The Great Train Journey Questions & Answers

Hi Everyone!! This article will share The Great Train Journey Questions & Answers. In my previous posts, I have also shared the questions and answers of Nicobobinus , Summer Sun and Nat Comes To Plumfield so, you can check these posts as well.

The Great Train Journey Questions & Answers

Question 1: what time of year is it.

Answer: The year is in its mid-phase because Suraj’s school has closed down for summer holidays which in India usually begins from mid of May and extends till the first week of July.

Question 2: How do we know that Suraj likes trains?

Answer: Suraj keeps waving to the passing trains until only the spiraling smoke remains and feels lonely when the train leaves behind only the hot, empty track. This proves that he likes trains a lot.

Question 3: How do we know that Suraj is bored?

Answer: Sitting inside the carriage, Suraj does not like the smelly, dark and musty compartment and thinks he could have had some fun if his friend Ranji was also there. This proves that Suraj is getting bored.

Question 4: Why does Suraj think that the trees are walking?

Answer: In examining the crates, Suraj was completely engrossed. So, he could not notice that the train had started moving. That is why a little later when he looks up out of the doorway, he thinks that the trees are moving.

Question 5: What sort of things make Suraj curious and how does he react to what makes him curious?

Answer: The things that are bolted, nailed down or concealed from Suraj like parcels, locked rooms, crates and carriage doors make him curious. Whenever he finds any of these things, he tries his level best to discover what it holds inside.

Question 6: Who else is in the carriage?

Answer: A dirty, bearded and scrubby man with paan stained teeth is also there in the carriage who suddenly steps out from behind the crates.

Question 7: Where does Suraj say that he would like to go?

Answer: Suraj tells the hippy that he wants to go all around the world and see new and strange places like England, China, Africa, Greenland and many more.

Question 8: When Suraj thinks about his parents for the first time, what does he imagine that they will think?

Answer: Suraj imagines that when he would not return home in the night, his parents would think that he has either run away or been kidnapped or been involved in an accident.

Question 9: What warning does the man give Suraj?

Answer: The man warns Suraj to keep out of sight if he does not want to be caught by people in the train.

Question 10: What presents does Suraj imagine that he will bring back for his friend?

Answer: Suraj imagines that if possible, he would bring an African lion or a transistor-radio for his friend.

Question 11: Why do you think the man was on the train?

Answer: The man was on the train as it was his usual routine to travel in that compartment.

Question 12: When Suraj thinks about his parents’ reaction to his disappearance, he feels a few different emotions. What shows us that he is excited at first? How does he feel later on?

Answer: Suraj seems to be very excited in the beginning because he is enjoying the ride thinking that the train would take him to the sea from where he would go to distant land in a ship. However, later on, he feels very sorry for his parents because he knows that they would miss him dearly.

Question 13: Why doesn’t the man tell Suraj that the train takes a circular route?

Answer: When the man discovers that Suraj neither has a ticket nor has any idea about his destination, he assumes that Suraj is running away from his home. He wants him to unite with his family. That is why he never tells Suraj that it is just a local goods train which takes a circular route.

Question 14: Read the line and answer the questions:

‘He stuffed one into each pocket and climbed on to wooden rack in a corner.’

(a) Whom does ‘he’ refer to and where is ‘he’ at the moment?

Answer: ‘He’ refers to Suraj and at the moment, ‘he’ is in one of the compartments of a local goods train.

(b) What did he stuff into his pockets and why?

Answer: He stuffed apples into each of his pockets because he suspected that the apples would not stay in the compartment much longer and he needed supplies to prevent himself from starving during his long journey.

(c) Where did he climb and why?

Answer: He climbed onto a wooden rack in the corner of his compartment to keep himself out of sight because he did not want to be caught by the people in the train.

(d) What happened when the train stopped at the siding?

Answer: Two labourers stepped into Suraj’s compartment and moved all the crates towards the door which were then taken over by others. So, these were The Great Train Journey Questions & Answers.

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The Great Train Journey

5th - 7th grade

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"Greetings, friend," said a voice from behind, and Suraj spun round guilty, his mouth full of Apples.

A dirty bearded man was looking out at him from behind a pile of crates. The mouth open wide, paan-stained grin

"Er...namaste," said Suraj apprehensively. "Who are you?"

Who is the 'voice' referred to in the above lines.

Ticket collector

The scruffy hippy

A person on the train

What kinds of trains fascinated Suraj?

Moving trains

Crowded trains

Shrieking trains

Quiet and lonely trains

All of the above

Choose the correct sentence in indirect speech......

"I want to go everywhere," said Suraj

Suraj said that I want to go everywhere

Suraj said that he wants to go everywhere

Suraj said that he wanted to go everywhere

what was Suraj curious about?

about things that were bolted and nailed down or in some way concealed from him.

he was curious about everything.

Meaning of crouching

shy and lonely

Ruskin Bond is born in

Ruskin bond has received a Sahitya Academy Award for his book

Our Trees Still Grow in Dehra

The Blue Umbrella

The Whistling School Boy

What would Suraj bring back for his parents?

African lion


Crates of apples

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Book review: the great train journey by ruskin bond.

the great train journey class 6 exercise

Summery of the poe

I also read it in school

The book takes the reader along with the train...always Ruskin Bond stories are marvelous....while reading ,it gives the reader a vintage feeling...this is what a reader expects...

This was great line by you

Really very nice

noice I really liked it as i love trains it really is marvelous

this book is intresting to read and

this book is good and suitable for all ages and gives train vibes to readers and chapter include meeting new people

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13 Comprehension Passages Reading for Class 6 with answers

the great train journey class 6 exercise

Explore engaging 13 comprehension passages for Class 6 students, accompanied by thought-provoking questions and detailed answers, fostering effective reading comprehension skills and critical thinking. Elevate learning with diverse topics, from adventures and mysteries to science and culture, enhancing students’ understanding across various disciplines.

1: Comprehension Passages Reading for Class 6

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

1. Emily loved spending her weekends at her grandmother’s house. Grandma’s house was nestled in a quaint village surrounded by green fields and blooming flowers. Every Saturday, Emily would take a train to the village, eager to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.

2. Upon arriving, Grandma greeted Emily with a warm smile and a plate of freshly baked cookies. The aroma of the cookies filled the cozy kitchen. After enjoying the sweet treat, Emily and Grandma would embark on various adventures. They would stroll through the village, visit the local market, and sometimes take a boat ride on the nearby river.

3. One sunny afternoon, Grandma introduced Emily to gardening. They planted colorful flowers and aromatic herbs in Grandma’s backyard. Emily loved getting her hands dirty, feeling the soil between her fingers. Grandma shared stories about each plant, making gardening an educational and enjoyable experience.

4. As the day turned to evening, Grandma and Emily sat on the porch, watching the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink. Grandma told Emily tales of her own childhood, creating a connection between the past and the present. The weekends at Grandma’s became cherished moments filled with love, laughter, and the joy of simple pleasures.

1. Read the following passage and answer the questions.

A. MCQ Based Questions :

1. Where did Emily love spending her weekends?

b) Grandma’s house

2. What did Grandma greet Emily with upon her arrival?

a) Freshly baked cookies

b) Ice cream

d) Sandwiches

3. What did Emily and Grandma do in Grandma’s backyard?

a) Played video games

b) Watched TV

c) Planted flowers and herbs

d) Went shopping

People also ask

4. What did Emily enjoy feeling while gardening?

5. What did Grandma and Emily do in the evening on the porch?

a) Played board games

b) Watched a movie

c) Watched the sunset

d) Ate dinner

B. Fill in the Blanks:

1. Every Saturday, Emily would take a _________ to the village.

2. The aroma of the freshly baked cookies filled the cozy __________.

3. Grandma and Emily planted colorful flowers and aromatic herbs in Grandma’s __________.

4. Emily loved getting her hands dirty, feeling the ________ between her fingers.

5. Grandma told Emily tales of her own _________.

C. Short Answer Type:

1. What did Emily and Grandma do in the village?

2. Why did Emily love gardening with Grandma?

3. What became cherished moments for Emily at Grandma’s house?

D. Long Answer Type:

1. Describe the surroundings of Grandma’s house and how it contributed to the joy of Emily’s weekends.

2. How did Grandma’s tales create a connection between the past and the present for Emily during the weekends?

2: Comprehension Passages Reading for Class 6

1. Sarah was an adventurous girl who loved exploring the magical forest near her home. One day, while wandering through the woods, she stumbled upon a mysterious cave. The entrance was covered with vines, and the air felt cool and refreshing.

