Polar Travel s.r.o.

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What the Future of Polar Travel Looks Like 

Cruising Antarctica

This time last year, Antarctic tourism was at an all-time high. More than 56,000 people traveled to the southernmost continent during the 2018-2019 season—a 53 percent jump from 2014-2015 data, according to the International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators (IAATO). With the numbers of visitors projected to reach 85,000 in the next few years, outfitters scrambled to keep up with demand while simultaneously managing the environmental impact.

And now? “You’re looking at how the companies are even going to survive,” says Denise Landau, former executive director of the IAATO and a vaunted member of the American Polar Society .

Tour operators and cruise lines in the Arctic are facing a similar crisis. “At least 50 percent of the 2020 Arctic trips have been canceled or postponed,” says Lynn Cross, co-founder of Polar Cruises . Many Polar Cruises guests have pushed their 2020 trip to 2021; others are waiting until a vaccine is developed before rebooking.

Occupancy numbers are far from cruise lines’ only concern: the Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators ’ geographic range spans from the Russian Arctic National Park to Arctic Canada, including the islands of Svalbard and Jan Mayen in Norway, Iceland, and Greenland, says Malik Milfeldt, the AECO’s acting communications manager. “It is either not allowed currently or very complicated to travel to these places without being subject to quarantine rules that make tourism practically impossible,” says Milfeldt. While Iceland has announced plans to re-open to travelers by mid-June, the Canadian government closed the Canadian Arctic to cruise travel entirely for 2020. The status of other destinations remains fluid.

Nuuk Greenland

Nuuk, Greenland, at twilight

“While we were disappointed, we wholeheartedly supported these measures,” says Cedar Swan, CEO of Arctic cruise specialist Adventure Canada . “We visit many small communities that, due to their remoteness, are quite vulnerable. The health and safety of the places we visit is our top priority.”

Operators in Antarctica and the Arctic are looking to the IAATO and AECO for guidance, while integrating CDC guidelines into everyday travel experiences. How can travelers socially distance when whale watching in a Zodiac raft or visiting a penguin colony? Right now, there are more questions than answers.

Colin O’Brady , an endurance athlete known for his record-breaking Antarctic expeditions, has a hard time imagining any expedition travel in 2020, given the logistics of adhering to social distancing rules. “Even though the polar regions have very little population density, the most common ways to travel there require close proximity to other people—cruise ships, small cargo planes, helicopters, group cook tents,” he says.

To understand how polar tourism may change in the future, we interviewed more than a dozen tour operators, adventurers, and conservationists. These are their predictions for what lies ahead.

The desire to avoid crowds could (eventually) be a boon to polar operators

Everyone is going stir-crazy sheltering at home, but a wariness of congested cities may inspire some travelers to seek out ultra-remote experiences. Antarctica is currently Intrepid Travel ’s number one destination for new bookings, both globally and from North American travelers, according to Antarctic operations manager Will Abbott.

Tessum Weber of Weber Arctic , a family-run adventure outfitter that operates two wilderness lodges in Northern Canada, plus a skiing basecamp on Baffin Island, has also noticed a surge in interest. “COVID-19 has pushed people to explore wild regions that have yet to be shaped by humans,” Weber says. “The thirst for untamed places only seems to be growing.”

The challenge, of course, will be balancing a potential boomlet in tourism with protecting Mother Nature. “As demand increases, you’ll get more people with little experience in these regions negatively impacting the environment,” Weber says. “Our focus is and will remain on ensuring people leave with a new appreciation of these environments, and how to protect them for future generations.”

The gateway countries could change

Before the pandemic, Antarctica was accessible via Christchurch; Hobart, Tasmania; Punta Arenas, Chile; Ushuaia, Argentina; and Port Stanley in the Falkland Islands. Some countries that serve as embarkation points are still on lockdown, closed to foreign visitors, or imposing two-week quarantines.

Image may contain Road Nature Outdoors Scenery Landscape Mountain Intersection Mountain Range Urban and Water

Ushuaia, Argentina, one of the access points for visiting Antarctica

The Best Times to Visit Thailand

“There is an interconnectedness in Antarctica which, under normal circumstances, makes for a collaborative environment which enables science, tourism, heritage management, and environmental conservation to thrive,” says Camilla Nichol, chief executive of the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust (UKAHT), a nonprofit focused on conservation. But some of those relations have been strained as a result of the pandemic.

“One of the largest hurdles we face is global travel restrictions, and whether we can create a safe travel corridor that allows our guests to move to and from our expeditions,” says Intrepid’s Abbott. “Government travel restrictions around the world could cause significant disruption to the Antarctic 2020-2021 season if our clients are not able to safely leave their home countries.

Landau experienced this first-hand in March, when she was helping negotiate the return of cruisers barred from disembarkation points in Argentina and Chile. “For an Antarctic season to function well, there has to be a lot of cooperative, bilateral discussion between operators, politicians, cities, mayors, and the ports,” Landau says. “Argentina was one of the hardest countries to work with, whereas Uruguay and the Falkland Islands were amazing.” The latter two took a humanitarian view of the crisis, allowing ships to dock and passengers to immediately board charter flights back to their home countries. Argentina, meanwhile, sealed its borders —even to its own citizens.

While Uruguay and the Falklands may be easier to work with, they present other logistical challenges. Ships departing from Uruguay have to travel twice as far as those leaving Chile or Argentina; extra nights onboard would drive up operational costs. The Falkland Islands are closer to Antarctica than Uruguay, but its airport can only receive a limited number of flights.

Health and safety protocols for foreign arrivals are still being ironed out. Some sources we spoke with expect to see temperature screenings or COVID-19 tests at airports; others believe luxury outfitters may try to bypass commercial flight restrictions altogether by chartering private planes . Which means, of course, polar travel could get even more elite.

Antarctica has always been viewed as a “once-in-a-lifetime luxury,” says Michael Pullman, Head of Marketing for adventure travel company Wild Frontiers . After a year of being cooped up inside, “many people may feel that it is [finally] time to tick off that place they had always wanted to visit.” UKAHT’s Nichol wouldn’t be surprised to see an uptick in the independent superyacht market, either, as well as more interest in land-based experiences—“an exclusive market, but as remote as you can get.”

Safety of travelers is paramount, but so is protecting local communities

The downside to visiting some of the most isolated corners on earth is the absence of medical facilities. Testing and treatment resources are extremely limited above the Arctic Circle and below the Drake Passage, and evacuation is never a picnic. Spreading disease to at-risk communities is an even bigger threat. “Travelers will have to realize that it is not only about when they feel comfortable to travel, but also when other communities are comfortable allowing them to visit,” says Ange Wallace, a Virtuoso travel advisor and co-founder of Wallace Pierson Travel .

aerial view of whales swimming among icebergs Ilulissat Greenland

Whales swim by icebergs in Greenland

This issue weighs heavily on Nicolas Dubreuil , an expedition leader with PONANT . “Communities in the polar regions are very sensitive to certain viruses,” Dubreuil says. “We will have to resume visits with infinite caution and we may have to avoid contact with indigenous populations for some time.” On the flip side, Dubreuil says tourism is a vital source of income, and operators must find new solutions to support local communities without endangering their citizens.

One idea floated by AECO’s Milfeldt was buying locally made crafts in bulk and selling them onboard the ships. Another was to facilitate educational presentations or entertainment from a safe distance. Beach and nature landings could also become the predominant calling experience for the foreseeable future.

“I hope [COVID-19] affords local populations the opportunity to be more discerning and aware of the operators coming to the region, and to rebuild the visitation structure in a way that is an empowering experience for local hosts,” says Adventure Canada’s Swan. She also hopes it serves as a wake-up call for the tourism industry, inspiring its constituents to act with renewed purpose and reimagine their roles as stewards of the environment.

Speaking of, the temporary shutdown could be good for the environment

Like every destination enduring a lockdown, we’ve already seen the environmental benefits of lower emissions, fewer vessels plying the waters, and less feet on the ground. Nearly every operator we spoke with viewed COVID-19 as a reckoning—or, as Wild Frontiers’ Pullman put it, “a drastic temporary solution to problems of overtourism.”

“The polar cruise industry has been in the crosshairs of critics for some time now, and I see this as an opportunity for ship companies to improve their commitment to sustainability,” says Jeff Bonaldi, CEO of adventure travel company The Explorer’s Passage . It may even lead to a rise in citizen science programming.

AECO’s Milfeldt agrees. “Those of us who live and breathe the Arctic as a unique polar part of the world—with its amazing ecosystem, wildlife, icebergs, glaciers, and sparsely distributed populations—have always known that it is vulnerable and that we need to take care of it,” he says. “COVID-19 only enhances our belief that you have to do your part to protect and preserve it by setting the highest possible operating standards, and educating your guests to leave only footprints behind.”

