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elite tours cuenca loja


Elite Tours.

Elite Tours: Conectando Cuenca y Loja con Excelencia en el Transporte

En el entorno de transporte de pasajeros entre las históricas ciudades de Cuenca y Loja, Elite Tours se erige como un pilar de confiabilidad y calidad. Con sede en la ciudad de Loja-Ecuador, esta empresa de busetas de transporte no solo se dedica a conectar dos de los destinos más emblemáticos de la provincia de Loja sino que también se compromete a elevar la experiencia de viaje de cada pasajero.

Fundada con la visión de ofrecer un servicio diferenciado, Elite Tours ha logrado consolidarse en el mercado gracias a su inquebrantable compromiso con la calidad. Los viajes entre Cuenca y Loja, rutas llenas de belleza natural y riqueza cultural, son ahora más accesibles y placenteros gracias a la flota moderna y bien equipada de Elite Tours. Cada buseta está diseñada pensando en el confort y la seguridad de los pasajeros, asegurando así una experiencia de viaje sin igual.

La excelencia en el servicio de Elite Tours se refleja no solo en la calidad de sus vehículos sino también en la profesionalidad y cordialidad de su equipo. Conductores experimentados y personal de atención al cliente están siempre dispuestos a ir más allá para satisfacer las necesidades de los pasajeros, haciendo de cada viaje una experiencia memorable.

Ubicada en el centro de Loja, Elite Tours no solo facilita el movimiento entre estas dos ciudades clave sino que también fomenta la conexión entre personas, historias y culturas. Su servicio de transporte de pasajeros es una puerta de entrada a las maravillas de la región, invitando tanto a locales como a turistas a explorar la belleza y la hospitalidad que caracterizan a Ecuador.

Elite Tours no es solo una opción de transporte entre Cuenca y Loja; es una promesa de viajar con confort, seguridad y un servicio de calidad probada. Para quienes buscan la mejor manera de desplazarse entre estas ciudades, Elite Tours es, sin duda, la elección acertada.


Opiniones de Elite tours. (Agencia De Viajes) en Cuenca (Azuay).

Elite tours


Información sobre Elite tours, Agencia de viajes en Cuenca (Azuay)

Aquí podrás encontrar ubicación, horarios, horas más concurridas, contacto, fotos y opiniones reales hechas por usuarios.

Este sitio tiene una buena puntuación, esto significa que cuidan bien a sus clientes y que hacen todo lo posible para contentar a sus clientes, seguro que vas a tener una buena experiencia.

4 fotografías Elite tours

Opiniones sobre elite tours.

