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senior singles travel alone

Singles vacations for over 60s

Solo adventures for 60+ year olds.

Traveling solo in your 60s can be daunting, but whether you are a first time or a seasoned solo traveler, you’ll be in great company. Our trips attract people of all ages from all over the world who love to explore, discover and share their love for travel. Our average small group size is just 11 people and includes around half singles and the rest couples or friends traveling together.  Our trips are perfect for single travelers in their 60s and are graded from relaxed to full-on to make sure that you can explore your chosen destination at your own pace. Wherever you chose, you’ll get to the heart of the destination with the help of our expert local tour leaders .  New to Explore? We’ve answered some of the most-asked questions about joining our tours as a solo traveler.

senior singles travel alone

Adventure vacations for single travelers over 60

Active adventures for solo travelers in their 60s+.

For those who love life on two wheels, take a look at our group cycling tours that are ideal for solo travelers over 60 who would like to explore further without tackling challenging terrain. Whether you'd like to go  Cycling in the Baltic States , where you'll breeze past coastal landscapes and explore castles or journey along the the  backwaters of Kerala  where you'll be spellbound by the authentic sights, scents and sounds of rural India, we'll take care of everything - including your bike - so all you have to do is arrive, and enjoy.

senior singles travel alone

Popular tours for 60+ year old solos

Historic baltic republics.

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Sri Lanka in Depth

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Jordan Discovery

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Amalfi Coast Walking - Agriturismo

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Why take a solo travel tour in your 60s or over with Explore?

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Unforgettable experiences

From big wows to hidden gems, our tours leave you feeling that you've really explored.

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Expert tour leaders

Chosen for their great knowledge of your destination and a passion to make your trip extraordinary.

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Small groups

Average groups of 11; solos, couples and friends, united by a desire for authentic experiences.

Thumbs up icon

Responsible at heart

How we operate sets us apart; our flexible booking policy, our loyalty scheme & sustainable approach.

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Solo Senior Adventures: Tours for Seniors Traveling Alone

Are you a senior looking for exciting travel opportunities? Solo senior travel tours are the perfect solution for those who want to explore the world on their own terms. These tours cater specifically to seniors traveling alone, providing safety, companionship, and tailored experiences that meet the unique needs and interests of older adults.

Whether you prefer guided tours that offer structure and expertise or independent travel that allows for flexibility and freedom, there are options available to suit your preferences. From cultural immersion tours to adventure travel, solo senior vacation opportunities are diverse and cater to a wide range of interests.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of senior travel , the various options for solo senior travel tours , and how to choose the right tour for your needs. We will also provide valuable safety considerations and highlight senior-friendly travel options . So, if you’re a solo senior looking to embark on a new adventure, read on to discover the exciting world of solo senior travel tours !

Key Takeaways:

  • Tours for seniors traveling alone provide safety, companionship, and tailored experiences
  • Options include guided tours for a structured experience or independent travel for more flexibility
  • Senior travel offers numerous benefits for emotional and physical well-being
  • Senior-friendly travel options cater specifically to the needs of older adults
  • Safety considerations and tips are important for solo senior travelers

The Benefits of Senior Travel

Traveling in retirement offers numerous benefits for seniors. It helps improve emotional and physical health, provides opportunities for self-care and self-reflection, and allows seniors to explore new places and cultures. Studies have shown that traveling can improve sleep, increase energy levels, and promote overall well-being. It also provides opportunities for seniors to create new memories, make new friends, and engage in unique experiences that contribute to personal growth and fulfillment.

When it comes to senior travel, the benefits extend beyond just relaxation and adventure. Here are some reasons why seniors should consider traveling:

  • Emotional Health Benefits: Traveling can have a positive impact on mental and emotional well-being. It allows seniors to break away from daily routines, reduce stress levels, and provide a change of scenery that can boost mood and alleviate feelings of loneliness or isolation.
  • Physical Health Benefits: Exploring new destinations often involves physical activity, whether it’s walking through historical sites or engaging in outdoor adventures. This physical exercise can improve cardiovascular health, increase mobility, and enhance overall fitness.
  • Self-Care and Self-Reflection: Traveling offers an opportunity for seniors to focus on themselves, their desires, and their personal growth. It allows them to engage in activities they love, try new things, and discover hidden passions or interests.
  • Cultural Enrichment: Experiencing different cultures and customs can broaden perspectives, enhance empathy, and foster a greater understanding of the world. Seniors can immerse themselves in local traditions, sample diverse cuisines, and appreciate the beauty of cultural diversity.

Senior travel provides an invaluable form of self-care. It allows seniors to prioritize their own well-being, indulge in new experiences, and create lasting memories. Whether it’s exploring iconic landmarks, embarking on a culinary journey, or simply sitting by the beach with a good book, traveling as a senior enables individuals to embrace the joys of life and rediscover their sense of adventure.

“Traveling – it leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta

Traveling can be a transformative experience, offering countless benefits for seniors. From improving emotional and physical health to expanding horizons and fostering personal growth, travel is a form of self-care that seniors should embrace. The world is waiting to be explored, and there’s no better time than now for seniors to embark on new adventures and create beautiful memories.

Options for Solo Senior Travel Tours

When it comes to solo senior travel tours , there are plenty of options available to suit every interest and preference. Whether you’re looking for adventure, cultural immersion, or simply exploring popular destinations, senior-friendly travel companies have got you covered. Here are some popular options to consider:

Adventure Travel for Seniors

If you’re an active senior who enjoys thrill and excitement, adventure travel tours are perfect for you. These tours offer a range of thrilling activities like hiking, kayaking, and wildlife safaris. Explore breathtaking landscapes and push your limits with like-minded individuals who share your passion for adventure.

Cultural Immersion Tours for Seniors

For seniors interested in learning about different cultures and traditions, cultural immersion tours provide an enriching experience. Immerse yourself in local customs, visit historical sites, and engage with the local community. These tours allow you to gain a deeper understanding of the destinations you visit and create lasting memories.

Popular Destinations for Senior Travel

Europe, Asia, and Africa are among the top destinations for senior travel. From exploring historical cities in Europe to discovering ancient ruins in Asia, these destinations offer a wealth of cultural and historical experiences. Whether you’re drawn to the vibrant streets of Paris, the majestic temples of Japan, or the vast plains of the Serengeti, there’s a destination that will capture your heart.

Senior-Friendly Travel Companies

There are several travel companies that specialize in providing senior-friendly tours. These companies understand the unique needs of older adults and ensure that their tours are designed with comfort, safety, and accessibility in mind. They offer well-planned itineraries, comfortable accommodations, and knowledgeable guides to make your solo travel experience unforgettable.

Table: Comparison of Options for Solo Senior Travel Tours

Guided Tours for Solo Seniors

Guided tours are an excellent option for solo seniors who value safety, convenience, and the guidance of experienced professionals. These tours provide a structured itinerary, knowledgeable tour guides, and a group of like-minded individuals to travel with.

One of the key benefits of guided tours for seniors is the peace of mind that comes from having all travel arrangements taken care of. From accommodations to transportation, everything is meticulously planned, allowing seniors to relax and enjoy their journey without the stresses of logistics.

Another advantage of guided tours is the opportunity to learn from local experts. Knowledgeable tour guides provide valuable insights into the destinations, sharing fascinating stories and historical facts that bring each location to life. Seniors can deepen their understanding of different cultures, traditions, and landmarks, enhancing their overall travel experience.

Furthermore, guided tours offer the chance to form new friendships with fellow travelers. As seniors explore together and share unforgettable moments, bonds are forged and meaningful connections are made. Traveling in a group creates a sense of camaraderie and companionship, making the journey even more enjoyable.

“The guided tour was an incredible experience. Not only did I feel safe and well taken care of, but I also had the opportunity to learn so much from our knowledgeable guide. Plus, I met wonderful people and made lasting friendships along the way!” – Jane Smith, solo senior traveler

Many travel companies specialize in offering escorted tours that are specifically designed for solo seniors. These companies understand the unique needs and preferences of older adults, ensuring that the tours are age-friendly and cater to a wide range of interests and activity levels.

So whether you’re exploring the historic ruins of Machu Picchu, strolling through the charming streets of Paris, or embarking on an African safari, guided tours offer a safe and enriching travel experience for solo seniors.

Independent Travel for Older Adults

Independent travel is an exciting and liberating option for older adults who desire the freedom to explore the world at their own pace. This type of travel allows seniors to personalize their itineraries, choose accommodations and dining options that suit their preferences, and engage in activities that align with their interests. Solo travel for seniors opens up a world of possibilities for adventure, self-discovery, and personal growth.

Benefits of Independent Travel for Seniors:

  • Freedom and Flexibility: Independent travel provides older adults with the freedom to make spontaneous decisions, change plans as desired, and experience destinations in their own unique way.
  • Personalized Experiences: Seniors who opt for independent travel can tailor their itineraries to focus on their specific interests, whether it be indulging in local cuisine, exploring historic sites, or immersing themselves in cultural activities.
  • Self-Discovery: Traveling alone allows seniors to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their strengths, and their abilities. It encourages personal growth, boosts self-confidence, and fosters a sense of independence.
  • Connections with Locals: Independent travel enables seniors to interact with locals and immerse themselves in the local culture. This can lead to meaningful connections, unique insights, and a more authentic travel experience.

Tips for Independent Travel for Seniors:

  • Plan Ahead: Research your destination, create a detailed itinerary, and make necessary reservations in advance to ensure a smooth and hassle-free trip.
  • Stay Connected: Maintain regular communication with loved ones by sharing your travel plans, staying in touch through phone calls or video chats, and keeping them updated on your whereabouts.
  • Prioritize Safety: Be aware of your surroundings, follow local safety guidelines, and take necessary precautions to protect yourself and your belongings.
  • Embrace Technology: Utilize travel apps, navigation tools, and translation apps to enhance your travel experience and stay organized.

Embarking on an independent travel adventure allows older adults to embrace the joys of solo travel while enjoying the freedom to create their own unique experiences. It presents an opportunity for self-discovery, personal growth, and the chance to explore the world on their own terms.

“Traveling alone allows seniors to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their strengths, and their abilities.”

Vacation Packages for Single Seniors

Vacation packages specifically designed for single seniors offer a fantastic opportunity for solo travelers to embark on memorable adventures, connect with like-minded individuals, and explore new destinations. These packages provide an inclusive and supportive environment for single seniors, ensuring a safe and enjoyable travel experience.

With vacation packages tailored to single seniors, you can join group tours and have the chance to meet new people who share your passion for travel. These tours offer a balanced blend of planned activities and free time, providing the perfect balance between structure and flexibility.

Accommodation, transportation, and activities are included in these specially crafted vacation packages. This means you can relax and focus on enjoying your trip, without the hassle of arranging every detail. Experienced tour guides are also there to offer guidance and assistance along the way, enriching your travel experience with their knowledge and expertise.

Safety is a top priority, with travel companies ensuring that all necessary precautions are taken to provide a secure environment for single seniors. From safe accommodations to reliable transportation, every aspect of the vacation package is designed with your well-being in mind.

“Traveling alone doesn’t mean you have to be alone. Vacation packages for single seniors provide the perfect balance of social interaction and personal freedom, allowing you to explore the world on your own terms while forming meaningful connections with fellow travelers.”

These vacation packages not only offer the opportunity to discover new destinations but also serve as a platform for personal growth and self-discovery. Whether you’re interested in cultural immersion, adventure travel, or simply enjoying leisurely activities, there’s a vacation package that caters to your interests and preferences.

Recommended Vacation Packages for Single Seniors

These recommended vacation packages offer a glimpse into the diverse array of options available for single seniors. Whether you’re seeking a serene natural landscape, a vibrant cultural experience, or an adrenaline-pumping adventure, there’s a package that aligns with your travel aspirations.

Join a Group, Create Lifelong Memories

  • Make new friends and form lasting connections with fellow travelers
  • Share unique experiences and create memories together
  • Feel supported and included in a community of like-minded individuals
  • Explore new destinations with the guidance of experienced tour guides
  • Enjoy the convenience of pre-planned itineraries and organized activities

Vacation packages for single seniors offer a fantastic opportunity to embark on unforgettable journeys, meet new people, and explore new horizons. Whether you’re dreaming of a luxurious beach retreat, a cultural immersion experience, or an adventurous escapade, there’s a vacation package out there that caters to your desires.

Traveling alone doesn’t mean being alone. With vacation packages for single seniors , you can join group tours, connect with fellow travelers, and have the time of your life while experiencing the world’s wonders.

Solo Senior Vacation Opportunities

Solo senior vacation opportunities offer a world of unique travel experiences for older adults looking to embark on unforgettable adventures. Whether you’re seeking thrilling senior adventure travel options or cultural immersion tours, there are specialized tours designed specifically for solo seniors that cater to a wide range of interests and preferences.

These specialized tours provide the perfect opportunity for seniors to connect with like-minded individuals who share their passion for exploration and discovery. By joining a tour group, solo seniors can form meaningful connections, creating lasting friendships and memories along the way.

Adventure travel options for solo seniors open up a world of possibilities, allowing you to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. From hiking breathtaking trails to experiencing thrilling wildlife encounters, these adventures are tailored to provide both excitement and a sense of accomplishment.

“Traveling solo as a senior has been an incredibly fulfilling experience for me. I’ve had the chance to go on specialized tours that have allowed me to explore unique destinations and immerse myself in different cultures. It’s given me a renewed sense of adventure and the opportunity to make lifelong friends.” – Mary Thompson, Solo Senior Traveler

For those who prefer a more immersive experience, cultural immersion tours offer the chance to delve deep into the traditions, history, and beauty of a destination. These tours provide authentic encounters with local communities and offer a deeper understanding of the places you visit.

From exploring the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru to venturing into the heart of the African savannah on a safari, solo senior vacation opportunities allow you to create cherished memories and discover new passions. The carefully designed itineraries ensure that every moment is filled with excitement, learning, and adventure.

Benefits of Solo Senior Vacation Opportunities

  • Opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals
  • Flexible itineraries tailored to your interests
  • Safe and secure travel arrangements
  • Exposure to new cultures and traditions
  • Possibility of making lifelong friends
  • Embracing the spirit of adventure

Don’t let the fear of traveling alone hold you back from experiencing the world. Solo senior vacation opportunities offer a chance to embark on unique travel experiences, meet fascinating people, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you choose an adventure-filled trip or a cultural immersion tour, these specialized tours ensure that your senior solo travel experience is unforgettable.

Senior-Friendly Travel Options

Traveling becomes even more enjoyable when it caters to the unique needs and preferences of seniors. That’s why many travel companies specialize in providing senior-friendly travel options , ensuring older adults have comfortable and memorable experiences.

Senior-friendly travel options encompass various aspects, including accommodation, transportation, and itineraries. Travel companies understand the physical limitations that seniors may have and make necessary arrangements to ensure their comfort and convenience throughout the journey.

Comfortable Accommodations

Seniors deserve comfortable accommodations that meet their specific needs. Travel companies prioritize senior-friendly accommodations that offer amenities such as easily accessible rooms, grab bars in bathrooms, and elevators for convenience. These accommodations often prioritize safety measures and provide a peaceful environment for a restful stay.

Accessible Transportation

Getting around during travel should be hassle-free for seniors. Travel companies provide accessible transportation options, such as vehicles equipped with ramps or lifts for wheelchair access. They prioritize convenient transportation methods that minimize physical exertion and ensure that seniors can travel comfortably from one destination to another.

Tailored Itineraries

Travel companies go the extra mile to create tailored itineraries that cater to the interests and preferences of older adults. These itineraries include gentle-paced activities and ample breaks to allow seniors to explore at their own pace. From scenic drives to cultural experiences, travel companies curate experiences that are enjoyable and manageable for seniors.

Senior-friendly travel options are available in various forms, allowing older adults to choose what best suits their travel style:

  • Guided Tours: Senior-friendly travel companies offer guided tours that provide structure and support throughout the journey. These tours typically include knowledgeable guides, prearranged accommodations, and transportation, allowing seniors to relax and enjoy the experience without worrying about logistics.
  • Independent Travel Packages: For seniors who prefer more flexibility and freedom, independent travel packages provide the option to explore at their own pace. These packages include carefully curated itineraries, accommodation bookings, and assistance with trip planning, ensuring a comfortable and stress-free travel experience.
  • Specialized Senior Vacation Programs: Some travel companies specialize in creating vacation programs specifically designed for seniors. These programs offer a range of activities, from leisurely walks in nature to engaging cultural experiences. They often provide opportunities for socialization, allowing seniors to connect with like-minded individuals during their travels.

Senior-Friendly Accommodations Comparison

Senior-friendly travel options allow older adults to embark on their travel adventures with ease and confidence. Travel companies that specialize in providing tailored experiences for seniors ensure that every aspect of the journey is designed to cater to their needs, resulting in comfortable and memorable travel experiences for older adults.

Safety Considerations for Solo Senior Travelers

Safety is paramount for solo senior travelers. Whether you’re embarking on a solo adventure or joining a tour, taking certain precautions can ensure a safe and enjoyable travel experience. Here are some important safety considerations and tips for safe solo travel for seniors :

1. Travel Insurance

It is highly recommended for solo senior travelers to have comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost or stolen belongings. Having travel insurance provides peace of mind and financial protection in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

2. Stay Connected

While traveling alone, it is crucial to stay connected with your loved ones. Keep them informed about your itinerary, including dates, destinations, and accommodations. Regularly check-in with family or friends so that they know you’re safe. In case of emergencies, having someone who knows your whereabouts is essential.

3. Research Destinations

Before traveling to a new destination, it’s important to research the area thoroughly. Familiarize yourself with local customs, laws, and potential safety concerns. Reading travel advisories, reviews, and recommendations can provide valuable insights and help you make informed decisions.

4. Choose Well-Reviewed Accommodations

When selecting accommodations, opt for well-reviewed hotels, resorts, or vacation rentals. Look for places that prioritize safety and have positive feedback from fellow travelers. Check for security features such as well-lit entrances, secure locks, and 24-hour front desk service.

5. Be Aware of Local Customs and Safety Precautions

Respect and adhere to local customs and traditions wherever you travel. By being aware of local norms, you can avoid potentially unsafe situations and show respect to the local culture. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the safety precautions recommended for the destination, such as avoiding certain areas or taking precautions against pickpocketing.

6. Consider Traveling in Groups or Joining Guided Tours

For added safety and peace of mind, consider traveling in groups or joining guided tours specifically designed for seniors. Traveling with a group provides an additional layer of security, companionship, and the expertise of knowledgeable guides. It also offers the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals and share memorable experiences.

7. Remain Vigilant and Trust Your Instincts

While exploring new destinations, always trust your instincts and remain vigilant. Be aware of your surroundings, especially in crowded or unfamiliar areas. If something feels unsafe or uncomfortable, remove yourself from the situation. Your intuition can often guide you towards making the right decisions for your safety.

Remember, solo senior travel can be an incredibly rewarding and empowering experience. By considering these safety tips and taking necessary precautions, you can confidently embark on your solo adventures and create lifelong memories.

Choosing the Right Tour for Solo Seniors

When it comes to selecting a tour for solo seniors, there are several important factors to consider. By taking the time to evaluate your travel preferences and match them with the right tour options, you can ensure a rewarding and enjoyable experience. Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect tour:

  • Consider your travel preferences: Think about what type of travel experience you prefer. Do you enjoy a more structured itinerary or do you prefer more flexibility and freedom? Consider if you prefer group activities or if you enjoy time alone to explore at your own pace.
  • Assess activity levels: Take into account your physical capabilities and choose a tour that matches your activity level. Some tours may involve extensive walking or hiking, while others may be more relaxed and leisurely.
  • Check accommodations: Look into the quality and accessibility of accommodations provided by the tour. Ensure that they meet your comfort and safety needs.
  • Evaluate group size: Consider if you prefer a smaller or larger group. Smaller groups can often provide a more intimate and personalized experience, while larger groups may offer more opportunities to connect with a diverse range of individuals.
  • Research expert tour guides: Find out about the expertise and knowledge of the tour guides. Experienced guides can enhance your travel experience by providing valuable insights and information about the destinations.
  • Read reviews and recommendations: Take the time to read reviews and recommendations from other travelers who have taken the tours you are considering. Their experiences can provide valuable insights into the quality and suitability of the tour.

