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The Cure  

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The Cure are a band formed in 1976 hailing from Crawley, West Sussex, in the United Kingdom. Fronted by lead singer and songwriter Robert Smith, they came from the post-punk scene of the early 80’s to become one of the biggest and most influential bands in modern rock.

When a band gets to be as truly worshipped as The Cure, it can be an interesting and slightly bizarre thing to look at their early days. A little bit like seeing your favourite actor wondering whether they’re going to go with white or brown bread in a local Tesco. Or an important politician spotted zoning out on public transport, it brings them back down to earth and reminds you that they’re not all-conquering, all-powerful cosmically divine extra-dimension visitors who know the secrets of the universe, but a guy from the Sussex suburbs who formed a band to play at a school concert.

They probably looked ridiculous at their first shows, and not in the awesome way. They probably wrote some godawful songs. Some punters probably watched an early incarnation of The Cure and thought, for good reason, that they were a bunch of no-hopers. Every band has those days and if they haven’t one should be very, very suspicious of them. What makes The Cure so special is that they absolutely had those days, but knowing about them doesn’t take the sheen off them at all. They’re still a vitally important band, influential to thousands of bands the world over and that’s enough to make them legends, before the image and before the imitators.

And it all began with a school concert. In April 1973, five students from Notre Dame Middle School in Crawley formed Obelisk, the first tentative musical project of one Mr Robert Smith, who was the bands pianist. Future Cure cohorts Mick Dempsey and Lol Tolhurst backed him up on guitar and percussion, respectively, but it wasn’t until 1976 that the trio began to take making music more seriously. The band was reshuffled to feature Smith on the guitar, Dempsey on bass and Tolhurst left the now renamed Malice, but it was only to last a year until their lead guitarist left as well.

The remaining members got Tolhurst back as their drummer and renamed themselves again.This time, they would be called Easy Cure. By September 1977, Smith took over lead vocals after several unsuccessful auditions and by the start of 1978, they had dropped the Easy from their name and had recorded their first demo tape. This tape found its way to Polydor Records scout Chris Parry, who was so taken with the band that he signed them to his own label Fiction in September of that very year. In a move that nobody would get away with now, their track “Killing An Arab” was released soon after as their very first single.

It was a move that gained as much acclaim as controversy, to the extent that a re-release of the single had to be packaged with a sticker on the cover denying its supposedly racist connotations. Thankfully, the bands energetic post-punk got more attention, and their hype was considerably heightened with a session on John Peel’s legendary Radio One show. By the following year, their debut album “Three Imaginary Boys”, was released, and as part of its promotion, the band embarked on their first major support tour opening for Siouxsie And The Banshees.

This was to be a major step forward for the band, as Smith was coaxed into playing guitar for The Banshees after their original axe-man left shortly before the tour. The experience of being a Banshee profoundly changed Smith’s attitude towards the music that his band played, and when before he was most influenced by The Buzzcocks and Elvis Costello, afterwards he wanted to match the power that he felt while playing Siouxsie’s music. The result was 1980’s “Seventeen Seconds” and arguably, that was when they became The Cure that we know today.

Since then, they’ve been most known for essentially creating Goth music with the aforementioned record, its follow up “Faith”, and 1982’s bleak masterpiece “Pornography”. However, after those records they released some of the most romantic, beautiful and downright succesful pop of the 1980’s and early 90’s, with albums like “Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me”, “Wish” and “The Top” showing just what Smith could do with a lovelorn lyric and a truly gorgeous melody. It’s their mastery of these two extremes that really show why The Cure are as loved as they are. They exemplify the human condition, and reflect when one is ecstatic and when one is at their lowest with equal skill and sensitivity.

There’s no-one else like them, and it’ll be a while before we see their likes again. See this band as soon as possible.

Live reviews

Reviewing a show of one of your favorite Bands who have the distinction of being in your Top 5 (if not #1) live experiences of all time can be a bit daunting.

It can go a number of ways.

1. Another Great show as hoped.

2. Sub par and a let down.

3. The Band just "mails it in" (which is the worst).

The Cure, who have been around since 1976 (Easy Cure) and haven't toured the States anyway with a new album since 2008 are currently embarking on a substantial North American tour and with no new album I was really only expecting a "Greatest Hits" type show honestly? And given their Longevity and slew of "Hits" from the heyday of MTV I guess I couldn't blame them and I would have been satisfied more than likely?

Ah, but that was not the case in Boston (6-16-16) at Agganis Arena!

The Cure came out full throttle with a high energy level for what would turn out to be a marathon show of 3 hours which included.

Not 1. Not 2. Not even 3. But 4. Yes. 4 Encore Sets!!!

Were the standards there? Of course how can they not be.

"Inbetween Days", "Just Like Heaven", "Lovesong" "Let's Go To Bed", "Boys Don't Cry" etc etc etc

And all played with a kicked up, but not hurried, sense of urgency and excitement!

Mixed in though were surprising live Gems like:

"Burn" (1st The Crow soundtrack), "M", "Kyoto Song" and the surprising "Snakepit"!!

"Fascination Street" which has one the most perfect Bass lines ever IMO was a whirlwind of insanity as Simon Gallup just pushed the Band forward.

And the songs just kept coming one after the other while the crowd basked in Robert Smith's wonderfully childlike sense of wonder and emotion in his lyrics and vocals and understated guitar work.

Most Cure fans (me included) knew every single song played which is typical of The Cure fanbase.

But when they launched into the new "It Can Never Be the Same" with it's rumbling Bass line and heart felt lyrics to Robert Smith's Mother(?) I was amazed at how well it slid into this already fantastic set and really really really hope it gets a proper release soon, if it hasn't already and I have somehow missed it?

Robert Smith is an enigma of a front man. He demands your attention but. I don't believe, has never come to grips with his fans adulations and is still obviously shy individual. And I really don't think it's an act?

Simon Gallup is without doubt the energy of this Band still! He stalks the stage and never stops moving. All the while laying down a very unique Bass foundation that compliments Roberts Jangly sparse guitar style perfectly.

Simon does not get the recognition he deserves as a force on the Bass (along with John Taylor of Duran Duran) and if you play Bass you really should take a close listen to his work with The Cure.

Jason Cooper I think has finally come out from the shadow that was Boris Williams and seems comfortable in pushing his style now more in the drumming Dept. which I believe is another reason for the energy level of the Band live.

Roger O'Donnell is sublime on the keyboards and brings that soaring majestic sound needed for anything done from DISINTEGRATION while jumping right over to the nursery rhyme key tinkling of The Cure's early 80's Synth Pop era easily.

Reeves Gabrels who is the current 2nd guitarist in the ever rotating slot is a masterful musician in his own right (David Bowie folks) and honestly I was surprised at how long He has stayed with the Band? But He steps out very tastefully when required and ads his unique flair to the sound. I will admit to missing Porl Thompson who I just think was/ is the elusive component to the Band. But if you have to have Mr. Gabrels who am I to complain?.

Honestly this review could have been round up with one word: "EPIC"

But that, would be "mailing it in".

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tommyv’s profile image

I first saw the Cure in 1982 in this very same venue, the effectionatelg named by U.S. Muso's as the Hammy Odeon.

Tonight some 30 years later I'm back. I feel at home especially as I'm stranding and I'm where I should be.... Down the Front

Our evening starts with And Also The Trees a reformed eighties outfit who previously supported the Cure on their 1984 tour.

The thing about Robert smith is that he is a prolific song writer and the bands back catalogue is immense which results in us experiencing a three hour plus spectacular.

And what a treat. Hits rained down and more randomly than normal. Tracks from The Top album seemed dominate. Just like Heaven, Charlotte sometimes, Hundred Years, The End and of course the gems Primary, play for today and the classic A Forest.

