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Florida Tourism Statistics for 2023

By James | Last updated May 9, 2024

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Florida Tourism statistics for 2023 show a full recovery from pre-covid 2019 and 2020 numbers. 2022 pipped 2023 tourism numbers by 2 million. Statistics from VISIT FLORIDA Research show the total number of visitors in 2023 hit 135 million . This can be compared to 2022 where 137.4 million visitors headed over to visit Florida.

8.3 million visitors traveled from overseas to visit Florida, and 3.8 million visitors traveled from Canada. This is an increase from 2022 when 7 million visitors came from overseas, and 2.6 million visitors traveled from Canada. This represents an 18.3% and 45.5% increase, respectively.

In this article

*In 2009, VISIT FLORIDA changed its Florida visitor study estimation methodology; therefore, estimates made prior to that year are not directly comparable. In 2022 they further refined their estimating for Canadian and other overseas visitors

Florida Tourism Data for 2023

Florida tourism numbers decreased for overseas visitors in 2023, so let’s look at the data to see where the visitors came from.

Florida Tourism Statistics in 2021 and 2022

Record numbers of visitors came to Florida for nine consecutive years in a row between 2011 and 2019, crashed in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the various global lockdowns and then started to recover in 2021.

Florida Tourism Statistics for 2021 and 2022 show that visitor numbers recovered to their pre-pandemic 2019 numbers despite a very slow recovery from international visitors, especially from Canada.

The data from VISIT FLORIDA Research has shown that visitor numbers to Florida in 2021 and 2022 are recovering back towards their pre-pandemic 2019 figures despite a slow recovery from international visitors. Many international markets were prohibited from entry into the USA until November 2021 due to COVID-19 restrictions imposed by the USA.

In fact, Columbia which was not subject to any travel bans with 0.71 million visitors came out on top for all international visitors, beating Canada with just 0.58 million (down from over 4 million in 2019).

Domestic visitor numbers surged with over 117 million (a new record) up 55% on 2020 whilst total visitor numbers increased to 122 million.

Top out-of-state domestic US visitors were from Georgia 9.5%, New York 9.3% and Alabama 6.4%.

The international breakdown by country showed the only gains were from South American countries that were not subject to travel bans (2020 figures in brackets):

  • Canada 0.58 million (1.36 million)
  • United Kingdom 0.14 million (0.18 million)
  • Brazil 0.13 million (0.29 million)
  • Columbia 0.71 million (0.17 million)
  • Argentina 0.23 million (0.15 million)

These numbers for 2022 show the improvements on growth in comparison to 2021:

  • In quarter 1 of 2022, total visitor numbers were up 41.5% on the same period in 2021
  • In Quarter 2 the figures were up 4.9% on 2021
  • In Quarter 3 total visitor numbers were up 5.2% on 2021
  • In Quarter 4 total visitor numbers were up 5.1% on 2021

The last two quarters of 2021 also showed an increase on the same quarters in 2019.

How Many Tourists Visit Florida Each Year?

Florida’s great climate makes it a year-round destination for both vacationers and business and leisure conventions. It is also a great draw for college students on spring break and snowbirds during the cold winter months in the North Eastern seaboard.

Over the last 10 years, visitor numbers have for the most part continued to grow.

In 2013 an estimated 94.7 million tourists visited Florida in total, up 3.6% on 2012 and then in 2014 that number grew to 97.35 million, a 2.8% increase on 2013.

In 2015 despite a small fall in international visitors, overall growth was around 6.5% topping the 100 million mark and reaching a record near 105 million visitors. A further 5.9% increase in 2016 saw numbers reach nearly 113 million.

Though international numbers continued to fall, especially from South America, overall 2017 and then 2018 and 2019 were record-breaking years with over 131 million visitors in 2019, despite the impact of hurricanes like Irma and the red tide outbreaks.

Of the major international countries, Canada continued to show growth and Brazil had started to climb again.

These figures demonstrated that for the ninth year running, Florida was still the “Number One” US attraction for holidaymakers with year-round appeal and that it had bounced back following the 2010 Gulf oil spill.

In 2019, domestic visitors still made up the lion’s share at over 116 million, a 3.7% increase, with Canada in second place and the United Kingdom in third place. In 2020, there was a 29.7% drop in domestic visitor numbers, a 64.5% drop for Canada and a 70.4% drop for international.

The biggest change in the last couple of years is the drop in visitor numbers from overseas, particularly in South America, and specifically from Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela. This was partly due to economic and political turmoil coupled with a poor economy and not being part of the US Visa Waiver Program .

For most of 2020 and 2021, the biggest factor was when the global COVID-19 pandemic struck the USA and it effectively went into lockdown, though this varied by state.

Historical International Visitor Numbers to Florida

Orlando Visitor Numbers in 2021

With its multiple conference facilities and theme parks , Orlando hosts the largest number of visitors to Florida each year resulting in tourism being the largest private employer in the Orlando area.

In recent years theme parks have seen larger numbers of spring breakers wishing to spend time in the theme parks rather than the beach resorts. It is estimated that Walt Disney World receives over 50 million visitors each year, the most visited vacation resort in the world.

Visit Orlando produces annual visitor statistics and they estimated there were 59.3 million visitors to Orlando in 2021 which is a big increase on 2020 with 35.3 million but well down on the record over 75 million in both 2019 and 2018.

The figure of 59.3 million breaks down into 49.7 million domestic leisure visitors, 7.5 million domestic business visitors and about 2.1 million overseas visitors.

The Orange County Convention Center saw nearly 1 million visitors with over 40 million transiting through Orlando International Airport (MCO).

Visitors to Orlando bring in over $4bn in state and local taxes from hotels and businesses.

However, in 2020, that figure crashed to just 35.3 million visitors. International travel was down by 75%, not helped by the travel ban into the USA from so many countries.

Before the pandemic struck, in 2019 Orlando witnessed record-breaking numbers with 75.8 million visitors overall, 69.3 million domestic and 6.5 million overseas making it the most visited destination in the USA, beating New York.

Orlando International Airport maintained its position as the busiest airport in Florida, with 50.1 million travellers to the airport, a 6.7% increase on 2018.

Miami Visitor Numbers in 2021

Though Miami lacks theme parks it still has a lot to offer with great beaches, casinos, cruises to the Caribbean and beyond, culture and the lure of the Florida Keys.

The Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau publish annual visitor numbers to Miami. In 2021, Miami played host to some 24.2 million visitors matching the pre-pandemic numbers of 2019.

Domestic visitors made up 8.7 million of the overnight guests and 3.4 million of the day trippers plus about 3.5 million Florida residents overnight and the same number of day trippers.

There were around 5.1 million international visitors, the largest group were from Columbia with 0.50 million.

Like Orlando and Florida as a whole, Miami was also hit badly by the COVID-19 pandemic particularly in 2020 with only 11.6 million visitors, 7.9 million overnight and 3.7 day trippers. This was 52% down on 2019.

In 2019, there were estimated to be a record 24.2 million visitors, 16.3 million overnight and 7.9 million day trippers.

In 2018, the figures were 23.3 million, 16.5 million overnight and 6.8 million day trippers.

Below you will find historical figures for Florida for the last couple of years.

Florida Tourism Statistics in 2020

VISIT FLORIDA Research figures for 2020 showed a significant decline compared to 2019, especially in the second, third and fourth quarters.

Overall, quarter 1 was down by 14.5%, quarter 2 by a massive 66.6% and quarter 3 by 31.4%. Quarter 4 figures showed a drop of 31.9%.

Total visitor numbers to Florida in 2020 were just over 79 million of which over 75 million were from the United States.

The international breakdown by country figures showed large losses (2019 figures in brackets):

  • Canada 1.36 million (4.09 million)
  • United Kingdom 0.18 million (1.33 million)
  • Brazil 0.29 million (1.30 million)
  • Columbia 0.17 million (0.55 million)
  • Argentina 0.15 million (0.56 million)

With the closing of the borders to many countries, there was around a 75% decrease in overseas visitors whereas domestic USA visitor numbers were only down by around 35%.

One of President Donald Trump’s last actions before he left office on January 20, 2021, was to rescind the overseas travel ban that came into effect in early 2020 but before it was due to take effect, new President, Joe Biden, reintroduced it and actually added another country (South Africa) to the list.

So the question “Is Florida open to visitors?” was a moot point as anyone who had been in the following countries in the last 14 days was still banned from entering the United States:

  • European Schengen area (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City)
  • United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)
  • Republic of Ireland
  • South Africa

These bans were finally lifted in November 2021.

Florida Tourism Statistics in 2019

Total visitor numbers to Florida in 2019 were over 131 million of which over 116 million were domestic travellers from the United States. This represented a 3.8% increase on 2018.

Looking at the 2019 international numbers (2018 figures in brackets):

  • Canada 4.09 million (3.55 million)
  • United Kingdom 1.33 million (1.50 million)
  • Brazil 1.30 million (1.22 million)
  • Columbia 0.55 million (0.60 million)
  • Argentina 0.56 million (0.65 million)

Overseas tourists showed a 0.1% increase compared to 2018.

In prior years, the United Kingdom (UK) was always top of the international tourist list behind Canada but in 2011 the UK at 1.3 million was knocked off the second spot by Brazil with 1.5 million visitors. Brazil has now slipped back to third place behind the UK.

Comparing these figures from as far back as 2010, the biggest gains in percentage terms came from emerging markets like Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela and Brazil reflecting the impact of the economic downturn in Western Europe.

Florida Tourism Statistics In Previous Years

The breakdown for 2009 was an estimated 71.2 million domestic (US) visitors plus a further 2.6 million from Canada.

Visitors from the United Kingdom were in third spot with 1.2 million down 12% on 2008 whereas Brazil was in fourth place with 0.7 million, up 29%. In 2010 Brazil’s visitor numbers topped the 1 million mark.

Tourists spend over $60 billion per annum in Florida bringing in nearly $4 billion in sales tax revenues (a quarter of all sales tax revenues) and creating over 1 million jobs in the tourist industry.