By considering these factors and doing thorough research, you can select a tour that matches your preferences and ensures a memorable travel experience. Remember, choosing the right tour is essential for enjoying a solo senior adventure that caters to your unique needs and interests.

Solo senior travel tours offer a wide range of options for older adults who want to explore the world on their terms. Whether seniors prefer guided tours or independent travel packages, there are numerous choices available that cater to their unique interests and preferences.

These tours offer more than just the opportunity to see new places. They provide safety, companionship, and the chance to create unforgettable memories. From embarking on adventurous tours to immersing in new cultures or simply enjoying a solo senior vacation, there is a perfect travel experience for every senior.

With proper planning and research, seniors can confidently explore the world, make new connections, and embrace the joys of solo travel. Whether they choose an adventure tour, a cultural immersion experience, or a solo senior vacation, they can be certain that their needs will be met and their desires fulfilled. So, if you’re a senior traveler looking for an unforgettable journey, consider the wide range of senior-friendly travel options available and embark on the adventure of a lifetime!

Are there travel options specifically designed for solo seniors?

Yes, there are travel options specifically designed for solo seniors. These tours provide safety, companionship, and tailored experiences that cater to the unique needs and interests of older adults.

What are the benefits of senior travel?

Senior travel offers numerous benefits, including improved emotional and physical health, opportunities for self-care and self-reflection, and the chance to explore new places and cultures.

What options are available for solo senior travelers?

Solo senior travelers have a range of options, including guided tours, independent travel options, and vacation packages designed for single seniors.

What are the benefits of guided tours for solo seniors?

Guided tours provide safety, convenience, and the guidance of experienced professionals. They offer a structured itinerary, knowledgeable tour guides, and the opportunity to form new friendships with fellow travelers.

Is independent travel a good option for older adults?

Yes, independent travel can be a rewarding and empowering experience for older adults. It allows seniors to explore at their own pace, choose their own accommodation and dining options, and engage in activities that align with their interests.

Are there vacation packages specifically designed for single seniors?

Yes, there are vacation packages specifically designed for single seniors. These packages provide an opportunity for solo travelers to join group tours, meet new people, and explore new destinations.

What solo senior vacation opportunities are available?

Solo senior vacation opportunities abound, offering unique and specialized travel experiences for older adults. From adventure travel to cultural immersion tours, seniors can choose from a wide range of options that cater to their interests and preferences.

Are there senior-friendly travel options available?

Yes, many travel companies specialize in providing senior-friendly travel options that cater to the unique needs and preferences of older adults. These companies offer comfortable accommodations, accessible transportation, and tailored itineraries.

How can solo senior travelers ensure their safety?

Solo senior travelers can ensure their safety by traveling with proper travel insurance, having copies of important documents, staying connected with loved ones, researching destinations, staying in well-reviewed accommodations, and being aware of local customs and safety precautions.

What factors should solo seniors consider when choosing a tour?

Solo seniors should consider factors such as travel preferences, activity levels, accommodations, group size, the expertise of tour guides, and reading reviews and recommendations from other travelers.

What are some important points to know about solo senior travel?

Solo senior travel offers a range of options for older adults who want to explore the world on their own terms. With the right planning and considerations, seniors can confidently embark on solo adventures and create unforgettable memories.

Source Links

  • https://www.goabroad.com/articles/adventure-travel-abroad/tours-for-seniors-traveling-alone
  • https://www.goaheadtours.com/escorted-tours/senior-travel
  • https://www.travelandleisure.com/trip-ideas/senior-travel/best-travel-groups-for-seniors

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Partner with us, vacations for singles over 60.

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Many of us are looking to enjoy our newfound freedom in retirement, and we have some ideas to help you explore vacations for singles over 60! While there are many vacation options available for families and couples, sometimes it can be challenging to find a place you can enjoy and relax when there’s so much hustle and bustle.

When you’re traveling solo, you can do exactly what you want to do. Take a hike, sleep in, read on the beach, or explore historical sites—the options are limitless. Get inspired to take a dream vacation for single seniors.

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Adventure Vacations for Single Seniors

If you love discovering new sites, exploring new scenery, and getting acquainted with the local flora and fauna, we recommend adventure-themed trips for seniors traveling alone. Depending on where you go, you can participate in guided tour options—or you can take the trip into your own hands and explore at your leisure.

The best part about adventure vacations for senior singles is that you have loads of options, both state-side and worldwide.

California's Pacific Coast Highway

One of the best state-side adventure trips a single senior could take is exploring California’s Pacific Coast Highway. This trip is a splendid opportunity to enjoy the scenic beauty of the West Coast from the comfort of your own car.

The most popular way to experience this trip is to start in San Francisco and end in San Diego. While you drive, you’ll take in breathtaking views of the Bay Area, local surf towns, rocky coastlines, vineyards, quirky roadside attractions, and so much more. As you make your way to San Diego, we highly recommend stopping to enjoy the fresh seafood in local restaurants, taking a break to watch the sunset, and even stopping for a few days to enjoy California wine country.

If you’re looking to make your own agenda and move at your own pace, this trip will allow you to go when you’re ready, slow down when you want to explore more, and provide you with some unforgettable scenery every step of the day. Sites like California Crossings have DIY itineraries or you can look to book a guided tour through companies like Off the Beaten Path .

If you’re up for an adventure but looking for someone else to handle the specific logistics and details of planning, we recommend finding a tour group designed for seniors over the age of 50 or 60. One great option is ElderTreks , a global adventure travel company designed exclusively for people over the age of 60.

What we love about ElderTreks for single travelers over 60 is that you might start off the adventure alone, but you’ll meet a wonderful group of senior travelers along the journey. The best part of taking an adventure with ElderTreks is that they’ll handle all of the logistics—all you’ll have to do is pay one lump sum for your travel. Your meals, accommodations, tips, and transportation are all included, making it a very easy vacation to budget for and easily one of the best vacations for single seniors.

Explore Ireland by Rail and Road

Looking to soak in some lush and historic views? We recommend taking a jaunt through Ireland. With its well-established railroad lines, you can sit back and enjoy the scenery from a cozy train. No matter where you end up, you’ll discover abbeys, castles, coastal vistas, and picturesque postcard towns.

If you’re looking for modern sites, you can travel to major cities and soak up their artistic takes on food and more. It’s fairly easy to get around Ireland as most locals are bilingual and can provide you with English directions.

There are a number of railroad companies that provide tours, including Railroad Tours Ireland , which offers two nights in Killarney, two nights in Galway, and two nights in Dublin.

Tour Vacations for Singles Over 60

If you’re looking for a vacation for singles over 60 where all you have to do is show up, consider a tour-based vacation. With many options to choose from in the United States and the world as a whole, you’ll enjoy a guided tour or adventure with the opportunity to socialize with a larger group.

The Himalayas

Are you someone who loves breathtaking views and staying active? Join a tour group going to the Himalayas! These mountains are the perfect place to explore the world through a peaceful, relaxing adventure.

Most tour groups provide a mix of activities including hiking, spa treatments, yoga retreats, and meditation. As you’re traveling with a group, this trip can be a particularly good fit for a single senior woman. Plus, one perk of traveling with a guided tour is that you can make new friends with other travelers whom you may not have encountered in any other circumstances.

A trip like this is sure to lead you to your own inner zen — making it one of the best vacations for singles over 60 who are looking to do some soul searching amidst beautiful scenery and culture. You can learn more from Escape Himalaya , TrekkingMart , and Active Adventures .

Machu Picchu in Peru

Your retirement is the perfect time to visit some of the world’s most historic and magnificent sites. Of course, Machu Picchu makes the list as one of the best vacation spots for single seniors because it’s a UNESCO World Heritage Sit e—and one of the Seven Wonders of the World !

Since it’s such a well-established travel destination, there are loads of travel groups that come to share the magic of this ancient Incan citadel and temple. With a large number of group tour options, you can find one that will have just the right level of physical activity for you.

There are opportunities to hike the trail or enjoy a more leisurely view from one of the many rail services. No matter what kind of vacation you’re looking for, there is something for everyone at Machu Picchu.

Kruger National Park, Africa

If you’re an animal lover or have always enjoyed watching nature documentaries about Africa’s incredible wildlife, consider a guided tour to Kruger National Park in Africa. It’s every animal lover’s dream to go on an authentic African safari to see the “big five” and Kruger National Park is known for its sightings of elephants, lions, rhinos, leopards, and buffalos.

Within the park, you can experience the African wild in comfort. With many lodging options, you can book a tour that will grant you your dream vacation complete with all the amenities you’re looking for and more.

And when you book a tour-style trip, it allows you to experience the location—but with the extra element of community, you’ll get to build friendships with other solo travelers over 60 and maybe plan a few more trips together!

Resort Trips For Seniors Traveling Alone

If you’re looking for the best holidays for single travelers over 60, we recommend considering resorts or all-inclusive vacations. There are thousands of all-inclusive vacations for single seniors all over the U.S. and the world, making your destination options almost as endless as the amenities list some of these places offer.

Resort vacations for single senior citizens are the perfect opportunity to relax however you want, play golf, read books, or soak in the sun by a picture-perfect pool or white-sand beach. What we love most about resorts is that you can move through your vacation at your own pace, doing exactly what you want and nothing you don’t.

Lone Mountain Ranch: Big Sky, Montana

If you’re looking for a wild west experience and one of the best senior vacations for singles, Lone Mountain Ranch must be considered. It’s about 18 miles from Yellowstone National Park, and the ranch is surrounded by the Montana Rockies. Just an hour away from the Bozeman Airport, it’s easy and accessible to reach.

With 27 historic cabins, you can find one that’s the perfect size for your needs. Plus, each cabin is equipped with an authentic wood stove, rustic furniture, stunning views, and tucked neatly away into a forested setting.

At Lone Mountain, you can go horseback riding on trails led by experienced cowboys to ensure a memorable and safe experience for all riders. You can also take a guided hike, go mountain biking, or even settle into the stream for some fly fishing. With the water nearby, you can take a canoe or a kayak to see some sights or spend the day relaxing in a tube on your way down the Madison River. They even have outdoor yoga classes, archery, ax throwing, and guided day trips to Yellowstone.

If you’re an active and adventurous single senior who loves nature, Lone Mountain Ranch is one of the best vacation spots for single seniors.

Cavallo Point: Sausalito, California

If you’re looking for a little bit of everything, try exploring Cavallo Point in Sausalito, California. Located at the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge, Cavallo Point is inspired by the 75,000 acres of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.

What makes Cavallo Point stand out as one of the best vacations for single seniors is its stunning views, top-notch dining, and a wide assortment of cultural experiences. With a mix of historical architecture and contemporary design, you’ll stay in a room with a gorgeous view—and you’ll be just minutes away from the San Francisco area.

By staying at Cavallo Point, you can go biking, hiking, running, walking, and enjoy all that the Bay Area has to offer. With lots of outdoor fire pits, take in the views under the stars one night and fill your days with guided hikes, yoga classes, seaplane or helicopter tours, or a sunset cruise. This area is also home to a Healing Arts Center & Spa , so don’t forget to soak in some extra restoration and zen with a spa treatment or two.

Carlisle Bay, Antigua

Carlisle Bay is your classic beach resort located in the Caribbean. Known for being a luxurious location to vacation, Carlisle Bay offers both family and adult-only accommodations, making it a great place for single travelers over 60 to explore with friends or solo for a relaxing and refreshing time.

What truly elevates Carlisle Bay is the wonderful amenities. Their facilities are complete with immaculate tennis courts, spas, fitness centers, and outdoor yoga pavilions. Plus, you’ll enjoy extensive dining options, including four restaurants and three bars on the resort grounds so you can kick back and enjoy yourself. All-inclusive packages make this a seamless and stress-free vacation spot for single seniors over 60.

Vacations for Single Senior Women

If you’re hesitant to take a single trip as a senior lady, we’re here to ease your mind. Although traveling as a single senior woman can be overwhelming, the benefits will far outweigh any worries that you may have. Vacationing as a single senior woman offers you the freedom to enjoy yourself fully. Try planning a trip around your favorite hobbies or experiencing the destination you’ve always dreamed of.

Alaska, USA

If you are a single senior woman over the age of 60 living in the United States, Alaska offers an incredibly exciting vacation—and one that isn’t even out of the country. Enjoy giant whales and sea animals, grizzly and polar bears, and the glaciers in all their glory. Alaskan cruise ships provide accessible accommodations, highlighting the beauty of Alaska’s port cities, Juneau and Sitka.

If you’re less enthused about spending your time on a cruise, consider the Aurora Winter Train , which travels weekends between Anchorage and Fairbanks. Spring is a particularly popular time to enjoy the train as you can watch the Iditarod Sled Dog Race festivities happening in Anchorage.

Bungalows Key Largo: Key Largo, Florida

If there’s nothing you love more than a tropical oasis, consider Bungalows in Key Largo. This all-inclusive, adults-only resort is a magical and relaxing place to stay. Choose from a waterfront bungalow on the tranquil Gulf of Mexico or a bungalow perched among the lush botanical gardens, complete with a soaking tub and an outdoor shower.

At Bungalows, you can choose just how active you’d like to be. Try relaxing watersports, such as kayaking or snorkeling in the protected bay. Or join a beachfront yoga class before visiting the Zen Garden’s Spa steam room, sauna, or massage. To end the day, watch the sunset on the beach or spend your time on a catamaran cruise.

From the bustling downtown Sydney to the rural Outback, Australia is a great country to visit if you’re a single senior woman over 60. Odyssey Traveller offers several senior-friendly group tours, including one to the Southern Highlands and Canberra, to the Blue Mountains outside of Sydney, a tour of Melbourne, and so many more.

As a country, Australia has a charmingly laid-back atmosphere. And thanks to its vast size, Australia offers something for everyone. Try snorkeling or scuba diving near the Great Barrier Reef, enjoy some of the best beaches in the world, and live the relaxed Australian lifestyle.

Vacations for Single Senior Men

If you’re a single senior man over the age of 60, consider planning your own ideal vacation. Many men likely have their own idea of what makes the perfect vacation—so planning a solo trip focused on your own unique interests and hobbies can be a greatly rewarding experience.

Lions Dive Beach Resort, Curacao

For the single senior man over 60 with a love of activity and adventure, look no further than Lions Dive Beach Resort in Curacao. With a hotel located directly on the beach, Lions Dive Beach Resort offers a number of outdoor activities, including diving, swimming, mountain biking, and hiking. If you like scuba diving, you can get your scuba certificate at Lions Dive—and the resort will coordinate your lessons and training.

Plus, the idyllic resort features breathtaking views of the Caribbean sea, several delicious restaurants, and plenty of recommendations on how to spend your senior trip as a single.

Big Cedar Lodge: Ridgedale, Missouri

Although you might not immediately think of vacationing in Missouri, Big Cedar Lodge is a wilderness resort in the Ozark Mountains with an incredible list of amenities, activities, and more. Overlooking Table Rock Lake, Big Cedar Lodge offers cozy accommodations, spectacular restaurants, two full-service marinas, five golf courses, an activity center, a relaxing spa, and countless outdoor activities.

Whether you love golfing, skeet shopping, archery, or hiking, Big Cedar Lodge has something for everyone.

Sedona, Arizona

For active seniors looking for a perfect setting to explore, try Sedona. Surrounded by majestic red rocks and no shortage of hiking trails, Sedona is often hailed as one of the most beautiful areas to visit in the United States.

Although Sedona is well known for its wonderful hiking, biking, and outdoor activities, you can also enjoy Jeep tours or hot air balloon rides to fully immerse yourself in all that the city has to offer. Less than a two-hour drive from the Phoenix airport, Sedona is definitely somewhere to visit if you’re a senior single over 60 looking for a relaxing but invigorating adventure.

Kiawah Island Golf Resort, South Carolina

If there’s nothing you love more than golfing, consider a trip to Kiawah Island Golf Resort on a stunning barrier island off the coast of South Carolina. You’ll probably remember Kiawah from the 2021 PGA Championship. The Resort features five spectacular courses, including Turtle Point designed by the one and only Jack Nicklaus.

Planning an entire vacation centered around golf is a wonderful vacation for single men. Plus, you’ll be close to Charleston so if you want to spend the day downtown shopping or taking in the local sights, it’s convenient and easy to access.

Tips for Seniors Traveling Alone

If you’re new to traveling alone as a senior over 60, it might feel daunting or overwhelming—but the benefits of traveling as a senior solo are countless. Here are a few tips for seniors traveling alone:

  • Start small. One of the easiest ways to get comfortable traveling on your own as a senior is to start small. Pick a few local destinations in your comfort zone—and plan your itinerary. Once you’ve done a local trip, or even a day trip or two, you’ll likely feel more confident and self-assured. If there’s a more intense trip on your bucket list, you’ll be well-prepared for it.
  • Try something new. If you’re in your retirement years and adventuring without a set schedule, don’t hold yourself back from trying something new. Have you always wanted to try something in particular but never did? Now is your perfect chance to explore and experiment.
  • Use technology. Although there might be a learning curve when it comes to new technologies, relying on tech during your travels can be a huge help. From scheduling a ride-share service such as Uber or Lyft from your phone to checking in for your flight with one tap, using technology as a senior single traveling can help alleviate stress and extra work.
  • Make friends. If you have hesitation about traveling alone, consider a guided tour group that caters to senior citizens. Although you may arrive and depart alone, being in a group situation will provide you with friends and acquaintances to spend time with, enjoy a meal together, or even go for a hike or outdoor excursion together.
  • Listen to your gut. When traveling to new areas, pay attention to your surroundings and trust your gut. Try to stay in well-lit, well-populated areas and remain in public spaces. Another great way to support your overall safety is to arrive during the daytime—avoid scheduling your arrival after dusk falls.

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Solo Traveler

Solo travel tips, destinations, stories... the source for those who travel alone.

senior singles travel alone

Travel Solo Over 60: Mature, Strong, and Confident

Janice Waugh

October 10, 2022 by Janice Waugh

solo travel over 60 and enjoy the benefits

Solo travel for seniors is age-defying. In the eyes of others, solo travelers are strong, capable, confident, and, yes, even a little exotic. Travel solo over 60 and the number becomes insignificant.

Be just a little intrepid and your world will tilt on its axis. You'll enjoy experiences you would never have traveling with someone else. Experiences you would definitely not have staying at home.

Solo travel should be Plan A, at least some of the time. It's too good to be simply a fallback position should there be no one with the same interests, time, and money to travel with you.

Solo travel offers the amazing opportunity to pursue your own interests at your own pace without compromise and, at the same time, to access aspects of yourself and the world that are otherwise inaccessible.

It is an experience everyone needs. Click here for our primary post for seniors traveling solo .

a cooking class, great for senior solo travelers

Table of Contents

Travel Solo Over 60: Gain Confidence and More

Solo travel builds confidence for everyone. You're negotiating and navigating everything yourself. How could it not?

However, confidence, for those over 60, feeling strong and capable also comes from the things you do, the people you meet, the conversations you have and, in some cultures, the respect you receive for being older.

Four Ways that Solo Travel Over 60 Builds Confidence for Seniors

  • You explore new interests. Solo travel can be a gateway to new interests. Whether it's music or hiking or discovering (like I did last month) that you like champagne, try something new. Maybe you wouldn't go to a bar by yourself at home, but on the road in a town like Nashville, how could you possibly stay in with all that music around you? Perhaps hiking is not part of your lifestyle, but if you find yourself in the Lake District of England you may just find a new love. From pottery making to yoga, if something has struck you as enticing but unlikely to fit into your lifestyle at home, try it while traveling solo.
  • You are interesting to people of all ages. I find that many people in their twenties and thirties are really curious about me. They seem to look at me as the kind of person they want to be when they get to my age–which, in their minds is very, very old. They see me as bold and welcome me into their conversations. And they often tell me that I am not like their parents at all. It seems I'm an alternative model to them for solo travel as a senior.
  • Your world expands with cross-generational conversations . Talking with people younger and older than I am breaks me out of my limited world and gives me a better understanding of the issues faced by others. They can also amuse me. I remember walking down a street in Italy with an American man in his twenties. He turned to look back at a beautiful young woman who had passed us and said to me, “I love Italian women. They have great junk in the trunk.” Really! To have such access to young attitudes is a wonderful if not a curious and sometimes disturbing thing.
  • Other cultures respect age in ways that North America doesn't . My hair is grey. Given the courtesy I receive in some countries, I have thought that I present as older than I am. Then I realize that it's actually about age being respected more in other cultures. Traveling on a train in India a young man wouldn't dream of moving me from my seat even though I was willing (insisting) and had, by means of a seat shift, taken his. His response was, “but you are our guest.” I suspect someone younger may not have been treated quite so well.

