Motorcycle Touring Tips

10 Motorcycle Rides Las Vegas Locals Only Know About

motorcycle rides las vegas

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There’s more to the Vegas area than casino’s, strippers and Elvis. If you’re visiting Las Vegas and you want to do something different, and go off the beaten path then you’ll love this quick guide.

The cool thing?

You’ll be able to ride the area like a local biker and take in the sites without blowing up your budget.

Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area

Miles from Strip:  About 25 miles or 40 minutes. Depends on the route you take.

Visible from the strip, Red Rock is great place that you can experience that doesn’t take long to get to, that’ll make you feel like you’re a world away from the downtown area.

The Conservation area has a large volume of large sandstone rock formations that are colored – you guessed it – red.

The area is a big attraction for all kinds of outdoor enthusiast from rock climbers, hikers and cyclists who come to climb and trek the various rock cliffs and hiking trails.

red rock canyon

For motorcyclists, the best part is a 13-mile loop through the park with several points that you can stop off and take in the sites and check out the trails.

The loop has a lot of nice twists and turns (just what motorcyclists like!) to help you work on your cornering skills and have fun. You’ll want to watch your speed though, as there are a lot of tourists and traffic in the area as well as law enforcement.

If you’re riding the Red Rock Conservation area on the weekends, plan on it being busy with tons of traffic, pedestrians, cyclists and other motorcyclists.

Things to know when you go:

  • Visitors center (at the front of the park). Lots of great exhibits to learn the history of the area and wildlife.
  • Keep your eyes peeled for tribal Indian glyphs on the rocks.
  • There are no trees – If you get off of the bike to look around, take a hat with you.
  • Make sure you have plenty of water – it is a desert after all.
  • The best time of year to visit is from around November to March. If you visit during the summer months it will be scorcher with temps ranging from 107 upwards of 115 degrees or more. Ride smart, don’t get heat exhaustion!
  • Watch for Animals – You may get lucky enough to see the native desert tortoise. Other animals in the area include wild burros, sheep, deer, rabbits, squirrels and more. It’s the occasional large wandering animals (burros and deer) you’ll want to keep and eye for.

The cost for motorcycles to enter the park is $3.00

Find out more at their website:

Red Rock

Spring Mountain Ranch State Park

Miles from the strip:  About 22 miles or 30 minutes

Once owned by Howard Hughes, the Spring Mountain Ranch sits below Wilson range cliffs just down the road from the Red Rock Conservation area.

Besides being owned by Howard Hughes, the ranch has a long and stored history that dates back into the late 1800’s. The area was settled due in part because of its proximity to a bunch of natural springs which make a real live oasis in the desert.

If you’re a western history buff (or any kind of a history buff) you’ll want to take some time out and check out the ranch.

What’s available here:

  • Main ranch house – You’ll want to start here and take the self-guided tour if you’ve got the time.
  • Living History Programs – During the spring and fall there are roll players on the site dressed in pioneer costume to depict a day in the life of the original Las Vegas pioneers.
  • Summer Theatre – Cultural events are held by Super Summer Theatre from May to September. You can check out their events calendar at
  • Guided Tours – Guided tours are available, but you’ll need call the park for more info.

Other things to know when you visit:

  • Stay on the established roadways.
  • Only park in designated areas
  • Don’t be a litterbug – fines are very steep.
  • You’re responsible for knowing park rules, but they do a good job of posting them. If you don’t see them, ask a Park Ranger.

Cost for all vehicles (including motorcycles) is $10

Spring Mountain Ranch

Bonnie Springs Ranch

NOTE: Bonnie Springs Ranch is closed permanently on March 17, 2019. It was (Sadly) replaced by a housing development called ‘The Reserve’. We’re leaving this information in the article for historical and/or reference purposes.

If you’ve ridden into the Red Rock Loop This far you have a couple of options:

  • Extend your day and Ride out to visit the Pahrump winery (it’s rumored to be haunted)
  • If you came into Red Rock Canyon from the North side, you can complete the loop by riding all the way to State Route 160 (Blue Diamond) highway.
  • If you came from the South ride all the way through the Red Rock Canyon, Plenty to see and do. You’ll exit onto the norther beltway area near Red Rock Casino.

Old info below:

Miles from the strip:  About 15 miles or 25 minutes

The ranch was originally built around 1843 as a place for people heading to California to have a place to stop and rest up a bit. It was converted into a tourist attraction in 1952 to give visitors a taste of the old west.

It’s also been featured tv shows like Tru t.v.’s “Impractical Joker” and SyFy’s “Ghosthunters”. There are a few buildings on site that are rumored to be haunted.

There are a few cool things that you can check out at Bonnie Springs:

  • Melodramas at the old saloon. These are fun, lots of audience participation!
  • Staged old west gunfights outside. Again, lots of help needed from the audience as they stage a “hanging” of a bad guy based on audience reaction. Actually, they hang him anyway. After the stage and outdoor shows the actors take you on a brief wax museum tour.
  • Old Jailhouse – Plenty of photo ops of you behind bars!
  • There is a small onsite zoo with a variety of animals that are worth checking out.
  • Restaurant – After you done with all of that, you can check out the restaurant and bar and grab some food.

Bonnie Springs is a popular place for local motorcyclists to stop and grab a burger and a beer on a weekend ride.

There is motorcycle parking at the front of the restaurant (nice concrete pad) but if it’s busy it fills up fast. All of the other parking areas are dirt, so be careful.

Cost is around $7 on weekends.

Get more info on their website here:

The Red Rock Loop: A nice quick day trip

If you’re looking for an overall nice quick day trip on a motorcycle in the Vegas area, you can’t go wrong with taking a motorcycle out on SR159 through the Red Rock Canyon area. It’s a nice motorcycle ride in and of itself and seeing the Red Rock Conservation area, Spring Mountain Ranch and Bonnie Springs will cap off the ride nicely.

Lake Mead Loop (north shore)

The north shore loop offers a scenic desert ride State Route 167 (official State Routes are maintained by the state of Nevada) along the norther shore of Lake Mead.

The highway connects Las Vegas to other rural Nevada community’s northwest of lake mead and ultimately Interstate route 15 in the Glendale, Nevada area.

The ride is a nice and occasionally twisty ride with some pretty sharp curves through the desert. In fact, the road is a local favorite with motorcyclists, so you’ll want to keep an out for other bikes who are speeding.

I don’t recommend doing what they are doing, as the Park Rangers, although nice, will give you a ticket for speeding.

You’ll want to also watch out for other vehicular traffic and occasional animals that can leap into your path. Don’t underestimate hitting a ground squirrel at highway speed!

Although it’s a nice ride to enjoy on your motorcycle, you may not see much of Lake Mead partially due to the landscape and because the lake has been drained significantly over the years.

Getting There

The easiest way to take Interstate Highway 515 (or U.S. 95) and take it south to West Lake Mead Parkway (564). Follow West Lake Mead Parkway out of civilization to Northshore road.

Make sure you have water and snacks with you plus a full tank of fuel. If you ride the full length of the highway you won’t have any services for quite a while.

Cost: Nothing

Valley Of Fire State Park

Miles from the trip: About 53 miles or 67 minutes (one way)

The landscape at Valley Of Fire really is epic. It takes what you’ll see at Red Rock Canyon and take it to a new level. Tons of opportunity for great desert photo ops without tripping over tons of people like you would visiting the Grand Canyon.

Due to its ‘other worldly’ appearance it’s been feature in film (Star Trek-Generations, Total Recall) television and numerous car commercials. When you need a stand in for Mars or a weird planet for your production, this is where you go!

Valley Of Fire is Nevada’s oldest state park, dedicated originally in 1935. It covers 46,00 acres and is located north of Las Vegas off of Interstate Route 15.

Attractions to check out:

Petroglyphs – Valley Of Fire was once inhabited by native Americans hundreds of years ago. Petroglyphs are the ‘word pictures’ they’ve left behind and they are everywhere if you  Keep your eyes peeled.

Atlatl Rock – This rock is boulder that sits on top of a sandstone outcropping. It get its name from a nearby Petroglyph that depicts a stick that native Americans used to throw a spear while hunting.

Elephant Rock – Yep, a rock that looks like an elephant!

Mouse’s Tank – This is an area used by a Paiute Indian to escape being pursued from accusers who thought he had killed some prospectors. It’s also an area that native Americans used to catch or hunt local animals for food.

Visitors Center – The visitors center has a nice museum that features the history of the area and the kinds of animals you can expect to see in the area. It’s also a great place to take a break and get some cool air!

Getting to Valley Of Fire

Get on Interstate Route 15 and head north and continue until you see signs for Valley Of Fire Highway and the Moapa Paiute travel plaza. The travel plaza has a Chevron, restaurant and convenience store so it’s a great place stop either before or after your ride into the park.

