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5 Best Foldable High Chairs: Great for Small Spaces & Travel

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best foldable high chairs

Foldable high chairs are an awesome, space-efficient alternative to standard high chairs (plus, many double as travel high chairs!). Check out these 5 best folding high chairs, perfect for people wanting less baby gear or living in small spaces.

Fitting random baby gear in a small living space feels like a constant jigsaw puzzle. The high chair, in particular, has been the bane of my small space existence. Multiple times a day I’d stub my toe on our much lauded Ikea high chair.

For the first year and a half of our baby’s life, we couldn’t even comfortably fit a dining room table in our small space. So our high chair options were limited, to say the least.

So I went on the hunt for the perfect folding, easy to store high chair that I could tuck away between uses. The list you’ll find below of the best foldable high chairs is based on my personal hours of research and experimentation with high chairs in small spaces.

No time to read the whole article? My top pick for the best standard folding high chair is the Graco Slim Snacker for its affordability, and my favorite foldable travel high chair is the hiccapop OmniBoost Travel Booster Seat for its versatility.

We never intended to be living in our small grad school apartment with a baby but an unexpected hyperemesis pregnancy and a pandemic threw off our plans. Now, with years of experience living with a babies in tight quarters, I know what to look for in space-efficient baby gear like foldable high chairs.

Related Post: Baby Gear for Small Spaces

One of the best things about many of the best collapsible high chairs on this list is that they also double as foldable travel high chairs too. Serving double duty means one less baby item you have to buy and store.

So even if you don’t live in a small space, collapsible high chairs can be very useful and more unobtrusive in your home. They also make great high chairs for grandparents’ houses where they’ll only be used sporadically.

Below is a list of the best options I’ve found for the best foldable high chairs for a variety of family priorities, like budget or small spaces.

Let’s see some high chairs!

Summary: Best Folding High Chairs

1. best standard foldable high chair: graco slim snacker.

Maximum Weight : 40 lbs

Most people end up with a traditional stand-alone high chair. They’re classic and easy. Luckily there are a handful of full high chairs that fold down like beach chairs.

folding high chair travel

The Graco Slim Snacker tops the list since it is an affordable, simple and functional option that will work best for most families . You can fold it one handed by pulling up an a strap in the chair, much like many strollers fold.

The chair itself weights 17 lbs so it is manageable to move around. The seat can recline, a feature some families look for for smaller infants.

And it is machine washable , a feature every family should look for since babies are crazy messy eaters.

Runner-up: Cosco Simple Fold

folding high chair travel

Cosco offers a basic stand-alone folding high chair that is similar to the Graco. It comes in behind the Graco because its seat is not removable, making it harder to clean. It also does not have a true foot rest.

2. Best Folding High Chair for Travel: hiccapop OmniBoost Travel Seat

Maximum Weight : Hiccapop says it has been tested up to a whooping 250 lbs.

The hiccapop OmniBoost travel booster does it all. The Omniboost folds down very small and can be strapped to any regular chair making it a flexible high chair for home or travel.

folding high chair travel

Moreover, using one strapped to a chair instead of a traditional high chair means you won’t need a second travel high chair for when you’re on-the-go ( saving you money and space ).

We own an equivalent chair (my runner up in this category, the Summer Infant Pop ‘N Sit ) and it is one of our most used and beloved baby items.

What we love about this high chair is that it is so versatile . We can just as easily use it at home at our dining room table, on the ground at the beach, or strapped to a chair at a restaurant.

The hiccapop beats out our beloved Summer Infant Pop ‘N Sit because it has a very important feature: its machine washable . High chairs get gross fast and machine washing makes your life easier.

Runner-Up: Summer Infant Pop ‘N Sit

baby in a summer infant pop 'n sit chair

Summer Infant’s Pop ‘N Sit is very similar to the hiccapop but is not machine washable. While I would prefer a machine washable chair, I’ve also been able to wash up our Pop ‘N Sit easily with a hose or damp rag.

Some people say that the harness system is not as well positioned as the hiccapop, though we haven’t had any issues with the strap-positioning on our Summer Infant. With very heavy use, our chair’s canvas is fraying at the chair back but the chair itself is still completely functional.

3. Best High Chair for Small Spaces: Inglesina Fast Table Chair

Maximum Weight : 37 lbs

The Inglesina Fast Table Chair is a small hanging chair that clamps down to the side of a table or counter top. Of the folding high chairs on this list, the Ingelsina chair is by far the smallest .

folding high chair travel

Not only does it take up barely any space while in use, it folds down even further for easy travel or storage. They even sew the carrying bag into the chair so you can’t lose it.

We have used an Inglesina as our primary high chair and absolutely love it. It is a great space saver and it is really nice having your baby seated at the table.

That said, we’ve found that getting the version with the add-on tray is necessary , otherwise a lot of food falls in the small gap between the table and the baby.

The Inglesina stands out among other clip-on high chairs because it works with tables of varying thicknesses, up to 3.5 inches thick.

It is also machine washable and easy to clean. I got our Inglesina secondhand and it was absolutely caked with old food; it came out of the wash looking brand new.

If you will primarily use your high chair at a table or counter-top, a clip-on chair like the Inglesina is the smallest and most inconspicuous high chair option available . If you plan to do regular outdoor or picnic-style eating without a table, you’ll be better served by a more versatile travel booster, like the hiccapop travel chair .

NOTE : The American Academy of Pediatrics offers a number of cautions when using a hook-on high chair. The chair must be secured and locked on, and the table must be heavy enough to support the child. The child should also be positioned so they cannot kick off against the table.

The chair also only offers a two-point harness, so it isn’t the best fit for babies who are climbers . We’ve gone through periods where we have had to put our baby in a high chair with shoulder straps instead.

Runner-up: Chicco 360 FastLock Chair

folding high chair travel

Chicco offers three styles of clip-on high chairs, but the 360 FastLock stands out because it allows you to rotate your baby to multiple positions . This is a handy feature so you can have the baby face you when seated side-by-side.

It also comes with a tray which is an add on for some Inglesina models.

This chair has many great features but it does not accommodate as wide a range of table thicknesses as the Inglesina.

4. Easiest to Clean Collapsible High Chair: Primo Folding High Chair

Maximum Weight : 30 lbs

The Primo high chair is has a simple plastic seat that makes it easy to wipe down after a meal.

folding high chair travel

Not only does the chair fold, it can also convert to a small toddler chair once your baby outgrows the high chair.

This second life as a toddler chair helps extend its usefulness since it otherwise has a slightly lower weight limit than most high chairs.

5. Folding High Chair with Best Amenities: Joovy Nook

Maximum Weight: 50 lbs

folding high chair travel

It boosts a big oversized tray that makes meal time easier. The best part? The tray swings open so you can easily put your baby in.

A swing open tray may not seem like a big deal but it is. Oh it is.

Compared to our other high chair, where you have to slide the baby in the leg holes from the top, our Joovy Nook is a dream to use. Plus, the swing open tray gets more and more valuable as your kid gets bigger and more opinionated.

The tray is also fully removable in case your kid wants to be pulled up to the table instead.

The Nook is more appropriate for families who are okay with getting their high chair “decently clean” instead of “totally spotless.” The seat cushion is removable on the Nook for machine washing, but it is not the easiest to get off. Like most high chairs, it has some nooks and crannies but I still feel like I can get it clean wiping it down.

Runner Up: Peg Perego Siesta

folding high chair travel

The Peg Perego Siesta offers a ton more features than other folding high chairs. The only reason it doesn’t top this list is because it is less affordable than other chairs.

It’s seat height, foot rest, and tray are highly adjustable to get the right fit for your baby and your table. It also reclines to multiple angles so it can be used as a seat for newborns.

Best of all, wheels on the base allow you to easily move it while your baby is in it. And of course, it folds small and is self-standing when collapsed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the types of collapsible high chairs.

Before buying a folding high chair, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with the types of high chairs available. In general, there are four main styles of high chairs to be aware of:

– Standard High Chairs : The stand alone chair that people envision when you say ‘high chair.’ – Booster Chairs : Mini chairs that you strap onto a dining room chair. – Clip-on Table Chairs : Seats that clamp on and hang off your dining room table or counter. – Foldable Travel High Chairs : Collapsible high chairs that fold up small for portability.

What features should you look for in folding high chair?

How do you narrow down chair type will depend a lot on your goals and space. For example, we didn’t have a dining table until recently so a stand alone high chair is our only option.

Here are some key features to consider when making your high chair selection:

Cost : There are enough low-cost high chairs available that your budget should your first consideration when narrowing down high chair options.

Space : You probably wouldn’t be on this page if you weren’t already considering space limitations when looking for a high chair. Do not underestimate how much you will trip over your high chair if it is in the way.

Easy to Clean : How easy a high chair is to clean is a huge, big deal. So many high chairs have nooks and crannies that range from ‘super annoying’ to ‘impossible’ to clean after every meal. Cleaning needs to be high on your high priority list.

Portability : Do you hope to move your high chair around your house? Would you like one chair that you can use both at home and also on-the-go?

Baby Position & Max Weight : You want your baby sitting up straight and able to rest their feet. That said, you can simply add rolled up towels to most high chairs to achieve good posture. Keep an eye on maximum weight limits if you hope to use your high chair through toddlerdom.

When will you need a high chair?

For most families, you won’t use a high chair until your baby is around 6 months old and ready to begin eating food. Your baby should be able to sit unassisted with good head and neck control prior to introducing food, which usually happens around 6 months ( source ).

Some families like to have their babies sitting at the table for family meals earlier. There are some high chairs that have infant attachments to allow babies who are unable to sit unsupported to use them from birth.

Wondering what other baby gear works well in tight quarters? Check out this guide to baby items in small spaces .

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The 15 Best Portable Travel High Chairs and Booster Seats [2023]

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The 15 Best Portable Travel High Chairs and Booster Seats [2023]

Table of Contents

The different types of travel high chairs, things to consider with a travel high chair or booster seats, the 8 best travel high chairs and booster seats under $30, the 5 best travel high chairs and booster seats under $60, the 2 best travel high chairs and booster seats under $90, final thoughts.

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Feeding on the go can be a messy business if you aren’t able to seat your little one at the table with you. A travel high chair or booster seat can make mealtimes far less stressful.

Don’t rely on restaurants, cafes, and other eateries to be able to seat your baby — take your own portable high chair with you instead.

Travel High Chair

Hook-on High Chairs

Perfect for babies 6 months or older, hook-on high chairs attach to the side of any table using rubber handles that can be securely tightened to remain stable and safe.

Your child will sit close to the table at the right height to enjoy eating and communing with you as you enjoy a family meal together. There are no folding trays to worry about or straps to attach to chairs. Although there is a maximum weight restriction of around 40 pounds depending on the chair, these are the most convenient way to seat your child when traveling.

Bottom Line: Collapsible and lightweight, you can take your hook-on high chair virtually anywhere.

Booster Seats

Booster seats do just that — raise the seat height of your child’s chair to enable them to reach the table. Compact enough to fit into their very own carry bags in transit, these easy-to-clean high chair alternatives are a popular choice for children 12 months or older.

The only thing you need to ensure the success of your booster seat at dinner time is a stable dining chair with a back to tie it to.

Bottom Line: Designed for children weighing up to 50 pounds, booster seats are a highly portable addition to your child-friendly vacation kit.

Made entirely from fabric, chair wraps are just about the most portable feeding devices ever made. Small enough to fit in any purse or carry-on , these oversized scarves are designed to harness your toddler to an adult chair.

While your inner hippie may be happy that you have chosen a natural and traditional way to help your child eat with the grown-ups, you need to be very adept at attaching the wrap to the chair by pulling a cover over the back and tightening the ends to secure your baby.

