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AstroCartography Chart Online, Free Astro Map Travel Cartography Relocation Astrology Calculator

Free Astro Map, AstroCartography Online Cartography, Relocation Chart

AstroCartography, Astro Map Free Astrology Online Calculator

  • Planetary Map Lines
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  • Optional: Other Aspects & Parans
  • Interactive clickable map
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  • Optional Astro Map calculators:
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  • Relocation Chart
  • Relocation ASC & MC Finder

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Astrocartography: Discover Your Best (and Worst) Places to Live or Visit


Find your best places in the world using locational astrology

To calculate an astrological birth chart, you need three things: birth date, birth time, and location. The third and final piece of critical information is often the most overlooked. Is location really that important?

It’s important enough to call for an entire branch of astrology known as Locational Astrology, commonly referred to as astrocartography or astrogeography. It can help you discover the best (and worst) places to live all around the world. 

Whether you’re born in Tokyo or Boston, the planets in your chart will stay in the same signs. But thorough astrology is much more than planets in signs––there is a whole chart to unpack!

What should I look for in astrocartography?

One of the most significant parts of any natal chart is the sign rising up on the horizon when the chart is created (a.k.a., the time you were born). You might know this as the rising sign or ascendant , which says a lot about how you show up to other people. However, it also determines the remaining twelve houses of the chart. 

The difference between a baby born in Tokyo and a baby born in Boston at the exact same minute of the same day is the sign on the horizon–– the rising sign! Obviously, this is because of time zones and the fact that it’s always night and it’s always daylight somewhere in the world. 

If the baby born in Boston is a Leo rising and the baby born in Tokyo is an Aquarius rising , they will have vastly different personalities, life experiences, and birth charts just because they’re born in different locations. 

A “relocated natal chart” in astrology

How does location impact astrology and energy after you’re born?

While you will always default to your natal chart using the location where you were born for just about any astrological inquiry, you can learn a lot about how you will experience a place based on what’s known as the “relocated natal chart.”

The relocated chart is the basis for most locational astrology, even astrocartography, perhaps the most common (and prettiest) locational astrology technique, where planetary lines of a million hypothetical relocated charts are condensed onto a map of the world in vibrant colored lines. 

If you want to explore the best places for you all over the world, the astrocartography map is the best place to begin. While there is also lots of nuance in any astrology-related conversation, use the guide below to help you get acquainted with the general energies of each planetary line. 

Planetary line themes in astrocartography

  • Sun : a place to be seen, the ego can develop, creative talents become more visible
  • Moon : a place to call home, go deeper into yourself, be with family, and nurture self-care practices
  • Mercury : a busy place with lots to do, many people to meet, and so much to learn – Go here to write a book!
  • Venus : a place to love and be loved, to indulge, create, and find pleasure and romance in all things
  • Mars : a place to stake your claim, get motivated, take action on your passions, and do big things
  • Jupiter : a place of expansion, good fortune, luck, overindulgence, and grand new beginnings
  • Saturn : a place of discipline, restrictions, and limitations, tough life lessons that make you stronger
  • Uranus : an unconventional place with lots of twists and turns, alternative experiences and people, and disruptions
  • Neptune : a dreamy place of bliss, confusion, spiritual happenings, unexplained phenomena, and the possibility of escapism
  • Pluto : a place for deep soul healing, psychological plumbing, and exploration of the circle of life
  • Nodes : a place you may have been in a past life that can still feel like you’ve been there before, fated experiences will often occur
  • Chiron : a place to heal your inner child, explore wounds from the past, and turn pain into art or healing practices

In addition to these themes, in astrocartography it’s essential to consider the sign where the planet lives in your chart because it will flavor your experience. An Aries Sun line will have a very different vibe from a Virgo Sun line––one will emphasize one’s love of action, adventure, and taking the initiative, while the other might bring light to a desire to be of service or develop skills in helping others. 

You’ve probably experienced the difference location can make

You might have experienced the power of locational astrology before without even realizing it. If you’ve ever traveled to a place that felt absolutely magical but you couldn’t figure out why, this might be a favorable place for you astrologically.

If you’ve gone on vacation only to be riddled with multiple bad luck scenarios, you might be in a less favorable place! This recently happened to my friend on vacation to Mexico. A well-planned trip was turned on its head with cancellations, disruptions and unexpected wild experiences. As it turns out, she was directly on a Uranus line, which wouldn’t be my first choice for relaxing vacation conditions. On the other hand, Venus is a crowd favorite for a blissful trip away. 

I grew up on my Saturn line on the East Coast and couldn’t figure out why I disliked it so much until I discovered locational astrology many years ago while living on the West Coast, a place where I felt like I could finally breathe again. 

Examples of how astrocartography can impact lives

Annie took a sabbatical to India with her new husband, which changed the course of her life forever. It wasn’t until 17 years later that she realized this spiritual awakening occurred at the strongest point of her Neptune line. Her natal Neptune is in Sagittarius, the sign of philosophy and other cultures. 

Brianna was having trouble moving forward in her career as a project manager but wanted to break into a new niche putting her passion for music to work. Less than a month after landing on her Jupiter line in Los Angeles, she secured a dream job in the industry. Her natal Jupiter is in Libra, the sign of music and artistic pursuits. 

Tony and Sarah met right before the pandemic but knew their connection was something special, so they dated long-distance for 16 months until they were able to reconnect! They both have strong Venus lines in the Maldives, which is exactly where they decided to get married so they could reunite once again stateside. 

Relocate your natal chart to find your astrocartography––where to live or visit (or where to avoid!)

If you want to explore locational astrology beyond what the astrocartography map can deliver, you’ll want to relocate your natal chart. Here’s how it’s done:

Let’s say you’re born in New York City. When calculating a relocated chart for a specific area, instead of entering your birthplace as New York City, you would enter the city of the new place and adjust the time so that it is correct.

How do you know if the time is correct?

The position of the planets and the signs do not change in the slightest. Take note of the degree of your Moon in your natal chart and ensure it stays the same once relocated. The only piece of the chart that changes is the Rising sign and, therefore, the houses.

This provides much more information about your experience in a place than the map on its own. Since this primarily revolves around the houses, it’s a good idea to know what you want in a place––career advancement, love, to feel at home, deep connections, or anything else! 

Have you always felt the pull to travel somewhere far away, but not sure why? Maybe you’re planning a big move but haven’t decided where or when to go. Astrocartography helps you discover the best places in the world, unique to you, and when you’re most supported to make the change.

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich

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Zodiac sign illustrations by  Bodil Jane ,  The Grande Dame  and  Yoko Furusho

Astro Seek

AstroCartography Chart

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How to use this chart?

The map shows a series of lines spread around the earth. These lines depict the paths of planets at the time when you were born.

  • To get an accurate chart, your birth details need to be accurate and then you can add the details like your birth date and location in the form below.
  • Then just hit Submit and using all this information and the sun-moon rising signs you will get to know about it.

UTC time offset:

Tip: Make sure the UTC time offset is correct. If it's wrong, you can change it.

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Birth Chart Calculator 1

What is the astrocartography?

Have you ever wondered how different locations have different effects on our lives? Most people simply think it to be bad luck or good luck. But what if there is a deep spiritual connection between all of these? One such thing is astrocartography.

An astrocartography is a chart used to describe the effects of different locations on the star’s position in your life.

astro travel cartography

What does it mean?

Astrocartography was created by Astrologist Jim Lewis in the 1970s. It explains how different locations and energies play a role in our daily life. Astrocartography deals with the location where the planets such as the sun, moon,  Venus, and Mercury were rising or settling around the earth at the time of your birth. Different planets will have different effects on your life.

If you are suffering from a low level of confidence. You are constantly dealing with self-doubt and you are constantly in doubt that you may not be living your life enough. You should try visiting these Astro places. These places will show you your true worth. Not only this you will find success and also bring positive influence on others.

This line will form a true connection with your internal world. You will feel the most satisfied emotionally if you visit these lines. Also, they will bring out the deepest intuitions hidden in yourself. Moreover, these lines have a maternal meaning and feminine aspects. If you want to feel understanding and compassion, your desires will be fulfilled.

If you want to work on your communication with people and boost intellectually. You must visit places on these Astro lines. These are the lines where you will be connected to people by linguistics or writing. You will feel the sharpest mentally. Hence, these areas are the best to find your creative self.

If you want to have a radiating personality it is difficult for people to resist. You should try visiting these lines. Venus is most probably linked to success, beauty, and love. Hence, when you follow this line it may lead to your life partner or you may end up being highly successful in something.

Check Out Astrological Calculator

How to find AstroCartography?

If you find your Astro map you can do so by visiting various astrocartography websites online. These websites will need some of your information such as date of birth, city of your birth, and time of your birth to navigate your free chart.

Moreover, if you want a precise best astrocartography reading you can also go to an astrologist. Once you get your chart figured out, you can use this chart to see which location affects you in what way.

  • Each line has a meaning, planet, and purpose defined for it. these lines are also linked to different points geographically.
  • So by understanding these lines, you can know your connection to these places.
  • For the planet lines, the following abbreviations are used: AC (Ascendant), IC (Imum Coeli), MC (Midheaven), and DC (Descendant). These lines have special definitions that you can use to interpret their meanings about planetary facts.
  • Astrologers read your birth chart which comes next to your astrocartography map to get deep insights about who yourself and your activities.

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What is the best astrocartography line to live a life on?

The lines of the Sun, Jupiter, and Venus could prove to be the best lines to live a life on. They are known to provide positive effects on one’s life. These planets provide neutrality, warmth, and coziness.

How to get my astrocartography chart?