Of course I'd liked more from Seventeen Seconds and Faith but that would have been greedy. There were plenty of folk here tonight who weren't born when these albums were released

With so much to play we were presented with four encores and finally at 11.15 it all ended with Boys Don't Cry.

It meant so much for me to have returned to this awesome venue to see my favourite band.... The place and the band that started me on my gig going journey

Cheers Robert.... Fantastic

adambroadway’s profile image

The Cure are a special band and should be heard in a special environment, that is why I saw them at Red Rocks in Colorado. It was a cool night and the sun was sitting low in the sky. That famous colorful Colorado sky fell down across the stage.

The fans were are pretty relaxed and were mostly 25 plus in age. Everyone seemed to be poised for a night of great music. You could hear conversations coming from every direction, everyone hoping their favorite songs will be played.

Just as it was getting dark the band took the stage. Everyone stood and applauded Robert Smith as he paced across the stage and made his way to the microphone stand. As the band members struck a few random chords then the band jumped into “Just Like Heaven”. The frenzy only grew as the bad started without pause to play “Friday I’m In Love”. Everyone was having so much fun. The music sounded better then I have ever heard it before.

Robert Smith played an amazing set list of all the hits over the years. The band played all the old songs like “Boys Don’t Cry” and “Pictures of you” with a fresh take and with a new energy. This band has been around a while and still worth seeing live!

The Cure are legends and any band that will give you a 2 1/2 hour show deserves your respect. That being said this "greatest hits" + a few back-catalogue approach is what you'd expect from the Rolling Stones not from what is still an underground act. That in and by itself wouldn't even be that bad but aside from a few songs 39, A Night Like This, 100 Years sounded bland, uninspired and as though they were just going through the motions... Great light show, technical perfection but no soul! I've seen them twice in the 90's and came out of those shows thrilled, energized and inspired. Those were magical shows where the band managed to transform reality and all (the band included, to judge by their faces) came out of it exhausted and amazed, carried off as by some shamanistic ritual to dark and dangerous lands where we learned to overcome our fears and face the world around us with new hope. This wasn't one of those shows. This was Robert Smith giving his audience 30 of his best songs and not once making a spiritual connection with either the music or the crowd...

satoriforsale’s profile image

Obviously being way too young to remember The Cure the first time around (sort of, ish, ahem, etc), this was the first time seeing this bunch of post-punk proto-goths and inevitably they didn't disappoint.

Despite most of the band heading pretty swiftly towards free-bus-pass age, the gig show kicked along at a pace, with young Mr. Smith barely pausing for breath as they band kicked on through a back catalogue spanning 30+ years.

Having spent the past few weeks attempting to brush up on my Cure knowledge (via Spotify) I can gladly add this band to an ever-growing list of "if you thought the studio version was good...", as tracks like Lullaby, Lovecats and Friday all sounded immense performed live.

Main issue of the night was technical; the lack of big screens at Wembley Arena means if you're right at the back, the band are mere specks on the stage up front. The lighting design was beautifully done though, and went some way to compensate for the lack of being able to see Robert Smith gurning earnestly into the microphone.

mrpjones’s profile image

Two review, first for The Cure. It was a wonderful show! They were willing to perform hits along with other unknown songs and sounded great at doing it. They had a half and half crowd, some diehard fans and some who thought they were bigger fans than they actually were. With it being May in Pac NW the temperature dropped quickly freezing alot of people enough to say they had seen enough. This wasnt The band's fault for lack of inspired fans. They were everything I expected from a goth rock band from the late 70s and 80s. About the venue: I love the venue as well! We have been living in Portland for 5 years but have never made a point to catch a show in the Washington Amphitheater. Wow! We felt like we were home in the south. Nice concert under the stars and the price was a great as well, considering the crappy prices shows in Portland go for. We will be going back to Sunlight Supply in August.

RollinRob76’s profile image

Buon concerto del gruppo, rovinato dalla pessima acustica del Mediolanum Forum.

L'esecuzione è stata quasi impeccabile, l'interazione col pubblico buona (Robert Smith ha persino azzardato un "Grazie mille", unica ed acclamatissima frase che il pubblico ha capito), alcune canzoni elegantemente riarrangiate.

La qualità sonora, inizialmente pessima (purtroppo tale è rimasta per tutta l'esibizione dei Twilight Sad che aprivano il concerto), è migliorata durante l'esibizione grazie al lavoro ingrato dei fonici e al fatto che gradualmente le chitarre elettriche distorte sono state sostituite con le acustiche o con suoni più docili.

Penso che sia l'ultimo concerto che andrò a vedere al Mediolanum Forum, che è vergognosamente inadatto ad ospitare concerti rock dal punto di vista acustico (peccato, perché dal punto di vista logistico non è male). Ridateci l'arena!

ruggero-dambra’s profile image

What a concert!

We managed to get front row side view, only a few meters from the stage.

I'd seen them in 1985 in Madrid, 2008 in Melbourne and now in Milan. Awesome songs, still as good as always. A massive repertoire to choose from, but they performed most of their hits, plus a new one, It Can Never Be The Same. Robert as grand as always, he really enjoyed the show.

Simon at his best, he inspired me when I was 17 to play bass guitar, his usual moving around the stage with his bass at knee level!

I missed Porl, though, he has always been the colourful note at the right end of the stage!

Roger as sculptural as always in front of the keyboards and Jason performing at his best.

A magnificent show, what can I say.

I hope to see them again in a couple of years!

manuel.guerrero’s profile image

The Cure - Barcelona, Palau Sant Jordi. November 26th 2016

My 5th Cure concert, and probably the best I've seen. No doubt it was far better than the last one, also in Barcelona in 2008 (without Roger O'Donnell on keys)

The band is great with Reeves Gabrels and Roger. Jason Cooper sounds better than ever on drums and Simon's bass is terrific.

Missed some gems such as Plainsong, Jupiter Crash, Want, Letter to Elise, but setlist was OK, 32 songs, focusing on The Head on the Door (1985) + Disintegration (89) + Kiss Me (87).

1 great unreleased song: It Can Never Be The Same on 1st encore.

Robert's voice was fine, powerful and clean. Athmosphere was good, proactive and the pop songs encouraged fans to sing along.

Looking fw to a new tour and maybe new album?

carles-aleix’s profile image

3 (three) hours of pure pleasure. 31 songs.

They sang as if they were recording the original albuns. Perfect!

Great quality and performance.

Great respect for the fans, as I never saw.

Best was not possible, im glad I went to this concert. Thank you CURE!

In Between Days

Pictures of You

The Hungry Ghost

A Night Like This

Shake Dog Shake

The Caterpillar

From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea

One Hundred Years

Step Into the Light

Play for Today

Fascination Street

Friday I'm in Love

Just Like Heaven

Boys Don't Cry

Hot Hot Hot!!!

Let's Go to Bed

Close to Me

Why Can't I Be You?

nuno-ramos-1’s profile image

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The Cure live.

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The Cure live.

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Past Events

Here are the most recent UK tour dates we had listed for The Cure. Were you there?

