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Northern Journey

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Northern Journey

In 2021, a single northerner threw Skyrim, Doom, Souls and Zelda in a blender and committed a small, acid masterpiece.

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I feel that people often use terms like "hidden gem" a bit misleadingly about indie games that actually have an okay amount of reviews and solid sales numbers behind them. But in Northern Journey's case, I think that kind of term is entirely justified. The game was released in 2021, but it was only now, in early 2023, that I was made aware of its existence thanks to a glowing Resetera thread. It has just shy of 1000 user reviews on Steam, and a quick Google search confirms that it doesn't boast much more than quite a few critical reviews and videos devoted to it. Therefore, I will now do my part to convince the GR folks why it is definitely recommended to throw something like 10 hours of your life at it, and in the process support an extremely talented Norwegian game developer.

How do you describe Northern Journey? A random Steam user actually nailed it pretty well with the following short recommendation: "If David Lynch directed an Elder Scrolls game." Yes, Skyrim is probably the first game that comes to mind when you start playing Northern Journey, which is all about exploring a distinctly Norse world. Dark forests, murky caves, brooding swamps, deep fjords, mist-covered mountains - the world feels cold, harsh and oppressive, but also melancholy thanks to the fantastically atmospheric and at times sombre soundtrack, which features unique tracks for each of the game's areas. It looks like the game was created in Elder Scrolls' Creation Engine, though it appears to be Unreal Engine 4, yet it all feels more "handcrafted."

Northern Journey

I think we can all agree that recent Elder Scrolls games, with their large open worlds, rarely offer the most exciting and sophisticated level design from one moment to the next. Northern Journey, on the other hand, manages to succeed on that front thanks to its sharply focused, linear design (semi-open areas occur, but there's always one correct path forward) that seems to draw inspiration from both Zelda and Souls. The former because you often have to find keys, wheels, hand swings and similar items to unlock locked areas. The latter because you encounter doors that only open from the opposite side; because you're constantly creating satisfying shortcuts between areas by pushing down ladders, setting off elevators, using ziplines, etc.; because you occasionally have to backtrack through clunky platforming sections; and because the game's characters are cryptic in both speech, clues, and motives.

It's also why it makes quite good sense, like the aforementioned Steam user, to imagine David Lynch as the game's director. Northern Journey is trippy, in part because of the cryptic characters, the game's dark humour, and the pervasively small and creepy atmosphere, but also because the world is smeared in as much mystery as fog, in that the developer draws heavily on Norse folklore (think witches, goblins, and the like).

So is the game a masterpiece in a "perfect" sense? Absolutely not. Not all of the game's areas are of the same quality, boss fights can be seriously frustrating, and the combat system in general can best be described as "janky." You run around in first person, using projectile weapons such as slingshots, bows and throwing axes to slay all manner of creepy crawlies (if you have a phobia of this sort of thing, this is NOT the game for you). The combat system has strong associations with Doom, Quake, Unreal Tournament and similar games due to the player's fast movement and the many life and ammo containers scattered around the environment. But enemies are also lightning-fast, jumping like long jumpers and sucking the life out of you in no time, so it often becomes a case of frantically sprinting back and forth with bloodthirsty giant mosquitoes, leeches and other goodies in tow, while letting your elbow chest, then having just a second to turn around and try to hit the mark with a small, unreliable sighting grain.

Northern Journey

This is also why I would advise you to save OFTEN. The game doesn't save automatically, it's up to the player to remember, but luckily it's super easy and fast to quicksave on the 5 key. By the way, the game is really well optimized and runs brilliantly on older or unsuitable hardware.

Northern Journey isn't just Skyrim on sponges. While the inspirations are clear, the game manages to create its own, in my opinion, incredibly alluring identity. The world is so fascinating, and the level design in much of the adventure so engaging, that you're willing to forgive the developer for the half-baked combat system. The founder of solo studio Slid Studio, a Norwegian named Øystein, really is someone to watch out for in the future, and he deserves a lot more attention for the little diamond in the rough he's put on Steam. The perfect game for a rainy day and a steaming cup of coffee by the side.

