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Profile Photo Tips for Tour Guides – The Perfect Profile Shot

tour guide photo

  • March 6, 2022

There is a pretty good chance that your tour guide profile photo isn’t very good…

It’s nothing personal, it’s just that almost all tour guides have bad profile photos. As I look back, almost 100% of my own profile photos were terrible too! In a moment, I’m going to share some profile photo tips.

The problem is that most profile pictures are treated as something of an afterthought. Often times we only spend 30-40 seconds looking around our computer and choosing from the photos we happen to have on offer. We upload it and then forget about it.

Unfortunately, when we do this we fail to appreciate just how important profile photos are. When a potential customer is looking at a tour, it only natural for them to want more information on the tour leader. While having a captivating and interesting written profile is important, remember that your picture can be worth a thousand words! Visitors to your page will be judging how friendly you are and utlimately deciding wether you look like someone interesting enough to spend some time with.

Other Profile photo tips:

To help you examine your own profile photos I’ve created a list of do’s and don’ts when it comes to your profile pictures. (think of them as profile photo tips) Furthermore, we’ll even check out a few of my favourite profile photos from tour guides around the web.

I believe that you are (or will be!) an amazing tour leader, so let’s make sure you have an engaging profile photo to match!

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Let me know in the comments what your biggest pet peeves are when it comes to profile photos. Any profile photo tips for the rest of the community? We’d love to hear from you!


Hi there and welcome to Be a Better Guide! I’m your host, Kelsey Tonner, and this week, we’re talking about guide profile photos.

Now, this is a photo that goes next to a description of you as a tour leader or tour guide. It’s not necessarily the photos that you have in your tour description.

But here’s the thing, majority of tour guides actually have terrible profile photos and this is kind of a big deal because every day, visitors, potential clients, potential customers are coming to that website and looking at that picture, judging it, examining it in great detail trying to figure out who you are and if they want to come on tour with you.

There’s a bunch of do’s and don’ts that I’m going to share with you today for having an amazing guide profile photo. Now, I want to show you a couple of examples so let’s hop on to the computer.

Let’s start with some things to avoid. No selfies, especially those that are taken in a mirror or those that clearly show your arm.

tour guide photo

No funky filters. I’m looking at all of you Instagrammers out there that like to put weird filters on, not the best place. No pixely or grainy photos. This tends to happen if there’re poorly exposed night shots or the lighting isn’t very good or the quality of the camera is not good.

No intense or serious photos. You really want to be looking friendly and approachable in your photo. Many guides unfortunately have a bit of a scow in their profile. No blurry or out-of-focus pictures. No sunglasses.

So many guides, even if you wear sunglasses all the time, please, please, please take off your sunglasses for your profile photo. It’s very important for them to be able to connect through your eyes. No full-body action shots.

The most important thing in your profile photo is to show the features of your face. Far away photos, not good as well. No pets, or kids, or props if possible.

Another common mistake is if your face is cropped in any way, so part of the top of your head is missing, maybe the bottom, or your chin, anything like that. No photos cropped from a larger photo.

This is often very obvious and it can reduce the quality of the image, but also sometimes you get weird floating body parts like your friend’s hand or something like that. So even if you look fantastic in that photo of you and your friends, you need to have a dedicated shot just for your profile.

I would avoid cartoons and caricatures like drawings of you in your profile. Again, people want to see the real you. For most cases, no black and white photos, and perhaps the greatest thing of all, no profile photo uploaded at all.

If you don’t have a profile section of your website, you really need to create one and this is a place where people can learn more about you. You don’t want a faceless silhouette on any of your online profiles.

Let’s talk about some things you can do.

Get a professional headshot, something with a lot of energy that’s taken by somebody who’s trained on how to use a camera.

Have a big authentic smile and an authentic smile is really important, it tends to come from the eyes.

Want to make sure that you’re the focus of the image and that the photo has good composition. As a rule of thumb, your head and shoulder should fill the frame but not square on. This isn’t a passport photo shot. Ideally, you’re exuding approachability.

In regards to clothing, look the part. What do you normally wear when you’re guiding, that is great to include in your photo. Choosing a photo that looks like you is important and avoid old photographs where you look different or maybe had different hairstyles or facial hair.

Keep the background as simple as possible and in your element is ideal. If you work outside as a tour guide, having an outside background is really nice.

Let’s quickly look at a few fabulous guide profile photos. This is Safari Mamma Kagiso from Safari Specialists. Look at that warm, radiant smile and energy that comes through the photo.

Here is Zel Letterman on Jerusalem two-day tour. You can see his photo has that energy. He’s in his element. He’s right there in Jerusalem.

Pedro is an intrepid leader in Brazil. Has just a wonderful shot of him genuinely smiling and laughing.

A couple of examples from Backroads Tours are Federica Vergano and Fabio Marzi, two friends of mine who work in Italy and look at those fabulous smiles. They’re in their element. These are wonderful, wonderful people, and their personality comes through their photographs.

There you have it. Take a look at your own profile photo. Follow these do’s and don’ts and before long you’ll have a profile photo that is taking the interwebs by storm.

In the comments below, let me know, do you have pet peeves when it comes to profile photos, do you have some advice that you’d like to share with the community. I’d love to hear from you.

Thanks so much for being here. Please share this video if you enjoyed it and I’ll see you next time.

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How to Take Travel Photos: A Complete Guide

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Travel photography is one of the most exciting types of photography you can pursue. Combining two of life’s great pleasures—exploring new lands and taking photographs—is a thrill any photographer would enjoy. 

While travel photography is open to anyone with the drive to get up and hit the road, there are a few things you need to learn. That’s why we’ve compiled this in-depth article containing everything you need to know about travel photography. We cover everything from camera settings to the best travel gear, so keep reading to find out more. 

Great pyramid at Chichen Itza, Yucatan Mexico

What Is Travel Photography

Travel photography is simply taking pictures of different places around the world. But good travel photos are not mere holiday snaps. Travel images should show a location in a new light so they’re interesting even for people who have already been there.

Travel photography involves many different styles and techniques. You can incorporate landscapes and portraits into your travel photography. You can even use more advanced techniques like time-lapse and long exposures.

A travel photographer needs to show more than the obvious. They need to explore each location at a deeper level and look for elements that make that place unique and interesting. It isn’t enough to take pictures of the famous landmarks. A travel photographer needs to look deeper and go beyond. 

Far-flung exotic locations often hold the most romance for travelers, but you don’t have to go far to practice travel photography. Venturing to new locations is always exciting, but you can also photograph places you’re familiar with. Using your familiarity to your advantage, you can give viewers a deeper view of these locations.

Anyone can shoot travel photography. The first thing you need is a desire to explore the world, which is something you probably already have. But continue reading for everything else you need to know about travel photography, from techniques to gear.

Mastering Travel Photography

While travel photography is open to anyone with an adventurous spirit, mastering the art does require practice, knowledge, and skill.

Firstly, you need to understand your camera and its settings. You might be tempted to take the easy road and shoot in Auto mode. But you’ll get far better results and more interesting and unique images when shooting with semi or fully manual settings. 

You should also experiment with composition, and you can try both color and black-and-white photography. These are stylistic choices that’ll give your travel photography a personal touch. You also have to consider specific types of travel photography so you’re ready for anything when you’re on the move. 

The following sections cover mastering the art of travel photography. Click the links in the text for more information on each topic. 

Camera Settings

When it comes to camera settings for travel photography, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, make sure your camera is set to the right aperture and shutter speed for the type of photo you want to take. You’ll also need to adjust your white balance and ISO as you move through different locations.

To learn more about camera settings for travel photography, check out camera settings for travel photography .

camera settings for travel photography

A travel photography shot list helps you plan and capture the best photos on your trip. Research the location thoroughly, including famous sights, experiences, geography, and lighting conditions. Look at existing travel photos for inspiration, but aim to create something unique.

Use a spreadsheet to organize your shots by day and time, considering factors like sunrise, sunset, and harsh midday light. Include a mix of portraits, environmental portraits, cityscapes, daily life moments, religious sites, festivals, food, transportation, landscapes, close-ups, architecture, night scenes, and wildlife.

Remember to be adaptable and respectful of local customs. With careful planning and a detailed shot list, you’ll be well-prepared to capture stunning travel photos that transport viewers to your destination. To learn more about creating a travel photography shot list , check out this in-depth guide.

travel photography shot list


Good travel photography composition captures the beauty and essence of a destination. Use the rule of thirds by placing important parts of your photo on the intersecting points of the grid. Or take advantage of symmetry by centering the axis of symmetry in one direction.

Direct attention with leading lines, using elements like paths or fences to guide the viewer’s eye to your subject. Frame spectacular views with windows or arches to provide context. You can also use bold colors to lead the eyes or balance the composition.

Change your perspective by moving around, kneeling, or shooting from a rooftop. Get close to fill the frame with your subject or step back to include surrounding context. Play with scale by including familiar elements like people to convey the impressive size of large spaces.

To learn more about travel photography composition , check out this in-depth guide.

travel photography composition

Black & White

Black-and-white travel photography can be a powerful way to capture the essence of a place. By removing color, you can focus on the light, shapes, and textures that make a scene unique.

Pay attention to contrast and tone in your black-and-white photos. Look for strong shadows and highlights that create depth and drama. Texture is also important in black-and-white photography, so seek out interesting surfaces like rough stone or smooth water.

Most importantly, use black-and-white photography to connect with your subject and tell a story. Whether it’s a portrait of a local person or a landscape that captures the mood of a place, aim to convey emotion in your images.

By developing your own style and vision, you can create compelling black-and-white travel photos that stand out. To learn more about black-and-white travel photography , check out this in-depth guide.

black and white travel photography

Unique Perspectives

Taking unique photos of famous places can be challenging, but with some creativity and planning, you can capture stunning images. Start by researching the location and scouting out potential spots for your shots. Arrive early to avoid crowds and take advantage of the soft, golden light.

Look for elevated views or unusual angles to create a different perspective. Use composition techniques like the rule of thirds to emphasize the landmark in an interesting way. Including people in your shots can add a sense of atmosphere and tell a story.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques like light trails or time-lapse photography . If you encounter photography restrictions, think outside the box and find creative solutions. To learn more about capturing unique photos of famous places , check out this in-depth guide.

unique photos

Documentary Photography

Documentary photography captures real-life events as they happen. It’s a form of visual storytelling that depicts the world around us. Documentary photographers often work on long-term projects to tell new stories through their images.

You don’t need to travel far to find good documentary photography ideas. Look for interesting subjects in your family or community. Focus on the people involved to help viewers connect with the story. You can also tackle big topics by photographing small, local stories related to them.

Visit and scout your locations before the shoot. Get comfortable with the basics of photography, like camera settings and composition. Keep your story personal and critique your work as you go.

If you want to learn more about documentary photography ideas , we have a detailed guide to help you get started.

documentary photography ideas

Train Photography

Train photography offers a diverse range of subjects, from historic steam engines to modern bullet trains. To capture excellent locomotive photos, research train routes and schedules to find the best locations and times. Use natural light to your advantage, with side or backlighting to highlight steam and texture.

Longer focal lengths can compress the scene and show the train in its surroundings. At stations, photograph details like wheels and logos to create atmosphere. Adjust shutter speed for sharp images or creative motion blur, and slightly overexpose for more detail.

For more insights on capturing stunning train photography , check out our full-length article.

train photography

Backing Up Photos

It is important to back up photos while traveling, and an external hard drive is a great option. They are compact, durable, and have large storage capacities.

Smartphones and tablets can also be used to manage photos on the go. With the right accessories, they can connect to external storage devices. This allows you to back up and edit your photos without a laptop.

For the best results, use multiple backup methods. This could include an external hard drive, a USB thumb drive, and cloud storage. By having multiple copies of your photos, you reduce the risk of losing them. If you want to learn how to back up photos , check out our in-depth article.

way to backup photos

Making Money from Travel Photography

Becoming a travel photographer takes hard work and dedication. You need to learn a wide range of photography skills for shooting everything from landscapes to portraits. Building a strong portfolio of your best travel images is key to attracting clients.

To get your name out there, create a travel website or blog to showcase your work. You can also sell your images on digital platforms like stock photography websites. Selling physical prints of your photos is another great option.

As you travel, look for photography work with local businesses, such as hostels or tourism boards. Capture great travel content and consider offering tours or workshops for extra income.

To learn more about how to become a travel photographer , check out this in-depth guide.

Travel Photography Jobs

Travel photography jobs can be an exciting and rewarding career path for those with a passion for photography and adventure. However, it’s important to understand the challenges that come with the job. You’ll need to have exceptional photography skills, business savvy, and the ability to handle tough physical conditions.

To succeed, you’ll need a strong online presence, including a professional website and active social media accounts. You’ll also need reliable gear that can withstand the demands of travel.

There are many ways to make money as a travel photographer, such as selling prints, licensing stock photos, writing for publications, and teaching. The key is diversifying your income streams and constantly looking for new opportunities. With hard work and creativity, finding paid travel photography jobs can be both fulfilling and profitable.

travel photography jobs

Get Paid to Travel

Getting paid to travel and take photos is a dream for many photographers. There are several ways to make this a reality. Selling prints of your travel photos through print-on-demand websites is one option. You can also upload your best images to stock photography agencies and earn passive income from sales.

Entering travel photography competitions is another way to earn money and gain prestige. Winning contests can help you promote your work and attract potential clients.

Building relationships with travel magazine editors can lead to regular paid assignments. Learn what they want and deliver high-quality photos to make their jobs easier. To further your success, get paid to travel and take photos by marketing your photography services to people who have the budget to hire you.

get paid to travel and take photos

Sell Travel Photos

Selling your travel photos can be a great way to make money with your photography. To get started, ensure you have high-quality, well-lit, and properly composed images. They should also be free of technical errors like chromatic aberration and noise.

There are many ways to sell your travel photos. You can sell them through stock photography agencies, directly to clients, or as prints. Each option has its own requirements and markets, so consider your goals before deciding which path to take.

Actively promoting your work is key to maximizing sales. Use social media, email lists, and other marketing strategies to reach potential buyers. If you’re working with a stock agency, ask them what types of images are in demand so you can plan your shoots accordingly.

Learning how to sell travel photos takes time and effort, but with persistence and a willingness to adapt, you can turn your passion into a profitable venture.

how to sell travel photos

Gear for Travel Photography

When packing for a travel photography trip, it’s important to bring the right gear. A lightweight and compact camera body is essential, along with one or two versatile lenses like a wide-angle and a medium telephoto lens.

Don’t forget a sturdy tripod that fits in your luggage for sharp shots in low light. Filters like a circular polarizer and strong ND filter are small but open up creative options when traveling.

Cleaning supplies, extra batteries, memory cards, and rain protection round out the must-haves. With the right travel photography gear , you’ll be ready to capture amazing images anywhere your adventures take you.

