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Fondato nel 2001, Asiatica Travel è uno dei primi tour operator locali del Vietnam , con la licenza di tour operator internazionale n.01-388/2014/TCDL-GP LQHT concessa dal Vietnam Tourism Administration Board sotto il nome:



Sede principale: A1203, Edificio M3-M4, 91 Nguyen Chi Thanh, Lang Ha, Dong Da, Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: 0084 24 6266 2816

Hotline/WhatsApp: 0084 982 536 836

Email: [email protected]


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Asiatica Travel ha molti uffici di rappresenza in tutto il Vietnam, Laos, Cambogia, Thailandia e Birmania , con molti impiegati a tempo pieno e centinaia di guide a disposizione.

Viaggi su misura : siete una coppia, una famiglia o un gruppo di amici?

Desiderate intraprendere un viaggio in Vietnam, in Cambogia, in Laos, in Thailandia  o in Birmania costruito su misura, originale e che risponda bene alle vostre esigenze?

Asiatica Travel è qui per voi! Fin dalla fondazione, abbiamo scelto di fare del viaggio su misura una nostra specialità! 

Partire con tranquillità: dopo aver guadagnato una reputazione eccellente nell'offerta turistica in Indocina, Asiatica Travel è stato raccomandato da molte guide di viaggio: Lonely Planet, Tripadvisor, Turisti Per Caso... e le migliaia di viaggiatori soddisfatti dalla nostra serietà e dalla nostra professionalità, possono testimoniarlo! 

Teniamo alta la nostra reputazione grazie a proposte di viaggio sempre nuove, di qualità, affidabilità e originalità ; per noi, questa, è una grande responsabilità, sia verso i nostri clienti che verso il nostro Paese. Ci ispirano la passione e l'entusiasmo e cerchiamo sempre nuovi itinerari e destinazioni per soddisfare i nostri clienti e fare loro viaggio un ricordo indimenticabile ed un'esperienza unica !        


Perché asiatica travel.


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  • I nostri clienti soddisfatti hanno condiviso le loro esperienze e scritto il diario


  • Nome e cognome * Maschile Femminile
  • Nazionalità * Sconosciuto Italiana Australiana Austriaca Belga Brasiliana Danese Egiziana Finlandese Francese Tedesca Greca Irlandese Maltese Olandese Polacca Portoghese Spagnola Svedese Svizzera
  • Numero telefonico *
  • Durata prevista per il viaggio: * Data di partenza * Mese 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Anno 2024 2025
  • Numero dei partecipanti: * adulti   e  bambini Noi organizziamo I viaggi privati e su misura per minimo 2 persone.
  • Budget USD/persona (senza voli internazionali dal vostro paese) Ci occupiamo solamente di organizzare i viaggi privati (non viaggio in gruppo).
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  • Nota bene: Ci occupiamo solamente di organizzare i viaggi privati (non viaggio in gruppo). Essendo un tour operator locale quindi siamo sicuri di poter offrire un prezzo molto favorevole rispetto le agenzie di viaggio in Italia. Dal punto di vista economica e significativa, il viaggio effettuato da 2 persone in più è consigliato


  • La Cambogia
  • La Thailandia




Asiatica Travel





Mae Hong Son

Mae Hong Son

Koh Phi Phi

Koh Phi Phi


Il visto d'ingresso in Thailandia

Il visto d'ingresso in Thailandia

Il periodo migliore per viaggiare in Thailandia

Il periodo migliore per viaggiare in Thailandia

Voli internazionali a Tailandia

Voli internazionali a Tailandia

Sanità e Vaccinazioni in Thailandia

Sanità e Vaccinazioni in Thailandia

Valute e Cambi in Thailandia

Valute e Cambi in Thailandia

Altri consigli di viaggio in Thailandia

Altri consigli di viaggio in Thailandia

NGUYEN Hoang Kim Khanh (Enrico)

NGUYEN Hoang Kim Khanh (Enrico)

Avete bisogno della consulenza di un esperto.

Mi chiamo Khanh. Dopo 4 anni di formazione in lingua italiano presso l’Università di Hanoi, ho lavorato come il consulente di viaggio presso l’Asiatica Travel. 

Partendo da una passione per i viaggi fin da bambino, più invecchio e più mi chiedo come poter sviluppare e promuovere il turismo del mio paese in tutto il mondo. Inoltre, voglio sempre scoprire le cose nuove e interessanti di ogni paese, imparare la cultura unica, ammirare gli splendidi paesaggi e incontrare molti nuovi amici. Per questo ho deciso di diventare il consulente di viaggio per realizzare il mio sogno e la mia passione. 

Amo il mio lavoro perché si può portare la felicità alle persone che ci circondano. Il mio lavoro mi motiva ogni giorno e voglio restituire motivazione a qualsiasi persona che incontro nella mia vita.

So che molte persone amano viaggiare tanto quanto me. Sono molto felice di condividere con te le mie esperienze dei viaggi e di supportarti nella pianificazione del tuo viaggio. Vieni con me ed esploriamo il mondo insieme! Grazie ed a presto!!!!


Vacanza splendida in Vietnam

Vacanza splendida in Vietnam, grazie di tutto. Personale preparato e disponibile guide e autisti bravissimi. Consigliatissima

Un altro viaggio in Asia con Asiatica Travel

Un altro viaggio in Asia con Asiatica Travel. La competenza e la professionalità dimostrate e confermate sono state una garanzia di alto livello.

Viaggio in Vietnam e Cambogia

Abbiamo trovato su TripAdvisor questa agenzia vietnamita e non potevamo fare scelta migliore! Consigliatissima!

Incantevole viaggio in Vietnam e Cambogia

Organizzazione perfetta sia nella scelta dell’itinerario sia nella accuratezza dell’esposizione delle guide. Hotel di ottimo livello

Un viaggio perfetto in Indocina

Ci siamo affidati ad Asiatica Travel per il nostro primo viaggio in Indocina, Vietnam nord centro e sud, Cambogia e Laos.  Un viaggio complesso ma perfetto.

Vietnam, Cambogia e Laos lungo il corso del Mekong

Il viaggio alla scoperta di Laos Cambogia e Vietnam organizzato con Asiatica Travel è stato perfetto in tutte le sfumature.

Tour Cambogia e mare a Koh Rong

Secondo viaggio fatto con Asiatica Travel.  Tutto eccellente. Autisti, guida e assistenza nei servizi. Ringrazio Thuy Quynh che ci ha organizzato il tutto.

Vacanza perfetta in Cambogia

Agenzia consigliata da amici.  Viaggio organizzato perfettamente secondo i nostri gusti, Quynh ci ha seguiti in maniera impeccabile anche durante il viaggio.

Il viaggio in Vietnam, Cambogia e Thailandia

Il viaggio in Vietnam Cambogia e Thailandia di 20gg è stato organizzato benissimo da Asiatica Travel e in particolare da Quynh. Tutto perfetto. Tutto splendido! 


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PRIVATE TOURS TO VIETNAM & Cambodia with Local Agency

Asiatica Travel is a English-speaking agency based in Vietnam since 2001, specializing in tailor-made travel in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos

  • Local travel expert in customized tour
  • Private route, private meeting and private
  • Personal and even on site contact for individual travel planning and suggestion
  • Best price with excellent value
  • 24/7 best travel and customer service


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Tour Vietnam & Cambodia from $1575/person

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Vietnam Holiday from $1160/person

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Vietnam Vacation from $1500/person

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Asiatica travel offers private and guided tour packages to vietnam your dream trip is reliable and organized promptly with us. it takes only a few steps to book with us your desired private trip..

Asiatica Travel was founded in 2001. Since then, we have maintained a leading position among tailor-made and private tour specialists in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. With consulting offices in Vietnam and all over the world, we deeply understand the travel needs of our customers and desire to bring our strong on-site knowledge of the country, people and culture into your private tour planning


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Ba Be Lake


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What do our customers say?

Team Member

MR. COR BIER - Holland

The trip was excellent. Not a cheap product, but the program was very diverse; hotels were good to very good and the organization perfect. Always someone is waiting for you. It felt royal. So we will definitely recommend your organization to friends and relatives.

Team Member


I would like to thank you once again for the wonderful experience you offered us and let you know that we are very satisfied with the services that your agency offered us.

Team Member


We have had a wonderful time in your country and I am sure we will try to visit Vietnam once again

Team Member


Many thanks for organizing the tours. It was an amazing and I really enjoyed it. I will definitely recommend Asiatica to all of my friends, who will travel around this beautiful country.

Team Member


First of all thank you for the wonderful trip you created for us in Vietnam. It couldn`t have been better. So thanks again you give a good imagination of your wonderful country. Many thanks and best regards back to Vietnam


  • Vietnam Travel
  • Cambodia Travel
  • Laos Travel



Day 01: arrival – city tour | private guide & driver.

Welcome to Hanoi – Vietnam!

Upon arrival in Hanoi , you will be welcomed by our guide and then transferred to your hotel

- Let’s start our city tour from Temple of Literature, which was constructed in 1070 to worship Confucius and served as the first Royal National University in Vietnam. - Then continue to Ba Dinh Square - the biggest square in Hanoi where all biggest cultural, political events of the cities for taking photos of Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum (outside). - Later have an overall view of the capital by a “cyclo” visit, which will start around the Old Quarter of Hanoi - Stop at Ngoc Son Temple located on the Hoan Kiem Lake, which along the lake itself is the picturesque heart of Hanoi

Overnight in Hanoi

Optional activity: Standard check in time is 14:00. Early check in is subject to availability of the hotel

Night activities suggestion: enjoy local beer at Ta Hien Streets, experience the ambience of sleepless street with life music, the young people of Hanoi and also foreign tourists. Hundred of bars and pubs in the Old Quarter are also at your disposal. Or just simple spend your time at shopping malls or various boutique Shops.

Day 02: Hanoi – Ninh Binh (B, L) | Private guide & driver

After breakfast, we will drive to Tam Coc also known as “Halong Bay on land”.

- On the way, we will stop to visit Hoa Lu , which used to be Vietnam’s capital during the 10th century. - Arrive at Tam Coc , where we will embark a small rowing boat to discover the outstanding karst waterscape on Ngo Dong River with beautiful stalactites and stalagmites caves and peaceful scenery of rice paddies lining the river bank. - After lunch we will cycle along winding roads passing lotus ponds, temples and cottages to visit Bich Dong Pagoda situated on a hillside.

Overnight at hotel in Tam Coc

Day 03: Ninh Binh – Halong Bay – Overnight on cruise (B, L, D) | Private guide & driver

After breakfast, we will depart to Halong Bay , passing beautiful scenery filled with rice paddies, winding rivers and quaint villages.

- Upon arrival, you will set out on a beautiful junk cruise through the bay for 2 days and 1 night. The junk will pass through the magical Halong bay, where thousands of sculpted limestone islands rise from the emerald waters like spikes on a dragon’s back. - During the cruise, you will take a short trek to a nearby summit for a panoramic view of the bay, go for a swim at a quiet beach or sunbathe on the sundeck. - On the cruise, you can enjoy Halong signature seafood and other specialties prepared by talented local chef on board.

Overnight on the boat

Please note the program may be little varied upon the cruise you choose & weather condition on that day

Day 04: Halong Bay – Hanoi (B, L) | Private guide & driver

- After breakfast, visit by boat to Luon Cave , a ring-shaped pool inside an island in Halong with absolutely tranquil landscape and emerald water. - Back to the Wharf of Halong passing the most densely area with many islands with fascinating shapes. - Arrive at Halong Wharf around 11.00. - Return to Hanoi around 4PM. Free at your own leisure. - Overnight in Hanoi.

Day 05: Hanoi – free & easy (B)

Today you are free at your own leisure for shopping in Hanoi in the last minutes

Shopping in Hanoi is famed for its bustling markets and narrow stores but there are a growing number of flash boutiques and shopping malls on the rise. The city offers you a wide range of good on sales, from traditional handicraft, authentic silk, trendy & basic clothing at a very cheap price tag to luxurious, and branded products in gorgeous shopping centers.

Day 06: Hanoi departure (B) | Private driver

You are free until being transferred to the airport for departure flight.

Please note: Standard check out time is 12:00.

End of our services! 



Day 01: hanoi arrival - street food & water puppet | guide and driver.

Arrival at Noi Bai airport , you will be picked up then transferred to the hotel in city center to check-in at 2 pm. - In the afternoon, take a walk to discover the Old Quarter , also known as the “36 Streets & Corporations” - a veritable labyrinth of lanes where each of them is specialized in a trade or art. - Discover the capital through food, as a local, a real experience and a highlight of the journey. - The tour ends with a stroll around the Hoan Kiem Lake before watching the traditional water puppet show .

Day 02: Hanoi- Mai Chau (B, L, D) | Guide and driver

At 8:00am we will depart from Hanoi to Mai Chau , a picturesque valley, home to many hill tribes including the Dzao, Muong and Thai .

