Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

No Travel Pass needed to enter Trinidad and Tobago from June 1

Caribbean Airlines Limited (CAL) plane mid-flight.

THE covid19 Travel Pass system and supporting restrictions into Trinidad and Tobago will be lifted from June 1, Minister of Health Terrence Deyalsingh has announced.

At Wednesday’s virtual media conference, he said covid19 cases have been at a plateau at about 200 cases per day, and based on international, regional and local data, there has been weakening of the acute phase of the virus.

“We are seeing a waning of this acute phase of the pandemic. But please note the pandemic is still with us," he said, but added: "As of Wednesday June 1, 2022, I am authorised by the Prime Minister to tell the country, especially those who travel, that the TT Travel Pass system will be discontinued.

“What this means is that unvaxxed national and non-nationals can enter TT, so you don’t have to prove your vaccination status.

"However, you do have to provide either a negative PCR or antigen test (taken) 48 hours prior to entry.”

Deyalsingh said people travelling into the country without a negative test will be put in state quarantine at their cost.

During quarantine, he explained, a negative PCR or antigen can be presented at any time as a condition of release.

Other health restrictions such as mask-wearing, social distancing and hand-washing remain in effect.

“All other measures stay in place, example: masking. We continue to ask people to adhere to the public health guidelines, especially about masking."

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Caribbean National Weekly

The Trinidad and Tobago government on Wednesday says it will lift the coronavirus (COVID-19) travel pass system for people entering the country effective June 1, 2022.

Health Minister, Terrence Deyalsingh, speaking at the Ministry of Health’s virtual media conference , said COVID-19 cases have been at a plateau at about 200 cases per day, and are based on international, regional, and local data, there has been weakening of the acute phase of the virus.

“We are seeing a waning of this acute phase of the pandemic. But please note the pandemic is still with us. As of Wednesday, June 1, 2022, I am authorized by the prime minister to tell the country, especially those who travel, that the TT Travel Pass system will be discontinued.

“What this means is that un-vaxxed national and non-nationals can enter Trinidad and Tobago, so you don’t have to prove your vaccination status. However, you do have to provide either a negative PCR or antigen test (taken) 48 hours prior to entry.

“In the absence of a test that person will be asked to go into state-supervised quarantine at their cost and provide a negative PCR or antigen at any time during their quarantine period as a condition of release before going home,” Deyalsingh told reporters.

In April, Trinidad and Tobago issued orders to ease multiple COVID-19-related restrictions, all limits on public gatherings and restrictions regarding access to beaches and rivers will be lifted. The TT Safe Zone restrictions, which imposed restrictions on certain businesses, were also discontinued.

He said other health restrictions such as mask-wearing, social distancing, and handwashing remain in effect.

“All other measures stay in place, for example masking. We continue to ask people to adhere to the public health guidelines, especially about masking.”

Trinidad and Tobago has recorded 3, 897 deaths and 159, 676 infections since the first case was recorded in March 2020.

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Trinidad and Tobago lifts COVID-19 travel pass system

PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad (CMC) – The Trinidad and Tobago government Wednesday said it would be lifting from June 1, the coronavirus (COVID-19) travel pass system for people entering the country.

Health Minister, Terrence Deyalsingh, speaking at the Ministry of Health’s virtual media conference, said COVID-19 cases have been at a plateau at about 200 cases per day, and based on international, regional and local data, there has been weakening of the acute phase of the virus.

“We are seeing a waning of this acute phase of the pandemic. But please note the pandemic is still with us. As of Wednesday June 1, 2022, I am authorised by the Prime Minister to tell the country, especially those who travel, that the TT Travel Pass system will be discontinued. What this means is that un-vaxxed nationals and non-nationals can enter Trinidad and Tobago so you don’t have to prove your vaccination status. However, you do have to provide either a negative PCR or antigen test (taken) 48 hours prior to entry,” Deyalsingh said.

“In the absence of a test that person will be asked to go into state-supervised quarantine at their cost and provide a negative PCR or antigen at any time during their quarantine period as a condition of release before going home,” he told reporters.

He said other health restrictions such as mask-wearing, social distancing and hand-washing remain in effect.

“All other measures stay in place, example: masking. We continue to ask people to adhere to the public health guidelines, especially about masking,” he added.

