
8 Words To Describe A Person Who Loves To Travel

Someone who loves to travel often enjoys introducing themselves to a wide range of cultures and countries. We might want to come up with a good synonym to describe people like that, and this article is the place for that.

Which Words Can Describe A Person Who Loves To Travel?

There are plenty of options to describe a person who loves to travel. Some of the best ones that we’ll cover in this article include:


  • Travel freak


Which Words Can Describe A Person Who Loves To Travel?

The preferred version is “globetrotter” because it refers to somebody who is happy to spend their days traveling around the globe. They like to immerse themselves in their travels, and it’s the only word on the list that specifically plays into someone’s love of traveling.

Let’s start with “globetrotter,” which is by far the best word we can use on this list.

A globetrotter is somebody who enjoys traveling and will do so more often than most people. They’ll usually be the first person to book plane tickets out of the country, and they usually won’t care much about the time they come back.

Making holiday or vacation plans for a globetrotter is easy. Since they love traveling so much, they’re more than happy to invest a lot of their time and money into their next big trip.

The definition of “globetrotter,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “someone who often travels to a lot of different countries.”

You might see “globetrotter” in the following ways:

  • He’s such a globetrotter! I wish I could visit as many countries as he has.
  • I like to think of myself as a globetrotter, and I never stay in one country for more than two weeks.
  • We’re a family of globetrotters, and we can’t wait to explore more of the world as we adventure.

Travel Freak

“Travel freak” is a slang phrase, where “freak” is a positive word to talk about someone’s obsession with something.

A travel freak is somebody who is completely obsessed with traveling. They’re more than happy to explore the world, and they don’t care what people might think about their freedom or love to explore new cultures and countries.

While “freak” is usually a negative slang phrase, we use it here in a positive way to show that we’re amazed by someone’s obsession with traveling.

You could see the slang phrase “travel freak” work as follows:

  • You’re such a travel freak! I wish I was as confident as you at getting out and seeing the world.
  • I’m a travel freak! I can’t get enough of all the wonderful adventures I get to have.
  • I’m a travel freak, and I’m more than happy to admit it! I don’t know where my next adventure will be.

“Wanderlust” is a noun and not an adjective. However, it’s still a great way to describe somebody’s feeling of the love they get from traveling around.

Someone who has wanderlust will often dream about new adventures and places to go. We combine “wander,” meaning to explore, and “lust,” meaning “to long for.”

Wanderlust is an emotion that people can feel, which is why it’s not a descriptive word and doesn’t rank higher on this list. Still, we can describe someone’s emotions with “wanderlust” as a noun, which makes it a good choice nonetheless.

The definition of “wanderlust,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “the wish to travel far away and to many different places.”

While “wanderlust” is a noun, we can still use it in the following ways:

  • I’ve got wanderlust, and it won’t go away until I get abroad!
  • Wanderlust is such a powerful emotion that I feel nearly every day.
  • He’s got plenty of wanderlust to go around, and I’m sure you can ask him where he’ll be traveling to next!

Now we come to some of the more specific words. “Rover” doesn’t strictly apply to someone who loves travel, but it can still work well.

A rover is somebody who spends a lot of time traveling. While the exact definition doesn’t mean they love traveling, it’s heavily implied that somebody who calls themselves a rover is more than happy to explore the world and everything in it.

The definition of “rover,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “a person who spends their time traveling from place to place.”

“Rover” works in the following examples:

  • I’m a rover, meaning that I never like to spend too much time in one place.
  • He loves to travel so much that he refers to himself as Roger the Rover!
  • She’s a rover, and she’ll always be looking for the next best adventure on her laptop!

A “nomad” isn’t always a person who loves traveling and sometimes refers to someone who travels out of necessity. That’s why we didn’t include it higher, but it also belongs on this list.

Nomads are people who travel and never live in one place. They’ll have plenty of options outside of their original housing or settlement to move to. It is used to refer to a group of people but can also work to describe a singular person.

While there’s no direct reason for nomads to love traveling, it’s still implied when we use it to describe somebody.

The definition of “nomad,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “a member of a group of people who move from one place to another rather than living in one place all of the time.”

“Nomads” are more specific, but the following examples demonstrate how we can use the word:

  • You’re a bunch of nomads, which explains why you’re all more than happy to up and leave at a moment’s notice.
  • He’s a nomad, making it much harder for him to settle down and find a family.
  • I’m just a nomad, and I don’t like to hang around for longer than I’m welcome.

“Peripatetic” is an uncommon word with Greek origins, but it works really well as a member on this list.

A peripatetic person or lifestyle is someone who travels around to different places. The most common reason for this is because of their work, which might require them to travel out to new lands.

While the word is heavily linked to working abroad or in distant cities, that doesn’t mean a peripatetic person can’t have fun traveling. We use it to mean that somebody is constantly on the move, and they’ll often have plenty of stories to share about the things they’ve done.

The definition of “peripatetic,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “traveling around to different places, usually because you work in more than one place.”

We might use “peripatetic” as follows:

  • My work gives me a peripatetic life, making it hard to make any friends.
  • I live a peripatetic lifestyle thanks to all the chances and fun I get to have with work.
  • We’re both quite peripatetic, which I suppose helps us to stay in such a healthy relationship.

A wanderer is somewhat similar to a rover, but the two people have different aims with their travel.

Wanderers often travel from place to place, but they rarely have a clear reason for doing so. Wandering refers to an aimless or mindless attempt to travel and doesn’t always mean that someone is in love with traveling.

Usually, wanderers are hippy-types, where they’re happy to let the universe or other signs tell them where to go and what to do. It’s a very free way to live your life, which is why it works well in this list.

The definition of “wanderer,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “someone who often travels from place to place, especially without any clear aim or purpose.”

“Wanderer” works in the following ways:

  • I suppose you could call me a wanderer because I like adventure, but I rarely plan it out.
  • He’s just a wanderer, and we’re sure he’ll be passing through this town just like every other town out there.
  • You’re not a very good wanderer if you end up staying in the same place for longer than three months!

Finally, we’ll talk about a vagabond. It’s the furthest away from the original meaning of someone who loves to travel, but we can still use it as such.

A vagabond is someone who has to travel, usually because they don’t have a home or a job to tie them down. While this doesn’t always mean that they love the process of traveling, they’ll usually have a good time once they reach their new destination.

Vagabonds don’t often want to travel, but sometimes they are forced to if the conditions of their original life become too poor.

The definition of “vagabond,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary , is “a person who has no home and usually no job, and who travels from place to place.”

We can use “vagabond” in the following ways:

  • I’m a vagabond, which makes it hard for me to keep up with my own lifestyle.
  • Because of my work schedule and business trips, you might as well call me a vagabond!
  • Everyone in this city seems to be a vagabond because nobody works and everybody leaves.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here .

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travel freak term


10 Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers

We often run out of words on what to say. It also happens when we talk about travel lovers or want to impress our  nomadic friends . Are you tired of using the same old words? If so, today’s fun  post is for you. 

Do you know what a person is called who loves to travel? Travel lover. Yes, but we all know that, and besides, that’s two words, not a one word noun .

Words for Travel Lovers

How about “Hodophile”. If you are saying, “what, a hodophile!” Yes, a hodophile is a person who loves to travel. Now, that’s certainly going to grab your friends’ attention next time you talk to them.

Below are the top 10 simple to pronounce words you should start using to enhance your regular travel vocabulary.

These are nothing like out-of-the-tongue kinda words but refreshing synonyms one should add to their day to day vocabulary.


Do you know anyone who loves to hop between countries? Or anyone who is a hardcore traveler? Anyone who leaves their tiny footprints across the various continents? Globetrotter is what you call them, and Globetrotting is their religion.

Globetrotter_Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers

Few of us hate staying in one place. We are people of many lands who live to travel. Itinerant is an apt word for travel lovers who have got a gypsy soul.

Itinerant_Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers

Read Next: 201 Greatest Travel Quotes That Will Leave You Speechless

Many times we say, let’s hit the road ! That is exactly what roadies do, but they accompany bands or musicians and travel in a group. In recent time though, the term has become more generalized and biking groups can be also called Roadies.

Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers

Wandering around might get old after a few days, why not use roving around for a change? Become a Rover aka Travel Lover. 🙂

Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers

Related:   The Ultimate Travel Bucket List and 101 Couple Goals

“Catch flights, not feelings”  is what the quote says, but what about after you get off the plane? Hop on a car, and move to your hotel, then what?

You need to walk around and discover the destination. All travel lovers are wayfarers in a way.

Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers

Nothing is permanent. And this world is massive to just live in a corner. People who make any place their home are in reality the Vagabonds – the daring nomads, adventurers , and travel lovers.

Also, you might have heard this quote from Saint Augustine of Hippo: “The World is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”

Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers

Traveling alone is empowering. And when you are brave enough to take on the roads yourself you become a Solivagant. Wandering alone is an unadulterated bliss which travel lovers should try once.

Related: Women Solo Travelers on Rise  and Best Destinations for Traveling Solo

Travel Buff

Wisdom comes from experience and those who are travelers amass knowledge through traveling. That is what makes them the travel-buffs.

Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers

You don’t need an explanation for this word. It is as perfect as it comes. Hodophile – the very word for travel lovers. A Hodophile is “One who loves to travel.”

In Australia , a retired old man traveling in a motorhome or caravan is named as Grey Nomad. But why just use it in the context of an old man?

Nowadays the travel lovers who live a nomadic life are often called “Grey Nomads.” (They may or may not have grey hairs though, Lol!)

Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers

What are some other words for travel lovers? Comment below and we’ll add to this list. We hope this post cheered you and brought you value. If yes, please share it with your globetrotting friends and tell them they are too young to be a grey nomad. (wink)

Next up:   The Ultimate Travel Bucket List and Couple Goals

November 2, 2017 1:26 pm Published by Staff Writer 24 Comments

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The Intrepid Guide

28 Beautiful Travel Words that Describe Wanderlust Perfectly

Travel words and wanderlust synonyms

Describe your travels with these unique and beautiful travel words from different languages around the world.

I love travelling and I love languages, so imagine my excitement when I came across a treasure trove of travel words and wanderlust synonyms that describe how we feel before, during, and after we travel. 

Just like a photo can’t fully capture what it feels like to stand on the edge of a fjord , neither can ‘wanderlust’ fully express how we feel when we crave our next adventure. These travel words are literary gems which have been gathered from languages around the world. From Japanese to Swedish , Latin to Greek , travel brochures of the future will be peppered with travel words like of resfeber , livsnjutare, and coddiwomple .

Wanderlust meaning

As you’ll see in the list below, every language has its own variation of how it explains and defines what wanderlust is. In English, wanderlust means to have a strong desire for or impulse to travel, wander and explore the world.

Learn a language from home

During these times it can be bittersweet to think about travelling when we have to stay at home and practice social distancing, let this list of wanderlust-filled words inspire you to a learn a language from home and prepare yourself for your next trip. Being travel fluent is the best way to enrich your travel experiences.

Without further ado, here are 28 beautiful travel words you should slip into your vocabulary. When you’re done, take and look at this collection of inspirational travel quotes . I’d love to hear which ones are your favourites in the comment section below.

1. Resfeber  (n.)

Origin: Swedish

Definition: The meaning of resfeber refers to the restless race of the traveller’s heart before the journey begins when anxiety and anticipation are tangled together.

It’s that moment just after you buy your plane tickets and excitement and fear floods in all at once, creating a mixture of emotions that make you feel anxious or physically ill.

Resfeber Tote Bag

For more inspiration, don’t miss my guide to cool gifts for language learners and the best travel accessories and travel gadgets here.

2. Sonder (v.)

Origin: Unknown

Definition: The realisation that each passerby is living a life as complex as your own.

The full definition, taken from The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows reads:

[Sonder is] the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own—populated with their own ambitions, friends, routines, worries, and inherited craziness—an epic story that continues invisibly around you like an anthill sprawling deep underground, with elaborate passageways to thousands of other lives that you’ll never know existed, in which you might appear only once, as an extra sipping coffee in the background, as a blur of traffic passing on the highway, as a lighted window at dusk.

I often feel this way when I pass groups of strangers, speaking a language that is completely foreign to me, and realise just how incredibly big the world is. We all have a life that is full of different connections, memories and possibilities. That’s sonder.

The internet suggests this may not be a real word, either way, the concept is beautiful.

3. Solivagant (adj.)

Origin: Latin

Definition: Wandering alone. A solitary adventurer who travels or wanders the globe.

Not all those who wander are lost, but all those who wander alone are definitely solivagants . From the Latin word solivagus , meaning lonely or solitary, solivagant describes anyone who enjoys meandering around new countries, alone, in order to take it all in.

4. Fernweh (n.)

Origin: German

Definition: This German word,means an ache to get away and travel to a distant place, a feeling  even stronger than wanderlust. If wanderlust wasn’t poetic enough for you, allow me to present fernweh , a German word that literally translates to “distance-sickness.”

While someone with wanderlust might sit at home and happily fantasise about all the places they might visit, someone with fernweh would feel a deeper sense of longing, a sort of homesickness but for foreign lands.  For me, it’s wanting to be back in Rome . Fernweh is one of most those beautiful untranslatable words I’ve ever come across.

Carry this beautiful word with you with my Fernweh T-Shirt available in men’s and ladies styles and black or white. Buy it here.

Gifts for language learners and travellers - Fernweh T-Shirt

5. Sehnsucht (n.)

Definition: A wistful longing and yearning in the heart for travels past and future.

One author translated it as the “ inconsolable longing in the human heart for we know not what .” Another compared it to “ a longing for a far-off country, but not one which we could identify.”

When you return from travelling and wish you could do it all over again and experience every moment like it was the first.


6. Eleutheromania (n.)

Origin: Greek

Definition: An intense and irresistible desire for freedom.

We all want to be free, and travelling shows us how the freedom in the lives of others that is different from our own. Eleutheromania describes a person who has a strong desire and obsession for freedom.

7. Cockaigne (n.)

Origin: French , Middle French

Definition: An imaginary land of luxury and idleness.

Every destination seem like a wonderland or cockaigne before you set foot there and see it for yourself.

The term c ockaigne ” comes from the Middle French phrase pais de cocaigne, which literally means “the land of plenty.” The word was first popularised in a 13th-century French poem that is known in English as “The Land of Cockaigne.”

8. Quaquaversal (adj.)

Definition: Moving or happening in every direction instantaneously.

This perfectly describes my state when I’m in a new place and want to see and do everything at once.

9. Dérive (n)

Origin: French

Definition: A spontaneous and unplanned journey where the traveller leaves their life behind allows themselves to be guided by the landscape and architecture.

Literally translated as “drift”,  dérive is the idea that even if you drift you will end up on the right path. This could describe life in general, but it also describes small journeys. When you’re wandering through a new city and you just happen to wander on a path that takes you to great discoveries.


10. Ecophobia (n.)

Origin: English

Definition: This word came into English word via Greek and means a fear or dislike of one’s home.

I don’t dislike my home, but recently I can’t stop thinking about going back to Lofoten, Norway.

11. Numinous (adj.)

Definition: A powerful feeling of both fear and fascination, of being in awe and overwhelmed by what is before you.

Originally, this word refers to having a strong religious or spiritual quality; but it can also be used to describe how you feel when you see things that are so beautiful that you realise how wonderful the world is and the small part you play in it.   Hiking Trolltunga was a numinous moment for me.

12. Schwellenangst (n.)

Definition: Fear of crossing a threshold to begin a new chapter.

From s chwelle (“threshold”) and a ngst (“anxiety”), this word explains that feeling you get before deciding to set out on a new journey. Argh! Did I make the right decision?

13. Strikhedonia (n.)

Definition: The pleasure of being able to say “to hell with it”.

Another personal favourite word on this list. Not only is it the joy I feel, but the freedom to be able to say “to hell with it” and book that next trip and embark on your next adventure.

14. Vagary (v.)

Definition: A whimsical or roaming journey.

From Latin, vagārī meaning “ to roam”, is an unpredictable idea, desire or action to travelling without knowing the destination, and not caring.

15. Livsnjutare (n)

Definition: Literally meaning, “enjoyer of life”, this describes a person who loves life deeply and lives it to the extreme.

If you’re reading this, that’s probably you!  Need more inspiration?

16. Commuovere (v.)

Origin: Italian

Definition: To stir, to touch, to move to tears.

Just like the euphoric emotions I felt whilst whale watching.

17. Sturmfrei (adj.)

Definition: The freedom of being alone and being able to do what you want.

Literally translating to “stormfree”, this describes the freedom of not being watched by others and being alone in a place where you have the freedom and ability to do what you want.

Another great German word. Travelling solo can be especially rewarding because you have complete control. No compromises, no one else to please. Just you and the big wide world.

18. Saudade (n.)

Origin: Portuguese

Definition: This Portuguese word describes the emotional state of nostalgia and longing for someone or something distant. S audade  was once described as “the love that remains” after someone is gone.

Saudade  is the recollection of feelings, experiences, places, or events that brought excitement and happiness but now triggers the senses and makes one live again.

19. Yūgen (n.)

Origin: Japanese

Definition: A profound and mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe.

An awareness of the Universe that triggers emotional responses too deep and powerful for words.

20. Acatalepsy (n.)

Definition: The impossibility of comprehending the universe.

Henry Miller said “ One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things. ” Do we ever really understand the world and what we see on our  travels,  and how they mould us? Sometimes, if at all, it takes time to discover how these things change our lives.

21. Trouvaille (n.)

Definition: A chance encounter with something wonderful.

Whether it’s stumbling across a hidden back street, a quaint cafe, or connecting with a local, trouvaille describes those magical moments we experience in our journeys. 

22. Hygge (n.)

Origin: Danish

Definition: Pronounced hue-guh , hygge describes the warm feeling you get while enjoying the company of great friends and all life has to offer.

Hygge is the conscious appreciation of recognising everything you have and enjoying to the present moment.

23. Onism (n.)

Definition: The world is a big place as not everyone will get to see it. Onism describes understanding that we’ll never get to see it all. It’s the frustration of being stuck in just one body that can only inhabit one place at a time. I felt this way before going to Copenhagen !

Similar to the Swedish word ‘resfeber’, onism describes the feeling of knowing that you’ll never be able to see it all. They say that the more you travel, the harder it gets to stay in one place.

24. Novaturient (adj.)

Definition: A desire to change and alter your life.

This was exactly how I felt when I quit my job and moved to Rome . There was this strong urge that pulled me towards my dream of pursuing a life of speaking Italian and travelling. I knew I  wouldn’t be living my life if I didn’t go.

25. Yoko meshi (n.)

Definition: This untranslatable gem describes the stress of speaking a foreign language .

The Japanese word ‘meshi’ literally means ‘boiled rice’ and ‘yoko’ means ‘horizontal,’ together it means ‘a meal eaten sideways.’ The Japanese have created a beautiful way of describing the unique kind of stress you experience when speaking a foreign language. Furthermore, ‘yoko’ also references the fact that Japanese is normally written vertically, whereas most foreign languages are written horizontally. Clever, right?

Related: 69 Wonderful Japanese Expressions That Will Brighten Your Day

26. Selcouth (adj.)

Origin: Old English

Definition: When everything you see and experience is unfamiliar and strange, yet you find it marvellous anyway.

It’s that feeling you get when you travel to a foreign land and food, culture, customs, or language, is strange and different to everything you’ve experienced before, yet you love it and find it fascinating.

27. Eudaimonia (n.)

Definition: A state of being happy whilst travelling and everything feels great.

That intense excitement and appreciation when you travel and everything feels great. Seeing the Northern Lights was one of the best experiences of my life, a feeling I won’t forget.

28. Coddiwomple (v.)

Origin: English slang

Definition: To travel purposefully towards an unknown destination.

A brilliant word, coddiwomple is when you have a vague idea of your destination within a care for how long it takes to arrive. A great example is when you go hiking, you know you’ll eventually reach the summit, but every part of the trail along the way is just as beautiful.    Like the time I hiked Norway’s Trolltunga.

Travel Words Coddiwomple

If you enjoyed these words, then let wordsmiths Stephen King, Mark Twain and the Dalai Lama transport you around the world with these inspirational travel quotes or start using some of the beautiful untranslatable words from other languages.

Want to know more about learning languages? Start here!

  • 18 Unexpected Advantages & Health Benefits of Learning A Foreign Language
  • The World’s Most Beautiful Untranslatable Words from Around the World: The Ultimate List A-Z
  • 13 Ways to Seamlessly Integrate Language Learning into Your Daily Life
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  • 15 Top Language Learning Resources You Should Use
  • 7 Reasons Why You Should Go on a Language Holiday
  • 11 Life-Changing Reasons Why You Should Learn a Language
  • How to Learn Your First Foreign Language in 8 Simple Steps: A Beginner’s Guide
  • 42 beautiful Inspirational Quotes for Language Learners
  • Language learning tips: 11 Polyglots Reveal The Secrets of Their Success
  • Top 10 Best Ways to Learn a Language Better and Faster
  • How to Learn Italian Before Your Trip
  • Free Travel Phrase Guides
  • How a ‘Potato’ improved my French Pronunciation
  • How Many Languages are there in the World?
  • Hilarious Idiomatic Expressions that Will Brighten Your Day
  • 78 FREE Dictionaries to Learn a Language Fast [Free eBook Download]
  • 22 KEY Travel Phrases That Will Transform Your Travels [Free Guide]

Over to you!

Which one of these travel words do you identify with the most? What others would you add? Let me know using the comments section below or join me on social media to start a conversation.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post.

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travel freak term

Michele creates language learning guides and courses for travel. What separates her from other instructors is her ability to explain complex grammar in a no-nonsense, straightforward manner using her unique 80/20 method. Get her free guide 9 reasons you’re not fluent…YET & how to fix it! Planning a trip? Learn the local language with her 80/20 method for less than the cost of eating at a tourist trap restaurant Start learning today!

Italian Cognates & Loanwords: 17 Rules to Expand Your Vocabulary + FREE PDF

124 inspirational travel quotes that’ll make you want to travel in 2022, 12 comments.

travel freak term

Amazing list! One word I’d add is the Dutch word “gezellig” or “gezelligheid” – similarly to hygge, it describes a feeling of warmth/comfort/coziness/quaintness in certain settings or around certain people.

Thank you so much for sharing this Heba. So interesting to learn that Dutch has a similar word :)

travel freak term

This is such a fun article! Love these words and phrases!

Glad to hear it! Thank you so much, Eric :)

travel freak term

So many of these describe me or my feelings about seeing the world. But, if I had to pick one, the one that best describes how I choose my destinations would be “selcouth”. I so want to be a stranger in a strange land. To have my belief that there is no such thing as “normal” affirmed again and again and over again.

What a beautiful word. Thanks for sharing, Janet :)

travel freak term

Thanks Michele what a wonderful list of inspirational words. It nearly made me cry as I realised that I suffer from acute eleutheromania! ha

Thanks Juliana :) I’m so glad you enjoyed this list. Eleutheromania? I know how you feel hehe

travel freak term

Unique list i must say – If you want to add one more word than check this !

In Hindi language (India) traveler called as “Musafir”

thanks Niraj :)

travel freak term

Thanks for sharing this! Really enjoyed it a lot ❤

Thanks Donah, I’m so glad you enjoyed it ;)

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Travel Glossary – The ULTIMATE List of Travel Terms

Unravel the mysteries of travel terms, acronyms, and all the essential backpacking jargon.

Whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or a first-time adventurer, The Broke Backpacker travel glossary is your passport to understanding the language of the road.

Will leaning on a colourful rickshaw/ tuk tuk in India with a field of sunflowers behind him and a pile of backpacks on the roof

Travel Glossary

Accommodation: The place where you’ll stay during your trip — your home away from home. This can range from a snazzy hotel suite to a bunk bed in a buzzing hostel.

Adventure Travel: Exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations and experiencing adrenaline-pumping activities. The type of travel for those who prefer hiking boots over flip-flops.

Airline Alliance: A partnership among airlines to provide passengers with extended networks, smoother connections, and often, better perks. Like a friendship bracelet, but for airlines.

Airport Code: The three-letter identity tag for airports around the globe, making booking flights and navigating airports simpler. Think of it as the airport’s nickname.

Airport Terminal: The specific area in an airport where you check-in, pass security, and board or disembark your flight. It’s the traveller’s hub within the travel hub.

Backpacker: A traveller known for carrying their life in a backpack, seeking immersive experiences, and often on a budget. Backpackers are known to be part wizard, part ninja, with their ability to pack light yet still have everything they need.

Broke Backpacker: A backpacker traveling the world on a tight budget, often hitchhiking, Couchsurfing and cooking their own food whilst camping out under starry nights. Broke Backpackers are resilient, kind-hearted and always find a way to hustle and make ends meet.

Begpacker: Someone who funds their journey by begging for money in the countries they visit. Not exactly the hero of our travel tales.

Bikepacking : Backpacking by way of bicycle. Travellers pack their things onto a luggage rack and cycle around — sometimes for weeks, and sometimes indefinitely.

Boarding Pass: Your golden ticket to board a plane. For some, a travel collectible of sorts; for others, a paper quickly forgotten in the seat pocket.

Budget Travel: Stretching every little bit of your hard-earned cash as far as it can take you — and seeing the world without breaking the bank. That is what a Broke Backpacker does, baby!

Business Class: A step up from Economy Class, usually with wider seats and better meals. A taste of the high life, often experienced courtesy of points or special offers.

Busking : The art of funding one’s travels (or saving for them) by performing in a public place in exchange for tips. Usually connected to street musicians.

Carry-On Baggage: The essentials you can take with you on the plane. Packing it is something many consider an art, fitting everything a close second to magic.

Checked Baggage: The luggage you trust the airline to transport in the belly of the plane. Also commonly referred to as a “test of faith” amongst the community.

Codeshare: An agreement between airlines where a flight is operated by one but marketed by another. Say you call your mate to take you on a ride, but he shows up in his neighbour’s car… sort of like that.

Couchsurfing: Staying with a host for free, usually sleeping on their couch or spare bed. A powerful tool in a Broke Backpacker’s arsenal, and a term made popular by the Couchsurfing travel app .

Customs and Immigration : The checkpoint at international borders where officials check your documents and luggage. It’s the final boss battle before entering a new country.

Digital Nomad: An individual who works remotely from different parts of the world, often in cafes, co-working spaces, or beach bars. They’ve mastered the art of making anywhere an office.

Domestic Travel: Travelling within your own country, aka something we should all do more often. Our backyard is right there, and it is probably hiding a shit ton of gold.

Eco Tourism: A type of travel focused on conservation, supporting local communities, and minimizing impact on the environment. Often associated with volunteering projects , but not exclusively.

Economy Class: The most common and budget-friendly travel class. Broke Backpackers rarely know any other, really.

Fare Alert: A notification service that alerts you to the best flight deals. Like having a personal scout for travel bargains.

First Class: The epitome of luxury in the sky, with gourmet meals and lie-flat seats. A rare gem for budget travellers, usually only spotted in daydreams.

man on empty plane flight

Gap Year: A year of travel, often taken by students as a break between high school and college, but increasingly popular with adults seeking a career break or life reset.

Ghost Fares: Listed flight deals that vanish when you try to book them. Like chasing a mirage in the desert of internet deals.

Glitch Fare: An error in listing the price of a flight, often ridiculously low. This is what we live for, amigos!

Guest House: A cozy, home-like accommodation option, often run by locals. It’s where you get the warmth of home, without all the boring chores.

Haggling : A type of bargaining for the lowest possible price that tends to be the default way of shopping in many parts of the world, particularly when goods are not sold for fixed amounts.

High Season: The peak travel period with the highest demand and prices. It’s when everyone else has the same travel idea as you.

Hitchhiking: The art of catching free rides with passing vehicles, usually by sticking your thumb out on the side of the road. It’s a gamble of patience and luck, with stories for a lifetime.

Homestay: Staying with a local family, experiencing their way of life. Be a guest, not a tourist.

Hostel: Budget-friendly accommodations, often with shared rooms and communal spaces. A good hostel is a home, and one where stories and friendships are as plentiful as bunk beds.

Hub Airport : A major airport that serves as a central point for connecting flights. Think London, Dubai, Singapore… the grand central stations of the skies.

Layover: The waiting period between connecting flights. An unscheduled mini-adventure, some would say.

Legroom: The space available for your legs on a flight. Often feels like a luxury in economy class.

Long-Haul Flight: A flight covering a long distance, usually over six hours. On long-haul flights, time truly becomes an illusion, and time zones mere suggestions. Reality is not the same anymore.

Low Season: The travel period outside of peak times, offering fewer crowds and often better deals. It’s the introvert’s prime time to travel.

Low-Cost Carrier: Airlines that offer no-frills flights at lower prices. They’re the unsung heroes for budget travellers. If you’re based in Europe, I’m sure you’re familiar with Ryanair and their crazy deals .

Money Belt : A sleek, secret weapon that expertly hides your cash inside of an inconspicuous-looking belt. Money belts are top-tier backpacker safety tools.

Off Season: Similar to Low Season, a time when travel is less in demand. It’s when destinations breathe a sigh of relief and welcome you with open arms and cheaper prices.

Off-The-Beaten-Path Travel: Exploring places that are not on the typical tourist radar. It’s for those who view the road less travelled as a personal invitation or a challenge.

One-Way Flight: A flight not returning to the origin point. One could say that’s exactly the kind of ticket you should be booking… but that’s just me. 😉

Overbooking: When airlines sell more tickets than there are seats. The airline industry’s version of musical chairs.

Overland Travel: Travelling across land, often through multiple countries, by bus, train, or car. Overland travel is the scenic route to adventure and there’s little that can beat it.

man riding a motorcycle in the karakoram mountains

Package Tour: A pre-arranged travel package including flights, accommodation, and sometimes meals and tours. Travel on easy mode!

Packing List: The checklist of essentials for your trip. You can look at it as the line between “I have everything” and “I forgot my toothbrush.”

Peak Season: The busiest travel season, with the highest demand. When your favourite spots become everyone’s favourite spots.

Responsible Tourism: Travel that minimizes negative impacts on the environment and local communities. The idea is that you ALWAYS leave places better than you found them.

Revenge Travel: The surge in travel after periods of restrictions or lockdowns, like what we experienced after the decade-year of 2020. The world’s comeback tour is on!

Rural Tourism: Exploring the countryside, away from the city hustle, and finding beauty in the serene and the simplest of things.

Shoulder Season: The sweet spot between peak and off-peak seasons, offering a balance of good weather and lower prices. It’s the savvy traveller’s dream season.

Sleep System : Core essentials of any broke backpacker’s tool kit that allow one to sleep anywhere . We’re talking sleeping mat, sleeping bag, and pillow type of setup, but not all systems are built equal!

Solo Travel: The art of travelling alone, discovering the world, and perhaps a bit of yourself along the way. It’s where independence meets adventure.

Souvenir: A memento from your travels, ranging from the classic fridge magnet to the more eclectic and exotic goods. Some more entrepreneurial travellers even manage to turn it into a business .

Sticky Place: A destination that feels so right you have no choice but to stay. You’ve booked a couple of nights, but you’ve been there for at least a couple of weeks.

Stopover: A break in your journey, allowing you to explore a city before continuing on. It’s like a travel bonus level.

Sustainable Travel: Travelling in a way that ensures destinations are preserved for future generations. It’s about treading lightly and caring deeply.

danielle and harvey extending visa in krabi, Thailand

Transit Visa: A visa required for passing through a country to a final destination. It’s the paperwork pit stop of your journey.

Travel Hacks: Tips and tricks to make travel easier, cheaper, or more enjoyable. A cheat code for the travel game.

Urban Exploration: Discovering the hidden gems and secrets of urban environments, often accompanied by some form of outlaw defunct urban space invasion. Epic.

Visa : A travel document that is required to enter certain countries. Visa policies will differ wildly depending on the destination and your nationality.

Visa Waiver: An agreement allowing travellers to visit a country without a visa for a short period. It’s the travel equivalent of a hall pass.

Wild Camping: Setting up camp in unmarked spots in the wilderness. It’s about as close to nature as you can get without becoming a bear.

Work Exchange: Volunteering your time in exchange for food, accommodation, or experience. The barter system meets backpacking.

World Heritage Area/Site: Locations recognized for their cultural, historical, or scientific significance. It’s the world’s way of saying, “This place is awesome.”

Xenophilia: A love for foreign cultures. The heart of every true traveller.

mubarak village pakistan

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42 inspiring & unusual travel words (besides wanderlust).

We’ve all tried to find words to describe a travel experience, and sometimes nothing seems to quite explain it right.

I love discovering new ways to express myself, and over the years I’ve slowly collected the below list of creative travel words that are either not commonly used in English or are from another language or are words that describe travel emotions we go through much better.

Travel Words

If you’re a bit of a Pinterest addict like me you might have heard some of these alternative words for travel before, but hopefully, some are new.

After all, we could all use some other words for wanderlust!

These are just a few of my favourite words associated with travel.

As someone who writes about travel all the time, I love finding new words for travel and to describe travel experiences.

Inspiring Travel Words - Montenegro

Everyone knows wanderlust, but are there words for wanderlust in other languages, or even just another word for travel too? 

I first wrote this post back in 2015 with just 24 new travel words that I had found over the course of the year while I was living abroad in Spain .

Since then I’ve come across many more so I’ve updated it to include the new ones!

Each travel word definition has been written in my own words, with a photo of my own, and examples from my own experiences. 

I hope that you’re able to learn some new words for travel (that aren’t wanderlust but are other words for wanderlust!) and be a bit inspired by them like I have been!

The unusual travel words you need to know:

Resfeber  (n), origin – swedish.

The tangled feelings of fear and excitement before a journey begins.

This is one of the most popular words associated with travel and all over Pinterest!

We’ve all felt this. That jolt in your heart when you book your flights, or when you tell your family and friends what you’re about to do.

Now that feeling has a word you can use!

This feeling is for new travellers and old alike. I still feel it when I embark on new journeys, especially before I moved to Spain to teach English .

resfeber travel words

Fernweh (n)

Origin: german.

Farsickness. An urge to travel even stronger than wanderlust.

That feeling you get when you’ve been home too long and you ache to be out into the world again.

Sometimes you don’t know where you want to be, but you know that it’s away. Sometimes you know where, and you want to get there as quickly as possible. This is that feeling.

I’ve had a serious case of the post travel blues , and felt this to the extreme!

It’s one of my favourite words related to travel, since it really does describe how I’ve felt on so many different occasions.

fernweh travel words

Origin: French

To drift unplanned, led only by the landscape and architecture around you.

The idea that even if you drift you will end up falling into a path that is lined out for you by your surroundings. This could describe life overall, but it also describes small journeys.

When you’re wandering through a new city and you just happen to wander on a path that takes you to great discoveries.

This happened to me in Stockholm, when I went to the archipelago and saw absolutely nothing of the city, and again in Lisbon where we made no plans and just let the city show us where to go.

This is a travel word I’ve seen less often, probably because many of us love to plan our trips, tick things off a bucket list and not miss out, but sometimes if you just allow yourself to wander you’ll find the most unexpected and best things of your trip.

derive travel word - wandering led only by the landscape

Numinous (adj)

Origin: latin.

Feeling both fearful and awed by what is before you.

I don’t know why but there’s something intriguing about finding Latin words for travel. Maybe it’s because it’s not a language we really use anymore, but it forms the basis for so much of ours now.

There are quite a lot of words for travelling that are Latin based, or that we can turn into a word associated with travel.

Firstly referring to divinity, but I think it is a wonderful way to describe how you feel when you see things that are so amazing you’re not sure whether to be amazed or realise your own insignificance in the world. It’s the magical feeling when you see something truly awe-inspiring, be it the scenery before you, or just something amazing falls into place when you’re travelling.

Visiting the rice terraces of China was that moment for me.

numinous travel words

Schwellenangst (n)

Fear of crossing a threshold to embark on something new.

Ok so this German word isn’t traditionally a word related to travel but it could be used as one of those words to describe a travel experience now.

Maybe referring literally to a door, but a great way to explain that feeling you might have before deciding to set out on a new journey.

Did you make the right decision? Those questioning feelings now have a name. I thought I might have made a mistake in moving to Spain but really, it was just this feeling of fearing something new.

schwellenangst travel words

Strikhedonia (n)

Origin: greek.

The joy of being able to say “to hell with it”.

A popular Greek word associated with travel!

This is what you can do when you decide to quit everything, stop making excuses , and explore the world.

Something you say when you book your flights or you decide to do something on your journey that you wouldn’t normally do. You’re travelling, who cares right?!

Now you have a word related to travel for that awesome feeling.

strikhedonia travel words

A wandering or roaming journey.

An unpredictable idea, desire or action.

Travelling without knowing the destination, and it doesn’t matter.

I got completely lost with friends in the Alpujarras in southern Spain , and it didn’t matter one bit. This is another Latin word for travel that we should definitely bring back into our vocabulary!

vagary travel words

Sehnsucht (n)

A wistful longing and yearning in the heart for travels that have been and travels to come.

When you’re not travelling this can be an overwhelming feeling, or when you think about the travel you’ve done and you wish you could relive it all over again.

This feeling is why you need to make the most of every moment! It’s why the more you travel, the harder it gets .

This is one of those other words for wanderlust that we could use instead, although not as easy to say I admit!

sehnsucht travel words

Eleutheromania (n)

The intense desire for freedom.

This is probably one of the closest words to explaining wanderlust in different languages. People often say that travelling makes them feel free, and eleutheromania is the desire for this feeling.

We seem to find freedom in other cultures, or just in being outside the norm, and when you stop travelling, you crave it again.

I think this is what led me to make the crazy decision to move abroad for the first time at 16 !

Definitely one of my favourite other words for wanderlust and a firm favourite on Pinterest when you look for travel words.

eleutheromania travel words

Livsnjutare (n)

Origin: swedish.

Someone who loves life deeply and lives it to the extreme.

Someone I try to be. One that takes chances, takes risks, and always chooses the adventure .

