Outils mathématiques pour le lycée

Grand oral : les tours de hanoï.

Cet article traitera de l’énigme des trous de Hanoï. Il ne s’agit pas d’un sujet de grand oral donné clé en main, mais simplement d’une présentation du problème et de sa résolution, en lien avec le programme de mathématiques de Terminale Générale.

Il ne tient qu’à vous de sélectionner les informations qui vous semblent pertinentes sur cette page et d’en chercher de nouvelles ailleurs pour constituer votre oral.

Thèmes abordés

  • Suites et récurrences
  • Un peu de dénombrement pour la variante
  • Peut-être choisi pour un oral croisé Mathématiques – NSI

Présentation de l’énigme

L’énigme des tours de Hanoï est un jeu de réflexion imaginé par le mathématicien Edouard Lucas.

Ce jeu est composé de trois piquets ainsi que d’un certain nombre de disques de diamètres différents, originellement tous placés sur le premier piquet. Le but est de transférer ces disques du premier au troisième piquet, en suivant deux règles

  • on ne peut déplacer d’un seul disque à la fois ;
  • il n’est pas possible de placer un disque sur un autre disque plus petit

Vous pouvez ci-dessous essayer de résoudre cette énigme vous-même avant de vous lancer dans la suite de l’article.

Résolution récursive du problème

Algorithme récursif.

Une manière classique pour résoudre l’énigme des tours de Hanoï est de procéder de manière récursive. Nous allons montrer par récurrence que l’énigme du tour de Hanoï à \(n\) disques possède bien une solution.

  • Initialisation : Pour 1 disque, il est assez facile de résoudre ce problème…
  • Nous déplaçons les \(n\) disques du sommet du piquet A au piquet B. C’est possible en \(t_n\) coups, d’après notre hypothèse de récurrence.

les tours hanoi

  • Nous déplaçons le disque restant du piquet A au piquet C. Cela ne demande qu’un seul coup.

les tours hanoi

  • Nous transférons alors les \(n\) disques du piquet B au piquet C. Cela demande de nouveau \(t_n\) coups.

les tours hanoi

  • Conclusion : \(P(1)\) est vraie et \(P\) est héréditaire. Par récurrence, \(P(n)\) est vraie pour tout entier naturel non nul \(n\).

Cette démonstration nous permet par ailleurs de déterminer une relation de récurrence sur la suite \((t_n)\), qui est définie ainsi : \[ \left\{\begin{array}{l}t_1 = 1\ \\ \text{Pour tout entier naturel }n,\, t_{n+1}=2t_n+1\end{array}\right.\]

Nous pouvons alors calculer les premiers termes de la suite \((t_n)\).

  • \(t_2 = 2t_1+1 = 2 \times 1 +1 = 3\)
  • \(t_3= 2t_2+1 = 2 \times 3 +1 = 7\)
  • \(t_4 = 2t_3+1 = 2 \times 7 +1 = 15\)
  • \(t_5 = 2t_4+1 = 2 \times 15 +1 = 31\)

Il semblerait que pour tout entier naturel non nul \(n\), \(t_n=2^n -1\). Deux méthodes sont envisageables pour le démontrer

Montrer par récurrence que, pour tout entier naturel non nul \(n\), \(t_n=2^n-1\).

Méthode 2 :

  • Déterminer le réel \(r\) tel que \(r=2r+1\)
  • Montrer que la suite \((x_n)\) est géométrique
  • Exprimer \(x_n\) puis \(t_n\) en fonction de \(n\)

Pour tout entier naturel non nul \(n\), nous considèrons la proposition \(P(n)\) : « \(t_n =2^n-1\)».

  • Initialisation : Pour \(n=1\), on a \(2^1-1=2-1=1=t_1\). \(P(1)\) est vraie.
  • Hérédité : Soit \(n\) un entier naturel non nul. Supposons que \(P(n)\) est vraie. Alors, \(t_n=2^n-1\). Or, \[t_{n+1}=2t_n+1=2 \times(2^n-1)+1=2 \times 2^n-2+1=2^{n+1}-1\] \(P(n+1)\) est vraie.
  • Soit \(r\) un réel. \(r=2r+1 \Leftrightarrow -r = 1 \Leftrightarrow r=-1\)
  • Pour tout entier naturel non nul \(n\), \[x_{n+1}=t_{n+1}+1=2t_n+1+1=2(t_n+1)=2x_n\] La suite \((x_n)\) est géométrique de raison 2
  • Pour tout entier naturel non nul, on a \(x_n = x_1 \times 2^{n-1}\) c’est-à-dire \(x_n=2 \times 2^{n-1}=2^n\) et donc \(t_n=x_n-1=2^n-1\)

Exemple de résolution

Prenons l’exemple de la résolution de l’énigme de la tour à 3 disques. D’après l’algorithme récursif il faut :

  • Déplacer les 2 disques du sommet du piquet A au piquet B
  • on commence par déplacer le disque du sommet du piquet A au piquet C
  • On déplace ensuite le deuxième disque du piquet A au piquet B
  • On place alors le plus petit disque, situé au piquet C, sur le disque au piquet B
  • On peut alors déplacer le disque numéro 3 du piquet A au piquet C
  • Il faudra alors déplacer la tour de 2 disques situés au piquet B vers le piquet C
  • Pour cela, on commence par déplacer le disque du sommet du piquet B au piquet A
  • On déplace ensuite le deuxième disque du piquet B au piquet C
  • On place alors le plus petit disque, situé au piquet A, sur le disque au piquet C

Les mouvements à effectuer sont donc les suivants

  • Disque 1 : A → C
  • Disque 2 : A → B
  • Disque 1 : C → B
  • Disque 3 : A → C
  • Disque 1 : B → A
  • Disque 2 : B → C

Vers une solution itérative

La résolution récursive possède un grand désavantage : bien que l’on sache qu’il est possible de résoudre le problème, il est difficile d’établir directement et de tête la liste des coups.

Une fois la méthode prise en main, et en augmentant le nombre de disques, on remarque aisément que le plus petit disque est déplacé tous les 2 coups.

En effet, lorsque l’on déplace le petit disque d’un piquet à un autre, il n’y a alors que deux disques de libre. Nous sommes alors obligés de déplacer le plus petit de ces disques sur le plus grand de ceux-là.

Mais alors :

  • Il n’est pas possible de déplacer le disque que nous venons de déplacer, sans quoi la solution n’est plus optimale
  • Il n’est pas non plus possible de déplacer le disque qui se trouvait en-dessous, puisque les deux autres disques sont plus petits

Le seul choix restant est alors de déplacer le petit disque.

les tours hanoi

Le nombre total de coups étant de \(2^n -1\) pour la solution optimale, cela signifie que le petit disque se déplace \(2^{n-1}\) fois, que le disque numéro 2 se déplace \(2^{n-2}\) fois et ainsi de suite, jusqu’au plus gros disque qui ne se déplace qu’une fois.

On retrouve ici l’égalité \( 1 + 2 + 4 + \dots + 2^{n-1} = 2^n -1\).

Il suffit alors de savoir les mouvements du plus petit disque pour résoudre de manière itérative le problème des tours de Hanoï. Dans le cas de la résolution avec 3 disques, les mouvements du disque 1 étaient A → C → B → A → C. Pour le problème à 4 disques, les mouvements de ce plus petit disque s’effectueront en revanche dans l’autre sens A → B → C → A …

  • Si le nombre \(n\) de disques est impair, déplacer le plus petit disque une fois sur deux dans le sens A → C → B → A
  • Si le nombre \(n\) de disques est pair, déplacer le plus petit disque une fois sur deux dans le sens A → B → C → A

Pour les autres coups, effectuer l’unique déplacement possible n’utilisant pas le plus petit disque.

Variante : Passer par toutes les positions

Nous avons jusqu’ici uniquement traiter la solution optimale, c’est-à-dire celle qui demande le moins de coups possibles. Une autre possibilité serait de résoudre le problème des tours de Hanoï en passant par toutes les positions possibles.

Il est possible de placer le plus gros des disques sur n’importe lequel des 3 piquets. Puis, le disque suivant peut lui aussi être placé sur n’importe quel piquet, puisqu’il n’y a pas de disque déjà positionné, et ainsi de suite jusqu’au plus petit.

Une configuration de l’énigme des tours de Hanoï peut être vue comme un \(n\)-uplet de l’ensemble \(\{A;B;C\}\) ou le \(k\)-ième coordonnées désigne l’emplacement du disque numéro \(n-k\). De ce fait, le nombre de configurations valides est de \(3^n\).

les tours hanoi

Pour les élèves suivant l’option Maths expertes : les positions peuvent alors être placées dans un graphe : deux configurations sont reliées s’il est possible de passer de l’une à l’autre en un seul coup. Trouver une solution au problème de Hanoï qui passerait par toutes les configurations possibles revient donc à trouver un chemin eulérien dans ce graphe, ayant pour départ la configuration AAA…A et pour arrivée la configuration CCC…C

les tours hanoi

Là encore, il est possible de montrer qu’une solution existe de manière récursive :

  • Avec un seul disque, il suffit de passer du piquet A au piquet B puis au piquet C
  • On déplace les \(n\) premiers disques du piquet A au piquet C en passant par toutes les configurations
  • On déplace le disque \(n+1\) du piquet A au piquet B
  • On déplace les \(n\) disques du piquet C au piquet A, encore une fois en passant par toutes les configurations
  • On déplace le disque \(n+1\) du piquet B au piquet C
  • On déplace une dernière fois les \(n\) disques du piquet A au piquet C, toujours en passant par toutes les configurations

Sur notre graphe, cela revient à explorer la partie en bas à gauche du graphe, puis à emprunter l’arête bleue reliant ACC à BCC, explorer la partie haute du graphe, emprunter l’arête de BAA à CAA et enfin, explorer la partie en bas à droite du graphe.

Notre algorithme demande, pour la solution à \(n+1\) disques, de déplacer 3 fois une tour de \(n\) disques, et d’y ajouter 2 déplacements d’un seul disque. Si on note \(d_n\) le nombre de déplacements à effectuer pour \(n\) disques en passant par toutes les configurations valides, on aboutit à

\[ \left\{\begin{array}{l}d_1 = 2\ \\ \text{Pour tout entier naturel }n,\, d_{n+1}=3d_n+2\end{array}\right.\]

Les premiers termes de cette suite sont alors 2, 8, 26, 80… Il semblerait que pour tout entier naturel non nul \(n\), \(d_n=3^n-1\), ce qui est bien conforme à notre problème : puisqu’il y a \(3^n\) configurations valides, passer par toutes celles-ci demande \(3^n -1\) déplacements.

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Local Vietnam

Hanoi tours

Discover our best Hanoi tours with small group or private trips. Visit historic buildings, get a taste of the local life with street food, walk through the old quarter and enjoy the beautiful nightlife. With our tours in hanoi you explore both history and local life.

Experiences & Tours in Hanoi

Hanoi cooking class, hanoi motorbike tour – a true local experience to hidden places, local hanoi war tour, vietnamese coffee making class, local hanoi beer tour – taste craft beer & experience local nightlife, local hanoi coffee tour.

Hanoi City tour

Hanoi city tour – Historical sights & Cyclo ride

Hanoi bike tour

Hanoi cycling tour through city & countryside

Hanoi street food tour

Hanoi street food tour by night

Day trips from hanoi, bat trang pottery village private tour.

Duong Lam ancient village

Duong Lam ancient village private day tour from Hanoi

Perfume Pagoda

Perfume pagoda day tour from Hanoi

Tam Coc boat trip

Ninh Binh discover: Hoa Lu, Mua cave, Tam Coc & cycling day tour from Hanoi

Mua Cave

Ninh Binh explore: Trang An, Mua cave & Tuyet Tinh Coc pagoda day tour from Hanoi

Hoa Lu in Ninh Binh

Ninh Binh experience: Hoa Lu, Tam Coc boat trip & biking day tour from Hanoi

Trang An boat trip

Ninh Binh trip: Bai Dinh pagoda, Trang An boat trip & biking day tour from Hanoi

Halong Bay luxury 1 day tour

Halong Bay luxury 1 day tour

Package tours including hanoi.

ta phin sapa

Best of North Vietnam in 11 days

About hanoi.

Hanoi is the cultural center of Vietnam: Famous for its colonial heart, colorful markets, unique theater performances and numerous museums and temples. There is always something going on in lively Hanoi.

Frequently asked questions about Hanoi tours

There are many day trips going from Hanoi, including to the Perfume Pagoda, Bat Trang Pottery Village and Ba Vi National Park. There are also day trips going to Halong Bay and Ninh Binh, but we recommend going there for at least one night.

We recommend staying here 2 to three days. You can spend easily longer in the city, but that will cost you time that you probably need to see the beautiful countryside in Sapa, Mai Chau, Ninh Binh and Ha Giang. In two to three days you can see enough highlights and do a number of fun activities such as the street food tour.

The best area in Hanoi to stay is the Old Quarter. It is the most atmospheric district, with a wide choice of hotels and restaurants. In addition, all tours in this area and the tourist buses to other destinations depart from here.

Vietnam is a very safe country when it comes to crime. Robberies and other offenses against foreign tourists are almost non-existent. However, the chaotic traffic with motorbikes, buses, cars and trucks is something that you have to be very careful with. Especially in the largest cities such as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

10 Hanoi tours highlight

Hanoi Old Quarter

1. Hanoi Old Quarter

The old part of the city is full of charming colonial architecture, Buddhist temples and pagodas. You’ll find the neighborhood near Hoan Kiem Lake.

street food tour in Hanoi

2. Street food tour

A street food tour, takes you on an amazing adventure to find the best street food at markets, food stalls, street cafes and other hidden gems!

Thang Long water puppet theatre

3. Water puppet show

Long ago, poor farmers started playing “water puppets”. Fortunately, you can still see these shows today in the Water Puppet Theater.

Bia Hoi junction

4. Nightlife

The city has a busy nightlife with local Bia Hoi street stalls and busy bars and clubs in the center. You can also choose to watch a show at the Opera.

Long Bien market

The markets near the center are atmospheric and a good place to pick up souvenirs. Further they are busy with locals and a great authentic experience.

Hoan Kiem Lake sunset in Hanoi

6. Hoan Kiem Lake

The main attraction in the city is undoubtedly Hoan Kiem Lake. This lake is centrally located and is a gathering place for locals and tourists alike.

Hoa Lu prison museum in Hanoi

7. Visit a museum

For those looking for more culture, Hanoi has plenty of entertainment with an army museum, women’s museum, prison museum and more.

Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

8. Mausoleum

Against Ho Chi Minh’s express wishes, a mausoleum was erected for this leader after his death. 

Hanoi Train Street

9. Hanoi train street

A railway that cuts through an inhabited area. It is a unique sight every time a train arrives and the locals put their things aside for the train to pass.

Hanoi cyclo tour

10. Cyclo ride

A great way to explore the city is by traditional cyclo ride. You can arrange it yourself or go by cyclo tour through the city.

Destinations near Hanoi

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North Vietnam Tours

Tours in the Central

Tours in the South

  • Ha Giang Tours
  • Cao Bang Tours
  • Mu Cang Chai Tours
  • Ninh Binh Tours
  • Pu Luong Nature Reserve Tours
  • Cat Ba Island Tours
  • Halong Bay Tours
  • Son La Tours
  • Lan Ha Bay Cruises
  • Halong Bay Cruises
  • Bai Tu Long Bay Cruise

Hanoi Tours

  • Ba Be National Park Tours
  • Bac Son Tours
  • Mai Chau Tours
  • Ban Gioc Waterfall Tours
  • Hoi An Tours
  • Quang Binh Tours
  • Quang Ngai Tours
  • Quy Nhon Tours
  • Buon Ma Thuot Tours
  • Da Nang Tours
  • Mekong Delta Tours
  • Da Lat Tours
  • Can Tho Tours
  • Nha Trang Tours
  • Ho Chi Minh City Tours
  • Phu Quoc Island Tours
  • Vung Tau Tours
  • Top 10 things to do in Ha Giang
  • Top 10 things to do in Mu Cang Chai
  • Top 10 things to do in Ninh Binh
  • Top 10 things to do in Cat Ba Island
  • Top 10 things to do in Sapa
  • Top 10 things to do in Halong Bay
  • Top 10 things to do in Hanoi
  • Top 10 things to do in Cao Bang
  • Top 10 things to do in Hoi An
  • Top 10 things to do in Quang Binh
  • Top 10 things to do in Hue
  • Top 10 things to do in Da Nang
  • Top 10 things to do in Quy Nhon
  • Top 10 things to do in Phu Quoc Island

Hanoi Tour Packages

Hanoi photography tours, hanoi culinary tours.

  • Hanoi Tours To Halong

Hanoi Tours To Sapa

Tours hanoi to ninh binh.

  • Sapa Homestay Tours
  • Sapa Hiking Tours
  • Sapa Market Tours
  • Sapa Luxury Tours
  • Sapa Eco Tours
  • Fansipan Trekking Tours
  • 6 Best Tours in Halong
  • Halong Private Tours
  • Halong Seaplane Tours
  • Halong Shore Excursions
  • Multi-Day & Extended Tours
  • Day Trip & Excursions
  • Cat Ba Island
  • Cat Ba Island Kayak Tour
  • Cat Ba Monkey Island Tour
  • Cat Ba Island Day Tours
  • Cat Ba Island Boat Tours
  • Cat Ba Island Tour Halong
  • Cat Ba Tours From Hanoi
  • Tam Coc Tours
  • Cuc Phuong National Park Tours
  • Quang Binh Adventure Tours
  • Thien Duong Cave Tours
  • Phong Nha Cave Tours
  • Hue Sightseeing Tours
  • Hue Walking & Food Tours
  • Bach Ma National Park tours
  • Tours to Quang Binh From Hue
  • Tours to Da Nang from Hue
  • Hoi An Tour from Hue
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Danang Free & Easy
  • Day Trips & Excursions
  • Eco Adventure Tours
  • Shore Excursions
  • Hoi An Tour Packages
  • Eco Tours Hoi An
  • Hoi An Walking & Food Tours
  • Tours from Hoi An to Hue
  • Tours from Hoi An to Quang Binh
  • Tours From Hoi An to Da Nang
  • Con Dao Island Tours
  • Vung Tau Mekong Delta Tour
  • Vung Tau Tour From Saigon
  • Tour from Phu My Port

Top 10 Destination in North Vietnam

  • Mu Cang Chai
  • Bai Tu Long Bay

Top 10 Destination in Central

  • Buon Ma Thuot
  • Mui Ne Beach

Top 10 Destination in The South

  • Ho Chi Minh City
  • Phu Quoc Island
  • Suggested Vietnam Itineraries
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  • Vietnam Beach Holidays
  • Vietnam Classic Tours
  • Vietnam Family Tours
  • Vietnam Photography Tours
  • Vietnam Food Tours
  • Vietnam Honeymoon Tours
  • All Inclusive Tour Packages
  • Vietnam Luxury Tours
  • North Vietnam Itineraries
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  • Vietnam Shore Excursions & Tours

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The Best Private Hanoi Tours & Travel Packages

It's simple awesome and you won't believe it.