December 2022

  • Tue 13 Dec London, OVO Arena, Wembley The Cure
  • Mon 12 Dec London, OVO Arena, Wembley The Cure
  • Sun 11 Dec London, OVO Arena, Wembley The Cure
  • Thu 8 Dec Utilita Arena Cardiff The Cure
  • Wed 7 Dec Utilita Arena Birmingham The Cure
  • Tue 6 Dec Leeds, first direct arena The Cure
  • Sun 4 Dec Glasgow, The OVO Hydro The Cure
  • Fri 2 Dec SSE Arena, Belfast The Cure
  • Thu 1 Dec Dublin, 3Arena The Cure

October 2020

  • Thu 8 Oct ➙ Sun 18 Oct Online / Streaming Events Teenage Cancer Trust Unseen Ed Sheeran, Muse, The Who, Sir Paul McCartney, Paul Weller…
  • Thu 30 Jul ➙ Sun 2 Aug Online / Streaming Events Lolla2020 Paul McCartney, Metallica, The Cure, Outkast, LCD Soundsystem…
  • Wed 29 Jul ➙ Tue 18 Aug Online / Streaming Events Summer Encore Festival Queen, Pink Floyd, Shakira, Wu-Tang Clan, Mumford & Sons…

August 2019

  • Fri 23 Aug ➙ Sun 25 Aug Rock En Seine 2019 The Cure, Alice Merton, Balthazar, Eels, Jeanne Added…
  • Fri 16 Aug Glasgow, Bellahouston Park The Cure, Mogwai, The Twilight Sad, The Joy Formidable
  • Wed 7 Aug ➙ Sat 10 Aug Oyafestivalen Festival 2019 The Cure, Robyn, Karpe, Sigrid, Motorpsycho med venner…
  • Thu 11 Jul ➙ Sat 13 Jul Mad Cool Festival 2019 Bon Iver, Charlotte de Witte, Disclosure (2), Foxing, H.E.R.…
  • Thu 11 Jul ➙ Sat 13 Jul NOS Alive '19 Bob Moses, Bon Iver, Carla Prata, The Chemical Brothers, The Cure…
  • Thu 4 Jul ➙ Sun 7 Jul Exit Festival 2019 The Cure, Lost Frequencies, 65daysofstatic, Two Pauz, The Chainsmokers…
  • Thu 27 Jun ➙ Sun 30 Jun Rock Werchter 2019 P!NK, Bastille, Elbow, Paul Kalkbrenner, Brockhampton…
  • Wed 26 Jun ➙ Sun 30 Jun Glastonbury, Worthy Farm Glastonbury Festival 2019 Stormzy, George Ezra, Ms. Lauryn Hill, Bastille, Sheryl Crow…
  • Mon 24 Jun ➙ Wed 26 Jun INmusic Festival 2019 The Cure, Foals, LP, Kurt Vile, Frank Turner…
  • Sat 7 Jul London, Hyde Park The Cure, Interpol, Goldfrapp, Editors, Ride, Slowdive, The Twilight Sad …

December 2016

  • Sat 3 Dec London, OVO Arena, Wembley The Cure, The Twilight Sad
  • Fri 2 Dec London, OVO Arena, Wembley The Cure, The Twilight Sad
  • Thu 1 Dec London, OVO Arena, Wembley The Cure, The Twilight Sad

November 2016

  • Tue 29 Nov Manchester, The AO Arena The Cure, The Twilight Sad

September 2016

  • Thu 8 Sep ➙ Sun 11 Sep Newport, Robin Hill Bestival 2016 Hot Chip, Major Lazer, The Cure, Wiz Khalifa, Sean Paul…

December 2014

  • Tue 23 Dec London, Eventim Apollo The Cure, And Also The Trees
  • Mon 22 Dec London, Eventim Apollo The Cure, And Also The Trees
  • Sun 21 Dec London, Eventim Apollo The Cure, And Also The Trees
  • Sat 29 Mar London, Royal Albert Hall The Cure
  • Fri 28 Mar London, Royal Albert Hall The Cure

August 2012

  • Wed 22 Aug ➙ Sun 26 Aug Reading Festival Reading Festival 2012 Attention Thieves, Backyards, Bearfoot Beware, Black Moth, Crooked Tongues…
  • Wed 22 Aug ➙ Sun 26 Aug Leeds, Bramham Park Leeds Festival 2012 AlunaGeorge, Disclosure (2), Gaggle (DJ Set), Ghostpoet, Metronomy DJ Set…
  • Fri 13 Jul ➙ Sun 15 Jul Optimus Alive 2012 The Stone Roses, Justice, Snow Patrol, The Cure, Florence and The Machine…
  • Thu 12 Jul ➙ Sat 14 Jul Bilbao BBK Live Band of Skulls, Belako, Ben Howard, Bloc Party, Corizonas…
  • Fri 29 Jun ➙ Sun 1 Jul Les Eurockeennes Festival The Cure

November 2011

  • Tue 15 Nov London, Royal Albert Hall The Cure

September 2011

  • Thu 8 Sep ➙ Sun 11 Sep Newport, Robin Hill Bestival 2 Bears, 6 Day Riot, 65daysofstatic, A-Skillz, A-Trak…

February 2009

  • Thu 26 Feb London, The O2 The Cure, Franz Ferdinand, Crystal Castles, White Lies, Zane Lowe
  • Thu 20 Mar London, OVO Arena, Wembley The Cure, 65 Days Of Static 65daysofstatic
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Please see below a complete list of all tickets now on available to purchase. More ticket links will be added as concerts are announced…

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In the USA and Canada, we also want to give our supporters, not scalpers, the best chance to buy tickets at face value. To help achieve this, the tour will be using Ticketmaster’s Face Value Exchange  where, if needed, you can resell your ticket to other fans at the original price paid. To help protect the Exchange, THE THE has also chosen to make tickets for this tour mobile only and restricted from transfer.* Please note, a valid bank account or debit card within the country of your event is required to sell on the Face Value Exchange.

*New York, Illinois, Colorado, Virginia and Connecticut have passed state laws requiring unlimited ticket resale and limiting artists’ ability to determine how their tickets are resold. To adhere to local law, tickets in these states will not be restricted from transfer but the artist encourages fans to use the Face Value Exchange.

Wednesday 21 August – (WARM UP) Cambridge Junction, Cambridge, England   SOLD OUT

Thursday 22 August – (WARM UP) The Waterfront Norwich, England   SOLD OUT

Friday 23 August – (WARM UP) Picturedrome, Holmfirth, England   SOLD OUT

Sunday 25 August – National Museum Of Ireland, Collins Barracks, Dublin, Ireland

Friday 6 September – Rock City, Nottingham, England

Saturday 7 September – Birdwell Venue, Barnsley, England

Tuesday 10 September – Sentrum Scene, Oslo, Norway

Wednesday 11 September – Sentrum Scene, Oslo, Norway   SOLD OUT

Friday 13 September – Filadelfia, Stockholm, Sweden

Saturday 14 September – Store Vega, Copenhagen, Denmark   SOLD OUT

Sunday 15 September – Store Vega, Copenhagen, Denmark   SOLD OUT

Tuesday 17 September – Huxleys, Berlin, Germany

Wednesday 18 September – Carlswerk Victoria, Köln, Germany

Thursday 19 September – Ancienne Belgique, Brussels, Belgium   SOLD OUT

Saturday 21 September – De Roma, Antwerp, Belgium   SOLD OUT

Sunday 22 September – Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands   SOLD OUT

Monday 23 September – Paradiso, Amsterdam, Netherlands   SOLD OUT

Wednesday 25 September – Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Scotland  SOLD OUT

