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Our Quinny Moodd review

Are you looking to buy a pram or travel system, considering the Quinny Moodd buggy and want to read a Quinny Moodd review?

Our Quinny Moodd review:

We were recently invited along to meet with Quinny at The Baby Show , for a special top secret buggy review mission. We were given the new model of the Moodd to try out while we were there, and have been reviewing it for the past few weeks. So here’s what we thought (you can also read my iCandy Raspberry review , Britax Affinity review and Armadillo Flip XT review )

We review the Quinny Mood pushchair / travel system  A Quinny Moodd review

But first, some background on us and prams:

  • We don’t have a car at the moment, so any pram we use has to be suitable for public transport (the bus, tube, taxis, south London’s Dickensian train station network with lots of stairs and no lifts and so on) and getting in, out and around central London
  • Our flat is up two flights of stairs, and as we don’t like to leave things downstairs overnight we need something that’s fairly portable
  • We went for a Bugaboo (the Bee+) before Eliza was born – as it’s very small and light – and it’s been brilliant. We recently bought a Maclaren Volo to take on holiday, and have used it a lot as it’s even lighter and more portable than the Bee.

Moving on to the Quinny Moodd, some first thoughts:

Quinny Moodd review - the buggy folded and unfolded

  • It’s a three wheel pram with an automatic, hydraulic unfold motion
  • Suitable from birth to 15kg, it comes with a padded ‘baby nest’ cocoon that fits on top of the seat when reclined and is secured with the straps. We haven’t used this but it looks pretty cosy
  • From six months+ you can use the normal seat, which can be in both forward and parent facing modes and has three levels of recline
  • Maxi Coxi carseat adaptors are included, so you don’t have to fork out extra for these – and it fits the Stage 1 Maxi Cosi carseats
  • It comes in seven different colours (ours has a black frame and red accessories)
  • It costs around £600 and you can buy it at most major baby-focused retailers. The price includes the baby nest, shopping basket, parasol clip, sun canopy with UV50+ protection, raincover, t-bar and car seat adapters.

The good points…

Quinny Mood pushchair from the side

  • The Quinny Moodd is strong, stable and robust. It’s light to push and easy to steer, even one handed. The air tyres means it’s a very smooth ride
  • Eliza loved being higher up, and the padded t-bar at the front. I suspect she likes to think she’s driving it
  • It looks great – the frame and design is very modern, the colours are vibrant
  • The seat is padded and slightly curved round the sides which makes for a good head rest. Eliza finds it really comfortable (and the acid test; she fell asleep in it within about 10 minutes at The Baby Show)
  • It also reclines really smoothly and easily even when your child is asleep in it (see above)
  • Although it doesn’t fare so well as an city / urban pram for reasons I’ll come on to shortly, it was great on longer walks, through parks and on uneven pavements and roads. I imagine it will be very useful in colder weather too

…and the not so good points

  • It’s very heavy and I really struggle to pick it up, let alone carry it up and down stairs
  • This means it’s tough to use when you live on the top floor, as well as making public transport tricky
  • I don’t know if I’m just used to the tiny Bugaboo, but the back wheel span on the Moodd is huge, which means it’s hard to get through narrow doors and around shops. And while it can fit on the bus, it does take up most of the space
  • It’s still fairly large even when it’s folded down (you’d need a big car boot).

And some other thoughts:

Quinny Moodd

  • It fitted in a taxi with no problems, although the driver did have to help me to lift it in and out. There’s no danger of it falling over when you go round corners (this is as issue with the lightweight Maclaren)
  • The tyres are inflatable, making it really smooth to sit and and great to push. It comes with a pump which is stored in the basket.
  • And speaking of, the shopping basket is wide but very shallow, and as the bar of the pram cuts across the top so it’s difficult to put any big bags in it (and loose items aren’t particularly stable). Obviously this isn’t a deal breaker, but it does make your life a lot more difficult when you’re shopping
  • A minor safety point, but there’s no wrist strap on the handle.

What’s our overall verdict?

