Pacchetti più venduti

Ecco una selezione dei pacchetti più richiesti

evolution travel roma

Travel Consultant

Beth and mark.

When you can find me from 09.30 to 18.30

Do you want to contact me by mail?

Write me for a free consultation!

How may I help you?

We can save you hours of browsing to find the best offer at the lowest price

Customise your trip and build it according to your real and concrete needs

You can be sure that what you're buying is exactly what you want

evolution travel roma

Special offers

Palumbo Waves

Palumbo Waves

  • Flight + Stay
  • 9 days / 7 nights
  • Scheduled flight , Charter flight
  • Soft All Inclusive €1500 See the offer

Karafuu Beach Resort & Spa

Karafuu Beach Resort & Spa

  • Wellness and Spa Center , Corsi subacquei , Organized activities
  • All Inclusive €2000 See the offer

Kibanda Lodge & Beach Club

Kibanda Lodge & Beach Club

  • Corsi subacquei
  • As per program €1400 See the offer

What travelers say? SEE ALL>

Siamo appena rientrati dal nostro fantastico viaggio in Florida!!! Grazie al preziosissimo aiuto di Sonia, questo viaggio è stato meraviglioso! Key West è un posto da sogno e l’escursione in katamarano organizzata da Sonia l’ha reso magico!! E poi le Everglades, la splendida Naples…le spiagge stupende di Siesta Key e Anna Maria Island. Mi sono ... See the offer

evolution travel roma


Vacanza ottima organizzazione precisa cortese puntuale e attenta alle esigenze dei singoli

evolution travel roma

Organizzato ottimamente per il tramite di Evolution Travel attraverso soprattutto la professione ed efficace collaborazione di Massimo Poggi. il Viaggio arrivati ad Istanbul si è svolto tramite la soc. Baobab. Felicissima esperienza grazie anche ad guida locale (sig. Arkan) di livello superiore. Organizzazione perfetta altrettanto gli alberghi di qualit... See the offer

evolution travel roma


Vacanza meravigliosa tutto è andato molto bene il sig. Roberto ci ha organizzato il viaggio in ogni particolare grazie mille... È stato oltre le ns. aspettative per un viaggio che sognavano da un po...

evolution travel roma

Tutto perfetto, se devo trovare un difetto la qualità del cibo e il servizio in sala possono essere migliorati. In ogni caso tutto benissimo

evolution travel roma


Offerte più popolari.

evolution travel roma

My Blue Hotel

evolution travel roma

Self drive, dalla costa Atlantica al Caribe

evolution travel roma

Tour individuale Vietnam Highlight

evolution travel roma

Hotel Seaclub Riu Karamboa 5 stelle

evolution travel roma

Blue Bay Beach Resort & Spa

evolution travel roma

Il viaggio che hai sempre sognato di fare

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Samaki Lodge

evolution travel roma

Aparthotel Universo vicino alle terme

The best prices on the market.

Compare the prices of a package is difficult and takes time, but we do it for you. It's part of our job to find you the best solution at the best price We do it for free, in fact if you do not buy it, you got nothing.

Product knowledge avoids errors

For every product that we see a specialist who knows the product and recommends the best, Dodging disappointments.

Travel safely

You always have the online service of your Travel Consultant, ready to assist at any time. We also have the best insurance that protect you from any inconvenience

Vuoi avere in anteprima I viaggi ai prezzi più bassi?

Newsletter x.

A cookie is a short string of code that is stored on your computer, tablet or phone when you visit a website. It can help identify your device whenever you come back to the website. We use cookies and some other data stored on your device to improve the website performance, give you a better online experience, allow you to set personal preferences.

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  • America Latina
  • Antille Francesi
  • Arabia Saudita
  • Bolivia e Cile
  • Ecuador Galapagos
  • Egitto e Mar Rosso
  • Emilia Romagna
  • Emirati Arabi
  • Giappone e Corea
  • Guatemala e Nicaragua
  • Isole Eolie
  • Medio Oriente
  • Nepal, Tibet e Buthan
  • Polonia Ungheria e Repubblica Ceca
  • Russia e Paesi Baltici
  • Santo Domingo
  • Scandinavia
  • Scozia e Inghilterra
  • Stati Uniti
  • Uganda e Rwanda
  • Valle d'Aosta
  • Vietnam e Cambogia
  • Archeologia
  • Aurore Boreali
  • Celiaci in viaggio
  • Crociere Fluviali
  • Enogastronomia
  • Fly & Drive
  • Natura e Cultura
  • Offerte Speciali
  • Parchi a Tema
  • Single con bambino
  • Single in Viaggio
  • Top Selection
  • Trekking Routes
  • Vacanze Brevi
  • Viaggi a Tariffa Agenti
  • Viaggi di Nozze
  • Viaggi in barca + hotel
  • Viaggi in pullman
  • Viaggi in treno
  • Viaggi Religiosi
  • Viaggi senza barriere
  • Wild and Tribe


Scegli la destinazione e scopri perché ti conviene farlo con noi, proposte della settimana.

Ecco le proposte più richieste della settimana

evolution travel roma

Consulente di Viaggi

Roberto ferra.

Vuoi parlare subito con me? Scegli come!

Tel. +39 338 4130202

facebook messenger

Quando mi trovi Tutti i giorni dalle 09 alle 20

Vuoi contattarmi via mail?

Scrivimi per una consulenza gratuita!

Cosa posso fare per te?

