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Start your journey to an exciting career: how to become a travel consultant

Start your journey to an exciting career: how to become a travel consultant

From arranging flights and accommodations to recommending destinations and activities, travel consultants offer valuable expertise and personalized service to meet the diverse needs and preferences of travelers. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the steps and strategies around how to embark on a rewarding career as a travel consultant, from gaining relevant education and experience to honing essential skills and securing employment opportunities in the dynamic and exciting world of travel. 

Whether you’re passionate about exploring new destinations, helping others create unforgettable memories or thriving in a fast-paced and customer-centric environment, becoming a travel consultant offers endless opportunities for adventure, growth and fulfillment in the travel industry.

What does a travel consultant do?

A travel consultant, also known as a travel agent or travel advisor, plays a multifaceted role in the travel industry, assisting clients with planning and booking various travel arrangements. Below is an overview of the key responsibilities and tasks typically performed by travel consultants:

  • Client consultation: travel consultants begin by conducting thorough consultations with clients to understand their travel preferences, needs and budget constraints
  • Itinerary planning: based on the client’s preferences and requirements, travel consultants use their expertise and knowledge of destinations to create customized travel itineraries. They recommend destinations, attractions, activities and experiences that align with the client’s interests
  • Travel booking: agents help with all aspects of travel booking, including flights, accommodations, transportation (such as rental cars or transfers), tours, activities, travel insurance and any other travel-related services
  • Providing destination information: travel consultants offer expert advice and information about destinations, including local customs, culture, attractions, safety considerations, visa requirements, weather conditions and travel advisories
  • Handling travel logistics: advisors handle all logistical aspects of travel planning, such as coordinating flight schedules, confirming hotel reservations, arranging airport transfers and managing travel documents.
  • Customer service and support: throughout the travel process, travel consultants provide ongoing support and assistance to clients, addressing any questions, concerns or issues that may arise

Skills needed to be a travel consultant

Being a successful travel consultant requires a diverse set of skills and qualities to effectively meet the needs and preferences of clients while navigating the complexities of the travel industry. Most of these are soft skills which can be used in almost any field, but industry-specific knowledge is needed as well. Below are the key skills and attributes needed to excel in the role of a travel consultant:

  • Destination knowledge: travel consultants must have in-depth knowledge of various destinations, including popular tourist attractions, local customs, culture, cuisine, transportation options and travel regulations. They should stay updated on travel trends, emerging destinations and changes in visa requirements or travel advisories
  • Customer service excellence: exceptional customer service skills are essential for travel consultants to build rapport with clients, understand their needs and exceed their expectations. They should be friendly, approachable and attentive, providing personalized assistance and support to clients throughout the travel planning and booking process
  • Communication skills: consultants need to convey information clearly, listen actively to clients’ needs and preferences and negotiate with travel suppliers. They should be able to communicate confidently and professionally through various channels, including phone, email and in-person consultations
  • Attention to detail: this is essential for travel consultants to ensure accuracy in booking travel arrangements, including flights, accommodations and transportation. They should carefully review booking details, confirmations and travel documents to minimize errors and avoid disruptions during the client’s trip
  • Problem-solving abilities: travel consultants should be adept at problem solving and decision making to address unexpected issues or challenges that may arise before, during or after the client’s trip. They should remain calm under pressure, think creatively and find solutions quickly to resolve any travel-related problems or concerns
  • Organization and time management: it is important to be able to juggle multiple client inquiries, bookings and administrative tasks efficiently. Travel advisors need to prioritize tasks, meet deadlines and maintain accurate records to ensure smooth operations and client satisfaction

Education and training

If you want to get the right skills and knowledge needed to succeed as a travel advisor, there are plenty of training and educational options, including:

  • Degree programs: various academic institutions offer degree programs in hospitality management, tourism, travel and tourism management or business administration with a focus on travel and tourism. These provide comprehensive training in areas such as destination knowledge, customer service, sales, marketing and travel industry operations. A bachelor’s degree is typically preferred by employers for management roles, although associate degrees or diplomas may also be sufficient for entry-level positions
  • On-the-job training: some travel agencies and tour operators provide on-the-job training for newly hired travel consultants. Through hands-on experience and mentorship from experienced professionals, trainees learn essential skills such as booking travel arrangements, using reservation systems, interacting with clients and navigating industry regulations
  • Apprenticeships: a number of larger travel companies offer formal apprenticeship programs for individuals interested in pursuing a career as a travel consultant. These typically combine classroom instruction with practical training, allowing apprentices to gain valuable experience while earning a salary. Apprenticeships provide a structured pathway to entry-level positions and may lead to permanent employment upon completion

With industry-leading tutors and great internship options, a degree at Les Roches can help you begin your journey towards becoming a travel consultant

essential travel consultants

Gaining relevant experience

Becoming familiar with the role through hands-on experience is crucial for aspiring travel consultants if they are to prepare for the demands of the industry and showcase their skills to potential employers. From entry-level positions to internships and volunteer opportunities, acquiring hands-on experience lays the foundation for a successful career in travel consultancy.

Entry level positions

Working in one of the following entry level positions can help you get experience within the field:

  • Travel agent assistant: positions such as travel agent assistant or travel coordinator provide valuable hands-on experience in the day-to-day operations of a travel agency or tour operator. Responsibilities may include assisting senior travel consultants with booking travel arrangements, managing client inquiries and maintaining booking records
  • Reservation agent: these agents work for airlines, hotels, rental car companies and other travel suppliers, handling customer inquiries, processing reservations and ensuring smooth travel experiences for clients. This role provides exposure to reservation systems, customer service techniques and industry-specific procedures

Internships and volunteer opportunities

It’s also possible to gain experience through internships and volunteering. Interning at a travel agency or tour operator allows aspiring travel consultants to gain practical experience and exposure to various aspects of the travel industry. Interns may assist with itinerary planning, customer service, sales support and administrative tasks under the guidance of experienced professionals. Some degree courses will offer you internships in management roles as part of your course.

Volunteering for organizations or events related to travel and tourism can also provide valuable experience and networking opportunities. For example, volunteering at travel expos, tourist boards or destination marketing organizations allows individuals to learn about different destinations, interact with travelers and develop customer service skills.

Advancing your career

Advancing your career

SolStock/ E+ Via Getty Images

There are various options you can consider for advancing your career in travel consultancy. This could be through working your way up to more senior roles or through gaining more qualifications and training.

Types of advancement for travel consultants

As a travel consultant gains experience and expertise, they can seek opportunities for vertical advancement within their current organization. This may involve taking on leadership roles, such as team lead or manager, overseeing a specific department or area of specialization or advancing to higher-level positions with increased responsibilities and compensation.

Travel consultants can also advance their careers by specializing in specific niches or areas of the travel industry. This could include focusing on luxury travel management , corporate travel, group travel, destination weddings, adventure travel or niche markets such as eco-tourism or culinary tourism. By specializing, travel consultants can develop in-depth knowledge and expertise in their chosen field, attract a loyal client base and command higher fees for their specialized services.

Continuing education and professional certifications

To advance their skills, agents can pursue advanced training programs, workshops or seminars in areas such as destinations, sales techniques, customer service excellence and industry trends. Many professional organizations and industry associations offer specialized training programs designed specifically for travel professionals.

Obtaining advanced professional certifications can boost credibility and demonstrate expertise in specific areas of travel consultancy. These could be certificates from travel industry organizations or master’s degrees to help boost your knowledge and employability.

Our master’s degrees help you develop expert skills and gain hands-on experience so you can advance in travel consultancy

essential travel consultants

Building a reputation and client base

Being known as a trusted and reliable travel consultant requires consistently delivering exceptional service and exceeding client expectations. By providing personalized attention, expert advice and seamless travel experiences, travel consultants can earn positive reviews, referrals and repeat business from satisfied clients.

Successful travel consultants can also build a loyal client base by cultivating strong relationships with clients and maintaining regular communication. By staying in touch with clients, providing updates on travel deals and promotions and offering personalized recommendations based on their preferences, travel consultants can nurture long-term relationships and earn customers’ trust and loyalty .

Using technology and digital marketing strategies can help travel consultants expand their reach and attract new clients too. Building a professional website, maintaining active social media profiles and leveraging email marketing campaigns can help travel consultants showcase their expertise, promote their services and attract potential clients.

Becoming a travel consultant offers a pathway to a fulfilling and rewarding career in the vibrant travel industry. Through a combination of education, training, experience, and dedication, aspiring travel consultants can develop the skills and expertise needed to excel in their roles, provide exceptional service to clients and advance their careers over time. 

By following the strategies outlined in this guide, you can start on the path toward becoming a trusted travel advisor, creating memorable travel experiences and making a positive impact in the lives of your clients. With a passion for travel, perseverance and a commitment to continuous learning and improvement, the possibilities for success in the world of travel consultancy are limitless. If you want to get started in this exciting career, you should consider getting a hospitality degree from a respected school such as Les Roches. Or, if you are still undecided, take a look at other hospitality careers that you could consider with a business degree .

Main Photo:

Chanin Nont/ Moment Via Getty Images

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Travel Consulting Services

For independent travelers.

It's Time to Up Your Travel Game!

I help fiercely independent travelers like you save money , travel smarter , and  create their own trips with confidence! 

These travel consulting services provide only the help you want and nothing more!  Get answers to your questions, expert insights on your travel plans, or help with research and creating your itinerary.  

independent travelers enjoying kotor

Resources, insights, and tips to maximize your time and money without sacrificing the good stuff!

Travel Smarter

Knowing what to expect when you're on the road will help you avoid costly mistakes! 

Plan With Confidence

Talk to a real person who's been planning and taking indie trips to Europe for 13+ years!

You're an independent traveler and want to stay that way. 

These travel consulting services are designed to save you time and money without compromising your independence! You'll get answers to all your questions, plus personalized insights and resources to make your next adventure the best one yet!

One-Hour Travel Consultation Session

You already have ideas or travel plans in the works but would like to talk to an expert who can answer your questions and provide helpful insights.

Personalized Destination Research

You know exactly where you want to go, but don’t want to spend hours researching every last detail about your destination! I've got you.

Itinerary Design

You have ideas about which destinations you’d like to visit, but want some help turning those ideas into an epic itinerary you’ll love!

Areas of Expertise

While I can help with most indie travel related requests, these are the areas where my skills are next level!

Indie Travel Planning

When it comes to bringing all the essential elements of an international trip together, I'm a boss! I'll cover bases you never even knew existed. 

Creating an amazing experience is finding the right balance of structure and totally winging it!

European Destinations

From the waterfalls of Iceland to medieval towns in Romania, I've spent over thirteen years traveling  in Europe, from city to countryside and back again.

Understanding the regions and what traveling is like in each of them helps you create a better experience!

Maximizing Your Money

It's all about your priorities. Spend on what matters most. I've mastered the art of saving money without sacrificing the authenticity or experience!

If you want to make sure you're getting the most out of the money you have to spend, I've got you covered!

Don't Just Take My Word For It!

Here's what clients have had to say about their experiences...

Turning Ideas Into Reality

I recently completed one of Annie’s Travel Planning Sessions for a trip I am planning through the Balkans.

I found her to be extremely knowledgeable and informative as well as a whole bunch of fun. (I couldn’t believe how fast the hour flew by).

She listened to my plans and then was able to weave in some suggestions that finally helped my itinerary start to take shape.

Thank you, Annie!"

Bringing Travel Dreams to Life

Thank you for helping make my dream of traveling to Ireland a reality. If it wasn’t for your voice and guidance, I don’t think I would have made it happen.

I know you feel it too, but one big thing… one big scary life-changing thing, really opens your eyes to all the other life-changing opportunities that are just patiently waiting for us to move forward. Sine metu.

(Customized Itinerary Design)

Answers to your questions, expert insights, and a more memorable trip in just one hour!

Your Questions, Answered

Anytime you're doing something new, there will be questions. Whether you're setting out to a new destination or thinking about using a new mode of transportation, I'm here to help! 

