How to Delete Favorites in Safari on a Mac: A Step-by-Step Guide

To delete favorites in Safari on a Mac, open Safari, click on the ‘Bookmarks’ menu, select ‘Edit Bookmarks,’ click on the favorite you want to remove, and press the ‘Delete’ key on your keyboard. It’s that simple! Now, let’s dive deeper into the process and its implications.

After completing this action, the selected favorite will be permanently removed from your bookmarks list. This action cannot be undone, so make sure you want to delete the favorite before doing so.


Deleting favorites in Safari on a Mac might seem straightforward, but there’s more to it than just hitting the delete button. Favorites, also known as bookmarks, are a nifty feature that allows us to save our most visited websites for easy access later on. They help save time and make our browsing experience smoother. But as time goes on, our interests change, and our favorite’s list can become cluttered with sites we no longer visit. That’s when the need to tidy up arises.

Knowing how to manage your favorites confidently ensures that your Safari browser remains organized and efficient. This task is especially relevant for those who use their Mac for work or spend a significant amount of time surfing the web. It’s also important for individuals who share their device with others and want to keep their browsing preferences private. Let’s help you get your digital space in order by learning how to delete those no-longer-needed favorites.

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Delete Favorites in Safari on a Mac

Before we start, know that following these steps will help you declutter your Safari browser by removing unwanted favorites.

Step 1: Open Safari

Open the Safari application on your Mac.

Opening Safari is the first thing you need to do. You can find it in your ‘Applications’ folder, on your ‘Dock,’ or by using ‘Spotlight Search.’

Step 2: Access Bookmarks

Click on the ‘Bookmarks’ menu located at the top of your screen, then select ‘Edit Bookmarks.’

This will take you to a list of all your bookmarks and favorites. Here, you’ll see everything you’ve saved over time, organized by folders if you’ve categorized them that way.

Step 3: Select Favorite

Click on the favorite you wish to delete.

Be sure to select the correct favorite. If you have a lot, you might have to scroll to find it. If it’s in a folder, click on the folder first to reveal the contents.

Step 4: Delete Favorite

  • Press the ‘Delete’ key on your keyboard.

Once you press ‘Delete,’ the favorite will be removed instantly. Remember, this action is not reversible, so be certain you want to remove it.

Additional Information

In the realm of digital tidiness, managing your Safari favorites is akin to cleaning out that one junk drawer we all have at home. It’s easy to toss in various items (or in this case, websites) thinking you’ll need them later, only to forget about them entirely. Over time, this digital clutter can become overwhelming, making it hard to find the favorites you do use regularly.

Here’s a tip: organize your favorites into folders by category. This not only makes them easier to find, but also easier to manage. You can create folders for work, personal, shopping, research, or whatever suits your browsing habits. Then, when it’s time to declutter, you can tackle one category at a time, making the task less daunting.

Also, remember that deleting favorites in Safari on your Mac might not remove them from other Apple devices if you have iCloud Safari syncing turned on. So, if you’re looking to clean up across all devices, you’ll need to ensure you manage your bookmarks within iCloud as well.

  • Open Safari.
  • Click on ‘Bookmarks’ and select ‘Edit Bookmarks.’
  • Find and click on the favorite you want to delete.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i undo a deleted favorite.

Unfortunately, once a favorite is deleted, it cannot be undone. Always double-check before you delete.

Can I delete multiple favorites at once?

Yes, you can select multiple favorites by holding down the ‘Command’ key and clicking on each one, then press ‘Delete.’

Will deleting favorites from Safari on my Mac remove them from my iPhone too?

If you use iCloud Safari syncing, yes, it will remove them from all synced devices.

What should I do if I accidentally delete the wrong favorite?

If it’s a site you visit often, Safari might suggest it when you start typing in the address bar. Otherwise, you’ll have to search for the site and save it as a favorite again.

Can I restore my favorites if I change my mind?

There’s no direct way to restore deleted favorites unless you have a time machine backup of your Mac before the favorites were deleted.

Deleting favorites in Safari on a Mac is more than a simple housekeeping task; it’s about optimizing your digital environment for better productivity and privacy. By keeping your bookmarks tidy, you not only ensure a smoother browsing experience but also maintain control over your digital footprint.

Remember to take care when deleting, as it is a permanent action. It’s always good practice to review your favorites periodically and clear out the ones no longer serving you. Happy browsing, and may your digital life be ever clutter-free!

Matt Jacobs Support Your Tech

Matt Jacobs has been working as an IT consultant for small businesses since receiving his Master’s degree in 2003. While he still does some consulting work, his primary focus now is on creating technology support content for

His work can be found on many websites and focuses on topics such as Microsoft Office, Apple devices, Android devices, Photoshop, and more.

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How to Delete Favorites in Safari on a Mac

By creating favorites on your MacBook Pro or MacBook Air, you are making it easier to get to the Web pages that you visit most often.

But your favorite websites might change over time, and you might discover that you want to delete some of your current favorites.

Luckily your Mac favorites aren’t permanent, and you are able to edit them as needed.

Our tutorial below will show you how to delete favorites on Mac using a short series of steps.

How to Remove Favorites on Mac

  • Open Safari.
  • Select Bookmarks at the top of the window, then Edit Bookmarks .
  • Right-click on the favorite, then choose the Delete option.

Our guide continues below with additional information on how to delete favorites on Mac, including pictures of these steps.

Creating favorites, or bookmarks, in the Safari browser provides a helpful means of navigation while you browse the Internet.

By opening your bookmarks and clicking a listed site, you can efficiently visit a Web page without needing to bother with a search engine or remembering how you got there originally.

But sometimes, pages can move or change, and the information that you had once bookmarked the page for may no longer exist.

Fortunately, you can delete your favorites from Safari to keep your list of bookmarks accurate.

Related: How to Show or Hide the Favorites Bar in Microsoft Edge

How to Delete Safari Bookmarks on a Mac (Guide with Pictures)

The steps in this article were performed on a MacBook Air in macOS High Sierra.

By completing the steps in this guide, you will delete a bookmark, or favorite, from the Safari browser. If you wish to visit the deleted page after completing this guide, you will need to navigate to that page in a different manner.

If you are running out of storage space and looking to delete other things, you can check out this guide .

These steps will show you how to delete favorites on Mac in the Safari Web browser.

Step 1: Open the Safari browser.

Click the Safari icon to open the app.

Step 2: Choose the Bookmarks tab at the top of the screen, then select the Edit Bookmarks option.

how delete favorites safari mac

Click Bookmarks , then Edit Bookmarks .

Step 3: Right-click on a bookmark that you want to delete, then choose the Delete option.

delete a bookmark in safari on a mac

Right-click on a bookmark, then choose Delete .

Now that you know how to delete favorites on a Mac you will be able to curate your favorites websites so that it’s easy to find the sites that you need the most.

Note that you can also delete a bookmark from the bookmarks bar in the browser by right-clicking the bookmark, then choosing the Delete option.

deleteing favorites or bookmarks in safari

Or delete it from the Favorites screen like so:

how to delete bookmarks on a mac

Are you tired of Safari automatically unzipping files that you download? Find out how to change a setting in Safari so that it no longer opens files automatically , including unzipping downloaded zip files.

Frequently Asked Questions About Deleting Mac Favorites

How do i create a favorite on my mac.

You can open the Web page that you would like to make a favorite, then you can click the Bookmarks tab at the top of the window and select the Add Bookmark option.

You can also click the star icon at the top of the browser if you want to favorite the page rather than create a bookmark for it.

How do I right-click on a Mac?

If you’ve never had to use the right-click option on your Mac, then you may be having trouble figuring out how to do it.

You can perform a right-click on a MacBook or Mac computer by holding down the Ctrl key on your keyboard, then clicking the target item.

How do I rename a favorite on my Mac?

If you would like to give a new name to one of your favorite websites because the current description isn’t very useful, then you have the ability to do so.

You can rename a favorite by right-clicking on the favorite, then choosing the Rename option.

