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TDE’s REASON Talks Top Dawg Relationship, Choosing Rap Over Basketball & How J. Cole Inspired ‘Colored Dreams’

Billboard sat down with REASON to speak on his TDE debut There You Have It, the gems he's taken from his labelmates, his relationship with Top Dawg, turning down playing professional basketball to…

By Mark Elibert

Mark Elibert

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Top Dawg Entertainment’s newest signee, REASON , is running a well-deserved victory lap. After a number of hardships that could’ve broken anyone’s psyche, REASON beat the odds through a relentless work ethic and sheer force of will. The past few months have elevated REASON’s standing amongst new rappers with a coveted cypher spot at this year’s BET Hip Hop Awards, a standout feature on Black Panther: The Album , and opening for Jay Rock on The Big Redemption Tour all stamped on his resume. With so much in store for the young MC, it’s hard to believe the 28 year old was ready to quit music just a year ago.

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REASON has always been a dreamer. As he grew up in Carson, CA, REASON had aspirations of making it to the NBA. He received a basketball scholarship from Northwestern College in Iowa and while there, the “Better Dayz” rapper developed a love for music that stemmed from the frustrations of attending a school that’s culturally different from Carson. Music would slowly take over basketball as REASON recorded a number of freestyles as a form of therapy. After graduating from Northwestern, REASON’s newfound love influenced him to turn down a contract to play professionally in Greece in order to focus solely on music.

REASON’s start in music was not the most gracious. He worked a bunch of mediocre jobs to fund his craft and few took him seriously in his hometown. A considerable buzz grew with his first mixtape The Free Album , but it was his second project There You Have It (the original version of his remastered TDE debut) that was meant to be the breakout moment. Thousands of dollars were put into the creation of the mixtape with nine thousand going to a publicist who was supposed to build exposure for the project. After receiving the payment, the publicist disappeared and the mixtape fell into obscurity.

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Despite losing everything and nearly quitting on his dreams, REASON crossed paths with Moosa Tiffith, the son of TDE founder and CEO Anthony “Top Dawg” Tiffith. Through this relationship and meeting the TDE boss, REASON signed with the hip-hop powerhouse after his mixtape, There You Have It caught Top’s attention. In August 2018, Top announced the signing by releasing REASON’s “The Soul,” a passionate record explaining his come-up.     

With his TDE debut, There You Have It, REASON is establishing himself within the TDE family as the honest story-teller. He details the struggles he’s encountered in his life in grim detail with nods of having a good time throughout the chaos. It’s the first time a TDE artist has their story told in such a bold manner and according to REASON he wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Billboard sat down with REASON to speak on his TDE debut There You Have It , the gems he’s taken from his labelmates, his relationship with Top Dawg, turning down playing professional basketball to focus on his music career, and his starting five of artists skilled at hooping. Check it out below.

How did the transition into music affect you despite your passion for sports?

It was hard, mentally, for me to accept. To me, I felt like I was pretty much saying I failed in sports. I didn’t reach the goals I wanted to reach in basketball and it was a tough battle having to deal with that. The transition made it really hard for me to tell people that I was doing music. I had just gotten back from school and everyone knew me for hooping. When you tell people you want to do music, you’ll more than likely run into people who’ll laugh at you. It was a strong battle of believing in myself and having the confidence to keep going.

How did it feel turning down that contract to play professionally in Greece knowing you’d be making money instantly?

It had the reverse effect for me. It wasn’t as hard of a decision only because it was kind of like a step in that journey. Even though I didn’t make it to my ultimate goal, the NBA, I reached a level where I could’ve played professionally. It almost allowed me to be able to let it go a little bit more, honestly. I feel like if I didn’t get that offer, I would’ve spent another year and a half stuck in that limbo stage trying to figure out which one I wanted to do. I’m really hard on myself when I feel like I’ve failed, so that gave me a small step to kind of take that weight off my shoulder a little bit and allowed me to go into music.  

What have the first few months at TDE been like for you and what is your goal for the label?

Joining TDE comes with a lot of pressure. It’s really dope to be the new person at such a great team. It’s like joining the Lakers when you’re the new guy. You’re excited but after 10 games into the season, you see what all that comes with. It’s all fun and games until you’re on the court and see the banners. You have to step up, hit these goals and prove yourself. We have some incredible artists on the label and it’s a very “earn your stripes” type of label. If you’re not bringing it, you can easily be pushed to the back. It’s really about who can stay on the label’s mind and not only impress the world, but you have to impress everyone on the label. K Dot, Q, everybody.

The pressure is weird though. Even though we’re all on the same label, it’s just weird. I was always a huge TDE fan and they impressed me more now than they ever did. It really is like playing basketball. You think you could play with them until you hit the floor and really see how they play. It was like, “Goddamn did they turn it up a notch when I got signed?” [Laughs]. My goal as far as being with TDE is to put pressure back on them where they hear my projects or see my videos and feel like they have to work harder because this kid is coming and he’s trying to work his way up the ladder fast.

With the way Top carries himself, always being two steps ahead of everyone, do you ever feel pressure or intimidated whenever you talk to him now?

At first I did. Definitely over this last month, with me being on tour and just talking to him more on the phone, the pressure has faded a little bit. We have more of an open relationship now. I think he’s starting to let me in a little bit more and understand how he’s thinking. But you will always feel an intensity when you’re speaking with Top, unless you’re just joking around or shooting the shit. You always want to bring your best foot forward. If Top is excited, your shit is going to go.

What are the strengths you feel you bring to a powerhouse like TDE?

I feel like TDE has lived in this age where they’ve been mysterious in a way. There’s all this mystique about TDE where no one truly knows what’s going on or what’s happening. I think one thing that I bring to the table is a direct, straightforward approach with the way that I rap and craft my lyrics. I make my metaphors and bars hard to get, but my message is never mistaken. I think it brings a very in-your-face, realistic vision that’s not so hard to understand. I think that’s where Top felt like my music stood out from the rest of the group.

What was the most important gem you’ve learned while being under TDE?

[Jay] Rock just taught me to just always be a professional. He showed me that while on tour certain things can go wrong and you have to be in top form. Rock showed me regardless of the accolades you receive, you always have to keep it together. There’s never any excuses with Rock. He comes with his helmet and hammer, shows this is what he does, and that it’s always about the fans. It seems like it’s a simple bit of advice to know but in the midst of shit going wrong, it means a lot. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and sometimes, I show it a little bit. Rock will never show he’s upset about anything. It’s always about showing up, being a professional first, and putting the fans first.

Kendrick has been teaching me how to keep the end in mind. His approach to making music isn’t always about the music. It’s about knowing you have a perform, make a video, and have a marketing strategy. He’s teaching me not to only do my music just for music, but keep the bigger picture in mind. It’s like what else can you do to elevate the record even further. Kendrick is very strategic in that way. With Top, it wasn’t necessarily learning something directly from him, but he’s always pushing you to embrace your creativity. He tells you to try and change your voice, to try and sing, if you’re a rapper try to make 10 bangers. He inspires you to keep pushing yourself to continue to hustle and to not get comfortable. His motto is hustle like you’re broke.

Where did you find the motivation to keep working on your music despite the tough series of events you encountered prior to signing with TDE?

To be honest with you, my friends and family. They were supportive and put so much into it for me. I felt like there were many times I wanted to quit and if I did, it was going to be a slap to their face. I was getting ready to quit music literally a month before I met Moosa and put this team together to go to Top and play music. A month before that, I went to a rap contest that had a $200 entry. I lost the contest unfairly, in my opinion, and I didn’t have anymore money. My brother Tim actually loaned me $150 and wasn’t allowing me to quit. It was moments like that and my loved ones stepping up to make sure that I didn’t let them or myself down.

Do you feel the music you’re making will help those who are struggling with their mental health because of hardships and failures?

