached to fences and tree-shaped metal sculptures. It's exceptionally beautiful at night when you can see the sparkling city below, but be aware that you'll be sharing your view with dozens of couples.
  • Olympic Park was built when Seoul hosted the 1988 Olympics   . It is a massive park with museums, walking trails, and the eternal flame. Sports and nature lovers alike will Olympic Park.

Add to your itinerary with our articles on the best things to do in Seoul , the top temples, and the best museums .

What to Eat and Drink

Foodies will love eating their way through Seoul. Whether it's trying cheesy egg bread, chowing down on ddeokbokki and fish cakes, or tucking into some Korean barbecue, Seoul has dozens of options, ranging from traditional Korean fare to international cuisine. Side dishes called banchan are served with all restaurant meals. The exact number of banchan that you will receive varies, but some sort of kimchi is guaranteed. While Korean cuisine is very meat-heavy, vegetarians and vegans will still be able to find restaurants that fit their needs.

As far as alcohol goes, South Korea is most well known for soju. It's readily available at almost all restaurants and convenience stores for less than 2,000 won (around $2). Soju pairs especially well with barbeque and fried foods. For a very Korean mixed drink, add a shot of soju to your glass of beer to make somaek . Makgeolli is another popular Korean alcohol. It is a type of rice wine and while it's not as widespread at soju, it's worth a try.

Find out where to eat with our article on the best restaurants in Seoul .

Where to Stay

Gangnam: Made famous overseas by PSY's viral hit "Gangnam Style," this neighborhood has tons of restaurants, high-end stores, and is home to the largest underground shopping center in Asia, COEX Mall .

Hongdae: Hongdae is a hot spot for live music, bars, restaurants, and boutiques. The neighborhood is close to several universities, so the crowds skew younger, and it's no surprise for streets to be bustling well into the early morning.

Itaewon: This area is home to a lot of expats, and as such, this is where you can find international restaurants and clothing in larger sizes. There are plenty of bars, cafes, and street art to check out. The Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art is in the area and has an impressive collection of traditional Korean and contemporary art.

Myeongdong: Myeongdong is a shopper's paradise. There are massive department stores along with smaller street shopping and dozens of cosmetics stores. It's also an ideal place to taste some Korean street food.

Learn more about the city's different neighborhoods and the best hotels.

Getting There

Seoul has two major international airports to choose from, but a vast majority of international flights from the U.S., Europe, and Canada fly into Incheon International Airport, the newer of the two. Gimpo International Airport is still a viable option and is closer to the city (although, since both are accessible on the same train line, the 30 minutes saved may not be a significant deciding factor).

Culture and Customs

  • While Seoul is an international city and the number of foreign tourists is only growing, fluent English is not widely spoken or understood. That doesn't mean that you need to know Korean to enjoy the city; pointing and pantomiming is more than enough. However, some menus do not come in English, so having a translation app on your phone or knowing the Korean alphabet will come in handy.
  • Air quality in Seoul has worsened over time. Fine dust (called "hwang sa" in Korean) used to only be an issue during the spring, but now it's a year-round threat. Purchase an air filtering face mask in convenience stores or pharmacies and keep an eye on the air quality for the neighborhoods you'll be in each day.
  • Foreigners aren't held to the same cultural standards as Koreans, but it is considered rude to give or receive something, like money or a credit card, with one hand   . You'll notice that store workers will hand your card back with two hands, and it's polite to receive it with two hands. Most employees will also bow when greeting customers. When that happens, you should return the bow.
  • Don't expect people to say "excuse me" when passing you on the street or when pushing past you on the train. It's just not a common practice in Seoul.
  • When you want to ask for more water or side dishes at a restaurant, you should call out for an employee. Saying " sajangnim " (boss) or " yogiyo " (over here) is sufficient and is not considered rude. Some restaurants have a call button you can press instead.
  • If you don't see any spoons or chopsticks on your table, check the sides. There is usually a drawer on the side of a table filled with chopsticks, napkins, and spoons.

Money Saving Tips

  • When shopping at street markets, bring cash with you. While most places will accept cards, you will pay a 10 percent service fee.
  • A tourist T-money card is an excellent investment. It costs slightly more (4,000 won instead of 2,500 won and is cash only), but it also gives discounts to popular attractions. Look for a card that says "Korea Tour Card" on it at the airport or in subway stations.
  • It's very easy to have an excellent meal at a low price in Seoul. Street food stalls sell rice cakes, fried foods, sweet and savory hotteok , dumplings, and the list goes on. Restaurants in university neighborhoods like Hongdae or Sinchon also tend to be cheaper than in say, Itaewon or Gangnam.
  • Many stores offer VAT refunds for purchases over 30,000 won ($25), and some will process the return on the spot—rather than at the airport. Make sure you bring your passport and save your receipts to get the refund.
  • Some attractions like Gwanghwamun Palace have nominal entrance fees, but it's free to walk around the main gate.

Learn more about how to enjoy the city without spending a fortune by reading our guide to a budget trip to Seoul.

Seoul Tourism Organization . "All about Money in Korea."

Korea Tourism Organization . "Olympic Park."

Seoul Tourism Organization. "Etiquette."

Getting Around Seoul: Guide to Public Transportation

Your Trip to Busan: The Complete Guide

Nightlife in Seoul: Best Bars, Clubs, & More

48 Hours In Seoul: The Ultimate Itinerary

Getting Around Busan: Guide to Public Transportation

The Top Things to Do in Seoul, South Korea

A Complete Guide to Drinking in South Korea

The 12 Best Day Trips From Seoul

The 11 Best Places For Korean BBQ in LA

Cooking With the Ajummas in Dubai

The Ultimate Guide to the Neighborhoods of Seoul

The Top 14 Things to Do in Incheon, South Korea

The Top 15 Things to Do in Daegu

The 15 Best Restaurants in Busan

One Week in South Korea: The Ultimate Itinerary

Where to Go in 2022: The Most Exciting Destinations to Explore This Year

Everything You Need to Know Before Your First Trip to Seoul

Should you leave a tip drink the tap water stay in the touristy neighborhoods we got you..

Myeongdong shopping district in Seoul

One glimpse of Seoul and you’ll know why it’s trending. There is no city in the world more adept at finding a fad and, with mind-boggling speed, blowing it up and putting it on every street corner and back alley. If you see it in Brooklyn today and it’s even remotely cool, you’ll likely see it in Seoul tomorrow.

World-class dining? Check. Museums and galleries? Check. A nightlife that never stops? I mean, we did rank Seoul the number one party city in the world , so. South Korea’s capital is a whirlwind of action, a high-energy hub of 10 million residents who fully embrace the work hard, play hard mentality. And since South Korea is small, with Seoul a mere four-hour train ride from even the farthest-flung city, it’s easy to go full vacation mode and explore the country at large. Allot enough time. I recommend at least a week, so you can really “do” Seoul and also take a day trip or two.

Nothing will prepare you for the rush you’ll feel surrounded by blazing neon, blaring K-pop, beckoning street food, beautiful natural escapes—and shopping, oh, the shopping! But you can get equipped for your first trip to Seoul with these basics, including when to visit, the best neighborhoods to check out, how to get around, and more.

The best time of year to visit Seoul is spring or fall

The weather in Seoul is not always agreeable. Winter is frigid. Summer feels like a swamp. At about the same latitude as the central States, Seoul’s weather and seasonality more or less mirror New York City’s. Aim for September-October or April-June, when temps range a comfortable 55-85 degrees.

Air quality, however, is a concern all year round. You’ll spot locals wearing masks to fend off the fine dust. In recent years, Seoul’s pollution levels have reached carcinogenic heights, on some days exceeding the World Health Organization’s exposure limits. If the smog is bad and you want to sport a mask too, you can find one at any convenience store or pharmacy ( but at this point, you probably own about 50 of your own! Thanks, pandemic!) .

street with billboards and pedestrians in seoul, south korea

Walking around Seoul can feel like a competitive sport

Except worse, because there are no rules. There’s no sense of directionality, as in “you walk on your side, I’ll walk on mine.” Pedestrians are pushy, motorcyclists are certainly not concerned about your safety, and the “sidewalks” are really just extra parking spaces for cars. Take it in stride (!) and bask in the bedlam. Half the country has packed itself into Seoul’s greater metropolitan area. Getting around the city can be hectic, but it’s a pleasure in its own way.

Luckily, public transit is easy to find and cheap to use

With more than 20 subway and extension lines, and hundreds of bus routes, to say that Seoul is well connected by public transit is an understatement. And despite its rapidly rising cost of living, transit is still cheap—usually only KRW 1,250 (about US $1.05) a ride. Buy a T-Money transit card and load it up at the station kiosks, or stop inside a 7-Eleven or CU convenience store and ask the clerk to do it for you. The touch-card will work on every subway, bus, and taxi—not only in Seoul, but nationwide. The super handy KakaoMap , KakaoMetro , and KakaoBus apps will help you navigate, and the Kakao T app will let you order a cab even without a Korean credit card (just select the “pay to the driver” option).

For the most part, a trip on the metro will get you within a short walk of your destination, and faster than a taxi in traffic ever could. But if you’re out late and the subway isn’t operating, do hail a cab. You’ll know the driver is available when you see the red 빈차, or “empty car,” sign illuminated in the windshield. The meter starts at KRW 3,800 (about US $3.15).

Sunrise scene of Seoul downtown

Hotels and accommodations come in many flavors

Lodging options are wide-ranging—hotels, guesthouses, hostels, and Airbnbs abound. There’s the affordable and the not-so-affordable. There’s the so-called Western style, with beds, and the more traditional Korean style, with sleeping mats on the floor. If you opt for an Airbnb, note that many Korean bathrooms don’t have bathtubs or shower stalls. Essentially the entire bathroom is your shower stall, so the whole floor is wet after you wash. That’s where those plastic sandals come into play (most Airbnb hosts will provide them).  

The best neighborhoods to check out in Seoul

Seoul is made up of 25 districts, situated north and south of the Han River that divides the city in half. While none of them will leave you high and dry in terms of places to sleep, eat, and drink, certain areas are more quiet and residential, and others offer better access to the action.

If you’re here to party ( you’re here to party, right ?) post up in Hongdae or Itaewon , where going club-, lounge-, and bar-hopping is as simple as walking out your front door. (Just be warned it will be loud at all hours of the day and night. Drinking is basically a national pastime.) A mere couple of blocks away you’ll find the Kyunglidan neighborhood, an uphill-sloping street dotted with curiosity-inducing eateries and lounges just beckoning you inside. It feels uber-urban yet tucked away and almost secret.

If you’ve come to Seoul to go on a fevered unrestrained shopping spree, visit Myeongdong or Gangnam (yeah, that Gangnam ). To explore the city’s history and culture, Jongno is the heart of old Seoul, home to royal palaces and traditional hanok homes. (To stay in a hanok , which are characterized by wide wooden floors and tiled roofs, book a guesthouse in Bukchon.) And if you’re looking for a more laid-back experience, try Mullae on the west side, or Seongsu on the east side, which are kind of like the Brooklyns of Seoul.


Pick up on local fashion cues

In Seoul, it’s all about dressing to impress… though not quite to stand out. The herd mentality is rooted deep in the culture here, and K-style is no exception. Korean idols dictate the trends; once a celebrity wears something, it’s minted a must-have and the masses rush to copy it. You might notice that everyone around you is wearing slightly different versions of the same styles. Last winter it was long puffer coats. Right now it’s hair clips, and dresses layered over shirts.  

Tips for communicating with locals

Most South Koreans understand elementary English, and while they might be shy about practicing with you, you can absolutely get around the city without any extensive Korean skills. Still, don’t be that lazy American tourist who makes zero effort to speak the language. Take the time to learn a few basic phrases: “annyeonghaseyo” (“hello”), “juseyo” (“please”), and “kamsahamnida” (“thank you”).