  • Irizar E. 30 enero 2023, 6:45 am Pésimo servicio MB sprinter con asientos escolar para una ruta interprovincial. Y un maltrato al cliente increíble. 0 0 Responder
  • Doménica A. 2 enero 2023, 8:17 pm La buseta salió una hora después de la hora acordada, solo por esperar que se llene. Mal servicio. 0 0 Responder
  • Caro A. 2 enero 2023, 7:58 pm Las busetas nos salen a tiempo, se dañan, no cumplen las reservaciones 0 0 Responder
  • Priscila C. 27 diciembre 2022, 2:53 am Transporte rápido a Loja 0 0 Responder
  • Jorge G. 25 diciembre 2022, 7:33 pm El auto tenía un problema en la caja de cambios, se tardó una hora más de lo acostumbrado, las unidades son demasiado incomodas. 0 0 Responder
  • FA L. 14 diciembre 2022, 3:01 pm Buen lugar y servicio a la hora de pensar viajar a la cuidad de Loja, tiene una buena ubicación y fácil llegada de diferentes lados, no tiene estacionamiento propio, así que es importante ser breve en su estadía ya que los agentes de tránsito pueden molestar al estar estacionados en su vereda. 0 0 Responder
  • nicol p. 3 diciembre 2022, 2:21 am Muy buena la atención y las busetas muy comodas 0 0 Responder
  • Mario V. 1 diciembre 2022, 6:43 am Viajes agradables y seguros, personal profesional y con calidez humana, además de honrados. 0 0 Responder
  • Rolando A. 20 noviembre 2022, 4:18 am rebasan en curvas.. 0 0 Responder
  • Yuli G. 20 noviembre 2022, 12:38 am Muy buen servicio 0 0 Responder
  • Ben E. 11 noviembre 2022, 7:06 pm They run a shuttle service from cuenca to Loja. $12 and you get there an hour (or 40 minutes — not sure) faster. No movie service. The driver was listening to the 80s disco, but in comparison to Colombia drivers it was quiet. One bathroom stop. 3 hours and 30 minutes trip. 0 0 Responder
  • Carolina S. 20 octubre 2022, 9:03 pm El servicio es bueno, pero lamentablemente el conductor no tiene tiempo de descanso de un sitio a otro, llega de un viaje de loja y va a cuenca, son mas de 8 horas al volante entre un viaje y otro esto podria causar accidentes de transito debido al cansacio considerando que la carretera no esta en buenas condiciones 0 0 Responder
  • Joao P. 9 octubre 2022, 9:37 pm Tendrían que numerar los asientos o imprimir los tickets con algún tipo de asiento puesto que todos se pelean por subir primero y hay aglomeración 0 0 Responder
  • Guillermo V. 8 octubre 2022, 9:07 pm Un servicio de primera, ruta Cuenca a Ambato 0 0 Responder
  • Lisette G. 30 septiembre 2022, 10:19 pm Muy buen servicio. 0 0 Responder
  • Diego S. 28 septiembre 2022, 6:32 pm Buena atención, buenos vehículos 0 0 Responder
  • Maria d. 20 septiembre 2022, 8:02 pm Genial para viajar a Loja, cómodo y rapido 0 0 Responder
  • Jimmy C. 20 septiembre 2022, 6:00 pm Súper bien rápido y comodo 0 0 Responder
  • Juan D. 16 septiembre 2022, 6:49 am Muy buen servicio 0 0 Responder
  • Alonso P. 11 septiembre 2022, 11:47 pm Muy buen servicio 0 0 Responder
  • Turismo en Cuenca

Turismo en El Batán

  • Hotel Cisne Cuenca 010202, Av. de las Américas, 4X2F+QMV
  • Company Travel Cuenca 010202, y, Avenida Amazonas
  • Alliance Travel & Tours Cuenca 010202, Av. de las Americas, 4X2F+JJM

Agencias de viajes en Cuenca

  • Aventours Travel Guayaquil 010204, Parque de la Madre, Calle Federico Malo, 1-152
  • Boussole Viajes Cuenca 010107, Av. de los Cerezos 6-14 y
  • Granturs Viajes Cuenca 110101, Presidente Borrero 776

Operadores turísticos en Cuenca

  • Pazhucatours Cia. Ltda. Cuenca 010204, y, Julio Torres
  • Explore Cajas Cuenca 010208, Los Cedros 2-05
  • Apu Adventures Pdte. Córdova 756

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Elite Tours Abroad Interview

Elite Tours Abroad - Ecuador

We conducted an interview with Elite Tours Abroad to let you know what they offer in their relocation tours and what makes them different.

For additional information see their website: elitetoursabroad.com

Life-in-Ecuador (LE):   What are some common reasons that your customers give for checking out Ecuador?

Elite Tours Abroad ( ETA): Ecuador is 4 worlds in one: Jungle, Highlands, Coast and Galapagos Islands.  It appeals to a great deal of people. You could potentially be among the snow-capped mountains in the morning and end the day with a seafood dinner on the beach.

LE: What additional reasons would you give for moving to Ecuador?

ETA: In addition to the geographic and environmental benefits offered by Ecuador a lot of people want to escape the noise of the US and settle for something more low-key.  A simple life, if you will, where importance is placed on being present in the moment.  People also gravitate towards the lower cost of living of course and like how far the dollar can get them.

Elite Tours Abroad - Ecuador

LE: What is the focus of your relocation tours?

