Experienced Mommy

Graco Uno2Duo Double Stroller Review

Image of the 8 different configurations of the Graco Uno2Duo Convertible stroller when it is in double stroller mode for 2 kids


The Graco UNO2DUO travel system is no longer able to be purchased. However, you may purchase the Graco Snugride Snuglock 35 , which is the car seat originally sold in the travel system, separately. You may also choose to purchase any compatible Graco car seat that uses ClickConnect. 

The Graco Uno2Duo stroller is the newest convertible stroller available as of January 2022. The main benefit of the Uno2Duo over the other leading choices is that it provides all the same important features for a lower  price. Like  all single to double strollers, the advantage is that you can buy one stroller instead of buying both a single and a double. From that perspective, it saves both money and space .

The downside is that convertibles, like doubles, are heavy so there is some sacrifice in maneuverability. If you buy a convertible and then don’t have a second child or have one later than you planned, you may end up pushing around additional weight for a couple of years for nothing. In this article, we’ve reviewed all the tandem double strollers so you can make a more informed choice.

Graco Uno2Duo Stroller | Goes from Single to Double Stroller, Ellington

What’s To Like About the Uno2Duo?

Versatility – lots of ways to ride.

Not surprisingly, one of the coolest features is all the different ways you can position baby. Even in single stroller mode alone, the Uno2Duo has 10 different setups.

Take a look at the image below. One child can ride in the stroller forward-facing or rear-facing. They can do it laying down in the built-in bassinet. They can also sit in the standard stroller seat which is included in the base model. Or if you have an infant car seat, like the Graco Snugride 35 or Snugride Snuglock 35 Elite , they can sit in the car seat, also in either direction.

Image showing 10 different positions the Graco Uno2Duo stroller can be used in

The regular stroller seat folds down pretty easily into a bassinet. You have to reach underneath, but there is a latch that unsnaps and the seat then lays flat. This is nice when baby falls asleep and you know she’ll be more comfortable when you change to the reclining position.

As you can see above, when you convert the stroller to double mode, there are 8 additional configurations.

The stroller converts by pulling out the handles which extend 5 inches, and pulling back on the frame which also extends 5 inches. You can actually extend it even in single stroller mode and make extra storage room underneath.

Toddlers can stand on the frame where there is a little platform and hang on to the handles. The second child can also sit in the back seat which is positioned over the rear wheels and facing forward. One downside to the second seat is that the child in the back can’t really see very well, but this is common for in-line double strollers.

Harness is 3 Point or 5 Point

The safety harness has both a 3-point and 5-point mode and the 3-point version makes it convenient for buckling in bigger kids and provides a better fit than one-size fits all.

This stroller has several nice extras that we have come to expect in high-end baby gear, but they are still super nice to have. It comes with a tray with cupholders for baby and a cupholder and phone holder for parents. It has a big storage area underneath and has a one-hand fold mechanism, which is also a life-saver.

Another thing I really like is the way it looks. The charcoal colors in gray/black and brown shades are classy.

As a Travel System

If you purchase the Graco Uno2Duo Stroller as a full-fledged travel system, you get the Snugride Snuglock 35 Infant car seat and base. The base stays in your car so you can snap the car seat in and out easily. The Snugride also has Click Connect so it clicks into and out of the stroller equally easily.

Because this is an infant car seat, it is rear-facing only (in the car) and holds babies from 4 lbs to 34 lbs.

Here is the Uno2Duo Stroller/Car Seat combo:

Graco Uno2Duo Travel System | Includes UNO2DUO Stroller and SnugRide SnugLock35 Infant Car Seat, Goes from Single to Double Stroller, Hazel (Pink Lining)

One Drawback

The Graco Uno2Duo is heavy . It is 40 lbs. in double mode. That’s a lot of weight to push around. It accommodates two kids at up to 50 lbs. each, so it has to be big strong enough to support that weight. But if you maxed it out, that would be 100 lbs worth of kids and 40 lbs of stroller, which is a whopping 140 lbs. That’s not going to happen, but you get the point.

The Britax B-Ready convertible , by comparison is just under 33 lbs. in double mode. The Baby Jogger City Select is 37 lbs. in double mode. As far as size goes the dimensions are 45.50 x 38.63 x 25.50 (in inches) which is very slightly narrower and shorter than the Britax.

Other Convertible Stroller Choices

The Bugaboo Cameleon was effectively replaced when Bugaboo released their newest travel system and stroller in 2021, which is a combination of the Fox3 stroller and Bugaboo Turtle Air Car Seat by Nuna . Baby Jogger also released the City Select 2 stroller in 2019, which is an updated version of the model discussed here. 

