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Driving from california to canada: your ultimate road trip guide.

  • California , Driving Tips , Travel

Driving from California to Canada is a long journey that offers stunning views of landscapes and captivating stops. Its a route of over 1400 miles that, with careful planning, can be conquered in roughly 22 hours.

Here we have outlined the best route to drive from California to Canada and scenic spots you should visit on the way.

Best Route to Drive from California to Canada

Typically, the fastest way to get to Canada from California is taking Interstate 5 North. This route will take you to the Canadian border via Sacramento, Portland, and Seattle.

However, taking the fastest route does not necessarily mean it is the most scenic. Here are two alternate routes:

US-101 North

This route isnt the quickest compared to the I-5, but its worth it. The route goes through Santa Barbara, Big Sur, Monterey, and other stunning coastal locations.

As the name suggests, this road is part of the US Highway 101, and it will take you to the US-Canada border. 2.

Pacific Coast Highway

This iconic route follows the breathtaking coastline of California to Oregon. Most people plan this as a separate road trip, but you can join it onto the journey to Canada.

You can start at the south end of the PCH in Orange County and follow it all the way to Monterey, where it meets with US-101.

Scenic Spots to Visit on the Way

1. Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara is the first stop youll make if traveling up to the Pacific Coast Highway.

Its an excellent place to spend a day or two, whether it be exploring the city or relaxing on the nearby beaches. Santa Barbara is nestled between the Santa Ynez Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, making it a stunning location to visit.

Big Sur is known for its dramatic coastline, redwood groves, and incredible wildlife.

For those that appreciate spectacular views and wildlife, be sure to stop and see the Elephant Seals near San Simeon. 3.

Mount Shasta

Located on the border of California and Oregon, Mount Shasta is the perfect place to rest and take in the mountain’s view. There are many trails to explore, and nature lovers will appreciate the stunning vistas.

4. Oregon Caves National Monument

The Oregon Caves is an underground national monument and a unique tourist destination.

Take time to explore the caves and take in the unique structures and formation. 5.

Columbia River Gorge

The Columbia River Gorge is a must-visit for any nature lover. The drive through the gorge is awe-inspiring, with waterfalls, streams, and mountains enveloping you.

In conclusion, driving up from California to Canada presents itself as a delightful journey with many enjoyable scenic stops. While it might be tiring, the views and breaths of fresh air make it worth it.

Whether you choose the faster I-5 route or the scenic coastal routes, be sure to take in all the top sights and appreciate the journey. When planning an international trip, many people focus on the exciting sights and activities they have planned, while forgetting about the requirements for border crossing.

Crossing borders between countries can be stressful, but with proper preparation, it can be easy. Below, we discuss the border crossing requirements for travelers and the time and budget required for trips.

Border Crossing Requirements for Travelers

The following are the standard requirements for border crossing:.

1. Valid Passport or Identification

To cross a border, you need a valid passport.

In some cases, a government-issued identification card with a photo may suffice. So, before you travel, check if your destination country or any country you are passing through requires a passport or identification card.

2. Visa or Travel Authorization

Some countries require you to have a visa or travel authorization before entering.

In such cases, you will have to apply for the visa or travel authorization before you depart. Ensure that you understand all the visa requirements before starting your journey.

3. Return Ticket

Many countries require you to have a return or onward ticket before entering.

Proof of accommodation information may also be required. It’s essential to know which countries require this and have the necessary documents.

4. Vaccinations & Health Checks

Some countries require proof of vaccination against specific diseases such as yellow fever or a health check before allowing travelers to enter.

Review all requirements and verify all essential health credits with your doctor before traveling internationally. 5.

Customs Declaration

You will be required to declare any valuable items or goods that you’re carrying that exceed the allowed limit, such as alcohol, tobacco, or cash. 6.

Safety and Security

Regulations may differ based on the country youre traveling to. Ensure you are updated on all safety regulations in the country to avoid missing out on any essential requirement.

Time and Budget Required for the Trip

The duration of a road trip depends on the route you choose and the duration of stops. The fastest route will typically take around 22 hours, from the California border to Canada.

However, many opt for more scenic, less direct routes that offer more stunning landmarks and destinations that require longer stops. Heres a breakdown of the time and budget required for the trip.

The time required for the trip depends on the route, the pace of travel, and the duration of stops.

If you take the fastest route, you can complete the journey in less than a day. But, if you take the scenic route to see all the exciting sights, then you may need several days to complete it.

2. Fuel Costs

Fuel is the primary expense of any road trip, and the cost will vary depending on the distance and type of car.

As of 2022, the average price of gas in Calafornia is $4.6 per gallon. So, if youre taking the fastest route and driving a car with a 15-gallon fuel tank, expect to spend $69 per fill-up.

While for more long routes, fuel cost could easily reach $200. So, carefully budget for fuel costs according to your route.

3. Accommodation Costs

Staying in hotels for several nights during your journey is the best option to avoid exhaustion.

Research to determine hotels that fit your budget and route before you start your journey. On average, the cost of a hotel room is $150, but this may vary depending on the location, time, and quality of the hotel.

4. Food and Snacks

While crossing the US-Canada border, its important to have your snacks if you plan on being in the car for an extended time since buying meals can add up.

Snacks are easy to travel with and are a budget-friendly option to manage your hunger cravings. While gas stations and fast food stops come in handy, it is wise to budget $10-$15 per meal per person.

5. Entertainments

Taking time out to have some fun is one of the best ways to make the most out of any journey.

Be sure to budget for excursions, tickets, and any other activities such as hiking and sightseeing that you would love to enjoy along the way. Budgeting around $20-$50 per activity is a good amount to consider.

In conclusion, traveling internationally through the US-Canada border is a thrilling experience. It’s important to understand the requirements for border crossing and carefully budget to ensure you do not run out of resources.

With proper planning, both requirements become easy to manage, and travelers can have a stress-free journey. A road trip from California to Canada offers not just beautiful scenic routes and exciting stops but also a chance to taste some local cuisine.

Understanding what kind of weather and road conditions to expect on your route can also make your journey more fun and safe. Below, we look at the must-try local cuisine along the way and weather and road conditions during the trip.

Must-Try Local Cuisine Along the Way

California and the Pacific Northwest are known for having some of the best cuisine in the United States. Here are some of the best culinary stops along the way:

Fish Tacos in San Diego:

California is well known for fish tacos, and you must try them in San Diego. Authentic fish tacos consist of grilled or fried fish, cabbage, pico de gallo, and avocado.

2. Clam Chowder in San Francisco:

San Francisco is famous for its sourdough bread and clam chowder.

Inhale the aroma of bread and enjoy a piping hot bowl of chowder at Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco. 3.

Dungeness Crab in Oregon:

The Oregon Coast produces some of the world’s best Dungeness crab, and you can’t leave without trying one. From Newport to Portland, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to indulge in this delicacy.

4. Coffee in Seattle:

Seattle and coffee culture are synonymous with each other.

Enjoy a cup of coffee from one of the city’s many unique coffee shops. Beyond Starbucks, youll find coffee shops with their own uniques brews and charm.

Weather and Road Conditions During the Trip

Weather and road conditions can impact your journey’s safety and affect your itinerary on your road trip. The dry and sunny California weather, as well as the frequent rain and mist that’s typical in the Pacific Northwest, need special consideration.

Here’s what you need to know:

1. California weather:

California is blessed with good weather all year round.

It’s generally sunny with mild temperatures, except during the winter when it could rain. When traveling during winter, ensure your vehicle is equipped with snow chains in case of snow.

2. Pacific Northwest weather:

The Pacific Northwest’s weather is typically rainy, so driving during the winter season could be challenging.

Ensure your vehicle is equipped with studded snow tires if traveling during winter. Expect to encounter some fog and mist from the coast to the mountains no matter the season.

3. Road conditions:

Road conditions vary throughout the trip.

The Pacific Coast Highway could be your preferred route, but it’s winding and narrow, and not designed for fast speeds. Mountains have many steep sections that require careful driving, especially during winter.

However, major interstates like the I-5 are well maintained, and you can easily and safely navigate through them. 4.

Border Crossing:

You must also consider border crossing times and weather conditions. Keep tabs on any breaking news impacting the border crossing.

Snowy and icy weather can easily delay your trip duration and could affect plans crossing through the border. In conclusion, a trip from California to Canada is an intense and captivating journey full of exciting activities.

You can indulge in delicious local cuisines, from fish tacos to coffee, along the way. It’s always important to prepare yourself for the weather conditions and road conditions to keep your journey safe.

Knowing what to expect and having the right gear is essential for you to enjoy the ride. Driving through Canada and the US is an adventure.

However, it’s important to prioritize your safety during the journey. Ensuring that you have proper accommodation during the trip is key to ensuring that your road trip is both fun and safe.

Below, we look at safety tips for driving in Canada and the US, and accommodation options and recommendations.

Safety Tips for Driving in Canada and the US

1. Observe Traffic Rules and Regulations

Stay within the speed limits, verify that youre in the right lane, avoid lane-switching, and give way to pedestrians.

Always follow traffic rules and regulations to avoid accidents. 2.

Avoid Distracted Driving

Avoid using your phone or any device that could distract you while driving, especially while in motion. Wait until it is safe to pull over before making a phone call or checking your messages.

3. Wear Your Seat Belt

Seat belts save lives.

Always ensure you and your passengers are wearing seat belts before starting your journey. 4.

Check Your Car Before Embarking on Your Journey

Ensure that all lights are functioning, carry a spare tire, and check your brakes, oil and water levels, among other items required in a possible emergency. 5.

Keep a Safe Distance from Other Vehicles

Ensure to keep a safe distance between your vehicle and other vehicles. This helps in reaction time if there is an emergency braking incident.

6. Be Alert and Aware of Surroundings

Keep an eye on the road ahead of you, observe road signs, observe the weather, and check your surroundings for any potential hazards.

Accommodation Options and Recommendations

Hotels are suitable for those looking for comfort and style.

Whether you’re looking for a luxury hotel or an affordable one, you’ll find a variety of options along your route. 2.

If you prefer more personalized accommodation, then Airbnb is an excellent option. Staying with a local takes your road trip experience to a whole new level as you’ll get insider tips about what to do and where to go.

If you’re the outdoorsy type, camping is an excellent option.

Campsites are usually located near popular landmarks and offer stunning views of nature at its best. 4.

Hostels are an affordable option for budget-conscious travelers. They offer private rooms or dorms that suit different travel preferences.

5. Glamping

For those who love the outdoors and luxury, glamping is an excellent option.

You get to experience nature in all its glory, but with the amenities of a hotel, such as a comfortable bed and hot showers. 6.

If you decide to take an RV on your road trip, RV parks are a perfect option. Many RV parks offer full hookups, so you won’t have to worry about where to get water, sewer, and electricity.

In conclusion, driving through Canada and the US is an exciting adventure filled with various experiences to make your journey an exceptional one. However, its important to prioritize safety.

Following basic safety tips, like observing traffic rules and regulations, helps prevent accidents. Ensure that you have adequate accommodation during the trip for the safest and most comfortable journey.

With many options, from hotels to glamping, you can choose the one that works best for you. A road trip from California to Canada offers an opportunity to explore not only the breathtaking landscapes but also the popular tourist attractions in both regions.

Additionally, understanding the cultural differences and similarities between Canada and California can enhance your overall travel experience. In this section, we will explore the popular tourist attractions in Canada and California, as well as the cultural differences and similarities you may encounter along the way.

Popular Tourist Attractions in Canada and California

Niagara Falls: One of the most famous natural wonders in the world, Niagara Falls is a must-visit destination. Witness the power and beauty of the three waterfalls that straddle the border between Canada and the United States.

b. Banff National Park: Located in the Canadian Rockies, Banff National Park offers stunning mountain peaks, turquoise lakes, and abundant wildlife.

Take in the panoramic views, hike the trails, and enjoy the pristine beauty of nature. c.

CN Tower, Toronto: Standing tall in the heart of downtown Toronto, the CN Tower offers breathtaking views of the city skyline and Lake Ontario. Dare to experience the EdgeWalk, where you can walk hands-free around the tower’s outer edge.

d. Old Quebec City: Journey back in time as you explore the charming streets of Old Quebec City.

This UNESCO World Heritage Site is known for its European charm, picturesque architecture, and rich history. 2.


a. Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco: Iconic and majestic, the Golden Gate Bridge is an engineering marvel.

Take a stroll across the bridge or admire its beauty from various viewpoints in San Francisco. b.

Yosemite National Park: Nature lovers will be captivated by Yosemite National Park’s awe-inspiring granite cliffs, pristine waterfalls, and ancient sequoia trees. Hiking, camping, and rock climbing are popular activities in this natural paradise.

c. Hollywood, Los Angeles: Visit the entertainment capital of the world and immerse yourself in the glamour of Hollywood.

Walk the Hollywood Walk of Fame, visit the Dolby Theatre, and enjoy the bustling energy of the city. d.

Santa Monica Pier: Experience the classic California beach vibe at Santa Monica Pier. Enjoy the beach, ride the Ferris wheel, indulge in delicious food at the restaurants, and soak in the laid-back atmosphere.

Cultural Differences and Similarities between Canada and California

1. Language: While both regions primarily speak English, Canada is officially bilingual, with French being the second official language.

In California, Spanish is commonly spoken due to its strong Hispanic influence. 2.

Food: California offers a diverse culinary scene influenced by its multicultural population. In Canada, you can find a variety of delicious dishes, including poutine (fries topped with cheese curds and gravy), tourtire (a meat pie), and butter tarts.

3. Weather: California is known for its warm and sunny weather, while Canada experiences four distinct seasons, with colder winters and milder summers.

4. Cultural Diversity: Both regions embrace cultural diversity.

California, being a melting pot of cultures, celebrates its diverse population through various festivals, events, and cuisine. Canada is known for its multiculturalism policy, welcoming people from all over the world and cherishing their traditions.

5. Nature and Outdoor Activities: Both California and Canada offer abundant opportunities for outdoor activities.

Whether it’s hiking, skiing, kayaking, or simply enjoying the natural beauty, you’ll find an array of options in both regions. 6.

Entertainment Industry: California, particularly Los Angeles, is renowned for its thriving entertainment industry. Many film studios, production companies, and celebrities call this region home.

Canada also has a growing film industry, with Vancouver and Toronto being popular filming locations. In conclusion, exploring the popular tourist attractions in Canada and California allows you to immerse yourself in the beauty and captivating experiences each region has to offer.

Along the way, you’ll encounter cultural differences and similarities that enhance your understanding and appreciation of the diverse world we live in. Embrace the adventure, indulge in the local cultures, and create lasting memories as you embark on this extraordinary journey.

Embarking on a road trip from California to Canada not only offers the opportunity to discover beautiful landscapes but also allows you to experience various special events and festivals along the way. Additionally, exploring wildlife and nature reserves is a must for nature enthusiasts.

In this section, we will delve into the special events and festivals to attend on the way and the wildlife and nature reserves worth exploring.

Special Events and Festivals to Attend on the Way

1. Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Ashland, Oregon:

If you’re a fan of theater, make a stop in Ashland during the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.

Enjoy a variety of Shakespearean plays and contemporary productions performed by talented actors in the beautiful outdoor Allen Elizabethan Theatre. 2.

Seattle International Film Festival, Seattle, Washington:

Film buffs should plan their trip to coincide with the Seattle International Film Festival, one of the largest film festivals in the United States. This event showcases a diverse range of international films, documentaries, and shorts.

3. Calgary Stampede, Calgary, Alberta:

Dubbed “The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth,” the Calgary Stampede is a world-famous rodeo and festival that celebrates Western culture.

Witness thrilling rodeo events, enjoy live music, indulge in delicious food, and experience the vibrant atmosphere. 4.

Vancouver International Film Festival, Vancouver, British Columbia:

Film enthusiasts can catch screenings of international and Canadian films during the Vancouver International Film Festival. This festival showcases a range of genres, from thought-provoking documentaries to compelling narratives.

Wildlife and Nature Reserves to Explore

1. Redwood National and State Parks, California:

Explore the towering giants of the Redwood National and State Parks.

Take a hike among the ancient redwood trees, marvel at their immense beauty, and immerse yourself in the tranquility of the forest. 2.

Olympic National Park, Washington:

Olympic National Park offers diverse ecosystems, including rugged coastlines, lush rainforests, and snow-covered peaks. Explore the stunning beaches, hike through the enchanting Hoh Rainforest, and venture up Hurricane Ridge for breathtaking views.

3. Glacier National Park, Montana:

If you’re up for a slight detour, visit Glacier National Park with its pristine wilderness, glacial lakes, and stunning mountain ranges.

Take a scenic drive along Going-to-the-Sun Road and be prepared to encounter incredible wildlife, such as grizzly bears and mountain goats. 4.

Jasper National Park, Alberta:

Experience the Canadian Rockies at their best in Jasper National Park. Go hiking, spot wildlife like moose and bighorn sheep, and admire the towering peaks and turquoise lakes.

Don’t miss the iconic Icefields Parkway, known for its breathtaking views. 5.

Pacific Rim National Park, British Columbia:

Discover the rugged beauty of the Pacific Rim National Park, located on Vancouver Island. Enjoy stunning coastal views, walk along pristine beaches, and witness the powerful crashing waves of the Pacific Ocean.

In conclusion, a road trip from California to Canada offers not only the chance to explore beautiful landscapes but also attend special events and festivals along the way. Immerse yourself in theater, film, and cultural celebrations.

Additionally, delve into the magnificent wildlife and nature reserves, encountering ancient redwood trees, diverse ecosystems, and stunning mountain ranges. Embrace the unique experiences and make lifelong memories as you embark on this remarkable journey.

Traveling with pets and understanding the history and significance of the Trans-Canada Highway are important aspects to consider when embarking on a road trip from California to Canada. Taking proper care of your furry companions and appreciating the historical significance of the route can make your journey even more enjoyable.

In this section, we will explore tips for traveling with pets and delve into the history and significance of the Trans-Canada Highway.

Tips for Traveling with Pets

1. Safety First:

Ensure your pet’s safety by investing in a sturdy and comfortable crate or carrier.

This will keep them secure while traveling and prevent them from roaming around the vehicle. Make sure the crate or carrier is spacious enough for them to stand, turn, and lie down comfortably.

2. Pack Essentials:

Bring your pet’s essentials, including food, water, bowls, bedding, toys, leash, collar with identification tags, and any necessary medications.

Familiar items will help keep them comfortable throughout the journey. 3.

Make Frequent Breaks:

Take regular breaks to allow your pet to stretch their legs, use the bathroom, and get some fresh air. Plan rest stops in pet-friendly areas where they can safely explore and relieve themselves.

4. Never Leave Your Pet Unattended:

Never leave your pet alone in the car, especially in warm weather, as temperatures can rise rapidly and can be life-threatening.

If you need to stop somewhere where pets are not allowed, take turns with your travel companions to stay with them. 5.

Research Pet-Friendly Accommodations:

Before your trip, research and book pet-friendly accommodations along your route. Many hotels and holiday rentals now cater to pet owners, but it’s essential to confirm their pet policies in advance.

6. Visit the Veterinarian:

Schedule a visit to your veterinarian before the trip for a general health check-up and to ensure your pet is up to date on vaccinations.

Obtain any required travel documentation or certificates, especially if you are crossing international borders.

History and Significance of the Trans-Canada Highway

The Trans-Canada Highway is an iconic route that spans the entire length of Canada, connecting the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Here’s a glimpse into its history and significance:

Construction and Completion:

Construction of the Trans-Canada Highway began in 1950 and took nearly two decades to complete. The route officially opened in 1962, stretching over 4,860 miles and passing through ten provinces and three territories.

2. Economic Impact:

The Trans-Canada Highway plays a vital role in connecting communities, promoting trade and tourism, and supporting economic growth.

It serves as a vital transportation corridor, facilitating the movement of goods and services across the country. 3.

Scenic Beauty and Tourism:

The highway offers stunning views of Canada’s diverse landscapes, from picturesque coastal vistas to majestic mountains and expansive prairies. It provides access to numerous national parks, historic sites, and cultural attractions, attracting millions of tourists each year.

4. Cultural Heritage:

The Trans-Canada Highway is not only a physical road but also a symbol of Canadian identity and unity.

It connects diverse communities across the country, fostering a sense of shared heritage and cultural exchange. 5.

Infrastructure and Upgrades:

Over the years, the highway has undergone significant improvements, including the expansion of lanes, construction of bypasses, and the addition of safety features. Ongoing infrastructure upgrades continue to enhance the efficiency and safety of the route.

6. Iconic Stops:

Along the Trans-Canada Highway, travelers have the chance to experience iconic destinations like Banff National Park, Lake Louise, Peggy’s Cove, and Cape Breton Island.

These stops showcase Canada’s beauty, history, and culture, making the journey even more memorable. In conclusion, traveling with pets requires careful planning and consideration for their safety and well-being.

By following the provided tips, you can ensure a comfortable and enjoyable journey for both you and your furry companions. Moreover, understanding the history and significance of the Trans-Canada Highway adds a deeper appreciation for the iconic route that connects the vast and diverse landscapes of Canada.

Embrace the adventure, explore the highway’s scenic beauty, and create lasting memories as you navigate this remarkable road trip. No road trip is complete without some good music and entertaining activities to keep you engaged along the way.

Creating the perfect playlist and having a range of entertainment options can enhance your road trip experience. In this section, we will explore popular road trip playlists and provide entertainment suggestions to make your journey even more enjoyable.

Popular Road Trip Playlists:

1. Classic Rock Anthems:

Create a playlist that includes classic rock hits from bands like Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, AC/DC, and Aerosmith.

These timeless tunes will keep you rocking as you cruise down the highway. 2.

Feel-Good Hits:

Compile a playlist of uplifting and catchy songs that put everyone in a good mood. Include artists like Pharrell Williams, Bruno Mars, and ABBA, and sing along to their infectious tunes.

3. Road Trip Sing-Alongs:

Choose songs that everyone can sing along to, like “Don’t Stop Believin'” by Journey, “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond, and “Livin’ on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi.