South Koreans are a proud people; when an outsider shows an appreciation for the local customs, food, and language, locals usually respond with praise and a warm smile—and maybe even a freebie or two at a restaurant.

That being said, South Koreans are, by nature, an insular bunch. Having connections and a proper introduction are important here, so it can be tricky for foreign travelers to make fast friends at a bar—if you like companionship, it’s not a great place to travel solo . Locals might be up for a light-hearted chat, but it’s more likely they’ll keep to themselves.  

Quick restaurant etiquette

Assuming you’ll be doing a lot of eating (and trust us, you will), you’ll quickly shake off any initial timidness about communicating in restaurants. At most places, it’s perfectly acceptable to call over the waitstaff with a shout—“yeogiyo!” or “here please!”—or push the button sometimes installed on the tabletops. Also, there’s no need to tip.


Get up to speed on Seoul’s extraordinary drinking culture

For South Koreans, drinking is an indispensable part of socializing and bonding with everyone from your friends to your boss. And, in Seoul, there is a party for every type, for every occasion, on every day of the week. So pick your poison(s) and brace yourself—a night out in South Korea goes ‘til sun-up and is conducted in cha, or rounds (up to five) hopping from establishment to establishment.

Round one might be BBQ and somaek. Round two is usually at a bar, whether it’s for spirits, cocktails, or craft beer . Round three will take you to another bar, followed by either a club or—for those left standing—a grand finale with perhaps the most beloved South Korean drinking experience of them all: noraebang, the country’s version of karaoke. Rent a private room, order drinks, select your jams, grab that tambourine, and sing your heart out. You can find a noraebang joint in any corner of the city, ranging from the luxe to the low-key.

The whole affair can sometimes span longer than a full workday. It may seem like a lot for the average reveler, but considering the endless number of unforgettable nights out to be had in Seoul, you’ll want to make time for it all .

Since you’re here, do sample the light stuff, too. In the evening, settle in at a neighborhood hof, or Korean pub, where it’s customary to order anju (drinking food) along with your pints and pitchers. Lively Nogari Alley is the place to be; you’ll find locals of every age sitting outside embracing this street-style version of Korean nightlife. Another fun local thing is to grab a few cans of beer at the convenience store and enjoy them on the patio outside, or to sit at a pocha—casual drinking spots that are usually tented with a plastic tarp on the street. Pochas can be a great place to meet young, social Koreans; get the ball rolling by asking a friendly group to show you Korean drinking games, and your evening is made.

Seoul / South Korea

That’s right, drinking in public is legal in Seoul

Seoul also has top-notch hookah bars, vinyl bars, and takeout bars, where you can get bagged drinks to go. That’s right, public drinking is legal in South Korea. While it’s not advisable to get carried away with public inebriation, a measured amount is also not something locals will find particularly out of the ordinary. In fact, you might be the one surprised at the state of the streets at five in the morning—people packed in like a sardine can, cans and bottles everywhere.

Stock up on water bottles

After your epic night out, we’re guessing you’ll need to spend a slow morning chugging heaps of H2O. Keep in mind that while authorities say the tap water is safe, no one actually drinks it. This is likely out of greater concern for the pipes it runs through than the quality of the water itself. You can buy the 2-liter bottled stuff for about a dollar at the convenience store.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to carry your own trash

Seoul has a complex trash disposal system that has led to a shortage of public bins. If you get a coffee to go, be prepared to walk for miles with an empty paper cup before finding a place to offload it. If you stay at an Airbnb and are responsible for taking out your own trash, be mindful of the rules: separate recycling from waste, and the compostable from the non-compostable.

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First Timer’s Seoul Itinerary for 5 Days (+ Labeled Map)

Updated: Oct 7, 2023 by Max · This post may contain affiliate links · 8 Comments

When people start doing research for their trip to Seoul, often they tell me they were immediately struck by just how big it is. Places can be far apart, so it's important to plan your Seoul itinerary in advance. That way you can visit each one in a way that makes sense, even if you're only in Seoul on a layover .

You could easily pass a couple of weeks wandering the streets of Seoul, visiting a different festival or cafe or museum each day, but most first timers come for just 5 days in Seoul. So this Seoul itinerary covers a little something for every interest, plus a few swaps dependent upon weather and days of the week.

But before I jump into where to go when, I'll mention some of the best things to do in Seoul in each of the main tourist neighborhoods. After living in Korea for 3 years, I've discovered a lot of corners of the capital city that aren't obvious if you've only visited once or even just a dozen times, and I want you to have more options for your trip.

Click here to read about where to stay in Seoul!

As an expat in Korea, I have insights into many more unusual things you can add to a longer South Korea itinerary , once you leave Seoul. So I hope this guide and my personal experience helps you plan your own trip to Seoul.

Since this is such a massive Seoul guide, please use the table of contents to find exactly what you're looking for. If you navigate to one part and then click the back button it will take you back to this table of contents.

Buy a PDF Version of This Post!

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  • 🎒 Planning a Trip to Seoul
  • 🛬 Arrival & Getting Around Seoul
  • 📝 Basics of Visiting Seoul
  • ❄️ Visiting Seoul in Winter
  • 🏠 Where to Stay in Seoul
  • ✨ Unique Things To Do In Seoul
  • ☀️ Day Trips From Seoul
  • 🥘 What Foods to Eat in Seoul
  • 🏙️ Sample Seoul Itinerary: 5 Days
  • 🔍 Seoul Itinerary: Practical Info
  • 🧳 Seoul Travel FAQ
  • 🎢 Seoul Attractions Map

🎒 Planning a Trip to Seoul

Those of you looking to visit South Korea are probably as confused by all the changes as I was before I visited again post-covid. But as of March 20th, 2024, masks are still required in medical settings like hospitals but are NO LONGER REQUIRED in all other indoor public places, including public transport.

Here are what document you need to visit Korea as a tourist:

  • K-ETA ( Korean Electronic Travel Authorization , applied for at least 72 hours before departure) OR Visa to visit Korea (countries which previously had a visa exemption now need to apply for a K-ETA). From April 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024, passport holders from 22 countries will also temporarily NOT need a K-ETA or visa to visit Korea (includes: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Macao, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, UK, US (including Guam)). If you're a valid ABTC card holder (APEC card), you are not required to apply for a K-ETA [excluding Americans & Canadians].
  • Q-Code (can also be filled out upon arrival) : visitors need to fill out information for the Korean quarantine system, known as Q-Code . Note that all travelers are now allowed in regardless of vaccination status, but you do need to have filled out your Q-Code before going through immigration.

If for some reason you need to take a covid test in a South Korea airport, the cost of a covid test in Incheon Airport is currently ₩80,000 ($60USD), with some options within Seoul as inexpensive as ₩65,000 ($50USD). There's no testing requirement to leave South Korea.

Covid South Korea Quarantine requirements from 2022.

🛬 Arrival & Getting Around Seoul

When you arrive, almost certainly at Incheon Airport, you won't actually be in Seoul proper. You'll be anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour-and-a-half from the part of Seoul you want to be in. So unless you're swimming in cash for a long taxi ride, the best way from Incheon Airport into Seoul is by metro.

Alternatively, you can also catch a local bus just outside the airport, or even a direct nonstop bus (called the "airport limousine") to a variety of destinations, though airport limousine service is currently suspended due to covid-19.

Your first goal when you get to the airport's metro station will be to buy a T-money card. This purple rectangle will be your ticket to ride any bus or train in the city, and even use to pay for most taxis and at some chain cafes.

You can get one for ₩2500 (~$2USD) from one of the machines at the entrance to the airport's metro station, and then just add money to recharge it, which you can do at any station in the city. You can even use your T-money card to get around in Busan or on Jeju!

A glimpse of Korea's Jeju Island.

By metro from Incheon Airport it's roughly 50 minutes to the Hongdae area, and 75 minutes to the neighborhoods of Gangnam, Myeongdong, or Itaewon. Once you're in Seoul, getting around is a matter of figuring out the Seoul metro system and the city's extensive bus routes.

Don't forget to tap your T-money card again as you get off the bus, too. You just need to press the red button or pull the yellow cord in order to ask the driver to stop the bus.

As convenient as taxis are, drivers rarely speak English, and most of the time it's faster to take the metro, anyway. I recommend downloading a Korean translation app like Papago, as well as Naver Maps, which is the preferred map app for Korea. Google Maps will not work very well in Korea.

When looking for directions, keep an eye out for people wearing red vests and red cowboy hats; they hang out in popular tourist areas in Seoul and speak multiple languages. Usually they come in pairs, with one man and one woman, so talk to whomever you're most comfortable.

Many readers have remarked that they enjoyed using the Discover Seoul Pass to more easily see the most popular tourist attractions, like Changdeokgung Palace and Namsan Tower.

Seoul can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. After living in Korea for 3 years & visiting Seoul 50+ times, I've put together the COMPLETE GUIDE to Seoul; almost 10,000 words! Figure out where to stay in Seoul & why, plus what to do in Seoul in 5 days. Map, language tips, and 5 days budget included. | #seoul #where #to #stay #budget #hostels #hotels #guesthouse #tips #korea #5 #days #itinerary #what #do #interesting #myeongdong #blog #travel #places

📝 Basics of Visiting Seoul

Language: Koreans speak  the Korean language , but many of those living in urban areas also speak decent English, especially younger people. 

Population: ~10 million in Seoul, and ~24 million within an hour of the city.

Currency: Korean won (KRW), written as either ₩ or 원 (1000 won is equal to about $0.78USD or ₱42).

Korea Visa: right now there are 112 countries whose citizens don't need to apply for visas before visiting South Korea (for 30 to 90 days), but they do need to apply for a K-ETA (more info on those below). Check on your country  here . Common countries: Singapore (up to 90 days), USA (up to 90 days), Malaysia (up to 90 days), Canada (up to 6 months), and South Africa (up to 30 days).

Voltage: 220v and 60Hz, with two round tines as the plug (type F).

Cultural Norms: there are dozens of books on Korean etiquette, but here's a quick primer. Korean society is culturally Buddhist, meaning that there are colorful & intricate temples throughout the country, and a few big things to know before visiting Seoul. Don't wear shoes inside.

Accept & give things with two hands whenever possible. Dress more conservatively, especially on top and even if it's hot outside. Bow slightly when greeting people; bow more deeply with older people. Stay quieter in public, but feel free to drink alcohol absolutely anywhere.

You can read more commonly asked questions about Korea here !

Seoul summer flowers.

❄️ Visiting Seoul in Winter

Plenty of people visit Seoul in winter! But planning a visit to Seoul in wintertime can be intimidating. It snows in Seoul as early as the beginning of November and potentially into early March, and it can snow hard .

It’s important to pack your winter clothes, including heat tech layers & an insulated winter jacket if you're visiting anytime from late November to early March. Winter 2018 was particularly brutal, as early December temperatures hit below -10C.

So what is there to do in Seoul in the winter, anyway? Well, there are tons of indoor activities detailed in the 5 day Seoul itinerary below. But importantly, try to plan any outside activities for the sunniest part of the day (12pm-3pm) and stay inside at night.

Look for a restaurant or strip of outdoor vendors near your accommodation, and figure out how to get there & back ahead of time. Some of the best indoor activities in Seoul are: CoEx Aquarium, the Liquor Museum or the Kimchi Museum, animal cafes, art installations like Samsung Museum of Art, Itaewon Land, and of course, shopping.

Outdoor activities for the daytime include Insadong Street, Gyeongbok Palace, Dongdaemun Design Plaza, and the various outdoor open-air markets across the city. I’ve visited many of them during winter in Seoul, and lived just fine to tell the tale.