Another interesting statistic is the amount of money spent by foreign tourists and again Brazilians spent far more per person than say visitors from the United Kingdom, in fact, they spent twice as much, taking advantage of low prices and a favourable exchange rate at the time.

To cater for this increase in Brazilian visitors, all the main theme parks started employing Portuguese-speaking workers and launched websites in Portuguese.

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Top 10 Travel Trade Shows in the US

Travel & tourism trade shows offer vast business opportunities. If you plan to exhibit, here are the top 10 US travel expos you can consider.

While the COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the travel and tourism industry globally, things are back on track in 2023. People have started traveling again, and the rebound is expected to surpass pre-COVID levels of 2019.

But to make the best of this opportunity, travel businesses must stay up-to-date with the latest trends and consumer preferences. And what better than physical events like trade shows to update yourself with all the latest happenings in the travel industry?

Like travel, trade shows are back in trend after a slump during the pandemic, and many events are witnessing record participation. But with hundreds of travel trade shows organized in the US annually, how will you choose the best? We've created a list of the top 10 travel expos in the US to help you decide.

[READ: Are Live Trade Shows Worth It in 2023? ]

1- Travel Adventure Show

The Travel Adventure Show is the place to be if your goal is to connect with hundreds and thousands of travelers. Travel enthusiasts attend this multi-city event to discover newer adventures and destinations, receive the latest travel information and advice, and connect with tour operators.

  • One of the oldest travel trade shows in the US, with the first event organized in 2004
  • Travel Adventure Show 2023 was organized in 9 cities across the US
  • The event attracted 150,000+ visitors and 1,000+ exhibitors

Upcoming Event Schedule

January-March, 2024

New York, Chicago, Washington DC, Denver, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Atlanta, Dallas, and San Francisco/Bay Area.

2- IMEX America

The IMEX America is one of the largest trade shows in the US for conferences, meetings, incentives, business travel, and events industry. Whether you want to meet global travelers, network, or keep up with the latest trends in the tourism industry, IMEX America deserves your attention.

  • In 2022, the event attracted over 12,000 participants from 100+ countries
  • 3,000+ exhibitors made 60,000+ appointments during the 3-day event
  • 75% of the hosted buyers had budgets of over $1 million

17-19 October 2023

3- Las Vegas Travel Agent Forum

If you run a leisure travel agency and looking for a B2B event for the industry, you should visit Las Vegas Travel Agent Forum (LVTAF). The limited space event offers an extensive opportunity for travel sellers to connect with a large base of global business resources and vacation experiences.

  • LVTAF is attended by over 1,000 travel agents and suppliers
  • Various networking events to help businesses connect with industry peers and partners
  • The 3-4 day event includes plenty of educational sessions and roundtable panel discussions

24-27 March 2024

4- Global Business Travel Association

The next on this list of trade shows for the travel industry is the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) expo. The event is the go-to destination for professionals from the travel and tourism industry to build business connections and learn from the best in the industry.

  • GBTA 2022 had over 1,000+ travel buyers, 250+ exhibitors, and 550 buyer companies from more than 60 countries
  • The event had 300+ speakers and 90 educational sessions for the attendees
  • GBTA 2023 will feature notable keynote speakers such as Chris Bashinelli, Cassandra Worthy, Paul Polman, Amy Webb, and many more

13-15 August 2023

5- Global Travel Marketplace

The Global Travel Marketplace (GTM) is an appointment-only exhibition for connecting American travel advisors with global travel suppliers. The travel advisors are chosen by the event organizers based on qualification criteria and are fully hosted.

  • Only 100-125 travel advisors are invited to GTM events
  • One of the qualification requirements for the attendees is to have the authority to make product and partner decisions
  • Advisors can have over 50 meetings and participate in over 10 presentations over the 3-day event

1-3 June 2023

6- Future Travel Experience

If you're from the travel industry, especially from the air transport sector, you should register for the Future Travel Experience (FTE). Top brands from the aviation industry attend the event to showcase their latest services, products, and concepts created to boost revenue, reduce cost, and offer improved experiences to customers.

  • FTE is popularly known as the “CES (Consumer Electronics Show) of the aviation industry”
  • More than 300 businesses directly or indirectly associated with the aviation industry attended FTE 2022
  • The event had 100+ exhibitors and 120+ speakers

19-21 September 2023

7- Digital Travel Summit

The Digital Travel Summit should be on your must-visit trade show list if you want to learn more about leveraging digital technologies for your business. Hundreds of industry professionals come together at the event to help travel businesses enhance their digital strategies and offer a more personalized experience to their customers.

[READ: 5 Digital Strategies to Promote Your Booth ]

  • The event is attended by over 100 travel industry leaders
  • Digital Travel Summit 2023 will feature keynote speakers like Derek Schoen, Steve Mayers, Diane Koczur, Andrea Cole, and many more
  • Sessions on topics like influencer marketing, social media strategy, user experience, customer servicing, AI, and more

12-13 September 2023

South Carolina

8- CruiseWorld

The CruiseWorld trade show in the USA aims to bring professionals from the travel industry together to help them evolve and grow through general sessions, educational workshops, exhibitor showcases, and networking events. The event is attended by hundreds of global supplier partners and travel advisors.

  • Over 100 exhibitors have already registered for CruiseWorld 2023
  • Pre-qualified travel advisors under the event’s STAR Program
  • Peer-to-peer sessions are free to attend

1-3 November 2023

Organized by the US Travel Association, IPW is a popular inbound travel expo where exhibitors from the travel industry can connect with buyers from 70+ countries. In the past, the events have generated over $5 billion in revenue for the exhibitors.

  • IPW 2022 was attended by over 4,500 people from 60 countries
  • The event is attended by over 1,000 travel organizations in the US and 500+ travel journalists
  • Over 70,000+ appointments were scheduled over the 3-day event

3-7 May 2023  

10- Skift Global Forum

The Skift Global Forum is a flagship conference on the global travel business. It is a great place to connect with professionals from the travel industry, learn from industry veterans, and discover new business opportunities.

  • The event attracts over 1,000 travel leaders
  • Vast networking opportunities, exclusive talks, and interview sessions
  • Speakers for Skift Global Forum 2023 include Ariel Cohen, Jason Calacanis, Fred Dixon, Patricia Yates, Christopher Nassetta, and more

26-28 September 2023

New York City

Must-Visit Travel Expos in the US

a list of top 10 trade shows in the USA for travel and tourism industry with dates and locations

How to Make an Impact at Travel Trade Shows?

Hundreds and thousands of exhibitors attend these popular travel trade shows. Encouraging people to visit your booth can be challenging on a crowded trade show floor. Here are some tips to help you stand apart-

  • Reserve your booth in advance and prefer spaces close to the entrance, major aisleways, corners, or close to major attractions.
  • Ensure the booth design aligns with your brand.
  • A trade show activity like a custom trivia challenge can help attract and engage visitors.
  • Prefer trade show games with live leaderboards to make them exciting and fun.
  • Distribute unique trade show giveaways related to your brand or products/service.
  • Ensure the booth staff understands the product/service, features, benefits, and USPs.

Exhibiting at a Travel Trade Show

These are the 10 top travel trade shows in the US. Here’s a detailed guide on 7 Steps to Choose the Right Trade Show For Your Business to help you with the selection. Choose an event and start your trade show planning at least 3-4 months in advance to ensure you have enough time to cover all the bases.

An interactive activity like a trade show trivia game is highly effective in bringing people to your booth. You can also consider customizing the booth game so that it also contributes to your event objectives. Contact us to learn more about trade show gamification and know how our custom games can help.

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VISIT FLORIDA Shares What’s New and Exciting for Travelers in 2023

New attractions, hotels, restaurants, and more keep visitors flocking to Florida

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (November 17, 2022): The Sunshine State is preparing to ring in the New Year with countless new offerings for travelers. From North to South, Gulf Coast to Atlantic Coast, and everywhere in between, new accommodations and attractions are popping up to keep any visit to Florida fresh as ever.

Here’s a sample of what’s happening in 2023, moving south through the state from the panhandle.

In 2023, Historic Downtown Pensacola will welcome a new boutique property, Lily Hall . Home to the Mount Olive Baptist Church from 1928-1982, the property will transform into a 15-room luxury lodging experience. Additionally, Innisfree Hotels will upgrade several of its Pensacola properties throughout 2023, including the opening of Fairfield Inn Pensacola Beach in April, launching a new lazy river at Hampton Inn Pensacola Beach by the spring, adding new venues to Hilton Pensacola Beach for the spring and creating a new kids splash pad at the Holiday Inn Resort Pensacola Beach .

As far as experiences, Pensacola will also offer world-class Broadway touring performances at the Saenger Theatre in 2023, featuring “Jesus Christ Superstar’s” 50th Anniversary Tour, “The Book of Mormon” and “CHICAGO: The Musical.” Laguna’s new Scenic Zip in Pensacola will be Northwest Florida’s longest zip rail, complete with a 389-foot zip rail that has guests feeling the wind in their hair as they zoom around the park from 40 feet above ground. The  Pensacola Air Flight School will offer a discovery flight over Pensacola’s iconic sugar-white sand beaches and emerald Gulf Coast waters.


Jacksonville Beach Town Center is the newest hotspot in Jacksonville, set to open in early 2023. The first-of-its-kind regional Mexican restaurant with rooftop dining, Oaxaca Club, will open on the top of the building above stores. Plans for Downtown Jackson’s Shipyards Four Seasons includes a 176-room luxury hotel with 25 high-end residences, a 157,000-square-foot office tower and modernized marina. The five-star hotel will include resort amenities, such as a spa, pool and meeting spaces. A $4 million investment in Metropolitan Park will create a 10-acre destination riverfront park slated to be complete by 2025.​

By early 2023, visitors can also check out Friendship Fountain in St. Johns River Park, located on the Southbank waterfront. A $6 million transformation will add a botanical garden, themed play park, splash pad, concessions and fountain upgrades. The City of Jacksonville and the Jacksonville Icemen have begun renovations on the Jacksonville Ice and Sportsplex: The Igloo . The revitalized center, to be renamed the Icemen Igloo, will be one of the Southeast’s premier ice skating and facilities. Among new amenities, the Igloo will house the new Jacksonville Sports Hall of Fame.