We're reporting on how COVID-19 impacts travel on a daily basis. Find all of our coronavirus coverage and travel resources here.

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polar travel s.r.o

North Pole Cruises & Luxury Expeditions

Navigate through the labyrinth of pack ice of the arctic ocean on an icebreaker cruise to reach the most northerly point on earth, a place few have ever seen., introduction to north pole cruises.

Our hand-picked North Pole Cruises offer a remarkable chance to sail through the pack ice on a purpose-built luxury icebreaker and step foot on the frozen sea at 90 degrees north - the top of the world. 

An expedition cruise to the North Pole is not just a journey; it's an extraordinary odyssey into one of our planet's most pristine, elusive, and awe-inspiring environments.

The North Pole is one of Earth's most remote and inaccessible places, making it a dream destination for any explorer. Witness pristine and untouched polar wilderness, icy seascapes, and unique wildlife on this journey into the heart of the Arctic.

North Pole Cruises

Polar bear in the Arctic

The Geographic North Pole

Longyearbyen, spitsbergen - longyearbyen, spitsbergen.

Price from per person

Kayaks on an icebreaker cruise in Greenland PONANT

Highlights Of A North Pole Cruise

Stand on the sea ice at 90° north.

Nothing can beat the exhilarating feeling of standing on top of the world in a place where the lines of longitude meet and few have ever visited.

Explore one of the Earth's greatest frontiers

A cruise to the North Pole takes you through the frozen Arctic Ocean, a vast expanse of ever-changing ice formations. Witnessing these incredible natural wonders up close from the comfort of a cruise ship is a truly awe-inspiring experience.

Search For Polar Bears and Wildlife

The Arctic sea ice is home to diverse wildlife, including polar bears, Arctic foxes, walruses, seals, and various bird species. Cruising through the Arctic waters allows you to witness these awe-inspiring animals in their natural habitat.

Traverse the Entire Arctic and Visit 2 North Poles

For true explorers, a new itinerary offers the possibility to traverse the entire Arctic Ocean and visit both the magnetic and Geographical North Pole. This epic voyage sails from Nome in Alaska through the pack ice to the North Pole and then onto Longyearbyen in Svalbard.

Luxury Icebreaker Experience

A part of the North Pole cruise experience is the icebreaker the voyage takes place on. Picture fine dining, well-appointed cabins with epic views, an on-deck hot pool, a wellness centre, not to mention a highly experienced guide team. 

What To See On A North Pole Cruise

North pole Airship from the sky PONANT

Epic Ice & Polar Wilderness

Endless sea ice formations and an unexplored, constantly shifting polar wilderness.

A polar bear walking on sea ice in the Arctic

Polar Bears, humpback whales, walruses and seals can all be seen in their natural habitat.

scoresby sund East Greenland

Scoresby Sund

Explore a remote fjord and visit the remote Inuit settlement of Ittoqqortoormiit, one of Greenland's most isolated communities.

Scoresby Sund Expedition PONANT

Midnight Sun

Imagine standing at the world's top, surrounded by a sea of ice, under the endless Arctic sun.

Getting To Your North Pole Cruise

Due to the thick sea ice and harsh weather conditions during the winter, reaching the North Pole is only possible in the Arctic Summer.  

Geographic North Pole Cruises commence in Paris with a charter flight to Longyearbyen in Svalbard and end in Reykjavik in Iceland. Paris and Reykjavik have international airports with regular connections to the UK, Europe, and the USA.

Transarctic North Pole Cruises commence in Seattle with a charter flight to Nome in Alaska, where the ship expedition begins. This expedition ends in Longyearbyen with a charter flight to Paris as the final endpoint. Seattle has an international airport with good connections across the USA, the UK, and Europe. 

Travelling by luxury icebreaker ship from Longyearbyen is the favorite route for guests visiting the North Pole. The sea ice begins at the North of Svalbard and extends to the North Pole. 

Please see our guide for the various ways to reach the North Pole, including flying.

Best Time To Go On A North Pole Cruise

North Pole cruises operate during the Arctic summer from late June to early September. This period offers the most favourable conditions for reaching the North Pole and exploring the Arctic region.

During the summer, milder weather allows safe passage through the navigable sea ice on an icebreaker to the North Pole . 

Summer is the peak season for Arctic wildlife activity. You have a better chance of spotting polar bears, seals, whales, and bird species during this time.

Please see our When to Visit The North Pole Guide for a complete guide on which month to choose.

Choose Your Year

north pole cruise ships

North Pole Cruises 2024

polar travel s.r.o

North Pole Cruises 2025

Types of north pole cruise.

North Pole icebreaker cruise PONANT-Ophelie-Bleunven

Luxury North Pole Cruises From Svalbard


North Pole & Scoresby Sund Cruises

North Pole cruise on Luxury Icebreaker charcot PONANT

Trans Arctic Via The North Pole

no single supplement north pole cruises guest on deck

North Pole Cruises With No Single Supplement

Places to explore on a north pole cruise.


Geographic North Pole

Kayaking in Scoresby Sund PONANT

North Pole Cruise Ships

polar travel s.r.o

Le Commandant Charcot

polar travel s.r.o

50 Years of Victory

Plan your north pole cruise.

Remember to plan ahead: With the limited season and high interest in these extraordinary expeditions, only a few cruises to the North Pole take place each year. It’s best to secure your preferred cabin by booking your North Pole Cruise at least a year in advance.

Choose Your Perfect Itinerary: Between July and September, choose from our comprehensive selection of North Pole cruises. Whether you opt for a thrilling journey to the Geographic North Pole from Longyearbyen or the captivating Trans Arctic Route from Svalbard to Nome in Alaska, our Travel Experience Team is ready to offer valuable advice as you make your decision.

Reserve Your Cabin With North Pole Cruises: Our Travel Experience Team will help you choose your trip, answer any questions and ensure you receive the best price at the time of booking.

Before the voyage, we will provide lots of helpful information, including packing lists, and support you during your journey if you have any issues. With every booking, we offer peace of mind with our 100% financial protection.

Take Out Comprehensive Travel Insurance: At the time of booking, purchase comprehensive travel insurance that covers all eventualities, including trip cancellations, medical emergencies, and evacuation from remote locations. Ensure that your policy explicitly covers polar travel.

A cruise to the North Pole is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, and we are here to help you plan and prepare for your extraordinary voyage to one of the world's most remote and captivating destinations.

North Pole Cruises FAQ

The cost of a North Pole Cruise in 2024 starts from £37,860 ($48,233, €43,641) per person based on a shared cabin for a 17-day voyage to the Geographic North Pole and Scoresby Sund. Prices rise to over £100,000 ($127,400, €115,270) per person for the Owners suite on Luxury Icebreaker Le Commandant Charcot.

To find out more please see our guide How Much Does A North Pole Cruise Cost?

A cruise to the North Pole is 17 – 20 days, depending on your chosen itinerary. 

The Geographic North Pole expedition sailing from Longyearbyen to the North Pole and then Scoresby Sund and arriving in Reykjavik is a total of 17 days with 16 nights on the ship. 

The Trans-Arctic expedition sailing from Nome to Longyearbyen takes 21 days with 20 nights on the ship.

During the 24 hours of daylight between April and mid-August, you will not see the Northern Lights as they are only visible during the dark hours. For the best chances of seeing the Northern Lights, we recommend a trip in September when the darkness sets in.

Each North Pole Cruise includes accommodation in well-appointed cabins, meals, expert guides, guest lecturers outlined in the itinerary, Zodiac cruises and excursions, and specified charter flights.

Please check the tour page of your chosen itinerary to see a complete list of inclusions.

We understand that financial security is paramount for our clients, which is why all bookings made with North Pole Cruises include 100% financial protection, and we include supplier failure insurance free of charge for extra peace of mind. This ensures you have the very best protection on your booking. 

When booking for your chosen itinerary, the payment options will be quoted.

Typical payment terms are a 25% deposit when booking to reserve your cabin and the final balance payable 90 days before departure. 

We accept payment via credit card or bank transfer.

Kayaking, hiking or snowshoeing, and polar plunge are offered on selected North Pole cruises and are subject to availability and weather conditions. Please check with us during the booking process to check the availability of additional activities.

During the Arctic summer, cruising to the North Pole occurs between late June and early September. The climate and weather conditions in the Arctic vary considerably, so it’s crucial to be prepared.

Here’s a detailed guide on the weather, temperatures, and climate you can expect on a North Pole cruise:

Arctic Summer Climate

The Arctic summer is characterised by relatively milder temperatures compared to the harsh winters in the region.