- We will arrive at Mai Chau around noon and check into the Mister Cuong’s ethnic homestay , a house on stilts in Van village , a village of the ‘White Thai’, who predominantly inhabit this area. - A typical Thai meal will be served for lunch at the homestay. - In the afternoon, you can take a short walk around the village where you will encounter friendly local people, and get the chance to communicate with them and get to know their traditional lifestyle. - The rest of the day you will have the chance to join in some agricultural chores like planting, harvesting or land preparation, depending on the season. - Enjoy a traditional dance show at night then tasting Ruou Can , the local rice wine.

Overnight at homestay

Day 03: Mai Chau - Ninh Binh (B, L) | Guide and driver

Day 04: ninh binh - halong (b, l, d) | guide and driver.

After breakfast, depart to Halong Bay via Thai Binh and Nam Dinh , passing a peaceful countryside typical of Red River Delta with endless rice fields and winding rivers.

- 11.30 - 12.15 Arrival at Hon Gai International Harbour. - 12.30 - 13.00 Transfer by tender to boat, enjoy Welcome Drink, depart to Bai Tu long Bay . - 13.00 - 14.30 Enjoy Lunch while cruising to magnificent Bai Tu Long Bay , admire the fascinating formations on the way. - 15.30 - 16.30 Transfer from boat to rowing boat to visit Vung Vieng Fishing Village . Rowers are local people wearing traditional costume. It’s the opportunity to see the fisher’s daily life with the primary features in the charming nature. - 17.30 Return to boat - Continue cruising through the bay. - 18.30 Anchor for overnight at Cong Do area . - 18.30 - 19.00 Cooking Demonstration in restaurant. - 19.30 - 21.00 savor a delicious Set Dinner in dining room. - 21.00 - 22.30 Activities: Relax on deck, Beauty Spa and drink services available or night time fishing. - 23.00 Relax, enjoy fresh air & overnight on board.

Day 05: Halong - Hanoi - flight to Hue (B) | Guide and driver

- 06.30 Enjoy sunrise over the Bay or take part in our morning Tai Chi session .

- 06.45 - 07.45 Coffee, tea and breakfast pastries served in dining room.

- 08.00 - 08.30 explore the well- hidden Thien Canh Son cave .

- 09.00 - 09.30 check-out cabins and settle bills – Luggage collection

- 09.30 - 10.30 having international Buffet Brunch served in dining room.

- 10.30 - 11.00 Arrival at the pier. A 3-hour drive will take you to Noi Bai airport for your flight to Hue where you will be picked up to hotel in for check in & overnight.

Day 06: Hue- Thuy Bieu village (B, L) | Guide and driver

Start the day with a visit to Hue Imperial City , the remaining vestiges of Hue's citadel, including: Flag Tower, Ngo Mon Gate, Nine Dynastic Urns, Nine Holy Cannons, Thai Hoa Palace and the Forbidden Purple City (Tu Cam Thanh).

- Then, we will take a boat trip on poetic Perfume River . - Stop to visit Thien Mu Pagoda (Celestial Lady Pagoda) built in 1601 - the symbol of Hue city. - Cruise toward Thuy Bieu eco-village , an old laid back village situated on the bank of Perfume River known for its green tea fruit orchards. - Arrive in the village, and join our cooking class to prepare Hue’s signature dishes with our chef’s instruction, and then enjoy your creations in the open air riverside restaurant surrounded by lush trees. - The afternoon is reserved for cycling through the peaceful village, visiting several communal houses, ancient temples and the garden-house, a typical and unique feature of Hue. - Soaking your feet in medicinal herb water followed by an excellent blind massage will refresh them after a day of sightseeing.

Back to the hotel and overnight at the hotel in Hue.

Day 07: Hue - Danang - Hoi An - walking tour (B, L) | Guide and driver

In the morning drive along the Mandarin road , a scenic journey from Hue to Hoi An, which allows you to see a picturesque Vietnam with stunning beaches and lush tropical forest.

- Take some photos en route before visiting the Museum of Cham Sculptures , with many precious antique artifacts of the former Cham Kingdom on display & stunning Marble Mountain. - You then continue our drive to Hoi An ancient town , once an important international trading port and now a charming riverside town features a fantastic combination of Chinese, Dutch, Japanese and Portuguese culture. - Check in hotel for refreshment - In the afternoon, explore Hoi An ancient town, when visiting the Japanese Pagoda Bridge , Chinese streets , old Phung Hung houses , Hoi An’s market and ancient port . - On the 1st and 15th of every lunar month, Hoi An’s ancient town is lit up by hundreds of colorful lanterns , giving it an extra portion of sparkle. - Enjoy the city’s transformation and stroll through this quaint, glowing fairytale town in your free time.

Overnight at hotel

Day 08: Hoi An villages (B, L) | Guide and driver

At 08:00, tour guide pick you up at hotel and take bicycles along De Vong River to Cam An wharf .

- Embark on the boat to Cua Dai sand dune, enjoy casting net show and learn how to cast net by local fisher man. - Continue to Cam Thanh Water coconut village, have a brief introduction to the history there. - Take on the basket boat along the water coconut river. Fisherman will teach you how to catch the crabs (02 paxs/ boat) then your group will be divided into 2 teams for basket boat racing and catching crabs. - Embark on the boat, enjoy the folk songs show by local people and learn how to make funny tools by water coconut leaf. - Then get on board to Cam An wharf , continue to take a bicycle to Tra Que village . - Have lunch and join in the daily activities with local farmer there. - Back to your hotel by bicycle. - Return to Hoi An town . The rest of the day is free at your leisure.

Overnight in Hoi An

Optional activity: Bamboo Root Sculpture in Hoi An town - surcharge USD 20/ person

Day 09: Hoi An - Danang - Flight to Ho Chi Minh (B) | Guide and driver

Have breakfast at your hotel before transfer to the airport for flight to Ho Chi Minh City . Upon arrival, check in at the hotel.

- The afternoon is spent to visit the Notre Dame Cathedral and the General Post Office . - You will then visit The Reunification Palace , formerly known as Presidential Palace. - Head to Cho Lon - the city’s Chinatown and Thien Hau Pagoda which is dedicated to the Goddess of the Sea. - Then observe street life with a cyclo ride through the narrow streets to Binh Tay market that sells everything from hats to dried squid!

Overnight at hotel in Ho Chi Minh City

Optional activity: Food tour on scooter to discover Saigon by night - surcharge USD 65/ person

Day 10: Saigon - Ben Tre - Can Tho (B, L) | Guide and driver

Leaving the bustling city of Saigon behind, you depart to the Mekong Delta considered Vietnam’s biggest rice basket.

- Arrive at Hung Vuong pier in Ben Tre and embark your boat to cruise along Bến Tre River , a tributary of the great Mekong, to explore the local lifestyle and the daily hustle and bustle. - Stop at the Mr. Tu Lo’s brickfield to see how bricks are made by hand in Vietnam and a coconut candy home factory located along the canal to witness the process of making this local candy and other souvenirs. - You will then have the opportunity to taste bee honey tea at a local honey farm and a variety of tropical fruit that grow amply in the orchards of the Mekong Delta. - You can then walk or go by tuk-tuk through the coconut groves and green rice paddies to soak up and relax in the tranquil countryside atmosphere. - Lunch at a local restaurant. - In the afternoon you will take a trip on small rowing boats through a maze of waterways lined by two rows of palm tree. - Cruise back to the pier and disembark.

Drive to Can Tho for the night.

Day 11: Can Tho – Chau Doc (B, L) | Guide and driver

We will rise at 5 a.m to take a boat trip through the winding waterways of Cai Rang floating market , the biggest and busiest floating market in the Mekong Delta with hundreds of motor sampans filled with fruit, vegetables, plants and food.

- After disembarking we will drive to Chau Doc , the closet town to the Vietnam Cambodian border in An Giang province. - Continue the tour to visit Tra Su , getting to the wild birds Sanctuary, cruising smoothly with small boats to discover the arrays of splendid canals deep into the forest, watching storks, cranes and other tropical birds. - Back to the town, check in at the hotel.

Overnight in Chau Doc

Day 12: Chau Doc - speedboat to Phnom Penh (B) | Guide and driver

In the morning we will take a speed boat to Phnom Penh and arrive in the capital city of Cambodia around noon.

- Time to rest and have lunch by your own. - The afternoon will be spent exploring Phnom Penh . - We commence our tour with a visit to the National Museum , then on to the Silver Pagoda situated inside the Royal Palace complex and lastly stop at Russian market for shopping.

Day 13: Phnom Penh - fly to Siem Reap - Tonle Sap (B) | Guide and driver

After breakfast we will be transferred to the airport for flight to Siem Reap. On arrival, check in hotel for refreshment.

- In the afternoon, explore Tonle Sap lake - the largest natural lake in Indochina, cruising for 1 or 2 hours to visit its floating villages and discover the waterfront life. - Disembark and drive back to Siem Reap through the peaceful countryside and quaint villages with lush rice fields and rows of palm. - Visit the Artisans d’Angkor established in 1992 with the purpose of training young Cambodians in reestablishing the arts of their ancestral heritage and help increasing job opportunities. - Drop by some workshops to know about the process of stone and wood carving.Back to hotel for overnight

Day 14: Siemreap - Angkor Thom - Angkor Wat - Siemreap (B, L, D) | Guide and driver

We will visit the South Gate of Angkor Thom also referred to as "Great City", the famous Bayon Temple built in the late 12th century and the Baphoun Temple dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva, the Terrace of Elephants, the Terrace of the Leper King and Phimean Akas known as "Heavenly Palace".

- In the afternoon, we will tour the World Heritage site " Angkor Wat ", the world's largest religious building. -We continue our day with a visit to Bakheng Hill Temple and watch the sunset from the top of the hill. - Back to the hotel. - Dinner with special Aspara dance show .

Day 15: Siem Reap - Kbal Spean - Banteay Srei (B, L) | Guide and driver

We will start our day trip by visiting Kbal Spean referred to as “ The river of a Thousand Lingas ” which is situated 30km north of Angkor Wat, roughly a one hour drive. It closes at 3pm.

- We will take a forest walk and then return for lunch.

- We will continue from there straight to Banteay Srei , "The Citadel of Women" built at a time when the Khmer Empire was gaining significant power, which is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva. It is a masterpiece of Khmer art with its intricate, pink sandstone construction and ornate design.

Overnight in Siem Reap

Day 16: Siem Reap departure (B)

Freetime before the transfer to the airport for your flight off. Your room is available until 12h00.

Our services end here!



Day 1: hanoi arrival (-) | guide and driver.

Arrival at Noi Bai airport , you will be picked up then transferred to the hotel in city center. The check-in is available at 2 pm. The day is free for your own exploration and shopping.

Day 02: Hanoi city tour - train to Lao Cai (B, L) | Guide and driver

Your trip will be started by visiting the Ho Chi Minh Complex . Within the complex, Ho Chi Minh’s mausoleum (closed on Mondays & Fridays), a place for Vietnamese people to honor their President; his former stilt-house residence surrounded by a garden full of fruits tree and a peaceful fishpond with the Presidential Palace ; Ba Dinh Square ; One Pillar Pagoda , an ancient pagoda which was built in 1049 under Ly dynasty based on the image of a lotus.

- You will then visit the Temple of Literature , which was constructed in 1070 to worship Confucius and served as the first Royal National University in Vietnam. - Lunch will be served at a local restaurant. - In the afternoon, you will visit the Museum of Ethnology (closed on Mondays and will be alternated by the History Museum), which offers informative and well-documented displays of the country’s 54 ethnic groups. - We then move to Ngoc Son Temple , which along the lake itself is the picturesque heart of Hanoi. - In the evening, you will perfectly wrap up the day with a water puppet show , a unique traditional theater art in Vietnam. - Relax at a mini hotel for refreshment till being transferred to the railway station for night train to Lao Cai .

Overnight on train (soft sleeper 4 berth cabin)

Day 03: Lao Cai – Bac Ha - Sapa (B, L) | Guide and driver

Arrive in Lao Cai 6:00 am, and drive to Bac Ha by car to visit Bac Ha market . This is the biggest local ethnic market of the region and takes place every Sunday, where tribal people from surrounding villages flock here by horses to exchange their products.

- If you visit Sapa during a spring weekend, you will frequently meet locals in their colorful costumes heading to the markets as this is the best time for youngsters to find a partner to marry. - Spring in Sapa , especially around Tet Holiday (late January to early February), is therefore a very joyful time because this is the season of courting, dating and weddings. - After lunch, you will leave the colorful market behind, to follow a zigzag road along the mountain to visit Ban Pho 1 and Ban Pho 2 villages , inhabited by Flower H'mong people. - Return to Sapa in the late afternoon.

Overnight at hotel in Sapa

Day 04: Sapa-Lao Chai – Ta Van – Giang Ta Chai - night train to Hanoi (B, L) | Guide and driver

The day is devoted to a beautiful hike through the breathtaking scenery of Sapa valley .