Bottom Line: Fantastic for those who know how to use them, a huge amount of stress for those that don’t.

When choosing the right travel high chair or booster seat for your next vacation, consider the following:

Travel High Chair Safety

Keeping your baby safe while sitting at the table is a crucial concern for every parent. While high chairs with straps and large plastic trays feel somehow more secure and sturdy, a child can still fall out if not securely strapped in.

When using a travel high chair or booster seat, be sure that it offers a durable and robust harness , and that the one you choose has enough support to suit the developmental age of your baby.

Hot Tip: To reduce the risk of falling, your child should not exceed the suggested maximum weight for the product.

Travel High Chair Cleaning

Wipe-clean fabrics and plastic cushions are best suited to the messy business of babies, and your travel high chair should be just as easy to clean. Foldable booster seats are incredibly easy to clean, and their flexible design makes it possible for you to reach all the tiny seams and creases where crumbs tend to gather.

Hot Tip: Hook-on high chairs with washable, fabric covers are pretty low maintenance as long as you can throw it in the machine.

Size and Portability

Travel High Chair Portability

Portability is the key to traveling light with a baby, so big, bulky folding high chairs are best left at home on this occasion. You should, however, look beyond the dimensions of any potential travel high chair, and instead focus on a combination of size, weight, and portability.

While wraps are the most lightweight and portable option out there, a compact booster chair that folds up small and weighs very little is still a good alternative. A hook-on that can be folded and kept in a carry bag should also be considered, especially if you are traveling by car or public transport where weight is less of an issue.

Ease of Use

Travel High Chair Ease of Use

Feeding time with your children can be stressful enough without having to worry about shoehorning your 1-year old into an overly complicated high chair harness. Likewise, holding a baby in your arms while you try to attach a wrap to a chair without any success is also likely to put you off taking your little one out to eat with you.

Whatever type of travel high chair or booster seat you decide to go for, make sure that it’s easy for you to use. Hook-on chairs are more fiddly as you need to screw the handles onto the table to ensure that they are safe, and wraps take some getting used to.

Bottom Line: Booster seats are straightforward to use and easy to insert your child into.

1. Find the Right Position for Your Baby With This Adjustable Booster Seat

Summer infant deluxe comfort folding booster seat.

The Summer Infant Deluxe Comfort Folding Booster Seat is a convenient addition to your baby travel gear and one that will allow them to safely eat their food at the same level as you. Weighing just 3.66 pounds, this booster seat is suitable for children from 6 months to 33 pounds.  The compact folding mechanism makes it small enough to take anywhere with you.

Your little one will be safe in the 3-point harness, and you will be able to find the right height setting with 2 different levels of height adjustment. Use it without the feeding tray for a toddler booster seat at the table, or let your younger baby use the tray. Simple to use and highly portable, this little booster seat is brilliant.

What We Like

  • Has 2 height levels

What We Don’t Like

  • The chair cover isn’t great

2. A Foldable Travel Chair With its Very Own Carry Case

Hiccapop omniboost travel booster seat with tray.

This very useful little travel chair is perfect for letting your little one eat with you wherever you may be. The folding frame pops open to form a low-level camping chair complete with a food tray that toddlers and small children will be happy to sit, eat, or play in. Wide, stable feet help to keep the chair balanced at all times, and the tray is removable so your child can join you at the table.

The 3-point adjustable harness will keep your little one safe as they eat, and when you are finished, simply fold the chair back down and pop it back into the carry bag . To ensure that the chair is always clean and hygienic, the cover can be machine washed and the tray is made from dishwasher-safe, BPA-free material.

Cute and completely portable, this is the perfect camping chair for junior diners.

  • Has a removable and washable cover
  • Tray table can be difficult to get on and off

3. High Chair Complete With Wipeable Food Tray and Cute Looks

Summer infant pop and sit portable booster.

Looking every bit as cute as a tiny camping chair, this incredibly portable booster chair from Summer Infant is a little bit different from the rest. Designed to be used on the floor, or a chair, your little one can eat independently or with you.

Featuring a lightweight, folding frame that can be erected in sections , this little booster seat even comes with its own carry case. The detachable, dishwasher-safe BPA-free tray is perfect for playing or snacking, and the 3-point safety harness will keep your precious little one safe and secure. By using the built-in safety straps to attach the seat to an adult chair, you and your child (ages 6 months and older) can eat and play together, everywhere you go.

  • Folds up small to save space
  • Harness straps sit very low

4. A Fabulous, Full-Height Folding High Chair for Meals on the Go

Summer infant pop and sit portable high chair.

With its lightweight design and full-height feeding chair, the Summer Infant Pop N’ Sit Portable High Chair is perfect for families on the go. Easy to fold down into its very own compact carry bag, this is an easy-to-use travel high chair for your baby.

Suitable from 6 months onwards, the chair comes complete with a removable, BPA-free tray that can be popped into the dishwasher for easy cleaning. The non-slip rubber feet will grip to most surfaces, making this a stable and safe place to feed your children. The easy pop-up unfolding mechanism makes it a dream to use on vacation, at Grandma’s house, or even just at home.

  • Has a rear storage pocket
  • Leg holes might be restrictive for some children

5. An Award-winning Booster Seat From Chicco

  • Chicco Pocket Snack Booster Seat

Having already been awarded 5 stars in the “Best Baby and Toddler Gear Awards,” this easy-to-fold portable high chair will transform the way you and your little one eat out. Your baby will be able to sit right at the table and join you for a meal using this easy-to-secure, super-safe booster seat from Chicco.

With 3 tray positions, your child can also enjoy a snack or meal independently, and the harness straps will keep them safe while seated. With a wide padded seat and an easy-to-clean, dishwasher-safe food tray, you can be sure that this booster seat remains hygienic at all times. The Chicco Pocket Snack Booster Seat is an excellent value for money.

  • Adjustable to 3 heights
  • Securing chair straps are quite short

6. Compact Storage on a Wrap-style Booster Seat

  • liuliuby Travel Harness Seat

So portable it can roll up to the size of an umbrella, the liuliuby Travel Harness Seat is a functional fabric booster seat. Designed with safety in mind, this may look lightweight and unsupportive, but it incorporates a 5-point harness and comfortable straps for added reassurance and unrivaled strength and durability.

Suitable for babies approximately 6 months and older that can sit up unassisted, the simple design hooks over the back of an adult chair and supports your baby while they join you to eat at the table. Machine washable, wipeable, and incredibly stylish, this is the perfect compact travel seat for eating on the go.

  • Anti-slip pads mean your child will stay put
  • Doesn’t fit all chairs

7. Slip Over Adult Dining Chairs for Relaxed Meals

Cozy cover easy seat portable high chair.

Suitable for babies from 6 months old up to 33 pounds, the portable Easy Seat is a convenient companion for families on the go. You and your child can avoid the questionable hygiene of restaurant high chairs and have your little one eat at the table with you.

Compact enough to carry in your bag (in its own matching carry bag), the Easy Seat simply slides over the top of your adult dining chair, and with just a quick click of the straps, your child is secured in a 5-point harness . The 100% polyester material is easy to clean in the washing machine, and the brightly-colored design helps this fabulous petite seat stand out from the rest. A great buy for busy parents.

  • Comes with a matching carry bag
  • Doesn’t include a tray for eating

8. Inflatable Booster Seat That Keeps Your Child Close By

The first years on-the-go booster sea t.

Quite unlike any of the other high chairs and booster seats on our list, the On-The-Go Booster Seat inflates to keep your child comfy and ensures that they can always reach the table.

Simply pull out the valve and watch it self-inflate into a full-size booster seat,  then press out the air and fold back into its carry pack when the meal is over. This seat comes with an adjustable safety belt with a T-restraint to help hold your child securely and even has its own carry bag for taking it everywhere with you. A perfect addition to your baby kit.

  • Portable and inflates quickly
  • Not suited for extensive use

1. Let Your Little One Eat With You Using This Portable Booster Seat

Fisher-price healthy care deluxe booster seat.

Designed to fit at the table so that your little one can eat with the grown-ups, this foldable and incredibly portable booster seat secures to most dining chairs, both at home and away.

With a snap-on feeding tray and cup holder that is completely removable and dishwasher safe, you can let your child eat at the table or eat independently. The 3 height adjustments and super-secure 3-point harness will help you to find the safest position for your baby while they eat.

With a shoulder strap for ease of mobility and a simple, ergonomic design made from easy-to-clean and durable materials, this is a clear winner for moms and dads on the go.

  • No crevices to trap crumbs
  • Tray table comes off too easily (infant may remove it)

2. A Stand-alone High Chair That Feels Just Like Home

Ciao baby portable high chair with tray.

This stand-alone high chair is an excellent option for anyone who wants their child to feel totally at home in their high chair. Mimicking the height and feel of a regular full-size high chair , this little beauty folds up into a compact size, making it perfect for camping, keeping as a spare, or taking on vacation with you.

Made from highly durable nylon, this high chair is built to last, and the clear vinyl food tray is wipeable and easy to keep clean. There is also a built-in cup holder for your little one’s bottle or cup. Suitable from infant to toddler (your child must be able to sit unaided to use this high chair), your baby will stay safe and secure with the lap belt and 5-point safety harness.

Easy to use and transport, this is the perfect portable high chair for children who want to be reminded of the one they have at home.

  • 5-point safety harness
  • The opening for the child is a bit of a squeeze

3. A Hook-on High Chair for Discerning Little Diners

Chicco caddy hook-on chair.

In theory, this sturdy and durable hook-on high chair has plenty to offer both you and your baby. It folds down to take anywhere with you, it is made from high-quality materials, and the twist-and-tighten design fastens securely to most tables. In reality, it is very bulky and weighs a lot more than most portable high chairs, at a whopping 7 pounds, even without its carry bag.

That said, the rubberized arms are well-designed and will firmly grip any table without scratching , making it an excellent choice for parents who want their baby to eat with them. The seat cover is removable for easy cleaning and the cushioned back support adds comfort for your little one.

Suitable for 6 months onwards, we are not sure if the pure size and weight of this one prevents it from truly being a travel high chair, but it would still make a useful extra if you have room to transport it.

  • Attaches directly to a table
  • Not suitable for fidgety children

4. This Reclining High Chair Is Great for Toddlers

  • Fisher-Price SpaceSaver High Chair

Offering easy-to-clean, customizable seating for your little one, the Fisher-Price SpaceSaver High Chair is an affordable, reliable, and well-made travel booster seat that will make eating out a breeze.

Offering full-size seating dimensions in a portable package that folds up super small, this seat fits on most adult high back chairs. Suitable from around 6 months, this booster offers 2 height adjustments and 3 recline positions . The removable and dishwasher-safe feeding tray is easy to clean, and the cushioned seat will keep your little one comfy at all times.

Designed to grow with your child, the tray can be removed, and the secure strap attachments are designed to stay safely affixed to your adult chair.

  • Has a machine-washable seat pad
  • Doesn’t slot under the table at certain heights

5. Store Your Infant’s Extra Items in the Base of This Booster Seat

Brica goboost travel booster seat.

Perfect for dining on the go, the Brica GoBoost Booster Seat folds up small and comes complete with its own convenient carry strap. Stable and secure with a robust internal frame and wipeable, easy-to-clean material, this is the perfect booster seat for older infants on the go.

There is no 5-point harness on this seat, and it has a fixed position backrest, but with a built-in storage unit that can hold your bottles, wipes, cups, and even diapers. Xtra-Grip traction pads offer a non-slip grip on adult chairs.

  • Includes storage for bottles, diapers, or other items
  • Not machine washable

1. Best Hook-on Travel Seat for Curved Tables and Hungry Babies

Inglesina fast table chair  .

