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What Is a CLIA Number?

Oh, the pain! Why must there be so many acronyms for our travel agency identification numbers? We've got the ARC , IATA, and CLIA numbers as the main players, what's the difference? Why not just one number and call it the TAID (Travel Agent ID) Number? That, folks, I cannot tell you.

The CLIA Number is issued by Cruise Lines International Association (hence, the acronym). In a nutshell, it's a way for vendors to identify you as a seller of travel.

But I can tell you what a CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association) Number is, what it does, and what type of agents would benefit most from it.

What is a CLIA Number?

A Short History of the CLIA Number:

In the good ol' days, a travel agency's main bread and butter were its airline ticket sales. These days, an ARC number was an absolute necessity for any travel agency. But when travel agent commissions were cut in the late 1990s and the internet came around, many travel agencies started focusing on sources of income beyond airline tickets.

CLIA began issuing industry credentials in 2000.

With the rise of this new type of travel agency—agencies that didn't need an ARC or IATA number—agents began looking for a less expensive way to be recognized by vendors. While cruise lines, tour operators, and other travel suppliers were still paying commissions , hanging on to an ARC accreditation number didn't make sense for agencies that were not booking high volumes of air. For most leisure agents, it was overkill, burning a hole in their pocket.

Enter the star of this post: the CLIA Industry ID Number (which, for brevity, we nickname the CLIA Number. )

CLIA began issuing industry credentials in 2000. Agency owners could transition their old ARC/IATA number into a CLIA number (like keeping your same phone number but switching to a new carrier).

For leisure independent advisors new to the scene, CLIA could issue them a brand-spanking-new CLIA number. Same holds true today.

More affordable and with fewer barriers to entry, CLIA established itself as a viable option for leisure agents who wanted agency credentials to book travel. Currently, CLIA is one of several options for agents who want to get their own travel accreditation (or, in CLIA's case, booking credentials).

What is a CLIA Number?

CLIA numbers are issued by none other than the Cruise Lines International Association (hence, the acronym). In a nutshell, it's a way for vendors to identify you as a seller of travel.

If you aren't issuing airline tickets through the GDS, a CLIA number is a viable alternative.

You can call (or go online) to book; the vendor asks you for your ID number, and then they can pull you up in the system and see all sorts of things about your agency. It serves the same purpose as the ARC or IATA number, it's just issued by another organization and has different barriers to entry and costs associated with it. The next paragraph will cover another important difference between CLIA and ARC/IATA numbers.

Who Accepts CLIA Numbers?

While CLIA focuses on cruises, travel agents can book all types of travel with a CLIA number. The one thing to remember about the CLIA number is that, while it is accepted nearly everywhere, it's NOT accepted by airlines.

The bottom line? I f you aren't issuing airline tickets through the GDS, a CLIA number is a viable alternative. Want GDS access to book air?ARC and IATA are must-haves if you're ticketing air-only reservations.

Allow me to elaborate . . .

CLIA number vs. ARC/IATA accreditation Number: How are they different?

There are two primary differences between a CLIA Number and ARC/IATA's accreditation number.

  • You cannot book air-ticketing only with a CLIA number: I'm sorry to repeat myself, but I don't want you to be disappointed. The good news is that there are a ton of other ways you can book air without an ARC/IATA accreditation .
  • CLIA's uses different terminology: Because of their emphasis on travel agent education and certification, CLIA shies away from using the term "accreditation." However, as my good old fictional friend and Shakespearean heroine, Juliet Capulet, once said, "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." In this scenario, the CLIA Industry ID number is the rose by another name. While it's not technically called an accreditation, it functions like other travel accreditations such as ARC, IATA, and TRUE. That is, participating vendors recognize CLIA numbers and allow agents to book and receive a commission under that number.

CLIA's Credentialing Requirements:

Technically, there are two tiers of credentials with CLIA. But one is invite-only. This makes it a lot easier if you're new to CLIA. If you're new to CLIA and want a CLIA number, there's really only one option for you: the Travel Agency Membership. If you are an umbrella organization, such as a host agency or a storefront travel agency with employees, this is your entry point.

Here’s a big-picture look at what they offer in terms of credentials:

CLIA Travel Agency Membership

CLIA's Travel Agency Membership (TAM)

1. Who is it for? The TAM is for host agencies or storefront travel agents who want their own CLIA number. It's best for leisure/cruise agencies that do not book a high volume of air-only travel. (Psst! If you're booking under your host, check out CLIA's Individual Agent Membership ).

2. TAM Eligibility Requirements: The eligibility requirements for CLIA’s TAM Membership are relatively simple; You need to be a travel agency in good standing with state and federal regulations.

3. TAM Cost & Renewal: A TAM membership is $399 annually, and includes one free Individual Agent Membership (IAM) for the agency owner, manager, or other designees (a $119 value).

4. How do I apply? Applying for a TAM is simple. You fill out an application (see below) and then CLIA follows up with a few other fun steps for you to take (such as signing an attestation form that you're not a rule-breaker when it comes to travel agency regulations). Below is a sample TAM application. Take a peek, and you'll be über prepared to apply.

CLIA Premier Agency Membership

CLIA's Premier Agency Membership (PAM)

  • Who is it for? I'm going to keep this section pretty short. Why? Because a.) PAM is invite only which leads me to b.) if you qualify for CLIA's PAM membership, you probably already know.
  • PAM Eligibility Requirements: Eligibility requirements are internal info only. That's right, TOP SECRET! But here's one thing I can tell you, CLIA does not allow MLM travel agencies to join as a PAM. (I'll see if I can ramp up my spy efforts for our next update!)
  • PAM Cost & Renewal: $5,000 annually.
  • How do I apply? You don't! That was easy :)

You can take a look here to see which agencies have a Premier Membership . As a part of their PAM perks, these are the agencies that offer their ICs a $50 discount on an IAM Membership. So this list is a good tool if you know you’re all in on CLIA and you’re looking for a host agency. Just check out CLIA’s host agency Premier Members that are listed and reviewed on our site .

Now you may have noticed that I've been throwing around another membership term: IAM. But I wanted to save it for last. Read on to find out why . . .

What is CLIA's Individual Agent Membership (IAM)?

Since this entire article is essentially about the CLIA number, I'm going to end with the membership level that is not a booking credential, CLIA's Individual Agent Membership (IAM).

I feel so strongly about emphasizing this that I'm going to put it in bright orange text and probably repeat myself a few times. Why? Because I don't want anyone to be bummed out if they apply for an IAM, and realize that it doesn't come along with a CLIA number. (I am not in the business of shattering dreams!)

CLIA's Individual Agent Membership is not a booking credential.

