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Dive Into Malaysia

Dive Into Malaysia

24 Top Places To Visit In Kuching, Sarawak

Going on a holiday in Kuching and want to know all the best places to visit in Kuching? We have you covered! Below, you will find our guide to all the best attractions in Kuching to plan your ultimate trip.

Kuching – the capital city of Sarawak state of Malaysia on the island of Borneo – is the most populous city located along the Sarawak River. Considered a significant gateway for tourists visiting Borneo, there’s a great range of attractions to entice you to stay longer both in the city and in the surrounds. It’s also quite pretty thanks to its riverfront location and is maybe my favourite city in Malaysia. It just offers so much.

Grab your Malaysia Kuching map, and let’s explore this modern city! Wondering where to visit in Kuching, well if it’s your first time we suggest starting at the waterfront. You’ll find a plethora of attractions in the vicinity, including some of the top 10 places to visit in Kuching including the Astana and Fort Margherita.  

Kuching riverfront area

First-timers to the city find it almost comical to see all the cat-related statues, artworks and carvings that are scattered throughout the city (Kuching literally means cat in Malay!), and the city is even home to the world’s first cat museum. It’s great for a laugh.

Being one of the most culturally diverse cities of Malaysia, the heritage trail covers museums focused on different cultures and religions and many highlight the region’s many indigenous groups.

There are so many interesting places in Kuching town that you need to plan appropriately to make sure you hit the ones that are most important to you. There are a lot of great things to do in Kuching, so it’s usually not possible to see them all in one stay.

No list of where to visit in Kuching, Sarawak, would be complete without mentioning the abundant nature on the doorstep of the city. Only an hour outside of Kuching city you have splendid national parks such as the Bako National Park, the best place in Kuching, Sarawak, to discover those cheeky proboscis monkeys.

Kuching at night from the Waterfront hotel

And another of the places of interest in Kuching, Malaysia, is the awesome Gunung Gading National Park home to the world’s largest flower – the Rafflesia. 

It’s hard for us to pinpoint the best place in Kuching, Sarawak (and we haven’t even mentioned the orangutans yet!) as there are simply so many spectacular adventures to be enjoyed. You definitely need more than 1 day in Kuching!

Below, you will find our Kuching trip blog guide with everything you need to know about the best places of interest in Kuching, Sarawak, as well as the best places to stay for your ultimate holiday in Kuching! There is also a handy Kuching attraction map of the interesting places in Kuching, Sarawak.

Travelling to Malaysia? Click here to download your free Malaysia Trip Planning checklist . We’ll help you get ready for your trip!  

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Top 24 Places To Visit In Kuching, Malaysia

Street art in CHinatown Kuching

Here are the best places to go in Kuching. Read through and select the ones that fit your interests and timeframe.

I have loosely ordered this list starting at the Kuching waterfront and working our way out to places to visit in Kuching surrounds. This means that many of the places in the first part of the list can be visited on a walking tour quite easily. You can see many places in a small area in Kuching.

It also means that this list isn’t in order of what you should prioritise visiting.

There are some absolutely fabulous attractions and day trip options from Kuching in the latter part of the list and you should definitely try to visit some (all!) of them.

Take A Walk Along Kuching’s Waterfront

Kuching riverfront

You don’t need to check your Kuching map; tourists are always naturally drawn to the most iconic Kuching sightseeing spot – the Kuching Waterfront!

A picturesque location from where most of the promotional pictures of the city are taken, this 900-metre esplanade offers an excellent view of the Sarawak River, along with many historical sites such as The Astana and Fort Margherita.

While you are sightseeing here, do not miss the Darul Hana Bridge.  An unusual S-shaped pedestrian suspension bridge with two viewing platforms, this is the best place to admire the magnificent Floating Mosque. In fact, my photo below of the Floating Mosque was taken from this bridge. As was the photo of the Astana.

Time your visit well, as the sunset view is particularly captivating with beautiful sunbeams shimmering across the spectacular golden crown of the mosque. 

There’s a great energy along here especially in the evening as the weather cools down and the locals come out. I try to walk along here as much as I can when I’m in Kuching as I just love it.

The Kuching Waterfront is definitely one of the must-go places in Kuching. The next few Kuching attractions on this list can also be visited or sighted while walking along here.

Address: 37, Jalan Main Bazaar, 93000 Kuching, Sarawak

View The Amazing Floating Mosque

Kuching Floating Mosque

Located on the river itself, the Floating Mosque is a relatively new addition to the riverfront that opened in 2019. It’s big enough to fit 1,600 worshippers.

It was built to replace the 186 year old Masjid India. That mosque was built by Indian Muslim traders who work at India Street.

Its design is inspired by the Middle East. It looks quite spectacular on the river especially at the night when it’s lit up and during sunset when the golden sky accentuates the colours of the mosque.

Non-Muslims can visit outside prayer time if dressed appropriately to see the unique internal design.

Check Out The Astana

The Astana Palace In Kuching

Astana – a name derived from the Malay word ”Istana” which means Palace – is an interesting Kuching place to visit. This majestic colonial building was constructed in 1870 by the second White Rajah – the dynastic monarchy of the British Brooke family who ruled the Raj of Sarawak from 1841 to 1946. A royal couple, Charles Brooke and Renee Margaret constructed the Astana and used it as their home until the Japanese occupation.

The Astana now serves as the official residence of the Governor of Sarawak. Therefore, it is not open to the public except during the annual Hari Raya celebration. However, visitors can appreciate this Kuching famous place from a distance. It’s perhaps best viewed from the Kuching waterfront.

Address: Astana, Kampung Istana, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak

Visit Fort Margherita

Fort Margherita In Kuching

There are plenty of interesting places in Sarawak Kuching to visit that have historical value, but Fort Margherita is perhaps the most famous one. This English-styled fort was built in 1879 by Charles Brooke during the White Rajah era and was said to protect Kuching from the attack of pirates.  

Named after the Rajah’s beloved wife Renee Margaret, visitors start their exploration of the site by admiring the exterior design of the fort from the waterfront before approaching it by a short sampan ride. 

The fort now serves as “Brooke Gallery” and is a really interesting place to spend an hour at, with heaps of memorabilia helping you understand the influence the family had on Kuching. This is one of the fun things to do in Kuching for history fans!

Address: Petra Jaya, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak

Experience A Traditional Wooden Boat Ride At The Sarawak River

Traditional Boats On Sarawak River

In the old days, a traditional wooden boat was the primary mode of transportation in Kuching. Today, tourists may experience the same journey taking an hour-long boat ride along the Sarawak River.

The traditionally designed boat sails upriver from the Kuching Waterfront and offering you great views of the Astana, Fort Margherita, Sarawak Museum and all the major attractions in Kuching, Sarawak. On the return, sailing downstream will take you along a local stretch of the river, revealing a completely different side of Kuching.

If it fits with your schedule, we highly recommend you do this cruise during sunset. The late afternoon orange glow shimmers across the water and with the Kuching top attractions as the backdrop, you’re sure to grab a few Insta-fabulous pics!

Alternatively, you can also take a cruise in a bigger boat and enjoy a meal or sunset drinks while you enjoy the scenery.

Click here for a sunset cruise option.

Address: 1st Floor, Lot 42, Section 33, 124, Jalan Tabuan, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak

Learn More At The Chinese History Museum

Chinese History Museum Kuching

Looking to understand Chinese history and culture in Sarawak? The Kuching best place to visit for this has to be The Chinese History Museum located at the waterfront, right across the river from Fort Margherita.

This educational landmark was formerly the base of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce but was opened to the public in 1993 to help visitors learn about the critical history of the Chinese community in Sarawak.

At the museum, you will find plenty of memorabilia and artifacts explaining the arrival of first-generation Chinese pioneers, early trading activities, the local political environment and today’s Malay-Chinese. There is a particularly interesting exhibit highlighting the various dialects from regions of China, perhaps particularly relatable to Chinese speakers! 

The Chinese Museum is amongst the most educational places to visit in Kuching, Malaysia.

Address: Chinese History Museum, Jalan Bazar, Sarawak, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak

Explore Chinatown

Chinatown In Kuching

During the white Rajah era, an influx of Chinese migrated to Kuching and formed what has become today’s Chinatown. Considered one of the busiest and happening places to visit in Kuching town, the two most notable streets are the Main Bazaar and Carpenter Street.

Both are packed with charming Chinese shophouses, built with intricate architecture, and Chinese Temples that are decorated extravagantly during major Chinese festivals. This is the best place to visit in Kuching, Sarawak to experience the living cultural heritage of the Chinese.

Amongst and within some of the shophouses you will find all types of eateries, including several specialising in mouthwatering local dishes such as Sarawak Laksa and Kolo Mee (Sarawakian dry noodles). A total must-try! 

For all you shopaholics, be prepared to show off your bargaining skills and snatch up Chinese paintings, handicrafts or antiques at a bargain price.

It’s a great place to wander around and take it all in. It’s low level and the pretty shophouses, temples and street art make it one of my favourite places in the city to just soak in Kuching.

Chinatown is also a famous place in Kuching, Sarawak for bars/speakeasies. Picture yourself sipping on an ice-cold beer on an Asian-warm day… Chill, relax and watch the hustle and bustle of chaotic Chinatown!