Incredibly versatile and perfect for use at curved dining tables, this hook-on high chair really is one of the best on the market. With twist-tight couplings that secure the chair to virtually any table and a deep seat with an adjustable 3-point harness, this high chair is also incredibly secure to keep your little one safe while snacking.

With a deeply padded seat, high backrest, waist harness, and easy-to-clean, breathable polyester material , your little one will be super comfortable. With an additional storage pocket on the rear side of the seat for a pacifier and other essentials, and a carry case for journeys away from home, this is an excellent hook-on high chair that is well-suited to families who like to dine out often.

  • Comes in a range of colors
  • Not the easiest material to clean

2. Award-winning High Chair for Those in the Know

Phil&teds lobster clip-on high chair .

Fans of the phil&teds stroller brand will already be familiar with their unique, high-quality designs, and the Lobster high chair is no exception. Super lightweight and incredibly compact, the Lobster has a first-class aluminum frame with padded support and a shoulder harness system that won’t let you down.

Suitable for infants 3 months old up to 3 years, or a maximum weight of 37 pounds, this high chair is still compact enough to fit into your travel bag for families on vacation. With stylish good looks and award-winning design, the world is your oyster with this high chair.

  • Quick to set up and pack down
  • Not compatible with all table types

Travel high chairs need to be portable, stable, and easy to clean. Younger babies need a secure harness, while older toddlers need a seat that won’t wobble about when they do.

From the simplicity of a sling-style high chair to hanging out in a hook-on, your next travel high chair or booster seat needs to be small enough to take with you, yet strong enough to hold your child safely. Make more of family mealtimes on your travels with any of the high chairs and booster seats on our list.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are hook-on high chairs safe.

Hook-on high chairs are safe as long as you adhere to the manufacturer’s maximum weight restrictions. Some other tips are:

  • Make sure that the clamp is securely fastened
  • Don’t use a hook-on high chair on glass tables
  • Ensure all straps are securely fastened

What age can a baby sit in restaurant high chair?

Babies can use a high chair when they are able to sit up unassisted. For most babies, this will happen around the 6-month mark but can happen as early as 4 months.

What are the best travel high chairs?

Some of the best travel high chairs and booster seats include:

  • Summer Deluxe Comfort Folding Booster Seat
  • hiccapop Omniboost Travel Booster Seat
  • Summer Infant Pop ‘N Sit Portable Booster Chair
  • Summer Pop ‘n Sit Portable Highchair
  • The Original Easy Seat Portable High Chair
  • The First Years On-The-Go Booster Seat
  • Fisher-Price Healthy Care Booster Seat
  • ciao! baby Portable High Chair
  • Chicco Caddy Hook On Chair
  • Munchkin Brica GoBoost Travel Booster Seat
  • Inglesina Fast Table Chair
  • phil&teds Lobster Clip-On Highchair

Are travel high chairs portable?

While wraps are the most lightweight and portable option out there, a compact booster chair that folds up small and weighs very little is still a good alternative.

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Best Portable High Chairs

These small high chairs are convenient for travel and restaurants and are great space savers at home., by jen labracio.

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Love checking out new restaurants and going on weekend adventures? With the right gear, those things don’t have to stop once you have a baby.

Portable high chairs, sometimes also called travel high chairs, are designed to provide a safe and clean spot for your little one to chow down wherever you go. Most either latch onto a table or strap around a dining chair and, because they take up far less space than traditional high chairs , some parents even use them full-time to save space .

Both kinds of portable high chairs have a harness so your little one can’t push out of their seat or slip through the bottom, but don’t use them until your child can sit up independently without slumping over (around six months ).

Do You Need a Portable High Chair?

A portable high chair is great for eating out at restaurants that don’t provide any baby-friendly seating options or when you want to avoid the sticky, crusty broken-safety-belt loaners many places offer. (Another option is bringing a seat cover to place over the loaner high chair.)

If you plan on traveling frequently—whether to grandma’s house or overseas—having a portable high chair ensures your child always has a safe spot at the table. But you could also feed your child from your lap if you don’t mind the mess.

What Type of Portable High Chair Is Best?

Portable high chairs that clamp onto tables are small, light and easier to pack. But they might not work with round or oval-shaped tables, tables with thin lips or ones that aren’t solid enough to support your baby’s weight. Sometimes the fabric seats on these chairs are hand-wash or spot-clean only, making cleanup difficult. They also lack footrests, a feature recommended by most pediatric feeding specialists to help your little one facilitate a safe swallow.

Portable high chairs that strap onto dining chairs are often easier to clean, and sometimes more versatile—you can remove the tray to use them as a simple booster seat for toddlers. But this type of portable high chair can be bulky and a pain to tote around. And, depending on what type of table and chairs you’re working with, the high chair might not put your child at level height with the table or may not fit correctly on the seat.

Deciding what type of portable high chair to buy depends on what features matter most to you. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Usability: Is the seat safe and sturdy? Will it work with multiple types of tables or chairs? Is it easy to attach?
  • Portability: Can you pack it in a suitcase or diaper bag? Does it have a carrying case or strap to put over your shoulder? Is it lightweight?
  • Cleaning: Can you wipe it down? Is the fabric removable and washable?

Best Portable High Chair for Travel

Inglesina Fast Table Chair - Black - $79.00.

Inglesina Fast Table Chair - Black

There’s a reason this is called the Fast Table Chair: This portable high chair clamps onto tables in no time flat with a few twists of the knobs, making it perfect for travel but just as good to use at home, too. It’s even easier to pack up, with a drawstring carrying case that’s attached (and hidden) on the bottom of the seat. Just pull it out and package up the seat that folds flat when you’re ready to go.

The seat is removable and washable and there’s a small pocket in the back to stash a bib. There’s also a custom-fit dining tray , sold separately. The seat will fit most tables from about 0.8 inches up to 3.3 inches thick.

Additional Specs

Best Portable High Chair for Outdoors

hiccapop OmniBoost Travel Booster Seat - $39.92.

hiccapop OmniBoost Travel Booster Seat

If you’re headed to the beach, the pool or even adventuring to your yard or roof deck to dine alfresco, you could feed your little one on your lap—but odds are everyone will be more comfortable (and safer) in their own seat. This portable booster is the ideal solution. It’s lightweight, easy to open and close and packs up compactly in the included travel bag. There’s a tray and a three-point harness, and you can use the chair either on the ground or strapped to an adult chair. And it’s no match for any type of mess your baby or toddler can throw at it; the entire cover pulls off the frame in seconds and can be tossed right into the washing machine.

Another Outdoor Option

Baby Delight Go With Me Venture Deluxe Portable Chair - Grey - $59.99.

Baby Delight Go With Me Venture Deluxe Portable Chair - Grey

Baby Delight’s Go With Me Venture Chair is another option to consider if you’re looking for an outdoor seating solution—but there’s a lot more going on with this chair than just a picnic in the park. You’ll be able to use the Venture for a long time; three stages grow with your baby from about three months old until they hit 75 pounds. It’s also really stable, with a wide base that stays put even in grass and dirt. There’s a detachable canopy for shade and the whole chair folds up into the included carry bag quickly and easily.

Just note that although the polyester fabric is resistant to fading, stains and mold, it’s wipe-clean only.

Best Affordable Portable High Chair

Dreambaby Travel Booster Chair - Blue - $29.99.

Dreambaby Travel Booster Chair - Blue

This travel booster chair is easy to pack up and sling over your shoulder when you’re on your way to anywhere you’ll need a safe seat for your little one, and it won’t cost you a ton, either. The Dreambaby booster weighs under 2.5 pounds and fits most adult chairs using the long, adjustable safety straps. There’s a three-point harness, a built-in shoulder strap and a removable cover. (Just note that the cover is hand-wash only.) There’s even a storage compartment inside the seat that’s large enough to stash a bib, bottle and wipes.

Easiest to Install Portable High Chair

Chicco QuickSeat Hook On Chair - Graphite - $79.99.

Chicco QuickSeat Hook On Chair - Graphite

This seat does exactly what its name implies—attaches to your table in only a few seconds. The QuickSeat features a one-pull tightener that cinches the seat into place rather than the screw-on clamps used by most other portable high chairs. It folds down for travel and there’s a built-in carrying strap; just keep in mind that the seat isn’t super compact when folded and the cinching mechanism adds a good amount of weight. There’s also a snap-on tray included. The seat cover snaps off for washing without having to remove the seat from the table.

Most Compact Portable High Chair

Bombol Pop-up booster - Pebble Grey - $129.99.

Bombol Pop-up booster - Pebble Grey

Nope, this isn’t a cool piece of art—it’s a (very cool) portable high chair. This 3D seat is incredibly compact. It folds flat to about the size of a large book, so you can easily slip it into your diaper bag or tote and be on your way. It’s also incredibly light, weighing in at about two and a half pounds, so carrying it around is super convenient. It holds a child up to 75 pounds and the seat’s fabric is stain, abrasion and odor-proof.

Keep in mind that although it’s approved for babies six months and up, we found it works best once your little one is a bit older and more stable. It’s also expensive.

Best Full-Size Portable High Chair

Summer Pop ‘N Dine SE Highchair - $64.99.

Summer Pop ‘N Dine SE Highchair

Think a full-size high chair can’t be portable? Think again. This seat works for kids up to 45 pounds but folds compactly into the included carry bag. It sets up in seconds thanks to the pop-and-fold design and can be used either indoors or outside. (It can also be pulled right up to the table since the seat’s footprint is fairly small.) The fabric seat cover is machine washable and the included tray is dishwasher safe, and there’s a three-point harness for safety.

Easiest to Clean Portable High Chair

Chicco Pocket Snack Booster Seat - Grey - $39.99.

Chicco Pocket Snack Booster Seat - Grey

Being able to toss your high chair cover in the wash is an important feature to look for when you’re shopping for portable seats, but what if you don’t have to deal with the washing machine at all? This sturdy, portable seat has no fabric or sneaky crevices to worry about—simply give the entire seat a quick wipe after use and you’re good to go. It’s designed to work on top of a dining chair and features three height adjustments and three tray positions so you can find the position that’s most comfortable for your little one. It also folds up for easy portability.

Best Portable High Chair for Small Spaces

Fisher-Price SpaceSaver Simple Clean High Chair - $49.49 and up.

Fisher-Price SpaceSaver Simple Clean High Chair

The SpaceSaver High Chair proves that just because you have a small dining area doesn’t mean you have to compromise on cushy features. It sits atop a dining room chair—no need to make room for more baby gear—and provides a just-right seat for your little one with two height adjustments and three recline positions.

It’s a popular replacement for a traditional high chair and it’s easy to see why: the seat and tray are dishwasher safe, the seat pad and harness are machine washable, and later it can be turned into a booster seat. Also, unlike other portable high chairs, this one can be used from the newborn stage and features a five-point safety harness (the kind that goes over the shoulders). Just keep in mind that it’s not the best for taking with you to restaurants or for traveling since it’s bulky and doesn’t fold down.

{name} {jobTitle}.

Jen LaBracio

Senior gear editor.

Jen LaBracio is Babylist’s Senior Gear Editor, a role that perfectly combines her love of all things baby gear with her love of (obsessive) research. When she’s not testing out a new high chair or pushing the latest stroller model around her neighborhood, she likes to run, spin, listen to podcasts, read and spend time at the beach. In her past life, she worked for over a decade in children’s publishing. She lives outside of Chicago with her husband and their two boys, Will and Ben.

Best High Chairs of 2024.

The Camping Nerd

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Best Folding Portable High Chairs For Travel & Camping 2024


Are Portable High Chairs For Babies Safe?

When looking for portable travel or camping high chairs for babies the main thing you should look for is wide, sturdy legs that will keep the chair stable at all times.