About building confidence over 60, I also recommend this read .

solo travel for seniors

Tips for Seniors Traveling Solo

Traveling solo over 60 is not that different than traveling solo at any age. This means that most of the posts on this site apply to you as well. However, you might want to begin with the posts that are specifically for seniors.

  • Our main post for senior solo travel with trips and advice on safety. Read Solo Travel Over 50: Reasons, Benefits, Destinations & Safety
  • Travel insurance is very important for senior solo travelers. Read Best Travel Insurance for Seniors: How to Find What’s Right for You
  • On living your third act to the fullest. Read Solo Travel in Retirement: Relaunch Life with Surprising Tips
  • Advice from other senior solo travelers. Read Senior Solo Travel: Age Is a Number and No More
  • For advice around medication as you travel. Read How to Manage Medications While Traveling

Image seniors traveling solo on a road trip

Great Destinations for Seniors Traveling Alone

As a senior solo traveler, it's time for a little freedom .  If you have spent most of your life surrounded by and responsible to others, this is your chance to be responsible to no one but yourself. Go to bed when you like. Get up when you like. Eat, drink, wander, explore what you like. Most importantly, go where you want. Here are some ideas.

  • Spectacular Western Canada. I've traveled Western Canada multiple times. The grandeur of the mountains and the friendliness of the people, great hikes, and small towns, made it a great destination. Simple to plan and affordable. You can read about it here  Western Canada Itinerary: Top Things to See and Do .
  • The United Kingdom. The UK has so much to offer. The culture is different but the language is the same, making it interesting and easy. London is a top destination for most of us. I find the center of the city to be very safe. I've walked at night and had no problem. As London typically is a start or end point, check out  Best Places to Stay in London: Accommodation for Solo Travelers . 
  • Road trip!  I love a road trip. I especially love a road trip along the coast and through a rugged landscape and one that drops me into small towns and villages to meet locals. This past summer I took two road trips. One through parts of Canada and the United States and the other in Nova Scotia. To get started, read A Road Trip Alone: Top 10 Tips to Prepare .
  • An educational holiday. One of my goals is to become fluent in French. I have improved greatly by using holiday time for French immersion classes in Quebec City and Lyon, France.
  • A river cruise. A river cruise covers many destinations in one trip with only one unpacking and repacking involved. That makes it easy. But I suggest that you select your river cruise carefully according to your own tastes and interests. Tracey and I have been on a few. Here is some reading for you. River Cruises for Solo Travelers: A Great Option to Consider .
  • Walking trips . My last walking trip was the Isle of Skye in September. On the path, I would stop, take in the view, and find a huge smile stretching across my face. I smile a lot but smiling just because the air and view and exertion are so wonderful is not part of my regular day. I really suggest walking trips. You can be as adventurous as you like.
  • Creative travel . Creative travel is travel for the express purpose of learning something new. It may be cooking or a language, dance or painting. Creative travel helps you enter your destination through the local culture and by meeting locals and learning from them. Read Solo Travel to Creative Destinations: 10 Tips to Go Creative!

solo travel for seniors

And one final comment: don't hesitate to return to places you visited when you were younger. Knowledge gained and life lived over the years will take you to a deeper understanding than you could have possibly had before.

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Publisher Janice: info @ solotravelerworld.com

Editor Tracey: tracey @ solotravelerworld.com

Sales Simon: simon @ solotravelerworld.com

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The content of Solo Traveler and any resources published by Solo Traveler are meant for entertainment and inspiration only. Please note that while we have advertising clients promoting destinations, products, services, trips and tours on Solo Traveler and that we endeavour to only work with companies in which we have confidence, we are not responsible for the delivery or quality of their products or services. Every person and every travel situation is different. Your safety, satisfaction and fun traveling solo are your responsibility alone and not that of Solo Traveler, its publisher, editor and/or writers.

PRIVACY POLICY & DISCLOSURE: In accordance with FTC guidelines, I disclose that I may be compensated if consumers choose to utilize links located throughout the content on this site. Additionally, some posts might be sponsored to support this site. Please do the appropriate research before participating in any third party offers. All opinions are my own. Please read our full Privacy Policy here.

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Senior Singles Tours & Travel Packages 2024/2025

Our 901 most popular senior singles trips. compare tour itineraries from 10 tour companies. 69 reviews. 4.9/5 avg rating., popular senior singles tours.

Provence: The Art of Living

Provence: The Art of Living

  • Explore the 14th-century palace of the popes in Avignon
  • Gain rare access to one of the oldest family ranches in the Camargue, France’s national wildlife reserve near Arles
  • Enjoy a taste of local life in Aix-en-Provence
  • Peruse the stalls overflowing with fresh flowers and produce on market day and sit down to dinner with professionals who live in the city

French Cooking in Lyon, “Capitale Mondiale de la Gastronomie

French Cooking in Lyon, “Capitale Mondiale de la Gastronomie

  • Participate in four hands-on, chef-led classes at area cooking schools
  • Learn during a chateau tasting to identify Beaujolais red wines and enjoy memorable dining experiences, including dinner at the Restaurant Tete d'Oie, owner of a prestigious Michelin star
  • Take field trips to learn about Lyon’s founding as a Roman settlement 2,000 years ago and why the entire city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site famed for its examples of medieval urban planning

Birding Hot Spots: The Wild Side of Sarasota

Birding Hot Spots: The Wild Side of Sarasota

  • Join a birding expert at Fort De Soto Park, an internationally famous and premier birding location on the East Coast
  • Embark on a private boat across the estuaries of Roberts Bay to see the wading birds, mangrove forests and a major bird rookery
  • Discover the unique flora and fauna with your ornithological experts and learn how the Celery Fields were added to the state’s repertoire of birding locales

An Oxford WWI Conference: Remembering The Great War

An Oxford WWI Conference: Remembering The Great War

  • Gain insight into the events of the First World War with renowned experts, authors, historians and broadcasters during a private conference in Oxford.
  • Enjoy the experience of studying at a major Oxford college.
  • Join speakers for discussions of the major events of 1917.

Croatia: Treasure of the Adriatic Coast

Croatia: Treasure of the Adriatic Coast

  • Discover the Rector’s Palace, Franciscan Monastery, Onofrio Fountain and St
  • Blaise’s Church on expert-led excursions through Dubrovnik, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Explore beautiful Mljet Island National Park on a hike through pristine forests and boat ride on one of the island’s saltwater lakes
  • Witness one of the finest examples of Byzantine art from the fifth century at the Euphrasian Basilica in historic Porec

Birding Bonanza

Birding Bonanza

  • View the migration of Sandhill Cranes during an exploration of the Sulphur Springs Valley
  • Enjoy opportunities to spot key species inside the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area, encompassing 57,000 acres teeming with birds
  • Experience premier birding amid the peaks and canyons of the Huachuca Mountains and observe the many water bird species living on and around Patagonia Lake

Wild Africa: Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia

Wild Africa: Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia

  • Feel the spray of the awe-inspiring Victoria Falls and learn about its discovery by David Livingstone.
  • Learn about local conservation efforts as you meet schoolchildren and villagers.
  • Camp under the stars in Hemingway-style tents along the Okavango Delta.

Mallorca: A Hiker's Paradise

Mallorca: A Hiker's Paradise

  • Visit Castell Bellver for breathtaking views over Palma de Mallorca and a lecture on the history of the fortress
  • Explore Palma de Mallorca with a local expert, including visits to the landmark Catalonian Gothic cathedral and the 10th-century Arab Baths in the city’s historic old town
  • Hike to a former monastery and find out about two of its most famous former inhabitants: composer Frederick Chopin and the French writer George Sands

All Senior Singles , expedition cruises, self guided adventures and vacation packages. Find the best guided and expert planned vacation and holiday packages. Read more about Senior Singles

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Small Group Senior Singles Tours

Small Group Senior Singles Tours

Birding in Southern Costa Rica: Motmots to Quetzals

  • Observe brilliantly colored Resplendent Quetzals while they feed on the fruit of the aguacatillo tree
  • Spot nocturnal birds and mammals, including owls, on nighttime hikes
  • Look for water birds and shore birds during a boat ride along the mangrove-lined banks of the Tarcoles River

Pennsylvania Railroads: A Robust History and Heritage

Pennsylvania Railroads: A Robust History and Heritage

  • Uncover the story behind over 100 unique locomotives and priceless pieces of the PA Railroad Historical Collection at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania
  • Ride through the Gallitzin Tunnels and Horseshoe Curve to experience an engineering marvel built in the mid-1800s
  • Venture behind the scenes to learn how massive steam and diesel trains are restored during an expert-led exploration at the Steamtown National Historic Site

The Old Masters: Art Treasures of Holland by River

The Old Masters: Art Treasures of Holland by River

  • Admire the largest private collection of van Gogh paintings at the Kröller-Müller Museum
  • Learn how Delft pottery is made at the oldest surviving factory
  • Explore Rotterdam's Pilgrim Fathers' Church where the Pilgrims said their last prayers before sailing for North America

Walking & Hiking in Idyllic Tuscany and Mystical Umbria

Walking & Hiking in Idyllic Tuscany and Mystical Umbria

  • I enjoy getting my heart going on my bike or on trails
  • Nothing beats the thrill of taking on a rewarding climb or ride on varied terrain with inclines
  • Let’s keep moving — occasional stops only, please

Switzerland in a Nutshell: Cities and Peaks by Train

Switzerland in a Nutshell: Cities and Peaks by Train

  • Board the Glacier Express — Switzerland’s most famous railway — for a journey along mountain landscapes, idyllic gorges and over impressive bridges
  • Weather permitting, enjoy a ride on a cogwheel train for panoramic views of the Matterhorn, or learn about this incredible peak at the Matterhorn Museum
  • Join an expert for a walk through the medieval Old Town of Basel, one of the most well-preserved in Europe

Passport to Southeast Alaska: By Hiking Boot, Kayak & Boat

Passport to Southeast Alaska: By Hiking Boot, Kayak & Boat

  • Take a quiet float down the Chilkat River through its Bald Eagle Preserve landing at a Klukwan village to learn about the Tlingit culture
  • Explore the beautiful wildness of Glacier Bay National Park by boat, on foot, and by kayak! Free time will allow you to explore on your own
  • Travel portions of the Alaska Marine Highway, kayak at Point Adolphus and kayak in Sitka's bays watching for whales, seabirds and otters

Monet to Modern at the Art Institute of Chicago

Monet to Modern at the Art Institute of Chicago

  • Enjoy early access to the museum each morning before it opens to the public, expert-led discussions before original works of art without the crowds and admission to all special exhibitions
  • Explore the Art Institute’s new Modern Wing from the outside, examining its architecture and the spectacular surroundings of Millennium Park on an expert-led architectural walk
  • Get the back story to the largest gift in the Art Institute's history of 42 masterpieces of contemporary art donated by Chicago based collectors and philanthropists Edlis and Neeson

Best Senior Singles Tours by Duration

Tours, Cruises & Private Trips

Best Senior Singles Tours by Price

Top Senior Singles Attractions

Senior Singles Tours & Travel

Senior Singles Attractions & Landmarks Guide

Trip reviews, this part of france is wonderful.

This was the first experience with Road Scholar and it wont be our last. My wife and I felt like we were treated as adults. The tour was something we had looked forw...

It exceeded my expectations

This is a lovely itinerary and overall it was a wonderful travel experience - it exceeded my expectations. The tour leader and local experts were great - very capabl...

Delightful guide, and well organized program

This program expanded my appreciation of Lyon and educated me on the art of French cuisine. We learned by doing -- in the kitchen and at the table! Delightful guide,...

I enjoyed the program overall

I enjoyed the program overall. I didn’t like the choice of food in the Buchon restaurant.,tripe, pig snout,etc. very unhealthy. The rest of the meals were very good....

My wife and I greatly enjoyed it

Just returned from French Cooking in Lyon course. My wife and I greatly enjoyed it. It was extra special for having an excelling group leader and packing in a lovely...

See all Senior Singles reviews

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Tours and Cruises for Single Seniors

senior singles travel alone

Traveling alone can be quite difficult, especially if you're a senior citizen, but fortunately, there are a number of single-friendly cruises and tours for people 60 and over. 

Normally when you book a tour or cruise, you pay a per-person, double occupancy price; if you’re traveling alone, you are charged a higher price, normally called a single supplement. The single supplement is usually quite high—up to 50 percent of the trip cost—because it is designed to recoup the income that would have been generated by a second traveler.

Fortunately, some tour operators recognize that many seniors are solo travelers and now offer "single-friendly" trips. Single-friendly tour groups and cruise lines offer no-cost or low-cost single supplements or provide “guaranteed share” options. By participating in a guaranteed share program, you agree to be matched with a roommate, nearly always of the same sex and smoking preference. In return, your single supplement is waived. Should your tour operator or cruise line be unable to match you with a roommate, you’ll still pay either a reduced single supplement or none at all.

Solo Traveler

Solo Traveler's Janice Waugh and Tracey Nesbitt share their solo travel adventures, tips, and tricks on their appropriately-named blog "Solo Traveler." Whether you're looking for information on where to go or how to avoid the single supplement, this nuts-and-bolts blog can help you plan your trip. The Solo Traveler Deals page highlights upcoming trips aimed at solo travelers. 

Singles Travel International

Singles Travel International offers trips and cruises for all age ranges, but they also offer cruises for singles ages 50 and over several times each year. You can go on safari or get away for a weekend to explore Italy, and you get to choose either a room sharing option or higher-cost private room. Smokers, snorers, and travelers who use a CPAP machine may need to pay for a higher-cost single room if a roommate cannot be found for them. Some trips take you far from medical assistance. Carefully review the itinerary details before you book your tour.

Silversea Cruises is a luxury cruise line that offers reduced single supplements on some of its cruises. Silversea also has a Gentlemen Hosts program on some cruises; single women who want to eat or dance with someone can enjoy the companionship of a polite, polished gentleman. 

Solos Holidays

Solos Holidays offers international trips and activity trips for singles in three different age ranges: over 30, over 40, and over 50—as well as tours for singles of all ages. Because this tour operator is based in the UK, trips depart from London and are priced in British pounds. They offer single rooms and private facilities, and most trips do not have a single supplement.

Tauck World Discovery

Tauck, a luxury tour operator, offers group tours, riverboat and small ship cruises, and rail tours combined with motorcoach tours or cruises. On some trips and river cruises, Tauck reduces or eliminates its single supplement. Check Tauck's Traveling Solo page for an up-to-date listing of discounts on solo travel adventures.

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single travel

Best Trips for Single Seniors

travel for single seniors to Italy



The experience of solo travel takes you on a unique and thrilling journey where you can see the world based on the things you’re truly interested in! As a single traveler, enjoy the flexibility and freedom to plan and choose exactly where you want to go and what you want to see.

The best trips for single seniors include those that offer plenty of excitement and activities to keep you entertained, and are also relatively easy to get around.

There’s a plethora of intriguing activities to uncover on your own, including visiting historic sites and museums, tasting a delicious new cuisine, trying a cooking class, watching a theater performance, and exploring charming neighborhoods.  

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler looking for ideas or it’s your first time venturing out alone, read below for the best cities to visit as a single senior.

cultural solo trip to Florence

The capital city of Italy’s spectacular Tuscany region, Florence is bursting with culture, and architecture from the Renaissance era.  

Wander through the historic district and admire magnificent landmarks, such as the notable Cathedral di Santa Maria Fiore and the medieval Ponte Vecchio bridge.

Stop by the Mercato Centrale, a great spot for single travelers to grab a tasty bite to eat. This bustling open-air food market showcases a plethora of food options, including fresh bread, traditional dishes, cheeses, homemade pasta, and gelato.  

Gain insight into the intriguing culinary scene by visiting a Tuscan farmhouse. Here, you can indulge in a local cooking class, learning the secrets to making fresh pasta and pizza.  

Discover the famous “David” sculpture by the renowned artist Michelangelo, along with a magnificent selection of other timeless art at the Accademia Gallery.

To learn more about visiting this vibrant country, see our Solo Travel Guide to Italy .

weekend solo trips to Charleston

Charleston is a well-preserved city, with its historic center recognized for horse-drawn carriages, cobblestone streets, and pastel-colored homes. This quaint South Carolina city is a fantastic stop, especially for a solo weekend getaway.

Head over to the the Joe Riley Waterfront Park, a bright, green space lined with palm trees. Take a peaceful stroll along the water, and admire the pineapple fountain, a unique centerpiece in this serene park.  

Stop by Charleston City Market, a lively 200-year-old brick market lined with a variety of intriguing handmade crafts, including sweet grass baskets, kitchen goods, and jewelry. Go in the morning to mingle with other seniors. Make a new friend and explore the historic French Quarter together, or even book a horse-drawn carriage tour to uncover the sights downtown.

Riding the funicular in Bergen

Norway’s second largest city is surrounded by soaring mountains, and magnificent fjords. In addition to its beauty, solo travelers can marvel at the exemplary museums, cultural attractions, and lovely views of the sea.  

Ride the charming funicular up Mount Floyen, slowly ascending up the hillside to the top of the mountain. An absolute highlight of the city, capture sweeping views of the city center, nearby islands, and the surrounding mountains.  

Admire the colorful houses and quaint atmosphere at the Bryggen Hanseatic Wharf. Wander through the narrow streets and explore the local shops and the well-restored historic buildings. Make a stop by the Fisherman’s market for a bite, and sample the tasty prepared seafood dishes. 

Join a tour at the Hanseatiske Museum and Schoetstuene to learn about the Hanseatic period and gain insight into how merchants had lived and worked. Experience the setting of a restored wooden building from the 18th century. Norway is considered one of the safest countries in the world, making it a great destination for seniors traveling alone.

beach trips for single seniors to Hawaii

The island of Oahu Hawaii features the perfect mix of exquisite beaches, natural green parks, and shops + eateries for single travelers to discover. With great weather year-round, Oahu is particularly popular amongst older tourists looking to escape winter.

Sit back and relax in solitude at the numerous spectacular beaches, from the famous Waikiki beach, to the more quieter Ala Moana or Fort DeRussy beach. Spend your days swimming in the refreshing waters, or unwinding in the soft sand.  

Escape to an oasis with towering palm trees, refreshing breeze, and lush greenery at the largest park in Hawaii, the Kapiolano Regional Park. Or, take a leisurely stroll through the Foster Botanical Garden to admire over 4,000 species of tropical plants.

On Saturday’s, visit the bustling Farmer’s Market and stroll through the festive display of vibrant flowers, tropical fruits, and ready-to-eat meals.  

woman traveling alone to Edinburgh

Take a trip to Scotland’s capital city, noted for its rustic stone architecture, a magnificent historic district, and an ancient castle.  

Step back into the Medieval Times as you wander through the charming Old Town, with narrow cobblestone streets lined with cozy pubs, historic monuments, quaint cafes and timeless architecture. Solo travelers won’t want to miss the Grassmarket area, a lively market square filled with artisans, top restaurants, traditional food vendors and independent boutiques.  

At the Edinburgh Castle, view Scotland’s Crown Jewels and history at this striking landmark dating back to the 11th century.  

Take a peaceful stroll or relax on the benches along the Princes Street Garden, a stunning park in the city center with plenty of trees, a floral clock, spectacular monuments and an inspiring view of the Edinburgh castle.