These sing-along classics are sure to create a fun and memorable atmosphere. 4.

Genre Mashup:

Create a playlist with a mix of genres to cater to everyone’s musical tastes. Include a blend of pop, rock, country, hip-hop, and indie songs to keep the variety going.

Entertainment Suggestions:

1. Podcasts:

Make your road trip educational and entertaining by listening to podcasts.

Choose podcasts that cover various subjects, such as true crime, comedy, history, or personal development. Some popular podcasts include “Serial,” “The Joe Rogan Experience,” and “Stuff You Should Know.”


If you’re a book lover, audiobooks are a fantastic option. Choose novels, non-fiction, or self-help books that you and your travel companions can enjoy together.

Experience the magic of storytelling with titles like “Harry Potter” by J.K. Rowling or “Becoming” by Michelle Obama. 3.

Travel Games:

Engage in interactive and entertaining travel games to pass the time. Classics like “20 Questions” or the “License Plate Game” can be fun challenges.

Other options include trivia games, word games, or even a road trip scavenger hunt. 4.

Car Karaoke:

Turn your car into a karaoke party on wheels. Use a karaoke app that displays lyrics on your phone or bring a portable karaoke machine.

Take turns singing your favorite songs and unleash your inner superstar. 5.

Road Trip Movies and TV Shows:

If you have a portable DVD player or a device that can stream movies and TV shows, plan for some in-car entertainment. Choose road trip-themed films like “National Lampoon’s Vacation,” “Thelma & Louise,” or “Little Miss Sunshine” to set the mood for your adventure.

6. Audio Comedy Shows:

Load your device with stand-up comedy albums or comedy radio shows to keep the laughter going.

Comedians like Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Gaffigan, and Ellen DeGeneres have hilarious performances that will keep you entertained throughout the journey. Remember to take breaks from entertainment and enjoy the scenery, engage in conversations, and create lasting memories with your travel companions.

With the right playlist and entertainment options, your road trip will be a journey filled with laughter, good music, and great company. In conclusion, a road trip is made even more enjoyable with the perfect playlist and a range of entertainment options.

Tailor your playlist to suit everyone’s tastes, and mix it up with sing-alongs and genre mashups. Take advantage of podcasts, audiobooks, travel games, car karaoke, movie

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Everything you need to know before taking a road trip to Canada

Victoria M. Walker

Canada on July 19 said it would reopen its borders to fully vaccinated U.S. citizens beginning on Aug. 9.

It will be the first phase of a two-step reopening process.

U.S. citizens and permanent residents who have been fully vaccinated (14 days past the final dose) will be allowed to enter Canada for nonessential travel purposes beginning Aug. 9. Canada also said it intends to open its borders to citizens of other countries as of Sept. 7 if the pandemic doesn't worsen.

The government said it's using a "border testing surveillance program" at its air and land border crossings. Fully vaccinated travelers will not need to take a negative COVID-19 test upon entry unless they've been randomly selected to take one. You will, however, need to pack a negative test result in addition to your proof of vaccination. (More on that later.)

Canada might be a suitable option for Americans who haven't traveled during the pandemic. Because Canada is drivable from many parts of the U.S., it's an excellent option for people who want to get out of the country but aren't comfortable yet flying long distances.

Here's what you need to know about driving to a reopened Canada.

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How to enter Canada from the US

road trip california to canada

There are dozens of entry points by land into Canada from the U.S. But the most visited include the Windsor-Detroit border, Buffalo-Niagara Falls; Port Huron, Michigan; Maine; and Blaine, Washington, according to Bureau of Transportation Statistics data .

When you cross into Canada from the U.S. , a border agent will ask the purpose of your trip and whether you feel well. Travelers crossing the border by land must wear a mask, bring a negative test result, use the ArriveCAN app to upload proof of vaccination and follow border crossing procedures.

What documents do you need to drive to Canada?

road trip california to canada

Driving into Canada from the U.S. is relatively simple compared to other destinations.

Travelers driving into Canada from the U.S. must have a valid I.D., such as a U.S. passport. Unlike most of the world, a passport card is also accepted on the land border . Children under 16 need only show proof of U.S. citizenship. The following forms of identification are accepted for U.S. citizens:

  • U.S. Passport
  • U.S. Passport card (for land and marine travel only)
  • Enhanced Driver's License (for land and marine travel only)

U.S. citizens who are members of the NEXUS program show their membership card as proof of identification when arriving in Canada by air (from the U.S.) land or sea. U.S. citizens in the FAST program can use their cards when arriving by land and sea only.

U.S. permanent residents are required to carry an electronic travel authorization (eTA) only when arriving in Canada by air. Their foreign passport must be linked to a valid eTA, and they must also travel with proof of their permanent resident status to qualify for a visa exemption.

Starting Aug. 9, fully vaccinated travelers won't need to take a negative COVID-19 test upon entry to Canada unless they've been randomly selected for testing. However, the pre-travel testing mandate remains in place even for vaccinated travelers. Travelers arriving in Canada by land or air need to take a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of departure. Both PCR and RT-PCR tests are accepted , but antigen tests are not.

Unvaccinated children under 12 will be allowed to enter Canada but must submit their information electronically through ArriveCAN and meet all testing requirements. Travelers need to be able to provide a paper or digital copy of their vaccination documentation in English or French, according to the Canadian government .

Use Nexus to expedite arrival

road trip california to canada

If you're a U.S. citizen who visits Canada often, you may want to consider getting Nexus so you can also enjoy expedited customs processing there. It's a program between Canada and the United States for preapproved, low-risk travelers at designated air, land and sea ports of entry.

Nexus is 50% less expensive than Global Entry ($50 per adult and free for children under 18). However, you must enroll at a center along the Canadian border. Clearing Canadian customs and immigration can take a while, so this would save you a lot of time.

And once you have Nexus, either as a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, you also get Global Entry and TSA PreCheck. Nexus is available at 21 land locations when entering Canada. However, the Canada Border Services Agency implemented temporary lane closures that will remain in effect until "further notice."

Global Entry

road trip california to canada

If you want to expedite your entry back into the U.S., you can also get Global Entry. You can enroll upon arrival at various airports in a handful of states , plus Canada, Ireland, the Bahamas, Abu Dhabi, Aruba and Bermuda.

Global Entry cards are acceptable at land points of entry for expedited entry into the United States via the SENTRI and Nexus lanes. However, you can't use your Global Entry membership to enter Canada through the Nexus lanes.

Coming back to the U.S.

Travelers coming back to the U.S. from Canada by land aren't required to have a negative COVID-19 test. However, travelers flying into the U.S. from Canada must provide a negative COVID-19 test taken three days before departure.

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9 Scenic Canada Road Trips Within 2 Hours of the U.S. Border

By Caleigh Alleyne

Icefields Parkway Highway 93 Lake Louise Alberta Canada

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After over a year of border restrictions, Canada is now allowing fully vaccinated Americans to visit —and a U.S. to Canada road trip is a great way to take advantage, while also avoiding the often-crowded airport experience. For travelers looking to head north of the border this summer in the privacy of their own car, these are nine scenic routes that we love, with tips on where to stay, eat, and more. The best part? Each of these Canada road trip itineraries has starting points in the U.S., so you can enjoy every bit of the drive.

All listings featured on Condé Nast Traveler are independently selected by our editors. If you book something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Niagara Falls Ontario

Ontario's Niagara Horseshoe Falls

Niagara Parkway: Buffalo, New York to Toronto, Ontario

Just across the border from Buffalo, New York, lies the city of Niagara Falls , best known for being the home of the Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. For those looking to extend their trip, travel along the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW), which will take you from Niagara to downtown Toronto in 90 minutes (if traffic is flowing smoothly).

Where to stop:  Follow the Niagara parkway to the picturesque town of Niagara-on-the-Lake, where you'll spot preserved 19th-century colonial architecture. The Niagara region is also known for having dozens of wineries on the Niagara Wine Trail , and some are as close as 10 minutes to the border.

Where to eat:  The family-run  Ravine Vineyard Estate  has an on-site restaurant and general store-style gift shop offering a la carte selections, and pantry picnic essentials to stock up on between wine tastings.   

Where to stay:  Charming Niagara-on-the-Lake has several landmark properties like the  Harbour House Hotel and Prince of Wales Hotel . If your road trip takes you to Toronto, continue your trip back in time by staying at One King West Hotel & Residence , inside Toronto’s original Dominion Bank skyscraper, which dates back to 1914. 

Banff National Park Canada

Lake Louise, Banff

Icefields Parkway: Montana to Banff National Park, Alberta

The quickest way from the American border to Banff National Park in Alberta is to drive through British Columbia. From northern Montana, head north on the BC-93 highway driving through the small towns along the way. The Icefields Parkway links Lake Louise in Banff National Park to Jasper National Park , and whirls drivers through the Rocky Mountains, beside glacier-like icefields and along the Continental Divide. 

Where to stop:  On your way to Banff National Park you'll pass though several mountain towns brimming with outdoor activities, like skiing and waterfalls to visit; Cranbrook, Fernie, and Kimberly are all just off the BC-93 and worth pulling over for. Stop by the village of Radium Hot Springs , which is open to visitors year-round, for a dip in the Lussier Natural Hot Springs, or one of their thermal pools.  

Where to eat:  During your drive on the Icefields Parkway, dine beside the Columbia Ice Field at the  Glacier View Lodge . From the on-site Altitude Restaurant you’ll have spectacular dinner views of the mountains, or you can visit the more-casual Chalet for lunch fare. 

Where to stay:  Known as the “Castle in the Rockies,” the Fairmont Banff Springs was built as one of the original Canadian Pacific Railway hotels in 1886. Today, Fairmont also operates other historic properties in the region that include the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise and Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge . 

Fundy Coastal Drive New Brunswick

Mulholland Lighthouse, Campobello Island

Fundy Coastal Trail: Maine to Saint John, New Brunswick

Explore New Brunswick's 286-mile drive along the Bay of Fundy coastline to see the world’s highest tides up-close. Depending on the time of day, you can marvel at the tides two ways: by kayaking on the water when it's at its peak, or by walking on the sprawling ocean floor when the waves have recessed. The Bay of Fundy can be seen from Saint John to Moncton, or plan a visit to the otherworldly Hopewell Rocks , which were formed by tidal erosions and stand alone when the tide goes out. 

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Where to stop:  St. Andrews by the sea is the midway point between Maine and the Bay of Fundy. For a short visit, wander down the town's main strip and along its historic pier; if you have some more time, wander through the 27-acre  Kingsbrae Garden  or play 18 holes at the award-winning  Algonquin Golf Course . 

Where to eat:  Dine at the  Saint John City Market , where you'll find locally caught seafood and other seasonal goods. For a sit-down meal, stop by  Bigtide Brewing Company  for craft beer and pub fare. 

Where to stay:  In downtown Saint John, the  Delta Hotel by Marriott Saint John  is conveniently within walking distance to the city’s best attractions and its famed  reversing falls , which appear to swirl backwards into the Bay of Fundy. For the resort experience, book a night at  The Algonquin in St. Andrews  by the sea.

Sea to Sky Highway British Columbia

British Columbia's Highway 99

Sea to Sky Highway: Washington State to Whistler, British Columbia

You can drive from the edge of Washington state to the mountains in Whistler in just over two hours, cutting through vibrant Vancouver along the way. The Sea-to-Sky Highway, also known as the BC-99, connects North Vancouver to Whistler on a picturesque coastal drive where the mountain and the water meet. Where to stop: To break up your drive, stop in Squamish at the Sea to Sky Gondola to get an aerial view of the region. If time permits, enhance your visit with a free guided tour to learn about the history of the land on the Spirit Trail .  Where to eat: Head to the Nicklaus North Golf Course to try and snag a spot on the patio at Table Nineteen for scenic views of Green Lake, and the descending floatplanes flying in from Vancouver.  Where to stay: Book a few nights in Whistler to explore this bustling mountain town. Budget-travelers flock to the boutique capsule Pangea Pod Hotel , located in the center of the main strip. For a lakeside respite, the Nita Lake Lodge is a stone’s throw away in Creekside Village.

Image may contain Path Walkway Downtown Urban Town Building City Architecture Sidewalk Pavement Spire and Tower

Quebec City's Old Town

Autoroute 73: Maine to Quebec City, Quebec

While several of the New England states border Québec, the capital city of Québec City is in the Eastern part of the province, closest to Maine. This Francophone city feels more like Europe than other areas of Canada, with narrow alleyways and cobblestone streets. Continue your road trip along the St. Lawrence River to scenic Baie-Saint Paul in Charlevoix for country walks, cheese shops, and the Galerie d'art Iris .  Where to stop: Mark the Montmorency Falls on your map for a quick stop just outside of Québec City, on your way to Charlevoix. The magnificent falls tower 99 feet higher than Niagara Falls and adventurous travelers can explore them by cable car, a suspended bridge , or zip-line. Where to eat: Stop by the Fairmont Le Château Frontenac for an afternoon tea at the castle, or dine onsite at Champlain Restaurant or Sam Bistro.  Where to stay: Auberge Saint-Antoine in the Old Port of Quebec City is a Relais & Châteaux that has preserved relics from the archeological dig within the property. In Baie-Saint Paul, the Hôtel & Spa Le Germain Charlevoix blends a peaceful escape in a charming town with sophisticated amenities and an onsite Spa Nordique Le Germain.

The Southwest Nova Scotia Route: Bar Harbor, Maine to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

When the  CAT ferry  that travels between Bar Harbor, Maine , and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, resumes in spring 2022, you can get from coast to coast on this high-speed catamaran in just over three hours. RVs, pickups, SUVs, cars, tour buses, motorcycles, and bicycles are welcome aboard—making this the best way for road trippers to cross the Atlantic Ocean into Canada. Once in Nova Scotia, drive along the jaw-dropping coastline along the 101 to Halifax, and back down the 103 to the ferry in Yarmouth.

Where to stop:  Plan to make several stops during your road trip, in the small coastal towns of Digby, Lunenburg, and Mahone Bay. After Halifax, head to Peggy’s Cove Lighthouse to visit one of the most recognizable sites in Canada.

Where to eat:  A trip to Nova Scotia isn’t complete with indulging in fresh seafood. Swing by one of the stalls at  Halifax Seaport Farmer’s Market , or grab a lobster roll along the water’s edge in one of the small towns that you visit along the way. 

Where to stay:  Break up your drive by staying a night or two in downtown Halifax. For a touch of history, book your stay at the  Lord Nelson Hotel and Suites  by the Halifax Public Gardens. For a contemporary option, check out  Muir, Autograph Collection Hotel –slated to open in fall 2021 .

The Alaskan Highway Yukon

Emerald Lake, South Klondike Highway

Alaska-Canadian Highway: Alaska to Haines Junction, Yukon

The 1390-mile route along the Alaska-Canadian Highway takes you through the Pacific Northwest, from Seattle to British Columbia, and then into Alaska and the Yukon. For a shorter jaunt, take just the northern leg along the St. Elias Mountains and Kluane National Park and Reserve, traveling north from Alaska through Haines Junction. Where to stop: At the Thechàl Dhâl Visitor Centre , you can pick up hiking maps, register for backcountry camping, and learn more about Kluane National Park and Reserve. During the spring and fall, Dall Sheep can often be seen nearby. This national park is home to Canada’s highest mountain, Mt. Logan, the largest non-polar ice fields on the planet, and is part of one the largest internationally protected areas connected to Tatshenshini-Alsek Provincial Park in British Columbia, and Glacier Bay National Park and Wrangell-Saint Elias National Park in Alaska.

Where to eat: There are several dining options in Haines Junction, but due to the secluded nature of this region you’ll want to pack a few snacks in a bear-proof container to bring on your drive. Rely on on-site dining options during your hotel stay, and healthy breakfasts and hearty family-style dinners at the Mount Logan EcoLodge .  Where to stay: The  Mount Logan EcoLodge  is a rustic escape tucked within the mountains, in a prime location for those wanting to catch a glimpse of the Aurora Borealis during the winter months. 

Yellowhead Highway 16 Manitoba

Yellowhead Highway #16

Yellowhead Highway: North Dakota to Winnipeg, Manitoba

The Yellowhead Highway runs through the Canadian Prairie from Winnipeg, Manitoba, through Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and Edmonton, Alberta. From the North Dakota border, drive up to Winnipeg for an overnight stay before continuing west toward  Riding Mountain National Park . 

Where to stop:  Spend a day or two in Winnipeg to explore the city. During your visit, see the Inuit art museum  Qaumajuq , in the Winnipeg Art Gallery, the Canadian Museum for Human Rights , and  Assiniboine Park Zoo’s Journey to Churchill exhibit . 

Where to eat:  Under the direction of Chef Mandel Hitzer,  deer + almond 's menu offers a fusion of flavors. Hitzer is also the brains behind the winter pop-up restaurant  RAW:almond , constructed atop Winnipeg’s frozen river. 

Where to stay:  The  Inn at the Forks  is centrally located in the city’s tourist area within walking distance to several restaurants and the  Canadian Museum for Human Rights . 

Red Coat Trail Saskatchewan Badlands: Montana to Saskatchewan

The historic Red Coat Trail along Highway 13 stretches through the Prairie provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. Explore the midway section of the route in Saskatchewan, a short drive away from the Montana-Saskatchewan border. For the closest crossing to Grasslands National Park , head north along the 191 in Montana crossing the border in Morgan. Where to stop: Visit the wide-open plains of Grasslands National Park on your way from the U.S.-Canada border toward Highway 13. This national park is one of the largest Dark Sky Preserves in Canada, making it the perfect place to stargaze during your overnight stay.  Where to eat: Stop by  Harvest Eatery  in Shaunavon, Saskatchewan, located along the Red Coat Trail. Their extensive globally inspired menu serves farm-fresh salads, family-style mains, and a kid’s menu to accommodate young travelers.  Where to stay: Stay within Grasslands National Park in a Parks Canada oTENTik . Found in Frenchman Valley and Rock Creek Campgrounds, the oTENTiks are built in equipped A-frame cabins offering the camping experience without the hassle.


Fairmont Empress

Fairmont Empress

Broadwick Soho, London: First In

Broadwick Soho, London: First In

North America Travel Guide

North America Travel Guide

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The ultimate pacific coast highway road trip.

Consider this your essential itinerary for an epic drive along this classic American route.

Man driving a convertible on Pacific Coast Highway.

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Take a spellbinding drive, packed with exciting twists and spectacular scenery.

Part of the Vancouver skyline, seen from Olympic Village at the end of False Creek. In the foreground is the ramp down to the watertaxi dock, with the geodesic dome of the Science Museum behind, along with some apartment buildings and offices on Quebec Street.

Vancouver to Seattle

Sunset landscape of Portland, Oregon.

Seattle to Portland, Oregon

The shore of Columbia River in Astoria, Oregon.

Portland to the Oregon Coast

Looking up at the redwood trees at Muir Woods in San Francisco.

Southern Oregon to Redwood National Park

San Francisco skyline and Bay Bridge at sunset.

Northern California Coast to San Francisco

Bixby Creek Bridge, along California 1

San Francisco to Big Sur

Sunset in Venice Beach with Santa Monica Pier in the distance.

Big Sur to Santa Monica

San Diego

Santa Monica to San Diego

Rosarito Beach- Baja California, Mexico

Bonus: Mexico

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California to Canada Road Trip

Two things you should know about me…

  • I love a good road trip!
  • I love planning (my dream job would be event planning)

So imagine how much I love planning a road trip…probably almost as much as I love cupcakes!  When I set out to plan this trip from California to Canada via I-5 I reached out to bloggers, asked for advice on Twitter and Facebook, and talked with friends and family and once I compiled it all, I realized this is a really awesome trip!

Let’s hit the road! (Disclaimer: I’m going to be really honest here, I love California, but if you’re going to drive on I-5, you need to know there isn’t a lot to do between SoCal and Sacramento…lots of farmland but not a lot of places to stop.  So if you live on the stretch of I-5 between SoCal and Sacramento and know of something interesting to do, PLEASE let me know so I can update this post!)

Sacramento, CA Despite the fact that people probably assume the capital of California is Los Angeles or San Francisco, it is actually Sacramento!

  • If you are in Sacramento on a Wednesday you’ll want to check out the November Project in Sacramento for a great FREE workout!
  • The #1 suggestion I got from people if you are going to visit is Old Sacramento .  Old Sacramento features history attractions, dining, shopping and entertainment.  I would love to plan a trip over Labor Day so I could head to Old Sacramento for the Gold Rush Days when the area is transformed to the 1850’s!
  • If you like art, I’d suggest heading to the Crocker Art Museum …the first public art museum in the Western United States! Be sure to check the calendar for special events, movies, music, poetry and more.
  • For kids and adults alike the California State Railroad Museum is a must see!  You can take train rides, explore exhibits that bring railroading to life, and learn about the history of railroading in California.

Shasta County, CA

  • As you head north from Sacramento the next place you’ll want to stop is Shasta Caverns .  Situated in the limestone beds of Shasta County, CA the caverns allow you to explore via a catamaran, bus and a hike as you learn about the history of the caverns.
  • Hiking to Mt Shasta promises gorgeous views!   There are a lot of trail options so be sure to check out this site for more information

Ashland, OR Voted one of Fodor’s top small towns in America you don’t want to miss Ashland !  Home to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival , close to some excellent rafting and more, Ashland is a place you definitely need to stop on your way north on I-5

Crater Lake, OR You’re going to need to veer a little off I-5, but Crater Lake is touted as one of the 7 Wonders of Oregon, so you don’t want to miss out!  Crater Lake is the deepest lake in America and the views are simply breathtaking!

Heading to Portland, OR Two stops on your way to Portland after you leave Crater Lake are definitely worth making… 1. A visit to Silver Falls State Park , the largest state park in Oregon, offers you the opportunity to hike to some beautiful waterfalls!  Silver Falls State Park is located in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains and while the waterfalls are probably the biggest draw, there are a number of other recreational activities as well! 2. The chance to see the world’s largest airplane in McMinnville, OR at the Evergreen Aviation and Space Museum .  Not only is the Spruce Goose the world’s largest airplane, but it is built entirely out of wood and was only flown one time!

