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30 Top Tropic Thunder Quotes That Will Make You Laugh

Best Tropic Thunder Quotes

Check out the best of Tropic Thunder quotes . We bring you the best quotes from Tropic Thunder movie .

1 Tugg Speedman: This is insane. Are you really going to abandon this movie? We’re supposed to be a unit! Kirk Lazarus: Suck my unit.

2 – “Everybody knows you never go full reta**.” – “What do you mean?” – “Check it out. Dustin Hoffman, Rain Man, look reta****, act reta****, not reta****. Counted toothpicks, cheated cards. Autistic, sure. Not retar****. You know, Tom Hanks, Forrest Gump . Slow, yes. Retar****, maybe. Braces on his legs. But he charmed the pants off Nixon and won a ping-pong competition. That ain’t retar****. And he was a god-damn war hero! You know any retar**** war heroes? You went full reta**, man. Never go full reta**. You don’t buy that? Ask Sean Penn, 2001, I Am Sam, Remember? Went full reta**. Went home empty handed.”

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Robert Downey Jr Tropic Thunder Quotes

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3 Kirk Lazarus (character played by Robert Downey Jr): Same thing happened to me when I played Neil Armstrong in Moonshot. They found me in an alley in Burbank trying to re-enter the earth’s atmosphere in an old refrigerator box.

4 Kirk Lazarus: Man, I don’t drop character ’till I done the DVD commentary.

Robert Downey Jr Tropic Thunder Quotes

Continue reading these awesome Robert Downey Jr Tropic Thunder quotes below

5 Kirk Lazarus: [in an interview on Access Hollywood] Being an actor’s no different than being a rugby player or construction worker, save for the fact that my tools are the mechanisms which trigger human emotion.

6 Les Grossman: First, take a big step back… and literally, FU** YOUR OWN FACE! I don’t know what kind of pan-pacific bullsh** power play you’re trying to pull here, but Asia Jack is my territory. So whatever you’re thinking, you’d better think again! Otherwise I’m gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an un-Godly fu***ing firestorm upon you! You’re gonna have to call the fu***ing United Nations and get a fu***ing binding resolution to keep me from fu***ing destroying you. I’m talking scorched earth, motherf***er! I will massacre you! I WILL FU** YOU UP!

7 Rick Peck: You can’t be serious? Les Grossman: You kick in the door to my house all ants in your pants, sucking my left nut to get a TiVo scrap for the 3rd runner-up “sexiest man alive” 1998… And you’re asking if I’m SERIOUS?

8 Tugg Speedman: I have a son now. Little Half Squat. Kirk Lazarus: Who in crikey fu** is Half Squat?

9 Kirk Lazarus: I don’t read the script. The script reads me.

10 Studio Executive Rob Slolom: Wow. 8 Oscars, 400 million dollars, and you saved Tugg Speedman’s career. Les Grossman: I couldn’t have done it without you. Studio Executive Rob Slolom: Really? Les Grossman: No, d***head. Of course I could. A nutless monkey could do your job. Now, go get drunk and take credit at all the parties. Studio Executive Rob Slolom: I wouldn’t do that. Les Grossman: Ah… joking. Studio Executive Rob Slolom: Ah, there he is! Funny. You’re a funny guy. Les Grossman: Yeah. But seriously, a nutless monkey could do your job.

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11 [Jeff, Kirk, and Kevin have just learned Alpa is gay] Jeff Portnoy: [Tied to a tree and going through cocaine withdrawals] Alpa, if you untie me, I will literally suck your dick, right now. Alpa Chino: Man, I told you for the last time, I love tha pu***! Jeff Portnoy: I’ll cradle the balls, stroke the shaft, work the pipe, and swallow the gravy. Get it over here, buddy. Let’s do this.

12 Kirk Lazarus: I’m just like a little boy, playin’ with his dick when he’s nervous.

13 [Cody and Tayback are tied to a post in the Flaming Dragon compound] Cody: Dude, dude, what the hell is going on here? Where are we? Four Leaf Tayback: I have no idea, I’ve never been outside the states. Cody: Wait what? Are you f***ing kidding me? Did you make this whole goddamn thing up? Dude you weren’t even in the f***ing service? Four Leaf Tayback: Yes! Of course! Coast Guard! Cody: Coast Guard. Four Leaf Tayback: Sanitation Department. Cody: Oh my god! You’re a f***ing garbage man! Dammit! F.L. Tayback lies to me and the whole U.S. of A.! Four Leaf Tayback: I wrote the book as a tribute! I’m a patriot! Cody: Yeah, you’re the Milli Vanilli of patriots, okay? You lied about fighting in the Vietnam War. It’s like – it’s like punching the American Flag in the face goddammit! God, to think I believed you! Four Leaf Tayback: Writers lie all the time! Cody: [a guard bursts in] Can I be tied to another post please?

14 Kirk Lazarus: Action Jackson can’t cry, that’s what’s going down. Tugg Speedman: You know what Kirk, I’m ready to do the scene! Kirk Lazarus: What scene? The scene is about emotionality. Where is it? Now it’s time to flip the script! We’ll get to Chinese New Year waitin’ for my man to cry.

15 Les Grossman (character played by Tom Cruise): Speedman is a dying star. A white dwarf headed for a black hole. That’s physics. It’s inevitable. Studio Executive Rob Slolom: We’ve been handed an incredible opportunity here, Peck. Les Grossman: The universe… is talking to us right now. You just gotta listen. [turns on T-Pain’s Apple Bottom Jeans and begins to dance to the beat] Les Grossman: See, this is the good part, Peck**. This is when the job gets fun! Ask… and you shall receive! Studio Executive Rob Slolom: [dancing along] Right… Les Grossman: You play ball… we play ball. I knoowwww… you want the goodies! Studio Executive Rob Slolom: Welcome to the goodie room! Les Grossman: You paying attention? I’m talking… G5, Peck**! That’s how you can roll. No more frequent flyer bit** miles for my boy! Oh yeah! Playa… playa! Big dick playa! Studio Executive Rob Slolom: Swinging past ya knees! Les Grossman: Big dick, baby! Studio Executive Rob Slolom: Yep. Les Grossman: [turns off the music] Or… you can grow a conscience in the next five minutes and see where that takes you. Rick Peck: Let me get this straight. You want me to let my client of 15 years, one of my best friends, die in the jungle alone, for some money and a G5? Les Grossman: Yes. Rick Peck: [pause] A G5 airplane? Les Grossman: [whispering] Yes… and lots of money… playaaaa! [turns on the music and dances again]

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16 Alpa Chino: No, I always wanted to. I guess I just never had the courage to ask. It’s complicated. Kirk Lazarus: Nah! It’s simple as pie man: you plant your feet on the ground, you look her square in the eyes you say “Hey! baby, you and me’s goin’ on a date, that’s the end of the story”. What’s her name? Alpa Chino: …Lance Kirk Lazarus: You say ‘Listen here, Lance’… Lance? What the fu** did I just hear? Lance? Kevin Sandusky: Did you just say Lance? Alpa Chino: No! I said Nance. That’s what I said, Nance. Kevin Sandusky: It sounded like Lance. Alpa Chino: Dammit, I’m Alpa Chino! ‘I Love Tha Pu***’, aight? Lay yo as* back down and look at the stars. Kirk Lazarus: When you wrote ‘I Love Tha Pu***’, was you thinking about danglin your dice on Lance’s forehead?

17 Cody: Just say no to this, you drug-making midget! [an explosion occurs] Cody: Oh my God! I am moving to catering after this!

18 Alpa Chino: Drink Booty Sweat, baby! Drink Booty Sweat! Kirk Lazarus: [mockingly] Yeah, get him chuggin’ on some of Alpa’s as*-water. That’ll bring him around, it’s a cure-all…

19 Four Leaf Tayback: Spanking a child turns him into a snot. Fear, that’s what makes him a man. I know a place where a man’s worth is measured by the ears hanging off his dog tags. The real hardcore sh**! You wanna make this movie right? That’s where you take your pansy as* actors. Les Grossman: [beat] Who is this guy? Studio Executive Rob Slolom: Les, that’s Four Leaf. Four Leaf Tayback: Sergeant Four Leaf Tayback. I wrote the book. Les Grossman: Wow. You’re a great American. This nation owes you a huge debt. Now shut the fu** up and let me do my job!

20 Alpa Chino: Yeah… but those dudes was trained soldiers. Kirk Lazarus: [using his unloaded pistol] Yeah! And we trained actors, mothaf***a! Time to man up. And I ain’t gonna sugarcoat. Some of us might not even make it back. Jeff Portnoy: What do you mean? Like, not on the same flight?

21 Alpa Chino: [Cody and Four-Leaf are tied to a post] What’re you guys doing here? Cody: He has hands! Four Leaf Tayback: He killed Damien! Cody: Bullsh**! Four Leaf Tayback: He blinded Jamie Lee Curtis! Cody: Almost! Alpa Chino: What’re you talking about? Damien stepped on an old land mine. Cody: Oh, sweet, thank God!

22 Byong: We no get money yet. Price now 100 million. You pay now, or tomorrow Simple Jack Die! Les Grossman: Great. Let me get this down. 100 million… Oh, wait! I got a better idea. Instead of a hundred million, how about I send you a hobo’s dick cheese? Then, you kill him. Do your thing, skin the f***ing basta**. Go to town, man. Go to town! In the mean time and as usual, go fu** yourself.

23 Jeff Portnoy: So, what’s the plan, man? You gonna talk Vietnamese to those dudes? Kirk Lazarus: No, no. Mandarin Chinese. What I can tell, it’s what they’re speaking down there. Jeff Portnoy: How the hell do you know Chinese? Kirk Lazarus: Land of Silk and Money with Gong Li. Second Globe, third Oscar. I prepped for that one by working in a Beijing textile factory for eight months.

24 Alpa Chino: [why he’s in the movie] I had to represent. Cause they had one good role for a black man, and they gave it to Crocodile Dundee! Kirk Lazarus: Pump your brakes, kid, that man’s a national treasure.

25 Kevin Sandusky: Now, if you recall that whole hullabaloo where Hollywood was split into schisms, some studios backing Blu-ray disc, others backing HD DVD. People thought it would come down to pixel rate or refresh rate, and they’re pretty much the same. What it came down to was a combination between gamers and po**. Now, whichever format por** backs is usually the one that becomes the uh most successful. But, you know, Sony, every PlayStation 3 has a Blu-ray in it. Kirk Lazarus: You talkin’ to me this whole time? Kevin Sandusky: I was talking to whoever was listening. Kirk Lazarus: Jesus Christ, man!