During this time, the Arctic experiences 24-hour daylight, known as the “Midnight Sun.” This means the sun does not set for several weeks, creating an otherworldly experience.


Temperatures in the Arctic during summer can vary but generally expect them to range from just above freezing to around 50°F (10°C) on warmer days.

However, it’s essential to note that weather conditions can change rapidly, and cold snaps can occur, leading to sub-freezing temperatures.

Ice and Sea Ice:

During your cruise, you will encounter various types of ice, including pack ice and icebergs.

The icebreaker is built to navigate through ice and has a reinforced hull to withstand contact with ice.


Rain, snow, and fog are all possible during your cruise. These conditions can reduce visibility and make outdoor activities challenging.

Precipitation is highly variable, and the weather can be unpredictable.

Cruise Itinerary and Flexibility:

Itineraries for North Pole cruises need flexibility due to changing ice and weather conditions.

The expedition team and captain will adapt the schedule to maximize your chances of safely reaching the North Pole and offer the best possible experience.

Safety is always the top priority on any North Pole cruise. The expedition team, captain, and crew are highly -trained in Arctic navigation and safety procedures.

Please follow the safety instructions and guidelines from the expedition team and ship’s crew.

Find our more in our guide to North Pole Weather & Climate .

Advance planning is essential as expeditions are often booked a year in advance. Start planning your North Pole Cruise at least 18 months before departure to ensure you have the best choice of itineraries and cabins.

The first step to booking your cruise is to contact our Travel Experience Team , who will be happy to help you with your choice of itinerary and provide you details about availability and pricing for your selected voyage.

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Your Guide To Exploring The Polar Regions

Ocean Victory Polartours

All Ships & How to chose the best

Magellan Explorer

Small Ships

Ocean Adventurer

Mid-Sized Ships

Ocean Albatros Arctic and Antarctic Cruises

Large Ships

Quark Expeditions - Antarctic Peninsula

All Dates+Prices

Ocean Victory Polartours

Falklands Islands

King George Island

King George Island

Aurora Expeditions Greg Mortimer Falklands, South Georgia & Antarctica Peninsula

South Georgia

South Orkney

South Orkney Islands

Albatros Expeditions South Shetlands & Antarctica

South Shetland Islands

Ocean Endeavour Antarctica Peninsula Photos

Wildlife of Antarctica

QuarkExpeditions_ Canada Epic High Arctic

Canadian Arctic

Northwest Passage

Northwest Passage

Secret Atlas Svalbard

Wildlife of the Arctic

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Aurora Expeditions Greg Mortimer Wild Antarctica

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Polar Latitudes Antarctica

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An Antarctica Cruise on board the G Expedition with Polartours

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An Antarctica Cruise with Polartours on board the G Expedition

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Silversea Antarctica Photos

Sustainable Tourism

An Antarctica Cruise with Polartours on board the G Expedition

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Quark Expeditions - Antarctic Peninsula

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We are part of the world's leading adventure travel professionals.

Sustainable Tourism in the Polar Regions

With over 30 dedicated expedition cruise vessels regularly sailing their waters, the polar regions have become an increasingly popular destination for Arctic and Antarctic exploration cruise ships. However, these pristine and far-flung regions are far from being tourist hotspots, and expedition vessel owners and operators are united in keeping the places they visit unspoiled. We only recommend Arctic and Antarctic cruise operators who are members of IAATO - the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators. Their code of conduct and practices ensure that every care is taken to ensure the pristine landscapes you will encounter remain that way.

An Antarctica Cruise on board the G Expedition with Polartours

Which animals will I be able to see?

The remarkable creatures that call the remote polar regions home are part of what makes a cruise to the Arctic or Antarctic such a memorable experience. Each region is home to both resident and migrant populations of seabirds, land mammals, sea mammals like whales, and more. What you will actually see on your polar expedition will depend on the weather, the time of year, and the itinerary you choose. Because each ship has a team of expert naturalists who work closely with the captain, every effort is made to give you fantastic wildlife encounters while ensuring the safety and comfort of passengers at all times. If there are particular species that you really hope to see, speak with our Polar travel experts today. They can advise you on which itineraries we offer will give you the best chance of an Arctic or Antarctic animal encounter of a lifetime!

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Polar Tracks Expeditions

Expeditions to the ends of the earth

Your trusted polar agency for bookings to Antarctica and the Arctic

expeditions to

Antarctica and the arctic.

There’s a reason visiting Antarctica or the Arctic is considered the trip of a lifetime. The polar regions are unlike anywhere else on earth. But with so many options available, it can be difficult to choose the season, ship or expedition that’s right for you.

That's where we come in.

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As a polar agency, we can help with all expedition planning and booking for both small expedition ship voyages and intimate 12-passenger ship voyages.

Small Ship Expedition Voyages

Antarctic and Arctic

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For an epic voyage on a small expedition ship to Antarctica or the Arctic, we can book you on a tour with a trusted and vetted polar operator.

12-passenger Expedition Ship Voyages

Arctic Only

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If you’re looking for a more exclusive and personal experience , you can join a Polar Tracks guided tour on a 12-passenger vessel to the Arctic.

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How Do I Choose the Right Polar Cruise for Me?

Take our short polar quiz to narrow down what options will best suit your travel style + budget.

Polar-tried, polar-tested, Polar Tracks

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Happy adventurers...

Celeste Hoppey-Broder

So, where to?

Everything you need to know about travelling to Antarctica, from seasons to penguins.

Polar bears, walruses, indigenous populations – there’s more going on in the Arctic than you might imagine.

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Simple! Take our short polar quiz to narrow down what options will best suit your travel style + budget.

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Journey to the ends of the earth Contact a Destination Specialist Get Started -->

Talk to someone who's been there.

Our engaging and knowledgeable Specialists have traveled to the ends of the earth to find the best options for your next adventure to Antarctica or the Arctic . Click below to view sample programs and vessels, or just give us a call to discuss your options and get answers to your questions. Our Polar specialists have in depth first hand experience, know the ins and outs of the vessels and itineraries, and will be happy to assist you.

It was a flawless trip and one our family will remember and treasure forever.
Your attention to detail paid off; our trip was exceptional. … I would gladly recommend your services to friends. Many thanks for everything.
Our guides made our trip. Knowledgeable, personable, attentive, and fun!

Exceptional Service and Quality, Unsurpassed Reviews

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Polar Travel Destinations

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Why travel to the Polar Regions with Vaya

Best in class vessels

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+1 (510) 372-1432

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Antarctica TRIPS

Antarctica - Polar Circle - Deep South discovery

Antarctic Polar Circle

Duration: 11 days

Antarctica - Polar Circle - Deep South discovery

Explore the farthest waters of the...

Highlights of the Southern Spring

Antarctic Peninsula

Duration: 9 days

Highlights of the Southern Spring

For centuries, the legendary White Continent...

The Antarctic Peninsula and Extreme Weddell Sea

Duration: 12 days

The Antarctic Peninsula and Extreme Weddell Sea

Port Madryn - Falkland Islands - South Georgia - Antarctica

Falkland, South Georgia, Antarctica

Duration: 21 days

Port Madryn - Falkland Islands - South Georgia - Antarctica

Meet at least six penguin species!

Antarctic Polar Circle - Discovery and Learning Voyage

Antarctic Polar Circle - Discovery and Learning Voyage

Sail through waters travelled by Humpback,...

Early Emperors - Whichaway

Antarctica Field Camps

Duration: 6 days

Early Emperors - Whichaway

Early Emperors - Echo

Early Emperors - Echo

Join us on an incredible adventure...

Across the Antarctic Circle

Duration: 14 or 15 days*

Across the Antarctic Circle

Thread through pack ice and narrow...

Antarctic Explorer, Fly and Sail

Fly and Cruise Antarctica

Antarctic Explorer, Fly and Sail

12-day Fly and Cruise to the...

Quest for the Antarctic Circle

Duration: 14 days

Quest for the Antarctic Circle

Antarctic Peninsula and Antarctic Polar Circle,...

Antarctica Express Air-Cruise

Antarctica Express Air-Cruise

An affordable, introductory visit to Antarctica.

Crossing the Circle: Southern Expedition

Crossing the Circle: Southern Expedition

Dramatic ice formations will ignite your...

Classic Antarctica Air-Cruise

Duration: 8 days

Classic Antarctica Air-Cruise

The Classic Antarctica air-cruise is our...

Polar-Circle Air Cruise

Duration: 10 days

Polar-Circle Air Cruise

Sail Farther South

Ushuaia to Buenos Aires (9)

Ushuaia to Buenos Aires (9)

Antarctica Express: Fly the Drake

Antarctica Express: Fly the Drake

Fly over the Drake Passage and...