ETA: Our goal is to provide an education above all else. By experiencing a country, our travelers are able to decide for themselves whether a particular country is “for them”.  We focus on a select group of travelers—those who are seriously interested in calling Ecuador “home” someday.  We go to most of the “hot spots” of any given country and introduce them to people along the way who can help with their decision-making process… expats, locals, attorneys, realtors, etc.

LE: What parts of Ecuador do you visit?

ETA: We can take people all over the country unless they specify that they are only interested in a particular region.  Some of the “hot spots” are Guayaquil, Cuenca, Loja, Vilcabamba, Salinas and Quito to name a few main locations.  We also visit areas for fun like Cajas National Park, Inti Ñan Museum and the Middle of the World. 

Elite Tours Abroad - Ecuador

LE: Are Elite Tours customizable?

ETA: Yes.  That is what makes our company different than most out there.   We learn as much as we can about our travelers and then we help them craft a tour specific to their needs.  From the number of days, to the type of travel to the star-rating of the hotels… we make sure it is exactly what our travelers want. Most go with a pretty standard tour path, though.

LE: Up to how many people do you include in each tour?

Elite Tours Abroad: Usually 2-6.  

At one point, we offered large group tours, but we realized we could offer better service in a smaller setting . People explore at different rates and they have interest in different things.  

By offering private or small group tours, we do not have situations like we once had where people are standing around waiting for the stragglers to board the bus.  We also didn’t like people having to sacrifice visiting places on the map because they were not included in the general tour.  With smaller groups we can get around the country easier, more effectively and much more comfortably .

Now, we do have people who travel solo and take the tour alone, but that can get pricey since the weight of the tour cost is solely on them.  Should you find additional travelers for your trip you will see substantial savings, especially for the ones who bring in additional business.  We always take care of those who take care of us!

LE: Are private tours available?

ETA:  Since shifting from the group tour model, we now only offer private tours . It is the best decision we have made as a company.  Our feedback from our travelers has been superb.

You get a private bilingual tour guide, private transportation and a path you have specifically chosen.  The costs are similar to those we once ran because we no longer have to use large buses to accommodate large groups. Why pay for all that fuel? 

LE: What is included in the tour?

Elite Tours Abroad: Well as I mentioned you get a bilingual guide, private transportation throughout the country, we set meetings with local professionals like real estate agents, attorneys, government officials, and other expatriates. All lodging is included, at least one meal per day, and a couple of leisure activities are also incorporated.

In short, you worry about getting yourself there, and we handle the rest. We build in the freedom for you to venture out on your own for a couple of meals per day.

LE: How far in advance should a tour be reserved?

ETA: To get the best accommodations at each establishment, the sooner we can get planning the better it is for all parties.   We like to have at least 90 days to plan (make reservations, book rooms, schedule meetings, etc.).  

However, should you decide you would like to travel last minute, we can also accommodate this, provided you are flexible—we may have to do some juggling. We have successfully scheduled tours with less than 4 weeks notice.  Ideally, 2-3 months is very helpful.   

LE: There are other similar services available. Why should people choose you over other relocations tours? What makes you different?

Elite Tours Abroad:  We have a genuine passion—helping people to discover a life abroad! We are a small business with no hidden agendas —no sales pitches, no pressure. Ecuador is one of our largest focuses, for obvious reasons, but we also specialize in Costa Rica, Belize and Panama. Traveling is so much fun! Everyone should experience it.

There are certainly other companies who offer tours aimed at relocating abroad, but we are not aware of any that take the approach that we do. Our experience as an educational tour operator place us in another class.

No one likes the “timeshares sales pitches” or overcrowded tour busses that must follow a specific path and a “hurry up and wait” mindset. People want customizable tours that do not have a hidden agenda. They want someone to worry about the inter-country transportation and introductions to local professionals. That is exactly what we give them. As a result, we have experienced steady growth as a company, and have a long list of loyal travelers who have toured in multiple countries with us.

For more information or to book a tour see the Elite Tours Abroad website .