If you wish to get your chart you can get it from various websites. All you have to do is enter some of your data such as your birth place, birth date, and birth time. Various chart calculators are available online. Which you can use to see the motions of planets around the world.

How can you define astrocartography symbols?

You can read the astrocartography planetary symbols by these lines. The closer you are to any of the lines, the more you will feel its energy. Moreover, these planet lines have abbreviations as AC ( Ascendant ), DC (Descendant), MC (Midheaven), and: IC (Imum Coeli).

Is AstroCartography real?

Astrocartography is just a birth chart according to the Earth. Some astrologers say that astrocartography is as real as one’s birth. Because it is based on a person’s birth information.

astro travel cartography

How can we use astrology for relocation purposes?

You can use your astrocartography chart for the relocation of your place, Here’s how: For example, if you are born in one place and you want to shift to another place. You will take your birth chart and transpose it to the second place. Then you will have to study the effect of these place geography impact change.

Which house is good for Travelling in astrology?

There are various houses in astrology. If you want to travel to the houses of 4th, 7th, 9th, 10th, and 12th and their combination could be good for you. These are good houses for traveling abroad.

How to Read Your Map Travel & Relocation Astrology Video

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How To Use Astrocartography To Chart Your Future Vacation or Relocation

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Recently, I learned about an astrology discipline that's speaking to my own indecisive, wanderlusty soul: astrocartography . Learning how to read astrocartography can help with future vacation planning, relocation, and more—and your astrocartography guide awaits.

  • Clarisse Monahan , astrologer and tarot reader
  • Dara Dubinet , astrologer
  • Helena Woods , astrocartographer, astrologer, and locational astrology teacher
  • Talisa Zampieri , intuitive tarot reader, astrologer, and astrocartography expert behind Two Wander

What is astrocartography?

Astrocartography, also known as "relocation astrology" or the "astrology of place," is a discipline of astrology. Astrologers believe different places on Earth hold different planetary energies for each person, based on where and when they were born.

Clarisse Monahan , an astrologer and tarot reader, explains that astrocartography “uses the scientific aspects of geography and astronomy, showing you which places will have the most significant impact by looking at how the angles in your chart are performing in these new locations.” In other words, the intel can provide insight into the best and worst places for you to live and travel, energetically speaking.


So, if you, say, studied abroad in Melbourne, Australia, and felt a new rush of confidence there, it could be because that city lies on your sun line. ("Lines" are latitude lines that correspond with the major celestial bodies, and they're different for everyone depending on that person's natal astrology chart .) Or, conversely, if you recently moved to New York City and have felt overworked and weighed down ever since, it could be because the Big Apple's on a Saturn line for you.

While astrocartography may sound supremely woo-woo, astrologer Dara Dubinet contends that it's actually a super-practical life tool. "Any time we're thinking of relocating, traveling, holding a retreat, or having a wedding, it’s good to know what energies the destination holds for us," she says. It's also good to be aware of the vibes of the place where you're living in right now, since they may be affecting you in either a positive or negative way.

As with all forms of astrology, Monahan adds that astrocartography is simply another tool we can use to help us on our life-long journey of self-discovery.

The history of astrocartography

It’s shocking that more people aren’t talking about relocation astrology, given how mainstream astrology has become . (Same with chart ruler astrology , the north node in astrology, and your astrocartography past life .) But there's a good reason why it’s one of the astrology terms that’s remained under the radar for so long. "Before 1978, it was a very complicated process—it could take days of people measuring and mapping," says Dubinet. But in that year, an astrologer named Jim Lewis streamlined a method to chart out people's personal hot spots more quickly and easily, so more could use the intel, and he trademarked it "astrocartography."

Thanks to computers, we're now able to get our own astrocartography maps with the tap of a trackpad, either by going deep in a session with a pro astrologer or downloading your chart basics for free from astro.com . If you choose to go the DIY route, however, be warned—it's a lot to take in. The good news is this guide on how to read astrocartography will help you on your journey.

How astrocartography can benefit your life

Whether you’re doing some future vacation planning, looking for travel astrology insights, or are hoping to use astrology for relocation, having an astrocartography guide that helps you learn how to read astrocartography can come in handy.

“By learning the language of astrology, we can identify where in the world would hold different activations for us,” says Helena Woods , an astrocartographer, astrologer, and locational astrology teacher. “Astrocartography can benefit our lives in a myriad of ways, from learning where we’ll feel most energized, expansive, and productive, to where we will feel the most peace and ease in our personal and domestic life.”

Woods says your map and relocation chart can also show you super specific things—everything from the best place to work on the novel you’ve been dreaming of writing to where you would have the most active dating life. Talisa Zampieri , the intuitive tarot reader, astrologer, and astrocartography expert behind Two Wander , says astrocartography can also give the reassurance you need to make bold moves in your life. “Astrocartography can benefit someone's life by acting as a supportive tool for clarity, alignment, and decision-making ability when choosing where to live or to maximize a holiday experience,” she says.

Ready to dive into the ins and outs of astrocartography? Below, you’ll learn how to use astrology for relocation, gain some vacation astrology tips, and discover how astrocartography mapping can help ensure you’re in the right place at the right time for all your future adventures.

How to decode your astrocartography chart

First, you'll want to establish your own personal astrocartography chart to guide this process. There are many free astrocartography tools to help get started, but ultimately, your map must be tailored for your unique astrological self.

Once you've run your own personal map —using your birth date, time, and place—you'll receive a map of the world with tons of crisscrossing colored lines on it. Each of these lines is linked with a certain celestial body, and each one is thought to bring out certain qualities in you when you're in a place near that line.

But how do you read astrocartography maps? The best way to make sense of it all, says Dubinet, is to first think about what you're looking to call into your life— a summer fling , financial success, creative inspiration, that kind of thing. Then, determine which planet that desire corresponds with and find that planetary line on your astrocartography map. Places on or near that line are said to contain the energy of its respective planet. Here's a rundown of each planet's energy, in Dubinet's words:

  • Sun line: "The sun is good for being seen—it gives you a healthy dose of ego. I call it your fame and reputation [line]."
  • Moon line: "The moon represents the divine feminine. It has to do with mothering yourself and others."
  • Mercury line: "Mercury is the planet of communication. Places on your Mercury line would be great for writing a book or activating your interest in something."
  • Venus line: "Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and relationships, as well as design and style."
  • Mars line: "Mars is drive. It's passion. If you want to feel lots of masculine energy, go somewhere on a Mars line."
  • Jupiter line: "Jupiter is the planet of joy, expansion, and abundance. It's a good one."
  • Saturn line: "In the long term, places on your Saturn lines can be aging and bring too much responsibility. But they're certainly good if you want to bring discipline and order into your life—like if you're choosing where to go to college."
  • Uranus line: "If Saturn's like the old man, Uranus is the teenage rebel. It comes in the form of surprises and change."
  • Neptune line: "Neptune is so spiritual, but you can't see things clearly on a Neptune line. You wouldn't necessarily want to live there."
  • Pluto line: "If you need to shake things up, go to a Pluto line—it's gonna cause destruction, but also rebirth and growth."
  • Chiron line: "[The asteroid] Chiron is the magical healer. It gives a little bit of life purpose insight [by indicating] how we're supposed to help others."
  • North and south nodes: "These represent your karma and fate. [Places on the node lines] feel like home, almost as if you'd been there before."

You may notice that some of your lines overlap or cross each other—for instance, my Jupiter and Pluto lines are right on top of each other. This just means that the energies of both are amplified in the places where they meet, says Dubinet.

The four cardinal points in an astrocartography chart

Diving a little deeper, exploring the cardinal points in an astrocartography can give you insight into four areas of your life: self, relationship, career, and home. “Astrocartography looks at where certain planets in your chart work with or against these cardinal points,” says Monahan. “They do this by taking these points and applying them to each planet, in turn plotting them on a map. We can then use these maps to tap into their energy.”

Zampieri says if you’ve been to a Saturn MC line, for example, you can think about what you learned about your place in the world and what your work-life balance was like while you were there. Here's a rundown of each planet's energy, in Zampieri’s words:

  • The Ascendant (AC): “This is the exact degree of the sun in the zodiac sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the moment you were born. As such, it represents how you show up in the world, how you perceive it, and how you are perceived in return. Thus, AC lines can show us where we might feel most aligned in ourselves and bring those planetary influences to the forefront. For example, a Moon AC line can feel like wearing our hearts on our sleeve while a Saturn MC line can be good for personal discipline.”
  • The Midheaven (MC): “This is the highest point the sun reached on that day, the culmination point. It represents what we are working toward—our legacy, career, and public image. MC lines can bring the planetary focus to our life path and profession. For example, a Jupiter MC line can be good for growth and expansion in our business.”
  • The Descendant (DC): “This is where the sun set on the western horizon, directly opposite the Ascendant, as such it represents our partnerships. DC lines can bring a focus to the other, so going to a Venus DC line can emphasize a desire for relationships and allow us to foster harmonious ones (always depending on what Venus is doing in your natal chart, of course).”
  • The IC (Imuni Coeli): “The IC point is the nadir, the lowest point of the sun, opposite the midheaven. It represents our inner world, lineage, and upbringing. Going to an IC line can feel like home and where we belong. A Mercury IC line, for example, can bring us friendships that feel like family or can be good for private learning and self-expression.”

How astrocartography can help you decide where to relocate

Astrolocatrography is also called “relocation astrology” for a reason. If you’re looking to make a big move, Zampieri says it can be a helpful tool in determining where you should be.

