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IELTS Topics: Travel and Tourism

Posted by David S. Wills | Oct 12, 2020 | IELTS Tips | 0

IELTS Topics: Travel and Tourism

One of the common IELTS topics that appears in the exam is that of travel and tourism. In today’s lesson, I will help you learn about this topic so that you can do well in your next test.

First we will look at a little vocabulary about travel and tourism , then we will explore some IELTS speaking and writing questions to give you an idea of what to expect.

Vocabulary about Travel and Tourism for IELTS

When you prepare for IELTS, you never need to know any specialist vocabulary, so for questions about travel and tourism you may find that you can give a brilliant answer with just simple language, as long as it is used with grammatical accuracy. Knowing the difference between “I went to London” and “I was going to London” is very important, for example.

Of course, there are other things to know. It helps to know modes of transport and related vocabulary. [You can learn about transport here .] Another interesting aspect is knowing things you might encounter while travelling, such as accommodation.

I made this PPT about travel accommodation many years ago, but I have just uploaded it today. 🙃 I hope you find it useful.

You should also know the necessary language to talk about types of travel or reasons for taking a trip. Sometimes, new words enter the language, such as “staycation,” which is a very recent portmanteau .

tourism topic for ielts

You might also find this list of synonyms for “trip” quite useful:

ielts vocabulary - synonyms for trip

Travel and Tourism Questions [IELTS Speaking]

The topic of travel and tourism is really common in IELTS speaking. It could easily occur in any of the three parts of this test, so you should be prepared to answer a wide range of questions. [You can find some examples here .]

These questions will be pretty general and simple. It is entirely possible that the same basic question could be asked in a number of different ways.

Perhaps the most common question would be “do you like travelling?” This is very similar to “have you done much travelling?” Of course, the focus has changed slightly but the overall meaning is similar: it’s about you and travel .

I’ll give two sample answers to these questions so that you can understand better:

Q: Do you like travelling?

A: Yeah, I absolutely love travelling. I have visited many countries over the past few years, but of course this all stopped recently because of the virus.

Q: Have you done much travelling?

A: I have done quite a lot of travelling in my life. Altogether, I’ve visited about 50 countries and I try to spend a few weeks each year seeing new places.

Note: It is unlikely that these questions would be asked together because they are very similar. Also, I pretty much answered the second one in the middle of the first answer. I just included them to show how a “do you like travelling” IELTS answer example.

Vaguely Related: Space Travel

I definitely consider space to be a separate topic from travel, but there is some small degree of overlap here. For example, there is a reported IELTS speaking question that goes something like this:

  • Do you want to travel in outer space?
  • Would you want to travel in outer space?

You might also see this incorrectly reported as “do you want to travel in the outer space?” but this is not correct. We cannot say “the” before “outer space.” It is not a single, definite place. [Read about definite articles here .]

There are numerous possibilities for IELTS cue cards about travel. Here are two of them:

  • Describe a place you have visited.
  • Describe a place you would like to visit.

Of course, these would require basically the same sort of vocabulary to answer them, but the key difference would be the grammar. In the first instance, you are talking about the past, but in the second you are talking about a possible future.

Here is another one:

  • Describe a memorable holiday.

This is pretty similar to the first cue card above, but the word “memorable” must guide our approach. You can see my answer in this video:

In part three of the IELTS speaking test, the questions will become more difficult. These will include abstract topics like age, gender, ethics, and so on. You might encounter questions like this:

Q: Do you think men and women enjoy different types of holiday?

A: I suppose that in general they probably do have different preferences, but of course we should acknowledge the fact that everyone is different and so there are women who enjoy stereotypically male holidays and men that enjoy stereotypically female ones. To give an example, it could be argued that men prefer more active, robust holidays that involve uncertainty, adventure, and even danger. However, I know some women who love this type of thing and so it is not really smart to make assumptions about people.

Q: Do you think that travelling abroad always changes people’s perspective on life?

A: No, not at all. While it certainly is possible that travelling can change people’s perspectives, it is by no means guaranteed. In fact, when you travel to places like Thailand, you see that most tourists have no understanding of the local culture and just hold on to their own original views. The experience may change some people, but I think most people live in a little bubble when they go abroad, and this prevents them from really learning anything.

Notes: I described the sort of travel that men like in interesting terms: “men prefer more active, robust holidays that involve uncertainty, adventure, and even danger.” This is good, descriptive language!

Travel and Tourism Essays for IELTS Writing

Now we shall move on from speaking and instead look at the IELTS writing test. In this section, I will show you some questions about travel and tourism, then show you my sample band 9 answer.

Here is a question that features data about people travelling. I thought that this travel and tourism essay was really interesting, so I have included it here alongside my sample answer.

ielts line graph about travel

The line graph displays the numbers of tourists that visited an unnamed Caribbean island between 2010 and 2017. The tourists are divided into two groups – those staying on cruise ships and those staying on the island itself – and these had a loosely inverse correlation. The total number of visitors, however, rose more or less continuously throughout the eight-year period.

In the first year recorded, which was 2010, there were about twice as many tourists staying on the island as those staying on cruise ships. A year later, the number staying on cruise ships doubled to a half million, but this dropped back to around a quarter million in 2012. When the figures for tourists on cruise ships dropped, the number staying on the island rose quickly and over the coming few years, as this sudden increased levelled off, the number of people who stayed on board their ship continued to grow again.

Between 2012 and 2017, there were more and more visitors staying on cruise ships. From just a quarter million, this rose to two million, while the figures for those on the island levelled off at just one and a half million and then dropped slightly in the penultimate year, before finishing at one and a half. This meant that, for the final two years, more tourists stayed on cruise ships than on the island.

Notes on the Answer

In the introduction, I said “an unnamed Caribbean island.” It can sometimes be difficult to introduce something whose name you don’t know, and this is a really convenient way to do it. I strongly recommend you say “an unnamed ___” when this situation arises.

I have also used very few numbers in this essay. Instead of writing 250,000 or 2,000,000, I have said things like “a quarter million” and “two million.” This is much easier. [You can read more about IELTS and numbers here .]

Here is another travel and tourism essay question:

In future, more people will choose to go on holidays in their own country and not travel abroad on holiday.

Do you agree or disagree?

Sample Band 9 Answer

In recent years, people have coined the word “staycation” to describe the phenomenon of taking a holiday closer to home. This essay will argue that such holidays will become more common in the future.

First of all, it may seem as though international travel will become increasingly common, but in fact it is quite clear that it is an unsustainable trend. The carbon cost of flying to another country is enormous, and so many people have begun to ask whether it is ethical to continue doing this. Beyond just the personal level, it is clear that pretty soon governments will have to impose restrictions to limit the number of flights; otherwise, the world will suffer immensely from the burden of so many journeys.

In many parts of the world, people are probably ready to embrace this situation. Humans have had a terrible impact upon the world and many feel that it is time to undo the damage done. This involves some measure of personal sacrifice, which in this case could be forgoing the sort of international trips that used to be quite common. However, this is not all bad. Although foreign countries and exotic locations are exciting, there are treasures almost everywhere. Countries like the UK have poor weather, which is why so many people travel to warmer climates, but the natural beauty of the landscape and the extraordinary historical and cultural sites present myriad options for curious travellers. There will likely be a resurgence of interest in such trips.

In conclusion, it is quite possible that in the future people will realise how much damage humans have done to the world. Many of them may endeavour to make the sort of sacrifices necessary to counteract this ecological destruction, and one small step is embracing local travel.

Notes on the Essay

First of all, you can see that I incorporated the word “staycation” right at the beginning. When you use modern language like this, please don’t just jam it carelessly into your essay. Often, it is very informal, so you can only use it when properly introduced. In this case, I clearly explained its meaning and commented upon it from a sociological perspective.

Here is some more travel and tourism vocabulary from my essay:

  • unsustainable trend
  • carbon cost
  • impose restrictions
  • international trips
  • exotic locations
  • warmer climates
  • myriad options
  • ecological destruction

You can see that a lot of my language related to the environment, and of course that is often tied to the topic of travel and tourism because of the negative impacts these have on our planet.

I hope that you enjoyed my IELTS essays on travel and tourism, as well as the sample speaking answers I provided. Please remember that your own answers should be unique to you . Don’t try to copy others too much. Your vocabulary will depend upon your life experiences and the places you would or wouldn’t like to visit.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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Tourism Essay Titles

IELTS Essay Questions for the Topic of Tourism and Travel. All essay questions below are reported by IELTS candidates and seem to have been repeated over the years. Regardless of the years the questions were reported, you could get any question below in your test. You should, therefore, prepare ideas for all questions given below. The topics below could appear in both GT and Academic IELTS Writing Task 2.