Cost: $10 for all vehicles.

Valley Of Fire State Park Info

Pahrump Valley Winery

Miles from the strip: About 55 miles, or 1 hour

Wine tasting and bikers don’t exactly go hand in hand, but if you want to try something a bit different and have a nice day of riding you’re in for a treat.

The ride out to winery on State Route 160 is scenic and you’ll be traveling up and over a mountain range shortly after leaving Las Vegas. You’ll have the opportunity to hit some twisties and have some fun with cornering.

Be careful, as there is a lot of traffic that runs between Pahrump to Vegas, and its worse on weekends. On weekends you’ll not only need to keep you eyes out for cars, but joggers, bicyclists and other motorcycles.

Depending on the time of year, the mountain area can freeze overnight and leave ice patches in some of the corners. This is not a concern for summer months, but from about December through March it’s possible due to the area actually getting a bit of snowfall.

In addition to traffic hazards, be watchful for wild burros that live in the desert and occasionally wander onto the highway.

Inside the winery is upscale without being “hoity toity”. It feels very much like a “Napa California winery, if you’ve ever done wine tasting there.

You somewhere around 7 free wine tastings and get to select from their wide variety (around 21 or so) wines that are made onsite.

Things to check out here:

  • Wine tasting – Of course! If you have a large group of 8 or more you’ll need to call ahead
  • Daily Wine Tours – They have great tour that explains the history of the winery and how they make their wine.
  • Restaurant – “Symphony’s” is their onsite restaurant, and is popular with the locals and the frequent tourists that visit the winery.

If your into wine, this is a great place to stop. Make sure you have room in your saddle bags, you’ll be bringing wine home!

Be smart about any alcohol consumption! Don’t ride if you’ve had too many. Getting back through the mountains back to Vegas has twists and turns with steep drops offs and is heavily patrolled by law enforcement.

Get more info:

Hoover Dam and Tillman bridge

Miles from the strip:  About 35 miles, or 45 minutes

hoover dam

Hoover dam is of course regarded as one of the biggest engineering marvels in the world. Impressive because it was build in the 1930’s and utilizes about 6.6 million tons of concrete to in its structure.

A lot of people will visit Vegas and talk about how they’d like to visit it, thinking that a lot farther away than it really is. Once you get onto the highway, getting to Hoover Dam is almost a straight shot from Las Vegas that is only about a 45-minute drive.

From Las Vegas you’ll head south to Boulder City, NV to the junction of U.S. 93. Stay on U.S. 93 and follow it straight to the Dam.

If you’re making the ride on a weekend, be prepared for a large amount of traffic to and from the Boulder City area, which will cause your travel time to bump up closer to an hour (sometimes more) one way.

What to see

If you want to take the cheap route, you can park your motorcycle in the parking garage for a small fee and then walk down to the small plaza, walk across the dam and look over the edge to the bottom.

If it’s hot out (it almost always is) you’ll want to pay the parking fee in order to keep your bike out of the direct sun so you don’t roast your buns when you go to leave.

There is also a guided power plant tour that will take you 530 feet down into the interior of the dam that will cost a few bucks. If you like history and want to see the inner workings of the dam, well worth it.

Tour and event information:

Hoover Dam Info

Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge

As you ride out of the Hoover Dam area, you’ll see a parking area and walkway for the entrance to the Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge.

The bridge is the arch bridge that carries U.S. 93 across the Colorado River in front of Hoover Dam.

Once you park your bike, just walk up the trail to find the entrance to cross the bridge. To cross the bridge is totally free, and you’ll get some awesome pics of Hoover Dam and the Colorado River. Keep walking across the bridge and look for the marker that tells you that you are right at the center!

pat tillman memorial bridge

If you make the ride to Hoover Dam in the hotter months, I would recommend stopping in Boulder City and taking plenty of water with you! As hot as Vegas itself is, Hoover Dam can tend to even hotter.

Miles from the strip: About 128 miles or 3 hours (one way)

Both historical and entertaining, Oatman is an old mining ‘ghost town’ that’s alive and well that lies along old route 66. The town began as a mining camp in 1915 and looks like it hasn’t changed much since.

There are a few tourist trappy stores you can wander in and out of, but the main attraction are the ‘wild’ burros that wander the streets. They’re quite friendly and love treats, and there’s plenty of places you can purchase them.

If you stick around long enough there are wild west shows in the streets simulating an old west style shootout that’s fund to watch. Bring ear plugs, their caps are loud!

goldwing in oatman az

A quick word of advice…

The streets in Oatman are pavement (barely), and are dirt covered – You know what that means. Be very careful while maneuvering your bike, as there is ample opportunity to have your feet go out from under you and dump your motorcycle.

Rosie’s Den And Last Stop (Arizona)

Miles from strip:  About 60 miles or 1 hour 15 minutes

Rosie’s Den is a favorite local biker hangout that features a bar, diner and gift shop about 25 miles from Boulder City, NV. On any given weekend you’ll run into motorcyclists from all over who stop and grab something to drink and swap road stories.

After your done there and decide to head back to Vegas you can hit the ‘Last Stop’ (you’ll see it on the opposite side of the road on the northbound side) and hit their gift shop and grab food there (if you didn’t eat at Rosie’s) and get your lottery tickets.

Mount Charleston

Miles from the strip: About 49 or 1 hour (depends on traffic)

Mount Charleston is the locals area to go and get away from the heat. If it’s over a hundred degrees in Las Vegas, Mt. Charleston will be 10 to 20 degrees cooler.

On your motorcycle head north out the city on U.S. 95 and look for the Mt. Charleston turnoff (SR157), it’s well signed.

Follow the road into the canyon to the end where you’ll find the only diner (Mt. Charleston lodge) in the area. The foods a bit spendy, but good, and you’ll love the mountain setting.

After grabbing a bite at the lodge, ride back down the mountain and look for the junction of SR159 and SR158 (you will have passed it on the way up to the lodge).

Turn onto SR158 and you can take a nice mountain ride with a variety of stops along the way and nature trails to check out if you’d like. It’s a fun twisty ride!

Finally, you’ll reach the junction of SR158 and SR156. Take a right onto SR156 and follow it back to U.S.95 (the highway you came in on) and you can head back to town.

Getting there is a great ride, but lots of local weekend traffic so beware in the turns.

Motorcycle Rentals Las Vegas

If you’re visiting the Las Vegas area, clearly you won’t have your own motorcycle with you. No problem!

Here is a short list of places where you can rent a motorcycle for the day to explore the area. I recommend that if you’re going to rent a motorcycle, that you call ahead and make a reservation. Motorcycles rent fast, specially on weekends.

Eagle Riders

Brands offered: Harley Davidson, Honda, BMW’s and other bikes.

EuroCycle Motorcycle Rentals

Brands offered: BMW, Triumph, Motoguzzi

Escape Eagles

Bikes offered: Harley Davidson

Tips for motorcycling in the Las Vegas area

Okay, so you want to take a motorcycle day trip in the Vegas area. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Be prepared for heat! Take plenty of water with you and keep yourself hydrated.
  • Take snacks with you.
  • Stop frequently – in the shade. Find good shady spots or even an indoors area where you can take a break.
  • It’s gets windy – really windy. You could encounter strong afternoon winds even in the summertime.
  • The traffic is terrible, stay sharp! It’s not that you’re not doing this anyway when you ride your motorcycle but be very mindful of cars. Many drivers in the Vegas area dart across multiple lanes of traffic without warning and are tailgaters. This post on 21 tips to help you be a better rider will help you stay sharp.

My recommended Las Vegas Area Motorcycle Day Trip rides

If you only have one day to spend in the Vegas area to take a motorcycle ride, here are a couple of itinerary’s you can use to see as much as possible. If you choose to do either one of these rides, it will take the entire day to hit everything so leave early in the morning.

Ride 1 – Red Rock Loop and Pahrump Winery

Enter State Route 159 from Charleston boulevard. This will take you past Red Rock Canyon, Spring Mountain Ranch and Bonnie Springs and you can hit all of them.

Continue around State Route 159 to the junction of SR159 and SR160. Turn right (or west) on SR160 to head to the Pahrump Winery. When your done at the winery you can take SR160 all the way back into Las Vegas to SR604 (‘the Strip’).

Ride 2 – Mount Charleston and Red Rock Loop

Take U.S.95 north to the Mt. Charleston turnoff and visit the area. On your way back, you can hit the CC215 beltway to Charleston boulevard. This will put you on the scenic Red Rock Loop where you can visit Red Rock Canyon, Spring Mountain ranch and Bonnie Springs.

