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How to get USA visit visa from Pakistan | Guide

To initiate your application for a US visit visa from Pakistan, you’ll begin by filling out the online form known as D-160 and making the necessary payments. Following this, you’ll schedule an appointment at the embassy for an interview. Drawing from my personal experience with a Pakistani passport, I’ll guide you through each step of the process.

For those seeking a tourist visa, you’ll be required to furnish evidence of your travel arrangements. This includes a comprehensive itinerary outlining your intended journey to the United States, which will be requested when you start the DS-160 form.

Applying for a US visit Visa from Pakistan: A Step-by-Step Guide

Let walk you through the step-by-step process of obtaining a US visa in Pakistan. To kickstart the procedure, head over to a designated website and complete the D-160 form online. Following this, navigate to another website to register yourself.

Click here to schedule an appointment

Once you’ve filled out the D-160 form on the first website, proceed to register for an appointment on the second site. This platform will generate a fee slip for you, which you’ll then take to a nearby Allied Bank branch to settle the necessary visa fee. Following payment, you’ll be able to secure an appointment after a day’s time. On the day of your appointment, you’ll undergo an interview with a visa officer at the embassy or consulate.

USA Visit Visa Requirements for Pakistani Passport Holders

The US embassy in Islamabad and the consulate general in Karachi are the designated centers for receiving non-immigrant visa applications from Pakistani applicants. Residents of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, and FATA should submit their applications to the embassy in Islamabad, while those from Sindh and Balochistan should reach out to the consulate general in Karachi.

Essential Criteria for a US Visa in Pakistan

  • A passport, valid for at least 6 months
  • Appointment letter (Printed)
  • Visa application confirmation (Printed)

The mentioned essential documents should be brought to the embassy or consulate when applying for a US visa in Pakistan. Below, I will provide additional supporting documents for your application.

Supplemental Documents for US Visit Visa Applications from Pakistan

To support your visa application, you may choose to bring along the following additional documents. However, it is not mandatory to do so. The most critical aspect of obtaining a US visa is the interview. If you satisfy the interviewing officer with honest and clear answers, your chances of success are higher. Here is a list of optional additional documents:

  • Bank statement for the last 6 months
  • Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
  • B-form for your children (if they are accompanying you)
  • FRC – Family registration certificate (if the family is accompanying you)
  • Employment Letter (if employed)
  • Leave Certificate (if employed)
  • Company Registration & Relevant Documents (if self-employed)
  • Property papers (if you own property in Pakistan)

Please note, these documents are not mandatory. Only present them if the officer specifically requests them. If the officer has difficulty understanding your statements, providing a document can help clarify your situation. In my case, the officer only asked to see my bank statement. She examined it briefly and returned it to me immediately.

While explaining my purpose for visiting the US, the interviewing officer had some difficulty understanding me, likely due to the glass window separating us. To ensure clarity, I presented the invitation letter I received from the US company I was visiting. This helped her comprehend my reason for traveling to the USA.

Interview Queries for Pakistani Applicants of US Visit Visa

The US visa process consists of two parts . The initial phase involves submitting your application online, while the second phase requires attending an interview at the embassy. In the first part, you provide all the necessary information, including details from your passport and the purpose of your visit visa to the USA. When you face the officer, they already have this information from your form, along with data from various databases. It’s crucial to be truthful in your application; providing false information can lead to visa refusal.

The visa interview typically begins with fundamental questions, many of which you’ve already addressed in the application form. These may include inquiries like why you’re going to the USA and how long you plan to stay.

During the 5 to 6-minute interview, expect follow-up questions and cross-questions. The officials aim to understand your genuine purpose for visiting the USA. They are skilled at discerning honesty from falsehood.

Simply be yourself and respond truthfully. It’s vital to maintain consistency in your statements. Many of the questions will be drawn from the visa application you filled out online in the D-160 form.

Understanding Administrative Processing for US Visit Visa

Currently, it’s quite common for US visa applications to undergo an administrative process. This process involves a security background check, typically conducted within the USA by agencies like the FBI.

If the visa officer takes your passport and provides you with a document indicating administrative processing, it means that, in principle, your US visa is approved. However, the visa officer requires a security check to be carried out by the US government.

The duration of this process can vary significantly, ranging from one week to one year. It’s important to note that this is a case-specific procedure. In my case, the administrative process for my visa application took only one week. However, some individuals have reported it taking more than six months for them.

Importance of Travel History for US Visit Visa Applications

It’s important to note that a robust travel history is not always a prerequisite. If you have strong factors like solid ties to your home and a reputable professional background, an extensive travel history may not be as crucial.

I find it perplexing why some individuals travel solely to accumulate a travel history. Personally, when I applied for a US visa, I had only visited Thailand, Malaysia, UAE, and Sri Lanka. None of these trips were undertaken with the intention of enhancing my US visa application. It’s worth mentioning that my UK visa had been rejected just 15 days before I applied for the US visa.

However, if you’re a single individual under 30, having some travel experience can bolster your case. Generally, those who are married and possess a strong professional background tend to have higher chances of US visa approval.

Visa officers are keen on understanding what ties you to your home country and what you’re leaving behind when you travel. Family (spouse and children) holds paramount importance in this regard. Additionally, a thriving business or a stable, long-term job are considered significant ties for visa purposes.

Consider this scenario: A close associate faced two rejections for a US visa. Despite having compelling merits, being unmarried and lacking international travel experience proved a hurdle. At 24 years of age, the odds were against him. In contrast, another individual, aged 42 with a family, modest income, and limited travel history (Malaysia & Dubai), secured visa approval in a mere five minutes.

The US visa application process, relatively speaking, is notably streamlined. It’s akin to a calculated risk for many Pakistanis. On interview day, it’s either a swift visa acquisition or a loss of the $160 application fee. This underlines the importance of meticulous preparation. Your purpose for visiting the USA must be genuine and presented with utmost clarity when probed by the visa officer.

Financial Requirements: How Much Bank Statement is Needed?

In terms of finances, more is definitely better. While having a substantial amount in your bank account is advantageous, it’s important to be realistic, especially for working-class individuals. Considering the considerable expenses and distance between Pakistan and the USA, it’s crucial to have sufficient funds available when applying for a visit visa.

For instance, if you earn Rs. 100,000 per month in Pakistan, having around 1 million PKR in your account demonstrates sound financial management. This signifies savings from your earnings. It’s also wise to assess your income and expenses. If your spending approaches or exceeds your earnings, it may weaken your application. To be on the safe side, I recommend submitting a bank statement with more than 1 million rupees, considering the high costs associated with the USA.

Concluding Thoughts on the US Visa Process

For unmarried individuals, focusing on establishing strong business or job connections, property ties, and accumulating travel experiences can be particularly beneficial. If you’re an avid traveler, exploring tourism opportunities in the USA is a sensible choice, given the generous 5-year visa duration. Applying for a US visa is a worthwhile endeavor, as it can lead to numerous opportunities. With a valid US visa, you’ll enjoy visa-free access to countries like Turkey, Georgia, Albania, Serbia, Macedonia, and Bosnia & Herzegovina. Additionally, holding a US visa significantly boosts your chances of obtaining a Canadian visa on a Pakistani passport.

If you want to get free assessment about visit visa USA , contact WSL Consultants.com . You can send your documents at [email protected] .

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Two Monkeys Travel Group

USA B2 Tourist Visa Applications – 20 Consul Interview Questions You Could Be Asked and How Best to Answer Them

For first-timers, it is sometimes intimidating to apply for a US Tourist B1/B2 Visa. Hearing ‘denied’ stories from your friends and relatives may add to your worries too. You thought, “If they have been denied a US tourist visa, then what are the chances for me to get approved?”

My first tip for you, STOP being PESSIMISTIC. Stop attracting the negative vibes and start thinking that you have been approved already – even if your appointment is days or weeks from now. You know me, right? I believe in the Law of Attraction .

USA Visa

You see, when you keep on thinking that you will be denied, it will manifest during your interview. You will look nervous, your voice will crack, and the consul might feel that you are hiding something. That’s the perfect formula for a denied visa.

You wouldn’t want that. Would you?

Just so you know, aside from the documents required by the US embassy, it is also important that you know how to respond to the questions correctly. While it matters that your documents can prove that you will go back to your home country, you still need to have conviction during the interview proper.


To help you prepare for your visa application, here are some of the basic questions during a US B1/ B2 tourist visa consul interview. Always remember, NEVER LIE. They already did a background check on you when you applied online!

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Table of Contents

1. Why do you want to go to the USA?

Say you want to go on a tour and to see what the USA has to offer.  After all, you are applying for a US TOURIST visa so your answer should be as simple as that.

2.  Have you been to the USA before?

You might think that the best answer is YES, and you feel that this is your instant ticket for getting a visa. You are wrong! If you haven’t been to the US, don’t lie. Just be honest because lying will get you nowhere.

3. Why do you plan to travel at this time?

Simply answer that it is your most available time or it is your annual leave from work. If you have other reasons such as having enough savings recently for the trip, then tell the truth.

two monkeys travel - space coast - kennedy space center - florida 5

4. Who are you going with to the USA?

Are you going with your relatives or friends? Just make sure you know the basic information of the people you are going with. If you wanted to meet your American boyfriend who you met online and never met in person, I highly suggest you ask him to visit you in the Philippines first!

5.  Which places are you planning to visit?

It wouldn’t hurt to do research on the places you plan to visit before you go to your interview. Let me know if you need further help with this and I would be more than willing to help you. I suggest that you start with the spots near your accommodation because it is more feasible.