So what is CLIA's Individual Agent Membership? Here's the lowdown:

  • (Enter refrain) The IAM is NOT a booking credential The IAM offers you access to many resources, but it does not provide you with a CLIA number.
  • If you want to access CLIA's professional development and certification programs, you must have an IAM.
  • In order to get an IAM you must be affiliated with a CLIA Travel Agency Member (TAM) or Premier Agency Member (PAM). What this means is that you need to either be employed by a travel agency or an IC with a host agency is credentialed by CLIA.
  • Your CLIA-affiliated agency is the entry point for an Individual Agent Membership. If you want in, your host or travel agency must give you the thumbs up. While CLIA generally recommends their accredited agencies require annual cruise commissions of $5,000, it's really up to the appointing agency on how/if you're eligible. So give them a holler!
  • You must have an IAM to access CLIA's professional development and certifications . This is a biggie because beyond serving as a booking credential, CLIA is serious about their education and certification. If you want in on it, you gotta have an IAM.
  • You must have an IAM to be listed on CLIA's Agent Finder. I'll get into it more later, but if you want to be listed on CLIA's agent finder ($19.99 per year), you must have an IAM.
  • You must have an IAM to attain an EMBARC ID (formerly known as "CLIA Card") There are more deets on the EMBARC ID soon. Sit tight!
  • You do not need an IAM to use your host or agency's CLIA number: You can still book with your agency's CLIA number even if you don't have an IAM. You just can't access any of the stuff mentioned above (along with other perks like their coupon book).

CLIA's IAM is the entryway to their programming, especially their professional development and certification programs. Here's how you can get in on the IAM goodness:

CLIA Individual Agent Membership

CLIA's Individual Agency Membership (IAM)

  • Who is it for? The IAM is for advisors who are a travel agent IC or employee with a CLIA-credentialed agency (aka, has a CLIA number). This is a must for agents who want to access CLIA certification programs and/or get an EMBARC ID.
  • IAM Eligibility Requirements: Your participation in IAM is at the discretion of your CLIA-credentialed agency . So if this is a route you're interested in, check to start with your host or employer.
  • IAM Cost & Renewal: IAM members are required to take CLIA's State of the Industry course (which is at no cost) to maintain membership status. (This course will pop up in your portal once you sign on.) In terms of renewal costs, it depends:
  • If you belong to one of CLIA's Premier Agency Members, the cost is $69 annually.
  • If you belong to one of CLIA's Travel Agency Members, the cost is $119 annually .
  • How do I apply? There are two steps to applying for your IAM. 1.) Check with your CLIA-credentialed agency to ensure you qualify. 2.) Submit your IAM application (sample below)

What Is an EMBARC ID (Formerly CLIA Card)?

Embarc ID 2021

The CLIA Card reached Prince-level acclaim when it retired that name to embrace a new identity: The EMBARC ID.

Issued by CLIA, the EMBARC ID (formerly known as, "CLIA card") is exactly that, an ID. It's a way for you to physically identify yourself to vendors as an agent of a CLIA-credentialed agency. In easy-to-understand terms, it's a widely accepted (and respected) travel agent ID card.

To be eligible for an EMBARC ID, your agency must, at the very least, have a Travel Agency Membership.

Cost for the EMBARC ID card is included with an IAM membership. If you lose it and a digital EMBARC ID doesn’t quite get you through the day, it'll run you $29 to replace it. EMBARC IDs are most often used for proof that you're a legitimate seller of travel for industry events such as training, seminars at sea, or FAM (familiarization) trips.

Do I need My Own CLIA Number to Book with CLIA's Suppliers?

Maybe you've determined that ARC and/or IATA are overkill. And maybe you've also determined that you want to book travel with a CLIA number, but that you don't want to apply for your own. How can you go about using a CLIA number without getting your own?

You don't need any level of membership to book CLIA's suppliers, so long as you're an IC or employee with a CLIA-credentialed agency.

Here's how:

You don't necessarily need to get your own CLIA number . . . not even an Individual Agent Membership. You can always go under an umbrella organization like a host agency . If you're working with a host agency, you can book under their CLIA number without incurring the costs associated with obtaining your own CLIA number or IAM.

This is beneficial for travel agents (both home-based agents and storefront agencies) because your revenue is combined with that of other agents under that host's CLIA number . Typically, this leads to higher tiers of commission you wouldn't be able to access on your own.

While you can always get your own CLIA number, if you can make more in commission with a host agency, getting your own CLIA number doesn't make sense. You don't need any level of membership to book CLIA's suppliers, so long as you're affiliated with (or employed by) a CLIA-credentialed host or travel agency.

Need More Help Choosing a Host? We've Got You Covered.

The most important thing you can do to find the best host travel agency? Know what you want before you start looking.  You may also find our  starting a travel agency or choosing travel agency names   articles helpful as you get your home travel business started.

And lastly, it is a big decision but it shouldn't be keeping you up at night if you're doing your due diligence. While you may think there is one best host agency for you, the reality is there are many great host agencies out there. If you do the proper research, chances are there are quite a few host agencies that you'd be very happy with!

If you're wanting more help finding your forever host and getting your agency off the ground, check out our new course, "The Complete Guide to Starting a Travel Agency."

Check out HAR's 3 different 7 Day Setup course options. The courses are written and facilitated by yours truly (Steph!) and Bridget Lee, a professional educator with deep roots in the travel industry. Maybe you notice a last name similarity? We happen to be sisters! We had a blast teaching the course, we think you'll love taking it too. With a free mini course and/or free trial of HAR's Accelerator All-Access Pass, there's a little something for everyone! Check out your options here !

7DS Accelerator Travel Agency Startup Courses

Wrapping Up!

It's hard to believe, but we have even more information about CLIA and other accreditations/crediting agencies on our site. Don't believe me? Click below and behold:

Travel Agency Accreditation Options [+Infographic]

Are things still unclear? No worries, drop your questions (or feedback) in the comments below. For those social fanatics, here's where you can find me online to chat things over: Facebook , Twitter , or Instagram . I've worked in the industry for quite a few years and specialized in helping agents start and grow their home-based travel agencies. If you're one of them, I'm here to help out!

A huge thank you to the CLIA crew: Charles Sylvia, VP, Industry, and Trade Relations; Danielle Haney, VP, Industry, and Trade Relations; Justin Wood, Membership marketing in North America; and Stephani McDow, Senior Director, Professional Development & Trade Programs for taking the time to chat with me and for sharing resources about their credentialing programs!

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published by Steph Lee on March 23, 2012 and was updated with current information on publish date listed above.

About the Author

Steph Lee - Host Agency Reviews

Steph grew up in the travel industry, helping on and off with her mom's homebased travel agency. She has worked with thousands of agents in her role as a former host agency director before leaving in 2012 to start HAR. She's insatiably curious, loves her pups Fennec and Orion, and -- in case you haven't noticed -- is pretty quirky and free-spirited.

If you’re looking for Steph, she leaves a trace where ever she goes! You can find her on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn (her fav) and Pinterest as 'iamstephly'. 🙂 You can also catch her on her Substack, Bumblin' Around, where she writes on things outside the world of HAR.

Steph Lee - Host Agency Reviews

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By Courtney Eisen

February 22, 2024

When it comes to travel agency identification numbers, it's easy to get lost in the many acronyms. There are ARC (Airlines Reporting Corporation), IATA (International Air Transport Association), and CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association) numbers, each serving a unique purpose. In this article, we'll delve into the intricacies of the CLIA Number and its role in the travel industry.