This other word for travel could be used in place for wanderluster, nomad or traveller.  We could all stand to appreciate what we have and make the most of life, and so this is an inspirational travel word! 

livsnjutare travel words

Sturmfrei (adj)

The freedom of being alone and having the ability to do what you want.

Travelling solo can be especially rewarding because it’s all up to you. You can make your travel journey exactly how you want it to be. No compromises, no one else to please. Just you and the road.

You might meet amazing people when you travel , but being on your own is real freedom.

This isn’t traditionally a word associated with travel either, but instead with being in a place alone or without supervision from your parents, so like when they leave you at home for the weekend as a teenager.

But isn’t that slightly giddy feeling of being able to do whatever we want similar to how we feel when we travel? No one’s watching, so you can be who you want and let go!

sturmfrei travel words

Solivagant (adj)

Wandering alone.

The kind of traveller many of us are. Solo travel has exploded so much that it is no longer out of the ordinary.

As most solo travellers know, you’re not alone for long as you make your friends on the road . But sometimes, it’s the wandering journey you take alone that is the most rewarding.

This is a word for someone that travels a lot or someone on a solo journey.

It’s definitely a popular description amongst travel bloggers too!

solivagant travel words

Saudade (n)

Origin: portuguese.

Nostalgia and the love that remains. A desire to be near to something or someone distant.

This is a travel word for after your journey ends and you just want to be back where you were, or with the people you met on the way. It’s the feeling that’s left after it all ends.

It’s what makes you want to return to your favourite place , even if you know it might not be the same. Part of the definition of this travel word is also about looking forward positively to the future!

saudade travel words

Origin: Japanese

An awareness of the universe that triggers emotional responses too deep and mysterious for words.

That feeling when it’s dark and you look at the stars and your wonder for all the things in the world wells up inside of you.

I felt like this when I saw the northern lights in Iceland during the wintertime . It was the most amazing experience and if I had any word to describe it then this would be it!

Other words for wanderlust or travel - yūgen

Acatalepsy (n)

The idea that it is impossible to truly comprehend anything.

Acatalepsy is a word that we can associate with travel. 

Can you truly understand your travels, the things you see, and how they affect you?

Sometimes it takes time to process how travel might have changed your life, and sometimes we never truly know why we take the journeys we do and what they’ll mean for us until afterward.

We can reflect on amazing travel moments , but never fully know their impact until much later! 

acatalepsy travel words

Origin: In doubt

The realisation every person is living their own vivid life.

I stumbled across this word and fell in love with the meaning, as it’s something I sometimes think about. How each person’s life is as full of different connections, memories, and possibilities as my own.

Although research tells me Sonder may not be a real word, the concept is beautiful and I think it can be a word closely associated with travel.

When we’re travelling we realise how everyone is living their own different and vivid life, sometimes close to our own and sometimes on a completely other level!

sonder travel words

Trouvaille (n)

Something lovely found by chance.

A street, cafe, an experience stumbled upon by luck.

I love when this happens in my travels. A moment drinking coffee under a lemon tree in the south of Spain , a garden or a lake or a swimming hole discovered with no one else around.

I love finding alternative words to describe a travel experience, and this is a great one! It’s so important to appreciate the little things, especially when we come across them in an unexpected way. 

trouvaille travel words

Origin: Danish

The cosy feeling you get while you’re enjoying the good things in life with friends.

When you’re out for a meal with people you met during your travels , and you feel content and right.

That feeling that you’re right where you’re meant to be.

This isn’t traditionally associated with travel and has become much more popular in recent years as a word describing a Danish way of living.

This word is now much more popular and well known than when I first wrote this post when I was an expat ! When I first came across it in 2015 I’d never heard of it before at all!

And I love that.

To me, it sounded like a word to describe the experiences I’d had while travelling, when I’d met an amazing group of people and we were enjoying a shared meal together at the end of an awesome day of exploring.

hygge travel words

Origin: The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows – John Koenig

Awareness of how little of the world you’ll experience.

When you’re staring at the departures board and wishing you could go to all of those places at once.

It’s possible that the more you travel the harder it gets , and this is one of the reasons why. You can live abroad to try and travel more, but there’s still only so much to be seen.

This travel word is a little different in that it isn’t from another language but instead from a book.

However, it is another word that describes travel in that you’ll never reach the end of your exploration.

Travelling just makes you realise how much of the world there is still to see, and fuels your wanderlust even more!

onism travel words

Novaturient (adj)

A desire to change and alter your life.

This word for travel lovers describes the feeling that pushes you to travel.

When you know you’re not living the life you could be and there must be more out there for you.

It’s time to go and find it . I’ve never regretted travelling or moving abroad , even alone . It’s this knowledge and this feeling that makes me keep doing it!

novaturient travel words

Yoko meshi (n)

The stress of speaking a foreign language.

Literally translates to, “a meal eaten sideways”, and how I felt about speaking Spanish when I moved to Spain!

When people would tell me to “just start speaking” and it’s really not that easy.

Can you really learn a language just by moving abroad ? Maybe not, but you can try. Just be prepared for this feeling that you now have a travel word to describe!

yoko meshi travel words

Selcouth (adj)

Origin: old english.

Strange and uncommon, the way you see things when you travel.

Everything seems different and foreign, and it’s a good thing. We travel to seek out the things we don’t have at home .

This is another word that we can make into a word for travel, even though it doesn’t traditionally mean that.

It is one I could kind of see myself using to describe the odd things I’ve come across while travelling!

selcouth travel words

Eudaimonia (n)

The contented happy state.

That bursting feeling in your chest when you travel when it all feels right. The constant change in travel often puts our senses in overdrive and the highs are higher than ever. 

Learning to dive on the Great Barrier Reef was one of the best experiences of my life, and I won’t soon forget this feeling.

This Greek word is actually related to a philosophy that has been translated as meaning happiness or well-being, but I think that it’s the way we often feel when we travel, so it’s a word for travel lovers too!

eudaimonia travel words

Coddiwomple (v)

Origin: english slang.

To travel purposefully towards a vague destination.

When you have an idea of where you’re going, but it doesn’t matter how long it takes to get there.

The road doesn’t have to be a straight one. In fact, sometimes it’s better when it’s not .

I love this travel word because I can imagine an old English gentleman discussing his latest “coddiwomple”!

coddiwomple travel words

Flâneur (n)

Someone who strolls aimlessly but enjoyably, observing life and the surroundings.

This is what I love to do when I get to a new city, or through the countryside .

When we travel we seem to have fewer worries in general, allowing us to place ourselves more IN the moment.

Plus walking a city and people watching is a great way to learn about a new culture! It’s also a lovely way to spend a romantic date !

unusual travel words - flaneur

Nefelibata (n)

“Cloud-Walker”. One who lives in the clouds of their own imagination, or who does not obey the conventions of society, literature or art. An unconventional person.

Probably the way people have described me on occasion!

For those who don’t travel, or don’t know how to begin, the idea can seem fantastical and unconventional.

But these days there are so many people breaking free of “cubicle” life and working as digital nomads with the world as their office, working different travel jobs ,  saving to move abroad , or taking a year off to travel. Phil and I now work for ourselves and travel as we like (with kids!).

It may be unconventional to some, but for the rest of us, it’s life.

unusual travel words - nefelibata

Brumous (adj.)

Origin: english.

Of gray skies and winter days, filled with heavy clouds or fog.

This may be a travel word you only use if you travel to the United Kingdom, especially in Scotland (it’s not the weather though, you just need the right clothes !)

It’s well known as the land of rainy days and fog, and I’ve experienced first hand.

However, I visited the Isle of Skye , one of the beautiful places in the UK, in the wind and rain and it was no less amazing. So really, I don’t mind if I have to describe some of my travels this way.

unusual travel words - brumous

Vorfreude (n)

The joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures.

When we book a new trip and in the time before we go, this is the way we often feel.

We can think about the people we’ll meet , and all the exciting things we’re going to experience.

I love watching movies about places I want to go and then imagining myself there too, which is basically this feeling!

unusual travel words - vorfruede

Commuovere (v)

Origin: italian.

Heartwarming, something that stirs and moves you.

I love finding new words that don’t translate into English. This one is a prime example of a word that is difficult to explain, but the best I can do is heartwarming, something that moves you to tears in a good way.

Maybe you’re wondering how this relates to travel… crying?!

Well, I’ve definitely shed a few tears over travel, from the good to the bad, and I’ve definitely been moved and awed by the things that I’ve seen.

unusual travel words - commuovere

Peregrinate (v)

Travel or wander around from place to place.

A pretty simple word that we could use to describe our travels and yet it seems to have fallen out of favour. “We peregrinated around the Scottish Highlands .” It works right?!

unusual travel words - peregrinate

Nemophilist (n)

Origin: english.

A haunter of woods, one who loves the forest and it’s beauty and solitude.

There’s something magical about walking through the woods, and even more so in a foreign country.

When I lived in Canada on a study abroad one of my favourite things to do was wander through the huge forests there. So much so my new friends and I once got lost for 8 hours…

unusual travel words - nemophilist

Querencia (n)

Origin: spanish.

The place where you are your most authentic self, from where strength is drawn, where you feel at home.

I’m so excited to have a Spanish word, after learning Spanish while giving in Spain.

This word comes is related to the verb querer , which is to want or desire.

It can be associated with bullfighting, as it is also the name for the area of the bullring where the bull takes its stand, but I like to think of it more as a travel word, of course.

unusual travel words - querencia

Komorebi (n)

The sunlight that filters through the leaves of trees.

If you’re on those forest walks when you’re travelling like above, then this is hopefully what you’ll see!

Another unusual word that doesn’t translate directly into an English word, but one that describes a beautiful sight.

unusual travel words - komorebi

Hireath (n)

Origin: welsh.

A homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was. The nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your past.

Homesickness isn’t quite the right translation for this beautiful Welsh word, it’s more than that. It’s one of my favourites though as I often reminisce about my previous travels and times in my life.

It’s strange to think back to times like our babymoon in France , and how we had no idea what was ahead of us. As much as I love our life now I sometimes wish to live those times again!

unusual travel words - hireath

Smultronställe (n)

Literally “place of wild strawberries” a special place discovered, treasured, returned to for solace and relaxation; a personal idyll free from stress or sadness.

When I went to Luleå in the north of Sweden in summer we discovered wild strawberries growing on an island in the middle of the archipelago.

That’s what I think of when I see this word because what better place to be? These are often the kind of places we discover when we travel.

unusual travel words - Smultroställe

Mångata (n)

The reflection of the moon on the water.

Something I only seem to see or see the most when I’m travelling.

It reminds me of being by the sea, of the Full Moon Party in Thailand and of the early darkness when I lived in the Gold Coast, Australia, where this photo was taken!

unusual travel words - mangata

Photophile (n)

Origin: possibly english or greek.

A person who loves photography and light.

This one is a little in dispute. It could originate from the word for organisms that love light, “photophilic”, but have been adjusted to fit with photographers too.

Or, it could come from the same origins as “hodophile” in that “phos” means light and “philos” means friends. I can’t find concrete evidence either way, but that’s the beauty of finding new words!

Photophiles carry their camera wherever they go, and many travellers now do the same.

I used to have an old point and shoot camera, and then I stuck to mostly iPhone before finally getting a “proper” camera. I’ve been testing it out in Spain at places like the Alhambra , and in Portugal around the streets of Lisbon .

But there was nothing quite like the midnight sun in Luleå last summer.

unusual travel words - photophile

Dépaysement (adj.)

Feeling that comes from not being in one’s own country. Being out of your element, a fish out of water.

Living abroad has often made me feel like this , especially in the early days.

Sometimes we can idealise moving abroad and not realise how it will affect us , but eventually, a place will feel like home, even if it’s a different concept of home than before.

unusual travel words - depaysment

Hodophile (adj.)

“Lover of roads”. One who loves to travel.

Does this travel word really need an explanation?

There’s something magical about setting out on a trip with the open road before you. My absolute favourite was driving across the Nullabor in Australia! It’s one of the longest straight roads in the world.

unusual travel words - hodophile

Cockaigne (n)

Origin: an english word with french origin.

Imaginary land of luxury and idleness; the land of plenty.

This word originates from a medieval myth, a land of plenty where society’s restrictions are defined and the harshness of life in medieval times does not exist.

Although we’re not in this time anymore, we could use this word to describe our ideal land of plenty now. One where people are not persecuted for their religion or race, one where equality reigns supreme, maybe one we will all be able to travel to one day?

unusual travel words - cockaigne

Wayfarer (n)

Someone who travels, especially on foot.

Maybe not as unusual a word as some on this list, and one that you may already know. I considered making this my blog name when I started blogging !

It’s a word that makes me think of older times when people travelled in a more whimsical way that had nothing to do with social media. You went wherever the wind took you!

unusual travel words - wayfarer

Absquatulate (v)

Origin: north american english.

To leave without saying goodbye.

Invented in the US in the 1830s as a word that sounded vaguely Latin, to make it seem older.

It means to make off with someone or something without announcing you’re going! The way many of us might feel we want to leave for our travels. No fuss, please!

unusual travel words - absquatulate-2

Have you heard of these travel words and would you use them? Do you think they explain things better than we usually can?

If you liked them, pin them!

Sonja - Migrating Miss

Sonja is from New Zealand but now lives in Scotland with her husband and two little boys, after having lived in 5 other countries along the way including the USA, Australia, Canada, and Spain. Travelling has always been her passion and she has now made it her full-time job and worked in the industry for the last 8 years. She shares her living abroad experiences and best tips to make your travel experiences the best they can be!

55 thoughts on “ 42 Inspiring & Unusual Travel Words (Besides Wanderlust) ”

Amazing list! Looking to impress a number of my fellow travelers with this list now!

I swear some of them can be worked in to normal conversation! Others may be a little different but it’s so nice to have words that describe those travel feelings.

Sonja, that’s a great one!! Sharing it all over now:) love all the words and the idea of such a post:)

Thanks so much Monika! I have been sitting on all of these for a long time. They are saved all over my phone and written in personal journals, so I thought it was time to share!

I’d add: ecdemomania <3

That’s a good one I didn’t have! I’ll have to add it to the next list 🙂

I absolutely love these! I so often find myself having a hard time describing my deep seeded need to get away, always be moving, or travel solo. The long pause and struggle I have to express the answer to “why” when asked about my journeys can feel very awkwardly isolating, and not in the good way of standing alone on a mountain top or wandering an empty desert. I like to feel all alone in the world sometimes but other times, I want to be a part of something, a community, and understood. Seeing words like you have dug up to share in this post do just that. The fact that there are words in so many languages to describe exactly how I feel, means that I am not really alone, even when I have been on a road with no signs of humans for days!

Thanks Bethany! You are definitely not alone! I too loved discovering that there are words that actually describe how I feel when I can’t even really describe it myself. It means that there are other’s that have felt like this, and so much so that whole words have been created for it. I hope you find a way to explain how you feel and why you want travel and movement in your life. All the best x

Wow, I love these, thank-you!

Thanks! I’ve been collecting them for awhile, I love finding out about different words that we can use to explain our feelings, not that I would end up actually saying most of these!

Your list of words is awesome! But Germans actually don’t use “sturmfrei” in the context of traveling. It’s being said when your parents have left home for one or more nights so you can invite friends and party. 😉 it’s not a description about how we feel, it’s more a description of the situation itself. I definitely like your interpretation – hopefully it’ll become a part of travelers diaries.

Thanks Josi! It’s good to know the real meaning behind the word. I like the idea of trying to adapt it as a travel word too, so fingers crossed others see it like you too! 🙂

Thank you Sonja, This was a fun list. I doubt I will be able to work them into my vocabulary. I don’t think I can even pronounce most of them. Perhaps it would be fun to have a follow up post that included the pronunciation of each. You clearly have comfort with many languages. I envy that. Happy Trails to You, Michelle

Haha no they are not exactly everyday words! I think a few may be easier than others, but anyone actually understanding them is the problem! I love the idea that sometimes other languages can explain things better than English though, and I do find it fascinating in learning Spanish that things are not always a direct translation. The use of words can be so different! Happy travels to you too!

I loved reading these words! Thanks for finding them and creating the pin for them! What an excellent way to express our traveling emotions!

Thanks so much! You’re most welcome :). I have to admit I don’t use them a whole lot in my blog writing, but I just love them!

I love your words. Thank you.

Thanks for your comment!

This is a great list, I enjoyed it! Thanks. However, I just want to correct a minor detail. While I was reading along, I got surprised by the word “onism” as I am Danish and has never in my life heard of this word before, whereas “hygge”, the other Danish word on your list, is very commonly used. I looked up “onism” on the internet and found that it comes from The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows which is a compendium of invented words written by John Koenig. I suppose it is made as a combination between the words “monism” (Greek?) and “onanism” (English?), so there is nothing Danish about its origin (at least not that I could find) x

Thanks Ida! I tried to research everything as much as I could (hours in fact haha) and I’m not sure how I ended up with that one! I’ll take another look but I suspect I’ll find the same as you and change it! Thanks again 🙂 x

I loved reading this post and found myself relating to almost every one! ? Thought the accompanying photos were perfect too. It’s given me inspiration for a new travel/art journal …

Thanks so much! It makes me really happy to hear I’ve given someone else inspiration 🙂 🙂

Wow !! Love them.. I was actually looking for a new word which would describe my travel agency. I think I should be able to come up with something using the list of words, u’ve mentioned in this post.

That’s great I’m glad they’re able to help you! Best of luck.

Thnx a lot for giving this sort of knowledge about the words who r completely new to me. Keep posting these words along with their meaning it helps a lot.

Thanks dea… It perfectely helped me to explain my inner feelings , but some words have difficulty in pronouncing . I wrote down every word in ma notebook for future description pf my Travel Thanks alot yaar <3

Hi, I would like to know if there is a word for this feeling describes below,

‘I feel at home when I’m travelling, but when I’m actually at home, I feel weird.

I don’t think wanderlust is the word, can you please help me?

I’m sorry I’m not sure! I only know these words and the other post I did about unusual travel words. It’s possible something exists though and I’ll keep an eye out since I love finding unusual words 🙂

Was looking for travel words from Greek origin, and have found it, thanks so much. Love your page as well, maybe we see each other on the road sometime 🙂

Thanks so much! I’m glad they’re useful 🙂

So who copied who? 🙂

Great list!

OMG!!!! Thanks for bringing this to my attention!!! I can’t believe how similar some of the wording of this is!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁 I first published this in early 2016.

Thank you for compiling such a great list! I may be incorrect, but shouldn’t ‘Vagary’ be listed as a noun rather than a verb?

It appears it’s listed as a noun now to mean something unpredictable but it came from the verb to wander!

So great to see Eleutheromania included in the list, passionate about freedom!

One of my favourites!

This is a very impressive, creative and original list. Will revisit many times. Thanks for sharing 🙂

42? How did anyone even get to this comment section? I had to scroll for 2 days just to get to leave this comment. This is really outrageous. 7 would have been plenty. We are internet users here, not book readers.

Two days well spent I’m sure 😉

When one is confined within the four corners of the home, because of the pandemic, this list is very encouraging! Thank you Sonja, many of the words here describes various emotions I have already experienced. Two more weeks of lockdown, I have time to do a project, finding my travel photos that match the words :).

Love this post! I’m feeling so much fernweh at the moment <3

Same here!!

Thank you so much for these! At this time of great challenges in the world, it is comforting to know that I can read the wonderful words you have compiled to capture all the positive feelings travel evokes. Slainte!

I couldn’t find all of these travel words anywhere else. You know, I am gonna bookmark it right away. Thanks for sharing these travel phrases. I love it. Looking forward to reading more of these informative articles 🙂

Amazing read. Needed these for getting a travel domain name. Bookmarked this post already. It’s very useful. Looking forward to reading more of these awesome travel blogs.

Ha ha what a random post! Learned so many new words from this, excited to casually *drop* them into my conversations

Haha so many! I mean, half I think I’ve never said but it’s fun to learn their meaning and find words that can describe the things we feel and think when we travel x

Wonderful article, it must have taken a lot of work to put together so many words 🙂

Thanks! I collected them over a few years and then reworded in my own words :).

Nice article. Thanks for sharing these travel phrases. Looking forward to reading more of these informative articles .

Stunning article, loved to read. will read more for sure…

Was very helpful article

I love this list of inspiring words for travel! I’m always looking for new ways to explore new places and this list has given me some great ideas.

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A Broken Backpack

Travel Glossary: 100+ Terms, Acronyms & Definitions You Need To Know

This travel glossary contains more than 100 of the most common terms and acronyms you are likely to hear in the travel industry.

The travel niche has its own terms, abbreviations, and definitions.

As it can get complicated to understand them all, we created this complete travel glossary. 

You can either click on:

  • A letter 
  • Ctrl + f to use the search function

Note that we are still working on this glossary and we’ll update it frequently.

Airplane window

Abbreviation for American Airlines.

A Broken Backpack

A travel blog about long-term travel, adventure travel, budget travel, and more. You’re currently reading At first, our blog was targeting backpackers and long-term travelers. Over the years, we have expanded our content with more travel tips for everyone.

Abbreviation for Air Canada.

Usually, an option that can come with an extra cost. Examples: optional luggage, optional meal.

Abbreviation for Air France.

Abbreviation for Air India.

Airalo is an online eSIM store that allows you to purchase eSIMs (digital SIM cards) in 190+ countries and regions around the world at affordable prices. Learn more about eSIM cards for travel .

An organization that provides air transportation.

A set of buildings, facilities and runways that are made for take-off, landing, and plane maintenance.

Airport codes

A combination of 3 letters is used to identify a specific airport. Examples: YUL identifies the airport in Montreal city.

Airport tax

Costs that an airline has to pay for departure and arrival in airports. These can vary from one airport to another and are usually included in a flight ticket price.

Practice in which you can order individual items from a menu instead of a set meal.


A vacation that includes all the essentials (usually accommodation, food, and drinks). We commonly refer to an all-inclusive holiday or an all-inclusive resort.

An association or union between countries or airlines. Examples: Star alliance is an airline association regrouping several major airlines that collaborate to offer more flight connections and smooth stopovers.

Abbreviation for Aeromexico Cargo.

Abbreviation for Alaska Airlines.

Abbreviation for Royal Air Maroc.


The number of hotel rooms, or seats remaining.

Abbreviation for Finnair.

Abbreviation for Alitalia.

A bag that you use to carry things on your back. Usually large enough to carry all your things when you travel. Synonyms include “packsack” or “rucksack”.

A traveler or hiker who carries their belongings in a backpack.


A travel style that includes travels or hikes with a large backpack. Commonly, backpacking is a way to travel on a budget. The traveler may hike and camp outside for multiple days, or stay in hostels during their travels.

The basic cost of an airline ticket. Usually, this fare doesn’t include extra fees, taxes, or surcharges.

A bed and breakfast (often shortened to B&B) is a small hotel that offers overnight accommodation and breakfast.

Black Friday

A Friday at the end of November when you’ll find crazy travel deals on airfares, hotels, Amazon, etc. You can stay up to date with Black Friday deals here .

Step in which passengers are getting into the airplane. Usually, the airport staff calls passengers divided into different zones to board the plane.

Boarding pass

A paper ticket or a mobile ticket issues after check-in that allows you to board the plane.

An accommodation travel booking website with worldwide coverage comparing hotels, hostels, apartments and car rentals. You can book your hotels easily on .

Booking number

Also known as a reservation number – a unique code including letters and numbers that confirm your reservation.

Bucket list

A travel expression used to define a set of destinations to visit or things to do in a country.

A bus travel booking website with worldwide coverage comparing bus route fares. You can purchase bus tickets on Busbud .


A section that is usually between the first class and the economy class. The business class provides more amenities and services than the economy class. You can find a business class on planes or trains.

A cabin in a plane is the space inside the plane where passengers sit. A cabin in a ship is a room where a passenger sleeps.

Van that was designed for sleeping and road-tripping. Some campers prefer to sleep inside a van than in a tent. Also known as a camper van.

An activity that involves sleeping in a tent.

A captain in a plane is the pilot.

Carry-on baggage

A piece of luggage that you can bring along on the plane cabin. Usually, you’ll put this luggage in the overhead compartment or under the seat in front of you.

Checked luggage

A bigger piece of luggage that you don’t have access to during the flight. Usually, you’ll drop off your luggage at the airline counter before you go through security and customs.

A confirmation of your presence on a flight, train, or bus. Usually, you can check-in online or directly at the airport, bus station, or train station. Once the check-in is completed, you’ll get a boarding pass which can be issued electronically or on paper.

It can also be used in hotels. In this situation, the client goes to the hotel reception, presents identification documents, and receives a key to their hotel room.

A client leaves a hotel by bringing back the key on time at the hotel reception and paying for any remaining fees.

It’s a synonym of a bus.

A hotel staff member who helps guests organize transportation, reservations, or any special requests.

Connecting flight

A flight that includes a stopover and as a result, the passenger must change aircraft.

Culture is a shared system of symbols and meanings that allow people to communicate and interact with one another. It includes the customs, traditions, and values that are passed down from generation to generation.

Custom Tour

A custom tour is a personalized experience that is tailored to your specific needs. A custom tour can be created for any location, and can be customized to include any number of activities or attractions.

Cyber Monday

A Monday at the end of November or early December when you’ll find crazy travel deals on airfares, hotels, Amazon, etc. You can stay up to date with Cyber Monday deals here .

Direct flight

A flight that goes from an origin to a destination without stops, or connections.

A deck is a floor on a ship. Some cruise ships can have multiple decks.


The final stop on a travel itinerary. 

Type of rooms where you’ll find several beds or bunk beds. Usually popular in hostels because of their cheap rates.

Double room

A hotel room that had two double beds and that can accommodate between 2 and 4 people.

Exemption from import taxes. For example, in an airport, there’s a duty-free shop area where you won’t need to pay import taxes on products.

Early check-in

Early check-in is when you check in to your hotel before the check-in time.

Economy class

A section of the plane, bus, or train, with basic services and lower fares.

Electronic boarding pass

A virtual boarding pass that is usually on a mobile phone.

Another word for expatriate. A person who lives in a different country temporarily or permanently.

First class

The class with the most services – usually comes with more space, better meals, and premium services.

A fjord is a long and narrow inlet of the sea, usually flanked by steep cliffs.

Frequent flyer program

An airline loyalty program that allows you to collect points and transform them into vouchers or rewards.


Adventure travel company that organizes small-group tours, expeditions and safaris around the world.

Area and door where passengers board their flight from or deplane at their arrival.

An establishment that provides accommodations to travelers.

Holafly is a website that allows you to purchase eSIM for your travels. You can read our complete Holafly review to learn more about it.

A budget accommodation offering shared dorms and private rooms. Very popular amongst budget travelers, backpackers and young travelers.

A popular airport where many airlines organize connecting flights to smaller destinations.


An area where a traveler must present travel documents like their passport or visa in order to enter the country.

A plan, or route designed for a trip, usually in chronological order.

A feeling of tiredness felt by a person after flying across different time zones.

King-size bed

The biggest bed size there is.

A period of time between transportation connections, or stopover.

One part of a journey. For example, one flight out of a 3-flight route.

A small house or a part inside a large house where travelers sleep. Usually, it’s a synonym for guest houses or hotels.

The hotel is located next to the main roads and that is made for road trippers.

A vehicle that is designed for mobile living accommodation. For example, RVs, campervans, campers.

A traveler or passenger that doesn’t show up for a flight, hotel, or reservation without canceling the booking.

Point of departure.


A popular practice in which airlines sell more seats that they have available to compensate for no-shows. Unfortunately, this practice can create problems if all the passengers show up.

A document issued by a government that includes information about the identity, nationality, and visa of a traveler.

A word used as a synonym for passenger, mostly used in the travel and the tourism industry.

When staying in a hotel, a traveler can request a quiet room. Usually, this room is isolated or is in a quieter area.


Action taken to book a flight, activity, or hotel room.

An area designed for massage, hot springs, steam baths, or saunas.

A building or area inside an airport. For example, an airport can be divided into multiple terminals so that passengers can know where their departure or arrival gate is located.

Moving to a better class of service, or accommodation.

A stamp or a sticker in a passport allowing you to enter a country for a specific amount of time.

Documents you can use to exchange for goods, accommodation, or services. Usually, the payments for these good, and services has already been made.

Synonym of travel in the French language.

A list of potential travelers that are not confirmed yet.

A software designed for digital nomads and online entrepreneurs who have a business in Estonia.

An expression used amongst young people that means You Only Live Once.

An establishment that displays, studies, and rescues wild animals.







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50 Cool Travel Terms and Phrases: Wanderlust To Jet-Setting

50 Cool Travel Terms and Phrases: Backpacking To Jet-Setting

Last Updated on May 31, 2024 by The Digital Travel Expert

Traveling is not just about hopping on a plane or packing your bags—it’s a cultural experience enriched by the language of wanderlust. Whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or a novice explorer, understanding the slang of the travel world adds flavor to your journey and connects you with fellow adventurers.

Here are 50 essential travel slang that will have you navigating the globe like a pro:

50 Travel Terms and Expressions To Spice Your Content

1. Wanderlust: The quintessential term for the insatiable desire to travel, explore, and experience the world.

2. Jet-setter: Someone who travels frequently, often by plane, to explore new destinations.

3. Globe-trotter: Similar to a jet-setter, a globe-trotter is someone who travels extensively, hopping from one country to another.

4. Staycation: Opting to stay home and explore local attractions rather than traveling afar.

5. City slicker: A person who thrives in urban environments, navigating city streets with ease and enthusiasm.

6. Urban explorer: Someone who seeks out the hidden gems and unique experiences within cities.

7. Digital nomad: A person who works remotely while traveling, often relying on technology to maintain their lifestyle.

8. Off the beaten path: Exploring destinations that are less touristy and more authentic.

9. Wanderlust-worthy: Used to describe destinations or experiences that evoke a strong desire to travel.

10. Insta-worthy: Referring to locations or experiences that are visually stunning and perfect for sharing on social media, particularly Instagram.

11. Backpacker: A budget-conscious traveler who often stays in hostels and prioritizes experiences over luxury accommodations.

12. Flashpacker: A backpacker who travels with more resources and comfort, often utilizing technology and modern conveniences.

13. Localvore: A traveler who seeks out authentic local experiences, including cuisine, traditions, and culture.

14. Culture vulture: Someone who immerses themselves in the cultural experiences of a destination, from museums to festivals.

15. Foodie: A traveler who prioritizes sampling local cuisine and exploring culinary traditions.

16. Souvenir hunter: Someone who collects mementos and keepsakes from their travels.

17. Adventure junkie: A thrill-seeker who craves adrenaline-pumping experiences like skydiving, bungee jumping, or extreme sports.

18. Wanderlust playlist: A curated collection of songs that evoke the spirit of travel and exploration.

19. Roaming: Exploring a destination aimlessly, without a set itinerary.

20. Nomad life: Embracing a lifestyle of constant travel and exploration, often without a permanent home base.

21. FOMO: Fear of missing out, a common feeling among travelers who want to experience everything a destination has to offer.

22. YOLO: You only live once, a mantra embraced by adventurous travelers who seize every opportunity for new experiences.

23. Culture shock: The feeling of disorientation and discomfort when encountering unfamiliar customs, traditions, or environments.

24. Wanderlust therapy: The healing and rejuvenating effects of travel on the mind, body, and soul.

25. Travel bug: An irresistible urge to travel, often sparked by a previous trip or new destination discovery.

26. Seize the vacay: Embracing every moment of a vacation and making the most of the time away from routine.

27. Passport stamp collector: Someone who takes pride in filling their passport with stamps from various countries and destinations.

28. Hostel hopper: A traveler who moves from one hostel to another, embracing the social atmosphere and budget-friendly accommodations.

29. Wanderlust couple: A romantic duo who shares a passion for travel and explores the world together.

30. Local legend: A person who is well-known and respected within a destination for their knowledge, expertise, or contributions to the community.

31. Wanderlust journal: A personal diary or notebook where travelers document their experiences, thoughts, and reflections.

32. Travel hacker: A savvy traveler who utilizes tricks, tips, and hacks to find the best deals and maximize their travel experience.

33. Road tripper: Someone who embarks on adventures by car, exploring new destinations and scenic routes along the way.

34. Wanderlust playlist: A curated collection of songs that evoke the spirit of travel and exploration.

35. Tourist trap: Overly commercialized attractions or destinations that cater primarily to tourists, often lacking authenticity.

36. Wanderlust fever: An intense longing to embark on a new adventure, fueled by wanderlust and the thrill of discovery.

37. Travel squad: A group of friends or fellow travelers who explore destinations together, sharing experiences and creating lasting memories.

38. Wanderlust withdrawal: The feeling of sadness or longing that occurs when returning home after a trip, often accompanied by a desire to start planning the next adventure.

39. Adventure soul: A person who feels most alive when embarking on new adventures and exploring unfamiliar territory.

40. Wanderlust therapy: The healing and rejuvenating effects of travel on the mind, body, and soul.

41. Bucket list: A list of experiences or destinations that someone wants to accomplish or visit during their lifetime.

42. Wanderlust vibes: The positive energy and excitement that accompany the anticipation of a new adventure or trip.

43. Wanderlust mantra: A phrase or motto that inspires and motivates travelers to embrace the spirit of adventure and exploration.

44. Wanderlust itinerary: A detailed plan or schedule outlining the activities, attractions, and accommodations for a trip.

45. Wanderlust wanderer: A free-spirited traveler who follows their instincts and curiosity to discover new places and experiences.

46. Wanderlust journey: The transformative experience of travel, including personal growth, self-discovery, and cultural immersion.

47. Passport to adventure: A symbolic representation of the freedom and opportunity that travel provides, embodied in a passport.

48. Wanderlust wisdom: The knowledge and insights gained from travel experiences, including cultural understanding, historical context, and practical tips.

49. Wanderlust explorer: A curious adventurer who seeks out unique and off-the-beaten-path destinations to satisfy their wanderlust.

50. Wanderlust escape: A temporary retreat from the demands and stresses of everyday life, achieved through travel and exploration.

Understanding these travel terms not only enhances your communication with fellow travelers but also adds depth and richness to your travel experiences.

How to use this glossary of travel terms?

Understanding the travel industry definitions glossary is essential for producing engaging travel storytelling across various platforms and formats. These terms add color, context, and authenticity to your content, making it more relatable and captivating for your audience.

Let’s explore how incorporating travel terms can enhance storytelling across different platforms and topics:

POV on Instagram Stories or Reels

When crafting Instagram Stories or Reels, incorporating travel terms immerses your audience in your journey. Use terms like “wanderlust,” “adventure seeker,” or “explorer” to convey your passion for travel. Describe your experiences using terms like “breathtaking views,” “hidden gems,” or “local delicacies” to evoke excitement and curiosity in your audience.

Travel bio for Instagram and TikTok

Your Instagram and TikTok bio serve as a snapshot of your travel persona. Incorporate travel terms that reflect your style and interests, such as “globetrotter,” “culture enthusiast,” or “nature lover.” Highlight your favorite destinations, travel goals, or upcoming adventures using terms like “bucket list destinations” or “off-the-beaten-path experiences.”

Travel Slogans for Travel Blogs

Catchy travel slogans can instantly capture the essence of your blog. Use travel terms creatively to craft slogans that resonate with your audience, such as “Embark on a Journey of Discovery” or “Explore, Dream, Discover.” Incorporate terms like “traveler’s paradise,” “epic adventures,” or “unforgettable experiences” to evoke a sense of wanderlust and excitement.

POV on TikTok Travel Videos

TikTok’s short-form format requires concise yet impactful storytelling. Use travel terms to set the scene and captivate viewers within seconds. Highlight unique experiences with terms like “once-in-a-lifetime moments,” “local culture immersion,” or “awe-inspiring landscapes.” Engage viewers by inviting them to join your virtual journey with terms like “come explore with me” or “let’s wander together.”

Power of travel terms in POV on Instagram and TikTok

Incorporating travel terms in your point-of-view (POV) content adds depth and authenticity to your storytelling. Use terms like “my travel diary,” “through my lens,” or “journey with me” to invite followers into your world. Create a sense of intimacy and connection by sharing personal anecdotes and reflections using terms like “unforgettable memories” or “life-changing experiences.”

Travel Business Niches

Tailor your content to specific travel niches by using relevant travel terms. Whether it’s luxury travel, budget backpacking, solo adventures, or family-friendly vacations, use terms that resonate with your target audience. For example, “luxury escapes,” “budget wanderer tips,” “solo sojourner stories,” or “family travel adventures.”

Travel Agency Name Ideas

When naming a travel agency, incorporate travel terms that reflect the services or experiences you offer. Consider names like “Wanderlust Expeditions,” “Globetrotter Getaways,” or “Adventures Abound Travel.” Use terms like “journey planner,” “destination expert,” or “travel concierge” to highlight your expertise and personalized service.

New Travel Blog Names

Create an engaging and memorable name for your travel blog by using evocative travel terms. Consider names like “Roaming Nomad Chronicles,” “Voyage Ventures,” or “Wanderlust Wanderer.” Incorporate terms like “exploration escapades,” “passport pages,” or “adventure diaries” to convey the spirit of your blog.

Instagram Travel captions

Elevate your Instagram captions with vivid travel terms that complement your photos. Describe your experiences using descriptive language and evocative terms like “lost in wanderlust,” “chasing sunsets,” or “capturing moments.” Incorporate quotes, puns, or wordplay with travel terms to add personality and flair to your captions.

Travel Blog Post Ideas

Infuse your travel blog with fresh and engaging content ideas using a variety of travel terms. Explore topics like “hidden gems of [destination],” “ultimate packing guide for [type of travel],” “local cuisine adventures,” or “sustainable travel tips.” Incorporate terms like “travel hacks,” “destination guides,” or “travel tales” to inspire and inform your readers.

By integrating travel terms creatively and strategically across different platforms and topics, you can elevate your storytelling and create compelling narratives that resonate with your audience’s sense of adventure and curiosity.

