The History of the World’s First Cruise Ship Built Solely for Luxurious Travel

At the turn of the 20th century, a German Jewish shipping executive had an innovative idea for a new revenue stream: the cruise

Daryl Austin

Photo of the Prinzessin Victoria Luise

Shipping magnate Albert Ballin had a vision. He saw a future of leisurely sea travel available to anyone willing to pay the price of a ticket. The late-19th century director of the Hamburg-Amerikanische Packetfahrt-Actien-Gesellschaft (HAPAG), or Hamburg-America Line, knew the future of the company rested beyond shipping cargo across the Atlantic.

The Jewish son of a Danish immigrant took over his father’s immigration agency in 1874. But he became part of Germany’s elite (an odd fit because corrosive attitudes towards Jews were already taking shape) when he transformed the family business into an independent shipping line, earning the attention of HAPAG executives who hired him in 1886 and made him their general director in 1899.

One of his first orders of business after assuming the leadership role was to commission the first purpose-built cruise ship the world had ever known: the Prinzessin Victoria Luise .

“The Hamburg-America Line was the world’s largest shipping firm at the time,” says Peter McCracken, a librarian at Cornell University and publisher of the vessel-research database . “As its general director, Ballin was responsible for maintaining that position and for moving the company forward.”

Over the previous decade, Ballin oversaw the expansion of the passenger arm of the company by retrofitting freight ships into barely acceptable cruise liners to some success. Though some HAPAG executives initially balked at the idea (“Germans will travel out of necessity, but they would surely not submit themselves to the hazards and discomforts of a long voyage just for the incidental fun of it,” one colleague told him,) Ballin proceeded anyway.

He began in January 1891 by repurposing the Augusta Victoria , one of the ocean liners in the company’s fleet, into a leisurely cruising vessel for wealthy tourists. What’s more, he knew he needed to offset losses during the winter months, when fewer freight orders came through and frozen waterways made sea travel dangerous. Daniel Finamore, associate director of exhibitions at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts, says that Ballin understood the company needed “to maximize use of their large ships” by “organizing pleasure cruises to Caribbean ports and warmer climates during winter.”

Ballin soon realized, however, that the Augusta Victoria had significant limitations when it came to pleasure exclusions at sea. Passengers had to tolerate unsightly machinery, restrictive deck space, and a lack of onboard amenities. The ship itself was too large to navigate into the smaller ports near popular tourist destinations. And the austere sleeping accommodations were undesirable for high-minded first-class passengers, too, all of which made the Augusta Victoria a temporary measure. Scientific American reported at the time that “the venture was looked somewhat of an experiment.”

1901 "Scientific American" cover showing the interior and exterior of the ship

His innovation was recognizing the appeal of luxury sea travel designed specifically for the experience of the journey.

By 1899, Ballin hired the shipbuilder Blohm & Voss to construct a vessel specifically outfitted for what he had in mind. In the Prinzessin Victoria Luise, he had a 407-foot, 4,419-ton vessel with twin-screw engines that could cut through the water at a speed of 16 knots. (About 19 miles per hour; the Titantic’s top speed was 23 knots.) In 1971’s The Sway of the Grand Saloon: A Social History of the North Atlantic, author and historian John Malcolm Brinnin described the ship as having “the white hull of a yacht, a long clipper stem and bowsprit, buff-colored funnels.”

In February 1901, Scientific American highlighted that the vessel was “designed for a class of service which hitherto has been performed by the regular ships of this company...the first vessel of her kind to be built purely for yachting [leisure cruising] purposes.”

Brinnin gives Ballin full credit for the accomplishment: “The real breakthrough in pleasure cruising, at least as the 20th century would come to know it, was...the single-handed gesture of Albert Ballin,” he wrote in Grand Saloon .

Indeed, James Delgado, the former director of NOAA’s Maritime Heritage Program, and senior vice president of SEARCH , a marine archaeology program, acknowledged Ballin’s contributions as well and says there is consensus that the Prinzessin Victoria Luise was the “first purpose-built, non-private excursion ship: what we call ‘cruise’ ships today.”

Named by Ballin after the German emperor’s only daughter, the Victoria Luise boasted a large gymnasium, a social hall, a library, a smoking room, a palatial art gallery surrounding the dining room, spacious promenade decks, a ballroom for dancing, a darkroom for amateur photographers and 120 unusually commodious first-class only staterooms—each equipped with elegant European furnishings, brass beds and double-light portholes that were opened when the ship was in warm climates. “It was Ballin’s intention that the style and service (on board) should be commensurate with the finest European hotels,” says Bruce Peter, a design historian at the Glasgow School of Art in Scotland and author of Cruise Ships: A Design Voyage .

“There was no consideration for accommodating lesser fare passengers or freight,” Delgado explains, “just cruising in style in well-appointed cabins with good food and visiting different ports.”

After launching from Hamburg on June 29, 1900, the Victoria Luise ’s first cruise lasted 35 days and explored ports in the West Indies and Venezuela. Subsequent Victoria Luise cruises sometimes followed the same route, at times changing destinations across the Mediterranean and Baltic Seas and beyond. “The vessel sailed to Norway and the Baltic in summer, to the Mediterranean and to the Caribbean in winter,” Peter says, noting ”the four ever-popular cruising regions.” Over the years it docked in ports in New York, France, England, Ireland, Scotland, the North Cape in Norway and St Petersburg.

“Every port had well-planned shore excursions,” says Finamore.

Even though the superrich already had yachts of their own “none were available for public bookings,” Finamore explains—and Ballin knew he’d need to market to a wealthy clientele in order to make the venture a success. To that end, he requested that engineering journals refer to the Victoria Luise as a “cruising yacht.”

The Victoria Luise made leisure cruising available to people who couldn’t afford “the upkeep and maintenance, let alone the expense of building such vessels,” Delgado says. Adds Peter, “There was a strong desire among the very wealthy to emulate the style of royals and emperors.” Its popularity opened the doors to many additional such vessels being commissioned by HAPAG officials; with other popular shipping lines of the day following suit. (Including the White Star Line, the navigation company responsible for commissioning the Titanic .)

The deck of the Victoria Luise boasted a permanent awning framework that provided shade and shelter while nearby musicians entertained guests. Inside, “a string quartet would play from the dining saloon balcony at dinner,” Peter says, and “local performers would be brought onboard to give the passengers a taste of the exotic when in specific ports.”

In addition to entertainment, passengers expected decadent cuisine on board and enjoyed it in abundance, though not without great effort. “Fine-dining on a ship such as this was a particular challenge,” Finamore says. “Everything on a broad menu offering multiple courses had to be planned, stored, preserved and prepared on board.” Menu selections aboard one Victoria Luise cruise included beef broth with farina dumplings and roast duck and whortleberry soup. To celebrate Abraham Lincoln’s birthday at sea on February 12, 1906—either as a nod to the ship’s American passengers or just an excuse to throw a party, or both—the chef offered selections of fried halibut in Russian sauce, or Strasbourg goose in jelly, while the ship’s band played John Philip Sousa’s “The Stars and Stripes Forever” from the surrounding balcony.

Photograph of the Victoria Luise at sea

Fine-dining and lively entertainment were no substitute for good seamanship, however, and the majesty and tranquility of the Prinzessin Victoria Luise was short-lived. While on a Caribbean cruise in December 1906, it crashed against an uncharted ridge off the coast of Jamaica. Captain H. Brunswig had had tried to enter the harbor without aid and had incorrectly identified the Plumb Point Lighthouse for the lighthouse at the port he was due at, the Port Royal Lighthouse. To make matters worse, Peter says, “the shape of the seabed off Jamaica had been changed by a recent volcanic eruption, so the charts the captain depended on were wrong.”

Though no passengers were harmed when the ship ran aground (everyone was rescued by the following morning), Brunswig retreated to his cabin after the evacuation and ended his life with a pistol . ”I cannot account for his act except on the theory that his pride was crushed by the accident, and that he believed that only death would wipe out what he regarded as his disgrace,” an HAPAG executive said at the time. A New York Times article of a few days later said the captain had been “one of the best known and most reliable commanders in the company’s service.” His death came as a shock to colleagues. “Though he was clearly to blame,” McCracken says, “his steward and other officers later said that they certainly did not expect him to commit suicide.”

The ship itself tragically shared its captain’s fate. After pounding waves were seen “breaking over her pitilessly,” as a Jamaican news article said at the time, the vessel quickly became a total loss and was soon “abandoned and left to her fate.” As Brinnin wrote in Grand Saloon: ”The sea had claimed one of its prettiest prizes.” Upon hearing of the loss of his ship, Ballin commissioned a replacement vessel to be built by the same shipbuilder, which he named The Meteor.

After the crash of the Victoria Luise and the subsequent crash and sinking of the Titanic and the Lusitania four and then eight years later, the world of leisure cruising slowly came to a halt. “With the start of World War I and the following Depression, the concept of an excursion or cruise ships would not be reborn until after World War II,” Delgado says.

“Modern cruise ships owe a huge debt of gratitude to pioneers like Albert Ballin,” McCraken says. “His contribution to maritime history—particularly as the father of modern leisure cruising—is incalculable.”

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Daryl Austin | READ MORE

Daryl Austin is a journalist based in Utah. His work has appeared in National Geographic, The Washington Post, Kaiser Health News, Discover Magazine, and LiveScience.

Should Be Cruising

The Story of the First Cruise Ship: SS Prinzessin Victoria Luise

By: Author Carrie Ann Karstunen

Posted on Published: July 19, 2021  - Last updated: September 1, 2022

The Story of the First Cruise Ship: SS Prinzessin Victoria Luise

Ocean liners have been carrying passengers across the sea since the 1840s. But the first cruise ship built for pleasure cruising wasn’t launched until the turn of the 20th century. Here’s the story of the SS Prinzessin Victoria Luise , a revolutionary ship with a tragic fate.

SS Prinzessin Victoria Luise  was a German passenger ship, built for the Hamburg-America Line, also known as HAPAG. She is considered to be the first purpose-built cruise ship.

Launched on June 29, 1900, she sailed with HAPAG until December 16, 1906 when she was accidentally grounded off of Port Royal, Jamaica.

But why was the first cruise ship built? And why was this groundbreaking luxury liner abandoned? Find out the real story of the first cruise ship , illustrated with vintage photos of the Prinzessin Victoria Luise .

1st cruise line

Why was the SS Prinzessin Victoria Luise built?

In 1886 Albert Ballin—today considered the father of modern cruise ship travel—joined Hamburg-America as the manager of its passage department.

Ballin immediately realized that in the winter months the company’s flagship vessel, the ocean liner Augusta Victoria , sat idle. Passengers didn’t want to travel in the North Atlantic in frigid conditions.

At this time, people traveled on ocean liners not as a vacation, but as a means of getting from one place to another.

Although he was criticized by his peers for the unusual decision, Ballin chose to send the Augusta Victoria on a 58-day pleasure voyage from Germany to the Mediterranean. This cruise would include shore excursions at various ports of call, and Ballin and his wife would be among the passengers.

From January to March 1891, the ship cruised from Cuxhaven, Germany to Southampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Cairo, Jerusalem, Damascus, Constantinople (now Istanbul), Athens, Malta, Naples, and Lisbon before returning to Hamburg.

The journey was a success, and Ballin planned to offer more cruises through HAPAG, though at the time they were often called “pleasure voyages” or “excursions”.

1st cruise line

The Augusta Victoria may have hosted one of the first cruise voyages, but she wasn’t a cruise ship. Like the other ocean liners of her day, this ship was built for speed and had very few amenities on board.

Ocean liners in the HAPAG fleet were all multi-class vessels, designed to limit premium deck space to first-class passengers, with restrictions on those staying in second- and especially third-class areas of the ship. This wasn’t the best setup for the wealthy clientele Ballin hoped to attract.

Deck space on these ships was also sheltered, to protect those on board from the elements when sailing in the North Atlantic—not exactly what you’d want for a pleasure cruise in warm weather.

Ballin firmly believed that only a ship specifically designed for vacationers would work for his vision, and that these new ships could spend the entire year cruising.

In 1899 Ballin became managing director of Hamburg-America. Just a few months later he commissioned Blohm & Voss , a German shipbuilding and engineering company, to construct his first cruise ship.

She would be named after Kaiser Wilhelm II’s seven-year-old daughter, Princess Victoria Luise of Prussia. The ship, christened Prinzessin Victoria Luise by the Countess von Waldersee, was due to launch on June 29, 1900.

How was the SS Prinzessin Victoria Luise different from other ocean liners of the time?

As he hoped to attract wealthy travelers looking to adventure in style, Ballin made sure that the Prinzessin Victoria Luise looked nothing like a utilitarian ocean liner.

The design of his new ship looked more like a private yacht—with her slim hull, rounded stern, and clipper bow enhanced with decorative carvings and a figurehead of her namesake princess.

Painted in all white (which helped keep the ship cool in tropical climates as well as give her a more elegant look) she sported two masts and two slim funnels positioned amidships.

1st cruise line

Once on board, passengers noticed that the luxurious interior spaces included amenities designed to pass the time at sea during leisurely voyages.

Reportedly in consultation with Germany’s kaiser, who had become his personal friend, Ballin included a library, a small gymnasium, and even a darkroom so amateur photographers could process their travel photos.

(Once the finishing touches were completed on the ship, the kaiser made a formal inspection and was said to be unhappy that Victoria Luise was slightly longer than his own royal yacht Hohenzollern!)

Also unlike the ocean liners of the time, Prinzessin Victoria Luise had all first-class staterooms—passengers on this new type of ship were no longer segregated by class.