Don’t be afraid to visit Seoul in wintertime, but just remember to pack your fluffiest jacket and plan outfits with layers. You’ll be glad you have them when you’re wandering outdoor markets or staring up at the architecture of Seoul's stunning royal palaces !

Brochure of Seoul in Winter.

🏠 Where to Stay in Seoul

Now that you know how to get there, you also need to decide where to stay in Seoul. There are four main areas in which tourists often stay: Hongdae, Itaewon, Gangnam, and Myeongdong (Jongno).

Some people stay in a few random hotels scattered across the city, but the hotels have clustered to these areas with good reason; all the tourist attractions are there. My recommendation for most first-timers would actually be to stay in Myeongdong due to its centrality.

But if you're here for a bit longer or more into nightlife, you may want to check out Hongdae or Itaewon. I've shared round-ups of where to stay in each of the six main neighborhoods in Seoul in my post on where to stay in the Korean capital .

Bukchon Hanok Village in northern Seoul.

✨ Unique Things To Do In Seoul

After dozens of trips into the city, I've been able to do or visit most everything interesting in Seoul. I've been dragged to art installations and malls and clubs, and dragged people to chocolate shops , food festivals, and even a liquor museum. But Seoul is no small area to see; it can easily take two hours to get from one side to the other.

So to make it easier for you to plan your trip, I've divided Seoul attractions by neighborhood, and added each of them to a map of Seoul attractions at the bottom of the post . I haven't detailed all the most typical Korean experiences like noraebang , chicken & beer at 4am, and photo booths in the street.

But that's because those are side activities, and they're kind of pedestrian, to be honest. I want to showcase the best things to do in Seoul. But with just 5 days in Seoul, it's important to have a good idea of what you want to do each day.

So, similar to this section in my Jeju Island Guide , below you'll find a bevy of points of interest in Seoul. Later in this post I've divided each of these into five one-day itineraries. Unlike when deciding on where to stay in Seoul, this isn't a one-time choice!

Outside view of Gyeongbukgung.

Things To Do In Hongdae (홍대)

Coconut Box Museum (서울 코코넛 박스) /// ₩23000 entrance /// 9am-9pm One of my favorite things to bring visitors to, the Trick Eye Museum in Hongdae, has now been replaced by Coconut Box, a digital experience center in the heart of Hongdae. The attraction includes 32 beautifully-decorated "bungalows," and 7 large experience centers dedicated to VR tech & NFT immersion.

Some bungalows may need advance registration, but overall this is well-rated, and seen as one of the best winter activities in Seoul. It's fun in the summer as well, but with so few things to do in Seoul during winter, spending a couple of hours acting a fool with your friends is the perfect medicine.

Seoul Escape Room (방탈출카페) /// ~₩18000 /// 10am-10:30pm An Escape Room is basically a room styled to look like a crime scene, with clues hidden throughout. You & whoever comes with you have an hour to find all of the clue and solve the crime, and unlock the door to escape.

They're super popular on the weekends, so be sure to make a reservation through their site if you want to go on a Friday or Saturday night. You can find English-speaker-friendly Escape Rooms in Hongdae, Myeongdong, and Gangnam, but I've only marked off one in Hongdae on the map below.

Picnic at Gyeongui Line Forest Park (경의 숲길) /// free entrance /// all hours One of my favorite things to do when the weather is warm is have a picnic in this quieter area of Hongdae. Popular with couples, this park-like region has a lot of cafes and restaurants, and quickly gets covered in people on picnic blankets once the temperature hits north of 10°C ( 50°F).

Sometimes there are even companies doing a giveaway. You can also see some students performing songs or dances here in the evenings, so it's a prime people-watching spot. If it's after 10pm, head to downtown Hongdae or the Playground for your people-watching.

Go Dancing (클러빙) /// ₩0-20000 /// ~11pm-8am Korea is a country for night owls. A list of things to do in Hongdae is incomplete without recommending a club or two. Unlike Gangnam, which is dominated by hip hop and EDM clubs, Hongdae had a little bit of everything from salsa, swing, and reggaeton to rap, rock, and pop. Luckily, all these genres are generally played at different clubs.

Go See Cookin' Nanta (홍대난타전용관) /// ₩40000-60000 /// twice daily The first time I saw this show, I couldn't even read Korean, much less understand any of it. But it was such a knee-slapping hilarious performance that I highly recommend it to any visitor.

There's almost no dialogue, and all the songs are their own mini-slapstick performance, complete with food props and your monthly allowance of juggling. Shows are at 5PM & 8PM Monday-Friday/ 2PM & 5PM Saturday-Sunday & National Holidays.

Cookin' Nanta show poster.

Things To Do In Itaewon (이태원 )

Itaewon Antique Furniture Street (이태원 앤틱 가구 거리) /// free entrance /// ~9am-6pm This street has become famous over the past few decades for having an abundance of furniture and other knickknack shops. Most of what they sell is on the older side, some of it even left over from right after the Korean War, when American soldiers were leaving the country and selling off their stuff en masse .

It's fun to poke around the stores looking for good deals, especially if you're actually looking to buy some jewelry or kitchen utensils or furniture. Don't forget to bargain! Note that on the map below I've marked off only the end closest to Itaewon Station.

Itaewon Land Spa (이태원랜드) /// ₩10000+ /// 24 Hours This 5-story building is pretty much full service and houses the typical jjimjilbang (sleeping) and sauna (relaxing) facilities. But it also has a restaurant and a massage area, and many more rooms and options within the sauna than smaller or sleeker places.

Spending an afternoon at the sauna between lunch and dinner a pretty typical Korean past time, so I'd definitely recommend you add it to your Seoul itinerary. Did I mention you have to get completely naked?

Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art (리움 삼성미술관 ) /// ₩10000 /// ~10:30am-6pm (closed Mondays) This museum is gorgeous. It's a rather popular date activity to walk around looking at the installations, but on the weekends you'll also see a fair number of groups and families.

The modern art featured inside is mostly by Korean artists, but there are some international works featured. Give yourself at least an hour to look through each of the rooms, as it's bigger than it looks.

Namsan Seoul Tower (N서울타워) /// ₩0-10000 /// ~9am-6pm Namsan Tower is characteristic of Itaewon and the HBC area. It's set in a very green park, and right around the tower itself is a temple and a gate with "love locks" attached to it. But the Tower is really best known for its spectacular view of the city.

It's a bit of a walk from Itaewon's downtown area, but there's a bus if you get tired, and a cable car to take you to the top. Note that you only have to pay to take the cable car or go up to the top couple of floors of the tower itself, which may not be worth it; I think the view is just as good from the cafe right before the top floor.

Namsan Tower.

Things To Do In Insadong (인사동)

Beautiful Tea Museum (아름다운 차박물관) /// free entrance /// 10am-10pm If you come to Insadong and don't have a single cup of tea, did you really come here at all? The tea museum has information & exhibits for 130 teas from all over Asia, each one available for purchase in their cafe.

It's a lot to take in if you're not a tea lover, but if you want a sense of the abundance of history and cultural significance behind each tea, this is your spot. The teas are definitely on the pricey side, but it's an experience you're purchasing, not just a cup of cha . Note that while the museum is free, drinks from the attached cafe are not.

Eat Street Food Along Insadong Street (인사동길 ) /// free entrance /// ~10am-7pm Insadong is the best place in Seoul for street food , by far. Prices are much more reasonable than in nearby Myeongdong, the options of more typically Korean, and I think the quality is better.

In the wintertime I'd highly recommend getting some hoddeok (glutinous cinnamon sugar pancakes) or a baked sweet potato, and in the summer go for the fish-shaped ice cream or some eomuk (fish cakes). On the map, only one end of Insadong-gil is marked.

Visit Gyungbokgung (경복궁) /// ₩1500-3000 entrance /// ~9am-5pm (closed Tuesdays) Gyeongbokgung is one of the 5 royal palaces in Seoul, and by far the most accessible by public transportation. I also think it's the most beautiful, but I've had the chance to visit in both fall and spring, when the colors of the palace grounds come to life.

The grounds of Gyeongbongung are large and date back to the Joseon Dynasty, but you could spend anywhere from twenty minutes to three hours exploring however many of the nooks & crannies catch your eye.

There's also a free guided tour in English at 11am every day (at the moment). Right next to the Gyeongbokgung Metro entrance is the Museum of the Royal Palaces, which is another free thing to do in Seoul and worth a look.

The Poop Cafe (또옹카페) /// free entrance /// 10:30am-9pm I know it sounds disconcerting, but bear with me. Koreans have this fascination with "taboo" body parts & bodily functions, something which defies most visitors' understandings (see: Love Land on Jeju Island ). The idea of eating poop-shaped cookies and drinking their latte out of a faux toilet is just a bit much.

But personally I think it's hilarious, and every time I can convince someone to go to Insadong I bring them to Ddo-ong Cafe. I've fully embraced the poop spaghetti and crappy rose lattes (which are delicious; do get one one those), and I hope you will, too.

Rose latte in the crapper.

Things To Do In Jamsil (잠실)

See A Game At Jamsil Baseball Stadium (잠실야구장) /// ₩4000-70000 entrance /// varies Baseball seems like a very American past time, but it's also become a very Korean one. South Korea actually has ten professional baseball teams, and they're very popular.

Every spring Korean baseball fans flood stadiums across the country to drink beer and watch the game. If you like beer, baseball, and fried chicken, this is the weekend activity for you. Baseball season runs from March to August.

Lotte World (롯데월드) /// ₩44000-55000 entrance /// 9:30am-10pm Along with Everland, Lotte World is one of the most popular weekend spots for kids. It's one of the world's largest theme parks and has both indoor and outdoor areas.

But it's not just the youngsters who want to visit this amusement park, either; adults and teens also frequent it. Lotte World gets millions of visitors each year, and is considered an all-day kind of event, especially when the water park opens for the summer.

Lotte World Tower (롯데월드타워) /// ₩0-27000 entrance /// 10am-10pm Lotte World Tower is not to be confused with the amusement park with the same name. It's actually the 5th tallest building in the world and the tallest in Korea; if you want a great view of the entire city, this is the spot to see it from.

You actually only have to pay to go up to the observatory on the top 3 floors, but it's free to check out the other floors of the tower, so don't be scared away by the entrance fee.

Walk Around Olympic Park (올림픽공원) /// free entrance /// 5am-10pm This is a legitimate, interactive activity, perfect for families. Every day from 9am to 6pm you can pick up a pass book & map from the Information Center; this will take you on a predetermined route around several of the important 1988 Olympic locations.

At each one you collect a different stamp, and can return the completed book for a small present. Otherwise, the park is huge and encompasses a forest, art installations, recreational sports facilities, gardens, and all the flags from the 1988 Summer Olympic games, all especially busy on the weekends. Note that the location on the map below is for the Information Center.

Women wearing traditional Korean clothing.

Interesting Things To Do Around Seoul

Hanbok Photoshoot In Bukchon Hanok Village (북촌한옥마을) /// free entrance /// ~5am-11pm Hanbok is the traditional Korean dress, and in my small town in rural Korea, I still see old women wearing them to the markets some weeks.

Renting a hanbok to wear around some of the more historical sites in Seoul is rightfully a favorite activity of both Korean and visitors alike, as most young Koreans no longer own their own hanbok . A hanok , on the other hand, is a traditional Korean house, the small ones with the thatched roofs and beautiful painted walls.

In the spring and fall the foliage creates a stunning backdrop for photos, so it's the perfect time to enjoy the village in traditional garb. Note that the village doesn't actually close, but it's respectful to stay away while residents are sleeping.

Eat At Noryangjin Fish Market (노량진수산물도매시장) /// free entrance /// 24 hours People often forget that Seoul is a port city. Seafood is an important part of the Korean diet, and one of the best places to get a taste of fresh, traditional Korean dishes is at Noryangjin Fish Market. The open air market is open all day, all year.