The CLIA Number, as the name suggests, is issued by the Cruise Lines International Association. It serves as a way for vendors to identify travel agents as authorized sellers of travel. While the ARC and IATA numbers are primarily associated with airline ticket sales, the CLIA Number caters to a different segment of the travel industry, specifically focusing on cruises.

A Quick History

In the past, travel agencies heavily relied on airline ticket sales as their main source of revenue. As the industry evolved and travel agent commissions were reduced, many agencies started diversifying their income streams beyond airline tickets. This shift in focus led to the emergence of a new type of travel agency that didn't require an ARC or IATA number.

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To accommodate these agencies and provide them with a more cost-effective way to establish their credentials, CLIA introduced the CLIA Industry ID Number. This number allowed agency owners to transition from their old ARC or IATA numbers to a CLIA Number, similar to keeping your phone number while switching carriers. For new leisure independent advisors entering the scene, CLIA offered the opportunity to obtain a brand-new CLIA Number.

CLIA vs. The ARC and IATA

Compared to ARC and IATA accreditation, obtaining a CLIA Number is more affordable and has fewer barriers to entry. This makes it an attractive option for leisure agents who want agency credentials to book travel. However, it's important to note that the CLIA Number cannot be used to book airline tickets through the GDS (Global Distribution System). If you're primarily focused on air-only reservations, ARC and IATA accreditation are still essential.

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One of the key differences between a CLIA Number and ARC/IATA accreditation is the terminology used. CLIA, with its emphasis on travel agent education and certification, avoids using the term "accreditation." However, the CLIA Industry ID Number functions similarly to other travel accreditations like ARC and IATA. Participating vendors recognize CLIA numbers, allowing agents to book travel and receive commissions under that number.

The Tiers of CLIA

Now, let's take a closer look at the credentialing requirements for obtaining a CLIA Number. There are two tiers of credentials with CLIA. It is important to note, however, that one is invite-only. For those new to CLIA, the Travel Agency Membership (TAM) is the primary option. This membership is designed for host agencies wanting CLIA Number. TAM is also suitable for storefront agencies. It's particularly suitable for leisure and cruise agencies that don't book a high volume of air-only travel.

To qualify for a TAM membership, your travel agency must be in good standing with state and federal regulations. The annual cost of a TAM membership is $399. This annual membership also includes an Individual Agent Membership (IAM) which can be used by the agency owner, or whoever the agency feels is most appropriate.The IAM provides access to various resources and is required for CLIA's professional development and certification programs.

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For agencies that meet specific eligibility criteria, CLIA offers the Premier Agency Membership (PAM). However, the details regarding PAM eligibility are internal and not publicly disclosed. It's worth mentioning that MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) travel agencies are not allowed to join as PAM members.

Moving on to the IAM, it's important to note that this membership level does not provide a booking credential like the CLIA Number. Instead, the IAM grants access to CLIA's professional development and certification programs. To qualify for an IAM, you must be affiliated with a CLIA-credentialed agency, either as an employee or an independent contractor (IC). Your agency's CLIA Number serves as the entry point for obtaining an IAM.

The cost of an IAM membership depends on whether your agency is a Premier Agency Member or a Travel Agency Member. For Premier Agency Members, the annual fee is $69, while Travel Agency Members pay $119. Additionally, IAM members are required to complete CLIA's State of the Industry course, which is available at no cost, to maintain their membership status.

Apart from accessing professional development and certification programs, having an IAM allows you to be listed on CLIA's Agent Finder for an annual fee of $19.99. It also enables you to obtain an EMBARC ID, formerly known as the "CLIA Card." The EMBARC ID serves as a physical identification card for agents of CLIA-credentialed agencies and is widely accepted in the industry.

Using Your Host's CLIA Number

If you don't wish to obtain your own CLIA Number or IAM, there is an alternative. You can affiliate with a host agency (like ours) and book under their CLIA Number. This option is particularly beneficial for home-based agents, as it allows them to combine their revenue with that of other agents under the host agency's CLIA Number. This often leads to higher commission tiers that wouldn't be accessible on an individual basis.

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In conclusion, the CLIA Number plays a crucial role in the travel industry, specifically for agents involved in selling cruises. While it differs from ARC and IATA accreditation, the CLIA Number serves as a recognized credential that allows agents to book travel and receive commissions. Whether you choose to obtain your own CLIA Number or affiliate with a CLIA-credentialed agency, understanding the options available can help you navigate the world of travel agency identification numbers more effectively.

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Travel Agency Accreditation, Explained: IATA, IATAN, ARC, CLIA, and TRUE

  • 14 min read
  • Published: 29 May, 2023
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What is travel agency accreditation? Why do you need it?

  • IATA accreditation for selling air travel worldwide
  • ARC accreditation for selling air travel in the US
  • CLIA accreditation for cruise booking
  • TRUE accreditation for cruise and tours booking

IATA accreditation for air travel: IATA vs IATAN vs TIDS

  • full IATA accreditation – a standard approach for international businesses that want to support ticketing and
  • a TIDS (travel industry designator services) code – a non-ticketing IATA accreditation. A TIDS code is simply an identification that helps your supplier network grow. It’s also used to grant commissions.
  • IATAN accreditation – the same as the full IATA accreditation but for US businesses only and
  • IATAN non-ticketing accreditation that provides the same opportunities a TIDS code does.

iata accreditation

Overview of IATA accreditation options

Full IATA accreditation

  • proof of general business operations,
  • proof of your qualifications,
  • confirmation of travel agent experience,
  • proof of financial viability.
  • Register at the Customer Portal .
  • Submit the application form with required documents.
  • Pay the registration fee.

TIDS accreditation

  • confirmation of business ownership,
  • copy of business registration,
  • bank statement,
  • one letter of recommendation from an IATA Airline, GDS, or other major industry supplier,
  • travel agency license,
  • signed copy of the TIDS Terms and Conditions .
  • Select TIDS.
  • Submit your application for review.

Full IATAN accreditation

  • IATAN is used only for US-based travel businesses with over 2 years of experience and
  • in the US, all payment transactions are processed not in BSP, but via the Airline Reporting Corporation (ARC) .
  • ARC approval,
  • business license,
  • proof of ownership,
  • proof of Seller of Travel Registration for states of California, Florida, Hawaii, Iowa, and Washington,
  • proof of two years of experience.
  • Fill out the required forms ( click to download .zip file ).
  • Submit the documents and forms at [email protected].
  • Pay registration fees.

Non-ticketing IATAN accreditation

Arc accreditation for airline booking in the us.

  • ARC-Accredited Agency – the most complete option that enables ticketing for you.
  • Verified Travel Consultant (VLC) – the same but without ticketing capabilities.
  • Corporate Travel Department (CTD) – option for businesses not in the travel industry.

Comparing ARC accreditation options

ARC-Accredited Agency for issuing flight tickets

  • confirmation of an established bank account with ARC,
  • a bond or a bank statement for $20,000.
  • Designate an ARC Specialist in your office who must pass the certification.
  • Complete the application form .
  • Pay the fee and submit your application form with required documents.
  • Pass an interview.

