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Glencoe World History: Journey Across Time

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Glencoe World History: Journey Across Time

  • Central Balkans Cradle of Aegean Culture ANTONIJE SHKOKLJEV SLAVE NIKOLOVSKI - KATIN PREHISTORY CENTRAL BALKANS CRADLE OF AEGEAN CULTURE Prehistory - Central Balkans Cradle of Aegean culture By Antonije Shkokljev Slave Nikolovski – Katin Translated from Macedonian to English and edited By Risto Stefov Prehistory - Central Balkans Cradle of Aegean culture Published by: Risto Stefov Publications [email protected] Toronto, Canada All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief and documented quotations in a review. Copyright 2013 by Antonije Shkokljev, Slave Nikolovski – Katin & Risto Stefov e-book edition 2 Index Index........................................................................................................3 COMMON HISTORY AND FUTURE ..................................................5 I - GEOGRAPHICAL CONFIGURATION OF THE BALKANS.........8 II - ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES .........................................10 III - EPISTEMOLOGY OF THE PANNONIAN ONOMASTICS.......11 IV - DEVELOPMENT OF PALEOGRAPHY IN THE BALKANS....33 V – THRACE ........................................................................................37 VI – PREHISTORIC MACEDONIA....................................................41 VII - THESSALY - PREHISTORIC AEOLIA.....................................62 VIII – EPIRUS – PELASGIAN TESPROTIA......................................69 [Show full text]
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  • The Epidemic of Athens, Options History of Medicine cover the whole field, this paper will provide a general overview and a discussion of the most likely diagnostic The epidemic of Athens, options. 430 - 426 BC The author Francois P Retief, Louise Cilliers Thucydides' classic description is our only primary source of reference, although a number of subsequent writers and The Athenian epidemic of 430 - 426 BC, at the outbreak of historians added to the story. For instance, Diodorus Siculus the Peloponnesian War, caused the death of the great (1 st century BC)! relying on the informant, Ephoros, gives statesman, Pericles, decimated the population and additional information which often clashes with Thucydides' contributed significantly to the decline and fall of classical description; its veracity, however, is open to serious doubt. Similarly, Lucretius (1 st century BC)9.,o and Plutarch (1 st Greece. In his remarkable documentation of the epidemic, century AD)9 wrote from hearsay at a much later date, while Thucydides (who survived the disease) not only left us a Galen (2nd century AD), with no further information at his clear clinical picture of the pestilence but also identified its disposal, tended to be critical of Thucydides, comparing him infectious nature and the fact that it conferred at least unfavourably with Hippocrates." Aetius (390 - 435 AD) and partial immunity on survivors. As confirmed by a large others record the legend (certainly apocryphal) that number of scholars who studied the subject, Thucydides' Hippocrates aborted the epidemic by lighting a huge description does not accurately fit any existing disease, bonfire." A soldier and noted classical historian, Thucydides (460 ­ but we suggest that analysis of the signs and symptoms, 400 BC) survived an attack of the Athenian disease.' His considered in conjunction with significant epidemiological description of the epidemic is among the great medical evidence, narrows down the many possibilities to contributions of ancient times. [Show full text]
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  • Chapter 4: the Ancient Greeks 108-111 UO2-824133 4/3/04 4:16 PM Page 108 TheAncient World Each civilization that you will study in this unit made important contributions to history. • The Greeks developed democratic government. • The ancient Chinese created paper. • The people of India invented the concept of zero. 25002500 B..C.. 1500 1500 B..C.. 800 800 B..C.. 650 650 B..C.. Ancient c. 1600 B.C. c. 776 B.C. Greece Minoan First civilization Olympic Cha & 5 pters 4 reaches Games height take place Ancient plate Early c. 2500 B.C. c. 1500 B.C. IndiaIndia Settlements Aryans invade develop along India Hindu temple Chap r 6 te Indus River Early c. 1750 B.C. c. 1045 B.C. China Shang dynasty Zhou establish Chapter 7 begins dynasty in China Zhou dynasty bronze dragon 108 (t)National Museums of Scotland/Bridgeman Art Library, (c)Borromeo/Art Resource, NY, (b)file photo 108-111 UO2-824133 3/28/04 9:45 AM Page 109 0 1,000 miles 0 1,000 kilometers Mercator projection Chapter 6 Chapter 7 EUROPE Caspian Sea ASIA Black Sea e H GOBI g T an i SH Hu g KU r E i U I up s D n Mediterranean h R Persian IN d r . H us Sea a R te s Gulf . N R Jiang . ang Chapters h 4 & 5 CCHINA 4 & 5 . R e l ARABIA i INDIA South PACIFIC N Arabian Bay of China OCEAN AFRICA Red Sea Sea Sea Bengal Equator Chapters 4 & 5 INDIAN Chapter0° 6 30°E 60°E OCEAN 90°E 120°E Chapter 7 500500 B..C. [Show full text]