Read More for Senior Solo Travelers  

  • Best Vacations for Single Seniors
  • Best Cruises for Single Seniors


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11 Secrets for Successful Senior Singles Travel

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Unforgettable Solo Trips for People Over 50

Wide Angle View of the Village Riomaggiore in Cinque Terre National Park, Liguria Italy


Wide Angle View of the Village Riomaggiore in Cinque Terre National Park, Liguria Italy

Flying Solo

Don't fight the urge to travel in retirement if it means traveling alone. The best trips for solo travelers over the age of 50 provide opportunities to safely go on exciting adventures while meeting new people. Wondering what interesting destinations to add to your bucket list ? We've pulled together unforgettable, wallet-friendly trips, domestic and international, that'll inspire you to hit the road or hop on a plane, train, or boat — or simply explore local attractions — to see the world in a whole new way. Are you looking at other destinations worth sharing? Tell us in the comments.

Related: Bucket-List Spots Around the World Every Traveler Should See at Least Once

San Miguel Mission in Downtown Santa Fe, New Mexico

Get Inspired in Santa Fe, New Mexico

With its warm, dry climate and copious outdoor adventures, rich cultural history, and vibrant arts and culture scene, it's no wonder Santa Fe — the oldest state capital in the U.S. — is such a hit with the 50-plus crowd. Single travelers can immerse themselves in the community by visiting the historic plaza , which dates back to the early 1600s and hosts a wide range of events, from markets to concerts. History buffs can tour the San Miguel Mission, various museums focused on the region’s Native American traditions, and the nearby Puye Cliff Dwellings, once home to more than a thousand Pueblo people. The Spanish colonial adobe city in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains is also more saturated with art galleries and museums than almost anywhere else in the world — all within walking distance or a short drive from the town square.

Related: Travel Discounts for Seniors

Horse and Carriage in Charleston Downtown District, South Carolina

Discover Charleston, South Carolina

Deemed the region's best city , Charleston is oozing with history and hospitality — from charming buildings and walkways to friendly locals. Solo senior travelers, even those with limited mobility, will find it easy to get around and connect with others through the Southern city's varied group tours , from ghostly graveyard walks to food tours to history lessons via horse-drawn carriage, boat, or bus. For a city so closely tied to the American Revolution and Civil War, it's also surprisingly contemporary; its restaurant and boutique hotel scene is reinventing itself constantly, making it a popular spot for weekend exploring. It's also loaded with free and cheap fun .

Related: Ways to Save Money When Traveling Solo

Washington Monument Being Reflecting on the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool in Washington, D.C. at Dawn

Visit the Nation's Capital

Considering its cultural, architectural, and historical landmarks, every American should visit Washington at least once. Entrance to noteworthy museums  such as the National Museum of Natural History and National Air and Space Museum is free, and visiting iconic memorials along the National Mall and many other free activities  can give budget-conscious travelers a big bang for their buck. For an inexpensive, flexible, and relatively easy way to navigate the city's many attractions, go on a hop-on, hop-off sightseeing tour — even a night tour of the capital city’s illuminated monuments and memorials. You might meet a potential travel buddy or a new friend along the way.

Holland America Cruise Ship MS Noordam Sailing Into Skagway, Alaska at Dawn

Embark on an Alaskan Cruise

For a vacation within the U.S., a cruise through Alaska's  ruggedly beautiful wilderness can be as relaxing or as active as you'd like. Midsize cruises through Alaska’s Inside Passage — a coastal waterway boasting wildlife and lush scenery — can access ports that aren't open to larger ships. Sail through Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve  for unrivaled views of Alaska's massive glaciers, fjords, and cascading waterfalls. Adventurous types can fill their itineraries with excursions: skiing, mountain biking, ice-fishing, whitewater rafting, helicopter tours, and train rides through majestic mountain ranges and charming Alaskan towns.

Among the many benefits of membership with AARP  are discounts on cruises as well as savings on scores of senior products and services. Expedia even hosts a dedicated AARP Travel Center.

Pacific Coast Highway, Highway 1, at the Southern End of Big Sur, California

Traverse California's Pacific Coast Highway

A scenic road trip can be an excellent, budget-friendly way to explore stretches of the U.S.  you've never seen. From San Francisco to San Diego, California's Pacific Coast Highway — or California Highway 1 — provides a glimpse of some of America's most dramatic coastal vistas. Take in Bay views and the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco before heading south to San Diego, winding slowly through surf towns with fresh seafood, state parks touting a range of outdoor activities, the rugged mountains and cliffs of Big Sur (between San Simeon and Carmel), vineyards, kitschy roadside attractions , and more.

Pier at a Beach in Key West, Florida During Sunset

Relax in the Florida Keys

For travelers who want to relish a slower-paced vacation, Key West calls. Renowned for its laid-back attitude, pastel-colored houses, and coral reefs, the southernmost city in the continental U.S. is a slice of the Caribbean. Because of its proximity to Havana, it's also a tropical paradise with delicious Cuban-inspired cuisine. Be sure to sample the island's beachfront eateries and take a day trip to Dry Tortugas National Park.

Best Places to Travel After Christmas

Explore the U.S. National Parks

From scenic drives through forests and wildflowers in the Great Smoky Mountains to ranger-led nature walks amid Yellowstone's geysers  to canoeing through the Grand Canyon, the marvels of U.S. national parks are accessible to travelers with a range of interests and physical abilities. Seniors (ages 62-plus) can buy a lifetime senior pass  for $80 (or annual pass for $20) and visit more than 2,000 federal recreation sites, including national parks, wildlife refuges, forests, and grasslands. After an inspirational and wallet-friendly trip to one or many national parks across the country, you'll return home with a newfound respect for nature and the world around you.

Related: Money-Saving Tips for Visiting National Parks

Train on the Canadian Pacific Railway Moving Along Bow River in the Canadian Rockies, Banff National Park

Ride a Train Through the Canadian Rockies

Admire the stunning natural landscape of the Canadian Rockies from the comfort of a train car. A rail journey from Banff to Vancouver (or vice versa) through western Canada's snowcapped mountain region via the top-of-the-line Rocky Mountaineer  features gourmet meals, plush seating, and glass-domed observation cars and open-air vestibules for unobstructed views of the region's dramatic peaks and glacier-fed turquoise lakes. Meals and overnight hotel accommodations are included, and travelers can customize their trips, which run April through October, by booking optional sightseeing tours and cruises to enjoy even more of the= scenery in and around national parks such as Jasper and Banff. 

Related: Spectacular Train Trips Across America and Beyond

Cruise Over the Rhein River Near the Medieval Town Cochem, Germany

Enjoy a Leisurely European River Cruise

For many travelers, river cruises offer leisurely sightseeing without all the time and effort that goes into planning (and executing) the perfect multi-country trip — and different views outside the window every day. On popular and affordable European river cruises  along the Danube, Rhine, Seine, and Rhône using smaller, hassle-free vessels, the destination is truly the journey itself. The easygoing pace on deck reflects the meanders through picturesque landscapes, and passengers can partake in a variety of shore excursions while docked in historic cities. Bike rides through medieval towns, vineyard wine tastings, and tours of spectacular bankside castles are an intimate way to explore Europe.

Aurora Borealis in Lapland, Finland

Witness the Northern Lights

Seeing the kaleidoscopic northern lights known as the aurora borealis is an often elusive, potentially once-in-a-lifetime opportunity — considering appearances can be unpredictable, based on weather, darkness, and solar activity. But there are many exciting destinations  for viewing the spectacular natural light show. From Alaska to Sweden, guided tours accommodate seekers of this remarkable natural phenomenon and other invigorating outdoor activities such as husky trekking in the Arctic wilderness and soaks in hot mineral springs.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Experience Machu Picchu in Peru

Retirement trips are the perfect excuse to visit some of the most amazing cultural sites around the world, and Machu Picchu — a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the Seven Wonders of the World — should be on every adventure traveler's bucket list. Join a guided group tour  for help planning the trip and a chance to meet new people while visiting the awe-inspiring, ancient Incan citadel and temple set high in the Andes Mountains in Peru. There are many ways to reach the ruins , depending on your fitness level. Active retirees can hike along the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu or take a luxurious, scenic train ride from Cusco via a rail service such as the Pullman-style train Belmond Hiram Bingham .

African Safari at Sunset in Kruger National Park, South Africa

Spot Wildlife on a South African Safari

Get up close and personal with wildlife on a bucket-list-worthy safari adventure in South Africa. With most days spent in all-terrain vehicles observing the " Big Five " roaming the boundless landscapes, excursions are often low impact and popular with budget-conscious boomers. Book a fully guided safari package through Kruger National Park , one of Africa’s largest game reserves, or another affordable day or multiday Cape Town safari adventure . Other attractions include vineyard tours, beach getaways, and a tram ride up Table Mountain.

Related: Places to Safely See Wild Animals Up Close

Find Your Bliss in Italy

Rent a villa to experience Tuscany for a month, hike through the centuries-old seaside villages of Cinque Terre, or wander Rome's world-renowned art museums and ancient ruins. People ages 50-plus traveling solo have their pick of beautiful Italian cities, coastal villages, and countryside towns. If going alone is overwhelming, companies specializing in international group trips and activities for singles 50 and over — such as  Singles Travel International , U.K.-based Solos Holidays , and Tauck World Discovery — can help plan a getaway to Italy, and some offer room-sharing options and trips free of the single supplement fee .

The Alamo in San Antonio, Texas

Kick Your Heels Up in San Antonio

For those traveling within the U.S., Texas cities are affordable places to explore. In particular, San Antonio — not long ago ranked No. 16 among the best cheap vacation destinations by U.S. News & World Report — is a must-visit spot in the state. San Antonio's burgeoning restaurant scene, the Alamo historic site (the five area missions are Texas' only UNESCO World Heritage site), and the nearby Natural Bridge Caverns make it a unique place to explore on a budget. With its famed River Walk, San Antonio is also pedestrian friendly.

Aerial of the City Center in Prague, Czech Republic

Czech Out Prague

While there are many amazing places  to visit in the Czech Republic, the capital city of Prague is the perfect, inexpensive European city for solo travelers, even for those new to going it alone, no matter the season. Excellent public transportation and Uber make getting around convenient; you can communicate in English in most places; and there are plenty of offbeat hostels for bumping into like-minded travelers. The beautiful, walkable city brims with history and art. Visit the "largest coherent castle complex in the world," the Prague Castle , and take in unique public art such as  the bizarre sculpture  of David Cerny. Then fill up on cheap hearty meals and beer after all the sightseeing.

Branson, MO

Tap Your Toe in Branson, Missouri

There were several reasons Branson, a vacation town deep in the Ozark, became a magnet for relocating seniors during the pandemic, including its affordability. But it doesn't hurt that it's a top destination for live music, especially in country and related genres, and that makes it magical for aficionados to visit. Between shoes, hit the links for a round of golf, cruise the lakes, explore the History of Fishing Museum, and just plain relax. Are you an Elvis fan? Visit in the spring for the annual Elvis festival (March 24-26, 2023). Coupons and discounts for shows, restaurants, and activities come with a Branson Premium Coupon Package  and senior discounts on lodging are available at local resorts and hotels.

Related: Bucket-List Destinations for Music Lovers


Soak up Some Sun in Mazatlán, Mexico

There are 50 miles of beautiful beaches serving this storied town on the central Pacific coast as well as plenty of cheap, casual dining and historic attractions to explore, not to mention hiking, bird-watching, and all sorts of water sports. Free things to do in the area for a cheap beach vacation include exploring the Malecón boardwalk, one of the longest in the world, looking around Old Mazatlán, and stopping by the El Faro Lighthouse, one of the highest in the world — and now including a glass-bottom lookout. Mazatlán is practical, too:  Budget hotels  abound, with even three-star hotels well under $100 per night, and all-inclusive resorts can be had for less than $200 a night for a solo traveler. An international airport puts it all within easy reach.

New Luxury 5 Star Celebrity Estate, Scottsdale, Arizona

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senior singles travel alone

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Best Cruises for Single Seniors in 2024


Overall Rating:

Singles Travel International

What Are Singles Cruises for Seniors?

If you’re a senior who enjoys solo travel and meeting new people, you might want to book a singles cruise. These adventures can be a great way for older adults to enjoy traveling alone at surprisingly affordable prices. Beyond singles cruises, you can also look into general cruise lines that cater to the older set.

Pro Tip: To learn more about my favorite cruises, read my guide to the best cruises for seniors .

The Advantages of Singles Cruises for Seniors

Singles cruises for seniors offer many benefits, such as discounted room prices, wine tasting, and onboard entertainment –– not to mention plenty of opportunities to meet other singles.

Less planning

Since most singles cruises are all-inclusive, you don’t have to worry about last-minute itinerary planning. Most singles cruises provide a day-by-day itinerary with information on daily activities, events, and excursions. For those who want an adventurous time without having to plan, a cruise is a great option. Personally, planning travel makes me anxious, so I love handing the process over to the professionals.

Meeting new people

A singles cruise is designed to cater to people of all ages who are looking to meet new people. If you’re recently divorced or looking for a new relationship, a singles cruise offers an opportunity to meet others in a similar position. These cruises will often have programs like speed dating and dances to help facilitate interactions. Plus, some cruises cater to singles specifically, giving you a discount or “single supplement.”

Courses and events

Singles cruises offer plenty of great activities, such as wine tastings, chef-prepared meals, dancing, pool parties, concerts, and group exercises. All of this helps make it easier to meet new people.

  • Viking Ocean Cruises : Best Overall Value
  • Singles Travel International : Made for Singles
  • Silversea : Luxurious and All-Inclusive
  • Tauck World Discovery : Great Expeditions
  • Holland America Line : 35-Day Trips
  • Solos Holidays : Social Activities
  • Cunard : Great Onboard Entertainment
  • Riviera River Cruises : Great for Solo Travelers
  • Regent Seven Seas Cruises : Discounts Available

1. Viking Ocean Cruises - Best Overall Value

What we like most:.

  • Wide range of trips
  • Luxurious suites
  • Excellent customer service
  • Risk-free guarantee

Cost: $799+ per person

Viking offers river, ocean, and expedition voyages on all seven continents. I could choose from a variety of cruise destinations, including Scandinavia, Northern Europe, Asia, and Australia. As the world’s leading small-ship cruise line, Viking Ocean Cruises has a fleet of new, state-of-the-art ocean ships, ranging from Viking Star to Viking Saturn. Each ocean ship can carry up to 930 adult guests for an intimate experience and longer overnight stays at ports. With so many adults on a boat, it was easy for me to meet people, especially at meal times.

To book a cruise, I simply visited the Viking website and selected the region, departure date, and duration of my stay. If you’re looking to travel to Scandinavia and Northern Europe for a duration of 12 days, you can choose your sail date and include a promo code to get the best deals. You can also select the number of guests and specify the type of stateroom or suite you would like to book.

Viking Ocean Cruises offers a risk-free guarantee for guests, allowing you to change your cruise date up to 14 days before your departure. Viking will also waive any change fees. Other features of this cruise include spacious veranda staterooms and suites. In addition to a variety of destinations, Viking Ocean Cruises offers special savings on both airfare and cruise costs.

FYI: Cruises aren’t the only way to meet that special someone. Consider trying one of the best dating websites for seniors .

2. Singles Travel International - Made for Singles

  • Made specifically for singles
  • Worldwide destinations
  • Meet-and-greets onboard
  • Online community

Cost: $7,173 average, but ranges from $2,398 to $14,779

With affordable (comparatively speaking) cruises starting at $2,398 per person, Singles Travel International is a tour agency that offers fun cruise destination trips for single seniors over the age of 50. With several destination options ranging from Antarctica, Africa, and South America, seniors can enjoy a fun solo getaway at affordable prices.

With over 28 years in business, Singles Travel International offers great savings on single supplements, free membership, and fun singles cruise meet-and-greets and cocktail hours. Other benefits include an option to find a travel companion and ongoing promotions and discounts.  For example, when I was booking my trip, I could’ve saved thousands by getting a premium membership. This is a good option if you think you want to take cruises more regularly.

Plus, when I signed up for a free membership, I got a $50 discount on my first vacation and free access to its online community for senior singles over the age of 50.

3. Silversea - Luxurious and All-Inclusive

  • Made specifically for seniors
  • Generous all-inclusive options
  • Onboard spas and fitness centers
  • Gourmet dining

Cost: $3,600+ per person

If you’re looking to pamper yourself with a luxury cruise, Silversea provides amazing shore excursions and all-inclusive service covering 900 destinations. Although pricing is on the high side, you can still find plenty of great deals on both airfare and transfers. With Silversea, you can travel and explore new destinations like the Galapagos Islands, Asia, and Alaska –– all while enjoying the views from your luxury oceanview suite.

Booking as a solo traveler, I received a 25 percent single supplement on some voyages, which means a 25 percent discount. Not every cruise line offers this discount, as each room can support two people, typically.

You can choose from all-inclusive cruises or special Silversea Expeditions luxury cruises if you’re looking to travel to remote regions. Some of the benefits of choosing Silversea include complimentary beverages, gourmet dining, shore excursions, and educational lectures on the places you’re visiting. As someone who loves to learn, I found this trip both educational and fun, not to mention delicious.

With Silversea’s all-inclusive offerings, you’ll also enjoy personalized services with butler service for all its suites. Additionally, you’ll have access to a luxurious spa and fitness center, along with a beauty salon and acupuncture services for older adults with arthritis or back pain. It was lovely to have a spa to come home to after a long day exploring!

4. Tauck World Discovery - Great Expeditions

Tauck World Discovery

  • Extensive guided land tours
  • River and ocean cruises
  • Fine dining
  • Panoramic sun decks

Cost: $3,990+ per person

Looking for a solo getaway? Tauck World Discovery offers solo cruise adventures for older adults. Consider booking a solo trip on one of its European River Cruises, with prices starting at $4,390 per person for eight- to 25-day tours. In addition to river and small-ship cruises, Tauck offers guided land tours in destinations like Africa, Canada, Israel and Jordan, and Latin America.

We recommend solo travelers book one of the European River Cruises. For example, I was interested in the longest, Grand European Cruise, a 25-day cruise that hits Amsterdam, Budapest, Vienna, Nuremberg, Regensburg, and Koln. It starts at $13,990. I like this cruise because it will allow me to see nine European countries and stay three nights in Bucharest. Altogether, I am going to see these countries:

  • Netherlands

Other features and benefits of booking a cruise through Tauck is that you’ll enjoy unlimited complimentary beverages, fine dining, and amenities such as a fitness center, spa, and sun deck featuring panoramic views of the river. For the European River Cruises, some of the destinations include the Danube, Douro, and Rhone rivers.

5. Holland America Line - 35-Day Trips

Holland America Line

  • Trips up to 133 days long
  • Helpful smartphone app
  • Onboard casinos
  • Wine tastings

Cost: $499+ per person

With 149 years in business, Holland America Line offers 19 cruise destinations with over 473 ports. If you’re looking for an affordable cruise option, I recommend traveling with Holland America Line. Its Worry-Free Promise program gives guests the chance to change their cruise plans or cancel for any reason up to 30 days before departure if you or a travel party tests positive for COVID-19.

Holland America Line has a fleet of 11 classic ships with destinations and ports in Alaska, Europe, the Panama Canal, Asia, and more. You can choose from seven- to 133-day cruise trips, depending on your destination and travel needs. The longest cruise goes from pole to pole, leaving and departing from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. If you’re a single senior, you’ll love the amenities the cruise ship offers, such as classical cruise ship music, theatrical shows, concerts, and other live entertainment.

Some of the additional features of this cruise line include spacious suites and staterooms, along with unique dining options and a casino. You can also use its free mobile-friendly app to personalize your cruise experience and browse your planned activities for the day. Depending on the cruise ship you choose, you can also participate in wine tastings and cooking demonstrations.

Did You Know: Before you head for the sea, be sure to have your travel insurance in order.