You are not alone Hanoi tours with our team, stray in a busy, modern city like Ha Noi – the capital of Vietnam but still find cultural values ​​in villages with Buddhist, folk and French architecture scattered everywhere. Come to Ha Noi to experience the Buddhist cultural identity and typically is the One-pillar pagoda. Visit French architectures with the most famous monuments and landmarks such as Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, Ngoc Son Temple, Hoan Kiem Lake, Perfume Pagoda and Museum of Ethnology.

Or if you love nature and beautiful scenery, you can experience a full-day or long-day Hanoi tour to Halong Bay, Sapa, and Ha Giang,…. Or simply, come to Hanoi and experience the delicious and unique street food by cyclo. A trip to explore Hanoi will be perfect and more interesting if you choose our company, with a fun and experienced guide and a reasonable cost for all customers as well.

A tour of Hanoi is the perfect way to explore the city’s ancient history and culture. From the Old Quarter to the Hoan Kiem Lake, you can experience the unique culture and history of this vibrant city.

We put our knowledge, contacts and practical experience into your experience. We know what you are expecting, listening to what you want. And then can combine you with the best Hanoi tour you can not find on the Internet.

Tailored Made Hanoi Tours Vietnam

All of our tours around Hanoi can be CUSTOMIZED to suit!

Best Hanoi Local Tours

Tour Halong Bay – Bac Son Valley

World Natural Heritage Site of Halong Bay. No need to say, it is a great destination in Vietnam. It’s a calming tour to admire the

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Explore Hanoi And Traditional Handicraft Villages

Not only is it popular with famous entertainment places, but Hanoi also attracts visitors by craft villages and each village has its own characteristics. With

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Essential Vietnam Tour

Essential Vietnam Tour 16 days is a perfect opportunity to discover the lengthens from North to South to get a lot of great experiences.  The

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Luxury Era Cruise Combo

This combo 4 days/3 nights will take you to discover the special and unique in Hanoi. Specially overnight Era Luxury cruise to embark the exotic

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Trekking And Kayaking In Cat Ba

Trekking and Kayaking Cat Ba Island 4 days will venture you to the large area of Cat Ba Island and Lan Ha Bay. This is

Sa Pa Medium Trek day 1

Sa Pa Medium Trek

Sa Pa Medium Trek 3 days 4 nights with many discovered villages in Sapa, this three days trip offers a chance to explore the most

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Ha Long Bay Private Tour 2 Days

Halong Bay is a wonder which one should not miss once visiting Vietnam. How to visit and discover the majestic seascapes in the bay is

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Ninh Binh & Hanoi 3 Days Tour

Ninh Binh is a place you must- see once in your life. Because of the majestic wild beauty, charming landscapes that anyone coming here must

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Best Sapa Homestay

Get the amazing experience in Sapa with the trekking and homestay at ethnic group family. This three-day trip is the chance for you to have

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Sa Pa Tour 2 Days By Train from Hanoi

Ready for getting different fun? This is a perfect combination of easy trek and journeys away from the crowds. Homestay at a traditional Dao home.

Hanoi eco tour

Hanoi Eco Tour

This special 1 day eco tour from Hanoi. That you will immerse yourself into a peaceful countryside with amazing rice fields. Especially discover an off-the-beaten-track

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Luxury Combo: Paradise Elegance Cruise & Seaplane

Travel from Hai Phong or Hanoi airport to Halong bay, you will pleasure your Halong Bay trip on luxury Paradise Elegance cruise and have 25

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5 Days In Hanoi And Halong Bay

This worthwhile 5 days in Hanoi and Halong bay with Origin Vietnam offers the highest quality luxury and comfort as you enjoy the charming of

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Combo: Hanoi Airport – Bai Tu Long Bay

By this easy tour Hanoi & Bai Tu Long Bay included airport pick up and drop off. It will take you to Bai Tu Long

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Can Cau Market Tour

This Can Cau market tour will show you how is a community cultural space. Because that is always expected of ethnic minorities. Immerse yourself in the

Hanoi Travel Packages

Hanoi Travel Packages

The amazing 7 days tour package promises to make you feel you enjoy the best, the most wonderful landscapes in the Northern Vietnam. Picturesque scenery

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One Day Fantastic Tour In Ninh Binh

If you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, find a peaceful place and enjoy the marvelous natural beauty. A

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Hanoi Handicraft Villages

Option 1: Full day tour: Hanoi | Bat Trang pottery village | Dong Ho paiting picture village | Van Phuc silk village Option 2: Half

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Sapa Bus Tour Plus Fansipan By Cable Car

If you have stopped in Sapa, do not miss the famous sightseeing places with majestic natural beauty, immense but no less poetic. Coming to this

With Legacy, You Never Have To Worry About Where To Go In Halong Bay!

Combo: Hanoi – Legacy Cruise Halong Bay

What wonderful combo Hanoi city tour and 1 night on Legacy cruise Halong Bay. With this special package will gives you the chance to get your

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Discovery Hanoi

Hanoi is one of the two biggest first gates in Vietnam, as a capital city of the country and has the rich history, Hanoi located

Muong Lo Valley Tour

Embark on a 2-day tour from Hanoi to Muong Lo Valley, where you’ll delve into Thai traditional culture and their everyday life. Located in Nghia

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Half-day Hanoi cooking class

Half-day Hanoi cooking class will take you to explore the local market. You will get closer to the daily lives of local people. Buy ingredients

Coc Ly Market tour 3 days

Coc Ly Market Tour

This Coc Ly Market tour 3 days you will have chance to discover the wildness, as well as the items sold are local agricultural products.

les tours hanoi

Hanoi Food Tour

Are you looking for something uniquely? Hanoi Food tour would be the best decision to explore reality Hanoi. With enchanting French corner, old neighborhood, agitation

North Vietnam Tour By Style Feature Image

North Vietnam Tour By Style

North Vietnam tour by style 10 Day itinerary explore the Northern Vietnam and enjoy gorgeous landscape and great experiences as well. Experience nights in local

Bac Ha Sunday Market 3 days tour

Bac Ha Sunday Market 3 Days

Wow! Get the fun at hill tribe market which you get new experience at remote areas. Bac Ha Sundays market hosts the biggest fair near

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Explore Amazing Ninh Binh 2 Days Tour

Besides the outstanding activity is boating through the three caves of limestone. Visit Cuc Phuong National Park is like a vast natural museum, home to

Picture of Ms Angela

Ms. Angela & Ms. Lucy is our experts for this itinerary and as seasoned travellers she has the inside track on the most memorable adventures.

All are tailor-made tour from Origin Travel Team

This itinerary is to give you the flavor experience we can do in Vietnam!

All Travel style tours in Hanoi

Beside Hanoi Vietnam private tours we also offer Hanoi old quarter tours, Hanoi tours sapa, Hanoi street tours, Hanoi tours to Halong bay, Hanoi countryside tours, Hanoi adventure tours... To make sure that Your holiday in Hanoi - Vietnam will be wonderful ever!

Hanoi Tours To Halong Bay

"what our customers are saying".


Our difference

Origin Vietnam Responsible travel for Sharing Benefit with Local Community.

A small thing we do on our tours can make a big difference, so everyone at Origin Vietnam Travel, we strive our best to minimize the impacts while giving maximum enjoyment from your traveling experience. Continue reading ..

les tours hanoi

Things to Do in Hanoi

All Things need to know before travelling to Hanoi Vietnam

Dong Xuan Market

Dong Xuan Market

When mentioning the symbol of Hanoi capital, you cannot ignore Dong Xuan market. This is one of the largest markets in Northern Vietnam, with an

Chuong My

Chuong My owns many beautiful landscapes, long-standing traditional craft villages and historical and cultural relics. It is becoming more and more attractive and appealing to

Hoan Kiem Lake

Hoan Kiem Lake

Hoan Kiem Lake – the heart of the capital city of Hanoi. It is not only a place relating with the legendary return of the

Tran Quoc Pagoda

Tran Quoc Pagoda

The capital of Hanoi – a land of thousands of years of civilization. It is often referred to as a land with a rich culture

Van Phuc Silk Village

Van Phuc Silk Village

Van Phuc Silk Village is an attractive destination for those who want to learn about the beauty of Hanoi’s silk culture. When you come here,

Hanoi Travel Tips & FAQs

Everything you need to know before arriving in spectacular Hanoi, Vietnam

Hanoi tourism is one of the must-see destinations in Vietnam. It is a long rich history capital city with more than 1000 years. Travel to Hanoi you can understand deeply Vietnam history with ancient values of pagoda, villages, handicraft villages. Especially, Hanoi has most of museums where you can know the whole Vietnam and people here.

Hanoi tourism offers you different places since early Quang ba flower market, Duong Lam ancient village, Bat Trang Ceramic village, Le Mat Snake village, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, Tran Quoc pagoda, West lake, Sword Lake, Hanoi Old Quarter or special street foods in Hanoi. Many things for you to discover just only in Hanoi Capital City.

Hanoi tourist places are mainly around city centre. It is easy and safe for you to make a walking around the city to discover its beauties when you wish to free visit them.

It is also the nice way to see the special of the city with closely visiting sites.

Hanoi tourist has many attractions. It offers many different restaurant from local in street foods to luxury. It depends on what you are searching we can suggest you a reasonable one.

Here are some sample restaurants for tasting local foods or luxury western foods like Quan An Ngon, Pho (Hanoi Noodle), Cha Ca La Vong, Brother Restaurant, Koto Restaurant, etc

Hanoi tour package offer different beauties to visit in Hanoi and surrounding. In order to make a package tour you should spend more than 5 days so that can visit Hanoi, handicraft villages, Sapa, Ninh Binh, Ha Long Bay.

And when you have more time you can visit mountain regions like Mu Cang Chai, Ha Giang, Bac Son, Ban Gioc Waterfall, Mai Chau, Moc Chau, Pu Luong National Park, etc.

When you book a guide pick up airport or package tour, Hanoi tour guide is avaible at Noi Bai airport at the exit gate where you can see him/her when you get our. Of course, Our tour guide will have a welcome sign with your name and company logo so that you can recognize guide immediately. Ad Noi Bai airport is a big one with many exit gate.

When you arrive in Hanoi city you should have a guide to pick up because the driver cannot go inside at the exit gate to welcome you. And the result you can get on miscar.

Yes, you can. Hanoi package tour from Singapore is our sample itinerary. We make private tour only so the itinerary can flexible change as your wish.

And when you have time Halong cruise 3 days is the recommend one so that you can enjoy and discover more the beauties and unique of Halong Bay.

Of course, yes. Hanoi private tour can make any combination with other destinations in North Vietnam. In fact, to visit the whole North Vietnam you can spend more than 15 days.

Here are some famous destination so that you can make a round journey for the whole North: Hanoi – Mai Chau – Moc Chau – Dien Bien – Yen Bai with Mu Cang Chai – Lai Chau – Sapa – Lao Cai – Ha Giang – Cao Bang – Ban Gioc Waterfall – Bac Son Valley – Halong Bay with Overnight cruise – Ninh Binh and then back Hanoi city for the end.


Hanoi is a vibrant city full of culture, history, and beauty. It is the capital of Vietnam and is a popular destination for tourists. Hanoi tours offer a great way to explore the city and its many attractions. From street food tours to boat trips on the Red River, there is something for everyone. Whether you are looking for a relaxing day of sightseeing or an adventure-filled journey, Hanoi tours can provide the perfect experience. With knowledgeable guides, comfortable transportation, and a variety of activities, you can be sure to have an unforgettable time in Hanoi.

What does Hanoi have that make many people who once set foot here fall in love? Let’s find out “All things” of Hanoi self-sufficient travel experiences through the detailed guide below to find the answer before travelling to Hanoi.

When is the best time to Visit Hanoi?

The best time to travel to Hanoi is in the autumn, from August, September, October. In which ideally should come to Hanoi in September or October. Because at this time, the rainy season in Hanoi usually ended. The weather is clear, the sunlight was not too strong. Medium temperature, cool air. All the above weather factors create the best conditions for visitors to have the best journey to discover Hanoi.

If you like cold air, somewhat cold, the last months of the year like November and December will be a not bad suggestion to travel to Hanoi . Coming to Hanoi at this time, besides visiting famous tourist sites, visitors can also enjoy many delicious winter specialties in Hanoi.

Transportation in Hanoi

Traveling to Hanoi, you can visit by some popular means as follows:

  • Motorbike: You can explore the city on your own by renting a motorbike or grab bike. Motorbike rental price here ranges from 50k – 200k / day depending on the type of motorbike.
  • Taxi: If you are crowded, you can choose a taxi. Although the price is quite high, but this vehicle will help you get to any place you want to go.
  • Cyclo: You can travel by cyclo to visit the old town. Most tourists come here to choose cyclo to move to tourist destinations in Hanoi.
  • Bus: This is a type of public transport extremely familiar to people as well as tourists when coming to Hanoi. Ticket price for each trip is quite cheap, only 7,000 – 9,000 VND.
  • Electric car: is the new green tourist transfer of Hanoi. You can also choose a tram to move to the attractions so you can fully explore a civilized, modern and ancient and quiet Hanoi.

Top sightseeing in Hanoi we would like to recommend

If someone asks that what is beautiful in Hanoi, it’s easy to answer: Hanoi is beautiful because there is an ancient turtle tower, there are mossy roofs in the old town, there is a majestic Uncle Ho’s mausoleum, and a magnificent West Lake. wind … Now let’s review originvietnam.com for beautiful places that cannot be missed when traveling to Hanoi capital Vietnam.

1. Hoan Kiem Lake

Hoan Kiem Lake is one of the most famous scenic spot in Hanoi. It’s located at the connection between the old quarter including the streets of Hang Ngang , Hang Dao , Cau Go , Luong Van Can , Lo Su … with the Western quarter planned by the French.

Hoan Kiem Lake is the central area of ​​Hanoi capital. That you can come here easily by private transport or public transport. With a clean and fresh space, this place is popular with young people, chosen by couples as a place for wedding photography. Not only that, Hoan Kiem Lake is one of the attractions for domestic and foreign tourists.

2. Ho Chi Minh mausoleum

Where should go to Hanoi? Ho Chi Minh mausoleum will definitely be a destination that you cannot ignore. Located on Hung Vuong – Dien Bien Street, this is the place to keep the body of President Ho Chi Minh. Going to Hanoi, everyone wants to visit Uncle Ho’s mausoleum once.

3. Tran Quoc Pagoda

Tran Quoc Pagoda is located on a small peninsula to the east of West Lake. The 1,500-year-old temple considered the oldest in Hanoi has recently entered the list of 16 most beautiful temples in the World voted by the Daily Mail (UK). The temple is a place to keep religious and historical values ​​attracting many Buddhists and tourists to visit.

4. St. Joseph’s Cathedral

St. Joseph Cathedral is located at 40 Nha Chung Street, Hang Trong Street, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi. Overall, the work has European Gothic architectural style, but still has the combination with the indigenous architecture shown in the terracotta roof system, the traditional Vietnamese interior decoration. So it is the product of a very unique East-West cultural exchange

St. Joseph’s Cathedral is considered a typical church architecture. It is one of the most beautiful Catholic churches in the capital and the country. Traveling to Hanoi, visitors will certainly not be able to ignore this attractive place.

5. Temple of Literature

Named as the first university in Vietnam, Van Mieu Quoc Tu Giam is not only a famous historical relic of Hanoi. But also a place containing the quintessence of previous feudal historical periods and preserving the traditional values ​​of Vietnamese land.

6. Opera House

The Address of the Opera House is located at 1 Trang Tien, Hoan Kiem.

This historic theater in the center of Hanoi capital is the venue for major art shows of many leading artists, musicians in Vietnam. Visitors can admire the wonderful architecture of the Hanoi Opera House.

7. Hanoi Old Quarter

Old town is the streets, houses, street corners bearing the architectural style of the French in the nineteenth century. Through many ups and downs of history and changes of time, this place still retains its original architecture. It can be said that the old town is the soul, a unique feature of Hanoi.

Especially in Hanoi Old Quarter you can go for a day and night walk to fully experience the human culture here, with delicious dishes featuring the taste of Hanoi’s old town.

What to eat in Hanoi?

1. pho hanoi.

Pho is the first dish that you should enjoy when coming to Hanoi. Famous noodle shops such as: Pho pho in Hang Trong, the shop is a small street load, placed on the sidewalk, only a small chair, the shop is only open in the afternoon.

This is a restaurant that has been around for a long time, although there are no comfortable seats to eat. But the people coming to the restaurant are crowded, having to queue and wait a long time.

Some delicious pho addresses in Hanoi:

  • Pho Ly Quoc Su: No. 10 Ly Quoc Su, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi.
  • Pho Bat Dan: 49 Bat Dan, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi.
  • Pho Thin Lo Duc: No. 13 Lo Duc, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi.

Bun Cha is made from minced lean meat and marinated with spices, then it is made into round pieces and put on a grill over embers until the pork roll is golden. Hanoi vermicelli sauce is a sweet and sour fish sauce with vinegar, garlic, chili, and pepper mixed with green papaya sliced ​​thinly and sourly. This dish is served with vermicelli and raw vegetables with perilla leaves.

List of delicious food places that you can visit to enjoy:

  • Huong Lien noodle soup: 24 Le Van Huu, Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi.
  • Dac Kim noodle soup: No. 1 Hang Manh, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi.

3. La Vong Fish Ball

La Vong Fish Ball is a famous specialty of Hanoi, available in almost everywhere from small restaurants to high-end hotel restaurants. This dish is prepared as follows: Fish is fried in a small oil pan. Serve with grilled rice paper, rice noodles, roasted peanuts, coriander, basil, dill, chopped fresh onions dotted with shrimp paste.

  • To enjoy La Vong fish cake with the best “standard”, you should go to No. 14 Cha Ca, Hoan Kiem.

Uncovering the Hidden Gems of Hanoi: A Guide to Off-the-Beaten-Path Tours

Hanoi is a city of hidden gems, with a wealth of off-the-beaten-path tours that offer a unique and authentic experience. From exploring the city’s vibrant street markets to discovering its hidden alleyways, there is something for everyone in this bustling capital.

For those looking to explore the city’s culture and history, a tour of the Old Quarter is a must. This area of the city is home to some of the oldest buildings in Hanoi, and a tour will take you through the narrow streets and alleys, giving you a glimpse into the city’s past. You’ll also have the chance to visit some of the city’s most iconic landmarks. Especially the Temple of Literature and the Hoan Kiem Lake .

If you’re looking for something a little more off-the-beaten-path, why not take a tour of the city’s hidden alleyways? These narrow streets are often overlooked by tourists, but they offer a unique insight into the city’s culture and history. You’ll have the chance to explore the city’s hidden markets, sample some of the local cuisine, and get a glimpse into the lives of the locals.