“Astrocartography can help you decide where to relocate by using it in conjunction with your own intuition and reasoning for what is best for your current situation,” she says. “What kind of climates do you like, do you need city or nature, what’s your budget, are you moving for work or with family? By combining astrocartography with places you’re already interested in, you can more easily make a decision.”

But how does using astrology for relocation work, exactly? Woods says each planet has its “own specific archetypal meaning, as well as their own unique story based on our birth charts.” Once you decide what’s most important to you at this current moment (like relationships and community, for example), you can look for details in those areas in your relocation chart.

“We have many lines criss-crossing on our astro maps,” says Woods. “Aside from knowing your current priorities, it's a nice way to determine where to be in the world by looking at the best planetary lines, latitude crossings (or parans, which tell us at which latitude would be the best), local space lines (which show us which specific cities/towns), and then timing it (so that particular area of life is activated and eventful).”

With a little help from an astrocartography guide, using astrology for relocation could help you uncover the best possible place to move to—somewhere that will leave you feeling happy and fulfilled.

Using astrocartography to plan future vacations

While learning how to read astrocartography can be great for relocation, it's also a top-notch skill for future vacation planning. According to Woods, one of the best ways to gain travel astrology insights through astrocartography mapping is by taking your astro map and adding the overlay of the transits and progressions. This allows you to see the right timing and overall energy. Talk about a prime vacation astrology tip.

“We all have planetary lines on our maps, but certain themes and energies become activated when we have a transit or progression moving across that exact area where that line is placed,” says Woods. “Whether you’re looking for a relaxing beachside vacation that feels dreamy and ease-filled, a spiritual meditation retreat to connect deeply with nature, or an active and adventurous scuba diving adventure, astro lines and latitude paran lines are really helpful in determining those specific energies.”

Need a starting place? Zampieri says for the long-term, Uranus lines are often considered too unstable. “But for just a short trip it can be exhilarating and exciting,” she says. “You can also look to the planetary ruler of your ninth house of travel for destinations that can help expand your worldview.”

With these vacation astrology tips, you'll be able to better plan the getaway of your dreams. With that being said, you can also experience a certain location’s astrological energy without ever leaving the comfort of your home.

You don't have to visit a place to experience its astrological energy

According to Dubinet’s travel astrology insights, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is where I will experience “explosive abundance.” But there's just one problem: I'm not about to travel there. And as much as I'd love to add that stamp to my passport, I don't think I'll be able to any time soon. The good news is that she says this doesn't matter...

Of course, being in a given location would seem to be the best way to soak in its energy. And while that may be true, Dubinet claims you can also bring its influence into your life without leaving home. "You can call in the energies from the cosmos wherever you are,” she says. “There are great ways of bringing them into the place you’re living now, without feeling like you have to relocate."

Immerse yourself in the energy of the destination

For example, let's say France is a particularly lucky place for you according to your astrocartography chart. If you can't physically go there to soak in its good fortune, Dubinet suggests channeling your inner French girl by listening to French music, watching French movies, wearing clothes by French designers , taking a French cooking class—you get the idea. You can also look for opportunities to connect with people from that place, as they may be able to deliver an important lesson or experience. (BRB, going to swipe for Brazilian guys on Hinge.)

And you may not have to try very hard with the latter. Monahan says many often naturally sync with people from their power lines. “Venus lines, of course, represent romantic connections and these are people you will easily attract and can create harmonious relationships with,” she says. “People from Jupiter lines tend to offer wisdom and knowledge and usually show up as teachers or mentors in life.” Pro tip: If you’re feeling stuck in your dating life, Monahan encourages experimenting with setting up new locations on dating apps to shake things up.

Focus on the energy of the astrocartography line

Furthermore, Monahan says you can also harness the power of your astrocartography lines by connecting with the energy of the lines themselves. To do so, she recommends choosing one planet you want to work with and focus on the energy that the planet represents. For instance, if you want to connect with your Jupiter line, get to know the planet intimately first. “Jupiter is known as the Greater Benefic, the most positive planet in the sky,” Monahan says. “It is associated with luck, higher wisdom, philosophy, generosity, coherence and expansion.”

From there, Monahan says you can apply the planet’s keywords to the places on your Jupiter line. “Are there certain philosophies from these areas you want to find out more about?,” she says. “Is there a language or culture you want to learn more about? Are there historical books you really want to dig into to find out more about these places?” Get curious and approach the areas through a Jupiter lens.

Don't stress—there's no such thing as a "bad" place for you

Let's say that you've got your astrocartography map and you find out that you're living on a tricky line, like Saturn or Neptune. Remain calm, says Dubinet. "The biggest thing is not to be fearful of the harder lines, because there are things that they all are giving us," she says. "If you chose a more challenging line to live on, it’s only making you stronger and more evolved. It might be the shake-up you need."

Monahan echoes this, adding that because everyone’s astrocartography chart is individual and features a mix of different planets and energies, there are no difficult lines. Of course, if you live on an astrocartography line of a benefic planet (aka the ones with a positive influence) such as Venus and Jupiter, things can be very positive, but only if those planets are in good condition in your chart. “If you have a natal Venus that is being hindered/aspected in a difficult way, moving to this line only agitates and aggravates this situation,” Monahan says.

And vice versa, malefic planets (ones with more challenging energies) such as Mars and Saturn can be tricky to navigate, but for people who have a strong sense of the planets in their charts, they can be very productive places for them. “Saturn can be great for completing a body of work, or undertaking a serious study,” Monahan says. “Mars can be perfect if you are someone who thrives in a fast-moving, busy energy.”

So again, there’s no such thing as a bad place to be, but rather each place has a different energy to it, and astrocartography helps you tap into those energies depending on what you need during whatever phase of life you’re in. “Make sure you are moving to [or traveling to] a place that complements your chart and encourages expression of what you are looking to do next in your life,” Monahan says. For example, a high-energy, social place may have been great for you during your young, single days, but as you get ready to start a family, maybe you’re craving a slower, more supportive energy.

The takeaway: Astrocartography mapping can help you better understand the energetic influences of different geographic locations and how they specifically apply to you and your life. Then you plan your travels (or big moves) accordingly.

Frequently asked questions about astrocartography

What are the best astrocartography lines to live on.

The answer to this question is going to be different for everyone. “There is no best astrocartography line, as the lines all depend on the person’s natal planet,” says Woods. “Jupiter and Venus are the two benefics in astrology, or the two most positive planets. Generally, they feel light, ease-filled, and abundant. However, if someone has a poorly-placed planet (even if it is as magical as a planet as Venus or Jupiter), it can be more challenging for someone.”

Zampieri says the best astrocartography lines to live on depend on your intentions and your own natal chart. “Look to the most relevant house/planet/placement and then to which is the most ‘dignified’ planet in your natal chart,” she says. “For example, if you are seeking a partner, you can look to either the planetary ruler of your seventh house or to Venus, depending on which one is in better condition in your natal chart.”

What is the difference between MC and IC in astrocartography?

According to Zampieri, the difference between the MC and IC in astrocartography is visibility. “The MC is our most public point. It brings the planetary significations to our career and professional life,” she says. “The IC is our inner sanctum. A deeply intimate and tender point, it can infuse the planetary significations into our psyche or home life instead.”

Is Rising the same as Ascendant?

Yes, the Ascendant and Rising Sign are the same thing. “The Ascendant is simply the exact degree within the Rising Sign,” says Zampieri. “As the sun rises on the eastern horizon, it takes about two hours for it to pass through a zodiac sign of 30 degrees. The Ascendant is the precise point within it at the moment you were born.”

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Ellie Cleary

How to read your AstroCartography Map to Plan Travel

Curious about how to read your AstroCartography map so you can choose the best places to travel to and get the best out of your natal astrology? In this blog I share my own experiences and tips of living and working astrocartography as I’ve travelled and relocated around the world – so if you’re looking for tips on how to work with your AstroCartography lines, read on!

As a lover of both astrology and travel as incredibly powerful tools for self-discovery, growth, change, navigating life transitions and so much more, you can imagine how excited I was several years ago to discover that there was a tool that blends exactly these two things.

From the moment I first discovered how to calculate my AstroCartography chart, I was hooked.

Those places that had called to me all of my life, suddenly made sense.

The places that I’d never really felt at home in or had downright challenging experiences, suddenly made sense too.

The thing is, there’s a reason we feel drawn to certain places – and that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the easiest places for us to be – but in my experience it does mean that the energy – the planetary lines and influences running through there – do have medicine and wisdom for us.

As someone who has travelled the world mostly full time since 2015 and a career in travel for 13 years, AstroCartography mapping is the tool I wish I’d known about when I first started travelling 20 years ago.

So, without further ado, let’s get into some pointers for how to read your AstroCartography map, and how you can use that information to plan the perfect trip!

AstroCartography map reading

What is AstroCartography?

AstroCartography is a type of locational astrology, created by astrologer Jim Lewis in the 1970’s. Simply speaking, it is a visual system for mapping how your astrological birth chart (natal chart) corresponds to different locations on earth.

More specifically, AstroCartography maps the locations where the planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus et al) were rising and setting around the world at the time of your birth.

When clients do readings with me, there are more types of locational astrology that I factor into the mix beyond AstroCartography for a more holistic approach, but AstroCartography is a great tool for getting started, and in particular thanks to the free map on astro.com, it’s easy to play around with if familiar with the different planetary archetypes and energies.

Using AstroCartography, you can easily locate your different lines – for example your AstroCartography Venus line or your AstroCartography Moon Line – and see which locations they run through in the world.

How to Use AstroCartography to Make Decisions on Location & Travel

There are multiple software options that offer AstroCartography, but the best free one to use is the one on Astrodienst. Simply go to astro.com and select the AstroClick Travel chart. It has handy descriptions when you click on a place so it’s perfect for beginner dabbling.

