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Compatibility Table

The test relies on JavaScript, it can encounter problems due to browser limitations and varying solution approaches. Below you'll find browser-adblock solutions that have been validated and tested to work effectively

While some browser+adblock solutions may not be supported by this test it's important to note that this does not imply they are not effective or reliable

Can be used in combo with ublock-origin or adguard adblocker. Test doesn't work properly if blocking page feature of NextDNS is enabled

This solution sets '500 Internal Server Error' on all requests and cannot be detected

Firefox users affected by unknown issues. This can be temporarly fixed by using @@*$redirect-rule in 'My Filters'

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How does it work?

After tests are completed , you get a liquid color ball with points. Points are calculated based on your tests for each category and type The color fits your points range Here a preview of 3 scenarios :

  • Cosmetic Filter : Check if you are hiding/removing the empy boxes of ads, cookie policy etc.
  • Script Loading : Check if you are blocking a possible ad script loading or trackers
  • Host : Check if you block domains that provide trackers, analytics or ads

I'm sure my ad-block solution is configured correctly, but the test does not work.

It would appear that your current configuration is not compatible with the type of checks carried out by this tool. However, please note that this does not mean that there is a lack of protection provided by the solution you have configured, such as an ad blocking extension, a VPN or a DNS. The limitations of JavaScript or the absence of certain features may prevent the test from being able to accurately determine the number of connections that are blocked. You will still receive an estimate of the percentage of connections that have been blocked/detected by this tool

How I can have 100%

A green score indicates a satisfactory level of protection. There is no need to aim for a perfect score. However, if you are interested in achieving full 100% protection, you can use my d3Host List, which covers most of the tests on the site (excluding cosmetic filters and script loading). This should help to improve your score.

My ad-blocking solutions

I use DNSFilter as main DNS resolver Great alternative for home consumer users NextDNS Plus these combo on each platform :

  • Windows : Brave + ublock-Origin
  • MacOS : Brave + ublock-Origin
  • Android : Kiwi Browser + ublock-Origin
  • iOS : Brave with built-in adblock enabled OR Safari + Adguard Extension
  • Hagezi - Ultimate List
  • uBlock filters
  • Adguard Filters

Others test tools for your adblock

I created this project to quickly test my small list of most common hosts. I wanted to build something with a great design and user experience that was pretty straightforward for any type of user. There are other great tools that I use and would like to recommend

Toolz 3.1.2

#changelog 8/05/2024.

  • Updated hosts list
  • Removed some advertising hosts that were used for administration and not to serve ads.
  • Added details for cosmetic and script tests
  • Moved warning card for better UX

#Changelog 10/02/2024

  • Added rules to .adblock file
  • Removed script
  • Cosmetic and script tests set to 1 point each
  • Improved hosts test with fake 404 page


Javascript is required to run this test. please enable javascript in your browser settings.,   cosmetic filter.

If a cosmetic filter test fails, it simply means that the specific website being tested (in this case isn't included in any of adblock's rules or lists. It's important to note that this does not mean that cosmetic filtering fails on all websites. You can confirm this by visiting a popular, ad-rich site where you're unlikely to see any ad boxes. The purpose of this test is to assess the functionality of the blocking feature, not to determine its scope or coverage. By adding the following rules to your adblock solution, you may be able to solve the problem:

  Ad Scripts Loading

Same as the cosmetic tests. If an ad script load test fails, it usually means that the specific website being tested isn't covered by any of adblock's rules or lists, especially for blocking ad-related scripts like my fake ads.js However, this error doesn't indicate a general failure of ad script blocking on all websites. To check, you can visit a popular website known for its abundance of ads scripts. Chances are that you won't encounter any blocked ad scripts. It's important to understand that this test is designed to evaluate the functionality of ad script blocking, not its scope or effectiveness. To potentially fix the problem, consider adding the following rules to your adblock solution:

White Logo

can you block it ? a simple Ad Block Tester

Start testing now, nobody likes ads.

Can You Block It was built to help you test if your ad-blocker is working as intended. The various tests help you in identifying what formats of advertisements are blocked or unblocked so that you can understand your ad-blockers effectiveness. Use the various tests to test ad-blockers such as AdBlock, AdBlock Plus, AdBlocker Ultimate, AdGuard, Ghostery, uBlock Origin, Pi-Hole, NoScript and more with various ad formats such as Web Banners, Native Ads, Pop-Unders,  In-Page Push Ads, etc from popular Ad Networks.