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elite tours cuenca loja

Cuenca to Loja Self-Guided Tours

$ 84.00

Select your tour theme, the date you want to go, and the number of persons traveling (minimum 2) .

If you are a solo traveler, we can still accept your reservation by simply paying for a minimum of two persons.

For full descriptions of each tour theme, see the Description section below.

  •  Quantity must be 2 or more


Additional information.

Make your trip from Cuenca to Loja especially memorable by enhancing it with one of our tour themes.

Each tour theme emphasizes a different kind of interest or energy level, but all of them get you to Loja by the end of a full day . You will be amazed at the rich world of history, culture, and traditions crammed between your origin and destination in the Ecuadorian Andes.

City gates of Loja, Ecuador

Every theme includes personal transport and a Spanish-speaking driver to get you to and from each sight along the way.

These are self-guided tours, which means we do not supply or guarantee English-speaking interpretation of the sights visited and you explore them on your own.  However, you are welcome to bring your own guide as an additional passenger or use our Experiences tool to create a custom tour that can include us hiring an English-speaking guide for you.

  • Meals and gratuities are not included.
  • Minimum 2 persons required.
  • A minimum of 48 hours advance notice is required.

Cancellation Policies:

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EcuadorBus focuses on direct domestic routes you can reserve online. For routes in other countries, getting to or from other countries, or for more intricate domestic searches that include indirect paths and transfers and offline purchases, use our parent mega-search engine at andestransit.com .

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Cuenca Tour: The Best of Cuenca Ecuador in 12-Video City Tour

Visiting Ecuador and looking for a great Cuenca tour ? In this post, you’ll get to see the best of the city of Cuenca Ecuador in this 12-video tour of the city.

In this post, I’ve put together our 12 best videos for a great Cuenca driving tour. On this virtual Cuenca tour, you have two options:

  • Just sit back and watch. Start the video playlist below – and enjoy your 90-minute Cuenca tour.
  • Choose the area you want to see most. Below this video, you’ll see a list of the areas we’ve covered – and you can choose the video of the specific area you want to see most.

Ready to get started? Let’s go – your Cuenca tour bus is now departing!

Cuenca City Tour (12 Video Playlist)

In this playlist, you’ll visit the most popular areas of the city. The first video is a time-lapse of a bus tour around Cuenca.

Then we slow it down as we visit the main streets and neighborhoods in the city.

Cuenca Tour: Street by City Street:  For a time lapse bus trip around Cuenca, jump to the end of the post.

Tour of Baños in Cuenca Ecuador (Driving via a Baños)

On this drive, we start on Avenida de las Americas and travel the full length of via a Baños to the large blue church.

For many years, we lived at the foot of via a Baños and know it well. We’ve hiked extensively in the roads and hills above the blue church. There is a small produce market in front of the church on the weekends. The views from the parking lots are amazing.

You’ll also find a number of hotels with hot springs in Baños.

Tour of Avenida Remigio Crespo in Cuenca

Av. Remigio Crespo runs from Avenida de las Americas (at the Feria Libre), crosses Avenida Loja and continues to Avenida Solano (by the stadium).

Remigio Crespo runs through two parroquias (parishes):  El Batán and Sucre.

There are many nice restaurants on the lower (Solano) end of Remigio Crespo. There are also a number of apartment towers, furniture stores and bike shops in this area. SRI (Ecuador’s national tax office – like the American IRS) is located here.

Why I Like Avenida Remigio Crespo:  Remigio Crespo Avenue is one of my favorite streets for walking. It has really wide sidewalks, plenty of trees and a lot to do. There are a couple of parks, a number of coffee shops and lots of stores. What’s not to like?

Tour of Avenida Loja, Cuenca, Ecuador

Now we’ll tour the length of Avenida Loja in Cuenca, Ecuador. Starting at Avenida de las Americas and ending at Avenida 12 de Abril (runs parallel to the Tomebamba River).

This area is affectionately known as Gringolandia by both expats and locals. Because of the number of apartment towers and its closeness to Supermaxi (a high-end grocery store) many expats start their lives in Ecuador on this street.