How can a travel content creator use words associated with travel in engaging storytelling?

Below are examples of industry lingo in three categories: Hospitality, Airlines, and Guided Tours.

Hotel and Accommodation

1. Luxurious : Describing upscale hotels and accommodations to evoke a sense of indulgence and comfort in the storytelling. For example, “The luxurious suite overlooked the sparkling city skyline, offering a sanctuary of opulence after a day of exploration.”

2. Cozy : Portraying intimate and inviting accommodations, perfect for relaxation and unwinding. For instance, “The cozy bed and breakfast nestled in the countryside exuded warmth and charm, creating a home away from home.”

3. Boutique : Highlighting unique and stylish boutique hotels with distinctive character and personalized service. An example could be, “The boutique hotel infused with local art and culture provided a one-of-a-kind experience, blending modern luxury with authentic charm.”

4. Seaside : Conjuring images of accommodations situated by the sea, offering breathtaking ocean views and seaside serenity. “The seaside villa boasted panoramic views of the azure waters, inviting guests to unwind to the soothing sound of waves crashing against the shore.”

5. Charming : Depicting quaint and charming accommodations with historical significance or architectural beauty. “The charming inn, with its ivy-covered façade and antique furnishings, exuded timeless elegance and rustic charm.”

6. Eco-friendly : Emphasizing accommodations committed to sustainability and eco-conscious practices. “The eco-friendly resort, nestled amidst lush rainforest, allowed guests to immerse themselves in nature while minimizing their environmental footprint.”

7. All-Inclusive : Describing resorts and accommodations offering comprehensive amenities and services for a hassle-free vacation experience. “The all-inclusive resort pampered guests with gourmet dining, exciting activities, and luxurious accommodations, ensuring every need was met.”

8. Historic : Showcasing accommodations steeped in history and heritage, providing guests with a glimpse into the past. “The historic castle-turned-hotel preserved its medieval charm, offering guests a unique opportunity to step back in time.”

9. Remote : Evoking the sense of seclusion and tranquility in accommodations located in remote or secluded destinations. “The remote wilderness lodge, accessible only by seaplane, provided a secluded retreat amidst untouched natural beauty.”

10. Urban : Describing accommodations situated in vibrant city centers, offering convenient access to cultural attractions and bustling nightlife. “The urban boutique hotel, nestled in the heart of the city, provided a stylish retreat amidst the vibrant energy of downtown.”


1 . Sleek : Describing modern aircraft with streamlined designs and cutting-edge technology. “The sleek airliner promised a smooth and comfortable journey, with state-of-the-art amenities and spacious seating.”

2. In-flight Entertainment : Highlighting the variety of entertainment options available onboard, such as movies, music, and games. “The extensive in-flight entertainment system kept passengers entertained throughout the long-haul flight, with a diverse selection of movies and TV shows.”

3. Window Seat : Evoking the excitement of securing a seat by the window, offering panoramic views of the sky and landscapes below. “Securing a coveted window seat, I marveled at the breathtaking aerial views of snow-capped mountains and endless stretches of coastline.”

4. Turbulence : Adding suspense and drama to the storytelling by describing turbulent weather conditions during the flight. “As the aircraft encountered unexpected turbulence, passengers gripped their armrests tightly, while the captain reassured us of a smooth landing ahead.”

5. Flight Attendant : Introducing the friendly and attentive cabin crew who ensure the comfort and safety of passengers. “The smiling flight attendant offered a warm welcome aboard, attending to passengers’ needs with professionalism and grace.”

6. Red-eye : Describing overnight flights that depart late in the evening and arrive early in the morning, often associated with sleep deprivation. “Despite the red-eye flight, I struggled to catch a few hours of sleep, eagerly anticipating the adventures that awaited at my destination.”

7. Boarding Pass : Symbolizing the beginning of the journey, the boarding pass is a tangible reminder of the upcoming adventure. “Clutching my boarding pass, I eagerly awaited my turn to board the plane, filled with anticipation for the adventures that awaited.”

8. Cabin Crew : Depicting the dedicated cabin crew members who ensure the comfort and safety of passengers throughout the flight. “The attentive cabin crew members provided exemplary service, catering to passengers’ needs with professionalism and hospitality.”

9. In-flight Meal : Describing the culinary offerings served onboard, ranging from gourmet cuisine to simple snacks. “The delectable in-flight meal exceeded my expectations, with fresh ingredients and flavorful dishes that delighted the taste buds.”

10. Jet Lag : Exploring the effects of jet lag on travelers, including fatigue, disorientation, and sleep disturbances. “Despite the excitement of reaching my destination, jet lag left me feeling groggy and disoriented, struggling to adjust to the new time zone.”

What are words related to travel Itinerary / Guided Tour s?

1. Expert-led : Emphasizing guided tours led by knowledgeable and experienced guides, providing valuable insights and commentary. “The expert-led tour offered fascinating insights into the city’s history and culture, enriching the experience with captivating stories and anecdotes.”

2. Customized : Highlighting tailored itineraries and personalized experiences designed to meet the unique preferences and interests of travelers. “The customized tour allowed us to design our own itinerary, selecting our preferred destinations and activities to create a truly unforgettable journey.”

3. Off-the-Beaten-Path : Describing guided tours that explore lesser-known destinations and hidden gems off the tourist trail. “The off-the-beaten-path tour led us to remote villages and untouched landscapes, offering a glimpse into the authentic culture and traditions of the region.”

4. Interactive : Portraying guided tours that encourage active participation and engagement from participants, fostering a deeper connection with the destination. “The interactive tour encouraged us to immerse ourselves in local customs and traditions, allowing us to interact with artisans and craftsmen along the way.”

5. VIP Experience : Offering exclusive guided tours with VIP access to attractions, private transportation, and personalized service. “The VIP experience provided privileged access to iconic landmarks and VIP treatment throughout the tour, ensuring a luxurious and unforgettable journey.”

6. Self-Guided : Describing self-guided tours that allow travelers to explore destinations at their own pace, following pre-planned itineraries or using digital guides. “The self-guided tour provided the flexibility to explore the city at our own pace, allowing us to linger at favorite spots and skip crowded attractions.”

7. Cultural Immersion : Emphasizing guided tours that focus on cultural immersion and authentic experiences, allowing travelers to connect with local communities and traditions. “The cultural immersion tour introduced us to local artisans, musicians, and chefs, providing a firsthand glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the region.”

8. Adventure : Showcasing guided tours that offer thrilling outdoor adventures and adrenaline-pumping activities. “The adventure tour took us on exhilarating hikes through rugged terrain, offering breathtaking views and unforgettable experiences along the way.”

9. Educational : Highlighting guided tours that provide educational insights into history, art, and science, enriching the travel experience with learning opportunities. “The educational tour offered fascinating insights into the city’s architectural landmarks, art galleries, and museums, providing a deeper understanding of its cultural heritage”.

10. Family-Friendly : Catering to families with guided tours that are designed to entertain and engage travelers of all ages. “The family-friendly tour featured interactive activities and kid-friendly attractions, ensuring a fun and memorable experience for the whole family.”

By incorporating these words associated with travel into storytelling, you can paint vivid and engaging narratives that transport readers to new destinations, evoke emotions, and inspire wanderlust.

Travel Phrases and Expressions Millenials’ Instagram and TikTok Accounts

These travel phrases and expressions capture the essence of travel trends for millennials on Instagram and TikTok, showcasing their adventurous spirit, desire for authenticity, and passion for exploration. Whether used in bios or captions, these phrases evoke a sense of wanderlust and inspire others to embark on their own travel adventures.

Here are 10 travel phrases and expressions related to travel trends for millennials on Instagram and TikTok bios and captions:

Wanderlust Warrior : This phrase embodies the adventurous spirit of millennials who are always seeking new experiences and destinations. It portrays a sense of fearlessness and determination in exploring the world.

Insta Explorer : Millennials often use Instagram as a platform to showcase their travel adventures. “Insta Explorer” signifies someone who loves to discover Instagram-worthy spots and share them with their followers, emphasizing the visual aspect of travel.

Nomad Life : Reflecting the trend of millennials embracing a nomadic lifestyle, this phrase conveys a sense of freedom and flexibility in traveling and working remotely from various destinations.

Adventure Seeker : Millennials are drawn to thrilling and unconventional travel experiences. “Adventure Seeker” highlights their desire to push boundaries, try new activities, and embark on exciting adventures around the globe.

Digital Nomad : With the rise of remote work opportunities, many millennials choose to work while traveling. “Digital Nomad” signifies individuals who leverage technology to earn a living while exploring different destinations, blurring the lines between work and leisure.

Explore, Dream, Discover : This timeless quote by Mark Twain resonates with millennials who prioritize personal growth and self-discovery through travel. It encourages them to step out of their comfort zones, embrace new opportunities, and pursue their passions.

Travel Addict : Millennials often describe themselves as “travel addicts” to express their insatiable wanderlust and passion for exploring the world. It conveys a sense of excitement and enthusiasm for discovering new cultures, cuisines, and experiences.

Jetsetter : This term is commonly used to describe someone who frequently travels to different destinations, often for leisure or business. “Jetsetter” conveys a sense of sophistication and cosmopolitanism, reflecting millennials’ desire to experience the world’s diversity.

Off-the-Grid Explorer : In contrast to mainstream tourism, millennials are increasingly drawn to off-the-beaten-path destinations and experiences. “Off-the-Grid Explorer” portrays a sense of curiosity and adventure in seeking hidden gems and authentic cultural encounters.

Travel Influencer : With the rise of social media, many millennials aspire to become travel influencers, leveraging their platforms to inspire others and monetize their passion for travel. “Travel Influencer” signifies individuals who wield influence and authority in the travel industry, shaping trends and inspiring wanderlust among their followers.

10 Short Quotes About Traveling that Resonate with Millenials

Millennials often resonate with short and impactful quotes about traveling that inspire wanderlust, adventure, and self-discovery.

These short quotes about traveling resonate with millennials, encapsulating the essence of wanderlust, adventure, and self-discovery that defines their generation’s approach to exploring the world.

Here are some 10 popular inspirational travel quotes:

1. “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

  • This quote encourages millennials to embrace the journey of exploration and discovery, even if the path is uncertain.

2. “Adventure is out there!” – Up (Disney/Pixar)

  • Inspired by the movie Up, this quote captures the thrill of embarking on new adventures and exploring the unknown.

3. “The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine

  • This quote emphasizes the importance of travel in broadening one’s perspective and experiencing the richness of life.

4. “Collect moments, not things.”

  • Encouraging millennials to prioritize experiences and memories over material possessions, this quote reflects the value placed on meaningful experiences.

5. “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” – David Mitchell

  • Millennials resonate with this quote as it speaks to the transformative power of travel in self-discovery and personal growth.

6. “Life is short and the world is wide.”

  • This quote reminds millennials to seize the opportunities to explore the vastness of the world and make the most of their time.

7. “Fill your life with adventures, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.”

  • Reflecting the desire for experiential living, this quote encourages millennials to seek out adventures and create lasting memories.

8. “The best journey takes you home.” – Unknown

  • While millennials love to explore new destinations, this quote reminds them of the value of returning home with a newfound appreciation for familiarity and belonging.

9. “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” – Unknown

  • This quote highlights the intrinsic value of travel in enriching one’s life with experiences, knowledge, and memories.

10. “Go where you feel most alive.”

  • Encouraging millennials to seek out destinations and experiences that ignite their passion and bring them joy and fulfillment.

Some FAQs on Travel Terms and Phrases

What is Airline Reporting Corporation(ARC)

The Airline Reporting Corporation (ARC) is a company that provides financial settlement solutions, data, and analytical services to the travel industry, primarily focusing on airline ticket transactions. It acts as an intermediary between airlines and travel agencies, facilitating the distribution and processing of ticket sales and payments.

What does an Electronic Miscellaneous Document mean?

An Electronic Miscellaneous Document (EMD) is an electronic ticketing document used by airlines to handle various ancillary services and fees, such as seat upgrades, baggage fees, and onboard amenities. It allows for streamlined management and tracking of additional services, enhancing the efficiency of airline operations and improving the traveler experience.

What is a passenger name record?

A Passenger Name Record (PNR) is a unique identifier used in the travel industry to store and retrieve information about a passenger’s reservation. It contains details such as the traveler’s name, flight itinerary, ticketing information, and seat assignments. Flight what is it that compels us to chase the horizon and seek adventure beyond the confines of familiarity?

What is global distribution in airline businesses and how does the GDS work?

Global distribution in airlines refers to the network and technology infrastructure that enables the distribution of airline fares, schedules, and availability to travel agencies and online booking platforms worldwide. It works by connecting airlines, travel agencies, and online booking platforms through a centralized system, allowing them to access real-time information and facilitate bookings for travelers across the globe.

What is a creative word for Travelling or Traveling?

A creative word for traveling is “wanderlusting,” which embodies the spirit of adventurous exploration and longing for new experiences. On social media platforms like TikTok or Instagram, you can use it in captions like “Wanderlusting through ancient streets” or “Let’s wanderlust together, one destination at a time,” adding a whimsical touch to travel content and resonating with followers’ desire for adventure.

What can I say instead of Travelling or Traveling?

Instead of “Traveling,” you could use “Roaming” or “Wandering.” For example, “Roaming the globe one adventure at a time” or “Wandering soul exploring the world’s wonders.” Creative Caption Example for POV on TikTok and Instagram Videos: “Treading the untrodden path, capturing moments unseen. Join me as I paint the world through my lens. 🌍✨ #POV #AdventureAwaits”

What describes traveling for an ethical storyteller?

Traveling for an ethical storyteller means prioritizing cultural sensitivity, environmental responsibility, and social awareness in their narratives while striving to promote positive impact, respect local communities, and preserve natural resources for future generations. They aim to share authentic experiences that inspire empathy, foster understanding, and contribute to sustainable and responsible tourism practices .

How do payments work in busy airports to maintain health and safety standards?

Due to the rise of touch transaction online features, many retailers are implementing contactless payment options to ensure the safety and convenience of their customers during the pandemic. This includes options such as mobile payment apps, contactless credit/debit cards, or even wearable devices, reducing the need for physical touch and minimizing the risk of transmission of germs.

Why are travel industry terms important for travel influencers, travelers, and travel bloggers

Travel industry terms are crucial for travel influencers, travelers, and travel bloggers as they help convey expertise and authenticity, enhancing credibility and engagement with their audience. Incorporating these terms enables effective communication, facilitates collaboration with industry partners, and ensures a deeper understanding of travel experiences and trends.

Why are sayings about travel and adventure in content creation?

Sayings about travel and adventure resonate in content creation because they evoke emotions, inspire curiosity, and tap into the universal desire for exploration, making them highly engaging and relatable to audiences seeking escapism and inspiration in their everyday lives. Incorporating these sayings adds depth and authenticity to narratives, fostering connection and storytelling that transcends geographical boundaries, and appealing to diverse audiences across platforms like social media, blogs, and videos.

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World Travel Agency, LLC is a travel adviser agency dedicated to carefully helping our clients organize and plan their travel providing 100% customer satisfaction.

  • Travel Terms Glossary

We have provided a glossary for your use.  The travel industry is replete with jargon and acronyms and we hope you find this glossary/dictionary of travel terms useful when you run across a term you are not familiar with.  We encourage our clients to submit any words or concepts they would like defined or clarified to us on the Contact Us page and we will be happy to reply by email with a definition and include the term or clarification in our glossary/dictionary of travel terms for other clients benefit as well.

A la carte – referring to meals, an indication that each dish is priced separately; also that a choice of meals may be vailable, such as on a tour.

A la Carte Bar – Also known as a “Cash Bar,” a bar located within one’s hotel room that is pre-stocked with an assortment of snacks and beverages.

ABC – a reference to the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Bonaire, and Curacao, in the Netherlands Antilles, just off the northern coast of South America (Venezuela). Fabulous for diving, snorkeling and all manner of watersports.

Abeam – A directional term, used on ships and aircraft, which describes something off to the side of the vessel, such as the wings.

Accessible Tourism – Travel that ensures that there is high availability in destinations, accommodations, attractions, products, and services to all people.

Accessible Travel – Travel that ensures that there is high availability in destinations, accommodations, attractions, products, and services to all people.

Actual Time of Arrival – Literally, the actual time of arrival. As opposed to the ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival).

Add-on – an option, usually at extra cost, added to travel arrangements.

Adjoining rooms – Two hotel or accommodation rooms that have a door connecting them from the inside, allowing the guests to combine the two rooms into one larger room.

Adoption Rate – the percentage of tickets issued through an online booking system compared to the traditional booking channel of agent-assisted reservations.

ADT – Atlantic Daylight Time; Alaska Daylight Time. Advance Purchase Fare – airfare that requires the traveler to purchase the ticket a minimum number of days prior to departure.

Advance Purchase Requirement – APR, or Advance Purchase Requirement, is the requirement that a ticket must be purchased a minimum number of days before the flight departs.

Adventure tour – A tour designed around an adventurous activity such as rafting, hiking, or mountain climbing.

Adventure travel – adventure travel is category of travel involving exploration or travel with perceived (and possibly actual) risk, and potentially requiring specialized skills and physical exertion.

Adventure Traveler – Adventure travelers travel to destinations with the specific purpose of active physical participation and exploration of new experiences.

Affinity Card – These are credit or debit cards issued by a banking institution in partnership and co-branded with a particular frequent traveler program.

Affinity group – A group of people that share a common hobby, interest, or activity, or that are united through regular participation in shared outings. Also see preformed group.

Aft – toward the rear of a ship.

After-departure charge – Charges that do not appear on the guest’s bill at checkout such as telephone or dining charges.

Agent – A person who has the power to act as the representative for another person.  Most frequently in travel, a specific kind of agent such as a travel agent.

AIO variables – Activities, interests, and opinions-used to measure and categorize customer lifestyles.

Air mile – a distance of approx. 6076 feet.

Air Traffic Control – Usually refers to the control tower at the airport, but may also be a control center somewhere else in charge of controlling a large area of sky.

Air Travel Card – a credit card sponsored by the airlines, for the purchase of air travel only.

Air Travel – air travel is the action or process of making a journey by aircraft.

Air/sea – a term referring to tickets, trips, fares, etc. that include both air and land-based travel arrangements, such as a cruise package with air included.

Aircraft – Generally speaking, any machine capable of flight. However, in the travel industry, these often mean airplanes.

Airline Alliance – These are agreements of cooperation between groups of airlines. Alliances offer airlines more flexibility and larger networks.

Airline fare – Price charged for an airline ticket. Several types of fares exist and can change with market conditions.

Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC) – An organization that provides a method of approving authorized agency locations for the sale of transportation and cost-effective procedures for processing records and funds of such sales to carrier customers.

Airport access fee – a fee paid by the car rental companies to the airport authority, for the use of shuttle vehicles, etc. – usually passed on to the consumer.

Airport transfer – a transport service to/from an airport to hotel, etc., normally prepaid as part of a package tour, but available separately as well.

Air-Sea – A cruise or travel package in which one or more transportation elements are provided by air and one or more by sea. The package is usually combined with local lodging.

All Inclusive – sold for one price that includes charges and fees that are often added separately.

All-inclusive package – A tour package in which most travel elements are purchased for set price. Also called an all-expense package.

Alternative Tourism – Travel that is not conventional in nature, though that is hard to define. It can be a niche kind of tourism.

Alternative Travel – Travel that is not conventional in nature, though that is hard to define. It can be a niche kind of tourism.

Alumni tour – A tour created for customers who have previously traveled with a tour operator. Also called a reunion tour.

Ambassador – The head of a state’s diplomatic mission in another state, usually with offices inside the main embassy.

Amenities – a desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place

Amenity package – A cluster of special features, such as complimentary shore excursions, bar or boutique credit, or wine at dinner offered to clients on a given tour or cruise, usually as a bonus or extra feature. Usually used to induce clients to book through a particular travel agency or organization.

Amenity – The facilities and features of a property, usually cruise ship, airline or destination accommodation.

American plan – a hotel’s meal plan that usually includes all three meals each day.

AMEX – American Express (AX).

Amidships – toward the middle of a ship – usually the most stable part of the vessel.

Anniversary travel – a type of milestone travel celebrating a date that is remembered or celebrated because a special or notable event occurred on that date in a previous year, such as a wedding anniversary.

Antebellum – describes a building and/or period of time prior to the Civil War, such as an antebellum mansion on a cotton plantation in the southern US.

APEX – an airline term meaning “advance purchase excursion fare” – normally the least expensive fares.

Apron – The area surrounding the gate areas of a terminal, generally used for parking and maintenance of planes.

ARC – Airline Reporting Corporation- the agency that regulates ticket sales and reports to the airlines for travel agencies.

Archipelago – An archipelago is a grouping of islands, essentially. Indonesia and Japan are both archipelago countries.

ARTA – Association of Retail Travel Agents – professional trade group of travel agents only.

ASC Fee – Administrative Service Charge.  Usually it’s the same as the change fee, or the fee to exchange the ticket for future travel.

AST – Atlantic (or Alaska) Standard Time.

ASTA – American Society of Travel Agents – trade group consisting of travel agencies, travel agents, and allied members (suppliers, etc.).

ATO – Airline Ticket Office – becoming rarer these days, as carriers continue to reduce customer service.

Attractions – An item or specific interest to travelers, such as natural wonders, manmade facilities and structures, entertainment, and activities.

Autobahn – high-speed equivalent to the US interstate highway system, in Germany and a few other European countries.

Availability – The total number of seats allowed to be sold at a particular rate.

Average room rate – The total guest room revenue for a given period divided by the number of rooms occupied for the same period.

B&B – A bed and breakfast home or guest house that a proprietor has converted into accommodation(s) for the public. Each room becomes a separate unit for rent and typically breakfast and/or other meals are served as part of the fare.

Babymoon – A relaxing and romantic vacation or getaway taken by parents-to-be before their baby is born.

Back to back – A term used to describe tours operating on a consistent, continuing basis. For instance, a motor coach arriving in a city from a cross-country tour may conclude the first tour upon arrival, then transport a second group back along the same route to the origination city of the first tour.

Back-to-back ticket(ing) – an against-the-rules practice whereby an air ticket is issued round-trip with only one portion to be used. Another is then issued roundtrip, again with only one portion to be used. In effect, this amounts to using one ticket for the outbound part of a trip, and the other for the return. The normal Saturday night stay requirement is then avoided – useful only when two roundtrip tickets are less than the cost of a single ticket with no Saturday night stayover.

Baggage Allowance – The amount of baggage a passenger may transport without having to pay extra charges, determined by carrier.

Baggage handler – See porter.

Baggage master – The person who controls baggage handling on a ship.

Balcony – sometimes called a verandah – an outside “porch ” that is usually private, just outside your ship’s cabin. Great for relaxing and port arrivals!

Barge cruising – pleasure cruising along a canal system, such as in upstate New York or in Europe, in converted barges or new ships that resemble them.

Base fare – the basic price of an airline ticket, before ANY taxes, surcharges, airport fees, etc.

Base – Flight crew term for their home airport; where the flights originate from and terminate at.

Beam – a ship’s width at its widest point; determines whether or not a vessel can pass through the Panama Canal.

Bed and breakfast (B&B) – Overnight accommodations usually in a private home or boarding house, often with a full American-style or Continental breakfast included in one rate.

Bell captain – The person in charge of luggage at a hotel.

Bellboy – Also called “Bellboy” or “Bellman,” a person that is hired by the hotel to assist guests, such as with luggage, running errands, etc.

Bellman – a person who carries one’s luggage to a hotel room.

Benelux – term for the countries of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.

Berth – usually refers to the bed in a ship’s cabin; also the space at which a ship is docked.

Bespoke tour – a tour that is customized, personalized and tailor-made for the traveler.

Biking Trips and tours – Bicycle trips and touring means self-contained cycling trips or pleasure, adventure and autonomy rather than sport, commuting or exercise. Touring can range from single to multi-day trips, getaways or vacations.

Birthday travel – a type of milestone travel celebrating a birthday, quite often marking decade birthday milestones such as 40 th , 50 th , 60 th , 70 th etc. birthdays.

Blackout dates – Specific dates in which special fares or promotions do not apply. Typically exist around holidays or special events.

Block – A number of rooms, seats, or space reserved in advance, usually by wholesalers, tour operators, or receptive operators who intend to sell them as components of tour packages.

Blocked space – seats, rooms, and/or cabins held on airlines, in hotels, or aboard ships. Usually held speculatively and made available at reduced rates.

Boarding pass – a receipt with a seat number, now issued only at check-in at the airport. A ticket is not valid unless a boarding pass has been issued. A Boarding Pass is not a ticket, but allows you to board a plane or ship or other mode of transportation.

Boarding Pass – Bonded – protected or guaranteed by a bond, usually referring to the protection of passenger’s funds.

Booking form – A document which purchasers of tours must complete to give the operator full particulars about who is buying the tour. It states exactly what is being purchased (including options) and must be signed as acknowledgment that the liability clause has been read and understood.

Boutique Hotel – A boutique hotel is a type of hotel, usually smaller and more intimate than a chain hotel, which conforms to a niche.

Bow – Bow is a directional term. Front of a ship or the nose of an aircraft; specifically, the foremost point of the hull of the craft.

Breakage – Expenses budgeted for a tour but not used or expended, thus resulting in additional profit to the tour operator. Examples include meals budgeted but not consumed, currency fluctuations in favor of the tour operator, or the tour selling to much larger numbers of passengers than expected.

Break-even point (BEP) – The point at which revenues and expenses are the same. For example, the BEP is the number of products (or seats, cabins, tickets, etc.) that must be sold for a company to break even. The BEP is calculated as fixed costs divided by the selling price less variable costs. See reasonable number.

Break-even pricing – Pricing a product based on a forecast of the break-even point and the cost of achieving the break-even point.

Bridge – the navigational center of a ship.

Bucket list destinations – Bucket list travel is a list of destinations a person wants to travel to and experience before reaching a certain age or dying.

Bulk contract – An agreement whereby an airline sells large blocks of seats at a discount for resale by a third party.

Bulk fare – A reduced fare for purchases of a large number of tickets.

Bulkhead Seat – Seats located directly behind a bulkhead wall separator. As these seats don’t have the benefit of a seatback in front of them.

Bulkhead – A partitioning wall, usually referring to one within the cabin of an aircraft, or perhaps on another mode of transportation.

Bumping – the airline practice of denying boarding to confirmed passengers who hold tickets on a specific flight, due to an oversold condition. The carrier will ask for volunteers to take later flights, and will normally provide some sort of compensation in the form of vouchers or tickets for future travel. Rules for when compensation must be provided are complicated; ask the ticket agent for a copy of that carrier’s rules, as each has their own set of guidelines.

Business class – While amenities vary based on the airline, business class generally falls between first class and coach.

Cabin – the passenger area on an aircraft; the stateroom aboard a cruise ship.

Cabin Crew – The collective group of flight attendants and the purser as a whole. The cabin crew is responsible primarily for handling the duties within the cabin.

Cabin steward – the person responsible for maintaining/cleaning the cabins aboard ship.

Cabin-(Aircraft) – The section of the aircraft in which passengers travel.

Cabin – A sleeping room on a ship.

Cancellation penalty – the monetary penalty due when travel plans are cancelled, usually after final payment has been made.

Cape – A small version of a peninsula, usually long and narrow, that juts far out into a body of water.

Captain – (Aircraft-The captain is the pilot in command (PIC), which is the person in the cockpit sitting on the left with 4 stripes on their shoulder.

Card mill – a “business “that sells potentially fake travel agent ID cards, usually in a sort of pyramid scheme, whereby the buyer intends only to partake of any legitimate agent benefits.

Carrier – generic term for any company that transports passengers and/or freight.

Carry-on – currently, there are no uniformly enforced airline restrictions concerning carry-on luggage.

Cashless cruising – a term that applies to the system of onboard payment used for most all cruises; the final bill for any such purchases is presented against a credit card or cash deposit given upon check-in. The final statement itemizes the purchases of all passengers in a cabin, such as drinks, shore tours, etc.

Casual research – A form of marketing research that is used to test cause-and-effect relationships between a marketing program and customers.

Cay – pronounced “key” – term for a small island, used primarily in the Caribbean, such as Princess Cay.

Celebrity Travel – celebrity and high net worth travel is an ultra-luxurious travel category describing the highly demanding travel requirements of celebrity and high net worth travelers characterized by the ultra-luxurious travel modalities and destinations with attention to privacy, security and confidentiality.

Certified Tour Professional (CTP) – A designation conferred upon tour professionals who have completed a prescribed course of academic study, professional service, tour employment, and evaluation requirements. The CTP program is administered by the National Tour Association (Lexington, KY) and is open to individuals employed in any segment of the tourism industry.

Certified Travel Associate – (CTA) – a travel professional certified by the Institute of Certified Travel Agents, who has passed a series of rigorous tests, assuring the traveling public of professional competence.

Certified Travel Counselor (CTC) – A designation attesting to professional competence as a travel agent. It is conferred upon travel professionals with five or more years of industry experience who compete a two-year graduate-level travel management program administered by the Institute of Certified Travel Agents (Wellesley, MA).

Certified Travel Industry Specialist (CTIS) – A designation conferred upon American Bus Association member company employees who successfully complete five correspondence courses (three) required and two electives and written evaluation of eight marketplace seminars.

Chain-ratio method – A method for forecasting market demand by multiplying a base market figure by a series of consumption constraints.

Chamber of commerce – A DMO that operates at the local level and is comprised of businesses that are not necessarily associated with the tourism industry.

Chancery – The physical building that houses an embassy and its diplomatic delegation.

Change of equipment – when a flight, with a single flight number, lands and changes the type of airplane used before continuing on to its destination.  Sometimes referred to as a change of gauge.

Charter service – The transportation of preformed groups (organized by someone other than the carrier), which have the exclusive use of the vehicle.

Charter – To hire the exclusive use of any aircraft, motorcoach, or other vehicle.

Chauffer driven tours – a chauffeur tour is a tour driven by a chauffeur employed to drive a passenger motor vehicle, especially a luxury vehicle such as a large sedan or limousine.

Chunnel – slang for the tunnel beneath the English Channel, from England to France, through which the Eurostar train passes.

Circle itinerary – A travel routing design that overnights in different locations and returns to the point of departure without retracing the travel route.

Circle trip – any trip that involves more than a single destination, but which returns to the initial point of departure.

City guide – A tour guide who points out and comments on the highlights of a city, usually from a motor coach or van.

City Pair – The departure and destination points of an air or rail journey.

City tour – A sightseeing trip through a city, usually lasting a half day or a full day, during which a guide points out the city’s highlights.

Class of Service – The inventory in which a passenger is booked according to the fare purchased. (E.g. a full fare coach class cabin is usually Y class of service)

CLIA – Cruise Lines International Association, located in New York City, NY.

Client list – A printout of the names of all tour participants.

Client mix – Objectives set by companies to achieve percentages of customers from different market segments.

Closed-end question – A question for which the answers are provided for the respondent, who chooses only from those answers.

Closeout – Finalization of a tour, cruise, or similar group travel project after which time no further clients are accepted. Any unsold air or hotel space is released, and final lists and payments are sent to all suppliers.

Coach – the “economy ” section of an aircraft, which may have literally scores of different fares for the same flight.

Collision damage waiver-(CDW) – Optional insurance provided by car rental companies that eliminates all responsibility of the driver in case of an accident. Car rental insurance covering any damage to a rental vehicle (CDW) many credit card companies cover their clients in this area if they use that card to pay for the rental. Check with you credit card company to see if you are covered and to what extent.

Commission – Money paid to a travel agency or ARC number by suppliers for generating bookings.

Commission cap – The limit placed on commissions paid to travel agents for the sale of air tickets, regardless of their price; designed to allow airlines to increase their profits at the expense of their primary distribution system – the travel agents.

Commissionable tour – A tour available through retail and wholesale travel agencies which provides for a payment of an agreed-upon sales commission to the retailer or wholesale seller.

Common carrier – Any person or organization that offers transportation for a fee.

Commuter – term referring to the small, regional airlines, sometimes called puddle-jumpers.

Comp policy – Arrangements for free tickets, rooms, meals, etc.

Complimentaries (comps) – Items provided free of charge, such as rooms, meals, tickets, airfare, gifts, souvenirs, etc.

Computerized reservation system (CRS) – An automated system used by travel agents that contains pricing, availability and product descriptions for hotels, car rentals, cruises, and air transportation.

Concierge – a hotel employee who provides additional advice, recommendations, and other services to guests, such as restaurant reservations. An employee of the hotel whose primary task is to serve as the liaison between the hotel and non-hotel attractions, facilities, services, and the guest.

Concierge Level – special service level normally offered at higher grade hotels that provide the guest additional amenities and information, typically at a higher rate.

Conditions – The section or clause of a transportation or tour contract that specifies what is not offered and that may spell out the circumstances under which the contract may be invalidated (in whole or in part).

Configuration – The interior arrangement of a vehicle, particularly an airplane. The same airplane, for example, may be configured for 190 coach-class passengers, or it may hold 12 first-class passengers and 170 coach passengers, or any other combination within its capacity.

Confirmed reservation – An oral or written statement by a supplier that he has received and will honor a reservation. Oral confirmation have virtually no legal weight. Even written or faxed confirmations have specified or implied limitations. For example, a hotel is usually not obliged to honor a reservation if a guest arrives after 6 p.m., unless late arrival has been guaranteed.

Confluence – A confluence, also known as a conflux, is the meeting point of two flowing bodies of water, such as streams or rivers; the place where they come together.

Conflux – A confluence, also known as a conflux, is the meeting point of two flowing bodies of water, such as streams or rivers; the place where they come together.

Connecting Flight – A flight that makes a stop at an intermediate point where travelers must change planes in order to connect to another flight to reach their destination. (I.e. San Francisco to Chicago and Chicago to New York).

Connecting room – Two rooms that are connected to each other by a door.

Consolidation – Cancellation by a charter tour operator of one more flights associated with a specific charter departure or departure period, with the transfer of passengers to another charter flight or flights to depart on or near the same day. Also, selling the same tour with identical departure dates through a number of wholesalers, cooperatives, or other outlets in order to increase sales and reduce the possibility of tour cancellations.

Consolidator – A wholesaler who purchases airline tickets in bulk and re-sells them to individuals and travel agencies at a discounted rate. These fares tend to have complex restrictions, but can be cheaper than buying direct from the airline. Consolidator fares are found to have the most savings on international flights.

Consortium – A collection of organizations made up of independently owned and managed agencies who band together to increase their buying power.

Consulate – Essentially a satellite office of the embassy, but its roles are limited in scope.

Consul – Head diplomat of the consulate.

Consumer protection plan – A plan offered by a company and/or association that protects the customer’s deposits and payments from loss in the event of company bankruptcy.

Consumer – The actual user of a product or service. See also customer.

Consumption constraints – Issues that limit the number of people in a market who will purchase a product.

Continental breakfast – At a minimum, a beverage (coffee, tea, or milk) and rolls and toast, with fruit juice sometimes included.

Continent – Large landmasses that the world is divided into, by convention, although it is generally-accepted that there are seven.

Contract – A legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties.

Control Tower – Often referred to as simply the tower, the people in the Control Tower oversee aircraft movements at the airport, including ground traffic.

Convenience sample – A collection of research subjects who are the easiest for the researcher to select.

Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) – A nonprofit DMO that operates at the county and city level. A CVB typically encourages groups to hold meetings, conventions, and trade shows in its city.

Co-op tour – Selling a tour through a number of wholesalers, cooperatives, or other outlets in order to increase sales and reduce the possibility of tour cancellations.

Cooperative (co-op) advertising – An agreement between two parties to share the cost of placing an advertisement.

Corporate agency – A travel agency that usually caters to medium-large sized businesses.

Corporate Rate – a hotel rate that is designed to appeal to the needs of the business traveler. It is not necessarily a discounted rate or the minimum rate offered by the hotel. Corporate rates normally guarantee the best available room at a fixed cost for a specific period of time, typically outlined in a contract between the hotel and company.

Corporate Travel – Corporate Travel is travel arranged by a business for business purposes. A division or department of a travel agency devoted to such travel.

Costing – The process of itemizing and calculating all the costs the tour operator will pay on a given tour.

Cost-plus pricing – See markup pricing.

Couchette – the sleeping compartment of a train that can contain up to 6 beds.

Coupon – See voucher.

Cruise Tour – A land and sea vacation, which combines a cruise with a multi-night land tour to inland destinations that the ship can’t reach.

Cruise – A cruise is a voyage on a ship or boat taken for pleasure or as a vacation and usually docking at several port destinations.

CST – Central Standard Time.

CTA – Certified Travel Associate.

CTC – Certified Travel Counselor – the ultimate in travel professionals, CTC certification can be compared to the “Master’s Degree “of the industry.

Cuisin e – a style of cooking characterized by distinctive ingredients, techniques and dishes associated with a specific culture or geographic region.

Culinary Tourism – Culinary tourism is defined as the pursuit of unique and memorable eating and drinking experiences. By combining travel with these edible experiences, culinary tourism offers both locals and tourists alike an authentic taste of a specific culture or geographic region.

Cultural Tourism – Cultural tourism is the category or tourism concerned with a country or region’s culture, specifically the lifestyle of the people in those geographical areas, the history of those people, their art, architecture, religion(s), and other elements that helped shape their way of life.

Cultural Travel – This is travel with regard to a region’s culture and history.

Culture – Similar shared traits or characteristics unique to an ethnic group, region, or nation.

Custom tour – A travel package created specifically for a preformed group or niche market.

Customer – The buyer of a product or service. See consumer.

Customized tours – a customized tour is a tour category where an independent travel plan is designed and arranged just for the traveler’s needs, goals and desires. This type of travel includes private airport/hotel transfers, hotels, internal airfare, trains, cruises, performances, events, activities and privately guided tours.