The first floor is dedicated to the market itself, where you can browse and purchase fresh seafood for dinner, both the familiar and unfamiliar. Up on the higher floors are the restaurants where they'll prepare your catch for you, plus a rooftop on which to relax after your meal.

Han River Cruise at Sunset (한강유람선) /// starting at ₩14000 per ticket /// after 7pm During the summertime, peak cruise season, there are five cruises after 7pm. All cruises must be booked in advance on ELand's website, where they will be the cheapest, or through a third-party site if you can't read Korean.

The cruises each last 45 minutes, and even though I absolutely thought it would be lame at first, it was actually spectacular. I went with my Mom and Aunt, and we had a great time watching the skies change color, listening to the live music, and seeing the bridges & buildings all lit up. Definitely worth the trip down to the river!

Sunset along the Han River in summertime.

Visit A Theme Cafe (카페) /// free entrance /// varies Animal cafes are all the rage in East Asia, but especially in Seoul. We got sheep and cats and dogs and raccoons… but we also have an eclectic collection of other cafes, like art or chocolate cafes, where you can create something or enjoy a sweet treat over a latte.

Recently it's become popular to do an activity with your significant other at so-called "couple cafes," but really there's a cafe in Seoul for every thing and every interest. Seriously. I dare you to google it.

Gana Art Center (가나아트센터 ) /// free entrance /// 10am-7pm Gana is known for its beautiful think pieces. Amidst all of the traditional food and aesthetics of northern Seoul, walking into Gana Art Center gives you another perspective on the current events in the country.

Luckily, you don't have to speak any Korean to get the gist of real art, though its helpful to know some about Korean culture in order to get the full impact of some of the pieces. Note that while the permanent exhibits are free, you may have to pay to enter any special exhibits.

Sool Gallery (전통주 갤러리) /// free entrance /// 10am-8pm (closed Mondays) The Seoul alcohol museum much have sounded too obvious, but that's what this actually is ("sool" is Korean for "alcohol"). And believe it or not, but it's actually run by the government, and showcases an unbelievably number of different liquors & wines.

Since it moved to Gangnam in 2017, I've had the chance to visit and check out their selection during a tour, which they offer for free as visitors come in. After the tour you get to taste a selection of 3 to 5 liquors— you can request specific ones if you want— and ask all the questions you'd like. And yes, there is a gift shop.

Soju bottle.

☀️ Day Trips From Seoul

Hiking Bukhansan National Park Less than an hour north of Seoul is one of Korea's many national parks. Hiking is one of Korea's national past times, so every day of the week you'll see groups of older people geared up for a half day trip up Bukhansan, usually ending in a picnic and drinks at whichever peak they decide to stop on.

Strange as it sounds, don't be afraid to sit nearby and try to make conversation with them, especially if you're learning Korean. The base of the mountain range is marked on the map.

Chuncheon: Nami Island, Petite France, & Garden of Morning Calm The Garden of Morning Calm is one of my favorite places in South Korea. In spring, summer and fall, there's no better place to experience the varied foliage that Korea has to offer, and take lots of beautiful pictures.

Nami Island and Petite France are also beautiful, but definitely more geared towards couples. The zip line to Nami Island is somewhat legendary; there's a reason this is one of the few Seoul day trips I always recommend. All 3 destinations are marked on the map.

Garden of morning Calm.

Gangneung: 2018 Winter Olympics Stomping Ground If you're looking for a beach destination often overlooked even by Koreans, Gangneung is your spot. But more recently, it was also the site of the 2018 Winter Olympics, and the government has made it very easy for interested visitors to visit all the sites of the games.

If that's less your thing, though, the aquarium & cafe street are very nice. Gangneung intercity bus terminal is marked on the map.

DMZ Tour: Full-Day or Half-Day It's certainly not for everyone, but visiting the demilitarized zone, known as the DMZ, can give you great insight into how Korea became the country it is today. Different tours will show you different spots, but the guide you go with makes all the difference, so choose your tour carefully. Read more about my experience at the DMZ here .

Looking out over North Korea along the DMZ.

🥘 What Foods to Eat in Seoul

Street Foods : there are too many to name here, but the most popular street foods in Korea are definitely Eomuk (어묵) & Ddeokbokki (떡볶이) , which are fish cakes & spicy rice cakes, respectively, and are often served together.

Skewers (꼬치) , usually chicken skewers served with onion and barbecue sauce, are a very filling and cheap alternative for those who don't like seafood.

Hoddeok (호떡) , a cinnamon sugar-filled fried rice cake, is my absolute favorite treat and one of the few traditional sweets in Korea (get it in Insadong). Finally, Soondae (순대) is Korean blood sausage, and it's inexplicably popular.

Various Anju (안주) : anju is a term meaning "food eaten while drinking alcohol," and many bars will require you to order some anju to go with your liquor or beer. They're just fried, salty foods that cut the bite of the alcohol, but some are heartier, like fried chicken or potato pancakes.

If you're a big group, look for the words "모든" or "모든안주," which means it's a mix of all or almost all the dishes they offer. It'll give everyone a variety of dishes to try with their soju (소주) and beer (맥주).

Shin Ramyeon kimchi flavor.

Japchae (잡채) : I like to think of japchae as Korean pad thai . It's a noodle dish prepared with lots of thinly chopped vegetables, sweet potato starch noodles, and sometimes a little bit of meat.

It's great served warm as a main dish, but it's just as good as part of a bigger meal, and it's even better when re-heated the next morning. It's served with sesame oil and soy sauce, so it's a mild dish, but very good.

Jjambbong (짬뽕) : it's like a spicy seafood stew, served in a huge boiling pot for everyone to eat out of together. There are mussels and clams and squid, but the broth is usually pork-based, so there's noodles and bits of pork floating around, as well.

This is a Korean Chinese food, so it's common to see at Chinese-Korean fusion restaurants throughout the country.

Bingsu (빙수): the ideal dessert on a warm day, bingsu is basically Korean shaved ice with milk and, well, sometimes beans. But I prefer the fruit bingsus that have become very popular in recent years, now even sold in some coffee shops.

Check out the dessert cafe chain SulBing for a large selection of delicious shaved ices worthy of sharing with a friend (and maybe your Instagram followers). This is also spelled bingsoo.

Three berries bingsu with vanilla ice cream.

Samgyupsal (삼겹살) : pork belly, which is the most popular meat of choice, is just one of many options for Korean barbecue. Galbi (갈비) , ribs, usually of the pork variety, or Hanu (한우) , Korean-raised beef, are my other two recommendations for a nice night of barbecue, though are a bit harder to find than pork belly.

Korean Beef Village just north of the city center is a great spot where you can buy hanu downstairs, and then take it upstairs to cook it with all the side dishes for a small fee. If this is your only trip to Korea, you need to have a taste of K-BBQ before you go (though Korean Fried Chicken is never a bad plan)!

Sannakji (산낙지) : possibly one of the most famous Korean foods— other than barbecue— sannakji is often called "live octopus," though it's actually just an extremely fresh version of the sea creature.

Served immediately after it's killed, sannakji is squirted with acidic fruit juices, which make the tentacles continue to move around even after it's placed in front of you.

It's not served alive, but people certainly act as if it were, as most people shy away from trying the fresh dish. This would be something to try at one of the fish markets, like Noryangjin.

Dolsot Bibimbap (돌솥 비빔밥) : the most basic Korean meal is rice with a bunch of side dishes; taking that up a notch means adding mixed vegetables.

Bibimbap literally means "mixed rice," so the dolsot version is a variation of that rice with mixed vegetables, adding a raw egg and serving it all in a piping hot stone bowl ( dolsot) . This cooks the egg and crisps up the bottom layer of rice, adding a lovely texture to the whole dish.

Mul Nangmyeon (물냉면) : cold noodles made with buckwheat flour, served with sliced cucumber and half a boiled egg on top. You'll also get mustard and vinegar sauces on the side. Mul naengmyeon (directly translated as "water cold noodles") is made with a meat broth base.

It's commonly eaten right after barbecue, especially pork belly, because it's said to wash down the oily meat to aid with digestion. Do this, and make sure the meat is still hot from the grill.

Samgyetang (삼계탕) : quite possibly my favorite Korean food, samgyetang is like Korean chicken soup, and it's just as homey. The broth is usually clear, but there are lots of local variations, including one made with poison oak.

The main attraction is the chicken, however, which is served whole and young, so you get to pick off the meat. Inside the bird is a mixture of rice and a bit of ginseng, jujubes, and ginko beans, which you eat with the meat and soup after you dip it in the salt served on the side.

Black Garlic Samgyetang with 3 types of kimchi, a delicious version available near Bukchon Hanok Village.

🏙️ Sample Seoul Itinerary: 5 Days

A 5 day Seoul itinerary could take many forms, but since you have a bit of leeway, I've chosen a variety of typical Seoul activities to give you a taste of the city. They're planned such that you'll have ample time to spend at each place and get from one spot to the next via the subway (which is very reliable).

Some activities have alternatives in case of differing weather, but most things to do in Seoul are indoors or non-weather dependent, anyway. The first and last days are more relaxing, to give you time to adjust to your new surroundings. Just remember to have fun, and don't be afraid to move the days around depending on how you're feeling!

Seoul Itinerary Day 1: Settling In

Most hostels and hotels in Seoul will provide food for breakfast, but if they don't then ask for a recommendation or stop by a convenience store on the way out. Heed this warning for each day of your trip!

12pm // Namsan Tower : after you check into your hotel, this is the perfect spot from which to take in a view of the entire city, from the top of Namsan Mountain.

There's a small temple and an observation deck here, so there's plenty to keep you occupied for a couple of hours, but I wouldn't recommend paying to get up to the top floor unless you're extremely eager. Take the cable car down to Myeongdong when you're ready to leave.

3pm // Explore Myeongdong : sample some street food when you first arrive, just to tide you over for dinner (I recommend the cheap & delicious chicken skewers). Walk around Myeongdong and go shopping, especially for cosmetics and body care products you can relax with on your first night. Stop in at a cat cafe, if that's your kind of thing, but don't forget to soak it all in.

6pm // Dinner : have a big bowl of samgyetang (chicken soup) or grab some street food or convenience store snacks before settling into your hotel for the night. Rest up for your big day tomorrow!


Seoul Itinerary Day 2: Nature & Nightlife

9am // Hike Bukhansan : the morning is the best time to hike Bukhansan. The trip takes 4-6 hours depending on how fast you walk and how often you stop to snack and take pictures.

Alternative Afternoon Activity:   if it's cooler out or you want a less strenuous activity, go on a half-day DMZ tour ; either option will finish around 3pm.

3pm // People-Watch in Hongdae : head to Hongdae or request to be dropped off there after your tour. Your first mission is to snag a table and order up some barbecue, preferably samgyupsal (pork belly) or galbi (pork or beef ribs). After your late lunch, walk around the neighborhood people-watching, and settle in on a bench if it's nicer weather.

5pm // Go see NANTA : this play is absolutely amazing. But if the show is sold out or if theatre isn't at all your thing, then another nearby option is to visit Coconut Box, a "Southeast Asia Vacation Experieince" that replaced the old Trick Eye Museum in Hongdae.

7:30pm // Dinner : since Hongdae is known for cheap food and accommodation, this is the perfect time to pick a random local restaurant and order something cheap. This is how & where I ordered my first meal in Korea by myself (I ended up with a delicious bowl of oxtail stew).

The rule is that anything under ₩10000 is fair game, but if you stumble upon a night market you can find even cheaper local eats.

9pm // Escape Room : if you're visiting Seoul with friends, this is the perfect time to go to an escape room. Alternatively, you could go clubbing if it's a weekend night. If you're alone I'd recommend checking out a coin noraebang (karaoke room); they're extremely popular throughout Korea.