Trinidad and Tobago has recorded 3,897 deaths and 159,676 infections since the first case was recorded in March 2020.


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TT Travel Pass To Be Discontinued From June 1st 2022

Effective June 1st 2022, nationals and non-nationals seeking entry into Trinidad and Tobago will no longer be required to present a TT Travel Pass.

The announcement came from Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh during the weekly COVID-19 Update on Wednesday. 

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Effective july 1, 2022: persons entering the republic of trinidad and tobago will no longer be required to produce a negative covid-19 pcr or lab approved antigen test result..

The public is reminded to adhere to the latest Public Health Guidelines. Persons can visit the Ministry of Health’s official social media pages or website here , for further information.


General requirements, visitors must also have an onward or return ticket to travel to the destination., persons entering trinidad must have a valid passport (valid for six months after the date of their departure) from their country of citizenship., visas are not required for most countries unless you plan to stay longer than 90-days., when you arrive:, health & safety guidelines.

  • Wear masks when you go out in public (masks are mandatory in public spaces)
  • Keep your distance from others (6ft)
  • Stay home if you are ill
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based sanitizer
  • Cough into a tissue or into the crook of your elbow
  • Avoid touching your face
  • Clean then sanitize surfaces (e.g. table tops, door knobs and cell phones).

The Trinidad and Tobago Ministry of Health requests recent travellers who experience a fever, cough, or respiratory distress to contact the Ministry of Health at 877-WELL (9355).

Visit the Ministry of Health’s website at:  for additional information.

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TTRAVEL PASS, your mandatory document to enter T&T

Gov­ern­ment has to­day launched an on­line plat­form where a cer­tifi­cate is gen­er­at­ed that is manda­to­ry be­fore en­try in­to Trinidad and To­ba­go.

The TTRAV­EL pass has been hailed as an ‘Ex­cel­lent IT plat­form’ that will play a piv­otal role in the re­open­ing of the bor­ders which is card­ed for Ju­ly 17th.

With­in three days of trav­el­ling or 72 hours be­fore ar­rival this form must be gen­er­at­ed. First­ly, the trav­eller would have vis­it www.TTrav­el­ where they must pro­vide their;

Pass­port In­for­ma­tion Neg­a­tive PCR test tak­en no ear­li­er than 72 hours be­fore ar­rival. Vac­ci­na­tion Card for ful­ly vac­ci­nat­ed pas­sen­gers. Con­fir­ma­tion of paid State su­per­vised Ac­com­mo­da­tion (For un­vac­ci­nat­ed or par­tial­ly vac­ci­nat­ed pas­sen­gers) Itin­er­ary (e.g. Air­line or Flight num­ber) Gen­er­al health in­for­ma­tion

A trav­el au­tho­ri­sa­tion form is then gen­er­at­ed with a scannable QR code. Min­is­ter in the Of­fice of the Prime Min­is­ter, Stu­art Young told Guardian Me­dia that they are con­fi­dent that the plat­form can with­stand the on­line traf­fic and hot­lines will be launched to­day for trav­ellers seek­ing as­sis­tance on us­ing the on­line plat­form.

Those de­tails he said will be re­leased by the Min­istry of Com­mu­ni­ca­tions soon. The IT plat­form will be man­aged by the Min­istry of Dig­i­tal Trans­for­ma­tion, igovTT and the Min­istry of Na­tion­al Se­cu­ri­ty.

Re­porter: Akash Sama­roo

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tt travel pass discontinued

TTravelPass portal launches for persons to apply to travel to Trinidad and Tobago

With the reopening of Trinidad and Tobago’s borders in mid July 2021, the Ministry of National Security of Trinidad and Tobago has launched “TTravel Pass” at (Note the spelling!).

tt travel pass discontinued

Persons wanting to travel to Trinidad and Tobago can file an application (and upload various documents) to get a TTravel Pass to travel to Trinidad and Tobago. See on the full details of the application process and the required documents.