Yes, 100%. That’s something I do want to help with. I went through depression after I graduated with two bachelor degrees. I came home and was pretty much a glorified cashier that was trying to do this new grind with music. I’m only making $12.50 an hour and no other job is even remotely trying to hire me. It made so much sense for me to chase music. My parents didn’t really know rap and felt like I was wasting my time but they tried to be supportive. Then seeing my brother coaching at USC, my sister making six figures and I’m just here trying to figure it out, it did a lot mentally. I know what that can do on the mental level, but people don’t really talk about that affecting your spirit. I feel like when you go through mental health issues, your spirit breaks first before your mind does. A lot of people just give up and fall into depression, you know? I can definitely see myself, and I want to see myself, as somebody that can speak for that moving forward.

Based off the positive reactions you got with your verse on “Seasons,” was there another song on  Black Panther: The Album you wish you were on to really flex your lyrical muscles?

Not based off the reaction of “Seasons” because I was very appreciative of that moment. I honestly didn’t think that verse was going to get its just due. I had that reaction listening to records like “Paramedic” and “X” and seeing how they smashed. It made me think I wanted something that was more mainstream. Fast forward like four, five months looking back on it, I’m glad Kendrick didn’t give me one of those because “Seasons” shows who I really am as an artist, as far as content. It was right up my alley and one of the easiest verses I’ve ever written in my life, to be honest with you. I wrote that verse in 15 minutes but it was just because I was so familiar with it.

        View this post on Instagram                   In honor of the movie droppin tonight, a little behind the scenes footage of making the record! BLESSED! Shot by @xonie_ @cousin_mo_ a fool lol A post shared by REASON (@reasontde) on Feb 15, 2018 at 5:42pm PST

What was the reason for re-releasing There You Have It as your TDE debut?

I always wanted to do that but me and Top’s relationship wasn’t as strong, so I was too nervous to ask it at the time. I really wanted to re-release this project. When Top had us in the studio making new music, I guess he was living with the project for like two weeks and he felt he had to show people why they signed me. Not a lot of people know SiR’s story or SZA’s story or even how TDE even found these people. I feel like he felt like this was a unique opportunity to be able to tell the story without putting a press release out. If they love it when they do more research they’ll figure out why Top pulled the trigger on me.

Why did you decide to continue J. Cole’s “Killers” on “Colored Dreams/Killers Pt. 2?”

I feel like one thing Cole does so uniquely to me is his ability to tell stories. There’s these little, small lines that he’ll say that doesn’t necessarily add too much value to the story, detail wise, but they just add value because you can agree with that. I remember way back on The Warm Up , he had a line talking about a mother getting a phone call that her son was killed and he talked about the phone hitting the floor. He didn’t have to mention the phone hitting the floor but it adds such a unique spectrum to it. I feel like that’s what he brought to “Killers” as well.

I vividly remember where I was when I heard that verse. I was so locked in that when he switched subjects I was like, “Damn, I don’t understand why he wouldn’t finish that story.” [Laughs] . So when I started writing and coming up with the story, I was thinking of how I had to finish it. I had to take this story and run with it because there are so many different avenues to run with it. We expanded upon it with “Thirst” and “Colored Dream.” It’s also a story that continues in my new music that I have coming out. I ran with it a little more and put another twist to it. I think it’ll end up being one of those series that people look forward to on every project.

What was the feeling like releasing your album the same day as Lil Wayne’s Tha Carter V ?

It was scary at first. I think I called or texted [my manager] Keem asking if we were really going to drop the same day as Wayne [Laughs] . But he advised how it’s a different day and age in music and to trust the process. Afterward, I was happy we did it but I was super nervous at first. I would be lying if I said it was all just positive feelings. It was a dream come true to see my name in articles with Wayne. I can’t even tell you what that did. To see people compare our projects, it was almost like you grew up watching Kobe Bryant and you finally get a chance to play against him. It was dope but something I was apprehensive about, to begin with.  

If there was a classic album from a west coast rapper to describe your come up what would it be?

This is going to sound a little cliche but probably Good Kid, M.A.A.D City . I think that album hits a little bit different for people that grew up in Carson. It’s two minutes out of Compton so a lot of the things he was talking about we all knew. I look at it like a story of Kendrick talking through his childhood but then speaking about how his life has changed towards the end. On “Sing About Me,” he talks about how it’s touchy talking about people’s personal life and how they take it versus you. Those are some of the same struggles that I go through when I tell stories about people that are close to me.

You’ve been through this process before so how do you find that trust to believe in TDE having your back?

That was something that I struggled with a lot and still struggle with. My managers and I had a lot of conversations where they had to always tell me you have to pump the brakes and trust the process. I think any TDE artist will tell you that’s a very difficult thing to do, at least anyone that’s not in the original four. This label is very family-orientated and they grew up together so how do I trust somebody like Dave Free, who makes a lot of moves at the label and is Kendrick’s best friend, to even care about what I got going on. That was a huge struggle for me within the first year of being at the label and it’s still something I struggle with now, to be completely honest with you. But as my relationship grows with the label that struggle gets less and less. It’s really like a day by day, week by week process.

Out of all the rappers that can hoop, who’s on your starting lineup?

Definitely me, I think that I’ll be the first one. Chris Brown is nice but he got a cheat code because he’s so athletic with the dancing and shit [Laughs] . With my third choice, people probably wouldn’t notice me saying this but, Lil’ Dicky. He’s fire on the court like he can really hoop it’s a little scary. Fourth, I’d pick Dave East because he’s actually good and he’s tall. Fifth, I don’t know it’s hard after that because artists really suck at ball. Quavo is not bad but I will say I think he’s overhyped. People have been selling this ball thing with Quavo a little too much. He can get out there and play though so that would be my top five.  

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COLORS showcases exceptional talent from all around the globe, focused on the most distinctive new artists and original sounds.

L.A.-based rapper REASON (aka Robert Lee Gill Jr.) broke through in 2018 with his contribution to ‘Seasons’ (with Mozzy and Sjava), a single lifted from the chart-topping compilation ‘Black Panther: The Album’. Since then, the TDE artist has gone on to impress with his guttural delivery and sharp verses on projects like ‘There You Have It’ (a re-released mixtape) and his 2020 debut studio album ‘New Beginnings’. Last year, REASON dropped ‘No More, No Less: Demo 1’, a three-track sampler featuring collaborations with the likes of Isaiah Rashad, Zacari, Wale, and Adé.

REASON Interview


For his debut A COLORS SHOW, REASON delivers a hard-hitting performance of his new single ‘Barely Miss’, which follows on from his newly released track ‘Is What It Is’ with Jay Rock. Featuring a soundscape by producers Mike Hector and Cameron Joseph, the track sees REASON lay down empowering lines over delicate keys, woodwind, and a bass-heavy beat. Check out the full show up top.

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The Break Presents: Reason

Music can be used as a way to face life's troubles; some artists can conceptualize the issues they face better than others. In the case of Reason , he was a 23-year-old college basketball player at school in Iowa, far away from his hometown of Carson, Calif., dealing with life struggles of his own.

"I was just bored out of my mind," Reason tells XXL . " [Lil] Wayne had just dropped Dedication 4 or 5 and I was just having fun, tryna kill time, freestyling on my MacBook and what not. I was going through a lot of personal stuff at the time, so I tried writing my own song about different things that's going on."

Little did he know, recording on his computer would bring him all the way to the watchful eye of Anthony "Top Dawg" Tiffith, the boss man down at Top Dawg Entertainment, recording home to  Kendrick Lamar , ScHoolboy Q, SZA, Jay Rock and many more.

After Reason finished his college ball career and got an invite to play professionally in Greece, he turned it down in pursuit of a rap career. Yet he was extremely secretive about his newfound talent. "I used to sneak in my car and record it, then send it to my brother," he says. "Then, roughly three months after doing that, I started sending it to my homies."

The support from his loved ones lead to Reason jumping into the rap game with both feet. He dropped his first project, the personal and moody The Free Album , in 2016. The project showcases a strong foundation and defined perspective—a regular guy just trying to make it, while also understanding what happening in the streets.

