Republica Dominicana

Excursiones en Samaná

Localiza tu agencia de excursiones, tour operador o de viajes situada en Samaná y reserva actividades, tours, visitas guiadas y excursiones en la Provincia o Península de Samaná, Republica Dominicana, localidades como el Municipio de Las Terrenas, Distrito municipal de Las Galeras, el pueblo El Limón de Samaná, Santa Barbara de Samaná, Sánchez. mejores. Cascada el Limón, Parque Nacional los Haitises, Cayo Levantado, Las Ballenas Jorobadas. que ver, hacer, donde ir y que visitar.

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Cuando estés planeando tus vacaciones en Samaná , puede ser abrumador decidir cuáles son las  mejores cosas para hacer en esta Península . Aunque es solo una pequeña Península en Republica Dominicana, la increíble biodiversidad de Samaná permite un sinfín de actividades de aventura, relajación y cultura. Entre hermosas playas como Playa Rincón , exuberantes selvas tropicales, humeantes aguas termales y cascadas que fluyen como la Cascada el Limón , en medio de la bahía de Samaná encontraras Cayo Levantado un precioso islote que desde el mismo podrás visitar Las Ballenas Jorobadas su presencia es entre los meses de enero y marzo de cada año, y no dejes de visitar en lancha rapida el   Parque Nacional Los Haitises encontraras una exuberante flora, mogotes, pictografías en diferentes cuevas y infinidad de aves, a su familia le encontrará los recorridos, actividades y excursiones en Samaná, no te quedes sin un lugar por visitar, playas por conocer o tours por hacer! Visita Samaná para el viaje de tu vida. 

⭐️ Cascada el Limón (Se encuentra en un salto de agua de 55 metros).

Municipio de Las Terrenas

Es un espectacular salto que mide 55 metros de alto, con una hermosa piscina natural de agua fresca y cristalina debajo, donde se puede disfrutar de un baño totalmente relajante. Se encuentra localizado en la comunidad de Limón en Samaná. Está sumida en un bosque tropical el cual lo disfrutaras durante el recorrido.

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⭐️ Parque Nacional los Haitises (Un lugar natural digno de admirar).

Municipio de Las Terrenas

El lugar está lleno de paisajes muy hermosos como la Bahía de San Lorenzo, y los diferentes cayos y manglares. Es un lugar lleno de colinas, corredores y valles, cuevas, pictografías tainas, bosques húmedos, y gran cantidad de aves, muchas de ellas endémicas; entre ellas el Halcón de Ridgway, pelícanos, aves fragata y garzas.

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⭐️ Cayo Levantado (Un islote anclado en plena bahía de Samaná).

Municipio de Las Terrenas

También conocido como “Isla Bacardi”, es un islote en la bahía de Samaná, al noreste de la República Dominicana. con alrededor de 1 kilómetro de extensión posee una vegetación de bosque húmedo y playas de arenas blancas y aguas cristalinas, ideales para bucear, practicar snorkeling o nadar plácidamente. Un pequeño paraíso.

⭐️ Las Ballenas Jorobadas (Samaná es uno de los mayores santuarios de cría de ballenas).

Municipio de Las Terrenas

Es el espectáculo que más turistas atrae y su presencia es entre los meses de enero y marzo de cada año. Samaná es considerada como uno de los mejores lugares para el avistamiento de las ballenas jorobadas., y uno de los mayores santuarios de cría de ballenas yubartas en el mundo.

⭐️ Ruta del Cafe (Circuitos en Quads, Jeeps o Buggies en Samaná ).

Excursiones en Samaná

Ruta el Cafe:

Excursión entre espectaculares paisajes y magníficas playas del Limón cómo las de morón, las canas y el río el Limón en Samaná. Visita a una fábrica de tabaco y cómo no, degustación de los productos naturales típicos de la zona como el café, cacao y mamajuana. Recorrido a caballo hasta la cascada el Limón donde podrá darse un buen chapuzón.

Todas estas excursiones se encuentran situadas en la península de Samaná. ENCUENTRA TU AGENCIA DE EXCURSIONES EN SAMANÁ 

Gran variedad de ofertas en circuitos baratos para tus vacaciones 2024

Desde nuestra web encontraras la agencia de excursiones, tour operador o de viajes que mas se adapte a tus necesidades,  podrás disfrutar de una gran variedad de ofertas para tus vacaciones. Reserva ya tu próximo viaje organizado con una de nuestras agencias, cada una con sus diferentes ofertas,  paquetes vacacionales y viajes programados. Encuentra grandes descuentos en tours vacacionales a destinos paradisiacos y viaja al mejor precio. Con una de nuestras agencias de excursiones y organiza tus vacaciones, las excursiones serán únicas, asesoradas por un equipo profesional, expertos y apasionados guías conocedores del lugar.