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  • History of Ancient Greece Institute for the Study of Western Civilization Week 20 Thucydides History of Ancient Greece Institute for the Study of Western Civilization Week 20 Thucydides TuesdayMarch 17, 2020 Thucydides and the Peloponnesian War TuesdayMarch 17, 2020 THUCYDIDES, THE HISTORY OF THE PELOPONNESIAN WAR "Thucydides, an Athenian, wrote the history of the war between the Peloponnesians and the Athenians, beginning at the moment that it broke out, and believing that it would be a great war and more worthy of relation than any that had preceded it. This belief was not without its grounds. The preparations of both the combatants were in every department in the last state of perfection; and he could see the rest of the Hellenic race taking sides in the quarrel; those who delayed doing so at once having it in contemplation. Indeed this was the greatest movement yet known in history, not only of the Hellenes, but of a large part of the barbarian world- I had almost said of mankind. For though the events of remote antiquity, and even those that more immediately preceded the war, could not from lapse of time be clearly ascertained, yet the evidences which an inquiry carried as far back as was practicable leads me to trust, all point to the conclusion that there was nothing on such a great scale, either in war or in other matters. " TuesdayMarch 17, 2020 Thucydides and the Peloponnesian War TuesdayMarch 17, 2020 HOMER AND THE ILIAD Troy TuesdayMarch 17, 2020 Blaise Pascal: "Homer wrote a romance, for nobody supposes that Troy and Agamemnon existed any more than the apples of the Hesperides. He had no intention to write history, but only to amuse us." During the 19th century the stories of Troy were devalued as fables by George Grote and others. [Show full text]
  • Chapter 4: the Ancient Greeks 108-111 UO2-875047 9/13/06 10:21 AM Page 108 TheAncient World Each civilization that you will study in this unit made important contributions to history. • The Greeks developed democratic government. • The ancient Chinese created paper. • The people of India invented the concept of zero. 2500 B..C.. 1500 1500 B..C.. 800 800 B..C.. 650 650 B..C.. Ancient c. 1600 B.C. c. 776 B.C. Greece Minoan First civilization Olympic Cha & 5 pters 4 reaches Games height take place Ancient plate Early c. 2500 B.C. c. 1500 B.C. IndiaIndia Settlements Aryans enter develop along India Hindu temple Chap r 6 te Indus River Early c. 1750 B.C. c. 1045 B.C. China Shang dynasty Zhou establish begins dynasty in China Chapter 7 Zhou dynasty bronze dragon 108 (t)National Museums of Scotland/Bridgeman Art Library, (c)Borromeo/Art Resource, NY, (b)file photo 108-111 UO2-824133 3/28/04 9:45 AM Page 109 0 1,000 miles 0 1,000 kilometers Mercator projection Chapter 6 Chapter 7 EUROPE Caspian Sea ASIA Black Sea e H GOBI g T an i SH Hu g KU r i U E s D I up N n Mediterranean h R Persian I d r . H us Sea a R te s Gulf . N R Jiang . ang Chapters h 4 & 5 CCHINA 4 & 5 . R e l ARABIA i INDIA South PACIFIC N Arabian Bay of China OCEAN AFRICA Red Sea Sea Sea Bengal Equator Chapters 4 & 5 INDIAN Chapter0° 6 30°E 60°E OCEAN 90°E 120°E Chapter 7 500 B..C. [Show full text]
  • PLAGUE and CONSEQUENCES Athens 431 – 421 BC 1 PLAGUE AND CONSEQUENCES Athens 431 – 421 BC Torbjørn Iversen Master thesis 2011, English version 2014 Department of Archeology, Conservation and History Faculty of Humanities University of Oslo Keywords Thucydides, plague, Athens, risk factors, typhoid fever, epidemic typhus. 2 Contents Chapter 1: Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 The common theory of the plague ........................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Method ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 1.3 Intention of the study ............................................................................................................................... 7 Chapter 2: Sources and Methods ............................................................................................................ 8 2. 1. 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 8 2.1.2 The Primary Source ................................................................................................................................ 8 2.1.3 The credibility of Thucydides ................................................................................................................. 9 2.1.4 Source credibility ................................................................................................................................. [Show full text]
  • Democracy and Greece's Golden 3 Democracy and Greece’s Golden Age MAIN IDEA WHY IT MATTERS NOW TERMS & NAMES CULTURAL INTERACTION At its height, Greece set lasting •direct •Peloponnesian War Democratic principles and standards in art, politics, democracy • philosopher classical culture flourished literature, and philosophy that • classical art • Socrates during Greece’s golden age. are still influential today. • tragedy •Plato • comedy • Aristotle SETTING THE STAGE For close to 50 years (from 477 to 431 B.C.), Athens experienced a growth in intellectual and artistic learning. This period is often called the Golden Age of Athens. During this golden age, drama, sculpture, poetry, philosophy, architecture, and science all reached new heights. The artis- tic and literary legacies of the time continue to inspire and instruct people around the world. TAKING NOTES Pericles’ Plan for Athens Recognizing Effects Use a web diagram to A wise and able statesman named Pericles led Athens during much of its golden organize information age. Honest and fair, Pericles held onto popular support for 32 years. He was a about Pericles‘ goals skillful politician, an inspiring speaker, and a respected general. He so dominated for Athens. the life of Athens from 461 to 429 B.C. that this period often is called the Age of Pericles. He had three goals: (1) to strengthen Athenian democracy, (2) to hold Pericles' Goals and strengthen the empire, and (3) to glorify Athens. Stronger Democracy To strengthen democracy, Pericles increased the number of public officials who were paid salaries. Earlier in Athens, most positions in public office were unpaid. Thus, only wealthier Athenian citizens could afford to Athenian and United States Democracy Athenian Democracy Both U.S. [Show full text]
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Journey Across Time: Early Ages, Course 1, Student Edition