If you don’t trust high chairs you can get a booster chair with a food tray instead or even chairs that hang right from the table.

Related Product: hiccapop Outdoor Baby Playpen with Canopy (click to view on Amazon)

Portable high chairs are great to have for travel or camping but some people use them at home as well. They fold down to a small size and can easily be stored in a closet.

There are also some great baby chairs that can be used from 3 months to even as old as 6 years.

In this article, I’ll try to review every option available so you can find the perfect high chair or booster seat for your baby and/or toddler.

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Table of Contents show Are Portable High Chairs For Babies Safe? Portable High Chairs Reviews & Info 1. Summer Infant Pop’n Sit High Chair 2. ciao! Baby Camping High Chair 3. Inglesina Fast Table Baby High Chair 4. Baby Delight Go With Me Chai 5. Hiccapop Omniboost Travel Booster 6. Summer Pop’n Sit Booster Chair What To Look For In A Portable High Chair Conclusion & Recommendations For Best Portable High Chair Frequently Asked Questions About Portable High Chairs For Babies At what age can a baby use a portable high chair? How do I clean a travel high chair that doesn’t have removable fabric? Are hook on high chairs safe? Which is better a portable high chair or portable booster seat? Should a portable high chair have a footrest? Can a baby sleep in a portable high chair?

Summer Infant Pop ‘n Dine SE Highchair, Sweet Life Edition, Aqua...

Most Portable

Best Overall

Last update on 2024-06-05 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Portable High Chairs Reviews & Info

1. summer infant pop’n sit high chair.

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The Summer Infant Pop’n Sit High Chair is first up in our list of great portable high chairs for babies. This is the more traditional style.

The chair sits 32.6 inches tall, and 8.3 inches wide and deep. It fits babies that are around 6 months old and has a weight limit of 45 lbs.

Because of the high weight limit, this high chair can easily be used for toddlers as well.

The leg base this portable high chair sits on is very wide with large feet, so there are no worries about it toppling over when your baby is sitting in it.

There is a 3-point safety harness to keep your baby in the seat. The tray is a good size and it can swivel to the side so you can set the high chair right up to the table if you want.

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The fabric seat is removable and machine washable. The tray is also removable and dishwasher safe. There is a good sized storage pocket on the side that closes with a zipper.

Because this is a travel or camping high chair it can fold up to a small size much like a foldable camping chair. There is a carry bag included to keep it clean as well.

Summer Infant Pop ‘n Dine SE Highchair, Sweet Life Edition, Aqua...

The Summer Infant Pop’n Sit High Chair is perfect for any kind of travel, camping, and even regular home use. It has a good sized tray and the machine washable seat is a huge plus.

Don’t forget that this is a travel high chair, it won’t be as large as a regular home use one.

But, if you are looking for a very portable high chair that sits tall and has a large tray this is a very good option and the travel high chair that is closest to the real thing.

  • Large Food Tray
  • Dishwasher Safe Tray
  • Machine Washable Seat
  • Stable Leg Base
  • 3 Point Harness
  • Latch To Undo Tray Can Be Tricky To Use

2. ciao! Baby Camping High Chair

The ciao! camping high chair is more of what you expect to see in a campground or on a picnic. It’s extremely portable and very lightweight while still having everything you want out of a travel high chair.

It’s made for babies as young as 3 months and has a spacious seat that gives your child room to grow with a maximum weight limit of 35 lbs.

The chair is 32 inches tall, and 23 inches wide and deep. There is also a secure, adjustable 5-point safety harness to keep your baby inside the chair.

The seat is quite large and gives your child room to grow.

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The leg base is very wide because the chair is wide and there are fairly good sized feet. It looks a lot like a tall kid sized camping chair.

The tray is the most unique part of this travel high chair, it’s made of flexible fabric and covered in clear vinyl.

There’s also a cup holder. It’s not a very traditional approach to a baby food tray but it definitely makes the high chair very portable. It can fold up and fit in a small narrow carry case.

ciao! baby Portable High Chair for Babies and Toddlers, Compact...

The ciao! Baby Camping High Chair is the most portable tall high chair on this list. It’s very lightweight and can pack down to a very small size.

The fabric tray table may take some getting used to but it’s waterproof and is sturdy enough to hold all your baby’s food.

The seat is also much larger than the other high chair on this list and can be used for toddlers as well.

  • Very Portable
  • 5-Point Harness
  • Sturdy Leg Base
  • Flexible Food Tray Slants Toward Baby
  • Can Be Difficult To Get Baby In & Out

3. Inglesina Fast Table Baby High Chair

Inglesina Fast Table Chair, Black - High Chair for Babies & Toddlers...

The Inglesina Fast Table Baby High Chair is by far the smallest most portable solution for a travel high chair and the perfect option if you travel to places that have a very sturdy table.

It works really well if you often camp in campgrounds because they almost always have a very heavy-duty wooden picnic table that this chair is practically made for.

You need a sturdy table to use this high chair because the chair attaches directly to the table and hangs off of it. The idea sounds a little crazy at first but it’s really pretty genius.

Using heavy-duty twist-tight clamps the chair can be secured to tables as thick as 3.5 inches.

It’s awesome if you like to have your baby seated right up to the table with you.

Most portable travel high chairs are a set height and you never know how tall the table will be where you travel. This way it’s always the right height.

Once you’ve used the twisting mechanism to secure the chair to the table, there is a fabric cover that zips over the twist mechanism so your baby is protected from any moving parts, and it can’t accidentally come undone.

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The chair is made for babies that are at least 6 months old and can hold up to 37 pounds. The weight limit also depends on how sturdy the table is, make sure you do a quick weight test before placing your baby in the chair.

There is a waist belt as well to keep your baby in the chair.

If you don’t want your baby eating from the table there is also an optional food tray (click to view on amazon) that attaches right to the arms of the chair giving your baby a clean place to eat all the time.

The fabric seat is completely removable and machine washable. It packs down to a tiny size and has a storage bag. There is also a pocket on the back of the chair for convenient storage.

The Inglesina Fast Table Baby High Chair is the ultimate portable high chair but only if you have access to a good, sturdy table everywhere you go.

This high chair is really good for home use and could be the only high chair you ever need.

If you RV camp and know you have a good table inside your trailer or RV then this is the perfect option.

It’s even great for restaurant use because once it’s attached to a table there’s no risk for people passing by to knock over your baby’s high chair.

  • Sits Baby Right Up To The Table
  • Machine Washable
  • Storage Pocket
  • Very Portable & Lightweight
  • Can’t Be Knocked Over Once Attached To Table
  • Need Sturdy Table To Use

4. Baby Delight Go With Me Chai

The Baby Delight Go With Me Chair is the ultimate travel/camp high chair that will grow with your baby. You start out using it as a high chair for a baby at least 3 months old.

It has a large food tray and a secure 5-point removable harness. Once your child gets a little older, around 6 months, the bottom of the seat can open up to reveal two leg holes. The high chair has now become a stand and play chair.

There’s a mesh net bottom for your baby’s feet to keep them clean and protected from bugs.

The harness will hold them up, and the chair has a very wide stable platform with 8 points of contact. No matter how rowdy your child gets when playing this chair will not fall over.

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Once your child becomes too large for the stand and play, you can remove the harness and cover the leg holes once again.

The chair is now a regular kid-sized camping chair complete with cup holders and armrests. There is even a large sun canopy to protect your child from the sun at any age. The chair can hold up to 75 lbs.

The Go With Me chair is a little shorter than a classic high chair and is 24.5 inches tall without the sun canopy on. The seat is 23 inches wide and 22 inches deep.

Unfortunately, the fabric is not easily removable and cannot be machine washed. The tray is removable and easy to wash and if you need to clean the fabric you can wash it with a hose or by hand.

Even though it’s a large high chair with tons of features it still folds down to a compact size and fits in an included storage bag.

Baby Delight Go with Me Venture Portable Chair | Indoor and Outdoor |...

The Baby Delight Go With Me Chair is amazing. One of the main problems with baby gear is your child grows out of everything so fast.

Not with this portable high chair. It’s going to be the perfect size for your child from 3 months to 6 or even 8 years old. It’s a great idea, a very thrifty option, and it’s super portable to boot.

  • Can Be Used From 3 Months To 8 Years Old
  • Good Sized Food Tray
  • 8-Point Leg Base
  • Baby Can Be Seated Or Stand
  • 5-Point Removable Harness
  • Can Be A Little Large For Young Babies

5. Hiccapop Omniboost Travel Booster

If you aren’t a fan of portable high chairs there are also some very well made portable booster chairs.

The Hiccapop Omniboost is made for babies as young as 6 months old and has an insane weight limit of 250 lbs. If your toddler can fit in the chair the Hiccapop will definitely be able to take the weight.

The travel booster chair sits 15.7 inches tall and is 7 inches wide and deep. There is a 3-point safety harness as well as a strap to secure the booster to a chair.

The food tray swivels and is easy to remove, it’s also dishwasher safe.

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The fabric part of the chair is also easy to remove and machine washable. The feet have extra wide attachments which make them ultra-stable and it won’t fall over.

There is also a large mesh pocket in the back of the chair.

The entire thing folds up and fits in a small storage bag that even has an extra zippered pocket on it. Because it’s just a booster it’s very lightweight and super portable.

The Hiccapop Omniboost Travel Booster is the perfect little chair for camping, picnics, and travel.

It’s very sturdy and easy to clean, which is a must-have for baby and toddler products. If you aren’t a high chair fan, this is a fantastic super portable option.

  • Very Stable Base
  • Super High Weight Capacity
  • 3-Point Harness
  • High-Quality Storage Bag
  • Folds To Very Small Size
  • Needs Chair To Sit On
  • Tray Latch Is Difficult To Use

6. Summer Pop’n Sit Booster Chair

The Summer Pop’n Sit portable booster chair is for babies as young as 6 months and as heavy as 37 lbs, which means it’s also good for toddlers.

It’s 16.5 inches tall and 6.8 inches wide and deep. It can fold down to a very compact size and fit’s in a small storage bag that has an additional zipper pocket on the outside.

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The food tray is made of hard plastic and it’s removable and dishwasher safe. The seat is also removable and machine washable.

There is a 3 point harness to keep your baby safe as well as a sturdy leg base that won’t let the chair flip over. There is also a strap to secure the booster to a chair when being used as a high chair.

Summer by Bright Starts Pop 'N Sit Portable Booster Chair, Floor Seat,...

The Summer Pop’n Sit Booster Chair is your typical portable booster chair with some great features.

It’s super portable and you can use it for more than just a few months. This booster isn’t very different from the one above. They have a lot of the same features and it will come down to what brand you like more.

The Summer Pop’n Sit is one inch taller but doesn’t have extra wide removable feet like the Hiccapop.

Whichever you choose they are both fantastic portable booster chairs and a good alternative to a high chair.

  • Better For Older Babies

What To Look For In A Portable High Chair

A Good Base 

Stability is key for any high chair and especially portable ones. They are naturally more lightweight and easier to knock over than a traditional high chair.

The width between the feet needs to be wider than normal to help keep it stabilized.

You want to make sure the portable high chair you get is sturdy especially if you are going to use it when camping since the ground will most likely be unlevel.

Food trays are naturally a big part of why babies need high chairs in the first place.

Folding high chairs often have smaller food trays and sometimes they even have ones made of fabric instead of hard plastic to make them even more portable.

If a food tray is the main reason you bring along a high chair for your baby then it’s something to take a close look at when choosing one.

Chair Structure

One common complaint people have about camping high chairs is the fabric seat isn’t supportive enough for young babies.

If you are looking for a high chair for a toddler that can sit up any of the ones on this list are going to be no problem.

