star trek scimitar

Scimitar Class

Continuing Mission

A Fan Site for the Star Trek Adventures RPG by Modiphius

star trek scimitar

Antares Ship Yard – Scimitar & Fek’lhr

Now that the Utopia Planitia rules are out, I’ve started a new project on Wednesday evenings where I stat custom spaceframes based on viewer submissions/requests using the new ship-building rules. The first two I decided to tackle are the Romulan Scimitar and the Klingon Fek’lhr !

star trek scimitar

The Scimitar made its debut in Star Trek: Nemesis in explosive, deadly fashion. It’s easily a dreadnaught, especially with its “Perfect Cloak” where it can fire weapons, go to warp, and even maintain its shielding while under cloak. This is a ship that you send to end fights before they begin. When making stats for the Scimitar , I did my best to reference both movie and Star Trek Online alike. The only major thing that isn’t in the following stats is the Thalaron generator. If you want to incorporate that into your Scimitar then I recommend making it a plot device than a rollable thing.


  • Disruptor Cannons
  • Disruptor Banks
  • Photon Torpedoes
  • Extensive Shuttlebays
  • Improved Shield Recharge
  • Secondary Reactors
  • Cloaking Device

SPECIAL RULE: Perfect Cloak

While under cloak, the Scimitar -class can attempt attacks, go to Warp, and/or maintain its shielding. However , there are two ways of piercing this cloak and becoming able to attack the Scimitar . The first is by firing randomly, a Control + Security assisted by the ship’s Weapons + Security at a Difficulty of 5. The second is by tasking the computer to analyze where the Scimitar is firing from after it has made an attack. This involves a Reason + Security assisted by the ship’s Computers + Security at a Difficulty of 4. In either event, succeeding on those tasks exposes the Scimitar and allows it to be targeted by attacks.

star trek scimitar

The Fek’lhr was requested by Stephen Rider. The class is named after the mythical Fek’lhr beast that was the guardian of Gre’thor where the dishonored went when they died. It made its first appearance in Star Trek Armada as a special weapons ship, which is reflected in its unique Talents.

  • Energy Dissipator (Security + Scale CD, Dampening, Medium Range)

Death Chant – Presence + Command assisted by the ship’s Communications + Command at Difficulty 3, this done from the Command Station. If successful, the Tactical Station for all allied ships (including this vessel) can be used a second time this Round without necessitating an increased difficulty resulting from overriding a station.

Repulsion Wave – Control + Security assisted by the ship’s Weapons + Security at Difficulty 3. The optimal Range for this weapon is Medium Range. If successful, the target is pushed one range band back (i.e. from Close to Medium, Medium to Long, Long to Extreme) AND the target cannot perform any helm actions until the next Round. Any existing helm bonuses (i.e. Evasive Action, Attack Pattern, etc.) that the target has are nullified for the remainder of this Round.

Ion Storm – Control + Security assisted by the ship’s Weapons + Security at Difficulty 3. Targets a spot within Medium range, and adds one to Threat to fire. If task is successful then a temporary ion storm forms at the spot chosen. This storm deals 6 CD w/ Dampening and Piercing 1 to all ships/structures within that area. Each round, roll 1 CD. On an Effect the Ion Storm dissipates.

And those are the first two spaceframes to roll out of the Antares Ship Yard (unless you also count the Arges -class ). If you’re interested in submitting your own idea for a spaceframe, use this Google Form to do so. You can also watch me develop these stats live on my Twitch every Wednesday at 8:00 – 9:00 PM EDT (GMT-4)!

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One comment.

Glad to see you diving into the book and rules, ELH.

Made a few submissions for the Antares Shipyard, though I’ll mention that I’ll be trying to stat some of them myself, as well. It’ll be something of a friendly competition to see which statblock fits the ship’s concept better.

And while all my submissions are for spaceframes, I would like to see at least one Hero Ship for each of them, as well. We can hash out the details over DMs on Discord, if doing something like that is okay with you. 🙂

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The intimidating Scimitar — the Reman warbird commanded by Captain Picard’s clone Shinzon in Star Trek: Nemesis — has decloaked to join your Eaglemoss starship collection ready menace your Federation ships with its deadly thalaron weapon.

Designed by John Eaves for the final Next Generation film, the Scimitar was built in response to the need for a new imposing Romulan ship design that would dwarf the Enterprise -E. A ship described as “awesome in its power” by the movie’s shooting script, the Scimitar is an imposing shape.

The primary hull of the Scimitar resembles a large beetle, and the sweeping wings and appendages all over the ship give it a dangerous insectile quality. Visually, the Scimitar is a striking vessel; you wouldn’t necessarily say that it was good looking, but it definitely evokes the right emotions on the screen of power and scale.

One of the “special”-sized ships, the Scimitar model measures approximately eight-and-a-half inches across its wingspan, though feels a little small given the ship it is modeled from is so massive. Despite not being as big as it maybe should be, however, the decision to make the Scimitar at the special rather than the smaller regular size is a welcome one.

The general trend of Eaglemoss towards making the movie ships in the “special size” has been a welcome one. In many cases, these models are more detailed and impressive than their TV counterparts because they needed to be in order to impress upon the big screen. The larger size allows for the detail of these models to shine.

And so it is for the hull of the Scimitar . The whole hull has intricately molded details that add significant visual interest to the model, and draw the eye in wherever you are looking. Without them, the Scimitar is all blocky shapes and could be boring.

The Scimitar is largely plastic, with only the ventral section of the primary hull being metal. The rest of the ship, including the dorsal section of the primary hull, as well as the wings, are all plastic. As a result, and given how thin the wings are – they bend quite easily in your hand without much force – the model is quite fragile.

You will not want to accidentally let this one fall; it’s not liable to survive the landing.

If Eaglemoss produces enough specials, it might be nice for them to get back to the Scimitar and produce a version with the wings fanned out, when the main tharalon weapon is ready to fire.

Eaglemoss’ ships have not had any articulation built into them, so that was never going to be an option here and would likely be quite fragile, but the wings-out mode for the ship is a striking one. If it can be produced, here’s hoping that it will be.

The stand fits over either side of the primary hull; the fit is merely okay. Given the fragility of the model, it is a shame that the stand does not hold it a little tighter. If jostled, the model does move about quite a bit when on the stand, worrying me that one jostle in the wrong direction will cause it to fall and break.

Overall, the Scimitar is a nice addition to the collection. A visually engaging model whose larger size works for the detail necessary to make it so engaging, the Scimitar will look good facing off against the standard size Enterprise -E or nestled among your Romulan fleet.

star trek scimitar

If you’re interested in adding this Reman predator to your own starship fleet, the  Scimitar is available at the US webshop for $49.99 and when available, for £24.99 from Eaglemoss’ UK online store.

