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International Travel Support (ITS)

ITS scheme is designed to provide financial assistance for presenting a research paper or chairing a session or delivering a keynote address in an international scientific event (conference/seminar/symposium/workshop etc.). In addition, support is also provided to young scientists (age limit 35 years as on date of conference) for attending training programmes and short-term schools/workshops/courses. Economy class air-fare by shortest route, airport-tax and visa fees are provided under the scheme. Registration Fee is provided to young scientist in addition to the above support.

How to Apply Online

  • The researchers are required to apply online through the portal between 60-90 days in advance prior to the start date of the event. The system will not accept early or late submission of applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: I was awarded Travel Support to attend an International Conference held in Washington during Oct. 2012. But, I could not attend the conference due to delay in getting Visa. Can I use the above support to attend another conference to be held in Jan 2013?

A1: No. The support given to one event can not be used to attend another. The researcher need to apply afresh to seek funding for another event.

Q2: I have been given travel support to attend an International Conference in Guanzhou, China during Nov. 2012. Air India does operate directly to the destination. Can I go by Private Airlines which have direct connection from Delhi?

A2: No. If Air India does not have direct flight, you should go to the nearest hub (in this case Hong Kong) by Air India, and beyond that you can avail the service of Private Airlines.

Q3: I have been recommended support to attend an International Conference to be held in Paris during Dec. 2012. I find the cost of travel by Air India is much higher than Private Airlines. Can I travel by Private Airlines as the cost is cheaper?

A3: No. You should travel by Air India even if the cost is more and the Board will reimburse the Air fare.

Q4: I have been awarded travel support to attend an International Conference to be held in Frankfurt, Germany during Dec. 2012. I find tickets are not available in Air India. Can I travel by Private Airlines?

A4: If tickets are not available on Air India, or for any other reasons, if you decide to travel by Private Airlines, You should get prior permission from Ministry of Civil Aviation. Without the Permission letter, SERB will not be able to reimburse the travel expenses.

Q5: Whom should one approach in Ministry of Civil Aviation seeking permission to travel by Private Airlines?

A5: You should approach the Director, SERB. Depending upon the merit of the case it will be forwarded to JS&FA, DST for further consideration and approval.

Q6: I have availed travel support earlier under this scheme and three year period has not been completed ( one month is left) yet. I want to apply for another conference now. Am I eligible?

A6: No. You should have completed three years. The duration of three years will be counted from the date of start of last conference to the date of start of the one you intend to apply now.

Q7: Does SERB discriminate Project Investigators working in Private Universities/Institutions in funding?What are the criteria for awarding travel support?

A7: The Board receives large number of applications. The selection is made based on many parameters. Most important of them being the track record of the applicant as evidenced from the list of publications in SCI journals during the last 5 years and also importance of the conference. The Committee will try to accommodate candidates from different institutions and different category( students, women and senior researchers) of researchers wherever possible.

Q8: I have been invited by a Professor at MIT, USA to undergo training in his laboratory for 2 months to learn modern techniques. Such facilities are not available in our country, and this training will help immensely in furthering my research skills. Can I avail support to undergo this training?

A8: The Board receives large number of applications. The selection is made based on many parameters. Most important of them being the track record of the applicant as evidenced from the list of publications in SCI journals during the last 5 years and also importance of the conference. The Committee will try to accommodate candidates from different institutions and different category( students, women and senior researchers) of researchers wherever possible.No. The Scheme supports travel which are of international character. Any invitation of individual nature, even if they are important, will not be considered for support.

Q9: I have been awarded travel support to attend an international conference in London during Dec. 2012. I have a plan to spend 2 months in the laboratory of a Professor at Cambridge University immediately after the conference is over. Can I use the travel support to further my research at Cambridge University?

A9: You can use the travel support to hone your research skill at Cambridge University. But you should indicate the plan while seeking the support, and should return and settle the travel bill within 90 days.

The Department has a scheme under which, financial assistance towards travel cost, is considered for participation in International conference/ seminar/ symposium/ workshop, which are not sponsored by International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU)- However, Young scientists up to the age of 35 years are also eligible to seek support even for ICSU Conferences, training courses and short-term schools. The scheme does not provide assistance towards maintenance, registration fee, airport tax, taxi fare and other cost. Only 50% of International air fare will be given by the Department.
(a) Indian Scientists working in Educational/ Acdemic Institutions and Research Laboratories are eligible for travel support to participate in conferences etc. on selective basis.
(b) The application has an accepted paper for presentation or an invitation to chair a session or as a Keunote speaker. Young Scientists (below 35 years of age) are eligible to apply for attending training programmes/ Short term courses/ schools. (c) The applicant has NOT availed of financial assistance from DST in the last three years. (d) The conference/ training course is of an International character. (Applications to attend annual meetings of professional societies will not be considered). (e) THe applications should be forwarded through proper channel and must reach DST 8 weeks prior to the date of the conference. (f) CANVASSING WILL DISQUALIFY THE APPLICANT FOR THE TRAVEL GRANT.
Note: The air passages are to be booked directly on a National Carrier i.e. Air India/ Indian Airlines, as the case may be, EVEN TO PLACES WHERE AIR INDIA/ INDIAN AIRLINES FLIGHTS DO NOT OPERATE, the passage is to be booked THROUGH AIR INDIA/ INDIAN AIRLINES.
The following documents are to be attached with the application.
(a) One copy of the completed Application form and Bio-data. (b) A copy of letter from other national or international agency committing to bear partial cost of TRAVEL (The Document must be Flagged) (c) Invitation from organisers (d) Detailed announcement of the conference (Please attach Phtocopy of the announcement). (e) Letter of acceptance of paper for presentation and/ or invitation from organisers to chair the session/ participate as a keynote speaker. (f) Abstract of the paper to be presented by the applicant at the conference. (g) A certificate from Air-India indicating th cost of return air fair by economy/ excursion class by shortest route. 4. The Scientists may please ensure that all the essential documents mentioned in para 3 above are properly attached and tagged with the application, INCOMPLETE APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. 5. The Department, in the event of selection will initially issue a commitment letter agreeing to the support. The committed amount will be reimbursed to the scientist only on his return to India after participation in the conference and on submitting a detailed report, a copy of air ticket etc. within two months from the date of the conference. 6. The decision on the application is expected to be communicated about four weeks before the commencement of the conference. No interim corrspondence will be possible. 7. The application complete in all respects together with enclosures as indicated at para 3 above, must reach the Department of Science & Technology at least Eight Weeks prior to the commencement of the conference duly forwarded by the Head of the Institution. If the application is not received in time, the request will not be considered. 8. Application may be addressed to :  Head SERC Attn. (PFA Section) Department of Science & Technology, Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110016.