Graco Uno2Duo vs. Britax B-Ready

Britax B-Ready G2 Stroller, Capri

The Graco Uno2Duo has about the same features as the 2017 B-Ready at a significantly better price. The newest B-Ready is not well reviewed primarily because the front wheels sometimes freeze making it difficult to steer. The inconsistency in performance of the stroller implies there are quality control problems.

To be fair, the Uno2Duo is too new to know how it will match up quality wise.

As I mentioned above the Uno2Duo is heavier than the B-Ready and a slight bit smaller. The extra weight is probably worth putting up with for the difference in price. Although I hate to say that because weight is definitely an enemy when it comes to strollers. A benefit of the B-Ready is that it stands upright when folded. It can also be folded with both seats installed, which is NOT true of the Uno2Duo.

Uno2Duo vs. Baby Jogger City Select

Baby Jogger City Select Stroller - 2016 | Baby Stroller with 16 Ways to Ride, Goes from Single to Double Stroller | Quick Fold Stroller, Quartz

The Baby Jogger City Select is currently priced higher than the Uno2Duo and just over the B-Ready. But it is a super nice stroller. It is compatible with most of the leading infant car seats, if you already have another brand (although you’ll need to check your brand just to be sure).

The City Select weighs just a bit less than the Uno2Duo at 37 lbs in double mode. The bassinet has 4 recline positions which the Uno2Duo doesn’t have. It has a 2-hand fold system instead of 1-hand, though it is pretty easy to do. Like the Uno2Duo it doesn’t fold with both seats installed.  The City Select does seem to fold up into a little tighter package than the Uno2Duo.

One weird thing about the City Select is that the second seat sits on top of the front wheels . This makes it easy for your kids to look at each other, but doesn’t help with the steering. Because the weight is in the front and over the wheel, it makes it harder to steer and lift up the front of the stroller when you need to jump a curb.

The Baby Jogger City Select convertible is very well reviewed . While not quite to be considered a luxury stroller like the UPPAbaby Vista, it has many of the same features.

Uno2Duo vs UPPAbaby Vista

If you are seriously considering the Uno2Duo, and you have every reason to, the UPPAbaby Vista may not fit your budget.

Image of the UPPAbaby Vista Henry, Blue Marl

The Vista is loved by its owners . The stroller is a joy to push because it steers so well. It folds smoothly and more compactly than the other strollers I mentioned above. It also comes with a fabulous bassinet which can be used separately from the stroller.

The Vista has extras that the Uno2Duo doesn’t have like a very nice canopy and 4-wheel suspension for a really smooth ride. It also comes with a bug and rain shield for the bassinet and stroller.

Uno2Duo vs. Bugaboo Cameleon 3

While I’m talking about alternatives to the Uno2Duo I have to mention the Bugaboo Cameleon 3 , mainly because it was one of the very first strollers that converted from single to double mode.  It is also a high priced stroller with nice features and a pretty bassinet, but isn’t nearly as popular as either the City Select or Vista.

Image of Bugaboo Cameleon3 Plus Classic Complete Stroller, Black/Grey Melange - Versatile, Foldable Mid-Size Stroller with Adjustable Handlebar, Reversible Seat and Car Seat Compatibility

Uno2Duo Video

My Recommendation

The Graco Uno2Duo Stroller isn’t perfect, but I really like it and think it is a solid choice for most people who don’t need the extra features of the City Select and Vista strollers. The drawbacks of the Uno2Duo are that it is a bit heavy and although it folds easily, it isn’t overly compact after it is folded.

The good news is it is extremely flexible, it has all the most important features in a convertible double stroller and it has a reasonable price especially if you go all in and get the travel system.

uno 2 duo travel system

Blessed mother of two boys and two girls, changing diapers and homeschooling for 20 years and counting. I love to research (I'm a CPA). And I really love to help other moms make wise and thoughtful decisions for their families.

Someday I'll Learn

The Graco Uno2Duo Stroller Goes from One Baby to Two

Chelsea Day | Homestead | Updated: Dec 17, 2019 Aug 8, 2018

What kind of stroller should I buy? This is definitely one of the most frequent questions we receive from our active readers who are looking to start a family. Most soon-to-be moms and dads have a litany of requirements. They tell me that they plan to baby wrap or babywear when hiking through rugged terrain, but their stroller needs to keep pace from city errands to theme parks. They want something that can have a car seat clicked in and fold without a ton of fuss, and that can grow from one to two babies. That last specification is the real kicker that throws a lot of options out of the running. The Uno2Duo stroller manages to check every single box with ease.