- Start by road that descends in the wake of the street Cau May (6 km). En route, admire the rice terraces hidden behind mist of the morning, a truly awe-inspiring sight. - Follow a small track and cross Muong Hoa River and pass well tended rice terraces on your way to the Black Hmong village of Lao Chai . - Continuing through the colorful rice terraces you will reach the village of Ta Van Giay . -  As you continue your trek along the Muong Hoa River you will cross a small suspension bridge , roughly 2km from the settlement. Here you can discover a fascinating collection of rock carvings . These engravings depict some beautiful images of man, stilt houses and some beautiful decorative patterns. - We lunch in a home in the village. - After lunch the walk continues through a bamboo forest to Giang Ta Chai , a Red Dao ethnic minority village. - After taking a rest nearby a waterfall to refresh, you start climbing uphill to a road where the car is ready for your journey back to Lao Cai for overnight train to Hanoi.

Approx: 1-hour driving/ 4 hours walking/ 1-hour lunch.

Day 05: Hanoi arrival - Halong (B, L, D) | Guide and driver

Arrive at Hanoi train station early in the morning at 5.30am.

- You will be picked up from the station and brought to a 2 star hotel to freshen up and have breakfast. - After breakfast, you will be on a 3.5-hour transfer through the  Red River Delta  to Halong Bay . Crossing from west to east, you will pass the immense rice fields in the most fertile lands of Northern region. - Upon arrival, you will set out on  a beautiful junk cruise through the bay  for 2 days and 1 night. The junk will pass through the magical Halong bay , where thousands of sculpted limestone islands rise from the emerald waters like spikes on a dragon’s back. - During the cruise, you will take a short trek to a nearby summit for  a panoramic view of the bay , go for a swim at a quiet beach or  sunbathe on the sundeck . - On the cruise, you can enjoy Halong signature seafood and other specialties prepared by talented local chef on board.

Overnight on board

Day 06: Halong - Hanoi - flight to Hue (B, L) | Guide and driver

Rising to the tranquil beauty of the bay you have time for an early morning dip while the sun rises, followed by breakfast on board.

- We will continue to sail through the bay during the morning to explore more secluded areas. - Around midday we will return to the main harbor. - A 3-hour drive will take you back to Noi Bai airport for your flight to Hue where you check into your hotel.

Overnight at hotel in Hue  

Day 07: Hue- Thuy Bieu village (B, L) | Guide and driver

Start the day with a visit to Hue Imperial City , the remaining vestiges of Hue's citadel, including: Flag Tower , Ngo Mon Gate , Nine Dynastic Urns , Nine Holy Cannons , Thai Hoa Palace and the Forbidden Purple City (Tu Cam Thanh.

- Then, we will take a boat trip on poetic Perfume River. - Stop to visit Thien Mu Pagoda (Celestial Lady Pagoda) built in 1601 - the symbol of Hue city. - Cruise toward Thuy Bieu eco-village , an old laid back village situated on the bank of Perfume River known for its green tea fruit orchards. - Arrive in the village, and join our cooking class to prepare Hue’s signature dishes with our chef’s instruction, and then enjoy your creations in the open air riverside restaurant surrounded by lush trees. - The afternoon is reserved for cycling through the peaceful village, visiting several communal houses , ancient temples and the garden-house , a typical and unique feature of Hue. - Soaking your feet in medicinal herb water followed by an excellent blind massage will refresh them after a day of sightseeing.

Back to the hotel. Overnight at te hotel in Hue

Day 08: Hue- Danang- Hoian (B, L) | Guide and driver

After breakfast, drive on the Mandarin road , a scenic journey from Hue to Hoi An, which allows you to see a picturesque Vietnam with stunning beaches and lush tropical forest.

- Take some photos en route of Danang Beach and visit Marble Mountain , Cham Museam before arriving in Hoi An’s ancient town . - Check-in hotel then have lunch at a restaurant. - In the afternoon, explore Hoi An ancient town , when visiting the Japanese Pagoda Bridge , Chinese streets , old Phung Hung houses , Hoi An’s market and ancient port . - On the 1st and 15th of every lunar month, Hoi An’s ancient town is lit up by hundreds of colorful lanterns , giving it an extra portion of sparkle. - Enjoy the city’s transformation and stroll through this quaint, glowing fairytale town in your free time.

Day 9: Hoi An - Tra Que - Cam Thanh village (B, L) | Guide and driver

Breakfast at the hotel, then ride bicycles to Tra Que Village

- Take around the vegetable village and join in the daily activities with local farmer there. - Continue to take bicycles along De Vong River to Hoi An Beach wharf . - Embark on the boat to Cua Dai sand dune, enjoy casting net show and learn how to cast net by local fisher man. - Continue to Cam Thanh Water coconut village, have a brief introduce to the history there. - Take on the basket boat along the water coconut river, fisherman will teach you how to catch the crabs (02 paxs/ boat). - The group is divided into 2 teams for basket boat racing and catching crabs. - Embark on the boat and enjoy the folk songs show by local people there. - Enjoy special local food such as pancake, Tam Huu spring roll, fried fish … - After lunch, learn how to make funny tools by water coconut leaf - Continue to the ancient town, experience the daily life of fisher man along Thu Bon River Get on Bach Dang wharf , and take a bicycle back to hotel. - The rest of the day is free on your own.

Overnight at the hotel in Hoi An

Day 10: Hoi An - Danang - Flight to Ho Chi Minh (B) | Guide and driver

Have breakfast at your hotel before transfer to the airport for flight to Ho Chi Minh City .

- Upon arrival, check into hotel. - Have lunch at a local restaurant - The afternoon is spent to visit the Notre Dame Cathedral and the General Post Office . - The Saigon city tour then continues along Dong Khoi Street , where the Opera House and the Peoples’ Committee building , built in 1897 by French architect Ferret Eugene, are situated. The 800 seat Opera House served as the home of the Lower House Assembly of South Vietnam after 1956. - You will then visit The Reunification Palace , formerly known as Presidential Palace.

Day 11: Saigon - Ben Tre - Can Tho (B, L) | Guide and driver

Day 12: can tho - flight to phu quoc (b) | guide and driver.

-  Leave the market, transfer to airport to take flight direct to Phu Quoc. Pick up then transfer to your hotel in Phu Quoc.

Overnight in Phu Quoc

Day 13: Phu Quoc free time (B)

Free time to unwind yourself at a beach resort

Day 14: Phu Quoc free time (B)

Day 15: phu quoc free time (b), day 16: phu quoc - fly to saigon (b) | driver.

You are free until transfer to the airport for flight to Saigon . On arrival to Saigon, you are picked up by our representative to hotel. Free at your own leisure.

Overnight in Saigon

Day 17: Saigon departure (B) | Driver

After breakfast, free time for relaxation until being transferred to take your departure flight from Saigon . The hotel is available until noon only.



Day 01: hanoi arrival.

Upon arrival in Hanoi , you will be welcomed by our guide and transferred to your hotel. Hanoi is one of Asia's most charming cities, with its romantic tree-lined boulevards and colonial houses. The day is free for your own exploration and shopping. Overnight at hotel

Day 02: Hanoi city tour (B, L)

Starting the day trip will be a visit of the Ho Chi Minh Complex , which compromises Ho Chi Minh’s mausoleum (closed on Mondays & Fridays), his former stilt-house residence, the Presidential Palace and Ho Chi Minh Museum .

- You will then visit the Temple of Literature , which was constructed in 1070 to worship Confucius and served as the first Royal National University in Vietnam. - Lunch will be served at a local restaurant. - In the afternoon, you will visit the Museum of Ethnology (closed on Mondays and will be alternated by the History Museum), which offers informative and well-documented displays of the country’s 54 ethnic groups. - We then move to Ngoc Son Temple , which along the lake itself is the picturesque heart of Hanoi.

Day 03: Hanoi - Mai Chau (B, L, D)

- Arrive in Mai Chau around noon and check into the Mister Cuong’s ethnic homestay , a house on stilts in Van village. - Enjoy a traditional dance show at night then tasting Ruou Can , the local rice wine.

Day 04: Mai Chau - Ninh Binh (B, L)

After breakfast, we will drive 170km to Tam Coc also known as «Halong Bay on land». On the way, you will pass some of the most picturesque scenery in Vietnam.

- Arrive at Tam Coc , check into hotel and have lunch at a local restaurant. In the afternoon, we will embark a small rowing boat to discover the outstanding karst waterscape on Ngo Dong River . - Tam Coc literally translates to «three caves» and is adorned with beautiful stalactites and stalagmites of all sizes shaped like gemstones. - Continuing the cruise along the river, you will see spectacular scenery of rice paddies and limestone peaks reflected in the emerald water. - Row back to the harbor from where you will be brought to the hotel. The rest of day we will cycle along winding roads passing lotus ponds, temples and cottages, typical of Vietnamese countryside to visit Bich Dong Pagoda situated on a hillside.

Day 05: Ninh Binh - Hanoi - Nighttrain to Lao Cai (B, L)

Morning we will take the boat to visit the Galaxy Cave and 3 beautiful caves of Hang But, Hang Ghe and Hang Chua .

- The tour takes about two hours along the river, among the green rice fields, wild nature and limestone mountains - In the afternoon visit the Bird Garden in Thung Nham , where you can hear the whisper of the wind among the branches and bird songs. -  On the way back to Hanoi, we will stop to visit Hoa Lu - the former capital of Vietnam built in the 10th century where the ancient temples of Dinh & Le kings still remain intact. - Return to Hanoi. In the evening, we will head to the train station to catch the night train to Lao Cai .

Overnight on train

Day 06: Lao Cai - Sapa - Cat Cat village (B,L)

We will arrive in Lao Cai around 6:00am and continue to Sapa, situated 40km from Lao Cai, by private car.

-  After breakfast we will explore Sapa town , founded by the French as a holiday resort. - In the afternoon, we will visit Cat Cat village , home to H’Mong ethnic people. They are excellent “ tho cam ” weavers, a kind of brocade fabric, which is of especially high quality, as it is dyed with natural colors, polished with beeswax and embroidered with unique designs. - A walk through this old village offers a glimpse into traditional customs and practices of the ethnic Black Hmong . We will stop at a beautiful waterfall and the remains of a hydroelectric plant built by the French during their colonization of Vietnam.

Day 07: Sapa - Lao Chai & Ta Van - Homestay overnight (B, L,D)

Have breakfast at hotel, before starting our trek through the beautiful Muong Hoa valley in Sapa.

-  After following the road for 2km, we reach Y Linh Ho village home to Black H'mong ethnic people. - We continue our walk to Lao Chai village and enjoy beautiful views of terraced rice fields along the way. - The guide will prepare a simple picnic style lunch for you. - After lunch, we will visit a Catholic church and explore local traditions and customs. In the afternoon, we will reach the heart of the Sapa valley, the Ta Van village home to Dzay ethnic people.

Dinner and overnight at a Dzay ethnic house

(Note: During May (rice planting month) and September (rice ripening month), the golden terraced fields are especially spectacular and you can learn about methods of harvesting or planting).

Day 08: Ta Van - Giang Ta Chai - Sapa - Lao Cai (B, L)

Have breakfast at the homestay, followed by a scenic hike through rice paddies, past waterfalls and bamboo forests to Giang Ta Chai village , home to the Red Dzao ethnic group.

- After visiting this village, we return to a house near the waterfall for lunch. - After lunch, we hike to the main road where our vehicle is waiting to take us back to Sapa . - Depart from Sapa to Lao Cai . Along the way, we will visit Ma Tra village inhabited by the welcoming Black Hmong minority. - Transfer to Lao Cai for night train to Hanoi .

Day 09: Hanoi - Halong Bay (B, L, D)

We will arrive at Hanoi train station at 5:30am where you will be picked up brought to a small hotel to freshen up and have breakfast.

- After breakfast, you will be on a 3.5-hour transfer through the  Red River Delta  to Halong Bay . Crossing from west to east, you will pass the immense rice fields in the most fertile lands of Northern region. - Upon arrival, you will set out on  a beautiful junk cruise through the bay  for 2 days and 1 night. The junk will pass through the magical Halong bay, where thousands of sculpted limestone islands rise from the emerald waters like spikes on a dragon’s back. - During the cruise, you will take a short trek to a nearby summit for  a panoramic view of the bay , go for a swim at a quiet beach or  sunbathe on the sundeck . - On the cruise, you can enjoy Halong signature seafood and other specialties prepared by talented local chef on board.

Day 10: Halong Bay - Hanoi (B)

- We will continue to sail through the bay during the morning to explore more secluded areas . -  Around midday we will return to the main harbor and return to Hanoi .

Overnight at hotel in Hanoi

Day 11: Hanoi departure (B)

Free time until you are being taken to the airport for your flight to your next destination or back home

Asiatica Travel’s services end here.



Upon arrival in Hanoi, you will be welcomed by our guide and transferred to your hotel. Hanoi is one of Asia's most charming cities, with its romantic tree-lined boulevards and colonial houses. The day is free for your own exploration and shopping.

Day 02: Hanoi city (B, L)

Your trip will be start from Museum of Ethnology (closed on Mondays and will be alternated by the History Museum), which offers informative and well-documented displays of the country’s 54 ethnic groups.

- You will then visit the Temple of Literature , which was constructed in 1070 to worship Confucius and served as the first Royal National University in Vietnam. - Lunch will be served at a local restaurant. - We then move to Ngoc Son Temple , which along the lake itself is the picturesque heart of Hanoi. - In the evening, you will perfectly wrap up the day with a water puppet show , a unique traditional theater art in Vietnam.