For those looking for a more active experience, a cycling tour is a great way to explore the city. You’ll have the chance to cycle through the city’s bustling streets, taking in the sights and sounds of Hanoi. You’ll also have the chance to visit some of the city’s more rural areas. Such as the Red River Delta, where you can explore the local villages and get a glimpse into the traditional way of life.

Finally, if you’re looking for something a little more adventurous, why not take a tour of the city’s underground tunnels? These tunnels were used by the Viet Cong during the Vietnam War, and a tour will take you through the winding passageways, giving you a unique insight into the city’s history.

Hanoi is a city full of hidden gems, and there are plenty of off-the-beaten-path tours to explore. Whether you’re looking to explore the city’s culture and history, sample the local cuisine, or take a more adventurous tour, there is something for everyone in this vibrant capital.

Exploring the Best of Hanoi: A Guide to the Top Tourist Attractions

Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, is a city of culture, history, and beauty. From its ancient temples and pagodas to its bustling markets and vibrant nightlife, Hanoi has something for everyone. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing getaway or an exciting adventure, here are some of the top tourist attractions in Hanoi that you won’t want to miss.

  • The Old Quarter: This is the heart of Hanoi, where you’ll find narrow streets lined with shops, restaurants, and cafes. Take a stroll through the area and explore the many historical sites. Such as the Temple of Literature and the Hoan Kiem Lake.
  • The Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum: This is the final resting place of the beloved leader of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh. The mausoleum is a popular tourist attraction and a great place to learn more about the history of Vietnam.
  • The Water Puppet Theatre: This is a unique form of traditional Vietnamese theatre that uses puppets to tell stories. The performances are held in a pool of water and are accompanied by traditional music.
  • The Hanoi Opera House: This is one of the most beautiful buildings in Hanoi. The opera house is home to many performances, including traditional Vietnamese music and dance.
  • The Perfume Pagoda: This is a complex of Buddhist temples located in a mountain valley. The pagoda is a popular pilgrimage site and a great place to explore the spiritual side of Hanoi.
  • The Imperial Citadel of Thang Long: This is an ancient citadel that was built in the 11th century. The citadel is a great place to explore the history of Hanoi and learn more about the city’s past.
  • The Long Bien Bridge: This is an iconic bridge that spans the Red River. The bridge is a great place to take in the views of the city and watch the boats go by.

These are just some of the top tourist attractions in Hanoi. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing getaway or an exciting adventure, Hanoi has something for everyone. So, come explore the best of Hanoi and experience all that this vibrant city has to offer.

Above are essential information that you cannot ignore in your tour in Hanoi. Hopefully this information will help you have a lot of fun before exploring the beautiful capital with Origin Vietnam team.

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Tours de Hanoï - Définition


Le problème des tours de Hanoï est un jeu de réflexion imaginé par le mathématicien français Édouard Lucas, et consistant à déplacer des disques de diamètres différents d'une tour de « départ » à une tour d'« arrivée » en passant par une tour « intermédiaire » et ceci en un minimum de coups, tout en respectant les règles suivantes :

  • on ne peut déplacer plus d'un disque à la fois,
  • on ne peut placer un disque que sur un autre disque plus grand que lui ou sur un emplacement vide .

On suppose que cette dernière règle est également respectée dans la configuration de départ.

Origine du problème

Le problème mathématique des tours de Hanoï a été inventé par Édouard Lucas. Il est publié dans le tome 3 de ses Récréations mathématiques , parues à titre posthume en 1892. Il annonce que ce problème est dû à un de ses amis, N. Claus de Siam , prétendument professeur au collège de Li-Sou-Stian (une double anagramme de Lucas d'Amiens , sa ville de naissance, et Saint Louis , le lycée où Lucas enseignait).

Sous le titre «  Les brahmes tombent  », Lucas relate que «  N. Claus de Siam a vu, dans ses voyages pour la publication des écrits de l'illustre Fer-Fer-Tam-Tam, dans le grand temple de Bénarès, au-dessous du dôme qui marque le centre du monde, trois aiguilles de diamant , plantées dans une dalle d'airain, hautes d'une coudée et grosses comme le corps d'une abeille . Sur une de ces aiguilles, Dieu enfila au commencement des siècles, 64 disques d'or pur, le plus large reposant sur l'airain, et les autres, de plus en plus étroits, superposés jusqu'au sommet. C'est la tour sacrée du Brahmâ. Nuit et jour , les prêtres se succèdent sur les marches de l'autel, occupés à transporter la tour de la première aiguille sur la troisième, sans s'écarter des règles fixes que nous venons d'indiquer, et qui ont été imposées par Brahma. Quand tout sera fini, la tour et les brahmes tomberont, et ce sera la fin des mondes !  ».

Comme indiqué ci-dessous, un jeu à 64 disques requiert un minimum de 2 64 -1 déplacements. En admettant qu'il faille 1 seconde pour déplacer un disque, ce qui fait 86 400 déplacements par jour , la fin du jeu aurait lieu au bout d'environ 213 000 milliards de jours, ce qui équivaut à peu près à 584,5 milliards d'années, soit 43 fois l'âge estimé de l' univers (13,7 milliards d'années selon certaines sources).

Résolution récursive

Le problème des tours de Hanoï est vu en algorithmique (programmation), où il offre un exemple de la puissance et de la lisibilité des programmes définis de façon récursive (un autre exemple étant le tri arborescent). En effet, la méthode de résolution vue précédemment conduit à un algorithme récursif , décrit ci-dessous. Les paramètres de la procédure Déplacer sont :

On obtient par exemple :

En langage PHP

En langage Python  :

En langage Prolog  :

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7 Best Walking Tours in Hanoi (Old Quarter, Private, Food & More)


Home » 7 Best Walking Tours in Hanoi (Old Quarter, Private, Food & More)

Have you been wondering which tour is the best walking tour in Hanoi? I’ve got you covered!

Vietnam is renowned for its breathtaking natural landscapes, flavorful Vietnamese cuisine, as well as its intriguing colonial history.

As a cultural gem of South East Asia, Vietnam boasts a rich and storied heritage that dates back thousands of years.

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, train tracks in Hanoi, Vietnam


Don’t have time to read the whole article? The best choice is this small-group tour with an option for a daytime or nighttime tour Walking Tour of Hanoi Old Quarter

We have been to Vietnam multiple times and Hanoi is one of our all-time favorite places to visit in Vietnam.

The first time we visited Hanoi we tried to do a DIY walking tour, but it required so much research and planning on a map and we underestimated the distance of some points of interest so we sweating and had such sore feet.

So using a guide that knows best and has the perfect route and won’t get lost is highly recommended

We can confidently say that Hanoi is an absolute gem that has never failed to captivate us.

When it comes to the best walking tours in this vibrant city, this article is to guide you.

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or new to the scene, we’ve curated a selection of the 7 most remarkable walking tours in Hanoi.

So, keep reading and embark on a journey through the enchanting Hanoi streets of this mesmerizing destination.

Quick Guide: Best Walking Tours in Hanoi

After a quick list of the top Hanoi walking tours? Here are the best tours:

3-hour Walking Tour of Hanoi Old Quarter

  • Duration: approx 3 hours
  • Type of Tour: Small-group tour max of 8 people
  • Included: Option for daytime and nighttime tours for small groups of people with a free guide

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, Hanoi street cart with food, sq

Private Walking Tour of Hanoi City

  • Duration: approx 3-4 hours
  • Type of Tour: Private-group tour, flexible schedule
  • Included: Free private tour guide and hotel pick-up within Hanoi

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, Pagoda on the lake in Hanoi, before the bridge, sq

Small-Group Hanoi Street Food Tour

  • Type of Tour: Small-group tour, max of 8 people
  • Included : Free private tour guide and hotel pick-up within Hanoi, food tasting, a bottle of water, coffee, or beer, and snacks

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi

Here is your guide to the best walking tours in Hanoi for travelers who would like to experience Hanoi. Your only task is to choose one!

1. Walking Tour of Hanoi Old Quarter

Hanoi Old Quarter

Tour Overview:

  • Tour Type:  Small-group tour with a maximum of 8 people. Option for a daytime or nighttime tour is available.
  • Guest Rating: 4.7 Stars (Reviewed by over 120+ travelers)
  • Tour Sights & Stops:  36 streets of Hanoi’s Old Quarter
  • Departure Point:  31 Lò Sũ Street, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi (In the center of the Old Quarter of Hanoi, close to the Water Puppet Theater).
  • Length:  approx 3 hours
  • Check Tour Price on Get Your Guide

Enjoy a delightful journey through the captivating streets of Hanoi’s Old Quarter with this specialized walking tour.

Accompanied by a knowledgeable guide, lose yourself in the charm of the 36 distinctive streets, each known for its historic trades such as blacksmiths, silver shops, paper shops, headstone makers, silk traders, and jewelers.

Satisfy your taste buds with authentic Vietnamese culinary experiences , savoring delectable local cuisine, delightful desserts, and refreshing drinks as you walk Hanoi’s busy streets.

Stop to shop at the vibrant local markets, artisans, and silk shops. Relax with a drink at bars, cafes, and clubs.

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, Hanoi local markets

Whether you prefer a daytime stroll or a nighttime adventure , this tour offers both options to suit your preference.

We had Ha as our guide and he was very knowledgeable and interesting. He explained a lot about Vietnamese culture and its history so we learned a lot. There was just the two of us so it felt more like a private tour which was even better. I am vegetarian and the tour catered for me easily enough. I was a bit apprehensive about the food but it was all very tasty. Highly recommended. Colette – United Kingdom   (Read More  Reviews on Get Your Guide ) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Important Note:

– Pets are not allowed.

– Smoking is prohibited.

Why You Will Love This Tour:

  • Dig into a diverse array of local cuisines available and explore the tales behind each dish.
  • Discover the captivating charm of Hanoi’s Old Quarter, where the 36 streets intertwine, and learn about its fascinating historical trades.
  • Join in the joy of shopping alongside the locals.

Uncover the rich history and captivating tales of Hanoi’s Old Quarter , as the small-group tour, limited to only 8 individuals, ensures an engaging and personalized experience .

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, The red bridge in Hanoi Vietnam

Get ready for a journey that will leave you with treasured memories and a profound appreciation for the heart and soul of Hanoi.

2. Private Walking Tour of Hanoi City

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, Hanoi street cart with food

  • Tour Type:  It is a 3-4 hours flexible schedule, a student-led walking tour of the city. This is a private tour for you and your group
  • Guest Rating: 5 Stars (Reviewed by over 300+ travelers)
  • Tour Sights & Stops:  Visit several places, like Hoan Kiem Lake, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, The Temple of Literature and National University, Hoa Lo Prison, and the Vietnam National Museum of History
  • Departure Point:  guides will pick you up at your desired pick-up point (Hanoi Old Quarter only)
  • Length:  approx 3-4 hours
  • Check Tour Price on Viator

Experience the charm of Hanoi City with a private walking tour , tailor-made for those who wish to explore the city at their own pace .

The local tour guide will pick you up and ensure a flexible schedule that suits your preferences.

You’ll visit several places and the guide will explain the history of them.

The first destination will be the iconic Hoan Kiem Lake, known as the heart of Hanoi.

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, Pagoda on the Lake in Hanoi, Vietnam

Here, you’ll have the opportunity to witness local activities.

Next, make your way to the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Complex.

This serene zone boasts the lush botanical garden of Hanoi, magnificent monuments, solemn memorials, and stunning pagodas.

Then, explore the Temple of Literature, the place that has witnessed the graduation of countless doctors and is now transformed into a memorial dedicated to the pursuit of education and literature.

Afterward, venture to Hoa Lo Prison (Hanoi Hilton) where the majority of exhibits at the prison center around its utilization until the mid-1950s.

Lastly, the Vietnam National Museum of History.

The museum houses over 200,000 relics and artifacts that span Vietnamese history from prehistoric times to the present.

Among these are the 18 officially recognized Vietnam’s national treasures.

The students came to our Airbnb to meet us and were just lovely. Our walking tour lasted about 4 hours stopping by the old prison, stopping at a cafe to try egg coffee, walked around the Old Quarter, visited the church and we were able to experience a bit of the night local market around the lake. The cost is nominal and well worth it Jeannie_S   (Read More  Reviews on Viator ) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

– Free private tour guide.

– Free Hotel pickup (Hanoi Old Quarter only)

– Entrance ticket not included.

  • Private tour just for you and your group and the schedule is flexible.
  • Free student-tour guide for your group.
  • Explore numerous historical treasures and culturally significant sites.

Discover the beauty of Hanoi City with a private walking tour exclusive to your group.

The tours offer the unique opportunity to explore the city’s highlights accompanied by a knowledgeable student-tour guide in a flexible and customizable schedule.

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, lady cooking on the side of train track

Immerse yourself in the vibrant ambiance and captivating sights, creating lasting memories of Hanoi’s unique charm.

3. Hanoi Evening Walking Tour

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, Hanoi Vietnamese Food Street, Beer Alley

  • Tour Type:  2-4 hours private evening customizable tour of Hanoi that ensures a fully personalized experience.
  • Guest Rating: 5 Stars (Reviewed by over 40+ travelers)
  • Tour Sights & Stops:  Ancient House, Lake of the Restored Sword (Hoan Kiem Lake), Night Market, Thang Long Water Puppet (optional), Phung Hung Mural Street (optional)
  • Departure Point:  Lý Thái Tổ Monument or guides will pick you up at your desired pick-up point (Hanoi Old Quarter only)
  • Length:  approx 2-4 hours

Discover Hanoi on a personalized evening walking tour that offers an enchanting experience tailored to your preferences.

Explore the vibrant city at your own pace with a private and fully customizable itinerary .

Begin with a convenient pickup from your Old Quarter hotel before going on a journey through must-see attractions such as the Ancient House where you can see the sophisticated charm of a Vietnamese traditional house, Hoan Kiem Lake (the heart of Hanoi), and Mural Street.

If you visit on the weekends, you can enjoy yourself in a lively night market roadside stalls, and local food vendors that attract large crowds of both locals and tourists.

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, Hanoi local streets, beer corner Old Quarter

Alternatively, consider indulging in a mesmerizing water puppet show (at your own expense).

We had a wonderful time hanging out with Linh, who showed us around some nice local restaurant, the train tracks and the puppet show. She also gave us some tips of things to see in Hanoi and Vietnam. Note that this is a volunteer experience, not a professional guide, and you get to spend time learning from locals and discovering a more authentic part of town. YuLan_S   (Read More  Reviews on Viator ) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

– Free private tour guide

– Includes free pickup and drop-offs from Old Quarter Hotel only

– Watch the water puppet show at your own cost

  • Private tour just for you and your group and the itinerary is fully customizable.
  • You can get to enjoy Hanoi even at night.

Experience the ultimate flexibility with the personalized evening Hanoi walking tour .

Tailor-made for you and your group , this tour offers free guidance as you uncover the enchanting beauty of Hanoi at night perfect for newcomers and individuals with limited time.

Indulge in the freedom to explore and make the most of your travel adventure.

4. Half Day Hanoi City – Old Quarter

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, Hanoi streets and trees

  • Tour Type:  Half-day sightseeing journey through the enchanting Old Quarter, led by knowledgeable student tour guides.
  • Guest Rating: 5 Stars (Reviewed by over 460+ travelers)
  • Tour Sights & Stops:  Hoan Kiem Lake, Thap Rua Tower, Dong Xuan Market, Bach Ma Temple, Ancient House, Long Bien Bridge, Train Street, Old Quarter, Den Quan De, Ba Dinh Square, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, Hanoi Opera House, St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Hoa Lo Prison, Temple of Literature & National University, Vietnam Museum of Ethnology, Vietnamese Women’s Museum
  • Departure Point:  Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre or guides will pick you up at your desired pick-up point (Hanoi Old Quarter only)
  • Length:  approx 3-11 hours

Want to experience the local life in the best of Hanoi in just half a day ? Join this walking tour through the captivating Old Quarter, guided by a local expert .

Immerse yourself in the hustle and bustle as you explore the vibrant streets, and visit the largest indoor market with a multitude of goods, from fresh produce to souvenirs, clothing, and even electronics.

Marvel at the architectural wonders of churches, museums, and old temples .

Step inside a traditional Vietnamese house and witness its charm.

Wander down Hanoi’s iconic ‘Train Street’ or walk through the charming residential lanes.

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, Hanoi Train tracks

And to top it all off, indulge in the rich and delightful local delicacy – the famous egg coffee .

Join this walking tour for an unforgettable adventure in the heart of Hanoi’s Old Quarter.

Our guide, Choung, was well well versed about the local sites we visited. He was engaging and provided us with many interesting facts and history about the places we visited. This tour is a must do for any visitor to Hanoi – you get to see and hear about several cultural and political points of interest as well as the history of Vietnam. The tour operator ensured that we were picked up and dropped off on time… It’s a great way to a stay in Hanoi! Danny   (Read More  Reviews on Viator ) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

– Includes free pickup and drop-offs from Old Quarter Hotel only.

– Admission tickets to some places are not included.

–  The tour participant is responsible for covering the guide(s)’ entrance fees.

  • Experience the vibrant city of Hanoi and numerous destinations to explore on a single-day tour.
  • There is a wide array of delectable local cuisines to indulge in.
  • Experience exploring Hanoi’s largest indoor market.

Discover the wonders of Hanoi with this half-day city tour , offering a multitude of destinations to explore in just a single day.

Enjoy the expertise of a knowledgeable student guide , who will lead your group through the captivating sights and sounds of the city.

Experience the essence of Hanoi on this unforgettable walking tour.

5. Small-Group Hanoi Street Food Tour

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, lady cooking on the side of the walkway

  • Tour Type:  3-hour small group tour/activity with a maximum of 8 travelers. Guided by an expert, savor the finest street food Hanoi has to offer.
  • Guest Rating: 5 Stars (Reviewed by over 2000+ travelers)
  • Tour Sights & Stops:  Old Quarter, pass by Hoan Kiem Lake Walking Street and Hoan Kiem Lake
  • Departure Point:  Craft Viet Shop, 41 Luong Van Can St, or guides will pick you up at your desired pick-up point (Hanoi Old Quarter only)

Uncover the delightful adventure of indulging in Hanoi’s renowned street food scene with the small group Hanoi street food tour .

Experience the guided culinary journey through bustling streets, savoring the very best street food gems the city has to offer.

Select two departure times to accommodate your schedule.

Each day, the menu rotates, ensuring a diverse selection of delectable options that represent the true essence of Hanoi’s delicious cuisine.

While the specific tastings may vary, be prepared for a captivating and ever-changing assortment.

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, Restaurant outdoor kitchen

Get ready to delve into the vibrant realm of Hanoi’s street food culture in an engaging and immersive experience.

We did this tour during our first day in Hanoi and it’s been seriously the best food tour ever. The food was incredible, every single one of them, and in places where we would have never tried without a local taking us there. But what made this so special was our tour guide/foodie, Patrick. He was amazing company for those 3 hours, sharing with us his culture in a very dear way, and showing us some hidden gems on the way to the restaurants. We would do this a thousand times over. Loved it! Miriam_H   (Read More  Reviews on Viator ) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

– Indicate if you have any food allergies or special requests.