1 Uno2Duo stroller

New from our long-term sponsor Graco, the Uno2Duo stroller is one of few strollers we’ve seen that can handle the baby phase right on up through preschooler life. With a total of 22 different ways to ride, this multitasking masterpiece of strollerdom can handle whatever your family throws its way.

Functionality of the Graco Uno2Duo Stroller

First things first, every parent wants a stroller that has built-in ability to click a car seat in directly. In today’s high-tech world of strollers, this is non-negotiable. It drives me a little bit nuts when manufacturers treat car seats as an afterthought, so I’m happy to say that the top seat on the Uno2Duo stroller has a removable snack tray that serves as a base for a Graco ClickConnect infant car seat. No added adapters needed. Yes! We’re still using the infant car seat for our youngest, but he is at the top of the height/weight range, so we’ll be transitioning him soon. That’s not all, though. The top seat converts to a bassinet and also comes off completely to make way for the car seat to click straight into the stroller frame. This is perfect for little babies who aren’t yet holding their heads upright and have no use for a seat.

3 Uno2Duo stroller

We discovered this particular stroller setup further down the line than that, though. I had a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old when this came into our lives, so I’ve had the pleasure of fully testing the Uno2Duo in its most fully-featured capacity. One of the very first things I did – after wheeling it around with my preschooler in the top seat to get a feel for it in single-kid mode – was to pull the lever to extend the back wheels five inches and then pop up two built-in adapters to add the second seat.

This stroller is sold in three configurations: as a single stroller , as a travel system with one seat plus an infant car seat included, and as a double stroller with two seats included. The second seat and the car seat are both sold separately as well. As you can see, even if you don’t get the second seat, there’s a standing platform back there that’s super handy for multiple kids.

4 Uno2Duo stroller

In case you didn’t catch that earlier, this stroller literally extends to accommodate the extra kid. Most single-to-double converting-style strollers simply stick you with that additional length from the beginning. The handle also telescopes, which is an oft-used feature for my 6’4” husband.

5 Uno2Duo stroller

The upper and lower seats both have massive canopies, which is the one thing I found lacking in my review of the RoomFor2 stroller . When my youngest son is in the configuration shown above, I can close the stroller canopy and the car seat canopy and actually eek out a nap for him at the park. Both seats also have harnesses that convert from 5-point to 3-point, so I can safely buckle up my toddler and my preschooler. For the most part I still just click my infant car seat in here for errands without bothering to unbuckle and transfer him, but I know the day is coming when we’ll make full use of our options here. It’s still nice to have both seats on now in case I opt to babywear the littlest dude, keep the 3-year-old below, and have the 5-year-old climb into the seat up-top.

Maximum containment, you guys. I find it necessary on occasion.

6 Uno2Duo stroller

The Uno2Duo stroller has a cell phone case in addition to the usual cup accessory area on the other side, and I find myself sticking all sorts of stuff in there. It’s helpful to keep my knick-knacks separated, since everything else tends to get swallowed up in my purse in the GIGANTIC basket below.

7 Uno2Duo stroller

To put the stroller away, I click the car seat back into the car seat base, have the preschooler climb out from the bottom, and stow the lower seat separately in my trunk.

8 Uno2Duo stroller

The stroller can be folded with the upper seat attached. Yes! It’s certainly not the flattest-folding stroller I’ve seen, but the top seat does come off easily to help this stroller maneuver into trunks of various sizes. In its full configuration it is heavy and it is large, but that’s honestly what I need with my genetically gigantic babies who require comfort and a nap space on-the-go. It fits into my truck or minivan without issue, and I do go to the effort to rearrange some stuff and remove the upper seat to accommodate this stroller when I drive my tiny sedan.

9 Uno2Duo stroller

Sometimes, choices have to be made. Functionality, storage, and bells and whistles get pitted against compactness and agility. What I love about the Uno2Duo stroller is that you can get ALL of the options in one box, parsing it out to serve your needs as your family grows. Pare it down to just the frame with the car seat early in your parenting journey, and add the other components on as you go. Even if I didn’t have a minivan that this whole getup could fit into, I’d still start with the frame and base seat, keeping it configured in its smallest iteration. You can take advantage of the HUGE basket to stash all the “new mama gear” that piles up with baby number one. When baby number two shows up, you’ll be way more prepared than most.