26 Tugg Speedman: Now, let’s go get those Viet Congs. [using his gun] Alpa Chino: “Viet Cong!” Tugg Speedman: What? Alpa Chino: It’s “viet cong.” There’s no “s,” it’s already plural. You wouldn’t say “Chineses…”

27 Kevin Sandusky: There’s no way we make it over that ridge before sundown. Kirk Lazarus: All right fellas, we’re gonna make camp, rest up. Y’all might be in for a treat. You know back before the war broke out I was a saucier in San Antone. I bet I could collar up some of them greens, yeah, some crawfish out the paddy, yo’! Ha! I’m makin’ some crabapples for dessert now, yo! Hell yeah, ha! Alpa Chino: [mocking Kirk] Hell yeah! Ha! That’s how we all talk? We all talk like dis, “suh”? Yes suh, ha! Yeah mmm-hmm get some crawfish, and some ribs, ha! Ye-aah. You’re Australian! Be Australian! Excuse me, Kangaroo Jack! [hops away like a kangaroo] Kirk Lazarus: [confused] I get excited about my foods, man.

28 Tran – Flaming Dragon Compound: Where is your farm… [points a gun at Lazarus] Tran – Flaming Dragon Compound: …AMERICAN? Kirk Lazarus: My farm? Here’s my mothaf***in’ farm! [pulls out guns and starts firing and whooping] Kirk Lazarus: Kwan lo! I’m a lead farmer!

29 Tugg Speedman: The dudes are emerging… Kirk Lazarus: [in black voice] He’s right, you know? I’m NOT Sergeant Lincoln Osiris… [rips off fake hair to reveal blonde hair] Kirk Lazarus: [in Irish accent while taking fake sideburns off] … nor am I Father O’Mallie… Kirk Lazarus: [in low growl voice, while removing fake beard] … or Neil Armstrong… [Removes contact lenses to reveal blue eyes underneath] Kirk Lazarus: [in natural Australian accent] I… I think I might be nobody. Kevin Sandusky: Wow! The insecurity level with you guys is ridiculous!

30 Jeff Portnoy: Hey, Radar. Elvins. Kevin Sandusky: It’s Kevin. Jeff Portnoy: Kev – whatever the fu**, come over here. I didn’t tell you, but Fatties Fart 3 is coming down the pike and there’s a role in there for you if you come over and untie me. Kevin Sandusky: Jeff, you’re just going to have to tough it out. Jeff Portnoy: Your mother’s a cankerous who**! Kevin Sandusky: Jesus, man! Jeff Portnoy: Hey, man, remember way back when I said your mother was a cankerous who**? I’m sorry, man. I did not mean that. She’s not.

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  • Tropic Thunder

“Tropic Thunder” quotes

Movie Tropic Thunder

“I know who I am. I'm the dude playin' the dude, disguised as another dude!” Robert Downey Jr. - Kirk Lazarus
“I'm just like a little boy, playin' with his dick when he's nervous .” Robert Downey Jr. - Kirk Lazarus
Dustin Hoffman, 'Rain Man', look retarded, act retarded, not retarded. Counted toothpicks, cheated cards. Autistic, sho'. Not retarded. You know Tom Hanks, 'Forrest Gump'. Slow, yes. Retarded, maybe. Braces on his legs. But he charmed the pants off Nixon and won a ping-pong competition . That ain't retarded. Peter Sellers, "Being There".... (continue) (continue reading) Robert Downey Jr. - Kirk Lazarus
“Being an actor's no different than being a rugby player or construction worker, save for the fact that my tools are the mechanisms which trigger human emotion.” Robert Downey Jr. - Kirk Lazarus
“I don't drop character 'till I done the DVD commentary.” Robert Downey Jr. - Kirk Lazarus
- Jeff Portnoy - Hot LZ: So, what's the plan, man? You gonna talk Vietnamese to those dudes? - Kirk Lazarus: No, no. Mandarin Chinese. What I can tell, it's what they're speaking down there. - Jeff Portnoy - Hot LZ: How the hell do you know Chinese? - Kirk Lazarus: "Land of Silk and Money " with Gong Li. Second Globe, third Oscar. I prepped for... (continue) (continue reading) Jack Black - Jeff Portnoy - Hot LZ Robert Downey Jr. - Kirk Lazarus
“- Kevin Sandusky - Hot LZ: Now, whichever format porno backs is usually the one that becomes the uh most successful. But, you know, Sony, every PlayStation 3 has a Blu-ray in it. - Kirk Lazarus: You talkin' to me this whole time? - Kevin Sandusky - Hot LZ: I was talking to whoever was listening. - Kirk Lazarus: Jesus Christ, man!” Jay Baruchel - Kevin Sandusky - Hot LZ Robert Downey Jr. - Kirk Lazarus
“I've done a lot more effect-driven films than you have and I think I can spot... [picks up Damien's severed head] ... a prop head when I see one! [people around him gag] It's corn syrup, guys! Corn syrup and latex. [digs his fingers inside the head and gets a taste; gets disgusted look on his face] Warm... blood-flavored corn syrup.” Ben Stiller - Tugg Speedman - Hot LZ
“- Four Leaf Tayback - Vietnam Crew : I've never been outside the States. - Cody - Vietnam Crew : Wait what? Are you fucking kidding me? Did you make this whole goddamn thing up? Dude you weren't even in the fucking service? - Four Leaf Tayback - Vietnam Crew : Yes! Of course! Coast Guard! - Cody - Vietnam Crew : Coast Guard. - Four Leaf Tayback -...” (continue) (continue reading) Nick Nolte - Four Leaf Tayback - Vietnam Crew Danny McBride - Cody - Vietnam Crew
“- Kirk Lazarus: Took a whole lotta tryin' just to get up that hill. Now we're up in the big leagues, gettin' our turn at bat. As long as we live, it's you and me, baby... - Alpa Chino - Hot LZ: [pulling away] That's the theme song to The Jeffersons. Man, you really need help. - Kirk Lazarus: Just because it's a theme song don't mean it's not true.” Robert Downey Jr. - Kirk Lazarus Brandon T. Jackson - Alpa Chino - Hot LZ
“- Kevin Sandusky - Hot LZ: You guys all read the script, right? - Kirk Lazarus: I don't read the script, script reads me. [pause] - Kevin Sandusky - Hot LZ: What the hell does that even mean?” Jay Baruchel - Kevin Sandusky - Hot LZ Robert Downey Jr. - Kirk Lazarus
“- Four Leaf Tayback - Vietnam Crew : I wrote the book as a tribute! I'm a patriot ! - Cody - Vietnam Crew : Yeah, you're the Milli Vanilli of patriots , okay? You lied about fighting in the Vietnam War. It's like... it's like punching the American Flag in the face goddammit! God, to think I believed you! - Four Leaf Tayback - Vietnam Crew : Writers...” (continue) (continue reading) Nick Nolte - Four Leaf Tayback - Vietnam Crew Danny McBride - Cody - Vietnam Crew
“- Jeff Portnoy - Hot LZ: Alpa, if you untie me, I will literally suck your dick, right now. - Alpa Chino: Man, I told you for the last time, I love tha pussy! - Jeff Portnoy - Hot LZ: I'll cradle the balls, stroke the shaft, work the pipe, and swallow the gravy. Get it over here , buddy . Let's do this.” Jack Black - Jeff Portnoy - Hot LZ Brandon T. Jackson - Alpa Chino - Hot LZ
“- Les Grossman - Grossman's Office : A nutless monkey could do your job. Now, go get drunk and take credit at all the parties. - Studio Executive Rob Slolom - Vietnam Crew : I wouldn't do that. - Les Grossman - Grossman's Office : Ah... joking . - Studio Executive Rob Slolom - Vietnam Crew : Ah, there he is! Funny . You're a funny guy. - Les Grossman...” (continue) (continue reading) Tom Cruise - Les Grossman - Grossman's Office Bill Hader - Studio Executive Rob Slolom - Vietnam Crew
“- Alpa Chino - Hot LZ: Yeah... but those dudes was trained soldiers. - Kirk Lazarus: [cocks unloaded pistol ] Yeah! And we trained actors, mothafucka! Time to man up. And I ain't gonna sugarcoat. Some of us might not even make it back. - Jeff Portnoy - Hot LZ: What do you mean? Like, not on the same flight?” Brandon T. Jackson - Alpa Chino - Hot LZ Robert Downey Jr. - Kirk Lazarus Jack Black - Jeff Portnoy - Hot LZ
- Tyra Banks: You have no real family, you're on the wrong side of 40, you're childless and alone. Somebody close to you said: "one more flop, and it's over". - Tugg Speedman - Hot LZ: [pause] Somebody said they were close to me? Tyra Banks - Tyra Banks Ben Stiller - Tugg Speedman - Hot LZ
“- Kevin Sandusky - Hot LZ: Hey Jeff what are you doin? - Jeff Portnoy - Hot LZ: Fuckin' nothing, man. I'm eating jelly beans. - Kevin Sandusky - Hot LZ: Whoa jelly beans can I have... - Jeff Portnoy - Hot LZ: No you can't have any fuckin' jelly beans! You think you're the only one who gets sick when he doesn't get his jelly beans? Boundaries man...” Jay Baruchel - Kevin Sandusky - Hot LZ Jack Black - Jeff Portnoy - Hot LZ
“- Tugg Speedman - Hot LZ: I killed one, Rick... the thing I love most in the world. - Rick Peck - Peck's Office : A hooker . Oh Jesus , you killed a hooker !” Ben Stiller - Tugg Speedman - Hot LZ Matthew McConaughey - Rick Peck - Peck's Office
“- Alpa Chino - Hot LZ: And why am I in this movie ? Maybe it's because I just knew I had to represent, because they had one good part in here for a black man and they gave it to Crocodile Dundee! - Kirk Lazarus: Pump your brakes, kid . That man's a national treasure.” Brandon T. Jackson - Alpa Chino - Hot LZ Robert Downey Jr. - Kirk Lazarus
- Kirk Lazarus: It's simple as pie man: you plant your feet on the ground, you look her square in the eyes you say "Hey! baby, you and me's goin' on a date, that's the end of the story". What's her name ? - Alpa Chino - Hot LZ: ... Lance. - Kirk Lazarus: You say ' Listen here , Lance'... Lance? What the fuck did I just hear ? Lance? Robert Downey Jr. - Kirk Lazarus Brandon T. Jackson - Alpa Chino - Hot LZ

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The Most Hilarious 'Tropic Thunder' Quotes

Movie and TV Quotes

The best quotes from Tropic Thunder make you realize how funny the movie really is, even if you haven't seen it in a while. Let's rank the greatest quotes from Tropic Thunder , with the help of your votes. Starring Ben Stiller, Robert Downey Jr., and Jack Black, Tropic Thunder was directed by Ben Stiller and released in 2008.

What are your favorite lines from Tropic Thunder ? One of the memorable one-liners was when Kirk Lazarus said, "I know who I am! I'm a dude playing the dude, disguised as another dude!" Another great line from Tropic Thunder is, "I got the TiVo!" spoken by Rick Peck who was played by Matthew McConaughey.

Vote up your top Tropic Thunder quotes, regardless of which character they come from.