Farti risparmiare ore e ore di navigazione alla ricerca dell'offerta migliore al prezzo più basso

Personalizzare il tuo viaggio e crearlo in base alle tue esigenze reali e concrete

Potrai essere sicuro che quello che stai acquistando sia esattamente ciò che vuoi

evolution travel roma

Offerte speciali

Veraclub Zanzibar Village

Veraclub Zanzibar Village

  • Mini club , Animazione , Sul mare
  • Cucina per Celiaci
  • Villaggio , Volo + Soggiorno
  • 9 giorni / 7 notti
  • All Inclusive €1340 Vedi l'offerta

Safari Kilimanjaro 3 giorni/2 notti con estensione mare a Watamu o Malindi

Safari Kilimanjaro 3 giorni/2 notti con estensione mare a Watamu o Malindi

  • Volo + Safari , Volo + Safari + Mare , Viaggi Fotografici
  • Come da Programma €1663 Vedi l'offerta

Kibanda Lodge & Beach Club

Kibanda Lodge & Beach Club

  • Corsi subacquei
  • Volo + Soggiorno
  • Come da Programma €1400 Vedi l'offerta

Cosa dicono i viaggiatori? VEDI TUTTE>

Siamo appena rientrati dal nostro fantastico viaggio in Florida!!! Grazie al preziosissimo aiuto di Sonia, questo viaggio è stato meraviglioso! Key West è un posto da sogno e l’escursione in katamarano organizzata da Sonia l’ha reso magico!! E poi le Everglades, la splendida Naples…le spiagge stupende di Siesta Key e Anna Maria Island. Mi sono ... Vedi l'offerta

evolution travel roma


Vacanza ottima organizzazione precisa cortese puntuale e attenta alle esigenze dei singoli

evolution travel roma

Organizzato ottimamente per il tramite di Evolution Travel attraverso soprattutto la professione ed efficace collaborazione di Massimo Poggi. il Viaggio arrivati ad Istanbul si è svolto tramite la soc. Baobab. Felicissima esperienza grazie anche ad guida locale (sig. Arkan) di livello superiore. Organizzazione perfetta altrettanto gli alberghi di qualit... Vedi l'offerta

evolution travel roma


Vacanza meravigliosa tutto è andato molto bene il sig. Roberto ci ha organizzato il viaggio in ogni particolare grazie mille... È stato oltre le ns. aspettative per un viaggio che sognavano da un po...

evolution travel roma

Tutto perfetto, se devo trovare un difetto la qualità del cibo e il servizio in sala possono essere migliorati. In ogni caso tutto benissimo

evolution travel roma


Consigli per chi viaggia, informazioni sui bagagli.

Il limite del peso ed il numero delle valigie varia a seconda della compagnia aerea, informati bene prima, in modo da non pagare sovrapprezzi anche molto salati. Inoltre comunica per tempo esigenze particolari per bagagli speciali o trasporto animali.

Aeroporto Check-in

Controlla per tempo la validità della carta identità/passaporto, visti necessari, in modo da non essere bloccato in partenza. Chiedi sempre conferma la tuo Consulente che tutti i tuoi documenti siano validi per viaggiare.

Cose da sapere

Informati su tutto quello che si deve pagare in loco: visti, tasse di uscita, tassa di soggiorno, ecc. Informati anche su usi e costumi locali, abbigliamento adatto, comportamento e quello che serve per essere in sintonia col luogo della tua destinazione

Contatti d'emergenza

Prima di partire scrivi in un posto sicuro i numeri di telefono, email e quanto previsto in caso di emergenza, in modo da essere assistito il più velocemente possibile. Con noi non sarai mai solo, ma sempre in contatto col tuo Consulente.


Tutti ci auguriamo che tutto vada bene, ma l'imprevisto è possibile, quindi oltre alle assicurazioni comprese nel pacchetto, fatti spiegare bene i vantaggi di quelle facoltative. Negli USA, per esempio, i massimali devono essere ben più alti del solito.

Offerte più popolari

evolution travel roma

Barracuda Inn e Safari Tsavo Est

evolution travel roma

Karafuu Beach Resort & Spa

evolution travel roma

Kiwengwa Beach Resort

evolution travel roma

Casuarina Resort & Spa

evolution travel roma

Samaki Lodge

evolution travel roma

My Blue Hotel

evolution travel roma

Palumbo Waves

evolution travel roma

Viaggio Fly & Drive Explorer: 14 notti e Noleggio auto

I prezzi migliori sul mercato.

Paragonare i prezzi di un pacchetto è difficile e porta via molto tempo, ma noi lo facciamo per te. Fa parte del nostro lavoro trovarti la miglior soluzione al miglior prezzo Lo facciamo gratuitamente, infatti se poi non lo compri, non ci devi nulla.

La conoscenza del prodotto evita errori

Per ogni prodotto che vedi abbiamo uno specialista che conosce perfettamente il prodotto e ti consiglia al meglio, evitandoti brutte sorprese.

Viaggiare in sicurezza

Hai sempre l'assistenza online del tuo Consulente di Viaggio, pronto ad assisterti in qualsiasi momento. Inoltre abbiamo le migliori assicurazioni, che ti proteggono da qualsiasi inconveniente

Vuoi avere in anteprima I viaggi ai prezzi più bassi?

Newsletter x.

I cookie sono brevi stringhe di codice che vengono scaricate su un dispositivo utilizzato dall'utente per navigare su un sito web (tipicamente il browser web). Quando l'utente accede nuovamente al sito, il dispositivo verrà automaticamente riconosciuto.

Questi cookie permettono di salvare temporaneamente sul sito le informazioni riguardanti la visita e le preferenze del visitatore, per migliorare l'esperienza d'uso e facilitarne la navigazione tra le pagine.

Questo sito utilizza diversi tipi di cookie:

  • Cookie anonimi che consentono all'utente di navigare sul sito, utilizzarne le funzionalità e accedere ad aree sicure
  • Cookie anonimi finalizzati alla valutazione dell'efficacia del sito e al suo miglioramento: questi cookie raccolgono informazioni sulle modalita` di utilizzo del sito da parte degli utenti (ad es. pagine più visitate, pagina di provenienza dell'utente, numero di messaggi di errore, ecc.), e vengono usati solo in forma aggregata. Un esempio di questo tipo sono i cookie web analytics.
  • Cookie anonimi che consentono al sito di memorizzare le preferenze e le scelte del visitatore al fine di facilitarne la navigazione in futuri accessi (autenticazioni automatiche, lingua, località, ecc.)

Le informazioni raccolte con questi cookie non possono essere usate in alcun caso a fini di marketing o di profilazione degli utenti a scopi pubblicitari e commerciali.

A questi si aggiungono:

  • cookie di terze parti che possono, al contrario, raccogliere informazioni sull'utente in forma individuale e non anonima perché legati, ad esempio, a profili personali (ne sono esempi i widget di facebook, twitter, youtube, google plus, ecc.)

Se non si vuole permettere al sito di inviare cookie al proprio dispositivo, è possibile rifiutare l'utilizzo dei cookie usando le opzioni o le impostazioni del browser.