6. Solos Holidays - Social Activities

Solos Holidays

  • Caters to solo travelers
  • Great onboard entertainment
  • Spacious rooms
  • Ample social activities

Cost: $261+ per person

Solos Holidays caters to solo travelers who enjoy going to exciting destinations while meeting new people. Based in London, this company focuses on “singles holidays” and offers a wide selection of destinations across the globe. Some of the cruise destinations include Europe, Australia, Asia, and Africa.

I recommend going on A Taste of the Fjords. I departed from London and spent seven nights in Norway (prices start at $1,420 per person). On the ship, dining and entertainment options were plentiful, and the destinations — Bergen, Flam, and Stavanger —  were beautiful and picturesque. Plus, as a single, it was nice being with a group of eight and a tour leader, as I didn’t feel lonely. This is one of the more affordable cruise options, which is always appreciated.

7. Cunard - Great Onboard Entertainment


  • Low starting prices
  • Orchestra performances
  • Onboard libraries and gyms
  • Planetarium shows

Cost: $699+ per person

Cunard provides luxury cruise services across the globe. In fact, in the past, it has had esteemed guests like Elizabeth Taylor and Charlie Chaplain onboard its ships. Depending on the type of vacation and travel experience you’re looking for, you can anticipate spending around $699 per person for an English cruise to up to $2,199 per person for a Caribbean cruise. This is incredibly affordable, as cruises can cost tens of thousands of dollars, which is not in my budget. Here are the prices I saw when I looked in October 2023:

When you book a cruise with Cunard, you’ll enjoy amenities such as afternoon tea, live orchestra performances, and events moderated by prolific speakers. In addition to spacious open decks and Broadway-style shows, seniors will enjoy a packed itinerary of events and activities.

Other features include twice-daily turndown services, concierge services, personal butlers, great dining options, and complimentary room service. Guests can also enjoy group dance classes, planetarium shows, and access to the library and gym facilities.

We recommend choosing one of its seven-day transatlantic cruises onboard its Queen Mary 2. The best part is you’ll have access to live performances from the Royal Shakespeare Company, along with various accommodations to make your stay enjoyable. Cruises start at $849 per person for a Christmas 2023 voyage.

8. Riviera River Cruises - Great for Solo Travelers

Riviera River Cruises

  • Luxurious amenities
  • Niche destinations
  • Flexible trips

Cost: $899+ per month

Riviera River Cruises offers several river cruises in Europe and other destinations around the world. Solo travelers can expect to pay around $899 to $5,479 for longer-duration trips.

If you enjoy solo traveling without sharing a room, then we’d recommend the Rhine, Strasbourg & Heidelberg River Cruise for Solo Travelers. This eight-day cruise starts at $2,449 per person and features eight guided tours, a live classical quartet recital, daily meals, and five-star services. For this particular cruise, you’ll embark in Cologne and visit destinations like the Rhine Gorge and the historic Mainz port. Plus, there are departures aimed at solo travelers specifically, which start at $2,749 per person. Unfortunately, there’s no single supplement, but there are also no additional fees; I paid the listed price, which was a welcome departure from other cruise lines and their many hidden fees.

When you choose Riviera River Cruises, you’ll enjoy amenities and features like daily morning and afternoon tea and coffee, along with full daily meals, complimentary Wi-Fi, and the option to extend your cruise. Other benefits include access to an expert cruise director and concierge services to help make for an enjoyable stay.

Pro Tip: To start planning your next trip, be sure to check out my rundown of the best travel destinations for seniors .

9. Regent Seven Seas Cruises - Discounts Available

Regent Seven Seas Cruises

  • Over 450 ports
  • Great discounts
  • Spacious accommodations
  • Tours up to 21 days in length

Cost: $6,074+ per person

Regent Seven Seas Cruises offers all-inclusive luxury travel around the world, with over 450 ports of call. Each ship can carry up to 750 guests, with destinations in Africa, Arabia, Alaska, Asia, and the Mediterranean. The average price with the single supplement ranges from $6,074 per person from Cape Town to Rio De Janeiro to as high as $12,562 for an 18-day cruise from Sydney to Singapore.

Not every cruise line offers discounted prices for singles, so although these prices are on the higher side, they’re a good option for singles who want a more luxurious experience and have the funds for it.

Some of the benefits of choosing a cruise from Regent Seven Seas Cruises include all-inclusive fares, free open bars, and unlimited beverages, along with free access to specialty restaurants. You’ll also receive free unlimited internet and up to a 50 percent discount for a reduced single supplement for select suite categories.

Bottom Line

If you’re single and want to meet new people, a cruise can be a great way to step out of your comfort zone. Many cruises cater to solo travelers and single seniors, providing ample opportunities to participate in mixers, galas, and other activities aboard a ship. Many cruise lines will often offer great discounts for those who book one-passenger trips, so be on the lookout for those deals throughout the year.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. There are many singles cruises for seniors to book throughout the year.

Cruise lines that don’t allow kids include Viking Cruises, Virgin Voyages, and P&O Cruises.

Amie has been writing about senior care products and services for the last decade. She is particularly passionate about new technologies that help improve the quality of life for seniors and their families. Seeing her parents and grandparents age made Amie ask herself, “Would this be good enough for my loved ones?” In her spare time, Amie enjoys outdoor adventures and spontaneous road trips. Learn more about Amie here

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Where Do Older Singles Vacation? Best Solo Trips for Seniors

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Many people dream of traveling once they get older and have more time for leisure activities. But that doesn’t make the idea of vacationing solo any less intimidating, particularly for those who’ve yet to travel alone. If you’re looking to choose one of the best solo trips for seniors, and wondering, “Where do older singles vacation?”, there’s no need to panic. We’ve rounded up everything you need to know here. So, get ready to pack your bags and book those discounted flights .

What Are the Best Solo Trips for Seniors?

Technically, there isn’t a single best vacation for seniors. Instead, the best trip for you boils down to your unique needs and preferences. Any excursion could be an excellent match. If you enjoy lounging on the beach, an all-inclusive resort might be your perfect fit. But if you’d rather get your heart pumping a bit while exploring a unique destination, an adventure vacation might be more your speed. 

For some seniors, a trip to a National Park can be a lot of fun. Getting outdoors is reward enough , but, to make things even better, retirees often have access to a range of discounts through the Senior Pass , making any trip to one of America’s parks all the more affordable.

senior singles travel alone

Others may prefer heading to the Caribbean to relax and rejuvenate. Whether you fly in directly or take a cruise to the area, the sandy beaches and blue waters are perfect for getting away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

Speaking of cruises, a jaunt over to Alaska is a common bucket list destination for Americans who want to see breathtaking glaciers, unique wildlife and stellar landscapes. But a European river cruise can be just as fun in its own way.

To start planning your perfect solo vacation, begin by envisioning what your ideal destination has to offer. Then, factor in the other variables — your physical abilities, medical needs, budget and more. That way, you can narrow down your options more effectively, making it easier to choose the best vacation spot. 

Best All-Inclusive Vacations for Singles Over 50

There is a wide array of all-inclusive vacation options that specifically target singles. Which option is best for you generally depends on your personal style and preferences.

If you’re looking for an all-inclusive stay on the beach, Temptation Cancun Resort is an adult-only resort that focuses on singles. You can lounge on the beach, enjoy amazing cuisine, and take part in a range of activities, all for one price.

senior singles travel alone

For a more active all-inclusive experience, a singles trip to Portugal could be a stronger choice. You can tour Lisbon, enjoy sunset cruises, go wine tasting, and so much more, all without having to pay extra along the way.

Another option for over-50s who enjoy exploration is Occidental Papagayo in Costa Rica. You can wander through lush forests, relax on pristine beaches, and hike to awe-inspiring waterfalls, all while enjoying an adult-only resort experience.

Best Adventure Vacations for Travelers Over 50

For adventure vacations that are genuinely bucket list, once-in-a-lifetime experiences, the over-50 crowd has plenty of options. One classic is to head to Peru and hike (or ride) up to Machu Picchu. It’s a chance to explore the famed citadel in the Andes, as well as explore the Inca Trail.

senior singles travel alone

Another option for the adventurous traveler is South Africa. You can join tour groups and head out into local parks and preserves, giving you a chance to see animals like lions, elephants, giraffes, and more, all in the wild.

If your idea of adventure is simply heading somewhere new, then book a trip to Thailand. Along with being budget-friendly, you’ll have an opportunity to have a wide array of unique experiences while exploring a distinctive culture and fantastic landscape.

Best Solo Trips for Seniors Over 50

Technically, any of the options above can be excellent vacation destinations for solo travelers over 50. However, those aren’t the only possible destinations.

senior singles travel alone

If you enjoy exploring local cultures, an all-inclusive tour of the Japan Golden Route could be your perfect option. A walking vacation through Catalonia, Spain, is another excellent choice, along with a beach vacation in Greece. You could also take leisurely train rides through Scotland or take cruises between the islands to see everything the country has to offer.

What Are the Best Vacations for Single Women?

Generally speaking, when women travel alone, they focus on safety . And it’s no different when it comes to the best solo trips for seniors. As a result, it’s wise to focus on countries with solid track records in that regard.

For destinations in the Pacific, both New Zealand and Japan are excellent options for women traveling solo. Along with unique cultures, you can explore delectable local cuisines, breathtaking landscapes, and so much more.

senior singles travel alone

If you’re looking for options in Europe, Austria, Belgium, and Switzerland are all excellent choices. These are especially strong options for winter sports activities like skiing, as well as summertime outdoor adventures like white water rafting excursions. Plus, each has a vibrant, unique culture that’s worth experiencing firsthand.

Iceland is another excellent option. Along with an amazing culture and breathtakingly beautiful landscapes, a trip to Iceland could mean a chance to see the Northern Lights, making it a fun bucket list experience.

What Are the Best Vacations for Single Men?

For single men looking for fun vacations, there are also plenty of options. For a laid back trip and a chance to lounge on superb beaches, explore rainforests, spend time scuba diving, and more, consider heading to Belize. The locals are welcoming to travelers, and the primary language is English, making it more convenient than some alternatives.

senior singles travel alone

If you’d like to head to Europe, a trip to Barcelona could be a fun choice. Along with a vibrant culture and outstanding food, there’s everything from historical sites to theme parks to explore nearby. For a destination in Asia, consider Taiwan. The country is a warm, welcoming place with fantastic food, outstanding landscapes, beautiful coastlines, and more.

Best Cruises for Vacationers Over 50

When it comes to the best solo trips for seniors, there are plenty of amazing cruises that can fit the bill for the over 50 crowd. If you prefer to remain in the United States, Alaska cruises are your ideal option. You can head through the Inside Passage, sail past massive glaciers, and skim through Glacier Bay National Park on some routes. Plus, you may be able to set up a variety of excursions, including helicopter tours, skiing, and more.

senior singles travel alone

For a leisurely overseas experience, consider a European river cruise. You can travel famed rivers like the Danube, Rhine, Rhone, or Seine, taking in the incredible landscape as you glide between cities. Plus, when you stop, you can explore castles, take bike tours through towns, enjoy some local wine, and shop till you drop.

If you prefer something warmer, then a Caribbean cruise might be your best bet. You can explore various islands while having plenty of opportunities to soak up the sun during your journey.


senior singles travel alone

The Golden Rules of Solo Travel

By Olivia Morelli

Image may contain Person Walking Grass Plant Outdoors Nature Scenery Landscape Art Mountain and Mountain Range

The joys of traveling solo are endless. It is freeing to explore new places alone—you can go where you please, eat when you want, and enjoy quality time with yourself uninterrupted. The interest in solo travel has been slowly rising for a while, in tandem with the desire for deeper, slower, more connective trave l. For many, solo travel is the perfect way to achieve this—it provides an opportunity to trust your instinct, go with your gut, and get lost in the experience. You rely on yourself rather than on others’ whims or desires.

But, if you’re not a seasoned solo traveler, it can be a daunting prospect. In an age of constant connectivity, the idea of being alone for an extended period of time is stark. Below, we spoke to travelers who frequently book solo trips about their golden rules for traveling alone.

Dining alone isn’t weird

For most people, the thought of dining alone is one of the biggest barriers to traveling solo. But once you get past the conviction that everyone is noticing or judging you, it’s a totally freeing experience. “Dining alone isn’t as uncommon as you might imagine,” says Estée Lalonde, a creative director and influencer with a passion for solo travel. “I personally find it empowering! Sometimes I bring a book with me or watch an episode of my favorite show on Netflix with my headphones on, but other times I just enjoy the atmosphere and end up chatting to the people at the table next to me.”

Book counter dining at restaurants if it's too weird for you

If you are someone who does feel uncomfortable about dining alone, opt for a bar or counter seat. It’s much less intimidating than having a whole table to yourself, and you are more likely to end up chatting to the staff or the person sitting next to you. "The first time I went out for a meal alone, I went to JG Melon on the Upper East Side of New York City ,” Sarah James, Condé Nast Traveller ’s deputy digital editor, says. “I took a book, and nervously shuffled onto a bar stool for my burger—but ended up chatting away to the charming bartender and the women sat next to me. Now I often opt for a counter seat when eating alone, and no longer take a book with me. Either I end up talking to someone or just enjoy the peace. A general rule I live by—we're all so wrapped up in our own lives, no one is paying much attention to other people."

Consider a hostel

Not only are hostels affordable, but they're also great places to meet fellow travelers—whether they're in the same solo boat as you or not. Many have a cheap bar onsite that allows you to fall into natural conversation with compatriots who may become friends, or at least will have great tips for things to do.

Fake it till you make it

Most people feel nervous about meeting new people, and introverts especially struggle to make the first move when in a new place. But remember that everyone is in the same boat, and most solo travelers will have experienced those same emotions. The first five seconds are the hardest, but once you’ve introduced yourself, you’ll quickly realize it wasn’t as big a deal as you originally thought. You’d kick yourself if you let a bit of shyness ruin your trip, so use that as the motivation you need to approach a fellow traveler. And remember, if you present with confidence, that will show—fake it til you make it is a reliable life rule to follow.

senior singles travel alone

Never consolidate all of your assets

“This is a lesson that I learned the hard way after getting pickpocketed in a crowded Jerusalem marketplace,” says global digital director Arati Menon, “I had stupidly carried all my credit cards and cash with me—luckily no passport!—in a single wallet and as a result, had no way of paying the hotel bill later that day when I checked out. Now, I always split my cards and cash (and IDs) across various places: wallet, purse, luggage—and if possible, store at least one of these in a locked safe back at the hotel.”

Don’t fear loneliness

“Remember that a bit of loneliness can be bracing and character-building,” says Toby Skinner, Condé Nast Traveller ’s features director. “My experience traveling is generally that people are decent, kind and interesting—and you found that out most acutely by being alone (whereas everyone leaves couples well alone.) Some of my most memorable travel experiences have been on my own—like when I was stranded in Nanjing at 2 a.m. by a delayed train in 2001, and a local student let me bunk in his dorm room for the night.”

Take the train

“While even the most extroverted of travelers avoid chit chat like the plague on a plane, I have found traveling by train to be a much more social means of transport," says associate editor Hannah Towey. "Last summer, I traveled solo on the Amtrak Coastal Starlight from Santa Barbara to San Francisco and spent the entirety of the 9-hour journey in the communal observation lounge, where fellow travelers rotated in and out, sharing tables and playing cards while admiring the views. As the sun set on the second half of the trip, a few musically-inclined passengers formed an impromptu band complete with an acoustic guitar and mandolin. Word slowly spread and others trickled in from other parts of the train to take turns singing songs in different languages. It might take a few more hours than a flight, but who knows, you might even find the Ethan Hawke to your Julie Delpy and spend a spontaneous evening together in Vienna.”

Plan around cultural events

Arriving at a destination just as the locals are gearing up for an important cultural event can be an incredible way to immerse yourself straight away. Look up religious festivals, bank holidays, and street parties to see what time is best to visit and plan accordingly. You’ll get a real flavor of the people, the food, and even the music, and you might end up making friends along the way.

Research solo travel in your destination

As obvious as “do your research” sounds, it’s an important step to remember. Look at online forums and speak to people who have previously visited the destination. What safety precautions should you be taking? Is it safe to walk between locations, or is it better to use taxis? Are taxis easy to find? What is the destination's culture like after dark? For women, in particular, it is best to plan ahead to avoid getting stranded in remote neighborhoods after dark.

Have a rough plan for each day

It can feel daunting waking up in a brand new destination and not knowing where to start, so make sure to create vague itineraries for your trip. What are your non-negotiables in this destination? Any big attractions you want to tick off? Restaurants you’ve been desperate to try? Beaches you’ve always wanted to visit? “I like to have 3-5 little activities in mind for each day, like visiting a particular store or trying the local cuisine,” Estée tells us. “If you have a bit of direction you can leave space in between each activity to be spontaneous and discover the local area.”

Build in group activities

Booking tours and group events is a great way to meet other travelers. Most hostels have a list of activities available for guests to sign up for, and if not, then there are walking tours or live music events at local bars. “Try to see people as opportunities," Toby advises. “I'd build in communal activities to your itinerary and remember that you’ll probably never see these people again, so you have nothing to lose in almost any interaction and possibly a lot to gain—though there might be a touch of male privilege in that.”

Walk as much as you can

“Sometimes when I travel to a new place, I can be nervous to leave my bed as a solo traveler,” Estée admits. “As soon as I get outside and start walking I feel better—like I’m part of the city and that I belong there!” Exploring by foot is a great way to get to know the bones of a destination. You’ll soon create a mental map of the area nearest your accommodation and might stumble upon some hidden gems you wouldn’t have come across otherwise.

Allow yourself to be spontaneous

On that note, try to allow yourself some spontaneity. Having a rough plan is definitely advisable, but don’t stop yourself from following your gut if you have a sudden urge to pop into a shop, follow the sound of the crowds or head for the beach. It’s often the spur-of-the-moment decisions that result in the best experiences.

Bring good books

It’s easy to whip out your phone and rely on scrolling when you’re by yourself, and while that is a great way to decompress if you’re feeling jittery, there are few things more romantic than settling in at a street-side cafe and getting lost in the pages of a good book .

Bring a journal

Journaling has become a popular pastime of late, and keeping a travel journal is a great way to combine the mental health benefits of getting out your thoughts and feelings with the memories and emotions of traveling solo. “I find all of that time alone enables me to clear my head, and journaling is a great way to regulate those emotions,” Estée explains.

Keep a separate copy of your personal details

Sounds old school, but in lieu of printing out paper copies of all your bank details, phone numbers, and accommodations details, try keeping a document of all your information and emailing it to yourself. This way, if you lose your phone, you can ask the reception of your accommodation or staff at a hotel/restaurant/bar to borrow a phone and log into your email account to access anything you need. It’s also worth memorizing your card details and any emergency phone numbers (both personal and local emergency service numbers).

Take other safety precautions

There are plenty of ways to protect yourself when traveling alone. Sharing your location with your friends and family back home is a lovely way to keep in touch without having to actually message them—they can watch your journey from afar and keep track of your whereabouts if you haven’t contacted them for a while. Remember to bring a padlock for your backpack and lockers if you’re staying in hostels, and study basic phrases in the language of your destination, just in case you get lost and need some help.

Don’t forget insurance

There’s always something that doesn’t go to plan on any trip, and as a solo traveler, you’ll want to make sure you mitigate any stress that comes from changing itineraries. Buying travel insurance is the best way to protect yourself from any transport cancellations and unforeseen circumstances, and will cover any costs from injuries or thefts. Sounds scary, but it’ll be worth it if the worst happens!

A version of this story originally appeared on Condé Nast Traveller .

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Best Cruise Lines for Single Seniors

Do you like going on cruises? Are you single and would like to travel with similar people in your age range? Several cruise lines cater well to single seniors by offering activities, accommodations, and social events tailored to their interests. 