Depart from Hanoi to Mai Chau , a picturesque valley, home to many hill tribes including the Dzao, Muong and Thai.

- We will arrive in Mai Chau around noon and check into the Thai ethnic homestay in Van village , a village of the ‘White Thai’, who predominantly inhabit this area. - A typical Thai meal will be served for lunch at the homestay. - In the afternoon, you can take a short walk around the village where you will encounter friendly local people, and get the chance to communicate with them and get to know their traditional lifestyle. - Enjoy a traditional dance show at night while tasting Ruou Can , the local rice wine.

Day 04: Mai Chau - Van Long - Hoa Lu (B, L)

After breakfast, we will drive to Ninh Binh via Nho Quan with its peaceful countryside settings.

- After lunch, you have the choice of exploring the village either by buffalo cart or bicycle. - We will then board a small rowing boat to explore the Van Long Nature Reserv e which covers some 3,000 hectares of picturesque waterscape. You will enjoy two hours of rowing through spectacular scenery made up of limestone mountains reflected in emerald waters adorned by lush rice paddies. The forest is home to the Delacour Langur, an endangered species counting a mere 200 animals globally. - We will disembark our boats and walk to visit two temples dedicated to King Dinh and Le in Hoa Lu , which served as the capital of Vietnam during the 10th century.

Overnight at hotel in Hoa Lu  

Day 05: Hoa Lu - Halong Bay (B, L,D)

After breakfast, you will be on a 3.5-hour transfer through the  Red River Delta  to Halong Bay . Crossing from west to east, you will pass the immense rice fields in the most fertile lands of Northern region.

  • Upon arrival, you will set out on  a beautiful junk cruise through the bay for 2 days and 1 night. The junk will pass through the magical Halong bay, where thousands of sculpted limestone islands rise from the emerald waters like spikes on a dragon’s back.
  • During the cruise, you will take a short trek to a nearby summit for a panoramic view of the bay , go for a swim at a quiet beach or  sunbathe on the sundeck .
  • On the cruise, you can enjoy Halong signature seafood and other specialties prepared by talented local chef on board.

Overnight on board 

Day 06: Halong Bay - Hanoi - Flight to Hue (B, L) 

Enjoy breakfast and savor the incredible sunrise from the sundeck while the boat sails to Luon Cave and one of Halong’s floating villages then back to the harbor. 

- On the way back to Hanoi we will stop in Bac Ninh province to visit Vietnam's first Buddhist centre, the But Thap Pagoda , which was built in the 13th century and reconstructed in the 17th century on the southern bank of Duong River . It is renowned for its valuable statues, the most remarkable of which is a thousand-handed and thousand-eyed Buddha considered a masterpiece of Vietnamese sculpturing. - We continue our drive to Hanoi where we head to the airport for flight to Hue . On arrival, you are picked up & transferred to hotel for check in.

Overnight in Hue  

Day 07: Hue city (B)

In the morning, we will visit Hue Imperial City , the remaining vestiges of Hue's citadel , including: Flag Tower , Ngo Mon Gate , Nine Dynastic Urns , Nine Holy Cannons , Thai Hoa Palace and the Forbidden Purple City (Tu Cam Thanh). 

- The tour will end with a visit to Minh Mang Mausoleum , a beautifully landscaped royal complex consisting of 40 buildings (palaces, temples & pavilions). - The rest of the day is free for you to explore Hue at your own leisure.

Overnight at hotel 

Day 08: Hue - Thuy Bieu Eco village (B, L)  

We will depart from the hotel in the morning to visit Tu Duc Royal Tomb , one of the most beautiful royal mausoleum compounds in Hue. 

- You will then enjoy a leisurely boat trip along the poetic Perfume River , and en route visit Thien Mu Pagoda also known as "Heavenly Lady Pagoda" the symbol of Hue. - We will then continue the cruise toward Thuy Bieu eco-village , an ancient village situated on the bank of the Perfume River where lunch will be served. - The afternoon is reserved for cycling through the peaceful village, visiting several communal houses , ancient temples and the highlight: the garden-house , a typical and unique feature of Hue. - Soaking your feet in medicinal herb water followed by an excellent blind massage will refresh them after a day of sightseeing.

Back to the hotel for the night 

Day 09: Hue - Danang - Hoian (B, L) 

Morning drive on the Mandarin road – a scenic journey from Hue to Hoi An, which allows you to see a picturesque Vietnam with stunning beaches and lust tropical forest 

- Take some stops for photo taking on route before visiting the Museum of Cham Sculpture - with many precious artifacts of the former Cham Kingdom on display. - Continue transfer to Hoi An ancient town which used to be an important South-East Asian trading port from the 15th to the 19th century. - You can see it by your own eyes when visiting Japanese Covered Bridge , Chinese’s street , Phung Hung old house , Hoi An market and ancient port & the old house of Tan Ky .

Overnight in the hotel 

Day 10: Hoi An – Danang – fly Ho Chi Minh (B)  

You can continue exploring Hoi An until the departure to the airport for you flight to Ho Chi Minh. 

Day 11: Ho Chi Minh City (B, L) 

In the morning, we will visit Cho Lon, Vietnam’s largest China Town where you can shop to your hearts’ content and sample the fabulous cuisine. 

- We then visit Thien Hau Temple , the liveliest temple in Ho Chi Minh City, dedicated to the Goddess of the Sea, and Giac Lam Pagoda , the oldest pagoda in the city. - Back to downtown Saigon to visit Notre Dame Cathedral (built in 1877) and the Central Post Office .

- In the afternoon, we will visit the Reunification Palace formerly known as Independence Palace. - The tour ends with a visit to Ngoc Hoang Temple dedicated to the Jade Emperor, the supreme deity in Taoism.

Day 12: Ho Chi Minh - Mui Ne (B)  

After breakfast, take a 5-hour drive to Mui Ne , a getaway to paradise with pristine beaches, vast sand dunes, postcard-perfect fishing villages, a vibrant nightlife and friendly people. 

Day 13: Mui Ne free (B)  

You will spend the whole day to relax on the beach or at your own resort  

Day 14: Mui Ne free (B)  

Day 15: ho chi minh - ben tre - long xuyen (b, l)  .

Leaving the bustling city of Saigon behind, you depart to the Mekong Delta considered Vietnam’s biggest rice basket. - Arrive at Hung Vuong pier in Ben Tre and embark your boat to cruise along Bến Tre River , a tributary of the great Mekong, to explore the local lifestyle and the daily hustle and bustle. - Stop at the Mr. Tu Lo’s brickfield to see how bricks are made by hand in Vietnam and a coconut candy home factory located along the canal to witness the process of making this local candy and other souvenirs. - You will then have the opportunity to taste bee honey tea at a local honey farm and a variety of tropical fruit that grow amply in the orchards of the Mekong Delta. - You can then walk or cycle through the coconut groves and green rice paddies to soak up and relax in the tranquil countryside atmosphere. - Lunch at a local restaurant.

- In the afternoon we will take a trip on small rowing boats through a maze of waterways lined by two rows of palm tree. -Cruise back to the pier and disembark. We continue to Long Xuyen passing Sadec where we will visit Kien An Cung Pagoda , built by the family of Huynh Thuy Le, the main character in the novel “L’amant” by French novelist Marguerite Duras, and Trung Vuong primary school where her mother taught. - We will continue our trip to Long Xuyen where we will arrive in the late afternoon.

Day 16: Long Xuyen - Chau Doc (B, L)  

In the early morning, we embark a sampan to explore Long Xuyen floating market , the least visited yet most authentic floating market in the Mekong Delta . It is crowded with thousands of boats jostling for space. 

- We then take a boat trip to visit a floating fish farm where you have the chance to feed the fish yourself. - After disembarking the sampan we will visit a village of the Cham ethnic minority .

- Our last stop of the day is Cu Lao Ong Ho also known as "Tiger Island", home of Vietnam's first president. - We will then drive to Chau Doc , a town on the border of Cambodia and Vietnam, where we will spend the night.

Day 17: Chau Doc - Phnom Penh by speedboat (B, L) 

- Time to rest and have lunch. - The afternoon will be spent exploring Phnom Penh. We commence our tour with a visit to the National Museum , then on to the Silver Pagoda situated inside the Royal Palace complex and lastly Wat Phnom Pagoda considered the spiritual heart of the city.

Day 18: Phnom Penh - Siem Reap (B, L)  

After breakfast we will drive 168km to Kampong Thom , a picturesque town situated on the banks of the Tonle Sap Lake . 

- En route, we will drop by Skun Market , a unique place selling spiders. - Passing the beautiful landscape of the Cambodian countryside, we will reach Sambor Prei Kuk which once served as the capital of Chenla and was built in the early 7th century. - We will continue our drive for 147 km to reach Siem Reap passing quaint villages and lush rice plains. - We will stop at Kompong Kdei to visit an old bridge dating back more than 1000 years and was built under the reign of king Chayravaman VII.

Overnight at hotel in Siem Reap  

Day 19: Siem Reap - Angkor Thom - Angkor Wat - Siem Reap (B, L) 

After breakfast, we will visit the South Gate of Angkor Thom also referred to as "Great City", the famous Bayon Temple built in the late 12th century and the Baphoun Temple dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva, the Terrace of Elephants , the Terrace of the Leper King and Phimean Akas known as "Heavenly Palace".

- In the afternoon, we will tour the World Heritage site " Angkor Wat ", the world's largest religious building. - We continue our day with a visit to Bakheng Hill Temple and watch the sunset from the top of the hill. - Back to the hotel.

Overnight in Siem Reap . 

Day 20: Siem Reap - Kbal Spean - Banteay Srei - Siem Reap (B, L)  

We will start our day trip by visiting Kbal Spean referred to as “ The River of a Thousand Lingas ” which is situated 30km north of Angkor Wat , roughly a one hour drive and closes at 3pm. 

- We will take a forest walk and then return for lunch. - We will continue from there straight to Banteay Srei , "The Citadel of Women" built at a time when the Khmer Empire was gaining significant power. Like numerous others, it is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva. It is a masterpiece of Khmer art with its intricate, pink sandstone construction and ornate design. - On the way back to Siem Reap , we will visit Srah Srang , "The Royal Bath" and Banteay Kdei , a richly decorated Buddhist temple.

Day 21: Siem Reap - Tonle Sap - Departure (B)  

In the morning we will discover Tonle Sap Lake by boat. It is the largest lake in Indochina with a length of 100km.

- We will cruise for 1 to 2 hours and visit a fishing village where all fishermen live in floating houses. We will then drive back to Siem Reap through the countryside and villages. - The rest of the day is free to relax until we bring you to the airport for your flight home. The hotel room is available until noon only.

Asiatica Travel’s services end at the airport.



Day 01: ho chi minh arrival .

Upon arrival in Ho Chi Minh, you will be welcomed by your guide and taken to your hotel for check-in. The rest of the day is free for your own exploration. 

Overnight at hotel in Ho Chi Minh 

Day 02: Ho Chi Minh City (B, L)  

You will be picked up at 8:00am from your hotel in Saigon, to visit the  Notre Dame Cathedral  and the  General Post Office. The Notre Dame Cathedral was built in the late 1880s by the French.

  • The Saigon city tour then continues along  Dong Khoi Street , where situated the  Opera House  and the  Peoples’ Committee  building, built in 1897 by French architect Ferret Eugene.
  • You will then visit The  Reunification Palace , formerly known as Presidential Palace
  • Lunch will be served at a local restaurant.
  • In the afternoon, you will visit the  War Remnants Museum, which  formerly known as the Museum of American War Crimes. This is a poignant display of the futility of Vietnam War.
  • Next on the sightseeing list is Thien Hau Pagoda located in Cho Lon, the city’s  Chinatown . This pagoda is dedicated to the Goddess of the Sea.
  • Another site that cannot be missed is  Binh Tay Market or “Cho Lon”, which can be roughly translated to ‘big market’. Your tour of Saigon will end with a visit to a lacquer ware workshop.  
  • Overnight at hotel in Ho Chi Minh City 

Day 03: Ho Chi Minh - Tay Ninh - Cu Chi (B, L) 

You will be picked up at the hotel at 8:00am to drive to Tay Ninh , 100km from Saigon, to visit the ornate temple of Cao Dai and attend a fantastic mid-day service. 

- Caodaism followers fill the hall wearing colored robes, a symbol of this curious combination of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. - Lunch at a local restaurant

- You then drive to the Cu Chi Tunnels , situated 70km from Saigon. The Cu Chi Tunnel system was created around 1948 to assist the Viet Minh in their combat against French occupiers. 

Overnight at hotel in Saigon  

Day 04: Ho Chi Minh - Ben Tre - Can Tho homestay (B, L, D)  

You will be picked up at your hotel at 8:30am and driven to Ben Tre . Upon arrival at Hung Vuong pier you will embark a boat to cruise on Ben Tre River , one of the tributaries of the Mekong River . 