You can follow the SR159 to SR160 and follow that highway all the way back to the Las Vegas strip.

motorcycle rider at gas station

Winding it up…

If you’re going to Vegas and you want want to do something on your vacation that’s a bit out of the ordinary,  rent a motorcycle and get off the strip. You’ll see some great places that typical vacationers never really see and experience some awesome desert wildlife areas.

Again, as a friendly reminder – It’s a desert, you need to stay cool and not get dehydrated. You can check out this post on tips to stay cool to help you out.

Motorcycle Touring Tips

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THE 10 BEST Las Vegas Motorcycle Tours

Motorcycle tours in las vegas.

  • Helicopter Tours
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Walking Tours
  • Motorcycle Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

motorcycle tours las vegas

1. Self-Guided Red Rock Canyon CanAm Trike Tour

motorcycle tours las vegas

2. Hidden Valley and Primm Extreme Dirt Bike Tour

motorcycle tours las vegas

3. Hoover Dam Guided Trike Tour

motorcycle tours las vegas

4. Vegas Strip and Red Rock Canyon Guided Trike or Slingshot Tour

motorcycle tours las vegas

5. Couples Private Guided Red Rock Canyon Tour On A CanAm Trike

motorcycle tours las vegas

6. Hoover Dam/Lake Mead Private Guided Half Day Trike Tour

motorcycle tours las vegas

7. Red Rock Canyon Private Guided Trike Tour

motorcycle tours las vegas

8. Red Rock Canyon Couples Private Guided Tour On A CanAm Trike

motorcycle tours las vegas

9. Private Guided Trike Tour on the Outskirts of Las Vegas

motorcycle tours las vegas

10. All Women's Red Rock Canyon Private Guided Trike Tour

Keep the fun going with other experiences in the area.

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Haunted Boulder City Ghost and UFO Tour

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Boulder City Blitz Scavenger Hunt

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Private Valley of Fire Hiking and Sightseeing Adventure

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Las Vegas Custom Luxury Bronco Rental

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Scavenger Hunt Adventure in Henderson by 3Quest Challenge

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Fun City Scavenger Hunt in Henderson by Zombie Scavengers

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Fun City Scavenger Hunt in Henderson by Operation City Quest

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Henderson City Scavenger Hunt

What travellers are saying.

Christina D

Best Las Vegas Motorcycle Rides

motorcycle tours las vegas

Viva Las Vegas! You don't have to make a deal with Lady Luck to find the best Las Vegas motorcycle rides. REVER has you covered with this collection of motorcycle routes in Las Vegas in the Mojave Desert. From the scenic vistas of the Hoover Dam to the open stretches of highway in Death Valley, this is your winning ticket to tour Vegas. And let us say, these aren't just the best motorcycle rides near Las Vegas, these are some of the best rides in the country! So fill up your tank, flip down your shades and hit the throttle towards Vegas baby.

Tips For The Best Motorcycle Rides In Las Vegas

What's worse than losing all your money at a Vegas casino? You could get turned around in the desert! Stay on the route with a motorcycle navigation app built by rider for riders. REVER is free to download, and you can get started right away. Open our extensive library of top-rated rides from all over the world, or start building your own collection with our ride tracking features. If you want to really prepare for motorcycle riding in Las Vegas, make the upgrade to REVER Pro . You can tackle the desert with premium features like turn by turn and voice navigation, weather radar and alerts, and mobile route planning and adjustments. In addition, you can utilize our LiveRIDE location tracking feature to keep your friends and family updated on your progress and let them know when you've completed a ride safely.

Riding in the Mojave Desert is not to be taken lightly. Las Vegas and the surrounding area is one of the driest and sunniest areas in North America. Temperatures regularly reach the high 90s and even low 100s in the summer. Vegas has even seen some days reach almost 120 degrees! You need to carefully vet your riding gear setup before you hit a long stretch of desert highway. We vehemently recommend breathable riding gear , motorcycle cooling vests and motorcycle hydration packs for these routes. One thing is for sure, you can never carry enough water into the desert. In addition, make sure your motorcycle shades are up to snuff to combat the intense desert sun. While the summer heat is unforgiving, the winters can be downright cold at times. Vegas can receive up to half a month of freezing temperatures, so if you're planning motorcycle rides in Las Vegas during this season, dress in layers to prepare for the cold desert wind.

Las Vegas Attractions

Vegas is best known for its neon lights and casinos, but there is actually a lot to do in the city outside of gambling. One of the best ways to start a visit to the strip is to ride up to the Skyfall Lounge in the Delano. You can grab a drink and catch stunning views of the strip from the top floor of the casino. If you've never seen the Bellagio Fountains erupt, you have to stand next to the pool for one of the synchronized shows every 15 minutes. There are hidden gems to explore off the strip as well. Frankie's Tiki Room is the quintessential tiki dive bar just north of the strip. Or indulge your inner kid with a visit to the Pinball Hall of Fame. Not only can you see machines from different eras, you can drop a quarter in and relive your glory days by playing each and every machine in the 10,000 sq. ft. building. Don't forget to check the calendar for Las Vegas motorcycle rallies when you're in town. The biggest event is Vegas Bikefest in late September and early October. Or you can always stop by the most famous biker bar in town, the Hogs & Heifers Saloon, to see what's up.

Red Rock Canyon

Escape Vegas in a matter of minutes to tour Red Rock Canyon on this quick one and a half hour ride. The Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area is a scant 15 miles outside of Las Vegas, and this park is the main highlight of the ride. (Note: entrance to the park does require a daily use fee.) The drive is very popular, so to ensure entrance, it is not a bad idea to make a reservation beforehand. The scenic drive through Red Rock Canyon is a one-way 13 mile “U” off of Highway 159. If you miss a pull off area or a parking lot is full, you can't turn around and go back. However, your pass is good for the full day, so you can ride it twice if so desired. Temperatures easily reach 100 degrees in the canyon, so prepare accordingly with reliable gear and plenty of water, even if it is just a short ride. If you hit a hiking trail while you're there, watch where you step and put your hands as creatures like rattlesnakes, scorpions and spiders could be hiding nearby. One last word of caution, watch for flash floods if significant rain is in the forecast. While flash floods are more of a risk to hikers, they can still make for an unpleasant or even dangerous ride. Consider rescheduling your ride if a severe storm warning is in effect.

We'll begin this route just east of the canyon at the limits of the Las Vegas metro area on Highway 159. Ride on 159 / Red Rock Canyon road for a few miles west past Calico Basin to the fee area entrance. Before you enter the scenic loop, there is a visitors center with restrooms and exhibits centered around the canyon. Once you have admission, head north on the scenic loop. The one way road is shared with bikers and slow moving tourists, so stay aware as you explore the park. The first rock feature to see, the Calico Hills, will come up almost immediately on your right. These red and white rocks are named for their resemblance to calico fabric. The Sandstone Quarry Overlook is up next. If you look to the north from here, you can see one of the high points of the park called Turtlehead Peak. From the quarry overlook, you'll ride up in elevation to another must-see viewpoint in the park. The High Point Overlook is the farthest you can drive into the canyon, and it offers excellent views of the entire area at 4,771 ft. Look off to the east to see more of Turtlehead Peak, or scan off to the west to see White Rock Hills High Point.  

When you're finished at the High Point Overlook, wind back down the scenic loop past White Rock Mountain Road. You can take this little spur to the White Rock Trailhead if you want to get off road for a bit. There is one more spur to explore up ahead on Rock Gap Road. This will take you into Lost Creek Canyon famous for its preserved petroglyphs. These are carved stone figures and pictographs (red dye images and hand prints) left by Native Americans at least 800 years ago . In fact, people first settled this area as early as 11,000 B.C. The trail to the petroglyphs is very short and can be attempted by almost anyone. You can hike to petroglyphs on each side of the Willow Springs Picnic Area. There is still a little more of the scenic loop to explore, so keep heading south past Icebox Canyon. Stop at the Red Rock Wash Overlook for one last view of this unbelievable area. Finally, ride by Bridge Mountain and Pine Creek Canyon off to the west until you meet back up with Highway 159 to end the one-way loop.

Since we know you're still itching to ride more, hang a right on 159 / Red Rock Canyon Road to head south. You'll cruise through the desert past Mt. Wilson and Spring Mountain Ranch on your right. At Blue Diamond, NV, there is a little cafe called Cottonwood Station that serves homemade pizza if you're hungry. Up next, hit the junction with Highway 160, and turn right headed to Mountain Springs, NV. You'll cruise up and over a small mountain pass in the shadow of Potosi Mountain at 8,514 ft. Once in Mountain Springs, there is a cool little roadside saloon decorated with signed $1 bills on the wall. It is aptly called the Mountain Springs Saloon, so stop by if you're in need of a burger. Back on 160, you'll ride past another scenic desert mesa and out onto a flat stretch of desert highway. Hit the throttle and enjoy the ride to Pahrump, NV. Once you hit the city limits, you'll pass the Ron Fellows Performance Driving School that features the longest race track in the US. If you're looking for food in Pahrump, Red Sky BBQ is a quality stop, or try the Ohjah Japanese Steakhouse across the street. Now that you're in Pahrump, you're only about an hour from Death Valley. Make a day of it by trying our 4 hour Death Valley Loop from Pahrump.  

