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Cruise Ship Salaries: How Much Do Workers Really Make?

As someone who loves to travel, I’ve always been curious about how much money cruise ship workers make. It’s easy to assume that they earn a lot, given the luxurious nature of the industry. But as I delved deeper into the topic, I realized that the answer is not as straightforward as I thought.

In this article, I’ll be breaking down the salaries of different cruise ship staff, including captains, waiters, chefs, bartenders, doctors, nurses, and entertainers, and discussing the employee benefits that come with the job.

While the median average salary for cruise ship workers may be less than that of the average American, it’s important to consider the unique nature of the job. Cruise ship contracts can last anywhere between 2 and 11 months, with most lasting 4 to 8 months, meaning that employees have the opportunity to earn a significant amount of money in a short amount of time.

Additionally, the employee benefits that come with the job, such as free room and board, can be a major perk. So, let’s take a closer look at the earning potential and benefits of working on a cruise ship.

  • The median average salary for a cruise ship worker is less than that of the average American, but more than the average salary of many other countries.
  • Cruise ship employees usually work on contracts that can last between 2 and 11 months, with most lasting 4 to 8 months, and they get to go home for a couple of months in between contracts.
  • Cruise ship staff do not get access to free wifi, but they may receive benefits such as accommodation, food, laundry, training, flights to and from the ship, medical care, health insurance, dental insurance, retirement plan, life insurance, and cruise discounts for family members.
  • Salaries of cruise ship staff vary greatly depending on their position and level of experience, with the average salary of a cruise ship captain being $98,000 and the average cruise director salary being $58,887. Cruise ship waiters can make anywhere from $1,200 to $5,000 per month, while cruise ship doctors can earn between $7,500 and $12,000 per month depending on their level of experience.

Earning Potential

As I read about the earning potential of different cruise ship staff, I noticed that salaries can vary greatly depending on the position and level of experience, with some employees earning as little as $1,200 per month and others making up to $177k per year.

It’s worth noting that cruise ship contracts can last anywhere between 2 and 11 months, with most lasting 4 to 8 months. During this time, living expenses such as accommodation and food are usually covered by the cruise line, but employees may not have access to free Wi-Fi.

It’s clear that there is a significant range in earning potential for cruise ship staff, with some positions offering much higher salaries than others. However, it’s important to consider the duration of contracts and the fact that living expenses are often taken care of by the cruise line.

Ultimately, it’s up to each individual to weigh the pros and cons of working on a cruise ship and decide if the earning potential is worth the time and effort required.

Salary Breakdown

Let me break down the different pay scales for various positions on a cruise ship. While the average salary of a cruise ship worker may be less than that of the average American, it’s important to note that the earning potential varies greatly depending on the position held.

For instance, a cruise ship captain can earn an average salary of $98,000, while a newly-appointed cruise director may make around $45,000. When negotiating pay, it’s important to consider the discrepancies that may exist between different positions.

For example, cruise ship chefs usually have several years of experience working in similar roles in luxury hotels, restaurants or other high-volume food service facilities. The executive chef on a cruise ship can make up to $6,500 per month, depending on the ship. However, cruise ship waiters may only make $1,200 per month for a junior position or $5,000 per month for the head waiter on an ultra-luxury cruise ship.

It’s important to do your research and negotiate based on your experience and the position you’re applying for in order to ensure fair compensation.

Employee Benefits

I’ve always heard that employee benefits can make a huge difference in job satisfaction, and working on a cruise ship is no exception.

When it comes to housing, most cruise ship employees are provided with accommodation while they work on board. The type of accommodation depends on the position and the ship, but it can range from shared cabins to private rooms with a balcony. Some cruise lines even offer housing for employees in between contracts, which is a great benefit for those who want to save money on rent.

Another important benefit for cruise ship workers is vacation time. While contracts can last between 2 and 11 months, most employees get to go home for a couple of months in between contracts. This gives workers a chance to rest, recharge, and spend time with family and friends.

In addition, cruise lines may offer discounts on cruises for family members of employees, which is a great way to enjoy the perks of working on a cruise ship while also spending quality time with loved ones.

Overall, the benefits offered to cruise ship employees can make a big difference in their quality of life and job satisfaction.

Captain Salaries

Honestly, being a captain on a cruise ship seems like a high-paying and prestigious job. According to the table below, the average salary for a cruise ship captain is $98,000. However, this varies depending on the size of the ship and the captain’s experience. A less experienced captain of a small cruise ship can expect to earn around $44,000, while a captain of a mega-ship with over 20 years of experience can earn up to $177,000. Captains can also receive bonuses of up to $40,000 per year, as well as profit sharing of up to $3,000.

To become a captain on a cruise ship, a candidate must have several years of experience as a deck officer and must possess a master’s license from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. The experience requirements vary depending on the size of the ship, but most captains have between 5 and 10 years of experience before being promoted to the role. It’s important to note that being a captain on a cruise ship is not just about sailing the ship. Captains are also responsible for the safety of the ship and its passengers, managing the crew, and ensuring that the ship runs smoothly.

Cruise Director Salaries

From my research, the cruise director position seems to offer a decent salary with the potential for growth. As the head of the entertainment department, the cruise director is responsible for organizing and overseeing all onboard activities and events.

This includes everything from live performances to trivia games and dance parties. They also play a key role in ensuring that guests have a memorable and enjoyable experience while on the ship.

To become a cruise director, one typically needs several years of experience in the entertainment industry, as well as strong leadership and organizational skills. They must have the ability to manage a large team of staff and work collaboratively with other departments on the ship.

Additionally, good communication and public speaking skills are a must, as the cruise director often serves as the public face of the ship and is expected to interact with guests on a regular basis. Overall, the cruise director role offers a challenging and rewarding career path for those with a passion for entertainment and hospitality.

Waiter and Chef Salaries

Based on my research, waiters and chefs working on luxury cruise ships can earn significantly higher salaries than their counterparts in traditional restaurants and hotels. A junior waiter on a cruise ship can earn up to $1,200 per month, while the head waiter on an ultra-luxury cruise ship can make up to $5,000 per month. These salaries are due to the job responsibilities that come with working on a cruise ship, such as working long hours and being away from home for months at a time.

Additionally, the industry trends show that cruise ship companies are willing to pay more to attract and retain talented staff. Cruise ship chefs usually have several years of experience working in similar roles in luxury hotels, restaurants, or other high-volume food service facilities. An executive chef on a cruise ship can make up to $6,500 per month, depending on the ship.

These salaries are also due to the job responsibilities that come with working on a cruise ship, such as preparing a variety of meals for thousands of guests each day. The industry trends show that cruise ship companies prioritize high-quality food and dining experiences for guests, which means that they are willing to pay more for skilled chefs.

Doctor and Nurse Salaries

I was surprised to learn how much medical professionals on luxury cruise lines can earn, given the importance of their roles in ensuring the well-being of guests. Cruise ship medical staff play a crucial role in providing necessary medical attention to guests who may fall ill or get injured on the ship. They often work long hours and may have to deal with a variety of medical emergencies, but the salaries they earn reflect their expertise and the importance of their work.

The table below shows the salaries of cruise ship medical staff, including doctors and nurses. In addition to competitive salaries, cruise ship medical staff may also receive benefits such as accommodation, food, and medical care. Working conditions on a cruise ship can be challenging, but for those who enjoy cultural diversity, career growth opportunities, and a unique work-life balance, a career as a cruise ship medical professional may be worth considering.

As with any job, there are pros and cons to working as a cruise ship medical professional. On the one hand, the opportunity to travel and work in a unique environment can be a major draw. On the other hand, the long hours and lack of access to certain amenities, such as free wifi, may not be for everyone. Overall, the salaries of cruise ship medical staff reflect the importance of their work and the value they bring to the cruise industry.

Other Cruise Ship Jobs and Services

Now that we’ve covered the salaries of cruise ship doctors and nurses, let’s move on to other jobs and services offered onboard.

One of the most popular amenities on a cruise ship is the spa. Most cruise ships have spas that offer a wide range of services, such as massages, facials, and body treatments. The cost of these services can vary depending on the cruise line and the type of service, but they’re typically more expensive than what you’d pay on land. However, many people are willing to pay the extra cost for the convenience and luxury of having spa services available to them while on vacation.

In addition to spa services, cruise ships also offer a variety of onboard activities. These can range from fitness classes to cooking demonstrations to art auctions. Some cruise lines even have onboard water parks and zip lines. The cost of these activities is usually included in the price of the cruise, but some may have an additional fee.

It’s important to check with the cruise line to see what activities are available and if there are any extra costs associated with them. With so many options for entertainment and relaxation, there’s never a dull moment on a cruise ship.

What are the working conditions like for cruise ship workers?

Living quarters vary depending on one’s job, but most crew members share small cabins with limited privacy. Work-life balance is a challenge due to long hours and being away from home for months. Many find the experience rewarding despite the hardships.

How do cruise ship companies recruit and hire their employees?

The recruitment process for cruise ship employees involves rigorous screening, background checks, and interviews. Qualifications depend on the job, but most require previous experience and certification. It’s a competitive industry, with thousands of applicants vying for each position.

What kind of training is required for cruise ship staff?

To work on a cruise ship, certification requirements vary depending on the position. Language proficiency is important for customer-facing roles. Training is provided on board and may include safety, hospitality, and job-specific skills.

What are some of the biggest challenges that cruise ship workers face?

Working on a cruise ship can be mentally challenging due to long working hours and isolation from friends and family. Mental health support is essential to combat these challenges and ensure a fulfilling work experience.

How do cruise ship workers spend their free time while on board?

During free time, cruise ship workers can participate in various activities such as visiting ports, watching shows, using the gym, or relaxing by the pool. Socializing opportunities include crew parties, bars, and organized events.

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How Much Do Cruise Ship Workers Really Earn? The Truth About Their Pay

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Have you ever found yourself mesmerised by the glamorous life on a cruise ship? I mean, who hasn’t? It’s like a floating city filled with endless entertainment, exotic destinations, and the crew that makes everything happen. 

But have you ever wondered about the folks working behind the scenes? You know, the cheerful waiter or the ever-smiling cruise director. How much do they really make for living the dream at sea? 

A welcoming group of waitstaff aboard an MSC cruise ship, dressed in crisp white uniforms with bow ties and smiling as they prepare to provide guests with exceptional dining service.

Let’s unpack the paychecks and perks of cruise ship staff from the high seas with Carnival, Disney, and Royal Caribbean. And who knows? By the end of this article, you might even consider a career on a cruise ship.