Traveling with Camera Gear

Traveling with camera gear can be challenging, but there are ways to make it easier and safer. Use padded cases to protect your equipment from bumps and knocks. A shoulder bag is a good option for keeping your camera close and secure while walking through busy areas.

Always carry your gear in your hand luggage when flying. Most airlines understand the importance of this and are lenient about the weight of your carry-on bag. To deter thieves, hide or remove any camera branding using black duct tape.

Insuring your gear is crucial in case of theft or damage. Take down all the serial numbers and make sure your equipment is fully covered. By following these tips for traveling with camera gear , you can have peace of mind and focus on capturing great photos during your travels.

travel with camera gear

External Hard Drives

An external hard drive is an essential accessory for travel photographers. Memory cards fill up fast when you’re traveling, and you don’t want to carry a bunch of them around with you. It’s best to take an external hard drive to keep all your photo files in one place.

You’ll need something durable yet compact, which is why we recommend the LaCie Rugged Mini for travelers. It’s an easy fit for any travel camera bag. You have storage options up to 5 TB, and it’s the most durable external hard drive on the market. 

See more of the best external hard drives in our full-length article.

LaCie Rugged Mini

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Cameras for Travel Photography

The Canon EOS RP is a great mirrorless camera for travel photography. It’s lightweight, easy to handle, and has a 26 MP full-frame sensor that captures high-quality images in any situation.

The camera’s autofocus system is fast and accurate, even in low light. It also offers eye-detection AF for portraits. The EOS RP can shoot 4K video and has convenient Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity.

This camera is ideal for most travel photography needs. If you want to learn more about the best travel cameras , check out our detailed guide.

Mirrorless Cameras

The best mirrorless cameras for travel are compact and lightweight, but still capture stunning photos and videos. Our top pick is the Nikon Z50 . It has a compact body that fits easily in any camera bag. The 20.9 MP sensor produces bright, vibrant images with excellent low-light performance.

The Z50 is also great for travel vlogging. It records 4K video at 30 fps and has an articulating screen for easy self-recording. Built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth make it simple to share your adventures with friends and family back home.

If you want to learn more about the best mirrorless cameras for travel , check out our in-depth guide. We cover a range of cameras for every type of traveler, from beginners to professionals.

mirrorless camera for travel

Compact Cameras

The Sony ZV-1 II is a pocket-sized camera packed with features for modern travelers. It has a high-resolution 20 MP sensor and a versatile 18-50mm zoom lens. The f/1.8-4 aperture provides solid low-light performance.

Vloggers love the ZV-1 II’s 4K video at 30 fps and the special Cinematic Vlog Setting. A built-in mic and wind muffler make capturing audio easy. Real-time AF with face and eye detection keeps subjects sharp.

The Sony ZV-1 II is the ideal compact camera for travel vlogging. It’s a worthwhile investment for creating exciting content abroad. But we have more options in the link above. 

compact camera for travel

Lenses for Travel Photography

The best travel lenses give you a wide focal range in a compact size. Zoom lenses like the Nikon AF-S DX 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6 are very popular. It has vibration reduction to reduce camera shake and improve low-light performance.

Prime lenses are another good option. They are usually smaller and lighter than zooms. The Canon EF-S 24mm f/2.8 STM is a great example. This pancake lens is ultra-compact but still gives you a versatile focal length.

When choosing the best travel lens , think about the size, weight, and focal length. You want a lens that is easy to carry but still gives you plenty of options. The lenses on this list are all fantastic choices for your next adventure.

Canon Lenses

The best Canon lenses for travel photography are lightweight, versatile, and capture stunning images. Our top picks are the Canon RF 50mm f/1.8 STM and Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM . These nifty-fifty lenses are compact, affordable, and great in low light.

Other top choices include the Canon RF 24-105mm f/4-7.1 IS STM for its wide zoom range and the Canon RF 16mm f/2.8 STM for landscapes. The Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM is a popular all-in-one zoom for DSLR users. It has a constant f/4 aperture and weather sealing.

No matter your camera type, there’s a perfect travel lens for you. Look for a lens that’s light, has a useful focal range, and fits your budget. Canon lenses for travel photography help you capture amazing images around the world.

Canon RF 50mm F/1.8 STM

Nikon Lenses

The Nikon Z 50mm f/1.8 S and Nikon AF-S 50mm f/1.8G are the best Nikon lenses for travel photography. The Z 50mm f/1.8 S offers sharp images and a durable build. It’s great for low light with its f/1.8 aperture.

The AF-S 50mm f/1.8G is compact and lightweight. It also performs well in low light. The 50mm focal length is perfect for street scenes and portraits.

Both lenses are very popular with travel photographers. If you want to learn more about Nikon lenses for travel photography , we have a detailed guide that covers the best options for Nikon mirrorless and DSLR cameras.

Nikon NIKKOR Z 50mm F/1.8 S

Sony Lenses

When choosing the best Sony lenses for travel photography, consider weight, versatility, and image quality. Our top pick is the Sony E 18-105mm f/4 G OSS PZ , offering a wide zoom range, constant f/4 aperture, and effective optical stabilization in a compact design.

For APS-C cameras, the Sony E 35mm f/1.8 OSS is a great low-light prime lens. Its wide f/1.8 aperture and built-in stabilization help capture sharp images in dim settings. The Sony FE 50mm f/1.8 is an affordable and versatile prime for full-frame cameras, ideal for portraits and everyday shots.

Other notable lenses include the Sony FE 24-105mm f/4 G OSS for its all-in-one zoom capabilities and the Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 DC DN | C for its fast aperture and compact size. To learn more about the best Sony lenses for travel photography , check out our in-depth guide.

Sony E 18-105mm F/4 G OSS PZ SELP18105G

Travel Tripods

A travel tripod is a must-have for any photographer on the go. The best travel tripods are lightweight, compact, and easy to set up. They also need to be sturdy enough to support your camera gear.

Our top pick is the K&F Concept Lightweight Travel Tripod . It weighs only 2.4 lb but can hold up to 17.6 lb of gear. The aluminum ball head gives you great flexibility for positioning your camera. And the included carry case makes it easy to take with you anywhere.

If you want to learn more about choosing the right travel tripod , check out our detailed guide. It covers everything from key features to look for to our top recommendations in different price ranges.

K&F Concept Lightweight Travel Tripod

Travel Camera Backpacks

When choosing a camera backpack for travel, protection and comfort are key. The best bags are well-designed, roomy, and easy to carry.

Our top pick is the Manfrotto PRO Light Multiloader . It’s sturdy, spacious, and versatile. You can use it as a backpack, duffel, or sling. And it has access from the front and both sides.

The Wandrd Duo Daypack is another great option. It’s made from quality materials that protect your gear from the weather. It has ample storage and the main zipper allows quick access to your camera.

If you want to learn more about the best camera backpack for travel , check out our detailed reviews. We’ll help you find the perfect bag for your next adventure.

Manfrotto PRO Light Multiloader Backpack

Manfrotto PRO Light Multiloader

The Manfrotto PRO Light Multiloader Camera Backpack is a top choice for photographers. It has a sturdy design and plenty of space for your gear.

The backpack is comfortable to wear, even when fully loaded. You can easily adjust it to fit your body.

This bag is perfect for any photography adventure. It’s a worthwhile investment for serious photographers looking for a reliable way to carry their equipment. To learn more about the Manfrotto Pro Light Multiloader, check out our full review .

manfrotto pro light multiloader

Think Tank Airport Essentials

The Think Tank Airport Essentials is a camera backpack specifically designed for air travel. It has a smart design, useful features, and fits as carry-on luggage.

This backpack offers secure storage with an efficient use of space and a special lock. The lifetime warranty makes it a one-time investment for years of use.

While it lacks some versatility found in other bags, the Airport Essentials excels at storage capacity, protection, and style. Photographers who want a Think Tank Airport Essentials for their travels will find this bag a great choice.

think tank airport essentials

Weatherproof Backpacks

Protecting your camera gear from the elements is essential. Weatherproof camera bags offer peace of mind when shooting in unpredictable conditions. They feature robust materials and coatings that keep water out, even in sudden downpours.

Our top picks, the Wandrd Prvke , Wandrd Duo , and Lowepro Freeline , have impressive exterior materials that don’t need a separate rain cover. The Prvke’s roll-top design is commonly used in waterproof bags, while the Duo and Freeline include waterproof zippers to secure even the weakest points.

When choosing a weatherproof camera bag , consider not only its water-resistant abilities but also its functionality for your photography style. Look for features like easy access points, ample storage, and comfortable carrying options that suit your needs.

Wandrd Prvke Backpack

A camera hard case is the best way to protect your photography gear while traveling. The Pelican Air 1525 is our top choice, with its tough exterior and foam-padded interior that keeps your equipment safe and secure. It’s spacious enough for your camera and accessories without being too bulky.

The Vanguard Supreme 46F is another excellent option, especially for adventure travel. It’s waterproof down to 16.5 ft (5 m) and can withstand temperatures as low as -40 C. The customizable Pick ‘n’ Pluck foam interior ensures a snug fit for each item.

For convenience, the Nanuk 935 is hard to beat. Its retractable handle and wheels make transportation a breeze, while the padded dividers keep your gear organized and protected. If you’re looking for a camera hard case that combines durability and ease of use, the Nanuk 935 is a great choice.

Pelican Air 1525 Carry Case

Travel Apps

Travel apps can make your photography adventures easier and more enjoyable. Snapseed is a powerful photo editor with a wide range of tools, from basic adjustments to creative effects. It’s free and available on both iOS and Android.

VSCO is another popular editing app that offers a simple, streamlined experience. Its presets are based on real film stocks, giving your photos an authentic vintage look. You can also use sliders to fine-tune the exposure and add fade or grain effects.

When you’re ready to share your travel photos, consider using Spot. This app helps you find picturesque locations and share your own discoveries with other photographers. With detailed maps and tips, it’s one of the best apps for travel photography .

Editing Travel Photos

Editing your travel photos can take them to the next level. There are many techniques you can use to improve your images, from simple adjustments to more advanced processes.

Cropping is a quick way to remove unwanted elements or zoom in on important parts of the photo. Sharpening will make details pop, while noise reduction can clean up high ISO shots. Straightening the horizon line is also important for a polished look.

Other useful techniques include adding a vignette to draw the eye, adjusting saturation and contrast, balancing highlights and shadows, and using digital blending for challenging lighting. For an extra level of refinement, you can even remove unwanted objects.

With practice, you’ll learn which editing steps work best for your travel images. Check out our in-depth guide if you’d like to dive deeper into editing travel photos .

Location Guides

Whenever you’re heading off somewhere new, it’s always best to do some research before you go. Your preparations will be more thorough and more specialized when you have a better idea of what to expect. That means you can hit the ground running when you arrive, and you’ll get better results. 

We have a collection of location guides for some travel photography hot spots. These posts give you a head start when taking pictures in these locations, helping you get unique shots in popular places. 

Let’s drop in on a few of the hottest locations in Europe, Asia, and the US. 

European Cities

Europe is a photographer’s dream, with its stunning architecture, charming villages, and beautiful countryside. From the centuries-old buildings to the cobblestone streets, there’s no shortage of photo opportunities.

Some of the best European cities for photography include Amalfi, Italy, with its medieval stories and dainty houses; Venice, Italy, known for its canals and seafood; and Dubrovnik, Croatia, a seaside location with picturesque houses and Game of Thrones filming locations.

Other notable cities include Prague, Czech Republic, with its historic buildings and Gothic churches; Oia, Greece, with its stunning white buildings and sunsets; and Amsterdam, Netherlands, full of incredible art and historical monuments.

Whether you’re interested in architecture, landscapes, or street photography, these European cities offer endless inspiration. To learn more about the European cities for photography , check out this in-depth guide.

european cities for photography

Paris is a photographer’s dream, offering countless opportunities to capture stunning images. From the iconic Eiffel Tower to the charming streets of Montmartre, there’s no shortage of beautiful subjects to photograph.

One of the best spots for photography in Paris is the Trocadero, which offers a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower. The Champs Elysee and Arc de Triomphe are also must-see locations, with the latter providing a great vantage point for capturing the city’s skyline.

Other notable photo locations include the Louvre, with its striking glass pyramid, and Notre Dame Cathedral, which offers both interior and exterior photo opportunities. It’s still striking even after the fire damage. 

For a taste of modern Paris, head to La Defense, the city’s business district filled with skyscrapers and unique architecture.

To learn more about Paris photography , check out this in-depth guide that covers the best locations, tips, and techniques for capturing the city’s beauty.

paris photography

London offers plenty of photography opportunities, from cityscapes to street photography and architecture. Some of the best locations include the Palace of Westminster, where you can capture iconic photos from Westminster Bridge or the south bank of the Thames. Tower Bridge is another well-known site, offering great angles for traffic light trails and sunrise photos.

The London Eye is a newer addition to the skyline, perfect for creative shots like zoom bursts or portraits inside the capsules. Don’t miss the photogenic wrought iron roof at Borough Market or the beautiful exterior of St Paul’s Cathedral.

For stunning views, head to The Shard, the highest skyscraper in the European Union. Buckingham Palace is a must-see, especially during the Changing of the Guard ceremony. If you’re interested in photography in London , these locations are sure to inspire you.

photography in london

Rome is a photographer’s dream, with stunning architecture, rich history, and vibrant culture around every corner. From the iconic Colosseum to the beautiful Trevi Fountain, there are countless opportunities to capture breathtaking images.

Don’t miss the Vatican Museum, where you can photograph the famous spiral staircase. The Pantheon’s exterior and interior are equally impressive, especially during the blue hour. St. Peter’s Basilica offers great views of the city and a chance to capture the Pope if you’re lucky.

The Tiber River provides picturesque views, particularly from Ponte Sant’Angelo towards St. Peter’s Basilica. Piazza Navona and Piazza del Popolo are perfect for street photography and capturing traditional Roman scenes. To learn more about the best spots for Rome photography , check out this in-depth guide.

rome photography

Venice is a photographer’s dream, offering endless opportunities to capture its unique beauty. The best time to avoid crowds and oppressive heat is during the low season or early morning. Sunrise at Academia Bridge provides a stunning view of the Grand Canal, while Piazza San Marco is best photographed before tourists arrive.

Don’t miss the iconic gondolas along the waterfront near Piazza San Marco, especially during sunset and blue hour. For a different perspective, head to San Giorgio Maggiore island to photograph the church and Venice’s skyline at golden hour.

Explore the backstreets of San Polo and Dorsoduro districts for charming piazzas, decaying architecture, and canal scenes. Murano and Burano islands offer colorful buildings and glassmaking demonstrations perfect for photography. To learn more about Venice photography , check out this in-depth guide.

venice photography

Budapest is another fantastic city for photographers, offering endless opportunities to capture stunning images. From the grand architecture of the Hungarian Parliament Building to the thermal baths of Széchenyi, there’s no shortage of photogenic spots in this beautiful city.