Quinny Mood travel system

It’s not the most practical pram for city use or our current circumstances, due to the weight and size. It would be great if you go on a lot of long walks in the countryside, and I do think we’ll use it more when we move house and don’t have to cope with stairs.

But if none of these issues are a factor – e.g. if you live in a house, on the ground floor, drive a car with a big boot, don’t have to use public transport – it’s definitely one to consider, especially as it’s so comfortable for babies and mine loved it.

We were given a Quinny Moodd pram for the purposes of this review. Read my disclosure policy here. Make sure you follow me on Instagram, I’m gill_crawshaw

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I write A Baby On Board, a London mum blog for the parenting journey

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November 22, 2013 at 11:46 am

That was one honest review. Thanks for showing good and not so good points. 🙂 Weight could be a massive problem for many due to the fact that this product is always on the go. Thanks, always good to read valuable posts. 🙂

' data-src=

March 2, 2014 at 10:56 am

Thanks for sharing 🙂 I am considering buying it, but my only concern is that I felt the seat is a bit too shallow so baby might outgrow it really fast… What did you think about it? Would it be possible to fit a baby comfortably in there?

April 6, 2014 at 3:39 pm

Sorry for the late reply on this! How old is your baby? E was about one and a half when we tried it (and she’s pretty tall). But, I’m not sure I’d buy it unless it was for a newborn – it’s a bit too heavy and difficult to get around for older children.

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Review of the Britax Affinity pushchair |

August 17, 2014 at 11:05 pm

[…] at 11kg it’s lighter than the Quinny Moodd, it’s still pretty heavy (I don’t know if just used to the lightweight Bugaboo Bee and […]

Britax Affinity buggy: a pushchair review |

February 19, 2015 at 11:12 am

[…] mean to compare). And while it’s on the heavier side, I can still lift it – unlike the Quinny Moodd we tested – although I’m not sure I could lift it with a toddler […]

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Quinny Zapp Xtra Folding Seat Compact Stroller - Rocking Black

Quinny Zapp Xtra Folding Seat Compact Stroller - Rocking Black

  • Folds up small,lightweight
  • Cheap feeling,hard to fold,very small basket.
  • the different color options
  • Lightweight
  • Just have to practice on how to open and close but good stroller after you get the hang of it
  • Hard to fold without reading directions or watching video.
  • compact fold
  • easy to push
  • Seat can reverse to face parent
  • Full recline
  • Good canopy cover
  • High quality fabric
  • Easy to push and maneuver
  • No designated foot bar
  • Not great for tall toddlers

  • Easy to maneuver. Folds up small.
  • Travel stroller for newborn. Because you can recline the seat, it?s like having a bassinet stroller. Love it.
  • A little wobbly and less sturdy than expected. Makes it feel a little cheap, but we?ve had no problems with it and still love it.
  • The weight and easy to maneuver

  • Forward facing, lays flat for naps, turns easily.
  • Everyday errands, mall.
  • It?s not the easiest stroller to fold down but after a few go?s at it we?ve got it down.
  • *light weight
  • *too close to the ground
  • Great for toddlers, great price, easy to operate
  • Opening and closing
  • Sturdy, kiddo was comfy, very large sun shade/canopy, folds down small, compact, lightweight, looks sharp, small footprint
  • Travel, crowded areas, small space
  • Takes some practice to get the folding down, cup holder is a separate accessory, has to be stored horizontally unless you want the handles resting on the ground
  • High quality
  • 360 turns with one finger
  • Everything Everywhere
  • A little hard to fold up at first but after a few practices it gets easier


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Quinny, Buzz 3 review

The Quinny Buzz 3 is an all-terrain 3 wheel pushchair with option to add carrycot or car seat to form complete travel system (Maxi-Cosi or Quinny Dreami car seat).  It has a number of unique features: the seat can be forward or rear facing, the chassis is easy to fold and really compact with an automatic unfolding action (magical).  The handle is height adjustable and the absence of a bar between the wheels means you don't have to walk with your bottom sticking out.  The back wheels are pneumatic to ensure a comfortable ride for baby while the small front wheels will make manoeuvring the buggy a breeze.  However a number of reviewers have said that this is not an bus-suitable pushchair or one that allows much shopping in the basket.