¿Ya has elegido tu Agencia para tus próximas Vacaciones?

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Agencias de Viajes y Excursiones en Samaná

⭐️ Península Tours (Agencia de Excursiones en Las Terrenas de Samaná en República Dominicana).  

Excursiones en Samaná

Somos una empresa de turismo , Una agencia de excursiones con un equipo profesional y apasionado, encargado de satisfacer a todos nuestros clientes, poniendo a su disposición un mecanismo rápido y seguro al momento de reservar con nosotros todas y cada una de nuestras organizadas excursiones.

  • Imágenes de algunas de las excursiones que realizamos.

⭐️ Omat Tours (Agencia de Excursiones en Las Terrenas de Samaná en República Dominicana).  

Agencias excursiones en República Dominicana

Somos una agencia de excursiones, ubicada en Las Terrenas , para nosotros es básico la atención personalizada y dedicada a nuestros clientes. Nuestro equipo de profesionales actualiza diariamente las ofertas, un equipo con ganas de ensenaros los rincones y las maravillas que ofrece el lugar.

⭐️ Em manuel tours ( Agencia de Excursiones en Las Terrenas de Samaná en República Dominicana).  

Agencias excursiones en República Dominicana

Somos una agencia que organiza excursiones, situada en el Municipio de Las Terrenas, con nosotros descubrirá los rincones más auténticos de la península de Samaná, con sus impresionantes paisajes llenos de contrastes, espectaculares playas totalmente vírgenes, impresionantes lugares creados por la naturaleza y conocerá a su gente y costumbres.


En este apartado encontraras las mejores agencias de viajes, actividades, circuitos, tours y excursiones que se localizan en el Distrito Municipal El Limón de Samaná. Un lugar único que no debes dejar de visitar si te encuentras en la península de Samaná.

⭐️ Santi Limón Excursiónes (Agencia de Excursiones en El Limón de Samaná en República Dominicana).  

Excursiones en Samaná

Somos una agencia de excursiones, ubicada en El Limón, Santi, español de Oviedo, lleva más de 30 años viviendo en la bella península de Samaná. El y su esposa dominicana Suni son recomendados por la mayoría de las guías para viajeros independientes (lonely planet, rough-guide, discovery channel guide, trotamundos, national geographic, routard, etc.…).

Excursiones en Samaná

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Excursiones en Samaná

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Los Mejores Lugares de Interes de Puerto Plata

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One of the most beautiful beach in the Carribean

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Highest Waterfall on Samana Peninsula

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HAITISES PARK + Cayo Levantado

Explore Mangroves, Tainos Caves, and island!

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Adventure Tour across the Samana Peninsula

santi excursions samana


13 Jump stations over EL VALLE Jungle

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In Samana Bay from January 15 to March 30

Explore Samana Bay & Peninsula with us!

During your vacation in Samana do the best tours and excursions with us! We promise to exceed your expectations!


Even if your are only 2 persons in your group, we can offer you a totally exclusive private tour only for both of you. 

When you book online, we'll give you a 10% DISCOUNT! Great tours at great low prices with us at TOP™


Haitises park + cayo levantado tour •   limon waterfall tour • playa rincon tour.

Best Tours to Los Haitises Park + Cayo Levantado island.

Haitises Park + Cayo Levantado island

From $88 usd.

Los Haitises is one of the main ecological attractions of the Dominican Republic. Los Haitises is a magical place that takes us back to the time of the dinosaurs, it’s also were important scenes from the movie Jurassic Park were filmed...

Best Excursions to LIMON Waterfall in Samana Peninsula.

Limon Waterfall Samana Peninsula 

From $44 usd.

Excursion by Horse Back Riding from Las Terrenas + Samana area. The spectacular isolated Waterfall El Limon is located in Samana Peninsula Dominican Republic. A reclusive paradise located in the mountains...

Best Playa Rincon Tours from all Samana hotels.

Playa Rincon by Safari Truck

From $75 usd.

Best Safari Truck Tour in Samana Peninsula Dominican Republic. The stunning Playa Rincon is considered one of the TEN most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean due to its outstanding natural conditions and virgin location... 