Friday 27 September – The Civic At The Halls, Wolverhampton, England

Saturday 28 September – Alexandra Palace, London, England   SOLD OUT

Monday 30 September – O2 Apollo, Manchester, England   SOLD OUT

Tuesday 1 October – Brixton Academy, London, England

Friday 11 October – Tabernacle, Atlanta, GA, USA

Saturday 12 October – Durham Performing Arts, Durham, NC, USA 

Monday 14 October – The Anthem – Washington, DC, USA 

Tuesday 15 October – The Fillmore – Philadelphia, PA, USA

Thursday 17 October – Beacon Theatre – New York, NY, USA

Saturday 19 October – Orpheum Theatre – Boston, MA, USA

Sunday 20 October – MTELUS – Montreal, QC, Canada

Tuesday 22 October – Massey Hall – Toronto, ON, Canada 

Wednesday 23 October – Masonic Cathedral Theatre – Detroit, MI, USA

Friday 25 October – The Salt Shed – Chicago, IL, USA 

Saturday 26 October – Palace Theatre – St. Paul, MN, USA 

Tuesday 29 October – Mission Ballroom – Denver, CO, USA 

Wednesday 30 October – Eccles Theater – Salt Lake City, UT, USA

Saturday 2 November – Paramount Theatre – Seattle, WA, USA

Sunday 3 November – Roseland Theater – Portland, OR, USA 

Monday 4 November – Orpheum – Vancouver, BC, Canada

Thursday 7 November – Fox Theater – Oakland, CA, USA 

Friday 8 November – Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, CA, USA 

Thursday 14 November 2024 – Kiri Te Kanawa, Auckland, New Zealand   SOLD OUT

Saturday 16 November 2024 – Palais Theatre, Melbourne, Australia   SOLD OUT

Sunday 17 November 2024 – Palais Theatre, Melbourne, Australia

Monday 18 November  2024 – Hindley Street Music Hall, Adelaide, Australia

Thursday 21 November 2024 – Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia

Friday 22 November 2024 –Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia

Saturday 23 November 2024 – Fortitude Music Hall, Brisbane, Australia   SOLD OUT

Sunday 24 November 2024 – Fortitude Music Hall, Brisbane, Australia

Wednesday 27 November 2024 – Fremantle Arts Centre, Perth, Australia

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The Cure announce UK arena tour – how to get tickets

Band have been working on a new album, article bookmarked.

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The Cure have announced a 44-date UK, Ireland and Europe tour for 2022.

The rock band will begin in Latvia and perform around Europe, including dates in Italy, Poland, France and Germany, before beginning the UK leg.

Tickets for the tour go on sale on Friday 10 December at 10am. Buy them here .

The Twilight Sad will support throughout the tour.

See the UK and Ireland dates below:


1 December – 3ARENA, Dublin, Ireland

2 December – SSE, Belfast, Northern Ireland

4 December – OVO HYDRO, Glasgow, Scotland

6 December – FIRST DIRECT ARENA, Leeds, England

7 December – UTILITA ARENA, Birmingham, England

8 December – MOTORPOINT ARENA, Cardiff, Wales

11 December – THE SSE ARENA, Wembley, London, England

A press release for the tour said each show would last 135 minutes, and also hinted at a forthcoming announcement for the band’s new album. Their last record, 4:13 Dream, was released in 2008.

The release also confirms the lineup will include longtime bassist Simon Gallup , after he appeared to temporarily quit the band in August .

Gallup, 61, said he was “fed up of betrayal” in a post to his Facebook page, before appearing to confirm he had rejoined The Cure in October.

He first joined The Cure in 1979 after performing in frontman Robert Smith’s side project, Cult Hero. He temporarily left in 1982 after an altercation with Smith while on the Pornography tour, rejoining in 1984.

After Smith, he is the band’s longest-serving member.

The Cure were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2019. In a recent interview with The Sunday Times , Smith said the band’s next album could be their last, as he was struggling to write lyrics for the new material.

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Glastonbury 2024 line-up causing more headaches with ‘unforgivable’ clashes

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SZA, Dua Lipa and Coldplay have been announced as the Glastonbury Festival 2024 headline acts

The initial line-up for Glastonbury Festival 2024 left much to be desired and it seems organisers just can’t impress ticketholders this year.

Tickets sold out way back in October, with a lucky few grabbing extra releases in April – but the organisers have held out on releasing the line up until now.

More acts have been revealed with the likes of Squeeze, James, Dexy’s Midnight Runners, and the Snuts joining Coldplay and Dua Lipa at Worthy Farm.

Glasto organisers have shared the full set timings and finally confirmed the entire line-up — with over 3,000 acts performing across the festival weekend in June.

However, with set timings comes artist clashes and fans were quick to complain about some timing decisions they found ‘unforgivable’.

Idles will be competing with The Fontaines, Dua Lipa , and Jamie XX as Coldplay, Disclosure, and Jessie Ware all fight for the Saturday night headlining attention.

In a timing fumble (in Pride month no less), Janelle Monae, Avril Lavigne and rising star Baby Queen are all filling the Sunday 6pm slots.

Commenting on the official Instagram post, Chris Woodage vented: ‘Fontaines/idles clash is slightly unforgivable!’

‘Why are the clashes so bad,’ asked Perrie Sian while Harry Johnson said: ‘Why would you clash so many big artists? Coldplay/ disclosure, Jessie ware ???’

‘IDLES AND FONTAINS CLASH??What a joke!’ commented Kristian Whatcott.

A more measured response came from Simon Hawkins who pointed out: ‘A lot of people very upset that the whole lineup hasn’t been planned around their individual preferences.’

However, not everyone was lamenting the news asJack Webb on X said: ‘Overall better than I thought but the Saturday is woeful however I’m still extremely excited.’

Coldplay, pictured here on the Pyramid Stage in 2016, are headliners at Glastonbury for a record-breaking fifth time

Rosie Harrison added: ‘Very excited and the lineup is only one part of glasto for me but I do feel slightly underwhelmed by this lineup this year. It doesn’t really seem very current to me or like it’s really embracing new and diverse sounds as well as it could?

‘Where is Chappell Roan or Troye Sivan? Both been massive artists this year?’

In an overwhelming announcement, the iconic festival has added Seasick Steve, Jamie Webster, the Staves, the Skatalites, the Vaccines, Johnny Flynn, Rachel Chinouriri.

00s icons The Zutons, who were behind Amy Winehouse’s Valerie , will also take to the Other Stage alongside Avril Lavigne, Idles, and Two Door Cinema Club.

Key set times for Glastonbury headliners

Friday glastonbury set times.

  • DUA LIPA 22:00 – 23:45
  • LCD SOUNDSYSTEM 19:45 – 21:00
  • IDLES 22:15 – 23:30
  • D-BLOCK EUROPE 20:30 – 21:30
  • ANNE-MARIE 18:45 – 19:45
  • BOMBAY BICYCLE CLUB 17:15 – 18:15
  • KATE NASH 21:35 – 22:35
  • HAIRCUT 100 20:05 – 21:05
  • LULU 18:35 – 19:35
  • SCOUTING FOR GIRLS 20:00 – 21:00
  • FONTAINES D.C. 23:00 – 00:15
  • DEXYS 18:00 – 19:00
  • BARRY CAN’T SWIM 14:00 – 14:45

Saturday Glastonbury set times

  • COLDPLAY 21:45 – 23:45
  • LITTLE SIMZ 19:45 – 20:45
  • KEANE 16:00 – 17:00
  • CYNDI LAUPER 14:30 – 15:30
  • DISCLOSURE 22:30 – 23:45
  • THE STREETS 20:30 – 21:30
  • CAMILA CABELLO 18:45 – 19:45
  • JESSIE WARE 22:15 – 23:45
  • MASEGO 20:30 – 21:30
  • IDRIS ELBA 02:30 – 03:30

Sunday Glastonbury set times

  • SZA 21:30 – 23:15
  • BURNA BOY 19:30 – 20:30
  • JANELLE MONAE 17:45 – 18:45
  • SHANIA TWAIN 15:45 – 17:00
  • PALOMA FAITH 13:45 – 14:45
  • SEASICK STEVE 12:30 – 13:15
  • THE NATIONAL 21:45 – 23:15
  • TWO DOOR CINEMA CLUB 19:45 – 20:45
  • AVRIL LAVIGNE 18:00 – 19:00
  • THE FEELING 22:50 – 23:50
  • CAITY BASER 21:20 – 22:20
  • BABY QUEEN 18:20 – 19:20

There are still a few ‘to be announced’ slots lurking on the line-up – most notably a mysteriously empty 6pm slot on the Woodsies stage on Saturday, June 29.