- Enjoy the lively activities on the river like fishing and water transferring . - You will stop at a brick-factory , to see how bricks are made by hand in a traditional way. - Your next stop is one of numerous coconut processing workshops located along the canal. - Take a bicycle-cart along a village path and stop at a farmer’s house for lunch. -  You then talk a walk to a mat-weaving village before embarking small rowing-boats to travel along palm tree lined waterways back to Hung Vuong pier. -  You then drive to Can Tho . Upon arrival, head to Ms. Hien’s house , where you will have dinner and spend the night. - You can take part in a cooking class and enjoy traditional music " Đờn ca tài tử ".

Day 05: Can Tho - Cai Rang floating market - Ho Chi Minh (B, L)

In the early morning, you will visit Cai Rang floating market , the biggest and most famous floating market in the Mekong Delta.

- Get into a sampan to explore the complicated canal system in Can Tho . - You then disembark to visit a beautiful old Binh Thuy house . In the afternoon you will return to Ho Chi Minh City . - On the way, you will visit the beautiful Vinh Trang Pagoda .

Overnight at hotel in Ho Chi Minh  

Day 06: Ho Chi Minh - Hoi An (B, L)  

Have breakfast at the hotel, before heading to the airport for your flight to Danang . 

- The guide will pick you up in Danang and take you to your hotel in Hoi An , where you check-in and relax. - In the afternoon, explore the sights of Hoi An town , especially the Japanese Covered Bridge is the symbol of Hoi An. - Step back in time to discover Chinese Street with its stunning Phuc Kien Hall and Phung Hung old house typical of Hoi An’S original architecture. - You then visit Hoi An’s vibrant market and its ancient port to explore the rhythm of local daily life and savor the true color, flavor and taste of the far east.

Overnight at hotel in Hoi An 

Day 07: Hoi An free (B) 

Today you are totally free to explore the town by yourself or relax on the beach . 

Day 08: Hoi An free (B) 

Day 09: hoi an - hue (b, l)  .

After breakfast at the hotel, drive to Hue . 

- Along the way, stop at the sensational Marble Mountain , Danang Beach and Danang city to visit the Cham Museum . - You then along the road crossing over the scenic Hai Van Pass before arriving in Hue , Vietnam's last imperial capital. - In the afternoon, you will visit the Imperial City , the remaining vestige of Hue’s Citadel , including: Flag Tower, Ngo Mon Gate, Nine Dynastic Urns, Nine Holy Cannons, Thai Hoa Palace and Forbidden Purple City  or so called “Tu Cam Thanh”. - You then take a walk to the bustling Dong Ba Market and pass various fantastic eating spots where you have the chance to sample some local delicacies.

Overnight at hotel in Hue 

Day 10: Hue - Thuy Bieu Eco-village (B, L)  

Depart from the hotel in the morning to visit Tu Duc Royal Tomb , one of the most beautiful examples of royal architecture of the Nguyen Dynasty. 

- Cruise along the Perfume River . - En route visit Thien Mu Pagoda , also known as “Heavenly Lady Pagoda”, before heading to Thuy Bieu eco-village , an ancient village situated on the bank of Perfume River. - Lunch at the village. - The afternoon is reserved for cycling through the peaceful village, visiting several communal houses , ancient temples and the highlight: the garden- house , a typical and unique feature of Hue. - Soaking your feet in medicinal herb water followed by an excellent blind massage will refresh them after a day of sightseeing.

Day 11: Hue - Hanoi (B, L)  

After breakfast at the hotel, you will be taken to the airport for your flight to Hanoi. 

-  Upon arrival, check into hotel and relax. In the afternoon, you will visit the Museum of Ethnology (closed on Mondays), which offers informative and well-documented information on the country’s 54 ethnic groups, including elaborate and colorful hill-tribe costumes and fascinating examples of traditional houses from the Kinh’s to the ethnic groups of the Central Highlands. - Then return to the Old Quarter to take a one-hour cyclo ride. - Afterwards, head to Ngoc Son Temple set on a tiny island in the middle of Hoan Kiem Lake . Ngoc Son Temple dates back to the 13th century and the lake itself is a picturesque focal point of Hanoi, frequented by tourists and locals alike.

Overnight at hotel in Hanoi 

Day 12: Hanoi - Ha Long Bay (B, L, D) 

After breakfast, you will be on a 3.5-hour transfer through the  Red River Delta  to Ha Long Bay . Crossing from west to east, you will pass the immense rice fields in the most fertile lands of Northern region.

  • Upon arrival, you will set out on  a beautiful junk cruise through the bay for 2 days and 1 night. The junk will pass through the magical Ha Long bay, where thousands of sculpted limestone islands rise from the emerald waters like spikes on a dragon’s back.
  • On the cruise, you can enjoy Ha Long signature seafood and other specialties prepared by talented local chef on board. 

Day 13: Ha Long Bay - Hanoi (B)  

Rising to the tranquil beauty of the bay you have time for an early morning dip while the sun rises, followed by breakfast on board. 

- You will continue to sail through the bay during the morning to explore more secluded areas. -  Around midday we will return to the main harbor and return to Hanoi.

Day 14: Hanoi Departure (B)  

Free time until you are being taken to the airport for your flight to your next destination or back home 

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Tour Vietnam & Cambodia 16 days


Day 01: Hanoi arrival - street food & water puppet |  Guide and driver

Arrival in Noi Bai airport , you will be picked up then transferred to the hotel in city center. The check-in is available at 2 pm.

In the afternoon, discover the Old Quarter, also known as the “36 Streets & Corporations”. It is a veritable labyrinth of lanes where each of them is specialized in a trade or art. The best way to explore and discover this district full of life is by foot. Designed to capture all aspects of local life, the course will cover all the elements of the daily life of the inhabitants in an original way: crafts, Buddhism, temple, gastronomy, local market, visit of traditional house-tube (Vietnamese particularity), medicine…

Discover the capital through food, as a local, a real experience and a highlight of the journey.

The tour ends with a stroll around the HoanKiem Lake (Lake of the Restored Sword) before watching the traditional water puppet show. Overnight in Hanoi

Day 02: Hanoi- Mai Chau (B, L, D) |  Guide and driver

At 8:00am we will depart from Hanoi to Mai Chau, a picturesque valley, home to many hill tribes including the Dzao, Muong and Thai. We will arrive in Mai Chau around noon and check into the Mister Cuong’s ethnic homestay, a house on stilts in Van village. A village of the ‘White Thai’, who predominantly inhabit this area. A typical Thai meal will be served for lunch at the homestay. In the afternoon, you can take a short walk around the village where you will encounter friendly local people, and get the chance to communicate with them and get to know their traditional lifestyle. The rest of the day you will have the chance to join in some agricultural chores like planting, harvesting or land preparation, depending on the season. Enjoy a traditional dance show at night then tasting Ruou Can, the local rice wine. Overnight at homestay.

Day 03: Mai Chau - Ninh Binh (B, L) |  Guide and driver

After breakfast, we will drive 170km to Tam Coc also known as «Dry Halong Bay». On the way, you will pass some of the most picturesque scenery in Vietnam. Arrive at Tam Coc, check into hotel and have lunch at a local restaurant. In the afternoon, we will embark a small rowing boat to discover the outstanding karst waterscape on Ngo Dong River. Tam Coc literally translates to « three caves» and is adorned with beautiful stalactites and stalagmites of all sizes shaped like gemstones. Continuing the cruise along the river, you will see spectacular scenery of rice paddies and limestone peaks reflected in the emerald water. Row back to the harbor from where you will be brought to the hotel. The rest of day we will cycle along winding roads passing lotus ponds, temples and cottages, typical of Vietnamese countryside to visit Bich Dong Pagoda situated on a hillside. Overnight at hotel in Tam Coc.

Day 04: Ninh Binh - Halong (B, L, D) |  Guide and driver

After breakfast depart to Halong Bay via Thai Binh and Nam Dinh, passing a peaceful countryside typical of Red River Delta with endless rice fields and winding rivers.

11.30 - 12.15 Arrival at Hon Gai International Harbour.

12.30 - 13.00 Transfer by tender to boat, enjoy Welcome Drink, Depart to Bai Tu long Bay.

13.00 - 14.30 Enjoy Lunch while cruising to magnificent Bai Tu Long Bay, admire the fascinating formations on the way.

15.30 - 16.30 Transfer from boat to rowing boat to visit Vung Vieng Fishing Village.  Rowers are local people wearing traditional costume. It’s the opportunity to see the fisher’s daily life with the primary features in the charming nature.

17.30  Return to boat - Continue cruising through the bay.

18.30 Anchor for overnight at Cong Do area.

18.30 - 19.00 Cooking Demonstration in restaurant.

19.30 - 21.00 Savor a delicious Set Dinner in dinning room.

21.00 - 22.30 Activities: Relax on deck, Beauty Spa services, drink service available or night time fishing.

23.00 Relax, enjoy fresh air & overnight on board.

Please note the program may be little varied upon the cruise you choose & weather condition on that day.

Day 05: Halong - Hanoi - flight to Hue (B) |  Guide and driver

06.30 Enjoy sunrise over the Bay or take part in our morning Tai Chi session.

06.45 - 07.45 Coffee, tea and breakfast pastries served in dining room.

08.00 - 08.30 Explore the well- hidden Thien Canh Son cave.

09.00 - 09.30 Check-out cabins and settle bills – Luggage collection

09.30 - 10.30 Having international Buffet Brunch served in dining room.

10.30 - 11.00 Arrival at the pier. A 3-hour drive will take you to Noi Bai airport for your flight to Hue where you will be picked up to hotel in for check in & overnight.

Day 06: Hue- Thuy Bieu village (B, L) |  Guide and driver

Start the day with a visit to Hue Imperial City, the remaining vestiges of Hue's citadel, including: Flag Tower, Ngo Mon Gate, Nine Dynastic Urns, Nine Holy Cannons, Thai Hoa Palace and the Forbidden Purple City (Tu Cam Thanh), Then, we will take a boat trip on poetic Perfume River. Stop to visit Thien Mu Pagoda (Celestial Lady Pagoda) built in 1601 - the symbol of Hue city. Cruise toward Thuy Bieu eco-village, an old laid back village situated on the bank of Perfume River known for its green tea fruit orchards. Arrive in the village, and join our cooking class to prepare Hue’s signature dishes with our chef’s instruction, then enjoy your creations in the open air riverside restaurant surrounded by lush trees. The afternoon is reserved for cycling through the peaceful village, visiting several communal houses, ancient temples and the garden-house, a typical and unique feature of Hue. Soaking your feet in medicinal herb water followed by an excellent blind massage will refresh them after a day of sightseeing. Back to the hotel. Overnight at the hotel in Hue.

Day 07: Hue - Danang - Hoi An - walking tour (B, L) |  Guide and driver

In the morning drive along the Mandarin road, a scenic journey from Hue to Hoi An, which allows you to see a picturesque Vietnam with stunning beaches and lush tropical forest. Take some photos en route before visiting the Museum of Cham Sculptures, with many precious antique artifacts of the former Cham Kingdom on display & stunning Marble Mountain. You then continue our drive to Hoi An’s ancient town, once an important international trading port and now a charming riverside town. Hoi An features a fantastic combination of Chinese, Dutch, Japanese and Portuguese culture. Check in hotel for refreshment. 

In the afternoon, explore Hoi An ancient town, when visiting the Japanese Pagoda Bridge, Chinese streets, old Phung Hung houses, Hoi An’s market and ancient port. On the 1st and 15th of every lunar month, Hoi An’s ancient town is lit up by hundreds of colorful lanterns, giving it an extra portion of sparkle. Enjoy the city’s transformation and stroll through this quaint, glowing fairytale town in your free time. Overnight at hotel.

Day 08: Hoi An villages (B, L) |  Guide and driver

08:00 Guide pick guests up at hotel, take bicycles along De Vong River to Cam An wharf.

Embark on the boat to Cua Dai sand dune, enjoy casting net show and learn how to cast net by local fisher man. Continue to Cam Thanh Water coconut village, have a brief introduction to the history there.

Take on the basket boat along the water coconut river. Fisherman will teach you how to catch the crabs (02 paxs/ boat). Divide group into 2 teams for basket boat racing and catching crabs. There will be a lovely present for winner.

Embark on the boat, enjoy the folk songs show by local people and learn how to make funny tools by water coconut leaf. Then get on board to Cam An wharf, continue to take a bicycle to Tra Que village. Have lunch and join in the daily activities with local farmer there. Back to your hotel by bicycle.

Return to Hoi An town. The rest of the day is free at your leisure. Overnight in Hoi An. 

Day 09: Hoi An - Danang - Flight to Ho Chi Minh – city & walking tour (B) |  Guide and driver

After breakfast, you will be taken to the airport for the flight to Ho Chi Minh City. Upon arrival, check into hotel. In the afternoon you will visit the Notre Dame Cathedral and the General Post Office. You will then visit The Reunification Palace, formerly known as Presidential Palace, which was the residence of the president of South Vietnam until the end of April 1975. 

From 5pm, take the walking tour to explore Saigon and immerse yourself in the heart of the city between frenetic modernity and preserved traditions. It is indeed this charm of Saigon of yesteryear and Ho Chi Minh City futuristic that we propose to make the traveller live. Through an exclusive tour, the explorer will dive into a market frequented only by locals and observe the components of Saigonese life. Unique moment: watch the  sunset  with a panoramic view of the city and its surroundings from the highest tower in the city:  Bitexco Tower . The charm will also operate at nightfall, when all social classes gather on Nguyên Hue Avenue - the most beautiful avenue in the city - to relax with the family.

