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enjoy travel cancelar reserva

Preguntas Frecuentes

Si, para ser Socio de Enjoy Travel Vip se debe ser mayor de edad. Durante el proceso de registro se comprueba si se es mayor de edad a la hora de introducir la fecha de nacimiento.

No. Pero si quieres obtener mayores beneficios es muy recomendable hacer Socio Travel .

Si. Cuando una persona adquiere su licencia de Socio es de carácter indefinido y está sujeta a los términos y condiciones propios que se aceptan durante el proceso de registro.

Efectivamente. Usted tendrá un teléfono de asitencia para la contratación de viajes y aclaración de todas sus dudas, además disponemos de un sistema de tickets de soporte y un equipo de personas altamente cualificado para atender todas sus necesidades.

Por supuesto, usted dispondrá de una Oficina Virtual donde entre muchas otras cosas tiene un link para enviar directamente a cualquier persona que esté interesada en formar parte de nuestro Club de Viajes .

No. Usted puede hacer cuantas reservas necesite para cualquier viaje grupal de la #MareaAmarilla desde su propio usuario, sin necesidad de dar de alta a su pareja.

Si bien somos una empresa constituida en España y con licencia de Agencia de Viajes expedida en España, tenemos presencia principalmente en el resto de Europa, América y África.

No. Usted puede reservar un viaje de la #Mareaamarilla cuando lo desee o realizar una reserva desde nuestro buscador siempre que lo necesite, sin cumplir ninguna obligación.

Enjoy Travel Vip S.L. tiene el código de licencia I-AV-0004692.1 como agencia de viajes.

Como Socio tiene muchas más beneficios que puede ver en el apartado beneficios desde este enlace (haz click aquí) .

El horario es de 09:30 a 13:30 y de 15:00 a 19:00 de lunes a viernes.

Los meses de Julio y Agosto, los viernes el horario es de 08:30 a 15:00.

Aunque tenemos viajes todos los años a sitios recurrentes, vamos incorporando nuevos destinos en base a la demanda de nuestros propios Socios .

Como cualquier viaje, cada uno tiene sus propias políticas de cancelación, reembolsos y calendario de pagos.

No, tanto la atención telefónica como vía ticket puede ser en Español e Inglés.

¿Un WhatsApp?

enjoy travel cancelar reserva

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Explore > Company > News > Expedia quick guide to canceling a flight or hotel

Expedia quick guide to canceling a flight or hotel

If you’re looking to cancel an upcoming trip due to COVID-19, we understand and are here to help. Knowing your options and the right steps can sometimes require reading a lot of fine print, so we’ve taken the guesswork out of it and created a quick guide that tackles some of the most common questions customers have when canceling their flight or hotel on Expedia.

Use the flowcharts below to find out what options and resources will be the most applicable to your specific travel plans.

Expedia Quick Guide How to Cancel A Flight

More Customer Resources

For the most up-to-date traveler advisories and information on cancellations and refunds from Expedia, visit the customer service portal.

  • Customer Service Portal

For answers to some of the most asked COVID-19 traveler questions including steps you should take to plan future trips, visit the Expedia FAQ page.

  • Coronavirus Travel Advice

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enjoy travel cancelar reserva   Opiniones

En la categoría Agencia de alquiler de automóviles

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No contestan cuando reclamas y te dejan tirado

No se os ocurra reservar con Enjoy Travel, si tenéis algún problema como fue nuestro caso, no contestan ni responde a los mensajes. Cuando pasaron los dias de alquiler del coche, fue cuando nos contestaron que lamentaban el mensaje, a buenas horas!. Cuando nos dejaron tirados y tuvimos que aceptar, sí i sí, lo que nos ofrecía la compañía final de alquiler no dieron señales de vida. Lamentable, muy muy muy lamentable. No se hacen cargo de nada y cuando todo ha pasado intentan limpiar su cara con e-mails con los que ya sabes que no vas a ninguna parte. Te han timado y punto. Huid de esta agencia mediadora.

Fecha de la experiencia : 10 de agosto de 2023

Me ha atendido Elisa y ha sido super…

Me ha atendido Elisa y ha sido super rápida y gentil. Se agradece un trato así en estos días.

