the roadtrippers

Qu’est-ce que c’est un Road Trip ?

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« Dis maman, qu’est-ce que c’est un Road trip ? » Une simple question, et pourtant, il est souvent difficile de l’expliquer de façon claire et précise. Pourquoi ? Derrière un simple voyage sur les routes, le roadtrip véhicule tout un imaginaire et une ribambelle de sentiments, d’images et de rêves. Nous avons voulu nous prêter au jeu et essayer, à notre tour, de définir au mieux cette formule anglophone.

Qu’est-ce que « Road-trip » ?

Retour aux bases et aux fondamentaux. Nous ne vous apprendrons probablement rien :

Road = route Trip = voyage

road trip canada famille

Par extension, le Road-Trip devient ainsi le mode de voyage dans lequel la route est au centre même du déplacement. Quelle est la première image qui vous vient à l’esprit lorsque vous pensez « roadtrip » ? Deux tiers des interrogés répondront probablement :  « Un groupe d’ami, à l’intérieur d’un fourgon aménagé, en train de rouler sur la célèbre Route 66. »

On revient donc à la définition de base : le fait de voyager en voiture ou en van , sur une distance plus ou moins longue, et sur plusieurs jours au minimum. Sauf que l’image qui nous vient en tête est criante de vie. Bien plus qu’une simple belle carte postale, le mot évoque tout un éventail de sentiments. Liberté, convivialité, rire, chaleur et même bonheur. En fait, l’image la plus fidèle de ces mêmes interrogés serait plutôt :  « Un groupe d’ami, à l’intérieur d’un van, en train de rouler sur la célèbre route 66. L’océan Pacifique en vue. Des rires s’échappant hors de l’habitacle à travers les vitres ouvertes, transportés par les effluves d’air extérieur. Des planches de surf accrochées sur le toit du combi Volkswagen. Une lumière rasante et chaude qui irradie les cheveux des passagers, d’une étincellement teinte cuivrée. »

Le roadtrip suscite le rêve en même temps qu’il stimule l’imagination. Voilà probablement toute la difficulté à fournir une définition bien précise à la question qu’est-ce que le roadtrip : il est intimement lié à notre conception du bonheur (aussi indéfinissable soit-elle).

Plus beaux road trips à travers le monde

road trip route 66

Destination : le bonheur

Pourtant, ce bonheur n’est pas directement le fruit de l’équation Route + Voiture. Demandez à un chauffeur de camion s’il considère son métier comme un roadtrip.

C’est là toute la différence qu’apporte la nuance « voyage » à la place de « voiture », dans cette même équation. Le voyage combine à la fois la destination et le fait de se déplacer. Le voyage combine à la fois le but et le mouvement. Et on pourrait même aller plus loin : un road-trip n’est pas un road-travel. Littéralement, « Trip » signifie davantage « Excursion ». La notion de parcours, de route et de déplacement est d’autant plus présente.

Comment dire road trip en français ?

Souvent traduit par « virée sur les routes », l’expression roadtrip n’est pas si simple à traduire ni à utiliser en français. En y réfléchissant : c’est d’ailleurs pour ça que le mot est resté en anglais.

Nous l’avons vu avant : le roadtrip se résume en une sorte de ballade sur les routes, espacée dans le temps et dans l’espace. Mais de la même manière qu’avec « Caravane » et « Camping-car » : nous n’avons trouvé aucune tournure de phrase plus précise à utiliser dans la langue de Molière, pour désigner ce type de périple particulier.

Alors, qu’est-ce que c’est un roadtrip ?

Un roadtrip est essentiellement un mode de transport. Mais à la différence du voyage traditionnel : il se suffit presque à lui-même. Il est bien plus facile d’imaginer un roadtrip sans destination précise, plutôt que de vouloir voyager sans savoir où (le voyage, une fois avoir opté le transport, débouche alors sur un séjour).

Le roadtrip c’est quoi ? C’est à la fois une expédition et une philosophie. Faire un roadtrip, c’est partir à l’aventure sans savoir où notre véhicule nous emmènera. C’est se laisser bercer par les rencontres au gré des kilomètres parcourus. Suivre nos envies et vivre la flexibilité au quotidien. Suivre les opportunités qui s’offrent alors devant nous, telles des étincelles de synchronicité. Une sorte d’errance presque. Le roadtrip n’est pas forcément propre aux vans aménagés ni aux combi hippies. L’autostoppeur est un roadtripper dans sa forme la plus simple. Il se laisse porter, seulement avec une vague idée de l’endroit où il souhaite se rendre, il est ouvert aux rencontres. Ouvert aux individus qu’il croise. Ouvert au monde.

La route ne devient plus un simple lieu de passage : elle devient le but et le moyen. La destination et le séjour.

Se lancer dans un Road trip au Canada

Notre premier périple sur les routes, et certainement celui qui restera le plus longtemps gravé dans notre mémoire, c’est un road trip au Canada . Trois en pleine immersion dans les grands espaces canadiens, PVT en poche. Près de 10 000 km : une aventure de Montréal à Vancouver. Neuf provinces et territoires. Cinq fuseaux horaires.

Après avoir acheté notre van aménagé au Québec, la Belle province , nous nous sommes dirigés vers les Maritimes : le Nouveau-Brunswick, la Nouvelle-Ecosse puis Terre-Neuve. De ces paysages pelés et brassés par le vent, nous avons mis le cap vers les célèbres Rocheuses canadiennes. Du nord au sud, de l’est en l’ouest, il est impossible de visiter la totalité de ses terres inhabitées. Le road trip offre ainsi la chance de sortir des sentier battus pour se confronter aux grands espaces américains. C’est LE mode de transport à privilégier quand on part au Canada.

Finalement, se lancer dans road trip au Canada, c’est un peu comme se retrouver dans le grand bassin pour la première fois. On nage, ou plutôt on barbote, sans trop savoir où on va. Tous les sens sont exaltés. L’appréhension bien évidemment, mais aussi cette sensation de liberté. Qu’est-ce qu’un road trip ? Nager par plaisir, sans forcément chercher à rejoindre la berge.

Calculer le budget de d’un Road trip

Maintenant que vous savez un peu mieux, ce qu’est un road trip, il est temps de voir si votre projet est financièrement réalisable.