NB: For AstroCartography you need to know your accurate time of birth. AstroCartography is all based on the angles of your chart, which change by the minute.

Astrocartography map meaning

Which are the Best AstroCartography Lines?

A common question I get, is which is the best line to go to or visit? Which is the best AstroCartography line to live on?

And the answer – somewhat predictably is, it depends. Let me explain why.

AstroCartography is just one very specific form of astrology – and although working with it on its own can be helpful, it is far more powerful when combined with the wisdom and magic available through working with your natal chart as a whole and your current transits.

For example, you can be in the middle of your Pluto square Pluto transit and travel to your Venus AS line, but still feel like you’re living in deep pain and your worst fears are coming up to be dealt with. Ultimately, there’s no escape from the Pluto cycle – but we do get to choose to put ourselves somewhere more supportive for the process and healing.

Likewise, if you’re planning to launch your next big project and share it with the world, going to your Venus IC line may not help you in the ways you hope. As that’s a much more inwards energy.

It also depends very much on: What are you looking for? What are you seeking at this time? How are you looking to be supported on your life journey? What is your soul needing?

That said, there are some really supportive energies to look for when searching for where to settle longer term (eg home) – it’s really hard to go wrong with Sun, Moon, or Venus on your IC, unless you have other challenging lines crossing in the same location. But again, it’s really best to make these decisions when taking your whole natal and relocated chart into consideration, as well as current transits for big decisions like this. If you would like to take a holistic look at where is right for you looking at all of these things, you can book a Soul Travel Oracle reading with me here .

how to read your AstroCartography map

What Kind of Trip are you Planning?

When working with AstroCartography to plan travel, one of the first things to do is to spend some time sitting with your intention and what you want to get out of your upcoming trip. That will help inform you about which AstroCartography lines and which energies would be best to work with.

Or, you can simply take the AstroCartography as inspiration – by looking at where the most beneficial lines are for you, where they pass through, and consider how they relate to the places that most call to you / you most feel drawn to.

A few pointers:

  • If you want to go somewhere on a healing retreat or take time for yourself to heal after life challenges, Chiron can be a supportive energy to work with
  • If you want a lazy week in the sun look for Venus – Mars lines may have you running around more than you bargained for!
  • For those once in a lifetime journeys of the unknown and adventure, Jupiter lines are your teacher and guide
  • And if you’re really over something and ready to let it go and create something new instead, Pluto lines can be very supportive in the death-rebirth process – this energy is often avoided in AstroCartography and is incredibly powerful and transformative, even if it’s not always easy at the time.

It’s not always about the AstroCartography Lines, but it’s a great place to start

There’s more to the energy of a place of course than the AstroCartography – I believe that land holds different energies, which can be affected by the history of a place, and what has happened there. Places that have seen incredible hardships, genocide, or constant destruction through climate change can take on a heavier energy than their lines may suggest when you learn to read your AstroCartography map.

That said, I also believe that AstroCartography can be seen as a tool to guide us home. To our truest selves. And this is the deepest work.

The AstroCartography map can be seen as a way to find the missing parts of ourselves; to reclaim our stories and unfinished business from past lives, and reintegrate the pieces of our story we have forgotten – whether we can physically travel to those places or not.

And sometimes, the places we are most drawn to are on the most challenging AstroCartography lines – but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t go.

Following this path and journey is a process, which is why I love to support and guide women home along this journey. You can find out more about working with me here .

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The Art of Astrocartography: Intrepreting Your Chart Lines

Last Updated: May 3, 2024 Fact Checked

What is astrocartography?

Astrocartography map basics, planetary meanings, what can i learn from my astrocartography map, expert interview.

This article was co-authored by Angel Eyedealism and by wikiHow staff writer, Amber Crain . Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 334,008 times.

Ever wondered where in the world you truly belong? Looking for a life-changing travel destination? Hoping to meet the love of your life abroad? Your astrocartography map can point you in the right direction! In this article, we'll explain exactly what astrocartography is, how to generate your own map, and provide detailed interpretations for the corresponding lines and planetary meanings. If you're ready to get moving and expand your horizons, read on!

Things You Should Know

  • Use an astrocartography map generator to create your chart. You'll see lines charting points all over the globe.
  • The lines will have planetary symbols on them. Each planet represents a different aspect of your life/personality.
  • Note where the lines are on the map. The closer you are to a line, the more you feel the energy of that particular planet.
  • Use the map to figure out where to relocate, find vacation spots, or look for your soul mate based on the planetary energy you want to cultivate.

Astrocartography is a form of astrology that focuses on geography.

  • Similarly, your map can tell you which places to avoid because they're inauspicious and don’t support your personal goals.
  • Astrocartography is an old concept, but was officially "invented" in the 1970s by American astrologer Jim Lewis. Lewis devised a systematic way to generate astrocartography maps based on planetary movements at the time of a person's birth. [2] X Research source For an in-depth look into this branch of astrology, check out Lewis' seminal book, The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy .

Step 1 Use an online astrocartography map generator to create your chart.

  • You can also buy special software to generate an astrocartography map, or consult a professional astrologist that specializes in locational astrology (search "locational astrologer + your zip code" to find local pros).

Step 2 The map charts a series of lines around the globe.

  • All of the planet lines will also be labeled with one of the following abbreviations: AC (Ascendant), IC (Imum Coeli), MC (Midheaven), and DC (Descendant). These lines have specific meanings that you will interpret in conjunction with the planetary meanings.
  • Astrologers generally read your birth chart next to your astrocartography map to provide deep insights about who you are and where you belong.

Step 1 Sun ☉

  • People often seek out astrocartography charts before relocating. For example, if you’re trying to decide on a college, your chart can tell you which places are most suitable for your energy and goals.
  • Look for the lines marked "IC" if you're looking for places to move to since those are tied closely to home and family. Then, look at which planetary symbol is on the line to figure out how your home/family will be influenced.

Step 2 Ideal travel destinations and vacation spots

  • Look for your AC and MC lines when picking travel destinations. Be sure to check the planetary symbol so you know what kind of energy you'll find there.
  • You don’t have to visit these spots in person to reap the benefits. For example, if you have a strong spiritual connection to Austria, you can harness that energy by learning the language, customs, and myths.

Step 3 Where to find love or other meaningful relationships

  • Look for your DC lines on the map if your goal is to meet someone or form relationships. Then, use the planetary symbol to figure out the kind of energy you'll find along that line.
  • You don’t necessarily have to permanently relocate to these areas—you can connect with people online. You might make business or long-distance love connections in these places by using social media or other platforms.

Expert Q&A

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Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about astrocartography, check out our in-depth interview with Angel Eyedealism .

  • ↑ https://www.soulshineastrology.com/what-is-astrocartography/
  • ↑ https://www.marthaclarkeastrology.com/astrocartography-map-reading/
  • ↑ https://trusted-astrology.com/astrocartography-reading-chart/
  • ↑ https://www.californiapsychics.com/blog/astrology-numerology/learn-where-belong-astrocartography.html

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Angel Eyedealism

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How to Read an Astrocartography Chart and How It Can Help Plan Your Next Vacation, According to an Astrologer

Astrocartography is a discipline of astrology that can help you narrow down the best places to live or visit, based on your birth chart

The idea of relocating, planning a trip or even just figuring out a good spot for a weekend getaway can be overwhelming as there are so many villages, towns cities and countries one might want to live in or explore .

Thankfully, there is astrocartography or astrogeography — a discipline of astrology that can help you narrow down the best places to live or visit, based on your birth chart. This astrological method can help you hone the places that make you feel the most alive.

The rules of natal birth chart interpretation don't apply to this particular form of astrology and though it can be challenging to understand, let's break it down so that any novice astrologer can understand how this complex method works. 

What is astrocartography?

Astrocartography has been around for decades. It was developed by astrologer Jim Lewis in the 1970s when he decided to analyze why we are drawn, on a soulful level, to specific spots and studied the potent parts of our birth charts that draw us to regions.

Astrocartography shows how the placement of planets can affect the energy in places we live or travel. To understand this astrological system, it’s important to note that astrologists use parans or crossings to decode the information. These represent the vibe that the planets bring to us based on the latitude of our location.

Also, keep in mind that we only using the four angular (or cardinal) houses — the first house of self, known as the ascendant or AC; the fourth house of home, known as the immum coeli or IC; the seventh house of partnership, known as the descendent or DC and tenth house of public image known as the midheaven, medium coeli, or MC. 

In practice, that can mean someone who is a Libra rising, with Venus in their tenth house for their New York City birth chart identifies on a heartfelt level with their career.

If that same person has a Virgo ascendant in Chicago with the planet Saturn on the ascendant and the Sun in their tenth house, that means they would be more of a boss in the Windy City. Inversely, if they have Mars on their ascendant in San Antonio, that means they'd be assertive and defiant in that location, so it'd be wise to reconsider.

The chart relocates, and changes by area, but the planets in the angular houses also explain how you’d feel and what would potentially transpire in these regions.

How does your birth chart help with astrocartography?

Our birth charts are a key to deepening and developing an understanding of the self. It's said that no two birth charts are the same, which makes it unique. Therefore, they serve as a way of knowing the most pristine and perfect sites for us.

A birth chart can be erected using astrocartography here . 

Once you have your astrocartography chart, you’ll see a giant map of the world with many lines. Zoom into an area that seems appealing to you, then, trace the line with your finger to find the planet it aligns with. The houses will be listed above so you can tell what energy is brought to that part of the chart.