Types of Adblocker Test

  • Simple Test: A page with self hosted advertisements
  • eXtreme Test: A page filled with various ad formats from popular ad networks
  • Advanced Test: A series of pages to independently diagnose various ad formats

How It Works

Upon clicking a test you will be directed to a page with advertisements. If your ad-blocker is able to detect it, you may not see any ads. Here is a short video demonstrating how it works.

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AdGuard Is Better Than Pi-hole in Blocking Ads. Here’s Why

David Morelo

Pi-hole has long been such a popular choice when it comes to network-wide ad blocking for so long that it’s easy to forget that alternatives do exist. I recently gave one such alternative, AdGuard, a try and decided to make the switch permanently. Here I’ll explore the five key reasons why AdGuard won me over in the AdGuard vs Pi-hole matchup.

Built-In DNS over HTTPS (DoH) Support

Opnsense compatibility, user-friendly interface, better home assistant integration, excellent third-party mobile remotes.

DNS over HTTPS (DoH) is a useful protocol that can protect your online activities from prying eyes and potential man-in-the-middle attacks by encrypting your DNS queries, which are the questions your computer asks to find out where websites are located. Without encryption, these questions can be seen and even changed by others, like hackers or your internet service provider.

With AdGuard, enabling DoH or DoT is as simple as toggling a switch in the user interface and configuring your SSL certificate, which you can buy from a Certificate Authority (CA) or get for free from “Let’s Encrypt CA .

Adguard Encryption

On the other hand, Pi-hole , while powerful in its own right, doesn’t natively support this protocol. To achieve the same level of privacy with Pi-hole, you’d need to install and configure additional DNS resolvers or forwarders, which can be a daunting task for less tech-savvy users.

OPNsense is an open-source, FreeBSD -based firewall and routing platform that’s gained popularity among network enthusiasts and professionals alike. While Pi-hole doesn’t offer native support for this platform, AdGuard can be set up quite easily within the OPNsense environment. This compatibility was a significant factor in my decision to switch, as it allowed me to consolidate my network management and ad-blocking solution into a single, cohesive system.

Opnsense Dashboard

Setting up AdGuard on OPNsense is a straightforward process that involves a few key steps. You’ll need to configure your DNS settings in OPNsense’s System Settings and adjust the DHCP settings. Once these preparations are complete, you can activate AdGuard Home from the Services menu and finalize the setup through its web interface.

I personally find the user interface of AdGuard to be more intuitive and easier to navigate compared to Pi-hole.

Adguard Dashboard

The AdGuard interface is neatly divided into main tabs: Dashboard, Settings, Filters, Query Log, and FAQ. This logical organization makes it simple to find and adjust the settings you need. The Dashboard, which is visible in the image above, provides a comprehensive overview of your network’s activity at a glance. It displays key statistics like the number of DNS queries , blocked requests, and even breaks down the top clients and domains.

That’s not to say that the Pi-hole interface is unintuitive – it isn’t. It’s just that it does have a bit of a learning curve and some options require digging to find.

I use Home Assistant to control and monitor various aspects of my smart home. When it comes to integrating network-wide ad blocking with Home Assistant, I found that AdGuard Home offers a more comprehensive and user-friendly experience compared to Pi-hole.

Home Assistant Adguard Integration

AdGuard’s Home Assistant integration provides a wider range of sensors and switches, giving you more granular control over your ad-blocking setup. While Pi-hole’s integration is functional, offering basic statistics and the ability to disable the service temporarily, AdGuard takes it a step further.

With AdGuard, you get sensors for DNS queries, blocked queries, safe browsing stats, and even average response times. The integration also creates switches for individual features like Filtering, Safe Browsing, and Parental Control. This level of detail allows for more sophisticated automations and monitoring within your Home Assistant setup.

Moreover, AdGuard’s integration includes actions that let you manage filter subscriptions directly from Home Assistant. This means you can create automations to add, remove, enable, or disable filter lists based on time of day or other triggers – a feature not available with Pi-hole’s integration.

Network-wide ad blocking can only truly succeed in a household when it doesn’t become a source of frustration for family members. This is where AdGuard really shines with its fantastic third-party remote apps available on both the App Store and Google Play Store .

Adguard Mobile App

With just a few taps, you can toggle filtering on or off, enable safe browsing, or check out detailed statistics about your network’s activity. Sure, similarly capable mobile remote apps are also available for Pi-hole, but the AdGuard options I’ve tested are more polished and feature-rich.