What’s in the Wallet of Cruise Ship Crews?

Curious about the earnings of those who keep your cruise experience smooth sailing? Well, the financial tides may surprise you. 

While the median salary for a cruise ship worker might be less than your average Joe in the States. Back in 2018, Carnival Group, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings, and Royal Caribbean Group shared some figures:

  • Carnival Group dished out about $16,622
  • Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings was a bit more generous with $20,101
  • Royal Caribbean Group wasn’t far behind at $19,396

We haven’t seen new stats since 2018, so hopefully, those salaries have gone up since then. 

Global Earnings

We can also compare these with the median annual earnings of the populations of various countries:

  • The USA boasts a hefty $46,625
  • Down under in Australia, it’s $35,518
  • The UK’s at a cosy $25,383
  • Spain and Lithuania hover around $25,000 and $21,000, respectively
  • Russia grabs $16,163
  • Chile’s chilling at $10,058
  • And India, bless, is at $2,473

Seeing the big picture? The average cruise crew member’s salary might look slim in a US wallet, but it’s a fortune in many corners of the globe. It’s no wonder that dreamy three-bedroom sea-view houses are within reach for many crew members from developing nations.

The Reality of Cruise Ship Life

Before you jump ship and sign up, let’s talk hours and contracts. It’s not all sunshine and sea breezes; some crew members grind up to sixteen hours a day, every day of the week.

Meanwhile, the entertainers might just work a couple of hours daily. Contracts can range from a couple of months to nearly a year, but you get a break to touch base now and then.

A lively host engages with an enthusiastic audience aboard a Carnival cruise ship, captured in a moment of interactive entertainment in the ship's theater, with guests raising their hands and participating in the fun event.

Perks on Board: More Than Just a Salary

Life at sea comes with its own set of perks. We’re talking about basics like food, accommodation, laundry, and nice-to-haves like training, medical care, and even flights to and from the ship. 

And let’s not forget the discounts for family cruises. However, if you want to Instagram your adventures, you’ll have to pay for the WiFi or hunt down hotspots on port days.

Who Makes What

Ever wonder who’s bagging the most loot? From the captain’s deck to the service floors, here’s a sneak peek:

The captains command an impressive $8,200 monthly. With potential bonuses and perks, their leadership not only steers the ship but secures a prosperous voyage for themselves.

Related reading: Revealing What Cruise Ship Captains Really Earn

Captain Henrik Loy stands proudly in front of Royal Caribbean's Ovation of the Seas, with the massive cruise ship's hull towering in the background, moored with thick blue ropes, illustrating the grand scale of the vessel and the esteem of its captain.

Cruise Directors

At $4,900 monthly, cruise directors are the heart of onboard entertainment, orchestrating a symphony of activities that bring joy and laughter to passengers. Their earnings reflect the pivotal role they play in enhancing the cruise experience, making every moment on the high seas memorable.

Medical and Engineering Marvels

The unsung heroes of health and machinery, doctors and chief engineers pocket a handsome $9,750 and $9,000, respectively. Their expertise ensures the wellbeing of all onboard and the smooth sailing of the ship, marking them as invaluable assets to the crew.

Royal Caribbean's Chief Engineer, Staale Johan Ludviksen, stands confidently in the engine room, donning his white uniform with epaulettes indicating his rank, set against the complex machinery of the cruise ship's operational heart.

The Culinary and Service Maestros

Waiters and chefs, with their impeccable service and culinary delights, earn around $3,300 monthly. Their dedication to gastronomic excellence and guest satisfaction adds a rich flavour to the cruise experience.

A team of chefs in white uniforms and chef hats busily preparing meals in the bustling kitchen of a Carnival cruise ship, showcasing the focused and skilled culinary work that goes into creating exquisite dining experiences for guests.

The Entertainers and Beauty Specialists

From guest entertainers earning up to $6,000 to beauticians, massage therapists, and nail technicians, each making $3,300, these professionals add sparkle and relaxation to the voyage. Whether it’s through captivating performances or rejuvenating spa treatments, they ensure guests enjoy a holistic and entertaining journey.

A comedian performing at the Punchliner Comedy Club on a Carnival cruise ship, engaging with the audience, under the warm spotlight against the backdrop of a brick wall with the club's logo, creating a classic comedy club atmosphere.

Supporting Stars

The hardworking individuals behind the scenes, including gift shop assistants, photographers, musicians, and youth staff, with earnings ranging from $2,150 to $2,400, play crucial roles in enriching the cruise experience.

Shoppers and staff in a fashionable boutique aboard the MSC Divina, browsing through a colorful display of handbags and accessories, with the store's modern design and lighting creating an inviting shopping experience.

Is a Cruise Ship Job Worth the Plunge?

Chatting about cruise ship life and the money that comes with it has been a blast. The salary might not be a landlubber’s dream, but with all expenses covered and some unique perks, it’s an adventure worth considering. 

Whether you’re drawn to the sea for the travel, the job, or just the thrill, knowing the score helps you navigate your decisions. Who knows? Maybe the next time we talk, you’ll send postcards from exotic locations, courtesy of your new life on a cruise ship. 

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I'm Hannah and I've been cruising for as long as I can remember.

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Cruise Ship Salaries: A Comprehensive Analysis

Cruise ship careers have long been alluring, offering individuals an opportunity to work while traveling the world. However, one of the significant curiosities among those contemplating such a profession is the aspect of salary. The remuneration structure in the cruise ship industry is multifaceted and varies widely across different positions and companies. This article aims to delve into the intricacies of cruise ship salaries, providing insights into the factors influencing pay scales, typical salary ranges for various roles, and additional compensation considerations.

Factors Influencing Cruise Ship Salaries

Several factors contribute to the variation in salaries among cruise ship employees. One crucial determinant is the job position or rank held by an individual. Crew members are categorized into various roles, each with its distinct responsibilities, qualifications, and associated compensation. For instance, senior officers such as captains, chief engineers, and hotel directors command higher salaries compared to entry-level positions like stewards, waitstaff, or retail associates.

Moreover, the cruise line itself plays a pivotal role in determining salary structures. Established companies may offer more competitive wages and additional perks to attract and retain top talent. Additionally, the size and reputation of the cruise line, as well as the region or market it serves, can influence the salary range for its employees.

Typical Salary Ranges for Different Positions

1. Officers and Managers:

Cruise Ship Salaries

Captains: Salaries for ship captains can range from $80,000 to $200,000 annually, depending on the cruise line and vessel size. Chief Engineers: Their salaries typically fall between $75,000 and $150,000 per year. Hotel Directors: They may earn anywhere from $60,000 to $120,000 annually.

2. Service and Hospitality Staff:

Waitstaff and Bartenders: Entry-level positions in dining and beverage service often start around $1,200 to $1,800 per month, with opportunities for tips. Housekeeping Staff: Cabin stewards or housekeeping attendants might earn between $1,000 to $1,500 per month, depending on experience and performance.

3. Entertainment and Activities:

Cruise Directors: Their salaries range from $3,000 to $6,000 per month, considering experience and the cruise line’s scale. Performers and Entertainers: Salaries for performers vary widely but can range from $1,500 to $10,000 per month, based on talent and role.

Additional Compensation Considerations

In addition to base salaries, cruise ship employees often benefit from various compensatory elements:

  • Gratuities and Tips: Many positions on cruise ships allow staff to receive gratuities or tips from passengers, augmenting their overall earnings.
  • Benefits and Perks: Employees often receive accommodation, meals, and access to onboard facilities free of charge, significantly reducing living expenses.
  • Contract Length and Bonuses: Longer contracts or re-signing with a company for multiple terms may lead to bonuses or enhanced benefits.

Best time to book a Cruise

Cruise ship salaries vary widely across positions, cruise lines, and regions served. While some roles offer lucrative compensations, others, especially entry-level positions, may have more modest salaries. Factors such as job responsibilities, experience, and the cruise line’s reputation significantly influence remuneration. Additionally, non-monetary benefits such as accommodation, meals, and travel opportunities contribute to the overall appeal of cruise ship employment.

In conclusion, individuals considering a career on a cruise ship should thoroughly research and understand the specific salary structures, additional benefits, and growth opportunities associated with different positions before making informed decisions about pursuing this unique and adventurous profession.

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How Much Do Cruise Ship Workers Make?

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If you’re considering getting a job on a cruise ship or a curious passenger, you’re probably wondering how much do cruise ship workers make? Although the salary is low, there are minimal living expenses while you’re on contract. Many cruise ship workers can save a high percentage of their income.

According to Business Insider ,  the median annual earnings of cruise ship workers is between $16,000 to $20,000. But top positions can make over $100,000 per year.

While it may sound like the exotic vacation of a lifetime, there is much work behind the scenes. From the cabin attendant to the captain, every role is important.

This article will help you understand how much cruise ship workers make and provide information on some of the positions on a ship.

Table of Contents

Cruise ship captain navigating Panama Canal from bridge

Business Insider says cruise ship workers earn an average annual salary of $16,000 to $20,000 . Leadership positions can make substantially more with a yearly salary from $30,000 to over $100,000.

Cruise ship workers make far less than the median annual income in the US of $31,561 (in 2017). While the median yearly earnings of cruise ship workers are low relative to the US, there are plenty of benefits from working on a cruise ship, including:

  • Free food and accommodations while working.
  • The chance to see the world.
  • Onboard discounts.
  • Minimal living expenses.
  • Flights to the vessel.
  • Discounts for you and your family.

It’s important to remember that most cruise ship workers earn towards the lower end of the salary range. Most cruise ship workers make $10,000-$15,000 before gratuities. At the top, the cruise ship captain can earn over $177,000 annually, depending on the ship’s size and years of experience.

It’s important to remember that the annual salary figures don’t consider the number of hours worked. Crew members work long hours of up to 14 hours per day, seven days a week.

Some positions, such as the ship’s entertainers, may only work a few hours daily.

Cruise ship employee contracts are between two and eleven months long , with the average lasting four to eight months with a two- or three-month break between contracts.

Working on a cruise ship means the workers are often away from family for long periods.

Like every organization, the salary of cruise ship employees varies by position, experience, and skills.

While compiling this post, we checked several sources, including Indeed , Payscale , ZipRecruiter , and Business Insider . We also spoke with 17 current and former cruise ship workers to get an idea of their salaries and what life is like working on a cruise ship.

Cruise Ship Captain

Average Salary: $98,000

Responsibilities: A captain’s role encompasses the overall operation and safety of the vessel, requiring a blend of maritime expertise and leadership abilities.