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motorcycle tours las vegas

Willow Beach Via Hoover Dam

No visit to Vegas is complete without a visit to the Hoover Dam, and we've plotted the quintessential hour ride along the shores of Lake Mead to the dam. We'll start at the eastern city limits on Highway 147 / Lake Mead Boulevard. You'll immediately pass through a small canyon with Frenchman Mountain at 4,052 ft. just to the south. Lake Mead access requires a fee, so stop at the station to pay for admission. At the junction with Northshore Road, take a right to ride down to the Las Vegas Wash. This urban river carries Las Vegas' extra water into Lake Mead, and it actually supports some wetlands in the desert. There are some hiking trails along the wash if you want to explore the wetlands. Northshore Road will run into Lakeshore Road, and you'll hang a left to ride towards Lake Mead. This lake is the result of damming the Colorado River with the Hoover Dam, and it is the primary water source for not only Nevada but parts of Arizona, California and Mexico as well. It is the largest reservoir in the US in terms of capacity.

Lakeshore Road will take you through White Owl Canyon, and there is a left turn to a parking area at The Cliffs where you can see Las Vegas Bay. A little farther south, Sunset View Overlook offers more views of the bay. Lakeshore Road will follow the edge of Lake Mead down past Boulder Harbor. Up next is Boulder Beach, which provides miles of beachfront swimming opportunities along the lake. Once you're finished touring the lake shore, it is time to jump on the Great Basin Highway towards the Hoover Dam. Take a left on Business 93, and the road will soon merge with Interstate 11. There are two ways to explore the Hoover Dam. The first is to see it from the road on the new bypass on Interstate 11 over the Mike O'Callaghan – Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge. This bridge towers 890 ft. above the Colorado River and is a marvel of engineering just like the dam itself. The bridge was completed in 2010, and it is the second-highest bridge in the United States.

If you want to park and tour the dam, you'll have to clear a security checkpoint. Through traffic is no longer allowed over the dam, so once you're finished, you'll have to ride back and cross the river on Interstate 11. You can enter this area by taking Highway 172 / Hoover Dam Access Road where Business 93 merges with Interstate 11. Aside from parking for dam tours, you can also park at the Boulder Dam Bridge lot to climb a series of switchback trails up to the Mike O'Callaghan – Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge pedestrian section. From here, you'll be able to look down at the Hoover Dam in all its glory. The photo opportunities here are epic to say the least. Construction on the dam began in 1931 and was completed in 1936. Over one hundred workers died during its construction, but the dam was the most famous works project completed during The Great Depression. The Hoover Dam was the largest concrete structure ever built at the time, and it is still a marvel of engineering today.

When you're finished at the dam, continue on past the Mike O'Callaghan – Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge into Arizona. There is a short hike just off the road here called Spooky Canyon that takes you through a tight slot canyon just up from the Colorado River. Stay on Highway 93 / Interstate 11 until you see the Willow Beach exit. The beach is a fee area, but the ride down through the hills cut by erosion to the Colorado River is worthy place to end this ride. Willow Beach is a popular raft and kayak launch on the Colorado River, but it also provides hiking, fishing and camping opportunities as well. Plus the rugged canyons along the river are not to be missed.

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Mt. Charleston Loop

Escape the heat of the Mojave Desert with a ride up to the high altitude of the Spring Mountains on this short hour and a half loop north of Vegas. The Spring Mountains rise dramatically from the desert floor below, and the pinnacle of this region is Charleston Peak at 11,915 ft. The region's high altitude makes it a snowy paradise in the winter and a cool escape from the sweltering desert in the summer. You'll be riding up to Mt. Charleston, a small community near Charleston Peak. From there, you'll explore more of the Spring Mountains and ride back down a canyon road to the desert floor again. There are no services on the mountain, so make sure you fuel up before you go. Check weather conditions before you head out as well. Winter conditions can make the roads icy and even shut down the roads for a short time. It's hard to believe, but yes snow falls that close to Las Vegas!

We'll start the route on Highway 157 just off 95 northwest of Vegas. Highway 157 / Kyle Canyon Road starts on the desert floor and climbs up into the forests of Mt. Charleston. Along the way there are off-road opportunities to explore like the Lucky Strike OHV Trail. You know you're getting close to Mt. Charleston when the desert scrub brush turns into pine trees. Just off to the left of Kyle Canyon Road, the Spring Mountains Visitor Center has restrooms and a Silent Heroes Of The Cold War memorial. There are several hiking trails and camping areas along the road as you ride into Mt. Charleston. Only about 300-400 people live in this mountain community, but it is a popular destination for tourists and Vegas residents alike. As you ride by the short winding streets of town, look off to your left to see the large feature known as Cathedral Rock. Kyle Canyon Road ends just below Cathedral Rock, but you can ride just a little farther into the high valley to the Mary Jane Falls Trail Head. There is a seasonal waterfall hike on the trail here called Big Falls that is best seen in June and early July. Of course, it is hard to miss Charleston Peak looming just to the west. The peak is known for its prominence as it dramatically sticks out from the rest of the Spring Mountains Range.

Once you're finished in Mt. Charleston, head back down Kyle Canyon, and look for a left onto Deer Creek Road / Highway 158 before you get back to the welcome center. Deer Creek Road will take you even higher into the mountains as you ride some exciting curves in the shadow of Cockscomb Ridge at 9,694 ft. Don't miss the Desert View Overlook off to your right along the road. When you link up with Lee Canyon Road / Highway 156, you'll turn right to continue on the route. However, there is one more area to explore to the left on Lee Canyon Road. Take 156 all the way up to the Lee Canyon Ski Area. This modest resort offers a couple ski runs and a sledding area in the winter. In the summer, there are gravel forest roads to explore here if you're feeling adventurous. Take Lee Canyon back down when you're ready to go, and watch for the Sisters North and Sisters South peaks to the left. Each Sisters peak towers over 10,000 ft. above sea level. Enjoy the scenic ride back down into the desert on Lee Canyon Road. When you arrive at Highway 95, turn right to ride back into Las Vegas and complete the loop. If you're ready for one more detour, look for the left on Corn Creek Road to the Desert National Wildlife Refuge . You may be able to catch desert big horn sheep at this park.

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Valley Of Fire Loop

Tackle one of Nevada's best road trips on this three hour loop through the Valley of Fire. Begin this epic ride near the Las Vegas Motor Speedway on Las Vegas Boulevard / Highway 604. Cruise past Nellis Air Force Base, and then look for a left onto Highway 612 south. Your next turn will be a left onto Lake Mead Boulevard / Highway 167. Take this road out of Las Vegas into a nearby canyon, and keep an eye out for the Lake Mead fee station ahead. Make sure to fuel up before you enter this area. You'll have to pay a day use fee to ride this section of the route. Take another left when you hit the junction with Northshore Road near Lake Mead. There is a small overlook for Lake Mead just off the road here if you want to stretch your legs. You'll pass several dead end roads on your right that lead to the shore of Lake Mead. Feel free to take one if you're feeling adventurous. Once you pass the road for Callville Bay, you'll enter more rugged desert country with features like Razorback Ridge and Echo Hills off to the right of the road. Eventually Northshore Road will follow the curve of a canyon wall and turn up north. Cruise a flat stretch of desert highway with the Overton Arm of Lake Mead just off to the east.

If you thought the ride was scenic so far, brace yourself for an unbelievable section of highway up ahead. After you leave the Lake Mead fee area, you'll take an immediate left onto the Valley of Fire Highway. Valley of Fire State Park is centered around 150 million year old sand dunes that have shifted and solidified into bright red sandstone outcrops. When the sun shines on the stone formations, it gives the appearance that the rocks are on fire, which is how the park got its name. There is much to see and do in the park, so make sure you take your time riding through. The first stop along the way is Elephant Rock, and there is a small parking lot next to this unique rock formation. Up next, there is a right turn up to the CCC Cabins Picnic Area. This short detour takes you to stone cabins built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in The Great Depression. Moving on, your next turn will be a right into the main area of the park. This is a dead end road, so you'll take it up and back to see this section of the park. Ride Mouse's Tank Road north, and the Valley of Fire Visitor Center is just off the road if you need restrooms or water. Continue on up Mouse's Tank Road, and don't miss the Balanced Rock formation just off to your right.