Combien votre aventure va-t-elle vous coûter ? Le budget essence se divise ainsi en plusieurs parties : l’essence, les repas, l’hébergement (dans le cas où vous ne pourrez pas dormir dans votre véhicule), et les frais annexes.

Pour vous aider dans votre préparation, nous vous avons concocter un calculateur de budget de road trip  ultra-pratique. Premier dans son genre et 100% gratuit, il prend notamment en compte la consommation de votre van, le nombre de jours de vadrouille, et même si vous souhaitez partager les coûts avec un amis !

Road trips à travers le monde

Roadtrip dans les écrins – les 3 coups de cœurs de léa & paul – les nomadvanture, les premiers mois vanlife d’auréline & arnaud entre le portugal et l’espagne , road-trip d’une semaine dans le sud-ouest de l’irlande, le roadtrip d’une semaine en belgique de ludivine & damien, roadtrip de 5 jours en solo de nantes au mont saint-michel, notre roadtrip en huttopia est terminé , besoin d'inspiration découvrez tous les récits de road trips.

Cet article vous a inspiré ? Soutenez-nous en l’épinglant à votre Pinterest  : )

Plus d'inspiration Road-trips & Vanlife ?

Abonnez-vous à notre Instagram pour être sûr de ne rien manquer (cliquez ici) ! Au programme ? Idées d'aménagement de van, témoignages de vanlifers, spots idylliques pour passer la nuit, idées d'itinéraire, les dernières actualités de nos aventures et surtout (surtout !) une bonne dose d'inspiration au quotidien en attendant de reprendre la route 🙂


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Auteur Pierre

Co-fondateur de The Roadtrippers, Pierre Rouxel est passionné de grands espaces, d'aventures et de modes de vie alternatifs.

Rejoindre la discussion 7 Comments

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Et bien il semble que la locution randonnée en voiture puisse fort bien remplacer le terme anglais roadtrip. En faisant un petit effort, on y arrive. Sauf que ça fait moins moderne, moins branché donc moins vendeur.

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Bonjour et merci pour votre commentaire Capucine. Personnellement, je ne partage pas votre avis. Je préfère de loin le terme roadtrip à randonnée en voiture.

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road trip est juste egale a pollution , beaucoup d etre humains sont aveugle sur la situation de la planete .

Bonjour Jean-Luc, merci pour le partage de votre avis. C’est là un préjugé largement rependu : c’est comme pour tout, ça dépend de la façon de consommer de chacun. Pour nous, « roadtrip » se rapproche plus de « diminution de l’empreinte carbone » qu’à « pollution ». Ce n’est pas parfait, c’est vrai, mais c’est une alternative intéressante qui peut être un pas en avant. En moyenne, après plus de 300 jours cumulé sur les routes nous avons établi les statistiques suivantes : par rapport à une vie sédentaire moyenne en France, nos dépenses en eau ont été réduite de – 86% et nos dépenses en électricité de – 87%. Et pour le carburant ? Un poil plus qu’une consommation moyenne française remise à l’année, soit + 7%. Donc non, « roadtrip » ne rime pas forcément avec pollution 🙂 Si je me garde de faire des généralités, par contre, je valide complétement la deuxième partie de votre message ! C’est d’ailleurs pourquoi nous avons rédigé une charte du vanlifer que je ne peux que vous encourager à lire et à diffuser 🙂

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C’est en cherchant la définition de roadshowtrip que je suis là ! Merci pour les infos, camarade ! Je vous raconte mon : Voyage de tournée ! Car je « finance » ma presque errance par des animations que je propose aux étapes (surtout des campings !) Mon premier trip en 2017 : La côte Ouest (française) : Pas de carte ! c’est facile: La mer à droite, et quand tu peux pas longer la côte ? ….direction ouest -sud/ouest.. Je me suis littéralement orienté avec le soleil !(mon nez a pris cher à l’aller !) Oui, le véhicule ? Un sidecar (photos sur FB Sylvain Casse-têtes)

du 15 juin au 4 juillet. 4500 kms de « prospection » de Dunkerque à Pau où je compagnonne à Emmaus Lescar en attendant …. La seconde partie du 13 juillet avec ma première date à Verdon/mer chez Pascal au camping le Royannais. Encore merci mon copain ! Pour la remontée, c’est 2000kms pour 28 « dates » ! 2018 : 17 juillet au 25 Août presque le même en plus « léger » avec un bout d’Auvergne à la place des Pyrénées. 12 étapes !

Cette année, la montagne ! J’ai 3 dates pour l’instant dans les Ardennes, ensuite Vosges, Jura, Alpes !? On verra … où le vent me portera. Donc à la fois un fil conducteur mais aussi beaucoup d’improvisation pour ce « roadshowtrip » V à tous !

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Bonjour Pierre,

Merci beaucoup pour cet article très intéressant. Cela fait maintenant plusieurs voyages (Ecosse, Canada et USA) qu’avant de partir je consulte ton site pour m’inspirer et piquer les bonnes idées :).

Je profite de ce commentaire pour faire partager à tes autres lecteurs la playlist que je me suis constitué au fil de ces voyages :

Bonjour Clément, Merci pour ton message et ta playlist ! Je pense que ça peut effectivement en intéresser certains. Je ferais certainement un article sur le sujet prochainement 🙂

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The Roadtrippers 17a Rue de la Saigne, Résidence le Capucin, Appartement n°80, 63240 Le Mont-Dore France

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Quelle est la traduction de "road trip" en Français ?

« road trip » en français, road trip {substantif}.

  • volume_up parcours
  • virée en voiture


Exemples d'usage, english french exemples contextuels de "road trip" en français.

Ces phrases proviennent de sources externes et peuvent ne pas être tout à fait correctes. décline toute responsabilité vis-à-vis de leurs contenus.

  • open_in_new Lien vers la source
  • warning Demander la correction de la phrase

Exemples monolingues

English comment utiliser "road trip" dans une phrase, english comment utiliser "virée en voiture" dans une phrase, cooccurrences, « cross-country road trip » en français.

  • volume_up voyage de cross-country
  • volume_up voyage sur la route de cross-country

« five-game road trip » en français

  • volume_up voyage de cinq parties
  • volume_up voyage de cinq matchs sur la route

« four-game road trip » en français

  • volume_up road trip à quatre matchs
  • volume_up voyage de quatre matchs sur la route

Traductions similaires

Traductions similaires pour « road trip » en français.