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Northern Journey

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T he Northern Journey is an epic campaign set in WotC's Forgotten Realms .  The projects group members now are departing the Forgotten Realms, to continue their campaigns and open gaming product development elsewhere in the d20™ world.

Northern Journey is a project ten years in the making, before the gates of opened and we're proud to provide a home for this excellent dedication to the Realms. - Home of Northern Journey is the sole authorized distributor of the Northern Journey adventure. The material contained on this site is not to be distributed from any other site or location. If you have any questions, please contact the webmaster .

Further Support

There is a Yahoo! group, within which are members of the NJ development team. You can access this group through the following link:

Furthermore, for those running the NJ campaign, the following website may be of use. Please note that this site is not directly associated with the NJ project.  is maintained by an enthusiastic DM of the Northern Journey game, who has been running both a face to face as well as a PBeM version of the campaign for the last six years.  His web-site has a huge amount of history on the two parallel games, as well as other interesting information on the Realms and the North in particular.  He encourages visits by other Northern Journey DMs so they can see how some of the individual scenarios and plot points were/are played out.

Important!  What do I need to know before downloading?

  1.  All who download:

Our products are packed with WinZip 9.0 to shorten download times.  If you are unable to unpack our files, download the trial version of WinZip 9.0 at:

2.  Reading the books and getting the original maps:

All of the Northern Journey books are in the PDF-Format of Adobe Acrobat® 5.0.  If you have no program that can read PDF files, you can download the Adobe Acrobat Reader® free at:

You need nothing but the books.  All of Northern Journey including the maps is contained in the PDF books.

However, many game masters who use the programs Campaign Cartographer 2 Pro™ or Campaign Cartographer 3 from ProFantasy Ltd. prefer to use the original CC2 maps because of their higher quality and the ability to modify them easily.  If you want to customize NJ and you have CC2 or CC3 , we suggest that you also download the original CC2/CC3 maps. This is not necessary, however, as all of the maps already are in the books in high PDF quality.

3.  For all downloads:

For all of the individual parts of Northern Journey , you must have the Northern Journey Campaign Guide , and you need to install the Forgotten Realms Fonts Set.   The latter is a collection of public domain and freeware fonts suited for the Forgotten Realms .

4.  The Core Essential Downloads:

5.  The Supplement Book Downloads:

6.  The CC2 Map Downloads:

Frequently asked questions

Where do I go for help and answers?

The authors of the Northern Journey adventure, the Vintyri Project members, can be reached at: [email protected]

There is no charge for handling inquiries.

The Project Group:

Project leader:  Trevor Cooke, Scotland Editor:   Carl Nielsen, U.S.A. Webmaster:   Mark Oliva, Bavaria (Germany) Illustrator:  Joan I. Guardiet, Spain

System Requirements

Your system must be able to read electronic books in the PDF format of Adobe Acrobat 5.0 or higher.  If you do not have a program that can read PDF files you can download the Adobe Acrobat Reader in a version for your operating system (i.e. Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.) free at


What is it?  A set of modules?  Something else?

N orthern Journey is a combination adventure and campaign setting expansion in seven parts with a campaign guide.  It is for the Forgotten Realms setting of the game Dungeons & Dragons from Wizards of the Coast Inc.

NJ was designed intentionally to serve a wide variety of needs.  Our correspondence suggests that more than 50% of the Game Masters who've downloaded and used all or parts of NJ ignore the adventure and use the material to flesh out their own versions of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting.