Cruise ship captains are responsible for:

  • Navigating the ship
  • Overseeing the distribution and use of food, fuel, and water
  • Ensuring passenger safety and satisfaction
  • Maintaining efficient operations throughout the ship

A cruise ship captain’s primary responsibility is navigating the ship, which involves plotting courses, interpreting weather patterns, and making crucial decisions about routes and speeds. The captain also ensures the ship’s maintenance and adherence to safety standards, including overseeing maintenance works and ensuring proper cargo stowage per maritime regulations​ ​​ ​.

The captain liaises with port authorities for smooth transit and compliance with various regulations. Captains are on call 24 hours a day and must be ready to take charge in emergencies.

They also play a crucial role in enhancing the guest experience by socializing and greeting passengers, attending to guest complaints, and ensuring high customer service. A captain’s multifaceted role demands strong communication, problem-solving skills, and the ability to remain calm in emergencies, making it a challenging yet rewarding position​ ​​ ​.

Cruise Director

Average Salary: $93,000

Responsibilities: As a senior officer on a cruise ship, the cruise director is pivotal in shaping the passenger experience. A cruise director is responsible for all onboard hospitality, entertainment, and social events.

The responsibilities of a cruise director include organizing and scheduling various activities and events, leading the entertainment team, and ensuring passengers’ safety and satisfaction. The cruise director also plays a significant role in public relations, making announcements and acting as the cruise company’s public face.

This role demands strong leadership, communication, and organizational skills, as they manage a diverse staff across multiple departments and maintain high service standards.

Entertainment Staff

Average Salary: $40,000

Responsibilities: Cruise ship entertainment staff are responsible for various activities to entertain passengers. This includes socializing, leading activities, hosting events like game shows and karaoke nights, teaching classes, live music, and performing in the ship’s shows—entertainers, including singers, dancers, and comedians.

Security Officer

A security guard standing next to the Virgin Voyages logo on the cruise ship Scarlet Lady

Average Salary: $35,000

Responsibilities: Cruise ship Security Officers are responsible for maintaining the safety and security of passengers and crew. Their duties include supervising entry points, enforcing ship rules and regulations, conducting safety inspections, coordinating with local port security, and overseeing luggage screenings. Security officers require security training and usually come from a military or police background, excellent communication skills, and the ability to work in a multicultural environment with language and cultural differences.

Engine Crew

Chief engineer.

Salary: $85,000

Responsibilities: The chief engineer on a cruise ship has a vital role that involves overseeing all the technical operations of the vessel, including engineering, electrical, and mechanical divisions. Their key responsibilities encompass maintaining and repairing the ship’s machinery.

The chief engineer ensures everything from propulsion systems and fresh water to air conditioning and life-saving equipment functions properly and meets safety standards. This role also requires managing a team of engineers, ensuring tasks are completed efficiently, and maintaining the ship’s operational readiness for inspections.

In addition to technical duties, the Chief Engineer must possess strong communication skills for liaising with other ship departments and external suppliers. They coordinate modifications and improvements to the vessel’s machinery and provide technical support.

Safety is a paramount concern, and the Chief Engineer must know maritime safety laws and regulations, including fire prevention protocols. This role demands technical expertise, strong leadership, and the ability to manage a diverse team effectively in various situations, including emergencies.

Operations crew members on a cruise ship

Salary: $37,000

Responsibilities: Deckhands on cruise ships are integral to the vessel’s maintenance and safety. They are responsible for upkeep of the ship’s exterior, decks, and common areas.

A deckhand’s duties include:

  • Patrolling the decks
  • Ensuring passenger safety
  • Assisting with ship loading and securing
  • Performing maintenance tasks such as cleaning, painting, and repairing damage

The role requires physical strength, endurance, and knowledge of ropes and rigging. The job involves handling heavy equipment and working in all weather conditions. Deckhands typically work long hours and must adhere to safety protocols.


Hotel manager.

Salary: $50,000

Responsibilities: The Hotel Manager on a cruise ship oversees the Hotel Division, including Entertainment, Food and Beverage, Housekeeping, and the Purser’s Office.

A hotel manager’s primary responsibilities involve

  • Ensuring high standards of operation across these departments
  • Managing hotel staff,
  • Supervising customer service
  • Coordinating with other ship departments
  • Overseeing financial aspects of the ship

They also handle guest queries and complaints and are responsible for onboard sales, maintenance, and administrative tasks. The Hotel Manager plays a crucial role in shaping the passengers’ experience and maintaining the quality and success of the cruise services.

Cabin Steward

cruise ship average employees

Salary: $18,000

Responsibilities: Cabin stewards are responsible for the upkeep and cleanliness of passenger cabins. A stateroom attendant’s primary responsibility is to ensure a comfortable stay for guests. Their duties include cleaning, arranging bedding, stocking supplies, and providing room service.


Salary: $40,000

Responsibilities: The receptionist at guest services is a crucial frontline employee responsible for ensuring a positive guest experience. Receptionists manage inquiries and requests, provide information on ship amenities, and assist with embarkation and debarkation processes.

Executive Chef

cruise ship average employees

Salary: $62,000

Responsibilities: An Executive Chef manages the entire galley staff, ensures food quality and safety, and oversees food preparation for guests and crew. The executive chef also handles administrative tasks like ordering and inventory control, budget management, and ensuring compliance with health regulations.

Responsibilities: Servers are responsible for providing an excellent dining experience for guests. A server role includes:

  • Taking and delivering orders
  • Maintaining a clean and organized dining area
  • Adhering to safety and hygiene standards

It’s not easy serving thousands of passengers every night. Cruise ship servers manage dozens of tables, ensuring fast and top-tier customer service.

Salary: $17,000

Responsibilities: Bartenders are responsible for mixing and serving drinks, providing excellent service to guests, maintaining clean bar areas, and managing beverage stock and costs.

Medical Team

Cruise ship doctor.

Salary : $80,000

Responsibilities : Cruise ship doctors are responsible for providing medical care to passengers and crew, handling various medical emergencies, and managing the ship’s medical facility. They typically need a specialization in emergency medicine or family medicine and a minimum of three years post-graduate clinical experience.

Salary : $70,000

Responsibilities : Cruise ship nurses provide medical care to passengers and crew, respond to emergencies, and administer treatments. They need a nursing license, at least three years of relevant clinical experience, and certifications like ACLS.

Cruise Ship Worker Benefits

cruise ship average employees

Working on a cruise ship offers unique benefits catering to a different lifestyle than traditional land-based jobs. The long hours and time away from home aren’t for everyone.

Despite the disadvantages, the allure of the sea is hard to resist. Thousands of people flock to the cruise industry for an adventurous career.

Here are the benefits of working on a cruise ship:

  • Financial Aspects : Cruise ship employees may have a lower salary than the average American, but their living costs are significantly reduced. Cruise lines cover almost all the daily expenses crew members face at sea. As a result, crew members can save most of their earnings.
  • Comprehensive Employee Benefits : Cruise ship workers receive various benefits, including accommodation, food, training, laundry services, medical care, drink vouchers, and flights to and from the ship. Additionally, many cruise line employers offer access to cruise discounts for family members, contributions to retirement plans, and health and dental insurance.
  • Accommodation Details : Crew members receive free accommodation on the ship. Most crew cabins are below sea level on deck 0 and are more functional than luxurious. Crew cabins lack amenities like portholes. Higher-ranking staff members have private cabins and more spacious stateroom accommodations.
  • Dining and Refreshments : Cruise lines provide employees with complimentary food and basic drinks. Crew lines also provide drink vouchers and alcohol packages at reduced rates.
  • Deals and Discounts : Cruise staff receive various perks and discounts, including reduced cruise fares for family members.
  • Cultural and Travel Opportunities : Working on a cruise ship still offers the benefit of traveling to various destinations and experiencing different cultures. Crew members can get off the ship on their days off and explore the ports of call.

This blend of financial savings, unique benefits, and the opportunity to travel the world makes working on a cruise ship an attractive option for those seeking an unconventional career path. However, potential employees should weigh these benefits against the unique challenges of this work environment, such as long hours, strict regulations, and limited personal space.

Are there Expenses Incurred for Working on a Cruise Ship?

Royal Caribbean hotel staff pushing an empty cart

While working on a cruise ship offers several financial benefits, such as free meals and accommodation, crew members may still encounter additional expenses during their tenure. Here’s a closer look at what these expenses might entail:

Laundry Services : Cruise lines provide complimentary laundry services for staff uniforms. However, personal clothing items may incur a small charge for cleaning. Additionally, essentials like laundry soap and ironing services are available at discounted rates for staff members.

Communication and Internet Access : One of the significant costs for crew members is staying connected. While cruise ships offer “internet cafes” for crew usage, the access is not free. Crew members can purchase internet packages at a discounted rate compared to guests. It’s important to note that the internet connections for guests and crew are usually separate, and staff are generally not allowed to use the internet in guest areas.

Personal Grooming and Relaxation Services : Crew members can use the ship’s salon and spa services, such as haircuts, manicures, pedicures, and massages, at discounted rates. Some cruise ships encourage staff to utilize these facilities, especially when the boat is docked and most passengers are off-board.

Other Potential Expenses : Crew members may incur expenses for alcoholic beverages, shore excursions, and personal travel during time off or between contracts.

Despite incurring some additional expenses, cruise ship staff find that they can save more money than in many land-based jobs due to providing lodging and meals.

FAQs About Working on a Cruise Ship

How many hours a day do cruise ship workers work.

Cruise ship workers typically work long hours, often ranging from 10 to 14 hours per day . Some positions, such as entertainers, work fewer hours.

Do Cruise Ship Workers Get Days Off?

Cruise ship workers usually do not have traditional days off. Instead, they have specific hours or parts of the day when they are not scheduled to work. Their schedules are structured in shifts, allowing for some time to rest, but full days off are rare during their contract , which can last several months.

Do Crusie Ship Workers Share a Room?

Yes, most cruise ship workers share a room with one or more colleagues. Accommodations for staff are typically more compact and less luxurious than guest cabins. The number of people sharing a room varies by cruise ship and the worker’s position.

High-ranking employees like the captain and officers have solo accommodation and larger cabins.

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Marcello De Lio

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Cruise industry in the United States - statistics & facts

How many cruise passengers travel from the u.s. every year, what are the leading u.s. cruise companies, key insights.