6. How long do you plan to stay in the USA?

Carefully study your itinerary and base your answer from there. Or if you are an employee, check your leave credits and talk to your Human Resources representative on your allowed leaves. If you can bring a form or letter during your interview stating your leave credits, that can help as well.

Remember, if you get an approved USA visa, you’ll surely get a 10-year multiple entry visit visa!

usa visit visa interview in pakistan

7. Can you stay for a shorter period of time?

Similar to the above, you can defend and defend your answer based on your itinerary. And if someone from the US will act as your ‘tour guide’, simply say that you need to adhere with their schedule as well. Hence, a need for a longer time to stay in the US.

8. How much do you think will it cost you to stay in the USA?

This is why we strongly suggest that you create an itinerary for your US trip. This will give you an idea of how much you need to spend for the entire vacation. You can contact me and I could help you with your USA Itinerary, details here .

9. What do you do for a living?

Tell your job, your businesses, and other side jobs, if any. This will give the consul an idea if your employer is credible enough. Similarly, they need to know that you are established in your home country and that you are not going to the US for greener pasture. Here are few requirements to strengthen your claim that you will be back and will not look for job opportunities while on ‘vacation’.

  • Certificate of Employment
  • Proof of Income for the last 3 months
  • Business permits
  • Bank statements

Be prepared and bring these documents on your interview, most of the time the Consul won’t ask you to show the proof! For people who work online, I know that feeling of not having those Income Tax Return report etc. I highly suggest you print your income transactions on your Paypal account if you’re a writer or a designer then compile all of your online portfolios.

10. How much do you earn for a living?

Just tell the correct figures. After all, these can all be seen from the documents you have presented during your online application. And if they feel that it is not enough for your trip, might as well prepare for the next question.

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11.  How will you finance your trip?

Show proof that you have saved if any. Or if you are going to be sponsored, get the information from your sponsors. Know what they do for a living and get necessary supporting documents like bank statements, job certificate, tax details etc.

12. Do you have relatives in the USA?

Never lie or deny this even if you won’t visit them on your trip, you must know their names and a few basic information including their status in the US. Sometimes, it would help if you have photos with you to further prove your claim.

13.  Do you have friends in the USA?

Similar to the above, know their names and also the basic information but if they’re not really significant to you then just say so.

14. What are their exact addresses?

Try to get their exact addresses before the interview. Don’t just say that they live in Los Angeles or in New York but rather, be specific. Review the information before you go to the interview and always come prepared especially if you mentioned about them on your online application.

15. (For visiting Relatives/ Friends)  How long have they been living in the USA and what are their current status?

I strongly encourage that you spend time chatting and interviewing your relatives and friends in the US if the purpose of your visit is to meet them. It will really help you to become more confident in front of the consul.

16.  (For visiting Relatives/ Friends)  Where are they working and what will you do during the office hours?

As I have said, get as much information because the consul would like to know if you are just making up stories. Expect to be bombarded with questions. The questions might be redundant but that’s how they will know if you are indeed telling the truth. And when asked what are your plans during the hours and days that your ‘sponsors’ are working, you can say that you are planning to go on short solo day trips near the area so that you can maximize your stay.

17.  Do you have plans of working in the USA?

HUGE NO, and never attempt to work in the US while you are there on a TOURIST VISA. Otherwise, you might get deported and will never see US soil once again. Never even mention that you’re looking for opportunities. NEVER EVER!

18. Have you already booked your plane tickets?

Look for possible booking dates and say that you are eyeing on those dates for your US trip. Have the flight details ready, if possible but don’t pay for the flights yet until you get your visa approved. The flight ticket is not a requirement!

Rent A Flight

19. Have you traveled to other countries before?

Be honest because they will know if you haven’t. Everything can be validated easily and they have the means to check if you are telling the truth. I always tell my travel coaching clients that it’s better if you get more passport entry stamp from any nearby countries especially those that are visa-free or visa-on-arrival for Philippines passport, you can check the list of those countries here .

20. How can you assure that you will come back home?

Show the letter from your employer, if you have any. If you have businesses that you currently take care of, explain it. Or, you can tell them that you don’t plan on ruining your travel records because you still plan to see more places in the future.

My general tip, BE PREPARED and NEVER LIE ! These consuls are trained to know if you are lying, so always have the best intentions if you are going to the USA. We want you to have clear records so you can travel the world without facing challenges in the future.

If you need further help with your US Visa application, contact me here.  I’ll be also releasing some prepared Itinerary that you can use for visa applications.

Travel & Visa Coaching

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Note: I am not a ‘travel agent’ but I can help you with your online application. Let me assist you in preparing for your interview. I can also assist you in organizing your requirements and I can even suggest an itinerary which is obviously all-important when you apply for a visa.

usa visit visa interview in pakistan

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200 thoughts on “ USA B2 Tourist Visa Applications – 20 Consul Interview Questions You Could Be Asked and How Best to Answer Them ”

I’m Amina nanjirah from Kenya and I want to visit U S once in my life time ! I love U S My aunt and cousins are there I want to visit them but I don’t know the procedure on how to get reach there

You can follow this guide: USA Visa Tips for Filipinos (Non-Immigrant B2 Visa)

It is true if your first US visa was rebooked you cannot get another US visa.

REbook po? Parang walang ganyan – i think ibang term like na-cancel?

Hello…,This is Mr Jampel Kinzang from Bhutan!! I want to visit USA once in my life! It’s a my dream to visit before die….America is great country and power country around globe….may my dream come true to visit ur great nation!! Thank you

I applied for for tourist visa and I got denied. I want to apply again to have vacation there and to see my relatives. Can you help me how to get it right this time?

Yes, kindly e-mail us at [email protected]

I am a tourist visa holder for 10 years, and I want to bring my sisters to take care of the kids while on vacation in the USA. My question is that is this possible for them to get approve if i applied for their tourist visa this month. our plan is to go back to the USA on June 15, 2022.

Thank you in advance. 🙂

I been denied for a US visa twice and canada visa once. I have an american boyfriend he wants me to visit him.He visits here in the Philippines 4 times already. I dont want to Get married yet so we did not try to het a fiancee visa.whatvi want is to visit tjere and see if i like to live tjere before i will decide to get a fiancee visa. I am a widow. Do i still have a chance to get a tourist visa after i was denied for 3 times?

Yes po. If you need assistance you can check out our service here: https://mrandmrshowe.com/visa-application-bundle-service

Hi, am Edith from Uganda, My online boyfriend who stays in Missouri US will be visiting me next year in April and it will be our first time meeting, hez planning to spend 2months here in Uganda then I go back with him to the US on a B2 visa My question is, what are chances of my visa being approved coz it will be my first time travelling outside my country??

Aslam Shahzad from Pakistan. Questions and Answers for VISIT Visa to USA at US Embassy Islamabad Pakistan

I’m applying US tourist visa together with my 4 yo daughter without her father.. Can you give us tips and sample questions from consul? Im planning to take her to LA (Disney, Universal studios, zoo museum and beach). How much do they want on my account for them to approve it also? How to hear from you, thanks!

I’m in a long distance relationship for almost two years, we didn’t meet my boyfriend yet and he requested me to spend my Christmas vacation in his places in the Library ,South Carolina of America. It will be my first time to travel out of the country, can I ask on how to increase my chances to get my tourist visa approved because I’m still students I don’t have an income yet but my boyfriend will be sending me enough money to cover my trip. Thank you.

How did it go? What country you travel from?

Thanks very much for assistance on questions and answers, butt sir, can you enlight me questions can ask o my business of selling phone ,laptop gadget, CCTV etc Thanks

I would like to ask for an help sample itineraries for California. Thanks

Hi My I’m in Singapore currently and Planning to visit my BF this July.If sponsored ang holiday what are the possible supporting documents na pwede ko i provide..

~Thanks a lot

Hello, so I’m actually in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend and it’ll be the first time that we’ll see each other. He’ll be visiting the Philippines first then he said I should go with him to tour the US. The problem is, I’ve never been to any other country before and the USA will be the first country that I’ll go to. How can I possibly increase my chances of getting the visa if I haven’t travelled internationally and I don’t have the money nor the time to so so now? My interview is scheduled in 2 weeks and I just happen to read about your article now.

It’s possible you stand a high chance of getting the visa if you answer the interview questions appropriately and with less pressure.

Hi Agatha, how did your interview go.

Can I know you

I am a Ghanaian and we are a number of four attending a funeral of our late sister in the US , what are the likely questions should we expect and answers?

Thnx for your help

First question for the Non Immigrant Visa Tourist visa ask. What is your Purpose going to US? for your Advise I will answer like this: My purpose going to US is to see your Beautiful Country and visits my relatives particular in California

Is this Good answer please help me and advise me

The article is of help to me..atleast i have a clue now..on what to expect during an interview

How much it cost if i asknyou to assist me on my online application and organised my requirements and my itenirary how much you will ask from me?? Thanks..

Hi i live in the philippines i just want to ask if there is any chances of having a US tourist visa if i am a call center agent for 2 years in my current company with 25k php monthy income, my company already let me to file a 15 days leave, already travelled in malaysia and dubai. while i am in dubai way back 2016 my cousin ask me to get a job just resign if i don’t want it, so tried less than i month i resigned bec i do not want to work abroad, my question is, will the consul deny my US visa application since i told to the immigration that i will be having a vacation in dubai but i worked there?

Hi Greetings , Anyone can suggest any website/agency providing Itenerery for US Visit visa application . Thanks in Advance .

hi how was the interview?