However, there were no cheap fares to be had. Prices for these cruises, which lasted 14 to 33 days, ranged from $75 to $175 and up. (That’s equivalent to $2,315 to $5,403 in today’s money. The average yearly salary in the US at the time was only $449.80, so only the wealthy could afford to cruise.)

The ship had very little space for transporting mail or cargo—it was designed solely for the enjoyment of passengers.

Albert Ballin wanted his ship to be more like a “floating hotel” for his wealthy guests. Her 180 passengers would be served by 161 crew members, a passenger-to-crew ratio that was unheard of at the time (and only rivaled today by the most luxurious all-inclusive cruise lines ).

How big was the first cruise ship compared to modern cruise ships?

Prinzessin Victoria Luise ‘s hull was 52.2 feet wide (15.9 m) by 407.5 feet long (124.2 m). She measured 4,409 gross register tons (GRT).

If you compare Prinzessin Victoria Luise to Royal Caribbean’s Wonder of the Sea s (the largest cruise ship currently in operation at 236,857 GRT), you could fit almost fifty-four of her inside!

But for the time, she was a considerable size if you take into account that the largest ocean liner sailing in 1900 (the RMS Oceanic ), was only 17,272 GRT.

We’d consider a cruise ship of that size today to be tiny!

Where did the first cruise ship sail?

Originally, the plan for the Prinzessin Victoria Luise was to kick off with a 135-day grand world cruise for her maiden voyage.

The very first cruise ship would have left Hamburg on August 28, 1900, sailing eastbound around the world until she reached San Francisco. At that point, the passengers would disembark, travel by train across the United States, and return to Hamburg by ocean liner.

In 1900 construction on the Panama Canal hadn’t yet begun (that started a few years later in 1904) and sailing around the southern tip of South America would have added weeks to the journey.

A second group of passengers would embark at San Francisco and cruise in the reverse direction back to Hamburg.

But, neither world cruise ever sailed. Apparently, a strike at the shipyard delayed construction, and the Prinzessin wasn’t completed until December of that year.

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Instead, the ship’s rescheduled maiden voyage from Hamburg stopped at Boulogne in France, Plymouth UK, and then sailed to New York to begin her first pleasure cruise.

On January 26th 1901, passengers embarked on a round-trip itinerary visiting several islands in the West Indies.

On March 9th, she left on her second cruise, sailing from New York to the Mediterranean and the Black Sea.

For the next several years, Prinzessin Victoria Luise cruised year-round (with the exception of six transatlantic crossings), also adding Baltic cruises to her schedule.

1st cruise line

What were accommodations like on the first cruise ship?

All of the passenger cabins on the Prinzessin Victoria Luise were first-class staterooms, decorated with sumptuous fabrics and rich wood furnishings accented with brass.

The Emperor’s Suite , custom-built for Germany’s kaiser (though there’s no evidence he ever sailed in it) was complete with a private bath and toilet.

All staterooms had sinks with running water, but if you weren’t in a suite you’d need to confer with the bath steward to schedule your bathing time.

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The space-saving bunk bed concept (popular on ocean liners of the time), was abandoned when designing Victoria Luise ‘s staterooms.

Instead, side-by-side beds made for a more elegant boudoir. The ship also offered single staterooms for solo travelers.

All cabins on the first cruise ship were complete with electric lights, a ventilation fan, and a state-of-the-art electric paging system to allow passengers to summon the room steward.

Amenities aboard the Prinzessin Victoria Luise

Prinzessin Victoria Luise ‘s lavish art-nouveau interior was opulent, with gilded detail work on every wall, crystal-paned domes to let in the light, and plush furniture and carpets in rich colors throughout the ship. Decorative live plants and cut flower arrangements augmented the beauty of the furnishings.

But the guest amenities on board the Prinzessin Victoria Luise were what made her stand out from the typical passenger ship of the time.

Albert Ballin’s dream of creating a floating hotel came to life on his ship—with a range of communal spaces to socialize, read, exercise, or just relax and enjoy this new cruise experience.

The Prinzessin Victoria Luise featured a gymnasium, what we’d consider a very small exercise room today! The gym included a stationary bicycle, a rack of Indian clubs (also known as exercise pins), a mechanical horse, and various other fitness contraptions of the period.

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For gentlemen passengers, there was a vast smoking room—ladies were not allowed! This would have been a social hub for the men of the ship, where they could relax with a cigar and play cards, chess, or checkers.

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But guests of any gender could enjoy getting to know their fellow cruisers in the Main Cabin, a light and airy room with a domed roof and skylight. Upholstered armchairs and sofas arranged around tables invited conversation.

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The open decks, sheltered by a removable tarpaulin, were the perfect place to read the newspaper or gaze out at the sea.

Prinzessin Victoria Luise also had a popular promenade deck, so passengers could take the air and enjoy the view on a leisurely walk around the ship.

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The ship also featured a music salon, a ladies’ parlor, and a well-stocked library. The onboard darkroom for amateur shutterbugs was likely the first one included on a passenger ship.

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What were meals like on the first cruise ship?

On Prinzessin Victoria Luise , meals were served in the elegant dining room, an opulent atrium-style space with galleries brightened by a stained-glass rosette skylight.

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Dinner on the Prinzessin was a lavish eight-course affair. Unlike on today’s cruise ships, diners didn’t have a choice of dining time, or a choice of what they wanted to eat!

But from the look of one surviving menu I found, guests on the ship weren’t exactly going hungry.

1st cruise line

From the dinner menu on the evening of Friday, March 1st 1901, we see that cruisers began their meal with cannelons à la Prinzessin , which would be small mincemeat rolls or pastry rolls with rice and fruit.

The soup course was beef broth or soup à la Reine , a chicken and rice soup with cream.

Then on to the fish course, with fillets of fish à la Regence . This would have been a very elegant preparation for fish at the time—vintage recipes in this style often topped the buttered fish fillets with a creamy sauce, truffles, and lobster or crayfish.

Next was the meat course, roast beef American-style. Roast turkey followed, accompanied by preserves and salad.

If anyone still had room in their bellies, dessert that evening was strawberry ice cream and macaroons, followed by cheese, fruit, and coffee.

The tragic fate of SS Prinzessin Victoria Luise and her captain

On the moonlit evening of December 16, 1906, the Prinzessin Victoria Luise was entering Kingston Harbor in Jamaica. But sadly, she would never leave.

According to a New York Times article published later that month, the crew and several passengers told the story of what happened that fateful night.

Captain H. Brunswig, hoping to beckon a pilot to help him navigate the harbor, displayed the ship’s night signals. When no one responded, the captain decided that entering the harbor was too dangerous and he had better set off to nearby Port Royal to sit at anchor for the night.

He guided the ship toward Port Royal, spotting the two red lights he thought would guide him into the safety of the harbor there. But the captain misread the lights and sailed directly toward the lighthouse at Plumb Point.

At about 9:30 PM, the Prinzessin Victoria Luise suddenly stopped—grounded on a reef in the shallow water.

Captain Brunswig sent a boat ashore to report the accident, then returned to his cabin where he took his own life.

All of the passengers (none of whom were injured) stayed aboard the ship that night, unaware of the captain’s suicide.

The next morning, the third officer and fifteen members of the crew set off to Plumb Point, where they created a line of boats two feet apart, all the way to the ship. The crew handed the passengers from boat to boat until they all reached the safety of the shore.

What happened to the SS Prinzessin Victoria Luise after the wreck?

Soon after the Prinzessin ‘s grounding, two nearby ships came to her aid. Both the German cruiser Bremen and the French training ship Duguay-Trouin offered assistance, with the Bremen attaching lines in an attempt to tow the ship off of the rocks.

But the Prinzessin wouldn’t budge. She had suffered significant damage during the grounding—her engines were dislodged and the frame plates shattered.

A storm that blew through the area just after the accident battered the ship, damaging the hull even more as it listed and took on water.

1st cruise line

The Merritt & Chapman Wrecking Company also attempted to recover the ship. However, in January of 1907 (a little less than a month after the Prinzessin ran aground) Kingston, Jamaica was hit with a massive earthquake.

Estimated to be about a 6.2 Mw magnitude, the quake killed hundreds, injured thousands more, and leveled 85 percent of the buildings in the city.

Recovery of the Prinzessin Victoria Luise was abandoned.

1st cruise line

Have you ever heard of the first cruise ship, SS Prinzessin Victoria Luise ? If you could go back in time, would you like to sail on her, or do you prefer modern cruise ships? Let me know in the comments below!

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Tuesday 19th of September 2023

Thank you for this article and all this research! It is fascinating. I read somewhere that the captain had decided to arrive several hours early (and above all, at night rather than during the day!), but I can't find the source. And all I don't understand why he decided that (if it's true...), have you heard about this part of the story?

Hi Jean-Guillaume, I'm so glad you enjoyed my article about the Prinzessin Victoria Luise! It's been a few years since I first published it, but I do recall finding so many rumors during my research about the Captain's decisions that day. He did arrive in the evening, so if that was just a few hours ahead of the planned schedule, he'd still be arriving in the middle of the night! The theory I chose to go with, backed up by reports from the officers on board, is that he was going to set anchor in the safety of the harbor at Port Royal until daylight, but he just misread the lights.

I have your email from your comment submission, so I'm going to send you a link to all of my sources in a Google sheet. I only included sources that I actually used for the article, but there are quite a few on my list. If you find anything to substantiate the rumor, I'd love if you'd comment back and I'll amend the article!

Monday 13th of February 2023

I have a piece from that ship so I was interested in reading about her. The piece I have must have been from my grandparents as I have no history of it or where it came from. Enjoyed your article very much.

Thursday 9th of March 2023

@Carrie Ann, Like JC, I also have an original item related to the ship's first cruise. Mine’s a souvenir type hand fan detailing the West Indies cruise 1901. I don’t know if this would have been acquired on board or was promotional material at the time. Nice to read the article.

Wednesday 15th of February 2023

Hi JC, I'm so glad you enjoyed reading about the story of the Prinzessin Victoria Luise ! It's so neat to hear that you have a piece from the ship - I'd love to see a photo of it, and maybe include it in my article for other readers to enjoy. My email is carrieann [at] (just replace the [at] with @) Thanks so much for stopping by!

Tuesday 30th of November 2021

What a great job you did of bringing the story to life. I could almost see myself on the ship.

Hi Ava, I'm thrilled that you enjoyed reading about the first cruise ship! I'd love to time travel and see her myself :)

Monday 2nd of August 2021

I love the history! Thank you for detailing this 😊😊

Tuesday 3rd of August 2021

Hi Shafinah, Thanks for reading! I'm fascinated by the history, too :D

Ashlee Fechino

Sunday 1st of August 2021

What an interesting read. I had no idea. Thanks for sharing.

Hi Ashlee, thanks so much for stopping by and reading about the first cruise ship!

1st cruise line

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Explore > Cruise > Cruising 101: Best Cruise Lines For First Time Cruisers

Cruising 101: Best Cruise Lines For First Time Cruisers

I’m often asked, “Which are the best cruise lines for first time cruisers?” and like most questions related to booking travel, getting to the best answer requires asking more questions. Every cruise line offers a similar list of onboard amenities, like pools, entertainment, dining options and activities for all ages. But where they differ is in which type of traveler they cater to most. Before you start down the path of choosing the right cruise line for your first cruise, think about what type of traveler you are. What do you like to do on vacation? What kinds of amenities and activities are most important to you?

Cruise line branding will give you a lot of clues about what kind of travelers they’re targeting, but if I had to completely stereotype some of the major cruise lines and their typical guests, here’s how I’d do it. Consider this your cheat sheet on the best cruise lines for first time cruisers.

1. Carnival – For short sailings and the budget conscious

Amazing onboard activities in Carnival ship

As a line that caters specifically to first timers, many consider Carnival to be one of the best cruise lines for first time cruisers. A lot of that has to do with vacation value. If you’ve never tried cruising before, you may not feel comfortable spending what you normally would on a land vacation. If that’s the case, Carnival is a great option offering some of the cheapest fares at sea. The line also offers tons of three to five-night cruises providing opportunities to save both dollar bills and precious vacation days as you dip your toes into this new form of travel.

Carnival also provides more options for cruise departure points in the US than any other cruise line. You’ll find Carnival cruises leaving from 18 different embarkation ports in 11 different states! When you can drive to your cruise instead of flying, this leads to significant savings, especially for families. While Carnival would not be considered a luxury cruise line, all those savings don’t mean you won’t enjoy some awesome onboard amenities. Calling their fleet The Fun Ships, Carnival boasts its own set of noteworthy experiences including the first roller coaster at sea and restaurants created by some of the biggest names in cuisine like Emeril Lagasse and Guy Fieri.

2. Disney Cruise Line – For Disney lovers and families with small kids

Disney Cruise Line is perfect for first time family cruisers

Not surprisingly, Disney hits it out of the theme park when it comes to cruising amenities for kids, but particularly for families with small children. Infants as young as six months old can sail on most Disney itineraries and can be left in the expert care of the It’s a Small World Nursery between 9am and midnight so parents can take advantage of a romantic dinner, or even a shore excursion. The babysitting service isn’t free, but can be reserved in advance of your cruise so you can plan ahead.

Travel cribs and Diaper Genies are available free of charge for in-room use, and unlike nearly every other cruise line, Disney staterooms have bathtubs! Other thoughtful touches include a room dividing curtain making naptime a breeze and parenting essentials like diapers and kids’ sunscreen available in the gift shop. You’ll pay a premium to sail Disney, but all those extras that make your life easier are well worth the price of admission. Not to mention the look on your child’s face when they realize Mickey and Princess Elsa are fellow cruise guests!