Tourism and Travel IELTS Essay Questions

Tourism is an important industry in many countries. What benefits do you think tourism brings to individuals and society? (2017, 2021 reworded)
As a result of tourism and the increasing number of people travelling, there is an growing demand for more flights.
What problems does this have on the environment? What measures could be taken to solve the problems? (2020, 2023)
Eco-tourism usually involves people visiting remote areas. Some people think this will have a negative impact on local cultures and communities. What problems can result from eco-tourism?  What measures can be taken to protect local culture and communities? (2024)
With more people choosing to watch travel programs on TV and social media, fewer people will be willing to pay the costs of traveling abroad. To what extent do you agree?
Some people believe that to protect local culture, tourism should be banned in some areas, while others think that change is inevitable and banning tourism will have no benefits. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. (2022, 2023)
As a result of tourism, some historical buildings and sites are being damaged beyond repair. What could be done to prevent this? (2019, 2021)
Some people think that when a person travels into a different culture they should adapt to the local practices and customs. To what extent do you agree? (appears most years in the test)
The development of tourism contributed to English becoming the most prominent language in the world. Some people think this will lead to English becoming the only language to be spoken globally. What are the advantages and disadvantages to having one language in the world? (most years – this also appears under the category of languages)
Many people around the world now take regular international flights. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages to the environment? (2022)
Raising the cost of international flights is the best way to reduce air pollution. Do you agree?

Reported essay questions are from students who have taken their IELTS test. That means questions may have appeared more frequently than have been reported. These questions may vary slightly in wording and focus from the original question. Also note that these questions could also appear in IELTS speaking part 3 which is another good reason to prepare all topics thoroughly.

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IELTS Vocabulary – Travel

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travel vocabulary for ielts

Questions about travel and tourist destinations are extremely common on the IELTS examination. This page contains essential words and phrases that will help you answer questions on the topic of IELTS travel vocabulary. There are exercises for you to IELTS practice with real questions.

Table of Contents

  • Travel Vocabulary
  • Travel Vocabulary Activity
  • Travel Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, and Collocations
  • Travel Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, and Collocations Activity

1. Travel Vocabulary

  • Attraction – A place that entices visitors because it is interesting
  • Backpacking – To travel, often to more than one destination, with your belongings in a backpack
  • Camping – A holiday spent in a tent or camper van
  • Cruise – A sea-based trip taking a pre-planned route that involves visiting several ports
  • Excursion – A short trip usually taken whilst on holiday
  • Flights – Journeys that are taken through the air on an aeroplane or helicopter
  • Footfall – The number of people who enter an area/shop
  • Frugal – To be economical and sparing with money
  • Heritage – Objects and characteristics that are valued because of their cultural or historical significance
  • Holiday/Vacation – An extended period of recreation/leisure spent away from home
  • Homeland – The country you were born/brought up in
  • Hostel – Similar to a hotel but cheaper and often caters for young people, travellers, and students rather than the typical tourist
  • Hotel – An establishment that provides rooms and food to paying guests
  • Itinerary – A detailed plan of a route or journey. It usually includes times, dates, prices etc…
  • Luggage – The collective name for the suitcases/bags that you take on a trip
  • Luxurious – Of high quality
  • Safari – A type of holiday/trip to observe or hunt animals. Most common in Africa.
  • Seasonal – Only occurring at certain times of the year
  • Scenery – The natural features of a landscape
  • Sightseeing – The act of visiting different attractions or sights
  • Souvenir – Something you keep as a reminder of a place
  • Storey/Floor – A part of a building with all the rooms are on one level
  • Suitcase – A case with a handle used for carrying clothes or possessions on a trip
  • To travel by… / OR – on a plane/bus/boat/train/bike/the metro – To move from one place to another in a car/taxi
  • Traditional/Quaint – Old-fashioned and attractive
  • Travel agent/agency – The person who helps reserve you a holiday/The place where you reserve the holiday
  • Travel arrangements – The plans/preparations that go into making a trip/journey

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2. General Travel Vocabulary Activity

3. travel idioms, phrasal verbs, and collocations.

There are many collocations, idioms and phrasal verbs used to discuss travel and destinations. Using them correctly will make your answers sound completer and more natural. Here are some common words and phrases that you can use in the IELTS examination, followed by exercises for you to practice using the words in context.

  • Affordable destinations – Places that are within a person’s financial means. Not expensive/luxury
  • Affordable travel – Trips that are within a person’s financial means
  • All-inclusive – A trip where all food, drink, and accommodation are provided
  • Around the world – A large proportion of the world. Many destinations/continents.
  • Bed and breakfast – A type of accommodation that provides a room and breakfast
  • Breathtaking view – A view that is extremely beautiful or amazing
  • Bucket list – The places you want to visit and things you want to do in your lifetime
  • Get around – To move from place to place
  • Get away – To go on holiday/vacation/ (n) The holiday/vacation itself
  • Guided tour – Part of a trip where tourists are taken from place to place and given information by a guide
  • Head for/towards – To go in a certain direction or the direction of a specific place
  • Holiday destination – Place where people go on holiday/vacation
  • Itchy feet/Wanderlust – The desire to travel
  • Long haul/Short-haul destination – A destination far away from your home/ close to your home
  • Long haul/Short-haul flight- A flight that takes 6 + hours / A flight that takes -3 hours
  • Middle of nowhere – A place that is remote and far from civilisation
  • Off the beaten track – Away from where the tourists normally go
  • Out of season – The part of the year when it is not very busy
  • Package holiday – A holiday where the flight and accommodation, and often food, are included
  • Peak season – The busiest time of the year. For example, school holidays and Christmas
  • Swarming with tourists – Lots of tourists in a particular place
  • Tour guide – The person who leads guided tours to visit attractions and sights
  • Tourist trap – A place that attracts and exploits tourists
  • Travelling light – To go on a trip with little bags or luggage
  • When in Rome (do as the Romans do) – When you go to a place you should follow the customs/rules of the local people

4. Travel Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, and Collocations Activity

For more practice, Visit IELTS vocabulary for Transportation .

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IELTS Speaking about Tourism | Popular IELTS Topics with Answers Part 1

Tourism or Travelling topic IELTs Speaking is a popular topic of IELTS test. You can get few simple questions about travelling and your favourite tourist resorts in IELTS Speaking. The examiner can ask some general questions regarding tourism and various aspects of tourism in the third part of the IELTS speaking test.

In this post we will discuss some general rules of speaking in IELTS Speaking and you will see some Tourism questions and answers.

General Rules for Scoring high in IELTS Speaking

  • Do research on various topics and practise speaking before taking the exam.
  • Use varied sentence structures.
  • Use good vocabulary. Do not repeat the same word again and again.
  • Make up an answer. Even if you never thought of about your favourite personality or a vacation spot, make it up if you get this question.
  • Do not answer a question in just “yes” or “no”.Use connectives in your sentences (moreover, however, in addition to, on top of, as compared to, As far as, next, then, etc.)

10 Questions about IELTS Speaking about Travel and Tourism

questions on travel and vacation,  how to speak on tourism and vacation,IELTS Speaking about Tourism, Popular IELTS Topics with Answers

Answers Questions on speaking about Tourism 1-5

Do you like to travel.

Well, I would say I definitely like to travel if it is for entertainment and relaxation purposes. I love to explore new cities and countries. I also believe that travelling is a good opportunity to learn new things while entertaining yourself.

What is the best part of travelling in your opinion?

I believe there are a plethora of good reasons for travelling but to be the best part of travelling is learning and entertainment. I get to know about new places, their history and culture. Also, I visit vacation resorts offering cheaper food items as well as nice weather. For example, if I dread the winters in my city, I can move to another part of the country to spend my vacation.

Where do you like to go for the vacations?

I always want to visit the northern areas of my country. That is because the natural beauty of the mountains feels like a dream to me. Whenever I visit it I feel I am in a totally different world. The sights and scenes are so mesmerizing. I have many pleasant memories of visiting it before with my family and I always look forward to going there again.

Do you have any plans to go to your favourite vacation resort in the near future?

Recently, my family planned to take an excursion to a popular hill station in Summer. I am so excited because I am getting a chance to unplug from work and enjoy some time with my family. Also, it is an ideal location for camping and biking. I think I am going to love it.

What is the weather like at your favourite tourist spot?

I believe the weather in Northern Hills is quite cold most part of the year. Winter is very cold and snowy and the temperature can get a low of -10 centigrade. In summer, however, it is a lot better. Actually, I would say it is very pleasant. That is why it attracts most of its tourists in summer. Even in the summertime, it is likely that you get cold snaps once in a while or flash rains but all of that is part of your tourist experience.

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IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics: Travel

In IELTS Speaking Part 2 , one of the common topics is travel. In this section, you are expected to describe places you have visited or holidays you have spent. It is essential to be well-prepared to impress the examiners with your language proficiency and storytelling abilities.