In this one-hour session, we'll talk through your plans and you'll get ask all your questions. If I don't know the answer on the call, I'll find it for you and send it over!

Expert Insights

Talking to someone who has done what you want to do can give you a huge confidence boost!

When you get the inside scoop on a destination or discover new ways to save money, you'll feel totally prepared for your next adventure. I can't wait to chat with you!

Additional Resources

During our time together, I'll share every last resource and bit of knowledge I have available to help you create an experience that will blow your mind! 

After our call, you'll receive an email recap of our conversation that includes everything we covered, links to resources, and tips for making your trip the best one yet!

or send me an email for more info

Get a personalized travel guide to your destination! You relax, I'll research.

Choose Your Own Adventure

You want all the information, but don't want to spend hours online trying to find it all. I'm here for you!

Want to check out every art gallery in the city? Cool, I've got you. Want to know the best place to get a traditional meal? I'm on it. I'll find whatever you want and put it all together in an easy-to-use guide.

Maps & Links to All the Good Stuff

Your guide will include a downloadable Google Map with customized markers for sights, food, entertainment and more!

You'll receive information about each attractions, plus links for you to learn more and pre-booking options. It's like someone has scoured the internet for everything you want to know and put it all in one place. Yep, that's what I do!

Printable & Downloadable Guide

You'll receive your guide as a PDF document that you can download or print to take with you. The links will be active so you can access information on the fly!

Save paper by going fully digital or only print the elements you need. You can customize it to your heart's content!

Price Varies by Complexity: Starts at $150

Complete the form with the information about your trip and receive a quote in 48 hours!

Customized Itinerary Design

Get expert assistance in creating an itinerary you'll love!

Choose Your Adventure

There's no limit to what we can do together! Choose your destinations and, together, we'll weave them into an itinerary that fits your time and budget. 

Whether you want to explore the cities or wander the wilderness (maybe a little bit of each?), nothing is off-limits. Your vision drives the design. 

Expertly Designed

With a flare for designing epic itineraries, I'm about to put all my skills to work for YOU! You'll get every last bit of knowledge, insight, and important information I have on offer. 

You'll receive three itineraries to choose from, with timelines and details about getting around, so you can select the best option for your experience. Then we'll bring all the pieces together!

Fully Customizable

The only limits are your imagination! From accommodations to transportation, we'll work through every part of your trip to create the experience you've been imagining all along.  

You'll receive recommendations based on your interests and priorities. I'll do the research, you take care of the bookings. 

At the end, you'll receive a full PDF itinerary and personalized guide for each destinations. 

Varies by Itinerary: Starts at $50 per day planned

More Resources for Your Indie Travel Needs

If these travel consulting services don't fit the bill, check out these other options!

clarity on your destination

Education: Learn to Travel

If you'd rather learn to plan your own trips the way you want than have someone do it for you, you're in the right place! 

You'll find free resources on the blog  and courses coming soon!

independent travelers out hiking

Community: Find Your People

Creating your own adventures doesn't have to be lonely. Meet other indie travelers, join Travel Classes share stories, and have fun!

The Indie Travel Collective membership community is  full of amazing humans to meet and resources to help you! 

follow your truth

Resources: Plan Your Trip

The blog is full of tips for saving money on flights, accommodations, transportation and more! Here's a guide to get you started on planning an indie trip to Europe. New articles are posted on the regular!

Full interactive destination guides coming soon!

Coming Soon: Travel Courses & Interactive Destination Guides

Free Resources for You!

December 16, 2022

5 Unique & Easy International Travel Destinations for Your Next Trip

October 28, 2022

How to Make Flexible Travel Plans: 5 Tips to Save Time & Money

October 3, 2022

How I Found Cheap Flights to Peru: See the Research, Routes, and Prices

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Ready to see the world your  way ?

Calling all rebels, rule-breakers, and misfits!

Get travel tips, inspiration, strategies for planning your own epic adventures delivered right to your inbox. 

The private members’ service for passionate travelers

Discover the difference between visiting a place and truly getting to know it

Relaxation & Traditional Healing

Wellness Retreat in Kyoto

Culture and History for the Whole Family

Family Trip to Morocco

Adventure in a stunning coastal setting

Exploring the North Sea

Essentialist delivers unique and bespoke travel experiences   for a sophisticated audience. We plan and book exceptional itineraries tailored to our member's passions with access to ultra-local experiences.

How we do it

We collaborate with the top travel and lifestyle journalists and well-connected tastemakers to gather deep intelligence on each destination.


Lindsey Tramuta

the new york times, condé nast traveler, fortune, afar magazine


Paul Richardson

condé nast traveller, financial times


Kasia Dietz

CN Traveller, BBC Travel, Fodors, Architectural Digest, National Geographic


The Los Angeles Times Magazine, National Geographic Traveler, Scuba Diving Magazine


The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, AFAR, National Geographic Traveler


Our expert Travel Designers draw on our extensive destination intelligence to design bespoke itineraries tailored to our member's passions, with access to unique, exclusive and ultra local experiences.


Arts & Culture



We plan and book everything so you can relax and enjoy.

Lunch at Il Palagio

The Four Seasons’ very grown-up restaurant tops many a Best In Class list, in dishes that marry refinement and surprise.

Studio Visit with a Violin Maker

This interactive experience is dedicated to the incredible Florentine savoir-faire. In the company of a professional violin maker, guests will privately visit a workshop still maintaining the traditional craft of this unique expertise and beautiful instrument.

Tuscany from Above

Driving, walking or cycling through Tuscany's cypress-studded hills opens a marvellous window on its beauty. But to fully appreciate this unique symbiosis of man and nature, one should take a hot-air balloon ride in the clear air of the early morning.

Chianti Classico Wine Journey

This experience takes you to some of Tuscany's most renowned vineyards where you will enjoy a private tour and tastings with the owners and sommeliers of the region's award-winning wines.

Become a member

Being part of Essentialist means joining a community of like-minded members, passionate about travel, and united by a shared longing to never stop exploring and discovering the world around them.

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Corporate And Business Travel Management Consulting Solutions

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Expert advice to fit your business

Our business travel consultants answer hard questions, so you don’t have to.

Travel Management Consulting

Benchmark your business travel programme

Amex GBT Egencia (Egencia™), offers business travel consulting services to help you build a solid business travel strategy and make the best decisions about your corporate travel program and improve the travel experience for your organization. We deliver data-driven insights and provide recommendations to help you measure your travel program’s efficiency, make your program more sustainable, build or update travel policy, personalise reporting and manage your travel suppliers’ sourcing and proposal processes. In addition, we can implement Egencia’s travel management solution within a week.

Get a clear picture of your business travel program’s performance.

Using industry best practices and our expertise, we can help deliver your travel program data in a visual that addresses your company’s unique challenges. This will give you clarity on where you can find savings, achieve compliance and increase traveler satisfaction.

Tips on assessing your business travel program

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Make RFP planning easy — use the free template

The way businesses approach RFPs has changed. Travel data and reporting have made the RFP process simpler and more streamlined than ever. Find out how you can focus on what’s most important to your business objectives.

Boost the bottom line

Put the knowledge of our expert travel industry consultants to work for you when it comes to managing your supplier relationships.

We know what it takes for you to acquire or improve your organization’s negotiated rates and amenities. Let us help maximize the value of your travel spend with your current suppliers, find new suppliers and assist with proposal management.

Optimize your business travel

We can help uncover savings opportunities using data insights and industry best practices to provide recommendations that will help you get the best return on investment (ROI) for your travel program.

We can also run a diagnostic to assess the level of sustainability of your program versus your objectives and will design the action plan to reach those goals.

We’ll also review your travel policy and recommend solutions to meet your key objectives, whether you want to increase compliance, reduce leakage or achieve one of the many other travel program goals we help our customers reach every day.

Travel Culture

Free download: Reinventing your travel program

2020 changed the way the world does business. It also changed the world of business travel. The BTN Group, in partnership with Egencia, conducted a survey with travel managers and executive-level stakeholders to shed light on how companies are thinking about managed travel today and into the future.

Read the whitepaper to learn more about business travel trends.

Egencia Travel Academy

For travel managers, the Egencia Travel Academy offers informative videos to help you learn about everything from airline yield management and a global distribution system (GDS) to anything in between. We give you what you need to understand the inner workings of a complex, multifaceted industry.

Recommended for you

Strategic Sourcing And The Procurement Process

Want to learn more? Get in touch with one of our business travel experts.

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The Essential Travel Agent Skills: A Guide to Success

Introduction to modern travel agency skills.

In today’s digital era , the role of a travel agent has transcended traditional boundaries. This evolution is driven by rapid technological advancements and changing consumer behaviors. The modern travel agent is not just an itinerary planner but a comprehensive service provider who offers personalized experiences to clients. To thrive in this dynamic industry, agents need to master a diverse set of skills . This guide delves into the essential skills and strategies that every travel agent needs to succeed in the current travel industry landscape, which offers both challenges and exciting opportunities .

Key Skills for Success in Travel Agency

  • Attention to Detail: Precision and thoroughness are indispensable in travel planning. Travel agents must have a keen eye for detail, which is essential in creating flawless travel experiences. This includes understanding complex travel policies, staying informed about destination specifics, navigating visa and vaccination requirements, and anticipating potential challenges. Attention to detail helps in crafting tailored itineraries that meet clients’ unique preferences and needs.
  • Exceptional Communication Skills: Effective communication forms the bedrock of client and supplier relationships in the travel industry. This skill is multifaceted, encompassing clarity in explaining travel options, active listening to understand client needs and empathetic handling of client concerns. Additionally, agents must effectively negotiate with suppliers and collaborate with various stakeholders to secure the best arrangements for their clients.
  • Multitasking Mastery: In a high-paced environment, travel agents often handle multiple clients, each with unique demands. The ability to efficiently multitask is critical. This involves managing bookings, keeping up with administrative tasks, and addressing unforeseen issues, all while maintaining a high level of service. Mastery of multitasking enables agents to operate effectively in this dynamic field.

Developing and Refining Essential Skills

Continuous professional development is key to mastering these skills . Travel agents should invest in regular training and education . Attending workshops , enrolling in online courses , and participating in industry seminars can greatly enhance skill sets. Resources like Coursera or Udemy offer courses in communication, business strategy, and specialized travel planning. Keeping abreast of industry publications and joining professional associations also contributes to ongoing learning and staying ahead in the field.

Leveraging Technology for Enhanced Service

In the rapidly evolving travel industry , technology is not just an enabler but a critical differentiator . Solutions like TTS WebAgent represent a significant advancement, offering a suite of features that cater specifically to the needs of travel agents . This powerful tool is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly , ensuring that agents can easily navigate and utilize its functionalities on both desktop and mobile platforms . This flexibility is vital for agents who need to access information and manage bookings on the go, catering to the dynamic nature of their work.

TTS WebAgent stands out by offering a wealth of additional content, making it easier for travel agents to access a wide range of options and information , which is crucial in crafting bespoke travel experiences . Furthermore, its capacity to automate routine tasks liberates agents to focus on the more strategic and creative aspects of travel planning, such as tailoring unique itineraries or exploring new destinations for their clients. Embracing TTS WebAgent equips travel agents with the tools they need to excel in every situation, whether they are at their desks or on the move.

Staying Ahead in the Competitive Market

In the highly competitive travel industry , staying informed about the latest trends and developments is essential. Travel agents must actively engage in continuous learning and networking to stay ahead. Participating in travel expos, networking events, and online forums is crucial for gaining insights into emerging trends , discovering new destinations , and learning about innovative travel products . Additionally, resources like this blog offers valuable information and insights into the travel industry. Regularly reading such blogs and subscribing to our mailing list ensures that travel agents never miss an article and stay updated with the industry’s latest developments and best practices, like one of our latest blog posts that focus on the hidden struggles of travel Agents .

Building a robust network within the travel industry opens doors to new opportunities and collaborations , enhancing the travel agent’s ability to provide unique and exciting travel experiences. This network, combined with a commitment to staying informed through reliable sources like our blog and mailing list, empowers agents to keep pace with the industry and set themselves apart as innovative and knowledgeable professionals.

