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  • Rental Mobil

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Produk lainnya, rental dan sewa mobil online lepas kunci dan tanpa sopir di traveloka, temukan tarif carter rental mobil dan travel murah di traveloka. sewa harian mobil untuk berbagai wilayah di indonesia, mitra rental mobil, mitra rental mobil favorit anda.

Kami bekerja sama dengan berbagai mitra rental mobil tepercaya di seluruh dunia untuk mengantar Anda ke mana saja!

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Mengapa sewa mobil di Traveloka?

Hemat waktu.

Sewa mobil cukup di genggaman Anda, kapan saja dan di mana saja. Bandingkan pilihan mobil dari partner tepercaya kami dengan mudah dan temukan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.

Servis Berkualitas Dari Partner Tepercaya

Partner rental mobil Traveloka menyediakan servis berkualitas demi kenyamanan bepergian Anda.

Rating Pengguna Asli

Ucapkan selamat tinggal pada keputusan yang tidak tepat. Rating dari user lain akan membantu Anda untuk menemukan pilihan rental mobil yang paling tepat.

Penawaran Spesial dalam Genggaman

Tambah Mudah dengan PayLater

Booking rental mobil kapan aja tanpa perlu membayar penuh secara langsung. Gunakan limit awal mulai dari 10 juta, cicilan 1-12 bulan dan bunga rendah.

Rental Mobil Lepas Kunci

Bepergian bersama keluarga atau kerabat semakin asyik jika Anda menggunakan sarana transportasi yang tepat. Sewa mobil atau carter mobil dapat menjadi pilihan terbaik untuk memudahkan mobilitas Anda. Untuk semakin mendukung fleksibilitas Anda saat bepergian, Traveloka kini telah menjadi aplikasi sewa mobil yang terpercaya. Aplikasi rental mobil Traveloka membuat Anda dapat menikmati kenyamanan ini dengan memesan langsung layanan rental mobil yang anda butuhkan. Temukan berbagai pilihan mobil terbaik, lengkap dengan tarif mobil yang dibutuhkan. Cek harga sewa mobil harian untuk segala keperluan anda.

Dapatkan durasi rental 24 jam dengan memesan layanan sewa mobil lepas kunci di Traveloka. Jadikan perjalanan keluarga atau bisnis anda lebih hemat dan efisien.

Rental Mobil Dengan Sopir

Memilih kendaraan yang tepat saat ingin bepergian adalah hal wajib. Jika Anda berencana keliling keluar kota dengan keluarga atau rombongan, persewaan mobil atau carter mobil di luar kota menjadi pilihan terbaik. Kini, perkembangan teknologi memudahkan Anda untuk persewaan mobil di manapun hanya dengan Traveloka App. Anda dapat menemukan pilihan mobil terbaik, rental mobil terdekat dari lokasi anda yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Kemudahan ini akan menjadikan perjalanan Anda lebih nyaman dan hemat waktu. Lihat beberapa pilihan kendaraan yang tersedia dengan sopir dibawah ini:

Ketentuan Umum Rental Mobil

  • Asuransi untuk mobil dan penumpang
  • Penggunaan hingga 24 jam per hari
  • Bensin, pengambilan/pengembalian di luar kota, dan klaim asuransi
  • Gratis penjemputan dan pengantaran di area bandara dan dalam kota.
  • Mohon diketahui bahwa saat pengambilan mobil, traveler pada Detail Traveler harus menunjukkan KTP/paspor, SIM A, dan kartu kredit asli milik pribadi atau keluarga (foto kartu keluarga atau surat nikah Anda harus dibagikan kepada tempat rental sebelum pengambilan mobil untuk memverifikasi kartu kredit keluarga)/li>
  • Penggunaan Dalam Kota
  • Penggunaan sampai dengan 12 jam atau hingga 23:59 di setiap hari rental
  • Bensin, parkir, tol, uang makan sopir dan tips
  • Biaya akomodasi sopir selama bepergian keluar kota
  • Penggunaan di luar kota (biaya tambahan berlaku)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Mengapa saya harus menyewa mobil di traveloka.

Memesan mobil sebelum perjalanan melalui Traveloka akan mengurangi kerepotan, juga menghemat waktu dan uang Anda. Anda bisa memilih dari berbagai jenis mobil yang tersedia dari penyedia rental yang terpercaya untuk berkeliling kota. Pesan mobil yang cocok dengan kebutuhan Anda di Traveloka dan Anda akan menikmati konfirmasi langsung dengan harga terbaik.

Bagaimana cara memesan rental mobil di Traveloka?

Anda dapat memesan mobil dalam beberapa langkah mudah berikut:

  • Pilih kota/wilayah rental, tanggal rental, durasi rental dan waktu jemput.
  • Pilih tipe mobil dan penyedia rental.
  • Isi detail kontak atau data wisatawan jika Anda pesan untuk orang lain.
  • Isi detail rental
  • Pastikan bahwa semua detail telah diisi dengan benar, kemudian pilih metode pembayaran.
  • Setelah pembayaran Anda diverifikasi, Anda akan menerima email berisi e-voucher rental mobil Anda dari Traveloka.

Bisakah pemesanan mobil dan waktu penjemputan dilakukan di hari yang sama?

Tentu bisa! Tapi Anda harus menyewa mobil paling lambat 12 jam sebelum waktu penjemputan. Pelajari lebih lanjut di halaman bantuan rental mobil .

Bagaimana saya tahu apakah saya perlu memesan paket luar kota?

Cari tahu dengan mengikuti langkah berikut:

  • Lihat detail produk.
  • Di bagian  Luar Kota , ketuk  Lihat Peta Zona.
  • Periksa apakah lokasi Anda termasuk dalam area merah yang ditentukan di peta atau termasuk di dalam daftar zona.

Apa saja yang termasuk dalam jasa rental dasar?

Jasa rental dasar tanpa tambahan termasuk penggunaan mobil dalam kota hingga 12 jam per hari ATAU hingga 23:59 serta jasa sopir. Bensin, uang tol, tips dan uang makan sopir tidak termasuk.

Saya tidak bisa menghubungi sopir saya, apakah yang harus saya lakukan?

Buka  Pesanan  dan langsung hubungi perusahaan penyewa mobil. Jika sopir Anda masih tidak bisa dihubungi, hubungi Customer Service Traveloka di  sini.

Bisakah saya reschedule pemesanan rental mobil saya?

Sayangnya, Anda tidak bisa reschedule pemesanan rental mobil Anda. Anda harus menghubungi Customer Service kami untuk membatalkan pesanan Anda. Kemudian, buat pesanan lagi dengan tanggal yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.

Kendaraan Favorit di Rental Mobil Traveloka

travel mobil

Toyota Kijang Innova

travel mobil

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travel mobil

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travel mobil

Toyota Vios

travel mobil

Rental Mobil Bulanan di Traveloka

Temukan informasi lengkap terkait pemesanan rental mobil bulanan di Traveloka. Sampaikan minat anda dan temukan mitra renta mobil bulanan terpercaya untuk kebutuhan anda.

Tips Aman dan Nyaman Sewa atau Carter Mobil untuk Bepergian

Sewa mobil sering kali menjadi salah satu opsi untuk bepergian menggunakan mobil yang nyaman dan aman. Bukan tanpa alasan, moda transportasi ini memungkinkan Anda puas jelajah berbagai destinasi populer dan atur waktu jalan-jalan secara mandiri. Tidak hanya itu, biaya rental mobil pun dianggap lebih murah dibandingkan transportasi lain ketika harus bepergian bersama keluarga atau teman. Sebelum memutuskan untuk memilih mobil yang akan disewa dan melakukan pembayaran di rental mobil, berikut ini beberapa hal yang wajib Anda lakukan agar bisa mendapatkan pengalaman aman dan nyaman saat bepergian.

Ketahui kebutuhan Anda Mulailah dengan mengetahui kebutuhan perjalanan Anda, sehingga akan memudahkan Anda untuk memilih jenis mobil yang tepat untuk mendukung kebutuhan perjalanan tersebut. Misalnya jika Anda bepergian dengan keluarga atau teman-teman dalam jumlah besar, maka pilih mobil keluaran terbaru dengan ukuran besar seperti MPV. Atau jika Anda akan melakukan perjalanan di daerah perkotaan, Anda bisa memilih Mobil dengan tenaga 1000 cc seperti Avanza dan Xenia. Atau, apabila anda sedang dalam liburan dan ingin rental mobil mewah, anda bisa memilih rental mini cooper atau mobil mewah lainnya. Tetapi jika perjalanan yang akan ditempuh melewati banyak tanjakan seperti daerah pegunungan, maka Anda bisa menyewa mobil dengan kapasitas 1.500 cc seperti Grand Innova. Pemilihan mobil yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan ini tentunya akan menunjang perjalanan Anda menjadi lebih nyaman dan aman.

travel mobil

Pastikan kondisi mobil dan fasilitas yang ditawarkan

Selanjutnya sebelum memastikan untuk menyewa mobil, sebaiknya tanyakan terlebih dahulu mengenai kondisi terbaru mobil yang Anda pilih. Mulai dari menanyakan kapan mobil tersebut di-service atau melakukan perawatan lainnya. Hal ini nantinya untuk meminimalisir terjadinya hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan saat di perjalanan. Tak hanya soal kondisi mobil, pastikan Anda juga memilih rental mobil dengan fasilitas yang benar-benar dibutuhkan. Jika Anda pertama kali berlibur ke suatu kota, mungkin Anda perlu fasilitas sopir profesional yang sudah tahu seluk-beluk area sekitar, sehingga bisa mengantar Anda ke banyak tempat secara efektif dan aman. Jangan ragu pula untuk menanyakan tentang layanan antar-jemput ke luar kota hingga asuransi perjalanan. Untuk antisipasi hal tak terduga saat menggunakan mobil sewaan, mintalah juga kontak penyedia sewa mobil.

Perhatikan harga sewa mobil dan bandingkan

Ketika akan menyewa mobil di rental mobil, Anda harus mengetahui biaya rental mobil yang ditetapkan. Tujuannya agar Anda bisa mengetahui kisaran harga sewa mobil di kota destinasi. Setelah itu, bandingkan harga sewa beberapa penyedia rental mobil populer. Anda bisa saja menemukan harga yang berbeda untuk jenis mobil yang sama. Perhatikan juga biaya tambahan yang dikenakan untuk fasilitas tambahan di luar paket, seperti biaya bahan bakar, uang makan sopir, dan layanan penjemputan ke luar kota.

Pilih jasa rental mobil yang terpercaya

Sama halnya seperti berbelanja online, tak sedikit orang terkena tipu saat menyewa mobil. Mulai dari adanya biaya tambahan yang besar saat kelebihan waktu sewa hingga biaya ganti rugi jika ada kerusakan di mobil yang tidak Anda lakukan. Untuk menghindari hal-hal tersebut, maka sebaiknya Anda pilih jasa rental mobil yang terpercaya dan aman seperti Traveloka. Traveloka telah bermitra resmi dengan banyak jasa rental mobil terpercaya dan berpengalaman, yang tersedia di kota-kota besar di Indonesia yaitu Jakarta, Bali, Medan, Yogyakarta, Makassar, Palembang, Malang, Balikpapan, Surabaya, Semarang, dan Bandung. Selain itu, aplikasi travel online ini juga menawarkan fitur rating pengguna, sehingga bisa menjadi pertimbangan saat memilih rental mobil. Fitur ini juga dapat membandingkan satu jasa rental mobil dengan yang lainnya. Dari syarat, kebijakan, fitur, kualitas supir, hingga kebersihan mitranya.

Pesan lebih awal

Agar lebih nyaman dan aman, sebaiknya biasakan untuk melakukan pemesanan sewa mobil dari jauh-jauh hari. Terlebih jika Anda melakukan sewa mobil pada musim liburan. Hal ini untuk mengantisipasi agar stok kesediaan mobil masih lengkap dan harga yang ditawarkan masih normal. Jangan lupa juga untuk melakukan konfirmasi ulang penyewaan minimal H-1 perjalanan untuk memastikan mobil pasti tersedia sesuai pesanan Anda. Agar tidak repot, Anda bisa mencari sewa mobil online seperti Traveloka. Hanya dengan membuka aplikasi Traveloka, pengguna bisa memilih jasa rental mobil dengan mudah dan praktis kapan pun dan di mana pun.

Destinasi Populer Rental Mobil

Rental mobil di jakarta.

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Rental Mobil di Bandung

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Rental Mobil di Kuala Lumpur

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Rental Mobil di Bangkok

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Rental Mobil di Sydney

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Rental Mobil di Manila

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Rental Mobil di Melbourne

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Rental Mobil di Ho Chi Minh

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Semua Rental Mobil

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Best international phone plans in 2024 — what travelers need to know

Heading overseas? Find out what your cellphone provider charges if you use your phone

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  • T-Mobile phone plans
  • Verizon phone plans
  • AT&T phone plans
  • Google Fi plans
  • Other options
  • Device compatibility and eSims
  • 5G coverage when traveling

Before your summer travels overseas, you should look into whether you've got one of the best international phone plans for staying connected during your upcoming adventures. In the U.S., all the major wireless carriers offer some kind of travel benefit with their best cell phone plans , but they also have supplementary packages for travelers to augment the data plan you already have in place. The trick is to make sure those options keep you covered around the globe.

1. T-Mobile : Best choice for travelers 2. Verizon : TravelPass options 3. AT&T : Best for travel in Latin and Central America 4. Google Fi : An underrated traveling companion 5. Other options : Other international phone plans to consider

The best international phone plans will let you make calls and browse the web when you're in another country (though there might be a fee on top of your normal monthly rate, depending on which carrier you use). Different plans might cover different countries, and how long you plan on traveling could also impact your choice of plans. Your method of travel — be it by plane or cruise ship — also affects which plan is best for you.

All of these are things for globetrotters to consider when shopping for wireless coverage. You're going to want one of the best unlimited data plans since they tend to offer the most travel-related perks. If you haven't travelled internationally in a while, it's smart to double-check what options are out there since the best phone carriers have overhauled their plans and packages available to travelers.

Here’s a look at the travel policies and perks for the three top U.S carriers along with information on Google Fi, which offers a plan that definitely appeals to frequent travelers.

T-Mobile international phone plans

best international phone plans: T-Mobile

T-Mobile offers an expanded array of plans, though most of its unlimited data plan options have some benefits for overseas travel. Subscribe to Magenta, Magenta Max, Go5G, Go5G Plus or Go5G Next, and you enjoy unlimited data and texting in more than 215 countries around the world. If you want to place or receive calls, you’ll be subject to the local rate depending on where you want to go. You don’t need to notify T-Mobile of your travel for your overseas benefits to kick in.

T-Mobile Go5G Plus Plan | Unlimited Data | $90/month

T-Mobile Go5G Plus Plan | Unlimited Data | $90/month T-Mobile's Go5G Plus plan has the edge over Magenta Max for world travelers, even if the latter plan is $5 cheaper for a single line. That's because Go5G Plus customers get more data when traveling in Mexico and Canada (15GB vs. 10GB for Magenta Max) and 10GB more hotspot data. Otherwise, the two plans are identical: You can use your data in 215-plus countries at no extra cost. The first 5GB of data you use use will be high-speed data (with 5G speeds supported where available). The cheaper Go5G and Magenta plans ($75/month and $70/month, respectively) also feature travel benefits, including high-speed data in 11 European countries. Otherwise, data speeds are capped at 256 kbps.

Travel perks in current plans: As part of T-Mobile's Beyond Connected program, data speeds now reach 256 kbps when you're overseas. If you subscribe to either the standard Magenta or Go5G plans and you're in one of 11 European countries, you can enjoy 5GB of high-speed data every month, thanks to a partnership with T-Mobile parent Deutsche Telecom.

The perk gets better when you upgrade to either Magenta Max or Go5G Plus, both of which cost $15 more a month than their respective base plans. In that case, you can benefit from 5GB of high-speed data in 215 countries.