We have provided sample answers to popular travel-related cue cards, such as describing a special place you have visited, recommending a must-see destination, and sharing a memorable trip with your family.

Travel: IELTS Speaking Part 2 Questions & Sample Answers

Describe a place you have visited that is special to you..

You should say:

  • where the place is located
  • what you did there
  • how you felt when you were there

and explain how this place holds a special meaning for you

Sample Answer:

One of the most memorable places that I have visited is The Eiffel Tower in Paris. It is an iconic landmark located in the heart of the city. During my visit, I took an elevator to the top of the tower during the day and at night, and it was an incredible experience. The view of Paris from above was beautiful during the day, and at night the tower was lit up, creating a magical sight. I felt a sense of awe and wonder as I stood there taking in the beauty of Paris. This place holds a special meaning for me as it taught me the importance of exploring new places and experiencing different cultures.

Describe a place to visit that you believe everyone should see.

  • what the highlight of your trip was

and explain why you would recommend this place to others

One place that I highly recommend visiting is the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA. It is a natural wonder of the world, and the views are truly unforgettable. During my visit, I hiked along the rim of the canyon and was blown away by the stunning panoramic views. The highlight of my trip was watching the sunset over the canyon – the colors were absolutely breathtaking. I strongly encourage others to visit the Grand Canyon as it is a unique destination that offers unparalleled natural beauty and a chance to experience one of the world’s most awe-inspiring wonders.

Describe a trip that you took with your family.

  • who you traveled with
  • where you went
  • what you did together

and describe what you learnt from this experience

Last summer, I went on a family vacation to Yellowstone National Park with my parents, sister, and her kids. We spent a week exploring the park, hiking, seeing geysers, and visiting Old Faithful. It was a great bonding experience for all of us, and we learned a lot about nature and conservation, and how to work together as a team to plan activities and make decisions. Overall, it created lasting memories and brought our family closer together.

See also: Most Common IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics & Cue Cards with Answers .

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IELTS Speaking Tourism and Vacation Part 1-3 | Tourism Speaking

In the first part of the IELTS Speaking Test, the examiner asks you general questions from your own experience. Here are some examples of questions for speaking about tourism and traveling .

tourism topic for ielts

IELTS Speaking Tourism Part 1

1.do you enjoy traveling why or why not.

Sample Answer

Absolutely! I find traveling to be an enriching experience that exposes me to different cultures, landscapes, and ways of life. It broadens my perspective and provides a break from the routine, allowing me to create lasting memories.

2.Have you ever visited a foreign country? If so, which one(s)?

Well, I have travelled to Dubai with my family as a child. In fact, we stayed there for a couple of years since my dad got a job there on a contract. Dubai was a great place to visit and stay and we really enjoyed our time there.

3.What types of tourist destinations do you prefer, and why?

I prefer to visit beautiful hilly areas with natural beauty. That is why when I get a chance I prefer to go to northern side of my country with my family to see the snowfall, enjoy local cuisines and take some hiking trips in the quiet forests.

4.Do you have any near future plans for vacation?

Well, for my upcoming summer vacation, I am planning to visit “Sawat Valley” which is a beautiful destination. It is sitting at 3,220 feet above sea level and stands out with its cooler and wetter weather compared to the rest of Pakistan. The place is a hit among tourists, thanks to its lush forests, green alpine meadows, and snow-capped mountains, making it one of Pakistan’s top destinations.

5.What are the popular tourist attractions in your country that you would recommend to visitors?

Hey, if you’re thinking about cool places to check out in Pakistan, I’d totally recommend Swat Valley, Hunza Valley, and the Badshahi Mosque in Lahore. Swat’s got this amazing combo of lush greenery, alpine meadows, and snow-capped mountains – it’s like nature’s paradise. Over in Hunza, you’re in for a treat with stunning views, high peaks, and friendly locals. And Lahore, oh, the Badshahi Mosque is a masterpiece, showcasing our rich Mughal history. Trust me, these spots are top-notch for a memorable trip!

Part 2: Cue Card Questions Tourism IELTS Speaking

In the second part of the speaking test, the examiner gives you a cue card with question and cues written on it. You have one minute time to prepare your answer and 2-3 minutes to speak. Once your preparation time is over, the examiner will ask you to begin your answer. Here is an example of a cue card on the topic of vacation or trip.

Describe a vacation or trip you cannot forget…

  • Where and when did you go?
  • Who did you go with?
  • What did you do during the trip?
  • Why was it memorable?

Sure thing! One vacation that stands out vividly in my memory was a trip to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. It was back in the summer of 2019, and I went with my family – parents and younger sister. We spent about a week exploring the city and its attractions.

During the trip, we visited iconic landmarks like the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, and the mesmerizing Dubai Mall. One highlight was our visit to the Dubai Desert Safari, where we experienced thrilling dune bashing, watched the sunset over the dunes, and enjoyed a traditional Arabian dinner under the stars.

The trip was particularly memorable because Dubai offered a perfect blend of modern luxury and cultural experiences. The city’s futuristic architecture, combined with the traditional charm of its markets and cuisine, left a lasting impression. Each day brought new adventures, making it an unforgettable vacation that we often reminisce about.

IELTS Speaking Q/Answers about Tourism Part 3

The third part of the IELTS speaking test is always a discussion part. The examiner will ask you various questions on the main topic, which in this case will be “Tourism”. Here are the kinds of questions.

1.What do you think are the reasons why people enjoy traveling to different countries?

People love traveling because it gives them a break from daily routine. They get a chance to experience new cultures, taste different foods, and see stunning landscapes. Whether it’s a relaxing beach getaway or an adventure in the mountains, travel breaks the routine and lets you learn and grow. It’s like a personal adventure that broadens your horizons and gives you a break from everyday life.

2.How has the tourism industry evolved over the years?

Well, back in the day, travel was a fancy thing, only for a lucky few. But now times changed! Thanks to planes, the internet, and cool tech, everyone can be a globetrotter now. You can pick your dream spot, find sweet deals online, and crash at someone’s place through apps. Plus, folks care more about keeping it green and respecting local vibes. After this whole COVID situation, safety’s a big deal too. So yeah, the travel scene has totally shaken up – more accessible, more choices, and a whole lot cooler!

3.What are the potential problems related to tourism?

Tourism has its share of serious challenges. For example over tourism; It’s when places get too packed, causing environmental damage and littering and making it hard for locals to go about their business.

Now, food … tourists might not have a taste for local foods so it can be challenging for them to find suitable places to find food in a foreign destination.

Jobs for locals can be tricky too, often limited to seasonal work, tied to tourist seasons. Imagine trying to make a living with that uncertainty. Once the season is over, the locals are out of jobs.

Security is a big thing too. Tourists should feel safe, but unfortunately, incidents can happen, impacting the overall trust in a destination.

So, while tourism brings benefits, addressing these serious issues is vital for a sustainable and positive impact on both locals and visitors.

4.Are there any measures that your government is taking to reduce the hazards of tourism on the environment?

Absolutely! Our government is stepping up to tackle the environmental downsides of tourism. They’re focusing on things like managing waste better to keep our spots clean and green. There are rules in place to make sure businesses go eco-friendly, and they’re looking into ways to control the crowds at popular places. It’s all about making sure our beautiful spots stay that way for future generations.

5.Do you think tourism can help improve the economy of a region or country?

Oh, totally! Tourism can be a game-changer for the economy. It brings in cash from visitors spending on hotels, food, and cool souvenirs. Plus, it creates jobs, not just in hotels but also in local shops and restaurants. So yeah, tourism can give a nice boost to the wallet of a region or a whole country!

6.In your opinion, what qualities should a good tourist destination have?

A good tourist spot should have cool things to see and do, like landmarks or nature spots. Easy peasy transportation is a must, so folks can get around hassle-free. Plus, friendly locals make a place feel like home. Oh, and a dash of safety – that’s key. So, a mix of attractions, convenience, friendliness, and safety makes a top-notch tourist destination!

7. Can tourism contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage? How?

Absolutely! Tourism can play a vital role for the preservation of cultural heritage. When people visit historical sites and museums, they bring in money for their upkeep. That cash helps with restoration and conservation, keeping these cool places alive for future generations. So, tourism becomes a guardian for our cultural treasures!

8.Do you think it’s essential for tourists to learn about the customs and culture of the places they visit? Why or why not

In my point of view, it might not be essential to learn about the customs and culture of a place but it can be useful to get some knowledge about basic culture of a place beforehand. By which I mean the tourists, with the pre-trip information, will know what to expect in a foreign place from people. It will also help them make connections with people in that particular area.It will also give them more confidence interacting with people. Learning about the customs of a place will make their trip more enriching than just visiting somewhere unprepared and ending up only sightseeing.

