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Gūsti iedvesmu ceļošanai


Gaisa temperatūra jūnijā

Ūdens temperatūra jūnijā

Daži Turciju sauc par savām otrajām mājām un atgriežās tur vēl un vēl! Turcijā Tu atklāsi ko jaunu katru reizi kā dosies turp! Gleznainas ainavas, kalni, kas šķietami izkāpuši no pašas jūras, kultūrvēstures pieminekļi, kas sargā savus noslēpumus tūkstošiem gadu, neticami garda un viesmīlīga virtuve. Turcija ir piemērota visiem - gan tiem, kas izvēlās mierīgu atpūtu pie jūras, gan aktīviem piedzīvojumu meklētājiem. 

Vai nezini kurp doties?

Aizpildi testu, lai uzzinātu, kurš galamērķis ir vispiemērotākais tieši tev, jautājums 1 / 5, kādi ir tavi sapņi, mūsu pasaule pieder tev.

Coral Travel Group starptautiskajā tūrisma tirgū darbojas jau 30 gadus un šajā laikā ir attīstījusi viena no pasaules līderēm tūrisma industrijā. Coral Travel zīmols šobrīd darbojas 22 valstīs. Vairāk nekā 30 miljoni klientu ir izmantojuši mūsu pakalpojumus


Coral Travel


1 uzņēmuma salons un vairāk nekā 200 partneru biroji visā Latvijā

visā Latvijā

Skatiet tirdzniecības vietu sarakstu

Akcijas un papildu pakalpojumi

Lieliskas brīvdienas par lielisku cenu.

Kā ceļot bez stresa? Izmanto akcijas un papildu pakalpojumus, ko esam jums sagatavojuši, lai nodrošinātu sev un saviem mīļajiem lieliskas brīvdienas.Atklājie #Coralove un bezgalīgu vasaru! Galu galā komforts un drošība ir veiksmīgas brīvdienas pamats!

Elastyczna zmiana rezerwacji

Izbaudi "Elite Service"

Coral Travel Elite ir ekskluzīva brīvdienu koncepcija, kas nodrošina augstākās kvalitātes apkalpošanu un servisus visprasīgākajai gaumei!

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Covid-19 Garantija

Covid Garantija ir papildu pakalpojums, kas ļauj atlikt ceļojumu, ja COVID-19 testa rezultāts ir pozitīvs pirms lidojuma. Šis pakalpojums garantē, ka Jūs varat atlikt ceļojumu un braukt vēlāk.

Gwarancja niezmienności ceny

"Vasaras Kolekcija 2023"

Rūpīgi atlasītas un ļoti iecienītas viesnīcas Turcijā,Kretā un Melkalnē Jūsu neaizmirstamajām brīvdienām.


Atklāj vairāk par zemāku cenu! Īpašas atlaides galamērķiem visā pasaulē!

Tūroperators coral travel latvia.

Mēs esam daļa no Coral Travel Group, kas 30 gadu laikā ir kļuvusi par vienu no pasaules tūrisma nozares līderiem, sniedzot kvalitatīvus tūrisma braucienus vairāk nekā 18 miljoniem apmierinātu klientu. Coral Travel Group darbojas 5 kontinentos, tam ir meitas uzņēmumi 13 valstīs un 6000 darbinieku. Uzņēmums organizē ceļojumus uz gandrīz 90 galamērķiem 38 pasaules valstīs, ieskaitot Turciju, Grieķiju, Spāniju, Ēģipti, Apvienotos Arābu Emirātus un Taizemi. 

Coral Travel Latvia - tas ir pieredzes, starptautisku zināšanu un spēka apvienojums, kas padara ceļošanas procesu ērtu un neaizmirstamu.

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Planificarea unei vacanțe nu este niciodată o sarcină ușoară, dar Rixos Park Belek face ca acest proces să fie mult mai simplu.

The Land of Legends: distracție nelimitată pentru toate vârstele în Antalya

Rixos Premium Belek: Vacanță de lux pe malul Mării Mediterane

În mijlocul frumuseții naturale a rivierei turcești se află unul dintre cele mai exclusiviste resorturi de pe coasta Mediteranei: Rixos Premium Belek.

The Land of Legends: distracție nelimitată pentru toate vârstele în Antalya

The Land of Legends: distracție nelimitată pentru toate vârstele în Antalya

The Land of Legends este mai mult decât un simplu parc de distracții - este o lume în care fiecare vizitator poate descoperi ceva nou în fiecare moment.

Descoperă frumusețea coastei de sud-vest a Turciei

Descoperă frumusețea coastei de sud-vest a Turciei

Bodrum și Dalaman, două destinații fermecătoare din sud-vestul Turciei, atrag vizitatori din întreaga lume datorită peisajelor idilice, plajelor spectaculoase cu ape albastre, și hotelurilor luxoase. Aceste două zone oferă o varietate de experiențe, de la servicii hoteliere excelente la aventuri în natură și sporturi nautice...

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3 travel agencies found for cape coral.

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Son Dakika Fırsatları

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Odada kişi başı konaklama fiyatıdır.


29.06.2024 (En az 7 gece konaklama)

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Paris Turu  (Istanbul Hareketli)

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Neden Coral Travel?

Coral tatil ile güvenli tatil.

30 yıldır verdiği hizmetlerle turizm sektöründe öncülerden biri olan Coral Tatil, yaklaşık 40 ülkede 90 destinasyonda tatil fırsatı sunar. Her yıl 3 milyondan fazla turiste hizmet verir. Farklı tatil isteklerine cevap verebilen geniş yelpazesi ile tatilden beklentileri en iyi şekilde karşılar. Özellikle internet üzerinden kolayca rezervasyon yapma imkanı sunması ile güvenli tatilin adresidir. Tatil rezervasyon işlemleri için web sitesine girerek çeşitli bölgeler, oteller ve konaklama olanakları ile ilgili bilgi sahibi olabilirsiniz. Ardından tek yapmanız gereken istediğiniz otel ya da tur için rezervasyon yaptırmak. Oldukça hızlı ve pratik bir şekilde rezervasyon yaparak tatilinizi çok daha keyifli hale getirebilirsiniz.