– Vegetarian, Vegan, Kosher, and Gluten-Free options are available, advise at the time of booking.

  • Choose two departure times that perfectly align with your schedule.
  • Experience the delectable delights of Hanoi street food, even with limited time.
  • A variety of dietary options is available to accommodate different preferences and needs such as vegetarian, vegan, kosher, and gluten-free.

Join a small-group Hanoi street food tour and let an expert guide lead you through the bustling narrow streets.

Uncover the hidden treasures of street food in a limited timeframe.

Perfect for those eager to experience the vibrant street food scene in Hanoi.

6. Private Hanoi Street Food Walking Tour

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, Hanoi Vietnamese Food

  • Tour Type:  3-hour private walking tour with a personal foodie guide 
  • Guest Rating: 5 Stars (Reviewed by over 500+ travelers)
  • Tour Sights & Stops:  Cernobbio, Moltrasio, Torno, Blevio, and the magnificent Villas.
  • Departure Point:  Craft Viet Shop, 41 Luong Van Can St or guides will pick you up at your desired pick-up point (Hanoi Old Quarter only)

Satiate yourself in the ultimate street food adventure with a private Hanoi street food walking tour .

Get lost in the rich culture and history of Hanoi as you embark on a 3-hour exploration with your foodie guide.

Roam around the bustling streets packed with food vendors and savor the flavors of 10 different dishes at local food stands and family restaurants .

With a rotating menu, each day brings new and exciting culinary delights, which may include (but are not limited to) authentic delicacies.

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, local markets in Hanoi

And don’t forget to satisfy your taste buds with the renowned egg coffee of Hanoi at a charming café.

Chung was a fantastic guide and very friendly. He took us to various different places that specialised in 1 particular dish that they did really well. Some were in locations that we essentially would not have ventured to confidently by ourselves such as Pho Suong which was down a tiny backstreet and serves the best Pho. Chung also took us to Cafe Giang where egg coffee was originally made and is still run by the family. We were absolutely stuffed by the end of the tour and would wholeheartedly recommend this as an introduction to Vietnamese Street food to anyone visiting Hanoi for the first time for the food, friendliness of the guide and the tips on how to eat each dish as well (invaluable 😀). Michele_B   (Read More  Reviews on Viator ) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

– Lunch or dinner (depending on the selected option) is included.

– Free local guide.

  • This is an exclusive tour or activity in which only your group will have the privilege to participate.

Discover the unique experience of a private Hanoi street food walking tour.

With a private foodie guide leading the way, this tour offers an intimate and personalized adventure.

Sampling delectable dishes as you explore the hidden gems of Hanoi’s streets.

Expand your palate and create unforgettable memories as you delve into the flavors and culture of this captivating city.

7. Hanoi City Half-Day Private Tour

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, Hanoi Atrractions, Notre Dame

  • Tour Type:  Small-group flexible 9-10 hour private tour of the highlights of Hanoi City
  • Guest Rating: 5 Stars (Reviewed by over 10+ travelers)
  • Tour Sights & Stops:  Hanoi Old Quarter Culture Exchange Center, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, Presidential Palace Historical Site, Ho Chi Minh’s Stilt House, One Pillar Pagoda, Temple of Literature & National University, Vietnam Museum of Ethnology, St. Joseph’s Cathedral, Dong Xuan Market, Train Street, Hanoi Opera House
  • Departure Point:  Guides will pick you up at your desired meeting point or requested pick-up point (hotels within Hanoi only)
  • Length:  approx 9-10 hours

Experience all the captivating highlights of Hanoi city on a private half-day tour .

Immerse yourself in the enchanting charm of the Hanoi Old Quarter, with its bustling streets and rich cultural heritage.

As you explore, you’ll pass by the elegant French colonial architecture of the French Quarter that adds a touch of grandeur to the cityscape.

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, French Quarter

Take in the serenity of the peaceful lakes and visit traditional pagodas, churches, and temples, each telling its own story of Vietnam’s religious and cultural diversity.

See the most visited and must-see attractions in Hanoi like the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in Ba Dinh Square, the final resting place of Ho Chi Minh (the most iconic and popular leader of Vietnam) and Ho Chi Minh’s Stilt House, the living and working place of President Ho Chi Minh.

Other must-see famous local attractions are the Vietnam Museum and Train Street or the narrow alley in Hanoi’s Old Quarter where almost the entire space of “train street” is occupied by the railroad tracks.

We searched online and decided book this Hanoi Full Day Private Tour with Paradise Indochina Travel because we saw so good recommendations though reviews. My family was so happy with the tour. It was out of our expectations. The guide was so informative, professional and the itinerary is also nice, covering all places we love to see, especially the TRAIN STREET. Our driver was so friendly too. Everything was perfect. I really recommended! A Tripadvisor Reviewer   (Read More  Reviews on Viator ) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

– The Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum is open only in the morning and remains closed every Monday and Friday.

– To pay respects at the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, it is required for all visitors to dress modestly (no shorts, sleeveless shirts, and miniskirts). Please ensure that shorts are worn at knee length.

– Visitors’ shoulders must be covered by scarfs when visiting the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

– The mausoleum is closed usually from October onwards.

– The Ethnology Museum is closed on Mondays and Fridays; therefore, during these days, visitors can explore the Hoa Lo Prison instead.

– Admission fees and sightseeing expenses are already covered.

– Free hotel pick-up and drop-off. The pick-up time is 8:30 AM (or depends on your preference)

  • With the limited time you have, you can uncover the remarkable highlights and hidden gems of beautiful Hanoi.
  • Enjoy the ultimate flexibility in your private tour or activity, where exclusivity is guaranteed, ensuring a personalized and intimate experience.
  • You have two options: either head directly to your preferred meeting point or request a pickup at your hotel.

Discover the wonders of Hanoi City on a captivating half-day private tour.

Explore the city’s highlights and delve into its hidden corners, all within a limited timeframe.

With flexibility in departure time and the convenience of complimentary hotel pickup and drop-off, this tour is perfect for travelers seeking to experience the absolute best of Hanoi.

A delightful mix of history, tradition, and stunning landmarks, this engaging tour showcases the very best of Hanoi’s vibrant city life.

FAQs About the Best Walking Tours in Hanoi

Here are some answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about the best walking tours in Hanoi.

Certainly! Exploring Hanoi by foot is the ideal way to experience its allure. The charm of the capital city can be discovered at every turn, with its enchanting narrow alleys, picturesque tree-lined boulevards, and captivating lakes.

For exploring Hanoi, walking is a fantastic option as it allows you to discover every corner of the city. Another brilliant idea is to ride a bicycle around West Lake. For sightseeing, cyclos are predominantly used. However, the most popular means of transportation in Hanoi is motorcycles. Additionally, motorcycle taxis offer great flexibility..

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, on the Rikshaw in Hanoi

Discover the best sights on a walking tour of Hanoi! Explore iconic landmarks like Ba Dinh Square, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, Lenin Monument, National Museum of Fine Arts, Temple of Literature, Presidential Palace, and St. Joseph’s Cathedral. All these attractions are within walking distance. Don’t miss the vibrant Dong Xuan Market, the elegant Opera House, and the scenic Hoan Kiem Lake. Make sure to soak in the breathtaking views from Turtle Tower and the Temple of Jade Mountain. And don’t forget to visit the renowned Museum of the Vietnamese Revolution, a must-see in Hanoi!

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, Old Quarter Hanoi

For a more enriching and convenient experience in Hanoi, it is highly recommended to opt for a certified tour guide. Investing in the services of a Vietnamese tour guide not only enhances your exploration of the country but also saves you valuable time, money, and hassle. This is particularly beneficial when visiting bustling cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

To ensure cultural respect and personal comfort, it is advisable to adhere to modest clothing standards during a walking tour in Hanoi. This entails wearing garments that cover your shoulders and knees, especially when visiting pagodas and religious sites. Dress codes tend to be more conservative outside major cities, so adopting this practice is highly recommended.

Final Thoughts on the Best Walking Tours in Hanoi

In conclusion, if you’re a traveler eager to explore the enchanting city of Hanoi, don’t miss out on the opportunity to embark on these three remarkable walking tours: the walking tour of Hanoi Old Quarter , the private walking tour of Hanoi City , and the small group Hanoi street food tour .

Best Walking Tours in Hanoi, planning your Hanoi tour

These great experiences will allow you to discover the hidden gems of Hanoi while indulging in its rich culinary delights.

Please keep in mind that there are a few key things to know before embarking on your visit to Vietnam .

Once you’re armed with this knowledge, you can effortlessly pack your bags, slip into your comfy walking shoes, and prepare yourself for an extraordinary adventure in Hanoi and beyond!

But wait, there’s more! Besides Hanoi, Vietnam has plenty of breathtaking destinations waiting to be explored.

Check out our article on the best places to visit in Vietnam to uncover more extraordinary spots.

And be sure to dive into our next post titled, best things to do in Vietnam during your next trip , where we reveal even more unforgettable experiences that will make your journey through Vietnam truly unforgettable.

May your journey through one of Asia’s enchantingly beautiful countries be filled with experiences beyond compare!

More Articles to Help You Plan Your Trip to Vietnam:

Our article on the Absolute best Vietnam Tour Packages will have you covered for other things that you might want to do on an organized tour whilst in Vietnam.

Check out our post on the Must have top 10 Vietnam travel essentials and make your travels through this amazing country that much easier.

You might also be interested in reading a few of the most Popular Books about Vietnam .

Check out Bac Ha Markets . Yes, these markets are in Sapa. So, if you are venturing out to Sapa, make sure to put this one on the list.

Find out what to take for your trip on our What to Pack for Vietnam travel guide here.

les tours hanoi

Andrzej Ejmont

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Tours In Hanoi: A Curated Guide To Experiencing The Capital’s Best


Searching for the perfect way to uncover all the layers of Hanoi—from its storied past and architectural wonders to its culinary delights and artistic vibrancy? You’re in the right place.

This article is your all-access pass to discovering the best tours in Hanoi . Whether you’re keen to explore ancient temples, savor street food delicacies, or experience the local lifestyle, we have the perfect tour recommendation. Read on and prepare to embark on a journey that captures the essence of Hanoi in ways you never imagined.

Why Hanoi Is One Of The Top Destinations In Vietnam?

Picture yourself strolling along the charming streets of the Old Quarter. Each turn reveals something special, whether it’s a piece of Vietnamese history or a mouth-watering local dish. And speaking of food, have you ever indulged in Pho for breakfast? It’s a morning tradition in Hanoi that you can’t miss!

Don’t think of Hanoi as just another bustling city. Take a break and unwind at Hoan Kiem Lake, a tranquil oasis nestled in the heart of the city. If you’re a coffee enthusiast, you’re in for a real treat! Vietnam’s coffee culture awaits with unique blends like Egg Coffee. And if that’s not enough, a quick trip to Halong Bay will leave you awestruck by its breathtaking views.

Hanoi has an enchanting quality that continually surprises visitors. It’s a captivating place that will leave you yearning for more. So, are you prepared to embark on your next adventure in Hanoi?

>> See Tour: The Very Best of Vietnam

7 Top Tours In Hanoi That Let You Touch The Soul Of The City

Hanoi walking tour.


Wandering around Hanoi Old Quarter is a great choice for exploration

Get ready to step back in time and immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of Hanoi’s Old Quarter! Once a bustling trading hub, this vibrant neighborhood has maintained its old-world charm and takes visitors on a journey through its thousand-year history. Follow a knowledgeable guide as you explore the maze of streets and alleys named after the goods they sold in the past.

What you might love

With a guided walking tour, you’ll not only see the sights but also experience the sounds, smells, and flavors of Vietnamese daily life. Sample local delicacies at street markets and sip traditional Vietnamese coffee at cozy cafes tucked away in hidden corners. Even the locals here are friendly and welcoming, making it easy to connect with them.

This personal and enriching experience is more than just a walk; it’s a journey through a thousand years of Hanoi’s history, culture, and daily life. So grab your walking shoes and prepare for an adventure unlike any other in this historic neighborhood. The Hanoi Old Quarter is waiting for you!

>> Read More: Uncover The Capital Soul On A Unique Walking Tour In Hanoi

Hanoi Street Food Tour


Bun Cha – A familiar dish you can try on a Hanoi street food tour

A Hanoi street food tour promises to tantalize your taste buds and let you immerse in the vibrant culture of this beautiful city! Indulge in a diverse and delectable array of dishes, from flavorful bowls of bún to crispy fried treats, pastries, and desserts. Your guide will lead you through the bustling food stalls and carts, providing both gastronomic delights and cultural insights. 

It is more than just about food

This isn’t just any food tour – it’s a journey into the heart of Hanoi’s rich history and the fascinating stories behind each dish. As you feast on the various dishes, your guide will share stories about the area’s past and cultural landmarks. Whether you prefer early afternoon tastings or an evening exploration under the neon lights, the tour is flexible with its timing.

So come hungry, bring your curiosity, and prepare to be delighted on a Hanoi street food tour that promises an unforgettable feast for both the palate and the mind. Don’t miss out on this must-try experience for foodies and culture enthusiasts alike!

>> Read More: Best Recommendations For An Authentic Food Tour In Hanoi

Hoa Lo Prison Night Tour


Hoa Lo Prison is a stark testament to the indomitable spirit and bravery of the Vietnamese people

Often referred to as one of the “hells on Earth,” Hoa Lo Prison reveals tales of courage, where Vietnamese freedom fighters stood their ground against overwhelming odds. Each cell and corner whisper stories of resilience, serving as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made in the name of liberty.

As the sun sets, this historic site takes on a whole new dimension with its “Sacred Night Tour.” Walking through its corridors, you’ll feel the weight of history, sensing the anguish and determination that still echo through the walls. The night tours of Hoa Lo Prison will be held at 19:00 every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. 

What will surely touch your soul

The night tour deeply resonates with the portrayal of Vietnamese women during wartime. Their powerfully depicted narratives pull at your heartstrings, reminding you of the unsung heroines who, too, bore the heavy brunt of war.

Every visitor might be moved by the reenactment of the daring prison escapes of 1945, particularly the narrative of revolutionary Nguyen Phong Sac and his wife, Hoang Thi Ai. The journey concludes with a solemn moment, allowing you to pay respects to the fallen at the prison’s memorial.

Taking this journey through Hoa Lo Prison is a walk through time and beyond that. It’s an emotional voyage, shedding light on Vietnam’s tumultuous past, allowing visitors to understand the depth of struggles and sacrifices that shaped this nation. The prison, under the cloak of night, truly becomes a portal to another era, urging everyone to remember and honor the nation’s brave souls.

Imperial Citadel of Thang Long Night Tour


Thang Long Imperial Citadel at night (Source: Internet)

Located right in the heart of Hanoi, the Thang Long Imperial Citadel is a living testament to Vietnam’s storied past. Built in 1011 during King Ly Thai To’s reign, this UNESCO World Heritage site is an architectural gem brimming with tales of grandeur and resilience. 

Just imagine you’re wandering the pathways of Thang Long Citadel under a moonlit sky, the echoes of ancient tales murmuring with each step. The Thang Long—Hanoi Heritage Conservation Centre’s night tour offers a captivating journey through this UNESCO gem. Available every Friday and Saturday, this night tour is a journey back in time, making history palpable and unforgettable.

What is inside this unique journey

Starting at Doan Mon, the gateway to the once-royal Forbidden area, you’ll unearth archaeological treasures, marvel at millennia-old antiquities in the exhibition hall, and be drawn to the allure of the Kinh Thien Palace. As the evening deepens, traditional music heralds a puppetry show, capturing the heart of Vietnamese folklore. Dine royally beneath the Bodhi tree, tasting dishes reminiscent of a bygone era, and conclude with souvenirs that carry blessings of prosperity—memories of a journey through time.

But this tour is not just about relics—it’s an experience. A traditional puppetry performance brings folklore to life, and a royal feast beneath the Bodhi tree lets you savor age-old culinary traditions. As a memento, pick up souvenirs symbolizing luck and prosperity.

Hanoi Motorbike Tour


Try exploring Hanoi on a motorbike

This experience will offer a unique lens into its vibrant culture and rich history, blurring the line between the traditional and modern.

Why this route is worth a try

Feel the city’s heartbeat as you effortlessly glide past architectural gems like the historic Hanoi Opera House, a testament to the grandeur of French colonial times. Learn about the country’s history with a stop at Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, the resting place of Vietnam’s revolutionary leader. Not far away, the One Pillar Pagoda, an iconic symbol of Hanoi’s resilience, beckons with its serene ambiance.

Your journey also takes you to the tranquil surroundings of Tran Quoc Pagoda, the city’s oldest temple from the 6th century. And no tour of Hanoi is complete without delving into the labyrinthine streets of the Old Quarter, a treasure trove of historical landmarks, local crafts, and mouth-watering street food.

As you pause for a local lunch, savoring regional delicacies, you’ll find that the motorbike tour seamlessly melds Hanoi’s picturesque sites with its evocative sounds and flavors, ensuring an immersive experience.

Hanoi – Bat Trang Tour


Try making a clay pot while you are visiting Bat Trang Village

Step into the enchanting world of Bat Trang ceramic village, just outside of Hanoi, and let yourself be transported to a world where ancient traditions meet modern creativity. Marvel at the intricate artistry of the skilled artisans as they mix clay, glaze and hand-paint each piece. The village is alive with the sounds of workshops and the warm glow of historic kilns, including the iconic “Lo Bau” kiln, a 19th-century relic symbolizing Bat Trang’s illustrious ceramic legacy.

Enjoy your hands-on experience

But the experience doesn’t stop there. Roll up your sleeves and dive into the hands-on pottery workshops, where skilled craftsmen will guide you in molding your very own unique creation from a lump of clay.

As you work, the aroma of fresh clay will mingle with tantalizing scents of Bat Trang’s local delicacies like the mouth-watering “banh san nuong” and “banh te”. Savor each bite as it becomes a testament to the village’s rich culture, both in craft and cuisine. Every corner, workshop, and kiln tells a story, inviting travelers to be a part of its continuing legacy. 

Hanoi Museum Day Tour

This tour lets you discover the intriguing history and culture of Hanoi by visiting its fascinating museums. These often-overlooked attractions are home to a plethora of artifacts and stories.

Explore some of the most renowned museums in the city

  • The History Museum: a peaceful haven where you can immerse yourself in the diverse past of Hanoi with captivating tales and relics that bring the city’s bygone eras to life.
  • The Women’s Museum: providing interesting insight into women’s pivotal roles and contributions throughout Vietnam’s history.
  • The Ho Chi Minh Museum: a must-visit for anyone interested in Vietnamese history and the life of Ho Chi Minh, the iconic leader of the Vietnamese Communist Party and a key figure in the struggle for Vietnamese independence.
  • The Fine Arts Museum: housing an impressive collection of Vietnamese art from different periods, which might delight many art enthusiasts
  • The Ethnic Museum: showcasing the rich cultural tapestry of Vietnam, highlighting the different communities that make up this vibrant nation.