Verified Travel Consultant for non-ticketing agents

  • Review the VTC Agreement and Handbook .
  • Fill the application form .
  • Pay an application fee.

Corporate Travel Department for non-travel businesses

  • an IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN).
  • Assign an ARC Specialist Qualifier and a Manager Qualifier (they can be the same person).
  • Meet the ticketing security standards.
  • Submit the form, payment, and the required documents.

CLIA credentials for cruise booking

CLIA accreditation overview

Travel Agency Membership (TAM)

  • Special commissions and discounts – in your membership welcome package, you get a coupon booklet for special commissions, and the program itself provides bonus commissions, special discounts, as well as discounts on office supplies and technology.
  • Members-only information – access to special webinars, news digests, and other latest information on the cruise industry.
  • Promotion – a listing on CLIA’s Agent Finder platform, where vacationers can find your agency by postal code, promoting you as a credible professional.
  • Ability to join CLIA as Individual Agent Members – Only agents affiliated with CLIA’s TAM can get an Individual Agent Membership, which comes with its own set of benefits. We will cover this option below.

Individual Agent Membership (IAM)

Ccra true accreditation for niche travel booking.

TRUE accreditation overview

  • proof that you’re a sole proprietor,
  • proof that you’re meeting your state’s requirements as a seller of travel,
  • proof that you have at least 6 months of travel selling experience,
  • 3 business references,
  • proof of an active bank account in good standing.
  • Submit a form and payment.

Accreditation overview: IATA vs ARC vs CLIA vs TRUE

  • full IATA accreditation (if you’re outside of the US),
  • full IATAN accreditation (if you’re in the US),
  • ARC Accredited Agency (if you’re in the US).
  • TIDS (if you’re outside of the US),
  • IATAN non-ticketing (if you’re in the US),
  • ARC Verified Travel Consultant (if you’re in the US).
  • IATAN non-ticketing,
  • ARC Corporate Travel Department.

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CLIA Opens Enrollment for 2020 Travel Agency and Individual Agent Membership

October 21, 2019

The cruise industry plays a leadership role in tourism and is a mainstream vacation choice in major markets throughout the world. CLIA Membership elevates the credibility and reputation of agencies and their individual agents within the travel industry and is built to help members navigate the cruise industry, attract more clients and increase their earnings.

Enrollment for 2020 CLIA membership is now open, for membership valid through December 31, 2020.

CLIA Membership establishes agents as a cruise travel authority in the eyes of consumers and provides instant industry recognition with booking credentials (agency) and the CLIA EMBARC ID (agents). It also affords access to industry-leading professional development, cruise line bonus commissions, cruise line trainings and webinars, as well as exclusive personal travel perks and discounts. New for 2020, CLIA is augmenting its business-building benefits by launching an affinity program as well as expanded professional development offerings.

“The extraordinary response to CLIA membership in 2019 — resulting in the largest and most qualitatively strong membership roster in CLIA history — is a clear indication that CLIA credibility and member benefits are what travel professionals need and want,” said Charles Sylvia , ECC, Vice President, Membership and Trade Relations, CLIA. “As we launch 2020 open enrollment, our team has once again put together a benefits portfolio designed to help members reach their full potential in cruise sales. Thank you to our loyal members. It is a privilege to serve you.”

Cruising uniquely offers holiday-goers the three types of travel they most want: Experiential, Accessible, and Transformational. With more people in their 20s, 30s and 40s cruising now than ever before—and with tremendous growth projected in new and current markets—CLIA Members are well-positioned to help their clients discover the cruise journeys that best suit their needs and vacation-style.

Travel agencies interested in joining can apply for a Travel Agency Membership. Individual Agent Membership is open to travel agents associated with a 2020 CLIA Travel Agency Member.

Additional CLIA member benefits include:

Booking Credentials: Travel Agency Members’ CLIA Industry ID Number is their key to booking directly with our Cruise Lines and partners.

2020 CLIA EMBARC ID: All Individual Agent Members receive the CLIA EMBARC ID, the official credential of the global cruise industry. The EMBARC ID provides preferred member pricing for Cruise360 and other events, as well as access to CLIA member benefits, including cruise line and partner commissions.

Professional Development: CLIA’s professional development and training programs, rated the best in the industry, leverage a wealth of expert knowledge and partnerships to deliver valuable education to travel agents and other industry professionals. Our programs are available in a variety of formats to make it convenient for you to keep your skills polished or become certified through CLIA’s members-only certification programs. New for 2020, we are expanding our virtual offerings with the addition of Virtual Courses and a new series of professional development webinars focused on managing your business.

Bonus Commissions and Personal Travel Discounts from Cruise Lines and Partners: Travel Agency Members receive more than $3,000 in cruise line bonus commissions and Individual Agent Members receive more than $3,000 in cruise line bonus commissions.

Exclusive Members-Only Discounts: Enjoy discounted pricing on CLIA courses, event registrations and more. New for 2020, our CLIA affinity program offers discounts on office supplies, shipping, and computers.

Connect with Key Cruise Line, Destination and Industry Representatives: CLIA events, including Cruise360, the largest and only official conference of the cruise industry, provide you with an opportunity to network with others in the industry while enjoying a week’s worth of professional development, ship inspections, and the latest industry trends.

Relevant and Timely Information: CLIA’s monthly Travel Agent Cruise News delivers the latest information straight to your inbox the fourth Tuesday of the month. Members also receive regular CLIA emails with members-only news alerts, an onboarding series to help you make the most of your CLIA membership, professional development opportunities, and more.

Agent Finder: Get listed on CLIA’s online Agent Finder to promote yourself to consumers looking for knowledgeable and reliable cruise-focused travel professionals. Individual Agent Members can boost their profile by purchasing a listing, making them searchable by zip code.

To learn more about CLIA Travel Agency and Individual Agent Membership, please visit cruising.org/joinclia.


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Sitka and Juneau residents propose hard caps on cruise ships as tourism grows

Resorts World Cruises Celebrates its 2nd Anniversary with close to 3.3 million cruise passengers to date

American Cruise Lines wants to ramp up connection to downtown New Bedford. What to know

Victory Cruise Lines to Return to the Great Lakes

June 23, 2024

Carnival Cruise joins Royal Caribbean in key weather-related move. A lot happens behind the scenes to make sure passengers never face any real danger while at sea

June 22, 2024

Port Tampa Bay advances plans to build 4th cruise terminal

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Free champagne afternoon tea for teachers on select 2024/25 summer holiday cruises – Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines

Explora Journeys Celebrates Partnership With Louis Vuitton 37th America’s Cup And Announces Collaboration With Emirates Team New Zealand

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A reflection of your clia professional development, how can i earn clia points, clia learning academy (20 points/course*), cruise line training (2-20 points), executive partner training (5 points), clia masters (50-100 points), clia virtual & live events (3-40 points), cruise experience (20 points*), ship inspection (10 points*), life-cycle of points, frequently asked questions, where do i load the points i have earned, i have completed a course that was in the members hub. what do i need to do to get my points, why is my ship inspection or cruise experience not loading.