3. Royal Caribbean – For adventure seekers & families with older kids

Skydiving simulator a great activity for first time cruisers

Boasting some of the biggest and most impressive ships at sea, Royal Caribbean’s fleet features some seriously brag-worthy amenities that tweens and teens will love. Light up your social media feed with onboard experiences like a zip line, surf simulator and trapeze school where you and the kids can live out your circus dreams. Challenge each other to a race down Ultimate Abyss, the tallest slide at sea, or feel what it’s like to fly on RipCord ® by iFLY ® , Royal Caribbean’s exhilarating skydiving simulator.

The thrills continue ashore on Royal Caribbean’s private island, Perfect Day at CocoCay, which is exclusively visited by the line’s ships on Caribbean and Bahamas itineraries. The island offers even more action including North America’s tallest waterslide, the Caribbean’s largest freshwater pool, and a helium balloon ride soaring high over the island.

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4. Princess Cruises – For relaxation lovers and wellness enthusiasts

A relaxation experience at Princess Cruises

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The Sanctuary, a spa-like retreat tucked away at the back of every Princess ship, is described as an “Ocean of Calm” and is exclusively for adult guests. Serenity Stewards in The Sanctuary tend to your every need providing everything from chilled towels, to noise cancelling headphones, to healthy meals. The relaxation even continues through the night on the Princess Luxury Bed, exclusively designed for the line and named the Best Bed at Sea by Cruise Critic!

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5. Norwegian – For entertainment buffs & the indecisive

Vibrant Broadway shows at Norwegian Cruise Line

If your ideal land vacation is a trip to New York or Vegas to experience the best of the dining and theater worlds, look no further than Norwegian for your first cruise. The line was voted Best Entertainment by Cruise Critic and for good reason! With musicals like Rock of Ages, Footloose and Kinky Boots performed onboard, you’ll forget you’re at sea and not on Broadway. Cirque Dreams , Norwegian’s unforgettable theatrical dining experience, showcases acrobatic feats you never dreamed possible, while Burn the Floor will have you swaying in your seat along with the dance theater company’s Latin beats.

In line with their Freestyle Cruising philosophy, Norwegian offers something for everyone, from solo staterooms to the largest suites at sea; from delectable fine dining restaurants to pool-side burger joints; from relaxing retreat areas to a thrilling, multi-level race track. If you can’t decide what kind of traveler you are, Norwegian could be a good option for your first cruise.

6 Reasons Norwegian Cruise Line Might Be the Right Fit For You

6. Oceania Cruises – For refined travelers and intimate experiences

1st cruise line

If a normal vacation for you involves staying at four-star hotels and enjoying a higher standard of service, the popular cruise lines may not be right for you. While all contemporary lines do offer different tiers of service and staterooms, you may consider upgrading to a premium or luxury line for a more intimate cruise experience. Oceania Cruises calls itself the world’s only upper-premium cruise line and provides an excellent introduction to the luxury world of cruising–without the sticker shock of some of the more expensive lines.

Oceania’s mid-sized ships hold up to 1,250 guests and sail to lesser-visited, boutique ports that larger ships simply cannot access. This makes for interesting itineraries and more intimate, authentic travel experiences (both on and off the ship). Although the price tag is higher for Oceania, you’ll find more inclusions with your base fare like free Internet, butler service, in-port shuttles, and even complementary airfare from select US cities. Items that usually incur an upcharge on popular lines like specialty coffees, soda and bottled water are also included on Oceania.

7. Cunard – For bucket list journeys and old world cruising

Experience New York City with Queen Mary 2

If you’ve been idealizing the luxurious world of sea travel since you first saw Kate & Leo on Titanic back in 1997, the closest you’ll come to that old world cruise experience is on Cunard. Oozing tradition at every turn, Cunard’s iconic black, white and red ships will take you back in time as you listen to classical music, enjoy Shakespeare performances and leaf through literature at the largest library at sea.

With iconic itineraries like the Transatlantic crossing on Queen Mary 2, Cunard offers bucket list experiences that can only be found on a cruise vacation. The crossing involves at least a week at sea, but there is truly no better way to experience this once-in-a-lifetime journey than in the comfort and luxury of a Cunard ship.

We hope you found this guide helpful in determining which are the best cruise lines for first time cruisers! Taking the time to think about what kind of traveler you are and which cruise line aligns most closely with your preferences can make a huge impact on your cruise experience! Not all cruises are the same so choose wisely. For further reading in this series, take a look at Cruising 101: First Time Cruise Tips .

Book your first cruise here!

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Everything to Know Before Booking Your First Cruise

By Mark Ellwood and Ramsey Qubein

How to Book a Cruise 2021 NCL Bliss Endicott Arm Alaska 2018

Approaching how to book a cruise for the first time has always been somewhat daunting, with a dizzying assortment of itineraries, companies, destinations, and ships to choose from. How can first-timers  book a cruise without going wrong? We asked three  Traveler -approved experts for their seasoned advice: Gene Sloan is cruise editor for  The Points Guy ; Jason Leppert is cruise editor for  TravelAge West ; Carolyn Spencer Brown is  Cruise Media’s chief content officer. All three are industry experts that have decades of experience across various types of cruises.

What’s the ideal cruise length for a first-timer?

A week or so is the  sweet spot for most first-time cruisers , which will offer three to six ports. Three-day sampler itineraries won’t allow you to explore more than one or two destinations, and you can’t decompress as thoroughly, either. Still, Leppert suggests a weekend trip could be enough for those that just want to try out cruising for the first time to see if you like it. 

While that’s  a good idea for some, Sloan also points out that cruise lines don’t always put their best ships on shorter runs. The ships on these itineraries can sometimes be older and have fewer of the bells and whistles that draw people to cruising in the first place. He says it is not exactly representative of the latest cruising has to offer, and the destinations on super-short cruises are not always the most unique offerings.

What’s the best way to book a cruise?

Many may wonder: Is it cheaper to book a cruise direct? Sure, you can  book a cruise online—but it’s a rookie mistake. Smart cruisers know the best place to book a cruise is with a  travel agent . Though agents’ roles have diminished in the mass-market travel biz, they remain crucial for cruising. Not only can specialists offer seasoned advice, but they can also wrangle deals and promos: Ask them about shipboard credit, which is the ocean equivalent of a gift card to spend onboard—$100 or so is a standard bonus. They may also have access to group rates, according to Sloan. Even if their prices are similar to those when booking direct, the volume of business agents do with cruise lines means you are more likely to score perks like a cabin upgrade or welcome bottle of Champagne when using one.

As the industry reinvents itself in the wake of the pandemic, it’s never been more important to have expert counsel, adds Spencer Brown. “At the end of the day, you’re going on this trip to relax, have fun, learn something, and get away from your everyday world. I want that support system.”

If something goes wrong, an agent can help rectify the situation faster than you may be able to if you go it alone. You won’t be paying more for their service, either. Most make their money via commissions from the cruise lines. Leppert calls it “the best of the best” advice to go with a travel advisor. 

What’s the best time to book a cruise?

If you're looking to leverage new cruise deals, the best way to  book a cruise is by starting early since prices continue to be robust. “There’s so much pent-up demand. People haven’t traveled for a year or more, so they’re spending more money on the trips they’re going on—upgrading to a nicer suite, perhaps,” says Spencer Brown. This could make it harder to secure the cabin you want on the sailing you want.

Leppert highlights  Wave Season (January through March) for booking a future cruise since this is when cruise lines typically announce their best deals although last-minute bargains always pop up. Like Spencer Brown, he says that demand is outpacing inventory so it is best to book as soon as possible.

Sloan agrees and says people  book cruises much further in advance than a hotel or flight, which means that inventory can get gobbled up quickly. Many cruise lines open up their reservation window as far as two years in advance, which means certain cabins can get snatched up. Don’t forget that many travelers are looking to use leftover credits they have from the pandemic, which further compounds the demand.

Most major cruise lines offer the equivalent of a price adjustment—if the cost of your cruise drops after you pay a deposit, but before the final payment, you’ll be protected, and refunded the difference. This means there is little penalty to reserving as early as possible.

What are the best types of cruises for first-timers?

Opt for a winter sun trip in the  Caribbean . It’s easy and affordable to reach the boarding port, and shuttling between the clusters of islands offers a compact, convenient way to experience a multitude of cultures. “Think of a cruise as a tapas menu,” says Spencer Brown—it allows you to sample destinations to which you might later return for a longer visit. Even handier, when on a Caribbean cruise almost every island accepts payment in dollars, so there’s no need to juggle currencies. The waters also are largely calm, keeping seasickness to a minimum.

River cruising is another smart first-time choice, adds Spencer Brown. “You can literally walk off the ship into town, go to a park or ride a bike, or just sit on the top deck breathing the air—it’s marvelous,” she says. 

Sloan offers another take saying that your travel budget should lead the way. If you are prepared to drop $1,000 a night on a cruise, start out on an upscale line with smaller ships like Silversea Cruises or Seabourn. These will give you a taste of cruising with fewer passengers, and often to smaller, less-frequented ports. 

If the budget leans more toward the $100 per-day price point, try one of the newer mega-ships from Norwegian Cruise Line or Royal Caribbean. These newer ships can have a bustling resort vibe that will keep you busy no matter what your cabin type.

How to Book a Cruise 2021 MSC Sinfonia Le Piscine pool area

Seasoned cruisers know that ship amenities are often less buys while at port.

Understanding cabin categories

There’s a dizzying array of options (and pricing) for staterooms, especially on larger ships. First-timers who simply want a place to crash often book the cheapest category, an interior cabin with no window or balcony. 

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If you fall for the trappings of a bargain-basement deal, that cheapie stateroom might be right across from the service area, with a door slamming shut 24/7 or underneath the kitchen, with heavy carts rolling at 6 a.m. Avoid cabins below frequently used passageways on the top decks where footsteps and the sound of deck chairs moving frequently can be annoying. Even higher category cabins can be one deck below the main deck so it is wise to ask about this when reserving.

There are several websites with exhaustive cruise deck plan maps that offer advice and user-generated feedback, almost like a sea-going counterpart to SeatGuru’s airline seat maps. These can be a lifesaver when choosing a cabin type.

The scoop on shore excursions

For a first-timer, these can be confusing. Details aren’t often added to an itinerary until six months or so before sail date; check back regularly, snap up a place on any excursions that are of interest, and book early—popular options can reach capacity long before sailing. 

Still, some travelers choose to go off-menu and arrange private excursions, using independent companies, which can often be cheaper than the line's options. Just keep in mind that when taking an independent excursion, the ship won’t wait for you if you’re late. Staying with the cruise line’s jaunts may be more expensive, but is a safer bet if you are not sure of a new destination.

Sloan says that it really depends where the ship is going. In some ports like Barcelona or Venice, it is easy to venture off on your own without an excursion. Others, however, may require longer drives or special access passes making excursions a safer bet.

Another consideration is to use port days to spend more time on the ship. Leppert notes that onboard amenities like pools, buffets and waterslides are less crowded when most people are ashore. If a particular destination doesn’t appeal to you (or perhaps you have been many times before), it’s ok to enjoy the ship instead.

What is a sea day?

Transits, when the ship is en route between ports, are known as sea days (like the term shore excursions, it's more  cruise lingo ); passengers, obviously, remain on board. Many newbies fret about wasting time at sea rather than exploring, but they’re often a fun chance to explore the ship itself, as well as decompress between ports. Some travelers actually  book cruises that have at least one or two sea days, especially if it’s a larger ship with loads of amenities like water parks, race car tracks, zip lining, and multiple shows. 

What's the best first cruise for a family?

The mega ships are always primed to be the best first choice for families, whether Norwegian’s 4,200-passenger  Escape or the newest Oasis class of ships beginning with the  new  Wonder of the Seas . Their emphasis is on activities like adrenaline-rushing water slides, surf simulators, and three-tiered race tracks.

Disney Cruise Line is an obvious place to start for families, but it has a surprising number of activities and experiences for adults, too, including adults-only areas on board. Still, this isn’t the line for an adult-only vacation unless you’re a hard-core Disney fan.

How much does it cost to book a cruise?

You may be wondering how much does a 7-day cruise usually cost? The answer is that it depends. The time of year you travel (avoid school holidays, for example), the destination, and the ports of call can affect the overall cost. 

Many travelers enjoy, for example, taking repositioning cruises. These happen typically as the seasons change and cruise lines move their ships from one region to another (between the Mediterranean and the Caribbean, for example). Sometimes, these cruises visit islands that are rarely frequented making them more expensive. Many experts say that they are not ideal for first-time cruisers, however, as there may be many sea days. 

Shorter cruises that rely on drive-market travelers typically come with a lower price point than those in far-flung destinations. Special deals and repeat traveler discounts can also affect the overall cost.

What is the cheapest cruise ship to go on?

These are generally the shorter sailings from Miami or Port Canaveral, for instance, using the larger brands like Carnival, Princess Cruises, or Royal Caribbean, according to Sloan. The best deals are generally in the fall (the low season for Florida departures). Cruises to the Bahamas or the Caribbean tend to be more affordable than those to places like Europe or Alaska.

West Coast travelers can find great bargain deals on cruises to Mexico, too, adds Leppert.

What to know about cruise insurance

Don’t skimp on  cruise insurance . Cruise vacations can easily fall prey to flight disruptions or storms that can snarl plans. Check online for insurance policies from places like VisitorsCoverage and Seven Corners, which have reasonable prices for comprehensive coverage.

If you’re flying to the embarkation point, plan to arrive the day before—even the most perfect cruise won’t wait if you’re stuck in air traffic congestion all morning. Yet another reason to ensure you’re insured.

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South Beach, Miami Beach. Florida.