As his name started to rise, Reason released There You Have It in May 2017, supporting it with his own headlining show two months later. The performance changed the trajectory of Reason's career, as ScHoolboy Q's road manager, Keem—uncle to one of Reason's friends—attended the show and brought 20 tickets so that TDE staff could join him. Top Dawg's son, Moosa, was in the house, too. He was so impressed that he sent the project to Top, spurring a meeting between the label boss and Reason.

After a three-week hazing—which included enduring an in-studio roasting session with ScHoolboy Q—Reason signed to TDE in September 2017. His  appearance on "Seasons" from the Black Panther soundtrack  followed in February, and he formally released the song "The Soul" in August, as news of the deal went public .

In September, TDE re-released a slightly condensed version of There You Have It . And even though Reason is living the life he always wanted, he's still working hard—he may be dropping another project next year.

Learn more about Reason in this week's edition of XXL 's The Break .

Hometown: Carson, Calif.

I grew up listening to:  "I grew up listening to [Lil] Wayne, Cassidy , Ludacris , Fabolous , Jay-Z— pretty much a lot of the heavily known, rapper-rappers [with] metaphors [and] punchlines. My favorite rapper of all time is Lil Wayne. Wayne and  J. Cole . motivated me to wanna rap."

My style’s been compared to:  "It's funny, I been compared to Big K.R.I.T . a lot lately, which I don't completely see. But I think K.R.I.T.'s dope. Been compared to [J.] Cole, Jay Rock , more like similarities in voice and different things like that. Crazy enough, a few people have been comparing me to Dave East as well."

My most slept-on song:  "'Letter To God' on The Free Album . After I wrote that song, my brother called me and was like, 'Yo you're gonna make it in music. I know it's a long shot but like, anybody that can write something like this will make it in music.' I think because I wasn't really known like that, it was a slower record and I put it towards the end of the tape, anybody that did listen potentially heard such a slow record towards the end and probably skipped it. But the people that have heard it, I've gotten a lot of reaction off of that song."

My standout records to date have been:  "Definitely 'Better Dayz,' just cause of where it places with me. 'Summer Up'—I had the most fun writing 'Summer Up.' I was in a really really good space. I got a song called 'Colored Dreams' that I think will hit home with a lot of people."

My standout moments to date have been: "The Black Panther album—that was so crazy to me. That was like twice, because when I knew I made it on the Black Panther album, we were like turnt, excited and whatnot. I don't think that I realized how big of a project that was until they posted the tracklist. [And] that New York show—it being the first show of the tour was a pretty big moment in my life. It was incredible. One of those monumental moments."

Most people don’t know:  "I'm a twin and that I started music so late. I think people assume that I been doin' it my whole life, which is a dope thing. My brother coaches at USC, so people, as I started getting bigger in music, people would text me and say, 'Yo I just saw you on TV!'"

I’m going to be the next:  "The next staple in hip hop, I wanna add to the conversation. A lot of people have these conversations about who's the greatest of all time; I have my greatest, he has his greatest, everybody has a greatest. To me, if you make it to the table of conversation, you're the G.O.A.T. In somebody's mind, you're the greatest of all time. I just wanna be involved in that conversation."

Follow Reason on Instagram and Twitter .

Standouts : There You Have It

"The Soul"

"Better Dayz"

"Summer Up"


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REASON Delivers His New Album 'Porches,' Debuts "Call Me" Video

REASON Delivers His New Album ‘Porches,’ Debuts “Call Me” Video


Carson’s very own REASON, a prominent artist under Top Dawg Entertainment (TDE), has unveiled his highly anticipated second album, Porches . Collaborating with a star-studded lineup, including fellow TDE artists Doechii, SiR, Zacari, and Ray Vaughn, alongside KalanFRFR and more, the album paints a rich tapestry of emotions and experiences.

reason tde tour

Produced by an impressive roster including Boi-1da, Vinylz, fierce, Hollywood Cole, Coleman, Mike Hector, and DJ Swish, Porches delves into the shared threads that unite all human lives, regardless of their origin. The album ingeniously explores the concept that, while our paths may differ, the emotions that define us remain interconnected. Through a blend of personal narratives and stories from family members’ perspectives, Porches creates a compelling mosaic that resonates deeply with listeners.

Born in the heart of South Central and later relocating to Carson, REASON’s album navigates the unique interplay between these neighborhoods, lending a poignant depth to the project. “Porches” is not just an album; it’s a masterful reflection of the human experience, inviting audiences to explore the common ground that binds us all.

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reason tde tour

Reason announces upcoming “Off The Porch” Tour

  • By | Yuriy Andriyashchuk
  • Published | November 1, 2023

In August, Top Dawg Entertainment’s Reason dropped off his sophomore album, “ Porches .” 17 songs were released, including appearances from Doechii , SiR, Ray Vaughn, and more. Porches was Reason’s first project since his 2020 debut studio album, “ New Beginnings. ”

Reason has since become one of the hottest artists out of Southern California, as he’s a Carson native. He’s been praised for his lyricism on his records, which were also evident throughout Porches. In the spring, he was even featured on two songs from the “ Creed III ” movie soundtrack. 

Meanwhile, Reason is now preparing to hit the road, to further promote the Porches project. This is the “ Off The Porch” Tour , which will be kicking off in early December. This will be Reason’s first ever headlining tour.

Moreover, the first date of the Off The Porch Tour will take place on December 7, in Portland. 14 dates will be available, as the final show will be held on January 18, in Chicago. Tickets for all dates of the tour will officially go on sale this Friday, November 3.

Check out the full list of dates, cities and venues for Reason’s upcoming Off The Porch Tour, below.

Reason announces upcoming “Off The Porch” Tour

  • featured , Off The Porch Tour , reason , top dawg entertainment

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Kendrick Lamar Went No. 1 on His Own. What Does That Mean for TDE?

Kendrick Lamar went to war with Drake and shot to the top of the Billboard charts … without Top Dawg Entertainment. As TDE turns 20, here’s what life looks like for the label after Kendrick.

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It’s late evening on March 21 as I sit wide-eyed, waiting in anticipation to listen to Heavy , the fourth album from Top Dawg Entertainment’s R&B reserve SiR. Now, two decades after being founded , TDE remains one of the few modern rap labels that can still generate excitement surrounding artist releases, regardless of who it is. Think of the pure chaos and aggression that comes with the bass on ScHoolBoy Q’s “Ride Out” (from 2016’s Blank Face LP ) as he paints the picture of cutthroat confrontation that comes with life as a Hoover Gangster Crip. Think of the foggy and damn near divine Crooklin and D. Sanders–produced instrumental on Isaiah Rashad’s SZA-featured “ Stuck in the Mud ,” off the vibe that is The Sun’s Tirade, where Rashad details his struggles with substance abuse. Or think of the dreamy soundscape where SZA softly sings of her failed relationships and insecurities on her 2017 album, Ctrl.

That is to say, when it was time to press play on Heavy , I was ready to hear SiR sashay through his latest romantic entanglements with dulcet vocals over airy instrumentals. But then I found out that verse dropped.

TDE’s former franchise player, co-founder of media company pgLang, and arguably best rapper alive Kendrick Lamar seized any and all attention in music and Twitter town hall conversation when he shook the earth’s tectonic plates with a guest spot on Future and Metro Boomin’s “Like That,” where he took aim at the other two members of hip-hop’s “Big Three,” fellow rap megastars Drake and J. Cole. On an album laced with subliminals directed toward the Champagne Papi, Kendrick’s verse opened the floodgates for what may be hip-hop’s last great beef . In one night, SiR’s underwhelming fourth project with TDE felt like it came and went.

Very few rappers today carry the gravitas to shift the paradigm with a single verse. Time and time again, Kendrick has proved capable of this, dating back to his now-iconic verse on Big Sean’s 2013 record “Control,” where he attempted to raise the bar of competition in the rap game. With “Like That” as the kickstarter, Kendrick both incited and won the Great War between him and Drake. For those questioning who’s the top emcee between the two rap heavyweights, Kendrick answered the question over the course of four diss tracks viciously dissecting Drake, from the eerie character study “Meet the Grahams” to the indisputable L.A. bop that is “Not Like Us.” The once “good kid” solidified his legacy as the best rapper of his generation with a decisive victory before Drake could even drop “The Heart Part 6.”