Variety of Korean foods placed on a table.

Seoul Itinerary Day 3: Traditional Korea

10am // Bukchon Hanok Village : this is the perfect time to visit the village on any day, as tourists don't usually show up until just before noon. If you can find a rental shop open, you can walk around in a hanbok (traditional Korean dress), taking pictures with all of the traditional-style houses ( hanoks ).

Whenever you tires yourself out or decide you've seen enough of the neighborhood, return your hanbok and stop in at one of the local restaurants for a bowl of bibimbap (rice with mixed vegetables). It'll keep you full and it's cheap!

1pm // Gyeongbokgung : while everyone else is having lunch, walk around the grounds of one of Seoul's 5 palaces. If you didn't find a hanbok to wear in Bukchon, here's your opportunity. Don't tell the others, but I think Gyeongbok is the prettiest of the gung (meaning "palace").

People strolling in Gyeongbokgung square.

3pm // Poop Cafe : don't give up on me now! The poop cafe is the perfect combination of childish humor and Korean photo-ops. Try the rose latte; I swear you won't be disappointed.

4pm // Walk Down Insadong-gil : Insadong is both the neighborhood and the main street of said neighborhood. After you've had a rest in a cafe, this is the perfect chance to go shopping for traditional souvenirs, devouring street food for dinner as you go.

Shops start to close around 6pm, but street food stalls will stay open a bit longer, especially in the summer.

8pm // Dongdaemun : once you've had a rest back at your hotel, get geared up for another Korean adventure: night shopping. Dongdaemun is the civilian-oriented shopping complex, cousin of wholesale-based Namdaemun market.

It's perfect for clothes shopping in the middle of the night, if that's your idea of a good time. Even if it isn't, however, it's very interesting insight into current Korean fashion and another opportunity to people-watch.

People walking in a tunnel.

Seoul Itinerary Day 4: Explore Outside Seoul

Today we're headed to the Garden of Morning Calm, Nami Island, and Petite France. I do recommend going through a tour agency for this one if you're even remotely willing, as it saves time and helps with translation. But if that's not your style, it's perfectly doable on your own.

Since this is such a well-trodden path, there are actually intercity buses that take you direct from one place to another. There are also lots of Korean restaurants around the sites, so this is a great time to try a local dish like dakgalbi or bulgogi jjaguri for lunch and dinner.

Check out this article for more information on how to get between the sites; they're each 1-1.5 hours outside of Seoul. Alternative: take the KTX to Gangneung and spend the day visiting sites where the 2018 Olympic Games were held.

Beach camping in Gangneung.

Seoul Itinerary Day 5: Cultural Indulgence

Your last day is the perfect time to absorb some of the more low-key Seoul activities. Note that this day CANNOT be on a Monday, so switch this with another day if your last day happens to fall on a Monday.

10:30am // Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art : arrive right when it opens and walk around the inside installations before moving to the striking ones outside.

Depending on how struck you are, this could take a bit longer. Grab lunch somewhere nearby, because the next stop is also in Itaewon. If you feel like American contemporary cuisine, I highly recommend cheeseflo, which is just a block away.

1pm // Itaewon Land : one of the biggest spas in the country, Itaewon Land has an impressive number of bath options and spa amenities. They even have a place to sleep in a traditional  jjimjilbang . Spend your last of 5 days in Seoul just soaking in the fresh water and leaving your toxins behind.

Just remember that the fully-nude areas are separated by gender, so rent a swimsuit at the front if you'd like to spend time with anyone of the opposite sex!

5pm // Gawk at Noryangjin Fish Market : think of it as a pre-dinner show, because you will absolutely see some new species here. After you've looked your fill, pick out your dinner and bring it up to a restaurant on one of the upper levels; there they'll cook it for you and provide side dishes for a small fee.

7pm // Sool Museum : before it closes at 8pm, take a free tour of the Korean liquor museum, complete with a tasting. There's a direct train from Noryangjin.

Then, walk around the area close to Gangnam Station; it's the place that inspired the famous song Gangnam Style . There's even a Gangnam Style statue, located near Gangnam Station exit 11!

Interior of a local chocolate shop in Seoul.

🔍 Seoul Itinerary: Practical Info

Best time to visit seoul.

Everywhere in Korea, people are pretty much unanimous that April and October are the best months to visit weather-wise. However, I'd endorse April, May, June, September, and October as the best times to visit Seoul or anywhere else in Korea (just bring a mask for air pollution in May).

It's different each month, but in early spring you'll find cherry blossoms , while late spring brings the rest of the flowers and beautiful weather (as well as some pollution). October in Seoul in particular is best for cooling temperatures and fewer crowds, as well as stunning fall leaves.

If you come in very late August or early September, you may even be able to catch a beach day in Incheon after all the kids are back in schools. But this depends on how well you coordinate your trip with the government's open beach times, unless you're only looking to visit one of the islands off the coast near Seoul.

Safety Level: 9/10

Despite a few rough patches, much like the southern city of Busan , Seoul is a very safe city. It is, however, still a city, so always keep an eye on your bags and don't flash cash in crowded areas. Public consumption of alcohol is legal, so keep an eye out for drunk people doing stupid things, especially on the weekends in Hongdae and Itaewon.

Flower tea.

Sample Seoul Budget: 5 Days

This budget assumes you’re spending 5 full days and 5 nights in the city, and are travelling alone using the 5 day Seoul itinerary above (not doing any of the alternate activities). If you're looking for an idea of prices, you're probably also looking to travel Seoul as a backpacker, but still staying in a nice guesthouse.

Cheap travel in Seoul is more than possible, especially if you're indulging in delicious Korean foods . Note that the current exchange rate is roughly $0.78USD or ₱42PHP per ₩1000KR.

  • Lodging: $100USD/₱5,240PHP (see this post for good, but cheap Seoul hostel recommendations)
  • Transport: $30USD/₱5,240PHP (just for metro and buses to visit Chuncheon on day 4; flights are so varied in cost that those are not included in this budget)
  • Activities: $120USD/₱1,580PHP (includes entrance fees, NANTA ticket,  hanbok rental, and cable car)
  • Food: $100USD/₱5,240PHP (assuming you're indulging in local dishes and street food for most meals)

Total: $350USD/₱18,350PHP

My latest round of Talk To Me In Korean Books.

Basic Korean Lesson

So you're ready to visit Seoul, but you don’t know any Korean! Let’s fix that right up. You won't be fluent overnight, but lucky for you, I’ve already broken down the English-Korean language barrier several times over. Here's a shortlist to help you order food & drinks, and just generally be respectful.

Many Koreans understand enough English for you to order in English, but it’s always polite to throw in a little Korean. I’d also highly recommend downloading a picture-capable translation app before you go, like Google Translate.

Hello //  An-nyeong-ha-se-yo . (안녕하세요.)

Thank you //  Gam-saahm-ni-da . (감사합니다.)

Do you speak English? //  Yeong-aw jal-hae-yo?  (영어 잘해요?)

I don’t speak any Korean. //  Han-guk-aw jal-moat-hae-yo.  (한국어 잘못해요.)

How much is it? //  Eol-ma-yeh-yo?  (얼마예요?)

One of these, please. //  Ee-gaw ha-na ju-say-yo.  (이거 하나 주세요.)

It’s to-go/takeout. //  Po-jahng ee-eh-yo  or  Tae-ee-kow-tay-oh.  (포장 이예요 or 테잌아웃에요.)

Lesson complete! Now let’s go pack.

🧳 Seoul Travel FAQ

Three days in Seoul is enough to get a taste for the city, but ideally you'd spend 5-7 days based in Seoul so as to take one or two day trips out of the city while still having enough time to explore the royal palaces, traditional markets, and future-driven fashion that Korea is known for.

When choosing how many days to spend in Seoul, first consider how many things there are to do in Seoul which interest you. Most people find 4 to 5 days in Seoul to be sufficient, but if there are a lot of activities you're interested in, you may want an extra day or two.

This depends on your style of travel, but a mid-range budget for a solo traveler spending 5 days in Seoul would be about $80USD per day. If you're willing to stay in cheap hostels, stick to more free activities in Seoul, and eat local foods, then you could get it down to maybe $50USD per day. So I'd say that traveling in Seoul is really quite affordable, though you can always upgrade your trip, and the longer you stay the cheaper it will be per dium.

🎢 Seoul Attractions Map

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Reader Interactions

Abid Ansari

June 02, 2023 at 4:43 am

We are a family of three looking at shopping and food. Your blog has been very helpful. The map stands out as being unique among travelblogs.

June 02, 2023 at 9:51 pm

Thanks, Abid! It's definitely something I appreciate when traveling, so I try to add one anytime I make any kind of guide. 🙂

April 13, 2023 at 4:52 am

How do you get premium magic pass for Lotte World now?

April 14, 2023 at 9:40 am

You can now buy one through Klook, though they may be restricted in which dates on which they're available.

February 19, 2023 at 12:35 am

This is exactly the type of list I was looking for, non-typical things to do in Korea. Thank you for putting this together and sharing!

February 19, 2023 at 12:40 am

It's my pleasure, Albert! I'm glad you've found it helpful.

Maelene Wong

August 10, 2022 at 9:31 am

A small group of us (5-7) are extending our trip from Japan to Seoul for 4 days. Can you send me the names of your recommended Local Tour Guides who might be interested in escorting us around for four days maybe in a small van based on our and their recommended lists of things to do and places to go in and around Seoul?

August 10, 2022 at 3:13 pm

Sorry, I'm not connected with any tour guides, but the Hop On Hop Off Bus tours would be a great start for looking for private pre-arranged tours within the city!

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7 U.S. Trips That Will Reinvigorate Your Soul After a Very (Very) Long Year

Author image: Woman in blue dress with sunglasses traveling.

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If you’re anything like us, after more than a year of being cooped up inside, the drive to get out and explore is real! A great spot to take a selfie? Sure, that’s cool. But we’re not looking for just another pretty place. Right now, it’s a deeper and more meaningful travel experience that’s calling.

For some, that might mean a spa getaway. Others find fulfillment in more eye-opening cultural pursuits—seeing great works of art , tasting incredible culinary delights or sipping fine wine. And, of course, connecting with nature can be thoroughly invigorating.

Because a transformative trip is what just about everyone needs at the moment, we’ve rounded up seven U.S. vacation destinations guaranteed to reinvigorate your soul.


soul searching tips sedona az

1. Sedona, Az

There’s something incredibly therapeutic about communing with nature—and it certainly doesn’t hurt to do so in such a staggeringly beautiful place. Insert Sedona. This deeply spiritual destination boasts some of the most magical scenery anywhere in the world. Need some solo time? Strike out on a less-trafficked trail like Wilson Mountain and you’ll feel like the only person on the planet. Staring at the enormous red rock formations just really puts things in perspective. The landscape isn’t the only thing that promises spiritual awakening. You can stock up on healing crystals at the New Age shops in downtown Sedona.

Where to stay:

  • Casa Sedona Inn (2 guests) : $279/night
  • L'Auberge de Sedona (2 guests) : $399/night
  • 2009 Four Winds Majestic 23A (7 guests) : $168/night

soul searching tips taos nm

2. Taos, Nm

Feeling drained? Taos is a pilgrimage-worthy Southwestern city with reinvigorating energy and a mystical side. This longtime mecca for creatives, adventurers and wellness seekers will refill your cup in so many ways. Marvel at the mythical light on an early morning stroll. Do yoga in the high desert. Navigate the trails along the banks of the Rio Grande. Indulge in an aromatherapy spa ritual or unwind with a trip to the healing mineral pools—said to be a cure-all for whatever ails you. Taos also has rustic ranches that offer horseback riding (equine therapy, anyone?) and a flourishing arts community.