Fecha de la experiencia : 06 de diciembre de 2022

Respuesta de

Thank you for leaving your review, we are very happy we met your expectations. We hope to assist you with your future car rental requirements.

ESTAFA. Le doy una estrella pq NINGUNA no se puede. Alquilamos un coche con seguro, ya que te lo vendian como imprescindible y cuando llegamos a la compañía nos obligan a coger otro. Obviamente, el que REALMENTE CUBRE. De no contratar con la cmpañía el seguro, te bloquean los 750€ de franquicia, que de haber tan solo un rasguño se los quedan. Osea, alquilas un coche, pero si no contratas todos los seguros, más vale que no lo utilices! ESTAFA ENJOYTRAVEL y K10 (ALQUILER DE VEHICULOS)

Fecha de la experiencia : 16 de mayo de 2023

Muy buena experiencia con Emilie a…

Muy buena experiencia con Emilie a través de internet.

Fecha de la experiencia : 25 de mayo de 2023

Teníamos un coche reservado y PAGADO. Nuestro vuelo se retraso e informamos de que no podíamos recoger el coche a la hora indicada. Nadie nos respondió y cuando llegamos a la oficina NO nos querían dar un coche... Se aprovecharon de nuestra situación desesperada para ofrecernos un coche por el triple de lo que ya habíamos PAGADO

Fecha de la experiencia : 20 de enero de 2023

Estafa! Lean bien lo que compran, ya que lo barato sale caro. En Goldcar (Interrent), tras contratar un seguro franquiciado con Enjoycar, nos dieron 2 opciones, o pagar 90 euros más o dejar de fianza 1200 euros, ya que según el grosero señor, el seguro contratado con Enjoycar no vale nada. A la hora de elegir la fianza, no pudimos hacerlo pues solo admiten tarjeta de crédito no débito (lo cual no especifican en su contrato) Finalmente no pudimos hacer nada y Enjoycar no devolvió el dinero. De autentica vergüenza

Fecha de la experiencia : 07 de octubre de 2020

Teníamos una reserva de un vehículo

Teníamos una reserva de un vehículo, pero debido al COVID-19 nuestro país decreto el cierre perimetral impidiendo la movilidad. Hemos cancelado la reserva avisando de lo ocurrido y el trato del personal del chat como por correo electrónico es de vergüenza. Se han quedado con nuestro dinero y no nos han devuelto nada. Mucho cuidado que se quedan con el dinero aunque sea cancelación gratuita. ESTA EMPRESA HA DENUNCIADO LA CRITICA PARA QUE LA BORREN Y SUBIR LAS ESTRELLAS.

Fecha de la experiencia : 10 de noviembre de 2020

DUPLICATE REVIEW Usted reservó un automóvil con un depósito no reembolsable, existía la opción de reservar y pagar el monto total, lo que le permite tener una cancelación gratuita que rechazó. Sin embargo, cuando canceló, le reembolsaremos el costo de la protección que tomó porque fue dentro de los 14 días de haber tomado esta política. Su pagado: 18,94 € Devolvemos: 17,52 € Guardamos 1,42 €. Hemos mejorado nuestra política de reembolso para permitir que los clientes puedan recibir reembolsos por la protección dentro de los 14 días posteriores a la compra debido a los comentarios de los clientes. Ese cambio le ha hecho recuperar 18,94 € en lugar de perder todo el depósito. Lamentamos que esta revisión de 1 estrella haya bajado a 1,42 €.

Postventa nefasto

En el momento de hacer la reserva buena comparación de las webs y muy rapido todo. Elijo el seguro para el vehiculo con ellos y a la hora de ir a buscar el coche me dicen que no es valido su seguro. Les envio un correo y solicito cancelarlo para seguidamente recoger el vehiculo y contratar el de la agencia. No paran de poner pegas para cancelar el suyo, por lo que alfinal pagas dos seguros y te van a poner pegas a la hora de reclamar por correo el suyo. Si podeis contratar con la agencia directamente os ahorrareis tener que estar reclamandoles a ellos. Pagais en el momento y no hay sorpresas

Fecha de la experiencia : 24 de agosto de 2023


NO CONTRATEN CON ESTA EMPRESA. Me demoro una hora en entregar el auto en el aeropuerto de Torino, tuve que contratar el seguro con la empresa real, porque ellos tercerizan, porque me sentia mas segura por si me llegaba a pasar algo no cubria demasiado, intente llamar, no tienen servicio las 24 hs, deje mensajes, mande mail en el momento para que conste todo lo sucedido y no se hicieron cargo de nada. Perdi un tren que me tenia que tomar en Milan por la demora en retirar el auto y NO ME QUIEREN REEMBOLSAR EL SEGURO que pague y no use. Es una estafa, una empresa seria se hace cargo y reembolsa lo que corresponde.