You can also change the address if you would like by right-clicking on the favorite and selecting the Edit Address option.

Can I delete multiple bookmarks from the bookmark manager on my Mac?

Yes, if you are customizing your bookmarks menu and find that you are deleting bookmarks a lot, then you can save yourself some time by choosing to delete multiple browser bookmarks at once.

You can do this by holding down the Command key on your keyboard and clicking each of the bookmarks that you wish to remove. Once they are all selected you can right-click on one of them and choose the Delete option to remove all your bookmarks that are currently selected.

How do I create a new bookmarks folder in Safari on Mac?

One of the main reasons that you might choose to delete bookmarks on Mac is because it’s become difficult to find the ones that you need.

You can therefore use an option on the Mac Safari toolbar to create a new folder. Select the Bookmarks, option, then Add Bookmark Folder. Once you have the new folder created you can move existing bookmarks to that folder and choose to add new ones that you create to that folder as well.

How do I remove bookmarks from the left column in the Safari app?

If you like to use the column at the side of the window then you can also manage your bookmarks there.

Simply click the sidebar button at the top-left of the window to expand the sidebar, then right-click on the bookmark that you wish to remove and select Delete from the dropdown menu.

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Matthew Burleigh Solve Your Tech

Matthew Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since 2008. His writing has appeared on dozens of different websites and been read over 50 million times.

After receiving his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science he spent several years working in IT management for small businesses. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites.

His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.

Read his full bio here.

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We mostly bookmark websites in Safari to save them for visiting later. But if you visit those websites regularly, add them to your Safari Favorites instead. This way, you can quickly open a site with a click without searching.

In this blog, I’ll show you how to add Favorites to Safari on Mac, view and manage your growing list of sites, and remove unnecessary ones.

How to add Favorites to Safari on Mac

How to view favorites in safari on mac, how to manage favorites in safari on mac, how to delete favorites in safari on mac.

You have several easy ways to add websites to your Favorites in Safari on Mac. So, you can use whichever you’re most comfortable with.

Method 1: Use the Share button

  • Go to the website you want to add to Favorites.

Open website in Safari, Tap Share icon and Select Add Bookmark

Method 2: Add via the menu bar

From the menu bar select Bookmarks and Tap Add Bookmarks

Like the previous method, you can customize the website title and enter a description for future reference.

Method 3: From the Bookmark sidebar

Click the sidebar icon on Mac

Method 4: Use the Favorites bar

Tap View from the menu bar and Select Show Favourites bar

  • Drag the URL to the Favorites bar at the top of the Safari window.

If you have enabled the Show Favorites Bar using the fourth method above, the saved sites will appear under the address bar of any Safari window. So you can access them with just a click.

However, similar to adding a website to your Favorites, you can find your Favorites list in different ways.

Method 1: View on the Start page

  • Open a new tab or window to display your Start Page. Alternatively, click the menu icon under window controls.

Access Favourites from start page

If you don’t see the Favorites section, right-click a blank spot on the Start page and pick  Show Favorites . 

Method 2: From the Smart Search bar

  • Click the address bar at the top of the Safari window.

Click the address bar and access your favourites

Note: This method doesn’t work on the Start page.

Method 3: Use the sidebar

  • Click the  Show sidebar  button.

Select sidebar, then Bookmark tab and drop down the Favorites

If you don’t see the sidebar, head to View in the menu bar → Show sidebar .

Method 4: Check the Bookmarks list

  • Click Bookmarks on the menu bar.

Select Bookmarks Tab and Tap Favourites

Once you start gathering more websites in your Favorites list, you may want to organize them for efficiency. You can rename, reorder, sort, edit, and move Favorites to folders.

  • Display your Favorites list from the sidebar or Start page. Alternatively, select  Bookmarks in the menu bar →  Edit Bookmarks and expand the Favorites list.
  • Rename : Enter a new title for the website.

Right click on website and select Rename or Edit Address

You may also create a folder in your Favorites list. Follow the below steps:

  • Right-click a blank spot in the Favorites list on the sidebar.
  • Pick  New Folder .

To reorder or sort your Favorites:

Reorder Favourites using drag and drop

If you no longer need a website from your Safari Favorites list on Mac, you may quickly remove it. You can delete or move the website to a different location, like your Bookmarks list.

  • As described earlier, display your Favorites list in the sidebar or the Favorites bar. 

Right click on the Bookmark and select Delete

Save your online finds!

When you land on a website you want to visit regularly, adding it to your Safari Favorites is the way to go. Whether a site for work or play, you can view and visit those Favorites on Mac in a snap. 

And remember, you can sync your Safari bookmarks and manage Favorites with your iPhone and iPad for easy access on any device.

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Sandy relishes crafting how-tos, listicles, and explainers, empowering others to unlock the full potential of their Apple devices. She joined iGeeksBlog in 2023, and her decade-long experience in tech writing shines through, starting with Apple products in 2015 and further enriched by collaborations with prestigious publications like Lifewire, How-To Geek, Digital Trends, iDownloadBlog, MakeUseOf, groovyPost, and AppleToolbox.

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How To Delete Favorites From Safari

Safari Icon

  • 1 Add websites to Favorites
  • 2 Delete Favorites or change order
  • 3 Edit Safari Favorites – Change Title, URL & Location

Add websites to Favorites

Before you can use Favorites in Safari, you need to add a few sites to your Favorites. Remember, this works in Safari via the Share menu , where you need to tap “Add to Favorites” . This way, you can save a webpage as a “special” bookmark.

Add website to Favorites in Safari

Delete Favorites or change order

First open the Safari app and go into the Bookmarks section, which you can access by tapping the Bookmarks icon (open book symbol) in the menu bar below. Then tap “Favorites” to view your existing Favorites.

Open Favorites in Safari

Select “Edit” in the lower right corner. Here you can also delete and edit the Bookmarks, as well as change their order.

Instead, click on the red Minus icon on the left to delete them. Grab a Favorite at the right hand side and drag it to any position to change the order of your Favorites.

Edit Favorites in Safari

Edit Safari Favorites – Change Title, URL & Location

If you tap a Favorite in Edit Mode, you can change the location, among other things. Here, instead of selecting “Favorites” , simply select “Bookmarks” or one of your folders to make a Favorite a normal bookmark. You can also change the title of the Favorite as well as the URL .

Edit Favorites in Safari

Great tips and insight

  • Apple / iOS / Mac / Tips

How to manage and delete Bookmarks in Safari on Mac and iPhone

by Jonny Evans · Published January 4, 2019 · Updated April 15, 2021

Photo by Chiara F on Unsplash

We all use bookmarks online, but managing them takes a little effort. Photo by Chiara F on Unsplash

I received a memo from the “ It’s Only Obvious If You Know How It Is Done ” Department this morning pointing out how something that should be incredibly simple to do is actually relatively hard to figure out – how do you delete Bookmarks in Safari?

You have to save the bookmarks first

On a Mac, you can save new bookmarks in lots of ways:

  • Tap the Share icon and choose Add Bookmark .
  • Open the Bookmarks menu and choose Add Bookmark there.
  • Hover your cursor in Safari’s Smart Search field (where the URL is) until the Plus (+) button appears, move your cursor to that plus button and tap and hold the plus . You will then be able to choose a Bookmarks folder in which to stash the URL.
  • Use the Add Boomark menu in your Safari toolbar if you’ve figured out that you can customize those tools by pressing Control while clicking on the bar and choosing Customize Toolbar .
  • On iOS just use the Share icon and choose Add Bookmark .

How to manage and delete Bookmarks in Safari

Now you have a bunch of Bookmarks, you’d imagine it would be easy to delete or otherwise manage them, right?


Your bookmarks folders may seem a little different

To an extent, it is. On iOS, at least. Open your Bookmarks folder, tap Edit, and you can delete bookmarks by tapping the red icon, move them into a new order by tapping and dragging the three-line ‘burger’ icon to the right of the name, or tap a bookmark to change its name, URL in the next window, or tap Location to easily stash that item in a different folder.