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Pay the full balance at the time of booking and start packing. Then all that’s left to do is enjoy your upcoming adventure.

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*The 5-day hold expires at 11 p.m. EST/EDT on the fifth day after booking.

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*The 2-day hold expires at 11 p.m. EST/EDT on the second day after booking.

Happy family - girl in snorkeling mask dive underwater with tropical fishes in coral reef sea pool. Travel lifestyle, water sport outdoor adventure, swimming lessons on summer beach holiday

WHAT COMES AFTER YOU BOOK Another great thing about cruising is you can customize your vacation as much— or as little— as you want. So if you  booked your first cruise and you can’t wait to start planning, we have plenty of tips for first time cruisers and tools you can use to make your adventure even more memorable. And if you just want to relax until it’s time for your best vacation ever, that’s cool too.

✔ Planning shore excursions

✔ Travel documents

✔ Beverage , dining & wifi packages

✔ Travel insurance

✔ Celebrating special occasions

✔ Hotel & Airfare

✔ The Royal Caribbean App

✔ Tips for an easy boarding day

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Taking Your First Cruise: Everything You Need to Know (Complete Guide)

First time taking a cruise? There’s no doubt that you have questions on how to prepare.

Sure you’ve seen all the pretty pictures on the cruise line website and all the glossy photos in the marketing brochures. But what is it really like to take a cruise?

What sort of things are there to do on the ship? What’s the first day of a cruise like? How do you board the ship? Or tip a waiter? Or get a drink?

Note: This article focuses primarily on sailing the Caribbean/Mexico/Bahamas. If sailing Alaska, then we suggest our article here .

1st cruise line

If you’ve never taken a cruise before, don’t worry. You’re not alone. Every year cruise lines around the world welcome millions of new passengers. That means you won’t be alone on the ship in being a first-timer, and the staff will always be happy to help with any questions you have.

As well, no two cruise lines are the same. So even if someone has sailed a number of times on one line, they may still feel like a rookie the first time sailing a different cruise line.

The bottom line? There’s no reason to feel like you’re going to be the only one who isn’t quite sure what to do on the ship. Don’t let the worry of being unsure what to do make you feel self-conscious.

Beyond that, we’ve laid out everything you need to know about taking your first cruise… and how to sail like a pro.

Note: This post contains affiliate links. Cruzely earns a commission for purchases made through these links, at no extra cost to you.

In This Article...

Overview of Taking Your First Cruise

While we will get into all the details of your first cruise below, let’s start with a general overview. The specifics might vary from line to line, but the general aspects of your trip will be similar.

So what is cruising like?

Truth is, it can be whatever you want it to be. If you want it to be a wild party time with lots of sun, booze, and entertainment, then it can be. If you’re looking for something relaxing and quiet, it can be that too.

Today’s cruise ships are large enough — and offer enough things to do — that no matter what sort of trip you are looking for, you’ll be able to have it on a cruise.

It’s no exaggeration that you’ll find everything from newlyweds on a honeymoon to couples celebrating their 50th anniversary. You’ll also find families, bachelorette parties, and just folks looking to get away for a bit. (Note that some cruise lines cater to different crowds, such as Virgin Voyages, which is adults only.)

While the major cruise lines cater to a wide audience, one thing is for certain. You can expect a lot of people on the ship. Modern ships typically carry around 3-4,000 passengers, with the largest ships carrying 6,000 plus. That means the ship is usually buzzing with activity. But don’t think you can’t get away. Ships are huge, which means there are always quieter spots on the ship if you prefer.

Your Cabin While on the ship, the cabin on the ship is your home away from home. First-time cruisers are always surprised at the size of a cruise cabin. Put bluntly, they are small. The image below is a rather large cruise cabin.

Cruise cabin view

Even so, a cabin will have everything that you need. From your bed to a television, from a closet to a full bathroom (shower only, no tub unless you opt for much larger suites), it offers anything a normal hotel room will have, albeit in a much cozier space. (This also includes things like an in-room fridge, a small safe, and a hair dryer.)

For two adults the size is plenty, but for more than two adults and a kid, we’d suggest looking into two cabins — even though most say they can accommodate up to four people.

Many passengers opt for a balcony cabin , and it’s hard to argue with that plan. While it is a little pricier than the cheapest interior cabins, having your own private balcony is a nice feature. Balconies are normally small, but enough for two chairs and a small table. One other nice feature is that having a balcony gives you access to fresh air, unlike interior or oceanview cabins.

During the trip your cabin will be serviced by the room steward. Each day they will make up the room and deliver things like the daily schedule. They tend to work at the times that most passengers are out of the room (e.g. dinner time), so as not to disturb people. 

The steward will introduce themselves on your first day on the ship, and you can let them know anything you might need. Don’t hesitate to ask if you want something to make your cruise better, or if you have any questions about how things work. They are always more than happy to help.

Food and Drink on a Cruise What’s a cruise without food? And it just doesn’t feel right to hang out poolside without a drink in your hand. On a cruise, there is no shortage of food or drink.

Drinks on a bar top

Hungry? These days cruise ships have lots of restaurants — in some cases up to a dozen different places. These range everything from the buffet to the formal dining room to specialty restaurants. There is also usually a 24-hour restaurant or café where you can get something to eat no matter the time.

What’s confusing for many first-timers is that some food is free, and some places are a charge to eat. Apart from the buffet and the dining room, most sit-down restaurants on cruise ships these days have an extra charge for eating there.

Speaking of the buffet and dining room, these spots are where most people will eat their meals. The buffet is open for all three meals. You simply walk in when you’re hungry and grab a plate.

The dining rooms normally assign a dinner time, but many also have “anytime” dining where you just show up and you’ll be seated. Here you get the white tablecloth dining experience. Expect it to take about an hour and a half to eat. (Many people don’t realize you can also eat breakfast in the dining room as well. The food is fresher than that you’ll find in the buffet, with smaller crowds.)

Specialty (extra charge) restaurants offer up more intimate dining, with smaller venues and usually need reservations. Just like on land, the specialty restaurants can vary from Asian to Mexican to Italian, and of course, the ever popular steakhouse.

Thirsty? Alcohol is big business on a cruise, and you’ll know it right away. That’s because there are bars everywhere on the ship. The casino, the pool, the center atrium, and all throughout the ship. You are never more than a few steps from a bar.

While many things are included in your cruise fare, alcohol is not (unless you book a special package). Instead, you will need to buy drinks, and they can be pricey. It’s normally $6-8 for a beer and about $10-14 for a cocktail. One other thing to remember is that gratuity is added (normally around 18%) to the price of each drink.

If you plan on drinking a lot, then cruise lines also sell alcohol packages . These deals allow you to pay one set price each day and drink your fill.

Non-alcoholic drinks are typically a charge too. This includes soda. You can get water, juice, and tea complimentary in restaurants.

Entertainment and Activities Remember how we said that your cruise can be anything you want it to be? That’s because there is always something going on, and it’s a wide variety of things to do. From evening shows in the theater to belly-flop contests by the pool, there’s lots happening. The good news is that it’s often included in your cruise fare.

Go-kart on a cruise ship

The most popular entertainment might be the evening theater shows. Some nights this might be a Broadway-style show. Other nights it can be a live game show (spin-offs of “The Newlywed Game” are especially common). But there will be some big event in the theater almost every night.

The theater, however, is just a drop in the bucket of the things to do. There are pools, hot tubs, the casino, spa, waterslides, shopping, sport courts, and more. Newer ships will often have more things to do, including things as crazy as go-karts and a roller coaster or zipline.

In addition to all of those, the staff puts on activities throughout the day. These range from trivia contests to dance parties and everything in between. You’ll get a daily schedule of everything going on delivered to your stateroom the night before or you can view it on the phone app for your cruise line.

Want to just do your own thing? Of course, that’s always popular. Spend some time at the pool, grab something to eat, take a nap… it’s your vacation. Just because there is a schedule of activities doesn’t mean you have to follow it.

Visiting Ports of Call One thing that might surprise first-time passengers is visiting ports of call. For instance, on a 7-day cruise you might have three or four ports of call. But each stop is usually only about eight hours long. In other words, the vast majority of your time is spent on the ship .

Two cruise ships in port in Mexico

When it comes to ports of call, they can vary widely. Cruise line private islands are popular as they are completely for the use of passengers. They have many of the amenities you’d expect on the ship, including loungers, bars, and activities, and many of these items are included for free with your fare. Have a drink package? They usually extend to cruise ship private islands.

Other ports of call are your chance to experience another country. They are completely separate from the cruise ship, and you are free to explore as you please.

Looking for something to do? Cruise lines offer excursions that you can book on the ship (fees apply). Excursions can range from everything from beach days to snorkeling to cultural activities. Or you can simply head out on your own.

One thing to note is that many ports of call have welcome areas right at the end of the dock. This often includes shops, restaurants, and spots to book excursions if you haven’t already. If you don’t feel like going anywhere, these spots offer something to do off the ship.

No matter where you are visiting, be sure to bring your cruise keycard (more on this in a moment), some ID, and a little pocket money.

What to Expect at Embarkation (Boarding)

Embarkation and boarding a cruise

Embarkation — a fancy word for when you get on the ship — is filled with excitement. So what can you expect as a first-time cruiser?

First, there are a couple of ways that you can start. Many are choosing to check-in online ahead of time. In fact, this is what we recommend if possible. Doing this allows you to fill out required forms, attach a credit card to your account, and more ahead of time. It will greatly speed up the time in the terminal and allow you to board faster.

For those that choose to check-in the traditional way, it will take a little longer, but not too long.

No matter what you choose, when you book your cruise you will have an arrival time. These days many cruise lines have moved to staggered check-in where you are given a 30-minute boarding window to arrive at the port. This helps spread passengers out over time instead of having a big rush right when the ship opens for passengers. Some cruises may simply have a boarding window of several hours, allowing you to arrive at any time you like within that period.

As you arrive at the terminal, there will be a place to check your bags if you want. Porters will load bags onto the ship, and the staff will deliver them to your room later. As a general rule, large heavy bags are good to check, but always have a carry-on with important items like medicines, your passport, and a change of clothes for the first day.

When you enter the port terminal, the first thing you’ll do is enter and show your boarding pass and ID. From there, you will pass through security. Cruise ship security is similar to going through an airport, but not as invasive. After having your documents checked, you’ll place your carry-on bag on an x-ray machine and then pass through a metal detector.

From there, you’ll meet with an agent that will tie up any loose ends needed before boarding, such as a photo tied to your account. If you’ve checked in online, your room keys will likely be waiting in a sealed envelope at your door.

These cards not only act as your room key while on the ship, but also as a credit card linked to your account. Other than the casino, you don’t use cash on a modern cruise ship. Instead, if you want to by anything onboard, you simply swipe your keycard. The bill is settled up at the end of the cruise.

After meeting with the check-in agent, you’re ready to head to the ship as long as the staff is ready to start boarding. If you arrive early, you might have to wait in the terminal until the ship is ready.

Your First Day on a Cruise

Cruise ship departing Port of Miami

The first day on a cruise is actually a bit of a misnomer. The first “day” is more like the first afternoon and evening as boarding generally starts around noon.

For most people, the first stop is to the cabin to drop off their bags and get settled in. This is a chance to find where your room is on the ship and get acquainted with where you’ll be living during your cruise. Note that if boarding early in the day, your room may not be ready yet.

From there, many take the chance to grab a drink and explore the ship a bit. There are also restaurants open where you can get a bite to eat. If you know that you want a drink package, or to reserve your spot in a specialty restaurant, it’s a good time to get those taken care of if you didn’t do so online ahead of time.

On the first day the big event on the ship is the muster drill. By law, cruise ships have to perform this safety drill. These days, it’s largely moved to digital, making it more convenient.

You’ll watch some safety information on your cabin TV or on your phone via the cruise line app. Then, you head to your muster station to check-in and watch a demonstration of putting on a life jacket.

cruise ship keycard

In total the drill takes only a few minutes, and then it’s back to the fun. Don’t try skipping the drill; you sign in with your card and the staff will know who doesn’t show.

Activities are planned throughout the evening, including the sailaway party that’s held on the pool deck. The ship’s casino will open up once the ship is far enough offshore, and of course, bars will have the drinks flowing.

Want to hit the pool? Or grab dinner? The ship is now wide open for you to use. Your vacation has officially started.

What’s Included — and Costs Extra — on a Cruise

View from cruise ship at the Port of Miami

One of the most confusing things for first-time cruise passengers is what’s included with your cruise fare. Some people think that cruises are all-inclusive. That’s not usually the case on most lines. In fact, most people spend a substantial amount of money once on the ship. 

The extras you can spend money on range everything from alcohol to restaurants to gambling to souvenirs from the gift shop.

Even so, there are a number of things that are included. Below, we’ve highlighted the major things that are included with your fare, and what’s not.

Note: Some lines have started offering more “all inclusive” fares like NCL’s “ Free at Sea ” that include things like drink packages and wi-fi with your cruise.

What’s Included

Cabin: Of course with your cruise fare, the cabin is included. On the cruise the cabin is your home away from home. While small, it has everything you need for a week or so at sea. As well, you’ll get daily (or twice daily) steward service.

(Most) Food: Along with your cabin, food is the other major item that’s included on a cruise. What’s a little confusing is that not all food is included on most ships. Things like the buffet and main dining room and snacks are free of charge. Specialty restaurants, however, cost extra.

Entertainment/Activities: For the most part, things to do on the ship are included with your fare. So for the evening shows in the theater, just come in and find a seat. The same goes for most other activities onboard. There is a trend toward charging for some special activities like go-karts on Norwegian Cruise Line. As well, things like gambling and bingo obviously have a charge associated.