Yüzlerce seçeneği kolayca inceleyerek tatil planlarınızı rahatlıkla yapabilirsiniz. Yalnızca otel rezervasyonunuzu değil, uçak biletinizi ve transferinizi de online olarak gerçekleştirebilirsiniz. Size ise yalnızca istediğiniz tatil kriterlerini belirlemek kalır. Tüm planınızı yaptıktan sonra ise ister online olarak ister telefondan güvenli bir şekilde ödemenizi gerçekleştirebilirsiniz.

Binlerce Çeşit Tatil Fırsatları

Tatil denince herkesin aklına farklı seçenekler gelebilir. İster yaz ister kış tatili yapabilir ve bunun için Türkiye’nin ve dünyanın çeşitli destinasyonlarını tercih edebilirsiniz. Eğlence ve aktivite dolu bir tatilden yana da olabilir ya da doğa içinde bir tatil keyfi yapmayı tercih edebilirsiniz. Kültürel aktivitelerle dolu bir gezi ya da farklı gelenekleri tanımanızı sağlayacak yurt dışı turları size göre olabilir. Bu turları paket şeklinde tercih edebilir ve tatil boyunca daha fazla yeri görme imkanı elde edebilirsiniz. Tatil paketleri içinde yer alan pek çok hizmet de tatil boyunca tüm ihtiyaçlarınızı rahatlıkla karşılamanızı sağlar. Örneğin; konaklamalı bir tur tercih edebilir ve tatiliniz boyunca konforlu bir şekilde konaklayabilirsiniz. Eğer isterseniz farklı şehirlerden oluşan kültür turları  ve gezilerini tercih ederek kısa süre içinde pek çok destinasyonu görme şansı yakalayabilirsiniz.

Birçok farklı lokasyondaki tatil seçeneklerini değerlendirerek, keşfetmek istediğiniz yeni yerlerde konforlu ve keyifli bir şekilde zaman geçirebilirsiniz. Ayrıca tatil yapmayı düşündüğünüz yerler ile ilgili detaylı bilgileri öğrenebilir, daha kolay bir şekilde kararınızı verebilirsiniz. Seçtiğiniz yerlerde hangi aktiviteleri yapabileceğinizi, hangi bölgelerde konaklayabileceğinizi öğrenerek kendinize uygun tatil yerini kolayca seçebilirsiniz. Örneğin; yurt içi oteller  konusunda birçok seçeneğe ulaşabilir ve bu otellerin sahip olduğu olanakları inceleyerek doğru kararı verebilirsiniz.Keyifli ve unutulmaz bir tatil deneyimi için doğru oteli ve bölgeyi seçmeniz oldukça önemlidir. Bu konuda da size hem kolaylık sağlayan hem de güven veren Coral Tatil sunduğu avantajlarla yıl boyu hayalini kurduğunuz tatili yaşamanızı sağlar.

Bütçenizin Dostu Tatil Fiyatları

Tatil fiyatları belirlenirken pek çok kriter göz önünde bulundurulur. Bunlardan en önemlisi tatilin yapılacağı bölgedir. Özellikle ülkemizde popüler tatil bölgelerinden olan Akdeniz ve Ege’de tatil yapmak diğer bölgelerdeki tatillere göre daha farklı fiyatlarda olabilir. Tabii ki bu bölgelerdeki destinasyonlar da kendi aralarında fiyat farklılıkları gösterebilir. Örneğin; Kıbrıs tatili  için de oldukça fazla seçenek sunan Coral Tatil, lüks tatil sevenlere hitap eder ve bu bölgedeki tatil fiyatları, Türkiye’deki destinasyonlara göre daha farklı olabilir. Ayrıca tatiliniz için belirlediğiniz süre de fiyatlar üzerinde etkili bir kriterdir. Konaklayacağınız gün arttıkça gün başına düşen ücret azalabilir. Konaklayacağınız otelin konumu, özellikleri, yıldız sayısı, olanakları ve çevresinde bulunan tesisler de tatil fiyatları belirlenirken göz önünde bulundurulur. Coral Tatil’de apart otellerden tutun lüks otellere kadar farklı konaklama özellikleri sunan seçenekler bulabilirsiniz. Bu sayede bütçenize uygun tatil fırsatı bulmanız konusunda size kolaylık sağlar.

Coral Travel Türkiye, özellikle her bütçeye hitap eden tatil fırsatları sunması ile öne çıkar. Tatil deninde aklınıza yüksek maliyetler ve harcamalar geliyor olabilir. Ancak Coral Tatil sayesinde uygun tatil yapma imkanı elde edebilirsiniz. Çünkü farklı bölgelerde yer alan oteller ve turlar ile sizleri buluşturarak fiyatlar konusunda da geniş bir yelpaze sunar. Ayrıca en büyük avantajlardan biri olan erken rezervasyon fırsatı da elde edebilirsiniz. Bu sayede istediğiniz tarih aralıklarında istediğiniz otelde konaklama avantajı yakalayabilirsiniz. Tabii ki erken rezervasyonun en büyük avantajı olan uygun fiyatlı konaklama ve tatil deneyimi de vardır. Bu sayede istediğiniz otellerde konaklayıp istediğiniz yerlerde tatil yapmak için bütçenizi aşan harcamalar yapmanıza gerek kalmaz. Bu endişenizi sona erdirdiği gibi yılın her dönemi erken rezervasyon imkanı sunarak tarihler konusunda da daha rahat olmanızı sağlar. Son dakika istediğiniz otelde yer bulamama gibi riskleri ortadan kaldırır.

Neden Coral Tatil’i Seçmelisiniz?

Sunduğu hizmetler ile tatil arayışında olanlar için bir adım öne çıkan Coral Tatil, tatilinizin daha keyifli geçmesi için birçok seçenek sunar. Yıl boyu beklediğiniz tatil zamanı geldiğinde, istediğiniz gibi bir keyif yapabilmeniz için doğru seçimler oldukça önemlidir. Bunun için bölge seçiminden konaklama seçimine kadar pek çok detay yer alır. Bu nedenle kendinize uygun kriterleri belirleyerek detaylı bir araştırma yapmalısınız. Özellikle ödeme yöntemi konusunda güvenilir olması ile öne çıkan Coral Tatil, online olarak rezervasyon yapmanızı sağlar. Bu sayede içiniz rahat bir şekilde istediğiniz otel veya tur için rezervasyon yaptırabilir ve tatil gününün gelmesini bekleyebilirsiniz. Satış danışmanlarının tecrübesi sayesinde tatil konusunda aklınıza takılanları ve kararsız kaldığınız noktaları kolaylıkla çözümlemenizi sağlar. Bu sayede istediğiniz kriterlerdeki tatili daha kolay bulabilirsiniz. Ayrıca yalnızca otel rezervasyonu konusunda değil, uçak bileti alma ve transfer hizmetleri konusunda da destek alabilirsiniz. Güvenilir bir tatil için birbirinden güzel tatil seçenekleri ve her bütçeye uygun tatil yerleri Coral Tatil’de sizlerle.