Customs – The common term for U.S. Customs Service, the federal agency charged with collecting duty on specified items imported into the country. The agency also restricts the entry of forbidden items.

CVB – Convention and Visitor’s Bureau (generic term).

Database – A computerized, organized collection of individual customer information.

Day rate – Also called a day room. A reduced rate granted for the use of a guest room during the daytime, not overnight occupancy. Usually provided on a tour when a very late-night departure is scheduled.

Day tour – An escorted or unescorted tour that lasts less than 24 hours and usually departs and returns on the same day. See sightseeing tour.

Deadheading – Making a trip or a segment of a trip without passengers, such as driving an empty motor coach somewhere.

Debark – to get off an airplane or passenger ship.

Deck – the floor area of a ship. Some cruise liners have as many as 11 to 14 decks or more.

Deck plan – the drawing representing the location of the decks, public rooms, cabins, etc. of a cruise ship.

Demand generators – Strategies and programs developed by DMOs and suppliers to generate destination demand. Examples include festivals, events, cultural tours, and consumer promotion.

Demands – A consumer’s wants backed by the ability to purchase.

Demographics – Population measures, such as age, gender, income, education, race/ethnicity, religion, marital status, household size, and occupation.

Denied-boarding compensation – that payment and/or voucher given those bumped from a flight; may be somewhat negotiable – always ask! See “bumping”.

Department of State – the US government agency that, among other things, issues cautions and warnings concerning travel to many points worldwide. Connect to the Department of State for the latest updates for the areas you are interested in.

Departure point – The location or destination from which a tour officially begins.

Departure tax – Fee collected from a traveler by the host country at the time of departure.

Deplane -To disembark, or get off, a plane.

Deposit policy – A specified amount or a percentage of the total bill due on a specified date prior to arrival.

Deposit – An advance payment required to obtain and confirm space.

Descriptive research – a form of marketing research that is used to provide detailed answers about customer markets.

Destination alliance – A DMO that operates as a for-profit association of select suppliers who form a paid-membership network to promote their services to travelers.

Destination management company (DMC) – A for-profit company that operates similar to a CVB by providing planning and execution services for the convention and meeting market.

Destination marketing organization (DMO) – An organization that promotes a location (city, region, state province, country) as a travel destination.

Destination Weddings – a destination wedding a category of travel where couples celebrate their marriage at a destination of their choosing away from home.

Destination – The geographic place to which a traveler is going.

Dine-around-plan – A meal plan, usually prepaid, that allows one to dine at various restaurants in an area.

Direct access – Refers to a travel agent’s ability to get directly into an airlines database to get true last-seat availability and correct pricing – a big difference between internet fare ” quotes ” and an agent’s CRS ( Computer Reservations System ).

Direct Flight – A flight that goes from a traveler’s origin to their final destination with one or more intermediate stops. No change in aircraft occurs. (I.e. San Francisco to New York with a stop in Chicago)

Direct marketing – Sales and marketing communication that feature direct interaction between a company and its customers without any distribution intermediaries.

Disaster Tourism – Travel when tourists go to an area that may be or may have been affected by natural disasters, civil strife, or warfare.

Disclaimer – a legal document that advises clients that a travel agent acts only as a middleman in the sale of travel products; any liability ultimately lies with the supplier, i.e. airline, hotel, car rental company, tour operator, railway, etc.

DMC – Destination Management Company

Docent – A tour guide who works free of charge at a museum.

Domestic fare – a fare charged for travel within a country.

Double booking – a not-nice practice of holding reservations to the same destination for the same times/days, on the same carriers but through different travel agencies, when only one reservation will ultimately be used.

Double Double – A room with two double beds.

Double occupancy – the way in which almost all cruise fares and tour packages are quoted, that is, based on two people traveling together. Most hotel rooms are quoted based on two adults to a room.

Double-occupancy rate – The price per person for a room to be shared with another person; the rate most frequently quoted in tour brochures.

Double-room rate – The full price of a room for two people (twice the double-occupancy rate.)

Downgrade – To move to a lesser level of accommodations or a lower class of service.

Driver guided tours – A driver guided tour is a tour guided by an individual that operates a vehicle while providing commentary in a front-line position who leads participants (individual or groups) on tours, ensures that itineraries are followed, provides commentary in an informative and entertaining manner, and creates positive experiences for tour participants.

Driver-guide – A tour guide who does double duty by driving a vehicle while narrating.

Drop-off charge – the fee added to a car rental when the vehicle is returned to a city other than where it was originally rented. In some states, there is no drop off fee most of the time, such as in Florida.

Duty-free imports – Item amounts and categories specified by a government that are fee of tax or duty charges when brought into the country.

Early Check-In – A perk that allows a guest to check in at an earlier time than the standard check-in time.

Eco/Sustainable Tourism – Eco or Sustainable Tourism is tourism directed toward exotic, often threatened, natural environments, especially to support conservation efforts and observe wildlife.

Eco-Conscious Travel – Though often interchangeable, being “eco-conscious” literally means that one is simply aware of their environmental impact.

Eco-Friendly Travel – Though often interchangeable, being “eco-conscious” literally means that one is simply aware of their environmental impact.

Economic impact study – Research into the dollars generated by an industry and how these dollars impact the economy through direct spending and the indirect impact of additional job creation and the generation of income and tax revenue.

Ecotour – A tour designed to focus on preserving the environment, or to environmentally sensitive areas.

Ecotourism – Tourism directed at exotic and/or endangered destinations while fostering an environmental understanding and conservation.

Educational tour – A tour designed around an educational activity, such as studying art.

Elder hostel – hostel catering to seniors – see “hostel”.

Electronic ticket – a “paperless” airline ticket allowing one to check-in and fly with just proper photo ID. What may look like a ticket is actually just a paper passenger receipt. E-tickets cannot be lost, or used by anyone else, so they are safer than standard paper tickets, which may soon become extinct. One drawback is that e-tickets on one carrier cannot be honored by another, so in a cancelled-flight snafu, the original carrier must print hard copy tickets before another airline can accept them. This presents major paperwork problems for the affected carrier.

Embark – to board a plane or cruise ship.

End suite – in the hotel industry, indicates that a certain feature(s) is directly in the room, or adjacent to that room.

English breakfast – basic meal of cereal, juice, eggs, meats, and other beverages. Common with most hotels in the UK/Great Britain.

Environmental scanning – The process of monitoring important forces in the business environment for trends and changes that may impact a company.

Errors and Omissions Insurance – Insurance coverage equivalent to malpractice insurance, protecting an agent’s or operator’s staff if an act of negligence, an error, or an omission occurs that causes a client great hardship or expense.

Escort – See tour director.

Escorted group tour – A group tour that features a tour director who travels with the group throughout the trip to provide sightseeing commentary and coordinate all group movement and activities.

Escrow accounts – Funds placed in the custody of licensed financial institutions for safekeeping. Many contracts in travel require that agents and tour operators maintain customers’ deposits and prepayments in escrow accounts.

ES T – Eastern Standard Time.

Estimated Time of Arrival – Literally, the estimated time of the transport’s arrival. As opposed to the ATA (Actual Time of Arrival), the ETA is the time that the flight or transport arrives.

Estuary – A body of water connecting a flowing river and a larger body, such as a sea or ocean. Because it is the transition point.

ETA – estimated time of arrival.

ETD – estimated time of departure.

Ethnicity – A term that groups people together with a similar cultural identity; unlike terms such as nationality, ethnicity is more ambiguous.

Ethno-Tourism – Focusing on exploration of indigenous populations and their respective culture and traditions.

E-Ticket – Regarding transportation, especially on airlines, an electronic ticket, or e-ticket, is the digital version of a paper ticket, issued via email.

Eurailpass – a special fare ticket that allows either unlimited train travel, or travel for a certain number of days/weeks, in many European countries (except in Britain, where the Britrailpass offers similar travel in England, Scotland, and Wales).

European pla n – a rate at a hotel that includes no meals.

Exchange order – See voucher.

Exclusive fare – Discounted airfares offered by travel consolidators.

Excursion – a side trip from a main destination, usually at added cost and optional.

Excursion Fare – special airline fares with restrictions such as minimum and maximum stays.

Exotic Travel – Exotic travel refers to a category of travel that is strikingly, excitingly and mysteriously different or unusual.  Exotic travel is travel that is completely different than what a traveler is accustomed to and is highly subjective in nature.

Experiential Travel – Experiential travel is also known as immersion travel and is a form of tourism in which people focus on experiencing a country, city or particular place by connecting to its history, people and culture.

Exploratory research – A form of marketing research that’s used to obtain preliminary information and clues. It is most often used when the marketing problem is ambiguous.

Extension – A fully arranged sub-tour offered optionally at extra cost to buyers of a tour or cruise.

Extensions may occur before, during, or after the basic travel program.

FAM (familiarization) tour – A free or reduced-rate trip offered to travel professionals to acquaint them with what a destination, attraction, or supplier has to offer.

Familiarity Tour – A familiarity tour as used in the travel industry it is a tour of a travel destination, travel accommodation, travel activity or travel mode (airline, cruise, ground transportation) to familiarize a travel advisor and provide knowledge and direct experience with the product or service so they can better serve their clients.

Family plan – offered by most hotels, allow children to stay in the same room as parents, at no additional charge. Age requirements vary between hotels.

Family Vacation – a family vacation is a travel category referring to travel involving family members. It is also commonly referred to as multi-generational travel.

Familymoon – A neologism term used to describe a type of honeymoon a newlywed couple can make along with their children from previous relationships.

Fare Aggregator – Fare aggregators’ redirect the users to an airline, cruise, hotel, or car rental site or online travel agent for the final purchase of a ticket. Aggregators’ business models include getting feeds from major OTAs, then displaying to the users all of the results on one screen. The OTA then fulfills the ticket. Aggregators generate revenues through advertising and charging OTAs for referring clients.

Fare Basis – the letters and numbers assigned to a specific fare like an identification number.

Fare basis (code) – The code that determines the price of an airline ticket.

Final Boarding Call – Last call to board before the jet bridge closes and the flight departs, leaving late passengers stranded.

First class – The class which offers the most premium service. Enhanced seating, meal selection, and drink offerings staples of this services.

First Officer – Pilot who is second in command. The pilot in the cockpit sitting on the right with 3 stripes.

Fishing Trips and tours – a fishing trip or fishing tour is a travel tour category where groups of fisherman are provided guided tours and typically lodging with the overall purpose of catching fish.

FIT – foreign independent tour – actually used generically now for a travel package put together by a travel agent from separate components such as car, hotel and airfare, adjusted exactly as the traveler wishes. May include city tours, theater tickets, and other “independent ” options, and may also include custom mapping/routing to accomplish the client’s goals. It now is more commonly used as an acronym for Flexible Independent Travel.  It describes a type of travel or tourism that does not incorporate a packaged tour but is nonetheless customized by a travel-selling professional.

Fjord – a narrow inlet from the ocean, usually bounded by cliffs, and with spectacular scenery. Most are located in Alaska, Norway, and New Zealand.

Flight Attendant – Commonly referred to as stewards/stewardesses and air hosts/hostesses, flight attendants are available to ensure the safety and comfort of the passengers of an aircraft.

Flight Crew – Sometimes called the aircrew, the flight crew consists of everyone hired by the airlines on a flight, including pilots, pursers, and flight attendants.

Fly/drive tour – An F.I.T. package that always includes air travel and a rental car and sometimes other travel components.

Fly-drive package – a travel package featuring airfare, rental car, and perhaps hotels. Usually less expensive than booking each separately.

Folio – An itemized record of a guest’s charges and credits which is maintained in the front office until departure. Also referred to as a guest bill or guest statement.

Fore – Directional term. Towards the front of the craft, lengthwise, such as the bow of a ship or the nose of a plane. Opposite of aft.

Frequent Flier Program – A program that a traveler can enroll in that earns them rewards such as free flights on a particular airline for being a loyal customer of that airline.

Frequent Flier – One who flies frequently.

Frequent Independent travel (F.I.T.) – A custom-designed, prepaid travel package with many

Full house – A hotel with all guest rooms occupied.

Full service hotel – a hotel with restaurant facilities.

Function room – A special room that is used primarily for private parties, banquets, and meetings. Also called banquet rooms.

Funnel flight – a flight, such as on a regional or commuter carrier that “feeds “larger planes which continue on to other destinations. Also, the use of a single flight number for an itinerary that really involves a connection with two separate flight numbers, thus making the itinerary appear to be a direct flight with a change of aircraft as opposed to a connection. Just call it a connection and be done with it.

Fuselage – The aircraft’s main body section, the cylindrical, central piece that contains the cabin and holds the crew and cargo.

Galley – The kitchen/kitchenette area of a plane or train or ship. On a plane, the galley may be a small affair with a simple arrangement and a few carts.

Gate-Airport – The specific area in an airport where passengers board a plane for a flight. Gates are located in concourses.

Gateway – City, airport, or area from which a flight or tour departs.

GDS – Global Distribution Systems – A system containing information about availability, prices, and related services for Airlines, Car Companies, Hotel Companies, Rail Companies, etc. and through which reservations can be made and tickets can be issued. A GDS also makes some or all of these functions available to subscribing travel agents, booking engines, and airlines. The GDS leaders are Amadeus, Apollo/Galileo/Worldspan, Sabre.

Geotourism – this is “tourism that sustains or enhances the distinctive geographical character of a place.

Global distribution system (GDS) – An international computer reservation system that accesses many databases of suppliers, airlines, etc. in different countries, such as Sabre.

Graduation travel – graduation travel is a milestone category of travel which refers to travel celebrating a graduation typically from high school or college.

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) – solar based time in Greenwich, England, fun which time in all other time zones in the world is based.

Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT) – a measurement of the enclosed space in a ship. Cruise ships in the 70,000 ton range are considered “superliners”.

Ground operator – See receptive operator.

Group – several persons, usually 10 or more, traveling together. Group travel is often available at discounted rates.

Group leader – An individual who has been given the responsibility of coordinating tour and travel arrangements for a group. The group leader may act as a liaison to a tour operator or may develop a tour independently (and sometimes serve as the tour director).

Group Rate – A negotiated rate on travel, perhaps a stay or vacation plan, that incentivizes for a large crowd or group that books together.

Group tour – A travel package for an assembly of travelers that has a common itinerary, travel date, and transportation. Group tours are usually prearranged, prepaid, and include transportation, lodging, dining, and attraction admissions. See also escorted group tour.

Group Travel – group travel refers to a category of travel with a group arranged by an outside company or organization or travel with a group of friends and family that you have organized yourself. Some groups are small, private and escorted, while others large.

GST – Goods and Services Tax, such as levied in Canadian Provinces.

Guaranteed share – a cruise term that promises that a companion will be found for a single passenger, at a special rate. That rate will be honored even if the cruise line is unable to find a cabin mate. The rate is usually the going double-rate at that time, and is much less than the single person rate for that cabin.

Guaranteed tour – A tour guaranteed to operate unless canceled before an established cutoff date (usually 60 days prior to departure).

Guest account – See folio.

Guest houses – a guest house is a private house offering accommodations to paying guests.

Guest ranch – a guest ranch, also known as a dude ranch, is a type of ranch oriented towards visitors or tourism. It is considered a form of agritourism.

Guide or guide service – A person or company qualified to conduct tours of specific localities or attractions.

Guided tour – A local sightseeing trip conducted by a guide.

Half pension – a hotel rate that includes breakfast and one other meal, usually dinner. Sometimes called Modified American Plan (MAP) or demi-pension.

Hard-copy – a printed version of a document, such as an airline ticket or hotel voucher.

Head tax – Fee charged for arriving and departing passengers in some foreign countries.

Hidden-city ticketing – another airline no-no; buying a ticket from A to C with a stop in B. The passenger gets off at B, which was the intended destination anyway. The ticket is purchased because the fare from A to C is LESS than A to B.

High season – the time of year when a destination gets the greatest crowds, and thus can increase hotel and rental car rates, etc. As an example, summertime is high season for travel to Europe (just check the airfares!).

High season – See peak season.

Hiking Trips and tours – a hiking trip or hiking tour is a category of travel vacation or getaway where the traveler is walking or hiking as the major mode of transportation.

Honeymoon Travel – Honeymoon travel is a category of travel where a newly married couple travels while celebrating their marriage.

Hosted group tour – A group tour that features a representative (the host) of the tour operator, destination, or other tour provider, who interacts with the group only for a few hours a day to provide information and arrange for transportation. The host usually does not accompany the group as it travels.

Hostel – an inexpensive accommodation, usually dormitory style, popular with the student crowd – thus the term “youth hostel”.

Hotel – a hotel is an establishment providing accommodations, meals, and other services for travelers and tourists.

House – A synonym used for hotel.

Hub – an airport or city in which an airline has a major presence and many flights to other destinations. As an example, Delta has a hub in Atlanta. Many carriers use the hub-and-spoke system to maximize profits by keeping the aircraft in the air as much as possible. Flights to the hub are many, and from there flights too many other destinations are scheduled.

Hub-and-spoke itinerary – A travel routing design that uses a central destination as the departure and return point for day trips to outlying destinations and attractions.

Hurricane season – in the Caribbean primarily, and the Southeastern US, a period from June through October during which such storms are likely to occur.

IATA – International airline industry trade group, headquartered in Montreal, Canada, with executive offices in Geneva, Switzerland.

IATAN – International Airlines Travel Agent Network – administers the IATAN card, the only widely accepted form of legitimate travel agent identification.

In season – meaning only available at certain times of the year.

In transit – en route; in the process of traveling.

Inbound operator – A receptive operator that usually serves groups arriving from another country.

Inbound tour – A tour for groups of travelers whose trip originates in another location, usually another country.

Incentive or incentive commission – See override.

Incentive tour – A trip offered as a prize, particularly to stimulate the productivity of employees or sales agents.

Incentive trave l – travel as a reward for an employee’s outstanding performance.

Incidental Charge – Items and services billed to a room after their use, such as movies, phone calls, etc.

Incidentals – Charges incurred by the participants of a tour, but which are not included in the tour price.

Inclusive tour – a package tour that bundles transportation, accommodations, transfers, sightseeing, possibly some meals, etc.

Inclusive tour – See all-inclusive package.

Independent tour – A travel package in which a tour operator is involved only with the planning, marketing, and selling of the package, but is not involved with the passengers while the tour is in progress.

In-flight Service – Entertainment (movies, television, etc.), meals, beverages and other items made available during a flight for the convenience of the passenger.

Inside cabin – a stateroom aboard ship that has no window. Sometimes smaller, but at times the same size as an outside cabin.

Intercontinental – Having to do with two continents. In travel, transit from one continent to another. Not to be confused with transcontinental.

interline connection – a flight on one airline that connects to a flight on another carrier – these tickets are usually more expensive than flying all on one carrier but may be the only way to get to a destination in some cases.

Intermodal tour – A tour that uses several forms of transportation, such as a plane, motorcoach, cruise ship, and train.

International Air Transport Association – International airline industry trade group, headquartered in Montreal, Canada, with executive offices in Geneva, Switzerland.

International Date Line – at 180 degrees longitude, the date on one side of this imaginary line, running from the north to the South Pole, is different from the other. The line runs through the Pacific Ocean, and because of it, it is possible to leave one destination on one day, and arrive in another the day before

International Rate Desk – Utilizes all available resources to ensure the lowest fare for your selected itinerary, including splitting tickets, consolidator fares, and available discounts.

Involvement device – An element of direct mail that gets the reader involved in the process of evaluating and/or responding to the solicitation.

Itinerary – A list of a tour’s or entire trip’s schedule and major travel elements.

Jet Bridge – An enclosed, movable connector which extends from a terminal gate to a plane, allowing passengers to board and disembark without having to go outside.

Jet lag – an upset of one’s biological clock, due to travel across many time zones; not all folks are affected by it.

Jones Act – a law dating back to 1886, that forbids foreign-flagged ships from carrying passengers between US ports with no foreign port stops in-between.

Judgment sample – A sample based on the researcher’s choice of subjects for a study.

Jump Seat – A flight term referring to an auxiliary (extra) seat for persons who are not operating the aircraft, such as the cabin crew or perhaps a trainee.

Kilometer – a measure of distance used in almost all other countries, at about 5/8 mile.

King room – a hotel room with a king bed.

Knot – a nautical measure of speed equaling approx. 1.5 mph. A ship traveling at 15 knots is traveling at about 22 mph.

Kph – kilometers-per-hour – land speed measurement in most other countries. 60 kph equals approx. 36 miles-per-hour.

Land arrangements – all the details of a land portion of a trip (hotel, car, tours, sightseeing, etc.).

Land Destinations – A land destination or travel destination is a place to which one is journeying, typically for its inherent or exhibited natural or cultural value, historical significance, natural or built beauty, offering leisure, adventure and amusement.

Land operator – See receptive operator.

Land Transfers – travel by train, bus, limo or taxi to and from an accommodation, plane or cruise ship.

Land-only – a rate that does NOT include airfare; usually includes most other land-based charges such as accommodations, transfers, taxes, and perhaps other optional items like theme park tickets, rental care, etc.

Last-seat availability – the ability of a travel agent to get, literally, the ” last seat ” for you on a particular flight, either at a certain fare or actually the last remaining seat on an aircraft. See “direct access”.

Late booking fee – a fee due if travel arrangement are made at the last minute. Normally covers express delivery of documents and other last-minute arrangements that may have to be made by a tour operator.

Late Checkout – A more exclusive perk for some guests that allow a few extra hours to check out from the normal hours.

Latitude – imaginary horizontal lines of angular distance, measured in degrees north or south of the equator.

Layover – a period of time spent during a trip, sometimes overnight, while waiting for a transportation connection – usually a change of planes.

Layover – The period of time spent between connecting flights.

LDW – loss damage waiver – additional insurance pertaining to car rentals, covering theft and vandalism in addition to accident damage.

Lead-in price – the lowest available price for a travel product, often pertaining to cabins on a cruise ship. Usually, there are only a few staterooms available on board each cruise liner in this category, but often better accommodations are only slightly higher in price. Rock-bottom price shoppers normally insist on these rates, though they sell out quickly.

Leeward – the side of a ship or an island that is located opposite from the direction of the prevailing wind -the “Leeward Islands” in the Caribbean for example.

Leg – Portion of a journey between two scheduled stops.

Leisure travel – Usually signifies traveling for relaxation, vacation, or to visit friends/family. Travel for pleasure as opposed to business.

Letter of agreement – A letter from the buyer to the supplier accepting the terms of the proposal. This may also be the supplier’s first proposal that has been initialed by the buyer.

Lido deck – usually the deck on a cruise ship that surrounds the pool area.

Limited service hotel – a hotel property without a restaurant.

List broker – A seller of mail lists for direct marketing.

Load factor – The number of passengers traveling on a vehicle, vessel, or aircraft compared to the number of available seats or cabins.

Locater map – A map of an area or a city, showing locations of attractions and hotels.

Lodging – Any establishment that provides shelter and overnight accommodations to travelers.

Logistics – Management of the details of an operation.

Low season – the period when a destination experiences its lowest prices and the fewest number of guests.

Low season – See off peak.

Lower (bed) – in a cruise stateroom, the bed(s) on the floor as opposed to the higher bunks (uppers), if any. On many ships, two lowers can be arranged to make a king or queen bed.

Lowest available fare – the current, lowest airfare available for purchase right then.

Lowest available fare – The most inexpensive flight currently available.

Lowest fare – the lowest published airfare between two cities; may not have seats available at that fare, as the airlines usually have a limited number of those seats on any given flight.

Luxury class – the most expensive, high-class accommodations or category of fare.

Luxury Cruise – Luxury cruises are the most comfortable and convenient way to see the world. Ships are usually smaller in size so the ratio of crew and staff to guests is generally higher than other cruise ships offering that premium service and attention to detail to be expected of exquisite vacations.

Luxury Ocean Cruise – a luxury ocean cruise is an ocean cruise on a luxury cruise ship or luxury cruise liner or passenger ship used for pleasure voyages, where the voyage itself and the ship’s amenities are a part of the experience, as well as the different destinations along the way.

Luxury River Cruise – a luxury river cruise is a river cruise on a luxury cruise ship or luxury passenger ship used for pleasure voyages, where the voyage itself and the ship’s amenities are a part of the experience, as well as the different destinations along the way.

Luxury travel – while luxury travel is completely subjective to the traveler, it can be loosely defined at travel that constitutes the state of great comfort and extravagant living.

Luxury vacations – a luxury vacation is a vacation that encompasses a state of great comfort and extravagant living.

Macro-environment – The broad forces in society and the business world that impact most companies.

Management Company – A firm that owns several lodging properties.

Manifest – Final official listing of all passengers and/or cargo aboard a transportation vehicle or vessel.

Market demand – The amount of a specific product or service that may be purchased during a certain period of time in a particular geographic area.

Market forecast – The realistic demand within a given time period for the products produced by all companies within a certain industry or product category.

Market – All existing and potential customers for a product or service.

Marketing mix – The 4 Ps of marketing- product, price, promotion, place (distribution).

Marketing plan – A written report that details marketing objectives for a product or service, and recommends strategies for achieving these objectives.

Marketing research – The function that links the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through the systematic gathering and analyzing of information.

Markup pricing – Pricing a product by adding a standard markup to costs. Also called cost-plus pricing.

Markup – A percentage added to the cost of a product to achieve a selling price.

Master account – The guest account for a particular group or function that will be paid by the sponsoring organization. See folio.

Maximum stay – The longest period of time a traveler can stay at a particular destination and still qualify for the promotion or discounted fare.

Media – Communications channel such as broadcast (radio, TV), print (newspapers, magazines, direct mail), outdoor (billboards), and multimedia (Internet).

Meet-and-greet service – A pre-purchased service for meeting and greeting clients upon arrival in a city, usually at the airport, pier, or rail station, and assisting clients with entrance formalities, collecting baggage, and obtaining transportation.

Meeting/conference tour – A tour designed around a specific meeting or conference for the participants.

Microenvironment – Those forces close to a company that impact operations and marketing programs.

Midships – Directional term. Amidships, sometimes termed midships, is the center of the vessel or aircraft.

Minimum connect time – defined as the minimum time necessary between connecting flights – 30 minutes domestically, usually – ideally, at least an hour. The shortest time required in order to successfully transfer to a connecting flight. It is recommended to select a connecting flight that exceeds the minimum connection time.

Mission statement – The concise description of what an organization is, its purpose, and what it intends to accomplish.

Modified American plan (MAP) – meal plan that includes two daily meals, usually breakfast and dinner.

Motorcoach tour operators – Tour operators that own their own motorcoaches.

Motorcoach Tour – A tour that features the motorcoach as the form of transportation to and from destinations.

Motorcoach – A large, comfortable bus that can transport travelers and their luggage long distances.

MST – Mountain Standard Time.

Multi-day tour – A travel package of two or more days. Most multi-day tours are escorted, all-inclusive packages.

Multigenerational Travel – multigenerational travel is a travel category referring to travel with parents, siblings, kids, grandkids, and assorted family members with the goal to broaden horizons, provide opportunities to reconnect and provide an enriching assortment of shared experiences.

Murder-mystery tour – A tour that features a staged “murder” and involves travelers in solving the crime.

Mystery tour – A journey to unpublicized destinations in which tour takers aren’t told where they will be going until en route or upon arrival.

NACTA – National Association of Career Travel Agents – trade group representing primarily independent and home-based agents, now part of ASTA.

National tourism organization (NTO) – A federal-government-level DMO that promotes country as a travel destination.

Nautical Mile – Unit of length that is about one minute of arc of latitude along any meridian, but is approximately one minute of arc of longitude. Air-Sea distance measurement of approx. 1.1 statute miles.

Negotiated Rate – A discounted rate offered to a company based on the volume of business you agree to provide the selected vendor.

Net fare, net rate – Implies the commission has already been added to the price of the fare.

Net wholesale rate – A rate usually slightly lower than the wholesale rate, applicable to groups of individuals when a hotel is specifically mentioned in a tour brochure. The rate is marked up by wholesale sellers of tours to cover distribution and promotion costs.

Niche market – A highly specialized segment of the travel market, such as an affinity group with a unique special interest.

No show – a passenger who doesn’t show for a flight, hotel, or rental car booking. A guest with confirmed reservations who does not arrive and whose reservation was not canceled.

Non Stop Flight – Do not land in between your departure and arrival destinations. (I.e. San Francisco to New York)

Non-Changeable Ticket – A ticket that cannot be exchanged for a different route or flight once it’s been purchased.

Non-refundable – a fare that cannot be refunded either in cash or via a credit card credit; very seldom is there an exception.

Non-Refundable Ticket – A ticket that cannot be returned for cash or credit once it’s been purchased, but may be changeable for a fee.

Nonstop – A flight that travels directly to its destination without connections or layovers.

Non-transferable – A ticket that can only be used by the person who was originally scheduled to fly at the time of purchase.

NTSB – National Transportation Safety Board; investigates accidents and other incidents related to public transportation.

Objective and task method – A process for creating a promotion budget that sets objectives first, then defines the tasks needed to achieve those objectives, and then commits funds necessary to perform the tasks.

Occupancy rate – the percent of hotel rooms expected to be filled during a specific time period.

Occupancy – The percentage of available rooms occupied for a given period. It is computed by dividing the number of rooms occupied for a period by the number of rooms available for the same period.

Ocean view cabin – a cabin aboard a cruise ship with a window, such as a porthole or picture-window, and perhaps a balcony/verandah.

OCV – ocean view, usually in reference to a hotel room.

Offline connection – a change of aircraft also involving a change of carriers.

Off-peak – A less expensive time to travel as result of lower consumer volume during these periods.

On-site guide – A tour guide who conducts tours of one or several hours’ duration at a specific building, attraction, or site.

Onsite – An on-site is an expert travel provider that lives in the country they serve and has firsthand knowledge and long-standing relationships with all aspect of travel in their country.

Open jaw – a trip in during which there is no travel by air between two cities, such as a flight to Washington DC, then travel by rental car to Charlotte, NC, then a return by air from Charlotte back to the original departure city.

Open return – an air ticket with no return date specified. Rarely done these days, usually quite expensive and not allowed on most discounted fares.

Open-end question – A question that allows the respondent to provide a free-response answer.

Open-jaw itinerary – A travel routing design that departs from one location and returns to another. For example, travelers may fly into one city and depart from another one. Or a traveler may purchase round-trip transportation from the point of origin to one destination, at which another form of transportation is used to reach a second destination, where the traveler resumes the initial form of transportation to return to the point of origin.

Operations – Performing the practical work of operating a tour or travel program.

Operator – a company providing transportation or travel related services (airline, cruise line, railway, hotel, car Rental Company, etc.).

Operator – See Tour Operator.

Option date – drop dead date on which a reservation must be deposited or cancellation will result.

Optionals – Optional tour features that are not included in the base tour price, such as sightseeing excursions or special activities.

OTA – Online travel agencies, examples include Priceline, Expedia and Orbitz

Outbound – the departure leg of a journey.

Outbound operator – A company that takes groups from a given city or country to another city or country.

Outbound tour – A tour that takes travelers out of the area, usually from a domestic city to another country.

Outside cabin – see “ocean view ” cabin.

Outside salesperson – job description of a travel agency employee who sells travel but is not based primarily in the agency location most of the time.

Overbook – Accepting reservations for more space than is available.

Overbooking – the practice of selling more airline seats than are available on a specific flight, to make up for no-shows. Usually backfires on the carrier and at times can create much consumer ill-will. Requires passengers to be “bumped” – not always voluntarily. To some extent, happens in the hotel industry as well.

Overhead – Those fixed costs involved in regular operations, such as rent, insurance, management salaries, and utilities.

Override – A commission over and above the normal base commission percentage.

Packaged travel – A package in combination of two or more types of tour components into a product which is produced, assembled, promoted and sold as a package by a tour operator for an all-inclusive price.

Passenger facility charge (PFC) – a fee for the use of many airports, added in to the cost of an air ticket – another name for an additional tax on travelers.

Passenger name record (PNR) – The official name of one’s reservation in a computer reservation system (CRS).

Passenger vessel – Ships, yachts, ferries, boats, etc.

Passport/visa service – a service that will take your passport and hand carry, if necessary, to the appropriate embassy in order to expedite a visa. Can be expensive if you have waited until the last minute to obtain a travel visa.

Patronage Program – A program that rewards the customer for loyalty and repeat purchase, such as frequent-flyer programs.

Peak season – A destination’s high season when demand is strong. Also called the high season.

Peninsula – A piece of land that is connected to a mainland or larger piece of land on only one side, while the other sides are surrounded by water.

Per Diem – “by the day;” in the cruise industry, the per-day cost of a cruise, per person.

Per-capita costs – Per-person costs.

Per-capita tour – See scheduled tour.

Perceived value – The ratio of perceived benefits to perceived price.

Personal effects coverage – Additional car rental insurance covering loss of personal property from the rented vehicle.

Point-to-point – refers to the fares between two cities; the service between two cities without additional segments or any continuation.

Port – the place where a ship docks; a place visited by cruise ship; the left side of a vessel.

Port charges/taxes – fees levied by local authorities upon the cruise lines for each passenger visiting a port of call, normally added to the total cruise fare.

Port of Debarkation – Port of Debarkation is the geographic point where personnel arrive on a cruise vessel

Port of Embarkation – Port of Embarkation is the geographic point where personnel depart on a cruise vessel

Port of entry – Destination providing customs and immigration services.

Port-Directional – When facing forward, the side of the ship or aircraft that is on the left.

Porter – A person who handles luggage at an airport, train station, etc.; also called skycap or baggage handler.

Porthole – usually a round, sealed window in a shipboard stateroom.

Posada – a small country hotel (Spanish).

Positioning strategy – The development of a clear, unique, and attractive image for a company and/or product in the minds of target customers.

Positive space – space aboard a ship or aircraft that can be confirmed ahead of time.

Post-Cruise Vacation – a post-cruise vacation is a vacation or getaway prior to a cruise in the town or region of the port of debarkation of the cruise.

PPDO – per person, double occupancy. Most tours and cruises are quoted this way; the average cost to stay in a particular location per day.

Pre- and post-trip tour – An optional extension or side trip package before and/or after a meeting, gathering, or convention.

Pre-Cruise Vacation – a vacation or getaway prior to a cruise in the town or region of the port of embarkation of the cruise.

Pre-deduct commission – When a distributor such as a travel agent takes up front the commission on a sale and sends the supplier the balance of the sales price.

Preferred Supplier – The selection of specific supplier(s) for priority promotion to customers and/or integration in travel packages in exchange for reduced rates and/or higher commission.

Preferred Vendor – The vendor(s) a company specifies as their first choice for travelers.

Preformed group – A pre-existing collection of travelers, such as affinity groups and travel clubs, whose members share a common interest or organizational affiliation.

Prepaid ticket advice – a form used when purchasing an air ticket to be picked up and used by someone else at another airport. E-tickets have reduced the need for this greatly.

Primary research – The collection of data specifically to solve the marketing problem at hand.

Prix fixe – meals offered at a fixed price, usually fairly low, consisting of several courses with no substitutions allowed. Common in Europe.

Profit margin – A dollar value that represents the markup of a product’s price over its costs.

Promotion mix – Promotion tools including advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, and public relations.

Promotional group tour – A travel package composed of tour elements that match the specific needs and wants of niche customers who aren’t part of an organized or preformed group.

Promotional partnership – The combination of two or more companies to offer special incentives to customers.

Prop – referring to propeller-driven aircraft.

Property – A specific lodging structure, such as a hotel, and the ground on which it is built.

Property – A general term that may be used by a place of accommodation that denotes the facility.

Protection overbooking – The practice of blocking space that will likely be in excess of what will actually be needed.

Pseudo-agent – someone claiming to be a travel agent who really isn’t.  They often produce bogus ID cards, and can disappear when problems arise!

PST – Pacific Standard Time.

Psychographics – Measures of a person’s lifestyle. See also AIO variables.

Public relations (PR) – A management function that determines the attitudes and opinions of an organization’s publics, identifies its policies with the interests of its publics, and formulates and executes a program of action to earn public understanding and goodwill.

Public tours – See scheduled tour.

Published fare – an airfare that is listed in the carrier’s tariff.

Pull strategy – A marketing approach that creates demand at the customer level by generating awareness, interest, and desire so customers pull a product through a distribution channel by demanding it.

Purser – aboard ship, the person responsible for providing a wide array of services such as information, making change, stamps, etc. Found at the purser’s desk.

Purser-(Airline) – On a flight, the purser is the head flight attendant, responsible for overseeing the attendants and making sure travelers’ needs are met.

Push strategy – A marketing approach that creates demand at the distributor level by providing resellers with an incentive to push (sell) a product to end consumers.

Quad – a room suitable for four persons.

Quay – a pier – pronounced the same as “key”.

Query – The process of sorting and retrieving information from a database.

Quid – a monetary term for a British pound sterling.

Quota sample – A research sample that involves forming groups based on certain characteristics. A random sample can then be selected form the quota segments.

Rack rate – The published (brochure) rate for a travel component. The price of a hotel prior to discount.

Rate desk – the office of an air carrier that calculates fares for passengers and travel agents.

Reach – The measure of how many people in a market will be exposed to a certain advertisement via a specific medium.

Reasonable number – A forecast of the break-even point for a tour.

Rebate (ing) – the practice of returning part of an agency’s commission on a scale back to the client in the form of a rebate or “discount.” The trade-off is usually little or no personal/customer service. This is practiced often by “800 ” number travel sellers and others who deal in huge volume.

Receptive operator – A local tour company that specializes in services for incoming visitors, often for tour operator groups.

Reconfirm – to double-check a reservation.

Record locator – The number assigned to a reservation in the airlines number. This number is unique, as it will never be assigned again.

Record locator – the number assigned to one’s reservation in an airline’s computer system.

Red-eye flight – An overnight flight that leaves at night and arrives early the next morning.