The speaking test of IELTS lasts for 12-15 minutes depending on the ability of the candidate to answer the questions. It is important to have prior knowledge of various topics and frequently asked questions in IELTS in order to perform well in the speaking test.

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tourism topic for ielts


tourism topic for ielts

Focus is on challenging questions that are related to the topic of Part 2.

Use the question in your answer

Answer + Explanation + Example

You must paraphrase words that you hear in the questions and show a broad range of vocabulary

Reflect the grammar of the question and make sure to use appropriate and complex grammar. 

Let’s talk about tourism – travel, tourists, sightseeing, landmark

In your opinion, why do people like to travel to other countries?

According to me, the reason individuals like to visit foreign nations is to explore new places and new cultures. I think this is exciting for people. I visited the Egyptian pyramids last year and it was amazing. 

I think people like to visit other countries to get a full immersion into the local culture and customs. 

*If the examiner feels that you are off topic, and not answering the question they are asking accurately, they WILL often interrupt you and go to the next question or repeat the question. 

They interrupt you  – if they feel you did not understand the question and then go to the next question

They interrupt you  – if they feel you did not pay attention to the question, but you understood it, and they repeat the question

Do not double up on your leading expression as this is poor communication – do not say, “I think that, In my opinion…”

Do you think it is good or bad for countries to welcome tourists? 

Well, I reckon that it brings benefits for nations to welcome tourists into their …on top of (in addition, furthermore) that it is a great opportunity to promote local

The answer was drawn out –  

Can you give examples?

How has tourism changed in your country over the years? 

As far as I can tell, the travel industry in China has shifted remarkably over the past years because of the improvement in transportation….This is a double-edged sword. …

Tourism in China has changed for the better and the worse, I mean that there is a lot more revenue from this industry but there has also been an increase in pollution as a result of the millions of tourists that come to the country. 

Has this been a positive?

Let’s discuss city planning

What are some ways that cities in your country are changing in the past decade? 

There are many ways that metropolitan areas in India are changing over the past 10 years. The infrastructure is developing, there are new roads and schools built each year. There is an influx of international businesses. In my city, Hyderabad, there are two new universities and three new highways connecting to other parts of India. 

Is this good or bad?

Is there anything you would change in the way cities function these days? How?

In my opinion, I think transportation should change in a kind of way to reduce pollution and traffic jams by using trains and buses. (follow up) I think cities should focus more on building good transportation for trains and buses to keep up the cleanliness so the travelers will feel happy and safe. 

Should there be more regulations placed on city planning? Can you give examples?

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IELTS Speaking practice: Travel & Holidays

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On this page you can find full IELTS Speaking sample with questions related to Holidays topic .

See IELTS Speaking vocabulary for Travel & Holidays topic >

This IELTS Speaking sample has 3 parts with questions related to Holidays topic. Remember that on the real test you will get a mix of questions from different topics , but for educational reasons we used thematic questions about holidays in this IELTS Speaking sample. It is very beneficial to read IELTS Speaking samples with answers and rememeber IELTS Speaking vocabulary by topics.

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Useful linking phrases are in blue IELTS speaking vocabulary is in bold (put your mouse over such text to see explanations).

Do you like travelling?

Yes, definitely! I think seeing the world, from great historical monuments to white sandy beaches, is what life is all about Something that brings sence to life. . It's a very interesting way to learn about new cultures and explore new places.

What is your favourite type of holiday?

I really like going to the countryside, getting away from it all Escaping in order to rest from a daily routine. . Nothing relaxes me as much as wilderness... I am tired of tourist traps Places with many tourists. and usually go off the beaten track To visit a place where a few people go. ...

What do you do on holidays?

I prefer visiting various museums and places of interest Memorable and honorable places. . For instance , on my last vacation I was to Rome and I visited 12 museums. It was fantastic! Of course, sometimes I go shopping with my friends or relatives too... But I don't find it near as exciting...

Are there many tourists visiting your country?

Probably yes ... My country has different tourist attractions Places which tourists tend to visit. in many cities, especially the capital... For example , my country has old-time religious traditions... That's why we have a lot of ancient cathedrals and churches that are interesting for both tourists and local citizens...

Now, have a look at the card and prepare a monologue.

  • When you visited it
  • Where is it situated
  • Who you went with

and say what about it you like the most

A couple of years ago I went on a holiday to Paris with my parents… it is a very popular tourist destination Tourist attraction. , since it has various places of interest Memorable and honorable places. , such as ancient museums and monuments… That's why there are always hordes of tourists Crowds of tourists. ... So we decided to go out of season To go not within the main holiday period. in the autumn… Fortunately , the weather was great, and we did not waste any days watching TV at the hotel... it was a memorable holiday … we enjoyed breathtaking views Amazing views. from the top of the Eiffel tower and dined in cozy little restaurants. I would certainly recommend visiting Paris, it is a picturesque Beautiful. city.

Why do you think tourism is so developed now?

Well, because it is a lot easier to travel nowadays… you can choose charter flights Cheap regular flights. and find various youth hostels A cheap hotel. all around the world, so you don’t need to spend much money on the travelling. Moreover, you can book a trip Arrange a trip. via the Internet, so you don't even have to leave home.

How people choose their destination?

There are a lot of ways. For instance, you can surf the internet for all the necessary information… Or you can visit different travel agencies An organisation that specializes in booking holidays. for more advice.

What kind of transport do you prefer on holidays? Why?

It depends… I usually reach my holiday destination A place where you go for a holiday. by plane because it is the fastest and the least dangerous way to travel. However , flying can be a bit uncomfortable... So I also travel by train from time to time … But I never drive car on a vacation, because I do it every day when I work... I would have a busman's holiday When you spend your free time similarly to the time when you work. This expression comes from the idea that a bus driver would spend his holiday traveling somewhere on a bus. otherwise.

Do you prefer travelling alone or in tour groups? Why?

I definitely prefer travelling alone because I like to plan the trip by myself... When choosing a guided tour A tour in which a group of people is guided by an expert. , you should always conform to a set schedule… So if you are in India and, say , you want to spend an extra hour at Taj Mahal, you simply cannot do that with a group tour... I like independent travel. That way I get to see and do exactly what I want and spend as much time as I want at various stops.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 – International Tourism (Band 9)

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IELTS Writing Task 2 essay with model answer

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic

International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment .

Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer :

Travel industry has experienced a major boom in the later part of the 20th century and has been a blessing in disguise, which has helped some weaker nations to uplift their failing economies. While questions have been raised regarding the negative impacts that accompany the growth in the travel sector, these definitely do not outweigh the associated benefits.

tourism topic for ielts

The economic boost that accompanies a successful travel industry is quite well recognised and Thailand is the best example. The entire Thai economy revolves around tourism and the country had been able to uplift its socio economic status through its flourishing hospitality sector.  Egypt is another nation that is heavily dependent on its hospitality sector. The growth in the number of incoming tourists leads to innumerable prospects in terms of local entrepreneurship & employment generation. This is also associated with international investments and infrastructure development. The national authorities, in order to ensure safety of the international visitors provide better law and order enforcement, improved transportation and healthcare facilities, which in turn benefit the local population.

On the other hand, the rising influx of holidaymakers is associated with increased incidences of crimes, prostitution and antisocial activities like drugs, human trafficking and gambling, which affect the values of the indigenous society. The local population are also affected by the growth in property value indices. Environmentalists are also concerned regarding environmental remodelling, that is associated with increased tourist activities in natural reserves. In this context, it is worth mentioning that, by enforcing stern law and order and implementing strict legislations, governments can control most of these negative impacts of tourism .

Henceforth, it can be confidently conveyed that, even though the growth in travel industry has accompanying negative social impacts, these do not outweigh the contributions made by this sector towards social development.

Total Words: 296

Task Achievement: 9

Coherence & cohesion: 9, lexical resources: 9, overall score: band 9.

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Model Answer (Band 8):

There is no doubt that international tourists have brought a lot of positive impact to many countries. However, these benefits also come with many negative issues. Personally, I feel that international tourism has resulted more advantages than disadvantages to the affected nations in general. In this essay, I will examine both the benefits and their related cost and support my opinion accordingly.

First of all, many people argue that many local inhabitants have been sacrificed in order to make way for the development of tourist attractions. For examples, tress were cut down so that hotels can be constructed; old heritage sites were demolished and replaced by new shopping malls; local residence, especially the aboriginals, have to be relocated so that their land can be used for new airport. However, people tend to ignore the economics and social benefits brought upon by these developments. For example, the number of jobs created by the constructions of hotels and shopping malls could stimulate the economic growth of a nation and benefit the both the people and the nation as a whole.   