Some observations :

  • Given the unusual spelling (TTravel Pass) as opposed to “TT Travel Pass”, perhaps the domain should be created to redirect to (Update July 15 2021 : this was implemented!)
  • However, why not use a simpler domain like ? It would be easier to remember and say. The name TTravel Pass could still be used throughout the site. (Update July 15 2021 : redirects to )
  • What’s the data retention policy for travelers’ documents uploaded to TTravel Pass ?
  • The footer on the TTravel Pass website says “Developed and Licensed by: Amber Innovations (An Amber Group Company) “. The Amber Group company was also the developer of the Jamaican Government’s JamCOVID site . Earlier this year, Techcrunch reported that the JamCOVID site exposed immigration records and COVID-19 test results of travelers to Jamaica. After the initial lapse was fixed, two more security lapses of the JamCOVID website were also reported by Techcrunch.

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Trinidad and Tobago lifts travel pass system

Trinidad and Tobago lifts travel pass system - Travel News, Insights & Resources.

The Trinidad and Tobago government on Wednesday says it will lift the coronavirus (COVID-19) travel pass system for people entering the country effective June 1, 2022.

Health Minister, Terrence Deyalsingh, speaking at the Ministry of Health’s virtual media conference , said COVID-19 cases have been at a plateau at about 200 cases per day, and are based on international, regional, and local data, there has been weakening of the acute phase of the virus.

“We are seeing a waning of this acute phase of the pandemic. But please note the pandemic is still with us. As of Wednesday, June 1, 2022, I am authorized by the prime minister to tell the country, especially those who travel, that the TT Travel Pass system will be discontinued.

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“What this means is that un-vaxxed national and non-nationals can enter Trinidad and Tobago, so you don’t have to prove your vaccination status. However, you do have to provide either a negative PCR or antigen test (taken) 48 hours prior to entry.

“In the absence of a test that person will be asked to go into state-supervised quarantine at their cost and provide a negative PCR or antigen at any time during their quarantine period as a condition of release before going home,” Deyalsingh told reporters.

In April, Trinidad and Tobago issued orders to ease multiple COVID-19-related restrictions, all limits on public gatherings and restrictions regarding access to beaches and rivers will be lifted. The TT Safe Zone restrictions, which imposed restrictions on certain businesses, were also discontinued.

He said other health restrictions such as mask-wearing, social distancing, and handwashing remain in effect.

“All other measures stay in place, for example masking. We continue to ask people to adhere to the public health guidelines, especially about masking.”

Trinidad and Tobago has recorded 3, 897 deaths and 159, 676 infections since the first case was recorded in March 2020.

Read further .

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Eurailers get up to a  15% discount  on all Avis retail prices. 

You can find more information in the  Terms & Conditions . 

Don't forget our Pass discounts!


Youth discounts

Travellers aged 27 and younger get  up to 25% off  standard adult prices.


Senior discounts

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"The best experience"  The best experience to travel. Easy and fast. Each time I will go to Europe I will buy the Eurail Pass. It would be good if the pass included discounts with allies in hotels, tourist sites, restaurants, etc 

​TrustPilot from Juan Sarmiento, United States

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💡Travel benefits explained

🚄 db ticket euro 2024, 🌍 interrail pass euro 2024, 🚋 36 hour travel pass, uefa euro 2024: ticket holder travel benefits.

Monday, June 3, 2024

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Did you know?

Travelling by train and public transport will be the most convenient and sustainable option to get around. Luckily, EURO 2024 ticket holders will have access to discounted national and international train tickets, as well as a 36 Hour Travel Pass for public transport!

  • DB Ticket EURO 2024 – Train travel within Germany
  • Interrail Pass EURO 2024 – Train travel across Europe
  • 36 Hour Travel Pass – Public transport in the region

To make use of your travel benefits, you will need your Fan Pass . The Fan Pass is brand new for EURO 2024 and provides access to exclusive perks which will enhance your experience on-site. Your Fan Pass is free and now available for all ticket holders on the UEFA EURO 2024 app .

Plan your journey on the DB Website or DB Navigator App to see what services you’ll be travelling on.

• Purchase a DB Ticket EURO 2024 for single journeys between host cities that involve long-distance services such as IC (InterCity), ICE (InterCity Express), or EC (EuroCity) trains.

• Purchase a Interrail Pass EURO 2024 for international arrival to Germany and during your stay in Germany for journeys that involve long-distance services such as IC, ICE, or EC trains.