After huge backlash last year for the male-dominated headline bill , Glasto has made moves to bring female acts to the forefront.

SZA will be  making history at this year’s festival , as it marks the first time in Glastonbury’s 54-year history that female acts have taken two of the three headline slots.

It’s Dua Lipa’s second time at Glastonbury but first time headlining, after she played the John Peel Stage back in 2017 – now called Woodsies – although many fans hoped she’d appear last year as a guest for Sir Elton John’s set .

Shania Twain  will be filling the coveted Sunday teatime Legends slot, while the likes of US rock band LCD Soundsystem, British rapper Little Simz, 80s pop icon Cyndi Lauper, Keane, Nigerian singer Burna Boy, PJ Harvey, British soul star Olivia Dean and Paloma Faith are also set to perform on the Pyramid Stage.

Dua Lipa performs onstage during the 66th GRAMMY Awards

However, the choice to bring Coldplay back to headline once again has been a sore spot for many ticket holders.

The band, who have  been busy with their Music of the Spheres world tour , have officially become the first act to headline Glastonbury a record five times, after top of the bill appearances in 2016, 2011, 2005 and their first time, over 20 years ago, in 2002.

The band had also previously played the New Tent in 1999 and The Other Stage in 2000, so they are true Glastonbury veterans, pulling ahead of The Cure as four-timers.

Many of the smaller stages have announced line ups in previous weeks, with Russell Crowe set to play the Acoustic Stage on Saturday evening while Idris Elba flexes his DJ talents in the Stonebridge Bar.

The popular Avalon stage is hosting numerous throwback icons like Kate Nash, Lulu (before her retirement), Haircut 100, and The Feeling as well as new artists like Baby Queen and Caity Baser.

Seasick Steve at The Glastonbury Extravaganza 2022

Charli XCX is heading to the Dance Stage with her Partygirl offshoot, while Shygirl is Thursday’s pop offering for anyone hoping to get on their feet before the festival kicks off properly.

The Arcadia will be flooded with DJs like Fatboy Slim,Eric Prydz, Andy C, Amelie Lens, and Barry Can’t Swim, along with a huge dragonfly replacing the iconic fire-breathing spider.

Goldie, Faithless and Camelphat will head to the Glade while dance-pop duo Confidence Man is doing four different sets – including a three-hour concept called Active Scenes at the Greenpeace stage.

The weekend will also host panel discussions at the Left Field stage debating topics such as trans rights, the Post Office scandal, the Israel-Palestine conflict, and of course the General Election.

It’s set to be a muddy one but when has that ever stopped Glasto-goers? The festival kicks off on Wednesday, June 26, running until Sunday, June 30.

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The Cure Tour 2024: Unforgettable Live Experience

The Cure will be embarking on a tour in 2024, with upcoming dates in Mexico City and Lima. Excitement is building among fans, eager to see the band perform live once again.

Known for their ageless performances and a string of hit songs, The Cure continues to captivate audiences worldwide. From their sold-out shows in Philadelphia to their memorable performances at music festivals, The Cure has established a dedicated following over the years.

As fans eagerly await further tour announcements, anticipation is high for what promises to be an unforgettable experience. Stay tuned for updates on tour dates and setlists as The Cure takes the stage in 2024.

Overview Of The Cure Tour 2024

The Cure is set to embark on an exciting tour in 2024, captivating fans worldwide. With their unique blend of gothic rock and post-punk, the band has gained a loyal following over the years. This upcoming tour promises to be a spectacle of breathtaking performances and nostalgic hits.

During The Cure Tour 2024, fans can expect to hear all of their favorite songs, from classics like “Friday I’m in Love” and “Just Like Heaven” to deeper cuts like “A Forest” and “Lullaby.” The band’s energetic stage presence and Robert Smith’s haunting vocals will undoubtedly create an unforgettable experience for concert-goers.

The announcement of The Cure Tour 2024 has sparked massive anticipation among fans. Many are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to see their favorite band perform live once again. Tickets are expected to sell out quickly, so die-hard fans are advised to secure their seats as soon as possible.

Exciting Tour Locations

The Cure is set to embark on an exciting tour in 2024, with some amazing locations for their performances. One of the tour stops will be at the Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez in Mexico City. This venue is known for its vibrant atmosphere and incredible acoustics, making it the perfect place to experience The Cure’s music live.

The band has been making preparations to ensure that their show at Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez is nothing short of spectacular. From rehearsing their setlist to fine-tuning their stage setup, The Cure is ready to give their fans an unforgettable experience.

Another location on the tour is the Estadio Nacional in Lima. This stadium is one of the largest in South America and has hosted numerous high-profile events. With its vast capacity and impressive infrastructure, Estadio Nacional is ideal for accommodating the massive fan base of The Cure.

When attending The Cure’s performance at Estadio Nacional, fans can expect a mesmerizing show filled with their iconic hits and captivating stage presence. The band’s ability to create an immersive atmosphere and connect with the audience is what sets them apart and makes their live performances truly unforgettable.

Unforgettable Live Performances

The Cure’s captivating stage presence is renowned and has made their live performances truly unforgettable. The band has a unique ability to engage with the audience, creating a special connection that adds to the overall experience. From the moment they step on stage, The Cure radiates energy and creates an electric atmosphere that is felt by everyone in the crowd.

Memorable moments from previous tours showcase the band’s talent and showmanship. Whether it’s Robert Smith’s iconic voice or Simon Gallup’s bass playing, each member of The Cure brings something special to the stage. Fans can expect an immersive experience filled with their favorite hits and some surprises along the way.

What sets The Cure apart is their ability to connect with fans on a deep level. Their music speaks to people and their live performances only enhance that connection. It’s an experience like no other, where fans can come together and celebrate the music that has touched their lives.

Fans’ Reactions And Anticipation

The Cure Tour 2024: Unforgettable Live Experience


Frequently Asked Questions Of The Cure Tour 2024

Will the cure tour in the us again.

Yes, The Cure will tour in the US again. Keep an eye out for their upcoming dates and catch them live.

Is The Cure Still Together 2023?

As of now, it is unclear if The Cure will still be together in 2023.

How Long Does The Cure Concert Last 2023?

The duration of The Cure concert in 2023 varies depending on the specific event. Please refer to the official website or check the concert listings for more information on the exact duration of the concert you plan to attend.

Is The Cure Concert In Philadelphia Sold Out?

No, the cure concert in Philadelphia is not sold out at this time.

Don’t miss out on the chance to see The Cure live on their highly anticipated 2024 tour. With their ageless performance and a string of sold-out shows, this iconic band continues to captivate audiences worldwide. Whether you’re a long-time fan or new to their music, The Cure’s upcoming tour promises to be a memorable experience.

Grab your tickets now and be part of the magic.

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The Cureheads

The Cureheads

Cure tribute band.

The Cureheads are the world's most established tribute to The Cure, having played to over half a million Curefans all over the globe since 1990.