Conclusion: Integrating Skills and Technology for Success

In conclusion, the intersection of essential skills and cutting-edge technology is the cornerstone of success in the travel agency business. By continually honing their skills and embracing technological advancements like TTS WebAgent , travel agents can elevate their service , exceed client expectations , and carve a niche in the competitive landscape of the travel industry . The journey toward becoming a successful travel agent involves a commitment to lifelong learning , adapting to new technologies , and understanding the ever-evolving needs of travelers.

In this developing industry, travel agents who combine their expertise with tools like TTS WebAgent position themselves at the forefront of travel planning and client satisfaction. By staying informed, engaged, and adaptable, agents can navigate the complexities of modern travel with confidence, ensuring both client satisfaction and a rewarding career in the vibrant world of travel.

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Top 12 Travel Consultant Skills to Put on Your Resume

In today’s competitive travel industry, standing out as a travel consultant requires a unique blend of skills that appeal to both employers and clients. A well-crafted resume highlighting these essential skills can set you apart, demonstrating your capability to deliver exceptional travel experiences and handle the demands of this dynamic field.

Top 12 Travel Consultant Skills to Put on Your Resume

Travel Consultant Skills

  • CRM Software
  • Multilingual
  • Itinerary Planning
  • Customer Service
  • Negotiation
  • Destination Knowledge
  • Risk Management

Amadeus is a global travel technology company that provides a comprehensive suite of software and solutions for booking flights, hotels, and other travel services, widely used by travel consultants and agencies to manage reservations and travel itineraries efficiently.

Why It's Important

Amadeus is important for a Travel Consultant because it provides comprehensive access to flight, hotel, and car rental databases, enabling efficient booking management, itinerary planning, and real-time updates, which significantly enhances the service offered to clients.

How to Improve Amadeus Skills

To enhance your proficiency as a Travel Consultant using Amadeus, focus on these key areas:

Training and Certification: Engage in Amadeus Learning Universe for comprehensive courses ranging from beginner to advanced levels. Certifications can validate your expertise.

Practice with Amadeus Selling Platform Connect: Regular use of the Amadeus Selling Platform Connect helps you stay familiar with its features and improves efficiency.

Stay Updated: Follow the Amadeus Blog for the latest trends, updates, and tips relevant to travel consultants.

Use Amadeus Scripts: Automate routine tasks with Amadeus Scripts to save time and reduce errors. Custom scripts can be developed for specific needs.

Networking: Join forums like Amadeus Service Hub to exchange knowledge, troubleshoot issues, and learn from experienced users.

Customer Service Skills: Enhance your customer service skills, as understanding client needs and providing tailored solutions is crucial. Online courses on platforms like Coursera or Udemy can be beneficial.

Focusing on these areas can significantly improve your efficiency and expertise as a Travel Consultant using Amadeus.

How to Display Amadeus Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Amadeus Skills on Your Resume

Sabre is a global distribution system (GDS) used by travel consultants to access and book airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars, and other travel services for their clients.

Sabre is important for a Travel Consultant because it provides comprehensive access to airline, hotel, car rental, and other travel services inventories, enabling efficient bookings, comparisons, and itinerary management for clients.

How to Improve Sabre Skills

Improving your skills with Sabre as a Travel Consultant involves continuous learning and practice. Here are concise steps to enhance your Sabre proficiency:

Take Online Courses : Enroll in Sabre training courses on platforms like Sabre Travel Network or Udemy to stay updated with the latest features and functionalities.

Practice Regularly : Apply what you learn in a practical environment. Use the Sabre Training platform to practice without affecting real bookings.

Join Forums : Participate in forums like Travel GDS to exchange knowledge, tips, and troubleshoot issues with peers.

Read Documentation : Regularly review the Sabre Documentation for updates on APIs, commands, and best practices.

Watch Tutorials : YouTube and other video platforms have numerous Sabre tutorial channels. Dedicate time to watch these to visually learn new tricks and shortcuts.

Get Certified : Aim for Sabre certification by preparing and taking the exams to validate your expertise, enhancing your credentials within the industry.

Use Sabre Red Workspace : Familiarize yourself with the Sabre Red Workspace for an integrated and intuitive experience, making it easier to manage travel bookings efficiently.

Remember, mastering Sabre is a continuous process of learning, practicing, and staying updated with the latest industry standards and technologies.

How to Display Sabre Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Sabre Skills on Your Resume

Galileo is a global computer reservation system (CRS) used by travel consultants to book airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars, and other travel services. It provides real-time access to inventory and pricing information, facilitating efficient travel planning and booking.

Galileo is important because he revolutionized travel by pioneering the use of satellite navigation systems, making global positioning and itinerary planning more precise and accessible for the travel industry.

How to Improve Galileo Skills

Improving your skills with Galileo as a Travel Consultant involves both enhancing your technical proficiency with the system and staying updated on industry trends. Here are concise tips:

Undergo Formal Training : Enroll in Travelport's official training to understand Galileo's comprehensive features and updates.

Practice Regularly : Practical experience is crucial. Use Galileo's training environment to simulate real-life scenarios without affecting live bookings.

Stay Updated : Follow Travelport's news for the latest updates on Galileo and emerging travel technologies.

Join Online Forums : Engage with communities such as Travel Agents Forum to share insights and learn from experienced peers.

Utilize Learning Resources : Access Galileo's learning center for webinars, tutorials, and guides that cover new features and best practices.

Get Certified : Aim to achieve Galileo certification to validate your expertise and increase your professional value.

By combining these strategies, you'll enhance your Galileo proficiency, offering better service to your clients and staying competitive in the travel industry.

How to Display Galileo Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Galileo Skills on Your Resume

4. Worldspan

Worldspan is a global distribution system (GDS) used by travel consultants to book airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars, and other travel services. It provides real-time access to travel data and booking capabilities, facilitating efficient travel planning and reservation processes.

Worldspan is important for a Travel Consultant because it provides access to comprehensive travel data, allowing for efficient booking and management of flights, hotels, and car rentals, thus enhancing service delivery to clients.

How to Improve Worldspan Skills

Improving your skills with Worldspan as a Travel Consultant involves continuous learning and utilizing resources effectively. Here are concise steps to enhance your proficiency:

Understand the Basics : Start with mastering the fundamentals of Worldspan commands and functionalities. Worldspan's Quick Reference Guide is an excellent place to begin.

Take Online Courses : Enroll in online courses specifically designed for Worldspan users. Websites like Udemy and Lynda.com often offer relevant training.

Practice Regularly : Apply your learning by practicing regularly. Practical experience is invaluable. Use your agency's Worldspan system for mock bookings to enhance your skills.

Join Forums and Groups : Participate in online forums and groups related to Worldspan and travel consulting. Travel Professional Community is a useful platform for sharing experiences and solutions.

Stay Updated : The travel industry and its technologies evolve rapidly. Follow Worldspan updates and industry trends through Travelport's Customer Portal to stay informed.

Seek Feedback : Get feedback from experienced colleagues or mentors. Constructive criticism can help identify areas for improvement.

Use Reference Materials : Keep handy reference materials, such as cheat sheets and command lists, for quick assistance during work.

By focusing on these steps, you can enhance your Worldspan skills, making you a more efficient and knowledgeable Travel Consultant.

How to Display Worldspan Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Worldspan Skills on Your Resume

5. Travelport

Travelport is a global distribution system (GDS) provider that offers travel consultants access to real-time information and booking capabilities for flights, hotels, car rentals, and other travel services, enabling them to manage travel arrangements efficiently for their clients.

Travelport is important for a Travel Consultant because it provides a comprehensive travel commerce platform. This enables consultants to access a wide range of travel content and inventory from airlines, hotels, and car rental services all in one place, facilitating efficient booking and management of travel arrangements for their clients.

How to Improve Travelport Skills

Improving your experience and efficiency as a Travel Consultant using Travelport involves several key actions:

Stay Updated: Regularly visit Travelport's Customer Portal to stay informed about the latest features, updates, and training resources.

Enhance Skills through Training: Utilize Travelport Academy to access a wide range of training courses designed to enhance your proficiency in using Travelport systems.

Leverage Travelport Smartpoint: Install and master Travelport Smartpoint , an innovative tool that improves productivity by providing intuitive navigation and a wealth of content at your fingertips.

Utilize Travelport+: Stay informed about the latest enhancements and features of Travelport+ , the next-generation platform that offers improved efficiency and richer content.

Join User Communities: Engage with the Travelport Community to connect with peers, share insights, and get solutions to common challenges.

Feedback and Support: Regularly provide feedback through the official channels and utilize Travelport Customer Support for any assistance or to address specific challenges.

By focusing on these areas, you can significantly improve your usage of Travelport as a Travel Consultant, enhancing both your efficiency and the quality of service you provide to your clients.

How to Display Travelport Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Travelport Skills on Your Resume

6. CRM Software

CRM software for a travel consultant is a tool designed to manage and enhance customer relationships, streamline communication, and automate sales, marketing, and customer service tasks specific to the travel industry.

CRM software is crucial for a Travel Consultant as it centralizes client information, preferences, and history, enabling personalized service and efficient management of bookings and inquiries, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How to Improve CRM Software Skills

To improve CRM software for a Travel Consultant, consider implementing the following enhancements:

Integration with Booking Systems : Streamline operations by integrating the CRM with GDS and direct booking systems such as Amadeus or Sabre, enabling real-time booking and updates within the CRM.

Customizable Communication Templates : Develop personalized email and messaging templates for frequent traveler inquiries, confirmations, and promotions, saving time and enhancing client relations.

Client Travel History Tracking : Enhance the CRM to track and analyze individual client travel history and preferences, allowing for personalized travel recommendations and services.

Mobile Accessibility : Ensure the CRM is mobile-friendly, enabling travel consultants to access client information and make bookings on-the-go.

Automated Alerts and Reminders : Implement automated alerts for travel consultants about clients' travel dates, payment due dates, and document expirations, ensuring nothing is missed.

Social Media Integration : Integrate with social media platforms for easy sharing of travel deals and gathering client feedback, enhancing marketing efforts and client engagement.

Data Security Enhancements : Strengthen data protection measures to safeguard client personal and financial information, ensuring trust and compliance with regulations.

By focusing on these key areas, a Travel Consultant can significantly enhance the functionality and efficiency of their CRM software, leading to improved client satisfaction and business performance.

How to Display CRM Software Skills on Your Resume

How to Display CRM Software Skills on Your Resume

7. Multilingual

Multilingual, in the context of a Travel Consultant, refers to the ability to communicate effectively in multiple languages, enhancing service provision to clients from diverse linguistic backgrounds.

Multilingual proficiency allows a Travel Consultant to effectively communicate with a diverse clientele and local partners from various countries, enhancing customer service, fostering trust, and facilitating smoother travel experiences.

How to Improve Multilingual Skills

Improving multilingual skills, especially for a Travel Consultant, involves enhancing language proficiency and cultural understanding to communicate effectively with clients from diverse backgrounds. Here's a concise guide:

Language Learning Platforms : Use platforms like Duolingo or Babbel for daily language practice. They offer courses in many languages suitable for various proficiency levels.

Tandem Learning : Engage in language exchange with native speakers through apps like Tandem or HelloTalk , which allow for practicing conversational skills and learning slang or idiomatic expressions.

Cultural Immersion : Enhance cultural understanding by consuming media in your target language, such as movies, shows, music, and books. Websites like Netflix or Spotify are great sources for diverse content.

Professional Courses : Consider enrolling in professional language courses or obtaining certifications from recognized institutions like the Goethe-Institut for German or the Instituto Cervantes for Spanish to add credibility to your language skills.

Travel and Practice : Nothing beats the immersion experience of traveling to countries where the target language is spoken. Interact with locals, practice daily conversations, and understand the cultural nuances firsthand.

Use Translation Tools : Familiarize yourself with translation tools and apps like Google Translate or DeepL for quick assistance during conversations or to learn new phrases.