That’s iOS.

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On a Mac, there are two ways:

Open the Bookmarks Menu, select Edit Bookmarks and you will be able to move and rename those marks on the next page. To delete a bookmark, select it and tap the BackSpace key, or choose Delete in the Edit menu .

Alternatively, you can open the Safari Sidebar and then tap the book icon to access your Bookmarks. Select a bookmark and you can move it using your cursor – but how do you delete it?

Select the item again, only this time press the Control key. So, hover your cursor above the bookmark item in the Sidebar and then press Control at the same time as you click. A new contextual menu appears in which you can open the website, change its name or URL, pop it into a folder or tap Delete to delete the Bookmark.

Tip:  Want to delete all your bookmarks fast? (You’ll regret it, so don’t do it). Just click the top bookmark, scroll down to the bottom of the list, and  tap the final bookmark while also pressing the Shift button. Then click backspace . Please don’t delete all your bookmarks unless you really want to do so, but if you do so accidentally, I recommend tapping Command-Z (Undo) as your very next action.

Sure hope this helps 🙂

How to delete bookmarks in Chrome, Firefox and Opera on Mac and iOS

There are several alternative browsers for Macs, iPhones and iPads to replace Safari. If you want to delete bookmarks in this, we’ve got you covered. Here is how to delete bookmarks in Chrome, Firefox and Opera on Mac and iOS devices.

How to delete bookmarks on Chrome (Mac)

If you like to slow even M1 Mac performance then you’ll need to use Chrome. To delete bookmarks on that browser, do this:

  • Open Chrome>Bookmarks>Bookmark Manager.
  • Find and double click the folder that contains the bookmark you want to delete.
  • Right click the bookmark and select Delete, or select multiple bookmarks by pressing the Command key and selecting them all, then press Delete.

How to delete bookmarks on Chrome (iOS)

Open the app and tap the three vertical dots at upper right of your screen.

  • Now you’ll be able to open the Bookmarks menu
  • Select and choose the folder that contains the bookmark you want to lose.
  • Tap and hold the bookmark you want to delete, then tap Edit Bookmark in the options that appear.
  • Then tap Delete.

How to delete bookmarks on Firefox (Mac)

If you use the fine Mozilla browser and want to delete bookmarks do this:

  • Open Bookmarks
  • Locate your bookmark folder
  • Control-Click the bookmark you want to remove, or use a swipe gesture on iOS, to find the Delete button.
  • Tap Delete.

How to delete bookmarks on Firefox (iOS)

  • Open the bookmarked page
  • Tap the three dots in the address bar to find the pages action menu
  • Tap Remove Bookmark.

How to delete bookmarks on Opera

Opera users, do this:

  • Tap Menu>Bookmarks
  • Find and open the folder containing the bookmark(s) you want to delete.
  • Select the bookmark and press Delete, or use the Command key while selecting multiple bookmarks and then delete them all.

Do you need more Mac, iPhone, iPad and other tips? Take a look at these .

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Jonny Evans

Watching Apple since 1999. I don't say what they should do. I say what they might do. They sometimes do.

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Useful information. Lucky me I found your site by chance, and I’m shocked why this accident didn’t came about earlier! I bookmarked it.

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How to Add, Edit, and Delete Bookmarks in iPhone's Safari

This browser makes it easy to manage bookmarks

clear favourites safari

  • Ithaca College

What to Know

  • Add a bookmark: Go to the web page you want to bookmark, tap the box-and-arrow  icon, then tap Add Bookmark .
  • View and manage your bookmarks: Tap the open book icon to view, edit, and delete your Safari bookmarks.
  • Sync bookmarks across devices: Go to Settings > your name > iCloud , then turn on the Safari toggle and tap Merge .

This article explains how to manage bookmarks on an iPhone. Instructions apply to Safari , the default web browser for iOS .

How to Add a Bookmark in Safari on an iPhone

Adding a website bookmark in Safari on your iPhone is simple. Follow these steps:

Go to the web page you want to bookmark and tap the action box (the icon that looks like a box with an arrow coming out of it).

In the pop-up menu, tap  Add   Bookmark .

This menu also contains useful features such as printing and searching for text on the page .

Edit the details about the bookmark, such as its name and location.

When you're done, tap  Save . Your bookmark is saved.

To use your bookmarks, tap the icon at the bottom of the Safari screen that looks like an open book. This reveals your bookmarks. Navigate through your bookmark folders to find the site you want to visit. Tap the bookmark to go to that site.

How to Sync Bookmarks Across Devices Using iCloud

When you turn on Safari syncing using  iCloud , you can share bookmarks across your Apple devices. This way, bookmarking a site in Safari on one device automatically bookmarks it in Safari for all your devices. Here's how to set it up:

On your iPhone, tap  Settings

Tap your name at the top of the screen and then tap iCloud .

Move the  Safari  slider to on (green).

Tap Merge . You've synced your iPhone bookmarks to iCloud and your other compatible devices with the same setting.

Repeat these steps on your iPad and Mac (and PC, if you use the iCloud Control Panel) to keep everything in sync.

How to Sync Passwords With iCloud Keychain

It's also possible to sync saved usernames and passwords that you use to access your online accounts. When you sync passwords using the iCloud Keychain, any username and password combinations you save in Safari on your iOS devices and Macs are stored on all devices. Here's how:

Tap  Settings and then tap your Apple ID (your name at the top of the screen).

Tap iCloud .

Select Keychain .

Move the iCloud Keychain slider to on (green).

When Safari asks whether you want to save a password when you log into a website, and you say Yes , that information is added to your iCloud Keychain.

Enable this setting on all the devices you want to share the same iCloud Keychain data, and you won't have to enter your usernames and passwords again.

How to Edit and Delete Bookmarks in Safari on an iPhone

Once your bookmarks are saved in Safari on your iPhone, edit or delete bookmarks by following these steps:

Open the bookmarks menu by tapping the open book icon.

Tap the Bookmarks tab and then tap  Edit .

Create a new folder, or delete, rename, or reorder your bookmarks.

When you've completed whatever changes you want to make, tap Done .

How to Add a Website Shortcut to Your iPhone Home Screen With Web Clips

Is there a website that you visit many times a day? Get to it faster with a web clip. Web clips are shortcuts stored on your home screen. They look like apps and take you to your favorite website with one tap.

To create a web clip, follow these steps:

Go to the site you want.

Tap the box-and-arrow icon used to create bookmarks.

In the pop-up menu, tap  Add to Home Screen . 

Edit the name of the web clip, if you want.

Tap  Add . An icon is added to your home screen. Tap it to go to that site.

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How to delete or edit the saved bookmarks on your iPhone's Safari browser

  • You can bookmark websites using the Safari browser on your iPhone to make it easy to open favorite sites. 
  • To delete a bookmark you no longer need on your iPhone , tap the Bookmark button at the bottom of the Safari screen, tap "Edit," and then tap the Delete button. 
  • You can also edit your bookmarks by renaming and reordering them.  
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The Safari browser built into your iPhone works much like any web browser on a desktop or laptop computer – it's just "lighter," with fewer features. 

One important feature that Safari retains from its computer version is the ability to save bookmarks , so you can easily return to a favorite site with a tap or two. 

If you've collected bookmarks you want to delete, you can do that as well.

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Iphone xs (from $999.99 at best buy), how to delete or edit bookmarks on an iphone.

1. Start the Safari app.

2. Tap the Bookmark button at the bottom of the screen, which looks like an open book.

3. On the Bookmarks page, you can see a list of all the saved bookmarks on the first tab (be sure the Bookmark tab is selected at the top of the screen). If you've organized some of your bookmarks into folders, you can tell the difference between bookmarks and folders by the icon to the left of the name. 

4. If you want to delete a bookmark that's inside a folder, tap the folder to see its contents, and then tap "Edit." Otherwise, just tap "Edit."