  • croc-en-jambe
  • chemin de fer
  • gendarme couché
  • cailloutage
  • transporteur routier
  • road tax disc
  • road tax disk
  • road traffic
  • road traffic accident
  • road traffic collision
  • road transport
  • road traverse
  • road trippers
  • road under repair
  • road vibrations
  • road warrior
  • road widening project

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What is the translation of "road trip" in French?

"road trip" in french, road trip {noun}.

  • volume_up parcours
  • virée en voiture


Context sentences, english french contextual examples of "road trip" in french.

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. is not responsible for their content.

  • open_in_new Link to source
  • warning Request revision

Monolingual examples

English how to use "road trip" in a sentence, english how to use "virée en voiture" in a sentence, collocations, "cross-country road trip" in french.

  • volume_up voyage de cross-country
  • volume_up voyage sur la route de cross-country

"five-game road trip" in French

  • volume_up voyage de cinq parties
  • volume_up voyage de cinq matchs sur la route

"four-game road trip" in French

  • volume_up road trip à quatre matchs
  • volume_up voyage de quatre matchs sur la route

Similar translations

Similar translations for "road trip" in french.

  • croc-en-jambe
  • chemin de fer
  • gendarme couché
  • cailloutage
  • transporteur routier
  • road tax disc
  • road tax disk
  • road traffic
  • road traffic accident
  • road traffic collision
  • road transport
  • road traverse
  • road trippers
  • road under repair
  • road vibrations
  • road warrior
  • road widening project

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Best French Road Trips – 12 Amazing France Road Trip Ideas

Article written by Elisa This article may contain compensated links. Please read disclaimer for more info.

France by Car

If you have wheels, wanderlust, and some free time, there’s nothing like a road trip to make you appreciate the diversity of the country at a more relaxed pace. A road trip in France ticks all the boxes of epic drives, amazing food, friendly people, beautiful culture, and some of Europe’s most gorgeous sights. Plus, French road trips are fun!

From the Alps to the French Riviera, from the Atlantic Ocean to cute medieval villages inland, France by car means unforgettable routes that will plunge you straight into the country’s heart and soul.

We’ve taken many road trips through France, and you can find more France road trip ideas here . For this post, however, we asked other experienced travelers and friends to help us complete the list of the very best road trips in France, so if you are looking to plan a France road trip, where’s what and where we recommend.

Plan your Trip to France

After traveling consistently for over 10 years, we’ve come to trust and rely on a few websites to help us find the best deals on flights, transportation, and accommodation.

Transportation:   Omio  is the first place we check when searching for cheap flights. It searches hundreds of sites for the best fare and includes both standard and budget airlines. We use Omio or Trainline to book our train tickets; both sites are good, with lots of information in English.

Accommodation:  offers savings on hotels, furnished apartments, and villas in 80,000 destinations worldwide. You can browse hotel reviews and find the guaranteed best price on hotels for all budgets.

Car Rental: Discover Cars is a great site because it takes all of the major rental companies, such as Hertz, Avis, etc., and more, and makes the comparison of prices for you. This helps to ensure that you get a great price without all the time and work.

Travel Insurance:  We never travel abroad without a travel insurance policy because it’s not worth the risk! We use and trust  Safety Wing , which we’ve used since its launch. Safety Wing is marketed as insurance for nomads, but you can use it also for short trips. Since April 2019, Safety Wing covers COVID-19 and unexpected quarantines for new policies too!

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France by Car

12 Ideas for an Unforgettable Road Trip in France

If you are looking for an epic road trip, France has it all to make you happy. Here’s an ultimate guide to the best road trips in France, suitable for all types of travelers. These phenomenal France road trip itineraries can be easily combined, shortened, or extended.

1. Alsace Wine Route

Eguisheim - Alsace, France

  • Duration: 6 days
  • Suggested route: Mulhouse – Colmar – Strasbourg
  • Region covered: Grand Est
  • Best for: sightseeing, small towns, nature, landscapes, French wine

The Alsace Wine Route is one of the oldest and most famous wine routes in France. This France road trip itinerary from Mulhouse to Strasbourg takes 6 days, and it is the perfect road trip for those who love pretty small towns, picturesque landscapes, and wine – Click here to rent a car in Mulhouse

This French road trip starts in Mulhouse , where you will book a hotel for one night. Hotel Bristol is super central and comfortable, and it has secure parking at a small extra cost.

Stroll around Mulhouse’s Old Town with beautiful architecture. Mulhouse has two great museums, La Cité de l’Automobile and La Cité du Train . Depending on your interests and the time available in Mulhouse, visit one museum or both.

From Mulhouse, drive to Colmar and book a hotel for three nights. The James Boutique Hotel is central and with beautiful and cozy rooms and common spaces.

Take the time to explore Colmar’s pretty streets and historical sights; Colmar is the most beautiful town in Alsace! In Colmar, the Museum of Alsatian Wines is an excellent introduction to the wines of Alsace .

Use Colmar as a base to explore the beautiful town of Kaysersberg on day 3 and the towns of Riquewihr plus Eguisheim on day 4, combining sightseeing with wine tastings. Riquewihr and Eguisheim are very small, so if you start early in the morning, you can also squeeze in a short hike through the surrounding vineyards.

On day 5, drive from Colmar to Strasbourg , where you will spend your last two nights of this road trip France. For this last stop, we recommend the Hotel Cathédrale , with incredible views over the Strasbourg Cathedral and public parking available nearby.

Before arriving in Strasbourg , stop at the impressive Château de Haut-Koenisgsbourg , one of the best castles in France . Then in Strasbourg , use this Strasbourg itinerary for two days which covers the city’s main sights.


  • Best of Alsace Road Trip

2. Paris to Nice Road Trip

Old Town Nice

  • Duration: 7 to 10 days
  • Suggested route: Paris – Lyon – Valence – Avignon – Marseille – Nice
  • Region covered: Ile-de-France, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
  • Best for: sightseeing, food, and wine

This road trip from Paris to South of France is one of the best road trips France has to offer to admire its diversity of landscapes and cities. It takes ten days, and it is an ideal road trip for those who love history, architecture, food, and good wine – Click here to rent a car in Paris

Arrive in Paris and book a hotel for three nights. The Handsome Hotel by Elegancia  is super comfortable and is situated close to the main sights. Spend four days in Paris , dedicating one of these days to visiting Versailles .