Ho Chi Minh Museum is one of the best storytellers about the Vietnamese leader

Visiting these museums provides a deeper appreciation of Hanoi’s complex heritage, uncovering lesser-known stories that add to the city’s allure. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of Hanoi’s culture and history and fall in love more with this beautiful country. 

Discover Hanoi And Beyond With Asia Pioneer Travel

So there you have it, our top picks for experiencing Hanoi in all its multifaceted glory. But why limit yourself to just Hanoi? With a reputable travel agency like Asia Pioneer Travel , you can seamlessly blend these incredible experiences as you explore Vietnam. Whether it’s savoring street food in Hanoi or cruising in Halong Bay, tell us your needs and let us lead you on an extraordinary adventure!

les tours hanoi

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les tours hanoi

Hanoi Explore Travel – A Professional Organizer of Ninh Binh Tour, Halong

Top 22 Incredible Day Trips from Hanoi – Best Ideal for A Weekend Day Trips from Hanoi


22 Amazing places you should visit for a day trips from Hanoi

If you are looking for a best day trips from Hanoi to travel around Hanoi with your family and friends to take a rest and relax within the day to get away from the bustling and noisy of city, Hanoi Explore Travel will suggest 21 Most Cheap and Best weekend trips from Hanoi

Some of them are in the top 50 most beautiful places of Asia voted by many prestigious travel magazines around the world. These places are not only attractive but also very convenient for you to move and explore within the day.

What are you waiting for without choosing quickly the place to visit near Hanoi for couples falling in love and your family ? It will surely brings great experiences as well as profound knowledge about Vietnamese culture and traditions.

Table of Contents

Most popular & romantic day trips from Hanoi for Couples, Family

Ha long bay – an amazing & romantic day trip from hanoi.

  • Address: Ha Phong, Halong City, Quang Ninh, Province. 170km from Hanoi
  • Open in Google Maps

This unique UNESCO World Heritage is one of the best quality beach travel destinations near Hanoi for trips with family and friends . Ha Long is not only famous for its beautiful, blue beaches and majestic limestone mountains but also shimmering, spectacular, enchanting stalactites. A day trip to Ha Long bay can be full of interesting activities, most famous places:

Sung Sot Cave, Thien Cung Cave, Dau Go Cave, Labyrinth Cave, Virgin Cave and Drum Cave are the 6 most beautiful caves in Ha Long Bay that you should explore.

In addition, you can also visit the coastal fishing villages such as Vung Vieng, Cua Van and Ba Hang fishing villages … this is not only an interesting stop for travelers who like to learning about fishing life of fishermen. It is also a great place to take photos .

More for you:

  • How To Choose Your BEST Halong Bay 1 Day Cruise Tour?
  • Only Halong Bay 1 Day – What to do 1 Day in Halong Bay?
  • How to Make a Perfect Halong Bay Day Trip from Hanoi?

What should you travel ?

  • Rowing Kayak
  • Visiting fishing villages on the Bay
  • Swimming in blue water
  • Discovering beautiful caves
  • Trying mountain climbing
  • Participating in beach sports games
  • Seeing Ha Long Bay from hovercraft

For travelers who feel that self-sufficient Ha Long tourism is difficult , annoying and time consuming , Hanoi Explore Travel recommends choosing a tour. Currently there are 2 forms of tour as follows:

  • Free tour – “Free & Easy Tour”: Only shuttle bus and hotel .This is a new type of tour has appeared in Vietnam recently, for young people who want not to be constrained by a specific schedule but find it troublesome to find a way to go by themselves.
  • Package tour: Including from A – Z as shuttle, tour schedule, dining, accommodation. Package tour helps you get many points but save time, effort and money. This type of tour can visit the Bay 4 hours, 6 hours by yacht. There are many travel and price options.


There is a lot of cheating here, so don’t forget to study and find out thoroughly before booking a tour!

>>> Immerse yourself into the majestic view of Halong bay with Bay Day Trip 6 Hour Cruise from Hanoi to have a reasonable itinerary for your day trip

Highlights of Halong Bay Day Trip 6 Hours Cruise

  • Cruising for a full 6 hours around Halong Bay with a professional guide and crew
  • Enjoy Vietnamese traditional Lunch with seafood
  • Visit Titop Island, trekking Titop Peak for taking photos with panoramic view of the bay.
  • Kayaking or taking a sampan boat around the gorgeous Luon Cave
  • Swimming on Beach
  • Discovering the mystical beauty and ancient history of Sung Sot Cave
  • Enjoy Cooking Class on cruise
  • All Included ( Only without drinks on Personal expenses )

Halong Bay Full Day Kayaking and Swimming

  • Ha Long Bay day trip from Hanoi – the best choice when you do not have much time
  • Rowing Kayak / bamboo boat around the bay and enjoying seafood lunch on the boat
  • Exploring Sung Sot cave and Titop island
  • Including hotel pick up and drop off in the center of Hanoi Old Quarter

>>> Pick a suitable of Halong Bay Day Trips and Cruises from Hanoi 


>>>  Check out more:

  • A Halong Bay Day Cruise with an 8 Hour Tour Itinerary
  • Halong Bay Cruise for 2 Days 1 Night

Cat Ba island – A Best Day Tour from Hanoi

  •  Address : Tran Chau, Cat Hai, Hai Phong ( 150km from Hanoi )

 What’s interesting here?

  • Swiming and exploring Monkey Island
  • Rowing Kayak, scuba diving
  • Watching the sunset at the cannon fortress
  • Walking on the beach in the evening
  • Visiting Lan Ha Bay
  • Climbing the mountain
  • Visiting Cat Ba National Park
  • Visiting the caves
  • Squid fishing & enjoying seafood
  • Visiting Monkey Island

Cat Ba archipelago is also one of the famous tourist destinations near Hanoi – like Vien Dong pearl island. Coming to Cat Ba Island, you have to swimming . Scuba diving is also a favorite activity when visiting Cat Ba Island, if you are adventurous, you should especially try. There are also many destinations with other interesting activities such as visiting Fortress, Cat Ba National Park, mangroves, kayaking on Lan Ha Bay, taking a boat to Monkey Island, …

Experience in visting Cat Ba Island

Instruction to Cat Ba Island

  • From Hanoi, you can take Hoang Long bus from Nuoc Ngam bus station along the 5B highway to Ben Got, then by ferry or speedboat to Ca port , center of Cat Ba town.

When do you visit Cat Ba ?

Most of people go to Cat Ba in the summer. However, this is also the peak tourist season, so the service, dining and entertainment prices are quite expensive. If you plan to go on these occasions , you should proactively book and contact to agency providing catering and playing services first.


If you’re not a fan of crowds on the beach, you can charter a speedboat or rent a kayak to Monkey Island and Lan Ha Bay, where the beaches are cleaner and quieter.

Just about every tour company in Hanoi offers daily trips to the island, attracting travellers looking to enjoy a day of sightseeing during their holiday.

Lan Ha Bay – A wonderful Boat Day Trip

Located in the south of Ha Long Bay and east of Cat Ba Island, Lan Ha Bay has become a popular tourist destination in recent times. The archipelago is larger than 7000 hectares, possessing over 400 large and small island , with unexploited beaches.

The attraction of Lan Ha Bay is the wild beauty, peachful space that is not everywhere, it is very suitable as a destination for those who want to find new space to relax. Besides, traveling to Lan Ha Bay, you also have the opportunity to visit the Cua Van fishing village and Cai Beo fishing village to explore the daily life of the fishermen here.

Have a look at: 

  • How to Choose the Best Lan Ha Bay Cruise?

What can you do?

  • Sailing on the bay
  • Swimming and Scuba diving
  • Climb mountain
  • Rowing Kayak and Dangerous climbing
  • Visiting local floating market and Cai Beo fishing village
  • Exploring Caves

Unlike Ha Long Bay, Lan Ha Bay has up to 139 small golden, lovely beaches and desolate as the “blue strait” inviting visitors to explore. Many sands stretch middle of two rocky mountains, are quiet with no big waves , so ideal for visiters.

Experience in visiting Lan Ha Bay

Time to travel Lan Ha Bay

  • The best time to visit Lan Ha Bay is in the summer. Because the weather is really hot , it is suitable for swimming and participating in recreational activities in the bay such as: boating, scuba diving.
  • However, tourism should be limited in the last months of summer from July to September to avoid erratic rains and storms.
  • From September the island begins to return to its tranquility, the number of tourists coming to the island is not much, you can play freely water sport games such as kayaking, climbing … and travel expense in this season is also relatively cheaper.

Lan Ha Bay –  One Day Tour

  • If you do not have much time, just come to Cat Ba on the weekend, you can contact to book a tour to explore Lan Ha Bay in one day. You can book at the hotel , any travel agency on the island or book directly with the ship owner who are outside the port also, there is a need to negotiate a price so reasonable to avoid being chopped.
  • If you book a tour, you will be picked up by the shuttle bus to the port, or if you go by yourself, you can also go to Beo port to find the boat . The first journey will go through Cai Beo fishing village, the natural islands on the Bay. About an hour and a half to the area of Sang Cave – Toi Cave.
  • In here, after renting a kayak, you are free to explore this area. Rowing Kayak at sea is also quite tired, it takes about 1.5-2 hours for this activity. After having lunch on board, you will be gone to some locations with beaches such as Ba Trai Dao island, Van Boi beach … to swim freely.
  • After swimming, maybe the boat will take you to Monkey Island area to play freely, then you will return to Beo port, end the one day journey to explore Lan Ha Bay.

>>> EXPLORE MORE: Lan Ha Bay One Day Tour From Hanoi


Bai Tu Long Bay – Free your soul with Cruise & Kayaking Adventure

Bai Tu Long Bay includes a sea area of Ha Long City : Cam Pha City and Van Don Island District. The South West borders Ha Long Bay, the East borders on the sea, the West borders the mainland to Cam Pha City and the Northeast borders on Co To Island District. Bai Tu Long Bay consists of hundreds of large and small islands and many of which are large and inhabited.

What is most attractive in Bai Tu Long Bay ?

Bai Tu Long Bay has fewer tourists than Ha Long Bay. So the places will be quieter here . At the same time, the air is also very pleasant .

What is not really fascinating here?

  • Fewer yachts go on this route, so there are fewer options.
  • Fewer islands on the Bay than Ha Long Bay.
  • Ha Long Bay has a larger area and more attractions.

Actitities in Bai Tu Long Bay

Bai Tu Long has many activities like in Ha Long. Some beaches are less crowded here.

What should you do?

  • Visiting islands
  • Visiting floating fishing village

The best time to visit Bai Tu Long

  • The best weather is in January and February, during the rainy season between May and September, March / April and September / October are the best times to explore the Bay.


Trang An and Tam Coc Cave – Explore the hidden gems of Viet Nam

  • Location: Hoa Lu District, Ninh Binh Province
  • Entrance Fee: 250.000VND/Boat Trip in Trang An – 200.000VND/Boat Trip in Tam Coc
  • Opening Hours: 07.00am – 05.00pm

Highlight of Day Trip to Trang An and Tam Coc

  • 1-day trip in Ninh Binh with a small group of participants
  • Admiring a “gem” of Ninh Binh offering some picturesque places such as Tam Coc or Trang An
  • Along with unforgettable experiences in boating riding, exploring caves, visiting temples…in Ninh Binh
  • Quality services that supply a luxury car, intensive tour guide for you

Trang An Grottoes – Tam Coc tour might be the most popular tour from Hanoi because of their beautiful landscapes. The journey starts from Hanoi to Ninh Binh for 2 hours of travelling, then go on a boat and do sightseeing on Sao Khue river. Rowers here particularly use their feet skillfully and gently.

In Trang An, you will have the chance to look into more caves than in Tam Coc that none of other places can offer since it is a large area with towering moutains  surrounded by imposing views. After ending Trang An trip (around 2 hours), let’s go to visit Tam Coc . It only takes you around 10 minutes to move to this place!

>>> Book A Day Trip All Included with Most Famous Sightseeing Places & Activities, Reasonable Prices for:

  • Deluxe Hoa Lu Tam Coc Mua Cave Day Trip  from Hanoi with Limousine Transfer
  • A Day Trip to Hoa Lu Trang An Mua Cave Small Group from Hanoi – Limousine Transfer

Hoa Lu Ancient Capital – Explore Historical & Cultural

  • Location: Truong Yen, Hoa Lu District, Ninh Binh Province, 100 kilometers to the south of Hanoi
  • Entrance fee: 20.000 VND/person
  • Opening Hours: from 06.00am to 05.00pm

Because Hoa Lu Ancient Capital is very near Trang An, Tam Coc, so tourists often combine visiting three places at the same time. As its name, Hoa Lu was the first capital of  Vietnam in 10 th and 11 th century.

Although its ancient architectures are not maintained as they were in the first place, the ancient temples where it worships Dinh and Le Kings are still intact until today.

king-dinh-temple-in Hoa-lu-ancient-capital-complex

>>> Check out Hoa Lu Ancient Capital Tour in Ninh Binh Day Tours  

Mua Cave Ninh Binh – Most exciting destination of foreign visitors

  • Location: Khe Dau Ha Hamlet, Ninh Xuan Commune, Hoa Lu District, Ninh Binh
  • Entrance fee: 100.000 VND/person
  • Opening Hours: 07.00am – 06.00pm

The Mua cave brings you one of the best panoramic view of one of the nicest sceneries in Viet Nam- that’s Ninh Binh- which is known as a wonder of the world, the Telegraph from UK said “It’s an area known locally as Vietnam’s ‘Inland Halong Bay’”.

This can’t be denied since more and more foreigners choose Mua Cave( Hang Mua – Vietnamese name) for their short holidays while being in the north of Viet Nam. Dancing mountain like a bell, measuring approximately 800 square meters. Dance Cave name associated with the ancient legend when King Tran moved the capital to Hoa Lu for building Thai Vi temple. He used to come the mountain cave for watching music and dance shows so that people from this place called Mua Cave.

View from the foot of the mountain can clearly see the white stone steps leading to the top, the stairs looked like Great Wall in China. On top of the mountain is placed a statue of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva with the eyes down towards the ancient land of the ancient capital. Dance Cave tourist area is developing into a place where relaxation combined with tourist hiking, sightseeing.


Phat Diem Stone Cathedral

  • Location: Phat Diem, Kim Son District, Ninh Binh Province, 117 km to the south of Hanoi
  • Entrance fee: Free
  • Opening hours: 7:00 am – 9:30 pm

Phat Diem Stone Cathedral firstly was initially indoctrinated by Spanish missionaries 4 centuries ago. It was built in 1892 and it exists until now.


Bai Dinh Pagoda – Significant Records in Ninh Binh

  • Location: Gia Sinh, Gia Vien, Ninh Binh
  • Opening hours: Bai Dinh Pagoda: 6 a.m to 9 p.m. Trang An: 7 a.m to 4 p.m

Ninh Binh has many toursit destinations bringing spiritual values in which we could not mention Bai Dinh pagoda – one of the biggest pagodas of South East Asia with many set of records.

Additionally, Ninh Binh has Van Long lagoon, the biggest waterlogged nature reserve  of  Northen Delta consiting of more than 30 types of rare plants listed in Vietnam’s Red Book .

>>> Book a Bai Dinh Day Tour To Discover The Beauty of Nature and The Religious Monument <<<

Experience the nature with Cuc Phuong National Park

  • Location: Nho Quan District, Ninh Binh Province, 120 kilometers to the south of Hanoi
  • Entrance fee: 40.000 VND/person
  • Opening hours: 8 am – 6 pm

Cuc Phuong national park is know as the first park of Vietnam, where it has a wide range of plants and animals with white meranti of thousands of years,caves of ancient people in which Vietnamese ancestors settled and there is the mineral spring of Ga canal.


Mai Chau Valley – Hoa Binh

Directions to Mai Chau

  • You can go to Mai Chau in many ways. If you want to explore freely the experience with friends, you can choose to go by motorbike, drive if you go with your family, or a coach tour.

Mai Chau Travel Time

  • The best time to visiting Mai Chau is spring (from February to May) because of peach blossoms, plum blossoms’s dazzling beauty, especially plum blossoms forest or rice seasons in September, Octorber, combine with the weather is cool and no rain.

Accommodation in Mai Chau

  • Coming to Mai Chau, you should experience sleeping on stilts once. At Ban Lac 1, Ban Lac 2 has many homestays to choose from, priced from 20,000 to 50,000 VND / person for a stilt house. If in a private room, the room price ranges from 250,000 to 300,000 VND / room.
  • For large groups, you should rent the whole floor with price from 500,000 to 800,000 VND / night. Especially, if you want to experience in a private space with high-class services, let come to Mai Chau Ecolodge – a beautiful 4-star resort in Na Thia.

Mai Chau Specialties

  • Lam rice , sticky rice with five colors, Muong pork, bitter bamboo shoots, wild bees, sour bamboo shoots, hill chicken, buoy leaf water, …


Top Hanoi day trips & Excursions, Activities with kids

Sightseeing & street food walking tour.

  • Learn about Buddhism
  • Explore a cave
  • Fun boat trip

Below is one day Hanoi travel guide and schedule, it combines locations around Hanoi conveniently and cheaply. You will discover and experience Hanoi Cuisine – delicious and famous dishes.

Famous tourist destinations in Hanoi are: Quoc Tu Giam Temple, Mot Cot Pagoda, Tran Quoc Pagoda, Thang Long Citadel, Hoan Kiem Lake, Long Bien Bridge …

Hope to be able to provide you with the useful and necessary information during your trip. Wish you a happy trip and many memories.


A Day Hanoi Trip with a local guide

  • Hanoi city tour starts at eight in the morning. Touring around Hanoi will bring you knowledge of Hanoi’s history, culture and architecture. You will visit Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, Temple of Literature – the first university in Vietnam, which is also a highlight of this trip.
  • Along with other locations such as Bat Trang Pottery Village, Tran Quoc Pagoda, Old Quarter and Ethnography Museum. You will come some historic and formal locations, so you should avoid wearing shorts, short skirts and sleeveless tops.


Take A Hanoi Street Food Tour

  • Hanoi is famous for its distinctive dishes, distinct culinary culture. It is an unique thing for you to discover things in Hanoi with a local tour guide. The guide will show you the inspirational outstanding destinations of Hanoi city.
  • Let imagine when you walk into some small alleys and your guide explain to you what are they. You can find cafes and shops, some delicious drink, even a long alley of many different foods while you are walking around.

>>> BOOK Un-Pho-Gettable Hanoi Street Food Tours <<<

Van Phuc silk village

  • Location: Van Phuc Village, Ha Dong District, Hanoi, 10 kilometers to the southwest of Hanoi center.
  • Opening Hours: 07.00am – 07.00pm
  • Open In Google Maps

Van Phuc silk village is just 10 kilometers away from Hanoi and basically the nearest location among those mentioned in this post, so it is easy to take a day trip from the city. Van Phuc is known for its silk production. This village produces some of the finest textiles in the country with a much cheaper price than those sold in the center of Hanoi.