Note: There is a 700-mile radius, known as “the orb of influence,” for the location you cosmically connect with. This gives you a broad bandwidth of space to find ideal spots. ( The planets are in glyphs or symbols, which can be decoded here .)

Below is a breakdown of sentiments each planet brings out on an astrocartography chart:

Sun: You’ll be famous and full of vigor. You can be your most authentic self in this location. 

Moon: You’ll connect with your emotional nature and want to be nurtured or be nurturing.

Mercury: You’ll be seen as an intellectual and always on the move.

Venus: Love and money seem abundant in these areas, as well as your confidence.

Mars: Passion and desire will help you thrive because you’d be taking action to attain your goals in that place.

Saturn: You’ll want to boss up, be an adult and have structure. Growing pains are possible.

Jupiter: Luck, fun and expansiveness will allow you to live your best life.

Uranus: Means that place can make you edgy, rebellious and spirited.

Neptune: You’ll have ups and downs in that location since Neptune is known as the “divine discontent.”

Pluto: These lines are very potent since Pluto brings enormous changes and transformations.

Chiron: This centaur can bring healing to our hearts and relationships.

North and south node of destiny: Fate takes a hand, pushing us to evolve or release past karma.

How can you make astrocartography work for you?

One of the most frequently asked questions people ask after getting their astrocartography chart is, “Will I be happy here?” To answer that question, one should look at the planets affecting the ascendant after all, this house defines our identity and the energy we pour into the universe.

You can then look at the other houses. For example, the fourth house, or IC, depicts family life and foundation and the seventh house or DC represents relationships — precisely what we project into partnerships. If you're moving for love or wanting romance, look to the first and seventh houses to find out what you're attracting.

The tenth house or MC refers to our careers, which means looking at this section of the birth chart to view one’s professional and career potential is critical. If you've felt that you're at a crossroads in your career, you could use astrocartography to help you find an area that puts you in a professional position that best aligns with your ambitions.

What if there are no lines in certain areas of the astrocartography chart?

A look at the whole map can help you find energy sources. Don't stress if the lines aren't where you live or would want to live. That simply means you could benefit from comparing those places to the locations where there are lines and see if there is a difference. An astrocartography chart helps you tap into that celestial calling to go on a vacation or get out of your comfort zone and head to a place that’s buzzing with cosmic potential.

Can astrocartography affect us without traveling?

Yes. You don't have to physically travel to a location to feel connected to the area. If you have lines running through a city or country far away from you and identify with the people, culture, music, fashion or food, you might have an anchor there and feel it intuitively.

Make a list of your closest pals, and check out your astrocartography charts to find out if there is an association.

Energy is energy, and it affects you whether you do move, travel or stay home.

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Astrocartography Is the Key to Planning Travel and Making Fulfilling Moves

astro travel cartography

Your Birth Chart

  • Reading Your Map

The Bottom Line

You already know  astrology  can be an indispensable tool for bolstering self-awareness, learning more about the people you love, and understanding why the vibe of a moment may feel jubilant, intense, or just plain off. There are practically endless applications of the language of the sky, and one of them is getting a read on how you'll feel and fare when you're in a particular location on the globe.

Yep, astrology, or more specifically, astrocartography, can allow you to gauge how your energy could shift depending on where you travel or relocate. You could pinpoint where you might feel at your most creative or where you could be challenged to do deeper self-work. Ahead, more about astrocartography and how to use it to plan your travel or next move.


Astrocartography, or locational astrology, is a system that was pioneered in the 1970s by astrologer Jim Lewis. It involves comparing your astrological birth chart to a map of the globe.

As long as you know the precise time and location you came into the world, you can create an accurate snapshot of the sky at the time of your birth. From that info, you can cast — generally via software these days, but it can also be done by hand — what's referred to as a natal, or birth, chart.

Your birth chart will not only show what signs the planets and luminaries (the sun and the moon) were in when you were born but also other information that offers even more insight into your astrological wiring, like houses, degrees, and the relationships between the planets and luminaries. (There are several free sites like  cafeastrology.com  or  astrology.com , where you can plug in your info and receive your birth chart in seconds.)

Once you have your birth chart, you're ready to dip your toe into astrocartography, which involves taking your natal info and comparing it to the location of the sun, moon, and planets relative to the Earth when you were born.

How to Read an Astrocartography Map

Before computers were household items, astrologers would draw charts and astrocartography maps by hand. Now, in order to get your very own unique astrocartography map — which is a combination of your natal chart details and a world map — you can just head to a site like astro.com, which offers an  AstroClick Travel feature , or see a professional astrologer who specializes in astrocartography.

When you look at your astrocartography map, you'll see it looks like a series of lines that run vertically up and down over continents and oceans. With the AstroClick Travel feature, they're color-coded, and you can actually click on them to get detailed info on what they mean. Each line corresponds to a planet and its position in the sky when you were born, and each planetary line offers its own unique energy that you'd experience when you're near that line geographically.

Planetary Lines

Sun:  Visiting or living near this line will lead to greater confidence, a brighter mood, and a sense that you're comfier than usual in your skin.

Moon:  Because the moon is all about emotions, you could feel especially sensitive when you're near this line.

Mercury:  Being near the line of the messenger planet could boost your ability to think and communicate.

Venus:  Being near the line of the planet of love, beauty, and money can make you extra attractive, charming, and a bit of a magnet for romantic and creative pursuits.

Mars:  Because Mars rules action, energy, and sex, being near its line can make you braver, bolder, and perhaps a bit more argumentative.

Jupiter:  Living or visiting the line associated with the magnifying, fortune-boosting planet can bring more luck and abundance.

Saturn:  The taskmaster planet is all about putting your nose to the grindstone, setting boundaries, accepting limitations, and committing fully — basically, being a grown-up. (Hello,  Saturn Return .) For that reason, living or visiting near this line could promote maturity but feel like a bit of a downer at times.

Uranus:  Being near the line of the rebellious planet, which brings sudden change, can inspire you to strike out against convention.

Neptune:  Being near the line of this dreamy, rational, thought-hazing planet could bolster your imagination but also make you more susceptible to illusion and escapism.

Pluto:  Proximity to the line associated with the planet of transformation, power, death, and rebirth could require you to burn it all down and start again.

Chiron:  Being near the line of this comet, referred to as the "Wounded Healer" in astrology, can help you care for others.

North and south nodes (lunar nodes):  The lines associated with these mathematical points (versus actual celestial bodies) speak to your destiny (north node) and karmic past (south node).

Four Angles or Cardinal Points

Additionally, there are four angles or cardinal points — just like in your natal chart — to pay attention to when you're working with astrocartography. You'll notice on your astrocartography map that there are four Jupiter lines, four sun lines, four moon lines, et al. Basically, each planet pairs with each of these angles to offer multi-layered intel. The angles are:

  • Rising or Ascendant (AC):  Just like your  rising or ascendant  in your natal chart, your rising or ascendant here represents the mask you wear out in the world.   An example of how this might manifest in your astrocartography chart: If you travel or move to your moon AC line, you might be extra emotional, sensitive, or nurturing in a public-facing way, inspired to volunteer or become a nurse or caregiver.
  • The Descendant (DC):  The descendant line is associated with the seventh house of partnership, so it reflects one-on-one relationships. Find your Venus descendant line to get a sense of where you might meet your soul mate.
  • The Imuni Coeli (IC):  The IC line, also known as the cusp of the fourth house of home life, speaks to your family and roots. You'll be more meditative and internally focused when you're near your IC lines.
  • The Medi-Coeli/Midheaven (MC):  The  MC line , or cusp of the 10th house of career, has to do with public image and success. So, if you're hanging out near your Jupiter MC line, you can pretty much guarantee you'll enjoy some major luck related to your professional path.

How to Use Astrocartography for Travel or Relocation

For some people, it could feel daunting to find out that the town where you just bought a house isn't the most fortunate spot on the planet for you. Or you may fear you'll look at your astrocartography chart and feel like you have to high-tail it to the U.K. because you're certain your Uranus MC line there could bring about the professional change you've been wanting.

On the flip side, you could be so ready for something new, lucky, or exciting that you're fired up to go wherever your strongest lines might fall, practicality be damned. However, just as with all astrological concepts, practical application of astrocartography is nuanced.

  • "It's not always practical to move to your strongest astrocartography places," acknowledged astrologer April Elliott Kent of  Big Sky Astrology . "But sometimes you can benefit from those places anyway."

For example, you might log in to LinkedIn only to find out you've been messaged by a potential, thrilling client who lives in a faraway destination where one of your strongest, most positive lines falls. Maybe in the midst of using Tinder Passport, you match with someone who's based where you have a sexy Mars or romantic Venus DC line.

As Kent noted, "Surprising offers can come to you from a city where positive planets are strong in your astrocartography."

Although astrocartography may make it seem as though your fate has already been written in the stars, you can think of it more as a weather forecast — helpful insight on what you  could  expect to be working with when you travel or move to a certain location. Ultimately, how you apply the knowledge offered by your unique map is entirely up to you.

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How To Use Astrocartography To Find Out Exactly Where You Belong In The World

What does the universe have in store for you.

  • Megan Hatch

Last updated on Jul 19, 2022

flat lay map

Ever wonder where in the world you would be happy? Like where you should live or even where your next vacation spot should be?

Well, if you’re having trouble deciding, astrocartography is a great way to narrow down your decision. 

What is astrocartography? 

Pioneered by  astrologer Jim Lewis  in the early 1970s, astrocartography is the theory that different places in the world have certain energies that influence you based on your unique astrological makeup.

Otherwise known as locational astrology, astrocartography projects your birth chart over a map to determine which cities around the world are best for career success, romantic relationships, and spiritual growth.