Address: Padungan Road, Kuching, Sarawak

Check Out The Hiang Thian Siang Ti Temple

Hiang Thian Siang Ti Temple Kuching

Located at the centre of Chinatown on Carpenter Street, the Hiang Thian Siang Ti Temple is the best place to go in Kuching to discover the culture of the Teochew community.  Originally built on the Main Bazaar some 150 years ago, the Temple was moved to its present location in 1863 and underwent a major renovation in 1968.

This ancient temple is insignificant in size but architecturally picturesque, with strikingly colourful artworks and various gold-foil covered deity statues.

An annual celebration is held on the fourth day of the twelfth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, bringing the Temple to life.  Lion and dragon dance troupes parade, traditionally dressed singers and dancers perform, along with a wild battering of gongs and drums that heat up the city until midnight!  

Therefore, we feel that the best time to visit Kuching, Sarawak is perhaps to catch this exciting event at the Hiang Thian Siang Ti Temple.

Address: 22, Jalan Carpenter, 93000 Kuching, Sarawak

Visit The Textiles Museum

Sarawak Textiles Museum Kuching

The Textile Museum is a surprisingly interesting place to visit in Kuching as it celebrates the unique textile-making techniques of the region. It also showcases the intricate designs woven by the Sarakan ethnic groups, taking visitors through the entire textile making process from raw materials to the finished product. 

Also on display are some costumes locally made by ethnic communities, and an exhibit featuring 30 historical garments – including a 100-year-old Kenyah jacket. It is one of the Kuching Malaysia points of interest that offers deep insights into the Sarakan ethnic group.

It’s also housed in a cool building! It was built in “colonial Baroque” style in 1909.

Address: Jalan Tun Abang Haji Openg, 93000 Kuching, Sarawak

Discover Local Culture At The Borneo Cultures Museum

Borneo Cultures Museum

The Borneo Cultures Museum opened in 2021 and is quite the attraction. An awe inspiring building, it was built to reflect “Sarawak’s unique traditional crafts and rich cultural heritage”. But it’s not just the outside that’s worth seeing.

Inside, you’ll find five storeys of exhibits, auditoriums and more to enjoy and learn. The ground floor is home to an auditorium and function rooms for events as well as a restaurant and shop.

Level two has a great area for kids where they can learn about sustainability while studying the state’s rivers. There’s also an Arts and Crafts Gallery where you can learn about traditional crafts, dances and music.

Level three has a massive 2,188 square metres of exhibits about the relationship local communities have in Borneo with their environments. It’s told through a river journey through three different geographical regions.

Level four is home to the “Time Changes” exhibit which is about the history of Sarawak from prehistoric times to today. This includes archaeological discoveries from around Sarawak.

The top level displays Sarawak culture with many top artefacts of skilled craftsmen and more.

This Kuching points of interest is by far the best museum I have been to in Malaysia. Parts are quite immersive and interactive, and it’s done well. It definitely should be on your to-do list.

This is a big museum (the second largest in South East Asia), and you could easily spend the day here. But even if you only have a couple of hours, it’s worth coming here. The only downside is the price. It is expensive for foreigners at RM50 for adults and RM20 for kids up to 12 years old. 13-17 year olds and 61+ year olds are RM25. It is substantially cheaper for Malaysians.

Note that the old Sarawak Museum has closed.

Explore The Natural History Museum

Sarawak History Museum

Located basically across the road from the Borneo Cultures Museum is the Natural History Museum. It’s home to a collection of zoological exhibits such as hornbills, leopards, and those famous wild cats of Sarawak. 

You can see the skeletons of mammals, reptiles, birds, fish and more. There are also animals that are now extinct.

This museum is free and easy to visit.

Address: Jalan Tun Abang Haji Openg, Taman Budaya, 93400 Kuching, Sarawak

Visit The Sarawak Islamic Museum

Sarawak Islamic Museum

Also located by the Borneo Cultures Museum, another Kuching interesting place to visit is the Sarawak Islamic Museum. It was originally built as a school offering teaching training to Malays so that in turn, they could provide a high level Malay education. It opened as a museum in 1992.

Aimed at presenting the honourable culture of Islam to the people of Sarawak, there are seven galleries displaying artifacts.

Themes range from Islamic history, architecture, science and literature influences, cultural collections, weaponry, arts and a special Quran collection. Each gallery is said to offer a valuable lesson to Islamic culture.

The Sarawak Islamic Museum is an informative, free and interesting place to visit in Kuching, Sarawak.

Address: Jalan P. Ramlee, 93400 Kuching, Sarawak

Leave The Big Smoke Behind At Kampung Boyan

Kampung Boyan Kuching

Just across the river from all the action is Kampung Boyan, a Malay village with low level, colourful houses. It feels a world away from the riverfront area, but it does give you good views of it.

There’s also a hawker centre here and other Malay eateries.

The most fun way to get here is by wooden boat ride across the river for RM1 each way. It only takes a couple of minutes. It’s also right by Fort Margherita so you can visit at the same time if you wish.

Look For Cat Statues

the Cats monument Kuching

Being called the ‘cat city of Malaysia’, cat statues are almost a must-have in the city! The most prominent, also considered the city’s icon, is the mega cat monument: the Family Cat installation.

Located at a roundabout in the city centre and beautifully lit in the evening, it makes for an unusual entry on our list of best places to visit in Kuching at night. 

The location of the family cat statue makes it iconic and hard to miss, but it’s not the only one.

In the south of the city sits a white waving cat built in the 90’s. As the very first cat statue installed in the city, it holds a special place in the heart of the local people and would be the very best place to go in Kuching, Sarawak if you are considering writing a Kuching attractions blog post of your time in the city.

There are many more cat statues all over the city, some strikingly cute and easily spotted around tourist places in Kuching town such as the bronze cats at the waterfront. Others are hard to find, in unusual places such a lamp post or a manhole!  

It’s quite the game trying to spot these pesky cats – keep looking and see how many you can find by the end of your trip!

Address: Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak

See Sarawak’s State Flower At The Orchid Garden

Orchid park Kuching

Sarawak’s state flower is Normah Orchid and thus it makes sense to find an Orchid Garden in the centre of the city! One of the top things to do in Kuching, the garden is located near the Astana and Fort Margherita, meaning you can easily combine all three within a day’s exploration.

Housing over 75,000 plants, botanists will find this an interesting place at Kuching. In fact, most are dazzled by the 82 genres of orchids on display in the gardens.

Some of the infamous Borneo native species can be found here, including Bulbophyllum Beccarii – rotten meat stinky orchids – and the rare Lady Slippers that were once thought to have gone extinct.

We highly recommend a visit here to anyone who loves orchids or botany, making the orchid garden among the must-visit places in Kuching.

Address: Kampung Istana, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak

Have A Laugh At The Cat Museum

Cat Museum Kuching

The name “Kuching” literally means cats, and the Cat Museum is an attraction place in Kuching that amusingly presents the city’s love of cats. It’s the world’s first museum dedicated to our feline friends!

Located only 15 minutes from the Kuching waterfront, there are over 4,000 exhibits. From the conventional display of history between cats and Kuching city, and the introduction of various cat species to the region, to the lighthearted exhibition of all things cat: Maneki-Neko (The Japanese Beckoning Cats), Garfield The Cat, and even Hello Kitty! 

While it is called a museum, I found it more a kitschy collection of cat related memorabilia. Like someone started collecting cat items, and it got out of hand. However, this isn’t to say it isn’t worth visiting. It’s actually one of my favourite things to do in Kuching because it’s just so funny.

In fact, I consider it a must do in Kuching. You only need about half an hour here to have a good look.

Address: Bangunan DBKU, Jalan Semariang, Petra Jaya, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak

See Orangutans Up Close At Semenggoh Nature Reserve

Semenggoh Wildlife Centre ruby

Visiting endangered orangutans is perhaps the most popular activity when travelling to Borneo. Semmenggoh Nature Reserve in Kuching offers a fantastic opportunity to view these playful and intelligent primates up close.

Here, you’ll find the Semenggoh Wildlife Centre which is just 40 minutes outside of the city, making it a perfect half day trip in Kuching. 

The Reserve is home to semi-wild orangutans that were orphaned, injured or illegally caged as pets. After they are rescued, they live in this environment, roaming freely within the jungle reserve. 

However, there are too many orangutans in too small a space for the orangutans to be able to completely fend for themselves, so they often return for meals at fixed feeding times (currently 9 am and 3 pm). This makes for a great opportunity for you to see orangutans up close.

The Semenggoh Wildlife Centre is open from 8am-10am and 2-4pm so you can visit these feedings and watch the orangutans. Since these are wild animals, there are no guarantees that they will show up. However, outside the fruiting season, you would be unlucky not to spot some orangutans at this time.

I visited in the fruiting season and there were two orangutans that hang out for awhile. It was amazing. They loved posing for us and were awesome to watch.

While you are here, you can also learn about these amazing creatures at the on-site Semenggoh Orangutan Gallery, and there’s also a Botanical Research Centre within the reserve for flora enthusiasts.  

Overall, the Semenggoh Nature Reserve is an excellent Kuching place to go for an interactive and educational encounter with some of nature’s cutest creations! Visits only take a couple of hours and you won’t regret it.

Address: KM 20, Jalan Puncak Borneo, 93250 Siburan, Sarawak

Click here for discounted tickets or click here here to read my full guide to visiting here.