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Graco Uno2Duo Travel System Review

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I have been using the same infant car seat and stroller since my oldest child was born. While it was a nice "legacy" to hand it down, well, let's say it's seen better days! So this Graco Uno2Duo Travel System was a HUGE upgrade! It features the Click Connect System with the SnugRide SnugLock 35 car seat and a one to two kid convertible stroller! Be sure to check out the demo video at the end of the post! The Graco Uno2Duo Travel System is available exclusively through Babies "R" Us right HERE .

She really was excited about Her upgrade, no one else allowed!


The SnugRide SnugLock 35 Car Seat


Someone is super proud of her new SnugRide 35 car seat! Though she just turned 2 years old, she fit's into this seat just fine (I have SMALL kids). We can't even set it to the tallest strap settings yet and will last until she reaches 35 pounds.  I love that the car seat is side-impact tested. Our previous infant seat was also a Graco and the straps are still arranged the same way, which was handy. They are easy to adjust and easy to buckle (Fighting 2-year-old notwithstanding). The canopy was easy to attach and is very sturdy! The handle is easy to adjust and the release lever is similar to the older styles as well, making the seat easy to remove from the base or the stroller. It is truly lightweight for an infant seat as well, which is nice.


My favorite part was installing the car seat base. What? True! It was SO easy with their easy lever arm system. Simply thread your seat belt or latch belt through and tighten according to guidelines. Then push down that bar until it clicks! The car seat has an easy to read level indicator and an easy adjustment button if it needs to be fixed.

The seat can also be placed into any seat, rear-facing, without the base. Simply strap down the seat with the seat belt following the instructions. If you are ever unsure of your installation look into local experts or even fire stations that can help!

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The Uno2Duo Click Connect Stroller


Okay, so the Uno2Duo stroller requires some assembly. It looks intimidating, but I found it went together fairly quickly following the instructions. As this  is a convertible stroller, it is bigger and heavier. It is still easy enough to lift when assembled though to get it in and out of the car. The wheels are lightweight but thick and sturdy. The base storage area is not deep, but it is pretty big. The front wheels have rotation locks and the rear brake is very smooth and easy to apply. The handle can be extended for taller parents and for children standing on the rear extendable platform for the sit and stand options. Simply pull the handle at the base and pull it out for an extra 5" of space! This gives you extra storage space or allows you to easily go from 1 to 2 kids on the stroller.

There is a 5 point harness for the stroller seat and it has padding for each strap. The canopy has a nifty viewing window in case you need to check in. There is a cup holder and a phone holder for the parents and a removable seat tray for the stroller seat. Check out all the options in the demo video below!

Seating Options

The sheer versatility of the Uno2Duo stroller is incredible. There are 8 different seating options for a single child, with or without the extended storage space. As a sit and stand there are six more options. Two more options are available with the stroller seat and car seat combo. If you have two stroller seats, you have an additional four (or more) options. View the video below to see all the seating options in action.

One Child Options:

  • Car Seat Snaps onto the stroller. Forward and Rear Facing.
  • Stroller Seat snaps onto the stroller. Forward and Rear Facing.
  • The Car Seat can snap into the Stroller Seat. The Car Seat sits Rear Facing in the Stroller Seat, but the Stroller seat can be either Forward or Rear Facing.
  • The Stroller Seat reclines down fully to convert into a Bassinette. The Bassinette can be Forward or Rear Facing.
  • Pull the extendable base out for extra storage space!

Two Children Options:

  • Stroller Seat in the Rear Supports in the extended base Forward Facing with Car Seat snapped onto the front supports. Car seat Forward or Rear Facing.
  • Child standing on the Rear Platform with Stroller Seat snapped up front either Forward or Rear Facing.
  • Standing Child on the Rear Platform with Stroller Seat snapped up front either Forward or Rear Facing with the car seat snapped into the stroller seat.
  • Child standing on the Rear Platform with Car Seat snapped up front either Forward or Rear Facing.
  • Rear Stroller Seat is always Forward Facing.

With Two Stroller Seats (not included):

  • Rear Seat with Forward Seat Forward or Rear Facing.
  • Stroller Seat in the back with Bassinette Forward or Rear Facing.
  • Rear Seat with Forward Seat Forward or Rear Facing with Car Seat Snapped in.



I once picked up a used tandem two kid stroller from a parent. It was handy, sometimes. It was heavy and bulky, and my kids could only sit one way. I just stopped using it because it wasn't providing enough value for me to continue using it. The Graco Uno2Duo is different. It still takes up some space, but with the stroller seat attached I can still fold it down and put it in my truck. And still, I have room for stuff around it.