When the Bookmarks page enters edit mode, you have a few options available:

  • To delete a bookmark , tap the red Delete icon on the left side of the screen and then confirm you want to delete the bookmark by tapping "Delete."
  • To rearrange the order of the bookmarks in the list , drag items up and down using the drag handles (the three horizontal lines) on the right side of the screen. 
  • To rename a bookmark or change the URL , tap the item and then edit the text on the Edit Bookmark page. Tap "All" when you're done to go back to the previous page. 
  • To create a folder to store bookmarks , tap "New Folder" at the bottom of the screen. 

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How to Delete Bookmarks in Safari on iPhone

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Overwhelmed by scores of old and unused bookmarks in Safari? You can delete Safari bookmarks easily to free up space and make finding what you need much easier. We’ve laid out how to delete bookmarks on Safari in just a few simple steps. Let's get started!

Related:  5 Easy Ways to Free Up Storage Space on Your iPhone

iPhone Life

Why You'll Love this Tip

  • Make your web browsing more efficient and find what you need faster by getting rid of old bookmarks you don't use.
  • Remove excess data and free up storage space on your iPhone to help Safari work faster.

How to Delete Bookmarks on iPhone in the Safari App

In just a few steps, you'll have a fresh, clutter-free catalog of bookmarks ready to navigate. For more iPhone organization and storage tips, sign up for our free Tip of the Day newsletter. Here's how to delete Safari Bookmarks on iPhone and iPad.

safari icon

Bookmarks are a useful tool on Safari. They help you find what you're looking for faster and even sync between iPhone, iPad, and Mac when you use the same Apple ID. Make the most of your bookmarks when you keep them updated and delete the bookmarks you no longer use. Next, find out how to quickly swipe between tabs in Safari .

Author Details

Emma Chase's picture

Emma Chase is a freelance writer for iPhone Life. She has her Bachelors degree in Communication from the University of Northern Iowa. Emma has worked in many sectors in her professional career, including the higher education, finance, and nonprofit. Emma lives in small-town Iowa with her husband and two children. When she’s not geeking out over the newest Apple product or wrangling her kids, Emma enjoys a good book, crocheting, and trying new foods.

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Troubleshooting, how to manage & delete bookmarks in safari on iphone & ipad.

How to Manage & Delete Boomarks in Safari on iPhone

If you own an iPhone or iPad, chances are, you use Safari to browse the internet. It comes pre-installed on all iOS and iPadOS devices and it just works flawlessly. Like any other web browser, Safari allows you to bookmark countless web pages that you scroll through, and it even syncs them across all your Apple devices using iCloud.

Although bookmarking is a pretty basic feature today, most people don’t really seem to utilize it properly. Keeping your bookmarks organized is key, especially if you browse through hundreds of web pages on a daily basis. Every web browser handles bookmarks slightly differently, but you’ll be pleased to know it’s fairly simple to manage bookmarks in Safari.

If you are looking to learn how you can keep your bookmarks organized on your iPhone or iPad, then read on to learn how you can manage and delete bookmarks in Safari on iPhone & iPad.

Safari makes it easy to organize your bookmarks with the help of folders. For example, if you wanted to manage all your bookmarks for tech-related web pages, you could create a folder and group them all in one place. Interested? Without further ado, let’s take a look at the necessary steps.

Safari Icon

Now you should have a better idea and understanding on how to go about managing and deleting bookmarks within Safari on your iPhone and iPad.

If you use iCloud, you’ll notice that all these changes have synced across all your Apple devices once you switch between them too, including between Mac, iPhone, and iPad devices, as long as they’re all using the same Apple ID.

Accessing certain web pages become a lot more convenient with the help of bookmarks, as it eliminates the need to scrounge through your browsing history to find that one link you’re looking to access. For example, if you’re trying to track your shipment on Amazon, you could simply bookmark the web page, so you don’t have to enter your tracking number every single time you visit their site for updates.

By default, Safari has a favorites folder that stores some of your favorite web pages as bookmarks and displays them as icons in the homepage. If you were to move your bookmarks to this folder, you’ll be able to access them right as you open the browser. Adding web pages to Safari’s favorite section is fairly simple and similar as well.

On the other hand, frequently visited sites are automatically organized by Safari depending on your browsing history, but they can be deleted if you don’t want it to display certain websites.

Did you manage to organize all your bookmarks with the help of folders in Safari on your iPhone and iPad? How do you feel about the way Safari handles Bookmarks on iOS? Are Bookmarks really something you use on a daily basis? Let us know what your experience and thoughts are in the comments.

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Related articles:

  • How to Restore Lost Safari Bookmarks with iCloud
  • How to Sync Safari Bookmarks with Google Chrome
  • How to Add Chrome Bookmarks to iPhone & iPad Homescreen
  • How to Bookmark a Web Page in Safari on iPhone & iPad

» Comments RSS Feed

I was looking to delete multiple bookmarks on the iPad Safari. This article lacked that one feature.

You can delete as many bookmarks as you want in Safari for iPad. Just swipe onto them and choose delete.

I would like to delete multiple bookmarks at one time, not by swiping on each individually. I didn’t see a way to do that described in this post. Did I miss something?

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How to remove Favorites from Safari on Mac

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Learn an easy way to remove websites from the Favorites list in Safari on Mac and thereby customize the feature to prioritize the online resources it holds.

It’s hard to overestimate the handiness of the Favorites feature in Safari on Mac. Similarly to the homepage and search engine preferences, it allows users to adjust the web browser to their web surfing habits so that visiting the most-liked sites is an ultimately hassle-free experience. The logic is to add a web page to the list once and then be able to navigate to it directly from the new tab screen, the Favorites bar, or from Safari’s Sidebar. To Apple’s credit, this functionality is extensively customizable, allowing users to specify where they want the list to be shown and which locations to hide it from. Being one click away from an Internet resource of choice at all times is undoubtedly useful, but what if the range of these pages gets inflated excessively over time and it becomes tedious to pinpoint the right one? This situation causes the opposite of the intended effect.

Indeed, redundant entries on the Favorites list in Safari make it more difficult to quickly spot and visit the most important sites. Rearranging the contents of the all-in-one page could be the way out, but it’s still a cold comfort if the pane is blown out of proportion. Another method is to switch to using the Frequently Visited listings displayed in the bottom section of every blank new tab page. However, this approach kind of complicates everything and doesn’t contribute to a streamlined user experience, to put it mildly. Of course, the user can opt for Safari’s Bookmarks feature instead or as an addition to the other options, but this isn’t a relief either. At the end of the day, when choices get superfluous, the Mac user will have to spend more time finding a specific site. It’s like looking for a needle in a haystack, really, and it runs contrary to the original idea of the Favorites as such.

What’s the way to organize the Favorites feature back to its intuitive state? There is hardly any method other than removing the unwanted items. The section below explains how to narrow down the selection to the list of the most important websites.

Remove Favorites from Safari on Mac

Luckily, eliminating entries from Safari’s Favorites list is a no-brainer. The following simple steps will walk you through the process and the results will boost your browsing experience by keeping you focused on the resources that really matter.

Show Favorites in Safari

  • Select Show Favorites . Alternatively, you can open a new tab which will display your Favorites in the top section of the blank page by default.
  • Right-click on a website icon you no longer want to be displayed in your Favorites and select Delete in the shortcut menu. Another option is to drag the icon away from the page and release the mouse button once you see the X (Remove) symbol.
  • Follow the same procedure for every Favorite you want to delete from the list.

That’s it – your Favorites screen will now only show the items you actually want to keep close at hand rather than the ones that ended up there on the off-chance. This will remove redundancy and give you a peace of mind when surfing the web.