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The perfect combination of story and standards Journey Across Time: The Early Ages, Course 1 is an all-new middle school world history program organized chronologically from the first humans and ancient civilizations to A.D. 800. Co-authored by National Geographic and Jackson Spielvogel, this program’s engaging narrative and outstanding visuals transport students back in time. The result is a standards-based program with important geography skills embedded in every lesson. Journey Across Time: The Early Ages is available in a full volume and also as Course 1 (7000 B.C. to A.D. 800) and Course 2 (A.D. 500 to A.D. 1750).

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Unit 1 Early Civilizations

Chapter 1 the first civilizations, chapter 2 ancient egypt, chapter 3 the ancient israelites, unit 2 the ancient world, chapter 4 the ancient greeks, chapter 5 greek civilization, chapter 6 early india, chapter 7 early china, unit 3 new empires and new faiths, chapter 8 the rise of rome, chapter 9 roman civilization, chapter 10 the rise of christianity, chapter 11 islamic civilization.

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  9. PDF Journey Across Time Chapter 2

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  14. Journey Across Time: Early Ages, Course 1, Student Edition

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    Chapter Preview By the end of the Renaissance, Europe and the rest of the world were entering a time of rapid change. Read this chapter to find out how voyages of exploration and scientific discover-ies affected people in different parts of the world. View the Chapter 18 video in the World History: Journey Across Time Video Program. The Age of ...

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  23. Glencoe World History Journey Across Time Chapter 1

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