RELATED:  A Guide To The Major Aspects In Astrology — And What They Mean For Your Life

People who believe in astrology use astrocartography to predict the influence that a particular spot on earth might have on you.

For example, if you're looking to fulfill a certain aspect of your life, you can take a look at your unique astrocartography map to see where in the world you would be most likely to do so.

You can also use it to find out why you might have experienced a miserable or unlucky time in a place where you traveled to in the past or previously lived.

How to Find Your Personal Astrocartography Map

You first must know the exact date that you were born, including the time and the location, and then you can  use an Astro map generator  to create your own map.

Have fun and get ready to discover new things about yourself before you choose your next place to travel to. 

How to Read an Astrocartography Map

The lines on the map are called planetary lines, which have different cardinal points associated with them. The planetary lines indicate the areas in the world that were influenced by planets at the time of your birth and impact how you relate to that specific longitude and latitude.

astrocartography map

The different planetary lines include The Sun, The Moon, Venus, Saturn, Pluto, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Mercury, and Jupiter.

There are also four angles associated with astrocartography, which are the cardinal points. Those include The Ascendant, The IC (Imuni Coeli), The Descendant, and The MC (Medi-Coeli/midheaven). 

The Sun represents your energy and where you’ll be the most in sync with your feelings and sense of self. You’ll feel as things are going in the direction you want them to and you’ll feel really creative here.

This is a good location to have a great career and to find your destiny, even paternal connections. 

Your sun line is all about uplifting energy. By traveling or living in places where your sun line is , you’ll feel more in sync with yourself and at ease. You’ll feel more in control of your own destiny wherever your sun line draws over. 

The Moon represents a place where you are vulnerable and sensitive.

Wherever this line is drawn, you will want to find familiar connections and seek a place to go to constantly to feel comfortable. The places along this line could also be where your past lives have lived.

Venus represents the emphasis on relationships. 

Your venus line is your love line that deals with partnerships, friendships, and situationships. It allows you to be introspective about intimacy and companionship. Beauty and sensuality can also be found on this line. 

Along this line, you might find a new relationship , or your current relationship will blossom. Love and marriage can be found among the line as well as opportunities where you can be intimate with others. 

Saturn Line

Saturn represents a place where you will be working really hard to prove yourself or reach your goals. This makes living under the Saturn line hard for some because they find it very negative.

However, if you work hard under pressure and see the importance of resolving situations and evolving then this is the best spot. 

Pluto represents confusion and difficulty. When living or visiting a spot near Pluto you feel as if you’re going to explode because of all the issues that are coming up.

On the plus side, you can do a lot of soul-searching in this area. 

Mars represents a negative place for women to live because you might need to fight off unwanted men and use your combative skills in this area. However, you could feel passion and energy here that’s never dull. 

Uranus Line

Uranus represents energy but also nerves. Living under this line you could feel restricted and this leads to a feeling of rebellion and wanting to free yourself. The constant change could make you feel nervous and it could be too much for you in this area. 

Neptune Line

Neptune represents zen, calmness, and a happy place. Living near your Neptune line can bring about romanticism, art, and music into your life and soft energy.

However, Neptune also means that you don’t have a clear head on what you want to do or where you want to go in life. You might have gained a lazy and addictive attitude here, so be careful. 

Mercury Line

Mercury represents your mind flowing and learning. You could be very social and creative in this place and mentally stimulated. You will learn how to verbally connect with others on a higher level here. 

Jupiter Line

Jupiter represents prosperity, success, and fun. Living under Jupiter you can have great success and fun in your life. You will find that it has a lot of what you need and want here, more than you ever dreamed. 

Your Jupiter line is all about your future success, prosperity, and fame. You’ll have more social acceptance and become more well-known and successful in life.

RELATED:  Astrology Symbols In Your Birth Chart, Explained

Interpreting the Four Cardinal Points in an Astrocartography Chart

The ascendant.

The Ascendant represents the energy in your outward personality and expression towards others. Your personality takes on the sort of planetary energy that the ascendant is located near. 

The IC (Imuni Coeli)

The Imuni Coeli is the energy that resides deep in the perceived environment you’re living in and the surrounding conditions. This energy helps you learn and build a strong foundation within yourself.

Wherever this energy resides you will have a connection to home and family. The planet that this energy is close to represents your security and attachment.

The Descendant

The Descendant energy represents the projected planet energy, where you will have to deal with situations and learn new responses. You will feel the energy of the planet that is closest to the descendant and assimilate to the qualities of that planet. 

The MC (Medi-Coeli/Midheaven)

The Midheaven energy represents how we perceive ourselves and what we put out into the world. This area also represents a profession and career. Whatever planet near this point will play out that energy with your chosen career. 

RELATED:  What The 12 Houses Of Astrology Mean And How To Find Yours

Megan Hatch is a writer at YourTango who covers zodiac, horoscope, and pop-culture news.

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Need a New Start? Astrocartography Can Help You Find the Best Place to Grow


Astrology is a powerful tool that can be helpful across so many parts of our lives. While stars can be blamed for our feelings , did you know that they also impact us depending on our location? Known as astrocartography, this niche practice within astrology can help you understand how certain locations impact your birth chart , which in turn affects how you navigate the world.

Astrocartography can be used to identify places where you'll be most successful or even find true love . It sounds fun, but astrocartography is a complex field that requires a lot of analysis and planning. POPSUGAR turned to astrologers Aliza Kelly and Ivana Naskova to learn more about astrocartography and how to incorporate it into your life.

What Is Astrocartography?

"Astrocartography takes astrology one step further by mapping the position of the stars and planets from the moment you were born," Naskova explains. "So, for example, the sun might have been setting at the time of your birth, but it was rising someplace else. This has a completely different influence on your life depending on where you are physically in the world, and that is the whole idea of astrocartography."

So, while you have your birth chart, the energies of the planets may affect you differently when you travel on vacation or move to a new city. "Astrocartography can show how an environment is going to reflect different attributes of self that might be baked into the birth chart," Kelly tells POPSUGAR. "Different dimensions of a person are going to be amplified, while other aspects are going to be quieted as that person moves around the world."

How to Make Your Own Astrocartography Map

In order to make your own astrocartography map, you need the same information that's on your birth chart, as well as internet access. Since astrocartography charts also take new locations into mind, you'll want to know which places you want to explore. You can then go to astro.com's AstroClick Travel tab or AstroSeek to input your birth information and get your own astrocartography map.

Once you enter your birth-chart information, you'll see a world map covered in many colorful intersecting and wavy lines. Be warned: the map looks a little overwhelming at first. However, through time and practice, interpreting it will become less elusive. The websites are interactive and can also help explain what all the different lines mean just by clicking on them.

The lines each correspond to the planets and four other astrological markers: the ascendent, descendant, imuni coeli, and medi coeli, which all represent different locations on the chart. The lines show where the energy of those astrological aspects is most powerful for you.

What Each Line on an Astrocartography Map Means

Depending on which lines you end up on in your astrocartography map, you could be in an area where you're likely to find more success in work (if you're in an advantageous spot on your Jupiter line, for example) or somewhere challenges are likely to pop up (if you're near the difficult Pluto line). Here's what each line means in astrocartography, according to Naskova.

  • Ascendant: Your ascendent line reveals your personality, individuality, and self-expression. It can help you discover what all these things are with more clarity.
  • Descendant: Your descendant line deals with your surroundings and how you interact with those around you. It will help clear up your relationships with others.
  • Imuni coeli: Your imuni-coeli line shows how you connect with the world. It helps with internal reflection and finding a greater sense of belonging.
  • Medi coeli: Your medi-coeli line represents your perception of the world. It helps you envision your future.
  • Sun: Your sun line deals with confidence. It shows you where you'll feel the most comfortable and good about yourself.
  • Moon: Your moon line amplifies your emotions. It might make you feel a bit more sensitive and vulnerable.
  • Mercury: Your Mercury line brings out your creative side. Traveling along this line will help you think, communicate, and find inspiration.
  • Venus: Your Venus line makes you more charming and attractive. It's also where you may be likelier to find love.
  • Mars: Your Mars line gives you the ability to tap into your bravery and courage. However, it might also bring out your impulsivity and short-temperedness.
  • Jupiter: Jupiter is considered your lucky line. It can bring you fortune, abundance, and positive energy.
  • Saturn: Your Saturn line helps you find security and balance. It can also bring you stability.
  • Uranus: The Uranus line shakes things up. The rebellious and unpredictable planet could influence significant life changes.
  • Neptune: Your Neptune line guides your dreams, hopes, and fantasies. It's a great place to escape reality.
  • Pluto: Your Pluto line represents rebirth and regeneration. If you're looking for a fresh start, this is the line to aim for.
  • Chiron: Your chiron line deals with pain. However, it can also help you heal yourself and those around you.
  • North and south nodes: Your north and south nodes reveal your destiny and karma. Being near them can help you make sense of your past and lessons you learned.

As much as astrocartography can give us insight into how different locations may affect us, these locations cannot override our birth charts. "It's not as easy as following your Jupiter line for fortune or following your Venus line for love," Kelly explains. "At the end of the day, you're still working off of your natal chart, which is your primary astrological document."

How to Make the Most of Your Astrocartography Map

If you're hoping to use astrocartography to maximize your luck, love life, or career, you may want to work with an astrocartographer due to the complexities behind this practice. When an astrocartographer is looking at a map, they're not just looking at a single line; rather, they're looking at a much larger picture.

Kelly explains that you need to consider the relationships between the many lines to find the most advantageous spots. "It's a really amazing visual tool for deepening your astrological practice," Kelly tells POPSUGAR. "But unless you are feeling really saucy, I would leave any huge decisions to a professional."