The new Hilton Garden Inn Historic is a short walk from the Old Jail Museum and St. Augustine History Museum, boasting an outdoor pool, fitness room and on-site restaurant. The Hyatt Place Vilano Beach hotel features a classic Florida Vernacular architecture with art deco compliments. This full-service three-story hotel has 120 guest rooms and a rooftop bar where popular St. Augustine Chef Michael Lugo is opening his next great Florida Restaurant in January 2023: Pesca . Getting around has never been more convenient with the new Dolphin Bay Scenic Shuttle , carrying passengers between the Vilano Beach Public Pier and the St. Augustine Municipal Marina while providing sightseeing along the way.


The 65 th annual DAYTONA 500 , NASCAR’s biggest and most prestigious event, will kick off NASCAR’s 75 th anniversary season. It will mark the 42nd straight year since 1982 that The Great American Race has started off NASCAR’s season. Fans will again see the NASCAR’s Next Gen cars in competition on the 31-degree banking during the Bluegreen Vacations Duel races, kicking off the races in February 2023.


The Horse Capital of the World®, Ocala/Marion County is now home to the World Equestrian Center (WEC), the largest equestrian complex in the country with a 248-room hotel, restaurants, shops, arenas and exposition centers that accommodate multiple equine disciplines and events. The Florida Aquatics Swimming & Training is the premier aquatic training and competition venue in the Southeastern United States, with two Olympic competition pools and a dryland fitness center and a daily open swim.

New hotels are popping up to accommodate more guests in the region, like the Avid Hotel , just minutes from downtown Ocala and the   TownePlace Suites® by Marriott . In addition to The Equestrian Hotel , WEC is planning to open a new hotel with 400 rooms and a restaurant by June 2024.

For a unique luxury stay, the new VIP Hollywood Experience home – the first opened in the Fantasy Island quad of vacation rentals – features a bowling alley, a half-court basketball area and a pool with its own lazy river. West Ghana-born real estate investor Emmanuel Mohammed built the property less than an hour from Orlando’s theme parks and the LEGOLAND Florida Resort in Winter Haven.

The award-winning Epicurean Hotel will reveal a $21 million expansion project in Tampa during summer 2023, boasting 51 new guestrooms and suites. A new restaurant and rooftop for events will provide even more options for this hub of meetings and culinary travelers.


TradeWinds Island Resorts has added 141 guest rooms to its portfolio at the RumFish Beach Resort, along with a new zip line on the beach and a new Mexican restaurant concept at the Island Grand. The expansion also added two pools, a covered spa area and a beachfront bar, which can all be utilized by guests at both TradeWinds properties. The three-story dual-lined Zing Ray Zip is also a first of its kind at St. Pete’s Beach.

It’s all about new dining in and around St. Lucie. In Historic Downtown Fort Pierce, visitors will discover “the art of socializing” at The Fort Social . A spinoff of the celebrated Fort Steakhouse, The Fort Social may have designed its menu to cater to socializing with burgers and steaks alongside shared plates. Focus on Cuban food at Havana George , run by a husband-and-wife team of retired chefs who blend their cultures by using Peruvian spices, herbs and peppers in Cuban dishes, highlighting the best of both worlds. Nonna’s Bistro in Port St. Lucie is a new Italian-American fusion café, serving breakfast and lunch spearheaded by husband-and-wife who use family recipes passed down for generations. Expect a range of dishes from chicken vodka parm to chicken bacon ranch hero sandwiches.

Follow up any meal with dessert at Sugar’d Up Dessert Studio in the Shoppes at Torino in Port St. Lucie. Signature creations include cookies, churros, milkshakes, ice cream sandwiches and more.


New restaurants are hitting Delray beach at Atlantic Crossing , a walkable hub of culture and social life that extends from downtown Delray Beach. New restaurants include The Hampton Social , serving coastal-inspired food; Le Colonial with Vietnamese fare; and Bounce Sporting Club , offering a high-end sports bar experience.

Delray Beach also celebrates its continued First Friday Art Walk and its Delray Beach Art Trail , featuring more than 130 public art installations and murals. Art & Jazz on the Avenue is yet another event to light up 2023 several times throughout the year while Savor the Avenue is the city’s big culinary event in March, hosting Florida’s largest dining table. Downtown Delray Beach Restaurant Month 2023 is the eighth edition of this popular event that showcases the culinary prowess of Delray’s chefs.


South Florida-based Hoffman’s Chocolates is opening Hof’s House of Sweets in Downtown Fort Lauderdale. The new concept offers locals and tourists alike a chance to indulge in a living room-style setting to sample donuts, waffles, whoopie pies, milkshakes, artisan chocolate truffles, a rotating menu of innovative ice cream flavors and sundaes. With events and game nights among the offerings, the new concept is much more than just a chocolate shop.

For details on other new accomodations, attractions, and events across the state that will light up the new year, check out VISIT .


VISIT FLORIDA is the Sunshine State’s official tourism marketing corporation and travel planning resource for visitors across the globe. As Florida’s No. 1 industry, tourism was responsible for welcoming over 122 million visitors in 2021, an increase of 54 percent from 2020. VISIT FLORIDA promotes tourism through sales, advertising, promotions, public relations and visitor services programs, and serves more than 13,000 travel industry partners throughout the state. To learn more about VISIT FLORIDA, follow @FloridaTourism on Facebook and Twitter, or go to . For inspiration in the Sunshine State follow @VISITFLORIDA on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or visit . For media resources, visit .

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Travel Trade Shows 2023 for Tour Operators

As 2023 rapidly approaches, tour operators around the world are looking for ways to stay ahead in the travel industry. To help them get a jumpstart on their plans and make sure they don’t miss out on any key opportunities, we have curated a thorough list of the 2023 travel trade shows and conferences that will be taking place throughout the year.

From cities such as New York, London, Berlin, and Las Vegas to far-flung destinations such as Cairo, Tokyo, and Rio de Janeiro – these travel trade shows bring together some of the best minds in tourism from around the world.

Exhibitors at each event include keynote speakers discussing current trends in travel marketing and sales strategies; entrepreneurs who can give insights into how best to develop new products; sustainability experts sharing tips on how destinations can remain green even during periods of immense growth; plus plenty more advice for those seeking inspiration for their tours or businesses within this ever-changing industry.

leisure and tourism show 2023 florida

So if you’re an ambitious and dedicated tour operator ready to grow your business or expand into exciting new markets this coming year – make sure you check out our comprehensive list below to find all of the key events happening throughout 2023!

To make it easy for you to find the best match, we’ve arranged travel trade shows by month and highlighted key topics and industries that can help you decide which show is best for you. 

What is a Travel Trade Show?

Travel Trade Shows are large-scale events that bring together professionals from across the travel industry. They are designed to provide a platform for travel companies, tour operators, hotel chains, and other related businesses to come together and share ideas, network and showcase their products and services.

Attending travel trade shows is an ideal way for travel professionals to gain insights into current trends in the industry, connect with potential partners, and forge new connections with customers.

What is the main purpose of a trade show?

Attending travel trade shows is an invaluable opportunity for tour operators to get ahead of the competition and ensure that their business stays on top in the ever-evolving travel industry.

Here are just a few reasons why tour operators should consider attending these events:

  • Discover new destinations, itinerary options, products, and services
  • Network with potential partners and customers
  • Meet industry experts who can help tour operators expand their business
  • Learn about the latest trends in tourism marketing and sales strategies
  • Stay up to date on new technologies and sustainability initiatives
  • Find out about the latest opportunities in travel and tourism
  • Get inspired for fresh ideas for their tours or business

leisure and tourism show 2023 florida

What is the difference between a trade show and a conference?

A trade show is an event centered around a particular industry or sector, during which organizations and businesses can showcase their services, products, itinerary options, and technologies to prospective customers and partners.

During a trade show, exhibitors will typically have booths set up where they can market their offerings and establish relationships with new leads and potential buyers. Trade shows often run over multiple days and usually include seminars on safety protocols, keynote speeches, informational travel workshops, and other educational activities.

A conference is an event that focuses on a specific topic or theme related to the industry in question. It can involve presentations from industry experts and panel discussions on topics of interest. Conferences are often used as an opportunity for professionals within the sector to discuss current trends and best practices.

Upcoming 2023 Travel Trade Shows and Conferences

We've carefully sorted travel trade shows and conferences by month and highlighted the topics and industries that will benefit your tour business the most. Some have two and even up to eight events scheduled for this year, so we listed all their events under one subheading for easier navigation.

So without further ado, here is a comprehensive list of all the travel shows taking place in 2023 around the world.

Arival Events for 2023

  • January 5, 2023 - Insider Pro Meetup January (Virtual Event)
  • March 5-7, 2023 - ARIVAL 360 | BERLIN (In-person)
  • June 12-14, 2023 - ARIVAL | ACTIVATE BANGKOK (In-person)
  • October 9-12, 2023 - ARIVAL 360 | ORLANDO (In-person)

Arival Travel is the talk of the travel industry, renowned as the ultimate resource for anyone working in space.

At Arival, you'll get more than just keynotes from industry superstars.

There are also informational travel workshops and panels to fill out your toolkit with business basics such as channel management, dynamic pricing strategies, and digital marketing.

Plus, Arival's program of forward-thinking talks explores sustainability and DEI initiatives that apply to your business—gleaned from on-the-ground experts with firsthand experience.

Arival is more than just an event—it's a guarantee of up-to-date insight that will drive your business forward.

Read: Take Your Tours and Experiences Business to the Next Level With These Arival 360 Insights

Skift Megatrends: Defining Travel in 2023

  • January 10 – New York City & Online
  • January 11 – London (In-person)

Skift Megatrends is back bigger and better than ever, with exclusive insights from top travel experts around the globe to help guide the industry through an unpredictable post-pandemic world.

Skift Megatrends 2023 will unpack the trends that will shape the next two years; a much-needed resource as we navigate major shifts in consumer demand and industry innovation.

Tune into Skift’s latest reporter briefing series to get ahead of what‘s coming and prepare businesses for success in 2023.