On “Push Ups,” Drake dragged Kendrick’s current relationship with TDE founder Anthony “Top Dawg” Tiffith into their personal beef, taking shots at Top Dawg when attempting to belittle Kendrick’s pockets with , “Extortion baby, whole career you been shook up / ’Cause Top told you drop and give me 50 like some push-ups.” But where Drake may have been attempting to open a wound, the end result may have actually exposed how tight K.Dot and his former employers still are. Kendrick was quick to establish that there’s still love and respect for Top while refuting those claims on his first official full diss record, “Euphoria,” when he remarked , “Aye, Top Dawg, who the fuck they think they playin’ with? / Extortion my middle name as soon as you jump off of that plane, bitch.” This moment and the overwhelming support by TDE artists on social media was a reminder that Top Dawg Entertainment is a family, at least by outside appearances. Yet, when “Euphoria” was put on streaming, the copyright reading “Kendrick Lamar, under exclusive license to Interscope Records,” also a reminder that the relationship with TDE is strictly familial.

reason tde tour

Even if extortion seems like an exaggeration, rumors were circulating of Kendrick leaving TDE well before he announced that 2022’s Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers would be his final project for the label. While breaking rap streaming records with “Euphoria” —and later, again, with “Not Like Us” —Kendrick made it clear that he no longer needs the same level of support of the label that signed him at 16 years old. The only label he answers to now is Interscope under a new direct licensing agreement, shedding his ties with Dr. Dre’s Aftermath imprint, too. (Kendrick originally signed a joint deal with Interscope and Aftermath ahead of the release of good kid, m.A.A.d city .) Publicly, Punch (President of TDE and manager of SZA) and Top treated Kendrick like their baby bird leaving the nest by giving Kendrick their blessing to leave TDE and focus on pgLang, but Kendrick’s 2022 departure from TDE marked the end of their 18-year transformation from mom-and-pop record label to a rap empire. How does one continue to grow their empire after losing the fulcrum that held everything together for all those years?

With Kendrick on the front lines winning a Pulitzer Prize and 17 Grammys while dropping undeniable rap classics bearing TDE’s name for all those years—alongside strong outings from his label siblings ScHoolboy Q, Jay Rock, Ab-Soul, SZA, and Isaiah Rashad—the TDE stamp on an artist’s release carries the same weight as a film with the A24 logo flashing at the start of its trailer. Whether that’s seeing Top Dawg sharing 2019 TDE signee Zacari’s single “Don’t Trip” like a Bat signal marking the young singer’s official arrival after he spent years leaving his vocal trail on a plethora of TDE songs. Or seeing newcomer Ray Vaughn on L.A. Leakers sporting a TDE chain under his yellow puffy as he raps his ass off about the night he met Top and Snoop Dogg. Or when “Top Dawg Entertainment” flashes in the opening credits of Doechii’s “Alter Ego” music video, which featured the Tampa-born artist taking viewers through the swamp waters of Florida in a visual that feels so foreign to the L.A.-centric label. When that TDE logo pops up, listeners expect a certain level of hip-hop excellence to follow, even if today’s TDE vastly differs from its earlier incarnation.

In a 2022 interview with Mic , Punch discusses how things have changed since the early days of TDE. The label used to have more synergy amongst its artists, whether that was ScHoolboy Q’s handwriting being included on Kendrick’s good kid album cover or Kendrick showing out on ScHoolboy’s quadruple-platinum single “Collard Greens” less than a year later. You would often see TDE move as a unit, like during their 2013 BET Hip-Hop Awards cypher . Today, the extent of TDE synergy comes in the form of the occasional labelmate guest spot that feels less like artists intertwining styles and more like filling in an open 16 bars or hook on a song. Even Punch admits he is far less hands-on with the newer TDE artists. “With those first guys, I’m in there with them every single day, engineering. We started together and came up together. But a lot of the new artists now are coming into a situation that was already built. They have their own teams, and I just come in when they need,” he said.

Outside of Kendrick’s departure, there have been other signs of mild turbulence within the label. In the past, TDE’s current franchise cornerstone and undeniable megastar SZA has cried for help via Twitter—using words like “hostile” when describing her delayed album and occasionally contentious working relationship with Punch—although these statements would often get deleted at some point. Carson, California, rapper Reason seems like he’s been doing everything in his power to get kicked off the label ever since joining in 2018, whether that’s getting into an argument on a podcast with co-president of TDE and son of Top himself, Moosa, or rapping over Drake beats days after the Toronto rapper accused one of TDE’s presidents of extortion.

When comparing TDE to some of the most iconic rap labels of the past, it’s easy to imagine that losing their first superstar is officially where the decline starts. Death Row’s best days were behind them after Tupac Shakur died in 1996, and Bad Boy was never the same after the Notorious B.I.G.’s death the following year. But the untimely loss of those two greats doesn’t fully explain why those labels fell. At Death Row, Dr. Dre had already walked out the doors before Tupac’s murder, but ultimately, Suge Knight going to prison is what led to Interscope dropping the label. At Bad Boy, Mase appeared to be the one to fill the void Biggie left, going quadruple-platinum in 1997 with his debut album Harlem World , before stepping away from music in pursuit of a higher calling from religion. While this wasn’t the end of Bad Boy, it likely played a factor in Bad Boy being unable to pay back and fulfill the $50 million advance from Arista Records based on good faith earned by a lucrative 1997. Simply losing their breadwinner didn’t do those iconic labels in; a flawed infrastructure and unforeseen circumstances sank their respective ships.

In the midst of the current rap game, TDE is in rare air. Drake’s OVO Sound is at times more focused on propping up Drake and who Drake loves right now than building the genuine camaraderie (and roster of heatmakers) of a TDE, and while J. Cole’s Dreamville stable has a lot of promise, they haven’t touched the commercial success of TDE’s best. In this era, you may not even think of TDE’s journey or what going from independent to world-renowned means anymore; you’ve come to know TDE as an institution for dope Black music.

Now 20 years old, Top Dawg Entertainment doesn’t show signs of a sharp fall-off just yet. First and foremost, they have SZA, whose latest album, SOS , achieved meteoric commercial, critical, and Grammy success with songs like the Billboard Hot 100 chart-topping, five-times-platinum single “ Kill Bill .” TDE not only has a compilation album on the way celebrating their anniversary, but Black Hippy member and original TDE rapper Jay Rock also has his fourth album, Eastside Johnny* , on the horizon. ScHoolboy Q’s latest (and most critically acclaimed ) album, Blue Lips , is a testament to TDE’s ability to churn out premium bodies of work. And even with Kendrick’s “Like That” verse overshadowing SiR’s Heavy , songs like “ Only Human ” reflect the singer’s growth as an artist leaning more into his vulnerability. However, the real test for TDE’s prolonged success comes in developing the roster’s future. How much time is needed to turn the Ray Vaughns, Doechiis, and (checks notes to see if he’s still signed ) Reasons of the label into stars? And as Isaiah Rashad continues to grow creatively with each new release, one has to imagine he has greater potential working with Warner Records and a sober mind.

Those concerns, for now, feel like minor cracks in a well-oiled machine, with SZA’s superstardom being the engine that keeps it all running—although we hope that talk of her next album, the long-awaited Lana , getting a release sometime in the near future doesn’t have you losing sleep at night. For TDE to keep the empire standing, they must appease their queen. In a 2017 OTHERtone interview , Jimmy Iovine praised the way TDE built a buzz around SZA, leading to TDE’s joint deal for SZA with RCA being a 70-30 split in TDE’s favor. Yet still, SZA has spoken about issues with her situation . How much time is there until SZA’s deal with RCA is up, allowing her to fly out of the nest like Kendrick? And will TDE be prepared if that day comes sooner than expected?