Portland, OR Before you head to Washington you’ll want to leave some time to explore Portland or at least eat your way through the city!  Here are some restaurants to check out…

  • Little Big Burger
  • Ken’s Artisan Pizza
  • Pine State Biscuits

And if you’re looking for something a little more casual, here are food cart pods you can check out…

  • Cartopia – But head there soon because it will be closing around October 2014!
  • Cartlandia – A “food cart super pod”

Not sure if you want to spend all of your time in Portland eating?!?  Scott over at Portland Travel Tips shares these 5 Alternative Tourist Attractions including donuts you absolutely have to try!

Olympia, WA Get ready to explore the capital of Washington!

  • Stop by Tolmie State Park  which offers beach activities, a saltwater marsh, hiking, boating and more!
  • Enjoy brunch at Tugboat Annie’s
  • Hike through Priest Point Park
  • Need more suggestions, here is a list of things to do in Oly WA , as locals call it!

Seattle, WA Of course you’ll need to have coffee when you go through Seattle, but there are also a lot of other great things to do!

  • Head to the top of the Space Needle for views of Seattle and beyond from 605 feet in the air!
  • Don’t like being 605 feet up in the air?  Then head down to Underground Seattle to explore the streets and stores of the old downtown Seattle.
  • A trip to Seattle isn’t really complete until you’ve visited Pike Place Market .  But don’t just stop to see the flying fish, make sure you leave a piece of your gum on the Post Alley Gum Wall!

Vancouver, Canada Time to grab your passport and visit our neighbors to the north in Vancouver!  You’ll want to make sure you don’t miss…

  • Walk the Suspension Bridge at Lynn Canyon Park , but don’t look down!
  • Queen Elizabeth Park is the highest point in Vancouver and offers not only spectacular views of the city, but outstanding floral displays!

A HUGE thank you to everyone that responded with suggestions of what should be included on an I-5 trip from California to Canada!  You may have noticed that I didn’t include any cupcake shops along the way and there is a reason for that…this post would have been WAY too long if I included all those shops…that is another post for another day!  Is there anything else I should have included on this itinerary?  Are there any other road trip itineraries you want me to explore?

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I am not a fan of road trips, only because I hate being stuck in a vehicle for so long. But the stops make it enjoyable.

[email protected]

After making the drive from California to Philadelphia twice, all other road trips seem short lol…but you’re right, the stops make it enjoyable!

Renee "Nay" Soriano

I went to Ashland years ago…lots of fun in a cute little college town! Have fun!

Glad to hear it’s fun!

Sounds like an amazing trip. I’m an East Coast gal but we honeymooned in CA and drove from San Francisco to Carmel. Such a beautiful drive. Hope we get to go back there some day!

That is a breathtakingly beautiful drive!

This sounds like so much fun! Vancouver is a beautiful city! We went on a cruise to Alaska and that is where we left…I wish we would have have more time to explore. We are driving to Texas in a few weeks, but it’s going to be non-stop driving to get to the beach, haha 🙂

We left out of Seattle for our Alaskan cruise and I wish we could have made a quick trip up to Vancouver to explore! The non-stop driving will be worth it when you get to the beach!

What an awesome road trip! When I use to live in SoCal I use to go to Sequoia as often as I could! It wasn’t really on your driving route but it wasn’t too far either!

Sequoia is a great little detour off of I-5!

Shelly @ Behind Blue Eyes

These are some great suggestions. I lived in Seattle for 3 1/2 years so I ventured the Pacific Northwest and Canada quite frequently. Some other suggestions I have are:

Portland: -Lan Su Chinese Garden – absolutely beautiful -Voodoo Donuts – the name says it all -Portland Saturday Market – the go-to spot for creative crafts, handmade art and jewelry -Tax free shopping – Oregan has no sales tax!!!!

Washington: -Experience the Music Project Museum – the architecture of the building alone lures you in -Fremont Troll – remember the movie 10 Things I Hate About You -Chihuly Garden and Glass – Dale Chihuly’s blown glass pieces of art are absolutely breathtaking. Canada: -The Seawall – you get some of the best views of the city as well as the water *I highly recommend taking the ferry across to Victoria, Canada* -Craigdarroch Castle – Climb the 87 steps for the best views in Victoria -Butterfly Gardens – a beautiful indoor rainforest -Miniature World – tiny treasures for all to see

Thank you for the extra suggestions!!!

Sounds like a fun trip! I’m currently working on my trip from SC to CA. 🙂

There is so much great stuff to do and see between SC and CA!

I LOVE road trips! In lil’ ol’ New Zealand it all feels like a short hop out rather than anything very epic. My fave hols are just chucking all the kids in the people mover, shoving bags everywhere and hitting the road. We take our time and stop whenever anyone feels like it. The trip you went on sounds fantastic and just my cup of tea!

Wow! Such a great itinerary! Wish we’d seen this before we did ours. Will definitely have to check back here before we do out next trip :).

There are sooo many great things to do on this route! I could take like three road trips and not get to it all lol!

Hi, loved reading all your great advice. I’m starting from scratch to plan a road trip from San Francisco up to Canada this June. If you could can you directly email me? I hope to get any additional advice or tips I can get from you. Thanks!

Julie - "Girl on the Move"

Yup, sending you an email now!

How many days to really enjoy this trip. And how much would you estimate I save for a road trip from california to Canada?

A would use about a week for this trip and as for the amount of money I think it really depends on what type of accommodations you like…camping, staying at Airbnb’s, hotels, luxury hotels…all make for a different amount of money needed!

How long did it take to drive to Canada and back?

It really varies based on how often you want to stop. You could do the drive in 2 days up and then 2 days back but you wouldn’t get to see much on the way

Hi, I am looking into doing a road trip involving Canada and California could you email me directly so I could get some advise from you?

Thank you so much. I always dream about driving from LA to Canada. Maybe my next trip will be to Canada.

From So Cal to Sacramento, I’d suggest taking the 99 instead of the I-5. Both run parallel to each other but on the 99 you’ll run into Bakersfield, Tulare, Visalia, Fresno, Merced and Modesto and other small cities. By Sacramento you’ll run into the I-5. Distance wise not much of a difference but now you have options to explore central California.

Another great option!

We love road trips. Planning one this June. From the bayarea to Canada. I would like some extra tips on taking the ferry to Victoria.

We are planning on taking the same road trip to Canada from Central California in an RV. Any campground recommendations? We do not mind boondocking to save some money. We are a family of 5, kids ages 14, 12, 8. Last summer, we did a 3 weeks road trip to mighty 5 of Utah, Yellowstone, and Grand Teton with our brand new travel trailer. It was an awesome trip! You can email the information directly to me. Thanks.

Thank you for your comment on the California to Canada Road Trip post! I typically don’t do a lot of camping so I don’t have many recommendations but I have often had great success with staying at KOA’s (Kampground of America) and state parks.

Stephanie N Flores

How long would you say this trip is? We are planning something similar but renting an RV

If you wanted to be quick about this trip it can be done in 3 days, but if you are renting an RV and okay with taking your time, I’d recommend 7-10 days.

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  • Road trip in Canada: The best itineraries for 7, 10, 15, 21 days and 1 month

Visit Canada by car: The 5 best road trip itineraries

You’re planning to do a road trip in Canada and you’re looking for the best itinerary?

You’re at the right place!

Visiting Canada by car is the best way to optimize your itinerary and discover all the must-see attractions of the country.

In order to help you plan your stay , I have prepared this guide with the 5 best road trips itineraries in Canada depending on the duration of your stay (7, 10 days, 2 and 3 weeks and even 1 month!).

For each duration, I will give you a summary of the itinerary as well as the link to read the detailed itinerary article.

And at the end of this guide, I will also give you my list of the best accommodations in Canada depending on your budget as well as my best tips to enjoy the perfect road trip.

Which airport to choose to start a Canadian road trip?

Renting a car for a canadian road trip, canada road trip: a week in the east, 1) vancouver (2 days), 2) whistler (1 day), 3) wells gray provincial park (2 days), 4) jasper national park (2 days), 5) banff national park (2 days), 6) calgary (2 days), 2) victoria (2 days), 3) pacific rim (2 days), 4) whistler (2 days), 5) wells gray provincial park (2 days), 6) jasper national park (2 days), 7) banff national park (2 days), 8) calgary (1 day), 1) western canada (13 days), 2) eastern canada ( 8 days), 1) montreal (2 days), 2) ontario (5 days), 3) the province of quebec (21 days), where to stay during your canadian road trip, what’s the best time to go on a canadian road trip, you’re traveling in canada these articles will help you.

Canada boasts several international airports .

For a road trip through Western Canada , your best bets are:

If you’re planning a Canadian circuit but this time in the East , I’d recommend the airports in:

For these itineraries, I’ve assumed you’d be landing in either Vancouver or Montreal . Simply because I believe these are the most convenient spots for journeying through eastern or western Canada by car .

To travel to Canada , you’ll need to apply for an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) beforehand. This form, which you can fill out online must definitely be completed before your trip to Canada.

The eTA applies to all travelers who don’t require a visa.

You’ll find all the information you need on this site .

A must-have for any successful Canadian exploration: a car !

I’d advise you to rent it directly from the airport . That’s where you’ll find the widest range of rental services . Plus, it’s way more convenient to return it at the end of your trip, as opposed to dropping it off at a city branch.

The best option you got is to use Rentalcars.com to book your rental car in Canada. I use it all the time, Thailand , Sicily , Scotland , you name it… and have always been super pleased. The customer service is top-notch , and their services are high quality.

On their website, you can:

  • Compare all rental rates at the airport with a single click . It’s super handy to see which service is the cheapest and who has the best customer reputation.
  • Benefit from comprehensive insurance coverage: this is your only way (unless your credit card already offers coverage) to get a refund in case of an accident or theft. Having tested this system multiple times, I can assure you that the reimbursement process is swift and guaranteed. They’ve refunded me over 1,300 euros in total over the years!
  • Modify or cancel your booking for free . This allows you to reserve your car in advance for a great rate.

Given the vastness of this country, and the long distances between places, I suggest trying to select a comfortable and well-equipped car . Long hours on the road are not uncommon, so comfort is key!

If you’re planning a winter road trip through Canada, don’t worry, the cars are tailored to the climate and come equipped with winter tires for instance.

The option to have a second driver (often included for free) is also a good idea to prevent the primary driver from getting too tired.

Click on the button below to compare car rental prices for a Canadian itinerary:

You’re not required to have an international driving permit to rent a car for your Canadian road trip.

Your regular driver’s license will do , as long as it’s in the Latin alphabet and you’ve had it for over 12 months .

If you prefer to present an international driving permit, you’ll still need to show your national driver’s license . Without it, you won’t be able to pick up your car.

First up, I propose a road trip starting from Montreal , taking you through Eastern Canada in a week.

The itinerary for this one-week Canadian road trip includes Montreal , the Thousand Islands , Toronto , Ottawa and Mont-Tremblant .

This tour is a summary of my detailed article: A week in Canada .

Day One : Discovering the city of Montreal:

  • Old Montreal district
  • The Old Port
  • Mount Royal Park
  • Mount Royal district 
  • And don’t forget to taste the local delicacy: poutine!

For even more info on exploring Montreal in one day, you should read my post: Best things to do in Montreal !

Day Two : Embark on a scenic cruise through the Thousand Islands , known as Mille Îles in French. This captivating archipelago is comprised of 1,865 islands nestled along the picturesque St. Lawrence River and Lake Ontario.

To book your 3-hour cruise around the Thousand Islands, just click the button below:

Day Three and Four : I suggest continuing this one-week Canadian road trip with a visit to Toronto, Ontario .

Here are the attractions you won’t want to miss :

  • Kensington Market
  • The Distillery district
  • St. Lawrence Market
  • Ripley’s Aquarium
  • The CN Tower
  • The Royal Ontario Museum
  • The Toronto Islands

For all the details on these Toronto attractions, give a look at my article: Best things to see and do in Toronto .


Day Five : An excursion to Niagara Falls

A cruise at the foot of the falls is a must to truly appreciate them!

Remember to book your tickets in advance to avoid waiting in line:

And if you want to experience something extraordinary during this 7-day Canadian road trip, consider taking a helicopter ride over the falls :

Day Six : Heading to Ottawa , the capital of Canada.

Here’s what I’d suggest you explore:

  • Byward Market
  • Parliament Hill
  • The Canadian Museum of History : one of the most fascinating museums you’ll come across on your one-week eastern Canada road trip.

Wrap up your day with a stroll along the Rideau Canal , a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

For more details, make sure to check out my dedicated article: Visiting Ottawa .

Day Seven , make sure to stop by Omega Park , located in Montebello. The park is explored by car as the animals roam freely.

Next, head to Mont-Tremblant , where you can go hiking or indulge in water activities by the lake. In the winter, the village turns into a ski resort .

Day Eight : The holiday’s end is nigh, head back to Montreal for your return flight.

Thinking about doing a one-week road trip in Canada ? Well, I’ve got you covered with my detailed article : One-week itinerary in Canada .

Quite handy, you’ll find loads of tips and recommendations for places to stay at each stage . The ultimate guide to effortless trip planning !

Montreal Mount Royal view

Road Trip in Canada: 10 days

For this next adventure, I’ll take you on an exhilarating 10-day road trip through the stunning landscapes of Canada.

You’ll get to discover western Canada , from the bustling metropolis of Vancouver to the vibrant city of Calgary . The perfect tour for checking out the two major cities of this part of the country and, above all, the stunning natural landscapes of Canada’s national parks .

On the agenda for this 10-day road trip in Canada:

  • Wells Gray Provincial Park
  • Jasper National Park
  • Banff National Park

All the details to plan this road trip are in my article: 10-Day Itinerary in Canada .

I’ve summarized the main stages for you below:

We kick off this 10-day Canadian road trip with Vancouver . The city is located on the West Coast , in British Columbia.

To discover its main tourist attractions and recover from jet lag, I suggest you spend 2 days there.

First day – Here’s an idea of what you can do on your first day in Vancouver:

  • The historic district of Gastown
  • Canada Place and the Waterfront
  • The FlyOver Canada
  • Stanley Park
  • Vancouver Lookout
  • Yaletown district

On the second day , continue your tour by visiting Granville Island , followed by the Anthropology Museum , and a walk through Van Elsen Botanical Garden .

Then hit Robson Street for a bit of shopping, the main commercial artery of Vancouver.

To best plan your 2 days in Vancouver, check out my article: Top 25 Things to Do in Vancouver .


The next day (day three) , head to one of the best ski resorts in the world: Whistler .

In winter , you can hit the slopes or go on a sled dog or snowmobile ride .

In summer , it’s time for hiking trails, biking or relaxing in a luxury Spa . And don’t forget to ride the longest zip line in Canada , at over 60 mph! Activity that can be booked directly by clicking here .

Days four and five will be dedicated to the Wells Gray Provincial Park .

Don’t miss out on:

  • Helmcken Falls : one of the most beautiful in western Canada.
  • Bailey’s Chute where you can watch salmon swimming upstream
  • The Spahat Falls
  • And Dawson Falls

As for activities, you can also go swimming or canoeing at Clearwater Lake, hike one of the numerous trails, or go black bear watching .

Day six brings us to a must-visit destination on your 10-day Canadian road trip: Jasper National Park .

You’ll get to check out two stunning lakes: Maligne Lake , the biggest lake in the Canadian Rockies, and Medicine Lake .

And of course, there’s nothing better to tour the national park than a little hike !

Jasper National Park

Day seven my friends, brings us to yet another breathtaking spectacle: Banff National Park . Hop in the car in Jasper and treat yourself to one of the most beautiful scenic routes the country has to offer: the Icefield Parkways .

Connecting the two parks over nearly 230 km, it’s a feast for your eyes with sublime landscapes . The road is well designed, boasting plenty of parking spots and lookouts to safely stop . Here are a few pit stops to consider :

  • Athabasca Falls , towering more than 20 meters high
  • The Sunwapta Falls
  • Explore Athabasca Glacier and the Columbia Icefield . If you’re going to make a single stop along the Icefields Parkway, make it this one. Strap yourself into a bus fitted with giant tires for a tour. It’s one of the most popular activities in the area and the good news is, you can book it directly by clicking here !
  • Peyto Lake, a quick 15-minute stroll away. You’ll be amazed by its turquoise waters, a result of glacier melt.

On day 8 , you should explore Banff on foot . Make your way to the famous Lake Louise , one of the most photographed spots in the world due to its stunning turquoise hue.

Moraine Lake is also a must-see!

To check the trail conditions and see all the possible hikes, visit Parks Canada’s website .

Cap off this 10-day Canadian West road trip by heading to Calgary .

On day nine , take some time to explore the city:

  • Glenbow Museum with its collection of 33,000 works of art
  • The 360° views from the Calgary Tower
  • Heritage Park Village to learn about the old-fashioned lifestyle of a typical Canadian village
  • Kensington Village : a lively neighborhood with great shops and restaurants

On day ten , it’s time to catch your return flight from Calgary Airport.

If you’re after more details on this 10-day Canadian road trip , you should check out my comprehensive article: 10-day itinerary in Canada .

There, you’ll find our list of the best accommodations for each stage. Trust me, planning your 10-day trip to Canada is going to be a breeze !

Calgary Canada

Canada road trip: Two weeks

For this 15-day Canadian road trip , let’s set off to discover the must-see sights of the west of the country.

This 2-week Canadian road trip also starts in Vancouver and ends in Calgary.

You can find all the details to plan this Canadian circuit in my article: 2-week itinerary in Canada .

Here’s a quick breakdown of the stages:

We kick off this two-week Canadian road trip by spending 2 days in Vancouver .

You’ll get a good look at most of the places I mention in my Top 25 must-see places in Vancouver .

First and second day – Things to do:

  • Gastown district
  • Chinatown and Dr. Sun Yat-Sen’s Chinese Garden
  • The Waterfront and Canada Place
  • A seaplane flight
  • Granville Island
  • Robson Street

Day three of your 15-day Canadian road trip, you’ll need to hop on the ferry to Vancouver Island and head for Victoria .

On your agenda for the day, I’d recommend:

  • Visiting Butchart Gardens
  • Taking a stroll through Chinatown
  • Market Square
  • Bastion Square
  • Inner Harbour

On the fourth day , you’ll get a chance to set sail on a whale-watching cruise .

Be sure to book well in advance by clicking here:

The rest of the day can be spent exploring Victoria, where you can visit the Parliament and the Royal BC Museum and wrap up at Beacon Hill Park by the sea.

Victoria Vancouver

Day five – Journey from Victoria to Ucluelet, the gateway to Pacific Rim National Park.

Two stops worth making: the village of Duncan and Cathedral Grove .

Day six – Explore the Pacific Rim reserve : plenty of hiking opportunities and a mandatory stop at Long Beach .

Day seven of your 15-day Canadian road trip, allow a day for the journey to Whistler .

On day eight, there’s loads of activities to do in Whistler, whether it’s winter (skiing, snowshoeing) or summer (hiking, biking).

And for those without a fear of heights, you can try out Canada’s longest zipline ! Activity that can be booked directly by clicking here !

For day nine , point your compass towards Wells Gray Provincial Park, travelling along the beautiful Route 99 , one of the country’s finest! Day ten – Adventure in Wells Gray Park where you can choose from:

  • Helmcken Falls
  • Bailey’s Chute, Spahat Falls or Dawson Falls , among other waterfalls
  • Clearwater Lake
  • Black bears spotting with a guide

Wells Gray Park Helmcken Falls

Impossible to explore Western Canada in 15 days without hitting up Jasper National Park . It’s just not done!

So, on the eleventh day , hit the road to this gem, a UNESCO World Heritage Site . You’ll be able to check out Maligne Lake and Medicine Lake .

Day twelve , it’s time to tie up those hiking boots and spend the day trekking the many trails in Jasper .

Post-Jasper , you’ll continue your Canadian road trip with another national park: Banff .

Day thirteen , you’ll be taking Route 93 (the Icefield Parkway) which links the 25 parks together. Covering nearly 230 km, it’s a route jam-packed with stunning scenery . And to enjoy it all, you can pull over safely at the many viewpoints and car parks .

As for the must-see spots , I highly recommend:

  • The Athabasca Falls
  • The Athabasca Glacier and the Columbia Icefield . You can explore on foot or on a bus tour equipped with giant tires for some off-roading . Book this activity directly by clicking here !
  • Peyto Lake with its unbelievably colored water

On the fourteenth day , it’s time to immerse yourself in the beauty of Banff National Park . Here too, the best way to admire the landscapes is to opt for a hike . The most famous trails allow you to circle around Lake Louise and Lake Moraine , the two most renowned lakes.

Banff National Park

Here you are at the fifteenth day of your two-week Western Canada road trip.

Wrap up your holidays in Calgary , where you can notably visit the Glenbow Museum, the Heritage Park Village or ascend to the top of the Calgary Tower. You should get your skip-the-line tickets in advance by clicking here !

I also provide all the necessary information to visit Calgary in this article: Best things to do in Calgary !


Canada road trip: 3 weeks

For this 3-week road trip across Canada , I suggest dividing your vacation into 2 parts :

  • Western Canada for about two weeks featuring Vancouver , Victoria, Jasper National Park, Banff National Park
  • A week-long road trip in the East of Canada to uncover the delights of Montreal , Toronto , and Ottawa .

To help you organize your Canadian road trip down to the last detail, I’ve got you covered in my article: 3-week itinerary in Canada !

Simply click on the orange link above to discover: the different stages , travel times, places to visit, hotels for a good night’s sleep and the best activities to get involved in.

I’m still going to give you a quick rundown of the visits planned during these 3 weeks so you get a taste:

Start your 21-day Canadian road trip in the West for the first 13 days.

Day 1 and 2 – Vancouver

Day 3 – Victoria , the capital of British Columbia

Day 4 – Whale watching , an essential part of your 3-week Canadian road trip!

Days 5 and 6 – Whistler , one of Canada’s top ski resorts ! No worries, there’s plenty to do in the summer too.