Epic Antarctica: Crossing the Circle (Buenos Aires)

Duration: 23 days

Epic Antarctica: Crossing the Circle (Buenos Aires)

Via Falklands and South Georgia

Antarctica Small Ship Expedition (A21)

Antarctica Small Ship Expedition (A21)

Ushuaia Roundtrip 9 nights

Ushuaia Roundtrip 9 nights

Antarctic Explorer: Discovering the 7th Continent onboard Ultramarine

Antarctic Explorer: Discovering the 7th Continent onboard Ultramarine

Starting from Buenos Aires

Falklands, South Georgia and Antarctic Pen.

Falklands, South Georgia and Antarctic Pen.

Combine the best of the Antarctic...

South Georgia & Antarctic Peninsula: Penguin Safari (Buenos Aires)

South Georgia and Antarctica

Duration: 16 days

South Georgia & Antarctic Peninsula: Penguin Safari (Buenos Aires)

Jump on board for a 16...

South Georgia & Antarctic Peninsula: Penguin Safari

Duration: 18 days

South Georgia & Antarctic Peninsula: Penguin Safari

Antarctica Express: Crossing the Circle

Antarctica Express: Crossing the Circle

Cross off a travel milestone by...

Crossing the Circle

Duration: 14* o 15 days / 12 nights onboard

Crossing the Circle

Sailing in comfort aboard the luxurious...

Falklands, South Georgia, and Antarctica Explorers and Kings

Duration: 20 days

Falklands, South Georgia, and Antarctica Explorers and Kings

Both islands are known as a...

Fly in & Out of Antarctica

Antartica in a Sail Boat

Fly in & Out of Antarctica

Fly from Punta Arenas to the...

Falklands, South Georgia & Antarctica from Ushuaia

Duration: 21 days, 18 on board

Falklands, South Georgia & Antarctica from Ushuaia

We will visit historic Grytviken whaling...

Adventures in Antarctica 2025

Duration: 11 days, 9 night onboard

Adventures in Antarctica 2025

With a strong focus on exploring...

South Georgia Explorer

Falklands - South Georgia Island

Duration: 15 days

South Georgia Explorer

Experience the best of the sub-Antarctic

Falkland Islands, South Georgia & Antarctica

Falkland Islands, South Georgia & Antarctica

On this extraordinary 18-day voyage, explore...

South Shetlands Islands, Antarctica And Crossing The Circle

South Shetlands Islands, Antarctica And Crossing The Circle

On this 11-day inspiring cruise, we...

Antarctica & South Georgia Air-Cruise

Duration: 17 days

Antarctica & South Georgia Air-Cruise

Discover these two distant and beautiful...

South Georgia & The Falklands (Malvinas)

South Georgia & The Falklands (Malvinas)

Combine the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) and...

Spirit of Antarctica (SH)

Duration: 12 d�as

Spirit of Antarctica (SH)

Cross the Drake Passage on your...

Atlantic Odyssey incl. Antarctic Peninsula to St. Helena

Atlantic Odyssey

Duration: 32 nights

Atlantic Odyssey incl. Antarctic Peninsula to St. Helena

This is a combination cruise consisting...

Atlantic Odyssey, excl. Antarctic Peninsula

Duration: 24 days

Atlantic Odyssey, excl. Antarctic Peninsula

This far-ranging expedition voyage sails the...

St. Helena to Cape Verde

St. Helena to Cape Verde

Witness the northbound spring migration

Forgotten Islands of the South Pacific: Subantarctic Islands

South Pacific Subantarctic Islands

Forgotten Islands of the South Pacific: Subantarctic Islands

Despite their low profile, they are...

Galapagos of the Southern Ocean: Subantarctic Islands

Galapagos of the Southern Ocean: Subantarctic Islands

Long recognised for their rich biodiversity,...

Beyond Fiordland: New Zealand's Wildest Islands

Beyond Fiordland: New Zealand's Wildest Islands

Explore New Zealand's Subantarctic Auckland, Snares...

Chatham Islands: A Land Apart

Chatham Islands: A Land Apart

Visiting the Chatham Islands is not...

Unseen Fiordland and Stewart Island

Duration: 7 days

Unseen Fiordland and Stewart Island

Exploring New Zealand's Remote Backyard

In Depth Antarctica and Patagonia Expedition: Southbound

Duration: 22 days

In Depth Antarctica and Patagonia Expedition: Southbound

Whale Season in Antarctica

Duration: 11 days, 9 nights onboard

Whale Season in Antarctica

Every voyage into Antarctica is a...

Falklands, South Georgia & Antarctica -Ush

Falklands, South Georgia & Antarctica -Ush

Crossing 66 South Latitude

Crossing 66� South Latitude

Crossing the Antarctic Circle

Ushuaia Roundtrip and Antarctic Circle Crossing (11)

Ushuaia Roundtrip and Antarctic Circle Crossing (11)

Antarctica Complete

Antarctica Complete

Experience unparalleled adventure and discovery on...

Antarctica, Chilean Fjords, Falklands

Falklands and Antarctica

Antarctica, Chilean Fjords, Falklands

Explore Antarctica for one week at...

Shackleton's Antarctica: Falklands & South Georgia Expedition (U)

Shackleton's Antarctica: Falklands & South Georgia Expedition (U)

Follow the path of Shackleton to...

Shackleton's Antarctica: Falklands & South Georgia Expedition (PM)

Shackleton's Antarctica: Falklands & South Georgia Expedition (PM)

Explore the Great White Continent, Falkland...

Falklands (Malvinas), South Georgia & Antarctica

Duration: 19 days

Falklands (Malvinas), South Georgia & Antarctica

Three wild and scenic destinations in...

Cruise to the Great White Continent

Cruise to the Great White Continent

Scott & Shackleton's Antarctic - Ross Sea Expedition

Scott & Shackleton's Antarctic - Ross Sea Expedition

Embark on an extraordinary adventure to...

King George Island Roundtrip

King George Island Roundtrip

Bypass the Drake Passage at the...

Best of Antarctica

Best of Antarctica

Wildlife Explorer

Antarctica Untouched

Duration: 13 days, 10 nights onboard

Antarctica Untouched

Placing the first human footsteps onto...

South Georgia Grand Tour

South Georgia Grand Tour

South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula

South Shetland Islands and Antarctic Peninsula

This is a classic 10-day voyage...

Epic Antarctica, S Georgia and Falklands / Malvinas

Epic Antarctica, S Georgia and Falklands / Malvinas

An extraordinary 19-day voyage

Weddell Sea & Antarctic Peninsula

Weddell Sea

Weddell Sea & Antarctic Peninsula

Ushuaia Roundtrip 10 nights

Ushuaia Roundtrip 10 nights

Antarctic Expedition Cruise

Duration: 13 days

Antarctic Expedition Cruise

Antarctica - Polar Circle

Antarctica - Polar Circle

Crossing the Polar Circle

Antarctica - Beyond the Polar Circle - Wilkins Ice Shelf

Antarctica - Beyond the Polar Circle - Wilkins Ice Shelf

Visit places discovered by De Gerlache...

Antarctica - Elephant Island - Weddell Sea - Polar Circle

Antarctica - Elephant Island - Weddell Sea - Polar Circle

Venture beyond the polar circle, visiting...

South Georgia Discovery

South Georgia Discovery

Ushuaia Roundtrip Antarctic Circle 13 days

Ushuaia Roundtrip Antarctic Circle 13 days

Experience Another World

Falklands, South Georgia & Antarctica - Bs As

Falklands, South Georgia & Antarctica - Bs As

The sweeping scope of this Southern...

The Antarctica Explorer

The Antarctica Explorer

Prepare for the ultimate Antarctic adventure...

Antarctica & Patagonia Expedition: Southbound

Antarctica & Patagonia Expedition: Southbound

Antarctica Explorer

Antarctica Explorer

Small Group Phography & Wildlife Expedition

Quest for the Circle

Quest for the Circle

On this 12-day ultimate Antarctica cruise,...

The Ultimate Antarctica Exp- Peninsula in Depth

The Ultimate Antarctica Exp- Peninsula in Depth

In Shackleton's Footsteps

Duration: 17 nights

In Shackleton's Footsteps

Falkland, South Georgia and Antarctica. Live...

Antarctic Peninsula in Depth 2

Duration: 13 nights

Antarctic Peninsula in Depth 2

Long Arc to Antarctica

Long Arc to Antarctica

Dream big on the epic 17-night...

Antarctic Peninsula in Depth 3

Duration: 11 nights

Antarctic Peninsula in Depth 3

Weddell Sea - In search of the Emperor Penguin, incl. helicopters

Duration: 10 nights

Weddell Sea - In search of the Emperor Penguin, incl. helicopters

Searching for the Elusive Emperor Penguins

Remote Weddell Sea Explorer

Duration: 28 days

Remote Weddell Sea Explorer

South Georgia � South Sandwich Islands...