While you can use astrocartography to find new places to go, Kelly adds that pulling up your astrocartography map after you travel is a good way to strengthen your understanding of astrology, too. By locating our charts on the map and reflecting on where we just went, we can investigate the impacts of traveling near certain lines.

Astrocartography is not all about moving to another place, especially when that isn't always a possibility. You don't need to travel to use astrocartography to your advantage. Like all other types of astrology, astrocartography is a reflection tool that gives us celestial information to help us understand ourselves and make sense of our circumstances.

"Just as you check the weather forecast when you decide to travel, you can count on your astrocartography chart to help you decide whether you should move and live in a different city or to help you understand why you feel unsatisfied with life's current events and what can you do to change that," Naskova says. "The bottom line is that you can use the wisdom you gather from it to help you live your best life and find your own happiness."

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How to Let Astrocartography Guide Your Wanderlust

Use the astrology of travel to inspire your next vacation, active adventure, or relocation.

The Basics of Astrocartography

  • What an Astrocartography Map Looks Like & Means

How to Use Astrocartography Before Making a Major Move

If you read your monthly horoscope and looked up your astrological compatibility with that hot Bumble date, you already know astrology can be a useful tool for self-awareness, getting a read on current vibes (hey, dramatic eclipse season), and understanding relationship dynamics. But did you know it can also be used to inform your wanderlust and even a big move?

Pioneered by an astrologer named Jim Lewis in the 1970s, astrocartography (or locational astrology) is a system that allows you to see how your perspective on the world, energy, love, and career prospects might be influenced when you travel or lay down roots somewhere new.

"Life may feel great for you in one location but difficult in another because of your unique astrocartography profile," explains Ralph MacIntyre , a San Diego-based astrologer who specializes in astrocartography. "There are places on Earth with energies that will have a positive influence on your work or love life, for example, or promote good health, while other locations may frustrate these developments. Astrocartography maps indicate where your unique astrological influences show opportunities for growth and highlight challenges or disadvantages also associated with particular areas."

Here's what you need to know to use astrology as your life — or vacation-planning — GPS.

If you've ever cast your astrological birth chart using a website, an app, or ideally, by working with a professional astrologer, you already know that it serves as a "snapshot" of the sky when you were born. Rack up "HBD" texts every August 3? You're a Leo . Born on New Year's Day? You're a Cap , obv. But while everyone tends to refer to themselves as their sun sign, it's basically the equivalent of a doctor looking over labwork and noting your age. Your sun sign — the zodiac sign that the sun was in when you were born — is just one detail of many that make up your individual astrological picture. And once you have your unique birth chart handy, you can use it to understand how you might be influenced when you're living or visiting a particular spot on the planet, according to the theory of astrocartography.

Astrocartography compares your birth chart to the location of the sun, the moon, and the planets relative to the Earth when you were born. By keying into these specifics, you can get a sense of where you might enjoy or struggle with certain energy shifts (and use that info to plan an adventure vacation or self-reflective yoga retreat.)

What an Astrocartography Map Looks Like & Means

To get your astrocartography map, you can consult with a professional astrologer, such as MacIntyre , or use an online tool, such as astro.com's AstroClick Travel feature . To take advantage of AstroClick Travel, you'll need to enter your birthdate (including the time) and birthplace, and voilà, your AstroClick travel chart.

If you pull up your individualized astrocartography map, you'll see lines running vertically or curving across the map. One line might run straight down the east coast, another directly through the middle of the Pacific. Each is related to a planet and its position in the sky when you were born

Check out the energetic effect of each planetary line:

  • Sun: A confidence-boosting line, the sun line can lift your mood, making you feel in sync with your core self.
  • Moon: Associated with emotions, the moon can boost feelings of vulnerability and sensitivity.
  • Mercury: As the planet of communication (as well as transportation and technology) Mercury's line bolsters self-expression, as well as travel and intellectual pursuits. (And, yes, it also goes retrograde sometimes .)
  • Venus: The planet of romance, beauty, and money, the Venus line can amplify all of these themes, leading to long-term love and partnerships, creativity, as well as feeling and appearing extra magnetic.
  • Mars: Ruling action, athleticism, energy, and sex, the Mars line can encourage combativeness — but amplify excitement and passion.
  • Jupiter: The largest planet in the solar system is linked to expansion and fortune, so it's considered one of the luckiest spots.
  • Saturn: The taskmaster planet, Saturn oversees hard work and uphill battles that are meant to teach crucial lessons. Being near a Saturn line might make life feel like a slog, but ultimately, it can boost your maturity and personal growth.
  • Uranus: Revolutionary Uranus is all about sudden, unexpected shifts, change, and freedom. The influence of the line can have you feeling energized (generally in an anxious way) and determined to break free of convention.
  • Neptune: The planet of dreams, spirituality, and intuition, Neptune clouds rational thought, so its line elevates imagination — but also illusion.
  • Pluto: The planet of transformation also deals with deep-rooted, psychological issues and power struggles, so it can be an emotionally challenging spot to spend time in.

And because the sun is always rising in one spot while it sets at another, there are four lines for each celestial body, referred to as the "four angles" or cardinal points:

  • Rising or Ascendant (AC): Your rising line is associated with your outward personality, and you'll identify with the energy of whichever planet(s) was coziest to your ascendant at the time of your birth. Travel or move to your sun AC line, and you could feel more confident and centered in the way you appear to others out and about in the world.
  • The Descendant (DC): The descendant line speaks to your relationships with others. For instance, your Venus descendant line might be a powerful one for finding love.
  • The Imuni Coeli (IC): The IC line is associated with your origins, your home, your family, security, and how that foundation influences your identity. It has a reflective influence, so your moon IC line might be a place where you can make headway with a practice like therapy or meditation, getting in touch with deep-seated emotions.
  • The Medi-Coeli/Midheaven (MC): The MC line reflects social standing, public reputation, who you are — or aspire to be — at your peak level of success. Spending time on your Mars MC line might have you feeling fired up to pursue bold professional goals.

Pair these angles with your Astroclick Travel lines (or the planetary lines provided by an astrologer), and you'll get an interesting sense of what lessons or energies you might experience in a particular part of the globe. Say you go to college in Boston, right on your Venus AC line. This could mean that you're more apt to be social, make vibrant connections, and cultivate your sense of self-worth. Or if you move to Los Angeles, where your Mercury IC line lies, it may be easier to speak about your emotions and inner life or learn more about yourself through therapy or researching your genealogy.

Say you were born in Chicago and want to know how you'll feel if you take a job in Miami. You can also use the theory of astrocartography to do relocation astrology, which involves "shifting" your birth chart.

"For example, if two people are born at the same moment in time, but one is in California and the other in London, their perspective on the sky is very different," explains astrologer April Elliott Kent of Big Sky Astrology and the Big Sky Astrology Podcast . "The stars and planets are in the same signs and relationship to one another, but [people's] perspective on them shifts depending on their geographic location."

Here's how this could look: If Pisces is rising in the east in California, a child born there will approach unfamiliar situations in a Pisces way — gentle, empathetic, says Kent. And if a child is born in London at the same moment, Leo would be rising — a commanding, expressive personality. "If that child grows up and moves to California, they'll align with the Pisces that was rising there at the time of their birth," she explains. "[It would be] very disorienting for a Leo ascendant person to have to behave in a Pisces way."

The Bottom Line

Astrocartography is not a magic bullet, says MacIntyre. It's simply a way to key into the energies of a given location, which might influence you in a particular, preferable way. "You will still need to make the effort to change or accept new opportunities that cross your path," he says.

Kent echoes that point by reminding that even if you accentuate or moderate natural tendencies and opportunities by shifting your chart, you're not going to shrug off your core wiring informed by your birth chart. "You're still you, wherever you go," she emphasizes, but by understanding and applying astrocartography, you might be able to better understand yourself — and get a leg up on your dreams and goals.

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I Used Astrocartography to Decide Where to Travel Next. Here’s How It Went.

This travel-based astrology practice can help you determine the best destinations for visiting, living, and working..

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An astrocartography chart showing different color lines criss-crossing a map of United States and Canada

An astrocartography chart is based on the paths of celestial bodies.

Photo by Maliah West

Have you ever visited a place and felt an instant connection? Or found yourself drawn to a specific culture? There may be an explanation. Astrocartography is a method of travel astrology that attempts to determine the best destinations to visit based on the locations of the sun, moon, and planets during the exact moment of your birth. An offshoot of traditional astrology, this concept has been rumbling around for a long while, but it rose to popularity in the 1970s thanks to Jim Lewis, who later wrote The Astro Carto Graphy Book of Maps: The Astrology of Relocation (Llewellyn Publications, 1981). According to astrocartography’s principles, if you visit locations where the planets were in powerful positions when you were born, you’ll likely have a more active travel experience. For believers, this technique can be a useful tool for identifying destinations that are ideal for a variety of travel situations, from vacations to relocations.

As 2024 approaches, I wanted to get a sense of my own astrocartography chart and learn more about which destinations I should prioritize in the coming year and beyond. For help, I turned to astrologers Clarisse Monahan , a teacher and writer who goes by the name Venus in Retrograde , and Lisa Stardust , author of Saturn Return Survival Guide (Hardie Grant Books, 2021). Both shared tips, tricks, and best practices for accessing and reading your astrocartography chart, as a way to plan your next trip.

Here’s what I learned about using astrocartography for my travels.

Astrocartography basics

The ins and outs of astrocartography can be complicated, but there are a few basics to keep in mind.