How to book

USEFUL TIPS TO CHOOSE YOUR HOLIDAY Would you like to receive more information about one of our deals or make a reservation? Have you already chosen your trip but not sure about what payment methods we accept? Below you will find useful information about:

– how to request information – how to book – payment conditions – useful information

HOW TO SUBMIT AN INFORMATION REQUEST Attention: All information requests are non-binding. Your reservation is confirmed only after the payment has been received. Please note that all requests are not handled by a computer, but by a real person who will dedicate their time to finding you the best solution, trying to match your needs to the best quality/price ratio on the market. First of all, choose an offer among the hundreds of packages, flights, hotels and themed trips available on the website; if you do not find what you are looking for, you can contact us by email at the address listed on the website. Please read carefully all the details of the offer, the information on the cost and the validity periods. Submit your information request, it is quite simple and fast: all you need to do is to fill in correctly the form present in each offer sheet. This way, you will receive further information about the deal and proceed with the reservation.

HOW TO BOOK After you submit an information request, you will be contacted by email or phone depending on what method you prefer, to receive a personalised quote based on your specific needs and to confirm the reservation. Then, you will receive by email the details of the deal as agreed with the Promoter and the payment methods. Once we receive payment, we will send you the travel documents by email, normally the week before departure. In the case of a last-minute deal, the travel documents are sent from a maximum of 3 days to a minimum of 1 day before departure.


SEPA International Bank Transfer The bank transfer can be made using the Sepa circuit in “instant” or “ordinary” mode to the following accounts:

Beneficiary: Evolution Travel Ltd Reason: Travel ID IBAN: MT52VPAY45001451216123095937688 BIC: VPAYMTM2 Bank: Viva Payment Services Single Member S.A. Malta Branch

Beneficiary: Evolution Travel Ltd Reason: Travel ID IBAN: LT593740020000001181 BIC: CNUALT21XXX Bank: UAB ConnectPay A copy of the bank transfer must be sent via email to the trusted consultant .

Credit Cards To make a payment by credit card, ask your consultant to send the personalized link for this specific reservation. The transaction takes place in real time and allows for immediate confirmation of the reservation.

Cryptocurrencies If you prefer to make the payment through this system, ask your consultant for the link to proceed with this payment. The supported cryptocurrencies are:

Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Tether USD (Trc20), Cardano, Binance Coin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Tether USD (Omni), USD Coin (Erc20), CoinsPaid (Erc20), Dogecoin, Ripple, Tether USD (Erc20), Tron, BNB (Binance Smart Chain)

For more information, contact your trusted consultant, who will be happy to assist you!


SEPA Instant International Bank Transfer Arrives in seconds and allows you to proceed immediately to confirm the reservation. Not all banks support this circuit; if this function is not available, perform an ordinary SEPA bank transfer.

SEPA Ordinary International Bank Transfer Arrives within 1-2 working days. In various online banking systems, it may be called by different names such as: bank transfer, international bank transfer, transfer to other countries, SEPA, European SEPA, etc. In case of doubts, ask your consultant.

Swift and Urgent Circuit Bank Transfer ATTENTION : these two channels are not supported by us for receiving payments . If you find these terms in your online banking or if they are requested at the counter by the bank official, do not proceed and ask for help from your consultant.

Accepted Credit Cards Mastercard, Visa, American Express, China UnionPay, Discover & Diners, and Japan Credit Bureau. The transaction will take place on secure servers integrated with SSL3 and SHTTP technology, ensuring maximum protection and data security.

Based on the credit card provider and Stripe’s security checks, it may activate 3D Secure (an additional verification system by Visa and Mastercard to counter computer fraud), so transaction confirmation may be required either through mobile banking or by entering a security code received via SMS. It is important to complete the confirmation procedure for the payment to be executed.

Have a great trip with Evolution Travel!

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Your Message

See The World

  • client portal

Evolution Travel Group was founded by Christopher Davies, who has extensive experience in operating successful travel programs. It's namesake, Evolution , was inspired by it's mission of "doing things better" - constantly striving for superior and ethical business practices in order to provide outstanding quality, value, and personalized customer service.  

What We Believe:

Travel is Worth It! 

We  believe that travel broadens the mind and gives each of us a different perspective on life. Get out and experience the world!

Travel Enriches One's Life

When you visit a unique destination and culture, you'll become more open to various ways of life!

We Can Help

With so many places to visit, choosing a travel destination is difficult. Talk to our staff to find out what a location has to offer.

We're the Best!

When you travel with us, you can trust that we'll take care of you. Our services guarantee you'll have an amazing vacation experience.

Copyright  Evolution Travel Group . All rights reserved.

  • America Latina
  • Antille Francesi
  • Arabia Saudita
  • Bolivia e Cile
  • Ecuador Galapagos
  • Egitto e Mar Rosso
  • Emilia Romagna
  • Emirati Arabi
  • Giappone e Corea
  • Guatemala e Nicaragua
  • Isole Eolie
  • Medio Oriente
  • Nepal, Tibet e Buthan
  • Polonia Ungheria e Repubblica Ceca
  • Russia e Paesi Baltici
  • Santo Domingo
  • Scandinavia
  • Scozia e Inghilterra
  • Stati Uniti
  • Uganda e Rwanda
  • Valle d'Aosta
  • Vietnam e Cambogia
  • Archeologia
  • Aurore Boreali
  • Celiaci in viaggio
  • Crociere Fluviali
  • Enogastronomia
  • Fly & Drive
  • Natura e Cultura
  • Offerte Speciali
  • Parchi a Tema
  • Single con bambino
  • Single in Viaggio
  • Top Selection
  • Trekking Routes
  • Vacanze Brevi
  • Viaggi a Tariffa Agenti
  • Viaggi di Nozze
  • Viaggi in barca + hotel
  • Viaggi in pullman
  • Viaggi in treno
  • Viaggi Religiosi
  • Viaggi senza barriere
  • Wild and Tribe


Scegli la destinazione e scopri perché ti conviene farlo con noi, proposte della settimana.

Ecco le proposte più richieste della settimana

evolution travel roma

Consulente di Viaggi

Simona rossetti.

Vuoi parlare subito con me? Scegli come!