The Cureheads started in Stockholm in 1990 when Englishman Gary Clarke was busking around Europe playing Cure and mission songs for bus tickets to the next city. Since then The Cureheads have played in major venues, tiny venues, sports stadiums, city squares and even at celebrity weddings in the UK, USA, Poland, Czech Republic. Spain, Japan, France, Bahrain, IE, Chile, Mexico, Brazil and Russia

With shows by the real Cure an all too rare thing The Cureheads have gone to painstaking lengths to re-create the atmosphere and sounds and smells of a real show of The Cure at their 1990 peak. The Cureheads play songs from all moments of The Cure’s career and even include B-sides and internet only releases in their set when the audience calls for it

2012 was The Cureheads’ 21st anniversary & in celebration of playing to over a quarter of a million Curefans in 21 yrs.’, the band completed a UK tour of Academy venues with their best shows to date which included a dynamic interactive light and video show. Gabrielle also joined The Cureheads for a Tour of South America including Paraguay and Argentina where the show went out to huge audiences.

Text supplied by third party.

Tour dates 2024

At 3 venues:

The Boileroom, Guildford

The factory live, worthing, the hairy dog, derby.

£0–£18.70 / 01903 367707

£0–£20.35 / 01903 367707

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The run kicks off May 10 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

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The Cure - Photo: Burak Cingi/Redferns

The Cure is set to embark on its first North American tour in seven years this summer as the Rock Hall-inducted band’s Songs of a Lost World trek has planned 30 shows stateside.

Following their 2022 European run, Robert Smith and company will kick off their 2023 North American dates on May 10 in New Orleans. After performing in the U.S. and parts of Canada–including three-night stands at Los Angeles’ Hollywood Bowl and New York’s Madison Square Garden–the leg concludes July 1 in Miami.

According to a statement, “The Cure have agreed all ticket prices, and apart from a few Hollywood Bowl charity seats, there will be no ‘platinum’ or ‘dynamically priced’ tickets on this tour.”

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Back in December, the band shared an upgraded and extended version of their 1991 behind-the-scenes documentary, Play Out .

The two-hour film was directed by Pete Fowler and followed the band across small shows to headlining London’s Wembley Arena. It also captured their appearance on MTV Unplugged and triumph in the Best British Group category at the BRITs.

The reissue of the documentary follows the 30th-anniversary re-release of the band’s 1992 album Wish . The record includes the hit single “Friday I’m In Love” as well as the likes of “Cut,” “A Letter To Elise,” and “End.”

The new deluxe reissue of Wish was released at the end of November and contains the original album in newly remastered form, plus a second disc featuring 21 previously unreleased demos. These include four studio vocal demos from 1990 and seventeen instrumental demos from 1991, 9 of which are previously unreleased songs. A third CD also includes four tracks from the mail-order-only cassette “Lost Wishes” released in 1993, which have never appeared on CD or digitally before.

Also included in the Wish deluxe edition are the previously unreleased song “A Wendy Band” from the 1992 Manor Studio sessions, a previously unheard mix of the epic live favorite “From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea,” as well as five rare 12” mixes. Finally, closing the set is an unheard live version of “End” from Paris Bercy in October 1992.

Visit The Cure’s official website for more information.

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"I have struggled with this decision but realise I cannot continue touring at this time": Robin Trower cancels US tour on doctor's orders

Robin Trower is to undergo a "major operation", but hopes to return to the road in the future

Robin Trower playing guitar in the studio

Guitar legend Robin Trower has cancelled his upcoming Bridge Of Sighs US tour, which was scheduled to begin on September 16 at Hoyt Sherman Place in Des Moine, IA. The 79-year-old completed a four-date UK tour last month, but the 30 US shows are to be shelved on doctor's orders.

"It is with great regret that I must inform you that I will be unable to fulfil the upcoming tour of the USA in September/October," says Trower . "I have struggled with health issues for some time now. Following my latest stay in hospital a few weeks ago, my doctor advised me that the only possible way for an effective long-term solution is to undertake a major operation as soon as possible.

"I am currently awaiting confirmation of that date. I have also been advised that the recovery time to 100% full fitness could take a while. This makes committing to a fixed touring period in the near future impossible. I have struggled with this decision but realize I cannot continue touring at this time.

"I know that you will be as disappointed as I am, but I am very hopeful that this procedure will give me a new lease of life and I can return to doing what I love the most – playing live – ASAP. I look forward to catching up with you all as soon as I am able." 

The full list of cancelled dates is below. Trower is also scheduled to perform on the Rock Legends Cruise XII, which sets sail from Miami in February 2024. 

Robin Trower: Bridge Of Sighs Tour 2024 - Cancelled Dates

Sep 14: Des Moines Hoyt Sherman Place Theater, IA Sep 15: Kansas City Uptown Theater, MO Sep 17: Springfield Gillioz Theatre, MO Sep 19: Chesterfield The Factory, MO Sep 21: Nashville Brown County Music Center, IN Sep 22: Chicago Copernicus Center, IL Sep 23: Milwaukee Riverside Theater, WI Sep 24: Kalamazoo State Theatre, MI Sep 26: Royal Oak Royal Oak Music Theatre, MI Sep 27: Northfield MGM Northfield Park, OH Sep 28: Greenburg Palace Theater, PA Oct 1: Buffalo Asbury Hall, NY Oct 2: Ithaca Ithaca State Theatre, NY Oct 3: Albany The Egg, NY Oct 5: Salisbury Blue Ocean Music Hall, MA Oct 6: Portland Aura, ME Oct 8: Boston The Wilbur, MA Oct 9: Londonderry Tupelo Music Hall, NH Oct 11: Ridgefield Ridgefield Playhouse, CT Oct 12: Montclair Wellmont Theatre, NJ Oct 13: Huntington Paramount Theatre, NY Oct 15: Red Bank Count Basie Center, NJ Oct 17: Jim Thorpe Penns Peak, PA Oct 18: Glenside Keswick Theatre, PA Oct 19: Atlantic City Borgata Music Box, NJ Oct 21: Alexandria Birchmere Music Hall, VA Oct 22: Alexandria Birchmere Music Hall, VA Oct 24: Richmond The National, VA Oct 27: Knoxville Bijou Theatre, TN Oct 28: Atlanta Center Stage Theatre, GA

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Online Editor at Louder/Classic Rock magazine since 2014. 38 years in music industry, online for 25. Also bylines for: Metal Hammer, Prog Magazine, The Word Magazine, The Guardian, The New Statesman, Saga, Music365. Former Head of Music at Xfm Radio, A&R at Fiction Records, early blogger, ex-roadie, published author. Once appeared in a Cure video dressed as a cowboy, and thinks any situation can be improved by the introduction of cats. Favourite Serbian trumpeter: Dejan Petrović.  

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Alan Jackson announces his farewell tour after more than a decade of performing with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Here's what to know about the neurological condition.

Country music star Alan Jackson has announced his farewell tour, “Last Call: One More for the Road,” and has promised to “give [fans] the best show I can,” Billboard reports . The Grammy-winning musician went public about living — and performing — with a neurological condition called Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease in 2021, about a decade after being diagnosed. “There's no cure for it, but it's been affecting me for years. And it's getting more and more obvious,” Jackson told Today .

Here’s what to know about Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, or CMT, and how it can affect those who, like Jackson, have it.

What is CMT?

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is a genetic neurological condition that causes damage to the peripheral nerves that connect the spine and brain to the arms and legs, according to the Mayo Clinic . “It's genetic, I inherited from my daddy,” Jackson explained during his 2021 Today appearance. CMT is one of the most common inherited neurological conditions and affects about 1 in every 2,500 people in the U.S., according to the Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation .

The nerve damage from CMT can result in muscle shrinkage and weakness, especially in the ankles and feet. Some patients eventually develop hand weakness too, although it’s less common, Dr. John Kincaid , a neurologist at Indiana University School of Medicine, who specializes in the disease, tells Yahoo Life. Although some nerve damage, or neuropathy , can cause pain or loss of sensation, these issues are “very secondary” to muscle weakness in CMT, and most people don’t experience them.