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Quinny, Buzz 3

Quinny, Buzz 3 review

RRP: £409.00 Weight: 10kg Folded: 87.5 x 60 x 31.5

What the Media Says...

  I find it very easy to manouvre and my son loves being in it and looks really snug. It also comes with an extra large seat to use when your child is over 18 months old. This is also something I thought was very innovative. It is rather heavy and I must admit that it is a struggle to fit it in the boot of my Fiesta.    

Babyworld 4/5

Reviews in chronological order (Total 3 comments)

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  • Rating: 9.0 / 10   welshkeeley, Mother of 3, Wales 31 Oct 2012 1:05am The Quinny Buzz 3 is the best pushchair/pram I have ever used, and I have bought a fair few. I bought all the attatchments in Red, and had a lot of comments on how stylish it looked. It is very very easy to push around, and feels very light. Don't be put off by the rubber tyres, I had mine for ages, and didn't get a single puncture. The variety off attatchments is brilliant. You have the standard seat, the carrycot for newborns, which feels lovely and soft, and also the Maxi-Cosi car seat fits onto it, so if out shopping, you don't have to wake the baby by moving from one seat to another. The only thing I didn't like was pushing the Quinny around in narrow shop aisles, because the two rear wheels were very far apart, and was too wide for some places. I really want a Quinny Buzz 3 again!

The Quinny is well suited to most terrains due to its large substantial wheels, and I also like that you can place a maxi cosi car seat ontothe frame which is was brilliant when my daughter was first born. I do find that the frame and wheels are a little too large though and I struggle to get through some doorways. It also has a basic design fault in that you cannot put hardly anything in the basket beneath the frame as if you do, it stops the wheels from moving. This was really serious as I had just put some shopping in the basket and left my local shop to cross the busy road outside. While I was crossing the wheels jammed as there was too much in the basket and cars were approaching me. The only way I could cross the road quickly was lifting the whole pram across the road. I now know not to put anything in but this is really disappointing. I also find that it is really heavy and bulky so I am thinking of exchanging it for a lighter and smaller model

  • Rating: 8.0 / 10   minnie123, Mother of 1, Worcestershire 23 Mar 2010 9:39pm I had a Quinny Buzz 3 as my first pushchair from birth. It's great because it looks so cool and it's quite lightweight to push around compared to a lot of the other travel systems. You can clip the maxi cosi cabrio fix car seat onto the frame which makes it a godsend for when your baby is very young and you don't want to wake them up by moving them. It also comes with 2 sized seats so you can swap onto the bigger one when your baby is about 18 months old. It folds up quite square and so fits in some boots that the longer ones don't. I loved my Quinny Buzz and got many admiring looks when using it. I gave it to my sister when she had a newborn and bought a new lighter weight buggy when my baby got older but I kind of regret it now. I see other people with their Buzz and feel jealousy.

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  • Travel Systems

Quinny Hubb with Hux Carrycot and Maxi-Cosi Pebble Plus review

Quinny Hubb with Hux Carrycot and Maxi-Cosi Pebble Plus

This one-of-a-kind Quinny Hubb travel system has a different setting for every age of your baby. You can feel assured that your youngster will always ride in comfort. This combo comes with the Hux Carrycot and the Maxi-Cosi Pebble Plus, a baby car seat that offers optimal comfort and security while you're on the move.

How did this product make your life easier?

Jennifer: This product makes my life easier as a mum because the basket underneath the pram is very large and allows plenty of room for shopping and changing bag and handbag etc. This is definitely the best thing about the product. The car seat is nice and light and makes transfer into and out of the car easy.

Elizabeth: I love how simply this converts into a double pram. I must admit I didn't realise at first and couldn't work out what all the extra adaptors were for but when I realised and worked it all out, I was very impressed. The different combinations of the car seat/toddler seat/carrycot are great and would allow easy getting about with two children. I also loved the position of the buggy board extra that you could purchase.