It takes one hand to open and close the Uno2Duo stroller. Again, as a bigger stroller, it obviously weighs more than or standard umbrella stroller, but I can easily lift it in and out of my car with one hand. If the stroller seat is on the front, I can simply extend the base those extra 5" for my middle child to stand on, pop the toddler in the front and we are good to go. Otherwise, it takes an extra 15 seconds to move the stroller seat to the back and put her car seat up front. Once it "Clicks" it is "Connected" and good to roll!

The brakes hold it in place when needed and are easy to release when it's time to move. The handle is comfortably padded and the wheels roll smoothly over pavement and grass. I had no issues steering and I could fit the stroller through many an area a double-wide would never fit. Everything about the Uno2Duo Click Connect System is quick, easy and smooth. Pick up the Graco Uno2Duo Travel System at a Babies "R" US today !

Check out the video to see all of the seating options and features of the Graco Undo2Duo in action! I had to film indoors due to a recent ice storm; fun times! Enjoy!

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Emily is a single mom to 3 young kids currently living in Kansas. A "Jill-of-all-trades", she really loves learning about anything, writing in all genres, hot and iced tea, and anything artsy. Her kids are her world and she is doing all she can to not only get by but support them in all their endeavors in life.

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5 thoughts on “Graco Uno2Duo Travel System Review”

Thank you so much for showing this video! My husband and I have been looking for strollers and the uno2duo is not in stores to be seen. I was not aware that the seat that comes with it can be used on the bottom as a second seat while using the snugride car seat for the baby. This will be perfect for us. We live in Orlando and go to the parks a lot and our 5yo gets tired out from long days.

So glad the video was helpful to you 🙂

Hola, como puedo adquirir un coche como este ya que realmente lo necesito y no venden acá en mi pais Bolivia, ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra

Quick question do I have to buy a car seat for this stroller? Or is it one already in the box?

If you get the whole travel system it comes with the car seat for the stroller.

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Graco UNO2DUO Travel System Stroller, Hazel

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Graco UNO2DUO Travel System Stroller, Hazel

About this item.

  • The UNO2DUO travel system starts as a single stroller and expands to a double stroller as your family grows
  • Simply extend the stroller 5" with one easy step when your family grows from 1 to 2 children
  • This versatile travel system grows with your family for years with 18 ways to ride with one or two children
  • Includes the Greco Snug Ride Snug Lock Click Connect 35 Infant Car Seat, rear-facing from 4-35 lb.; attaches directly to the stroller frame
  • Reclining seat converts to an infant bassinet for on-the-go comfort for baby in both parent facing and forward facing modes

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Product description

The UNO2DUO travel system starts out as a single stroller and expands into a double stroller to grow with your family. With the included Infant Car Seat, the UNO2DUO Travel System has 18 ways to ride. With an easy, one-hand fold, parent cup holder, and extra-large storage basket, the UNO2DUO is a fully-featured stroller. The main seat reclines flat to become an infant bassinet, while the removable child's tray and standing platform offer a customizable ride. Incorporate the second seat (sold separately) to create a tandem stroller, and the UNO2DUO offers even more customization and riding options. For children up to 50 lb., the UNO2DUO stroller is truly, the only stroller you'll ever need.

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Mommy's Fabulous Finds

Meet The Graco UNO2DUO Travel System

Kids Reviews

Meet the Graco UNO2DUO Travel System. With multiple ways to ride, this stroller grows with your family. Use as a travel system, single stroller, or double stroller.

Graco Travel System

When our family moved back in 2014 I decided that it was time to start fresh, it was time to pass down all my baby gear. The double stroller, jogging stroller and lightweight stroller had been sitting in the shed for years collecting dust and it just one more thing to move. In the back of my head I was always hoping to add to our family, but as the years passed the dust kept building up and we needed the extra room. As hard as it was, it was time for the baby gear to go.

With my older children now 10 and 8, I’m starting the baby and toddler phase all over again with the birth of my third child. I couldn’t be more excited for my little miracle baby. Graco is one brand that I have grown to love over the years, the products are durable, and versatile. Graco recently sent us one of their newest products, the UNO2DUO Travel System .

uno 2 duo travel system

5 Reasons to Love the Graco UNO2DUO Travel System:

It was as though Graco knew everything I wanted in a stroller when they designed the Graco UNO2DUO stroller. The UNO2DUO starts out as a single stroller and can be easily converted into a double stroller as your family grows.


1. Multiple Ways to Ride:

One of my favorite things about the UNO2DUO is the multiple ways to ride.

  • Traveling with a newborn? Pack just the stroller frame and use with just the car seat.
  • Napping infant? Convert into the bassinet mode , the main seat reclines flat.
  • Adding to your family? Convert into a tandem stroller or use the included standing platform when your toddler or older child wants to rest their legs.
  • Going to a mall and need a place for all those shopping bags or visiting an amusement park and need a place to store the cooler? Expand the stroller an extra 5 inches for an extra large storage basket .