One of the best places to start is the Fisherman’s Bastion, a neo-Gothic terrace with breathtaking views of the Danube River and the Pest side of the city. Nearby, you’ll find Matthias Church, a stunning example of neo-Gothic architecture that’s perfect for capturing intricate details and beautiful stained glass windows.

For panoramic views of the city, head to Gellért Hill, where you can capture the entire skyline from the Citadella fortress. And don’t miss the iconic Chain Bridge, which looks particularly stunning at night when it’s lit up against the dark sky. To learn more about the best spots for Budapest photography , check out this in-depth guide.

budapest photography

Japan is a brilliant destination for a photography trip. From stunning landscapes to interesting architecture and fascinating culture, there’s no shortage of inspiration for your travel photography.

Capture the vibrant cityscape of Minato, one of Tokyo’s special wards. Improve your food photography skills at Japan’s many cafés and restaurants, where every dish looks like a work of art. Take adorable photos of tame deer in Nara Park or sharpen your landscape photography in Hakone, with its hot springs, views of Mount Fuji, and gorgeous lake.

Don’t miss the breathtaking cherry blossoms in Japan’s parks during the Sakura season, usually from January to April. Visit the magical Blue Pond in Biei, go on an adventure in Kyoto’s Bamboo Grove, or document the commercial side of Japan in Shinjuku. For more inspiration on Japan photography , check out our in-depth guide.

japan photography

Tokyo is one of the world’s most vibrant locations, offering a diverse range of subjects to capture. From the bustling streets of Shinjuku and Shibuya to the traditional temples of Asakusa, there’s no shortage of incredible hot spots to explore.

For those seeking modern architecture and vibrant city life, the Tokyo Skytree and Roppongi Hills Mori Tower provide stunning views of the skyline. Harajuku, the heart of Tokyo’s youth culture, is perfect for street photography and capturing unique fashion trends.

If you’re interested in learning more about Tokyo photography , check out our in-depth article to help you plan your trip and find the best spots to shoot. With its mix of old and new, Tokyo is a city that will inspire and challenge you as a photographer.

tokyo photography

Etiquette in Japan

When taking photos in Japan, it’s important to be respectful and follow proper etiquette. Always ask for permission before taking someone’s photo, especially if you plan to share it publicly. If you can’t get permission, blur the person’s face to protect their privacy.

Be prepared to show your photos to the police if asked, and avoid using selfie sticks in crowded areas to prevent injuries. In cafés and restaurants, ask the staff for permission before taking photos of your meal.

At night, skip the flash and use a higher ISO and tripod to capture vibrant neon lights. Avoid taking photos in no-photo areas, of children without parental consent, geishas, people on public transport, and those in the middle of prayer. For more tips on photography in Japan , check out this in-depth guide.

photography in japan

Los Angeles

Los Angeles is a street photographer’s paradise. From the colorful Venice Beach boardwalk to the iconic Griffith Observatory, there are endless opportunities to capture the city’s unique character.

The Santa Monica Pier is a must-visit spot, especially in the evening when the lights come on. Echo Park offers stunning views of the skyline, particularly at sunrise or sunset.

Downtown LA is full of hidden gems like the Bradbury Building with its intricate architecture and the bustling Grand Central Market. For a taste of old Hollywood glamor, head to Union Station or the Hollywood Bowl Overlook. Places for street photography in Los Angeles are as diverse as the city itself, so grab your camera and start exploring.

places for street photography in los angeles

New York City remains one of the most popular locations for photographers, with countless iconic locations to capture. Central Park offers a variety of scenes, from the Bethesda Terrace and Fountain to the Alice in Wonderland statue. The Brooklyn Bridge is another must-see, with its stunning suspension cables and brick towers.

Grand Central Station and the Chelsea Market are great for street photography and architectural details. Rockefeller Center provides both street-level interest and panoramic views from its observation deck.

Of course, no trip to New York would be complete without photographing the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty. For breathtaking cityscapes, head to Brooklyn Bridge Park or find a unique vantage point to capture the Manhattan skyline. Don’t miss the Flatiron Building and the vibrant energy of Times Square.

To learn more about the best spots for New York photography , check out our in-depth guide.

new york photography

Photography Road Trip

Planning a road trip for photography involves choosing the right vehicle, deciding on accommodation, and mapping out your route. Your vehicle should be safe, comfortable, and suitable for the terrain you’ll encounter. Living out of your vehicle, like an RV or camper van, allows you to stay closer to photo locations and immerse yourself in nature.

When planning your route, prioritize the locations you want to photograph. Research potential spots using apps and websites like Pinterest, 500px, Flickr, and Google’s My Maps. Plot your route, campgrounds, points of interest, and photo locations to make the most of your trip.

Electricity is essential for photographers on the road. Ensure you have reliable power sources, such as a dual battery system, solar panels, or a 12v inverter. Always carry a power bank as a backup. To stay connected, use local SIM cards with data or take advantage of Wi-Fi at cafes and fast food outlets.

By planning your shots in advance and considering factors like lighting, crowds, and unique perspectives, you can capture stunning images that tell the story of your road trip photography adventure.

road trip photography

Inspiration from the Best Travel Photographers

Travel photography captures the adventures and locations you visit during your journeys. It involves many genres like landscape, architecture, street, and environmental photography. Travel photographers often tell stories through their images, focusing on special moments and atmospheres.

There are many approaches to travel photography. You can focus on people, take self-portraits, emphasize landscapes, or try aerial photography. Mixing these approaches can result in a unique style and help you gain recognition as a travel photographer.

If you’d like to learn more about travel photographers , we have an article that goes into greater depth on the topic.

Travel Blogs

Travel photography blogs are a great source of inspiration for your next adventure. They feature stunning images from around the world and provide useful tips for capturing your own travel photos.

Some of the best travel photography blogs cover a wide range of topics, from destination guides to photography tutorials. They showcase the work of talented photographers who have explored every corner of the globe.

Whether you’re planning your next trip or simply looking for some armchair travel, these blogs are sure to inspire you. To discover some of the best travel photography blogs to follow in 2024, check out this list of top picks.

travel photography blogs

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Denali Photo Guides

Unique Photography Excursions in Denali, Alaska

"Best excursion of my trip to Alaska" - Guest Review

Explore Alaska on a 5-Star Photography Tour

Capture the majesty of Alaska with your personal guide. Whether you are a beginner or seasoned pro we will help you get the most out of your camera and take you to the best locations Denali has to offer.

Denali Photo Excursion

These photo tours offer exquisite light on the Alaska Range, potential for reflection shots over mountain lakes, and optimal lighting on Mt. Denali when visible.

  • Most Popular Tour

Midnight Sun Photo Excursion

Experience the thrill of chasing the Midnight Sun!

Learn to photograph the dramatic sunset colors in Denali and revel in the prolonged golden hour.

Backcountry Photo Excursion

Discover true wilderness and capture epic vistas of endless mountains!

Only 20% of the entire state of Alaska is accessible by road, so why not fly?

5-Star Rating on TripAdvisor

Good Reflections shot Denali Range

"Terry & Eva are both so helpful and knowledgeable. With their help I got a pile of amazing landscape photos, including numerous pond/lake reflections. They helped me get my settings on my dslr correct while also helping a couple get great photos with their iPhones."

Snowy peeks in Denali

"Over the years I have taken several photography tours but is the best one that I have taken. Eva did a wonderful job getting us to great spots. She helped me get comfortable with shooting not on the auto mode. If back in Denali, I will book with them again."

Amber fields in the Denali range

"After many years, I finally learned what all the buttons on my SLR do, and how to use them! My tour was with Todd, who was very encouraging and helpful. He also helped me and my friend to compose better photos with our IPhones. It was a fantastic easy to spend our first afternoon, after arriving by train from Fairbanks. We had stellar weather, sky’s was crystal clear, so Todd took just a little extra time at the end of the tour, to drive us to a site where we could take beautiful shots of Denali. I am so happy that I did this tour, and it helped me take much better pictures ever since."

Stream, forest and mountains in the background

"Using this knowledge he was able to take us to the best views for both landscape and wildlife. His teaching skills and expertise in photography helped each of us to become better photographers and to bring home a portfolio of captivating pictures of the Denali area."

Denali Peeks reflecting in a lake

"Being part of a small group of guests (4 + Eva) made the event more relaxed and focused. Eva allowed us all the time we wanted, provided insights in using our equipment and was very personable. I would highly recommend this tour regardless of your photography expertise."

A bird's eye view of a snowy mountain range

"Todd was so helpful, showing me the finer points of using my camera to take awesome shots of flowers, landscapes, and wildlife. Appreciated the small group, personal experience. I would do it again if I return to Denali! Was definitely worth the money and time!"

White mountains under a pink sky

"The locations were amazing and I brought home not just some terrific photographs but also a renewed enthusiasm for photography. That much is priceless."

Denali Photo Guides

Take home awe-inspiring photographs of Alaska! 

Learn to photograph the majesty of the Alaskan landscape with a maximum of 4 participants per tour. Our top-rated local photography guides will be your location scout, driver, and instructor – seeking out the best locations and the most dramatic lighting.

Our tours are designed to benefit all skill levels with any type of camera (smart-phones welcome). You’ll enjoy the luxury of being able to capture your photos at a pace that is comfortable for you.

  • Beginners will learn techniques to get more out of their equipment and how to photograph Alaska’s stunning scenery and wildlife in a way that “does it justice.”
  • Advanced photographers will enjoy the luxury of being driven to the best locations without having to rent a car or trying to scout the vast and unfamiliar landscape.

Professional tripods and filters provided. Digital cameras with long zoom lenses are available to rent for use on any of our photo tours, and you keep the memory card.

Become familiar with your own camera and learn techniques to truly capture your trip of a lifetime .

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We honor and acknowledge denali as the homeland of alaska native people, and we are thankful to be in such an inspiring place..

Alaska Native peoples have used Denali, the highest peak in North America, as a landmark for millennia. At 20,310 feet above sea level, the peak can be seen from hundreds of miles away on a clear day. Several Alaska Native groups have their own names for the mountain. The Koyukon Athabascans, who live closest to it, called it “Denali”, which means “the great one”. The area in and around Denali comprises part of the aboriginal homeland of five Northern Athabascan groups—Dena’ina, Koyukon, Lower Tanana, Upper Kuskokwim, and Western Ahtna. The affiliation of five Native groups with one national park is unique and illustrates the rich and diverse cultural heritage of the Denali area.


We offer vehicle tours, hiking tours, and custom-designed tours including overnight camping and special photographic tours through Monument Valley and nearby Mystery Valley. For our vehicle tours we use comfortable 4 x 4 enclosed vehicles for smaller groups. Depending on your available time, you can choose from the following tours:

John Ford Point Tour

John Ford Point Tour

tour guide photo

Navajo Culture Tour

tour guide photo

Half Day Tour

tour guide photo

Monument Valley Sunrise Tour

tour guide photo

Monument Valley Evening Tour

tour guide photo

Mystery Valley Evening Tour

tour guide photo

Night Photography Tour

Photo Guide Service

Guiding serious photographers is one of our specialties. We have worked with many professional photographers and know the changing light of Monument Valley like no one else. A custom guided photographic tour with our photo guides is the best way to realize the full photographic potential of this spectacular and legendary landscape.

For sunrise photos of the Totem Pole, we leave the Visitor Center an hour before sunrise. After sunrise, we then move on to one of three sand dune locations, and depending on available time we might visit two arches. Of course, 4 hours is not enough to exhaust the photographic possibilities of Monument Valley, but this is our shortest tour.

For an all-day photo experience, Our photo guides will take you out 4 hours in the morning and again for 4 hours in the evening. This leaves time in the middle of the day for lunch, napping or sightseeing. For the morning and evening, sunrise-sunset tour, $250 per person.

Custom Group Tours

We enjoy creating custom tours for groups of all sizes. We have also organized very successful workshops for photo groups. Tour operators and organizers should contact us directly with your needs.

Things to Remember

  • - We operate on daylight savings time. Utah time, not Arizona time.
  • - We start all of our tours from the Visitor's Center in Monument Valley.
  • - We have no set time for our tours. You get to set the time for your tour.
  • - Highway 163 runs north and south through Monument Valley. 1/4 mile north of Arizona, Utah state line there is an intersection. Turn East. Go 4 miles and you are at the Visitor's Center. There is a $5.00 per person Entrance Fee. This is a Navajo Tribal park, not a National Park. In the parking lot there is an information booth. At the booth ask for Carlos Phillips, Carl Phillips or Ray Begay. We work together.

To Book Your Tour

The easiest way to book your tour of Monument Valley is to call us - at 928 429-0665 or 928 429-0040. We delight in tailoring your Monument Valley tour to your particular interests and needs. In a sense, every Phillips' Photography Tours is a custom tour.

If you would like to arrange a special photo tour, or multi-day tour, or a tour for a large group, it is always a good idea to contact us well in advance. Monument Valley is still a rugged, rural location, almost a wilderness, with only sketchy phone service, and reliable email. So please call us at.

The cellular phone service has good days and bad days, so you might have to call more than once. However, our voice mail system is very dependable, so you can leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible. You can always write us (at the address below) or use our contact form and we will get back in touch with you.

tour guide photo

Partners that we recommend!

Visit our monument valley partners for the best and most recommended services while visiting us.

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Tourists riding bicycles listen to a tour-guide at the Sant Jaume square on August 5, 2017 in Barcelona. / AFP PHOTO / Josep LAGO


tour guide photo

Who are Capture the Atlas Photo Tours for?

Capture the Atlas photo tours are aimed at photographers of all levels who are eager and curious to discover new places, improve their photography skills, and share unforgettable moments with a group of like-minded people.

We always try to understand each  participant’s goals and expectations , and give our most honest advice about the decision of joining or not. As we said, the skills don’t matter, but it’s important to be   willing to photograph, learn, and share. That way, we can make sure we are all on the same page and have the best possible experience during the tour.

Our photo tours are for you if:

  • You don’t mind waking up  early for shooting a beautiful sunrise.
  • Staying until late to chase the Northern Lights or the stars.
  • Bear unpleasant conditions like wind, snow or rain in order to capture a unique shot.
  • You are curious about discovering new places and learning new things.
  • You like sharing experiences with other like-minded people.

As you can see, our tours are not for everyone, but if you are in tune with these values, take for granted that you’ll enjoy a lifetime experience!

General Photography Tour Questions

Do i need expert photography skills to join one of your photo tours.

Not at all.

Our Photo tours are attended from casual hobbyists to seasoned pros.