#1 Avenida La Marina Downtown Samana Dominican Republic

Email: [email protected] Phone: ANIS MARTINEZ +1 (809) 608-2438

  • Haitises Park + Cayo Tour
  • Waterfall Limon Tour
  • Playa Rincon Safari Tour Zipline Samana Tour 
  • ATV Tour Playa Rincon Whale Watching Tour

Yankee 1 Go LG Go LT Go S Greg Isleta Valerio Willmore Rick H Payano Henry Paul Payano En Patrick Noel Vidal 1 Tauro Payano Es Cove Espino Tremont Whale S DDD 1 DDD 2 DDD 3 DDD 4 SBV GDR Eric 1 Eric 2 Eric 3 Eric 4 Eric 5 JV Agency JV Agency EURIS 1 EURIS 2 Juana 1 Juana 2 William Emilio Jose L JV Agency Rick 2 DDD 5 MAC Rawan Ricks Pedro Antonio Juana 3 JV Paul SEO Paul SEO Jose A. Fredy 1 Fredy 2 Yokairis Brendan Brendan Brendan HL Alberto Geury Rafael Florence Renee Jessica Victoria Anis Jose Paul SEO Geidy FEDE 1 FEDE 2 Marjorie 1 Kimbara Jonny Elizabeth Yani Fredy Amal Marjorie 2 Thane Paul SEO

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Shore Excursions Group

Samana Zip and Waterfall

5 Stars

Exclusive Samana Orientation

4.5 Stars

Zip, Waterfall and Horseback Riding

Private Horseback Ride and Falls Tour in Samana (El Limón Waterfall)

Private Horseback Ride and Falls

Private La Playita Beach Retreat Tour in Samana

Private La Playita Beach Retreat

Private In Depth by Horse Tour in Samana (El Valle Beach, Lulu Waterfalls)

Private Samana In Depth by Horse


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Discover the Serenity of Samana: Your 7-Day Itinerary

Simply Dominican

Welcome to Samaná, a hidden gem on the northeastern coast of the Dominican Republic . Known for its pristine beaches, lush landscapes, and untouched beauty, Samaná offers a tranquil retreat away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through an enchanting 7-day itinerary that showcases the best of Samana . Get ready to immerse yourself in the serenity, natural wonders, and unforgettable experiences that await you in this tropical paradise.

Summary of the Article

The idyllic beauty of samana.

Nestled amidst breathtaking coastal vistas and picturesque mountains, Samaná exudes an undeniable allure. From its secluded beaches and vibrant coral reefs to its majestic waterfalls and lush rainforests, Samaná offers a sanctuary for nature lovers and tranquility seekers. Simply Dominican, the premier provider of luxury villas in the Dominican Republic, presents a curated collection of villas in Samaná, ensuring an extraordinary stay in this idyllic paradise.

Your 7-Day Itinerary

Day 1: arrival and welcome to samaná.


Day 2: Explore Los Haitises, National Park

Embark on a fascinating journey to Los Haitises National Park, a haven of biodiversity and natural wonder. Cruise through the park’s mangrove forests, marvel at the towering limestone formations and encounter a rich array of bird species and marine life. Explore hidden caves adorned with ancient Taino Indian pictographs and immerse yourself in the beauty of this ecological paradise.

Day 3: Discover the Magic of El Limon Waterfall

Embark on a thrilling adventure to El Limon Waterfall , one of the most breathtaking waterfalls in the Dominican Republic. Ride on horseback through the lush countryside, passing scenic vistas and small rural communities. Arrive at the cascading waterfall and immerse yourself in its refreshing pool. Feel the cool mist on your skin as you bask in the natural beauty that surrounds you.

Day 4: Relax on Playa Rincon

Spend a day of relaxation on Playa Rincon , a pristine beach renowned for its powdery white sand and crystal-clear turquoise waters. Unwind under the shade of a palm tree, soak up the sun, and take refreshing dips in the azure sea. Indulge in a beachfront picnic, savoring the flavors of the Dominican Republic while enjoying the serene ambiance of this hidden paradise.

Need Assistance Planning Your Dream Vacation?

Our team at Simply Dominican is here to make your luxury travel dreams a reality. Whether you're seeking the perfect villa, personalized itineraries, or expert advice, we've got you covered.