Tel. 3394182338

facebook messenger

Vuoi contattarmi via mail?

Scrivimi per una consulenza gratuita!

Cosa posso fare per te?

Farti risparmiare ore e ore di navigazione alla ricerca dell'offerta migliore al prezzo più basso

Personalizzare il tuo viaggio e crearlo in base alle tue esigenze reali e concrete

Potrai essere sicuro che quello che stai acquistando sia esattamente ciò che vuoi

evolution travel roma

Offerte speciali

Casuarina Resort & Spa

Casuarina Resort & Spa

  • Volo + Soggiorno , Hotel
  • 9 giorni / 7 notti
  • 3 stelle superior
  • Mezza pensione €1310 Vedi l'offerta

Dubai e l'Isola di smeraldo

Dubai e l'Isola di smeraldo

  • Pacchetto Combinato , Volo + Soggiorno
  • 12 giorni / 10 notti
  • Volo di Linea
  • Come da Programma €1760 Vedi l'offerta

Shangri-la's - Le Touessrok Resort & Spa 5 stelle Lusso

Shangri-la's - Le Touessrok Resort & Spa 5 stelle Lusso

  • Resort , Volo + Soggiorno
  • Bed & Breakfast €2580 Vedi l'offerta

Cosa dicono i viaggiatori? VEDI TUTTE>

Siamo appena rientrati dal nostro fantastico viaggio in Florida!!! Grazie al preziosissimo aiuto di Sonia, questo viaggio è stato meraviglioso! Key West è un posto da sogno e l’escursione in katamarano organizzata da Sonia l’ha reso magico!! E poi le Everglades, la splendida Naples…le spiagge stupende di Siesta Key e Anna Maria Island. Mi sono ... Vedi l'offerta

evolution travel roma


Vacanza ottima organizzazione precisa cortese puntuale e attenta alle esigenze dei singoli

evolution travel roma

Organizzato ottimamente per il tramite di Evolution Travel attraverso soprattutto la professione ed efficace collaborazione di Massimo Poggi. il Viaggio arrivati ad Istanbul si è svolto tramite la soc. Baobab. Felicissima esperienza grazie anche ad guida locale (sig. Arkan) di livello superiore. Organizzazione perfetta altrettanto gli alberghi di qualit... Vedi l'offerta

evolution travel roma


Vacanza meravigliosa tutto è andato molto bene il sig. Roberto ci ha organizzato il viaggio in ogni particolare grazie mille... È stato oltre le ns. aspettative per un viaggio che sognavano da un po...

evolution travel roma

Tutto perfetto, se devo trovare un difetto la qualità del cibo e il servizio in sala possono essere migliorati. In ogni caso tutto benissimo

evolution travel roma


Consigli per chi viaggia, informazioni sui bagagli.

Il limite del peso ed il numero delle valigie varia a seconda della compagnia aerea, informati bene prima, in modo da non pagare sovrapprezzi anche molto salati. Inoltre comunica per tempo esigenze particolari per bagagli speciali o trasporto animali.

Aeroporto Check-in

Controlla per tempo la validità della carta identità/passaporto, visti necessari, in modo da non essere bloccato in partenza. Chiedi sempre conferma la tuo Consulente che tutti i tuoi documenti siano validi per viaggiare.

Cose da sapere

Informati su tutto quello che si deve pagare in loco: visti, tasse di uscita, tassa di soggiorno, ecc. Informati anche su usi e costumi locali, abbigliamento adatto, comportamento e quello che serve per essere in sintonia col luogo della tua destinazione

Contatti d'emergenza

Prima di partire scrivi in un posto sicuro i numeri di telefono, email e quanto previsto in caso di emergenza, in modo da essere assistito il più velocemente possibile. Con noi non sarai mai solo, ma sempre in contatto col tuo Consulente.


Tutti ci auguriamo che tutto vada bene, ma l'imprevisto è possibile, quindi oltre alle assicurazioni comprese nel pacchetto, fatti spiegare bene i vantaggi di quelle facoltative. Negli USA, per esempio, i massimali devono essere ben più alti del solito.

Offerte più popolari

evolution travel roma

Samsara Cliff Resort 4 stelle

evolution travel roma

Blue Bay Beach Resort & Spa

evolution travel roma

Samaki Lodge

evolution travel roma

Villa Park Sun Island

evolution travel roma

Karafuu Beach Resort & Spa

evolution travel roma

Hotel Sunrise Club 3 stelle

evolution travel roma

My Blue Hotel

evolution travel roma

Veraclub Zanzibar Village

I prezzi migliori sul mercato.

Paragonare i prezzi di un pacchetto è difficile e porta via molto tempo, ma noi lo facciamo per te. Fa parte del nostro lavoro trovarti la miglior soluzione al miglior prezzo Lo facciamo gratuitamente, infatti se poi non lo compri, non ci devi nulla.

La conoscenza del prodotto evita errori

Per ogni prodotto che vedi abbiamo uno specialista che conosce perfettamente il prodotto e ti consiglia al meglio, evitandoti brutte sorprese.

Viaggiare in sicurezza

Hai sempre l'assistenza online del tuo Consulente di Viaggio, pronto ad assisterti in qualsiasi momento. Inoltre abbiamo le migliori assicurazioni, che ti proteggono da qualsiasi inconveniente

Vuoi avere in anteprima I viaggi ai prezzi più bassi?

Newsletter x.

I cookie sono brevi stringhe di codice che vengono scaricate su un dispositivo utilizzato dall'utente per navigare su un sito web (tipicamente il browser web). Quando l'utente accede nuovamente al sito, il dispositivo verrà automaticamente riconosciuto.

Questi cookie permettono di salvare temporaneamente sul sito le informazioni riguardanti la visita e le preferenze del visitatore, per migliorare l'esperienza d'uso e facilitarne la navigazione tra le pagine.