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  • Romulan starships
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  • Romulan warbirds
  • Scimitar class starships

IRW Scimitar

The Scimitar was a prototype Scimitar -class warbird used as the personal flagship of Shinzon of Remus in 2379 . ( TNG movie & novelization : Star Trek Nemesis )

  • 3.1 Connections
  • 3.2 External link

History [ ]

The Scimitar was the culmination of a Romulan development program to create a powerful new class to utilize against the Dominion ( TOS novel : Captain's Blood ). The design included a revolutionary thalaron radiation core, developed by the Tal Shiar , making her a deadly adversary. Shinzon of Remus discovered this thalaron device in an operation during the Dominion War and used it to gain power within the Imperial Fleet, leading to the construction of the Scimitar at a secret base. ( ST short story : " Twilight's Wrath "). Subsequent to her construction, the Scimitar was taken on at least one test run. ( ST video game : Starfleet Command III )

The Scimitar was the only ship of her class to be completed, as the necessity for such a super-weapon disappeared following the end of the Dominion War. Shinzon used the Scimitar to destroy the remaining unfinished Scimitar -class vessels to ensure that no one could oppose him. ( TOS novel : Captain's Blood )

With the road clear of other Scimitar -class opposition and the backing of powerful factions within the Imperial Fleet, Shinzon used the thalaron technology to wipe out the Imperial Senate and appointed himself Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire . With an overture of peace, he then lured the Federation starship USS Enterprise into Romulan space. His goal was to capture Federation Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard , the Human from whom he had been cloned, in order to cure himself of a life-threatening illness before attacking Earth , the Federation capital planet, with the thalaron weapon. The plot failed, and Picard escaped with the knowledge of the Scimitar 's existence and Shinzon’s plans to strike Earth. The Enterprise fled Romulan space to meet with a battle group in preparation for a strike against the Scimitar , but Shinzon was close behind and engaged the Enterprise in the Bassen Rift , where communications disruptions would prevent the Federation starship from calling for aid.


The Scimitar engaging its thalaron generators.

Aid still came, however, in the form of a pair of Romulan Mogai -class warbirds, under the command of Imperial Fleet Commander Donatra of the IRW Valdore , who had reacted with horror upon learning of Shinzon's genocidal plans. While the warbirds were quickly neutralized by the Scimitar , their presence and subsequent destruction gave the Enterprise some time. However, despite their efforts, the Enterprise was outgunned and on the verge of being crippled. In the hope of stopping the Scimitar , Picard resorted to ramming the vessel; the tactic delivered a powerful blow and took out the Scimitar 's disruptors . In an act of desperation, Shinzon ordered the thalaron weapon be fired on the Enterprise in the hopes of killing all aboard.

Unwilling to let his crew be killed, Captain Picard beamed to the Scimitar in the hope of stopping Shinzon. Equally unwilling to let his captain be sacrificed, Lieutenant Commander Data traversed the vacuum of space in a rescue attempt. Aboard the Scimitar , Picard reached the bridge and quickly neutralized the Reman crew, but was forced into hand-to-hand combat with Shinzon, finally killing him. Data arrived on the bridge to find Picard somewhat dazed, and beamed him back to the Enterprise before sacrificing himself to destroy the Scimitar and save his crewmates. ( TNG movie & novelization : Star Trek Nemesis ; WizKids module : Attack Wing )

Reman warbirds

A trio of Reman warbirds based off the Scimitar .

The Scimitar 's design went on to be used in later Reman warships . ( ST - Countdown comic : " Number One ")

Appendices [ ]

Connections [ ], external link [ ].

  • IRW Scimitar article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
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  • 3 Odyssey class

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Star Trek Starships Special #34 Scimitar

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Star Trek Starships Special #34 Scimitar

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Star Trek Starships Special #34 Scimitar

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STAR TREK STARSHIPS SPECIAL #34 SCIMITAR EAGLEMOSS PUBLICATIONS LTD The latest special from the STAR TREK: THE OFFICIAL STARSHIPS COLLECTION is the Scimitar from the movie STAR TREK: NEMESIS. This is a stunning, detailed model of the Reman warbird that was commanded by Shinzon as part of his plan to overthrow the Romulan senate and destroy the Federation. The model has a wing span of approximately 8.5 inches and is produced in a combination of die-cast and high quality ABS materials.

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star trek scimitar

Star Trek Has 4 Deep Connections To The Omen

  • The Omen has key ties to Star Trek in front of the camera and behind the scenes.
  • Gregory Peck's role in The Omen connects to Star Trek through his grandson Ethan Peck portraying Lt. Spock in Strange New Worlds.
  • David Warner's performance in The Omen ties him to three memorable Star Trek characters, while Stuart Baird and Jerryt Goldsmith also worked on Star Trek.

Star Trek has 4 deep connections to The Omen . Directed by Richard Donner, the original Omen movie was released in 1976. It was a box office smash, grossing over $60 million in North America. The Omen 's success spawned a franchise, with three sequels into the 1990s charting the life of Damien Thorn, the Antichrist. A 2006 remake of The Omen followed, and the franchise has been revitalized by the 2024 prequel, The First Omen , which builds to the events of The Omen (1976). However, Star Trek is part of The Omen 's roots.

When The Omen was terrifying moviegoers in 1976, Star Trek was struggling to make its own leap to the big screen. A Star Trek movie was in development with creator Gene Roddenberry at the helm, but multiple attempts at a story, including one called Planet of the Titans , stalled. Paramount shifted gears a year later, deciding to make a sequel TV series, Star Trek: Phase II , the flagship of the studio's attempt to launch its own TV network. However, the blockbuster success of Star Wars in 1977 scuttled the Phase II TV project. Star Trek was again purposed as a feature film that eventually became 1979's Star Trek: The Motion Picture, directed by Robert Wise. And one key player from the first Star Trek movie was critical to The Omen 's success.

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The Star Trek TV franchise has existed for 57 years and consists of 12 shows (and counting). Here's how to watch them all in timeline order.

Gregory Peck's Link To Star Trek

Star trek: strange new worlds' ethan peck is gregory peck's grandson.

The Omen stars Gregory Peck as Robert Thorn, the father of Damien, who he is horrified to learn is the Antichrist. Peck is the grandfather of Ethan Peck, who plays Lt. Spock in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds . In The Omen , Robert Thorn is the wealthy and powerful US Ambassador to the United Kingdom. When his natural-born son dies in childbirth, Robert decides to secretly switch his baby for another infant and raise him as his son, not realizing the child is the son of the Devil and that Thorn was chosen to position Damien to grow into power and influence.

On Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , Ethan Peck continues his Academy Award-winning grandfather's acting legacy. Portraying the younger version of Spock that was originated by Leonard Nimoy, Peck's Vulcan has the same gravitas as Nimoy, showcasing the acting prowess Ethan inherited from Gregory. Interestingly, watching Gregory Peck in The Omen , it's easy to imagine him also having the chops to play a Vulcan in Star Trek.

David Warner's Connection To Star Trek

Warner played 3 memorable star trek characters.

David Warner plays Keith Jennings in The Omen. Jennings is a British photographer covering Ambassador Thorn, and he's present at Damien's birthday party when the boy's nanny gruesomely commits suicide to prove her loyalty to the Antichrist. Jennings quickly realizes that a mark follows Damien's victims in the photographs he's taken, and he informs Robert Thorn of his discovery, which leads to his doom.

Star Trek has enjoyed three memorable David Warner characters and performances. In Star Trek V: The Final Frontier , Warner portrayed St. John Talbot, the United Federation of Planets' representative to Nimbus III. Warner returned in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country as Klingon High Chancellor Gorkon, who is assassinated in a conspiracy to prevent peace between the Klingons and the Federation. Finally, Warner played one of Star Trek: The Next Generation 's most memorable villains , Cardassian Gul Madred, who famously tortured Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart).

Star Trek: TNGs There Are Four Lights Meaning & Why Its Still Quoted 32 Years Later

Captain Jean-Luc Picard defiantly shouting that "there are four lights" remains one of Star Trek: The Next Generation's most powerful moments.

Stuart Baird's Connection To Star Trek

Baird is the director of star trek: nemesis.

Stuart Baird is a British editor, producer, and director, and he was the editor of The Omen. Baird worked with director Richard Donner on several of his films, including Superman: The Movie and Superman II, Lethal Weapon and Lethal Weapon 2 , and Maverick . Baird also directed the films Executive Decision and US Marshals . Baird's work as the editor of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and Mission: Impossible 2 for Paramount led him to Star Trek.

Stuart Baird directed Star Trek: Nemesis in 2002, and he also voiced the computer of the Scimitar, the starship of the villain Shinzon (Tom Hardy) . Baird, who was not knowledgeable about Star Trek , clashed with the cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation over creative decisions. Star Trek: Nemesis ' critical and box office failure ended the Star Trek: The Next Generation film franchise. However, S tar Trek: Nemesis allowed Baird to work with composer Jerry Goldsmith once more.

Jerry Goldsmith's Connection To Star Trek

Goldsmith is a celebrated star trek composer.

Jerry Goldsmith was the composer of The Omen . Goldsmith's haunting score was critical to The Omen becoming a horror movie sensation with audiences. Goldsmith went on to become vitally important to the Star Trek movie and TV franchises . Goldsmith scored Star Trek: The Motion Picture , including composing the majestic Star Trek theme that later became the main theme of Star Trek: The Next Generation .

Goldsmith's work on Sta r Trek continued when he returned to score the films Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Insurrection , and Star Trek: Nemesis , which allowed him to work with his friend, Stuart Baird, from The Omen . Goldsmith also composed the main theme of Star Trek: Voyager. Jerry Goldsmith is one of the most important figures when it comes to the celebrated music of Star Trek , but he scored The Omen first.

Director Richard Donner

Release Date June 25, 1976

Studio(s) 20th Century

Distributor(s) 20th Century

Writers David Seltzer

Cast Harvey Stephens, Lee Remick, gregory peck, Billie Whitelaw, David Warner

Runtime 111 minutes

Sequel(s) Omen III: The Final Conflict, Damien: Omen 2

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Cast Bruce Horak, Celia Rose Gooding, Jess Bush, Melissa Navia, Ethan Peck, Babs Olusanmokun, Rebecca Romijn, Paul Wesley, Christina Chong, Anson Mount

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

Franchise(s) Star Trek

Writers Bill Wolkoff, Akiva Goldsman, Henry Alonso Myers

Directors Amanda Row, Valerie Weiss, Jonathan Frakes, Chris Fisher

Showrunner Akiva Goldsman, Henry Alonso Myers

Where To Watch Paramount+

Cast Michael Dorn, LeVar Burton, Brent Spiner, Wil Wheaton, Jonathan Frakes, Patrick Stewart, Marina Sirtis, Gates McFadden

Writers Jeri Taylor, Michael Piller, Rick Berman, Brannon Braga, Ronald D. Moore

Directors David Carson

Showrunner Jeri Taylor, Michael Piller, Rick Berman

Star Trek Has 4 Deep Connections To The Omen

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Paul Giamatti Joins ‘Star Trek: Starfleet Academy’ as Main Villain

By Adam B. Vary

Adam B. Vary

Senior Entertainment Writer

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HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA - MARCH 10: Paul Giamatti attends the 96th Annual Academy Awards on March 10, 2024 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Arturo Holmes/Getty Images)

Set phasers to stunned. In another casting coup, the upcoming Paramount+ series “ Star Trek : Starfleet Academy” has cast Emmy winner and multiple Oscar nominee Paul Giamatti in a recurring guest role as the first season’s main villain, who has a sinister connection to the past of one of the (yet to be cast) cadets.

Giamatti joins Holly Hunter, who Variety exclusively reported in May is boarding “Starfleet Academy” as the Academy’s captain and chancellor .

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As the title suggests, the series will chronicle the lives of the Academy’s cadets, from their academic and romantic pursuits to contending with the newest adversary to endanger the peace and prosperity of the United Federation of Planets. Producers are said to be seeking emerging talent for the younger cast.

Along with Kurtzman and Landau, “Starfleet Academy’s” executive producers include Gaia Violo, Aaron Baiers, Olatunde Osunsanmi, Jenny Lumet, Rod Roddenberry, Trevor Roth, Frank Siracusa and John Weber. Violo wrote the series premiere.

Giamatti is represented by UTA, Kipperman Management and Sloane Offer.

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Memory Alpha, das Star-Trek-Wiki

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Die Scimitar ist der Prototyp des remanischen Konzepts für einen Warbird und wird im Jahr 2379 bei einem Staatsstreich auf Romulus und einem Angriff auf die USS Enterprise eingesetzt, als Shinzon vom Remus versucht, Captain Picard gefangen zu nehmen, um sich von ihm eine genetische Transfusion zu beschaffen.

Zwei romulanische Warbirds, darunter die IRW Valdore unter dem Kommando von Commander Donatra kommen der Enterprise zur Hilfe. Als die Scimitar ihren Thalaron-Emitter gegen die Enterprise einzusetzen versucht, wird sie von Lieutenant Commander Data zerstört, indem er an Bord der Scimitar den Thalaron-Generator durch Beschuss mit einem Handphaser zur Explosion bringt. Data stirbt dabei.