Reserve your spot on Skift's website.

  • January 18-23, 2023
  • Madrid, Spain

Fitur 2023 is going to be the biggest travel and tourism event of the year!

Building upon Fitur as a leading trade fair for inbound and outbound markets in Latin America, this year’s Fitur will make sure to cover all things related to the future of technology and business in tourism.

From destination management, cruises, internationalization, and beyond — Fitur 2023 will focus on finding solutions that help strengthen travel and tourism post-pandemic for the inbound and outbound markets anywhere in the globe..

Register for Fitur 2023 through their website here.

IMPACT Sustainability Travel & Tourism

  • January 22-25, 2023
  • Victoria, Canada

IMPACT 2023 is set to be a game-changer for sustainable tourism development across Canada. The initiative seeks to bring together the best of industry, research, and the public sector to create innovative solutions that will help protect our unique Canadian nature while ensuring destinations and communities can benefit from responsible tourism.

Together, IMPACT 2023 will drive inspiring collaborations to ensure positive change, rooted in science and innovation to demonstrate sustainable strategies that can be replicable nationwide.

Register for IMPACT 2023 through their website here.

Travel & Adventure Shows

  • January 14-15, 2023 - Chicago
  • January 21-22, 2023 - Boston
  • January 28-29, 2023 - New York
  • February 4-5, 2023 - Washington DC
  • February 18-19, 2023 - Los Angeles
  • February 25-26, 2023 - Denver
  • March 25 - 26, 2023 - Atlanta, Georgia

America's favorite travel show, The Travel and Adventure Shows is coming to 8 cities across the USA in 2023! The showcase will travel to Chicago, Boston, New York City, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Denver, Atlanta, and Dallas - giving tour operators and travel agents the perfect platform to market their services directly to consumers.

The Travel and Adventure Show is North America’s go-to event for anyone wanting to explore new destinations, get the latest info on their next trip, or connect with some of the world's leading global travel providers. The event allows travelers to plan an unforgettable trip and receive invaluable advice from industry experts in a single day.

The combination of exciting destinations, valuable insight, and the chance to talk directly to representatives from various operators makes The Travel and Adventure Show a must-attend event for anyone looking for their next great getaway!

Click here to buy tickets directly from TAS' Website.

ETOA 2023 Events

  • Britain and Ireland Marketplace 2023 : January 27, 2023 - London
  • The Nordic Marketplace 2023 : February 21, 2023 - Copenhagen
  • ETM - North America 2023 : March 21, 2023 - Virtual
  • Destinations Exchange Europe 2023 : June 12-13, 2023 - London
  • Global European Marketplace 2023 : November 2-3, 2023
  • European Travel Marketplace | Asia Pacific: November 21, 2023

ETOA provides an exclusive platform for global European travel professionals to network and drive their businesses forward with the ETOA Annual Marketplace.

In 2023, ETOA has taken it a step further by delivering an extensive range of webinars beyond the traditional meet and greet - providing drop-in sessions, facts and figures, expert panels discussing destination recovery plans, and even origin market insights!

ETOA is a powerhouse of opportunities - giving buyers and suppliers alike the chance to make valuable connections, so don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to propel your business forward.

Know more about ETOA Events 2023

  • March 7-9, 2023
  • Berlin, Germany

ITB Berlin 2023 is the ultimate destination for travel professionals and pioneers, where trends are made and valuable connections are formed!

Change is THE buzzword of ITB this year, as it slowly begins to re-emerge from a global pandemic. ITB Berlin is the world´s biggest travel show and convention enabling global leaders in the industry to take action on the reunification of in-person travel experiences.

ITB is bursting with opportunity, so don't miss out - get ready to join your fellow professionals on their mission to make tourism great again at ITB Berlin 2023!

Visit the ITB website for tickets and exhibitions.

Las Vegas Travel Agent Forum

  • March 31 to April 3, 2023
  • Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas Travel Agent Forum is your ultimate destination to discover the magic of travel. Put yourself in the thick of the action, engaging with top professionals from the industry.

Immerse yourself in a global marketplace of vacation experiences and enjoy exclusive business resources designed to enhance your enterprise. With limited space available, this B2B leisure travel agency program brings together an incredible 360-degree approach to networking, education, and business opportunities. 

Visit their website for tickets and booth registration here.

World Travel Market (WTM) Africa

  • April 3-5, 2023
  • Cape Town, South Africa

World Travel Market Africa is the premier platform for meeting, networking, doing business, and growing in the travel industry.

With over 6,000 representatives from around the African continent each year, World Travel Market Africa presents a unique opportunity for companies to make contacts, launch new products and services, raise brand awareness, size up the potential competition, conduct market research, and gain press coverage.

As part of one of the most influential events in the global travel sector – including WTM London and Arabian Travel Market Show (See below)– World Travel Market Africa is dedicated to helping businesses drive commercial success and accelerate growth.

Register with WTM Africa here.

International Conference on Food, Tourism and Destination Management

  • April 13-14, 2023
  • Rome, Italy

If you live and breathe food, tourism, and destination management, mark your calendars - the International Conference on Food, Tourism, and Destination Management is here!

This incredible event provides a platform for like-minded professionals to exchange experiences and research results, as well as discuss the most innovative trends from their respective fields.

Here’s your chance to attend hands-on sessions on relevant topics and gain insight into practical challenges that field experts have encountered – all that in one jam-packed conference!

Know more about registration here.

Arabian Travel Market Show

  • May 1-4, 2023
  • DWTC Dubai, UAE

Get ready to travel the world from Dubai! Arabian Travel Market Show is an international tourism event offering something for everyone – from tour operators and hospitality providers to tech trends and attractions – all to demonstrate potential in the Middle East.

Come 2023, this event will be one worth looking forward to; it will focus on creating net zero impact while exploring sustainable travel trends that shape business strategies. Get ready to set off on a green journey with Arabian Travel Market Show!

Take part, register, and know more about ATM-Dubai here.

U.S. Travel Association’s IPW

  • May 20-24, 2023
  • San Antonio, Texas

IPW is the best of the best when it comes to international inbound travel. It's an event that brings together US exhibitors, buyers, and media from 70+ countries to collaborate on promoting America as a top global destination.

What makes IPW so successful is that it creates business opportunities while driving $5.5 billion of future tourism into the US - it shows potential travelers all the amazing places they can visit! For businesses that have partnerships with the U.S. travel industry, IPW presents a unique opportunity to host international meetings and show their product to foreign marketers.

As far as sure-fire ways to get Americans out exploring their own country and prospects from overseas wanting to holiday here, IPW is your go-to ticket!

Register for IPW 2023 here.

International Luxury Travel Market (ILTM) Asia Pacific

  • May 9-12, 2023 - São Paulo, Brazil
  • June 19-22, 2023 - Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
  • September 18-21, 2023 - Baha Mar, The Bahamas
  • December 4-7, 2023 -   Cannes, France

If you're a luxury travel connoisseur in search of brand-new partnerships or need to stay in the know on industry developments, ILTM Events is where it's at. 

From connecting with like-minded advisors and brands to learning about the latest trends and developments, ILTM has got you covered.

Every event offers premier access to a unique selection of luxury travel brands, personalized meetings, and networking opportunities - all of which take place at their global flagship events in Cannes, Asia Pacific, and core locations such as Arabia, Latin America, and North America. Plus they have an extra special event dedicated just to Africa - ideal for finding everything you need to know about luxury travel in this area!

Business Travel (BTN) Show Europe

  • June 28-29, 2023
  • London, United Kingdom

Business Travel (BTN) Show Europe is the ultimate networking paradise for professionals in the travel and tourism industry. Who wouldn't want to get their hands on vital insights from top executives?

This annual extravaganza brings its attendees a wide array of keynote speakers and topics, ranging from sustainable travel, diversity, behavioral economics, and traveler management.

With such an amazing lineup every year, Business Travel (BTN) Show Europe is the one place to be for any travel industry professional wanting to experience the latest trends, benchmark other companies’ strategies, and acquire relevant information from experts in their field!

Sign up for updates and register for interest here.

Destinations International Annual Convention 2023

  • July 18-20, 2023
  • Dallas, Texas

If you work in the travel industry, you know that the last few years have been a real ride. From the COVID-19 pandemic to social unrest and budget cuts, these ever-changing times mean that all destination management professionals are constantly adapting.

That's why it’s great that Destinations International Annual Convention 2023 is happening!

Grab your ticket ASAP for valuable insights from representatives in the field on recovery strategies, networking opportunities with peers, and more. It’s the perfect place to gain new knowledge about this rapidly changing industry.

Keep posted for convention updates on their website.

Adventure Travel World Summit

  • September 11-14, 2023
  • Hokkaido, Japan

The upcoming Adventure Travel World Summit is set to be the event of the year for adventure travel professionals. The ATTA Community is bringing this unique experience to Asia, with an estimated 800 attendees gathering from around the world to explore, network, and promote the best of adventure travel.

From inspiring keynotes and enlightening panel discussions to a bustling international marketplace showcasing content from new destinations across Asia, a Day Of Adventure offering up immersive experiences and MediaConnect Sessions providing a networking platform for pitching ideas — get ready for The Adventure Travel World Summit in Asia!

See more event information and registration details.

Digital Travel Summit US 2023

  • September 12-13, 2023
  • Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

Digital Travel Summit US 2023 is the premier event for travel executives to ignite their customer journey - and you don't want to miss out!

Get savvy insight from top minds in hotel chains, OTAs, airlines, and transportation companies, as well as other industry players on how to optimize personalization and elevate your online strategies.

With Digital Travel Summit allowing you to connect with 300+ leaders committed to shaping the travel industry of tomorrow, you'll obtain the necessary weapons to WIN THE BOOKING each time. 

Know more about Digital Travel Summit 2023 here.

IFTM Top Resa

  • October 3-5, 2023
  • Paris - Porte de Versailles

IFTM Top Resa is an essential gathering for anyone in the French tourism industry. With over 32,000 experts and 1,700 companies attending annually, IFTM Top Resa has become the best in its class.

