Security Alert May 17, 2024

Worldwide caution, update may 10, 2024, information for u.s. citizens in the middle east.

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Travel Advisory July 26, 2023

Italy - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Reissued with obsolete COVID-19 page links removed.

Exercise increased caution due to terrorism .

Country Summary: Terrorist groups continue plotting possible attacks in Italy. Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, local government facilities, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, major sporting and cultural events, educational institutions, airports, and other public areas.

Read the  country information page for additional information on travel to Italy.

If you decide to travel to Italy:

  • Be aware of your surroundings when traveling to tourist locations and crowded public venues.
  • Follow the instructions of local authorities.
  • Monitor local media for breaking events and adjust your plans based on new information.
  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program  ( STEP ) to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Italy.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist.

Embassy Messages

View Alerts and Messages Archive

Quick Facts

Six months validity recommended, at least 3 months validity beyond your planned date of departure from the Schengen area .

Two pages required for entry stamp.

Not required for stays under 90 days.

10,000 Euros or equivalent.

Embassies and Consulates

U.S. Embassy Rome

Via Vittorio Veneto, 121 00187 Rome, Italy Telephone:  +(39) 06-4674-1 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  +(39) 06-4674-1 Fax:  +(39) 06-4674-2244 Email:   [email protected] The Rome consular district includes the regions of Lazio, Marche, Umbria, Abruzzo, and Sardinia.

U.S. Mission to the UN Agencies in Rome Via Boncompagni, 2 Telephone:  (+39) 06-4674-1 Emergency after-hours telephone:  (+39) 06-4674-1 Fax:  (+39) 06 4674-3535 Email:   [email protected]

U.S. Embassy to the Holy See Via Sallustiana, 49 00162 Rome, Italy Telephone:  +(39) 06-4674-3428 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  +(39) 06-4674-1 Fax:  +(39) 06-575-8346

U.S. Consulate General Florence Lungarno Amerigo Vespucci, 38 50123 Florence, Italy Telephone:  +(39) 055-266-951 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  +(39) 055-266-951 Fax:  +(39) 055-215-550 Email:   [email protected] The Florence consular district includes the regions of Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna (all except the Provinces of Piacenza and Parma), as well as the Republic of San Marino.

U.S. Consulate General Milan Via Principe Amedeo 2/10 20121 Milano, Italy Telephone:  +(39) 02-290-351 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  +(39) 02-290-351 Fax:  +(39) 081-583-8275 Email:   [email protected] The Milan consular district includes the regions of Valle D'Aosta, Piemonte, Lombardia, Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Liguria, and Emilia-Romagna (Provinces of Piacenza and Parma only).

U.S. Consulate General Naples Piazza della Repubblica 80122 Naples, Italy Telephone:  +(39) 081-583-8111 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  +(39) 081-583-8111 Fax:  +(39) 081-583-8275 Email:  [email protected] The Naples consular district includes the regions of Campania, Molise, Basilicata, Puglia, Calabria, and Sicilia.

U.S. Consular Agent - Genoa Via Dante 2 16121 Genoa, Italy Telephone:  +(39) 010-584-492 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  Please contact the U.S. Consulate General in Milan. Fax:  +(39) 010-553-3033 Email:  [email protected] Hours: Monday through Thursday 11:00 AM-3:00 PM, by appointment only.

U.S. Consular Agent - Palermo Via G.B. Vaccarini 1 90143 Palermo, Italy Telephone:  +(39) 091-305-857 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  Please contact the U.S. Consulate General in Naples Fax:  +(39) 091-625-6026 Email:   [email protected] Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM-12:30 PM by appointment only.

U.S. Consular Agent - Venice Viale Galileo Galilei 30 30173 Tessera, Italy Telephone:  +(39) 041-541-5944 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  Please contact the U.S. Consulate General in Milan. Fax:  +(39) 041-541-6654 Email:  [email protected] Hours: Monday through Thursday, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM, by appointment only.

Destination Description

Learn about the U.S. relationship to countries around the world.

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

There are no COVID-related entry requirements for U.S. citizens.  

Traveling Through Europe:  If you are planning to visit or travel through European countries, you should be familiar with the requirements of the Schengen Agreement. 

  • Your passport must be valid for  at least three months beyond the period of stay. Review our  U.S. Travelers in Europe page .
  • You will need  proof of  s ufficient funds  and a  return plane ticket .
  • For additional information about visas for the Schengen area, see the  Schengen Visa page.
  • U.S. citizens who arrive at an Italian Port of Entry without a valid travel document – including passports that have been previously reported lost or stolen – will be denied admittance into Italy and returned to their point of origin. This regulation is strictly enforced in Italy.
  • U.S. citizens may enter Italy for up to 90 days for tourist or business purposes without a visa. All non-residents are required to complete a declaration of presence (dichiarazione di presenza). Prospective residents or anyone intending to stay in Italy for longer than 90 days must obtain a  permit of stay  (permesso di soggiorno). Additional information may be obtained from the  Ministry of Foreign Affairs  and the  Polizia di Stato .
  • Non-EU visitors must obtain a stamp in their passport upon initial entry into a Schengen country. Many borders are unstaffed, so you may need to request a stamp at an official point of entry. Travelers arriving from another Schengen country must request the declaration of presence form from a local police office (commissariato di zona), police headquarters (questura), or their place of stay (e.g., hotel, hostel, campgrounds), and submit the form, along with a copy of your passport, to the police or to their place of stay within eight calendar days of arrival. Failure to complete a declaration of presence is punishable by expulsion from Italy.

The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of Italy.

Find information on  dual nationality ,  prevention of international child abduction , and  customs regulations  on our websites. For general information about Italian customs regulations, please read our  Customs Information page and our  Italian Customs  website.

Safety and Security

Terrorism:  Terrorist groups and those inspired by such organizations are intent on attacking U.S. citizens abroad. Terrorists are increasingly using less sophisticated methods of attack – including knives, firearms, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and vehicles – to more effectively target crowds. Frequently, their aim is unprotected or vulnerable targets, such as:

  • High-profile public events (sporting contests, political rallies, demonstrations, holiday events, celebratory gatherings, etc.)
  • Hotels, clubs, and restaurants frequented by tourists
  • Places of worship
  • Shopping malls and markets
  • Public transportation systems (including subways, buses, trains, and commercial flights)

For more information, see our  Terrorism  page.

Politically motivated violence in Italy is most often connected to Italian internal developments or social issues. Italian authorities and foreign diplomatic facilities have found bombs outside public buildings, have received bomb threats, and have been targets of letter bombs, firebombs and Molotov cocktails in the past several years. These attacks generally occur at night, and although they have not targeted or injured U.S. citizens, you should remain aware of your surroundings and report any suspicious activity to local authorities.

Crime:  Italy has a moderate rate of crime, especially for theft and economic crimes; violent crimes are rare. U.S. citizens should be aware of the following local circumstances:

  • Tourists can be fined or detained for buying counterfeit goods (usually fashion accessories).
  • Travelers must purchase train, bus, or metro tickets and validate them by punching them in validating machines prior to boarding (usually near the entrance of the train or metro or on the bus). Tickets may be purchased at tobacco stores or kiosks or, in some cities, via Apps or SMS. Failure to follow this procedure may result in an on-the-spot fine by an inspector on the train, bus, or metro. If the violator does not pay the fine on the spot, it will automatically double and be forwarded to the violator’s home address.
  • Be alert that many municipalities of cities in Italy have issued local restrictions banning certain activities in fountains or on monuments, such as eating, drinking, sitting, or bathing, as well as regarding the consumption of alcohol both indoors and outdoors after certain hours of the night.
  • Violating these regulations can result in fines. Tourists are advised to check the official website of each city they plan to visit to learn the details.
  • Thieves sometimes impersonate police officers. If you are stopped by a plainclothes policeman, ask for a uniformed officer or insist on seeing an officer's identification card (documento). Do not hand over your wallet and immediately report the incident to the actual police at a police station or by dialing 112 from a local phone.
  • Do not leave bags unattended. Most reported thefts occur at crowded tourist sites, at airports, car rental agencies, on public buses, metros and trains, and at the major railway stations. Never leave baggage alone in a car, including in a closed trunk. For more information on trains and security, please see the  Italian railway police’s advice for travelers .
  • Be alert to criminal schemes. Organized groups of thieves and pickpockets operate at major tourist destinations, in train stations, bars, and cafes. Some travelers have reported incidents in which criminals used drugs to assault or rob them. Thieves on motor scooters regularly snatch purses or bags off pedestrians. Resisting these thieves can be dangerous.
  • Keep your car doors locked and windows rolled up at all times to avoid car-jackings and thefts while you are waiting in traffic.

The U.S. Secret Service in Rome is assisting Italian law enforcement authorities in investigating an increase in the appearance of ATM skimming devices. Here are some helpful hints to protect against and identify skimming devices:

  • Use ATMs located in well-lit public areas or secured inside a bank/business.
  • Cover the keypad with one hand as you enter your PIN.
  • Look for gaps, tampered appearance, or other irregularities between the metal faceplate of the ATM and the card reader.
  • Avoid card readers that are not flush with the face of the ATM.
  • Closely monitor your account statements for unauthorized transactions.

Potential for Natural Disasters: Several major earthquake fault lines cross Italy, and earthquakes are frequent. High tides in Venice, flooding, and avalanches in mountainous areas may occasionally occur. The Italian Civil Protection agency has a robust capability to assist Italians and foreigners in the area of a natural disaster. Information about crisis preparedness and on-going crises affecting parts of Italy can be found on the Civil Protection web site at:  Civil Protection Italy . General information about disaster preparedness is also available online from the  U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency  (FEMA). Detailed information on Italy's fault lines is available from the  U.S. Geological Survey  (USGS).

Italy also has several active volcanoes, including Mt. Etna in eastern Sicily. Travelers to Sicily should be aware of the possibility for travel disruptions, including airport closures, in the event of volcanic activity, and are advised to check the website of the  Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia  for detailed information and daily updates. Italy has many other areas of potential volcanic activity especially in the vicinity of Naples. Any visit to an active volcano or volcanic field bears a certain amount of risk. Eruptions can occur with little to no warning. Travelers should exercise caution, follow posted instructions, stay on authorized trails, and use reputable tour operators.

Demonstrations  occur frequently and can be anti-American in nature, especially in areas hosting U.S. military bases. They may take place in response to political or economic issues, on politically significant holidays, and during international events. 

  • Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and possibly become violent. 
  • Avoid areas around protests and demonstrations. 
  • Check local media for updates and traffic advisories.
  • Security Messages for U.S. citizens pertaining to  demonstrations  can be found on the Embassy’s website.

International Financial Scams:  See the  Department of State  and the  FBI  pages for information.

Internet romance and financial scams are prevalent in Italy. Scams are often initiated through Internet postings/profiles or by unsolicited emails and letters. Scammers almost always pose as U.S. citizens who have no one else to turn to for help. Common scams include:

  • Romance/Online dating
  • Money transfers
  • Lucrative sales
  • Contracts with promises of large commissions
  • Grandparent/Relative targeting
  • Free Trip/Luggage
  • Inheritance notices
  • Work permits/job offers

Victims of Crime:  U.S. citizen victims of sexual assault should seek medical attention at the nearest public hospital as soon as possible. U.S. citizen victims of sexual assault are also encouraged to contact the U.S. Embassy for assistance at +(39) 06-4674-1. Report crimes to the local police by dialing 112. Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes.

See our webpage on  help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

  • Help you find appropriate medical care
  • Assist you in reporting a crime to the police
  • Contact relatives or friends with your written consent
  • Explain the local criminal justice process in general terms
  • Provide a list of local English-speaking attorneys
  • Provide information on  victim’s compensation programs in the United States
  • Provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution
  • Help you find accommodation and arrange flights home
  • Replace a stolen or lost passport

Victim Compensation in Italy :

  • Italy has a program which provides financial compensation for victims of terrorism, organized crime, hit and run drivers and violent intentional crimes.
  • If you are a  victim of terrorism or organized crime  in Italy, you are entitled to economic (special compensation and a life income) and non-economic benefits (special access to certain state jobs).
  • In case of death, victims will include family members. You must file the application with the local Prefect’s office (Prefettura - the local representative for the Ministry of Interior) where the crime occurred, providing the date, location, injuries, and losses resulting from the crime.
  • If you are a  victim of a hit and run driver,  you can apply for compensation of damages to the Fondo Di Garanzia per le Vittime della Strada but only if: (i) the responsible vehicle cannot be identified, is not covered by car insurance, or it circulated against the owner’s will; (ii) if the car insurance company went bankrupt; or (iii) if the accident was caused by a foreign vehicle with a license number that does not match or does not match anymore that same vehicle. U.S. citizens should consult an attorney licensed to practice in Italy to clarify time limits for a specific legal action.

Victims of hit and run drivers and their families may seek assistance by reaching out to an Italian non-governmental organization (NGO) called Associazione Italiana Familiari e Vittime della Strada (AIFVS), “Association of Italian Family Members and Victims of Hit and Run Drivers”. AIFVS provides legal and psychological assistance through a network of professionals associated with the NGO. Please visit  AIFVS  for more details.

If you are a  victim of a violent intentional crime,  you are entitled to compensation from the Italian government to cover the medical and welfare expenses you incurred, except for sexual assaults and murders cases where the compensation is due even if no medical and welfare expense was sustained. To be eligible for the compensation, your annual income must be within a certain limit. In addition, you must prove that you have already unsuccessfully tried to enforce the decision ordering compensation for damages. We recommend you contact an attorney licensed to practice in Italy for more information.

Domestic Violence:  U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence may contact the Embassy or nearest Consulate for assistance.

Tourism:  The tourism industry is generally regulated and rules with regard to best practices and safety inspections are regularly enforced. Hazardous areas/activities are identified with appropriate signage and professional staff is typically on hand in support of organized activities. In the event of an injury, appropriate medical treatment is widely available throughout the country. Outside of a major metropolitan center, it may take more time for first responders and medical professionals to stabilize a patient and provide life-saving assistance. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance . 

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties: You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Your U.S. passport will not prevent you from being detained, arrested, or prosecuted. Individuals establishing a business or practicing a profession that requires additional permits or licensing should seek information from the competent local authorities, prior to practicing or operating a business.

Furthermore, some crimes are also prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on  crimes against minors abroad  and the  Department of Justice  website.

Arrest Notification:  If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy or nearest Consulate immediately. See our  webpage  for further information.

Counterfeit and Pirated Goods:  Although counterfeit and pirated goods are prevalent in many countries, they may still be illegal according to local laws. You may also pay fines or have to give them up if you bring them back to the United States. See the  U.S. Department of Justice website  for more information.

Faith-Based Travelers:  See our following webpages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information
  • International Religious Freedom Report  – see country reports
  • Human Rights Report  – see country reports
  • Hajj Fact Sheet for Travelers
  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

LGBTQI+ RIGHTS:  There are no legal restrictions on same-sex sexual relations or the organization of LGBTQI+ events in Italy. Same sex civil unions are legally recognized in Italy. See our  LGBTQI+ Travel Information  page and section 6 of the  Department of State's Human Rights report  for further details.

Travelers Who Require Accessibility Assistance .  The law in Italy prohibits discrimination against persons with physical, sensory, intellectual or mental disabilities, and the law is enforced. Social acceptance of persons with disabilities in public is as prevalent as in the United States. The most common types of accessibility may include accessible facilities, information, and communication/access to services/ease of movement or access. Expect accessibility to be limited in public transportation, lodging, communication/information, and general infrastructure, and common in lodging and general infrastructure. There is a significant difference between the main cities and the small towns.

  • Rental, repair, replacement parts for aids/equipment/devices, or service providers, such as sign language interpreters or personal assistants, are generally available. Contact the US Embassy in Italy to receive a list of providers.
  • Hand-controlled rental cars are available in Italy from major car rental companies. Contact the car rental company well in advance of your trip in order to reserve the vehicle.
  • Italy functions on 220-volt current. To recharge a power wheelchair, you may need a transformer to convert 220 to 110 volts and a plug adapter to fit Italian electrical sockets.
  • Guide dog owners must present  the documentation required by European Union Member States in order to enter Italy with a dog .

Students:  Students are often targeted by criminals as targets of theft or sexual assault. See our  Students Abroad  page and  FBI travel tips .

SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES:  Strikes and other work stoppages  frequently occur in the transportation sector (national airlines, airports, trains, and bus lines); reconfirm any domestic and/or international flight reservations if you are traveling during one of these events.

Women Travelers:  If you are a woman traveling abroad, please review our travel tips for  Women Travelers .

For emergency services in Italy, dial 112 .

Ambulance services are widely available, but training and availability of emergency responders may be below U.S. standards.

Medical facilities are available but may be limited outside urban areas. Public hospitals may not maintain the same standards as hospitals in the United States. It is not possible to obtain an itemized hospital bill from public hospitals, as required by many U.S. insurance companies, because the Italian National Health Service charges one inclusive rate for care services and room and board. Private hospitals require you to pay for all services up front and get reimbursed later from your insurance company.

We do not pay medical bills . Be aware that U.S. Medicare/Medicaid does not apply overseas.

Medical Insurance:  Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. See our  webpage  for more information on insurance coverage overseas. Visit the  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  for more information on type of insurance you should consider before you travel overseas.

We strongly recommend supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation.

In Italy, end-of-life directives are not legal. Tourists should know that by law, hospitals will continue with lifesaving procedures indefinitely regardless of a person’ preferences stated in a will or advanced directive.

Pharmaceuticals:  The Italian Ministry of Health sets rules defining who and how prescriptions and medications can be imported into Italy. However, the Ministry of Health website does not have information in English. According to the Ministry of Health, foreigners entering Italy are allowed to bring personal medications for a period of 30 days, but it is recommended that travelers also bring a copy of their prescription with them. Travelers should not bring excess supplies of prescription drugs into the country and cannot bring prescription drugs for other people.

The import of medications into Italy by courier services or by mail is strictly regulated by Italian Customs laws. Italian customs clears all incoming shipments of medications, even small amounts for personal use. Delays in the release of medications by Italian Customs received by mail or by courier services are common. The receiving party must be able to provide a statement signed by a physician licensed in Italy, certifying:

The medication is essential for the patient, that he/she would be put in a life-threatening situation without it.

There is no substitute or equivalent medication available on the Italian market.

Exercise caution when purchasing medication overseas. Pharmaceuticals, both over the counter and requiring prescription in the United States, are often readily available for purchase with minimal controls. Medication should be purchased in consultation with a medical professional and from reputable establishments.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Food and Drug Administration are responsible for rules governing the transport of medication back to the United States. Medication purchased abroad must meet their requirements to be legally brought back into the United States. Medication should be for personal use and must be approved for usage in the United States. Please visit the  U.S. Customs and Border Protection  and the  Food and Drug Administration  websites for more information.

Vaccinations : Be up-to-date on all  vaccinations  recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

For further health information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC)

Air Quality:  Visit  AirNow Department of State  for information on air quality at U.S. Embassies and Consulates. Many cities in Italy have air pollution levels similar to those in major U.S. cities. 

In parts of Italy, the lack of adequate trash disposal and incineration sites has led to periodic accumulations of garbage. In some cases, residents have burned garbage, resulting in toxic emissions that can aggravate respiratory problems. 

Visit the  European Environment Agency’s website  for information on air quality in Italy.

Health Facilities:

The U.S. Embassy maintains a  list of doctors and hospitals . We do not endorse or recommend any specific medical provider or clinic.

  • Adequate health facilities are available throughout Italy, but health services may be below U.S. standards.
  • Private hospitals usually require advance payment or proof of adequate insurance before admitting a patient.
  • Travelers should make efforts to obtain complete information on billing, pricing, and proposed medical procedures before agreeing to any medical care.
  • Medical staff may speak little or no English.
  • Generally, in public hospitals only minimal staff is available overnight in non-emergency wards.
  • In most cases, patients bear costs for transfer to or between hospitals.

Medical Tourism and Elective Surgery

  • Medical tourism is a rapidly growing industry. People seeking health care overseas should understand that medical systems operate differently from those in the United States and are not subject to the same rules and regulations. Anyone interested in traveling for medical purposes should consult with their local physician before traveling and visit the  U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  website for more information on Medical Tourism.
  • We strongly recommend  supplemental insurance  to cover medical evacuation in the event of unforeseen medical complications.

Adventure Travel: Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website for more information about  Adventure Travel .

Travel and Transportation

ROAD CONDITIONS AND SAFETY:  While in Italy, you may encounter road conditions that differ significantly from those in the United States such as:

  • Traffic lights are limited and often disobeyed.
  • Motor scooters are very popular, and their riders may behave unexpectedly.
  • Drivers frequently pass on superhighways (autostrada) at very high speeds.
  • Rural roads are generally narrow, often have no guardrails, and inconsistent speed limits.
  • Be careful when crossing streets even when using a marked crosswalk with a green walk (avanti) light illuminated.

Traffic Laws:

  • Seat belt use is compulsory.
  • You must use headlights year-round and at all times outside of urban areas.
  • During the autumn/winter months, it is compulsory to have either winter tires or carry snow chains if driving outside urban areas.
  • If you are stopped, under certain conditions you are expected to pay the police officer issuing the ticket immediately. Be prepared to pay in cash in local currency. Local police can confiscate your car if you cannot pay the fine.
  • Fines are imposed if driving without the proper permits in historic downtown areas of cities and towns throughout Italy. Cameras photograph the license plates of cars illegally driving in parts of the city that require a permit. The fines imposed for these violations are forwarded to the driver’s home in the United States to request payment. For definitive legal guidance or to contest a fine, you should consult a lawyer licensed to practice in Italy.  See the U.S. Embassy of Rome’s transportation page for more information .
  • Public Transportation: Pickpocketing is frequent on all public transportation, especially at train stations and major tourist sites.

See our  Road Safety  page for more information. Also, we suggest that you visit the website of the  Automobile Club d’Italia  (A.C.I.). For information on obtaining international drivers licenses, contact the  American Automobile Association  (AAA) via telephone at (407) 444-7000 or fax (407) 444-7380.

AVIATION SAFETY OVERSIGHT:  The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the Government of Italy’s Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of Italy’s air carrier operations. Further information may be found on the  FAA’s safety assessment page .

Maritime Travel:  Mariners planning travel to Italy should also check for  U.S. maritime advisories and alerts . Information may also be posted to the  U.S. Coast Guard homeport website , and the  NGA broadcast warnings .

For additional travel information

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
  • See the  State Department’s travel website  for the  Worldwide Caution  and  Travel Advisories .
  • Follow us on  Twitter  and  Facebook .
  • See  traveling safely abroad  for useful travel tips.

Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in Italy . For additional IPCA-related information, please see the International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act ( ICAPRA ) report.

Travel Advisory Levels

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Recommended Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Check passport expiration dates carefully for all travelers! Children’s passports are issued for 5 years, adult passports for 10 years.


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02 travel to italy


02 travel to italy

What documents are required for EU and non-EU citizens to enter and travel in Italy?

The documentation required to enter Italy varies according to your country of origin:

  • for EU citizens and citizens of countries that have signed the Schengen Agreement , a valid identity card is sufficient as an alternative to a passport;
  • Citizens from non-EU countries may enter Italy with a passport valid for at least three months after the planned date of departure from the Schengen Area.

Do I need a visa to go to Italy?

When you will need a visa to enter Italy

Depending on your country of origin, you may require a visa to enter Italy. You can request a visa from the Italian Embassy or Consulate in your country of residence and it will generally be issued after 90 days. To find out which countries require a visa to enter Italy, please visit . On this website, you can enter your nationality, your country of residence, the duration of your stay (less than or more than 90 days) and the reason for your trip. Remember that once you arrive at the border, the authorities may request documentation justifying your reasons for and duration of your stay in Italy.

If you are staying at a hotel or other accommodation, its manager will fill out a Declaration of Presence for you, which they will then send to the Police Headquarters. However, it is always a good idea to always carry a copy of the Declaration with you, so that you can show it to the police in the event that they want to check.

If you enter Italy from a country outside the Schengen Area, the uniform Schengen stamp , which is affixed to your passport during border control, replaces the Declaration of Presence. If you enter Italy from a Schengen Area country and do not stay in an accommodation facility, you must submit a Declaration of Presence to the Police Headquarters of the province in which you are staying within eight days of entering Italy.

Travel insurance in Italy: tips for a smooth journey

Travel insurance is always recommended: this ensures that you are financially covered in the event of delays or flight cancellations, and you won’t be caught out in the event you experience health problems.

It is always a good idea to keep a screenshot or PDF copy of bookings for flights, hotels or other documents on your phone: this makes it easier to show information if requested.

All you need to know

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Covid-19: travel information

Considering the epidemiological situation, Italy has foreign travel restrictions in place depending on where you are travelling from/to. 

An interactive questionnaire is available from  to check the rules currently in force regarding travel to and from Italy.

Please find below a list of other useful web pages:

  • Covid-19 Information for travellers  
  • Information for Italian nationals returning to Italy and foreigners in Italy
  • Information from Embassies and Consulates
  • Useful information for travellers on the ‘Viaggiare sicuri’ website  
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Americans Can Now Travel to Italy — Here's How to Book a Flight

Vaccinated travelers are required to get tested before departure and again on arrival, but are exempt from quarantine. Here's what you need to know about "COVID-free flights" and planning your trip.

02 travel to italy

Travelers dreaming of la dolce vita can stop fantasizing and start booking as Italy started welcoming vaccinated tourists on Sunday — including Americans.

The country reopened its borders to foreign tourists from several destinations traveling on "COVID-free" flights, the country's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Luigi Di Maio, wrote in a Facebook post .

Travelers on these flights are required to get tested before departure and again on arrival, regardless of their vaccination status, but are exempt from quarantine. Tourists must take either a molecular or antigen swab test within 48 hours of arriving in Italy, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation .

"This is how we open to safe tourism from all G 7 states after over a year," Di Maio said. "So far, with the covid-free flights you couldn't come to Italy for tourism from the extra EU countries. Now let's reopen to this opportunity, which allows safe travels without quarantine… With hard work we work to bring Italy out of crisis and save the tourist season."

Delta Air Lines, which started offering the COVID-tested flights in December with Alitalia, currently flies between Atlanta and Rome, New York and Milan, and New York and Rome, and will plan to expand its service this summer with flights between New York and Venice, Atlanta and Venice, and Boston and Rome.

"Delta was the first U.S. airline to launch quarantine-free service to Italy, and our COVID-tested flights have proved a viable means to restart international travel safely," Alain Bellemare, Delta's EVP and president – international, said in a statement. "It is encouraging that the Italian government has taken this step forward to reopen the country to leisure travelers from the U.S. on our dedicated protocol flights and further supporting economic recovery from the global pandemic."

American Airlines on Sunday also said it would welcome leisure travelers on its two quarantine-free flights from New York to Milan and Rome. Additionally, United Airlines operates COVID-tested flights from Newark to Rome and Milan, with plans to increase its schedule in the coming months, the airline shared with Travel + Leisure .

Italy's decision to open its borders comes just weeks after the country announced its intentions to welcome travelers from outside the European Union again.

Last month, Italy started easing lockdown restrictions, allowing coffee bars, outdoor restaurants, and more to open in regions across the country, including popular spots like Rome and Milan, but a 10 p.m. curfew remains in effect, according to the Italian National Tourist Board . Famous tourist destinations like Colosseum also re-opened for individual visitors.

Italians who hold a COVID-19 green certification proving they have been vaccinated, recovered from coronavirus, or tested negative within 48 hours, are allowed to move between regions classified as orange or red.

In Italy, 31.6% of people have received at least one vaccine shot, while 14.3% are considered fully vaccinated, according to Reuters , which is tracking the vaccine rollout across the world.

Several other European countries have opened to tourists in recent weeks, including Greece and Croatia, which have each waived pre-arrival testing requirements for vaccinated American travelers and welcome unvaccinated tourists with proof of a negative test. The EU has recommended member countries reopen borders to vaccinated tourists.

Alison Fox is a contributing writer for Travel Leisure. When she's not in New York City, she likes to spend her time at the beach or exploring new destinations and hopes to visit every country in the world. Follow her adventures on Instagram .

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Intentional Travelers

Italy travel requirements 2024: What travelers need to know

We aim to keep this post updated about Italy travel in 2024 with official Italy travel restrictions, requirements, and health and safety guidance. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions so you can travel confidently, safely, and responsibly in this new post-pandemic world of ours.

Italy has a special place in our hearts, and we finally returned in Fall 2022.

As restrictions vary based on the traveler’s citizenship, we will focus primarily on rules affecting U.S. citizens.

Last update: January 28, 2024. Originally published: July 2020.