But if you are getting a camping high chair for a 6 month old who isn’t quite there yet a more structured portable high chair like the Inglesina Fast Table Baby High Chair or the Baby Delight Go With Me Chair is going to be a better option.

High Chair or Booster Seat

There are three different chair heights on this list today to help fit the needs of any traveler or camper with a baby or toddler.

Sometimes a booster seat is all you will need but remember that you might not have a sturdy chair to put it on when on the go.

A tall high chair is the best way to keep your baby up and away from bugs and dirt when eating but they are also harder to make perfectly stable on unlevel ground.

Removable Fabric

Babies and toddlers are messy, especially when they eat. Getting a portable high chair that’s easy to clean is going to make life a lot easier.

Most of the camping high chairs on this list have removable fabric but the ones that don’t can be wiped clean with a rag or sprayed off with a hose.

Conclusion & Recommendations For Best Portable High Chair

Portable high chairs are the perfect way to keep good eating habits for your baby even when on the go. They can fold down to a small portable size and there are lots of different options to fit any need.

Whether you want a simple booster chair or a multifunctional high chair with a shade cover that can also be used as a stand and play this list of the best portable high chairs has got you covered.

Here are my recommendations based on certain criteria like the tallest, most portable, and best overall.

Tallest Portable High Chair – Summer Infant Pop’n Sit High Chair

If the height is what you’re looking for in a portable high chair then the Summer Infant Pop’n Sit High Chair is one of the tallest on the market today with a total height of 32.6 inches.

It has a wide leg base and big flat feet for better stability on unlevel ground.

Along with being tall, it has a fairly large hard plastic food tray, a secure 3 point harness, and machine washable fabric.

Most Portable High Chair – Inglesina Fast Table Baby High Chair

Even though it requires a sturdy table to use the Inglesina Fast Table Baby High Chair is by far the most portable. There are no legs which makes it very small and compact.

The twist locks that hold it to the table are safe and there is even an optional food tray you can attach to it. Everything can be taken apart to make it even more compact and the fabric is machine washable.

Best Portable High Chair Overall – Baby Delight Go With Me Chair  

When choosing the best high chair for a baby that is also very portable there are so many good options to pick from.

For my best overall pick, I had to go with the high chair that was not only good for travel but also good for the outdoors and camping.

With the Baby Delight Go With Me Chair, you get shade from the sun, a protected area for your baby to stand in, and a chair that can be used for children as young as 6 months to as old as 8 years.

All this while still being very portable and able to fold up into a small bag.

The chair is also the most stable high chair or regular chair on the market today. There are 8 feet! You can leave your baby in this travel high chair and not worry about it falling over.

There are still some great other options on this list if you are looking for a taller high chair that can sit right up to a table but overall the Baby Delight high chair is the best for indoor or outdoor use, camping, and travel.

Baby sitting in a portable high chair

Frequently Asked Questions About Portable High Chairs For Babies

At what age can a baby use a portable high chair.

The average age a baby can use a traditional high chair is 6 months. You want to make sure your baby is able to sit up and feel secure before using a high chair.

Some travel high chairs are not exactly traditional high chairs and can be used by babies as young as 3 months so long as they are ready.

How do I clean a travel high chair that doesn’t have removable fabric?

Lots of portable high chairs for travel or camping don’t have removable fabric seats because of the style of chair.

This can be a problem as babies are not known for their tidiness. If you have a chair that doesn’t have easy to remove fabric you can wash it off using a hose or spray it off in the shower.

Use a brush and water with dish soap to scrub off any tough dirt or food stains. Make sure you rinse it thoroughly and allow it to air dry completely before using it again.

Are hook on high chairs safe?

A high quality hook on high chair like the Inglesina Fast Table Baby High Chair is safe when attached to a sturdy table.

The chair locks onto the table using heavy duty twist locks that can then be covered by the seat fabric to keep your baby from getting to them.

The best way to keep hook on high chairs safe is to double check the lock after securing it and to push down on the chair to make sure it can take more than enough weight to hold your baby or toddler safely.

Which is better a portable high chair or portable booster seat?

While booster seats are the more portable option since they don’t have long legs like portable high chairs there are a few things to think about before deciding on which kind you want to use.

For camping portable high chairs can be nice because they keep your baby up off the ground and away from bugs and dirt while they are eating.

It’s also harder to find a good chair to put a booster chair on when camping since most camping chairs are made of fabric which makes booster chairs bouncy and unstable when placed on them.

For air travel, a portable booster chair is going to fit in your luggage better and if you are visiting someone in their home chances are they will have a good sturdy chair for the booster chair to sit on.

It really depends on what you are going to be using the portable baby chair for.

Since a good sturdy chair for a booster isn’t always available most seem to prefer portable high chairs but a good folding booster chair can come in handy in certain cases as well.

Should a portable high chair have a footrest?

While footrests are a great thing to have on your babies at home high chair, portable high chairs don’t normally have them.

It’s not optimal but it’s still ok especially since a portable high chair isn’t going to be used as much as the at home one.

One thing you can do if you want to add a footrest to your portable high chair is to put a strap across the high chair’s legs in the spot where your baby’s feet will be.

You can cover the strap with a pool noodle to make sure it’s safe and comfortable for your baby’s feet.

Can a baby sleep in a portable high chair?

It’s not recommended to ever let your baby sleep in any kind of high chair, even the reclining ones. The best place for a baby or toddler to sleep is in a crib to help them learn healthy sleeping habits.

Portable high chairs are especially bad for sleeping in since they don’t normally offer the same amount of support as a regular home high chair.

Have any more questions about portable high chairs for babies and toddlers? Leave a comment below.

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The 11 Best Travel High Chairs If Your Take Your Kid Out for Meals Often

The portability will make feeding baby — sometimes a fraught endeavor to begin with — a bit easier.

carrying a travel high chair, toddler sitting in chicco quickseat hook on chair

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If you've never bought one before, you're probably overwhelmed by all of the options and don't know how to determine which travel high chair is best for you — but don't worry, we have you covered. They're a great thing to add to your registry because of their more affordable price point, and they make a great gift for new parents if you're shopping.

The Best Travel High Chairs

  • Best Overall: Cozy Seat Cover
  • Best Budget Soft Seat: Nuby Travel Seat
  • Easiest to Set Up: Chicco Travel Seat
  • Great Silicone Placemat: PandaEar Travel Seat
  • Most Stable for Baby: Ingenuity 2-in-1

What to Consider

Buying a travel high chair isn't a huge task, but there are a few things that you should look at when you're considering buying one. First and foremost, take into account portability , how easy it is to clean, and cost.


You want a travel high chair that's lightweight, easy to fold, and easy to stow away. If it doesn't travel well, is it even a travel high chair? We don't think so. Some come with a carrying bag, some have a strap for easy travel, and some fold up tight for small spaces.


Cleaning fabric on high chairs can be a pain. Is it machine-washable ? Thankfully, most travel high chairs are a cinch to clean. The more parts involved, obviously, the trickier cleaning it is, so keep that in mind if you're going to be using it a lot.

You could go with a classic high chair that attaches directly to a table, with arms that serve as cantilevers to hold the baby up safely. You can also opt for booster-style seats that strap onto a regular chair at a restaurant or someone's home.

Another option is pop-out foldable boosters, which are suited best for older children who don't need as much lift to get to the table. Rounding out the list are travel high chairs that are compact versions of the real deal. These are generally made with rugged nylon and aluminum posts and conveniently fold up like an umbrella.

How We Chose

We chose these high chairs based on extensive testing and real-parent reviews. We compared prices, materials, and overall quality to determine usefulness, durability, and value. We put them through their paces with several young and messy humans, and these are the best. Check out these picks if you're shopping for travel high chairs.

Cozy Cover The Original Easy Seat Portable High Chair

The Original Easy Seat Portable High Chair

Have a washing machine? Have a baby over six months or a toddler up to 35 pounds who wiggles a ton? Like to eat out and need a place to keep them contained? Meet the Cozy Cover Easy Seat.

It has a five-point removable harness for babies and a three-point strap for toddlers, and it just slides over a chair, secures at the bottom, and then you're off to the races. It comes with its own cover that is machine-washable (which is the biggest benefit that parents love about it), but they also remark on how durable it is. This chair can really take some abuse.

The only downside is that it doesn't work on all seats. Our tester noted that low backs on chairs or chairs of odd shapes don't work as well.

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Nuby Easy Go Safety Lightweight Travel High Chair Booster Seat

Easy Go Safety Lightweight Travel High Chair Booster Seat

This is a toddler seat designed for kids from nine months to 55 pounds. It can be secured to most chairs, but it doesn't fold as compactly as a slip model. That's not to say it's not compact —you can easily fit this in a standard Skip Hop diaper bag — but it's just a little bit bulkier.

Another great little option is that the high-density foam seat can be removed for comfort. It features a wipe-clean oil and water-resistant fabric, and a three-point harness. It’s a great travel high chair and it’s nice to have “just in case” in your trunk or under your stroller.

Even when we repeatedly used Lysol wipes on this chair while testing it out, the slick finish of the seat remained strong and unwarped. Lysol wipes can deteriorate finishes — and they didn't on this one.

Chicco QuickSeat Hook-On Travel High Chair

QuickSeat Hook-On Travel High Chair

Chicco is good at making it easy for parents to remove their product covers for washing — and the Quick Seat is no different. With the unsnapping of just a few snaps, it's off and ready for the machine in a jiff.

It's suitable for babies from six months or up to 37 pounds, and the generously sized tray is also super easy to clean.

But that's not even the best part. Most claw-style chairs use some sort of twist or crank to attach them to the table. Not the Chicco — it does it with just a pull of a cinch in the back, making it the easiest travel high chair to set up by a mile.

And that's the biggest reason people love this chair: There's no guesswork. Users note they can hold the baby in one hand and easily get the seat attached using their other hand and their hip. (Your hip becomes a third hand when you're parenting a baby, it's true.)

PandaEar Portable Baby Seat Travel High Chair

Portable Baby Seat Travel High Chair

This product came as a personal recommendation from a few parents. It's a great option because it folds up tiny when you're not using it.

The chair itself is made of typical camp chair material that's easy to clean off. The tray has this wonderful silicone placemat that fits inside that you throw in your dishwasher. You could even throw the entire thing on the porch and hose it down with some dish soap.

Ingenuity Baby Base 2-in-1 Booster Feeding and Floor Travel High Chair

Baby Base 2-in-1 Booster Feeding and Floor Travel High Chair

You get a lot of mileage out of this travel high chair that also happens to double as a baby floor seat . It's a soft seat molded to help keep the baby in a comfortable seated position with a removable dining tray and straps to affix it to the seat at a restaurant or home.

It has a luxe feel and keeps babies from wiggling around so much while they eat. It's sort of like a hug around the lower torso and legs, rooting them into the seat. Think of any assisted-sitting chair, and this is a little like that, but not quite as high-backed.

It's easy to clean thanks to the non-porous surface, and though it would be better if it were easier to carry around, it's overall a great product.

Summer Infant Pop ‘n Sit Portable Travel High Chair

 Pop ‘n Sit Portable Travel High Chair

We get that a camp-style chair just doesn't cut it sometimes — so if you're on the hunt for one with a hard tray, this is the one for you.

It's good for babies six months or up to 35 pounds, and the fabric is removable and machine-washable.

It all folds up into a carrying case just slightly larger than an umbrella, save the tray. This chair has a fun zippered pocket on the side to hold whatever you want like plastic cutlery and wipes.

Parents love how much legroom this model has. It's good for chunky baby thighs or bulky sweatsuits. Plus, pretty much everyone loves the cheerful fabric and the grippy bottoms of the feet for stability.