With the included Graco SnugRide SnugLock 35 Click Connect Infant Car Seat, the UNO2DUO has 18 ways to ride . Purchase the second seat, and there are an additional 4 more ways to ride .


2. Grows with your family:

Although we only have one child that requires a stroller, there is the chance that we will add to our family in the next year or two. With the ability to add a second seat, we won’t need to purchase an additional tandem double stroller. The UNO2DUO could be easily converted into a double stroller by purchasing a second seat.

Having the standing platform built in is great for those occasions when we travel with friends, or when I babysit. Just the other day I was watching my friend’s toddler and wanted to walk to the bus stop to meet the older kids. I had one toddler buckled into the seat, and my toddler standing on the stroller platform once he got tired of walking. It’s convenient to have that platform when needed instead of having to push one toddler and carry the other.

graco double stroller

3. Accessories are included:

A parent cup holder , phone holder , removable child snack tray with 2 cup holders are included.  A standing platform is also built into the stroller frame to allow for a second child to stand. There are no additional accessories needed unless a second seat is preferred.

4. Large storage area:

We’re an active family and enjoy day trips to amusement parks and walks to the local State Park for swimming and lunch. I also tend to over pack for those occasions and almost always pack picnic lunches. The large under seat storage area is the perfect size and I can even extend it an extra 5 inches if needed. I can easily fit a cooler that holds our lunches and keeps our drinks cold as well as the diaper bag and a bathing suits/towels for the older kids.

Graco UNO2DUO travel system

5. Expanding Stroller Frame:

Expand the stroller an extra 5″ in seconds for an even larger storage area, or to use the standing platform for a second child. The standing platform is built into the stroller and gives toddlers and older children a fun way to ride along. It takes just one hand to slide the frame in and out. The extra 5 inches also give you the ability to add a second seat to use it as a tandem double stroller.

UNO2DUO Assembly

Some assembly is required for the UNO2DUO but should not take more than 10 minutes. It may seem overwhelming at first to open the box and see all of those pieces but the majority of the assembly is attaching the wheels.

Note: If you can’t find the back axle, it is attached the stroller, you’ll have to cut the zip-tie.

A little more about the UNO2DUO:

  • Can be used for infants up to 50 lb.
  • Easy, one-hand fold
  • It is on the heavier side and bulky, it weighs 40 lbs.
  • Accepts all Graco Click Connect infant car seats
  • Five-point harness that can be converted to a three-point as the child grows

SnugRide SnugLock 35:

The Graco SnugRide® SnugLock™ 35 Click Connect™ Infant Car Seat is the car seat included with the Graco UNO2DUO travel system.

SnugRide SnugLock 35

  • SnugLock™ Technology – hassle free installation using either vehicle seat belt or LATCH.
  • Easy-to-read level indicator for installation
  • Rear-facing infants from 4 – 35 lb and up to 32″
  • Adjustable base with 4 recline positions
  • Click Connect™ technology –  one-step attachment to all Graco Click Connect strollers and base
  • EPS, energy absorbing foam
  • Removable newborn head and body support

Install the SnugRide SnugLock 35 Base:

SnugRide SnugLock 35

Where to buy the UNO2DUO Travel System?

The UNO2DUO Travel System is available to purchase at GracoBaby.com, BuyBuyBaby and online at Amazon .

  • Graco Uno2Duo Stroller
  • Graco Uno2Duo Double Stroller, includes the second seat
  • UNO2DUO Travel System

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Graco Uno2duo Stroller Review

-the complete Graco Uno2duo stroller review!

4.1 out of 5 stars

Weight: 22.8 lbs

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The Graco Uno2duo stroller is a single stroller and expands into a double stroller to grow with your family with 8 different modes of use; either with a double stroller seat (1 rear-view facing mode and the other is in a forward facing mode), with a single stroller (1 rear facing mode and the other is on a forward facing standing mode), also with a single stroller (one forward facing stroller seat and a forward facing standing mode and lastly, with a single stroller seat (rear facing stroller seat and a forward facing standing mode). 

The Graco Uno2duo can be used starting when your child is an infant because the main seat reclines flat and becomes a bassinet that can be used for newborns. And if a second baby arrives, your toddler can ride on the standing platform while your little one rides up front. 