Secondly, many people also claimed that the influx of foreign tourists will increase the social problems such as crime rates immoral activities.  For examples, they claimed that tourists usually like to visit pubs and clubs in the evening and that will lead to higher rate of alcohol related problems such as noise pollution , vandalism and prostitution. However, I believe that the millions of foreign dollars brought in by these tourists could actually decrease the problems if the   money are put into proper used by the government. For example, the tax collected from the entertainment outlet could be used to help combat crime and actually make the country a safer place.

In conclusion, I believe that if we look at the overall picture of international tourism when doing the cost-benefit analysis, we will see that they are more advantages than disadvantages.  

Total Words: 318

Task Achievement: 8

Coherence & cohesion: 8, lexical resources: 8, overall score: band 8.

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'  data-srcset=

what type of essay is this? what I mean to say is, Is it advantage amd disadvantage essay or two part essay?

'  data-srcset=

This would fall under “advantage / disadvantage essay”. You will need to discuss both and then come to a conclusion if one outweighs the other.

Hope this helps.

excellent essay..

Perfect essay. Keep it up!

'  data-srcset=

hi in writing task 1 which paragraph i write overall paragraph

in writing task 2 how examiner check please help me

Dear Pragnesh,

For Academic Writing Task1, you can write the overview in your introduction. Alternatively, it is also fine to write the overview at the end.

If you write the overview in the intro, then start with the phrase “Overall, …” ; when you write it at the end start with “In summary, ….”

Finally, if you have written the overview in the intro then do not repeat it again in the summary, and vice versa.

Go over this tutorial to learn more about writing overview: https://ieltsonlinepractice.com/topic/write-introduction-overview/

For writing task 2, have a look at the tutorials here: https://ieltsonlinepractice.com/lessons/ielts-writing-task-2/

If you need feedback for writing and speaking tasks, feel free to join one of the correction packages: https://ieltsonlinepractice.com/membership-options/

Hope this helps,

Cheers, Atul.

Outstanding essay

Thanks for the kind words Sanjeev!

Good luck with your IELTS preparation.

'  data-srcset=

It seems to be that there were grammatical errors in the essay. Specifically –

On the other hand, the rising influx of holidaymakers is associated with increased incidences of crimes, prostitution and antisocial activities like drugs, human trafficking and gambling, which affect the values of the indigenous society.

Drugs are not antisocial? The ‘usage’ of illegal substances/drugs are; Prostitution is not a crime unless legalized and the sentence does not indicate if you consider it a crime? Human trafficking is definitely a crime and again your sentence does not indicate if you consider it a criminal behaviour? Infact your sentence indicates that you consider human trafficking to be antisocial (and not a crime)? Same for gambling.

I would have said:

“…..increased incidences of criminal behaviour, such as prostitution and human trafficking, and antisocial activities, such as gambling and the use of illegal drugs….”

Am i correct?

Hi Himanshu,

Thanks for the suggestion. You are absolutely correct. The original sentence was a bit confusing. I have replace it with your version.

nice advice

'  data-srcset=

sir i want to achieve only 6 in writing module .but I only get 5.5 in real exam in writing … plzzzz tell me what should I do

Dear Surbhi,

I have sent you an email.

There is a lot of free content on my website for IELTS preparation including the following: -Free tutorials on all 4 IELTS modules – https://ieltsonlinepractice.com/courses/twenty20-online-ielts-course/ -Recent IELTS exam questions – https://ieltsonlinepractice.com/recent-ielts-exam-questions-topics/ -IELTS Model Answers – https://ieltsonlinepractice.com/ielts-writing-speaking-samples-band-7-8-9-students/

If you need feedback on your writing tasks, join one of the IELTS Twenty20 correction packages: https://ieltsonlinepractice.com/membership-options

Regards, Atul.

'  data-srcset=

What is boon in disguise? I always read blessing in disguise.

Can you please give some clarity?

'  data-srcset=

A blessing in disguise It’s an idiom We can’t use them in writing.

Dear Diyor,

There is no restriction on using idioms and phrases in essays. IELTS essays are not like the academic essays that you write in university level courses.

It is fine to use an idiom or phrase if the context is appropriate. However, don’t overdo it by using too many idioms.

'  data-srcset=

Please check my essay

Many cities are replacing cars with bicycles. What are the reasons for this? Which do you think is better? As my point of view , I can not support its totally. Some areas exchange’s of car is bicycle .While reducing car ,air pollution and sound pollution can also control up-to some extend . Whereas both cycle and cars are a essential part of our daily life While car are very helpful during hot climate as well as rainy seasons .We can travel together with families in car ;if we have emergency case like hospital cases,airport ; cars are very useful in these time ,also we can carry lagges .The negative side of cars are the daily increase of petrol price ,where as difficult to do parking in town areas

– [ ] Since bicycle are good for health. It’s a healthy excises if we do it’s in daily life .We need just rotate the pedal with our foot step to ride the bicycle.Here we can gain petrol cash ,sound and air pollution some of the demerits are we can not travel more than 2 people in a bicycle ,as well as we can not useful at emergency cases To conclude that both car and bicycle are a important to our daily life .They have their on importance depends upon situation that occur

If you need a score or detailed feedback for your writing tasks, please submit your task using the “Submit task for review” button on this screen or use this link: https://ielts.typeform.com/to/JgBjfj

The haven’t ask the opinion or your view so is it correct to write “personally” or “I” in the sample writing of 8 band ?


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Exam Review


Questions 1-5

Reading Passage has 6 paragraphs (A-F).

Choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.

Write the appropriate numbers ( i-ix ) in boxes 1-5  on your answer sheet Paragraph D has been done for you as an example.

NB There are more headings than paragraphs so you will not use all of them.

You may use any heading more than once .

Questions 6-10

Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in Reading Passage? In boxes 6-10  write

YES     if the statement agrees with the writer

NO     if the statement contradicts the writer

NOT GIVEN    if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this


People who can’t afford to travel watch films and TV.     Answer: NOT GIVEN

6 YES NO NOT GIVEN    Tourism is a trivial subject. 6. Answer: NO      Locate

7 YES NO NOT GIVEN    An analysis of deviance can act as a model for the analysis of tourism. 7. Answer: YES      Locate

8 YES NO NOT GIVEN    Tourists usually choose to travel overseas. 8. Answer: NOT GIVEN

9 YES NO NOT GIVEN    Tourists focus more on places they visit than those at home. 9. Answer: YES      Locate

10 YES NO NOT GIVEN    Tour operators try to cheat tourists. 10. Answer: NOT GIVEN

Questions 11-14

Chose one phrase (A-H) from the list of phrases to complete each key point below. Write the appropriate letters ( A-H ) in boxes 11-14 on your answer sheet.

The information in the completed sentences should be an accurate summary of points made by the writer.

NB There are more phrases A-H than sentences so you will not use them all. You may use any phrase more than once .

11     Our concept of tourism arises from  A B C D E F G H 11. Answer: D      Locate

12     The media can be used to enhance  A B C D E F G H 12. Answer: B      Locate

13     People view tourist landscapes in a different way from A B C D E F G H 13. Answer: F      Locate

14     Group tours encourage participants to look at  A B C D E F G H 14. Answer: H      Locate

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IELTS Travel, Tourism & Adventure Vocabulary : Useful Phrases & Expressions in IELTS Speaking


Updated On Sep 13, 2023


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IELTS Travel, Tourism & Adventure Vocabulary : Useful Phrases & Expressions in IELTS Speaking

Predicted Cue Cards Topics 2024

A good vocabulary is a big part of gaining fluency in a second language. To do so you must familiarize yourself with common phrases, metaphors and sayings in any given niche field or topic that you may have to speak on. Today we will share with you a wide range of travel and tourism vocabulary words for IELTS to help you boost your IELTS score on any  IELTS Speaking or writing question that has to do with travel & adventure.

Useful Collocation and Expressions for IELTS Speaking – Topic:Travel

To get away : To escape, to go somewhere that is not your home. You can also use the noun “a getaway.”

Example: Last week, I had a great chance to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city to visit an ancient village in the countryside.

A thirst for adventure : strong desire for travelling/adventure

Get itchy feet: have a strong desire to travel

Example: I’ve always had a thirst for adventure and often get itchy feet so I decided to set out to a journey from the North to the South of Australia next month.

To find a gem: When you find a place where only locals go and other tourists don’t visit.

Example: Try to find a local guide when you visit a foreign country to successfully find a gem during your trip.

Arduous journey: difficult & tiring journey

Break the journey: stop for a short time during journey

Example: I had a arduous journey to the South of Vietnam last year. I thought I would break the journey somewhere but I finally did it all in one go.