Fecha de la experiencia : 22 de mayo de 2023

Muy buena atención

Muy buena atención, una persona muy resolutiva.

Fecha de la experiencia : 12 de septiembre de 2023

Seguro de coche

Cogi un seguro adicional para evitar la fianza en mi renting de coche en barcelona y resulta que al llegar al sitio de alquiler, te pedian de igual manera la fianza de 1600 €. Al final, tuve que contratar con la empresa de alquiler Niza Cars (otra estafa a nivel de tarjetas) y encima esta gente no se hizo cargo de poder cancelar el seguro.

Fecha de la experiencia : 07 de julio de 2023

Pude hacer un cambio de coche sin…

Pude hacer un cambio de coche sin ningun problema

Fecha de la experiencia : 11 de agosto de 2023

Muy mala experiencia

Muy mala experiencia. Alquilamos un coche para Malta por 5 días y en su correo nos informaban que había que pagar 900€ como depósito a la agencia de alquiler. Cuando llegamos a la agencia nos dijeron que el depósito era de 1.200€ y no de 900€. Esa información es muy importante, ya que el máximo de dinero que tenía en la tarjeta de crédito era de 1.200€, por lo que los 300€ restantes que tenía previsto gastar para el viaje, no podía hacerlo. Tuve que reservar con otra agencia en el mismo aeropuerto por n precio mucho más alto y, además, Enjoy travel ni me devolvió el dinero de la reserva (más de 50€) ni me contestaba al correo.

Fecha de la experiencia : 04 de junio de 2023

Todo perfecto

Todo perfecto. Renta con Budget en la oficina de Assago.

Fecha de la experiencia : 24 de enero de 2023

Todo ha sido rapido y muy correcto

Fecha de la experiencia : 17 de agosto de 2023

she worked quickly and efficiently

Fecha de la experiencia : 22 de junio de 2023

Tuvimos un pequeño problema en…

Tuvimos un pequeño problema en greenemotion en Corfú y la empresa con el chat y gracias a Kate, nos lo solucionó al momento. Muy contentos con la gestión. Todo muy bien.

Fecha de la experiencia : 30 de agosto de 2022

Excelente servicio ON LINE (Chat)

Utilicé el servicio de atención ON Line, para modificar una reserva, y me atendieron de maravilla. Un servicio ágil y práctico. Sin duda un operador que tendré en cuenta para mis futuros viajes. Un placer.

Fecha de la experiencia : 06 de julio de 2022

Se puede poner NINGUNA estrella?

He puesto una estrella porque no hay manera de poner ninguna. Mi descontento es absoluto. Acudí a buscar el coche y no están en la Estación de Sants sino en una calle próxima, más de un km a pie (con maletas). Y el dependiente ( Centauro) me explicó que si no contrataba con ellos un seguro tenían que bloquear 1100€ de mi cuenta. Le expliqué que ya tenía un seguro que había contratado con la plataforma y él me dijo con todas las letras que ese era el inconveniente de no haber acudido a ellos directamente. Al parecer todo viene explicado en la letra pequeña y se trata de dos seguros distintos: el de la plataforma es innecesario y el de la empresa, el que necesitas y cambia el precio al alza, un todo riesgo. No tenía ese dinero en la tarjeta, así que me quedé sin coche. Gracias a mi entorno personal pude solucionar la necesidad inmediata del coche. Pero cuando he querido recuperar el dinero resulta que no lo devuelven por como la propia compañía registró el incidente. Así que ni coche, ni dinero. La plataforma es un cebo con ofertas ridículas, con un seguro innecesario denostada por sus clientes que perjudica a los incautos. Nunca más una plataforma.