  • El Pueblo Lodge (2 guests) : $110/night
  • The Dobson House (4 guests) : $178/night
  • Cozy House (6 guests) : $129/night

soul searching tips calistoga ca

3. Calistoga, Ca

Tucked away in the northern end of Napa Valley, Calistoga entices weary travelers with its natural hot springs, wineries and low-key ambiance. Plus, its under-the-radar status means fewer tourists than the nearby towns of St. Helena and Yountville. Simply put: This all-too-often overlooked gem is the ultimate spot for R&R. Stressed out? Alleviate tension with deep-tissue massages and facials at a traditional spa or take a dip in one of the area’s mineral-rich mud baths. Obviously, your itinerary will include wine tasting. We love the relaxed vibe and terroir-driven sips at Tamber Bey Vineyards.

Where to stay

  • Calistoga Motor Lodge and Spa (2 guests) : $249/night
  • The Inn on Pine (2 guests) : $597/night
  • Solage, Auberge Resorts Collection (2 guests) : $889/night

soul searching tips kauai hi

4. Kauai, Hi

Leave your iPhone at home (or, at least, turn it to airplane mode). Kauai is the perfect place to unplug and reconnect to the natural world. “The Garden Isle” very much lives up to its moniker. Expect an abundance of lush rainforests, dramatic cliffs, majestic mountain peaks and cascading waterfalls. The most spellbinding vantage point? From above. Gazing at the glory of the Nā Pali Coast State Wilderness Park and 10-mile-long Waimea Canyon from a Blue Hawaiian Helicopter tour is nothing short of a religious experience. There are also gorgeous hiking trails, oceanfront golf courses and pampering spas, if that’s more your idea of a revitalizing escape.

  • Koloa Landing Resort at Poipu, Autograph Collection (2 guests) : $609/night
  • Hotel Timbers Kauai Ocean Club & Residences (2 guests) : $1,346/night
  • Hawaiian Charm House (4 guests) : $225/night

soul searching tips zion national park ut

5. Zion National Park, Ut

Located in southwest Utah, Zion National Park brims with breathtaking scenery—high plateaus, steep cliffs, deep canyons, forested trails, flowing rivers and waterfalls. Exploring this majestic natural preserve is a true mind, body and soul experience. Strenuous treks like Observation Point will push you physically. Covering 148,016 acres with tons of remote corners, Zion National Park provides ample space to be alone with your thoughts. So if you’re seeking a sense of mental clarity, consider it found. And, needless to say, the sheer grandeur of Zion Canyon is all but guaranteed to awaken spiritual awareness.

  • The Boundary Cabin (2 guests) : $185/night
  • Zion Canyon Lodge (2 guests) : $449/night
  • Secluded 10-Acre Estate (10 guests) : $595/night

soul searching tips lake placid ny

6. Lake Placid, Ny

The name says it all. Lake Placid is an utterly tranquil destination known for its fresh mountain air, crystal clear water, cozy inns and full-service spas. In between nature walks, forest bathing rituals and stress-melting massages, carve out some time to sit in stillness. Our favorite setup for reveling in the silence? Spread out a blanket on an empty stretch of shoreline and crack open a self-actualization book or listen to a guided meditation. In the evening, Adirondack chairs and a crackling fire set the stage for a perfectly peaceful night that includes a solid eight hours of shut eye.

  • Town House Lodge (2 guests) : $120/night
  • The Whiteface Lodge (2 guests) : $455/night
  • Newly Renovated Home (10 guests) : $500/night

soul searching tips joshua tree national park ca

7. Joshua Tree National Park, Ca

Yes, it’s an Instagram goldmine. But most people go to Joshua Tree National Park for the purpose of getting up close and personal with nature (epic photos are just a bonus). The desert really does have this incredibly healing energy. Plus, it’s just so serene. Soul-searchers can hoof it to the middle of nowhere, stare out at the arid landscape and enjoy uninterrupted quiet to think. Joshua Tree National Park also shines as one of the best places in the country, err the world, for stargazing. Peering up at the celestial bodies in the sky is sure to shift your perspective on things.

  • Golden Barrel Homestead (4 guests) : $273/night
  • Abstractionist (4 guests) : $327/night
  • Shadow Mountain House (4 guests) : $344/night


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  • visitseoul_official 🅉-🄻🄸🄽🄴. Knock x 5 ✊🏻 Explore Seoul with GISELLE in 7 seconds! Which place is your favorite?! #VisitSeoul_ZLINE #aespa #GISELLE #에스파 #지젤 #지젤라인 #ZLINE #VisitSeoul #VisitSeoulTV
  • visitseoul_official 🅉-🄻🄸🄽🄴. Curious about GISELLE‘s travel style? Wondering where she eats, what she does, and where she hangs out while exploring Seoul? Stay tuned! Z-LINE will reveal it all. ✅ Wed, June 12, 13:00 (KST) 🎬 Ep. 1: GISELLE’s Daytime Outing ✅ Wed, June 19, 13:00 (KST) 🎬 Ep. 2: GISELLE’s Night in Seoul Check it out on VisitSeoul TV! (※ Subtitles available in Korean, English, Japanese, and Chinese) 👉 If you want to watch the full version, check out the link in the bio! #VisitSeoul_ZLINE #aespa #GISELLE #에스파 #지젤 #지젤라인 #ZLINE #VisitSeoul #VisitSeoulTV
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  • visitseoul_official 🅉-🄻🄸🄽🄴. GISELLE unveils the Z-LINE logo she personally designed! Ready to venture on a solo journey to Seoul with GISELLE? #VisitSeoul_ZLINE #aespa #GISELLE #에스파 #지젤 #지젤라인 #ZLINE #VisitSeoul #VisitSeoulTV
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Srinagar - Ladakh - Manali

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Rajasthan (History Of Romantic)

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Utpal Datta

Utpal Datta is the first name that comes to mind when one thinks of travelling to Himachal, Ladakh & Kashmir also. He is not just a Hotelier. He is a trekker and wanderlust for whom nature is the oxygen of survival. So Utpal Datta is just a name but he is a trust in Himachal, Ladakh and Kashmir tour. Any lane, any turn is at his finger tips. From this place of trust, today his spread his wings in North Bengal, Rajasthan and Kerala. Soul Of Trip is the company he created. The main purpose of which is to establish peace of mind of the travelers.

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character standing before portal in Soulmask

How to fast travel in Soulmask

Image of Cande Maldonado

In a game with a map as large as Soulmask’s , mastering the use of Personal and Mysterious Portals to fast travel is a must.

Soulmask is an open-world survival game, but a heads-up from CampFire Studio about the sheer scale would have been nice. You can spend hours traversing from one corner of the map to the other, even if you have a mount . Given how easy it is to lose your hardwood , logs , clay , and other belongings on the way, it’s better to play it safe and learn to fast travel. That said, you can’t just climb a tower and activate a fast travel point in Soulmask . Instead, you must either activate or craft your own Portals. In this guide, I’ll go over everything you must know about fast travel in Soulmask .

character activating a portal in Soulmask

You can fast travel in Soulmask using either Personal Portals or Mysterious Portals.

Generally speaking, Personal Portals offer flexibility for short distances but come with inventory and mount limitations. On the other hand, Mysterious Portals are fantastic for long-distance travel without the hassle of inventory restrictions but require you to find and activate specific locations.

Below, you can find a breakdown of what each Portal option offers and how to unlock them in Soulmask :

Personal Portals in Soulmask

Personal Portals are player-placed teleporters that allow you to travel instantly between two points of your choosing in Soulmask . Unlike Mysterious Portals, you can set these up wherever you want, which makes them incredibly flexible for short to medium distances.

  • You can place Personal Portals wherever you want, making them perfect for creating shortcuts between frequently visited locations.
  • Once set up, using them is as simple as pressing a button.
  • You can’t have any items in your inventory when teleporting. Items in your hot bar or equipped gear are fine, but everything else must be empty.
  • You can’t teleport with deployed mounts. They need to be stored before you can use the Portal.
  • Portal parts are heavy, so make sure you have a mount to carry them out of the dungeon.

How to unlock Personal Portals

You can get Personal Portals in Soulmask by collecting parts from specific dungeons like the Ancient Ruins and Holy Ruins.

Each Portal requires three parts to assemble , often guarded by tough enemies or hidden behind puzzles within the dungeon.

Make sure you’re prepared to fight or solve your way to each part. Most dungeons are designed to be run in bronze gear. That said, you should be fine if you tackle them with one or two other players.

Consider running it multiple times to collect iron chunks and upgrade to iron weapons at awareness level 35. The final boss can be quite challenging without them. don’t forget to bring high-level buff foods such as fried tacos, smoked ham, meat, and fried pumpkin rings.

When you have three or six parts, take them back to your campfire and assemble a Personal Portal.

Mysterious Portals in Soulmask

Soulmask mysterious portal locations

Mysterious Portals are pre-set teleportation points scattered across various biomes of Soulmask . These Portals are usually found in key locations, such as near major bosses or landmarks, and are great for long-distance travel. There are a total of six Mysterious Portals spread all over the map.

  • You can carry items and ride mounts through Mysterious Portals, making them ideal for transporting goods and companions.
  • They’re perfect for traversing the massive map, especially to and from remote or hard-to-reach areas.
  • Unlike Personal Portals, you can’t choose where to place Mysterious Portals. You have to work with the locations provided.
  • You need to collect and use green crystals to activate each Portal, which can be a bit of a grind.

How to unlock Mysterious Portals

You need three green crystals to activate a Mysterious Portal in the world of Soulmask .

These crystals are typically found throughout the game world, but if you’re looking to farm them quickly, just look for them inside chests in the Ancient Ruins, Barbarian Fortress, Ancient Ruins Dungeon, Large Ancient Ruins, and Holy Ruins . Alternatively, they always drop from Temple Guardians.

Once you have the crystals, activate the Portal, and it becomes part of your fast travel network. You must activate both the departure and destination Portals to travel between them.

Soulmask protagonist in inside destroyed tribe in Soulmask YouTube trailer

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N Seoul Tower Tickets & Guide

N Seoul Tower is a major landmark located on top of Namsan Mountain, overlooking a panoramic view of Seoul. Under the N Seoul Tower is a wall of locks, where lovers come to hang a lock symbolizing their never-ending love. Another highlight of the N Seoul Tower is the fantastic night view. The lights on the launch tower, observation deck, tower and tower floor are all as magnificent as they are varied, and even change with the weather and seasons.

N Seoul Tower Reviews


Went on Friday and was surprised that there were not many people. I got my ticket on this app half price, then got a cup of coffee in the observatory and enjoyed a couple of hours of amazing views and tasty coffee ☕️

A very clear birds eye panoramic view of Seoul, really comes alive at night with all the skyscrapers in full glitter. Loved the climb to the summit and would do it all over again❤️

Really easy to book tickets via and save queuing at the top! Really beautiful and highly recommend you visit here when in Seoul. Buy tickets in advance, confirm immediately, it is cheaper than buying on-site, it is recommended~

N Seoul Tower Ticket Prices, Express Pass & Promotions

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Observation Deck Ticket

N Seoul Tower Observation Deck Ticket (50% Off) Standard Ticket

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Roundtrip Adult Ticket

Namsan Cable Car Roundtrip Ticket Adult (12 and over) Ticket-Weekday Ticket

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Roundtrip Child Ticket

Namsan Cable Car Roundtrip Ticket Child (At least 3 but under 12 years old) Ticket-Weekday tickets

Recommended Hotels Near N Seoul Tower

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Hotel Naru Seoul MGallery Ambassador

50 ft straight-line distance from N Seoul Tower

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Novotel Ambassador Seoul Yongsan

1.9 miles straight-line distance from N Seoul Tower

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Lotte Hotel Seoul Executive Tower

N Seoul Tower offers a detailed guide with all the information you need about N Seoul Tower, including practical tips and points of interest. Read our blog if you want to visit N Seoul Tower!