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Safari User Guide

  • Change your homepage
  • Import bookmarks, history, and passwords
  • Make Safari your default web browser
  • Go to websites
  • Find what you’re looking for
  • Bookmark webpages that you want to revisit
  • See your favorite websites
  • Use tabs for webpages
  • Pin frequently visited websites
  • Play web videos
  • Mute audio in tabs
  • Pay with Apple Pay
  • Autofill credit card info
  • Autofill contact info
  • Keep a Reading List
  • Hide ads when reading articles
  • Translate a webpage
  • Download items from the web
  • Share or post webpages
  • Add passes to Wallet
  • Save part or all of a webpage
  • Print or create a PDF of a webpage
  • Customize a start page
  • Customize the Safari window
  • Customize settings per website
  • Zoom in on webpages
  • Get extensions
  • Manage cookies and website data
  • Block pop-ups
  • Clear your browsing history
  • Browse privately
  • Autofill user name and password info
  • Prevent cross-site tracking
  • View a Privacy Report
  • Change Safari preferences
  • Keyboard and other shortcuts
  • Troubleshooting

clear favourites safari

Add websites to your Favorites in Safari on Mac

You can quickly see websites you access frequently by adding them to your Favorites, so you can get to them with just a click.

Open Safari for me

Add a website to your Favorites

clear favourites safari

You can also click in the Smart Search field, then drag the URL of the webpage you’re viewing to the Favorites bar near the top of the window, the Favorites folder in the sidebar, or the Favorites area in the start page.

Organize your Favorites

Rearrange your Favorites: Drag them to different locations.

Edit the name of a favorite website or folder: Control-click the name you want to change in the Favorites page or Favorites bar, then choose Rename from the shortcut menu. You can also force click the name, or click and hold it until it’s highlighted, then enter a new one.

clear favourites safari

Show a different bookmarks folder in Favorites on the Start Page: Choose Safari > Preferences, click General, then use the “Start Page Favorites” pop-up menu.

View your Favorites

View your Favorites from the Smart Search field: Click in the Smart Search field to see your Favorites in the start page view, then click the icon of the website you want to visit. The start page view goes away if you start typing, and it doesn’t appear if you click the field while you’re viewing the start page.

You can also see your favorite websites when you open new tabs. If you don’t see your Favorites in new tabs, change settings in Change General preferences in Safari .

Show the Favorites bar: Choose View > Show Favorites Bar. A bar with your favorite websites appears below the toolbar.

Open a Favorite website: Click in the Smart Search field, then click a website under Favorites, or click a website in the Favorites bar (or use the Touch Bar ).

Note: Safari uses iCloud to keep your favorite websites the same on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac computers that have Safari turned on in iCloud preferences .

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Looks like no one’s replied in a while. To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question.

How to delete all favorites from Ipad safari

I have accumulated hundreds of favorite tabs on my ipad safari over the years, but now I want to delete them all to start clean. I don’t want to go in one by one to delete them. I don’t have a macbook, only windows computer and ipad, and I have tried turning off icloud for safari on all my devices but all my favorites still come back.

Thanks in advance

iPad, iPadOS 14

Posted on Jan 14, 2021 4:42 AM


Posted on Jan 16, 2021 7:28 AM

Hello kdkdk57,

Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities. It's understood that you'd like to delete multiple Favorites at once. Currently there is only the option to delete one by one by selecting Edit or to swipe and delete.

Bookmark favorite webpages in Safari on iPad

Enjoy your day.

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Jan 16, 2021 7:28 AM in response to kdkdk57

How to view and clear your web browsing history in Safari on iPhone or iPad

Easily wipe your browsing history in Apple's Safari web browser in seconds.

iPhone 13 mini in hand

What you'll need

How to find your web-browsing history, how to clear your web browsing history.

Clearing your browsing history on iPhone and iPad in Safari has been a straightforward affair for years now.

Sometimes you want to clear your history to get rid of bloat and streamline your browsing experience. Other times, you're trying to hide a gift purchase from a loved one.

Apple makes it very easy to clear your browsing history on both the iPhone and iPad and we're here to show you how. Here's how you can make a fresh start in Safari and debloat your web browsing experience.

On the latest models, web browsing is smoother than ever before thanks to ProMotion in the iPhone 15 Pro and faster chipsets like the M2 found in the iPad Air 6 . If you're looking for a new Apple device, we highly recommend one of the following: 

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iPhone 15 Pro $999 at Apple

Grab the best iPhone available right now starting from $999. With a gorgeous titanium finish and the most powerful chip ever in an iPhone, you won't be disappointed with the 15 Pro. 

iPad Air 6 13-inch |$799$754 at Amazon

iPad Air 6 13-inch | $799 $754 at Amazon

With an M2 chip and a 13-inch screen option, the new iPad Air 6 is one of the best iPads available right now. Normally $799, you can pick up the 13-inch model for nearly $50 off at the moment — don't miss out.

Viewing your web history in iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 is very easy to do, here's how:

  • In Safari, tap the Bookmarks button in the toolbar that's below the address bar.
  • Tap the History icon in the upper right corner. Here, you can view your entire web history.

To search for bookmarks, tap the Bookmarks button in the toolbar at the bottom of the app, then select the Bookmark icon.

  • Use the History search bar to find previously viewed pages.

To find History, tap the History menu. Then use the search to find previously viewed information.

If the time calls to wipe most or all of your web browsing history in Safari, here's how to do it on both iPhone and iPad.

To note, the below steps will be the same if you attempt to wipe your web browsing history on an iPhone 15 Pro Max or an iPad Mini 6 , all Apple devices require the same steps.

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  • In Safari, tap the Bookmarks button.
  • Select the History icon in the upper right corner.
  • Tap Clear and select how much history you'd like to clear: the last hour, the last day, 48 hours' worth, or all recorded history.

Safari iOS 17 Clear web history

One more thing… A feature no one talks about

Privacy on the web matters more than ever in these modern times. Websites store the pages you click on, especially when you sign into a page that can contain personal information about you.

It's great to have a feature like this in Safari — but it would be good to have this automated in iOS 18 . If Apple's web browser could automatically clear history after 24 hours it would be very useful, as you wouldn't leave a trail behind.

Regardless, it's still a good feature, and one you should use every week.

Daryl is iMore's Features Editor, overseeing long-form and in-depth articles and op-eds. Daryl loves using his experience as both a journalist and Apple fan to tell stories about Apple's products and its community, from the apps we use everyday to the products that have been long forgotten in the Cupertino archives.

Previously Software & Downloads Writer at TechRadar, and Deputy Editor at StealthOptional, he's also written a book, ' The Making of Tomb Raider ', which tells the story of the beginnings of Lara Croft and the series' early development. He's also written for many other publications including WIRED, MacFormat, Bloody Disgusting, VGC, GamesRadar, Nintendo Life, VRV Blog, The Loop Magazine, SUPER JUMP, Gizmodo, Film Stories, TopTenReviews, Miketendo64 and Daily Star.

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clear favourites safari

How to add Favorites in Safari on iPhone, iPad and Mac

This tutorial shows you how to add websites to the Favorites section of your Safari browser on iPhone, iPad, and Mac. The sites added to Favorites appear on Safari Start Page, making them quicker to open.

Favorites in Safari

Safari Bookmarks vs Favorites

Using bookmarks is handy for saving websites that you visit regularly or want to reference in the future. But Safari also offers a Favorites feature that lets you visit your most loved websites with a tap or a click.

Your Favorites will show up when you open Safari, a new tab, or a new window. You can change this in Safari’s settings. However, using the Favorites feature lets you go directly where you want to each day.

Related : How to open multiple websites at once on Mac

If you’re new to this feature, here’s how to add Favorites in Safari in iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.

How to add Favorites in Safari on iPhone and iPad

It’s very easy to add a website to your Safari Favorites on your iOS device. Open the website you want as a favorite, and then do the following:

  • Tap the share button on the bottom.
  • Select Add to Favorites .
  • On the next screen, you can change the display name for the site if you like. Finally, tap Save .

Add to Favorites in Safari on iPhone

Manage your Favorites on iOS

To manage your Favorites on iPhone and iPad, open Safari and tap the Bookmarks button . Go to the Favorites folder and tap the Edit button. From there, you can delete or rearrange Favorites. To edit a specific site, tap it, and you can change its display name or move it to a different folder.