  • The date of the inspection or cruise experience is greater than 3 years of the time of activity.
  • You are entering the same ship in the same 12 month period. We only accept one cruise per 12 months per cruise ship. IF a ship returns from drydock after a refurbuishment within the same 12 months, please contact [email protected] as we monitor this as a case by case basis.

What is an Endorsed Course?

I have just attended a luncheon hosted by a cruise line. how do i get my points.

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1 Room : 1 Adult , /Room 0 Children /Room

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Beach cabana, JW Marriott Cancun Resort & Spa

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Pools and palm trees with beach in the background

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Commission faqs, general commission questions, what is marriott’s commission policy.

Marriott’s Commission Policy can be found here .

How often does Marriott process commissions?

Marriott International serves as a central processor and facilitator of consolidated commission payments for more than 8,500 hotels globally, providing you with one weekly payment and statement in your choice of more than 35 currencies. Marriott centrally processes, on behalf of participating Marriott-branded hotels, commissions owed to travel agencies that have an active and valid accreditation/membership with at least one of the following: ARC, IATA, IATAN, TIDS, or CLIA 1 . Marriott will process commissions for consumed reservations booked at commissionable rates, provided that the industry accreditation/membership number is present at the time of booking. All published rates and packages available to the general public with no qualification required are commissionable. Reservations must be booked via the GDS , Marriott.com , travelagents.marriott.com , or via telephone .

1 Your MyCLIA profile must include your Employer Identification Number (EIN).

What rates are commissionable?

All published rates and packages available to the general public with no qualification required are commissionable.

How can I view or research my commission payments?

Use Marriott’s Commission Portal to view commission statements, research individual commissions, submit commission inquiries and questions, and manage commission payments. If you are an Onyx CenterSource member agency, log on to www.onyxcentersource.com to view your statements.

How do I research my commissions?

Use the Research Commissions feature on Marriott’s Commission Portal to locate a past booking and view the status of the commission. If the reservation cannot be located after performing the search, submit an online inquiry through the Commission Portal for Intermediary Partner Care to research. Note: Marriott will only accept inquiries for missing commissions between 45 days and 12 months after guest departure.

Once an inquiry is resolved, the status of the commission will be reflected on your commission statement on the Commission Portal.

Onyx CenterSource Member agencies must submit inquiries directly to Onyx CenterSource .

I booked a commissionable rate, why is it showing up on my statement as non-commissionable?

If the guest requests a different rate at check-in, and is eligible for such, Marriott will accommodate the guest’s request if that rate is available. If the new rate is non-commissionable, no commission will be paid. If, however, the rate is commissionable, commission will be paid. In consideration of our travel agency partners, Marriott associates will not initiate with our guests the subject of changing the rate originally confirmed by a travel agency.

Do I get paid commission on no-shows or cancellation fees?

Marriott only pays commission on actualized room revenues at commissionable rates. Fees assessed by the hotel for cancellations after the specified cancellation time or no-shows are not commissionable. Please review the hotel's cancellation policy when booking a reservation.

Commission Payment/Statement Questions

Can i have my travel agency commissions deposited to my bank account.

For US agencies, Marriott supports direct deposit in US Dollars. For non-US-agencies, direct deposit in foreign currency or cross-border wire is available through our processing partner Onyx CenterSource. Please visit the Direct Deposit page on the Commission Portal to sign-up. Onyx Member agencies must sign up through Onyx. The initial direct deposit request process typically takes up to 10 business days. You should check the direct deposit status 10-14 days after submitting the initial request. The first commission payment will be remitted to your U.S. bank account approximately 30 days after receipt of your request. An email confirmation will be sent each time a direct deposit payment is made. If direct deposit payments are not received after that time, log back in to check the status and correct the banking information, if needed, and resubmit the request. If there are any questions, contact Intermediary Partner Care at 1-800-831-3100, option 3.

What currencies does Marriott support for commission payment?

Marriott supports commission payments in USD and 35 different foreign currencies through our banking partner. To view the most current currency offering, please visit the Direct Deposit page to explore your options.

What if the commission paid amount is wrong?

If you believe the rate of commission you were paid was incorrect, submit an inquiry on the Commission Portal . Commissions are paid according to the Preferred Travel Agency Program .

How can I view my commission statement?

View your commission statement on the Commission Portal by navigating to the commissions menu and selecting " View Statements ".

How long are commission statements available for viewing on Marriott’s Commission Portal?

Agency commission statements are available for viewing on Marriott’s Commission Portal for up to one year.

Why are there no commission statements available?

Commission statements are displayed for up to one year. If you believe you are missing a commission, use the Research Commissions tool on the Commission Portal to begin a search, or submit an inquiry for a missing commission greater than 45 days after guest departure.

Why are there "local currency" and "paid currency" fields on my commission statement and in the search commission result?

Marriott hotels outside of the United States often operate in the currency of the country in which they are located. If you book a reservation at a Marriott property that operates in a different currency than the one in which you have elected to be paid, the "local currency" field helps you reconcile the booking to the actual value of commission paid to you.

What is the benefit of the reporting feature on the Commission Portal?

The Commissions Reporting tool enables you to generate commission payment reports at either Summary or Detail level for a specific date range.

I received my commission check in the mail, but it didn’t have an accompanying statement with it. Why not?

Privacy, security, and responsible & sustainable business practices are top priorities for Marriott International. We believe that how we do business is as important as the business we do. To support these efforts and our sustainability and social impact platform, Serve 360: Doing Good in Every Direction , commission statements are only delivered via the Commission Portal . Paper commission statements are available upon request by contacting Intermediary Partner Care .

Can I have commission payments for all my agency locations consolidated into one payment and one statement?

Marriott supports consolidation of commissions to a single IATA location. If you would like to explore this option, please reach out to Intermediary Partner Care .

Marriott Commission Portal Questions

What is mi partner privileges.

MI Partner Privileges is a single secure sign on platform that provides the highest standards of security, while streamlining your experience across Marriott's Group Partner and Meetings Excellence! websites, as well as booking the Plan-Tastic discount familiarization rate.

What are the benefits of Marriott's Commission Portal?

Marriott's Commission Portal provides secure online access to:  

• Search for commissions and submit commission inquiries for missing or underpaid commissions

• Track the status of online inquiries at your convenience

• View and download commission statements, and generate commission payment summary or detail-level reports

• Expedite receipt of commission payments with direct deposit

How do I access Marriott's Commission Portal?

To access Marriott's Commission Portal, you must first sign in and create a MI Partner Privileges profile. Click  Travel Advisor Sign in or Register , then select the FIRST TIME/REGISTER tab and follow the steps to verify your email address and create a new password. Next, add your agency affiliation to your MI Partner Privileges profile on the My Affiliations  page as either an Administrator or Delegate. Click  here  for help with accessing the commission portal.

What is the difference between Administrator, Co-Administrator, and Delegate Commission Portal access?