Go5G Next, T-Mobile's most expensive plan at $100/month for a single line, has the same travel benefits as Go5G Plus, but adds the ability to upgrade your phone every year. If that's not important to you, stick with Go5G Plus and pay $10 less each month on your wireless bill.

T-Mobile customers can take advantage of free Wi-Fi on American, Delta, Alaska Airlines and United flights. Magenta Max and Go5G Plus subscribers get full texting and Wi-Fi with streaming during flights, where wireless is available. If you go with the standard Magenta or Go5G option, you're covered on four flights per year with full streaming, plus unlimited texting; after those four flights, you can stream one hour of video. Delta SkyMiles members also get free Wi-Fi on domestic U.S. flights courtesy of T-Mobile — even if they get their wireless service from another carrier.

In Mexico and Canada, T-Mobile allows you to use up to 5GB of data whether you've got Magenta or Magenta Max; speeds are slowed to 2G after that. Go5G customers get 10GB of data in those two countries, while Go5G Plus members enjoy 15GB.

T-Mobile includes travel benefits in two of its remaining senior plans, with identical travel perks between the $100 Go5G Plus 55 option and the $120 Go5G Next 55 plan. (Note that those monthly prices cover two lines of data; one line of either Plus or Next cost $70 and $80, respectively.) Travel perks include high-speed data and text when you travel abroad, plus unlimited in-flight connectivity. When you travel to Canada or Mexico, you get 15GB of high-speed data. Both plans also include a year's membership to AAA for road travel in the U.S.

If you opt for T-Mobile's lower cost Essentials unlimited plan, you'll get 2G roaming in Canada and Mexico, but have to pay for data elsewhere.

Trip-specific passes: T-Mobile offers International Pass options for travelers who want high-speed data during lengthier stays overseas. A 5GB International Pass gives you that much high-speed data along with unlimited calling for 10 days. It costs $35. T-Mobile's $50 International Pass increases high-speed data to 15GB and extends the length of the pass to 30 days. The carrier also offers a $5 daily pass that gives you 512MB of high-speed data, and unlimited calling between the 215 or so Simple Global destinations. 

Cruise rates: Pricing on cruises will vary according to which cruise you’re taking. You can check T-Mobile’s site to see what your pricing will be.

Verizon international phone plans

best international phone plan: Verizon

Verizon phones generally work all over the world, especially if you've got a phone built in the last few years. But where you travel significantly influences how much you’ll have to pay. As for which is the best Verizon phone plan for travelers, that all depends on how frequently you go overseas. There's a clear choice for regular globetrotters, but Verizon's less expensive offerings allow you to tack on travel benefits, too.

Verizon Unlimited Ultimate | Unlimited Data | $90/month

Verizon Unlimited Ultimate | Unlimited Data | $90/month Verizon's Unlimited Ultimate plan offers the most benefits for world travelers. Verizon promises "full international connectivity," meaning you'll be able to use talk and text for free when overseas; you also get 10GB of high-speed data every month that you can use in other countries. Unlimited Ultimate is Verizon's most expensive plan, so unless you take frequent trips, you may be better served by Unlimited Plus ($80/month for one line) or Unlimited Welcome ($65/month). Those two plans can add on a $10/month Travel Pass options that provides three days of talk, text and data when you're overseas. You can drop the Travel Pass add-on from your plan in months were you don't need it. Verizon lets family plans mix and match lines so one person can get Unlimited Ultimate, while the others subscribe to the cheaper options.

Travel perks in current plans: Of Verizon's three unlimited plans, the best for frequent travelers is the Unlimited Ultimate option, which lets you use talk and text in other countries just like you would in the U.S. You also get 10GB of high-speed data to use overseas every month.

Unfortunately, Unlimited Ultimate is Verizon's most expensive plan, costing $90 a month for one line. (And that's after a discount for enrolling autopay.) There are cheaper options — Unlimited Welcome and Unlimited Plus — that include travel perks. Both plans let you text internationally to 200-plus countries. You can also use LTE data when traveling in Mexico and Canada. You're limited to 0.5GB of data consumption per day in those two countries before your speeds are slowed to 2G, and you can't use more than half of your talk, text and data in those countries over a 60-day period.

In addition to the base Welcome Unlimited and Unlimited Plus packages, you can opt for $10 monthly add-ons for your Verizon plan — some covering streaming services, another providing hotspot data and so on. The relevant package is Verizon's $10/month 3 TravelPass Days add-on, which saves you $20 a month on travel benefits as you pick up three passes during monthly billing cycles. You can accrue up to 36 passes for using talk, text and data when traveling overseas.

Unlimited Welcome starts at $65/month for one line, while Unlimited Plus is $80. If you have a family plan, you can mix and match so that different lines of data subscribe to different plans — helpful if there's one person in the family who travels a lot and would benefit from the Unlimited Ultimate perks.

Trip-specific passes: Let's talk a little bit more about the TravelPass . It's Verizon's daily option for international coverage, and it’ll cost you $5 per day per device for each day you’re out of the country if you travel to Mexico or Canada and don't have an unlimited plan. In 185 other countries — including China, France and Germany — Verizon charges $10 per device per day. TravelPass gets you 2GB of 5G data, and unlimited data at 3G speeds after that; the passes also come with unlimited talk and text.

If you know you’ll be traveling for a bit more time, consider Verizon’s monthly option, which the carrier recommends for trips lasting at least 10 days. International Monthly Plans at Verizon cost $100/month, but in exchange, you get 250 minutes of talk, unlimited texts and 20GB of high-speed data. (Use that, and you get unlimited data at 3G speeds.)

Verizon also offers pay-as-you-go pricing for international travel. You’ll pay 99 cents per minute in Canada and Mexico, Guam and the Northern Marianas Islands. Rates go up to $1.79 in 130-plus countries and $2.99 in 80 other places. Each text message you send will cost you 50 cents, and each received text will set you back 5 cents. Your data will be charged at a rate of $2.05 per megabyte no matter where you are.

Cruise rates: Pay-as-you go rates on cruise ships cost $1.99 for each minute of talk and 50 cents for every sent text message. You’ll pay 5 cents per message received. Verizon has a data plan for cruise passengers, too, with $30/day giving you 500MB of data plus unlimited texting and 50 minutes of talk time. For in-flight connectivity, you can opt for the same pay-as-you-go rates for cruise trips or you can pay $20 per day for unlimited data.

AT&T international phone plans

best international phone plans: AT&T

AT&T also comes with varied international pricing depending on where you want to go. Canada and Mexico travel is covered in many top AT&T plans, and if you pay up for the Unlimited Premium option, you can use your plan in many Central and South American countries. Traveling elsewhere? Then you had best look into AT&T's travel passes.

AT&T Unlimited Premium| Unlimited Data | $85.99/month

AT&T Unlimited Premium| Unlimited Data | $85.99/month It's AT&T's most expensive unlimited plan, but Unlimited Premium has the best perk for travelers — you can use your talk, text and data at no extra cost in 20 Latin American countries.  As with other AT&T unlimited options, you also enjoy talk, text and data coverage when traveling in Canada and Mexico.

Travel perks in current plans: If you’re heading to Mexico or Canada, AT&T already covers all of your voice, data and text with its four different unlimited plans — Starter, Extra, Premium and the entry-level Value Plus option. AT&T offers a lone tiered data plan with 4GB of data that you can use in Canada and Mexico (though roaming may be at 2G speeds). Both unlimited and tiered data plans feature unlimited texting to 120-plus countries.

The Unlimited Premium plan is the best option for travelers headed to the Americas, as you'll be able to enjoy unlimited text, talk and data at no additional cost in 20 Central and South American countries. 

If you do a lot of international calling from home, AT&T offers unlimited calling to 85-plus countries from the U.S. for $15 per month for each line. Calls to another 140-plus countries get discounted rates under this plan.

Trip-specific passes: For anyone off to Europe, the Caribbean, Latin America or the Asia Pacific region on a short jaunt, AT&T recommends its $10-a-day International Day Pass, which comes with unlimited talk and text and data governed by your plan. (Note that each device you take overseas will need its own Day Pass.) That service is available in 210-plus countries, and you can add extra phones for just $5 a day.

You'll never have to pay for more than 10 days of day passes on any one bill, even if your trip lasts longer. International Day Passes also kick in automatically when you use your phone abroad — you get a text message letting you know you're covered.

Cruise rates: On cruises , AT&T offers a $60/month Cruise Basic plan that covers 100 minutes of talk and unlimited texting while also offering 100MB of data. Need more of everything? Then try the Cruise Plus plan ($100/month), which includes 1GB of data on top of unlimited talk and text. 

Google Fi international phone plans

best international phone plan: Google Fi

If you do a lot of international traveling, don't ignore Google Fi Wireless , the wireless service set up by Google that uses cellular towers of T-Mobile and US Cellular to provide coverage. International travel is built into two of Google Fi's plans — the Unlimited Plus and Flexible options.


Google Unlimited Plus| Unlimited Data | $65/month The Unlimited Plus plan is the way to go with Google Fi, as you can use your data at no extra cost when traveling overseas. Google Fi customers who pay by the gigabyte of data used are also eligible for this perk.

Travel perks in current plans: You've got two options with Google Fi — tiered data through the company's Flexible plan or a pair of unlimited data options. Flexible coverage costs $20 a month for talk and text plus $10 for each GB of data you use. (Data usage is rounded off to the nearest megabyte so you only pay for the data you consume.) Google stops charging you after you use 6GB a month, meaning you'll never pay more than $80. 

If you find unlimited data plans more appealing, Google has you covered there, too — it also offers a $65 Unlimited Plus option that rolls in unlimited talk, text and data. Unlimited Plus subscribers now get a year of YouTube Premium as a perk. 

The real benefit to either Unlimited Plus or Flexible is that those plans cover you when you're traveling in 200-plus countries. When you're overseas, Google Fi charges the same rate for data usage, whether you're on an unlimited data plan or paying by the gigabyte. Voice calls cost 20 cents (though calls placed over Wi-Fi are free) and you get unlimited SMS messaging. 

Alas, Google's $50/month Simply Unlimited plan is not eligible for the free data perk when traveling. That said, all three of Google Fi's plans let you use talk, text and data in Mexico and Canada.

Google Fi is even more appealing now that Google has opened up service to all phones, including iPhones. Note that phones optimized for Google Fi — Google's Pixel phones (currently the Pixel 8 , Pixel 8 Pro , Pixel Fold and Pixel 7a )  along with a selection of Samsung phones and Motorola budget devices — can switch seamlessly between cellular networks and Google's Wi-Fi hotspots, while other phones cannot.

Trip-specific passes: Unlike the other carriers here, Google Fi doesn't offer travel passes for extended trips. Your only option is to get coverage through the Flexible and Unlimited Plus plans.

Cruise rates: Google Fi is not available when you're at sea — only when you're on land in one of the 200-plus countries covered by the carrier.

Other international phone plan options

Discount carriers typically don't provide much in the way of benefits for travelers, but there are some exceptions. The most noteworthy alternative is Visible , which has expanded the travel perks for subscribers to its $45/month Visible Plus plan .

Visible is owned by Verizon and uses its parent company's network for coverage. The Visible Plus plan features unlimited data, including access to Verizon's high-speed 5G network. Travelers will be particularly interested in the unlimited talk, text and 2GB of daily data available through Visible Plus when traveling in Canada and Mexico. Visible Plus customers are also eligible for one free Global Pass day per month, in which they can use talk, text and data at no charge in 140 countries. Globla Passes normally cost $10.

Best international phone plan: Device compatibility and eSims

Traveling overseas used to mean checking to see if your phone would be compatible once you set foot in another country. But those days are drawing to a close now that 3G networks are shutting down, eliminating much of the distinction between phones that work on either GSM and CDMA. If you've got a recent smartphone that connects to LTE, chances are strong it's going to work just fine in other countries. (You still might want to confirm that your phone works on the LTE bands available in the country you're heading to prior to your trip, just to avoid any unpleasant surprises.)

Many phones now support electronic SIM cards or eSIM technology, where you no longer need to swap in a local SIM card to make your smartphone work with an overseas network. (Since the iPhone 14 , Apple devices sold in the U.S. only feature eSIM support — that includes the newer iPhone 15 models.) One of our editors took an international trip using an eSIM for her phone and found it easy to setup and use with a local network — in fact, she plans to use the eSIM approach on all future travel. 

That said, not every country supports eSIM. And depending on your phone carrier in the U.S., you might already have options that cover your phone use in other countries.

International phone plans: What about 5G?

As noted above, many of the plans that offer international travel either have you connect at whatever speed is available locally or at a reduced speed in cases where you're drawing from your own data plan. But what if you've got a 5G phone that can connect to faster networks overseas?

For the most part, we'd expect your phone to operate as before, either at whatever speed the local network offers or a capped speed if that's part of your carrier's travel plans. However, in a few instances, U.S. phone carriers have started making deals with overseas wireless providers that allow their customers to access 5G speeds when roaming. You should check with your carrier for information about the country you're going to travel in.

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Philip Michaels is a Managing Editor at Tom's Guide. He's been covering personal technology since 1999 and was in the building when Steve Jobs showed off the iPhone for the first time. He's been evaluating smartphones since that first iPhone debuted in 2007, and he's been following phone carriers and smartphone plans since 2015. He has strong opinions about Apple, the Oakland Athletics, old movies and proper butchery techniques. Follow him at @PhilipMichaels.

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TravelScoot Logo

Re-Mobilize Your Life!

Weighing only 14.8 Kg including its lithium-ion battery, the TravelScoot ™ Escape is by far the world's lightest and most compact electric mobility scooter. It’s perfect for anyone who’s no longer getting around as well as they used to but are still in fairly decent shape. The TravelScoot ™ ’s innovative folding mechanism allows the scooter to be folded flat enough to fit in practically any car trunk with the push of a button. The entire seat assembly and support can be removed by simply releasing a single lever clamp, and, if necessary, be taken down further into three components. The front wheel can be removed in seconds with the simple push of a button, as well. The remaining basic frame weighs less than 10 kilograms. However, in most situations it’s enough to lower the handlebars and remove the backrest, which also takes only seconds.

Electric mobility scooter TravelScoot

14.8 kg including battery, It can't be lighter!

TravelScoot Escape

Various levels of break-down and folding for transport

travel mobil

For hatch-back vehicles and stationwagons

travel mobil

For air travel (takes about 2 minutes). Read more: Notes for air travel

travel mobil

For car trunks (boots) of various sizes; less than one minute. The seat assembly can be broken down further into 3 components in seconds.

It fits where no mobility scooter has ever fit before!

Set-up and break-down takes less than a minute. It fits where no mobility scooter has ever fit before! Seat and battery removal takes just a few seconds. A few more, and the frame is done, too.

A man puts the TravelScoot in a small airplane

Light weight

As you can see, the folded dimensions are a huge advantage, but the unrivaled low weight is even more significant. Your scooter will need to be lifted around several times a day, if only to clear a curb or into a vehicle. In some cases, there is no elevator, so you will need to carry your scooter up a flight of stairs. For such, every pound can make a difference!

The scooter overcomes obstacles with ease!

Carrying luggage and groceries on a mobility scooter

The vast majority of mobility scooters – regardless of size – have no provision for carrying luggage or any sizeable amount of groceries. The best one can hope for is a small bicycle basket, mounted to the handlebars and banging into your knees every time you try to turn.

Here at TravelScoot we have many years of experience with this issue and have come up with a number of intelligent solutions. These all have in common that they are mounted independent of the handlebar movement, allowing much larger items to be carried.

Gepäckmitnahme auf Reisen mit dem TravelScoot

Traveling with the TravelScoot ™

It’s all in the name!

A carry-on size (22 inches max. height) suitcase can be strapped easily and securely on the small platform in front of the steering column. Another, medium-size, luggage item can be placed loose on the frame in front of the seat. We suggest you do this after you are seated on the scooter. Our rear-mounted luggage hitch allows a wheeled suitcase of any size to be attached in seconds, leaving both hands free to steer (see video).