Dude Playin' The Dude

  • Paramount Pictures

Dude Playin' The Dude

Kirk Lazarus : I know who I am! I'm a dude playing the dude, disguised as another dude!

Full Retard

Full Retard

Kirk Lazarus : (speaking about Simple Jack) You went full retard man, never go full retard.

You People

Tugg Speedman : What is with you people?!

Kirk Lazarus : Huh?! What do you mean, "you people?"

Alpa Chino : What do you mean, 'you people?'

Kirk Lazarus : Huh?

Take A Step Back

Take A Step Back

Les Grossman : Okay, Flaming Dragon. F*ckface. First, take a big step back... and literally f*ck your own face! Now, I don't know what kind of pan-Pacific bullsh*t power play you're trying to pull here, but Asia, Jack, is my territory. So whatever you're thinking, you'd better think again. Otherwise I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an ungodly f*cking firestorm upon you! You're gonna have to call the f*cking United Nations and get a f*cking binding resolution to keep me from f*cking destroying you. I am talking scorched earth, motherf*cker! I will massacre you! I will f*ck you up! (hangs up and asks assistant) Find out who that was.

It's A Theme Song

It's A Theme Song

Alpa Chino : As for why I'm in this movie, maybe I just knew I had to represent. Cause they one good part in this movie for a Black man and they gave it to Crocodile Dundee.

Kirk Lazarus : Pump your brakes, kid. That man's a national treasure.

Alpa Chino : I just wanted to throw another shrimp on your Barbie.

Lazarus : That sh*t ain't funny.

Alpa Chino : I'm just f*cking with you, Kangaroo Jack. I'm sorry if a dingo ate yo baby.

Lazarus : You know that's a true story? Lady lost her kid. You about to cross a f*cking line.

Kevin Sandusky : Hey guys could we just cool it...

Alpa Chino : You know what, f*ck that, I'm sick of this koala-hunting ni**a-

Lazarus : For 400 years, that word has kept our people down.

Alpa Chino : ..what the f*ck!?

Lazarus : Took a whole lot of tryin, just to get up that hill, but now we up in the big leagues...

Alpa Chino : That's the theme songs from The Jeffersons.

Lazarus : Just cause it's a theme song doesn't mean it's not true.

Master Blaster

Master Blaster

Kirk Lazarus : What about you, Master Blaster? You got a certain someone you trying to get with back in the States?

Kevin Sandusky : What, Alpa Chino? He's like ten girls deep, 24/7.

Kirk Lazarus : No, you missin' me, man. I'm talking about something special. Big difference. How about it?

Alpa Chino : Yeah. Yeah, there is.

Kirk Lazarus : Well? What's the skinny? Y'all been on a date or what?

Alpa Chino : No. I mean... I always wanted to, but, I guess I just never had the courage to ask. It''s complicated.

Kirk Lazarus : No! It's simple as pie, man. You plant your feet on the ground, you look her square in the eyes, you say, "Hey. Baby, you and me's going on a date." That's the end of the story. What's her name?

Alpa Chino : ...Lance.

Kirk Lazarus : "Listen here, Lance..." Lance? What the f*ck did I just hear? Lance?

Kevin Sandusky : Did you say, "Lance?"

Alpa Chino : No!

Kevin Sandusky : That sounded like "Lance."

Alpa Chino : No, I said "Nance."

Kevin Sandusky : It sounded like "Lance."

Alpa Chino : Look, I'm Alpa Chino, okay? I love the p*ssy, all right? Lay your *ss back down and look at the stars.

Kirk Lazarus : When you wrote "I Love Tha P*ssy", was you thinking of dangling your dice on Lance's forehead?

Alpa Chino : Naw, hell no! What? Come on, look...

Kirk Lazarus : Man, everyone's gay once in a while!

Alpa Chino : I'm not gay!

I Don't Read

I Don't Read

Kirk Lazarus : I don't read the script. The script reads me.

Killed One

Tugg Speedman : I killed one, Rick... the thing I love most in the world.

Rick Peck : A hooker. Oh Jesus, you killed a hooker!

A Nutless Monkey

A Nutless Monkey

Studio Executive Rob Slolom : Wow. Eight Oscars, 400 million dollars at the box office, and you saved Tugg Speedman's career.

Les Grossman : I couldn't have done it without you.

Slolom : Really?

Grossman : No, dickhead. Of course I could. A nutless monkey could do your job. Now, go get drunk and take credit at all the parties.

Slolom : I wouldn't do that.

Grossman : Ah... joking.

Slolom : Ah, there he is! Funny. You're a funny guy.

Grossman : Yeah. But seriously, a nutless monkey could do your job .

DVD Commentary

DVD Commentary

Kirk Lazarus : I don't drop character 'til I've done the DVD commentary.

Suck My Unit

Suck My Unit

Tugg Speedman : This is insane. Are you really going to abandon this movie? We're supposed to be a unit!

Kirk Lazarus : Suck my unit.

Trained Actors

Trained Actors

Alpa Chino : But they're trained soldiers.

Kirk Lazarus : Yes. But we are trained actors.

Textile Factory

Textile Factory

Jeff Portnoy : So, what's the plan, man? You gonna talk Vietnamese to those dudes?

Kirk Lazarus : No, no. Mandarin Chinese. What I can tell, it's what they're speaking down there.

Jeff ​​​​​ Portnoy : How the hell do you know Chinese?

Kirk Lazarus : Land of Silk and Money with Gong Li. Second Globe, third Oscar. I prepped for that one by working in a Beijing textile factory for eight months.

Super Lost

Kirk Lazarus : God dammit! We lost! We fuckin' super lost, man!

The Money-Bed

The Money-Bed

Les Grossman : Which one of you f*ckfaces is Damien Cockburn?

Damien Cockburn : Uh, that's me, sir. It's an honor to finally meet you. Get some face time.

Grossman : And who here is the key grip? You? You! Hit that director in the face, really f*cking hard!

Key Grip : (walks to Damien) Sorry, man. ([punches Damien in the face)

Grossman : This is all your fault, you Limey f*ck! You sh*t the money-bed, my friend.

A G5

Rick Peck : Let me get this straight. You want me to let my client of fifteen years, one of my best friends, die in the jungle alone for some money and a G5.

Grossman : Yes.

Pecker : A G5 airplane.

Grossman : Yes. And lots of money. Playa....

Slolom : Yeah! Smack it up, flip up, rub it down, hoo!!


Kirk Lazarus : There ya go, get him chugging on some of Alpa's "*ss-Water" that will bring him around, it's a cure all.

A Blind Kid

A Blind Kid

Rick Peck : It was like pistol-whipping a blind kid.

Corn Syrup

Tugg Speedman : It's just corn syrup you guys! Blood flavored...corn syrup.

Blow The Bridge

Blow The Bridge

Tugg Speedman : I was wrong! Blow the bridge! Blow the f*cking bridge!

Just Words

Damien : Crisis meeting? What does that mean, exactly? I mean, you know, are we in a crisis?

Rob : He's the head of the studio. He's reaching out. We're 10,000 miles away. He just wants a little face-time.

Damien : I know. It's just you said he called it a crisis meeting. So, you know...

Rob : It's Les Grossman. He throws these words around. "Crisis," "explosion," "not rolling," "fired." These are just words.


Rick Peck : I got the TiVo!

She Walked Past

She Walked Past

Alpa Chino : Hell nah, I ain't pee on that girl. No no listen, here's the story she was in the way when I was peeing she walked past.

Writers Lie

Writers Lie

Cody : Dude, dude, what the hell is going on here? Where are we?

Four-Leaf Tayback: I have no idea, I've never been outside the States.

Cody : Wait what?! Are you f*cking kidding me?! Did you make this whole goddamn thing up?! Dude you weren't even in the f*cking service?!

Tayback : Yes! Of course! Coast Guard!

Cody : Coast Guard.

Tayback : Sanitation Department.

Cody : Oh my God! You're a f*cking garbage man! Dammit! F.L. Tayback lies to me and the whole goddamn U.S. of A.

Tayback : I wrote the book as a tribute! I'm a patriot.

Cody : Yeah, you're the Milli Vanilli of patriots okay? You lied about fighting in the Vietnam War. It's like - It's like punching the American flag in the face goddammit! God, to think I believed you!

Tayback : Writers lie all the time!

Cody : Can I be tied to another post please?


Damien Cockburn : This walkie talkie goes to the helicopter, and the helicopter is God. And I am Jesus Christ. And you are my chosen disciples.

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50 Tropic Thunder Quotes to Make You Roar With Laughter

If you’re looking for some funny lines that will get you through a dull and tiresome day, these Tropic Thunder quotes are for you!

Tropic Thunder is a 2008 satirical action-comedy movie directed and co-written by Ben Stiller.

Its plot revolves around a group of actors who were forced to rely on their acting skills to survive in the middle of the jungle.

They weren’t aware of it, but the location where they were dropped off is the hideout of the powerful gang of drug dealers.

They paid no mind to the struggles they had to go through, thinking it was all part of the script.

Only when they were shot at and kidnapped by the gang members did they realize that they were far from shooting a movie.

Just by that, we can already imagine how hilarious the scenes from the movie are!

So, to give you a more concrete glimpse of what went on, here’s a list of the best Tropic Thunder quotes.

We’re sure you’ll end up clutching your stomachs because of all the laughter it’ll bring you!

Start reading here.

And don’t forget to check out these Pootie Tang quotes and Nacho Libre quotes .

Best Tropic Thunder Quotes

1. “I know who I am! I’m a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude!” – Kirk Lazarus

2. “Man, I didn’t drop the character ’till I did the DVD commentary.” – Kirk Lazarus

3. “Let’s all be nice. Let’s all get the job done.” – Kirk Lazarus

4. “The universe―is talking to us right now. You just gotta listen.” – Les Grossman

5. “I don’t read the script. The script reads me.” – Kirk Lazarus

Famous Tropic Thunder Quotes

6. “Man we’re lost, we’re super lost!” – Kirk Lazarus

7. “We’ve been handed an incredible opportunity here, Peck.” – Rob Slolom

8. “Yeah. But seriously, a nutless monkey could do your job.” – Les Grossman

9. “Speedman is a dying star. A white dwarf headed for a black hole. That’s physics. It’s inevitable.” – Les Grossman

10. “I’m like a child who plays with himself whenever he’s scared.” – Kirk Lazarus

11. Kirk Lazarus: “Man, everyone’s gay once in a while!”

Alpa Chino: “I’m not gay!”