Tour of Gringolandia in Cuenca, Ecuador (Avendia Ordoñez Lazo)

Within walking distance of Gringolandia, you’ll find the Cuenca Orchidarium, an  English-speaking dentist , and Plaza de las Americas – home of Supermaxi (1 of 3 in Cuenca) and SuKasa .

This area is close to both the city center and the airport. There are many stores nearby and there are nice walking trails along the Tomebamba River which runs parallel to the Avenue.

The majority of buildings in this area are security buildings and the area is known to be safe. After we were robbed , we moved to one of the apartment towers for a year.

Avenida Ordoñez Lazo is located in the parroquia (parish) of San Sebastián.

How Do You Spell Ordoñez Lazo?  It’s a good question. We’ve seen it spelled at least three different ways:

  • Ordoñez Laso
  • Ordoñez Lasso
  • Ordoñez Lazo

We’ve noticed that consistent spelling isn’t that important in Ecuador. Many towns have multiple spellings – even multiple names. Sometimes two signs within sight of each other will spell the town name differently.

Visiting Supermaxi El Vergel in Cuenca

This is an area you’ll come to know well. There are a number of government offices, TV Cable (internet/cable provider), and Supermaxi. 

This video shows how to get to Supermaxi (El Vergel) and Parque de la Madre from Avenida Solano.

What’s Nearby Supermaxi (El Vergel) and Parque de la Madre:  This video travels from Avenida Remigio Crespo, crossing Avenida Solano and going around Estadio de Cuenca – where the local soccer team plays.

After passing Supermaxi, we continue on to Parque de la Madre (with the new McDonalds restaurant on the right). We continue past Millennium Plaza and merge into Avenida 12 de Abril.

Supermaxi Grocery Stores in Cuenca

The Supermaxi shown in the video is just one of three here in Cuenca. Here are the three Supermaxi locations:

  • Supermaxi El Vergel:  as shown on the video, it is located just two blocks from the stadium on the corner of Alfonso Cordero Palacios.
  • Supermaxi Las Americas: on the corner of Avenida Ordoñez Lazo and Avenida de las Americas in the Plaza de las Americas. Enter the Plaza off of Camino del Tejar.
  • Supermaxi Miraflores: located just two blocks from the airport on Av. Elia Liut and  Gil Ramirez.

Cuenca Tour: Driving to Mall del Rio

Mall del Rio is the largest shopping center in Cuenca, Ecuador. In this video, you’ll see how to drive there from the old city along Avenida Solano.

Drive Avenida Don Bosco on Your Cuenca Tour

On this drive, we start at Tres Puentes (3 Bridges) on Avenida Solano and travel the full length of Avenida Don Bosco to Avenida de las Americas. This road runs almost parallel to Avenida Primero de Mayo.

Avenida Don Bosco is famous for its roast cuy and pork – sold right on the street. Read more about pork and cuy .

Cuenca Tour of Avenida Primero de Mayo

On this drive, we start on Avenida de las Americas and travel down Primero de Mayo. On the left, is the Yanuncay River.

As we come to the end of the video, we arrive at the redondel tres puentes (Three Bridges Rotary) and turn right onto Avenida Don Bosco.

What’s Nearby on Primero de Mayo?  This road is great for walkers. There is a nice sidewalk – separated from the main road and runs along the Yanuncay river. There are many green areas and parks the length of the road.

Cuenca City Tour of Avendia 10 de Agosto, Parque Paraiso and Solca

On this drive we’ll start on Avenida del Paraiso by Solca (Cuenca’s famous cancer clinic) and pass Parque Paraiso. We travel the full length of the Avenue to Avenida Loja.

To the left of Avenida 10 de Agosto is the Yanuncay River. As we drive, we go through a number of redondels (traffic circles or roundabouts).

Driving Tour of Avenida Solano, Cuenca

We begin on 12 de Abril (at the foot of the stairs heading to El Centro) and travel toward 3 Puentes. At the beginning of the Avenue, you’ll see the headquarters of Banco Pichincha.