Here are some popular cruise line options for single seniors:

  • Best Luxurious Cruise Line – Silversea Cruises – Silversea specializes in luxury cruising with smaller ships that offer an intimate atmosphere. Its sophisticated ambiance and personalized service can appeal to single seniors looking for a premium experience.
  • Best Adult-Only – Viking Ocean Cruises – Viking Ocean Cruises offers an intimate and relaxed cruising experience with no children on board. Itineraries focus on cultural immersion, and its ships feature a variety of amenities and activities suitable for solo travelers, including single stateroom options.
  • Best Entertainment – Cunard Line – Known for its elegant atmosphere and traditional ocean liner experience, Cunard attracts many single seniors. The line offers a variety of enrichment programs, social activities, and formal evenings.
  • Best Long Cruises – Holland America Line – Holland America provides a classic cruising experience with a focus on enrichment activities, cultural experiences, and fine dining. Their ships offer a welcoming atmosphere for solo travelers, including dedicated solo cabins on some ships.
  • Best Over 50 – Saga Cruises – Specifically designed for passengers aged 50 and older, Saga Cruises caters to the needs and interests of mature travelers. They offer single cabins, a relaxed atmosphere, and a variety of inclusive activities and excursions.

When choosing a cruise line, consider factors such as the itinerary, onboard amenities, dining options, and the atmosphere that best suits your preferences and interests as a single senior traveler. 

What to Look for in a Cruise Line for Single Seniors

When single seniors are choosing a cruise line, several factors must be considered to ensure an enjoyable and comfortable experience. 

Solo Cabins

Some cruise lines offer cabins designed specifically for solo travelers. These can be more affordable than paying a single supplement on a regular double cabin. Check if the cruise line provides these and what the associated costs are.

Single Supplements

Many cruise lines charge a single supplement fee, which can sometimes be up to 100% of the cabin cost. Look for cruise lines that offer reduced or no single supplement fees, which can make cruising more affordable for solo travelers.

Age Demographic

Choose a cruise line that caters to a mature audience or offers specific cruises for seniors. This can enhance your social experience, providing you with opportunities to meet other travelers in your age group.

Onboard Activities and Programs

Look for ships that offer programs and activities suited to your interests. Enrichment programs, lectures, workshops, cultural tours, and gentle physical activities are popular among senior travelers.

Social Opportunities

Some cruise lines organize events specifically for solo travelers, such as welcome receptions or group dining options. These can help you meet other solo travelers and create a sense of community on board.

Itinerary and Duration

Consider the length of the cruise and the destinations. Some seniors prefer longer cruises that visit multiple or exotic locations, while others might prefer shorter, more relaxed itineraries.

Accessibility and Medical Facilities

Check the ship’s accessibility features, especially if you have mobility challenges. Also, ensure that there are medical facilities onboard, which is crucial for older travelers.

Dining Options

Flexible dining options, including open seating and multiple venues, are important to seniors. Some appreciate gourmet dining experiences, while others might prefer more casual options.

Ship Size and Amenities

The size of the ship can impact your experience. Smaller ships often provide a more intimate and less crowded experience, which might appeal to those who prefer a quieter environment. Larger ships might offer more amenities and activities.

Cost and Inclusions

Finally, consider what is included in the price of your cruise. Some luxury lines offer all-inclusive pricing that covers meals, beverages, and even excursions, which can be very convenient and help manage your budget.

Cruise Lines for Single Seniors

These cruise lines prioritize comfort, accessibility, and refined entertainment, ensuring that single seniors can enjoy a fulfilling and hassle-free voyage. 

With special features like single cabins, age-specific activities, and inclusive pricing, these cruise lines are superb choices for seniors traveling solo or looking to meet peers in a sophisticated, welcoming setting.

Best Luxurious Cruise Line – Silversea Cruises

Silversea Cruises is renowned for its ultra-luxury cruising experience. It operates a fleet of small, intimate ships that sail to over 900 destinations globally. This cruise line is perfect for those seeking an all-inclusive experience with personalized service. 

The cruise line offers a premier experience tailored towards those who value sophistication, serenity, and depth in their travel adventures. Its focus on luxury and personal comfort makes it an excellent choice for single seniors who are looking for a rich and hassle-free cruising experience.

Key Features of Silversea Cruises

  • All-Inclusive Luxury – Silversea fares generally include gourmet dining, sophisticated wines and spirits, gratuities, and an in-suite butler service, ensuring a highly personalized and carefree cruise experience.
  • Intimate Ship Size – The smaller ship size not only allows access to ports that larger ships cannot reach but also creates a more personal and less crowded experience. This environment fosters easy socializing and personalized attention from the crew.
  • Enrichment Programs – Silversea offers extensive enrichment opportunities such as lectures from guest speakers, culinary demonstrations, and destination-focused insights that cater to the intellectually curious traveler.
  • Personalized Experience – Due to the small size of the ships, staff can provide more attentive and personalized service. Each suite comes with butler service, enhancing the luxury experience.
  • Exotic and Comprehensive Itineraries – Silversea ships visit both common and off-the-beaten-path destinations, offering deeper cultural immersion and unique experiences.
  • High-Quality Dining – With a variety of dining options including partnerships with Relais & Châteaux, Silversea offers exceptional culinary experiences that are included in the cruise fare.
  • Higher Cost – Silversea’s luxurious offerings and all-inclusive nature mean it tends to be more expensive than many other cruise lines, which might be a consideration for budget-conscious travelers.
  • Less Varied Nightlife and Entertainment – Compared to larger ships, the entertainment onboard is more subdued, focusing more on enrichment than on high-energy shows or parties.
  • Older Ships – Some of the ships are older, which might not appeal to those looking for the latest onboard technologies or brand-new facilities, although they are well-maintained and luxurious.

Best Adult-Only Cruise Line – Viking Cruises

Viking Ocean Cruises is known for its modern, elegant ships and emphasis on cultural enrichment and destination-focused itineraries. It maintains an adults-only policy, which provides a calm atmosphere, particularly appealing to those seeking a quiet and sophisticated cruise experience. 

The line caters extensively to solo travelers, including offering specific single staterooms, making it an excellent choice for single seniors who appreciate culture, history, and relaxed sophistication. Viking Ocean Cruises provides a refined and thoughtful ocean or river cruising experience that is ideal for single seniors looking for relaxation, enrichment, and a deep dive into the cultures they visit.

Key Features of Viking Ocean Cruises

  • Adults-Only Policy – Viking Ocean Cruises maintains a strict 18-and-over policy, which ensures a serene environment free from the noise and activity associated with children and families. This policy appeals especially to those seeking peace and quiet.
  • Cultural Immersion and Enrichment – Viking provides its passengers with immersive cultural experiences both onboard and ashore. Lectures, themed talks, and destination performances are common, as are included excursions at each port that focus on local culture, history, and cuisine.
  • All-Inclusive Value – Fares include one shore excursion in each port and all onboard meals (including specialty restaurants), making the cruising experience worry-free and comprehensive with no hidden costs.
  • Focus on Destination – Itineraries are designed to spend more time in port, often with overnight stays, allowing deeper exploration of the destinations.
  • Intimate and Comfortable Ships – With a smaller ship size compared to mainstream mega-ships, Viking offers a more personal and less crowded experience, facilitating easier social interactions and more attentive service.
  • High-Quality, Varied Dining Options – Viking’s cuisine is widely praised. It features ingredients sourced from destinations along the itinerary and multiple dining venues that are all included in the cruise fare.
  • Limited Entertainment Options – The entertainment onboard Viking is more low-key, lacking the large-scale shows or casino facilities found on bigger cruise ships, which might not appeal to those seeking a vibrant nightlife.
  • Higher Price Point – While offering considerable value through its inclusive pricing, Viking’s upfront cost can be higher than some other cruise lines, which might be a deterrent for budget-conscious travelers.

Best Entertainment – Cunard Line  

Cunard Line stands as a beacon of traditional and elegant ocean travel. It is known for its iconic transatlantic crossings aboard the Queen Mary 2, among other luxurious vessels. This cruise line blends modern amenities with classic charm, offering a timeless cruise experience that appeals to those who appreciate a touch of nostalgia and class. 

With its unique blend of historical grandeur and contemporary sophistication, Cunard is a favorite among more mature travelers, including single seniors looking for a distinguished and serene cruising experience.

Cunard Line delivers a cruise experience that is steeped in tradition and luxury, making it particularly appealing to single seniors and those who cherish an elegant, slower-paced travel style. It stands out for its commitment to maintaining the grace of classic ocean voyages while still providing all the amenities expected of a modern luxury cruise.

Key Features of Cunard Line

  • Transatlantic Crossings and World Voyages – Cunard is famed for its transatlantic crossings between New York and Southampton, a unique offering in the modern cruising world. It also offers extensive world voyages that appeal to those who wish to explore the globe in comfort.
  • Enrichment Programs – Cunard prides itself on a broad range of enrichment activities. These include lectures from its Insights program, which features talks by notable historians, scientists, politicians, and more. Cunard also offers workshops and classes ranging from acting and dancing to wine tasting and art.
  • Traditional British Elegance – Cunard ships exude classic British elegance, including afternoon tea served by white-gloved waitstaff, grand ballrooms, and formal gala nights, providing an experience reminiscent of the golden age of ocean travel.
  • Sophisticated Atmosphere – The cruise line upholds a formal and refined ambiance that caters especially well to those who enjoy dressing up and engaging in traditional cruise activities like ballroom dancing.
  • Extensive Itineraries – In addition to the unique transatlantic crossings, Cunard offers a diverse range of itineraries globally, from short trips to full world cruises, providing options for all lengths and types of vacations.
  • High-Quality Dining, Entertainment, and Service – Cunard has a strong reputation for its dining options, from the grand main dining rooms to alternative dining venues that offer a range of gourmet meals prepared to high standards.
  • Formal Atmosphere May Not Appeal to All – The emphasis on formality, including mandatory gala nights where formal attire is required, might not appeal to those looking for a casual vacation experience.
  • Higher Cost – Cunard’s luxurious offerings and unique experiences generally come with a higher price tag, especially for the transatlantic crossings and suites, which might be a consideration for budget-conscious travelers.

Best Long Cruises – Holland America Line

Holland America Line (HAL) is renowned for its mid-sized ships that combine classic maritime traditions with modern hospitality and service. This cruise line appeals to a mature demographic, offering an elegant, relaxed, and refined cruising experience. 

Known for its excellent customer service, spacious staterooms, and a wide array of enrichment programs, Holland America Line is particularly popular among mature adults and single seniors who prefer a sophisticated yet understated atmosphere.

Holland America Line is a superb choice for single seniors and mature travelers who prioritize comfort, excellent service, and enriching experiences over the hustle and bustle of larger, more family-oriented cruise lines. Its commitment to a refined cruise experience makes it ideal for those seeking a peaceful and enriching vacation on the seas.

Key Features of Holland America Line

  • Mid-sized Ships – HAL’s ships are designed to be larger than boutique vessels but smaller than mega-ships, striking a balance that allows for a more intimate feel without sacrificing amenities. This size allows for easier navigation of the ship and a more personal level of service.
  • Enrichment Programs and Activities – Holland America places a strong emphasis on cultural enrichment and lifelong learning, offering culinary demonstrations in the Culinary Arts Center modeled after the setup of a broadcast kitchen, digital workshops powered by Windows, and BBC Earth Experiences presentations. These programs appeal particularly to those interested in personal growth and learning.
  • Culinary Excellence – In partnership with America’s Test Kitchen, HAL offers cooking shows and hands-on workshops where passengers can learn cooking techniques and recipes. The dining options aboard are diverse, ranging from casual to fine dining, including partnerships with renowned chefs.
  • Focus on Destination Immersion – Holland America Line excels in creating itineraries that go deep into the cultural aspects of their destinations, often including longer stays, overnight port visits, and extensive shore excursion options to explore local cultures.
  • Adult-Focused Activities – The onboard atmosphere emphasizes serene experiences like cooking classes, wine tastings, and music performances, catering more to adults and less to families with young children.
  • Excellent Service – Known for attentive and high-quality service, the staff on HAL’s ships ensure that each guest feels cared for and valued. This is particularly appealing to older adults who appreciate recognition and personal interaction.
  • Quieter Nightlife – Those looking for vibrant nightlife might find HAL’s entertainment offerings a bit subdued. The nightlife focuses more on relaxation and conversation rather than high-energy parties or late-night dance clubs.
  • Decor and Amenities May Feel Dated – Some passengers feel that the ships, while elegant, could benefit from updates and renovations to match the more modern amenities found on newer ships from competing lines.

Best Over 50 – Saga Cruises

Saga Cruises is a British-based cruise line that specifically caters to travelers aged 50 and over, making it an ideal choice for mature adults and single seniors seeking a comfortable and enjoyable cruise experience tailored to their interests. 

The cruise line operates smaller ships, which creates an intimate and friendly atmosphere. This exclusivity for older adults ensures that all facilities, activities, and excursions are designed with senior travelers in mind, providing a bespoke and worry-free cruising environment.

Saga Cruises provides an excellent option for single seniors and older travelers who appreciate an environment that caters exclusively to their age group. With a focus on comfort, accessibility, and tailored activities, Saga ensures a relaxed and enriching cruise experience in a friendly, like-minded community atmosphere.

Key Features of Saga Cruises

  • Age-Specific Cruising – Saga Cruises requires at least one guest per cabin to be aged 50 years or older, with a companion over the age of 40 if not traveling solo. This age policy ensures that the onboard experience, activities, and entertainment are specifically tailored to the preferences of mature adults.
  • Smaller Ship Size – Saga’s fleet consists of smaller ships, which not only allows access to less-trafficked ports of call but also facilitates a more personal and less crowded experience onboard. This setup enhances the quality of service and allows for easier socializing among passengers.
  • All-Inclusive Pricing – Fares on Saga cruises include many amenities that are often extra on other lines, such as travel insurance, gratuities, shuttle buses to and from port towns, Wi-Fi, and a selection of wines at meals. This makes it easy for seniors to manage their travel budget without surprise costs.
  • Personalized Attention and Service – With a high staff-to-passenger ratio and smaller ship sizes, passengers receive more personalized attention from the crew, enhancing the quality of the customer service experience.
  • Comprehensive Medical Support – Understanding the needs of its demographic, Saga ships are well equipped with medical facilities, and there are qualified medical professionals onboard to handle any health-related issues that may arise.
  • Designed for Accessibility – The ships and their programs are designed with accessibility in mind, which is a crucial consideration for seniors. Facilities are easily navigable for those with mobility issues, and special accommodations can be arranged as needed.
  • Limited Ship and Itinerary Choices – Being a smaller cruise line, Saga offers fewer ships and itineraries compared to larger global operators. This might limit options for those looking for more exotic or varied routes.
  • British Focus –  With a primarily British passenger base and operations, the onboard culture, entertainment, and food might be heavily UK-centric, which might not appeal to non-British travelers looking for a more international experience.

Whether choosing the luxurious intimacy of Silversea, the culturally immersive Viking Ocean Cruises, the traditional elegance of Cunard, the enriching environments of Holland America, or the senior-specific offerings of Saga Cruises, each line provides unique advantages that cater to mature adults. These cruise lines prioritize comfort, accessibility, and refined entertainment, ensuring that single seniors can enjoy a fulfilling and hassle-free voyage.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Are you planning a cruise in the near future? Are you single and interested in cruise lines that cater well to single seniors? Have you been on one of these cruises? What was your experience? Tell us about it in the comments below.


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This was a really informative blog. Thank you. I am quite new to cruising but have been on 4 in the past year. I always choose an inside cabin as I have the same facilities as everyone else, but for about half the price (another cruise!). Out of the four cruises, three had no single supplement at all. One was on P and O and two on MSC, so it is always worth looking around x

Tags Senior Cruises

Sixty and Me

Sixty and Me

Sixty and Me is a community of over 500,000 women over 60 founded by Margaret Manning. Our editorial team publishes articles on lifestyle topics including fashion, dating, retirement and money.

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I've Traveled Alone to 65 Countries – Here Are My Top 5 Destinations for Flying Solo

Where to find adventure, group activities, affordable luxury hotels, and total relaxation as a solo traveler.

Katie Jackson/Travel + Leisure

Lewis may have needed Clark, but for most trips, I think it’s OK to be a party of one. In fact, my favorite style of travel, # solotravel , is now trending on TikTok and in real life. But if there’s anything I’ve learned from adventuring alone in 65 countries, it’s this: some countries cater to lone wolves better than others. Whether you’re looking to lay on the beach, climb a volcano, or explore the big city, here are my top five destinations for flying solo. 

Giacomo Augugliaro/Getty Images

Western Europe’s most affordable country, Portugal has been my second home since 2016. Whether in Alentejo or the Algarve, I can always find a €2 glass of wine and five-star hotels, including IHG’s new Vignette Collection properties in Porto and Lisbon , for under €200 per night. It’s the fifth safest country in Europe, according to the Institute for Economics & Peace 2023 Global Peace Index (for comparison, Spain ranked 23rd and France 34th) and is home to the world’s largest standing wave. Since surfing solo is dangerous, I go with Onda Pura . In Lisbon , visit the Oceanário , voted the world’s best aquarium . Alone, you can linger at exhibits for as long as you want. I’ve traveled the country by train and bus, but I recommend renting a car for as little as €25 per day. Pro tip: Learn how to drive manual first.

South Africa

Katie Jackson/Travel + Leisure

While it’s not the safest country on the Mother Continent, ranking 32nd in Sub-Saharan Africa in the Global Peace Index , South Africa is the easiest for Americans to visit. United Airlines offers nonstop service from multiple U.S. cities to Cape Town, English is widely spoken, and there are restaurants catering to every diet. I use Facebook to join group hikes and dinners and Airbnb to book guided, local experiences. I recommend doing the “From Prisoner to President Tour” hosted by Nelson Mandela’s former prison guard and friend, Christo Brand . To visit the wineries, take the Franschhoek Tram . I’ve also enjoyed solo safaris. Alone, you can choose your start time (I hate waking up at 5:30 a.m. for game drives), and you always have the best seat. During low season, some lodges waive the single supplement. Year-round, the new Loapi Tented Camp only charges solo travelers 62% of what it would charge a couple. For travel within the country, book a package with a company like Kensington Tours ; it includes all transfers.

Since I lived in Nicaragua, I have an impressive collection of passport stamps from Costa Rica . It’s the safest place in Central America , and it offers everything from volcano trekking to beach hopping on two incredible coastlines. I want to check out the new SP Corcovado Wilderness Lodge , which hosts wellness retreats and is part of the Red Sofia Program (designed to make travel safer for single women). Meanwhile, in Monteverde, solo travelers can’t go wrong at Hotel Belmar where you don’t have to venture off site for adventure (book the canopy immersion and coffee tasting). For an all-inclusive, I recommend Secrets Papagayo .  It’s not the place to stay if you don't want to be around couples, but it’s adults-only and hosts theme nights, beach games, and cocktail parties where singles can mingle.

FilippoBacci/Getty Images

Good news! You don’t need to be with a romantic partner to visit the Maldives . I solo-mooned there and had a blast falling back in love with me, myself, and I. Highlights include visiting Coco Palm Dhuni Kohlu’s turtle rescue center , reading by my plunge pool (“Eat, Pray, Love” is a must for solo travelers), and when I wanted company, hitting up the beach barbecues. You also don’t have to be a millionaire. The island of Maafushi caters to backpackers, and even at a resort, I stayed under $350 per day. Have a bigger budget? Consider booking the Gili Solo Experience . Boasting an underwater suite and restaurant, the Conrad Maldives is also on my list. For flights, try Emirates ; round-trip fares from New York's JFK to Malé start at $1,265.

Not having anyone to split expenses with, domestic travel is cheapest. I explore my backyard in Montana where I staycate at Lone Mountain Ranch . With its queen bed, the Meadowlark Cabin is ideal for one, and the group activities offer opportunities to socialize. For an urban escape, I prefer New York City , where I stay at NH Collection New York Madison Avenue . Its lobby has a community table, fireplaces, and live jazz most nights. Since there’s no shame in doing the Great White Way without a date, I went to see “ The Notebook ” in April. Finding one center orchestra seat is easier than finding seats together. For getting around, use the MTA’s new OMNY credit/debit card tap program ; it’s the best value.