Taking luggage on trips with the TravelScoot

Please note that, ideally, you use two-wheel suitcases on your TravelScoot, since the wheels are recessed to save space. Four-spinner cases have exposed wheels which can interfere with, or even obstruct, your feet. Also, IATA air-travel regulations on luggage size are based total suitcase dimensions, which include the wheels. As a result, two-wheel cases provide more internal volume.

IATA carry-on rule : 55 x 40 x 20 cm (approx. 21.5 x 13.5 x 7.5 inches) Max. weight 8 kg / 18 lbs. These rules may vary by airline.

Shopping with your TravelScoot ™

Basket and/or boxes are the shopping containers of choice. Up to two baskets can installed on the TravelScoot without interfering with the rider. It’s possible to place, without attaching, a third basket or box on the frame in front of the seat. When it’s time to get on or off the TravelScoot, just set the basket or box aside; just slide it under your feet when seated. The rear-mounted luggage hitch can be installed in place of the rear basket.

TravelScoot with two mounted baskets rear and front

New accessories

Smart Luggage Kit

Our innovative, Smart Luggage Kit universal carrier system allows you to attach a large crate or cabin-sized suitcase to the steering column as well as wheeled suitcase to the rear. All components are extremely lightweight and don’t protrude beyond the TravelScoot’s footprint. This allows the kit to be permanently installed. Even so, installation and removal takes less than a minute.

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For prices choose one of our world-wide distributors

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The 7 Best Portable and Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspots for Travel in 2024

Amar Hussain's image

Amar Hussain

Senior Content Contributor

791 Published Articles

Countries Visited: 63 U.S. States Visited: 9

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Keri Stooksbury


35 Published Articles 3228 Edited Articles

Countries Visited: 47 U.S. States Visited: 28

The 7 Best Portable and Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspots for Travel in 2024

Table of Contents

What is a mobile wi-fi hotspot, things to look for in a mobile wi-fi hotspot, frequencies explained: the difference between gsm and cdma, the 7 best mobile wi-fi hotspots for travel, final thoughts.

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Whether you want to update your Insta on the go or need to keep in touch with the office, losing your internet signal can be very frustrating.

But it’s annoying (and can be unsafe) to rely on public Wi-Fi signals in every coffee shop you visit, and sometimes when traveling to remote locations, public connections are just not available.

Instead, you can invest in a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot to ensure safe, secure, and reliable internet access anywhere you go. Here’s what you need to consider when choosing the best one for you.

A Wi-Fi hotspot is a battery-powered wireless router that travels with you. Designed to be compact and lightweight enough to slip into your purse or pocket, a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot device brings the internet to your phone, tablet, or laptop, no matter where in the world it finds you.

These gadgets are a big bonus for anyone traveling away from public Wi-Fi or those looking for a secure connection. A bit like a cellular device, your Wi-Fi hotspot provides access to invisible signals in the sky, all of which can help you to upload pics or receive your emails on the move.

You will need to pay for the data you use, which can be done in the form of packages or day passes that offer unlimited access for a set period of time.

Bottom Line: Using 3G or 4G (and maybe even 5G in the coming months), these smart little devices emit a reliable and incredibly useful Wi-Fi signal that you can hook your favorite gadgets and devices to while away from home.

Battery Life

Most batteries will run happily for between 5-6 hours at a time. If you are traveling somewhere with easy access to electricity, you should be able to charge overnight to ensure your hotspot works when you need it for your daily adventures. If you spend a disproportionately large amount of time online, you may want to look at a device that offers a longer battery life.

Size and Weight

Your Wi-Fi hotspot should be small enough to be carried everywhere with you. After all, if it’s not entirely portable, what exactly is the point? Slimline, lightweight, and often smaller than the smartphone you are trying to connect to, these devices are compact and clever.

Wi-Fi Support

Because some mobile internet providers are better than others, the coverage you receive from any Wi-Fi hotspot can also vary. For example, 2.4GHz gives coverage at a more extended range but will transmit the data at a much slower speed. A 5GHz band, on the other hand, will provide less range with data transmitted at a much faster speed.

Though they may be small, they are still mighty, and most hotspot devices will have a built-in display. At the very least, the display should indicate remaining battery life and current Wi-Fi signal strength. Others may offer bonus features like SMS messages or touch screen modes.

Card Reader

Some portable Wi-Fi hotspots come with the capability to read MicroSD memory cards, which can be used to store and access files from your laptop or home computer. You can also share your stored files with the people who use your network when you want them to have access.

MicroSD memory cards are not typically included with the purchase of a Wi-Fi hotspot, but they are a useful addition that allows you to send and receive SMS messages and save images, music, and other data-heavy files.

Mobile data is delivered using 1 of 2 types of cellular signals in different countries and regions around the world. These cellular standards allow for communication between individuals; without them, we would not be able to keep in touch on such a global scale.

Known as GSM and CDMA, each standard converts both incoming and outgoing radio waves in entirely different ways. Before you buy a hotspot, you need to understand its function and where you’ll be able to use it.

Global System for Mobile Communication is used in most countries around the world. In the U.S., only AT&T and T-Mobile use GSM. GSM uses Time Division Multiple Access (or TDMA), which allocates time slots to multiple conversation streams and alters how phones transmit their information. Doing this requires a SIM card (or “subscriber identification module” card).

It is the SIM card that holds all the information you need to make calls, use mobile internet, and store your contacts. The SIM card tells the device what services you have access to and is vital for GSM communications on the go.

CDMA is used in countries including Russia and the U.S. ( Sprint , Verizon , and US Cellular), and it grants users full access to a wide spectrum of bandwidth, meaning more users can connect at any one time. It also encodes each signal, meaning that every conversation remains protected and filtered.

CDMA does not rely on SIM cards as the device has the technology built into it from the carriers’ networks. This once meant that if you wanted to change carriers, you would need to buy a new device altogether. These days though, many CDMA devices offer the capability to use a SIM card too, especially for those on LTE networks.

Bottom Line: Different countries (and different carriers) use different technologies. In the U.S., Sprint, Verizon, and US Cellular use CDMA, while AT&T and T-Mobile use GSM. When it comes to purchasing a hotspot, make sure you understand what type you’re buying, what countries it will work in, and what providers it will function with.

1. Keep in Touch Wherever You Are Using the GlocalMe 4G LTE Network

GlocalMe DuoTurbo 4G LTE Portable WiFi Mobile Hotspot Device for Travel, SIMFREE, No Contract, with US 8GB & Global 1GB Data in...

GlocalMe DuoTurbo 4G LTE Mobile Hotspot

With a global SIM-free connection, you can quickly and easily access the internet without worrying about a local SIM card or roaming charges. The 4G LTE high-speed network connects up to 10 devices at a time. Enjoy an innovative GlocalMe app that uses a dedicated security protocol to ensure your Wi-Fi connection is always safe.

You can also easily manage your data usage from anywhere in the world. With an initial 1.1 GB of global data and 8 GB U.S. data included to see you on your way, you can easily top up your data using the GlocalMe app, which is specifically designed to work in a variety of different countries and regions.

Bottom Line: With 1 Nano SIM card slot and the ability to connect to unlocked Wi-Fi hotspots wherever you are, the G4 will provide you with up to 12 hours of nonstop usage from a single charge.

2. Rapid Download Speeds and Superfast Internet on the Go

Huawei E5577Cs-321 4G LTE Mobile WiFi Hotspot (4G LTE in Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa & 3G globally) Unlocked/OEM/ORIGINAL...

Huawei E5577Cs-321 4G LTE Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspot

Huawei’s Wi-FI hotspot is both affordable and reliable — and it’s good enough to give some of the more prominent brand alternatives a real run for their money.

This hotspot offers rapid download speeds of up to 150 Mbps 4G LTE and 43.2 Mbps 3G download , connection for up to 10 Wi-Fi enabled devices, 6 hours of working time, and a whopping 300 hours of standby time.

Bottom Line: The TFT-LCD screen with 2D Barcode secure connection is easy to use, and the device itself is unlocked for all networks — you can even choose your SIM card if you want to.

3. Best for Professionals Who Need To Keep Connected

Huawei E5576-320 Unlocked Mobile WiFi Hotspot | 4G LTE Router | Up to 150Mbps Download Speed | Up to 16 WiFi Connect Devices (For...

Huawei  E5576-320  4G LTE Mobile Wi-Fi Router

This high-speed mobile router and multi-mode wireless terminal is for use in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.

The hotspot offers 16 Wi-Fi connections at a time, and the unlocked carrier connection means you can use 3G signals from any provider. Controllable via the innovative Huawei Mobile Wi-Fi app, you can enjoy uploads and connectivity for up to 6 hours using the 1500 mAh battery.

Bottom Line: While this device model will not work in the Americas or the United States, it is an affordable solution for those traveling to other parts of the world.

4. A Powerful Global WI-Fi Hotspot for Use in Over 160 Countries

RoamWiFi 4G LTE Mobile Hotspot Router, Worldwide Portable High Speed Hotspot with US 10GB & Global 1GB Data 30Day,No SIM Card...

RoamWiFi 4G LTE WiFi Mobile Hotspot Router

The RoamWiFi Mobile Router is a powerful global Wi-Fi hotspot with super-fast 4G LTE speeds that can be used in over 160 different countries and shared to 5 connections. Sleek and stylish, the simple orange hotspot can be stored in your carry-on luggage and will be easy to find when you get there.

By far, the most impressive feature of this particular model is the whopping 18 hours of battery life . 500MB of data can be purchased for as little as $2.90 per day.

Bottom Line: All-in-all, this is a tremendous little Wi-Fi hotspot for your next adventure.

5. Compact and Capable Offering 18 Hours of Battery Life

NETGEAR Unite Explore AC815S | Mobile WiFi Hotspot Cat.9 4G LTE | Up to 450Mbps Download Speed | Connect Up to 15 Devices | 18...

Netgear Unite Explore AC815S Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspot

This slim 4G LTE-capable device provides super-fast internet and as much as 18 hours of battery life on a single charge to as many as 15 Wi-Fi devices on the go.

Super easy to use, the color LCD screen shows you all the network info you need, as well as displaying battery life and connectivity levels.

Bottom Line: Made by one of the most trusted names in communications, the Unite Explore is a reliable Wi-Fi hotspot for travelers looking for longer battery life.

6. Superfast Connectivity in Over 135 Countries

SIMO Solis Lite 4G LTE WiFi Mobile Hotspot, Local & International Coverage Router, Multi-Carrier Access, No Contract or SIM Card...

SIMO Solis Lite 4G LTE WiFi Mobile Hotspot

With no contract or SIM card required, this convenient little device will ensure you’re always connected on the go. The virtual SIM technology is compatible with most major carriers, and you can control everything through the handy Solis WiFi app.

You can connect up to 10 different devices with up to 16 hours of battery life on a single charge. As well as keeping you connected, this mobile hotspot doubles up as a power bank, so you’ll never run out of charge.

Bottom Line: With SIMO Solis, users can enjoy day pass Wi-Fi, pay as you go access by gigabyte, or monthly and yearly subscriptions.

7. Connect 10 Wi-Fi Enabled Devices With This Verizon Jetpack

Verizon MiFi Jetpack 4620L Verizon Wireless Wi-Fi 4G LTE Hotspot Modem

Verizon MiFi Jetpack 4620L

Brought to you by the communication experts at Verizon, this MiFi Jetpack offers superior connectivity and speedy internet access virtually anywhere in the world. With the ability to connect up to 10 Wi-Fi-enabled devices in 4G and up to 5 devices in 3G, this is one of the most effective LTE hotspot devices on the market.

Compatible with all major operating systems including Windows, Mac OSX, Android, and iOS, you can quickly and easily connect your phone, tablet, or laptop. The interactive OLED display shows you when you are connected, as well as the connection status and how many users are connected. It can even alert you when you receive a new SMS message.

Bottom Line: With up to 5 hours of usage available from a single charge, this impressive MiFi mobile Wi-Fi device is one of the most effective LTE hotspot devices on the market.

With a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot, you are no longer at the mercy of unsecured, cumbersome, and often super-slow public Wi-Fi signals when you take to the road. Your very own Wi-Fi allows you to download data, upload images, and keep in touch with civilization, no matter how far away you go.

Before you commit to a connection, look for a mobile Wi-Fi device that is compact and portable with a large enough battery to last you all day. Your new Wi-Fi hotspot should also be simple to use, easy to connect to, and ideally able to offer a connection to several different devices (especially if you’re traveling with friends).

Lastly, don’t miss these other tech-related product reviews to level up your travel game!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best mobile wi-fi hotspot for travelers.

Our vote is for the GlocalMe G4 4G LTE Mobile Hotspot.

With a global SIM-free connection, you can quickly and easily access the internet without worrying about a local SIM card or roaming charges. The 4G LTE high-speed network connects up to 10 devices at a time. Enjoy 50Mbps upload speeds and an innovative GlocalMe app that uses a dedicated security protocol to ensure your Wi-Fi connection is always safe.

Do mobile hotspots work internationally?

Many mobile hotspots do work internationally, but this would depend on what plan your device is on. Many plans include a set amount of international data, while others offer unlimited usage for a set fee.

Can mobile hotspot replace home Wi-Fi?

Although mobile hotspots can be used in place of home Wi-Fi, it usually carries higher usage costs. If you are a heavy downloader or video streamer, you would likely be better off registering for a home Wi-Fi service.

Which is better Wi-Fi or hotspot?

Hotspots usually offer slower speeds and less security than Wi-Fi; however, it is convenient if you’re on the move, and there are no guarantees that you will be able to access a Wi-Fi connection.

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About Amar Hussain

Amar is an avid traveler and tester of products. He has spent the last 13 years traveling all 7 continents and has put the products to the test on each of them. He has contributed to publications including Forbes, the Huffington Post, and more.


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Adventure: 15 Best Camper Vans for the Mobile Traveller

We have compiled a list of all the best camper vans on the market to help you choose which is best for you and your adventurous spirit, but first, it’s best to know all the accessories available, from luxury beds to fully functional kitchens.

Choosing the Best Camper Van For You

From mega off-road monsters, stylish luxury sleepers, and minimalistic compact campers, you have lots to choose from. There are a few key considerations to make when choosing a camper van to fit your lifestyle and budget:

  • Size: Camper vans come both big and small, with plenty of middle ground to choose from as well. You should consider exactly how much space you need by estimating how many people will be traveling and how much gear you need, including necessities, personal items, and recreational supplies. Camper vans typically sleep anywhere from 2 to 6 people, and will have seating arrangements fit to match the sleeping capacity. Look for creative storage options, such as storage underneath the retractable awning or campers that utilize crawl space, which will help you feel less cramped.
  • Amenities: You can enjoy all the luxurious amenities you have at home, like your usual kitchen appliances, climate control, advanced technology, solar power, and more, or you can opt for something more basic, depending on your needs.
  • Gas Mileage: You can expect the gas mileage in a camper van to be less than that of your family car or personal sedan, but it doesn’t all have to be bad. Some models have mileage ratings as high as 20 mpg, while others are considerable low. To cut down on gas costs, consider models with an alternate energy source, like solar panels.
  • Appearance: Camper vans are built onto pre-made chassis’s, so the exterior design depends heavily upon the chassis used. The Mercedes-Benz 144 chassis is a popular and common choice to many camper van builds, but you can find options that utilize Dodge, Ford, Fiat, Volkswagen, and other models, too.

Our Favorite Camper Vans

A camper van may be the perfect addition if your family loves to travel, but if you’ve never bought one before, it’s likely you don’t know where to start. Every model is intensely different, giving you a range of options to choose from. Like everything, though, some camper vans are better than others. For help choosing a camper van that is durable and built to last, with quality interior and amenities, consider our list of favorites. These options range from the biggest and baddest, to the most compact and luxurious models on the market, and none of them will let you down.