Days 7 and 8 – Discover the Wells Gray Provincial Park and its many waterfalls

Days 9 and 10 – Explore Jasper National Park by car and on foot

Days 11 and 12 – Continue your three-week Canadian road trip with Banff National Park and the famous Lake Louise

Day 13 – Head on over to Calgary and catch your flight to Montreal!

Vancouver view from Granville Island

After 13 glorious days in western Canada, it’s time to continue your 20-21 day Canadian road trip in the east of the country.

Day 14 – Explore Montreal with a stroll around the old Montreal neighborhood and up to Mount-Royal

Day 15 – Cruise to the Thousand Islands or helicopter ride

Days 16 and 17 – Discover must-see places in Toronto and don’t miss out on the view from atop the CN Tower

Day 18 – A day at the Niagara Falls , the major tourist attraction of this 3-week Canadian road trip. Whether it’s on a cruise at the base of the falls , a helicopter ride or by climbing up the Skylon Tower , you’ll get to see the falls from all angles!

Day 19 – Dedicate a day to Canada’s capital: Ottawa .

Days 20 and 21 – Return to Montreal to finish off your 3-week Canadian road trip by exploring the city a bit more .

To read the complete version of my 3-week itinerary , complete with advice and accommodation suggestions, click here !

Niagara Falls

Canada road trip: One month

Final itinerary for those lucky ones who get to embark on a month-long road trip in Canada !

I’m suggesting you discover a great chunk of the East over about thirty days. You’ll get to visit Montreal , Ontario, home to the famous Toronto , along with the province of Quebec and the Gaspé Peninsula (Gaspésie in French).

All the must-see cities of the east and gorgeous national parks are on the menu for this 1-month Canadian road trip.

 I’ve got you covered with all the juicy details to plan your epic eastern Canadian adventure in this post: A one-month adventure: Exploring Canada . For each day, you’ll get a list of things to do and see, travel times, and the best accommodations to rest at each stop.

To give you a taste, I’ve prepared a summary of the itinerary’s stages :

To kickstart this fabulous one-month road trip across Canada, I suggest landing in Montreal and taking a couple of days to recover from your flight and the inevitable jetlag.

Day 1 and 2 – Get a taste of Montreal , dive into the iconic neighborhoods of Old Port and Mount-Royal .


The second chapter of this 1-month Canadian adventure unfolds in Ontario .

Day 3 – Boat trip around the Thousand Islands

Days 4 and 5 – Explore the marvels of Toronto and its popular neighborhoods like Kensington, Chinatown, The Distillery…

Day 6 – Day trip to the breathtaking Niagara Falls

Day 7 – Head to Ottawa , Canada’s capital. Don’t miss out on the Canadian Museum of History !

CN Tower

The third act of your 1-month road trip through Canada is entirely dedicated to Quebec .

Day 8 – Visit the Omega Park and Mont-Tremblant

Days 9 and 10 – Engage in varied activities based on the season (hiking, canoeing, dog sledding, snowmobiling…) in La Mauricie National Park

Days 11 and 12 – Tour around Lake St-Jean : the Wild Zoo of St-Félicien , the Native Museum of Mashteuiatsh , the ghost town of Val-Jalbert .

Days 13 and 14 – Discover the lovely villages of Fjord-du-Saguenay and take a boat or kayak ride on the fjord

Day 15 – Whale watching cruise in Tadoussac , experiencing whales in their natural environment, one of the most unforgettable experience of your one-month Canadian road trip!

Days 16, 17, and 18 – Journey through Gaspésie National Park

Days 19 and 20 – Your itinerary includes: Forillon National Park, Percé, and Bonaventure Island

Day 21 – Relaxation day at Chaleur Bay that the locals call “Baie des Chaleurs” (litteraly heat bay) that boasts several long beaches

Days 22 and 23 – Hiking or cycling on one of the numerous trails in Bic National Park

Days 24, 25, and 26 – Visit Quebec City and its surroundings . You’ll find all the things to do in my article: Best things to do in Quebec City !

Days 27 and 28 – This one-month road trip in Canada wraps up and you’ll return to Montreal where you can take some time to finish exploring the city.

To make it easy for you, here’s the link to the full itinerary: How to visit Canada in 1 month ?

Gaspé Peninsula Quebec

Now you’re well-equipped to plan your road trip across Canada ! But there’s a final point we can’t ignore: where you’ll lay your head at night .

Where to stay at each stage of your Canadian journey?

Fear not, I’ve got you covered with a selection of the best hotels in Canada, categorized by city and area , and based on your budget, in all the road trip articles I’ve previously mentioned.

You can also find them by clicking directly on the links below :

For Western Canada:

  • Pacific Rim

For Eastern Canada:

  • The Thousand Islands
  • Mont-Tremblant
  • La Mauricie National Park
  • Lac Saint-Jean
  • Fjord-du-Saguenay
  • Gaspésie National Park
  • Chaleur Bay
  • Bic National Park

The Château Frontenac

Good news, there’s no bad time to go on a road trip through Canada.

It all depends on the activities you fancy.

Winter is the best time to visit Canada by car if you want to enjoy a whole range of winter activities: skiing, snowshoeing, dog sledding, and snowmobiling.

And if you’re doing this Canadian road trip with family , your kids will be thrilled to sled down the slopes or try snow rafting and ice skating .

Driving in winter? No worries, cars are well-equipped, and roads are maintained and cleared. However, some routes in national parks might be closed, but you’ll always find something to do!

If you plan to embark on a Canadian road trip in spring , it’s the perfect season to explore national parks, enjoy nature and go hiking . The crowds are scarce, and the weather is delightful.

As for autumn, this is the time when you can experience the vibrant colors of the trees and landscapes in shades of orange, yellow, and red. A treat for photography enthusiasts!

Summer ? No problem with the temperature, it’s hot and sunny . But as with many destinations, it’s peak tourist season , so expect crowds pretty much everywhere.

Keep in mind, many Canadian companies shut down in July and August for “ construction holiday ” when many Canadian companies shut down. It’s the perfect time for Canadians to hit the road as well!

If you’re hoping to visit national parks (Jasper, Banff, in the province of Quebec and Gaspésie), options can be limited, so you should book your accommodations as early as possible .

For all cities, both in the west and the east, you can discover all the attractions at any time of year .

Discover all my articles about Canada : All my articles to help you plan your trip to Canada are listed there.

  • 20 Best Things to do in Canada
  • 20 Best Things to do in Quebec – All best places to visit in the French-speaking province!
  • Itinerary: One week in Canada: The perfect itinerary to visit Canada in 6, 7 or 8 days!
  • Itinerary: 10 days in Canada: All my best tips for organizing your 10-day trip to Canada
  • Itinerary: 2 weeks in Canada: How to visit Western Canada in 15 days.
  • Itinerary: 3 weeks in Canada: My epic itinerary to visit Western and Eastern Canada in 21 days
  • Itinerary: 1 month in Canada: How to visit Eastern Canada in a month!
  • Itinerary: One week in Quebec: How to visit Quebec in 6, 7 or 8 days, with all my best tips!
  • Itinerary: 10 days in Quebec: An amazing 10-day itinerary in Quebec
  • Itinerary: 2 weeks in Quebec: All my best tips to visit Quebec in 14, 15 or 16 days
  • Itinerary: 3 weeks in Quebec: the perfect 3-week road trip in Quebec !
  • Road trip in Quebec: The best itineraries for 7, 10, 15 and 21 days
  • Calgary : Top 11 things to do during your visit
  • Montreal : 33 best things to see and do
  • Ottawa : 15 epic places to visit
  • Quebec City : Top 17 things to do and see
  • Toronto : The 17 things to do during your stay
  • Vancouver : Top 25 places to visit and activities
  • Toronto in 3 days – The perfect itinerary to visit the city in 72 hours!

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Canada road trip itinerary

Creator of the Voyage Tips blog, travel and photography lover. I give you all my best tips to plan your next trip.

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Must Do Canada

The Best Things to Do in Canada

13 of the Best Canada Road Trips That Will Blow Your Mind

April 30, 2019 By Matthew G. Bailey 12 Comments

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Alberta Road Trips in the Kananaskis

Canada Road Trip Last updated: April 1st, 2022

If the thought of being behind the wheel while driving amongst some of the most beautiful scenery in the world excites you, then this Canada road trip article is for you.

As world travellers that specialize in Canada travel, we’ve done some epic road trips in our lifetime, including the Australian East Coast, the Oregon Coast, California, and parts of Mexico, Malaysia, Peru, and New Zealand. Still, nothing compares to the 150-day road trip across Canada we did back in 2017. Comprising over 27,000 kilometres of asphalt (and some dirt roads as well), we got to explore Canada from coast to coast to coast. However, not everyone has 150 days to dedicate to driving across Canada.

While there are many other road trips not listed here, as well as a variety of incredible destinations that may not include an iconic road trip, we believe these 13 itineraries below are some of the best road trips in Canada and we hope they are helpful suggestions when you’re ready to take your next Canada road trip.

Let’s get started.

icefields parkway canada

Table of Contents

Icefields Parkway, Alberta

How could I not start an article about Canada’s best road trips without first mentioning the Icefields Parkway, which has often been ranked as one of the best road trips in the entire world? Stretching 232 kilometres through both Banff National Park and Jasper National Park, this highway invites you into a journey of mind-blowing scenery, including mighty mountains, waterfalls, turquoise-coloured lakes and rivers, and glaciers too. While the drive from Banff to Jasper really only takes upwards of three-four hours, you’ll probably want to budget an entire day for all the stops you’ll be making to take photos, short hikes, or even full-on tours at the Columbia Glacier. Popular stops include Lake Louise, Peyto Lake, Columbia Icefield, Sunwapta Falls, and Athabasca Falls, just to name a few. For those coming from Calgary to Banff , you just continue towards Lake Louise and then head North on highway 93.

Best time to go: This Alberta road trip is best from June to September, although May works as well. October is also good if you don’t mind a higher chance of rain in exchange for much fewer tourists. From November until April, you should expect snow and ice. This is also a beautiful time to do the road trip, but you’ll need to be much better skilled at driving and expect delays. In addition, many things such as the Columbia Icefield tour are closed.

Bonus: Due to the popularity of this area, it’s also a great place for delicious food. There are so many restaurants in the area and we’ve made some extensive guides, such as our guide to the best Banff restaurants and the best Canmore restaurants .

things to do frank slide

Cowboy Trail, Alberta

If you’re looking for some prairie and mountainous “wild west” scenery, Alberta’s Cowboy Trail is the road trip for you. Primarily located just south of Calgary, you could start your experience in the province’s biggest city, taking time to explore the many things to do in Calgary such as the Glenbow Museum, Heritage Park, Studio Bell, or the new central library. If you’re up for a party, time your visit with the Calgary Stampede, which is known as the greatest outdoor show on Earth. You could even stop by the Alberta Boot Company and grab yourself some authentic Cowboy boots or other Western-style clothing.

While the actual “Cowboy Trail” refers to Highway 22, which travels all the way from the Edmonton area down into the USA, our favourite part starts around Bragg Creek and takes you down past Turner Valley, Black Diamond, Okotoks, High River, Longview, and down towards Pincher Creek. You’ll pass a lot of stunning scenery and historical sites such as the Bar U Ranch National Historic Site as well as a number of Western-style towns before winding up in the Rocky Mountains such as the Crowsnest Pass and Waterton Lakes. If you’re not wanting to continue into the USA, you could return to Calgary via Highway 2, stopping to see the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Head-Smashed-in-Buffalo-Jump .

Best time to go: This is one of the best road trips from Calgary and is best done between May and October.

Parque Nacional de Banff

Banff to Vancouver via the Trans-Canada Highway

While the Trans-Canada Highway can take you across the entire country, the most beautiful part, in our opinion, is from Calgary to Vancouver . After just an hour or so, you’ll arrive in Banff with nothing but gorgeous scenery for the remainder of the drive. This 900-kilometre slice of the Trans-Canada takes you through Banff National Park, Yoho National Park, Mount Revelstoke National Park, Glacier National Park of Canada, and finally into Vancouver, which is nestled next to the Pacific Ocean. While this drive can be done in one very long 12-hour day, you’ll obviously want to take as long as possible to make use of the incredible national parks you’ll be driving through. There are also a number of side trips you could take, such as highway 93 down into Radium Hot Springs, and Highway 97, which will take you down to Kelowna and the Okanagan Valley.

Tour Idea: Click here for a Smartphone Audio Driving Tour Offer .

Best time to go: This largely depends on what you aim to do. The safest time to go is during the warmer months when the highways are clear. However, if you’re into skiing, this is one of the best places in the world to shred powder, which is typically best between January and March.

For more tips on what to bring on a road trip, check out our Road Trip Essentials article.

There are so many things to do in Kelowna, which is why it makes such a great Canada road trip.

Road Trip around the Okanagan Valley, BC

While the Okanagan Valley isn’t really known as a specific “road trip”, it is home to one of Canada’s most famous wine regions, a gastronomic hot spot, and beautiful Lake Okanagan. There are all sorts of beautiful towns to visit, such as Kelowna , Penticton, and Vernon. There are all sorts of award-winning wineries, farm-to-table restaurants, and sandy beaches as well. This also happens to be one of Canada’s warmest regions, which can hit 40 degrees Celcius in the summer months.

Best time to go:  June to September for the warmest temperatures. April, May, and October are also great and a bit cooler.

best things to do in bc

Sea to Sky Highway, BC

This is the shortest road trip mentioned in this article but a great one to take if you’re in the Vancouver area. The Sea to Sky Highway links Vancouver to Whistler, which are less than two hours apart, making this one of the most popular road trips from Vancouver. Driving along the coast, this is a great place to see the beautiful west coast. Popular stops include Whytecliff Park in West Vancouver, Shannon Falls, and the Britannia Mine Museum. There’s also the Sea-to-Sky Gondola, which provides unforgettable views and a suspension bridge and of course, Squamish and Whistler, which provide all sorts of adventurous activities. In addition, don’t forget to experience Vancouver whale watching while in the city as well as all the other fun things to do in Vancouver .

Tour Idea: Sea-to-Sky Gondola and Whistler Day Trip Tour .

Best time to go:  July to September is Vancouver’s dry season, but if the rain doesn’t bother you, almost any time of year is good. If you’re into skiing or snowboarding, January to March is best.

things to do on vancouver island

Vancouver Island, BC

Vancouver Island is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places in Canada and is home to some of the best things to do in British Columbia . Not only does it have one of the mildest climates in the country, but it’s also home to a variety of landscapes, including rainforests, mountains, rugged coastlines, and scenic towns and cities, making it a great place for a BC road trip. It’s also home to beautiful gardens, epic hikes, surfing, scuba diving, and whale-watching tours. Two of the most popular places to visit include Victoria and Tofino, which are on opposite sides of the island. While driving between the two, don’t forget to stop at Cathedral Grove to marvel at the massive trees as well as the many other parks and towns along the way. Finish the trip with one of Tofino’s stunning sunsets.

Best time to go: a West Coast road trip is best between March to May and September to November. Summer is great too but is very busy and expensive.

Before you go, check out our article about things to do in Victoria BC .

One of the most adventurous Canada road trips is the Dempster Highway and this is how to drive the Dempster highway

Dempster Highway, Yukon

As Canada’s only all-weather road that goes past the Arctic Circle, the Dempster Highway has become one of the most unique road trips in Canada. However, this is not your average highway. The Dempster Highway is a 700-kilometre extremely isolated dirt road with only one service station (they also offer accommodation and a restaurant) option along the way in Eagle Plains. This road trip takes a little more preparation than the others and will be much harder on your vehicle than any other road trip mentioned in this article. However, for those who choose this adventure, you’ll be rewarded with incredible arctic scenery and the chance to drive all the way to Tuktoyaktuk and the Arctic Ocean!

Best time to go: The best time to go would be in the warmer months between May and early October. The road is open year-round but the driving becomes much more dangerous in the winter. Spring will bring a lot of bugs, summer will bring a lot of tourists, and the fall has no bugs and beautiful fall foliage (hint: our favourite time is the fall). However, if you time your arrival in Inuvik for mid-July, you might be able to experience the Great Northern Arts Festival.

These are the best views of niagara falls Ontario Canada. Located close to Toronto and Ottawa, Niagara Falls is a great place to visit during a Canada road trip.

Georgian Bay Coastal Route, Ontario

Looking for one of the best road trips from Toronto? With more than 30,000 islands and over 2,000 kilometres (1,243 miles) of shoreline, the Georgian Bay Coastal Route loops around the Bay from Toronto and features some of Ontario’s most stunning scenery. Some of the most popular stops include the Bruce Peninsula, Parry Sound, and Killarney Provincial Park. There’s also beautiful Manitoulin Island, which is the world’s largest freshwater island, as well as Wasaga Beach, which is the world’s largest freshwater beach.

In addition, you could also extend the road trip and add in the Chatham-Kent Corridor, which is comprised of 23 small communities overlooking Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair, and the Thames River. Basically, it goes from Toronto to Amherstburg, which makes this one of the most popular road trips from Toronto. This route is popular with motorcyclists but is equally impressive on four wheels. Without a doubt, the most famous stop along the way is Niagara Falls Canada .

Best time to go: Summer is great but also busy. Shoulder season in late August to mid-September or in the spring from May to June is also great. Either way, this is one of the best things to do in Ontario .

If you like lakes, the lake superior circle tour is a great Canada road trip.

Lake Superior Circle Tour, Ontario

While the entire Lake Superior Circle Tour takes you to both Canada and the USA, you could opt to do a half-circle tour and just stay on the Canadian side. Either way, it’s a beautiful drive and a really cool place to get out in nature. Lake Superior is absolutely massive and will make you feel as if you’re driving alongside the ocean. It’s home to some incredible scenery as well as some interesting history from the war between Canada and the USA. In fact, you can even go scuba diving to see shipwrecks. Popular stops include Sault Ste. Marie, Lake Superior Provincial Park, Sleeping Giant Provincial Park, Ruby Lake Provincial Park, Pukaskwa National Park, and Thunder Bay. This is one of those places where you should plan to spend at least a few days and perhaps go camping, hiking, or enjoy some time on the lake. It’s a great road trip in Ontario for those who love the outdoors.

Best time to go: The warmer months from May to October. July and August will be the busiest. Before going, don’t forget to enjoy one of the many awesome things to do in Toronto !

things to do in quebec

Montreal to Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec

For those wanting to experience a world-class city like Montreal, followed by a scenic road trip, the Gaspe Peninsula is the one for you. This 9-hour trip takes you along the St. Lawrence River, from Montreal to Quebec City, and up to the Gaspé Peninsula. Known for its pine forests and looming cliffs, the Gaspé Peninsula is a stunning place to visit. Some of the highlights include visiting the pierced rock in Percé, spending some time at the Parc de la Gaspésie, and taking a boat tour to Bonaventure Island. Obviously, the cities of Quebec and Montreal aren’t so shabby either. This is a great road trip for those wanting to mix urban and rural fun.

Best time to go:  June to mid-September. Want more? Here are other things to do in Quebec as well as the top things to do in Montreal .

best things to do in prince edward island

Prince Edward Island Coastal Drives

With so many beautiful coastal drives, the hardest thing might be picking the right one. Then again, you could always do all three. The tourism board has three road trips they recommend, which include the North Coast Coastal Drive, Central Coastal Drive, and Points East Coastal Drive. The North Coast will introduce you to its Mi’kmaq culture as well as some unique stops, including a potato museum and a college for the Highland arts. The Central Coastal Drive includes the Red Sands Shore and the Green Gables Shore region. This area is great to experience the beautiful red sand that PEI is famous for as well as the historical landmark of Anne of Green Gables. Lastly, there’s the Points East Coastal Drive, which is characterized by its parks, trails, and lighthouses. Either way, you’ll be treated to an array of stunning coastal views and delicious seafood along the way.

Best time to go:  The Eastern Canada road trip is best in the warmer months, as many attractions close in the winter. Want more ideas? Here are other things to do in Prince Edward Island .

Cabot Trail Nova Scotia

Cabot Trail, Nova Scotia

For those visiting the East Coast, don’t miss a scenic drive on Cabot Trail, which is easily one of the best things to do in Nova Scotia . Cradling the coast of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, the Cabot Trail has become one of the most famous road trips in Canada and the most famous East Coast Canada road trip. At 300 kilometres in length, most of which hug the coastline, this road trip is perfect for those who love the ocean and incredible views. Traversing through Cape Breton Highlands National Park, there are all sorts of places to stop off and go for a hike as well. One of the most popular hikes is the Skyline Trail, which takes you up to the peak of the highlands for jaw-dropping views of the Atlantic Ocean. There are also some small communities of Celtic and Acadian descent, which are also home to many artisans. This is another road trip that only takes 3-4 hours to complete but is better done over one day or more.

Tour Idea: Click here to learn about a low-cost Smartphone Audio Driving Tour .

Best time to go: June to September is best for good weather but October is great to see the fall foliage.

Spending more time in Nova Scotia? Don’t forget to enjoy some of the best things to do in Halifax !

Gros Morne National Park Hiking

The Viking Trail and Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland

Known to locals as “The Rock”, Newfoundland is one of the most unique and beautiful provinces in Canada. It has its lively music, food, culture, and a really friendly laid-back charm. It’s also a great place for a Canada road trip thanks to Gros Morne National Park and the Viking Trail. In fact, there are many great road trips in Newfoundland but this one stands out as the best. If you’re looking for incredible scenery, wildlife, adventure, and ancient history, there’s no better place to go. It all starts with Gros Morne National Park, which is home to landlocked fjords, mountains, forests, barren cliffs, and the sea. It’s also home to the only place in the world where you can walk on the Earth’s mantle. There’s also loads of wildlife, including moose and caribou. Then there’s the Viking Trail , which takes you from Gros Morne National Park up to St. Anthony’s. This is the tip of Newfoundland and home to the thousand-year-old Viking settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site. Both Gros Morne and L’Anse aux Meadows are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Best time to go: June to early October is the best time for good weather. It’s also the only time L’Anse aux Meadows is open. For more, check out our article on the best things to do in Newfoundland

icefields parkway canada

Road Trip Canada – Canada’s Trans-Canada Highway

The Trans-Canada Highway is the most epic and incredibly long road trip you can take in Canada. It stretches across the country through all 10 provinces. Starting in Victoria, it ends in St. John’s, Newfoundland. Some of the (many) highlights awaiting road-trippers include Vancouver, Banff National Park , the Alberta Badlands, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec City, Montreal, Fundy National Park, and Gros Morne National Park, just to name a few. In fact, there are far too many highlights to include here. Just make sure you have a lot of time. Stopping only to sleep, this trip will take approximately 7 days. Personally, I’d want at least one month to do the whole journey from coast to coast. Add in an additional 2-4 weeks if you plan on going North to the Yukon and the Northwest Territories.