By consistently applying these strategies, you can significantly improve your multilingual abilities, enhancing your effectiveness and competitiveness as a Travel Consultant.

How to Display Multilingual Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Multilingual Skills on Your Resume

8. Itinerary Planning

Itinerary Planning, in the context of a Travel Consultant, involves the creation and organization of a detailed travel schedule for clients. This includes selecting destinations, arranging transportation, booking accommodations, and suggesting activities or attractions, tailored to the client's preferences, budget, and timeline.

Itinerary planning is crucial for a Travel Consultant as it ensures a well-organized trip tailored to the client’s preferences, maximizes time and budget efficiency, anticipates and mitigates potential issues, and enhances the overall travel experience.

How to Improve Itinerary Planning Skills

Improving itinerary planning involves a blend of organization, customization, and resourcefulness. Here are concise steps for a travel consultant:

Understand Client Needs : Conduct a detailed consultation to grasp the client's interests, budget, and expectations. Use Traveler's Questionnaire Forms for comprehensive insights.

Research Thoroughly : Utilize resources like Lonely Planet and TripAdvisor for destination insights, reviews, and hidden gems.

Leverage Technology : Employ itinerary planning tools like TripIt or Travefy to organize plans efficiently and share interactive itineraries with clients.

Incorporate Flexibility : Design itineraries with options for spontaneous activities. Recommend free exploration times and alternatives.

Stay Informed : Keep abreast of travel advisories, weather conditions, and local events through government websites like Travel.State.Gov and weather forecasting services like AccuWeather.

Provide Support : Offer continuous support through communication apps like WhatsApp for any in-trip changes or assistance.

Seek Feedback : Post-trip, gather feedback using services like SurveyMonkey to refine future itinerary planning.

By following these steps, travel consultants can craft more effective, personalized, and enjoyable travel experiences for their clients.

How to Display Itinerary Planning Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Itinerary Planning Skills on Your Resume

9. Customer Service

Customer service, in the context of a Travel Consultant, involves providing timely, empathetic assistance and expert advice to help travelers plan, book, and manage their trips, addressing any questions or issues they may encounter before, during, or after their travels.

Customer service is crucial for a Travel Consultant as it ensures client satisfaction, fosters repeat business, and generates positive referrals, ultimately leading to sustained success and a reputable brand in the competitive travel industry.

How to Improve Customer Service Skills

Improving customer service, especially for a Travel Consultant, involves understanding and anticipating the needs of your clients. Here are concise tips with relevant resources:

Personalize the Experience : Tailor recommendations and solutions to fit each client's unique preferences and needs. Harvard Business Review highlights the importance of personal value in customer satisfaction.

Responsive Communication : Ensure timely and efficient communication through various channels. Forbes discusses strategies to improve communication responsiveness.

Knowledge and Expertise : Continuously update your knowledge about destinations, deals, and travel advisories. The Travel Institute offers courses and certifications.

Solicit and Act on Feedback : Use client feedback to improve services. Inc. explains how to effectively incorporate customer feedback.

Leverage Technology : Utilize CRM systems for better client management and personalized marketing. Capterra lists the best travel agency software.

Resolve Issues Promptly : Address complaints and problems quickly to maintain trust. American Express suggests tips for effectively dealing with customer complaints.

Improving customer service is an ongoing process that involves personalization, communication, expertise, feedback, technology, and problem resolution.

How to Display Customer Service Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Customer Service Skills on Your Resume

10. Negotiation

Negotiation, in the context of a Travel Consultant, involves the strategic discussion and arrangement with suppliers or clients to reach mutually beneficial agreements on travel packages, prices, and terms of service.

Negotiation is crucial for a Travel Consultant as it enables securing the best deals, enhancing customer satisfaction, and fostering strong relationships with suppliers, ultimately leading to competitive offerings and business growth.

How to Improve Negotiation Skills

Improving negotiation skills, especially for a Travel Consultant, involves understanding the needs of both parties, effective communication, and strategic preparation. Here are concise tips:

Preparation: Understand your client's needs, preferences, and budget. Research destinations, accommodations, and travel services to offer informed options. The Art of Negotiation.

Active Listening: Pay close attention to what the client says and what they might not be saying directly. This helps in tailoring your offerings more precisely. Active Listening: The Key to Effective Communication .

Build Rapport: Establish a connection with your client and suppliers. A positive relationship can facilitate smoother negotiations. Building Rapport .

Communicate Clearly: Articulate the benefits and value of your offerings clearly. Clear communication can help prevent misunderstandings. Effective Communication .

Be Flexible: Be open to finding creative solutions that satisfy all parties. This might involve offering alternative destinations or travel dates. The Importance of Flexibility in Negotiation.

Know When to Walk Away: Recognize when a deal does not meet your client's needs or is not viable for you. Knowing When to Walk Away in Negotiation.

By continuously practicing these strategies, a Travel Consultant can significantly improve their negotiation skills, leading to better deals for their clients and themselves.

How to Display Negotiation Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Negotiation Skills on Your Resume

11. Destination Knowledge

Destination Knowledge for a Travel Consultant refers to their comprehensive understanding of specific locations, including attractions, culture, local customs, accommodations, transportation options, and safety tips, enabling them to provide informed recommendations and create personalized travel experiences for clients.

Destination knowledge is crucial for a Travel Consultant as it enables them to provide accurate and tailored advice, enhance the travel experience with personalized recommendations, and effectively solve problems, ensuring client satisfaction and trust.

How to Improve Destination Knowledge Skills

Improving destination knowledge is crucial for travel consultants to provide valuable and accurate advice to clients. Here's a concise guide:

Utilize Destination Training Programs : Many tourism boards offer specialized training programs for travel consultants. Travel Agent Academy and The Travel Institute are great starting points.

Participate in Familiarization Trips : These trips, often sponsored by tourism boards or travel companies, allow you to experience destinations firsthand. Stay updated with offers through platforms like Travel Weekly’s Fam Trips.

Engage with Online Webinars and Workshops : Many travel organizations and destinations host webinars that can enhance your knowledge. Check out Destination Canada’s Webinars for insights into Canada, as an example.

Follow Travel News Resources : Stay informed about new developments, attractions, and regulations in various destinations. Websites like Skift and Travel Pulse are invaluable.

Join Professional Travel Networks : Organizations like ASTA (American Society of Travel Advisors) provide resources, networking opportunities, and educational materials to improve your expertise.

Use Destination Official Websites : Directly access the wealth of information on official tourism websites for the most accurate and up-to-date details on attractions, events, and entry requirements. For instance, explore Visit Britain for resources on the UK.

Incorporating these strategies into your professional development will significantly enhance your destination knowledge, ensuring you can offer the best advice and services to your clients.

How to Display Destination Knowledge Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Destination Knowledge Skills on Your Resume

12. Risk Management

Risk Management in the context of a Travel Consultant involves identifying, assessing, and prioritizing potential risks to travel plans (such as health emergencies, natural disasters, political instability, or travel scams) and implementing strategies to minimize, monitor, and control the impact of those risks on travelers' experiences.

Risk management is crucial for a Travel Consultant as it helps anticipate, identify, and mitigate potential issues that could affect client safety, satisfaction, and travel plans, ensuring smooth, secure, and enjoyable experiences for clients.

How to Improve Risk Management Skills

Improving risk management, especially for a Travel Consultant, involves systematic approaches to identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with travel. Here's a concise guide:

Identify Risks : Understand the potential risks involved in travel, including health, safety, political instability, and natural disasters. Use resources like the Travel Advisories from the U.S. Department of State for up-to-date information.

Assess Risks : Evaluate the likelihood and impact of identified risks. Tools like the Global Peace Index can provide insights into the safety and security of potential destinations.

Plan and Prepare : Develop comprehensive travel policies and emergency response plans. Incorporate guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) for health-related travel risks.

Implement Solutions : Use travel management software that incorporates risk management tools. Solutions like SAP Concur can help in tracking and assisting travelers in real-time.

Monitor and Review : Continuously monitor travel risks using global monitoring services like International SOS . Regularly review and update risk management strategies based on new information and feedback.

By following these steps, Travel Consultants can significantly improve their risk management practices, ensuring safer and more secure travel experiences for their clients.

How to Display Risk Management Skills on Your Resume

How to Display Risk Management Skills on Your Resume

Related Career Skills

  • Corporate Travel Consultant
  • Travel Nurse
  • Travel Agent
  • Travel Assistant
  • Travel Counselor
  • Travel Manager
  • English (UK)
  • English (CA)
  • Deutsch (DE)
  • Deutsch (CH)

What is a corporate travel consultant?

What does a corporate travel consultant do.

  • Crafting travel policies and procedures: Corporate travel consultants develop comprehensive policies and guidelines that govern employee travel . These policies ensure consistency, cost-effectiveness, and compliance with legal and safety regulations, as well as the travel needs of the business.
  • Negotiating contracts: With their industry expertise and networking skills, corporate travel consultants establish partnerships with airlines, hotels, and other travel suppliers to secure competitive rates and favorable terms for their company. These negotiated contracts can significantly reduce travel expenses.
  • Analyzing travel data: Corporate travel consultants leverage advanced analytics tools to analyze travel data and identify opportunities for cost savings . By monitoring travel patterns, expenditure trends, and performance metrics, they can make informed recommendations to optimize the travel program.
  • Ensuring policy adherence: It is the responsibility of corporate travel consultants to educate employees about the company's travel policies and guidelines. They work closely with travelers, providing guidance and support to ensure adherence to these policies and maximize the benefits of the travel program.
  • Providing travel reports and data insights: By generating comprehensive travel reports , corporate travel consultants offer valuable insights into travel expenditure, compliance rates, and traveler behavior. These reports help management make data-driven decisions and identify areas for improvement.

What's the difference between a corporate travel consultant and a travel agent?

  • Organizing airfare
  • Booking hotels
  • Car rentals
  • Visas and healthcare insurance
  • Travel policy compliance and duty of care
  • Managing reimbursements
  • Assistance with travel-related issues during the trip

How to become a corporate travel consultant?

  • Acquire relevant education and training: A degree or diploma in travel and tourism, business management, or a related field can provide a solid foundation. Consider enrolling in specialized courses or certifications that focus on corporate travel management .
  • Gain industry experience: Entry-level positions in the travel industry, such as a travel agent or travel coordinator, can provide valuable insights and practical experience in managing travel arrangements. This experience will help you understand the intricacies of corporate travel and develop essential skills.
  • Develop strong communication and negotiation skills: Effective communication is crucial when dealing with various stakeholders, including travelers, suppliers, and management. Sharpen your negotiation skills to secure favorable contracts and build long-lasting partnerships.
  • Stay updated with industry trends: The corporate travel industry is constantly evolving. Keep yourself informed about emerging technologies, travel management platforms , and industry best practices. Attend industry conferences and participate in relevant professional associations to expand your network and stay abreast of the latest developments.

Is using the services of a travel consultant the best option for my company?

  • Negotiated rates with airlines and hotels to secure cost-effective options.
  • Accessing a massive inventory of corporate accommodations , including hotel rooms, all within a single platform.
  • Providing comprehensive travel reports and data analytics to optimize your business travel program.
  • Offering a user-friendly booking tool that simplifies the process for employees—who knew creating itineraries, managing travel costs, and improving the travel experience could be done with one, simple process?
  • Defining and automating your travel policy guidelines and approval workflow for better compliance.
  • Assisting with traveler support , including rearranging transportation and advising on safety measures for national and international travel.
  • Your employees also have a direct line to contact our Customer Care team for immediate assistance, 365 days a year, 24/7.

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Your dedicated Travel Professionals


What we do  .

Personalised Service, Serious Approach

Essential Travel, an Independent Travel Company established in 2001, was inspired to provide standards of the highest professional levels, together with service excellence.We believe in providing a personal touch beyond just making your reservations. We’re in the business of making your travel arrangements hassle-free.