What’s Nearby on Avenida Solano, Cuenca?  At the corner of 12 de Abril and Solano (where the video begins) you can go left (on foot) and head up into the city center on a walking tour.

Also at that intersection, you’ll see the main office for Banco Pichincha in Cuenca. If you follow Solano from one end to the other, you’ll cross Remigio Crespo, 10 de Agosto, Primero de Mayo and Don Bosco. Avenida Solano ends at Tres Puentes (Three Bridges). From there, it’s super close to Mall del Rio.

And there you have it. Our top 12 Cuenca tour videos. 

How did we shoot these videos? These were all shot with a GoPro and Fat Gecko Suction Mount  mounted to the inside of the windshield of our ’94 Trooper. The bus tour time lapse was shot with our GoPro mounted on the UltraClamp  on top of a double-decker bus.

Cuenca tour

Double-Decker Bus Time Lapse in Cuenca

Over the past year, we’ve published a number of driving videos around Cuenca Ecuador . In this video, we want to share something a little different. This video is a complete timelapse of the two-hour double-decker bus trip around Cuenca.

tour of cuenca ecuador

We shot this video on top of the large red double-decker bus. You can catch it at Parque Calderon in Cuenca’s downtown.

Note:  As you’ll notice in the video, the bus loops around the main park (Parque Calderon) before leaving the downtown.

Tour of Cuenca Ecuador: Double-Decker Bus Time Lapse (7:24)

This video lasts 7 minutes 24 seconds. Would you like to see more detail? Check out the second video for the same trip at half the speed.

Tour of Cuenca Ecuador: Time Lapse Video (Half Speed 15:06)

This video is identical to the first one, except that is slowed to half speed. If you are thinking of moving to Cuenca, this might be the one for you.

doubledecker bus tour cuenca

Have you taken a city tour of Cuenca? What’s your favorite area? Planning a trip? What area do you want to see most?

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Hi, I'm Bryan Haines . And I'm a co-founder of Storyteller.Travel . I'm a traveler and photographer.

I also blog about photography on Storyteller Tech .

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    ELITE TOURS, Loja, Ecuador. 4,648 likes · 2 talking about this · 319 were here. Es una operadora de turismo, que ofrece a su clientela y publico en general servicios de alta calidad y comodidad.


    Nos puedes ubicar en nuestras oficinas en la ciudad de Cuenca: Av. Remigio Crespo 14-08 y Santa Cruz; y en la ciudad de Loja: Av. Orillas del Zamora y Bracamoros

  3. Elite Tours-Alquiler de vehículos turísticos en Ecuador

    Elite Tours: Conectando Cuenca y Loja con Excelencia en el Transporte. En el entorno de transporte de pasajeros entre las históricas ciudades de Cuenca y Loja, Elite Tours se erige como un pilar de confiabilidad y calidad.

  4. Elitetours Cuenca

    Elitetours Cuenca está no Facebook. Participe do Facebook para se conectar com Elitetours Cuenca e outros que você talvez conheça. O Facebook oferece às...

  5. Elite Tours: opiniones, fotos, número de teléfono y dirección de

    Opiniones sobre Elite Tours. 4,2. / 49 reseñas y 119 puntuaciones. La calificación se forma en función de las opiniones de los clientes, las calificaciones y las encuestas telefónicas. Escribir una opinión. Ordenar por:

  6. Elite Tours del austro

    Horarios de salida a Loja, he estado llamando y ningún número funciona. Urgente números telefónicos del Elite Tours de Cuenca.

  7. Elite Tours

    Has anyone recently used Elite Tours as a city to city transfer service. I found a link to Facebook and the reviews were not very good but that was from 2017. We need to go from Loja to Cuenca and will have 2 large bags.

  8. Opiniones de Elite tours. (Agencia De Viajes) en Cuenca (Azuay)

    Es un servicio de transporte en busetas entre Loja y Cuenca, con salidas cada hora desde las 5 de la mañana hasta las 9 de la noche, aunque según la demanda hay turnos extras, la mayoría de empleados son amables y ayudan con las maletas, el viaje dura entre 3 y 3:30 horas dependiendo del tráfico.