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Tears flow as witnesses recount victims in Wade Wilson capital murder trial

The penalty phase in wade wilson's capital murder trial began monday after one of his attorneys became ill, resulting in delayed depositions..

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Kristine Melton's cousin, who also happened to be her best friend, dried tears as she read a scripted statement in remembrance of the brutally murdered woman, accompanied by her husband.

Wade Wilson, 30, faces a possible death penalty. A jury convicted him on June 12 of the 2019 first-degree murders of Melton, 35, and Diane Ruiz, 43, and other charges linked to the crimes.

The penalty phase in Wade Wilson's capital murder trial began Monday. The penalty phase only happens in capital murder trials, where the accused faces the death penalty. It begins after the jury convicts the accused of the first-degree murder charge.

The jury may choose whether to recommend the death penalty or life in prison without parole, with testimony taking up all of Monday into the evening hours. On Tuesday, Lee Circuit Judge Nicholas Thompson is expected to allow closing arguments before he sends the jury to deliberate.

Family members, friends and medical experts testified Monday.

Cousin said Kristine Melton, a godmother, loved travel

Melton's cousin, Samantha Catomer, said they were best friends and that Melton was her child's godmother. Catomer's husband stood by her as she testified. Catomer was frequently engulfed in tears.

Catomer said Melton loved to dress up. Halloween was among her favorite holidays.

Kristine Melton: Cape Coral murder victim Kristine Melton was best friend, cat mom

"He threw her away like garbage," Catomer said of Wilson, later adding that Melton "was precious, not just to me, but to everyone who knew her."

Melton had a quick wit, Catomer said. She said everyone felt safe and understood around her.

"She was a relief just to sit next to her," Catomer said.

As Catomer continued to describe Melton, she said she became her child's godmother. Catomer described that milestone as Melton's "greatest honor."

"Kristine will never experience motherhood, a role she was born to play," Catomer said, adding that Melton loved to travel and "get to know the world."

Melton lived less than a block away from her mother, Catomer said. She added Melton's mother was horrified after the murder and moved to Maryland with one of Melton's other siblings.

Melton's mother has not been present throughout the trial.

Penalty phase delay: Life or death? Penalty phase for Wade Wilson, convicted of double murder, delayed until Monday

Guilty of all counts: Guilty: Wade Wilson convicted of all counts in 2019 murders of Kristine Melton, Diane Ruiz

Catomer occasionally stared at Wilson as she read her prepared statement.

"Losing Kristine is like losing your son," Catomer said. "I would not wish it on my worst enemy."

Catomer also identified Melton's cat, who she said sat by her "crumbled body," as authorities arrived.

"Look at her," Catomer said, looking at Wilson. "I know you can."

The pictures were shown to jurors on a screen.

Zane Romero says mother Diane Ruiz missed major milestone

Ruiz's murder happened just days before she was set to watch her son debut in his high school band program.

Zane Romero was a freshman and now studies graphic design in college.

Ruiz was Romero's only living parent. Romero wanted her to watch his marching band performance later that week. Her murder happened on a Monday.

"I never got to see her in the crowd," Romero said.

Romero said Ruiz was engaged and months away from getting married.

"She was so close to getting everything she wanted," said Romero, who grew up with his mother wherever she went. Ruiz was murdered when Wilson stopped her and said he could not find a Cape Coral school. He enticed Ruiz to ride in Melton's car, which he drove after her slaying.

Wilson murdered Ruiz in Melton's car before he ran her over between 10 and 20 times, testimony uncovered.

Diane Ruiz: Cape Coral murder victim Diane Ruiz was loving mom, hardworking

Romero, who sighed while his voice pitch became affected by his emotions, recounted the accomplishments his mother has missed.

He completed three years of marching band, won awards for his photography and got accepted into all the colleges he applied. One of those colleges offered him a full ride, he said.

"My mom will never get to see me get married," Romero said.

Romero said he was involved in a severe car accident his freshman year of college and was taken to the intensive care unit.

"I wasn’t able to call my mom," he said.

Romero reviewed a series of pictures he took of and with his mother.

He also became emotional when he pointed at a specific photograph Ruiz took of him. Romero said he was not a fan of being photographer, but on one particular occasion, he allowed that Ruiz take his photograph.

It is the only time he said he allowed his mother photograph him, he said, as a Mother's Day gift.

Physicians weigh in on Wade Wilson's psychology

Three physicians testified Monday as to Wilson's mental health.

The defense called experts Dr. Hyman Eisenstein and Dr. Mark Mills, while the state called Dr. Michael Herkov.

They evaluated a series of clinical tests performed on Wilson as recently as last week.

Their various testimony revealed Wilson's parents, then 14 and 15, gave him for adoption. He grew up in the Tallahassee area, where he went to school.

Wilson received A, B and C grades, for the most part, they said. He struggled with mathematics.

Eisenstein, a neuropsychologist, said he met Wilson on three occasions. He said his test results show he was very effective at the beginning of the provided tests, but his performance declined quickly soon after.

Through his puberty, Wilson was "acting fine," Eisenstein said he determined. Wilson was active in sports and went to church.

Wilson's mental health changed after his puberty years, Eisenstein said.

Mood swings and the thought of an alien presence "out to get him" were among the symptoms Eisenstein noted.

Wilson was 15 or 16 when he was involuntarily committed to a mental hospital during a separate incident and released the following day. He was also expelled from high school on drug accusations.

Wade Wilson was afraid of deputies present during testing

While experts tested Wilson to prepare the penalty phase in the trial, Eisenstein said, Wilson asked that two jail deputies standing in the room as a safety precaution step out.

Eisenstein said Wilson cited privacy concerns.

The two deputies said they had to remain in the room during the testing, but they stepped outside after Wilson raised confidentiality issues, the testimony uncovered.

"He's very impulsive, he's very fast," Eisenstein noted of Wilson. Eisenstein reiterated Wilson is accurate toward the beginning, but his performance later wanes.