The learning curve of each person is different, but we make sure that everyone can take something from our Tours; From getting started with photography to a more in-depth guidance about how to improve your vision or how to hone your processing skills to the next level.

Everyone brings their own experience and vision to the table and you won’t only benefit from the instructor-participant experience but also from the general group knowledge.

Is there any age limit to join a Photo tour?

There is no age limit to join a Capture the atlas Photo tour.

Every trip is different, but the ability to follow our Photography workshops is determined more by the general physical conditions than by the age.

In certain trips, adults above 70 years old might be required a medical physical examination.

All participants must be of legal age.

Is there a minimum physical fitness required?

A minimum physical fitness level is required to walk short distances up to a mile, carry your own gear and to get on and off vehicles.

There will be no strenuous or long hikes during the Photo tour unless mentioned.

Whenever there is a longer or more strenuous hike, this will be voluntarily and there will always be an option b for those who can’t or doesn’t feel like taking it.

What gear should I take to the Photography Tour?

The basic gear we recommend in any photo tour is:

  • DSLR or mirrorless camera and remote trigger.
  • Wide-angle lens, such as 14-24 mm.
  • Medium zoom lens, such as 24-70 mm.
  • Telephoto lens, like a 70-200 mm lens.
  • A sturdy tripod made of aluminum or carbon fiber and a ballhead.
  • Photography filters if you like taking long exposures.
  • Headlamp for shooting at night and in low-light conditions.
  • Extra batteries and memory cards for the whole trip.
  • Laptop, in case you want to edit and practice post-processing skills.

There will be an in-depth list of the best gear for the specific Photo Tour with our Welcome kit. You may also be interested in this guide where you can dive deeper into the best  photography equipment for traveling.

What clothes should I take to the tour?

Our advice is to wear always light and comfortable clothes.

We are photographing outdoors most of the times and constantly exposed to the elements, so we don’t recommend wearing jeans or heavy cotton clothes.

A good reference to be comfortable is to dress in layers , especially in places with cold conditions.

Layered clothing consists of using many thin and warm layers instead of a few thick layers. This has two advantages: 1) A better insulation and 2) more comfortability since you can always strip off layers if you are walking or if the temperature rises.

The number of layers and clothing will depend on the general conditions of each tour, but you’ll receive the guidelines with our advice inside our welcome kit.

Can I bring my drone to the Photo Tour?

In Capture the Atlas we are drone friendly.

Some of our destinations, like Kamchatka, are paradise to fly the drone with hardly any restrictions or people.

However, we do not take responsibility for your drone in case of an accident or a fine if you fly it in restricted areas under your responsibility.

How much free time is there on a Photo tour?

Photo tours are usually very intense, spending most of the time shooting and moving from one location to another.

Some of the free time is also filled with post-processing lessons. This way, we can make sure that everyone can enjoy a memorable photography workshop.

However, if you feel like skipping a sunrise, a night photography session or the processing lessons, it’s perfectly fine. Simply make sure that you are ready at the meeting points when we need to move to a different place.

If you want to explore the start and finish cities or doing some tourism, we recommend to allow extra time before or after the tour.

Can I join just for some part of the Photo Tour?

Unfortunately, we don’t offer the possibility of joining just for some part of the tour.

Whoever joins, must do it for the whole tour, with no reimbursement in case he/she decides to leave the tour earlier.

What is included and not included in the photography workshop price?

Since every Photo Tour is different, this will be listed in each Photo Tour’s page.

Generally, our tours include / don’t include:

  • Pick up at the airport
  • Transportation during the trip
  • Fuel and parking fees
  • Accommodation in shared rooms, single beds
  • Photo guide services
  • Driver for the entire itinerary


  • Flights to/from the airport
  • Accommodation in single rooms (There will be an extra)
  • Entry to different attractions (unless mentioned)
  • Health/travel insurance (We can help you purchase the best travel insurance according to your needs)
  • Telephone, personal expenses, tips etc. and any other service not mentioned in the “INCLUDED” section.

However, and as mentioned above, this may vary from one Photo Tour to another, so please make sure to check the specific page of each Photo tour.

Groups and Photo Tour Leaders

How big are the groups in your photography tours.

We prefer organizing our Photo tours in small groups to increase our attention and provide a bespoke assistance to each participant considering his/her skills and goals.

Our groups range from 6 to 12 people depending on the destination and type of trip.

How many Photo tour leaders will be guiding the Photo Tour?

There is a maximum ratio of 6 people per Photo Tour leader. Our average ratio is 4 people per instructor, but this will also depend on the Photo tour.

Will I know who is the photographer leader before the Photo Tour?

The Photo Tour leader/leaders will be announced in the specific Photo Tour page before the Tour.

Will the Photo tour leader help us with our photography during the tour?

At Capture the Atlas, Photo Tour leaders will be available 24/7 for you, whether it is for helping with your photography or for any other thing related to the Tour.

Photo Tour leaders will share their knowledge and vision with you, always challenging your photography creative process disregarding your skills and experience.

We believe that in each destination and scene there is a new challenge for everyone, so we strongly believe in sharing and growing during the days that we will spend together.

Is the tour conducted in English?

Yes, our tours are aimed at international participants and are conducted in English. We are also Spanish-speakers and Dan can also speak Italian in case you are more comfortable speaking in any of those languages.

Can my non-photographer significant other/friend join the Photo Tour?

We welcome non-photographer partners and friends to join our tours but always make a reminder: These are Photography tours where photography is the first goal and we prioritize the time for photography.

This usually means waking up before sunrise, staying until late if there are good shooting conditions, having lunch later than usual and other flexible conditions that are understandably linked to the nature of a Photography Tour. If your partner/friend is fine with that, he/she can sign up with you.

Accommodation during the tour

How is the accommodation during the photo tour.

This will depend entirely on the Photo Tour. Our goal is to provide with quality accommodation trying to offer two single beds in a shared room with private bathroom.

This is not always possible since some accommodation services are located in remote locations where we might be sharing the bathroom or even sleeping in tents, like in Kamchatka.

You can find the accommodation information for the trip in the specific Photo Tour page. If you have any additional questions feel free to reach out to us.

Do I need to pay extra for a single room if I am traveling by my own?

If you are coming solo, you will be assigned a shared room with another participant.

In some tours we can offer the possibility of a private single room for an extra amount, but please consider that this is not always possible.

Is there going to be a private bathroom in the room?

If there is a possibility of having a private bathroom in the room we will always go for this option.

However, in some accommodations like the wooden cabin houses in the Lofoten islands or some remote locations in Iceland, the bathroom will be shared by more people.

We will always provide this information in advance in the specific Photography workshop page.

Transportation during the photo tour

What type of ground transportation you use in your photo tours.

Depending on the Tour and the number of participants the transportation can vary from a large car to a passenger car or even bigger vehicles like the 8WD Kamaz in remote places like Kamchatka.

Our goal is that you can travel safe and as comfortable as possible during the entire Photo Tour.

Can I charge my camera/phone during  displacements?

Yes, we recommend bringing a USB battery charger to charge your camera batteries during the Photo Tour.

Diets & Meals during the photography workshop

Are meals included in the photo tour.

In most photography tours, meals will not be included. However, check the INCLUDED / NOT INCLUDED section of the particular photo trip.

Which type of restaurants are we going to?

We consider always the best options in each destination in terms of local and natural products, good quality-price, and general positive reviews.

Do you consider vegetarian options?

We always consider vegetarian options. Please let us know if you are vegetarian/vegan before the Tour so we can include more options.

Do you consider Celiac and other food allergies/diseases?

Of course. If you need to follow a gluten-free diet or have any specific allergy or food disease, please let us know before the Tour so we can adapt. There will be a specific section in the Photo Tour registration form about this.

Please consider that during our photo expeditions in some remote locations, it might be more difficult to find a variety of vegan or gluten-free options, so in these cases, we recommend that you carry some dried or canned food in case there are no options available.

Editing/Processing lessons & Photography Activities

Are post processing lessons included.

Post processing lessons will be included according to the instructions provided in each photo tour page.

In some places these will be adjusted to the weather, having the lessons when conditions are bad or hazardous to be shooting outside.

Which topics do you cover during your post-processing lessons?

We cover everything from the basics in the editing to advanced post processing techniques like Bracketing, focus stacking, focal blending, advanced color theory, etc.

We also cover the vision, something that usually goes overlooked in landscape photography and is key to develop our own artistic voice.

Do I need to take my own laptop?

Taking your own laptop to the Tour is a personal choice. It can help you follow some of the processing lessons and practicing with us during the free time.

Do you have any other photography activities included in the Tours?

In some Photo Tours there will be some room for other photography activities like photography talks, group constructive criticism, photography contests etc.

We strongly believe on fun ways of sharing and learning together.

Photo tours bookings, payments, and cancellations

What forms of payment do you accept.

We accept payments by credit card, bank wire transfer, Paypal, check, and Venmo/Zelle (for the USA).

What is the payment policy for your photography tours?

  • To reserve your spot, a deposit per participant is required at the time of registration. The deposit amount will depend on the Photo Tour; Some Photo Tours may require a higher additional deposit due to advance booking or transportation requirements.
  • Final Payment in FULL is required between 120 and 90 days before departure depending on the Photo Tour.
  • Payment in full is required when registration is completed less than 90 days before the departure date.

Do I need to book my Photography Tour in advance?

Our advice is always Yes. We can’t provide an estimation of when a Photo Tour will be filled; Sometimes it’s a matter of days while others there might be spots available for a longer period of time. We can’t predict group bookings either, so even if there are 4 or 5 spots available they can be filled overnight.

For that reason, we always recommend booking your spot as soon as possible and consider the option of purchasing cancel trip insurance in case you can’t attend the photo workshop for any reason.

What is the cancelation policy for your photo tours?

120 days or more before departure.

If your spot is filled by another participant, we’ll refund your deposit minus payment processing fees and $100 administrative fee.

If we cannot fill your spot, a $300 cancellation fee will apply, plus any additional costs incurred, as well as any fees that are charged by the suppliers providing the services included in the photo tour such as hotels, transportation, tours and others.


If your spot is filled by another participant, we will refund your deposit minus payment processing fees and $100 administrative fee.

If we cannot fill your spot, a $500 cancellation fee will apply, plus any additional costs incurred, as well as fees, if applicable, that are charged by the suppliers providing the services included in the photo tour such as hotels, transportation, tours and others.


If your spot is filled by another participant, there will be a $300 administrative fee charged and the rest of your payment will be refunded.

If we cannot fill your spot, NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN and your deposit and tour payments will be forfeited.

*Regardless of the cancelation notice, if the participant receives any of our online courses upon signup, the amount of the course will be debited from the final refund.

  You can find our complete cancelation policy information more detailed in our Terms and conditions .

Photo tour travel insurance and medical conditions

Do i need travel insurance for the photo tour.

Your safety is our priority, so travel insurance is mandatory to attend any Capture the Atlas Photo Tours.

The minimum coverage required is:

  • Accident & Sickness Medical Expense Coverage (minimum $100,000 USD)
  • Emergency Evacuation & Repatriation of Remains (minimum $200,000 USD)
  • Accidental Death / Dismemberment
  • Trip Cancellation Coverage

Where can I purchase the best travel insurance for the Photo Tour?

There are many providers in the market, and deciding which is the best travel insurance for you might be overwhelming.

We usually recommend Worldnomads , since they cover a wide range of activities besides the normal coverage, and Insuremytrip , as they help you compare among the best options and offer an advocate service to assist you in case you need to file a claim.

You can dive deeper into the best travel insurance for Photo Tours in this article we wrote on the best travel insurance companies in the market.

Is there any other insurance recommended for the Photo workshop?

In addition to the minimum coverage stated above, we also recommend:

  • Baggage and Personal Effects Coverage
  • Hospital Room and Board
  • Trip Delay / Interruption

Do I need to warn about any illnesses or disease?

Yes. In order to customize your activities and meals, and most important, be ready if any emergency arises, we need to know about illnesses, diseases, allergies or any other condition you might suffer.

This will be notified in writing in the Photo Tour Registration form that we provide once you reserve your spot.

Do I need to take any medical supplies?

We always recommend to carry personal medical items for managing colds, sore throats, headaches, blisters, diarrhea, and those type of minor illnesses.

If you have any special condition that requires to take regular medication, you should carry an appropriate supply.

  • Documentation

Which documentation do I need to submit to take part in the Photo Tour?

In order to take part in our Photography workshops, you need to provide:

  • Copy of your passport
  • Photo Tour registration form (Provided from our side once you book your spot)
  • Waiver signed (Provided from our side once you book your spot)
  • Copy of your Visa if necessary

What are the most important documents to check before the departure?

Besides the Visa whenever it is mandatory, the most important thing to check before the departure is your passport:

  • Please double check that it’s not expiring in less than 6 months by the time that you will be returning from the Photo Tour.
  • Make sure that your name, passport number, and birth date matches with the information in your flight ticket.

Do I need to process my own Visa for the Photo Tour?

We can’t process Visas on your behalf. However, we can walk you through the process to make it as easy as possible.

Please always make sure to check the requirements to see whether you need a Visa to visit the destination country considering your nationality.

Also, it’s always best to process your Visas at the earliest because the processing time can be long or delayed in some cases.

Photo tour flights and baggage

Are flights included in the price.

Flights are not included in the price of the Photo Tour.

Is airport transfer included?

Unless otherwise indicated, transfers from and to the airports are included in our Photography workshops.

What baggage should I take to the Photo tour?

In order to fit and travel comfortably, there is a maximum luggage capacity to be carried per participant. As a general rule, this luggage will be a Medium suitcase/bag of 24″-28″ (60-71cm) and a standard Camera bag.

Our recommend is taking one camera bag and one bag for clothes/personal items.

In addition, a small shoulder strap bag to take personal items is usually allowed on international flights.

Our suggestion is to pack smart and light: You will be carrying your bags in and out of transportations and up and down accommodations staircases.

What do you suggest for carry-on luggage?

Rules change depending on the country and even on the airport. Generally, we recommend you pack the following list of items in your carry-on:

  • Medications
  • Contact lenses solution
  • Camera gear

Tripods are considered as a likely blunt weapon in some airports, so we also suggest packing your tripod on your checked baggage just in case.

What happens if there is a delay on my flight and I arrive late?

In some destinations, like the Lofoten islands in winter, we suggest arriving at least a day earlier before the Tour starts since flights are sometimes delayed or canceled because of bad weather.

If you arrive later at the Photo workshop for any reason, we will do our best to accommodate so you can catch up with the group. However, bear in mind that if there is no option to accommodate, you will miss the Photo Tour and there will be no refund from our side.

This way, we strongly advice to prevent any possible delay communicating with us as soon as you believe that you could arrive later so we can prepare a possible solution.