  • Last Updated On: Jun 26 2024 12:10PM
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CSIR Travel Grant Scheme

The Scheme is aimed at providing financial assistance to  Young Indian Researchers (Ph.D. Students, Research Associates, resident Doctors, etc.), Emeritus Scientists and non-regular researchers  for participation / presenting their research papers in international Scientific Events such as conferences/ Seminars/ Symposia/ Workshops/ Short-term School/ courses/ training programs. The scheme provides up to full reimbursement of the actual airfare from the airport (nearest to the place of work in India) to the venue of the Event and back. For more details please Click here  


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Online submission for international travel.

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Get information about International Travel Support (ITS) Scheme enables researchers to submit applications online for seeking financial assistance to attend international scientific events (conference, seminar, workshop etc.) held abroad. The portal also provides facility to track the status of the submitted applications and submit claim bills and tour reports. Guidelines for submission of applications and templates of various formats are also available in the portal.

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Top 16 Travel Grants For International Conference 2024

Study Abroad Scholarships | Updated 04 Jun, 2024

Top 16 Travel Grants For International Conference 2024

What is a Travel Grant For An International Conference?

A travel grant to attend an international conference refers to financial assistance offered to individuals who desire to participate in conferences held outside their country of residence. In other words, it is the funding given to students to attend an international conference.

Attending academic conferences has become more prevalent, prompting the question: Why attend such events? 

Benefits of Attending An International Conference 

Presenting a paper allows participants to share their research, receive feedback, and cultivate future collaborations. Networking emerges as a vital aspect, providing opportunities to connect with experts globally, fostering knowledge expansion, and enhancing institutional goals. 

Publication is a common motive, with conference proceedings offering a platform for research publication and indexing, while selected papers may feature in affiliated journals. 

Socialization and cultural exchange play a role, in broadening perspectives and promoting cross-cultural learning. Additionally, conferences offer a break from academic duties, allowing participants to explore different cities worldwide. 

Staying updated on the latest developments in one's field, interacting with like-minded individuals, and gaining added research value further underscore the significance of attending academic conferences for both personal and professional growth.

When to start?

If you are planning to attend a conference, it must be planned for at least 4 months i.e. if you are planning to attend in March start now. Since most of us never went outside the country, it requires a lot of coordination. 

What do you need?

  • A lot of patience and perseverance.
  • Passport - I advise all to take a passport right away (tatkal is better) than to rush at the last minute. (I made the same mistake – it leads to unnecessary tension and pressure)
  • Money is important but not more than willpower and patience

Top 16 Travel Grants For International Conference for Indian Students 2024 

Here are the top 16 travel grants offered by various institutions, governments, and foundations for Indian students to attend conferences, meetings, and symposia held abroad 

1. SJEF Travel Grant 2024

  • The eligible applicants for this grant are research scholars, post-doctoral fellows (PDFs), and young scientists or faculty members under the age of 35 in the field of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering.
  • Additionally, young scientists pursuing or holding a Ph.D. and conducting research in Metallurgy and Materials Science within R&D labs are also eligible for consideration.
  • There is no specific deadline mentioned for the application.

2. NBHM Travel Grant 2024

  • The National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM) offers financial assistance to mathematicians for participating in conferences, symposia, and summer schools both nationally and internationally.
  • Application forms can be obtained from the NBHM website or by contacting the NBHM Office via email. It is essential to submit the filled application at least three months before the date your journey starts. 
  • The application, along with the required documents, should be sent by post and scanned copies through email.
  • NBHM Travel Grant does not cover living expenses but gives weight to support for local hospitality and longer stays provided by the program hosts.
  • The grant can be used for two-way train or bus journeys , including taxi charges to the nearest airport. 
  • Domestic and international air travel can be booked with authorized agencies, and any unspent balance must be returned to the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE). 
  • Original receipts, vouchers, and tickets for travel-related expenses, including health insurance and visa fees, must be preserved for later submission to the parent institution or NBHM.

3. ICMR-International Travel Grant Support for Non-ICMR Scientists 2024

  • This grant provides financial support for non-ICMR biomedical scientists and researchers to attend international conferences, seminars, symposia, and workshops. 
  • The scheme assists in presenting research papers, chairing sessions, and delivering lectures/keynote addresses. 
  • It also supports young scientists, nurses, and paramedical staff attending training programs in priority areas. 
  • The financial assistance covers economy-class airfare, airport tax, visa fees, and registration fees for young scientists, with a maximum grant of Rs 1,50,000 . 