If you plan to run the NJ adventure (see below), you can ignore the following.  If, on the other hand, you have your own adventure ideas, you should understand what best serves your needs:

Parts 1-4 in the book Northern Journey – the West go from Neverwinter in the northwest of the Realms to Silverymoon, through the Moonwood and then to southeast through the Delimbiyr Valley to Loudwater.  From there the trail leads past Dekanter and through the Backlands of the Sword Coast, across northern Cormyr and on through Daggerdale to Dagger Falls.  The last leg of the journey takes the players to Zhentil Keep, Myth Drannor's ruins and Scardale.

Up to this point, the individual segments are written in module style with narratives for the Game Master.  In Parts 1-4, the PCs in the NJ adventure are being drawn eastward by the magic sigylls on their arms.  These first four segments of NJ follow a path.  Things that are on the sides of the past but a dozen miles removed from it are not described in detail and often are not described at all.

A Game Master wishing to use Northern Journey – the West as a campaign setting expansion for his or her own adventure will find this material useful as long as the adventure follows pretty much the same path.  When the adventure deviates from the main path, the Game Master will need to improvise.

That situation changes completely once the PCs leave Scardale Town and cross the Dragon Reach.  Beginning with Segment No. 5, Impiltur , the remainder of Northern Journey has little in common with conventional modules.  Instead, the last three segments are more comparable with campaign setting expansions, something like the FR series of products released in the late 1980s and early 1990s by TSR, combined with the Volo's Guides from the early 1990s.

This radical change in text structure does not reflect a change in goals by the NJ design team; it is a direct result of the course taken by the NJ adventure itself.  In the first four parts of NJ , the adventurers have low to middle levels.  They can attempt to resist the magic of the Sigylls of Contagion and the Coins of Binding, but they will succeed only occasionally and temporarily.

Once the PCs sail out of Scardale Town and cross the Dragon Reach, the factors of the adventure become considerably different:

  • In Parts 1-4, the PCs deal with four of the five targets of the Sigylls of Contagion.  Only the sigyll of Harbet Gall in the Great Dale and the 6th symbol, which is intended to draw the PCs to their masters in Castle Dragonblood, still remain.  As long as they continue in the direction desired by Kargmelchina, Sammaster and Grafvitnir, they are free to do whatever they wish and take whatever reasonable path they choose.  The Game Master no longer can steer them through the magical sigylls and coins.  The PCs (or perhaps NPCs) will decide, for instance, whether the PCs dock in Lyrabar or Hlammach.  But the Game Master will have to prepare for what is there and what happens in the city where they go upon land.
  • The PCs will have reached levels 9 and higher.  They will be able to resist the magical pull more often and for longer periods of time.  When they succeed in resisting the magic, they are free to do whatever they wish.  The Game Master has no way of knowing in advance what those actions might be or where they may lead.
  • Once the PCs leave Scardale Town, situations change in the enemy camp.  Kargmelchina and Sammaster will have formed an alliance with the next target, Harbet Gall, in the Great Dale.  They will begin using the magic in the Sigylls of Contagion to draw the PCs away from Gall and toward them in Castle Dragon blood.  However, Grafvitnir (of whom Kargmelchina and Sammaster are unaware) will continue to attempt to draw the sigyll-bearers to Gall.
  • This conflict can result in a strange and twisting journey that neither the Game Master nor the game designers can anticipate.  On many days, the PCs may resist the magic and choose their own path.  On others, the may be overwhelmed by the magic from Castle Dragonblood and begin moving northward.  On still other days, Grafvitnir's magic may prove stronger, drawing the PCs back toward Gall.  What kind of path these circumstances will cut is anyone's guess.
  • The journey from Scardale Town to Nighthawk Tower on the eastern border of the Great Dale is a long one.  The PCs will have a plethora of options open to them that can lead to help and knowledge, to considerable trouble or to a combination of both.  The Game Master needs to prepare for whatever can be found or can occur on the trail the PCs choose.