Shall I arrive earlier at the Photo tour or stay longer?

You can arrive earlier or stay longer after the Tour, but the cost of this is not included in the Photo workshop.

Money and currency during the photography workshop

What is the best way to take money with me.

We always recommend having a mix of debit & credit card and cash for any Photo tour.

Before the start of the tour, please communicate to your local bank the time and destination of the tour so there is no issue once you try to pay or draw money with your card.

How much cash money do I need?

The amount of cash will depend on the destination and your personal expenses. Some places like Iceland and Lofoten widely accept payments by card whereas other remote places like Kamchatka accept only cash.

Where is the best place to exchange currency before the trip?

We always recommend to exchange currency in your local bank before the trip.

If there is no choice, a local exchange office in the destination would be the best option.

In any case, try to avoid exchanging currency in the airports since they usually charge the highest commissions.

Do I need to tip during the Photo Tour?

Tips are not included in the price of the Photo Tours and it is your personal decision to tip any of the local support partners or Photo Tour leaders.

As for restaurants, hotels and other services this also depends on the destination. In some places like Iceland tipping is not expected, and most of our other destinations don’t have a tipping social custom like in the United States.

General communication & Internet during the photo tours

Will there be internet coverage during the photo tour.

In most of the places that we visit, there will be cell phone signal and free Wifi in the accommodation.

However, there are remote locations like Kamchatka where there is no signal/internet and we can spend up to 3 days with no connection.

Am I able to use my phone overseas?

Please check with your cell phone provider before the tour the possibility of connecting overseas and if you need to pay for any extra services like roaming.

This will depend entirely on your phone, company, and destination.

What happens if there is no signal/coverage and there is an emergency?

We always carry a Garmin In reach Explorer + device in case there is an emergency or you need to communicate something important to any of your relatives during our Photo Expeditions.

This works via satellite even in the remotest locations you can imagine.

You can find all the in-depth information related to our photo tours and photography workshops in our Photo Tour terms and conditions .

tour guide photo

tour guide photo


Capture it all.


Established in 2011, Oahu Photography Tours has consistently led the way in providing premier tours in Hawaii, catering to guests just like you.

Our dedication to crafting unique island experiences remains unwavering. Over the years, we have meticulously honed our tours to ensure that every participant, regardless of their photography skill level, leaves with stunning photos and cherished memories of their Hawaiian getaway.

Our doors are open to everyone – whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned traveler, you’ll find a warm welcome on any of our island excursions. Explore our diverse range of experiences below and embark on your next unforgettable adventure in the heart of Hawaii.

We eagerly look forward to the pleasure of your company on one of our captivating Hawaii tours.


  • Our #1 Island Tour
  • Hour Glass 10 Hours

Complete Island Adventure: Sunrise

Embark on an unforgettable journey and uncover the authentic Oahu in just 10 hours. From a mesmerizing sunrise at Sandy Beach to captivating photo opportunities at every turn, you’ll live the Hawaii of your dreams. Don’t forget your camera – this is the adventure you’ve been waiting for!

  • Waterfall Swiming!

Complete Island Adventure: Waterfall

Begin your day at the serene Waimea Waterfall & Garden on the North Shore, departing at 7:00 AM. This innovative ‘Circle Island Tour’ offers a unique way to explore Oahu away from the large crowds. Your guide will also capture photos of you living the Hawaii dream on this epic adventure of Oahu.


  • Hour Glass 5.5 Hours

Honolulu Sea-Cliff Tour with Sunset

Capture the brilliant colors of a Hawaiian sunset and take pictures of the sun rays as they touch and graze the topography of Oahu’s beautiful coasts. Bring your phone or big camera to learn more about getting the best photos in Hawaii.

Beautiful Colors of Hawaii Photo Tour

Our 5.5-hour photo tour is of the most spectacular colors Hawaii has to offer. Our most relaxing tour will show you the most amazing colors Hawaii has to offer. We will take the “Hawaiian Time” approach and let you capture the beauty all around you. Your guide will help you capture the most impressive photos with any camera you bring.


  • Hour Glass 7.5 Hours

Honolulu Local Food Tour

The best tour does exist! And it’s in Hawaii! Our one-of-a-kind food tour gets you to try all the best foods on Oahu. Fill your bellies with the must-have local favorites. Between food stops, we will also take you to amazing locations to capture the best photos along the way.


  • 20% Deposit Accepted
  • Hour Glass Variable

Private Full Island Tour: Sunrise to Sunset

Starting 1 hour before sunset & returning 1 hour after sunset. An unbeatable tour from sunrise to sunset with locations for top opportunities for the perfect shot of this Hawaiian Island. See the entire island while not rushing through it. The most extensive tour we offer is only private.

Private Complete Island Adventure with Sunrise

Our most popular tour. Starting 1 hour before sunrise & returning 10 hours later. This tour will get you to all the best spots before the crowds. We will travel from the far East side of Oahu to the famous North Shore. Great for all travelers.

Embark on an Exciting Hawaiian Journey

Immerse yourself in captivating experiences and capture timeless memories with your camera during our tours, where each photo becomes an epic memory of your hawaii vacation., we’re dedicated to ensuring your adventure is nothing short of extraordinary, cherishing every moment along the way., whether you’re equipped with a smartphone, drone, digital camera, or simply prefer to bask in the breathtaking vistas, our tours cater to all, leaving indelible impressions., as a top-rated tour provider, our sole objective is to deliver an unforgettable oahu adventure. see you on a photo tour.



Mac Strickland Photography

The photography tour was a highlight of our Oahu trip. Our guide Kurt was knowledgeable about the island and photography. As an experienced photographer, I appreciated his suggestions and tips. Kurt was friendly, fun, and passionate about photography and Hawaii. He went out of his way to personalize our tour and provide the best possible experience. Kurt shared numerous "secret" locations and provided us with behind the scenes images of our experience. We will definitely book another tour when we return to Oahu. We plan to make this Oahu Photography Tours a part of our Hawaiian itinerary in the future.

De-Jay Hanssen Photography

Had an amazing experience from purchasing the tickets, timely pickup, friendly staff to photo tour guides. Our photo guides Mack and Kurt were professional and extremely knowledgeable about photography. They explained some of the photo scenes and the best ways to capture them using an iPhone or DSLR. They gave us tips and tricks on how to use our devices at an optimal level to capture amazing photos. Hands down the best tour! Highly recommended and will be returning for other tours as well.

Mac Strickland Photography

The "Instagram Hawaii Photo Shoot Adventure" is a must!! So glad I came across it on my recommendations. I met great people and I have so many incredible pictures to remember this trip. Kurt was awesome, had great ideas to get the best pictures. Whether it's on your own (that's what I did) or with a group, this will be a tour to remember. I had the best time with Oahu Photo Tours taking Instagram photos of Hawaii and now I have a pretty cool Instagram account because of this tour. Thank you Oahu Photo Tours.

Garlic Shrimp Hawaii North Shore

We absolutely enjoyed the tour. Our guide took us to wonderful spots, where we were able to take photos and enjoy the landscape. He also provided a lot of detailed and interesting information as well as funny stories. Moreover, he explained patiently how to take good photos with our smartphones. Cool guide, wonderful landscape, great pictures.

Waimea Falls North Shore Tour

One of the best tours I have been on. Kurt was extremely knowledgeable of the island and very accommodating. He took us to some great locations and also helped with how to get the most out of using your phone for photography. HIGHLY RECOMMEND

Photographer in Hawaii

We did the Northern Beaches Island Tour with Alex. Despite the variable weather (mostly rain), we took fabulous photos and had a great time. This tour is for everyone, not just photographers- two young kids who traveled with another party had time to swim in the Waimea falls! 10-star recommendation- you won't regret it!

What does a tour guide do?

Would you make a good tour guide? Take our career test and find your match with over 800 careers.

What is a Tour Guide?

A tour guide provides assistance, information, and guidance to individuals or groups of tourists during their travels. Their primary role is to enhance the travel experience by sharing knowledge and insights about the destinations, attractions, and cultural aspects of the places being visited. Tour guides are well-versed in the history, geography, culture, and traditions of the locations they cover, and they use their expertise to educate and entertain the tourists.

Tour guides are responsible for organizing and leading tours, ensuring that the itinerary is followed, and the group stays on schedule. They may work in various settings, including cities, historical sites, natural landscapes, or cultural landmarks. During tours, guides provide commentary, answer questions, and engage with the tourists, creating an interactive and immersive experience. They may also assist with logistical matters, such as arranging transportation, coordinating entry to attractions, and recommending places to eat or shop.

What does a Tour Guide do?

An animated tour guide giving a group of visitors information about the area they are in.

Tour guides bring destinations to life by providing valuable expertise and insights. While guidebooks and online resources can offer information, tour guides offer a unique and personalized experience that cannot be replicated.

Duties and Responsibilities Tour guides have a range of duties and responsibilities to ensure a smooth and enjoyable travel experience for tourists. Some of the key responsibilities include:

  • Planning and organizing: Tour guides research and plan tour itineraries, considering factors such as the duration of the tour, the interests of the group, and the availability of attractions. They arrange transportation, accommodation, meals, and any necessary permits or tickets, ensuring that everything is well-coordinated.
  • Providing information and commentary: A primary role of tour guides is to offer informative and engaging commentary about the destinations being visited. They share historical facts, cultural insights, and interesting anecdotes to educate and entertain tourists. Guides should have a deep understanding of the locations, including their history, architecture, local customs, and traditions.
  • Leading tours and managing groups: Tour guides are responsible for leading the group throughout the tour. They ensure that the group stays together, follows the itinerary, and adheres to any safety guidelines. Guides should have good organizational and leadership skills to manage groups of varying sizes and diverse backgrounds.
  • Assisting with logistics: Tour guides handle practical aspects of the tour, such as coordinating transportation between sites, arranging entry to attractions, and managing timing to optimize the itinerary. They provide directions, answer questions, and offer recommendations for meals, shopping, and other activities.
  • Ensuring safety and security: Guides prioritize the safety and security of the tourists. They inform the group about potential risks or hazards, and they take necessary precautions to prevent accidents or incidents. In emergency situations, guides should be prepared to provide assistance and follow appropriate protocols.
  • Interacting and engaging with tourists: Tour guides create a welcoming and interactive environment for tourists. They foster a positive and friendly atmosphere, encourage questions, and actively engage with the group. Guides should be approachable and adaptable, catering to the needs and interests of the tourists.
  • Resolving issues and addressing concerns: Tour guides act as a point of contact for tourists, addressing any concerns or issues that may arise during the tour. They handle complaints, resolve conflicts, and provide assistance or alternative solutions when needed.
  • Promoting responsible and sustainable tourism: Guides play a crucial role in promoting responsible tourism practices. They educate tourists about local customs and cultural sensitivities, encourage respectful behavior towards local communities and the environment, and advocate for sustainable travel practices.

Types of Tour Guides There are various types of tour guides, each specializing in different areas and catering to specific types of tours. Here are some common types of tour guides and a brief description of what they do:

  • City Tour Guides: City tour guides specialize in providing tours within a specific city or urban area. They are well-versed in the history, architecture, landmarks, and culture of the city. Their role is to guide tourists through popular attractions, historical sites, and local neighborhoods, offering insights and commentary along the way.
  • Cultural Tour Guides: Cultural tour guides focus on highlighting the cultural aspects of a destination. They provide in-depth knowledge about local traditions, customs, festivals, and arts. These guides may accompany tourists to museums, art galleries, cultural events, or religious sites, helping them understand and appreciate the cultural significance of these places.
  • Ecotourism Guides : Ecotourism guides are responsible for designing and planning itineraries that are environmentally and culturally responsible, researching the destination, developing educational materials, preparing necessary equipment, and coordinating logistics such as transportation, accommodation, and meals.
  • Adventure Tour Guides: Adventure tour guides lead tours focused on outdoor activities and adventure sports such as hiking, rock climbing, kayaking, or skiing. They possess skills and knowledge in the specific activities offered, ensuring the safety of participants while providing guidance and instruction. Adventure guides may take tourists to remote and challenging locations, coordinating logistics and providing a thrilling experience.
  • Historical Tour Guides: Historical tour guides specialize in providing detailed insights into the history of a destination. They are knowledgeable about specific historical periods, events, and significant landmarks. These guides often work in historical sites, monuments, or archaeological sites, sharing historical context and stories that bring the past to life for tourists.
  • Specialized Tour Guides: Specialized tour guides cater to niche interests or specific types of tours. Examples include food tour guides who focus on culinary experiences, wine tour guides who provide expertise on vineyards and wine tasting, or art tour guides who lead tours in museums and art galleries, offering interpretations of artworks.

Are you suited to be a tour guide?

Tour guides have distinct personalities . They tend to be social individuals, which means they’re kind, generous, cooperative, patient, caring, helpful, empathetic, tactful, and friendly. They excel at socializing, helping others, and teaching. Some of them are also enterprising, meaning they’re adventurous, ambitious, assertive, extroverted, energetic, enthusiastic, confident, and optimistic.

Does this sound like you? Take our free career test to find out if tour guide is one of your top career matches.

What is the workplace of a Tour Guide like?

The workplace of a tour guide can be quite diverse and dynamic, offering a mix of indoor and outdoor environments. One aspect of their workplace involves cultural and urban settings. City tour guides, for instance, operate within bustling cities, leading tourists through streets, squares, and iconic landmarks. They may work in vibrant neighborhoods, historic districts, or cosmopolitan areas, immersing tourists in the local culture and urban atmosphere. These guides navigate through crowded streets, interact with locals, and provide insights into the city's history, architecture, and vibrant lifestyle. They may also lead tours in museums, art galleries, or cultural centers, where they can showcase the city's artistic and cultural offerings.

Another significant aspect of a tour guide's workplace is outdoor settings. Nature and wildlife tour guides find themselves working in breathtaking natural landscapes, such as forests, mountains, or coastal areas. These guides lead groups on hikes, nature walks, or wildlife safaris, sharing their knowledge about the local flora, fauna, and ecosystems. Their workplace is characterized by stunning scenery, serene environments, and opportunities for visitors to connect with nature. Adventure tour guides also operate in outdoor settings, taking tourists on thrilling activities like rafting, rock climbing, or skiing. They work in adventurous and often remote locations, ensuring the safety of participants while providing an adrenaline-pumping experience.

Additionally, the workplace of a tour guide can extend to various modes of transportation. They may lead tours on buses, boats, trains, or even walking tours, utilizing different forms of transportation to explore diverse attractions and destinations. This allows guides to provide a comprehensive experience, showcasing various facets of a region while offering comfort and convenience to tourists.