Eligibility criteria:

  • The applicant has to be a biomedical scientist engaged in R&D , 
  • Have an accepted paper/abstract or an invitation to chair a session, and the conference theme aligning with ICMR's thrust areas. 
  • Applicants must not have received ICMR financial assistance in the last three years. 
  • The application should be submitted in the prescribed format through the proper channel at least two months before the event, along with the necessary documents.
  • Reimbursement depends on when the applicant submits a detailed report, original air tickets, and boarding passes within two months of the conference. 

4. The Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR) Scheme Of Travel Grant 2024 

  • The Indian Council of Philosophical Research offers a Travel Grant scheme to support scholars in philosophy and allied disciplines attending international academic events abroad.  
  • Open to scholars of all ages and statuses, the scheme prioritizes faculty members in Indian colleges or universities , especially those in Philosophy. 
  • Eligible activities include presenting research papers, chairing sessions, and delivering lectures at international conferences. 
  • The expenses cover 50% of round-trip airfare by economy class from an Indian airport to the conference destination. 
  • Applicants must submit a proposal with specified documents, including an acceptance letter from conference organizers, at least 90 days before the event . 
  • The applicants must submit a report within a month of returning, including a certificate of attendance from the conference sponsors.

5. Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Travel Grant 2024

  • The Indian National Science Academy (INSA) offers partial financial assistance to Indian scientists attending international conferences abroad. 
  • The scheme operates in two categories: Category I for ISC/ICSU-sponsored conferences and Category II for non-ICSU conferences. 
  • Category I supports scientists delivering plenary lectures or presenting accepted papers at ISC/ICSU conferences, prioritizing those with maintenance allowance and partial travel assistance. 
  • Category II supports similar participation in non-ICSU conferences.
  • The eligibility criteria differ based on age and qualifications. 
  • For both categories, applicants must not have availed of INSA grants in the past three years . 
  • The assistance covers travel, maintenance, and registration fees.
  • Applications should be submitted four months before the conference, with the required documents. 
  • The Academy considers requests only for international conferences and not for training programs, courses, post-doctoral fellowships, or higher studies abroad. 

6. India Network Foundation Travel Grant 2024

  • This grant supports Social and Cultural Functions in the United States and Travel Grants for scientific meetings. 
  • The program is accessible to Cultural and Social Associations of Indian Origin and scientists from South Asia presenting papers at North American scientific meetings. 
  • Peer-reviewed presentations are preferred, with no eligibility for poster presentations. 
  • There are two types of Travel Grants: Community Organization Grants for small organizations hosting Indian artists or promoting local talent, and Academic Travel Grants for India-based researchers presenting papers at conferences in the U.S.
  • Small grant requests are for early-career researchers, with awards up to $2,500 , supporting one-time projects or limited-duration activities. 
  • The application process includes a letter explaining the project and a proposed budget. Council Grants aim to promote systemic change and capacity building for the full inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in Maryland communities. 
  • The Council funds various activities , excluding equipment and specific treatment design conferences. 
  • The application process involves submitting sets of documents, including a cover letter, abstract, acceptance letter, recommendation letter, and budget. Applications should be submitted at least twelve weeks before the conference dates.

7. CTEP - Guidelines for Travel Proposal 2024

  • This grant provides financial aid to Indian scientists involved in biotechnology for presenting research papers at international conferences, seminars, and workshops held outside India . 
  • The scheme provides reimbursement of actual return airfare in economy/excursion class. 
  • Eligible applicants include active scientists below 50 years engaged in biotechnology research and development, investigators of DBT-supported projects, and others. 
  • The scheme mandates online submission of proposals and has guidelines specifying authorized travel agents for air ticket purchases. 
  • The application process includes the submission of various documents, including a letter of invitation, abstract, acceptance letter, and certificates. Funding for non-senior applicants is contingent on prior attendance at national conferences, and claims must be submitted within three months of the event.
  • The reimbursement process requires the submission of post-trip documents, including a claim sheet, participation report, air ticket copies, and certificates of participation and awards.

8. AICTE Travel Grant 2024

  • The Travel Grant for Faculty is designed to foster research and development in technical education by affording meritorious faculty members opportunities to engage at the international level and stay abreast of global developments in their specialized fields. 
  • Eligible applicants must belong to an AICTE-approved institute or university department with a minimum of five years of existence, and the hosting department should be NBA-accredited. 
  • The grant, amounting to Rs. 1.5 Lakh , is provided once every two years for three years. The scheme covers 100% reimbursement of expenses, and a three-member expert committee evaluates proposals. 
  • Terms and conditions emphasize adherence to travel guidelines, including the use of Air India , and comprehensive documentation is required for reimbursement, facilitated through the applicant's parent institution. 

9. ACM India-IARCS Travel Grants 2024

  • ACM India-IARCS travel grants provide partial financial support for travel to conferences and academic meetings in Computing Science in India and globally. 
  • These grants target individuals affiliated with Indian academic institutions .
  • Eligibility extends to students and faculty members, supporting travel expenses and conference fees, with a maximum grant limit of Rs 60,000 (max Rs 1,00,000).  
  • The grants prioritize original research presentations at international conferences and aim to benefit graduate students while refraining from funding faculty members in well-established institutions like IITs and IISc more than once in 12 months . 
  • The application process is temporarily delayed.

10. INSA-DAE/BRNS-CICS Travel Fellowship Programme 2024

  • The scheme offers financial support for partial travel and registration expenses to scientists and researchers across diverse disciplines, including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Medicine, Engineering, Space Science & Technology, and Computer Science and Engineering. 
  • Preference is given to applicants demonstrating innovation and novelty in their work, those securing partial assistance from other sources, and young scientists meeting all criteria. 
  • The funding agencies involved include the Indian National Science Academy (INSA), the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)/Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), and the Centre for International Co-operation in Science (CICS). 
  • The initiative spans various scientific domains, catering to post-graduate students, Ph.D. candidates, post-doctoral researchers, faculty, and scientists.