Learn Local Culture At Sarawak Cultural Village

Sarawak Cultural Village

Looking for one of the best activities in Kuching to learn about Sarawak culture? Head to the Sarawak Cultural Village, a living museum that offers guests an opportunity to experience all the cultures of Sarawak squeezed into just half a day!

On your visit, you’ll find authentic replica houses from each of the major ethnic groups in Sarawak such as Bidayuh, Iban, Orang Ulu, Malay, Penan and Chinese. A representative from each group – dressed in traditional clothing – welcomes you to their respective home and showcases their tribe’s culture through demonstrations of unique cultural activities.

After, be sure to catch the multicultural dance performance – presented twice a day – which highlights the harmonious and peaceful style of living that can be found amongst these Sarawakian groups. 

Performance at Sarawak Cultural Village

Finally, end your visit by sampling the different foods on offer at the onsite restaurant. We suggest ordering their ethnic set menu which combines signature dishes from each group, giving you a chance to taste them all! 

Just 45 minutes drive from the city centre at Damai Beach, the Sarawak Cultural Village is one of the most interesting locations for day trips from Kuching.

Click here for discounted half-day tour tickets .

Address: Pantai Damai Santubong, Kampung Budaya Sarawak, 93752 Kuching, Sarawak

Splash, Relax Or Hike At Damai Beach

Damai Beach

Looking for a great beach near Kuching or somewhere to go on a jungle hike while enjoying a swim? Or visiting Sarawak Cultural Village and wondering what else is in the area? Visit Damai Beach!

Located 45 minutes drive north of Kuching, Damai Beach is the place to head for some beach time. It’s home to the Sarawak Cultural Village as well as a great golf course and some nice jungle trekking at Mount Santubong National Park where there is a range of trails from easy to challenging.

The beach itself is lovely, especially at sunset.

You can get a shuttle bus here from Grand Margherita Hotel or take local bus K15 from Saujana Bus Station. Otherwise, you can take a Grab taxi, but note that getting one back again can sometimes be difficult.

Click here to read our full guide to Damai Beach and everything there is to do there.

Take A Santubong Wildlife Cruise

Santubong Wildlife Cruise

For something quite different, go and experience Sarawak’s wildlife from a special cruise. These wildlife cruises sail along the Santubong River to the rivers and mangroves of the Santubong Peninsula (where Damai Beach is located), the mouth of the Salek Estuary and the Kuching Wetlands National Park to the north and northwest of Kuching.

As you cruise along, your guide will look out for Irrawaddy dolphins, proboscis monkeys, silver-leaf monkeys, crocodiles, long-tailed macaques, monitor lizards and a variety of birds. As the day darkens, there are fireflies to spot as well.

It’s a great opportunity to explore the natural side of this area some more. Some cruises also include dinner and will pick you up and drop you off at your hotel in Kuching. These cruises depart late afternoon making it easy to fit into your itinerary.

When I did this cruise, it was simply amazing. Not just the animal spotting, but how beautiful the whole area is as the sun sets. I watched Irrawaddy dolphins glide by for about 30 minutes, saw proboscis monkeys play in a tree, macaques and some great scenery. The fireflies at night are also a highlight.

This is definitely a tour worth doing.

Click here to join this wildlife cruise now or click here to read my full review of this cruise.

Spot Wildlife At Bako National Park

Bako National Park sea stacks

Established in 1957, Bako National Park is the oldest national park in the region and is among the best places to visit in Sarawak, Kuching. Located at the northern tip of the Muara Tebas peninsula, the park is accessed via a 15 minutes boat ride from Kampung Bako, approximately 35 minutes drive from Kuching.

Arrange your boat transfer to go past Bako’s most pictured attraction, the Sea Stacks. These oddly shaped but handsome sea stacks are natural art, formed by waves eroding cliffs and rocks across centuries. The edges can be seen from the beaches at the park, but for a closer (and much better) look join a dedicated boat ride.

The National Park is particularly famous for its diverse range of ecosystems with seven different types including rainforest, mangroves, swamps, dipterocarp forests and cliff vegetations. All attract a diverse amount of wildlife. 

The star of the show is usually the proboscis monkey, endemic to Borneo, but there is much more wildlife such as wild boar (bearded pig), monitor lizards, macaque monkeys, flying lemurs and more!  Visitors can choose from many track options through the extensive jungle trail-system, the shortest taking only 30 minutes through to serious multi-day treks.  

Bako National Park Telok Paku Trail turn off signs

Trails can be hard work with many lacking shade and involving climbing around tree roots. However, I did it with a bad ankle so you can too!

The more adventurous can even spend a night in one of the modest jungle lodges, giving time to tick off more wildlife viewings especially at night. A visit to Bako National Park is definitely one of the best things to do in Kuching!

You can visit independently, but a tour makes it all so much easier. You won’t have any dramas getting there and back and you’ll have a guide for the best chance of spotting wildlife.

Click here for discounted full-day tour tickets.

Address: Muara Tebas peninsula, Kuching, Sarawak

Click here for our full guide to visiting Bako National Park. It has absolutely everything you need to know about visiting here from how to get here to what trails you can hike.

Experience The Annah Rais Longhouse

Annah Rais Longhouse

Longhouses are traditional homes for most native Sarawakian tribal groups. These are long, narrow houses built from timber and bamboo, mostly elevated off the ground on stilts. 

Many of the traditional longhouses can only be found in remote areas in Sarawak, which can involve lengthy travel. Yet here in Kuching you can easily reach one: the Annah Rias Longhouse. Only an hour’s drive from the city centre, this is a truly exceptional and very popular tourist attraction in Kuching, Malaysia.

The Bidayuh Tribe, who make up 8% of Sarawak’s population, are the key residents at the Annah Rias Longhouse. Believed to be over 100 years old, the Longhouse has been greatly expanded with interconnected walkways forming a proper community village. It is one of the most intriguing places to see in Kuching, Sarawak.

Visitors may roam freely around the area and can see the Biyudah people going about their daily lives. To be fair, the area is relatively developed for tourists, but you can still witness the fascinating Biyudah history and culture through items such as a cylinder made of human skulls – believed to be from caught invaders, wall murals and an old wooden house that is miraculously still standing, and home to families today.

Shops sell local produce and handicrafts with one of the unique products to test being Tuak. This is a local rice wine that’s used in rituals and festivals as an offering to the worshipped spirits. This charming village is unique and pretty making it one of the most attractive places in Kuching, Sarawak.

Address: No. 9, Kupo Saba, Kampung Annah Rais Longhouse, Jln Borneo Height, 93250, Kuching, Sarawak

See The Famous Rafflesia Flower At Gunung Gading National Park

Rafflesia in Sarawak

The world’s largest flower Rafflesia can, when in full bloom, grow as large as a coffee table! It is famed just as much for its smell as its size – emitting an awful smell that it uses to attract insects. Gunung Gading National Park is one of the very few natural habitats for this rarely found flower. Let’s hope that you’re lucky enough to catch one in full bloom, one of the most incredible things to see in Kuching. 

Carefully built raised walkways take you to the area where Rafflesia buds are most commonly found. With only a short flowering time – of only a few days – to avoid disappointment, we encourage you to check with the park ranger before making your trip. 

In addition to Rafflesia, Gunung Gading National Park also offers various trekking trails taking you to numerous picturesque spots including a short trek through seven waterfalls, and a serious summit trail across a large dipterocarp forest to a former British Army Camp. Hiking enthusiasts will note this as one of the top 10 things to do in Kuching.

The easiest way to visit is on a guided tour. Click here to book one now.

Address: 94500 Lundu, Sarawak

Eat Kek Lapis

Kek lapis

The last thing to do in this list is also the most delicious – trying Sarawak kek lapis! This is basically layer cake. We couldn’t help but try some after admiring how good it looks.

It tastes just as good as it looks too!

It’s easy to find it in stalls along the waterfront in the evening. Or drop into Kek Lapis Mama Su. This shop opposite the river has many options you can try and buy. It’s the perfect way to top off a great day in Kuching.

Kuching Tourist Attraction Map

The following map shows you where all the attractions listed above are in Kuching. It also has our recommended hotel choices (coming up!).

Top Places To Visit In Kuching, Sarawak map

Best Place To Stay In Kuching, Sarawak

Similar to the wide choice of places to go in Kuching, Sarawak, hotel options are equally vast both in and out of Kuching. 

We have handpicked four properties at different price points and locations from a luxury resort by the coast to a convenient Inn located in the city. This way, we have provided our best recommendations for all types of travellers.

You can find our full guide to the best hotels in Kuching here. If you are looking for a Kuching Airport hotel, read our review of the Raia Hotel here. It’s directly opposite the airport.

BEST RESORT – Cove 55 Hotel Kuching Review

Cove 55 is a luxury boutique resort located at the foot of Mount Santubong, 35 minutes drive from Kuching city not far from Damai Beach. Upon arrival, visitors are dazzled by the 30-metre exquisite turquoise infinity pool that offers a panoramic view of the South China Sea. 

Rooms are aesthetically contemporary with a hint of tribal elements to highlight the hotel’s roots as an Iban family holiday home. All rooms feature either a private garden or a balcony that overlooks the pool and/or the sea. Basic room types are perfect for couples and their two bedroom suite accommodates up to two adults and two children, making an excellent choice for family travellers.

There’s a bar and restaurant on-site which features fresh local produce and Sarawakian cuisine, with the option of indoor or outdoor dining. You’ll find a great pool and gym to work away the kilograms at after!