From Paris, drive to Beaune , where you will spend one night. On the way, you can visit Auxerre , which is a beautiful Burgundian village with some wonderful historic sights. For a night in Beaune, book at the Hostellerie Cèdre & Spa located in a beautiful historical building in the center of Beaune.

Continue south to Lyon , where you are going to sleep for one night. Hotel de l’Abbaye  is an authentic spot, intimate, and full of charms. In Lyon , take the time to visit the Old Town and its famous Traboules and climb up to Fourvière Hill for some fresh air and great views.

From Lyon, drive to Avignon in Provence. Spend one day in Avignon visiting the Palace of the Popes and other sights, and tasting the local cuisine. Hotel Central is a great option for your night in Avignon.

From Avignon, continue south to Marseille , where we recommend spending at least two days. For your time in Marseille, have a look at this  Marseille 2-day itinerary   and pick the sights and activities you like most. The hotel La Résidence du Vieux Port has the perfect location for your visit to Marseille.

The last stop of this road trip through France is Nice , where you can use this list of the best things to do in Nice  to visit the city. Hotel La Pérouse Nice Baie des Anges is a great option and comes with the best view of Nice, over the Baie des Anges.

3. Normandy Road Trip

Honfleur - Normandy, France

  • Duration: 5 days
  • Suggested route: Paris –Rouen – Etretat – Honfleur – Cabourg
  • Region covered: Normandy
  • Best for: history, small towns, seaside resorts

This 5-day Normandy road trip is a good combination of history, sightseeing, and relaxing walks. This France roadtrip through Normandy starts from Paris and covers some of the most beautiful sights in the Normandy region – Click here to rent a car in Paris

The first stop of this road trip from Paris is  Giverny to visit Monet’s House and Garden. Then, in the afternoon, head to Les Andelys to explore this picturesque town and the Château Gaillard , one of the best castles in Normandy . This medieval fortress, built in the 12th century under the rule of King Richard the Lionheart, is located on the top of a high cliff, and it dominates one of the meanders of the Seine Valley.

After exploring Les Andelys, drive to  Rouen , where you will spend the next two nights. For your stay in Rouen, book at the  Best Western Plus Hotel Litteraire Gustave Flaubert , a central hotel inspired by the French poet born and raised in this city.

The second day is dedicated to visiting Rouen , which boasts the best Medieval center in all of France and an impressive Gothic cathedral.

On the third day, drive from Rouen to Étretat through the beautiful Parc Naturel Régional des Boucles de la Seine. On the way, stop at Jumièges Abbey to visit the ruins of this magnificent building. In the afternoon, visit Étretat , a picturesque town on the Alabaster Coast and world-famous for its impressive chalky cliffs. For a unique stay in Étretat,  Domaine Saint Clair – Le Donjon  is an excellent option, located 500m from the beach.

Day 4 of this Normandy road trip explores Honfleur . This pretty coastal town on the Seine’s estuary is one of Normandy’s top places to visit . For your night in Honfleur, book at  Villa du Cèdre , a property full of charm with a garden and swimming pool.

The last day of this French road trip explores two of the most beautiful seaside resorts of the Côte Fleurie: Deauville  and  Cabourg . Both towns are well known for their beautiful sandy beaches and Belle Époque villas.


  • Normandy WW2 Sites
  • Brittany Road Trip
  • Road Trip in Northern France from Paris
  • Road Trip from Calais to Paris

4. Champagne Road Trip

Ange au Sourire - Reims Cathedral

  • Duration: 4 days
  • Suggested route: Paris –Reims – Epernay – Troyes – Provins
  • Regions covered: Grand-Est, Ile-de-France
  • Best for: history, small towns, champagne wine

This Champagne road trip is another beautiful roadtrip France has to offer. It explores the historical region of Champagne , well known for its rolling hills, historical sites, and sparkling wine with the same name. This France road trip itinerary is a good combination of sightseeing, beautiful landscapes, and (of course) champagne – Click here to rent a car in Paris

On day one, drive from Paris to Reims. On the way, do a short stop at  La Ferté sous Jouarre . This small town, and more precisely, its abbey, hosts two wonderful Merovingian crypts from the 7th century listed as Historical Monuments.

Dedicate the rest of the day to exploring Reims , the capital of Champagne, with many historical gems to visit. The city is well known for its Gothic cathedral, the coronation place for most of the Kings of France. For your night in Reims, we recommend the  Domaine Les Crayères , a mythical property in the city nestled in seven hectares of park, 300m from Pommery Champagne House. Once the car is well parked, you can explore the best champagne houses in Reims .

Day two of this road trip through the Champagne region explores Epernay and its surroundings. Epernay is best known as the main “warehouse” for champagne wines – here are the best champagne houses in Epernay . Not far from Epernay, there’s the Abbey of Hautvillers , where Dom Perignon is buried. Dom Perignon (1638-1715) was a Benedictine monk credited with the revolutionary champagne method, which transforms a still wine (without bubbles) into sparkling wine.

Leave Epernay direction to Troyes and stop at  Château d’Etoges for the night. This lovely château-hotel in the heart of the vineyards of Champagne has individually decorated rooms with period furniture and magnificent grounds.

On the third day of this Champagne road trip visit Troyes . This city was one of France’s most important fair towns during medieval times, a center for hosiery and cloth making. Stroll around the Old Town and admire its beautiful architecture of half-timbered houses.

After exploring Troyes, drive west to Provins, where you will spend one night. For your stay in Provins, book at  Demeure des Vieux Bains ,  a stunning historical property with comfortable rooms and beautiful gardens.

During the last day of this French road trip, explore  Provins , another medieval fair town. Provins is well-known for its Medieval festival (yearly, in June) and its underground city, a vast network of tunnels and passages from the 13th century that connected all the houses.

5. Cathar Country Road Trip

Château de Peyrepertuse - Cathar Country, France

  • Duration: 5 to 6 days
  • Suggested route: Carcassonne – Cucugnan – Narbonne – Carcassonne
  • Regions covered: Occitanie
  • Best for: history, medieval châteaux, small towns

This Cathar Country road trip from Carcassone in Southern France takes five to six days and is the best road trip in France for those who love history, Medieval castles, and small towns. For the history of the Cathar and a complete description of the Cathar sites, check out the road trip’s detailed itinerary – Click here to rent a car in Carcassone

Arrive at Carcassone and book a hotel for two nights. Mercure Carcassonne La Cité  is super comfortable and has a refreshing swimming pool. The hotel also boasts amazing views of the walled citadel from the garden and some rooms.