The roots of Essential Travel cc (Essential Travel), is a story of South African entrepreneurship, established in 2001 and was founded on humble principals encompassing versatility, integrity, competence and ultimately a salient service, to disrupt the traditional travel industry standards.

We have a very personal ideology when it comes to our travel consulting offering. We strive to provide quality and specialized service, utilising the knowledge and expertise we hold in producing solutions for our clients in order to ensure the most efficient service delivery possible.

Our service offering is crafted with both Corporate Travel and Personal Travel services, ensuring that we help our clients meet all their travel needs. Our approach is agile and above all else we aim to align our solutions with your needs.

Essential Travel offers our clients a personal service that is straightforward, professional and rewarding. By encompassing our values we deliver better results – tailoring our solutions to our clients needs.


​We’re committed to providing the guidance and tools you need for the perfect trip. Below you will find our service offerings, which are customized to each client’s needs. Feel free to contact us directly with any questions.


​Comprehensive Trip Planning

​Planning any type of travel can be overwhelming, which is why it’s beneficial to have an experienced professional by your side. Through this service, you can count on us to guide you in every step of the process.


Corporate Travel

​Essential Travel is an experienced travel management company. We work with you to manage all elements of your travel in an efficient, cost effective and ethical manner.

Being the business owner who works directly with your travel arrangements, the roles of key accounts manager and travel agent are merged.


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Let us help you make your dreams come alive and create memories that will last a lifetime!

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Exploring The World Of Travel In Management Consulting

  • Last updated May 28, 2024
  • Difficulty Beginner

Jose Ramos

  • Category Travel

what is the traveling like in management consulting

Management consulting is a career that offers professionals the opportunity to explore the world while making a meaningful impact in the business world. As consultants travel from city to city and country to country, they immerse themselves in different cultures, understand diverse market dynamics, and develop a global perspective. In this fast-paced industry, travel becomes an essential part of the job, allowing consultants to constantly learn and adapt in order to provide the best solutions to their clients. So fasten your seatbelts and join us as we embark on a thrilling journey to explore the world of travel in management consulting!

What You'll Learn

Frequent travel and time away from home, managing multiple client locations and schedules, the challenges of constantly changing travel plans, traveling as a consultant: perks and drawbacks.


If you're considering a career in management consulting, it's important to be aware of the frequent travel and time away from home that is typically involved in this profession. While the exact amount of travel can vary depending on the firm and project, it's not uncommon for consultants to spend a significant amount of time on the road or in different cities.

Frequent travel is a fundamental aspect of management consulting, as consultants are often required to visit client sites for meetings, workshops, and on-site engagements. This means that you'll need to be prepared for a lifestyle that involves living out of a suitcase and being away from your home base for extended periods of time.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to frequent travel in management consulting:

  • Travel Expectations: As a management consultant, you can expect to travel extensively, sometimes up to 80% of the time, depending on the project and client requirements. This could involve domestic travel within your country or international travel. It's important to be adaptable and flexible when it comes to your travel schedule.
  • Planning and Logistics: Effective planning is crucial when it comes to managing frequent travel. You'll need to be highly organized and disciplined to ensure that you have all the necessary travel arrangements in place, such as flights, accommodation, ground transportation, and any required visas or documentation. Keep track of your travel itineraries and be prepared to make changes at short notice.
  • Work-Life Balance: Balancing work commitments and personal life can be challenging when you're constantly on the move. It's important to prioritize self-care and find ways to maintain a healthy work-life balance. This might involve scheduling downtime during your travel, making time for exercise or hobbies, and staying connected with loved ones back home.
  • Travel Tips and Hacks: Over time, you'll develop your own strategies and tips for managing frequent travel. Some common hacks include packing efficiently, joining loyalty programs to earn points and perks, and making the most of technology to stay organized and connected. Establishing a routine and finding ways to make travel more enjoyable can also help make the experience more bearable.
  • Perks and Challenges: While frequent travel can be demanding, it also comes with its perks. You'll have the opportunity to explore new cities, experience different cultures, and build a global network of contacts. Travel can also be a great way to develop your independence, adaptability, and problem-solving skills. However, it's important to be aware that travel can also be physically and mentally exhausting, and you'll need to be ready for the challenges that come with the lifestyle.

In conclusion, frequent travel and time away from home are common in the field of management consulting. It's important to understand and embrace this aspect of the profession, as it's an inherent part of the job. With effective planning, organization, and a positive mindset, you can make the most of your travel experiences and thrive in the dynamic world of management consulting.

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If you’re considering a career in management consulting, one aspect of the role that you should be prepared for is the extensive travel involved. Management consultants often find themselves working with multiple clients in different locations, which means you will need to develop effective strategies to manage your time and schedule. In this article, we will provide some tips and insights on how to effectively manage multiple client locations and schedules in management consulting.

Prioritize and plan:

One of the most important skills you’ll need to develop as a management consultant is the ability to prioritize your tasks and plan your schedule efficiently. Before starting a project, prioritize your clients based on their needs, deadlines, and the impact of their projects. Create a detailed schedule that includes travel time and client meeting times. By planning ahead, you can minimize conflicts and ensure that you allocate your time effectively.

Communication is key:

Effective communication is crucial when managing multiple client locations and schedules. Make sure to establish clear lines of communication with each of your clients. Regularly check in with them to update them on your progress and address any concerns they may have. It’s also essential to communicate with your team members to ensure that everyone is on the same page and aware of each client’s needs and deadlines.

Use technology to your advantage:

In today’s digital world, there are numerous tools and technologies that can help you manage your schedule and stay organized. Take advantage of project management software, calendar apps, and collaboration tools to streamline your workflow and keep track of your tasks and appointments. These tools can also help you stay connected with your clients and team members, no matter where you are.

Be flexible and adaptable:

When working with multiple clients in different locations, it’s important to be flexible and adaptable. Be prepared for changes in schedules, unexpected client demands, and travel disruptions. Developing a mindset of adaptability will help you navigate these challenges more effectively.

Take care of yourself:

Traveling extensively for work can be physically and mentally demanding. It’s important to prioritize self-care and find ways to take care of yourself while on the road. Make sure to get enough rest, eat well, and stay active. Consider packing healthy snacks, exercise equipment, and personal items that will help you feel more comfortable during your travels. Taking care of yourself will ensure that you have the energy and mental clarity to perform at your best.

In conclusion, managing multiple client locations and schedules in management consulting requires effective planning, communication, adaptability, and self-care. By prioritizing and planning ahead, leveraging technology, and staying flexible, you can navigate the demands of travel and effectively meet the needs of your clients. Remember to take care of yourself throughout the process to ensure that you can perform at your best.

Strategies for Keeping Travel Prices Low

As a management consultant, you are expected to constantly be on the move, travelling from one client site to another. While the allure of exploring new cities and experiencing different cultures can be exciting, the challenges of constantly changing travel plans can also be quite overwhelming. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the common challenges that management consultants face when it comes to travelling and provide some tips on how to handle these challenges effectively.

One of the biggest challenges of constantly changing travel plans is the lack of stability and routine. As a management consultant, you have to be prepared for last-minute changes in your travel itinerary, including cancelled flights, delayed trains, and unexpected hotel changes. This can be particularly stressful when you are dealing with tight deadlines and important client meetings. To navigate this challenge, it is important to stay organized and have a backup plan. Always keep your travel documents, such as boarding passes and hotel reservations, easily accessible and have contingency plans in place for any potential disruptions. This could include having a list of alternate flights or hotels, as well as keeping important contact numbers handy in case you need assistance.

Another challenge of constantly changing travel plans is the frequent disruptions to your personal life. As a management consultant, you may find it difficult to maintain a work-life balance when you are constantly on the road. It can be challenging to stay connected with family and friends, as well as engage in personal hobbies and activities. To overcome this challenge, it is important to make the most of your downtime and prioritize self-care. Make an effort to stay in touch with your loved ones through phone calls or video chats, and take advantage of the amenities and services available to you at your hotels, such as gyms or spas. Additionally, try to find ways to explore and enjoy the local culture and attractions during your free time, which can help make your travel experience more rewarding.

The constant change in travel plans can also take a toll on your physical and mental well-being. The stress of travelling, coupled with irregular eating and sleeping patterns, can leave you feeling tired, anxious, and out of sync. To combat this, it is important to take care of your health and prioritize self-care. Make an effort to eat healthy, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep, even when you are on the road. Develop a routine that works for you and stick to it as much as possible. This could include setting aside time for meditation or relaxation exercises, which can help reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.

In conclusion, the challenges of constantly changing travel plans can be daunting for management consultants. However, with careful planning, organization, and self-care, it is possible to navigate these challenges effectively. Remember to stay organized, have contingency plans in place, prioritize self-care, and make the most of your travel experience. By doing so, you can not only survive but also thrive in the demanding world of management consulting.

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When it comes to management consulting, traveling is an integral part of the job. Consultants often find themselves on the road, jumping from one city to another, and working with various clients in different industries. While traveling can be exciting and offer numerous opportunities, it also comes with its own set of pros and cons.

Let's take a detailed look at the perks and drawbacks of traveling as a consultant:

Perks of Traveling as a Consultant:

  • Exposure to new environments: One of the biggest perks of traveling as a consultant is the exposure to new environments. You get to work in different cities, meet new people, and experience different cultures. This can broaden your perspective and enhance your problem-solving skills.
  • Learning opportunities: With every new project and client, consultants have the chance to learn new skills and gain in-depth industry knowledge. Each engagement is a unique learning experience, and traveling allows you to gather insights from different markets and sectors.
  • Building a diverse network: Traveling allows consultants to build a diverse professional network. By working with clients in different locations, you have the opportunity to connect with industry leaders, decision-makers, and like-minded professionals. These connections can be valuable for future career prospects.
  • Frequent flyer perks: As a consultant, you'll rack up a significant number of airline miles and hotel points. This can lead to various travel benefits, such as free upgrades, priority boarding, access to airport lounges, and discounted hotel stays. These perks can make your travel experience more comfortable and enjoyable.

Drawbacks of Traveling as a Consultant:

  • Frequent travel fatigue: Constantly being on the road can take a toll on your physical and mental well-being. Traveling often involves early morning flights, long hours in transit, and adjusting to different time zones. It can be exhausting and lead to travel fatigue over time.
  • Limited personal time: With frequent traveling, it's common for consultants to have limited personal time. Weekends may be spent preparing for the next project or recovering from jet lag. This can be challenging for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and spending time with family and friends.
  • Uncertainty and instability: While traveling can be exciting, it also brings a sense of uncertainty and instability. Consultants may not always have a fixed schedule or know where they'll be working next. This can make it difficult to plan personal activities and commitments.
  • Impact on personal relationships: The nature of constant travel can strain personal relationships. Being away from loved ones for extended periods can put a strain on family life and friendships. It requires openness, communication, and understanding from both parties to maintain strong relationships while traveling.

In conclusion, traveling as a consultant has its perks and drawbacks. It offers exposure to new environments, learning opportunities, and the chance to build a diverse network. However, it also entails frequent travel fatigue, limited personal time, uncertainty, and potential strain on personal relationships. It's important for consultants to weigh these factors and find ways to prioritize their well-being and maintain a healthy work-life balance while traveling.

The Ultimate Guide to Traveling from London to Istanbul

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Business Travel Essentials: 15 Products to Simplify Your Life

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Traveling for business has its perks, but packing for it is another story. While many business travel essentials are great for leisure travels as well, there are a few things you should definitely have on your work trip!

Business Travel Essentials

Table of contents.

Business travel can be exciting and fun, but making sure you’re fully prepared can be a bit tedious at times. If you’re constantly on the go for work, these business travel essentials will be amazingly helpful while on the road — and many are awesome for leisure travel as well!

Top Business Adventures to Pack


Compass Rose Packing Cubes

Packing Cubes to Keep Your Luggage Organized

If you’re headed out on a business trip, you’re going to want to be well-organized, and the best way to organize your luggage is with packing cubes !

Here at TFG, we love packing cubes because they can keep your things coordinated, easy to access, and help you travel carry-on only, which if you’re headed out on a business trip is a good idea.