End of our services at the end of the Walking Tour (at the HCMC Town Hall). Overnight at the hotel.

Day 10: Saigon - Ben Tre - Can Tho (B, L) |  Guide and driver

Leaving the bustling city of Saigon behind, you depart to the Mekong Delta considered Vietnam’s biggest rice basket. Arrive at Hung Vuong pier in Ben Tre and embark your boat to cruise along Bến Tre River, a tributary of the great Mekong, to explore the local lifestyle and the daily hustle and bustle. Stop at the brickfield belonging to Mr. Tu Lo to see how bricks are made by hand in Vietnam and a coconut candy home factory located along the canal to witness the process of making this local candy and other souvenirs. You will then have the opportunity to taste bee honey tea at a local honey farm and a variety of tropical fruit that grow amply in the orchards of the Mekong Delta. You can then walk or go by tuk-tuk through the coconut groves and green rice paddies to soak up and relax in the tranquil countryside atmosphere. Lunch at a local restaurant.

In the afternoon you will take a trip on small rowing boats through a maze of waterways lined by two rows of palm tree. Cruise back to the pier and disembark. Drive to Can Tho for the night.

Day 11: Can Tho – Chau Doc (B, L) |  Guide and driver

We will rise at 5 a.m to take a boat trip through the winding waterways of Cai Rang floating market, the biggest and busiest floating market in the Mekong Delta. Here the waterways become a labyrinth of hundreds of motor sampans filled with fruit, vegetables, plants and food, all jostling for a space. This is an opportunity to take photos, communicate with the locals and taste delicious fresh fruit. After disembarking we will drive to Chau Doc, the closet town to the Vietnam Cambodian border in An Giang province. Continue the tour to visit Tra Su, getting to the wild birds Sanctuary, cruising smoothly with small boats to discover the arrays of splendid canals deep into the forest, watching storks, cranes and other tropical birds. Back to the Town, hotel check in. Overnight in Chau Doc.

Day 12: Chau Doc - speedboat to Phnom Penh (B) |  Guide and driver

 In the morning we will take a speed boat to Phnom Penh and arrive in the capital city of Cambodia around noon. Time to rest and have lunch by your own. The afternoon will be spent exploring Phnom Penh. We commence our tour with a visit to the National Museum, then on to the Silver Pagoda situated inside the Royal Palace complex and lastly stop at Russian market for shopping. Overnight at hotel.

Day 13: Phnom Penh - fly to Siem Reap - Tonle Sap (B) |  Guide and driver

After breakfast we will be transfered to the airport for flight to Siem Reap. On arrival, check in hotel for refreshment.

In the afternoon, explore Tonle Sap lake - the largest natural lake in Indochina, cruising for 1 or 2 hours to visit its floating villages and discover the waterfront life. Disembark and drive back to Siemreap through the peaceful countryside and quaint villages with lush rice fields and rows of palm. Visit the Artisans d’Angkor established in 1992 with the purpose of  trainning young Cambodians in reestablishing the arts of their ancestral heritage and help increasing job opportunities. Drop by some workshops to know about the process of stone and wood carving. 

Back to hotel for overnight.

Day 14: Siemreap - Angkor Thom - Angkor Wat - Siemreap (B, L, D) |  Guide and driver

We will visit the South Gate of Angkor Thom also referred to as "Great City", the famous Bayon Temple built in the late 12th century and the Baphoun Temple dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva, the Terrace of Elephants, the Terrace of the Leper King and Phimean Akas known as "Heavenly Palace". In the afternoon, we will tour the World Heritage site "Angkor Wat", the world's largest religious building. We continue our day with a visit to Bakheng Hill Temple and watch the sunset from the top of the hill. Back to the hotel. Dinner with special Aspara dance show.

Day 15: Siem Reap - Kbal Spean - Banteay Srei (B, L) |  Guide and driver

 We will start our day trip by visiting Kbal Spean referred to as “The river of a Thousand Lingas” which is situated 30km north of Angkor Wat, roughly a one hour drive. It closes at 3pm. We will take a forest walk and then return for lunch. We will continue from there straight to Banteay Srei, "The Citadel of Women" built at a time when the Khmer Empire was gaining significant power. Like numerous others, it is dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva. It is a masterpiece of Khmer art with its intricate, pink sandstone construction and ornate design. Overnight in Siem Reap 


Vietnam Holiday - 14 days


Day 01:  Hanoi arrival (-) |  Guide and driver

Arrival in Noi Bai airport , you will be picked up then transferred to the hotel in city center. The check-in is available at 2 pm. The day is free for your own exploration and shopping. Overnight at hotel.

Day 02 : Hanoi city tour - train to Lao Cai (B, L) |  Guide and driver

You will be picked up at the hotel at 8:00am. Starting the day trip will be a visit of the  Ho Chi Minh Complex , which compromises Ho Chi Minh’s mausoleum ( closed on Mondays & Fridays ), his former stilt-house residence, the  Presidential Palace and Ho Chi Minh Museum . We will then visit the  Temple of Literature  constructed in 1070 to worship Confucius, which served as the first Royal National University in Vietnam. The site also honors 82 Vietnamese doctorates who passed a number of rigid exams in the feudal ages. Their names, birthdays and birthplaces are engraved in 82 headstones perched on stone tortoises. It is widely believed that touching the heads of these tortoises will bring luck. Its peaceful green compound with its neatly maintained lawns, gardens and lotus ponds make it a tranquil hideaway from the city’s bustle and heat. Lunch will be served at a local restaurant.  In the afternoon, we will visit the  Museum of Ethnology   (closed on Mondays , the alternative being the History Museum), which offers informative and well-documented displays of the country’s 54 ethnic groups, including elaborate and colorful hill tribe costumes. The display continues in the museum’s garden with fascinating examples of traditional houses of numerous minority groups, from the Kinhs to the ethnic groups of the Central Highlands. Then back to the Old Quarter for a  1.5 hour walking tour , then you will have a deeper insight of local daily life . We then head to  Ngoc Son Temple  set on a tiny island in the middle of Hoan Kiem Lake. Ngoc Son Temple dates back to the 13th century, and the lake itself is the picturesque heart of Hanoi, frequented by tourists and locals alike.

Relax at a mini hotel for refreshment till being transferred to the railway station for night train to Lao Cai. Overnight on train (soft sleeper 4 berth cabin)

Day 03: Lao Cai – Bac Ha - Sapa (B, L) |  Guide and driver

Arrive in Lao Cai 6:00am, and drive to Bac Ha by car to visit Bac Ha market. This is the biggest local ethnic market of the region and takes place every Sunday. Tribal people from surrounding villages flock here to exchange their products. Most still use horses to carry their loads, which means an early departure to get to the market in time. 

If you visit Sapa during a spring weekend, you will frequently meet locals in their colorful costumes heading to the markets as this is the best time for youngsters to find a partner to marry. Spring in Sapa, especially around Tet Holiday (late January to early February), is therefore a very joyful time despite the cool temperatures. This is the season of courting, dating and weddings. Nature also contributes to the atmosphere vibrant red and white flowers blooming everywhere. It all makes for a rather unique setting. 

After lunch, you will leave the colorful market behind, to follow a zigzag road along the mountain to visit Ban Pho 1 and Ban Pho 2 villages, inhabited by Flower H'mong people. Return to Sapa in the late afternoon. Overnight at hotel in Sapa 

Day 04: Sapa-Lao Chai – Ta Van – drive to Hanoi (B, L) |  Guide and driver

You will commence your short journey by driving south toward Muong Hoa valley. You will then start your walk by descending into the valley, which is the largest rice paddy terraced among Sapa area. The guide can provide you interesting information about rice. If you visit the valley sometime in between May and October, you will be able to observe and experience how the local do planting and harvesting, one of the most important activities in the daily life. The walk takes you from Lao Chai village of Black Hmong minority to Ta Van village of Giay minority including a visit to the local Catholic Church. After visiting Ta Van the car will return you to Sapa, then take the sharing limousine back to Hanoi. Overnight in Hanoi

Approx: 2 hours walking.

Day 05: Hanoi - Halong (B, L, D) |  Guide and driver

After breakfast depart to Halong Bay via Thai Binh and Nam Dinh, passing a peaceful countryside typical of Red River Delta with endless rice fields and winding rivers. We will arrive at Halong’s tourist wharf around noon and embark an elegant wooden junk. Lunch will be served while the boat gently cruises past numerous islands and limestone structures rising from the emerald water. A fresh seafood dinner will be prepared by an experienced chef and served on deck. A peaceful night on board in your private cabin.

Day 06: Halong - Hanoi - flight to Hue (B, L) |  Guide and driver

Rising to the tranquil beauty of the bay you have time for an early morning dip while the sun rises, followed by breakfast on board. We will continue to sail through the bay during the morning to explore more secluded areas. The junk will stay close at all times serving as a backup vessel for those that require it. Around midday we will return to the main harbor. A 3-hour drive will take you back to Noi Bai airport for your flight to Hue where you check into your hotel. Overnight at hotel in Hue.

Day 07: Hue- Thuy Bieu village (B, L) |  Guide and driver

Start the day with a visit to Hue Imperial City, the remaining vestiges of Hue's citadel, including: Flag Tower, Ngo Mon Gate, Nine Dynastic Urns, Nine Holy Cannons, Thai Hoa Palace and the Forbidden Purple City (Tu Cam Thanh. Then, we will take a boat trip on poetic Perfume River. Stop to visit Thien Mu Pagoda (Celestial Lady Pagoda) built in 1601 - the symbol of Hue city. Cruise toward Thuy Bieu eco-village, an old laid back village situated on the bank of Perfume River known for its green tea fruit orchards. Arrive in the village, and join our cooking class to prepare Hue’s signature dishes with our chef’s instruction, then enjoy your creations in the open air riverside restaurant surrounded by lush trees. The afternoon is reserved for cycling through the peaceful village, visiting several communal houses, ancient temples and the garden-house, a typical and unique feature of Hue. Soaking your feet in medicinal herb water followed by an excellent blind massage will refresh them after a day of sightseeing. Back to the hotel. Overnight at the hotel in Hue.

Day 08: Hue- Danang- Hoian (B, L) |  Guide and driver

After breakfast,  drive on the Mandarin road, a scenic journey from Hue to Hoi An, which allows you to see a picturesque Vietnam with stunning beaches and lush tropical forest. Take some photos en route of Danang Beach and visit Marble Mountain, Cham Museam before arriving in Hoi An’s ancient town. Check-in hotel then have lunch at a restaurant. 

In the afternoon, explore Hoi An ancient town, when visiting the Japanese Pagoda Bridge, Chinese streets, old Phung Hung houses, Hoi An’s market and ancient port. On the 1st and 15th of every lunar month, Hoi An’s ancient town is lit up by hundreds of colorful lanterns, giving it an extra portion of sparkle. Enjoy the city’s transformation and stroll through this quaint, glowing fairytale town in your free time. Overnight at hotel. 

Day 09: Hoi An free (B)

Today you are free at your leisure to relax on the beach 

Day 10: Hoi An free (B)

Today you are free at your leisure to relax on the beach

Day 11: Hoi An - Danang - Flight to Ho Chi Minh – city & walking tour (B) |  Guide and driver

Day 12: Saigon - Ben Tre - Can Tho (B, L) |  Guide and driver

Day 13: Can Tho - Saigon (B, L) |  Guide and driver

In the early morning, have an excursion to the floating market of Cai Rang, the largest one in the region, where boats full of fruit and vegetables gather every day. Then, take a walk in an orchard of Mr. Ba Cong, where it will also be possible to enjoy fresh tropical fruits and visit a vermicelli factory.

The day will continue with a visit to Binh Thuy's old house where the film adaptation of Marguerite Duras' novel L' Amant was filmed in 1992.

Return to SaiGon in the late afternoon. Overnight at the hotel.

-              Transfer time and distance by car: 3h30/170km

-              Road conditions: good

-              Visit time: 2 hours

-              Boat duration: 1 hour

 Day 14: Saigon departure (B) |  Driver

After breakfast, free time for relaxation until being transferred to take your departure flight from Saigon. The hotel is available until noon only. 