Wilson's testing score placed him in the borderline for the average percentiles and found he was not looking to fake, Eisenstein said.

His IQ was found to be 92, which is in the lower average range, with a "profoundly impaired" executive function, Eisenstein said. Being under the influence of a controlled substance would have brought his score even lower, he added.

"He was very interactive" during the testing, Eisenstein said of Wilson, who the doctor said has a "whole series" of head injuries.

The first of them, Eisenstein said, happened when Wilson was 10 on the baseball field. When Wilson was 11, he suffered a concussion during a football game, Eisenstein said.

At age 18, he was involved in a car crash, Eisenstein said, adding that Wilson was not wearing a seatbelt when the car crashed into tree. It was the first of two similar car crashes Wilson suffered in the span of three years, Eisenstein said.

During the time between both crashes, Eisenstein said, Wilson at age 20 overdosed on narcotics and suffered a seizure.

Eisenstein said he concluded Wilson suffered from "neurocognitive" brain impairment.

When Assistant State Attorney Sara Miller asked Eisenstein if he reviewed the 911 calls related to the case, Eisenstein said he did not. Miller is prosecuting the case along with Assistant State Attorney Andreas Gardiner.

Eisenstein said he did not review the statements Melissa Montanez — a victim in one of the listed charges — provided either.

Mills, a forensic psychiatrist, said he worked cohesively with Eisenstein.

Among the documents he reviewed was a letter written by Wilson's adoptive sister, Wendy Wilson, a radiologist, Mills said.

Wade Wilson exaggerated symptoms

Mills said Wade Wilson invalidated some tests when he exaggerated symptoms most people do not have.

During the different testing, Mills said, Wade Wilson appeared "very wary and very watchful."

Mills said his testing uncovered Wade Wilson in 2007 became paranoid, hostile and isolated.

"I don’t know exactly what Mr. Wilson has, but it is very significant," Mills said.

As a teenager, Wade Wilson believed others would harm him and his family, Mills said.

Mills said that while his testing uncovered anomalies in Wade Wilson, the convicted killer self-reported his clinical history.

Most of his older files spanning back to his childhood and teenage years were destroyed in a fire.

After Eisenstein and Mills testified, state prosecutors called Dr. Michael Herkov, a clinical and forensic neuropsychologist, to the stand.

Herkov said he met with Wade Wilson on June 19.

According to Herkov, Wade Wilson said he would only give him 15 minutes, but they spent over an hour.

Herkov said Wade Wilson does not suffer from any disorder. He also declined noticing any memory issues in Wade Wilson.

Wade Wilson chooses not to testify

Wade Wilson declined to testify, similar to what happened during the guilt phase of the trial, the same day jurors convicted him.

Defense lawyers Lee Hollander and Kevin Shirley said they had separated a series of photographs that pictured Wade Wilson along with his adoptive family.

The images were admitted into evidence after state prosecutors OK'd their use, but Wade Wilson said he did not want them shown to jurors, citing the appearance of specific relatives. He did not indicate which relatives' appearance he disagreed with.

State prosecutors present four aggravating factors

Gardiner, who presented the opening arguments for the state Monday morning, said the state is relying on four aggravating factors — which could ultimately mean Wade Wilson receives the capital punishment.

Jurors only need to find one aggravator exists to recommend death.

Gardiner said the murders of Melton and Ruiz had three characteristics in common: both victims were selected, secluded and strangled.

"I’ve already done it, I’ll do it again," Gardiner reminded jurors that Wade Wilson told detectives during a recorded interview at the Lee County Jail.

Gardiner said Ruiz "came back to life" three or four times as she confronted Wade Wilson's attack.

"Both Kristine Melton and Diane Ruiz endured a high level of pain," Gardiner said.

A different aggravator, Gardiner said, is that Wade Wilson was on probation for a felony he had committed in Palm Beach County two-and-a-half weeks before the Oct. 7, 2019, murders.

Wade Wilson will die in prison, defense says

Shirley said Wade Wilson will die in prison "either way."

"This portion of the trial is critical," Shirley said. "It’s critical to you, and it’s critical to Mr. Wilson."

Shirley said the verdict will be "one of the most important" decisions jurors will make in their lives.

Tomas Rodriguez is a Breaking/Live News Reporter for the Naples Daily News and The News-Press. You can reach Tomas at [email protected] or 772-333-5501. Connect with him on Threads  @tomasfrobeltran , Instagram  @tomasfrobeltran  and Facebook  @tomasrodrigueznews .

4 great L.A. hikes that offer treats near the trails

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When I was section hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, I met a thru-hiker (trail name: Toots Magoots) who shared a fun way she rewarded herself during a long, grueling stretch of the 2,650-mile route. She smuggled cupcakes and a Coke into her backpack and surprised her hiking partner with them on her birthday. It was a “major treat,” she recalled, after a steady diet of granola bars, nuts and oatmeal.

It made me realize that sometimes we need more than just beautiful scenery to keep us going on the trails. Even shorter day hikes are more satisfying when they’re combined with a good meal or a new experience.

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Whenever I’m hiking in a new neighborhood or one I rarely get a chance to visit, I try to treat myself to something at the end that makes the trip more memorable or expands a single event into a fun outing. Here are a few hikes that offer rewards beyond the amazing views and cardio workouts we have come to expect on most Southern California trails.

The Mt. Wilson trailhead in Sierra Madre, left; Lunch (a wrap, cookie and soda) with a view on Mt. Wilson, right.

Mt. Wilson Trail, Sierra Madre The iconic Mt. Wilson Observatory has always welcomed hikers who make it to the top from various trailheads in the San Gabriel foothills. But this summer, there are also fresh sandwiches and delectable pastries to motivate you to push through that last 1,000 feet of elevation gain. Pasadena’s Little Flower bakery has taken over concessions at the Cosmic Cafe on weekends. That means along with hot dogs and sandwiches, you’ll find the bakery’s signature cookies, brownies and raspberry bars on the menu. It doesn’t get much better than enjoying a sea salt caramel -chocolate cookie and ice-cold drink while looking down the mountain at the trail you just conquered.

The trail start to Hsi Lai Temple, left; The ornate entrance gate of Hsi Lai Temple, right.