11. CSIR Travel Grant Scheme Brochure 2024

  • The scheme aims to provide financial support to young Indian researchers, including Ph.D. students, research associates, and non-regular researchers
  • The expenses cover full reimbursement of actual airfare from the nearest airport in India to the event venue and back. 
  • Eligibility criteria include active involvement in research and development, a minimum postgraduate qualification, and publication of papers in refereed journals. 
  • Applicants should not have received travel support from CSIR in the last three years.
  • The application process involves submitting necessary documents, including a letter of acceptance from organizers and a commitment letter from other funding agencies, if applicable. 
  • Reimbursement claims must be submitted within two months of completing the event, with the process facilitated through authorized travel agents and adherence to government-approved guidelines.

12. Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation Travel Grant 2024

  • The grant is exclusively for registered Ph.D. candidates at Indian universities in Humanities and Social Sciences , providing financial assistance for short-term visits abroad to gather materials, utilize facilities, and consult experts. 
  • Eligible applicants must be registered Ph.D. candidates for two to three years, possess first-class degrees at the Bachelor's and Master's levels, and be born after January 1, 1988, with Indian citizenship and current residency in India. 
  • The application process involves submitting a form, a sample of written work, evidence of communication with the chosen institution abroad, letters of reference, and more.
  • The grant covers travel allowance, maintenance expenses, funds for materials, and a health allowance, with the candidate undergoing a two-tier selection process involving short-listing and interviews with experts.

13. IBRO Travel Grants 2024

  • The IBRO Travel Grant program aims to support early-career Ph.D. students and post-doctoral fellows in the field of neuroscience by providing funding for their participation in international neuroscience meetings and events scheduled for 2024. 
  • The expenses cover travel and local expenses associated with attending the specified conferences or meetings. 
  • Preference will be given to applicants from less developed and underfunded countries , with a commitment to ensuring gender and regional diversity. 
  • Eligible candidates should clarify how their participation in the designated event will impact their careers. 
  • The program is open to neuroscience students pursuing a Ph.D. or early postdoctoral fellows within five years of starting their postdoc. 
  • Applicants residing in the U.S. or Canada are not eligible . Grant recipients are responsible for their own registration and abstract submission. 
  • Awards will be disbursed upon confirmation of attendance after the event with a maximum grant award of 1,800 EUR . 

14. Indian Institute Of Technology Bombay (IIT-B) Travel Grant 2024

  • The institute provides financial support to students for attending international conferences/symposiums through two types of assistance: Financial Assistance and Refundable Advance . 
  • Financial Assistance is granted to research scholars based on approved guidelines, with support varying for conferences in different regions. 
  • Refundable Advance is provided to scholars facing pre-conference financial difficulties, against sanction letters from supporting organizations. 
  • Eligibility is limited to students in doctoral programs. The quality of the paper is a key criterion for selection. 
  • Applicants are allowed only one form of support before the conference.
  • To apply , scholars must follow the application process, including approval from the International Conference Funding Committee. 
  • After obtaining financial assistance, scholars must submit a report on participation and settle the granted amount upon return. Failure to attend requires an immediate refund.

15. Researcher Development and Travel Grant 2024

  • The Researcher Development and Travel Grants provided by the Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation are available to Ph.D.  Students and early-career scientists in both industry and academia, support activities that enhance their research careers. 
  • These activities can be virtual or in-person , such as presenting at conferences, attending training courses, or organizing scientific meetings. 
  • The grants aim to assist those with caring responsibilities or additional needs through Grants for Carers and Accessibility Grants. 
  • Eligibility includes being an RSC member and either an active Ph.D. student or a researcher in the chemical sciences within 10 years of leaving full-time education. Career breaks, such as parental leave, will be considered. 
  • The grants offer financial support of up to £500 for activities like conference participation, researcher development projects, or networking. 
  • Applicants are cautioned about predatory conferences, and the application process involves providing details on the activity, its benefits, and a declaration of support from a supervisor or department head. 
  • The application deadlines and decision timelines vary for different rounds throughout the year.

16. Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds Travel Grant 2024      

  • The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) offers travel grants of up to three months to MD and Ph.D. students , as well as postdoctoral researchers globally, supporting experimental projects in basic biomedical research. 
  • The grants facilitate short-term research stays or attendance at practical courses relevant to ongoing projects in Europe or overseas. 
  • The program encourages junior scientists to acquire new methods through practical courses or laboratory experiences. 
  • The expenses cover travel, lodging, and course fees, but not living expenses, local travel, visa, or insurance. For those from low-income countries, additional funds for living costs may be granted. 
  • Eligible applicants include Ph.D. students, medical students during their doctoral thesis, postdocs, and graduates applying for a Ph.D. project abroad. 
  • Travel grants are directed at European citizens working in Europe and overseas, as well as non-European citizens conducting projects in Europe or planning to work in Europe.
  • The grants are intended for junior scientists based on the time of receiving their university entrance qualification , with specific criteria for Ph.D. students, graduates, and postdocs. 
  • The grants exclude stays of more than three months , conference attendance without practical training, clinical electives, and certain types of research. 
  • The application process involves an online application form and PDF uploads, including details about the research project, publications, examination certificates, letters of acceptance and recommendation, and evidence of expenses. 
  • Applications must be submitted in English, between six weeks and six months before the planned departure date.