What is N Seoul Tower?

What is N Seoul Tower?

N Seoul Tower, situated atop Namsan Mountain, is renowned for its stunning views of Seoul's cityscape. N Seoul Tower is a communication and observation tower located on Namsan Mountain in central Seoul, South Korea. It serves as a prominent cultural landmark, offering panoramic views of the city. N Seoul Tower has attractions like the Love Locks, a rotating restaurant, and an outdoor observation deck. Standing at 236 meters (774 feet) from its base, N Seoul Tower is one of the tallest structures in South Korea.

  • Where is the N Seoul Tower located: Positioned atop Namsan Mountain, the tower is situated at 105, Namsangongwon-gil, Yongsan-gu in Seoul, South Korea.

N Seoul Tower Opening Hours

N Seoul Tower Opening Hours

Source from: KKday, Guitar photographer via Shutterstock

Observatory Opening Hours

N seoul tower attraction opening hours.

Please note that opening hours may vary based on weather conditions and operating schedules. Entry to the Observatory is allowed up to 30 minutes before closing time.

N Seoul Tower Gift Shops Opening Hours

How to go to n seoul tower.

How to go to N Seoul Tower

Source from Bemariekorea

By Namsan Cable Car

  • Route: From Myeong-dong Station exit 3, walk for about 10-15 minutes to the boarding place.
  • Travel Time: Quick ascent to the tower.
  • Cost: Adults $10.80 round-trip, $8.64 one-way; Children/Seniors $8.28 round-trip, $6.48 one-way.

By Shuttle Bus

【Shuttle Bus No. 01A】

  • Route: Extensive route covering key locations in Seoul, including Namsan Yejang Bus Parking Lot, various city landmarks, and Namsan Seoul Tower.
  • Travel Time: Varies based on traffic and stops.
  • Cost: $1.01 (transportation card only).

【Shuttle Bus No. 01B】

  • Route: Direct route from Namsan Yejang Bus Parking Lot to Namsan Seoul Tower with key intermediate stops like Chungmuro Station and Dongguk University.
  • Travel Time: Shorter than Shuttle Bus No. 01A due to fewer stops.

By Seoul City Tour Bus

  • Route: Offers various tours around Seoul including an ancient palace course and a night panorama course before reaching the tower.
  • Travel Time: Varies by selected tour (approximately 1 to 2 hours).
  • Cost: Varies by tour.

By Namsan Oreumi Elevator

  • Route: Connects from Namsan Tunnel 3 to the cable car station.
  • Travel Time: 2 minutes to the cable car station.
  • Cost: Free.
  • Route: Use nearby parking lots since direct car access to Namsan Mountain is restricted.
  • Travel Time: Depends on traffic; however, parking and walking or transferring to another form of transit is necessary.
  • Cost: Parking costs approximately $0.72 per 10 minutes at Seoul Square Parking Lot, with variations during weekends and discounts available for observatory ticket holders.
  • Prices are converted to USD based on April 17, 2024 exchange rates (1 KRW = 0.00072 USD). Rates may vary.
  • Taxi: Accessible for the journey to the base of the cable car; entry to Namsan Park is restricted.
  • Walking: A picturesque 10-15 minute walk from Myeong-dong Station to the cable car station.

【50% Off】Where to Get N Seoul Tower Tickets

【50% Off】Where to Get N Seoul Tower Tickets

A variety of cheap N Seoul Tower ticket options available at up to 50% Off when you book online on From observatory access to multiple attraction packages, each ticket offers a unique experience tailored to different age groups and interests.

Best time to go to N Seoul Tower

Best time to go to N Seoul Tower

The best time to visit N Seoul Tower can depend on your preferences for weather, crowds, and specific experiences. Here are some general guidelines to help you plan your visit:

  • Spring (March to May) : The weather is mild and the gardens around N Seoul Tower are in bloom, making it a picturesque time to visit. The cherry blossoms are particularly spectacular in April.
  • Autumn (September to November) : Like spring, autumn provides cool and comfortable temperatures. The foliage around Namsan Mountain turns vibrant shades of red, orange, and yellow, offering stunning views both from and of the tower.

By Time of Day

  • Daytime : Visiting during the day lets you enjoy clear views of Seoul’s skyline and landscape. The attractions and shops within the tower are less crowded in the morning.
  • Evening : Evening visits are magical as you can watch the sunset and see the city lights illuminate. The tower itself is beautifully lit, and the nighttime cityscape is a must-see.

By Day of Week

  • Weekdays : To avoid large crowds, visiting on weekdays is advisable, especially earlier in the day. Weekends and holidays tend to attract more visitors.

Special Events

  • Festivals: Local festivals and events can add a cultural element to your visit. For instance, the tower often participates in city-wide festivals or holiday celebrations with special decorations and events.

Each season and time of day offers unique advantages for visiting N Seoul Tower, so the best time depends on what you want to experience during your visit.

N Seoul Tower Map

N Seoul Tower Map

Source from N Seoul Tower Official

Note : Level 3 is a restricted area with broadcasting facilities.

Things to do at N Seoul Tower

Things to do at N Seoul Tower

  • Ssentoy Museum & Show Room: Perfect for fans of Marvel, DC, and Disney, has a wide array of toys and figurines.
  • Hello Kitty Island: An immersive area dedicated to everything Hello Kitty, decked out in pink~
  • Panda Garden: A themed garden ideal for quick photoshoots, although it doesn't house real pandas.
  • Love Padlocks Area: Visitors can attach padlocks as a symbol of love, similar to the famous spots in Paris.
  • Namsan Octagonal Pavilion: Offers live performances, including Korean Martial Arts demonstrations.
  • Wishing Pond: A place to toss a coin and make a wish, adding a traditional touch to your visit.

N Seoul Tower Atrractions

Things to do at N Seoul Tower

Locks of Love

Seoul Tower Plaza (1F to 4F):

  • This base area of N Seoul Tower is a bustling hub with shops, restaurants, and entertainment options, serving as the starting point for visitors exploring the tower.

N Seoul Tower Levels (1F to 7F):

  • Locks of Love (Various Levels): Iconic for its romantic setting, this attraction invites couples to attach padlocks as a symbol of their love, creating a vibrant display on the railings.
  • Observation Decks (Various Levels): The decks offer 360-degree panoramic views of Seoul, featuring floor-to-ceiling windows that provide stunning vistas both day and night.

Romantic Attractions:

  • Proposal Staircase (Outdoor): Situated in a charming spot, this staircase is adorned with heart-shaped structures, perfect for marriage proposals and romantic gestures.
  • Bridge of Love and Tunnel of Love: These are beautifully illuminated with LED lights, enhancing the romantic atmosphere and offering delightful photo opportunities.

Things to do at N Seoul Tower

Sunset Zone

Digital Art and Interactive Displays:

  • OLED Panels: Distributed across several floors, these panels include the OLED Tunnel, Panorama OLED, OLED Circle, OLED Waves, and 3-D World, offering immersive digital art experiences.

Special Viewing Areas:

  • Sunset Zone: Specifically designed for viewing sunsets, this area provides outdoor seating where visitors can enjoy the skyline's transformation during the golden hour.

Themed Zones for Families and Children:

  • Linlin Land and Yoohoo Land: These areas feature fun and educational themes with animated characters like red squirrels, fennec foxes, and capuchin monkeys, appealing to children and families.

What to eat at N Seoul Tower

What to eat at N Seoul Tower

N Seoul Tower offers a variety of dining options that cater to different tastes and preferences. Each restaurant within the tower provides a unique ambiance and different style cuisines, like French, Korean, Italian and American food.

Restaurants at N Seoul Tower

N seoul tower restaurants opening hours.

For visitors planning to dine at these restaurants, it's advisable to check the opening hours, as they may vary and affect your scheduling.

Other Attractions in Seoul

Other Attractions in Seoul

N Seoul Tower Guide

  • 1. What is N Seoul Tower?
  • 2. N Seoul Tower Opening Hours
  • 3. How to go to N Seoul Tower
  • 4. 【50% Off】Where to Get N Seoul Tower Tickets
  • 5. Best time to go to N Seoul Tower
  • 6. N Seoul Tower Map
  • 7. Things to do at N Seoul Tower
  • 8. N Seoul Tower Atrractions
  • 9. What to eat at N Seoul Tower
  • 10. Other Attractions in Seoul

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Wealth of Geeks

Wealth of Geeks

Satisfy Your Wanderlust: 12 Unique Travel Adventures for the Adventurous Soul

Posted: November 11, 2023 | Last updated: November 11, 2023

<p>Are you looking for an experience unlike any other? Traveling is the key, and some world travelers are sharing their once-in-a-lifetime adventures during a recent online discussion to spark your wanderlust.</p>

Are you looking for an experience unlike any other? Traveling is the key, and some world travelers are sharing their once-in-a-lifetime adventures during a recent online discussion to spark your wanderlust.

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

1. Going on a Safari

Nothing comes close to the experience of heading into the Savannah in Kenya, Zimbabwe, or South Africa to experience your first safari.

If you don’t live in an area of Africa with ample wildlife, you’ll have to travel to enjoy a safari.

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

2. Seeing a Solar Eclipse

Sometimes, you get lucky and won’t have to travel far for a solar eclipse. But you can make a long vacation out of it.

As one person shares, traveling to watch a solar eclipse is worth it. They added that they’re thinking of going to Mexico to make the viewing experience for the next one more fun. 

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

3. Going Snorkeling

I love swimming in the ocean, but not where I live in the Northeast. The water is freezing cold, plus there’s not much to look at.

But that’s completely different in many tropical areas where tourists flock to snorkel in their waters. You’ll find colorful fish, local sea life, and, depending on your location, coral reefs. 

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

4. Seeing a Rocket Launch

Space nerds and people who like big, fast vehicles unite! It’s not every day that someone can watch a rocket launch, but if you ever get the opportunity on your travels, it’s a moment of a lifetime.

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

5. Exploring in Bioluminescence

There’s something magical about taking an oceanside vacation and heading out to the sea at night to watch the bioluminescence light up the water.

One person shared they loved kayaking the bioluminescent bay in Puerto Rico. If going to Puerto Rico isn’t your jam, many locations have gorgeous bioluminescence to explore.

Image Credit: Shutterstock.

6. Soaking in a Hot Spring

The earth’s natural hot tub, a hot spring, is the perfect place to relax after a stressful week at work. One commenter shared they’ll go anywhere for a hot spring, mainly because they don’t have any geothermal areas nearby. 

<p>Non-sports fans are often shocked to find that attending a professional baseball game is about so much more than baseball. You may not be able to tell a basketball from a football, but spending a few hours sitting in the sun sipping cold brews with your buddy is our definition of time well spent.</p>

7. Traveling for Sports Events

Each sporting event is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, so if you have a favorite team or sport with a big tournament coming up in a city you’ve always wanted to visit, why not hit two birds with one stone?

<p><span>“C'mooon, maaan. Let me get in the tiime machine, maaaaan. It'll be far out!”</span></p> <p><span>So long as the modern-day hippie agrees not to hotbox the time machine, why not let them enjoy some <a href="" rel="noopener">live</a> Hendrix?</span></p>

8. Journeying to Music Festivals

Have you dreamt of hitting up Coachella in California or New Orleans Jazz Fest ? It may be time to book those tickets. Attending music festivals can be an unforgettable experience where fans come together to have a great time in a beautiful new city.

trip to soul

9. Exploring National Parks

While I love the local conservation lands in my small city, they can’t compare to the sights in national parks like Yellowstone and Yosemite. You can’t replicate the wonders of nature across the country in your backyard, so you’ll have to visit them to get the experience.

trip to soul

10. Visiting Food-Famed Cities

The biggest reason I love to travel is for the food. Nothing compares to the fresh seafood feast I devoured on a boat transversing Vietnam’s famous Halong Bay. I will cherish that moment for the rest of my life!