Skyline Trail, Hacienda Heights The largest Buddhist monastery on the West Coast sits along the Skyline Trail in Hacienda Heights. Its orange pagodas can be seen in the distance from many trails in the area, but only one path leads right to it. It’s a moderate three-mile trek that begins as a single track off Holmes Circle and links up with fire roads that wind their way to Hacienda Boulevard and Hsi Lai Temple . The massive, ornate entrance gate and large parking lot can be jarring as you emerge from the low-key trail. But inside, it’s a peaceful sanctuary where you can meditate for a moment or enjoy a vegetarian buffet lunch ($10 a person; open daily). Be mindful of the dress code: no tank tops, shorts or flip-flops.

Forrestal Reserve in Rancho Palos Verdes, left; Chori-Man in San Pedro is a great place for post-hike burritos, right.

Forrestal Reserve, Rancho Palos Verdes Forrestal Reserve is a 155-acre reserve known for its abundance of coastal sage and high cliffs layered with basalt, sedimentary folds and fish fossils. You can piece together a moderate morning hike by heading north on the Quarry Trail and connecting to the Flying Mane Trail and a series of shorter trails that eventually loop back to Forrestal Drive. Then head a few miles east to the Chori-Man in San Pedro for a burrito that will blow your mind and gustatory sense. Everything is good here, but I dream most about the signature breakfast burrito with housemade maple habanero chorizo. (But beware: It’s closed Monday and Tuesday.)

The Cobb Estate gated entrance, left; A pizza from Side Pie, right.

Cobb Estate to Inspiration Point, Altadena This trail begins at the Cobb Estate at the top of Lake Avenue in Altadena. It’s a strenuous switchback-heavy hike, whether you take it 2.5 miles to the ruins of the turn-of-the-last-century Echo Mountain resort or continue another 2.5 miles to the picnic tables and city-to-ocean views of Inspiration Point. Either way, you deserve a reward upon completion. My editor Alyssa loves the thin-crust pizzas and chill vibe of the Grateful Dead-themed Side Pie , half a mile south of the trailhead on Lake. I usually opt for the walk-up window at Connal’s , a little farther south on Washington Avenue in Pasadena. My kids will climb any mountain for the caramel or wild cherry-butterscotch milkshakes.

3 things to do

A sign shows the start of the Pacific Crest Trail near Three Points trailhead in the Angeles National Forest.

1. Hike a section of the Pacific Crest Trail The Sierra Club is offering the opportunity to sample a small part of the 2,650-mile Pacific Crest Trail on Saturday morning with a moderate 10.4-mile day hike led by the Angeles Chapter Gay and Lesbian Sierrans. The out-and-back hike begins in the Angeles National Forest at Three Points trailhead and heads east on the Pacific Crest Trail to Cloudburst Summit. The hike is free and open to all, but a signed medical form is required. For more information on this and ridesharing from La Cañada, go to .

2. Learn how native plants are grown in Irvine The native seed farm in the foothills of the Santa Ana Mountains began in 2009 with a straightforward goal: grow plants that support habitat restoration across the natural spaces that make up the Irvine Ranch Conservancy. Volunteers play a big role at the 14-acre farm, and from 8 to 11 a.m. Friday and 5:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, they can help out with weeding, harvesting and other tasks while also learning about local plants and wildlife. Advance registration is required. For more information, visit .

3. Watch a movie outside in Montecito Heights The Audubon Center at Debs Park is hosting a free community movie night Friday in its courtyard from 5:30 to 9:30. The center will be screening the animated “Book of Life” and also have film-inspired crafts and activities, such as puppet-making with the Arroyo Arts Collective and guided storytelling with Audubon Center staff members. For more information, visit .

The must-read

A snow-covered Mt. Fuji is seen from an airplane window.

Monday marks the start of climbing season on Mt. Fuji , and climbers this year will find new restrictions in place to control crowds and prioritize safety. It’s a reminder of why there’s a lottery-based permit system for our own mighty peak, Mt. Whitney . If you didn’t score a permit this year (the quota season runs May through October), there’s always the possibility of finding a cancellation on . When a group reduces its size or cancels, the spaces are put back on the website for reservations.

Happy adventuring,

Signature for Laura Randall

As I recently walked through the parking lot of Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook, something unusual caught my eye: four electric vehicle charging stations. It turns out that more than 20 state parks and beaches offer free public EV charging, including Will Rogers , Chino Hills and Los Angeles State Historic Park . How great would it be if this perk were expanded to more parks and trailheads? We could plug in and charge up while enjoying some quality outdoor time, rather than killing time in a big-box store or deserted parking lot. As pressure mounts to improve the state’s EV infrastructure , California aims to have 250,000 additional chargers installed by the end of 2025. Let’s hope that some of them show up near our green spaces.

For more insider tips on Southern California’s beaches, trails and parks, check out past editions of The Wild . And to view this newsletter in your browser, click here .

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Laura Randall is a Los Angeles-based writer and author of several Southern California hiking guides. She has written about hiking and travel for a variety of newspapers and magazines and is the author of “60 Hikes 60 Miles: Los Angeles” and the Wilderness Press guide to the Pacific Crest Trail in Southern California. When she’s not hiking, she can usually be found reading L.A. noir novels at the beach or being walked by a headstrong golden retriever named Boris.

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Increased Risk of Dengue Virus Infections in the United States

Health Alert Network logo.

Distributed via the CDC Health Alert Network June 25, 2024, 2:30 PM ET CDCHAN-00511

Summary The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is issuing this Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Advisory to notify healthcare providers, public health authorities and the public of an increased risk of dengue virus (DENV) infections in the United States in 2024. Global incidence of dengue in 2024 has been the highest on record for this calendar year; many countries are reporting higher-than-usual dengue case numbers . In 2024, countries in the Americas have reported a record-breaking number of dengue cases, exceeding the highest number ever recorded in a single year. From January 1 – June 24, 2024, countries in the Americas reported more than 9.7 million dengue cases, twice as many as in all of 2023 (4.6 million cases). In the United States, Puerto Rico has declared a public health emergency (1,498 cases) and a higher-than-expected number of dengue cases have been identified among U.S. travelers (745 cases) from January 1 – June 24, 2024. In the setting of increased global and domestic incidence of dengue, healthcare providers should take steps including:

  • Have increased suspicion of dengue among people with fever who have been in areas with frequent or continuous dengue transmission within 14 days before illness onset,
  • Order appropriate diagnostic tests for acute DENV infection: reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction [RT-PCR] and IgM antibody tests, or non-structural protein 1 [NS1] antigen tests and IgM antibody tests,
  • Ensure timely reporting of dengue cases to public health authorities, and
  • Promote mosquito bite prevention measures among people living in or visiting areas with frequent or continuous dengue transmission.