Amenities on the Ship: Except in a few rare cases, you have full run of the amenities on the cruise ship when you pay your fare. Want to go hang by the pool? Or maybe you want to work up a sweat in the gym? Or just enjoy many of the public spaces on the ship that are perfect for people watching? They are all available.

Room Service Breakfast: Room service used to all be free, but is trending toward being a charge. Even so, most lines will let you order breakfast for free.

Lobster and steak dinner

Not Included Gratuities: So far we haven’t mentioned gratuities , but they are a big expense for a cruise. Cruise lines charge a daily set amount per passenger that is then passed on to people like the room steward and the waitstaff in the dining rooms. Amounts vary by cruise line, but normally gratuities run around $16 per person, per day. So a couple sailing for a week would pay about $200+ in gratuities. This amount can be prepaid when you buy your cruise, or it is charged daily to your onboard account.

Specialty Restaurants: While plenty of food is free, ships these days have a number of specialty restaurants that charge extra for you to eat. These are smaller restaurants that focus on one type of food. While the lineup varies by line and ship, the restaurants that charge are usually the sit-down eateries, with the exception of the main dining room.

Room Service: As mentioned above, you can normally get free room service breakfast, but cruise lines are moving toward charging for other items. So if you want a late-night snack or just want lunch in the cabin, expect to pay. (Don’t forget to tip the person bringing your food a couple of bucks.)

Drinks: Apart from tea, coffee, water and juices, expect to pay for drinks. This includes non-alcoholic beverages like soda, as well as beer, wine, and cocktails. Some cruise lines let you bring on a small amount of non-alcoholic drinks and a bottle of wine/champagne , so be sure to take advantage to save money.

Internet: The good news is that the Internet is available on cruise ships, so you can check email, keep up with social media, and in some cases even stream Netflix . The bad news is that it can be pricey. There are different service levels available, but it’s not unusual to pay $15-25+ a day for wi-fi access.

Excursions: Want something to do when the ship is in port? That’s an extra cost. Excursions can be booked before you sail, or you can wait until you get on the ship. There is always a spot where you can go and ask questions about different offerings and book your outing.

What to Pack for Your First Cruise

Luggage for a cruise

What to bring with you on a cruise is always a big question. In fact, we’ve covered it in detail on Cruzely with the following articles:

  • 39 Useful Things to Pack for a Cruise
  • Cruise Packing Checklist: 85 Items to Bring (Printable)
  • What to Pack for an Alaskan Cruise

We will assume that you know to pack a swimsuit and a toothbrush for your cruise. Here are a few other things that first-time cruisers might not think to bring but are helpful on a cruise…

Outlet Adapter On your first cruise, it won’t be on your mind about plugging in electronics. But it will be after you sail. While the problem isn’t as big on newer ships where more outlets are included, many older ships have only one or two spots to plug anything in. So if you want to charge your phone and use a hair straightener, then it’s one or the other.

The solution is to pack an inexpensive outlet adapter that provides several plugs in a single space. They can be bought for about $5 on Amazon and are a lifesaver on a cruise.

Nightlight Cruise cabins — especially interior rooms with no windows — can get extremely dark at night. Combine that with an unfamiliar space and you’ll no doubt be bumping into things if you need to get up to use the restroom in the middle of the night.

Instead, pack a small nightlight that you can plug in to provide a some illumination. They aren’t big and won’t take up much room in your luggage.

Poo-Pourri Ok, let’s get real for a moment. Whoever you share a cabin with, you’re going to know them very well after your cruise. Cabins are small and the smells from the bathroom can linger.

That’s why it’s a good idea to bring some air freshener or some Poo-Pourri . This spray isn’t an air freshener, but instead you spray it over the water in the bowl before you go. Your cabinmate will be thankful that you brought it.

Copy of Your Passport/Birth Certificate For sure you need your real passport or birth certificate with you. But we suggest keeping them in the cabin safe during your trip so that they are secure. Instead, make a color copy of the front page of your passport or your birth certificate and bring this into port with you when you go.

You typically don’t have to show your documents in port. Instead, your cruise keycard and a photo ID (like a license) are asked for. Having a copy of your passport or birth certificate are simply nice to have in case you need it. They will provide something to show any officials in a pinch, and you can keep your real documents safe on the ship.

Towel Clips Towel clips are cheap and worth their weight in gold. If you cruise, you’ll no doubt spend some time catching some sun. But many people don’t realize that when the ship is underway there is a constant breeze as the ship moves. That means your towel will be whipping around.

Clips help secure the corners of the towel down instead of flying around at your feet and around your face.

Wrinkle-Release Spray Pack anything into a suitcase — even if only for a few hours — and you’re going to get wrinkles, no matter how careful you fold. As well, due to fire risk, irons aren’t available in cabins. You’ll need to send your items down to the laundry room to get them pressed. 

Instead of that hassle, just pack some wrinkle-release spray . You simply spray it on the wrinkles, smooth them out, and they vanish. 

OTC Medicines First, any cruise ship will have a small store where you can pick up small items that you might have forgotten at home. But they are expensive (we’ve seen cold medicine for $17 a bottle) and not open around the clock. So if you have a stomachache in the middle of the night or a headache, you don’t want to have to wait… or pay tons of money. 

Instead, bring a little of all types of over-the-counter medicines so that you have whatever you might need no matter what comes up.

Hand Sanitizer Unfortunately, it’s a new world we live in. Even without the pandemic, things like . Even so, you should take matters into your own hands, literally.

There will be sanitizer stations all around the ship, but bringing your own means you’ll always have it ready.

Click here for more on what to pack for a cruise .

Disembarkation at the End of Your Trip

disembarking a cruise ship

Unfortunately, the saying is that all good things must come to an end. That includes your cruise. Don’t think, however, that disembarkation — getting off the ship — is as simple as just hopping off when the ship returns home. There’s a procedure to get thousands of passengers and luggage off the vessel, and it can take a couple of hours from when the ship arrives.

Actually, the disembarkation process begins the night before your cruise. At that time you’ll want to put any bags (with the provided luggage tags) you won’t carry off yourself outside your room. The staff will pick them up, and your bags will be waiting for you in the terminal when you get off the ship the next morning.

On the morning that your ship arrives in port, the ship will first be cleared by the officials. Only then will the ship allow passengers to leave. From there, the ship will call groups to disembark, typically starting with those that are carrying off all of their luggage.

The pace of disembarkation depends on what is going on in the terminal. Passengers need to go through the return process, which involves showing citizenship before they are allowed to leave.

In recent years technology — including passport scanners and facial recognition software — have made this faster at ports that have the latest devices. Even so, those sailing with a birth certificate or ports that still require manual checking of documents can take longer.

In all, the time to get off the ship can vary widely. Some people will get off within 15 minutes of the ship letting passengers exit while others might not get their turn to leave until 2-3 hours after arrival.

Helpful First-Time Cruise Tips

Carnival Cruise Pool Deck

Need tips for your first cruise? We have dozens and dozens aimed at first-time cruisers here . As well, we’ve included some of our favorites below.

Take Advantage of Drink Policies Some cruise lines (such as Royal Caribbean and Carnival) allow you to bring on a small amount of non-alcoholic drinks with you when you board . So you can bring on some sodas, juices, teas, or anything else that you like. Take advantage. If your favorite drink isn’t something that’s sold everywhere, then it may not be on the ship. You can also save some money versus buying your drink of choice on the ship.

As well, cruise lines allow you to bring on bottles of champagne or wine (usually one bottle per adult) free of charge. If you’re a wine drinker, there’s no reason not to bring on a bottle to avoid the bar prices.

Know the Ins and Outs of Drink Packages Before Buying Alcohol is big business on a cruise, and it’s not unusual to spend hundreds on it during the course of a sailing. To help you budget, cruise lines offer “all you can drink” packages. With these deals, you pay one set amount each day and then get to have (almost) whatever you want from the bar.

But before you jump at the deal, you should know some of the details. Most importantly, if you buy the package, you have to buy it for the entire cruise. If there is a day that you don’t want to drink or you are in port (packages only work on the ship and on some private islands), then you likely won’t get your money’s worth.

As well, many cruise lines make every adult in the cabin buy the package if one adult does. This is likely to limit “sharing” of packages (which is against the rules). But if you have one person who drinks and another that doesn’t, then it could waste a lot of money to get the package.

For more on drink package rules, see our article here .

Miami hotel with a view of the beach

Many Hotels Have Free Cruise Parking One of the big attractions to cruising is that many people live within driving distance of a port. Instead of having to fly for a Caribbean vacation, you can drive to the port and then hop on a ship.

Of course, that means you need a place to park your car. Parking is always available at the port, but can be expensive. Instead, many hotels near cruise ports offer free or cheap parking if you stay with them the night before your cruise. It’s an easy way to save $100 or more if you plan to stay the night before anyway.

See our list of hotels with cruise parking here .

Don’t Go Naked on the Balcony First-timers (and frequent cruisers for that matter) often have the same idea — why not enjoy the fresh air on the balcony… everywhere?

It’s tempting with your own private space and a million-dollar view to maybe get some sun on places where the sun doesn’t shine, but just know that balconies aren’t as private as you think. Cabins are close together and there is only a small wall separating each balcony. As well, glass railings can actually reflect the view of one balcony to another.

If you do decide to fully enjoy the balcony on your first cruise, it’s best to wait until night… and make sure the lights are off.

Pack a Passport, Not a Birth Certificate One good thing about cruising is that you can visit a foreign country with only a birth certificate and a government-issued ID . If your cruise leaves and returns from the same port, then you can likely sail without a passport. That can save you the time and money of getting one.

However, it’s much smarter to sail with a passport. Not only does it give you more flexibility if something happens and you have to fly home in the middle of your cruise, but it can also save you time.

Many homeports are moving toward passport scanning to help passengers disembark more quickly. You walk up, scan the passport, take a picture and then head on your way home. But if you have a birth certificate, you still need to wait in line to meet with a Border Patrol agent, which can take half an hour or more.

Pack Sandals With Tread Those cheap foam flip-flops that cost about $3 and wear out in two weeks? Toss ’em. Instead, be sure you wear something that has a decent tread.

You’ll spend a lot of time walking on the pool deck of your ship where everything from kids splashing to passing rain showers can make the walk slippery. The last thing you want to do is hurt yourself on your vacation. Making sure your sandals have some grip is an easy way to avoid accidental slips on the ship.

Always Pack a Little for Cool Weather Of course cruises go everywhere, but the Caribbean is the biggest cruise hot spot in the world. And when you think about sailing there for the first time, you likely picture tons of sun, warm water, and swimsuits.

But at night on the ship, it can get cool. As the sun sets things cool off, but also the ship will be sailing at night, adding a stiff breeze. Even indoors the air conditioner can be chilly. It’s smart to pack something for those breezy nights like a light jacket and some long pants. If you only bring tank tops and shorts, you’re going to get cold.

Get Back to the Ship Early Whenever you head into port, the staff will make it very clear when the “all-aboard” time is for your return. This isn’t a suggestion. YouTube has tons of videos of “pier runners” — people running back to the ship as it is about to depart. Cruise ships have a tight schedule, and if you think you can arrive fashionably late to get back on the ship, think again.

Instead, always be back to the ship half an hour before the all-board time. This gives you a little extra cushion should something come up, but also ensures you should be back well before the ship departs and you turn into a YouTube viral video.

Airplane landing

Try not to Schedule a Flight Home Before Noon Each year millions of cruise passengers fly into port cities to start their cruise. That means they will also be flying back home.

Now, no one wants to spend hours and hours just waiting in an airport, but it’s important that if you are flying, try not to schedule your flight before noon . Yes, it is possible that you will make a noon flight in plenty of time, but you don’t want to risk missing your plane home.

Cruise ships arrive back in port early in the morning, but it can be several hours before everyone is off the ship. As well, you then have to get to the airport, get through security, and find your gate. A departure time of noon or later gives you plenty of time so you don’t have to stress if there is a delay getting to the airport.

Formal Night Doesn’t Mean Tux (But It Can!) Formal night poses one big question: What do I wear to dinner? The answer is likely much more lenient than you expected.

First things first, if you want to wear a tuxedo and a formal evening gown, you won’t be out of place. Some people do. But if you want to simply wear a nice shirt/pants (men) or a nice blouse (women), then that’s perfectly acceptable and won’t be out of place.

In fact, the only rules are things like shorts and tank tops aren’t allowed. 

Don’t want to get dressed up on your cruise? That’s ok, too. Formal nights are only a couple of nights on a week-long cruise . If you don’t want to participate, you can just eat somewhere other than the main dining room during those nights. While you’ll see people dressed up around the ship, formal night only applies to dinner. You’re not expected to be dressed up if you are just around the ship. ( See more details about formal night here .)

Things That Surprise First-Timer Cruisers

1st cruise line

When you sail for the first time, there is so much that is new. At the same time, cruising is very different from any other vacation. Combined, that leads to plenty of surprises.

See our full list of things that surprise first-time cruisers here .

Gratuities on Every Service We’ve discussed the daily gratuities that are charged to your account. But there are other gratuities on the ship. Any time you buy a drink, or a meal, or get a spa service — any sort of service that’s delivered by a staff member — you can expect an extra charge on top of the menu price.

This extra charge normally runs 18-20% (rates vary by cruise line) and is automatically applied. So if you order a cocktail with a $10 menu price, expect it to actually cost you about $12.

One other thing to note is that even after this gratuity is applied, your receipt that you sign will have a line for an additional tip. You aren’t obligated to give more, but if you’re happy with your service, it’s there to show your appreciation.