How do people develop CMT?

The condition is inherited, so people are born with one or more genetic mutations that cause CMT. But symptoms may not appear until someone is in their 20s. Some patients don’t know they have the disease until they’re in their 50s, Kincaid says. Others might start having symptoms during their teenage years.

What are the symptoms?

Weakness is the most common symptom of CMT. Specifically, signs of ankle weakness and instability tend to emerge first, along with weakness in the feet and legs. Someone with CMT might notice the symptoms while they are “standing still, in a crowd or in a checkout line, where the person has to maintain balance without holding onto something,” Kincaid says. Or they might trip easily and have “trouble with curbs,” he adds. Doctors diagnose the disease with electromyography to measure the activity of the muscles and nerves that control them. This is often followed by a genetic test.

One early potential warning sign is an “abnormally high arched foot,” Kincaid explains. A doctor might suspect the disease if a teenager is having ankle weakness and both the adolescent and one of the teen's parents have the same unusually high arch. But to be clear, “not every high-arched foot is due to CMT” and a high arch doesn’t occur in all patients who do have the disease, he says.

Some people with CMT might have some loss of sensation in their hands, feet and legs, but “most patients do not have a major pain component,” says Kincaid. “No burning, fiery feet prickles, tingles or numbness.”

Does it get worse with age?

CMT does tend to progress with age. But it typically moves slowly, according to Kincaid. Most people will develop mobility impairments, such as unsteadiness when standing, he says, but it may be 10 to 30 years after onset that they’ll need assistive devices, such as ankle braces, canes or rollators, also known as walkers.

Jackson has said little about his particular symptoms. But some patients do develop hand weakness, for which there aren’t many assistive devices, Kincaid notes. If the disease were to affect Jackson’s hands, “it’s likely he might have some trouble with his guitar playing, fingering frets and plucking strings,” explains Kincaid. Even if the CMT weakness is isolated to Jackson’s ankles and feet, however, “just standing on stage and walking onstage — those could be big problems,” he says.

On the bright side, Kincaid points out it’s very rare that CMT patients lose enough mobility to need wheelchairs; for most, ankle braces or perhaps a cane provide enough support.

Are there treatments?

There’s currently no cure and no treatment for the genetic disease. “But the research pipeline suggests that we soon will have a potential, true genetic treatment” — meaning, a gene therapy to fix the mutation that causes CMT — “for the most common type,” says Kincaid.

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Primavera Sound announce dates for 2025 Barcelona festival

The festival will return to Parc del Fòrum next June

Steve Albini Stage (Photo by Xavi Torrent/Redferns)

Primavera Sound have announced dates for the 2025 Barcelona edition – check out details below.

  • READ MORE: Primavera Sound 2024 review: a fun, freeing festival like no other

This year’s edition saw the likes of Lana Del Rey ,  Pulp ,  The National ,  SZA ,  Disclosure ,  Justice ,  Mitski ,  Phoenix ,  PJ Harvey  and  Vampire Weekend  play at the festival.

Now, after a spectacular year – which saw NME  give the festival four stars – Primavera Sound has unveiled the dates for next year in Barcelona. Taking to social media, organisers wrote: “A new countdown is on the horizon. Let’s meet again on June 5th to 7th, 2025, at Parc del Fòrum.”

A new countdown is on the horizon. Let's meet again on June 5th to 7th, 2025, at Parc del Fòrum 💐 ____ Ya estamos contando los días. Os esperamos del 5 al 7 de junio de 2025 en el Parc del Fòrum 💐 ____ Ja estem comptant els dies. Us esperem del 5 al 7 de juny de 2025 al Parc… — Primavera Sound (@Primavera_Sound) June 5, 2024

In our review,  NME  shared: “After a weekend in its midst, it’s not hard to see why Primavera Sound is so beloved. There are few gripes to be had here, and the main one is the several agonising clashes you have to do battle with each day – a problem that can only come with having such a stacked line-up in the first place.

“A fun, freeing few days in Barcelona full of great music is never something to complain about, though. Roll on 2025.”

This year’s edition saw an entire stage dedicated to the late Steve Albini , whose band Shellac performed at the festival for the last twenty years.


Albini  passed away aged 61 earlier this month  due to a heart attack. He was well known for being the producer of major albums such as  Nirvana ’s ‘ In Utero ‘,  Pixies ’ ‘Surfer Rosa’,  PJ Harvey ’s ‘Rid of Me’,  Manic Street Preachers ‘ ‘Journal For Plague Lovers’ and more. PJ Harvey went on to pay tribute to the producer during her own set at the festival.

Primavera has previously revealed it would not take place in Madrid as it has previously. Its 2022 edition took place in both Barcelona and Madrid, but following a series of issues in Madrid, they announced it would no longer be hosted in the city.

“Although both the city of Madrid and the whole region welcomed us with open arms, with a warmth that was mirrored in the institutions, the cultural agents and of course the audience, the external difficulties that the festival had to face in the final stretch of the pre-production gave rise to one of the most complicated events that Primavera Sound has ever had to face,” said Almudena Heredero, director of Primavera Sound Madrid, in a press release.

However, the festival will make its debut in Peru this November. Lima will host the festival on November 22 and December 2, 7 and 8, where The Cure , Bad Gyal,  Pet Shop Boys  and  Bad Religion will headline. Just Mustard  and The Cure’s regular opening act  The Twilight Sad are also set to appear at the festival.

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Shows of a lost world tour, the cure at road to primavera bogotá 2023.

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Why have concert ticket prices gone crazy? Here's what's behind the spiral

Is it artist greed? Ticketing website fees? UK tax rules? Are concert goers also paying a part? Sky News looks into what's going on...

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Live news reporter @katiejnwilliams

Sunday 2 June 2024 09:56, UK

Taylor Swift on her Eras Tour. Pic: Reuters

Spending a fair chunk on going to see your favourite big artist is not new - but it certainly feels like concert prices have entered a new stratosphere.

Fans of Bruce Springsteen have paid upwards of £120 for "rear pitch" standing tickets for his May 2024 tour, while some expressed disappointment recently over the £145 price tag of standing tickets for Billie Eilish's 2025 UK leg.

And while you could have nabbed Beyonce or Taylor Swift tickets in the UK for £50 (before fees) if you took a "nosebleed" seat, these had limited availability and quickly sold out. General admission standing tickets for Swift's Eras tour - which comes to the UK next week - started at £110.40 and those at the front had to shell out £172.25. It didn't stop there - by the time many fans got to the front of the online ticket queue, the only tickets left cost upwards of £300.

So what's behind rising ticket costs? The Money blog investigates some of the reasons...

Fans willing to pay for big spectacles

Simply put, ticket prices would come down if people voted with their feet.

Matt Hanner, booking agent and operations director at Runway, said prices at the top level had "risen considerably" - but the increase was partly being driven by demand.

"We're seeing a lot more stadium shows, greenfield, outdoor festival-type shows which are now a staple of towns around the country," he said.

"There's a growing number of people that are happy to spend a large chunk of their disposable income on going to a major music event."

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Jon Collins, chief executive of LIVE, the trade body representing the UK's live music industry, had a similar view.

He said there were more large-scale shows and tours now than ever, and there was "massive appetite" among music lovers for "bigger spectacles".

Fancy shows mean higher costs - with staffing, the price of the venue, transport, artists' needs, insurance and loads more to factor in.

Of course, all these things are affected by inflation. Collins said ticket prices also factored in the rising costs that had hit every venue from the grassroots scene to major arenas.

"You've got a couple of different factors - you've got the spectacle of the show and the production cost and everything that goes into the ticket price. But then you've also got the fundamentals," he said.