Hello there! Can I send you a personal msg on email? Thank you!

Hello there. I applied for the us visa on 2013, On that application I put my father’s childrens, they are from another mother, I got denied in 2013. Now i have applied again and i put all the information about my father but i did not put his 2 children on the application, because i have never met them and i have not contact with them. Do you think is a problem that i put them on the first application and i did not on this one? Thanks

please ma’am I want to know the posibility of me getting a visa my Uncle is the one sponsoring for my trip to the US but he havent send any Document to me so far as he is in The US am going to visit him now am worried though I know so many things like were his staying his office adress is there a posibility that I might get the Visa it on the 8th of October thanks

What if mam/sir I have no work here for now and my boyfriend is the one will sponsor my whole trip..but I’m just there to visit him…and I don’t have plan stay there and I want to go back to the Philippines cause I’m the one taking good care of my mom

Should I bring my old Philippine passport during my us visa interview?

Hi Anne, Just bring it with you incase it will ask for it. Good luck

I’m worried that I do have schedule for interview now but my renew passport is coming by 17th if this month . What should I do with my schedule for interview ?

Hi, i think the best way you can do is to reschedule your interview appointment. Good luck!

Its very helpful and thanks for your help. I have an upcoming Interview to go.. Can you please help me with an invitation letter.

Hey Solomon, It’s a bit complicated to make an invitation for you as no one knows your intentions for visit. You have to remember that you have to be fully aware the content of the letter. Anyhow, wishing you Good luck!

Hi tinny me i know some information first before i apply a tourist visa,what requirements should i get and one more thing my bf is going to cover up all the expenses here snd when i get there in US.


Am interested,

Need some more guidance what specific reasons I should highlight for tourist visa

This is very helpful!!! I have an interview coming 🙂 Thanks a lot!

Hi, after I have applied for a visa how long does it take to be called for an interview?

My interview is 2moro wish me luck

you make the appointment to get your interview schedule!

Excellent and very useful information for the freshers who are going to Visa

Hallow sir / madam I hope you’re doing well. I just want to ask few questions about tourist visa for USA and and some best answer to say about interview to consular.

Please reply… Waiting…

Is it a must for one to produce their birth certificate during a visa interview?

Nope. you dont need it.

Please am caleb from Ghana and my mom and dad will be going to an interview on 15th August 2019 but their own the staying visa please can you help us with some of the questions because this is their second interview at the America embassy they were refuse on he first interview thanks and wish to hear from you

Hey what to answer when they Why Are You Travelling Alone to US?

with my lovely wife

What is the difference between some one funding the trip and the contact person? Is it a must to move with my job appointment letter to show that I work for a certain school or a recommendation is enough?

Hi! Im jasmen and my boyfriend was planing to get me to bermuda hamilton. His asking to the bermudian immigration on how to get a filipina fgf to his country. And the immigration said that she only need a transit visa only that then she can fly. So i need your help and advices on how to get a transit visa to new york and whats the documents needed..

Im hoping for your response.. Thank you!!

Talofa would be happy to hear from you through email please?

Hey! So, I want to apply for a US tourist visa soon, but I’m just a bit worried it might get denied because of these: 1. I am a fresh graduate. I recently got a job, but I am not regularized yet 2. I got a J-1 visa last 2017 and I have a temporary Social Security number (with DNS authorization)

Will it be grounds for denying the visa app? How can I have a better chance in my application?

Hi! i already has an appointment on next month of this year. I will accompany my Senior citizen mother and i tag along my child who is 24 yo because i dont want to left him alone here. My husband is OFW, my other child has her own family that’s why. Mother was invited by her sibling whos my Aunt , and I also have a sibling there. We just want a tour, and see US as long as my mother was not too old and sickling.

Whats our chances? Can you give me some points or tips for this interview? thankyou!

Hi. 0% (zero) chance po ma’am. Hope this helps.

This really helps so much thanks

Very helpful tips Ms Kach, but I have question regarding number 14, exact address of relatives.

I only have distant relatives in the US na di ko rin close. I declared them, pero di ko alam address nila and wala rin akong ways to contact them, as i’ve said, di ko sila halos kilala. I only know the State where they are. So red flag ba to? Hirap rin kasi mag bigay ng address tapos baka di mag match sa pag verify nila edi mas lalong lagot. hehe

To follow up on this question of mine. I already got approved. So for this case, I just told the consul, “distant relatives”. Then he asked where are they and I just said Hawaii. No exact address, he didn’t divulge on the details.

I must say, the US Visa application is almost certainly, 90 percent luck and this luck significantly goes down if you applied in the Philippines.

I applied here in Tokyo where I currently work. The US Embassy here doesn’t have that vibe of rejection as most Japanese are approved (by the way, the Japanese don’t need B1/B2 Visa to visit USA as tourists so they’re mostly applying for other types of visa, usually for study in the US).

To be honest, I was prepared to waste the application fee as i have a hunch that i will be rejected (sorry I’m pessimistic. lol). I actually have no long plan of going to the US, I just applied spontaneously because i got frustrated that we are even required a Transit Visa to the US when I was planning to go to South American visa-free countries. So i just told myself to apply full B2 Visa. lol. That said, I have no itinerary going to the US, I just put some random hostel in my DS160 form and thought of a generic tourist place to go when asked in the interview.

Part of my feelings that I had no chance of getting approved is because I’m single, I’ve only been living in Japan for 7 months, and most of all, I have zero proof of ties to PH and of course in Japan. My profession is also quite in-demand in the West so it’s another red flag. Aside from that, my travel history is mediocre as I have only been to 3 countries so far, 2 of them in visa free SEA, and the other one is here in Japan. That’s all, and that is not anywhere near “extensive travel history”.

I did have proof of stable and active income but i don’t have millions. They only asked for bank book and payslips, not bank certificates as they’re aware of temporary loan schemes.

The interview itself, i was not really confident and my nervousness is quite apparent. So this is another red flag to consul supposedly. I have even answered something that do not match in my DS160 but it’s unintentional and an honest mistake. The consul didn’t raise it though, and at the middle of the interview, the consul went somewhere with my documents in his hand and at this point i knew i fucked up. After he came back, he just asked some few more questions without even looking at me, just chewing bubble gum and typing in his PC.

The funny thing is, i thought he hesitated to approve my visa as he said a long “hmmm” but followed by, “ok your visa is approved and it will be sent back to you in one week”. I was speechless but managed to croak “thank you so much” and left still in disbelief. lol

So, as I was saying, this is just luck.

Hi ma’am ! I am a retired nurse from Saudi 3 yrs ago. And we have our alumni homecoming to be held in San Francisco, California on oct. 3 to 7, 2019. I just want to meet my classmates for 28 yrs I’ve not seen them. Invitation letter was already sent to me. Will they allow me to have a tourist visa ? I travelled already to Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. I want to know how I will process my papers. My first interview in the US embassy was 8 yrs ago when I was in Saudi and I was denied. Pls reply me on what I will do. Thanks ma’am !

Hi, am so being thankful bout the blogs u made for us,, it was very informative and helpful, BTW am asking me a favor bout the itinerary, would you mind to help me. am looking a right people just to get my wish for this coming of my birthday in july. thank you!

Hi,maam um cherrie my partner visited me here in phil.last march And we got married in simply way And he bring the papers going back to USA.after 2 weeks of stay.and now he started apply visit visa for me so that i can go there.what could be the possible documents could i bring if i will report for interview in the embassy? And were married last march do i really need to change my surname?he applied visit visa for 90 days.pls help me.thank you

Can u give me some tip for C1 transit visa?? Requirements and some possible questions. Salamat po.

Hi Miss Kach, I’m so glad reading your tips and suggestions. It would really help a lot. Actually, I’m planning to apply for a tourist visa with the help of my friend in US, both of us wanted to celebrate Christmas together. With this matter, how much money will I need for a 2 week vacation in US? And is it possible to be approved though I didn’t travel any countries so far or I don’t have any stamp in my passport that I’ve been travelling other countries before? Thank you so much. Your reply would be a great help tho.

My interview was not fair An interviewer just made conclusions for herself

Hey, What should I answer if asked whether this is my first time applying for us non immigrant visa, if I had participated in the green card lottery.

Di po kayo pinoy? How can you possibly participate in a green card lottery (known as diversity visa) if you’re a Filipino, as Filipinos are barred for diversity visa since in its launch in 1995?

FYI, ang green card lottery po ay para sa mga nationalities na may maliit na representation sa US. Napaka dami pong Pinoy sa US kaya di tayo eligible for green card lottery.

im booked to go to the U S in june,my old passport with my valid visa has expired,i have a new pass port and have been advised that i can still travel to the U S so long as i take my expired passport with the valid visa in and my new passport to present to the american customs, is what i have been told about being able to travel taking both passports correct

Yep. just bring both passports!