Detailed statistics

Revenue of the cruises industry in the U.S. 2020-2029

Revenue growth of cruises in the U.S. 2020-2029

Employment in the cruise line operator industry in the U.S. 2023-2024

Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic

Number of global ocean cruise passengers 2019-2023, by source market

Number of cruise passengers from the U.S. 2016-2023

Further recommended statistics

  • Premium Statistic Number of global ocean cruise passengers 2009-2027
  • Premium Statistic Number of global ocean cruise passengers 2019-2023, by source market
  • Premium Statistic Main global cruise destinations 2019-2023, by number of passengers
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of the cruises industry in the U.S. 2020-2029
  • Premium Statistic Revenue growth of cruises in the U.S. 2020-2029
  • Premium Statistic Direct spending in the cruise industry in the U.S. 2021-2022, by type
  • Premium Statistic Businesses in the cruise line operator industry in the U.S. 2022-2024
  • Premium Statistic Employment in the cruise line operator industry in the U.S. 2023-2024

Number of global ocean cruise passengers 2009-2027

Number of ocean cruise passengers worldwide from 2009 to 2023, with a forecast until 2027 (in millions)

Number of ocean cruise passengers worldwide from 2019 to 2023, by source region (in 1,000s)

Main global cruise destinations 2019-2023, by number of passengers

Leading ocean cruise destinations worldwide from 2019 to 2023, by number of passengers (in 1,000s)

Revenue of the cruises market in the United States from 2020 to 2029 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Revenue growth of the cruises market in the United States from 2020 to 2029

Direct spending in the cruise industry in the U.S. 2021-2022, by type

Direct spending in the cruise industry in the United States in 2021 and 2022, by type (in billion U.S. dollars)

Businesses in the cruise line operator industry in the U.S. 2022-2024

Number of businesses in the cruise line operator industry in the United States in 2022 and 2023, with a forecast for 2024

Number of employees in the cruise line operator industry in the United States in 2023, with a forecast for 2024

Cruise passengers

  • Premium Statistic Number of cruise passengers from North America 2016-2023
  • Premium Statistic Number of cruise passengers from the U.S. 2016-2023
  • Premium Statistic Growth rate of the cruise passenger volume from the U.S. 2017-2023
  • Premium Statistic Cruise passenger movements at leading ports worldwide 2019-2023
  • Premium Statistic Interest in taking a cruise vacation in the U.S. 2024

Number of cruise passengers from North America 2016-2023

Number of cruise passengers sourced from North America from 2016 to 2023 (in 1,000s)

Number of cruise passengers sourced from the United States from 2016 to 2023 (in 1,000s)

Growth rate of the cruise passenger volume from the U.S. 2017-2023

Year-over-year percentage change in the number of cruise passengers sourced from the United States from 2017 to 2023

Cruise passenger movements at leading ports worldwide 2019-2023

Number of cruise passenger movements at selected leading ports worldwide from 2019 to 2023 (in 1,000s)

Interest in taking a cruise vacation in the U.S. 2024

Share of adults who were interested in taking a cruise vacation in the United States from 2022 to 2024

Cruise companies

  • Premium Statistic Revenue of Carnival Corporation & plc worldwide 2008-2023
  • Premium Statistic Net income of Carnival Corporation & plc 2008-2023
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of Royal Caribbean Cruises worldwide 1988-2023
  • Premium Statistic Net income of Royal Caribbean Cruises worldwide 2007-2023
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of Norwegian Cruise Line worldwide 2011-2023
  • Premium Statistic Net income of Norwegian Cruise Line worldwide 2011-2023
  • Premium Statistic Tour revenue of Lindblad Expeditions Holdings worldwide 2014-2023
  • Premium Statistic Net income of Lindblad Expeditions Holdings worldwide 2014-2023

Revenue of Carnival Corporation & plc worldwide 2008-2023

Revenue of Carnival Corporation & plc worldwide from 2008 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Net income of Carnival Corporation & plc 2008-2023

Net income of Carnival Corporation & plc worldwide from 2008 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Revenue of Royal Caribbean Cruises worldwide 1988-2023

Revenue of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. worldwide from 1988 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Net income of Royal Caribbean Cruises worldwide 2007-2023

Net income of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. worldwide from 2007 to 2023 (in million U.S. dollars)

Revenue of Norwegian Cruise Line worldwide 2011-2023

Revenue of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. worldwide from 2011 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Net income of Norwegian Cruise Line worldwide 2011-2023

Net Income of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. worldwide from 2011 to 2023 (in million U.S. dollars)

Tour revenue of Lindblad Expeditions Holdings worldwide 2014-2023

Total tour revenue of Lindblad Expeditions Holdings, Inc. worldwide from 2014 to 2023 (in 1,000 U.S. dollars)

Net income of Lindblad Expeditions Holdings worldwide 2014-2023

Net income of Lindblad Expeditions Holdings, Inc. worldwide from 2014 to 2023 (in 1,000 U.S. dollars)

Consumer opinions

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  • Premium Statistic Main cruise lines chosen by cruise travelers in the U.S. 2024
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  • Basic Statistic Best-rated river cruise lines by travelers worldwide 2023

Key factors that would enhance the appeal of cruises in the U.S. 2024

Main factors that would enhance the appeal of cruises in the United States as of February 2024

Ideal length of time to spend on a cruise vacation in the U.S. 2024

Ideal length of time to spend on a cruise vacation according to adults in the United States as of February 2024

Main cruise lines chosen by cruise travelers in the U.S. 2024

Main cruise lines chosen by cruise travelers in the United States as of February 2024

Best-rated mega-ship cruise lines by travelers worldwide 2023

Best-rated mega-ship cruise lines by travelers worldwide as of June 2023

Best-rated large-ship cruise lines by travelers worldwide 2023

Best-rated large-ship cruise lines by travelers worldwide as of June 2023

Best-rated midsize-ship cruise lines by travelers worldwide 2023

Best-rated midsize-ship cruise lines by travelers worldwide as of June 2023

Best-rated small-ship cruise lines by travelers worldwide 2023

Best-rated small-ship cruise lines by travelers worldwide as of June 2023

Best-rated river cruise lines by travelers worldwide 2023

Best-rated river cruise lines by travelers worldwide as of June 2023

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I've worked on cruise ships for over 6 years. Here's an inside look at what it's like living on board.

  • I've worked on cruise ships for over six years, so I'm familiar with how the crew lives on board.
  • Staffers typically live with a roommate in tiny cabins that have bunk beds and small closets. 
  • We usually eat at our own buffet and hang out after work at the crew bar .

Insider Today

Between the unlimited buffet, glamorous destinations , and entertainment around the clock, living on a cruise ship sounds luxurious , but there's a whole other world below deck.

I've worked on cruise ships for over six years , so I'm very familiar with how crew members eat, sleep, and live.

Here's what it's really like living on board, based on my experience.

Most crew cabins are tiny

Measuring around 120 square feet, crew cabins are typically tight and don't have windows.

They're commonly furnished with a set of bunk beds with privacy curtains, a mini-fridge, a desk, a closet, and a TV with a side table.

Although every cabin is equipped with its own bathroom, it's typically so tiny that you can brush your teeth, use the toilet, and shower at the same time.  

Crew members in higher positions have better cabins

Based on what I've seen, managers and officers typically have cabins with a porthole and full-size bed, plus an additional fold-down bed for guests.

They also typically receive daily housekeeping while most crew members are responsible for cleaning their own cabins.

Most crew members have roommates 

Roommates are typically assigned by division, but I've found it's easy to move in with a friend if you'd like.

The bottom bunk is highly coveted in the crew world — roommates usually claim it as soon as the other ends their contract. 

Cabins are divided into 'neighborhoods'

There are crew cabins on several floors, from deck 00 — below sea level — to deck three, though the captain and bridge officers typically live adjacent to the bridge higher up.

The main crew corridor that runs up and down the entire ship is nicknamed the I-95, after the popular US highway . It's always busy with foot traffic and tons of trolleys and carts, so we have to be attentive when walking through it.  

Crew members have to sort their own trash

All of the ship's trash winds up in the incinerator room, but there are a lot of categories to sort the garbage into.

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Although housekeepers sort guest garbage, the crew is responsible for separating their trash into the correct bins.

We also typically do our own laundry

On larger ships, there are multiple crew laundry areas , which resemble laundromats.

But our uniforms can be dry cleaned at the formal laundry area for free.

Staff members often enjoy after-hour parties and events at the crew bar

After work, most of the staff hangs out at the crew bar, which is usually a covered outdoor area with a functioning bar and dance floor.

Events like bingo, karaoke, all-crew parties, and trivia happen almost daily.

There is a separate buffet for the crew

The crew mess is a buffet with set times for meals at different points throughout the day.

It typically features more international foods — like Filipino, Indian, and Caribbean cuisine — than the guest buffet to represent the hundreds of staffers from different countries.

The mess often offers special themes, like crepes with the captain or barbecue day, as well as late-night options like pizza and lasagna.  

There are other places for the crew to hang out

Most ships have a crew café where they can order coffee and juice.

There are usually also computer, training, and game rooms. The game room has video-game consoles and popular arcade picks like foosball, air hockey, pool, and darts. 

There's also a dedicated front or back deck for the staff to enjoy the sunshine on lounge chairs. Some companies even offer a crew pool.  

We also have a human-resources center for discussing needs regarding cabins, payroll, contracts, or crew life.

cruise ship average employees

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Here’s How Much Carnival Pays Its Employees

No other topic can raise as much controversy among cruise passengers as tipping. Many people see it as a way that cruise lines nickel and dime guests. It’s not unusual for automatic gratuities to add up to $13-15 per person, per day. A couple taking a cruise for a week can expect another $200 added to their bill for gratuities alone.

Still, according to our recent survey , more than 80% of those surveyed said they leave additional gratuities (in addition to those automatically charged) at least sometimes.

A common reason for being so generous with tips? Not only does the staff work extremely hard to keep passengers happy, but the general consensus is that people working on a cruise ship are paid relatively little while working long hours.

But we wanted to get the real scoop on what a cruise line pays its employees. For that, we turned to some recent financial statements from Carnival Corporation.

Carnival is the world’s biggest cruise line. Across 10 brands (including AIDA, Holland America, and Costa), it has more than 100 ships sailing around the world. In total, the cruise line carried more than 11.5 million passengers on its ships last year.

As a public company, Carnival is required to release periodic reports on its financial performance. This gives us a glimpse into everything from the value of its ships to exactly how much it pays its crew.