2. Curiosity got the better of Sarah, and she decided to enter the cave. Inside, she discovered a hidden world filled with sparkling crystals and glowing mushrooms. The cave was like a secret treasure trove waiting to be explored.

3. As Sarah ventured deeper, she encountered friendly creatures who guided her through the winding tunnels. Each turn revealed a new wonder – crystal formations that glittered in the dim light and an underground river that sparkled like liquid diamonds.

4. Sarah spent hours marveling at the beauty around her. She felt a sense of awe and wonder, realizing that there was so much more to the world than meets the eye. As she made her way back to the entrance, Sarah couldn’t wait to share her magical discovery with her friends and family.

5. From that day on, Sarah’s adventurous spirit soared, and she continued to explore the enchanting forest, uncovering its secrets one by one.

A. MCQ Based Questions:

1. What did Sarah love doing near her home?

a) Watching TV

b) Exploring the forest

c) Playing video games

2. What did Sarah find while wandering through the woods?

a) A mysterious cave

b) A playground

d) A shopping mall

3. What did Sarah discover inside the cave?

a) Sparkling crystals and glowing mushrooms

b) Cars and bikes

c) Books and toys

d) Computers and gadgets

4. What did Sarah feel as she explored the cave?

b) A sense of awe and wonder

5. What did Sarah want to do after her discovery?

a) Keep it a secret

b) Forget about it

c) Share it with her friends and family

d) Never go back to the forest

1. Sarah stumbled upon a ___________ cave.

2. The entrance to the cave was covered with ___________.

3. Inside the cave, Sarah discovered a hidden world filled with sparkling ___________ and glowing ___________.

4. Sarah encountered friendly creatures who guided her through the winding ___________.

5. Sarah felt a sense of awe and wonder, realizing that there was so much more to the world than meets the ___________.

1. What did Sarah find inside the mysterious cave?

2. How did Sarah feel as she explored the cave?

3. What did Sarah want to do after making her magical discovery?

1. Describe the wonders Sarah encountered while exploring the cave.

2. How did Sarah’s discovery impact her adventurous spirit

3: Comprehension Passages Reading for Class 6

1. Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a kind-hearted princess named Lily. Lily had a special gift – she could talk to animals. Every day, she would visit the enchanted forest near the castle to chat with her animal friends.

2. One day, as Lily strolled through the forest, she heard a cry for help. Following the sound, she discovered a tiny, injured bird with colorful feathers. The bird, named Rainbow, explained that an evil sorceress had cast a spell on the forest, causing harm to all its inhabitants.

3. Determined to break the curse, Lily embarked on a journey with Rainbow by her side. Along the way, they faced challenges and met magical creatures who offered assistance. Lily’s kindness and bravery won the hearts of those they encountered.

4. Finally, at the heart of the forest, Lily confronted the sorceress. With the help of her animal friends and Rainbow’s magical song, the curse was lifted, and the forest returned to its vibrant, lively state.

5. The grateful animals crowned Lily as the Forest Guardian, and the kingdom celebrated the return of peace. Lily continued to visit the enchanted forest, now thriving with joy and laughter, ensuring that the bond between the princess and her animal friends remained strong forever.

1. Where did Princess Lily live?

a) In a castle

b) In a cave

c) In a village

d) In a tower

2. What was Lily’s special gift?

b) Talking to animals

c) Invisibility

d) Super strength

3. What did Lily discover in the enchanted forest?

a) A magical potion

b) A treasure chest

c) An injured bird named Rainbow

d) A secret cave

4. What did Lily and Rainbow face on their journey?

a) Sunny weather

b) Challenges

d) Festivals

5. How did the curse on the forest get lifted?

a) Lily’s kindness and bravery

b) Rainbow’s colorful feathers

c) Sorceress’ spell

d) Magical creatures’ assistance

1. Lily had a special gift – she could talk to ___________.

2. Lily discovered an injured bird named ___________ in the enchanted forest.

3. The evil sorceress cast a spell on the forest, causing harm to all its ___________.

4. Lily was crowned as the Forest ___________ by the grateful animals.

5. The kingdom celebrated the return of ___________.

1. What was the special gift that Princess Lily possessed?

2. Who accompanied Lily on her journey to break the curse?

3. What did Lily become after the curse was lifted?

1. Describe the challenges faced by Lily and Rainbow on their journey to break the curse.

2. How did Lily’s kindness and bravery contribute to the lifting of the curse in the enchanted forest?

4: Comprehension Passages Reading for Class 6

1. Mount Everest, the highest peak on Earth, is located in the Himalayan mountain range. Standing at a towering height of 29,032 feet (8,848 meters), it is a majestic part of the geography of Nepal and the Tibetan region of China.

2. The journey to the summit of Mount Everest is an arduous one, attracting adventurers and climbers from around the world. The base camp, situated at an altitude of 17,600 feet (5,364 meters), serves as the starting point for those attempting to conquer the peak. Climbers face extreme weather conditions, including freezing temperatures and high winds, as they ascend through the various camps on their way to the top.

3. The Himalayas, often referred to as the “Roof of the World,” stretch across five countries: India, Nepal, Bhutan, China, and Pakistan. This vast mountain range is home to diverse ecosystems, from dense forests at lower elevations to alpine meadows and snow-covered peaks at higher altitudes.

4. The Ganges River, one of the major rivers in the world, originates in the Himalayas. It flows through the Indian subcontinent, providing water to millions of people and supporting rich agricultural lands along its course.

5. Beyond its geographical significance, the Himalayas are culturally and spiritually significant for the people living in the region. They are home to numerous ancient monasteries, temples, and traditions that have been passed down through generations.

1. Where is Mount Everest located?

a) Rocky Mountains

b) Himalayan mountain range

c) Andes Mountains

2. What is the height of Mount Everest?

a) 20,000 feet

b) 25,032 meters

c) 29,032 feet

d) 8,000 meters

3. What is the starting point for climbers attempting to summit Mount Everest?

a) Andes base camp

b) Alps base camp

c) Himalayan base camp

d) Rocky Mountains base camp

4. Which river originates in the Himalayas?

d) Mississippi

5. How many countries does the Himalayan mountain range stretch across?

1. Mount Everest is the highest peak on ___________.

2. The base camp for climbing Mount Everest is located at an altitude of ___________ feet.

3. The Himalayas are often referred to as the “___________.”

4. The Ganges River, originating in the Himalayas, flows through the ___________ subcontinent.

5. The Himalayas are culturally and spiritually significant for the people living in the ___________.

1. What challenges do climbers face as they ascend Mount Everest?

2. What is the significance of the Ganges River in the Himalayan region?

3. Why are the Himalayas referred to as the “Roof of the World”?

1. Describe the diverse ecosystems found in the Himalayan mountain range.

2. Discuss the cultural and spiritual significance of the Himalayas for the people living in the region.

5: Comprehension Passages Reading for Class 6

1. The ancient Egyptian civilization, one of the oldest in the world, flourished along the banks of the Nile River over 4,000 years ago. The Nile, with its annual flooding, provided fertile soil for agriculture, contributing to the prosperity of the region.