You'll enter the most iconic section of the park through narrow red rock canyons. Stop at the Petroglyph Canyon Parking Lot to take photos, and consider hiking the short trail up to see petroglyph walls and the Mouse's Tank rock formation. The petroglyphs are rock carvings made by ancient Anasazi tribes that once lived in the area. Mouse's Tank is a unique rock formation in the shape of mouse ears that acts as a natural basin for water when it rains. The out and back hiking trail is a little under a mile and a half. If you're a movie fan, you may recognize this area from films like Viva Las Vegas with Elvis Presley and Total Recall with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Continue north past the Rainbow Vista trail, and consider a short detour right to Fire Canyon and Silica Dome. Fire Canyon is an excellent photo spot. The white rock turns to red rock as you look deeper up the canyon. Back on Mouse's Tank Road, there is one more section of the park to explore.

Ride north through a flat section of the park, and look for the pastel pink rocks on each side of the road here. The road will curve around back to the south and take you to the farthest point of the park road at White Domes. This 1.1 mile hiking loop is worth the trip to check out caves, colorful rocks, and the abandoned film set from the 1966 Western The Professionals. When you're all finished with this section of the park, ride back down south on Mouse's Tank Road, and take a right on the Valley of Fire Highway to continue the loop. There is more to see in the western section of the park. Take a short detour on Campground Road to see more preserved petroglyphs at Atlatl Rock. There is a two story staircase to climb that puts you right next to the Anasazi petroglyphs. Two campgrounds offer lodging nearby as well. Continue on past Atlatl Rock to see a natural stone arch by the roadside in Arch Rock. Once you wind back down to meet up with the Valley of Fire Highway again, Fire Cave and Windstone Arch will be just off to your left. You'll have to park at the Beehives lot and take a trail to see these features.

Just when you thought you were finished with this scenic area, the Valley of Fire Highway has some thrills to deliver all its own. Ride west out of the camping area and thread through a narrow canyon up to higher ground. Don't miss the beautiful hills off to your left covered with different colored rock striations. After a short climb up a sweeping turn next to a rock face, the road follows the edge of more colored mountains until you arrive out on a flat desert plain. Hit the throttle and cruise the desert until you get to a junction with Interstate 15 at Crystal, NV. Take the Interstate back to the Las Vegas metro area limits, and hit the exit at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway to complete the loop.

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Death Valley Loop From Las Vegas

Brave the remote reaches of Death Valley National Park on this four hour loop through the best sections of the region. If you're searching for that “lonesome highway through the desert” ride, Death Valley is certainly just that. But Death Valley is actually more than just empty desert. There are snowy peaks that border each side of the valley, and in the spring the snow melt flows down to create fields of wildflowers. Death Valley also hides many springs and ponds that support the wildlife in the area. This said, the park's menacing name is not by accident. Furnace Creek, one area we'll visit on the ride, is the site of the highest recorded air temperature on earth. Yet Death Valley is famous for its low elevation above all else, and Badwater Basin is the lowest point in North America at 282 ft. below sea level. One thing is for certain, this ride is no joke. Head out prepared and leave early in the day. You don't want to spend all day under the immense heat of the Death Valley sun, that's for sure.

We'll begin the ride in Pahrump, NV, and consider taking the Red Rock Canyon ride also on our list of motorcycle rides near Las Vegas. From Pahrump, take Highway 372 over the state line into California. As with any ride in this area, make sure you fuel up and stock up on water whenever you can make a stop. Highway 178 merges with Highway 127 through Shoshone, CA. Take the right to ride through town. Look for a left back onto Highway 178 / Jubilee Pass Road just after Shoshone. A long stretch of open desert awaits, and afterward you'll thread through an area of small rocky peaks. Before you get to Ashford Junction, Jubilee Peak will be just on your left at 2,542 ft. Stay on 178 / Badwater Road as it curves up north. You'll pass the old Ashford Mill Ruins that once processed ore from gold mines in the area. Ride another flat stretch of desert up towards Sidewinder Canyon. This hiking trail is known for its narrow slot canyons and caves. From here, you'll keep heading north up into the most iconic section of Death Valley, Badwater Basin.

Badwater Basin is an amazing place to tour, and the road traces the eastern mountains of Death Valley along the way. Many American Westerns were filmed in this area, but this location is primarily known for its use in the original Star Wars film. After some twists and turns in the desert, you'll arrive at the Badwater Basin parking area. The basin gets its name from the high salt content on the desert flats. Water runs down from the mountains to fill the basin each spring, but it is immediately turned into “bad water” by the high salt content and other leftover minerals. You can even see large salt crystals form in the basin as the water evaporates. There is an observation deck where you can see the primary Badwater pool near the parking area. The sign denoting the basin's elevation at 282 ft. below sea level is also nearby. Off to the west, you'll see mile after mile of the salt flats stretch on into the distance. Continue north on Badwater Road, and look for a detour opportunity off to the left at Devil's Golf Course. This ancient lake bed is filled with so many jagged edges that “only the Devil could play golf here.”

Badwater Road stretches on through the harsh desert until you reach the end of the eastern mountain range at Furnace Creek. There are more hiking opportunities along the way at Desolation Canyon and Golden Canyon. Once Badwater Road ends at Highway 190, the route continues with a right turn, but you've earned a little break at Furnace Creek. Ride into the little desert community, and make a stop at the Last Kind Words Saloon to wash the sand out of your mouth. This restored saloon is packed with historic memorabilia all over the walls, and it really feels like you're in an old Wild West saloon. The food is surprisingly good for the middle of nowhere as well. You can also check out the Furnace Creek Visitors Center for more information about Death Valley just north of the saloon. When you're ready to head out again, take 190 east out of town and along a dry wash back into the mountains. You'll pass by Zabriskie Point which features excellent views of the surrounding badlands hills. Your next turn will be a right onto a dead end road called Dante's View / Furnace Creek Wash Road.

This next section involves a gradual climb up the wash to see Dante's View. Stay straight on the paved road when you meet a fork with the gravel Furnace Creek Road. Soon the flat desert gives way to rugged mountain terrain as you thread through a narrow canyon up to the lookout. You'll run out of road at Dante's View, and the views of the Death Valley floor and Badwater Basin are spectacular. Spend plenty of time taking in the park vistas before you ride back down. Back on 190, keep riding east past the Funeral Mountains Wilderness into Death Valley Junction. Just before Death Valley Junction, you can see Bat Mountain off to your left at 4,950 ft. Hang a right on Highway 127 to ride back to Shoshone. Along the way you'll loop around the rock formation known as Eagle Mountain. You can finish up the loop by taking Highway 178 back into Pahrump.    

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"You don't stop riding when you get old, you get old when you stop riding." ― Anonymous

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Red rock canyon, las vegas strip, and hoover dam tours on polaris slingshots and rewaco trikes, tours of hoover dam, the las vegas strip and red rock canyon.

No Motorcycle License Needed!  – Automatic Transmission! Guided Tours

  • Hour Glass 2 hours

Red Rock Canyon Automatic Slingshot Express Tour

From $160 Per Vehicle

This Tour is all about the RIDE THROUGH Beautiful Red Rock Canyon! There will be a stop for photos!

  • Hour Glass 3 hours

Red Rock Tour with Las Vegas Strip Trike or Slingshot Tour

From $189 Per Vehicle

This tour is all about a fun ride on a motorcycle trike down the famous Las Vegas Strip and Red Rock Canyon.

VIP Hoover Dam Trike or Slingshot Tour

From $225 Per Vehicle

The VIP Tour is a unique opportunity that allows participants to see additional sites and spend some time on the famous Boulder Highway.

About Vegas Trike Adventures

Vegas Trike Adventures is an award-winning motorcycle trike adventure Tour Company and a popular favorite for visitors and tourists from around the world. Vegas Trike Adventures and its new fleet of Rewaco Trikes allows you to the opportunity to drive the finest luxury class motorcycle trike available on a planned tour.

Rewaco Trikes are built and imported from Germany and have all of the features and engineering excellence you would expect from a luxury class machine. From the Leather seats to the 7-speed automatic transmission to the Mitsubishi Turbo engines – every detail is the finest.

There is no comparable Trike or three-wheel motorcycle driving experience in the world and it’s now in Las Vegas and only with Vegas Trike Adventures

Designed for touring these exotic Trikes are designed for everyone to easily drive and enjoy.

  • Automatic Transmission
  • Foot Pedal Brake
  • Wide Wheel Base

No Motorcycle license needed

All you need is a valid driver’s license to operate a Rewaco Trike and to enjoy the open road.

  • Valid Credit Card Required
  • Insurance and Gas Included
  • Deposit and Liability Waiver Required
  • Driving Orientation Provided

motorcycle tours las vegas

Guests Praise Our Great Guides & Great Rides

This was the highlight of our Las Vegas stay. 3-wheeled trikes on the open highway and a tour of the Hoover Dam! Our guide was truly remarkable in his knowledge and assistance. The quick tutoring on how to handle the bikes was fast and easy, then on to the open road.