Questo sito utilizza diversi tipi di cookie:

  • Cookie anonimi che consentono all'utente di navigare sul sito, utilizzarne le funzionalità e accedere ad aree sicure
  • Cookie anonimi finalizzati alla valutazione dell'efficacia del sito e al suo miglioramento: questi cookie raccolgono informazioni sulle modalita` di utilizzo del sito da parte degli utenti (ad es. pagine più visitate, pagina di provenienza dell'utente, numero di messaggi di errore, ecc.), e vengono usati solo in forma aggregata. Un esempio di questo tipo sono i cookie web analytics.
  • Cookie anonimi che consentono al sito di memorizzare le preferenze e le scelte del visitatore al fine di facilitarne la navigazione in futuri accessi (autenticazioni automatiche, lingua, località, ecc.)

Le informazioni raccolte con questi cookie non possono essere usate in alcun caso a fini di marketing o di profilazione degli utenti a scopi pubblicitari e commerciali.

A questi si aggiungono:

  • cookie di terze parti che possono, al contrario, raccogliere informazioni sull'utente in forma individuale e non anonima perché legati, ad esempio, a profili personali (ne sono esempi i widget di facebook, twitter, youtube, google plus, ecc.)

Se non si vuole permettere al sito di inviare cookie al proprio dispositivo, è possibile rifiutare l'utilizzo dei cookie usando le opzioni o le impostazioni del browser.

evolution travel roma

Evolution Travel

The online travel consultants network at your disposal to organize and create your next holiday with you.

evolution travel roma

Evolution Travel in the world

Evolution Travel has been working 100% online since 2000 and is now the leading Travel Agency and Tour Operator working entirely in the cloud, namely apart from all the other software that can be used on the web, by a simple internet link it runs a network of online Travel Consultants around the world, without any borders and with total freedom of movement.


Meet online travel consultants

The online evolution travel holiday consultants have a great passion: travelling and allowing people to travel, helping you during the selection and development of your trip. do not hesitate to contact them.

Find here what they can do for you!

evolution travel roma

Our Tour Operator Promoters

They are responsible for specific products and destinations, tour operator consultants create holiday proposals which are ever more tailored to the needs of the customer, never giving up on the quality or reliability of the products offered for the organization of the trip..

Evolution Travel

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Starting businesses from the ground up is nothing new to David. A lifelong entrepreneur, David has founded a clothing store, a restaurant, the largest independent concert company in Las Vegas, and has also invested in a hollywood film. Born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, the largest tourist destination in the world, it just made sense that David found his way to the travel industry. Persistence from his mother along with time freedom that his traditional businesses didn’t allow him are the things that got David involved in network marketing. He quickly ascended to the top of the companies that he was involved with. His passion to help people and to give the average person a platform to succeed is what drove David to found Evolution Travel. David brings a highly regarded distribution team along with a star studded corporate team to anchor Evolution Travel, holding true to his motto of “Maximize your strengths and surround yourself with people who mask your weaknesses."

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Ron is the President of Archer Travel Service, Inc. a Large Independent Travel Company established in Glendale California in 1952. Ron’s leadership and creativity have assisted Archer to become well established in Group Travel, Corporate Travel and the implementation of Travel Platforms for Travel Clubs and MLMs. Ron is a former Board of Director for The Signature Travel Network, a leading travel co-operative with over $7 Billion in annual travel sales. Ron has also served on multiple advisory teams for tour operators and cruise lines.

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From Outlawed to Everyday: 15 Formerly Illegal Things Now Completely Normal

Posted: May 21, 2024 | Last updated: May 21, 2024

<p>Throughout history, societal norms and legal frameworks in the United States have experienced significant transformations, resulting in changes in what is deemed criminal or unacceptable behavior. This evolution highlights the dynamic interaction between cultural values, legal interpretations, and societal progress. In this context, we examine 15 notable examples of activities and behaviors that were once illegal or frowned upon in the U.S., but are now legally acceptable or even commonplace.</p>

Throughout history, societal norms and legal frameworks in the United States have experienced significant transformations, resulting in changes in what is deemed criminal or unacceptable behavior. This evolution highlights the dynamic interaction between cultural values, legal interpretations, and societal progress. In this context, we examine 15 notable examples of activities and behaviors that were once illegal or frowned upon in the U.S., but are now legally acceptable or even commonplace.

<p>Historically, numerous states enforced laws that criminalized same-sex relationships, often referred to as ‘sodomy laws.’ These regulations faced systematic challenges and were eventually ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in the notable case Lawrence v. Texas (2003). Presently, same-sex relationships receive legal recognition, and same-sex marriage became legal across the United States in 2015 following the Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges.</p>

Legal Evolution of Same-Sex Relationships

Historically, numerous states enforced laws that criminalized same-sex relationships, often referred to as ‘sodomy laws.’ These regulations faced systematic challenges and were eventually ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in the notable case Lawrence v. Texas (2003). Presently, same-sex relationships receive legal recognition, and same-sex marriage became legal across the United States in 2015 following the Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges.

<p>Throughout the United States, sodomy laws that criminalized homosexual acts were common. However, in a landmark decision, the Supreme Court invalidated these laws in the case of Lawrence v. Texas, recognizing the privacy rights of consenting adults.</p>

Homosexual Conduct

Throughout the United States, sodomy laws that criminalized homosexual acts were common. However, in a landmark decision, the Supreme Court invalidated these laws in the case of Lawrence v. Texas, recognizing the privacy rights of consenting adults.

<p>Historically, owning or reading books considered controversial or obscene could result in legal consequences. Today, the First Amendment’s modern interpretations largely safeguard the freedom to read and own a diverse array of literature, with only a few exceptions.</p>

The Evolution of Laws on Controversial Literature

Historically, owning or reading books considered controversial or obscene could result in legal consequences. Today, the First Amendment’s modern interpretations largely safeguard the freedom to read and own a diverse array of literature, with only a few exceptions.

<p>Throughout much of American history, numerous states enforced anti-miscegenation laws that banned interracial marriage. The pivotal Supreme Court ruling in Loving v. Virginia (1967) deemed these laws unconstitutional, thus permitting interracial marriage nationwide.</p>

Landmark Decision on Interracial Marriage

Throughout much of American history, numerous states enforced anti-miscegenation laws that banned interracial marriage. The pivotal Supreme Court ruling in Loving v. Virginia (1967) deemed these laws unconstitutional, thus permitting interracial marriage nationwide.