2. The Egyptians built impressive structures, such as the pyramids, which served as tombs for pharaohs and high-ranking officials. The construction of these monumental structures showcased advanced engineering and architectural skills of the time.

3. The pharaohs, considered divine rulers, played a crucial role in ancient Egyptian society. They governed the land, ensured its prosperity, and were believed to have a direct connection with the gods. The civilization also developed a system of writing called hieroglyphics, consisting of symbols and pictures that conveyed both sounds and meanings.

4. The ancient Egyptians engaged in trade, exchanging goods such as gold, papyrus, and precious stones with neighboring civilizations. The development of a writing system facilitated record-keeping and communication.

5. The construction of the Suez Canal in the 19th century linked the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea, reviving Egypt’s strategic importance in global trade.

6. Despite the rise and fall of various dynasties, ancient Egypt left a lasting legacy in art, architecture, and cultural practices, influencing civilizations that followed.

1. Where did the ancient Egyptian civilization flourish?

a) Tigris River

b) Nile River

c) Euphrates River

d) Ganges River

2. What provided fertile soil for agriculture in ancient Egypt?

b) Euphrates River

c) Nile River

d) Amazon River

3. What served as tombs for pharaohs and high-ranking officials in ancient Egypt?

b) Pyramids

4. Who were considered divine rulers in ancient Egypt?

b) Merchants

c) Pharaohs

d) Scholars

5. What writing system did ancient Egyptians develop?

a) Cuneiform

b) Hieroglyphics

c) Sanskrit

1. The Nile River provided fertile soil for ___________ in ancient Egypt.

2. The ancient Egyptians engaged in trade, exchanging goods such as gold, ___________, and precious stones.

3. The construction of the Suez Canal linked the ___________ Sea to the Red Sea.

4. The ancient Egyptians developed a system of writing called ___________.

5. The pharaohs were believed to have a direct connection with the ___________.

1. What were the pyramids used for in ancient Egypt?

2. Who were the pharaohs in ancient Egyptian society?

3. What was the significance of the Suez Canal for Egypt in the 19th century?

1. Describe the importance of the Nile River in the prosperity of ancient Egypt.

2. How did ancient Egypt influence civilizations that followed, and what aspects of their legacy are still visible today?

6: Comprehension Passages Reading for Class 6

1. India, a land of diverse cultures and traditions, has a rich history that spans thousands of years. The country is known for its vibrant festivals, historical monuments, and the unity in diversity that defines its people.

2. One of the most celebrated festivals in India is Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights. Families come together to illuminate their homes with lamps, exchange sweets, and burst colorful fireworks. Diwali signifies the victory of light over darkness and good over evil.

3. The Taj Mahal, a magnificent white marble monument in Agra, is a symbol of India’s architectural brilliance. Built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal, it attracts millions of visitors from around the world.

4. India’s diverse geography includes the Himalayan mountain range, the Thar Desert, and the coastal regions along the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. The Ganges, one of the holiest rivers, flows through the northern plains, carrying religious significance for millions.

5. Indian cuisine is renowned for its variety of flavors and spices. From the spicy curries of the south to the savory dishes of the north, each region boasts its own unique culinary delights.

6. Despite its modernization, India continues to preserve its ancient traditions. Traditional dance forms like Bharatanatyam and classical music such as Hindustani and Carnatic have been passed down through generations, showcasing the country’s artistic heritage.

1. What is Diwali also known as?

b) Navratri

c) Festival of Lights

2. What does Diwali signify?

a) Victory of darkness

b) Victory of light over darkness

c) Victory of evil over good

d) Victory of noise over silence

3. Who built the Taj Mahal?

a) Emperor Akbar

b) Emperor Shah Jahan

c) Emperor Aurangzeb

d) Emperor Ashoka

4. What is the Taj Mahal made of?

5. Which river is considered one of the holiest in India?

b) Brahmaputra

d) Godavari

1. Diwali is celebrated as the Festival of ___________.

2. The Taj Mahal is made of white ___________.

3. The Ganges river flows through the northern ___________.

4. Indian cuisine is renowned for its variety of ___________ and ___________.

5. Traditional dance forms like Bharatanatyam and classical music such as Hindustani showcase India’s artistic ___________.

1. What does Diwali symbolize, and how is it celebrated?

2. Who built the Taj Mahal, and what is its significance?

3. Name two geographical features of India mentioned in the passage.

1. Describe the religious significance of the Ganges River in India.

2. How does India preserve its ancient traditions in the modern era?

7: Comprehension Passages Reading for Class 6

1. The water cycle is a fascinating natural process that involves the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the Earth’s surface. This cycle, driven by the sun’s energy, includes processes such as evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff.

2. Evaporation occurs when the sun heats water bodies like oceans, lakes, and rivers, turning the liquid water into water vapor. This water vapor rises into the atmosphere, forming clouds through a process called condensation.

3.Condensation leads to the formation of clouds when the water vapor cools down and turns back into tiny water droplets. These droplets gather in the clouds until they become heavy enough to fall back to the Earth’s surface as precipitation. Precipitation includes various forms such as rain, snow, sleet, and hail.

4.Once precipitation reaches the ground, it can follow different paths. Some water is absorbed by plants and soil, while the excess runoff flows into rivers, streams, and eventually back into larger water bodies.

5. The water cycle is crucial for maintaining the Earth’s water balance and supporting life. It ensures the availability of freshwater for plants, animals, and human activities.

6. Understanding the water cycle helps scientists predict weather patterns, study ecosystems, and manage water resources for sustainable development.

1. What drives the water cycle?

b) Earth’s rotation

c) Sun’s energy

d) Moon’s gravity

2. What is the process where water vapor turns into tiny water droplets?

a) Evaporation

b) Condensation

c) Precipitation

3. What forms can precipitation take?

b) Rain, snow, sleet, hail

d) Evaporation

4. Where does excess runoff flow after precipitation?

c) Rivers, streams

5. What is the purpose of understanding the water cycle?

a) Predicting earthquakes

b) Predicting weather patterns

c) Studying volcanoes

d) Studying galaxies

1. Evaporation occurs when the sun heats water bodies like ___________.

2. Condensation leads to the formation of ___________.

3. Precipitation includes various forms such as rain, snow, ___________, and hail.

4. Some water is absorbed by plants and ___________ after precipitation.

5. The water cycle ensures the availability of freshwater for plants, animals, and ___________ activities.

1. Describe the process of condensation in the water cycle.

2. What happens to precipitation once it reaches the ground?

3. Why is the water cycle crucial for maintaining the Earth’s water balance?

1. Explain how the sun’s energy drives the water cycle and the role of each process involved.

2. Discuss the significance of understanding the water cycle for managing water resources and sustainable development.

8: Comprehension Passages Reading for Class 6

1. As I sat by the riverbank, watching the gentle flow of water, I couldn’t help but reflect on the beauty of nature and the lessons it imparts. The rustling leaves, the soothing sound of flowing water, and the melody of birds created a serene atmosphere that invited contemplation.

2. Nature has a unique way of teaching us about life. The river, with its constant flow, reminded me of the importance of resilience. Despite facing obstacles such as rocks and bends, it continued its journey, symbolizing the need to persist in the face of challenges.

3. The trees standing tall along the riverbank taught me about strength and adaptability. With roots firmly grounded, they swayed with the wind, showcasing the ability to bend without breaking. Life, much like the trees, requires resilience and the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances.

4. The changing seasons mirrored the cycles of life – the vibrant colors of spring, the warmth of summer, the shedding of leaves in autumn, and the quiet stillness of winter. Each season brought its own beauty and life lessons, emphasizing the transient nature of experiences.