Take a day to explore the medieval Cité de Carcassonne , one of the most important Cathar sites and one of the main targets during the first Cathar Crusade in 1209.

Day 2 of this road trip France visits the charming Medieval town of Mirepoix , and Château de Monségur , where the last Cathars who did not surrender were burnt alive. Spend the night at the  Logis Auberge du Vigneron , in Cucugnan , with fabulous views of the surrounding valley.

On day 3, visit Château de Peyrepertuse and Château de Quéribus , two fabulous hilltop fortresses and Cathar sites. Then drive to Fontjoncouse , a gorgeous oh-so typical French village in the heart of the Aude department conveniently located close to the next Cathar sites. Book a room (or a full cottage) for one night at   Le Petit Clos , a charming guesthouse with a swimming pool, terrace, and garden.

The next day of this roadtrip France visits Fontfroide Abbey and the Medieval village of Lagrasse with the Benedictine Abbey of St Mary of Orbieu . Both abbeys had an important role in the Cathar crusades, and they are interesting to visit.

On the last day of this Cathar road trip, drive to Minerve, a pretty medieval village where you can see a replica of one of the catapults used by the Crusaders. Then, visit Châteaux de Lastours , one of the best castles in Southern France , before driving back to Carcassonne. Châteaux de Lastours is an ensemble of four Cathar castles with a spectacular setting at the top of a rocky spur.

6. Route des Grands Crus, Bourgogne

Burgundy Wine Region, France

  • Suggested route: Beaune – Vougeot – Dijon
  • Regions covered: Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
  • Best for: sightseeing, landscapes, small towns, food, and wine.

The Route des Grands Crus is one of the best road trips in France for wine lovers. This Burgundy road trip from Beaune to Dijon takes four days and is an ideal road trip for those who enjoy small towns and beautiful landscapes – Click here to rent a car in Beaune

Arrive at Beaune the day before and book a hotel for 2 nights. Château de Challanges , a gorgeous 19th-century country house set in 7 hectares, is perfect for a relaxing stay.

Take a day to explore Medieval Beaune, the capital of wines of Burgundy. Be sure to cover Les Hospices de Beaune , a jewel of Burgundian architecture, and La Maison des Climats to learn more about the (wine) climats of Burgundy.

From Beaune, drive to Vougeot , where you will spend one night. For something special, book at  Château de Gilly , a 14th-16th century château with moats, French-style gardens, and a dining room with a magnificent vaulted ceiling.

On the way to Vougeot, stop at Nuits-Saint-Georges , a lively small town with a long history of wine-making. Visit the town, and perhaps a domain or two for some wine tastings.

In the afternoon, visit the Abbey of Cîteaux , the founder of the Cistercian order in France. It was its abbot who spotted the best kind of soils and selected certain grape varieties, improving the quality of the wines.

On day 3, visit the Château Clos de Vougeot , a must of any Burgundy wine route. In the 14th century, the monks of the Abbey of Cîteaux built the first walls separating vineyards, known as  clos , contributing like this to the promotion of the wines of the region. Clos de Vougeot was the first clos built by the monks, and the visit reveals the winemaking genius of the monks in the Middle Ages.

In the afternoon, drive to Gevrey-Chambertin , a small village home to nine Burgundy Grands Crus, perfect for a stroll and some wine tastings. Then, drive to Dijon, where you will spend one night. The  Grand Hotel La Cloche Dijon  is a good option, conveniently located close to all the main attractions.

On the last day of this French road trip, visit Dijon , the historical capital of Burgundy. Dijon was home to the Dukes of Burgundy, and as such, it has an interesting cultural and architectural heritage. Follow the owl trail, which takes you to Dijon’s main sights, like the Hôtel des Ducs de Bourgogne , built in the 14th-15th centuries.


  • Road Trip Lyon to Annecy

7. Road Trip through the Jura, Eastern France

trip road en francais

  • Suggested route: Paris – Baume-les-Messieurs – Château-Chalon – Dole
  • Best for: landscapes, small towns, hiking

This road trip through the Jura takes four days, and it is the ideal road trip for those who love nature and good food & wine. This Jura road trip covers the region of the lakes and waterfalls of the Jura (a department of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté in Eastern France), and is one of the best road trips from Paris for nature lovers – Click here to rent a car in Paris

From Paris, drive to Baume-Les-Messieurs , a picturesque village in the heart of a blind valley. Take a stroll to explore the village and its main sights, and then head to the Cascade des Tufs , one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the Jura.

For the first night, book a hotel in one of the villages nearby. La Maison du Lac Chalain , in Doucier, is a good option, and it has an excellent restaurant perfect for tasting the regional cuisine.

The second day is dedicated to exploring some of the best lakes and waterfalls of the Jura. The hike to the Belvédère des 4 lacs and Pic de l’Aigle (12 Km) is one of the area’s main highlights. If you start the day early, you can also hike to the Cascades du Hérisson , a beautiful 4 km trail that links many waterfalls.

Then drive to Château-Chalon , another pretty village in the Jura, where you are going to spend the night. Les Relais des Abbesses is a beautiful, historical property in the heart of the village, and it has a terrasse with magnificent views over the Jurassic plateau.

Spend the morning of the third day visiting Château-Chalon , one of the villages with the label ‘most beautiful villages in France.’ In the afternoon, head to Dole, which was the capital of the County of Burgundy until its annexation to the Kingdom of France.

Dole is a picturesque city bordered by the Doubs River, a city of canals and interesting architecture from the 16th century. Dole’s Old Town is a confusion of alleyways edged by Renaissance homes with turrets and courtyards. Book a night at Hotel de la Cloche , a charming property with an excellent location for exploring the city on the last day of this road trip.

  • French Alps Road Trip from Annecy to Chamonix

8. Loire Valley Road Trip from Nantes

Angers - France

  • Suggested route: Nantes – Saumur – Amboise – Angers
  • Regions covered: Pays de la Loire and Centre Val de Loire
  • Best for: Renaissance châteaux, small towns, French wine

This Loire Valley road trip from Nantes Airport takes five days and visits some of the best Loire Valley Castles . This itinerary through the Loire Valley is one of the best French road trips for history and architecture lovers – Click here to rent a car at Nantes Airport

Arrive at Nantes Airport and drive about 90 minutes to Saumur , where you will book a hotel for two nights. Hotel St. Pierre is super comfortable, has a great historical feel, and is situated right on the main square. Dine at Michelin-starred Le Gambetta to treat yourself to an amazing French meal.