Winner of Unique Luxury Hotel of the Year Malaysia and Luxury Boutique Retreat for the continent of Asia, Cove 55 offers a wonderful stay and is best suited for people who want a natural and luxurious resort while they are in Kuching.

Click here for the latest prices.

BEST IN KUCHING – The Waterfront Hotel Kuching Sarawak Review

The Waterfront Hotel Kuching Premier Twin Room with View

This 5-star hotel in Kuching is a great place to stay to be close to Kuching’s heart and attractions. Located on top of a shopping centre, a short walk from the riverfront, at the entance to Chinatown and close to the Borneo Cultures Museum, this hotel is a very convenient place to stay.

There are many different room options at this hotel which offer different views (try to get a river view room), sizes and extras. Suites come with spacious living areas and club rooms offer access to their private lounge. 

All rooms have free WiFi, flatscreen TVs, tea and coffee facilities, air-conditioning, minifridge, bathrobe and slippers, desk area and a lounge chair so you can’t go wrong. They are all clean and modern. Rooms come in twin, double and family options (with two queen beds).

There’s a great range of facilities including a restaurant that offers stunning river views. It also features an undercover pool with great views, a bar by the pool and a gym. Of course, there is also the shopping centre downstairs for super easy access to shops and more eating options.

I love staying at The Waterfront Kuching and I recommend it for you too.

Click here for the latest prices or click here to read our full review.

Pullman Kuching Hotel Review

travel kuching ke sambas

The Pullman Kuching Hotel is a beautiful property located right above a shopping mall and only 5 minutes walk from the Kuching Waterfront.

Reasonably priced for a 4.5 star hotel, this international branded hotel offers everything you would expect including a well-appointed fitness centre, spa and swimming pool.  And guests of the hotel have access to three restaurants and cafes that offer a wide array of Asian and international food. There’s also a bar by the pool and a lounge bar.

All rooms are spacious and well equipped with everything you need, even fitness gear!

Whilst superior rooms offer vibrant city views, deluxe rooms come with a spectacular waterfront view totally worth the additional cost  And for families, a family room comes equipped with one king and one single bed. There are also suites with separate living areas. 

BUDGET – Tune Hotel Waterfront Kuching Review

travel kuching ke sambas

Strategically located, Tunes Hotel is just a stone’s throw away from the Waterfront and is surrounded by major attractions such as both the Chinese and Sarawak Museums. Even though there is no on-site restaurant, you will find some great local Kuching cafes and eateries in the near vicinity.

The rooms are small, but they do have air-conditioning, tea and coffee making facilities and private bathrooms with some toiletries. You can choose between single, twin, double and family rooms which have a bunk bed and bedding for three.

Some rooms do not have windows which can help you save money.

There is a lack of facilities, and rooms are not cleaned during your stay. Otherwise, this is a great option for people looking for a budget hotel in Kuching.

How To Get To Kuching

Kuching Airport

It’s easy to get to Kuching by flight, bus or car (if you are already in Malaysian Borneo).

If you are coming from peninsular Malaysia, your only choice is to fly here.

To see all the latest flights and prices, click here .

If you need to take a bus from elsewhere in Sarawak, click here for the latest timetables and bus prices .

You can also hire a car to get you there by clicking here .

You can also read our guide to getting to Kuching from Kota Kinabalu (in Sabah) here or our guide to getting to Kuching from Sibu here.

Kuching With Kids

Kuching with kids

There are so many interesting places in Kuching, Malaysia that are excellent to go with kids. Within the city, hunting for cat statues and visiting the Cat Museum are both sure to get your youngsters excited. 

Children also love the experience of taking boats across the river to different places of interest in Kuching city. Be sure to include the various museums, especially the Natural History Museum for its animal exhibits.

Outside of the city, Kuching is surrounded by natural jungle and the nature that Borneo is famous for. Young and old have fun exploring the region’s national parks and trying to spot the vast amount of wildlife and especially seeing the jaw-dropping Rafflesia flower. 

And then there’s the feeding of orangutans at Semenggoh Nature Reserve and all the fun at the Sarawak Cultural Village with the locals dressed in traditional clothing and their old-style, unusual, homes to be discovered. My kids loved the opportunity to get up on stage at the cultural village during the dance performance.

You will not regret bringing your children for a holiday in Kuching, Malaysia.

Final Words

Chinatown In Kuching

Kuching has the perfect combination of being vibrantly modern with a twist of rich cultural vibe. This is a city where you may casually stroll aimlessly around the streets, taking in the artistic surroundings and admire the diverse cultural harmony. It’s a beautiful place both at its centre and in its surrounds.

Being the capital of Sarawak, it’s a busy city but just drive for half an hour and you’re in a primeval jungle, full of natural wonders. Truly an amazing city, it makes for a perfect starting point to your Borneo journey.

You can check out all the best Kuching day trips here. Find our full travel guide to Kuching here and our full guide to the best places to stay in Kuching here .

Planning a trip to Malaysia? Have any questions? Join our Malaysia Travel Planning Facebook group here now! It’s the perfect place to ask any questions and to be inspired!

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travel kuching ke sambas

By Sharon Gourlay

Sharon is a certified Malaysia travel expert and can't get enough of travelling and talking about Malaysia since she first visited 21 years ago. She travels around Malaysia multiple times a year both alone and with her kids. She used to call Penang home and especially loves this food paradise. Sharon also has a Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies, a Certificate III in International Travel Sales and has been certified by Tourism Malaysia as a Malaysia Travel Expert. Through this site, she'll help you have the perfect trip to this amazing destination.

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Kalimantan Barat ke Kuching Malaysia Bisa Naik DAMRI, Mulai 1 Desember

Kompas.com travel travel update, faqihah muharroroh itsnaini,, nabilla tashandra.

Tim Redaksi

Faqihah Muharroroh Itsnaini

Penulis nabilla tashandra.

Berikut jadwal keberangkatan dan harga tiket ALBN DAMRI Singkawang-Kuching per 1 Desember 2023:


  • Dari Singkawang Grand Mall pukul 06.00 WIB
  • Keberangkatan tersedia setiap hari
  • Tarif Rp 300.000/100 Ringgit Malaysia

Baca juga: 5 Fakta tentang Perayaan Cap Go Meh di Singkawang


  • Dari Kuching Central Terminal pukul 10.00 waktu setempat
  • Tarif Rp 300.000/100 Ringgit Malaysia

"Pembelian tiket langsung di loket Singkawang Grand Mall atau Kuching Central Bus Station. Pembayaran saat ini menggunakan tunai ya," kata admin Instagram DAMRI. 

Adapun rutenya melewati beberapa titik, yaitu Singkawang-Sambas-PLBN Aruk (Indonesia)-Border Biawak (Malaysia)-Lundu-Kuching (Sarawak, Malaysia). 

Baca juga: Ritual Buka Mata 9 Naga Meriahkan Cap Go Meh di Singkawang

Pihak DAMRI mengatakan bahwa titik tersebut bisa digunakan untuk naik dan turun penumpang. Namun, untuk penumpang yang naik disarankan berangkat dari titik awal. 

"Benar titik tersebut dapat digunakan untuk penurunan. Bisa juga (untuk naik), namun tarif tiket tetap sama Rp 300.000. Disarankan untuk naik lebih baik dari titik awal keberangkatannya," pungkas admin. 

      View this post on Instagram       A post shared by Kompas Travel (@kompas.travel)

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Travel & Food, Itineraries & Guides, Hotel Reviews

My PERFECT Kuching Itinerary With Heritage Walks, Where to Eat & Day Trips From Sarawak’s Capital

April 23, 2023 by Bino Leave a Comment

To outsiders, it would be a mistake to merely classify Kuching as just another city in Malaysia. It has had a long history as the capital of a self-governing state distinct from the affairs of the Malayan peninsula or even from Sabah . Even until this day, Sarawak has a separate immigration regime from the rest of Malaysia. All this means that visitors who come can expect something different from Kuala Lumpur , Penang or even Melaka . The streets are brimming with history and a casual walk through the older parts of town can attest to that. This despite Sarawak being sparsely populated and mostly forested. 

The fact that much of Sarawak is still filled vegetation presents plenty of eco-tourism opportunities. It is possible to go to the beach in the morning, go hiking through a hill or cave in the afternoon and come back in the evening for a great meal and a night cap. Speaking about food, this is also one of Malaysia’s food capitals with dishes such as Kolo Mee, Sarawak Laksa and Ayam Pansuh closely associated with the city as well as the state. 

I have visited Kuching a number of times and love the laidback vibe of the city. In this article, I aim to show how one can do Kuching in 1, 2, 3 or even 4 days with a Kuching itinerary that can easily be adapted depending on one’s interests.

Table of Contents

Explore the Colonial Architecture

kuching post office - colonial architecture in kuching

kuching post office – colonial architecture in kuching

Immediately south of the waterfront is Kuching’s traditional civic core. This area is replete with colonial style buildings including the Main Post Office . Adorned by imposing neoclassical columns, the building was designed by architectural firm Swan & Maclaren which also designed several buildings in Singapore’s civic area including the Raffles Hotel.

old court house

old court house

Some of Kuching’s old  buildings have found a new lease of life as cafes and restaurants. One example is the Old Court House which now houses a cafe, bar and fine-dining restaurant. Visitors are free to roam some of these buildings. The Old Court House in particular, has a beautiful inner courtyard fitted with benches for folks to sit and relax.