Fecha de la experiencia : 11 de noviembre de 2020

Buena experiencia en general

Descubrí esta página por casualidad buscando buenos precios para alquiler de vehículos. Lo cierto es que tenían las mejores ofertas, la forma de reservar ha sido muy sencilla y los contratos, dentro de la cantidad de letra pequeña que tienen, son más o menos claros. En el caso de alquiler de vehículo añaden los extras que te dan las empresas de alquiler como seguro a todo riesgo y accidentes personales. Yo les adquirí el complemento de seguro a todo riesgo, que es un poco caro, pero la suma de alquiler mas el seguro seguía estando por debajo del precio de la empresa de alquiler. La diferencia es que ellos te venden un seguro de REEMBOLSO de gastos, es decir, si tienes un accidente y el vehículo sufre un siniestro total y vale 30.000 €, los tienes que adelantar tu a la propietaria del coche y la póliza de Enjoytravel te lo reintegra, esto tenerlo presente porque el seguro de la empresa de alquiler es como un todo riesgo de aseguradora normal, ellos se encargan de todo.

Fecha de la experiencia : 18 de octubre de 2022

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enjoy travel cancelar reserva   Reviews

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Easy to use with Competitive rates

Have used Enjoy Hire a few times now and they are very simple to use with competitive rates. Had an issue with a double booking but this was handled quite swiftly with the deposit refunded. Thank you Srabana for your help with managing the double booking.

Date of experience : 05 June 2024

I booked car hire for upcoming holiday…

I booked car hire for upcoming holiday and twice got an error message saying my booking hadn't gone through. Upon checking my email found that both bookings had gone through. Messaged the company and Srabana fixed the problem quickly. Great service after the initial glitch

Srabana is a gem

Srabana amended the collection time in Cairns overnight in spite of the time difference between UK and OZ. Cannot recommend her service highly enough.

Date of experience : 06 June 2024

Good service

Pleasant, prompt and helpful service delivered by Sonia...thank you!

It was good servise from Sonia agent…

It was good servise from Sonia agent very helpfull Thanks for that

Date of experience : 07 June 2024

Had to unexpectedly change the date of…

Had to unexpectedly change the date of my return flight, spoke with Srabana to ask to edit the times for the rental car return. They managed to sort it within minutes and refund me the excess without me even needing to ask. Very happy with the incredibly fast and effective customer service!

Date of experience : 24 May 2024

Needed to upgrade to a bigger car…

Needed to upgrade to a bigger car rental and was able to chat with Srabana who made the process real easy. Told her what type of car I wanted, she did the rest, changed the booking, paid the difference and also stated "if the price is lower in future we can again modify and refund the extra amount ".

Date of experience : 23 May 2024

I recently booked a hire car for my UK holiday.

I recently booked a hire car for my holiday in the UK. Flying in from Australia I would need a car available at Heathrow and I booked one through EnjoyTravel. I later realised that I would prefer an automatic car rather than the manual booked. I called EnjoyTravel and spoke to Sonya. She was very helpful, assisting me to book an automatic car and arranged the cancellation and deposit refund related to the earlier booking. Thanks Sonya.

Date of experience : 17 May 2024

Excellent Customer Service

Nathalie was really efficient to deal with when I changed my car booking from June to October. We communicated over live web chat and there was one item she needed to check specifically and she emailed me back to clarify it.

Date of experience : 13 May 2024

competetive pricing and great service

competetive pricing and great service. Have had occasions when I needed to amend bookings or enquire regarding out of hours service etc. response and changes have always been quick dealt with in my favour.

Date of experience : 15 May 2024

Someone who takes money without deliverying is a thief

SixT had a cob on and wouldn't give me the car. They didn't give the car to the previous 'customer' either. The car park was full of available cars ... SixT are dependant on up selling insurance as they advertise cars at a loss via EnjoyTravel. If you don't buy insurance from SixT whey don't give you the car. They keep on and on then accuse your explanation of being unreasonable. EnjoyTravel had already sold me their insurance. EnjoyTravel failed to refund the payment. EnjoyTravel are therefore thieves and operate with very dubious partners.

Excellent customer service

Nathalie was helpful in making amendments in the booking with ease. Thank you very much for your help. Good customer service.

All's well that ends well!