Chicco Pocket Snack Booster Seat Travel High Chair

Pocket Snack Booster Seat Travel High Chair

You can be on the go or just in your dining room with this Pocket snack booster seat from Chicco. It folds completely flat, and it has a carrying strap. So no matter where you are or where you're going, you'll have a place for your baby.

Chicco made this utterly washable, multi-height position chair with a removable tray so that it works as a booster as well. Suitable for babies from when they can sit up unassisted to 50 pounds. And the easy 3-point harness? It takes a ton of effort to get it gunked up. (Our testers said not even grits could take it down!

Fisher-Price Healthy Care Deluxe Washable Booster Seat Travel High Chair

Healthy Care Deluxe Washable Booster Seat Travel High Chair

If you are a major fan of Lysol or Clorox wipes , this is the travel high chair for you.

It's not as compact as some of the others, though it does fold up. But the whole thing can be wiped down easily. The straps are even easy to clean. Plus, it stays clean, thanks to having such few spaces for food to get trapped in.

And it is meant for the long haul. Two different tray options click together for storage: One is plain and flat and the other is portioned out. It goes from a high back travel high chair and also transforms into a booster, giving it a second life. It can be used for babies from six months old until they no longer need it.

Ciao! Baby Camping Travel High Chair

Camping Travel High Chair

If you go camping, spend a lot of time outside, or just want an ultra-light, collapsible high chair that doesn't need a table and chairs, this is our favorite .

This chair has a five-point harness, so it can be used for babies as soon as they can sit up on their own. It's made of a vinyl-coated canvas, which means it can easily be sprayed off with a hose, wiped clean with a cloth, or sprayed down with your favorite cleaning spray. It also has a cup holder for babies, which may not completely prevent them from flinging their bottle, but it may help. It collapses into a small bag and only weighs about eight pounds.

Users note that this is the perfect choice for the beach, the woods, or the backyard, thanks to the fabric's ease of cleanup and durability. It's an outdoor fabric, and it can take a beating.

Phil & Teds Lobster Clip-On Travel High Chair

Lobster Clip-On Travel High Chair

More than a few parents use this narrow travel high chair as their everyday high chair. It's suitable for use from six months or up to 37 pounds, and because it takes up such little room, it can be a great option for smaller spaces.

The chair itself is extremely durable. The cover is machine-washable and the tray is dishwasher-safe. The only drawback of this chair is that it doesn't work with round tables or glass.

Parents love how small it is, fitting well in tight kitchens. They also love how easy it is to attach, noting that the clasps are simple and durable.

Baby Delight Go with Me Venture Travel High Chair

Go with Me Venture Travel High Chair

Your child can start using this chair starting at 3 months of age, and they can use it virtually until second or third grade or until they reach 75 pounds. It’s not just a high chair or camp chair with a canopy — it’s also a beach chair for kids .

It has a five-point harness, removable tray, and cup holder, but the sneaky part is that the whole top piece and footrest come off to make it into a shaded chair for your kids.

Even better, the entire thing fits into a sling bag, and the extremely durable polyester can be hosed or wiped off easily.

Wiggly-butt babies have something to push against with the footrest, and you can rest easy knowing it’s safe and stable because they’re so close to the ground.

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Home > Guide To The Best Travel Products > Best Travel High Chair: 11 Portable High Chairs And Boosters

Best Travel High Chair: 11 Portable High Chairs And Boosters

Traveling with a little one in tow brings a unique set of challenges and necessities, especially when considering mealtime on the go. High chairs are bulky, hard to transport, and critical for your child’s comfort and safety during feeding.

Enter the portable high chair—a lightweight, collapsible, and travel-friendly solution to your child’s dining needs when away from home. In my guide, I share with you my list of the best portable travel chair options for kids on the move.

Croatia Travel Blog_Best Portable Travel High Chairs

These chairs are designed with the traveling family in mind, striking a balance between the conveniences of home and the demands of being on the road. When shopping for the best portable high chair for travel, several factors should be considered.

Durability is key, as you’ll want a product that withstands the rigors of travel without sacrificing comfort or safety. Another important aspect is the chair’s weight and foldability because every ounce and inch counts when packing.

You’ll also need to consider the chair’s ease of cleaning because let’s face it—you’re going to encounter some messes. Lastly, compatibility with various table types and seat adjustments can make a significant difference in how well the chair works while you’re out and about.

As you scan the market for a travel high chair, it’s essential to weigh these functionalities against one another and find the model that suits your family’s specific needs.

Whether you’re planning a dinner at a fancy restaurant or gearing up for a family picnic, the right high chair can make all the difference.

With the aim to narrow down the choices and help guide you to the best option, what follows is a look at some leading portable high chairs tailored for life on the move.

Skip Ahead To My Advice Here!

Best Portable High Chairs For On-The-Go Parents

Heading out with your little one can mean packing as if you’re outfitting a small army, but choosing the right portable high chair can lighten your load considerably.

Whether you’re visiting grandma, dining out, or enjoying a family picnic, the convenience of a secure, comfy spot for your tot to chow down can’t be overstated.

The best portable high chairs are designed to be swiftly folded down, easy to clean, and compact enough to stash in your trunk or even carry-on.

Get ready to feed your youngster with ease, wherever your adventures take you, with these top-notch options.

1. hiccapop OmniBoost Portable Booster Seat – My Favorite Portable High Chair

folding high chair travel

If you’re looking for a travel-friendly chair that offers both convenience and stability, the Hiccapop OmniBoost could be your go-to option.

  • It folds down for travel and is complete with a carrying bag.
  • The cover is removable and machine washable.
  • Detachable and dishwasher-safe tray for easy cleanup.
  • Stability is less on uneven surfaces without ‘duck feet’ attached.
  • It only supports small children up to 30 pounds.
  • Fabric may not be as durable as other materials over time.

For parents on the go, handling mealtime with young children can be quite the juggling act.

The hiccapop OmniBoost, Travel Booster Seat, simplifies dining away from home, coupling portability with the comforts of a high chair.

Compact in design, it folds effortlessly, perfect for fitting into your travel plans without occupying too much space.

The convenience of a machine-washable cover cannot be overstated. It is an undeniable lifesaver for those inevitable mealtime messes, ensuring that the aftermath of your little one’s eating adventures is not a permanent stain on your day.

Just slide off the cover, toss it in the wash, and you’re ready for the next meal.

Couple those features with a tray that not only swivels for stress-free seating but also pops off to be cleaned in the dishwasher, and it’s clear why this chair stands out.

Its thoughtful design removes much of the hassle associated with feeding time when one is not in the comfort of one’s own kitchen.

And let’s not forget the exceptional stability provided by the special duck feet, which give you peace of mind even when you’re dining on a soft park lawn or sandy beach .

2. Liuliuby Travel High Chair – Easy To Clean Chair

folding high chair travel

If you’re looking for a portable high chair that simplifies mealtime during travel, the Liuliuby Travel High Chair is worth considering.

  • Quickly transforms a standard chair into a secure high chair
  • The ultra-compact design integrates seamlessly with your travel gear
  • Suitable for a wide age range with an adjustable height harness
  • Limited to chair availability at your destination
  • Not suitable for infants who can’t sit unassisted
  • May not fit uniquely designed or oversized chairs

Taking your baby out and about shouldn’t mean a compromise on comfort and safety during meal times.

The Liuliuby Travel High Chair offers an ingenious solution: turning any regular chair into a baby-friendly seat.

Its light weight and compact nature makes it an essential travel companion that fits effortlessly into your carry-on or diaper bag.

Imagine dining out at a restaurant or visiting relatives without the hassle of a bulky high chair.

This innovative product attaches to most chairs with ease thanks to adjustable safety straps, ensuring your little one is part of the gathering at table height.

Plus, it comes with the added benefit of being machine washable, saving you from the headache of messy mealtimes.

For parents who prioritize convenience without sacrificing their baby’s comfort, this travel high chair underscores its utility with soft, cushioned fabric and a non-slip design.

It’s adjustable to grow with your child, suitable from around 6 months up to toddlerhood.

However, verify chair compatibility for your travels, as some chair designs might not fit, and be prepared to offer alternative seating if necessary.

3. Regalo My Chair Boost & Go

folding high chair travel

If you’re looking for convenience on the move, this adaptable booster seat meets your child’s needs, transforming mealtime into an effortless, secure, and tidy affair.

  • Versatile 2-in-1 design that serves multiple purposes
  • Foldable and lightweight for travel ease
  • Easy cleaning due to mesh and nylon materials
  • It may feel snug for bigger toddlers
  • Some users find the buckle mechanism tricky
  • No carry bag is included for transportation

When traveling with young ones, keeping them safe and comfortable during mealtime is a priority, and the Regalo My Chair Boost & Go can seamlessly fit into this role.

Its design includes a removable tray, securing your little one in place while offering ample room for their snacks and toys.

Ideal for on-the-go families, this chair is designed to be incredibly portable.

It folds down quickly, is light enough to carry with ease, and is a cinch to set up anywhere – from beach to park to grandma’s dining room.

The simplicity of the design encourages more spontaneous adventures with your child.

Cleaning up is a breeze, an essential feature for any parent.

The chair’s mesh walls and nylon bottom are meant to endure spills and crumbs, easily wiped down with a cloth and some soap.

However, keep in mind that as your child grows, they may find the fit a bit snug.

The buckle system is safe and sturdy, but it may require a bit of fiddling to secure.

It’s also worth noting that it doesn’t come with a separate carrying case, but its compact foldability makes it simple to slip into the car or stow away.

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4. inglesina fast table chair + dining tray.

folding high chair travel

If simplicity and convenience top your list, this high chair makes dining out or small-space living a breeze.

  • It easily attaches to most tables
  • Lightweight and collapsible for travel
  • Includes carry bag for portability
  • Maximum table thickness limit
  • Higher price point than some alternatives
  • The tray may sit a bit high for smaller infants

Traveling with children involves enough gear as it is, and dining options shouldn’t add to your load.

The Inglesina Fast Table Chair provides a secure spot for your little one right at the dinner table.

With a straightforward twist-tight coupling, it’s compatible with most tables, making meals away from home less of a hassle.

Compact living has its challenges, and saving space becomes a priority.

This high chair’s collapsible design is perfect for tight spaces, and the included carry bag means you can stow it away neatly or bring it along for the ride without it being cumbersome.

Meals should be enjoyable, not a cause for concern.

The safety and comfort provided by the high backrest, padded seat, and included 3-point safety harness mean you can relax a little while your baby joins mealtime.

The ease of setup and BPA-free materials also show that function and safety don’t have to compromise convenience or well-being.

5. Lulunemo Clip-On Chair

folding high chair travel

If you’re on the go and need a reliable seating solution for your little one, this high chair’s ease of use and portability might be ideal.

  • Simplified setup on a variety of tables
  • Strong safety features ensure the baby’s security
  • Not compatible with certain table types
  • A weight limit of 15kg may not suit older toddlers
  • A storage bag is helpful but adds an extra item to carry

Ease of use is front and center with this chair. It’s designed to install on an extensive range of table thicknesses, meaning less fuss for you when it’s mealtime away from home.

Its compatibility with most tabletops is a definite plus, making it a versatile piece of gear in your travel arsenal.

The fold-flat design shines in terms of convenience and portability, making it a no-brainer for storage or those trips where space conservation is vital. The addition of a storage bag is thoughtful, ensuring that the chair remains clean and ready for action at a moment’s notice.

When it comes to your baby’s well-being, safety is non-negotiable. Fortunately, with its sturdy metal clamps and a 3-point harness, you can dine out with the confidence that your little one is snug and secure. Moreover, cleaning is effortless—take off the seat cover and toss it in the washing machine, so it’s one less hassle for you after a family meal.