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Photo credit: Annalisa, Rome January 2024: “Tourism in Italy right now is flourishing, and although it is low season, there is a considerable amount of travelers both in art cities such as Rome, Florence, and Venice, and in small villages. In tourist spots such as museums and archaeological areas there are no restrictions of any kind, except in cases of overbooking such as for the Colosseum in Rome, so I recommend booking tickets at least two months in advance. The business of restaurants, hotels, and vacation homes is normal and busy. Access to health care takes place as usual, with regular and free access to checkups and treatment through hospital emergency rooms for Italian residents and nonresidents. As for Covid tests, although they are not required by any tourist facility, they can be done in all Italian pharmacies for a cost of €10-15.” -Annalisa of Rome Travelogues , Resident of Italy

At the end of the post, we share on-the-ground perspectives from local residents and travelers to Italy so you’ll get a true sense of what to expect.

Table of Contents

Can US citizens travel to Italy? Can I travel to Italy right now?

Italy is open to all travelers, including US citizens who are traveling for tourism.

As of June 2022 , all travelers, including US citizens are no longer required to show a vaccination, recovery, or test certificate upon arrival to Italy. All travelers can enter Italy without quarantine.

Most Italy travel restrictions have been lifted as of May 1 for activities inside the country. See regional restrictions here and regional zone classifications  here .

Visitors from over 60  visa-exempt countries , including the U.S., will soon be required to have a European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) travel authorization to enter Italy and other European countries . The start date has been delayed from 2024 to 2025. 

See details about ETIAS here

Quarantine rules in Italy: What happens if I get Covid?

Travelers are not required to quarantine upon arrival in Italy.

For those who test positive for Covid while in Italy, self-isolation for five days or until testing negative, followed by masking up to 10 days, was the latest requirement. More recently, locals report that quarantine is no longer being enforced.

Italy Green Pass Requirements to Enter Restaurants, Attractions and Large Events 

You might be wondering: Do I need a vaccine certificate or Covid test to enter restaurants and attractions in Italy?

Italy’s green pass (basic or super green pass) is no longer required to access restaurants, businesses, public transport, or participate in certain activities.

However, the Super Green Pass is still temporarily required for anyone age 12 and older to access hospitals or care homes.

Can Americans travel to Italy in June 2024? Can US citizens travel to Italy this Summer?

Travel to Italy in June is open . Read on for details and check back for updates.

What is it like to fly to Italy FCO or CIA Rome International Airport right now? In Rome, body temperature checks through thermo scanners may be taken at the entrance of the airports. The airports sanitize their spaces daily. 

For travelers entering Italy from other countries, check with your airline about current mask requirements on board.

Do Americans have to quarantine when traveling to Italy?  Quarantine is not required upon arrival.

See details above.

Does Italy check COVID-19 symptoms of incoming travelers? Body temperature may be scanned in the airports for inbound and outbound travelers. 

Does Italy require a negative Covid 19 test for American travelers? A negative Covid test is no longer required to enter Italy.

Does Italy require a proof of Coronavirus vaccine for American travelers? Proof of Coronavirus vaccine is no longer required to enter Italy.

Do I still need to provide a negative Covid test or quarantine if I have been vaccinated? Neither proof of vaccination, negative test, nor quarantine are required to travel to Italy. 

Is a booster shot required for travel to Italy? A booster shot is no longer required to enter Italy.

However, a booster shot is needed for the US vaccination card to be considered a valid Green Pass to enter healthcare settings while in Italy. See Green Pass Requirements above.

What Covid testing options are available for travelers in Italy? PCR and antigen tests are available for U.S. citizens and visitors in Italy. Antigen tests cost approximately 20-30 euros while PCR tests can cost around 70.

Individuals in Italy can get a Covid test from the following:

  • Government-approved testing labs
  • Testing facilities with English-speaking doctors in Italy
  • On-site testing facilities at international airports in Italy, such as Milan, Rome Fiumicino, Cagliari, Florence, Malpensa, Bari, Venice,  Pisa, and others.
  • Private testing labs and pharmacies in Italy

What healthcare options are available to travelers in Italy who get the virus? Tourists and visitors may access Italian health care and emergency services by paying out of pocket or with privately purchased travelers’ insurance. Tourists can also contact the Italian Covid hotline at 1500 (free toll number).

For travel insurance that covers Covid, check out Nomad Insurance by Safety Wing >

What service businesses and restaurants are open in Italy? Bars, restaurants and all other establishments are open. Both indoor and outdoor dining are allowed.

Are face masks required in Italy? As of October 2022, wearing of masks in Italy is no longer mandatory except in healthcare settings. 

Are buses and trains running in Italy? Public transportation is available throughout Italy at normal capacity. Masks are no longer required on buses, trains, etc.

Will Italy impose new Covid restrictions? What’s next is difficult to predict. Historically, most countries impose COVID-19 restrictions when strains on the health care system might become unsustainable.

How has the Coronavirus impacted Italy?

Italy was the first country in Europe affected by COVID-19 and was hit hard by the outbreak, requiring strict lock downs. Another large spike in cases occurred at the end of October 2020. A nationwide state of emergency continued through 2022. 

Italy’s economy, which includes a large tourism sector, has faced its deepest recession in history. More than 200,000 tourism-related jobs were discontinued in Italy by the end of 2021– accounting for a massive shortage of workers in the country. 

In May 2021, Italy formally opened its borders to international travelers from select countries to revive tourism. In June, Italy eased its restrictions for international travelers, then tightened somewhat due to the Delta variant and Omicron variant.

Italy’s state of emergency ended on March 31, 2022. 

Italy obtains its vaccines via an EU procurement program. On December 27, 2020, Italy vaccinated the first residents against COVID-19. Currently, three quarters of Italians are fully vaccinated.

For the current situation in Italy – including how bad is covid in Italy today, total COVID-19 positive cases; daily number of cases in Italy; and COVID-19 recovery rates in Italy, please see the statistics here .

What should you pack for safely traveling in Italy?

😷 Face Masks – Face coverings are recommended in public spaces and required in healthcare settings. Find N95 masks at Bona Fide > or designer options at Vida >

💊 Medicine – Bring enough prescription and over-the-counter medication for your entire trip to avoid trips to the clinic.

💳 Vaccine Card Holder – Protect that paper CDC card when traveling abroad (if your country doesn’t offer a digital version). Get a simple plastic protector > or Vegan leather clippable > or Leather passport + card combo holder >

👃 Covid self-test – The most studied rapid antigen self-test with FDA emergency authorization.  NOT valid to enter countries. Use for your own peace of mind. Order from CVS > or Walmart >

💧 Sealed water bottle – Make sure your reusable water bottle has a lid that’s not exposed to the air. We use one of each of the following: Shop insulated water bottles with protective lid > Shop water bottles with purification filter and protective lid >

✈️ Travel insurance that covers Covid – We’ve started using Nomad Insurance by Safety Wing for affordable evacuation, international medical, and trip coverage.

What do Italian locals and recent travelers say about visiting Italy now?

What is it like to visit Italy right now? It’s our goal to provide regular updates here from real people on the ground, to help potential visitors know what to expect.

The following are subjective opinions only. Official travel guidance can be found above.

October 2023 – Louisa Loring of EatingAroundItaly , resident of Italy:  “Expect to come to Italy and travel as freely as before the COVID pandemic. Currently, there are no laws or recommendations for masking, social distancing or public gatherings. Today, all historic monuments are open as usual without restrictions.

There is no requirement for those who show symptoms. The Italian public healthcare system has removed its state of emergency and it’s easy to access the emergency room.. Private healthcare facilities are free to test patients if they choose too.

Since COVID, there has been an enormous increase in pre-bookings for museums in Italy. Although not all museums require that you pre-book, most people do and it can save you a lot of time waiting in line. Most museums have an easy and hassle free online booking system with paperless tickets.”

September 2023 – Linda of , resident of Italy:  “Italy has, especially in summer, many crowded places. However, beautiful Piedmont, in the northwest of the country, remains a hidden gem: cheap, hospitable and visited by Italians at most in high season.

At the moment, Covid is no longer an issue. There are no restrictions or protective measures. During the pandemic, however, very strict rules prevailed throughout the country, including house arrest for several weeks.”

Turin market

June 2023 – Natalie Deduck of Best of Turin , visitor: “My husband and I come to Turin to stay a month and later travel to other destinations in Italy.  

The main tourist destinations such as Rome, Amalfi Coast, Florence, and Milan are receiving a tremendous influx of tourists this Spring and Summer. We are glad that we choose Turin for our longer stay. It is an incredible destination but not as famous as the other places, so here we can enjoy all the best of Italy without hassling with crowds.

Since I landed in Italy, I didn’t see any advice or signals about Covid measures or how to behave in public spaces. No one wears masks, and businesses are open as usual, including bars, restaurants, clubs, museums, and open-air markets.

Everything is pretty much back to normal. My husband and I lived in Turin in 2019 and 2020 during the pandemic. We experienced Italy in its worst moment, and it’s so good and heartwarming to see life back to what it was before the pandemic.”

January 2023 – Zoe of Together In Switzerland, EU visitor: “For our visit to Como, Italy for 2023, the location was pretty busy and lively. All shops and restaurants are open and seemed like a good mix of locals and tourists.

It’s not mandatory, but many do choose to wear a mask such as on the local bus or when in the main shopping area. There were absolutely no checks during our whole visit in Como, however you do see that local stores do still have a those plastic protection areas at the cashier tills and hand sanitizers is available at entrances. We personally didn’t see many people using these and no minimum space was needed. The only crowded area we encountered was for a busy local restaurant that everyone wanted to eat at.”

October 18 2022 -Michelle, Intentional Travelers: “Italy’s tourism feels back in full force and daily life has resumed as normal. Some people wear masks in grocery stores, trains, or other public areas but not many. On the train back to Rome airport, we saw staff sanitizing handrails in all the train cars. Lines at FCO airport seemed typical, and we passed through check-in, security and customs relatively quickly (25 minutes) on a weekday morning. We didn’t have to show any Covid documents, only passports.”

02 travel to italy

September 2022 – Michelle, Intentional Travelers:  “We flew into Florence, Italy and took trains through Tuscany in September. To enter Italy, we only needed our passports. Air Dolomiti airlines required masks on the flight.

The Florence airport tram into town had signs that masks were required but maybe 50% of people were masked. Around Florence, it is as busy as ever and highly recommended to make reservations for big attractions in advance. Masks were still required on the regional trains in Italy, enforced by staff and audio announcements. Otherwise, tourism does seem back to normal.”

June 3, 2022 – S.M, American digital nomad – “I flew today to Rome from Croatia. They didn’t ask for anything covid related. No test or vax cards. But we had to wear N95 mask on the plane, that’s it.”

May 2022 – Lyndsay at : “I’ve been living in Italy and exploring the country for six months now, and the past few days were the busiest I’ve seen the cities! As the weather gets warmer, we’re expecting an uptick in tourism, which is definitely what I’ve encountered so far. Tourists are eager to experience la dolce vita again!

Although you don’t need to wear a mask walking around outside, masks are still required on public transportation like busses, metros, and trains, and highly encouraged for all inside spaces like restaurants and shops. You’ll even find a mix of people wearing masks at public outdoor events.”

March 24, 2022 – Heather American/Italian dual citizen:  “I flew into Rome and then proceeded to take several trains and a bus to get to a tiny village in Abruzzo where I will be living for the next five months. Masks are required inside all buildings, and most buildings have signs indicating you need to show a Super Green Pass for entrance. Trains and buses did check for my Super Green Pass and my CDC card showing my booster was accepted readily.

Italians are still taking things pretty serious, regarding masks, etc.”

March 2, 2022 – Sarah Wilson of Life Part 2 and Beyond , British visitor:  “I’m in Florence for 10 days learning Italian. I was surprised how many tourists were here over the weekend. Queues were long to many of the major sites. They do check your Green Pass every time you enter a tourist attraction, and restaurant. Some shops also insist on seeing your Green Pass but not all. Masks are being worn inside but not needed outdoors. 

There are plenty of pharmacies, many offer COVID testing or the rapid antigen tests. All the pharmacists in a city like Florence speak great English. To reduce waiting in line, I recommend booking attraction tickets online in advance.”

Candice of Mom in Italy , Permanent Resident: “It’s a nice time to visit because you can visit places like the center of Florence and its museums without any crowds.

We’ve also been visiting smaller villages like Pienza, Montepulciano, and San Gimignano, but they’re a little too empty. Almost all shops and restaurants are closed, due to the lack of local visitors. For anyone thinking of coming to Italy right now, I’d stick to the bigger cities, where you’re guaranteed to find things open and still full of Italian ‘vita.’

Throughout the entire pandemic, I’ve been impressed by the cooperation of Italians. People here wear masks when/where required and for the most part, respect the rules. Visitors need to follow the rules too – for example, if you don’t have the Green Pass here, you can’t sit down in an indoor restaurant. Owners don’t distinguish between locals and tourists – everyone has to have their Green Pass scanned or checked.

It’s easy to get tested in Italy – there are private clinics and you can also get tested in pharmacies. You can also get English translations easily. It’s not a great time to come to Italy if you aren’t vaccinated (or have proof of recovery from COVID within the last 6 months). Pretty much anything you’d want to do as a tourist right now requires the Green Pass.

We haven’t found any long lines or crowds, although I expect there will be an influx of visitors in the spring because Italy’s precautions help make it a less risky destination and people are ready to come back to Italia!”

January 2022 – Claudia of Strictly Rome , Italian resident:  “All attractions and places of interest for tourists are currently open in Italy. Visits to restaurants typically start with the staff coming to the table to check your “green pass” (the Italian vaccination card). Much like locals, tourists are required to show proof of vaccination or of having recovered from Covid to access attractions, restaurants, hotels and transport – including trains and local / city buses. Everyone in Italy follows the rules, wearing masks wherever required and showing their vaccination card to access public places, restaurants, attractions, transportation and the like. Antigen tests are available at any pharmacy, best if upon booking and depending on the city and region in Italy there may be a line to get tested. Access to health care remains free for everyone on Italian territory, including visitors. You will be significantly better off making restaurant reservations as with Covid restrictions and social distancing availability for tables in popular tourist destinations may be limited.”

December 2021 – Or of My Path in the World , Israeli traveler:   “I flew to Turin for a one week leisure trip in December 2021. I felt very safe in Turin as everything was well organized and it seemed like the locals were determined to live “normally” again. Everyone follows the current restrictions, and some people even wear masks outdoors though it’s not mandatory. You can’t enter a museum or a restaurant without your Green Pass being scanned (unless you’re sitting outside), and some attractions require a reservation in advance because you need to pick a specific timeslot for your visit. There are quite a few places for covid tests, and a PCR test for your flight back home will cost you about 70 Euros.”

November 30, 2021 – Morgan Fielder, Crave the Planet , E.U. expat: “It’s so great and easy to get reservations at awesome restaurants with fewer tourists. The airports in Italy have gotten more efficient and travel has been extremely easy since August if you are vaccinated and keeping your mask on appropriately. Yes, people follow the rules. Access is good to hospitals and if there’s any hint of problems, then businesses and events have gone to only letting in vaccinated or recovered people. Contract tracing is done via app when you go inside a venue or restaurant.”

September 20, 2021 – Sarah Wilson , British expat in Malta:  “I was in northern Italy at the beginning of September for two weeks and now I’m in Sicily until the end of the month. The locals are very welcoming. It’s been a tough time for many businesses in Italy, so they are very happy to receive tourists. I literally had Rome to myself, so if you enjoy travelling without the crowds, now is the time to visit. To enter any restaurant, museum or tourist site, you do have to show your vaccine certificate. Some places like the restaurants in Lake Como also asked for your name and phone number. Masks are worn on all public transport and indoors and majority comply. Sicily has recently turned yellow which means masks are supposed to be worn indoors and outdoors – very few wear them outdoors – it’s too hot.”

02 travel to italy

August 2021 – Abigail, American traveler : “I went to Italy for a weekend. I felt safe and all of the stores were open. There was a green pass that people used to dine indoors, however since I’m a US Citizen I did not have one. Instead I showed my vaccination card, and it was asked for at every establishment. They did not ask for the Covid pass for public transport for Venice or Milan during my stay. For sit down restaurants, they wouldn’t let you in the door if you could not show vaccination. I did see a lot of seats for outdoor dining everywhere I went though.”

August 2021 – Caroline A., South African/Italian visitor: “My husband, 7 year old son, 4 year old daughter and I are in Rome for three months for an adventure as we have dual citizenship. Tourists are very much welcome in Rome at the moment although museums are requiring the green pass to enter. Since we are not vaccinated, we have been getting tested for entering museums, which lasts 48 hours. Testing is widely accessible. Most attractions are open for visits with covid protocols in place. There is a festive mood in the air as many people take their vacation over this time. It is wonderful not to have to wear a mask outside.”

02 travel to italy

July 2021 – Kathryn, American Traveler: “I flew from Spain to Naples, Italy and stayed 2 days in Positano, 2 days in Sorrento, and 4 days in Rome. The locals were happy to have patrons in their cafes and restaurants. We had several people tell us how happy they are to see return of tourism. All public transportation was running as it would pre-pandemic (masks always required). We took planes, trains, taxis, boats and buses with no restrictions. Some restaurants required you to write down name, phone number, country of origin for contact tracing. Otherwise, no restrictions for outdoor dining and tables were quite close to each other as you would typically experience in Europe. Indoor dining often had more space between tables to allow for social distancing. In Rome, there were quite a few walk-up COVID testing tents throughout the city to use if needed. Rome sights were much less crowded than what I’ve experienced past summers. All major tourist sites were open. They offered both advance tickets and walk-up (usually wouldn’t be possible due to large numbers of tourists in the summer, but with less tourists this year it was possible to purchase day-of tickets). They had temperature checks at most major sites and required masks if indoors.”

June 2021 – Alexander and Cynthia, Travel your Memories , Dutch visitors: “We flew to Rome and visited for 4 days. After Rome we travelled to Florence for 2 days. Because you can do many activities outside, Italy is prefect to travel to at the moment. The population pays very close attention to the guidelines of COVID. All sights have been adjusted accordingly. Only a maximum number of people are allowed in the shops (depending on the size). If you get cold symptoms, you can go to a test street. For major sights it is important to book your ticket in advance because you have to fix a time slot.”

May 2021 – Sarah, Benvenuti Arts, American: “I have a visa as I’m here to teach at a University, and traveling into Italy felt joyful! The crew on the flight were so happy to see us all, and there were only about 30 passengers on the plane. The customs officials were very nice and the people doing COVID-testing in the airport were very friendly.  While the rules, as read, seemed more strict than the US, I’m noticing people’s interpretation of those rules is just as scattered as in my country. I happened to arrive right when they reopened after the Easter lockdown, and people seem to be thrilled to be outside. We wear masks in all public areas, and there is no indoor dining, so in general it feels safe. But I am finding myself a bit overwhelmed by crowded areas, like places where students hang out. That’ll take some time to get used to again! I would say, if someone is traveling soon, be respectful and be overprepared. Rules were changing weekly in the lead up to my visit, so I have so much documentation printed that I haven’t needed. Everything takes a bit more preparation than you might be used to in Italy, too. Some restaurants require reservations. Museums are open, but with timed, pre-reserved tickets. There is no indoor dining. There’s a curfew. I am usually loose with my planning when I travel, but am doing more of it just because it’s required. But the food is amazing, the people are lovely, and the city is beautiful, so even with some adaptations, it’s amazing to be here!”

April 2021 – Chicca, Cooking in Tuscany , Italian resident: “We have been living a lockdown life since October – I have to say we’ve got so use to it. But just these days our prime minister has announced to relax some of the strict coronavirus measures starting April 26. The vaccination plans are rolling out quite consistently to have the majority of the population vaccinated by this summer. I read here and there that maybe borders will be opening first to Europeans and then to Americans. We don’t know when but, yes, I start dreaming of having visitors again.”

02 travel to italy

January 2021 – Clotilde, A Princess Travelling with Twins , Italian living abroad:  “I flew to Rome, with my husband and our twins over the Christmas period for 10 days to visit family.  People working in the tourist sector are really welcoming and try their best to respect, and make customer respect, the rules and regulations. They have been suffering a lot from the lack of tourists and all the imposed restrictions, so they are happy to see tourists coming back but other people are more cautious. News of the new variants of the virus have particularly made people more alert. The biggest issue when travelling to Italy right now is the rules change really quickly, the country can ban specific countries without warning as happened over Christmas with people coming from the UK. On top of that, each Italian region is defined by a colour depending on the level of the infection rate. This reflects also in services opening times that change unexpectedly and often forget to update their websites or search engines. For example you could be stranded at the airport wondering what to do as the rental car office where you booked your vehicle has closed and the curfew time is approaching, as happened to us! “

September 2020. Rebecca Ann Hughes, journalist – permanent resident of Venice:  “Tourist numbers in Italy have been low all summer. For those who come to visit, they are seeing popular tourist destinations as never before, but many businesses are struggling. Locals whose work is fed by tourism are eager to welcome back visitors but many of them, along with those who do not work in the tourism sector, are pushing for a change in tourism. Particularly in Venice, they want visitors who travel “slow”, who are respectful, and who interact with the community. This includes following COVID regulations imposed by local councils and the government. Recently, a tourist on a vaporetto (waterbus) in Venice refused to wear a mask, angering locals and causing a fight to break out. Visitors should be well prepared to follow the regulations in Italy, even if they differ from their home country.

Most tourist attractions, public transport, restaurants, bars and other amenities are open and functioning as normal, albeit with social distancing rules and the obligation to wear a mask. It is possible that some tourist attractions will require advanced booking and may have longer queues if the venue is taking temperatures upon entry. Visitors may often have their temperature taken when entering a restaurant. When entering a building or getting on public transport, use hand sanitiser if it is provided. Testing booths have been set up in many airports and visitors can download a contact tracing app for Italy.”

tuscany gelateria during covid

Planning a trip to Italy?

Check out our other Italy travel resources: – Self Guided Walking Tour of Florence – Lucca Day Trip Guide & Walking Tour – A Guide to Tuscany’s Etruscan Coast – Cooking in Tuscany Classes – Hiking Cinque Terre Itinerary – Packing List for Europe in Fall/Winter – 7 Hidden Gem Towns on Tuscany’s Coast – Best Beaches in Tuscany Italy – Tuscany Castles to Rent or Visit – Why Visit Italy in September

If you have questions or updates about travel to Italy during the Coronavirus crisis or post-pandemic, please let us know in the comments below.

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What travelers need to know about current Italy travel restrictions, health and safety, and recent trip reports, updated regularly | Intentional Travelers

Disclaimer: Please note, travel restrictions change frequently. Readers must take responsibility for verifying information through official sources like the State Department and CDC, in respect to their specific situations. No responsibility can be accepted by Intentional Travelers for action or inaction as a result of information provided through Any information provided here is issued as general information only.

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Free Self Guided Walking Tour of Florence Italy: One or Two Day Itinerary

If you’re visiting Florence, Italy for just one or two days – or you want to get to know the main attractions of the city quickly – this free self guided walking tour of Florence is perfect for seeing Firenze by foot. You’ll find two versions of our suggested Florence walking tour itinerary in this…

Jamaica travel requirements 2024: What travelers need to know

Jamaica travel requirements 2024: What travelers need to know

We aim to keep this post updated about Jamaica travel in 2024 with official Jamaica travel restrictions, requirements, and health and safety guidance. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions so you can travel confidently, safely, and responsibly in this new post-pandemic world of ours. At the end of the post, we share…

A Do It Yourself Guide to Tuscany’s Etruscan Coast

A Do It Yourself Guide to Tuscany’s Etruscan Coast

If you’re an independent traveler looking for self guided tours of Italy where you can get a bit off-the-beaten-path, then consider Tuscany’s Etruscan Coast. Our do-it-yourself guide will help you discover a beautifully unspoiled side of Tuscany on your own, whether you’re traveling for 2 days or 2 weeks. This post will cover: Where to…

Beautiful Castles in Tuscany to Visit or Stay In

Beautiful Castles in Tuscany to Visit or Stay In

Especially for those of us from North America, the history and architecture of Italy is a fascinating novelty. Many visitors are captivated by European and Italian castles, as it’s not something we see at home. In this post, we’ll help you find the best castles to visit in Tuscany as well as castle accommodations you…


Very useful information, thank you, I will be staying in Sicily for 10 days this July!

Hi! Great info! Is it safe traveling to Italy now from the US because of Ukrania- Russia conflict? Thanks!

Thanks, Wilda. We have a good friend in Tuscany who tells us there is no concern about safety in Italy currently, however, prices and availability of some products/delivery is being significantly affected. We recently sent out a Europe update to newsletter subscribers with the following: “If you have plans to travel to Europe, you may be wondering if it’s still safe. Right now airspace over Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova are on the EASA risk list [CNN]. But most of Western Europe is hundreds of miles from the conflict, and experts are saying there’s no need to cancel trips [AFAR].” We are planning to travel to Italy ourselves in September-October. Of course, as with Covid, each of us have to make our own assessment based on the level of risk we’re willing to accept when we travel.

Is there a current ban on US citizens (vaccinated or not) traveling to Italy?

Why are US citizens not allowed to travel to Italy at this time as you stated below. I copied and pasted from your article…. Can Americans travel to Italy in January 2022? Can US citizens travel to Italy this Winter? Travel to Italy in January is now allowed for US citizens visiting for any reason, including tourism. Read on for details and check back for updates.

Hi Jamie. I think perhaps you have misread “is NOW” as “is not”? I’ll reword it to prevent future confusion. As you’ll find throughout the rest of our post, Italy IS open to Americans under certain protocols. Thanks for visiting.

Hi Michelle, thank you for making this information easy to digest. I’m unclear on the “green pass” and “super green pass”.

– Green pass: proof of vaccination – so our white vaccination cards work – correct? And no proof of booster is required?

– Super Green Pass: unclear here.

Also, is the “health declaration form” and the “dPLF” form the same? If not, are both needed?

I plan to visit Italy starting late Feb – Mar ‘22 and am now wondering if I should push this to June. With it all changing so fast, maybe I’m being overly-cautious?

Kate, I’m glad you’ve found our post helpful. Whether pushing the trip back to June will make much difference is hard to say. I’ve shared a bit about my philosophy on canceling/rescheduling trips here .

Some of the green pass rules are quite new and it is admittedly confusing. Also it may change again by March! Firstly, yes, your white CDC vaccination card will work as your pass, as long as the latest vaccination date qualifies.

There is now a time limit on vaccination for the Green Passes (though not for entry into the country). At the moment, this means that if your last Covid shot was more than 9 months ago, you would need a Covid test within 48 hours before checking into accommodations or taking public transit. Starting February 1st, a booster shot will be needed for persons who have been fully vaccinated for more than 6 months. As I read it, if your last Covid shot is more than 9 months old, then you would not be allowed to do the activities under the Super Green Pass like indoor dining, museums, or spas without a booster. Again, there is not a lot of detail available about how this works practically yet.

Sorry for the confusion about the forms – the self-certification health form I think might be an old term so I’ll update that in our post. The dPLF digital Passenger Locator Form is what is now required before travel.

Hi there and thank you for your lovely blog. I am traveling to Italy in February, and my second vaccine dose would be older than 6 months, and not able to get a third dose before arrival. Does than mean that I won’t have a green pass and need to undergo a pcr to enter some places?

Auba, thank you for your question. We were surprised by this restriction. It’s all quite new so how this works out practically may change, but I read it as you do. To confirm, I also found this: “All arrivals to Italy with vaccinations considered as expired by Italian standards (see line above) are required to do Rapid COVID-19 tests (available in local pharmacies and test centres) to obtain a Green Pass, which will be valid for 48 hours. The test provider will print your test results and will email you a unique code. You will then need to access the Government website (in Italian) and enter your details. Select the option ‘Utente senza tessera sanitaria’ (‘User without a health card’). You will be prompted to enter the type and number of the ID you showed when you got your test, as well as the code on your test certificate. Click ‘Ricupera certificazione’ (‘Get certificate’) to download your digital test result. You will need to continue with this process for the duration of your stay to enable travel within Italy and to access hospitality and leisure venues including bars, restaurants, museums, exhibitions, sporting events, fairs, civil or religious ceremonies and large events.”

Nice post! I recently applied for an Italy Visa but was sceptical about the travel restrictions imposed by Italian authorities. So, I started searching for some answers and that is how I came across your informative article. It talks about all the important details that a first-time Italian traveller like me should know. Do share such informative blogs about other countries and any possible restrictions that they are imposing. It might come in handy for a lot of tourists who want to get out of their homes after a long season of the pandemic.