For these reasons, a standard module design no longer is feasible in Parts 5-7 of NJ .  As game designers, we had no choice but to define almost every destination the PCs might reach and every kind of encounter the PCs might found there.  The result – because no other is possible – is that the last three segments of NJ are campaign setting expansions rather than modules.  As such, they're every bit as useable by a Game Master who runs NJ as they are by Game Masters who choose to ignore the NJ adventure story line.

The villains

Behind the tale of Northern Journey are three key villains:

Grafvitnir Grafvitnir - an unofficial Forgotten Realms creature - was perhaps the greatest and mightiest red dragon ever to fly over Faerûn.  He lived some 4,000 years ago.  In his final days, Grafvitnir found a cache of ancient dwarven magic not of the weave, and he used this magic to put himself into a rejuvenating sleep in a cave in the Galena Mountains over Vaasa, a sleep that would last several thousand years.   Kargmelchina – Tiamat Kargmelchina - an unofficial NPC - was a mage of the Dragon Cult and the secret mistress of Sammaster.  After Sammaster's destruction she fled into the East, first to Thay and then to Vaasa, where she allied herself with Zhengyi the Witch King.  Kargmelchina discovered the cave above Vaasa in which Grafvitnir's sleeping body was hidden and began working magic together with Sammaster's phylactery to restore Sammaster to a third existence.  A decade or so after Tiamat's avatar was destroyed in the abyss by Sir Gareth Dragonsbane of Damara and his allies, Tiamat took over Kargmelchina's body and spirit and turned her into an avatar.  Tiamat-Kargmelchina is steering the revived Sammaster to destroy those members of the Dragon Cult who would impede her attempts to bring the cult within the fold of her church.   Sammaster Sammaster, an official Forgotten Realms NPC, is a former Chosen of Mystra who was driven insane by the power the goddess placed within him.  He was destroyed, rose again as a lich, and was destroyed a second time.  He now waits with Tiamat-Kargmelchina above Damara and Vaasa in their Castle Dragonblood atop Suncatcher Mountain, where the Galena and Earthspur Mountains meet, for the day when they will strike forth.  Together with Tiamat-Kargmelchina, Sammaster has created a line of dragon vampires and draconians.  These are similar to but not identical to the Dragonlance ® draconians from WotC.  Units of draconians are abroad in Faerûn, trying to assassinate key members of the Dragon Cult, and an apparent agent of Sammaster - who really is an agent of Grafvitnir - is also at large, infecting victims with the red Sigylls of Contagion, intended to destroy Sammaster's five key enemies and then bring his agents to Sammaster, to be rewarded for their deeds by being converted into dragon vampires.  Unknown to Sammaster and Tiamat-Kargmelchina, Grafvitnir's servant also is infecting the victims with Coins of Binding.  These are intended to draw the sigyll bearers to Castle Dragonblood to destroy Sammaster and Tiamat-Kargmelchina.

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northern journey steamunlocked

It is perfect

No tinkering needed

northern journey steamunlocked

Cool and unique game

Switching to full screen broke menus

I have proton experimental on just for testing, not because the game requires it.

Completed the game without any issues.

northern journey steamunlocked

Works flawlessly.

Enjoy the creativity.

northern journey steamunlocked

Game Runs Perfectly

I was able to complete the game from start to finish without any bugs or noticeable performance drops.

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Northern Journey

Northern Journey (Video Game)

Northern Journey is a 2021 FPS/RPG game by Slid Studio set in a strange Norwegian version of The Middle Ages . The game starts with the unnamed player character rowing through a fjord when unseen assailants pierce the bottom of his boat with an arrow. Barely reaching the shore near the small village of Deadwell, the player character gets recruited by a travelling Flute Player to help him retrieve some Dimensional Violators, powerful artifacts which can open portals into other worlds. The journey will lead the player through forests, swamps, caves and mountains, all the while encountering hostile wildlife, demonic impostors, scheming witches, and worse.