5. As I observed a butterfly fluttering near me, I realized the power of transformation. From a tiny caterpillar to a delicate butterfly, it symbolized growth and change. Nature, in its simplicity, spoke volumes about the intricate dance of life.

6. In that reflective moment, I understood that nature is a silent but profound teacher, offering lessons of resilience, strength, adaptability, and transformation to those willing to listen.

1. Where was the speaker sitting while reflecting?

b) Riverbank

d) Mountains

2. What lesson did the river teach the speaker?

a) Patience

b) Resilience

d) Stillness

3. What did the trees along the riverbank symbolize?

a) Weakness

b) Strength and adaptability

c) Inflexibility

4. What did the changing seasons represent in the passage?

a) Monotony

b) Growth and change

c) Predictability

d) Stagnation

5. What did the butterfly symbolize to the speaker?

a) Stillness

c) Transformation

d) Predictability

1. The river taught the importance of ___________ in the face of challenges.

2. The trees showcased the ability to bend without ___________.

3. Nature’s changing seasons mirror the ___________ of life.

4. The butterfly symbolized the power of ___________.

5. Nature is a silent but profound ___________, offering lessons to those willing to listen.

C.Short Answer Type:

1. What did the changing seasons represent in the passage?

2. How did the trees along the riverbank teach a lesson of adaptability?

3. What did the butterfly symbolize in terms of growth?

1. Reflect on the lessons the river, trees, and changing seasons taught the speaker about life.

2. Discuss the overall message conveyed by the passage about nature’s role as a teacher.

9: Comprehension Passages Reading for Class 6

1. In a quaint little village, there lived a young boy named Oliver who had a remarkable talent for storytelling. Every evening, the villagers would gather around him, eager to hear the enchanting tales he wove with his words.

2. One day, a renowned author named Oscar Wilde visited the village. Intrigued by Oliver’s storytelling prowess, Wilde decided to challenge the young boy. He proposed a friendly competition to see who could come up with the most captivating story.

3. The competition began, and Oliver and Wilde took turns sharing their tales. The village square echoed with laughter, gasps, and applause as the two storytellers spun their narratives. However, as the evening unfolded, it became evident that Oliver’s storytelling had a magical quality that held everyone in rapt attention.

4. Wilde, with a gracious smile, conceded the competition to Oliver, acknowledging the young boy’s extraordinary talent. From that day forward, Oliver’s reputation as a gifted storyteller spread far and wide.

5. The encounter with Oscar Wilde became a turning point in Oliver’s life. Inspired by the renowned author’s humility, he continued honing his storytelling skills, enchanting people with his narratives for years to come.

6. As the years passed, the village became known not only for its picturesque surroundings but also as the birthplace of Oliver’s extraordinary storytelling legacy.

1. What was Oliver’s remarkable talent?

a) Painting

b) Storytelling

2. Who visited the village and challenged Oliver to a storytelling competition?

a) William Shakespeare

b) J.K. Rowling

c) Oscar Wilde

d) Charles Dickens

3. What did the villagers gather to hear from Oliver?

4. What was the result of the storytelling competition between Oliver and Oscar Wilde?

a) Oscar Wilde won

b) It ended in a tie

c) Oliver won

d) Neither won

5. What did Oscar Wilde concede to Oliver after the competition?

a) A trophy

d) A book deal

1. Oliver’s storytelling had a magical ___________ that held everyone in rapt attention.

2. The encounter with Oscar Wilde became a turning point in Oliver’s ___________.

3. Inspired by Oscar Wilde’s ___________, Oliver continued honing his storytelling skills.

4. The village became known not only for its picturesque surroundings but also as the ___________ of Oliver’s storytelling legacy.

5. Every evening, the villagers would gather around Oliver, eager to hear the enchanting tales he wove with his ___________.

1. What was the result of the storytelling competition between Oliver and Oscar Wilde?

2. How did the encounter with Oscar Wilde impact Oliver’s life?

3. What talent did Oliver possess that made him renowned in the village?

1. Describe Oliver’s storytelling legacy and its impact on the village.

3. Reflect on the significance of humility in Oscar Wilde’s character and its influence on Oliver’s journey as a storyteller.

10: Comprehension Passages Reading for Class 6

1. In a whimsical town called Fantasia, lived a peculiar inventor named Professor Quibble. His eccentric inventions were the talk of the town, from flying bicycles to upside-down umbrellas. The townspeople, amused by his quirky creations, eagerly awaited the unveiling of his latest invention.

2. One day, Professor Quibble introduced his “Tickle-o-Matic,” a contraption designed to bring joy and laughter to everyone. The Tickl-o-Matic emitted ticklish rays that made even the grumpiest of people burst into laughter. The townspeople gathered in the town square, curious to experience the Tickle-o-Matic’s effects.

3. As the invention was activated, peals of laughter echoed through the streets. People rolled on the ground, tickled by an invisible force. Laughter became infectious, spreading like wildfire. The once serious faces of Fantasia transformed into smiles, and the town was filled with the sound of pure joy.

4. Professor Quibble’s Tickl-o-Matic not only brought laughter but also united the townspeople in shared happiness. The inventor, pleased with the success of his creation, realized that sometimes, a good laugh is the best invention of all.

1. What is the name of the inventor in Fantasia?

a) Professor Quibble

b) Dr. Jargon

c) Inventor Whimsy

d) Mad Scientist

2. What does Professor Quibble’s Tickl-o-Matic do?

a) Cooks food

b) Creates music

c) Emits ticklish rays

d) Generates electricity

3. What effect does the Tickl-o-Matic have on the townspeople?

c) Laughter

d) Sleepiness

4. Where do the townspeople gather to experience the Tickl-o-Matic?

c) Town square

d) Inventor’s workshop

5. What is the overall impact of the Tickl-o-Matic on Fantasia?

b) Confusion

c) Joy and laughter

1. The townspeople eagerly awaited the unveiling of Professor Quibble’s latest ___________.

2. The Tickl-o-Matic emitted ticklish rays that made even the grumpiest of people burst into ___________.

3. Laughter became infectious, spreading like ___________.

4. The once serious faces of Fantasia transformed into ___________.

5. Professor Quibble realized that sometimes, a good laugh is the best ___________ of all.

1. What was Professor Quibble’s latest invention in Fantasia?

2. What effect did the Tickl-o-Matic have on the townspeople?

3. How did laughter impact the atmosphere in Fantasia?

1. Describe the scene in Fantasia when the Tickl-o-Matic was activated, and its impact on the townspeople.

2. Reflect on the lesson Professor Quibble learned from the success of the Tickl-o-Matic.

11: Comprehension Passages Reading for Class 6

1. In the serene village of Shantiniketan, lived a young boy named Anirban who was known for his love for nature and art. One day, he discovered an old, forgotten garden behind his house. Intrigued, he explored the overgrown paths and stumbled upon a hidden treasure – a collection of paintings by the renowned poet and artist Rabindranath Tagore.

2. These paintings told stories of nature, life, and emotions. Anirban felt a deep connection with Tagore’s art, and he decided to restore the neglected garden to its former glory. With the help of his friends, he cleared the overgrowth, planted colorful flowers, and created a vibrant space.

3. One evening, as Anirban sat in the rejuvenated garden, he felt a gentle breeze and heard the leaves whispering tales of Tagore’s artistic journey. Inspired, he began to paint, capturing the essence of nature and the emotions expressed in Tagore’s artwork.

4. The village soon noticed the transformed garden, and Anirban shared the story of Tagore’s forgotten paintings. The once-forgotten garden became a hub of creativity and inspiration, attracting artists and nature enthusiasts from far and wide.

5. Anirban realized the power of art and nature in bringing people together. The garden, now named “Tagore’s Haven,” became a symbol of beauty, inspiration, and the timeless connection between art and the soul.