From Saumur, drive to Château d’Usse (the castle that inspired Sleeping Beauty) with a stop at Château Miniere for a walk among the vines and some wine tasting on the way. The sumptuous and artistic gardens at Château Villandry are also a must-see and easily accessible from Saumur.

Continue east along the Loire Valley to Amboise for two nights. Hotel Le Manoir St. Thomas is a great choice of hotel and even features a suit of armor to guard the lobby. Amboise is home to the Royal Château d’Amboise and the Clos Luce , where Da Vinci spent the final years of his life.

From Amboise, drive to the Loire Valley’s most iconic chateaux: Château Chenonceau and Château Chambord . Enjoy dinner in Blois , followed by the exciting light show after dark at Château Royal de Blois .

On the return to Nantes Airport, break up the more than 3-hour drive with a stop in Angers to see the Apocalypse Tapestries at Château d’Angers . Château d’Angers resembles a menacing fortress rather than an elegant château and is an excellent counterpoint to the other places visited during this Loire Valley Itinerary.

By Jennifer (aka Dr. J) | Sidewalk Safari

  • Road Trip Castles of the Loire Valley

9. West Coast of France Road Trip

Mont Saint Michel - France

  • Duration: 10 days
  • Suggested route: Etretat – Ile de Ré – Bordeaux – Biarritz
  • Regions covered: Normandy and Nouvelle Aquitaine
  • Best for: architecture, sightseeing, nature, and landscapes

Stunning landscapes, old cities, and historically important places are all part of a road trip along the west coast of France. Whether you camp or stay in hotels, this France roadtrip will be epic.

Start this road trip through France’s western coast in Étretat , known for its huge chalk cliffs. Enjoy a breathtaking walk on the cliffs and finish off with a delicious seafood dish in one of the seafront restaurants of this pleasant village.

The next stop is the WW2 beaches of D-day , such as Utah Beach and Omaha Beach. Visiting this place will leave an everlasting impression. The last stop in Normandy is Mont Saint-Michel , the Medieval abbey that speaks to anyone’s imagination. It is built on a rock in the sea and can only be reached by a bridge during high tide. For a magical experience, book a night in one of the hotels inside Mont Saint-Michel .

This road trip through the west coast skips the region of Brittany. The next stop of this itinerary is the island of Ile-de-Ré in the region of Nouvelle Aquitaine.

Ile-de-Ré is a fantastic small Island, right off the coast, reachable by a toll bridge. The island is known for oysters, the local drink Pinot, salt production, and the lighthouse watching over its rugged coastline. Rent a bike, as this is the main way of transport on the island.

After 1 or 2 days visiting Bordeaux , continue your journey to Arcachon and Dune du Pilat . This dune is the highest and biggest sand dune in Europe! Walking across it will give you the feeling of being in a desert. Enjoy the sunset on top of the dune while watching over the Bassin of Arcachon. A moment you’ll never forget.

End this west coast of France road trip with a visit to Biarritz , close to the Spanish border, and go surf in the Atlantic waters.

By Hellen | the Global Wizards


  • Basque Country Road Trip
  • Road Trip from Bordeaux to Biarritz
  • Road Trip Dordogne

10. Gorges du Verdon Road Trip

Gorges du Verdon - France

  • Duration: 3 days
  • Suggested route: Aix-en-Provence – Valensole – Verdon Natural Regional Park
  • Regions covered: Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
  • Best for: nature and landscapes

If you are looking for South of France road trips, you will love this itinerary from Aix-en-Provence to the Verdon Natural Regional Park , which is considered one of the most scenic drives in France – Click here to rent a car in Aix-en-Provence

Did you know that there was a Grand Canyon in France? Yep. Well, it’s not as big as the one in the US, but when you get there, you’ll have the same feeling. It’s called the Gorges du Verdon , and it’s a stunning rocky landscape with towering cliffs, where a turquoise-green river meanders at the bottom.

To start this Gorges du Verdon road trip , you can drive from Aix-en-Provence or any nearby major cities: Marseille, Nice, or even Cannes. The trip takes three days to complete, with one day in Valensole and the lavender fields, one day driving around the different lakes, and one day driving the epic road on top of the Gorges du Verdon. Here are the major stops on this trip:

– Valensole is famous for its lavender fields , which bloom from the end of June to the end of July. Valensole is a cute little village where you can spend the night after exploring the fields around.

– Esparron de Verdon , and Lac Quinson de Verdon , are two small lakes with absolutely no crowds. Lac Sainte-Croix-du-Verdon is the main lake in the area and the perfect place to stop for a while and relax on the beach.

– Gorges du Verdon is the main attraction around here, France’s Grand Canyon. Drive on top of the gorges on an epic scenic route ( Route des Crêtes ), and enjoy one of the most beautiful landscapes in France.

– Sillans la Cascade . Before you leave, check out this secret waterfall, it is absolutely worth the trip!

One of the best places to establish your home base while exploring the area is the village of Valensole, for the ultimate traditional French experience. The bed & breakfast Les Terrasses de Valensole is exceptional.

By Kevin |  Kevmrc

  • Lavender Fields in Provence Road Trip
  • Route Napoleon Road Trip
  • Luberon Road Trip
  • The Ultimate Provence Road Trip

11. Gorges du Tarn Road Trip

Gorges du Tarn - France

  • Suggested route: Millau – La Malène – Florac
  • Regions covered: Occitanie, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
  • Best for:  nature, landscapes, and small towns

Les Gorges du Tarn is another beautiful south of France road trip. This 4-day itinerary will take you through The Causses, and The Cévennes , a region that offers the ultimate scenery for an amazing French road trip, from deep gorges with hairpin bends to wide-open pastoral landscapes. Because of its uniqueness, the region has been included on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites List.

This road trip in France starts and ends in Millau . On the first day, visit the world’s tallest bridge – Millau Viaduct –, and the tiny village of Payre . Stay the first night in Millau and use the evening to explore this beautiful Medieval city. Hotel des Causses in Millau is comfortable, central, and has an on-site restaurant.