The show's villages are impressively organized into 21 different themes of exhibition space that are sign-posted to make it easy to find just what you're looking for.

IFTM Top Resa is the number one event in France with a plethora of potential business opportunities. This year is sure to be no different!

Sign up for updates here.

IMEX America

  • October 17-19, 2023

IMEX America is the award-winning showcase that brings together all corners of the meetings industry - during IMEX professionals from all sectors meet, network, and do business.

Held at Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas IMEX hosts four days full of fun - you'll get to attend specialist education sessions and meet up with industry leaders all for free! Plus there are plenty of networking opportunities, both on and off the trade show floor.

Register your interest and sign up for free here.

  • October 25-27, 2023
  • Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

ITB Asia is a unique tourism experience that sets itself apart from all others. With over 11,000 participants in attendance at its hybrid BtoB and BtoC gathering on the Asian continent, ITB Asia gives attendees an unbeatable insight into the industry.

The event is particularly ideal for those companies looking to grow their business in the east, as 70% of buyers hail from Asia.

ITB Asia has also gained a reputation for its efficiency when it comes to business opportunities – over 22,000 meetings were registered during last year's conference alone!

ITB Asia is truly a must-attend event if you want your profile on the rise in the east.

Register and know more about ITB Asia here.

  • November 28-30, 2023
  • Barcelona, Spain

IBTM World is the place to be for businesses in the meetings, incentives, conferences, and events industry.

Each year, this event brings together 15,000+ industry professionals from across the globe to establish meaningful connections with 3,000+ destinations and suppliers. IBTM World fosters innovative experiences to guarantee customers exceptional results by providing key industry insights, unparalleled networking opportunities, and more.

Join IBTM World to be part of an inspiring event and discover how collaborations can help create better business outcomes!

Register your interest here.

  • November 6-8, 2023
  • ExCel, London

WTM London is the must-attend event for anyone in the travel industry!

As the leading international travel event, WTM London allows tourism professionals to unlock business opportunities inbound and outbound as well as connect with other global players.

The premier location brings accommodation and hospitality, renowned destinations and attractions, innovative travel technology providers, airlines, and world-class travel buyers under one roof.

WTM London is also a great chance to showcase your brand and services to a large international press by attending interactive events year after year.

See the latest updates on their website.

As we move into the new year, it's time to start thinking about which tourism trade shows and conferences you'll attend in 2023. Attending these travel events is a great way to stay up-to-date on current trends in the tourism industry, connect with potential partners, and build relationships with customers.

Whether you're interested in Adventure Travel , Culinary Tourism, or Sustainable Tourism , we have a trade show for you. We've sorted through all of the upcoming events and highlighted the ones that will be most beneficial for your tour business. 

Start planning now for a productive and successful 2023! ‍

Read our new blog? Get to know the latest travel trends in2023.

Run your Tours, but Easier

Are you a tour operator or event organizer looking to improve the efficiency of your reservations and management system? Look no further! TicketingHub is an online booking and reservation system designed to save you time and money.

leisure and tourism show 2023 florida

With the power of automation , it allows you to concentrate on what matters most: creating awesome tours and providing great experiences for your customers!

From centralized management down to streamlining operations, TicketingHub has all the tools necessary for you to elevate your business in the travel industry. Get ahead today with TicketingHub!

Free demo here.

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 How To Increase Google Reviews With Zoo Management Software

How To Increase Google Reviews With Zoo Management Software

How To Secure Cashless Payments With Cloud Based Ticketing Software For Zoos And Aquariums

How To Secure Cashless Payments With Cloud Based Ticketing Software For Zoos And Aquariums

How Zoo Ticketing Software Helps in Managing Visitor Capacity

How Zoo Ticketing Software Helps in Managing Visitor Capacity

Top 10 Reasons Why Switch to Online Ticketing for Zoos

Top 10 Reasons Why Switch to Online Ticketing for Zoos

Keep Reading

leisure and tourism show 2023 florida

Tourism Trends 2024: What Tour Operators Should Know

Discover top travel trends for 2024! Get insights on eco-tourism, tech, and more to boost your tour business. Stay ahead in the travel game.

leisure and tourism show 2023 florida

How European Travel Trends Are Reshaping the Tourist Experience

Dive into the latest European travel trends shaping 2023! From budget excursions to online bookings, see where tourism is headed.

leisure and tourism show 2023 florida

Exploring Corporate Travel Trends in 2023 and Beyond

In 2023-24, corporate travel evolves with tech integration, sustainability focus, and remote work dynamics. Stay tuned for insights!

Events in America

  • Speakers Suppliers

leisure and tourism show 2023 florida

Events by Industries

Events by state.

  • California (883)
  • Florida (1069)
  • Illinois (353)
  • New York (259)
  • Texas (684)
  • Washington (138)

Latest Professional Books 13 m books from

List your events.

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Trade Shows > Travel & Tourism ( 2023 - 25 )

  • Trade Shows All > 2021 > 3,179 > November > 253 --> Consumer Show Conference Virtual Event Corporate Event Annual General Meeting
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Chicago Travel & Adventure Show 2023

Travel & Tourism

Jan 14, 2023

Rosemont, Illinois

In-person +


Pittsburgh Travel Showcase 2023

Jan 20, 2023

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

2023 Boston Travel & Adventure Show

Jan 21, 2023

Boston, Massachusetts

Florida Huddle 2023

Feb 02, 2023

West Palm Beach, Florida

2023 Washington DC Travel & Adventure Show

Feb 04, 2023

Washington, District of Columbia

2023 Bay Area Travel & Adventure Show

Mar 04, 2023

Santa Clara, California


The NATSO Connect 2023 - National Association of Truck Stop Operators

Travel & Tourism > Transportation

Mar 07, 2023

Grapevine, Texas

2023 Heartland Travel Showcase

Mar 10, 2023

Cincinnati, Ohio

Dallas Travel & Adventure Show March 2023

Mar 23, 2023

Dallas, Texas


Atlanta Travel & Adventure Show 2023

Mar 25, 2023

Atlanta, Georgia

Las Vegas Travel Agent 2023 Forum

Mar 31, 2023

Las Vegas, Nevada

Dallas Travel & Adventure Show April 2023

Apr 01, 2023

2023 ASTA Global Convention (AGC) - American Society Of Travel Agents

May 02, 2023

san juan, Puerto Rico

World of Travel Trade Taste EXPO Miami 2023

May 31, 2023

LE Miami 2023

Jun 12, 2023

Miami Beach, Florida

World Travel Expo

Jun 13, 2023

Miami, Florida

Travel Industry Exchange 2023 Trade Show - Luxury Travel Advisor's Ultra Summit

Jun 20, 2023

Scottsdale, Arizona

Destinations International Annual Convention 2023

Jul 18, 2023

GBTA Convention 2023 - Global Business Travel Association

Aug 13, 2023

Digital Travel US 2023

Sep 12, 2023

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

2023 AIBTM Americas Incentives, Business Travel & Meetings Expo

Sep 13, 2023

Mexico City, Mexico

Future Travel Experience Global 2023 Expo

Sep 19, 2023

Long Beach, California

Destination Hawaii 2023 - Northstar Meetings Group

Kaanapali, Hawaii

2023 Port of Go Cruise, Destination, & Travel Showcase

Oct 07, 2023

Memphis, Tennessee

Destination Texas 2023 - Northstar Meetings Group

Nov 29, 2023

leisure and tourism show 2023 florida

65 Best Tourism Industry Events & Travel Conferences 2024/25

Looking for the top travel conferences 2024 has to offer? If you’re working in the tourism industry and you haven’t booked a ticket to one of the many events, what are you waiting for? Not only are these events an excuse to get out of the office and network with like-minded people, but they’re also great opportunities to learn more about travel and tourism.

Travel conferences are great for making new deals, discovering up-and-coming innovations, learning new skills, or just some good old networking. And there are some really exciting travel and tourism conferences in 2024 that exemplify the importance of travel .

We’ve put together this comprehensive list of conferences happening all over the world in the next year. Have a look at which ones you don’t want to miss and start planning your trip now.

Best Travel Industry Conferences 2024/25 by Month

January: Fitur – International Tourism Trade Fair

February: Travel & Adventure Show

March: B Travel Trade Show

April: World Travel Market

May: Tbex San Sebastian Spain

June: ITT Conference

July: Web in Travel (WIT)l Conference

August: Global Business Travel Association Conference

September: World Youth and Student Travel Conference

October: TBEX Africa

November: The Phocuswright Conference

December: International Luxury Travel Market – Worldwide

Fitur — International Tourism Trade Fair


Dates: 24 – 28 January 2024

Location: Madrid, Spain

Fitur is held every year in Madrid. It is one of the biggest tourism fairs in the world and an ideal gateway to Latin American markets. Fitur draws an international crowd of tourism professionals and travellers alike. It provides a platform to develop strategies for consumer demand and communication.

The first three days of the conference are for trade visitors only, with doors opening to the public on Saturday and Sunday. Visitors can use this conference to network with other tourism professionals and travellers, as well as gain new insights and knowledge in the industry.

Find more info here

Matka — Nordic Travel Fair


Dates: 19 – 21 January 2024

Location: Helsinki, Finland

Being the largest travel conference in Northern Europe and the Baltic Region, Matka attracts over 1000 exhibitors annually. These exhibitors travel to Finland from more than 80 different countries, allowing for a diverse crowd. The conference is open to the public and trade buyers, with two days solely dedicated to the professionals.

The main aim behind Matka is for tourism trade professionals to learn about new products and services. As well as make valuable connections, and gather information on the ever-moving innovations of the travel industry.

Travel & Adventure Show


Dates: 13 – 14 January 2024

Location: Chicago, USA

Dates: 20 – 21 January 2024

Location: Denver, USA

Dates: 27 – 28 January 2024

Location: New York, USA

Dates: 3 – 4 February 2024

Location: Los Angeles, USA

Dates: 17 – 18 February 2024

Location: Phoenix, USA

Dates: 24 – 25 February 2024

Location: Washington DC, USA

Dates: 9 – 10 March 2024

Location: Atlanta, USA

Dates: 16 – 17 March 2024

Location: San Francisco, USA

Dates: 23 – 24 March 2024

Location: Dallas, USA

The Travel and Adventure Shows are a series of exhibits that take place across the USA. So American visitors have the option to catch the business travel conferences closest to them.