Interesting Tropic Thunder Quotes to Make You Think

12. “It was like pistol-whipping a blind kid.” – Rick Peck

13. “He ain’t acting like God. He is being judged by him.” – Kirk Lazarus

14. “What do you mean? Writers don’t always tell the truth.” – Four Leaf Tayback

15. “This walkie-talkie goes to the helicopter, and the helicopter is God. And I am Jesus Christ. And you are my chosen disciples.” – Damien Cockburn

16. “Man, that’s beauty. Nights like tonight make a man wonder what it’s all about.” – Kirk Lazarus

17. “I don’t know what kind of gun this is. I only know the sound it makes when it kills a man.” – Four Leaf Tayback

18. “Any movie the director backs is usually a big hit, but every PlayStation has a blue-ray DVD player in it.” – Kevin Sandusky

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Tropic Thunder Quotes That Zoom in on Movies and Acting

19. “That’s what that playing’ God stuff was about, tryin’ to get us to act good to save the movie.” – Tugg Speedman

20. “I’ll see you again tonight when I go to bed in my head movies. But this head movie makes my eyes rain!” – Tugg Speedman

21. “As for why I’m in this movie, maybe I just knew I had to represent. ‘Cause they had one good part in this movie for a Black man and they gave it to Crocodile Dundee.” – Alpa Chino

22. “Being an actor’s no different than being a rugby player or construction worker, save for the fact that my tools are the mechanisms which trigger human emotion.” – Kirk Lazarus

23. “I’ve done a lot more effect-driven films than you have and I think I can spot―a prop head when I see one! It’s corn syrup, guys! Corn syrup and latex. Warm blood-flavored corn syrup.” – Tugg Speedman

24. Tugg Speedman: “This is insane. Are you really going to abandon this movie? We’re supposed to be a unit!”

Kirk Lazarus: “Suck my unit.”

25. Tugg Speedman: “Are you trying to mess up these takes?”

Kirk Lazarus: “There ain’t gonna be no takes. There ain’t gonna be no movie.”

Also read: 21 Jump Street Quotes , Rush Hour Quotes

Tropic Thunder Quotes That Are Filled With Emotion

26. “I can see why you’re upset, but I have to deal with a bunch of divas. Tugg can’t be emotional. He’s not able to cry.” – Damien Cockburn

27. “An actor’s job is no different from anybody else’s job. I just have what it takes to show emotion.” – Kirk Lazarus

28. “You know what the problem is, Damien. Not to get into his business, but if I’m feeling emotional, does Osiris have to be emotional too?” – Tugg Speedman

29. “It went badly. Lazarus got emotional. When he was crying, he started spitting, which wasn’t needed because the script didn’t call for it.” – Tugg Speedman

30. Tugg Speedman: “You can be emotional too.”

Kirk Lazarus: “Thanks for the permission.”

31. Kirk Lazarus: “Are we finishing this scene or does everyone have to be emotional?”

Damien Cockburn: “We’re not cutting the scene. We all have to be emotional.”

32. “You need to man up. It doesn’t matter if Lazarus is more talented than you. If he’s being emotional, you be even more emotional. Didn’t you have a sick dog when you were younger? You should think of that while you’re acting.” – Rick Peck

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Tropic Thunder Quotes for All the Fans of the Movie

33. “Pump your brakes, kid. That man’s a national treasure.” – Kirk Lazarus

34. “See, this is the good part. This is when the job gets fun! Ask―and you shall receive!” – Les Grossman

35. “What about you, Master Blaster? You got a certain someone you trying to get back with in the States?” – Kirk Lazarus

36. “There ya go, get him chugging on some of Alpa’s ‘Ass-Water’ that will bring him around, it’s a cure-all.” – Kirk Lazarus

37. “Hey, you wanna get on the train here or you wanna ruin another take, huh?” – Tugg Speedman

38. “You talkin’ to me this whole time?” – Kirk Lazarus

39. Kevin Sandusky: “I was talking to whoever was listening.”

Alpa Chino: “Yeah. But those dudes were trained soldiers.”

Kirk Lazarus: “Yeah! And we trained actors, mothaf*cka! Time to man up. And I ain’t gonna sugarcoat. Some of us might not even make it back.”

40. Kirk Lazarus: “Took a whole lotta tryin’ just to get up that hill. Now we’re up in the big leagues, gettin’ our turn at bat. As long as we live, it’s you and me, baby.”

Alpa Chino: “That’s the theme song to The Jeffersons. Man, you really need help.”

Kirk Lazarus: “Just because it’s a theme song doesn’t mean it’s not true.”

41. Four Leaf Tayback: “I wrote the book as a tribute! I’m a patriot!”

Cody: “Yeah, you’re the Milli Vanilli of patriots, okay? You lied about fighting in the Vietnam War. It’s like―it’s like punching the American Flag in the face goddammit! God, to think I believed you!”

42. Kirk Lazarus: “Can I tell you I’m sorry for any offense I might’ve caused, man? I just got caught up in bein’―.”

Alpa Chino: “In being’ a dumbass?”

Kirk Lazarus: “I guess so.”

43. Tugg Speedman: “I have been worthless all my life, but you need to know something.”

Kirk Lazarus: “What do I need to know?”

Tugg Speedman: “I think of you as my brother.”

Kirk Lazarus: “Tugg, I’m already your brother.”

Also read: Dodgeball Quotes , Zoolander Quotes

Tropic Thunder Quotes for Those Curious About Dating and Relationships

44. “Well? What’s skinny? Y’all been on a date or what?” – Kirk Lazarus

45. Kevin Sandusky: “What, Alpa Chino? He’s like 10 girls deep, 24/7.”

Kirk Lazarus: “No, you missing’ me, man. I’m talking about something special. Big difference. How about it?”

46. Alpa Chino: “No. I mean―I always wanted to, but, I guess I just never had the courage to ask. It’s―it’s complicated.”

Kirk Lazarus: “No! It’s simple as pie, man. You plant your feet on the ground, you look her square in the eyes, you say, ‘Hey. Baby, you and I are going on a date. That’s the end of the story.’ What’s her name?”

Alpa Chino: “Lance.”

Kirk Lazarus: “You say ‘Listen here, Lance’ Lance? What the f*ck did I just hear? Lance?”

Funny Tropic Thunder Quotes to Make You Laugh

47. “You went full r*tard man, never go full stupid.” – Kirk Lazarus

48. “I was wrong! Blow the bridge! Blow the f*cking bridge!” – Tugg Speedman

42. Tugg Speedman: “I killed one, Rick, the thing I love most in the world.”

Rick Peck: “A hooker. Oh, Jesus, you killed a hooker!”

50. “Hell nah, I ain’t pee on nat girl. No no, listen, here’s the story: she was in the way when I was peeing and she walked past.” – Alpa Chino

How Do You Think the Characters Should Have Acted in the Face of Danger?

Tropic Thunder begins with prima donna actors getting ready to star in a Vietnam War movie. But, their attitude didn’t sit well with the director and the rest of the crew.

Because of that, they decided to abandon them in the jungle, telling them they would be filming with hidden cameras and explosives. This is where all the fun and action start.

It’s pretty funny watching the protagonists go about their lives in the jungle as if they were filming a movie. They were carefree and just went with the flow until everything took a turn for the worst. With this, we see just how much our attitude and actions can affect our lives.

The actors would have been well on their way to shooting a real movie if only they were humble, kind, and considerate of others’ feelings. No doubt, Tropic Thunder is proof that there are lessons to be learned in any experience, even with the funniest movie ever!

Have you watched Tropic Thunder before? Did you learn anything from this collection? Please, let us know in the comments.

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Karen Danao

Hi, I’m Karen , a content curator and writer for Quote Ambition; I’m also a marketing and advertising professional. Beyond the keyboard and the screen, I’m someone who’s out to enjoy every bit that life has to offer!

Poetry, philosophy, history, and movies are all topics I love writing about! However, my true passion is in traveling, photography, and finding common ground to which everyone from different cultures can relate.

With the many places I’ve been to, I found that love, inspiration, and happiness are some things that bring people together. No matter how different we are on the outside, I’m a true believer that our emotions don’t lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, we’re all the same inside.

This belief was further amplified when I joined Quote Ambition. Through the quotes I’ve read, collected, organized, and written about, I found that humans are resilient, creative, and compassionate.

We take from each others’ hearts and courage, and it’s through our individual experiences that we learn how to rise above our challenges and pain. In so many ways, Quote Ambition is a platform that allows people from all over the world to gain the inspiration they need anytime, anywhere!

You can find me on MuckRack and LinkedIn .


All The ‘Tropic Thunder’ Quotes For When You’ve Got The Tivo

Uproxx authors

Few comedies provide a platform for dramatic actors (in this case, Tom Cruise and Matthew McConaughey) to show off their legit comedic chops. But Tropic Thunder did just that and the results were excellent. See: Cruise screaming profanities over the phone and Rick Peck’s dedication to getting Speedman his TiVo. Add to that Robert Downey Jr. playing an award-winning actor (playing a black man) and  band of buffoonish actors who think they’re part of an epic war movie, and you’ve got yourself quite the quotable comedy.

“You went full retard man, never go full retard.” — Kirk Lazarus

“It was like pistol-whipping a blind kid.” — Rick Peck

“I’m a lead farmer motherf*cker.” — Kirk Lazarus

“I don’t read the script, the script reads me.” — Kirk Lazarus

“I know who I am. I’m the dude playin’ the dude, disguised as another dude.” — Kirk Lazarus

“I will massacre you! I will F*CK YOU UP!” — Les Grossman

“What do YOU mean ‘You people?'” — Alpa Cino

“I got the TiVo!” — Rick Peck

All The Best New Music From This Week That You Need To Hear

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Tropic Thunder

tom cruise quotes tropic thunder

Tropic Thunder Quotes

Full production credits:

Last updated: 2018-11-12

Characters in ‘Tropic Thunder’

  • Kirk Lazarus

Tropic Thunder

Tropic Thunder is a 2008 film starring Ben Stiller , Jack Black , and Robert Downey Jr. as a group of prima donna actors making a Vietnam War film when their fed-up writer and director decide to abandon them in the middle of the jungle, forcing them to fight their way out.

tom cruise quotes tropic thunder

  • 1 Kirk Lazarus
  • 2 Tugg Speedman
  • 3 Les Grossman
  • 6 External links

Kirk Lazarus

  • I know who I am! I'm a dude playing a dude, disguised as another dude! You a dude who don't know what dude he is.

Tugg Speedman

  • [as Simple Jack] Goodbye Momma! Now you can have ice cream in heaven! I'll see you tonight when I go to bed, in my head movies. But this head movie makes my eyes rain!