At TDE’s peak—somewhere within that 2016-18 era—every single one of their artists dropped a project, and their franchise player Kendrick Lamar made pit stops on almost every single release, bolstering them up through Damn . , culminating with Black Panther: The Album and The Championship Tour . What’s stopping TDE from restoring the feeling with a SZA-centered label renaissance, fueled by guest spots propelling her labelmates’ albums into another stratosphere with divine vocals alone? Top and Punch have proven time and time again that they know when it’s time to strike. And for SiR’s sake, let’s hope Kendrick gives TDE a heads-up next time he plans on starting a rap beef around the time of a TDE release.

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Tde signs california rapper reason, shares “the soul”.

By Darryl Robertson

Darryl Robertson

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Reason Signs To TDE, Releases "The Soul": Stream

Top Dawg Entertainment added to its talented roster this week (Aug. 8). TDE founder Anthony “Top Dawg” Tiffith announced the signing of Reason , a Carson, Calif.-bred rapper who gained exposure when he appeared on the label’s Black Panther soundtrack on a song called “Seasons.”

“INTRODUCING @iam_reason TO THE TEAM. ‘The Soul,'” Top Dawg wrote in a tweet . He included a link to Reason’s new song “The Soul” in the post as well.

Reason also tweeted about the good news: “Proud to say I’m part of the family! #TDE The Soul.”

Proud to say I’m part of the family! #TDE The Soul Link in my bio — REASON TDE (@iam_reason) August 8, 2018

He also expanded on his signing in a lengthier Instagram post. “Finally able to proudly put this out and say thank you to @topdawgent for welcoming me to the family,” he wrote. “And a huge thank you to @dangerookipawaa for taking a chance on me. You saved my life and I’m here to work. First release of many! “The Soul” link in my bio!”

Before the inked dried on the contract, Reason released a new song dubbed “The Soul” where he delivers passionate bars about his come-up. It’s basically a classic “I’ve finally made it” kind of vibe, and it’s dope.

“Patience, new beginnings coming/Ni**as been had drive, just had to get their engine running/You either die chasing dreams or you live for nothing,” he spits on the song.

TDE President Punch Henderson Calls J. Cole's Apology To Kendrick Lamar "Genuine"

INTRODUCING @iam_reason TO THE TEAM. “The Soul” #TDE — TOP DAWG #TDE (@dangerookipawaa) August 8, 2018
Finally able to proudly put this out and say thank you to @topdawgent for welcoming me to the family. And a huge thank you to @dangerookipawaa for taking a chance on me. You saved my life and I’m here to work. First release of many! “The Soul” link in my bio! #TopDawgEntertainment #Soulful A post shared by Reason (@iamreasonofficial) on Aug 8, 2018 at 12:32pm PDT

READ MORE:  NFL Draft Prospect Derrius Guice Becomes The First Athlete To Sign With TDE

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Reason Accuses TDE of Sabotaging New Album, Label Co-President Responds Asking If Anyone Can Name 10 Reason Songs (UPDATE)

Reason claimed TDE prevented features on his album, and Moosa replied saying Dave Free once called the rapper a "substitute teacher." Punch also weighed in.

UPDATED 8/8, 11:30 p.m. ET:   Top Dawg Entertainment ’s Punch has responded to Reason's comments and the ensuing conversation about label support or lack thereof.

Punch , who is TDE's co-president alongside Moosa, hopped on Twitter on Tuesday to say it’s becoming "stale" for a rapper to blame their label over issues regarding promotion of an album.

“That big bad mean ol label narrative is getting stale,” Punch wrote. "You mean ol evil label. Lol."

That big bad mean ol label narrative is getting stale. — Punch TDE (@iamstillpunch) August 8, 2023
You mean ol evil label. Lol. — Punch TDE (@iamstillpunch) August 8, 2023

Replying to a user who asked if it's acceptable that Moosa is "talking to one of your artists like that," Punch explained, “I’m never cool with discussing things publicly that should be discussed in private. BUT if things are being brought to the public then everyone should get a chance to state their truth on a subject.”

I’m never cool with discussing things publicly that should be discussed in private. BUT if things are being brought to the public then everyone should get a chance to state their truth on a subject. — Punch TDE (@iamstillpunch) August 8, 2023

Punch spent a good amount of time going back and forth with a number of users on the platform now known as X. When it comes to release dates, he said “ultimately it’s the artist call” and that TDE is an “artist friendly label.”

“You also aren’t dealing with a faceless corporation,” Punch said in another post. “This isn’t universal or sony etc…n***as know who TDE is and know the actual ppl.”

Read a handful of Punch's responses here:

What beef? — Punch TDE (@iamstillpunch) August 8, 2023
Yours so confused. I wish I had the time to help you with your understanding on this. — Punch TDE (@iamstillpunch) August 8, 2023
What we dropped the ball on? — Punch TDE (@iamstillpunch) August 8, 2023
I can’t do that with so many preconceived ideas of how things work. — Punch TDE (@iamstillpunch) August 8, 2023
Ultimately it’s the artist call. We’ll definitely go back and forth discussing matters. But if the artist feels strongly then we go with that. — Punch TDE (@iamstillpunch) August 8, 2023
It’s not a blame thing. Sometimes it’s management and sometimes it’s artist. Simple as that. But when it’s on the artist, you rarely hear management come out and say that. — Punch TDE (@iamstillpunch) August 8, 2023
But you’re ok with a artist in a interview discrediting the ppl trying to help them. Throwing the label under the bus? — Punch TDE (@iamstillpunch) August 8, 2023
It’s a artist friendly label. If the artist don’t want to do it then… 🤷🏽‍♂️ — Punch TDE (@iamstillpunch) August 8, 2023
You also aren’t dealing with a faceless corporation. This isn’t universal or sony etc… niggas know who TDE is and know the actual ppl. — Punch TDE (@iamstillpunch) August 8, 2023

See original story below.

Reason  and  Top Dawg Entertainment  co-president Anthony "Moosa" Tiffith Jr. got into a tense conversation over the rapper's upcoming album  Porches . 

On Monday, the Carson native was a guest on the  BACKONFIGG  podcast and aired his grievances with the West Coast label not putting forth effort in his new album scheduled to drop on Friday. According to Reason, there were features he wanted on the album that didn't end up making the cut.   

"We had certain features lined up that could've went through," he said. "We had the budget, we had the feature lined up, takes too long to get pushed through, feature price ended up going up or something goes away. Content ideas lined up, not executed. Rollout ideas lined up, not executed."

He continued, "It was a few different things. I had Latto lined up for something, not executed. I had EST Gee lined up, not executed. Like, us not pushing through. Features lined up, we got a price set, video and verse for the love, takes too long."

On the EST Gee feature, Reason explained that it "took too long to get through to EST Gee and his people and be like, 'Yo, this is what we wanna do.'" He said that by the time they connected, "he dropped a record with  Future  and the record went crazy. Now, the feature is $25,000 more than what it already was."

Moosa eventually called into the podcast to address and push back on Reason's claims that the label wasn't getting him features. For starters, Moosa asked BACKONFIGG hosts T-Rell and MackWop to name 10 Reason songs. "Can you name me 10 Reason songs right now?" Moosa asked. After the hosts were stumped, the executive then claimed TDE's former co-president, Dave Free, didn't even want to sign Reason and called him a "substitute teacher."

"Aye, Dave, Dot [ Kendrick Lamar ], I love them n***as. Dave never wanted us to sign Reason. He called him a substitute teacher," Moosa said. "Dot only said Reason had talent, but it's gon' take more than just talent in this game right now, and everybody know that."

Holy shit, Moosa from TDE had a heated exchange with Reason on BACKONFIGG 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 "Can you name 10 Reason songs" "Dave Free said don't sign him, called you a substitute teacher" "You sitting in a room with 2 men that don't know your music" "You can't blame the label" — Ahmed/The Ears/IG: BigBizTheGod 🇸🇴 (@big_business_) August 8, 2023

Moosa also asked what a collaboration with EST Gee would do for Reason's trajectory, stating he's already worked with artists like Schoolboy Q. 