Referral agent/agency – an ” agent ” that refers business to a travel agency in return for a commission or fee – often as part of a card mill operation

Registry – the formal registration of a ship’s ownership, and the country it is registered in (such as Panama, Liberia, Norway, etc.).

Reissue – the generation of a new ticket that is exchanged for another, due to a change of plans, dates, flights, etc. May involve additional fare, penalties and fees.

Relationship marketing – The process of building and nurturing ongoing, solid relationship with customers.

Repositionin g – the moving of a cruise ship to another home port for all of part of a season, such as the repositioning of ships to Alaska for the summer. Often these cruises are excellent bargains, but will involve one-way airfare home from the port of debarkation.

Res – short for “reservation”.

Research constraints – Those issues, such as cost and timing that will limit the scope of marketing research.

Reseller – See retailer and wholesaler.

Reservation fee – A customer payment for a certain percentage of the travel package price that’s made immediately after booking.

Responsible Tourism – Travel that extends beyond being merely environmentally responsible, to being culturally-conscious and economically-aware, locally.

Retail price – The actual price a customer pays for a travel element or tour.

Retail tour – See scheduled tour.

Retailer – A middleman, such as a travel agent, who sells directly to the customer.

Retirement travel – retirement travel is a category of travel referring to when a traveler is has retired from a career and commences to travel.  Travel done after retirement age.

Rollaway – a cot or other bedding that can be added to a hotel room to accommodate another guest. There is often an extra charge for this.

Romantic Destinations – romance destination and romance travel is a category of travel that involves travel involving a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love and often refers to travel associated with a wedding, honeymoon, wedding anniversary, babymoon or another type of romantic getaway.

Room Night – In the hotel (hospitality) industry, a room night, room/night occupancy, is a measure of occupancy where a room is the unit of measure.

Room Occupancy – In the hotel (hospitality) industry, a room night, room/night occupancy, is a measure of occupancy where a room is the unit of measure.

Room rates – The various rates used by lodging properties to price rooms. These include- day rate (usually one half the regular rate for a room used by a guest during the day up to 5 p.m.-sometimes called a use rate), flat rate (a specific room rate for a group agreed upon by the hotel and group in advance), group rate (same as flat rate), net group rate ( a wholesale rate for group business to which an operator may add a markup if desired), net wholesale rate ( a rate usually lower than the group rate and applicable to groups or individuals when a hotel is specifically mentioned in a tour folder), and published rate ( a full rate available to or advertised to the public-also called the rack rate.)

Rooming list – A printout of the names of all tour participants that also lists special lodging requests and provides a spot for the hotel or cruise ship to fill in the passenger’s room number.

Round trip – A flight to a single destination and a return.

Run-of-house (ROH) – refers to a hotel room, the type of which is assigned at the discretion of the hotel shortly before you arrive. Usually, the rates are lower.

Run-of-ship – cabin is assigned at the last moment, giving the cruise line the ability to shift accommodations as needed. Usually, you are guaranteed a minimum category of cabin, and sometimes get an upgraded stateroom at no additional cost. Most upgrades are from inside-to-inside cabins, or from outside-to-outside but occasionally an inside-to-ocean view upgrade will occur. It is not always worth the gamble though.

Run-of-the-house rate – A flat rate for which a lodging property agrees to offer any of its available rooms to a group. Final assignment of the rooms is at the discretion of lodging management.

Sabre® – A computerized travel reservation system.

Safaris – Today the negative hunting connotations of the word ‘safari’ are being rapidly replaced by more modern associations with socially and environmentally responsible travel. Safari travel typically implies that the journey will include game viewing and some time spent in wilderness areas (game reserves and national parks). A traditional is usually focused on seeing wildlife, but safaris are definitely not limited to game viewing.  Safaris are now for admiring wildlife and birds in the wild, along with a host of other adventures. Safaris have largely developed into vacation trips that actually benefit the wildlife by supporting local conservation efforts and wildlife sanctuaries. As opposed to hunting the animals, visitors get to encounter them and help make a difference in protecting the species. Safari companies either actively contribute towards conservation projects or help generate tourism revenue which is used to manage wildlife projects and game reserves. The modern safari is also a socially responsible journey designed to interact ethically with local communities and have a positive impact on local economies. The cultural interactions offered by reputable safari operators do not exploit local people. The local communities benefit from sustainable tourism through employment and financial gains from selling goods and services.

Sales margin – A term used by resellers to describe profit as a percentage of sales revenue.

Sample – The portion of a population chosen to represent the population being studied for research.

Saturday night stay – A requirement by the airlines that your travel must involve a Saturday night stay over in order to obtain our lowest fare.

Saturday night stay – In order to receive a specialty fare, a Saturday stay over is sometimes required.

Scandals tour – A light-hearted history tour that shows locations where interesting scandals took place.

Scheduled carrier – An airline that offers regularly scheduled flights between destinations.

Scheduled flights – Air flights that are publicly scheduled and promoted by major airlines.

Scheduled tour – A tour that’s set in a tour operator’s regular schedule of tour departures and that’s often sold to the general public. Also called public tour or retail tour.

Sea bands – a product resembling a bracelet that is worn on the wrists and operates via acupressure.

Wearers claim that seasickness can be avoided by their use, thus eliminating the need for drugs such as Dramamine, etc.

Sea legs – the ability to move around on a ship without losing balance and without sea sickness.

Secondary information – Research data that was collected by another company or person and usually for a purpose that’s different than the research objectives and tasks at hand.

Sectioning system (GPS) – system of satellites that allows miniature radio receivers on earth to pinpoint one’s location within a few feet. Most cruise ships make use of this system to navigate the world’s oceans.

Segment – a “leg” or part of a journey, usually in reference to an air itinerary. One take-off and landing during air travel constitutes a “segment”.

Segment – One leg or portion of a trip. The segment begins when you board the plane and ends when you de-board the plane. (I.e. A connecting flight from San Francisco to New York through Chicago equals 2 segments)

Self-drive – a rental car (British term).

Service non comprise – in French, meaning “service not included”.

Shells – Preprinted brochures with photos, illustrations, and graphics but no text; also called slicks.

Shore excursio n – tours that are purchased as an option when visiting ports of call while on a cruise; can sometimes be bought before you cruise.

Shore excursion – A land tour, usually available at ports of call, sold by cruise lines or tour operators to cruise passengers.

Shoulder season – a period of time between high and low seasons, where prices at a destination are between their highest and lowest, and the crowds are thinner.

Shoulder season – Those periods between the peak and off season when destination demand is moderate.

Sightseeing companies – Organizations that provide local guided tours.

Sightseeing guide – See driver/guide.

Sightseeing tour – Short excursions of usually a few hours that focus on sightseeing and/or attraction visits.

Simple random sample – A sample that draws a group of respondents randomly from all members of the population.

Single Room – A room that is only guaranteed to comfortably accommodate one guest. May also be called a “Standard Room.”

Single Supplement – An additional charge added to a solo traveler, when prices were originally quoted for dual occupancy.

Sleeper – the sleeping compartment aboard a train.

Soft adventure – an outdoor travel experience that is not especially physically demanding, such as a canyon horseback trail ride or a hot-air balloon flight.

Sommelier – A wine professional, usually hired by the most upscale restaurants and establishments, on staff to primarily suggest wine and food pairing to patrons.

Spa – a resort area centered around a mineral springs, hot springs and the like, typically where one can find massage, hydrotherapy, exercise, steam baths, etc.

Special event tour – A travel package that features major happenings, such as concerts or sporting events, as the reason for the journey.

Special fare – Any fare that deviates from normal pricing (typically discounted).

Special interest tour – a tour catering to the needs of a specific interest, such as bird-watching, whale-watching, river rafting, mountain biking, rain forest exploration among many others.

Split itinerary – An itinerary in which part of the group does one thing while the other part does something else.

Split Ticket – Issuing multiple tickets for one round-trip journey. This is done to reduce the total cost of the entire reservation.

Sports Tourism – sports tourism refers to travel which involves either observing or participating in a sporting event staying apart from their usual environment.

Stabilizer – a device on most all cruise vessels, to reduce pitch and roll when at sea – the movement that can cause seasickness. Stabilizers are often pulled in at night in order to allow faster speeds when traveling between ports of call.

Standby – Referring to a passenger who does not have a confirmed seat on the intended flight.

Star Service – a critical guide describing in detail many hotel and cruise ship properties. Can be subjective, as it is based on someone’s opinion, but provides a travel agent with a non-commercial point-of-view.

Starboard – the right side of a ship.

Stateroom – A private cabin or compartment with sleeping accommodations on a ship or train.

Step-on guide – A tour guide who boards a motorcoach to give detailed, expert commentary about the city or area being visited.

Stern – the rear of a ship.

Stopover – a planned stayover in a city for a day or more, while enrooted to another destination. Sometimes adds significantly to the cost of an air ticket.

Strategic plan – A report that describes a company’s mission statement, goals, objectives and strategic actions.

Student visa – permission to enter a country, issued to a student, normally for the purpose of attending school in that country.

Subcontractor – A local operator who provides services for a wholesaler.

Suite – a hotel accommodation with more than one room, or sometimes a single room with distinct sleeping and living areas and often a kitchenette. A suite in a hotel or other public accommodation denotes a class of accommodations with more space and amenities than a typical accommodation room. Luxury or upscale accommodations often have a scaled range of suites progressively increasing in size, luxury and amenities starting with a junior suite and culminating in the largest and most luxurious suite which is often called a presidential or royal suite.

Supplier – any company that supplies travel and/or related services to the traveling public. The actual producer and seller of travel components.

Surface – travel over land that does not involve an aircraft.

SWOT analysis – A summary of a company’s strengths and weaknesses, and the environmental opportunities and threats that will most influence it.

T&E – Travel and Entertainment expenses.

Target market – The group of customers who will be the focus of a company’s marketing efforts.

Tariff – a schedule of prices/fares.

Telemarketing – Direct marketing via the telephone.

Tender – a small boat or ferry that carries passengers from an anchored cruise ship to the pier at a port of call. Many ships are too large for existing port facilities at some destinations, and so they anchor just off shore and “tender “their passengers in for their visit.

Terminal – A building where clients report for trips via train, plane, etc.; also called a depot or a station.

TGV – the term applied to the French high-speed train system.

Theme cruise – a cruise devoted to a specific interest, such as big bands, country western, Star Trek, exercise and weight-loss, cooking and cuisine, and many more. There is usually a theme cruise to suit just about any interest.

Theme tour – A tour that’s designed around a concept of specific interest to the tour takers, such as history or sports.

Through passenger – a passenger who is not disembarking at a particular stop while enrooted to the final destination.

Ticket stock – Blank airline tickets.

Tickler system – A method for monitoring reservations and payments that’s arranged by date and points out late payments so customers can be contacted.

Tiered override pla n – When commissions rise proportionately with a corresponding increase in sales.

Tiered pricing – When suppliers offer different prices to receptive operators, tour operators, and group leaders, so each party can earn a profit by marking up the supplier’s price while still offering a fair price to customers.

Tour broker – See tour operator.

Tour catalog – A publication by tour wholesalers listing their tour offerings. Catalogs are distributed to retail agents who make them available to their customers. Bookings by retail agents are commissionable.

Tour Company – A tour company or tour operator typically combines tour and travel components to create a packaged vacation. They advertise and produce brochures to promote their products, vacation and itineraries.

Tour conductor – the person who accompanies and is in charge of a tour, often on a motor coach tour. See tour director.

Tour departure – The date of the start by any individual or group of a tour program or, by extension, the entire operation of that single tour.

Tour director – Also called tour manager, tour conductor, and tour escort. The person who is responsible for a group on tour and for most aspects of a tour’s execution.

Tour escort – See tour director.

Tour guide – A person qualified (and often certified) to conduct tours of specific locations or attractions.

See also step-on guide, city guide, on-site guide, and docent.

Tour manager – See tour director.

Tour manual – A compendium of facts about a destination, tour procedures, forms, and other information that a tour operator gives to its tour directors.

Tour menu – A menu that limits group clients to two or three choices.

Tour operator – A person or company that contracts with suppliers to create and/or market a tour and/or subcontract their performance.

Tour order – A voucher given to the purchaser of a tour package that identifies the tour, the seller, and the fact that the tour is prepaid. The purchaser then uses this form as proof of payment and receives vouchers for meals, porterage, transfers, entrance fees, and other expenses. See also voucher.

Tour planner – A person who researches destinations and suppliers, negotiates contracts, and creates itineraries for travel packages.

Tour rate – See group rate.

Tour series – Multiple departures to the same destination throughout the year.

Tour – A prearranged, prepaid journey to one or more destinations that generally returns to the point of origin, is usually arranged with an itinerary of leisure activities, and includes at least two travel elements.

Tourism – The business of providing marketing services and facilities for leisure travelers.

Tourist card – a card issued to a visitor in lieu of a visa, usually for a short duration visit.

Tourist – This is the majority of adult travelers, when not vacationing. Tourists may be couples, families, or just a person or two who visit locations.

Tours – a tour is a journey for pleasure which includes the visiting of a number of places in sequence, especially with an organized group often led by a guide.

Tracking study – A survey of customers before and after implementing a promotion campaign to assess changes in consumer behavior.

Trans-canal – passing through the Panama Canal.

Transcon – Having to do with crossing a continent. For example, travel of this sort would be from one end of a continent to another.

Transcontinental – Having to do with crossing a continent. For example, travel of this sort would be from one end of a continent to another.

Transfer – Local transportation and porterage from one carrier terminal to another, from a terminal to a hotel, or from a hotel to an attraction.

Transient Occupancy Tax – Also known as a Bed Tax, it is a City or County tax added to the price of the room.

Transient – A person who stays in a place for just a short while; not a permanent resident, such as a visitor or tourist.

Transit visa – A visa allowing the holder to stop over in a country or make a travel connection or a brief visit.

Transportation – Any method of moving travelers from one point in a journey to another, such as air, ship, rail, and motor coach travel.

Travel advisor – a travel advisor simplifies the time-consuming and complicated process of planning travel for their customers in addition to providing consultation services and entire travel packages. They may book flights, cruises, rental cars and hotels, as well as resort stays and events. Agents cater to a wide demographic, serving both individuals and corporations. They may also concentrate in a special segment of travel; many advisors specialize in leisure, business or group travel, or destination-specific journeys.

Travel advisory – a travel warning issued by the US Department of State, indicating a special caution should be taken in a country due to political unrest, natural disaster, or other special situation. These can be obtained from any good travel agent, on any area you are considering visiting.

Travel agency – Usually used in the travel industry to refer to an ARC-appointed storefront retailer.

Travel agent – A person or firm qualified to arrange for lodging, meals, transportation, cruises, tours, and other travel elements, typically on a commission basis. A travel agent simplifies the time-consuming and complicated process of planning travel for their customers in addition to providing consultation services and entire travel packages. They may book flights, cruises, rental cars and hotels, as well as resort stays and events. Agents cater to a wide demographic, serving both individuals and corporations. They may also concentrate in a special segment of travel; many agents specialize in leisure, business or group travel, or destination-specific journeys.

Travel component – Transportation, lodging, dining, attractions, entertainment, guide services, and other travel elements offered as part of a travel package.

Travel Destination – a place to which one is journeying.

Travel Experience – A travel experience or experiential travel (also known as immersion travel) as it is commonly referred to, is a form of tourism in which people focus on experiencing a country, city or particular place by connecting to its history, people and culture.

Travel Institute – the primary educational and certification arm of the travel industry. Was formerly the “Institute of Certified Travel Agents” (ICTA), located in Wellesley, Mass.

Travel Insurance – Travel insurance is insurance that is intended to cover medical expenses, trip cancellation, lost luggage, flight accident and other losses incurred while traveling, either internationally or within one’s own country.

Travel Itinerary – a travel itinerary is a travel plan or organization of your travel and involves all of the details, times and dates concerning things like airline, cruises and train transportation confirmations, hotel, villa and accommodation reservations, rental car information, restaurant reservations and much more.

Travel Policy – A fluid internal document, pertinent to the company’s culture that outlines the guidelines for business travel and expenses within a company.

Travel rewards – Travel reward programs are often referred to as a loyalty rewards program, and they are generally a campaign devised to generate repeat customers for a particular company by offering a point gratification system for the customers’ business. They are also meant to provide customers with a “thank you” for their loyalty to a company’s product or service. That benefit is typically some sort of discount on certain items or services. Travel specialist – a travel specialist is a travel agent or travel advisor that concentrates in a special segment of travel; many travel agents or travel advisors specialize in leisure, group or business travel, or destination specific travel.

Travel Tours – a travel tour is a journey for pleasure which includes the visiting of a number of places in sequence, especially with an organized group often led by a guide.

Traveler – One who travels.

Travelogues – Many travel websites are online travelogues or travel journals, usually created by individual travelers and hosted by companies that generally provide their information to consumers for free. These companies generate revenue through advertising or by providing services to other businesses. This medium produces a wide variety of styles, often incorporating graphics, photography, maps, and other unique content.

Trip director – An escort for an incentive company. Larger companies reserve this title for the person who directs all personnel and activities for a particular incentive trip.

Trundle Bed – Bed that stores itself under another bed, usually on casters. Often found in smaller hotel rooms or in cramped transport accommodations.

Turn – Airline parlance. A flight that leaves base and returns back to base in the same day. Also known as a turnaround.

Turnaway – A potential reservation that couldn’t be satisfied because the tour (or hotel, ship, etc.) was fully booked.

Twenty-four hour time – used extensively in Europe and other countries, 1pm becomes 1300 hours, 4pm is 1500 hours, etc., up to 2359 ( 1159pm ). Midnight is then considered 2400 or “zero ” hours. 1-20am is then 0120 or “one hour, twenty minutes “and so on. Most schedules and timetables in the majority of other countries are listed in the 24-hour format.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites – a UNESCO World Heritage Site is a place (such as a building, city, complex, desert, forest, island, lake, monument, or mountain) that is listed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as being of special cultural or physical significance.

Unlimited mileage – No mileage restriction when renting a car.

Unrestricted fare – an airfare that has no special advance purchase, Saturday stay or certain days to travel requirements, and is usually refundable. Many full coach and most first-class fares are unrestricted. An airfare with no limitations. It is typically refundable and has no blackout days.

Upgrade – To move to a better accommodation or class of service.

USTOA – United States Tour Operators Association – a trade association which requires its members to be very financially stable and to have a million dollars or more in funds set aside for consumer protection against defaults. Visit for more information.

Value added tax (VAT) – a tax on goods in Europe, which under certain circumstances can be refunded.

Value season – similar to shoulder or low season, when pricing is lower. See off season.

Value – The relationship between the benefits associated with a product or service and the costs of obtaining the product or service. See also perceived value.

Value-added tax (VAT) – A type of tax system which adds a fixed percentage of taxation on products and services at each step of production or service delivery.

Value-based pricing – Pricing a product based on buyer perceptions of value rather than actual product costs.

Variable costs – Costs that change with sales or production levels.

Variance report – A summary of how much a company has gone above or below budget.

Verandah – a roofed-porch, such as connected to a cruise ship stateroom.

VIA rail – the Canadian railway system.

Villas – a large and luxurious country residence. A villa is a fancy vacation home. The word has been around ever since ancient Roman times to mean “country house for the elite.” In Italian, villa means “country house or farm.” Most villas include a large amount of land and often barns, garages, or other outbuildings as well.

VIP experiences – a VIP Experience is the most exclusive way to go behind the scenes or experience a travel destination, accommodation or mode of transportation.

Visa – usually a stamp in a passport allowing entry into a country for a specific purpose and a finite amount of time.

Visa service – a service that can expedite the processing of a visa, sometimes even at the last minute. A fee is charged that varies, depending on the nature of the service needed. Visas are usually stamped into the pages of a valid passport and are issued for varying reasons and periods of time. Not all countries require them, especially for United States Citizens.

Volume incentive – See override.

Volume purchase – The purchase of large quantities of a product or service.

Voucher – Documents that are exchanged for goods and service to substantiate payment that will be or already has been made.

Voyage – a voyage is a long journey involving travel by sea or in space.

Waitlist – A list of clients awaiting transportation or accommodations at times when they are not available. Waitlisted clients are confirmed as a result of subsequent cancellations.

Waiver – a written acknowledgement that a passenger has declined something, such as insurance coverage for a trip, for example. Also, the formal acknowledgement of the waiving or dismissal of a requirement, such as a waiver of a penalty for late booking, etc.

Waiver – A written acknowledgement that a passenger has declined something.

Walk-up – one who purchases an air ticket at the last moment, usually at the airport ticket counter.

Wants – Ways in which a person satisfies a basic need.

Wellness Travel – wellness travel is a category of travel for the purpose of promoting health and well-being through physical, psychological, or spiritual activities

Wet bar – the area of a hotel room that has a bar or other counter space with running water, used for the preparation of drinks.

Wholesale – Sale of travel products through an intermediary in exchange for a commission or fee generally at reduced tariffs.

Word-of-mouth promotion – Personal communication about a product or service from one customer to another.

World Travel Guide – a yearly publication that provides detailed information on most every country in the world, with entries on currency, transportation, climate, visa and passport requirements, sightseeing opportunities, etc. A primary book of knowledge for the professional travel agent.

Yield management – Calculating and analyzing the profits earned per customer.

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World Travel Agency, LLC is owned and operated by Michael and Cheryl LaBaw. We are a husband and wife team dedicated to working together with our clients to insure they travel well. World Travel Agency, LLC is an independent affiliate of Andavo Travel, a Virtuoso® Member. Travel should be more than just a journey, it should be a series of unforgettable experiences. We work hard to ensure our clients’ trips are always stimulating, authentic and – above all else – fun... READ MORE

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Demystifying Travel Terminology: A Comprehensive Guide to Common Travel Terms and Questions

Zackary Hooper

Travel Terms, Picture of a Map on a Table

Navigating the world of travel jargon can feel like traversing a foreign landscape with no map. From words like “ blackout dates ” and “ yield management ” to abbreviations like OTA , the lexicon is vast and confusing.

Table of Contents

This blog post is your compass, guiding you through the thicket of travel terms, acronyms, insurance details , key expressions and even entry requirements for specific locations such as Belgium.

Are you ready to have your most informed trip yet?

Key Takeaways

  • Travel insurance provides coverage and protection for unforeseen events such as trip cancellations, medical emergencies, and lost luggage.
  • It’s important to understand the common exclusions in travel insurance policies , including pre-existing medical conditions , extreme sports activities , war and terrorism incidents, alcohol or drug-related incidents, traveling against government warnings, unreported losses, high-risk destinations, and non-medical evacuations.
  • Medical evacuation coverage is crucial for international travelers as it ensures transportation to a suitable medical facility in case of a serious medical emergency or injury while abroad.

Understanding Travel Insurance

A travel-themed photo featuring passports, tickets, and insurance, with people of various appearances and outfits, taken with professional equipment.

Travel insurance is vital to any trip, providing coverage and protection against various unforeseen events such as trip cancellation, medical emergencies, and more.

What is Travel Insurance?

A happy traveler in front of a mountain landscape, with diverse features, outfits, and a bustling atmosphere.

Travel insurance is a type of coverage that safeguards you from various risks while you’re on your trip. It serves as a safety net, protecting you against potential financial losses that can occur due to several travel-related issues such as trip cancellation , medical emergencies , and lost luggage .

Just like other types of insurance, it involves paying an upfront premium for coverage over a specific period – the duration of your planned trip. The kind of protections offered may vary significantly between different policies but essentially they ensure peace-of-mind during your travels, providing assistance when unpleasant surprises strike.

Trip Cancellation & Interruption

A person is standing by a rainy window with luggage and travel documents, looking out at a bustling cityscape.

Understanding trip cancellation and interruption is crucial when it comes to travel insurance. Trip cancellation coverage helps protect you financially if you have to cancel your trip before it even begins.

This could be due to a variety of reasons, such as unexpected illness or injury , severe weather conditions , or other unforeseen events. Interruption coverage, on the other hand, steps in if your trip is cut short for covered reasons.

Having this type of coverage can provide peace of mind knowing that you won’t lose all the non-refundable expenses associated with your travel plans. It’s important to carefully review the policy details and understand what situations are covered under trip cancellation and interruption.

Common Insurance Exclusions

A person stands confused in front of a closed door, surrounded by cityscape photography with various faces, hairstyles, and outfits.

Insurance policies often come with certain exclusions that can affect your coverage. It’s important to be aware of these common exclusions when choosing a travel insurance policy :

  • Pre-Existing Medical Conditions : Many insurance policies do not cover expenses related to pre-existing medical conditions, unless you purchase a specific waiver or rider for coverage.
  • Extreme Sports and Adventure Activities : Some policies may exclude coverage for injuries or accidents that occur during extreme sports or adventure activities such as skydiving, bungee jumping, or mountaineering.
  • War and Terrorism : Insurance policies may have exclusions for losses or damages caused by acts of war, civil unrest, terrorism, or political instability.
  • Alcohol or Drug-Related Incidents : Coverage may be denied if an injury or accident occurs while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Traveling Against Government Warnings : If you choose to travel to a destination against government warnings or advisories, your insurance policy may not provide coverage for any resulting incidents.
  • Unreported Losses : Insurance companies generally require you to report any losses or incidents within a specific timeframe in order to be eligible for reimbursement.
  • High-Risk Destinations : Some insurance policies have exclusions for high-risk destinations where the likelihood of accidents, thefts, or medical emergencies is considered higher than average.
  • Non-Medical Evacuations : Not all insurance policies cover non-medical evacuations due to natural disasters, civil unrest, or other events that require immediate evacuation from a location.

Terrorism & Severe Weather Incidents

A dramatic photo of a stormy sky over a city skyline with people of different appearances and styles.

Terrorism and severe weather incidents are unfortunate events that can disrupt travel plans. It is important for travelers to be aware of these risks and take necessary precautions.

Some travel insurance policies provide coverage for trip cancellation or interruption due to terrorism or severe weather conditions. However, it is essential to carefully review the policy details and exclusions before purchasing insurance.

In case of an emergency, having access to emergency medical insurance and medical evacuation coverage can offer peace of mind. Stay informed about any travel advisories or warnings issued by authorities regarding your destination in order to make informed decisions about your travel plans.

Emergency Medical Insurance

Having emergency medical insurance is essential for international travelers . It provides coverage for unexpected medical expenses that may arise while you are abroad. Accidents and illnesses can happen at any time, so it’s important to be prepared.

With emergency medical insurance, you can have peace of mind knowing that if something unforeseen happens during your trip, you will be financially protected . Don’t leave home without it!

Medical Evacuation

Medical evacuation is a crucial aspect of travel insurance, especially for international travelers . In the unfortunate event of a serious medical emergency or injury while abroad, medical evacuation coverage ensures that you can be transported to the nearest appropriate medical facility for treatment.

This type of coverage typically includes expenses related to air or ground transportation, as well as any necessary medical personnel and equipment . It provides peace of mind knowing that if something unexpected happens during your trip, you will have access to the necessary resources and support to get you the help you need quickly and safely.

Medical evacuation coverage is particularly important when traveling to remote areas with limited healthcare facilities or in instances where local healthcare services may not meet your needs.

Exploring Travel Terminology

Diverse group of people hiking together in a mountainous landscape, captured in a well-lit and vibrant photograph.

In this section, we will dive into the world of travel terminology, providing you with a comprehensive glossary of commonly used travel terms and expressions.

Travel Terms Glossary

A vintage-style map surrounded by travel-related objects, people with different styles/looks, and high-resolution photography equipment.

This section is dedicated to helping you understand the variety of travel terms you might encounter while planning your trip. Let’s dive into some of the most common travel jargons to help demystify these industry-related terms.

Knowing these terms will help you navigate the industry’s lingo better and ensure you make well-informed travel decisions.

Essential Travel Expressions

A diverse group of people exploring world landmarks and capturing travel photography.

As a travel enthusiast, it’s important to familiarize yourself with essential travel expressions. These phrases and expressions will come in handy during your trips, helping you navigate different situations and communicate effectively with locals. Here are some key expressions to remember:

  • “Hello” and “Goodbye”
  • Greet locals with a friendly “hello” or “good morning/afternoon/evening” depending on the time of day.
  • Say “goodbye” when leaving someone or a place.
  • “Please” and “Thank you”
  • Use these polite phrases when requesting something or expressing gratitude.
  • “Excuse me”
  • Say this when trying to get someone’s attention or pass through a crowded area.
  • “Where is…?”
  • If you’re looking for a specific location or landmark, ask locals by saying, “Where is…?”
  • “How much does it cost?”
  • Use this expression to inquire about the price of an item or service.
  • “I need help”
  • If you find yourself in need of assistance, don’t hesitate to ask by saying, “I need help.”
  • “Do you speak English?”
  • This phrase can be helpful if you’re unsure whether the person you’re speaking to understands English.
  • “Can I have the bill, please?”
  • When you’re ready to pay at a restaurant or cafe, use this expression to request the bill.
  • “Could you recommend…”
  • If you’re looking for recommendations on places to eat, visit, or things to do, ask locals using this phrase.
  • “I’m sorry”
  • Apologize if you accidentally bump into someone or make a mistake.

Travel Expressions at the Airport, Hotel, and while Eating Out

A photo of a restaurant table with diverse international cuisines, a cityscape background, and people of different ethnicities, hairstyles, and outfits.

When traveling, it’s important to know some common travel expressions that can come in handy at the airport, hotel, and while eating out. Here are some useful phrases for different situations:

  • At the airport :
  • “ Where is the baggage claim area? ?”
  • “ Is there a shuttle service to the hotel? ?”
  • “ Could you please direct me to the nearest restroom? ?”
  • “ What gate is my flight departing from? ?”
  • At the hotel :
  • “ Can I have an extra towel, please? ?”
  • “ Is breakfast included in the room rate? ?”
  • “ What time is checkout? ?”
  • “ Could you recommend a good restaurant nearby? ?”
  • While eating out :
  • “ Do you have any vegetarian options on the menu? ?”
  • “ Could I have a glass of water, please? ?”
  • “ What’s your specialty dish? ?”
  • “ Could we split the bill, please? ?”

Navigating Entry Requirements

A collection of travel necessities on a rustic wooden table with a map of Belgium, passport, and boarding pass.

Belgium Entry Requirements, Belgium Visa Requirements, and Special Considerations for Brussels Entry. Learn what you need to know before traveling to Belgium! Read more to ensure a smooth entry into the country.

Belgium Entry Requirements

Before you embark on your trip to Belgium, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the entry requirements. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Valid Passport : Make sure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your planned departure date from Belgium.
  • Visa Exemptions : Depending on your nationality, you may be exempt from obtaining a visa for short stays in Belgium (up to 90 days). Check if your country is eligible for visa exemptions.
  • Schengen Area : Belgium is part of the Schengen Area, so if you have a valid Schengen visa, you can enter and stay in Belgium. This visa allows for travel within the Schengen countries without additional documentation.
  • Proof of Accommodation : You may be required to provide proof of accommodation during your stay in Belgium. This can include hotel reservations or an invitation letter if you’re staying with friends or family.
  • Sufficient Funds : It’s important to demonstrate that you have enough funds to cover your expenses during your stay in Belgium. This can be done by showing bank statements or carrying sufficient cash.
  • Return Ticket : You may be asked to provide proof of a return or onward ticket when entering Belgium. Make sure you have a copy of your travel itinerary handy.

Belgium Visa Requirements

Belgium has specific visa requirements for travelers based on their nationality, purpose of travel , and duration of stay . Here are the key things you need to know:

  • Nationality : Different visa rules apply depending on your nationality. It’s important to check if you need a visa before traveling to Belgium.
  • Schengen Visa : Belgium is part of the Schengen Area, which means that a Schengen Visa allows you to travel not only to Belgium but also to other countries in the area. Make sure to apply for a Schengen Visa if needed.
  • Purpose of Travel : The type of visa you need will depend on your purpose of travel. Whether it’s for tourism, business, study, or work, there are specific visas available for each category.
  • Application Process : To apply for a Belgian visa, you will need to complete an application form and provide supporting documents such as proof of accommodation, travel insurance, financial means, and a valid passport.
  • Duration of Stay : The duration of your visa will depend on various factors such as your purpose of travel and the decision made by the Belgian authorities upon your application. Make sure to check the allowed duration before planning your trip.
  • Additional Requirements : Certain categories of travelers may have additional requirements when applying for a Belgian visa. For example, students may need an acceptance letter from a Belgian educational institution or researchers may require an invitation from a Belgian research organization.

Special Considerations for Brussels Entry

When planning your trip to Brussels, it’s essential to be aware of the special considerations for entry into the city. One important aspect is understanding the Belgium entry requirements .

Make sure you have a valid passport that is not expiring within six months of your travel dates. Additionally, check if you need a visa based on your nationality and the purpose of your visit .

It’s crucial to research and understand these requirements well in advance to avoid any last-minute complications or surprises at the border. By being prepared and knowledgeable about Brussels’ entry regulations, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey to this beautiful city.

Essential Travel Documents

A traveler looking at a world map with passports and visas, surrounded by diverse cityscapes and people.

Understanding Required Travel Documents, such as passports and visas, is crucial for international travelers.

Understanding Required Travel Documents

To have a smooth and hassle-free travel experience, it’s important to understand the required travel documents . These documents vary depending on your destination and citizenship. For example, if you’re planning to visit Belgium, you’ll need to have a valid passport .

It’s also advisable to check if there are any additional visa requirements for your particular country of origin. If you’re a student traveling internationally, keep in mind that certain countries may have specific considerations or restrictions for students entering their borders.

Ensuring you have all the necessary travel documents will help avoid any last-minute complications during your trip.

Belgium Passport Requirements

To enter Belgium, you will need to meet certain passport requirements. Here are the key details:

  • Validity : Your passport should be valid for at least six months beyond your planned departure date from Belgium.
  • Blank Pages : Make sure your passport has enough blank pages for entry and exit stamps.
  • Visa-Free Travel : If you are a citizen of a visa-exempt country, you can enter Belgium for tourist or business purposes without a visa. However, if you plan to stay longer than 90 days, you may need to apply for a long-stay visa or residence permit .
  • Schengen Area : Belgium is part of the Schengen Area , which means that if you have a valid Schengen visa, it allows you to travel within the Schengen countries without additional visas.
  • Non-Schengen Nationals : If you are not a citizen of a Schengen country or do not have a valid Schengen visa, you may need to apply for a Schengen visa at the Belgian embassy or consulate in your home country before traveling to Belgium.

Student Travel Considerations

As a student traveler, there are some important considerations to keep in mind before heading off on your adventure. First and foremost, it’s crucial to have the necessary travel documents in order.

Make sure you have a valid passport that will not expire during your trip. Additionally, if you’re traveling to certain countries or regions, you may need a visa, so be sure to check the entry requirements beforehand.

Another important consideration is travel insurance . While it may be an additional expense, having travel insurance can offer peace of mind and protect you from unforeseen circumstances such as trip cancellations or medical emergencies.

Look for a policy that includes coverage for medical expenses and emergency evacuation.

Lastly, budgeting is key when planning your student travel experience. Determine how much money you’ll need for transportation, accommodations, meals, activities, and any other expenses you anticipate.

It’s also wise to set aside some extra funds for unexpected costs that may arise during your journey.

Tips for Choosing and Using Travel Insurance

A Caucasian woman happily explores a vibrant cityscape, using a map to navigate the bustling atmosphere.

When choosing travel insurance, research and prioritize coverage that aligns with your specific needs.

Researching and Prioritizing Coverage

To make sure you have the right travel insurance for your trip, it’s important to do some research and prioritize your coverage. Start by identifying what types of coverage are most important to you, such as trip cancellation or medical evacuation .

Look for insurance providers that offer these specific benefits and compare their policies. Make sure to read the policy details carefully, paying attention to any exclusions or limitations .

It’s also a good idea to check if your credit card or existing insurance policies provide any travel-related coverage that may overlap with a separate travel insurance policy. By taking the time to research and prioritize your coverage needs, you can find the best travel insurance policy for peace of mind during your trip.

Understanding Policy Details

Understanding the details of your travel insurance policy is crucial for making informed decisions. It’s important to research and prioritize coverage that suits your needs. Take the time to read through the policy thoroughly, paying attention to exclusions and limitations .

Make sure you understand what is covered in terms of trip cancellation, emergency medical expenses, and other potential incidents. Don’t forget to bring a copy of your insurance information with you on your trip, so you have it readily available if needed.

Lastly, don’t hesitate to contact your insurance provider for assistance or clarification on any policy details.

Bringing Insurance Information on the Trip

To ensure a smooth and stress-free trip, it’s important to bring along all the necessary insurance information . This includes having copies of your travel insurance policy documents readily available in both digital and physical formats .

In case of any emergencies or unforeseen events , having easy access to your insurance details will help you navigate through any potential challenges with ease. It’s also advisable to save the contact information for your insurance provider on your phone or write it down for quick reference.

By being prepared and organized with your insurance information, you can have peace of mind knowing that you’re covered throughout your journey.

Contacting Insurance Provider for Assistance

If you find yourself in need of assistance during your trip , don’t hesitate to reach out to your travel insurance provider. They are there to help you navigate any unexpected situations or emergencies that may arise.

Whether it’s a medical emergency, lost luggage, or trip cancellation , contacting your insurance provider is the first step towards resolving the issue. They can provide guidance on what steps to take next and may be able to offer reimbursement for any expenses incurred .

Don’t forget to have your insurance information readily available when reaching out for assistance.

Supplemental Coverage Options

I want to mention some additional coverage options that you may consider when purchasing travel insurance. These options can provide extra protection and peace of mind during your trip.