Manage Favorites in Safari on iPhone

How to add Favorites in Safari on Mac

Safari favorites sync among all your Apple devices . So, if you added a favorite on your iPhone or iPad, it will show up on your Mac, too, and vice versa.

That being said, you have four different ways to add websites to your Favorites in Safari on Mac. Use whichever is most convenient for you.

Use the share button

  • Open the web page you wish to add to Safari Favorites and click the share button .
  • Click Add Bookmark .
  • Click the Bookmarks dropdown menu and choose Favorites .
  • Finally, click Add .

Add Favorite using share button in Safari on Mac

Use the one-step add button

Put your cursor over the left side of the address bar until you see the plus sign (+) . Click and hold the plus sign and then choose Favorites from the dropdown list.

One-step Favorites add button in Safari on Mac

Drag the URL to Favorites

  • Click the show sidebar icon and click Bookmarks > Favorites .
  • Place your mouse pointer on the website URL in the address bar and drag it to the Favorites section in the sidebar.

Drag URL to Favorites in Safari Sidebar on Mac

Use multitasking window to add to Favorites

  • Open Safari and visit the desired site. Now, press Command + N to open a new Safari window.
  • Open both Safari windows in Split View . To do this, press your mouse pointer on the tiny green button and choose Tile Window to Left or Right of Screen .
  • Once you have two Safari windows in Split View, place the mouse pointer on the URL in the address bar and drag it to the Favorites section of the Start Page in the second Safari window.

Use split view to add to Favorites in Mac's Safari

Manage your Favorites on Mac

You can manage your Favorites on Mac in the Favorites folder in the sidebar, your Favorites toolbar, or your Favorites page. Drag to rearrange, right-click or hold Control and click to rename, delete, edit the address, or create a new folder for a favorite.

Check out next:

  • How to hide Favorites in Safari
  • Ten Safari keyboard shortcuts that everyone should know
  • How to change your Safari Homepage on Mac, iPhone and iPad
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A rip current statement in effect for coastal broward and coastal miami dade regions, is trump still under a gag order after his conviction he thinks so, but the answer isn't clear.

Michael R. Sisak

Associated Press

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Former President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a news conference at Trump Tower, Friday, May 31, 2024, in New York. A day after a New York jury found Trump guilty of 34 felony charges, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee addressed the conviction and likely attempt to cast his campaign in a new light. (AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson)

NEW YORK – Donald Trump said he remains muzzled by a gag order after his conviction in his hush money criminal trial. His lawyer said he thinks the gag order was supposed to expire with the verdict and he may seek clarity from the court.

“I’m under a gag order, nasty gag order," the former president said Friday while speaking to reporters at Trump Tower. Referring to star prosecution witness Michael Cohen, Trump said: “I’m not allowed to use his name because of the gag order.”

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Without naming Cohen, Trump called him “a sleazebag," using the same language that the Manhattan district attorney’s office flagged before the trial as a possible violation.

“Everybody knows that. Took me a while to find out,” Trump added during a 33-minute speech in which he fumed against the guilty verdict and repeated unfounded claims that his rival, President Joe Biden, had influenced the prosecution.

Trump was convicted Thursday of 34 counts of falsifying business records arising from what prosecutors said was an attempt to cover up a hush money payment to porn actor Stormy Daniels just before the 2016 election. She claims she had a sexual encounter with Trump a decade earlier, which he denies. He is scheduled to be sentenced July 11.

Trump lawyer Todd Blanche said Friday that it was his understanding that the gag order would be lifted when the trial ended with a verdict, because that's how prosecutors framed their request when they sought the restrictions back in February.

But, Blanche said, he thinks Trump is still trying to be careful because it isn't clear to him whether that's actually happened. During the trial, Judge Juan M. Merchan held Trump in contempt of court, fined him $10,000 for violating the gag order and threatened to put him in jail if he did it again.

“I don’t want President Trump to violate the gag order,” Blanche said. “I don’t think it applies anymore. I feel like the trial is over and it shouldn’t.”

“It’s a little bit of the theater of the absurd at this point, right? Michael Cohen is no longer a witness in this trial," Blanche added. "The trial is over. The same thing with all the other witnesses. So, we’ll see. I don’t mean that in any way as being disrespectful of the judge and the process. I just want to be careful and understand when it no longer applies.”

In a statement, a spokesperson for the state court system said: "The order is part of the court record that has been made publicly available and it speaks for itself.” The statement didn’t say what part of the order it meant, though in issuing the order, Merchan noted that prosecutors had sought the restrictions “for the duration of the trial.”

A message seeking comment was left for the Manhattan DA’s office.

Merchan imposed the gag order on March 26, a few weeks before the start of the trial, after prosecutors raised concerns about the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s propensity to attack people involved in his cases. It barred him from publicly commenting about witnesses, jurors and others connected to his hush money case.

Merchan later expanded it to prohibit comments about his own family after Trump made social media posts attacking the judge’s daughter , a Democratic political consultant, and raised false claims about her.

Trump’s use of the term “sleazebag” to describe Cohen just before the trial rankled prosecutors, but was not considered a gag order violation by the judge. Merchan declined to sanction Trump for an April 10 social media post, which referred to Cohen and Daniels, another key prosecution witness, by that insult.

The judge said at the time that Trump’s contention that he was responding to previous posts by Cohen that were critical of him “is sufficient to give” him pause as to whether prosecutors met their burden in demonstrating that the post was out of bounds.

A state appeals court this month rejected Trump’s request to lift some or all of the gag order during the trial, finding that Merchan properly determined Trump’s public statements “posed a significant threat to the integrity of the testimony of witnesses and potential witnesses.”

The state’s mid-level appeals court ruled that “Merchan properly weighed” Trump’s free speech rights against the “historical commitment to ensuring the fair administration of justice in criminal cases, and the right of persons related or tangentially related to the criminal proceedings from being free from threats, intimidation, harassment, and harm.”

Associated Press reporter Jill Colvin contributed to this report.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

Photos of Rivian R1 refresh leak, including new aero wheels and chrome delete

Avatar for Jameson Dow

Rivian is about to refresh its R1 line for the 2025 model year, and we’re starting to see a lot of leaked photos showing pretty much all of the exterior changes.

We heard most of the details of the R1 refresh last week from Rivian’s EPA filing , which detailed that the model would get a new cheaper LFP battery on the base model, which should help Rivian get costs down as it seeks positive margins .

But LFP also means lower energy density, which means Rivian needs to find some efficiency improvements elsewhere. Two of those planned improvements are a heat pump, which makes cabin heating more efficient in cold weather, and aerodynamic wheels, which drastically improves vehicle aerodynamics and range.

Now we’re seeing photos of the aero wheels, along with photos of a slightly modified exterior, including possible chrome delete and new headlights.

Several Rivian vehicles have been spotted around Seattle this week , along with the Rivian Space being closed and Rivian being seen filming in the area.

spotted in seattle yesterday — Jabin Chen (@ChenJabin) May 29, 2024

The vehicles feature a similar look to last year’s model, but the one spotted in Seattle has a “chrome delete” which gets rid of the chrome trim around the rear window. This has been a relatively popular modification, with lots of third party installers offering a service to do so.

The vehicles at the factory didn’t have the same chrome delete – so perhaps it’s an optional feature. We also saw a lack of chrome on the upcoming R2 , so this unifies the design language between the two (and makes it even more impossible to distinguish from the two models at a distance).

Also visible in the photos above is the new front headlight, which has a “stepped” design instead of looking flat like the older one did. These are new LED headlights, though we haven’t gotten a chance to see them in action yet. This Rivianforums thread has more up-close photos of the headlights

New Aero Wheel @RivianTrackr @RivianUpdates — Kanundrum (@Kanundrum17) May 30, 2024

Lastly, and most exciting to me, are the aerodynamic wheel covers. Aerodynamic wheels can add efficiency gains of 5-10%, especially at high speed , though it depends highly on the wheel and vehicle involved.