Marriott's Commission Portal has three types of access:

  • Administrator:  This access is typically assigned to the person who manages financial operations for your organization. The Administrator has access to all commission portal features including the ability to manage commission portal access for other users. If your organization does not have an Owner/Verified Administrator established with ARC/IATA/CLIA, users will be unable to gain access to the commission portal until one is established.
  • Co-Administrator:  This access can only be granted by the organization's verified Administrator and has the same access as an Administrator.
  • Delegate:  This access may be granted by the organization's verified Administrator or Co-Administrator, and can view commission statements, search commissions, and submit commission inquiries. Delegates are not authorized to sign-up for, modify and/or cancel direct deposit, or manage access to the Commission Portal for other users.

How can I add another IATA location to my Commission Portal access?

Visit the My Affiliations page on the Commission Portal to add or edit your access.

Non-US Dollar Commission Processing

Can i receive commission payments in foreign currency.

Marriott International is pleased to offer direct deposit in 35 currencies through our foreign currency payment partner, Onyx CenterSource, who provides this service to Marriott for agencies that are not Onyx CenterSource members.

Do I have to be a member of Onyx CenterSource to receive commission payments in non-USD currencies?

You do not have to be an Onyx Member to receive commission payments from Marriott in your preferred currency.

How do I enroll to get paid in non-US Dollars?

Complete the Contact IPC Form on the Commission Portal by selecting the subject, “Request Payment Currency Change” and request an enrollment invitation to sign up for payments in your preferred currency. Once you receive the email invitation, follow the instructions to establish your account, choose your currency, and select your payment delivery choice.

I have elected to be an Onyx CenterSource member. How should I submit a commission inquiry?

Since you have elected to be an Onyx CenterSource Member for your commission processing, you must submit your commission inquiries directly to Onyx Center Source .

Where can I find my commission statements for my non-US dollar commission payments?

View your commission statement on the Commission Portal by navigating to the commissions menu and selecting " View Statements ”. If you are an Onyx CenterSource member, visit the  Onyx CenterSource Agency Portal .

CLIA Questions

I am a clia agency, how does my agency become eligible for marriott commissions.

You must be a current, paid CLIA accredited agency in the U.S. Your MyCLIA profile at https://www.cruising.org/login must be up to date and include your Employer Identification Number (EIN) (also known as a Federal Employer Tax Identification Number (FEIN) or Federal Tax ID).

Why do U.S. travel agencies need an Employer Identification Number?

Marriott requires all U.S. travel agencies to have an EIN on file to be paid a commission. Marriott will use this number along with your legal name and address to report commissions paid to the IRS at the end of each year. An EIN can be obtained via www.irs.gov .

What happens if I make a booking but have not provided my EIN number on my MyCLIA profile?

If you have not provided your EIN number on your MyCLIA profile, your CLIA ID will reflect as invalid on all Marriott booking channels and therefore, you will not be paid commission.

As a CLIA agency, when will I begin receiving commissions from Marriott?

U.S. CLIA Agency Members that include their Employer Identification Number in their MyCLIA profile will become eligible to receive commission on new commissionable bookings approximately two weeks after their MyCLIA profile is updated and the CLIA Agency number is entered on the reservation at the time of the booking.

Contact Information

What should i do if i’m still having trouble submitting a commission inquiry.

If you have a commission related question and were unsuccessful in submitting an inquiry through the Commission Portal, contact Intermediary Partner Care at [email protected] , or call 1-800-831-3100 (option 3) in the US and Canada, or 1-402-390-1651 worldwide. If you submitted an inquiry through the Commission Portal, you can check the status on the My Inquiries page. 

What should I do if I’m having trouble signing in or adding an IATA affiliation?

If you need assistance signing into MI Partner Privileges or adding an IATA affiliation, contact [email protected] , or call 1-800-831-3100 (option 5) in the US and Canada, or 1-402-390-1651 worldwide.

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Supplier Agent Portal

Supplier contact info for agents.

Tel. (202) 759-9370 [email protected] Before you email us, please  click here  for commonly asked membership questions. We hope this helps you find the answers you need. 

How to Register

Clia individual agent membership.

Now, more than ever, Individual Agent Membership provides you with valuable benefits, tools, and resources to navigate the cruise industry, attract more clients, and increase your income. Individual Agent Membership also opens the door for you to pursue and achieve CLIA Certification. $50 Discount on CLIA membership through Archer Travel Right Now. Register as an Independent Agent

CLIA offers a variety of resources and benefits to help you grow your business and increase your income

Supplier commissions, commissions, travel perks & exclusive members-only discounts, supplier resources.

Seller of Travel: CA # 2001330–10, FL # 35395, HI # TAR-6612, WA # 603352551 Copyright © 2022. All Rights Reserved. Archer Travel Service, Inc. Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy

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Membership enrollment frequently asked questions.

Below are commonly asked member questions. We hope this helps you find the answers you need. If the information you are looking for is not listed below, please contact our Membership Team at [email protected] or call 202-759-9370 (Option #5).


To join or renew for 2024 Individual Agent Membership, please check back in November. Currently, we are open for 2024 Travel Agency Membership only. If you have any questions about CLIA Membership, please refer to our Membership FAQs or contact one of our Membership Services Specialists at [email protected] or (202) 759-9370 (Option #5).

No, CLIA is not an accrediting organization; rather, we are a global trade association that, among many other functions, issues industry credentials to the travel trade to legitimize them with cruise lines and other suppliers. The CLIA Certification Program is another example of our credentialing, not accrediting.

Our Membership Team is available Monday-Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm Eastern Standard Time (EST). To contact our Membership Team please call (202) 759-9370 (Option #5) or email [email protected] .

Please click on 'Forgot Password' the My CLIA login page . A reset code will be sent to you via the email that we have within our database. If you need to confirm your email address on file please contact our Membership Team at (202) 759-9370 (Option #5) or email [email protected] .

Please log into My CLIA and visit the Join or Renew Membership page to complete a Travel Agency or Individual Agent Member application

A singular campaign is not likely. The cruise industry is a global industry. Each cruise line is different and sources customers from all over the world not just the United States. As resumption of cruising begins there will not be a crisis of demand in cruise. As Arnold Donald, CEO of Carnival Corporation states, “We’re not going to need to expand the market right away, simply because we’re going to have less capacity”, meaning the initial focus will not be on filling ships but rather how to make sure cruising is safe and accessible for all.

Travel Agency Membership Questions:

You can expect your Travel Agency Membership kit to arrive within 4-8 weeks of your membership enrollment or renewal date.

FYI - Agents registering as Individual Agent Members under your agency may enroll once your Travel Agency Membership is active. They do not have to wait for the kit to arrive to arrive.

As a CLIA TAM, you receive one (1) complimentary Individual Agent Membership and EMBARC ID through redemption of a promo code that you should have received via email upon enrollment or renewal of your Travel Agency Membership. Please check your spam filters if you do have not receive the email within 48 hours of enrollment or renewal.