Go Museum Hopping

borneo cultures museum

borneo cultures museum

In all my travels in Asia, I have not seen so many museums concentrated in one place. In Kuching, the museum selection ranges from the tacky, quick visit types to multi-story affairs that will take a few hours. The new Borneo Cultures Museum is a must-visit even if you are not really into museums. Anyone with more than a passing interest in tribal cultures, headhunting and early human settlements will find the exhibits here quite immersive. The museum itself also affords one of great views over the city. A short walk from it is the Sarawak Museum which was purposely built in the 1800s as an ethnology museum. 

Near the waterfront is the Chinese History Museum . Admission is free and visitors can learn more about the various Chinese dialect groups that populate and make up a significant proportion of the city.

If you have time to spare, you can also check out the rather kitschy Cat Museum , built simply because Kuching’s name means “cat” in Malay (although cats were not a significant part of the city’s origins). This museum is filled with plenty of cat and feline memorabilia and exhibits. 

Strolling Through Jalan India & Jalan Carpenter

Kuching is large enough for all the urban creature comforts but its streets are still relatively free of air pollution and quite pleasant to walk around (when it’s not too hot). As the city has been the capital of Sarawak for over 180+ years, the old commercial areas are charming with plenty of photo-worthy corners to check out. The two streets to go for a stroll in Kuching are Jalan India, the traditional home of the local Indian population in Kuching, as well as Carpenter Street – the city’s first Chinatown. 

jalan india

jalan india

Jalan India today has a large cover above the shophouses to protect pedestrians from the rain. The street is pedestrian-only and is filled with bazaars. Lorong Kai Joo is an alley off Jalan India where one can find age-old bakeries and teahouses. Hiap Yak Tea Shop is where people come for a cup of coffee and toast in a retro setting. It is known for opium coffee – essentially black coffee flavored with a slab of butter. 

looking at jalan bishopsgate from jalan carpenter

looking at jalan bishopsgate from jalan carpenter

Jalan Carpenter is a relatively short stretch filled with furniture stores, bars, Chinese restaurants as well as a few cafes and the odd souvenir shop. As Kuching is not an extremely touristy place, the area still has a very local feel. Drunk Monkey is a popular watering hole in the area with a rather sparse but sufficient menu. If you are looking for cocktails, the 2-story The Royal Chamber might be more up your alley. For coffee lovers, Black Bean Coffee towards the end of the stretch is regularly regarded as one of the best coffee places in Kuching. While they don’t have an instagrammable cafe to boast of and seats are rather limited, they offer various types of coffee beans including those from Sarawak itself.

cat statues of kuching

cat statues of kuching

In the eastern side of the city center, Jalan Padungan is also worth a stroll. The arcaded shopfronts seemingly alternate between restaurants, shops selling Kuching snacks and auto supply / hardware stores. Here, you can stock up on Kuching delicacies such as Bee Pang (crispy rice cakes), Almond Cookies, etc. On both ends of the street, you can also see variations of Kuching’s famous cat statues.

Take a Sampan to Fort Margherita

fort margherita

fort margherita

From the city center, hire a sampan for the 5 minute or so journey to the northern bank of the river and visit Fort Margherita. Situated on a hill overlooking the town, this historical building was built to fend off pirates and has been converted into The Brooke Gallery – a museum dedicated to Charles Brooke, the “White Rajah” who previously ruled Sarawak. 

Tip: If you also intend to visit The Ranee Museum inside the Old Courthouse, purchase the Explorer Pass which gives you admission to both Fort Margherita and The Ranee Museum.

Explore the Waterfront

The waterfront of Kuching is one of its defining features and makes for one of Malaysia’s most picturesque city panoramas. With a river that curves gently in all the right places and a number of landmarks strategically built by the riverbanks, the waterfront is an active meeting point both in the day and at night. Early in the morning and in late afternoon, one can catch joggers zipping through the well-paved promenade. At night, families gather here for supper or a pleasant evening stroll. 

darul hana bridge

darul hana bridge

The Darul Hana Bridge is a twirling pedestrian bridge that connects the northern part of town with the south. The design contains traces of local tribal culture with the hornbill topped towers paying homage to the Bidayuh culture. This is the best place to catch the sunrise or sunset in Kuching in my opinion if you don’t have access to a rooftop / high view point. At night, there is also a light and water show by the river. Called the Darul Hana Musical Fountain, the schedule is as follows: 8:30PM and 9:30PM daily with an additional one at 10:30PM on Friday and Saturday. 

skyline of kuching

From the bridge, one can have a closer view of the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly . Depending on who you ask, it said to resemble either a royal Malay umbrella (payung negara) or a traditional multi-pointed hat from the Iban tribe. The building was opened in 2009 and is now probably the best known architectural landmark of the city. For your best bet in getting postcard worthy shots of the assembly building, I can suggest going in the afternoon (any time after 2pm) to see the sunlight shining on its exterior.

Tip: For a panoramic view of Kuching’s cityscape, head up to the rather eerie carpark building that is Medan Pelita. You will be able to see the nice contrast between the low-rise shophouses and the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly and the river separating both areas.

Try Sarawakian Cuisine


For dinner, head to Lepau for a dose of local Sarawak cuisine. The menu offers a rundown of the specialties including Ayam Pansuh – chicken cooked in bamboo stalk and covered in tapioca leaves, Tempoyak (fermented durian) served with a variety of meats – as well as Midin (forest ferns).

Semenggoh Wildlife Reserve

semenggoh wildlife centre

semenggoh wildlife centre

A trip to Kuching is probably incomplete without a visit to the Semenggoh Wildlife Centre for a round of orangutan spotting. The park is roughly 35 minutes from Kuching and is a habitat for wildlife rather than a zoo. As such, it is not always guaranteed that one can spot orangutans during a visit although chances are fairly high. The only exception is during fruit season (typically between October to March) when the orangutans can easily find food to eat from the forest and as such, do not need to go to the feeding area, where the galleries are located, for food.

Unless you have your own car, it is recommended to visit Semenggoh Wildlife Reserve as part of a join-in tour (you can book an inexpensive one here ) because it is located in the wilderness and it might be difficult to find a Grab / taxi back. A typical tour lasts for about 3 hours and can be opted for either the morning of afternoon. Visits are timed to coincide with the feeding schedule.

tasik biru in bau

tasik biru in bau

The town of Bau is located some 45 minutes to 1 hour away from Kuching. This former mining town is famous for its caves, mountains as well as the manmade Taman Tasik Biru , a former gold mine that has been filled with water and turned into a lake. The relatively serene surroundings makes it a conducive place to rent a boat or to just sit by one of the lakeside sheds and watch the world go by. 

paku rock maze garden

paku rock maze garden

A relatively new attraction is Bau is the Paku Rock Maze Garden – a beguiling rock formation just off the highway connecting Kuching and Bau. It is literally a rock maze – with the 2-meter tall (or more!) rock formation creating natural passageways within the forest. While it is possible to get lost within the rock maze, fret not. Signs are scattered within the complex to guide visitors to the right path. Admission is free. 

In Bau, one can also visit the 2 caves: Wind Cave and Fairy Cave which are about 7km away from each other. The 2 caves can be visited within a few hours. Bring insect repellant and flashlights. Some parts of the Wind Cave are pitch dark. 


siniawan night market

siniawan night market

End your day of exploration in the one-street town of Siniawan . Every Fridays to Sundays, this quiet row of wooden shophouses comes alive with lanterns, a night market and street stalls selling various snacks. Tables are laid out on the street and visitors can partake in various Sarawak and Malaysian dishes. If you love soaking in the old town vibes, it’s worth the 15 minute journey here from Bau. To get back to Kuching, allow for about 40 minutes drive. 

Enjoy a Hearty Bowl of Kuching’s Quintessential Kolo Mee

kuching kolo mee

kuching kolo mee

Kolo Mee is to Kuching as Pho is to Vietnam. If you were to think of one iconic dish to come from the Cat City, it would most likely be these bowls of curly, springy noodles with minced meat, char siu and doused with a light sauce. It can be had at any time of day but is most commonly eaten as a breakfast dish. You can have it plain which is the standard version or opt for a “red” version which comes with char siu sauce. Whichever version you go for, it’s easy to find kolo mee in any coffee shop in Kuching. Popular spots for a bowl include Chong Choon Cafe and Choon Hui Cafe . The latter is also popular for Sarawak Laksa.

Sarawak Cultural Village

travel kuching ke sambas

sarawak culture village

Located near Mount Santubong is the Sarawak Cultural Village . Think of it as a living museum – with reconstructions of traditional houses of the tribes living in Sarawak. This is a good way to gain a quick overview of the many indigenous cultures found in the state without having to travel to Sarawak’s remote areas. The village also boasts of peaceful ponds, attractive foliage and photo-worthy sections. Don’t miss the enthralling cultural performance at the end. If you head there in the morning, you can expect to be back in Kuching by about 1:30PM to 2PM. You can join a group tour to the village here with hotel pick-up included. 