We were given the wrong information as exactly where to greet the car supplier, LagoRent. Instead we took advantage of our already included hotel transfer. When Nathalie heard about our predicament she contacted LagoRent whose representative was waiting in a different nearby location to greet us! In the end, two really polite young lads delivered our car direct to the hotel after contacting us by phone. So, all's well that ends well. Full marks in the end to everyone involved. Jack & Annette

Date of experience : 24 April 2024

Very Helpful With A Change To My Booking

I had the lovely Emilie help me with a slight change to my car hire booking. She was extremely helpful and made the whole experience a pleasant one.


POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE A complaint was made 24th April regarding a financial dispute and the complaint is still outstanding. My last email 25th May and no response. I will not be using Enjoy Travel in the future

Srabana was very helpful and efficient…

Srabana was very helpful and efficient even if it cost me to amend the drop off time.

Date of experience : 29 May 2024

Cancelled, they tried to keep my money

Cancelled and they tried to keep my money. Initial experience was fine, no complaints. I made sure to pay for a rental car which was refundable, but unfortunately when I went to cancel I had a nightmare. After being told it would be up to 10 business days I ended up waiting almost 20 for a simple refund. It took multiple emails over several days to get my money back, refund timelines kept changing and the customer service agent was unhelpful and condescending. When there are so many options, I’d just recommend going somewhere else.


DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!!! If you want to RUIN you holiday use this company. Just rent straight from an actual rental company not a third party like Enjoy Travel,at leat you will know exactly what you pay for. We did a booking with them for 2 week in Tenerife for 140£. When we arrived to pick the car up we were asked to pay 1150£ deposit which will be locked for 1 MONTH. I did had my credit cars with me but I didn’t want to have 1150£ locked in my account because of that. Plus a bought the extra insurance from ENJOY TRAVEL and the rental company told us that insurance is ABSOLUT USELESS, they don't accept it. We asked for a refund but off course we got refused not even for the insurance which the rental company don’t accept. We ended paying 450£ for 2 week for the car renting directly from the rental company with a full insurance. Do yourself a favour and avoid this company. I would give them 0 stars but I cannot.

Date of experience : 11 May 2024

Reply from

Thank you for the review. Your emails were all answered by our customer support team regarding the issues you faced. It has been advised that due to you not having a credit card on arrival and therefore unable to leave an excess deposit the rental company would not release the car without this security. The only option for you to be able to take the vehicle is to purchase full insurance with the rental provider to reduce your excess to zero. This information is fully outlined in all of the booking terms on the website and the emails sent to you before your rentals commences. Your statement regarding "going direct" to the rental provider would not have stopped this happening as you would have still required a credit card and without it would have still required to take the insurance offered on arrival. Please note for clarity the protection purchased on the Enjoy website clearly states that it repays back the customer for any damage that is charged to the credit card, thus meaning the customer requires to leave the deposit for it to be intially charged. By refusing to leave a deposit it renders the policy useless, but if the terms were followed it is a cheaper alternative than the local insurance with a higher value of cover.


Booked a car to collect at the airport in Salzburg through Enjoy Travel, their booking agent. When I arrived in Salzburg there was no one to meet us where we had been instructed and no car. Apparently although it was advertised as being airport pickup we were told they do not do that. We had to either walk or taxi to a point on a map messaged to us and he refused to give an address. He said we would complete documentation in the street! WHAT??? Not very professional and made us very wary. I WILL NEVER BOOK USAVE AGAIN?

This is a review of the rental provider not

Nathalie, helped me up with a change in my reservation. She provided me with an accurate and fast outcome. I'm so pleased with the service received from Nathalie.

Date of experience : 14 May 2024


Reserva tu vuelo y vive una experiencia única

Elige tu fecha de viaje ideal, y asegura tu lugar!


¡Únete a nuestro grupo de Enjoyers!

Elige tu fecha de viaje ideal, y asegura tu lugar.


¡Vuela ahora y descubre la magia de Cuba!

Conoce lugares fascinantes y vive experiencias únicas.


Tu viaje comienza aquí: Volando alto y aterrizando en grandes ofertas.

Vuelo ida y vuelta

Fecha de ida

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Vuelos destacados

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de Volar con Enjoy?