  • 1.1 Taktische Analyse
  • 1.2 Antriebssystem
  • 2.1 Aktueller Status
  • 3.1 Hauptbrücke
  • 3.2 Shuttle-Hangar
  • 3.3 Laboratorien
  • 3.4 Korridore
  • 3.5 Thalaron-Generatorraum
  • 4 Referenzen
  • 5 Hintergrundinformationen

Technische Besonderheiten [ ]

  • Die Tarnvorrichtung kann auch nur teilweise abgeschaltet werden, sodass Teile des Raumschiffes getarnt bleiben und andere sichtbar sind.
  • Eine nennenswerte Schwachstelle ist, dass bei hoher Krafteinwirkung wie zum Beispiel durch mehrere Quantentorpedos die Tarnung langfristig ausfallen kann. Mit Hilfe der telepathischen Kräfte von Deanna Troi , genauer durch ihre telepathische Verbindung zu einem Remaner an Bord der Scimitar, ist die Enterprise in der Lage, die Scimitar im Gefecht genau unter Beschuss zu nehmen.
  • Eine andere Schwachstelle besteht darin, dass feindliches Waffenfeuer das Tarnfeld durchdringt und von den aktiven Schilden der Scimitar reflektiert wird, wodurch das Raumschiff im Moment des Treffers von einem Phaserstrahl oder Torpedo sichtbar wird.
  • Ebenso wird das Raumschiff beim Wechsel von Warp- auf Impulsgeschwindigkeit kurzzeitig sichtbar, genauso wenn ein Objekt wie ein Shuttle oder Angriffsjäger die Scimitar verlässt und dabei das Tarnfeld durchquert.

Somit wird die Scimitar bei aktivierten Schilden in einem dichten Strahlungsfeld wahrscheinlich sichtbar, da die Schilde diese Strahlung durch das Tarnfeld hindurch reflektieren. Dafür spricht auch, dass das Tarnfeld beim Wechsel von Warp- und Impulsgeschwindigkeit gestört wird.

  • Die Schilde der Scimitar sind auch bei aktivierter Tarnung aktiviert und voll funktionsfähig.
  • Die Brücke der Scimitar ist besonders groß gebaut. Dennoch sind nur der Kommandant sowie ein Steuermann , ein Bordschütze und ein Ingenieur , der die Funktionen des Schiffes überwacht, vonnöten.
  • Die Shuttlerampe ist auch sehr geräumig, so ist die Scimitar in der Lage, sehr viele Jäger aufzunehmen. Bei ihrer Flucht von dem Schiff können Captain Jean-Luc Picard und Lieutenant Commander Data lediglich bewaffnete Jäger der Skorpion -Klasse in einem Hangar vorfinden.

Taktische Analyse [ ]

Neben der offensichtlich installierten und perfekt funktionierenden Tarnvorrichtung ist die Scimitar nach der taktischen Analyse von Lieutenant Commander Worf wie folgt bestückt:

  • 52 Disruptorbänke
  • 27 Laderäume für Photonentorpedos
  • primäre und sekundäre Schutzschilde

Zudem ist die Scimitar mit einem Thalaron -Generator und mindestens einem Traktorstrahl -Emitter ausgestattet.

Antriebssystem [ ]

Die Scimitar besitzt einen Warpantrieb. Die exakte Höchstgeschwindigkeit des Warpantrieb der Scimitar ist unbekannt, ist jedoch in jedem Fall höher als die der USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E der Sovereign -Klasse . Dies wird dadurch deutlich, dass trotz einer Verzögerung durch die Schäden, die Picard und Data bei der Flucht mit dem Shuttle der Scorpion -Klasse von Bord angerichtet haben, dieses Raumschiff die USS Enterprise relativ problemlos bis zum Bassen-Graben einholen kann. [1] Es ist der Scimitar möglich innerhalb von zwei Tagen von Romulus zur Erde zu fliegen. ( Star Trek: Nemesis )

Geschichte [ ]

In der Schlacht im Bassen-Graben kann das Schiff seine völlige taktische Überlegenheit selbst gegenüber einer Gruppe von gegnerischen Großkampfschiffen ausspielen. Das Schiff wird schließlich von innen heraus vernichtet.

Die Enterprise flieht in Richtung der Omega-Kampfgruppe , die sie im Kampf gegen die Scimitar unterstützen soll. Doch Shinzons remanisches Schiff verfolgt die Enterprise mit aktivierter Tarnung, manövriert sich über sie und setzt mit einem gezielten Treffer den Warpantrieb der Enterprise außer Gefecht.

Die Enterprise startet den Rammangriff

Die Enterprise kurz vor Ihrer Kollision mit der Scimitar

Plötzlich tauchen die Valdore und ein Begleitschiff auf, welche der Enterprise ihre Unterstützung zusichern und ihr damit einen Ausbruch aus der von Shinzon gestellten Falle ermöglichen.

In der sich anschließenden Schlacht müssen die verbündeten Schiffe einen Großteil ihrer Waffenenergie aufwenden, um die nach wie vor getarnte Scimitar überhaupt zu finden. Gezielter Waffeneinsatz ist kaum möglich. Shinzon nutzt den taktischen Vorteil seiner Tarnung, um die beiden romulanischen Schiffe von hinten mit dem massiven vorderen Waffenarsenal der Scimitar außer Gefecht zu setzen. Als die Enterprise schließlich ebenfalls bereits relativ stark beschädigt ist, hat die Scimitar nur minimale Schäden erlitten und weist noch immer einen sehr starken Schildwert auf.

Sie stellt die im Gefecht teilweise gesenkte Tarnung wieder her.

Ausmaß der Kollision

Die Enterprise und die Scimitar nach dem Ramm-Manöver

Indem sich Counselor Deanna Troi telepathisch mit Shinzons remanischem Stellvertreter verbindet, ermöglicht sie es der Enterprise , eine gezielte Salve Quantentorpedos auf die Scimitar abzufeuern. Obwohl damit einiger Schaden verursacht wird, startet die Scimitar einen erneuten Frontalangriff auf die Enterprise und beschädigt die Hülle des Schiffes massiv. Gleichzeitig setzt Shinzon einen Entertrupp ein, um den Kommandanten der Enterprise , Captain Picard, zu entführen .

Als die Enterprise jegliche Möglichkeit zur Verteidigung verloren hat, befiehlt Picard eine Kollision seines Schiffes mit der Scimitar . Erst durch diesen Angriff kann die Enterprise der Scimitar so massive Schäden zufügen, dass deren Waffensysteme versagen.