Best time to go:  April to October for optimal weather coast to coast. However, some parts of Canada still get snowstorms up until May.

We hope this list has inspired you to take a Canada road trip somewhere in this country, if not all the way across.

If you’re exploring Canada, we have many other articles you might enjoy as well, including:

  • Things to Do in Drumheller
  • Things to Do in Jasper
  • Whale Watching Canada
  • Things to Do in Calgary
  • Camping in Alberta

Happy Travels!


13 Canada Road Trip Ideas

About Matthew G. Bailey

Matthew G. Bailey is the founder and editor-in-chief of Must Do Canada. Growing up in Alberta to a mother from Quebec and a father from Newfoundland, Matt spent his childhood playing hockey under the Northern Lights and hanging out in the forest before moving to Calgary and travelling to more than 250 cities spanning 42 countries and 6 continents. He loves travel, learning new things, playing sports, writing, making videos, photography, and scuba diving. You can also find him at LiveLimitless.net .

Reader Interactions

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March 18, 2020 at 5:18 am

Traveling by car can get you places which can be very difficult to reach by public transport or tour. It gives you the convenience of going your own way, in your own time, and it can often be cheaper than public transport alternatives, especially if traveling as a couple or a group. Many car rental services are giving comfortable rides at affordable rates Here, some top road trip ideas to inspire you : 1) The Trans-Canada Highway 2) Sea to Sky Country, British Columbia 3) Icefields Parkway, Alberta 4) Country Routes, Quebec 5) The Dempster Highway, Yukon and Northwest Territories 6) Coastal Drives, Prince Edward Island

I mentioned above places are when I visited last time in Canada by ReRyde ride share service. It is easy for me to travel all the places at affordable rates within the scheduled hours. I enjoyed my trip happily by seamless ride To get more information: https://www.reryde.com/

' src=

June 9, 2020 at 7:33 pm

I am especially interested in the Dempster Highway drive. Could you send me a guide please?

Mike Richins 325-660-8904

5058 Oaklawn Drive Abilene, Texas 79606

' src=

June 10, 2020 at 3:23 pm

We don’t have any guides to sell. We might create a digital one, but it wouldn’t be ready anytime soon.

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June 24, 2020 at 8:56 pm

I’m looking for some good road trips as I’m RVing from Kingston, Ontario to Vancouver Island in September and taking a month to do it.

June 25, 2020 at 1:23 am

Oh awesome, that sounds like a great trip. So much to see along the way. Riding Mountain NP, Grasslands NP in Sask, Calgary, the Rocky Mountains, etc 🙂

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September 9, 2020 at 6:37 pm

My wife and I are planning to drive from Surrey BC to London Ontario. Leaving October 9th, or 10th 2020. wish me luck. we are hoping for good weather.

September 9, 2020 at 7:16 pm

Very cool! That’s a big drive! Just going for fun?

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January 30, 2021 at 8:32 pm

There is the Northern Woods and Water Highway road trip that is the furthest North people can travel east west in Canada. See the website http://www.NWWR.ca As an Association we promote a different view of the prairies. It can be connected with the TransCanada or Yellowhead for a circle tour of Western Canada from Winnipeg to Vancouver and return. Get on anywhere and experience woods, water and wildlife.

February 1, 2021 at 3:56 pm

Very cool! Thanks for sharing! Are you like a Tourism Board for the area? We’d love to feature this one day on the channel

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April 28, 2021 at 5:12 pm

just got some new wheels so anxious to hit the road….when we can once again do that! thanks for the great ideas!

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April 3, 2023 at 9:01 pm

Do you have suggestions for renting a car that would allow you to rent the car on the west coast and leave it on the east coast?

April 4, 2023 at 1:51 pm

Not really. Some do allow that though for a fee. Sometimes you can book it this way through a site like Rentalcars.com, Expedia, etc.

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Are you ready for a Road Trip? Explore these eleven incredible cross-country road trip routes across the U.S.!

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Border to Border

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The Road to Nowhere

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The Great River Road

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Appalachian Trail

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Atlantic Coast

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The Great Northern

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The Oregon Trail

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The Loneliest Road

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Southern Pacific

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Home / Pacific Coast

Pacific Coast

The Pacific Coast Highway Road Trip

Pacific Coast Highway road trip driving distance map from California to Oregon and Washington

For some reason, when people elsewhere in the country refer to the Pacific Coast, particularly California, it’s apparent that they think it’s a land of kooks, an overbuilt suburban desert supporting only shopping malls, freeways, and body-obsessed airheads. All this may be true in small pockets, but the amazing thing about the Pacific Coast—from the dense green forests of western Washington to the gorgeous beaches of Southern California—is that it is still mostly wild, open, and astoundingly beautiful country, where you can drive for miles and miles and have the scenery all to yourself.

Planning a West Coast Road Trip

Road Trip USA’s Pacific Coast route begins at the northwest tip of the United States at Port Townsend near Olympic National Park, and remains within sight of the ocean almost all the way south to the Mexican border. This 1,650-mile (2,655 km), mostly two-lane route takes in everything from temperate rainforest to near-desert. Most of the Pacific Coast is in the public domain, accessible, and protected from development within national, state, and local parks, which provide habitat for such rare creatures as mountain lions, condors, and gray whales.

A misty day at rocky Cape Flattery on Washington's Olympic Peninsula.

Heading south, after the rough-and-tumble logging and fishing communities of Washington State, you cross the mouth of the Columbia River and follow the comparatively peaceful and quiet Oregon coastline, where recreation has by and large replaced industry, and where dozens of quaint and not-so-quaint communities line the ever-changing shoreline. At the midway point, you pass through the great redwood forests of Northern California, where the tallest and most majestic living things on earth line the Avenue of the Giants, home also to some of the best (meaning gloriously kitsch) remnants of the golden age of car-borne tourism: drive-through trees, drive-on trees, houses carved out of trees, and much more. The phenomenally beautiful coast-line of Northern California is rivaled only by the incredible coast of Big Sur farther south, beyond which stretches the beachfronts of Southern California. The land of palm trees, beach boys, and surfer girls of popular lore really does exist, though only in the southernmost quarter of the state.

Along with the overwhelming scale of its natural beauty, the West Coast is remarkable for the abundance of well-preserved historic sites—most of which haven’t been torn down, built on, or even built around—that stand as vivid evocations of life on what was once the most distant frontier of a new nation. While rarely as old as places on the East Coast, or as impressive as those in Europe, these diverse sites include the Spanish colonial missions of California, Russian and English fur-trading outposts, and the place where Lewis and Clark first sighted the Pacific after their long slog across the continent.

Last but certainly not least are the energizing cities— Seattle and Portland in the north, San Francisco in the middle, and Los Angeles and San Diego to the south—that serve as gateways to (or civilized respites from) the landscapes between them. Add to these the dozens of small and not-so-small towns along the coast, with alternating blue-collar ports and up-scale vacation retreats, and you have a great range of food, drink, and accommodations options. Local cafés, seafood grills, and bijou restaurants abound, as do places to stay—from youth hostels in old lighthouses to roadside motels (including the world’s first, which still stands in lovely San Luis Obispo, California) to homespun B&Bs in old farmhouses.

10 Best Pacific Coast Highway Stops

For more insight into each stop along a West Coast road trip, our content is arranged by state, with California’s coastline broken into its northern, central, and southern sections. Here are ten major sights along the Pacific Coast Highway where travelers aiming to follow only a section of the full cross-country route may wish to use to plan their drive:

Sunset at McWay falls in Big Sur along the Pacific Coast Highway

  • Olympic National Park, Washington – Combines the features of Maine’s rocky coast, the snowy peaks of the Rocky Mountains, and the unique rainforests of the Pacific Northwest
  • Astoria & Fort Clatsop, Oregon – Part of the extensive Lewis and Clark National Historic Park, Fort Clatsop is just outside the oldest American city west of the Rockies
  • “Dune Country,” Oregon – Hop out of the car and into a dune buggy to travel through some of the tallest sand dunes in the world
  • Redwood National Park, California – Stretch your legs with a walk through Lady Bird Johnson Grove
  • Mendocino, California – One of the prettiest towns on the California coast, and extra fun for fans of the TV show Murder, She Wrote
  • San Francisco, California – Easily one of the most enjoyable cities in the US and a great place to start, end, or spend a weekend along the Pacific Coast Highway
  • Monterey, California – Home to the excellent Monterey Bay Aquarium and the internationally famous Monterey Jazz Festival
  • San Simeon, California (Hearst Castle) – One of the truly unique attractions to see on a classic Highway 1 road trip
  • San Luis Obispo, California – A lively college town with a beautiful 18th-century Spanish mission to tour, and the Madonna Inn, one of the quirkiest places to spend a night
  • Los Angeles, California – Hollywood, Sunset Boulevard, and an intersection with another storied road trip: Route 66
  • San Diego, California – Beautiful beaches, grand buildings, and home to the San Diego Zoo, one of the largest and most popular zoos in the world

Related Travel Guides

Cover of Moon West Coast RV Camping travel guide

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40 Best Stops Between Sacramento and Vancouver

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How long is the drive from Sacramento to Vancouver?

The direct drive from Sacramento to Vancouver is 894 mi (1,439 km) , and should have a drive time of 14 hrs 3 mins in normal traffic.

If you’re going on a road trip from Sacramento to Vancouver, we did the research for you and compiled some great stops along the way — with Seattle , Victoria , Portland , Calistoga , Astoria , Olympic National Park , Tacoma , Eugene , Florence , and Bellingham , as well as top places to visit like Old Faithful Geyser of California and Empire Mine State Historic Park, or the ever-popular Sterling Vineyards.

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Top cities between Sacramento and Vancouver

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Olympic National Park

road trip california to canada

Best stops along Sacramento to Vancouver drive

Sterling vineyards.

road trip california to canada

Old Faithful Geyser of California

Empire mine state historic park.

road trip california to canada

Lower Bidwell Park

Lassen peak, sundial bridge, mcarthur-burney falls memorial state park, lithia park, oregon shakespeare festival, oregon caves national monument & preserve, morrisons rogue wilderness adventures, wildlife safari, owen rose garden, silver falls state park, enchanted forest.

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road trip california to canada

Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum

Multnomah falls, international rose test garden.

road trip california to canada

Portland Japanese Garden

Skamania lodge adventures, johnston ridge observatory, wa parks mt saint helens interpretive center, the astoria column.

road trip california to canada

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road trip california to canada

Columbia River Maritime Museum

Mount rainier, northwest trek wildlife park, billy frank jr. nisqually national wildlife refuge, snoqualmie falls, top searches in vancouver, other popular road trips from sacramento, explore nearby places.

  • North Vancouver
  • West Vancouver
  • Horseshoe Bay
  • New Westminster
  • Port Coquitlam
  • Pitt Meadows
  • Point Roberts
  • Furry Creek
  • Britannia Beach
  • Langley City
  • North Galiano
  • Sturdies Bay
  • Garibaldi Highlands

All related maps of Vancouver

  • Map of Vancouver
  • Map of North Vancouver
  • Map of West Vancouver
  • Map of Burnaby
  • Map of Deep Cove
  • Map of Richmond
  • Map of Horseshoe Bay
  • Map of Belcarra
  • Map of New Westminster
  • Map of Anmore
  • Map of Port Moody
  • Map of Ladner
  • Map of Lions Bay
  • Map of Delta
  • Map of Coquitlam
  • Map of Port Coquitlam
  • Map of Tsawwassen
  • Map of Surrey
  • Map of Gibsons
  • Map of Pitt Meadows
  • Map of Point Roberts
  • Map of Furry Creek
  • Map of White Rock
  • Map of Britannia Beach
  • Map of Langley City
  • Map of Blaine
  • Map of North Galiano
  • Map of Squamish
  • Map of Sturdies Bay
  • Map of Birch Bay
  • Map of Garibaldi Highlands

Vancouver throughout the year

  • Vancouver in January
  • Vancouver in February
  • Vancouver in March
  • Vancouver in April
  • Vancouver in May
  • Vancouver in June
  • Vancouver in July
  • Vancouver in August
  • Vancouver in September
  • Vancouver in October
  • Vancouver in November
  • Vancouver in December

Looking for day-by-day itineraries in Vancouver?

Get inspired for your trip to Vancouver with our curated itineraries that are jam-packed with popular attractions everyday! Check them out here:

  • 1-Day Vancouver Itinerary
  • 2-Day Vancouver Itinerary
  • 3-Day Vancouver Itinerary
  • 4-Day Vancouver Itinerary
  • 5-Day Vancouver Itinerary

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i drive from sacramento to vancouver.

Yes! You can drive from Sacramento to Vancouver.

How far is Vancouver from Sacramento by car?

The drive from Sacramento to Vancouver is 894 miles (1,439 km).

How long does it take to drive from Sacramento to Vancouver?

Driving from Sacramento to Vancouver should take you 14 hrs 3 mins in normal traffic.

How much would gas cost from Sacramento to Vancouver?

Gas from Sacramento to Vancouver would cost around $78 to $183 , depending on your vehicle's fuel efficiency.

Where should I stop on the way from Sacramento to Vancouver?

You could check out Old Faithful Geyser of California and Empire Mine State Historic Park, or the always popular Sterling Vineyards!

What are the best cities to visit between Sacramento and Vancouver?

People love visiting Seattle, Victoria, and Portland, among others.

What's the weather like in Sacramento?

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

  • Weather in Sacramento in January
  • Weather in Sacramento in February
  • Weather in Sacramento in March
  • Weather in Sacramento in April
  • Weather in Sacramento in May
  • Weather in Sacramento in June
  • Weather in Sacramento in July
  • Weather in Sacramento in August
  • Weather in Sacramento in September
  • Weather in Sacramento in October
  • Weather in Sacramento in November
  • Weather in Sacramento in December

What are some other road trips from Sacramento?

There are plenty! Below you'll find links to all the road trips we've assembled for Sacramento.

  • Sacramento to San Francisco drive
  • Sacramento to Las Vegas drive
  • Sacramento to Los Angeles drive
  • Sacramento to San Diego drive
  • Sacramento to Yosemite National Park drive
  • Sacramento to Monterey drive
  • Sacramento to Seattle drive
  • Sacramento to Vancouver drive
  • Sacramento to Calistoga drive
  • Sacramento to Reno drive
  • Sacramento to San Jose drive
  • Sacramento to Santa Cruz drive
  • Sacramento to Greater Palm Springs drive
  • Sacramento to Portland drive
  • Sacramento to Sedona drive
  • Sacramento to San Antonio drive
  • Sacramento to Grand Canyon National Park drive
  • Sacramento to Phoenix drive
  • Sacramento to Victoria drive
  • Sacramento to Tucson drive
  • Sacramento to South Lake Tahoe drive
  • Sacramento to Santa Barbara drive
  • Sacramento to Denver drive
  • Sacramento to Banff National Park drive
  • Sacramento to Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park drive
  • Sacramento to Yellowstone National Park drive
  • Sacramento to Page drive
  • Sacramento to the Death Valley National Park drive
  • Sacramento to San Simeon drive
  • Sacramento to Salt Lake City drive

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The Mandagies

Pacific Coast Highway Road Trip - Big Sur

The Perfect Pacific Coast Highway Road Trip Itinerary (25 Stops + 3 Itineraries!)

Post Summary: The Ultimate Pacific Coast Highway Road Trip Itinerary + All The Stops Along The Way

The Pacific Coast Highway is easily considered to be one of the most iconic road trip routes in the world !

It’s not hard to believe either. From the moody beaches in Washington to the spectacular natural bridges in Southern Oregon to the winding roads of Big Sur, California , there is something new to see around every bend.

road trip california to canada

Berty and I drove the entire route back in 2017, and have returned to deeply explore sections every year since then!

Because we know this route so well, we wanted to create this comprehensive guide for iconic stops and places to see along the entire length of the Pacific Coast Highway, all 1,700-ish miles between Seattle, Washington and Orange County, California !

In this power, we’ll share the best PCH stops in Washington, Oregon, and California to make your Pacific Coast Highway road trip your most epic trip yet.

Let’s get planning!

road trip california to canada

Step By Step Pacific Coast Highway Road Trip Directions (Download)

Where is the pacific coast highway how long is it.

The Pacific Coast Highway has many names.

You can also recognize it by its abbreviation (PCH), and referred to as the California Coast road trip , Pacific Coast Highway road trip, Route 1, Highway 101 (through Washington and Oregon), or even just Highway 1 (in California).

All names aside, they all lead you down the same road, which is the route that parallels the Pacific Ocean and the western border of the contiguous United States.

The traditional Pacific Coast Highway (Route 1) is 655 miles long. The full Pacific Coast Highway (Orange County to Seattle) is just over 1,700 miles.

We’ll be talking about the entire Pacific Coast Highway itinerary in this blog post. (Seattle to Orange County)

road trip california to canada

Pacific Coast Highway Map, Directions, & Best Times

Which direction to drive the pacific coast highway.

Where should you begin your Pacific Coast Highway itinerary? Northbound or Southbound?

There are two directions to do a Pacific Coast Highway road trip – driving south or driving north! Honestly, both are great options but being from Washington, Berty and I began in Seattle and made our way south.

If you are searching for the best weather conditions, here are pros of each direction:

  • Southbound (Seattle to Orange County): Driven during spring break, you can escape the Pacific Northwest rain and enjoy the warmth of Southern California.
  • Nortbound (Orange County to Seattle): Driving north will help you escape California’s hot weather in late summer and fall.

The Hoh Rainforest - Twilight Tour in Forks

Pacific Coast Highway Start and End Points

Traditionally, the Pacific Coast Highway is considered to be the entire Highway 1 of the California Coast. This spans between Capistrano Beach is Orange County to Legget in Nortoerhn California. Highway 1 is 655.84 miles.

However, we like to think of this drive spanning three Pacific Coast states: Washington, Oregon, and California.

The traditional starting point in Washington is Seattle (with a detour through the Olympic National Park). The traditional starting point in California is San Diego .

When To Drive The Pacific Coast Highway

We also began our trip in June, but this trip is good to take any time of year.

If you decided on making it a winter road trip route , that means you’ll have a lot fewer crowds to deal with! Driving along the coast, the weather is more temperate and usually doesn’t get cold enough for snow, so you won’t run into many driving issues.

However, if you’re looking for the “windows-down, sunsets every night” kind of trip, we recommend taking this drive any time between June-September for the best chance of good weather.

Pacific Coast Highway Map

Top Tips For Driving The Pacific Coast Highway

So, how can you plan a Pacific Coast Highway road trip? Here are our suggestions of things to do before your trip:

Plan Your Stops Carefully: Carefully creating an itinerary will help make reserving hotels and activies a LOT easier. However, make sure to leave just a little wiggle room for surprises! Book Accommodations In Advance: The Pacific Coast Highway is a popular road trip route. Once you know your trip dates, plan to book hotels and campgrounds ASAP. We like to split accommodations between car camping and hotels for a good mix. On a budget? Here are 20 car camping hacks to consider. Check Road Closures: Check you route for any major road closures. This actually happens a lot more often than you might think Big Sur often has landslides. Rent a Great Car (or RV!): You can rent a car and book hotels, OR you can rent a campervan and book campgrounds for a budget-friendly trip. Outdoorsy has cool recreation vehicles vans to rent – it’s like Airbnb but for RVs! Decide When To Embark: Determine when to plan your PCH trip and how many days you have. Keep scrolling to the bottom of the post for PCH itinerary examples. Use a Good Navigation App : Good navigation apps make a huge difference. Read our favorite road trip planner apps here. Get a Convertible…or a Harley! If you are driving only a small section of the PCH, rent a fun vehicle! This isn’t mandatory, but it sure is iconic to drive on the highway in one of these cool rides. Ask Great Questions: You’re in the car for a long time. Make sure to have these road trip questions ready to brighten those dull moments. Download Podcasts + Playlists : Download these road trip podcasts and personalized playlists when you have wifi. You’ll thank me later. Pack Your Car With The Essentials: Here’s a list of road trip essentials you need to be packing. Prepare To Stop Frequently: The whole point of driving the Pacific Coast Highway is to take in the sights!

Cape Kiwanda Oregon, Pacific Coast Road Trip Stops

How To Choose a Car For The Pacific Coast Highway

Choosing the right vehicle for your Pacific Coast Highway road trip is probably THE most important decision you will make.

Option 1: Drive Your Own Car Make sure your car has had a tune-up, and its oil changed. It’s worth it to get checked out now, than risk something going wrong mid-way through your trip.

Option 2: Rent a Regular Car Renting a car is a great option for a reliable drive down the Pacific Coast Highway. Personally, we like Avis becuase they have a great rewards program. You can find cheap options

Option 3: Rent a Campervan or RV Renting a campervan is an awesome way to experience a little bit of vanlife. Search for the best campervans at Outdoorsy . Just note, it may be a little tricky to drive a campervan one-way. You may have to return it at your starting point via I-5!

Option 4: Take The Public us (Kind of possible, but not recommended) Yes, it’s possible to cobble together transportation on local transit. You’ll find that you can get around easiest in Southern California and the central Oregon Coast. However, there will be stretches of road with no transporation avaiable, or you may have to leave the coast and venture inland to find a route. It’s cheap yes, but takes quite a bit of pre-planning.