I have some questions my visa application submitted on April 11 but until now I’m still waiting it’s takes so long visa for Japan In philippine

I live in Canada and my wife is in India. I have applied for my permanent residency here in Canada and have recently added my wife to my currently processing application. Since it is going to take a while before she can move in with me, I’m planning on applying for US B2 visa for my wife. I do have a B1/B2 visa and have travelled to US multiple times. Only travel history my wife got is that she visited Maldives with me. She works full time in India for an IT firm. She got no property under her name. I’m sponsoring her. What is the best way to convince the consul that she will return after vacation? What are the chances that she might get visa approved? Any suggestions/tips is appreciated. Thanks

Hi i need more info about applying a US tourist visa?

what if the person is a student and has no income or bank account? but the family in the usa will provide accomodation and pay for plane tick

Hello sir..i was denied last march 22 for a tourist visa. I am currently working as a public school teacher for almost 23 years. I really didn’t know why the consul did not approve me. I answered all her questions. Like.. Purpose in going US – i want to visit my relatives maam What place? – california How long do you stay? – 3 weeks only maam Have you gone to other countries? – yes maam..dubai and singapore What did you do in dubai? – visit my daughters What did your daughters do in dubai? – they are working maam What are their works? – the eldest is a nurse and the youngest is civil engineer How many children do you have? – only two maam..there in dubai

Then she told me ” unfortunately your visa is not approve.

What’s wrong sir?

Just wanted to know because i will be having interview again on may 3..thank you!

Wala pong mali sa sagot niyo. unfortunately, minalas ka sa consul.

Hi Miss Kach,My online boyfriend want me to visit him in USA,and He hired an agent to make my visa.It really work?or I still need to go consul?thank you

Nakita mo na sya in person ??

Can u help me to process the papers

Sure po, make an appointment with me here –> https://mrandmrshowe.com/lifestyle-blog/travel-mentoring-coaching

I want to travel to USA for my first wedding anniversary in April but in 2016 my visa was dined ( may be I was single at that time). What are the changes as I have my employers letter,bank statement, account maintance letter and have no intentions to stay in USA. It’s just a visit. What should I do??

i want to go canada who can help me from pakistan

To all my kababayan, why insist to apply to this shitty country who gets millions a day in Ph and keep turning down the application without clear reason but they will tell you that you can re-apply again? It’s all just business for them. Their rate is even a joke, $1-P55.. This 8,640 pesos can be your flight to other beautiful asian countries. if they have 700 applicants a day, they get 6million a day.. Big business in the Philippines! And don’t you know that China has higher percentage of approval like above 90%? Why not Ph? Maybe because they have a big debt to china.. Wake up.. This country always pretend they are friend of many country but “looks can be deceiving..”

What if you got denied already years back(when I was a college student) Now I’m 27yrs old and I have a stable job.

I have an upcoming interview with US embassy here in Vietnam for a tourist visa application. What if I don’t have enough money yet on my bank account, will i get denied?

hi kamusta po ang interview ninyo

Hi! I would like to know if I have a high chance in getting my US tourist visa approved since I am planning to visit my boyfriend this year. Probably in December. I am on a student visa in Australia good for 3 years. Do you have any advice for me on how to nail my interview?

I actually wrote an article here –> https://mrandmrshowe.com/lifestyle-blog/visit-boyfriend-usa-tourist-visa

Hi what type of visa if I’m accompanying my employer to US as a domestic helper and what are the questions to be ask in interviewing me getting visa? Thanks

HI…My daughter has an American book, she’s a year old. She was born here in Accra, Ghana but due to my girlfriend citizenship, she was able to transmit her citizenship it to our daughter. My girlfriend is currently in the US, I and my daughter wants to go for a visit, would they grant me a visa if i try to get b2 visa. And how is the possibilities of me getting the visa

I have an American boyfriend,we met online,he ask me to come visit him in the USA and he sent me a letter of invitation and his Own company ID card,I was denied one and reapply again.please what can I do to get my visa approved,I have 3 property on lease which was given to me by my late dad because am the only child…so I really don’t know why my visa was denied,maybe the reason was I said he is my boyfriend and I met him online…please what should I say instead of that

Hello, did your boyfriend also sent you his bank certificate, bank statement, or any financial proof? Or is it just his Letter of Invitation and Company ID that he sent you? Maybe that’s one more reason why you got denied.

Is it okay you haven’t met before? I have a boyfriend in us and we never met each other but he wanted me to go there on his all expenses

Hello.. So far, this is the best blog I saw in terms of tips when applying for a US visa. My concern right now is that I’m a Freelancer (like what you mentioned on your blog – I can show my remittance, etc.) as proof that that is my current source of income. However, I am getting anxious on the part where the Consul may ask if I have any plans in working in the US. Currently, I work for a US company for a little over 2 years. They were the ones who invited me to go to the US so I can join the company’s 1st quarter strat planning. I feel this is not an edge for me because it may give the consul the notion that I am going to stay there for good because I already have someone to work for. Any thoughts or tips on how I’ll overcome my anxiety? Will really appreciate your reply.

Hi Lucy! I have the same situation right now. May idea kaba if ma aapprove ito?

Hi isa po akong domestic helper dito sa Singapore and yung uncle ko sa california asked me to apply a us tourist visa. Yung katulad ko bang working permit holder ay may chance na makpasa sa or ma grant ng visa?

Hello, I have a boyfriend from US, he visited me here in Philippines (twice already). Now he wants me to visit (tourist visa) his place and meet his parents and after we will proceed of getting married here in the Philippines. He just want me to meet his parents first. It is my first time to travel in other country. My passport has no stamps at all. We will share the expenses. I am worried on the interview and what should be the document I need to prepare first? What will my chances of getting approved?

Parehas tayo ng sitwasyon sis.

I just want to let you know that we passed the interview! Eto unang sinundan kong blog regarding applying for a tourist visa. Thank you so much! Super saya!

Hi.. I’ve been planning to apply for us tourist visa.. i here in saudi arabia at the moment working as a nurse..honestly i feel nervous for the interview..im just confuse what to answer in the ds-160 form that says,who will fund for my trip..something like that..wherein the choices are self etc…my company will be responsible for my ticket..and for house,i will stay with my aunt..and for other staff i have my own money..so what i will put? thanks…

hi, Im applying tourist visa in US but two times denied can you please give me suggestion to approved my visit visa in GUAM .

I’m traveling to Canada for 3 weeks with confirmed booking. The plan is to drive to New York for 4 or 5 days and be back to Canada. Do you think I can get the visa approval if I will stay for less than a week in US? Thank you.

i want to like canada who help me

Hello. Just to thank you for these questions, it really helped me a lot in obtaining my visa. Five questions from this blog were asked by the consul, and because of practice ( and ofcourse honesty) I answered them with conviction. So, just THANK YOU! ?

Hi Miss. Kach,

Paano po mgaaply ng appointment if family kayo? me my wife and daughter. Thanks a lot.

Can we give the answer in Hindi for USA

Good Day, We applied in US consulate in Dubai last June 5,2018. Im working as a nurse for 11 years and my wife is working as a respiratory therapist for 10 years.We are both working in a government sector.We have a clean record here and in our homeland in Philippines.And we traveled in different places like in UK 2 times in France,Italy,Netherland,Germany,Japan,Singapore,Malaysia and Hongkong. I have a brother in America and he is already US citizen there. Our purpose of our visit is to celebrate our 10th year wedding anniversary in US and to see my brother. Finally when we received our passport we are approved but its only 1 year validity with multiple entry.And we noticed that there is an annotation mentioned in our visa “UAE TCN”. My concern are why is there an annotation like that in our visa and why only 1 year. Most of our colleagues here who also a Filipinos like us who applied US visa got their tourist visa with 10 years validity and no annotation of UAE TCN? Kindly enlighten us please. Thank you!

Hello Jeffrey, I think I also received your email? UAE TCN means you’re a third country national! I think it has something to do with your work and to see if you’ll return back after this visit but to be honest, the only best way to know this is by emailing the USA consulate themselves! Other than that, proceed with your trip! Return back to UAE and apply again, maybe they’ll give you the 10 year next time!

Hi miss kach, I have a boyfriend from US, he visited me here in Philippines last April. It was his first time visit here. Now he wants me to visit (tourist visa) his place and meet his parents. And this is my first time to travel in other country. My boyfriend provide all my expenses. I am worried on the interview and what should be the document I need to prepare first.

Hi Karch, a friend in the usa who wants to invete me. I want to go there with my girl friend (fiancé). I am seperatws from my wife and I am currently seeking divorcé. She is also separated and seeking too divorcé. If we need to travel, will our complicated marital statuses mess our interview?

Hello, my Filipina girlfriend and I read your blog and loved it. I traveled to Negros a couple months ago and met Helen. We fell in love and she would like to come visit me and my family (Tourist Visa) before we decide to get married. If marriage was right for us, we would apply for a Fiance Visa.

We were VERY prepared for the Tourist visa interview. Her application was PERFECT, she was relaxed, happy, and more than prepared to answer any question.

Here is what happened at the interview – Why do you want to go to the US? Helena says “to visit my boyfriend and his family.” How long have you been dating? Helen says ” a couple months. The consular then handed her a denial paper and said “sorry mam.” She walked away in tears. The interview lasted less than a minute. She had all sorts of documents to give him that would help prove she was returning to the Philippines, but he just asked 2 questions and handed her a denial. She has a squeaky clean history as well.

We don’t know what to do now. It seems as though she will be denied again if we try a second time. Would applying for a Fiance Visa have better chances of success than a Tourist Visa?

Thanks for any help you can give ?