Die Explosion der Scimitar

Die Scimitar wird durch Data vernichtet.

Erst jetzt setzt Shinzon die finale Waffe seines Schiffes ein: Der Thalaron-Emitter soll alles Leben auf der Enterprise vernichten und den Kampf beenden. Die Scimitar schüttelt sich mit ihren schweren Triebwerken von der Enterprise los und entfaltet ihr Waffensystem.

Da Picard die Enterprise und mit ihr die Scimitar durch eine Selbstzerstörung nicht vernichten kann, begibt er sich selbst an Bord, um die Thalaronquelle zu zerstören. Im Zweikampf tötet er Shinzon. Das Schiff findet sein Ende schließlich durch einen Phaserschuss auf den Thalaron-Generator durch Picards Zweiten Offizier Data, der zuvor durch eine Außenluke in die Scimitar eingedrungen ist.

Aktueller Status [ ]

Die Scimitar ist im Bassen-Graben vollständig zerstört worden.

Interne Einrichtungen [ ]

Die Scimitar hat durch ihre enorme Größe diverse Inneneinrichtungen für alle möglichen Zwecke. Einige sind wie folgt aufgebaut:

Hauptbrücke [ ]

Scimitar Brücke

Die Brücke der Scimitar

Die Brücke der Scimitar wirkt gewaltig, düster und hoch technologisiert, wodurch es nicht ungewöhnlich erscheint, dass sie sämtliche Arbeiter- und Kontrollstationen besitzt. Der Platz des Kommandanten, befindet sich wie die meisten Kommandoplätze genau in der Mitte. Unmittelbar vor Shinzons Sitz findet man vermutlich die taktische Station und die Konsole für die Aktivierungsmechanismus des Thalaron-Waffensystems.

Um die Brücke sind diverse Ausgangsmöglichkeiten verteilt, von denen die große Treppe in der Achternsektion am auffälligsten ist. Der Raum um den Sitz des Kommandanten ist mit mehreren Konsolen umgeben. Der Haupteingang befindet sich oberhalb des Hauptteils der Brücke und ist über die große breite Treppe zugänglich. Wie die meisten Schiffe besitzt auch die Brücke der Scimitar einen relativ großen Sichtbildschirm .

Bevor man die Treppe hinunter geht, betritt man einen weiteren Bereich der Brücke, die deutlich höher gelegen ist. Außerdem befinden sich dort weitere Konsolen sowie Platz zum Arbeiten. Auch vor dem Stuhl des Kommandanten ist eine weitere Treppe, die zum Sichtbildschirm hinführt.

Die Stehkonsolen auf der Brücke der Scimitar sind Wiederverwendungen von Jem'Hadar -Konsolen aus Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , die auch für die Brücke des romulanischen Warbirds benutzt wurden.

Shuttle-Hangar [ ]

Shuttle hangar scimitar-typ

Die große Shuttlerampe

Der Shuttle-Hangar der Scimitar ist im Vergleich zu den Hangars auf Schiffen der Föderation mehr als geräumig. Es ist beladen mit vielen Angriffsjägern der Scorpion -Klasse. Die Remaner verwenden zum Sichern der Shuttle-Rampe vor unbefugten Zutritten einen Sicherheitscode . Die Station zum Dechiffrieren befindet sich am Eingang des Hangars.

Die Sicherheitssysteme sind kompliziert und kaum von Außenstehenden zu knacken, einzig der Android Data ist in der Lage den Sicherheitscode zu entschlüsseln.

Laboratorien [ ]

Das Laboratorium der Scimitar

Das medizinische Labor der Scimitar

Das Labor der Scimitar wird genutzt um medizinische und wissenschaftliche Forschungen zu übernehmen. Neben Forschungsstationen ist auch eine Art „Stehkäfig“ integriert worden, der dafür vorgesehen ist, an gefangenen Personen unfreiwillig Operationen durchzuführen, beispielsweise Blut abzunehmen.

Was die Größe dieser Laboratorien anbelangt, wäre das Labor mit einer Krankenstation eines Raumschiffs der Sovereign -Klasse zu vergleichen. Jedoch sind sie wie die Brücke eher düster gestaltet.

Wahrscheinlich dienen die Laboratorien eher einem Untersuchungszweck für lebende Organismen. Dies zeigt sich durch die Festhaltung von Captain Picard in einem solchen „Stehkäfig“, der mit Arretierungsklammern an Hals , Armen und Füßen ausgestattet ist.

Korridore [ ]

Korridor scimitar

Ein typischer Korridor der Scimitar

Die Korridore sind ebenfalls dunkel und geräumig gebaut worden. Sie unterscheiden sich aber erheblich von den Korridoren der Schiffsklassen der Föderation . Die Korridore der Scimitar sind so groß konzipiert, dass ein kleineres Shuttle, zum Beispiel Angriffsjäger der Scorpion -Klasse für längere Distanzen ohne Probleme durchfliegen können. Jedoch ist dafür ein geübter Pilot vonnöten, da trotz der enormen Größe ein solcher Korridor relativ eng ist.

Die Korridore sind in einer sechseckigen Form aufgebaut, was sie wiederum größer erscheinen lässt. Circa alle zwei Meter zieht sich eine Erhebung um die Wände und die Decke der Korridore, die jedoch anscheinend keinen praktischen Sinn haben.

Thalaron-Generatorraum [ ]

Thalaronstation scimitar

Die Thalaron-Generatorhalle

Der Thalaron-Generatorraum ist das Kernstück des Thalaron-Emitters. Von dort aus aktiviert sich der Generator und leitet die Thalaronstrahlung vom Zentrum in die Waffenphalanx des Zielarms.

Es ist ein relativ kleiner Raum, in dessen Mitte sich der Thalaron-Generator befindet. Er ist von einer Verhüllungsvorrichtung umgeben, die sich bei Bedarf öffnen lässt. Der Thalaron-Generatorraum ist allein über die Brücke über eine weitere Treppe zugänglich.

Referenzen [ ]

  • Star Trek: Nemesis
  • ↑ Die USS Enterprise ist zu diesem Zeitpunkt sehr wahrscheinlich mit der höchsten ihr zur Verfügung stehenden Warpgeschwindigkeit unterwegs, da es ja ein dringlicher Notfall ist und Picard auch Maximalwarp befohlen hat.