The cost of venue hire has increased "significantly" in the past couple of years due to electricity and gas price rises, he added.

"You've got the increase in the cost of people… very justifiable costs like increases in minimum wage and living wage. At every stage of the process we've got these cost increases that will all push through the pressure on the ticket price."

Beyonce performing in Cardiff. Pic: Cover Images via AP

Are artists being greedy?

How much money artists really earn off live touring is of interest to many - but the music industry is generally reluctant to release details.

The people we spoke to suggested it was not as simple as artist greed because, as we mentioned earlier, there's a lot to pay for before anything reaches their bank accounts.

The Guardian spoke to anonymous insiders about this topic in 2017. Its report suggested that between 50-70% of gross earnings were left for promoters and artists. The piece also cited a commonly quoted figure that the promoter takes 15% of what is left and the act will get 85%.

It all depends on the calibre of the artist and how much work the promoter has had to put in - they could end up with a bigger share if it was a hard push to get the show sold.

The people we spoke to said music acts and their teams would discuss the ticket price, and the bigger the act, the more sway they have - but it's ultimately set by the promoter.

Taylor Swift - arguably the biggest popstar on the planet right now - is personally earning between $10m and $13m (£8m - £10.5m) on every stop of her Eras Tour, according to Forbes. She is reported to take home a whopping 85% of all revenue from the tour.

But it's worth pointing out, too, that she's been known to be generous with her cash, having given $100,000 bonuses to the dozens of lorry drivers working on the tour.

What have other artists said?

Some artists have been critical of the high ticket prices being demanded by others.

Tom Grennan told ITV two years ago that he had seen "loads of artists putting tickets out that are way too expensive for the times that we are in", adding that he wanted people to enjoy shows without worrying if they could pay their bills.

Singer-songwriter Paul Heaton was also praised for capping ticket prices for his tour with Jacqui Heaton at £30 in a bid to tackle music industry "greed" and help people during the cost of living.

British star Yungblud recently announced his own music festival , Bludfest - saying the industry was too expensive and needed to be "shaken up".

"I believe that gigs are too expensive, festivals are too expensive, and I just wanted to work to create something that has been completely done by me," he told Sky News.

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Meanwhile, frequent Swift collaborator Jack Antonoff has said "dynamic pricing" by ticket sale sites such as Ticketmaster was also an issue when it came to cost.

He told Stereogum that he wanted artists to be able to opt out of the system - which basically means ticket prices increase when a show is in demand - and be able to sell them at the price they choose.

On its website, Ticketmaster describes its "Platinum" tickets as those that have their price adjusted according to supply and demand.

It says the goal of the dynamic pricing system is to "give fans fair and safe access to the tickets, while enabling artists and other people involved in staging live events to price tickets closer to their true market value".

The company claims it is artists, their teams and promoters who set pricing and choose whether dynamic pricing is used for their shows.

Coldplay's 2022 tour. Pic: PA

Ticketing website fees

As well as dynamic pricing, "sneaky" fees by online ticket sites are also causing issues for live music lovers, according to the consumer champion Which?.

A report from the group last month said an array of fees that isn't seen until checkout can add around 20% to the cost of concert and festival tickets.

Which? has urged a crackdown on the "bewildering" extra charges, which include booking, "delivery" and "transaction" fees, venue charges and sometimes charges for e-tickets.

The Cure lead singer Robert Smith tweeted that he was "sickened" after fans complained last year about processing fees on Ticketmaster that wound up costing more than the ticket itself in some cases.

Responding to the Which? findings, Ticketmaster (which was far from the only company named) said: "Fees are typically set by and shared with our clients… who all invest their skill, resource and capital into getting an event off the ground. Ticketmaster supports legislation that requires all-in pricing across the industry."


Live Nation and Ticketmaster sued over 'dominance'

The US government is suing Ticketmaster owner Live Nation over allegations the company is "monopolising" the live events industry.

Justice department officials said it was unfair for the firm to control around 70% of primary ticketing for concerts in America.

Live Nation has been accused of using lengthy contracts to prevent venues from choosing rival ticket companies, blocking venues from using multiple ticket sellers and threatening venues that they could lose money and support if Ticketmaster wasn't the chosen seller.

Live Nation said the lawsuit reflected a White House that had turned over competition enforcement "to a populist urge that simply rejects how antitrust law works".

"Some call this 'anti-monopoly', but in reality it is just anti-business," it said.

And it said its share of the market had been shrinking and its profit margin of 1.4% was the "opposite of monopoly power".

The lawsuit "won't solve the issues fans care about relating to ticket prices, service fees and access to in-demand shows", the company said.

"We will defend against these baseless allegations, use this opportunity to shed light on the industry and continue to push for reforms that truly protect consumers and artists."

Billie Eilish performs in Paris. Pic: Reuters

As well as reportedly controlling most of the ticketing market, Live Nation also owns and represents some acts and venues.

Canadian artist Dan Mangan told Moneywise this was enabling the company to take "more and more of the pie".

He said when venue rent, equipment and other costs were taken into account, lesser known artists could take as little as 20% of ticket sales.

Another major cost on tickets in the UK is VAT (value added tax).

At 20%, it's pretty hefty. It was brought down to 5% and then 12.5% as the live music industry was hampered by COVID, but returned to the pre-pandemic level in April 2022.

The charge puts the UK "out of step" with other countries, Collins said.

"In competitive major markets like France, it's 5%. Germany it's 7%, Italy it's 10%. Sales tax in the US is typically 6% or 7%. So we are significantly out of step with other markets when it comes to how much VAT we charge on tickets," he said.

Touring now bigger source of income for major stars

With the decline of physical products and the rise of subscription listening, artists are earning less from making music - and income from live shows has become more important for the biggest stars.

Writer and broadcaster Paul Stokes said major stars who would have toured infrequently in the past were now willing to put on more shows as it becomes increasingly profitable.

Some artists will even pencil in multiple nights at huge venues like Wembley Arena, he said - something that wouldn't have been considered two decades ago.

"When Wembley was built and they said 'we'll be doing regular shows' you'd think 'are there acts big enough to fill this massive stadium?'

"It's become absolutely part of the live calendar that artists will come and play not just one night at Wembley, but two or three every every summer."

Stokes said this demand has also prompted the scale of shows that we've become used to seeing, featuring expensive production and pyrotechnics.

Pic: iStock

Not being felt evenly

While a night out seeing a platinum-selling artist is likely to be an expensive affair, industry figures are also keen to point out that the escalation in ticket prices isn't necessarily happening at a lower level.

Collins said that while major stars were putting on arena shows, there would be plenty of other live music taking place at the same time, "from the free pub gig to the £10 ticket at the grassroots venue, to the £30 mid-cap".

"There's an absolute range of opportunities for people to experience live music, from free through to experiencing the biggest stars on the planet," he said.

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But concertgoers choosing to save their cash for artists they're more familiar with may have led to a "suppression" of prices for lesser-known acts, Hanner noted.

"Everyone's short of disposable income because there's a cost of living crisis. [Artists' and promoters'] core costs are going up as well, so it's more expensive for everyone. That fear of pricing people out is just being compounded," he said.

"I think [that] has definitely led to prices being suppressed [at the lower level], when really they should have been going up."

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  28. Shows Of A Lost World Tour Poster

    Shows Of A Lost World Tour Poster. £24.00. Tax included. Quantity. Add to cart. Shows Of A Lost World Tour Show Poster.

  29. The Cure

    new art prints for heart research uk 03/06/24. robert created three art prints, available in a3 & a4, in support of heart research uk. these pieces - "alone", "and nothing is forever'' & "endsong" - are named after songs on the forthcoming album "songs of a lost world"