The next day head to the heart of the Gorges du Tarn . The road (D809, D907, and D907bis) follows the bends of the River Tarn, which has cut deeply into the cliffs forming this stunning canyon. You’ll be passing through lots of lovely villages along the Tarn.

At Les Vignes, take the D46 road to Point Sublime , from where you will have the most breathtaking view over the canyon. Go back to Les Vignes and follow the road towards La Malène . On the way, stop at Pas de Soucy for some more amazing views.

You can stay the second night at La Malène. The Hotel Le Manoir de Montesquiou is a beautiful and historical building with a great location in the middle of the Gorge area.

On day 3, head to Sainte-Enimie – a postcard beautiful village. On the way, you can stop at Saint-Chélly-du-Tarn . After Sainte-Enimie, continue to Florac , where you can spend the third night. Grand Hotel du Parc has a perfect and relaxing setting in the Cévennes National Park.

The next day take D16 and D63 to the famous cave Aven Armand. You’ll be crossing Causse Méjean , a plateau with a totally different landscape from the canyons. After the cave, stop at the nearby Medieval Farm to learn more about the local traditions in this area ( Ferme Caussenarde d’Autrefois ).

Afterward, continue to Meyrueis on D986. When you arrive at Meyrueis, take D996 to Le Rozier. Follow the road along the canyon on La Jonte River – Gorges de la Jonte . Stop at Le Rozier and Peyrelau – two lovely places where the La Jonte River flows into the Tarn River. Afterward, continue to Millau, the end of this road trip.

By Daniela | Ipanema Travels

12. French Riviera Road Trip

Nice - Côte d'Azur

  • Duration: 7-10 days
  • Suggested route: Cannes – Antibes – Nice – Monaco
  • Best for: landscapes, and sightseeing

This French Riviera road trip from Cannes follows one of the best drive routes through France, with the French Riviera coastline being dotted with picturesque towns and pristine coves along the way – Click here to rent a car in Cannes

One of the best starting points for this France road trip along the Côte d’Azur is Cannes , a city filled with glitz and glamour that will make you feel as though you’ve arrived in the French Riviera in style! Book one night or two in the Hotel Croisette Beach Cannes soaking up the atmosphere and visiting Cannes’ top sights before moving on towards Nice.

On your way to Nice, you might want to stop off in Antibes . This is a lovely place to unwind after the buzz of Cannes, and you can enjoy a relaxing lunch and spend your afternoon at the Picasso Museum . If you want to hike the Cap d’Antibes and spend an extra day on the beach, consider staying a night in Antibes itself.

Next, you’ll drive to Nice , where you can explore the city’s narrow streets, bustling markets, and ochre-colored architecture. For your stay in Nice, book at Hotel Locarno , which has an excellent location 200 m from the beach and offers the best breakfast ever.

After spending 2 days in Nice and around, you can drive on to Monaco , stopping off at the medieval village of Eze and perhaps Villefranche-sur-Mer . You can then choose whether you want to stay in Monaco for a chic casino break or move on to Menton , a small foodie town on the French /Italian border.

The distances between the destinations are relatively short, so you can easily tick off two places in one day. We would suggest spending at least seven days on this French Riviera road trip, but of course, you can spend much longer delving into this stunning French region.

By Chrisoula | Historic European Castles


  • Road Trip Southern France
  • Road Trip Route du Mimosa

And there you have it, our favorite road trips in France to inspire your next trip. Check out our Road Trips category for the detailed itineraries and more French road trip ideas.

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  • The Top 10 Things To...

Top 10 Things To Do And See In Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

trip road en francais

Located about 400km east of Moscow , Nizhny Novgorod is one of the most important centers of cultural, economic, and political activity in European Russia . Widely considered, after St Petersburg and Moscow, to be Russia’s ‘third city’, Nizhny is fast becoming a hot-spot for Russian and global tourists alike, attracted by the city’s up-and-coming reputation and stunning landscape.

The view over Nizhny Novgorod from the city’s Kremlin walls

The Kremlin

Jutting out from the cliffs that overlook the meeting point of the great Volga and Oka rivers, Nizhny Novgorod ‘s ancient Kremlin boasts of some of the best views in the city. Designed by an Italian architect, the 13 magnificent towers and the 12 meter high walls of Nizhny’s Kremlin date back to 1500. On this very spot in 1612, heroes of Russian history Kuzma Minin and Count Dmitry Pozharsky defeated the invading Polish army in extraordinary circumstances. This moment has become legend in Russian history and a statue in honor of these two lies at the foot of St Basil’s in Moscow. The Kremlin is the historic center of the city where you will find an art museum and the lovely Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, as well as a striking monument to those that fought in the Second World War and its flame eternally flickering on in their memory.

The eternal flame in Nizhny Novgorod’s Kremlin

Ride on the cable car

Completed in 2012, taking a ride on Nizhny Novgorod’s cablecar has fast become a favorite activity of tourists. The trip offers unparalleled opportunities to view the city’s gorgeous natural landscape from this bird’s eye position. The 3660m long gondola lift connects Nizhny to the town of Bor and stretches across the Volga River for 900 panoramic meters. The gondola acts as both a convenient means of transportation and a fantastic sight-seeing expedition – come at sunset for a golden-bathed view of the river and surrounding landscape.

Nizhny Novgorod’s cable car

The house-museum of Maxim Gorky

During the Soviet era, Nizhny Novgorod, birthplace of celebrated Russian writer Maxim Gorky , was renamed ‘Gorky’ in honor of this national hero. This home has been preserved in a state as accurate as possible to how it was left by Gorky and is so successful in this that it would seem as though the writer still lived there. The museum ‘s historic interiors and authentic furnishings will transport you back to the 1900s and the creative world of this icon of Russian literature. Come and make the most of this unique experience to delve into the childhood world of this Russian father of social realism. Museum booklets and guided tours are available in English.

Nizhegorodskaya Yarmarka

A yarmarka is something akin to a fair, and this historic former market place was restored in 1991, the site now playing home to a superb modern exhibition center. The city’s yarmarka plays host to international events, fairs, and conventions. In 2011, for the 20 year anniversary of the fair’s refounding, a vast array of exhibitions were organized, attended by thousands including members of the British royal family, Vladimir Putin, Mikhail Gorbachev , and Margaret Thatcher . The fair is not only a buzzing center of business and culture, it is also one of the city’s most impressive sights.