Adventurous explorer:  a traveler who is willing to do or try new and daring things

Have a stopover: Have a brief overnight stay in a place when on a long journey to somewhere else, usually by air

Example: I had a stopover in China on the way to Thailand, had a bit of a rest, and did the sights there before travelling on.

Low-cost airline: discount or budget airline

Put somebody on standby: make me wait to see if a seat become available

Example: Last week I got a flight on a low-cost airline to Paris. I then tried to get a flight to the UK but they were all full, so they put me on standby.

To take a red eye: To take a late night airline flight

Example: I had to take a red eye and now I’m exhausted.

Intrepid explorer: brave, with no fear of dangerous situations

Example: In the course of a long and proud career, an  intrepid   explorer turned herself into a perfect lady.

Off the beaten track:  An unusual route or destination

Example: My best friend is a intrepid traveler who has a real sense of adventure. He always love to set out on a journey off the beaten track

Unexplored wilderness:  not looked into or investigated; something that you have not done or experienced before

Example: I’m thirsty for a journey into unexplored wilderness and getting right off the beaten track.

To take the road less traveled: To do things differently and to think outside of the box.

Example: Adventurous travelers like to take the road less traveled when visiting a new country.

A real sense of adventure: the urge to explore beyond your daily surroundings and open yourself up to the adventure

To have wanderlust: To want to move around and see a lot of things around the world. To not want to stay in one place.

Example: I had a incurable case of wanderlust.

The first leg of the journey:   the first segment of a journey; the first flight of a multi-flight trip.

Example: The first leg of the journey got me to the UK but it just gave me very little indication of what lay ahead.

Off the beaten track (path): in a place where few people go; unusual route/destination

Example: Most young travelers make the effort to get off the tourist trail and look for off the beaten path destinations to experience the raw beauty of the country.

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Part 1 Sample Questions

  • Do you like to travel?
  • What kind of places have you visited in your life?
  • Which place would you really like to visit? Why?
  • What’s the best place you’ve ever visited?
  • Which form(s) of transport do you usually use?
  • What is the easiest way to get around your town/city?
  • Do people use public transport where you live?
  • Are there any problems with the public transport system in your town/city?
  • How do you prefer to travel on long journeys?
  • What is the most unusual method of transport you’ve ever used?

Part 2: Cue Card

Describe an interesting journey you have been on./Describe an adventure you had.

You should say :

  • where you went
  • how you traveled there
  • who you went with

and explain what was so memorable about the journey/adventure.

Part 3 Sample Questions

  • How important is it to have adventure in our lives?
  • What do people learn about themselves from having adventures?
  • How do you think people will travel in the future?
  • How easy is it to travel around your country?
  • Which method of travel do you consider safest?
  • Has travel become safer in recent years?
  • What are the pros and cons of low-cost air travel?

Remember, the worst thing you could do on the IELTS is to sound like every other Band 6 student by using typical IELTS vocabulary.

Make sure you are using interesting and native vocabulary throughout the exam like the ones in today’s article.

Check out other IELTS Vocabulary lessons for different topics in the Speaking section (   Environment ,  Accommodation , Education , People (Personality & Appearance) ,  Sports ,  Holiday ,   Relationship  )

If you want to boost your IELTS score by polishing up your vocabulary, figure out the lesson:  How To Boost Your Vocabulary Score In IELTS ?

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Nafia Zuhana is an experienced content writer and IELTS Trainer. Currently, she is guiding students who are appearing for IELTS General and Academic exams through ieltsmaterial.com. With an 8.5 score herself, she trains and provides test takers with strategies, tips, and nuances on how to crack the IELTS Exam. She holds a degree in Master of Arts – Creative Writing, Oxford Brookes University, UK. She has worked with The Hindu for over a year as an English language trainer.

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Topic : Travel, Tourism & Adventure

  • To get away :  To escape, to go somewhere that is not your home. You can also use the noun “a getaway.” Example: Last week, I had a great chance to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city to visit an ancient village in the countryside.
  • A thirst for adventure : strong desire for travelling/adventure
  • Get itchy feet:  have a strong desire to travel Example: I’ve always had a thirst for adventure and often get itchy feet so I decided to set out to a journey from the North to the South of Australia next month.
  • To find a gem:  When you find a place where only locals go and other tourists don’t visit. Example: Try to find a local guide when you visit a foreign country to successfully find a gem during your trip.
  • Arduous journey:  difficult & tiring journey
  • Break the journey:  stop for a short time during journey Example: I had a arduous journey to the South of Vietnam last year. I thought I would break the journey somewhere but I finally did it all in one go.
  • Adventurous explorer:  a traveler who is willing to do or try new and daring things
  • Have a stopover:  Have a brief overnight stay in a place when on a long journey to somewhere else, usually by air Example: I had a stopover in China on the way to Thailand, had a bit of a rest, and did the sights there before travelling on.
  • Low-cost airline:  discount or budget airline
  • Put somebody on standby:  make me wait to see if a seat become available Example: Last week I got a flight on a low-cost airline to Paris. I then tried to get a flight to the UK but they were all full, so they put me on standby.
  • To take a red eye:  To take a late night airline flight Example: I had to take a red eye and now I’m exhausted.
  • Intrepid explorer:  brave, with no fear of dangerous situations Example: In the course of a long and proud career, an intrepid explorer turned herself into a perfect lady.
  • Off the beaten track:  An unusual route or destination Example: My best friend is a intrepid traveler who has a real sense of adventure. He always love to set out on a journey off the beaten track
  • Unexplored wilderness:  not looked into or investigated; something that you have not done or experienced before Example: I’m thirsty for a journey into unexplored wilderness and getting right off the beaten track.
  • To take the road less traveled:  To do things differently and to think outside of the box. Example: Adventurous travelers like to take the road less traveled when visiting a new country.
  • A real sense of adventure:  the urge to explore beyond your daily surroundings and open yourself up to the adventure
  • To have wanderlust:  To want to move around and see a lot of things around the world. To not want to stay in one place. Example: I had a incurable case of wanderlust.
  • The first leg of the journey:  the first segment of a journey; the first flight of a multi-flight trip. Example: The first leg of the journey got me to the UK but it just gave me very little indication of what lay ahead.
  • Off the beaten track (path):  in a place where few people go; unusual route/destination Example: Most young travelers make the effort to get off the tourist trail and look for  off the beaten path  destinations to experience the raw beauty of the country.

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IELTS Daily Essay Topic: More people are travelling abroad nowadays.


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  • Jun 7, 2024

IELTS Daily Essay Topic: More people are travelling abroad nowadays.

Brainstorming Ideas

Refer to the following brainstorming ideas to get a better understanding of the answer.

Reasons for considering people travelling abroad as a positive development:

  • Allows people to experience new cultures and fosters an appreciation for diversity.
  • It helps in improving language skills.
  • Promotes cultural exchange and understanding.
  • International travel also boosts economies through tourism.

Q. More people are travelling abroad nowadays. Is it a positive or negative development?

Ans . In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of people travelling abroad. This is a positive development because it benefits individuals and countries worldwide.

Firstly, travelling abroad has profound benefits for individuals, allowing them to experience new cultures and fostering an appreciation for diversity. For instance, when a person from India visits Italy they will be exposed to the Italian way of living, customs, traditions and heritage. This exposure can lead to a broader perspective and a more open mind. Moreover, travelling also improves language skills, providing a real-life context for language use. A non-English speaker while visiting an English-speaking country will be compelled to communicate in English, thereby improving their language skills.

Secondly, the increase in international travel benefits countries on a global scale. It promotes cultural exchange and understanding, thereby fostering peace and cooperation among nations. For example, tourism often leads to a deeper understanding and respect for other cultures, reducing prejudices and encouraging peaceful coexistence. Additionally, international travel boosts economies through tourism. Tourists spend money on a wide range of services, including hotels, restaurants, and attractions, contributing to the local economy and creating jobs. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, in 2019, travel and tourism contributed 10.3% to the global GDP, a clear indicator of the economic importance of this sector.

To conclude, the increase in people travelling abroad is a positive development. It not only broadens individuals’ horizons, fostering global understanding but also benefits countries worldwide both economically and culturally. 

Paraphrased Statement: In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of people travelling abroad.

Thesis Statement:  This is a positive development because it benefits individuals and countries worldwide.

Body Paragraph 1-Topic Sentences: Firstly, travelling abroad has profound benefits for individuals, allowing them to experience new cultures and fostering an appreciation for diversity. For instance, when a person from India visits Italy they will be exposed to the Italian way of living, customs, traditions and heritage. 

Body Paragraph 1- Supporting Reasons and Explanations: This exposure can lead to a broader perspective and a more open mind. Moreover, travelling also improves language skills, providing a real-life context for language use. A non-English speaker while visiting an English-speaking country will be compelled to communicate in English, thereby improving their language skills.