1. Where did Anirban live?

a) Shantiniketan

2. What did Anirban discover behind his house?

a) A hidden treasure

b) An old well

c) A secret passage

d) A new playground

3. What did the paintings in the garden depict?

a) Technology

b) Stories of nature, life, and emotions

c) Abstract patterns

d) Historical events

4. What did Anirban do to restore the garden?

a) Built a fountain

b) Cleared overgrowth, planted flowers, and created a vibrant space

c) Installed sculptures

d) Created a maze

5. What did the garden become known as after restoration?

a) Anirban’s Oasis

b) Tagore’s Haven

c) Nature’s Paradise

d) The Hidden Garden

1. Anirban felt a deep connection with Tagore’s ___________.

2. The once-forgotten garden became a hub of ___________ and ___________.

3. Anirban captured the essence of nature and emotions in his ___________.

4. The leaves in the garden whispered tales of Tagore’s ___________ journey.

5. The village noticed the transformed garden, and Anirban shared the story of Tagore’s forgotten ___________.

1. What inspired Anirban to restore the neglected garden?

2. What did Anirban and his friends do to rejuvenate the garden?

3. How did the garden, “Tagore’s Haven,” become a hub of creativity?

1. Describe the transformation of the once-forgotten garden and its significance in the village.

2. Reflect on the connection between art, nature, and the soul as portrayed in the story of Anirban and Tagore’s paintings.

12: Comprehension Passages Reading for Class 6

1. Once upon a time, in the bustling city of London, lived a young boy named Tom. Tom was an avid reader, and his favorite book was “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe. Tom dreamt of adventures on distant islands and being stranded like Robinson Crusoe.

2. One day, as Tom explored a dusty old bookstore, he discovered a hidden passage that led to a mysterious room filled with antique books. To his amazement, one of the books was a first edition of “Robinson Crusoe.” As he flipped through the pages, Tom felt a strange sensation, and suddenly, he found himself transported to a deserted island.

3. Living his dream, Tom faced the challenges of survival, just like Robinson Crusoe. He built a shelter, foraged for food, and learned to make tools from natural resources. In his solitude, Tom discovered the value of resilience and resourcefulness.

4. Months later, Tom stumbled upon another hidden passage in the dense foliage, leading him back to the dusty old bookstore. As he held the first edition of “Robinson Crusoe” in his hands, Tom realized that the adventure had been both real and imaginary.

1. Where did Tom live?

c) New York

2. What was Tom’s favorite book?

a) Treasure Island

b) Robinson Crusoe

c) Alice in Wonderland

d) The Jungle Book

3. How did Tom discover the hidden passage to the mysterious room?

a) In a forest

b) In a bookstore

c) In a cave

d) In a museum

4. What did Tom learn during his time on the deserted island?

a) How to dance

b) The value of resilience and resourcefulness

d) Mathematics

5. Where did Tom find himself after flipping through the pages of the first edition of “Robinson Crusoe”?

a) In a bookstore

b) In a deserted island

c) In a library

d) In a school

1. Tom discovered a hidden passage in a dusty old ___________.

2. The mysterious room was filled with antique ___________.

3. Tom found himself transported to a deserted island after flipping through the pages of the first edition of “Robinson ___________.”

4. In his solitude, Tom discovered the value of ___________ and ___________.

5. Tom stumbled upon another hidden passage in the dense ___________, leading him back to the dusty old bookstore.

1. What was Tom’s favorite book, and what did he dream of?

2. How did Tom end up on a deserted island?

3. What did Tom learn during his time on the island?

1. Describe Tom’s discovery of the hidden passage and his adventure on the deserted island.

2. Reflect on the dual nature of Tom’s adventure, both real and imaginary, and its impact on him.

13: Comprehension Passages Reading for Class 6

1. Once upon a time in a distant kingdom, there lived four friends – a smart crow named Chiku, a wise turtle named Shelly, a clever monkey named Momo, and a gentle deer named Bambi. One day, they discovered a bountiful mango tree in the heart of the forest.

2. Excitement filled the air as they decided to share the delicious mangoes equally. However, a dilemma arose. The tree had many branches, each bearing different kinds of mangoes. The friends couldn’t agree on how to distribute them fairly.

3. To resolve the dispute, they sought the advice of an old and wise owl named Olga. Olga listened patiently and then suggested a solution. She proposed that each friend climb the tree and pick the mangoes they liked. Once everyone had their share, they could exchange and enjoy the variety.

4. Following Olga’s advice, Chiku, Shelly, Momo, and Bambi climbed the tree and collected mangoes of different shapes and sizes. They shared with one another, and soon, laughter echoed through the forest as they savored the diverse mangoes.

5. This tale from the Panchatantra teaches the importance of cooperation and compromise. The four friends, by valuing each other’s preferences, not only enjoyed the delicious mangoes but also strengthened their friendship.

1. How many friends are there in the story?

2. What is the name of the wise turtle?

3. Who proposed the solution to distribute the mangoes?

4. What was the dilemma the friends faced?

a) Finding the mango tree

b) Sharing the mangoes fairly

c) Climbing the tree

d) Choosing the best mango

5. What echoed through the forest after the friends shared the mangoes?

1. The friends discovered a bountiful ___________ tree in the heart of the forest.

2. The tree had many branches, each bearing different kinds of ___________.

3. Olga suggested that each friend climb the tree and pick the ___________ they liked.

4. The friends exchanged and enjoyed the variety of ___________.

5. This tale from the Panchatantra teaches the importance of ___________ and ___________.

1. Who proposed the solution to distribute the mangoes, and what was the solution?

2. What did the friends learn from the wise turtle, Shelly?

3. How did the friends strengthen their friendship in the story?

1. Describe the dilemma the friends faced and the solution they adopted to share the mangoes.

2. Reflect on the moral lesson conveyed by the Panchatantra story about cooperation and compromise.

Answers 1: Comprehension Passages for Class 6

1. b) Grandma’s house

2. a) Freshly baked cookies

3. c) Planted flowers and herbs

5. c) Watched the sunset

8. Backyard

10. Childhood

11. Answers may vary. Example: Emily and Grandma strolled through the village, visited the local market, and sometimes took a boat ride on the nearby river.

12. Answers may vary. Example: Emily loved gardening with Grandma because it was an educational and enjoyable experience, and she enjoyed feeling the soil between her fingers.

13. Answers may vary. Example: The weekends at Grandma’s became cherished moments filled with love, laughter, and the joy of simple pleasures.

15. Answers may vary. Example: Grandma’s house was nestled in a quaint village surrounded by green fields and blooming flowers, creating a picturesque environment that added to the joy of Emily’s weekends.

16. Answers may vary. Example: Grandma’s tales created a connection between the past and the present for Emily by sharing stories of her own childhood, making the weekends more meaningful and memorable.

Answers 2: Comprehension Passages for Class 6

1.b) Exploring the forest

2. a) A mysterious cave

4. a) Sparkling crystals and glowing mushrooms

5. b) A sense of awe and wonder

6. c) Share it with her friends and family

7. Mysterious

9. Crystals; mushrooms

10. Tunnels

12. Sarah found a hidden world filled with sparkling crystals and glowing mushrooms inside the mysterious cave.

13. Sarah felt a sense of awe and wonder as she explored the cave.

14. After making her magical discovery, Sarah wanted to share it with her friends and family.

15. Sarah encountered wonders such as crystal formations that glittered in the dim light and an underground river that sparkled like liquid diamonds while exploring the cave.

16. Sarah’s discovery impacted her adventurous spirit positively, and she continued to explore the enchanting forest, uncovering its secrets one by one.