<p>Historically, regulations like the New York City Cabaret Law were imposed to govern social activities by restricting dancing in various venues. In modern times, these laws have been rescinded, viewed as antiquated and overly restrictive.</p>

The Repeal of New York City’s Cabaret Law

Historically, regulations like the New York City Cabaret Law were imposed to govern social activities by restricting dancing in various venues. In modern times, these laws have been rescinded, viewed as antiquated and overly restrictive.

<p>Before the enactment of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act in 1974, women were often subject to discrimination when seeking credit and frequently required a male co-signer. This landmark legislation prohibited such discriminatory practices, empowering women to secure credit on their own.</p>

Women Gain Financial Independence Through the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974

Before the enactment of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act in 1974, women were often subject to discrimination when seeking credit and frequently required a male co-signer. This landmark legislation prohibited such discriminatory practices, empowering women to secure credit on their own.

<p>The Comstock Act of 1873 made it illegal to distribute birth control information and devices. Legal progress began with court cases such as Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), which acknowledged marital privacy rights concerning contraception.</p>

Birth Control

The Comstock Act of 1873 made it illegal to distribute birth control information and devices. Legal progress began with court cases such as Griswold v. Connecticut (1965), which acknowledged marital privacy rights concerning contraception.

<p>Historically, public use of profanity could lead to penalties under laws aimed at maintaining public decency or order. However, contemporary legal norms, particularly those safeguarding freedom of speech, have rendered such enforcement uncommon and legally debatable.</p>

Swearing in Public

Historically, public use of profanity could lead to penalties under laws aimed at maintaining public decency or order. However, contemporary legal norms, particularly those safeguarding freedom of speech, have rendered such enforcement uncommon and legally debatable.

<p>Historically, tattooing was banned in some areas, primarily over worries about health and moral issues. However, over time, tattooing has gained acceptance as a mainstream art form. Current regulations mainly address health and safety protocols.</p>

Historically, tattooing was banned in some areas, primarily over worries about health and moral issues. However, over time, tattooing has gained acceptance as a mainstream art form. Current regulations mainly address health and safety protocols.

<p>In the early 20th century, it was commonly viewed as rebellious or inappropriate for women to wear trousers, and there were even legal restrictions in some areas. Over time, societal norms and laws have changed, rendering these restrictions outdated.</p>

The Evolution of Women Wearing Trousers

In the early 20th century, it was commonly viewed as rebellious or inappropriate for women to wear trousers, and there were even legal restrictions in some areas. Over time, societal norms and laws have changed, rendering these restrictions outdated.

<p>In the early 20th century, municipal codes included laws against cross-dressing. Over time, these laws have mostly been abolished or are no longer enforced, as society increasingly acknowledges the rights of individuals to express their gender identity.</p>

Historical Cross-Dressing Regulations

In the early 20th century, municipal codes included laws against cross-dressing. Over time, these laws have mostly been abolished or are no longer enforced, as society increasingly acknowledges the rights of individuals to express their gender identity.

<p>Historically, numerous states enforced laws prohibiting unmarried couples from living together, known as ‘cohabitation laws.’ However, these regulations have gradually fallen into disuse, mirroring the evolving societal attitudes towards non-marital relationships.</p>

Cohabitation Before Marriage

Historically, numerous states enforced laws prohibiting unmarried couples from living together, known as ‘cohabitation laws.’ However, these regulations have gradually fallen into disuse, mirroring the evolving societal attitudes towards non-marital relationships.

<p>In the 20th century, marijuana was widely banned. However, in the early 21st century, numerous states started legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana for medical purposes, and subsequently for recreational purposes as well. Despite these changes at the state level, marijuana remains illegal under federal law.</p>

Legislation and Usage of Marijuana

In the 20th century, marijuana was widely banned. However, in the early 21st century, numerous states started legalizing or decriminalizing marijuana for medical purposes, and subsequently for recreational purposes as well. Despite these changes at the state level, marijuana remains illegal under federal law.

<p>In 1920, the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution began the Prohibition era, banning the manufacture, sale, and transport of alcohol. However, widespread non-compliance and adverse societal effects led to its repeal by the 21st Amendment in 1933.</p>

The Prohibition Era and Its Repeal

In 1920, the 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution began the Prohibition era, banning the manufacture, sale, and transport of alcohol. However, widespread non-compliance and adverse societal effects led to its repeal by the 21st Amendment in 1933.

<p>During the early 20th century and earlier, divorce carried significant social stigma and posed substantial legal challenges. Individuals seeking divorce often had to provide evidence of fault, such as infidelity or mistreatment. The introduction of no-fault divorce laws has since simplified the process, making it more accessible and reducing the associated stigma.</p>

During the early 20th century and earlier, divorce carried significant social stigma and posed substantial legal challenges. Individuals seeking divorce often had to provide evidence of fault, such as infidelity or mistreatment. The introduction of no-fault divorce laws has since simplified the process, making it more accessible and reducing the associated stigma.

<p>The evolution of laws and social norms in the United States highlights the fluid nature of societal values and the ongoing journey towards greater inclusivity and freedom. These changes underscore the importance of reevaluating and adapting legal systems to reflect contemporary ethical standards and human rights considerations. As society continues to evolve, what is deemed acceptable or legal today may again transform, reflecting the ever-changing tapestry of human culture and understanding.</p><p><a href="">For the Latest Breaking Financial News, Headlines & Videos, head to Financially+</a></p>

The evolution of laws and social norms in the United States highlights the fluid nature of societal values and the ongoing journey towards greater inclusivity and freedom. These changes underscore the importance of reevaluating and adapting legal systems to reflect contemporary ethical standards and human rights considerations. As society continues to evolve, what is deemed acceptable or legal today may again transform, reflecting the ever-changing tapestry of human culture and understanding.

For the Latest Breaking Financial News, Headlines & Videos, head to Financially+

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The world’s coolest hotels want to tell you a story

The latest design-driven hotels aim to immerse guests in a story or social movement, or transport them to another time

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A new niche of high-end hotels makes a big promise.

Unlike your run-of-the-mill boutique hotel, these properties aren’t only about cool decor and on-site bars and restaurants. Through grander concepts and designs, they claim to immerse guests in a story or social movement, or even transport them to another time period.