With over 1,000 silk shops offering a diverse range of delighting shirts, crafts, ties and dresses made of silk, the site is undoubtedly a paradise of silk and fashion lovers. The silk is very light weight and has a smooth appearance with high quality suitable for all skin tones.

Hanoi Old Quarter & French Old Quarter

Explore Hanoi Old Quarter

  • As soon as you get to Hanoi, make sure to head to the Hanoi Old Quarter .  Visiting the Old Quarter is one of the unmissable things to do in Hanoi.
  • This is the historic heart and commercial center of the city, where there are lot of interesting attractions – think temples and pagodas.


French Old Quarter

  • Hanoi’s French Quarter is located on the southeastern end of the popular Hoan Kiem Lake, housing most of the city’s foreign embassies, government buildings and affluent residential neighbourhoods.
  • For travellers, it’s where they can find luxurious hotels and upmarket restaurants during their holiday in the Vietnam capital.


  • Part of its main road – Trang Tien – is a busy shopping area, featuring bookshops, galleries, boutiques and the Trang Tien Plaza, a French colonial shopping complex retailing international brands.
  • If this is your first time exploring Hanoi, this section encompasses just about everything you need to know about Hanoi French Quarter, namely its attractions, dining, nightlife and shopping venues.


Hanoi Green Farm with Local Family

  • Address: Lot 1, Tinh Quang village, Long Bien Dist., Hanoi

We specialize in organizing and hosting cultural and countryside life experience trip, provide you opportunity for some hands – on experience and understand more about the life and the people.


What to do during the trip you could:

  • Join the farming activities;
  • Collect fruit and vegetables;
  • Prepare lunch with local family;
  • Cycling along the riverside;
  • Visiting ancient temple, primary school…

The main purpose of Green Farm Tour is to bring you different view of life in Vietnam. You not only experience the authentic daily life of local farming communities in the village but also meeting and feeling the friendliness of people.


Ba Vi National Park

  • Address: Ba Vi, Hanoi ( 68km from Hanoi )

Which places should you travel?

  • Thien Son Waterfall and Waterpark
  • Cactus Garden
  • French ruins
  • Trekking to the top of the mountain: King Peak, Tan Vien Peak, Ngoc Hoa Peak

Ba Vi is an interesting tourist destination because of its fresh air, pristine and attractive, combining many types of ecotourism, cultural tourism and exclusive unique resort travel. You can visit Ba Vi any season of the year.

However, the weather from April to October is cool and quiet, combined with fresh air, it’s the best time for you to organize sightseeing trips, picnics. In addition, from mid-November to early December you can come here to enjoy the beauty of wild sunflowers.


Duong Lam ancient village

  • Location: Son Tay Town, Hanoi, 40 kilometers to the west of Hanoi
  • Learn about the culture and architecture of over 300 years old village
  • Experience in cycling in peaceful village
  • Enjoy local specialties

Duong Lam Ancient Village is one of the most attractive suburban destinations in Hanoi because of the architectural features and pristine imprints of more than 300 years old Vietnamese ancient village in the Red River Delta. If you are interested in the old space and learn about historical cultural sites, this is a destination can not be missed.

To experience the true nature of a trip back to the village, you should rent a bicycle to both cycle and slowly explore every corner of the old village … Especially, remember to enjoy specialty : “ che lam” and many local dishes such as roast meat, cane chicken, soy sauce, candy, …


Perfume Pagoda – Explore spiritual life of the Vietnamese

  • Entrance fee: 50,000 VND / time

What should you explore ?

  • Learning bout Buddhism
  • Exploring a cave
  • Having funny boat trip

Huong Pagoda is located 60km Southwest of Hanoi between lush rice fields and limestone mountains. The temple is also famous for being one of the most sacred pagodas in Northern Vietnam, with a lot of landscapes scattered in Yen stream valley.

Coming to Huong Pagoda, you should experience a boat ride on the stream, visit Thien Tru Pagoda and Huong Tich cave, Trinh Temple. This is a great day trip from Hanoi for nature lovers, as well as for families with children.


Quang Phu Cau incense village

  • Entrance fee: 100,000 VND / Time/Pax

Quang Phu Cau, an Incense Village that upholds the traditional craft of incense making for more than 100 years. About 35 kilometers from the center of Hanoi, the village is situated in Quang Phu Cau commune, Ung Hoa district. Quang Phu Cau has been known for making traditional incense sticks for the past over a century. This is a great and easy 1 day trip from Hanoi

  • A visit to Quang Phu Cau incense village will bring visitors an opportunity to learn about the traditional craft of making incense sticks and take lots of unique check-in photos. Right after you enter the incense village, you’ll be able to see the busy lives of the locals here.
  • The village is filled with bundles of red incense sticks that look like enormous flowers under the sunlight. Incense is dried in a variety of large areas, including the yards of houses or community houses, and vacant lots, which brings an impressive sight for visitors.

>>> Read More: Quang Phu Cau Incense Village – A Spectacular Incense Village in Hanoi!


Thay Pagoda – Discovery History & Architecture

  • Established in 11 th century by Nhan Tong King of Ly Emperor, Thay pagoda is one the most ancient one of Vietnam. It is typical of Buddhism architecture of Vietnam and it is 30km away from Hanoi, so it is quite easy for you to get there.


Bat Trang Pottery Village

  • Location: Bat Trang Commune, Gia Lam District, Hanoi, 13 kilometers to the southeast of Hanoi
  • Entrance Fee: Free
  • Opening Hiours: 07.00am – 07.30pm

Where should you go?

  • Visiting Bat Trang ceramic market
  • Visiting Bat Trang ancient village
  • Experience the making of pottery

Bat Trang is a well-known traditional pottery village – one of the most popular tourist destinations near Hanoi. Coming to Bat Trang Pottery Village , you will visit the work place of pottery artists, pottery markets, packed with souvenirs, lovely cups to take back as gifts.

In particular, the most interesting activity when you come here is you can create your own ceramic products with the guidance of people in village.


Below are 21 highly recommended destinations for your one day trip from Hanoi. We hope that this is useful for your question ‘What to do in Hanoi for 1 day”. You might have visited other places or heard about them but they are not mentioned in this list.

So please comment them below or contact us directly. We will continue updating more interesting destinations and giving feedback for you as quickly and exactly as possible!

>>> The list of Hanoi Travel Agency you need to know if you would like to do the tour to Bat Trang

Thung Nang – Sunshine Valley

  • Location: Dam Khe Hamlet, Ninh Hai Commune, Hoa Lu District
  • Opening Hours: 08.00am – 05.30pm

As the name says, the sun shines every corner of the valley, through leafy branches, rustic cottages on the shore and all the way down to the bottom of the water, create a brilliant and peaceful landscape.

On the way to Thung Nang valley, taking the rowing boat about 3 kilometers from Thach Bich Wharf, tourists will hear the murmur of paddy fields, see the majestic mountain lines and abundant fauna and flora underneath the cool water.


Thung Nang is divided into 2 valley, one is 3 hectares wide and the other is 5 hectares. The valleys are connected by a cave system in the mountains with the low ceiling and the stalactites hanging down in different shape.

There are many attractions in Thung Nang such as Ba Doi Mountains, Coc Mountains, Mang Mountains, Vang Mountains.


Crossing over Thung Nang about 100 meters, visitors will arrive at a Temple where people worship Mother Goddess Thuong Ngan, Voi Temple made of stone with well-carved worship things since Le Dynasty.

It is also quite near from Thung Nang to several tourism destinations such as Tam Coc – Bich Dong, Thung Nham, But Grotto, primary forest, Bird Garden, Ghe Grotto, Chua Grotto, etc.


Tips for your amazing day trip from Hanoi

  • A day trip from Hanoi offers you a mix of ancient town and the cosmopolitan. But stepping out to the countryside you will see not only other traditional and historic sites but also the beautiful landscape of nature.
  • Mountains and rivers, jungle and paddies, temples and churches, you will get to see another side of Vietnam besides the crowd and rush in the city. These places are within a day trip from Hanoi, and you can easily travel to these locations in an hour or two by motorbikes or bus.
  • Plan your day trips from Hanoi with the help of this useful article, pack your bag, and get ready for some fantastic and memorable time!




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Hanoi Local Tour

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Hanoi Tours - Where Tradition Meets Modernity in Vietnam's Capital

Temple of Literature, Hanoi - Hanoi tour

All-Inclusive Hanoi Tour Packages for an Unforgettable Experience

Hanoi local tour

Discover the Essence of Hanoi

Bring many cultural memories from a hard time in the past, Vietnam had experienced a cruel past when endured the yoke of the North feudalism in thousands of years, suffered from the suppression of French Colonialism and the American Empire in many years. With the fragmentary of painful history, belong to conspiration to assimilate the whole of Vietnam. Let's the leading travel agency deliver you wonderful Hanoi tour

Hanoi Day Trip Packages

Enjoining Hanoi Tours To Discover Breathtaking Views Of Vietnam's Capital

Hanoi Local Tour 4

Hanoi Local Tour – Different Taste of Hanoi Tours, Day Trips & Activities

Welcome to Hanoi – the heart of Vietnam, the city of peace, antiqueness, and dynamism. Situated in the center of the Red River Delta, Hanoi is the beautiful capital of a resistant nation being gone through the ups and downs of the historical flows. Actually, they have given Hanoi a unique identity different from any city you have ever visited in the world. Don’t be surprised by the endless honk of scooters around the streets and the colorful street vendors at every corner of Hanoi. Hanoi Local Tour is the best Hanoi Travel Agency with more than 18-year-old experience. Come with Hanoi Local Tour, let your heart be bewitched by the fascinating ancient city as well as experience every walk of daily life in Hanoi during the day and also night time, undergo the exciting life beside the track. Hanoi, from the first shine to midnight, offers a myriad of things to do, see, and taste inside your Hanoi Tours, Hanoi Day trips, Hanoi private tour, Hanoi Vietnam tour,… Take a glimpse of the chaotic Old Quarter to the historical heritage such as the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, The Temple of Literature, or the many traditional villages such as Bat Trang Ceramic, Van Phuc Silk, or Duong Lam ancient village. The Hanoi Tours designed by Hanoi Local Tour enchant your heart with their gorgeousness, and pure simplicity of Hanoi… Hanoi Local Tour delivers Hanoi Tours, hanoi private tour, hanoi vietnam tour, hanoi day tours, and all travel services to Halong Bay, Sapa, and other highlight destinations in North Vietnam. We specialize in tailor-made Hanoi Tours for individuals and groups of all sizes. Contact us now and prepare for your perfect Hanoi Trips.

Unique Hanoi tour

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Authentic and Quality Hanoi Tours

Authentic & Distinctive Hanoi Tours

  • Explore Hanoi – the Capital of over 1000 years old
  • Visit Ancient Villages of Traditional Handicrafts
  • Experience the beauty of the S-shaped country

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Safety Guaranteed Hanoi Tour 

  • Your personal information will be protected seriously.
  • We constantly have pre-tour inspection visits before customizing your packages.
  • We constantly have pre-tour inspection visits before customizing your packages .

simple procedures Hanoi day tour package

Simple Procedures Of Hanoi Day Tour

  • Relax while we handle accommodations, transportation & all other incidentals
  • To be high on life with the moment only designed for you
  • What you expect is what we care about

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Dedicated & Experienced Local Experts

  • Appealing to storytellers and insiders with stories from ancient Hanoi.
  • Energetic, trust-worthy, loyal Hanoi local guides
  • Hanoi Local Tour is always behind the scene during your trip to ensure everything flows smoothly on the day tour from Hanoi

Hanoi Tours, Day Trips by Theme

Making pottery in Hanoi day tours

Referring to Vietnam, traditional images will remind you about us, during the Hanoi tour package, visiting these places will help visitors have a deeper knowledge about the unique features of the culture here.

Vietnam cycling holiday Hanoi tour package

Ensuring healthy, as well as scrutinizing the scenes of Vietnamese people in daily life, get on a bike and take a ride around with us. Let’s go!

taste delicious foods in day tours in hanoi

Vietnam's diverse cuisine is already well-known all over the world with Pho, bread, etc. But believe us, Hanoi will regale tourists with appetizing dishes.

Perfume Pagoda tours in Hanoi

The antiquity of Hanoi will surely leave many impressions for those who have come here, from the Old Quarter to the buildings, or even the temples, and will overwhelm you with the ancient architecture preserved up to this day.

halong bay tours from hanoi

Ha Long Bay, with its poetic scenery, is one of the scenic spots glorified by UNESCO, and is also an ideal destination for many tourists when coming to Vietnam.

Sapa Hanoi tour packages

Famous for its hilly scenery, Indochina roof - Fansipan as well as the refreshing air, Sapa is an attracting location with an increasing number of tourists in the Hanoi tour package.

Top-Picked Hanoi Tours

les tours hanoi

Hanoi 3-Day Trips & Tour Itineraries

Hanoi at Glance – 3 Days

Tour Route: Old Quater - Water Puppet Show - Ho Chi Minh Complex - Museum of Ethnology

Tour Highlights

  • Experience the bustling streets of the Old Quarter, where scooters and colorful vendors create a lively atmosphere.
  • Discover historical treasures like the Ho Chi Minh Complex, Temple of Literature and Presidential Palace.
  • Engage with Vietnam's diverse heritage at the Museum of Ethnology, showcasing the country's ethnic groups.
  • Enjoy the unique Water Puppet Show, a traditional Vietnamese art form that brings stories to life on water.

Ky Son Moon Garden homestay

Hanoi Countryside & Village Tours

Ky Son & Duong Lam Village Tour – 1 Day

Tour Route: Ky Son Village - Moon Garden Homestay - Duong Lam Village

  • Experience genuine Vietnamese countryside life by strolling and cycling through Ky Son Village.
  • Stay at Moon Garden Homestay for a peaceful day surrounded by nature.
  • Explore Duong Lam Ancient Village with its rich 1200-year history and antique houses.
  • Discover key village elements like ancient gates, banyan trees, wells, and communal houses.
  • Knowledgeable local guides provide insights into culture and history in Ky Son and Duong Lam.


Hanoi 1-Day Tours & Day Trips

Nua Market – Cooking Class – Tay Phuong Pagoda – Bamboo Dragonfly Village – 1 Day

Tour Route: Hanoi –   Nua Market  - Cooking Class - Tay Phuong Pagoda – Bamboo Dragonfly Village - Hanoi

  • Experience a traditional market tour led by a local expert, where you'll gather unique ingredients for authentic Vietnamese dishes.
  • Immerse in Vietnamese culinary arts with a market visit, hands-on cooking session, and insights from local chefs.
  • Explore Tay Phuong Pagoda's serene ambiance and ancient architecture with a scenic ascent up 239 steps.
  • Participate in a historical crafting session, creating vibrant bamboo dragonflies alongside skilled artisans.

Hanoi Red River bike tour - Hanoi day tours

Hanoi Red River Bike Tour

Tour Route: Ecopark Complex - Kim Lan Village - Bat Trang Ceramic Village - Sky Oasis building

  • Explore a centuries-old ceramic-making village and its cultural sites.
  • Experience local ferry rides and visit gardens and flower fields.
  • Enjoy a tasty Vietnamese meal at a local restaurant.
  • Discover the renowned pottery village, visit a ceramic museum, and shop for unique ceramics.

Hanoi North Vietnam Tours

Duong Lam Village - Hanoi Local Tours

Hanoi Vietnam Tour Packages

Essence of Vietnam – 12 Days

Tour Route: Hanoi – Halong Bay – Hue – Hoi An – Ho Chi Minh – Mekong Delta – Ho Chi Minh City

  • Get specialized guides for unique perspectives on each destination, offering deep cultural and historical understanding.
  • Embrace tranquil mornings in Hanoi, bustling streets in Ho Chi Minh City, and immersive activities like Tai Chi and market visits.
  • Cruise Halong Bay, explore Duong Lam and Tra Que village, and enjoy the vibrant Mekong Delta scenes.
  • Explore ancient villages, Imperial citadels, and historic pagodas.
  • Savor Vietnamese cuisine through street food tastings and cooking demos.

Bai Dinh Pagoda - Hanoi Local Tours

Hanoi 5-Day Trips & Tour Itineraries

Glimpse of North Vietnam Tour – 5 Days

Tour Route: Hanoi – Bai Dinh Pagoda – Trang An – Sapa - Halong Bay – Hanoi

  • Explore Bai Dinh Pagoda, Trang An, Sapa's ethnic villages, and Halong Bay's stunning landscapes.
  • Trek through Sapa's valleys, visit Cat Cat, Sin Chai, Y Linh Ho, Lao Chai, and Ta Van villages.
  • Enjoy picturesque train journeys between Hanoi and Lao Cai.
  • Cruise among limestone islands, explore Sung Sot Cave, kayak, and relax on Titov Island.
  • Try on traditional costumes, immerse in local cultures, and relax at serene spots.

Stunning Boat Trip in Ba Ba Lake - Hanoi local tours

North Vietnam Tours

Hanoi – Ba Be Lake – Ban Gioc Waterfall Tour – 4 Days

Tour Route: Hanoi – Ba Be – Ban Gioc – Hanoi

  • Swap bustling Hanoi for the tranquility of Ba Be National Park.
  • Marvel at the grandeur of Ban Gioc Waterfall, the largest natural waterfall in Southeast Asia.
  • Engage with the local Tay Ninh community, gaining insights into their way of life as they live and farm along the banks of Ba Be Lake.
  • Traverse the mystical Hua Ma Cave and Nguom Ngao Cave.
  • Embark on scenic treks, witnessing the beauty of rice terraces, serene villages, and the captivating landscapes of Cao Bang Province.

visit ha giang in day trips hanoi

Ha Giang – Rocky Plateau Tours – 4 Days

Tour Route: Hanoi – Ha Giang – Bac Kan – Hanoi

  • Explore the breathtaking landscapes of Ha Giang, including Dong Van Rocky Plateau, Meo Vac, Ma Pi Leng Pass.
  • Immerse yourself in the vibrant cultures of the Dao, H'mong, Tay, and Nung ethnic minorities.
  • Enjoy panoramic views from Quan Ba Pass and Lung Cu flagpole, taking in the majestic surroundings of the region's karst formations.
  • Experience the local lifestyle through visits to ethnic markets, witnessing their traditional practices.
  • Cruise Ba Be Lake is the largest natural lake in Vietnam.

Hanoi Vietnam Tours

visit Cat Cat Village - Hanoi Local Tours

Highlights of Vietnam – 20 Days

Tour Route: Hanoi - Sapa - Halong Bay - Hue - Hoi An - Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) - Cu Chi Tunnels - Mekong Delta

  • Immerse yourself in diverse cultures from ethnic tribes in Sapa to the bustling cities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Explore the breathtaking landscapes of Halong Bay and the Mekong Delta.
  • Visit significant historical sites like the Cu Chi Tunnels and Hue's Citadel.
  • Engage with local life at markets, temples, and traditional villages.
  • Savor authentic Vietnamese cuisine and participate in cooking classes.