Pacific Coast Highway Road Trip On A Budget

Are you hoping to plan a Pacific Coast Highway road trip route on a budget ? Here are some budgeting hacks we like to use to plan a budget PCH trip:

Use The Dyrt To Find Campgrounds: The Dyrt is the largest online campground database. We use the offline campground search feature to find spots on the go (no service needed!). The Dyrt gave us a code for you, our epic reader, to try the pro membership for 30 days free!   Click here to unlock your 30-day free trial . Find Free Campsites: Road tripping around the west coast for years, we’ve learned a thing or two about finding free campsites in the USA . Our guide includes campground searching hacks, backcountry packing guides, and tips on how to find the best camping spots on the PCH. Cook Your Own Meals: Save money on the road by making your own quick & easy camping meals . Manage Money On The Road: Learn how we travel on a budget in the Pacific Northwest .

Grab your gear and let's go! If you are like us and love to be outside, we've written this comprehensive post about the best winter coats & jackets to wear in the Pacific Northwest this season. We're covering everything from rain gear, parkas, to puffers, even utility jackets! TheMandagies.com

What To Pack For A Pacific Coast Highway Road Trip

A good Pacific Coast Highway road trip will take you through the rainy gloom of Washington, as well as the sunny beaches of California. This makes packing slighly more challenging – you’ll have to account for tons of variable weather!

Rain Jacket: You’ll need one in Washington and Oregon, especially during winter and spring. Here are our favorite rain jackets to wear in the Pacific Northwest . Light Layers: Once you reach California, it’s nice to have light, packable layers to bring on your day adventures. We like this windbreaker and this colorful fleece for easy layering. Down Jacket: Down jackets are an excellent option for extra warmth, especially when paired with a rain jacket. Get this packable one to save space in your suitcase. Sunglasses: You’ll need some, since you’ll be watchin the sunset every night! Grab this pair of inexpensive but HIGHLY rated sunglasses to knock around on your adventures. Hiking Shoes: Hiking in the PNW for over a decade, we know a thing or two about boots! Read our list on the best hiking boots , to pick the right ones for you. Walking Sandals : From walking around Huntington Pier to strolling around your campsite, walking sandals are essential to your Pacific Coast Highway packing list. Portable Phone Charger: This Goal Zero 24 is the perfect companion to charge your phone on a day trip. Camera: Here’s our guide on how to take smartphone landscape photography, or you can check out the travel photography gear as media professionals. Hiking Clothes: You’ll want to bring these highly-coveted hiking shorts , a day pack , and the 10 hiking essentials .

Here are some posts we’ve written about what to pack for certain parts of the Pacific Coast Highway:

  • 5 Essentials to Bring On The Washington Coast
  • The Ultimate Packing List For San Francisco
  • What To Pack For A Weekend in Los Angeles

The Best Pacific Coast Highway Stops (State By State)

If you’re planning to experience the entire Pacific Coast Highway (including extending it to Oregon and Washington), you probably know that there is an insane amount of beautiful stops to take.

We’re going to break locations down state by state, to give you bite-sized chunks of information for each place.

Each state provides something unique and exciting for your Pacific Coast Highway road trip itinerary, so read below for location inspiration in Washington, Oregon, and California!

Cape Flattery - Pacific Coast Road Trip Stops

Pacific Coast Highway Stops In Washington

Washington is not all rain and gloom!

While the movies portray this evergreen state in a constant shroud of clouds and moodiness (Thanks, Twilight) , its nothing farther from the truth.

Here, you can find powerful waterfalls, secret coves, and lush green forest, and amazing hikes in every corner of this beautiful state.

Keep on reading to read about some highlights along the Pacific Coast Highway in Washington!

Cities in Washington State - Seattle, Washington - TheMandagies.com

Seattle, Washington

This is where we suggest starting your Pacific Coast Highway road trip.

Seattle is a great place to stock up on all the road trip essentials , grab rental cars, and arrive by plane to stay on your journey on the Pacific Coast Highway. If you’re flying in to begin your journey, you’ll fly into Sattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA).

Have a little bit more time on your hands? Stick around for a few days and try these unique things to do in Seattle , or take these incredible day trips from Seattle .

Fun things to do in Seattle, Washington:

  • Visit Pike Place Market
  • Go to the first-ever Starbucks Coffee store
  • Visit The Museum of Pop Culture
  • Watch the sunset at Jose Rizal Park
  • See the Space Needle up close at Kerry Park
  • Have a bonfire with friends at Golden Gardens Park
  • Go to A Husky Football game in the University District

Read More: What To Pack For The Pacific Northwest

Girl overlooking Mount Storm King

Port Angeles

If you are starting in Seattle or Vancouver, chances are you’ll need to take a ferry across the Puget Sound to reach the Olympic Peninsula . It’s also possible to drive around through Olympia, if you don’t want to put your car on the ferry.

From here, you will pass the cities of Sequim and Port Angeles. Before hitting to Pacific Coast Highway, we recommend taking a stop by Lake Crescent for some classic PNW vibes and maybe a quick lunch break too.

If you want to see what the lake looks like from above, test your limits and hike Mount Storm King . The 4.7-mile round trip hike gains over 2,000 feet in elevation, including scrambling up the side of a cliff with the help of a few installed ropes.

This hike isn’t for the faint of heart, but your attempts will be rewarded with experiencing one of the most spectacular places to see in the Olympic Peninsula .

Stay Overnight: Book a stay at The Olympic Lodge in Port Angeles . It’s right in town, and central to other adventures like Hurricane Ridge, Salt Creek, and Lake Crescent.

road trip california to canada

Sol Duc Falls

Sol Duc Falls is located in the Olympic National Park , and along Highway 101 on your way towards the coast.

It’s a small detour before heading to the ocean. However, the detour is worth every minute! The short trail to Sol Duc Falls leads to one of the most gorgeous waterfalls in Washington state.

If you are wanting a unique place to stay in the Olympic National Park, consider staying at the Sol Duc Hot Springs, a natural pool resort in the park.

Doing this, you can wake up early to visit the falls and beat the crowds!

Emily Mandagie standing at Cape Flattery, Makah Land - TheMandagies.com

Cape Flattery

If you’re looking for the most northwest location in the lower 48 United States, you’ve found it at Cape Flattery !

This jaw-dropping piece of coastline is owned by the Makah Tribe. It includes beautiful sea stacks just offshore and expansive views of the Pacific Ocean and the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

If you are planning your Pacific Coast Highway itinerary for epic photo spots, don’t miss this place! You’ll need an entry pass ($10 per vehicle) and you can pick it up at the gas station or grocery store at Neah Bay.

Forks, Washington

Emily at La Push Second Beach - Pacific Coast Road Trip Stops

La Push Beaches (First, Second, and Third)

You may know these beaches from the movie Twilight but rest assured there are no vampires in sight. (Partly because it’s werewolf territory anyway, DUH) In fact, we’ve seen some of the most incredible sunsets right here on Second Beach.

When visiting, it’s important to note that there are three beaches to choose from. First Beach provides easy and instant beach access, so it’s a popular choice for families.

Second Beach requires a hike on a short trail to reach the beach, and you can also camp on this beach. Second Beach is also the most popular option for its beautiful rock formations and vast shoreline.

Third Beach requires a longer hike and is the least visited of all the beaches.

Any of these Washington beaches you choose, don’t forget to pack these 5 beach essentials!

Read More: La Push Beach + and Beach Camping Tips

Ocean Shores, Washington

road trip california to canada

Ocean Shores is a quaint little town on the Washington Coast, just north of Grays Harbor.

Here, you will find tons of vacation rental homes, small seafood restaurants, and tons of beach activities. Berty and I came with our friends last summer and opted to rent motorbikes on the beach, eat our weight in crab, and explore the jetty!

Restaurants to try in Ocean Shores:

  • Murphy’s Candy & Ice Cream Shop
  • Galway Bay Irish Pub
  • Ocean Beach Roasters and Bistro
  • Oyhut Bay Bistro

Want more beach fun on the Washington Coast? Check out Ruby Beach and Rialto Beach !

Read More: 7 Fun Things To Do In Ocean Shores, Washington

Pierce County Area (Gig Harbor, Tacoma, and Puyallup)

road trip california to canada

If you’re looking to spend a little extra for a comfortable room and some great food, spend some time exploring Gig Harbor and boating around the South Puget Sound . You will be able to spot wildlife all around you, whether it’s jellyfish or a pod of orcas!

Some of our favorite cities in Pierce County to explore: Puyallup (Washington State Fair), Tacoma, and Gig Harbor!

Mount Rainier National Park

Mount Rainier National Park - On The Pacific Coast Highway Road Trip

Take your journey slightly inland to explore Mount Rainier National Park. Here, you can test your limits and backpack up to the summit (training required!) or simply take a nice stroll at the base of the mountain like on Nisqually Loop Trail .

Mount Rainier is best explored if you spend 2-3 days in the park! There are so many different areas to cover (Paradise Area and Sunrise Area are the most popular), so give yourself time to enjoy the beautiful outdoors here in the Pacific Northwest.

Most Popular Activities To Do At Mount Rainier:

  • Hike the Grove of the Patriarchs Trail
  • See Silver Falls
  • Hike the Skyline Divide Trail
  • Visit the Longmire Museum

Cape Disappointment State Park

road trip california to canada

Cape Disappointment is located in the far southwestern corner of Washington State. Here, you can discover miles of trails, play on the beaches, and maybe even spot an orca offshore!

For a memorable photo opportunity on your Pacific Coast Highway road trip, take the trail down to Deadman’s Cove and capture this hidden beach at sunset!

Read More: Cape Disappointment + Deadman’s Cove

Pacific Coast Highway Road Trip Stops In Oregon

Emily Mandagie at Secret Beach on the Oregon Coast

The Oregon Coast itself is worthy of its own road trip but lucky you – you get to see it all and more!

We’re sharing all the best stops along this part of the Pacific Coast Highway and what you can expect in this beautiful state.

Not enough time for the whole thing? Take an Oregon Coast Road Trip instead!

Cannon Beach

Emily sitting at Cannon Beach, Oregon - TheMandagies.com

Cannon Beach is a family and dog-friendly beach located 1.5 hours west of Portland. Here, you can explore the many quaint seaside shops, take a walk on the beach, and explore the many tide pools.

There are many services available here, so it’s a great stop for camping, resting, or even getting a seaside Airbnb! (By the way, y ou can get $40 off your first reservation at this link! )

Read More: Spending The Day At Cannon Beach

Cape Kiwanda

road trip california to canada

Cape Kiwanda  is a popular beach on the Oregon Coast. Here, you can walk along the beach and enjoy Pacific City’s own “Haystack Rock”, or climb the nearby sand dunes to discover incredible views, coves, and rock formations!

Too busy for you? Venture just a 5-minute drive south to Bob Straub State Park, where you can walk along the less-traveled and peaceful beachfront.

The area of Oregon can be rainy and cloudy year-round, but if you’re lucky you can experience one of its gorgeous sunsets (that is if the weather cooperates!). Make sure to pack a rain jacket!

Read More:  10 Epic Adventures To Take Aroun Cape Kiwanda

God’s Thumb Hike, Lincoln City

road trip california to canada

The hike to God’s Thumb is a moderately difficult hike along the Oregon Coast. A 4.6-mile round trip hike will bring you to a curved landscape on an oceanside cliff. 

It gets its name “God’s Thumb” because it slightly resembles a thumb… but we think it kind of looks like a soft-serve ice cream swirl!

Located in Lincoln City, Oregon , this is a perfect place to get out of the car, stretch your legs, and see a beautiful area of the Oregon Coast.

Read More: Hike To God’s Thumb in Lincoln City On The Oregon Coast

Devil’s Punchbowl

road trip california to canada

Devil’s Punchbowl State Natural Area is a perfect stop on your Pacific Coast Highway road trip. Here, you can experience the power of the ocean slamming and swirling into a carved-out bowl.

From the top, you can see down inside the “punchbowl”. During high tide, the waves swirl and crash around inside, but during low tide, you can walk down on the beach and explore inside.

Stay a while for a roadside picnic, to explore tide pools, or climb around on the rocks on the shore.

Thor’s Well

road trip california to canada

Thor’s Well in another one of the Oregon Coast’s amazing natural phenomena. You can experience the most dramatic sights at high tide, but beware – it’s the most dangerous time to visit too.

Similar to the Spouting Horn in Kauai , this sinkhole looks like water is just draining into a huge abyss, but it’s actually a natural rock tube that sucks and shoots water our according to the adjacent waves.

Don’t get too close to it though, it pushes and pulls water with a powerful force , meaning if you get too close you risk being swept off your feet into the hole!

This area is located just south of the Cape Perpetua Visitor’s Cente r, with lots of wheelchair accessible walkways AND walk-at-your-own-risk paths too.

Cape Perpetua Scenic Area

road trip california to canada

Cape Perpetua Scenic Area is an amazing spot on the Pacific Coast Highway, and probably home to one of the best photo spots on the PCH!

For a quick side trip, take the drive up to Cape Perpetua Lookout , where you can see the Oregon Coast meet the winding highway below. It’s an incredible view – make sure to bring your camera!

This is also a great stop for some camping on the Oregon Coast, as well as exploring the many ocean features and scenic trails in the area.

Read More: 10 Epic Things To Do In Cape Perpetua Area Of The Oregon Coast

(Bonus Side Trip!) Umpqua Hot Springs + Toketee Falls

road trip california to canada

Got an extra day to spare?

Since you’re already in Oregon, consider taking a side trip east to the Cascade Mountains. The Umpqua National Forest has a lot to see, but it’s shining stars have got to be Toketee Falls and the Umpqua Hot Springs.

Both of the trails to Toketee Falls and Umpqua Hot Springs are nearby one another, short, and easy to follow.

They can be accomplished in a morning or afternoon trip. If you haven’t visited a Pacific Northwest hot springs  yet, this is the perfect chance to do it!

We would suggest that you Visit Toketee Falls first, so you can save your soak for last!

Read More: 5 Essential Tips For Soaking at Upmqua Hot Springs

Samuel H. Boardman Scenic Corridor

Samuel H Boardman Scenic Corridor - Oregon Coast Road Trip Route

Of all the stops on the Oregon Coast, Samuel H. Boardman Scenic Corridor is a MUST visit. Offshore rock formations, dramatic cliffs, and crashing waves make this place a magical stop on the Pacific Coast Highway.

To fully experience this area, we suggest scheduling your visit for sunset. The sun sets over the Pacific Ocean, and on a clear day the skies light up with beautiful colors. Don’t forget to stop at other iconic spots in the park including Secret Beach, Natural Bridges, Arch Rock, and Indian Sands Trail!

Located on the Southern Oregon Coast , Samuel H Boardman spans around 10-miles of rugged, scenic coastline. There are many hikes to choose from around Samuel H Boardman Scenic Corridor . Take some time to explore a few (many trails are short) , and pick your favorite spots for sunset.

Pacific Coast Highway Stops In California

Congratulations! You’ve made it to California!

This is technically the beginning of the official Pacific Coast Highway (also called Highway 1) , but we all know you’ve put in too many miles on your car and see too much epic-ness for it to be just starting.

While you’ll be encountering a lot more sunshine in this section of the road trip, the Northern California coast can be a little temperamental! Don’t put away your rain coast just yet.

California road trip stops on the Pacific Coast Highway are some of the most breathtaking and beautiful areas of the whole trip. Read on to discover where to go and what to see below in the sunshine state.

Redwood National and State Parks

road trip california to canada

If your Pacific Coast Highway road rrip is taking you southbound, your first California stop will be at the Redwood National and State Parks.

The Redwoods are known for their spectacularly tall and beautiful trees. Furthermore, this area is home to some of the tallest trees on earth!

There are several scenic drives to take here, but the prettiest Northern California drives are through the Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park (the scenic route) and the Avenue of The Giants at Humbolt Redwoods State Park. For a lot of stops and viewpoints of the ocean, consider stopping at Patrick’s Point State Park !

Read More: 10 Things To Do In The Redwood National Park

Fern Canyon

Emily Mandagie in Fern Canyon Trail, Redwoods California

Wait, did we just travel through time? You’re not far off if you felt like you just stepped foot into Jurassic Park. In fact, scenes from the movie were filmed right here in Fern Canyon!

Fern Canyon Trail in the Redwoods is a very short route – just 1.1-miles to revel in the 50-foot tall fern-covered walls and lush surrounding forest. The hike is easy, but getting there is a different story. The trip requires a few creek crossings and winding, narrow dirt roads to reach the trailhead. We’ve got everything you need to know about Fern Canyon right here !

Black Sand Beach

road trip california to canada

Have you been looking at thos e famous black sand beaches in Iceland ? Get a taste of the beauty (without the price of a plane ticket) and come visit a look-alike on the California Coast.

Shelter Cove is a little town located in the King Range National Conversation Area. Here, there are craggy coastlines, dramatic scenery, and a black sand beach. The waves are tall and powerful here.

Warning: The road is winding and treacherous, which can be dangerous in bad weather.

This is also an extremely out-of-the-way detour, with one route going in and out from the beach. Make sure to have a full tank of gas, and be prepared to drive on narrow roads and near tall cliff edges!

Read More:   How To Get To California’s Iconic Black Sands Beach

Point Reyes National Seashore

road trip california to canada

Love the California beach? Explore the Point Reyes National Seashore , a protected coastline of rolling pastures, historic landmarks, and even a secret docked ship!

Start your journey in the town of Inverness, where you can stock up on food, gas, and even camping gear if you choose to spend the night in one of their many campgrounds .

Some of the best things to do in Point Reyes National Seashore are visiting the historic lighthouse (make sure to pay attention to its hours of operation! ), driving down the canopy of Cypress trees , and even whale watching if you come at the right time of year!

Read More: Spending The Day At Point Reyes National Seashore

Bolinas Ridge

road trip california to canada

If you have a scheduled stop in San Francisco on your Pacific Coast Highway itinerary, make sure to make a sunset stop just north of the city , on Bolinas Ridge .

This area of golden, glimmering rolling hills is located on the edge of Mount Tamalpais State Park in Marin County, California.

Our favorite scenic road to drive is Ridgecrest Boulevard , which includes pullouts ever so often to quickly park your car and enjoy the beautiful and consistent sunsets on this piece of the California coast.

Read More: A Golden Sunset At Bolinas Ridge

Mount Tamalpais

road trip california to canada

Keep the spirit of adventure alive , even in a bustling city like San Francisco !

If you’ve got a pit stop in the Golden City, journey just north of the Golden Gate Bridge and experience Mount Tamalpais State Park for a quick break from city life.

Here, you can take many amazing trails with stunning views of big city buildings across the bay. Some of our favorite trails for city views are the East Peak Hike  (to a stone lookout tower) and the Verna Dunshee Trail. 

Going when it’s cold outside? Read our San Francisco Winter Packing List .

Read More: 10 Adventurous Things To Do Outside of San Francisco

Golden Gate Bridge

road trip california to canada

No trip along the Pacific Coast Highway is complete without seeing the iconic Golden Gate Bridge!

On either side of the bridge, there are several incredible viewpoints to check out. Some of the best places to view the Golden Gate Bridge are from Battery Spencer, Kirby Cove, and the North Vista Point.

Remember: The Golden Gate Bridge is a toll bridge . Motorcycles and regular cars will get through and be billed $8.00 to the address your car is registered at.

San Francisco, California

Pacific Coast Road Trip Itinerary - San Francisco Stop

If you’ve been driving southbound on your Pacific Coast Highway road trip, San Francisco will be the first large city you will encounter. 

Here, you can experience many iconic and famous landmarks. Here are some places to see while in San Francisco :

  • See the sunrise at the Golden Gate Bridge
  • Visit Fisherman’s Wharf
  • Stop By The Painted Ladies
  • Wander through the neighborhoods and see the beautiful Victorian-era houses

Need a place to stay in San Francisco? Click here and get $40 off your first booking on Airbnb!

Shark Fin Cove

road trip california to canada

Click here to see more amazing pictures from our visit to Shark Fin Cove.

Shark Fin Cove is a beautiful California coast beach located south of San Francisco – in Davenport, California. It’s named for its rock formation just off the shore that resembling a shark’s top fin. 

You aren’t able to see this cove from the road, which makes finding access a little difficult . There are no signs indicating the location, so you must rely on Google Maps to help guide to you the parking lot off the California Coast Highway 1.

This place provides absolutely stunning views from above AND below. Start your visit at the top and walk along the trails near the cliffs (but be careful!). Finally, climb down into the cove via a steep trail to find beach access.

On a weekday, it’s very likely you will get this beach all to yourself! 

Read More: What To Expect At California’s Shark Fin Cove

Big Sur State Park

road trip california to canada

When you think of driving down the California Coast , Big Sur is what Pacific Coast Highway dreams are made of. Sunny coastline, winding roads, dramatic cliffs, and beautiful bridges are scattered along 90 miles of this beautiful West Coast drive.

Some of the highlights on this part of the PCH include:

  • Pfeiffer Beach
  • McWay Falls
  • Bixby Creek Bridge
  • Pebble Beach
  • 17-Mile Drive (Monterey/Pacific Grove)

Pro Tip: A day trip to Big Sur, California is absolutely the most quintessential activity  of any good Pacific Coast Highway road trip. Don’t miss this.

Read More: How To Pull Off A Day Trip To Big Sur, California

(Detour Off Highway 1) Yosemite National Park

road trip california to canada

While you’re in the area, might as well take a little detour to one of the greatest national parks in America!

Yosemite is home to the tallest waterfall in North America, home to giant Sequoia trees, and has more than 800 miles of trails for hikers to enjoy.

Only have 24 extra hours to spare for Yosemite? Click here for our 24-hour guide to Yosemite National Park.

Pro Tip: If you are hoping to spend a few days in the park, make camping reservations extremely early in advance.

Camping spots generally get full six months before the reservation date. A trip to Yosemite National Park requires a lot of pre-planning.

Los Angeles, California

Pacific Coast Road Trip Stops - Los Angeles

Another major city on your Pacific Coast Highway road trip will be Los Angeles California. For many going northbound, this is a common starting point (as well as San Diego).

If you’re like us and coming to LA on a southbound Pacific Coast Highway trip, this is a fun pit stop to take a few days and recharge from all that driving.