Antarctica & Falklands Expedition

Antarctica & Falklands Expedition

16-day expedition cruise from Ushuaia to...

Antarctic Peninsula Odyssey

Antarctic Peninsula Odyssey

Live out your Antarctica dream on...

Antarctic Peninsula Discovery

Duration: 9 nights

Antarctic Peninsula Discovery

Weddell Sea Discovery

Weddell Sea Discovery

Fulfil your dreams on this bucket-list...

Ushuaia Roundtrip: Antarctica, Falklands, South Georgia (16)

Ushuaia Roundtrip: Antarctica, Falklands, South Georgia (16)

Take the ultimate holiday journey, delving...

South Georgia & Antarctic Odyssey featuring the South Sandwich Islands

South Georgia & Antarctic Odyssey featuring the South Sandwich Islands

Simply reaching these wild, far-flung islands...

Antarctic Peninsula In Depth

Antarctic Peninsula In Depth

The ultimate expedition to the Antarctic...

Deep Weddell Following Nordenskjld

Deep Weddell Following Nordenskj�ld

A new voyage that focuses on...

Circle and Weddell

Circle and Weddell

Antarctic adventurers can aim to tick...

Antarctic Explorer Express

Antarctic Explorer Express

The younger sibling to the fully-grown...

Falklands~Malvinas and Antarctic Peninsula

Falklands~Malvinas and Antarctic Peninsula

We enjoy and in-depth, five-day exploration...

Across the Antarctic Circle - Flying from Punta Arenas

Duration: 12 or 14 days

Across the Antarctic Circle - Flying from Punta Arenas

South Georgia, Falklands & Antarctic Odyssey

South Georgia, Falklands & Antarctic Odyssey

This voyage encompasses the best of...

Antarctic Explorer: Discovering the 7th Continent

Antarctic Explorer: Discovering the 7th Continent

The classic Antarctic Explorer voyage gives...

Crossing the Circle: Southern Expedition (Buenos Aires)

Crossing the Circle: Southern Expedition (Buenos Aires)

Emperor Penguin Quest

Emperor Penguin Quest

Expedition to Snow Hill

Expedition to New Zealand's Subantarctic Islands

Expedition to New Zealand's Subantarctic Islands

Allow yourself to be transported to...

Unexplored Antarctica between Two Continents

Duration: 30 days

Unexplored Antarctica between Two Continents

Charcot, Bellingshausen, Dean, Fisher, Ross, Amundsen�...

Wild Nature between Argentina and the Falkland Islands

Wild Nature between Argentina and the Falkland Islands

From Tierra del Fuego to the...

Best of the Southern Ocean

Best of the Southern Ocean

Antarctic Summit

Antarctic Summit

On this 6-day experience you will...

South Pole & Emperors - Whichaway

South Pole & Emperors - Whichaway

This luxury adventure takes you into...

Falklands (Malvinas) & South Georgia

Falklands (Malvinas) & South Georgia

South Pole & Emperors - Echo

South Pole & Emperors - Echo

Our signature 7-day journey brings you...

The Greatest Day

Duration: 1 day

The Greatest Day

Come join us on the world�s...

The Owners Club

Duration: On demand

The Owners Club

This is an exceptionally rare opportunity...


Join expedition sailing vessel, Ocean Tramp,...

Best of Antarctica: Pristine Wilderness

Best of Antarctica: Pristine Wilderness

Witness the icy wilderness of Antarctica...

Best of Antarctica: A White Christmas

Best of Antarctica: A White Christmas

Don�t just dream of a white...

Best of Antarctica in Depth

Best of Antarctica in Depth

Take the chance to see Antarctica�s...

King George Island to Ushuaia

King George Island to Ushuaia

Skip the Drake Passage at the...

In the Wake of Scott and Shackleton: Ross Sea Antarctica (28)

In the Wake of Scott and Shackleton: Ross Sea Antarctica (28)

The Ross Sea region of Antarctica...

Birding Down Under: Subantarctic and Chatham Islands

Birding Down Under: Subantarctic and Chatham Islands

These islands are probably more isolated...

Unseen Fiordland, Stewart Island and The Snares

Unseen Fiordland, Stewart Island and The Snares

Falklands, South Georgia & Antarctica (from P Stanley)

Falklands, South Georgia & Antarctica (from P Stanley)

Antarctic Wildlife Adventure

Polar Circle Quest

Polar Circle Quest

Expedition cruise to the Antarctic Peninsula,...

The Ultimate Antarctica Experience - Quest for the Circle

The Ultimate Antarctica Experience - Quest for the Circle

Looking for excitement? A true expedition...

Southern Ocean Odyssey

Southern Ocean Odyssey

On this extraordinary 15-day voyage, experience...

Weddell Sea Quest

Weddell Sea Quest

Journey to the Antarctic Circle

Journey to the Antarctic Circle

Follow in the wake of Captain...

Best of Antarctica: whale discovery

Best of Antarctica: whale discovery

Immerse yourself in the raw beauty...

Falklands and South Georgia Photo Cruise

Falklands and South Georgia Photo Cruise

South Georgia Through the Camera Lens...

Spirit of Shackleton

Spirit of Shackleton

Experience vast penguin rookeries and seal...

Ushuaia Roundtrip Antarctic Circle 14 days

Ushuaia Roundtrip Antarctic Circle 14 days

Push beyond the Limits, Antarctic Circle...

Ushuaia to King George Island

Ushuaia to King George Island

Embark on the voyage of a...

Antarctic Peninsula: Fly the Drake

Antarctic Peninsula: Fly the Drake

Fly the Drake to a 12-day...

Ushuaia Roundtrip: Antarctica, South Georgia (14)

Ushuaia Roundtrip: Antarctica, South Georgia (14)

Look to the skies for white-chinned,...

Ushuaia, Falklands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Buenos Aires

Ushuaia, Falklands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Buenos Aires

Falklands, South Georgia and Antarctic Pen (23)

Falklands, South Georgia and Antarctic Pen (23)

Falkland -South Georgia - Antarctica (20 days)

Duration: 19 nights

Falkland -South Georgia - Antarctica (20 days)

Prime Season Antarctica

Prime Season Antarctica

South Atlantic cruise: from South Africa to Antarctica

Duration: 20 nights

South Atlantic cruise: from South Africa to Antarctica

This trip offers Flexible Bookings!


2024 Photo Workshop: P. Madryn - Falkland Islands - South Georgia - Antarctica

Duration: 22 days - 21 nights

2024 Photo Workshop: P. Madryn - Falkland Islands - South Georgia - Antarctica

Once Again, Presenting an Exclusive Antarctic...

Wild Isles of the South Atlantic

Wild Isles of the South Atlantic

Antarctic Circle Expedition

Antarctic Circle Expedition

Join us in this expedition to...

King George Island Roundtrip 7n

King George Island Roundtrip 7n

Ushuaia Roundtrip and Antarctic Circle Crossing (13)

Ushuaia Roundtrip and Antarctic Circle Crossing (13)

Antarctic Express: Cruise South, Fly North

Antarctic Express: Cruise South, Fly North

Revel in the excitement of crossing...

The Antarctic Adrenaline Adventure

The Antarctic Adrenaline Adventure

Ultimate Antarctica: Falklands, South Georgia & Antarctic Circle

Ultimate Antarctica: Falklands, South Georgia & Antarctic Circle

Antarctica All-access

Duration: 12 days -10 onboard

Antarctica All-access

Celebrating Antarctica 2025

Duration: 12 days, 10 nights onboard

Celebrating Antarctica 2025

Explore the very best of Antarctica�s...

Falklands, South Georgia & Antarctica 2025

Duration: 20 days, 18 onboard

Falklands, South Georgia & Antarctica 2025

The sub-Antarctic Falkland Islands/Malvinas and South...

South Georgia & Antarctic Odyssey Sail-Fly

South Georgia & Antarctic Odyssey Sail-Fly

Classic South Georgia

Classic South Georgia

Expedition cruise to the Falkland /...

Wild Antarctica

Wild Antarctica

Embark on a true Antarctic expedition...

Antarctica: Basecamp

Duration: 12 nights

Antarctica: Basecamp

The best outdoor activities voyage in...

Falkland Islands -South Georgia - Antarctic Pen. (19 days)

Duration: 18 nights

Falkland Islands -South Georgia - Antarctic Pen. (19 days)

The expedition explores one of the...

Antarctica: Polar Circle - Whale watching voyage

Antarctica: Polar Circle - Whale watching voyage

Classic Antarctica

Classic Antarctica

Expedition cruise to the Antarctic Peninsula...