Day 5: Whale Watching Excursion

Experience a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity by embarking on a whale-watching excursion in Samaná Bay. Witness the majestic humpback whales as they migrate to the warm Caribbean waters. Marvel at their acrobatic displays and listen to their haunting songs. This awe-inspiring encounter with these gentle giants is a truly unforgettable experience that showcases the natural wonders of Samaná.

Day 6: Explore Salto El Limon and Playa El Valle


Day 7: Farewell and Reflection

On your final day in Samaná, take a moment to reflect on the incredible experiences and serene moments you’ve enjoyed throughout your stay. Indulge in a leisurely breakfast at your luxury villa, savoring the flavors of the Dominican Republic. Spend a few moments on the beach, savoring the gentle sea breeze and listening to the rhythmic sound of the waves. Bid farewell to Samana, carrying with you the cherished memories of a truly blissful journey.

Embrace the Serenity of Samaná

Samaná invites you to escape to a world of tranquility, natural wonders, and untouched beauty. Whether you’re exploring its national parks, swimming beneath cascading waterfalls, or basking in the serenity of its pristine beaches, Samaná promises an extraordinary experience. Choose Simply Dominican for the finest luxury villas in Samaná , where every detail is meticulously crafted for an unforgettable stay.

Click here to discover Simply Dominican’s Luxury Villas in Samaná

FAQ Section

Q1: what are some of the main attractions in samaná.

A: Some of the main attractions in Samaná include Los Haitises National Park, El Limon Waterfall, Playa Rincon, and the whale watching excursions in Samaná Bay.

Q2: Where can I stay in Samaná?

A: Simply Dominican offers a curated collection of luxury villas in Samaná, providing an extraordinary stay in this idyllic paradise.

Q3: Is Samaná a good place for nature lovers?

A: Absolutely, Samaná offers a sanctuary for nature lovers with its secluded beaches, vibrant coral reefs, majestic waterfalls, and lush rainforests.

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Shore Excursions

Shore excursions - samaná, dominican republic.

The meticulously crafted Shore Excursions of The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection let you explore each destination exactly as you wish, whether visiting iconic sights, immersing yourself in local culture, or discovering untamed natural beauty. Join a small cadre of fellow travelers on Select Group Excursions or explore with your chosen personal companions on Pre-Designed Private Excursions curated by our destination experts. We can also craft a unique itinerary tailored to your preferences with our Custom Private Excursions.

Shore Excursions are available for booking 120 days prior to embarkation. The excursions listed below are intended as a guide for activities that may be available in each port, however, excursions are capacity controlled and may not be available on all voyages. Please check back regularly as more excursions will be added as they become available.

santi excursions samana

World-Renowned Whale Watching

Over 30,000 people visit the Dominican town of Samaná every year for some of the best whale watching in the world. On this up-close-and-personal tour, you'll see exactly why.

santi excursions samana

Las Terrenas Beach Escape

The sights and sounds of the Samaná Peninsula are on full display at Las Terrenas, a perfect blend of beach village and resort town where you'll enjoy a leisurely day at a chic beach club.

santi excursions samana

Caves and Mangroves Exploration

Visit the caves of Los Haitises National Park, an awe-inspiring sanctuary reminiscent of the Rock Islands of Palau in the Pacific.

santi excursions samana

Dominican Zip-Line Adventure

Experience the thrill of a lifetime, soaring through the skies above the Samaná Peninsula. On this exhilarating zip-line tour through the lush landscape of the Juana Vicente region, you'll enjoy a breathtaking perspective rarely available to those without wings.

Private Van with Driver and Guide (Half Day)

Explore Samana at your own leisure with a private van, English speaking driver and professional English speaking guide for 4 hours.

Private Van with Driver and Guide (Full Day)

Explore Samana at your own leisure with a private van, English speaking driver and professional English speaking guide for 8 hours.

Kayak in Los Haitises National Park

Kayak through the pristine mangrove forests of Los Haitises National Park.

Samana Sail & Snorkel

Coconuts and cuisine at el coyuco ranch.

Learn from an experienced chef about Dominican culinary traditions and how to prepare traditional island cuisine.

santi excursions samana

Classic Tours

4-Wheel ATV "Virgin beaches adventure"

4-Wheel ATV "Virgin beaches adventure"

Canyoning in El Limón River

Canyoning in El Limón River

El Limón waterfall by foot

El Limón waterfall by foot

El Limón waterfall on horseback

El Limón waterfall on horseback

Haitises National Park + Cayo Levantado + Tropical pool

Haitises National Park + Cayo Levantado + Tropical pool

Rincon Beach

Rincon Beach

Trekking and virgin beaches

Trekking and virgin beaches

Whales watching + Cayo Levantado 1/2 day excursion

Whales watching + Cayo Levantado 1/2 day excursion

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  4. Excursión Españoles en el Mundo con Santi en Cascada del limón en

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  1. Inicio

    Tours, excursiones y más en El Limón, Las Terrenas, Samaná, República Dominicana. My Account; Login; ... CapitanRey - Tripadvisor - Dic 2015 "Santi, el amigo definitivo para visitar y ... Las Terrenas - El Limon - Samana. Price per person from $ 90.