• Use your free 36 Hour Travel Pass on matchday and the day after to travel within the city and on slower services within the region ( see map below ). If you’re travelling between Cologne, Düsseldorf, Dortmund and Gelsenkirchen, you can simply use your 36 Hour Travel Pass, as long as your journey doesn’t include ICE, IC or EC services.

tt travel pass discontinued

4, 5 or 7-day passes: 17 January – 13 July

10 or 15-day passes: 17 January – 8 June

33 European countries

This includes the option to travel in your country of residence, but is limited to two journeys (one to leave and one to return).

Full list of railway operators

How it works

  • Take as many trains as you like on each of your travel days.
  • To use and activate your Interrail Pass, download Interrail’s Rail Planner App .
  • Your Interrail Pass EURO 2024 is only valid in combination with your EURO 2024 Fan Pass . All ticket holders will have access to a Fan Pass for free. You will need to show your Fan Pass when travelling on the train – just like a railcard.
  • For some trains, it is mandatory to book seat reservations . Be sure to make them early, as trains fill up quickly. Please check the reservation policy of each train you plan to take.
  • Trains will be busy, so it’s strongly recommended to book a seat reservation even if it's not mandatory. Otherwise, you may need to stand.

❓ FAQs: Interrail Pass EURO 2024

Your Interrail Pass EURO 2024 can only be used to travel between 9 June and 21 July.

Depending on which option you choose, it is either valid for a month within this period (4, 5 and 7-day passes) or the full period (10 or 15-day passes).

The end of the travel period is 21 July for all passes , even if you activate your pass less than a month before this date. For example, if you choose to activate your pass on 13 July to travel to the final in Berlin, your Interrail Pass EURO 2024 will become invalid after 21 July.

No. It’s only available for European citizens (not German residents) and non-Europeans with an official residence in Europe. German residents can benefit from the DB Ticket EURO 2024 for train travel within Germany instead.

You can purchase one pass per EURO 2024 match ticket.

No, only match ticket holders are entitled to use the Interrail Pass EURO 2024 for travel. Your Interrail Pass EURO 2024 is only valid in combination with the EURO 2024 Fan Pass.

You can either travel together, or they can transfer their match ticket to you. Once you have a match ticket in your UEFA Mobile Ticket app , you can access your EURO 2024 Fan Pass in the UEFA EURO 2024 app . On board the train, simply show your Fan Pass together with your Interrail Pass.

You will need to show your free EURO 2024 Fan Pass on each train. The Fan Pass will allow you to prove that you have a match ticket, even when match tickets have not been sent to your mobile phone.

No, the Interrail Pass EURO 2024 is only available to match ticket holders. If you don't have a match ticket, you can purchase any other regular Interrail Pass.

The EURO 2024 Fan Pass is brand new and will provide you with access to exclusive perks for your tournament experience. The Fan Pass is available for free on the UEFA EURO 2024 app .

On the train, the Fan Pass works just like any other railcard or discount card. Show it to the conductor together with your valid Interrail Pass EURO 2024.

Yes, you can buy one pass per match ticket. However, if you’re going to multiple matches, purchasing a single Interrail Pass EURO 2024 with more travel days could be a better option.

No, the Interrail Pass EURO 2024 is non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

No, the Interrail Pass EURO 2024 is personalised.

Check out the full list of railway companies covered on the Interrail website.

The Interrail Pass EURO 2024 allows for up to two journeys in your home country: one to leave and one to return.

For all questions relating to the Interrail Pass EURO 2024, please contact Interrail:

For questions relating to your EURO 2024 match ticket, have a look at the Ticket FAQs .

Match ticket holders are entitled to a 36 Hour Travel Pass for the entire regional public transport network at no additional cost.

⏳ Validity period

From 06:00 on your matchday until 18:00 the following day.

🎫 How to get your pass

Your 36 Hour Travel Pass is included in your free Fan Pass .

  • Download your Fan Pass on the EURO 2024 App .
  • Simply hop on board and have your Fan Pass ready to show to inspection staff if requested
  • No need to scan the Fan Pass before boarding the metro, train or bus.