Tour Guides are also known as: Tourist Guide

Passing Thru Travel

Passing Thru Travel

10 Photography Tours in Iconic Locations 2024 – Capturing Stunning Landscapes and Cityscapes

Posted: February 20, 2024 | Last updated: March 22, 2024

<p><strong>Photography is not just about capturing images; it’s about experiencing and immortalizing moments in time. For amateur or professional photographers, the world is brimming with locations offering breathtaking vistas, unique cityscapes, and unforgettable experiences. This guide explores ten iconic photography destinations, each offering a unique canvas for your lens. From the vibrant streets of New York City to the serene landscapes of New Zealand, these destinations are must-visits for anyone with a camera in hand and a passion for capturing the world’s beauty.</strong></p>

Photography is not just about capturing images; it’s about experiencing and immortalizing moments in time. For amateur or professional photographers, the world is brimming with locations offering breathtaking vistas, unique cityscapes, and unforgettable experiences. This guide explores ten iconic photography destinations, each offering a unique canvas for your lens. From the vibrant streets of New York City to the serene landscapes of New Zealand, these destinations are must-visits for anyone with a camera in hand and a passion for capturing the world’s beauty.

<p><span>As a photographer in New York, you’ll find yourself amid endless photographic opportunities. The city’s vibrant energy is captured in the neon lights of Times Square, where the hustle of urban life provides a dynamic backdrop for your shots. Venturing to Brooklyn Bridge Park, you’ll be treated to a majestic view of the city skyline, a perfect spot for capturing the essence of New York’s iconic architecture.</span></p> <p><span>Whether you’re interested in street photography, architectural shots, or capturing the city’s unique energy, New York City’s diverse neighborhoods and landmarks offer a wealth of subjects. Each corner of this bustling metropolis presents a new scene, reflecting the city’s dynamic and ever-changing character, making it an ideal playground for photographers of all styles.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Visit the Top of the Rock for a stunning panoramic view of the city.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Autumn for colorful foliage in Central Park.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly into JFK, LaGuardia, or Newark airports, with extensive public transportation options to the city.</span></p>

New York City, USA

As a photographer in New York, you’ll find yourself amid endless photographic opportunities. The city’s vibrant energy is captured in the neon lights of Times Square, where the hustle of urban life provides a dynamic backdrop for your shots. Venturing to Brooklyn Bridge Park, you’ll be treated to a majestic view of the city skyline, a perfect spot for capturing the essence of New York’s iconic architecture.

Whether you’re interested in street photography, architectural shots, or capturing the city’s unique energy, New York City’s diverse neighborhoods and landmarks offer a wealth of subjects. Each corner of this bustling metropolis presents a new scene, reflecting the city’s dynamic and ever-changing character, making it an ideal playground for photographers of all styles.

Insider’s Tip: Visit the Top of the Rock for a stunning panoramic view of the city.

When To Travel: Autumn for colorful foliage in Central Park.

How To Get There: Fly into JFK, LaGuardia, or Newark airports, with extensive public transportation options to the city.

<p><span>Santorini is a photographer’s paradise, known for its iconic sunsets, white-washed buildings, and the deep blue of the Aegean Sea. The island’s unique architecture, with its cubic houses and blue-domed churches perched on cliffs, offers a striking contrast against the volcanic landscapes. As you wander through the narrow streets of towns like Oia and Fira, you’ll be greeted with numerous vantage points for capturing the island’s beauty.</span></p> <p><span>The sunsets here are particularly mesmerizing; positioning yourself along the Caldera Edge gives you a front-row seat to one of nature’s most spectacular shows. Beyond the towns, explore the less-traveled paths to photograph the rugged terrain and panoramic views of the sea, ensuring your camera captures the essence of this stunning island.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Capture the iconic blue domes of Oia during sunrise for a crowd-free experience.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Late spring or early autumn to avoid the peak tourist season.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly to Santorini Airport or take a ferry from Athens.</span></p>

Santorini, Greece

Santorini is a photographer’s paradise, known for its iconic sunsets, white-washed buildings, and the deep blue of the Aegean Sea. The island’s unique architecture, with its cubic houses and blue-domed churches perched on cliffs, offers a striking contrast against the volcanic landscapes. As you wander through the narrow streets of towns like Oia and Fira, you’ll be greeted with numerous vantage points for capturing the island’s beauty.

The sunsets here are particularly mesmerizing; positioning yourself along the Caldera Edge gives you a front-row seat to one of nature’s most spectacular shows. Beyond the towns, explore the less-traveled paths to photograph the rugged terrain and panoramic views of the sea, ensuring your camera captures the essence of this stunning island.

Insider’s Tip: Capture the iconic blue domes of Oia during sunrise for a crowd-free experience.

When To Travel: Late spring or early autumn to avoid the peak tourist season.

How To Get There: Fly to Santorini Airport or take a ferry from Athens.

<p><span>Banff National Park in Canada is a geocaching wonderland where the majestic Canadian Rockies magnify the thrill of the hunt. The park’s turquoise lakes, sprawling glaciers, and wildlife-rich forests make each geocaching expedition an adventure in the wild. It’s a place where the journey to find a cache is as rewarding as the discovery itself, offering encounters with nature in its most pristine and awe-inspiring form.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Look for geocaches that take you through the breathtaking landscapes of the Canadian Rockies.</span></p> <p><b>Best Time To Travel: </b><span>June to August for summer activities, January to March for winter sports.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>The nearest airport is in Calgary. From there, rent a car or take a shuttle to Banff.</span></p>

Banff National Park, Canada

At Banff National Park, you’re entering a world-renowned destination for its stunning lakes and majestic mountains, making it a dream location for landscape photography. As you explore this Canadian gem, you’ll encounter the turquoise waters of Lake Louise and the reflective beauty of Moraine Lake, each offering perfect sunrise or sunset shots with the Rockies as a dramatic backdrop.

The park’s diverse landscape ranges from vast forests and rushing rivers to expansive meadows and glacier-clad peaks, providing endless subjects for your lens. Hiking trails lead you to secluded spots with breathtaking views, ideal for capturing the untouched beauty of nature. Whether you’re an experienced photographer or just starting, Banff’s natural splendor presents countless opportunities to capture the essence of Canada’s rugged wilderness.

Insider’s Tip: Visit Moraine Lake at sunrise for breathtaking reflections.

When To Travel: Summer for lush landscapes, winter for snowy scenes.

How To Get There: Fly to Calgary and drive about 1.5 hours to the park.

<p><span>Tokyo provides a photographer’s canvas, where tradition meets modernity at every corner. The city’s eclectic blend offers diverse photographic subjects, from the neon blaze of Shibuya’s bustling crossing, a symbol of modern urbanity, to the serene elegance of the Imperial Palace, representing the city’s rich history. Each season adds its unique touch, with cherry blossoms in Ueno Park creating a dreamy spring landscape, perfect for both wide shots and close-ups of the delicate flowers.</span></p> <p><span>As you navigate Tokyo’s streets, you’ll discover a multitude of contrasts – ancient temples amidst skyscrapers and quiet backstreets steps away from lively commercial areas – each offering a unique perspective of Japan’s capital. This dynamic cityscape provides endless opportunities to capture the essence of Tokyo through your lens, whether you’re interested in street photography, architectural marvels, or the subtleties of urban life.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Explore the narrow alleys of Golden Gai for a glimpse into Tokyo’s nightlife.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Spring for cherry blossoms or autumn for colorful foliage.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly into Tokyo’s Narita or Haneda airports.</span></p>

Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo provides a photographer’s canvas, where tradition meets modernity at every corner. The city’s eclectic blend offers diverse photographic subjects, from the neon blaze of Shibuya’s bustling crossing, a symbol of modern urbanity, to the serene elegance of the Imperial Palace, representing the city’s rich history. Each season adds its unique touch, with cherry blossoms in Ueno Park creating a dreamy spring landscape, perfect for both wide shots and close-ups of the delicate flowers.

As you navigate Tokyo’s streets, you’ll discover a multitude of contrasts – ancient temples amidst skyscrapers and quiet backstreets steps away from lively commercial areas – each offering a unique perspective of Japan’s capital. This dynamic cityscape provides endless opportunities to capture the essence of Tokyo through your lens, whether you’re interested in street photography, architectural marvels, or the subtleties of urban life.

Insider’s Tip: Explore the narrow alleys of Golden Gai for a glimpse into Tokyo’s nightlife.

When To Travel: Spring for cherry blossoms or autumn for colorful foliage.

How To Get There: Fly into Tokyo’s Narita or Haneda airports.

<p><span>You are at the door of Iceland’s breathtaking natural wonders, a dream for any photographer visiting Reykjavik. With its unique Nordic charm, the city offers diverse scenes, from the colorful houses to the modernist architecture of the Harpa Concert Hall. Venturing just outside the city, you’re greeted by Iceland’s raw beauty: the awe-inspiring Northern Lights dancing in the sky, best captured in winter’s cold, clear nights.</span></p> <p><span>Like the Blue Lagoon, the geothermal pools provide a surreal landscape with their steaming, milky blue waters set against a backdrop of black lava fields. The rugged, volcanic terrain surrounding Reykjavik, with its dramatic cliffs and waterfalls like Gullfoss and Skógafoss, offers endless opportunities to capture the untamed beauty of Iceland. Whether you’re an enthusiast of nature photography or drawn to urban landscapes, Reykjavik is a perfect base to explore and photograph a land of stark contrasts and natural wonders.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>For Northern Lights, find a spot away from city lights on a clear, dark night.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Winter for Northern Lights, summer for midnight sun.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly directly to Keflavik International Airport.</span></p>

Reykjavik, Iceland

You are at the door of Iceland’s breathtaking natural wonders, a dream for any photographer visiting Reykjavik. With its unique Nordic charm, the city offers diverse scenes, from the colorful houses to the modernist architecture of the Harpa Concert Hall. Venturing just outside the city, you’re greeted by Iceland’s raw beauty: the awe-inspiring Northern Lights dancing in the sky, best captured in winter’s cold, clear nights.

Like the Blue Lagoon, the geothermal pools provide a surreal landscape with their steaming, milky blue waters set against a backdrop of black lava fields. The rugged, volcanic terrain surrounding Reykjavik, with its dramatic cliffs and waterfalls like Gullfoss and Skógafoss, offers endless opportunities to capture the untamed beauty of Iceland. Whether you’re an enthusiast of nature photography or drawn to urban landscapes, Reykjavik is a perfect base to explore and photograph a land of stark contrasts and natural wonders.

Insider’s Tip: For Northern Lights, find a spot away from city lights on a clear, dark night.

When To Travel: Winter for Northern Lights, summer for midnight sun.

How To Get There: Fly directly to Keflavik International Airport.

<p><span>Peru is in the ancient heart of the Inca Empire. This city serves as the gateway to the world-renowned Machu Picchu. The streets of Cusco are a living museum where Inca architecture and Spanish colonial buildings coexist, telling the story of a city with a complex and layered history. Sites like Sacsayhuamán and the Sacred Valley near Cusco offer glimpses into the Inca civilization’s architectural connection to the natural world. This city is a significant historical treasure in its own right.</span></p> <p><span>The cultural richness of Cusco extends beyond its historical sites. Wandering through its cobbled streets, you’ll encounter vibrant markets filled with colorful textiles and local crafts, showcasing the artistic skills passed down through generations. The local cuisine, with its unique flavors and ingredients native to the Andes, offers another layer of cultural experience. In Cusco, the past and present converge, providing a tangible connection to the traditions and heritage of the Inca civilization and a deeper understanding of the region’s cultural identity.</span></p> <p><b>Insider Tip:</b><span> Acclimatize in Cusco before heading to higher altitudes.</span></p> <p><b>Best Time to Travel:</b><span> June to August.</span></p> <p><b>Getting There:</b><span> Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport serves Cusco.</span></p>

Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu, set high in the Andes Mountains, presents you with a unique photography opportunity in an ancient Incan city. This UNESCO World Heritage site is not just a destination; it’s a journey into history and breathtaking natural beauty. As you walk through the ruins, you’ll capture more than just stone structures; you’ll be photographing a testament to Incan ingenuity and culture.

The panoramic vistas surrounding the site offer a dramatic backdrop, with the rugged peaks of the Andes enveloping the landscape. Early morning visits provide a mystical atmosphere with fewer crowds, allowing you to capture the ruins with the soft light of dawn illuminating the site. Whether you’re focusing on the intricate details of the stonework or taking wide-angle shots of the entire complex, Machu Picchu offers a multitude of angles and perspectives, each telling a different story of this ancient wonder.

Insider’s Tip: Hike the Inca Trail for unique vantage points.

When To Travel: May to September for drier weather.

How To Get There: Fly to Cusco and then travel by train or trek to Machu Picchu.

<p><span>Step into Paris, a city renowned for its monumental history and enduring charm. As you wander its streets, iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the Notre Dame Cathedral tell the story of a city that has been a center of art and culture for centuries. The Louvre and Musée d’Orsay are treasure troves of artistic masterpieces, inviting you to explore French and global art history. Paris, often called the “City of Light,” shines not just through its illuminated streets and monuments at night but through its cultural and intellectual vibrancy.</span></p> <p><span>Your experience in Paris also offers a deeper connection with the city’s romantic and bohemian spirit. Strolling along the Seine, especially at sunset, you can feel the romance that permeates the city’s air. The quaint cafes and cobblestone streets of neighborhoods like Montmartre offer a glimpse into the city’s artistic heritage, where painters and writers have long found inspiration. In Paris, every corner, every cafe, and every street has a story, making it a city to be experienced and felt.</span></p> <p><b>Insider Tip:</b><span> Visit lesser-known museums like Musée Rodin for a unique experience.</span></p> <p><b>Best Time to Travel:</b><span> April to June and October to early November.</span></p> <p><b>Getting There:</b><span> Fly to Charles de Gaulle Airport and use the extensive metro system.</span></p>

Paris, France

In Paris, known as the City of Lights, you’ll find yourself amidst a wealth of photographic subjects, from the iconic Eiffel Tower to the charming streets of Montmartre. As a photographer, your lens will be drawn to the iron lattice of the Eiffel Tower, capturing its imposing structure against the Parisian skyline. Wandering through Montmartre, the city’s artistic heart, you’ll encounter picturesque alleyways, lively cafes, and the white-domed Sacré-Cœur Basilica, each offering a unique glimpse into the city’s bohemian past.

Historic bridges and elegant buildings line the waterways along the banks of the Seine River, providing perfect scenes for capturing the essence of Parisian life, especially during the golden hours of sunrise or sunset. Whether you’re interested in architectural grandeur, street photography, or serene cityscapes, Paris presents an array of opportunities to create stunning visual narratives in one of the world’s most photogenic cities.

Insider’s Tip: Capture the Eiffel Tower at Trocadéro at sunrise for a crowd-free shot.

When To Travel: Spring for pleasant weather and fewer tourists.

How To Get There: Fly into Charles de Gaulle or Orly airports.