This was such a fun and unique way to see Hoover Dam. Our guide Shannon was very knowledgeable about the Hoover Dam. I was a little uncomfortable about riding the trike at first. Shannon made sure I felt comfortable on the trike before we left and safety was a top priority. Great trip and a must do when visiting Vegas!!

The Vegas Trike tour was an amazing way to celebrate my 42nd birthday. Our tour guide Shannon was so knowledgeable and as a bonus, he is a pretty amazing photographer and captured some awesome memories for us. I would do this tour again if back in the Vegas area.

We had a wonderful time on this tour. The 2 tour guides were excellent. They were very patient and they made sure that everyone on the tour had a great time. Safety was their number one priority. They were very kid friendly. This is a must do. I would do it again.

Had an amazing time. Our guide (Buc) was very friendly and knowledgeable. Due to cancellations, we were the only ones on the trip. Normally they don't do tours of just one trike, but since we were on our honeymoon... he went out of his way to make it extra special.

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Las Vegas Guided Motorcycle Tours - Daily tours from Las Vegas

Are you visiting Las Vegas and you like to make a differet experience beside gamling?

Have you ever dreamed of once in a lifetime to book a guided motorcycle daily tour from Las Vegas on the historic Route 66? Maybe on a Trike or vistit the Death Valley by motorcycle or car?

Then you might want to take this opportunity to explore the region around Las Vegas on a daily tour, riding a Harley Davidson® Motorcycle.

Why take this tour?

  • You don’t need to know your way around and you won’t drive around aimlessly on the city streets looking for your destination.
  • We know exactly where we’re going at what time and how long we’ll stay at each place.
  • Passengers can ride on your bike for free or we can give them tips on other fun things to do in Vegas.
  • We’ve put together a special package just for you.
  • We guarantee to do the most of those Las Vegas trips from one person. Just for you!

We offer daily or multiple day tours from Las Vegas.

Join us and feel the spirit of freedom on a legendary american motorcycle on one of our exclusive las vegas guided motorcycle tours and route 66 daily tours., new from 2020: the whole route 66 guided experience from chicago to los angeles.

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Call Today To Book Your Adventure of a Lifetime

Trac-On ( Trail Ride Adventure Circuit Of Nevada ) has been the industry leading motorcycle adventure tour company since 2004, providing off-road adventures for novice to advanced riders. We can tailor our tours to fit your riding style, speed and experience level, along with the types of terrain you are looking to ride in.

Trac-On provides bucket list types of off-road adventure tours, and guided off-road dirt bike experiences that will have you and your group of friends smiling from ear to ear when you are finished with a uniquely tailored riding experience for you and your specific group’s riding skills, types of terrain you would like to ride on, and how fast you want to ride.

Trac-On provides unique motorcycle adventures, tours, and private custom motorcycle vacations around the southwest including Nevada, Arizona, Utah and California. Trac-On provides you and your group of riding buddies with single day or multiple full days of dirt bike riding without worrying about motorcycle maintenance, running out of gas, which route to take, how fast to ride, where to eat lunch, or where you are going to sleep at night.

If you want to enjoy the outdoors and have a great time with expert guides, then join us for our next Trac-On off-road riding adventure. We look forward to providing you with a memorable experience.

Simply stated, we handle it all and want to ensure that you are treated to the motorcycle riding bucket list experience of a lifetime when you ride with us!!  You can show up with your gear bag or we can supply your gear…either way, you will be treated like a Factory rider when you are with Trac-On Off-Road Adventure Tours!


Hog Tours Motorcycle Tours

Ready to change your view i’m jerry raymond, founder of hog tours. more than your average motorcycle tour, hog tours shows you a new and exciting way to explore the southwest and beyond. whether you’re looking for a private tour or you’re interested in joining an organized experience with other travelers, i’ll make sure you have fun while seeing amazing sites., keep reading to learn more about available packages and don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions., call or email for 2020 dates arrive in las vegas. ( click on map to enlarge.), day 1 pick up harley davidsons and hit the highway. after roaring through some expansive lonely desert, we will have lunch at a classic 1950’s diner and cruise down route 66, wrapping up in flagstaff arizona for the night., day 2 starting our morning off right by staring into that great big hole in the ground, the grand canyon. we will get to ride along the edge of the canyon for quite a while today. stopping for lunch at a restaurant on an old indian reservation, we will have some traditional american indian food, then a quick stop to check out dinosaur tracks before wrapping up in kayenta, arizona., day 3 today we will see the landscape change from desert to mountain and forest as we make our way into colorado stopping in durango before wrapping up our day in the old mining town of silverton, colorado., day 4 today starts with some of the best driving while we slowly make our way through the mountain on the million dollar highway, then more mountain riding all the way to the amazing rock formations of moab, utah., day 5 today is a free day to explore the moab area. you can ride with me to arches national park and canyonlands national park for some short winding roads and some great hiking, or feel free to rent a 4 wheeler to tear up some dirt, or take a jeep tour of the canyons, or even just relax and soak in the atmosphere., day 6 back on the bikes heading south to check out the mexican hat rock formation and monument valley, before making our way up to hanksville, utah for the night., day 7 the shortest day on the tour (these next couple days will see some of the most beautiful scenery you will ever see), we trek from our one horse town of hanksville to bryce canyon with enough time to do a short hike to check out the amazing hoodoos in the canyon, before calling it a night in bryce., day 8 it’s a short ride to zion, but includes a very cool tunnel and some very sharp curves on a windy steep hill. after a short hike to the waterfalls, we’ll backtrack through the tunnel on our way to page, arizona., day 9 before we leave page, we’ll stop in to check out one of the most photographed river bends anywhere, horseshoe bend. then it’s on to the north rim of the grand canyon, before calling it a day in kanab, utah., day 10 one last day of great riding through a little more mountains and an amazing route along lake mead, before we make the final run back to las vegas to drop off the bikes and say our farewells..

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Explore the very best of the American Southwest. This motorcycle tour begins and ends in Las Vegas, Nevada. Ride the Canyon Lands of Utah, Colorado, Arizona and Nevada. Visit Zion National Park, Bryce National Park, Arches National Park, Hovenweep National Monument, Mesa Verde National Park, Grand Canyon, Monument Valley and Route 66. This is not only an extraordinary tour of natural history but a glimpse into the old and wild west as well as Americana culture. The riding through this part of the continental United States is world class, and we are sure you will agree.

  • This trip pairs fantastically with our Wonders of West in October. Take both tours back to back!

If you are traveling on motorcycles with your dog then you should buy Carprofen .

Road Conditions: The hotel to hotel itinerary is all paved allowing riders to easily complete each day 100% on the pavement. For those wanting an additional challenge optional dirt and gravel routes are available most days.

motorcycle tours las vegas


*Double Occupancy - Base Bike with a Shared Room *Single Occupancy - Base Bike with Your Own Room *Couples Package - Two Participants on One Base Bike in One Private Room


The itinerary, arrival day.

DAY 1 - Arrival in Las Vegas, Nevada: Get checked into your hotel by mid afternoon. Meet the group and staff of MotoQuest for an excellent Welcome Dinner this evening. Talk about the route and get to know your new riding companions.

DAY 2 - Las Vegas, Nevada to Seligman, Arizona: Your motorcycle adventure begins as you head out of Las Vegas. Get off your bike and wander the streets of Oatman, Arizona, home to wild donkeys! Ride the famous and historic Route 66 to Seligman, Arizona - a town trapped in time! Stay in Seligman.

DAY 3 - Seligman, Arizona to Monument Valley: Travel by motorcycle on historic Route 66 and visit the unforgettable Grand Canyon National Park. Continue your motorcycle adventure by cruising through the world famous Monument Valley, with its legendary horizon. Stay near Mexican Hat tonight.

DAY 4 - Mexican Hat, Utah to Cortez, Colorado: Ponder the extraordinary Mexican Hat rock, that teetering wonder. Ride the scenic road, the Moki Dugway and through the epic Valley of the Gods. Check out Hovenweep National Monument, and Mesa Verde National Park. Stay in Cortez, CO tonight.

DAY 5 - Cortez, Colorado to Moab, Utah: This part of the motorcycle journey features river valley after river valley surrounded by high canyon walls. Follow the Colorado River to Moab, Utah, the heart of outdoor recreation. Stay in Moab.

DAY 6 - Moab, Utah free day: Take the day to explore around Moab. Fall in love with this geologically fascinating place. Make sure to check out Arches National Park while you are out there! Stay in Moab.