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Vacations for singles over 50s & 60s

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Travelling single? Small group travel could be just the ticket

Is a  Japanese  onsen calling you? Or maybe a flavour-packed taco in the streets of  Mexico City  has your name on it? Whether you’re travelling solo, single or simply can’t be labelled, our small group tours are the perfect way to explore a destination and meet like-minded people. While our tours aren’t exclusively for single travellers in their  50s or 60s , you'll be part of a small group of intergenerational, adventure-hungry individuals who are just as keen to explore as you are. From swapping anecdotes over Aperols on the  Amalfi Coast  to late-night chats under the desert skies of Wadi Rum, it’s often those moments of connection – big and small – that are most memorable. 

Let's create an exclusive trip for your group.

Our trips can be great for singles over 50 and 60 as we take care of safety, logistics and transport so you can focus your time on the joy of travel. We don’t offer the classic ‘singles-only’ tours, but we do provide the perfect base for people looking to get to know others, usually a varied mix of ages, nationalities, cultures and more. Since our tours are so diverse, this could mean you’re on a trip with couples in their 40s, singles in their 20s, family groups or people travelling on their own in their fifties and beyond. Our tours aren’t specifically designed for making perfect matches, but hey, if it happens, it  happens .

The best part of travelling in a small group is the friends you can make in the most unlikely of places – we’re talking while hiking the  Inca Trail  or cooking dhal in  Sri Lanka . It also means a bunch of new faces to share the world’s most epic experiences with and a few people around to watch your back (especially when walking through a traffic crossing in  Vietnam ). No matter who you’re sharing your trip with, you’ll be docking at unbelievable sites, meeting local people and getting a one-of-a-kind journey - single or not, we think that's pretty epic.

Travelling solo at any age can feel like a big deal, especially when venturing to far-off places. That’s why small group tours are the perfect fit, no matter if you’re travelling alone at 25 or 65. We’ll do the planning, manage the itinerary, handle the transport and keep  safety  in mind - all so you can immerse yourself to the max. Not to mention, your guide will be able to support you with potential language barriers, give recommendations, show you the best spots for photos and so much more. Don’t just take our word for it; find out for yourself.

Maybe you’ve already seen the big sites and now looking for a different experience or new perspective. That’s where we come in. Our tours are led by our Local Leaders, all of whom are experts in their corner of the world and are out there showing it to others right now. Their knowledge of their country’s attractions, delicacies, cultures and communities is something you probably won’t get to experience elsewhere. Find yourself ducking into unknown hotspots and learning more than just the basics when you’re on one of our trips.

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Do I need a COVID-19 vaccine to join an Intrepid trip?

Trips from 1 January 2023 onwards

From 1 January 2023, Intrepid will no longer require travellers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (excluding all Polar trips and select adventure cruises).

However, we continue to strongly recommend that all Intrepid travellers and leaders get vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

Specific proof of testing or vaccination may still be required by your destination or airline. Please ensure you check travel and entry requirements carefully.

Who are Intrepid travellers?

Intrepid adventures are for travellers with a yearning to get off the beaten track. Whether you're travelling solo, with a group of friends, or are aged 18 or 70, there is an Intrepid adventure to suit your interests and comfort level. Each Intrepid adventure has a physical rating and cultural grading to help you decide if the trip is right for you. No special skills are required for most adventures, just a sense of adventure and a curiosity about the world. Even on our camping adventures, no previous experience is required; our tents are easy to set up, even for first-time campers.

Are there age restrictions on your trips?

For the majority of our trips, the minimum age is 15. An adult must accompany all children under the age of 18. Our Overland Adventures have a minimum age of 18. Younger children can join us on our Family trips and Short Break Adventures , but check each trip for its minimum age, which is located on the trip’s overview page on the website. Most of our trips don’t have a maximum age limit, but a Self-Assessment Form is required for all travellers 70 years and over.

How many people will be on my trip?

Good things come in small packages, which is why we keep our group sizes down. This means we’re small enough to remain flexible as we thread our way through communities without intimidating the locals. On most of our trips you’ll be part of an intimate group of 12-16 people, though our group sizes are on average 10 people. Our Overland trips are in purpose-built vehicles that can carry up to 24 travellers. Group sizes are displayed on each trip’s overview page on our website.

I’m travelling alone – is that OK?

This is the beauty of the Intrepid style of travel: many of our travellers join because they are travelling solo and want to meet and share experiences with like-minded people. 

I have a disability – can I join an Intrepid trip?

Intrepid is committed to making travel widely accessible, regardless of ability or disability. We ask that you carefully consider whether you are physically and mentally able to complete the itinerary you have chosen, recognising that on many trips you will be required to carry your own bags and use public transport.

Where we can we will make reasonable adjustments to the operation of our trips to facilitate the requirements of disabled travellers – such as booking ground floor accommodation, or having our leaders communicate important directions in writing as well as verbally. Many travellers with disabilities have been able to enjoy our trips by travelling with a friend or companion who can assist with specific needs. If joining a group trip is not practical we may be able to provide you with a private departure. Please contact our sales team for further information on any of our itineraries.

Do I need to buy travel insurance?

Travel insurance is compulsory on all our trips if you’re travelling internationally. We require that at a minimum you are covered for medical expenses including emergency repatriation, but minimum coverage may differ from trip to trip, so make sure you check the Travel Insurance section in your Essential Trip Information. You will not be permitted to join the group until your leader has sighted your insurance policy number and the insurance company's 24-hour emergency contact number – it’s really important there are no barriers to getting emergency assistance for you.

For travellers who reside within the European Union, Switzerland or the USA, the requirement to purchase travel insurance cannot be compulsory. However, the purchase of travel insurance is still highly recommended, and travellers from these regions who decline travel insurance when travelling outside their home region must sign a Travel Insurance Waiver Form at the Group Meeting, recognising personal responsibility for emergency medical and repatriation costs should they arise.

Will I have my own room?

It’s completely up to you. On our trips rooming is organised on a twin-share basis and we pair up solo travellers with another traveller of the same gender as per the gender marker on each of their passports. But if you'd like your own room, an individual room is available on the majority of our trips (it’s just a small extra charge). Just mention this to our  customer service team  when booking your trip and they'll arrange it for you.

As a responsible tour operator, we strive to create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone. In the case that your gender identity differs from what is indicated on your passport, please  contact us  so that we can discuss rooming options with you.

On a small selection of itineraries some accommodations are booked on an open gender, multi-share basis (for example on a felucca in Egypt or an overnight train in Vietnam). In those instances it will clearly be stated in our Essential Trip Information prior to booking and travelling.

How does group time work?

Whether you’re travelling solo or with a partner, our trips have a set itinerary. But within that there’s time set aside for your own exploration (if you want to – no pressure). The amount of free time depends on the  travel style  - you can ask your guide for a few tips then head out alone, or hang out with the group and see where the day takes you.

What makes a small group tour better than a coach tour?

The main difference between a small group tour and a coach tour is the size of the group; our tours have 10 travellers each (on average), while coaches can hold up to 60 people. This means that you'll never have to vie for your leader's attention on a small group tour because you'll automatically have it.

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A jaw-dropping view in Antigua, Guatemala

The best places for solo female travel in 2024

Women everywhere are jetting off to explore new cultures, and these are the easiest, safest, and coolest places to do so

India-Jayne Trainor

Solo female travel is having a moment – according to a recent survey, over half of Gen Z women would consider travelling abroad alone. That means more women than ever are  heading off to far-flung destinations in search of new friends, different cultures and memorable experiences. But where should they go, and what should they know? 

A few countries are known to be relatively safe and easy to navigate for women looking for an adventure, with well-trodden backpacker routes, friendly locals and the chance to meet new people – or spend some good quality alone time. Here are nine of the best destinations for solo female travellers and good-to-know advice on how to stay safe.

India-Jayne Trainor is a British-Australian travel writer based in London. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our  editorial guidelines  and check out our latest  travel guides  written by local experts.

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The best destinations for solo female travel

Sri Lanka

1.  Sri Lanka

The tiny teardrop island of Sri Lanka is like India in miniature but with its own unique charm, making it the perfect first stop for female travellers wanting to dip into South  Asia . It’s popular with backpackers and perfectly sized for a week or a month spent exploring the ancient Unesco-listed sites like Dambulla and Sigiriya or visiting tea plantations in Nuwara Eliya. And for some blissful downtime, the golden beaches of Arugam Bay, Mirissa and Hikkaduwa promise beachfront hostels, surfing and delicious local food.


2.  Portugal

Portugal  has made a name for itself as the perfect solo travel destination thanks to a growing number of digital nomads moving there. Amongst the Baroque castles and palaces, hiking trails and sweeping beaches, you can also find trendy backpacker hangouts and an increasing number of co-working spots and cute cafes for snacking on pastel de nata . The Douro Valley is home to rolling vineyards, Lisbon ’s cobbled streets are packed with history, and in the southern Algarve , whale-watching and watersports await. Plus, it’s simple to navigate by car, train and bus. 


3.  Czechia

The food is tasty, the drinks are cheap, and the cities are breathtakingly beautiful – what more could a solo female traveller want? In Czechia ’s capital of Prague , visitors can wander the narrow streets, visiting the Charles Bridge, Prague Castle and the Old Town Square. For those who aren’t used to solo travel, walking and cycling tours of the city make it easy to meet people too. There’s low crime, major sights are walkable, and loads of dreamy day trips – have you seen the picturesque town of Český Krumlov?


4.  Japan

Japan is one of the safest destinations in the world, not just for solo travellers but for anyone who visits, thanks to its respectful culture, etiquette and traditions. Cities like Tokyo can seem overwhelming, but Japan has everything from female-only train carriages to women’s hotels to make you feel secure. Simple and efficient transport, like the superfast bullet train, can take you from volcanic hot springs and snow-capped mountains to white sand beaches and cascading rice terraces in one trip. Best of all, dining alone in Japan is considered completely normal! 


5.  Guatemala

Central America is slowly catching up to an influx of independent travellers, and Guatemala has never been more popular with solo female travellers due to hostels and tour routes popping up everywhere, great infrastructure and affordable food and attractions. Meeting new friends is a breeze, as most people follow the same trail, visiting the stunning Lake Atitlán, the ancient pyramids at Tikal and sparkling blue falls at Semuc Champey. The colourful streets of Antigua are also the perfect base for attempting Guatemala’s famous hike up Acatenango to watch Volcano Fuego erupt at sunrise. 


6.  Vietnam

When it comes to the safest destinations for women  backpacking in Southeast  Asia ,   Thailand and Vietnam still vie for the top spot – but Vietnam is a good place to start. With a well-trodden tourist route, stretching from the capital of Hanoi in the north to Ho Chi Minh in the south, the country encompasses mountains, beaches, islands and ancient villages like Hoi An and Hue, plus some of the region’s best cuisine. Whether you make the journey by train, sleeper bus or scooter, thousands of other solo travellers will be making the same trip.


7.  Australia

Australia holds a major draw for independent travellers, thanks to the scenic tourist route along the East Coast and simple visa process, making it safe and uncomplicated to plan, particularly if it’s your first time down under. Sydney ’s buzzing beaches, food scene and postcard-perfect landmarks, like the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera House , are a dazzling introduction to the country, while further north, the Great Barrier Reef offers snorkelling cruises and jeep tours on Fraser Island . All of this comes with almost guaranteed sunshine, friendly Aussies and cute wildlife – just don’t think too much about the other critters.


8.  Greece

A solo trip to Greece is a real-life Mamma Mia movie waiting to happen. The country is a good beginner destination for those looking for sun, sand and a dose of history on their own. Athens is one of the world’s oldest cities, brimming with ancient wonders like the Acropolis, Parthenon and Panathenaic Stadium. Modern hotels and hostels mean you’ll travel in comfort and can dine out on Mediterranean cooking at affordable prices, plus the popular islands of Corfu , Kefalonia and Kos have the blue waters, beaches and pretty towns you’ve seen in the movies and are simple to reach by boat.

New Zealand

9.  New Zealand

Whether you choose the North or South Island or combine them both, New Zealand is one of the safest countries for solo female travel. You can self-drive or join tours while in the country, exploring fjords, mountains, glaciers and beaches. The wild landscapes are perfect for adventure and road trips, starting in Auckland , Queenstown or Christchurch , where hostels and hotels are concentrated. It’s an epic outdoor destination, so nature lovers are well set up for hiking, swimming and kayaking, while the slightly higher costs mean there are always other solo female travellers keen to buddy up.

How to stay safe as a solo female traveller

Before you go

Before you go

Packing smart isn’t about what to wear; however, dressing to respect local cultures is important. Make copies of your passport, driving licence and visas to keep to hand, along with money and a phone charger or power bank, so you’re never without a connection. Consider using a money belt or backpack with anti-theft security and u se locks on luggage where possible.

Download useful apps

If you’re going somewhere unfamiliar, download apps such as maps.me, so you have directions available even when you’re offline. If you want to meet other travellers, download Tourlina, which is exclusively for women, or Backpackr to meet people of all genders (or you can always change the settings on dating apps to connect with people as friends). Consider using safety apps like BSafe, which live-tracks your journey to a chosen contact. 

On the road

On the road

You can still be spontaneous as a solo female traveller, but researching before you go away ensures you know important information, like your general route, essential local contact numbers and any common scams.

Read reviews of tours, guides and hotels, and always have travel insurance. Finally, stay open-minded, try to meet new people and don’t forget it’s your trip – if you need a break, want a five-star stay or want to join a group again, there’s no one to stop you.

Read our full guide on how to stay safe as a solo female traveller

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8 Best Cruises for Singles Looking for Romance

Posted: June 7, 2024 | Last updated: June 7, 2024

<p>Arguably, one of the best parts of <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://bestlifeonline.com/ultimate-solo-travel-guide/">solo travel</a> is that it opens you up to meeting new people. And if you're single and looking to mingle, cruises can be one of the best ways to see the world while making new connections. From time chatting by the pool with your fellow passengers to sitting down to dinner with new friends, cruising can make for an affordable (and social!) solo trip. They can also lead to romance if that's your aim. Ready to hit the high seas and potentially find someone special? Read on for the best cruises for singles looking for romance, according to travel experts and advisors.</p><p><p><strong>RELATED: <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://bestlifeonline.com/best-time-to-book-a-cruise/">The Best Time to Book a Cruise, According to Travel Experts</a>.</strong></p></p>

Arguably, one of the best parts of solo travel is that it opens you up to meeting new people. And if you're single and looking to mingle, cruises can be one of the best ways to see the world while making new connections. From time chatting by the pool with your fellow passengers to sitting down to dinner with new friends, cruising can make for an affordable (and social!) solo trip. They can also lead to romance if that's your aim. Ready to hit the high seas and potentially find someone special? Read on for the best cruises for singles looking for romance, according to travel experts and advisors.

RELATED: The Best Time to Book a Cruise, According to Travel Experts .

<p>If the idea of alone time sounds appealing but you're worried about staying safe, consider a dedicated space ensuring an extra dose of privacy. "Norwegian Bliss has a specific area that houses multiple <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://www.ncl.com/cruise-ship/bliss/staterooms/studio">solo cabins</a> called Studios," says <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://luxurytravelwithrobert.wordpress.com/">travel advisor</a> <strong>Robert Marcoux</strong>. "They even have their very own lounge area stocked with snacks and beverages, and acts as a private area providing a little extra security as only Studio passengers can access this area."</p><p>The Studio Lounge is also a great space for mingling with fellow singles if desired. Additional social opportunities aboard Bliss include racing others on the <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://www.ncl.com/cruise-ship/bliss/whats-on-board/activities">Bliss Speedway</a>, joining a thrilling battle of laser tag, or adding yourself to a team during a trivia challenge. For the more leisurely passenger, group <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://www.ncl.com/cruise-ship/bliss/whats-on-board/bars-lounges">wine tastings</a> at the Michael Mondavi Family Wine Bar or mixology classes around the ship are sure to entertain and connect cruisers with one another.</p><p>Of course, its itinerary is one of the most important aspects of any cruise. Bliss offers an appealing variety of itineraries ranging from Alaska to the Panama Canal, so solo cruisers can explore natural and manmade wonders of the world equally. And no matter where the port schedule takes you, Bliss offers a fun-filled assortment of nightlife options for those who want to dance the night away or take in a <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://www.ncl.com/travel-blog/cruise-entertainment-broadway-onboard-norwegian">Broadway show</a>.</p>

1. Feel safe with studios on Norwegian Bliss.

If the idea of alone time sounds appealing but you're worried about staying safe, consider a dedicated space ensuring an extra dose of privacy. "Norwegian Bliss has a specific area that houses multiple solo cabins called Studios," says travel advisor Robert Marcoux . "They even have their very own lounge area stocked with snacks and beverages, and acts as a private area providing a little extra security as only Studio passengers can access this area."

The Studio Lounge is also a great space for mingling with fellow singles if desired. Additional social opportunities aboard Bliss include racing others on the Bliss Speedway , joining a thrilling battle of laser tag, or adding yourself to a team during a trivia challenge. For the more leisurely passenger, group wine tastings at the Michael Mondavi Family Wine Bar or mixology classes around the ship are sure to entertain and connect cruisers with one another.

Of course, its itinerary is one of the most important aspects of any cruise. Bliss offers an appealing variety of itineraries ranging from Alaska to the Panama Canal, so solo cruisers can explore natural and manmade wonders of the world equally. And no matter where the port schedule takes you, Bliss offers a fun-filled assortment of nightlife options for those who want to dance the night away or take in a Broadway show .

<p>Set sail on the newest ship in Princess Cruise Lines' fleet and enjoy a dazzling dose of luxury aboard <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://www.princess.com/ships-and-experience/ships/xp-discovery-princess">Discovery Princess</a>. Food enthusiasts can sample world cuisine from Michelin-star chefs or take advantage of 24-hour bites and specialty coffees at the International Café located in the European-style Piazza (an around-the-clock social hub with rotating musicians and street performers).</p><p>Discovery Princess is also an <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://www.princess.com/ships-and-experience/onboard-experience/activities/fine-arts">art-lover's paradise</a> with live auctions and a stunning gallery to peruse in addition to ship-wide public art displays. There are dance lessons, nightclubs, and a piano bar in a lively social space, so the choice is yours whether to mix and mingle or keep your own company during an immersive and educational cocktail storytelling experience. With wine country itineraries along the California Coast, immersive Cabo San Lucas sailings, and Love Boat-themed sailings in Mexico, there's a nice variety of offerings for refined solo travelers.</p><p>For a deluxe pampering experience, Lotus Spa offers an unbeatable hot stone massage, among a myriad of other body treatments. Yet, one of the best deals on board is <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://www.princess.com/ships-and-experience/ships/products/joyful-rejuvenation/the-enclave-at-lotus-spa.html">The Enclave at Lotus Spa</a>, an adults-only thermal suite with an indoor hydrotherapy pool with cascading rain shower and therapeutic air jets. The space includes a Turkish-style steam room, an aromatic steam chamber, and a heated dry chamber with detoxification properties.</p>

2. Bask in luxury aboard Discovery Princess.

Set sail on the newest ship in Princess Cruise Lines' fleet and enjoy a dazzling dose of luxury aboard Discovery Princess . Food enthusiasts can sample world cuisine from Michelin-star chefs or take advantage of 24-hour bites and specialty coffees at the International Café located in the European-style Piazza (an around-the-clock social hub with rotating musicians and street performers).

Discovery Princess is also an art-lover's paradise with live auctions and a stunning gallery to peruse in addition to ship-wide public art displays. There are dance lessons, nightclubs, and a piano bar in a lively social space, so the choice is yours whether to mix and mingle or keep your own company during an immersive and educational cocktail storytelling experience. With wine country itineraries along the California Coast, immersive Cabo San Lucas sailings, and Love Boat-themed sailings in Mexico, there's a nice variety of offerings for refined solo travelers.

For a deluxe pampering experience, Lotus Spa offers an unbeatable hot stone massage, among a myriad of other body treatments. Yet, one of the best deals on board is The Enclave at Lotus Spa , an adults-only thermal suite with an indoor hydrotherapy pool with cascading rain shower and therapeutic air jets. The space includes a Turkish-style steam room, an aromatic steam chamber, and a heated dry chamber with detoxification properties.