Again, if you are looking to book a place on Airbnb, click here to get $40 off your first booking!

Here are some fun things to do in Los Angeles:

  • Santa Monica Pier + the Amusement Park on the boardwalk.
  • Venice Beach
  • Griffith Observatory
  • The Getty Museum
  • Hollywood Boulevard
  • Hike to the Hollywood Sign

Read More: How To Spend a Fun Weekend in West Hollywood, California

Orange County, California

road trip california to canada

Orange County California is just south of the city of Los Angeles. With a slower lifestyle, less traffic, and a lot more beach space, this place is a perfect getaway for sunshine lovers and surfers alike.

There are a few opportunities to camp on the coast, like RV sites in Huntington Beach and tent sites at Crystal Cove State Park. Either way, it’s definitely worth it to spend a few days in Orange County and experience all it has to offer!

Must-see spots to visit in Orange County:

  • La Tour (Secret Oceanside Castle in the cliff)
  • Huntington Beach (Sur City, USA)
  • Newport Beach Harbor and Balboa Island
  • Laguna Beach
  • Here are our favorite restaurants in Orange County to try!

Looking to travel to the OC on a budget? Check out our list of free things to do in Orange County to have maximum fun, with money still left in your pocket!

Read More: 10 Amazing Outdoor Activities in Orange County, California

San Diego, California

You did it!

San Diego will be the likely the end (or the beginning!) to your Pacific Coast Highway itinerary.

However, it’s still worth visiting for a few days. There are so many amazing things to do in San Diego that this city is an excellent way to kick off or wrap up any Pacific Coast Highway road trip.

Don’t miss out of Torrey Pines State Reserve! This network of outdoor trails have some of the best views in the entire city. Spend some time exploring the trails during sunset for a magical stay in San Diego.

Pacific Coast Highway Road Trip Itinerary Examples

Wondering if you can see all these iconic landmarks in one trip?

To accommodate different trip lengths, we’re sharing some example itineraries for a five-day trip , one-week trip , and two-week trip down the Pacific Coast Highway.

Read below to find your perfect one!

5 Day Pacific Coast Highway Itinerary

Five Day Pacific Coast Highway Itinerary

Five days to drive down the Pacific Coast is absolutely doable! During these days, you have time to experience the highlights of the coast, and whet your appetite for another future trip!

  • Day 1: Seattle, WA to Coos Bay, OR
  • Day 2: Coos Bay OR, to Redwood National Park, CA
  • Day 3: Redwood National Park, CA to San Francisco, CA
  • Day 4: San Francisco, CA to Los Angeles, CA
  • Day 5: Los Angeles, CA to San Diego, CA

7 Day Pacific Coast Highway Itinerary

One Week Pacific Coast Highway Itinerary

One week on the Pacific Coast Highway will allow you to see the most iconic locations. One week is great for travelers who want to fit in the entire trip during a school break, or only have so many days to take off of work.

A one-week Pacific Coast Highway road trip itinerary will allow you to see the highlights without feeling rushed. Here’s an example PCH itinerary:

  • Day 1: Seattle WA, to Forks, WA
  • Day 2: Forks, WA to Cape Kiwanda, OR
  • Day 3: Cape Kiwanda, OR to Redwood State Park, CA
  • Day 4: Redwood State Park, CA to San Francisco, CA
  • Day 5: San Francisco CA, to Big Sur, CA
  • Day 6: Big Sur, CA, to Orange County, CA
  • Day 7: Los Angeles, CA to San Diego, CA

10 Day Pacific Coast Highway Itinerary

Two-week pacific coast highway road trip itinerary.

Two Week Pacific Coast Highway Itinerary

If you have two weeks to spare, this is the ideal amount of time for a Pacific Coast Highway road trip!

Two weeks gives you ample time to see all the highlights, take some day hikes, and even some off-coast detours like Yosemite or Toketee Falls! You will be able to see everything you want and more, and not feel rushed in your process.

  • Day 1: Seattle, WA to Port Angeles, WA
  • Day 2: Port Angeles, to Forks, WA
  • Day 3: Forks, WA to Astoria, OR
  • Day 4: Astoria OR, to Cape Kiwanda, OR
  • Day 5:  Cape Kiwanda OR , to Brookings, OR
  • Day 6: Brooking OR, to Redwood State Park, CA
  • Day 7:  Redwood State Park, CA to Mendocino, CA
  • Day 8: Mendocino, CA to San Francisco, CA
  • Day 9:  San Francisco, CA to Santa Cruz, CA
  • Day 10: Santa Cruz, CA to Big Sur, CA
  • Day 11:  Big Sur, CA to Santa Barbara, CA
  • Day 12: Santa Barbara, CA to Los Angeles, CA
  • Day 13: Los Angeles, CA to San Diego, CA
  • Day 14: End in San Diego

Some of our Pacific Coast Highway Road Trip Inspiration

Creating this Pacific Coast Highway road trip itinerary was quite the workload! Lucky for us, this is the kind of work we live for, and it was fun, inspiring, and most of all helpful!

We hope this helps in your own Pacific Coast Highway road trip and makes planning a little bit easier for you.

Here are some of the pins we’ve created to share with our followers on Pinterest. Feel free to save some too for your own inspirational road trip!

Pinterest ( Find us at @themandagies )

Have you taken a pacific coast highway road trip what were some of your favorite stops, ready to plan your own pacific coast highway road trip read these helpful posts:.

8 Steps For Planning A Flawless Weekend Trip

2o Energizing Hikes In The PN W

The Essential 2017 PNW Bucket List

Want more Pacific Coast Highway road trip inspiration? Follow our curated board on Pinterest!

Looking for the best route to take on the Pacific Coast Highway? We're sharing the complete PCH route, including the best stops in Washington, Oregon, and California for the ultimate west coast road trip! #westcoast #PNW #california #oregon #washington #roadtrip #PCH #pacificcoasthighway #Pacificcoastroadtrip

So excited for you guys! My hubby and I did a similar (but quicker, so we didn’t see everything) trip in the summer of 2010 (a LONG time ago!). It was amazing. There is an amazing hike in Redwood National Park (Gold Bluffs Beach Section) that leads down to this secret beach. Even in summer (August) there wasn’t anyone on the trail. We were pretty new to the “planning” travel business so didn’t really plan anything when we went, but this hike was a highlight of our trip. I’m dying to go to the Painted Hills and Hot springs so excited to see what you guys think. Have so much fun!!! We’re secretly living through both of your photographs and blogs dreaming of our move one day back to this beautiful region of the world. We love Ireland, but the PNW truly can’t be beat.

Hi Danielle! I’m so glad you like our photographs and blog! That means so much to us 🙂 I’m so intrigued about the Gold Bluffs Beach Hike in the Redwoods. Now we need to go back and do that one!!!

  • Shelly Wutke Portfolio

Survivemag Stay sane, people

road trip planner

Canada to California Road Trip Planner

So you’re planning a road trip with the family and you want to know the ins and outs of the road untraveled long before you go. I don’t blame you; that’s what I always wanted to do to. After all, I love not knowing where the next turn will take me, but when my kids are along for the ride? The next turn better have snacks and diapers.

I’ve traveled the I5 from Canada to California 12 times over the past decade, so I know a little bit about how to do a road trip from Canada to Disneyland. And because I’ve done it every year since my kids were seriously little and I’ve survived – I think that makes me a road trip expert in these parts. I even drove this year BY MYSELF with 4 kids in tow, and I not only made it in 19 hours, I had a great time.

Check out all of the road trip articles I’ve written on here and for The Vancouver Province on our past road trips:

Road Trip To California From Vancouver, BC

  • Roadtrip to Salem, Oregon to see the Total Eclipse
  • Road Trip to California – Take One
  • Road Trip to California – Part Two
  • Road Trip with Kids – Take Three
  • What to see on a Vancouver to Los Angeles Road Trip
  • Vancouver to Disneyland – 2013
  • Vancouver to Disneyland – 2013 take 2
  • Canada to Los Angeles – Part 3
  • Two Hours In Portland
  • Plan A Road Trip- 3 spots to stop on the I5 to California
  • Top 5 Road Trip Essentials When Traveling With Baby
  • The best road trip vehicle – 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan review

Things To Do In Los Angeles

  • History meets possibility at Griffith Observatory
  • Things to do in Los Angeles besides Disneyland
  • 3 reasons why Vancouver makes me miss Los Angeles
  • Visit the Encounter Room LAX
  • Walt Disney’s Barn – Griffith Park
  • Walt Disney Studios Tour
  • Visiting The Walt Disney Archives
  • 8 Hours At Universal Studios LA
  • Let’s Go Surfing At Huntington Beach
  • Take A Stroll To The Hollywood Bowl

Things To Do In California

  • Walt Disney Family Museum review
  • Waffles Gone Wild at Bruxie – California Food You Can’t Get In Canada
  • Road Cycle Across The Golden Gate Bridge
  • Vintage Sandwiches served up in modern day downtown Disney

Great Hotels To Stay At On A Road Trip Down The West Coast

  • Get Swept Up In The Wilderness At The Heathman Lodge
  • Hampton Inn Red Bluff – I haven’t written this one up, but it’s a great place to stay on the way to California

Hotels to stay at near the Disneyland Resort

  • Disneyland Grand Californian Hotel Review
  • Hotel Indigo Anaheim Hotel Review
  • California Dreaming at the Hyatt OC
  • Say hi to the cockroaches – Best Western Plus Orange Review (if I could give it 8 thumbs down, I would)
  • Disneyland Hotels & Paradise Pier Hotel Review

Disneyland California Articles

  • The Earl of Sandwich is my best friend ever
  • How to celebrate the 60th at Disneyland
  • A Canadians Guide to Disneyland Tickets
  • What’s New At Disneyland?
  • Disneyland Jedi Training Academy Tips
  • Disneyland Vacation For The Large Family
  • Disneyland – Riding the Lily Belle Caboose
  • Disneyland – App review Mousewait
  • Disneyland – Star Tours, the Adventure Continues

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Los Angeles, California, USA The Hollywood sign overlooking Los Angeles at sunset.

Road Trip from Toronto to Los Angeles

The amazing road trip from Toronto to Los Angeles is the ultimate adventure that will take you through vibrant cities and awe-inspiring landscapes. Along the way, you'll visit iconic landmarks, magnificent national parks and forests, and experience plenty of unforgettable sights.

The 2,700-mile road trip from Toronto to Los Angeles takes at least 42 hours. Highlights include Chicago, Denver, Moab, and the Grand Canyon, with Mount Rushmore, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas, and Yellowstone National Park on the alternate route.

To help you to get the most from this adventure, we've devised the best routes, attractions, overnight stops, and times to travel. So, read on and start planning your epic North American road trip from Toronto to Los Angeles.

How far is Los Angeles from Toronto, and how long will the road trip take?

The Grand Canyon Route is the shorter of the two, at 2,700 miles and with a direct driving time of 42 hours. Passing through eight states, highlights include the landscapes of Colorado and Utah, as well as Canyonlands National Park.

Meanwhile, the Mount Rushmore Route extends 2,900 miles and will take around 47 hours to drive non-stop. This route passes through 10 states, with highlights including the Great Plains, Yellowstone National Park, and Las Vegas.

Both routes include long stretches of interstate driving, some of them scenic, with frequent places to stop along the way. We would suggest taking 7 or 8 days to get the most out of each of our routes.

Mount Rushmore National Monument, South Dakota, USA with the presidents in the rock taken on a summer day with clear skies.

Best road trip route from Toronto to Los Angeles

Both our routes are diverse and epic, taking in a wonderful mix of exciting cities and striking landscapes. Which route you choose is likely to depend on which iconic sites you wish to visit: the Grand Canyon and Moab Desert or Mount Rushmore, Las Vegas, and Yellowstone.

The Grand Canyon Route offers the chance to spend time at this natural wonder. You will also experience Detroit, Chicago, Des Moines, and Denver.

You will also beautiful scenic drives through Colorado and Utah, with a stop in Moab for the red rock formations of Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park.

The Mount Rushmore Route offers plenty of diversity of its own, with big cities, awesome landscapes, historic sites, and a flavor of the Wild West.

The route takes you to Chicago and Milwaukee, and across the wide expanses of South Dakota and Wyoming, before swinging by glitzy Las Vegas. You also get to enjoy Mount Rushmore and Salt Lake City. Another highlight is Yellowstone National Park.

Whether you're flying into Toronto or you simply don't have your own transport in the city, renting a car for your road trip is something you'll want to take care of ASAP.

For an easy-to-compare view of rental options for your road trip from Toronto to Los Angeles, take a look at our partner site, RentalCars.com .

The Grand Canyon Route

Leave Toronto, heading west towards Hamilton and London. Where the St. Clair River meets Lake Huron, cross the US border into Michigan. Pick up Interstate-94 (I-94) West and continue past Lake St. Clair towards Detroit.

Leave Detroit heading west for the short drive to Ann Arbor. From here, pick up I-94 West once more. Follow the interstate along the banks of Lake Michigan and cross into Illinois on your way to Chicago.

Leave Chicago and pick up I-88 West, which will take you to the Mississippi River. Cross the river, which also takes you into Iowa. Follow I-80 West through Iowa, passing by Cedar Rapids, as you continue on to Des Moines.

Leave Des Moines and cross into Nebraska, passing through the cities of Omaha and Lincoln as you drive through the state. Pick up I-76 and continue west, crossing into Colorado as you make your way towards Denver.

Enjoy a scenic, mountainous drive via I-70 West, passing through the White River National Forest. Cross the Utah state line. Drive south, past Arches National Park, and continue on to Moab.

From here, head south and enjoy another scenic stretch as you drive through Utah, passing by Canyonlands National Park and Oljato-Monument Valley. Cross into Arizona as you make your way south towards the Grand Canyon and Kaibab National Forest.

Leave the Grand Canyon and drive south once more. Pick up I-40 West and continue on through Arizona. Cross the California state line and stay on the interstate as you make your way through the Mojave Desert.

At the town of Barstow, pick up I-15, heading south. Take the exit signposted for Pasadena, then I-605 South and I-10 West for your destination stop, Los Angeles.

Chicago, USA taken at the city downtown riverfront at sunset.

The Mount Rushmore Route

Again, leave Toronto, heading west, and cross the U.S. border. This time, pick up I-69 West towards Lansing and on to Grand Rapids. Head south on I-96 and I-94, trace Lake Michigan, and cross into Illinois on your way to Chicago.

Leave Chicago on I-95 drive north and cross the Wisconsin state line on the way to Milwaukee. From here, drive towards the Mississippi River. Cross into Minnesota and stay on I-90 as you make your way further west towards South Dakota. Just across the state line, you will reach Sioux Falls.

From Sioux Falls, pick up I-90 West once more and cross the Missouri River on your way to Rapid City and Mount Rushmore. Leaving the iconic monument, enjoy a scenic drive south towards Custer through Black Hills National Forest.

At Custer, head west and enjoy another stretch of scenic driving as you continue towards the Wyoming state line. You will experience a change of scenery as you drive through Thunder Basin National Grassland.

Drive on through Wyoming towards Bridger-Teton National Forest, Yellowstone National Park, and Grand Teton National Park.

Continue south towards Jackson. Cross the Idaho state line and pass Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge, and continue south to Soda Spring. Take US-30 West through Lava Hot Springs, then pick up I-15 South. Cross into Utah and drive on to the Great Salt Lake and Salt Lake City.

From here, head south on I-15 for a long drive through Utah, where you can stop at Dixie National Forest. Cross briefly into Arizona and then into Nevada as you make your way past the Valley of Fire State Park and on to Las Vegas.

From Vegas, drive through the Mojave Desert towards Barstow, where our routes converge. As before, continue on I-15 towards Pasadena, taking I-605 South and I-10 West for Los Angeles.

Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA with a view of Mount Moran from Oxbow Bend beside Snake River of Grand Teton, Wyoming. Color of tees and environment changing due to autumn change to winter.

Best places to stop between Toronto and Los Angeles

As you might expect, a trip this epic boasts lots of great places to take a lengthy break from the road. Here is just one stop on each route that is worthy of an overnight stay. We've also selected an excellent hotel for your time in Los Angeles.

Spectacular mountain views in Moab

On the Grand Canyon Route, our recommended overnight stay is Moab, which is located about 11 hours from Los Angeles, depending on your other stops. Moab is a great gateway town that offers easy access to Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park.

Arches National Park, Utah, USA taken at the Double Arch in the evening.

While you're here, be sure to visit the Museum of Moab, dedicated to local history, plus Mill Canyon Dinosaur Tracks, where prehistoric creatures left their mark millions of years ago. If you enjoy mountain biking, don't miss the world-famous Slickrock Bike Trail.

Our choice for a hotel in Moab is the superb SpringHill Suites by Marriott Moab , which boasts fantastic mountain views. The all-suite hotel is in the ideal location for exploring the area, with Arches National Park just north of the property.

The attractions of Moab are a short drive away, with Canyonlands about an hour by road. The key landmarks of Landscape Arch, Delicate Arch, and Mesa Arch are also within easy reach.

Back at the hotel, you can relax in the lovely outdoor swimming pool or rest in your well-equipped guestroom. There is also a fitness center on-site, plus free parking and a complimentary buffet breakfast to set you up for a day's sightseeing.

Downtown comfort in Salt Lake City

On our Mount Rushmore Route, we highly recommend a stop at Salt Lake City. You'll reach the city with around 10 hours left on your journey, depending on other stops.

Salt Lake City, Utah, USA taken as an aerial view in autumn with mountains in the distance.

Utah's largest city offers spectacular natural scenery, including the large salt lake from where it gets its name. It's the largest salt lake in the Western hemisphere and changes color depending on the levels of salt, algae, and bacteria.

Also worth a visit is Temple Square, headquarters of the Mormon Church, whose unique architecture is a feature of the city. Meanwhile, Snowbasin Resort is great for skiers, having hosted the 2002 Winter Olympics.

When you want to enjoy a real break from the road, the wonderful Hampton Inn Salt Lake City Downtown is waiting to welcome you . Perfectly located in downtown Salt Lake City, Temple Square is about a 20-minute walk, with plenty of shops and eateries in the area.

The hotel features comfortable, modern guestrooms, plus an indoor heated pool, hot tub, and fitness center. There is also a renowned restaurant on-site, with a free breakfast served each morning.

READ MORE - Click here for more great hotel options

Where to stay when you reach Los Angeles

Once you've arrived in Los Angeles, you will want to base yourself at a relaxing hotel that is well-located for exploring the “City of Angels”. The chic Courtyard by Marriott Los Angeles LA LIVE is the ideal choice .

Los Angeles, California, USA with the cityscape downtown Los Angeles at sunset with palm trees in the foreground.

You can look forward to a comfortable night's rest in one of the high-end guestrooms or you may prefer to lounge by the gorgeous rooftop swimming pool. There is also a bar and restaurant plus a fitness center on-site.

The hotel is a short walk from the Staples Center, GRAMMY Museum LA Live, and the Microsoft Theater, which means you can easily explore this fascinating city on foot.

Things to see on a road trip from Toronto to Los Angeles

To help you plan the perfect road trip, we've picked out some of the highlights from each of our routes.

Both routes

  • Chicago, Illinois - The third largest city in the US offers beautiful architecture, a vibrant music scene, great food and shopping, and interesting museums. You can also enjoy lovely green spaces and the beaches of Lake Michigan.

Grand Canyon National Park, USA taken at Pima Point during sunrise.

  • Detroit, Michigan - Spend some time in “Motor City”, which is also famous for Motown music. Visit Detroit Institute of Arts and the historic Eastern Market or enjoy the city's art deco architecture, as well as its buzzing food scene.
  • Ann Arbor, Michigan - Pedestrian-friendly Ann Arbor is known as “Tree City”, as it boasts lots of greenery. Downtown features plenty of restaurants and art galleries, while wider Washtenaw County is home to charming small towns and villages.
  • Des Moines, Iowa - The state's largest city features a striking Capitol Building. Other attractions include the State Historical Museum of Iowa, Des Moines Art Center, and the beautiful Des Moines Botanical Garden.
  • Denver, Colorado - The state's capital, “Mile-High City” is famous for its cowboy and mining past and is also a gateway to the spectacular Rocky Mountains. Known for its green parks and museums, Denver is also home to a vibrant arts scene.
  • Oljato Monument Valley, Arizona - Part of Monument Valley and surrounding Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park, here you can explore local Navajo culture and enjoy the vast, empty spaces.
  • Grand Canyon, Arizona - This UNESCO World Heritage Site is one of the most popular U.S. tourist attractions. Our route takes you to the South Rim and you can also explore Kaibab National Forest.

Zion National Park, Utah, USA with a view of the Watchman mountain and the virgin river.

  • Grand Rapids, Michigan - Enjoy a stop in this interesting city, which boasts a colorful arts and culture scene, as well as great restaurants, shopping, and outdoor activities. Be sure to visit Grand Rapids Public Museum and Grand Rapids Art Museum.
  • Milwaukee, Wisconsin - This diverse city has deep native roots, which are celebrated at the many festivals held each year. You can also visit Hoan Bridge, Milwaukee Art Museum, and the cool Harley-Davidson Museum, and take a boat tour on Lake Michigan.
  • Sioux Falls, South Dakota - A gateway to the northern Great Plains, Black Hills and Palisades State Park, Sioux Falls is great for lovers of the outdoors. Don't miss the impressive waterfalls in Falls Park, then spend time discovering the town's unique culture, food, and shopping.
  • Rapid City, South Dakota - East of Black Hills National Forest, Rapid City is known as a gateway to Mount Rushmore. However, the town itself is worth a visit, with its Reptile Gardens and Art Alley.
  • Mount Rushmore, South Dakota - The iconic visitor attraction features the faces of presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln carved 60-foot high on the side of a mountain.
  • Yellowstone National Park - Extending through Wyoming and into Montana and Idaho, this 3,500-square mile national park is a real highlight of the route. Visit Old Faithful geyser, and enjoy great riding, hiking, and wildlife spotting.
  • Dixie National Forest, Utah - Here, you can visit Red Canyon with its brilliant red spires and cliffs. You can also view the impressive limestone formations, hike in Pine Valley, enjoy Panguitch Lake and Sevier River, or hike Boulder Mountain.
  • Zion National Park, Utah - Marvel at the rock formations and sandstone cliffs, and enjoy great hiking, climbing, canoeing, and camping. The park also features beautiful wildflowers, hanging ferns and mosses. If you'd like to hike up to Angels Landing, you will need a permit and will need to make a reservation. Check the Zion National Park's website for more details.
  • Las Vegas, Nevada - Embrace the non-stop entertainment, lively nightlife, and global cuisine in this one-of-a-kind destination. If you want a break from the neon lights and ringing slots, you can head out to explore Death Valley National Park and Red Rock Canyon.