Watch the packing tutorial on Youtube !

Watch this packing cubes video tutorial to learn how to maximize space and never check a bag at the airport again. These are the top 12 reasons why I prefer packing cubes to other organizers .

The secret to traveling light is to create a functional but minimalist capsule wardrobe. Learn more in my guide !


pack-all Water Resistant Travel Shoe Bag

Shoe Bags to Protect Your Favorite Shoes

Speaking from experience, you can easily ruin your favorite pair of dress shoes by throwing them into your suitcase with everything else.

These pack-all shoe bags will keep your pretty shoes clean and protected, covering your business trip essentials in the appearance department.

Readers also love that they are useful to stash wet or muddy running shoes or anything else you need to sequester from clean clothes. 


Travelpro Luggage Maxlite 5 Rolling Underseater

An Underseat Carry-On to Travel With Ease

If you’re hopping on a plane for work, then underseat carry-ons should be listed as business travel must-haves. Readers love Travelpro’s Maxlite 5 rolling underseater as it features incredible organization and is designed to fit under the seat of most airlines. 

Plus, while most underseat luggage tends to have too many compartments limiting their use to business documents, this bag has a spacious interior where you can fit just about everything you need for a simple travel itinerary. An added bonus is that it’s lightweight. 

We’ve rounded up a list of the best under seat luggage and we’re showing you how to pack strategically to make the most of low-priced airfares!


Away Weekender

Weekender Bag for a Quick Trip

If you’re heading on a few-day trip and just need a change of clothes or two, a weekender bag is a perfect option that’ll make your travels easy breezy! 

Away’s The Everywhere Bag will fit all the essentials and has interior and exterior pockets and a 15” laptop sleeve to keep everything neat and organized. It’s finished off with a durable, water-resistant shell and a trolley sleeve. The Lo & Sons Catalina Deluxe is another TFG favorite. 

A weekender bag makes a great carry on for a longer trip, too!


Lo & Sons Rowledge

A Travel Purse or Bag to Keep Your Things Organized

If you’re headed out on the road for work, one of the most important business travel necessities is the right travel bag, specifically one big enough to hold your laptop in it.

If you choose a bag like the beautiful Lo & Sons Rowledge backpack , you’ll have plenty of room to hold all your essentials, including your laptop. Readers love that it slides easily over your carry-on handle so you can wheel it through the airport, and it’ll easily fit underneath the airplane seat. 

It has a minimalist design with maximum organization, and will be perfect for your next business trip!

Find out which of these anti-theft purse options our readers love the most!


Travelon Anti-Theft Convertible Clutch

A Travel Clutch to Grab-And-Go

The best thing about Travelon is that they make travel friendly and anti theft bags which are definitely business travel essentials.

It’s always nice to have a compact purse or clutch on a trip, especially if you’ve packed for work, not travel. Chances are you won’t want to lug around your laptop bag everywhere!

The Travelon Anti-Theft Convertible Clutch is a super choice for a grab and go clutch. It’s slash resistant with locking compartments and the card and passport pockets are RFID protected. 

Having a clutch on-hand is great because you can use them to keep your essentials organized in your laptop bag, and then pull it out to use as a purse at lunch or dinner with colleagues.


Travelon Anti-Theft Crossbody

Anti-Theft Crossbody to Protect Your Things

While having an anti-theft clutch is a great idea because it’s easy to pack away, it doesn’t necessarily fit the bill all the time. Sometimes it’s not big enough to hold all of your things!

In that case, using the anti-theft crossbody from Travelon is perfect! A bag like this should definitely be on your business travel essentials list. 

It is also travel friendly, made with slash resistant material, has locking compartments, an RFID protected card, and passport slots. Plus, it has ample room for organization and comes in a bunch of cute colors.


Anker Portable Charger

Portable Charger to Keep You Going

Having conference calls and multiple emails can drain your phone’s battery quickly. This Anker portable charger can really change your life while on a business trip.

This is our readers’ top portable charger pick, loved for how compact and lightweight it is while holding a LOT of power (over 2 full charges for an iPhone)! 

When it comes to business trip essentials, and just travel essentials in general, TFG readers agree that this is right at the top of the list!

Find out the best portable power bank chargers for your next travel!


Newvanga Universal All-in-One Travel Adapter

Travel Adapter with Multiple Charging Options

Hotels never seem to have enough outlets –  even those that cater to business travelers. This is something that will always baffle me! To help combat electronic musical chairs, bring your own portable charge strip. 

If you’re traveling to multiple countries in Europe or around the world, for example, you’ll want to bring a universal adapter, which is much easier than taking several different adapters for each country. 

And this one will help you make the most of limited hotel charging space! It works in over 150 countries and can charge up to three devices with its two USB ports and a universal plug.  

Take a look at this power outlet guide for travelers to see a full list of plugs and outlets by country! And then dive into more of the top power strips for travel here !


Bagsmart Travel Cord Organizer

Travel Cord Organizer for Your Tech Gear

As a business traveler, you’ll no doubt have lots of cords , chargers , flash drives, and all kinds of tech accessories to keep track of. Keep everything untangled and neat as can be in a travel cord organizer! 

The TFG reader top pick is this cute cord organizer from Bagsmart , which has variously sized mesh pockets and elastic loops to keep everything secure, visible, and easy to access. Plus, it’s water-resistant and padded to keep your gear safe! 

These bags take up very little space and will be immensely handy when you’re on the go! 


S’well Insulated Water Bottle

Sleek Reusable Water Bottle

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Seriously! Staying hydrated is an important part of staying healthy and alert while traveling, even for business. 

A sturdy and cute water bottle like this S’well stainless steel insulated water bottle is definitely a business travel essential. It’ll keep your water at an ideal temp and is much better for both you and the environment, rather than the cheap plastic found in disposable water bottles. 

Plus, you’ll also save money, especially in airports where everything is notoriously overpriced!


FaceShadow Double Glasses Case

A Cute Case to Protect Your Glasses

Whether you’re traveling with eyeglasses, reading glasses, blue-light blockers, or sunnies, you’ll need to keep them safe from dust, scratches, and damage while keeping them handy, so be sure to bring along a durable glasses case. 

Readers love the FaceShadow double glasses case , which features two slots so you can easily switch back and forth between pairs, or keep them both securely stored at the same time. They have spongy padding and are made of soft microfiber that comes in a wide range of absolutely adorable prints! 

Having your classes kept clean and easy to reach during a work day is super helpful, but these are truly great for any kind of travel, and for day-to-day excursions, too! 


PurSteam Portable Garment Steamer

A Portable Steamer to Keep You Looking Sharp

Chances are if you’re headed out on a business trip you’re going to meet people essential to your job, so you’ll want to look professional. 

Wrinkles are a really fast way to take your business fashion down a level. But fear not, the PurSteam Portable Garment Steamer is the work travel essential to solve your problems!

This bad boy is quick heating and compact making it a great and easy addition to your morning routine.

The Downy Wrinkle Releaser spray is a great alternative that’s great for wrinkles that aren’t as severe. Perfect for removing wrinkles from your clothes after a flight! 

Choose the best travel steamer for your next journey!


Quince Eye Mask

An Eye Mask for Restful Sleep

Staying rested and ready for whatever the day brings is essential on a work trip, but it can also be tricky when flying on red-eyes, switching time zones, or just adjusting to a new environment. A sleeping mask is a great way to enhance your rest and get hours of rest in.

Quince’s silk eye mask is a dream — readers love that it feels so soft and light while efficiently blocking out light, and the silk fabric has amino acids that are nourishing to the skin!


SanDisk Ultra USB 3.0 Flash Drive

Flash Drive for Digital Storage

Flash drives allow you to easily share documents (especially large file sizes—like presentations), make back-ups, and print documents from hotel business center printers (never fun); so it’s a need for any business trip.

Personally, I keep at least one flash drive in my laptop bag at all times, so there have been many times when I was grateful to have my Sandisk flash drive .


Wandf Packable Duffle

Packable Duffle Bag for Any Occasion

If you’ll be displaying items at a trade show, bringing samples to clients, or snagging some freebies, a packable duffle is a way to go. 

This Wandf packable duffle bag is spacious and sturdy but surprisingly lightweight, and it folds up super small to take up very little room in your luggage! It’ll fit in overhead bins or under airline seats and can even slide over a suitcase handle. 

Plus, a packable duffle is great for bringing home souvenirs or some great shopping finds, too! 


Bose QuietComfort 45 Wireless Headphones

Noise-Canceling Headphones to Keep Your Focus

Whether catching up on work in a busy cafe, taking an important call while on the go, or drowning out the noise on a flight, noise-canceling headphones are a must for the business traveler. They’ll offer crystal clear speech on a phone call, get rid of any unwanted background noise, and help keep you focused. 

Bose’s QuietComfort 45 Bluetooth headphones are amazing! Readers love that they connect wirelessly to any of your devices, have a comfy, adjustable fit, stellar battery life, and have both quiet and aware modes depending on your situation. And your music will have never sounded better!


Apple AirTag (4 Pack)

Apple Airtags for Peace of Mind

If you’re checking a bag or traveling with valuable items, Apple Airtags will allow you to easily keep track of your belongings, even if they’re far away! 

These little trackers are SO handy for travel, and so many TFGers don’t go anywhere without them in their luggage, handbags, and clipped to their valuables. They’ll make lost luggage, misplaced keys, or any other travel mishaps a lot easier to deal with, as the “Find My” network on your iPhone will track these items in real time and give you a precise location. 

If you don’t have an iPhone or want an alternative option, these Tile trackers are amazing, and you can take a look at our post on the best luggage tags and trackers here ! 

What are your business travel essentials? Tell us in the comments!

For more tips on travel essentials, please read:

  • Women’s Business Clothes for Travel
  • Airplane Essentials: Top Items to Make Flights More Enjoyable
  • Female Travelers Love Ponte Pants. Find Out Why!
  • Best Messenger Bags for Women: Functional and Adorable Options



Hope you liked this post on business travel essentials. Please share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Thanks for reading!

Emily Souza pic

Author Bio:  Emily is a lifelong travel fanatic who is constantly making additions to her “upcoming destinations” list. (Yes, she is also a list person.) She is currently based in the Netherlands, where she lives with her husband.

Susan Sweet

I’m headed into some more international business travel next month and this list is such a great reminder of what to add to my pre-flight checklist. I almost forgot to pack my noise cancelling headphones! Based on some other TFG articles and recommendations I now have the Lo & Sons OG 2 bag – and I think I prefer it to a weekender or backpack for business trips. It holds everything in a super organized way and looks chic for business travel.

Debra Moe

I need to buy the air tags TODAY! I am also checking out the other items, also! Thanks for a great article!

Suzette Romer

Great article! I’ve already purchased several items from this list. The eyeglass case, Away weekender and headphones are great!

Anjulika Dutton

For someone traveling three times in a month, this list of business travel essentials kept me top of the game. I ended up sharing this with so many of my friends and co-workers. Thank you for putting this together


I agree on the Swell water bottle and the packing cubes for sure! I’ve tried so many water bottles and always go back to Swell. They keep my drinks cold and never peak. Ever! These particular packing cubes are the most rugged I’ve found—and I have MANY brands. Don’t sleep on these!!

Natasha VR

I was just looking for something else and came across this list which reminded me to put my wrinkle releaser in my bag! Thank you!


Just starting back to doing business travel. The suggestions and top picks are great. Thanks

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Sign up for essence newsletters the keep the black women at the forefront of conversation., from flight attendant to founder: meet the woman who started a company to make airport travel more accessible to everyone.

From Flight Attendant To Founder: Meet The Woman Who Started A Company To Make Airport Travel More Accessible To Everyone

Veronica Woodruff went from flight attendant to founder when she started the innovative tech travel company Travelsist , which provides on-demand airport assistance to people who need extra help while traveling.

For over a decade, Woodruff worked as a flight attendant and observed the various obstacles passengers faced at the airport, especially those with small children. So, she decided to try and find a solution.