  2. Home

    Mabel M Jan 2015 - Tripadvisor "Feels like a family excursion" CapitanRey - Tripadvisor - Dec 2015 "Santi, the ultimate friend to visit and tour with in Samana" "Santi sees in the client more than money" RickyELx - Tripadvisor - Dec 2015 Evaristop - Tripadvisor - Dic 2015 "Very good excursions, excellent treatment" "Excursiones divertidas en familia" Benjasol - Tripadvisor - Oct 2015 ...

  3. Excursions

    Mabel M Jan 2015 - Tripadvisor "Feels like a family excursion" CapitanRey - Tripadvisor - Dec 2015 "Santi, the ultimate friend to visit and tour with in Samana" "Santi sees in the client more than money" RickyELx - Tripadvisor - Dec 2015 Evaristop - Tripadvisor - Dic 2015 "Very good excursions, excellent treatment" "Excursiones divertidas en familia" Benjasol - Tripadvisor - Oct 2015 ...

  4. Santi Limon Excursiones

    Santi Rancho: Santi Limon Excursiones - See 212 traveler reviews, 193 candid photos, and great deals for Santi Rancho at Tripadvisor.

  5. Canyoning with Santi Limon Excursions is a MUST!

    Santi Rancho: Canyoning with Santi Limon Excursions is a MUST! - See 205 traveler reviews, 186 candid photos, and great deals for Santi Rancho at Tripadvisor.


    Santi Rancho, Dominican Republic/Samana - Las Terrenas: See 213 traveller reviews, 193 candid photos, and great deals for Santi Rancho, ranked #3 of 562 Speciality lodging in Dominican Republic/Samana - Las Terrenas and rated 5 of 5 at Tripadvisor. ... Santi offers excursions to the Limon waterfalls and to the Haitises National Park, we did ...

  7. Santi Rancho

    Santi Rancho in Samana, Dominican Republic - Las Terrenas: View Tripadvisor's 213 unbiased reviews, 193 photos, and special offers for Santi Rancho, #4 out of 563 Samana, Dominican Republic - Las Terrenas specialty lodging. ... Our family of 5 used Santi Excursions for a horseback tour to El Limon as well as an all day boat tour to Haitises ...

  8. THE 10 BEST Samana Province Tours & Excursions

    14. Excursion Los Haitises + Cayo Levantado (Bacardí Island) from Santo Domingo. 15. Full-day Tours. 6+ hours. Sunset Caribbean offers the best personalized service in Santo Domingo, our guides are trained to provide memorable experiences…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 93% of travelers. from.

  9. Excursiones Santi Limon Samana

    Santi limon Excursiones es un tour operador con 30 años de experiencia en Samana. Organizamos excursiones personalizadas y en pequenos grupos, visitando todos los rincones mas hermosos de Samana, como son, El salto del Limon, Parque Nacional de los Haitises, Cayo Levantado, Playa Rincon, Las Terrenas y de Enero a Marzo, el famoso Avistamiento ...

  10. About us

    Mabel M Jan 2015 - Tripadvisor "Feels like a family excursion" CapitanRey - Tripadvisor - Dec 2015 "Santi, the ultimate friend to visit and tour with in Samana" "Santi sees in the client more than money" RickyELx - Tripadvisor - Dec 2015 Evaristop - Tripadvisor - Dic 2015 "Very good excursions, excellent treatment" "Excursiones divertidas en familia" Benjasol - Tripadvisor - Oct 2015 ...

  11. ⭐️ Excursiones en Samaná

    ⭐️ Santi Limón Excursiónes (Agencia de Excursiones en El Limón de Samaná en República Dominicana). Santi Limón Excursiones: +1-829-342-9976 WhatsApp. Somos una agencia de excursiones, ubicada en El Limón, Santi, español de Oviedo, lleva más de 30 años viviendo en la bella península de Samaná. El y su esposa dominicana Suni son ...