6. Summer Infant Pop ‘N Sit

folding high chair travel

Consider the Summer Infant Pop ‘N Sit if you’re looking for a travel-friendly and versatile high chair for your little one.

  • Multipurpose and highly portable design
  • Incredibly user-friendly with an easy-to-clean surface
  • Offers a reliable three-point safety harness
  • Limited weight capacity of up to 37 pounds
  • It may not be as sturdy as fixed-high chairs
  • The compact design might not suit older children

Versatility makes the Summer Infant Pop ‘N Sit a standout product, suitable for various activities, whether you’re indoors or out. Transitioning from a floor seat to a booster effortlessly supports your changing needs as your child grows. Equipped with a tray, the chair caters to feeding sessions and playtime alike.

Ease of use is another key feature due to its simple foldability, which fits into the included carry bag and is ideal for the on-the-go family. Its cleaning process is hassle-free, with a dishwasher-safe tray and wipeable seat, saving you the stress of messes and spills.

However, the Summer Infant Pop ‘N Sit prioritizes portability and might not have the same sturdiness you would expect from a permanent high chair fixture. Furthermore, the weight limit and size mean your child might outgrow it faster than other chairs.

7. Summer Pop ‘n Sit

folding high chair travel

The Summer Pop ‘n Sit Portable Highchair is a versatile pick you should consider for its ease of use and maintenance when traveling with your little one.

  • Folds compactly for ease of transport
  • Machine-washable fabric for simple cleaning
  • Sturdy design with a secure tray for feeding
  • The tray might be too small for some preferences
  • Only suitable for children up to 45 pounds
  • Limited to a three-point harness rather than a five-point

Finding a highchair that can keep up with the pace of your travels can be as essential as the journey itself. The Summer Pop ‘n Sit Portable Highchair shines with a pop-and-fold design that allows for a swift setup, making mealtime manageable no matter where you find yourself.

The chair’s compact fold means it can be moved from the dining room to the car trunk in a snap, keeping the rhythm of your day uninterrupted.

Spills and messes are part and parcel of feeding toddlers, and this highchair acknowledges that reality. Thankfully, the removable and machine-washable fabric turns what could be a tedious clean-up into a hassle-free task. After meals, strip the seat and pop it into the washer. For quick on-the-go cleaning, the fabric is also easy to spot clean, keeping the chair fresh for the subsequent use.

Durability is a key factor when choosing a travel highchair, and the Summer Pop ‘n Sit doesn’t disappoint. The hard plastic tray provides a stable surface for your child’s meals and playtime, ensuring snacks stay within easy reach.

While the chair’s tray might be smaller compared to some alternatives, it’s substantial enough to handle the feeding needs of most traveling tots. Keep in mind, though, that the chair accommodates children up to 45 pounds—so larger toddlers may outgrow it. The usage of a three-point harness over a five-point might be a drawback for those seeking added security. Nonetheless, this highchair is a strong contender for your child’s travel needs.

8. YOLEO Travel High Chair

folding high chair travel

For those who need a space-saving and travel-friendly high chair, the YOLEO Travel High Chair is a solid choice. It offers comfort and adaptability for your baby.

  • Adjustable height for table compatibility
  • Folds flat for easy transport and storage
  • Simple to clean design
  • Small tray size may not fit larger plates
  • Limited cushioning compared to some models
  • Harness could be more robust for active children

Traveling with little ones often means having to compromise on everyday comforts, but the YOLEO Travel High Chair lets you maintain a semblance of your home routine. Its compact design means it won’t take up much space in your luggage or car, and its foldable nature ensures that setup and breakdown are a breeze.

Eating out with a baby can sometimes be challenging, but this high chair turns any regular dining chair into a safe spot for your child to enjoy their meals. The adjustable

straps provide a secure fit, ensuring peace of mind during use. You’ll also find the ease of cleaning to be a significant plus; a quick wipe is all it takes to keep things hygienic.

Balance is essential when considering convenience and comfort. The YOLEO High Chair offers several levels of height adjustment, accommodating your child’s growth and various table heights.

However, while it is easy to install, the tray’s size may limit the use of some plates, and the cushioning is basic, so you might want to add extra padding for extended meal times. The safety harness is functional, but those with particularly wriggly children may seek additional security features.

9. Ciao! Baby Portable Seat

folding high chair travel

If you’re on the move with your little one, this chair fits the bill for easy dining anywhere.

  • Unfolds and collapses within seconds
  • Lightweight design for effortless transport
  • Easy-to-clean materials for mess-free meals
  • The tray may slant toward the child
  • Not suitable for older toddlers
  • Requires two people to strap in an active baby

Dining out with your baby can be a hassle. That’s where the Ciao! Baby Portable High Chair shines—its effortless setup makes mealtime a breeze, even when you’re far from home. Collapsibility is a core feature, reducing the chair to a manageable size, akin to a camp chair, that you can stow in your car, ready for your next adventure.

Portability is a key concern when traveling with babies. This chair’s lightweight build means you won’t have to carry extra weight, allowing for spontaneous picnics or seaside snacks without the strain.

Safety is paramount, and while this chair ticks the box with its harness, it’s important to note the tray’s angle, which might cause dishes to slide. It’s also tailored to the younger audience; your growing toddler may outgrow it faster than you’d hope.

Securing the wriggly ones alone can be challenging, but once they’re in, you are all set for a relaxed meal with a view.

10. Chicco FastLock Hook-On Chair

folding high chair travel

This Chicco FastLock Hook-On Chair is a great addition for families on the move, combining portability, ease of cleaning, and the eco-friendly approach you value.

  • Attachable to a wide range of tables and counters with secure grip to stay in place
  • Fabric is made from recycled plastics, making it an eco-conscious choice
  • Folds flat, facilitating storage and making it very travel-friendly
  • Might not fit every table design, especially thicker ones
  • Rubberized feet and clamps could potentially mark delicate surfaces without proper care
  • At 5 pounds, it might be slightly heavy for some to carry around frequently

When you’re out and about, it can be a hassle to find a safe, clean spot for your little one to enjoy a meal. This is where the Chicco FastLock Hook-On Chair shines. It latches onto most tables in seconds, ensuring your child is snug and right up against the table with the rest of the family.

Its smart design caters to the needs of busy parents who yearn for convenience without compromising on safety.

Eco-friendly initiatives are increasingly important, and the Chair aligns with this vision. It offers an environmentally responsible choice by opting for fabrics derived from recycled plastics.

The simplicity of maintenance, with a wipeable and machine-washable seat pad, adds to its practicality. Post-mealtime spills won’t become a permanent feature of your day.

The ease in which it collapses down to a compact form factor makes the Chair ideal for storage at home or in a car. You’ll appreciate how straightforward it is to bring along to restaurants, visits to family, or even vacations.

Affordable, sturdy, and with a thoughtful design, this hook-on high chair supports your dynamic lifestyle seamlessly.

11. Fader Baby High Chair

folding high chair travel

If convenience and safety are top priorities for your little one’s dining experiences while traveling, the Fader Baby High Chair could be your go-to option.

  • Strong weight-bearing capacity suitable for ages 6-36 months
  • Foldable and portable, ideal for on-the-go families
  • Equipped with a secure 5-point safety belt
  • Material may not be as soft as some desire
  • Not suitable for glass or uneven tables
  • Dry clean only, which could be inconvenient

When it comes to feeding your baby while away from home, comfort and safety are key. This high chair attaches firmly to a variety of table surfaces, ensuring a secure seat for your child.

It’s also designed with portability in mind, folding down conveniently for travel or storage. Its sturdy alloy steel construction can support children weighing up to 40 pounds, lending peace of mind to you during meal times.

Equipped with a 5-point safety belt, this chair keeps your little one safely in place, which is essential in any busy household or restaurant.

Also, the water-resistant fabric makes clean-up from inevitable spills a breeze. Moreover, this chair is easy to assemble, saving precious time for parents who are already juggling a million tasks.

An important factor to consider is the chair’s compatibility with your dining setting. It’s not designed for use with glass or uneven table surfaces, so make sure your typical dining spots can accommodate this seat.

Additionally, the fabric, while durable, is not the softest against baby’s skin and requires dry cleaning, which might be a factor if you’re after convenience or have a particularly messy eater.

In sum, the Fader Baby High Chair is a robust, portable option for families who are often on the move. It blends the practical need for a safe, washable space for your child to eat with the convenience of portability, providing a reliable dining solution for parents and comfort for your child.

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Which Type Of Portable Chair Is For You?

I have compiled the most common portable kids’ travel chair questions and will give you the answers! First things first, there are a few different  types of travel chairs to take into consideration

1. Travel High Chair

This is the part of a highchair that the child sits in without the legs. It sits on the top of a chair with your child strapped in.

2. Foldable Booster Seat

This type of travel baby chair also attaches to a seat; It can also be used as a general seat and for eating. The booster conveniently folds down for travel ease.

3. Clamp-On Seat

This type of chair bolts onto the table’s edge, with the seat in mid-air. Totally safe, of course!

High Chair Safety & Aspects To Look For

Safety features.

Your child’s safety is paramount. Look for a sturdy build and a strong harness system—ideally a five-point harness—and check for stability to prevent tipping.

Portability & Size

Consider how easy it is to carry the chair when folded. Lightness and compactness are key for travel.

Ease of Cleaning

You’ll want a high chair that is easy to clean. Look for smooth surfaces with fewer crevices and, if possible, removable and machine-washable covers.


Opt for a chair with adjustable trays and height settings to accommodate your growing child and varying table heights.


Make sure the portable high chair fits various table types and sizes. It should attach securely to most dining surfaces.

High Chairs And Boosters FAQs

When you’re planning to dine out with your little one, having the right portable high chair can make all the difference. Find answers to common questions below to pick the perfect travel companion for your infant or toddler’s mealtime.

What are the top-rated portable high chairs for infants when dining out?

The Ciao! Baby Portable Travel High Chair and the Summer Infant Pop and Sit Portable Highchair are highly praised by parents. They offer reliability and convenience, making them top picks for dining on the go.

How do hook-on high chairs compare to traditional travel high chairs?

Hook-on high chairs attach directly to the table, saving floor space and encouraging family dining experiences. They tend to be more compact than traditional travel high chairs, but always ensure the table is sturdy enough to support them.

Are there portable high chair options suitable for older toddlers?

Yes, there are portable high chairs designed to grow with your child, such as the Chicco Pocket Snack Booster Seat. They often have adjustable height settings to accommodate older toddlers.

What should I look for in a travel high chair to ensure it’s safe and comfortable?

Prioritize a travel high chair with a sturdy frame, secure harness, and ample padding. Also, look for one with easy-to-clean surfaces for a hygienic dining experience for your child.

Can compact foldable high chairs be as sturdy and reliable as full-sized ones?

Absolutely. Many compact foldable high chairs are designed with strong materials and stable designs. The Joovy Nook High Chair is one example known for combining compact folding with sturdiness.

What are some lightweight high chair alternatives for on-the-go meal times?

For something even lighter, consider the My Little Seat Travel Highchair or a fabric seat harness that can attach to regular chairs. These options are not only featherlight but also fold down, small enough to fit in your diaper bag.

There you have it. Now, you have the best high chair options for your upcoming travels.