Her career thoughts began to shift after she met a tech mentor who saw potential in her. “They introduced me into the world of tech, guided me through my first pitch session, and that’s how I landed where I am now, which is my true passion— entrepreneurship .”

At that time, Woodruff also participated in hackathons and recalled how one investor told her, “It’s time for you to solve a problem of your own.” Working with what she knew, Woodruff had an epiphany: “each time that I traveled with my small daughter, I realized that it was a struggle for me. There was no dedicated service to meet and assist me at the airport,” she said. 

From Flight Attendant   To Founder: Meet The Woman Who  Started      A Company To Make Airport Travel More Accessible To Everyone

“I can remember taking a trip to California to visit family, and I started connecting the dots. I remember during my time as a flight attendant how I would always watch moms with small children struggle to get on board the plane and thinking, How much has this evolved?”

Woodruff said that seeing people go through those experiences at the airport and often having struggles of her own made her want to do something about it, and that’s how this innovative Afro-Latina business owner launched Travelsist in 2020.

Since then, Woodruff’s tech efforts have been backed by $1.1 million in venture capital funding, and she has participated in accelerators such as J.P. Morgan & Techstars and The Partnership for Southern Equity (PSE) in conjunction with The Rockefeller Foundation’s Opportunity Collective (ROC).

GoDaddy’s Venture Forward research initiative states that Black women are “the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs, more than doubling since August 2019. Black women total 10% of entrepreneurs surveyed for the latest report, representing a 70% increase in the number of Black women-owned businesses started before the pandemic.”

Travelsist is an artificial intelligence (AI) powered platform travel companion that helps make the process work more smoothly for those who need a little more help at the airport, whether it’s a family traveling with young children, someone in a wheelchair, someone who has special requirements, someone who needs help finding directions, a senior traveler, or a VIP traveler. Users can download the app and reserve an assistant who can help them get from airport drop-off to boarding the plane more easily. 

“We’re on a mission to transform the travel tech landscape by leveraging innovative solutions to enhance airport experiences and make travel more inclusive,” said Woodruff. “Our main focus is on accessibility. We focus on helping people with special or extra needs get through the airport safely, seamlessly, and on time and be empowered. Through our technology, we’re giving the power back so they can enhance and create their own experiences at the airport.”

Travelsist is currently serving Atlanta’s Hartsfield Jackson airport and has expansion plans. For Woodruff, thinking holistically about her employees and supporting other women was essential. “We hire within opportunity zones, which are the surrounding areas around the airport,” stated Woodruff, adding, “and most of our contractors are single moms,” she shares.

“The airport provides one of the safest environments for people to work in. It also provides the most jobs in every city and for women, we’re providing flexible, safe, competitive work options. Not only that, they get to meet people from all over the world.”

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34 Essential Things to Know Before Visiting China

C hina has been a destination that has been a country of intrigue for many travelers since it opened its borders to the world in the 70s. It’s a country with a unique culture, a place where modernity and ancient traditions seamlessly collide, and where nature really feels out of this world.

No seriously, they did base Avatar on Zhangjiajie.

These days, more and more tourists from around the world want to visit China to experience the thrill of this ancient country and to tap into its rich history, and perhaps catch a glimpse of its bright future.

While modernization has meant that many western amenities are now available, it’s not exactly designed for western visitors.

Those who visit without knowing the major tips for travelers to China will find their experience to be a long list of troubles and catastrophes. In many cities, the English level of the locals isn’t great, so there won’t be anyone to help you out on the ground.

To make sure you don’t face any unwanted obstacles and hurdles that might catch the unprepared unaware, we’ve prepared this China travel guide to things to know before you visit China.

After two and a half years living and working in China, plus being able to travel the country extensively, I’ve pretty much made every mistake so you don’t have to.

1. WeChat Pay or AliPay is preferred

2. china recognizes only one currency – its own, 3. exchange currency at atms in china.

  • 4. Don't forget to tell your bank you're visiting China

5. Prepare for Language Barriers (Especially in Banks)

  • 6. Don't tip in China

7. Use your haggling skills

8. visas for china, 9. booking hotels in china, 10. travel insurance for china, 11. drinking water in china, 13. pharmacies in china, 14. finding a doctor in china, 15. coping with air pollution in china, 16. bring toilet paper, 17. bring hand soap or hand sanitizer, 18. get to the airport early, 19. expect delays, 20. catching buses and trains in china, 21. bring your passport when making a booking, 22. make use of local booking sites, 23. driving in china, 24. catching taxis in china, 25. eating street food in china, 26. spitting in china, 27. personal space, 28. taking photos in china, 29. mailing things home from china, 30. beware of chinese knock-offs.

  • 31. Don't be shy in restaurants

32. Get a local SIM card in China

33. get a vpn for china, 34. download wechat (weixin), best times to visit china, final thoughts, pin to share on pinterest, things to know before you visit china.

In this guide, I’ve compiled some top tips for going to China that I wish I’d had before I got there.

Hopefully, these will help you discover what a wonderfully challenging and beautiful country this is.

Although more and more businesses (particularly large hotel chains and upscale restaurants) now accept Visa and Mastercard, the most widely accepted card scheme is UnionPay.

However, no win 2024, for the most part, when you are traveling in China, most places do not accept cash in China, they preferred WeChat Pay or AliPay only.

The official currency of China is the yuan , otherwise known as RMB or colloquially as ‘quai’.

Notes are available for 1RMB, 10RMB, 20RMB, 50RMB, and 100RMB. There are also 1RMB coins available, as well as smaller fractions of known as ‘Mao’ for the Chinese leader who adorns them.

Chinese businesses do not accept any other currency, including the US dollar or Hong Kong dollar.

While many Chinese banks do not accept foreign cards, larger chains such as HSBC can be used to withdraw local currency from foreign bank accounts. This usually offers a far better exchange rate than services such as Travelex.

International ATMs are available in all major cities but may be harder to find in less tourist friendly areas.

4. Don’t forget to tell your bank you’re visiting China

Before you go to China, make sure your bank knows you’re going to be using your credit or debit card over there. You don’t want your card being canceled mid-trip for unusual transactions.

If you need to do your banking face to face, you may need to bring a local to help translate.

Chinese people don’t often speak very good English, and their grammar is different to English, so simply using Google Translate or another translation app isn’t going to work for important things.

Very few bank employees will have sufficient English to help you, although in larger cities such as Beijing or Shanghai should have an English speaker on staff.

6. Don’t tip in China

The Chinese do not tip, and you aren’t expected to either.

Outside of chain stores and boutiques, it’s totally possible to practice your haggling skills. Never accept the marked price or first price offered.

With shrewd negotiation, it’s possible to get souvenirs and such for a fraction of the quoted price.

Tours in China – The folks at Get Your Guide  are the world’s largest online platform for booking tours, tourist attractions and activities. To see a list of all their tours click here .

One of the most important things to know when traveling to China is that they do not  offer visas on arrival. So before you travel to China you’ll need to arrange your visa well in advance!

When applying for a tourist visa, you’ll need to provide either a letter of invitation from a Chinese friend or relative, or provide a detailed itinerary of your intended trip. This includes return flights and confirmed reservations for your hotel bookings.

Visas can be applied for in person at the Chinese consulate or can be ordered via post.

Interested in teaching English to Chinese students? You can from the comfort of your home (or wherever you are)

If you want some flexibility with your itinerary, make use of sites that do not require an upfront payment to make bookings.

Booking.com  has over 50,000 properties in China including hotels, apartments, and hostels. You get free cancellation on most rooms. And their book now, pay later at check-in system allows you to lock in that rate with some flexibility. Check current hotel prices.

Chinese sites such as C-Trip require no deposit to book accommodation, and you can cancel without penalty once your visa is approved.

While China is a very safe country with relatively low crime, it pays to be prepared. So one of my top  China travel tips is don’t leave home without travel insurance!

If something unexpected does happen and you are not insured, you can be up for a lot of money AND inconvenience. For a small price to pay you get peace of mind – if you can’t afford insurance, you can’t afford to travel. 

For Americans, consider a big brand like Alliance Travel Insurance who are a world leader in the industry and trusted by millions (y TravelBlog are ambassadors).

Read More – 15 tips for buying the best travel insurance policy

One of the t hings NOT to do in China is drink the water.

For the most part, tap water in China is not drinkable. Bottled water can be purchased very cheaply at most restaurants and stores.

Chinese pharmacies offer both western and eastern medicine at very reasonable prices. Prescription medication can usually be purchased without a prescription (within reason) by simply providing the pharmacist with your identification.

Chinese hospitals can be crowded and daunting, but most major cities also have specialized hospitals catering to foreigners living and working in the country.

Even in the crowded public hospitals, in the large cities like Shanghai or Beijing many doctors will speak English. You may struggle in other areas of China, especially rural areas. Be sure to have a translator app on your phone. Allianz Travel Insurance has a handy Allyz app that can offer great assistance in these circumstances.

Larger cities in China have serious problems with air pollution, particularly in Beijing . Many locals swear by masks on days with hazardous air pollution, but it is safer to avoid exertion on days with particularly bad pollution.

One of the unusual things to know before going to China is that most Chinese toilets do not provide toilet paper. In fact, prepare yourself for the squat toilet, which if you haven’t seen before, is one of the biggest culture shocks!

Hotels and nicer restaurants, or even McDonalds (though not KFC), will have proper toilets with toilet paper available, but it’s always a good idea to carry a roll of toilet paper or a box of tissues!

Like toilet paper, hand soap is not standard in many Chinese bathrooms. Carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you just to be sure.

It is advisable to get to the airport three hours early for international flights to China and two hours early for domestic. Chinese airports can often be chaotic and overcrowded, so you’ll be grateful for that extra time.

In my two and a half years in China, I can count on one hand the number of flights that left on time. Be prepared to wait in the airport (or even on the plane) when flying from a Chinese airport.

China is serviced by a fantastic network of buses and trains, including the high-speed G-Trains that can whisk you across the country in a matter of hours.

Rates are extremely affordable by western standards. Train stations are usually very modern and have high security.

You can buy train tickets from machines which will usually have the function to translate to English, but if not, you may need to use Google Translate (or another translator app if you don’t get a VPN ) to help you communicate with the ticket officer.

I have had a Chinese reader tell me that people with passports (i.e. foreigners) can not buy train ticket from machine. And in Beijing, to buy a subway ticket you may need a passport. Have that translator app ready and ask!

Read More – 2 Week Itinerary for China. Best places to visit in China

You’ll need your passport when making a booking, and you can only book one ticket per passport.

Chinese booking sites such as C-Trip and eLong often offer better rates than western booking sites. Be sure to check both when planning your trip.

To drive a car in China, you will need to obtain a Chinese driver’s license. International Driving Permits or other foreign driver’s licenses are not recognized in China.  Only foreigners with a valid residence permit can apply for a Chinese driver’s license .

Since Chinese roads can be rather chaotic anyway, so you’re saved dealing wtih this kind of trauma!

Taxis in China are cheap and plentiful. Most taxi drivers will not speak English, so it’s a good idea to get your destination address written in Chinese by somebody at your hotel.

Chinese street food is delicious and it is everywhere! When choosing which vendor to purchase from, check to see where the locals are dining.

If you see a queue, it’s likely to be a safer bet.

The Chinese do not use handkerchiefs and tissues to clear their noses, and instead spit. While this can be a bit confronting when you first visit China, they’re similarly affronted when they see us blowing our noses and keeping it.

China is a crowded place, and the locals have become accustomed to a much smaller personal space than we are accustomed to in the west.

Don’t be surprised if you’re jostled or shoved when queuing – it’s just part of Chinese culture.

The Chinese love to take photographs, and don’t be surprised if a local tries to snap a sneaky photo of you or even comes up to ask for a picture with you.

Like in most other countries, it always pays to ask permission before photographing a person or a government building.

Likewise, if someone takes a photo of you without your permission, try not to get too upset about it, they are just not used to seeing foreigners.