Thanks for a great info. Did they ask the covid pass in the public transport? I read that in intercity trains require at least but would like to know the reality. And if Unvaccinated customers can enter an establishment to buy food, but they are not allowed to eat indoors, are there many restaurants with outdoor areas that can be used without the passport? Thanks a lot

Thanks for your questions. The green pass is required in Italy for domestic planes, ferries, inter-regional trains and long-distance buses. For public transit within a city like buses and metros, there are capacity controls and masks required but not the green pass. Taxi drivers do not check for the green pass. Yes, many restaurants in Italy have outdoor seating. We’ll do our best to gather more testimonials about what this looks like on the ground to update our post in the future.

Trying very hard to find out exactly what happens and what options are available to you should you happen to test COVID positive before your flight back to USA. Especially now that fully vaccinated folks are testing positive. Please advise as soon as possible. Thank you!!

Hi and thanks for visiting our blog. According to the CDC website , “People should self-isolate and delay their travel if symptoms develop or a pre-departure test result is positive until they have recovered from COVID-19. Airlines must refuse to board anyone who does not present a negative test result for COVID-19 or documentation of recovery.” So options are pretty limited at the moment if you test positive before returning to the U.S., and I haven’t heard whether that will be reevaluated any time soon.

Hi Michelle! I am a US citizen and I planned for an Italian trip Sept 3-15. Today is the first day i see about the quarantine requirement lift being ended on August 30. Does this mean August 30 they may decide to implement the quarantine period again? Do you think I will be able to do my trip or will it depend on how the Italian government reacts to this upcoming month? Thank you!

Kim, thanks for visiting our blog. The requirements may not necessarily be lifted but rather *reevaluated* at the end of August. It’s not possible to predict what the decision will be at this time. I’m sure Italy wants to keep tourism open and has new protocols like the Green Pass in place to do so more safely, but each country has to weigh that against health and hospitalization risks. For vaccinated travelers, being able to travel is more likely this Fall but nothing’s guaranteed as things continue to change quickly with this delta variant. I know the uncertainty is difficult, which I wrote about in our recent post here:

Hi Michelle! Thank you so much for the reply, we knew there would be a risk to canceling the trip and we are very understanding and flexible. I just hope that we know in advance enough to not give our hopes up. We are vaccinated so hopefully if they restrict anything it’s unvaccinated folks. I’ll keep an eye out for updates!

We are having a lay over at Heathrow Airport. My interpretation of the Covid rules say we will have to quarantine in Venice for 5 days. Is there a “safe zone” in Heathrow that will allow us to enter Venice when we arrive. We are both vaccinated and have digital copies of our CDC vaccine card.

Thanks for visiting our blog, David. It is my understanding that a layover in the UK would mean you’d need to quarantine for five days in Italy, even if you’re only transiting through the airport unfortunately. I have seen reports of recent travelers rerouting flights to avoid the UK for this reason. It appears the requirement is to be in place through August 30, so if you travel after that, it’s possible the rule could change but there are no guarantees.

Hi. I am traveling to Italy in 3 weeks. Where can i get a negative covid test for my re entry to the US. Pharmacy?? Thanks.

Ciao Gianna. Please see the section in our post labeled “What Covid testing options are available for travelers returning to the U.S.?” for these details.

Great blog We’re travelling to Northern Italy in September and supposed to go to a outdoor concert in Marostica. Do you know if there is any plans to cancel outdoor gatherings? Thanks

Hello and thanks for visiting our blog. It’s still too early to know what restrictions might be in place in which regions come September, but we will be sure to update this post as the situation changes. If the concert takes place as scheduled, you’ll likely need a “green certificate” to attend.

How as an American travelers do I obtain a Green Pass?

Thanks for your question. We were actually just in process of updating this post with new information! More details may be forthcoming but it appears that Americans will be able to show a hard copy of their vaccination card, official proof of recovery, or a negative test result taken within 48 hours in place of the digital pass. We’ll be sure to update our information here as more details become available.

Is colosseum ticket free on the first Sunday of every month after pandemic?

That is a good question. We have covered the free first Sunday opportunity previously on our blog, however, the colosseum now follows a different schedule. Entrance is free on select dates throughout the year, however, I have not been able to find a list of those dates for 2021. I would expect that might be published in a bit further in the future.

News all say US travelers can present CDC vaccination card to skip testing. Not true? June 30 2021

Hi Jiang. Thank you for visiting our blog. That information is correct. A CDC vaccination card can be used by US travelers to obtain a “Green Pass”. US travelers with a “Green Pass” are no longer required to undergo testing or quarantine in Italy.

Excellent info!

Thank you for visiting the blog. Safe travels.

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Fearlessly Italy

2-Week Italy Itinerary – A Step-By-Step Guide To 14 Days In Italy

You’ve been planning a 2 week Italy itinerary for a while and still feel in a stalemate? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. The country is so packed with things to do, wonderful places to visit, and great Italian food to try that anyone traveling to Italy for the first time is bound to feel overwhelmed.

If you don’t want the burden of the logistics, you can book one of the best Italy tours , but if you prefer to travel independently, fret not, we’re here to help.

This guide of ours, even though extensive and detailed, will only touch the most popular cities you can’t miss in 2 weeks in Italy. Those places you really can’t afford to miss if it’s your first time in this beautiful country.

We will squeeze as much as we can into a two-week Italy tour itinerary. It’s not strictly a Rome Florence Venice itinerary, it includes also other places, but it’s pretty classic.

Table of Contents

Is 2 weeks long enough in Italy?

If it’s your first trip, 2 weeks is a pretty good amount of time to get the grasp of what to expect from an Italian holiday, to experience the local culture, to visit the most famous and classic landmarks, and to fall in love with the country.

Two weeks in Italy is enough if you do proper planning. Whether you are planning a classic 2-week Italy itinerary or a more alternative one, you need to keep in mind that there will always be places you won’t be able to include. Which is the best excuse to plan a second trip or more!

Should I go to Italy for 2 weeks or 3 weeks?

If you are planning a country-wide itinerary, I think you will need at least two weeks to cover the most important landmarks. Of course, if you can afford 3 weeks in Italy you can either include more regions and places or stay longer in the cities you are visiting.

For example, you could stay a week in Rome, 5 days in Florence, or devote 4 to 5 days to the Campania region and enjoy a more complete experience.

14 Days In Italy – A Step-By-Step Itinerary

Granted, with so much to see, planning your best 2-week Italy itinerary is not easy. Our extensive guide will provide you with the essentials to organize a perfect vacation on your own. If you are visiting for the first time, 2 weeks in Italy are enough to see the main attractions in the main cities.

Planning 14 days in Italy allows you to explore the classics such as Rome, Florence, and Venice. If you want to enjoy a place longer, visit more attractions or take some day trips, you can easily spend 3 weeks in Italy. If you have less than two weeks in Italy, you can avoid some of the attractions in each city and stay one day less. Here, we give you the tools to plan a trip to Italy on your own.

If it’s not your first time or you have more than two weeks in Italy, check out our other guides on specific areas like Sardinia, Sicily in the cities of Catania and Agrigento, and Trentino Alto Adige, both its cities and the Dolomites mountain range.

We will see when is the best time to visit Italy depending on what type of holiday you want, we will suggest the best car rentals in case you want to embark on an Italy road trip, we will tell you what to pack and obviously what to visit to make your holiday smooth and unforgettable.

This guide will empower you to plan a trip to Italy on your own. For each city, we will provide you with the best day tours if you wish to optimize the time of your 2 weeks Italy itinerary and have more in-depth information. At the end of this guide, you will also find a selection of the best tours to Italy in case you want a hassle-free holiday where expert organizers take care of the details and the logistics for you.

Map Of Your 14 Days In Italy

Where to go: a cool itinerary for two weeks in italy, milan – 2 days.

Milan is Italy’s “Wall Street”, a bustling financial hub that attracts businessmen for work or business-oriented travelers. However, with a long history and a good deal of historical landmarks and artistic attractions, Milan has been imposing itself also as an exciting tourist destination for travelers from all over the world. On your 2-week Italy itinerary, we suggest spending 2 days in Milan . If you want to stay less, you can also visit most attractions in Milan in 1 day .

Some of the most important places to visit in Milan are:

  • The Duomo. The most popular among Milan’s landmarks, the city’s cathedral is a must. Its Gothic facade never fails to bedazzle visitors and passers-by, the inside is a fascinating journey into Milan’s history and culture, and its rooftop gives you a great view of the city and its architecture.  Click here for Walks of Italy’s Best of Milan Tour that includes a visit to The Last Supper and the Duomo’s rooftop .
  • Sforza Castle. Residence of one of Milan’s most prominent families, the Sforza Castle today hosts several exhibitions, both temporary and permanent, as well as being a cultural center.
  • Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. Known as Milan’s parlour, this long covered gallery is lined with cafes and shops of the most exclusive brands. It’s close to the Duomo’s square, so you can’t miss it!
  • Da Vinci’s The Last Supper. Don’t miss the famous mural painting by Leonardo Da Vinci in UNESCO-listed Santa Maria delle Grazie church, beautiful Renaissance building by architect Donato Bramante.
  • La Scala Opera House. Milan’s opera house, this is a beautiful Neoclassic building worth a visit even if you are not going to see the performances. You can visit both La Scala and the museum but call first because if there are rehearsals you can’t visit the theatre hall.
  • Navigli. Milan’s canals are a great place for a walk both day and night. This is one of the favorite hangouts for aperitivo , dinner or a night out.

READ MORE: Check out our extensive guide to Milan to find out what to do if you have more time .

Hotels in Milan – Some suggestions

  • High-end. Bulgari Hotel Milano , Four Seasons Hotel Milano , Mandarin Oriental, Milan .
  • Mid-range. Hotel NH Collection Milano CityLife , Hyatt Centric Milano Centrale , Hotel Milano Scala , The Street Milano Duomo .
  • Budget. B&B Hotel Milano Portello , Hotel RossoVino Milano , QUO Milano hostel .
  • Apartments. CA Foscari Loft & Factory , ApartHotel Bossi .

Check out Booking for more accommodation options in Milan for every type and price.

The next stop in your two-week trip to Italy is La Serenissima, so book your Milan to Venice train and get to one of the world’s most romantic cities. Click here to check timetables and prices with Omio .

Venice – 2 to 3 Days

One of the most popular destinations in Italy, Venice is as gorgeous as it gets. Unprecedented views, a unique urban landscape, and a long history are the perfect combination for an unforgettable trip. And if you go for the Carnival, the colorful and fascinating masks will add to the charm of the city.

How many days in Venice? We suggest 2 to 3 but it really depends on how much time you have, how much you want to enjoy and explore the city and, last but not least, on your budget.

Some of the things to do in Venice in your two weeks in Italy are:

  • Piazza San Marco. One of the key landmarks in Venice that make the city famous is its central Piazza San Marco, the very first place tourists visit. Surrounded by San Marco Basilica and the Doge’s Palace, this piazza is really gorgeous.
  • St. Mark’s Basilica. One of the most symbolic buildings in Venice, San Marco Basilica is a gorgeous piece of Oriental-style architecture dating back to the 11th century. Click here to book the exclusive tour of St. Mark’s Basilica after closing time .
  • Doge Palace.  Standing exactly where it stood throughout the centuries, the majestic Palazzo Ducale is an important piece of the city’s republican past. Get a VIP entrance to the Doge Palace with Walk of Italy’s Secret Passages tour .
  • Jewish Ghetto. Europe’s oldest Jewish ghetto, Venice one was created in 1516 and is now a lovely neighborhood to stroll around the city’s traditional architecture and eat delicious local treats.
  • Canals and Bridges. The beauty of Venice is in its architecture and this is directly related to its unusual layout. Instead of streets, in Venice you have canals and bridges, instead of buses, you will take the boat or if you don’t mind forking out good cash, a gondola. One of the most scenic things to do in Venice is certainly strolling around its bridges, Rialto and the Bridge of Sighs being the most famous. Click here to book Venice Boat Tour to visit the city and its bridges from the water and cruise the Grand Canal .
  • Gallerie dell’Accademia. This art gallery hosts the largest collection of Venetian paintings from the Byzantine and Gothic 14th century to the Renaissance.
  • Basilica dei Frari. Often neglected by the hasty traveler, this monumental Basilica is 102 meters long and boasts an impressive collection of artwork and 17 altars. It’s also the resting place of several notables, from Antonio Canova to Titian to several Doges.

Hotels in Venice – Some suggestions

  • High-end. The Gritti Palace , The St. Regis Venice , Hotel Danieli, Venice .
  • Mid-range. Hotel Papadopoli Venezia , Hotel Monaco & Gran Canal , Palazzo Veneziano – Venice Collection , Ruzzini Palace Hotel .
  • Budget. Ca’ Pedrocchi , Dimora Marciana , Locanda Antica Venezia , Ai Cherubini .
  • Apartments. Corte Barozzi Venice Suites , San Gregorio Venice Apartments , Casa del Carro 2 Grand Terrace Apartment , Palazzo Paruta & Wellness Suites .

Check out Booking for more accommodation options in Venice for every type and price.

Unless you are part of an organized tour, from Venice to the Cinque Terre, I definitely suggest you take the train as it’s cheap, comfortable and you can find different times of departure. Click here to book and see the prices on Omio (GoEuro) .

If you are skipping the Italian Riviera, check out our Venice to Florence train guide to keep planning your trip!

Cinque Terre – 2 Days

The quaint villages of the Italian Riviera never fail to bedazzle travelers from all over the world. If you want to spend three weeks in Italy, you can stay a bit longer in the Liguria region and explore also cities like Genoa and La Spezia.

Close to La Spezia, the capital of the province, are also beautiful places like Lerici and Tellaro, sea resorts cherished by writers and artists. Being on the coast, you will find great fish restaurants. Alongside the five scenic villages, part of the Cinque Terre , La Spezia’s coastline boasts also other towns worth a stop, such as Portovenere, Le Grazie, and Levanto.

The five villages known as Cinque Terre are:

  • Monterosso al Mare. It’s the largest of the five towns and boasts also the largest beach on the coastline. Which is why it’s the most popular both day and night for evening parties and entertainment.
  • Manarola. Famous for its Nativity Scene set for Christmas , here you can also visit 14th-century San Lorenzo Church and the remains of the local stronghold.
  • Vernazza. This is a very scenic village, some consider it the most beautiful. It has two beaches and several nice restaurants. You will spend your time wandering up and down its cobbled alleys.
  • Corniglia. The smallest and tallest village of the Cinque Terre, here you can visit its famous churches and sanctuaries as well as the remains of old Genoese strongholds.
  • Riomaggiore. The closest village to La Spezia city, from its train station you can start the famous Via dell’Amore hiking route and the dock from where to take the ferries for the local tours and cruises.

From Cinque Terre to Florence, too, you can take the train. First, a regional to get to La Spezia and Genoa, then a high-speed train to Florence. Click here to check timetables and prices with Omio .

If you are visiting the Italian Riviera as a day trip from Florence, you can check out our guide on the different ways to reach it and how to get to Cinque Terre from Florence by train .

Florence – 3 to 4 Days

The birthplace of the Renaissance and included in most tours, very likely your Italy travel itinerary will have at least two days in Florence . Here, we suggest three to four days, but if you have only ten days in Italy , two is also enough to get a taste of the city.

The city’s history was heavily influenced by the rule of the Medici family, and today we can still see much of their legacy. Walking around Florence will fill you with beauty and culture. Enjoy its ancient art and architecture all around the city center, walk along the Arno River and linger on the Ponte Vecchio bridge for some shopping and photo snapping.

Best things to do in Florence

We wrote a full guide to Florence , if you wish to stay longer and see more places.

  • Duomo and Giotto’s Bell Tower. Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral and the adjoining bell tower and gorgeous Baptistery are possibly the most photographed and visited landmarks in Florence. For sure one of the first places travelers head to as soon as they arrive and a must even if you are wondering what to do in Florence in one day . Click here for a full experience of Florence Duomo and Michelangelo’s David.
  • Uffizi Gallery. A huge art collection, at the Uffizi you will find the paintings and statues of some of the world’s most famous artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Botticelli, Caravaggio, Raphael, Cimabue and many others. Here the line is very long, so if you want to skip it and optimize your time inside the museum with a guide, check out Walks of Italy’s 3-hour Uffizi Tour comprehensive also of Palazzo Vecchio.
  • Santa Maria Novella Basilica. Located near Florence’s main train station, this beautiful Dominican basilica built with a mix of Gothic and Romanesque styles includes great artwork, paintings, chapels, a big garden, and a cloister.
  • Pitti Palace. Residence of many of Florence’s ruling families, Palazzo Pitti today is a large complex of art galleries and royal apartments.
  • Boboli’s Gardens. Adjoining the Pitti Palace, the elegant Giardini di Boboli were built in 1418 when Luca Pitti bought this vast land intending to build a mansion (Pitti Palace will be built 40 years later). One of Florence’s largest parks, Boboli Gardens are one of the most important examples of Italian gardens of the 16th century.
  • San Lorenzo Cathedral. The personal cathedral of the powerful Medici family, San Lorenzo huge church also hosts a museum showing the donations received over the centuries, most of them by the same Medicis. Close is also the burial place of the Medicis, known as Cappelle Medicee.

Hotels in Florence – Some suggestions

  • High-end. Portrait Firenze – Lungarno Collection , Rocco Forte Hotel Savoy , The St. Regis Florence , Four Seasons Hotel Firenze , Hotel Lungarno – Lungarno Collection .
  • Mid-range. Donati Luxury Tower Suites , Hotel Bernini Palace , Hotel Number Nine , Arte’ Boutique Hotel .
  • Budget. Il Gattopardo B&B , Eco Urban B&B , Cicerone Guest House , Hotel Art Atelier .
  • Apartments. Modarno Exclusive Apartments , Windows on Florence , Casa del Sarto , Residenza Marchesi Pontenani .

Check out Booking for more accommodation options in Florence.

The whole region of Tuscany is amazing, so if you can stretch your holiday a couple more days, you might like to explore also other cities such as Siena and Pisa  and the countryside with a day trip from Florence to the Chianti region and San Gimignano town. Click here to check availability and price .

Florence is not too far from Rome, with Trenitalia’s Frecciarossa or Frecciargento high-speed trains, it takes an hour and a half. Click here to book and see the prices on Omio .

READ MORE: How to plan a perfect trip to Florence

Rome – 4 to 6 Days

The capital of the ancient Roman empire boasting some 3000 years of history and rich civilization, the places to visit in Rome are endless. From the archaeological sites of the Roman Forum to the quaint neighborhood of Trastevere to the Vatican City, the more you manage to devote to Rome, the better you will experience the city. It goes without saying that Rome is a must-see, especially if it’s your first 2-week trip to Italy.

Having a hard time planning your Rome trip? We design your itinerary and guide you through the planning!

Some of the things to do in Rome in your 2 weeks in Italy include:

  • Colosseum. Possibly the most famous and photographed landmark in Rome, the Coliseum was built in 70 AD to host fights among gladiators, public shows, animal hunts and even naval battles.
  • Roman Forum. Located in the valley between the Palatine and the Capitoline Hills, the Roman Forum was the heart of ancient Rome, where senators and public figures held their speeches, where they organized the city’s markets, court trials and pretty much everything concerning public life. Click here for the VIP Colosseum and Roman Forum Tour .
  • Baths of Caracalla. Gorgeous ancient public baths, they included also a gym, a library, and different rooms for the bath experience and a wellness center. They are often skipped for lack of time, but if you can make it, they are really beautiful.
  • Vatican City. The seat of Christendom and papal residence for centuries, the Vatican City is packed with sites to visit such as the Sistine Chapel, the Vatican Museums and obviously St. Peter’s Basilica. If you want to fully enjoy the Vatican, the best thing you can do is to skip the lines, especially to the museums and the basilica. In this case, the convenience of booking a tour, apart from VIP access, is that your guide will take you directly to the places you shouldn’t miss. The Vatican is really big!  Click here to see Walks of Italy’s Private Vatican Tour .
  • Trastevere. A gentrified former working-class neighborhood, Trastevere is the place to go for a good night out. During the day, however, you can also visit the Museum of Roman Popular Traditions which sometimes also hosts temporary exhibitions and Villa Farnesina where are Raphael’s frescoes.
  • Hadrian Mausoleum. Built by Emperor Hadrian as his own funerary mausoleum in the 2nd century, this is also known as Castel Sant’Angelo and is located along the Tiber River, giving beautiful views both day and night.
  • Pantheon. A very old building, it was a temple devoted to all gods built with an “oculus”, a hole in the big dome to symbolize direct contact with the divine. Now it’s a Catholic church that hosts several tombs of members of the former royal family and of the famous painter Raphael.
  • Piazza Navona. Huge elliptical piazza in the city center not far from the Pantheon, Piazza Navona has three fountains, the largest being Bernini’s Four Rivers Fountain standing in front of Borromini’s Sant’Agnese church.
  • Spanish Steps. Rome’s most famous staircase, the Spanish Steps lead to St. Trinità dei Monti church, ordered by French king Louis XII, while at the bottom you can view Bernini’s sculpture known as La Barcaccia.
  • Trevi Fountain. An absolute must, especially if you are visiting Rome for the first time, is Trevi Fountain, the gorgeous baroque fountain built between 1732 and 1762.

Rome is divided into “Rioni”, neighborhoods, and each of them has its own landmarks and personality. From Prati to Trastevere to Testaccio and Ostiense , countless are the things to see in Rome, the restaurants where you can try the traditional food, the park where to run, jog or chill out for an afternoon, the museums, the palaces and more. To get around and see how to best enjoy Rome, check out my full guide of the city , or click here to see what are the best Rome tours if you wish to save some time but still visit the most important sites.

My eBook “ Tasting Rome by Neighbourhood ” suggests five daily Rome itineraries in as many districts, giving you the chance to explore the popular and lesser-known areas of the city stopping to eat in the best restaurants along the way. All the meals of the day are covered, from breakfast to dinner, with some suggestions also for aperitif and gelato.

Hotels in Rome – Some suggestions

I wrote several guides to navigate the huge landscape of Rome hotels:

  • Best 5-star Rome hotels
  • Best boutique hotels in Rome
  • Best budget hotels in Rome
  • Best cheap hotels in Rome
  • Best hotels near Termini Station
  • Best hotels near the Pantheon in Rome
  • Top hotels near the Spanish Steps in Rome
  • Top hotels near Piazza Navona in Rome
  • Top hotels near the Trevi Fountain in Rome
  • Best hotels near the Colosseum in Rome
  • Best hotels in Rome city center
  • Best hotels near the Vatican in Rome
  • Best family-friendly Rome hotels
  • Best hotels in Trastevere
  • Most romantic hotels in Rome

Check out Booking for more Rome hotel options.

Your next stop when planning a 2 week trip to Italy for the first time is Naples, the gorgeous capital city of the Campania region not too far from Rome. With Trenitalia high-speed trains you will reach it in a little more than an hour. Click here to book and see the prices on Omio (GoEuro) .

Naples and the Amalfi Coast – 3 Days

Famous for having invented the pizza, alongside delicious cuisine, Naples has a lot to offer to the curious traveler who wants to dig deep into the local history and culture. If you stay for 2 days in Naples , you will have plenty of time to walk around its city center, enjoy the view of the Vesuvio volcano and the beach, explore its wonderful coastline, and soak in its rich tradition.

Some of the best things to do in Naples in your 2 weeks in Italy include:

  • Royal Palace. Naples’ Palazzo Reale is located in Piazza del Plebiscito, an old square that in the Middle Ages was used for public tournaments and shows in the age of the Bourbons. It has been made pedestrian so now it’s the place where locals and tourists like to relax in a historical promenade.
  • Archaeological Museum. Launched in 1816, Naples’ Museo Archeologico displays a huge collection of ancient relics, among which you will find relics from Pompeii and others from the Greek-Roman age, Etrurian and Egyptian, and ancient coins from a private collection.
  • Duomo.  Naples’ Santa Maria Assunta Cathedral shows the paintings of Luca Giordano and is the place where locals worship San Gennaro, patron of the city. Here you can also see the Treasure of San Gennaro and all the precious donations given by kings, presidents, and leaders of the world for centuries.
  • Spaccanapoli. This is the long road built by the Romans to better organize the city, and it runs from the Quartiere degli Spagnoli to Forcella district. Wandering this road you will also wander the city’s history and multifaceted society. Here, in fact, you are going to see old buildings, churches, shops, abusive street vendors, and local restaurants that release the unique scent of Napoli’s cuisine.
  • Sansevero Chapel and the Veiled Christ. A hidden gem near Spaccanapoli is Cappella Sansevero where you can admire the incredible sculpture of the Veiled Christ (Cristo Velato), a masterpiece by Giuseppe Sanmartino where you will totally mistake the marble veil that covers the body of the Christ for a fine fabric!
  • Underground Naples. Beneath the surface, you can visit another Naples, the hidden spots, and nooks that citizens have used for different purposes such as shelter during the bombings, the hideout for the runaway criminals, and the water springs. Today, you can visit also museums, the relics found after ongoing archaeological diggings, and the Bourbons Gallery.
  • Pompeii and Ercolano. I know time is short, but once you are in Naples, we recommend you devote a day to visit the ruins of the ancient cities of Pompei and Ercolano, destroyed by the Vesuvio eruption in 70 AD. They are very easy to reach via a short ride on the Circumvesuviana train and you can spend there the whole day. Click here to see reviews and prices for the tours and activities available in Pompeii .

Hotels in Naples – Some suggestions

  • High-end. Grand Hotel Parker’s , ROMEO Napoli , Grand Hotel Vesuvio .
  • Mid-range. Santa Chiara Boutique Hotel , Prestige Rooms Chiaia , NapoliMia Boutique Hotel .
  • Budget. Le Corti del Re , Hotel Bella Napoli , Sant’Angelo Suites .
  • Apartments. Appartamenti Mergellina , Borgo 1313 Apt , La Casa sul Nilo .

Check out Booking’s website for more hotel options.

Hotels in the Amalfi Coast – Some suggestions

  • High-end. Hotel Conca d’Oro in Positano, Positamy in Positano,
  • Mid-range. Le Muse Suite in Sorrento, Villa Setteventi in Positano, Amalfi Luxury House ,
  • Budget. Ambrosio Relais in Sorrento, B&B MoMi Sorrento , Residenza Ester .
  • Apartments. Sorrento Apartments , Lucy’s House in Amalfi, Amalfitano Apartments .

Once your 14 days in Italy are over, you can either take your flight back home from Naples or take a train to Rome and your flight from Fiumicino International Airport.

Hidden gems + alternative Italy itineraries

If you like to discover also more offbeat destinations or you can afford a longer holiday, say 3 weeks in Italy, you can really add some interesting places to your Italy itinerary.

For example, let’s say that you are back in Rome after this two-week Italy trip and you have one extra week.

For a lovely alternative, you can catch a plane to Sardinia and enjoy a fantastic offbeat destination! To be able to stray off the bigger cities and explore its traditional soul, make sure you rent a car.

Your experience in Sardinia will depend on the season. If you are traveling in summer, especially in July and August, what you can do will be pretty much limited to the beach because it’s really hot. Not too bad, considering that Sardinia is surrounded by wonderful beaches and the turquoise Mediterranean Sea. Famous are the beaches of the Costa Smeralda and the northern coast where you can find cool European vacation rentals .

If you go in spring or fall, you can enjoy a more authentic experience by exploring the towns of the inland. Places like Orgosolo, Oristano, Ghilarza, and San Sperate will make for lovely trips to immerse in the local culture.

In winter, I suggest a stop in Mamoiada for their Mamuthones festival. You can see these ancient masquerades on the night of the 16th of January or in February for Carnival. Carnival is a fantastic occasion to visit also towns like Oristano where they celebrate it with the Sartiglia or Ottana where they have the masks of Boes and Merdules, always coming from ancient times and farming-themed.

If it’s your first time in Sardinia, I also suggest you explore the city where you land, which is going to be either Cagliari, Bosa, or Alghero . All of them are extremely fascinating and are surrounded by interesting places for a potential day trip.

Northern Italy

If you enjoy the northern cities and want to explore more of them, a nice alternative is to explore the Trentino Alto Adige region or the beautiful city of Turin .

The region of Trentino Alto Adige is heaven for nature lovers. For scenic treks, choose any of the destinations in the Dolomites from the stunning Madonna di Campiglio to Molveno Lake to the Marmolada.

If you are more of a cultural traveler, you can explore charming cities like Trento , Bolzano , Rovereto, and Merano, or quaint towns like Bressanone and Levico. In Trentino Alto Adige, when you are not skiing, you can visit the castles scattered around the region like Castel Thun and Castel Beseno or sacred places like San Romedio Sanctuary perched on a cliff.

City slickers will probably enjoy a couple of days in Turin. The cool capital of the Piedmont region opens up to a myriad of different opportunities.

If you are fond of Christian history, you can visit the Duomo to see the Holy Shroud, while other types of spirituality will be attracted by esoteric places such as Piazza Statuto, Portone del Diavolo (Gates of Hell), and Chiesa della Gran Madre di Dio.