Lydia: I felt that this Quinny Hubb buggy was very sturdy and I was confident using it both on main roads and cross country. It had a big frame and chunky wheels and felt easy to steer. My favourite feature was the large shopping basket, which made it very convenient when going food shopping or out and about in town.

Would you recommend this to other mums?

Sara: I would recommend this product to a friend/fellow parent if they were expecting twins or planning to have siblings close in age. The product seems to mainly be designed with this in mind and otherwise, I would say is too big for day to day use with one child. I would recommend the product if you needed to carry a lot of shopping in the basket because it is huge, however, you’re unlikely to be able to fit down the aisles of many shops. The seat on the pram is excellent and my little girl was very comfortable. It is quite high so she enjoyed having an excellent view of the world.

Claudia: The basket definitely! It would be great for someone who didn't drive as you can store so much in it whilst still remaining really light to push. The seat unit is a really good size and I think it would last well into toddlerhood. I also like that you can convert it to a double at a later date should you need, so that you wouldn't need to get a whole new buggy. It is easy to fold and take apart. I got caught in the rain with the toddler and baby so was very grateful for that!

Would you choose this product to win?

Sammie: I liked this Quinny Hubb pushchair for its length as a double it was much easier to fit in and around shops than my current double which is side by side. However, I didn’t like the complexity of this pushchair. Perhaps in time, it would become second nature but I found the different attachments to different areas off-putting and the instructions didn’t make it much easier. I think based on that if I had seen it in a shop I wouldn’t continue to consider it.

Michelle: I love the fact that it can be single or double, so that definitely makes it stand out. It is comfy to push, it has a big basket and it has a lovely carrycot. That said, the initial RRP seems expensive, which is why I am not sure I would consider it. Although, the more you think about it, and the fact it can be a single or double, the more attractive it is for the price. I didn't love the instruction manual and that there were no words! It wasn't always obvious from the pictures what exactly had to be done. The assembly wasn't the easiest with lots of pieces and lots of plastic.

Holly: Again as a double buggy I would. The Quinny Hubb is brilliant as a double buggy as there are so many arrangement options on it. It also comes with all the adaptors for the carrycot and car seat. I do think that as a double travel buggy, it is very good value for money. As a single buggy, I feel it is very pricey for a travel system and way too bulky.

What changes would you make to this product?

Nikki: The design of the Quinny Hubb system in terms of putting it up and down needs simplifying. It is big and bulky and not good for many car boots. It is complicated to put together and change from one system to the next. It isn't quick for a busy mum putting in and out of the car. For someone city or town based, it is excellent. It's good for shopping, nipping in and out of crowds and the basket is an excellent size. This travel system would be great for someone who doesn’t have or need a car very often.

Elizabeth: It would be great to be able to have it as a double with the carrycot in use and still be able to use the basket. I wonder if there is a way of achieving this in this design of buggy. Maybe sitting the carrycot higher somehow? It's just a shame the carrycot fills the basket. Also, compared to others that I have held, the car seat feels very heavy in comparison and not as lightweight as others. I would have also put a window in the canopy so the baby/toddler can be seen when facing away.

Michelle: An instruction manual with words as well as pictures. Maybe that is just my personal preference. So perhaps there could be two manuals. I also found it difficult to take the hood off the toddler seat and it took both myself and husband to do this! I'm not sure whether it is stiff, or we just weren't quite doing it correctly.

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4 fest mytishchi drama and comedy theatre, 5 mytishchi arena, 6 mytishchi park of culture and leisure, 7 monument to the hero of the soviet union raspopova nina maksimovna, 8 teatr kukol ognivo, 9 mytishchi history and art museum, 10 mytishchinskaya kartinnaya galereya, 11 perlovskiy park, 12 xl outlet, 13 interactive einstein museum, 14 zamaniya, family adventure park, what's the weather like in mytishchi.