Las Vegas, USA View of the strip at night.

Best time to go on a road trip from Toronto to Los Angeles

Along each of our routes, you will cross several very different climate zones, which feature extreme weather conditions. However, Los Angeles is a true year-round destination, with mild temperatures across the seasons.

Both routes start around the Great Lakes region, which experiences cold winters and moderate summers. As you travel west, mountains and deserts introduce arid areas, with very hot summers and very cold winters.

As a result, spring and fall are the best times to go on this road trip. You'll enjoy mild days and sunny weather in the southwest. These times of year are great if you want to enjoy outdoor activities en route.

Expect summer temperatures of up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit along parts of our routes, especially in Utah. Meanwhile, winters can see temperatures fall below 30 degrees and there might be disruption to your travel plans, including some closures. We recommend checking before you travel.

Los Angeles hosts glamorous award shows during the year, such as January's Golden Globe Awards, February's Academy Awards, and September's Emmy Awards. These might be great for celeb-spotting but be aware that hotel rooms book up in advance.

Other events of note are LA Pride in June, the Halloween Carnival in October, and December's Hollywood Christmas Parade.

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Toronto to California drive

Toronto to california road trip planner.

Here's a sample itinerary for a drive from Toronto to California. If you're planning a road trip to California, you can research locations to stop along the way. Make sure you check road conditions to double check the weather. Traveling with a dog or cat? Find pet-friendly stops . Camping along the way? Search for RV campgrounds . Find the best hotels, restaurants, and attractions based on the most talked about places recommended by Trippy members.

10:00 am  start in Toronto drive for about 4 hours

1:56 pm   Detroit stay for about 1 hour and leave at 2:56 pm drive for about 4.5 hours

day 1 driving ≈ 8.5 hours find more stops

11:00 am  leave from The James Chicago Hotel drive for about 5 hours

day 2 driving ≈ 5 hours find more stops

9:00 am  leave from Des Moines drive for about 6 hours

3:02 pm   North Platte stay for about 1 hour and leave at 4:02 pm drive for about 3.5 hours

day 3 driving ≈ 9.5 hours find more stops

10:00 am  leave from Cheyenne drive for about 3.5 hours

1:39 pm   Rock Springs (Wyoming) stay for about 1 hour and leave at 2:39 pm drive for about 3 hours

day 4 driving ≈ 6.5 hours find more stops

9:00 am  leave from Hotel Monaco Salt Lake City - a Kimpton Hotel drive for about 6.5 hours

3:28 pm   Tonopah stay for about 1 hour and leave at 4:28 pm drive for about 3 hours

7:21 pm  arrive at California

day 5 driving ≈ 9.5 hours find more stops

Where should I stop along the way?

Detroit   (42 answers)     Comerica Park   (4 mentions)     Detroit Institute of Arts   (4 mentions)     Greektown Casino-Hotel   (4 mentions)     Motown Historical Museum   (2 mentions)     Ford Rouge Factory Tour   (2 mentions)     restaurants around Detroit:         Slows Bar-B-Q         Santorini Estiatorio Detroit     questions about Detroit:         What is your favorite restaurant in Detroit?         Places to stay in Detroit         What is there to see in Detroit? Chicago   (337 answers)     Millennium Park   (54 mentions)     The Art Institute of Chicago   (48 mentions)     Shedd Aquarium   (46 mentions)     Willis Tower   (38 mentions)     Lincoln Park Zoo   (35 mentions)     restaurants around Chicago:         Lou Malnati's Pizzeria         Pequod's Pizza         Girl & the Goat         Big Star         Au Cheval     hotels around Chicago:         The James Chicago Hotel         Hotel Palomar Chicago         Acme Hotel Company Chicago         Virgin Hotels Chicago         Thompson Chicago     questions about Chicago:         What is your favorite restaurant in Chicago?         Best Chicago pizza?         What to do in one weekend in Chicago?         airport transportation         Chicago - Should we rent a car or no? Des Moines   (29 answers)     questions about Des Moines:         What's the best neighborhood in Des Moines for a first time visitor?         Any good hiking spots in or near Des Moines? North Platte   (4 answers) Cheyenne   (20 answers)     questions about Cheyenne:         Driving from Kennesaw ga to Cheyenne wy         What are some "must see" places in Cheyenne. Rock Springs (Wyoming)   (6 answers) Salt Lake City   (110 answers)     Temple Square   (8 mentions)     Liberty Park   (5 mentions)     Tracy Aviary   (3 mentions)     Red Butte Garden & Arboretum   (2 mentions)     The Beehive House   (2 mentions)     restaurants around Salt Lake City:         Red Iguana         Maxwell's East Coast Eatery         Pig and A Jelly Jar     hotels around Salt Lake City:         Hotel Monaco Salt Lake City - a Kimpton Hotel         Salt Lake City Marriott Downtown         The Grand America Hotel         The Little America Hotel Salt Lake City         Off-Broadway Studios     questions about Salt Lake City:         What is your favorite restaurant in Salt Lake City?         What's the best, cant-miss meal in Salt Lake City?         Centrally-Located Hotels in Salt Lake City?         Winter time activities in Salt Lake City         Places to bar hop and night life in SLC? Tonopah

What are some things to do in California?

This section could be endless, so rather than trying to suggest every local activity or attraction, we'll leave it open-ended.

Of course, Trippy is the perfect place to ask questions because there's an entire community of travelers talking to each other and sharing tips and advice. Trippy is where you can get answers personalized for your tastes, budgets, trip dates & more!

For example, here are some questions people have asked about California. Click on any question to see answers from the community!


Click the button below to explore more questions and answers related to California.

Do I really have to go back home?

Yes, even this step is optional, because if you're on vacation who wants the trip to end? It's okay, you can start planning your next trip!

Want to plan the trip back? Get the reverse directions for a California to Toronto drive , or go to the main page to plan a new road trip .

You can also compare the travel time if you're flying or driving by calculating the distance from Toronto to California . Or get a full Toronto to California flight plan .

Don't forget about exploring your own hometown with a staycation. You can also find some cool day trips or get away for a weekend.

And if you know Toronto well, please help your fellow travelers and answer their questions about Toronto!

More info on this route:

road conditions from Toronto to California

places to eat

alternate routes

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A red car driving along the Mendocino coastline.

'California Road Trips' 2024 features eight themed itineraries

By Kristen Bonilla Posted 9 days ago

  • Tune in: All-new Visit California TV spots premiere in U.S. and Canada Print
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Tied to Visit California’s new Ultimate Playground branding, there’s an itinerary catered to each of the eight different California play styles, and the guide includes a QR code that links to an online quiz allowing readers to unlock their personalized play style.

“With scenery that is constantly shifting and consistently beautiful, a California road trip is a great way to experience firsthand the abundance that makes California the Ultimate Playground,” said Caroline Beteta, president and CEO of Visit California. “This year’s guide invites travelers to discover destinations and experiences that align with their individual style of play and to pursue playfulness while exploring the Golden State.”

Cover star Hudson, an EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony) winner, moved to Los Angeles when she launched “The Jennifer Hudson Show,” a daytime talk program that films in Burbank. Hudson has fully embraced her California surroundings, embarking on road trips up and down the coast and experimenting with new activities.

“I’ve always been a busybody,” said Hudson. “Doing a lot, coming up with big, bright ideas. But being here, there is so much you can do. And it’s never too late to learn.”

Jennifer Hudson on the cover of the California Road Trips guide.

Since moving to Southern California, Hudson has taken a swimming lesson with Olympian Ryan Lochte and learned to ski with another Olympian, Jonny Moseley. She has also gone horseback riding and whale-watching, and her thirst for discovery has led her on multiple road trips.

The itineraries featured in the 2024 California Road Trips guide cover every corner of the state. A few highlights include:

  • “Canvassing California History,” a 640-mile trek that begins in Sacramento and transports motorists back to the Gold Rush era — with stops at Lassen Volcanic National Park and Mt. Shasta.
  • “The Fun Zone: Los Angeles, Disneyland, and Mountains,” a five-day trip that starts at Long Beach Airport and takes travelers east to Big Bear and south to Newport Beach, with multiple laughter-filled stops along the way.
  • “Adventures from the East Bay to the Sierra Crest,” a weeklong journey that provides towering trees, epic views and countless opportunities to hike, bike, kayak and work up an appetite.

Each of the eight itineraries includes a QR code linking to an extended, detailed version available on the California Road Trip Republic hub at VisitCalifornia.com/Road-Trips .

The guide closes with Jennifer Hudson’s California Questionnaire, in which she reveals her top shopping destinations, her favorite California song, her preferred way to play in California and how her ultimate dream day would unfold.

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10 Scenic California Road Trips You Should Add To Your Bucket List

  • California is filled with natural wonders and a rich cultural heritage, making it a top destination for road trips.
  • Scenic road trips in California include the Gold Country, Ancient Bristlecone Scenic Byway, and Bigfoot Scenic Byway.
  • These road trips offer stunning landscapes, historical sites, and opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking and skiing.

Stretching from the Mexican border in the south to the Pacific Ocean in the west, California is one of the crowning jewels of the Americas. The Golden State is filled with natural wonders, a diverse coastline, lush forests, and a rich cultural heritage. From state parks known for hikes with ocean views to unusual places to visit , there's no scarcity of gorgeous places to discover in California.

For road trips, the Golden State is one for the books. Whether it's by the coast, in the gold country, or by the rugged mountains, exciting adventures await travelers to explore the awe-inspiring beauty of California.

Here are the 10 scenic California road trips worth adding to the bucket list!

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Gold Country (Highway 49)

Passes through the mineral deposits and gold mining communities.

The 1849 California Gold Rush attracted about 300,000 people known as '49ers' and has since made history in California's mining industry. Starting in Oakhurst in Sierra Nevada, this scenic road trip winds through counties and communities, including Columbia, a former California Gold Rush town , where travelers can still ride a real stagecoach. Local wildlife, redwood and pine forests, and beautiful lakes and rivers are a sight to behold along Highway 49 ( Gold Country ), also known as the Golden Chain Highway. The roadway then ends at its terminus in Vinton.

  • Road Trip Length: 295 miles
  • Major Stops: Tahoe National Forest , Columbia State Historic Park , Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park
  • Best Time to Drive: Year-Round

Travelers should also not miss dropping by the Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park, which marked James W. Marshall's discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill in 1848.

Ancient Bristlecone Scenic Byway (Route 168)

Where you can see the oldest pin tree in the world.

The Ancient Bristlecone Scenic Byway or Highway 168 passes through the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest in the White Mountains. It's a protected area in Inyo National Forest, where these pine trees grow up to 11,000 feet above sea level. One notable attraction of this scenic California road trip is the Methuselah Grove, where the Methuselah, a 4,850+ years old pine tree, is found, and it is the oldest in the world. The byway ascends through pinyon-juniper woodlands, starting from Bishop to the Patriarch Grove.

  • Road Trip Length: 34 miles
  • Approximate Driving Time: 2 hours
  • Major Stops: Inyo National Forest (Mount Whitney, Mono Lake, Mammoth Lakes Basin)
  • Best Time to Visit: May to November

Bigfoot Scenic Byway (Route 96)

A possibility to see 'bigfoot' for the lucky ones.

The elusive Sasquatch, most commonly known as 'Bigfoot,' is said to have been inhabiting some forests in the Pacific Northwest, which has the most sightings of Bigfoot . The Bigfoot Scenic Byway begins in Willow Creek through the town of Happy Camp, where a 12-foot-tall Sasquatch statue, which is made of scrap metal, is located. There may be little to zero chance of seeing Bigfoot, but the winding rivers, deep green forests, and natural landscapes are rewarding.

  • Road Trip Length: 89 miles
  • Major Stops: Redwood National Park , Marble Mountains Wilderness , Six Rivers National Forest , Klamath National Forest
  • Best Time to Visit: Year-round

For daring travelers, the Marble Mountains Wilderness offers exciting outdoor excursions, including hiking, rafting, biking, horseback riding, skiing, kayaking, and snowshoeing.

Feather River Scenic Byway (Route 70)

60 miles of natural haven with gigantic rock outcroppings & majestic forests.

The Feather River Scenic Byway leads to the giant rock outcroppings, enchanting waterfalls, beautiful meadows, deep forests, and amazing flora and fauna along Highway 70 from Oroville to the Sierra Valley on the western edge of the Great Basin. Travelers can take in the gorgeous sights of cascading waterfalls, wildflowers blooming in season, gorgeous fall foliage, and stunning woodland ecosystems. Along the way, there are hiking trails, campgrounds, and fun water activities, including kayaking, rafting, and fishing, as well as skiing and snowboarding in winter within the elevated landscape.

  • Road Trip Length: 60 miles
  • Approximate Driving Time: 1.5 to 2 hours
  • Major Stops: Plumas-Eureka State Park , Tahoe National Forest , Plumas National Forest

Jacinto Reyes Scenic Byway (Route 33)

Beautiful flora and fauna with stunning views of the pacific ocean.

Spectacular views of diverse terrain, gorgeous cliffs, deep riparian zones, stunning rock formations, as well as amazing plantlife and wildlife are fitted along the Jacinto Reyes Scenic Byway on Highway 33. Starting in Ojai, one of the charming towns in California , this scenic road trip leads through the junction of Lockwood Valley Road. The drive also offers stunning coastal views of the Golden State to the south, where the Pacific Ocean is gleaming. Scenic stops include the Rose Valley Recreation Area and the Piedra Blanca Rock Formations in Los Padres National Forest .

  • Road Trip Length: 37.7 miles
  • Approximate Driving Time: 1 hour
  • Major Stops: Rose Valley Recreation Area , Dry Lakes Ridge Botanical Area, Piedra Blanca Rock Formations

The scenic stops offer exciting trails for daring travelers who want to go hiking, horseback riding, and biking.

Artists Drive Scenic Loop (Death Valley National Park)

A nine-mile loop drive known for its colorful hills and rugged beauty.

Famed for its multi-colored eroded hills that were formed by sedimentation and volcanic deposits, the Artists Drive Scenic Loop on Death Valley National Park is popular among tourists visiting the area. It's a short nine-mile drive that winds through the Artists Palette, which is splashed with rainbow colors. The Artists Drive is one of the best things to do in the Death Valley National Park region and also showcases the rugged beauty of the Black Mountains and the spiral pattern of the white salt flats.

  • Road Trip Length: 9 miles
  • Approximate Driving Time: 20 minutes
  • Major Stops: Artists Palette
  • Best Time to Visit: Year-round (perfect in afternoon light)

The Artists Drive is one-way and restricts vehicle length of up to 25 feet because of sharp turns and dips.

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Death Valley Scenic Byway (Highway 190)

Expansive landscape and natural beauty with rich cultural and historical sites.

Unique desert wildlife, marvelous landscapes, colored dunes, below-sea-level dips, iron-red sandstone canyons, and mysterious singing rocks are a sight to behold along the Death Valley Scenic Byway . The Death Valley is known as the driest and hottest place in America, which is why winter is the best time to visit and explore this 3.3 million-acre park . This scenic road trip begins at the eastern entrance of the park on Highway 190 to its western border.

  • Road Trip Length: 81.5 miles
  • Approximate Driving Time: 2 to 3.5 hours
  • Major Stops: Dante's View, Badwater Basin , Telescope Peak
  • Best Time to Visit: Year-round (perfect in winter and spring)

It is recommended to drop by the Furnace Creek Visitor Center (Death Valley Museum and Visitor Center) before taking the scenic drive to learn more about the park and the best viewpoints along the byway.

Ebbetts Pass Scenic Byway (Route 4)

Gorgeous thick forests & open meadows.

Vast sequoia redwood forests, sweeping alpine views, and shimmering lakes await all travelers on the Ebbetts Pass Scenic Byway on Highway 4. Starting in Arnold, this 61-mile scenic California road trip winds through wild landscapes such as ancient volcanic peaks and granite outcroppings until it ends in the town of Markleeville. In winter, the area provides exciting skiing and snowshoeing activities for those who love winter sports. Also, travelers should look out for bald eagles along the way!

  • Road Trip Length: 61 miles
  • Approximate Driving Time: 2 to 5 hours
  • Major Stops: Stanislaus National Forest , Bear Valley Mountain Resort , Grover Hot Springs State Park
  • Best Time to Visit: Winter, Summer, Fall

Kings Canyon Scenic Byway (Route 180)

A 50-mile scenic byway dotted with giant trees, impressive peaks, and deep forests.

Starting in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada in Dunlap, the Kings Canyon Scenic Byway on Highway 180 winds through gorgeous pine, fir, and oak chaparral forests, as well as giant sequoia groves before it ends a little past Cedar Grove in Kings Canyon National Park. Travelers who want to take a day trip to California's stunning Sierra Nevada Mountains will enjoy a scenic road trip on the Kings Canyon Scenic Byway . Take in the sights of gigantic trees, natural caves, cascading waterfalls, and enchanting flora and fauna, and don't miss out on stopping by the Sequoia National Forest, which is home to the General Sherman Tree .

  • Road Trip Length: 50 miles
  • Major Stops: Sequoia National Forest, Giant Sequoia National Monument , Kings Canyon National Park
  • Best Time to Visit: May to October

Although the byway is drivable year-round, the section past the turn-off to Hume Lake is closed in winter. It's recommended to take the road trip sometime between May and October.

Related: 10-Day California Road Trip Itinerary With Scenic Stops

Angeles Crest Scenic Byway (Route 2)

66 miles of lush forests and woodlands over the san gabriel mountains.

Known as the most scenic road trip in Southern California, the Angeles Crest Scenic Byway ascends from 1,500 to 7,900 feet and starts from La Cañada-Flintridge to Wrightwood on Route 138. The drive takes travelers through the awe-inspiring chaparral, woodlands, and montane forests of Angeles National Forest and the gorgeous peaks of the San Gabriel mountain range. A great stop is the Mount Wilson Observatory, which offers breathtaking views of the Los Angeles Basin.

  • Road Trip Length: 66 miles
  • Approximate Driving Time: 3 hours
  • Major Stops: Angeles National Forest , Mount Wilson Observatory
  • Best Time to Visit: Spring, Summer, Fall

10 Scenic California Road Trips You Should Add To Your Bucket List


  1. Driving from California to Canada: Your Ultimate Road Trip Guide

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  2. Road Trip from Los Angeles to Vancouver

    The 1,550 mile road trip from Los Angeles to Vancouver takes 32 hours of driving. Notable attractions along the way include Morro Bay, Big Sur, and the Redwood National Park, as well as the cities of San Luis Obispo, Portland, and Seattle. With so many stop-off options available, be sure to read until the end to learn about all the cool places ...

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  4. Everything you need to know before taking a road trip to Canada

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  5. Road Trip From San Francisco To Vancouver

    The Pacific Northwest is bursting with incredible landscapes and a huge array of vibrant wildlife, so to see the best of California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, consider doing the road trip from San Francisco to Vancouver. The 950-mile road trip from San Francisco to Vancouver takes 15 hours 30 minutes to drive.

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  7. California to Canada

    Air Canada, Alaska Airlines, Inc., and Delta fly from Sacramento (SMF) to Vancouver (YVR) every 4 hours. Alternatively, you can take a bus from Los Angeles Union Station to Toronto via Las Vegas S Strip Transit Terminal, St Louis Bus Station, Indianapolis, IN, Toledo Bus Stop, and Detroit Bus Station in around 2d 12h. Airlines.

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  9. California to Vancouver drive

    drive for about 2.5 hours. 12:27 pm Tacoma. eat at Duke's Chowder House. stay for about 1 hour. and leave at 1:27 pm. drive for about 3 hours. 4:25 pm arrive in Vancouver. stay at Yaletown. day 4 driving ≈ 5.5 hours.

  10. California to Canada Road Trip

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  14. Southern California to Canada Road Trip

    Southern California to Canada Road Trip. March 13, 2017 by Joella // Paper Crane Stories, in category Cali Travel, California, Life, National Parks, Packing and Travel Tips, Road Trips, Travel, Travel with baby, USA. Taking a road trip from southern California to Canada has been on my wish list of things to do since we moved to Newport Beach ...

  15. The Classic Pacific Coast Highway Road Trip

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  16. Road Trip Route Planner, Map and Trip Guides

    Did you know: If you use the Roadtrippers mobile app, your trips will instantly auto-sync over... Ready for navigation and good times! Search. The ultimate road trip planner to help you discover extraordinary places, book hotels, and share itineraries all from the map.

  17. 40 Best Stops Between Sacramento and Vancouver

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  19. Canada to California Road Trip Planner

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    drive for about 3.5 hours. 12:45 pm Mount Shasta (California) stay for about 1 hour. and leave at 1:45 pm. drive for about 2.5 hours. 4:16 pm Crater Lake National Park. stay for about 1 hour. and leave at 5:16 pm. drive for about 2.5 hours.

  21. Road Trip Planner

    Keep exploring with the Roadtrippers mobile apps. Anything you plan or save automagically syncs with the apps, ready for you when you hit the road! Plan your next trip, find amazing places, and take fascinating detours with the #1 trip planner. Every trip is a road trip.

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  23. Toronto to California drive

    drive for about 6.5 hours. 3:28 pm Tonopah. stay for about 1 hour. and leave at 4:28 pm. drive for about 3 hours. 7:21 pm arrive at California. day 5 driving ≈ 9.5 hours. find more stops. From:

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