  • Log into your account at cruising.org/en/my-clia
  • Click the ‘Join/Renew’ button
  • Scroll down to find the Individual Agent Member application toward the bottom of the page and click on ‘Join/Renew’
  • Complete the Individual Agent Member Application
  • On the checkout page, enter the promo code in the ‘Apply free IAM promo code’ field
  • Select ‘Apply’ and the price will discount the agent membership to $0.00
  • To process the application, click ‘Complete Enrollment’

To approve IAM applications:

From the My CLIA Dashboard, click on My Company Profile

Scroll down to view Pending Agent Memberships and select the approve or deny from the dropdown.

FYI - To auto-approve future pending IAM applications, please check Auto-Approve Agent Applications and click Submit.

FYI- You are also able to download copies of your Company Personnel, Online Course Engagement, Certification Engagement, Event Engagement, and a copy of your Travel Agency Membership Certificate.

Enrolling in the Auto-Renew program means that for your convenience, your CLIA TAM will automatically renew for the following membership year. Your participation in this membership convenience feature ensures that you never miss any of the great CLIA TAM benefits for the upcoming year. Your Travel Agents can also be among the FIRST to renew their CLIA IAM when enrollment opens. Once the Auto-Renewal is processed an order confirmation will be sent to the email address on file.

To opt in or out of Auto-Renewal or to review the credit card information on file, please log in to your My CLIA profile and click on My Company Profile. Scroll down to find your Auto-Renewal information and the option to update as needed. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Membership Team at (202) 759-9370 or [email protected] .

  • You use (IATA, IATAN or ARC) as your Industry ID# with CLIA. In this case, the Industry ID# must be active with that organization.
  • Travel Agency Members must have a valid EIN/Tax ID, address, phone number and email address in their company profile to be recognized with the CLIA Hotel Partners. This can be corrected by having the Owner/Agency Administrator sign into My CLIA and add this information under My Company Profile.

Request for a Travel Agency Membership name change must be submitted via written request on company letterhead signed by the owner of the agency.

Request for Travel Agency Membership change of Ownership must be submitted via written request on company letterhead signed by the previous owner and new owner.

Please include any additional details in your letter such as Agency address, email, phone number etc. Please email your letter to [email protected] .

Individual Agent Membership Questions

The photo must be a clear headshot, a .JPEG file, and sized to 180 x 180 pixels. Most photos today are well above the requested pixel-rate and must be resized outside of the application itself. Please feel free to send the photo file to [email protected] , and we can resize it and upload it as needed.

To resubmit your Individual Agent Member (IAM) application, please call us at (202) 759-9370 or email [email protected] . We will make any necessary updates to your application and resubmit it for reapproval from your agency.

The EMBARC ID is non-transferable and non-refundable. If the card is lost or you wish to make changes to the information listed, please contact the Membership Team at (202) 759-9370 or [email protected] . A $29 processing fee applies to replace or revise the card after initially issued.

Please be aware any updates you make to your Agent Finder listing information take approximately 2-3 hours to remap the information into the directory. You can verify the updated information in Agent Finder at that time by clicking on find a Travel Agent.

Yes, each active Individual Agent Member is required to complete and pass the CLIA State of the Industry course and quiz. This course is updated annually in February/March and completion is required to keep your IAM in good standing. The course will be preloaded to your profile’s My Training each year upon submission and approval of your Individual Agent Member application.

Professional Development Questions

To register for one (or more) of your free online seminars, please click here to access our Online Learning catalog. Any seminars with an asterisk are available for free. If you have any questions about your professional development, please contact us at [email protected] .

We offer online quizzes for seminars which we offer at our live and virtual events. These do not include any of the content incorporated with the full online seminars. Quizzes should only be registered for and taken by agents who have taken the associated seminar at your Premier Agency Member conference, at CLIA's Live or Virtual Training Events and/or at Cruise360.

If you are looking for the online course for this and other topics, please visit our Online Course List .

CLIA Certification is a great way to elevate your personal and professional brand. CLIA's programs are designed to make you the consumer's most knowledgeable cruise resource and increase your cruise sales and commissions. Whether you are a new travel agent or have sold hundreds of cruises we have the right certification for you.

Visit our certifications page to learn more or schedule a Career Counseling appointment for assistance from our CLIA Professional Development team.

Once your Individual Agent Member application is approved, the course will automatically be added to the My Training section within your membership portal. The 2023 CLIA State of the Cruise Industry course is now available. You will have until 12/31/2023 to complete the required course.

We recommend you access your online course by using Google Chrome or Firefox.

Popup Blockers

e-Learning courses will not launch until popup blockers are disabled. Disable your popup blockers by using your browser's "Tools" tab. If you use a search engine toolbar, be sure to disable that popup blocker as well.

Internet Security Setting

Again, using the "Tools" tab, choose "Internet Options". Click on the "Security" tab and make sure your internet security level is set to medium.

Java Requirements

Verify you have the most recent version of Java by visiting java.com.

Internet Security and Firewall Applications

Please be aware that some commercially available internet security applications prevent online courses from loading. Contact the manufacturer of your security or firewall applications and/or software for further assistance.

Course Window Opens, but Course Doesn't Load

If you launch a course module and the content browser window opens, but the course itself does not load, follow these steps:

  • clear temporary internet files (Browser » Tools » Internet Options)
  • clear applets from java console (Start » Settings » Control Panel » Java » Temporary Internet Files » Delete Files)
  • search for and delete any netgutil.exe files from your computer

If you have tried all the steps above and are still having trouble accessing your course, please email us with exact details of the error you are receiving and confirm that you’ve attempted all of the steps above. A member of our team will contact you within 48 business hours. 

If you have any additional questions or concerns contact [email protected]

Don’t yet have a login? Create a new account

Forgot Password

If you have forgotten your Password, complete the information requested below and click the submit button.

You will receive an email with a reset token to change your password.

Please allow at least 10 minutes to receive the email before requesting another password reset. Please be sure to check your Spam folder for the password reset email.

Please note: the Email you provide must be the one that is associated with your profile.

If you have difficulty resetting your password please email [email protected] .

Create a New CLIA Account

Set or change password.

Please use the form below to set or change your password. Passwords must be at least 8 characters.

We are sorry. An error has occurred.

Please confirm.


  1. Details About the CLIA Card (Travel Agent Credential)

    clia travel agent lookup

  2. Travel Agent Center

    clia travel agent lookup

  3. Travel Agency Accreditation: IATA, IATAN, ARC, CLIA, and TRUE

    clia travel agent lookup

  4. Clia Card Example

    clia travel agent lookup

  5. Travel Agent Centre

    clia travel agent lookup

  6. What does CLIA stands for in Cruises?

    clia travel agent lookup


  1. LIC CLIA Agent || अपने नीचे दूसरे एजेंट कैसे बनाए || 2023

  2. CLIA Cruise Week

  3. INSPIRE Keynote Speaker Karl L Holz

  4. Lucy Huxley with Chris Townson, Uniworld Boutique River Cruises

  5. Zenlist Feature Spotlight: Agent Lookup

  6. CLIA Agent in LIC || clia agent kaise bane |How to become clia in LIC


  1. Verify a Travel Agency Member Tool

    To verify that an Agency CLIA/Industry ID or Agent Personal/EMBARC ID number is associated with a current member in good standing, please enter the number in the box provided then click "Verify Member". Search results will indicate one of the following: Active - The member's name will be displayed verifying that they are a current CLIA Travel ...