Northern Vietnam tour – 10 days


Day 01: Hanoi arrival (-) |  Guide and driver

Arrival in Noi Bai airport , you will be picked up then transferred to the hotel in city center. The rest of the day is free at your leisure for relaxation. Overnight in Hanoi

 Day 02: Hanoi city tour (B, L) |  Guide and driver

Day 03: Hanoi- Muong Lo (B, L, D) |  Guide and driver

From Hanoi at 8:30AM, we follow road No. 32 from Hanoi along the Red River to Yen Bai Province. The scenery along the way is simply beautiful with orchards of bananas, papayas and rice fields. Local farmers set up stalls all along the road to sell their seasonal produce to passenger. After lunch in a local restaurant in Thu Cuc, an area known for its tea culture, you will meet Mr. Tung's family to discover several varieties of tea in Vietnam. Young tea leaves will be picked and dried in the traditional way by yourself. Crossing Yen Bai City, we enter the mountainous areas o hills covered with green tea terraces all along the way. Finally, we reach Muong Lo Valley, the town of Nghia Lo, the second largest rice field in the Northwest Vietnam and also the homeland of Thai ethnic people. Thai people first came here grew rice and built their traditional wooden house of iron and bamboo around 700 years ago. Take a short walk of 2 hours around the village to discover Thai ethnic culture and daily life. Overnight at hotel in Muong Lo (basic standard hotel)

Day 04: Muong Lo- Tu Le - La Pan Tan – Mu Cang Chai (B, L, D) |  Guide and driver

Depart from Nghia Lo to Mu Cang Chai, the road winds its way through Hoang Lien Son mountain chain, which has the highest peak of Indochina, the Fanxipan. Stop at Tu Le for an easy hike. You walk through rice terraces to reach Thai and H’mong villages where people still dress in traditional costumes and H’mong women sit by their loom. Tu Le is a small hill tribe town surrounded by picturesque landscape and full of warmhearted people living in small wooden houses nestled at the foot of the mountains. Leaving Tu Le, you cross Khau Pha Pass (1550m).

Dominating the entire area of La Pan Tan for a hundred years, the Mong still keep their morals and customs very well. Being always in traditional clothing, speaking their language, refusing the invasion of modern life, they cultivate maize in plots of land embedded between the rocks, grow vegetables, and especially rice in terraced rice fields. A new way will take you to the heart of the village where you can discover Mong culture, meeting with villagers, a great opportunity for photo shots.

Homestay in Mu Cang Chai.

- Time and distance of transfer by car: 2h30 / 100km

- Road condition: good

- Time and walking distance: 3h30 / 12km on the way

- Level of difficulty: medium

- Total height difference: 150m

- Meeting with ethnic groups: H'Mong, Thais  

Day 05: Mu Cang Chai- Sapa - Ta Van village (B, L) |  Guide and driver

We leave Mu Cang Chai & after 2 hours driving, the road begins to climb up Tram Ton Pass, the highest pass in Vietnam at 2047 meters above sea level. Stop for photos opportunities and enjoy the fresh air. From here, you can see Fanxipan Mountain , “the Roof of Indochina” with ist 3143m peak soaked in clouds. Arrive in Sapa at noon and visit colorful ethnic markets and Sapa old town with its remnants of the French colonial era. After lunch, you will go on a light trek, long but easy, out of town ,to visit Ta Van village where the H’mong, Dao and Dzay ethnic people live peacefully together. Here you will have the chance to see the Dzay’s daily activities. Overnight at hotel in Sapa

Note: 2 hours driving, 2-3 hours of easy trekking  

 Day 6: Sapa - Bac Ha ethnic market - drive to Hanoi (B, L) |  Guide and driver

After breakfast, drive to Bac Ha by car to visit Bac Ha market. This is the biggest local ethnic market of the region and takes place every Sunday. Tribal people from surrounding villages flock here to exchange their products. Most still use horses to carry their loads, which means an early departure to get to the market in time.

If you visit Sapa during a spring weekend, you will frequently meet locals in their colorful costumes heading to the markets as this is the best time for youngsters to find a partner to marry. Spring in Sapa, especially around Tet Holiday (late January to early February), is therefore a very joyful time despite the cool temperatures. This is the season of courting, dating and weddings. Nature also contributes to the atmosphere vibrant red and white flowers blooming everywhere. It all makes for a rather unique setting.

After lunch, you will leave the colorful market behind and drive back to Hanoi for overnight

Day 7: Hanoi - Ninh Binh (B, L) |  Guide and driver

Day 8: Ninh Binh - Halong (B, L, D) |  Guide and driver

After breakfast, we will depart to Halong Bay , passing beautiful scenery filled with rice paddies, winding rivers and quaint villages. Upon arrival in Halong, we’ll take a big boat to cruise the Bay to discover the magnificent beauty of this “Descending-dragon” bay, created by thousands odd-shaped limestone rocks and karst grottoes. After a lunch of fresh seafood on board, we can visit the Surprising Grotto , stop for swimming or kayaking (at your own cost), passing floating villages and approach islets to enjoy their beauty in close distance. Evening attend activities on the boat or relax at your own leisure. Overnight on the boat. 

Please note the program may be little varied upon the cruise you choose & weather condition on that day 

Day 9: Halong – Hanoi (B) |  Guide and driver

After breakfast, visit by boat to Luon Cave, a ring-shaped pool inside an island in Halong with absolutely tranquil landscape and emerald water. Back to the Wharf of Halong passing the most densely area with many islands that have been named like the Cock-Fighting Rock, Sail Island, Incense burner rock or Sea Dog Rock. Arrive at Halong Wharf around 11.00. Return to Hanoi around 4PM. Free at your own leisure. Overnight in Hanoi

Day 10: Hanoi departure (B) |  Guide and driver

You are free until transfer to the airport for your departure flight back home.

End of our services!

Tour Vietnam & Cambodia - 16 days


Arrival in Noi Bai airport, you will be picked up then transferred to the hotel in the city center. The check-in is available at 2 pm.

In the afternoon, discover the Old Quarter, also known as the “36 Streets & Corporations”. It is a veritable labyrinth of lanes where each of which is specialized in a trade or art. Discover the capital through food, as a local, a real experience and a highlight of the journey. The tour ends with a stroll around Hoan Kiem Lake (Lake of the Restored Sword) before watching the traditional water puppet show. Overnight in Hanoi

Day 02: Hanoi - Mai Chau (B) |  Guide and driver

At 8:00am we will depart from Hanoi to Mai Chau, a picturesque valley. We will arrive in Mai Chau around noon and check into the Mister Cuong’s ethnic homestay, a house on stilts in Van village. The rest of the day you will have the chance to join in some agricultural chores like planting, harvesting or land preparation, depending on the season. Enjoy a traditional dance show at night then tasting Ruou Can, the local rice wine. Overnight in Mai Chau Ecolodge.

Day 03: Mai Chau - Ninh Binh (B) |  Guide and driver

In the morning, our car and guide will pick you up to travel to Tam Coc (three caves), a peaceful valley among limestone ‘karst’ hills. After the boat trip in Tam Coc, visit Bich Dong pagoda. And the rest of the day dedicate to the Mua Caves and learn about its interesting stories told by our guide. Overnight in hotel. in Tam Coc.

08:00-08:30 : After breakfast, we drive to Halong bay.

11:30-12:00 Upon arrival at Tuan Chau International Cruise Port, you will enjoy a warm welcome by our cruise staff in the waiting lounge and complete check-in procedure.

12:00 Upon boarding Amanda Cruise, our crew welcomes you with a refreshing drink and cold towel before checking into your cabin. Enjoy your lunch at our luxurious restaurant on board while the vessel cruises toward Trinh Nu cave.

14.00: You return to your cabin for a short rest and prepare for kayaking activities in Trinh Nu Cave area.

15.00: You will be transferred to Trinh Nu Cave by tender. Arriving at Trinh Nu Cave area, you will take part in kayaking activitie here.

17.30-18.00 Back on board, you will participate in Sunset party & cooking class while the vessel cruises toward the shore. You will be instructed to make delicious traditional Vietnamese steamed rice rolls by our chef and then enjoy the rolls made on your own.

17.30-18.30 Happy hour – BUY 2 DRINK GET 1 FOR FREE

19.30 Gala Dinner . Enjoy your dinner on the Sundeck (if the weather is favorable)

20.30 After dinner, you will enjoy a peaceful view of the Bay at night on the deck and squid fishing.

The cruise ship anchors for your peaceful night stay in a quiet area

Day 05: Halong - Hanoi - flight to Hue (B, L) |  Guide and driver

06.15: Start your day with Tai Chi class on the sundeck.

06.30-07.00 Enjoy a light breakfast with coffee, tea, cake and fruit.

07.30 Exploring Sung Sot cave. This is one of the largest and most beautiful caves in Ha Long Bay.

08.30-09.30 Back on board, you can rest in your room, enjoy the herbal foot bath prepared by our crew, sunbathe on the sundeck.

09.30 Check-out time.

10.00 Enjoy an early lunch buffet at the restaurant on the 2nd floor and settle the bills if any.

11.00 Arrival at Tuan Chau Marina. The trip ends.

Back to Hanoi for the flight to Hue. Pick up and transfer to the hotel. Overnite in hotel.

Day 06: Hue - Thuy Bieu village (B, L) |  Guide and driver

Start the day with a visit to Hue Imperial City , the remaining vestiges of Hue's citadel. Then, we will take a boat trip on the poetic Perfume River. Stop to visit Thien Mu Pagoda (Celestial Lady Pagoda) built in 1601 - the symbol of Hue city. Cruise toward Thuy Bieu eco-village , an old laid-back village situated on the bank of Perfume River known for its green tea fruit orchards.

Arrive in the village, and join our cooking class to prepare Hue’s signature dishes with our chef’s instruction, then enjoy your creations in the open-air riverside restaurant surrounded by lush trees. The afternoon is reserved for walking through the peaceful village, visiting several communal houses, ancient temples and the garden house, a typical and unique feature of Hue. Soaking your feet in medicinal herb water followed by an excellent blind massage will refresh them after a day of sightseeing.

Finally, you will visit the Tomb of Emperor Tu Duc , built between 1864 and 1867 by 3000 soldiers and workers. Back to the hotel. Overnight at the hotel in Hue.

Day 07: Hue – Ba Na hills – Hoi An (B) |  Guide and driver

After breakfast, transfer to Ba Na hill to take a cable car to the beautiful Ba Na Hills , a hill station and resort located in central Vietnam's Truong Son Mountain region. See the fascinating Linh Ung Pagoda and marvel at its exquisite architectural design. Visit Golden Bridge , a 150-meter-long pedestrian bridge with two giant stone hands supporting the structure. Then we drive to Hoi An. Check-in hotel. Overnight in hotel.

Day 08: Hoi An city tour – Basket boat trip (B) |  Guide and driver

After breakfast, you will ride a bicycle along Hoai Pho River. Then, go on a boat to Cam Thanh village (the capital of coconuts), a chance to discover the daily life of Vietnamese fishermen, their families and their community. Take a boat trip along Cua Dai River, drop in on a local fisherman on the river, see how they cast net. Learn how to paddle the unique Vietnamese bamboo basket boat. Explore the now tranquil coconut palm-flanked waterways of a past war and hear of the extreme conditions endured by soldiers of both sides. Back on board, enjoy a traditional fisherman’s lunch.

In the afternoon, explore Hoi An ancient town . Overnight at hotel.

After breakfast, you will be taken to the airport for the flight to Ho Chi Minh City. Upon arrival, check into hotel.

Then, you will visit the War Remnants Museum formerly known as the Museum of American War Crimes. This is a poignant display of the futility of war. After visiting the War Remains Museum. Next on the sightseeing list is the pagoda of the Emperor of Jade , an icon of the inhabitants of Saigon and venerated for a hundred years. Another site that cannot be missed is Binh Tay Market or ‘ Cho Lon ’, which can be roughly translated to ‘big market’. Your tour of Saigon will end with a visit to a lacquerware workshop. Overnight at hotel in Ho Chi Minh City.

In the afternoon you will take a trip on small rowing boats through a maze of waterways lined by two rows of a palm tree. Cruise back to the pier and disembark. Drive to Can Tho for the night.

Day 11: Can Tho – Chau Doc (B) |  Guide and driver

We will rise in the early morning to take a boat trip through the winding waterways of Cai Rang floating market , the biggest and busiest floating market in the Mekong Delta.

After disembarking we will drive to Chau Doc, the closet town to the Vietnam-Cambodian border in An Giang province. Continue the tour to visit Tra Su forest . Overnight in Chau Doc.

In the morning we will take a speed boat to Phnom Penh and arrive in the capital city of Cambodia around noon. Time to rest and have lunch by your own. The afternoon will be spent exploring Phnom Penh. We commence our tour with a visit to the National Museum , then on to the Silver Pagoda situated inside the Royal Palace complex and lastly stop at Russian market for shopping. Overnight at hotel.

After breakfast, we will be transferred to the airport for flight to Siem Reap. On arrival, check in hotel for refreshments.

In the afternoon, explore Tonle Sap lake - the largest natural lake in Indochina, cruising for 1 or 2 hours to visit its floating villages and discover the waterfront life. Visit the Artisans d’Angkor established in 1992 with the purpose of  training young Cambodians in reestablishing the arts of their ancestral heritage and help increase job opportunities. Back to hotel for overnight.