DAY 7 - Moab, Utah to Torrey, Utah: Ride through Natural Bridges National Monument and past scenic Lake Powell. Get a taste of rural Utah and a banquet of scenic delights. This place is made for motorcycle touring! Stay near Torrey, Utah.

DAY 8 - Torrey, Utah to Panguitch, Utah: Start the day exploring the exciting road, the Burr Trail. Tour through Bryce Canyon National Park and Staircase - Escalante National Monument. Highway 12 is known as one of the most scenic rides anywhere. Stay near Zion National Park.

DAY 9 - Panguitch, Utah to Las Vegas, Nevada: Start your day by exploring the wonder of Zion National Park. Ride through Valley of Fire State Park on your way back to Las Vegas. Stay in Las Vegas. Farewell dinner and story time that evening.

DAY 10 - Fly Home or keep the dream alive. The next motorcycle adventure vacation awaits.


The gear to bring.

MotoQuest guides wear KLIM helmets, jackets, pants and gloves, and we outfit our motorcycles with luggage and accessories from Twisted Throttle. You can view and download our complete MotoQuest packing list here .

Starting Price for This Tour: $5,600 See Full Tour Pricing

Total Miles for this Adventure: 1817

Difficulty: Is this tour right for me? Contact us with any questions

MotoQuest Staff on Tour

Motorcycles included.

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Motorcycles Available

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Included With the Tour

  • Hotel Accommodations
  • Premiere Welcome and Farewell Dinners
  • Professional MotoQuest Guide(s)
  • Support Vehicle
  • Support Vehicle Driver
  • Staff Trained in First Aid with Satellite Phone
  • MotoQuest Swag Bag
  • Photos Taken on the Trip
  • Automatic Enrollment in Global Rescue

Not Included

  • Meals on the Road
  • Alternative Tours
  • Travel Insurance
  • National Park Entrance Fees

Choose a Date

October 06, 2024 - October 15, 2024 October 20, 2024 - October 29, 2024 April 06, 2025 - April 15, 2025 October 19, 2025 - October 28, 2025

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Las Vegas and National Parks Motorcycle Tour

Self-guided tour - 8 days/ 7 nights, 891 mi 1425.6 km, summer, spring, fall, 100 - 40 °f 37.8 - 4.4 °c.

EagleRider’s Las Vegas National Park Motorcycle Tour begins in exciting Las Vegas, Nevada and takes you on an eight day journey through some of America’s famous National Parks and Attractions. You will visit the man-made Hoover Dam, cruise the world famous Route 66 highway, ride through the beautiful Red Rocks in Sedona, Arizona and then make your way to the breath taking Grand Canyon. The Zion National Park is next on the list before heading back to Las Vegas for some much needed relaxation. Book your Las Vegas National Park Self-Drive Tour today! Transform your journey into an exhilarating Harley Tour by selecting one of our incredible Harley models such as the Harley-Davidson Electra Glide, Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail Classic, Harley-Davidson Street Glide, Harley-Davidson Road Glide, Harley-Davidson Tri Glide Ultra, Harley-Davidson Street Glide Touring Edition, Harley-Davidson Road Glide Ultra, Harley-Davidson Road Glide Touring Edition, or for a different riding experience, choose from our sport touring models like the Yamaha YZF-R3, Yamaha XSR900, Yamaha MT-07, Yamaha Bo.

Show me how to save up to $1,745 per person today!

Book Your Tour

Starting at $1,514, bike selection, include bike, select tour package.

$1,514/ person

$2,107/ person

$2,919/ person

Number of Tour Packages

Tour itinerary, 0 mi / 0 km, las vegas, nv - arrival.

Las Vegas, NV

You arrive in Las Vegas and transfer to your hotel. Enjoy the city steeped in excess - a playground for adults, a place where you can feel the same freedom you experience on your bike. Overnight.

105 mi / 168 km

Las vegas, nv – kingman, az.

Las Vegas, NV – Kingman, AZ

This morning you pick up your bike and head southeast to check out the Hoover Dam – one of the world’s greatest man-made structures, and one of the tallest dams ever built (760 ft high). Designed to block the Colorado River and provide low-cost electricity for the cities of the southwest – you should take some time to look at the site. From here you continue on US 93 to Kingman. Enjoy a scenic ride through Lake Mead National Recreation area and the Cerbat Mountains. Kingman is considered the “Heart of Historic Route 66”. Take a cruise down memory lane and don’t forget to stop at the Historic Route 66 Museum. You overnight in Kingman.

215 mi / 344 km

Kingman, az – sedona, az.

Kingman, AZ – Sedona, AZ

Today you follow old Route 66 – from Kingman it’s on to Peach Springs, the trading center and headquarters for the Hualapai Indian Reservation, which covers nearly a million acres between the town and the Colorado River. As you continue your ride down legendary Route 66 you will come to Seligman, another quaint little town. At Ash Fork you catch SR 89 and enjoy a scenic ride through Prescott National Forest. Some 24 miles before you get to Sedona you arrive in Jerome, an old mining town, and perhaps the most popular stop for motorcycle riders. Sedona is a divine place! The physical beauty here combines the mountains of Vermont, the rocks of California, and the clay of Georgia back roads. Sedona is the starting point for hikes and scenic rides through the Red Rock area. Overnight.

8 Days Self-Guided Las Vegas and National Parks Motorcycle Tour Inclusions

Save $1,745 /person, eaglerider tour price $1,514, individual price $3,259, late model motorcycle rental, $1,192 /person, motorcycle friendly hotels, $1,832 /person, mobile tour guide app, half-shell helmet for rider and pillion, $80 /person, unlimited mileage, total tour value, $3,259 per person, total tour price, $1,514 per person, total savings, $1,745 per person, not included.


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Reigning wnba champion aces struggling to start season while trying to get players healthy.

Doug Feinberg

Associated Press

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved

Las Vegas Aces center A'ja Wilson reacts after scoring during the first half of a WNBA basketball game against the Los Angeles Sparks, Sunday, June 9, 2024, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Ryan Sun)

The two-time defending champion Las Vegas Aces are off to a rough start as they have been inconsistent over the first month of the season.

The Aces (5-4) have dropped three of their last four games. They didn't lose their fourth game last season until August.

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“We’re one team in Minnesota,” coach Becky Hammon said after a loss at Los Angeles on Sunday night. “We’re another team in Atlanta. We’re one team in Dallas; we’re another team against Seattle.”

It hasn't helped that Las Vegas has been playing without starting guard Chelsea Gray, who is still recovering from a leg injury she suffered in the WNBA Finals last season. There is still no timetable on her return.

One constant for Las Vegas has been the stellar play of A'ja Wilson.

She has scored at least 20 points in 14 consecutive games, setting a new WNBA record in the process. She became the third fastest player in WNBA history to reach 4,000 career points in Sunday's loss. The only players to do it faster were Breanna Stewart and Diana Taurasi.

Wilson has also been playing dominant defense, blocking at least one shot in every game this season. Wilson isn't extremely concerned about the team's rough start to the year.

“These times are hard, but I guarantee you they will not last forever," she said. “I was just saying in the huddle, we’re going to be good.”


New York has taken over the No. 1 spot in this week's AP WNBA poll. The Liberty went 4-0 last week to clinch home court advantage in the Commissioner's Cup title game. Connecticut was second and Minnesota third. Seattle and Las Vegas were the next two. Phoenix was sixth and Atlanta seventh. Los Angeles and Chicago followed. Dallas, Indiana and Washington rounded out the rankings.


The first month of the WNBA season drew its highest attendance since the league’s second season in 1998 and the best television ratings in its history.

The figures are the latest evidence of the surging popularity of the WNBA. Across ABC, ESPN, ESPN2, CBS, ION and NBA TV, WNBA games are averaging 1.32 million viewers, nearly tripling last season’s average of 462,000, the league said on Tuesday. Attendance is also booming with teams having sold out more than half their games, more than double the number of sellouts last year. Approximately 400,000 fans have attended games, the most through the first month in 26 years.


Clark has said not making the Olympic team will motivate her to work harder to be on future U.S. squads. Even though she's not on social media, Clark said it's hard to avoid seeing all of the attention being put on the decision.

“I think I’ve done a pretty good job of it, of just blocking out the noise and doing what I can to focus on basketball,” she said. “But yeah, it’s tough. Like I go on my iPad to read the news, to catch up on current events. It’s like it’s one of the first things I see on the news side. So it is what it is. But I still don’t view it as a negative thing. Like I’m I’m very fortunate. I know a lot of people would want to be in this position and I’m just trying to make the most of it.”

Clark and the Fever struggled in a loss at Connecticut on Monday night. They host Atlanta on Friday and then Chicago on Sunday.