While you can find lots of international food near you, nothing compares to local food in a new country.

<p>One of the most underrated parts of traveling is meeting new people, being absorbed into their culture, and hearing their stories- especially if you happen to be traveling abroad. Getting involved with locals is a great way to get the most out of your travels. Plus, locals often have excellent tips for dining and local attractions.</p>

11. Meeting Friendly Locals

One of the most underrated parts of traveling is meeting new people, being absorbed into their culture, and hearing their stories- especially if you happen to be traveling abroad. Getting involved with locals is a great way to get the most out of your travels. Plus, locals often have excellent tips for dining and local attractions.

trip to soul

12. Going Hiking

There’s a chance most people have some local hiking trails through woods and parks, but that pales in comparison to what can be achieved through traveling.

Source: (Reddit).

<p>The United States has enjoyed the National Park Service for 150 years. From rugged, glacier-topped landscapes to warm, beachy paradises, our national parks offer diverse land to explore. While there are many designations such as National Monument, National Seashore, and more, sixty-three sites are designated as a National Park.</p><p class="entry-title"><a href="">Every National Park in the United States and Where To Find Them</a></p>

More From Wealth of Geeks - Every National Park in The United States and Where To Find Them

The United States has enjoyed the National Park Service for 150 years. From rugged, glacier-topped landscapes to warm, beachy paradises, our national parks offer diverse land to explore. While there are many designations such as National Monument, National Seashore, and more, sixty-three sites are designated as a National Park.

Every National Park in the United States and Where To Find Them

<p>New York has many delicious foods considered specialty items within the City That Never Sleeps. In addition to hot dogs, pizza, and bagels, the city is also home to a slew of mouth-watering steakhouses—many of which happen to be some of the oldest chop houses in the nation.</p><a href="">The Best Steakhouses in NYC</a>

More From Wealth of Geeks - The Best Steakhouses in NYC: 10 Places To Get a Great Steak

New York has many delicious foods considered specialty items within the City That Never Sleeps. In addition to hot dogs, pizza, and bagels, the city is also home to a slew of mouth-watering steakhouses—many of which happen to be some of the oldest chop houses in the nation.

<p>House museums offer a fascinating glimpse into the past of any location. Unlike traditional museums, often housed in modern facilities with carefully curated exhibits, a house museum is like a frozen piece of time.  Learning about the history of the house and the occupants over the years feels a little more relatable than learning about dates and important events. It also makes you feel like you're walking through history.</p><p class="entry-title"><a href="">10 New Orleans Historic House Museums</a></p>

More From Wealth of Geeks - 10 New Orleans Historic House Museums

House museums offer a fascinating glimpse into the past of any location. Unlike traditional museums, often housed in modern facilities with carefully curated exhibits, a house museum is like a frozen piece of time.  Learning about the history of the house and the occupants over the years feels a little more relatable than learning about dates and important events. It also makes you feel like you're walking through history.

10 New Orleans Historic House Museums

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10 things to know before visiting Atlanta

May 26, 2024 • 6 min read

trip to soul

Discover the power of activism at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights © wayfarerlife / Shutterstock

My Atlanta story began in 1990, when my parents moved their young family to the metro area so they could pursue new job opportunities. It was an exciting time to grow up in the unofficial capital of the South . Atlanta’s first Black mayor, Maynard Jackson, was in his third and final term; local leaders were working on their successful bid to host the 1996 Summer Olympics; and Freaknik, the biggest college party for historically Black college and university (HBCU) students, had already gained a national reputation.

As an adult I’ve moved away from home a few times, but this city always seems to draw me back in. I find new ways to fall in love with Atlanta every time I move back. If you’re planning a visit, here are a few insider tips to help you navigate our rules, culture and even the streets.

Coca-Cola memorabilia from around the world at the World of Coca-Cola museum in Atlanta.

1. Plan to spend at least three days in the A 

It’ll take a first-time visitor at least two days to see all the typical sites, starting with Atlanta’s downtown tourist district – home to the Georgia Aquarium , the World of Coca-Cola museum  and the National Center for Civil and Human Rights , all within the same square. Centennial Olympic Park is a short walk away. The King Historic District is about a five-minute drive from there, but given the legacies of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King , it needs time to absorb it all. After that, visitors can choose their own adventure by exploring Atlanta's neighborhoods; strolling along the Beltline, a 22-mile multi-use trail; or getting a seat at one of Atlanta’s award-winning restaurants. 

Add these top experiences to your Atlanta itinerary .

Piedmont Park, Atlanta, Georgia

2. Know the pros and cons of each season 

Summertime is filled with incredible festivals and outdoor celebrations, but brace yourself for 90°F (32°C) temperatures and sweltering humidity. Winters are mild, but there’s considerably less to do in Atlanta since Southerners don’t appreciate cold weather of any kind. Spring and fall are magical times in the city, but check with your allergist first. Atlanta gets blanketed in pollen, particularly in the spring thanks to our abundant tree cover, but at least we can all admire the blooming dogwood trees while we sneeze.

3. Prepare to see and be seen in Atlanta

Atlanta doesn’t believe partying should be limited to the night. Day parties and restaurants with a lounge atmosphere – a term one website aptly called the clubstaurant – are plentiful. This style may be strange to some visitors. The popular TikTok food critic Keith Lee was shocked by the lack of hospitality at some of these businesses. But to enjoy them like a local, go for the vibes, not for traditional restaurant service.

4. Sunday booze sales can be confusing 

Southern cities have a complicated relationship with alcohol sales on Sunday, and Atlanta is no different. It can be tough to keep track of the regulations, especially when ordinances change from county to county. If you’re in the city limits of Atlanta, you can order a Sunday morning mimosa or bloody mary at brunch beginning at 11am. If you’re outside of Atlanta/Fulton County, be aware that the local laws may be different.

5. Getting around without a car is challenging 

MARTA is Atlanta’s public transportation system, and it’s generally reliable and safe. Many people use the train’s red and yellow lines to get to and from the airport, but the train system isn’t robust enough to take locals or visitors to all of the area’s best offerings, which are sprawled across a large metro area. Renting a car or using rideshare apps are your best options. Local politicians haven’t managed to keep up with infrastructure to support the city’s rapidly growing population, so spontaneous traffic jams occur regularly. Make sure you plan ahead for any timed entries.

Navigate like a local with these tips for getting around .

6. Atlanta has all the Peachtree Streets 

Whoever was in charge of naming streets in Atlanta seemed to run out of ideas. You’ll notice a lot of roads are named after peach trees. On one hand, it’s cute because Georgia is known as the peach state, but the charm tends to wear off quickly. At last count, 71 roads in Atlanta have Peachtree in the name. It can get confusing quickly, so pay attention to the details to see if you’re looking for Peachtree Street, Road, or Way.

7. Fill your soul with local cuisine

You can’t come to the South without filling up on soul food, and Atlanta has some iconic options for you. Look out for local favorites such as shrimp and grits, and fried green tomatoes with pimento cheese. Then try new classics like lemon pepper wings. For eclectic international offerings, try the food hall at Ponce City Market, Buford Highway Farmers Market or East Atlanta Village.

Other states may disagree, but here, we embrace the diner food chain Waffle House. It was founded in Avondale Estates, a suburb of Atlanta, after all. Most people have their hash brown order memorized, whether it’s smothered (with sautéed onions), covered (in melted cheese), diced (with chopped tomatoes) or capped (with mushrooms).

8. Saying Hotlanta will get you the side eye 

Yes, we know Atlanta gets hot in the summertime, and yes, we also know our city is poppin’ with fun things to do all year long. But neither of those truths would ever warrant someone calling the city Hotlanta. The nickname may have been acceptable when it was first coined in the 20th century, but today it will instantly label you as an outsider. Casual nicknames locals prefer are “the A,” and “A-T-L.” If you’re looking for more high-brow nicknames, The Gate City and the City in a Forest also apply, but are not typically used in casual conversation.

The tomb of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King in the MLK National Historical Park

9. Black culture is intrinsically connected to Atlanta

Atlanta has the second largest population of Black Americans in the US , behind New York City. But that’s not the only reason why the Black community sees Atlanta as a central city for the culture. It's also home to four HBCUs and Tyler Perry Studios, and has deep roots in the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s. Atlanta has remained a major hub for hip hop, from early pioneers such as Frank Ski and Kilo Ali and legends like OutKast, Ludacris and T.I. to fresh talents including Two Chains, Gucci, Future and 21 Savage. 

People carry large balloon letters that spell out "Proud" as they walk in the annual pride parade in Atlanta, Georgia (2023)

10. Atlanta embraces our LGBTQ+ community 

Atlanta is also a hub for the Black queer community, and has been for at least two decades. Every Labor Day weekend the community comes together to celebrate Atlanta Black Pride . But there are opportunities to celebrate all year long, whether it’s during Atlanta Pride in October, or at any of the city’s gay bars and clubs, including the established favorites, Bulldogs and My Sister’s Room . 

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  • 2 hr 11 min
  • MAY 20, 2024

Eat Like A Legend: Chef Dan Churchill On Fueling Your Body For Peak Performance

This week, I’m joined by Dan Churchill, a performance chef redefining what it means to thrive in the culinary world. With a Master’s in Exercise Science, Dan is fueling plates and human performance. As executive chef of Osprey in Brooklyn’s 1 Hotel, a former restaurant owner, coach on Chris Hemsworth’s Centr app, and cookbook author—Dan is at the intersection of cuisine, fitness, and content creation. We talk about his unique background growing up in Sydney, how a passion for food connected his family, and his journey from appearing on MasterChef Australia to self-publishing cookbooks that launched his career in New York City. Dan shares insights from building respected brands like Charley Street, the harsh realities of the restaurant world, the importance of authentic relationships over transactional partnerships, and finding balance as an entrepreneur, athlete, and chef. We discuss his latest projects, eating with intention, properly fueling training, recovery, digestion, and more. We explore performance nutrition facts and myths, managing energy levels, and working with elite athletes like Chris Hemsworth and Lindsey Vonn. Please enjoy! Show notes + MORE Watch on YouTube Newsletter Sign-Up Today’s Sponsors: Eight Sleep: Use code RICHROLL to get $350 OFF Pod 4 Ultra 👉  On: 10% OFF your first order of high-performance shoes and apparel w/ code RICHROLL10 👉  AG1: get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase  👉 Whoop: Unlock the best version of yourself👉 Listeners of the show can get 30 days FREE 👉 SriMu: Get 22% OFF artisanally crafted plant-rich cheeses w/ code RRP 👉 This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Listeners get 10% off their first month 👉 Check out all of the amazing discounts from our Sponsors 👉 Find out more about Voicing Change Media at and follow us @voicingchange.

  • 1 hr 55 min
  • © 2012-2023 Rich Roll Enterprises, LLC. All rights reserved.

Customer Reviews

10.8K Ratings


In the name of all things glorious, please, more Roll On shows. Once a month would be a treat and standout in the landscape of noise.

My absolute favorite podcast

Listening to Rich feels like hanging out with a good friend, who has really interesting friends. His voice puts me at ease like the Calm app. I count on Rich to deliver relevant info and I trust his opinion about the products that sponsor his show. Most notable is Rich’s vocabulary- he uses diverse and articulate language, its a real treat to learn from him.

Drifted off course…

This podcast was a great source of information years ago, but this will be the last time I listen. Rich has always interrupted female guests repeatedly…or talked over them…but it has become ridiculous. The guy needs to learn how to use a period at the end of a sentence. In the ozempic episode he talks over the guy with lived experience and decries Big Pharma…and then cuts right to a plug for supplements. The hypocrisy is tangible.

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