🗺️ Travel area

tt travel pass discontinued


  1. Increased Travel Expected As TT Travel Pass System Discontinued

    tt travel pass discontinued

  2. Government To Discontinue TT Travel Pass System

    tt travel pass discontinued

  3. Trinidad and Tobago lifts travel pass system

    tt travel pass discontinued

  4. Trinidad et Tobago. 10 choses à savoir sur le nouveau TT Travel Pass

    tt travel pass discontinued

  5. Trinidad & Tobago: 10 things to know about the new TT Travel Pass

    tt travel pass discontinued

  6. Launch Of TT Travel Pass

    tt travel pass discontinued


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  1. No Travel Pass needed to enter Trinidad and Tobago from June 1

    THE covid19 Travel Pass system and supporting restrictions into Trinidad and Tobago will be lifted from June 1, Minister of Health Terrence Deyalsingh has announced. ... June 1, 2022, I am authorised by the Prime Minister to tell the country, especially those who travel, that the TT Travel Pass system will be discontinued.

  2. TTravel Pass cancelled, effective June 1

    Stating the he was authorized by the Prime Minister to inform the nation of this new development, Deyalsingh said effective June 1 (Wednesday) the TTravel Pass system will be discontinued. "What ...

  3. TT Travel Pass To Be Discontinued From June 1st 2022

    Effective June 1st 2022, nationals and non-nationals seeking entry into Trinidad and Tobago will no longer be required to present a TT Travel Pass.The announ...

  4. Trinidad and Tobago Lifts Travel Pass System

    As of Wednesday June 1st, 2022, I am authorized by the Prime Minister to tell the country, especially those who travel, that the TT Travel Pass system will be discontinued. "What this means is that un-vaxxed national and non-nationals can enter Trinidad and Tobago so you don't have to prove your vaccination status.

  5. Alert: New Travel Pass Required to Enter Trinidad and Tobago

    Visit the Department of Homeland Security's website on the latest travel restrictions to the United States; Assistance: U.S. Embassy Port of Spain 15 Queen's Park West Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago Telephone + (868) 622-6371 Emergency + (868) 622-6371, then press 1. Fax + (868) 822-5955 Email: [email protected] Website:

  6. Trinidad And Tobago Discontinues TT Travel Pass

    Traveling to Trinidad and Tobago just got a bit easier as the country's government has discontinued its TT Travel Pass system. Minister of Health, Terrence Deyalsingh announced that the country's Travel Pass system has been discontinued citing a plateauing in the number of COVID-19 cases, along with other supporting regional and ...

  7. Trinidad And Tobago Discontinues Travel Pass And Testing Requirement

    Following the discontinuation of the TT Travel Pass system on June 1, 2022, Trinidad and Tobago's Minister of Health has announced that as of July 1, travelers will no longer be required to provide a negative COVID-19 test. ... Travel Pass system was discontinued on June 1 citing a plateauing in the number of COVID-19 cases, along with other ...

  8. Trinidad and Tobago lifts travel pass system

    The Trinidad and Tobago government on Wednesday says it will lift the coronavirus (COVID-19) travel pass system for people entering the country effective June 1, 2022. Health Minister, Terrence Deyalsingh, speaking at the Ministry of Health's virtual media conference, said COVID-19 cases have been at a plateau at about 200 cases per day, and ...

  9. Trinidad and Tobago lifts COVID-19 travel pass system

    PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad (CMC) - The Trinidad and Tobago government Wednesday said it would be lifting from June 1, the coronavirus (COVID-19) travel pass system for people entering the country ...

  10. TT Travel Pass To Be Discontinued From June 1st 2022

    TT Travel Pass To Be Discontinued From June 1st 2022. May 25, 2022. ... Tags: COVID-19, Tobago, Trinidad, TT Travel Pass, Vaccination. Post navigation. Nestlé 5K Road Race. TT Premier Football League Tier 2: Defence Force, Phoenix Draw. Search . Search. Top Stories. Local Weather News Weather. Hot Spell Warning.

  11. Increased Travel Expected As TT Travel Pass System Discontinued

    The Airports Authority of Trinidad and Tobago is ready for the anticipated influx in passengers now that the TT Travel Pass System will be removed from tomor...

  12. Trinidad Travel Guidelines

    HEALTH & SAFETY GUIDELINES. Wear masks when you go out in public (masks are mandatory in public spaces) Keep your distance from others (6ft) Stay home if you are ill. Wash your hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based sanitizer. Cough into a tissue or into the crook of your elbow. Avoid touching your face.