Hintergrundinformationen [ ]

  • Das Design dieses Raumschiffs stammt von John Eaves und wurde als CGI -Modell bei Digital Domain erstellt. Es war bisher nur ein Schiff dieses Typs in Star Trek: Nemesis zu sehen.
  • Laut Bonus-Material der DVD besitzt das Raumschiff Abmessungen von Länge:890 m; Breite:1350 m; Höhe:etwa 250 m.
  • Im Ersten Weltkrieg fand eine Schlacht um Scimitar Hill statt. Ein orientalisches Krummschwert und ein britischer Panzer tragen ebenfalls den Namen Scimitar . Interessanterweise hat der FV107 Scimitar einen Verwandten ganz ähnlichen Typs, den FV101 Scorpion . So heißt auch die Klasse der Jäger, die das Raumschiff Scimitar mit sich führt.
  • Die Brücke der Scimitar sollte laut dem Regisseur Stuart Baird sehr groß gestaltet werden. Sie sollte dem deutschen Expressionismus der 1920-er Jahre ähneln, primitiv aber bedrohlich.
  • Die Silhouette der Scimitar ähnelt der eines Jem'Hadar-Schlachtschiffs . Es wäre daher möglich, dass die Remaner ihr Schiff der Gestalt der Dominion-Raumschiffe nachempfunden haben.
  • 1 Daniels (Zeitagent)
  • Zen Store starships
  • Tier 6 Ship
  • Dreadnought Warbirds
  • Hangar Bay: 1
  • Scimitar starships
  • Starships with a Scimitar Battle Cloaking device
  • Intel starships
  • Legendary Starships
  • Legendary Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird
  • VisualEditor

Faction Romulan Republic

Release date: August 12, 2021 The Legendary Scimitar -class Intel Dreadnought Warbird is a Tier 6 Dreadnought Warbird which may be flown by Romulan Republic characters, as well as characters of any other faction . All faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying unlock from the Zen Store . This starship can be used from any level upon completion of the tutorial experience. As you level up, this ship gains additional hull, weapon slots, and console slots.

  • 2 Class variants
  • 3 Starship Mastery
  • 4.1 Universal consoles
  • 4.2 Specialization seating
  • 4.3 Battle Cloak
  • 4.4.1 Carrier commands
  • 4.5 Active Sensor Arrays
  • 4.6 Singularity
  • 5 Standard configuration
  • 6.1 Equipment slots and seating
  • 6.2 Hull strength
  • 6.3 T6-X upgrade
  • 7 Ship comparison
  • 8 Admiralty ship
  • 10 External links

Overview [ | ]

In the late 24th Century , the I.R.W. Scimitar was developed covertly by a group of Remans under the command of Praetor Shinzon , a clone of Jean-Luc Picard .

Battle in the Bassen Rift

Battle in the Bassen Rift

  • Falchion Dreadnought Warbird
  • Scimitar Dreadnought Warbird
  • Tulwar Dreadnought Warbird
  • Flambard Science Dreadnought Warbird
  • Khopesh Tactical Dreadnought Warbird
  • Shamshir Operations Dreadnought Warbird
  • Class overview
  • I.R.W. Leahval
  • I.R.W. Valdore
  • R.R.W. Lleiset
  • Falchion Dreadnought Warbird (Mob)
  • Scimitar Dreadnought (Mob)
  • Tulwar Dreadnought Warbird (Mob)
  • Advanced Scimitar Systems
  • Flagship Technologies Console Set

Though equipped with numerous weapons and housing a contingent of Scorpion Fighters , the original Scimitar ’s key feature was the ability to utilize thalaron radiation as a terrifying weapon. Shinzon first used a smaller thalaron radiation device to kill the entire Romulan Senate, and then relied on the Scimitar ’s strength to back his overthrow of the Romulan government.

Praetor Shinzon attempted to deploy the Scimitar ’s thalaron generator in the Battle in the Bassen Rift against the U.S.S. Enterprise -E and two Mogai -class Heavy Warbirds , but the Enterprise' s crew prevented the weapon from being fired and destroyed the Scimitar – albeit at a heavy cost.

Since the Battle of the Bassen Rift, both the Tal Shiar and the Romulan Republic have developed new variants based on the original ship design.

Just as the previous ships of the lineage did when launched, the Legendary Scimitar -class Intel Dreadnought Warbird represents the cutting edge of Romulan starship design. Extreme power, violence, and strength all scream out of the harsh lines of the ship, when it deigns to make itself visible. That itself is a rare occasion, as the ship contains a uniquely powerful cloaking system, which can not only function with the shields still active, but can even manage to fire weapons without breaking its cloak for a duration. Topping all this awe-inspiring power, the ship's core powers contains a thalaron weapon, capable of devastating incredible areas in a single blast emitted from its wingtips.

Elegance, brutality, subterfuge, overwhelming presence, precision tactics, blunt application of force - all contradictions wrapped up and balanced on a knife's edge in one deadly package - or, rather, a sword's edge - the Scimitar .

Class variants

Starship mastery [ | ], abilities [ | ], universal consoles [ | ].

The Legendary Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird comes equipped with three pieces of the Flagship Technologies Console Set , which includes [ Console - Universal - Adaptive Emergency Systems ] , [ Console - Universal - Dampening Wave Emitter ] , and [ Console - Universal - Flagship Tactical Computer ] .

Adaptive Emergency Systems icon (Romulan)

Firing Thalaron Pulse

Scimitar Generator

Thalaron Generator room

Violent Dampening Wave icon (Romulan)

It can also equip (but does not come equipped with) the [ Console - Universal - Timeline Stabilizer ] , from the Krenim Science Vessel .

Timeline Stabilizer icon (Romulan)

For each console added after the first, an additional passive bonus is unlocked.

The Legendary Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird also comes equipped with the Advanced Scimitar Systems Set , which includes [ Console - Universal - Cloaked Barrage ] , [ Console - Universal - Secondary Shields ] and [ Console - Universal - Singularity Distributor Unit ] . For each console added after the first, an additional passive bonus is unlocked.

Cloaked Barrage icon (Romulan)

Equipping all three consoles unlocks the following active ability:

Thalaron Pulse icon (Romulan)

Specialization seating

The Legendary Scimitar -class Intel Dreadnought Warbird features the following specialist seats:

Commander Tactical-Intelligence

Battle Cloak

The Legendary Scimitar -class Intel Dreadnought Warbird has a battle cloak that allows the ship to cloak during the combat, granting stealth and a damage bonus upon decloaking.

Scimitar Battle Cloak icon (Romulan)

Hangar bay [ | ]

The Legendary Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird comes equipped with a single wing of Romulan Drone Ships .