Body Paragraph 2- Topic sentence: Secondly, the increase in international travel benefits countries on a global scale. It promotes cultural exchange and understanding, thereby fostering peace and cooperation among nations.

Body paragraph 2- Supporting Reasons and Explanations: For example, tourism often leads to a deeper understanding and respect for other cultures, reducing prejudices and encouraging peaceful coexistence. Additionally, international travel boosts economies through tourism. Tourists spend money on a wide range of services, including hotels, restaurants, and attractions, contributing to the local economy and creating jobs. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, in 2019, travel and tourism contributed 10.3% to the global GDP, a clear indicator of the economic importance of this sector.

Conclusion: To conclude, the increase in people travelling abroad is a positive development. It not only broadens individuals’ horizons, fostering global understanding but also benefits countries worldwide both economically and culturally. 

Vocabulary in Use

Linkers and connectors used.

Following are the linkers and connectors used:

  • For instance
  • For example
  • To conclude

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Purti is a CELTA, British Council, and IDP-certified language trainer. Having worked as a Study Abroad Test Prep Expert for the past 7 years, she has guided thousands of students towards their desirable scores in IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT and other language proficiency tests to study abroad. She is adept in molding learning strategies according to the needs of the learners and has built multiple courses at Leverage IELTS with result-oriented strategies. Proficient in test prep courses such as IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, and Duolingo, she loves to explore different classroom teaching methods, keeps continuously improving her own skills, and stays abreast with the latest teaching methodologies. She is a master trainer at Leverage Edu and aims to help thousands more through her expertise.

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Thousands march against mass tourism in Spain's Balearic Islands as protesters take to streets of Mallorca and Menorca

While tourism accounts for around 45% of the Balearic Islands' gross domestic product, demonstrators in Menorca and Mallorca say holiday rentals are pricing locals out.

By Dylan Donnelly, news reporter

Sunday 9 June 2024 15:31, UK

Pic: GOB Menorca

Thousands took to the streets in the Balearic Islands to protest against mass tourism and overcrowding this weekend.

Demonstrators marched through Menorca and Mallorca on Saturday in the latest protests over tourist "massification" across Spain's island regions.

While tourism accounts for around 45% of the Balearic Islands' gross domestic product, according to data from industry organisation Exceltur, demonstrators say holiday rentals are pricing locals out.

Carme Reines, from a collective which organised the protest in Palma de Mallorca, said: "We want the authorities to stop people who have not lived here more than five years from buying properties and to put more controls on holiday accommodation."

Javier Carbonell, a real estate agent in Mallorca, added: "We want less mass tourism and more sustainable tourism."

A Spanish National police spokesperson said around 10,000 people took part in the protest in Mallorca, while a few hundred marched in Menorca.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by VIA MENORCA (@viamenorca)

The Balearic Group of Ornithology and Nature Protection of Menorca (GOB Menorca) said on its website that it was protesting "the massification of tourism , the problem of access to housing, water management and the economic diversification of the island".

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In a post on social media, the group added the demonstrators turned Menorca's Plaza de la Biosfera into a mock beachfront by turning up with deckchairs, towels and sunglasses.

It's the latest in a string of protests on Spain's islands against mass tourism.

The Menorca and Mallorca protests came at the same time as an anti-tourist march in Barcelona , and just a day after around 1,000 demonstrated in Ibiza .

Read more from Sky News: Venice to Barcelona 'plagued by overtourism' Why are thousands protesting in the Canary Islands?

Several people during a demonstration against tourism in Barcelona, Catalonia. Pic: AP

Rafael Gimenez, a spokesman for Prou Ibiza which organised Friday's protest, said: "We want a limit on new tourist places and a ban on more illegal flats.

"With fewer flats around on the market, it pushes up the price."

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And in April, thousands protested against mass tourism across the Canary Islands to say the region is "not for sale".

The islands' president said at the time he felt "proud" the region is a leading Spanish tourism spot but acknowledged more controls are needed.

"We can't keep looking away. Otherwise, hotels will continue to open without any control," Fernando Clavijo told a news conference.

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Study of 34 countries finds ocean protection delivers overlooked economic benefits to fishing, tourism

by National Geographic Pristine Seas

Study of 34 countries finds ocean protection delivers overlooked economic benefits to fishing, tourism

In the most comprehensive assessment of its kind to date, a new study released today reveals that marine protected areas (MPAs, national parks at sea) deliver a range of economic benefits to the fishing and tourism industries. The study examined more than 50 protected areas in more than 30 countries in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania representing diverse ecosystems to find that, in all cases, MPAs boosted either fishing or tourism, with some profits in the billions.

"In every corner of the globe, ocean protection boosts economies," said Dr. Mark John Costello, the study author and a professor at Norway's Nord University. "For far too long, marine parks have been overlooked as GDP generators and job creators. This study offers the strongest evidence yet that protecting the ocean replenishes it with abundant fish, protects it against climate change, but also boosts local and national economies. Now, we can add tourism operators and fisheries to the list of ocean protection beneficiaries."

The study builds on research that has found fully protected areas can help restore fish populations by 500% on average, yield bigger fish over time, and help replenish fisheries around the MPAs because of the spillover of fish and invertebrates. It points to many examples from around the world showing that MPAs produce spillover that increases the catches of species from small and sedentary—such as lobsters and scallops—to large and migratory, such as tuna.

In the study , "Evidence of economic benefits from marine protected areas," published in Scientia Marina , Costello reviewed 200 studies on marine protected areas to determine the extent to which MPAs deliver economic benefits. The studies looked at 51 MPAs representing a diversity of ecosystems, from coral reefs , kelp forests , mangroves, rocky reefs, and salt marshes, to mudflats and sandy and muddy seabed habitats. The MPAs used a range of protection methods—with some allowing or restricting many human activities and others banning human activities altogether.

The study comes as countries race to protect 30% of the ocean—from the current 3% to 8% (depending on what is counted as really protected)—in just six years to prevent the loss of species and benefits the ocean provides—from climate resilience to food provision.

"Outdated misconceptions about the economic impacts of marine protected areas are blocking progress on the world's urgent conservation goal," remarked Enric Sala, founder of National Geographic Pristine Seas and author of the award-winning book "The Nature of Nature," who was not involved in the study. "This study demonstrates that both fishing and tourism benefit from national parks of the sea—a final blow to the argument that conservation is costly and harms fishing."

"The ocean is under threat from us. Science shows that establishing national parks at sea will help ocean life to bounce back—and provide more benefits to humanity. Governments should move the establishment of marine protected areas to the top of their agendas. "Right now, only about 8% of the ocean is protected to some degree, which means we'll need to add new protected areas every week to reach the 2030 ambition," Sala noted.

The new study finds that economic benefits to fisheries from MPAs were reported for 25 countries spanning the North Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific and Indian oceans. Benefits to fisheries adjacent to the protected areas were detected in 46 (90%) of the MPAs, including an increased fishery catch (76%) and body size (25%), and detection of spillover (16%). The MPAs that delivered the most economic benefits were strictly protected, where fishing and other damaging activities are banned. These are also known as no-take marine reserves. Currently, only ~3% of the global ocean is under this type of full protection.

"Significantly, the study finds no evidence anywhere, at any time, that MPAs imperil the fishing industry, which has traditionally been an outspoken opponent of ocean protection. The fishing industry has historically sought to block no-take MPAs, arguing that banning fishing delivers a blow to profits. What this study unequivocally shows is that MPAs that ban fishing are not only more profitable, they are also cheaper to manage and maintain than MPAs with more complex fishing rules," said Costello.

Examples of economic benefits from tourism were found in 24 countries in tropical and sub-tropical locations, as well as temperate regions, which include France, Spain, Italy and New Zealand. Coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass ecosystems were the most profitable, with some individual MPAs generating billions of dollars in revenue each year. This group of marine reserves included: the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park in Australia (US$6.4 million), the Galápagos Marine Reserve, Ecuador; Mu Ko Phi Phi Marine National Park, Thailand; and Ras Mohammed National Park, Red Sea, Egypt. These examples show that more established MPAs provided higher tourism revenues.