Answers 3: Comprehension Passages for Class 6

1. a) In a castle

2. b) Talking to animals

3. c) An injured bird named Rainbow

4. b) Challenges

5. a) Lily’s kindness and bravery

8. Inhabitants

9. Guardian

11. Princess Lily possessed the special gift of talking to animals.

12. Lily was accompanied by a tiny, injured bird named Rainbow on her journey to break the curse.

13. After the curse was lifted, Lily was crowned as the Forest Guardian by the grateful animals.

14. Lily and Rainbow faced challenges such as meeting magical creatures and confronting the evil sorceress on their journey to break the curse.

15. Lily’s kindness and bravery won the hearts of those they encountered, and with the help of her animal friends and Rainbow’s magical song, the curse was lifted, bringing peace to the enchanted forest.

Answers 4: Comprehension Passages for Class 6

1. b) Himalayan mountain range

2. c) 29,032 feet

3. c) Himalayan base camp

4. c) Ganges

8. Roof of the World

11. Climbers face extreme weather conditions, including freezing temperatures and high winds, as they ascend Mount Everest through various camps on their way to the summit.

12. The Ganges River, originating in the Himalayas, flows through the Indian subcontinent, providing water to millions of people and supporting rich agricultural lands along its course.

13. The Himalayas are referred to as the “Roof of the World” because of their towering peaks and the significant heights they reach.

14. The Himalayan mountain range is home to diverse ecosystems, including dense forests at lower elevations, alpine meadows, and snow-covered peaks at higher altitudes.

15. The Himalayas hold cultural and spiritual significance for the people living in the region, with ancient monasteries, temples, and traditions passed down through generations, contributing to a rich cultural heritage.

Answers 5: Comprehension Passages for Class 6

1. b) Nile River

2. c) Nile River

3. b) Pyramids

4. c) Pharaohs

5. b) Hieroglyphics

6. Agriculture

8. Mediterranean

9. Hieroglyphics

11. The pyramids were used as tombs for pharaohs and high-ranking officials in ancient Egypt.

12. Pharaohs were considered divine rulers in ancient Egyptian society. They governed the land, ensured its prosperity, and were believed to have a direct connection with the gods.

13. The construction of the Suez Canal linked the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea, reviving Egypt’s strategic importance in global trade.

14. The Nile River provided fertile soil through annual flooding, contributing to the prosperity of ancient Egypt by supporting agriculture.

15.Ancient Egypt influenced civilizations that followed through its advanced engineering, architectural skills, and cultural practices. The legacy is visible in art, architecture, and writing systems, with hieroglyphics influencing later writing systems.

Answers 6: Comprehension Passages for Class 6

1. c) Festival of Lights

2. b) Victory of light over darkness

3. b) Emperor Shah Jahan

4. b) Marble

5. c) Ganges

9. Flavors; spices

10. Heritage

11. Diwali symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. It is celebrated by illuminating homes with lamps, exchanging sweets, and bursting fireworks.

12. The Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. It is a symbol of India’s architectural brilliance and attracts millions of visitors worldwide.

13. Geographical features of India mentioned in the passage are the Himalayan mountain range, the Thar Desert, and the coastal regions along the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal.

14. The Ganges River is considered one of the holiest rivers in India, carrying religious significance for millions. It is believed to purify sins, and many pilgrims come to its banks for ritualistic practices.

15. India preserves its ancient traditions through traditional dance forms like Bharatanatyam, classical music such as Hindustani and Carnatic, and continuing cultural practices passed down through generations. Additionally, festivals like Diwali and the architectural marvels like the Taj Mahal contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage.

Answers 7: Comprehension Passages for Class 6

1. c) Sun’s energy

2. b) Condensation

3. b) Rain, snow, sleet, hail

4. c) Rivers, streams

5. b) Predicting weather patterns

6. Oceans, lakes, rivers

11. Condensation in the water cycle occurs when water vapor cools down and turns back into tiny water droplets, forming clouds.

12. Once precipitation reaches the ground, some water is absorbed by plants and soil, while the excess runoff flows into rivers, streams, and eventually back into larger water bodies.

13. The water cycle is crucial for maintaining the Earth’s water balance as it ensures the availability of freshwater for plants, animals, and human activities.

14. The sun’s energy drives the water cycle through processes such as evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and runoff. Evaporation occurs when the sun heats water bodies, turning liquid water into water vapor. Condensation leads to cloud formation, and precipitation brings water back to the Earth’s surface. Runoff completes the cycle by returning excess water to rivers and oceans.

15. Understanding the water cycle is significant for managing water resources and sustainable development. It helps in predicting weather patterns, studying ecosystems, and ensuring a balance in the availability of freshwater for various human activities, agriculture, and maintaining ecological health.

Answers 8: Comprehension Passages for Class 6

1. b) Riverbank

2. b) Resilience

3. b) Strength and adaptability

4. b) Growth and change

5. c) Transformation

6. Resilience

7. Breaking

9. Transformation

10. Teacher

11. The changing seasons represented the cycles of life, each bringing its own beauty and life lessons, emphasizing the transient nature of experiences.

12. The trees along the riverbank taught a lesson of adaptability by swaying with the wind while maintaining their roots firmly grounded. This showcased the ability to bend without breaking, emphasizing the importance of flexibility in life.

13. The butterfly symbolized the power of transformation and growth, transitioning from a tiny caterpillar to a delicate butterfly. It conveyed the message that change and growth are natural aspects of life.

14. The river taught the importance of resilience in the face of challenges, the trees symbolized strength and adaptability, and the changing seasons mirrored the cycles of life. Together, they conveyed lessons about persistence, flexibility, and the transient nature of experiences.

15. The overall message conveyed by the passage is that nature serves as a silent but profound teacher, offering lessons of resilience, strength, adaptability, and transformation to those willing to listen and reflect on its beauty.

Answers 9: Comprehension Passages for Class 6

1. b) Storytelling

2. c) Oscar Wilde

3. c) Tales

4. c) Oliver won

5. b) Defeat

8. Humility

9. Birthplace

11. The result of the storytelling competition was that Oliver won, and Oscar Wilde conceded to his extraordinary talent.

12. The encounter with Oscar Wilde became a turning point in Oliver’s life as it inspired him to continue honing his storytelling skills, leading to the birth of his extraordinary storytelling legacy.

13. Oliver possessed the talent of storytelling that made him renowned in the village.

14. Oliver’s storytelling legacy had a profound impact on the village, making it known not only for its picturesque surroundings but also as the birthplace of Oliver’s extraordinary storytelling talent. His narratives enchanted people for years, creating a rich storytelling tradition in the village.

15. Oscar Wilde’s humility, as seen in conceding the storytelling competition to Oliver, inspired the young storyteller. This humility became a guiding principle for Oliver, influencing his journey as a storyteller and contributing to his success. The significance of humility in character, as demonstrated by Wilde, played a crucial role in shaping Oliver’s storytelling path.

Answers 10 :

1. a) Professor Quibble

2. c) Emits ticklish rays

3. c) Laughter

4. c) Town square

5. c) Joy and laughter

6. Invention

7. Laughter

8. Wildfire

10. Invention

11. Professor Quibble’s latest invention was the “Tickl-o-Matic.”

12. The Tickl-o-Matic emitted ticklish rays that made even the grumpiest of people burst into laughter.

13. Laughter became infectious, spreading like wildfire, and transformed the once serious faces of Fantasia into smiles.

14. When the Tickl-o-Matic was activated, the townspeople gathered in the town square, and peals of laughter echoed through the streets. Laughter became infectious, spreading joy and transforming the atmosphere in Fantasia into a lively and happy one.

15. Professor Quibble learned that sometimes, a good laugh is the best invention of all. The success of the Tickl-o-Matic taught him the power of joy and unity that laughter brings to a community.