One of Nizhny Novgorod’s stunning parks

The Nizhegorodsky State Art Museum

Located inside Nizhny Novgorod’s ancient Kremlin, the building that houses this art gallery was once the home of the governor of the city. The exhibits are wide-ranging and include everything from 14th century religious icons, to work by 20th century contemporary Russian masters. Particularly dazzling is the collection by Russian painter Nicholas Roerich. There is also a large arts and crafts collection which demonstrates the exquisite handiwork of Russian artisans throughout history.

Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street

The chkalov staircase.

An idyllic spot from which to watch the sun’s rays set over the city, this monumental creation was constructed by the Soviet government and is unique to the city of Nizhny Novgorod. The staircase derives its name from pilot Valery Chkalov who, in 1937, became the first man to fly from Moscow to Vancouver through the North Pole. A monument to Chkalov stands at the top of the stairs. The construction of the staircase cost almost 8 million rubles – an immense sum at the time. Over 1,500 stairs connect the city center with the river embankment – making Chkalov’s landmark the longest flight of stairs along the Volga. Nowadays the staircase is a favorite meeting place and relaxation spot for locals.

The Chkalov Staircase in Nizhny Novgorod

The Rukavishnikov Estate Museum

The Rukavishnikovs were a family of immensely wealthy merchants originating from the region around Nizhny Novgorod. This superbly restored palace , their former home, has been transformed into a museum of Russian history and gives a realistic snap-shot of life for the wealthy under tsarist rule. The ornate 19th century interiors and exquisite facade are sure to dazzle with their beauty while the lush green of the surrounding natural landscape provides a tranquil getaway from the city center. Lavish furnishings, priceless antiques, and glistening gold will transport you back in time to a world of balls, carriages, banquets, and tsars. Join the world of Russian noble ladies and gentlemen for a day in this stunning palace.

The memorial statue to Valery Chkalov by the Chkalov Staircase

The Sakharov Museum

Nizhny Novgorod’s Sakharov Museum is dedicated to dissident Russian scientist Andrei Sakharov . The nuclear physicist and human rights activist was exiled for six years to the very flat in which the museum is now housed. Sakharov’s support for civil reform and improved human rights in the Soviet Union earned him harsh persecution from the Russian government, but also, in 1975, a Nobel Peace Prize . Sakharov was incarcerated here until 1986 when a KGB officer arrived to install a phone in the flat. Just after the phone was installed it began to ring: the caller was Mikhail Gorbachev, ringing Sakharov to inform him of his release. This phone is now one of the museum’s most treasured artifacts.

The stunning architecture of Nizhny Novgorod

The National Centre of Contemporary Art

Inside the walls of Nizhny’s Kremlin can also be found one of the best modern art galleries in Russia. Linked to galleries in both St Petersburg and Moscow, this top-ranking exhibition center houses regularly changing displays of both Russian and international art as well as interactive exhibits and a media library. Progress is also on-going of adding a concert hall, extending the exhibition areas, and creating a restaurant. These additions aim to make art contemporary, not simply a detached, unrelatable concept, but bring it closer to the Russian people.

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Top 10 Things To Do And See In Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

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Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

You are here, about nizhny novgorod.

If you are still wondering, whether Nizhny Novgorod travel would be something you'd like to experience, let us help you - it would. This colorful Russian city full of cultural heritage might exceed your expectations since it has something to offer for everyone.

Reasons to Travel to Nizhny Novgorod

Art enthusiasts will surely enjoy the State Gorky Literature Museum which was named after the great Russian author Maxim Gorky. Bet you didn't know that Nizhny Novgorod was his birthplace? Do not worry, now you do.

There are also multiple art galleries and installations such as The Blogger's Bench which provides free Wi-Fi access if you are in the mood of blogging about your experience.

The musician community will not be disappointed as well, as the city has multiple live music bars and cafes open for the public and is often the place where great concerts are staged. If you are not that into art, there are plenty of other places worth putting on your Nizhny Novgorod itinerary, f.e., the grand red-brick Kremlin.

The Cathedral of Archangel Michael, which is actually the only church that has stood the test of time in Kremlin, along with multiple ancient towers is what makes this site a must-see. By the way, the magnificent church of St. Elijah is right around the corner, so make sure to make a little detour during your Nizhny Novgorod tour after seeing the Kremlin.

Another thing you should not miss during your Nizhny Novgorod sightseeing is the panorama of Strelka, overlooking the amazing view of the confluence of the rivers Oka and Volga and also the Fedorovsky Embankment, a perfect place for a stroll in the evening.

If you want to take a look at the scene from a different angle, hop on a boat trip along the two rivers! Nowadays Nizhny Novgorod is the fifth-largest city in the Russian Federation, somehow managing to maintain the unique heritage alongside its cultural versatility, thus looking at pictures is not enough, feel like exploring it yourself?

Best Things to Do in Nizhny Novgorod

  • Witness the ancient Novgorod Kremlin
  • Get inspired by the scenic panoramas of the Volga River
  • Explore diverse museums of Nizhny Novgorod

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  21. Top 10 Things To Do And See In Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

    The Chkalov Staircase. An idyllic spot from which to watch the sun's rays set over the city, this monumental creation was constructed by the Soviet government and is unique to the city of Nizhny Novgorod. The staircase derives its name from pilot Valery Chkalov who, in 1937, became the first man to fly from Moscow to Vancouver through the ...

  22. Visit Nizhny Novgorod in Russia

    If you are not that into art, there are plenty of other places worth putting on your Nizhny Novgorod itinerary, f.e., the grand red-brick Kremlin. The Cathedral of Archangel Michael, which is actually the only church that has stood the test of time in Kremlin, along with multiple ancient towers is what makes this site a must-see.

  23. Nizhny Novgorod

    Nizhny Novgorod (/ ˌ n ɪ ʒ n i ˈ n ɒ v ɡ ə r ɒ d / NIZH-nee NOV-gə-rod; [14] Russian: Нижний Новгород, IPA: [ˈnʲiʐnʲɪj ˈnovɡərət] ⓘ lit. ' Lower Newtown '; colloquially shortened to Nizhny) [a] is the administrative centre of Nizhny Novgorod Oblast and the Volga Federal District in Russia.The city is located at the confluence of the Oka and the Volga rivers in ...