Background Dengue is the most common arboviral disease globally. It is caused by four distinct but closely related dengue viruses (DENV-1, -2, -3, and -4). DENVs are transmitted through bites of infected Aedes species mosquito vectors. Infection with one DENV generally induces life-long protection against infection from that specific DENV but only protects against other DENVs for several months to years. Dengue is a nationally notifiable disease in the United States. Six U.S. territories and freely associated states are classified as areas with frequent or continuous dengue transmission : Puerto Rico, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau. In the rest of the United States, local transmission of DENV has been limited, with sporadic cases or small outbreaks in Florida, Hawaii, and Texas. However, confirmed local DENV transmission has also been reported by Arizona and California over the past two years.

Approximately one in four DENV infections are symptomatic and can be mild or severe. Symptoms begin after an incubation period of 5–7 days (range 3–10 days) and present as fever accompanied by non-specific signs and symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, rash, muscle aches, joint pain, bone pain, pain behind the eyes, headache, or low white blood cell counts. Warning signs are specific clinical findings that predict progression to severe disease. Warning signs include abdominal pain or tenderness, persistent vomiting, clinical fluid accumulation (e.g., ascites, pleural effusion), mucosal bleeding, lethargy or restlessness, progressive increase of hematocrit, or liver enlargement >2cm. Severe disease, with associated severe bleeding, shock or respiratory distress caused by plasma leakage, or end-organ impairment, develops in 1 in 20 people with symptomatic dengue. Infants aged ≤1 year, pregnant people, adults aged ≥65 years, and people with certain medical conditions are at increased risk of severe dengue. Although a second DENV infection (i.e., with a different DENV from the first infection) carries a higher risk of severe disease than a first, third, or fourth infection, any infection can lead to severe disease.

Patients with symptoms compatible with dengue can be tested with both molecular and serologic diagnostic tests. All patients with suspected DENV infection should be tested with RT-PCR (i.e., a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT)) or a NS1 antigen test, and also with IgM antibody test to confirm DENV infection. These tests can be considered regardless of the symptom onset date, although the test sensitivity of RT-PCR and NS1 antigen tests decrease after the first 7 days. IgG detection by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in a single serum sample should not be used to diagnose a patient with acute dengue because it does not distinguish between current and previous DENV infection. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved testing is available at public health laboratories and some commercial laboratories. State, tribal, territorial, and local health departments, and CDC can offer additional testing guidance.

There are no antiviral medications approved to treat dengue. Treatment is supportive and requires careful volume management. Appropriate triage, management, and follow-up remain the most effective interventions to reduce dengue morbidity and mortality. Expectant management of patients at high risk for severe disease and rapid initiation of a standardized fluid replacement strategy recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) can decrease mortality from 13% to <1%. In June 2021, the Advisory Committee of Immunization Practices recommended a dengue vaccine, Dengvaxia , for children aged 9–16 years with laboratory confirmation of previous DENV infection and living in areas with frequent or continuous dengue transmission such as Puerto Rico. While the vaccine is considered safe and effective, the manufacturer (Sanofi Pasteur, Inc., Paris France) has discontinued production citing a lack of demand. Vaccine administration will continue in Puerto Rico until available doses expire in 2026.There are no vaccines recommended for travelers, adults, or persons without a previous DENV infection.

Dengue cases resurged globally after the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2023, more than 4.6 million cases and 4000 deaths were reported in the Americas region. As of June 24, 2024, more than 9.7 million dengue cases have been reported in the Americas, twice as many as in all of 2023 (4.6 million cases). Dengue transmission peaks during the warmer and wetter months in many tropical and subtropical regions. Dengue cases are likely to increase as global temperatures increase. Higher temperatures can expand the range of the mosquitoes that spread dengue, as well as affect other factors that facilitate virus transmission like faster viral amplification in the mosquito, increased vector survival, and changes in reproduction and biting rates. U.S. summer travel often overlaps with the months of increased dengue activity in many countries. Epidemics in the Americas region increase travel-associated cases and limited local transmission in the continental United States. A higher-than-expected number of dengue cases (total of 2,241 cases, including 1,498 in Puerto Rico) were reported in the United States from January 1 – June 24, 2024. Public health authorities in Puerto Rico declared a public health emergency in March 2024 because of the high number of cases reported during the low dengue season. Healthcare providers should be prepared to recognize, diagnose, manage, and report dengue cases to public health authorities; public health partners should investigate cases and disseminate clear prevention messages to the public. The CDC is actively implementing several strategies to address the increase in cases of dengue in the United States, including:

  • Launching a program-led emergency response, which was activated on April 8, 2024.
  • Providing regularly scheduled monthly situational updates on dengue to partners, stakeholders, and jurisdictions.
  • Expanding laboratory capacity to improve laboratory testing approaches.
  • Collaborating with State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Health Departments to strengthen dengue surveillance and recommend prevention strategies.
  • Educating the public on dengue prevention.

Recommendations for Healthcare Providers

  • Maintain a high suspicion for dengue among patients with fever and recent travel (within 14 days before illness onset) to areas with frequent or continuous dengue transmission .
  • Consider locally acquired dengue among patients who have signs and symptoms highly compatible with dengue (e.g., fever, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, aches, pains, rash) in areas with competent mosquito vectors .
  • Order appropriate FDA-approved dengue tests (RT-PCR and IgM antibody tests, or NS1 and IgM antibody tests), and do not delay treatment waiting for test results to confirm dengue.
  • Know the warning signs for progression to severe dengue, which include abdominal pain or tenderness, persistent vomiting, clinical fluid accumulation, mucosal bleeding, lethargy or restlessness, and liver enlargement.
  • For people with suspected dengue who do not have warning signs and are not part of a population at high risk for severe dengue, consider outpatient management with close follow-up.
  • Teach patients about the warning signs that may appear as their fever starts to decline and instruct them to seek care urgently if they experience any warning signs.
  • Recognize the critical phase of dengue. The critical phase begins when fever starts to decline and lasts for 24–48 hours. During this phase, some patients require close monitoring and may deteriorate within hours without appropriate intravenous (IV) fluid management.
  • Hospitalize patients with severe dengue or any warning sign of progression to severe dengue and follow CDC/WHO protocols for IV fluid management .
  • Follow local guidelines to report dengue cases to state, tribal, local, or territorial health departments.