List of International Conferences Students can attend 

  • International Conference on Harmonization
  • International Conference on Green Hydrogen
  • International Conference on Machine Learning
  • International Conference Environment
  • International Conference on Population and Development
  • International Conference on Science Engineering & Technology
  • International Conference Computer Science
  • International Conference Agriculture

Essentials To Take Care of While Traveling Abroad

  • Always carry your passport and cash along with you. Do not leave in the hotel room.
  • Never hand your passport to any unauthorized person except immigration officers at the Airport
  • If you are changing two or more flights from different airlines, then always make sure at the airline counter that your baggage is checked in. In many chances, they may miss your baggage in transit airport and you’ll have to struggle for a day or two.
  • Do not exchange foreign currency from airports or nearby places or Thomas Cook.
  • Always take it beforehand from SBI or other banks or else you will lose a lot of money in exchange. (I got IGCAR advance money just a few minutes before departure and exchanged it at Chennai airport resulting in a loss of nearly Rs.2000)
  • Better to carry a map of the city/locality and also routes. A language dictionary is necessary if you are going to a non-English country]
  • You can avail of the international roaming facility on your mobile (Airtel, Vodafone) if you are staying there for a longer time. Incoming will be free to you and it will be a local call tariff to the caller (See the respective website)
  • Keep all original bills of expenses met during the travel

Visa and Immigration

  • Check the website and enquire with the Visa issuing authority like Embassy or VFS on which Visa you require – student or tourist, etc.
  • Some countries require travel insurance, health certificates, etc.
  • Also, take note of things not to be carried out in the country

On the flight and at the Airport

  • Most agencies require you to travel only by Air-India flights. If the destination is not connected by Air India then you have to take an Air India flight to the nearest place and take some other airline to the conference city or nearest airport
  • Keep the toll-free phone number of your airline for emergency
  • You can book your ticket with the travel agency without giving money. Only if you confirm it, then you have to pay. (you may not get the tickets by the time you get permission from DAE and travel grants from other agencies)
  • Always keep one set of dress in your hand baggage – it will be highly useful if your baggage is delayed
  • By chance, if your baggage is delayed/missed write a complaint along with your hotel address at the airline counter in the airport and demand compensation. They will give some cash and later they will also deliver the baggage at your hotel (My baggage was delayed during transit and I spent my pocket money to buy a dress in Australia – I did not know about compensation then)
  • Do not carry any liquids in hand baggage – water, perfume, etc. during flight travel.
  • Carry light and good baggage. If your bag/handle tears in handling or it is very heavy it leads to fines.
  • You can ask for second-time food/drinks on flights – they won’t mind


  • Carry a laptop if you have one. Most conference venues and airports have wireless internet facilities or internet ports. Also, you can make a short presentation if you are explaining your work to someone
  • Better to carry your CV, published papers, and visiting card
  • You are the official representative of your University /Centre and our country at the conference - Always remember that


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ICMR-International Travel Grant Support for non-ICMR Scientists

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About the scheme.

1.1 The Scheme provides financial assistance for presenting research paper or chairing a session as also delivering a lecture/delivering a keynote address in an international scientific event (Conference/Seminar/Symposia/Workshops) to Non-ICMR biomedical Scientists/Researchers.

1.2 In addition, support is also provided to young scientists/researchers (age limit 35 years as on date of Conference), nurses and paramedical staff for attending training programmes and short- term schools/workshops/courses on the basis of the priority areas already defined.

1.3 Full excursion/airfare of economy class by shortest route, airport tax and visa fees are provided under the scheme. Registration fee is provided only to young scientists in addition to the above support.

1.4 The Council will provide financial assistance max. of Rs 1,50,000/- to selected candidates.


2.1 The applicant should be a biomedical scientist engaged in R&D work. Senior scientists (above 35 years of age) working in academic institutions and research laboratories are eligible to apply only to international scientific events (Conference/Seminar/Symposium/Workshop) which are not sponsored by International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU). Young scientists (age limit 35 years as on date of conference) are, however, considered for support even for ICSU sponsored events.

2.2 The applicant has an accepted paper/abstract for presentation or an invitation to Chair a Session with a lecture or as a Keynote Speaker.

2.3 The theme of the Conference/ Seminar/ Symposium/ Workshop should be related to the thrust areas/ activities of ICMR. (Application to merely attend annual meetings of professional Societies will not be considered).

2.4 The applicant should have published research papers in PubMed/SCI/SCIE indexed journals.

2.5 The applicant should not have availed of financial assistance from ICMR in the last three financial years.

2.6 The application should be forwarded through proper channel and must reach ICMR two months prior to the date of the Conference/Seminar/Symposium/Workshop.

2.7 The Letter of acceptance from the selected applicant must be submitted at least three weeks before the event to ICMR.

NOTE: Canvassing will disqualify the applicant for the ICMR Travel Grant.

The following documents must be attached with the application:

i. One copy of the completed application in the prescribed format and bio-data of the applicant.

ii. A copy of letter from other national/international agency committing to bear partial cost of travel (the document must be flagged).

iii. Letter of Invitation from Organizers.

iv. Detailed announcement of the Conference (photocopy of the announcement to be attached).

v. Letter of acceptance of Paper for presentation and/or invitation from organizers to Chair a Session/participate as a Keynote Speaker.

vi. Abstract of the Paper to be presented by the applicant at the Conference.

vii. A Certificate from airlines including the cost of return excursion/airfare of Economy class by the shortest route.

Reimbursement of Sanctioned Amount

4.1 ICMR in the event of selection will initially issue an award letter agreeing to provide financial support. The committed amount will be reimbursed to the selected applicant only on his/her return to India after participation in the Conference and on submitting a detailed report, and copy of original air tickets and board passes (both onward and return journey) within two months from the date of Conference.

4.2 The scientists may please ensure that all the essential documents mentioned (at point no. 3) are properly attached and tagged/flagged with the application. Incomplete application will NOT be considered.