Falkland/Malvinas, South Georgia and Antarctica

Duration: 21 nights

Falkland/Malvinas, South Georgia and Antarctica

Falkland / Malvinas Islands, South Georgia...

Christmas in Antarctica

Duration: 12 or 13* days, 10 nights onboard

Christmas in Antarctica

Celebrate and explore the majestic white...

New Year in Antarctica (2)

New Year in Antarctica (2)

Embark on a journey to the...

Christmas Eve in Antarctica

Christmas Eve in Antarctica

Embark on a journey to Christmas...

Antarctica - Whale watching, discovery and learning voyage

Antarctica - Whale watching, discovery and learning voyage

In search for the giants of...

Antarctica: Discovery and Learning Voyage

Antarctica: Discovery and Learning Voyage

This cruise delivers you to wondrous...

Discovering the 7th Continent plus Cape Horn & Diego Ramirez

Discovering the 7th Continent plus Cape Horn & Diego Ramirez

If this is your first visit,...

Antarctica Classic -G-

Antarctica Classic -G-

Join us on a true adventure...

Realm of Penguins & Icebergs

Realm of Penguins & Icebergs

Embark in a journey to the...


Antarctic Peninsula inlcuding Deception Island

Spirit of Antarctica

Spirit of Antarctica

Cruise to the Antarctic Peninsula, including...

Antarctica Classic in Depth

Antarctica Classic in Depth

Adventures in Antarctica

Duration: 12 days - 9 nights on board

Adventures in Antarctica

Antarctic Peninsula voyage offers an abundance...

Celebrating Antarctica

Duration: 13 days, 10 nights on board

Celebrating Antarctica

This itinerary offers an abundance of...

Falkland - S. Georgia - Elephant I. - Antarctica - Polar Circle

Duration: 22 nights

Falkland - S. Georgia - Elephant I. - Antarctica - Polar Circle

Do you need more information?

Contact us to receive more info about this trip. We will get back to you as soon as possible. If you don’t receive an answer within 24-48hs, please check on your Spam.

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THE POLAR TRAVEL COMPANY LLC USA 8175 NW 12 ST #120, Doral, FL 33126 Miami - Dade, Florida Tel: +1 (786) 321-5654 WhatsApp: +1 (786) 705-2241 Email: [email protected]

ARGENTINA Ushuaia Deloqui 1441 7B, Timbre 54 Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego. Tel: +54 9 249 457 3920


International Travel Awards - 2023 Winner

© 2020 The Polar Travel Company | All rights reserved | Terms & Conditions THE POLAR TRAVEL COMPANY LLC is registered with the State of Florida as a Seller of Travel. Registration No. ST42392.

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P olar   D ream       T ravel

polar travel s.r.o

Have you ever dreamt of visiting   Antarctica  or the  Arctic through

Polar cruises, our antarctica picks.

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21 Nights Scott & Shackleton's Antarctic - Ross Sea Expedition

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11/12 Nights Antarctica Explorer

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18/19/20 Nights Falkland Islands - South Georgia - Antarctic Peninsula

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22 Nights Epic Antarctica: Circle, Falklands and South Georgia

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13 Nights Emperor Penguin Quest: Expedition to Snow Hill

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9/10 Nights Antarctica Discovery

polar travel s.r.o

11 Nights Emblematic Antarctica

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14 Nights Antarctica Circle

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10 Nights Antarctica - Discovery and Learning Voyage

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10 Nights Antarctic Explorer from Ushuaia

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7 Nights Antarctic Express: Fly the Drake

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6/7 Days South Pole Flight Expedition

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Penguin Facts

Once a life time experience

Penguin might be the first thing into your mind for Antarctica . Most penguins live in Antarctica and surrounding areas. There are totally 16 to 19 types of Penguins. The largest penguins are Emperor Penguins and King Penguins, which are up to 4 feet tall. Galapagos penguins are the most northern colony of penguins. Gentoo penguins, Chinstrap penguins, Adelie penguins and Macaroni penguins are commonly seen in Antarctica . Various types of penguins on an Antarctica trip is one of the most memorized moments for polar adventurers.

Our Arctic Picks

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11 Nights Canada’s Remote Arctic: Northwest Passage to Ellesmere & Axel Heiberg

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11 Nights Svalbard Odyssey

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6/7/9/11 Nights Longyearbyen Roundtrip

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10/11 Nights Reykjavik to Kangerlussuaq

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28 Nights Complete Northwest Passage

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13 Nights Svalbard Circumnavigation and Kvitøya

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11 Nights Gems of West Greenland: Fjords, Icebergs, and Culture

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15/16 Nights The Geographic North Pole

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14 Nights Three Arctic Islands

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16 Nights Northwest Passage: In the Footsteps of Franklin

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10/11 Nights Arctic Sights and Northern Lights

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11 Nights Spitsbergen Explorer: Wildlife Capital of the Arctic

Polar bears.

Polar bears are the largest land carnivores in the world. Polar bears are only found in Arctic . Polar bears spend much of their time on Arctic sea ice. Polar bears feed mainly on seals, also known to eat walrus, beluga whale and others. Polar bears may travel thousand miles each year to find food as the sea ice advances and retreats. Polar bears don’t hibernate in the winter except breeding females. There are about 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears in the world. Due to climate change, polar bears are now listed as a threatened species in the US.

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Švýcarsko pro školy

1. den - odjezd ve večerních hodinách z ČR.

2. den - v ranních hodinách příjezd do Švýcarska, dopoledne návštěva švýcarské školy v Lausanne, poté zastávka u na břehu Ženevského jezera u Olympijského muzea, procházka parkem, kde je umístěna socha Emila Zátopka. Odpoledne krátká návštěva Ženevy, procházka historickým centrem - zeď reformatorů, radnice, katedrála, dům rodiny Tavelů, květinové hodiny. Navečer příjezd do Chamonix, ubytování v hotelu, večeře.

3. den - snídaně, dopoledne výjezd soustavou lanovek na vrchol Aiguille du Midi 3 842 m n. m., nádherné výhledy do okolí, při výborném počasí je vidět i masiv Mont Blancu. Součástí jízdenky na lanovky je rovněž vstup na skleněnou podlahu, vyhlídka „krok do neznáma“. Odpoledne zastávka ve městečku Sion, krátký a lehký výstup na zříceninu hradu Tourbillon s nádhernými výhledy do okolí. Navečer ubytování v hotelu v okolí Vispu nebo Sionu, večeře.

4. den - snídaně, odjezd autobusem do městečka Täsch, odtud pokračování vlakem do Zermattu, jednoho z nejznámějších míst Švýcarska, které je umístěno pod masivem Matterhornu. Možnost výjezdu vlakem (zubačkou) Gornergratbahn na vrchol Gornergrat (3 089 m n. m.), odkud se otevřou nádherné výhledy na okolní čtyřtisícovky, rovněž je v horní stanici lanovky nově otevřeno interaktivní centrum, kde se lze prostřednictvím virtuální reality proletět po okolí. Během zpáteční cesty z Gornergratu je možné z vlaku vystoupit a absolvovat procházku kolem jezera Riffelsee, v jehož hladině se za krásného počasí zrcadlí Matterhorn. Alternativou (za horšího počasí) je výjezd soustavou lanovek na Klein Matterhorn (Galcier paradise) do oblasti věcného ledu. Na závěr procházka Zermattem, možnost nákupu suvenýrů apod. Návrat do  hotelu, večeře.

5.den -  platí pro květnové nebo červnové termíny - snídaně, nasleduje putování po stopách švýcarské gastronomie. Dopoledne exkurze v čokoládovně Cailler (s ochutnávkou), poté v sýrárně Gruyères, krátká zastávka také v centru Gruyères, výhledy do okolí od zdejšího hradu. Odpoledne rozloučení se Švýcarskem v jeho hlavním městě Bernu, procházka centrem města: medvědárium, řeka Aara, katedrála, orloj Zyttglockenturm. Odjezd ve večerních hodinách do ČR.

  5. den - platí pouze pro červnové termíny - snídně, dopoledne volný čas v horském městečku Fiesch, pro zájemce možnost výjezdu lanovkou těsně pod vrchol EGGISHORNU 2869 m n. m., výhled na Aletschý ledovec a trojici Eiger, Mönch a Jungfrau. Po obědě odjezd přes Grimselpass 2164 m n. m. k soutěsce řeky Aary, procházka soutěskou. Pokračování přes Meiringen, kde vyhasl život Sherlocka Holmese. Ve večerních hodinách krátká zastávka v Luzernu, který je světoznámý díky dřevěném mostu Kapoelbrůcke (UNESCO), dle časových možností procházka centrem. Odjezd ve večerních hodinách do ČR.