What the latest financial report reveals about worker pay may surprise you…

Uncovering Average Salaries on a Carnival Ship

For our analysis, we looked through Carnival Corporation’s latest 10-K. This is an annual report that covers all 2016. Within this report are facts and figures about every aspect of the cruise line’s business… including what it pays employees.

Digging through the report, we found the following passage regarding the cruise line’s employees:

“Our shipboard and shoreside employees are sourced from over 100 countries. We employ an average of 84,600 crew members, including officers, onboard the 102 ships we currently operate, which excludes employees who are on leave.”

You read that right — across more than 100 ships the cruise line has nearly 85,000 crew members, coming from over 100 countries! These workers range all the way from engineers that keep the ship running to the captain to the waitstaff in the dining rooms.

So how much do these employees make?

In another section of the report, we see exactly how much Carnival spent to pay these employees for all of 2016:

This number is in millions, so the company spent $1,993,000,000 (nearly $2 billion) to pay its employees in last year.

Meanwhile, the annual report also says exactly who is included in this payroll figure:

“Payroll and related costs, which represent all costs related to our shipboard personnel, including deck and engine officers and crew and hotel and administrative employees, while costs associated with our shoreside personnel are included in selling and administrative expenses”

In other words, this is the payroll for all those crew members working on the ship. People that work in Carnival’s offices, such as executive, marketing, and more, aren’t figured into the payroll figure shown above .

Determining an Average of About $24,000 Per Person

Now that we know the total payroll amount for all the ship employees and the number of employees, it’s simple division to see that the average Carnival employee working on a ship earns $23,558.

What we don’t know is exactly how much each different employee makes. The average salary listed here includes everyone from the captain of the ship to the steward cleaning the room.

According to an article on CruiseCritic , salaries can range wildly, with the captain bringing in six-figures, with a cabin steward earning between “$650 and $1,150 per month.”

All in all, however, with an average salary of under $24,000, it’s clear that most cruise lines employees aren’t getting rich by American standards. So be sure to tip generously for the staff and crew that make your trip so enjoyable.

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Another point I would like to make is that the staff is hired from 100 different countries but I have yet to meet any from the USA. These young people are drawn from countries that have a very low annual income in comparison to the US and Canada. For them this is a well paying job. I spoke to a fellow a few years ago that was planning to switch ships at the next port to catch one headed to a port that he could switch again to finally arrive back at his home port. This way, he would work his way home. He also planned to take a season off to spend with his family then catch another ship to get back into the work force of Carnival.

The employees we spoke to were on board for at least a 6 month tour of duty. Most if not all of them have chances to leave the ship at different ports to shop or visit on shore. I am sure this is scheduled to allow everyone a chances to get off at different ports of call.

Just returned from a 5 day Carnival cruise. Was told by three different employees (wait staff) that they were paid only from tips and some thing about having to split tips with 5 different areas. Which according to them gave then very little in pay per month. I also take into account that you have to figure in the room and board of living at your job. I did notice that some of the staff were moved around the ship to perform duties in different areas Not just as one job.

Not sure of the specifics of who is paid what. Our article just looks at the financial reports published by the company, compared to the overall workforce.

I recently cruised with carnival and was also told they are paid only on tips.

We ask a hotel steward and she said $585 per month. This was a person mopping the deck…not a cabin steward. Another staff member told us dish washers make somewhere in the $500’s per month.

Thanks for the anecdote. We don’t know if that’s accurate or not. Also keep in mind that room and board is usually included as well.

A friend is on a Carnival cruise right now, and hotel staff are saying they are paid ONLY in tips. WTF?

We don’t know the specifics of who is paid exactly what, but we would be very surprised if any staff is paid no wage and only tips.

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Best Cruise Companies to Work For: Benefits, Perks, and Growth Opportunities

Richard Hughes

Curious about setting sail on a career in the cruise industry? Ever wondered which cruise companies offer the best workplaces? Picture this: waking up to breathtaking ocean views, working in a dynamic environment, and traveling to exotic destinations. In this article, you’ll discover the top cruise companies that provide not just jobs, but exciting career opportunities.

Have you ever dreamed of a job that combines adventure, hospitality, and professionalism? Imagine being part of a team that delivers unforgettable experiences to travelers from around the world. Whether you’re a seasoned seafarer or considering a career change, finding the right cruise company to work for can be a game-changer. Ready to explore the high seas of employment opportunities? Stay tuned to learn more about the best cruise companies that could be your next workplace adventure.

Key Takeaways

  • Cruise companies offer enticing benefits and competitive compensation packages to attract and retain talent.
  • Maintaining work-life balance is crucial in the cruise industry, with structured schedules and planned itineraries enabling employees to recharge.
  • Top cruise companies prioritize employee training and career development to ensure job satisfaction and improved performance.
  • Onboard culture, crew facilities, and team dynamics significantly impact employee satisfaction within cruise companies.
  • Examining a cruise company’s history, reputation, growth opportunities, and financial health is essential for long-term career prospects.
  • Exclusive discounts, onboard privileges, and health and wellness programs are valuable perks offered by leading cruise companies to enhance the employee experience.

Setting Sail: What Makes a Cruise Company Great to Work For?

When considering the best cruise companies to work for, several key factors contribute to a positive employee experience. Here are some aspects that make a cruise company stand out as an excellent employer:

Benefits and Compensation

Cruise companies often offer enticing benefits and competitive compensation packages to attract and retain top talent. These benefits may include health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, onboard discounts, and opportunities for career advancement. For example, some cruise lines provide free or discounted travel for employees and their families, allowing them to explore different destinations during their time off. Such perks not only enhance the overall work experience but also contribute to a fulfilling lifestyle.

Work-Life Balance and Itineraries

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for employee satisfaction, especially in a high-energy industry like cruising. To support this balance, many cruise companies follow structured work schedules that include designated time off during port days and rotational shifts for onboard duties. Additionally, well-planned itineraries that combine work responsibilities with leisure time enable employees to enjoy the scenic beauty and cultural experiences of various ports of call. This balance fosters a positive work environment and helps employees recharge for their next assignment.

Employee Training and Career Development

Top cruise companies prioritize employee training and development to enhance skills, promote growth, and ensure job satisfaction. They may offer comprehensive onboard training programs, leadership courses, and opportunities for cross-training in different roles. Investing in employees’ professional development not only benefits the individuals but also strengthens the company’s workforce, leading to improved customer service and overall company performance. Recognizing and nurturing talent within the organization can open doors to rewarding career paths within the cruise industry.

By focusing on benefits and compensation, work-life balance, and employee training, the best cruise companies create an environment where employees feel valued, supported, and motivated to excel in their roles. These factors contribute to a positive work culture and make the cruise industry an attractive choice for individuals seeking fulfilling and dynamic career opportunities.

Navigating the Industry: Top Cruise Companies

When it comes to choosing a cruise company to work for, focusing on industry leaders can provide a solid foundation for a rewarding career in the maritime world. Let’s dive into some of the top cruise companies known for their outstanding employee-centric approach:

Royal Caribbean International

Royal Caribbean International stands out as a premier cruise line offering exceptional opportunities for those looking to build a career in the industry. With a commitment to innovation and excellence, working for Royal Caribbean International can provide you with a unique and dynamic work environment.

Joining the Royal Caribbean team means gaining access to a wide range of benefits, competitive compensation packages, and the chance to grow both personally and professionally. The company’s dedication to employee training and development ensures that you’ll have the support you need to succeed in your role.

Norwegian Cruise Line

Norwegian Cruise Line is another renowned player in the cruise industry that values its employees’ well-being and growth. Working for Norwegian Cruise Line offers you the chance to be part of a vibrant and diverse team focused on delivering exceptional guest experiences.

With Norwegian Cruise Line, you can expect a work environment that promotes work-life balance, career advancement opportunities, and a supportive network of colleagues. Whether you’re interested in onboard roles or shore-based positions, Norwegian Cruise Line has a variety of career paths to explore.

Princess Cruises

Princess Cruises, known for its elegance and hospitality, is a top choice for those seeking a fulfilling career in the cruise industry. Joining Princess Cruises means immersing yourself in a culture that prioritizes employee satisfaction and professional development.

Working for Princess Cruises opens up a world of possibilities, from competitive benefits and compensation packages to extensive training programs designed to help you excel in your role. With a focus on employee well-being and growth, Princess Cruises offers a supportive environment where you can thrive in your career.

Exploring opportunities with these top cruise companies can set you on a path to a fulfilling and rewarding career in the maritime industry. Embrace the chance to work with industry leaders who prioritize their employees’ success and well-being.

Onboard Culture and Employee Satisfaction

Crew facilities and amenities.

Onboard culture plays a crucial role in shaping the employee experience and satisfaction within cruise companies. The crew facilities and amenities provided by these companies can significantly impact how employees feel about their work environment. Cruise companies renowned for their exceptional onboard culture often invest in top-notch crew facilities and amenities to ensure the well-being and comfort of their staff.

For example, Royal Caribbean International is noted for its modern crew accommodations equipped with various facilities such as fitness centers, recreational areas, dining options, and internet connectivity. By prioritizing crew comfort and leisure, the company fosters a positive work environment that enhances employee satisfaction and overall job performance.

Similarly, Norwegian Cruise Line stands out for its crew recreational spaces, including crew bars, lounges, and designated relaxation areas. These amenities allow employees to unwind and socialize during their downtime, contributing to a vibrant onboard culture that promotes camaraderie and teamwork among staff members.

Team Dynamics and Multicultural Environment

Team dynamics play a vital role in creating a harmonious and collaborative work environment onboard cruise ships. The multicultural nature of cruise company staff enhances diversity and brings a rich tapestry of experiences and perspectives to the workplace.

Cruise companies like Princess Cruises embrace diversity by hiring employees from various cultural backgrounds and fostering an inclusive work environment where all voices are valued. This multicultural setting not only enriches the onboard experience for employees but also creates opportunities for cultural exchange and learning among crew members.

In such a dynamic environment, teamwork thrives as employees learn to communicate effectively across language barriers and cultural differences. This exposure to diverse perspectives enhances problem-solving skills and promotes a spirit of unity among team members, ultimately contributing to higher employee satisfaction and a more enriching work experience for all onboard.

Steady as She Goes: Longevity and Company Stability

Company history and reputation.

When considering the best cruise companies to work for, examining the company’s history and reputation is crucial. Established cruise lines with a solid track record typically offer more stability and long-term opportunities for their employees. Companies like Royal Caribbean International, Norwegian Cruise Line, and Princess Cruises have built strong reputations in the industry over decades of successful operations. These companies’ longevity indicates a level of reliability and commitment to their employees’ well-being and growth.