Les Grossman

  • [incensed at Flaming Dragon's demands] Okay, Flaming Dragon. Fuckface . First, take a big step back... and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE! Now, I don't know what kind of pan-Pacific bullshit power play you're trying to pull here, but Asia, Jack, is my territory. So whatever you're thinking, you'd better think again. Otherwise I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an ungodly fucking firestorm upon you! You're gonna have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you. I am talking scorched earth , motherfucker! I will massacre you! I WILL FUCK YOU UP! [hangs up; to assistant] Find out who that was.
  • Ben Stiller - Tugg Speedman
  • Jack Black - Jeff Portnoy
  • Robert Downey Jr. - Kirk Lazarus
  • Nick Nolte - John "Four Leaf" Tayback
  • Steve Coogan - Damien Cockburn
  • Jay Baruchel - Kevin Sandusky
  • Danny McBride - Cody Underwood
  • Brandon T. Jackson - Alpa Chino
  • Bill Hader - Rob Slolom
  • Matthew McConaughey - Rick "Pecker" Peck
  • Tom Cruise - Les Grossman

External links

  • Tropic Thunder quotes at the Internet Movie Database
  • Tropic Thunder at Rotten Tomatoes
  • The official Tropic Thunder site

tom cruise quotes tropic thunder

  • 2000s American films
  • Adventure films
  • Comedy films
  • Satire films
  • Spoof films
  • Films directed by Ben Stiller
  • Films about acting
  • Military humor in film
  • Films about the United States Army

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The best Quotes from Tropic Thunder

The best Quotes from Tropic Thunder

Tropic Thunder is a 2008 satirical action comedy film directed by Ben Stiller, who wrote the screenplay with Justin Theroux and Etan Cohen. The film stars Stiller, Jack Black, Robert Downey Jr., Jay Baruchel, and Brandon T. Jackson.

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Les Grossman quotes



Tropic Thunder 2008

Les Grossman: [incensed at Flaming Dragon's demands] Okay Flaming Dragon, f***face. First, take a big step back... and literally f*** your own face! I don't know what kind of pan-Pacific bullshit power play you're trying to pull here, but Asia, Jack, is my territory. So whatever you're thinking, you'd better think again! Otherwise I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an ungodly f***ing firestorm upon you! You're gonna have to call the f***ing United Nations and get a f***ing binding resolution to keep me from f***ing destroying you. I am talking scorched-earth, motherf***er! I will massacre you! I will f*** you up! [hangs up; to assistant] Can you find out who that was?

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120 Classic Tom Cruise Quotes That All Film Buffs Should Know

Tom Cruise at the German premiere from Jack Reacher

Tom Cruise Film Quotes For All Movie Lovers

Tom cruise 'tropic thunder' quotes, tom cruise 'cocktail' quotes, tom cruise 'the last samurai' quotes, famous tom cruise movie quotes from 'minority report', best tom cruise quotes from 'top gun', 'collateral' quotes to admire the villain, 'mission: impossible' famous lines for the fans, tom cruise life quotes to learn from.

Tom Cruise has been an acclaimed actor and producer from the '80s onwards, known for his versatility as an actor, and having charming good looks as a bonus.

Born on 3 July 1962 in New York, Tom began acting in high school and landed his first minor role in his debut film 'Endless Love' (1981). His big break as an actor came two years later, in his portrayal of a high schooler in the 1983 hit 'Risky Business'.

After his first successful movie, Tom Cruise became an icon for his work in 'Top Gun' (1986) which gave him recognition as a star actor in the industry.

After this, he worked as an actor in several legendary movies such as 'Born On The Fourth Of July' (1989) and 'Jerry Maguire' (1996), which earnt him Oscar nominations, 'Minority Report' (2002), 'Interview With A Vampire' (1994), 'Rain Man' (1988), 'Collateral' (2004), 'The Last Samurai' (2003), 'Edge Of Tomorrow' (2014) and the 'Mission Impossible' series.

Tom is not just popular for his skills as an actor, as he also insists on performing almost all of his action sequences by himself without relying on the work of a stunt double. Part of the reason why his action movies are so sought after is that they tend to include these realistic action-filled moments.

Over the past few decades, Tom has made his mark in the industry as one of the most successful actors with many memorable performances.

His fans are often found quoting his most famous lines such as "Nothing ends nicely, that's why it ends", "I love kids, I was a kid myself, once", or the iconic, "Show me the money! ".

Tom Cruise has given over 40 movies to the movie industry, both as an actor and a producer in some of them.

So let's take a look at his journey through this collection of Tom Cruise movie quotes, and once you've enjoyed these Tom Cruise quotes we've got more iconic quotes here, with these Tom Hanks quotes and Leonardo Dicaprio quotes.

Tom Cruise movies are entertaining and filled with action, with some great new lines worth remembering.

1. "Show me the money."

-Tom Cruise, 'Jerry Maguire'.

2. "It was great the way her mind worked. No guilt, no doubts, no fear. None of my specialties. Just the shameless pursuit of immediate gratification. What a capitalist."

-Tom Cruise, 'Risky Business'.

3. "People are dying every day over there, and nobody back here even seems to care."

-Tom Cruise, 'Born On The Fourth Of July'.

4. "Porsche. There is no substitute."

5. "You complete me."

6. "Well the rain is a lot like the shower, you get a little wet. What do you say, Ray? What do you say?"

-Tom Cruise, 'Rain Man'.

7. "Sometimes, Stevie, I think people, they know you're back from Vietnam, and their face - changes: the eyes, the voice, the way they look at you, you know."

8. "Help me help you."

9. "The witness is excused."

-Tom Cruise, 'A Few Good Men'.

10. "That's amazing! He is amazing! He should work for NASA or something like that."

11. "Should we or should we not follow the advice of the galactically stupid!"

-Tom Cruise., 'A Few Good Men'.

12. "I want to be a man again. Who's going to love me, Dad? Who's ever going to love me? Who's going to love me?"

13. "When it came right down to it, I just wasn't attracted to her."

14. "Don’t call me son. I’m a lawyer and an officer in the United States Navy, and you’re under arrest."

15. "I served my country and they just want to take from it, just take, take! Love it or leave it, that's what I think."

16. "Casinos have house rules: they don't like to lose. So you never show that you're counting cards. That is the cardinal sin, Ray."

17. "Is the colonel's underwear a matter of national security?"

-Tom Cruise, ' A Few Good Men '.

18. "What you have to understand is, four days ago he was only my brother in name. And this morning we had pancakes."

19. "Don't you know what it means to me to be a Marine, Dad? Ever since I was a kid I've wanted this - I've wanted to serve my country."

20. "It seems to me that if there were any logic to our language, trust would be a four-letter word."

Tom Cruise quotes from the hilarious parody movie 'Tropic Thunder', in which he plays Les Grossman.

21. "So whatever you're thinking, you'd better think again!"

-Tom Cruise, 'Tropic Thunder'.

22. "You paying attention? I'm talking — G5, Pecker. That's how you can roll."

23. "See, this is the good part, Pecker. This is when the job gets fun. Ask — and you shall receive."

24. "Speedman is a dying star. A white dwarf headed for a black hole. That's physics. It's inevitable."

25. "We don't negotiate with terrorists."

26. "The universe is talking to us right now. You just gotta listen."

27. "You play ball, we play ball. I know you want the goodies."

28. "Let's face it, the kids aren't exactly dressing up as The Scorcher for Purim anymore."

29. "Or, you can grow a conscience in the next five minutes and see where that takes you."

30. "A nutless monkey could do your job. Now, go get drunk and take credit at all the parties."

Quotes from the romantic comedy, 'Cocktail', in which Tom plays the lead, Brian Flanagan.

31. "Everything ends badly, otherwise it wouldn't end."

-Tom Cruise, 'Cocktail'.

32. "Believe me, Bonnie. You are gonna wake up tomorrow morning with a sigh of relief because I'm not there."

33. "Days get shorter and shorter, nights longer and longer, before you know it, your life is just one long night with a few comatose daylight hours."

34. "Come on, put it to the floor! Come on! Let's go!"

35. "The game's not over yet."

36. "I swear I'll be the best dad I can."

37. "Coughlin's law: never show surprise, never lose your cool."

38. "I left a can of Spam in your refrigerator, I hope your Brewer's Yeast doesn't take it personally."

39. "Talk is overrated as a means of resolving disputes."

40. "I'm willing to start at the bottom."

Captain Nathan Algren played by Tom Cruise is one of his less popular roles. Check out these Tom Cruise quotes!

41. "I think a man does what he can until his destiny is revealed."

-Tom Cruise, 'The Last Samurai'.

42. "Every soldier has nightmares."

43. "For 500 bucks a month I'll kill whoever you want. But keep one thing in mind: I'd happily kill you for free."

44. "I just realized, I've been remiss. Forgive me, I forgot to thank you for protecting me yesterday. That is your job right? Protecting me. Well done 'Bob.'"

45. "They don't cut the heads off defeated, kneeling men."

46. "He was a murderer who fell in love with his own legend. And his troopers died for it."

47. "Because they come to destroy what I have come to love."

48. "I am surprised to learn that the word Samurai means, 'to serve', and that Katsumoto believes his rebellion to be in the service of the Emperor."

49. "My thanks, on behalf of those who died in the name of better mechanical amusements and commercial opportunities."

50. "There is some comfort in the emptiness of the sea, no past, no future."

Tom Cruise quotes from the science fiction thriller with some mind-bending themes, in which Tom plays the role of a special unit police officer Chief John Anderton.

51. "There hasn't been a murder in six years. The system, it is perfect."

-Tom Cruise, 'Minority Report'.

52. "You'll rot in hell with a halo, but people will still believe in precrime. All you have to do is kill me like they said you would. Except you know your own future, which means you can change it if you want to."

53. "You see the dilemma, don't you. If you don't kill me, precogs were wrong and precrime is over. If you do kill me, you go away, but it proves the system works. The precogs were right."

54. "I'm not being set up. I really am going to kill this man."

55. "Every day for the last six years I've thought of only two things. The first is what Sean would look like if he were alive today if I would recognize him if I saw him on the street, the second is what I would do to the man who took him if I ever found him."

56. "I need your help. You contain information. I need to know how to get at it."

57. "I'm not a murderer. I've never even met the man I'm supposed to kill."

58. "But it didn't fall. You caught it. The fact that you prevented it from happening doesn't change the fact that it was going to happen."

59. "I have to know. I have to find out what happened to my life."

60. "Why don't you cut the cute act, Danny boy, and tell me what it is you're looking for?"

These Tom Cruise quotes are from the movie that put Tom Cruise in the limelight with his defining role as the Navy jet pilot Maverick.

61. "It's classified. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you."

-Tom Cruise, 'Top Gun'.

62. "I feel the need... the need for speed!"

63. "You think I'm reckless? When I fly, I'll have you know that my crew and my plane come first."

64. "Sorry, Goose, but it's time to buzz the tower."

65. "I will fire when I'm good and ready! You got that?"

66. "You don't have time to think up there. If you think, you're dead."

67. "Just a walk in the park, Kazansky."

68. "I can see it's dangerous for you, but if the government trusts me, maybe you could."

69. "She's lost that loving feeling."

70. "This is what I call a target-rich environment."

Tom Cruise plays the antagonist, Vincent, in the hit thriller, 'Collateral'.

71. "A guy gets on the MTA here L.A. and dies. Think anybody'll notice?"