Launch Romulan Drone Ship icon (Romulan)

Purchasing the Legendary Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird unlocks the Romulan Drone Ship hangar pet

They can be equipped on any Romulan Dreadnought Warbird variant and Kelvin Timeline T'laru Intel Carrier Warbird . Romulan Drone ships utilize two unique pieces of technology. The first is Multi-Spectral Emitters , which allow them to take on the appearance of a limited variety of other types of ships. To support this technology, Romulan Drone ships are also equipped with Tri-Phasic Emitters . These change the frequency of the Drone Ship’s disruptors to emulate the weapon signatures of other weapon types, causing them to change both visually and functionally.

The Advanced variant of the Romulan Drone Ship can be obtained from the Dilithium Store , while the Elite variant is obtainable from the Fleet Starbase with unlocked Tier V Communications Array.

It also unlocks the ability to purchase Scorpion Fighters and Scorpion Fighter Squadrons .

Carrier commands [ ]

Carrier Command - Attack icon (Federation)

Active Sensor Arrays

As an Intelligence starship, the Legendary Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird is capable of deploying an Intel sensor drone with the Gather Intelligence ability.

Gather Intel icon (Romulan)

While the target is Vulnerable , one of three Expose Vulnerability abilities can be used. These powerful abilities find a critical weakness in the targeted foe and allow players to briefly exploit it.

Expose Vulnerability - Critical Systems icon (Federation)

Intelligence vessels also have a built-in passive ability which renders them undetectable at long range.

Warp Signature Masking icon (Federation)

Singularity [ ]

As a Romulan Warbird , the Legendary Scimitar -class Intel Dreadnought Warbird comes with built-in Singularity abilities. These abilities do not automatically rank up when acquiring higher tier Warbirds. These powers build in severity based on the charge built up by the ship's Singularity Core .

Plasma Shockwave icon (Romulan)

Standard configuration [ | ]

Romulan starships come with standard equipment and weapons of the lowest mark available at the ship's minimum rank. The items provided are appropriate to the type of vessel and its related playing style.

Shield Array icon

Fore Weapons

Plasma Beam Array icon

Aft Weapons

Plasma Turret icon

Scaling starship

This starship's equipment slots, base hull capacity and shield capacity scale as your level increases.

Equipment slots and seating [ ]

As you rank up every 10 levels, up to level 40, the ship's forward weapon slots, aft weapon slots, tactical console slots, engineering console slots, science console slots and available bridge officer (boff) abilities will slowly increase toward endgame capabilities:

Hull strength [ ]

This table shows how the ship's hull strength scales at each level. The base hull of all scaling starships is 10,000, which is then multiplied by the ship's hull modifier (1.4 for the Legendary Scimitar -class Intel Dreadnought Warbird), and then multiplied by the scaling multiplier below at each level.

T6-X upgrade

By using an [ Experimental Ship Upgrade Token ] , the Legendary Scimitar -class Intel Dreadnought Warbird may be upgraded to T6-X , unlocking an extra ship device slot, universal console slot, and the ability to slot an extra starship trait .

Ship comparison [ | ]

Admiralty ship [ | ].

Shipshot Background Admiralty Romulan

The Scimitar Bridge, as seen in Star Trek: Nemesis

Notes [ | ]

  • This vessel comes with the unique Scimitar bridge.

External links [ | ]

  • Official Dev Blog - The Legendary Romulan Warbird Bundle!
  • Official Dev Blog - Legendary Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird
  • Scimitar at Memory Alpha , the Star Trek Wiki.
  • Scimitar class at Memory Beta , the non-canon Star Trek Wiki.
  • 2 Playable starship
  • 3 List of canon starships


  1. Scimitar Dreadnought Warbird

    star trek scimitar

  2. Scimitar (Star Trek Nemesis) vs. Narada (Star Trek 2009)

    star trek scimitar

  3. Romulan Scimitar

    star trek scimitar

  4. Scimitar.jpg (938×623) (With images)

    star trek scimitar

  5. star, Trek, Scimitar, Freecomputerdesktopwallpaper, 1680 Wallpapers HD

    star trek scimitar

  6. Legendary Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird

    star trek scimitar


  1. Star Trek Online blujai Ha'apex compare Tulwar

  2. Star Trek Online Thalaron reactor

  3. Star Trek Online damus 26c Valkis Compare Tulwar

  4. Star Trek Online damus Kholar compare Tulwar

  5. Star Trek Online blujai Telvath compare Tulwar

  6. Star Trek Online blujai alliance Jerok carrier compare Tulwar @ DS9


  1. Scimitar

    The damaged Scimitar deploys its cascading biogenic pulse weapon. " She's a predator. - Jean-Luc Picard, 2379 ( Star Trek Nemesis) The Scimitar was a massive, heavily-armed Reman warbird. It was constructed under the command of Shinzon as part of a secret plot to overthrow the Romulan Senate, defeat the United Federation of Planets, and ...

  2. Star Trek: Scimitar Class Reman Warbird


  3. Reman

    The Scimitar had an advanced version of this technology that allowed it to remain cloaked while firing weapons, a feat previously thought impossible. Remans also developed unique mining technology to extract dilithium from their world's hazardous mines. ... Star Trek Online also shows the Remans as the direct cause of the destruction of Romulus ...

  4. Scimitar class

    The Scimitar class was the culmination of a Romulan development program to create a powerful new class to utilise against the Dominion. ( TOS novel: Captain's Blood ) A Scimitar -class warbird. The design included a revolutionary thalaron radiation core, developed by the Tal Shiar, making it a deadly adversary.

  5. Scimitar Class

    As a weapon of mass destruction the Scimitar would be horrendously effective, able to exterminate planetary populations with ease. [1] The Romulans seem unlikely to proceed with class production of the Scimitar as the design stands - the employment of a Thalaron system would likely provoke a quadrant-wide armaments race of horrific scale and scope.

  6. Scimitar class

    The fierce Reman Scimitar is a family of Reman and Romulan starships in use since the late- 24th Century, the most notable of which are Shinzon 's I.R.W. Scimitar and the R.R.W. Lleiset, which is the flagship of the Romulan Republic. It is composed of the playable starships listed to the right, and may appear in the Scimitar Dreadnought NPC mob.

  7. The Scimitar's original purpose. : r/startrek

    In the film, Shinzon uses it in typical movie madman style to kill Earth, which leads me to consider that the original, and sole purpose of the Scimitar was to locate and eliminate the Founder's new homeworld - to succeed where the Tal Shiar failed in its alliance with the Cardassians. The Remans built the ship on Remus in secret, but the plans ...

  8. star trek

    In Star Trek: Nemesis, the Scimitar catches up with the Enterprise-E, despite being at maximum warp.. Considering how the Federation was well known for its warp speed capabilities, how was it possible that an unstable government was able to develop a ship that was much faster than than Starfleet's fastest flag ship (which warp cores were designed by the Federation's leading scientists in that ...