In Turin, you can definitely enjoy great food, indulge in an evening aperitif, and sip their traditional bicerin coffee drink . For some great day trip, head to the Baroque Basilica of Superga or Venaria Reale royal palace.

Not sure if you’d rather visit Milan or Turin ? Our tips will help!

Bologna and Emilia Romagna

Foodies on the lookout for some alternative destinations to include in their 2-week Italy itinerary should consider Bologna . Showcasing a very elegant architecture, the streets of the city center are covered with porticoes, making it more pleasant to walk in both summer and winter.

Being the capital of the Emilia-Romagna region, it goes without saying that the food in Bologna is hearty, delicious, and pretty fulfilling. Tuck into lasagna, piadina, tortellini, and all types of stuffed pasta in ragout sauce before moving on to the next destination.

Other fantastic places to visit in the region are Ravenna, the last capital of the western Roman Empire and packed with gorgeous Byzantine mosaics that have been declared UNESCO world heritage sites, Parma and the surrounding castles, Modena and Maranello for sports cars fans, and Rimini and Riccione in summer.

It’s really hard to leave Sicily off your trip. Whether you are following a classic 2-week Italy itinerary or a more alternative one, Sicily is the largest Italian island and packed with amazing cities, activities, foods, and historical sites to discover.

Whether you land in Palermo or Catania, I suggest taking your time to explore your port of arrival before moving on. Palermo is Italy’s “most Arab” city. Showcasing a suggestive combination of Christian and Muslim sacred sites and decorative patterns, in Palermo you can easily spend a week doing every day something different.

Of course, the region deserves to be visited far and wide, so I’ll understand if you move onto the next harbour sooner. Get lost in the maze of alleys of Mazara del Vallo where you will spot architectural and artistic influences from the Romans, the Punics, the Saracens, and the Normans. This beautiful town is famous for its pristine beaches lapped by a crystal azure sea.

Carry on to Agrigento where, apart from enjoying the local beaches, you can also visit the town and the famous Valle dei Templi Greek ruins. Before leaving Sicily, make sure you consider visiting also places like Syracuse, Ragusa, Taormina, and the beautiful Catania for its charming architecture and an excursion on the Etna Mount.

Take more day trips

Alternatively, you can spend more days in some of the cities suggested in our classic 2 weeks in Italy itinerary and take some day trips.

From Florence, you can enjoy a great day trip to Pisa , Lucca, or Siena . Or other fantastic towns such as San Gimignano, Arezzo, and obviously the wonderful vineyards of the Chianti region.

There are also plenty of day trips you can take from Rome . You can visit the beautiful Viterbo also known as the city of popes, the scenic Bracciano on its namesake lake, Cerveteri for Etruscan history and necropolis, and Tivoli for two wonderful UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

From Venice, you can head to Verona for a day and come back in the evening. Venice is a big group of islands, so when you are done with the main attractions in Piazza San Marco and the Jewish Quarter, head to the picturesque harbors of Burano, Torcello, Pellestrina, and Sant’Erasmo.

Some other great day trips from Venice in the Veneto region include Treviso, Padova, Rovigo, Vicenza, and Belluno for a great holiday in the Dolomites.

From Naples, I highly recommend you visit Pompeii. History buffs can even devote two days to this wonderfully preserved ancient Roman city because it’s huge and all parts are very interesting and revealing of the local life before the Vesuvius destroyed it. More great day trips from Naples include Sorrento, the Amalfi Coast, and the city of Caserta for its gorgeous “Reggia” royal palace.

The possibilities are endless, and soon we’ll be publishing a full northern Italy itinerary and an exciting offbeat Italy itinerary!

Essential tips for two weeks in Italy

Best time to travel to italy.

Boasting a mild climate and the advantages of four seasons, depending on what your ideal holiday is, any time is good to visit Italy.

Do you like skiing? Explore the beautiful Dolomites in Trentino Alto Adige. Do you prefer chilling out in the sun? Discover the gorgeous beaches in Sardinia in summer.

As far as the main cities go, any month is good to visit. In Rome, Florence and Venice there are so many things to see and do that really any season is good. If you are quite free to choose your holiday time, I would probably avoid July and August as they are very crowded and can be very hot. So not so pleasant to walk around the city center.

Spring and Fall are both great seasons to visit the big cities both to avoid the crowds and to have a more pleasant climate.

How to get around Italy

Italy has a great and very widespread railway system, so if you are traveling independently, you can totally rely on Trenitalia or Italo Treno. After each major city, I mentioned the transport you can book to get to your next stop but Italy railway is great to reach also smaller towns and even tiny villages. The perfect way of traveling around Italy for two weeks.

If you are visiting the cities and towns within the railway network, you are covered. But if you are planning on getting off the train route, relying solely on the buses might not be as straightforward. So for example, if you want to visit the Tuscany countryside or some parks outside Rome, I suggest you rent a car. Definitely, the best option when planning a 2-week Italy road trip. Click here for more info and to book a car in Italy .

What to pack for Italy

As Italy has four seasons, you can decide what to pack once you know when you are traveling. Spring is a very popular season thanks to its mild weather, but it can sometimes be tricky as temperatures change all of a sudden.

My advice would be to wear different layers so that you can cover in the evening when it’s usually colder. If you are planning a 2-week trip to Italy in Spring, make sure you pack some pretty flexible clothes.

The beginning of the Fall in Italy is pretty nice as the summer heat is mostly gone and the winter cold has not arrived yet. Mostly, you can wear light clothes and carry a jacket, a light jumper, and a light scarf for the evening. Make sure you pack an umbrella.

If you are wondering what to pack for Italy for the winter, it’s pretty straightforward: warm clothes, a jacket, a coat, warm trousers, and sweaters. Quite straightforward is also packing for a summer Italy trip: shorts, t-shirts, sandals, or summer runners, and obviously a bikini if you are going to the beach!

For some peace of mind, especially on public transport, you might want to wear anti-theft clothes. Clever Travel Companion has a pretty wide choice of models, colors, and clothes such as scarves, boxers, leggings, tops, t-shirts, women’s underpants, and more. Click here to check models and prices.

How much money do you need for 2 weeks in Italy?

If you are really traveling on a budget, you should consider putting aside around 1500€ (1600$), international flights excluded. If you prefer mid-range accommodation rather than hostels or cheap B&Bs and to treat yourself to some restaurant lunch or dinner, a budget of 2000€ (2100$) per person will be more likely.

Accommodation prices will vary depending on the location and on the season. Rome in November will be cheaper than in December , April , or even August . Generally speaking, Italy in December will be more expensive than in January or in November . Also, hotels in Naples will be more affordable than in Venice.

When it comes to food, if you wish to save some good bucks, you can opt for street food on the go, which is delicious and you are bound to find plenty of specialties.

The cost of local transport depends on how you travel. Domestic flights are usually more expensive than trains and buses, including bullet trains. You can find some offers and promotions but it’s a matter of luck. Of course, if you need to go from Milan to Palermo quickly, a flight is the best option.

High-speed trains are more expensive than regional and Intercity trains, but obviously faster. They are more affordable than flights and in some cases I think a better choice. For example, if you are going from Milan to Rome, or from Florence to Rome, the bullet train will take you from city center to city center so you are going to save time and money of the airport transfers.

Regional trains are recommended if you wish to stop in smaller towns where Trenitalia’s Freccia trains and Italo fast trains don’t stop.

Finally, if you are traveling on a shoestring and want to save also in public transport, check out bus schedules and routes. This is the cheapest option but also the slowest. This means that you either need to stay in Italy for more than two weeks, sacrifice some destinations, or skip some landmarks.

READ MORE: Tips for planning a perfect trip to Italy

Which is better Amalfi Coast or Cinque Terre?

If you are traveling with kids and planning cultural sightseeing, the Amalfi Coast should be your choice. The Cinque Terre is a good option if you want to do some hiking between the towns and visit other cities of the Italian Riviera and Liguria region such as Levico, Genoa , and La Spezia.

Amalfi Coast is the destination for celebrities and families. Its location close to Naples, Pompeii, Caserta, and Sorrento allows for a great cultural holiday.

Both Amalfi Coast and Cinque Terre are summer destinations because they are on the coast and in winter most tourism resorts and facilities are closed. Plus, bad weather might cause landslides and heavy rain.


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Italy travel advice

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Last updated: June 4, 2024 08:03 ET

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Safety and security, entry and exit requirements, laws and culture, natural disasters and climate, italy - exercise a high degree of caution.

Exercise a high degree of caution in Italy due to the threat of terrorism.

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Petty crime

Petty crime such as pickpocketing and purse snatching occurs, and tourists are frequently targeted.

Organized groups of thieves often use distraction techniques and are particularly active:

  • at tourist sites and attractions
  • in hotels, restaurants and bars
  • on public transportation
  • at airports and railway stations

While you’re in Italy:

  • ensure that your belongings, including your passport, are secure at all times
  • don’t keep your passport and other types of ID at the same place and carry a photocopy rather than the original when you’re out
  • avoid showing signs of affluence
  • avoid carrying large sums of cash or unnecessary valuables
  • pay attention to your surroundings, particularly in crowded and tourist areas
  • be wary of unsolicited offers or advice from strangers

On the road

The theft of items from vehicles is common, and thieves often target rental cars. They may use distraction techniques or simulate accidents. Thefts can occur at gas stations, highway service areas, and parking lots.

Be especially vigilant when stopped at traffic lights. Thieves on scooters or on foot often snatch bags from passenger seats.

  • Keep your windows and doors locked at all times
  • Keep your belongings out of reach
  • Use secure parking facilities, especially overnight
  • Never leave belongings unattended in a vehicle, even in the trunk

On public transportation

Thefts on public transportation and passenger trains are common, particularly on those servicing major tourist sites, main cities and airports. Thieves will often steal your belongings while you’re asleep or distracted and may hassle or crowd you.

Keep your valuables secure and out of sight.

Home break-ins

Home burglaries occur mainly in main cities and coastal areas and sometimes affect holiday rental accommodation.

Whether staying in private or commercial accommodation, make sure you lock windows and doors at night and when you are away.

Spiked food and drinks

Never leave food or drinks unattended or in the care of strangers. Be wary of accepting snacks, beverages, gum or cigarettes from new acquaintances. These items may contain drugs that could put you at risk of sexual assault and robbery.

Victims of crime

If you are a victim of a theft, go to the nearest police station (Carabinieri or Polizia di Stato) to report it. Keep a copy of your report, as you may need it to make a claim to your insurance provider.

It’s possible to file a preliminary complaint online, in Italian, for certain types of minor crimes, such as theft of belongings. This could help speed up the process at the police station.

If you are a victim of sexual assault:

  • seek medical assistance, whether or not you appear to have been physically harmed
  • contact the local police immediately and ensure they file a report
  • inform consular officials at the nearest Canadian embassy or consulate

Useful links

  • Online preliminary complaint - Arma dei Carabinieri (in Italian)
  • Closest police station - Polizia di Stato, Italy’s national police (in Italian)
  • Advice for women travellers

Credit card and ATM fraud

Credit card and ATM fraud occurs.

When using debit or credit cards:

  • pay careful attention when others are handling your cards
  • use ATMs located in public areas or inside a bank or business
  • avoid using card readers with an irregular or unusual feature
  • cover the keypad with one hand when entering your PIN
  • check for any unauthorized transactions on your account statements

Cybercrime occurs. Criminals may compromise public Wi-Fi networks to steal credit card or personal information.

  • Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks
  • Avoid making purchases on unencrypted websites
  • Be cautious when posting information on social media
  • Be particularly vigilant when contacting or meeting individuals known over the internet

Overseas fraud

There is a threat of terrorism in Europe. Terrorists have carried out attacks in several European cities and further attacks elsewhere in Europe are likely. Attacks in Italy cannot be ruled out.

Targets could include:

  • government buildings, including schools
  • places of worship
  • airports and other transportation hubs and networks
  • public areas such as tourist attractions, restaurants, bars, coffee shops, shopping centres, markets, hotels and other sites frequented by foreigners

Always be aware of your surroundings when in public places. Be particularly vigilant if attending sporting events and during religious holidays and other public celebrations, as terrorists have used such occasions to mount attacks.

The Government of Italy maintains a public alert system on terrorism. Alert level changes are communicated mainly through local media. Enhanced security measures are also deployed in various strategic locations and transport hubs.

Expect an increased presence of police and military forces during holidays and in public places, including tourist locations and major landmarks.

Demonstrations and strikes

Demonstrations and strikes occur regularly, particularly in larger cities and often with little notice.

Even peaceful demonstrations can turn violent at any time. They can also lead to significant disruptions to traffic and public transportation.

  • Avoid areas where demonstrations and large gatherings are taking place
  • Follow the instructions of local authorities
  • Monitor local media for information on ongoing demonstrations
  • In case of a transportation strike, contact your provider or tour operator to make alternate arrangements
  • Information on planned strike action - Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (in Italian)
  • More about mass gatherings (large-scale events)

Swimming and water activities

Coastal waters can be dangerous. Always take into account warning flags at beaches.

In the fall and winter months, be cautious when walking on the shore, as waves can be unpredictable, breaking further than expected and causing strong undertows.

  • Avoid visiting beaches or coastal areas during periods of severe weather warnings
  • Look out for signs warning of cliff erosion and falling rocks
  • Don’t dive into unknown water, as hidden rocks or shallow depths can cause serious injury or death
  • Exercise caution and follow the advice of local authorities

Water safety abroad

Mountain activities

If you intend to go hiking, mountaineering or skiing:

  • never do so alone
  • consider hiring an experienced guide from a reputable company
  • buy travel insurance that includes helicopter rescue and medical evacuation
  • ensure that your physical condition is good enough to meet the challenges of your activity
  • ensure that you’re properly equipped
  • stay informed about weather and other conditions that may pose a hazard
  • inform a family member or friend of your itinerary
  • know the symptoms of acute altitude sickness, which can be fatal
  • obtain detailed information on trekking routes or ski slopes before setting out
  • do not venture off marked trails or slopes

Information on avalanche risk - Meteomont, Arma dei Carabinieri

Stray dogs are common in certain areas.

Don’t approach or feed them as they could be aggressive.

Road safety

Road conditions and road safety vary throughout the country.

City streets can be narrow and congested. Signage, traffic lights and road markings may not be visible, especially in the southern areas of the country.

In mountainous areas, roads are often winding and narrow. Weather conditions can make driving conditions dangerous. Avalanches or landslides can occur and block access routes to small isolated towns. In northern Italy, particularly in winter, fog can substantially reduce visibility.

Drivers do not always respect traffic laws. They may drive at excessive speeds and be reckless.

  • Be cautious when using pedestrian crossings or where there are no sidewalks; drivers may not see you, especially where street lights are limited
  • Pay close attention to motorcycles and electric scooters
  • Monitor local news and weather forecast
  • Refrain from driving during or immediately after severe storms
  • Follow the advice and warnings issued by local authorities

Public transportation

The quality and availability of public transportation vary across the country.

In urban areas, buses can be over capacity during rush hours, impacting your transit time. Metro stations are sometimes closed for maintenance. Strike actions may also affect train service.

The inter-city train system is extensive, well-connected and reliable.

In Italy, drivers start the meter at the point of departure rather than at pick-up. Ride-sharing services are available but may operate differently.

Use only officially licensed taxis from a stand or requested by phone or app.

We do not make assessments on the compliance of foreign domestic airlines with international safety standards.

Information about foreign domestic airlines

Every country or territory decides who can enter or exit through its borders. The Government of Canada cannot intervene on your behalf if you do not meet your destination’s entry or exit requirements.

We have obtained the information on this page from the Italian authorities. It can, however, change at any time.

Verify this information with the  Foreign Representatives in Canada .

  • Schengen area

Italy is a Schengen area country. Canadian citizens do not need a visa for travel to countries within the Schengen area. However, visa-free travel only applies to stays of up to 90 days in any 180-day period. Stays are cumulative and include visits to any Schengen area country.

If you plan to stay in the Schengen area for a longer period of time, you will need a visa. You must contact the high commission or embassy of the country or countries you are travelling to and obtain the appropriate visa(s) prior to travel.

  • Foreign Representatives in Canada

Entry requirements vary depending on the type of passport you use for travel.

Before you travel, check with your transportation company about passport requirements. Its rules on passport validity may be more stringent than the country’s entry rules.

Regular Canadian passport

Your passport must be valid for at least 3 months beyond the date you expect to leave the Schengen area.

Passport for official travel

Different entry rules may apply.

Official travel

Passport with “X” gender identifier

While the Government of Canada issues passports with an “X” gender identifier, it cannot guarantee your entry or transit through other countries. You might face entry restrictions in countries that do not recognize the “X” gender identifier. Before you leave, check with the closest foreign representative for your destination.

Other travel documents

Different entry rules may apply when travelling with a temporary passport or an emergency travel document. Before you leave, check with the closest foreign representative for your destination.

  • Foreign Representatives in Canada
  • Canadian passports

Tourist visa: not required for stays up to 90 days in any 180-day period Business visa: not required for stays up 90 days Work visa: required Student visa: required

Information for foreign nationals - Polizia di Stato, Italy’s national police

Other entry requirements

Customs officials may ask you to show them a return or onward ticket and proof of sufficient funds to cover your stay.

Declaration of presence

If you plan to spend fewer than 90 days in Italy for visits, business, tourism or study, you don’t need to apply for a residence permit. However, you must report your presence in the country. Commercial accommodations will generally file the declaration on your behalf, but you are responsible for making sure it's done. Request a copy of this record.

If you’re staying in a non-commercial accommodation and:

  • arriving from a Schengen country, you must file a declaration of presence with the local police office within 8 days of arrival
  • arriving from a non-Schengen country, make sure border officials stamp your passport upon arrival, as this is the equivalent to a declaration of presence

Failure to comply with this regulation could result in expulsion.

Entering Italy - Polizia di Stato, Italy’s national police

  • Children and travel

Learn more about travelling with children .

Yellow fever

Learn about potential entry requirements related to yellow fever (vaccines section).

Relevant Travel Health Notices

  • Global Measles Notice - 13 March, 2024
  • COVID-19 and International Travel - 13 March, 2024

This section contains information on possible health risks and restrictions regularly found or ongoing in the destination. Follow this advice to lower your risk of becoming ill while travelling. Not all risks are listed below.

Consult a health care professional or visit a travel health clinic preferably 6 weeks before you travel to get personalized health advice and recommendations.

Routine vaccines

Be sure that your  routine vaccinations , as per your province or territory , are up-to-date before travelling, regardless of your destination.

Some of these vaccinations include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR), diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, varicella (chickenpox), influenza and others.

Pre-travel vaccines and medications

You may be at risk for preventable diseases while travelling in this destination. Talk to a travel health professional about which medications or vaccines may be right for you, based on your destination and itinerary. 

Yellow fever is a disease caused by a flavivirus from the bite of an infected mosquito.

Travellers get vaccinated either because it is required to enter a country or because it is recommended for their protection.

  • There is no risk of yellow fever in this country.

Country Entry Requirement*

  • Proof of vaccination is not required to enter this country.


  • Vaccination is not recommended.

* It is important to note that country entry requirements may not reflect your risk of yellow fever at your destination. It is recommended that you contact the nearest diplomatic or consular office of the destination(s) you will be visiting to verify any additional entry requirements.

About Yellow Fever

Yellow Fever Vaccination Centres in Canada

Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a risk in some areas of this destination. It is a viral disease that affects the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). It is spread to humans by the bite of infected ticks or occasionally when unpasteurized milk products are consumed.

Travellers to areas where TBE is found may be at higher risk  during April to November, and the risk is highest for people who hike or camp in forested areas.

Protect yourself from tick bites . The vaccine is not available in Canada. It may be available in the destination you are travelling to.

In this destination, rabies  may be present in some wildlife species, including bats. Rabies is a deadly disease that spreads to humans primarily through bites or scratches from an infected animal. 

If you are bitten or scratched by an animal while travelling, immediately wash the wound with soap and clean water and see a health care professional. 

Before travel, discuss rabies vaccination with a health care professional. It may be recommended for travellers who will be working directly with wildlife. 

Measles is a highly contagious viral disease. It can spread quickly from person to person by direct contact and through droplets in the air.

Anyone who is not protected against measles is at risk of being infected with it when travelling internationally.

Regardless of where you are going, talk to a health care professional before travelling to make sure you are fully protected against measles.

  Hepatitis B is a risk in every destination. It is a viral liver disease that is easily transmitted from one person to another through exposure to blood and body fluids containing the hepatitis B virus.  Travellers who may be exposed to blood or other bodily fluids (e.g., through sexual contact, medical treatment, sharing needles, tattooing, acupuncture or occupational exposure) are at higher risk of getting hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for all travellers. Prevent hepatitis B infection by practicing safe sex, only using new and sterile drug equipment, and only getting tattoos and piercings in settings that follow public health regulations and standards.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious viral disease. It can spread from person to person by direct contact and through droplets in the air.

It is recommended that all eligible travellers complete a COVID-19 vaccine series along with any additional recommended doses in Canada before travelling. Evidence shows that vaccines are very effective at preventing severe illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19. While vaccination provides better protection against serious illness, you may still be at risk of infection from the virus that causes COVID-19. Anyone who has not completed a vaccine series is at increased risk of being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 and is at greater risk for severe disease when travelling internationally.

Before travelling, verify your destination’s COVID-19 vaccination entry/exit requirements. Regardless of where you are going, talk to a health care professional before travelling to make sure you are adequately protected against COVID-19.

 The best way to protect yourself from seasonal influenza (flu) is to get vaccinated every year. Get the flu shot at least 2 weeks before travelling.  

 The flu occurs worldwide. 

  •  In the Northern Hemisphere, the flu season usually runs from November to   April.
  •  In the Southern Hemisphere, the flu season usually runs between April and   October.
  •  In the tropics, there is flu activity year round. 

The flu vaccine available in one hemisphere may only offer partial protection against the flu in the other hemisphere.

The flu virus spreads from person to person when they cough or sneeze or by touching objects and surfaces that have been contaminated with the virus. Clean your hands often and wear a mask if you have a fever or respiratory symptoms.

Safe food and water precautions

Many illnesses can be caused by eating food or drinking beverages contaminated by bacteria, parasites, toxins, or viruses, or by swimming or bathing in contaminated water.

  • Learn more about food and water precautions to take to avoid getting sick by visiting our eat and drink safely abroad page. Remember: Boil it, cook it, peel it, or leave it!
  • Avoid getting water into your eyes, mouth or nose when swimming or participating in activities in freshwater (streams, canals, lakes), particularly after flooding or heavy rain. Water may look clean but could still be polluted or contaminated.
  • Avoid inhaling or swallowing water while bathing, showering, or swimming in pools or hot tubs. 

Insect bite prevention

Many diseases are spread by the bites of infected insects such as mosquitoes, ticks, fleas or flies. When travelling to areas where infected insects may be present:

  • Use insect repellent (bug spray) on exposed skin
  • Cover up with light-coloured, loose clothes made of tightly woven materials such as nylon or polyester
  • Minimize exposure to insects
  • Use mosquito netting when sleeping outdoors or in buildings that are not fully enclosed

To learn more about how you can reduce your risk of infection and disease caused by bites, both at home and abroad, visit our insect bite prevention page.

Find out what types of insects are present where you’re travelling, when they’re most active, and the symptoms of the diseases they spread.

  • In this country, risk of  dengue  is sporadic. It is a viral disease spread to humans by mosquito bites.
  • Dengue can cause flu-like symptoms. In some cases, it can lead to severe dengue, which can be fatal.
  • The level of risk of dengue changes seasonally, and varies from year to year. The level of risk also varies between regions in a country and can depend on the elevation in the region.
  • Mosquitoes carrying dengue typically bite during the daytime, particularly around sunrise and sunset.
  • Protect yourself from mosquito bites . There is no vaccine or medication that protects against dengue fever.

Animal precautions

Some infections, such as rabies and influenza, can be shared between humans and animals. Certain types of activities may increase your chance of contact with animals, such as travelling in rural or forested areas, camping, hiking, and visiting wet markets (places where live animals are slaughtered and sold) or caves.

Travellers are cautioned to avoid contact with animals, including dogs, livestock (pigs, cows), monkeys, snakes, rodents, birds, and bats, and to avoid eating undercooked wild game.

Closely supervise children, as they are more likely to come in contact with animals.

Person-to-person infections

Stay home if you’re sick and practise proper cough and sneeze etiquette , which includes coughing or sneezing into a tissue or the bend of your arm, not your hand. Reduce your risk of colds, the flu and other illnesses by:

  •   washing your hands often
  • avoiding or limiting the amount of time spent in closed spaces, crowded places, or at large-scale events (concerts, sporting events, rallies)
  • avoiding close physical contact with people who may be showing symptoms of illness 

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) , HIV , and mpox are spread through blood and bodily fluids; use condoms, practise safe sex, and limit your number of sexual partners. Check with your local public health authority pre-travel to determine your eligibility for mpox vaccine.  

Medical services and facilities

Good health care is available throughout the country. However, hospital services may be limited in rural areas and medical staff may not be able to communicate in English or French.

Medical treatment and emergency room visits are free of charge but only for life-threatening emergencies, as determined by the treating physician. Hospitals charge upfront for any convalescence or follow-up care.

There are also numerous private clinics and hospitals that cater to foreign travellers.

Make sure you get travel insurance that includes coverage for medical evacuation and hospital stays.

Travel health and safety

Keep in Mind...

The decision to travel is the sole responsibility of the traveller. The traveller is also responsible for his or her own personal safety.

Be prepared. Do not expect medical services to be the same as in Canada. Pack a   travel health kit , especially if you will be travelling away from major city centres.

You must abide by local laws.

Learn about what you should do and how we can help if you are arrested or detained abroad .

Transfer to a Canadian prison

Canada and Italy are signatories to the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons. This enables a Canadian imprisoned in Italy to request a transfer to a Canadian prison to complete a sentence. The transfer requires the agreement of both Canadian and Italy authorities.

This process can take a long time, and there is no guarantee that the transfer will be approved by either or both sides.

Penalties for possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs are severe. Convicted offenders can expect jail sentences or heavy fines.

Drugs, alcohol and travel

Public behaviour

Certain municipalities, particularly those with a high number of visitors, such as Rome, Florence and Venice, have adopted strict public conduct rules. Certain behaviours are illegal and may include:

  • sitting, eating or drinking on a monument or an archaeological landmark
  • bathing in fountains or canals
  • walking in an urban setting in swimwear or without a shirt/T-shirt
  • feeding the pigeons
  • putting locks on bridges or monuments
  • dropping litter or using single-use plastic

Comply with public notices about conduct, which are usually found in and around tourist areas in major cities. You may be fined if you fail to do so.

Counterfeit merchandise

Buying counterfeit merchandise, such as sunglasses or purses, is illegal. You may receive heavy fines if you’re caught buying counterfeit merchandise.

Natural objects and flora

Removing pebbles, shells, or sand from the beaches in Sardinia and other coastal regions is prohibited.

In mountainous areas, it’s illegal to cut certain types of endangered flowers.

Avoid removing natural objects and flora from their natural setting. You could be fined if you do.


Photography of military installations and critical infrastructure is regulated.

Request permission from local authorities before taking photographs of such installations.

Recreational and commercial flying of drones is regulated.

You must register your drone to use it across the European Union. If you don’t comply, you may be fined and your drone confiscated.

  • Civil drones - European Union Aviation Safety Agency
  • Use of drones - Italian Civil Aviation Authority (in Italian)


Authorities may request to see your ID at any time.

  • Carry valid identification or a photocopy of it at all times
  • Keep a photocopy of your passport in case it’s lost or seized

Hotels and other commercial accommodation providers must provide the Italian authorities with personal details on their guests. As such, you’ll have to present a passport upon check-in.

Wait at the reception until the hotel staff has taken the required from your passport.

Dual citizenship

Dual citizenship is legally recognized in Italy.

If you are a Canadian citizen, but also a citizen of Italy, our ability to offer you consular services may be limited while you're there. You may also be subject to different entry/exit requirements .

Travellers with dual citizenship

International Child Abduction

The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction is an international treaty. It can help parents with the return of children who have been removed to or retained in certain countries in violation of custody rights. The convention applies between Canada and Italy.

If your child was wrongfully taken to, or is being held in Italy, and if the applicable conditions are met, you may apply for the return of your child to the Italian court.

If you are in this situation:

  • act as quickly as you can
  • contact the Central Authority for your province or territory of residence for information on starting an application under The Hague Convention
  • consult a lawyer in Canada and in Italy to explore all the legal options for the return of your child
  • report the situation to the nearest Canadian government office abroad or to the Vulnerable Children's Consular Unit at Global Affairs Canada by calling the Emergency Watch and Response Centre

If your child was removed from a country other than Canada, consult a lawyer to determine if The Hague Convention applies.