"Even when I hear n***as saying features and everything," he said. "Oh yeah, you could've got an EST Gee feature but what does that do for Reason? Like, what's that gon' do for Reason? Even when you say you can't get in contact with SZA and all that. You done had features from everybody, including Q. I'm just trying to understand it, man."

Reason didn't take the criticism lightly. "You wanna have a conversation or you wanna go viral, which one you wanna do?" he asked Moosa.

Moosa also took issue with Reason for insinuating TDE was responsible for his lack of success, which the rapper countered by claiming he hasn't been "allowed" to drop music consistently despite giving the label various projects he wanted to put out over the last three years. 

Reason's upcoming album,  Porches , is dropping on Friday with features from Doechii, SiR, Baby Tate, Zacari, Ray Vaughn and others. The 17-track project will include recent singles "At It Again" and "You Betta (Jesus Take the Wheel)."

The dust-up is the latest in TDE's long history of having their artists push back against the way they do business, with SZA calling the label "hostile" for holding up new music.


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Scottie Scheffler arrested for allegedly assaulting officer near fatal crash while on way to PGA Championship

Updated on: May 17, 2024 / 8:45 PM EDT / CBS/AP

Masters champion Scottie Scheffler  was arrested by police in Louisville on Friday morning on his way to the PGA Championship, with stunning images showing him handcuffed as he was led to a police car and charged with assaulting an officer after allegedly attempting to drive around traffic backed up from a pedestrian fatality investigation. Scheffler was released later in the morning and continued competing in the tournament.

Police said Scheffler was booked for second-degree assault of a police officer, third-degree criminal mischief, reckless driving and disregarding traffic signals from an officer directing traffic. In a statement to CBS News, Scheffler's attorney Steve Romines said the golfer "never at any point assaulted any officer with his vehicle" and added that "we will litigate this matter as needed."  

In a statement posted to Instagram , Scheffler said he was in a "very chaotic situation."

"There was a big misunderstanding of what I thought I was being asked to do," Scheffler said. "I never intended to disregard any of the instructions. I'm hopeful to put this to the side and focus on golf today."

Police said a pedestrian had been struck by a bus while crossing the road in a lane that was dedicated to tournament traffic. Police said the man died at the scene, CBS affiliate WLKY  reported . Traffic was backed up for about a mile in both directions on the only road that leads to Valhalla Golf Club, with dozens of police cars flashing red-and-blue lights near the entrance.  

Scheffler, the No. 1 player in the world, later started the second round shortly after 10 a.m. EDT. After finishing Friday's round, Scheffler told reporters he wouldn't discuss specific details about the incident, but he said he didn't know at the time that the accident ahead of him in traffic was fatal.

"I feel like my head's still spinning," Scheffler said. "I can't really explain what happened this morning. I did spend some time stretching in a jail cell — that was a first for me."

Scheffler expressed confidence that the charges would "get resolved, I think, fairly quickly."

Why was Scottie Scheffler arrested?

According to a police report, Scheffler was in an eastbound lane and pulled into the westbound lanes, where a uniformed detective was standing. The detective stopped Scheffler and attempted to give him instructions, but Scheffler "refused to comply and accelerated forward," according to the report.

The detective, identified as Det. Gillis, was dragged "to the ground" and suffered "pain, swelling, and abrasions to his left wrist," according to the report.

The detective was dressed in a high visibility reflective jacket when he stopped Scheffler's car to give instructions, the arrest sheet said. Gillis was taken to the hospital for his injuries.

The Louisville Metro Police Department said that all lanes were closed during the traffic fatality investigation.

"While an officer was directing traffic, an encounter with a motorist attempting to make entry into a restricted area ultimately led to the driver being arrested," the police said in a statement. "We are in the process of conducting a thorough investigation. We are appreciative that all parties involved are fully cooperating."

Romines said Scheffler was driving a marked player's vehicle and proceeding as he'd been instructed.

"I think the officer that was directing traffic was maybe not part of the event traffic detail and so that's where the miscommunication arose, and that's why we're here," Romines told WLKY.

ESPN reporter Jeff Darlington said he watched this unfold with Scheffler driving past a police officer a little after 6 a.m. in his SUV. He said police pulled Scheffler out of the vehicle, pushed him up against the car and immediately placed him in handcuffs.

In this still image made from video provided by ESPN, Masters champion Scottie Scheffler is escorted to a police car after being handcuffed near Valhalla Golf Club, the site of the PGA Championship golf tournament, early May 17, 2024.

"Scheffler was then walked over to the police car, placed in the back, in handcuffs, very stunned about what was happening, looked toward me as he was in those handcuffs and said, 'Please help me,'" Darlington said. "He very clearly did not know what was happening in the situation. It moved very quickly, very rapidly, very aggressively."

Darlington said whole the incident started with a "misunderstanding with traffic flow."

With cars backed up in the morning darkness, other PGA-marked vehicles tried to move slowly toward the entrance. Traffic finally began to move slowly a little before 7 a.m.

A spokesperson for the PGA of America identified the man who was struck by the shuttle bus as John Mills. In a statement, the PGA's Greg Dillard said Mills, a worker with one of the group's vendors, was going to work when he was hit.

"This is heartbreaking to all of us involved with the PGA Championship," the PGA said in a statement. "We extend our sincere condolences to their family and loved ones."

Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear conveyed his condolences on social media , saying, "Our hearts are broken, and we continue to pray for the victim's family."

"The events that occurred afterward are the unfortunate result of this tragic incident, and we are hopeful that all parties involved can come to a resolution," Beshear said.

Scheffler also expressed his sympathies for the man who died.

"It truly puts everything in perspective," Scheffler said on social media.

The website for the Louisville Metropolitan Department of Corrections briefly showed a booking photo of Scheffler before the photo was removed. According to the website, Scheffler was released at 8:40 a.m.

Scottie Scheffler is seen in a police booking photo May 17, 2024.

Did Scottie Scheffler play today?

Scheffler returned to the course at 9:12 a.m. He made his way to the practice area around 9:30 a.m. and was welcomed by fans — one shouted "free Scottie!"

Scheffler seemed like his normal, relaxed self, sharing a few laughs on the driving range. Then he went out and made a birdie on his first hole of the day after sticking his approach shot to three feet. Scheffler finished Friday's round two strokes behind leader Collin Morikawa at nine strokes under par for the tournament, CBS Sports reports .

It was a surreal start to what already has been a wild week of weather — the Masters champion and top-ranked in the world, dressed in workout clothes with his hands in cuffs behind his back amid flashing flights.

Darlington said police were not sure who he was. He said an officer asked him to leave and when he identified himself being with the media, he was told, "There's nothing you can do. He's going to jail."

Darlington said another police officer later approached with a notepad and asked if he knew the name of the person they put in handcuffs.

Scottie Scheffler of the United States plays his shot from the 12th tee during the second round of the 2024 PGA Championship at Valhalla Golf Club on May 17, 2024, in Louisville, Kentucky.

Scheffler is coming off four victories in his last five tournaments. He was home in Dallas for the last three weeks waiting on the birth of his first child, a son who was born on May 8.

"I feel like my head is still spinning. I can't really explain what happened this morning," Scheffler said after remarkably posting another 5-under 66 Friday that kept him in the mix for a second straight major championship. He is seeking to become only the fifth player since 1960 to win the first two majors of the year.

Last month, Scheffler won his second  Masters Tournament  victory in three years, finishing 11 under and four strokes up on his closest competitors.

  • Scottie Scheffler

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Giro d'Italia: 'It was to please my legs!' - Tadej Pogacar on his reason for attack ahead of Stage 20

Ahead of Stage 20 of the 2024 Giro d'Italia, Tadej Pogacar looks set to keep hold of the pink jersey amid the rainfall. Stream top cycling action, including the Giro d'Italia, Tour de France and Vuelta a Espana, live and on-demand on Eurosport, the Eurosport app and discovery+


  • Saturday, 25 May 2024

Egyptian short The Tedious Tour Of M competes at Moscow Independent Film Festival

Ahram online , friday 24 may 2024.