David Hardy

its because you said a few months -is this girl you are dating employed? -has she traveled outside of the philippines? -how was she dressed and how did she answer – her accent, her english etc etc.

logic – you only dated a few months and she wanted to visit your family in the US (the consul must have sensed something wrong here)

Hi miss Kach! I really do hope you can answer what I am going to ask you. I’m just 17 years old and I have a boyfriend in the USA and we are in a relationship for a year and half.He is filipino and a green card holder for about 1 and half year now. He’s inviting me to spend my vacation in the USA and also to meet his parents . He is 22 and we have a 5 year age gap. Does our age gap will affect the the approval of my visa? A tourist visa to be exact. And he is going to sponsor my trip. We’re worried that I might get denied because of my age, and the gap between us. We’re hoping for your answer asap and Thank you so much in advance! have a nice day

Hi! I delivered my child in the states last 2014… I have a good insurance that’s why it was convenient to give birth there. I stayed in the states for less than 2 months and went back to Nassau, Bahamas. I reapplied for tourist visa after it expired but sad to say, I was being denied. The consul was asking me why I chose to deliver the baby there when I worked in the hospital in Bahamas… He also asked me if I paid all the bills? I was being honest, telling him I still have a balance because I thought my insuRance had paid all. I wasn’t able to present a receipt… Well, it all started when he asked me how long haveI stayed in the states, so I told him that it was about 2 months … and he followed a question why I stayed there long… so got to answer him honestly that I delivered a baby there.. and I admit I was nervous and wasn’t able to answer him clearly… sigh… but pls give me an advise what to do next… well i paid the bills already but want the best answer I can give next time… would gladly appreciate ur opinion…. Thanx!

Hi Pls Help ME I travel before in US with my employer IM wprking as a nanay before then my employer stay in Hongkong now and I decide to Go back to Philippines then I apply again Tourist in US I denied bec he ask ME if. Have bussiness and How much my money… I Show UP. Have 100 thousand but still denied now I try again to Go to US for Tourist Pls Help ME

I’m going for a business conference

Hi, I received letter of invitation from my friend for a visiting but now I am 7 months pregnant does it makes a problem to get visa?

Possibly – if your boyfriend has red/ginger hair that it is highly likely that your application will be rejected

Hi Katch, i just want to ask, i have double jobs at the moment but the thing is there’s only one employer to put into the application form? I put on my full time employer, but the question is what salary should i declare on the application form ? Should i combine them or not? THank you for the help.

hi can you help me i was just confused if what im going to answer with this questions. Im applying for tourist visa in the usa. here’s the first question (purpose of your trip) and (specify) what im going to answer their?

Same case here, can’t wait for an answer

Hi -How many days did you wait for the interview? Is it depending on tha slot? -does it take 3 weeks to wait because i have only 3 weeks vacation in the philippines. -do you need history in traveling?

Im planning to apply in philippines because i think its better than here in UAE on my vacation leave.

Thank you soo much.

apply 1-2 months before your planned schedule. since applicants in us embassy in the philippines is quiet a lot (esp summer), you have to apply your visa ahead of time. be always prepared to answer such question like “why you applied for visa here in the PI and not in UAE?” its always been asked since your staying in UAE much more than in the philippines. God Bless. Ajja :*

AIREEN NUEVA March 29 2018 at 5:55am

Hi Ms. Kach…

Can you help me how to get visa My boyfriend was visited me here last march 2017…and he will visit me again this coming April 16 2018 he really wanted me to visit and meet his parent and bring me also to those wonderful tourist pot in his country.its my first time to apply US visa so i didnt know what to do…am afraid to denied because it was happened to me before when i got flight to thailand for vacation at cebu pacific last feb,18 it gives me a terrible interview redundant questions that gets me in trouble cuz im not prepare for this,only i know is nothing problem to visit near country and this will be suddgest of friend to me that it helps also if your passport has a stamp from any country of asea u visit if ever u had a plan to visit US ,and thats why my boyfriend help me some of my expenses…but things happened are i guess ruined my travel record so really need your help Ms. Kach

I await your reply, Aireen

Hello AIreen, you can contact me here – https://mrandmrshowe.com/lifestyle-blog/travel-mentoring-coaching

Here is what happened at the interview – Why do you want to go to the US? Helena says “to visit my boyfriend and his family.” How long have you been dating? Helen says ” a couple months. The consular then handed her a denial paper and said “sorry mam.” She walked away in tears. The interview lasted less than a minute. She had all sorts of documents to give him that would help prove she was returning to the Philippines, but he just asked 2 questions and handed her a denial. She has a squeaky clean history as well.

We don’t know what to do now. It seems as though she will be denied again if we try a second time. Would applying for a Fiance Visa have better chances of success than a Tourist Visa?

Thanks for any help you can give 🙂

Good day, Admin, I need your help iam about to book my appointment for B1/B2 visa, iam a family man I have my wife and my children’s. And am working , what can do to boost the chance of my approval. Thanks

Hello I am planning to get a tourist visa in the US to visit my relatives and attend alumni homecoming in Las Vegas together with my cousin in California she will be sponsoring my stay in the US. Do I have a chance to get a US visa

definitely yes, just present all the proofs you have to show to the consul esp the backgrounds of your sponsor. Best of Luck :*

Me and my Mom got rejected for B1/B2 USA visa,i want to know if we want to reapply should we still apply together or separately?thanks.

I await your response.

Hello! I suggest you reply together and make sure your appointment is the same time!

I won a lufthansa airline economy return ticket, during my form filling i put them as my sponsor. do you think it will be helpful? i only have my congratulatory letter with me and not the ticket . im just curious .. my interview is in the next 30days.

Hi I m a BHMS doctor praticing in India .. my tourist visa got rejected .. could you let me know the answer that I should give if the interviewer asks me who will look after the clinic after I go to Usa .. I m guessing my answer to this question rejected my visa ..

Thank you in advance

Please can you give me the list of places I can visit in New York city, because it’s the city I am going to stay at if given a visa. Thanks

Here are my New York guides –> https://twomonkeystravelgroup.com/?s=new+york

Hello sir/mam.. I have a query.. I filled my us visa D160 form n submitted my application n got my interview appointment fixed in next 2 weeks. While in my form I filled that I ll b self sponsoring my trip since I have around 10lakh in my account. But NW when I talked to my CA he said that since all the properties u Have are on ur father’s name so it will b ur father who will b sponsoring ur trip..now tell me what should I do?? Please help me.

If you will solely be paying for your trip – no relatives to stay within the USA and you’ll be buying your own flights etc, it’s okay to declare that you’re self-funding your trip! Your father’s property will just be the proof that you have family to return to in your country.

Good day, i would like to ask some advise from you maam. I would like to visit my mother this april 11, 2018 and staywithherforatleasta week, just to want to have a surprise visit to her for her on her 85 birthday her age. Im 54 years old. I am planning to go to Philippines after a week for there are huge work back home… my question is do i have a big chance to get visit visa in USA? beside i am oldmaybe they willnot think that i will work in USAandi haveno intention of working there.afteralli am 54 now. No need plan working there it would be hardfor my age working there. Hope that you reply soon thank you and have a nice day ahead

Am Muh-Awwal Tajudeen Olaonipekun from Nigeria, I received an invitation from my uncle last year and I was denied from the US embassy, my travel experience is Benin, To go and Ghana and have booked another appointment date before coming across you. Please tell me tips to gain a visa for this second time coz am totally confused

Just fill up the application form properly and make sure you know how to answer the consul questions. Practice!

Hi kach,my boyfriend wanted me to visit him but i dont have any job here in the philippines even bank accounts..but he can afford all of my expenses when im there in the US and also my plane ticket.is there a chance that my visitor visa will approved?im very hoping your for your reply..


Yes as long as you can answer the consul interview prepared and with supporting documents from your Husband! =)

I have a few questions if you don’t mind. My girlfriend is an Indian national now living in India. I am an American. We first started dating when she was a graduate student here in the US (we broke up but then decided to get back together – long story short). We would both like her to come here for the intent of getting engaged, but want to see how it goes for a few months before and spend the summer traveling. She is not currently working in India. I am a PhD student. Do you think this sounds problematic? Originally she had lived in the US for about 4 years while a graduate student, and would be coming to the place where she was in school. Obviously, we would follow the law and conditions of the visa. But we’re a little afraid that the “going to see my boyfriend about getting engaged” coupled with “not currently employed” will make things difficult. I have heard that specific invitations can make things easier. If I send her a wedding invitation for my brother’s wedding this summer might that help? Any advice you have would be great – thanks a lot.

It will be my schedule interview on friday, january 12, 2018! Wish me luck, Kach! You are such a big help woth your tips and blogs! More power! Mwah mwah!

How was it?

hi! Kach, how you will know if they gonna give you a 10 year multiple entry visa or a single entry visa?thank you.

If you apply for Personal Tourist trip, they will automatically give you 10 years visa.. for business trip, it will depend on the consul.

Hi! Kach, thank you for all your info. What about in port of entry in us? do you still need to bring supporting documents?If YES what are those? thank you…

Just to make sure you will also bring all the supporting documents you brought at the Embassy.. they don’t usually ask for it but most of the time they’ll ask your itinerary and return flight/ onward flight ticket.

Hi kach,this is my first time to get an online application as tourist visa in the US.wish me luck for the incoming interview.


what can i do btter this time

There are no tricks fancie visa

mr kach it would be soo nice to hear from you as soon as possible.

Hello Mr cach I RECIEVE A LETTER OF INVITATION FROM A AMERICAN FRIEND and ive been recently at embassy for interview but i get denied for a visit visa B2, on december 27 , but my friend call me to reapply as possible for november is that ok or i should wait along ?

A blessed day Ms. Kach,I want to visit my weak uncle, last week only he rushed to the hospital for emergency happened in their house. He wanted to visit us again here in the Phils after a long years but his doctor not allowed to travel, will you please help me to have a tourist visa even if I have no work here in the Philippines? But I assured you that the eldest son of my uncle give me an Affidavit of Support if needed. God bless.