Be aware that Canadian consular officials cannot interfere in private legal matters or in another country's judicial affairs.

  • List of Canadian Central Authorities for the Hague Convention
  • International Child Abductions: A guide for affected parents
  • The Hague Convention – Hague Conference on Private International Law
  • Canadian embassies and consulates by destination
  • Request emergency assistance

You may drive for up to one year with a valid Canadian driver’s licence and an international driving permit or a certified translation of your Canadian licence.

You must also have an international car insurance plan.

If driving a foreign car, an adhesive sticker indicating country of origin must be displayed on the back of the car. It’s illegal to drive a vehicle registered abroad for more than 60 days. If you plan to stay in Italy for more than 60 days, you must obtain Italian plates.

Vehicles must be equipped with safety equipment, including a warning triangle and reflective jacket.

Local authorities may request immediate cash payment for minor traffic violations.

Limited traffic zones and low-emission zones

Historic centres of many Italian cities have restricted traffic zones marked as ZTL, which stands for “Zona Traffico Limitato”, or low-emission zones, to reduce air pollution.

You need a special permit to access limited traffic zones. This permit is usually issued to residents. To be granted access to a low-emission zone, your car must meet certain environmental standards. Authorities may use cameras to record the licence plate of vehicles that violate these restrictions.

If you enter these zones without a permit, you could be fined. If your vehicle is rented, the rental agency could receive the fine and provide your contact details to the local authorities.

Some municipalities use the services of a private company to collect the fines abroad. You could receive traffic tickets by mail several months after returning to Canada.

  • Pay close attention to street signage
  • Obtain instructions from your hotel on how to access it by vehicle if it’s located in a ZTL

Seasonal and regional regulations

Rules on the mandatory use of snow tires or snow chains differ regionally. Pay attention to road signage in mountainous regions or other parts of the country prone to snow.

Certain islands restrict or prohibit the entry and use of vehicles belonging to non-residents during the high tourism season and holiday season. These include:

  • the Aeolian Islands (Alicudi, Filicudi, Lipari, Panarea, Salina, Stromboli, Vulcano)
  • the Aegadian Islands (Favignana)
  • the Campanian Archipelago (Capri, Ischia, Procida)
  • the Pelagie Islands (Linosa)
  • the Tuscan Archipelago (Giannutri, Giglio)

Other islands could enforce similar regulations. Confirm before travelling.

On route 163 of the Amalfi Coast, between Positano and Vietri sul Mare, it’s prohibited to use campervans or large recreational vehicles.

  • Driving in Italy - European Commission
  • International Driving Permit

You must purchase bus, metro and tram tickets in advance at kiosks in stations or at tobacco shops and validate them at machines located on board or in the station.

If you don’t validate your ticket, you may receive a fine requiring immediate payment.

The currency of Italy is the euro (EUR).

Payment in cash is restricted to transactions under €1000.

If you are carrying €10,000 or more, or the equivalent in other currencies, you must make a declaration to customs when you enter or leave the European Union. It includes sums in:

  • banknotes and coins
  • bearer negotiable instruments such as cheques, travellers’ cheques, promissory notes and money orders
  • bonds, shares
  • gold coins with a gold content of at least 90 %
  • gold bars, nuggets or clumps with a gold content of at least 99.5 %
  • any other convertible asset

This does not apply if you are travelling within the European Union or in transit to a non-EU country.

EU cash controls - European Commission

Forest and maquis fires often occur during the summer months, particularly in Sicily, Calabria and Sardinia.

The air quality in areas near active fires may deteriorate due to heavy smoke.

In case of a major fire:

  • stay away from the affected area, particularly if you suffer from respiratory ailments
  • follow the instructions of local emergency services personnel, including evacuation orders
  • monitor local media for up-to-date information on the situation

Storms and flooding

In fall and winter, strong rainfall and winds may cause landslides and flash flooding, resulting in significant damage in coastal regions and certain cities such as:

  • Campania (Amalfi Coast)
  • Liguria (Cinque Terre)

The Italian Civil Protection Department publishes weather alerts on its website.

  • Monitor local news and weather reports regularly
  • Follow the instructions of local authorities, including evacuation orders

Latest alerts - Italian Civil Protection Department

Venice is subject to tidal flooding (acqua alta), particularly during fall and spring. During episodes of severe flooding, some streets and squares become impassable, and certain businesses and landmarks may temporarily suspend their activities. Local authorities typically install raised pedestrian platforms to facilitate crossing in strategic locations.

The city of Venice warns citizens and tourists of episodes of high tide through a system of acoustic alerts.

In case of high tide:

  • follow the instructions of local authorities
  • contact your hotel, travel agent or tour operator to determine if the situation will disrupt your travel arrangements
  • Tidal forecast - City of Venice (in Italian)
  • Interpreting tidal forecast - City of Venice
  • @ICPSMVenezia - Tide Forecasting and Reporting Centre (in Italian)

In mountainous areas, avalanches present a risk. They can make roads impassable and cause power disruptions. These conditions can affect access to isolated areas, including tourist resorts, and limit the ability of emergency services to respond.

If you plan on skiing or mountaineering:

  • stay informed of weather and safety conditions

Seismic activity

Italy is located in an active seismic zone. Even minor earthquakes can cause significant damage. Volcano eruptions occur.

Mount Etna is Europe’s most active volcano. Periods of high activity can bring significant ash fall, earthquakes and emission of harmful gases.

The Stromboli and Vulcano islands are active volcanoes. Eruptions, ash fall and lava flow occur regularly.

Mount Vesuvius and the Phlegraean Fields in the Naples area are active volcanoes. They are both located near densely populated areas and are continually monitored by the local authorities.

There are several other dormant volcanoes throughout the country.

If you’re travelling near an active volcano or are practising volcano tourism:

  • closely monitor volcanic activity levels through local media and official sources
  • ensure that you’re well informed about conditions that may pose a hazard
  • follow the advice of local authorities
  • Earthquakes - What to Do?
  • Information on active volcanoes - Italian national institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (in Italian)
  • Information on seismic activity in Italy - Italian Civil Protection Department

Local services

Dial 112 for emergency assistance.

Consular assistance

Albania, Malta, San Marino

For emergency consular assistance, call the Embassy of Canada in Rome and follow the instructions. At any time, you may also contact the Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa.

The decision to travel is your choice and you are responsible for your personal safety abroad. We take the safety and security of Canadians abroad very seriously and provide credible and timely information in our Travel Advice to enable you to make well-informed decisions regarding your travel abroad.

The content on this page is provided for information only. While we make every effort to give you correct information, it is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. The Government of Canada does not assume responsibility and will not be liable for any damages in connection to the information provided.

If you need consular assistance while abroad, we will make every effort to help you. However, there may be constraints that will limit the ability of the Government of Canada to provide services.

Learn more about consular services .

Risk Levels

  take normal security precautions.

Take similar precautions to those you would take in Canada.

  Exercise a high degree of caution

There are certain safety and security concerns or the situation could change quickly. Be very cautious at all times, monitor local media and follow the instructions of local authorities.

IMPORTANT: The two levels below are official Government of Canada Travel Advisories and are issued when the safety and security of Canadians travelling or living in the country or region may be at risk.

  Avoid non-essential travel

Your safety and security could be at risk. You should think about your need to travel to this country, territory or region based on family or business requirements, knowledge of or familiarity with the region, and other factors. If you are already there, think about whether you really need to be there. If you do not need to be there, you should think about leaving.

  Avoid all travel

You should not travel to this country, territory or region. Your personal safety and security are at great risk. If you are already there, you should think about leaving if it is safe to do so.

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Wheatless Wanderlust

Two Weeks in Italy: A Complete Guide for First Timers

There’s a good reason why Italy tops the bucket list of countless travelers. It has a unique historical significance (even though Italy itself is actually one of the youngest countries in Europe) thanks to the Roman Empire’s escapades, it has a famous food culture (not to mention the wine), and it has gorgeous scenery.

Italy has spent hundreds of years building its brand which has millions of people dreaming of visiting Italy. 

But as we’ve learned over the course of our time in Italy over the past two years (almost two months in total), boiling the entirety of Italy down to just a handful of things it’s famous for means that you’re missing the things that really make Italy special.

Coming from an American perspective, we have a very specific view of what it means to be “Italian” that involves numerous stereotypes including some combination of chicken parmigiana, garlic bread, and talking with your hands (in our experience, only one of those is genuinely found in Italy – which one is it?).

However, after several trips where we’ve been able to go a level deeper than you usually do on that first trip, we’ve come to realize something important. 

Italy is a surprisingly diverse country. 

Not necessarily in terms of race or ethnicity, which is how the word “diversity” often gets translated, but in terms of regional differences that have been formed over thousands of years.  

The regional differences in culture, dialect, and cuisine that come from centuries spent as independent (and often warring) city states are what we love about Italy, and that diversity is what makes Italy a fascinating place to visit.

As you move between regions, you’ll notice that the food and wine menus change drastically, as do the accents and cultural norms. 

With so much to learn, see, eat, and drink in Italy, how do you even go about planning a two week trip to Italy?

In this guide, we’re going to go through what is, in our minds at least, a perfect 14 day Italy itinerary.

It covers Italy’s major cities – Rome, Florence, and Venice – along with some time spent in less heralded places like Bologna that most tourists miss, but we believe is well worth a stop. 

This guide is geared towards first-timers who want to see those main cities, but we also have an entire section below the main itinerary full of ideas on how to modify it, which you might find useful if you’ve done the whole Venice thing before and are looking for something new.

Either way, grab a cup of coffee (or a spritz?) and buckle in for a long one – here’s exactly (and we mean that) how we’d spend two weeks in Italy. 

02 travel to italy

Disclaimer: Some of the links in this post, like hotel links, are affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, we make a little bit of money if you click through and book. That being said, we would never recommend something to you that we don’t stand behind 100%.

Is 14 Days Enough Time in Italy?

In short, no. Definitely not. However, we do think it’s a good amount of time to see a chunk of the country that will give you a nice overview and help you decide where you want to dive deeper on your next trip.

In this itinerary – which is primarily designed for first timers – we’re going to cover both the main cities (Rome, Florence, and Venice) and some of our favorite places that don’t usually make the list (Bologna and Verona).

P.S. If you have a shorter trip, make sure to check out our guide to 10 days in Italy , which focuses on Rome, Florence (and the surrounding area), and Venice, or our guide to spending a week in Italy , which has five ideas for a week in Italy that you can mix and match to build your own itinerary.

There are two places that you won’t find in this itinerary for various reasons.

First is southern Italy – specifically Napoli, Pompeii, and the Amalfi Coast.

The reason is not that they aren’t beautiful or worth seeing, but that we think your time is better spent in northern Italy, which is our favorite part of the country.

Getting between Napoli and northern Italy is going to take a lot of time that would be better spent exploring!

The second place is the Cinque Terre , and it’s for a similar reason. The Cinque Terre is gorgeous. But it’s not particularly easy to get to.

You’ll need to make multiple connections from Florence, and it’s going to take about three hours each way.

If you do want to add the Cinque Terre, you’ll need at least two full days. We have some ideas on how to add it below the main itinerary.

If you’re interested in visiting Cinque Terre, make sure to read our guides for Cinque Terre.

  • The Best Things to Do in Cinque Terre: A Complete Guide
  • How to Plan an Amazing 2 Day Cinque Terre Itinerary
  • Where to Stay in Cinque Terre: The 4 Best Places to Stay (with Pros and Cons for Each)

Where to Fly In and Out Of?

If you follow the itinerary below as written, which takes you on a tour-de-Italy from Rome to Venice, you’ll want to fly into Rome–Fiumicino International Airport (FCO) and out of Venice Marco Polo Airport (VCE) .

An alternative would be to fly out of Milan (either LIN or MXP – we like LIN better because it’s closer to the city and a newer airport), which generally has more flight options than Venice, but it requires an extra day or two and a train.

Getting Around Italy

The best way to get around Italy is by train. At least for your purposes on the itinerary below It’s going to be cheaper, faster (once you include travel time and security at the airport), and better for the planet than hopping on a short flight.

There are a few things you should know about trains in Italy before we get any further.

First, there are (essentially) two types of trains in Italy – high speed and regional – and they operate differently.

High speed trains are more expensive, significantly faster, and less flexible. To save time since you’ve only got a limited amount of it in Italy, you’ll want to take the high speed trains between cities.

You’ll want to book your ticket as far in advance as possible, which usually will save you some money, but will be less flexible. If you want the flexibility, you’ll have to be prepared to pay a little extra.

Regional trains are slower, cheaper, and more flexible. They’re usually for connecting nearby smaller cities to each other (for example, there’s a regional train between Florence and Pisa).

You can buy these tickets when you arrive at the station, and they’re more flexible. You need to make sure you validate them before boarding.

The best way to book train tickets in Italy is directly through Trenitalia , the company that runs most of the trains in Italy. The only downside is that you’ll need to know the name of the station you want to travel to in Italian. 

We’d take high speed trains between Rome and Florence, Florence and Bologna, Bologna and Verona, and Verona and Venice . For day trips from Florence and Bologna, regional trains will do.

The Itinerary / Route

And now, the itinerary for spending two weeks in Italy. 

One quick note : In general, when you’re moving between cities, we’d recommend taking an afternoon train, which will give you some extra time to explore the city you’re leaving in the morning before heading to the train station.

Here’s how we would plan a trip to see the best of Italy in two weeks, starting in Rome and ending in Venice: 

  • Day 1: Arrive in Rome
  • Day 2: Rome
  • Day 3: Rome
  • Day 4: Rome + Train to Florence
  • Day 5: Florence
  • Day 6: Florence
  • Day 7: Florence Day Trip
  • Day 8: Train to Bologna
  • Day 9: Bologna
  • Day 10: Day Trip to Verona
  • Day 11: Train to Venice
  • Day 12: Venice
  • Day 13: Venice
  • Day 14: Venice + Fly Home

You’ll notice a couple of different things about the way we’ve structured this itinerary.

First , we’re big fans of spending at least 2-3 days in big cities to avoid feeling like you’re rushing around from sight to sight. That will give you some time to do some exploring to find a new favorite neighborhood, coffee shop, wine bar, or restaurant.

Second , we hate packing and moving accommodations. It sucks. Which is the reason we’re recommending you stay in a place like Florence or Bologna and use it as a home base for exploring the surrounding area.

Third , we’ve included a significant chunk of time in Bologna. Which is our favorite city in Italy not named Rome or Florence (Lucca and Verona are also in the running). 

Here’s why: Bologna is the capital of the best food region in Italy , home to the production of delicious things like Parmesan-Reggiano cheese (we LOVED touring a small producer of Parmigiano-Reggiano with Claudio on this tour ), prosciutto di Parma, mortadella, balsamic vinegar, Lambrusco (a sparkling red wine), tortellini, ragu, and plenty more. 

Not only is the food incredible, but the city – which feels noticeably younger and less “touristy” than most of the cities here – is a nice change of pace from places like Rome, Florence, and Venice.

Bologna also makes an excellent home base for day trips because it is so well connected.

Whatever you do, we’d implore you NOT to cut Bologna. It’s an amazing city, and you won’t regret spending a day or two there.

Fourth, it might seem like a lot of time in Venice at the end. However, it’s really only two and a half days if you take a midday train there, and have an early flight home.

If you have a full 14 days (you’re flying out on day 15, for example), we’d add an extra day either in Florence to do another day trip, or in Rome.

2 Weeks in Italy: A Perfect 14 Day Italy Itinerary for First Timers

And now, on to the detailed itinerary. 

Our intention here is to give you the information we think you need to know to plan an amazing trip to Italy.

We’ll go a little deeper than a short description of each place, giving you some of our favorite things to do, see, eat, and drink that come from our own experiences exploring Italy (and, equally crucially, what not to do – looking at you, Juliet’s House in Verona!). 

We believe those details – like specific wine bars, tours, and coffee shops we loved – are the difference between a good trip and an incredible trip, and hope you’ll find a few places that you wouldn’t have necessarily found on your own. 

The other intention here is to not just give you the same old itinerary that you’ll see in every guidebook.

Of course, we’re going to include Rome, Florence, and Venice, because those are places that are absolutely worth seeing on your first trip to Italy. 

However, we’re also going to include some of our favorite places (like Bologna) that don’t usually make the cut. Rick Steves (who Matt loves – he’s from Seattle too!) doesn’t even include Bologna in his Italy guidebook! What a miss.  

Rome: Days 1-3

02 travel to italy

I mean, if you’ve never been to Rome before, you’re in for a treat. Rome is one of our favorite cities in Europe, and there’s something special about walking past architecture from over a thousand years ago on your way to a hip natural wine bar in the evening. 

While Rome is famous for its historical sights, it’s also a great city for food and drinks (as we’ll cover below) and as I’m sitting here writing this, I literally made a Roman pasta dish (amatriciana) for dinner last night. 

We’d recommend three days in Rome, at a minimum, which will allow you enough time to see both of the main attractions, dive into the history of Italy’s capital city, and also indulge in some of Rome’s great food and drinks. 

What to Do in Rome

Look, there are two main attractions in Rome that, if it’s your first trip, you probably shouldn’t miss. 

They are, of course, the Vatican and the Colosseum and Roman Forum . They’re popular and “touristy,” but being touristy doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not worth doing. 

However, you should absolutely split them up and avoid doing them on the same day . It will simply be too much information if you try to knock them both out on the same day, and you will be exhausted, which means you won’t get the most out of them.

Do them on different days. Trust us. 

Let’s talk about those two first. However, this is going to be relatively brief.

For a more in-depth version of how we think you should experience them, head over to our guides to the best things to do in Rome , our guide to planning your Rome itinerary, and our review of the Colosseum and Forum tour we did (and, spoiler alert, loved). 

The Colosseum and Roman Forum are perhaps the best example in Rome of the grandeur that the Roman Empire was able to create nearly two millennia ago.

02 travel to italy

The Colosseum, in particular, is an architectural marvel to us.

The Forum is mostly just stones strewn about at this point, so it’s harder to visualize what it looked like roughly two thousand years ago at the height of Rome’s power. 

Which brings us to an important point: you should definitely do a guided tour of the Colosseum and Roman Forum .  

We have a strong opinion here, mostly informed by the fact that we did an amazing tour of the Colosseum with our favorite Italian tour company (you can read all about it here ) where we learned that some (really, most) of the things we thought we knew about the Colosseum were actually just fairy tales. 

02 travel to italy

We have personally done (and enjoyed) TakeWalks’ Skip the Line: Premium Colosseum Tour with Roman Forum & Palatine Hill – you can read about our experience here (spoiler: we loved it!). It is a great tour option that includes both the Colosseum and Forum.

Before or after your visit, there’s an excellent view of the Roman Forum from OUTSIDE the boundaries located here .

02 travel to italy

The Vatican is basically one of the greatest art museums on the planet. Sure, there’s St. Peter’s Basilica, but even that is very much about the art (which at the end of the day is just a way to show that you have money and power).

The Sistine Chapel, in particular, is incredibly moving, especially when you consider how long it took to finish, and how Michaelangelo had to paint it facing the ceiling. 

It’s worth a tour of the Vatican too, if you can afford it. We’d do the “Pristine Sistine” early access tour with Take Walks, which includes early access.

We haven’t done that specific tour ourselves, but we’ve done four separate Take Walks tours now, and all have been excellent because the guides are top notch experts in their fields. 

If you can only do one tour, we’d do the Colosseum and Forum because the added context and historical perspective from a guide is more useful when you’re looking at ruins. 

Since we’ve already rambled so much in this section, here’s a quick hit list of other things to do in Rome. 

The view from the Orange Garden (Giardino degli Aranci) . This is one of our favorite views in the city, and we’re not alone. Head up here around sunset for a treat, but it’s equally gorgeous in the early morning hours (perhaps better, because the sun is generally behind you), and there are far fewer people.

02 travel to italy

Trastevere in the evening . Our favorite neighborhood in Rome is Trastevere, and it’s not that close. It’s nice in the morning, especially if you visit the open air market that takes place at Piazza de’ Renzi, but the evening is when it comes alive. People spill out of the bars and restaurants into the streets, and the piazzas are full of people drinking and being merry. 

Wine! Enoteca il Piccolo in the Centro Storico ( here it is on Google Maps) is as great as it is popular. The owner came out to the terrace where I tried to explain in my bad Italian what kind of wine I wanted (dry white), and he walked away without a word, and returned with two excellent glasses of exactly what I asked for. If you’re looking for a bottle, Les Vignerons in Trastevere is the place to go (great beer and cider selection, too!). 

Roman cuisine . First, we make the four Roman pastas at home (carbonara, gricia, amatriciana, and cacio e pepe) all the time. Roman food is generally very simple, but delicious. The best way to learn about Roman food is taking a food tour with a local guide, where you’ll not only taste some delicious food, but learn about the history and context behind that food. Which is our favorite part about learning about food cultures of different places. We’d do this tour , which looks truly spectacular and includes a lot of cultural context along with tons of tastings. 

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If you’re into good coffee, head straight to Pergamino Caffè near the Vatican, which is home to some of the best baristas in Rome who bring in a bunch of different Italian specialty coffee roasters to brew for you.

It’s my, Matt the coffee snob’s, favorite coffee in Rome. 

Of course, there are tons of other things in the Eternal City that are worth doing, seeing, and eating. For more, head over to our guide to the best things to do in Rome , which has a collection of our favorites. 

Where to Stay in Rome

While there are a bunch of areas you could stay in Rome, we have two strong recommendations for you to help you narrow it down.

We also have an entire, super detailed guide to where to stay in Rome if you want more details to make your decision.

Our overall recommendation is to stay in Trastevere , which is far and away our favorite part of the city.

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We stayed there on our last trip, and it’s magical.

It’s a great place to eat and drink, and it really comes alive when the sun goes down, full of lively piazzas and small bars and restaurants that fill up on a nightly basis and spill out into the cobblestone streets.

We stayed at Horti 14 Borgo , a small boutique hotel in Trastevere, and absolutely loved it.

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It’s a splurge compared to where we normally stay, but the stylish rooms, comfortable beds, and incredible breakfast buffet were worth it. 

A more affordable (but equally highly rated) option would be Ripagrande a Trastevere , which is essentially right on the River Tiber and within five minutes of everything in Trastevere. 

The only downside to Trastevere is the fact that it’s a little far from the train station, which doesn’t matter as much with three days, but is a little less convenient (you’ll need to take a taxi, most likely).

Which brings us to our second recommendation, which is Rome’s Historic Center (the Centro Storico). 

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Stay here if you want to be right in the middle of all the action, within walking distance to just about everything in the city.

It’s the most convenient place to stay, though it will be crowded and potentially loud. Don’t miss an early morning walk from Piazza Navona to the Trevi Fountain and the Spanish Steps!

We stayed for five nights near Piazza Navona at these apartments , which were honestly a perfect location, especially if it’s your first time in Rome.

Coronari Palace and Casa Pietra are two hotels that were also on our list, though we decided we wanted more space and a kitchen for our time in Rome. 

Florence: Days 4-6

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Historically, the city of Rome might be the crown jewel of the Roman Empire, but you could make a convincing argument that Florence is the second most important city in the history of the Italian peninsula because of its influence around the birth of the Renaissance. 

On a walking tour in Florence ( this one , which we recommend below because it’s a great introduction to the city), as we were walking through Piazza della Signoria, our guide made a point that I hadn’t really thought about before that moment. 

Florence was one of the richest cities in Europe (if not the world) in the 15th Century and through the Renaissance. 

A lot of people – myself included – might think that wealth came from the amazing art that was produced in Florence leading up to and during the Renaissance.

But the truth is that Florence was already a rich city thanks to silk production, and that wealth is what allowed it to become a cultural icon that thousands of people still flock to five centuries later. 

Walking the streets of Florence, it’s easy to see why so many people fall head over heels in love with it on their visit.

It’s charming. The Duomo is incredible, both because of how imposing it is, and the fact that it’s an architectural miracle. There are two world class museums.

The food and wine are both excellent (definitely get the wild boar if you see it on a menu – pappardelle al cinghiale – which was our favorite discovery on our Tuscany road trip itinerary ). 

I could go on and on about Florence – I’ve spent over a week in Florence between two trips in the past year (at the time of writing) – but let’s leave it there and get into how to make the most of your time in the Tuscan capital. 

In this itinerary, we have you spending two and a half days in Florence itself, and then using it as a home base for a day trip into Tuscany. 

What to Do in Florence

There are two main attractions in Florence that you’ve likely heard of before, and both are well worth your time.

They are the Uffizi Gallery , which is a chronological journey through Renaissance art in Florence, and the Galleria dell’accademia , which is where you’ll find Michaelangelo’s David . 

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However, you should definitely try to do them on different days , because it’s too much information to process in a single day.

Believe me, my mom and I tried to do both in a day in Florence on my latest trip to Italy, and it was too much. 

The other thing I would say – and again, I’m speaking from experience here having done both museums with and without a guide – is that you should invest in a guided tour with an art historian if you can .  

After some truly great experiences recently, I’ve decided that I probably won’t do a huge art gallery like the Uffizi or the Louvre without a guide ever again.

The guide is able to add so much in terms of color, context, and storytelling that will give you a deeper connection to just about any museum visit. 

Otherwise, we’d look at the art, say “yeah, that looks pretty,” and move on without really understanding the context behind what we’re looking at.

If you only have the budget for one, make sure to do the guided tour of the Uffizi, where your guide will be able to explain exactly what you’re looking at, and what it says about the changing nature of society and culture during the Renaissance.

We did this guided tour of the Uffizi Gallery , and it was fantastic. 

For what it’s worth, I (Matt) also did this guided tour of the Galleria dell’Accademia on my last visit with my mom, and we also really enjoyed it.

However, like I said above, if you only have time or budget for one tour, you’ll get more out of the Uffizi. 

For more information, including on how to visit both galleries independently , head over to our guides to the best things to do in Florence and our guide to planning your Florence itinerary .  

As we said above, we’d split those two museums up and do one on each of your two full days in Florence. Which, obviously, leaves you with some extra time. Here’s what we’d do with that time. 

Take Andrea’s walking tour . We’re huge fans of walking tours as a way to get an introduction to a new city and connect with a local for tips on what (and where) to eat, drink, and shop. And we loved Andrea’s walking tour , which is a two hour crash course in Florence’s rich history, with all the salacious details about the Medici family (they were essentially royalty in Florence during the 1500’s). He also has a more in-depth version of the tour that adds an hour and includes crossing the river to Oltrarno. 

Climb to Piazzale Michelangelo . On the other side of the river from Florence’s Centro Storico, you’ll find what is arguably the best view of the city at Piazzale Michelangelo. You’ll have a view of the Arno River and Ponte Vecchio (the only bridge in Florence that wasn’t destroyed in World War 2), the Duomo, and the rest of the city. It’s nice at sunset, but it’s busy. Early in the morning is even better, because the sun is behind you and there are basically no crowds. 

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Climb Brunneleschi’s Dome . The Duomo in Florence is massive. The best way to experience it, in our opinion, is to climb to the top. Along the way, you’ll get a view of the interior of the dome and the (somewhat creepy) artwork decorating it, then you’ll climb through the area between the interior and exterior dome (which gives you perspective on how it was built 600 years ago, which is mind-boggling) up to the top, where you’ll have a 360-degree view out over Florence. Try to do it first thing in the morning for the fewest people, and book in advance here . 

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Dive into Tuscany’s food and drink offerings . We’d strongly encourage you to skip the pizza in Florence, and instead indulge in some of the local specialties. We love Pappardelle al ragu di cinghiale (a pasta with a wild boar sauce that my mom fell in love with), pappa al pomodoro (tomato and bread soup), and the Schiacciata (sort of like a focaccia sandwich, but slightly different). We liked the food at Trattoria da Garibardi . Most of the Florentine cuisine pairs well with the Tuscan reds like Chianti Classico and Brunello, which are a couple of the more prestigious red wines to look for. 

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Where to Stay in Florence

Similar to Rome above, we have two recommendations for where to stay in Florence .

Also similar to Rome, your choice is going to be between the coolest neighborhood (in our opinions, anyway) and the most convenient area.

Convenience matters a little more here because you will be taking a day trip, which means you’ll be going to and from the train station.

Our favorite area in Florence is Santa Croce / Sant’Ambrogio , which is a five minute walk east of the Duomo. It has the best food (we think), fewer tourists, and is close to everything in the city.

We stayed at Pietrapiana Boutique Apartments for almost a week, and it was everything we wanted and more: access to a kitchen, a little more space to spread out, a quiet refuge from the hustle and bustle, and a comfortable place to sleep. Highly recommend! 

La Maison du Sage is another good option nearby – it’s more of a traditional hotel than serviced apartments.