<p><span>Nestled amidst New Zealand’s dramatic landscapes, you’ll find a photographer’s dream with Queenstown’s towering mountains, crystal-clear lakes, and scenes brimming with adventure. As you explore this picturesque town, the Remarkables mountain range provides a stunning backdrop, perfect for wide landscape shots, especially when bathed in the golden light of sunrise or sunset. With its clear, reflective waters, Lake Wakatipu offers tranquil scenes and opportunities to capture the interplay of light and nature.</span></p> <p><span>For action photography, Queenstown’s reputation as the adventure capital comes alive with bungee jumping, skiing, and jet-boating scenes. Each season brings a different palette to the landscape, from the lush greens of summer to the snowy whites of winter, ensuring every visit offers a new perspective. Whether you’re capturing the serene beauty of the landscapes or the thrill of adventure sports, Queenstown’s diverse and dynamic environment makes it an unmissable destination for photographers.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Take a helicopter ride for stunning aerial shots of the landscape.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Autumn for vibrant colors, winter for snow-capped mountains.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly directly to Queenstown Airport.</span></p>

Queenstown, New Zealand

Nestled amidst New Zealand’s dramatic landscapes, you’ll find a photographer’s dream with Queenstown’s towering mountains, crystal-clear lakes, and scenes brimming with adventure. As you explore this picturesque town, the Remarkables mountain range provides a stunning backdrop, perfect for wide landscape shots, especially when bathed in the golden light of sunrise or sunset. With its clear, reflective waters, Lake Wakatipu offers tranquil scenes and opportunities to capture the interplay of light and nature.

For action photography, Queenstown’s reputation as the adventure capital comes alive with bungee jumping, skiing, and jet-boating scenes. Each season brings a different palette to the landscape, from the lush greens of summer to the snowy whites of winter, ensuring every visit offers a new perspective. Whether you’re capturing the serene beauty of the landscapes or the thrill of adventure sports, Queenstown’s diverse and dynamic environment makes it an unmissable destination for photographers.

Insider’s Tip: Take a helicopter ride for stunning aerial shots of the landscape.

When To Travel: Autumn for vibrant colors, winter for snow-capped mountains.

How To Get There: Fly directly to Queenstown Airport.

<p><span>Jaipur is also known as the Pink City; a distinctive blend of royal history and vibrant culture greets you. The city’s trademark terracotta pink buildings, a color symbolizing hospitality, create a unique urban landscape. Key historical sites like the Hawa Mahal, with its intricate latticed windows and the majestic Amber Fort perched on a hilltop, reflect the grandeur of Rajput architecture. Along with the Jantar Mantar observatory, these landmarks illustrate Jaipur’s historical significance and its role in India’s royal past.</span></p> <p><span>Beyond its architectural wonders, Jaipur is a hub of cultural activity and artisan craftsmanship. The bustling markets, such as Johari Bazaar and Bapu Bazaar, are alive with vibrant fabrics, exquisite jewelry, and traditional handicrafts, showcasing the skilled work of local artisans. The city is also a feast for the senses, with streets filled with the aroma of authentic Rajasthani cuisine, offering a taste of the region’s rich culinary heritage. In Jaipur, the old and the new coalesce seamlessly, presenting a city that’s firmly rooted in its traditions while embracing the rhythm of modern life.</span></p> <p><b>Insider Tip:</b><span> Take a guided tour for a deeper understanding of the history.</span></p> <p><b>Best Time to Travel:</b><span> November to February.</span></p> <p><b>Getting There:</b><span> Jaipur International Airport serves the city.</span></p>

Jaipur, India

In Jaipur, the famed Pink City, you’ll immerse yourself in a world rich in cultural heritage and stunning architecture, presenting a colorful canvas for your photography. As you navigate the city, the unique terracotta pink buildings provide a vibrant backdrop, epitomized by landmarks like the Hawa Mahal and Amber Fort. These architectural marvels are stories in stone, each offering a glimpse into the city’s regal past. Capture the intricate details of the Hawa Mahal’s windows or the grandeur of the Amber Fort as it overlooks the city.

Jaipur’s bustling bazaars, filled with an array of colors and textures, offer an opportunity to photograph the vibrancy of local life and traditions. Amidst the chaos, you’ll find moments of serenity, like the tranquil waters of Man Sagar Lake. Jaipur’s blend of historical grandeur and lively streets makes it a compelling destination for photographers seeking to capture the essence of India’s rich culture.

Insider’s Tip: Visit the Amer Fort early in the morning to avoid crowds and capture the golden light.

When To Travel: November to February for cooler weather.

How To Get There: Fly to Jaipur International Airport or take a train from major Indian cities.

<p><span>Venice is renowned for its intricate network of canals and a rich maritime history; you’ll find yourself at what was once a central European terminus of the Silk Road. Floating on water, this enchanting city is a testament to the cultural and commercial exchanges that flourished along this historic trade route. As you glide along its canals or wander through its narrow alleys, you’ll be surrounded by architectural marvels and artistic masterpieces that reflect the city’s past as a melting pot of cultures.</span></p> <p><span>From the grandeur of St. Mark’s Basilica to the opulent Doge’s Palace, every building and artwork in Venice tells a story of a time when the city was a pivotal crossroads between East and West. Your journey through Venice is not just a tour of a city; it’s an exploration of a living museum showcasing the legacy of the Silk Road in its full splendor.</span></p> <p><b>Insider’s Tip: </b><span>Explore the less crowded neighborhoods of Venice for an authentic experience.</span></p> <p><b>When To Travel: </b><span>Spring (April to June) and fall (September to November) to avoid the crowds.</span></p> <p><b>How To Get There: </b><span>Fly into Venice Marco Polo Airport.</span></p>

Venice, Italy

You’re stepping into a photographer’s paradise in Venice, a city woven with winding canals and adorned with historic architecture. As you wander through its labyrinthine alleys, each turn presents a new scene ripe for capturing: gondolas gliding along narrow waterways, ancient bridges arching over canals, and reflections of pastel-colored buildings shimmering on the water’s surface. The city’s architectural wonders, from the grandeur of St. Mark’s Basilica to the Gothic elegance of the Doge’s Palace, offer endless opportunities to photograph Venice’s rich historical tapestry.

Explore the less-traveled paths, where you can capture the authentic Venetian life away from the tourist crowds. The unique street scenes, characterized by clotheslines strung between windows and locals chatting in hidden squares, add a charming and intimate dimension to your photography. Venice’s unique blend of history, art, and water offers a captivating experience for any photographer, inviting you to capture its timeless beauty and ephemeral moments.

Insider’s Tip: Explore the less-traveled paths in Dorsoduro for unique canal shots.

When To Travel: Winter or early spring to avoid crowds and capture foggy mornings.

How To Get There: Fly into Venice Marco Polo Airport or travel by train from other European cities.

<p><span>Each destination offers a unique opportunity to capture the world through your lens. Whether it’s the urban jungle of New York, the serene landscapes of New Zealand, or the cultural richness of Jaipur, these locations provide a diverse range of subjects for your photography. With insider tips, the best travel times, and accessibility information, you’re well-equipped to plan your photographic journey. So pack your camera, embrace the adventure, and prepare to capture some of the most stunning landscapes and cityscapes the world has to offer.</span></p> <p><span>More Articles Like This…</span></p> <p><a title="Barcelona: Discover the Top 10 Beach Clubs" href=""><span>Barcelona: Discover the Top 10 Beach Clubs</span></a></p> <p><a title="2024 Global City Travel Guide – Your Passport to the World’s Top Destination Cities" href=""><span>2024 Global City Travel Guide – Your Passport to the World’s Top Destination Cities</span></a></p> <p><a title="Exploring Khao Yai 2024 – A Hidden Gem of Thailand" href=""><span>Exploring Khao Yai 2024 – A Hidden Gem of Thailand</span></a></p> <p><span>The post <a href="">10 Photography Tours in Iconic Locations 2024 – Capturing Stunning Landscapes and Cityscapes</a> republished on</span> <a title="Passing Thru" href=""><span>Passing Thru</span></a><span> with permission from</span> <a title="The Green Voyage" href=""><span>The Green Voyage</span></a><span>.</span></p> <p>Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / RB_Media.</p> <p><span>For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.</span></p>

The Bottom Line

Each destination offers a unique opportunity to capture the world through your lens. Whether it’s the urban jungle of New York, the serene landscapes of New Zealand, or the cultural richness of Jaipur, these locations provide a diverse range of subjects for your photography. With insider tips, the best travel times, and accessibility information, you’re well-equipped to plan your photographic journey. So pack your camera, embrace the adventure, and prepare to capture some of the most stunning landscapes and cityscapes the world has to offer.

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The post 10 Photography Tours in Iconic Locations 2024 – Capturing Stunning Landscapes and Cityscapes republished on Passing Thru with permission from The Green Voyage .

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / RB_Media.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

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STOCKHOLM — Thousands of fans line up each morning ahead of Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour shows hoping to get one of the coveted spots on the open, first-come, first-served arena floor.

In America, fans buy designated seats. Abroad, the floor is like a Southwest flight. There are no assigned seats, and those with VIP tickets nab the best spots since they are let into the arena an hour early.

Unless fans have VIP tickets, they'll probably end up in the mid-to-back sections of the floor, no matter how early they line up. After getting two floor tickets to two shows — one in Paris and one in Sweden — here are my tips for navigating the magic and madness of the ground level.

Like we were in Paris

An hour before Swift's last show in Paris, I and a friend of mine made a last-minute decision to buy $150 floor tickets off StubHub. We went to the arena 10 minutes before the opening act, Paramore, took the stage. At intermission, we stood by the VIP tent. I was able to say hi to "Grey’s Anatomy" star Jessica Capshaw . Twenty feet away, singer Christina Milian sat in a director's chair. 

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Up above fans noticed Swift's boyfriend Travis Kelce , his best friend Ross Travis, actor Bradley Cooper, supermodel Gigi Hadid and rock star Lenny Kravitz in a suite. I could understand why Kelce was in a box. The chaos of fans zooming in on their phone cameras to get grainy shots of his every reaction and waving arm dance moves was nonstop. But I get it, I got one for Instagram when Swift punctuated her 87th — his jersey number — show with a mashup of love songs including one that he inspired: “The Alchemy,” “Treacherous,” “Begin Again” and “Paris.”

Walking along the back rim of the floor and following Swift as she performed from different parts of the massive catwalk, I felt carefree and untethered. It was liberating not to fear losing a spot. Several fans danced in the less congested area similar to the thousands who danced in theater aisles during the blockbuster release of the concert movie.

Predicting Kelce would come down near the stage during “Karma,” I walked over to the guardrail and waved during the “Midnights” song. He and Swift took a different exit than her dancers, singers and bandmates. My friend had been to the Eras Tour a few times before and said that was his favorite show. 

It’s nice to have a friend

In Sweden, I bought a floor seat on the right side of the stage. Hoping to get a closer spot, I camped out. The long wait created a mini community that exchanged friendship bracelets and the latest clown theories while posting videos to Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok. My favorite costumes in the Y entrance line were two Reputation clowns wearing scaly dresses and snaky blue boas paired with bright-red clown wigs that made everyone smile. (The joke is Swifties incessantly “clown” the singer will announce the rerelease of her sixth album and she has yet to.)

The shade from Friends Arena blocked the Swedish sun with temperatures in the 70s. The less-than-long merch lines allowed fans to save each other’s spaces to buy $75 hoodies and $45 T-shirts.

With no bags allowed in the arena , fans filled their pockets with only essentials like external battery chargers, wallets, passports and chapsticks.

Patient line waiters drank water early. Two Finnish fans by me said they stopped hydrating a couple hours before doors opened for fear of getting a good place and having to use the restroom. 

Thousands of VIP fans entered an hour early, and any hope of getting a stage-side dominion was lost for general admission.

I staked a claim near the railing on the side of the stage base (by the corner of the back screen). Guitarist Paul Sidoti threw guitar picks to fans. Back-up vocalists Kamilah Marshall and Eliotte Woodford waved to admirers between running backstage for wardrobe changes and joining Swift center-stage. Pianist Karina DePiano stayed at the keys the whole concert but danced and sang to every tune. The other bandmates and vocalists were on the opposite, left corner.

Security guards who bordered the stage between the fan barricade and catwalk had stacks of cups and multiple, liter-sized water bottles. They frequently asked if anyone needed hydration. Around the “1989” set two-thirds of the way into the show, Swifties took the guards up on the offer.

At least four times on Swift's third night in Stockholm, fans were escorted by a guard along the stage to an area where they would get medical attention. One of the four was carried by a guard who asked his cohorts to get the girl water. Outside, the night chill hovered at 54 degrees and inside the arena’s temperature was tepid at best.

Several water stations on the floor included disposable cups with multiple faucets over a bathtub where fans could fill up.

At one point during the acoustic set, Swift paused to ask fans , “Someone in the front row, can you tell me yes or no to this question: When you guys are putting a bunch of flashlights up in a group, does that mean people need help?”

More: Taylor Swift pauses acoustic set of Stockholm Eras Tour show to check on fans

Best seat in the house?

There are advantages to each section of the floor. The diamond part of the stage is the premier spot for the most close interactions with Swift. It gets the rising platform, smoke shooters and bulk of the performances.

The two base corners by the back screen and the catwalk between the back screen and diamond allow fans to see “The Man” set, “Folklore” cottage and famous “Enchanted” look back as Swift exits the “Speak Now” era. It’s also the space where most entrances and exits happen.

The far end of the catwalk is where the “22" hat is given out, where “Love Story” culminates as flashing lights shoot across the entire arena and where Swift begins “The Tortured Poets Department” era with “But Daddy I Love Him.”

After being to multiple shows, I would vie for a seat looking directly at the stage, perpendicular to the back screen. You get the chance to give your legs and back a rest between eras. You have a designated spot, and you can see the entire show including animations.

The open floor offers two options. For the VIP ticket holder, you get a front row vantage of the record-breaking show along with the best photo and video opportunities. But if you’re not in VIP and on the floor, succumb to not getting the best media and dance in your best dress, fearless.

Follow Taylor Swift reporter Bryan West on  Instagram ,  TikTok  and  X as @BryanWestTV .

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The Oakland Press

Entertainment | Heart at Little Caesars Arena, 5 things to know

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Heart performs Tuesday, May 21, at Detroit's Little Caesars Arena (Photo by Criss Cain)

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame-inducted band fronted by sisters Ann and Nancy Wilson recently started its Royal Flush Tour, only its second road trek since 2016. That tour was marked by an assault on Nancy’s two sons by Ann’s husband Dean Wetter, which led to an acrimonious schism between the sisters, who — save for a Heart tour in 2019 — have focused on their own projects during the intervening years. The guitarist even led a group called Nancy Wilson’s Heart for a short time, while Ann’s Tripsitter comprises Heart’s current touring lineup.