Hymercar Campervan

Hymercar is a unique company that allows you to choose from several build options and chassis’s, but perhaps their most popular option is the Hymercar Free on a fiat chassis. This model includes all the basic necessities, like a bathroom, kitchenette with refrigerator and freezer, and living space that easily converts to a sleeping space, which sleeps up to four people. The Grand Oak furniture finish gives a clean, modern feel to the inside, and you can choose from another Fiat model or the Mercedes-Benz model, depending on your aesthetic preferences.

Earthroamer XV-HD

This camper “van” is built for being off the road, but stylish enough for a highway stroll, too. It’s designed to be tough, with a King Ranch trim, a V8 Turbo Diesel engine, and 330 horsepower. This is also a great option if you need a lot of space and capacity for your travel. The Earthroamer XV-HD holds 250 gallons of fresh water and 115 gallons of fuel, so you have to stop less during your trip. The 20,000 watt hours and optional 2,100 watt solar power will help you sustain life in the great outdoors for quite some time. These super duty vehicles are built to custom order and several different floor plans are available, so you can choose how many people you’d like to sleep and all the amenities you’d like to be included. Earthroamer is based in Colorado and built in the USA .

Sportsmobile Ultimate Adventure Vehicle

This camper van is built for those who love the outdoors and have no limits as to where they may go. Its heavy duty exterior is built to last, and includes a list of upgrades to make your off-road experience all the easier, like a lift kit for extra clearance, suspension swap options, an upgraded 4×4 engine, and a roof rack capable of hauling multiple kayaks, bikes , and more. Enjoy plenty of interior conveniences, too, like a full kitchen with refrigerator, freezer, and cooktop, plenty of counter top and storage space, and a comfortable, convertible sitting and sleeping area that sleeps up to four people. A small dining area allows just as many people to easily enjoy meals, but since this Ultimate Adventure Vehicle can take you to places you’ve never been, you may find that you’re spending more and more time outdoors.

Winnebago Paseo

This roomy camper van is designed and built by Winnebago, one of the first trusted suppliers of quality RV’s. The camper is built onto a Ford Transit chassis, so you get strength and durability combined with plenty of space to move about. The back third of the van is completely customizable at your will, and you can choose from up to seven different daytime or nighttime seating options using the Flex Bed technology. You will also enjoy all the benefits of the Ford EcoBoost engine, so you can expect to get pretty good gas mileage and consistent performance that will take you wherever you want to go.

Weekender Mercedes Sprinter by Midwest Automotives

The Weekender uses a Mercedes Sprinter Chassis to create a stylish, but incredibly functional camper van. This sports van, designed by Midwest Automotives, is loaded with every luxury you could need in a travel van. Enjoy easy meal times provided by the microwave oven and compact refrigerator. Other modern conveniences you can enjoy on the go include a small bathroom with a shower, galley, wide screen televisions with cable access, internet access, and a premium sound system. The dinette area converts into a sleeping area around the size of a queen sized bed. All of your electric is run through a high powered lithium battery, which means you burn less gasoline, so you can travel on.


Outside Van Pop

This camper van, built on a low-roof Mercedes 144 chassis, includes a pop up roof for additional head room, which makes it easy to move about inside the luxurious living space. It is small and compact, but definitely not cramped. Outside Van offers a slew of custom options, including features like a 12V refrigerator, roof-top air conditioner, multiple cabinetry options, hanging shelves, drop down televisions, bunk beds, and more, so you can easily customize the Pop van to your liking. The Pop van can easily sleep up to four people, and depending on your chosen options, can sleep up to six.

Peugeot Rifter 4×4 Concept

If you are looking for something a bit more casual than a bulky van, this Rifter 4×4 Concept is a modern and adventurous take on a stylish SUV. Don’t worry, though, there was still plenty of room for them to add in all of your camping essentials, as well as an 8 cm lift kit to help you clear any obstacles in your path, heavy duty tires that can withstand any terrain, a LED light bar, and a splash guard behind the radiator grille on the front. Peugeot has multiple Concept vehicles, all of which are built to take on any adventure you choose.

Airstream Autobahn

Airstream prides themselves on creating the most luxury camper vans on the market. This Autobahn is built onto a 4×4 Mercedes-Benz chassis and includes tons of features that make this vehicle top of the line in design and comfort. The inside is customizable, with three different color options for the leather interior and multiple seating options. Each passenger seat can enjoy their own climate control, plenty of space, and a personal USB charger, and you can keep up with all of your modern needs with the luxury Corian refrigerator top. The V6 turbo diesel engine lets you enjoy an impressive 18 mpg on the highway, so you can keep on the go with less stops in between.

Doubleback Van

This ultimate camper van, built onto a Volkswagen 2.5 TDI Transporter chassis, quickly transforms into an extended sleeping module. The rear pod extends an extra six feet, while the roof tilts upwards to allow for plenty of head room. The van’s body is built from aerospace-spec technology, so you can rest assured that you have safety and durability to meet top standards. Each model is hand built and have a few customizable options, including multiple different finishes and options for interior design. Enjoy a comfortable double bed and multiple daytime seating options, as well as a small kitchenette and dining area. The van can easily support up to 900 pounds of extra gear and personal belongings, so don’t be afraid to pack whatever you might need.

Volkswagen California

From the trusted German engineering at Volkswagen, you can enjoy this compact camper van and all its top-notch safety standards. Despite its small size, it easily converts to sleep up to four people, includes a full miniature kitchen, a dinette area, plenty of convenient storage options, folding mirrors, and camping table and chairs to use under the retractable awning. Enjoy interior climate control, LED headlights for optimal vision, and a pop-up top for extra head room. The California may look like a van, but it’s like a miniature home on wheels, with all of the comforts you’re used to.

Outside Van Apex

The Apex model by Outside Van allows you to choose from all of their premium options, but this model is built specifically to help you enjoy your outdoors experience. Enjoy everything you need for easy off-roading, like heavy duty A/T tires , a solar package, stealth kit, and more. Like many of their other vans, the Apex is built on a 4×4 Mercedes-Benz 144 Sprinter chassis, so you can expect the inside to be as luxurious as the outside. The inside has a convertible sleeping/sitting area that has roof for at least four people to ride or rest, and the luxurious interior built is impressive and inviting for guests.

Fiat Ducato

Fiat is iconic for its compact cars, but they build a pretty mean camping machine as well. The Ducato focuses on ergonomics, and fiat created a camping solution that is easily mobile and ultimately comfortable. The turning radius is rated best-in-class and the electricity is run through a stabilized circuit, so you don’t have to worry about any surges or power outages while on the go. Enjoy plug-in USB charging ports,a 5-inch touch screen UConnect radio with AUX port, built in TomTom satellite navigation, and even more options for a technologically advanced adventure. Enjoy a 24-hour fiat camper support line in 51 countries and 15 different language, so you’re never alone, no matter how far you go.

Outside Van Unicorn

If you’re looking for a mix of great design and heavy duty off-roading power, you’ve just found it. The Unicorn by Outside Van is perhaps the most design oriented camper van on the market and features a few gorgeous additions that are definitely easy on the eye, like all natural bamboo cabinetry, high output LED light bars, and custom color selections. A few other luxuries take comfort to the next level, like the Custom Thermo Fit mattress , A/C, and auxiliary seating. As always, the Unicorn is fashioned on a 4×4 Mercedes-Benz base, so it’s built for style, comfort, and durability.

Roadtrek SS Agile

The SS Agile by Roadtrek is both compact and ultimately elegant, featuring spacious bed and bath areas with a stand up/sit down shower. The bed comfortably sleeps two, while the dinette area seats up to five people. Choose from several different packages to include a high capacity hot water system, solar package, wireless internet access, and more. The SS Agile is built on a compact sized Mercedes chassis, but includes plenty of storage space to make traveling as comfortable and organized as possible.

Winnebago Revel 4×4

Another option by the trusted camper company, Winnebago, is the Revel 4×4, which is structurally designed to withstand any off-road experience, while offering more than enough storage for both personal belongings and recreational gear. The Revel gets pretty good gas mileage, but perhaps its defining feature is its integrated solar system. The entire system relies on roof mounted solar panels, that power the kitchen (refrigerator and stove), all the lights, television, and any other technology you need with no need for gas or propane.

Enjoy a Comfortable Adventure

No matter what you choose, #vanlife campers are all built for the same purpose: as an alternative option to RV’s to provide you with comfort and protection while on the go. Most camper vans will be filled with your basic necessities, like a small kitchen and sleeping area, but you can really amp it up for added comfort. Either way, travelling in your new camper van beats stinky motel stays any day.

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The 6 Best Portable Wi-Fi Hotspots of 2024

These handy devices keep you connected with ease.

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Travel + Leisure / Marcus Millan

We're fortunate to live in an era where cell coverage reaches 95 percent of the population, according to the International Telecommunications Union. And that makes staying connected while traveling to most on-the-grid destinations a breeze. Many cell phone carriers offer some level of international data plans, which allows you to use your devices abroad — for a fee, of course.

But if you're working on the go, traveling in a group, or attempting to preserve your phone's battery, you might want to look into getting a portable Wi-Fi hotspot, which often provides more data to more devices. "Portable hotspots will use data just like cell phones do, and coverage will really depend on the carrier and the coverage they offer in the area," Best Buy mobile supervisor Thomas Walker told Travel + Leisure. "Since hotspots require data, they also require a plan, something to remember as you consider buying a portable hotspot."

Best Overall

Skyroam solis lite.

The device comes with a free lifetime global data plan.

1GB of monthly data will go by very quickly; you'll have to pay up for more.

There are many things the Simo Solis Lite does well, but the real showstopper here is the company's lifetime global data plan that gives you 1GB of data each month for as long as your device functions. And this plan truly is global, as the device works in 135+ different countries . That said, 1GB isn't much data at all. Depending on your usage, you might need to upgrade to a more robust data package, which typically costs anywhere from $6 to $109, or potentially more, per month. On the plus side, you don't need to change SIM cards in this hotspot — you can add those plans via an app.

As for the other stats with this device, the 16-hour battery life is well above average. We love that you can charge other devices with this hotspot — although that will reduce its battery life, of course. Up to 10 devices can be connected to the Solis Lite, which is likely suitable for most users, but it's an unremarkable number compared to other products on the market. Similarly, 4G connectivity is serviceable but doesn't earn any special accolades. If you're traveling with a large group of people, you may want to consider other options depending on how connected you need to be.

One other standout feature of this Wi-Fi hotspot is true 24/7 customer support — this is especially valuable for travelers who need internet access at all hours across various time zones. 

The Details: 16-hour battery life | 10 devices | 4G connectivity | 5.98 x 4.69 x 1.73 inches | 10.2 ounces

Best for SIM Cards

Netgear nighthawk m6 pro.

It has Wi-Fi 6E connectivity.

13 hours of battery life is good, but not great.

If you need a fast and reliable internet connection just about anywhere, Netgear's Nighthawk M6 Pro might be the solution. It's compatible with AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon in the U.S., and it works in more than 125 countries when swapping in a new SIM card, supporting both 5G and Wi-Fi 6E. You can connect up to 32 devices simultaneously, allowing an entire team of remote workers to stay connected. And if you're on the move, you'll enjoy a more secure connection with the Nighthawk than public Wi-Fi. 

Beyond its uses for remote work around the world, the Nighthawk M6 Pro could even replace a standard internet connection at your home or office. Because it can function with both a wired and wireless connection, you won't lose connectivity due to internet or electricity outages. And with 13 hours of battery life, you'll have time to wait for the outage to end. That said, increased battery life would be ideal, especially for remote workers and travelers. But whether you're in a home office or off the grid, it's hard to beat this product's speed.

The Details: 13-hour battery life | 32 devices | Wi-Fi 6E connectivity | 4.1 x 4.14 x 0.85 inches | 0.56 pounds

Most Versatile

Glocalme numen air 5g.

There's no SIM card required.

The battery life and number of devices could be better, but are likely fine for most users.

The GlocalMe Numer Air 5G works in more than 140 countries on more than 100 operator networks — that means you'll be covered just about anywhere. It doesn't need a SIM card to work, thanks to its CloudSIM technology. Upon purchase, you'll automatically receive 1GB of global data for a 90-day period, and additional data can be added easily via the mobile app. There are thousands of flexible data plans from which to choose, including pay-as-you-go options with no contract. In other words, this is a convenient mobile hotspot to take with you while you travel, since it's designed to be useful in a wide variety of cellular settings and situations.  

Stat-wise, we consider the 12-hour battery life to be good, but not especially impressive. That said, it may be plenty of time depending on how you intend to use the device. You can connect up to 16 devices, which is probably plenty for most users but may not be ideal for an office setup. 

The Details: 12-hour battery life | 16 devices | 5G connectivity | 6.1 x 2.8 x 0.6 inches | 6.8 ounces

RoamWiFi Portable WiFi Device

It's not just the device that's a good value — some data plans are fairly low-price.

Only five devices can connect to the hotspot at a time.

This 4G LTE mobile hotspot router delivers a surprising amount of power and flexibility inside an affordable package. The device itself is priced under $200, and a variety of data plans are available at all price points, ranging from a $3 day pass to a $299 90-day pass. No SIM card is needed, and the device works in more than 160 countries (there's a complete list about halfway down the Amazon product page). The whopping 18 hours of battery life outperforms every other battery-powered hotspot on our list. 

That said, there are some limitations that come with the lower cost. The device does not connect to 5G networks, so internet speeds won't necessarily be the fastest. Also, you can only connect five devices to this hotspot which is plenty for the average solo user, but may not be suitable for groups or families. 

The Details: 18-hour battery life | 5 devices | 4G connectivity | ‎4.96 x 2.68 x 0.57 inches | 6.3 ounces

Best Unlocked

Netgear nighthawk m1.

It works on all major domestic carriers, including GoogleFi.

Netgear doesn't publish battery life.

Able to connect and share data with 20 devices at once, the Netgear Nighthawk M1 Mobile Hotspot can handle multiple tasks at once without sacrificing power or speed. It's an unlocked device that uses GSM SIM cards, compatible with AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and GoogleFi in the United States, and can serve as a backup internet connection while not traveling. It's equipped with fast 4G LTE broadband and offers up to one gigabit per second (Gbps) of download speed. Worried about how much data you've used? Its LCD screen clearly displays how much data is remaining, calculates when it will run out, and keeps count of the devices connected.

While Netgear doesn't publish the battery life of the Nighthawk M1, it claims it can last "all day" — and you can even buy a battery booster pack for more juice. There is an upgraded version of this hotspot that is 5G-compatible, but it's nearly double the price. 5G connectivity may not be necessary for most travelers.

The Details: "All day" battery life | 20 devices | 4G connectivity | 4.15 x 4.15 x 0.8 inches | 8.5 ounces

Best Router

Gl.inet gl-mt3000 wireless travel router.

It creates a more secure internet connection for your devices.

Routers like this one are not capable of providing internet on their own.

Technically, a Wi-Fi router is not a portable Wi-Fi hotspot. But what it does do is allow you to take one internet connection with a tricky login situation — say, hotel Wi-Fi that asks you to input your room number every time you connect — and streamlines the process for connecting additional devices. In a nutshell, you connect to Wi-Fi via the router, which then creates a more secure network for you to connect to from other devices. This router can also boost Wi-Fi signals throughout a space, so if you're in a vacation rental where the Wi-Fi is strong in one room but not another, a router can help.

This portable router is compatible with more than 30 VPN service providers and can accommodate up to 70 different devices, making it one of the best devices for securely accessing high-speed internet while traveling or on the move. The AdGuard feature helps to protect your devices from malware, phishing, ads, and online trackers. This is an especially important safety feature for using unfamiliar WiFi connections.

The Details: 70 devices | Wi-Fi 6 connectivity | 4.53 x 3.15 x 1.18 inches | 6.9 ounces

Tips for Buying a Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot

Consider where and when you'll use it.