Shop for Handicrafts

travel kuching ke sambas

Kuching is a great place to buy authentic tribal handicrafts. If you love rattan, beadwork, woven cloths, carvings and intricate patterns; the shops along the Main Bazaar – the shophouses facing the waterfront – offer plenty of choices. Quality varies as well and haggling is expected in the smaller stores. Many of the products are expertly done and don’t carry any kitschy “Sarawak” or “Kuching” logo on them. I personally bought some baskets with intricate woven patterns as decorative wall art. For something more upmarket, you can check out the souvenir shop inside The Ranee Boutique Suites or the Sarawak Craft Council. 

Seafood Dinner at Top Spot

travel kuching ke sambas

Located in a nondescript building is Topspot Food Court , Kuching’s most popular spot for seafood. Located at the topmost floor of the building, the venue hosts dozens of seafood stalls with a communal dining hall. Dishes to try here include spiny lobsters, bamboo shells, crab and prawns that can be cooked to your liking. Check out the local version of the oyster pancake which is presented as a thin UFO-shaped cracker with the oysters studded throughout the surface.  

Bako National Park

If you have another full day to spare in Kuching or timed your departure for the evening, you can head out to Bako National Park which can be done as a day trip. What makes this national park special is that its coastal setting affords one of a variety of experiences – including jungle trekking, chilling by the beach and taking a boat ride out to see some rock formations. 

bako national park in sarawak

bako national park in sarawak by Fabio Achilli

A typical trip to Bako National Park involves going through one of the trails, each with its own unique features and having varied levels of difficulty. For beginners, the Paku Trail is relatively short, with little change in terrain. The trail ends at the beach. Other tails include the Tajor Trail, Limbang Trail and for those seeking a challenge – the Limau Trail which also end on the beach. While trekking through the park, your guide will try to seek out proboscis monkeys. These big-nosed primates are found all over Borneo, especially in the coastal and mangrove areas.  You can join a day tour to Bako National Park here .

travel kuching ke sambas

gunung gading national park by axxonlive

Another option is to head to Gunung Gading National Park for another day tour to see the Rafflesia flower (if it’s in bloom). The tour typically lasts until 3:30PM to 4PM and involves a hike to see the flower if it’s in bloom, waterfalls as well as a spot of swimming.

Other Tips for Kuching

  • Travel insurance: It may be advisable to get travel insurance, especially if you plan to do adventure activities. If you come from Singapore, I can recommend checking out Starr TraveLead for its cheap single- trip travel insurance with S$10 cash rebate to help offset the insurance cost here . If you are based elsewhere, check out Worldnomads as they have quite an extensive coverage, even including personal accidents into their list of benefits. 
  • Weather: Kuching is the wettest major city in Malaysia and it can rain any time of the year. However, it is the wettest between November to March where rains can be expected for 25 out of the 30 days of the month. That being said, it usually does not rain the entire day but plans for outdoor activities may be dampened by strong winds, flash floods and other inconveniences. The best time to visit Kuching is between June to July. These are the driest months. June is also the month when the Rainforest Music Festival is held. 
  • Practicalities: Outside of Kuching’s arcaded streets of Jalan Carpenter, Jalan India, Main Bazaar and Jalan Padungan; most of Kuching’s streets offer little shelter from the heat and the rain. As such, if you walk outdoors during the day; you’ll most likely be baked under the sun. It’s wise to put sunblock even if you’re just staying within the city.
  • Farther afield: Kuching serves as a hub for Borneo so if there’s an interest in exploring more, you can fly to Brunei and Labuan . Sibu and Miri are also reachable by air. Kota Kinabalu is roughly 1 hour by air. 

Where to Stay in Kuching

Budget: The Meritin Hotel is an affordable 3-star hotel located in Jalan Padungan, a street filled with quaint shops, cafes and restaurants. Rooms are clean, functional and for families wishing to stay together, they have a Family Room category featuring 2 double beds.

Midrange: When it comes to location, it’s hard to find any other hotel with a better address than The Waterfront Hotel Kuching . The hotel is located right smack in the middle of town, in between Jalan India and Jalan Carpenter. The waterfront is 3 minutes walk and the Old Court House is directly beside it. The main museums are 2 blocks away. Rooms here are spacious and they also have a Family Room category with 2 double beds. The small supplement for a river facing room is well worth the upgrade and you can watch the nightly light show from the comfort of your room.

You can also check for the best deals for hotels in Kuching here .

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Trip Lintas Batas Negara Rute Pontianak - Sambas - Kuching

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travel kuching ke sambas

  • Bis Non AC                           (Pontianak - Sambas)           IDR   45.000
  • Angkutan Umum                    (Sambas - Aruk)                  IDR   60.000
  • Oplet                                   ( Kpg. Biawak - Lundu)        RM   2.00
  • Bus Umum AC                       (Lundu - Kuching)                RM  10.00
  • Penginapan Kelas Ekonomi   (Hotel Wella 2 Sambas)        IDR    80.000    (*tidak wajib)
  • Penginapan Murah                 (perbatasan Aruk)              IDR    50.000    (*tidak wajib)

Trip Lintas Batas Negara Rute Pontianak - Sambas - Kuching

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32 komentar:.

travel kuching ke sambas

Terimakasih informasinya sangat detail dan membantu. saya akan ke Aruk minggu depan, jadi ada gambaran :))

travel kuching ke sambas

Tulisan ini masih belum saya update,,, beberapa bulan lalu saya ke Sambas.... jurusan Sambas - Aruk sudah bisa pake DAMRI,,,,, selamat ngTRIP :)

Abang ni orang Sambas keh?

Iyaaa Sambas

Makasih informasinya....jadi kepengen berpetualang neh...

Terima Kasih telah berkunjung..... secepatnya saya update lagi artikel ini.....

Artikel yg menarik, mudah"an dgn artikel ini kab.sambas makin d'kenal d'mata org luar... Salam...

Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

Sangat berguna untuk saya dan teman2 dari Cirebon, Jawa Barat yang akan melintas Sambas berwisata dalam waktu dekat. Terima Kasih, terutama jadwal operasi dan waktu bis serta tarif penghinapan.

Kalau ada pertanyaan silahkan email saya aja brother... [email protected]

klo jalur darat pontianak sintang ada saran bang ?

untuk rute Kota Pontianak ke Ibukota Kab Sintang bisa jalur udara dan jalur darat.. untuk jalur darat: Alegra (Jl. Veteran Pontianak) Telp. 57-5336, 0852-5267-9222 ATS (Jl. Pahlawan No. 58) Telp.74-0308 Borneo Trans (Jl. Tanjungpura No.244 Pontianak) Telp. 57-6678, 0812-5807-8900 Damri (Jl. Pahlawan No.226/3 Pontianak) Telp. 744859, 740049, 7076849 SJS (Jl. Sisingamangaraja No.155 Pontianak) Telp. 765653 biasa saya utk ke Sintang via DAMRI dengan tarif tujuan Pontianak - Sintang super eksekutif Rp 215 ribu, eksekutif Rp 175 ribu, AC bisnis Rp 160 ribu dan AC ekonomi Rp 145 ribu. (harga sewaktu-waktu bisa berubah) SEMOGA BISA MEMBANTU

Bagaimana caranya membuat Paspor lintas batas? Trus apakah masyrakat luar daerah prbatasan bisa pakai PLB?

Seperti pengalaman saya,,,,, membuat PLB , saya langsung mendatangi kantor imigrasi.... plb masa berlakunya hanya setahun dan utk daerah yg bisa di kunjungi pun terbatas. Kalau perbatasan sambas, kita hnya bs sampai ke lundu sematan. Dan utk smpai ke kuching kita harus menggunakan paspor reguler.... Masyarakat luar daerah perbatasan, mungkin bisa. Saya kurang tahu utk hal tsb. Saya bukan tgl d perbatasan tp sya bsa membuat PLB... Sejatinya PLB memudahkan masyarakat perbatasan utk berbelanja ke negara tetangga karna aksesnya lbh dkt dibanding harus berbelanja ke ibukota kabupaten yg jauh lbh banyak memakan waktu dan tenaga Semoga bs membantu

travel kuching ke sambas

Thank you atas tulisannya.. sangat informatif. Saya akan keliling Borneo naik motor masuk Malaysia lewat Aruk OTOSL.com | MotoBikerz.com

Semangat buat ngtripnyaaa brother

Sangat membantu informasinya nihh.... Dalam waktu dekat saya ada kerjaan di Aruk.

Syukurlah kalau artikel ini bisa membantu... Terima Kasih sudah berkunjung di blog ini..

Sama2. Untuk hotel wella mungkin sdh berubah wajah sekarang. Saya sempat menginap 1 mlm disana.

keren, saya suka.. dlm bbrpa hari lagi saya akan melakukan perjalanan menuju aruk, kebetulan paman saya ada d sana.hal yg paling saya sukai tentang rute transportasi n buged ny.. hehehe

travel kuching ke sambas

Belum nyoba ke Malaysia melalui border Aruk, kayaknya kapan2 boleh coba jalur ini. Kalau dari border ini ke Kuching berapa lama Bro?

Tulisannya menarik dan informatif. Mantap..tap..tap.. Lanjutkan Bang Radit, sukses.

Salam kenal Bang Aditya. Dari perbatasan Aruk ke sempadan Kampung Biawak jala kaki ya?

travel kuching ke sambas

Terima kasih banyak ya, sudah berbagi. Saya sedang menulis novel yang tokohnya melakukan perjalanan dari Pontianak ke Aruk. Informasi di blog ini detail dan sangat membantu. 😊

mun ke semparuk berape pakai damri bang ?? soalnye daan suah tok, dan ade ke kontak damri yang bise di telpon atau sms, mun bise no selain telpon rumah.