Gameplay takes the form of a first-person-shooter with heavy emphasis on exploration and puzzle solving. The game rapidly switches gears as it progresses, switching from freeform exploration to linear combat gauntlets with abandon. The story sees you trek up and down the fjord, visiting both the highest peaks and the deepest caves. Also noteworthy is the game's arsenal. Due to taking place in a time before firearms, your weapons are ancient missile-launchers such as longbows, hand-axes, crank-operated crossbows, and more.

This game provides examples of the following:

  • Anachronism Stew : Downplayed. The game's world for the most part stays in a Medieval European Fantasy setting. For the most part ; there are also crank-operated automatic crossbows, most of which are magazine fed, a bathysphere that you get to take down to the bottom of a ghost infested lake (Plus the Nokken), and in that lake is a big, metal, riveted pipe that looks right out of the industrial age.
  • Saving is disabled on any precarious ledges or in the middle of an "interaction" (read: near monsters or during a scripted event) to prevent unwinnable situations or accidentally breaking scripts.
  • The first are the witch sisters, who are the villains for the first third.
  • The second is the village priest impostor .
  • The third and final is none other than the village idiot .
  • Awesome, but Impractical : The Ballista and Bear Crossbow deal impressive amounts of damage, fire fast projectiles with generous firing arcs, and can be pre-loaded so they're ready to fire immediately after being brought out. Unfortunately, ammo is hard to come by and it takes several seconds to load each shot. The Ballista in particular has a lengthy un loading animation that must play out before you can reload it, and the recoil throws you back a few feet every time it's fired— often straight off a ledge if you're not careful.
  • Big Bad : Arguably the Village Idiot, who stole the Dimensional Violators, fed his pet worm enough to turn it into Nidhogg, and spends the last bit of the game trying to mess with the Flute Player's plans to fix the situation. Despite this, he doesn't really care much about what's going on and is mostly an antagonist through the irritating trouble he causes .
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies : The player will come across many types of invertebrate during the journey, and they all want a piece of them: dragonflies , leeches, spiders , flies, centipedes , bumblebees , spiders , ticks, mosquitoes , diving beetles, spiders ...
  • Black Comedy : Used frequently to break up some of the tension. The crowning moment is probably the encounter with the witch daughter on the bridge. She eerily walks forward onto the bridge, makes an ominous declaration, then raises her arms and starts shrieking as she sprints towards you... only to slip, fall, and go careening into the ravine below with a splash.
  • Boring, but Practical : The stone sling has a bit of wind-up and doesn't do much damage, but it has endless ammunition, a long range if you know how to arc your shots, and it gets a damage upgrade in the latter half of the game.
  • Bows Versus Crossbows : Your mainstay weapons during the game will be one heavy-hitting bow and a variety of repeating or heavy crossbows.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything? : The game takes heavy inspiration from Norse myth, but often does so in subtle ways that go against traditional depictions of characters and events. For instance, the Flute Player is heavily inspired by Odin- he's a sly, offputting and devious person who seems to be able to get anywhere in the world before the player character. He uses a raven to communicate (just like Odin) and can possibly even be a shapeshifter, if the wolf you see throughout the journey is potentially him in disguise (note the wolf pelt that the Flute Player is wearing). He makes a departure from Odin by being somewhat young-looking and still having both of his eyes, so while elements are borrowed to help make connections, they are not one-to-one parallels.
  • The Dog Was the Mastermind : The Village Idiots' "pet worm" turns out to be a demon and is the final boss of the game. Its final form is a huge red dragon.
  • Everything Trying to Kill You : But of course, from mosquitoes to moose.
  • Exact Words : Shortly before fighting a horde of troll-spiders , the flute player earnestly promises you that this will be the last time you have to fight any living, air-breathing spiders in this world. The next three kinds of spider you fight are, respectively, spider-shaped undead monsters, underwater sea spiders, and located in another world entirely.
  • Fire and Brimstone Hell : The door which the Village Idiots pet worm came through turns out to lead into one of these, complete with Big Red Devils .
  • Floating Limbs : A weird variant, as the game is an FPS. The player character's limbs are detached past the elbows, making them just float there.
  • Giant Spider : Almost something of a Mascot Mook for the game considering how many varieties there are.
  • Gonk : Even good, helpful characters look like super creepy. And then you have the villains...
  • Guide Dang It! : Getting the ballista near the end of the game requires you to find a certain amount of red potions hidden throughout the game.