Hi Ms. Kach, i admire how confident you are, I have my sked interview this coming Oct 24 and i feel nervous maybe its because im not fluent in English, do you think it maybe a reason to be denied, anyway im thinking it positively and hoping for a US VISA, I need more info. Hope you have time to talk with me. God bless.

Hi im interested to apply for a US tourist visa but i have a pending immigrant application.Will it affect the approval of my application? Im a nurse by profession and has worked in the US for almost 3 years.Pls help me on the process of obtaining a tourist visa.Thanks.

hi ms.kach. i’m planning to get a us tourist visa hir in dammam saudi arabia. is it easier to get approved hir while im working in the kingdom ? wat are the requirements and tips about getting approved ? thank u?

It was real a great tips you have mentioned and it seems like i need little help filling my form can you please take some time out

Please, kindly send me Itinerary.

Hello there, I don’t know where to start my tears over flowing. I need help regarding my sister denial.

I’m here sitting next to my mother who fighting for her life, we been here in the ICU for 15 days, she have intracerebral hemorrhage.

My sister just recently apply to her tourist visa to see my mother( that nobody know when she will be waking up).we had all the document from the hospital medical record to the Doctor’s letter.

My name is lolita a US citizen who asking a help for my sister tourist visa. Please help sister to hold my mother for her last breath.

Any reply with this email would greatly appreciate. Thank you and God Bless


Hi Kachi, I have bf online we dont meet yet. Because of his business at home can’t leave and he got 6yrs.old daughter.. he suggest to visit him and he sponsor for everything.. What kind of documents he need to send me.

Thanks betty.

Hi Kach, I recently applied on a business USA visa and got rejected twice. My employer had given me an opportunity to train in the US. But so far, I was the first one to be rejected in our team. That time, I was working for less than 2 year, had been to one country only. Today, I’ve been to 5 countries already and will be going to Japan soon, and my salary’s increased too. Do you have any suggestions on how I can have higher chances of getting a US VISA next time? I was told being young and a female were a few of the red flags they’d seen in me.

we have same experienced, missed all business trips cuz of denied visa. I have another interview Next week and worried if will reject again. Last question i remembered was “r u single”? when i answered yes he handover my passport and says i can apply again anytime?

Please,kindly send me itinerary.

If everything but you have been traveled before can deny you?

If everything but you have been traveled before.

Hi. Thanks for the info. My sister is getting married and she and her husband wanted me to attend the wedding so they want me to apply for a tourist visa. I am currently unemployed but I have a bank account will that be enough proof for the embassy that I will go back to my homeland? Thanks

how do i apply for a usa visa can you help me with there website as to apply thanks

Hello Calvin 🙂 you should read this one: https://twomonkeystravelgroup.com/usa-visa-tips-for-filipinos/

Hi miss katch thank you for helpful information. I’m planning to apply this year, i have some question hope you can assist me. Thanks

Comment here and will see if I can answer your questions! Thanks!

Hi Kach, I am going to get married in the US and I am planning to bring my sisters there to attend. They are 42 and 43 of age. They both have their family here in the Philippines. One of them has an established work here . The other one is a housewife since. husband is a seafarer. Both of their sons are still studying still. Do you think they will have a good chance of getting approved?

Thank you so much

What is meaning section214 (b) interview

Hello Glend, yes of course! Just make sure that they will fill up the application form properly!

Hi Kach, how long does it take to get your passport back if approved? Priority: Regular (Via delivery)

I’m carolina working in libya for 15 years planning to apply a tourist visa on march shall i apply now ?i will go for holiday on march in the philipines for 3months….

Very helpful citizens good job….

Thank you very much….a Big big help to us.God bless u.

Great post as always, Kach! This is extremely beneficial for those who’d always wanted to go to the US, but is always denied a visa! Thanks for sharing 🙂


on my application in the US Embassy they always asked if im married since im a gay i told them i am partnered and showed them our bond ring it helped me

Hi miss kach,,good eve..i read your tips how to apply in US as a tourist visa..i need more info,and more information..i hope u have time for me to talk..god bless you always.pls msg me back.as soon us possible..

When it comes to travel, I have absolutely no plans of going to the USA. It’s just that I got curious and decided to read the questions. I think you have a good suggestion with one thing being very clear. HONESTY. For me, I cannot take it when I have to be scrutinized. I feel that to question my character is a violation of my person. That explains why I am not going to the USA, and instead, go to countries where I do not have to go through the process of proving I am worthy of being their visitor.

I feel you, exactly my sentiments, those u.s. consuls are not too friendly, to saythe least….

Don’t be so sensitive. Americans are practical ppl. As long as the job is done….no hard feelings!!!!

Thanks …big help

I would like to apply an EMPLOYMENT VISA to USA what is the requirements.

HI miss kach.. Thank you ..very informative and clear information.. Looking forward for your more blogs soon.. Been a fun for a couple of months now.. By the way.. What are the easiest way to get a fiancée visa and how? Thanks in advance! Godbless..

There are no tricks in applying for a fiance visa. Everybody has to go through the same process. I will advise you to do it yourself though, instead of hiring a lawyer to do it on your behalf. Goodluck!!

Thank you so much for this! Huge help! ???

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Written by Kach Umandap

Founder of Two Monkeys Travel Group. Since 2013, Kach has visited all the 7 continents (including Antarctica) and 151 countries using her Philippines Passport. In 2016, she bought a sailboat and went on sailing adventures with her two cats - Captain Ahab & Little Zissou in the Caribbean for 2 years. She now lives in Herceg Novi, Montenegro where she's enjoying her expat life and living on a gorgeous Stonehouse. She writes about her experiences traveling as a Filipina traveler with a PHL Passport. Also tips on backpacking trips, luxury hotel experiences, product reviews, sailing & adventure travel.

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usa visit visa interview in pakistan

US expands visa interview waiver eligibility for Pakistani citizens

Previously, only certain people were allowed to apply for an interview waiver; this change has been implemented to more efficiently process visas.

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Published: Thu 12 Jan 2023, 12:51 PM

The United States Mission in Pakistan has announced the expansion of interview waiver eligibility at the US Embassy in Islamabad and the US Consulate General in Karachi for Pakistani citizens who are renewing B1/B2 tourist and business visas.

All Pakistani citizens, regardless of age, whose B1/B2 visas are valid or have expired within the last 48 months are eligible to participate, said a news release from the embassy of the US in Pakistan on Thursday.

Previously, only Pakistani citizens of ages 45 and older were eligible to participate. Additionally, interview waiver eligibility for student and petition-based work visa applicants who have previously held a US visa is also extended through 2023.

The expansion of interview waiver eligibility is a procedural change to provide better customer service and more efficiently process renewals of tourist and business visas for qualified and eligible Pakistani citizens.

As required by US law, some eligible visa holders may be required to appear at the US Embassy or US Consulate General for interviews after submission of their applications.

Applicants can also visit the website at https://www.ustraveldocs.com/pk/pk-niv-visarenew.asp to determine their eligibility for an interview waiver.

As per the US embassy, the applicants who are now eligible for the interview waiver, but are currently scheduled for an interview, may cancel their appointment online, start from 'New Application' on the scheduling dashboard, and follow the steps online for submitting through the interview waiver.

The applicants are advised to approach only authorised courier service locations for interview waiver submissions: https://ustraveldocs.com/pk/pk-loc-documentdropoff.asp. The average processing time will be four weeks.

The applicants are advised to visit https://www.ustraveldocs.com/pk/pk-gen-faq.asp for further details and queries.

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US announces interview waiver, reduced wait time for visa seekers from Pakistan

ISLAMABAD – Authorities in the United States have announced multiple steps to ease and expedite visa processing for Pakistan. 

In a social media post, the US embassy in Islamabad revealed on Tuesday the initiatives aimed at facilitating visa seekers from Pakistan. 

The measures include flexible scheduling in either Islamabad or Karachi which would help people choose the place based on their location.

https://x.com/usembislamabad/status/1704104437768192245?s=20 The US embassy has also announced interview waiver applications from September 25th but for eligible applicants who had been previously issued the US visas; the interested visa seekers can apply formally in this regard. 

Moreover, the head of visa operations in Pakistan has also announced tens of thousands of expedited appointments for the visa seekers, reducing wait time by three to six months.

These measures would bring down visa appointment wait times and consequently would help visa applicants.

Many Pakistani citizens apply for a US visa for various reasons. One of the primary motives behind this is the pursuit of better education and career opportunities. The United States is known for its prestigious universities and research institutions, attracting students and professionals from all around the world.

Pakistani individuals who dream of obtaining a quality education often see the US as a gateway to fulfilling their academic aspirations. The US visa allows them to study at renowned universities and gain exposure to a diverse range of educational experiences that can significantly enhance their career prospects.

Another reason why Pakistani citizens apply for a US visa is the desire to join their family members. Many Pakistani individuals have relatives who are US citizens or permanent residents. They may apply for a visa in order to reunite with their loved ones and build a better future together.

Additionally, some Pakistani citizens seek visa opportunities to explore tourism, business, and cultural exchanges within the US. The United States is a land of vast opportunities, vibrant cities, and cultural diversity, which makes it an attractive destination for travel and exploration. By obtaining a US visa, Pakistani citizens can experience the rich American culture, visit iconic landmarks, and engage in business activities that foster economic growth and development.

Furthermore, having a US visa provides Pakistani citizens with the ability to access global networking opportunities. The US is home to a wide range of industries, including technology, finance, and entertainment, offering numerous career prospects. By living and working in the US, Pakistani citizens can build connections with professionals from various fields and expand their professional network, which can open doors to new opportunities and advancements in their careers.