Basically, the less air you disturb going around the car, the more aerodynamic it is – and spoked wheels act like four little turbines at each corner of the car, pushing air around and making turbulent air that ruins efficiency. The less you do this, the more efficient your car is.

On an electric car this is particularly important, because people seem to have decided that larger range numbers are automatically better, regardless of if you ever use that range. Buyers will pay thousands of dollars to increase range by 10% – so why not just add some plastic covers to the wheels, at a cost of tens of dollars, in order to save thousands on a bigger battery (that takes more material to build, makes the car heavier, and so on)?

That said, on such a large and not particularly aerodynamic vehicle, we think it will likely not give a full 10% range improvement. But we’ll have to see when the cars hit the road.

But if you’ll excuse my soapbox, if we assume aero wheel covers improve efficiency by an average of 5%, and light duty transport uses ~20% of US energy, then we could reduce total US energy use by 1%, or 40 billion kWh per year, just by equipping every car with different wheel covers. Pretty huge gains for such a small action.

Riviantrackr says that the cover is removable , as we’ve seen with aero covers on other wheels. But it likely has a boring, plain-looking spoked wheel underneath which just looks less interesting than the aero covers anyway (I know some people like that for some strange reason, but I think you all are crazy).

Or, if you’d rather see this rant in meme form: — Rivian Steve-O (@RivianSteveO) May 30, 2024

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Jameson has been driving electric vehicles since 2009, and has been writing about them and about clean energy for since 2016.

You can contact him at [email protected]

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Nelly Korda is the massive betting favorite to win this week’s U.S. Women’s Open, justifiably so. But just because her odds are short and her performance has been near perfection doesn’t mean bettors should blindly wager on her. In fact, you could argue this is the time to fade Korda and take advantage of the longer odds on her competitors. 

Korda is currently +360 at FanDuel Sportsbook to win the U.S. Women’s Open, which is being played at Lancaster Country Club. The next closest in the odds is Rose Zhang at +1800. That means you’re getting a 14.4-to-1 advantage in the odds to bet on the second favorite versus the first. 

For those new to betting on golf, that’s a massive spread. 

Korda’s odds are so short because she’s won six of eight tournaments she’s played in this season, including the first major of the year, the Chevron Championship. However, Korda finished T64 in last year’s U.S. Women’s Open, has missed the cut at this tournament twice and only has two top-10 finishes in nine appearances. On the flip side, the Chevron has been her best tournament, with four straight top-5 finishes, including this year’s win. 

While her present form can’t be ignored, it seems this week is a good time to take advantage of her competitors' long odds. Here are two players I’m targeting to win besides Korda with their odds coming from FanDuel Sportsbook.  

Brooke Henderson +2500

Henderson is a two-time major champion with experience at this course and a history of success at the U.S. Open. That’s a good recipe for success this year too. 

When the U.S. Women’s Open was at Lancaster in 2015, Henderson fired a Sunday 66 to finish T5. In her career, she has three Top 10 finishes at the U.S. Women’s Open and the last two years she finished 12th and T15, respectively. 

Her game suits the U.S. Women’s Open. 

This year, Henderson has yet to win, but does have three top 5s including T3 at the Chevron, and two additional top-10 finishes. She is coming off a T56 in her last event where she finished over par, but I believe her experience at this course and history of success in this tournament will lead her to contention on Sunday. 

Hannah Green +3500 

Green has been the second best player in the LPGA Tour this season but is tied for 13th in the odds. That seems like an opportunity to pounce. 

Green has two wins this season and went toe-to-toe with Korda at the Mizuho Americas Open before finishing second. She’s sixth on tour in total shots gained and 11th in strokes-gained approach. Most importantly, she’s put together her three best driving performances in the leadup to this event. 

She’s played in five U.S. Women’s Opens and had ber best finish last year, placing T13. She also was at Lancaster as a spectator the last time the event was played here, so at minimum she understands what it will feel like heading down the stretch. 

Based on this year’s performance and current form, these odds feel like a steal. 

Odds refresh periodically and are subject to change.

If you or someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help, call 1-800-GAMBLER.

Brian Giuffra


Brian Giuffra is the VP of Betting Content at Minute Media and has been with the company since 2016. He's a fan of the Knicks, Giants, wine and bourbon, usually consuming them in that order.

Follow brian_giuffra


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Out of the Centre

Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

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Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

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To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

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Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

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At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

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The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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Robert de niro’s invite to nab event rescinded after speech outside trump trial, skydance sweetens offer for paramount global.

By Jill Goldsmith , Anthony D'Alessandro

Shari Redstone and David Ellison

David Ellison ‘s Skydance has sweetened its offer to acquire Paramount Global, Deadline has learned, in an attempt to make it more palatable to the company’s Class B stockholders after they trashed the outlines of a previous deal and threatened to sue.

Ellison’s original offer was to buy out Par’s controlling shareholder Shari Redstone for a significant premium, resulting in a windfall for her, and then merge Skydance into Paramount keeping the combined company public. Stockholders wanted to be bought out at a premium as well.

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The parameters of the revised bid couldn’t be learned immediately but Deadline understands that Skydance is putting more money in and restructuring the deal to make it more palatable to the Class B folks.

As the Skydance exclusive talks ended with no deal, Sony jumped in for a $26 billion cash bid with private equity giant Apollo, which was later downsized in some fashion as Sony signed a non-disclosure agreement with Par about two weeks ago that would let SPE access Par’s books and talks to start in earnest. Those conversations were not exclusive, however, and Skydance remained very much in the mix, continuing to talk with Par as well.

The issue for Sony is not shareholders but regulators. Foreign ownership rules likely prevent Sony from owning CBS broadcast assets, which is probably why its offer became more targeted. But it might not be a cakewalk to merge two major studios either. Skydance is safer, more certain on the regulatory front and wouldn’t require a prolonged review amid possible opposition that can drag a deal out and sometimes end without one.

Par hasn’t said whether the three had continued to serve actively on the committee after their pending departures were announced, or what the committee composition is now or will be after the meeting where shareholders vote for directors among other issues on the agenda and can ask questions. There’s speculation the committee maybe needed to wrap up and present options by the annual meeting but that may not be the case. The committee in any case is just there for a recommendation, with Redstone the decider and, some feel, a wildcard.

Says one source with knowledge of the dealings, “At the end of the day, whatever the committee recommends to Shari, it’s up to her to decide. A deal’s not a deal without her.”

Hollywood insiders favor a Skydance deal over a Sony/Apollo takeover of Paramount Global. The reduction of a major studio strikes fear throughout the exhibition sector that fewer event films would exist in the long run, the sector currently weathering the aftermath of Covid, two strikes and a Disney-Fox merger which has reduced the supply of movies at multiplexes.

Skydance’s last offer included a sweetened $3 billion cash injection — up by at least $1 billion contemplated previously. What’s key as a priority is Paramount holding enough cash on its balance sheet for an investment grade status with big ratings agencies. It included some premium sweetener for a percentage of non-voting Class B shares. Redstone would take an unspecified haircut compared with the initial offer terms where Skydance had proposed buying out Redstone’s controlling Class A voting shares and some other assets for about $2 billion. 

Paramount’s all stock acquisition of Skydance, planned as a second step in the transaction, valued the Ellison studio at about $5 billion, which also irked investors who called it too high and said it would dilute their holdings. It’s not clear if that part of the offer has changed.

Par shares are up 2% to about $12.

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Breaking news, lululemon released a clear everywhere belt bag perfect for concerts.

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White belt bag with a logo

The summer’s hottest accessory just dropped.

Ever since lululemon first released the Everywhere Belt Bag in 2020, the small-but-spacious crossbody has been an internet sensation , even gaining some celebrity fans along the way. The variations of this viral sensation are endless, too: different colors , a longer-strap option , a larger bag size (2L) , and even sherpa has been known to make an appearance during the winter months.

Now, lululemon quietly dropped what’s definitely going to be your new go-to during festival season and beyond. Need a clear bag for concerts? Meet the Everywhere Belt Bag 1L Clear .

It’s the bag you know and love, stadium-ready.