Day 14: Siemreap - Angkor Thom - Angkor Wat - Siemreap (B, D) |  Guide and driver

We will visit the South Gate of Angkor Thom also referred to as "Great City". In the afternoon, we will tour the World Heritage site " Angkor Wat ", the world's largest religious building. We continue our day with a visit to Bakheng Hill Temple and watch the sunset from the top of the hill. Back to the hotel. Dinner with a special Aspara dance show. Overnight in Siem Reap 

Day 15: Siem Reap - Kbal Spean - Banteay Srei (B) |  Guide and driver

 We will start our day trip by visiting Kbal Spean referred to as “The river of a Thousand Lingas” which is situated 30km north of Angkor Wat. We will take a forest walk and then return for lunch. We will continue from there straight to Banteay Srei , "The Citadel of Women". Overnight in Siem Reap 

Day 16: Siem Reap departure (B) |  Guide and driver

  • Accommodation with breakfast as mentioned in the program (on basis of 02 people/room)
  • A sweet night onboard in a deluxe cabin in Halong bay
  • Domestic flights Hanoi - Hue, Danang – Saigon, Phnom Penh – Siem Reap
  • Travel on a private, modern & comfortable air-conditioned car/minibus
  • Meals as mentioned in the program (B = Breakfast, L = Lunch, D = Dinner)
  • Entry fee for all mentioned sites for visit
  • Boat trips as mentioned in the program
  • Qualified local tour guides during the whole trip (except the break time or program clearly mentioned "WITHOUT GUIDE") 

Vietnam Holiday - 11 days


In the afternoon, discover the Old Quarter. Designed to capture all aspects of local life, the course will cover all the elements of the daily life of the inhabitants in an original way. Discover the capital through food, as a local, a real experience and a highlight of the journey. The tour ends with a stroll around Hoan Kiem Lake (Lake of the Restored Sword) before watching the traditional water puppet show. Overnight in Hanoi

At 8:00am we will depart from Hanoi to Mai Chau, a picturesque valley. We will arrive in Mai Chau around noon and check into the Mister Cuong’s ethnic homestay. A typical Thai meal will be served for lunch at the homestay. In the afternoon, you can take a short walk around the village where you will encounter friendly local people. Enjoy a traditional dance show at night then tasting the local rice wine. Overnight in Mai Chau Ecolodge.

In the morning, our car and guide will pick you up to travel to Tam Coc (three caves), a peaceful valley among limestone ‘karst’ hills. After the boat trip in Tam Coc, visit Bich Dong pagoda. And the rest of the day dedicate to the Mua Caves where you can see the majestic landscape of Tam Coc. Overnight in hotel. in Tam Coc.

12:00 Upon boarding Amanda Cruise, our crew welcomes you with a refreshing drink and cold towel before checking into your cabin. The vessel leaves Tuan Chau Marina, taking you on an exciting journey to discover the beauty of Ha Long Bay . Along the way, you can enjoy the view of some of the most beautiful spots in Ha Long and admire the grandeur of the Bay with thousands of limestone islands while the vessel heads to Trinh Nu Cave.

Enjoy your lunch at our luxurious restaurant on board while the vessel cruises toward Trinh Nu cave.

20.30 After dinner, you will enjoy a peaceful view of the Bay at night on the deck.

After breakfast, you will ride a bicycle along Hoai Pho River. Then, go on a boat to Cam Thanh village (the capital of coconuts), a chance to discover the daily life of Vietnamese fishermen, their families and their community. Take a boat trip along Cua Dai River, drop in on a local fisherman on the river, see how they cast net. Back on board, enjoy a traditional fisherman’s lunch.

In the afternoon, explore Hoi An ancient town, when visiting the Japanese Pagoda Bridge, Chinese streets, old Phung Hung houses, Hoi An’s market and the ancient port . Overnight at hotel.

Then, you will visit the War Remnants Museum formerly known as the Museum of American War Crimes. This is a poignant display of the futility of war. Next on the sightseeing list is the pagoda of the Emperor of Jade , an icon of the inhabitants of Saigon and venerated for a hundred years. Another site that cannot be missed is Binh Tay Market or ‘ Cho Lon ’, which can be roughly translated to ‘big market’. Your tour of Saigon will end with a visit to a lacquerware workshop. Overnight at hotel in Ho Chi Minh City.

Day 11: Can Tho – Saigon - Departure (B) |  Guide and driver

We will rise in the early morning to take a boat trip through the winding waterways of Cai Rang floating market , the biggest and busiest floating market in the Mekong Delta. Then we visit the   Binh Thuy Ancient House, a well-preserved 149-year-old house in Can Tho, is one of the city's most popular attractions. Then we drive back to Saigon for the flight departure.

  • Domestic flights Hanoi - Hue, Danang – Saigon

Vietnam Vacation - 16 days


Arrival at Noi Bai airport, you will be picked up then transferred to the hotel in the city center. The check-in is available at 2 pm.

Time to relax or explore the city on your own. Overnight in Hanoi

Day 02: Hanoi city tour - train to Lao Cai (B) |  Guide and driver

You will be picked up at the hotel at 8:00am. Starting the day trip will be a visit of the  Ho Chi Minh Complex , which compromises Ho Chi Minh’s mausoleum ( closed on Mondays & Fridays ), his former stilt-house residence, the  Presidential Palace and Ho Chi Minh Museum . We will then visit the  Temple of Literature  constructed in 1070 to worship Confucius. Lunch will be served at a local restaurant.  In the afternoon, we will visit the  Museum of Ethnology . Then back to the Old Quarter for a  1.5-hour walking tour . We then head to  Ngoc Son Temple  set on a tiny island in the middle of Hoan Kiem Lake.

Relax at a mini hotel for refreshments till being transferred to the railway station for night train to Lao Cai. Overnight on train (soft sleeper 4 berth cabin).

Day 03: Lao Cai – Bac Ha - Sapa (B) |  Guide and driver

Arrive in Lao Cai 6:00am, and drive to Bac Ha by car to visit Bac Ha market . This is the biggest local ethnic market of the region and takes place every Sunday.  

Then you will leave the colorful market behind to go to Sapa.

You will commence your short journey by driving south toward Muong Hoa valley. You will then start your walk by descending into the valley, which is the largest rice paddy terraced among Sapa area. The guide can provide you with interesting information about rice. If you visit the valley sometime in between May and October, you will be able to observe and experience how the local do planting and harvesting, one of the most important activities in the daily life. The walk takes you from Lao Chai village of Black Hmong minority to Ta Van village of Giay minority including a visit to the local Catholic Church.  Overnight at a hotel in Sapa.

Day 04: Sapa – Fansipan peak – drive to Hanoi (B) |  Guide and driver

After breakfast, transfer to the cable car station where we will have 25 minutes to travel to Fansipan Mountain which is considered to be the most beautiful landscape of Vietnam now. In the afternoon, drive to Hanoi by limousine car. Overnight at hotel in Hanoi.

12:00 Upon boarding Amanda Cruise, our crew welcomes you with a refreshing drink and cold towel before checking into your cabin. The vessel leaves Tuan Chau Marina, taking you on an exciting journey to discover the beauty of Ha Long Bay .

15.00: You will be transferred to Trinh Nu Cave by tender.

20.30 After dinner, you will enjoy a peaceful view of the Bay at night on the deck. You can also participate in evening activities such as massage (subject to additional charge), herbal wood foot bath in your room (free of charge 01 herbal bag for each cabin) or enjoying music and some drinks at Sky Bar while admiring the breathtaking view of the Bay at night and squid fishing.

08.30-09.30 Back on board, you can rest in your room, enjoy the herbal foot bath prepared by our crew, sunbathe on the sundeck, take pictures of Ha Long Bay or shop for souvenirs on the boat.

09.30 Check-out time. Please put your luggage outside your cabin and leave the room key at the reception desk. Our staff will transfer your luggage to the waiting area. While waiting, you can shop for some products of Amanda cruise.

Day 07: Hue - Thuy Bieu village (B, L) |  Guide and driver

Arrive in the village, and join our cooking class to prepare Hue’s signature dishes with our chef’s instruction, then enjoy your creations in the open-air riverside restaurant surrounded by lush trees. The afternoon is reserved for walking through the peaceful village, visiting several communal houses, ancient temples and the garden house, a typical and unique feature of Hue. Soaking your feet in medicinal herb water followed by an excellent blind massage will refresh them after a day of sightseeing. Finally, you will visit the Tomb of Emperor Tu Duc , built between 1864 and 1867 by 3000 soldiers and workers. Overnight at the hotel in Hue.

Day 08: Hue – Ba Na hills – Hoi An (B) |  Guide and driver

Day 09: hoi an city tour – basket boat trip (b) |  guide and driver.

After breakfast, you will ride a bicycle along Hoai Pho River. Then, go on a boat to Cam Thanh village (the capital of coconuts). Take a boat trip along Cua Dai River, drop in on a local fisherman on the river, see how they cast net. Learn how to paddle the unique Vietnamese bamboo basket boat. In the afternoon, explore Hoi An ancient town. Overnight at hotel.

Day 10: Hoi An - Danang - Flight to Phu Quoc island

After breakfast, you will be taken to the airport for the flight to Phu Quoc island. Upon arrival, check in to hotel.  Enjoy your day in the beach. Overnight in the resort.

Day 11: Phu Quoc island

Enjoy your day in the beach. Overnight in the resort.

Day 12: Phu Quoc island

Day 13: phu quoc island, day 14: phu quoc island – flight to saigon - city & walking tour (b) |  guide and driver, day 15: saigon - ben tre - can tho (b, l) |  guide and driver.

Leaving the bustling city of Saigon behind, you depart to the Mekong Delta considered Vietnam’s biggest rice basket. Arrive at Hung Vuong pier in Ben Tre and embark your boat to cruise along Bến Tre River. Stop at the brickfield belonging to Mr. Tu Lo to see how bricks are made by hand in Vietnam and a coconut candy home factory. Lunch at a local restaurant. In the afternoon you will take a trip on small rowing boats through a maze of waterways lined by two rows of a palm tree. Cruise back to the pier and disembark. Drive to Can Tho for the night.

Day 16: Can Tho – Saigon - Departure (B) |  Guide and driver

We will rise in the early morning to take a boat trip through the winding waterways of Cai Rang floating market , the biggest and busiest floating market in the Mekong Delta. Then we visit the   Binh Thuy Ancient House, a well-preserved 149-year-old house in Can Tho. Then we drive back to Saigon for the flight departure.

  • Domestic flights Hanoi - Hue, Danang – Phu Quoc, Phu Quoc - Saigon


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  4. Local Travel Agency in Vietnam, Cambodia & Laos

    Asiatica Travel is a local travel agency in Vietnam established in 2001. With 23 years of experience, we are the expert for your tour to Vietnam and Cambodia and now the company has become a multinational company with 100 employees in 4 offices. We can provide all inclusive packages, including accommodations, domestic flights, meals, private transportation and English speaking tour guides.

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    Asiatica Travel is a local travel agency in Vietnam established in 2001. With 23 years of experience, we are the expert for your tour to Vietnam and Cambodia and now the company has become a multinational company with 100 employees in 4 offices. We can provide all inclusive packages, including accommodations, domestic flights, meals, private ...

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    Hi Ray, Thank you for traveling with Asiatica Travel. We are glad that you had an amazing experience. Thanks again for your recommendation and we are looking forward to welcoming you back soon. Regards, Phoebe & Asiatica Travel Team. Report response as inappropriate This response is the subjective opinion of the management representative and ...

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    About. Asiatica Travel is a tour operator based in Vietnam, offering not just private day trips in Hanoi but also customized private journeys to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Founded in 2001 by four local guides, Asiatica is now one of the biggest and most trustworthy local tour operators in Indochina, includes also Myanmar and Thailand.

  18. Customize your trip

    Thanks Asiatica travel. Excellent trip - lovely Vietnam Singhal Anju, India (From April 26 to May 5, 2023) View more. ASIATICA TRAVEL. is a local Travel Company based in Vietnam, we create customized private tours in small group for couple, familly and friends Since 2001 22 years of experience

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    Asiatica Travel è orgogliosa di essere lo specialista locale con oltre 20 anni di esperienza nella progettazione di viaggi da sogno per i nostri clienti. Realizziamo viaggi su misura e privati in Thailandia. Discutiamo con i nostri clienti gli elementi personali: budget, gusti, con o senza bambini (la loro età), tour, hotel, voli, data di ...

  20. Asiatica Travel

    Asiatica Travel is a local tour operator in Vietnam that provides customized private tours in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand. Almost all of our customers are satisfied with the travel ...

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    Asiatica Travel is proud to be the local specialist with over 20 years of experience in creating tailor-made and private trips in Thailand for travelers all over the world. We discuss with our clients the personal elements: budget, tastes, with or without children (their age), tours, hotels, flights, arrival and departure date, etc. to ...

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    Once confirmed, Asiatica Travel goes to work to book the best services for you. Happy travel! It's time to pack your suitcase, to take your desires to a new world to explore. Have a safe journey! ASIATICA TRAVEL. is a local Travel Company based in Vietnam, we create customized private tours in small group for couple, familly and friends


    Asiatica Travel was founded in 2001. Since then, we have maintained a leading position among tailor-made and private tour specialists in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. With consulting offices in Vietnam and all over the world, we deeply understand the travel needs of our customers and desire to bring our strong on-site knowledge of the country ...


    Asiatica Travel. Asiatica Travel is a tour operator based in Vietnam, offering not just private day trips in Hanoi but also customized private journeys to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Founded in 2001 by four local guides, Asiatica is now one of the biggest and most trustworthy local tour operators in Indochina, includes also Myanmar and Thailand.