  12. Samaná full Day, Bacardi Island Horse Limon Waterfall

    We did the full day excursion to Samana. I was so excited to do this and see the Beautiful El Limon Waterfall. However, after 4 hours in a bus, a hour on a boat, 40 minutes in a safari truck, a hour of horse riding through rough, rocky and muddy terrain and then 280 stairs down to the waterfall to experience it for 20 minutes then 280 stairs back up, It definitely wasn't worth the time and a ...

  13. TOP™ Tours Samana • Do the Best Excursions all over Samana Peninsula & Bay

    Haitises Park + Cayo Levantado Tour • Limon Waterfall Tour • Playa Rincon Tour. TOP™ Tours Samana • Do the Best Excursions all over Samana Peninsula & Bay • Day trips: ATV Adventure, Waterfall Limon, Haitises Park + Cayo Levantado, Playa Fronton & Rincon Beach by Boat, Zipline, and Whale Watching in season!

  14. Private Samana In Depth by Horse

    Save money and escape the crowds on all of your cruise excursions. Our experts have personally selected the best Samana Dominican Republic shore excursions, many of which the cruise lines are too large to offer. ... Fly through the sky on Samana's longest and safest zip line, then splash in a waterfall. 12 Reviews. Full Details. Excursion Size ...

  15. El Salto del Limón

    Shore Excursions. Cruises, Sailing & Water Tours. Private Hiking to Salto el Limon with a Local expert Guide from Samana. 5. Adventure Tours. from. $66.67. per adult. El Limon Waterfall and Bacardi Island Tour from Punta Cana with Lunch Included.

  16. THE 30 BEST Samana Province Tours & Excursions for 2024

    Starting from your hotel at Las Terrenas in …. 8. Excursion Los Haitises + Cayo Levantado (Bacardí Island) from Santo Domingo. Sunset Caribbean offers the best personalized service in Santo Domingo, our guides are trained to provide memorable experiences…. 9. Samana Full Day Cayo Levantado Bacardi Island and Waterfal.

  17. All Samana Tours & Excursions

    Ziplines + Monkeyland Samaná. Clip on and get ready for some serious Zip Lining! Finish an adventure-filled day interacting with friendly squirrel monkeys that jump around you to eat fresh fruit directly from your hands. Book Now. Learn More. From $110. Meals.

  18. Adventure tours

    Mabel M Jan 2015 - Tripadvisor "Feels like a family excursion" CapitanRey - Tripadvisor - Dec 2015 "Santi, the ultimate friend to visit and tour with in Samana" "Santi sees in the client more than money" RickyELx - Tripadvisor - Dec 2015 Evaristop - Tripadvisor - Dic 2015 "Very good excursions, excellent treatment" "Excursiones divertidas en familia" Benjasol - Tripadvisor - Oct 2015 ...

  19. Discover the Serenity of Samana: Your 7-Day Itinerary

    Welcome to Samaná, a hidden gem on the northeastern coast of the Dominican Republic. Known for its pristine beaches, lush landscapes, and untouched beauty, Samana offers a tranquil retreat away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In this blog post, we'll guide you through an enchanting 7-day itinerary that showcases the best of Samana.

  20. Shore Excursions in Samana

    Coconuts and Cuisine at El Coyuco Ranch. Learn from an experienced chef about Dominican culinary traditions and how to prepare traditional island cuisine. MORE INFO. For reservations, contact The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection at (833) 999-7292 or your travel professional. Learn more about Samana shore excursions.

  21. Restaurant

    Mabel M Jan 2015 - Tripadvisor "Feels like a family excursion" CapitanRey - Tripadvisor - Dec 2015 "Santi, the ultimate friend to visit and tour with in Samana" "Santi sees in the client more than money" RickyELx - Tripadvisor - Dec 2015 Evaristop - Tripadvisor - Dic 2015 "Very good excursions, excellent treatment" "Excursiones divertidas en familia" Benjasol - Tripadvisor - Oct 2015 ...

  22. Classic Tours

    Mabel M Jan 2015 - Tripadvisor "Feels like a family excursion" CapitanRey - Tripadvisor - Dec 2015 "Santi, the ultimate friend to visit and tour with in Samana" "Santi sees in the client more than money" RickyELx - Tripadvisor - Dec 2015 Evaristop - Tripadvisor - Dic 2015 "Very good excursions, excellent treatment" "Excursiones divertidas en familia" Benjasol - Tripadvisor - Oct 2015 ...