The other option, which is best if you want to be super central to everything in Florence, is Florence’s Centro Storico , which is centered around the Piazza del Duomo and nearby Piazza della Signoria (home to the Uffizi Gallery).

It’s crowded, it’s loud, but it’s super convenient. It’s also closer to the train station for your day trip.

Day Trip from Florence (Choose Your Own Adventure): Day 7

Florence is the capital of Tuscany, which might be Italy’s most famous region for its wine and general dolce vita feeling. And, after spending a week in Tuscany, we can definitively say it delivers on both. 

Florence is an excellent base to explore Tuscany from, with most of the highlights accessible within 90 minutes by train. However, the main issue with Tuscany is that you really need a car to be able to see certain things properly.

Here are the three day trips from Florence we’d recommend, and which one you choose totally depends on what you’re interested in. 

If you’re looking to combine San Gimignano, Chianti, and Siena into one day, it’s going to be a long day, but this tour with Take Walks (which, as we’ve already mentioned a few times in this guide, is one of our favorite tour companies on earth), covers San Gimignano, Chianti, and Siena in one action-packed 10 hour day. 

Day Trip 1: Siena for the Cathedral (and the History) 

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Siena is a popular day trip from Florence, and it’s a 90 minute train ride south in the heart of Tuscany.

There is, perhaps, no better example of a classic hilltop town than Siena, which is a red city perched on a hill overlooking a lush green valley. 

The cathedral in Siena is incredible, and we say that as people who usually don’t get all that excited about massive opulent churches.

The iconic dark green and white stripes of Siena’s Duomo are just the beginning of what makes it special.

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The interior is where the real fun begins, particularly if you’re around when the floors are uncovered (usually in the summer), and the intricate art and tilework on the floors is on full display. 

We recommend climbing up to the Facciatone, which is a viewpoint inside the Museo del Duomo that has an excellent view of both the cathedral and the surrounding landscape. 

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The other place not to miss in Siena is Piazza del Campo, which rivals Piazza Maggiore in Bologna (more on that in a second) as our favorite piazza in all of Italy. 

In terms of eating and drinking, head to Torrefazione Fiorella for a morning coffee at a stand-up bar (very Italian), Panificio Il Magnifico to try sweet Sienese specialties like ricciarelli, Du’ Cose Da Berna for traditional sandwiches at lunch (a recommendation from our friendly host at the agroturismo we stayed at outside of Siena), and Ristorante Gallo Nero , which was one of the best meals we had in Tuscany. 

How to get there : There are regional trains between Florence’s Santa Maria Novella (the main station in Florence) and Siena that take about an hour and a half. You can also take bus 131 (or the faster 131R) from the Florence bus station ( here on Google Maps – it’s right next to Santa Maria Novella), which is a similar amount of time. Both are very affordable options.  

Day Trip 2: Chianti for the Wine

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Chianti is the place to go for wine. Chianti classico is the name of the game here, which is a Sangiovese-based red wine that follows strict production methods, and is one of the most famous wines that comes out of Italy.

If you don’t like red wine, I have some bad news for you – Tuscany is all about the red wines (except for vernaccia, which is a white wine that comes from San Gimignano!). 

Assuming you don’t have a car, your only option here is to do an organized tour because doing a self-guided tour of Chianti wineries would require both a rental car and a designated driver. 

In terms of guided tours, you have two options.

You can either choose a tour that goes deep on a single winery , usually including a cellar tour and detailed tasting (but you’ll have to make your way out to the winery), or a tour that takes you around to multiple wineries , which is going to be a little less personal, but give you more breadth where you’ll get to see multiple approaches AND usually includes transportation to and from Florence. 

We did this tour of a tiny organic winery and olive farm at the northern end of Chianti, and we loved it.

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It was very personal and intimate, and we learned a ton about growing grapes (and olives) in Chianti.

We’d highly recommend it, and the nice part is that it’s easily accessible from Florence (and the hosts will help you figure out how to get there, including a bus station pickup). 

In terms of the other option where you get to visit multiple wineries with transportation to and from Florence, this is a highly rated tour with a sommelier that we considered.

You’ll get to visit three wineries, which are all closed for public visits, which is a good sign that it’s a unique experience because the host clearly has relationships with those specific wineries. 

If you want to see more of Chianti, including the super charming Badia a Passignano, we’d go with this tour . 

Day Trip 3: Lucca For the Views

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You might have been expecting to see Pisa somewhere on this list of day trips from Florence, and we’re here to tell you that while, yes, the leaning tower is kind of cool, we would absolutely recommend skipping Pisa (which is crowded beyond belief with people wanting to see the aforementioned leaning tower) and heading to Lucca instead. 

There are a couple of reasons we love Lucca. 

First, the medieval walls are still intact, encircling the entire city. It’s well worth walking the full loop, where you’ll get some nice views of the city and the mountains beyond. 

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Second is the tower. Climbing the Guinigi Tower will take you up to what might just be our favorite view in all of Italy.

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On a day trip to Lucca, we’d spend your time walking the city walls, climbing the tower, and indulging in some Luccan cuisine for lunch (at Trattoria L’ Angolo Tondo , which is right on the Piazza dell’Anfiteatro where a Roman amphitheater used to be), which is slightly different than the food you’ll find in Florence because of its proximity to the coast, which means more fresh seafood. 

How to get there : There are regional trains between Florence’s Santa Maria Novella (the main station in Florence) and Lucca that take about an hour and a half. They come frequently, and they’re super affordable. 

Bologna: Days 8 & 9

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You’re probably a little bit surprised to see Bologna on this itinerary, since it’s not exactly known as one of the “must-see” cities in Italy. However, we’re here to tell you that it absolutely should be on your list, particularly if you love food. 

One of the most interesting parts about traveling to Italy is having our expectations about “Italian” food completely shattered.

Here in the US, Italian food (we now know that Italian–American food is an entirely separate thing) consists of heavy sauces with lots of garlic, garlic bread, and chicken parmigiana. 

The truth is that Italian food culture is vastly different from region to region, and depends a lot on the fresh ingredients available in close proximity.

For example, in Sicily , you’ll find tons of fresh seafood because you’re on an island and are perpetually near the coast. In Tuscany, it’s olives, wild boar, and sheep cheese (pecorino) because those are the ingredients that are readily available. 

If you made us choose our favorite Italian food region, we’d choose Emilia-Romagna, which is where you’ll find Bologna. 

Here’s an exercise: write down your five favorite Italian ingredients (rather than dishes). If you’re anything like us, at least one of the things you wrote down comes from Bologna’s region, Emilia-Romagna. 

There’s a reason the city is known as “La Grassa” (“the fat one”). It’s about as close to heaven for foodies as you can get. 

There are, of course, other things we really like about Bologna. It’s a city of towers that overlook the distinctive red brick buildings (most of them are facades, though).

It’s a University town (one of its other nicknames is “La Dotta” which means “the learned one”) and it has a distinctly younger vibe than just about any other major city in Italy. There are far fewer tourists than any other city you’ll visit.

And it’s well connected to just about every corner of Italy. 

We think you should spend three nights in Bologna, using one of those nights to do a day trip up to Verona, which is another one of our favorite cities in Italy. 

What to Do in Bologna

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Here are a few of our favorite things to do in Bologna. For more, head over to our guide to spending a day in Bologna . 

Climb the Asinelli Tower for Excellent Views . We have friends that live in Bologna, and when we visited them on our first ever visit to Bologna, this was the first thing they did with us. It’s a big climb, but you’ll eventually end up on the top of the taller of the Due Torre (“the two towers”), where you’ll have a commanding view out over Bologna. Book here in advance for a timeslot. 

Eat your heart out . Mortadella and filled pastas like tortelloni come from Bologna, but the broader region is home to just about every delicious food we associate with Italy. Parmesan, balsamic vinegar, prosciutto di Parma, lambrusco, and ragu alla bolognese. Go to any of the places in Quadrilatero, which is right off of Piazza Maggiore, to taste and shop. Specifically, we like Tamburini for tagliere (a plate of meats and cheeses) and a glass of wine (lambrusco!), Cremeria la Vecchia Stalla for excellent ice cream (which is NOT the same as gelato), and Vineria Favalli for their excellent Italian wine list.

Take a food tour with a local guide . While you can absolutely get a sense for Bologna’s food offerings on your own, a food tour is going to be the best way to dive a little deeper. This food tour in Bologna was on our list, but after learning they couldn’t accommodate gluten free diets (which, by the way, makes total sense), we decided to skip it. 

Take in Piazza Maggiore and Basilica di San Petronio . Piazza Maggiure is the beating heart of Bologna, and one of Italy’s best piazzas in our opinion (as we noted above, Siena’s Piazza del Campo is a close second). There are events nearly every afternoon and evening, from rallies to concerts, and even when there isn’t an official event, you’ll find some of Bologna’s best musicians out on the square (along with a crowd of admirers). The church is worth going into, but it’s only half finished after they tried to make it outshine the Vatican, who said “you can’t do that.” That’s why part of the church’s facade is exposed brick, which is the unfinished portion, while the other part is covered in marble.  

Make the climb to Santuario Madonna di San Luca . Bologna is known for porticoes, which are essentially just covered walkways, and you can walk through the 666 (someone has a sense of humor) to get up to this church on the hill. For what it’s worth, this the #1 recommendation from our friends that live in Bologna. 

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Where to Stay in Bologna

There’s no doubt in our minds – you should stay near Piazza Maggiore while you’re in Bologna . It’s the beating heart of the city, and it’s going to be both the most convenient and the coolest place to stay.

I spent a few days in Bologna solo on my last trip to Italy, and stayed at Bibliò Rooms and Guesthouse . It’s essentially a small B&B that takes up one floor on a residential building about five minutes from Piazza Maggiore.

The rooms are fairly spacious with comfortable beds and private bathrooms, and it’s a good home base for a few nights in Bologna. 

I also stayed at the Social Hub in Bologna , which is a hip, young-feeling hotel in Bolognina up near Bologna Centrale.

While the location is further away from Bologna’s main attractions, it is a gorgeous hotel with all sorts of great amenities (a pool, a nice gym, a bar, an events calendar, and ping pong, to name a few). Plus, it’s about five minutes on foot from the train station, so it’s convenient in that sense. 

If you’re looking for an apartment, look at Canonica Suites , which is where I kind of wish we had stayed. 

We have an entire guide dedicated to helping you figure out where to stay in Bologna with FAR more detail, if you want more of an in-depth look at your options.

Day Trip to Verona: Day 10

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On this day, we’d highly recommend leaving your stuff in Bologna and doing a day trip up to Verona, heading back to spend the night in Bologna.

Verona is famous for being the setting for Romeo and Juliet, but it tied with Bologna for our favorite discovery in Italy when we spent six weeks exploring Italy in 2021. 

You might be wondering why we’d do it this way, considering Verona is sort of on the way to Venice (the next stop in this itinerary).

The reason is that we don’t want you to have to worry about juggling your bags, and instead focus on getting an early train from Bologna without the worry of check in times and baggage storage. 

Take the high speed train, which takes about 45 minutes or so (book in advance for cheaper tickets!). 

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Rather than go into the details of what to do and see with a day trip up to Verona, we’re going to direct you to a separate blog post where we go through exactly that. Here’s how we’d spend a day in Verona . 

Venice: Days 11-14

Venice is a place that we have mixed feelings about. We’ve both been to Venice, and as we’ve thought about it, we’re truly not sure if we need to go again. 

It’s true that Venice is the best-preserved example of a canal city in Italy, but it’s also true that it’s a beautiful disaster.

There are way, way too many people trying to see Venice for the infrastructure to handle, and cruise ships are a big part of the issue, with huge tour groups coming in for part of a day and contributing very little to the local economy while stressing Venice’s infrastructure. 

Remember in 2020 when the canals were all of a sudden empty and pristine, and the swans came back to Venice? It’s safe to say that’s over now. 

However, it’s not really fair to say that you shouldn’t get to see Venice because too many people go there. 

Instead, we’d recommend that you do go to Venice, but be deliberate about how you do it.

Spend multiple days there so you’re not stressed about the crowds and whether or not you’ll be able to do everything. Eat at local restaurants, and stay in Venice so that your money stays in the local economy. 

The best way to explore Venice is not to spend a day (or less) seeing the main sights and calling it a day.

Venice is at its best in the early morning and evening, when it’s notably less crowded. If you only spend a day in Venice, you’re likely going to miss out on that precious time spent exploring during those hours. 

That’s why we’d strongly recommend two and a half days in Venice, which gives you a couple of mornings and nights to really soak up the atmosphere of Venice when it’s not packed wall-to-wall with people. 

What to Do in Venice

There are a few main sights in Venice that you shouldn’t miss, and two days is more than enough time to see them. Like we said above, part of the fun of exploring Venice is wandering the canals in the early morning and evening. 

Piazza San Marco is the main piazza in Venice, and there are a couple of main sights right on the square. 

First is the Doge’s Palace , which is a big Gothic building (you know because of the pointed arches) on the lagoon. Over its long history, it served as a fort, a prison, and a residence for the most powerful person in Venice, the Doge. 

The version you see today was built in the 1100’s, and has been renovated a few times since as the needs of its inhabitants changed.

It housed the Doge of Venice (sort of like a Duke, but not quite the same) during the Republic of Venice, which lasted for more than 1,000 years starting in the 8th Century and was one of the most powerful city-states in modern day Italy for long stretches because of its position on the water.

The best part about the Doge’s Palace is that it’s an excellent place to learn about Venice’s history. For example, I had no idea that there was a Republic of Venice, let alone how powerful they were.  

You can buy your tickets in advance here . 

The second major attraction on San Marco Square is the church, St. Mark’s Basilica (Basilica di San Marco), which is the biggest church in Venice.

In a surprising (to no one) twist, the church is attached to the Doge’s Palace, showing the relationship between secular and religious power in Venice over the centuries. It’s set on the site of two older churches, which is a story that you hear over and over again at some of Italy’s biggest and most important churches.

Also similar to other churches in Italy, it was built over such a long stretch of time that it’s one big mish mash of architectural styles and art periods. 

It’s an impressive building from the outside, and the interior is special because of the mosaics that cover just about every surface. The Pala d’Oro, which is essentially a big golden altarpiece from the Byzantines, is also pretty cool. 

Information on tickets and opening hours here . 

If you want to see both with a guided tour, we’d (again) recommend doing the St. Mark’s and Doge’s Palace tour with Take Walks , who we’ve done multiple tours with in multiple Italian cities, and love. It’s three hours long, includes both the church and the palace, and will take you a level deeper than just visiting by yourself. 

The islands to the north of Venice – namely Burano and Murano – are well worth a visit, and the vast majority of visitors don’t make it out there.

These tiny islands are known for glassblowing, and they’re relatively easy to reach via water taxi from Venice. From this ferry terminal, it’s a quick 20 minute ride over to Murano, the closer of the two islands (it’s a significantly longer boat ride out to Burano). 

You can read more about what to do in Venice in our guide to spending 2 days in Venice . 

What to Do with More Time in Italy

If you’re blessed with more than 14 days in Italy, we have (lots of) thoughts on what to do with extra time. Whether it’s one or two days or a full extra week, we have ideas for you based on our own explorations. 

Keep in mind that this isn’t an exhaustive list – we haven’t been everywhere in Italy, and it’s hard to recommend something we haven’t experienced ourselves.

For example, the Dolomites and Lake Como are on our list, but we didn’t include them below. Once we make it there, we’ll definitely add them!

You’ll notice that there’s one very popular destination missing from this list that you might be expecting to see: Naples, Pompeii, and the Amalfi Coast.

We contemplated adding it because we know it’s a place that people have seen pictures of and want to visit, but we really wouldn’t do it ourselves due to insane crowds and associated overtourism. 

Just this last summer, we’ve seen about 30 pictures of friends on Instagram who all went to the Amalfi Coast within the same two month period. 

Which, when you take a second to think about it, is pretty crazy. 

We think there are better coastal destinations in Italy (like the Cinque Terre – which has its own over tourism issues – and Sicily ) that we’d recommend way before the Amalfi Coast. You’ll find both of those on the list below. 

Add Another Day Trip from Bologna 

The first thing we’d add if you only have an extra day or two is an extra night in Bologna to explore more of Emilia-Romagna.

Cities like Parma (famous for prosciutto and parmesan-reggiano) and Modena (famous for balsamic vinegar) are an easy train ride away, and are well worth your time. 

We’d highly recommend a day trip that starts with Claudio’s tour of a working parmesan-reggiano dairy, which of course includes a tasting of different ages of parmesan, and a vacuum packed chunk to bring home with you.

It was the highlight of our last trip, and Claudio is friendly, uber-charismatic, and an all around phenomenal host. 

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That tour is a morning tour, going until roughly noon. 

We’d then spend the rest of the day in Modena, which is the capital of balsamic vinegar production and is an easy 20 minute ride from the train station in Reggio-Emilia (where you’ll get dropped off by Claudio). That’s what we did. 

We loved tasting small production balsamic vinegar at La Consorteria 1966 (you should know that the tasting costs money unless you buy a bottle afterwards, which are expensive because this is the good stuff). 

We also had multiple people recommend Osteria Francescana , which is a world-famous fine dining experience that you’ll need to book well in advance.

You can also try chef Massimo’s food at nearby Franceschetta58 , which is less expensive and more approachable (you still want a reservation, though!). 

Another great stop is the Mercato Storico Albinelli, which is Modena’s central market. 

Add Another Day Trip from Florence

The second thing we’d add is an additional day trip from Florence. We gave you three options above, and if you took our advice, you’ve already done one of them. Do a second (or third!) one if you have an extra day. 

Cinque Terre (2-3 Days)

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For my mom’s 60 th birthday, we took her on a two week Italy trip. Her two must-do experiences were the Cinque Terre and seeing the Last Supper in Milan.

So, we spent a few days exploring the Cinque Terre, and we loved it.

However, we have a major caveat. We would absolutely NOT recommend a day trip to the Cinque Terre, which is what approximately 90% of people seemed to be doing.

The main reason is that it’s a long way from places like Florence and Milan, requiring three hours of travel time.

That means you won’t arrive until mid-morning, which is when all of the other day trippers arrive, and the streets and trails are packed wall-to-wall. It’s no wonder people say it’s too crowded!

The magic of the Cinque Terre is in the early morning and late evening, when the day trippers clear out and it becomes a tranquil, slow paced coastal retreat. That means you’ll need at least one night (two or more is better).

The Cinque Terre, which literally means “Five Towns,” is a series of charming towns tucked between the mountains and the coast in northern Italy.

It’s known for hiking, terraced vineyards, and colorful towns perched on rocky outcroppings above the sea.

You’ll definitely want to hike a section of the Blue Trail (we like the one from Corniglia to Vernazza the most), dive into the wines of Cinque Terre, take in some excellent sunset views, and explore all five towns.

We have a bunch of guides dedicated to helping you plan your Cinque Terre trip. Here are some links for you:

Milan (2 Days)

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Milan is a really great city that offers something a little different from other major cities like Rome and Florence.

That’s not to say that it’s not a historic city, but it feels less “Italian” than Rome and Florence mostly because it has been trading hands between the Spanish, French, Italians, and Austrians for centuries.

There is a difference that you’ll notice right off the bat, probably when you exit the train station.

It looks and feels more modern, which is mostly a function of the fact that it’s a major financial hub and home to just about every high end fashion company in the country.

There are two world-class attractions in Milan – the Duomo di Milano which took 600 years to complete and is a mishmash of different styles that somehow still works, and Da Vinci’s Last Supper .

However, it’s worth lingering for an extra day to explore some of Milan’s less famous attractions and the hip food and drink scene.

Wander Parco Sempione and pop into Castelo Sforza, and experience aperitivo in the Navigli District, which is home to some of Milan’s last exposed canals (it used to look like Venice!). 

Where to add it : You could either do Milan after Bologna (there’s a high speed train connecting the two), or after Venice (and fly out of Milan).

We have a bunch of guides dedicated to helping you plan a trip to Milan. Here are some links for you:

  • One Day in Milan: The Best of Milan in a Day
  • 2 Days in Milan: How to Plan An Incredible Milan Itinerary
  • Where to Stay in Milan: A Complete Guide
  • The Best Things to Do in Milan
  • Where to Find the Best Specialty Coffee in Milan
  • Gluten Free Milan: A Complete Guide for Celiacs

Sicily (7 Days)

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If you have about a full week of extra time, we’d highly recommend exploring Sicily.

We love Sicily (Alysha’s family is from a small town in southeast Sicily), and spent three weeks on the island in the fall (which somehow was still not enough time). 

However, you should know that Sicily is massive, and it’s impossible to do the entire island in a week.

For that reason, we’d focus on southeastern Sicily (Catania, Mount Etna, and Syracuse) . Unfortunately, that means you’ll miss Palermo, which is an amazing city in northwestern Sicily.

The other reason to focus on southeastern Sicily is that you don’t need to rent a car. The corridor from Taormina to Syracuse is connected by a regional train line, which is something that can’t necessarily be said for the rest of the island.

To get there, you’ll need to fly. The best place to fly into is Catania (Catania–Fontanarossa Airport) .

Definitely don’t miss a day trip from Catania up to Mount Etna, which was among the highlights of our trip (you can read about it in our guide to the best things to do in Catania ) and a trip to the amphitheater in Taormina, which has a spectacular view.

Oh, and eat all of the pistachio and almond granitas you can. 

We have an entire guide dedicated to helping you plan a Sicily itinerary , which has a couple of ideas for how to spend 7 days on the island (P.S. we recently wrote a specific guide for spending 7 days in Sicily , which is even more helpful and specific in this context).

Where to add it : We’d add it after Venice, flying from Venice to Catania (which might require a connection) and flying home from Catania.

What to Do with Less Time in Italy

We’re not going to dive deep into how to spend less time in Italy, mostly because we’ve already done exactly that in some of our other guides. 

We have a guide to 10 days in Italy that’s geared towards first-timers that focuses on Rome, Florence, and Venice, and how to make the most out of your time in those places. 

We also have a guide to spending 7 days in Italy , which is a little different because it gives a bunch of different ways to do a weeklong trip to Italy. 

If you’re looking for ideas for a shorter trip, definitely read those. 

When to Visit Italy

Having spent some time in Italy over two consecutive fall seasons, I’m here to tell you that it’s absolutely my favorite time to be in Italy.

Summer is oppressive for two reasons. One, it’s sweltering. My first ever visit to Italy was late July in Rome, and it was miserable. Two, it’s simultaneously crowded and empty. Crowded with tourists, empty of locals (who all go on vacation in August). Not a great combination. It’s also very expensive, relatively speaking.

Fall is more moderate in both respects. By the end of fall – late October and November – it gets a little chilly, especially further north. But, all in all, September and October are an incredibly pleasant time to be in Italy.

Winter is going to be cooler and grayer, but significantly cheaper. The other thing to watch out for is things – bars, restaurants, shops, tours – closing, especially in smaller, more tourist-centric places like the Cinque Terre and beach towns in Sicily.

Spring is just a hair behind fall in terms of the best time to be in Italy, and anytime between Easter and the end of May would also be an excellent balance of weather and crowds. 

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Matt is the founder and main writer behind Wheatless Wanderlust, which he started back in 2018 as a way to share his gluten free travel guides with his fellow Celiac travelers.

Since then, Matt and his wife Alysha have visited 18 national parks, spent three months in Europe and six weeks in Colombia, and have explored every corner of the Pacific Northwest, which is where Matt grew up.

He writes super detailed guides to the places they visit, bringing together personal experience and historical context to help YOU plan an amazing trip.

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9 tips for beginners visiting Italy for the first time

Lori Zaino

Planning your first vacation to Italy ? Not only is this beautiful country one of the top culinary destinations in the world, but it's also home to some seriously iconic tourist attractions to boot. With over 55 UNESCO World Heritage sites, three active volcanoes and over 1,500 lakes, you'll never get bored. And if you are, well, there's always pizza!

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When organizing a vacation to Italy, there are a few things you should know in order to have a safe and enjoyable getaway. First-time travelers take note: these are some of the things you consider for your Italian adventure.

1. Figure out what kind of trip you want to have

Italy's got it all: 4,600 miles of coastline lined with hundreds of gorgeous beaches , numerous tourist attractions, lively cities, charming villages and sprawling vineyards. From low-cost to luxury, Italy has accommodation, restaurants and activities to fit every budget, whether it's renting a yacht off the coast of Capri, staying in an affordable hostel in Rome or enjoying a Sicilian farmhouse getaway.

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Consider your interests, as well as some of the things Italy is famous for, like gastronomy (you could build a trip around dining out or cooking classes), art (Italy has some of the top museums in the world) or exploring a wine region (drive through the hills of Prosecco or Tuscany's wine country).

Related: How to have a budget vacation in Italy

Or, think about destinations. For each week you have of vacation , you can comfortably squeeze in two destinations (maybe more if you're a very active traveler).

  • If you love art and tourist attractions, consider Rome and Florence.
  • If you love fashion but also want to relax, consider Milan and one of the northern lakes.
  • If you want pizza, cityscape and coastal charm, consider Nap les and the Amalfi coast.
  • If you want to dig into Italy's food and wine scene, consider a road trip through Tuscany or Piedmont.
  • If you love skiing , consider a visit to Milan and the Italian Alps.
  • If you're looking for romance, consider exploring Verona and Venice.
  • If you need a beach vacation, consider exploring an island like Sardinia or Sicily.
  • If you have 10 days or more and want to enjoy the most typical tourist circuit, consider a trip to the big three: Rome, Florence and Venice -- some of the country's most popular spots for visitors.

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Note that while you can find various price points around the country for lodging, dining and activities, typically, costs are lower in southern Italy than in northern Italy.

Related: Northern or southern Italy: Which is right for your vacation?

2. Pick the right season

In general, Italy has wonderful weather. Many areas of the country see lots of sunshine and temperatures are mild even in winter, though summers can be steamy. Depending on what you plan to do, make sure to consider the season. Beach visits are best in the summer, though months like May and September see fewer crowds and still have great weather.

Related: These are the best times to visit Italy

Avoid larger, crowded cities like Rome in the heart of summer, unless you're prepared for extreme heat. Harvest season/autumn is the ideal time to visit the wine region, and southern Italy can be mild throughout the winter. Many deals can be found in the low season, but know that winter in the north can be cold and rainy.

If you do go to Italy between March and October, bring sunblock and a hat -- don't underestimate those Mediterranean rays.

3. Do your research when it comes to tourism

Although Covid-19 has put a dampener on tourism, during busier times, attractions like the Vatican may see up to 30,000 visitors per day. That means you may have to wait a long time in line to buy a ticket and enter. Add Rome's scorching sunshine to the mix and you may end up sunburned, exhausted from queuing all day and never get the chance to step foot in the Sistine Chapel.

If visiting big-name tourist attractions is important to you, buy tickets online. Skip-the-line tickets or guided tours may also be worth the price: evaluate your options and decide.

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City passes are another alternative. The Milan city pass offers things like discounts on popular attractions, free Milan public transport and a free drink at a local Milanese bar. The Rome tourist card has fast-track entry benefits and free access to the Vatican and the Colosseum. Florence's city pass includes skip-the-line entry to Galleria degli Uffizi and Galleria dell'Accademia, plus tickets for the hop-on, hop-off bus tour.

So, think about what you want to do and see, do the maths and purchase ahead.

4. But don't forget about local spots too

Visiting Italy's most famous attractions should hold a firm spot on your bucket list. That being said, plan to take some time to get off the tourist track a bit. Consider exploring more local neighborhoods or visiting a small village or a less-popular spot like Lake Maggiore instead of Lake Como. Seeing all the big-name hotspots is a must, but experiencing the beauty of true Italian culture and cuisine may be even better.

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Related: 5 of Italy's best-hidden gem cities

5. Take the train

The Freeciarossa runs between some of Italy's best destinations. These high-speed trains from company Trenitalia are affordable, fast and comfortable. Traveling up to about 180 miles per hour, trains are one of the best and quickest ways to get from A to B. And, you won't have to deal with learning the Italian rules of the road or the hassle of car rental agencies. Taking the train is easy: You can purchase tickets easily online ahead of time or last minute depending on your travel style. You can visit spots like Milan, Rome , Florence, Venice, Turin and Naples on the Frecciarossa trains.

6. Don't discount the islands

Italy's island culture goes beyond just the beach. And, there are over 450 of them! Sicily has a whole sub-culture of its own, and far-flung spots like the Tremiti islands or the Aeolian islands will ensure you get sufficiently off-the-beaten-path . If it's luxury you desire, Sardinia's Costa Smeralda is a hotspot and nothing looks sexier on an Instagram feed than Capri.

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Related: Which of the Italian islands is best for your vacation ?

7. Familiarize yourself with the language and culture

You might get lucky when it comes to a larger city like Rome, where many locals speak English.