  • I Don't Like the Sound of That Place : Location names gradually get more overtly hostile as the game goes on, starting with the innocuous Deadwell and Greenslit and eventually reaching the accurately-described Drowned Veins and Hypothermia Waste.
  • Infinity +1 Sword : The Ballista is this, requiring the player to find at least 40 health upgrades and hitting things very hard, one-shotting the lategame mooks you'll be facing afterwards. Its overall unwieldiness keeps the weapon from being totally overpowered.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold : The Flute Player is one sardonic asshole, but he gives you good advice, praises you for your hard work, and dishes out supplies as you proceed through the journey. He's also the one who sunk your boat at the beginning of the game, but considering how losing the Dimensional Violators was a serious problem and he ends up paying you back in the end by giving you valuable treasure, it can at least be rationalized.
  • Junkie Prophet : The Timewaster Seer will take a huge breath of smoke rising from his brazier and then tell you things that either already happened or which you can't prevent .
  • Jump Scare : Sprinkled liberally throughout the game to keep you on your toes. Notable ones include your first meeting with the witches on the raft and the return visit to Deadwell where the demon woman escapes.
  • Lampshade Hanging : After fighting yet another nest of spiders, the Flute Player will promise you that you will face no more living, air-breathing spiders after this point. Cue the skeletal and aquatic spiders.
  • MacGuffin : The Dimensional Violators which the Flute Player keeps losing track of.
  • Mood Whiplash : Used liberally, as Tropes Are Tools . The developer describes the game as being "happysad", which is a literal translation of the norwegian term Gladtrist. This term describes a work that oscilates between extreme cheerfulness and dire circumstances, which also happens in this game. One minute your traipsing around the woods or interacting with the funny locals, and the next you're battling terrifying supernatural monsters buried deep underground.
  • Our Sirens Are Different : The Nokk seen in the page image lives in a big, deep lake and will try to physically pull the player character into the water with its song. When you dive into the pond later in the game using a diving bell you see that it is in fact a big cephalopod-like creature that always keeps its many tentacles below the waterline.
  • Pre-Asskicking One-Liner : The player character utters one before the final fight against the fully evolved Petworm on the tower : "Petworm, is that uncooked meat I see?"
  • Save-Game Limits : A tooltip at the beginning of the game helpfully informs you that the game provides zero autosaves and only four manual save slots to rotate between. Where you can save is also harshly limited, letting you do it only on flat ground away from any NPCs.
  • Shown Their Work : The range of giant invertebrates pitted against the player is truly impressive; alongside familiar fare such as spiders, centipedes and beetles are more obscure creatures such as pseudoscorpions and harvestmen.
  • Suspicious Video-Game Generosity : Boss battles and large enemy encounters are well signposted by the large amounts of health and ammo pick-ups scattered around their arenas. Gets to comical levels in the second-to-last fight against Nidhogg , where the entire arena (a narrow walkway) is lined with health vials and spare bolts.
  • Super Drowning Skills : The player character can't swim at all, so stepping into water that is below knee deep is a sure way to see the Game Over screen.
  • The Unfought : Dnarg Dlihc is the only witch who doesn't attempt to kill you, instead merely rowing you into Darkthroat and confidently telling you how dangerous her mother is.
  • The Time of Myths : A low-fantasy variant, but still. The game takes place in the far reaches of the northern parts of the Nordic countries during the Medieval Ages. As such, witches, trolls and other ghoulies still roam the lands.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works : The only way to use the Exhumed Axes, Swords From Below, and Throwing Spears is to lob them at enemies. They do respectable damage, and benefit from fast reload animations as you simply pull another one out of your pockets.
  • Underground Level : The player goes into underground caves and tunnels several times to fight trolls, beasts, or retrieve artifacts.
  • Unique Enemy : The game boasts on the Steam store page that it has more than 50 unique enemy and boss types, and this is no exaggeration. Each zone has multiple encounters with completely unique enemies or bosses, each with their own methods of beating them.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight : The people of Deadwell do not seem to mind the many-eyed snakes or burrowing mole creatures that run around their village.
  • Wham Line : The game ends with the player character rowing away from Deadwell in your repaired boat. The Flute Player tells them goodbye and says that if he needs help in the future, he'll sink their boat again.
  • Wolfpack Boss : A good chunk of the boss fights are encounters against a small horde of powerful Mooks. Special mention goes to the five shield-wielding ghosts in Greenslit, who will dutifully only attack you solo or in pairs.
  • Nocturne In Yellow
  • First-Person Shooter
  • Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi

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  1. Northern Journey on Steam

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  2. Northern Journey on Steam

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  3. Northern Journey on Steam

    northern journey steamunlocked

  4. Northern Journey on Steam

    northern journey steamunlocked

  5. Northern Journey on Steam

    northern journey steamunlocked

  6. Northern Journey on Steam

    northern journey steamunlocked


  1. Northern Journey OST

  2. Northern Journey Review


  4. Northern Journey

  5. Northern Journey Pt. 27

  6. Northern Journey


  1. STEAMUNLOCKED » Free Steam Games Pre-installed for PC

    Free Steam Games Pre-installed for PC with direct download links. Get access to our wide selection of games and many different categories.

  2. Northern Journey Review

    Northern Journey is an adventure FPS game set in a Norwegian happysad land full of mysterious creatures and secrets. Also lots and lots of spiders.Support th...

  3. Northern Journey on Steam

    A norwegian happysad game set in a northern land! Adventure through a beautiful and very varied wilderness. Dive, fly, use ziplines and find different weapons to aid your journey to reach the cold mountains and below. Encounter over 50 unique bosses and enemy types!

  4. NorthernJourney

    Northern Journey sub established. Inane babbling of the Village Idiot. Yo wassup guys it's ya boy the soiled fool here to give you a steamy load of Northern Journey community guidance. I noticed that the amount of stuff online about this gem is extremely sparse, so I decided to start this sub in the hopes that we could gather a bit of info on ...

  5. Northern Journey is very cool

    Best of all, what's rare for a solo developer project, it is a proper full-length story campaign of 10-12 hours with a variey of gameplay and plenty of locations. 14. KragV. • 2 yr. ago. I loved it, you can tell it's the work of a passionate dev. Instead of being a game made for the masses it felt very personal, like it's the dev taking you ...

  6. (PC) Northern Journey

    Youtube compression difficulty longplay, no commentary[TIMESTAMPS]0:00:00 Deadwell0:19:25 Forest Path0:28:15 Ravenfen0:50:55 Greenslit1:19:01 Deadwell (Mothe...

  7. Steam Community :: Northern Journey

    Northern Journey - A norwegian happysad game set in a northern land! Adventure through a beautiful and very varied wilderness. Dive, fly, use ziplines and find different weapons to aid your journey to reach the cold mountains and below. Encounter over 50 unique bosses and enemy types!Very varied. Atmospheric and melancholic. Other times fast-paced fighting. Dark humor and dread!A linear game ...

  8. Northern Journey General Discussions :: Steam Community

    Northern Journey - A norwegian happysad game set in a northern land! Adventure through a beautiful and very varied wilderness. Dive, fly, use ziplines and find different weapons to aid your journey to reach the cold mountains and below. Encounter over 50 unique bosses and enemy types!Very varied. Atmospheric and melancholic. Other times fast-paced fighting. Dark humor and dread!A linear game ...