How Stable the Ships Are On the Water Worried about seasickness? It impacts some people, but if you are thinking the ship will be rocking and rolling the entire time, think again. Most days you’ll likely not even notice you are on the water.

Thanks to the size of cruise ships and stabilization features, the sailing is normally smooth. There are definitely times when you feel the ship move, but apart from a few outlying cases, chances are it will be clear sailing for your cruise.

Still, it’s a good idea to bring along some sort of seasickness remedy if you’re worried. It’s better to have it and not need it than to be without.

Ship map

How You Can Get “Lost” On the Ship Cruise ships are big, and the first couple of days you’ll likely be turned around trying to navigate the ship. Even to veteran cruise passengers, new ships can be a maze to figure out until they get their bearings.

The good news is there are maps everywhere around the ship to help you find your way. They are usually located near stairwells or elevators. As well, the cruise line apps on your phone always have maps of the ship as well. Don’t be embarrassed to stop and look for directions. You definitely won’t be alone!

All the Sales Pitches You’ll See If you think that you’re done spending money once you buy your ticket to cruise, think again. Cruise lines depend on the money that passengers spend on the ship, and they have lots of pitches throughout the cruise.

You’ll get announcements about sales over the ship’s loudspeaker. You’ll get flyers on your door telling you about offers. And the daily schedule will also highlight daily deals.

If you haven’t cruised before, the advertising can be surprising. Just be prepared.

You Can Still Find Quiet Spots on the Ship For all the thousands of people on a cruise ship, you might think that it would be shoulder to shoulder the entire trip.

It couldn’t be further from the truth. In general, cruise ships are no more crowded than a busy shopping center or restaurant. And that’s only certain places at certain times. For example, hit the casino at 10 p.m. and it will be buzzing with activity. But during the afternoon, it will be largely empty.

No matter what time of day, however, you’ll be able to find quiet spots on the ship. The promenades on lower decks tend to be less busy, as do the outdoor areas at the ends of the ship. The pool deck in general is also largely quiet in the evening and nighttime.

Frequently Asked Questions About Your First Cruise

Bridge of a cruise ship

What do I do if I have an issue on the ship? Have bad service? Or maybe an incorrect charge to your account? Or anything else under the sun? Head to Guest Services.

Every ship will have a Guest Services desk that is staffed 24 hours a day. They can help with any issue you have, or at least point you in the right direction. Keep in mind that the lines can get long at the start and the end of the cruise (when people have the most questions about their accounts), so going during off-peak hours will ensure you don’t spend your vacation in line.

When should I schedule a flight back? As mentioned above, if you are flying home then we suggest not booking a flight before at least noon. Ships get in early, but it can take several hours to get thousands of passengers and their luggage off the ship and through customs. Add to that the time it takes to get to the airport, through security, and to your gate before boarding begins.

If you schedule for noon, there’s always the chance you may arrive earlier, but it’s not worth the risk. Having some extra time will make debarking the ship much less stressful instead of having to constantly check your watch.

Do I have to get a passport to sail? For many cruises, a passport is not actually required. Most of your standard cruises that begin and end at the same port — such as a five-day cruise from Miami to the Bahamas and back — are known as “closed loop cruises.” These trips fall under a provision that allows you to sail with just a birth certificate and a photo ID (ID is required for passengers 16 year or older).

Even so, it’s a good idea to get a passport. Passports can allow for faster re-entry into the U.S. but are also helpful in the event that you need to head home in the middle of the cruise. You’ll have to jump through bureaucratic hurdles if you need to fly home from a foreign country without a passport.

What’s the difference between cruise lines? Every cruise line does things a little differently, so no two lines are exactly the same. But in general, we find that the experience is largely the same when it comes to the mass-market lines like Carnival, Royal Caribbean, Norwegian, and the like.

These lines have broad appeal, with ships that have something for everyone. There are kids clubs for the little ones, spas, casinos, pools, hot tubs, theaters, and more. Put frankly, if you can’t have a good time, it’s your own fault.

While each cruise line has their devotees, we think you’ll be happy with any of them.

For the differences between each line, you can read more here .

How do I pay my bill at the end of the trip? Ah, the bill. You get to have all the fun on a cruise… but then you have to pay.

When you check in for your cruise, you’ll use a credit card (or cash deposit) to attach to your account. Then, spending on the ship is done via your room keycard, which you use like a credit card on the ship.

At the end of the cruise, you’ll get an itemized bill. Assuming there are no issues, the amount will be charged to your credit card after the cruise. If you do have issues, be sure to see Guest Services before you leave.

Related Articles:

57 Must-Have Tips, Advice, and Info For First-Time Cruisers

  • 22 Basic Things Every First-Time Cruiser Should Know

39 Useful Things to Pack For Your Cruise (Including 17 You’d Never Think Of)

The Must-Read First-Time Cruise Guide for New Passengers

Popular: 39 Useful Things to Pack (17 You Wouldn't Think Of)

Read next: park & cruise hotels for every port in america, popular: 107 best cruise tips, secrets, tricks, and freebies.

Taking Your First Cruise: Everything You Need to Know (Complete Guide)


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The Must-Read First-Time Cruise Guide for New Passengers

21 tips and tricks that will make your first cruise go smoothly

Gene Sloan

Cruising is easy. Or so cruisers will tell you.

For starters, you only have to unpack once, even as you travel from place to place. You also don't have to go hunting for a restaurant every night. There usually are a bunch just steps away from your cabin with tables waiting for you. You'll also have no trouble finding entertainment.

But even in its simplicity, cruising still can be daunting for a first-timer. What should you bring? What should you plan on doing in ports? What is the best way to book?

For more cruise guides, news and tips, sign up for TPG's cruise newsletter.

As the head of The Points Guy's cruise content team , I get these sorts of questions all the time.

This brings me to the tips below. If you've read this far, you are likely a first-time cruiser looking for advice for an upcoming trip, and that's exactly what this story is meant to offer. It contains my list of 21 ways to make your first sailing go more smoothly.

It's a list drawn not just from my own experience over 20-plus years of cruising but also the observations of more than 100 cruising fans who shared their tips with TPG in a lively conversation on the topic at the TPG Lounge on Facebook. (If you're not a member yet, we highly encourage you to join.)

Arrive at your departure port a day ahead of schedule

If you only follow one piece of advice in this story, it should be this one. It is the only way to ensure you won't miss your ship — something that happens to cruisers more often than you would think.

Many cruises depart in the afternoon, so it might seem just fine to fly or drive to a port on the morning of departure. But all it takes is a moderate flight delay or a pile-up on the highway to upset those plans. If you're delayed in your arrival at the port, the ship will not wait for you.

If you're traveling overseas for a cruise, we recommend traveling to the port two or even three days in advance. This isn't just so you don't miss the ship. It's also so you have some time to recover from jet lag. European cruises, in particular, can be port-intensive, with lots of touring, so you want to be refreshed and ready to hit the ground running right after the cruise begins.

Related: What happens if you miss your cruise ship

Pack your bathing suit in your carry-on

When you first arrive at a ship, before you even get on board, you'll likely be greeted by porters who will whisk away your luggage. It will be delivered to your room later in the day. This is a great convenience, as there's no need to haul your bags through the entire check-in progress. But it also means you might not have access to your luggage for many hours on your first day on board.

1st cruise line

Be sure to pack anything you think you might need for these first hours of your cruise in your carry-on bag. This means things like medication, for sure, and a phone charger, but also a bathing suit, hat, sunscreen and other items that will let you head straight to the pool deck to start the fun.

Related: Use this packing list for your next cruise

Don't overpack

Use this strategy when packing for a cruise: Throw all the clothes you think you'll need on a cruise in a pile, and then take away half of them. You won't need them. Trust us.

Most cruising these days is casual, and you really only need a few outfits to rotate through a voyage. If things get dirty, it's no problem. Many ships have launderettes on cabin decks where you can run a load or two of laundry every few days. If not, you can send laundry out to be cleaned on board. It'll usually come back in a day or two.

The extra cost of doing a few loads of laundry on a ship is a small price to pay for the freedom of not having to lug a giant suitcase around as you travel to and from your ship. Plus, you'll want to save room in your suitcase for all the little treasures you're going to find along the way.

Related: Everything you need to know about cruise ship laundry service

Bring your own drinks on board

Many first-time cruisers assume they can't bring their own drinks on board a ship. But many lines will allow this, usually with some limits. It's one way to save money when cruising, as drink prices on ships can be high.

Among the lines that will allow you to be your own bartender is Disney Cruise Line . Adults can bring up to two bottles of unopened wine or Champagne or six beers onto Disney ships at the start of a cruise and at every port of call. Note that these beverages must be packed in carry-on bags. At Royal Caribbean , the bring-your-own allowance is two bottles of wine or Champagne per cabin at boarding, plus up to a dozen standard cans, bottles or cartons of nonalcoholic drinks.

One caveat: Many lines levy a "corkage fee" if you want to bring your wine into an onboard restaurant. Be sure to read the rules for your line before you bring any drinks on board.

Related: Are drinks packages on cruise ships worth it? A line-by-line guide

Bring extra toiletries

Yes, you'll be able to find sunscreen, aspirin and Band-Aids on a cruise ship. But it'll cost you. Cruise lines know you're a captive audience and price their shipboard stores accordingly.

I have a small "go bag" of over-the-counter medicines that I throw into my suitcase for every cruise that contains everything from cold medicine to seasickness pills. I rarely use any of it. But I also never get hit with a crazy toiletries charge.

While we're on the topic of sundries, don't forget extra batteries for your camera if you are bringing one.

Related: The ultimate guide to picking a cruise line

Bring these six other things, too

In addition to extra toiletries, cruising regulars often bring Clorox wipes or something similar to wipe down surfaces in their cabin upon arrival (and to bring along on shore excursions). I admit, I've never done this, though I know I should — if only to wipe off the remote control for the cabin TV.

Many cruisers also won't head to a ship without room freshener, a foldable shoe rack (which they hang in the cabin bathroom to store toiletries), a highlighter (to highlight activities on the daily planner) and a lanyard (to hold their cabin key card). I am, of course, too cool to ever put a key card lanyard around my neck, which means I lose my card once or twice on every trip. They always give me a new one at the front desk. My cruise team colleague Ashley Kosciolek also escews landyard-wearing on ships, but that didn't stop her from writing this wonderful guide to the coolest cruise lanyards around .

Some cruisers also swear by bringing magnets to ships to affix dinner invitations, excursion tickets and other important papers to their cabin walls. Walls on ships often are made with metal (even if they look like wood, thanks to faux wood veneers) and will hold a magnet. Some cruisers even bring magnets with hooks so they can hang up clothes and other items on their walls.

Related: 20 things you should bring on every cruise — including a roll of duct tape

Skip the buffet on your first day on board

There's nothing more jammed than a cruise ship buffet on embarkation day. Everybody boarding heads straight up to it. To avoid the first-day buffet crowds, head to whatever secondary dining option is available. Sometimes, a ship will open one of its table-served eateries for lunch on embarkation day. It'll likely be much less crowded than the buffet.

Research ports in advance

There are some types of vacations — a beach trip, for instance — where you don't have to do much advance research. You just sort of show up. Most cruises aren't this way — at least if you want to get the most out of them. At the heart of most cruises are port calls that, in many cases, are very short — often just a few hours. You want to have a plan for what to do in these ports or you'll miss out on a big part of the cruising experience.

1st cruise line

Once you know what ports you'll be visiting, research them as much as you can at travel sites such as The Points Guy. Here at TPG, we're starting to build out a series of home port and destination port guides for everywhere from PortMiami to Bora Bora .

Related: The ultimate guide to Caribbean cruising

Join a Facebook group for your line

Another great place to get ideas for what to do in ports and on ships — and what to bring on a cruise, for that matter — are the many private Facebook groups dedicated to particular lines. I belong to a number of them, including the Royal Caribbean Cruises group, the COPs (Cruisers Opinion Page) group and the Holland America Line Fans group. You'll find thousands of cruise fans at these pages who often are more than willing to answer questions about their favorite line, its ships, its itineraries and the destinations on the itineraries. I've met some wonderful people in these groups, some of whom have become my longtime friends on Facebook.

Sign up for private tours

Booking a shore excursion directly through your cruise line is easy. You just check a box on an online form before sailing or while on board, and — poof! — it's all arranged. But booking tours through your line isn't the only option, and it's not always the best option. In many cases, you can save a lot of money — and get a better touring experience — by booking shore excursions through independent tour operators in ports or a tour booking service such as Viator or ToursbyLocals .

Often, independent tours will be much more intimate than the tours offered directly through cruise lines. They might go to the same sites but in a small van instead of a big motorcoach. You might have just six or eight other people on a tour with you instead of nearly 40. If your group is big enough, you might even be able to book a private tour with an independent tour operator.

Related: The ultimate TPG guide to shore excursions

Independent tours also can take you to places that the cruise line-organized tours don't. Plus, they often come with excellent service. ToursByLocals has staff on hand around-the-clock to respond to questions, and — for those worried about missing your ship — they offer a return-to-ship guarantee with every tour.

Sign up for activities in advance or soon after boarding

Some lines will let you sign up for shows, tours and other activities (including meals at specialty restaurants) in advance of sailing using online portals. If you want to be sure that you get a seat for a specific show on a specific night, or a specific tour or restaurant reservation time, it's a good idea to do this. It's not uncommon with some ships to find that some shows, tours and restaurant reservation times book up in advance.

If you don't sign up for activities in advance, a backup strategy is to do so just after you board a vessel. That said, whether you need to race to sign up for activities at the start of a voyage depends a lot on which ship you are on. I am more careful about signing up for a lot of things in advance when I am sailing on a giant ship such as Royal Caribbean's record-breaking Wonder of the Seas where there are thousands of other passengers competing for the choicest reservations.