Southern Italy or smaller villages are a different story. Luckily, Italians are a friendly bunch and will do their best to communicate with you despite any language barriers. Come prepared with a few key phrases and your favorite translation app downloaded.

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Italy is old, and so are its streets. Many are made of cobblestone. While locals (Milan, here's looking at you) may jog by in designer stilettos, you should wear comfortable footwear. Make sure to dress modesty, especially when visiting churches. You won't be allowed into spots like Vatican City if your knees and shoulders aren't covered.

While mealtimes aren't quite as late as Spain's, Italians tend to eat slightly later. Expect lunch around 1:00 p.m., and dinners around 8:30 p.m. or 9:00 p.m.

8. Money-saving tips

While it's normal to make a tourist faux pas or two (especially on your first trip), here are some things you should avoid:

  • Tipping at restaurants if it's already included on your bill (many spots add in a 10% service charge).
  • Heavily tipping taxi drivers (rounding up to the nearest euro is normal).

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Save even more money with the following:

  • Take advantage of apertivo hours in northern Italy. These are happy hours that offer free buffet food for a few hours pre-dinner time in the early evening. Order a drink or two to gain access to the snacks.
  • Stand at the bar to drink your espresso. Table seating at breakfast has an additional charge, and even more if you want to eat outside.
  • Beware of the "coperto." This is a service charge for simply eating at the restaurant , usually a euro or two per person.
  • Don't eat or drink in the main city square. These spots are usually overpriced tourist traps.

Related: 7 underrated regions in Italy for food and wine

9. Be alert for travel scams

Watch out for those trying to take advantage of unsuspecting tourists with scams :

  • Pickpockets;
  • Gladiators: If you take a photo of or with them, they'll expect a tip;
  • Taxi scams: Insist the meter be turned on, or make sure you're aware of any flat-rate pricing;
  • Unauthorized tour guides or ticket helpers at train stations; and
  • Anyone who approaches you with lavender, flowers or a pizza box. Just walk the other way.

Bottom line

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Armed with these tips and tricks, planning a trip to Italy will be easy. You can sit back, relax and enjoy all the delights Italy has to offer, knowing that you've picked the right destinations, will skip the line to see those bucket-list tourist attractions, avoid scams and save a little money on meals.

Two Week Traveller

2 Weeks in Italy: 4 itineraries

DISCLAIMER: This post might have links to travel services and products that we enjoy. We might make a commission from it at no extra cost to you.

As one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world, Italy is home to some of the most breathtaking architectural features you could ever find. Along with gastronomic delights and cultural attractions, you can’t blame tourists as this country moves and inspires like no other. 

There is something to be discovered at every corner that will titillate your senses and fill your belly. Whether you are hungry for natural sights, culinary delights, or all things culture, Italy will not disappoint you.

If you have 2 weeks in Europe and have never been to the ancient country of Italy, well, you have to go. If you love the beach and wineries, you can also spend 14 days in Southern Europe .

That is why it is recommended that you spend at least 2 weeks in Italy to make the most out of your trip. You can also simply cover only a specific region and check out the other parts on your next visit.


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Before you get ready for your trip to Italy, there are a few things that you need to know first. One is that taking public transport, such as the metro train, is convenient. The tips below will help you plan your travel to Italy.

ALSO READ: 2 weeks in France – choose between 3 different itineraries

When is the best time to go to Italy

The best time to travel to Italy is in spring (April to June) and fall (September and October). When you travel during these times of the year, you will get to enjoy perfect weather (not too hot or too cold, a little rain here and there). Plus, it is less crowded so you are more likely to find great deals on accommodation and airfare.

You might want to avoid the summer season (June to August) which is the busiest time of the year. During this time, it’s very crowded and prices in Italy that are related to tourism are usually at an all-time high making accommodations much more expensive.

If you want to go skiing and enjoy the Alps, go between December to February. December is also peak season because of the Christmas and New Year holidays.

Are 2 weeks enough for Italy

14 days might be a tight schedule for Italy, but if you decide to f ocus on a specific region or 2-3 cities, it can be a perfect amount of time.

For example, on this trip, visit northern Italy only. That means you can add Turin, Milan, and Genoa to your itinerary, especially if you love nature and history. But for those who are visiting northern Italy for the first time, you can go to Venice, Bologna, and Florence.

In southern Italy, you have Rome, Naples, and Bari or the island of Sicily plus Rome. Trying to see More than 2-3 cities will get your Italy itinerary really cramped and you’d feel like you’re chasing a bus, train, or flight most of the time than relaxing.

Average cost of 14 days in Italy

It’s undeniable that Italy has gotten more expensive in the last few decades. For a mid-range budget, a two-week trip to Italy could cost roughly $2,000-$3,500 per person . This includes staying in standard hotels, eating at mid-range restaurants, using public transportation, and participating in typical tourist activities.

If you’re on a tight budget, you could manage a two-week trip for about $1,000-$1,500 per person . This involves staying in budget accommodations like hostels or budget hotels, eating at inexpensive eateries or self-catering, using public transport, and focusing on free or cheap activities.

For a luxury trip, expect to spend anywhere from $6,000 to $10,000 or more per person for two weeks in Italy. This includes staying in luxury hotels or villas, dining at high-end restaurants, private tours, and premium experiences.

Getting around

Getting around in Italy as a visitor is very easy. Public transportation throughout the country is well-connected , especially the trains . Italy has a speed train which is a lot faster than driving. Although delay on the scheduled trip must be expected. You can also use buses to get from city to city.

Always be on the lookout for the local news. There are times when the train service is shut down due to labour strikes.

Renting a car will be an awesome ide a. You’ll be able to go and stop whenever you want and bus and train delays won’t affect your itinerary. You can also rely on domestic flights, however, only do this if the destination is further than a 6-hour drive.

If the distance is shorter than that, the flight will have to connect somewhere and will take more time. Just remember though, most cars in Italy are in manual transmission. You can reserve an automatic car if you do it in advance .

In the city, you can use city buses. Rome has a tramline that works great for tourists. You can also use taxis and ride-hailing apps. You can install MyTaxi and Uber on your phone to make booking easier. You can get an esim that works everywhere in Europe and has reliable data coverage.

What to pack

What you need to pack if you will be spending 2 weeks in Italy will depend on the season you plan to visit. In general, you’ll want to opt for lightweight and comfortable clothing. Since you will be doing a lot of walking and exploring, it would be easier on your part if you’re comfortable. 

A good pair of walking shoes is also ideal and actually recommended. And don’t forget to bring some form of a scarf to keep yourself covered when you enter churches and other sacred sites.

Due to Italy’s geographical shape, the weather throughout the country can be significantly different. It is also recommended that you research beforehand the climate for the specific region you are travelling to.

You don’t need to pack toiletries if you have limited space in your luggage. You can buy these when you land since most items, such as toothpaste and mouthwash, are heavy. But make sure you bring walking shoes or sandals that you already have broken into to avoid blisters.

We have a packing list for a 2-week trip which comes with a printable checklist that you can use for another trip too. We also have a packing list for a summer trip .

Language and currency

Italy’s official language is Italian. Most road signs are in Italian, and most locals speak this English. However, younger locals speak English and are happy to help especially in bigger cities. But it’s vital that you install a translation app on your phone to make things much easier.

Italy uses the Euro, and the ATMs will dispense this currency. The majority of the country is still a cash-based society. You can pay with your bank card in hotels, restaurants, and grocery stores. But for gas stations, food stalls, and entrance fees in parks – it’s best to use cash.

When you are dining, tipping is not required. But check the bill if it has a service charge included in your plan to give a tip for impeccable service.

Italy is a member of the EU and has the Schengen Area visa policy in place. For those who don’t qualify in a free visa, you must lodge your application in advance.

For US citizens, Canadians, New Zealanders, Australians, Japanese, South Koreans, Malaysians, and some countries in Latin America and the Middle East can travel to Italy without a visa for a maximum of 90 days stay (for both leisure and business travel).

You need to have a passport that is valid for at least 6 months by the end of your intended trip. For those who require a visa, the conditions vary according to your country of origin. 

Other basic travel tips

Pinned map of top things to see in italy.

Click the icon on the top right to enlarge the map. Credit: map data: Google


Choosing where to go in Italy seems like an impossible feat. Each destination or city has something unique to offer that makes it worth spending time in.

Notably, you have to consider what kind of attractions you can see. This will enable you to find the right destination that would match your interests or the places you want to explore.

Below are different travel itineraries for Italy if you plan to spend around 14 days. Take a look at which one suits you best. You can also mix and match the cities that you like and create your own travel itinerary .

Itinerary #1: North – Venice, Bologna, Florence, Milan

The north of Italy has so much to offer. From culture to traditions, historical sites to tasty food, and of course, amazing attractions.

This itinerary is great if you have been to Italy before but only got to see one or two cities. This time, you probably can skip Venice and visit Trento instead, skip Milan and go to Genoa or Lake Como.

This region is also a great place to explore, especially if you love history, literature, music, arts, fashion, and food, and even plan to spend a semester here or take your uni at the popular uni city of Bologna (the food capital of Italy) or Pisa.

You will still have to either land in Venice or Milan since most flights, especially international flights will arrive here. You can take a bus, train, or pick up your rental car at the airport to start your exciting trip.

If you’re going to Milan, I highly recommend you take a day trip to Lake Como, Genoa, and Turin. All those places are only less than 2 hours from Miland and offer incredible sights and experiences.

Venice for 3 days

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As one of the most coveted tourist destinations in the world, Venice is punctuated by the charm of its ancient canals. It is known by many names, including “The Floating City” and “The City of Canals”. 

Venice is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its architecture, artwork, and natural beauty. It is a sin to go to Italy and skip Venice. 

How to get here : Venice Marco Polo Airport is the main airport in the city. This is where you must fly if you are looking for flights from outside Italy. You can also get to Venice via train or cruise ship.

Bologna for 2 days

Bologna is known for many reasons, one of which is being a university city. Apart from that, this city also has impressive ancient churches and the location of a piano that Mozart used while he was studying in Italy.

Bologna is also the city you want to be in if you’re a foody. It’s the gastronomic capital of Italy, and many popular Italian dishes are hailed from this northern city.

How to get here : From Venice, you can take a 1.5-hour train south, Bolognia being the 4th stop. The service is run by Italo Treno and goes every 30-minutes. If you take the bus , that will take 2.5 hours (run by Flixbus). For those planning to drive, it’s a 1-2 hour journey.

Florence and Pisa for 4 days

As the capital city of the Tuscan region, Florence is one of the most romantic cities in Italy. This is mainly because of the abundance of Renaissance art and architecture .  It is the perfect place to go for those seeking cultural attractions.

You will be in awe of the awe-inspiring creations of Michaelangelo and Brunelleschi.

Four days is plenty of time in Florence . You can use one of the days by planning a day trip to Pisa, which is only an hour away and take a silly photo at the Learning Tower of Pisa.

If it’s been your dream to visit Cinque Terre, it’s only a 2 hours and 30 minutes drive from Florence. There are so many amazing photo spots in Cinque Terre for those into photography and of course, hiking.

How to get here : Florence is south of Bologna. The drive from Bologna to Florence is 1.5 hours, while the train will take about 40 minutes , and the bus is 1.5 hours.

There are two international airports in Tuscany that you can fly into to get to Florence: Galileo Galilei International Airport and Amerigo Vespucci Airport. You can also get to Florence via train from Italy or other parts of Europe. 

Milan for 5 days

As a city known for its “haute couture” image, Milan is showcased in the impressive architectural design in the cityscape. Indeed, the fashion week is held annually in this city, showcasing its style propensity. 

Milan is also considered an alpha global city as it is among the best in the fields of art, education, fashion, finance, design, and tourism. The city highlights include the Gothic Duomo.

How to get here : Milan is northwest of Florence. You can get there by your rented car, and the trip will take about 3-4 hours. There’s also a train which is only a 2-hour trip , and the bus is the longest, 4 hours. There is a direct 2-hour flight, the ticket usually costs $30-$50.

Malpensa Airport is the main hub for air transport to Milan. There are several flights daily from other parts of or outside Italy. There is also a train from Venice or Rome that travel daily to Milan. If the train is not an option, there are also coach services in Milan. 

Day trips from Milan : You have plenty of time in Milan, this means that you can easily take a day trip to many places. The most popular is to head to Lake Como. The other options that are less touristy are Turin and Genoa.

Turin is a less popular city an hour and a half away southwest of Milan. Here, you will see historical sites, and museums, and pretty much be in a metropolitan city that is the gateway to the Alps.

On the other hand, Genoa is a port city, about 2 hours south of Milan. If you have been to Marseille in France, some people would compare Genoa and Marseille and point out their similarities. This city has been a valuable maritime trade route for centuries. You can visit ancient sites, explore piazzas, and sign up for a boat tour.

Itinerary #2: South – Rome, Naples, Sicily

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History lovers should definitely do this 2 weeks in Italy itinerary. It’s also perfect if you love the beach and plan to visit during summer to enjoy the famous Mediterranean Sea and the Tyrrhenian Sea.

This travel itinerary for 2 weeks in Italy is slower, giving you ample time to enjoy the trip and soak up the beauty of southern Italy. It’s recommended o book your flight to land in Rome, where you’ll be starting your escapade.

When you land in Rome, you can pick up a rental car at the airport or decide later. It’s much easier to traverse through Rome by foot or bus; it might be smarter to plan using a rented car once you’re ready to leave Rome.

Rome for 3 days

As the capital of Italy, Rome is known for its religion and art.  No visit to Italy would be complete without including Rome in your list of places to go . This is where you will find The Vatican City, the world’s smallest city-state. It is also home to many spectacular ancient ruins, such as the Colosseum and the Pantheon. 

How to get here: There are two major airports in Rome: Ciampino and Fiumicino. There are daily flights direct from major cities in Europe and the US. You can also take the train from other parts of Italy, such as Florence. And many of the visitors that come to Italy do so via a cruise ship. 

Naples for 4 days

Known as the birthplace of pizza, Naples is soul-stirring with its affection for art and undeniable elegance. When you visit the city, don’t forget to sample this famed culinary creation that is now popular all over the world.

Everywhere you look in this city, you’ll land your eye on cultural assets in the form of castles, cathedrals, palaces, and squares. It is bustling with energy and history that makes you feel like you are being transported back in time. 

It’s recommended to plan to stay in Naples for 4-5 days. During this time, not only can you cover Naples but also take a trip to Pompeii, Salerno, Capri, Sorrento, and the stunning Amalfi Coast.

How to get here : A high-speed train travels daily from Rome to Naples. The travel time can take just over an hour. For those planning to drive their own car, the distance between Rome and Naples is a little over 2 hours, and a bus will take 2-3 hours. If you are flying from outside Italy, you must book a flight to Naples Airport.

Catania for 3 days

It’s time to bid the beautiful Naples goodbye and continue your journey to Catania. This southern city is popular for its Baroque architecture and UNESCO status. But it’s popular for being the home to Mount Etna.

Catania is on the island of Sicily – rich in history, culture, and traditions that are very different from the north or even central part of Italy. Although Catania doesn’t get as much love as Palermo, there’s an upside to that. For people who wish to get away from big crowds, but still, learn about Sicilian culture – Catania is the place.

This is also the place you want to go if you don’t care much about the beach and are a hiker enthusiast.

How to get here : There is a great distance between Naples and Catania. A drive will take 7-8 hours and the train journey is 8-9 hours. It’s much better to take a flight which is only an hour flight and costs $20-$30. You can always rent another car once you arrive at Catania Airport.

Palermo for 4 days

Palermo is a metropolitan and busy harbour coastal city on the island of Sicily, and its capital. It’s the most sought-after destination in southern Italy for a good reason. Palermo has lots of historical and ancient sites dating all the way back to the 12th century.

This location has one of the most stunning architecture in the country, while opera performances are a must-do here. For food lovers, you might want to try out seafood, pasta alla norma, arancini, and cannoli.

If you prefer relaxing on the beach, pack your swimsuit and sunscreen, then head to Mondello Beach, Lido Valdesi, Magaggiari Beach, and La Praiola. But for a more serene environment, check out Alcamo Marina Beach during the weekdays.

How to get here: From Catania, it’s a 2 hours and 30 minutes drive, the same as taking the train. The bus is also possible, which will be cheaper, but probably takes 3 hours ro 3 hr and 30 mins.

Itinerary #3: Popular spots – Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples

2 images - leaning tower of pisa and capri rocky coastline - 2 Weeks in Italy Itinerary

Italy is such an amazing 2-week holiday destination . It has history, beach, hiking, and of course food. This 2 weeks in Italy itinerary is easily the one for first-time visitors. You’ll get to see and explore the top attractions and cities of the country.

This itinerary is suitable for pretty much everyone as it highlights Italy’s history, magnificent architecture, scenic landscape, and tasty food, which you can wash down with yummy and affordable wine.

With this itinerary, it’s also recommended to rent a car. You won’t have to drive longer than 3-4 hours unless you add stops along the way.

I don’t think Venice really need an introduction. We’ve heard the titles, praise, and every adjective that describes a magical city. Start your Italy trip by landing in Venice, renting out a gondola and visiting its waterway canals.

On land, you can pay a visit to its historical sites and simply admire its beauty. Don’t forget to sit down in one of the street restaurants and order a nice cup of coffee or pick up a delicious gelato.

You shouldn’t have a hard time getting to Venice. If you’re coming all the way from Latin America, Asia, or Africa, you might have to connect in Rome or other major cities in Europe, such as London, Paris, and Amsterdam.

Florence is the home of Renaissance art, architecture, and monuments. The Uffizi Gallery houses the famous “The Birth of Venus” by Sandro Botticelli, “Coronation of the Virgin” by Fra Angelico, and “Laocoon and his Sons” by Baccio Bandinelli.

Known for its iconic Leaning Tower, Pisa is a common day trip from Florence. It is a must-add to your 3-week itinerary in Italy.

It belongs to the region of Tuscany. Pisa is home to more than 20 historic churches, palaces, bridges, and other medieval structures. It is also known as a university town in the Tuscan region. 

How to get there : If you are travelling from within Italy, the train is the fastest way to get to Florence Pisa. It is only a 3-hour drive from Venice to Florence, the train will take 2-3 hours.

Unfortunately, there is no direct flight. In comparison, Pisa is only an hour away from Florence. The Pisa International Airport (also known as Galileo Galilei Airport) is the main airport to fly into to get to Pisa. 

The next destination is the glorious Rome! It’s the capital city of Italy and remains the most visited city in Italy. Spend your days wandering through the ancient yet well-preserved walls of the Colosseum, Pantheon, and Trevi Fountain.

Then find yourself a nice little restaurant or pick up a slice of pizza on the street and enjoy Rome’s unique atmosphere.

How to get here : Rome is only 1 hour and a 30-minute high-speed train ride from Florence. The drive will take 3 hours, and a direct flight is not available.

Naples is the lovely and ideal place to finish your 2 weeks in Italy trip. It’s located in the most admirable coastal region of the country. Have you heard of the names Capri, Amalfi Coast and Sorrento? These two small towns are Italy’s pride when it comes to splendid and romantic beaches.

Apart from Naples’ excellent beaches, it’s also a great location for hiking, which you don’t get the chance to do in the other Italian cities you have been to. The best hikes you can do in Naples are Punta Campanella, Pineta di San Costanzo, and of course, Vesuvio National Park.

How to get here : Driving from Rome to Naples will take a bit over 2 hours up to 2 hours and 30 minutes. The train will take a bit over an hour. Again, there are no direct flights between these two cities.

Naples is a very popular city in Italy. Finding a flight from here, either back home or to your next destination, should not be too hard. You can also easily fly from here to major European cities where intercontinental flights are available.

Itinerary #4: Away from tourists – Florence, Rimini, San Marino, Pescara, Viste

2 images -Vieste monolith coastline and florence's panorama view - 2 Weeks in Italy Itinerary

This final itinerary for 14 days in Italy is suitable for people who want to get away from tourists and most likely have been to Italy before. This travel plan highlights equally beautiful destinations and is worth exploring as other parts of the country.

You will get to visit cathedrals, archaeological sites, historical landmarks, beaches, vineyards, enjoy hiking, and do a day trip to San Marino. It is an independent country in the middle of Italy located in the northeast of the country.

I highly recommend renting a car for this travel plan since public transportation between less-touristic destinations can be unreliable.

Florence for 2-3 days

You will still have to arrive in a big city since these are the ones serviced by international airlines. You can either land in Florence or Rome, spend a few days gathering yourself, get local currency, and plan how to get to your next destination.

1-2 days would be ideal, especially if you are doing an intercontinental flight and want to catch up with sleep or arrange a rented car.

If you’ve never been to Florence, this city will surprise you in many ways. You can do incredible hikes around Florence, such as Palazzo Vecchio – Santa Croce Loop, Via Degli Dei, and Parco del Mensola. You can also simply walk downtown, explore quaint Italian alleys, and visit local markets.

Rimini and San Marino for 4 days

Rimini is situated in the Emilia-Romagna region, east of Florence. It’s a coastal city facing the Adriatic Sea. The beaches of Rimini are less busy than the ones in Naples. You can easily find a nice spot and just relax.

This place also has pretty interesting historical sites, such as the 15th-century Malatestiano Temple, located south of the city.

4 days is plenty, meaning you can afford a day trip and visit San Marino. It is an independent state that is landlocked in Italy. Wander through its city centre (San Marino), which is covered in cobbled stones and surrounded by traditional houses giving such a Medieval atmosphere.

This country is a favourite for professional cyclists due to its hilly roads and lack of flat ground. Many professional cyclists live here but also use this as an awesome training spot; it’s the equivalent of the country Andorra which is located on the border between France and Spain.

How to get here : Rimini is 237 km (147 miles) east of Florence, about a 2-3 hour drive; the train or bus will take about the same time. but you will be required to change carriage or bus in Bologna.

Pescara/Abruzzo for 3 days

Pescara is a nice and calming coast directly east of Rome, south of Rimini. It’s part of the magnificent region of Abruzzo. This region boasts rich vineyards, a church located on the hill that overviews snow-capped mountains, and a fantastic food culture.

Abruzzo produces olive oil, pasta sauce, pasta, and yummy jams. If you’re coming in summer, you might catch a food festival filled with local produce and artisan products.

There are also plenty of hike opportunities around Abruzzo, where you can visit ancient ruins, and beautiful national parks, and explore the walled city of L’Aquila, which was damaged in 2009 due to the earthquake.

How to get here: Pescara is 250 km (160 miles) south of Rimini. The drive will take about 2.5 hours, the same as the train.

Vieste for 4 days

To finish off your 2 weeks in Italy, you will be doing lots of hiking that are not too known to international visitors. You will get to hike, swim, and enjoy authentic Italian dishes for 4 glorious days. You will also visit a museum that displays unique shells and marine fossils downtown.

Gargano National Park is a wetland region with awe-inspiring valleys. It’s also located along the coast adding such a dramatic and stunning view of the Adriatic Sea. I recommend you base yourself at Vieste, a beach town and the most eastern point of the region and the location of the monolith reef of Pizzomunno.

But remember, during peak season, this area can still be busy due to local visitors and an influx of international tourists. But if you visit at the end of summer or just before it starts, you will be able to find tranquillity – an ideal way to end your trip.

How to get here : The distance between Pescara and Vieste is around 227 km (141 miles). The journey by car will take 3 hours; if you take the bus, it will be around 5-6 hours. Unfortunately, there are no train lines here.


Next is a list of the top attractions and sites you must visit in Italy. It’s arranged by the city to help your planning.

  • Explore the city centre – do a walking tour or a guided e-bike tour
  • Piazza Maggiore
  • Torre degli Asinelli – get an entrance ticket and food tasting option
  • Fountain of Neptune
  • Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca
  • Basilica di San Petronio
  • Basilica of San Domenico
  • Ferrari Lamborghini – visit the factory and museums
  • Palazzo d’Accursio
  • Pinacoteca Nazionale
  • Certosa di Bologna
  • It’s the food capital; don’t miss food tours such as home cooking class or self-guided food tasting or visit a Bologna food factory or do a walking food tour or a classic food tour with a local or Emilia Romagna food tour
  • Castello Ursino
  • Day trip to Sicily – and see The Godfather filming locations
  • Villa Bellini/Chiosco Bellini
  • Go on a sailing trip – read the tour reviews or Cyclops cruise and snorkelling
  • Cattedrale di Sant’Agata
  • Winery tour – 6-hour wine and food tasting or Mount Eta with wine and Alcantara tour
  • Teatro Amssimo Bellini
  • Food tour – do a cooking class
  • Fountain of the Elephant
  • Mount Etna – explore with 4×4 or do a morning Etna trip or Mount Etna and Taormina Village or Etna sunset tour or Mount Etna summit hike with cable car
  • Riserva Naturale Oasi del Simeto
  • Day trip to Syracuse – including Noto Culture tour
  • Uffizi Gallery – buy an affordable skip-the-line tour in advance
  • Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore
  • Pallazo Vecchio
  • David of Michaelangelo
  • Pitti Palace
  • Accademia Gallery and Brunelleschi Dome
  • Piazzale Michaelangelo
  • Forteza da Basso
  • Chianti Wineries – vineyard and wine tasting tour
  • Basilica of Santa Croce
  • Cinque Terre hike from Florence
  • Ponte Vecchio
  • Join a handmade pasta and dessert cooking class
  • Piazza del Duomo
  • The Boboli Gardens
  • Teatro Alla Scala
  • Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci
  • Duomo di Milano /Milan Cathedral – get a skip-the-line ticket
  • Sempione Park
  • Pinacoteca di Brera
  • Sforzesco Castle /Sforza Castle
  • Lake Maggiore
  • Basilica di Sant’Ambrogio
  • Santa Maria delle Grazie – Da Vinci’s Last Supper Tour
  • Arco Della Pace
  • Lake Como with Bellagio tour from Milan
  • Aero Gravity – open from 10 AM – 10.30 PM
  • All’Antico Vinaio – a great sandwich shop for a quick bite or join a Milan food tour
  • Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II or Corso Garibaldi – streets for many dining options
  • Best to use Milan 48-hour pass – free entrance to museums, discounts on restaurants, and transportation perks
  • Milan hop-on hop-off bus tour

Naples and around

  • Naples hop-on hop-off bus tour
  • Naples National Archaeological
  • Castel Nuovo
  • Royal Palace of Naples
  • Climbing Mount Vesuvius
  • Piazza del Plebiscito
  • Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte
  • Anacapri/Capri Island
  • Bourbon Tunnel tour
  • Amalfi Coast
  • Ruins of Pompeii – including the Casa del Fauno, the Temple of Apollo, the Amphitheater, and the Temple of Jupiter – book a combo tour
  • Grotta dello Smeraldo
  • Museo Correale di Terranova
  • Bagni Regina Giovanna
  • Veiled Christ – located in Cappella Sansevero
  • Fiordo di Furore
  • Visit Catacombe di San Gennaro
  • Herculaneum
  • Sorrento, Positano, and Amalfi full-day tour
  • Castel dell Ovo is a sea-bound castle
  • Naples Underground tour
  • Spiaggia Marina Grande
  • Villa Jovis
  • Naples food tour
  • Cattedrale di Palermo
  • Spiaggia Vergine Maria
  • Catacombe dei Cappuccini – catacomb and Monreale half-day tour
  • Massimo Theater
  • Quattro Canti
  • Go sailing – join a half-day trip with snacks and drinks
  • Santa Maria dell’Ammiraglio
  • Fontana Pretoria
  • Mafia tour – read the reviews
  • Norman Palace
  • Royal Palace and Palatine Chapel
  • Vintage Fiat 500 – check the tour cost
  • Castello della Zisa
  • Riserva Naturale di Capo Gallo
  • Day trip to Segesta, Erice, and Salt Pans – full-day excursion
  • Baia di San Cataldo
  • Explore the food scene – book a street food walking tour or a night food tour or a food tour with walking tour or pizza and gelato-making class or a pasta and tiramisu class
  • Ponte del Mare
  • Museo delle Genti d’Abruzzo
  • Gabriele D’Annunzio’s Birthplace Musuem
  • Piazza della Rinascita
  • Nature REserve Pineta Dannuziana
  • Museo Archeologico Nazionale d’Abruzzo
  • Castle of Roccascalegna
  • Monte Amaro/Maiella
  • Spiaggia di Valle Grotte
  • Leaning Tower of Pisa – get an entrance ticket
  • Lungarno di Pisa
  • Explore Pisa – get an all-inclusive guided tour or do a bike tour
  • Santa Maria Della Spina
  • Marina di Pisa
  • Square or Miracles Monuments – check the tour cost
  • Monte Pisano
  • Day trip to Cinque Terre – check the itinerary
  • Pisa Cathedral – do a guided tour
  • Iglesia de Santa Maria della Spina
  • Day trip to Chianti wine tour – read the reviews
  • Book a food tour
  • Borhese Gallery and Museum
  • Piazza del Popolo
  • Villa Borghese
  • Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Palatine Hill – buy a combo ticket
  • Piazza Navona
  • Baths of Caracalla
  • Vatican City, Vatican Museums – get yourself a skip-the-line ticket
  • Altar of the Fatherland
  • St. Peter’s Basilica – join a St. Peter’s Basilica to Underground Grotto tour
  • Castle Saint Angelo or Mausoleum of Hadrian
  • Spanish Steps
  • Trevi Fountain
  • Rome food tour
  • Vatican and Rome City Pass with free use of transportation
  • Venetian Arsenal
  • Ca’ Rezzonico
  • Basilica S.Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
  • St Mark’s Basilica – buy a skip-the-line tour with terrace access
  • St. Mark’s Square
  • Venice Lido
  • St. Mark’s Campanile
  • Doge’s Palace
  • Rialto Bridge
  • San Marco Campanile
  • San Giorgio Maggiore
  • Venice’s Grand Canal Gondola tour
  • Gallerie dell’ Accademia
  • Don’t miss a Venice street food tour
  • Spiaggia di San Lorenzo
  • Scalinata dell’amore
  • Monolite Pizzomunno
  • Museo Malacologico Vieste
  • Vieste Lighthouse
  • Spiaggia di Scialmarino
  • Riserva naturale Foresta Umbra
  • Vicolo del Bacio
  • Hike Coppa d’Incero


3 images - cannoli, gelato, and seafood ravioli - 2 Weeks in Italy Itinerary

Food in Italy is like a great conquest. The challenge is being able to try all the must-eat foods within 2 weeks in Italy. Indeed, a country known for its culinary history requires you to taste as much as it can offer. 