The Egyptian short film, The Tedious Tour of M, directed by Hend Bakr, is participating in the Moscow Independent International Documentary Film Festival, competing in the Shorts segment.


The festival is taking place from 23 to 25 May.

The Tedious Tour of M (Gawlet Mem El-Momela) is scheduled to screen on Friday at the Voznesensky Centre in Moscow. 

The festival focuses on films about poetry, art, history, and memory.

It is dedicated to the memory of Russian poet Andrei Voznesensky and his wife and muse Zoya Boguslavskaya, a novelist, essayist, and author of some of the largest cultural projects in Russia and internationally.

The Tedious Tour of M, written, directed, and co-produced by Hend Bakr, premiered at the Aswan International Women’s Film Festival in 2023.

The 19-minute film received a Special Mention from the Gabes Art Festival in Tunisia. It also screened in Cairo’s Downtown at the Goethe Institute’s headquarters and Alexandria’s Jesuit Cultural Centre.

It also screened at last year’s Amman International Film Festival edition - Awal Film.

It also participated in the IDFA Academy, the DOX BOX e-course — mentored by Raed Andoni — as well as the Robert Bosch Project Market, the Thessaloniki Agora Doc Market, and the Visions du Réel VdR – Film Market.

The Tedious Tour Of M follows filmmaker Hend Bakr as she breaks through Mohamed Hafez Ragab’s — one of the most renowned writers in the modern history of Egyptian literature — solitude.

She attempts to find out the reason behind his radical decision to self-isolate for the better part of 30 years, abandoning writing at the peak of his career.

reason tde tour

Hend Bakr is a director and producer interested in exploring common territories between writing and cinema.

Upon finishing her studies in filmmaking at the Jesuit Cultural Centre in Alexandria, she co-founded an Alexandria-based Rufy’s Films production company based in Alexandria.

In 2013, she co-directed and co-produced The Mice Room, an omnibus feature-length film that was officially selected for international film festivals in Dubai, and Sao Paulo, among others.

Bakr is currently directing and producing her second feature documentary, Nas El-Kabayen.

She is also producing a feature documentary: And There Was Evening. And There Was Morning. The First Day.

The Tedious Tour Of M

Moscow independent international documentary film festival, latest news, most viewed, also in screens.



Brian harman loved the old colonial country club, but that didn't slow him down on thursday at charles schwab challenge 2024, share this article.

reason tde tour

FORT WORTH, Texas — With the way he saunters around a golf course, easy and consistent, it’s not surprising to hear that Brian Harman’s love for Colonial Country Club was rooted in its Texas charm, a mix of blazing heat and old Southern traditions.

After a significant renovation by the design team of Gil Hanse and Jim Wagner, “Hogan’s Alley” has a modernized feel for the Charles Schwab Challenge this year, with fresher fairways and firmer greens.

But as much as Harman loved the classic course, his unflappable personality shined through on Thursday during the event’s opening round, as the University of Georgia product proved he can learn on the fly and put a couple of near-misses behind him. En route, he shot a 66 to find a tie atop the leaderboard at the end of the early wave of play, positioning himself nicely in a field that includes world No. 1 Scottie Scheffler, Jordan Spieth, Max Homa, Collin Morikawa, Tony Finau, and Sungjae Im.

And his quick start was a fact not lost on the lefty, who entered play on Thursday with just one opening round under 69 this year, that coming in the season-opening Sentry back in January.


In fact, Harman hasn’t broken 70 in the opening round of his last seven events, including this year’s Masters, where he opened with an 81. Even at the Players, an event in which he tied for second, Harman struggled through a 72 in the first round of action.

At the new Colonial, however, Harman rolled off four birdies in his first eight holes before cooling on his final nine. He had a pair of birdie putts just miss on his second nine that would have put a little distance between him and others who shined in the early wave like S.H. Kim, Martin Laird, Davis Riley and Tony Finau, all of whom also finished with rounds of 66.

Dialed in early 💪 @HarmanBrian ties the lead with his fourth birdie of the day @CSChallengeFW . — PGA TOUR (@PGATOUR) May 23, 2024

Still, with a bogey-free day in his back pocket, the 2023 Open Championship winner was happy with where he sat after Thursday’s action.

“I made a couple really nice up-and-downs for par as well. So I feel like that stuff kind of evens itself out. I just try to keep executing and my game feels really, really good right now,” Harman said. “I haven’t had the results that I feel like that I probably should have the last few weeks, but I’m playing some pretty good golf and it was nice to get off to a good start.”

Of course, part of the reason Harman was keen on keeping the old course untouched was his success here. In 11 previous starts, Harman has six top-25 finishes and three times has cracked the top 10.

His original reaction to the changes was positive, though. The course was founded in 1936 and hosted the 1941 U.S. Open. The renovation put an emphasis on returning the space to something that closely resembles what the original design team of John Bredemus and Perry Maxwell first sculpted.

“The fear when you redo an iconic place like this is that they mess it up and I feel pretty confident saying that they didn’t mess it up,” he said. “Now the course needs time to mature, the grass really isn’t quite where it needs to be yet, it just, it takes a long time for those roots to get their structure and for everything to settle down. I’m going to hold off judgment for another couple years probably on how I think about it, but I don’t think they messed it up. I think they did a pretty good job.

“I loved the old course so much, I had so many laps around this place, it’s one that I always had circled. I felt like I had a little bit of knowledge, especially on the younger guys trying to play Colonial for the first couple times. But, yeah, we’re all on the same footing now, but I feel like the essence of the course is still the same.”

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Why Patrick Mahomes Wants Credit as Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift’s “Matchmaker”

Patrick mahomes shared why he deserves credit for being travis kelce and taylor swift's "matchmaker," explaining that he's the reason his teammate attended her july 7 eras tour show in kansas city..

Patrick Mahomes may be the greatest quarterback wingman of all time. 

The Kansas City Chiefs quarterback shared why he may be responsible for  Travis Kelce 's romance with  Taylor Swift , explaining that he was the one to put the singer's fateful Eras Tour stop in Kansas City on his teammate's radar. 

"I like to take some of the credit," Patrick explained during a May 23 appearance on The Pat McAfee Show . "I was the one who invited Travis to the first Taylor concert with the friendship bracelet. He was sitting in my suite."

And getting his friend to her July 7 show wasn't the only reason Patrick calls himself their "matchmaker." The NFL star said he also gave Travis some words of encouragement on how you get the girl. 

"I had some input in there as well," Patrick noted before sharing that he told the Kansas City tight end, "'Dude, just go for it, just go for it.'"

Of course, Travis took his pal's advice. When he didn't get to give Taylor a friendship bracelet with his phone number on it at her concert, the 34-year-old  decided to shoot his shot again  during an episode of his New Heights podcast. 

"I was disappointed that she doesn't talk before or after her shows because she has to save her voice for the 44 songs that she sings," Travis confessed during the July 26 episode . "So, I was a little butt-hurt I didn't get to hand her one of the bracelets I made for her."

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Two months later, the couple went public with their relationship, with Taylor later shouting out Travis for putting her "on blast"  on the podcast in a move that was "metal as hell."

"We started hanging out right after that," she told TIME  in December 2023. "So, we actually had a significant amount of time that no one knew, which I'm grateful for, because we got to get to know each other."

Read on for the full break down of how Taylor and Travis' love story unfolded. 

July 2023: So, Make the Friendship Bracelets

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce 's love story began in July 2023, when the singer's Eras Tour made a stop at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, Mo.

As a huge Swiftie, the Kansas City Chiefs tight end caught the show with hopes of giving Taylor a friendship bracelet with his number on it . However, he failed to complete the pass due to her pre-show rituals.

"I was disappointed that she doesn't talk before or after her shows because she has to save her voice for the 44 songs that she sings," Travis shared on the July 26 episode of his  New Heights podcast. "So, I was a little butt-hurt I didn't get to hand her one of the bracelets I made for her."

Summer 2023: This Is Him Trying

After publicly recounting his fumble—a move Taylor would later describe as "metal as hell" —Travis decided to shoot his shot and invite the Grammy winner to watch the Chiefs play at Arrowhead Stadium.