Related: 12 giant ships that are the best for fun

Don't feel like you have to do it all

While we're on the topic of signing up for activities, note that it's OK if you miss a few things. You don't have to do it all. In fact, you should force yourself to try to not do it all. Remember, you're on vacation. Relax. Take some downtime. Sit on your balcony, if you have one, and just stare out at the ocean for a couple of hours. You won't regret it.

Always carry the ship's contact information with you

When going ashore, always bring the ship's contact information with you. Those details are usually printed in the newsletter that's delivered to your cabin each night. If something goes wrong when you're away from the ship, you'll want to get in contact with the cruise line right away.

Keep your phone in airplane mode

Some of the biggest cruise ship horror stories you'll find on the internet are tales of cruising newbies who racked up thousands of dollars in cellphone charges while on ships. This can happen when you leave your phone turned on and, say, watch videos on the internet. Many phone plans — even international plans — do not include talking, texting and data on cruise ships, and you'll pay exorbitant roaming rates for such services that will show up weeks later on your phone bill.

There are ways to make calls and access the internet from ships without spending a boatload of money. You can buy a Wi-Fi package, for instance, that will let you make FaceTime calls and stream videos (on some ships) over Wi-Fi without using phone data.

Some phone companies have cruise-specific plans you can buy in advance of a voyage. But I personally never go that route. I keep it simple. I just put my phone in airplane mode the moment I step on board a ship and never switch it back on. I then turn on the phone's Wi-Fi, buy a Wi-Fi package and do all my calling, texting and internet surfing over Wi-Fi. That way, there's no way that I can be surprised by an unexpected charge.

Download the cruise app

A growing number of lines now have apps that you can download to your smartphone in advance of sailing. The apps vary in what they offer, but many will show you a daily list of activities and all of the things that you have reserved. Many also will let you make restaurant reservations and book shore excursions and other activities, and a few will let you order drinks and other items to wherever you happen to be standing. That's pretty cool, right? The best part: The apps will work on board even if you don't pay for a Wi-Fi package.

Related: This cruise app lets you order pizza anywhere on board

Use a travel agent to book

Given the complexity of booking a cruise — there are a lot of decisions to make during the booking process, trust us — we recommend that you use a seasoned travel agent who specializes in cruises to help you arrange things. A good travel agent will quiz you about your particular interests, travel style and preferences and steer you to the perfect cruise line, ship, itinerary and cabin for you. The agent also can help you if something goes wrong just before, during or after your voyage.

In addition, travel agents often can you extra onboard credit and other perks that you might not be able to get by booking directly with a line.

Related: Why you should always use a travel agent to book a cruise

Consider travel insurance

It's not always smooth seas when it comes to cruising — or any sort of travel. We hate to even bring it up, but you might need to cancel your cruise in advance due to the sudden onset of an illness. Or, maybe you'll fall ill during the cruise and need emergency medical attention. Maybe your flight to your ship gets canceled and you miss the vessel's departure. These sorts of things can happen to cruisers, and they're all the sort of situations where you might benefit from having travel insurance. Here's a comparison of the top travel insurance providers and information about Cancel for Any Reason add-ons .

Related: The TPG guide to travel insurance for cruises

Don't book a cabin near an elevator

Not every cabin on a ship is created equal. When choosing a room on your first cruise, you might want to stay away from those near elevators and just above nightclubs and other late-night venues. They can sometimes be noisy. Cabins just below the pool deck and near the anchor also can be problematic as well as cabins near casinos.

Related: 8 cabin locations on cruise ships that you definitely should avoid

Use a points card for onboard spending

You saw this one coming, no? Given TPG's origins as a points and miles website , we'd be remiss if we didn't remind you to maximize your credit card points while making purchases on ships. The way to do this is to tie a credit card that offers extra points for travel purchases to your onboard account. This could be the Chase Sapphire Reserve , which offers 3 Ultimate Rewards points per dollar on travel and dining (excluding the annual $300 travel credit). There's also the Chase Sapphire Preferred Card , which brings 2 Ultimate Rewards points per dollar on travel and 3 Ultimate Rewards points per dollar on dining.

Related: How to book a cruise with points and miles

Don't tip twice for drinks and spa treatments

Most cruise ships now automatically add a gratuity to bar bills, often in the amount of 18% to 20% of the total. Such automatic gratuities also are becoming more common in ship spas. But many first-time cruisers don't know this and write in a hefty tip at the "additional tip" line on bills at cruise ship bars and spas. Be sure to ask if a gratuity already has been included before adding another 15% or 20% to the total. Otherwise, you may end up tipping twice.

Related: Everything you need to know about tipping on a cruise ship

Use points to get to your cruise

Using points and miles to pay for a cruise doesn't always make sense , as it often requires a huge number of them to secure a cabin. But that doesn't mean you can't save big time by booking your flights to and from a ship using points and miles .

You'll find plenty of stories here at The Points Guy about how to, say, pay the equivalent of $1,330 in points for a flight that cost $16,000 , or book a $27,000 around-the-world trip for just $168 in out-of-pocket costs . Scroll around a little, and you may never pay cash for a flight to a cruise ship again.

Planning a cruise? Start with these stories:

  • The 5 most desirable cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • A quick guide to the most popular cruise lines
  • 15 ways cruisers waste money
  • 12 best cruises for people who never want to grow up
  • What to pack for your first cruise

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Best Cruise Tips for First-Timers

By Carnival Cruise Line

Are you taking a cruise for the first time? We’ve got you covered. We’ve gathered the 10 most important tips to know before for your first cruise with Carnival. Read on, and you won’t feel like a newbie for long with the following cruise advice for first-timers.

family enjoying their time on a deck onboard a carnival cruise ship

1. What to Wear

One of the most important first cruise tips is knowing what to wear . If you’re cruising to the Caribbean , of course, bring your best beachwear for fun in the sun. But you’ll also need to prepare for some surprises. Don’t get caught without the following, no matter where your cruise destination is:

  • Always pack some gear for cool and rainy weather, such as a hoodie or light jacket.
  • Wear water shoes or non-slip boat shoes with traction for getting safely around the ship.
  • Comfortable walking shoes are ideal for shore excursions; leave high heels and fancy footwear in the stateroom.
  • Protect yourself from the sun by wearing sunglasses or a hat

three women socializing onboard a carnival cruise ship

2. Know the Best Staterooms

Every stateroom is the best stateroom , but for your first-time cruise, it helps to know what’s right for your own needs. You’ll likely prefer one of the five types of staterooms . Here’s the quick lowdown on each:

  • Balcony staterooms: Rooms with small outdoor balconies for invigorating sea breezes and perpetual views. They’re perfect for cruises to Alaska so you won’t miss any unexpected wildlife sightings.
  • Interior staterooms: The most affordable rooms on the ship, designed for guests who love a little quiet cocoon to curl up in after a fun-filled day.
  • Ocean view staterooms : Rooms with portholes or windows to gaze out at the ocean.
  • Suite staterooms : Larger rooms for family cruises so you can all stretch out and relax together.
  • Specialty staterooms: In select ships, you’ll find rooms with themed settings, such as the Family Harbor staterooms when traveling with kids, and the Cloud 9 Spa staterooms for couples or solo guests who want a pampering cruise.

a father tucking his children into bed after an exciting day of cruising

3. Surprising Conveniences to Pack

One of the first things that guests want to pack is a camera. While DSLRs provide great, high quality photos, we recommend that beginner photographers take an inexpensive compact digital camera or they stick to their phone. This way, they can still enjoy their cruise and take great photos of their trip .

Here are some other helpful things that you should pack for your trip:

  • Outlet adapters increase the number of plugs you’ll have in your stateroom.
  • Dry bags are ideal for shore excursions.
  • A sandless beach towel for beach excursions (and they fold down small).
  • A lanyard to hold your identification and room essentials while on board and on shore.
  • Biodegradable sunscreen is required for all water-based shore excursions, to protect the coral reefs and your skin.

a group of people enjoying a shore excursion on the beach

4. How to Reserve Anything

Veteran cruisers know to make important reservations and bookings before they ever get on the ship. Make it a priority beforehand or in your first few hours on board to do the following:

  • Babysitters: Grab spots in kids clubs if you’re traveling with family. For example, if you want some time at the onboard Casino , make it a priority to book Camp Ocean for your 2- to 11-year-olds, Circle “C” for your 12- to 14-year-olds and Club O2 for your 15- to 17-year-olds.
  • Spas: Book your hair appointments at the onboard salon , time in the onboard medi-spa and a soak in Cloud 9 Spa’s Hydrotherapy Pool .
  • Tours: If you haven’t already pre-booked your port activities, that’ll also take priority. Some shore excursions are more popular than others, and spots quickly fill up.
  • Specialty Dining: Booking one-of-a-kind dining experiences is essential when going on a cruise. From Cucina Del Capitano to Steakhouse , there are plenty of unique experiences that will make your voyage unforgettable. However, it is important to make reservations to these restaurants quickly, as spots are limited and they fill up fast!

women socializing at the cloud 9 spa

5. Indulge in Cuisine

One of the best things about a cruise is the choice of foods , both on and off the ship. A cruise is the best place to feed your hankering for deluxe hamburgers and your curiosity for exotic dishes and one-of-a-kind drinks .

Always check your booked ship to see your dining options. For example, enjoy premium cuts of beef paired with the Steakhouse wine list, which is recognized by the distinguished Wine Spectator Magazine’s Award of Excellence in 2019 .

For every port you visit, indulge in a local culinary treat or tour.

For example, cruise to Ketchikan and watch lumberjacks compete in axe throwing competitions, while you feast on all of the dungeness crab that you can eat! You can even head to Mexico’s port of Yucatán (Progreso) to brush up on your food photography skills while experiencing fine Mexican cooking and losing yourself in the local culture.

family enjoying a wonderful dinner at fahrenheit 555 steakhouse

6. Know Your Ship

One of the best first-time cruise tips is learning that you can access a layout of the ships. Research your ship and enjoy virtual tours and view deck plans. Download the deck plans to a PDF file, print it out and review it before your cruise.

For ships you’ve already booked, the Carnival Hub App is a great tool that allows you to access your ship’s map. You can even get a copy of your ship’s map at guest services on embarkation day!

Although nothing takes the place of real-time experience, at least you’ll have your bearings before embarking.

the top deck of a carnival ship

7. How to Pay and Tip On Board

Carnival uses cashless cruising. All of your onboard expenses are charged to your own Sail & Sign Card . Just present the card when purchasing anything on board. You can check the balance of your Sail & Sign Card accounts at onboard kiosks or through the interactive TV system in your stateroom.

As for gratuities, those can be paid in advance through the hub app, while fine dining gratuities are paid onboard. With that said, there are indeed ATMs on board.

a cruise guest’s vifp spending card

8. Know the Lingo

Before embarking (stepping on board) your ship, know a few terms to make your first-time cruise more comfortable. Here are a few choice words and terms to keep tucked in your back pocket during your first trip:

  • Cruise casual: This is tasteful attire, which you can wear most nights during dinner. It includes slacks, khakis, jeans (but no cut-offs), long dress shorts and collared sports shirts for men. For women, it means casual dresses and skirts, summer dresses, blouses, pants, capri pants, dressy shorts and dress jeans (no cut-offs here either).
  • Cruise elegant: This is evening wear for one or two nights of dinner on your cruise, specifically for when you’re eating in the main dining room . Men are asked to wear dress shirts and dress trousers, and a sports coat is suggested. Ladies dress in pantsuits, cocktail dresses, and elegant skirts and blouses. You may also have a formal night on board, where more formal wear is required.
  • Early seating/late seating: This is an assigned schedule and seating for passengers in the main dining room.
  • Open seating: This means there’s no fixed schedule and no seating arrangements.
  • Stateroom steward: This is the person responsible for keeping your stateroom in order with your requests and amenities .
  • Lido deck: This is the most popular deck on the ship because it’s where the outdoor pools are located.
  • Upper deck: This is the deck that’s typically closest to the entertainment , fun and other outdoor deck areas.

a toast being conducted by a captain

9. Take Advantage of the Nightlife

Besides the onboard casinos, the variety of adult nightlife you’ll find on any ship rivals the most glittering nights you’d have during a vacation on land. Always check which events your ship will offer on board, but here are some guest favorites:

  • The Punchliner Comedy Club : Here’s the best place for laugh after laugh.
  • Dive-In Movies: Snuggle up on the poolside and watch the (movie) stars.
  • Stage Shows and Playlist Productions : Enjoy musical productions on the high seas.
  • Live Music : Come here to party along with live performances and jams on the lido deck.
  • Piano Bar : This bar is for guests who love cocktails and singing for a good time.
  • Nightclub : Here’s the spot for dancing to the hottest hits.

a playlist productions show onboard a carnival cruise ship

10. Find Some Peace and Quiet

Scope out the little nooks and crannies on your particular ship where you can get away for some quiet time:

  • Serenity Adult-Only Retreat : Avoid the hoopla and come to this 18 and over lounging area to find complete peace on board.
  • Cloud 9 Spa : Imagine being pampered in a spa while traveling to Bermuda . You have the choice of the hair and beauty salon , Medi-spa , facial treatments and massage . For men, there are men’s services on board for a ship-shape shave and more.
  • The Library : Our ships come with a place for all the great literature you need to enrich your mind.
  • Loft 19™ , only on Mardi Gras ™ : You’ll find a secluded retreat modeled after the world’s finest resorts.
  • Make It With Michaels® : Find your creative streak with a calm, relaxed craft class.
  • Art seminars and art exhibitions : Enjoy a cultivated good time while talking to art experts.
  • Beauty treatments for your teens: ZSPA is a place where teens can get facials, mani/pedis, and new-found self-esteem. ZSPA is for teens only and it’s a place where they can feel pampered.