Hoi An Ancient Town - Hanoi Tour Packages

Amazing Vietnam Tour – 15 Days

Tour Route: Hanoi – Halong Bay – Hue – Hoi An – Ho Chi Minh City – Mekong Delta – Cu Chi Tunnels

  • Experience diverse cultural sites in Hanoi, Hoi An, and Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Cruise through the stunning landscapes of Bai Tu Long Bay and witnessing Vietnam's diverse natural beauty.
  • Engage in a hands-on cooking class in Hoi An and experience the art of Vietnamese cuisine.
  • Uncover Vietnam's history through visits to significant sites such as the Cu Chi Tunnels, War Remnants Museum, and Imperial Citadel.
  • Immerse yourself in the daily lives of locals with a homestay experience in the Mekong Delta.

Lan Ha Bay - Hanoi Local Tours

A Glance of Vietnam – 11 Days

Tour Route: Hanoi - Cat Ba Island - Hue - Hoi An - Phan Rang - Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)

  • Indulge in Vietnamese cuisine, including iconic dishes like Pho and Banh Mi, as well as fresh seafood along the coast.
  • Experience the stunning landscapes of Halong Bay, Cat Ba Island, and the coastal beauty of Phan Rang.
  • Immerse yourself in local life as you explore bustling markets and interact with locals in each destination.
  • Discover the vibrant city life of Ho Chi Minh City, where you'll explore historic sites and savor the bustling street food scene.

Happy Moments of Our Discerning Customers

Sapa tours from hanoi - Day trip from Hanoi

All the hard work we did, we get you close up to the authentic Hanoi, Vietnam with full of ecstatic experiences. We specialize in tour in any sizes and styles just for you.

dining options

Cactus is an amazing guide!

Hanoi land tour package

Your help made our organized Hanoi trip a success!

Flag tower in Hanoi tour

Great Days in Hanoi and North Vietnam!

Hanoi West lake - Hanoi tours

Thank you for making our Hanoi trip wonderful!

St.-Josephs-Cathedral-of-Hanoi-in-Vietnam (1)

Grateful for your tremendous assistance

Hanoi local tour in Hanoi Old Quarter

Thanks for all your hospitality!

Happy 18th anniversary of hanoi local tour.

Celebrating 18 years of Hanoi local tour





Celebrating a remarkable 18-year journey, Hanoi Local Tour takes pride in weaving enchanting tales along the lively streets of Hanoi and the scenic landscapes of Northern Vietnam. Our sincere gratitude extends to our cherished partners and intrepid travelers, the driving force behind the pulsating heartbeat of our extraordinary story.

hanoi tours blog

Vietnam Celebrates Major Wins at World Travel Awards 2024

Vietnam Celebrates Major Wins at World Travel Awards 2024

Vietnam has achieved remarkable success at the 31st World Travel Awards (WTA), securing multiple prestigious titles including Asia’s Leading Destination. The country also garnered two special awards for Hanoi. At the annual WTA ceremony held in Manila, Philippines on September 3, Vietnam was honored with awards for Asia’s Leading Destination, [...]

Hanoi Local Tour Stands Together With Those Affected by the Floods

Hanoi Local Tour Stands Together With Those Affected by the Floods

Typhoon Yagi has left a trail of devastation across the northern provinces of Vietnam, with countless homes washed away, fields and roads submerged, and many families mourning the loss of loved ones and their homes. As the nation rallies around Northern Vietnam, the need for community support is more critical [...]

Notice of Temporary Suspension of Performances Due to National Mourning

Notice of Temporary Suspension of Performances Due to National Mourning

According to the Central Committee for Protection and Health Care of Cadres, Comrade General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam passed away at 1:38 p.m. on July 19, 2024, at Central Military Hospital 108, following a prolonged illness and due to his advanced age. As a [...]

Hanoi Trip Highlights

  • Transportation in Hanoi
  • Traffic in Hanoi
  • Best Time to enjoin Hanoi tours
  • Culture & Custom Hanoi
  • Hanoi tour: Eating & Drinking
  • Things to Try in Hanoi Tours
  • Dressing in Hanoi
  • Health & Safety in Hanoi
  • Festivals & Events in Hanoi
  • Top Must-visit Places in Hanoi

transportation_Tours Hanoi

Transportation In Hanoi

As a reputable Hanoi tour agency, Hanoi Local Tour will introduce regular transportation that local people use.

  • Bicycle: usually use for short distances or when you want to enjoin the moment of street in Hanoi. 
  • Motobike: is the most popular vehicle of Vietnam people, easy to move in the alleys of Hanoi.
  • Car: Vehicle suitable for tourists, avoiding the inclement weather and dust of Hanoi city    
  • Bus: A cheap transportation for tourists, you need to look for suitable routes. Moving by bus can lose more time than motorbike and car for your Hanoi tour. It is also crowded sometimes so you need to be careful with your package 
  • Hanoi Metro: new transportation in Hanoi, just operated since 2021. Because this metro is only built in Hanoi, moving will be difficult to be flexible. Otherwise, you can use this transportation as a new experience when enjoying your Hanoi trip.

Traffic in Hanoi tours

Traffic In Hanoi

Vietnam’s population density is higher than European countries, so Tourists traveling to Vietnam can be overwhelmed by the number of vehicles moving on the road. Especially, The big cities of Vietnam such as Hanoi, HoChiMinh, …To have the best day trips from Hanoi, visitors need to note a few things when participating in Vietnamese traffic:

  • Avoiding the rush-hour traffic (7:30 am- 9:00 am and 5:00 pm- 7:00 pm)
  • Don’t be afraid when pasting by the road, just be careful and drivers will reduce speed.
  • Flexible and lean the way moving with the same speech as others.
  • Motobike is easy to move than the car in the street of Hanoi.

Best Time to enjoin Hanoi tours

Climate in Hanoi

  With Tourists coming to Vietnam tours from Hanoi ,  Autumn (around September to November) and Spring (March and April) are the two best seasons to visit Hanoi when the weather is pleasant with milder temperatures. In winter, Hanoi becomes cold with winds chill, so you r trips from Hanoi can be difficult to adapt to the weather. Besides it, Summer in Hanoi is quite hot, the temperatures can rise up to 37ºC

Cutural and custom in Hanoi tour

Cutural & Custom in Hanoi

Tourists who want to enjoy the best Vietnam local tour , can’t miss Hanoi- the capital of Vietnam. Hanoi’s culture is the effect of the Chinese and French. However, Hanoi still has unique culture from its 1000 years of existence. The Cultural of Hanoi is outstanding from the old town, old craft villages, old pagodas, and traditional festivals. In addition, the special feature of Hanoians are not easy to know for several days, but the one thing we can know is that Hanoians are elegant, gentle, and disciplined people.

Drink and food in Hanoi tour

Hanoi Tours: Eating & Drinking

For travelers who want to enjoy the day trips from Hanoi with delicious food and drinks, the Culinary of Hanoi is known as one of the most famous places for food.  As the 2nd country in terms of rice production, dishes in Hanoi are mainly made from rice flour with soups and many different ingredients and ways of processing. Besides it, Hanoi is also famous for coffee, iced tea, Nhan Tran, and Sam Dua at a very cheap price (from 0.2$ to 1$), which is a familiar drink for local Hanoi people.

Thing to try in Hanoi vietnam tour

Things to Try on Hanoi Trip

Visiting hanoi’s village:, cycling in hanoi:, visiting pagodas:, wearing traditional clothes:.

Dressing when coming to Hanoi_ Hanoi trips

Hanoi Tours: Dressing in Hanoi

To prepare for your Hanoi tour , Hanoi Local Tour will give you some advice about dressing in Hanoi: Spring and winter in Hanoi have different temperatures so tourists need to bring suitable clothes. In summer, the temperature can rise up to 40ºC. Therefore, you will need a mark, hat, and long sleeve shirt. Besides it, the Winter in Hanoi is so cold, usually from 4ºC – 10ºC, so you will need scarves, woolen hats, and warm clothes.

One more attention for visitors coming to Vietnam, costumes when visiting spiritual places of Asians such as temples, pagodas, and tombs, … need to be polite and not too revealing.

Health & Safety for Hanoi_vietnam local tour

Hanoi Tour: Safety & Healthy 

Hanoi Local Tour makes each precaution to make sure the journeys are safe, enjoyable, and fun for everyone. The company takes the health and safety of its visitors carefully in each day tours, private tours,.. from Hano i. We advise all passengers to get the most recent information prior to boarding from their local government or regional travel guide agency.

Besides it, Covid-19 in Hanoi almost is controlled with more than 100 cases each day. Anyways, Hanoi local people usually bring masks and use hand sanitizer to reduce the infection rate.

Festivals in Hanoi _hanoi tours_homepage

Hanoi Tour: Festival & Event in Hanoi

Tet holiday:, mid-autumn festival:.

Must- visit place in Hanoi trip_homepage

Top Must-Visit Place In Hanoi

Temple of literature.

The Temple of Literature was considered the oldest university in Vietnam which symbolized the studious tradition of the Vietnamese people.  It is one of the most outstanding destinations that can charm every tourist coming to Hanoi with its historical and cultural value.

The entire relic is divided into 5 layers of space, corresponding to 5 courtyards with different architectural works. Coming here, you will have a chance to see many unique structures like the house of stone turtle steles or the Khue Van pavilion – a symbolic spot featured on the back of the 100,000 VND banknote.

Ho chi minh’s mausoleum.

Tours Hanoi not only gives you the most beautiful destination in Hanoi, but you also discover the history and famous people in Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in Ba Dinh Square is the final resting place of Ho Chi Minh, who is the most iconic and popular leader of Vietnam. President Ho Chi Minh spent his whole life dedicated to the nation and people in this country, so Vietnamese usually call him by a familiar name: “‘Uncle Ho”. His body is preserved here in a glass case at the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum in central Hanoi.

For tourists with day tours in Hanoi, security in Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum is tight and visitors should dress with respect (no shorts, sleeveless shirts and miniskirts) and everyone has to deposit their bags and cameras before getting in. Visitors are not allowed to stop and hold up the queue, as the place is constantly busy. 

One Pillar Pagoda

One Pillar Pagoda was originally named Lien Hoa Dai with unique architecture: a shrine placed on a single pillar. Lien Hoa Dai is the most famous work in the architectural complex of Dien Huu Pagoda.

The One Pillar Pagoda represents a lotus flower growing up from the water, which is also the national flower of Vietnam. This destination is not only a famous tourist attraction but also a religious place for local pilgrims. It is seen together with the Perfume Pagoda, as one of the two most iconic temples in Vietnam.

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16 Day Trips To Consider Before Leaving Hanoi


Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam, is a hot spot for tourists with its rich cultural and ethnic landscape.

While there are many amazing activities and things to do in Hanoi, it offers much more to do if you are willing to venture out further from the city.

Where to go after Hanoi?

Hanoi serves as the ideal home base for many day trips. There are plenty of options short drive away from the city for nature lovers, adventurists, history buffs, and foodies alike, with additional opportunities for adventure and sight seeing.

Below are some of the best day tours from Hanoi, each with a travel time of 4 hours or less. There are destinations for

Grab your walking shoes, prepare your camera , and clear space in your bag for souvenirs as you embark on these fantastic day tours Hanoi offers!

best day trips from hanoi infographic

1. Ha Long Bay

Halong Bay view from the top of hang sung sot cave

Ha Long Bay could be easily one of the best places to see in Vietnam . It has designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1994 for its outstanding natural heritage. Today Ha Long Bay World Heritage site covers 434 km2 including 775 islands and islets.

Most people visiting Ha Long Bay are setting off on 2 or 3-day cruises  around the majestic waters and rocky escarpments that are so synonymous with the area.

There are many day tours from Hanoi that organize sailing, kayaking, scuba diving, rock climbing, bike riding, and hiking. One extremely popular location is Cát Bà National Park.

Cat Ba Island is gaining a reputation as an adventure tourism destination. The nearby town of Ha Long is a great staging point for Ha Long Bay activities.

You can visit a floating village, go swimming on deserted islands and even explore caves in the middle of the bay.

It quite an experience to visit a floating village and see this traditional way of life that exists in a modern world. The Ha Long Bay area is located just over 150 kilometers from the capital of Vietnam Hanoi.

You can access the island by public transport or one of the many day tours that run out to the bay. Just for its sheer beauty and postcard view makes visiting the place a must when traveling in Vietnam.

Staying overnight? Check the Premier Village Ha Long Bay Resort

Top tours & activities for Ha Long Bay

  • Best seller Halong Bay Day cruise: Sung Sot cave, Titop, kayaking
  • From Hanoi: Halong Bay Day Trip with Lunch and Transfers
  • Ha Long Bay Cruise Day Tour – best selling: Kayaking, Swimming, hiking & Lunch

2. Ninh Binh

Ninh Binh vietnam

Ninh Binh offers acres upon acres of wildlife and natural landscape to explore. Famous for its limestone mountains, the province was nicknamed “Ha Long Bay on Land,” making it a perfect day trip for nature lovers.

A trip with the Vietnam Railways takes about 2.5 hours and costs roughly $8 USD.

Alternately, you could take a shared mini bus for $7 USD. Check the latest pricing by clicking the banner below on 12GO.com

les tours hanoi

Prepare for a breathtaking view from the top of the limestone mountains. Start with Mua Caves , then hike to the top to take in the surrounding scenery. There is also a dragon sculpture you can take a photo with once you reach the top.

You can also find the largest pagoda in Southeast Asia during your day trip to Ninh Binh Province.

The Bai Dinh Pagoda is a spiritual and cultural complex of Buddhist statues and temples. The complex features an original, older temple, and a modern, larger one.

Most stunning of all may be the Thung Nham Bird Garden, a wetland area where you can see hundreds of birds on a boat tour. Entrance is 100,000 VND, or roughly $4.30 USD.

Staying overnight? Try  MOMALI Hotel Ninh Binh .

Best rated tours & activities for Ninh Binh

  • From Hanoi: Tam Coc, Hoa Lu & Mua Caves Full-Day Trip
  • Ninh Binh: Hoa Lu, Trang An and Mua Caves Hiking Day Trip

tam coc vietnam

It is a two-hour drive from Hanoi to Tam Coc , a village south of Vietnam’s capital famous for limestone karsts like those in Halong Bay.

The shorter distance makes it ideal for day trips with local tour companies, the preferred option for visitors who have neither personal transport nor the luxury of time. The local bus and train take about an hour longer each to get there.

The rock formations are part of the Tràng An Scenic Landscape Complex, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site. To get up close to them, take one of the little boats that the local women row down the river using their feet.

Be prepared, though–using sun protection is strongly advised, as is steeling yourself for the hard sell tactics at the point where the boat turns around.

If you buy the overpriced refreshments for the rower, they get returned to the seller in front of your own eyes. Apart from that, it is a relaxing 45-minute ride.

At harvest time, the ripe rice grains turn the paddy fields surrounding the hills gold and it is a magnificent sight.

If you prefer enjoying the scenery with less haggling, the generally flat terrain makes cycling out of the village easy.

Trang An is a more popular option with the locals for a longer, more peaceful boat ride. Bich Dong pagoda is a short distance away, while you can climb Hang Mua for a panorama of the landscape.

If you are planning not to return to Hanoi on the same day, check Tam Coc Holiday Hotel & Villa.

Top tours & activities for Tam Coc

  • Hoa Lu, Tam Coc, Mua Cave w/ Amazing View- All Inclusive
  • Hanoi: Full-Day Mua Cave, Hoa Lu and Tam Coc Tour

4. Hoa Lu Ancient Capital

Hua Lu Main Gate, Vietnam

While in Ninh Binh, don’t miss a chance to visit the ancient capital surrounded by wooden walls reaching 10-15 meters high. On this day trip, you can learn about the history of the ancient city, and see many historical sites.

If making a second day trip to the province, take the Vietnam Railways again at $3.50 USD.

Entrance to the ancient capital is 20,000 VND, or $1 USD. Visitors can look forward to a plethora of temples to explore when visiting Hoa Lu, including Guy Minh, Thien Ton, Cao Son, and Nguyen. These temples were places to worship emperors and other royals.

Other monuments include Dinh Tien Hoang, Le Dai Hanh, Nhat Tru, and Dinh Tien Hoang’s Daughter.

Get a guide that speaks English to learn more about the site.

Top tours & activities for Hua Lu

  • Hanoi: Hoa Lu, Trang An Caves, & Mua Cave Day Trip and Lunch
  • From Hanoi: Hoa Lu & Tam Coc with Buffet lunch & Cycling

5. Phat Diem Cathedral

Phat Diem Cathedral Vietnam

The Phat Diem Cathedral was built of stone and wood from 1875 to 1898. It is located in the Kim Son District of Ninh Binh and is popular with visitors who enjoy exploring unique architecture. Prepare for a peaceful day trip as you walk the 15-acre complex.

From Hanoi, take a bus to Kim Son bus station for about 2.5 hours at $3.50 USD.

This Vietnamese-European fusion complex comprises a stone church, cathedral, lake, and the Phuong Dinh Bell House. The church was originally named Nha Tho Trai Tim vo Nhiem Ngyen toi Duc Me but is now called the stone church by both locals and travelers.

The cathedral is about 64m in length and 18m in width, featuring an altar, exquisite portraits, and a ceiling sprawled with paintings of angels.

At the center of the lake is a statue of Our Lady of La Vang, a spirit said to appear in the late 16th century when Vietnamese Catholics were mistreated and killed.

Top tours & activities for Phat Diem Cathedral

  • Private trip: hidden Phat Diem cathedral -Van Long -Mua cave

6. Cuc Phuong National Park

Cuc Phuong National Park

Cuc Phuong is the oldest national park in the country and known as the Green Lung of Northern Vietnam. Like Tam Dao National Park, Cuc Phuong is home to thousands of animals, including birds, mammals, and reptiles.

If you visit late April to early May, you will find yourself in a wonderland of butterflies unlike any other.

Taking the Vietnam Local Bus for $13-15 USD will get you to the park in roughly 4 hours.

You can cut an hour of travel time by taking the Ninh Binh Excursion Transport from Rap Xiec Trung Uong to Bai Dinh Pagoda for $16 USD. Then take a taxi the rest of the way for $30-40 USD.

Limestone mountains serve as highlights in the park, surrounded by forest and rice paddies to explore.

There are several trails to choose from, the most popular leading to prehistoric caves. These include the Cave of the Prehistoric Man, Crescent Moon Cave, and Mang Chieng Cave.

There are two conservation and rescue centers you can visit to see endangered animals and the care they are receiving. These include the Endangered Primate Rescue Center, and the Turtle Conservation Center, which opened in 1993 and 1998 respectively.

Rent a bike to explore the forest and see more sights before returning to Hanoi.

Or, you can stay overnight just 4km away from the National Park at Cuc Phuong Bungalow .