"I threw it out there, I threw the ball in her court," he shared on The Pat McAfee Show . "I told her, you know, 'I've seen you rock the stage in Arrowhead, you might have to come see me rock the stage in Arrowhead and see which one's a little more lit.' So, we'll see what happens in the near future."

August 2023: Enchanted to Meet You

Travis was rocking a mustache—which he debuted in August during training camp—when he was first introduced to Taylor .

As he later noted of the era, "That 'stache and the 87 jersey was pretty iconic there for a little bit, and I had it when I met Taylor for the first time."

September 2023: Sparks Fly

By early September, a source close to the situation told E! News that Travis and Taylor were " texting and talking here and there ."

"It's been very low-key," the insider explained, "as he's been in season."

September 2023: Cheer Captain

Accepting Travis' invite, Taylor joined the athlete's mom Donna Kelce at Arrowhead Stadium to watch him and the Chiefs take on the Chicago Bears. After the game, Taylor and Travis were seen packing PDA at a local bar .

Though folklore had it that it was the couple's first in-person meeting, the "Karma" singer later clarified the two had spent a "significant amount of time" getting to know each other beforehand.

As Taylor noted, "We would never be psychotic enough to hard launch a first date." 

October 2023: Team Up

As an indication that the relationship was heating up, Taylor brought her squad —including friends Blake Lively , Ryan Reynolds , Sophie Turner , Hugh Jackman , Sabrina Carpenter and Antoni Porowski —to watch the Chiefs play against the New York Jets at MetLife Stadium in New Jersey.

October 2023: It's Nice to Have a Friend

Another sign that Travis could be The 1 ? Taylor started bonding with Brittany Mahomes —the wife of Travis' BFF and teammate Patrick Mahomes —in and outside of NFL games .

October 2023: Welcome to New York

The couple took their romance to TV, making a surprise appearance on the Oct. 14 episode of Saturday Night Live . Their Big Apple takeover also included the after-party for the NBC sketch show and a date night at the Waverly Inn .

November 2023: Karma Is Her Boyfriend

During a bye week, Travis traveled down to Argentina to catch the South American leg of Taylor's Eras Tour. Not only did the NFL star bond with Taylor's dad , Scott Swift , at the Nov. 11 show in Buenos Aires, but he also got a special shoutout from the stage.

" Karma is that guy on the Chiefs ," Taylor sang, "coming straight home to me."

After the show, the Midnights  artist was seen running up to Travis backstage and greeting him with a passionate kiss .

December 2024: Speak Now

Taylor addressed the lavender craze surrounding her appearances at Travis' games.

"I'm going to see him do what he loves, we're showing up for each other, other people are there and we don't care," she told Time . "The opposite of that is you have to go to an extreme amount of effort to make sure no one knows that you're seeing someone."

December 2023: You, Who Charmed Her Dad

The music superstar turned Travis' Dec. 17 game into a family affair, bringing her dad to cheer on her man .

January 2024: All the Midnights

Taylor and Travis spent their first New Year's Eve together, sharing a romantic kiss when the clock struck midnight on Jan. 1.

January 2024: Chosen Family

Continuing to bond with Travis' family, Taylor hung out with his brother Jason Kelce and sister-in-law Kylie Kelce at the Chiefs' game against the Buffalo Bills.

January 2024: Saved by the Perfect Kiss

Taylor joined Travis on the football field when the Chiefs won the AFC Championship , a victory that cemented the team's spot in the 2024 Super Bowl . The couple shared a celebratory kiss before exchanging the L-word .

"Tay, I'm gonna enjoy with the guys," he told her. "I love you—so much it's not funny."

February 2024: Super Bowl Champs

The pair locked lips on the field after Travis led the Kansas City Chiefs to victory on Feb. 11, 2024 in Las Vegas.

February 2024: TikTok Official

Taylor posted footage of Travis on social media for the first time Feb. 12, poking fun at how she took her parents clubbing with the athlete after the Super Bowl.

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Swifties Are Convinced Travis Kelce Is Looking at Taylor Swift While Taping ‘New Heights’

Feature Swifties Are Convinced Travis Kelce Is Looking at Taylor Swift While Taping New Heights

Some Swifties are quite “Enchanted” by Travis Kelce ’s latest “New Heights” podcast episode for an unexpected reason.

As the Kansas City Chiefs player discussed the latest in football with brother Jason Kelce , a few listeners couldn’t help but notice Travis’ smile and giggles throughout the Friday, May 24, episode.

After watching the podcast through YouTube, some Swifties pulled together a compilation of moments where Travis, 34, was grinning at random times throughout the show. But instead of assuming it was because of Jason’s commentary, some speculated it all had to do with Taylor Swift .

“Someone is slightly obsessed with his girlfriend,” one fan joked via X . “No idea who tho.”

Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift

Related: Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s Relationship Timeline

While it’s unclear if Swift, 34, was around at the time of the podcast taping, it didn’t stop some fans from melting over the idea that the “Shake It Off” singer is making Travis smile from ear to ear.

“My question is – do you think she does something funny or adorable in those moments or is her mere presence in the room enough to get that smile? I think it’s the latter but that’s too much. The only one who is ever that happy to see me is my dog,” one user wrote . Another added, “She’s definitely doing something to get his attention.”

While another follower was convinced they saw Kelce blush at one point in the episode, one X user suggested that Swifties were overthinking the episode.

Swifties Are Convinced Travis Kelce Is Looking at Taylor Swift While Taping New Heights

“It’s his monitor where he reads episode notes and sees Jason,” one follower wrote. “His camera is in front of him. This is what you do when you’re working w/limited equipment. If it were a person he’d look further over. She can’t sit on the desk where he’s at.” According to Forbes , episodes usually tape on Tuesdays and a remote studio has been set up for Travis’ Kansas City home.

Whatever the reason may be behind the grin, it’s clear Kelce continues to enjoy spending quality time with Swift.

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Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift

Related: Every Sweet Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce Moment at the Paris ‘Eras Tour’ Show

Although the Kansas City Chiefs recently resumed organized team practice ahead of the upcoming NFL season, the tight end plans to continue traveling across Europe for his girlfriend’s Eras Tour .

“He wants to support her as much as he can while he can, so he’s going to [go] back and forth from the U.S. to Europe while he has the time,” a source exclusively told Us Weekly , adding that the couple have had a “wonderful time in Europe so far.”

The insider went on to state that “for now, [Travis] can arrange his schedule to be with [Taylor]” before the Chiefs kick off their season with a game against the Baltimore Ravens on September 5.

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Taylor Swift

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    Jay Rock + Special Guest Reason by: Moosa & Antoine TimbersProduced by: MVA Studios, Marcell Scott & Xonie

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    Opens in a new window. Official Merchandise of Top Dawg Entertainment, Kendrick Lamar, ScHoolboy Q, Ab-Soul, Sza, Jay Rock, Isaiah Rashad, Lance Skiiiwalker, and SiR.

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    Second Half of the Off The Porch Tour starts MONDAY!!! Link in my bio! Making a special announcement for all south and east coast dates tomorrow! Get ya tickets! 19w. jtxng_ Man I wish u would come to Toronto. 14w Reply. smoothpare_kekoa. Fuck can't believe I missed you in AZ. Keep going my g!!

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    PSA FOR UPCOMING OFF THE PORCH TOUR SHOWS!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT YOU GUYS HAVE GIVEN! "PORCHES THE LOST FILES" will be available at the next 6 tour shows since we're sold out of vinyls. Tracklist dropping tomorrow! Thank yall 🤞🏾🤞🏾

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    Patrick Mahomes shared why he deserves credit for being Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift's "matchmaker," explaining that he's the reason his teammate attended her July 7 Eras Tour show in Kansas City.

  30. Fans Think Travis Kelce Is Looking at Taylor Swift During Podcast

    Some Swifties are quite "Enchanted" by Travis Kelce's latest "New Heights" podcast episode for an unexpected reason. As the Kansas City Chiefs player discussed the latest in football ...