1st cruise line

It’s perfectly okay to ask questions and learn as you go. There’s a lot of information for first-time cruisers to know , but cruise enthusiasts and crew members love to use their knowledge to guide other guests. After all, each of them started out with a first cruise. You’ll always feel comfortable on a Carnival cruise where you can relax, and even take some insider notes to share with others.

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Plan for fun.

Port Milwaukee welcomes 1st cruise ship of 2024 season

Port milwaukee welcomes 1st cruise ship of season.

Port Milwaukee welcomed the Viking Octantis on Wednesday, May 1 – the first cruise ship to call on the city for the 2024 season.

MILWAUKEE - Port Milwaukee welcomed the Viking Octantis on Wednesday, May 1 – the first cruise ship to call on the city for the 2024 season.

This marks the third consecutive year that Octantis has arrived as the inaugural cruise ship. Port Milwaukee expects another strong cruising season in 2024, with 27 visits from seven vessels between early May and mid-October. Port officials estimate over 12,000 global passengers will visit Milwaukee this season.

Viking Octantis, its sister Viking Polaris, and the Pearl Seas vessel Pearl Mist will account for Milwaukee ’s early summer cruise visits, Port Milwaukee said. The port expects a significant increase in cruise vessel traffic in September as passengers set their sights on the region’s fall colors and fair weather.

1st cruise line

Viking Octantis

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"The Great Lakes cruise industry is a big contributor to our region’s tourism," Mayor Cavalier Johnson said in a statement. "Cruise passengers continue to see why Milwaukee is a highly desirable destination."

1st cruise line

Milwaukee earned a place on National Geographic's Best of the World list for 2023, the city said, an honor that strengthened the excitement for the cruising season and set the stage for another successful year.

Port Milwaukee carried the momentum from a record-breaking 2022 into the 2023 cruise season by welcoming the inaugural visits of the Hanseatic Inspiration and Viking Polaris. The number of unique cruise vessels that visited Milwaukee climbed to nine, the highest in any season.

"Today marks the official start of the 2024 cruise season and a great day for tourism in Milwaukee," Jackie Carter, Port Milwaukee's director, said in a statement. "Each cruise visit results from the hard work between the Port and our local, regional, and global partners. We look forward to warmly welcoming thousands of passengers who will visit our community throughout the season."

1st cruise line

Viking Octantis arrives on May 1, first cruise ship of 2024 season (Courtesy: Port Milwaukee)

The public is encouraged to stay up-to-date on cruise ship arrivals and departures throughout the 2024 season by using Port Milwaukee’s virtual vessel tracker .

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Mackinac Island welcomes first cruise ship of the season, and it’s a big one

  • Updated: Apr. 30, 2024, 5:41 p.m. |
  • Published: Apr. 30, 2024, 1:42 p.m.

Viking Octantis calls on Mackinac Island

The Viking Octantis was the first ship to call on Mackinac Island for the 2024 Great Lakes cruising season on Tuesday, April 30. The 665-foot ship anchored and brought passengers to shore by tender boat. Mackinac Island Tourism Bureau

MACKINAC ISLAND, MI – Mackinac Island welcomed its first cruise ship of the season on Tuesday.

The Viking Octantis, one of the largest cruise ships on the Great Lakes, anchored off the shores of Mackinac Island and used tender boats to take passengers to the island for a day visit, which began with a carriage tour.

“We’re excited to be a stop along their journey and look forward to having folks visit from near and far!” Mackinac Island Tourism Bureau said on Facebook.

Viking Octantis calls on Mackinac Island

Mackinac Island is Michigan’s most popular cruise destination.

RELATED: ‘We didn’t find them, they found us:’ Mackinac Island is most popular Michigan cruise ship port

In 2023, around 20,000 cruise ship passengers visited the National Historic Landmark island, making an economic impact of nearly $2 million. Nine cruise ships each visited dozens of times for a total of around 100 calls.

Viking Octantis calls on Mackinac Island

The Great Lakes cruising season continues through October.

At 665 feet long, the Viking Octantis shares the title of the largest cruise ship on the Great Lakes with its identical sister ship the Viking Polaris.

RELATED: A video tour on board the largest cruise ship ever to sail Great Lakes

Justine Lofton

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How to plan a memorable first-time alaska cruise.

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The remarkable scenery of Glacier Bay is a highlight on many Alaskan cruise itineraries.

Embark on a journey through Alaska's pristine wilderness aboard a cruise ship, where you can experience the awe-inspiring nature of the last American frontier in comfort.

As you glide past icy fjords and into secluded bays, seize the chance to witness magnificent glaciers up close, and keep your eyes peeled for the mighty bears, whales and eagles that call this rugged landscape home.

However, don't make the mistake of thinking you’ll have peace and quiet. Remote it may be, but Alaska is one of the world’s most popular cruise destinations.

Ports such as Skagway can accommodate up to four large cruise ships at once. Smaller ports can easily become overwhelmed with visitors, while popular shore excursions sell out well in advance. As such, there’s a lot to understand about Alaska cruises before booking.

Cruise Lines In Alaska

Most major cruise lines sail in Alaska, ranging from large, modern ships full of amenities, down to smaller, older ships with more outside space and a relaxed vibe. Expedition cruises on even smaller ships focus more on wildlife and geology.

When picking a line and ship, consider your choice of cabin carefully. Although inside cabins offer a cheaper deal, the value of a balcony cabin shouldn't be underestimated. On scenic cruising days, you’ll be able to enjoy the landscape—and potentially wildlife—without jostling for position.

Alaska Cruise Itineraries Explained

There are two main types of Alaskan cruise itinerary: the Inside Passage roundtrip, and a one-way Gulf voyage. Each route offers unique opportunities to see both glaciers and wildlife, with specifics depending on the season.

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Alaska is a popular cruise destination in the summer.

Seven-night Inside Passage cruises typically depart from hubs like Seattle or Vancouver, calling at popular stops like Juneau, Ketchikan, and Skagway. Many feature a scenic cruising tour of the breathtaking Glacier Bay National Park.

For example, this 7-night itinerary on Norwegian Encore including all those highlights is available between April and October in both 2024 and 2025.

For those seeking deeper exploration, one-way Gulf voyages include the highlights of the Inside Passage route, but also venture closer to the Arctic Circle. Typically, such itineraries start or end at Whittier or Seward near Anchorage.

This 7-night itinerary from Celebrity Cruises includes port calls at Sitka, the historic Icy Strait Point, and scenic cruising of the Hubbard Glacier on the way from Vancouver to Seward.

Some cruise lines combine Gulf voyages with curated tours before or after the cruise for a comprehensive Alaska experience. Such tour packages include famous rail journeys, visits to Denali National Park, and optional overnight stays in Anchorage or Fairbanks.

Longer Alaskan cruise itineraries, especially those on smaller ships or expedition lines, may include remote locales like Kodiak Island and the Aleutian Islands.

Port Excursions In Alaska

Exploring ashore on guided excursions is a highlight of any Alaskan cruise. Each port offers unique opportunities to engage with the natural environment and local culture, but the popularity of cruising in the region means advance booking is essential.

Some of the most popular tours may fill up just days after they go on sale, in some cases months before the actual cruise. Consider independent tour options, but read the terms and conditions carefully and check for reviews from previous cruisers.

Mendenhall Glacier is a popular cruise excursion from Juneau on Alaska cruises.

Alaskan capital Juneau is renowned for its glacier tours and wildlife viewing opportunities. The hike through backcountry to the Mendenhall glacier requires a good level of physical fitness, while whale watching boat trips are just as popular.

The historic Skagway train tour along the Klondike route in a vintage coach, featuring stunning vistas and rich gold rush era history, is a must-do.

Cultural tours in Ketchikan often include visits to the Saxman Native Village, where totem poles and traditional dance performances offer insight into the local Tlingit culture.

When To Cruise Alaska

Alaska is not a year-round cruising spot, and the season is shorter than most leading cruise destinations. Alaska’s cruising season ranges from late April to late September.

April : Expect relatively dry days, though not completely devoid of light showers and fog. Bears are only just emerging from their winter slumber so sightings are unlikely, but you may see eagles and humpback whales.

May : With more ship options, relatively dry weather, long hours of daylight, and good value fares, May is a popular time to cruise Alaska before the peak. Wildlife, including migrating shorebirds, whales, and bears, are more visible.

June : Mild temperatures and long daylight hours—up to 19 per day—provide optimal cruising conditions. Enjoy vibrant greenery and more wildlife sightings, but prepare for the possibility of mosquitoes (especially on trips inland) and variable weather.

July : July brings mild temperatures, often reaching the 70s, but it's also the start of the wetter period. Expect long hours of daylight ideal for wildlife sightings, including salmon runs and bear activity. However, peak cruise season means high fares, busier ships, and busier ports. Local produce starts to feature heavily on menus shoreside.

Juneau, Alaska, has a spectacular natural setting and is a gateway to many exciting outdoor ... [+] experiences.

August : Expect rain, with daytime temperatures in the low to mid-60s and nights cooling to the upper 40s, and ample wildlife viewing opportunities, as bears and bald eagles are active near salmon streams. Fares, along with the number of daylight hours, fall later in the month.

September : Expect cooler temperatures and frequent rain, which may risk the success of outdoor excursions. Despite less demand, wildlife viewing remains good with bears still active near salmon streams and whales still present in coastal waters. September also offers a chance to see the northern lights .

What To Pack For Alaska Cruises

Packing smart for an Alaska cruise means being prepared for both adventure in the great outdoors and the comforts of cruise life.

An Alaskan journey demands attire for cooler climates. Essentials include a fleece jacket, thermal socks, and a warm hat to combat the cold, along with sweaters and thermal underwear for effective layering. Waterproof gear such as a reliable rain jacket and waterproof pants are crucial for unexpected rain or snow showers.

You should also consider waterproof bags to protect your electronics and important documents during shore excursions.

Sun protection is vital due to the deceptive Alaskan sun. High SPF sunscreen, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat are necessary to guard against UV rays and snow glare.

Footwear should include waterproof hiking boots for rugged terrain and slip-proof sandals for the deck, accompanied by thermal or wool socks for additional warmth.

For shore excursions, a collapsible backpack and a thermal water bottle will keep you organized and hydrated, while binoculars can greatly enhance wildlife tours. A simple first aid kit, sea-sickness bands, and insect repellent are other wise packing choices.

David Nikel

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Cruise worker accused of stabbing woman and 2 security guards with scissors on ship headed to Alaska

Updated on: May 8, 2024 / 6:27 AM EDT / CBS/AP

A cruise ship worker from South Africa was arrested Tuesday in Alaska's capital city, accused of attacking a woman and two security guards with scissors on board the vessel, according to authorities.

The U.S. attorney's office says the man, identified as 35-year-old Ntando Sogoni,  is charged with assault with a dangerous weapon within maritime and territorial jurisdiction. Online court records do not show an attorney for the 35-year-old man.

According to an affidavit from FBI Special Agent Matthew Judy, the man was recently hired by a cruise line and joined the ship, the Norwegian Encore, in Seattle on Sunday. The ship set off that day for a weeklong trip with scheduled stops in Alaska ports, including the capital of Juneau, and British Columbia.

The alleged incident happened west of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, as the ship was sailing to Alaska. According to the affidavit, during the late evening on Sunday, ship personnel saw the man trying to deploy a lifeboat, and he was taken by security to a medical center for an evaluation.


While there, he "became irrational and attempted to leave," and "physically attacked" a guard and a nurse, the affidavit states. He ran into another room, where he grabbed a pair of scissors and stabbed a woman who was being examined, as well as two guards who tried to intervene before being subdued and held in a "shipboard jail," the affidavit says. None of the injuries were considered life-threatening.

The ship arrived in Juneau on Tuesday, when he was arrested by the FBI, the U.S. attorney's office says.

If convicted, Sogoni faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine for each count. A federal district court judge will determine the sentence.

  • Cruise Ship

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Cruise ship worker accused of attacking, stabbing people with scissors on board vessel

FILE -- The Norwegian Encore is docked at downtown Juneau, Alaska, on Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022.

JUNEAU, Alaska ( KTUU /Gray News) - A South African citizen was arrested by the FBI in Juneau Tuesday after he allegedly stabbed a cruise ship passenger and several employees who attempted to stop him.

A press release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Alaska said 35-year-old Ntando Sogoni was employed on the Norwegian Cruise Lines ship Encore and was observed by other staff attempting to launch one of the ship’s lifeboats. He was then taken by security to the ship’s medical facility for an evaluation.

In the medical center, Sogoni reportedly physically attacked a nurse and a security guard. He then allegedly entered an examination room, grabbed a pair of medical scissors and attacked a woman receiving treatment, stabbing her in the arms, hand and face. When two security guards intervened, the court documents allege he stabbed one in the head and one in the back.

Once he was under authority’s control, Sogoni was held in the ship’s jail before being taken into custody and being charged with assault with a deadly weapon in maritime and territorial jurisdiction. The charges carry a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. A federal district judge will determine the total sentencing.

Court documents say that the employee had just joined the ship’s crew at its Seattle port of call on May 5. The incident occurred approximately 16.5 miles from Vancouver Island. There is no word on whether the incident has delayed the ship or on the condition of those hurt.

The FBI Anchorage Field Office and FBI Juneau Resident Agency, and the Coast Guard Investigative Service are investigating the case.

Copyright 2024 KTUU via Gray Media Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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