  • Baggage Loss/Delay Coverage : This coverage reimburses you for the loss, theft, or damage to your baggage or personal belongings during your trip. It can also provide compensation if your baggage is delayed for a certain period of time.
  • Trip Delay/Cancellation Coverage : This coverage helps reimburse you for expenses incurred due to trip delays or cancellations beyond your control. It can cover costs like hotel accommodations, meals, and transportation if your trip is delayed or canceled due to covered reasons such as severe weather, airline strikes, or natural disasters.
  • Travel Medical Insurance : While emergency medical insurance is usually included in standard travel insurance policies, it’s worth considering supplemental coverage for more comprehensive medical protection. This can include coverage for pre-existing conditions, emergency dental treatment, and medical evacuation.
  • Rental Car Collision Coverage : If you plan on renting a car during your trip, this optional coverage can help protect you against the cost of damages to the rental vehicle in case of an accident or theft.
  • Adventure Sports Coverage : If you’re planning on participating in adventurous activities like skiing, scuba diving, or bungee jumping, this optional coverage can provide additional protection specifically tailored to these types of activities.

A diverse group of travelers with passports and suitcases surrounded by a world map, representing the adventure of travel.

Conclusion on Travel Terms

Understanding travel terminology is crucial for navigating the complexities of the travel industry . By demystifying common terms and providing a comprehensive guide to insurance, entry requirements, and essential documents , this article equips readers with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions and have a smoother travel experience.

Start exploring the world with confidence and a better understanding of the travel jargon that comes along with it.

FAQs on Travel Terms

1. what is the meaning of the term “layover” in travel.

A layover refers to a scheduled stop during a journey where passengers stay at an airport for a certain period of time before continuing their flight to the final destination.

2. How do I book a non-stop flight?

To book a non-stop flight, simply select the option when searching for flights on an airline’s website or through a travel booking platform. A non-stop flight means there are no stops or connections between your departure and arrival airports.

3. What does “checked baggage” mean?

Checked baggage refers to luggage that is taken from passengers at the check-in counter and transported in the cargo hold of an aircraft rather than being carried onto the plane as carry-on baggage.

4. Are cancellations refundable when I book with a budget airline?

Refund policies vary among budget airlines, but generally, they have stricter cancellation policies compared to full-service airlines. It’s important to review the terms and conditions of your ticket purchase or contact customer service for information regarding cancellations and possible refunds.

About the author

Profile picture of Zackary Hooper

I’ve been fortunate to visit over fifty countries, each journey leaving a unique footprint on my life’s map. From bustling cities to serene nature trails, I’ve immersed myself in different cultures and experiences, constantly broadening my understanding of the world. On this site, I share my travel stories, tips, and insights, hoping to inspire others to embark on their own journeys. Join me as we uncover the beauty of our planet, one adventure at a time. Please reach out here if you need to get in touch.

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travel freak term

Brush Up On Your Travel Slang: 9 Terms To Know

In the travel world, new terminology is always springing up. Here are nine travel slang terms every avid traveler needs to know.

Ayah A. • Apr 21, 2022

travel freak term

In the travel world, new terminology is always springing up. So much so that sometimes it’s hard to keep up. Travel lovers never really NEED a reason to travel. We just do it because it brings joy to our hearts, a smile to our faces, and leaves us enriched with unforgettable experiences, knowledge, and memories. However, some of these terms may inspire you to take a different type of vacay. Here are nine travel slang terms every traveler needs to know.

1. Solomoon

Brush Up On Your Travel Slang: 9 Terms To Know

Self-love is a major key to feeling happy and fulfilled. Romance your damn self on an intimate solomoon, which— yup, you guessed it— is a honeymoon-esque solo trip taken for the sheer purpose of wining, dining, relaxing, and treating yourself to all that you deserve. Think Maldives , Tahiti, Paris, or any other romantic destination.

2. Gramping

Brush Up On Your Travel Slang: 9 Terms To Know

The term “gramping” refers to a trip taken by grandchildren and their grandparents. What better way to close the generational gap and bond than through a fun and beneficial shared adventure? It’s not limited to camping, either. A gramping trip can consist of travels to any destination, local or international.

3. Revenge Travel

Brush Up On Your Travel Slang: 9 Terms To Know

Revenge travel is something many of us are still engaging in, and may continue to for some time. The term refers to the act of trying to make up for trips missed due to the pandemic. The fiasco of canceled trips, border closures, and airlines halting service made for lots of disappointment as the world went into lockdown. Now that we can once again explore the world, it’s time for that revenge travel!

4. Baecation

Brush Up On Your Travel Slang: 9 Terms To Know

“Baecation” is a word most of us are familiar with; we may have even gone on one before. But in case you’ve been living under a rock, a baecation is a trip you take with your…bae! Whether it’s a new fling, a spouse, or your ride-or-die boo since back in the day, nothing adds a spark to a relationship like a trip with just the two of you.

5. Friendcation

Brush Up On Your Travel Slang: 9 Terms To Know

Leave your family and responsibilities behind for this one. Whether a girls trip , bros trip, or mixed group of your besties, nothing spells fun like a friendcation with your favs.

Book the dopest villa, buy your matching fits, schedule your group tours, and get ready to let your hair down for the most lit trip imaginable.

6. Vaccication

Brush Up On Your Travel Slang: 9 Terms To Know

Your first bit of revenge travel may have come in the form of a vaccication, AKA the first trip taken after becoming fully vaccinated. Many countries are open only to vaccinated travelers, while in others, being vaccinated may allow you to forgo the testing or quarantine requirement.

However, if you’re someone who preferred not to get the jab, more and more options are opening up to unvaccinated travelers.

7. Bleisure

Brush Up On Your Travel Slang: 9 Terms To Know

Got a work trip scheduled? Turn it into a bleisure trip by using the opportunity to explore the destination and partake in some enjoyment. Why be all work and no play when you can make the most of your travels by combining business and leisure?

8. Familymoon

Brush Up On Your Travel Slang: 9 Terms To Know

Most people honeymoon after being wed, enjoying a romantic, kid-free vacation. But nowadays, some are choosing to enjoy a familymoon instead. Bringing other family members along allows them to continue celebrating the new union with you. In blended families, it can also be a way to help new step-siblings bond with each other and the new stepparent.

9. Babymoon

Brush Up On Your Travel Slang: 9 Terms To Know

The joyous occasion of welcoming a new baby leaves couples busy, tired, and with less time for one another. For this reason, many choose to take a nice trip together prior to the baby’s arrival. The babymoon can be a time to rest and relax, and to celebrate the upcoming birth of their bundle of joy.

Related:  Solo, Group Trips Or Baecations: Travelers Tell Us Which Is Best  

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How Traveling the World Will Change You

travel freak term

I travel the world and seemingly never stop.

To some, this sounds like the dream. And to be honest, it kind of is. I go wherever, do whatever, see whatever. My life is not bound by anything except myself, and I feel free to do and go what and where I please.

The freedom is amazing and no 9-5 could compete with it. But it’s not all rainbows and unicorns. There have been struggles—big ones—and there have been times when I barely knew which way was up. There were days when I didn’t even know if I would eat.

But somehow I always found a way, and looking back, that’s what made my travels so rewarding. Learning what you’re made of, even during the hardest of hardships, is the path to self-understanding and self-acceptance.

4000 Islands, Laos

But traveling for so long means you’re not just traveling for fun anymore—travel becomes a lifestyle. It becomes the thing you live and breathe for. And because this is by no means normal, you take yourself out of accepted society and become a part of a culture and a mindset that many others cannot understand.

Years after embarking on an epic quest traveling the world alone, I have returned to the United States as an immensely different man .

My consciousness has shifted. I have developed a broader understanding of the world and the people within it, especially myself. My understanding of right and wrong has broadened and my grasp on the world around me has grown. I see things differently, and now my life is governed by a set of rules far different from those which govern the lives of others.

When you travel for a month or a year or more, things change. But not necessarily for better or worse. After so much time traveling the world, these things simply are.

You Cultivate a Slowed Down Lifestyle

When traveling for so long, responsibilities tend to dwindle. But they don’t dwindle in a way that merits irresponsibility, there are simply fewer things that need to get done in a day. There are no more errands to run or people to meet. There is nothing but you and the day you are living in. With such little to do, you can take more time for yourself. Things slow down, and life becomes more relaxed. Hang out in a hammock for while, stop and talk to a local on the street, or drink a beer for breakfast.

It’s all good, because life doesn’t have to be stressful.

Camping in Tasmania

You Develop a Filter for What Really Matters

There are few things in life that we really, truly need as a person. Food, water, shelter (sometimes). Comfort and luxury are nice, but what is their level of importance in the grand scheme of things? With so many other pressing issues in the world, and through first hand experience in dealing with them during travels, you develop a filter for what really makes a difference in the world and in your life. Your nails, new sneakers, and the dent in your bumper do not matter. Showing up late doesn’t matter. What that jerk said to your friend doesn’t matter. These things are trivial.

Syria and the Ukraine matter. Love matters. Experience matters. Joy matters.

Imperial City, Hue, Vietnam

You Learn to Recapture Joy

When traveling, we experience new places with wide open eyes and complete ignorance to local cultures and vistas. Travelers can recapture joy in their life in the same way an infant explores the world with unschooled thought. Everything is new again. The world is open and available, and every day is spent reacclimatizing to places and people. Looking back on four years of traveling the world, these are the moments that, time and time again, have brought me the most joy.

There is no dull day to day life. There is no monotony. Travelers have given up on accepting the status quo and have sought to recapture joy in their lives through new experiences the world over.

Kuang Si Falls, Luang Prabang, Laos

You Gain a Global Understanding and Perspective

This is perhaps one of the most drastic and positive changes that comes from traveling the world for so long, but it’s also one of the most inhibiting. To struggle with small problems and local issues seems paltry. There are much larger issues that affect millions of people and beings, in hundreds of countries around the world. There is so much more to focus on, and your consciousness shifts to a more global perspective.

I no longer view situations from only my own perspective. I approach them with a global understanding and try to grasp at more substantial implications of how issues affect not only myself and a community, but people everywhere. This allows me to prioritize the things in life which truly matter, but it also means that relating to a large majority of people who do not see things this way is a truly difficult task.

It’s brilliant, but it can be socially limiting.

Floating Villages, Siem Reap, Cambodia

You Discover Freedom and Independence

When traveling perpetually, with no particular plan, life becomes free. Your day is yours and you can do with it whatever you please. You travel on your own, sleep on your own, hike on your own, and essentially live on your own. Nobody tells you what to do, and your decisions are yours and yours alone. This is incredibly empowering, and you learn to live life on your own terms. It’s an intoxicating lifestyle, and it’s hard to come back from that.

This also breeds an understanding of who you can count on. Sometimes you can rely on others, but more often than not, you learn to rely on yourself.

Sapa, Vietnam

You Find Strength in Yourself

Traveling the world is not easy. It can be stressful, lonely and tiresome, and sometimes, it downright sucks. In traveling for extended periods of time, you are broken down to your innermost core, to a point of hollowness. When things are bad, they get worse, and you are left on your own with nobody else to help you make a positive transition. In keeping going, though, you rebuild yourself from the ground up , and you develop the strength in yourself to keep at it.

In becoming nothing, you learn how to embrace everything.

Tiger Leaping Gorge, Yunnan, China

You Learn Resourcefulness

Packing light is a skill that doesn’t come easily. It literally took me years to figure out how to downsize. This requires learning how to use what you have, and becoming resourceful enough to make the most of what’s available to you.

Sometimes we get bogged down with material possessions, in a world where there is an object to serve every purpose. At the core of life, though, we don’t need these things. Simply a tree and a blanket can serve as shelter for an evening.

Resourcefulness can come from interacting with other people, too. I have had a wealth of opportunities become available to me simply through networking and talking to strangers.

From nothing, it is, in fact, possible to create something.


You Learn How to Take Care of Your Body

Traveling for so long will wear you down. Your body gets tired and your brain will be overwhelmed to the point of mental exhaustion. Whether sleeping on cramped overnight buses in Asia or wrapped in a sleeping bag in the backseat of a car in Tasmania, your body wears out. You must learn how to respond to what your body needs and when it needs it.

There is no such thing as a routine eating or sleeping schedule. In response, you are forced to tune in to the needs of your body and provide it with what it requires, through both preventative and mending measures. The effects of an unhealthy lifestyle are amplified when traveling, and you are forced to discover the best way to maintain a healthy body and mind.

Sunset on Koh Phangan, Thailand

You Become Accepting of Change

In a world where change is hardly accepted, you are living a life in which change is the only constant. Whether you want things to change or not, they will.

Travelers change friends daily and cities weekly. Relationships change monthly. There is no routine, there is no schedule, there is nothing but what is new. People say hello and goodbye on a whim. It can be hollowing and lonely, but you will learn, though the heartbreak, sorrow and joy that change should be cherished because it can make way for beautiful new possibilities in the future.

After traveling the world for so long, I not only accept change, but I advance it. If things are not changing, life is not improving. We can learn from past experiences, change and grow from them, and move forward in life with newfound knowledge and sagacity.

A life without change breeds no new possibilities.

Trekking through the rice fields of northern Thailand

You Find Your Place in the World

It’s a vast world that we live in, and as important as we think we are, we are not. Traveling is humbling because you realize how small you really are. You learn what your role in life is, and how that life manifests itself within the greater scope of the world. It also provides insight as to how you can position yourself to do greater good on a larger, more meaningful scale.

Popularity and a heavy ego account for nothing when you are hiking in the mountainous rice fields of Vietnam. The life you live gets put on scale and, whether you want to or not, you are forced to measure the weight of it.

Big Buddha, Pai, Thailand

You Learn to Live a Compassionate Life

Through experience with so many people around the world, you learn to connect with them and interact with them on a different level. Relationships are less superficial and friendships become more meaningful. Quite frankly, when you travel, they have to be. There is no time for grandiosity or indifference. You learn the importance of what you have around you and the life you lead becomes filled with compassion.

Waiheke Island, New Zealand

You Learn to Place Faith in the Universe

You never end up where you think you will, and nothing ever results in what you expect. Through traveling the world you learn that, oftentimes, the path of your day or week is entirely out of your hands. Somehow, the universe is looking out for you, and you will learn to let go of control and allow your path to unfold on its own.

In all of my experience, I have never ended up where I thought I would, but I found that I always ended up exactly where I was supposed to be.

READ NEXT: My 65 Best Travel Tips After 10 Years of Travel

Jeremy Scott Foster

Jeremy Scott Foster

I really love this post, especially this line: “In being nothing, you learn how to embrace everything.” Keep on keepin’ on! : )

Thanks, Kelli 🙂

Gorgeous photos and insight…so, what’s next? 😉

Good question! I have some ideas in mind…the journey never ends!

Love the first photo from Pai!

Looks like you’ve learned some priceless lessons after all this travel. I’m met with a crossroads in life now and I think it’s truly time to asses priorities and try and place faith in the universe!

Ahhh, you recognize that canyon, do ya?

Indeed, these lessons have been priceless and valuable. As for you, don’t overthink anything and always go with your gut! With the right attitude, everything always works out.

So much changed for us within 1 year of travel. 4 years would just do us over completely! Congrats on your 4 years…

Thanks, Gerard! And congrats to you for marrying that beautiful woman!

Nice post. It’s definitely true that travel is transformative.

Cheers, Michael. It’s been a journey, indeed! Hope yours has been just as fruitful.

Great post Jeremy! I can totally agree with you’ve written here. Thanks to my travels I have realized that less is more and people are generally kind and friendly. I also started paying more attention to details and be happy about such things as weather, food or new amazing people I’ve met on the road!

Quite right! It’s those little details which so many people take for granted, but while traveling, we really learn to appreciate them. It’s important not to pass them over!

Welcome back, though I know it’s hard. That reverse culture shock thing is real, I learned, though I didn’t believe it before. You speak so many truths here, but I resonated with this line, “It can be hollowing and lonely, but you will learn, though the heartbreak, sorrow and joy that change should be cherished because it can make way for beautiful new possibilities in the future.” It’s so true, and life would be terribly mundane without change. And your last line about ending up where you’re supposed to be. That happened to me in Thailand, and I ended up having the exact experience I’d dreamed up…but it never would have been that way if I had been sent to teach on the beaches in the south like I’d hoped. Sometimes following our hearts and making the most of any situation is what drives a happy ending.

I’m so glad that you can relate to my experience. Sometimes life just feels too poignant, doesn’t it?

First day of packing up all and leaving it behind, sitting quietly by myself in the beautiful town of Jurien Bay on Australia’s West Coast and searching the web for inspiration I stumble upon yourself, and I have found inspiration, don’t know where I’m going or what I’ll do but enthusiasm and motivation is filling me, I will regularly check in on your site and might hopefully have some inspiring stories of my own to post, thanks Jeremy…..

The journey is always better that way. Best of luck to you!

The naked truth about the travelling experience, beautifully written. Really good!

The best on the topic i have ever read. (Not that i’ve actually read a lot on it, but it’s good to read something that articulates ones own ideas so well.) At last, after decades of work and so on, now early retirement, i’m going to do it my way. 😉

Good for you! Kudos!

I just found your site, and had to say I’ve experienced much of what you describe already. I travel for a number of months each year and this year was to be Latin America, and now I don’t know where, when, or if it will end.

While everything you wrote resonated, I think the most difficult element of living an ‘alternative life of travel’ is that so many others do not understand the culture and the mindset. Which is exactly why I went searching for people of similar elk, and found you.

What are you doing and where are you now?

Thanks for sharing your experiences, Belinda

Four years! wow! You rock! I have been traveling every 6 weeks of my life for over 20 years, but these last three I have increased it a ton, with 17 countries in 2014 and (so far) 12 countries visited in 2015 with many more scheduled out for the year!

YOU are a traveling machine, Cacinda!

Holy cow man!

Jeremy, I can share the first half of all the photos listen in this post! South East Asia is indeed an incredible place to explore and experience adventure of a totally different nature.

I think those that have experienced travel of 3 months or greater will be able to appreciate all of your ‘Lessons Learned’ in some way. Perhaps the podcast you mention, although I’m not sure if it has been located, is likely applicable to many more of us also.

Travel is a unique experience that will broaden your sight, mind, and your horizon as you embark on a journey to find success and determine what really matters most to you. That’s a great take away.

You may have wild dreams of travel, adventure, and the glory of life on the road, but does it really matter? I believe the act of long term travel will encourage you to be open to change, and will surely get inspiration flowing from the people, places, and cultures you meet.

Some people use travel to determine what really matters most (I know I did during my 12+ months on the road) and for some, it can provide a sense of direction that can lead to personal development, projects, relationships and more, that one can use to define a path forward. That’s the best part of travel. You never know where the craziest ideas and influences may lead you!

I love what you’ve done with your travel, and the journey you’ve embarked on for this 4 year period. It’s inspiring that, despite the ups and downs, you’ve carved your own path and are living life on your own terms.

Thanks for the inspiration, and re-affirming what matters to me.

Jason Townsend –

This is a great post! I am myself in a place where I have come to have a different view of the world than many people around me. I feel you about the global perspective but almost no one agrees with me – that can be difficult sometimes. I agree that something happens as you let go of your normal world and explore something new. When I started travelling I knew I needed to start new habits and I have. The last 3 years I have been travelling 4 months per year but I just want more… I just couldn’t go back to just having 5 weeks vacation again. I have a fear that if I start travelling even more I never want to go back. What do you say about that dilemma? have you thought about going back to the average Joe daily routine and just forget about the travel lifestyle?

Of course. I think it would be unhealthy to just travel and never think about other options. It’s very important to take a personal inventory. We have to make the best decisions we can at any given time, and often our desires change drastically from year to year.

Oddly enough, the biggest thing I learnt when traveling is that travel isn’t a necessity!

Nice articulation and well shot photos. Just loved it. What are you currently doing Jeremy?

Absolutely loved this post. I can relate to all!

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Synonyms of travel

  • as in to trek
  • as in to traverse
  • as in to fly
  • as in to associate
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Thesaurus Definition of travel

 (Entry 1 of 2)

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • peregrinate
  • road - trip
  • knock (about)
  • perambulate
  • pass (over)
  • cut (across)
  • proceed (along)
  • get a move on
  • make tracks
  • shake a leg
  • hotfoot (it)
  • fast - forward

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • hang (around or out)
  • slow (down or up)
  • collaborate
  • take up with
  • keep company (with)
  • rub shoulders (with)
  • fall in with
  • pal (around)
  • rub elbows (with)
  • mess around
  • be friends with
  • interrelate
  • confederate
  • cold - shoulder

Thesaurus Definition of travel  (Entry 2 of 2)

  • peregrination
  • commutation

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Britannica English: Translation of travel for Arabic Speakers Encyclopedia article about travel

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The Travel Glossary - find the best Terms, Definitions and Acronyms

Travel terms, glossary, definitions and acronyms of the travel industry from A – Z. Click on a letter to see the terms and descriptions in our glossary.

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Add-collect, adjoining room.

Average Daily Rate. A hotel industry term used to calculate average hotel room rate. Equal to room revenue divided by rooms sold.

advance purchase

The advance time before travel that a fare requires a ticket to be issued, normally 3,7,14 or 21 days.

Agent Error. An incorrect entry made by a consultant during the reservation process.

AEA (see “Association of European Airlines”)

A US based travel agency that has entered into an agreement with BCD Travel to use the BCD Travel trademarks and provide travel services to customers in the affiliate’s territory.

Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC)

An independent corporation jointly owned by most of the major United States airlines; ARC collects payments for tickets sold by travel agencies and distributes the monies to the airlines; ARC also governs appointment of travel agencies to sell domestic air transportation.

airport code

The three-letter code used by airlines and the air travel industry to identify airports around the world, e.g. LHR=London Heathrow, JFK=New York John F. Kennedy.

airport security check

Airport security checks are procedures and measures for screening passengers and baggage to ensure security against terrorist threats and other dangers.  Find out how to get through quickly

airport tax

Tax levied by certain airports throughout the world. In many cases this can be built into the total ticket price, although some airlines will not co-operate, thus making payable locally by the passenger.

On outbound journey’s, airside includes all those areas of the airport terminal after you have passed through passport control. On inbound journey’s, airside includes all those areas of the terminal before you pass through passport control.

A short-hop aircraft for up to 20 passengers, usually flying unscheduled services with a 200 / 500-mile range.


A hotel program which usually includes all meals, snacks, beverages and activities.

A joint partnership between specified carriers which may include, but not limited to, interlining, code-sharing, joint frequent flyer program participation, and even equity participation of stock ownership.

The National Railroad Passenger Corporation, a government-subsidized corporation that operates all passenger train service in the United States.

Automatic Number Identification. A contact center term for a telephone network feature that passes that number of the phone the caller is using to the contact center, real-time.

American Plan. A hotel rate that includes breakfast and dinner, sometimes lunch.

Asia Pacific. A geographical term used interchangeably with ASPAC and often used in reference to the entire Asian market.

Advance Purchase Excursion Fare

applicable fare

The fare to be applied.

Accounts Receivable. Money which is owed by a customer to a company for products or services provided on credit.

ARC (see “Airlines Reporting Corporation”)

An eight-digit identification number issued by ARC to travel agencies who have met accreditation standards.

Arrival Unknown. An ARNK is added to a reservation when there is a break in the itinerary and continuity is not recognized; it does count as a segment when ticketing.


A continuous journey circumnavigating the globe in one general west-to-east or east-to-west direction in which both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans are crossed not more than once each.

ARR (see “Average room rate”)

Asia South Pacific. A geographic term used interchangeably with APAC.

Automated Ticket & Boarding Pass. IATA standard transportation ticket and combined boarding pass which features a magnetic strip containing passenger and journey details.

Average Ticket Price. The average price of all tickets purchased; domestic and international are sometimes calculated separately.


The total number of seats allowed to be sold at a particular rate.

average room rate (ARR)

Ratio of hotel’s sales revenue to the number of occupied rooms.

back-to-back ticketing

An against-the-rules practice whereby a traveler books a return ticket nested inside another return ticket to avoid minimum stay requirements for the purpose of saving money. For example, the traveler uses the first ticket to fly from origin to destination on Monday in week 1, then he uses the second ticket to fly from destination to origin on Friday in week 1 and back to destination on Monday in week 2, and then he uses the first ticket again to fly back to origin on Friday in week 2. The normal Saturday night stay requirement is then avoided. While this will sometimes save money, most airlines do not allow this practice and doing so might result in penalties.


Having to return to your original airport of entry in a country to make the return trip home. A time-consuming and costly procedure to overcome by arranging an op-jaw itinerary, which allows you to fly out to one point and return from another.

Carry-on-baggage and checked baggage have many restrictions. Most notable are the number and size of the baggage. Many airlines allow only 1 carry-on bag, plus one personal item (purse, back-pack, computer bag). For checked baggage restrictions and fees, refer to the carrier’s website for details.

banker’s buying rate (BBR)

Exchange rate used to convert from one currency to another; called the ‘buying rate’ because it is the rate used when banks purchase currency from an individual

banker’s selling rate (BSR)

Exchange rate used to convert from one currency to another; called the ‘buying rate’ because it is the rate used when banks sell currency to an individual

Best Available Rate. A hotel industry pricing method for yielding room rates (floating) based on demand while ensuring the best rate is presented for sale to agents, consumers.

A fare without tax.

Measurement of hotel occupency.

blackout dates

Certain dates or periods when travel on specific fares is not permitted (usually holidays).

blocked space

Multiple reservations, often subject to deposit forfeiture, which wholesalers or travel agents make with a supplier in anticipation of resale.

boarding pass

A permit to board a ship, plane, or other form of transportation. In the case of air travel, the card indicates boarding gate and aircraft seat number.

booking code

A letter code used to make an airline reservation at a particular fare level in a computerized reservation system. (CRS/GDS)

Bank Settlement Plan. Outside the USA, a system by which the travel agent community pays carriers for tickets it issues.

Business Travel Account. If a company has a corporate credit card program where certain purchases such as air, rail, and associated transaction fees are centrally billed to one “master” credit card number, this is referred to as the Business Travel Account (BTA). This account allows for the purchase of certain air travel expenses for corporate employees without the need to issue individual credit cards to each traveler for the designated expenses. Because the account has no physical card, it’s often called a “ghost card.”

BTC (see “Business Travel Center”)

Business Travel News. A travel industry publication that delivers news and research to the corporate travel population.

bucket shop

An unlicensed, unbonded travel agency used by some airlines to dispose of excess capacity seats that are available on certain flights.

buffer zone

For taxation purposes, an extension of the US border 225 miles north into Canada and 225 miles south into Mexico border; all cities within this area are assessed the 7.5% US domestic tax when tickets are purchased and sold in the US.

A net fare contract for certain number of seats. Similar to blocked space except that the tour operator, wholesaler, or travel agent usually contracts for airline seats at a low, non-commissioned price without the option of releasing space back to the airline.

A partition (usually a wall) on an airplane separating compartments.

Travel slang for the removal of a passenger from a flight through overbooking; usually applied to those holding concessionary tickets.

bundled pricing

A pricing proposal, always a transaction fee, where elements other than air (e.g. car hire, hotel, rail) are included in the fee with the air transaction.

business class

Level of airline service between First class and Economy class. On European routes business class has now replaced first class as premier service level. Most airlines have their own brand names. (e.g. British Airways – Club World and Club Europe: Air France – Le Club etc.)

Business Travel Center (BTC)

Standard full service and online service in a local call center, undedicated, team environment.

Business Travel Management

Business travel management is the process of planning, organizing, and overseeing business travel for an organization. This includes booking travel arrangements, managing expenses, and developing policies and procedures for business travel.

cancellation policy

The advance time a hotel requires a booking to be canceled by to avoid being billed for the room

carrier (CXR)

Another term for airline.

Credit Card. A system of payment whereby the issuer of the card grants a line of credit to the cardholder, to be used to make payment to a merchant or to withdraw cash.

Collision Damage Waiver. An industry term for optional insurance provided by car rental companies that eliminates all responsibility of the driver in an accident.

centralized billing

System under which a travel supplier, credit card company, agency or other supplier consolidates all costs/charges incurred by different employees or departments into one total invoice.

change of equipment

Also known as “change of gauge”. A single flight number used to represent flights on two different aircraft; usually on international destinations.

Notification to an airline or hotel that a traveler has arrived to take a flight or stay at a hotel; some airlines provide curbside check-in while others only allow check-in at the ticket counter.

Advice to a hotel that a guest is leaving the property and usually includes payment for the stay.

A traveler who has had his/her second birthday, but not yet his/her twelfth birthday (this definition may vary by carrier).

Churning refers to any repeated booking or canceling of the same itinerary in the same class or different classes of service in one or more PNRs or GDS.

circle pacific

Travel from IATA Area 1 (North and/or South America) to IATA Area 3 (Asia, Australia, South Pacific) by way of the North Pacific Ocean in one direction, via the South Pacific Ocean in the opposite direction, and at least one flight within IATA Area 3 that crosses the Equator.

circle trip (CT)

A journey from origin to destination with a return to origin in a continuous, circuitous route using two or more fare components

The orgin (from) and arrival (to) points of a trip, usually by air or train.

city terminal

Airline office, usually city center, where passengers may check-in, receive seating details and board special bus/ taxi/ helicopter/ rail/ shuttle services to the airport.

class of service

The interior of an aircraft is divided into sections, each with a different level of service and amenities; common classes of service are first, business, and economy.

Cruise Lines International Association. An association dedicated to the promotion and growth of the cruise industry.

Section of a hotel offering higher security and special facilities either for a premium payment or as an incentive/ privilege for frequent users.

club ticket

Fully flexible, redeemable business class ticket valid one year from date of issue. Phrase used primarily in the U.K.

Another term for bus.

Close of Business. A term meaning the end of the business day.

A marketing agreement between two airlines (very common amongst airlines that have an alliance) where a seat is purchased on one airline (the selling carrier), but the flight is actually operated by a different airline (the operating carrier).


Two or more fares shown separately in a fare calculation.

Computerized Reservation System

System used to book and process travel reservations, also known as a Global Distribution System (GDS).

A hotel employee who attends to guests’ needs for special information, theater and restaurant reservations, and any other special requests.

connecting flight

A flight which the passenger must change aircraft.

A stop in a given city for less than 4 hours (domestic US); less than 12 hours (domestic US as part of an international journey); less than 24 hours (international); continuing on the next applicable flight to an onward destination; designated by X/ in a linear fare construction line.

conjunction ticket

Two or more tickets concurrently issued to a passenger and which together constitute a single contract of carriage.

connecting rooms

Two rooms that are side-by-side that have a common connecting interior door.

consolidation fare

A group inclusive tour fare available to travel agents and other operators to construct packages to destinations which are inclusive of accomodation. Consolidation fares, although group fares, are for sale to individual passengers.


A person or company which forms groups to travel on charter or at group fares on scheduled flights to increase sales, earn override commissions or reduce the chance of tour cancellations.

A group of independent companies that join together to gain greater profits.

construction point

A city through which fares have been combined for the purpose of pricing an itinerary; a destination city or a turnaround point; a fare break shown on the ticket.

A contact center term for an individual who is calling or visiting your company by phone or through the website, and who is requesting an interaction with an agent.

contact center

An umbrella term that generally refers to reservations centers, help desks, information lines or customer service centers, regardless of how they are organized or what types of transactions they handle.

continental breakfast

A light breakfast of such things as coffee, pastry and sometimes juice.

contract fare / contract discount

A discounted fare agreed upon by the client and a carrier; contract fares require a client give the carrier a certain percentage of its business in all markets.

corporate fare

A discounted airfare for business travelers.

corporate rate

A special rate negotiated between a supplier (hotel or car for example) and a company.

corporate hotel rate

Learn how to get corporate hotel rates .

Corporate Travel Department (CTD)

A CTD (Corporate Travel Department) establishes a direct purchasing relationship between the company and its travel suppliers. The accrediting body, ARC (Airline Reporting Corporation) authorizes the company to function as its own “travel agency” and control it’s financial settlement.


A group of cities/airports considered to be the same point; example: JFK/LGA/EWR.

country of commencement (COC)

The country in which a journey begins; the base fare is converted from NUCs into the currency of the Country of Commencement by using the IATA ROE.

country of payment (COP)

The country in which a ticket is being purchased; the base fare is converted from the currency of the Country of Commencement into the currency of the country of payment using the Bank Rate if the countries are not the same.

Cost Per Mile. A calculation of the average price paid per mile.

Cost Per Transaction. A calculation of the total cost a company incurs for generating a customer transaction.

Customer Relationship Management. A term used for a database that is used to house and maintain customer information.

CRS (see “Computerized Reservation System”)

Corporate Social Responsibility . A concept whereby companies consider the impact to society and the environment of their actions.

Central Security Record. A hotel industry term for the name of the Viewership Management Table used to maintain a list of offices authorized to access a client’s negotiated hotel rates.

Central Standard Time. A time zone in the US, also known as Central Time or CT.

Corporate Travel Department. A company’s in-house travel agency that purchases air transportation and related travel services on behalf of its own employees.

Computer Telephony Integration. A contact center term for the software, hardware, and programming necessary to integrate computers and telephones so they can work together seamlessly and intelligently.

A checkpoint at which imported goods are verified for legality and value.

Data Release Authorization (DRA)

Under a DRA, Client instructs, as of the date specified, BCD Travel to receive, process, and/or transfer certain personal travel data from Client’s travelers, including, but not limited to, transactional ticket-level, segment-level, and traveler-level information, which may include, without limitation, traveler name and address, origination and destination, corporate and/or personal credit card number, passport number, drivers license, travel preferences, and other special needs or any other sensitive data as may be provided by or behalf of the travelers (“Travel Data”).

Decision Source (DS)

A BCD Travel product that allows our customers to interact with their reservation data.

delegate rate

An inclusive rate for meetings on a daily basis. Twenty-four hour delegate rate also includes accommodation. Phrase primarily used in the U.K.

denied boarding compensation (DBC)

Commonly called “bumping,” – When more passengers arrive to take a flight than can actually fit on the plane; although legal, the carrier is only responsible for providing compensation to a traveler if he/she has a confirmed reservation and is checked in and has arrived at the departure gate within a pre-determined time period; compensation may be in cash or in a voucher for future travel; passengers who voluntarily relinquish their seats are compensated with a cash payment or voucher towards a future trip and are then accommodated on the next available flight; if an airline delivers a bumped passenger to his/her destination within an hour of the originally-scheduled time, no compensation is required.


Originally applied to American air travel: in 1978, federal law phased out the civil Aeronautics Board and stopped government intervention or regulation of airline routes and fares.


The final stopping place as shown on the ticket; the furthest point on a fare component used to price an itinerary.

Destination Management Company

Company, possibly an incoming tour operator, who organizes local ground services at destination.


The difference between the fares for two different classes of service between two cities; this fare construction principle is only used internationally.

direct fare

The fare for one-way or half round-trip travel visa the shortest route operated between two cities.

direct flight

A flight from origin to destination that makes one or more intermediate stops, but passengers do not change planes.

directional fare

Fare valid only in a specified direction of travel.

discount fare

Transportation fare lower than the full published tariff for an airline’s route. A discount fare usually entails certain stipulations regarding purchase or travel (space availbility).

DMC (see “Destination Management Company”)

Domestic travel.

Travel wholly within any one country; typically used to designate intra-US travel.

A hotel room with two double beds and/or accommodating 2-4 people.

double booking

The practice of making reservations for two or more flights, cars or hotels as a type of backup; considered to be unethical.

double occupancy

The way in which almost all cruise fares and tour packages are quoted, that is, based on two people traveling together. Most hotel rooms are quoted based on two adults to a room, as well.

double open jaw (DOJ)

Travel in which the outbound departure point and arrival and the inbound point of departure and arrival are not the same.

To move a passenger to a lower class of service or accommodation.

drop-off charge

A fee charged for dropping a rental car at a different location from where it was picked up.

Being exempt from any import tax.

economy class

The rear area of the aircraft in which passengers having paid one of the lower fare types are seated.

electronic miscellaneous document – Associated (EMD-A)

Document that allows for the fulfillment of all flight related services and fees (such as bags, seats, meals, etc.). An EMD or EMD-A is linked to a specific eticket coupon in the airline’s database.

electronic miscellaneous document – Standalone (EMD-S)

Non-flight related services (such as lounge access or change fee collection) a stand alone EMD, a EMD-S is issued. To issue an EMD-S a manually created service segment must be in the PNR. Specific services that can be charged on an EMD-S is dependent on the airline’s own requirements.

electronic ticket (eticket)

An airline transportation ticket that is entirely in a GDS; no physical ticket is required for travel.

EMD (see “electronic miscellaneous document”)


Permission from the plating carrier, the ticketed carrier or the carrier losing air space for the traveler to use the flight coupon(s) for travel on another airline at no additional cost; usually only required for international tickets.

end-on-end combination

A special type of combination in which two round trip fares are combined to produce a complete itinerary.

In this example, the passenger buys a round trip ticket from AAA to BBB (Rule 1), and a separate round trip fare from BBB to CCC (Rule 2). The net effect is to travel from AAA to CCC, but breaking the fare at BBB, which may in some cases be less expensive than the round trip (through) fare from AAA to CCC.

equivalent fare paid

An amount converted into the currency of the country of payment when the published fare is in a currency other than that of the country of payment.

ERA (see “European Regions Airline Association”)

Eastern Standard Time. A time zone in the US, also known as Eastern Time or ET.

Electronic System for Travel Authorization. ESTA is a free, automated system that determines the eligibility of visitors to travel to the U.S. under the Visa Waiver Program. The ESTA application collects the same information collected on Form I-94W. ESTA applications may be submitted at anytime prior to travel, though it is recommended travelers apply when they begin preparing travel plans.

Estimated Time of Arrival. A measure of when an object is expected to arrive at a certain place.

Estimated Time of Departure or Delivery. The expected start time of a particular journey or the expected delivery of a good or service.

e-ticket (see “electronic ticket”)

Electronic Ticket Record.

European Regions Airline Association

Association which aims to identify, protect and promote the interests of regional air transport in Europe. Over 170 memebers including airlines, aircraft manufacturers and airports.

excess baggage

Baggage in excess of the allowable number, size or weight.