These days, however, the Wilson’s are on better terms and focused again on the band they began during 1973 in Seattle. They’re playing the hits on tour — which will take them to Europe as well as opening some stadium dates for Def Leppard and Journey — and talking about new material. That goes to show that you can never, as the songs says, say “Never” when it comes to this duo…

* The Wilson says that their relationship is on much better footing now even than it was during Heart’s 2019 tour. “We’re talking. We’re fine together. We just felt it, so why not?” Ann, 73, explains. “The common ground is that we both want it to be excellent and we both want it to be absolutely Heart. We just basically put it together and said, ‘Let’s go!'” Nancy ass that “there’s so many things, circumstantially, since 2019…a lot of it’s just family drama and unavoidable, and just other stuff people wanted to do besides Heart. So we were off doing our own things for a little while, and there was also this little interruption called the pandemic. And, y’know, I just turned the big 7-0 (on March 16), so it’s like, ‘Whoa…If I ever want to get a chance to do this amazingly fun thing one more time, now is the time.'”

* Nancy says the sisters also now have a deeper appreciation for Heart’s heritage — 16 studio albums since 1985 and enduring hits such as “Magic Man,” “Crazy On You,” “Barracuda,” “Never, “what About Love,” “These Dreams” and “Alone.” “These are songs that mean a lot to a lot of people, that are the Heart songs they know and love that are also the soundtracks to people’s lives. What I really love about Heart and miss about Heart is the flexibility, musically, inside of the band itself. If we wanted to we could be a Led Zeppelin cover band, or if we wanted to we could be a total comedy routine band. We could do all kinds of amazing covers of stuff, but this time it’s going to be all us.” That said, the group has been playing the occasional Led Zeppelin song during its concerts, as it has throughout its career.

* Ann says that this year she’s also experiencing the Heart songs in a different way as a singer. “I think I was always so busy performing the songs and trying to just be excellent on stage that I never really sank into the true meaning of some of the songs until now. The other day at rehearsal they had been working out ‘Dog and Butterfly,’ and I sat down and it was so beautiful and the sentiment was so great and beautiful and tender, and I just teared up right off, even before I sang anything. It was awesome.”

“I think I was always so busy performing the songs and trying to just be excellent on stage that I never really sank into the true meaning of some of the songs until now,” Ann explains. “The other day at rehearsal they had been working out ‘Dog and Butterfly,’ and I sat down and it was so beautiful and the sentiment was so great and beautiful and tender, and I just teared up right off, even before I sang anything. It was awesome.”

* Heart has performed one new song, “Roll the Dice,” on some of the tour dates, and both Wilsons say they hope there’s more where that came from. “The thing that we really hope to achieve is to maybe write some more stuff together,” Ann says. “We don’t have plans for that right now. We don’t really plan too far in the future; we’re not calculating like that. We’re just gonna do this tour and see what comes. But I think if a song comes out of a situation it’ll be a real good one, ’cause it’ll be authentic. It’s just a matter of me and Nancy getting our heads around that.”

* Nancy Wilson has also been going through Heart’s vaults for unreleased material that may see release at some point as well. “There’s a couple unfinished things I’d like to finish off with Ann and Sue (Ennis, their regular collaborator. There’s one really, really cool song called ‘Sweet Deceiver,’ but the words were never right so we never recorded it properly. I think I might want to finish that song; I’ve been trying to think of new chorus lyrics ever since I heard the demo. I would love to write some new stuff, too.”

Heart and Cheap Trick perform at 8 p.m. Tuesday, May 21 at Little Caesars Arena, 2645 Woodward Ave., Detroit. 313-471-7000 or

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May 24, 2024

Barnegat Light: Everything you need to know about the beaches and things to do there this summer

Do you need a beach tag how much does it cost to tour the lighthouse when are lifeguards on duty and answers to other questions about the long beach island shore town..

Jeff Tomik

Barnegat Light is at the northern end of Long Beach Island. This photo, taken in 2021, shows scallop fishing boats docked at the shore town.

In addition to clean and spacious beaches, Barnegat Light, at the northern tip of Long Beach Island, offers panoramic views and a touch of history in the form of a 172-foot, 19th century lighthouse. 

First lit in 1859 and still able to shine today, the picturesque Barnegat Lighthouse long played an integral role in maritime navigation along the New Jersey coastline. Enter the state park and climb the 217 steps to take in the spectacular sights from the top for the cost of $3 for adults, $1 for children 6-11 and free for those 5 and younger. 

Whether you plan on enjoying a bird's-eye view of the island or just going to the beach, here's a guide to visiting Barnegat Light this summer:

What are some things to do in Barnegat Light this summer?

When you're looking for something to do in Barnegat Light, check out shore town's  event's calendar . 

The borough kicks off the unofficial start of summer this Memorial Day weekend with the Viking Village Art & Craft Show ,  Barnegat Light Tax Payers’ Association Wine & Cheese Gathering and parade on Sunday, May 26 .  

Here are some of the highlights during the rest of the summer:

Summer Concert Series , Mondays starting July 1 : There will be live music every Monday from 7-9 p.m. at Bay Breeze Pavilion. The Barnegat Light  events calendar  lists the weekly performers.  

Independence Day Parade , July 4 : Also, a day before the Fourth of July parade, which will be 5:30-6:30 p.m., there will be a sand sculpting contest on the ocean side of 25th Street from 2-3 p.m.

Antique & Collectible Show , Aug. 4 : The Vikings Shows event hosts dozens of vendors at 19th and Bayview from 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Do you need a beach tag in Barnegat Light?

Yes. All beachgoers 12 and older must have a beach tag. Season passes are available for $35 until June 5, when pricing increases to $45. Weekly ($22), daily ($5) and senior ($12) passes are also offered. 

Badges can be bought on the beach from a badge checker or at the Beach Badge Booth, at West 11th Street behind the post office, which is open daily from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. and on Saturdays until 6 p.m. Any veterans and active military member can obtain a free badge at the booth. 

When are Barnegat Light's lifeguards on duty?

Starting Saturday, June 15, lifeguards are on duty every day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

What are the rules on Barnegat Light's beaches?

Dogs are not allowed on the beach during the summer. 

A tram is available for free to all beach tag holders. It runs daily between Fourth Street and Ninth Street from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2-5 p.m. A map of its route can be found online . 

Free beach wheelchairs are available with a reservation on a first-come first-served basis . More information about Barnegat Light's beach rules is available on the borough's website .

Jeff Tomik

Jeff Tomik PhillyVoice Staff

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Observe Memorial Day with these events in southern Maine

Tons of towns have parades and ceremonies happening Monday.

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Kids and adults gather at a Memorial Day parade to honor and celebrate veterans in South Portland. Sofia Aldinio/ Staff Photographer

BATH 10 a.m. Monday. Parade begins at 200 Congress Ave. and concludes at Library Park and will be followed by a wreath-laying service at 11 a.m.

BERWICK 11 a.m. Monday. Parade begins at Berwick Town Hall/Sullivan Square and proceeds to Lord’s Cemetery by way of Wilson and Allen streets. After a ceremony there, the parade will continue down Saw Mill Hill Street with a pause at the Somersworth-Berwick Bridge for a brief memorial service for those lost at sea. The parade ends at Sullivan Square with a memorial service honoring area veterans.

BIDDEFORD-SACO Opening ceremony at 9:55 a.m. Monday at Saco City Hall. Parade starts at 10 a.m. from Saco City Hall and proceeds along Main Street and down York Hill into Biddeford, continues along Main Street, onto Alfred Street and finishes at Veteran’s Memorial Park with a closing ceremony at 10:45 a.m.

BRUNSWICK-TOPSHAM 9 a.m. Monday. Parade proceeds from Topsham Town Hall, pauses for observances while crossing the Brunswick-Topsham bridge, and concludes at the Brunswick Mall.

CAPE ELIZABETH 9 a.m. Monday. Parade begins at the middle school parking lot, turns right on Scott Dyer Road, right onto Route 77 and ends at the village green adjacent to the town hall. A brief ceremony and laying of the wreath will be held at the Village Green after the parade.

CUMBERLAND 8 a.m. Monday. Kids run at Greely High School followed by 5K Run and Remember race at 8:30 a.m. Parade starts at 10 a.m. at Mabel I. Wilson School and ends at the veterans’ monument in Moss Side Cemetery in Cumberland Center, where a ceremony will be held at 10:30 a.m. Advertisement

FALMOUTH 10 a.m. Monday. Parade proceeds from 65 Depot Road (Falmouth American Legion) to Pine Grove Park, where a ceremony will be held.

FREEPORT 9:30 a.m. Monday. Parade proceeds from Holbrook Street, heads north on Main and makes a right onto School Street, then right onto Park Street, ending in Memorial Park. There will be a small ceremony in Memorial Park starting at 10 a.m.

GORHAM 11 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Village School (12 Robie St.) and ends at Eastern Cemetery on Johnson Road.

GRAY 11:30 a.m. Monday. Parade leaves the Russell School (8 Gray Park), proceeds to Shaker Road and continues to the Soldiers Monument at the intersection of Routes 26 and 3 for a wreath-laying ceremony. Parade continues north to the American Legion Post (15 Lewiston Road) for a closing ceremony.

LYMAN 1 p.m. Monday. Parade starts at Waterhouse Road/Mill Pond in Goodwins Mills and ends at the Lyman Town Hall on South Waterboro Road.

NEW GLOUCESTER 9 a.m. Monday. Parade leaves from Memorial Elementary School (86 Intervale Road) and heads down Intervale Road to Route 100/202 to Veterans Park for a memorial service. The parade will reconvene and go down Peacock Hill Road, then take a left on Gilmore Road. Advertisement

OLD ORCHARD BEACH 1 p.m. Monday. Parade starts at the corner of Ballpark Way and E. Emerson Cumming Boulevard and proceeds down Saco Avenue, Old Orchard Beach Street to First Street and ends at Veteran’s Memorial Park.

PORTLAND 2 p.m. Monday. The procession starts at Longfellow School (432 Stevens Ave.) and ends at Evergreen Cemetery for a commemoration ceremony.

SANFORD 10 a.m. Monday. The parade starts at the Sanford Armory (88 William Oscar Emery Drive), proceeds up Gowen Park Drive and ends at Central Park.

SCARBOROUGH 10 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Scarborough High School, turns onto Route 114 and then Route 1, past town offices to the Maine Veterans Home and concludes with a ceremony there.

SOUTH PORTLAND 10:30 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Southern Maine Community College parking lot, proceeds down Broadway to the Veterans Monument for a short Memorial Day recognition service.

WELLS 9 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Wells High School (200 Sanford Road) and proceeds to Ocean View Cemetery for a ceremony and musical performances. Advertisement

WESTBROOK 10 a.m. Monday. Parade proceeds down Main Street and will be followed by a ceremony in Riverbank Park.

WINDHAM 9 a.m. Monday. Parade starts at Windham Town Hall and proceeds onto Route 202 toward Windham High School. At 10 a.m., there will be a ceremony in front of Windham’s Veterans Memorial Flagpole at Windham High School.

YARMOUTH 10 a.m. Monday. Parade leaves from Yarmouth High School (286 West Elm St.) and proceeds to the Memorial Green at Town Hall for a ceremony.

YORK 10 a.m. Monday. Parade starts near St. Christopher’s Church (4 Barrell Lane) and proceeds down York Street to York Town Hall.

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Prince William Is Joined by His Royal Cousins at Rainy Buckingham Palace Garden Party

The Prince of Wales invited Princess Beatrice, Princess Eugenie, Zara Tindall, and more royals to accompany him today.

preview for Everything to Know About Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie

At Buckingham Palace today, Prince William hosted a Garden Party on behalf of his father, King Charles.

The Garden Parties are an annual royal family tradition. Per the official royal family's website , "Over the course of each year, over 30,000 guests are invited to spend a relaxed summer afternoon in the beautiful gardens of Buckingham Palace or the Palace of Holyroodhouse." They add, "Garden Parties are an important way for members of the Royal Family to speak to a broad range of people from all walks of life, all of whom have made a positive impact in their community."

According to Kensington Palace, at today's event, Prince William will meet guests from his and Kate Middleton's patronages, military affiliations, and passion projects. The Princess of Wales will not be in attendance as she continues to receive treatment for cancer ; yesterday, a senior aide revealed that she will "return to work when she has had the green light from doctors," which has not happened yet.

Here, see all the best photos of Prince William and his royal cousins at today's rainy Garden Party at the Palace:

britain royals garden party

Guests stood under umbrellas as they waited for the royal family to arrive.

britain royals garden party

Prince William adjusted his top hat upon his arrival.

the sovereign's garden party 2024

Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie walked in together for the Garden Party; Beatrice wore a striking fuchsia dress.

the sovereign's garden party 2024

The Duke of Gloucester, Queen Elizabeth's first cousin, joined William at the Garden Party.

the sovereign's garden party 2024

Prince William, along with the Duke of Gloucester and Birgitte, Duchess of Gloucester (on right), listened to the National Anthem. The three of them were the only senior working royals present.

britain royals garden party

The Prince of Wales wore a white flower on his lapel.

britain royals garden party

Due to the weather, Beatrice (center) and her cousins all carried black umbrellas.

britain royals garden party

Zara Tindall, center, looked lovely in a white dress and pink hat. Her husband, Mike, is on the far left in this photo.

the sovereign's garden party 2024

Princess Eugenie was all smiles in the rain.

britain royals garden party

The Prince of Wales, too, held an umbrella as he spoke with guests.

the sovereign's garden party 2024

Peter Phillips animatedly spoke with guests.

the sovereign's garden party 2024

Mike Tindall forwent his umbrella, opting instead to use it as a walking stick.

the sovereign's garden party 2024

Prince William received a piece of artwork from guests.

Headshot of Emily Burack

Emily Burack (she/her) is the Senior News Editor for Town & Country, where she covers entertainment, culture, the royals, and a range of other subjects. Before joining T&C, she was the deputy managing editor at Hey Alma , a Jewish culture site. Follow her @emburack on Twitter and Instagram .

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  25. Barnegat Light 2024: Info about beach tags, lifeguards and things to do

    Peter Ackerman/Imagn Content Services Barnegat Light is at the northern end of Long Beach Island. This photo, taken in 2021, shows scallop fishing boats docked at the shore town.

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    Kids and adults gather at a Memorial Day parade to honor and celebrate veterans in South Portland. Sofia Aldinio/ Staff Photographer. BATH. 10 a.m. Monday. Parade begins at 200 Congress Ave. and ...

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    The three of them were the only senior working royals present. The Prince of Wales wore a white flower on his lapel. Due to the weather, Beatrice (center) and her cousins all carried black ...