If you don’t want your photo taken, simply say “Bu Yao Pāi Zhào” which means “don’t take photos.” Or simply saying “Bu Yao” would be enough to show what you mean.

With cheap prices and a huge variety of products, it can be easy to go over your luggage limit while shopping in China.

Thankfully, it is very affordable to post things home using China Post’s surface (sea) mail.

This can take one to two months but is a very affordable way to get your belongings home.

Shopping streets such as Nanjing Road in Shanghai are a great place to find a bargain, but be aware that knockoffs of prominent brands can be seized at the airport upon your return home.

31. Don’t be shy in restaurants

Chinese waiters and waitresses aren’t as proactive as you may be used to, so don’t be afraid to throw your hands up and call for the fuyian if you want service.

Also be aware that conventional western service is hard to come by. Don’t be surprised if your starter, main, and dessert all arrive at once while your friend still waits for their first dish.

If you want to always have access to the internet, be sure to get a local sim card.

China’s major carriers include China Telecom and China Unicom . SIM cards can be purchased at the airport or at most corner stores, and credit is quite affordable.

Most Chinese SIMs are locked to the province in which they are purchased, so you’ll pay roaming charges when texting, calling, or using data outside of this province.

Even then, the rate is far cheaper than international roaming.

You can also get really cheap eSims from Airalo. You can set it up so it’s ready to go as soon as you arrive. That way you don’t have to worry about finding a local sim card. See prices and availability here.

When you visit China keep in mind that its ‘Great Firewall’ blocks sites such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and most of the Google selection. That means no Gmail and no Google Maps.

If you want to access these while you’re visiting China, you’ll need to purchase a VPN (Virtual Private Network). Don’t worry, a VPN is totally legal and everyone does it.

When shopping for VPNs, check that they cover China – as many free options do not.

Get your vPN with NordVPN here . It’s what we use and is fantastic for China.

China’s premier messaging app is Weixin (WeChat in English) and everybody you meet – expats and locals alike – will have it. You even use it to pay for things, book a table in a restaurant and order food.

Without it, you simply cannot function in China. You can download the free app for free, but you need to have at least two friends already set up to be able to create an account. You can always ask your hotel accommodation to help you with this, if you don’t know anyone in China.

Once you’re all set up, it’s a great way to keep in touch with locals you meet along the way who may not have social media.

The best time to visit China is during the spring (April–May) and autumn (September–October).

These seasons offer comfortable weather and are considered tourism-friendly since they are not so overcrowded.

If you’re planning on visiting the countryside of China such as Yangshuo or the Karst Mountains, this time of year offers the perfect balance of mild temperatures and low rainfall.

Make sure you avoid Chinese New Year, which while is a huge cultural experience, it’s the busiest time of year and when the Chinese people from overseas return home to spend time with the family.

Most things are closed and the weather is cold since its always in January/February.

Chinese New Year may be a great time for locals but for tourists, it’s not the best time to visit China.

This is a massive country with a rich history, over thirty distinct cultural groups, and a huge variety of landscapes to explore – don’t limit yourself to the same few sites everybody else visits.

Most importantly, don’t be afraid to get off the beaten track. While Beijing , Shanghai , and Xi’an are worthy of their international fame, there is so much more to China than these cities and their cultural sites.

I hope my local insights and traveling to China tips help you have a memorable time.

More China Travel Tips

Need more tips for visiting China? Check out these other guides…

  • What to Do in Beijing
  • Things to Do in Shanghai
  • Cycling Through Yangshuo Countryside China
  • Climbing the Great Wall of China
  • Hiking the Tiger Leaping Gorge in China
  • 2 Week China Itinerary – Unmissable Places to Visit in China
  • Incredible Things to do in Hong Kong

If you have already visited, do you have any tips for travel in China or other things to know before visiting China? Please share in the comments below!

China is an amazing destination to visit, but you might run into some problems if you aren't adequately prepared.


6 essential new midwest travel experiences for summer 2024.

Minnesotans are already accustomed to supersized attractions — and travel ties to Nordic heritage. So an invasion of towering trolls should fit right in with this summer's lineup of road-trip enticements.

Vacationers this year can also steam themselves in a sauna floating on a lake, hop a new train to Chicago, plunge down the new tallest water slide in America, and find more places to stay and play from Duluth to the Brainerd Lakes.

Here's a look at what's up in the summer of 2024.

Troll takeover of Detroit Lakes

Danish artist Thomas Dambo is building six giant trolls out of wood and recycled pallets in the parks and woods around Detroit Lakes, Minn. They will add to Dambo's global installation of more than 120 trolls, which can be found in 18 states. They sit cross-legged at the Philadelphia Zoo, peek around trees in Washington state, and even lounge on a beach in Singapore, each with its own personality and narrative.

Thomas Dambo's trolls are coming to Detroit Lakes. Shown is Bruun Idun at Lincoln Park in Seattle.

"In the old stories, trolls are the creatures that live in the forest, and they represent nature," said Dambo, who considers himself a recycling artist and activist. "They are the unspoken voice of the plants and animals."

He keeps his work family-friendly with a whimsical feel and imaginative touches, but also with a message about reducing waste. The Minnesota installation — his largest in the U.S. — will also include his tallest troll yet, at 36 feet.

With the help of more than 250 volunteers, the trolls are expected to be finished by mid-June, when people can visit downtown Detroit Lakes to get the first clues for an interactive experience. Locations will stretch between Fargo and Perham, Minn., as the story leads to additional trolls that can be purposely tricky to find.

"It's a big, free, outdoor, recycled fairy tale to go out and explore," Dambo said. Updates will be available through the nonprofit Project 412 ( project412mn.org/trolls-dl ).

The Lincoln Park Craft District in Duluth.

New lodging and fun in Duluth's Lincoln Park

Fans of Duluth – especially those looking for good food and local drink — will have more places to spend the night in the city's increasingly popular Lincoln Park Craft District.

The Duluth Press Building, originally financed by "Buffalo Bill" Cody for his sister to run a printing press in 1894, has been renovated by the owners of Duluth Grill into eight one- and two-bedroom suites that are pet-friendly and have full kitchens ( duluthpressbuilding.com ).

Most guests will be tempted, though, by the dozens of eateries popping up along the Superior Street corridor, including OMC Smokehouse, Corktown Deli & Brews, and Burger Paradox.

Zenith Basecamp, described as "indoor glamping" or hostel-style lodging, also is expected to open by late summer. It will feature private dog-friendly rooms, a communal lounge, cocktail bar and easy access to guided activities through Zenith Adventure ( zenithbasecamp.com ).

The new accommodations join newish ventures blending residential apartments with vacation rentals: Lincoln Park Boutique Hotel, which opened in 2022, and Enger Lofts Hotel and Marketplace, which rents 15 rooms in a renovated warehouse.

Also new this summer: Visitors can buy a Duluth Passport to get three attractions — Great Lakes Aquarium, North Shore Scenic Railroad and the William A. Irvin lake freighter — for the price of two ( duluthpassport.com ).

Amtrak’s Borealis daily service to Chicago from St. Paul’s Union Depot began May 21.

A new train to new Chicago attractions (and the Dells)

Amtrak service between St. Paul and Chicago is not new. But there are three advantages to the new Borealis train over the long-running Empire Builder on the same track: fare, speed and reliability.

We're seeing one-way fares as low as $41-$50 or $98-$108 for business-class seats, although private rooms are not available on the new train. At seven hours and 24 minutes from St. Paul's Union Depot to Chicago's Union Station, Borealis shaves about 30 minutes off the Empire Builder's travel time. And since Borealis isn't coming all the way from Seattle or Portland, passengers can count on fewer delays ( amtrak.com/borealis-train ).

It's a good time for a long weekend in Chicago. At the Field Museum, the " Unseen Oceans " exhibit lets you "pilot" a submersible in a lifelike underwater environment, while the rare Chicago Archaeopteryx fossil reveals the link between dinosaurs and birds. The Navy Pier's new Flyover experience virtually thrills riders with a view of the city from above. And at the Chicago History Museum, " City on Fire: Chicago 1871 ″ immerses visitors (not literally, we hope) in the historic blaze. (Reserved tickets for all are a must.)

You say Chicago is too far? Amtrak also stops in Red Wing and Winona, Minn., plus La Crosse, Wis., Milwaukee and Wisconsin Dells, where the new tallest water slide in America, the 145-foot Rise of Icarus , is now open at Mount Olympus theme park.

An elevated glamping tent at North Shore Camping Co. in Beaver Bay.

Glamp sites double on North Shore

North Shore Camping Co. has doubled its number of platform tents to 30, following their popularity after opening in 2023 near Beaver Bay, Minn.

Tucked into the hillside across Hwy. 61 from Cove Point Lodge, the glamping tents include beds, potbelly stoves and basics for campfire cooking, plus a shared shower and bathroom building, campfire programs, naturalist activities and barrel saunas.

Bonus: Glamping guests may use the pool at Cove Point Lodge and access the Lake Superior shoreline there. Bikes can be rented for the nearby Split Rock Wilds mountain bike trails or to ride the paved Gitchi-Gami State Trail to Split Rock Lighthouse and Gooseberry Falls state parks ( northshorecampingco.com ).

Sisu + Löyly's floating sauna for six people is docked at Skyport Lodge, on Devil Track Lake near Grand Marais.

Saunas are floating now

If the thought of jumping into Lake Superior makes your teeth chatter, the key is to warm up first. Cedar + Stone Nordic Sauna opened in late 2023 on a barge docked at Duluth's Pier B. Up to 10 guests can get hot and steamy before taking the cold plunge into the Great Lake ( cedarandstonesauna.com ).

Sisu + Löyly, which has saunas in Grand Marais and Lutsen, also claims the country's first public floating sauna, a trend that originated in Norway. Reserve its sauna for up to six people floating at the dock of Skyport Lodge on Grand Marais' Devil Track Lake, through summer and early fall ( sisuandloyly.com ).

Quarterdeck Resort on Gull Lake has a new makeover.

Brainerd area ups its resort and golf game

Quarterdeck Resort, a Gull Lake resort that opened in 1957, has completed a major makeover and expansion. It modernized its 18-room lodge and restaurant with a new exterior and contemporary menus, renovated six five-bedroom lake houses, and added the QD Social, a central recreational and entertainment area. The new gathering place includes a year-round heated outdoor pool, a 20-person sauna, outdoor fire tables, an indoor fireplace, large-screen TVs and games.

For larger get-togethers, the resort also built six lake lofts with five to six bedrooms each. Sixteen new woodsmoke cabins have two- to three-bedroom units ( quarterdeckresort.com ).

Meanwhile, Minnesota golf legend Tom Lehman has helped Cragun's Resort with its $15 million renovation and expansion of its Legacy courses, adding to the Brainerd Lakes Area's wealth of golf courses.

In addition to the Dutch 18, a 7,000-yard par-70 course with white sand bunkers, the Lehman 18 leads golfers through a 1,000-acre sanctuary that winds around Stephens Lake and natural wetlands and features stacked-sod bunkers. By next year, another nine holes will be added to the Dutch 18 course ( craguns.com ).

Star Tribune travel editor Simon Peter Groebner contributed to this story.

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    Alliance. 1 review. #1 of 1 small hotel in Zheleznodorozhny. Gidrogorodok St., 3, Zheleznodorozhny 143982 Russia. Write a review. Check availability. Have you been to Alliance?

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    Best places to visit in China. 21. Bring your passport when making a booking. You'll need your passport when making a booking, and you can only book one ticket per passport. 22. Make use of ...

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    Also new this summer: Visitors can buy a Duluth Passport to get three attractions — Great Lakes Aquarium, North Shore Scenic Railroad and the William A. Irvin lake freighter — for the price of ...


    3.5. Service. 3.7. Value. 3.6. The sanatorium "Valuevo" is a historical health resort located in a unique location of the New Moscow on the territory of 30 hectares of the ancient noble estate of Count Musin-Pushkin with a perfectly preserved architectural ensemble and a landscape park, in an ecologically clean environment of wildlife.