4.3 The application complete in all respects together with enclosures must reach ICMR at least two months prior to the commencement of the event. If the application is not received in time, the request will not be considered.

4.4 ICMR will endeavor to communicate the decision on the application about four weeks before the commencement of the Conference. No interim correspondence will be sent.

Submission of Application

The cover letter along with application signed and completed in all respects together with enclosures may be submitted before two months from the date of the Conference/Workshop/Seminar/Symposium in the given format below addressed to:

The Director General, (Kind attention: Dr. Geeta Jotwani) Scientist-G & Head HRD Indian Council of Medical Research V. Ramalingaswami Bhawan, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029

For any communication, pls contact: travelgrant[dot]nonicmr[at]gmail[dot]com

For any scientific queries pl. write to: Dr. Geetanjali Sageena, Scientist-B & Dr. S. Verma, Scientist-E

For administrative query pls write to: Mr Ajay

DST Raises A New Fund, Invests In Spotify And "The Amazon Of China"

DST, the Russian late-stage investment fund famous for stakes in Facebook, Zynga and Groupon, has raised a new fund called DST Global 2, according to Russian press reports .

It's out of this fund that DST made its big investment in Spotify, and also has invested in, the biggest online retailer in China.

DST basically invented the modern late stage fund model and has a keen eye for making huge investments that look very risky at the time but end up paying off in a big way.

(Via TechCrunch )

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What time is the 2024 presidential debate? How to watch CNN-hosted event with Joe Biden and Donald Trump

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President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump  will go head to head tonight for the first presidential debate of the 2024 cycle.

Hosted by CNN , the debate will be 90 minutes and introduce some new rules to the format. Both candidates have  accepted the network’s invitation and agreed to accept the rules  and format of the debate, according to CNN.

Wondering what time to tune in? Here's when to fire up your televisions, as well as other key information about the debate and elections.

When is time is the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden?

The first presidential debate will take place at 9 p.m. ET/ 8 p.m. CT at CNN's studios in Georgia.

Where can I watch the first presidential debate between Biden and Trump?

If you have cable, you can watch the live debate on CNN, CNN International, CNN en Español and CNN Max.

Fox News announced  previously it would present “extensive live coverage” of the CNN presidential debate across all its platforms, including the “FOX News Democracy 2024: CNN Presidential Debate” from 9 p.m. through 11 p.m. EST.

ABC News also said it would be showing “‘Battle for the White House’ and ABC News’ Presentation of the CNN Presidential Debate” on ABC New Live.

How to watch the presidential debate without cable?

For those without a cable subscription, the debate will be  streaming on . ABC said it will be streaming it on Hulu on Thursday from 7 p.m. to midnight.

A live stream of the ‘CNN Presidential Debate’ will be also available on  USA TODAY via YouTube .

Who are the moderators for the first presidential debate between Trump and Biden?

CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will moderate the first presidential debate for 2024, according to CNN's pressroom.

Are there any rules to CNN's presidential debate?

According to the network, the new rules for the 90-minute debate will include no studio audience, no interaction from campaign staff, no use of notes and no interrupting.

Microphones will also be muted except for that candidate's allotted time to speak. The moderators “will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion,” according to the network.

In a first, both campaigns have agreed to the new rules.

Who's running for president 2024?

Along with Biden and Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is running as an Independent and Chase Oliver is running under the Libertarian Party.

Kennedy and Oliver will not be participating in the debate.

When is the next presidential debate?

The second debate is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 10 and will be hosted by ABC. As of June 2024, the details about the location and moderators for the ABC-hosted debate have yet to be announced.

When will official candidates be announced for 2024 presidential race?

While Trump and Biden are the presumptive Republican and Democratic nominees for president, the official nomination isn't expected to come until each party's conventions this summer.

According to the Tennessean , the Democrats will make an official presidential nomination either at a virtual roll call ahead of the  Democratic National Convention  or at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in August. Republicans will make an official presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in July.

When are Florida's 2024 Primary Elections?

Florida's Primary Elections are on August 20. There are several key dates to know, and they're coming up fast.

July 6:  This is the deadline for stateside and overseas military, and out-of-country civilians, to request a vote-by-mail ballot.

July 11-18:  Deadline for county clerks to mail out domestic ballots.

July 22 : This is the last day to register to vote, or for voters to change their party before voting in the primary election. You must choose a party to be permitted to vote in that party's primary election.

Aug. 8:  Final deadline for vote-by-mail requests.

Aug. 10-17:  Early voting opens statewide. Optional earlier dates may be offered on a county-by-county basis.

Aug. 20:  Primary Election Day. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in whatever time zone you live in. Any voters still in line at 7 p.m. will be permitted to cast a ballot however long it takes.

When is the General Election in November?

The General Election is on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

Contributing:  Kinsey Crowley  and  Gabe Hauari , USA TODAY and C. A. Bridges, USA TODAY Network-Florida

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Presidential debate time tonight, streaming and election info

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Exclusive-Trump Handed Plan to Halt US Military Aid to Kyiv Unless It Talks Peace With Moscow


FILE PHOTO: A volunteer who aspire to join the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces attends basic training, amid Russia's attack on Ukraine, at an undisclosed location in the Kyiv region, Ukraine January 9, 2024. REUTERS/Viacheslav Ratynskyi/File Photo

By Gram Slattery and Simon Lewis

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -Two key advisers to Donald Trump have presented him with a plan to end Russia's war in Ukraine - if he wins the Nov. 5 presidential election - that involves telling Ukraine it will only get more U.S. weapons if it enters peace talks.