Growth Opportunities and Financial Health

One of the key factors to evaluate when choosing a cruise company to work for is the availability of growth opportunities and the overall financial health of the organization. Companies that prioritize employee development and career advancement, such as Royal Caribbean International and Norwegian Cruise Line, often provide clear pathways for employees to progress within the company. Additionally, the financial stability of a cruise company is essential for job security and long-term career prospects. Organizations like Princess Cruises, known for their sound financial management, can offer employees a sense of security and confidence in their future with the company.

Anchors Aweigh: Employee Perks and Incentives

Exclusive discounts and onboard privileges.

When considering a cruise company to work for, one key aspect to look out for is the range of exclusive discounts and onboard privileges offered to employees like yourself. These perks can significantly enhance your work experience and overall satisfaction. Companies like Royal Caribbean International, Norwegian Cruise Line, and Princess Cruises are known for providing their employees with access to discounted cruises for friends and family, onboard shopping discounts, and even complimentary excursions on select itineraries.

Having access to such exclusive perks not only allows you to enjoy the amenities onboard during your downtime but also provides an opportunity to share these experiences with your loved ones. Imagine being able to treat your family to a memorable cruise vacation at a fraction of the cost or indulging in onboard activities and services at discounted rates. These perks not only make your work more enjoyable but also add extra value to your overall compensation package.

Health and Wellness Programs

Maintaining your well-being while working in a demanding environment like a cruise ship is crucial. Leading cruise companies understand the importance of prioritizing employee health and wellness, which is why they offer comprehensive health and wellness programs to support you.

Companies like Royal Caribbean International, Norwegian Cruise Line, and Princess Cruises provide access to fitness facilities, wellness classes, and medical services onboard to help you stay healthy and resilient during your contract. These programs are designed to promote physical activity, mental well-being, and overall health among employees, ensuring that you can perform your duties effectively while taking care of yourself.

By participating in these health and wellness initiatives, you not only invest in your personal well-being but also contribute to a positive work environment onboard. Prioritizing your health allows you to tackle the challenges of working on a cruise ship with vitality and resilience, ultimately enhancing your overall work experience and job satisfaction.

You’ve now explored the enticing world of cruise employment and discovered the top companies that stand out for their employee-focused initiatives. From Royal Caribbean International to Princess Cruises, these companies offer not just jobs, but rewarding career paths. Remember, when choosing a cruise employer, consider factors like company reputation, financial stability, and growth opportunities. Additionally, the added perks like onboard privileges and health programs can make your experience even more fulfilling. As you embark on your career journey in the cruise industry, keep in mind the valuable insights shared in this article to help you find the best cruise company to work for.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some appealing aspects of careers in the cruise industry.

Working in the cruise industry offers a dynamic work environment, travel opportunities, and attractive employee benefits provided by top cruise companies such as Royal Caribbean International, Norwegian Cruise Line, and Princess Cruises.

Why is company history and reputation important when choosing a cruise employer?

Company history and reputation are crucial factors to consider as they reflect stability and growth opportunities within the industry, providing a sense of security and long-term prospects for career advancement.

What additional perks and incentives do cruise companies offer to employees?

Cruise companies offer exclusive discounts, onboard privileges, and health and wellness programs that include access to fitness facilities, wellness classes, and medical services to support employee well-being and job satisfaction in demanding work environments.

richard hughes

Hi, I'm Richard, a passionate traveler and cruise enthusiast. With over a decade of experience exploring the world's oceans, I've developed a deep love for all things related to cruising. Whether it's luxury liners or intimate river cruises, I enjoy sharing my insights and tips to help others plan their perfect getaway. When I'm not sailing the seas, you can find me writing about my adventures or planning my next voyage

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How Much Money Does a Cruise Ship Employee Make?

  • Post author: Xuxu
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Working on a cruise ship can be a great way to save money while you’re traveling the world. Very few jobs we’ll pay you to travel and when they do it’s usually for a few days to a place that is not as exotic as cruise ships can take you. The beauty of working on a cruise ship is that your home is moving away with you. You sleep in one city and wake up in another. Your commute can be as short as a couple of minutes from your cabin to your workplace.

When working on a cruise ship one of the biggest perks is that you don’t have any fixed bills like you would have if you lived on land. On a cruise ship, you don’t have to pay for food, accommodation, laundry, electricity, heating, or medical insurance since it’s all taken care of.  

We will discuss some aspects you should take into consideration before deciding that a cruise ship salary might be too low for you.

The Illusion of Low Pay: Don’t Let It Fool You

salary Cruise Ship

When comparing cruise ship salaries, you will notice that the salary might be low when taking into consideration a comparable job on land, and that can discourage you even before you start researching more about life at sea. Cruise ships pay in US dollars, and when taking currency conversion into consideration, many people outside the USA might end up making way more working on a cruise ship than they can make working in their home country.  For example, someone from Brazil, where the minimum wage is BRL 1,300.00 (Approx $272 US dollars), working as a waiter onboard can expect to make onboard upwards of $2500 dollars, as much as ten times the minimum wage in their home country.

A lot of people will dismiss an opportunity at sea before researching more and comparing numbers. Let’s check and see if working on a cruise ship makes sense from a financial point of view:

Check Your Expenses

If you think of a typical job on land where you have your gross salary, the money you get paid before all expenses are taken into consideration. Even before you get to see your money, taxes are taken out of your paycheck and other fees; then come certain fixed bills that most of us have to pay, like:

  • Electricity
  • Car payment

Once you pay all your fixed bills, depending on your salary and circumstances, you might have some money left. That money, let’s call net income, is the money that’s yours to spend any way you like it; be it at the movies, drinks, parties, travel, etc. That money, your true net income, is the money that you should compare against the salary offered to you by the cruise line.

There are some costs associated before you start working onboard but once you start working, the only expense you will have will be taxes you have to pay. If you are a US citizen working for an American company, they will take federal taxes out of your paycheck. Some companies might take taxes from your paycheck depending on your nationality and the company’s country of origin. Everything else is your true net income. Now what you decide to do with that money is up to you. Save it all, spend it all, or a combination of both. I suggest enjoying your time on ships but using your money wisely.

You Can Choose to Save a Lot or Not

There are some people that can save a lot of money during their contract onboard. I have heard of stories about crew members opening businesses back in their home country; using the money to buy property; some people made good money that they didn’t have to come back to ships. While some people decide to go for the savings route, others decide to go work on ships for the experience. They do not save a lot of money but they do spend their money in a way that makes them happy, fulfilled for most of the time. if you were working an itinerary in Europe and making your salary in US dollars, you can expect to spend the majority of your money outside the ship like eating pizza around Naples, having coffee, or even splurging on a shore excursion.

Pizza in Naples

Saving Money While Not Sacrificing Fun

Saving money working on a Cruise Ship

If you take advantage of the onboard activities offered for the crew they’ll be little to no money involved on your part. There are a lot of activities catered just for the crew onboard like crew barbecues, crew parties with free alcohol most of the time, and special themed dinners like Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas are among many other fun activities provided at little to no additional cost for the crew.

When you are in a Port of call you can be tempted to go blow all your money outside. Most likely at the beginning of a contract, you will want to go to explore and see as many things as you can, and saving money won’t be on your mind. Just remember that the places that the cruise ship goes to are well-known tourist places with inflated tourist prices.

You Will Not Get Paid While on Vacation

Learn to save money working on a Cruise Ship

One of the great perks of working on a cruise ship is a long vacation that you get to enjoy. As a rule of thumb, for every month worked you get one week of vacation. When working on a cruise ship you are essentially a contractor for the cruise line, you’re not an employee. That means that when your contract ends, so does your pay. You will not get paid until you sign a new contract with the cruise line and only after the first 30 days of your new contract.  Most cruise lines will provide you with the date of your next assignment before you leave your current ship, so you will know when you’ll be returning and to what ship you will be returning to.

You won’t get paid while on vacation so make sure that you save your money to last your vacation and at least for the first month of your new contract because again, you’re not going to get paid until the end of your first month onboard.  For example, if you have a two-month vacation, you will need to make sure you save enough money to cover your vacation plus enough money to cover your first month back onboard. Based on this scenario, you need to save money to last at least three months. It is a horrible feeling when you run out of money during your vacation because that means you’ll be stuck at home with no money to enjoy, and during your next contract onboard, you won’t be able to spend any money because you won’t get paid until the end of the month. Trust me that happened to me before and it was not a good experience.

How does the Crew Get Paid ?

Ship Money Cruise Ship Card

Cruise lines will often pay once a month, on the first business day of the month. You have the option to request a cash advance of up to 50% of your salary to be paid on the 15th of every month. You will receive your full salary plus tips and commission, if you are on a tip or commission salary, at the end of every month.

When I started working on cruise ships, we got paid in cash, which was not an ideal scenario. Walking around the ship with a stash of money made me feel richer but vulnerable at the same time. Going to deposit that money later in the bank was a scary event. Walking around downtown Miami with an envelope full of cash was scary, to say the least.

Nowadays cruise lines partnered with companies that provide the crewmembers a prepaid debit card, where the salary is deposited on their account. Depending on the company, the crew gets one free ATM withdrawal a month and there’s a fee for subsequent withdrawals. You could also transfer money from your prepaid card to a bank account but depending on the country you’re from, you might have to pay transfer fees. If you have a US bank account, at least with Brightwell (formerly OcenPay), it was free to transfer from your prepaid card to your bank account as long as the account was based in the USA.

Going on Vacation with Cash? Make Sure you Declare that Money !

US Dollars

If you are traveling from the USA to your home country, and if you are carrying over $10,000 in cash, make sure that you declare the money to CBP Customs at the airport before departing.  If you were caught with that amount of money without being declared ahead of time, you run the risk of having the money seized from you. You don’t want your hard-earned money confiscated from you because of a simple mistake. You can either transfer your money to your bank account before you travel or should make sure to carry less than $10,000 in cash with you at all times.

“Failure to declare monetary instruments in amounts valued more than $10,000 can result in its seizure.” CBP.GOV


Final Words

Working on a cruise ship can be a great way for you to save money while traveling the world. You can save a bigger chunk of money while working on a cruise ship than you could otherwise save if you were working on land. You can also see this opportunity to sustain your travel addiction as I did. The money saved onboard was enough for me to pay my bills and travel on my vacation, adding more destinations to my travel bucket list.

What will you do with your money is up to you. Use it the way you feel will bring the most satisfaction to you.