The standing platform at the rear of the stroller gives toddlers a fun and easy ride-along option. It also has a storage basket which provides a reasonable amount of space and you can also expand the basket 5 inches more for a slightly bigger storage basket when you need more room for the child’s provisions. The stroller also has a parent cup holder.  While the removable child’s tray and standing platform offer a customizable ride. 

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Graco Uno2Duo Stroller Features

Stroller seat .

The stroller seat is reversible so as to enable your baby facing towards you or away from you. This seat can be reclined to multiple positions; it can sit up right for older kids or you can set it anywhere in the middle when your little one wants to kick back and relax. For the youngest ones, you can recline your seat even deeper for comfy outdoor naps or on the go diaper changes.  

Storage Basket 

The stroller features an extendable, extra-large storage basket underneath the seat. The basket under the seat is really big and capacious. It can easily accommodate large diaper bags and shopping bags. The seat is mounted high so you can fit big and long items in the basket and have easy access to them. The item weight limit is about 22 lbs.

One-Hand Fold 

One-hand fold provides the ultimate convenience for moms on-the-go. Easy one-hand fold conveniently works with and without the seat on the frame. 

The safety harness has both a 3-point and 5-point mode and the 3-point version makes it convenient for buckling in bigger kids and provides a better fit than one-size fits all.

Click Connect Compatibility 

This stroller accepts all Graco Click Connect infant car seats (sold separately). The Click Connect system provides one-step, secure attachment of infant car seat to stroller, with an audible click. 

The Graco Uno, is that it has a huge canopy.  The canopy has an allowance for extension with the zip feature on it, which simply allows you to extend the canopy further by unzipping it and creating extra cover for your baby, from head to toe. And that’s not just it about the canopy, there is also a Peek-a-boo window to keep an eye on your baby wherever you go. It’s also nice to know the window operates silently, so no worries about disturbing your baby’s nap. The peek-a-boo mesh design drives air inflow and together with the UV 50+ protection provided by the sun hood fabric, makes the stroller an ideal stroller to buy!

  • Toddler seat converts to a completely flat bassinet with no additional accessories needed
  • Front seat can face forward or backwards. 
  • Back seat only faces forward back seat attaches with no need for adapters – most models of this type of stroller have adapters that may get forgotten at home – this one the adapters are built in (they just snap up and snap down when not being used) so you always have them – very convenient to just bring your second seat with you in the car and be able to pop it on any time you want.
  • The telescoping handlebar accommodates different heights (as well as provides headroom if using the rider board).
  • Assembly was pretty easy with simple instructions
  • Stroller frame is sturdy and materials are well made – it’s a high quality metal frame
  • Generously sized seats fit kiddos comfortably
  • Fairly easy to slide it open to make space for a standing rider or second seat, and easy to collapse back down.
  • Brake mechanism is super easy to use and sandal friendly
  • The stroller comes with a parent cup holder, phone holder as well as a snack tray for the front seat and most strollers you have to buy separately.
  • The Graco Uno2Duo is heavy. It is 40 lbs in double mode. That’s a lot of weight to push around. It accommodates two kids at up to 50 lbs. each, so it has to be big strong enough to support that weight. But if you maxed it out, that would be 100 lbs worth of kids and 40 lbs of stroller, which is a whopping 140 lbs
  • The plastic wheels become harder to push when on uneven rough terrain or sidewalks.
  • The recline on the stroller seat is sub-par. It only reclines about 15-20 degrees. Not enough to accommodate a sleeping older child.
  • The back child can’t really see much at all. It’s much easier to push if your heaviest child is on the bottom. Which means your older child, who probably is happier when able to look out and see the world, won’t be able to see anything.
  • It’s also very hard to get your child in and out of the seat. My toddler can climb in and out of the seat himself just fine if he goes head first, but trying to lift him up.
  • Almost no basket storage use when using the second seat

Overall Rating – Graco Uno2duo Stroller

4 out of 5 stars

Graco Uno2duo Stroller Specifications

Stroller video demo.

Here is a quick Graco Uno2duo Stroller demo by Graco . Gives you a quick show of most of the stroller’s features.

Where to Buy?

You can check out the Graco Uno2duo Stroller at Amazon .

Conclusion – Graco Uno2duo Stroller Review

A lot of parents had mostly nice things to say about the Graco Uno2Duo stroller. They also found it smooth and easy to use and very affordable for a full featured convertible stroller. If you’re in the market for a full-featured stroller that won’t break the bank, then you should definitely check out the Graco Uno2Duo stroller!

And that’s it for a full Graco Uno2duo Stroller review! It tells you all you need to know about the stroller – including its Pros and Cons. I hope it has provided you with enough information to help you make your purchase decision.