Tarifas competitivas: Ofrecemos una combinación perfecta entre precios atractivos y una experiencia de vuelo que superará tus expectativas.

Consigue más por menos: Compra un vuelo y obtendrás grandes descuentos en el resto de nuestros servicios.

Con nosotros, siempre estarás acompañado: Nuestro equipo está a tu disposición en diversos canales y oficinas físicas, garantizando un servicio personalizado y humano en cada reserva.


Política de Cancelación

Proceder al Pago

Conoce todos los vuelos de Enjoy Travel Group

La Habana - Santo Domingo

Santiago de Cuba - Santo Domingo

Cancún - La Habana

Mérida - La Habana

Ciudad de México - Mérida

Ciudad de México - La Habana


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enjoy travel cancelar reserva   Reviews

In the Car Rental Agency category

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Easy to use with Competitive rates

Have used Enjoy Hire a few times now and they are very simple to use with competitive rates. Had an issue with a double booking but this was handled quite swiftly with the deposit refunded. Thank you Srabana for your help with managing the double booking.

Date of experience : June 05, 2024

I booked car hire for upcoming holiday…

I booked car hire for upcoming holiday and twice got an error message saying my booking hadn't gone through. Upon checking my email found that both bookings had gone through. Messaged the company and Srabana fixed the problem quickly. Great service after the initial glitch

Srabana is a gem

Srabana amended the collection time in Cairns overnight in spite of the time difference between UK and OZ. Cannot recommend her service highly enough.

Date of experience : June 06, 2024

Good service

Pleasant, prompt and helpful service delivered by Sonia...thank you!

It was good servise from Sonia agent…

It was good servise from Sonia agent very helpfull Thanks for that

Date of experience : June 07, 2024

Had to unexpectedly change the date of…

Had to unexpectedly change the date of my return flight, spoke with Srabana to ask to edit the times for the rental car return. They managed to sort it within minutes and refund me the excess without me even needing to ask. Very happy with the incredibly fast and effective customer service!

Date of experience : May 24, 2024

Needed to upgrade to a bigger car…

Needed to upgrade to a bigger car rental and was able to chat with Srabana who made the process real easy. Told her what type of car I wanted, she did the rest, changed the booking, paid the difference and also stated "if the price is lower in future we can again modify and refund the extra amount ".

Date of experience : May 23, 2024

I recently booked a hire car for my UK holiday.

I recently booked a hire car for my holiday in the UK. Flying in from Australia I would need a car available at Heathrow and I booked one through EnjoyTravel. I later realised that I would prefer an automatic car rather than the manual booked. I called EnjoyTravel and spoke to Sonya. She was very helpful, assisting me to book an automatic car and arranged the cancellation and deposit refund related to the earlier booking. Thanks Sonya.

Date of experience : May 17, 2024

Excellent Customer Service

Nathalie was really efficient to deal with when I changed my car booking from June to October. We communicated over live web chat and there was one item she needed to check specifically and she emailed me back to clarify it.

Date of experience : May 13, 2024

competetive pricing and great service

competetive pricing and great service. Have had occasions when I needed to amend bookings or enquire regarding out of hours service etc. response and changes have always been quick dealt with in my favour.

Date of experience : May 15, 2024

Someone who takes money without deliverying is a thief

SixT had a cob on and wouldn't give me the car. They didn't give the car to the previous 'customer' either. The car park was full of available cars ... SixT are dependant on up selling insurance as they advertise cars at a loss via EnjoyTravel. If you don't buy insurance from SixT whey don't give you the car. They keep on and on then accuse your explanation of being unreasonable. EnjoyTravel had already sold me their insurance. EnjoyTravel failed to refund the payment. EnjoyTravel are therefore thieves and operate with very dubious partners.

Excellent customer service

Nathalie was helpful in making amendments in the booking with ease. Thank you very much for your help. Good customer service.

All's well that ends well!

We were given the wrong information as exactly where to greet the car supplier, LagoRent. Instead we took advantage of our already included hotel transfer. When Nathalie heard about our predicament she contacted LagoRent whose representative was waiting in a different nearby location to greet us! In the end, two really polite young lads delivered our car direct to the hotel after contacting us by phone. So, all's well that ends well. Full marks in the end to everyone involved. Jack & Annette

Date of experience : April 24, 2024

Very Helpful With A Change To My Booking

I had the lovely Emilie help me with a slight change to my car hire booking. She was extremely helpful and made the whole experience a pleasant one.


POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE A complaint was made 24th April regarding a financial dispute and the complaint is still outstanding. My last email 25th May and no response. I will not be using Enjoy Travel in the future

Srabana was very helpful and efficient…

Srabana was very helpful and efficient even if it cost me to amend the drop off time.

Date of experience : May 29, 2024

Cancelled, they tried to keep my money

Cancelled and they tried to keep my money. Initial experience was fine, no complaints. I made sure to pay for a rental car which was refundable, but unfortunately when I went to cancel I had a nightmare. After being told it would be up to 10 business days I ended up waiting almost 20 for a simple refund. It took multiple emails over several days to get my money back, refund timelines kept changing and the customer service agent was unhelpful and condescending. When there are so many options, I’d just recommend going somewhere else.


DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!!! If you want to RUIN you holiday use this company. Just rent straight from an actual rental company not a third party like Enjoy Travel,at leat you will know exactly what you pay for. We did a booking with them for 2 week in Tenerife for 140£. When we arrived to pick the car up we were asked to pay 1150£ deposit which will be locked for 1 MONTH. I did had my credit cars with me but I didn’t want to have 1150£ locked in my account because of that. Plus a bought the extra insurance from ENJOY TRAVEL and the rental company told us that insurance is ABSOLUT USELESS, they don't accept it. We asked for a refund but off course we got refused not even for the insurance which the rental company don’t accept. We ended paying 450£ for 2 week for the car renting directly from the rental company with a full insurance. Do yourself a favour and avoid this company. I would give them 0 stars but I cannot.

Date of experience : May 11, 2024

Reply from

Thank you for the review. Your emails were all answered by our customer support team regarding the issues you faced. It has been advised that due to you not having a credit card on arrival and therefore unable to leave an excess deposit the rental company would not release the car without this security. The only option for you to be able to take the vehicle is to purchase full insurance with the rental provider to reduce your excess to zero. This information is fully outlined in all of the booking terms on the website and the emails sent to you before your rentals commences. Your statement regarding "going direct" to the rental provider would not have stopped this happening as you would have still required a credit card and without it would have still required to take the insurance offered on arrival. Please note for clarity the protection purchased on the Enjoy website clearly states that it repays back the customer for any damage that is charged to the credit card, thus meaning the customer requires to leave the deposit for it to be intially charged. By refusing to leave a deposit it renders the policy useless, but if the terms were followed it is a cheaper alternative than the local insurance with a higher value of cover.


Booked a car to collect at the airport in Salzburg through Enjoy Travel, their booking agent. When I arrived in Salzburg there was no one to meet us where we had been instructed and no car. Apparently although it was advertised as being airport pickup we were told they do not do that. We had to either walk or taxi to a point on a map messaged to us and he refused to give an address. He said we would complete documentation in the street! WHAT??? Not very professional and made us very wary. I WILL NEVER BOOK USAVE AGAIN?

This is a review of the rental provider not

Nathalie, helped me up with a change in my reservation. She provided me with an accurate and fast outcome. I'm so pleased with the service received from Nathalie.

Date of experience : May 14, 2024


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See why so many travellers make Unikum their small hotel of choice when visiting Elektrostal. Providing an ideal mix of value, comfort and convenience, it offers an array of amenities designed for travellers like you.

The rooms offer a refrigerator, and getting online is possible, as wifi is available, allowing you to rest and refresh with ease.

In addition, as a valued Unikum guest, you can enjoy a lounge that is available on-site.

For those interested in checking out Statue of Lenin (2.2 km) while visiting Elektrostal, Unikum is a short distance away.

If you’re looking for a pub, consider a visit to Beer Club Tolsty Medved or 400 Krolikov, which are all conveniently located a short distance from Unikum.

During your visit, be sure to check out a popular art museum like Electrostal History and Art Museum, which is a short distance from the small hotel.

We’re sure you’ll enjoy your stay at Unikum as you experience all of the things Elektrostal has to offer.