  9. I.R.W. Scimitar

    The I.R.W. Scimitar was a Reman Scimitar-class Dreadnought in service of the Romulan Star Empire under Praetor Shinzon's short-lived reign. She was the first of her class and equipped with thalaron weapons and a squadron of Scorpion Fighters. In 2379 the Scimitar engaged the U.S.S. Enterprise-E and the I.R.W. Valdore in the Battle in the Bassen Rift en route to attacking Earth. Lieutenant ...

  10. star trek

    4. In the non-canon video game Star Trek Online, other ships of the same model exist and are referred to as "Scimitar-class" dreadnoughts. This is consistent with Star Trek's general policy of ship classes being named after the first ship of that class to be built. In canon, the Scimitar was a one-of-a-kind vessel with no named class.

  11. Antares Ship Yard

    The Scimitar made its debut in Star Trek: Nemesis in explosive, deadly fashion. It's easily a dreadnaught, especially with its "Perfect Cloak" where it can fire weapons, go to warp, and even maintain its shielding while under cloak. This is a ship that you send to end fights before they begin.

  12. How did Shinzon get the Scimitar? (Nemesis) : r/startrek

    They could have designed the Scimitar from scratch. Shinzon is a clone of Picard, and is supposed to have his natural diplomacy skills. He's able to work his way into the Romulan Council, be it via political maneuvers or the strength of the free Reman Republic, of which he is the leader.

  13. Legendary Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird—Star Trek ...

    0:00 - Cinematic1:42 - Introduction4:35 - Ship Discussion5:50 - Tier 5 Consoles7:10 - Thalaron Pulse8:45 - Tier 6 Consoles10:25 - Legacy Traits11:55 - New Tr...

  14. REVIEW: Eaglemoss STAR TREK: NEMESIS Scimitar Model

    The intimidating Scimitar — the Reman warbird commanded by Captain Picard's clone Shinzon in Star Trek: Nemesis — has decloaked to join your Eaglemoss starship collection ready menace your Federation ships with its deadly thalaron weapon.. Designed by John Eaves for the final Next Generation film, the Scimitar was built in response to the need for a new imposing Romulan ship design that ...

  15. Star Trek: Nemesis

    Star Trek: Nemesis is a 2002 American science fiction film directed by Stuart Baird. ... Shinzon's Scimitar was designed to appear to have a shared lineage with the new Romulan Warbird designs, but with the Romulan ships being sleeker, and the Reman ship more aggressive-looking with sharper edges.

  16. Star Trek Nemesis

    The Scimitar fires on the bridge, destroying the viewscreen and causing a massive hull breach that blows the helmsman, ... Filming on Star Trek Nemesis began on 28 November 2001 (citation needed • edit) and wrapped on 8 March 2002, overlapping with the filming of the first season of Star Trek: Enterprise.

  17. Vadic's Shrike vs Shinzon's Scimitar vs Nero's Narada

    The Scimitar is from 2379, the Narada is from 2387, and the Shrike is from 2401.. The first gets destroyed rather quickly, since its main advantage is probably nullified by 8 and 22 years of sensor advancement. Then it's a race between the next two, with one being very bulky and hard to maneuver, but with a large reserve to throw around, and the other being small and nimble with a nasty ...

  18. IRW Scimitar

    The Scimitar was a prototype Scimitar-class warbird used as the personal flagship of Shinzon of Remus in 2379. (TNG movie & novelization: Star Trek Nemesis) The Scimitar was the culmination of a Romulan development program to create a powerful new class to utilize against the Dominion (TOS novel: Captain's Blood). The design included a revolutionary thalaron radiation core, developed by the ...

  19. Scimitar Dreadnought Warbird

    Sci-fi. Star Trek. Release date: July 2, 2013The Scimitar-class Dreadnought Warbird is a Tier 5 (Level 50) Dreadnought Warbird which may be flown by Romulan Republic characters, as well as characters of any other faction. All faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character...

  20. Star Trek Starships Special #34 Scimitar

    Product Description. STAR TREK STARSHIPS SPECIAL #34 SCIMITAR EAGLEMOSS PUBLICATIONS LTD The latest special from the STAR TREK: THE OFFICIAL STARSHIPS COLLECTION is the Scimitar from the movie STAR TREK: NEMESIS. This is a stunning, detailed model of the Reman warbird that was commanded by Shinzon as part of his plan to overthrow the Romulan ...

  21. Star Trek Has 4 Deep Connections To The Omen

    Star Trek has a handful of interesting links to The Omen, the 1976 horror blockbuster directed by Richard Donner. ... Nemesis in 2002, and he also voiced the computer of the Scimitar, the starship ...

  22. Paul Giamatti Joins 'Star Trek: Starfleet Academy' as Main Villain

    Set phasers to stunned. In another casting coup, the upcoming Paramount+ series "Star Trek: Starfleet Academy" has cast Emmy winner and multiple Oscar nominee Paul Giamatti in a recurring ...

  23. Star trek Scimitar *work in process* : r/StarfieldShips

    "She's a predator." -Captain Jean-Luc Picard, 2379 My visualization of the Scimitar ship, It's sad that i cant mount 52 pulse disruptor cannons; 27 photon torpedo launchers;Maybe one day i can with mods :D . I did have to use some console to get passed the limit but I'm pretty okay with it, need to finish some visual aesthetics but overall my first "design".

  24. Scimitar

    Die Scimitar ist der Prototyp des remanischen Konzepts für einen Warbird und wird im Jahr 2379 bei einem Staatsstreich auf Romulus und einem Angriff auf die USS Enterprise eingesetzt, als Shinzon vom Remus versucht, Captain Picard gefangen zu nehmen, um sich von ihm eine genetische Transfusion zu beschaffen. Zwei romulanische Warbirds, darunter die IRW Valdore unter dem Kommando von Commander ...

  25. All the Easter Eggs We Spotted in STAR TREK: PICARD Season 3

    The first two seasons of Star Trek: Picard had their share of Easter eggs for longtime fans to spot. But season three blew the previous two out of the water in this regard. With the final season a ...

  26. Legendary Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird

    Release date: August 12, 2021The Legendary Scimitar-class Intel Dreadnought Warbird is a Tier 6 Dreadnought Warbird which may be flown by Romulan Republic characters, as well as characters of any other faction. All faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying unlock from the Zen Store. This starship can be ...

  27. Star Wars: The Acolyte: Manny Jacinto Breaks Down "Selfish" New

    The newest Star Wars show on Disney+ officially premiered Tuesday night with two episodes, taking fans back to the High Republic era of Star Wars history, over 100s of years before the Skywalker ...