First, it’s all about lines. Each planet, plus the sun and the moon, creates paths across the globe—or planetary lines—based on where they were in the sky at the time of your birth. And those lines tell us where each planet was at its most powerful. When examining your astrocartography chart, it’s important to pay attention to where those lines fall, as those are the places where you’re likely to feel the biggest impact from the planetary energy associated with each line.

For example, a trip to a location on one of your Venus lines can make you feel confident, beautiful, romantic, harmonic, enjoyable, in love, and at ease. Mercury is connected to great communication, curiosity, openness, and sociability, so if you want to learn new things and connect with a writing project, consider traveling along this line.

Second, location matters too. As Stardust explained, if one of your lines goes through Los Angeles, for instance, you’ll feel its impact most strongly in the city, but you’ll continue to feel it up to 150 miles away as you continue out toward Orange County or San Diego.

Planning a trip directly on a line will have the biggest impact, but it’s not the only way to leverage the line’s powers. For example, if one of your lines goes through Thailand, you may find yourself especially drawn to Thai food, culture, music, and even people no matter where you are in the world. So all in all, you don’t have to uproot your entire life and relocate because a powerful line goes through a specific city; you can immerse yourself in learning a new culture close to home instead (also known as remote activation).

Third, it can be helpful to go into an astrocartography reading with basic knowledge of your birth chart, which you can access via a birth chart calculator like this one . You’ll need your birth date, time, and location, to get an accurate chart.

How to pull your astrocartography chart

Monahan and Stardust recommend using the beginner-friendly site astro.com to pull up your astrocartography chart.

The image you get of a map covered with many lines and curves may look intimidating, but Monahan recommends starting things off with a simple step: by just looking at lines that intersect with places that you love or have been drawn to and thinking about how you felt when you were there. “Chances are you’ve been to some of your lines,” Monahan says. “Use your own empirical evidence, like, did that [visit] feel good to you, did that [visit] not feel good to you?”

Each of the lines has several symbols at its start and end that you’ll have to decipher. Some refer to planets, and by consulting a planet symbol key , you can get an idea of the energy each planet is supposedly associated with. For example, astrocartographers believe that Neptune can offer a dreamy, spiritual experience, while Saturn’s energy is about restriction, discipline, and control.

There are also cardinal points (AC, DC, MC, IC), or the letter symbols you’ll find underneath each planetary symbol. These points represent the direction each planet was moving in when you were born and are the most powerful points in your astrocartography chart. To get started, you’ll only need to pay attention to your Ascendant (AC) line and Descendant (DC) line. The Ascendant line is thought to be the most empowering and personal because the energy it highlights is internal, while the Descendant line is the opposite and is all about relationships and how people will interact with you.

In terms of using all this information for travel advice, Stardust recommends sticking to the Ascendant line and the destinations it touches as it can give you a good idea of how you’ll feel when in a specific place.

Aerial view of Vancouver with trees, harbor, and city skyline

From my astrocartography chart, it looked like Vancouver could be a good place for me.

Photo by Mike Benna/Unsplash

What I learned from my own astrocartography readings

My first order of business during my astrocartography readings was to find out if my current home base of New York best serves me. Jupiter lines are about expansion, luck, wealth, and generosity, and luckily for me, my Jupiter Descendant line runs within a 200-mile radius of New York, making it easy for me to connect with people and keep a positive mindset while here. My Venus Ascendant goes through Vancouver , Boise , Salt Lake City , and El Paso, which means that these are locations where things would be very easy for me, especially when it comes to attracting money and love.

I also found that I’m typically drawn to places where my Venus line (confidence and enjoyment) and Saturn line (structure and discipline) intersect, such as Mexico City , which I’ve visited twice , and Madrid , Spain, where I studied abroad in college. Monahan explained that this might be my way of trying to add structure to my life while also indulging in some enjoyment.

Because of my Uranus Moon line, both Monahan and Stardust predicted that I would have fun, but strange experiences in Rome , Berlin , and Copenhagen . This might look like bumping shoulders with eclectic locals or challenging myself to do things I don’t normally do while traveling.

Most interesting to me, though, is my North Node IC (relating to introspection, security, and home building) that runs through Vancouver, Seattle , Portland , and San Francisco (my Venus Ascendant also runs through most of these cities). Those lines suggest that I am destined to be in that area and that something essential to my development will happen to me while I’m there. Whether that’s a big life change, finding my life’s purpose, or my soulmate, I can’t say that I’m not thinking about booking a trip to Vancouver in the next year.

What’s next for me

After getting schooled on astrocartography 101 by Monahan and Stardust, and making my way through my own chart, I absolutely plan to use astrocartography as a trip-planning tool in the future. Though Stardust makes it clear that no matter what the energy is like on any of your lines, free will is still very much at play: “Astrology can tell us the energy that’s happening, but we also have a choice in how to act with that energy.”

It’s also important to know when it’s time to bring in the professionals. “If you’re looking at moving somewhere permanently, or you’re having issues in your life and you really want astrocartography for a profound change, then I would advise going to an astrologer so they can look at your birth chart,” said Monahan.

Finally, even if your lines suggest that you may have a challenging or transformational time at a specific location, that doesn’t mean you should avoid a place completely. Both Monahan and Stardust emphasize that there are no bad destinations—it’s just helpful to be aware of what energy may await you once you arrive.

Courtesy of Kessler Collection

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Cancer Horoscope for June 2024

June 21 - July 22

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Monthly News from Susan Miller

Dear Reader,

Your June forecast is now posted. Susan has come down with a virulent virus and will not be able to write her normal News for the month.

Overall, June will be a wonderful month no matter what sign you are, with a new moon in Cancer on June 6 and a full moon in Capricorn on June 21. A spectacular and rare event will occur on June 2 when Jupiter will trine Pluto—a 5-star day. June is packed full with planetary activity, so be sure to check your Astrology Zone calendar, which is now priced at $13.50—50% off—available exclusively on Astrologyzone.com.

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Your June 2024 Horoscope for Cancer

Last month on May 25, Gemini was crowned the celestial favorite because Jupiter moved into Gemini for a full year. It takes this planet of good fortune 12 years to revolve around the Sun, so as a Cancer, you are next in line to curry favor from Jupiter. You will have your turn at your Emerald Year next year from June 9, 2025, to June 30, 2026.

To make the most of your coming year, which will be here before you know it, you will need to get ready. A period this special only comes around every 12 years, so as an example, if you live to 96, you will only get eight of these sparkling years in a lifetime. Ancient astrologers felt it was important to prepare, so for now the biggest changes that will occur in 2024 and early 2025 will emanate within you, not from the outside in.

By June of next year, you will need to have all your priorities in mind and in their order of importance. The universe will bring you an array of opportunities during the intervening months, both professionally and personally. You will need to be decisive and choose the ones with the greatest long-range potential that feed and nourish your soul.

For now, and in the 12 months ahead (June 2024 to June 2025), you will have a more private, less public, persona. Much of your time will be spent behind the scenes building strategies for your own life. This could become an important part of your job description—deciding on the best tactics and overall strategy to put in place to grow the company (or your business) in the months and years ahead.

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The Unique Burial of a Child of Early Scythian Time at the Cemetery of Saryg-Bulun (Tuva)

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Pages:  379-406

In 1988, the Tuvan Archaeological Expedition (led by M. E. Kilunovskaya and V. A. Semenov) discovered a unique burial of the early Iron Age at Saryg-Bulun in Central Tuva. There are two burial mounds of the Aldy-Bel culture dated by 7th century BC. Within the barrows, which adjoined one another, forming a figure-of-eight, there were discovered 7 burials, from which a representative collection of artifacts was recovered. Burial 5 was the most unique, it was found in a coffin made of a larch trunk, with a tightly closed lid. Due to the preservative properties of larch and lack of air access, the coffin contained a well-preserved mummy of a child with an accompanying set of grave goods. The interred individual retained the skin on his face and had a leather headdress painted with red pigment and a coat, sewn from jerboa fur. The coat was belted with a leather belt with bronze ornaments and buckles. Besides that, a leather quiver with arrows with the shafts decorated with painted ornaments, fully preserved battle pick and a bow were buried in the coffin. Unexpectedly, the full-genomic analysis, showed that the individual was female. This fact opens a new aspect in the study of the social history of the Scythian society and perhaps brings us back to the myth of the Amazons, discussed by Herodotus. Of course, this discovery is unique in its preservation for the Scythian culture of Tuva and requires careful study and conservation.

Keywords: Tuva, Early Iron Age, early Scythian period, Aldy-Bel culture, barrow, burial in the coffin, mummy, full genome sequencing, aDNA

Information about authors: Marina Kilunovskaya (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Vladimir Semenov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Candidate of Historical Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail: [email protected] Varvara Busova  (Moscow, Russian Federation).  (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation). Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences.  Dvortsovaya Emb., 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Kharis Mustafin  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Technical Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Irina Alborova  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Candidate of Biological Sciences. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected] Alina Matzvai  (Moscow, Russian Federation). Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.  Institutsky Lane, 9, Dolgoprudny, 141701, Moscow Oblast, Russian Federation E-mail:  [email protected]

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Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

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Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

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To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

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Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

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At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

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The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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Sagittarius, Horoscope Today, June 1, 2024: Ideal day for exploring new horizons through travel

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AstroDevam is a premium organisation providing ancient and authentic knowledge of Astrology, Vastu, Numerology, and Innovative Corporate Solutions with a contemporary perspective. AstroDevam, having patrons in more than 100 countries, has been promoted by Achary Anita Baranwal and Achary Kalki Krishnan, who not only have Master's Degrees in Astrology, but are engaged in teaching Scientific Astrology, Vastu, and Numerology for more than three decades. Read More

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