In summary, Pakistani citizens apply for US visas to pursue educational and career opportunities, reunite with family members, explore tourism and business prospects, and engage in global networking. The benefits of holding a US visa include gaining access to world-class education, career advancements, family reunification, cultural experiences, and exposure to a diverse range of opportunities.

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Pakistani currency rates against US Dollar and other currencies on June 3, 2024 (Monday) in open market.

USD to PKR rate today

US dollar was being quoted at 277.15 for buying and 280.15 for selling.

Euro stands at 299 for buying and 302 for selling while British Pound rate is 348.5 for buying, and 352 for selling.

UAE Dirham AED was at 75.30 and Saudi Riyal increased to 73.50.

Source: Forex Association of Pakistan. (last update 09:00 AM)

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  • USA Visit Visa

Apply USA visa in Pakistan. Easy requirements, faster processing and get USA visa with ease and convenience. If you are planning a tour to USA, let us know to arrange a discounted air ticket  and  tour package for you.


USA Visa From Pakistan

Embarking on a journey to the United States is a dream for many, and securing a visit visa is the crucial first step in turning that dream into reality. Understanding the intricacies of the process and meeting the eligibility criteria is paramount for a successful application.

Understanding the USA Visit Visa Process

The process of obtaining a USA visit visa involves several steps, each playing a crucial role in the approval process. Navigating through these steps requires careful consideration and adherence to the guidelines set by the US immigration authorities.

Eligibility Criteria for a US Tourist Visa

To qualify for a US tourist visa, applicants must meet specific eligibility criteria. Factors such as age, financial stability, and the purpose of the visit play a pivotal role in determining one's suitability for the visa.

Documents Required for a USA Visit Visa from Pakistan

Applicants from Pakistan must submit a set of essential documents along with their visa application. Understanding the document requirements is vital to ensuring a smooth application process.

Application Process for US Tourist Visa

The application process for a US tourist visa involves submitting detailed information online and attending a visa interview at the US embassy or consulate. This section provides a step-by-step guide on successfully navigating through the application process.

Common Challenges in Obtaining a USA Visit Visa

Many applicants face common challenges during the visa application process. Addressing these challenges proactively can significantly improve the chances of a successful application.

USA Visit Visa Interview Tips

The visa interview is a crucial aspect of the application process. Tips and insights on how to prepare for the interview can ease the nerves of applicants and enhance their performance.

USA Visit Visa from Pakistan: Processing Time

Understanding the typical processing time for a USA visit visa from Pakistan helps applicants plan their travel itinerary efficiently.

Tourist Visa USA Requirements

Meeting the requirements for a US tourist visa is a fundamental aspect of the application process. This section provides a detailed overview of the prerequisites that applicants must fulfill.

Navigating the Online Application System

Filling out the online visa application can be a daunting task. This section breaks down the process into manageable steps, ensuring a smooth and error-free application.

Fees Associated with USA Visit Visa

While obtaining a USA visit visa is a significant milestone, it comes with associated costs. Understanding the various fees involved helps applicants budget effectively for their travel plans.

Understanding Visa Denials and How to Avoid Them

Visa denials are disheartening but can be avoided with careful preparation. This section outlines common reasons for visa denials and provides tips on preventing them.

Benefits of a United States Visit Visa

Having a valid US tourist visa opens up a world of opportunities. From exploring iconic landmarks to experiencing diverse cultures, this section highlights the benefits of holding a USA visit visa.

FAQs on USA Visit Visa

Q: What is the processing time for a USA visit visa from Pakistan?

A: The processing time varies but typically takes several weeks. It is advisable to apply well in advance of your planned travel date.

Q: Can I apply for a US tourist visa online?

A: Yes, the application process begins online, and applicants need to complete the form and schedule an interview.

Q: What are the common reasons for visa denials?

A: Visa denials can occur due to insufficient documentation, lack of ties to home country, or discrepancies in the application information.

Q: Are there any age restrictions for obtaining a US tourist visa?

A: There are no specific age restrictions, but applicants must demonstrate the purpose of their visit and ties to their home country.

Q: Can I reapply if my USA visit visa application is denied?

A: Yes, applicants can reapply, but it's essential to address the reasons for the previous denial in the new application.

In conclusion, obtaining a USA visit visa is a significant milestone that opens the door to exciting opportunities. By understanding the process, meeting eligibility criteria, and preparing thoroughly, applicants can increase their chances of a successful application.

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Qatar is welcoming 102 countries visa-free, check your visa status here .

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Visa details

Citizens of over 102 countries are eligible for a visa-free entry to the State of Qatar. Allowable lengths of stay vary, and visitors are kindly advised to check with an authorised entity for the terms and conditions that apply.

Visa requirements

Visiting Qatar made easy

Visitors from all around the world can enter Qatar either by obtaining visa on arrival, or by filling out simple online applications, depending on the passport they carry.

This webpage  is designed to keep you up-to-date on the visa policies that are relevant to you, and the process you need to follow to apply for a visa, if necessary.

Visa-free entry

Nationals of eligible countries do not require any prior visa arrangements and can obtain a visa waiver upon arrival to Qatar, by presenting a valid passport with a minimum validity of three months and a confirmed onward or return ticket. 

For nationals of the countries/regions listed below, the waiver will be valid for 30 days from the date of issuance and entitle its holder to spend up to 30 days in Qatar.

Andorra, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Falkland Islands, French Guiana, Georgia, Guyana, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Japan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Macao, Macedonia, Maldives, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, New Zealand, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Russia, Rwanda, San Marino, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Suriname, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Uzbekistan Vatican city and Venezuela.

For nationals of the countries/regions listed below, the waiver will be valid for 180 days from the date of issuance and entitle its holder to spend up to 90 days in Qatar during either a single trip or on multiple trips.

Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Seychelles, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine. 

Qatar-Oman Joint Tourist Visa (Visa on Arrival)

This visa is issued upon arrival and is valid for 30 days for the State of Qatar and the Sultanate of Oman. It allows for multiple entry to both countries and is extendable for an additional 30 days for a fee. Citizens of the following countries are eligible for the joint visa:

Andorra, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brunei, Canada, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, San Marino, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City

Visa on arrival – mandated hotel requirement

The Ministry of Interior Qatar currently requires nationals of the countries / regions listed below to hold registration booked through   Discover Qatar website   prior to travelling to Qatar.

India, Iran, Pakistan, Thailand.

Tourist visas

The Qatar tourist visa is available to nationals of all countries, except GCC citizens, but citizens of over 101 countries are eligible for a free visa on arrival (see Visa-free entry above). Travellers of select nationalities will require to pay a fee to obtain a visa on arrival or apply for a tourist visa prior to travel. Visas can be applied for on the  Hayya platform for a cost of QAR 100. 

Afghanistan, Åland Islands, Albania, Algeria, American Samoa, Angola, Anguilla, Antarctica, Aruba, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and  Saba, Botswana, Bouvet Island, British Indian Ocean Territory, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Comoros, Congo, Congo (the Democratic Republic  of Congo), Cook Islands, Côte d'Ivoire, Curaçao, Djibouti, Dominica, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Faroe Islands (the), Fiji, French Guiana, French Polynesia, French Southern Territories, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guatemala, Guernsey, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Heard Island and McDonald  Islands, Holy See (the), Honduras, Iran, Iraq, Isle of Man, Jamaica, Jersey, Jordan, Kenya, Kiribati, Korea (Democratic People's  Republic of Korea), Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Macao, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Marshall Islands, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mayotte, Micronesia (Federated States  of), Mongolia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, New Caledonia, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Niue, Norfolk Island, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Pitcairn, Puerto Rico, Réunion, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Helena, Ascension and  Tristan da Cunha, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin (French part), Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saint Vincent and the  Grenadines, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sint Maarten (Dutch part), Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Georgia and the South  Sandwich Islands, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Swaziland, Syrian Arab Republic, Taiwan (Province of China), Tajikistan, Tanzania, United Republic of  Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tuvalu, Uganda, United States Minor Outlying Islands, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Virgin Islands (British), Virgin Islands (U.S.), Wallis and Futuna, Western Sahara, Yemen, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Applying for a visa using the Hayya platform

Thanks to a host of visa facilitation measures, Qatar is now the most open country in the Middle East. Visitors from all around the world can now enter Qatar either by obtaining visa on arrival, or by filling out simple online applications, depending on the passport they carry.

This webpage is designed to keep you up-to-date on the visa policies that are relevant to you, and the process you need to follow to apply for a visa, if necessary.

Hayya card validity extended until 2024

Are you a Hayya Card holder living outside the State of Qatar? We’ve got news! 

The validity of the Hayya Card has been extended and will now allow Hayya Card holders to enter the State of Qatar until February, 2024.

Travel requirements: 

- Proof of a confirmed hotel reservation or accommodation with family or friends approved through the Hayya portal

- Passport valid for no less than three months upon arrival in the State of Qatar 

- Valid health insurance during the period of stay in the country. We recommend all travellers visiting the State of Qatar to have a valid health insurance policy covering Qatar's medical facilities. Those who don’t already have an insurance policy are welcome to purchase one on arrival in the State of Qatar. For more information on travel insurance, click  here .

- Return tickets

All Hayya card holders visiting Qatar will have access to the following:

- The 'Hayya with Me' feature' allowing Hayya Card holders to invite up to three family members or friends

- A multiple-entry permit 

- No fees will apply

Qatar Transit Visa

Qatar Airways passengers transiting in Hamad International Airport for a minimum of 5 hours are eligible to apply for the Qatar Transit Visa. It is free of charge, valid for up to 96 hours (four days) and open to passengers of all nationalities**.