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  2. Quinny Quinny Rachel Zoe Collection

    quinny travel system

  3. Quinny Moodd Travel System Stroller

    quinny travel system

  4. Discount Baby Equipment: Exclusive 2012 Quinny Buzz Travel System

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  5. Quinny: Quinny Zapp Xtra 2.0 Travel System with Maxi Cosi CabrioFix

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  6. QUINNY Quinny Coche Travel System Hubb Frost On& Black/Mico Max

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  1. Welcome to Tickets Travel Network

  2. Квадрокоптер. Настройки для переключения 6-и полётных режимов

  3. quinny buzz travel system with maxi cosi old version blue

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  1. Quinny World

    Quinny strollers and buggies. Quinny products appeal to the urban environment. Our natural habitat is the city, where you feel completely at home. The energy of the streets makes your clock tick. It's no wonder that you are raising your children here too. It's a life full of bumps, bends and opportunities. Anything the city throws at you ...

  2. Strollers

    Discover all our Quinny strollers. Quinny has led the way for over 20 years in the design and development of award winning pushchairs and buggies that allow parents to make most out of daily life! Quinny has strollers that suit your lifestyle. Walk your way.

  3. Quinny

    Quinny x Rachel Zoe Luxe Sport Diaper Bag. $100.00. Was $199.99. $99.99 Off. Trend-setting European style and innovative precision engineering make Quinny the preeminent brand for active parents who want stress-less, reliable transportation for their children that compliments their individual sense of fashion and style.

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    Looking for our Quinny strollers? Find the right fit for your fun-finding, urban exploring ... Zapp Flex folds. Need an option from day 1? The optional carrycot, cocoon or car seat makes it a great from-birth travel system. Product Recommendation 6 months to 15 kg. Product Weight 8,8 kg / 6,3 kg sem o assento. Product Dimension 82 x 58 x 108 cm.

  5. : Quinny Rachel Zoe Jet Set Moodd Stroller : Baby

    Adaptable, sophisticated and stylish, the Moodd is ready to explore the neighborhood and claim the streets. The Rachel Zoe x Quinny Moodd is the perfect companion piece for the Rachel Zoe x Maxi-Cosi Mico Max 30 car seat. Together they form a travel system that is truly unmatched for quality and style.

  6. Quinny Stroller

    Replacement Parts/Accessories to fit Quinny Strollers and Car Seats Products for Babies, Toddlers, and Children (Mosquito Net) 4.7 out of 5 stars. 12. $12.99 $ 12. 99. ... Pivot Modular Travel System with LiteMax Infant Car Seat with Anti-Rebound Bar (Dusty Rose Pink) 1 Count (Pack of 1) 4.7 out of 5 stars. 14,703. 800+ bought in past month.

  7. Quinny Buzz Strollers

    The Quinny Buzz stroller is not only functional but very trendy. Albee Baby has a variety of models, colors and some great sales, plus free shipping! ... Quinny Buzz Travel Bag. $169.99. Quinny. Quinny Parasol (Black)--With Buzz, Zapp Xtra and Moodd compatibility. 2 . Reviews. $14.99. Was $34.99. $20.00 Off. Why Shop with Albee?

  8. Our Quinny Moodd review

    The Quinny Moodd is a really strong, robust pram. You get a lot of pram for the money and features like the automatic unfold are really unusual and clever. It's very easy to get up, down, change the seat round and put in recline. We were really impressed with the design, look and feel and how easy to use it was.

  9. Quinny Zapp Xtra Folding Seat Compact Stroller

    The Quinny Zapp Xtra lets you enjoy a hassle-free life with your child. Its reversible and reclining seat allows you and your child to travel your way. For children up to 50 pounds. An ideal travel system that can be used from birth when combined with the Maxi-Cosi Mico infant car seat (adapters included).

  10. Quinny, Buzz 3 review

    The Quinny Buzz 3 is an all-terrain 3 wheel pushchair with option to add carrycot or car seat to form complete travel system (Maxi-Cosi or Quinny Dreami car seat). It has a number of unique features: the seat can be forward or rear facing, the chassis is easy to fold and really compact with an automatic unfolding action (magical).

  11. Quinny Single Travel System Strollers for sale

    Get the best deals on Quinny Single Travel System Strollers when you shop the largest online selection at Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices.