6. den - příjezd v ranních hodinách do ČR. CENA ZAHRNUJE: - dopravu lux.busem - 3 x ubytování v hotelu dvoulůžkových pokojích se sociálním zařízením - 3x snídaně - 3x večeře - průvodce po celou dobu zájezdu - pojištění záruky pro případ úpadku CK - pojištění odpovědnosti pořadatele zájezdu CENA NEZAHRNUJE: - oběd ve švýcarské škole / 10 CHF na osobu / - pojištění léčebných výloh účastníků zájezdu / úraz, nemoc / - lanovky / 220 CHF, 80 EUR/ DALŠÍ MOŽNOSTI: - prodloužení pobytu / každý den 3000 Kč na osobu / TERMÍNY:                                               CENA: Po celý školní rok 2024-25                  14 500,- Kč

Polar cruises

Travellers on shore in Antarctica with penguins in background

A journey to the Arctic or Antarctic is unlike anything else on earth.

Regardless of whether you're visiting the southern or northern extremes of our planet, there's something about these white landscapes that captures the imaginations of even the most hardened travelers. Nothing will prepare for the peaceful remoteness that awaits as you cruise to the extremes of the earth and discover great white landscapes full of icy inlets and frozen coves. Experience the rush of setting foot on some of the world's most isolated terrain, witness brilliant natural phenomena and come to terms with the sheer size and scale of the globe's polar regions. An  Arctic  or  Antarctic Cruise  is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience you'll remember forever.

Antarctica is one of the few places in the world that still exists in pretty much its natural state. Venture to the southernmost tip of the planet to watch penguins courting as far as the eye can see, seals sleeping on ice floes and whales blowing water as they surface. Conquer the Drake Passage and set your eyes on dramatic contrasts while learning about a place that has united countries and belongs to no one.  

Realm of the mighty polar bear and the renowned Northern Lights – the Arctic Circle is the final frontier before the long journey to the North Pole. It’s a challenging world populated by musk oxen, walruses and narwhals; where communities have a long history of surviving off the sea. Explore untouched coastal areas, icy oceans and tiny settlements and discover one of the most biologically diverse parts of the world.

Boasting one of the most diverse regions in the world, the Arctic is home to hundreds of animal species from the mighty polar bear to the distinctive snowy owl. And you've got a front-row seat. Here's a small glimpse of what you can expect to see on your Arctic adventure. 

Our Ocean Endeavour is built tough; designed to handle the harsh Antarctic wilderness with ease while ensuring your safety at every step of the adventure.

Our experienced expedition team are at the top of their fields. You’ll find out everything you want to know from our Antarctic experts, including naturalists and ornithologists. 

We don’t call them hands-on, feet-on adventures for nothing. Get closer to the action with, not one, but two daily excursions on land and, via Zodiacs, at sea. 

Our onboard creature comforts will warm you up after your Antarctic outings. Expect 3-course meals, 24/7 tea and coffee and fascinating evening seminars.  

We’re committed to providing the highest safety standards, which is why the Ocean Endeavour, and all our operations teams undergo regular safety audits.

We’re deeply committed to being a responsible business and take considered steps to minimize our impact, support vital research and promote conservation in the Antarctic.  

There’s simply something about the North Pole that makes it irresistible to avid adventurers. Whether it’s the vast, white nothingness that surrounds you, the chance of spotting Santa Claus and his reindeer dashing over the snow, or the immense satisfaction that comes with saying ‘I’m standing on top of the world’ – the North Pole is a destination so surreal you’ll think you dreamed it. 

While you can still get relatively close to the Antarctic wilderness from aboard the  Ocean Endeavour , a speedy zodiac, or on land itself, there’s nothing quite like gently making your way over the ocean’s ice-clogged surface on a kayak. Fully immerse yourself in the wonders of this region by paddling through the freezing waters, taking in the sheer size and stature of floating icebergs and glistening glaciers along the way.  

Whether you’re watching from the back of a dogsled in  Greenland  or from the deck of the  Ocean Adventurer  in  Norway , the natural phenomenon that is the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) will capture your travel-loving heart in ways that nothing else will. While there’s a scientific way to explain the dancing colors, once you set your sights on them, you’ll believe they’re nothing short of a miracle.  

We know you want to be as comfortable as possible while cruising on board, which is why we’ve chosen vessels equipped with modern conveniences that make each voyage a true pleasure. Each ship boasts onboard chefs to prepare a range of hearty, quality meals, and onboard experts to ensure you spend more time seeing the sights and less time thumbing through a guidebook.

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Journey to the Antarctic Circle (Ocean Endeavour)

When is the best time to visit Antarctica?

Antarctica is best visited in the summer months from November to March when the weather is warmer and the sea ice has melted enough to get closer to the island shore.

What is the weather like in Antarctica?

The climate in Antarctica is the coldest one on Earth with cold summers and freezing winters. The warmest month is January with averages of around 50°F.

What do I wear in Antarctica?

You have to be prepared and thorough when packing for Antarctica due to its remote location. Make sure you bring lots of layers, gloves, sunscreen, and moisturizer among other items.

How do I choose an Antarctic cruise?

Deciding on the Antarctic cruise that suits you best comes down to figuring out the time of year you want to go, the itinerary, and how long you want the cruise to be.

Will my mobile phone work in Antarctica?

Your mobile phone will not work during your Antarctica cruise as the continent is still considered extremely remote and doesn't have the right telecommunication infrastructure in place.

How much does a cruise to Antarctica cost?

The cost of an Antarctica cruise largely depends on the departure date, the length of the cruise and the type of cabin you book on the ship, but most cruises start from USD$7,000.

Where is Antarctica?

Antarctica refers to the seventh continent of the world and is largely situated in the Antarctic Circle - a line of latitude sitting at around 66.5° south of the equator - at the base of the globe.

The Antarctic refers to the region made up of south polar zones that include the seas and some outlying islands. 

What country is Antarctica in?

Antarctica isn't part of one single country, rather it is a continent governed under a series of recognized guidelines and agreements called the Antarctic Treaty System.

What are the possible landing sites in Antarctica?

Each expedition includes stops at various landing sites around the Antarctic, but when and for how long you stop often depends on the weather, sea ice and wildlife movement. 

What types of animals live in Antarctica?

While Antarctica may not be hospitable to human life, there are plenty of animal species that call the seventh continent their home. This includes penguins, whales, sea birds, seals, and more. 

What is it like travelling solo on a cruise to Antarctica?

While you can't embark on an expedition to the world's seventh continent alone, you can travel solo on a group tour to Antarctica.

This means you'll still have plenty of free time to do your own thing (and use the ship's excellent amenities) but also have the comfort of knowing expert leaders are handling the pesky logistics.

You can also choose from a variety of accommodation arrangements, from single cabins to room-sharing, depending on your preference. 

Is there internet, wi-fi, email or telephone access available on the ships?

Internet access is available on most Antarctic ships, at a cost. Alternatively, there may be a ship-based email system where you will have an email account to stay in touch with family and friends. Because of the remoteness of Antarctica, connections can be slow, so all ships charge for data used rather than time spent online. Please refer to your detailed pre-departure information for more information on Internet facilities on your ship.

Will my mobile phone work in Antarctica? 

Can my family and friends contact me while I’m on board in the case of an emergency at home?

Yes. There is a number to call the ship and you can purchase data for the wi-fi onboard, although the connection is intermittent and not to be relied on.

How fit do I need to be to travel to Antarctica?

While the destination itself might conjure up images of nefarious voyages only the fittest can endure, you only need to be in good health and be able to move around freely to participate in and enjoy Antarctica's numerous activities and adventures.

If you have an average fitness level (and above) you are compatible with Antarctica travel, so you don't need to spend hours in the gym before considering booking a trip. 

Does my trip to Antarctica support The Intrepid Foundation?

Yes, all Intrepid trips support the Intrepid Foundation. Trips to this country directly support our global Intrepid Foundation partner, Eden Reforestation Projects. Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

Eden Reforestation Projects

Eden Reforestation Projects are helping to mitigate climate change by restoring forests worldwide; they also hire locally and create job opportunities within vulnerable communities. Donations from our trips support restoration across planting sites in 10 countries around the globe.

What should I wear in the Arctic?

Packing for the Arctic may seem daunting but as long as you pack heaps of layers, socks, gloves, beanies, and other cold weather clothing, you should be well prepared.

What country is the Arctic in?

The Arctic is considered a polar region, but it's made up of areas that belong to the Arctic Ocean, several other seas and, of course, countries. These countries are Denmark (Greenland), Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Canada, Iceland, and the USA.

When is the best time to visit the Arctic?