  9. Elite tours: opiniones, fotos, número de teléfono y dirección de

    Elite tours, arrios El Batán, Cuenca: fotos y 40 opiniones en Nicelocal.ec. Datos de contacto.

  10. Elitetours Cuenca

    Elitetours Cuenca is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Elitetours Cuenca and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.

  11. Elite Tours del austro

    Travel Agency. Cuenca. Save. Share. Tips 5. Photos 1. 6.9/ 10. 13. ratings. See what your friends are saying about Elite Tours del austro. By creating an account you are able to follow friends and experts you trust and see the places they've recommended. Sign up with Facebook. or Sign up with email. 5 Tips and reviews. Log in to leave a tip here.

  12. Cuenca to Loja

    Check out Elite-Tours!! They have a really good private service. The minivan (max.8 persons) takes 3 hours (or less) nonestop. We took a van with the agency from Loja to Cuenca two days ago and it was really worth to pay a bit more (12 dollars each), but buses take 5 hours an stop everywhere....

  13. Elite tours

    Información de contacto. Elite tours. 4X3G+3W3, Ave Remigio Crespo Toral, Cuenca, Ecuador. Cuenca (Ecuador), Provincia de Azuay. Indicaciones. Teléfono: 098 169 8269. Horas: Abrir · Cierra 20:00.

  14. Elite Tours

    Há um contato principal do Elite Tours? Você pode contatar a Elite Tours por telefone usando o número (07) 256-5064.


    ELITE TOURS, Loja, Ecuador. 4,600 likes · 3 talking about this · 324 were here. Es una operadora de turismo, que ofrece a su clientela y publico en general servicios de alta calida

  16. ELITE TOURS in Loja

    Address: 1101111, Loja, Telephone: 0981698269. Web site: twitter.com/EliteTours_1 ⇒. Opening hours: Monday:05:30-20:30. Tuesday:05:30-20:30. Wednesday:05:30-20:30. Thursday:05:30-20:30. Friday:05:30-20:30. Saturday:05:30-20:30. Sunday:08:00-20:30. More about ELITE TOURS.

  17. Elite Tours

    8 visitors have checked in at Elite Tours. Write a short note about what you liked, what to order, or other helpful advice for visitors.

  18. Elite Tours Abroad

    Some of the "hot spots" are Guayaquil, Cuenca, Loja, Vilcabamba, Salinas and Quito to name a few main locations. We also visit areas for fun like Cajas National Park, Inti Ñan Museum and the Middle of the World.

  19. Loja

    (Loja to Cuenca $8, 5 to 7 hours, and no toilet) San Luis buses (with a toilet) travel from Loja to Cuenca using the national park route and take 4 1/2 hours, $8. Regular departures every day. Piura, Peru (Loja International 8$, 8.5 hours).

  20. Cuenca to Loja

    There are 3 ways to get from Cuenca to Loja by bus, taxi, or car. Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner.

  21. Cuenca to Loja Self-Guided Tours

    Add a tour to your personal transport reservation from Cuenca to Loja. Select from a tour theme that fits your vibe, and still get to Loja in time for a good night's sleep.

  22. elite tours cuenca

    Puede contactar a Elite tours por teléfono al 098 169 8269. La categoría principal de Elite tours es Agencias de Viajes.... Some of the "hot spots" are Guayaquil, Cuenca, Loja, Vilcabamba, Salinas and Quito to name a few main locations. We also visit areas for fun like Cajas... Es un servicio de transporte en busetas entre Loja y Cuenca ...

  23. Cuenca Tour: The Best of Cuenca Ecuador in 12-Video City Tour

    Tour of Avenida Loja, Cuenca, Ecuador. Now we'll tour the length of Avenida Loja in Cuenca, Ecuador. Starting at Avenida de las Americas and ending at Avenida 12 de Abril (runs parallel to the Tomebamba River). This area is affectionately known as Gringolandia by both expats and locals.