  12. Quinny Hubb with Hux Carrycot and Maxi-Cosi Pebble Plus

    Updated on 20 03 2024. This one-of-a-kind Quinny Hubb travel system has a different setting for every age of your baby. You can feel assured that your youngster will always ride in comfort. This combo comes with the Hux Carrycot and the Maxi-Cosi Pebble Plus, a baby car seat that offers optimal comfort and security while you're on the move.

  13. Quinny Hubb Duo

    Looking for our Quinny strollers? Find the right fit for your fun-finding, ... Flexible and stylish travel system for multiple children simultaneously. Great looks and comfort #<Mongoid::Contextual::Memory:0x00007ffa76124d00> ... Use a matching Maxi-Cosi baby car seat to safely travel by car, switch to a matching Hux carrycot for some smooth ...

  14. Quinny Travel System Strollers for sale

    Quinny Buzz Xtra Model Stroller Gray Straps Cover Pillow Cushion Replacement. $10.00. or Best Offer. $6.00 shipping. Get the best deals on Quinny Travel System Strollers when you shop the largest online selection at Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices.

  15. Quinny VNC

    The perfect city buddy to help you stay curious and explore the urban jungle. It's your city, own it with the Quinny VNC. Product Recommendation. 6 months to 15 kg. Product Weight. 11,62. Product Dimension. 103,7 x 58,7 x 103 cm. Product Dimension Closed.

  16. Quinny Zapp Xtra

    The Quinny Zapp Xtra is a rear or forward facing buggy that can be used from birth, and becomes a compact urban travel system when teamed with a Maxi-Cosi car seat. But it's not for those who plan to go anywhere but the pavement. The Quinny Zapp Xtra is a new addition to the Quinny range for 2010 and is similar in looks to the original Quinny ...

  17. Quinny Strollers for sale

    Get the best deals on Quinny Strollers when you shop the largest online selection at Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands | affordable prices. ... LOVELY QUINNY BUZZ 4 BLACK PRAM TRAVEL SYSTEM 2 IN 1 Excellent Condition . $373.47. or Best Offer. $249.02 shipping. Quinny. One stop shop for all things from your ...

  18. Quinny Moodd pushchair

    Key features of the Quinny Moodd pushchair: Age suitability: Birth until 15kg (approx. 3 years) Type of buggy: 3-wheeler pushchair. Weight: 14.9kg. Travel system compatible: Yes. Total cos t: £600 - Quinny Moodd pushchair, seat unit, baby cocoon, sun canopy (UV50+ protection), raincover, shopping basket, parasol clip and carseat/carrycot adaptors.

  19. Mytishchi, Russia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024)

    356. Water Parks. Fest Mytishchi Drama and Comedy Theater. 97. Theaters. Mytishchi Park of Culture and Leisure. 59. Parks. Moscow Brewing Company.

  20. Top 14 things to do and attractions in Mytishchi

    Nidhi Bisht — Google review. St. Basil's Cathedral is a landmark and iconic symbol of Moscow, Russia. Located on Red Square, it is one of the most recognizable and visited cathedrals in the world. The cathedral was built in the 16th century during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, and it is known for its colorful onion domes and unique ...

  21. Mytishchi

    Mytishchi is a mid-sized industrial city in North Moscow Oblast, which borders Moscow to the southwest. It is perhaps Moscow Oblast's principal industrial center, particularly for machinery and armaments.. Get in []. A convenient elektrichka route (in fact, the first elektrichka route in Russia) runs frequently all day between Mytishchi and Moscow's Yaroslavsky Train Station.

  22. Russia launches tsunami torpedo at itself. Kidding, normal Russia

    This advertisement has been selected by the video's creator, . This advertisement has been selected by BitChute. Displaying these adverts helps support the growth and sustainability of the platform.

  23. Quinny World

    The quickest way to get started with your new Quinny stroller or Quinny buggy is by watching the Quinny instruction movie. It explains everything you need to know in comprehensive steps; from how to assemble your Quinny stroller or Quinny buggy to how to use each product feature. [WIP] Learn all about our Quinny stroller by reading or viewing ...