“The art is not making money but keeping it” Proverb

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How much do cruise ship employees earn?

Cruise ship workers‘ salaries range from $10,000 to $177,000 per year, with low-level workers typically earning between $16,000 to $20,000 annually and captains earning the highest average salary. In addition to their salaries, these jobs often include benefits such as free room and board and meals.

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How much do cruise ship employees earn?

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Cruise Industry Gearing Up to Hire 20,000+ New Crew Members in 2025

  • 30 August 2024

The cruise industry is getting ready for a major boom, with a whopping 62 new cruise ships expected to hit the seas by the mid-2030s.

Some of these ships will have space for over 2,000 crew members, leading to a big hiring spree in the industry. According to the Cruise Industry News Global Cruise Ship Index , cruise lines are gearing up to bring on board over 20,000 new crew members in 2025 to handle the upcoming fleet.

Cruise Industry Gearing Up to Hire 20,000+ New Crew Members in 2025

Norwegian Cruise Line is looking at a big increase in their onboard staff, planning to hire over 16,000 crew members for eight new ships.

Meanwhile, MSC Cruises will be adding seven new ships by 2028, and they'll need about 11,000 new employees to keep things running smoothly.

Carnival Cruise Line has ordered five new large vessels this year and is expected to grow its workforce by more than 10,500 crew members.

Royal Caribbean International is introducing three new ships for its Icon and Oasis classes, which means they'll have to bring on board nearly 9,000 more crew members to handle the workload.

Disney Cruise Line  is also on an expansion spree, planning to hire over 6,000 new staff members in the next few years.

Overall, the cruise industry is preparing to bring on board many new crew members to manage the arrival of new ships and guests.

This exciting growth spurt will see nearly 150,000 new berths added to the market, resulting in a guest-to-crew ratio of 2.4 to 1. It's clear that cruise lines will need to focus on bringing in and training new crew members to support their burgeoning fleets.

In short, the cruise industry is set for a major hiring drive in 2025, with plans to bring on board over 20,000 new crew members to handle the influx of 62 new ships. This hiring spree signals not only the industry’s rapid growth but also the potential for new job opportunities in the cruise sector.

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  • Global cruise shipping industry set to surge to $16.7 billion by...

Global cruise shipping industry set to surge to $16.7 billion by 2031

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The global cruise ship industry is projected to grow substantially, reaching an estimated US$16.7 billion by 2031, according to a report from Allied Market Research. The industry is expected to experience an average annual growth rate of 7.9% over the next decade. This growth is driven by several factors, including technological advancements, increased automation, and the ongoing development of new onboard leisure activities and experiences. Additionally, there is a noticeable shift in consumer demand toward luxury cruising.

However, the industry faces challenges that could restrain its growth. Post- COVID , rising inventory and transportation costs, along with supply chain disruptions, remain concerns. Environmental and overtourism issues, particularly in Europe, have led to new regulations limiting cruise ship calls in certain destinations, which could impact the growth of the large mega-ship segment.

Despite these challenges, Allied Market Research indicates that the mainstream cruise ship segment will continue to dominate the market through 2031, having comprised nearly half of the global market in 2021. Similarly, the large ship segment, which represented over half of the market in 2021, is expected to maintain its dominance. The leisure cruise segment, accounting for more than four-fifths of the market, will continue to be a key driver of growth through 2031.

Cruise ship construction remains concentrated in a few European shipyards located in Italy, France, Germany, and Finland, with major shipbuilders including Fincantieri , STX France, and Meyer Werft .

Despite Meyer Werft's financial difficulties, the company is close to securing a state bailout, which would stabilize its operations and secure its US$12 billion order book of cruise projects.

China has also emerged as a new player in cruise ship construction, completing its first large homegrown cruise ship in 2023. A second, larger vessel is currently under construction, following the initial joint venture between Carnival Corporation , China State Shipbuilding Corporation/CSSC and Fincantieri for the Adora brand .


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Location Select Manila Miami Miramar

Work Style Select Hybrid Onsite Remote

Resolutions Agent (Virtual)

Company overview.

At Carnival Cruise Line, our mission is to create safe, fun, and memorable vacations at a great value. As a valued member of our team, you'll actively contribute to developing exceptional travel experiences and unforgettable moments, every single day. Your Carnival journey begins here!

Our Culture Essentials

Joining the Carnival team means embracing our six Culture Essentials, which are the cornerstone values shaping our identity, principles, and actions. These beliefs and behaviors not only define who we are but also unite us as a team, guiding us in decision-making, fostering relationships, tackling challenges, and reaching milestones. These culture essentials propel us toward a shared vision of success, ensuring a collective effort in shaping our future.

  • Respect & Protect
  • Listen & Learn
  • Communicate


Job description.


The Agent, Resolutions is responsible for providing advanced customer service to guests, travel partners, and internal departments ensuring that good customer relations are maintained and customer claims and complaints are resolved fairly, effectively and in accordance with rules, regulations and company policy. The incumbent in this role addresses complex issues to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction. The Agent, Resolutions handles escalated guest inquiries and provides savvy solutions providing accurate information about products, services, and policies.


  • Provides accurate information about products, services, and policies, ensuring customers receive prompt and effective assistance. Works towards one-call resolutions by creatively thinking of solutions that benefit both the guest and the company.
  • Collaborates with various departments to resolve issues, document interactions and resolutions, and contribute to the continuous improvement of service processes.
  • Handling escalated guest inquiries and providing savvy solutions, considering the business and guest satisfaction. Troubleshoot and resolve guest issues, escalating complex problems to higher-level support or relevant departments as necessary.
  • Partners with Coach to ensure consistent service quality. Participates in team meetings and training sessions to stay informed and improve skills. Expectations are to meet and/or exceed performance metrics.
  • Ability to follow Contact Center guidelines, maintain excellent attendance and punctuality.
  • Support other areas by handling incoming service calls, contributing to our collective success during peak times.


  • High School Diploma or GED
  • 1+ years Minimum of customer service experience required
  • Customer service experience in a hospitality industry or Contact Center preferred
  • Excellent verbal and written communication.
  • Active listening and empathy.
  • Ability to troubleshoot and resolve issues effectively, in accordance with Carnival’s established protocols and procedures.
  • Creative thinking to find solutions for unique problems.
  • Basic technical support and troubleshooting abilities.
  • In-depth understanding of Carnival’s products and services.
  • Ability to convey information clearly to customers.
  • Efficiently handle multiple tasks and prioritize workload.
  • Ability to manage time effectively in a fast-paced environment.
  • Strong commitment to providing excellent customer service.
  • Ability to understand and anticipate guest needs.
  • Ability to build and maintain positive relationships with guests.
  • Patience and professionalism in dealing with difficult guests.
  • Accuracy in documenting guest interactions and requests.
  • Flexibility to handle a variety of guest interactions and issues.
  • Ability to adjust to new processes and technologies quickly.
  • Ability to work collaboratively with team members and other departments.
  • Willingness to share knowledge and assist colleagues.
  • Ability to manage and regulate emotions in stressful situations.
  • Understanding and responding appropriately to the emotions of others.


In addition to other duties/functions, this position requires full commitment and support for promoting ethical and compliant culture. More specifically, this position requires integrity, honesty, and respectful treatment of others, as well as a willingness to speak up when they see misconduct or have concerns.

At Carnival, your total rewards package is much more than your base salary. All non-sales roles participate in an annual cash bonus program, while sales roles have an incentive plan. Director and above roles may also be eligible to participate in Carnival’s discretionary equity incentive plan. Plus, Carnival provides comprehensive and innovative benefits to meet your needs, including:

  • Cost-effective medical, dental and vision plans
  • Employee Assistance Program and other mental health resources
  • Additional programs include company paid term life insurance and disability coverage
  • 401(k) plan that includes a company match
  • Employee Stock Purchase plan
  • Holidays – All full-time and part-time with benefits employees receive days off for 7 company-wide holidays, plus an additional floating holiday to be taken at the employee’s discretion.
  • Vacation Time – All full-time employees at the manager and below level start with 14 days/year; director and above level start with 19 days/year.  Part-time with benefits employees receive time off based on the number of hours they work, with a minimum of 84 hours/year.  All employees gain additional vacation time with further tenure.
  • Sick Time – All full-time employees receive 80 hours of sick time each year.  Part-time with benefits employees receive time off based on the number of hours they work, with a minimum of 60 hours each year. 
  • Complementary stand-by cruises, employee discounts on confirmed cruises, plus special rates for family and friends
  • Personal and professional learning and development resources including tuition reimbursement
  • On-site preschool program, wellness center, and health clinic at our Miami campus


Carnival Cruise Line is the most popular cruise brand in North America and operates a fleet of ships designed to foster exceptionally safe, fun and memorable vacation experiences at an outstanding value. Our employees have a responsibility to be accountable for all actions. We consider the environment in all aspects of our business and have a responsibility to put safety and sustainability first. We live and share a positive attitude which is based on fostering an environment of inclusion, trust, a willingness to listen, openness and integrity. Doing this helps us to achieve our ultimate goal, which is to include FUN in everything we do! Speaking of fun, we are officially certified as a Great Place to Work aboard our ships as well as in our global corporate headquarters!

Carnival Corporation & plc and Carnival Cruise Line is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer. In this regard, it does not discriminate against any qualified individual on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status, mental, physical orsensory disability, or any other classification protected by applicable local, state, federal, and/or international law. 

Employee Benefits

Hybrid work environment.

Empowering work-life integration and flexible opportunities for your personal and career success

Wellness Programs

Comprehensive employer wellness programs featuring mental health support and fitness options, including an on-site gym

Cruise Benefits

An array of qualified complimentary and heavily discounted cruise options for the ultimate dream getaway

Parental Programs

Generous parental leave time and adoption assistance programs

Retirement Plan

Secure your future with our exceptional Traditional and Roth 401(k) options complemented by valuable company contributions

Employee Stock Purchase

Invest in tomorrow with the opportunity to purchase Carnival shares at a discounted rate from their fair market value

In addition to the above, we offer PTO and company holidays as well as a variety of medical, dental, and voluntary plans

In our virtual contact center, we're all about unlimited growth opportunities and creating a supportive, inclusive environment. We believe in fostering professional development and providing our team members with the tools and resources they need to excel in their roles. Our community values diversity, ensuring that everyone feels respected and supported in a welcoming atmosphere where personal and professional growth knows no limits. Above all, we're committed to delivering an exceptional guest experience, making customer satisfaction a top priority in everything we do.

cruise ship average employees

I love the variety in my work at Carnival. Each day brings new challenges that require creative thinking. Collaborating with different team members on projects keeps things fresh and interesting, making every day unique and exciting. Moreover, being part of Carnival means being part of a culture that values initiative and fosters continuous improvement. This sense of empowerment fuels my passion for what I do and inspires me to strive for excellence every day.