Recommendations for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Health Departments

  • Use FDA-approved dengue tests. Ensure access to dengue testing for all patients with suspected dengue.
  • Remind clinicians of the high risk of dengue among patients with fever who have been in areas with frequent or continuous dengue transmission .
  • Remind clinicians that local transmission can occur in areas with competent vectors and to test patients with compatible illnesses even without a history of having been in an area with dengue.
  • Inform healthcare providers and the public when locally acquired and travel-associated dengue cases are detected in the area.
  • Report dengue cases to CDC via ArboNET , the national arboviral surveillance system managed by CDC and state health departments.
  • Take the lead in investigating dengue cases and outbreaks.
  • Consider targeted outreach about increasing dengue risk to healthcare providers more likely to identify dengue cases (i.e., travel medicine clinics, infectious disease physicians, or healthcare systems serving highly mobile populations such as migrant and border health clinics, and clinics with frequent travelers to areas with frequent or continuous dengue transmission) and messaging to populations at higher risk for dengue.

Recommendations for the Public

  • Use Environmental Protection Agency-approved repellents during travel to and after returning from areas with frequent or continuous dengue transmission.
  • Wear loose-fitting, long-sleeved pants and shirts.
  • Use air conditioning and window screens when possible, to lower risk for mosquito bites indoors.
  • Dump and drain containers that hold water to reduce mosquito egg-laying sites in your home and neighborhood.
  • Seek medical care if you have a fever or have dengue symptoms and live in or traveled to an area with dengue outbreaks .
  • If you plan international travel to a an area with frequent or continuous dengue transmission , protect yourself from mosquito bites during and after your trip.

For More Information

Healthcare Providers

  • Clinical Testing Guidance for Dengue | Dengue | CDC
  • Guidelines for Classifying Dengue | Dengue | CDC
  • Clinical Features of Dengue | Dengue | CDC
  • Dengue Case Management Pocket Guide | CDC
  • Dengue During Pregnancy | Dengue | CDC
  • Dengue Vaccine | Dengue | CDC
  • Dengvaxia: What Healthcare Professionals Need to Know | Dengue | CDC
  • Dengue | CDC Yellow Book 2024
  • Dengue Clinical Management Course | Dengue | CDC
  • Webinar: What Clinicians Need to Know about Dengue in the United States | CDC

Health Departments and Public Health Professionals

  • Data and Statistics on Dengue in the United States | Dengue | CDC
  • What You Can Do to Control Mosquitoes During an Outbreak | Mosquitoes | CDC
  • ArboNET | Mosquitoes | CDC
  • Dengue case investigation report | CDC
  • Dengue Print Resources | Dengue | CDC
  • Communication Resources | Mosquitoes | CDC
  • Submitting Specimens for Dengue Virus Tests | Vector-Borne Diseases | CDC
  • Preventing Dengue | Dengue | CDC
  • Caring for a Family Member with Dengue | CDC
  • Mosquito Control at Home | Mosquitoes | CDC
  • Get Rid of Mosquitos at Home | CDC
  • Your Infant has Dengue | CDC
  • Areas with Risk of Dengue | Dengue | CDC
  • Travel Health Notices | Travelers’ Health | CDC
  • Find a Clinic | Travelers’ Health | CDC
  • Pan American Health Organization. Epidemiological Update Increase in dengue cases in the Region of the Americas.
  • Wong JM, Adams LE, Durbin AP, et al. Dengue: a growing problem with new interventions. Pediatrics . 2022;149(6):e2021055522. DOI: 10.1542/peds.2021-055522
  • Paz-Bailey G, Adams L, Wong JM, et al. Dengue vaccine: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, United States, 2021. MMWR Recommendations and Reports . 2021;70(6):1–16. DOI: 10.15585/mmwr.rr7006a1 .
  • World Health Organization. Disease Outbreak News; Dengue – Global situation. May 30, 2024.

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  1. Coral Travel

    Biuro podróży Coral Travel od wielu lat organizuje niezapomniane wakacje za granicą dla singli, par i rodzin z dziećmi. Odkryj nasze najlepsze ceny wczasów last minute, szeroką ofertę wycieczek i polskie animacje dla dzieci. Zapraszamy na stronę! 801 44 44 00 801 44 44 00;

  2. Coral Travel

    Coral Travel Czech Republic. Coral Travel Estonia. Coral Travel Georgia. Coral Travel Germany. Coral Travel Latvia. Coral Travel Lithuania. Coral Travel Poland. Coral Travel Romania. Coral Travel Russia. Coral Travel Switzerland. Coral Travel Türkiye. Coral Travel Ukraine

  3. Coral Travel Latvia

    Coral Travel Latvia. 11,284 likes · 202 talking about this · 39 were here. Coral Travel - tas ir pieredzes, starptautisko zināšanu un spēka apvienojums, kas padara ceļošanas priekpilnu

  4. Coral Travel Group Coral Travel Germany (Coral Travel-FERIEN Touristik) Based in Düsseldorf, the company was founded in 2000 and acquired by Coral Travel Group in 2017. FERIEN Touristik GmbH, which was introduced to the Coral Travel brand in 2018, changed its name to Coral Touristik GmbH in January 2023. Having served around 430,000 guests ...

  5. Coral Travel Latvia

    Jau 3 gadus pārliecinoši strādajam Latvijas tirgū. Coral Travel Group starptautiskajā tūrisma tirgū darbojas jau 30 gadus un šajā laikā ir attīstījusi viena no pasaules līderēm tūrisma industrijā. Coral Travel zīmols šobrīd darbojas 22 valstīs. Vairāk nekā 30 miljoni klientu ir izmantojuši mūsu pakalpojumus.

  6. Coral Travel Lithuania

    Coral Travel Lithuania, Vilnius, Lithuania. 25,502 likes · 309 talking about this · 1 was here. Kiekviena kelionė ypatinga!

  7. Coral Travel Lithuania

    Kiekviena kelionė ypatinga! „Coral Travel Lithuania" savo veiklą Lietuvoje, kaip kelionių operatorius, pradėjo 2021 metais. Šiuo metu Vilniuje ir Kaune veikia 2 tiesioginių pardavimų biurai ir daugiau nei 200 partnerių biurų visoje Lietuvoje. Tik ištikimų partnerių ir keliautojų dėka, per šį trumpą laikotarpį, tapome vieni ...