Los Angeles rookie Rickea Jackson had one of the best of her young career, scoring 16 points in the win over the Los Angeles Sparks on Sunday night. It matched her season-best total. Fellow Sparks rookie Cameron Brink had a rough shooting night, but had five blocks. She second in the league, averaging 2.8 per game. Chicago's Kamilla Cardoso got her first start on Sunday and scored 13 points in a loss to the Atlanta Dream.


Breanna Stewart of New York earned AP Player of the Week honors. The Liberty forward averaged 21.3 points, 9.3 rebounds and four assists to help New York win all four games last week and clinch homecourt in the Commissioner's Cup final on June 25. Kahleah Copper of Phoenix, Dearica Hamby of Los Angeles and Kayla McBride of Minnesota also received votes.


New York at Las Vegas, Saturday. The first matchup of last season's WNBA Finals with the Liberty visiting the Aces. New York will come into that game fresh as the Liberty's last game was Sunday. Las Vegas has two Commissioner's Cup games this week before the rematch.


Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

motorcycle tours las vegas

JANE'S ADDICTION's Classic Lineup Announces Summer 2024 Tour With LOVE AND ROCKETS

After reuniting for the first time in 14 years to perform an intimate show in London, JANE'S ADDICTION , with their original band members, and LOVE AND ROCKETS announced they will hit the road for their 2024 co-headline tour. Produced by Live Nation , the 23-city trek kicks off on August 9 at Fontainebleau Las Vegas making stops across North America in Los Angeles, New York, Toronto, and more before wrapping up in St. Louis at Evolution Festival on September 29.

Tickets will be available starting with artist presales beginning Tuesday, May 28. Additional presales will run throughout the week with the general on sale beginning Friday, May 31 at 10:00 a.m. local time at

The tour will also offer a variety of different VIP packages and experiences for JANE'S ADDICTION 's fans to take their concert experience to the next level. Packages vary but include premium tickets, an exclusive autographed tour poster by JANE'S ADDICTION , specially designed VIP gift items and more. For more information, visit


Aug. 09 - Las Vegas, NV - Fontainebleau Las Vegas Aug. 11 - San Diego, CA - Park at the Park Petco Park Aug. 13 - Los Angeles, CA - YouTube Theater Aug. 15 - Phoenix, AZ - Arizona Financial Theatre Aug. 18 - Irving, TX - The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory Aug. 19 - Houston, TX - 713 Music Hall Aug. 21 - Rogers, AR - Walmart AMP Aug. 23 - Durant, OK - Choctaw Grand Theater Aug. 25 - New Orleans, LA - The Fillmore Aug. 27 - Jacksonville, FL - Daily's Place Aug. 29 - Tampa, FL - MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre Aug. 31 - Hollywood, FL - Hard Rock Live Sep. 03 - Raleigh, NC - Red Hat Amphitheater Sep. 05 - Portsmouth, VA - Atlantic Union Bank Pavilion Sep. 07 - Atlantic City, NJ - Hard Rock Live at Etess Arena Sep. 10 - New York, NY - The Rooftop at Pier 17 Sep. 13 - Boston, MA - Leader Bank Pavilion Sep. 15 - Bridgeport, CT - Hartford Healthcare Amphitheater Sep. 18 - Toronto, ON - Budweiser Stage Sep. 20 - Rochester Hills, MI - Meadow Brook Amphitheater Sep. 22 - Milwaukee, WI - BMO Pavilion Sep. 24 - Chicago, IL - Byline Bank Aragon Ballroom Sep. 26 - Indianapolis, IN - Everwise Amphitheater at White River State Park Sep. 28 – Huntsville, AL – South Star Music Festival* Sep. 29 – St. Louis, MO – Evolution Festival*

*Not a Live Nation date

Great bands break rules, but legends write their own. JANE'S ADDICTION formed in 1985 and has written the rule book for alternative music and culture through a combination of genre-defying classic songs and a cinematic live experience. The band consists of vocalist Perry Farrell , guitarist Dave Navarro , drummer Stephen Perkins , and bassist Eric Avery .

Undoubtedly regarded as one of rock's most influential acts, JANE'S ADDICTION 's first release was the stunning, self-titled live album "Jane's Addiction" (1987),which led to two studio albums, "Nothing Shocking" (1988) and "Ritual De Lo Habitual" (1990). The band's initial farewell tour in 1991 launched the first Lollapalooza which has since become the perennial alternative rock festival.

Navarro rejoined his JANE'S ADDICTION bandmates on May 23 during their intimate concert at London, England's Bush Hall.

JANE'S ADDICTION 's setlist for the Bush Hall gig included a new song called "Imminent Redemption" . Navarro , Farrell , Perkins and bassist Avery – who had left the band in 2010 but returned in 2022 — also played another new track, "True Love" , which they had premiered last year. They also opened with "Kettle Whistle" , marking JANE'S ADDICTION 's first performance of the song with Navarro since 2001.

"True Love" was reportedly written by Farrell , Avery and Perkins , with assistance from touring guitarist Josh Klinghoffer .

Navarro sat out JANE'S ADDICTION 's 2022 and 2023 shows due to his battle with long COVID. He was replaced at last year's gigs by Klinghoffer , a former member of RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS who also records with Eddie Vedder and performs with PEARL JAM . 2022 saw QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE 's Troy Van Leeuwen step in for Navarro .

The fall 2022 "Spirit On Fire" tour marked the first JANE'S ADDICTION run of shows in more than a decade to feature returning Avery . Prior to that, Avery last played with the band for a short stint in the 2000s before departing again in 2010.

In the fall of 2022, Farrell told Alternative Press that it wasn't easy finding a temporary replacement for Navarro . "At first, there was a lot of weight on my shoulders," he said. "This was our return tour right after COVID, and we didn't have Dave . JANE'S is a unique band, and you can't just grab any guitar player and they'll pick it up. That's Dave Navarro we're talking about — those are big shoes to fill."

When it was first announced that Van Leeuwen would fill in for Navarro for the fall 2022 tour, Dave said in a statement: "He is a great guy and I am honored to have him help make this tour happen. Though I am saddened to not make this tour, I am focused on making a full recovery and rejoining the guys when I am able. I truly wish the band well on this tour and I am confident they will bring everything to make it a fabulous show! Go get 'em, guys!"

Named after the underground comic by the Hernandez brothers, LOVE AND ROCKETS made seven records over the course of thirteen years. They announced themselves to the world with their radically unique take on the classic TEMPTATIONS song "Ball Of Confusion" This debut proved that they were going to be a force to contend with. It became a huge seller and a popular club hit in the U.S. and Canada, where it also went gold. It marked the beginning of a career that would span an impressive 14 years and seven albums.

The legacy of the band has only grown with more people realizing the extent of their influence and generations of new fans discovering them. The list of artists who cite their influence is impressive: THE FLAMING LIPS , THE DANDY WARHOLS , A PLACE TO BURY STRANGERS , JANE'S ADDICTION , BLACK REBEL MOTORCYCLE CLUB , Beck , Maynard Keenan , DUBFIRE and the PIXIES . December 2023 saw the reissue of their Beggars Banquet catalog with a vinyl box set that sold out almost immediately and each of the label's releases released individually the following year, along with a previously unreleased compilation/companion CD to 1996's "Sweet F.A." titled "My Dark Twin" . In celebration, LOVE AND ROCKETS played a critically hailed and largely sold-out tour.

motorcycle tours las vegas

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    Check out reviews & photos of Las Vegas Motorcycle Tours with increased safety measures & flexible booking.

  5. THE 10 BEST Las Vegas Motorcycle Tours (Updated 2024)

    Top Las Vegas Motorcycle Tours: See reviews and photos of Motorcycle Tours in Las Vegas, Nevada on Tripadvisor.

  6. Las Vegas and Grand Canyon Motorcycle Tour

    EagleRider's world famous Las Vegas and Grand Canyon Motorcycle Tour is a Self-Guided Motorcycle Tour starting in Las Vegas and lasting 5 days.

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    Reviews on Motorcycle Tour in Las Vegas, NV - Vision Motorcycle Tours, Las Vegas Elite OffRoad, DeTourVegas, American Adventure Tours, Trac-On Off Road Dirt Bike Tours.

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  20. Las Vegas and National Parks Motorcycle Tour

    EagleRider's Las Vegas National Park Motorcycle Tour begins in exciting Las Vegas, Nevada and takes you on an eight day journey through some of America's famous National Parks and Attractions. You will visit the man-made Hoover Dam, cruise the world famous Route 66 highway, ride through the beautiful Red Rocks in Sedona, Arizona and then ...

  21. Reigning WNBA champion Aces struggling to start season while trying to

    The two-time defending champion Las Vegas Aces are off to a rough start as they've been inconsistent over the first month of the season.

  22. JANE'S ADDICTION's Classic Lineup Announces Summer 2024 Tour With LOVE