-Tom Cruise, 'Collateral'.

72. "Most people — same job, same gig, doing the same thing 10 years from now. Us, we don’t know what we are doing 10 minutes from now."

73. "Cause you’re good. We’re in this together. Fates intertwined. Cosmic coincidence."

74. "Max, six billion people on the planet, you're getting bent out of shape cause of one fat guy."

75. "There’s no good reason, there’s no bad reason to live or to die."

76. "Well, tens of thousands killed before sundown. Nobody's killed people that fast since Nagasaki and Hiroshima . Did you bat an eye, Max?"

77. "No, I shot him. Bullets and the fall killed him."

78. "Get with it. Millions of galaxies of hundreds of millions of stars, in a speck on one in a blink. That's us, lost in space. The cop, you, me... Who notices?"

79. "17 million people. This was a country, it'd be the fifth biggest economy in the world and nobody knows each other. I read about this guy, gets on the MTA here, dies."

80. "Take comfort in knowing you never had a choice."

The Tom Cruise line from the 'Mission: Impossible' catch phrase and some more 'Mission: Impossible' movie quotes to remind you why it is one of the most successful action movie franchises ever made.

81. "I am the storm."

-Tom Cruise, 'Mission: Impossible - Fallout'.

82. "The countdown is not helping."

-Tom Cruise, 'Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol'.

83. "So the key to crushing Lane is sitting in a computer, just waiting for someone to take it."

-Tom Cruise, 'Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation'.

84. "The terminal is in a black vault lockdown. The only person allowed in the room has to pass through a series of security checks."

-Tom Cruise, 'Mission: Impossible'.

85. "I have a charge in my head, I'm gonna die unless you kill me."

-Tom Cruise, 'Mission: Impossible III'.

86. "I can't protect you, that's why I need you to leave."

87. "If you're dealing with a man who has crushed, shot, stabbed, and detonated five members of his own IMF team, how devastated do you think you're gonna make him by hauling mom and uncle Donald down to the county courthouse?"

88. "It's a one-way street adjacent to the Vatican wall. We'll need thirty seconds and I'll need a truck."

89. "I'm not in the plane, I'm on the plane! Open the door!"

90. "Benji, we're trying to keep a low profile. You want drama, go to the opera."

91. "Look, Walker, whatever you've heard, if it makes your skin crawl, it's probably true."

92. "The Secretary is dead. The President has invoked Ghost Protocol. We're shut down. No satellite, safe house, support, or extraction. The four of us and the contents of this car are all that remains of the IMF."

93. "We'll burn that bridge when we get to it."

-Tom Cruise, 'Mission Impossible - Fallout'.

94. "This whole valley's gonna be incinerated in 15 minutes."

95. "Desperate times, desperate measures."

96. "We just rolled up a snowball and tossed it into hell. Now let's see what chance it has."

-Tom Cruise, 'Mission: Impossible 2'.

97. "Let me put it this way. If the Secretary wanted me out of there, it must be pretty bad out here."

98. "I let you know where I'm going... I won't be on holiday."

99. "You've never seen me very upset."

100. "What's done is done, when we say it's done."

Famous Tom Cruise quotes from real life that will inspire us to work hard to achieve our goals.

101. "I disagree with people who think you learn more from getting beat up than you do from winning."

-Tom Cruise.

102. "I want a world without war, a world without insanity. I want to see people do well. I don't even think it's as much as what I want for myself. It's more what I want for the people around me. That's what I want."

103. "I had to train myself to focus my attention. I became very visual and learned how to create mental images in order to comprehend what I read."

104. "I've never done work for money ever. If your choices are based on grosses and the film doesn't do well, what does that mean? It leaves you with nothing."

105. "I'm passionate about learning. I'm passionate about life."

106. "When I'm promoting a film, I'm not going to get caught up in anything else, and that includes all my personal things."

107. "I love what I do. I take great pride in what I do. And I can't do something halfway, three-quarters, nine-tenths. If I'm going to do something, I go all the way."

108. "The stunts, each time, we keep pushing ourselves harder and harder. And they are stunts, so there's always a danger in doing them, but fortunately, I have not had a problem."

109. "When I work, I work very hard. So I look to work with people who have that level of dedication. And I depend on that from everyone. From the director to my crews that I work with."

110. "I have respect for what other people believe. What I believe in my own life is that it's a search for how I can do things better, whether it's being a better man or a better father or finding ways for myself to improve."

111. "I don't care who you are, life has challenges."

112. "Individuals have to decide what is true and real for them."

113. "In this life, it’s not what you hope for, it’s not what you deserve – it’s what you take!"

114. "I look at the Samurai because they were the artists of their time. What I think struck me when I read Bushido is compassion. 'If there's no one there to help, go out and find someone to help.' That hit me because I try to lead my life like that."

115. "If you have kids, it is the most important thing to create good times."

116. "When you have to cope with a lot of problems, you're either going to sink or you’re going to swim."

117. "I've had such extremes in my life. From being this kind of wild kid to one year studying to be a Franciscan priest at the seminary."

118. "Here's how I've lived my life: I’ve never been late to a set. I make films I believe in. I feel privileged to be able to do what I love."

119. "It's well known I'm a Scientologist, and that has helped me to find that inner peace in my life and it's something that has given me great stability and tools that I use."

120. "I always look for a challenge and something that’s different."

Here at Kidadl , we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you like our suggestions for 120 classic Tom Cruise quotes from the much loved actor, then why not take a look at these Tom Hardy quotes , or Tom Hiddleston quotes for more?

‍Main image credit: Rene Teichmann /

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Bachelor of Commerce specializing in Accounting and Finance, Master of Business Administration

Divya Raghav Bachelor of Commerce specializing in Accounting and Finance, Master of Business Administration

With a diverse range of experience in finance, administration, and operations, Divya is a diligent worker known for her attention to detail. Born and raised in Bangalore, she completed her Bachelor's in Commerce from Christ University and is now pursuing an MBA at Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore. Along with her professional pursuits, Divya has a passion for baking, dancing, and writing content. She is also an avid animal lover who dedicates her time to volunteering for animal welfare causes.

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  • Cast & crew
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Tropic Thunder

Robert Downey Jr., Ben Stiller, and Jack Black in Tropic Thunder (2008)

Through a series of freak occurrences, a group of actors shooting a big-budget war movie are forced to become the soldiers they are portraying. Through a series of freak occurrences, a group of actors shooting a big-budget war movie are forced to become the soldiers they are portraying. Through a series of freak occurrences, a group of actors shooting a big-budget war movie are forced to become the soldiers they are portraying.

  • Ben Stiller
  • Justin Theroux
  • Robert Downey Jr.
  • 751 User reviews
  • 266 Critic reviews
  • 71 Metascore
  • 10 wins & 47 nominations total

Tropic Thunder

Top cast 81

Ben Stiller

  • Tugg Speedman - Hot LZ

Jack Black

  • Jeff Portnoy - Hot LZ

Robert Downey Jr.

  • Kirk Lazarus - Hot LZ

Jeff Kahn

  • Snooty Waiter - Fatties Trailer

Anthony Ruivivar

  • Platoon Sergeant Shot in Head - Hot LZ

Jay Baruchel

  • Kevin Sandusky - Hot LZ

Brandon T. Jackson

  • Alpa Chino - Hot LZ

Eric Winzenried

  • Chopper Pilot - Hot LZ

Steve Coogan

  • Damien Cockburn - Vietnam Crew

Valerie Azlynn

  • Damien's Assistant - Vietnam Crew

Matt Levin

  • Cameraperson - Vietnam Crew

David Pressman

  • First Assistant Director - Vietnam Crew

Amy Stiller

  • Script Supervisor - Vietnam Crew

Danny McBride

  • Cody - Vietnam Crew
  • Special Effects Assistant - Vietnam Crew

Bill Hader

  • Studio Executive Rob Slolom - Vietnam Crew

Nick Nolte

  • Four Leaf Tayback - Vietnam Crew
  • Speedman Assistant - Vietnam Crew
  • (as Jeff Weideman)
  • All cast & crew
  • Production, box office & more at IMDbPro

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Did you know

  • Trivia Ben Stiller said nearly all aspects of the Les Grossman character were developed by Tom Cruise , including the dancing and the look of the make-up. Stiller said that in addition to the more obvious make-up effects applied to Cruise's face and head, and the extra hair on his chest and arms, Cruise also decided to play the character wearing oversized prosthetic hands.
  • Goofs The north Vietnam flag appear early in the film (the read flag with yellow star). But in South Vietnam, it was not used by the VC. However, the Tayback story is set in an NVA (North Vietnamese Army) prison camp, thus it is accurate for them to have a North Vietnamese flag.

Les Grossman : First, take a big step back... and literally, FUCK YOUR OWN FACE! I don't know what kind of pan-pacific bullshit power play you're trying to pull here, but Asia Jack is my territory. So whatever you're thinking, you'd better think again! Otherwise I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an un-Godly fucking firestorm upon you! You're gonna have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you. I'm talking scorched earth, motherfucker! I will massacre you! I WILL FUCK YOU UP!

  • Crazy credits Movie begins with advertisement and fake trailers where the "actors" appear.
  • Alternate versions There is a director's extended cut which is available on the 3-disc special edition in the UK which contains more footage - runtime of overall film is 116 minutes on back of DVD case.
  • Connections Edited into Yoostar 2: In the Movies (2011)
  • Soundtracks I Love Tha Pussy Written by Darryl Farmer , Ronald Jackson , Brandon T. Jackson , Cisco Adler & Micah Givens Performed by Brandon T. Jackson

User reviews 751

  • Mar 31, 2019
  • How long is Tropic Thunder? Powered by Alexa
  • Is "Tropic Thunder" based on a book?
  • Are any of the characters based on real people?
  • What is "blackface"?
  • August 13, 2008 (United States)
  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • DreamWorks / Paramount (France)
  • DreamWorks (United States)
  • Una guerra de película
  • Kaua'i, Hawaii, USA
  • Dreamworks Pictures
  • Red Hour Films
  • Goldcrest Pictures
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro
  • $92,000,000 (estimated)
  • $110,515,313
  • $25,812,796
  • Aug 17, 2008
  • $195,703,351

Technical specs

  • Runtime 1 hour 47 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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Robert Downey Jr., Ben Stiller, and Jack Black in Tropic Thunder (2008)

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Tropic Thunder (2008) Quotes with Sound Clips

Tropic Thunder (2008) cover

Sound bites of funny lines and quotes sampled from the Tropic Thunder (2008) movie soundboard, in .wav or .mp3 format.