  8. Coral Travel Poland

    Coral Travel Poland. 183,434 likes · 7,997 talking about this. Doradcy ds. Błogich Wakacji


    Search tours from Coral Travel Latvia, documents, excursions, guides, transfers.

  10. Coral Travel Poland

    24 years ago, we set ourselves the main mission of fulfilling travel dreams of carefree and comfortable holidays. Today we are one of the largest tour operators in Poland and we still stick to ...

  11. Coral Travel Romania

    Site-ul oficial Coral Travel Romania. Rezerva o vacanta avantajoasa pe site-ul oficial Coral Travel! Rezervare online direct la touroperator, servicii de calitate, plata in rate, promotii, descrieri detaliate ale hotelurilor, fotografii, videoclipuri, preturi actualizate, recenzii, asistenta turistica, consultanta.

  12. Coral Travel Poland

    Coral Travel Travel Assistant - the official app of the Coral Travel touroperator. If you travel with Coral Travel, this app is for you! Here you will find all the documents for the trip, you can track the status of your reservation, flight schedules and time of transfers, learn all about excursions in the country of rest.

  13. Coral Travel RD (@coraltravelrd) • Instagram photos and videos

    21K Followers, 4,892 Following, 3,007 Posts - Coral Travel RD (@coraltravelrd) on Instagram: "Reservas hoteleras, boletos aéreos, cruceros, excursiones, tours y asesoría. ☎: (809) 578-5000 • Ext 204/216/219 Contáctanos vía whatssap "

  14. Coral Travel

    Coral Travel mobile tourist assistant - the official app of the Coral Travel tour operator. For those traveling with Coral Travel! Be aware of the status of your reservation, have at hand all the documents for the trip, keep track of the flight schedule, transfer time, choose excursions and find out detailed information about them.

  15. Coral Travel Group

    The Coral Travel brand started its tour operator activities in the Ukrainian market. Today, the company is among the market leaders. Coral Travel Group (OTI Holding) acquired a hotel in Side, Antalya. The hotel was improved with the construction and started its operations under the name Otium Eco Club Side.

  16. Urlaub buchen: günstige Reisen bei Coral Travel

    Coral Travel - Ihr Reiseveranstalter für Urlaub & Reisen! Die besten Pauschalreisen zu günstigen Preisen und beliebten Zielen.

  17. Coral Travel Türkiye (@coraltravelturkiye)

    21K Followers, 13 Following, 1,590 Posts - Coral Travel Türkiye (@coraltravelturkiye) on Instagram: " ️ Yurt dışı turlar ve oteller Yurt içi turlar ve oteller %50'ye varan indirimler 444 0 684 Tüm oteller ve turlar için tıklayın "

  18. Coral Isle Travel

    At Coral Isle Travel, our vision is to create unique and immersive travel experiences that go beyond the ordinary. We believe that travel should be transformative and inspire personal growth, and we're committed to making it happen. Our Approach Our Destinations Our Approach.

  19. Top Cape Coral Travel Agents

    Best Travel Agents in Cape Coral. United States Travel Agents; Florida Travel Agents; Cape Coral Travel Agents; 3 Travel Agencies found for Cape Coral . Abc Adventure Bengaluru (Bangalore), India. Google Rating. 4.3. Based on 44 Reviews. Joined Tripcrafters in April, 2011

  20. Coral Tatil'le Güvenli Tatil

    Coral Travel Türkiye, özellikle her bütçeye hitap eden tatil fırsatları sunması ile öne çıkar. Tatil deninde aklınıza yüksek maliyetler ve harcamalar geliyor olabilir. Ancak Coral Tatil sayesinde uygun tatil yapma imkanı elde edebilirsiniz. Çünkü farklı bölgelerde yer alan oteller ve turlar ile sizleri buluşturarak fiyatlar ...

  21. 642 Madeira Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33134

    Zillow has 24 photos of this $4,590,000 5 beds, 6 baths, 4,098 Square Feet single family home located at 642 Madeira Ave, Coral Gables, FL 33134 built in 2024. MLS #A11608235.

  22. 1441 Coral Springs Path, Oshawa, ON L1K 3G1

    Zillow has 36 photos of this $789,000 3 beds, 3 baths, -- sqft townhouse home located at 1441 Coral Springs Path, Oshawa, ON L1K 3G1 MLS #E8484542.

  23. Coral Travel Group

    ODEON TOURS UAE. Clover Bay Tower Office 909/910 Business Bay DUBAI Phone: + (971) 4-452 93 38 Fax: + (971) 4-452 92 78. Web:

  24. Road Trip Guide to Western Australia's Coral Coast

    Western Australia might be remote, but its natural beauty is undeniable. Take a road trip along the Coral Coast for ancient landscapes, otherworldly marine life, and Aboriginal cultural heritage.

  25. Coral Travel Estonia

    Coral Travel Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia. 13,550 likes · 261 talking about this · 10 were here. Reisikorraldaja Coral Travel - üks turismivaldkonna liidreid.

  26. Wade Wilson: Jury hears testimony from relatives of dead women

    Catomer said Melton loved to dress up. Halloween was among her favorite holidays. Kristine Melton:Cape Coral murder victim Kristine Melton was best friend, cat mom "He threw her away like garbage ...


    All last-minute tours from the travel agency Coral Travel in your mobile! Download and be aware of all the hot 🔥 offers! Discounts from hotels up to -65%. You can book a tour, you can only book a hotel. If you have any questions, you can contact our WhatsApp manager, information in the Contacts section. BONUS: Promotion!

  28. Area airports brace for Fourth of July travel crush

    The airport's most up-to-date figures saw a slight increase in travel for April, with 508,043 passengers. That was a bump of just under 1,500 travelers from the same time last year.

  29. 4 great L.A. hikes that offer treats near the trails

    When I was section hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, I met a thru-hiker (trail name: Toots Magoots) who shared a fun way she rewarded herself during a long, grueling stretch of the 2,650-mile route.

  30. Increased Risk of Dengue Virus Infections in the United States

    U.S. summer travel often overlaps with the months of increased dengue activity in many countries. Epidemics in the Americas region increase travel-associated cases and limited local transmission in the continental United States. A higher-than-expected number of dengue cases (total of 2,241 cases, including 1,498 in Puerto Rico) were reported in ...