The process of reissuing a ticket due to a change of flight, fare basis, dates or routing.

excursion fare

Round-trip fare with restrictions, such as minimun and maximum stays and the need to purchase well in advance.

executive card

Types of privilege cards available to frequent users of airlines, hotel chains, car rental companies, etc. Most carry benefits and have their own brand names, e.g. British Airways Executive Blue, Executive Silver, Executive Gold and Premier.

executive room

Higher grade than standard room and usually slightly larger, the executive room often has additional facilities for the business traveler such as trouser press, desk etc. and may be located on a separate Executive Club Floor.

Expatriot (or expat)

An expatriate (in abbreviated form, expat) is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country and culture other than that of the person’s upbringing or legal residence.

explant/ outplant/ offsite

Branch office dedicated to serving a single client that is not located on the client’s premises, but rather operates as a separate part of a BTC.

familiarization tour

A complimentary or reduced-rate travel program for travel agents, airline or rail employees, which is designed to acquaint participants with specific destinations. Often known as “Fam-Trips”.

family plan

A hotel rate that allows children to stay free with adults in the same room.

A combination of letters and numbers used to identify a fare type which may also indicate the rules of the fare

fare component

A fare between two points.

fare ladder

A vertically-written fare construction that includes fare components, surcharges and additional amounts collected.

  • fee – bundled air transaction fee An air transaction fee that includes the costs associated with servicing air, hotel and car transactions. Therefore, hotel and car only bookings (not to exceed XX% of air bookings) are not charged a transaction fee.
  • fee – management fee Fee assessed in addition to direct costs. Covers primarily overhead and profit. Can be assessed as % of sales, per transaction or fixed amount.
  • fee – management fee structure (formerly cost plus offering) Client fee arrangement whereby direct expenses are passed through to the client in addition to management fee. Management fee could be % of sales, fixed fee, or per transaction.
  • fee – online booking tool fee (PNR fee) Charged per unique reserved PNR. Additional fees may be assessed for transactions booked on a website accessed via the online booking tool.
  • fee – online transaction fee (e-fulfillment fee) Charged per online transaction – that excludes any ‘flow through costs’ charged by the online booking tool provider.
  • fee – transaction fee structure Client fee arrangement whereby client is billed per transaction for all major program costs including direct expenses and contribution to overhead and profit, usually at POS.
  • fee – unbundled (menu) transaction fee Separately charged per each type of transaction, e.g. hotel, car, rail and air. AM and MIS costs might also be charged separately.

final destination

The last point on an itinerary/fare component.

first class

The cabin on an aircraft where there are fewer seats, more elaborate service and amenities.

FIT (see “Fully Independent Traveler”)

Flag carrier.

The airline that internationally represents a given country; sometimes financed or owned by the government.

flight coupon

A section of an airline ticket; one flight coupon is required to take each flight.

flight/time specific

A fare rule that requires a to fly on a specific flight or at a specific time of day.

FOI (see “Form of Indemnity”)

Form of Payment. The method of payment for a transaction.

form of indemnity

A form that needs to be completed by the passenger in order to claim refund in respect of an air ticket that has been misplaced or stolen.

frequent flyer number

Find out what a frequent flyer number is and how to get one

frequent flyer program

An airline loyalty program that provides awards to travelers who use an airline or its partners.

frequent guest program

A hotel loyalty program that provides awards to guests who use a hotel chain.

frequent renter program

A car rental loyalty program that provides services (such as fast pickup) to those who use a car rental vendor.

front office (FO)

An industry term used for products associated with customer-facing activities. The GDS is a front office system.

fuel surcharge

A surcharge assessed for fuel use applicable for travel between specified points and/or for departure from a specified city.

Hotel rate with accommodation, breakfast, lunch and dinner included.

full economy

This is a fully flexible, fully refundable ticket which is valid for one year from date of issue in economy class.

full exchange

Change an already ticketed reservation, with no flown flight segments.

full to full exchange

Change to a ticketed reservation when no segments are flown and the change is to any segment other than the outbound flights. Or when a segment has been flown and there is a change to a remaining flight segment. In either of these instances, the FULL value of the original ticket must be exchanged for the ‘combined’ FULL value of the new ticket.

fully independent traveler

A traveler / tourist not part of a tour group.

One of the world’s CRSs (GDSs).

Area in an airport where passengers for a flight gather before boarding their flight or deplane on arrival.

gateway city

The last domestic city from which a passenger departs prior to arriving at an international destination; the first point of arrival in a given country (e.g., on the journey SFO-CHI-FRA-MUC, CHI and FRA are gateway cities).

GDS (see “ Global Distribution System “)

Gds operations (gdso).

An industry term for computer reservation systems that book and sell tickets for multiple airlines.

GEBTA (see “Guild of European Business Travel Agents)

In the credit card industry a system used by corporations whereby travel related charges made through designated travel agencies are centrally billed but no plastic card actually exists. Often referred to as “Lodge card” in Europe.

global distribution system

An industry term for computer reservation systems that book and sell tickets for multiple airlines.  Learn more

global indicator

Two-letter code used to identify the direction of travel applicable to a given fare.

governing carrier

The airline whose fares and rules are used on a given itinerary.

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

Solar based time in Greenwich, England, from which time in all other time zones in the world is based.

ground time

The time not flying.

A booking solution that allows the booking and managing of all ground transportation services, such as limousines, executive sedans, taxis, vans and parking services.

A fare that offers discounts to groups of varying minimum sizes in selected markets, with various conditions, and usually require round trip travel within a specified time limit.

guaranteed hotel reservations

This means that the hotel will hold the room all night. However if the room is not required, failure to cancel will result in a charge. Where reservations are made on an ad hoc basis, rather than through a regular account arrangement, a credit card number will be required to effect this guaranteed reservation.

Hotel rate for accommodation, breakfast and one other meal.

half round trip fare

Half of a fare designated for use on round-trip journeys.

Fee or tax some countries or cities levy on arriving or departing travelers.

Half of the globe; the North and South hemispheres are divided by the Equator; the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans divide the East and West hemispheres.

higher intermediate point (HIP)

A pair of cities within a one-way or half round-trip fare component that has a direct fare higher than the direct fare between the origin and destination of the fare component; this fare construction principle is only used internationally.

hotel sourcing

Hotel sourcing or procurement is the process of identifying, negotiating and contracting with hotels to secure accommodations for a specific group, event or organization.

An airport at which an airline centers many of its schedules, particularly connecting flights to smaller destinations.

(see “International Air Transport Association”)*

IATA Number (see “ARC Number”)

Iata rate of exchange (roe).

Rates of exchange designated by IATA to convert local currency to NUCs and to convert NUCs into the currency of commencement of travel.

ICAO (see “International Civil Aviation Organization”)

Interline e-ticket. An interline agreement between airlines that allow e-ticketing on each other’s flights. Interline agreement between airlines permitting travel service cooperation in areas such as: baggage transfer services, guaranteed connection times.

IGK (see “International Gatekeeper”)


Area at which a traveler’s documentation (e.g., Passport and Visa) are verified to ensure the traveler may enter the country.

implant (on-site)

Dedication operational team, based within an office of the client.


Phase of launching a new relationship, including e.g. opening a new location, training staff, installing technical equipment, and informing clients, travelers and travel arrangers.

inbound travelers

Travelers coming into a specified location are considered inbound. Travelers departing from the location are considered outbound.

A traveler who has not yet reached his/her second birthday.

Term used in the U.S. to describe an implant.

international departure taxes

Taxes levied on all travelers departing a country on an international journey that are, typically collected at the airport at the time of departure.

Between two airlines; TUS-HP-DEN-UA-LON is an interline journey.

interline baggage agreement

An agreement between two air carriers that a carrier will transfer baggage to the other carrier.

interline connection

When a passenger changes airlines as well as aircraft during a journey (same as off-line connection).

interline ticketing agreement

An agreement between two air carriers that permits air travel of one carrier to be on a ticket issued and/or ‘plated’ on another carrier.

intermediate point

A ticketed point of an international journey at which there is no fare break; an intermediate point may be a stopover or connection.

intermediate stop

An enroute stop at a city between the origin and destination (see also Direct Flight).

International Air Transport Association

The world trade association of international air carriers; appoints travel agencies to sell tickets; determines rules and regulations for international carriers.

International Civil Aviation Organization

Specialed agency of the United Nations with responsibility for civil aviation action in standardization, technical co-operation and the formulation of international aviation law.

A chronological plan showing a traveler’s booked arrangement.

A special through fare (usually only internationally) that permits travel on two or more different airlines.

The origin to final destination of a fare construction.

BCD Travel provides support for KDS. KDS provides an online booking platform for the confirmation of air, car, hotel and rail itineraries.

On outbound journeys, landside includes all those areas of the terminal before you arrive at passport control. On inbound journeys, landside includes all those areas of the terminal after you’re through passport control.

last date of purchase

The date by which a ticket must be issued – fares are not guaranteed until tickets are issued.

last room availability (LRA)

A hotel industry term for ensuring a negotiated rate is always available when standard inventory is available or when the room type negotiated is available.

LDW (see “Loss Damage Waiver”)

One flight; one part of an entire journey.

Lowest Fare Routing. The least expensive airfare available to a destination.

local currency fare (LCF)

See Country Of Payment (COP).

locator reference

Unique identifying booking number used within a computer reservations system as part of a booking file.

In the credit card industry a system used by corporations whereby travel related charges made through designated travel agencies are centrally billed but no plastic card actually exists. Often referred to as “Ghost Card” in the U.S.

Loss Damage Waiver

Additional insurance pertaining to car rentals, covering theft and vandalism in addition to accident damage.

low cost carrier (LCC)

An airline that offers generally low fares in exchange for eliminating many traditional passenger services.

lowest combination principle

Construction of a fare using a particular combination of sector fares to provide the lowest fare when there is no published fare between two points.

Marine Travel

Specialized travel services, available 24/7, provides travel arrangements (including helicopters and charter aircraft) for marine personnel.

Market Number (MK)

A code all online booking tools (OBTs) add at the time each reservation is made, as a way to track PNRs for online adoption and fulfillment purposes. It should never be removed once added to the PNR.

Married Segments

Two or more connecting flight segments joined, or “married,” meaning that these segments are inseparable and the subsequent rebooking or cancellation of any one flight segment must, at the same time, be applied to the connecting flight segment.

maximum permitted mileage (MPM)

The number of miles that may be flown on a published direct fare between origin and destination; this fare construction principle is only used internationally.

maximum stay

The maximum amount of time a traveler may stay at a destination before return is required.

MCO (see “Miscellaneous Change Order”)

Meetings, Incentives and Corporate Events. An industry term for a department within a company that offers meeting planning services to customers. BCD Travel’s department is called BCD M&E

midoffice (MO)

An industry term for the management information (MIS) portion of a travel agency’s system.

mileage fare

A fare based on the total miles flown from the origin to destination; this fare construction principle is only used internationally.

mileage surcharge

A percentage of fare increase applied to a fare because the routing exceeds the maximum permitted mileage; the percentage is in 5% increments to a maximum of 25%; this fare construction principle is only used internationally.

minimum connection time

The amount of time required to change planes; varies by airport and often varies by carrier.

minimum stay

The minimum time a travel traveler must stay at a destination (or be gone ‘away from home’ internationally) before return travel can commence.

miscellaneous charge order (MCO)

An accountable document issued by a travel agency or airline as proof of payment for a specific fee (such as pet service fee) or as residual amount of an exchange (higher priced ticket exchanged for a lower priced ticket) to be used on a future purchase.

Mountain Standard Time. A time zone in the US, also known as Mountain Time or MT.

National Business Travel Association

U.S. business travel association which is a member of IBTA.

NBTA (see “National Business Travel Association”)

New distribution capability. Read more

negotiated fare/rate

This is a term used by travel agents to descibe reduced airfares that have been negotiated by their air fare specialists on behalf of clients.

neutral units of construction (NUC)

An imaginary currency established by IATA that allows fares of different currencies to be added together; this fare construction principle is only used internationally.

Non Last Room Availability. A hotel industry term for restricting availability of a negotiated rate when occupancy levels are high. Negotiated room rate is not guaranteed to be available.

Net Operating Income. A financial term for the amount by which operating revenue exceeds operating expenses in a specific accounting period.


This expression often appears in the endorsements box of an airline ticket and it means that the flight coupon on which the worlds appear may be used only on the services of the airline indicated.


A ticket issued on a fare that does not allow for a refund; most non-refundable tickets can be changed for a fee and any difference in fare.

normal fares

The full fare established for first, business, economy or an intermediate class and any other fares published designated as normal fares.

normal open jaw (NOJ)

Travel from a country and return to the same country with a surface sector at either the origin or turnaround point (single open jaw – SOJ) or at both the origin and the turnaround point (double open jaw – DOJ).

An airline passenger or hotel guest who fails to use and/or cancel a reservation.

National Transportation Safety Board. An independent US government agency that investigates accidents including aviation, highway, marine, pipelines and railroads.

OBT and OBLT (see Online Booking Tool”)

Off-airport location.

Usually a car rental office serving an airport but physically located off the airport site (and often picking up renters at the airport in buses or taxis). When the office is located on-site, the term used is on airport location.

A destination that a carrier does not serve; see also Interline.

off-line connections

When a traveler changes airlines as well as aircraft during a journey (may also be referred to as interline connection). Changes of aircraft with the same airline are known as on-line connections.

offline transaction (traditional transaction)

A transaction that initated by an agent following a call/email request by a client.

Time of year or day of the week when travel is less common.

off-line point

Airline term to describe points (areas or cities) they do not serve.


This occurs when an airline has over-booked: that is, it has sold more seats on a particular flight than the aircraft has to offer. The passengers to be off-loaded are usually those who have paid the lowest fares. Off-loaded passengers will normally qualify for denied boarding compensation. Passengers may also be off-loaded at the captain’s discretion if they are unfit to travel due to drink, drugs, illness or for bad behavior.

BCD Travel is a re-seller of onesto. On-esto provides an online booking platform for the confirmation of air, car, hotel and rail itineraries.

Online Booking Tool

A web-based platform allowing travelers to make self-service reservations (e.g. Cliqbook, GetThere).

operating carrier

In a codeshare, the airline providing the plane, crew and ground handling services.

online or online point

On the same carrier; TUS-UA-DEN-UA-LON is an online journey.

online adoption

An account’s use of their predetermined online booking tool.

online high touch transaction

A transaction that originates via an online booking tool, but then requires more than one agent intervention (one touch).

online low touch transaction

A transacion that originates via an online booking tool, and then requires agent intervention or manual review/processing that is initated by the customer.

online transaction fee

(E-fulfillment fee) A fulfillment fee canged per online trasaction – that excludes any ‘flow through costs’ charged by the online booking tool provider.

A BCD Travel office located at/on/in a client’s location.

Term used to describe the principle of showing a client the complete cash-flow cycle, including commissions and overrides.

open date sector

Part of a journey for which no firm reservation has been made (usually owing to changeable plans on the part of the traveler) but for which the fare has been paid.

open jaw ticket

Where passengers fly out to one destination and return from another. Open jaw arrangements save backtracking and make a trip more cost effective.

Much-used term for unrestricted air services between several countries.

open ticket

A ticket valid for transportation between two points but has no specific flight reservation.

originating carrier

The first airline of a passenger’s journey and/or portion of a trip.

Other Service Information. A GDS entry that provides information to a carrier that does not require action for traveler action such as contract discount code, record locators of additional family members traveling together (TCP), age information for children/infants, etc.

Travel from the point of origin to the farthest destination.

outplant (off-site)

Dedication operational team, based within a BTC office.


Also known as bumping. Airlines and hotels can predict, with some accuracy, how many travelers/guests will show up for previously made reservations; when more people show up than what is expected, travelers/guests are re-accommodated; see also Denied Boarding Compensation.

Abbreviations for ‘passport and visa’ used in the U.K. Some affliates have a specialist team which advises on and acquires passports/visa on behalf of their clients.

Pacific Asia Travel Association

Association which aims to promote travel to Asia Pacific.

PAR (see “Passenger Account Record”)

Passenger account record.

In Galileo, the profile showing passenger information.

passenger facility charges

An airport-designated surcharge to raise funds for airport expansion, renovation, operating costs, etc.

passenger name record

Record held within a CRS/GDS which gives the personal details associated with a particular booking.

An official document issued by a government to its citizens that establishes an individual’s identity and nationality and enables travel abroad.

PATA (see “Pacific Asia Travel Association”)

Abbreviation for passengers.

Payment Card Industry. Security standards set to help protect account data information.

Time of year or day of the week when travel is most common.

A fee charged by a carrier or vendor for changing and/or canceling a reservation or ticket.

Per diem is a daily allowance given to an employee to cover business travel expenses such as lodging, meals and incidentals while traveling for the company. Learn more about per diem .

Penalty excursion fare. Public excursion fare are within minimum stay requirements, but which has no advanced purchase requirements.

PIR (see “Property Irregularity Report”)

Plate / plated.

See Validating Carrier.

PMS (see “Property Management System”)

Pnr (see “passenger name record”).

Purchase Order. A commercial document issued by a buyer to a seller that indicates the quantities and agreed upon prices for products / services.

point-to-point fares

De-regulation has led to a growing number of these on routes throughout the world. They are low fares in first, business, or economy class between two points by direct flights. Stopovers are usually, but not always, prohibited.

Point of Service or Point of Sale. The time and place in which a transaction is made.

prepaid ticket advice (PTA)

A form used when a person is buying a ticket that will be issued at the airport of the same or a different city. Example: A ticket purchased in Chicago to be picked up by the traveler in and for a departure from Buenos Aires.

pre-trip auditing

A product offered by travel management companies that allows for the review of travel itineries before departure to identify savings or prevent unnecessary expenditure.

pricing unit (PU)

A journey, or part of a journey which can be priced and ticketed as a separate entity; a round-trip, circle trip, one-way, normal open jaw or special open jaw; this fare construction principle is only used internationally.

pricing unit concept (PUC)

An alternative method of fare construction for multiple-stopover journeys that uses pricing units; this fare construction principle is only used internationally.

primary carrier

Airline flying the governing sector (prime segment).

prime segment

The first “true” international journey; often called the “over-the-water” segment; see also Gateway.

A computerized file containing company and traveler information.

promotional fare

A fare designed to attract passengers who would not otherwise travel.

proof of citizenship

Documentation that establishes nationality.

property irregularity report

Form submitted by passengers to ground handling agents at airports in the event of loss or damaged baggage.

property management system

Computer-based system for controlling hotel inventory, check-in and -out and billing.

Pacific Standard Time. A time zone in the US, also known as Pacific Time or PT.

PTA (see “Pre-paid Ticket Advice”)

Public fares (air).

Fares that anyone can obtain and is available in a regular fare display.

Quality of Service Index. An index developed by the Civil Aeronautics Board to provide a comparative rating of service offered by individual airlines.

A computer’s electronic filing system. Also a contact center term for the holding point for a number of calls or interactions that are waiting to be answered by an agent. The calls or interactions are usually assigned to available agents in a first-arrived, first-answered basis, but may also be assigned based on a company’s routing strategies.

queue group

A contact center term for a group of virtual queues. Also referred to as a DN Group or Group of Queues.

The official posted rate for each hotel room.

rate desk (see “International Rate Desk”)

Rate of exchange (roe) (see “iata rate of exchange”), rearden commerce.

BCD Travel is a referrer for Rearden. Rearden provides an online booking platform for the confirmation of air, car, hotel and rail itineraries.

reason codes (RC)

An industry term for codes used to document and report on traveler decisions and behavior.


Particularly on international flights, passengers are required to indicate their intention of using the next leg of their itinerary by contacting the appropriate carrier before departure; internationally, reconfirmation is requested 72 hours prior to departure.

record locator

A computerized number that identifies a Passenger Name Record – PNR or other reservation; when speaking to travelers, usually called a confirmation number.

red-eye flight

Usually an overnight flight that arrives early in the morning – great when you don’t want to lose precious sightseeing time at your destination.

If necessary for a passenger to change journey en route, the ticket must be reissued. The value of the original ticket will be offset against the new fare and any extra or refund, calculated. Settlement can be direct with airline or with referral to the issuing agent.

BCD Travel is a re-seller for ResX. ResX provides an online booking platform for the confirmation of air, car, hotel and rail itineraries.

return journey

A journey for which the fare is assessed as a single pricing unit using half round-trip fares.


If the passenger’s travel date or flight needs to be changed, without affecting the route, there is not always a need to reissue the ticket. The relevant flight coupon is simply revalidated by means of a revalidation sticker.

Revenue Per Available Room. A hotel industry measure that calculates room revenue divided by rooms available (occupancy times average room rate will closely approximate RevPAR.)

Rate Loading Instructions. A hotel industry term for the instructions provided to hotel properties for loading client-specific or TMC-specific rate codes as displayed in the GDS.

room with facilities

Describes a hotel room which has a bathroom en-suite. In some smaller two-star or three-star hotels facilities may refer to toilet and washbasin only.

round-the-world (RTW) (see “Around-the-World”)

A trip that begins and ends in the same city with no un-flown portions; internationally, with the same dollar amount on both portions .

route deal / route incentive

An agreement between a corporate customer and an airline. The agreement allows for an incentive payment to be made to the cient by the airline as a reward for loyalty.

The carrier and/or cities and/or class of service and/or aircraft type via which transportation is provided between two points.

routing fare

A fare based on a specified routing.

run-of-the-house (ROH)

A flat rate for which a hotel offers any of its available rooms.

Schengen Visa

A special visa that permits holders to travel to any of the 25 Schengen member countries on a single visa (rather than obtaining a visa for each country. It is only issued to citizens of countries who are required to obtain a visa before entering Europe for leisure, tourism or business travel. Schengen Visa holders are not permitted to live permanently or work in Europe. The following countries are currently active Schengen Visa members: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.

A specific time of year for a fare; High Season is the most popular time of year to travel to a specific destination and fares are more expensive at that time; Low Season is the least popular time of year to travel to a specific destination and fares are less expensive at that time; Fares affected by seasonality are usually indicated as such by fare basis coding and/or seasonality details listed in the fare’s rules.

The distance between aircraft seats, measured in inches and commonly used to show a passenger’s legroom.

security surcharge

Surcharge assessed by a carrier to cover costs of airport and in-flight security.

secondary carrier

Airline(s) flying the sectors preceding and/or succeeding the prime segment.

A journey from one point to another.

A flight; see Leg.

self-service reservations

Situation where the traveler makes his/her own reservations. A reservation generated by the customer using an online booking tool.

selling carrier

In a codeshare, the airline offering the flight for sale, under their vendor code

service fee

A fee charged by a travel agency to a company/individual for travel services.

Service Level Agreement

An agreement stating measurable performance commitments made to our customers.

Regular or schedulable bus/van transportation such as from an airport to a downtown location; regular air service on heavily-traveled routes (e.g., BOS-LGA).

A journey from and/or to an enroute point of a fare component.

Accommodations designed for one person.

SLA (see “Service Level Agreement”)

Designated take-off and landing times allocated to airlines at certain airports.

soft opening

Period when new hotel is open for business although not entirely finished – some services of facilities may not yet operate.

Standard Operating Procedure. A set of instructions that define the official standard for a specific process or situation.

Scope of Services. A document that defines the number, type, and intensity or complixity of services to be provided.

space available

Confirmation of a reservation subject to availability at the last moment.

special needs

Atypical traveler needs such as a special meal or wheelchair service.

split ticket(ing)

Issuance of two or more tickets usually for the purpose of obtaining a lower fare; usually applied to international itineraries to take advantage of fare and/or currency conversion differences.

Spouse fare

This type of are applies to selected destinations on a round-trip only basis and offers a discount of 50% to the spouse of a full first class or business class passenger. Economy passengers also qualify where there is no business fare.

SSR (see “Self Service Reservation”)

Special Service Request. A GDS request for a carrier to provide additional action for a traveler such as special meal, ticket number transmission, wheelchair, etc.

standard room

The normal hotel room type, generally with television, and en-suite bathroom.

A passenger on waitlist or one prepared to travel if space becomes available at the last moment.

Interruption of travel for more than domestic US – 4 hours; domestic US as part of an international journey – 12 hours; international – 24 hours .

stopover charge

An additional fee assessed for making a stopover.

STP (see “Satellite Ticket Printer”)

Any extra literature included with the delivery of travel documents.


A self-contained pricing unit that is combined end-on-end with another self-contained pricing unit on the same ticket; this fare construction principle is only used internationally.

surcharge (Q)

An airline-imposed fee included in fare calculations; see also Excess Mileage Surcharge, Fuel Surcharge, and Security Surcharge.

surface sector

Travel from one point or another not by air (ARNK – which stands for Arrival Not Known).

Travel 24. A BCD Travel department that services customers 24 hours a day when their normal business office is closed.

Ticket Fulfillment Location. An industry term for a virtual ticket printer that is shared by various BCD Travel ARC ticketing locations on the same GDS.

through fare

A fare applicable for transportation via an enroute city(ies) between the origin and destination of the fare that allows for intermediate points of travel.

A contract of carriage for an airline to transport a passenger from one point to another.

ticket on departure

Transportation ticket collected at the point of departure such as an airline ticket counter at an airport.

ticketed point

A city for which a flight coupon has been issued.

time and mileage rate

Car rental rate based on fixed charge for the rental period plus a charge for each kilometer or mile driven during the period of the rental.

TOD (see “Ticket on Departure”)

Tourist card.

A registration form required by certain countries indicating a traveler’s intended stay; used in lieu of a Visa and common in Latin America.


A Ticket issued; defined as all airline and rail tickets (electronic and paper) issued by BCD Travel or reserved by BCD Travel through a third party, regardless of whether the ticket is subsequently used, refunded, or voided in whole or in part. Cancellation of a reservation before a ticket is issued is not considered a transaction. Optional: Hotel and car booking made, regardless of whether or not the traveler uses the hotel or car reservation.

transaction – domestic air

Domestic – travel between two destinations that are within the same country. e.g. Frankfurt to Berlin

transaction – regional air

Regional – Travel within the same continent. e.g. Madrid to London

transaction – international air

International – Travel between two continents. e.g. New York to London

transaction – offline – traditional

A transaction that is initiated by an agent following a call/email request by a client

transaction – online high touch

Transaction – online low touch.

A transaction that originates via an online booking tool and then requires agent intervention or manual review/processing that is initiated by the customer.

transaction – online no touch

“Touchless E-fulfillment transaction” An electronic transaction entirely processed through an online booking tool and BCD central fulfillment service, without any agent intervention and where invoicing is provided via email.

A point at which the passenger changes aircraft; if the change is to/from the same carrier, it is an online transfer; if the change is to/from different carriers, it is an interline transfer.

transit lounge

An area within an airport for the sole purpose of international flight connections; travelers do not clear immigration or customs to enter the transit lounge as it is considered to be an international point.

transit point

Any stop at an intermediate point which does not fall into the definition of a stopover whether or not a change of planes is involved.

Travel Management Company

A travel management company (TMC) is a company that provides corporate travel services to businesses.

A BCD Travel umbrella brand name for our technology suite, which includes a variety of products listed below. read more

  • TripSource:Active Itinerary A single point of access for traveler and travel arrangers for active and historical travel detail, including real time flight status, itinerary details, destination information and invoicing, billing and expense information.
  • TripSource:Flight Alert Keeps travelers informed & productive while on the road by providing flight status information, including delays and real-time gate changes, for BCD Travel bookings.
  • TripSource:Fulfillment Drive touch-less transactions with as little human intervention as possible while driving traveler contact behavior to minimize touches.
  • TripSource:Portal (TSP) A comprehensive global solution to address traveler needs, travel program and corporation objectives. Arming travelers with rich content, productivity tools and critical safeguards for business travel, TripSource:Portal empowers travel programs as a centralized communications vehicle to deliver relevant, timely information and critical alerts to targeted audiences. The Portal expands traveler services while aligning program needs to drive savings, support business objectives and avoid corporate travel program risks.
  • TripSource:Profile Manager (TSPM) Drives optimal data management by integrating profile management and online booking, and promoting secure web-based self-service maintenance of traveler-level detail.
  • TripSource:Quality Measurement (TSQM) Ensures a means to track and manage supplier & transaction quality in addition to resolution of client concerns.
  • TripSource:Rail Search (TSRS) BCD own rail booking tool for Deutsche Bahn only.
  • TripSource:Ticket Tracker BCD manages and recovers committed travel dollars. Based on markets and supplier rules, BCD communicates with travelers to prevent loss of committed funds and when to apply unused funds toward future travel.
  • TripSource:Trip Authorizer In response to growing concern for compliance, this module enables clients to implement pre-trip authorization requirements as well as post-ticketing compliance reporting.

Transportation Security Administration

twin for sole use

A twin-bedded reserved for sole occupency and charged out at a rate that falls between the single and double room price.

Two Factor Authentication

Also known as 2FA. Method of accessing a secure environment where a person proves their identity with two of three methods

User-Defined Interface Data. UDID remarks are standard and contain predefined reporting information such as lost hotel night reason codes, merchant billing codes or additional traveler data fields.

unlimited mileage rate

Car rental rate that covers all costs, other than insurance and petrol, for the duration of the rental, regardless of the distance driven.

Move to a better class of airline service, larger rental car or more luxurious hotel room.

validating carrier

Airline designated as the “owning” ticketed carrier; the carrier on whose “plate” the ticket is issued. The validating carrier is the carrier to which payment is submitted and is usually the first carrier on the itinerary (domestic) or the carrier on the first international flight (international). If a ticket is issued on multiple carriers or is validated on a carrier not on the itinerary, the validating carrier is responsible for payment to the other airlines on the ticket.

The process of stamping an air ticket or other airline document, at the time of issue, with the issue date, name and location of the issuing office and its IATA code number. Tickets not bearing such a stamp re invalid and will not be accepted by airlines.

value-added tax (VAT)

A general tax that applies, in principle, to all commercial activities involving the production and distribution of goods and the provision of services.

VAT reclaim

Value-added tax, or VAT, is included in hotel, dining and car rental bills and more when travelers go to countries that assess the tax. It can be a significant expense: VAT rates can be as high as 25%. The good news is most T&E-related VAT is eligible for reclaim. The bad news: In the past, it’s been hard to collect. But automation has made VAT reclaim for European Union transactions much easier. BCD Travel has partnered with VAT-recovery firm Taxeo to automate the process.

virtual credit card (VCC)

A VCC isn’t a physical card, but it has many of the same features as plastic corporate cards.

virtual payment

A virtual payment is a terminal-based payment method where the payment is delivered through a virtual card (VCC) instead of by check or cash.

An endorsement or stamp placed into a passport by officials of a foreign government giving a traveler permission to visit; not all countries require visas.

VCC (Virtual Call Center)

A network of call centers where the client calls one phone number, regardless of where they are based, that will be routed through to an available agent. For multi-national accounts this service would be multi-lingual as appropriate.

Virtual Multiple Purpose Document. A document issued by a travel agency or airline, working with BSP, as proof of payment for transactions and services, either related to an eticket already issued (example: rebooking fees) or for services other than flights (for items like surface transportation, transfers, and excess luggage charges).

A traffic document which has been spoiled or canceled.

Documents issued to confirm arrangements or used to be exchanged for services.

A list of people seeking a travel service that is sold out; generally, as other travelers cancel, waitlisted individuals are confirmed in the order in which their waitlist request was received – sometimes prioritized by frequent traveler membership.

When a hotel is sold out and there are no rooms available for a person who has a confirmed reservation, the hotel provide alternate accommodations at a different hotel.

an agreement to pay to use an aircraft with a crew , fuel, and insurance

wide-body aircraft

Aircraft with wide passenger cabins and seating configurations that require more than one aisle. Current models include Boeing 747, 777 or Airbus A380, A350

system that checks hand luggage at an airport, without damaging, for example, light-sensitive film material or laptops.

Yield Management

is a variable pricing strategy, based on understanding, anticipating and influencing consumer behavior in order to maximize revenue or profits from a fixed, time-limited resource (such as airline seats or hotel room reservations).

Zulu Time Zone (Z) has no offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Zulu Time Zone is often used in aviation and the military as another name for UTC +0. Zulu time, also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), is the time zone used by the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England. It is the basis for all other time zones in the world.

2FA, or two-factor authentication, is an extra layer of security used to protect online accounts. In addition to a password, users are also required to enter a code that is sent to their mobile device. This makes it more difficult for hackers to gain access to an account, as they would need to have both the password and the code.

Travel Glossary

Travel brochures and websites are filled with travel-related terms and expressions. Some of them are obvious, but other commonly used phrases might raise some eyebrows. We have created a glossary to elucidate some of the most common words and travel jargon you might encounter when you’re planning a family holiday: the ultimate travel glossary .

A-la-carte: Food that can be ordered as separate items, instead of being part of a set meal. It can be applied to both restaurants and tours.

Accommodation: Place to spend the night during a trip, like a hostel, hotel, or apartment.

Activities: Forms of animation that can be undertaken on the travel destination.

Add-on: Supplementary to existing travel arrangements and products, such as luggage or tour activities. Add-ons generally come at additional costs.

Adjoining rooms: Rooms that are right next to each other. When family rooms aren’t available, adjoining rooms are usually available upon request.

Adventure travel: A type of traveling that usually involves cultural experiences or physically challenging activities, such as sports and hiking. The term ‘adventure travel’ can also be applied to traveling to less-visited, remote destinations. 

All-inclusive resort: Resort where the use of all amenities, meals, drinks, and most alcoholic drinks are included in the package price. Sometimes, activities and specific tours are included in the price as well.

Amenities: Any desirable feature you can find in an accommodation.

Amenity kit: Small pouch with toiletries, typically provided on long-haul flights.

Airport code: International three-digit code to identify airports worldwide. 

B&B: bed and breakfast; a type of accommodation where the guests get served breakfast. 

Babymoon: Relaxing holiday for couples before the birth of their child.

Backpacker: Traveler who travels light and carries all the luggage in a rucksack. Backpackers generally travel budget-friendly and stay in hostels.

Bar: Counter in a cafe or hotel lobby where drinks are served. In some cases, snacks and meals are also on the menu.

Barbecue facilities: Establishment where you can do barbecuing around the accommodation. Generally, these include a grill and utensils.

Base fare: The price of a ticket or travel service before taxes are applied.

Beach holiday: Leisure trip that’s primarily focused on beaches and water activities.

Berth: A bed on public transportation, such as trains, buses, and boats.

Blackout dates: Certain travel dates when discounts or special promotions regarding tours, airfares, or accommodation prices can’t be claimed. Broadly, these dates include holidays or periods in the high season. Online travel agency, which is one of the largest booking sites in the world. It can be used for accommodation, tours, and car rental.

Boutique hotel: A generally small-sized hotel focused on a stylish interior with decorations and artworks. A boutique hotel tends to be quite upscale and chic.

Breakfast buffet: Spread of food items displayed in the morning in hotels and other types of accommodation. 

Bridal suite: Suite in a hotel dedicated to newly-wed couples.

Bucket list: A wishlist of enticing destinations travelers want to go to someday. 

Bucket list destination: A specific place travelers aspire to travel to. This could be countries, a national park, a resort, et cetera.

Budget-friendly travel: Travel to inexpensive destinations or economically travel to expensive countries.

Buffet breakfast: Variety of food items and drinks served on a counter or table in an accommodation. 

Bunkbed: A bed unit that consists of two beds, one being above the other.

Cancellation fee: An additional payment that comes into effect after the deadline for cancellation has passed, and a traveler wishes to cancel nonetheless.

Carry on: Baggage that doesn’t have to be declared at the check-in counters of an airport, but can be brought by the passenger to the cabin instead.

CDW: Collision Damage Waiver; extra rental vehicle insurance to cover damage or loss of the vehicle.

Charter: Motorized vehicle rented by a private person or group.

Checklist: List of things to pack or things to do before the travel date.

City guide: Travel book or brochure aimed to inform travelers on an individual city anywhere in the world. A city guide features places to eat, nightlife, activities, and cultural venues for travelers to visit.

City trip: A – generally – short holiday which is aimed to visit one or several cities.

Coffee bar: Cafe in the lobby of a hotel or attached to the hotel.

Compression bag: Small sack within a backpack or suitcase that can fit more luggage than regular bags, as it doesn’t contain air.

Concierge: Caretaker in holiday accommodation who takes care of the needs of the guests.

Connecting flight: Flight from a destination other than where the journey started. The passenger has to change airplane to reach the final destination. 

Connecting room: Rooms that are next to each other, and connected by a private door. Connecting rooms can be requested by families if their company is too large for one room. 

Continental breakfast: A light breakfast in a hotel or restaurant which usually has hot pastries, bread, spreads, and hot beverages. Sometimes optional eggs, cereals, meats, and cheeses are available.

Continental climate: Dry climate characterized by hot summers and cold winters.

Couchette: Train compartment wherein seats can be converted into berths.

Cruise: Holiday or tour on a ship that docks at a variety of destinations for sightseeing purposes.

Cuisine: A style or method of cooking typical for a particular country or region.

Customized tour: Travel itinerary that’s designed by and arranged for an individual traveler or traveling family. 

Deal: Airfare, accommodation, or other travel service offered at a discounted price for a limited amount of time.

Deck plan: Map on a cruise ship that shows the layout of the vessel.

Demand-based pricing: Price that fluctuates based on the number of people interested in a specific service or product.

Deposit: A sum paid to a booking agent, hotel, or tour operator as an installment. 

Destination: A place to venture for a holiday. 

Destination wedding: Celebrating a wedding outside the own country or at least 100 miles away from home.

Diet menu: Food and drinks list in hotels that are adjusted to dietary needs and wishes of the guests.

Domestic airport: An airport that exclusively handles flights within the same country it’s located in. 

Domestic travel: Seeking a leisure trip within the own country.

Dormitory: Bedroom with sleeping space for a number of people. Commonly, dorms have bunk beds, and they are most present in hostels.

Double occupancy rate: Price based on two people sharing the same room. In general, the double occupancy rate is lower than the rate for an individual traveler.