Answers 11:

1. a) Shantiniketan

2. a) A hidden treasure

3. b) Stories of nature, life, and emotions

4. b) Cleared overgrowth, planted flowers, and created a vibrant space

5. b) Tagore’s Haven

7. Creativity; inspiration

8. aintings

9. Artistic


11. Anirban was inspired by the collection of paintings by Rabindranath Tagore that he discovered in the old, forgotten garden.

12. Anirban and his friends cleared overgrowth, planted colorful flowers, and created a vibrant space to rejuvenate the neglected garden.

13. The garden, “Tagore’s Haven,” became a hub of creativity as artists and nature enthusiasts were attracted from far and wide after Anirban shared the story of Tagore’s forgotten paintings.

14. The once-forgotten garden underwent a transformation through the efforts of Anirban and his friends. It became a symbol of beauty, inspiration, and the timeless connection between art and the soul. “Tagore’s Haven” attracted people from the village and beyond, creating a sense of community and appreciation for art.

15. The story of Anirban and Tagore’s paintings reflects the profound connection between art, nature, and the soul. It highlights how the beauty of nature and the inspiration drawn from Tagore’s artwork can bring people together, fostering creativity and appreciation for the arts. The garden, as a symbol of this connection, becomes a place where individuals can find solace, inspiration, and a shared appreciation for the wonders of the natural world and artistic expression.

Answers 12:

1. b) London

2. b) Robinson Crusoe

3. b) In a bookstore

4. b) The value of resilience and resourcefulness

5. b) In a deserted island

6. Bookstore

9. Resilience; resourcefulness

10. Foliage

11. Tom’s favorite book was “Robinson Crusoe,” and he dreamt of adventures on distant islands and being stranded like Robinson Crusoe.

12. Tom discovered a hidden passage in a dusty old bookstore that led him to a mysterious room. As he flipped through the pages of the first edition of “Robinson Crusoe,” he found himself transported to a deserted island.

13. During his time on the island, Tom learned the value of resilience and resourcefulness as he faced the challenges of survival, building shelters, foraging for food, and making tools from natural resources.

14. Tom discovered a hidden passage in a dusty old bookstore that led to a mysterious room filled with antique books. Flipping through the pages of the first edition of “Robinson Crusoe,” he found himself on a deserted island. There, he faced the challenges of survival, learned valuable skills, and eventually stumbled upon another hidden passage leading him back to the bookstore.

15. Tom’s adventure had a dual nature, being both real and imaginary. The impact of the experience was profound, as he not only lived out his dream of being on a deserted island but also gained real-life lessons in resilience and resourcefulness. The combination of the imaginary and real elements made the adventure a unique and transformative experience for Tom.

Answers 13:

2. b) Shelly

4. b) Sharing the mangoes fairly

5. c) Laughter

10. Cooperation; compromise

11. Olga proposed the solution to distribute the mangoes. The solution was that each friend should climb the tree and pick the mangoes they liked. Once everyone had their share, they could exchange and enjoy the variety.

12. The friends learned from the wise turtle, Shelly, the importance of seeking advice and finding solutions to problems through cooperation and compromise.

13. The friends strengthened their friendship by valuing each other’s preferences and sharing the mangoes. By cooperating and compromising, they not only enjoyed the delicious mangoes but also demonstrated the significance of understanding and respecting one another.

14. The friends faced a dilemma of sharing the mangoes fairly as the tree had many branches with different kinds of mangoes. The solution they adopted was to seek the advice of the wise owl, Olga. Following Olga’s suggestion, each friend climbed the tree, picked the mangoes they liked, and exchanged them to enjoy the variety.

15. The Panchatantra story conveys the moral lesson of the importance of cooperation and compromise in solving conflicts. It teaches that by valuing each other’s preferences and finding common ground, individuals can build stronger relationships and overcome challenges. The friends’ actions in sharing the mangoes reflect the positive outcomes of working together and respecting diverse opinions.

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The Great Train Journey by Ruskin Bond

The Great Train Journey by Ruskin Bond

Table of Contents

“The Great Train Journey” by Ruskin Bond is a delightful collection of short stories that takes readers on a memorable ride through the enchanting world of Indian railways. Published in 2019, this anthology captures the essence of train travel, showcasing the unique experiences, fascinating encounters, and vivid landscapes that unfold within the rhythmic motion of the tracks. With his signature warmth, wit, and keen observation, Bond masterfully paints a tapestry of human emotions and evokes a sense of nostalgia, making “The Great Train Journey” a captivating read for train enthusiasts, admirers of Bond’s work, and those yearning for a literary escape.

Charming Characters

Protagonists and their journeys.

In “The Great Train Journey,” Bond introduces a cast of endearing protagonists who embark on memorable train journeys.

The Great Train Journey by Ruskin Bond

The Great Train Journey by Ruskin Bond From young children to seasoned travelers, each character embarks on a personal journey of self-discovery, encountering new experiences and forging connections along the way. Readers are invited to share in their joys, sorrows, and moments of reflection.

Quirky Co-passengers and Railway Personnel

Alongside the protagonists, Bond introduces a colorful array of co-passengers and railway personnel who add depth and charm to the stories.

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The Great Train Journey by Ruskin Bond From friendly strangers to eccentric characters, these interactions on the train provide moments of levity, wisdom, and unexpected connections, enhancing the richness of the narratives.

Evocative Descriptions and Sense of Place:

Bond’s vivid descriptions transport readers to the heart of train journeys across India. Whether it’s the majestic landscapes of the Himalayas, the bustling cityscapes of Delhi, or the serene beauty of rural countryside, Bond captures the essence of these settings with his evocative prose. The Great Train Journey by Ruskin Bond His attention to detail allows readers to visualize the passing scenery, hear the sounds of the train, and feel the rhythm of the tracks beneath their feet. The Great Train Journey by Ruskin Bond The sense of place created in “The Great Train Journey” is immersive and adds a layer of authenticity to the narratives, inviting readers to embark on their own literary voyage.

Nostalgia and Sentimental Reflections:

Bond’s writing often evokes a sense of nostalgia, and “The Great Train Journey” is no exception. The Great Train Journey by Ruskin Bond Through his heartfelt and sentimental reflections, he taps into the universal longing for simpler times and the yearning for a bygone era. The trains become a metaphor for the passage of time and the fleeting moments that make up our lives. Bond’s nostalgic undertones resonate with readers, evoking a longing for the romanticism and enchantment associated with train travel.

Humor and Wit: Bond infuses his stories with gentle humor and wit, adding a delightful touch to the collection. Through amusing anecdotes, playful banter, and unexpected twists, he creates a lighthearted atmosphere that balances the nostalgia and introspection. The Great Train Journey by Ruskin Bond The humor not only entertains but also serves as a reminder of the unpredictable and often humorous nature of human interactions, even within the confines of a train compartment.

Celebration of Indian Railways:

“The Great Train Journey” is a celebration of the iconic Indian Railways, which have become an integral part of the country’s cultural fabric. Bond’s love for trains and railways shines through his narratives, portraying them as more than just a mode of transportation. The Great Train Journey by Ruskin Bond The railways become a symbol of unity, bringing together people from diverse backgrounds, fostering connections, and serving as a conduit for shared experiences and stories.

“The Great Train Journey” by Ruskin Bond is a charming collection of short stories that captures the magic, nostalgia, and human connections found within the world of Indian railways. Bond’s evocative descriptions, captivating narratives, and nostalgic reflections create an immersive reading experience that transports readers to the heart of train travel. The Great Train Journey by Ruskin Bond With its blend of sentiment, humor, and keen observations,

“The Great Train Journey” is a delightful homage to therich tapestry of train journeys and the indelible memories they create. Bond’s ability to capture the essence of human emotions, his appreciation for the beauty of the Indian landscape, and his skill in crafting engaging narratives make this collection a must-read for both train enthusiasts and lovers of literature alike. “The Great Train Journey” is a literary voyage that invites readers to embark on a captivating and unforgettable ride through the heart and soul of India’s railways.