Not all portable Wi-Fi hotspots can be used everywhere. If yours is tied to a U.S.–based carrier (like AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon), and you're planning on going abroad, you need to make sure you've paid for a data plan that includes international use. If you're only traveling for a short period of time, this might be the most convenient option. 

But if you're planning on traveling internationally for an extended period of time, you might want to opt for an unlocked portable Wi-Fi hotspot — that is, one that isn't tied to a specific carrier. You can then buy a data plan from a company based in your destination, which usually is a more economical decision. "SIM cards are cheap and easy to get in lots of countries worldwide, and going this route ensures you get the strongest signal possible for the lowest price," Peter Holslin, senior staff writer at internet comparison site HighSpeedInternet.com, told T+L.

The duration of your trip should also inform whether you want to purchase an as-you-go data plan (better for shorter tips) or a monthly one (better for longer trips).

Check with your phone carrier

"When you use a portable hotspot, you can choose the carrier it's connected to. So if you want to maximize your coverage, you can use one carrier for your phone and a different carrier for the hotspot," Walker said. It's often cheaper to buy a Wi-Fi hotspot to hook up to a local network while traveling versus paying for an international phone plan with your current carrier as well.

Think about voltage and battery life

For the most part, portable Wi-Fi hotspots use a relatively low amounts of power (about five to seven volts, depending on the size and strength of the device). However, you should still utilize a power converter when plugging your hotspot in during international travels. Not all outlets around the world support the same power output, so using an adapter can prevent blowing a fuse or sparking your devices. If you want a more portable Wi-Fi hotspot that doesn't need to be plugged in, be sure to check its expected battery life to know exactly how long you can use it on the go.

"Wi-Fi hotspots work similar to phones, tapping into your cellular network to provide high-speed data for use with laptops, tablets, gaming systems, etc.," Verizon spokesperson George Koroneos told T+L. "What's more? You can give access to your travel companions, so they can use your dedicated hotspot, similar to a Wi-Fi network."

Yes, it does. "Mobile hotspots connect to cellular networks to provide internet connection allowing customers to connect anywhere," Jeff Howard, AT&T's vice president of hardware and partner solutions, told T+L.

It depends on what type of portable hotspot you have and what type of plan you have. If your hotspot plan is locked to a specific carrier, you'll need to make sure your carrier has an international plan. (Spoiler alert: most do.) It might be as simple as turning your device on and letting it automatically connect to a local cell network. But if your portable hotspot requires a local SIM card to work, you'll have to pick one up at the airport or at a store and insert it into your hotspot to connect to a local cell network.

Many cell phone providers have international plan options for travelers, and you can turn most smartphones into a mobile hotspot under that plan. Then you can connect devices to your cell phone for internet services. But that's not always the best solution. "One thing to consider is carriers may limit the hotspot data amount on your phone, so you may see slower speeds at a certain point," Walker said. "You also don't have to run your cell phone battery when you use a standalone hotspot." On the other hand, portable Wi-Fi hotspots require their own data plans, which costs additional money.

Why Trust Travel + Leisure

Stefanie Waldek is a freelance travel writer who has tested cell coverage on all seven continents. (Antarctica is by far the worst.) For this article, she poured over cell service coverage maps and read dozens of customer reviews.

In compiling this list, she also interviewed telecommunications experts to discuss what to look for in a mobile hotspot. Experts she spoke to included:

  • Thomas Walker , Best Buy mobile supervisor
  • Peter Holslin , senior staff writer at internet comparison site HighSpeedInternet.com
  • George Koroneos , Verizon spokesperson
  • Jeff Howard , AT&T's vice president of hardware and partner solutions

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The 6 best phone plans for international travel in 2024

Older couple looking at beautiful coastal views while traveling.

If you’re traveling abroad, you’ll want to keep your wireless service active for many reasons, the most important being to still contact friends and family. It’s highly likely you’ll also need to use GPS, Google, and other smartphone features during your trip. Unfortunately, even with the best cell phone plan deals , most wireless plans don’t include international travel or coverage overseas. That means you’ll either have to sign up explicitly for a foreign wireless account, or you can grab a burner phone to use while you’re there. Regardless, there are a few options, and we’ve taken the liberty of hunting down the best ones and sharing them all for you right here.

The best phone plans for international travel in 2024

  • Go with if you want reliable yet flexible international plans.
  • Go with Google Fi for temporary coverage with existing plans.
  • Go with if you’re an existing customer and want to use the daily TravelPass.
  • Go with for another solid and reliable wireless option.
  • Go with for the best eSIM opportunities.
  • Go with for specific and affordable coverage in select countries and regions.

Best flexible option

  • Price: $60 to $90 per month
  • Data: Free up to 5GB depending on plan and country
  • Options: Talk, text, and data

T-Mobile is one of the best international travel providers because of its extreme flexibility. In addition to its voice and text plans, you can add an international pass for up to 15GB for 30 days to secure data coverage. However, T-Mobile expressly states that its services are “not for extended international use,” meaning your primary usage must include coverage at home in the United States.

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Best for temporary coverage

  • Price: $20 to $65 per month
  • Data: $10 per GB

If you’re a U.S. resident traveling abroad, Google Fi is an excellent option, especially if you already use the service. The cost for a single phone line is between $20 and $65  — plus taxes and fees — depending on which plan you opt for, and data abroad is about $10 per GB, with free data after 6GB per month. Talk costs about 20 cents per minute abroad in eligible countries. If you subscribe to the Unlimited Plus plan, you’ll get unlimited talk, text, and data in over 200 destinations worldwide. In some areas, Google Fi will rely on other carrier networks, like T-Mobile’s, to ensure you have widespread coverage. Basically, the most important thing to know here is that Google expressly forbids the use of Google Fi internationally if that’s your only activity. In other words, if you’re traveling abroad temporarily, it’s okay, but if you’re a permanent resident elsewhere, it’s a no-no.

Try Google Fi

Best for existing customers

  • Price: Adds $10 per day to $100 per month
  • Data: Unlimited

Verizon offers several options for international wireless coverage, including Verizon TravelPass and its international monthly plans. With TravelPass, you pay $10 per day, per line, for unlimited talk, text, and data, and it’s accessible in over 210 countries. TravelPass only charges you for the days you use data or send or receive calls. Alternatively, Verizon’s international monthly plan is $100 per month for 250 minutes of talk, but you get unlimited texts and data in eligible countries. The TravelPass option is excellent if Verizon is already your main wireless carrier.

Another great option

  • Price: Adds $10 per day

Like the other major carriers, AT&T offers a variety of international options for existing customers. Mexico and Canada are already covered, for example, with calls up to 85-plus countries from the U.S. for $15 per month, per line, and discounted rates in an additional 140 countries. You can also take on specific international access for Europe, Asia Pacific, and other countries through a $10 per day International Day Pass. With that, you get unlimited talk, text, and data, and you can add on extra phones for just $5 per day per phone.

Best eSIM option

  • Price: Adds $10 per month
  • Data: $5 per 1GB for 7 days
  • Options: Data (talk and text over data)

Maybe it’s surprising to see Boost Mobile on this list, or maybe not, but it offers some great international support via the International Connect plans, and eSIM compatibility. With any existing Boost plan, $10 per month gets you International Connect for voice in over 120 countries and texting in over 200. You will need an eSIM on an unlocked phone to utilize it, however, so if your phone doesn’t support the protocol you’ll need another option. You can also add data, starting at $5 for 1GB over 7 days.

Best modular option

  • Price: $36 to $89 per month
  • Data: 20GB over 30 to 180 days (depending on location)

If your device supports eSIM, you can also use something like Airalo to find coverage wherever you’re traveling. Be aware that standard SMS is not available through something like this as it’s data-based only, but you can still send text and make voice calls over data connections where available. Prices vary, but they do tend to be cheaper than other options, with callouts being 20GB over 180 days for $89 in over 84 countries globally or 20GB over 30 days for $36 in France. You can buy piecemeal based on where you’ll be visiting and for how long you’ll be there.

How we chose these phone plans for international travel

The core elements of a good international wireless plan will differ greatly from local options. Speeds, for example, will be limited by what’s available in the current country or region. The same is true for wireless coverage, which can directly affect signal strength and connection experiences. That said, there are some common factors that you should look for when choosing a plan for yourself or your family.

You’re traveling, maybe even to multiple countries or locations, so you need the plan to be reliable but flexible, and the same goes for the price. The last thing you want to see is unexpected roaming or international charges because the plan didn’t offer coverage in an obscure situation or remote location.

All the plans that we have chosen are feasible in this regard, offering flexible yet accessible pricing that’s clear and easily modifiable when needed to match coverage requirements. Ultimately, these plans reduce the headaches and complexities of managing international wireless services.


With some plans, like a WiFi-only plan, you need to do something to activate the plan and make sure you’re getting coverage — in that case, you would need to disable your mobile activity and swap to a nearby WiFi network. Moreover, some might require you to use a specific physical SIM card, eSIM, or digital SIM card, which might require you to swap out your current one or activate the digital variant. These small maintenance tasks are important to keep in mind because it’s easy to forget the upkeep when you’re busy exploring or sightseeing. We were mindful to select wireless options that make this process as simple or virtually seamless as possible.

Plan Features

As with a local plan, international plans also have varying features. Some allow you to text, access a limited quantity of data, and make calls to supported countries. However, not all plans are created equal, which means some will restrict some of these options or charge extra for using them. It’s important to pay close attention to what you’re getting with your plan so you don’t encounter any unforeseen charges. We’ve made sure everything on our list offers a suitable arrangement of features, from text and talk to beyond.

Unlimited Data

By now, you’re probably well aware this is a thing in the wireless industry: They promise “unlimited data,” but what you’re really getting is not that. The same is true with international phone plans and coverage. When available, you might see data speeds throttled after certain thresholds, connectivity issues in various locations, or even some hidden charges associated when there shouldn’t be. There’s not much you can do about this, disingenuous on the part of wireless providers or not. But you should definitely be mindful of these concerns and keep an eye on your phone bill, just in case.

Q&A about international phone plans

If you still have some questions after reading through the guide, this is where you’ll find the answers.

Do I need to buy a new phone?

It depends on your current phone’s capabilities and what wireless provider you decide to go with abroad. Some devices are not compatible across the different carrier networks. Moreover, you might need to swap out your current SIM for another to gain access, and depending on where you purchase or acquire the card, they may not be compatible with specific carriers.

What are hidden fees?

Typically, when you sign a contract or subscribe to a plan with your wireless provider, you agree to some combination of talk, text, and data for a specific monthly rate — say, $75 per month. However, when you receive your bill, you’ll notice almost immediately that the true cost is higher than what was promised. All that extra, the additional money you’re being charged, makes up hidden fees.

Some fees come from the carriers themselves, like smartphone line access, device payments or subsidies, or usage and additional purchase charges for various services like roaming or international coverage. Other fees include the Fed Universal service charge, regulatory fees, administrative charges, local business license surcharges, taxes, and governmental surcharges, including state fees and beyond. In some cases, you can try to negotiate these charges, but you’ll still see them on your bill, regardless.

There are hidden fees associated with international wireless plans, too.

Can you use WiFi abroad?

Yes, you can use WiFi abroad and while traveling internationally. Whether or not you can access the network(s) for free depends on the provider. Just like here in the States, local coffee shops and small venues may provide free access to service. Others may charge a small fee to use their network. While we would not recommend maintaining contact with friends and family through WiFi alone and cutting off mobile service entirely, it is an alternative in areas where coverage may be spotty or unavailable.

This article is managed and created separately from the Digital Trends Editorial team.

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Briley Kenney

Briley has been writing about consumer electronics and technology for over a decade. When he's not writing about deals for Digital Trends, he's writing how-to content, and guides for Lifewire , Ideaing , and several other online publications. He's also a ghostwriter for more than one confidential SEO marketing agency. In his downtime, he's either spending time with his family, playing games, or enjoying a good ol' stogie.

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The 9 Best Travel Apps

A woman traveling in Europe with a smartphone

These days, everyone travels with a smartphone. Beyond the ability to take endless selfies and keep in touch with family back home, they provide us with a never-ending stream of tools and apps to help us plan our travels and deal with any hiccups we encounter on the road.

Unfortunately, while there’s no shortage of travel apps, most of them are terrible.

To help you avoid downloading (and maybe even paying for) apps that aren’t worth your time, I’ve compiled a list of my favorite travel apps. These apps will save you time, money, and help you make the most of your travels. They’re the apps I think every traveler should have on their phone before they leave home.

Table of Contents

1. GetYourGuide

2. loungebuddy, 3. hostelworld, 4. skyscanner, 6. xe currency converter, 7. google translate, 8. happycow, 9. gasbuddy.

A screenshot of the Get Your Guide homepage

Whether you’re in the planning stages and looking for things to fill out your upcoming itinerary or you’re already in a new country and want something to do later that day, GetYourGuide can help. I’ve used them a bunch and always have a great time!

Loungebuddy logo for the travel app

LoungeBuddy takes the pain out of the process. After entering your credit card, airline status, and lounge memberships, the app tells you which lounges you can access at any given airport. It makes even the longest layover tolerable so you can relax and enjoy your travels. And if you don’t have status, you can book lounge access directly through the app. It’s easy to use, and free to download.  

Hostelworld travel website homepage screenshot

You can also use the app to see who else is staying at the hostel. You can join a group chat for the hostel and connect with travelers to make plans before you arrive. In short, it’s a must-download app for backpackers and solo travelers. The app is free to download.  

A Skyscanner homepage screenshot

The best feature of the app, however, is the ability to search for flights to everywhere . You simply input your departure airport and the dates you want to travel, and it will bring up all the potential options — from cheapest to most expensive — so you can browse for ideas without needing to check each one manually.

If you want to save money on flights, this app is a must. The app is free too.  

TripIt screenshot of the website's homepage

The basic version is free while the pro version is $49 USD per year.  

The XE currency app homepage

If you have to stay on budget (and don’t want to get ripped off), download this app. It’s free.  

The Google Translate app homepage, a popular travel app

The app can read out your text too so you can hear how it is properly pronounced, and you can also use your camera to take photos of text that it can translate too (which is helpful if you need to read ingredients while shopping, for example). The app is free.  

The homepage of the GasBuddy travel app

The app is free but for $9.99 USD per month, you can upgrade to premium, which saves you 20 cents a gallon (up to 50 gallons) and provides 24/7 roadside assistance.

While it’s important to not spend your entire trip on your phone or social media, there are times when using your smartphone can easily improve the quality of your trip, keep you safe, and save you money. By downloading the apps above, you’ll be able to have a much smoother trip, giving you more time, energy, and money to invest in your next adventure.  

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner . It’s my favorite search engine because it searches websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld . If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • SafetyWing (best for everyone)
  • Insure My Trip (for those 70 and over)
  • Medjet (for additional evacuation coverage)

Want to Travel for Free? Travel credit cards allow you to earn points that can be redeemed for free flights and accommodation — all without any extra spending. Check out my guide to picking the right card and my current favorites to get started and see the latest best deals.

Need Help Finding Activities for Your Trip? Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace where you can find cool walking tours, fun excursions, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more.

Ready to Book Your Trip? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel. I list all the ones I use when I travel. They are the best in class and you can’t go wrong using them on your trip.

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Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I recommend only products and companies I use and the income goes to keeping the site community supported and ad free.

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How I Discovered eSIMs to Be the Smart Choice for Travelers

So long, roaming hassles! Using an eSIM for roaming is the best travel decision I've made in a long time.

travel mobil

Want to carefully manage and minimize roaming charges? An eSIM could be ideal.

Back in 2010, I took a backpacking trip around Indonesia for two months. I didn't travel with a mobile phone. All I had was my trusty Lonely Planet guidebook for recommendations, and the occasional stop at an internet cafe to email location updates to my parents.

Now, in 2024, I can't fathom how I managed to travel without the internet constantly at my fingertips. A phone is a travel essential and roaming while I'm overseas is non-negotiable -- and if I listed the reasons why, I'd be here all day. But roaming, if you're not careful, can also get expensive.