If you have any questions or if something is not entirely clear to you, do not hesitate to contact me or put down your comment below. Thanks for reading, and happy shopping!!

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In the three years creating Strollbery - for free, in our free time, we are proud to have helped thousands of parents from more than 207 countries. And helping is what we've cared about the most.

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Graco Uno2Duo Features & Specifications

The seat unit, the 2nd seat unit, the canopy (hood), the bumper bar, the suspension, the handlebar, the carrycot, the car seat, the accessories & extra features, parent reviews of the graco uno2duo, your questions about the graco uno2duo.

I wanted to know if this will fit in the trunk easily? I have a 2015 Nissan Sentra and I am unsure if it will fit.

Will it fit with or without the seats attached? Or neither way?

Hello, Sel,

Without a seat, it should fit. It will take up most (or all) of your boot; that's an important thing to acknowledge. It is quite long and overall bulky - the more so if the seat stays on the frame when folding the pram. You'll also might need to remove the wheels to get it inside easier.

It might be necessary to think about a more compact double stroller if car trunk space is an issue. Maybe a forward-facing side-by-side one. Or something in the likes of a Baby Jogger City Select Lux where the seats do fold into themselves and can both be folded down with the frame more compactly. But I know it's a more expensive option, so a pre-loved one could also be worth thinking about.

This is your place to ask us a (quick) question about the Graco Uno2Duo

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Graco Uno2Duo Travel System, Black


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Condition: Open Box

"The UNO2DUO travel system starts out as a single stroller and expands into a double stroller to grow with your family. With the included Infant Car Seat, the UNO2DUO Travel System has 18 ways to ride. With an easy, one-hand fold, parent cup holder, and extra-large storage basket, the UNO2DUO is a fully-featured stroller. Incorporate the second seat (sold separately) to create a tandem stroller."

Would you rather pay full price for this item? You can find a similar item on Amazon by clicking here Graco Uno2Duo Travel System | Includes UNO2DUO Stroller and SnugRide SnugLock35 Infant Car Seat, Goes from Single to Double Stroller, Reece

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Evenflo Pivot Xpand

Graco uno2duo.

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  • Single To Double : Stroller grows from single to double with no tools or extra parts needed. Easy slide and lock system expands frame in seconds to accommodate a second toddler or infant seat
  • Up To 22 Configurations : The unique design accommodates one or two riders. Infants and children can sit at various heights, upright or reclined, in both parent-facing and forward-facing modes
  • Travel system starts as a single stroller and expands to a double stroller as your family grows
  • 18 ways to ride and easily extend the stroller 5" when your family grows from 1 to 2 children. To clean stroller frame and seat pad, spot clean using mild soap and warm water
  • https://www.evenflo.com/travel-system/xpand/us_xpa... Report

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Graco Uno2Duo Travel System, Reese

uno 2 duo travel system

$ 98.99

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The Reese Graco Uno2Duo Travel System is the only car seat stroller set you’ll ever need. It starts out as a single stroller and then expands into a double stroller with 18 modes of use to grow with your family. The infant car seat and stroller travel system includes Graco’s infant car seat, which features a canopy, a safety harness, adjustable carry handle, removable and washable seat cushion and removable base. The baby travel system also includes a stroller with an easy push-button, one-hand fold for convenient lifting, transport and storage. Additionally, it includes a canopy to protect your little one from the elements, a seat that reclines a full 360-degrees giving you the option of a bassinet, and a standing platform. The Uno2Duo also includes a parent cup holder, a removable child tray for easy entry and a large storage area underneath the seat for all your essentials. Travel confidently with baby using this 2-in-1 travel stroller with infant car seat. Whether you are searching for a jogging stroller, travel stroller, everyday stroller, travel system, or even a double stroller, Graco has a wide range of strollers perfect for your family. Graco Uno2Duo Travel System, Reece:

  • Stroller expands 5"
  • 18 ways to ride
  • Infant car seat and base included featuring canopy, safety harness, adjustable carry handle, removable padded cushion seat insert
  • Seat fully reclines to an infant bassinet
  • Standing platform
  • Extendable extra-large storage basket
  • Easy 1-hand fold
  • Parent cup holder
  • Removable child tray for convenient entry into stroller
  • Canopy to protect children from exposure to sun and rain
  • Graco stroller travel system available colors: black, green


Features : Has Side Impact Protection Brand : Graco Color : Gray Manufacturer : Graco Childrens Products Manufacturer Part Number : 2065075 Assembled Product Weight : 54.12 lb Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H) : 22.83 x 22.24 x 36.02 Inches

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