Actors : Ben Stiller ( Tugg Speedman ), Jack Black ( Jeff Portnoy ), Robert Downey Jr. ( Kirk Lazarus ) 6 more actors , Nick Nolte ( Four Leaf Tayback ), Steve Coogan ( Damien Cockburn ), Danny McBride ( Cody ), Brandon T. Jackson ( Alpa Chino ), Matthew McConaughey ( Rick Peck ), Tom Cruise ( Les Grossman )

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Ten Years On, Tropic Thunder 's Still a Brutal Kick In Hollywood's A--

Five reasons ben stiller's controversial, career-reviving satire still sticks in the memory and in the industry's craw..

tom cruise quotes tropic thunder

(Photo by © DreamWorks)

In 2008, Tropic Thunder hit screens like a dynamo, shocking audiences with its stunt casting and blunt satire and racking up $110.5 million in domestic box office receipts. Ten years on, it still stands out as an audacious and controversial piece of American comedy – and we’re digging into why.

Written, directed, and produced by Ben Stiller, the movie sits Certified Fresh at 82% on the Tomatometer and earned  Robert Downey Jr. a Supporting Actor Oscar nomination for his portrayal of Kirk Lazarus, a white Australian method actor portraying a black character, Staff Sergeant Lincoln Osiris, in a fake movie. It was also blessed by  Tom Cruise ’s brilliant cameo as ostentatious douchebag Hollywood agent, Les Grossman.

Performances are one thing, substance is another. Tropic Thunder might have been just another big studio comedy when it landed in theaters on August 13, 2008, but it had weight to it and stuck in our memories in a way that few comedies-of-the-week do. Here are some of the reasons it cut through, and holds up.

1. It Surpassed Some Of Its Most Notable Influences

Chances are, you’ve seen 1999’s Galaxy Quest , a Star Trek parody so funny, rich, and solid that some Trekkies even hold it among the canonical Star Trek movies. (Critics liked it too – it sits at 90% on the Tomatometer.) The film told the story of a band of down-and-out actors from a  Star Trek -like   series who are forced to play their TV roles when they’re kidnapped by a beleaguered alien race that thinks their TV reruns are real-life documentaries. Chances are, too, that you’ve herd of  Three Amigos! , released 13 years earlier, which also saw a band of actors mistaken for their onscreen characters, this time South of the Border. The two films’ influence on Thunder – in which, yet again, the story of actors mistaken for their characters is used to skewer aspects of the movie-making business – is such that some online writers have dubbed them an unofficial trilogy. The trilogy’s finale, though, takes its satire to the darkest place: the very heart of the dream factory.

If Galaxy Quest captured Star Trek and its surrounding culture in a nutshell, Tropic Thunder captured Hollywood itself. Stiller’s script held a funhouse mirror to his contemporary actors, portraying its entitled prima donna actor characters with zero self-awareness about themselves, their peers, or their impact on audiences. More, Stiller held that same mirror to the Hollywood industrial complex, with the characters’ agents being varying degrees of oblivious, short-tempered, and manipulative. Despite all this, nearly every character in Tropic Thunder learns to get over themselves in a Sullivan’s Travels sort of way (yep, it even had a very Hollywood ending). While Galaxy Quest posits that even disposable entertainment has intrinsic value, Tropic Thunder argues that most folks in Hollywood, while often misguided, ultimately have the best intentions at heart.

Well, everyone but Les Grossman.

2. It Gave Tom Cruise a Much-Needed Post-Couch Big Win

The mid-2000s were rough for Tom Cruise’s image. Mission: Impossible III   didn’t exactly light up the box office, Lions for Lambs bombed outright, and then there was the Oprah couch incident. It seemed like the impossible had happened: Cruise’s star was fading. That was until his explosive performance as Hollywood agent Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder . Rumored to be based on Harvey Weinstein, Grossman was a hilarious, over-the-top deconstruction of the stereotypical Hollywood executive: brash, profane, arrogant, egotistical, manipulative, greedy, and grandiose. He might be a bit much to swallow – and a bit harder to watch, given what we know about the man who some say inspired him – but his meme-able dance moves go down smooth.


Robert Downey Jr.’s portrayal of Kirk Lazarus, who plays the black Sergeant Lincoln Osiris in the movie-within-the-movie, is one of Tropic Thunder’s most memorable — and infamous — elements. Already riding a big career uptick following 2005’s Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang   and 2007’s Zodiac , Downey Jr. had a truly banner year in 2008 with the releases of  Iron Man and Tropic Thunder . The actor proved he could lead a blockbuster with the MCU’s first entry, but Tropic Thunder  reminded people that he also had range to spare. It was an uproarious and uncomfortable satire of Hollywood whitewashing and the industry’s often problematic casting decisions – and let’s face it, one that is still relevant today.


Make no mistake, we were riding the Matthew McConaughey train well before  Tropic Thunder – he was a rom-com king in  Failure to Launch ,  How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days , and Fool’s Gold , and he gave us a decent villain in the apocalyptic Reign of Fire . But he was rarely given serious consideration for roles that were, shall we say, more challenging. He changed that perception in Tropic Thunder  playing Rick Peck, a comically oblivious agent who was absolutely hellbent on getting his client a TiVo. From there, McConaughey enjoyed a string of successes including Mud , Magic Mike , and Dallas Buyers Club , and notably on TV’s True Detective .  Prior to  Tropic Thunder , he starred or appeared in just five Certified Fresh movies across a span of 15 years; in the 10 years since the movie’s release, he’s been in nine.


Another infamous element of  Tropic Thunder ? Ben Stiller’s action star Tugg Speedman formerly played the titular character in  Simple Jack , an in-universe critical-and-financial failure centered on a young man with learning disabilities. As with the Tropic Thunder ‘s treatment of blackface, the concept of Simple Jack held Hollywood’s feet to the fire, skewering the way able-bodied actors have portrayed people with disabilities to earn those awards-season accolades. Tropic Thunder also featured Brandon T. Jackson as Alpa Chino, a hyper-masculine – but closeted – rapper-turned-actor. When he accidentally comes out to his co-stars, he is met only with encouragement. We also got to see Chino with his boyfriend at the end of the film in a heartwarming moment.

The 2000s saw their share of important comedies, with Superbad , The 40 Year Old Virgin , and Knocked Up digging into a number of issues on the tip of people’s tongues, but Tropic Thunder  cracked the egg of Hollywood itself. For that – and for its rollicking deconstructions of entitlement, race, fame, the creative process, and self-actualization – it won’t soon be forgotten.

Tropic Thunder was released in theaters August 13, 2008

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The Truth About Tom Cruise's Character In 'Tropic Thunder'


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Love him or loathe him, there's no denying that Tom Cruise basically stole Tropic Thunder. While the movie was filled with controversy, such as Robert Downey Jr.'s character's acting choices , the 2008 film remains beloved. In the film, Tom Cruise played a vile Hollywood mogul named Les Grossman. Given Tom's incredible filmography , it makes sense that he brought this character to life so well. But given Tom's recent set outburst as well as his not-so-clean reputation among some in Hollywood perhaps his casting was even more calculated. Either way, Tom Cruise absolutely knocked this role out of the park. Thanks to a fantastic article by Grantland , we now know how he was able to do this...

Tom Was Supposed To Play Ben's Role Until He Gave A Very Specific Script Note

Tom Cruise needed to repair his image in 2007. Years of conflict with marriages, jumping on couches, and squabbles with the studio making his Mission Impossible movies put him in a bad light. Ultimately, Tropic Thunder was the film that helped (momentarily) rehabilitate his image. But Tom wasn't supposed to play Les Grossman, the vicious studio executive who clearly believed actors were disposable. Actually, Tom was supposed to play the leading role that Ben Stiller ended up taking. It made sense that Ben wasn't initially interested in the lead role. After all, he was already directing it and writing it with Justin Theroux and Etan Cohen.

"Justin Theroux and I had been working on the script on and off for eight years," Ben Stiller said to Grantland. "We had an outline and about half a script. I knew how it should end. Then we brought Etan on and got a full draft."

When Etan Cohen came on in 2002, he basically came up with the idea that would lead Tom Cruise to essentially create Les Grossman.

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"We were still figuring out why the actors would get abandoned and no one would notice that all these stars were gone," Etan Cohen said. "So I had written this throwaway thing at the side of the document that said: 'Maybe the studio has an insurance policy on production. When the director dies they recoup all their expenses, so the studio doesn’t care about the actors.' Then we totally went away from that for years."

By that time, Tom Cruise had already read the script and claimed that there was a need for another villain. In fact, he even stated that it could use a greedy studio exec who 'represents the gross part of Hollywood'.

"His idea to show the studio head actually fixed a problem we had for a long time. We never cut back to the real world for any of the previous drafts. All the Grossman scenes totally fixed the plot holes" Ben Stiller claimed.

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Soon after, a new draft was written and Ben gave the role of the studio exec to Tom, who couldn't take it due to scheduling conflicts. But there was no name for the character at first. In fact, it took an entire year for 'Les Grossman' to officially be created.

"Ben decided he was going to play Speedman, and then he got a phone call from Tom, who said he just couldn’t get the script out of his mind. Tom asked, 'What else is open?' And Ben said, 'Well, we haven’t cast the Les Grossman role yet.' Tom was like, 'I’d play that,'" producer Stuart Cornfeld said.

Les Grossman's Look Was Half The Performance

While Tom brought a certain amount of energy to the role, his hair, make-up, and prosthetics were really what made the performance memorable. After all, Tom was barely recognizable.

"I was Tom’s go-to makeup person from Interview With the Vampire on. I did a lot of big, iconic looks for him," makeup designer Michèle Burke said. "I got a text saying, 'Tom wants to have hairy arms.' And I was thinking, Oh, OK, we can get hairy arms. Then they were like, 'We want him to have a hairy chest.' Then suddenly it was like he’s going to have big hands, and I’m sitting there thinking, This is getting bigger than I expected. Then they started sending me pictures of other people who looked a bit like this. You know, with the gold jewelry, the hairy chest. I thought, OK, now I’m beginning to get the picture, this is full-on."

Then, of course, there was the fat suit which was a bunch of custom pads made out of foam and beading from the inside of a pillow. This beading accurately mimicked the jiggle that human fat makes when it moves; something that was vital for the dance number...

All About Tom Cruise Dancing

"We’re doing the makeup test and it’s the first time Tom’s in the Les Grossman outfit. He stops and says, 'Maybe I should dance in this. You know, I haven’t danced in a movie in a long time,'" producer Stuart Cornfeld said.

The Mission Impossible and Eye Wide Shut star ended up choreographing all of his own dance moves which just made everyone on the set burst out laughing.

"I remember him standing off in a corner just working on his moves," co-star Bill Hader explained.

The outrageous costume, hair, and make-up, the hilarious lines (mostly written by Justin Theroux), as well as the performance and energy that Tom Cruise brought to the role, ended up creating a truly memorable character.

Next: Why Did Tom Cruise Agree To A Cameo In 'Austin Powers'?

'Hollywood Just Gets Funnier': Tropic Thunder Co-Writer Teases Potential Sequel


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The critically acclaimed Tropic Thunder premiered in 2008 and, despite several controversies, is still considered a major hit. Over a decade and a half since its premiere, Justin Theroux teased the possibility of a sequel for the comedy starring Robert Downey Jr.