Miguel Fleet Technical Document Center Manager Summit Seeker

cruise ship average employees

Carnival is a great place to learn and grow.

Tyrone Lost Mail Clerk Chess Master

cruise ship average employees

Carnival’s culture is fun, welcoming, vibrant, flexible, fast-paced, diverse, and innovative. Carnival welcomes guests from all over the world to sail on our ships. Our crew members are caring and make the guest experience awesome. The fun continues to connect shoreside where I have an opportunity to interact with employees from all levels of the organization to assist them with their HR questions. From the guest to shoreside experience, we embrace the FUN!

Annelys HR Services and Shoreside Immigration Supervisor Fitness Guru

cruise ship average employees

Carnival has been instrumental in my personal growth by providing opportunities to step out of my comfort zone and develop essential skills like flexibility and teamwork. Professionally, their commitment to continuous learning and career development has empowered me to take on new challenges and advance in my field.

Conchita Senior Revenue Business Analyst Culinary Explorer Restaurant Explorer

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NBC New York

Royal Caribbean crew member accused of installing hidden cameras in guest bathrooms

Arvin Joseph Mirasol, 34, was arrested Sunday after a guest found a camera inside her stateroom bathroom while on the Symphony of the Seas cruise.

By Kristina Bugante • Published March 4, 2024 • Updated on March 5, 2024 at 8:21 pm

An employee of a Royal Caribbean cruise ship has been arrested and accused of setting up hidden cameras inside cruise passengers' bathrooms.

The guest, who was staying in the room with her sister and mom, said she reached under the sink to get a roll of toilet paper on Feb. 26 when she found the camera affixed to the counter and alerted security officers, an arrest affidavit from the Broward Sheriff's Office stated.

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Mirasol worked as a stateroom attendant and was responsible for servicing guest cabins, including cleaning, restocking towels and making beds.

Authorities seized his electronic devices, including his phone and USB, and found numerous videos of naked females undressing in bathrooms as well as child pornography, an affidavit stated. One video showed Mirasol himself installing the camera.

Mirasol told law enforcement in an interview that he installed the cameras and had been doing so since he started working on the Symphony of the Seas cruise in December 2023.

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"I want to control it, but I can't," Mirasol told investigators, according to the affidavit. He also admitted that if he likes whoever is staying in the room, he installs the cameras and chooses girls 16 years old and over, the affidavit read.

U.S. & World

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Mirasol also said he would hide under guests' beds while they took showers and record them naked.

"We have zero tolerance for this unacceptable behavior," Royal Caribbean said in a statement. "We immediately reported this to law enforcement and terminated the crew member, and we will continue to fully cooperate with authorities."

Mirasol faces six counts of video voyeurism and one count of possession of child pornography. He is currently booked in BSO's main jail.

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    National average salary: $40,244 per year Primary duties: Deckhands assist with preparing and maintaining a ship, operating equipment and repairing machinery. Their job may involve intense manual labor, such as loading and unloading cargo. Find deckhand jobs Related: How To Become a Successful Deckhand. 3.

  2. Cruise Ship Salaries: How Much Do Workers Really Make?

    Salaries of cruise ship staff vary greatly depending on their position and level of experience, with the average salary of a cruise ship captain being $98,000 and the average cruise director salary being $58,887. Cruise ship waiters can make anywhere from $1,200 to $5,000 per month, while cruise ship doctors can earn between $7,500 and $12,000 ...

  3. How Much Do Cruise Ship Workers Really Earn? The Truth About Their Pay

    While the median salary for a cruise ship worker might be less than your average Joe in the States. Back in 2018, Carnival Group, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings, and Royal Caribbean Group shared some figures: Carnival Group dished out about $16,622. Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings was a bit more generous with $20,101.

  4. How much do cruise ship workers make?

    According to BestHospitalityDegrees, the top five jobs on a cruise for salary are: Executive Chef. Cruise Director. Chief Purser. Hotel Director. Human Resources Manager. ZipRecruiter also notes that Cruise Ship Physician Assistant and Cruise Manager also rank well in terms of salary.

  5. 53 Jobs on a Cruise Ship (Types of Positions and Salaries)

    Here are 17 types of hospitality jobs that are often available on cruise ships. 1. Steward. National average salary: $56,510 per year Primary duties: A steward on a cruise ship keeps the guests' rooms clean. They're an essential part of the housekeeping staff and maintain the standards of cleanliness aboard the ship.

  6. How Much Do Cruise Ship Workers Make?

    A cruise ship crew member for Carnival, Royal Caribbean, or Norwegian Cruise Line can earn an annual average between $16,000 to $20,000. For leadership staff onboard cruise ships, the annual ...

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    According to Business Insider, cruise ship employees typically make between $16,000 and $20,000 a year. Salary ranges for leadership roles can be significantly higher, ranging from $30,000 to over $100,000 annually. Cruise ship employees earn significantly less than the $31,561 median yearly wage in the United States (as of 2017).

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    Officers and Managers: Captains: Salaries for ship captains can range from $80,000 to $200,000 annually, depending on the cruise line and vessel size. Chief Engineers: Their salaries typically fall between $75,000 and $150,000 per year. Hotel Directors: They may earn anywhere from $60,000 to $120,000 annually. 2.

  11. How Much Do Cruise Ship Workers Make?

    Cruise Line Employee Salaries How Much Does a Cruise Ship Captain Make? The average salary of a cruise ship captain is $95,000. Cruise ship captain salaries vary from $50k for a less experienced captain of a small cruise ship to $200k for a captain of a mega-ship with over 20 years of experience.

  12. How Much Do Cruise Ship Workers Make?

    Business Insider says cruise ship workers earn an average annual salary of $16,000 to $20,000. Leadership positions can make substantially more with a yearly salary from $30,000 to over $100,000. ... Cruise ship employee contracts are between two and eleven months long, with the average lasting four to eight months with a two- or three-month ...

  13. Cruise industry employment in the U.S.

    Published by Statista Research Department, Apr 18, 2024. According to a December 2023 study, total employment in the United States' cruise industry, including direct, indirect, and induced ...

  14. Cruise industry in the United States

    Number of employees in the cruise line operator industry in the United States in 2023, with a forecast for 2024 ... Basic Statistic Best-rated small-ship cruise lines by travelers worldwide 2023 ...

  15. Cruise Ship Workers Reveal What Life Is Like at Sea

    The employees Business Insider spoke with reported an average of about 12 hours. A former waiter for Carnival Cruise Line who said he worked about 12 hours a day described his schedule as "crazy ...

  16. What It's Like Living on Cruise Ship Full-Time, From Employee + Photos

    From sharing 120-square-foot cabins to partying at the crew bar, here's what it's really like living on a cruise ship, per a longtime employee. ... The average cabin is about 120 square feet.

  17. Here's How Much Carnival Pays Its Employees

    Determining an Average of About $24,000 Per Person. Now that we know the total payroll amount for all the ship employees and the number of employees, it's simple division to see that the average Carnival employee working on a ship earns $23,558. What we don't know is exactly how much each different employee makes.

  18. Best Cruise Companies to Work For: Benefits, Perks, and Growth

    Discover the top cruise companies to work for with enticing benefits, global travel opportunities, and career growth potential. Learn about prestigious brands like Royal Caribbean International, Norwegian Cruise Line, and Princess Cruises, offering exceptional perks such as exclusive discounts, onboard privileges, and comprehensive health and wellness programs to support job satisfaction on ...

  19. How much does a cruise ship worker make (With role examples)

    5. Cruise ship captain. National average salary: £41,066 per year Primary duties: The cruise ship captain ensures the ship arrives safely at its destination. The captain is in charge of the safety of everybody aboard the ship, so has the authority to make decisions while at sea.

  20. How Much Money Does a Cruise Ship Employee Make?

    Cruise lines will often pay once a month, on the first business day of the month. You have the option to request a cash advance of up to 50% of your salary to be paid on the 15th of every month. You will receive your full salary plus tips and commission, if you are on a tip or commission salary, at the end of every month.

  21. 8 Facts You Might Not Know About Working on a Cruise Ship

    Regardless of the role employees take, they can expect to work hard throughout their contract. Crew members work every day of their contract, taking time off in hours rather than in full days. 7 ...

  22. Salary: Cruise Ship Worker (August, 2024) United States

    This is the equivalent of $942/week or $4,083/month. While ZipRecruiter is seeing annual salaries as high as $102,500 and as low as $14,500, the majority of Cruise Ship Worker salaries currently range between $30,000 (25th percentile) to $58,000 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $90,000 annually across the United States.

  23. How much do cruise ship employees earn?

    4. G. By George Dickerson February 01, 2024. Cruise ship workers' salaries range from $10,000 to $177,000 per year, with low-level workers typically earning between $16,000 to $20,000 annually and captains earning the highest average salary. In addition to their salaries, these jobs often include benefits such as free room and board and meals. 1.

  24. Cruise Industry Gearing Up to Hire 20,000+ New Crew Members in 2025

    Norwegian Cruise Line is looking at a big increase in their onboard staff, planning to hire over 16,000 crew members for eight new ships.. Meanwhile, MSC Cruises will be adding seven new ships by 2028, and they'll need about 11,000 new employees to keep things running smoothly. Carnival Cruise Line has ordered five new large vessels this year and is expected to grow its workforce by more than ...

  25. Global cruise shipping industry set to surge to $16.7 billion by 2031

    The global cruise ship industry is projected to grow substantially, reaching an estimated US$16.7 billion by 2031, according to a report from Allied Market Research. The industry is expected to experience an average annual growth rate of 7.9% over the next decade.

  26. Resolutions Agent (Virtual)

    Sick Time - All full-time employees receive 80 hours of sick time each year. Part-time with benefits employees receive time off based on the number of hours they work, with a minimum of 60 hours each year. Other Benefits Complementary stand-by cruises, employee discounts on confirmed cruises, plus special rates for family and friends

  27. Royal Caribbean crew member accused of installing hidden cameras in

    An employee of a Royal Caribbean cruise ship has been arrested and accused of setting up hidden cameras inside cruise passengers' bathrooms. Arvin Joseph Mirasol, 34, was arrested Sunday after a ...