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  • Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
  • Central Museum of the Air Forces at Monino
  • Peter the Great Military Academy
  • History of Russian Scarfs and Shawls Museum
  • Ramenskii History and Art Museum
  • Bykovo Manor
  • Pekhorka Park
  • Balashikha Arena
  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Drama Theatre BOOM
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Pavlovsky Posad Museum of Art and History
  • Saturn Stadium
  • Church of Vladimir
  • Likino Dulevo Museum of Local Lore
  • Orekhovo Zuevsky City Exhibition Hall
  • Noginsk Museum and Exhibition Center
  • Fairy Tale Children's Model Puppet Theater
  • Fifth House Gallery
  • Malakhovka Museum of History and Culture

Elektrostal, Russia

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Nice C Ultralight High Back Folding Camping Chair, Backpacking Chair, Compact & Heavy Duty Outdoor, Travel, Picnic, Festival with 2 Side Pockets, Pillow &Carry Bag (One Black)

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Nice C Ultralight High Back Folding Camping Chair, Backpacking Chair, Compact & Heavy Duty Outdoor, Travel, Picnic, Festival with 2 Side Pockets, Pillow &Carry Bag (One Black)

( $22.50 / Count )

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About this item.

  • ● PORTABLE DESIGN: Our chair has a portable design that makes it easy for you to take it anywhere. A carrying case is included for easy transport. The aluminum frame comes together and detaches in one piece, and the seat also comes in one piece. Setup is easy. Just fit the poles into the pipe joints and then fit the seat onto the frame. Your chair is ready!
  • ● LIGHTWEIGHT AND STURDY FRAME: The chair features a lightweight yet robust frame construction, ensuring durability and stability while being easy to carry around. Whether you're hiking to a remote camping spot or heading to a local park, the chair provides a reliable and comfortable seating option.
  • ● COMFORTABLE DESIGN: Nice C’s high back camping chair is made with an orthopedic recommended ergonomic design that gives you maximum comfort. It comes with a detachable pillow so you can rest your head and neck comfortably. The breathable polyester seat allows for air flow so you stay comfortable during hot climates. Side pockets are attached for easy storage for your water, phone, or snacks.
  • ● INDUSTRIAL GRADE MATERIAL: This high back camping chair is made with 7075 aviation grade aluminum and 600D Oxford polyester. The aluminum frames are lightweight yet durable, so the chair only weighs 3.9 lbs.
  • ● WEIGHT SUSTAINABILITY: Our high back folding chair can sustain up to 250 lbs. or 113 kgs. The heavy duty frames and sturdy polyester seat along with its structure allows you to sit comfortably without worry.

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Product description, nice c ultralight high back folding camping chair.


We are confident that you will enjoy this portable chair.

It's designed for outdoor activities, such as camping, hiking, backpacking, or fishing.

It is specifically designed to be lightweight, compact, and easy to carry, making it ideal for outdoor enthusiasts who value convenience and comfort.


Let's check out the dimensions!

Folding Dimension when everything is in the bag: 17 x 7 x 7 Inch.

Seat height: 17.4 Inch

Chair height: 34.1 Inch

Chair width: 23.5 Inch

What is the weight capacity of this camping chair?

The weight capacity of this camping chair is 250 pounds.

Can this camping chair be folded for easy transport?

Yes, this camping chair can be folded into a compact size for easy transport and storage.

What material is the frame of this camping chair made of?

The frame of this camping chair is made of lightweight and durable aluminum alloy.

Is this camping chair suitable for use on various outdoor surfaces, such as sand or grass?

Yes, this camping chair is designed for use on various outdoor surfaces, including sand and grass.

What are th folding dimission of this chair?

The folding dimission are 17 inches x 7 inches

Let's Browse Our Camping Chairs!

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  1. 5 Best Foldable High Chairs: Great for Small Spaces & Travel

    3. Best High Chair for Small Spaces: Inglesina Fast Table Chair. Maximum Weight: 37 lbs. The Inglesina Fast Table Chair is a small hanging chair that clamps down to the side of a table or counter top. Of the folding high chairs on this list, the Ingelsina chair is by far the smallest.

  2. The 15 Best Portable Travel High Chairs and Booster Seats

    A Fabulous, Full-Height Folding High Chair for Meals on the Go Summer Infant Pop and Sit Portable High Chair. With its lightweight design and full-height feeding chair, the Summer Infant Pop N' Sit Portable High Chair is perfect for families on the go. ... The 2 Best Travel High Chairs and Booster Seats Under $90 1. Best Hook-on Travel Seat ...

  3. 12 BEST Travel High Chairs You'll ACTUALLY Travel With

    Portability: This portable travel high chair weighs only 2.5 lbs and folds to 12″ x 11″ x 1″. Safe to Use: This sturdy baby travel high chair has a five point harness and elastic shoulder straps that still allow your little one to move around. A locking mechanism works to keep it sturdy when in use.

  4. Travel High Chairs travel high chairs. ... Folding Baby Seat Booster High Chair for Dining Table| Compact Camping Chair for Lawn, Beach Indoor/Outdoor Use| Toddlers, Kids. Baby. 4.3 out of 5 stars. 92. 700+ bought in past month. $24.65 $ 24. 65. FREE delivery Mon, Jun 3 on $35 of items shipped by Amazon.

  5. 7 Best Folding High Chairs of 2024

    Best Portable Folding High Chair For Toddlers. View on Amazon. View on Hiccapop. This model is a good pick for on-the-go moms who would love to bring their high chair with them on family trips and vacations. Weighing only 4.19 pounds, it is a no-brainer why this is a good fit for travel.

  6. ciao! baby Portable High Chair for Babies and Toddlers, Compact Folding

    ciao! baby Portable High Chair for Babies and Toddlers, Compact Folding Travel High Chair with Carry Bag for Outdoor Camping, Picnics, Beach Days, and More (Black) Visit the ciao! baby Store 4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 5,711 ratings

  7. Portable High Chair Travel portable high chair travel. ... YOLEO High Chair for Toddlers Folding Compact Portable Booster Seat Babies/Kids Chair on Chair for Dining Table Camping (Grey) Toddler. 4.5 out of 5 stars. 1,160. 800+ bought in past month. $59.99 $ 59. 99. 10% coupon applied at checkout Save 10% with coupon.

  8. The 4 Best Portable High Chairs

    14" x 17" x 4". The Inglesina Fast Table is a sturdy, portable highchair that keeps a baby's comfort in mind and doesn't skimp on user-friendly features for parents. The chair is relatively easy to attach to a table or bar using the twist-tight clamp system, and sleeve-like covers zip and enclose the hardware.

  9. 9 Best Portable High Chairs of 2024

    Inglesina Fast Table Chair - Black. $79.00. Add to Babylist Buy Now. Babylist$79.00. Amazon$79.00. There's a reason this is called the Fast Table Chair: This portable high chair clamps onto tables in no time flat with a few twists of the knobs, making it perfect for travel but just as good to use at home, too.

  10. Best Portable High Chairs 2024

    Best Value Portable High Chair: Nuby Easy Go High Chair Booster Seat. Best Portable High Chair For Travel: Phil & Teds Lobster Clip-On High Chair. Best Portable High Chair For Toddlers: Oxo Tot ...

  11. Best Folding Portable High Chairs For Travel & Camping 2024

    The Summer Infant Pop'n Sit High Chair is first up in our list of great portable high chairs for babies. This is the more traditional style. The chair sits 32.6 inches tall, and 8.3 inches wide and deep. It fits babies that are around 6 months old and has a weight limit of 45 lbs.

  12. 11 Best Travel High Chairs for 2023

    Best Budget Soft Seat: Nuby Travel Seat. Easiest to Set Up: Chicco Travel Seat. Great Silicone Placemat: PandaEar Travel Seat. Most Stable for Baby: Ingenuity 2-in-1.

  13. Best Travel High Chair: 11 Portable High Chairs And Boosters

    The Liuliuby Travel High Chair offers an ingenious solution: turning any regular chair into a baby-friendly seat. ... It's also designed with portability in mind, folding down conveniently for travel or storage. Its sturdy alloy steel construction can support children weighing up to 40 pounds, lending peace of mind to you during meal times.

  14. Best Folding High Chairs For Small Space [2023]

    Best Folding Highchair. Ergobaby 3in1 Evolve High Chair. Joovy Nook High Chair. Chicco Polly High Chair. ️ Removable and dishwasher-safe tray - easy to clean after messy mealtime. ️ Perfect for small spaces thanks to foldable design.

  15. The 5 Best Folding High Chairs of 2023

    Check out our guide to the best folding high chairs of 2023 to help you find the right chair for your little one. Best Overall. Best for Budget. Best for Baby's Comfort. Munchkin Float Easy Clean Foldable Baby High Chair. Cosco Simple Fold. Joovy Nook NB High Chair. -. -.

  16. : HAN-MM High Chair Folding,One Click fold,Save Space

    HAN-MM High Chair Folding,One Click fold,Save Space, Detachable Double Tray, Infant Chair, Car Traveling, 3 in 1 Convertible, 3-Point Harness, Adjustable Footrest, Non-Slip Feet,White. Recommendations. Nuby Easy Go Safety Lightweight High Chair Booster Seat, Great for Travel, Gray. dummy. Abiie Beyond Junior Wooden High Chair with Tray ...

  17. ciao! baby Portable High Chair with Carry Bag for Babies and ...

    No Assembly Required. Built-in Feeding Tray with Cup Holder. Clear Vinyl Tray for Easy Cleaning. Compact for Travel: Includes Carry Bag. Five Point Safety Harness Included. Meets US ASTM and EU Safety Standards. Compliant with All CPSIA Guidelines. Supports Infants to Toddlers up to 35 Pounds. Perfect for Camping, Beach, and More.

  18. Portable Baby High Chairs in Feeding

    INFANS Baby Travel Booster Seat, Folding Portable Sit Up Chair for Dining Table, Compact Booster Chair with Detachable Double Trays Storage Bag Safety Harness for Boys Girls Outdoor Indoor ... Chicco Zest™ 4-in-1 Multi-Use Folding High Chair, Low Feeding Chair, Toddler Chair, Youth Stool - Seasalt (Grey) 55 4.7 out of 5 Stars. 55 reviews ...

  19. The 7 Best Camping Chairs of 2024

    Thanks to their light weights and compact designs, the Helinox chairs are the clear winners in this category. The Sunset Chair breaks down and folds into a surprisingly compact carry bag. Despite having a high back and being impressively durable, this model weighs just 3.24 pounds and is the lightest chair we tested.

  20. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Travel Guide. Check-in. Check-out. Guests. Search. Explore map. Visit Elektrostal. Things to do. Check Elektrostal hotel availability. Check prices in Elektrostal for tonight, Apr 20 - Apr 21. Tonight. Apr 20 - Apr 21. Check prices in Elektrostal for tomorrow night, Apr 21 - Apr 22. Tomorrow night.

  21. Primo PopUp Folding High Chair, 28x24x38 Inch (Pack of 1)

    Slim & portable Folding design: By folding down to just 4 inches Thick and weighing only 10 lbs, The popup saves precious space in your kitchen and makes it convenient to bring your high chair anywhere you need it. Comfortable cushioned seat: The popup's soft, padded leatherette seat and 3-point safety harness ensure that baby is comfortable ...

  22. Elektrostal, Russia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

    A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. See all. Apelsin Hotel. 43. from $48/night. Apart Hotel Yantar. 2. from $28/night. Elektrostal Hotel.

  23. Elektrostal

    The 9th radio center in Elektrostal is home to a high power medium wave transmitter. The first S-400 Triumf missile defense system was ... Elektrostal is linked by Elektrichka suburban electric trains to Moscow's Kursky Rail Terminal with a travel time of 1 hour and 20 minutes. Long distance buses link Elektrostal to Noginsk, Moscow and other ...

  24. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  25. Nice C Ultralight High Back Folding Camping Chair

    This item: Nice C Ultralight High Back Folding Camping Chair, Backpacking Chair, Compact & Heavy Duty Outdoor, Travel, Picnic, Festival with 2 Side Pockets, Pillow &Carry Bag (One Black) $44.99 $ 44 . 99