Top tours & activities for Cuc Phuong

  • From Ha Noi: Cuc Phuong National Park Full Day Small Group
  • Private Day Tour: Cuc Phuong National Park from Hanoi

7. Van Long Wetland Nature Reserve

Van Long Wetland Nature Reserve

This reserve is located in the Gia Vien district of Ninh Binh. You can look forward to towering limestone mountains, diverse flora and fauna, and close-ups of the Delacour’s langur.

A coach from Giap Bat station, or a train from the Hanoi Railway Station, will get you there in about 2 hours.

A ticket to the reserve is 20,000 VND, or roughly $1 USD. With this entrance ticket, you can explore the forest, mountains, caves, and spot langurs on your trek. You are most likely to see them mid-afternoon at Ca Cave.

You can also explore Van Long by boat for 60,000 VND, or about $2.50 USD.

For your safety, do not exceed more than 3 people on a boat.

Top tours & activities for Van Long Wetland Reserve

  • Ninh Binh Private Tour: Van Long – Hoa Lu – Mua Cave
  • Private Van Long Floating Village and Kenh Ga Geyser Day Trip

8. Hai Phong

haiphong vietnam

The City of Flame Flowers, so named for its streets of flame flower trees, is the third-most populous city in Vietnam. Visitors can look forward to extravagant shrines and temples during their visit.

Just 100km from Hanoi, a bus trip will cost you $6 USD and take about 2 hours. Start at the Hanoi Gia Lam station and get off at the Hai Phong bus station . Or you can book a private transfer from Hanoi.

For a day of entertainment, visit the Municipal Theatre in the city center, recognizable by its French design and vibrant flower garden.

Follow your time at the theater with a trip to Du Hang Pagoda. Built-in the 17th century, this Buddhist temple features a bonsai collection in its gardens and dozens of Buddha statues throughout the area. Make sure to dress with respect when visiting.

The Municipal Theatre does not announce its regular hours, so be sure to ask a guide or tour desk their opening hours beforehand.

9. Cat Ba Island

Cat Ba Island, Lan Ha Bay, Kayak

It’s really hard to beat Cat Ba Island when it comes to the best day trips from Hanoi.

Easily accessible via a bus and then ferry ride – a combined ticket will usually include both parts of this journey and get you straight to your accommodation on the island in under 3 hours from Hanoi.

Cat Ba Express is one company that provides this service and you can buy online through 12go.asia

What makes Cat Ba so worth visiting is the stunning marine landscape nearby (known as Lan Ha Bay), which looks exactly like Halong Bay, but with half the crowds and half the price tag!

Set just south of Halong Bay, the wonderful limestone formations that jut out of the turquoise waters of Lan Ha Bay are just as magnificent as those of its more famous neighbor, but boat trips to explore the region are a fraction of the price because this spot is far less known about!

Thankfully this means you can snorkel, kayak, and cruise the waters of Lan Ha Bay with half the number of tourists and half the amount of boats that you’d experience in Halong Bay!

Lan Ha Bay is best accessed via a day trip from Cat Ba Island, (if you take a day trip with Cat Ba Express you can get a discount on your travel to Hanoi), but it’s worth giving the land attractions of this cute isle at least a day of your time too.

In particular, hiking in Cat Ba’s wonderful national park can’t be missed.

See when is the best time to visit Vietnam before making any booking.

If you decide to stay overnight, the best place to stay in Cat Ba Island is the Flamingo Cat Ba Beach Resort , thanks to its location and great vibes.

Top tours & activities for Cat Ba Island

  • BEST SELLER- 2 Day/1 Night Cruise with All-Inclusive in Halong
  • Cat Ba: Lan Ha & Ha Long Bay Kayak & Snorkel Boat Tour

10. Perfume Pagoda

perfume pagoda Huong Pagoda

The Perfume Pagoda is a fun, easy place to visit from  Hanoi . This complex of Buddhist temples, where the nicest one is the Chau Trong cave temple, was built along the Huong Tich mountain chain.

You will be approaching the pagoda area on a wooden boat where traditionally women are those who row. Boats move at a slow, relaxing pace along the river, so you can enjoy the view.

Surrounding the pagoda is a market proper – packed with eateries and souvenir shops.

From there, you can either ride the gondola or walk all the way to the temples – beware that this part of the country is very humid, so the trail is slippery and the humidity can be an issue year-round.

The area is a pleasant place to visit – albeit there is a lot of garbage on the trail that leads to the main temple – and the temples are beautiful. What makes it worth visiting, however, is the entire experience.

Furthermore, the area is a very popular day-trip destination for locals who go there to pray in the temples, it is virtually unknown to international tourists – for some reason, very few actually venture there.

This makes it all the more special because you can rest assured the experience you’ll be having is real and not construed for the pleasure of tourists.

Top tours & activities for Perfume Pagoda

  • From Hanoi: Perfume Pagoda Tour and Yen Stream Boat Ride
  • Private Tour: Day Trip to Perfume Pagoda from Hanoi

11. Duong Lam Ancient Village

Duong Lam Ancient Village

The first ancient village in Vietnam is located in the Son Tay district of Hanoi. Many of the houses are over 400 years old, making the village a National Historical and Cultural Heritage Site.

Starting at the My Dinh Bus Station at the center of Hanoi, a bus trip to Duong Lam Ancient Village will cost about $1 USD.

This ancient village is home to several centuries’ old attractions that visitors can explore and learn about, including over 950 houses.

Every family has a well, but the communal well has been preserved at the center of the village and has become a popular highlight.

Another attraction in the center of the village, built about 380 years ago, is the Mong Phu Temple.

For a sweet snack, try the village’s specialty Doi candy, filled with malt, sugar, and peanuts.

Top tours & activities for Duong Lam Ancient Village

  • Hanoi: Duong Lam Historical Village Private Day Tour
  • Experice Culture VN: From Hanoi – Duong Lam Ancent Village

See also:  Things to Learn about Vietnamese Culture

12. Bat Trang Village

Bat Trang Village, Vietnam

The craftsmen of Bat Trang Ceramic Village have been creating world-renowned ceramics and pottery for over 600 years. Each one knows thousands of techniques to make their products, which are shipped to collectors around the globe.

Taking the Long Bien City Bus Terminal for $3.50 USD will get you there in 1 hour.

Pottery, ceramics, and other handicrafts in Bat Trang are affordable and one-of-a-kind. You can purchase small statues and fixtures, decorative plates, cups, and pots, and even swords.

These earthenware are created from carefully inspected, high-quality clay and baked for three days before being inspected and placed on sale.

To experience first-hand the different techniques used by these craftsmen, pottery workshops are available to visitors.

Learn from friendly instructors, make an item of your own, and bring it home as a souvenir. A workshop starts at $3 USD, which goes up depending on how far in the process you wish to go.

Top tours & activities for Bat Trang Village

  • Bat Trang Pottery ancient village by Motorbike
  • From Hanoi: 4-Hour Bat Trang Ceramics Village Tour

13. Mai Chau Valley

Mai Chau Valley, Vietnam

Another perfect destination for nature lovers, Mai Chau Valley is overflowing with rice paddies, forest, and mountains.

For lunch, you can sit in an open-air restaurant built entirely of wood, where you can taste local dishes with a view of the valley’s famous scenery.

The trip from Hanoi to Mai Chau Valley takes a little over 4 hours by bus and will cost about $5 USD.

The White Thai household is a highlight of the valley. Watch a White Thai performance as you snack on tea and lychees, featuring live folk music, dancers in full ethnic dress, and music from one-of-a-kind instruments.

Explore the valley on foot, or explore on bike. The scenic paths and serene gardens offer a calm escape from the city to connect with nature and catch your breath. You can also kayak on the Hoa Binh Reservoir to take in the sights from sparkling waters.

The best place to stay in Mai Chau Valley is, by far, Mai Chau Ecolodge .

Top tours & activities in Mai Chau Village

  • Mai Chau Private Tour Full Day: Biking and Untouched Landscapes
  • From Hanoi: Mai Chau Valley & Hill Tribes 2-Day Trek Tour

See also:  Where is the Best Vietnam Massage

14. Tam Dao National Park

Tam Dao Hill, Vietnam

Here you will find the Tam Dao National Park and a surplus of restaurants and bars to socialize. Start off your day trip with a hike, and end it with a delicious meal before returning to Hanoi.

Start your journey by taking a 1-hour bus for $1.30 USD, then take a taxi for the rest of the 45 minutes for $10 USD.

Prepare your hiking camera for the hundreds of animals in Tam Dao National Park, including 64 mammal species and 239 bird species. The park comprises a large area of the town and was opened to the public in 1996.

There are various hikes to choose between, ranging from 30 minutes to an entire day. You will need to decide beforehand if you want to experience many, a couple, or just one depending on which you would most enjoy.

And do remember to wear your waterproof hiking boots if you are there in the monsoon season as it will be hard to escape rains!

Regardless of which trails you choose, you will see forests and waterfalls that take your breath away.

A really unique place to stay in Tam Dao is Homestay 90s Tam Dao .

Top tours & activities in Tam Dao

  • Private Tam Dao full day tour

15. Van Phuc Silk Village

Van Phuc Silk Village, Vietnam

Van Phuc Silk Village is another world-renowned crafts town where you can find unique souvenirs made by special techniques. It is known as the cradle of Viet silk.

On the banks of the Nhue Thi River, the village is just 10km from Hanoi Old Quarter and can be reached by a local bus. You can also take a motorbike to get there in 30 minutes.

Visitors walking through the street can find ready-to-wear clothing, handicrafts, and souvenirs at affordable prices.

The village’s traditional apparel is woven using looms with high-quality silk. These products are sold to visitors and locals and exported around the world.

You will be surrounded by gorgeous silks to choose from, so look through them all before deciding what to bring back home.

Day tours are available for tourists who want to learn more about the techniques used to create luxurious cloth.

Top tours & activities in Van Phuc Silk Village

  • Half-day VAN PHUC SILK TOUR from HA NOI

16. Ba Vi National Park

Ba Vi National Park, Vietnam

Another national park famous for its limestone mountains and stunning scenery, Ba Vi National Park encompasses a three-peaked mountain. These peaks are Dinh Vua, Tan Cien, and Ngoc Hoa.

A 2-hour trip will cost no more than $14 USD total. Ride from the My Dinh bus station to Xuan Khanh for $1 USD, then take a taxi for $10-13 USD the rest of the way.

Explore the natural beauty of Ba Vi on foot as you hike through the forest. At the top of the mountain is a temple where you can rest and take in a view of the Red River Valley. While you’re there, stop by the bird and orchid gardens to enjoy more of the wildlife.

At the foot of the mountain is a spa resort where you can enjoy natural therapies after the invigorating trek to the mountain top.

A day trip to Ba Vi National Park is not enough? Stay one night at AKU HOUSE Villa Ao vua .

Top tours & activities in Ba Vi National Park

  • Ba Vi National Park Private Day Tour Sightseeings; Short Trekking

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Last Updated on January 8, 2024 by Sunil

  • Adult in sharing Twin/double room $696
  • Adult in single room $874
  • Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)

Vietnam Highlights - From Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi - 07 Days

Vietnam Highlights - From Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi

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Embark on a 7-day journey to discover the best highlights of Vietnam from south to north. Begin in Ho Chi Minh city, where you'll experience the authentic life of the Mekong Delta, then fly to Da Nang to visit the stunning Ba Na Hills and the iconic Golden Bridge. Finally, head to Hanoi to explore the breathtaking scenery of Halong Bay. Ideal for budget-conscious travelers with limited time, this tour combines private airport transfers with small group experiences, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and stunning landscapes of these iconic destinations.

Upon your arrival at Tan Son Nhat Airpor t in Ho Chi Minh City, our local driver will greet you at the pickup area and transfer you to your hotel in the city center (District 1). The drive takes approximately 60 minutes.

After arriving at the hotel, you'll check in* and have the rest of the day free to relax or explore at your leisure.

Notes : Hotel check-in time is at 2:00 PM. Early check-in is subject to hotel availability and may incur an additional fee.

Our tour guide and driver will pick you up from your hotel in downtown Ho Chi Minh City (District 1). From there, we'll head to My Tho, a town on the left side of the Mekong River.

Upon arrival, we'll visit Vinh Trang Pagoda , which dates back to the late 19th century. Then, we'll board a sampan and cruise down the river around the four beautiful islands known as Dragon, Unicorn, Phoenix, and Tortoise Islands.

We'll stop at Unicorn Island to walk along the country lanes, visit orchards, enjoy tropical fruits, and listen to folk songs performed by local people. We'll also visit a fruit plantation.

Next, we'll ride a hand-rowed sampan through Thoi Son Canal to experience the beauty of the countryside. We'll visit a family business, a honey-bee farm, and enjoy honey tea and a coconut candy workshop.

We'll have lunch at a local restaurant, followed by a break. In the afternoon, we'll cycle around Tan Thach Village , meeting local villagers to experience daily life in the Mekong Delta. For those who prefer not to cycle, there will be time to relax in a hammock and enjoy the cool breeze.

Finally, we'll return to Saigon , and you'll be dropped off at your hotel around 5:30 PM , concluding the trip.

Our driver will pick you up from the lobby of your hotel in Ho Chi Minh city center (district 1) and take you to Tan Son Nhat airport . The drive takes approximately 45-60 minutes, whether you're heading to the international or domestic terminal, depending on your needs.

Notes: Hotel check out is before 12:00 PM. Late check-out is subject to hotel availability and may incur an additional fee. For international flights, it's recommended to arrive at the airport 3 hours before departure, and for domestic flights, 2 hours before.

Upon your arrival at Da Nang Airport , our local driver will greet you and transfer you to your accommodation in Da Nang , a journey of approximately 30 minutes. Once you reach your hotel, you’ll have the rest of the day to relax and enjoy at your leisure.

Notes : Hotel check-in is available from 2:00 PM. Early check-in is subject to availability and may incur an additional charge.

07:30 am – 08:00 am : Our tour guide and driver will pick you up from your hotel in Da Nang city center. If you're staying outside Da Nang, you can either arrange your own transportation to our departure point or opt for our pick-up service at an additional fee. From there, we’ll set off for Ba Na Hills .

Upon arrival, you’ll experience a scenic ride to Ba Na Hills via the cable car . Enjoy your time on the most modern cable car in Southeast Asia as you visit the Dream Stream Cable Car Station and take in the stunning views of Da Nang's coastline.

After the first cable car ride, we’ll visit the Golden Bridge , known for its unique design and recognized as one of the world’s most iconic pedestrian bridges by The Guardian. You’ll also explore Le Jardin D'amour, a collection of nine themed gardens, and visit the Linh Ung Pagoda .

Next, take the second cable car to the French Village , where you can enjoy street music, view artistic statues, and visit attractions like the Campanile, Nine Floor Goddess Shrine, Tombstone Temple, and Square Du Dome. Don’t miss the Carnival Performance Show!

We’ll have a buffet lunch at a restaurant in the park, offering a variety of dishes.

After lunch, we’ll take the Lava Train from Sun Kingdom to visit new attractions like Helios Waterfall, Time Gate, and The Moon Kingdom. Then, dive into the excitement of F antasy Park , where you can explore the Fairy Forest, discover Dinosaur Park, play 5D Wild West, enjoy the 4D Death Race ride, watch the 3D Mega 360-degree show, ride the Journey into the Underground, enter Jurassic Park, challenge yourself on the Freefall Tower, and embark on an adventure in the Horror House—plus, enjoy over 90 free games.

3:00 pm : We’ll return to the cable car and board our bus back to Da Nang .

4:45 – 5:45 pm : Our bus will drop you off at your hotel, concluding our day trip.

Our driver will pick you up from the lobby of your hotel in Da Nang City and take you to Da Nang Airport. The drive takes approximately 45 minutes, whether you're heading to the international or domestic terminal, depending on your needs.

Upon your arrival at Noi Bai Airport , you’ll be greeted by our driver at the pickup lobby. You’ll then enjoy a 45-minute drive to the heart of Hanoi, passing over the Red River, where you can catch a glimpse of the city’s unique architecture and its famously bustling traffic. Once you arrive in the Old Quarter, the driver will drop you off at your hotel.

8:30 - 9:15 AM : Our tour guide and driver will pick you up from your hotel in Hanoi’s Old Quarter (if you have booked transfers with us). Depart for Halong City.

11:00 - 11:15 : Have an optional break en route at a pearl workshop . Here, you'll have the opportunity to see how these precious gems are collected from the bay and refined into luxurious jewelry.

12:00 : Arrive at Tuan Chau Harbor . Check-in and embark on our cruise. The cruise departs Tuan Chau Harbor for an incredible trip to explore the beauty of Ha Long Bay.

12:30 : Lunch is served with Vietnamese traditional specialties and seafood while cruising towards the Gia Luan Cat Ba area. Along the way, enjoy the extraordinary scenery of thousands of limestone islands and islets in Ha Long Bay, such as Dog Rock, Duck Rock, Fighting Cock Rock, and Lu Huong Islet.

14:20 : Arrive at the Hoa Cuong area , one of the most beautiful corners of Ha Long Bay . Surrounded by majestic limestone mountains, Hoa Cuong presents a mysterious world with wild and gracious beauty. In this area, you will see a beautiful limestone islet rising from the sea in the shape of a giant thumb, known as Thumb Rock.

14:40 : The cruise heads towards the Ba Hang area, formerly known as Ba Hang fishing village , where villagers have now moved to land. Explore the hidden charm of gorgeous Ba Hang for 45 minutes by kayaking or a bamboo boat to explore the tunnels.

15:30 : Return to Authentic Sail and continue the exciting trip to the next stop.

16:00 : Arrive at Thien Cung Cave , one of the most beautiful caves in Halong Bay. Together with our guide, you will explore this unique and magnificent museum of natural arts elaborately created by the magic hands of Mother Nature. On the way back to the harbor, if the weather is nice, you can see the sunset and capture beautiful pictures.

16:40 - 17:30 : The boat arrives back at the pier, concluding the cruise. Our bus driver will pick you up and transfer you back to your hotel in Hanoi.

18:30 - 19:00 : Upon arrival in Hanoi , our driver will drop you off at your hotel in the Old Quarter. Trip ends.  

Our driver will pick you up from the lobby of your hotel in Hanoi's Old Quarter and take you to Noi Bai Airport . The drive takes approximately 45 minutes, whether you're heading to the international or domestic terminal, depending on your needs.

  • English speaking tour guide following itinerary
  • All entrance fees and tickets mention on itinerary
  • Selected Accommodations with daily breakfast
  • Boat: Ben Tre, Authentic Sail Halong
  • Transportation
  • Flight Tickets: Flight SGN - DAD (Vietnam Airlines - Economy) , Flight DAD - HAN (Vietnam Airlines - Economy)
  • Meal: Breakfast: 06, Lunch: 03
  • Kayak: Halong
  • Service charges and Taxes
  • International flight from/to your country
  • Travel insurance
  • Personal expenses
  • Tipping and Gratuities
  • Other not mentioned in the program

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Adult Above 12 Years

Child Below 12 Years

  • Tour guide in English

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