Discover new travel destinations across the globe, and take the chance to rub shoulders with some big travel celeb names. These travel events bring tourism businesses and the public together.


Dates: 19 – 21 February 2024

Location: Melbourne, Australia

This is the Asia Pacific region’s leading meetings and event industry trade conference. Decision-makers in the event industry engage with each other during this three-day event to share, connect, and do business.

The 2024 AIME is preparing to be one of their biggest yet as they celebrate their 30th birthday. They expect to host 400 buyers and 2000 visitors from around the world, making it a business tourism conference of 2024 you won’t want to miss.

Business Travel Show


Dates: 28 – 29 June 2024

Location: London, England

The largest business travel conference in Europe will be back in 2024. This conference is very business-oriented, so it’s the perfect place to find suppliers and network.

It also offers the opportunity to grow your business knowledge. This is the type of travel industry networking event that will challenge you and teach you to innovate and grow.

Travel Technology Europe


Despite only lasting two days, this is one of the top travel tech conferences in 2024. The event draws in over 5000 attendees and more than 30 conference sessions. It’s focused on technological development in our ever-growing industry.

Travel professionals looking for technological solutions to the industry’s current problems can find all the latest findings at this conference. It’s a gathering place of refreshing ideas and exciting opportunities.


Dates: 5 – 7 March 2024

Location: Oman

The ITB conference is the perfect place for B2B travel trading and gives visitors a taste of future travel and tourism trends. From panel discussions to keynote speakers, there is no better place to get an inside scoop on the year’s upcoming trends.

The three-day conference is exciting and informative, a great way to get exposure to the respective markets and the ideas that are shaping them.

Women’s Travel Fest


Dates: 3 – 5 March 2024

The Women’s Travel Fest is a conference just for ladies who love travelling. It’s been growing since 2013 and has become the largest women-in-travel summit. Join more than 30 amazing female speakers and network with other like-minded women.

This conference is an incredible opportunity to make good connections and upskill in all the right areas. The aim of this travel convention in 2024 is to connect, support, and inspire women to travel the world safely. It is undoubtedly one of the best tourism fairs in the world for solo female travellers.

Web in Travel (WiT)


Date: 5 – 6 July 2024

Location: Tokyo, Japan

Date: 27 July 2024

Location: Penang, Malaysia

Date: 2 – 4 October 2024

Location: Singapore

Date: 2 November 2024

Location: Seoul, South Korea

For anyone interested in travel technology, distribution, and marketing, this conference will bring it all into one room. Join the masses as you get the opportunity to meet with others in the travel-tech and marketing space and gain new insights into the industry.

While the event occurs in several live locations throughout the year, it’s also one of the few travel technology conferences offering a virtual space. So you can connect with travel and marketing gurus from across the world.

Select Traveller Conference


Dates: 17 – 19 March 2024

Location: Buffalo Niagara, New York

This conference aims to boost the relationship between travel clubs and travel loyalty programs. If you are in the industry and hoping to increase your club membership or add value to your loyalty program, this is the place to be.

B Travel Trade Show


Dates: 15 – 17 March 2024

Location: Barcelona, Spain

The tourism trade show is a great all-around travel trade fair. You’ll learn a lot, be introduced to world-class products and ideas, and socialise with industry leaders. It’s Southern Europe’s biggest travel event, with over 24,000 visitors annually, so expect a crowd.

Travel Technology Initiative


Dates: 20 March 2024

TTI continues to establish and maintain technology standards within the travel industry. This conference is the main event of the year, where all the big travel tech names come together. Learn about the technological trends that will affect your business and the greater travel industry.

Travel and Words


Dates: 12 – 14 November 2024

Location: Missoula, Montana

This is a conference built on passion and voluntary work. The Travel and Words event is a great place for travel bloggers , writers, and destination marketers to get together. Here, they can discuss the future of travel marketing in media and print.

Its focus is on freelance travel writers in the Northwest, making it ideal for exposure to potential new markets.

International Luxury Travel Market – Worldwide


Dates: 19 – 22 June 2024

Location: Marina Bay Sands, Singapore

Dates: 18 – 21 September 2024

Location: Baha Mar, The Bahamas

Dates: 4 – 7 December 2024

Location: Cannes, France

Dates: 7 – 10 May 2024

Location: São Paulo, Brazil

The ILTM conferences showcase the ultimate luxury travel brands to handpicked travel advisors in different regions. It is here that luxury and travel combine to display fantastic holiday opportunities in each country.

Simply put, it’s one of the best international travel events of the year for luxury marketers and business owners.

World Trade Market


Dates: 6 – 8 November 2024

Dates: 2 – 4 April 2024

Dates: 10 – 12 April 2024

Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Dates: 6 – 9 May 2024

Location: Dubai, UAE

WTM hosts thousands of travel professionals in multiple locations each year.

The Latin America WTM showcases the best of Latin America to the rest of the world. Travel agencies, service providers, and travellers themselves all congregate together to see the best of Latin American Tourism.

WTM Africa does much the same, except for the African Continent. All tourism industry people, from hotel owners to tour guides and everyone in between, will meet under one roof to share and expand their network and knowledge.

WTM London celebrated 40 years in 2020 and will host many travel and tourism professionals in 2024. Here, you can connect and mingle with the industry’s head runners, as well as learn more about the world of travel and tourism.

International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association Global Convention


Dates: 4 – 7 October 2024

Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico

The IGLTA tourism convention exists to connect the LGBTQ+ community with gay-friendly travel and tourism brands, suppliers, and buyers. There are interesting educational workshops and numerous networking receptions for all attendees.

IGLTA also runs events around the world for LGBTQ+ travellers and promotes equality and safety within the tourism industry.

Skift Forum


Dates: 26 – 28 September 2024

Dates: 12 – 14 December 2024

The Skift Global Forum 2024 provides a space for innovative leaders in travel and tourism to come together and share, gain, and develop new ideas. With research-driven actionable insights, amazing speakers, and an excellent opportunity to network, it’s one of our favourite travel marketing conferences in 2024.

Women in Travel Summit


Dates: 12 – 14 April 2024

Location: Salt Lake City, USA

This is a wonderful conference for women in the travel and tourism industry. There will be brands, influencers, and creators.

Visitors can attend workshops and talks on travel directed specifically to the ladies. It’s A great opportunity for travel writers and influencers who want to expand their monetization strategies and learn from others.

Africa’s Travel Indaba

leisure and tourism show 2023 florida

Dates: 9 – 11 May 2024

Location: Durban, South Africa

Africa’s tourism and travel industry are showcased well at this annual event, with exhibitor booths for travel services and product suppliers. Buyers, media, and the public can enjoy a first-row seat to the best that Africa has to offer.

This conference is geared more towards businesses (like tour operators and travel agents) than travel writers.

Digital Travel Summit 2024


Dates: 12 – 13 September 2024

Location: South Carolina, USA

One of the best tourism conferences for travel executives, Digital Travel, caters to their niche perfectly. With big keynotes and small face-to-face discussions around customer engagement and personalization, you’re bound to come away with creative new strategies to grow your business.

We Are Africa


Enjoy the luxurious side of African tourism as this event hosts both an African and International audience. It focuses on rebranding Africa as a top luxury destination with exciting investments and lavish products.

Tourism & Leisure Studies Conference


Dates: 14 – 16 June 2024

Location: Granada, Spain

This conference offers a space for travel industry professionals to discuss matters within the industry. Past, current, and future trends, issues, and innovations are presented and debated with like-minded individuals.

This is a great space for those looking to change their business model and adapt to relevant tourism in the new decade.

IPW Conference


Dates: 3 – 7 May 2024

IPW is where US travel exhibitors connect with travel buyers and media from more than 70 countries.

This is one of the best tourism events of 2024 that showcases products and builds relationships. It’s a national showcase of what America has to offer and brings in a great deal of tourism to the country.

Global Business Travel Association


Dates: 13 – 15 August 2024

Location: Toronto, Canada

Dates: 22 – 24 April 2024

Visit Canada’s largest conference for business travel and management professionals. As it attracts over 900 attendees, the event is a fantastic way for travel innovators to showcase their latest products and services to industry professionals.

It’s comparatively small in scale to other travel events of 2024, making it best for networking.

Keyframe 23 by Traverse


Dates: 13 – 16 April 2024

Location: Malta

This travel conference is aimed at bloggers, influencers, YouTubers, and other content creators. The vibrant festival combines travel and technological innovation. Digital content creators from around the world will gather to learn, progress, and develop new ways to show off the world of travel.

ITT Conference


Dates: 5 – 7 June 2024

Location: Doha, Qatar

The Institution of Travel and Tourism conference is held each year to provide a space for all those in the tourism industry to discuss and share.

You can find guidelines on how to be a professional in the industry, as well as support and advice on your travel career. You can also enjoy some networking with others in the industry.

Future Travel Experience


Dates: 19 – 21 September 2024

Location: California, USA

Dates: 8 – 9 November 2024

Learn more about the future of travel and hear from hundreds of airline and hotel representatives. Whether you attend the global travel industry event, the Asian event, or both – there is much to learn and many faces to network with.

As the name suggests, it is all about forward-moving tech and industry.

Digital Travel Summit EU

Date: 15 – 16 November 2024

All things digital and travel combine perfectly in this two-day event held in London. Along with industry-leading speakers, there are workshops, presentations, and small group sessions. There are also over 400 other digital travel professionals to network with.

Global Travel Marketplace


Date: 18 – 20 July 2024

Location: Fort Lauderdale, Florida

This travel conference is an appointment-only event connecting influential travel advisors with travel suppliers. It’s small-scale and tends to lead to many exciting new business deals.

TECNZ Tourism Conference


Dates: 8 –11 August 2024

Location: Rotorua, New Zealand

TECNZ Tourism Conference is for anyone interested in making partners and learning about New Zealand’s tourism innovations and trends.