Double room: Room that sleeps two people. A double room houses two single beds or one double bed. 

Eco-friendly travel: Traveling in a way that doesn’t harm the environment, but instead aims to preserve nature and educate travelers about its importance. 

Economy class: The most cost-friendly class for traveling on a train or airplane.

Ecotour: Tour, which directly raises awareness for preserving the environment.

English breakfast: A type of breakfast commonly served in hotels and resorts, which consists of bacon, baked beans, sausage, egg, tomato, and mushrooms.

En-suite: The bathroom that directly adjoins the bedroom and forms one complete set with the other room(s).

Entertainment program: Schedule with activities for children, initiated by a team hired by the holiday accommodation.

Excursion: Commonly a short (day-)trip for leisure purposes, enjoyed from a holiday destination.

eTA: Electronic Travel Authority; entry requirement for visa-exempt foreign nationals for certain countries.

ETA: Estimated time of arrival. 

E-ticket: Ticket that’s generated online and can be shown upon check-in without the use of paper.

Exchange rate: The price of a currency in terms of another type of money.

Executive suite: Term often used in hotels for a completely furnished, apartment-style dwelling.

Exhibition: Display of any kind in museums.

Facilities: Desirable features in an accommodation. 

Familymoon: Post-wedding holiday joined by the children of the newly-weds. 

First-class: Most expensive and luxurious class within train and airplane travel.

Flashpacker: Backpacker with a larger budget that wants to travel with more comforts.

Fly-drive package: Package holiday that often includes flights, a rental vehicle, and accommodation at the holiday destination. Generally, these packages are cheaper than booking each product separately.

Full Pension / full board: Accommodation that – besides sleeping – offers three meals per day, and sometimes tea, coffee, and snacks.

Fun park: A park that features a bundle of attractions, usually specially designed for children. 

Gift shop: Shop attached to a hotel where guests can buy souvenirs and other items. The term can also be used for general gift shops.

Glamping: Portmanteau of glamorous and camping. Glamping is camping with the level of luxury some holiday homes would offer.

Group rate: Price for a travel service based on the attendance of at least two persons. Group rates are usually relatively lower than individual rates.

Group tour: A tour that consists of an assembly of travelers with the same itinerary.

Half pension: Accommodation which offers breakfast plus one additional meal (usually dinner). This term is most commonly used at European destinations.

Heritage trail: A walking or cycling route that shows culturally significant features of a certain area.

Hideaway: Secluded place to go to for relaxation, meditation, or enjoying nature.

Honeymoon: Holiday spent by a newly-wed couple.

Hotspot: Country, region, or town that has a high concentration of tourists.

Hub: Central point of a country often used a nerve center of transportation. 

Infinity pool: Swimming pool that mingles with the surrounding landscapes thanks to the scenic views enjoyed from the pool.

In-flight entertainment: Entertainment provided on screens on board of long-haul flights. Typical forms of in-flight entertainment are movies, music, digital games, and e-books.

Infrastructure: Network of roads, railways, and air connections.

International airport: Airport which handles flights to destinations in foreign countries.

Island hopping: Traveling from one island to another. Most of the time, this is part of a short excursion or holiday.

Island life: Temporary or long-term stay on an island. Typical expressions of island life are spending time at the beach and watching sunsets.

Itinerary: Travel route or list of activities that are planned beforehand.

Joint fare: One-way journey broken by a stopover in a transit country. Joint fare can apply to a journey undertaken with two different airlines.

Junior suite: A junior suite is a suite that’s usually smaller than a regular suite, and it lacks an apparent separation between the living area and bedroom(s). 

Kid-friendly hotel: Hotel with facilities that make it pleasant for children to stay there. This includes hotels with a pool, board games, baby beds, et cetera.

Kinderhotels : Hotels aimed at families with children through their facilities, atmosphere, and surroundings. German term you’ll mainly encounter in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria.

King size bed: Largest sized bed in accommodations. Sizes, however, depend on which part of the world you are in.

Layover: A break before the next part of the journey starts.

Leisure travel: Travels intended for relaxation. The primary motivation is to seek a routine different from all-day life. 

Long-haul flight: Commercial flight that covers a distance of 4000 kilometers or more.

Low season: Time of the year when the number of tourists is small in a travel destination.

Loyalty program: A marketing strategy that rewards customers with discounts or other advantages when they are regular customers.

Luggage storage: Space in an accommodation where you can put baggage before check-in or after check-out.

Luxury travel: Indulging in a destination with few limitations, for example, by customizing a travel itinerary with a wide range of unique experiences. 

Meet and greet: Service that hotels or tour agencies provide to pick up travelers from an airport or station. 

Minibar: Small fridge in a hotel room filled with drinks. Usually, the beverages need to be paid for, but they can be free of charge on occasions.

Minimalism: Deliberately packing light for travels.

Multi-city flight: Flight with stops in several cities worldwide, which enables travelers to explore several destinations on one advanced ticket.

Multiple-entry visa: Visa that allows entrance to a foreign country for at least two times.

Museum: Building that displays exhibitions of any kind (usually art, historical subjects, or nature subjects).

Niche travel: Travel specializing in a specified destination or type of activities, For example, gastronomy travel, wildlife travel, and luxury travel. 

Nightlife: Entertainment and social activities available in a place in the evening hours.

No-frills: Low-budget traveling by eliminating all non-essential services and goods.

No-show: Keeping nor canceling a reservation or booking.

Off-peak season: Season with the lowest tourist numbers in a specific destination.

Open-jaw: A traveler arrives at one destination and flies back home from another travel hub.

Overstay: Staying in a country longer than the visa allows.

Packing list : Pre-made list of what to bring on a holiday.

Patio: Paved outdoor area right next to a holiday house or hotel room, commonly used for relaxation.

Per pax: Per passenger.

Pet-friendly hotel: Hotel that allows pets to stay and has pet-friendly facilities, such as food trays and kennels.

Plunge pool: Modestly-sized but deep swimming pool, typically used for a cool down after a sauna visit.

Premium-economy class: Middleground travel class between economy class and business class in an airplane or train. Premium economy comes with perks such as more legroom and upgraded meals compared to economy class.

Private parking: Parking space adjoining accommodation, available exclusively for guests.

Private tour: Guided tour for one party exclusively: 

Queen size bed: One bed size smaller than a king-size bed. Sizes, however, depend on which part of the world you are in.

Rafting: Traveling down a river on a raft by way of sports.

Relocation cruise: Cruise that terminates in a harbor different from the departure point. Relocation cruises take place mostly when the tourist seasons change in various locations around the world.

Rental agreement: Contract regarding the rental of a holiday house or vehicle between the property owner and the renter.

Resort: Holiday accommodation where people go for enjoyment.

Responsible tourism: Tourism that reduces the negative impact on the environment and improves local people’s well-being.

Road trip: Long-distance journey with a car or motorbike, primarily to do sightseeing.

Round-the-world ticket: Pre-arranged flight tickets with two or more destinations around the world.

Round trip: A trip to a place and returning from there to the original departure point.

Safari: Excursion intended to see wildlife in their natural habitat, often undertaken from a car or boat.

Safety box: Small safe in a hotel room where the guest can store valuables for safekeeping.

Segway: Two-wheeled transportation device regularly used on city tours. 

Shopping arcade: Collection of shops under one and the same roof.

Shore excursion: A tour on land operated for cruise passengers and available when the ship docks.

Short-haul flight: Commercial flight that covers a distance of 4000 kilometers or less.

Shoulder season: The season between the touristic high season and the low touristic season.

Shuttle bus: Bus service between two places with a regular schedule.

Sightseeing tour: Expedition to bring tourists to points of interest in the concerning area.

Ski pass: A pass that allows skiers and snowboarders to use the ski facilities and ski fields in a specific area.

Ski piste: Slope used for skiing and snowboarding.

Smoking room: Room in a public building designated for smokers.

Star rating system: A ranking system developed by organizations to indicate what level of luxury and facilities guests can expect in a hotel. Hotel ratings range from one to five stars.

Staycation: Celebrating a holiday in your own country rather than going abroad.

Step-on guide: Guide that gives a tour on board of buses. 

Suite: Connecting rooms that form a dwelling within a hotel.

Terrace: Outdoor area beside or on top of accommodation.

Ticket service: Accommodation provides help with booking tours and activities.

Tour desk: Designated counter within an accommodation where tickets, tours, and other activities can be booked.

Tour guide: Escort for a group of tourists during an excursion.

Tourist card: Type of visa that can be obtained prior to departure to the concerning country.

Tourist tax: Small fee tourists have to pay to a municipality through the accommodation. The amount is based on the number of nights the traveler spends in the city. 

Train travel: Undertaking a journey to or at your holiday destination by train. 

Transit visa: Visa which allows the holder to pass through a country rather than to stay for a longer time.

Travel agency: Firm that makes arrangements for travelers.

Travel dictionary: Pocketable dictionary with essential words and sentences in a foreign language. 

Travel restrictions: Limitations to traveling due to certain circumstances, such as conflicts, natural disasters, political quarrels, et cetera.

Travel scam: People making money by performing a deceptive act. 

Travel sickness: Sense of sickness one develops onboard a moving vehicle. Travel sickness is also called motion sickness. 

Trekking: Journeying by foot over mountainous terrain.

Triple room: Room which sleeps three people.

Tropical destination: Destination near the equator, characterized by warm weather and a lack of extreme change in seasons.

Turndown service: Staff of the accommodation prepares the bed early in the evening for the guests to sleep in. Sometimes, the addition of sweets or chocolates on the pillows is complementary.

Twin room: Room which sleeps two people. A twin room has two single beds.

UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; an institution that’s been introduced to protect and preserve natural and cultural treasures around the world.

Unlimited mileage: The travelers can drive as many miles as they wish with a rental vehicle, without any additional fees.

Upgrade: Move to improved services or stepping up accommodation.

Voluntourism: A type of tourism in which the traveler is involved in voluntary work.

Voucher: Accounting document with a balance that can be exchanged for products or goods.

Wellness facilities: Health services that improve physical and mental conditions, from skin treatments to sessions aimed at weight-loss. 

Workaway: Online community for volunteering work and cultural exchange.

World Heritage Area: Cultural or natural point of significance that’s listed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.

Worldschooling: Education of children by exposing them to foreign cultures, nature, and history by traveling to these places.

WWOOF: Online community for organic farm work that brings together hosts and volunteers. 

Zoo: Park with wild animals for displaying and/or researching purposes.

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Consumer Confidence In U.S. Falls In June As Americans Fret About Near-Term Prospects

  • June 26, 2024
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American consumers lost some confidence in June as expectations over the near-term future fell again.

The Conference Board, a business research group, said Tuesday that its consumer confidence index fell in June to 100.4 from 101.3 in May. The index’s decline was not quite as bad as analysts were expecting.

The index measures both Americans’ assessment of current economic conditions and their outlook for the next six months.

The measure of Americans’ short-term expectations for income, business and the job market fell to 73 from 74.9 in May. A reading under 80 can signal a potential recession in the near future.

Consumers’ view of current conditions rose in June to 141.5, up from 140.8 in May.

“Confidence pulled back in June but remained within the same narrow range that’s held throughout the past two years, as strength in current labor market views continued to outweigh concerns about the future,” said Dana Peterson, the Conference Board’s chief economist.

Even though the unemployment rate ticked up to 4% in May, America’s employers added a strong 272,000 jobs last month, a sign that companies are still confident enough in the economy to keep hiring despite persistently high interest rates.

Last month’s sizable job gain was propelled by consumer spending on travel, entertainment and other services. U.S. airports reported near-record traffic over the Memorial Day weekend.

Despite the better-than-expected job gains in May, there is some visible weakening in the labor market: job postings for April hit their lowest level since 2021 and the number of Americans who are receiving unemployment benefits has risen for seven straight weeks.

On Monday, Mary Daly, president of the San Francisco Fed, said that the labor market remained healthy but that future slowing could trigger higher unemployment, something that needs to be monitored closely.

Most economic indicators show the U.S. economy in good shape by historical standards, though there have been some signs that growth is slowing.

The nation’s economy slowed sharply in the first quarter to a 1.3% annual pace in the face of high interest rates, down from a brisk 3.4% growth rate in the final three months of 2023.

Retail sales inched up just 0.1% in May from April as still high prices on groceries and other necessities and high interest rates curbed spending.

More cautious spending in the face of inflation has some big retailers offering discounts this summer. The latest quarterly earnings reported by big retailers show that while consumers have not stopped spending, they are becoming more price-conscious and choosy.

Consumer expectations of a recession in the next year pulled back in June after rising the previous two months, the Conference Board said.

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Hotel and Airbnb price tags may soon spike. For travelers, that’s a good thing

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If you’re making travel plans for summer or fall, brace yourself for a jump in some advertised prices — which is, believe it or not, good news for consumers.

It’s the result of a new California law aimed at bringing transparency to the resort fees, service fees, host fees and other “drip pricing” that often inflates consumer’s bills beyond the rates first advertised, especially at lodgings and restaurants. Under the California law known as SB 478 , which takes effect July 1, businesses selling their wares in California now must include mandatory fees in their initial advertised prices.

“The price you see is the price you pay,” California Attorney General Rob Bonta has said.

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The law has gotten a lot of attention for its potential effects on struggling restaurants, many of which have imposed service fees since the arrival of the pandemic. (In fact, one legislator has proposed an eleventh-hour exception to exclude restaurants.) But the law also brings big changes for travelers and that industry — especially when it comes to the “resort fees” that many hotels automatically charge, saying they cover services and amenities such as pool and gym access.

By putting a separate label on those fees, hotels have been able to advertise lower daily rates — an advantage when consumers are comparing prices. Now the hundreds of U.S. hotels that have been tacking “resort fees” onto their daily rates will be required to include them in the advertised rates that California consumers see.

At a consumer’s first glance online, it may seem the new rules have pushed the cost of a $149 room up by $20 to $50 per night. In fact, the hoteliers are just disclosing all pre-tax fees up front, as required — a change that may allow consumers to make better cost comparisons.

Cleaning fees should show up sooner

Meanwhile, the same law requires vacation rental hosts to include fees for service and cleaning from the beginning.

This follows an initial voluntary step taken by Airbnb in 2022. Under pressure to be more transparent, the company added a digital “toggle” switch allowing customers to initially see either a basic daily rate or a total showing how much those secondary fees would add to the daily rate. Now, Airbnb officials have said, customers in California will automatically see the “total before taxes” number.

In practice, the new requirement means that instead of quoting a $150-per-night rate to some search-page visitors, an Airbnb host would need to tell all consumers up front that the five-night rental will cost $1,050 (the $150 daily rate plus $150 service fee and $150 cleaning fee) — effectively $210 per day, before taxes. This will cover any destination being considered by a California-based consumer, an Airbnb representative said.

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The vacation rental company VRBO shows consumers two prices on its browsing pages: the basic nightly rate in larger bold type and the total price in smaller, plain type, no toggling needed.

Though the new law is aimed at any business selling to Californians, many businesses beyond the state may not comply immediately. If you’re planning a trip outside California, check closely to see what costs your prospective lodging is and isn’t disclosing. (But if you’re headed to a country within the European Union, no worries: The E.U. already requires businesses to advertise using their total cost, including taxes.)

“This is all about uncovering the hidden fees that are everywhere in our economy. It’s pretty sweeping,” said Jamie Court, president of Los Angeles-based Consumer Watchdog. He noted that if offenders ignore warning letters, they can face penalties of $1,000 per violation (potentially including other damages and attorneys’ fees).

Though this change will disrupt some hotels’ strategies for boosting profits, the changes also may give hoteliers a better chance at winning back customers from short-term rental companies, which have grabbed a hefty share of the travel market since the birth of Airbnb in 2007.

Lynn Mohrfeld, president and CEO of the California Hotel & Lodging Assn., said the group supported the legislation in Sacramento because it should bring “a level playing field” between hotels and the vacation rentals. “If everybody does it the same way, it’s makes it a better buying experience for the consumer.”

The California law is unlikely to change base rates for airlines or rental cars, industry experts said, because the add-on fees those businesses charge are typically for voluntary services and items, such as preferred seats and insurance.

California Atty. Gen. Bonta has noted the transparency law doesn’t raise or lower any prices, but it does require more clarity and is intended to curtail “junk fees” and “drip pricing.”

How resort fees got to be enormous

Though many hotels do not charge resort fees, the practice has grown dramatically since the late 1990s, especially in vacation destination areas like Las Vegas, Palm Springs and San Diego. The fees typically range from $20 to $50 nightly.

By one estimate, the U.S. hotel industry in 2017 reaped $2.7 billion in resort fees. Lauren Wolfe, counsel for the consumer advocacy group Travelers United and founder of, has called resort fees “the most deceptive and unfair pricing practice in the hotel industry.”

As consumer sentiment against the fees has grown, public officials have filed several court challenges nationwide, including a lawsuit against Marriott International by Pennsylvania’s attorney general. That suit led to a 2021 settlement , which led to Marriott’s announcement in May 2023 that it would start including resort fees in initial website search results. Hyatt followed with a similar change in July 2023, Hilton in September.

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In 2023, President Biden denounced resort fees and the Federal Trade Commission proposed a rule targeting junk fees and related practices. A Junk Fee Prevention Act was introduced to the Senate in March 2023 , followed by a Hotel Fees Transparency Act in July , but so far, Congress has taken no action.

Meanwhile, some questions remain about how the travel industry will respond to California’s transparency law. For instance: What about companies that continue to advertise the lowest version of their rates in large type, while simultaneously disclosing the large true full price in smaller type?

“That seems to violate the intent of the law,” Court said, but “It’s up to a court to figure out. Companies are going to push to the limit.”

For those ready to make hotel or rental property reservations, a second new state late could also be helpful: Beginning July 1 under legislation known as SB 644, California consumers must be given 24 hours to cancel most lodging bookings without any charge, so long as the consumer has made the booking at least 72 hours ahead of arrival. The law includes hotels, rental agencies and third-party booking services.

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10 AARP benefits all seniors should know

By Angelica Leicht

Edited By Matt Richardson

Updated on: June 25, 2024 / 9:56 AM EDT / CBS News

Mature woman sitting in car during sunset

As we transition into retirement and our senior years, our needs and priorities will typically experience a significant shift — as will the challenges we face, from healthcare concerns to financial planning, social engagement and maintaining independence. That's why, during this phase of life, it's crucial to find the right resources and support systems to help navigate these new circumstances.

Recognizing the unique needs of older adults, numerous organizations have emerged to cater specifically to seniors. These groups offer various services, from advocacy and education to discounts and social opportunities. Among these organizations, though, one name stands out: AARP.

AARP describes itself as a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering Americans 50 and older to choose how they live as they age. But while AARP's name recognition is widespread, many seniors — and even some long-time members — may not be fully aware of the extensive range of benefits and services the organization offers. So, if you're a senior who's been wondering what AARP can offer you, it helps to know some key membership benefits.

Find out how an AARP membership could benefit you here .

There are a few different benefits that seniors can access by joining AARP, including:

Insurance options

Having access to affordable insurance options becomes crucial during your senior years. And, that's one area where AARP shines. AARP offers a variety of insurance options tailored to seniors' needs, including supplemental health insurance, dental and vision coverage, life insurance , long-term care insurance and auto insurance . These insurance options are geared toward providing coverage for conditions that become more common with age, helping seniors maintain comprehensive protection without excessive financial burden.

Explore the many perks that come with joining AARP during your senior years .

Healthcare savings

Many seniors live on fixed incomes , making healthcare expenses a significant concern. But members of AARP can access significant discounts on prescription drugs, hearing aids and vision care, including glasses and contact lenses. These savings can be imperative for seniors living on fixed incomes, as healthcare expenses can be a major concern. And, by reducing the cost of essential health-related items, AARP helps seniors maintain their health and well-being without costing too much.

Travel benefits

Retirement often means more time for travel, but doing so can be expensive. To help, AARP provides travel-related discounts on hotels, rental cars and cruises, as well as a roadside assistance program and travel planning resources. These perks are particularly valuable for retirees, who typically have more time to travel but may be conscious of the related expenses. For example, these discounts can make it more affordable for seniors to explore new places and visit loved ones or offer peace of mind for those who enjoy road trips.

Financial services

Financial security is often a top concern for seniors. AARP members can ensure that their finances are in check by taking advantage of member perks like free financial health check-ups, identity theft protection services, unique credit card options with cashback rewards and discounts on tax preparation services. 

These offerings are beneficial because they help seniors address the financial security concerns many will face during that point in their lives. These services can, for example, help members manage their money more effectively and protect their assets, with identity theft protection being particularly valuable as seniors may be  targeted by scammers .

Technology assistance

In an increasingly digital world, staying connected is vital — and that's equally true for seniors. AARP can help provide that with access to tech support for computers, smartphones and other devices, as well as online learning resources for improving digital skills. This support can be invaluable because it lets seniors navigate new technologies, enabling them to stay in touch with family, access online services and feel more confident in their tech abilities, all of which is crucial for maintaining independence and connectivity.

Entertainment, shopping and dining discounts

AARP members can take advantage of the discounts offered at restaurants and at movie theaters or other entertainment venues. These benefits encourage seniors to stay socially active and engaged, which is crucial for mental health and overall well-being. And, by making outings and cultural experiences more affordable, AARP helps seniors maintain an active and fulfilling lifestyle.

Another benefit that AARP offers is savings at various retailers, both in-store and online, including discounts on groceries and everyday items. These discounts help seniors stretch fixed incomes further, allowing them to maintain their quality of life and afford both necessities and small luxuries. This can make a significant difference in seniors' day-to-day lives and overall financial comfort.

Legal services

Members of AARP also have access to free or discounted legal advice and assistance with estate planning and will preparation. Legal services can be prohibitively expensive, so these benefits make it easier for seniors to handle important legal matters, ensuring their wishes are properly documented and their rights are protected.

Education and career resources

Many seniors choose to work part-time or start new careers in retirement to earn some extra money . AARP can also help in this area. For example, the organization provides access to job boards specializing in age-friendly employers, online courses and skills training and resume review services. Taking advantage of these resources can, in turn, help seniors stay competitive in the job market and find fulfilling work opportunities, which can be financially and personally rewarding.

Fitness and wellness resources

Staying active is crucial for maintaining health and independence as we age, and it can be easier for AARP members to do that, as membership offers them access to gym membership discounts and wellness programs and resources. These perks make it more affordable for seniors to prioritize their physical and mental well-being, encouraging a healthier and more active lifestyle.

Home and auto services

Seniors can also get discounts through AARP on home security systems , moving services and storage and even auto repair discounts. These services address some common needs of seniors, from ensuring home safety to managing moves and maintaining vehicles, often at reduced costs. These benefits can be particularly helpful for seniors who are looking to age in place or those transitioning to new living arrangements.

The bottom line

An AARP membership can offer big benefits to seniors — including, but not limited to, the ones outlined above. So, if you're a senior who's been on the fence about joining, it can be a smart move to make between the discounts, the resources and the other perks an AARP membership offers. 

Angelica Leicht is senior editor for Managing Your Money, where she writes and edits articles on a range of personal finance topics. Angelica previously held editing roles at The Simple Dollar, Interest, HousingWire and other financial publications.

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Teen boy and girlfriend die in freak car accidents at same church days apart

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Anthony Banks Jr (left) and his girlfriend Jennifer Arellano-Maldonado (right) were killed in car crashes three days apart at Riverside Baptist Church in Alabama

A teenage boy and his girlfriend were killed in freak car accidents just three days apart at the same church in Alabama.

Anthony Banks Jr, 19, lost control of his vehicle and was involved in a fiery crash at Riverside Baptist Church in St Clair County shortly before 1.30am on Thursday, reported.

Firefighters battled the blaze, which quickly engulfed the church, into the morning. Banks was pronounced dead at the scene.

‘He was in a horrible accident that took my precious baby boys life at such a young age he just turned 19 years old 17 days ago,’ Banks’ mother, sister and brother wrote in a GoFundMe page for his celebration of life.

Anthony Banks Jr lost control of his vehicle early Thursday and crashed into Riverside Baptist Church

‘His life hadn’t even got started goof [sic] before he tragically taken from this world as I write this tears flow uncontrollably praying for this all to be some nightmare we will all wake from soon.’

The church had been a staple in the small town for decades.

‘Our thoughts and prayers are with them and the family of the deceased during this difficult time,’ wrote the Riverside Fire and Rescue on Facebook .

Both 19-year-olds were pronounced dead at the church

Then on Sunday just before 1am, Banks’ girlfriend, Jennifer Arellano-Maldonado, 19, crashed into the burned church while trying to flee a Riverside cop, according to . Her BMW, which was reported stolen from a family member, veered off a street and struck a brick wall, igniting a fire .

Arellano-Maldonado, who was not using a seat belt, was pronounced dead at the scene.

The Alabama Law Enforcement Agency is investigating the incident.

The fire spread quickly across the church and firefighters battled the blaze into the morning

Riverside had a population of about 2,200 in 2022 and is about 38 miles east of Birmingham.

As of Wednesday afternoon, the GoFundMe page for Anthony had received $450 in donations.

The couple’s deaths happened only weeks after Birmingham police issued an arrest warrant for a mother accused of starving her teenage son to death at a motel.

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One Of Europe's Hottest Vacation Destinations Bans Short-Term Rentals

B arcelona has been a popular travel destination ever since hosting the 1992 Olympic Games, which led to short-term rentals becoming a booming business. However, the downside of the short-term rental boom has been a rapid increase in rents that most city residents can't cope with. That's why Mayor Jaume Collboni announced Barcelona will enact a complete ban on short-term rentals beginning in 2029.

The announcement, reported by Bloomberg News, may seem like a drastic step, but Barcelona's residents and city government believe they are in a drastic situation. Spain's leading rental website, Idealista, reports that rents in the city are up 14% in just the last year. This makes Barcelona one of the most expensive cities in Spain to live in, and many frustrated residents are blaming the prevalence of short-term rentals for the price spike.

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A lot of the chaos dates to the early days of short-term rentals in Barcelona. The city's global profile has been rising steadily for years. Today, Barcelona hosts millions of visitors per year, and many of them prefer short-stay apartments or houses to hotels. 

The Barcelona Tourism Observatory reports that over 16 million people visited in 2023. That created a tremendous demand for temporary housing right around the time platforms like Airbnb (NASDAQ:ABNB) and VRBO, part of the Expedia Group (NASDAQ:EXPE), were becoming global phenomena.

Initially, it was a free-for-all. Locals began subletting rooms in their apartments, and investors flooded the city to purchase apartments strictly to turn them into short-term vacation rentals . Area landlords who previously did long-term rentals for Barcelona residents began converting their properties into short-term spaces because they could make exponentially more money that way.

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This coincided with Spain announcing a golden visa program that gave long-term residency to anyone who spent more than 500,000 euros on real estate. It created a perfect storm where thousands of previously long-term rental properties were taken off the market in a short period. Complicating matters further is that Barcelona is a small city in terms of land mass and has little space for new construction.

The resulting strain on the city's apartment inventory caused rent prices to spike on traditional yearlong leases. Barcelona's government responded by instituting a licensing process for all short-term rentals. The new policy included massive fines for anyone who operated an unlicensed short-term rental and required owners to pay taxes on their revenue. However, the cat was out of the bag by that point.

According to Mayor Collboni, some 10,000 short-term rental licenses were granted. Unfortunately, city rents did not come down, and they spiked even more dramatically after the COVID-19 crisis waned. Increasingly, locals began voicing their frustration over the rising rents. There was also the issue that many short-term tenants did not respect the fact they were living side by side with city residents who weren't on vacation and didn't want to party all night.

All this motivated Mayor Collboni's administration to take the drastic step of enacting a blanket ban on short-term rentals. Barcelona's short-term rental licenses expire at the end of 2028, and the Mayor announced they will not be renewed. The city has also stopped issuing any new licenses. That means short-term rentals will cease to exist in Barcelona by 2029. 

In a press conference announcing the new policy, Mayor Collboni said, "More supply of housing is needed, and the measures we're presenting today are to provide more supply so that the working middle class does not have to leave the city because they can't afford housing." The news comes as a welcome to locals who have become increasingly exasperated with both short-term rentals and what they view as runaway tourism.

This move is part of an increasing pushback against short-term rentals by local governments worldwide, although Barcelona's complete ban is perhaps the strongest step yet. Mayor Collboni noted in his press conference that this move will not be a magic bullet by saying, "This measure will not change the situation from one day to the next. These problems take time. But with this measure, we are marking a turning point." 

It remains to be seen if other cities will follow Barcelona's lead, but the aggressive approach is drawing raised eyebrows from short-term rental investors around the globe. If other top-tier travel destinations begin adopting a similar approach, the days of the high-revenue short-term rental investment could soon be numbered.

Keep Reading:

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© 2024 Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.

This article One Of Europe's Hottest Vacation Destinations Bans Short-Term Rentals originally appeared on .

One Of Europe's Hottest Vacation Destinations Bans Short-Term Rentals


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  4. 20+ Best Travel Blogs to Arouse Your Sense of Adventure (2023

    travel freak term

  5. Are you a travel freak?

    travel freak term

  6. What is the most viral travel freakout of all time?

    travel freak term


  1. Is there any word to describe a person that likes to travel a lot?

    You can call such a person a travel enthusiast or for more impact, a travel freak. I am crazy about travel, I am a complete travel freak. Infoplease: freak-n. 6. Slang. a. a person who has withdrawn from normal, rational behavior and activities to pursue one interest or obsession: a drug freak. b. a devoted fan or follower; enthusiast: a ...

  2. 8 Words To Describe A Person Who Loves To Travel

    A travel freak is somebody who is completely obsessed with traveling. They're more than happy to explore the world, and they don't care what people might think about their freedom or love to explore new cultures and countries. While "freak" is usually a negative slang phrase, we use it here in a positive way to show that we're amazed ...

  3. 10 Synonymous Words for Travel Lovers

    Travel Buff. Wisdom comes from experience and those who are travelers amass knowledge through traveling. That is what makes them the travel-buffs. Hodophile. You don't need an explanation for this word. It is as perfect as it comes. Hodophile - the very word for travel lovers. A Hodophile is "One who loves to travel." Grey Nomad

  4. 28 Beautiful Travel Words that Describe Wanderlust Perfectly

    4. Fernweh (n.) Origin: German. Definition: This German word,means an ache to get away and travel to a distant place, a feeling even stronger than wanderlust. If wanderlust wasn't poetic enough for you, allow me to present fernweh, a German word that literally translates to "distance-sickness.".

  5. Travel Glossary

    T. Transit Visa: A visa required for passing through a country to a final destination. It's the paperwork pit stop of your journey. Travel Hacks: Tips and tricks to make travel easier, cheaper, or more enjoyable. A cheat code for the travel game. U. Urban Exploration: Discovering the hidden gems and secrets of urban environments, often accompanied by some form of outlaw defunct urban space ...

  6. TravelFreak

    Like A Pro. Travel smarter, adventure better. Join our community of 100,000 travelers and get the latest gear reviews, travel tips and destination guides straight to your inbox, entirely free. Subscribe today.

  7. 42 Inspiring & Unusual Travel Words (Besides Wanderlust)

    Farsickness. An urge to travel even stronger than wanderlust. That feeling you get when you've been home too long and you ache to be out into the world again. Sometimes you don't know where you want to be, but you know that it's away. Sometimes you know where, and you want to get there as quickly as possible.

  8. Travel Jargon Explained: A Guide to Common Travel Trends and Terms

    The bleisure trend basically consists of adding very pleasant and vacation-like activities (or even OOO days) to your not-so-pleasant, business-related duties. Typically, one does "bleisure travel ...

  9. How I Can Afford to Travel Long-Term

    Long-term travel is very different from a holiday. I rarely stay in hotels and usually opt to stay in a hostel. I much prefer them anyway-it's a great way to meet other travelers and, when you're traveling solo, you rarely feel like you're alone (unless you want to be). Most nights I sleep in a shared room with 3-4 other travelers.

  10. Travel Glossary: 100+ Terms, Acronyms & Definitions You Need To Know

    This travel glossary contains more than 100 of the most common terms and acronyms you are likely to hear in the travel industry. The travel niche has its own terms, abbreviations, and definitions. As it can get complicated to understand them all, we created this complete travel glossary. You can either click on: Note that we are still working ...

  11. 50 Cool Travel Terms and Phrases: Wanderlust To Jet-Setting

    Jet-setter: Someone who travels frequently, often by plane, to explore new destinations. 3. Globe-trotter: Similar to a jet-setter, a globe-trotter is someone who travels extensively, hopping from one country to another. 4. Staycation: Opting to stay home and explore local attractions rather than traveling afar. 5.

  12. Travel Words (The Best 49 Wanderlust Words For Travel Lovers)

    Below I have a comprehensive list of synonyms for travel words, from different language origins. The list goes beyond vacation words and travel terms. These interesting travel-related words are also related to journey in the literal but also figurative meaning. Many of these words' meanings can't be summed up in one word in English.

  13. Travel Terms Glossary

    Air Travel - air travel is the action or process of making a journey by aircraft. Air/sea - a term referring to tickets, trips, fares, etc. that include both air and land-based travel arrangements, such as a cruise package with air included. Aircraft - Generally speaking, any machine capable of flight.

  14. Travel Glossary

    A term in travel planning referring to the time period when travel is most convenient or desirable for a traveler, taking into account factors like weather, cost, crowds, and personal schedules. Workaway. A program that allows individuals to travel to a destination and stay with a host in exchange for work. The type of work can vary greatly ...

  15. Demystifying Travel Terminology: A Comprehensive Guide to Common Travel

    What is Travel Insurance? Travel insurance is a type of coverage that safeguards you from various risks while you're on your trip. It serves as a safety net, protecting you against potential financial losses that can occur due to several travel-related issues such as trip cancellation, medical emergencies, and lost luggage.. Just like other types of insurance, it involves paying an upfront ...

  16. Brush Up On Your Travel Slang: 9 Terms To Know

    A gramping trip can consist of travels to any destination, local or international. 3. Revenge Travel. Jakob Owens. Revenge travel is something many of us are still engaging in, and may continue to for some time. The term refers to the act of trying to make up for trips missed due to the pandemic. The fiasco of canceled trips, border closures ...

  17. 12 Tips to Help You Overcome Travel Anxiety

    12 Tips to Help You Overcome Travel Anxiety. Overcome travel anxiety by engaging in meditation, carrying calming distractions, and meticulously organizing trip details. By Mia Russell ·. Published on: September 03, 2020. The excitement of travel is second to none, but it can also be stressful for even the savviest, most experienced travelers.

  18. How Traveling the World Will Change You

    Travel is a unique experience that will broaden your sight, mind, and your horizon as you embark on a journey to find success and determine what really matters most to you. ... but does it really matter? I believe the act of long term travel will encourage you to be open to change, and will surely get inspiration flowing from the people, places ...

  19. TRAVEL Synonyms: 237 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for TRAVEL: trek, journey, trip, tour, voyage, roam, wander, pilgrimage; Antonyms of TRAVEL: crawl, creep, drag, hang (around or out), poke, linger, lag, loiter

  20. find the best Terms, Definitions and Acronyms

    fee - bundled air transaction fee. An air transaction fee that includes the costs associated with servicing air, hotel and car transactions. Therefore, hotel and car only bookings (not to exceed XX% of air bookings) are not charged a transaction fee. fee - management fee. Fee assessed in addition to direct costs.

  21. travel freak

    travel freak ⓘ One or more forum threads is an exact match of your searched term. definition | English Collocations | Conjugator | in Spanish | in French | in context | images. We could not find the full phrase you were looking for. The entry for "travel" is displayed below.

  22. Travel Glossary

    Travel brochures and websites are filled with travel-related terms and expressions. Some of them are obvious, but other commonly used phrases might raise some eyebrows. We have created a glossary to elucidate some of the most common words and travel jargon you might encounter when you're planning a family holiday: the ultimate travel glossary.

  23. Consumer Confidence In U.S. Falls In June As Americans Fret About Near

    The measure of Americans' short-term expectations for income, business and the job market fell to 73 from 74.9 in May. A reading under 80 can signal a potential recession in the near future.

  24. Hate hidden hotel fees? In California, they're about to be illegal

    Under the state law known as SB 478, which takes effect July 1, businesses now must include mandatory fees — such as resort fees and cleaning fees — in their initial advertised prices.

  25. 10 AARP benefits all seniors should know

    Travel benefits. Retirement often means more time for travel, but doing so can be expensive. To help, AARP provides travel-related discounts on hotels, rental cars and cruises, as well as a ...

  26. Teen boy and girlfriend die in freak car accidents at same ...

    A teenage boy and his girlfriend were killed in freak car accidents just three days apart at the same church in Alabama. Anthony Banks Jr, 19, lost control of his...

  27. Iowa Department of Transportation: Short-term closure/detour of

    SIOUX CITY, Iowa - June 24, 2024 - If you travel on northbound Interstate 29 near Sloan you need to be aware of a short-term closure/detour of northbound I-29 from 6 p.m. tonight until midnight, weather permitting, according to the Iowa Department of Transportation's District 3 Office. This scheduled closure of northbound I-29 will allow crews to safely place girders for the new bridge ...

  28. NYT quietly tweaks headline blaming Bowman's loss on 'flood of pro

    The New York Times altered a headline for an article about Rep. Jamaal Bowman's Democratic primary loss which initially framed his stinging defeat as the result of "a flood of pro-Israel money."

  29. One Of Europe's Hottest Vacation Destinations Bans Short-Term Rentals

    B arcelona has been a popular travel destination ever since hosting the 1992 Olympic Games, which led to short-term rentals becoming a booming business. However, the downside of the short-term ...

  30. Barcelona Is the Latest Popular Destination to Ban All Short-Term

    Barcelona first banned the rentals of private rooms in 2021. Up until now, short-term rentals have had to be licensed with the city, and since 2016, the government has shut down 9,700 illegal ...