No matter where you're coming from or where you're traveling to, ensuring that you have internet access without running up a scary bill is a travel essential , and something you should ideally look into before you leave on your trip.

Carriers know how important it is for you to stay connected while you're traveling, and most have some kind of roaming deal you can take advantage of. But what happens when your network's roaming offering doesn't meet your data requirements for your destination, or is just too expensive?

Discovering the brilliance of eSIMs

Turns out, there's a very simple, practical solution if you have an unlocked phone like me: the eSIM. It's an electronic form of a SIM card embedded into your phone, which allows you to switch between carriers and data plans without the faff of removing and replacing physical SIM cards. The result is that you can have several SIM cards associated with your phone at once, allowing you to easily switch between plans and carriers as you travel.

In the past I'd opted for a Mi-Fi device equipped with a local pay-as-you-go SIM card when I touched down in a new country. This let me keep using my phone number and ensured I had internet access when I was out and about during the day. It's a fiddly solution, though, which usually involves finding somewhere to buy a SIM card immediately after getting off a long flight, and then remembering to charge the Mi-Fi every night.

I turned to eSIM as a last resort, but I won't be going back. I'm based in the UK, and my operator GiffGaff only allows limited roaming in select European countries. While planning a trip to the US and Canada last year, I was once again about to reach for my trusty Mi-Fi when I remembered something I'd heard about eSIM roaming operators.

From attending mobile phone events over the years, I had a vague understanding of eSIM technology, but I'd never considered using it personally for travel before this trip. It's not unusual to have a lack of awareness about how eSIM technology could benefit you while traveling. According to research due to be published this month by tech analysis firm CCS Insight, only 37% of Americans have heard of eSIM and only 8% have used an eSIM roaming provider.

One of the biggest challenges for eSIM providers is that most people are still unaware that eSIM exists as an option for them, says CCS Insight Director Kester Mann. Even if they have heard of it, less technically savvy customers may be put off by the installation instructions. Plus, it's often another thing to add to a long prevacation to-do list (although you can also do it when you arrive).

Another obstacle is that a lot of the names in eSIM game are new, said Mann. "People perhaps are a little bit nervous around signing up to the company they haven't heard of, or one that perhaps hasn't got an established reputation."

How I used Airalo's eSIM for traveling

There are a number of roaming eSIM providers that you can use, all offering competitive rates on data bundles, and different benefits across different regions. There's scope for many more providers to pop up in the near future, but for now some of the biggest names include Airhub, EasySim, Holafly and Airalo.

iPhone showing instructions in Airalo app

All the instructions you need can be found in Airalo's app.

In my research I couldn't find much to separate them and decided to take a chance on Airalo due to the diverse range of countries it supported. Installing an eSIM and getting it up and running isn't an entirely frictionless process, but by carefully following Airalo's in-app step-by-step instructions, I got it right the first time. 

Each country requires a different eSIM, and you can have multiple eSIMs installed on your phone at once. After you've installed your first eSIM, adding more is pretty intuitive -- everything can be done from within the Airalo app.

For a trip at the end of 2023, I activated two eSIMs, one for the US and one for Canada, buying 20GB of data for $42 and 3GB of data for $15 respectively. I was pleased to find when I returned to Canada this year that I could simply reactivate the eSIM I'd installed and upload more pay as you go credit to see me through my trip.

As I landed in Canada from the US, I switched my primary data plan to my preinstalled Canada eSIM in my iPhone settings and I was good to go immediately. It was so frictionless that I even decided to plump for eSIM on my trip to Barcelona for Mobile World Congress in March. My UK plan allows me to use 5GB of data while roaming in Spain, but for an intense week at a conference I knew this wouldn't be enough. Instead I spent $12 on a 10GB eSIM, and even though I had to top this up during the week, it remained a bargain.

Like me, most people who try eSIM roaming have a positive experience, says Mann. But he advises people to do their research and compare costs with their domestic provider before they head off on vacation to ensure it makes sense for them. Opting for eSIM might be especially good if you're traveling to "more far-flung destinations that aren't typically covered in operators' roaming packages," he adds.

Which phones have eSIM capability?

Another key thing to bear in mind if you're considering an eSIM for roaming is to check whether it's available on your phone. Not all phones are currently eSIM-compatible, but if you have an iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max, iPhone XR or any post-2019 Apple phone, you'll be able to take advantage of the technology. Some Samsung, Motorola and Google phones also have eSIM compatibility, but you'll have to look up your model individually if you're not sure. You'll also need to make sure your phone isn't locked by your carrier.

Something I discovered on my eSIM journey so far is that it's a fairly low-stakes technology to experiment with. It's affordable, flexible and temporary. If I find a better deal on another provider later, it'll be easy for me to switch. 

The market is booming right now, with about 700 million people in the world owning eSIM-compatible devices and as many as 10% of people in some countries purchasing an eSIM before they travel, according to CCS Insight. If you're traveling abroad this summer, whether it be to Europe, Asia or just over the border to Mexico or Canada, why not join us?

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15 Mobil Travel Terbaik, yang Murah Hingga Mewah

Yahya Kus Handoyo

Siapa yang tidak ingin memiliki mobil? Hampir setiap orang, terutama yang telah berkeluarga pasti ingin memiliki mobil. Terutama yang telah memiliki penghasilan cukup, mulai melakukan perencanaan keuangan untuk membeli mobil. Banyak jenis mobil, mulai dari mobil mewah, mobil sport hingga mobil travel terbaik untuk keluarga. Sebenarnya, mobil travel ini tidak semata seperti mobil yang untuk usaha travel saja, tapi sejatinya mobil travel adalah mobil yang berkapasitas cukup besar dan bisa digunakan untuk jarak tempuh yang jauh.

Kebanyakan orang memikirkan untuk membeli mobil travel, selain bisa memuat banyak penumpang, mobil travel juga memiliki ketahanan yang kuat sehingga sangat cocok sebagai mobil keluarga. Dalam kesempatan kali ini, akan dijelaskan beberapa daftar mobil travel paling bagus, dari yang murah hingga mewah.

Namun sebelum masuk membahas daftar mobil travel yang paling bagus, kita simak dulu penjelasan tim Qoala tentang mobil travel dan juga kelebihan dan kelemahannya. Termasuk menjawab pertanyaan yang umum diajukan terkait mobil travel, seperti mobil travel muat berapa orang, dan lain sebagainya.

Sekilas Tentang Mobil Travel

sekilas tentang mobil travel terbaik

Mobil travel merupakan mobil yang bisa memuat banyak penumpang dan memiliki ketahanan yang kuat. Selain itu, konsumsi bensin yang sangat irit juga menjadi pertimbangan utama memilih mobil travel. Sebelum masuk ke pembahasan daftar mobil travel terbaik, berikut ini kelebihan dan kelemahan mobil travel sebagai pertimbangan kita sebelum memutuskan untuk membelinya.

Kelebihan Mobil Travel

Salah satu kelebihan pertama dari mobil travel adalah bisa muat banyak penumpang. Dari segi daya tampung, mobil travel memang rajanya. Karena bisa muat sekitar 10 hingga 12 orang. Untuk berpergian bersama keluarga, mobil travel merupakan kewajiban untuk untuk dimiliki. Terutama bagi kita yang memiliki jalan-jalan rutin secara keluarga.

Selain itu, kelebihan selanjutnya dari mobil travel adalah harga lebih murah. Semakin banyak yang membutuhkan, biasanya harga dari suatu barang juga akan semakin murah dan terjangkau. Untuk harga mobil, mobil travel merupakan mobil yang masuk dalam kategori murah. Mulai dari Rp150.000.000 hingga Rp250.000.000 kita bisa memiliki mobil travel.

Kelebihan terakhir adalah daya tampung bagasi. Karena mobil travel bertujuan untuk bepergian bersama keluarga yang sering membawa banyak barang, bagasi merupakan hal penting. Dan hal tersebut bisa kita dapatkan dari mobil travel. Kita bisa melipat beberapa jok penumpang dan dijadikan untuk bagasi.

Bukan hanya kelebihan, terdapat beberapa juga kelemahan yang merupakan hal lumrah yang kita temui dalam dunia otomotif. Namun, kelemahan yang dimaksud tidak mengurangi kualitas dari mobil itu sendiri. Yuk, langsung saja kita simak daftar kelemahannya di bawah ini.

Kelemahan Mobil Travel

Kelemahan dari mobil travel yang pertama adalah susah menyusuri jalan yang berkelok. Berbeda halnya dengan mobil SUV, mobil travel hanya disusun untuk jalan yang mulus dan lurus. Hal ini juga dipengaruhi oleh ukurannya yang besar dan lebar, yang bertujuan untuk menampung banyak penumpang. Selain itu, mobil travel juga akan kesulitan menghadapi jalan bukit, bebatuan dan berlumpur.

Kelemahan lainnya adalah tidak begitu kuat dalam menyusuri jalan menanjak, maka dari itu mobil travel terbagus manapun akan sulit menyusuri jalan perbukitan dan pegunungan. Karena, mobil travel sangat kurang akselerasi dan eksplorasi untuk jalan berbukit dan berkelok. Kurang dan kesulitan bukan berarti tidak mampu, namun membutuhkan skill dan kehati-hatian yang super tinggi.

Pada umumnya, mobil travel cenderung ceper, atau memiliki ketinggian yang rendah. Selain karena beban penumpang dan juga barang, mobil travel juga memiliki ukuran velg yang rendah, yaitu kurang dari 16 inci. Maka skill dan kehati-hatian harus dimiliki saat mengendarai mobil travel ini.

Setelah mengetahui kelebihan dan kelemahan dari mobil travel di atas, apa saja daftar mobil keluarga terbaik untuk traveling pula yang bisa kita miliki? Yuk langsung saja kita simak daftar mobil van terbaik di Indonesia di bawah ini!

Sebagai catatan, kamu juga bisa memiliki asuransi mobil terbaik untuk kendaraan ini pula. Sebab, dengan memiliki asuransi mobil, kamu bisa merasa lebih tenang karena baik kendaraan maupun kondisi keuangan keluarga maupun usahamu dapat terlindungi dari berbagai risiko.

Rekomendasi Mobil Travel Terbaik untuk Keluarga dan Usaha

mobil travel terbaik untuk keluarga

Selain untuk keluarga, mobil travel juga digunakan untuk usaha. Maka banyak sekali yang tertarik membeli mobil travel karena memiliki dua fungsi yang sangat dibutuhkan. Berikut ini daftar mobil travel terbaik untuk keluarga dan usaha.

1. Isuzu Elf Microbus

Daftar mobil travel recommended yang pertama berasal dari brand mobil Jepang yang sudah dikenal masyarakat Indonesia, yaitu Isuzu. Melalui Isuzu Elf Microbus, kita bisa bepergian bersama keluarga kemanapun saat liburan. Pertanyaannya, mobil travel ini muat berapa orang? Isuzu Elf Microbus ini bisa menampung penumpang lebih hingga 16-17 penumpang.

Dengan jumlah penumpang tersebut, kita bisa membawa keluarga besar untuk berlibur. Dari segi bahan bakar, performa mesin ini juga irit dan ramah lingkungan. Sebab mesin mobil travel ini bertip 4JB1-TC dengan tenaga 100 PS yang sudah lengkapi beragam teknologi canggih yang akan menyamankan kita dan keluarga.

Harga mobil travel dari Isuzu ini ada di kisaran Rp200.000.000 hingga Rp300.000.000, masuk dalam mobil yang cukup murah dengan kelebihan yang bisa kita nikmati untuk keluarga dan juga untuk usaha. Namun, mobil ini juga bisa disewakan apabila kamu hanya membutuhkan sementara saja. Harga sewa mobil travel Isuzu Elf berada di angka Rp1.250.000 sampai dengan harga Rp1.700.000 untuk pilihan kapasitas 19 hingga 21 kursi penumpang.

2. Toyota Hiace

Mobil travel selanjutnya adalah Toyota Hiace, hampir setiap agensi travel atau juga perusahaan otomotif menggunakan mobil ini untuk menjalankan usahanya. Beberapa layanan shuttle travel seperti rute mobil travel Jakarta Bandung juga menggunakan Toyota Hiace Commuter untuk layanan premiumnya. Untuk mobil travel, Toyota Hiace cukup unggul dalam karakteristinya sebagai mobil travel besar dengan jaminan kenyamanan bagi setiap penumpangnya.

Hal tersebut yang membuat banyak yang mengusahakan untuk membeli mobil ini untuk kepentingan usaha dan juga untuk liburan bersama keluarga. Mobil ini memiliki dimensi panjang sekitar 5.380 meter dengan lebar 1.800 meter. Dari ukuran tersebut, kenyamanan penumpang sudah pasti terjamin, karena memiliki 16 kursi untuk menampung penumpang.

Selain itu, mobil ini juga telah dilengkapi dengan mesin yang kuat, karena memiliki kapasitas 2755 cc. Sangat siap untuk menyusuri jalan seperti apapun, dengan jarak yang cukup jauh. Harga mobil travel dibanderol sekitar Rp500.000.000. Butuh waktu untuk mengumpulkannya, tetapi hal tersebut bukan sebuah masalah untuk mendapatkan segala fasilitas dari mobil ini.

3. Suzuki APV

Mobil travel yang bagus selanjutnya adalah Suzuki APV, sama seperti Toyota Hiace, Suzuki APV merupakan mobil andalan keluarga dan usaha di Indonesia. Mobil ini bisa menampung sekitar 8 penumpang sekaligus. Banyak jasa penyewaan mobil yang memilih mobil ini untuk disewakan.

Selain kegunaan dari mobil ini yang dikhususkan untuk keluarga, mobil Suzuki APV juga memiliki desain yang keren seperti mobil dalam kota. Jika pada umumnya mobil travel memiliki desain yang panjang dan lebar, karena mementingkan jumlah kapasitas penumpang, Suzuki APV mempertimbangkan desain ciamik dengan tidak mengabaikan jumlah penumpang.

Isi mobil travel mobil van terbaik di Indonesia bisa menampung lebih 8 orang penumpang, tanpa mengabaikan desain keren mobil kota. Kita bisa mendapatkan mobil keren ini mulai dari harga Rp190.000.000, agar bisa bepergian bersama keluarga saat waktu liburan tiba.

4. Nissan Evalia

Selanjutnya adalah mobil travel dengan tipe pintu geser, yaitu Nissan Evalia. Mobil ini dapat menampung hingga 8 orang, sama dengan Suzuki APV. Bukan hanya untuk kepentingan keluarga, mobil ini juga sangat cocok digunakan untuk urusan bisnis dan usaha. Maka dari itu, mobil ini sangat cocok untuk berbagai kebutuhan. Untuk liburan dan mencari nafkah. Mobil ini dibanderol dengan harga mulai dari Rp160.000.000 hingga Rp200.000.000.

5. Daihatsu Luxio

Alternatif pilihan mobil travel terbaik selanjutnya adalah Daihatsu Luxio, mobil ini memiliki mesin tipe 3SZ-VE DOHC VVT-i. Mesin yang memiliki pendingin yang mampu mengeluarkan tenaga 97 PS. Dengan tenaga tersebut, mobil ini sangat cocok digunakan untuk liburan bersama keluarga kemana pun.

Kapasitas yang bisa ditampung oleh mobil ini adalah 8 orang, kita bisa memiliki mobil ini dengan harga Rp 200.000.000. Mobil ini juga menjadi andalan untuk usaha, banyak agen penyewa mobil yang menggunakan Daihatsu Luxio sebagai mobil utama untuk disewakan. Dan banyak juga masyarakat yang nyaman menggunakan mobil ini untuk setiap keperluan.

6. Suzuki Ertiga

Tidak puas dengan Suzuki APV, Suzuki juga mengeluarkan tipe mobil travel terbaik lainnya, yaitu Suzuki Ertiga. Kelebihan dari Suzuki Ertiga, memiliki kenyamanan yang bisa menampung hingga 8 penumpang, dan juga memiliki desain seperti city car sehingga sangat cocok digunakan sebagai mobil dalam kota.