Dream of joining Gertrude Stein’s salons in early 20th-century Paris? That’s the vibe on offer at the flamboyant Le Grand Mazarin in the city’s Marais neighborhood. Wish you could live inside the campy aesthetic of cult-film writer/director John Waters? Check into Baltimore’s Hotel Ulysses , one of a growing number of eccentric concepts from hospitality group Ash . Want your travel choices to align with your concern about climate change? The upcoming Six Senses Svart in Norway promises “ an immersive and purpose-driven journey ” in a spaceshiplike building designed to generate more energy than it uses .

These examples couldn’t be more different from one another, and that’s the point. But there is one thread that tends to connect them: the creators of such concepts frequently describe them as weaving a “story” or “narrative.” So, we’ll call them narrative hotels. They are built to stand out in an era in which corporate chains masquerade as boutiques and design trends are dictated by social media algorithms. A few fast-growing hospitality groups have even made the narrative concept key to their plans for global expansion. But that’s where the plot gets complicated.

The evolution from boutique to narrative

Creating a sense of place — often through living-room-like lobbies and art-filled guest quarters — was the calling card of the boutique hotels that emerged in the early ’90s , with hoteliers such as Bill Kimpton leading the way. Throughout the decade, fashionable travelers began seeking upstart brands such as the W, launched in New York in 1998, and Ace Hotel, which opened in Seattle in 1999.

But by the 2010s, everything started to feel boutiquey. Marriott International, the biggest hotel company in the world, acquired the W brand in 2016 . Similarly, IHG Hotels & Resorts acquired Kimpton in 2018 . Elsewhere, boutique tropes have trickled down to more budget-friendly chains such as the quirky Moxy Hotels, which Marriott teamed up with IKEA to launch in 2013, and CitizenM , whose Instagrammable lobbies overflow with plastic plants .

Whether the industry calls them “boutique” or “lifestyle ,” those terms tend to lose their meaning when they’re mass-produced, said Amber Asher, CEO of the Standard Hotels . “Now, a lot of the bigger chains and bigger companies are looking to do what lifestyle’s always done.”

One reason so many hotels tend to look the same, said Kyle Chayka, author of “ Filterworld: How Algorithms Flattened Culture ,” is that much of the industry is chasing the same design trends set by powerful social media algorithms. “You’ve had a lot of homogenization, particularly in hotels and rental properties, over the late 2010s,” he said. Which means standing out demands a bolder strategy: “Since people are recognizing this homogenization, in order to be compelling, you have to go in the opposite direction.”

And few things are as compelling as a well-told story. Hoteliers seeking to differentiate themselves nowadays are lining up to work with design firms that recognize this.

“We start every project with a narrative,” celebrated hospitality designer Robin Standefer said via email. Her firm, Roman and Williams , which she founded with Stephen Alesch in 2002, is behind such pioneering properties as the Standard Highline and the Ace Brooklyn. Travelers “want to be characters in their own movie,” she explained, and with every project, her team is tasked with “creating the stage.”

You’ll encounter undeniable cinematic pomp at one of the newest properties designed by Roman and Williams: Estelle Manor , a hotel and members club set on 60 manicured acres in Oxfordshire, England, that may give guests the sense they have stepped into the opulent sets of the movie “Saltburn” (sans murder).

“Our focus on experience and narrative is driven by an ethos, rather than a style,” Standefer said of creating these fantasies. “In each place, it’s the idea of collapsing past and present by taking a dreamy narrative from history and making it a reality.”

The challenge of too many stories

Stories based on a building’s past are among the most common narratives that hotels spin. The luxuriously redesigned Hotel Chelsea , for example, fully embraces its pedigree as the former home of rock-and-roll legends. There are also narratives inspired by cultural figures and movements, like at Maison Proust in Paris, a hotel dedicated to its namesake literary giant. And then there are the mission-driven stories. Cases in point: D.C.’s “first activist hotel,” the Eaton, which features a “Radical Library” in its lobby and has hosted protest song performances in its rooftop bar . And the city’s feminist-inflected Hotel Zena, where you will encounter a huge portrait of Ruth Bader Ginsburg made of tampons.

But the most popular narratives are probably the ones pegged to location. These properties deploy design choices, event programs and culinary offerings intended to make them feel like an authentic part of the local experience. This has been the angle for many openings from Ennismore , the hospitality group behind the Hoxton and 25hours, chains that position themselves as hangouts for cool locals in the city’s coolest neighborhoods.

“Having a concept or narrative running through the design and the guest journey of an individual hotel is critical to ensuring it stands out,” Sharan Pasricha, Ennismore’s founder and co-CEO, said via email. He pointed to 25hours Hotel One Central in Dubai, the brand’s first property outside Europe, as a particularly telling example. “The history of the region is reflected throughout the hotel’s interiors, with each floor’s design charting different moments in time until you reach the top floor, which has a futuristic aesthetic.”

Ennismore — which completed a joint venture with Accor Group in 2021 — is on a rapid growth trajectory, with a dozen hotels and resorts slated to open by the end of the year. Making each property feel like a true destination for locals (not just out-of-towners) is central to the business model, Pasricha said. “Our restaurants and bars generate around 50 percent of our revenue, most of which comes from people who aren’t staying with us,” he said.

But how do you keep those narratives compelling through chapters of expansion? “It’s the fun of what we do,” said Asher, who aims to grow the Standard from its current eight locations to as many as 20. For each opening, she said her team immerses itself in the destination from the outset, forging local partnerships and getting to know community members — asking what they would want out of the property. Still, she conceded, nailing the local vibe “is also the most challenging part of the business.”

And therein lies the tension: Authentic storytelling is tough to replicate on a global scale. “You can’t be both local and everywhere,” Chayka said. “At a certain point, that paradox becomes impossible to resolve — and your aesthetic or brand becomes cringy.”

The risk that a narrative won’t land

The line between narrative and gimmick can also be perilously thin.

Hotel Zena, the “feminist” lodging in D.C., was met with some skepticism after its 2020 opening, amid news that a “hotel dedicated to female empowerment” had hired a man to be its executive chef . (In a written response to questions from The Washington Post, the hotel’s general manager, Sherry Abedi, did not address the chef issue but emphasized Zena’s ongoing partnerships with female- and minority-owned businesses and influencers; artwork celebrating gender equality and civil rights; and “comfortable spaces that highlight our hope for change and inclusivity.”)