For more information about Qatar Transit tours, please click  here .

Visa Exemptions

Nationals of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates) do not require a visa to enter Qatar.

Mandatory health insurance

We recommend all travellers visiting the State of Qatar to have a valid health insurance policy covering Qatar's medical facilities. Those who don’t already have an insurance policy are welcome to purchase one on arrival in the State of Qatar. For more information on travel insurance, click  here .

* Service fees only apply. ** All visas are approved and issued at the sole discretion of Qatar's Ministry of Interior.

Disclaimer: All visa rules and policies for international visitors are subject to change without notice and are approved and issued at the sole discretion of Qatar's Ministry of Interior.

Visa details

Get expert help to book a dream Qatar trip

Need some help planning your next Qatar holiday or business trip? With Qatar Concierge, our dedicated travel team is here to help you book flights, plus guide you on the best hotels, restaurants, attractions and more. Call  0161 527 4409  and they’ll be happy to help. Please note that this service is not for visa queries, please visit our  Visa page  for more information.

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Israel-Gaza latest: Hamas responds to ceasefire proposal - as Netanyahu casts doubt on deal

Joe Biden announced a surprise plan with three phases: the first would be a six-week ceasefire, the second the return of remaining hostages, and the third a reconstruction plan for Gaza. We'll be bringing you all the reaction to this throughout the day.

Sunday 2 June 2024 07:16, UK

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  • Live reporting by Emily Mee

We will be focusing on our general election coverage tomorrow, but we'll be back with more live updates on the Israel-Hamas war next week. 

Models Bella and Gigi Hadid are collectively donating one million dollars (£785,000) to support relief efforts, according to their agent. 

The money will go to Heal Palestine, Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF), World Central Kitchen (WCK), and United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

The sisters have frequently been vocal in their support for Gaza, and their father Mohamed Anwar Hadid is himself Palestinian. 

After Hamas's 7 October attack on Israel, Gigi, 29, offered her condolences to those affected.

"My thoughts are with all those affected by this unjustifiable tragedy, and every day that innocent lives are taken by this conflict - too many of which are children," she wrote on Instagram.

"I have deep empathy and heartbreak for the Palestinian struggle and life under occupation, it's a responsibility I hold daily."

She added: "While I have hopes and dreams for Palestinians, none of them include the harm of a Jewish person."

Bella, 27, said in May that she was "devastated at the loss of the Palestinian people and the lack of empathy coming from the government systems worldwide".

The United Nations food agency has said it is unable to feed most civilians in the southern Gaza city of Rafah. 

Only 27,000 people in Rafah are currently being reached by the World Food Programme (WFP), according to its local director Matthew Hollingworth. 

Roughly one million Palestinians are living in the area, many of them displaced from other parts of Gaza. 

"The sounds, the smells, the everyday life are horrific and apocalyptic," Mr Hollingworth told journalists. 

"People sleep to the sounds of bombing, they sleep to the sounds of drones, they sleep to the sounds of war, as now tanks roll into parts of central Rafah, which is only kilometers away. And they wake to the same sounds." 

A ceasefire proposal consisting of three phases has been outlined by Joe Biden. 

What do those phases entail, what have Israel and Hamas said about the plan and how does it compare to the last proposal?

Read more below...

The French president has backed the ceasefire proposal set out by Joe Biden last night. 

Emmanuel Macron said he supported the proposal for "a durable peace" and that the war "must end". 

France is also working with partners in the region on "peace and security for all", he said. 

A high-level official has said Egypt is undertaking "intensive efforts" to "resume negotiations" for a ceasefire and hostage deal, according to a report. 

The official, quoted by Al-Qahera TV, said this was "in light of the recent American proposition". 

Last night, Joe Biden detailed a ceasefire and hostage deal proposal that he said Israel had put to Hamas. 

However, Israeli officials have told our correspondents they were "blindsided" by the announcement. 

If it works, then this will be a smart and cunning diplomatic move.

If it doesn't then President Joe Biden will look foolish.

He knows the huge risk of once again being taken for a ride by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Few knew that he was due to make this announcement.

Read more from our US correspondent Mark Stone below...

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) has said 33 of its employees have been killed in Gaza since the war began. 

Of those, it said 19 were killed "while performing their humanitarian duties". 

The organisation today buried Mohammed Jihad Abed, an employee in the disaster risk management department. 

He was killed in an Israeli attack on his home in Rafah last night. 

American, Egyptian and Israeli officials will be meeting tomorrow in Cairo to discuss the reopening of Gaza's Rafah crossing, according to a report. 

Egypt is insisting that Israel withdraw its forces from the crossing, a high-level source told Egypt's state-linked Al Qahera TV. 

Israel seized the Gaza side of the crossing last month during its offensive in the city of Rafah. 

Earlier this week, a member of Egypt's security forces was killed in a shooting incident near the Rafah crossing.

An Egyptian soldier stationed on a watchtower had reacted to seeing an armoured vehicle carrying Israeli troops cross a boundary line near the border while the soldiers pursued and killed several Palestinians, two Egyptian security sources told Reuters news agency. 

The soldier opened fire and Israeli forces fired back, killing him, the sources said, sparking an exchange of gunfire between the two sides. 

The British prime minister has praised the proposed ceasefire deal set out by Joe Biden, saying it is "welcome news". 

Rishi Sunak said he hopes Hamas "takes this opportunity to take this deal that is on the table, [and] that would ensure hostages can be released and be back with their families". 

He also expressed hopes to "flood Gaza with far more aid than has been getting in" and to "use that pause in the fighting to build a sustainable and lasting peace". 

Mr Sunak joins a growing group of world leaders expressing support for the deal, which will only put more pressure on Israel and Hamas. 

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  1. Nonimmigrant Visas

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  2. Visas

    A citizen of a foreign country who seeks to travel to the U.S. generally must first obtain a U.S. visa, which is placed in the traveler's passport.

  3. Expansion of Interview Waiver Eligibility for U.S. Visa Holders from

    ISLAMABAD, July 1, 2022 - The United States Mission in Pakistan is pleased to announce the expansion of interview waiver eligibility at the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad and the U.S. Consulate General in Karachi for Pakistani citizens who are renewing B1/B2 tourist and business visas. Pakistani citizens of ages 45 and older and whose B1/B2 visas are valid or have expired within the last 48 ...

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  5. U.S. Embassy Islamabad, Pakistan

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  6. Visa Appointment Wait Times

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  7. Important Update on Waivers of the Interview Requirement for ...

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  12. US expands visa interview waiver eligibility for Pakistani citizens

    The United States Mission in Pakistan has announced the expansion of interview waiver eligibility at the US Embassy in Islamabad and the US Consulate General in Karachi for Pakistani citizens who ...

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    Authorities in the United States have announced multiple steps to ease and expedite visa processing for Pakistan.

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  19. Important Visa Information

    The Consular Section of the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad is located in the Diplomatic Enclave in Islamabad. To visit the Consular Section for an interview you must take the diplomatic shuttle from the Diplomatic Shuttle Service building located at Avenue 3, Quaid-i-Azam University road in sector G-5.

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    DHAKA, April 23, 2024 - The U.S. Department of State has released the 2023 Human Rights Report, a factual and objective record on the status of respect for human rights worldwide. The 2023 Human Rights Report (HRR) covers 198 countries and territories. The individual reports in the HRR detail credible factual information on human rights abuses and violations, providing a tool used by ...

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    On the scheduled date and time of your interview appointment, go to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate with your printed visa application (DS-260) confirmation page. A consular officer will interview you (and accompanying family member beneficiaries) and determine whether or not you are eligible to receive an immigrant visa. As part of the interview process, ink-free, digital fingerprint scans will ...

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    Visa details. Citizens of over 102 countries are eligible for a visa-free entry to the State of Qatar. Allowable lengths of stay vary, and visitors are kindly advised to check with an authorised entity for the terms and conditions that apply. Check your visa eligibility.

  24. Expansion of Interview Waiver Eligibility for U.S. Visa Holders from

    The expansion of interview waiver eligibility is a procedural change to provide better customer service and more efficiently process renewals of tourist and business visas for qualified and eligible Pakistani citizens. As required by U.S. law, some eligible visa holders may be required to appear at the U.S. Embassy or U.S. Consulate General for interviews after submission of their applications.

  25. Visitor Visa

    Learn how to apply for a visitor visa to travel to the United States for tourism or business purposes. Find out the eligibility, fees, and documents required.

  26. Israel-Gaza latest: Hamas responds to ceasefire proposal

    Joe Biden announced a surprise plan with three phases: the first would be a six-week ceasefire, the second the return of remaining hostages, and the third a reconstruction plan for Gaza. We'll be ...

  27. Important Visa Information

    The Nonimmigrant Visa Unit provides visa services to those seeking to enter the United States for a temporary period. The type of nonimmigrant visa that a traveler needs and the requirements to apply for that visa depend largely on the purpose of travel to the United States.

  28. Reducing Visa Appointment Wait Times for the Pakistani People

    First, we have expedited thousands of non-immigrant visa appointments. More than ten thousand Pakistani visa applicants originally scheduled for 2024 at the U.S. Consulate General in Karachi are receiving notice that their appointments have been rescheduled in 2023, some as early as next week. If you have a visa appointment in the next few months at the U.S. Consulate General in Karachi ...

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