Suzuki Ertiga juga masuk kepada jenis mobil travel kecil, yang bisa digunakan untuk mobil dalam kota. Mesin mobil ini memiliki kapasitas 1.462 cc dengan tenaga maksimal yang dapat dicapai adalah 104,7 PS. Kita bisa mendapatkan mobil ini dengan harga Rp200.000.000.

7. Daihatsu Gran Max MB

Salah satu pertimbangan paling utama dalam mencari mobil yang cocok untuk travel jarak jauh adalah ruang penyimpanan yang besar. Nah, hal ini bisa kamu temukan pada mobil Daihatsu GranMax MB. Pasalnya, ruang bagasi dari mobil Daihatsu Grand Max MB ini memiliki kapasitas yang besar, sehingga muat untuk menyimpan bermacam barang bawaan. Terlebih saat ingin bepergian jarak jauh, barang yang dibawa pasti cukup banyak dan membutuhkan ruang lebih pada mobil yang akan digunakan.

Daihatsu GranMax-MB tersedia dalam empat pilihan warna, yaitu Icy White, Classic Silver, Sonic Blue Metallic, dan Midnight Black Metallic. Meski bukan tergolong mobil mewah , kendaraan yang cocok untuk travel keluarga ini tetap memiliki desain interior yang tampil elegan. Selain bisa memilih GranMax MB yang bisa menampung 8 hingga 9 orang, kamu juga bisa memilih opsi lainnya seperti Daihatsu Gran Max Blind Van sebagai salah satu pilihan mobil blind van terbaik apabila hanya membutuhkan 2 kursi penumpang, tapi ruang penyimpanan barang yang lebih besar.

Daihatsu Gran Max MB ditawarkan dengan harga mulai dari Rp189,8 juta hingga 200 jutaan, tergantung dari tipe dan tahun keluarannya.

8. Toyota Avanza

Jika membutuhkan mobil travel kecil selain Suzuki Ertiga, pilihan lainnya adalah Toyota Avanza. Toyota Avanza merupakan mobil yang paling banyak digunakan dan dimiliki oleh masyarakat di Indonesia. Selain harganya yang terjangkau, mobil ini juga memiliki fungsi yang sangat banyak, bisa untuk usaha dan berpergian jauh.

Sehinga, Toyota Avanza merupakan mobil travel terbaik, yang sangat cocok dimiliki oleh kita yang punya banyak keperluan. Mobil ini juga memiliki mesin dengan kapasitas 1.329 cc, yang kuat dan tahan untuk segala kondisi jalan. Kita bisa mendapatkan mobil ini dengan harga mulai dari Rp200.000.000.

Tak hanya mencari mobil terbaik, pastikan juga kamu memiliki asuransi mobil terbaik untuk kenyamanan perjalanan dan perlindungan kendaraan hingga kondisi keuanganmu.

Rekomendasi Mobil Travel Mewah Terbaik yang Nyaman untuk Perjalanan

mobil travel mewah terbaik

Selain untuk keluarga, terdapat juga beberapa mobil travel mewah yang bisa kita beli. Terdapat beberapa mobil travel terbaru dengan kualitas dan kenyamanan yang tidak jauh berbeda. Yuk, langsung saja kita simak daftarnya yang sudah Qoala rangum di bawah ini.

9. Peugeot Traveller

Mobil travel terbaik dan mewah pertama yang akan membuat perjalanan kita nyaman adalah Peugeot Traveller. Mobil ini telah dilengkapi dengan mesin BlueHDi Euro6, dengan tenaga maksimal 180 horsepower dan menghasilkan torsi 400 Newton meter. Untuk dimensi mobil pun sangat luas dan nyaman.

Volume kabin 1500 hingga 4900 liter, dan dimensi mencapai 3 meter. Mobil ini bisa menampung lebih dari 10 penumpang. Sangat cocok sebagai mobil travel yang nyaman dengan kapasitas penumpang yang banyak.

10. Hyundai H-1

Salah satu mobil travel terbaik dan mobil travel besar yang bisa jadi pilihan kita adalah Hyundai H-1. Mobil ini menawarkan dua pilihan mesin, yakni bensin theta2 dan diesel. Kita bisa memilih jenis mesin yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan kita. Isi mobil travel ini bisa menampung sekitar 10 hingga 12 penumpang.

Mobil ini juga telah dilengkapi dengan fitur hiburan, seperti live music dengan format DVD, CD, MP3, radio dan bluetooth yang tersambung pada Android. Kemudi stir mobil ini juga telah dilengkapi dengan fitur pengaturan posisi yang disesuaikan dengan kenyamanan pengendara. Sehingga mengendarai mobil jarak jauh pun akan terasa aman dan nyaman.

11. Hyundai Staria

Masih dari merek mobil asal Korea Selatan, Hyundai juga meluncurkan Hyundai Staria yang cocok digunakan untuk keperluan perjalanan jarak jauh dengan kapasitas besar. Mobil MPV untuk travelling ini memiliki desain yang cukup unik, khususnya pada eksterior bagian depan. Tampilannya yang tidak kaku tentunya membuat Hyundai Staria terlihat sangat mewah. Bahkan, mobil ini jadi perbincangan seperti mobil dari masa depan karena desainnya yang ‘out of the box’.

Bicara soal kapasitas, Hyundai Staria tersedia dalam dua pilihan, yakni 7-seater dan 9-seater. Kamu bisa memiliki Hyundai Staria dengan kisaran harga pasar mulai dari Rp800 jutaan hingga 1 Miliar, tergantung dari tipenya. Kedua mobil yang baru diluncurkan pada tahun 2021 ini sama-sama dibekali dengan mesin diesel turbo CRDi berkapasitas 2.200 cc yang tenaga puncaknya sebesar 177 dk dan torsi maksimal 431 Nm.

12. Ford Galaxy

Ford juga memiliki jenis mobil travel bagus yang bisa kita pilih. Ford memproduksi mobil dengan kerangka lima pintu, yang cocok dijadikan sebagai mobil travel keluarga. Melalui tipe Ford Galaxy, penumpang akan dimanjakan dengan kursi yang nyaman yang telah dilengkapi dengan pijatan otomatis, yang membuat kita tetap nyaman dan segar selama perjalanan.

Mobil travel ini juga sangat hemat bahan bakar, bukan hanya itu mobil ini juga memiliki bagasi yang sangat luas. Pintu bagasi pun telah dilengkapi dengan teknologi canggih untuk membukanya, kita hanya perlu meletakkan kaki di bawah bumper belakang dan lift gate pintu bagasi pun akan terbuka dengan sendirinya.

13. BMW 2 Series Grand Tourer

BMW terkenal sebagai brand mobil dari Eropa dengan kualitas terbaik, dan juga merupakan salah satu brand mobil tertua yang ada di dunia. Bukan hanya terkenal dengan mobil sport mewah , BMW juga memiliki salah satu tipe mobil travel mewah. Melalui tipe BMW 2 Series Grand Tourer, BMW menawarkan mobil travel terbaik untuk masyarakat, khususnya di Indonesia.

Mobil ini bisa menampung sekitar 6-8 penumpang, dengan jok yang luas dan bisa diatur sehingga bisa mendapatkan kenyamanan. Mobil ini juga berkapasitas 1.5 liter, yang sudah dilengkapi dengan turbo charger . Terdapat 5 pintu yang membuat penumpang nyaman untuk memasuki mobil. Nah, jika kamu ingin memilikinya, kamu bisa mendapatkan mobil travel mewah ini dengan harga mulai dari Rp700.000.000.

14. Toyota Alphard

Kita pasti tahu Toyota Alphard, salah satu jenis mobil travel yang mewah. Jika ada pertanyaan mobil travel muat berapa orang? Tentu saja sekitar 8 hingga 10 orang. Apakah ada mobil travel yang mewah? Tentu saja banyak, salah satunya Toyota Alphard. Selain muat banyak penumpang, Alphard juga telah dilengkapi dengan sistem hiburan mewah.

Terdapat sistem hiburan mewah dengan layar sentuh, pemutar DVD dan navigasi. Selain itu juga mobil ini dilengkapi dengan kursi luas dan fleksibel yang membuat penumpang lebih leluasa. Juga, telah disediakan 7 airbag, yang menjamin keselamatan penumpang untuk menahan benturan dari samping dan depan.

Fitur menarik juga terdapat kursi khusus untuk bayi, yang memudahkan kita untuk berpergian saat memiliki bayi. Namun, kita harus cukup dalam merogoh kocek celana untuk bisa mendapatkan mobil ini, karena mobil ini dibanderol dengan harga Rp1 Miliar lebih.

15. Mercedes V Class

Jenis mobil travel mewah yang terakhir adalah Mercedes V Class, yang memiliki kapasitas untuk 7 hingga 8 penumpang. Tangki mobil travel ini bisa menampung sekitar 57 liter BBM. Kelebihan lain, mobil ini juga memiliki desain praktis dan elegan, sehingga tidak kehilangan kesan mewah dan juga interior yang berkualitas.

Hal yang menarik lainnya adalah adanya kelengkapan cool box untuk menyimpan minuman di mobil ini. Selain itu, saat bepergian malam hari, mobil ini memiliki pencahayaan yang memberikan atmosfer untuk menenangkan. Mobil travel yang bagus dan mewah ini telah dilengkapi sistem multimedia dan navigasi yang sangat inovatif.

Tersedia 11 varian warna Mercedes V Class yang bisa kita sesuai dengan selera. Untuk harga, mobil ini memiliki harga sekitar Rp1.5 Miliar. Mobil travel mewah dengan kualitas terbaik. Tentu saja, kita memerlukan uang yang cukup untuk membelinya.

Semoga daftar ulasan mobil travel terbaik yang telah dijelaskan di atas bisa menjadi rekomendasi bagi kita yang tengah mencari mobil keluarga . Saat ini mobil telah menjadi kebutuhan utama, terutama untuk usaha dan keluarga. Namun, untuk mendapatkannya, kita harus memiliki kedisiplinan untuk mengumpulkan uangnya.

Beli Asuransi Mobil di Qoala

Penting juga untuk memberikan asuransi mobil terbaik untuk mobil kesayanganmu. Kamu bisa dapatkan produk asuransi dengan harga terbaik dan terjangkau di Qoala App. Dengan membeli asuransi mobil , segala kekhawatiran kamu akan kecelakaan, terkena bencana alam seperti banjir dan tanah longsor bisa terproteksi. Selain tentang otomotif, perluas wawasanmu dengan membaca berbagai informasi menarik lain seputar asuransi, bisnis, dan gaya hidup di Qoala Blog !

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Facial Recognition and Digital Identity Solutions

Discover new technologies for a faster, easier travel experience..

Digital forms of identity enable the passenger to seamlessly and securely transmit identity information using facial recognition at select TSA checkpoints.

As TSA continues to integrate new technologies for a faster, easier travel experience, we've collaborated on several innovative digital identity initiatives, which work in place of a physical ID* or boarding pass. Be sure to follow the steps to set up and activate your selected digital identity solution before your trip so it's ready to present at select TSA checkpoints . Look for your preferred airline or device maker below to find out more!

Privacy and Facial Recognition Technology

Participation in TSA facial recognition technology is optional. All images and personal data are deleted after each transaction.* Images are not used for law enforcement, surveillance and not shared with other entities. Advise the officer if you do not want your photo taken. You will not lose your place in line.

*Retention: Photos and biometrics are deleted upon completion of the identity verification transaction. During periodic testing and development, TSA and DHS Office of Science and Technology (S&T) may retain passenger data for up to 24 months. When testing with S&T, signage at the checkpoint will notify passengers of the extended retention period and will allow passengers to opt-out of the live photo.

Delta Biometric Facial Identification

TSA PreCheck® Touchless Identity Solution

Opt-in at select airports to participate in the TSA PreCheck Touchless Identity Solution program during check-in with participating airlines. Store your participation preference, TSA PreCheck KTN and Passport Number in the airlines mobile app. By opting in, your identity can be verified without presenting a physical ID at bag drop, the security checkpoint, and at the boarding gate.

Participation is Optional

  • Delta Airlines TSA PreCheck® bag drop and checkpoint

United Airlines TSA PreCheck® bag drop and checkpoint

ID in Apple Wallet

Mobile Driver’s License and Digital Identification

Add your state-issued eligible driver's license or identification card to your phone's digital wallet. Or download a TSA approved digital ID app to your mobile device.

Present your ID at select TSA checkpoints by tapping your phone or linked device or scanning the app issued QR code. Your photo will be taken by the TSA reader at security to proceed to screening.

You must still carry your physical ID as needed. 

  • Apple Wallet Users
  • Google Wallet Users

Samsung Wallet Users

  • Utah's GET Mobile ID App
  • California DMV Wallet App
  • Iowa Mobile ID App

TSA currently accepts, for limited testing and evaluation purposes, Delta Air Lines Facial Identification,  United Airlines Bag Drop Shortcut, CA  State-issued Mobile Driver’s License and identification cards in the California DMV Wallet App,  IA  State-issued Mobile Driver’s License and identification cards in the Iowa Mobile ID app,  UT  GET Mobile Driver's license app,   AZ ,  CO ,  GA ,  MD  State-issued Mobile Driver's Licenses and identification cards in Apple Wallet,   AZ ,  CO ,  GA ,  MD  State-issued Mobile Driver’s License and identification cards in Google Wallet,   AZ  State-issued Mobile Driver’s Licenses and identification cards in Samsung Wallet, at the airports below:

Participating Programs and Airports

No. Participation in the testing of biometric technology is voluntary. Passengers may notify a TSA officer if they do not wish to participate and instead go through the standard ID verification process.

Yes. Currently, all passengers must continue to have their physical IDs on hand. If a digital ID cannot be verified at the TSA security checkpoint, a passenger must use an acceptable physical identity document (e.g., driver’s license, passport) to proceed through the identity verification process.

TSA is committed to protecting passenger privacy and secures all personal data collected as part of our biometric efforts. TSA will continue to comply with DHS policies with respect to safeguarding PII throughout each phase of biometric solution development – from initial design to implementation – to protect passenger information. In addition to cybersecurity measures that ensure all data is protected while in transit and while at rest, biometric technology transforms passenger photos to templates that cannot be reverse-engineered to recreate the original image. Additionally, all capabilities TSA tests adhere to DHS and TSA cybersecurity requirements.

Consistent with the DHS Fair Information Practice Principles (FIPPs), TSA retains PII only for as long as is necessary to fulfill the specified purpose(s) of biometric technology pilots. DHS FIPPs and TSA’s PIAs provide guidance on matters such as transparency, specific use limitations, data minimization, and purpose specification for our biometric identity verification pilots. Additional information on data protection procedures for each test is available in TSA’s PIAs .

TSA exploration of biometric solutions is based on rigorous scientific study and analysis. We are aware of a variety of public concerns related to the accuracy of biometric technologies and take this issue seriously. Along with our federal partners, we are carefully studying biometric solutions in both laboratories and operational environments to proactively identify and mitigate performance issues up front. Accuracy and equity in biometric system performance is a key issue for TSA, and one we are carefully studying to ensure we understand the full benefits of this technology and make informed decisions to mitigate risks.

The acceptance of digital IDs has the potential to modernize checkpoint screening procedures and technologies to better serve the aviation security ecosystem, reduce points of contact for passengers, and pave the way for a more seamless travel experience. This effort is one of the steps TSA is taking under President Biden’s Executive Order on Transforming Customer Experience .

TSA publishes Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) to notify the public  about tests and additional information on privacy protections. TSA also notifies passengers using signage at the airport near dedicated test lanes. These signs notify the public that participation is voluntary.

The use of biometrics has the potential to automate the ID and boarding pass verification process for more efficient and secure screening.

Biometric recognition capabilities will improve the performance and security of TSA operations by increasing the accuracy and reliability of passenger identity verification by TSA. Biometrics can enable TSA to automate part of the current manual procedures and allow professional screening personnel to leverage their training and experience to focus more on alarms and error resolution.