  9. Northern Journey

    Northern Journey is a Nordic-themed adventure game developed and published by Slid Studio. It was released on Steam for Microsoft Windows on August 18, 2021. A norwegian happysad game set in a northern land! Adventure through a beautiful and very varied wilderness. Dive, fly, use ziplines and find different weapons to aid your journey to reach the cold mountains and below. Encounter over 50 ...

  10. Northern Journey Review

    Northern Journey isn't just Skyrim on sponges. While the inspirations are clear, the game manages to create its own, in my opinion, incredibly alluring identity. The world is so fascinating, and the level design in much of the adventure so engaging, that you're willing to forgive the developer for the half-baked combat system.

  11. Northern Journey Steam Charts · SteamDB

    Northern Journey. A norwegian happysad game set in a northern land! Adventure through a beautiful and very varied wilderness. Dive, fly, use ziplines and find different weapons to aid your journey to reach the cold mountains and below. Encounter over 50 unique bosses and enemy types!

  12. Northern Journey

    Northern Journey is a combination adventure and campaign setting expansion in seven parts with a campaign guide. It is for the Forgotten Realms setting of the game Dungeons & Dragons from Wizards of the Coast Inc. NJ was designed intentionally to serve a wide variety of needs.

  13. ProtonDB

    How well does Northern Journey work on Linux and the Steam Deck?

  14. Northern Journey

    A Norwegian happysad game set in a northern land! Adventure through a beautiful and very varied wildereness. Dive, fly, use ziplines and find different weapons to aid your journey to reach the cold mountains and below. Encounter over 50 unique bosses and enemy types!

  15. Northern Journey Gameplay

    1 hour of Gameplay from a solo dev indie game called Northern Journey on Ultra settings at 2K resolution. You can support the channel at / lfp Get Steam games DIRECTLY from the devs here (and ...

  16. Northern Journey Is A Brilliant Indie Game That You Should Play

    In this video I go into why I think Northern Journey is a very special indie game that deserves to be played by more people.The game was made by one person i...

  17. Northern Journey Price history · SteamDB

    A norwegian happysad game set in a northern land! Adventure through a beautiful and very varied wilderness. Dive, fly, use ziplines and find different weapons to aid your journey to reach the cold mountains and below. Encounter over 50 unique bosses and enemy types! Northern Journey Steam charts, data, update history.

  18. How long is Northern Journey?

    12½ Hours. A norwegian happysad game set in a northern land! Adventure through a beautiful and very varied wilderness. Dive, fly, use ziplines and find different weapons to aid your journey to reach the cold mountains and below. Encounter over 50 unique bosses and enemy types!

  19. Northern Journey (Video Game)

    Northern Journey is a 2021 FPS/RPG game by Slid Studio set in a strange Norwegian version of The Middle Ages. The game starts with the unnamed player character rowing through a fjord when unseen assailants pierce the bottom of his boat with an arrow. Barely reaching the shore near the small village of Deadwell, the player character gets ...

  20. Northern Journey Wiki

    Welcome to the...Northern Journey Wiki42 articles • 29 files • 283 edits. About the wiki This is the wiki about the video game Northern Journey that anybody can edit. It plans to document all of the content that can be found in the game.

  21. Northern Journey · SteamDB

    A norwegian happysad game set in a northern land! Adventure through a beautiful and very varied wilderness. Dive, fly, use ziplines and find different weapons to aid your journey to reach the cold mountains and below. Encounter over 50 unique bosses and enemy types! Northern Journey Steam charts, data, update history.

  22. Northern Journey

    Updates, events, and news from the developers of Northern Journey.


    This shipspotting video captures the spectacular journey of the brand new Disney Treasure as it navigates along the Ems River during its conveyance from the ...