Provided by National Geographic Pristine Seas

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Expanding marine protected areas by 5% could boost fish yields by 20%, but there's a catch

Oct 27, 2020

tourism topic for ielts

Marine protected areas combat the effects of climate change

Oct 21, 2022

tourism topic for ielts

New index helps identify 55 unprotected marine protected areas

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tourism topic for ielts

Marine reserves a solution to bycatch problem in oceans

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Study finds juvenile dolphins who play together are more successful as adults

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Elephants have names for each other like people do, new study shows

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Novel genetic clock discovers oldest known marine plant: Seagrass clone in the Baltic sea is more than 1,400 years old

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Excessive vegetation in Arabia triggered massive butterfly migrations in 2019 across Europe and Africa: Study

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Tree hidey-holes key to helping slow declines of small mammals

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  1. travel and tourism [ielts topics]

    tourism topic for ielts

  2. Organized Tours To Remote Communities And Other Countries Are

    tourism topic for ielts

  3. Best IELTS Vocabulary: Tourism and Travel

    tourism topic for ielts

  4. 💄 Topic travel. IELTS Speaking Part 1: Topic Travelling. 2022-10-19

    tourism topic for ielts

  5. IELTS Tourism Vocabulary & Practice Activities

    tourism topic for ielts

  6. IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic

    tourism topic for ielts


  1. IELTS Speaking Part 1 Band 9 Answer

  2. Cluster 4 Tourism Topic 2 : Social Impacts of tourism

  3. IELTS Part Three Question

  4. IELTS Speaking Part 2_Topic Travel

  5. IELTS Speaking: Tourism and Cinema

  6. Tourism Survey Ielts Listening test 7 theieltsexam.blogspot.com


  1. 50 Latest Tourism IELTS Topics

    Answers. ···. Opinion. Tourism has increased so much over the last 50 years that it is having a mainly nagetive impact on local inhabitants and the environment, others claim that it is good for the economy. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of tourism and give your own opinion. Write on this topic.

  2. IELTS Topics: Travel and Tourism

    One of the common IELTS topics that appears in the exam is that of travel and tourism. In today's lesson, I will help you learn about this topic so that you can do well in your next test. First we will look at a little vocabulary about travel and tourism, then we will explore some IELTS speaking and writing questions to give you an idea of ...

  3. 50 Latest Tourist IELTS Topics

    Answers. ···. unknown. The charts below show the number of Japanese tourists travelling abroad between 1985 and 1995 and Austra/ia's share of the Japanese tourist market. Summarise the information by se/ecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

  4. Travelling, Tourism, Holidays IELTS Speaking Test with Answers

    Get a Complimentary IELTS Speaking Strategies PDF. Download Now. This article contains the Travelling, Tourism, and Holidays Speaking sample answers. IELTS Speaking consists of a short discussion between the examiner and the candidate. You will be asked a series of questions on common topics. You have to state your opinion or experiences.

  5. IELTS Tourism Vocabulary & Practice Activities

    IELTS Vocab. Considering that tourism is one of the biggest industries in the world, questions about tourism are common on the IELTS examination. You may be asked about trips you have taken or the wider impact of different types of tourism. Therefore, it is essential that you know and understands a range of words and phrases used to discuss ...

  6. Tourism Essay Titles

    IELTS Essay Questions for the Topic of Tourism and Travel. All essay questions below are reported by IELTS candidates and seem to have been repeated over the years. Regardless of the years the questions were reported, you could get any question below in your test. You should, therefore, prepare ideas for all questions given below.

  7. IELTS Travel and Tourism Vocabulary

    1. Travel Vocabulary. Attraction - A place that entices visitors because it is interesting. Backpacking - To travel, often to more than one destination, with your belongings in a backpack. Camping - A holiday spent in a tent or camper van. Cruise - A sea-based trip taking a pre-planned route that involves visiting several ports.

  8. IELTS Speaking about Tourism

    Tourism or Travelling topic IELTs Speaking is a popular topic of IELTS test. You can get few simple questions about travelling and your favourite tourist resorts in IELTS Speaking. The examiner can ask some general questions regarding tourism and various aspects of tourism in the third part of the IELTS speaking test.

  9. IELTS Speaking Part 1: Topic Travelling

    Example: The countryside in this region is very picturesque scenery. (9) To take my breath away (idiom) Example: The beauty of the Taj Mahal took my breath away. (10) To be worth visiting. Example: Two other sites are eminently worth visiting. Collocations & idioms: Topic Travelling. Tags. speaking part 1.

  10. IELTS Writing task 2: Travel and Tourism questions

    Here you can find common IELTS essay questions for "Travel and Tourism" topic. A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not managed correctly. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world.

  11. Tourist Attraction: IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3 Sample Answers

    Tourist Attraction: IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3 Sample Answers. In Part 2 & 3 of the IELTS Speaking Module, the assessment criteria mention grammar patterns, vocabulary, fluency and pronunciation, which means that you need to deliver that long, meaningful sentence in a fluent, nice-sounding stream of words. Let's practice with a cue card and ...

  12. IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Travel & Tourism

    The Essay Writing section of the IELTS Writing Module can be a difficult task for many IELTS Aspirants. Thus, it is vital that you polish your essay writing skills before attempting the IELTS. Below is a sample IELTS Essay for the IELTS Essay topic: Organized tours to remote communities and other countries are increasingly popular.

  13. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topics: Travel

    In IELTS Speaking Part 2, one of the common topics is travel. In this section, you are expected to describe places you have visited or holidays you have spent. It is essential to be well-prepared to impress the examiners with your language proficiency and storytelling abilities. We have provided sample answers to popular travel-related cue ...

  14. IELTS Speaking Tourism And Vacation Part 1-3

    IELTS Speaking Q/Answers about Tourism Part 3. The third part of the IELTS speaking test is always a discussion part. The examiner will ask you various questions on the main topic, which in this case will be "Tourism". ... Find more IELTS Speaking Test topics with answers following the link below: IELTS, IELTS Speaking, speaking.


    IELTS SPEAKING PART 3 - Tourism. February 24, 2022. Focus is on challenging questions that are related to the topic of Part 2. Use the question in your answer. Answer + Explanation + Example. You must paraphrase words that you hear in the questions and show a broad range of vocabulary. Reflect the grammar of the question and make sure to use ...

  16. IELTS Speaking sample: Travel & Holidays

    On this page you can find full IELTS Speaking sample with questions related to Holidays topic.. See IELTS Speaking vocabulary for Travel & Holidays topic >. This IELTS Speaking sample has 3 parts with questions related to Holidays topic. Remember that on the real test you will get a mix of questions from different topics, but for educational reasons we used thematic questions about holidays in ...

  17. IELTS Writing Task 2

    IELTS Writing Task 2 essay with model answer. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic. International tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the ...

  18. Tourism Essay

    Travel and tourism essay is a versatile topic for IELTS tourism writing task 2 and can be adapted to fit various essay formats. Argument-Based Essay: Discuss the pros and cons of the travel and tourism impact on the economy and culture, and present your opinion. Opinion-Based Essay: State and support your view on a tourism-related issue.

  19. Answers for Tourism

    A - Justifying the study of tourism Tourism, holidaymaking and travel are these days more significant social phenomena than most commentators have considered. On the face of it there could not be a more trivial subject for a book. And indeed since social scientists have had considerable difficulty explaining weightier topics, such as work or politics, it might be thought that they would have ...

  20. IELTS Travel, Tourism & Adventure Vocabulary : Useful Phrases

    Useful Collocation and Expressions for IELTS Speaking - Topic:Travel. To get away : To escape, to go somewhere that is not your home. You can also use the noun "a getaway.". Example: Last week, I had a great chance to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city to visit an ancient village in the countryside.

  21. Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism IELTS Essay: Sample

    The biggest benefits of tourism are quite obvious, i.e., boosting the national GDP and economy and creating more employment for local citizens and communities. Tourists use diverse solutions while traveling, including booking hotels, flights, transportation, and guides. They also require food, shopping, and leisure while indulging in a wide ...

  22. Useful Phrases & Expressions: Travel, Tourism & Adventure

    Today we will share with you a wide range of travel and tourism vocabulary words for IELTS to help you boost your IELTS score on any IELTS Speaking or writing question that has to do with travel & adventure. Useful Collocation and Expressions for IELTS Speaking Topic : Travel, Tourism & Adventure To get away : To escape, to go […]

  23. IELTS Daily Essay Topic: More people are travelling abroad nowadays

    According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, in 2019, travel and tourism contributed 10.3% to the global GDP, a clear indicator of the economic importance of this sector. Conclusion: To conclude, the increase in people travelling abroad is a positive development. It not only broadens individuals' horizons, fostering global understanding ...

  24. Thousands march against mass tourism in Spain's Balearic Islands as

    While tourism accounts for around 45% of the Balearic Islands' gross domestic product, according to data from industry organisation Exceltur, demonstrators say holiday rentals are pricing locals out.

  25. Elephant tourism often involves cruelty. Here are steps toward more

    Like Suju Kali, many animals are trapped within the tourism industry.Some venues have no oversight and little concern for animal or tourist safety. Between 120,000 and 340,000 animals are used ...

  26. Study of 34 countries finds ocean protection delivers overlooked

    Infographic with summarized information of benefits of MPAs for fisheries, as derived from the papers analyzed in this study. Credit: Scientia Marina (2024). DOI: 10.3989/scimar.05417.080