Speaking to , Theroux, who served as a co-writer and executive producer on the comedy classic Tropic Thunder , also addressed the possibility of a sequel. The film might've included jokes and scenes that drew criticism, but Theroux explained that he would love to do a sequel. He also teased that he has been thinking of several ideas on how to bring Tropic Thunder back.

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Lane is unsure if a sequel will ever get the go-ahead, but is excited about the plot possibilities.

Theroux, whose latest role is in Tim Burton's upcoming Beetlejuice Beetlejuice , also revealed that he would "definitely" do a Tropic Thunder sequel. The Leftovers actor explained that, if he had the right idea, he would do it.

Hollywood just gets funnier as the years go on. It never ceases to amaze me how navel-gazing it can be.

" I have some stuff already churning that I'd love to do, but I'll keep it a secret ," Theroux teased. " Hollywood just gets funnier as the years go on . It never ceases to amaze me how navel-gazing it can be. There's a million things — we've gone through so many movements in Hollywood that I think those would all be somehow in the mix. Listen, if an idea strikes me, like it struck Tim [Burton], where it's like, 'Oh, this could be a sequel,' I'll definitely do a sequel. "

Ben Stiller directed and starred in 2008's Tropic Thunder , with Theroux co-writing the script with Etan Cohen. Robert Downey Jr. and Jack Black starred in the film, which featured an ensemble cast that included Nick Nolte, Danny McBride, Matthew McConaughey, Bill Hader, and Tom Cruise. Tropic Thunder was a big critical and commercial hit and earned over $195 million at the worldwide box office, gaining Downey Jr. his second Academy Award nomination.

'I Remembered the Spirit of It': Tim Burton Didn't Watch the First Beetlejuice to Prepare for the Sequel

Tim Burton explained he didn't do extensive preparation when he started working on the Beetlejuice sequel.

Could Tropic Thunder 2 Happen?

Tropic Thunder might have been successful but it was also considered to be highly controversial. One of the biggest complaints about the film was Robert Downey Jr.'s character donning blackface although Downey's character, Kirk Lazarus, makes fun of method acting and the lengths some actors go to gain acclaim. Still, its humor was seen as offensive to different minorities, as well as its antisemitic themes, and received criticism from the disability advocacy community. However, despite the backlash, the cast and team behind it have constantly supported the film .

Tropic Thunder was a satire meant to ridicule the Hollywood environment and, since 2008, there have been plenty of opportunities in the film industry for a sequel to explore. However, it would be difficult for the film to continue criticizing the environment while staying politically correct and being mindful of everyone. However, bringing back together all its star-studded cast would draw interest. Several Tropical Thunder actors have expressed their interest in a sequel , including Tom Cruise and Robert Downey Jr.

Tropic Thunder is streaming on Paramount+.


Tropic Thunder


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  1. 30 Top Tropic Thunder Quotes That Will Make You Laugh

    Tropic Thunder Tom Cruise Quotes. 15 Les Grossman (character played by Tom Cruise): Speedman is a dying star. A white dwarf headed for a black hole. That's physics. It's inevitable. Studio Executive Rob Slolom: We've been handed an incredible opportunity here, Peck. Les Grossman: The universe… is talking to us right now. You just gotta ...

  2. Les Grossman (BEST MOMENTS)

    Watch the hilarious parody of a Hollywood producer by thescreamingstudioexec on YouTube. You won't believe how he reacts to Tropic Thunder.

  3. "Tropic Thunder" quotes

    Tropic Thunder quotes: the most famous and inspiring quotes from Tropic Thunder. The best movie quotes, movie lines and film phrases by Movie Quotes .com ... Reggie Lee, Trieu Tran, Brandon Soo Hoo, J. Thomas Chon, Jacob Chon, Tom Cruise, Mini Anden, Mike Hoagland, Jon Voight, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Jason Bateman, Lance Bass, Alicia Silverstone ...

  4. The Most Hilarious 'Tropic Thunder' Quotes

    The best quotes from Tropic Thunder make you realize how funny the movie really is, even if you haven't seen it in a while. Let's rank the greatest quotes from Tropic Thunder, with the help of your votes.Starring Ben Stiller, Robert Downey Jr., and Jack Black, Tropic Thunder was directed by Ben Stiller and released in 2008. What are your favorite lines from Tropic Thunder?

  5. Tropic Thunder (2008)

    Otherwise I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an un-Godly fucking firestorm upon you! You're gonna have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you. I'm talking scorched earth, motherfucker! I will massacre you!

  6. 50 Tropic Thunder Quotes to Make You Roar With Laughter

    Tropic Thunder Quotes That Are Filled With Emotion. 26. "I can see why you're upset, but I have to deal with a bunch of divas. Tugg can't be emotional. He's not able to cry.". - Damien Cockburn. 27. "An actor's job is no different from anybody else's job. I just have what it takes to show emotion.".

  7. The Best Quotes From 'Tropic Thunder'

    Add to that Robert Downey Jr. playing an award-winning actor (playing a black man) and band of buffoonish actors who think they're part of an epic war movie, and you've got yourself quite the ...

  8. Tropic Thunder quotes ... Movie Quotes Database

    Tropic Thunder quotes. 10 total quotes. Kirk Lazarus. Les Grossman. View Quote Alpa Chino: As for why I'm in this movie, maybe I just knew I had to represent. Cause they one good part in this movie for a black man and they gave it to Crocodile Dundee. Kirk Lazarus: Pump your brakes, kid. That man's a national treasure.

  9. Best "Tropic Thunder" Movie Quotes

    Tropic Thunder Quotes. Total quotes: 1. Vietnam veteran 'Four Leaf' Tayback's memoir, Tropic Thunder, is being made into a film, but Director Damien Cockburn can't control the cast of prima donnas. Behind schedule and over budget, Cockburn is ordered by a studio executive to get filming back on.

  10. View Quote ... Tropic Thunder ... Movie Quotes Database

    Studio Executive Rob Slolom : Wow. Eight Oscars, 400 million dollars at the box office, and you saved Tugg Speedman's career. Les Grossman : I couldn't have done it without you.

  11. Tropic Thunder

    Tropic Thunder is a 2008 film starring Ben Stiller, Jack Black, and Robert Downey Jr. as a group of prima donna actors making a Vietnam War film when their fed-up writer and director decide to abandon them in the middle of the jungle, forcing them to fight their way out.. Directed by Ben Stiller.Written by Ben Stiller, Justin Theroux and Etan Cohen.

  12. Tropic Thunder Quotes

    Lazarus: You was farting in bathtubs and laughing your ass off. Yeah. But Simple Jack thought he was smart, or rather, didn't think he was retarded, so you can't afford to play retarded, being a smart actor. Playing a guy who ain't smart but thinks he is, that's tricky. Speedman: Hm. Tricky. Lazarus:

  13. Tom Cruise's best role EVER

    Caution: Strong language.Les Grossman scenes, ft. Tom Cruise, Matthew McConaughey & Bill Hader, from Tropic Thunder (2008):

  14. The best Quotes from Tropic Thunder

    The A-Team. We're not just black, we're cops too. We'll pull ourselves over later. Marcus Burnett in Bad Boys - 3: For Life. Shimazu: "I want you to find your peace. But a good death only comes after a good life." John Wick: "You and I left a good life behind a long time ago, my friend." John Wick - Chapter 4.

  15. Tropic Thunder (2008)

    Tropic Thunder: Directed by Ben Stiller. With Jeff Kahn, Robert Downey Jr., Anthony Ruivivar, Jack Black. Through a series of freak occurrences, a group of actors shooting a big-budget war movie are forced to become the soldiers they are portraying.

  16. Les Grossman quotes ... Movie Quotes Database

    You're gonna have to call the ****ing United Nations and get a ****ing binding resolution to keep me from ****ing destroying you. I am talking scorched earth, mother****er! I will massacre you! I WILL **** YOU UP! [hangs up; to assistant] Find out who that was. » More Quotes from Tropic Thunder. » Back to the Movie Quotes Database.

  17. Tropic Thunder

    A great memorable quote from the Tropic Thunder movie on - Les Grossman: [incensed at Flaming Dragon's demands] Okay Flaming Dragon, f***face. First, take a big step back... and literally f*** your own face! I don't know what kind of pan-Pacific bullshit power play you're trying to pull here, but Asia, Jack, is my territory. So whatever you're thinking, you'd better think again!

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    Tom Cruise Film Quotes For All Movie Lovers. Tom Cruise movies are entertaining and filled with action, with some great new lines worth remembering. 1. "Show me the money." -Tom Cruise, 'Jerry Maguire'. 2. "It was great the way her mind worked. No guilt, no doubts, no fear. None of my specialties.

  19. Tropic Thunder

    Tom Cruise playing Les Grossman in 'Tropic Thunder', not negotiating with terrorists!

  20. Tropic Thunder (2008)

    Tropic Thunder: Directed by Ben Stiller. With Jeff Kahn, Robert Downey Jr., Anthony Ruivivar, Jack Black. Through a series of freak occurrences, a group of actors shooting a big-budget war movie are forced to become the soldiers they are portraying.

  21. Tropic Thunder (2008) Quotes with Sound Clips

    Tropic Thunder (2008) Quotes with Sound Clips. Sound bites of funny lines and quotes sampled from the Tropic Thunder (2008) movie soundboard, in .wav or .mp3 format. ... Tom Cruise (Les Grossman) [Amazon link] #ad. 1 Beds give me nightmares. #beds #four leaf tayback #nick nolte #nightmares ...

  22. Ten Years On, Tropic Thunder 's Still a Brutal Kick In Hollywood's A--

    Robert Downey Jr.'s portrayal of Kirk Lazarus, who plays the black Sergeant Lincoln Osiris in the movie-within-the-movie, is one of Tropic Thunder's most memorable — and infamous — elements. Already riding a big career uptick following 2005's Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang and 2007's Zodiac, Downey Jr. had a truly banner year in 2008 with the releases of Iron Man and Tropic Thunder.

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    The Truth About Tom Cruise's Character In 'Tropic Thunder'. Love him or loathe him, there's no denying that Tom Cruise basically stole Tropic Thunder. While the movie was filled with controversy, such as Robert Downey Jr.'s character's acting choices, the 2008 film remains beloved. In the film, Tom Cruise played a vile Hollywood mogul named Les ...

  24. 'Hollywood Just Gets Funnier': Tropic Thunder Co-Writer Teases ...

    Robert Downey Jr. and Jack Black starred in the film, which featured an ensemble cast that included Nick Nolte, Danny McBride, Matthew McConaughey, Bill Hader, and Tom Cruise. Tropic Thunder was a big critical and commercial hit and earned over $195 million at the worldwide box office, gaining Downey Jr. his second Academy Award nomination.