1. Inline SVG css animation not working on Safari

    To fix the problem you use regular old css to transform scale it in the animation. Font-size can be used to scale up inline SVGs on all browsers except Safari. from { -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1);} to { -webkit-transform: scale(3); transform: scale(3);}

  2. CSS Animation on SVG Element on iOS Safari 11 Not Working

    2. I have a simple SVG that animates when it comes into viewport (via added class in Javascript). It's a simple bar chart that is supposed to animate the height of 2 rect elements. It works fine everywhere except iPad Safari 11.1.2 (and maybe below) When I remove the animation the SVG displays fine. The class is being added via javascript and ...

  3. Animation Not Working in Safari

    The animation might stop working in Safari if you've used an tag. You can fix this by replacing it with an tag or adding the SVG inline. The animation might stop working in Safari if you've used an tag. You can fix this by replacing it with an tag or adding the SVG inline.

  4. 6 Common SVG Fails (and How to Fix Them)

    In those cases, there are six specific things that I look for when I'm debugging. 1. The viewBox values. The viewBox is a common point of confusion when working with SVG. It's technically fine to use inline SVG without it, but we would lose one of its most significant benefits: scaling with the container.

  5. Fix SVG CSS animation issue in Safari

    Safari 16 has trouble with CSS animations on SVG child elements, but you can resolve them by using a combined transform property. Setup: You have an SVG that needs separate animations for its path and rect elements. Applying a single transform to the elements works, but combining multiple transforms results in nondeterministic animation bugs:

  6. How SVG Line Animation Works

    I also found that this doesn't work in IE. Snap.svg is a pretty great alternative. All the techniques and basic theory here hold true; you create a path with a given length, and then set strokeDasharray and strokeDashoffset to the same length. Then you can just do path.animate({strokeDashoffset: 0}, 1000); for the same effect (1000 is time in ...

  7. How to Use "animateTransform" for Inline SVG Animation

    Using animateTransform we can make the rectangle slide smoothly between our from and our to states over a period of two seconds. Your SVG shape, in this case rectangle, will need to have both opening and closing tags e.g. <rect></rect>. The animateTransform attribute should be placed in between these tags like so: 1.

  8. SVG not rendering in Safari

    One of the pages shows two different SVG images, and one of them is a pretty complex image. In my Chrome Web Browser, the complex image shows up without a problem, but when I try to view that page in Safari the SVG shows up with blank spots in the image where there is supposed to be content. I think I need to replace the image with a PNG ...

  9. Path Animation Issues in Safari

    Practically, we took the path's length and used multiples of it for the Dashes and Offset properties, in this order: Length x1 - Length x2 - Length x3. To make things easier, we've added a multiplier: Multiply the path length easily using the dropdown. If you've got stuck and couldn't fix the error, you can also send us the original static SVG ...

  10. Inline SVG animation not working in safari? : r/webdev

    It works (animates, spins) on iPad and iPhone safari but not on my windows safari browser. Interestingly if I save it as and SVG file and open it in win safari, it works. Could someone check that fiddle from a mac safari please? (is it spinning or not) I'm not sure why it's not working as an inline element.

  11. Inline-SVG not displayed in safari?

    I have this in my index.html, and it works perfect in chrome and firefox, but its not showing up in Safari, can anyone tell me why and if there is some workaround?

  12. Inline SVG css animation not working on Safari

    To fix the problem you use regular old css to transform scale it in the animation. Font-size can be used to scale up inline SVGs on all browsers except Safari. Bottom line: Use transform: scale () instead of font-size: ()px on SVG CSS animations to maximize compatibility.

  13. 5 Gotchas You're Gonna Face Getting Inline SVG Into Production

    5 Gotchas You're Gonna Face Getting Inline SVG Into Production. The following is a guest post by Rob Levin. Rob is a Senior UI/UX Developer at Mavenlink, and coauthor of the Unicorn UI CSS Button Library. Their 2.0 release is using an SVG icon system, and here he shares some issues he's ran into along the way, and how you can watch out for ...

  14. Keyframe animation not working in Safari?

    Yes it seems that Safari is buggy with animating the inner elements of that SVG. If you applied the animation to the svg element then it seems to work ok in Safari but of course travels up ad down ...

  15. need help fixing svg artifact on safari : r/css

    You would have to open the svg in Figma or some other graphics software, and right click the layer and choose "convert to outlines" and then "flatten paths". 1. Reply. 1 / 3. 1 / 2. top right corner of my paths have been eaten (inline svg, animated with stroke dasharray/offset and round line joins)! it isn't an issue on chrome….

  16. Animated svg not working on safari, can anyone help? : r/Safari Please go through the initial wizard and you will see the animation on safari which is not working. No idea why. Please open the above website, I am having some issue in the loader animation svg. Can anyone guide me why it is not working? It does not work on ios and safari mac os while works fine in chrome. 1. 2 Share.

  17. Attempting to fix responsive SVGs in desktop Safari (and some WebKit

    These SVGs are within fluid containers. Therefore, by setting the width and height of the SVG in CSS to 100% they should fill their container at different viewports: svg { height: 100%; width: 100%; } Again, in Chrome, if you resize the browser window you'll see expected behaviour (even with JavaScript disabled - more on the JS in a moment).

  18. Safari CSS3 SVG animations not working...

    In doing more research into the prefix issue, you should be running Safari 8.0.7 which should support this with no problem. The MDN page says Safari 4 needs prefixes. Since it runs fine on my computer, you may have a cache issue. Try clearing the cache and seeing if it runs.

  19. html

    One of the reasons for an inline svg is the ability to style the graphic without having to do it manually and then uploading the graphic as a file. Since I'm new to svg, I'm sure there will be some errors in the code, but overall it seems to work on different browsers/resolutions etc. Only on Safari the svg is not displaying properly.