Pengen rase ke Malaysia lagi, kapan-kapan yok dit

Silahkan datang ke kuching malaysia teman2. Moga bisa damai kita semua. Bisa coba makanan yg enak di kuching sepertinya laksa sarawak, mee kolo, ayam pansuh, teh tarik gula apong.. moga selamat.. salam dari kuching..

travel kuching ke sambas

Besok tanggal 31 saya ke pintianak,,,ada rencana sih ke aruk...tapi liat sikin aja deh

Kuching is sharing pretty much a similar festivals as other region of Malaysia, nevertheless you can still find some local festivals that only Sarawakian get to celebrates. SUV Rental Kuching Airport

jadi pengen jalan2 ke kuching ... salam

Jika ada yang ingin ditanyakan, silakan kontak saya +Email : [email protected] +Twitter : @raditmananta Tata Tertib Berkomentar di blog misterpangalayo: 1. Gunakan Gaya Tulisan yang Biasa-biasa Saja 2. Tidak Melakukan Komentar yang Sama Disetiap Postingan 3. Berkomentar Mengandung Unsur Sara Tidak di Anjurkan

about me

I'm a newbie in blogger who wants to release my hobby, increase the achievements and also wants to be a loving, professional and responsible blogger.

Komunitas Blogger Pontianak

  • CERITA RAKYAT SAMBAS: Kisah Dermawan Dan Semangka Emas
  • Singinca'an: Permainan Anak-Anak Sambas Tempo Doeloe
  • Cerita Anak Kost: Terjebak dalam Cinta Terlarang
  • CERITA RAKYAT SAMBAS: Asal Usul Batu Bejamban dan Batu Layang


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travel kuching ke sambas

Jadwal Lengkap Bus Damri Dari Pontianak ke Semua Kota

by Kata Omed

Jadwal Bus Damri Dari Pontianak – Seperti yang kita tahu jika Kota Pontianak adalah ibu kota provinsi Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia.

Kota Pontianak ini juga dikenal sebagai Kota Khatulistiwa karena dilalui garis khatulistiwa.

Di utara Kota Pontianak, tepatnya Siantan, terdapat Tugu Khatulistiwa yang dibangun pada tempat yang dilalui garis khatulistiwa.

Tak heran jika pusat transportasi keberbagai penjuru di Kalimantan Barat pasti akan singgah dikota Katulistiwa ini dan bahkan pusat transportasi ditempatkan di kota Pontianak.

Saat ini Bus Damri di Pontianak melayani Angkutan Antar Kota Dalam Provinsi (AKDP) dan Angkutan Antar Kota Antar Provinsi (AKAP).

Baca juga : Catat jadwal kapal pelni dari pontianak ke semua kota

Bus Damri

Bus Damri – foto damri.co.od

Dari Kota Pontianak, DAMRI memiliki Angkutan tidak hanya ke kota Kabupaten saja seperti ke Sambas, Sintang, Nanga Pinoh, Singkawang atau kota lainnya.

Bus Damri Pontianak juga memiliki rute Antar Lintas Batas Negara dengan tujuan Kuching di Malaysia dan Bandar Seri Begawan di Brunai.

Untuk pemesanan tiket Bus Damri, kalian bisa memesannya langsung di kantor/loket Damri terdekat.

Atau kalian juga Bisa melalui aplikasi pemesanan tiket Damri (DAMRI Apps) yang bisa diunduh melalui Play Store. Jadi saat datang tinggal tunjukan saja kode booking yang sudah kalian bayarkan.

Daftar Isi Contents

Loket Bus Damri Pontianak

Jadwal bus damri dari pontianak & harga tiketnya, jadwal keberangkatan damri dari bandara supadio, kontak bus damri di kalimantan barat .

Bagi teman-teman yang ingin datang ke Loket Bus Damri di Pontianak silahkan datang ke beberapa perwakilan atau beberapa seperti di Terminal Ambawang, Bandara Supadio Pontianak dan Kota Pontianak.

Sesuaikan Titik keberangkatan terdekat dengan kediamanmu untuk menghindari keterlambatan. Semua loket Bus Damri ini akan saling terintegrasi alias terhubung.

Berikut ini adalah jadwal keberangkatan Bus Damri yang beroperasi di Pontianak Kalimantan Barat menuju beberapa kota-kota Kabupaten lainnya di Kalimantan Barat.

Jadwal bus Damri Dari pontianak ini tentunya disesuaikan dengan jadwal keberangkatn Bus lainnya yang memiliki rute yang sama.

Bandara Supadio Pontianak

Bandara Supadio Pontianak

Tak hanya melayani lintas antar kota saja, Bus Damri dari Pontianak juga melayani rute dari Bandar Udara Supadio kota Pontianak.

Tujuanya selain menuju pusat kota Pontianak, juga menuju ke beberapa wilayah tujuan kota diluar kota Pontianak.

Berikut ini Jadwal keberangkatan Bus Damri dari Bandara Supadio Pontianak ke beberapa kota di Kalimantan Barat.

Bagi kalian yang ingin naik Damri saat tiba dibandara supadio menuju kota Pontianak maka kalian akan diantarkan sampai loket Bus Damri dijalan Pahlawan Pontianak.

Berikut ini adalah nomor kontak Bus Damri di Pontianak dan di kota-kota lainnya di Klaimantan Barat bagi kalian yang ingin menayakan keakuratan mengenai jadwal atau ingin booking tiket terlebih dahulu.

Catatan Penting

  • Jadwal Lengkap Bus Damri Dari Pontianak ke Semua Kota diatas dan harga TIketnya bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu.
  • Usahakan beli tiket dari jauh-jauh hari alias jangan dadakan karena kadang sering full.
  • Beli tiket langsung di loket Bus Damri Pontianak, jangan sampai kalian beli di calo karena akan berebda harganya.
  • Jika membeli tiket bus Damri wajib memita tiket resminya atau buktinya.
  • Jadwal Lengkap Bus Damri Dari Pontianak ke Semua Kota akan terus diupdate infonya.

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Sintang ke Balikpapan bus DAMRI adanya tiap hari apa dan jam berapa


Pontianak ke Balikpapan hari ini ada kah


Pontianak ke balikpapan besok ada kah


Sambas ke ponti bus nya udah jalan kah

Bambang Gunawan

Untuk jadwal dari Ketapang ke Pontianak adanya hari apa saja

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Kuching to Pontianak Bus Tickets

Kuching to pontianak bus schedule and bus fare, popular bus company from kuching to pontianak.

  • Biaramas Express Sdn Bhd

Kuching to Pontianak Bus Guide

One of the popular bus routes available for online booking is bus from Kuching to Pontianak. Passengers mainly prefer to take the bus to Pontianak from Kuching due to its affordable price. You can check Kuching to Pontianak bus schedule easily and reserve your seats in advance online.

Bus Operator Offering Bus from Kuching to Pontianak

The bus services available to go from Kuching to Pontianak is run by Biaramas Express Sdn Bhd   . They have up to 1 daily departures from Kuching to Pontianak. The bus from Kuching to Pontianak offered by Biaramas Express Sdn Bhd   departs at 10:00 AM. Bus schedule available for this route is limited so passengers are adviced to book their bus tickets and secure their seats in advance online.

Duration, Fare and Notes

Bus from Kuching to Pontianak takes about 8 hours 59 minutes to reach its destination. Please note that travelling time also depends on the travelling season, road traffic and the weather condition. Washroom break will be provided during the journey upon request from the bus driver.

The bus fare from Kuching to Pontianak is charged reasonably from RM 80.00. Bus fare might increase slightly during festive seasons depending on the operator providing bus service from Kuching to Pontianak. The bus driver will pick up passenger at Kuching Sentral. Upon arriving at Pontianak, the bus service will stop at Pontianak Bus Terminal.

You can book your bus from Kuching to Pontianak at BusOnlineTicket.com in advance to avoid disappointment. You can also book your bus ticket online via our mobile app which can be downloaded for free on App Store, Google Play or Huawei AppGallery. After the payment stage, you will receive booking confirmation almost instantly once we receive the payment.

Popular Bus from Kuching

  • Bus from Kuching to Bentong
  • Bus from Kuching to Betong
  • Bus from Kuching to Bintangor
  • Bus from Kuching to Engkilili
  • Bus from Kuching to Lachau
  • Bus from Kuching to SELANGAU
  • Bus from Kuching to Serian
  • Bus from Kuching to SUAI
  • Bus from Kuching to Sungai Mas

Popular Bus to Kuching

  • Bus from BATU NIAH to Kuching
  • Bus from Jelukong to Kuching
  • Bus from Miri to Kuching
  • Bus from Sarikei to Kuching
  • Bus from SELANGAU to Kuching
  • Bus from Serian to Kuching
  • Bus from Sibu to Kuching
  • Bus from Sri Aman to Kuching
  • Bus from TATAU to Kuching

Refine Search

Refundable / reschedulable, departure time, bus operator, pickup point, dropoff point.