Q1: Who is Ruskin Bond?

A: Ruskin Bond is a renowned Indian author known for his works in English literature. Born in 1934, Bond has written numerous novels, short stories, and books for children. His writing often reflects his deep connection to nature and his experiences growing up in the Indian Himalayas.

Q2: What is unique about “The Great Train Journey” compared to other works by Ruskin Bond?

A: “The Great Train Journey” stands out from Bond’s other works due to its focus on train travel as a central theme. While Bond’s writing often incorporates elements of nature and his personal experiences, this particular collection is dedicated to capturing the essence of train journeys in India, evoking a sense of nostalgia and celebrating the unique experiences and encounters that occur on trains.

Q3: What can readers expect from “The Great Train Journey” in terms of writing style and tone?

A: Ruskin Bond’s writing style is characterized by its simplicity, evocative descriptions, and gentle humor. In “The Great Train Journey,” readers can expect the same lyrical prose and keen observations that Bond is known for, as well as a nostalgic and reflective tone that creates an atmosphere of warmth and sentimentality.

Q4: Are the stories in “The Great Train Journey” interconnected or standalone?

A: The stories in “The Great Train Journey” are standalone narratives that revolve around the theme of train travel. Each story presents a unique scenario, set in different locations and featuring distinct characters. While they are not directly interconnected, the collection as a whole explores the diverse experiences and emotions evoked by train journeys.

Q5: What audience would enjoy “The Great Train Journey”?

A: “The Great Train Journey” appeals to a wide range of readers. Train enthusiasts, fans of Ruskin Bond’s works, and individuals with an appreciation for evocative storytelling and themes of nostalgia, human connection, and travel will find this collection particularly engaging. The book also offers an accessible introduction to Bond’s writing for those new to his work.

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  • Paragraph Writing
  • A Journey By Train Paragraph

A Journey by Train Paragraph - Check Samples for Various Word Limits

You have not enjoyed your life if you have not travelled by train. There is nothing that can be compared with a train journey. Nothing is more exciting than a train journey and when you are with your friends or family. It is the most exciting and stress-free journey for me. In our school life, we must have been asked to write a paragraph on a train journey experience. Check the samples provided below before you write.

A Journey by Train Paragraph in 100 Words

A journey by train paragraph in 150 words, a journey by train paragraph in 200 words, a journey by train paragraph in 250 words.

  • Frequently Asked Questions on A Journey by Train

Before you write a journey by train paragraph, you can check the samples provided below for your reference and get a better idea about the same.

A long journey by train is just an exciting experience. At times, it can be tiring, but we get a lot of pleasure. I remember when I was in Class 8th, I went to Bangalore with my whole family to spend the summer vacation. Flight journeys might take only a few hours, and train journeys are time-consuming, but I love to travel by train with them. We see a lot of vendors coming in to sell tea, ice cream, biscuits, peanuts, etc. Those are the most exciting parts of a train journey when we buy food and share it with everyone. We meet a lot of new people around us and spend some time with them.

A train journey is the most precious thing for me. It is even more exciting when I am travelling with my friends and family. I remember when I was travelling to Mumbai with my whole family for my cousin’s marriage. It was a great experience for me because it was the second time when I was travelling out of my hometown. It was beautiful to watch people crossing the train, which looked like a train and bike competition, and some kids waved their hands to say goodbye. Compared to a flight journey, sitting on the window seat and enjoying nature is so precious. It is even more beautiful to watch the sunset between the hills while enjoying the evening tea. Every time a tea vendor crossed, my mother would call him and buy us some snacks. Even if you are on a diet, it becomes hard for you to restrict yourself to rush to the food stall in every station. If you are bored, you can read a newspaper or a magazine, a story book, etc.

Train journey is the most exciting and most enjoyable experience of my life. I remember when I was travelling to Bangalore with my friends. My friends were the add ons to my excitement. We were seven friends travelling together and we enjoyed the most in those 24 hours. We were the attraction of all the passengers around us as we engaged them all with different games, music, and dance. We bought food and shared it with them. The beauty of nature can be enjoyed while travelling by train and it is more exciting when you are with your friends or family. When the train stops, we would rush to a food stall and eat different foods of our choice and they gave us immense satisfaction. When the vendors cross by us shouting and repeating all the foods, we would just look at each other and order the food without even a second thought. We would have eaten tummy full but still order the food just to satisfy our cravings. After we reached there, my friend’s family waited for us and treated us really well. But we were not so satisfied with those hours. We shared the contact numbers of our fellow passengers and are still in contact with them.

I have travelled many times with my family. I have travelled by flight, by train, etc. But the most exciting one was when I was travelling to Mumbai with my family. The plan to visit Mumbai was made just to have a great time by train. There was no specific reason to travel or visit Mumbai but the train journey is so fascinating for us that we decided to travel by train. We just spent three days in Mumbai and had a great time shopping but we spent 5 days travelling by train. A train journey can never be compared with any other journey or any other excitement. Travelling by flight would just take a few hours and it is the fastest means to travel and saves a lot of time. But at times, we just miss our train journeys, we miss the continuous calls of the stall vendors shouting biryani, chai… garam chai…, bread omelette, etc. When we miss the train journeys, this chorus would just bounce in our ears. The train would pass through the villages, forests, seas, rivers, etc. This makes the train journey so exciting because we meet nature closely.

While travelling from one place to the other by train, we get in contact with different people. We make new friends, the children enjoy the most, and there are a lot of memories. It is so hard to control our cravings while travelling by train. We would rush to a food stall and buy any food, and parents would not even stop us.

Frequently Asked Questions on A Journey by Train Paragraph

Why is a train journey so exciting.

A train journey is so exciting because we get a lot of time to travel and meet many new people around us. People from different places would be sharing food items and many conversations. We can enjoy the beauty of nature very closely.

How do we write a journey by train paragraph?

You can write a journey by train paragraph by explaining your own experience of travelling by train. You can explain about the kinds of food you had, people you met, etc. in the paragraph.

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the great train journey class 6 exercise

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A Place to Learn English

5 Sentences about Train | 10 Lines on Train in English [2024]

Today, in this article five and ten lines essay on Train in English. This article can help the kids and students who are looking for simple sentences about Train . In these lines, we have tried our best to give detailed information about Train in English 10 points . This essay is very simple and easy to remember.

5 Sentences about the Train in English for Kindergarten, Class 1, Class 2

1. The train is one of the fastest modes of land transport.

2. The train is a great public carrier.

3. It has an engine and many compartments.

4. A train can carry thousands of people at a time.

5. I like to travel by train very much.

5 Lines on Train for students Class 3, Class 4

1. The train is the most important transport in our country, India.

2. It can run very fast on its track.

3. Bullet trains are the fastest train in the world.

4. A train has the capacity for many people.

5. Everyone enjoys traveling by train.

Few Lines [5 Lines] about Train for Class 5, Class 6

1. Train is a public transport carrier.

2. The train runs on a path called railway track.

3. It is very long in size.

4. Travelling by train is faster and cheaper.

5. We can easily cover long distances by train.

10 Sentences about Train in English for Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10

1. The train is the largest transport network in the world.

2. It is a vehicle that runs on a track.

3. A train runs on fuel or electricity.

4. Electric trains get their power from overhead wires.

5. The train has an iron body and many iron wheels.

6. An engine is installed at the front and rear of the train.

7. George Stephenson first invented the rail engine which was later modified by James Watt.

8. There are two types of trains, the first passenger train, and the second goods train.

9. The passenger train which carries passengers and the goods train which takes goods like cement, onion, sugar, etc. from one place to another.

10. It has many berths and it is very comfortable for all.


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