With new bag rules specifically stating you’ll need a clear bag for entry popping up at different venues, this launch can’t come at a better time. Whether you’re going to a concert at Metlife Stadium, a big music festival, a baseball game or even heading to Europe to see Taylor Swift in concert this summer — if you’re a longtime fan of the Everywhere Belt Bag, you’re going to want this clear version.

Available with black or white straps, the Everywhere Belt Bag Clear has the same shape and size as the classic Everywhere Belt Bag, but instead of a 100% polyester material, it’s a completely see-through water-resistant polyurethane plastic.

The clear belt bag is a new launch from lululemon, but if we know anything about these bags, it’s that they sell out quickly . If you’re going to be in the market for a new clear bag come football season, do yourself a favor and pick one up now so you’re ready for kickoff in the fall.

Everywhere Belt Bag 1L Clear

White clear belt bag with a lululemon logo

If you’re looking for something that’s still clear but bigger, lululemon still has you covered with the Clear Backpack Mini 10L .

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  1. How to Delete Favorites in Safari on a Mac: A Step-by-Step Guide

    To delete favorites in Safari on a Mac, open Safari, click on the 'Bookmarks' menu, select 'Edit Bookmarks,' click on the favorite you want to remove, and press the 'Delete' key on your keyboard. It's that simple! Now, let's dive deeper into the process and its implications. After completing this action, the selected favorite ...

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    Method 2: From the Bookmarks tab. You can also remove your favorite web pages from the Bookmarks section inside the Safari app. Open the Safari app on iOS. Inside Safari, tap on the Bookmarks tab at the bottom. When a menu pops up from the bottom, tap on the Bookmarks tab at the top left corner to access links that you saved as Favorites.

  3. How to add or remove Favorites in Safari on iPhone and iPad

    Select the Bookmarks icon at the bottom right → Make sure you are in the Bookmarks tab of the pop-up menu → Pick Favorites and tap a Favorite site. On iPad: Open Safari and do one of the following: Tap inside the Safari Search bar and select a Favorite site. Choose the plus sign to open a new tab with your Start Page and pick a Favorite.

  4. Delete a bookmark in Safari on Mac

    In the Safari app on your Mac, click the Sidebar button in the toolbar, then click Bookmarks. Control-click the bookmark, then choose Delete. See also Bookmark webpages that you want to revisit in Safari on Mac Add a bookmark folder in Safari on Mac Sort, alphabetize, or rearrange bookmarks in Safari on Mac

  5. How to Delete Favorites in Safari on a Mac

    How to Remove Favorites on Mac. Open Safari. Select Bookmarks at the top of the window, then Edit Bookmarks. Right-click on the favorite, then choose the Delete option. Our guide continues below with additional information on how to delete favorites on Mac, including pictures of these steps. Creating favorites, or bookmarks, in the Safari ...

  6. How to add, view, or remove Favorites in Safari on Mac

    Method 1: View on the Start page. Open a new tab or window to display your Start Page. Alternatively, click the menu icon under window controls. Choose a site from the Favorites bar. If you don't see the Favorites section, right-click a blank spot on the Start page and pick Show Favorites .

  7. How To Delete Favorites From Safari On The iPhone

    Delete Favorites or change order. Safari → Bookmarks → Edit. First open the Safari app and go into the Bookmarks section, which you can access by tapping the Bookmarks icon (open book symbol) in the menu bar below. Then tap "Favorites" to view your existing Favorites. Select "Edit" in the lower right corner.

  8. How to manage and delete Bookmarks in Safari on Mac and iPhone

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    How to delete or edit bookmarks on an iPhone. 1. Start the Safari app. 2. Tap the Bookmark button at the bottom of the screen, which looks like an open book. The Bookmark button is at the bottom ...

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    Open the Safari app. Tap the Bookmarks icon. Tap Edit. Tap the red - icon next to the bookmark you want to delete. Tap Delete. Tap Done. Tap Done again. Bookmarks are a useful tool on Safari. They help you find what you're looking for faster and even sync between iPhone, iPad, and Mac when you use the same Apple ID.

  13. Organize your Favorites in Safari on Mac

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  14. How to Manage & Delete Bookmarks in Safari on iPhone & iPad

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    Click Bookmarks in the Safari Toolbar to open the drop-down list. Select Show Favorites. Alternatively, you can open a new tab which will display your Favorites in the top section of the blank page by default. Right-click on a website icon you no longer want to be displayed in your Favorites and select Delete in the shortcut menu.

  17. Add websites to your Favorites in Safari on Mac

    In the Safari app on your Mac, do any of the following:. Rearrange your Favorites: Drag them to different locations. Edit the name of a favorite website or folder: Control-click the name you want to change in the Favorites page or Favorites bar, then choose Rename from the shortcut menu.You can also force click the name, or click and hold it until it's highlighted, then enter a new one.

  18. How to delete all favorites from Ipad safari

    Enjoy your day. Hello kdkdk57, Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities. It's understood that you'd like to delete multiple Favorites at once. Currently there is only the option to delete one by one by selecting Edit or to swipe and delete. Bookmark favorite webpages in Safari on iPad. Enjoy your day.

  19. How to view and clear your web browsing history in Safari on ...

    In Safari, tap the Bookmarks button. Select the History icon in the upper right corner. Tap Clear and select how much history you'd like to clear: the last hour, the last day, 48 hours' worth, or all recorded history. To clear History, tap the Bookmarks button, then choose the History icon. Tap Clear than select how much history you'd like to ...

  20. How to add Favorites in Safari on iPhone, iPad and Mac

    Use multitasking window to add to Favorites. Open Safari and visit the desired site. Now, press Command + N to open a new Safari window. Open both Safari windows in Split View. To do this, press your mouse pointer on the tiny green button and choose Tile Window to Left or Right of Screen.

  21. Is Trump still under a gag order after his conviction? He thinks so

    NEW YORK - Donald Trump said he remains muzzled by a gag order after his conviction in his hush money criminal trial. His lawyer said he thinks the gag order was supposed to expire with the ...

  22. Photos of Rivian R1 refresh leak, including new aero wheels ...

    Now we're seeing photos of the aero wheels, along with photos of a slightly modified exterior, including possible chrome delete and new headlights. Several Rivian vehicles have been spotted ...

  23. Baltimore Orioles Players Have Clear Favorite Restaurant in Local

    Amanda Yeager and Jacob Calvin Meyer of The Baltimore Sun asked Orioles players what their favorite restaurants are, and it seems like there is a clear winner. According to the group of Gunnar ...

  24. Akatevskoe, Moscow Oblast, Russia Weather

    Today's and tonight's Akatevskoe, Moscow Oblast, Russia weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and

  25. Mexico presidential race has clear favorite, but pollsters say turnout

    Polls in Mexico have almost universally tapped ruling party hopeful Claudia Sheinbaum as the easy favorite to win the June 2 presidential election, but pollsters are keen to emphasize a major ...

  26. 628DirtRooster

    Welcome to the 628DirtRooster website where you can find video links to Randy McCaffrey's (AKA DirtRooster) YouTube videos, community support and other resources for the Hobby Beekeepers and the official 628DirtRooster online store where you can find 628DirtRooster hats and shirts, local Mississippi honey and whole lot more!

  27. U.S. Women's Open Betting Picks to Win Besides Nelly Korda

    Korda is currently +360 at FanDuel Sportsbook to win the U.S. Women's Open, which is being played at Lancaster Country Club. The next closest in the odds is Rose Zhang at +1800. That means you ...

  28. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...

  29. Skydance Sweetens Offer For Paramount

    Skydance's last offer included a sweetened $3 billion cash injection — up by at least $1 billion contemplated previously. What's key as a priority is Paramount holding enough cash on its ...

  30. New lululemon clear Everywhere Belt Bag is perfect for concerts

    Meet the Everywhere Belt Bag 1L Clear. It's the bag you know and love, stadium-ready. With new bag rules specifically stating you'll need a clear bag for entry popping up at different venues ...