Every region or city in Italy is known for its respective dishes. Thus, it is a must to sample them when you visit each city. Below is a list of the recommended dishes you cannot leave Italy without trying.

Probably the single dish that unifies and represents Italy as a country to the world, Pizza is easy, cheap, and very filling. This is probably why it easily grew in popularity in other parts of the world. 

Today, you will find a variety of pizza toppings. The classic Italian pizza is simply made with mozzarella cheese, tomato sauce, tomato slices, and basil leaves. 

Risotto originated in central-northern Italy and is now one of the most iconic Italian dishes, Risotto is made with short-grain rice that is slowly cooked with a creamy texture. Various ingredients are used for making risotto, including mushrooms, seafood, and saffron. 

Bruschetta Al Pomodoro

Bruschetta al Pomodoro (or tomato bruschetta) is one of many vegan options available in Italy . It is one of the must-try dishes in Italy because of the main ingredients representing the country – tomato and basil. The bread is char-grilled to give it that crunchy exterior to contrast the tomato and basil topping.

You simply cannot leave Italy without consuming their world-famous gelato. A scoop or two is perfect to relieve the heat during an Italian summer day. 

There are also a variety of gelatos to choose from, and you can find vegan options. The velvety texture of the gelato is smoother than regular ice cream. 


To help you plan your 2 weeks in Italy itinerary, here’s a list of recommended places you can stay depending on your budget arranged by city. Whether you’re a backpacker, an average traveller, or a luxury seeker, there’s something for everyone.

  • Affordable: Casa Isolani Pizza Maggiore or Denise B&B
  • Mid-range: Casa Isolani or A San Lazzaro Rooms
  • Luxury: Art Hotel Commercianti or Hotel Corona d’Oro or NH Bologna De La Gare or Starhotels Excelsoir
  • Affordable: Domoikos or Hotel Sofia
  • Mid-range: B&B Stesicoro or Liberty Hotel
  • Luxury: Palace Catania or B&B Palazzo Cerami or 81 Suite and Breakfast
  • Mid-range: hu Firenze Camping in Town or B&B Home
  • Luxury: Hotel De La Ville or Hotel della Signoria
  • Affordable: Lion Hostel or Matteo Guest House
  • Mid-range: Starhotel Business Palace pr Cesena3 Plus
  • Luxury: Palazzo Cornalia or Hotel Manin
  • Affordable: Los Mochileros Hostel or Naples Experience Hostel
  • Mid-range: B&B Vesu or Raggio di Sole 2
  • Luxury: Macchiato Suites or Relais della Porta
  • Affordable: B&B Vivere Palermo or Teatro Del Sole Apartment or B&B Hotel Quattro Canti
  • Mid-range: La Maison del Sole or Vittorio Emanuele Rooms or InCanto
  • Luxury: Palazzo Santamarina or Duca di Villena or Quintocanto Hotel & Spa
  • Affordable: B&B Hotel Pescara or Dimora Novecento
  • Mid-range: Villa L’Aurora or Marini Bed&Breakfast or Aron Only Suites B&B or Corso 84 Suites
  • Luxury: Wood Luxury House or Smartfit House or Villa Alba Luxury Resort
  • Affordable: Ariminum Hotel or Card International Hotel
  • Mid-range: Hotel Gabbiano or Hotel Baby
  • Luxury: Savoia Hotel or Hotel Aria or Le Rose Suite Hotel or i-Suite Hotel
  • Affordable: Residenza Laterano or Affittacamere de Barby
  • Mid-range: Villa Paganini or Walker Guest House
  • Luxury: Dimora ai Fori or Tree Charme Parliament Boutique
  • Mid-range: Al Portico Guest House or Hotel Principe
  • Luxury: Carnival Palace or Hotel Dell’Opera
  • Affordable: Rocca Sul Mare Hotel or Quintessenza – Charme Rooms
  • Mid-range: Agriturismo Posta Pastorella or La Duchessa e Il Contadino
  • Luxury: Suite Mozart or B&B Armonia Vieste


Italy is one of the most popular countries for tourism. But just when you think you know all there is to know about Italy, it surprises you. When you visit Italy, use the information above to help you plan for your trip.

But also come with an open mind because you will discover more hidden gems along the way, which isn’t always bad.

2 weeks in Italy might not sound like a lot, because it’s not. However, there are many ways to explore this country. I don’t recommend trying to overload your itinerary as you won’t have time to enjoy, slow down, and process everything you see.

It’s better to focus on one region or area and leave something for your next visit. Because after this trip, I’m sure you’ll be back.


Explore Italy affordably in 2 weeks! Discover Rome's ancient sites, wander through Florence's art-filled streets, relax in the picturesque Cinque Terre, and indulge in authentic Italian cuisine. Opt for budget accommodations like hostels or guesthouses. via @Twoweektraveller

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Vacations in Italy

Vacations in Italy

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Most popular italy flight and hotel deals, all inclusive vacation packages to italy, last minute vacation packages to italy, search by stars, search by review score, search by board, search by price, search by freebies, when to book a vacation in italy, tips for finding italy package deals.

  • There are loads of types of vacations in Italy and the cost will depend on what type of trip you’re taking and for how long you’d like to stay. Here are the latest prices for a 3 night trip for 2 travelers: Top vacation $453; Family vacation $398; Romantic vacation $509; Luxury vacation $503; Budget vacation $357.

Why should you book a vacation package to Italy?

The most popular Italian cities include Milan, Venice, Florence, and Rome. Another great option, which encompasses art, historical buildings, and incredible food, is the island of Sicily, just off the toe of Italy's boot.

When should you book a vacation package to Italy?

The best season for visiting is the early spring before Italy's many tourist attractions begin their expensive and busy season. One of the most popular events in Italy continues to be the Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball which celebrates Fat Tuesday in late February.

Where should you stay in Italy during your vacation?

For any vacation type in italy:.

Grand Hotel Via Veneto next to Villa Borghese Park features an on-site restaurant, meeting rooms, and an impressive city spa. Sitbus and Terravision both offer discounted shuttles from Rome Fiumicino with several drop off points throughout Rome.

La Griffe Roma - MGallery By Sofitel's location next to Vatican City makes it the perfect home base to explore from while also offering meeting rooms for those who may be travelling to Rome on business. La Griffe Roma is easily accessible by train from Rome Fiumicino and near to the Roma Termini transportation hub.

For family vacations in Italy:

The Duke Hotel in Rome is a 4-star hotel that offers 23 family suites in a quiet and safe section of the city so you can rest easy on your next Italian vacation. The best option for transporting your family around Italy is via rental car from Rome Fiumicino International Airport.

QC Terme Roma Spa & Resort near Lago Triamo checks all the boxes on your list: close to the airport, sprawling grounds, therapeutic spa services, and a buffet curated with healthy food options. A rental car from Rome Fiumicino is one of the best ways to travel between the airport, hotel, and downtown city center.

For romantic vacations in Italy:

Hotel Villa Morgagni will have you feeling like royalty with it's 19th century architecture, tasteful ambiance, and intimate location tucked away from Rome's crowded main streets.

Aldrovandi Villa Borghese in Rome features underground soaking pools, professional massages, and luxurious facials to pep up your romantic holiday. Located adjacent to Bioparco, this relaxing hotel is easily accessible via airport shuttle from any of the main domestic or international airports in Rome.

For luxury vacations in Italy:

Hotel Raphael - Relais Chateaux at Navona Square is a true museum of art with modern decor, classical architecture, and a rooftop restaurant just a few streets away from the famous Roman Pantheon. Consider renting a taxi for the most private and straightforward trip from Rome Fiumicino Airport.

Ambasciatori Palace prides itself on a long history of welcoming elegance with timeless décor, modern international cuisine, and luxurious spa services. Private car transfers from Rome's many airports can be arranged directly with Ambasciatori Palace upon booking.

For budget vacations in Italy:

Hotel Splendide Royale offers grand views over the historical Medici estate and gardens within a short walk of the Spagna metro stop, which connects you with other parts of the city. This hotel offers airport shuttles which you can arrange upon booking your Italian vacation package.

Hotel Panama Garden is a pet-friendly hotel which offers a retreat away from Rome's bustling city center while still maintaining walking distance to most tourist attractions. Use those extra savings to splurge on a rental car to easily transfer from Rome Fiumicino Airport and explore the surrounding Italian countryside.

Where to stay in Italy

Italy vacation information, popular package vacation destinations in italy.

  • Aosta Valley
  • Emilia-Romagna
  • Friuli-Venezia Giulia
  • Trentino-Alto Adige
  • Capri Island
  • Cinque Terre
  • Costiera Amalfitana
  • Emerald Coast
  • Italian Alps
  • Lago Maggiore
  • Lago d'Iseo
  • Riviera Adriatica
  • Riviera Ligure
  • Toscan Coast

Plan Your Trip to Italy: Best of Italy Tourism

02 travel to italy

Essential Italy

02 travel to italy

Dig Into Italy

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Italy Is Great For

Art & history.

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Eat & drink

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10 Best Relaxing Holiday Destinations in Italy

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10 Best Relaxing Holiday Destinations in Italy

4. Lake Como

5. lake garda, 8. florence, 9. sorrento.

Italy has an endless number of relaxing holiday destinations. Read our guide to the best destinations to escape it all and fully relax in paradise Italian style!

Italy offers a tapestry of diversity, from its dramatic coastlines to its historic cities packed with Roman Amphitheatres and ruins, which will be irresistible to history buffs.

Italy is ideal for a getaway to unwind and recharge, particularly if you can find a hidden, peaceful corner. Its perpetual sunshine, delectable cuisine, Pasta dishes to die for, and flamboyant people deliver everything you need for a relaxing retreat.

We’ve already reviewed the best Marriott hotels in Italy , and if you’re on a budget, the cheapest Marriott hotels in Italy , so we have suggested a vast selection of delightfully luxurious and also cost-effective hotels for your next Italian break.

Some of the best European Four Seasons hotels can be found in Italy, but stays at Marriott hotels have the advantage of earning you Marriott Bonvoy points whereas you can’t collect loyalty points at Four Seasons hotels .

Book any Italian stay via our luxury travel concierge to get free breakfast, hotel credit, room upgrade (subject to availability), as well as all your usual loyalty points.

Capri is a magical place. Most travelers arrive here via Naples airport or station. Naples is a destination where your stress levels will be turned up to 10. The constant car honking (are there any cars in Naples without dents in them?), the pollution. There’s a traffic tunnel near the port that you can barely breathe in; the fumes are so noxious. I always pray my taxi doesn’t get stuck in a queue in this particular slice of Naples paradise as the air is so polluted.

Even the architecture around Naples is stressful. Concrete blocks tower over what remains of the original pretty buildings, like something out of George Orwell’s novel 1984. But don’t be put off. Once you are past the beeping cars and the pollution and reach the port, you can hop onto a ferry or a private yacht to transfer over to Capri. It’s like the sea breeze is blowing you to Paradise.

Capri itself is a peaceful island surrounded by azure blue waters. The little windy streets in Capri town are so pretty and carpeted in cobblestones. On the edge of the town and around Anacapri, there’s lots of greenery, little vineyards, and arid scrubland dotted with olive trees. So relaxing. Even the smells here are relaxing. Lavender and other herbs waft across the hot, grassy hills.

Book into one of the luxury hotels for the ultimate in relaxation. The Capri Palace is our top choice and you can enjoy free benefits here if you book via our concierge . Stay here and relax around the leisurely pool. Unwind on a lounger and chillax with a cocktail or a pizza from their pizza restaurant. Even the decor is perfect for destressing. It is a mix of shades of white with lots of flowing linens and peace.

This hotel is also outside the center of Capri and sits in Anacapri, so you can avoid the day crowds and take the free hotel minibus down to the main square in the evening once the crowds have dissipated.

With Four Seasons Puglia soon to open, right on the beach, this will be the place to stay in Puglia for ultimate relaxation.

The forthcoming Four Seasons establishment in Puglia will feature 150 rooms and suites situated in an exclusive seaside setting offering vistas of the Adriatic Sea and direct beach entry. Guests will enjoy proximity to the nearby historic town of Ostuni and numerous other attractions in the region.

Puglia, comprising the heel of Italy’s iconic “boot,” boasts ancient towns steeped in history, national parks, majestic mountains, exquisite culinary delights, pristine coastlines, and a Mediterranean climate. Ostuni, a short distance from the resort, is renowned as the “White City” for its whitewashed dwellings nestled into the cliffs, medieval alleyways, and a 15th-century Gothic cathedral.

Positioned within a 40-minute drive from popular locales like Ostuni, Alberobello, and Monopoli, the forthcoming Four Seasons in Puglia, Italy, will stand out as one of the region’s rare hotels with direct beach access. Accommodations will comprise villa-style units, all affording serene sea-facing views, promising the utmost in relaxation.

The state-of-the-art destination spa will be the ultimate place to relax, with ten treatment rooms, a hammam, a sauna, a pool, and a yoga studio.

The resort will be located 40 kilometers (25 miles) from Brindisi International Airport and 95 kilometers (60 miles) from Bari International Airport and is also accessible via direct train from Rome.

With its serene coastal vistas, charming countryside, and laid-back atmosphere, Sicily offers a truly relaxing escape. Most of the luxury hotels in Sicily, including San Domenico Palace a Four Seasons Hotel are located in Taormina.

Nestled on the eastern coast of Sicily, Taormina is a picturesque hilltop town renowned for its stunning views of the Ionian Sea and the imposing Mount Etna. Characterized by narrow cobblestone streets, elegant squares, and historic architecture, Taormina exudes a timeless charm.

Visitors can explore ancient ruins, such as the Greek Theater, wander through lush gardens, or relax at one of the many panoramic cafes, taking in the breathtaking scenery. With its blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and tranquil ambiance, Taormina offers a truly enchanting experience for travelers seeking relaxation and serenity.

Nestled amidst the tranquil landscapes of northern Italy, Lake Como exudes an aura of serene relaxation. Surrounded by lush hillsides, charming villages, and elegant villas, the lake offers a peaceful retreat for visitors seeking respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

With its calm, crystal-clear waters and picturesque shoreline, Lake Como invites travelers to unwind and embrace a slower pace of living. Whether strolling along the waterfront promenades, enjoying a leisurely boat ride, or simply admiring the panoramic views from a lakeside cafe, every moment spent at Lake Como is infused with a sense of tranquility and relaxation.

Stay at the Grand Hotel Tremezzo for incredible pools and views, the Ritz-Carlton Lake Como when it opens for complete luxury or the Hilton Lake Como for luxury on a budget.

Set amidst the picturesque landscapes of northern Italy, Lake Garda beckons with its tranquil beauty and serene ambiance, offering visitors a perfect retreat for relaxation.

Surrounded by rolling hills, verdant vineyards, and charming villages, the lake exudes a peaceful atmosphere that soothes the soul. With its crystal-clear waters and panoramic views of the surrounding mountains, Lake Garda provides an idyllic setting for unwinding and rejuvenating.

Whether lounging on the shores, taking a leisurely boat cruise, or exploring the quaint lakeside towns, every moment spent at Lake Garda is infused with a sense of calm and tranquility, making it an ideal destination for those seeking a relaxing escape.

The center of Venice is not relaxing. In the summer, it’s stifling hot and unbearably crowded, but hop on a boat to one of the private island hotels, and you will find a place of discreet relaxation, where you can wander around peaceful green gardens with the lapping water never far away. The three best private island hotels are the JW Marriott Venice , the Kempinski Venice and Hotel Cipriani which sits on the end of an island and has one of the best hotel pools in Venice .

As night draws in, Mark’s Square, also known as Piazza San Marco in Italian, the principal public square of Venice, becomes much quieter. The same thing is true for first thing in the morning, although the most peaceful time to visit Venice is the winter when the fog sets in, and you have the winding cobbled backstreets all to yourself.

With its rolling hills, vineyards, and historic towns, Tuscany offers a truly relaxing escape. The gentle landscapes stretch on endlessly, inviting visitors to unwind and immerse themselves in the region’s natural beauty. Whether strolling through sun-kissed vineyards, indulging in leisurely wine tastings, or enjoying a peaceful picnic amidst olive groves, Tuscany offers countless opportunities to relax and recharge.

The serene countryside, dotted with charming agriturismos and rustic villas, provides a tranquil backdrop for quiet contemplation and rejuvenation. With its slow pace of life, delicious cuisine, and warm hospitality, Tuscany embodies the essence of relaxation, making it a perfect Italian destination for those seeking to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

In Florence, relaxation intertwines effortlessly with the city’s rich history and cultural allure. Amidst the bustling streets and iconic landmarks, there are serene oases where visitors can unwind and rejuvenate.

Imagine leisurely strolls along the Arno River, where the gentle flow of water provides a calming soundtrack to the city’s rhythm. Parks and gardens, such as the Boboli Gardens and the Rose Garden, offer tranquil retreats amidst lush greenery, perfect for picnics or quiet contemplation.

Additionally, charming cafes and piazzas provide ideal settings to sip a cappuccino or indulge in gelato while watching the world go by. Florence’s art-filled churches and museums offer opportunities for quiet reflection, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty of masterpieces by Michelangelo, Botticelli, and Leonardo da Vinci.

Whether savoring Tuscan delicacies at a cozy trattoria or simply admiring the city’s architectural wonders from a scenic viewpoint, Florence offers a myriad of ways to unwind and embrace the art of relaxation.

And where to stay? We choose the Four Seasons Florence over the St. Regis . Four Seasons Firenze is deeply historical and is tucked away in the city’s biggest private garden, a tranquil haven of statues, fountains, and centuries-old trees. These grounds are perfect for relaxing as there is a tranquil pool to enjoy during the day, and in the evening, you can relax alfresco with a glass of fine wine whilst enjoying live music.

On the stunning Amalfi Coast, Sorrento embodies the essence of relaxation amidst its breathtaking coastal scenery and Mediterranean charm. With its panoramic views of the azure sea and dramatic cliffs, Sorrento offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Visitors can unwind on sun-drenched beaches, where the gentle lapping of waves provides a soothing soundtrack to lazy afternoons spent basking in the sun. For a truly tranquil experience, travelers can explore the town’s quaint streets lined with lemon groves and fragrant gardens, perfect for peaceful strolls and moments of reflection.

Sorrento’s picturesque piazzas offer inviting spots to sip a refreshing limoncello or indulge in authentic Italian gelato while savoring the laid-back atmosphere. Additionally, the town’s spa resorts provide opportunities for indulgent pampering, with luxurious treatments inspired by ancient wellness traditions. Whether admiring the sunset from a cliffside terrace or savoring fresh seafood at a seaside trattoria, Sorrento beckons visitors to relax and immerse themselves in its idyllic coastal ambiance.

Rome, with its rich history and vibrant energy, may not be the first place that comes to mind when seeking relaxation, but amidst its bustling streets and iconic landmarks, there are pockets of tranquility. Visitors to Rome can unwind in the city’s lush parks and gardens, such as Villa Borghese or the gardens of Villa Doria Pamphili, where verdant landscapes offer a peaceful retreat from the urban hustle.

Serenity can also be found in Rome’s quiet squares and hidden courtyards, where charming cafes provide the perfect spot to enjoy a leisurely cappuccino or a glass of wine while soaking in the ambiance.

For those seeking relaxation through cultural immersion, Rome’s world-class museums and art galleries offer an opportunity to explore at a leisurely pace, taking in masterpieces by the likes of Michelangelo, Bernini, and Caravaggio. Additionally, the city’s ancient ruins, such as the Roman Forum and the Colosseum, provide a sense of awe-inspiring serenity as visitors reflect on the grandeur of the past.

After a day of sightseeing, travelers can indulge in the Italian tradition of la dolce vita by savoring a leisurely meal at a cozy trattoria or trattoria, where delicious cuisine and fine wine are savored amidst convivial company.

Finally, as the sun sets over the Eternal City, there’s no better way to unwind than with a leisurely passeggiata (evening stroll) along the Tiber River or through the charming streets of Trastevere, where the city’s timeless beauty is illuminated by the soft glow of streetlights, offering a moment of quiet contemplation amidst the city’s eternal charm.

Copyright Luxury Travel Diary 2014 - 2024. Duplication outside of is forbidden.

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  4. Italy International Travel Information

    Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays). See the State Department's travel website for the Worldwide Caution and Travel Advisories.

  5. Documents needed to travel to Italy

    What documents are required for EU and non-EU citizens to enter and travel in Italy? The documentation required to enter Italy varies according to your country of origin:. for EU citizens and citizens of countries that have signed the Schengen Agreement, a valid identity card is sufficient as an alternative to a passport;; Citizens from non-EU countries may enter Italy with a passport valid ...

  6. 13 things to know before going to Italy

    If you are planning a road trip, make sure to book your car well in advance. 4. Card payments are now widely accepted, but carrying some cash is a good idea. For a long time, Italy has been a cash-first country. But in 2022, a new law introduced a fine for businesses not accepting card payments.

  7. Covid-19: travel information

    Considering the epidemiological situation, Italy has foreign travel restrictions in place depending on where you are travelling from/to. An interactive questionnaire is available from to check the rules currently in force regarding travel to and from Italy. Please find below a list of other useful web pages:

  8. Can I travel to Italy? Travel Restrictions & Entry Requirements for

    Find continuously updated travel restrictions for Italy such as border, vaccination, COVID-19 testing, and quarantine requirements.

  9. What you need to know about traveling to Italy right now

    Many countries, including the US, require passengers to present a negative COVID-19 test result before boarding their flight home from an international trip. Fortunately, tests are widely available across Italy in pharmacies, labs and testing centers. Antigen tests cost approximately €20, while PCR tests are generally around €65.

  10. UPDATE: What are the latest rules for travel to Italy ...

    Advertisement. The rules on travel to (and through) Italy from the US and Canada have changed frequently over the past few months in response to the changing Covid-19 situation. As of June 1st, passengers are no longer required to show proof of vaccination, recovery, or a recent negative Covid test to enter Italy without a quarantine requirement.

  11. Americans Can Now Travel to Italy

    Published on May 17, 2021. Travelers dreaming of la dolce vita can stop fantasizing and start booking as Italy started welcoming vaccinated tourists on Sunday — including Americans. The country ...

  12. Italy travel requirements 2024: What travelers need to know

    Photo credit: Natalie. June 2023 - Natalie Deduck of Best of Turin, visitor: "My husband and I come to Turin to stay a month and later travel to other destinations in Italy.. The main tourist destinations such as Rome, Amalfi Coast, Florence, and Milan are receiving a tremendous influx of tourists this Spring and Summer.

  13. Best Time to Visit Italy

    February - The month of Carnival in Italy. March - When to visit Italy for a quiet vibe. April - When to visit Italy for Easter. May - The best time to visit Italy for perfect weather. June - The beginning of summer in Italy. July - Italy's hottest month weather-wise. August - The crowdest month on the Italian beaches.

  14. Entry requirements

    To travel to Italy, you must follow Schengen area passport requirements . To enter Italy (and all Schengen countries) your passport must: have a 'date of issue' less than 10 years before the ...

  15. A Step-By-Step Guide To 14 Days In Italy

    Map Of Your 14 Days In Italy. Where to go: a cool itinerary for two weeks in Italy. Milan - 2 Days. Venice - 2 to 3 Days. Cinque Terre - 2 Days. Florence - 3 to 4 Days. Rome - 4 to 6 Days. Naples and the Amalfi Coast - 3 Days. Hidden gems + alternative Italy itineraries.

  16. Cheap Flights to Italy from $169

    Flights to Abano Terme, Italy. Flights to Agrigento, Italy. $526. Flights to Alassio, Italy. Flights to Alberobello, Italy. Flights to Alcamo, Italy. View more. Find flights to Italy from $169. Fly from the United States on British Airways, Air Europa, TAP AIR PORTUGAL and more.

  17. Travel advice and advisories for Italy

    Italy is a Schengen area country. Canadian citizens do not need a visa for travel to countries within the Schengen area. However, visa-free travel only applies to stays of up to 90 days in any 180-day period. Stays are cumulative and include visits to any Schengen area country.

  18. Two Weeks in Italy: A Complete Guide for First Timers

    Here's how we would plan a trip to see the best of Italy in two weeks, starting in Rome and ending in Venice: Day 1: Arrive in Rome. Day 2: Rome. Day 3: Rome. Day 4: Rome + Train to Florence. Day 5: Florence. Day 6: Florence. Day 7: Florence Day Trip. Day 8: Train to Bologna.

  19. 9 tips for beginners visiting Italy for the first time

    Lake Maggiore is beautiful and less busy than many other lakes in Italy. (Photo by Musat/Getty) Related: 5 of Italy's best-hidden gem cities. 5. Take the train. The Freeciarossa runs between some of Italy's best destinations. These high-speed trains from company Trenitalia are affordable, fast and comfortable.

  20. 2 Weeks in Italy: 4 itineraries

    Itinerary #3: Popular spots - Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples. Italy is such an amazing 2-week holiday destination. It has history, beach, hiking, and of course food. This 2 weeks in Italy itinerary is easily the one for first-time visitors. You'll get to see and explore the top attractions and cities of the country.

  21. Italy travel advice

    Still current at: 9 June 2024 Updated: 4 June 2024 Latest update: Information that if your passport is lost or stolen, you cannot use a police report to leave Italy ('Safety and security' page).

  22. Italy vacation packages from $979

    Tips for finding Italy package deals. There are loads of types of vacations in Italy and the cost will depend on what type of trip you're taking and for how long you'd like to stay. Here are the latest prices for a 3 night trip for 2 travelers: Top vacation $453; Family vacation $398; Romantic vacation $509; Luxury vacation $503; Budget ...

  23. Italy: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024)

    3,302. Explore Italy. From the silvery crests of the Alps to the sparkling Mediterranean Sea, Italy's beauty is unparalleled. A visit could mean marveling at the Colosseum after a tender plate of pasta, or drifting lazily down a canal, your belly full of local Sangiovese. Explore Tuscan vineyards and olive groves or drool over boutiques in ...

  24. 10 Best Relaxing Holiday Destinations in Italy

    All opinions remain our own & are in no way influenced. The 10 most relaxing holiday destinations in Italy are Capri, Puglia, Sicily, Lake Como, Lake Garda, Venice, Tuscany, Florence, Sorrento, Rome.

  25. Stories

    Travel Stories. Nothing says summer in the USA like heading to the lake. We asked our writers to share their favorite lakes in the country. Look beyond the French capital's most famous sights and you'll discover many free things to do in Paris - and get a local's perspective on the city too.

  26. Travel News, Tips, and Guides

    The latest travel news, deals, guides and tips from the travel experts at USA TODAY. All the travel insights you need to plan your dream vacation.

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    3 Must-Visit Classical Music Festivals In Italy For Summer 2024. Jun 6, 2024, 09:30am EDT. ... the United States boasts the strongest travel and tourism economy in the world right now, ...

  28. Amsterdam to Venice by train: The best places to stop along ...

    If you want to try out slow travel, we've got the perfect itinerary all planned out for you. ... Published on 06/02/2023 - 07:00 • ... Italy. Venice is built on 100 seperate islands bluejayphoto ...