The best time to visit the Arctic region is during the high summer season (between June and September) as the weather is warmer and it is more enjoyable to spend long periods of time outside.

Where is the Arctic?

The Arctic is located at the northernmost part of the planet, starting from the North Pole (yes, where Santa Claus lives) and extending out in all directions to the edges of the Arctic Circle.

Will my cell phone work in the Arctic?

Your cell phone won't work while you're at sea but there are various towns in the Arctic region where cell coverage is satisfactory, even good.

What is the weather like in the Arctic?

It's generally cold in the Arctic but the summer season does see temperatures rise above freezing and most people find being outside tolerable and sometimes enjoyable.

What types of animals live in the Arctic?

Several animal species call the Arctic their home, including:

  • a variety of seabirds
  • common eiders
  • purple sandpipers
  • polar bears
  • Arctic wolves

12 hours in the shoes (or muck boots) of a traveller visiting Antarctica  

When your day job is leading expeditions to the bottom of the earth in Antarctica 

Arctic vs Antarctic cruises: How to choose your polar expedition

6 reasons why you should visit Antarctica 

Meet Martin Cohen, Antarctica expedition guide and polar penguinologist 

Meet Eva, the polar scientist heading to Antarctica with Intrepid in 2023

I travelled solo to Antarctica just before the world shut down. Here’s what I learned.

Travel to Antarctica alongside whale experts from WWF-Australia

Polari Travel

Book your summer holiday with Polari Travel today

Polari Travel

  • Travel the world with Polari,  we speak your language. book now

Polari Travel is a small family run business based in Athy, Co. Kildare. 

We offer a wide selection of group tours, budget holidays, luxury holidays, cruises, sports packages and more!

We tailor make budget-friendly or Luxury holidays to suit your needs!

Big experiences at great value

Today's Deals

Meet our team, aisling moran .

Managing Director 


Tour leader

Email - [email protected]  

Fiona O'Connell

Managing Director


Tour Leader

Email - [email protected]  

Alex O'Meara

Office Manager

Luxury travel

Cruises & Honeymoons

Email - [email protected]  

Travel Consultant 

City Breaks

Family Holidays

Email - [email protected]  

Where to find us?

14 emily square, athy,  co. kildare r14tx36, opening hours.

Monday to Friday  - 09:30 - 17:30 

Bank holidays - Closed 

Christmas week - closed

Office phone number

You can reach our office on (059) 862 1000 between working hours 09:30 - 17:30 

24 hour customer service number

 24 hour customster service number for emergency abroad is (085) 742 4314


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  1. Polar Travel

    Sportovní kempy. Připravujeme také sportovní kempy pro týmy v ČR i v zahraničí.

  2. Polar Travel

    Tel.: +420 604 774 504. Pojistná smlouva o úpadku: Polar_Travel_s_r_o__pojistka_2024-25-1.pdf. Realizační tým: Martina Hrdoušková, školy v ČR, prezentace a průvodce, [email protected] Markéta Jansová, prezentace a průvodce, [email protected] Zina Hladíková, školy a ubytování ve Švédsku, [email protected] Milena Kaprasová, školy ve Švédsku, průvodce ...

  3. Arctic

    Optional. View Dates & Rates. MORE INFO ABOUT THIS TRIP. A team of professionals with over 15 years of experience in Antarctica and the Arctic. Our passion for the Polar Regions made us develop this project to help people find the trip of their life.

  4. Společnost Polar Travel s.r.o.

    Společnost Polar Travel s.r.o. (IČO: 6080341) byla založena dne 5. května 2017 v Libereckém kraji. Aktuální informace o počtu zaměstnanců, obratu, sídle společnosti.

  5. What the Future of Polar Travel Looks Like

    This time last year, Antarctic tourism was at an all-time high. More than 56,000 people traveled to the southernmost continent during the 2018-2019 season—a 53 percent jump from 2014-2015 data ...

  6. Polar Travel

    Polar Travel. domů. zájezdy a stáže. reference. Kontakt. Galerie a videa. Zde naleznete naše programy: Škola v přírodě s AJ v Norsku. Švýcarsko pro školy.

  7. Polar Travel, s.r.o. (Liberec XVI-Nový Harcov)

    Polar Travel, s.r.o. Vřesová 113, 460 15 Liberec XVI-Nový Harcov. Patička stránky. Byty Domy Pozemky Chalupy na prodej Pronájme bytů Praha Pronájem bytů Brno Pronájem bytů Pardubice Pronájem bytů Liberec. Co se může hodit?

  8. Polar Travel

    Polar Travel, Liberec, Czech Republic. 130 likes. Cestovní kancelář - specializace Skandinávie pro základní školy Švédko, Norsko ,Dánsko , Finsko...

  9. About Us

    THE POLAR TRAVEL COMPANY LLC USA 8175 NW 12 ST #120, Doral, FL 33126 Miami - Dade, Florida Tel: +1 (786) 321-5654 WhatsApp: +1 (786) 705-2241 Email: [email protected]. MULTIMEDIA LITERATURE PHOTO GALLERY VIDEO GALLERY FAQ ABOUT US BLOG/NEWS

  10. The Polar Travel Company

    THE POLAR TRAVEL COMPANY LLC USA 8175 NW 12 ST #120, Doral, FL 33126 Miami - Dade, Florida Tel: +1 (786) 321-5654 WhatsApp: +1 (786) 705-2241 Email: [email protected]. MULTIMEDIA LITERATURE PHOTO GALLERY VIDEO GALLERY FAQ ABOUT US BLOG/NEWS

  11. Cruise To The North Pole

    A cruise to the North Pole is 17 - 20 days, depending on your chosen itinerary. The Geographic North Pole expedition sailing from Longyearbyen to the North Pole and then Scoresby Sund and arriving in Reykjavik is a total of 17 days with 16 nights on the ship. The Trans-Arctic expedition sailing from Nome to Longyearbyen takes 21 days with 20 ...

  12. Polar Expeditions: Dates & Prices

    Click here to find what is arguably the biggest Polar Expedition Cruise Finder: Compare all routes, prices, available spots and discounts for cruises to the Antarctica and the Arctic at one sight. Filter by Duration, Price, Destinations seen and possible Extensions, such as kayaking, snowshoe- or Ski Tours. Inquire with us for more details!

  13. Polar Tracks Expeditions

    Polar-tried, polar-tested, Polar Tracks You could think of us as your polar insiders: guides who actively live and breathe polar expeditioning. We've led expeditions, worked on many ships and with most companies in the industry, and chartered our own vessels to gather the first-hand knowledge and insights that allow us to match you with the ...

  14. Polar Travel & Tours

    Our engaging and knowledgeable Specialists have traveled to the ends of the earth to find the best options for your next adventure to Antarctica or the Arctic. Click below to view sample programs and vessels, or just give us a call to discuss your options and get answers to your questions. Our Polar specialists have in depth first hand ...

  15. Antarctica

    THE POLAR TRAVEL COMPANY LLC USA 8175 NW 12 ST #120, Doral, FL 33126 Miami - Dade, Florida Tel: +1 (786) 321-5654 WhatsApp: +1 (786) 705-2241 Email: [email protected]. MULTIMEDIA LITERATURE PHOTO GALLERY VIDEO GALLERY FAQ ABOUT US BLOG/NEWS

  16. Antarctica and Arctic Expedition Trips

    Polar bears may travel thousand miles each year to find food as the sea ice advances and retreats. Polar bears don't hibernate in the winter except breeding females. There are about 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears in the world. Due to climate change, polar bears are now listed as a threatened species in the US.

  17. Polar Travel

    Švýcarsko pro školy. PROGRAM: 1. den - odjezd ve večerních hodinách z ČR. 2. den - v ranních hodinách příjezd do Švýcarska, dopoledne návštěva švýcarské školy v Lausanne, poté zastávka u na břehu Ženevského jezera u Olympijského muzea, procházka parkem, kde je umístěna socha Emila Zátopka.

  18. Polar Travel Experts

    Subscribe to receive expert advice and the very best offers for travel to the polar regions. Enter your email address.


  20. Best Polar Cruises & Tours 2024/2025

    Get closer to the action with, not one, but two daily excursions on land and, via Zodiacs, at sea. Onboard inclusions. Our onboard creature comforts will warm you up after your Antarctic outings. Expect 3-course meals, 24/7 tea and coffee and fascinating evening seminars. Safety.

  21. Polari Travel Official website

    Travel Consultant . Specialties. City Breaks. Family Holidays. Email - [email protected] . Where to find us? 14 Emily Square, Athy, Co. Kildare R14TX36. Opening hours . Monday to Friday - 09:30 - 17:30 . Bank holidays - Closed . Christmas week - closed. Office phone number .