The United States would at the same time warn Moscow that any refusal to negotiate would result in increased U.S. support for Ukraine, retired Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg, one of Trump's national security advisers, said in an interview.

Under the plan drawn up by Kellogg and Fred Fleitz, who both served as chiefs of staff in Trump's National Security Council during his 2017-2021 presidency, there would be a ceasefire based on prevailing battle lines during peace talks, Fleitz said.

They have presented their strategy to Trump, and the Republican presidential candidate responded favorably, Fleitz added. "I'm not claiming he agreed with it or agreed with every word of it, but we were pleased to get the feedback we did," he said.

Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung said only statements made by Trump or authorized members of his campaign should be deemed official.

The strategy outlined by Kellogg and Fleitz is the most detailed plan yet by associates of Trump, who has said he could quickly settle the war in Ukraine if he beats President Joe Biden in the Nov. 5 election, though he has not said how he would do that.

The proposal would mark a big shift in the U.S. position on the war and would face opposition from European allies and within Trump's own Republican Party.

The Kremlin said any peace plan proposed by a possible future Trump administration would have to reflect the reality on the ground but that Russian President Vladimir Putin remained open to talks.

"The value of any plan lies in the nuances and in taking into account the real state of affairs on the ground," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told Reuters.

"President Putin has repeatedly said that Russia has been and remains open to negotiations, taking into account the real state of affairs on the ground," he said.

Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak said on Tuesday that freezing hostilities at the prevailing front lines would be "strange," given Russia had violated international law by invading Ukraine.

"Ukraine has an absolutely clear understanding and it is spelled out in the peace formula proposed by President (Volodymyr) Zelenskiy, it is clearly stated there - peace can only be fair and peace can only be based on international law," he told Reuters.

The White House National Security Council said the Biden administration would not force Ukraine into negotiations with Russia.

"President Biden believes that any decisions about negotiations are up to Ukraine," said NSC spokesperson Adrienne Watson.


The core elements of the plan were outlined in a publicly available research paper published by the "America First Policy Institute," a Trump-friendly think tank where Kellogg and Fleitz hold leadership positions.

Kellogg said it would be crucial to get Russia and Ukraine to the negotiating table quickly if Trump wins the election.

"We tell the Ukrainians, 'You've got to come to the table, and if you don't come to the table, support from the United States will dry up,'" he said. "And you tell Putin, 'He's got to come to the table and if you don't come to the table, then we'll give Ukrainians everything they need to kill you in the field.'"

According to their research paper, Moscow would also be coaxed to the table with the promise of NATO membership for Ukraine being put off for an extended period.

Russia invaded neighboring Ukraine in February 2022. Until some gains by Russia in recent months, the front lines barely moved since the end of that year, despite tens of thousands of dead on both sides in relentless trench warfare, the bloodiest fighting in Europe since World War Two.

Fleitz said Ukraine need not formally cede territory to Russia under their plan. Still, he said, Ukraine was unlikely to regain effective control of all its territory in the near term.

"Our concern is that this has become a war of attrition that's going to kill a whole generation of young men," he said.

A lasting peace in Ukraine would require additional security guarantees for Ukraine, Kellogg and Fleitz said. Fleitz added that "arming Ukraine to the teeth" was likely to be a key element of that.

"President Trump has repeatedly stated that a top priority in his second term will be to quickly negotiate an end to the Russia-Ukraine war," Trump spokesperson Cheung said.

Biden campaign spokesperson James Singer said Trump is not interested in standing up to Putin or defending democracy.

Some Republicans will be reticent to pay for more resources to Ukraine under the plan. The U.S. has spent more than $70 billion on military aid for Ukraine since Moscow's invasion.

"What (Trump's supporters) want to do is reduce aid, if not turn off the spigot," said Charles Kupchan, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.

Putin said this month that the war could end if Ukraine agreed to drop its ambitions to join NATO and hand over four eastern and southern provinces claimed by Russia.

During a meeting of the United Nations Security Council last week, French and British ambassadors reiterated their view that peace can only be sought when Russia withdraws from Ukrainian territory, a position Kyiv shares.

Several analysts also expressed concern that the plan by Kellogg and Fleitz could give Moscow the upper hand in talks.

"What Kellogg is describing is a process slanted toward Ukraine giving up all of the territory that Russia now occupies," said Daniel Fried, a former assistant secretary of state who worked on Russia policy.

During a podcast interview last week, Trump ruled out committing U.S. troops to Ukraine and appeared skeptical of making Ukraine a NATO member. He has indicated he would quickly move to cut aid to Kyiv if elected.

Biden has consistently pushed for more Ukraine aid, and his administration supports its eventual ascension to NATO. Earlier this month, Biden and Zelenskiy signed a 10-year bilateral security agreement.

(Reporting by Gram Slattery and Simon Lewis, and Guy Faulconbridge in Moscow; editing by Michelle Nichols, Kieran Murray, Ross Colvin and Cynthia Osterman)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

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    Formal MoU/ Agreement may be worked out detailing the obligations and arrangements stated in the Proposal and got approved by DST subsequent to the sanctioning of the Project, before the funds are released by DST. 3. International travel is not normally permissible under the Project. 4. The Project personnel recruited for the Project are ...

  10. PDF International Travel Support Scheme

    Complete application including all supporting documents must be tagged properly, and should reach at least 2 Months before the commencement of the event. The applicant can see the result in our websites:; (under "What is new") and (under "New Announcement") about four weeks in advance of the event.

  11. Top 16 Travel Grants For International Conference 2024

    16. Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds Travel Grant 2024. The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) offers travel grants of up to three months to MD and Ph.D. students, as well as postdoctoral researchers globally, supporting experimental projects in basic biomedical research.