Amid its expansion to 40-plus member clubs and hotels in recent years, Soho House has faced criticism that its establishments simply don’t feel special anymore. The recently opened member club Soho House Portland, located in a gentrifying neighborhood of Portland, Ore., has raised eyebrows for claiming to support local artists, when it occupies a building that used to provide affordable studio space. (The artists who worked there were displaced when the property was sold in 2016; it sold again to developers, who leased it in 2019 to Soho House.)

When Soho House Portland debuted in March, it talked up its local connections , emphasizing that the art on the walls came from Oregon artists and that its restaurant is helmed by a local chef working with Pacific Northwest suppliers. But Portlanders aren’t all convinced. Celeste Noche , founder of Portland in Color , a nonprofit that supports BIPOC creatives, describes Soho House as “vibewashing.”

“In trying to say they’re not like the businesses that came before them, it’s like they’re trying to correct the wrong things — correcting the look versus the impact of what it means to be in those communities,” she said. “It feels like a disservice,” Noche added, that most artists whose work is displayed there weren’t directly paid . Rather, they were offered memberships and credits, as Soho House acquires the vast majority of its art through bartering.

Soho House’s chief art director, Kate Bryan, who manages the company’s sprawling art collection , said the intent is not to avoid paying for the art but instead to build a relationship with artists that “goes beyond financial value.” She said, “It operates outside this very kind of rampant commercial art world,” emphasizing that credits and memberships have dollar value, too. “It’s not Monopoly money,” she added. But coming from a publicly traded $1 billion brand, the approach has received a mixed reception in the Portland art scene .

Speaking generally, Roman and Williams’s Standefer cautioned that many narrative hotel concepts will invariably fall flat because developing them is a complicated process, and not everyone wants to invest in it. “There’s no formula to history and authenticity, and visitors are discerning enough that they can see through shortcuts,” she said.

But on the whole, Standefer hopes the rise in narrative hospitality will make travel more interesting: “Hopefully it will lead to more original ideas, to more intellectual heft and consideration in design, as well as more engagement with local traditions and … regional craftspeople.”

When they do land, narrative hospitality concepts approach the immersive realms of stage design, helping you suspend disbelief. In other words, you’ll know it’s working when you get lost in the story.

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    Evolution, Roma. 12,855 likes · 12 talking about this. L'unico evento multiculturale a Roma che riunisce in un unico contenitore musica, spettacoli e cultura dedicati alla musica hip hop, latina e afro

  14. Evolution Travel, viaggi online in tutto il mondo

    Su Evolution Travel trovi le migliori offerte vacanze per tutte le stagioni e con un solo clic vedi tutti i dettagli del viaggio: programma, foto, recensioni, itinerari e servizi inclusi nei pacchetti. Scopri subito le nostre offerte e parti con noi per la destinazione dei tuoi sogni. ... ITALIA - Lazio - Roma Cinecittà World: hotel e ingresso ...

  15. Evolution Travel

    Evolution Headquarters: 6671 Las Vegas Blvd South. Suite D-210, Las Vegas NV 89119. Archer Headquarters: 2941 Foothill Blvd. La Crescenta, CA. 91214. Evolution Travel Group: A full-service agency offering a range of experiences, including Travel Incentives, Meetings and Events, Group and Leisure Trips.

  16. My Evolution Travel

    6671 Las Vegas Blvd South Suite D-210 Las Vegas, Nevada 89119, US

  17. Home

    It is a travel agency and tour operator which operates through a network of online Travel Consultants who are spread throughout the national territory and Europe. The Travel Consultant communicates with the final user in order to carefully listen, understand their needs and best meet their demands. E-mail: [email protected] Evolution ...

  18. Romani society and culture

    1552 woodcut of a Romani family. The Romani people are a distinct ethnic and cultural group of peoples living all across the globe, who share a family of languages and sometimes a traditional nomadic mode of life. Though their exact origins were unclear.Recent studies show Kashmir in Northwest India is the most probable point of origin. Their language shares a common origin with, and is ...

  19. Evolution Travel

    Evolution Travel strives to be the best home based travel business available in the industry. Our goal is to provide a travel business opportunity with true value and excellent products. We provide every person an even playing field to be successful and profitable through training and support. Evolution Travel in partnership with Archer Travel ...

  20. Evolution Travel

    Evolution Travel Group: A full-service agency offering a range of experiences, including Travel Incentives, Meetings and Events, Group and Leisure Trips. Your Agent: Carmen Roman 215-888-6684 Evolution Video

  21. Offerte di lavoro Evolution Travel

    13 lavori per Evolution Travel disponibili a Roma, Lazio su Passa a contenuto principale. Cerca lavoro. Recensioni aziendali. Esplora stipendi. Carica il tuo CV. Accedi. Accedi. Indeed aziende/Pubblica un annuncio. Inizio del contenuto principale. Cosa. Dove. Cerca lavoro. Data di pubblicazione. Ultime 24 ore;

  22. This Aluminum Travel Trailer Is Inexpensive and Lets You Build Your

    Kokoda's Off-Road MIA Travel Trailer Is Perfect for Adventurous Trips With the Family Living Vehicle Introduces the CyberTrailer, the Ultimate in Solar-Powered Luxury Travel This Teardrop Camper ...

  23. Fishing Evolution Travel

    Fishing Evolution Travel. 945 likes. Versione a 4 Ruote di Fishing Evolution Roma (Negozio) Fishing Evolution Travel è la 1ma Attività Itinerante di Pesca Sportiva

  24. From Outlawed to Everyday: 15 Formerly Illegal Things Now Completely Normal

    This evolution highlights the dynamic interaction between cultural values, legal interpretations, and societal progress. In this context, we examine 15 notable examples of activities and behaviors ...

  25. Evolution Travel

    Evolution Travel Group: A full-service agency offering a range of experiences, including Travel Incentives, Meetings and Events, Group and Leisure Trips. Your Agent: Barbara Thompson 1206-818-5368 Evolution Video

  26. The world's coolest hotels want to tell you a story

    The Hotel Ulysses in the Mount Vernon neighborhood of Baltimore taps into the aesthetic of film writer/director John Waters. (Brett Wood) A new niche of high-end hotels makes a big promise. Unlike ...