<p>If you're looking for something that can be as high-energy as it is relaxing, <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://www.virginvoyages.com/">Virgin Voyages</a> may be the best option for you. The recently launched line accommodates single travelers by waiving the supplements and additional fees that typically come for being just one to a room.</p><p>"Though relatively new to the industry, Virgin is courting solo travelers with a whopping 46 single cabins onboard each ship, with six lucky guests snagging forward-facing ocean views," says <strong>Don Bucolo</strong>, <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://eatsleepcruise.com/">editor and co-founder</a> of EatSleepCruise.com. "And Virgin's inclusive and welcoming atmosphere breaks the ice a bit better than most cruise lines when it comes to making new sailing friends."</p><p>He adds that the onboard vibe on Virgin Voyages is diverse, inclusive, and inviting. "From the cruise line's take on game shows, nighttime entertainment, and events like <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://www.virginvoyages.com/ahoy/stories/ScarletNight">Scarlet Night</a>, everyone is welcome to have a good time."</p><p>According to <strong>Kayla Smith</strong>, travel advisor with <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://sojourneytravel.com/">Sojourney Travel</a>, the fact that the sails are adults-only also give them a different vibe than regular, family-friendly cruises and may make singles feel more at ease.</p><p>"Aside from the standard singles meetup, they also have several activities that give you the opportunity to meet new people," she says. "Whether it is trivia or a basketball game or being paired with strangers and playing drinking games at their onboard Korean BBQ restaurant, Gunbae, you're sure to meet new people that you will recognize for the duration of your cruise. This cruise line does a great job at creating a welcoming, lively atmosphere, and although you may be boarding as a solo sailor, you're sure to meet wonderful people onboard!"<p><strong>RELATED: <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://bestlifeonline.com/what-not-to-bring-on-a-cruise-news/">5 Things You Should Never Bring on a Cruise, Experts Warn</a>.</strong></p></p>

3. Mix and mingle on Virgin Voyages.

If you're looking for something that can be as high-energy as it is relaxing, Virgin Voyages may be the best option for you. The recently launched line accommodates single travelers by waiving the supplements and additional fees that typically come for being just one to a room.

"Though relatively new to the industry, Virgin is courting solo travelers with a whopping 46 single cabins onboard each ship, with six lucky guests snagging forward-facing ocean views," says Don Bucolo , editor and co-founder of EatSleepCruise.com. "And Virgin's inclusive and welcoming atmosphere breaks the ice a bit better than most cruise lines when it comes to making new sailing friends."

He adds that the onboard vibe on Virgin Voyages is diverse, inclusive, and inviting. "From the cruise line's take on game shows, nighttime entertainment, and events like Scarlet Night , everyone is welcome to have a good time."

According to Kayla Smith , travel advisor with Sojourney Travel , the fact that the sails are adults-only also give them a different vibe than regular, family-friendly cruises and may make singles feel more at ease.

RELATED: 5 Things You Should Never Bring on a Cruise, Experts Warn .

<p>Carnival Panorama offers an <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://bestlifeonline.com/cruise-recommendation-carnival-panorama-news/">incredible value for single cruisers</a>, and the vibe on board is all about fun in the sun. The dominant demographic tends to be travelers in their 20s and 30s, so making friends and socializing with others is easy. That's especially true thanks to a grand variety of social mixers in multiple venues. From deck dance parties with crowd choreography to trivia competitions, and from single cruiser meetups to social club soirees, there's always a space for meeting others.</p><p>The <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://www.carnival.com/onboard/serenity">adults-only Serenity Deck</a> is a blissful escape from the party atmosphere thanks to the 21+ quiet zone featuring sea-view hot tubs, deluxe loungers, and shaded cabanas for afternoon naps. Singles can also pick up new culinary skills in the Carnival Kitchen, take up <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://www.carnival.com/onboard/alchemy-bar">mixology</a> at The Alchemy Bar, or relax within the ocean-view Cloud 9 Spa thermal suite. The Library is also a stunning venue with ocean views and ceiling-high bookcases with the latest bestsellers, so bookworms can find a quiet nook for slipping into a hot read.</p><p>With its itinerary focused on the Mexican Riviera, passengers can take advantage of onboard salsa dancing or introductory language lessons or hop on a local food tour in ports such as Puerto Vallarta. And, Panorama truly is a value-oriented cruise choice, with weeklong sailings starting at $294.</p>

4. Save on sunny getaways with Carnival Panorama.

Carnival Panorama offers an incredible value for single cruisers , and the vibe on board is all about fun in the sun. The dominant demographic tends to be travelers in their 20s and 30s, so making friends and socializing with others is easy. That's especially true thanks to a grand variety of social mixers in multiple venues. From deck dance parties with crowd choreography to trivia competitions, and from single cruiser meetups to social club soirees, there's always a space for meeting others.

The adults-only Serenity Deck is a blissful escape from the party atmosphere thanks to the 21+ quiet zone featuring sea-view hot tubs, deluxe loungers, and shaded cabanas for afternoon naps. Singles can also pick up new culinary skills in the Carnival Kitchen, take up mixology at The Alchemy Bar, or relax within the ocean-view Cloud 9 Spa thermal suite. The Library is also a stunning venue with ocean views and ceiling-high bookcases with the latest bestsellers, so bookworms can find a quiet nook for slipping into a hot read.

With its itinerary focused on the Mexican Riviera, passengers can take advantage of onboard salsa dancing or introductory language lessons or hop on a local food tour in ports such as Puerto Vallarta. And, Panorama truly is a value-oriented cruise choice, with weeklong sailings starting at $294.

<p>When <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://www.hollandamerica.com/en_US/cruise-ships/ms-nieuw-statendam/0.html">Nieuw Statendam</a> sails through the Southern Caribbean, solo cruisers are in for dreamy destinations in addition to a luxury cruise experience. <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://www.hollandamerica.com/en_US/ports/amber-cove-dominican-republic.html">Amber Cove</a>, a new port outside Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic, is ideal for sunseekers. Summers here are brilliantly hot, but even winter months reach into the mid to high 70s, meaning a dip in the portside resort-style pool is a welcome treat year-round.</p><p>This aquatic attraction, by the way, is complimentary for cruisers and features a lazy river, a swim-up bar, and gorgeous seaside cabanas. Add that to full days spent exploring Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, and Turks & Caicos, and solo sailors will find plenty of Insta-worthy moments for snapping selfies.</p><p>The best part? Nieuw Statendam is a sophisticated ship with an inviting <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://www.hollandamerica.com/en_US/onboard-activities/cruise-entertainment.html">musical atmosphere</a>. Solos can shake it off in the Rolling Stone Rock Room, mingle in B.B. King's Blues Club, and soak up the sounds at the Lincoln Center Stage. Throughout the sailing, get to know others through social meetups for singles, teachers, military, and LGBTQ+ passengers, or simply enjoy your own company during a wine tasting or cooking demonstration.</p>

5. Enjoy the arts aboard Holland America's Nieuw Statendam.

When Nieuw Statendam sails through the Southern Caribbean, solo cruisers are in for dreamy destinations in addition to a luxury cruise experience. Amber Cove , a new port outside Puerto Plata in the Dominican Republic, is ideal for sunseekers. Summers here are brilliantly hot, but even winter months reach into the mid to high 70s, meaning a dip in the portside resort-style pool is a welcome treat year-round.

This aquatic attraction, by the way, is complimentary for cruisers and features a lazy river, a swim-up bar, and gorgeous seaside cabanas. Add that to full days spent exploring Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, and Turks & Caicos, and solo sailors will find plenty of Insta-worthy moments for snapping selfies.

The best part? Nieuw Statendam is a sophisticated ship with an inviting musical atmosphere . Solos can shake it off in the Rolling Stone Rock Room, mingle in B.B. King's Blues Club, and soak up the sounds at the Lincoln Center Stage. Throughout the sailing, get to know others through social meetups for singles, teachers, military, and LGBTQ+ passengers, or simply enjoy your own company during a wine tasting or cooking demonstration.

<p>There's no age limit to solo singles cruising, and that includes older travelers who may be looking to branch out and meet new people during their voyage.</p><p>"Cunard is a stellar option if you're looking for a luxury cruise experience as a single older person," says <strong>Dean Van Es</strong>, founder and CEO of <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://fastcover.com.au/">Fast Cover Travel Insurance</a>. "Grand ships like Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth, and Queen Mary 2 each offer Single Staterooms, with some suites featuring idyllic sheltered balconies that help foster a romantic atmosphere."</p><p>Although it has a reputation for being stately, that doesn't necessarily translate into a stuffy experience for those hitting the high seas. "The onboard activities are especially great for singles, where guests can choose to dine on shared tables with guests or explore ashore with others in small groups," Van Es says. "There are also regular cocktail parties and social events held in the Golden Lion Pub."<p><strong>RELATED: <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://bestlifeonline.com/best-adults-only-cruises-news/">The 8 Best Adults-Only Cruises for a Stress-Free Vacation</a>.</strong></p></p>

6. Sail as a single senior with Cunard Lines.

There's no age limit to solo singles cruising, and that includes older travelers who may be looking to branch out and meet new people during their voyage.

"Cunard is a stellar option if you're looking for a luxury cruise experience as a single older person," says Dean Van Es , founder and CEO of Fast Cover Travel Insurance . "Grand ships like Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth, and Queen Mary 2 each offer Single Staterooms, with some suites featuring idyllic sheltered balconies that help foster a romantic atmosphere."

RELATED:  The 8 Best Adults-Only Cruises for a Stress-Free Vacation .

<p><a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://luxurytravelwithrobert.wordpress.com/">Travel advisor</a> Marcoux says Royal Caribbean's interior studio staterooms are ideal for singles as they come with "a virtual window that is designed to show the passenger what is actually going on outside that window while cruising." Want a wider view? Solo studio options also include an ocean view stateroom with balcony.</p><p>One of the most appealing aspects of a Royal Caribbean sailing is the <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://www.royalcaribbean.com/guides/everything-you-need-to-plan-a-perfect-day-at-cococay">Perfect Day at CocoCay</a>, a private island destination in the Bahamas. The destination offers ziplining, a pristine beach with cabanas, water park, helium balloon ride, and snorkeling spots. Trips to CocoCay are so popular, cruisers can even take a short weekend cruise with this relaxing destination as the main feature.</p><p>Prefer to increase your adrenaline? Test your balance with a surf lesson onboard FlowRider, a wave simulator on the ship where guests can hang 10 with a 360-degree view of the ocean. After dark, meet fellow cruisers at a number of social <a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://www.royalcaribbean.com/gbr/en/experience/cruise-nightlife">nightclub venues</a> with dancing, cocktails, and karaoke competitions aplenty.</p>

7. Try a perfect day with Royal Caribbean.

Travel advisor Marcoux says Royal Caribbean's interior studio staterooms are ideal for singles as they come with "a virtual window that is designed to show the passenger what is actually going on outside that window while cruising." Want a wider view? Solo studio options also include an ocean view stateroom with balcony.

One of the most appealing aspects of a Royal Caribbean sailing is the Perfect Day at CocoCay , a private island destination in the Bahamas. The destination offers ziplining, a pristine beach with cabanas, water park, helium balloon ride, and snorkeling spots. Trips to CocoCay are so popular, cruisers can even take a short weekend cruise with this relaxing destination as the main feature.

Prefer to increase your adrenaline? Test your balance with a surf lesson onboard FlowRider, a wave simulator on the ship where guests can hang 10 with a 360-degree view of the ocean. After dark, meet fellow cruisers at a number of social nightclub venues with dancing, cocktails, and karaoke competitions aplenty.

<p>The excitement created by all the possibilities that come with sailing solo is only made better if you've got swanky surroundings like those onboard some Celebrity ships. Their upscale yet approachable and lively ambiance makes them a fantastic option for those looking to cut loose and make some new connections.</p><p>"Celebrity's<a rel="noopener noreferrer external nofollow" href="https://www.celebritycruises.com/cruise-ships/celebrity-edge"> Edge-class ships</a> are a top choice for singles, with these modern voyages offering upbeat experiences and sleek spaces perfect for meeting others," says Van Es. "There are a lot of swanky bars to hang out in onboard, but one conversation starter is the Magic Carpet, a cantilevered, floating platform where guests can enjoy open-air dining and live performances."</p><p>Many of the daily activities on Celebrity Edge cruises are also primed for singles, including early morning fitness classes, laid-back garden games on the roof deck, trivia, a casino, and escape room experiences, all making it easy to team up with people you meet onboard.</p><p>"And, of course, there's a host of cocktail bars and sun decks to explore, too," he adds.<em>This story has been updated to include additional entries, fact-checking, and copy-editing.</em><p><strong>RELATED:For more up-to-date information, sign up for our    daily newsletter.</strong></p>Read the original article on <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://bestlifeonline.com/best-singles-cruises/"><em>Best Life</em></a>.</p>

8. Get sailing chic with Celebrity Edge.

The excitement created by all the possibilities that come with sailing solo is only made better if you've got swanky surroundings like those onboard some Celebrity ships. Their upscale yet approachable and lively ambiance makes them a fantastic option for those looking to cut loose and make some new connections.

"Celebrity's  Edge-class ships are a top choice for singles, with these modern voyages offering upbeat experiences and sleek spaces perfect for meeting others," says Van Es. "There are a lot of swanky bars to hang out in onboard, but one conversation starter is the Magic Carpet, a cantilevered, floating platform where guests can enjoy open-air dining and live performances."

Many of the daily activities on Celebrity Edge cruises are also primed for singles, including early morning fitness classes, laid-back garden games on the roof deck, trivia, a casino, and escape room experiences, all making it easy to team up with people you meet onboard.

RELATED:For more up-to-date information, sign up for our daily newsletter.

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International travel documents for children

See what documents a child needs to travel to or from the U.S. alone or with a parent or relative.

Children traveling to the U.S.

All children, including infants, must have their own travel documents such as a passport or document from a Trusted Traveler Program to enter the U.S. If you travel or are going to travel with a child, consider taking the following documents:

  • If the child is traveling with only one of their custodial parents, they must have a letter of consent, preferably in English and notarized, from the other parent or signed by both parents. The letter should say "I acknowledge that my son/daughter is traveling outside the country with [the name of the adult] with my permission."
  • If one parent has sole custody of the child, a copy of the custody document can take the place of the other parent's letter.
  • Parents who frequently cross the border by land with a minor must always carry a letter of permission from the other parent.

U.S. citizen children traveling abroad

Ports of entry in many countries have security measures to prevent international child abduction . If you are traveling alone with your child, you may be required to present documentation proving you are the parent or legal guardian. You may also need a letter of permission from the other parent for your child to travel. 

If your child travels alone, depending on the country, they may be required to present a notarized letter from both parents or their legal guardian. If a minor is traveling abroad and is not accompanied by both parents or a legal guardian, contact the embassy or consulate of the country you will be visiting and ask about entry and exit requirements for that country.

LAST UPDATED: December 6, 2023

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    Traveling alone can be quite difficult, especially if you're a senior citizen, but fortunately, there are a number of single-friendly cruises and tours for people 60 and over. Normally when you book a tour or cruise, you pay a per-person, double occupancy price; if you're traveling alone, you are charged a higher price, normally called a ...

  13. Best Trips for Single Seniors

    Join a tour at the Hanseatiske Museum and Schoetstuene to learn about the Hanseatic period and gain insight into how merchants had lived and worked. Experience the setting of a restored wooden building from the 18th century. Norway is considered one of the safest countries in the world, making it a great destination for seniors traveling alone.

  14. 14 Best Senior Travel Groups That Offer All Kinds of Adventures

    ElderTreks. An adventure travel company designed for people ages 50 and over, ElderTreks offers small-group adventures — think wildlife safaris, hiking trips, cultural journeys, and other unique ...

  15. 11 Secrets for Successful Senior Singles Travel

    Look in the mirror. Traveling solo might seem daunting, but it's easier — and more rewarding — than you think. These 11 tips for senior singles travel will help you create the perfect solo vacation. 1. Not All Senior Singles Travel Companies Are The Same. If you want to join a group, look for one that promises to attract like-minded travelers.

  16. Best Solo Trips for Seniors

    If going alone is overwhelming, companies specializing in international group trips and activities for singles 50 and over — such as Singles Travel International, U.K.-based Solos Holidays, and Tauck World Discovery — can help plan a getaway to Italy, and some offer room-sharing options and trips free of the single supplement fee.

  17. Best Cruises for Single Seniors in 2024

    With affordable (comparatively speaking) cruises starting at $2,398 per person, Singles Travel International is a tour agency that offers fun cruise destination trips for single seniors over the age of 50. With several destination options ranging from Antarctica, Africa, and South America, seniors can enjoy a fun solo getaway at affordable prices.

  18. Where Do Older Singles Vacation? Best Solo Trips for Seniors

    For a more active all-inclusive experience, a singles trip to Portugal could be a stronger choice. You can tour Lisbon, enjoy sunset cruises, go wine tasting, and so much more, all without having to pay extra along the way. Another option for over-50s who enjoy exploration is Occidental Papagayo in Costa Rica.

  19. The Golden Rules of Solo Travel

    Dining alone isn't weird. For most people, the thought of dining alone is one of the biggest barriers to traveling solo. But once you get past the conviction that everyone is noticing or judging ...

  20. Best Cruise Lines for Single Seniors

    Best Entertainment - Cunard Line - Known for its elegant atmosphere and traditional ocean liner experience, Cunard attracts many single seniors. The line offers a variety of enrichment programs, social activities, and formal evenings. Best Long Cruises - Holland America Line - Holland America provides a classic cruising experience with ...

  21. The Best Places to Travel Solo, According to a ...

    Western Europe's most affordable country, Portugal has been my second home since 2016. Whether in Alentejo or the Algarve, I can always find a €2 glass of wine and five-star hotels, including ...

  22. 15 Costly Mistakes Seniors Make When Traveling Solo

    Traveling at night can be dangerous for any solo traveler, but especially for senior citizens. The dark allows pickpockets and scammers to operate in the shadows. Try scheduling flights to arrive ...

  23. Vacations for singles over 50s & 60s

    Whether you're travelling solo, single or simply can't be labelled, our small group tours are the perfect way to explore a destination and meet like-minded people. ... I love solo travel, but anonymous travel is what I really need 02 Apr 2024. Travelling without my kids showed me the pain of leaving and the joy of going 17 Jul 2023.

  24. 10 Tips for Traveling Solo After Retirement

    Code 8. , where a personalized lipstick shade was designed and created for me. Then, my next new experience was having my boots polished by a charming gentleman as I sat on a vintage shoeshine ...

  25. Solo Female Travel: Best Destinations To Visit

    The best destinations for solo female travel. 1. Sri Lanka. The tiny teardrop island of Sri Lanka is like India in miniature but with its own unique charm, making it the perfect first stop for ...

  26. 8 Best Cruises for Singles Looking for Romance

    5. Enjoy the arts aboard Holland America's Nieuw Statendam. When Nieuw Statendam sails through the Southern Caribbean, solo cruisers are in for dreamy destinations in addition to a luxury cruise ...

  27. Travel Insurance Plans and Information for Solo Travelers| Travel Guard

    When you are a solo traveler, you bear the burden of your finances alone. Any unexpected expenses can take a toll on your bank account. Your travel insurance plan can help cover your travel investment. As a solo traveler, you should consider finding a travel insurance plan with 24/7 emergency assistance. You never know when a travel mishap may ...

  28. International travel documents for children

    Children traveling to the U.S. All children, including infants, must have their own travel documents such as a passport or document from a Trusted Traveler Program to enter the U.S. If you travel or are going to travel with a child, consider taking the following documents: If the child is traveling with only one of their custodial parents, they ...

  29. Elektrostal Cottage Rentals By Owner

    Discover the Best Cottage Rentals in or near Elektrostal. With 32 rental cottages near Elektrostal, we are sure to find something for you. Also compare Vacation Rentals, BandBs, Summer Homes, and Holiday Rentals. Get the best prices with Rent By Owner.

  30. Elektrostal, Russia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

    A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. See all. Apelsin Hotel. 43. from $48/night. Apart Hotel Yantar. 2. from $28/night. Elektrostal Hotel.