Inbound 2024


Dates: 5 – 8 September 2024

Location: Boston, Massachusetts

Inbound is a yearly conference where big ideas are shared and expanded. It’s all about actionable strategies for growth and improvement. And with nightly parties, you’re likely to make good friends with your new connections.

Massive and exciting, it can be a little daunting. But there’s a surprising opportunity to make close connections and brainstorm your niche challenges.

Travel Writers and Photographers Conference


Dates: 10 – 13 August 2024

Location: Corte Madera, California

More niche than most options on our list, this conference is the perfect place for all travel writers and photographers to come together and expand their knowledge and skills.

Hosted by Book Passage, there is a world of knowledge to be shared over the 3-day event. With workshops, panels, and evening activities, you’ll come away with actionable insights and a lot of new contacts.

PATA Travel Mart


Dates: 4 – 6 October 2024

Location: New Delhi, India

The Pacific Asia Travel Association hosts the PATA travel mart each year. The role of PATA in tourism is essential, allowing sellers, buyers, and other industry professionals in the Asia-Pacific region to meet, greet, and network.

There is also a public day when traders can meet visitors and exhibit their products.

Travel Mart Latin America


Dates: 20 – 22 September 2024

Location: TBD

This is a long-standing conference showcasing Latin American tourism. It’s a great place for tour operators, wholesalers, meeting planners, and incentive companies to meet and share their businesses.

Travel Mart is also an expo of all travel and tourism opportunities in Central and South America.

World Youth and Student Travel Conference


Dates: 12 – 15 September 2024

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

This conference is a must for professionals who work in youth and student travel. It hosts over 150 buyers, represents 100 countries, and offers workshops and networking events aplenty, making it a conference worth your time.

Vestnorden Travel Mart 2024


Dates: 17 – 18 October 2024

Location: Reykjavik, Iceland

This is an extremely important trade show for the North Atlantic region. It allows B2B trading and networking for all travel professionals in and around Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroes Islands.

TBEX Africa, North America, and Europe


Dates: 17 – 20 July 2024

Location: Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Dates: 28 – 31 May 2024

Location: San Sebastian, Spain

TBEX has quickly become the largest conference and networking event for content creators, travel brands, and industry professionals. Partnering with fantastic destinations across the globe and attracting hundreds of delegates each year. This is a great place to network and do business.

It’s one of the best travel and tourism conferences in 2024, with the fantastic convention occurring in Africa, North America, and Europe.

Luxury Travel Advisors Ultra Summit


Dates: 20 – 22 June 2024

Location: Scottsdale, Arizona

This is a great international tourism conference for travel agents to attend to network with suppliers and learn more about the industry. It’s also a fantastic opportunity for exhibitors to showcase their businesses and what they offer.

TTG Travel Experience


Dates: 11 – 13 October 2024

Location: Remini, Italy

Anyone looking for a gateway to the Italian travel market should attend the TTG conference. With over 130 countries being represented, this is considered the largest B2B trade conference in Italy.

International Tourism Film Festival


Dates: 24 – 27 October 2024

Location: Caldas Da Rainha, Portugal

This unique event brings travel filmmakers and businesses together, showcasing industry greats and newcomers alike. It’s not a travel conference we all need to attend, but if you have a special talent for promotional travel films or are looking for someone who does, check it out.

GBTA + Conference 2024


Dates: 14 – 16 November 2024

Location: Hamburg, Germany

It’s one of the top business travel conferences in 2024 for B2B exposure. You’ll learn about the latest trends in tourism and make valuable new connections.

Phocuswright Conference


Dates: 13 – 16 November 2024

This is a great place for travel leaders and influencers to meet and discuss the latest innovations in the travel and tourism industry.

Top Travel and Tourism Conferences 2024/25

2024 is an exciting year for travel, with new solutions and innovations constantly breaking ground and a global public itching to explore.

Are you planning to attend any of these conferences? You may just see our team at a few of them too! So maybe, see you there.

Picture of Matt G Davison

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  • World's Best

Travel + Leisure Readers' 15 Favorite Resorts in Florida of 2023

Florida resorts with pristine beaches and a plentiful array of activities were reader favorites in our annual "World’s Best Awards" survey for 2023.

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How Voting Works

What readers loved, the full list.

Courtesy of The Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grande Lakes

The Sunshine State’s abundant sunshine, Instagram-perfect beaches, and something-for-everyone activities make it a popular year-round destination for Travel + Leisure readers, whose picks for their favorite Florida resorts showcase all the best the destination has to offer. From small boutique inns to mansion-like properties, this year’s winning hotels served as the backdrops for memorable vacations that World’s Best voters couldn’t stop raving about. 

Every year for our World's Best Awards survey, T+L asks readers to weigh in on travel experiences around the globe — to share their opinions on the top hotels, resorts, cities, islands, cruise ships, spas, airlines, and more. Nearly 165,000 T+L readers completed the 2023 survey, an increase of nearly 25 percent over pre-pandemic voting levels. A total of more than 685,000 votes were cast across over 8,500 unique properties (hotels, cities, cruise lines, etc.).

Hotels were classified as either resort hotel, city hotel, or safari lodge based on their location and amenities, and they were specifically rated on the criteria below:

  • Rooms/facilities

For each characteristic, respondents could choose a rating of excellent, above average, average, below average, or poor. The final scores are averages of these responses. 

Though all of T+L readers’ favorite Florida resorts for 2023 can be found on or near the water, the properties still represent an eclectic mix of hotel styles, from a historic boutique hotel near leafy parks and charming museums, to an ultraprivate oasis in the Keys with swaying palms and world-class dining, to a palatial golfer’s paradise that also happens to boast a family-friendly waterpark. 

Two golf-centric resorts were among this year’s honorees: The Ritz-Carlton Naples, Tiburón (No. 3) and LaPlaya Beach & Golf Resort (No. 4). The former hosts three different pro tournaments each year, thanks in part to its two Greg Norman-designed courses, but non-LPGA fans will still find plenty to enjoy. “Great for couples, and we had beach access,” shared one voter whose husband did, indeed, spend time on the links. 

Other readers were looking for proximity to other types of fun. No. 5 Ponte Vedra Inn & Club, for example, was beloved by voters who wanted to bask in the sun and sea. “Love the beachfront rooms,” wrote one voter who stayed at the resort. “Walk two steps and you are there. Beach is beautiful. Pool on the beach.” Those who chose the No. 2 Marquesa Hotel , located in the Florida Keys, praised the property’s location as “ideal for someone who wants to be within walking or biking distance of restaurants, bars, and other Key West attractions but not right in the middle of tourist activity both day and night.”

But it was another hideaway in the Keys that earned this year’s No. 1 honor. Find out which Florida hotel was chosen by readers’ as their favorite resort in Florida. 

Little Palm Island Resort & Spa : Little Torch Key, Florida

Courtesy of Little Palm Island Resort & Spa

It doesn’t get much more secluded in Florida than this adults-only haven, which sits on its own four-acre islet accessed only by seaplane or the resort’s private boat. Rebuilt and reopened in 2020 after it was destroyed by Hurricane Irma, the luxurious property evokes the feel of a Caribbean hideaway with 30 suites housed inside 15 thatched-roof bungalows. The no-TVs policy remains intact (and cell phones are expected to be kept on silent), so guests can focus on relaxing in one of the beach hammocks, kayaking, sailing, or snorkeling. The resort’s Dining Room restaurant continues the barefoot luxury ethos, offering both indoor and beachfront dining, with menus that highlight seafood and produce from the region.

Book Now: | Expedia | Tripadvisor

1. Little Palm Island Resort & Spa : Little Torch Key, Florida

Reader Score: 95.09

2. Marquesa Hotel : Key West, Florida

Reader Score: 94.67

3. The Ritz-Carlton Naples, Tiburón : Naples, Florida

Reader Score: 94.31

4. LaPlaya Beach & Golf Resort : Naples, Florida

Reader Score:  93.81

5. Ponte Vedra Inn & Club : Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida

Reader Score: 93.33

6. The Alfond Inn : Winter Park, Florida

Reader Score: 93.26

7. The Breakers : Palm Beach, Florida

Reader Score: 92.71

8. Ocean Key Resort & Spa : Key West, Florida

9. Playa Largo Resort & Spa, Autograph Collection : Key Largo, Florida

Reader Score: 92.53

Book Now: Marriot | | Tripadvisor

10. Four Seasons Resort Orlando at Walt Disney World Resort: Orlando, Florida

Reader Score: 92.50

11. The Collector Luxury Inn & Gardens : St. Augustine, Florida

Reader Score: 92.41

Book Now: Expedia | Tripadvisor

12. The Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grande Lakes : Orlando, Florida

Reader Score: 92.35

13. The Ritz-Carlton, Amelia Island: Amelia Island, Florida

Reader Score: 92.16

14. Inn on Fifth : Naples, Florida

Reader Score: 92.14

15. Hotel Effie : Miramar Beach, Florida

Reader Score: 91.60

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leisure and tourism show 2023 florida

Data shows tourism drop after spring break

ANNA MARIA – Tampa-based Research Data Services (RDS) consultant Ann Wittine presented her state of tourism update to the Manatee County Tourist Development Council (TDC) on June 10, pointing out the latest available statistics related to the tourism industry in Manatee County from April 2024.

Total visitors and economic impact were down compared to April 2023, as well as room nights spent, with 91,500 visitors (-6.4%), 203,300 room nights (-7.9%) and $134,036,500 in economic impact (-6.9%).

“I want to peel back the onion a little bit,” Wittine said. “Partly, these numbers are down because last year Easter was April 9 and this year it was March 31, and that does impact April business. Having that early Easter compresses business into March and we saw a very good March this year.”

Wittine added that if these numbers are compared to pre-COVID 2019, there is a 43% increase in visitors, a 37% increase in room nights and a 65% increase in economic impact.

Room occupancy for April was down slightly (-3.4%). The average daily room rate was also down from $265.70 per day in April 2023 compared to $260.62 in April 2024.