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Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

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Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

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To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

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Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

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At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

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The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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    Enjoy Travel: Epara cualquier reserva realizada antes del 30 de abril de 2021; Enjoy Global Limited, una compañía registrada en Jersey con número de empresa 129921 cuyo domicilio social se encuentra en Second Floor, Charles Bisson House, 30-32 New Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE1 8FT y para cualquier reserva realizada a partir del 30 de abril ...

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  8. How do I cancel my order?

    Your Order. Need To Make A Change? For AT&T customers: Unless the delivery status is Shipped, Completed, or Delivery in progress you can cancel your order here. For all other US customers: You can contact our Enjoy Support team via chat or email at [email protected] and we would be able to walk you through that process. For AT&T customers: Unless ...

  9. Expedia quick guide to canceling a flight or hotel

    Knowing your options and the right steps can sometimes require reading a lot of fine print, so we've taken the guesswork out of it and created a quick guide that tackles some of the most common questions customers have when canceling their flight or hotel on Expedia. Use the flowcharts below to find out what options and resources will be the ...

  10. Opiniones sobre

    Como explicación de la empresa Goldcar, que era quien nos tenía que entregar el coche, fue que cuando pasan 6 horas de la reserva Enjoy Travel anula la reserva. Y no han devuelto nada del alquiler del coche, sin haber prestado el servicio, aún habiendo mandado la confirmación de la reserva. Fecha de la experiencia: 04 de enero de 2023

  11. Opiniones sobre

    Tuve que reservar con otra agencia en el mismo aeropuerto por n precio mucho más alto y, además, Enjoy travel ni me devolvió el dinero de la reserva (más de 50€) ni me contestaba al correo. Fecha de la experiencia: 04 de junio de 2023. Útil.

  12. Read Customer Service Reviews of

    We ended paying 450£ for 2 week for the car renting directly from the rental company with a full insurance. Do yourself a favour and avoid this company. I would give them 0 stars but I cannot. Date of experience: 11 May 2024. Useful. Share. Reply from

  13. Comparar coches de alquiler

    El coche más popular fue el Vauxhall/Opel Corsa. El plazo medio para realizar una reserva es de 24 días antes de la fecha de recogida. El 18% de los clientes consiguen una oferta de menos de 10£ al día. Los clientes que alquilaron un automóvil por menos de 10£ al día reservaron un promedio de 39 días antes de la fecha de recogida del ...

  14. Reviews

    Bad expirience. They tempted me with a much lower price than the competition. I booked a car at Munich airport. I paid. After a while, I received a completely unprofessional e-mail, without a signature, without a company footer, that my reservation had been canceled! Never again! Date of experience: May 29, 2024.

  15. Enjoy Travel Group

    Conoce todos los vuelos de Enjoy Travel Group. La Habana - Santo Domingo. Santiago de Cuba - Santo Domingo. Cancún - La Habana. Mérida - La Habana. Ciudad de México - Mérida. Ciudad de México - La Habana. Descubre una nueva forma de vivir la verdadera esencia de tu destino sumergiéndote en la auténtica realidad local.

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    My recent issue (which was of my making) was handled by Nathalie with courtesy, efficiency and great understanding of the mistake i had made and the problem was resolved quickly. I no longer look any further than Enjoy travel, i have total confidence in their total system. Date of experience: April 19, 2024. Useful.

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  18. The flag of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia which I bought there

    For artists, writers, gamemasters, musicians, programmers, philosophers and scientists alike! The creation of new worlds and new universes has long been a key element of speculative fiction, from the fantasy works of Tolkien and Le Guin, to the science-fiction universes of Delany and Asimov, to the tabletop realm of Gygax and Barker, and beyond.

  19. Unikum

    The rooms offer a refrigerator, and getting online is possible, as wifi is available, allowing you to rest and refresh with ease. In addition, as a valued Unikum guest, you can enjoy a lounge that is available on-site. For those interested in checking out Statue of Lenin (2.2 km) while visiting Elektrostal, Unikum is a short distance away.


    Many travellers enjoy visiting Summery House A.I. Morozova (6.5 miles) and Shirokov House (8.5 miles). See all nearby attractions. Elektrostal Hotel, Elektrostal: See 25 traveller reviews, 44 candid photos, and great deals for Elektrostal Hotel, ranked #1 of 2 B&Bs / inns in Elektrostal and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  21. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...