  2. $name

    Find cruise travel agents in. within. of Search Search. Cruise Travel Agents ... We didn't find any agents in your area. Broaden your search to find CLIA affiliated travel agents. Elite Cruise Counsellor Scholar (ECCS) Elite Cruise Counsellor (ECC) ... Create a New CLIA Account. Login. Submit.

  3. Travel Agent Center

    Join or Renew Today! CLIA PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. My CLIA. MEMBER PORTAL. 2024 CRUISE360. CLIA EVENTS. Welcome to CLIA's Travel Agent Center! We are delighted you are considering being part of CLIA as a member. In charting my career course, like you, I chose to be part of CLIA, every year, as cruise was (and is) my focus and product of choice.

  4. What Is a CLIA Number?

    A Short History of the CLIA Number: In the good ol' days, a travel agency's main bread and butter were its airline ticket sales. These days, an ARC number was an absolute necessity for any travel agency. But when travel agent commissions were cut in the late 1990s and the internet came around, many travel agencies started focusing on sources of income beyond airline tickets.

  5. What is a CLIA Number?

    The CLIA Number, as the name suggests, is issued by the Cruise Lines International Association. It serves as a way for vendors to identify travel agents as authorized sellers of travel. While the ARC and IATA numbers are primarily associated with airline ticket sales, the CLIA Number caters to a different segment of the travel industry ...

  6. Check A Code

    Cargo Agency. 11 or 12 Digit Numeric Code. Travel Agent ID Card. 10 Digit Verification Number. CheckACode Evaluation. Validate IATA Agency Codes and Travel Agent ID Cards Enter IATA Numeric Code or Verification Number : CheckACode Feature Comparison Table. Buy Now; Available User Features

  7. Cruising Home

    Cruise Lines International Association is the world's largest cruise industry trade association, providing a unified voice and leading authority of the global cruise community. CLIA supports policies and practices that foster a safe, secure, healthy and sustainable cruise ship environment and is dedicated to promoting the cruise travel experience. CLIA cruise lines are leaders and innovators ...

  8. Travel Agent Rate Search

    Travel Agent Rate Search. The Travel Agent Rate is available to all accredited travel agents with a valid IATA, IATAN, CLIA, ARC or TIDS number. Rates are subject to availability and valid credentials are required for check-in, please view the FAQs for more details.

  9. Travel Agency Accreditation: IATA, IATAN, ARC, CLIA, and TRU

    Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) is the world's largest cruise industry trade association, representing 95 percent of the ocean-going cruise capacity. Their members include 50+ cruise lines, 54,000 travel agents, and 15,000 travel agencies.

  10. CLIA Opens Enrollment for 2020 Travel Agency and Individual Agent

    Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) has opened enrollment for its 2020 Travel Agency Membership (TAM) and Individual Agent Membership (IAM) programs. The cruise industry plays a leadership role in tourism and is a mainstream vacation choice in major markets throughout the world. CLIA Membership elevates the credibility and reputation of agencies and their individual agents

  11. Learning Academy Points

    CLIA requires a blended mix of cruise industry training, product training, destination training, and cruise onboard experience in order to be a certified cruise agent. CLIA rewards travel agents who undertake these elements of training and experiences with "CLIA Points".

  12. CTAC Commission FAQ_Final

    U.S. CLIA Agency Members that include their Employer Identification Number in their MyCLIA profile will become eligible to receive commission on new commissionable bookings approximately two weeks after their MyCLIA profile is updated and the CLIA Agency number is entered on the reservation at the time of the booking.

  13. Travel Agent Centre

    CLIA is engaged in travel agent training, research and marketing communications to promote the value and desirability of cruise holidays with thousands of travel agency and travel agent members. ... Cruise & Ship Search - Access to an industry-leading Search to assist with finding the right ship and itinerary for your customer. Events and Ship ...

  14. Finding a Cruise Travel Agent

    Learn how to choose and locate a cruise specialist who can help you plan your dream vacation at sea. Find out the benefits of using a travel agent, how to select one based on training, experience and niche, and how to interview them.

  15. CLIA

    Now, more than ever, Individual Agent Membership provides you with valuable benefits, tools, and resources to navigate the cruise industry, attract more clients, and increase your income. Individual Agent Membership also opens the door for you to pursue and achieve CLIA Certification. $50 Discount on CLIA membership through Archer Travel Right Now.

  16. Agent Membership

    ANNUAL DUES: $129. (Agents affiliated with a CLIA Premier Agency Member are eligible for a $50 discount, automatically applied at checkout.) Enroll Now. "CLIA membership has taken my travel business to another level! It has given me the confidence to offer my clients the best in cruises, from family-oriented to luxury.

  17. IATA

    Grow your travel business with IATA Travel Agency Program. Our services enable simplified and improved relationships between travel agencies and airlines to better serve your customers. Whether through a simple code or one of our three accreditation programs, there is a solution for any business model or size. > Find out now how the travel ...

  18. Login

    Login to your My CLIA Account. About CLIA. CLIA Cruise Lines; Leadership; CLIA Global Executive Committee; Mercy Ships; Explore Topics; Travel Agent Center. Join or Renew; Professional Development; Events; Travel Agent Cruise News; Verify a Member; Eligibility; FAQs; Marketing Partners; Refund Policy; Executive Partners;

  19. Find a Travel Agent

    Connect with one of our professional travel agents — some of the best-reviewed agents in the nation — to discover how their expertise can truly enhance your journey. 4.98/5. Average Agent Rating by Past Clients. 99.23 %. Recommended by Past Clients. 90,000+. Number of Positive Reviews for Our Agents.

  20. Travel Agency Membership

    CLIA Travel Agency Membership. Now, more than ever, CLIA Travel Agency Membership is an investment in your agency's success. Membership raises your professional credibility and reputation within the leisure travel industry and is designed to help you navigate the cruise industry, retain talent, attract more clients and increase your earnings.

  21. Certification Programs

    Whether you are new travel agent who wants to learn about selling cruises, or a career/expert travel agent looking to grow their business, CLIA has a certification that's right for you. ... CLIA Membership has given me access to travel resources and tools. Having itineraries, ship features, and key selling points for every global cruise line ...

  22. Become a Member

    Individual Agent Membership. Provides instant industry recognition with the CLIA EMBARC ID, access to comprehensive professional development and training, cruise line and partner commission opportunities, and exclusive personal travel perks and discounts. Individual Agent Membership also opens the door for you to pursue and achieve CLIA ...

  23. FAQs

    Membership Enrollment Frequently Asked Questions. Below are commonly asked member questions. We hope this helps you find the answers you need. If the information you are looking for is not listed below, please contact our Membership Team at [email protected] or call 202-759-9370 (Option #5). Is CLIA an accrediting organization?