RDS also keeps track of where visitors are coming from when they visit the area. The largest increase in any visitor origin domestically is Florida, which is up only .5% over the same period in 2023. All other regions of the U.S. are down, with the Northeast being the largest drop at -14.6%. The only visitor origin with an increase was Europe, which was up 12.3% from April 2023.

Wittine says she forecasts a summer where the numbers go down slightly. RDS does extensive surveys with people who have shown interest in visiting Manatee County, many of whom will be coming to AMI, and she is beginning to see a trend of people concerned about rising prices for travel to the area.

RDS’s fiscal year-to-date (October-April) numbers are close to their projections. At 625,600, total visitors are down 3.3% and, at $1,140027,800, economic impact is up 0.3% from the same period a year ago. Wittine has said many times that a great deal of the large increases in visitors and economic impact since pre-COVID 2019 are directly related to Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport (SRQ) adding dozens of new direct flights from all regions of the country.

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WFTS - Tampa, Florida

Florida's latest tourism numbers just dropped, what it means for the state

leisure and tourism show 2023 florida

Visit Florida has dropped the latest numbers for our state’s tourism, and they show a dip in travelers.

In the second quarter of 2023, the State of Florida saw a little more than 33 million visitors. It’s keeping us on pace to beat out our record from last year, but we have 1.2% fewer tourists compared to what we saw during the same time last year.

“We figured that we would start to even out and become more manageable because the numbers from 22 were just not sustainable,” explained Stacy Ritter.

Ritter is with Visit Lauderdale, and she said they were expecting a slower summer. The reasons as to why we have had one vary.

“From what I am told,” stated Ritter. “Americans are crawling all over Europe. There’s a lot of pent-up demand for people who have been there for years. I also think there is some Florida over-saturation. For a couple of years, we were the only place you could come with no competition, so people came, and they came back and back again. But now they can go everywhere.”

Why they are choosing to go elsewhere also varies.

We spoke to Ritter last month when roughly 10 convention events had pulled out of Greater Fort Lauderdale. Now they are up to 13 since May. Ritter shared the businesses have cited the state’s political climate and controversial policies coming from the governor’s office.

During the start of this year, we also saw groups like the NAACP and Equality Florida issuing travel advisories, telling travelers to reconsider coming to Florida because of tensions regarding African American studies and DEI curriculum in the state, as well as new policies.

The CEO of Visit Florida told the Orlando Sentinel that those reasons did not play a meaningful role in the lowered numbers during the second quarter, saying:

“We are continuing to see a very diverse group of vacationers that are coming to Florida,” they are spending money here, supporting our state economy. We value all of them, and we continue to encourage people to come.”

Ritter attested to that, “As it relates to group business, we actually poll higher in LGBTQ and multicultural group business than does our competitive set.”

According to the numbers, in Q2, most of Florida’s international tourists were from Canada, followed by the United Kingdom.

As for what those in the tourism industry are hoping to see next, hopefully, a busy winter, “We expect it will even out, it will be similar to 22, if we collect a half a million or a million dollars less of TDT, in calendar 23 compared to 22, we will consider it a very successful year,” stated Ritter.

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Press Release  Healey-Driscoll Administration Launches New “Made Possible” Tourism Campaign to Promote State History and Culture, Attract New Travelers

Media contact   for healey-driscoll administration launches new “made possible” tourism campaign to promote state history and culture, attract new travelers, karissa hand, press secretary.

Boston — Today, Governor Maura Healey announced a new tourism campaign called “Made Possible” to showcase Massachusetts as a dynamic travel destination for visitors across the globe and the best place to live, raise a family, and build a business. The campaign builds off of the administration’s “Massachusetts For Us All"  campaign, which ran in the Summer of 2023, as well as proposed investments in arts, culture and tourism in the Mass Leads Act. 

“Our state is full of go-getters and change-makers, each with an amazing story to tell and invaluable contributions to make in our diverse communities,” said Governor Healey . “Everyone is welcome here, and we proudly showcase this on a global scale. The Made Possible campaign will engage a new generation of travelers and future residents and demonstrate that anything is possible here in Massachusetts.”

“Through Made Possible, visitors can find themselves in every corner of Massachusetts – in our small businesses, downtown areas, and cultural centers,” said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll . “Through this new campaign, we want residents and visitors to feel connected to our state’s rich heritage and legacy of possibility. We look forward to sharing our story.”

The campaign will emphasize digital and social engagement and aim to increase tourism to Massachusetts’ many historic, cultural, and natural destinations, from Boston to the Berkshires and Provincetown to Plymouth. Launching in June during Pride Month, the campaign will also highlight Massachusetts as a welcoming place for the LGBTQIA+ community through creative billboards and digital advertising in New England states, Texas, and Florida. The campaign will grow over the next 12 months, targeting domestic travelers through a mixed media approach that will include television, radio, digital, print, and billboards that target consumers who are planning travel to Massachusetts.

Made Possible’s creative builds off of the successful launch in 2023 of “Massachusetts For Us All,” which ran from June 2023 to September 2023 on highway billboards and social media in Texas, Florida, New York, and New England, promoting Massachusetts as a welcoming and safe place for all. The campaign resulted in 1.6 million impressions and 12,000 website visits.

“Massachusetts is a hub of innovation, new ideas, and the spirit of possibility, and we are excited to show the world our vibrant history and promising future through this new campaign,” said Economic Development Secretary Yvonne Hao. “Made Possible will help drive visitors to our many cultural, recreational, and historic sites and support local and regional economies throughout the state.”  

“From our revolutionary roots and rich historical sites to our beautiful mountains and picturesque coastlines, Massachusetts has it all,” said Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism Executive Director Kate Fox . "We're teaming up with Hill Holliday to welcome everyone to explore our vibrant cities and towns, stunning landscapes, and endless adventures. Massachusetts awaits!"

The Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism selected Hill Holliday, the award-winning integrated creative and media agency, as the creative partner developing and implementing the Made Possible campaign. 

“Since its founding in 1968, Hill Holliday has been an advocate for Massachusetts and all its unique offerings across this amazing state. We are incredibly proud to represent the state we call home,” said Peter Nicholson, Chief Creative Officer, Hill Holliday . “This summer, we will launch a bold and fresh integrated campaign that celebrates our many destinations as well as our unique culture.” 

In March 2024, the Healey-Driscoll administration unveiled the Mass Leads Act , the administration’s first economic development bill that contains the tools and resources needed to make Massachusetts the best place in the nation for individuals to pursue rewarding careers and for companies to start, scale, and succeed. The bill makes critical investments in the tourism, arts, and culture industries, including $40 million for capital improvements at tourism assets across the state, $50 million to improve cultural facilities like museums and theaters, the creation of an artist in residence and poet laureate for the state, and support for Massachusetts’ celebration of the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution.

About Hill Holliday

Hill Holliday is proud to be one of the top creative marketing agencies in the country, with over 200 cross disciplinary talents across the network. Since 1968, Hill Holliday has been on a mission to create transformative work that doesn’t just turn heads and stop thumbs, but consistently drives growth. Blending communications planning, media, and technology with superior creative, the agency approaches problems holistically to create work that punches above its media weight.  For more about Hill Holliday’s people, work, and culture, visit .

About The Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism (MOTT) 

The Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism (MOTT) is the state agency dedicated to promoting Massachusetts as a leisure travel destination. An essential part of the state’s economy, tourism generates $1.9 billion in state and local taxes and $24.2 billion in tourism-related spending, supporting 131,100 in-state jobs. Learn more at . 

Meggie Quackenbush, Director of Communications

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  19. Florida Tourism Numbers Showcase Increased Popularity in the State

    This past year saw 137.6 million visitors to Florida, a 12.9 increase over 2021 and 5 percent more than in 2019. International arrivals for the year increased by 73 percent, as Florida welcomed 7 million. One million of these international travelers to Florida during the last quarter of 2022 were Canadian, an increase of 278 percent from 2021 ...

  20. Introducing the Land, Leisure, and Tourism Show: Where Industries Unite

    In an exciting development that mirrors the ever-evolving landscape of the industries we serve, we are thrilled to announce the rebranding of our premier events - Farm Business Innovation, Holiday Park and Resort Innovation, Family Attraction Expo and Leisure Food and Beverage Expo - as the Land, Leisure and Tourism Show (LLTS). Introducing the ...

  21. Land, Leisure & Tourism Show

    The UK's largest event for rural businesses, holiday parks, leisure and attractions. The Land, Leisure and Tourism Show brings together a range of industries to provide inspiration, opportunities and innovation to enhance your business offerings. Whether you are a seasoned industry professional looking to add to your portfolio, or a complete ...

  22. Tourism Industry trade show list worldwide 2024-2025

    At West Palm Beach - Expo Center at the South Florida Fairgrounds, Florida, USA Categories: Tourism Industry. San Diego Bead & Design Show (Postponed) From June 14, 2024 until June 16, 2024. At San Diego - Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina, California, USA Categories: Art Supplies and Crafts, Tourism Industry.

  23. Florida's latest tourism numbers just dropped, what it means for the state

    Posted at 4:47 PM, Aug 17, 2023. Visit Florida has dropped the latest numbers for our state's tourism, and they show a dip in travelers. In the second quarter of 2023, the State of Florida saw a ...

  24. Travel and Tourism Trade Shows

    Exhibition calender with current Travel and Tourism Trade Shows from 13.06.2024. Travel and Tourism Trade Shows worldwide by country. 13. - 16. June 2024. ITE Hong Kong International Travel Expo. International travel fair. professional visitors and general public. Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre Hong Kong.

  25. Healey-Driscoll Administration Launches New "Made Possible" Tourism

    Boston — Today, Governor Maura Healey announced a new tourism campaign called "Made Possible" to showcase Massachusetts as a dynamic travel destination for visitors across the globe and the best place to live, raise a family, and build a business. The campaign builds off of the administration's "Massachusetts For Us All" campaign, which ran in the Summer of 2023, as well as proposed ...

  26. Marriott hotel in Melbourne opens with beachfront pool

    Florida's visitation to start 2024 reached 40.6 million travelers for the first quarter of the year, according to Visit Florida. That was a 1.2% growth from 40.11 for the same time in 2023.