No. TSA is testing biometric technology at the airport to improve and perhaps automate the identity verification portion of the process for passengers, not for law enforcement or immigration enforcement purposes. Additionally, TSA does not tolerate racial profiling. Profiling is not an effective way to perform security screening, and TSA personnel are trained to treat every passenger with dignity and respect.

A digital ID is an electronic representation of personally identifying information that may be used to verify the identity of a person. A mobile driver's license is a type of digital ID. It is a digital representation of the information contained on a state-issued physical driver’s license, stored on a mobile electronic device, such as a smartphone, and read electronically. A mobile driver’s license is similar to a credit card holder having a physical credit card and multiple card records in digital wallets that require biometric verification prior to each transaction. A digital ID may also be issued by a non-governmental entity based on information derived from governmental or non-governmental sources.

If TSA is unable to obtain a match through biometric technology as part of a test, the TSA officer will use standard passenger identity verification procedures.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the commercial aviation sector and on TSA’s aviation security mission. TSA must prioritize the health and safety of our officers and the traveling public. To promote social distancing and reduce contact between officers and passengers, we are exploring a self-service version of Credential Authentication Technology (CAT) that enables passengers to scan their own photo IDs for authentication and uses biometrics to verify passenger identity, eliminating a point of contact between officers and passengers. This updated version of CAT (known as CAT-2) biometrically verifies a passenger’s identity by taking a picture and comparing the passenger’s live image to the photo on their authenticated photo ID (e.g., driver's license, passport). TSA first demonstrated this technology in August 2020 at DCA. TSA also conducted additional pilots to further test this technology, starting in March 2021 at DCA, PHX, IND, and MIA. TSA has since upgraded the CAT-2 units to feature a digital ID reader, updated user interface, and other enhancements including a new podium and space for additional processing power. Starting in March 2022, TSA began conducting field tests to assess these upgraded CAT-2 units.

TSA began testing the acceptance of digital IDs, including mobile driver’s licenses (mDLs) from participating states, at select TSA PreCheck® checkpoints in early 2022. Checkpoints that are testing the acceptance of digital IDs will have signage posted. TSA is actively engaged with other organizations to continue developing capabilities, standardizing the digital ID ecosystem to ensure interoperability with TSA systems, and piloting digital ID technology at various airport checkpoints around the country.

 Participating Field Assessment Pilot Airports

  • Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI)
  • Chicago O'Hare International Airport (ORD)
  • Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport (CVG)
  • Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW)
  • Denver International Airport (DEN)
  • Des Moines International Airport (DSM)
  • Detroit Metropolitan Airport (DTW)
  • Eastern Iowa Airport (CID)
  • Gulfport Biloxi International Airport (GPT)
  • Harry Reid International Airport (LAS)
  • Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL)
  • Honolulu Daniel K. Inouye International Airport (HNL)
  • Jackson-Medgar Wiley Evers International Airport (JAN)
  • John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK)
  • John Glenn Columbus International Airport (CMH)
  • LaGuardia Airport (LGA)
  • Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)
  • Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (MSY)
  • Luis Munoz Marin International Airport (SJU)
  • Miami International Airport (MIA)
  • Nashville International Airport (BNA) – Beginning 3/08
  • Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport (SJC)
  • Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX)
  • Richmond International Airport (RIC)
  • Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA)
  • Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC)
  • San Francisco International Airport (SFO)
  • The Eastern Iowa Airport (CID)
  • Will Rogers World Airport (OKC)

Below is the current list of eligible digital IDs from state or private issuing authorities that may be accepted by TSA at the checkpoint for testing and evaluation purposes.

The REAL ID Modernization Act (2020) clarified that the REAL ID Act applies to state-issued mobile driver’s licenses and mobile identification cards (collectively "mDLs"). On April 19, 2021, DHS published a request for information to seek public comment to inform an upcoming rulemaking that will address security and privacy standards for the issuance of mDLs and enable federal agencies to accept these credentials for official purposes as defined in the REAL ID Act and regulation.

No. TSA will only be able to receive a passenger’s digital identification information at TSA checkpoints upon a passenger's consent. Passengers will control access to and use of the digital ID kept in their mobile device. Generally, TSA does not copy or store the digital ID, unless it is done in a limited testing environment for evaluation of the effectiveness of the pilot. In that instance, TSA will inform the passenger through PIAs, signage, and other means.

TSA, in partnership with Delta and United Airlines , continues to expand TSA PreCheck Touchless ID at select airports for Bag Drop and Checkpoint Security.

Mobile Driver's License TSA expands acceptance of digital IDs to State of Louisiana

Facial Recognition TSA uses facial recognition technology to verify the identity of travelers on a voluntary basis.

TSA PreCheck

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Travelers cope with crowds and high prices on the busiest day of Memorial Day weekend

Highways and airports are likely to be jammed the next few days as Americans head out for Memorial Day weekend getaways and then return home.

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Airports around the country are bracing for the travel rush as Americans head out for Memorial Day weekend. AAA predicts 43.8 million people expected to travel between Thursday and Monday. (AP Video: Tassanee Vejpongsa)

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Highways and airports are likely to be jammed this weekend, as Americans head out on Memorial Day weekend getaways. AAA says this will be the busiest start-of-summer weekend in nearly 20 years.

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Travelers on Florida’s Turnpike are experiencing relatively light traffic at the start of the Memorial Day weekend, with no major congestion reported, allowing them to focus on their wallets instead of their anxiety about traffic. (AP video by Cody Jackson)

Travelers walk through Salt Lake City International Airport Friday, May 24, 2024, in Salt Lake City. A record number of Americans are expected to travel over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

Travelers walk through Salt Lake City International Airport Friday, May 24, 2024, in Salt Lake City. A record number of Americans are expected to travel over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

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Travelers move through Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport ahead of Memorial Day, Friday, May 24, 2024, in Atlanta.(AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

Michelle Winters plays the violin as passengers stand in line at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport ahead of Memorial Day, Friday, May 24, 2024, in Atlanta.(AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

Cars drive through Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport ahead of Memorial Day, Friday, May 24, 2024, in Atlanta.(AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

Gasoline prices are displayed on a sign outside a service station as the Memorial Day holiday travel period kicks off Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Greenwood Village, Colo. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)

Traffic slowly moves along Interstate 405 on Thursday, May 23, 2024, in the Bel Air section of Los Angeles. Highways and airports are likely to be jammed in the coming days as Americans head out on and home from Memorial Day weekend getaways. (AP Photo/Mark J. Terrill)

Travelers contended with big crowds and flight delays Friday, which was expected to be the busiest day of the Memorial Day weekend.

More than 6,000 U.S. flights were delayed by early evening on the East Coast, continuing a trend that has tested the patience of travelers all week. Cancellations were more modest, at slightly more than 200, according to tracking data from FlightAware.

There were delays on the highways, too.

Along Florida’s Turnpike, Wallis Tinnie said a traffic accident and road work slowed her drive to an African American history commemoration in the Florida Panhandle, the site in 1816 of the first battle of the Seminole Wars.

“But we’re comfortable with it,” the Miami woman said during a stop at Port Saint Lucie. “We left early, and our event is tomorrow. So hopefully — God willing, creek don’t rise — we’ll be there in plenty of time.”

The Transportation Security Administration predicted that Friday would be the busiest day of the holiday weekend for air travel, with nearly 3 million people expected to pass through airport checkpoints . TSA screened just under 2.9 million people Thursday, coming within about 11,000 of breaking the record set on the Sunday after Thanksgiving last year.

Pasha Pidlubniak waits for a domestic flight at Miami International Airport, Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Miami. A record number of Americans are expected to travel over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

Pasha Pidlubniak waits for a domestic flight at Miami International Airport, Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Miami. A record number of Americans are expected to travel over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

“Airports are going to be more packed than we have seen in 20 years,” AAA spokesperson Aixa Diaz said.

Highways also are likely to be jammed as motorists head out of town and then return home. AAA predicted this will be the busiest start-of-summer weekend in nearly 20 years, with 43.8 million people expected to roam at least 50 miles from home between Thursday and Monday — 38 million of them taking vehicles.

FILE - The sun shines through the flags in the Memorial Day Flag Garden on Boston Common, May 27, 2023, in Boston. Memorial Day is supposed to be about mourning the nation’s fallen service members. But it’s come to anchor the unofficial start of summer and retail discounts. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer, file)

The annual expression of wanderlust that accompanies the start of the summer travel season is happening at a time when Americans tell pollsters they are worried about the economy and the direction of the country.

“Memorial Day is a holiday weekend. I get to hang with family and friends, so I’d say that’s priceless, right?” Nene Efebo said during a two-hour wait for a delayed flight at Denver International Airport. “Anything to hang out with family and friends.”

Victoria Ramos Valdes of Miami was taking a driving vacation with her husband, Blake, and their children, ages 3 and 4 months old.

“We said, hey, we’re going to go for a $300 budget, and the hotel is around $150,” she said, but it has a water slide, providing plenty of entertainment. “We’re taking a nice family trip and doing our best to have the best Memorial Day weekend possible.”

Some travelers reported experiencing sticker shock when they booked their trips. Upon arriving at Philadelphia International Airport, Ciarra Marsh said the city “was not our original destination, but we chose here because it was cheaper.”

At Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, Larisa Latimer of New Lenox, Illinois, said her airfare was reasonable but other expenses for a getaway to New Orleans were not.

Motorists travel along Interstate 24 near the Interstate 40 interchange Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Nashville, Tenn. A record number of Americans are expected to hit the pavement over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/George Walker IV)

Motorists travel along Interstate 24 near the Interstate 40 interchange Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Nashville, Tenn. A record number of Americans are expected to hit the pavement over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/George Walker IV)

“I just have to make the accommodation,” she said. “The rental car is up ... this year, the hotel accommodations were very unusually expensive.”

Kathy Larko of Fort Myers, Florida, used frequent-flyer miles — and some flexible scheduling — to pay for her trip to Chicago.

Travelers wait at a TSA checkpoint at the Los Angeles International Airport, Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Los Angeles. A record number of Americans are expected to travel over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/Ryan Sun)

Travelers wait at a TSA checkpoint at the Los Angeles International Airport, Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Los Angeles. A record number of Americans are expected to travel over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/Ryan Sun)

“I’m really conscious of looking at the cost of the entire trip. We’re staying a little farther out than we normally would” to get a lower hotel rate, she said. “We’re also flying back a day later, because we could get cheaper miles.”

The weekend’s highway traffic and crowded airports could be a sample of what is to come for several more weeks. U.S. airlines expect to carry a record number of passengers this summer. Their trade group estimates that 271 million travelers will fly between June 1 and August 31, breaking the record of 255 million set – you guessed it – last summer .

George Ridley, 4, left, rides on a suitcase as he and his father Chris Ridley make their way through the Nashville international Airport, Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Nashville, Tenn. A record number of Americans are expected to travel over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/George Walker IV)

George Ridley, 4, left, rides on a suitcase as he and his father Chris Ridley make their way through the Nashville international Airport, Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Nashville, Tenn. A record number of Americans are expected to travel over the 2024 Memorial Day holiday. (AP Photo/George Walker IV)

This story was previously updated to correct the spelling Fort Myers, Florida.

Cody Jackson in Port Saint Lucie, Florida, Melissa Perez Winder in Chicago and Shelley Adler in Washington contributed to this report.

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    If you're looking to get a smartphone, here are the best ones for travel right now: 1. Samsung Galaxy S23 - Samsung's latest phone has a range of features including a 200MP camera, an S PEN, Night Mode, and long battery life. The camera on this phone has the highest resolution possible and great video options. Weight: 168g.

  17. The 6 Best Portable Wi-Fi Hotspots of 2024

    This 4G LTE mobile hotspot router delivers a surprising amount of power and flexibility inside an affordable package. The device itself is priced under $200, and a variety of data plans are ...

  18. The 6 best phone plans for international travel in 2024

    The best phone plans for international travel in 2024. Go with T-Mobile if you want reliable yet flexible international plans. Go with Google Fi for temporary coverage with existing plans. Go with ...

  19. The Best Travel Apps of 2024 to Help You Travel Better

    The app is free to download. 4. Skyscanner. Skyscanner is my go-to website for finding cheap flights (they also offer hotels and car rentals too). Their mobile app searches millions of flights from thousands of sources and then gives you the best options available. There are also lots of filters you can use to sort by price, duration, number of ...

  20. The Essential Apps for Travel

    The best travel apps that every traveler should have include Google Maps and XE Currency Converter. Google Translate is also one of the top apps for international travelers. Additionally, Uber is one of the best travel apps for transportation, both globally and domestically. ***.

  21. 6 best portable Wi-Fi hotspots for travelers in 2023

    T-Mobile Inseego MiFi M2000 5G and 4G LTE Hot Spot. With 5G and 4G LTE connectivity and the ability to connect a whopping 30 devices with Wi-Fi 6 technology, this is an affordable hot spot for ...

  22. International Plans

    If you're a T-Mobile customer on qualifying plan, you can add an International Pass to get more high-speed data and unlimited voice calling in 215+ countries and destinations. 1-Day (512MB) International Pass: 512MB of high-speed data and unlimited calling, to be used up to 24 hours, for $5. 10 day (5GB) International Pass: 5GB of high-speed ...

  23. How I Discovered eSIMs to Be the Smart Choice for Travelers

    Back in 2010, I took a backpacking trip around Indonesia for two months. I didn't travel with a mobile phone. All I had was my trusty Lonely Planet guidebook for recommendations, and the ...

  24. 15 Mobil Travel Terbaik, yang Murah Hingga Mewah

    9. Peugeot Traveller. Mobil travel terbaik dan mewah pertama yang akan membuat perjalanan kita nyaman adalah Peugeot Traveller. Mobil ini telah dilengkapi dengan mesin BlueHDi Euro6, dengan tenaga maksimal 180 horsepower dan menghasilkan torsi 400 Newton meter.

  25. Digital ID

    Add your state-issued eligible driver's license or identification card to your phone's digital wallet. Or download a TSA approved digital ID app to your mobile device. Present your ID at select TSA checkpoints by tapping your phone or linked device or scanning the app issued QR code. Your photo will be taken by the TSA reader at security to ...

  26. 5245 Pinyon Dr, Mobile, AL 36693

    Information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. The listing broker's offer of compensation is made only to participants of the MLS where the listing is filed. Zillow has 30 photos of this $309,900 4 beds, 2 baths, 1,791 Square Feet single family home located at 5245 Pinyon Dr, Mobile, AL 36693 built in 2024. MLS #7381523.

  27. 10379 Lowell St E, Mobile, AL 36695

    The listing broker's offer of compensation is made only to participants of the MLS where the listing is filed. Zillow has 19 photos of this $296,900 4 beds, 2 baths, 1,791 Square Feet single family home located at 10379 Lowell St E, Mobile, AL 36695 built in 2024. MLS #7381220.

  28. 10349 Ellenton St E, Mobile, AL 36695

    The listing broker's offer of compensation is made only to participants of the MLS where the listing is filed. Zillow has 24 photos of this $314,900 4 beds, 2 baths, 2,054 Square Feet single family home located at 10349 Ellenton St E, Mobile, AL 36695 built in 2024. MLS #7381270.

  29. T-Mobile Tuesdays

    Don't miss this deal. Join us. We've got FREE snacks. T-Mobile customers get goodies like a FREE six-piece Chicken Nuggets in the Wendy's app. Details in the T Life app. Limited-time offer. Qualifying plan required. Visit T-Mobile Tuesdays in the T Life app for details.

  30. Memorial Day 2024: Travelers see flight delays and higher prices

    10. By DAVID KOENIG. Updated 3:40 PM PDT, May 24, 2024. Travelers contended with big crowds and flight delays Friday, which was expected to be the busiest day of the Memorial Day weekend. More than 6,000 U.S. flights were delayed by early evening on the East Coast, continuing a trend that has tested the patience of travelers all week.