  12. Call for Proposals

    India Sri Lanka Joint Call for Research Proposal. 04/06/2024. 15/07/2024. Call for proposal for Geospatial Technology and Solutions. 13/06/2024. 15/07/2024. Call for proposal under the NEW AND EMERGING ENERGY STORAGE TECHNOLOGIES (NEST) PROGRAMME- Deadline extended till 07th July 2024. 08/04/2024. 07/07/2024.

  13. Awards/Prize/Result Announcements

    Awards/Prize/Result Announcements. Title. Year. List of students selected to participate in 73rd Lindau Nobel Laureates meeting 2024 in Germany. 2024. Selected Fellows for WISE-PhD Programme under Engineering and Technology (ET) 2024. Results of the Indo-German Joint Call 2023 (DST-DAAD) 2024.

  14. International Travel by Non-ICMR Scientists

    NOTE: Canvassing will disqualify the applicant for the ICMR Travel Grant. Enclosures. The following documents must be attached with the application: i. One copy of the completed application in the prescribed format and bio-data of the applicant. ii. A copy of letter from other national/international agency committing to bear partial cost of ...

  15. Yuri Milner

    Less than 3% of the total capital raised by DST Global from inception to 2022 was from a Russian institution (VTB Bank), all prior to 2011, and all such capital was fully returned by 2014. Russian Investor. One of the early backers of DST Global, was Mr. Alisher Usmanov, whose last investment in DST Global funds was in 2011 (DST Global II). Mr.

  16. International Travel Support (ITS) Scheme

    International Travel Support (ITS) Scheme. ITS scheme is designed to provide financial assistance for presenting a research paper or chairing a session or delivering a keynote address in an international scientific event (Conference/ Seminar/ Symposium/ Workshop). In addition, support is also provided to young scientists (age limit 35 years as ...

  17. DST Raises a New Fund, Invests in Spotify and "the Amazon of China"

    DST, the Russian late-stage investment fund famous for stakes in Facebook, Zynga and Groupon, has raised a new fund called DST Global 2, according to Russian press reports. Advertisement

  18. Tata Trust Travel Grant

    Tata Trust Travel Grant. Travel grants are provided to the students proceeding for post-graduate and doctoral studies and for professionals proceeding for their mid-career programmes or to attend relevant and meaningful Seminars/ Conferences/ Workshops abroad. Applications are accepted one month prior to the date of travel. The Trusts maintain ...

  19. Dst-cnrs

    Support for JRF /SRF / RA/ PDF (as per DST's guidelines) Contingency up to Rs. 30,000 per year; The cost of accident and sickness insurance during travel will not be supported under this Programme. Since the project is supported mainly for collaboration; applicants have to indicate about the status of co-funding. Intellectual Property

  20. What time is the 2024 presidential debate? How to watch CNN-hosted

    President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump will go head to head tonight for the first presidential debate of the 2024 cycle.. Hosted by CNN, the debate will be 90 minutes and introduce some new rules to the format.Both candidates have accepted the network's invitation and agreed to accept the rules and format of the debate, according to CNN.

  21. Delaware Tourism Office Announces Sports Tourism Capital Investment

    Today the Delaware Tourism Office announced awards to four Delaware sports facilities through the Sports Tourism Capital Investment Fund. Established through the Fiscal Year 2024 Bond and Capital Improvements Act, the fund provides financial support to new or existing sports facilities that hold events throughout the year to attract out-of-state visitors and contribute to the state and local ...

  22. Biden's tough path in North Carolina worsens after debate

    Biden delivered a defiant speech in Raleigh, North Carolina on Friday in a rare campaign rally in front of a cheering crowd. "When you get knocked down, you get back up," he said, acknowledging ...

  23. Funding Mechanism

    Funding Mechanism. The implementation approach translates into specific funding opportunities for intended participants. Depending on the objectives of the activities specified in the call for proposal launched from time to time, the proposals could be proposed by: Scientists and technologists working in Public, Private and Voluntary Sector.

  24. US to fund printing of more than 3 million textbooks for ...

    The United States will fund the printing of more than three million textbooks for Ukrainian students to use in the coming school year amid escalated Russian attacks on Ukrainian printing ...

  25. DeAnna Price fundraising to bring family to Paris Olympics

    ST. LOUIS — DeAnna Price is headed for Paris to compete for Team USA in hammer throw. Price is hoping her family can travel with her to watch her sport. Price launched a fundraiser on the ...

  26. Exclusive-Trump Handed Plan to Halt US Military Aid to Kyiv Unless It

    US News is a recognized leader in college, grad school, hospital, mutual fund, and car rankings. Track elected officials, research health conditions, and find news you can use in politics ...

  27. INSA-DAE/BRNS-CICS Travel Fellowship Programme

    The scheme provides financial support towards partial travel / registration to scientists/researchers in various disciplines such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Medicine, Engineering, Space Science & Technology, Computer Science and Engineering and other related areas to attend international scientific conferences, seminars and workshops abroad.

  28. A Den of Spies: Vienna Emerges as Hub for Russian Espionage

    Moscow allegedly plotted to kill an investigative journalist in Austria. Now his home is protected by officers with submachine guns.

  29. Eight killed in fire at Moscow research centre

    Two people jumped to their deaths from the top floors of a burning building linked to the production of Russian weaponry, and at least six others have died in the fire, state-owned Tass news ...

  30. Advertisement for filling up of '02' (Two) posts of Scientific Attache

    DST Dashboard Home >> Advertisement for filling up of '02' (Two) posts of Scientific Attache, Group 'A' Gazetted one post each in Indian Mission at Washington, U.S.A and Indian Mission at Moscow, Russia on deputation (including short-term contract) basis >>