  13. TTRAVEL PASS, your mandatory document to enter T&T

    TTRAVEL PASS, your mandatory document to enter T&T. Gov­ern­ment has to­day launched an on­line plat­form where a cer­tifi­cate is gen­er­at­ed that is manda­to­ry be­fore en­try in­to Trinidad and To­ba­go. The TTRAV­EL pass has been hailed as an 'Ex­cel­lent IT plat­form' that will play a piv­otal role in the re ...

  14. TTravelPass portal launches for persons to apply to travel to ...

    Given the unusual spelling (TTravel Pass) as opposed to "TT Travel Pass", perhaps the domain should be created to redirect to (Update July 15 2021 : this was implemented!) However, why not use a simpler domain like It would be easier to remember and say.

  15. The TT Travel Pass will be discontinued as of Wednesday June ...

    The TT Travel Pass will be discontinued as of Wednesday June 1st, 2022. Please note: Unvaccinated Nationals and Non-nationals can enter Trinidad and Tobago with either of the following: 1. a negative PCR test OR 2. a negative Antigen test 48 Hours PRIOR TO ENTRY 𝙏𝙊𝘽𝘼𝙂𝙊 𝙐𝙋𝘿𝘼𝙏𝙀𝙎 𝙄𝙉𝙌𝙐𝙄𝙍𝙀 𝘼𝘽𝙊𝙐𝙏 𝙊𝙐𝙍 ...

  16. Trinidad And Tobago Lifts Travel Pass System

    The Trinidad and Tobago government on Wednesday says it will lift the coronavirus (COVID-19) travel pass system for people entering the country effective June Airlines Featured

  17. PDF PowerPoint Presentation

    The TTravel Pass can be printed or saved on a mobile device. It will be used to board the flight and to gain entry into Trinidad and Tobago. Passport Information. Negative PCR. (NASOPHARYNGEAL) Test results from a test taken no earlier than 72 hours before arrival. Vaccination Card or certificate for Fully Vaccinated Passengers.

  18. TTT Live Online

    The TT Travel Pass will be discontinued as of Wednesday June 1st, 2022. Please note: Unvaccinated Nationals and Non-nationals can enter Trinidad and Tobago with either of the following: 1. a...

  19. Gov't discontinues TT Travel Pass system; non-nationals as ...

    Gov't discontinues TT Travel Pass system; non-nationals as well as nationals are no longer required to provide proof of vaccination status to enter T&T. Only requirement is a negative PCR test 48h before arrival.

  20. Travel Update The TT Travel Pass will be discontinued as of ...

    Travel Update The TT Travel Pass will be discontinued as of Wednesday June 1st, 2022. Please note: Unvaccinated Nationals and Non-nationals can...

  21. TTravel Pass

    TTravel Pass. With the border set to reopen on Saturday, both nationals and non-nationals will now require a travel authorisation document to enter the country. The government launched the website, saying the document requires that people confirm their vaccination status, negative PCR test, and proof of payment for state quarantine where required.

  22. Trinidad And Tobago Discontinues Travel Pass And Testing Requirement

    Trinidad And West Discontinues Travel Spend The Testing Requirement. By Bradley Wint. Jun 29, 2022 ...

  23. Gov't discontinues TT Travel Pass your

    From June 1, the TT Travel Pass system will be discontinued. Minister of Mental Terrence Deyalsingh made the ad while speaking during a media meetings about Wednesday. He said non-nationals, as well as nationals, are does extended. From June 1, the P Travel Pass system will is discontinued. Minister on Health Terrence Deyalsingh made the ...

  24. Rail Pass Deals

    Traveling with a Eurail Pass is a great way to enjoy more European journeys for less. Wherever you want to go in Europe, we've got a range of travel deals to save you even more money. Check out the savings you can make when you order through us, such as rail discounts and extra vacation deals. If you'd like to stay updated on every offer, also ...

  25. UEFA EURO 2024: Ticket holder travel benefits

    1st class for €39.90 (incl. seat reservation) one way. Book now. Your train ticket is only valid with your EURO 2024 Fan Pass. All ticket holders will have access to a Fan Pass for free. You ...