  • Ratings & Reviews

Pickup Address

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  1. Kuching to Sambas

    The distance between Kuching and Sambas is 184 km. The road distance is 184.3 km. How long does it take to get from Kuching to Sambas? It takes approximately 2h 45m to drive 184.3 km from Kuching to Sambas. What is the time difference between Kuching and Sambas? Sambas is 1h behind Kuching. It is currently 2:30 PM in Kuching and 1:30 PM in Sambas.

  2. Sambas to Kuching

    Bako National Park. $58. Rome2Rio. The best way to get from Sambas to Kuching costs only $24 and takes just 2¾ hours. Find the travel options that best suit you.

  3. Jadwal dan Harga Tiket Bus DAMRI Rute Singkawang-Kuching PP

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  4. Kabupaten Sambas to Kuching

    The best way to get from Kabupaten Sambas to Kuching costs only RM 124 and takes just 3¼ hours. Find the travel options that best suit you. Rome2Rio uses cookies to help personalize content and show you personalised ads.

  5. Bas Dari Kuching ke Sambas

    Rasai kemudahan menempah bas online tiket apabila anda memilih redBus untuk perjalanan anda dari Kuching ke Sambas. Bas ke Sambas direka dengan keselesaan anda sebagai keutamaan. Nikmati ruang kaki yang luas, kerusi yang boleh dilenturkan, dan bas yang dilengkapi penghawa dingin, menjadikan perjalanan anda satu pengalaman yang menenangkan.

  6. DAMRI Buka Rute Singkawang-Kuching Malaysia, Tarifnya Rp 300.000

    Baca juga: DAMRI Sediakan Bus Rute Bandara Soekarno-Hatta ke Stasiun KCIC Halim. Adapun rute perjalanan yang dilayani adalah Singkawang-Kuching via Sambas-PLBN Aruk-Border Biawak-Lundu. Tarif yang berlaku untuk layanan ini sebesar Rp 300.000 atau RM 100. Jadwal operasional dari Singkawang dengan titik keberangkatan di Singkawang Grand Mall ...

  7. Bus From Kuching to Sambas

    Up to 50% off on Bus Tickets Online. Avoid the long queues at the bus terminal and book bus tickets online from Kuching to Sambas. Enjoy up to 50% savings for online bus ticket booking in Malaysia by using the promo code MYNEW*. Learn more about such exciting - redBus Promos. *T&C apply!

  8. Travellingbie: Weekend gateway to Sambas

    Perjalanan dari Kuching ke Sambas mengambil masa lebih kurang 4 jam melalui Imigresen Biawak (Malaysia) dan Imigresen Aruk (Indonesia). Ini terpakai bagi kereta penumpang sahaja dan bukannya van atau lori. Bagi kenderaan besar, perlu melalui jalan yang hendak ke Tebedu dan melalui imigresen di sana.

  9. 24 Top Places To Visit In Kuching, Sarawak

    Astana Kuching. Astana - a name derived from the Malay word "Istana" which means Palace - is an interesting Kuching place to visit. This majestic colonial building was constructed in 1870 by the second White Rajah - the dynastic monarchy of the British Brooke family who ruled the Raj of Sarawak from 1841 to 1946.

  10. Fun Things to Do in Singkawang

    PERJALANAN DARI SINGKAWANG KE KUCHING, SARAWAK #TripIndonesiaMalaysia #SingkawangKuching Travel Hunt 2024 | Labuan Bajo - Mountaintop to Ocean Adventure ... Perjalanan Dari Kota Singkawang Ke Kabupaten Sambas #malindo #travel Road Trip From Kuching Sarawak to Singkawang Indonesia. Ada Apa di Singkawang? View More ...

  11. Damri Pontianak : Harga Tiket, Rute & Jadwal Keberangkatan

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  12. Kalimantan Barat ke Kuching Malaysia Bisa Naik DAMRI, Mulai 1 Desember

    KOMPAS.com - Masyarakat yang tinggal di Kalimantan Barat akan bisa lebih mudah bepergian ke negara tetangga, Malaysia, menggunakan transportasi umum DAMRI.. Mulai 1 Desember 2023, layanan Angkutan Lintas Batas Negara (ALBN) DAMRI akan membuka rute baru, yaitu Singkawang di Kalimantan Barat menuju Kuching di Malaysia, dan sebaliknya. "Rute dari Singkawang menuju Kuching yang akan aktif ...

  13. Bas Dari Terminal Kuching Sentral ke Sambas

    Bas dari Terminal Kuching Sentral ke Sambas Menjelajahi perjalanan yang selesa dengan bas yang memenuhi keperluan anda, sama ada untuk perjalanan mewah, perkhidmatan ekspress, atau pilihan bajet. Rasai keselesaan memesan bas dari Terminal Kuching Sentral ke Sambas secara atas talian di redBus, menjimatkan masa dan usaha anda.

  14. My PERFECT Kuching Itinerary With Heritage Walks, Where to Eat & Day

    Immediately south of the waterfront is Kuching's traditional civic core. This area is replete with colonial style buildings including the Main Post Office.Adorned by imposing neoclassical columns, the building was designed by architectural firm Swan & Maclaren which also designed several buildings in Singapore's civic area including the Raffles Hotel.

  15. Kuching to Singkawang

    It is located at about 145 km north of Pontianak, the provincial capital, and is surrounded by the Pasi, Poteng, and Sakkok mountains. Singkawang is derived from the Salako. The cheapest way to get from Kuching to Singkawang costs only $31, and the quickest way takes just 3½ hours. Find the travel option that best suits you.

  16. Trip Lintas Batas Negara Rute Pontianak

    Pertama-tama anda bisa memilih bus jurusan Pontianak - Sambas, dari yang ber-AC dan non AC dengan harga yang bervariasi.Pasca Kenaikan BBM pada 22 Juni 2013 silam sangat mempengaruhi tarif bis. Tarif bis non AC IDR 45.000 (bis biasa) dan ber-AC IDR 105.000, damri).Alternatif yang ketiga adalah dengan jasa taksi dengan kisaran tarif IDR 130.000.Lama perjalanan dari Pontianak ke Sambas sekitar 5 ...

  17. Taxi Pontianak / Singkawang / sambas / Kalimantan

    Group ini adalah Group yang bertujuan untuk berbagi informasi tentang travel / taxi dari Pontianak / Singkawang / Sambas / Sg Pinyu dll ke Kuching, Malaysia. dan juga info2 tentang Kucing, Malaysia. Taxi Pontianak / Singkawang / sambas / Kalimantan - Kuching (Travel)

  18. Jadwal Lengkap Bus Damri Dari Pontianak ke Semua Kota

    Dari Kota Pontianak, DAMRI memiliki Angkutan tidak hanya ke kota Kabupaten saja seperti ke Sambas, Sintang, Nanga Pinoh, Singkawang atau kota lainnya. ... No Telpon Damri Sambas: 085245913807: No Telpon Damri Kuching +601133723892: No Telpon Damri Brunei Darussalam +6738849652: Catatan Penting.

  19. Jadwal Operasional Terbaru Damri Rute Pontianak-Kuching per Januari

    Setelah sempat ditangguhkan akibat pandemi, DAMRI telah kembali melayani Angkutan Lintas Batas Negara (ALBN) dengan rute Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat (Kalbar) menuju Kuching, Malaysia.Bagi traveler yang ingin melakukan perjalanan ke dua destinasi tersebut, DAMRI baru saja melakukan pembaruan jam operasional dan tarif yang berlaku mulai Minggu, 1 Januari 2023.

  20. Pontianak to Kuching

    This article is an itinerary.. Traveling from Pontianak, the capital of West Kalimantan province in Indonesia to Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, or vice-versa, in a day can be easily done by flying, driving, or by catching buses.Of course, the level of comfort, and how much you end up spending, will depend on what mode you choose. Understand []. Getting from Pontianak to Kuching, the capital of ...

  21. Jakarta to Sambas

    Find the travel option that best suits you. The cheapest way to get from Jakarta to Sambas costs only $75, and the quickest way takes just 6½ hours. Find the travel option that best suits you. ... Flights from Soekarno-Hatta to Kuching Ave. Duration 1h 50m When Every day Estimated price $30-80. Show more operators. Bus operators. Damri.

  22. Mau Kabur ke Malaysia, Obligor BLBI Marimutu Sinivasan Baru Sekali

    TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Ketua Satgas Bantuan Likuiditas Bank Indonesia Rionald Silalaban mengatakan bahwa sejak pertama kali diperingatkan pada bulan Juni 2024 lalu, sampai saat ini Marimutu Sinivasan baru sekali melakukan pembayaran utang.. Tak punya itikad untuk melunasi utangnya, Marimutu justru hendak kabur ke Kuching, Malaysia. Namun upaya tersbeut berhasil digagalkan pihak Imigrasi Entikong ...

  23. Pontianak to Kuching

    Bako National Park is a national park in Kuching Division, Sarawak, Malaysia. Established in 1957, it is the oldest national park in Sarawak. It covers an area of 27.27 km2 at the tip of the Muara Tebas peninsula at the mouth of the Bako and Kuching Rivers. It is approximately 40 km by road from Kuching.

  24. Kuching to Pontianak Bus Tickets

    The bus services available to go from Kuching to Pontianak is run by Biaramas Express Sdn Bhd .They have up to 1 daily departures from Kuching to Pontianak. The bus from Kuching to Pontianak offered by Biaramas Express Sdn Bhd departs at 10:00 AM.Bus schedule available for this route is limited so passengers are adviced to book their bus tickets and secure their seats in advance online.