So, these are my reasons for making the switch from Pi-hole to AdGuard for network-wide ad blocking. The built-in DoH and DoT support, OPNsense compatibility, user-friendly interface, better Home Assistant integration, and excellent third-party mobile remotes have all contributed to a more seamless and effective ad-blocking experience in my home.

It’s worth noting that while I’ve focused on comparing AdGuard and Pi-hole, these aren’t the only options available for network-wide ad blocking. There are other solutions out there that might better suit your specific needs, and NextDNS is a good example that you should also explore if you’re looking for the best Pi-hole alternative.

Image credit DALL-E. All screenshots by David Morelo.

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David Morelo

David Morelo is a professional content writer in the technology niche, covering everything from consumer products to emerging technologies and their cross-industry application. His interest in technology started at an early age and has only grown stronger over the years.

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AdGuard for Safari: mehr Stille im Netz

Adguard installieren, feinabstimmung.

  • Soziale Widgets: Unterdrückt die Symbole für Facebook, Instagramm, X & Co. und verhindert das Tracking durch diese Plattformen.
  • Belästigungen: Unterdrückt die Cookie-Warnungen, auf jeder Website lauern.

AdGuard deaktivieren

  • Seiten ausschliessen: Vielleicht möchten Sie aber auch eine Seite unterstützen und deshalb Werbung zulassen. Einige Seiten wie «» erkennen wiederum Inhaltsblocker und fordern, dass diese ausgeschaltet werden. In diesem Fall rufen Sie die betroffene Seite auf, klicken auf das AdGuard -Symbol in der Safari-Leiste und deaktivieren die Option Auf dieser Website aktiviert B. Danach wird die Seite automatisch neu geladen.
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Which ad blocker are you using on Safari?

  • Thread starter bingefeller
  • Start date Aug 7, 2024
  • Tags safari safari adblock
  • Sort by reaction score


Macrumors 6502a.

  • Aug 7, 2024

I had been using Chrome for a long time and I noticed that Youtube ads are come through. I was using Privacy Badger and uBlock and this was a good combo for many years, but no longer it seems! I've decided to switch back to Safari and am wondering what ad block is popular? So far I've been reading about Wipr, Ghostery, AdGuard, Adblock Plus, Adblock for Safari, 1Blocker and I just don't know anymore! Wipr seems to get bad reviews on the App store, but I'm using it on iPad and iPhone and it works ok, but it doesn't seem to get good reviews on the MacOS App store. I spend a lot of time on Youtube, so something that even manages to block the Youtube ads would be great (hopefully without making the video playback quality lower). I couldn't use Safari without an ad blocker, it would drive me crazy.  


Macrumors 68020.

Get the full version of AdGuard for macOS vs just the Safari extension. You can find solid deals for a lifetime license and it’s totally worth. You can use the license on iOS and iPadOS as well.  



Macrumors 603.

Firefox and uBlock origin. YouTube ads will still make it through because they are now integrated with the video. YouTube premium is the fix for that.  

russell_314 said: Firefox and uBlock origin. YouTube ads will still make it through because they are now integrated with the video. YouTube premium is the fix for that. Click to expand...
Sheepish-Lord said: Doesn’t make it through with my setup above. Blocks Twitch ads as well, I’m telling y’all extensions are not as good as dedicated software. Click to expand...


macrumors 6502

I use AdGuard plus AdGuard Extras which keeps YouTube 100% ad free and with sponsor block, sponsor free too. Plus I have a raspberry pi running AdGuard Home. All these are free and keep ads out of nearly every app even Apple News. For Safari to use AdGuard Extras I have the free extension User Scripts  

macrumors 68030

vjl323 said: Didn’t have to pay for any premium. Click to expand...
vjl323 said: Plus I have a raspberry pi running AdGuard Home. Click to expand...
bingefeller said: I spend a lot of time on Youtube, so something that even manages to block the Youtube ads would be great (hopefully without making the video playback quality lower). Click to expand...

macrumors newbie

  • Aug 8, 2024
russell_314 said: Is there any security issues with the software? Is your browsing data being sent to a remote server? I’m not sure about adblock software, but antivirus software is notorious for selling your data. Click to expand...
gilby101 said: Increasingly YouTube is using in video stream ads. Requires something to intercept the video stream, understand which bits of a video look like adverts and remove them. Not easy, but AdGuard say they are working on it It would require something beyond what is possible in the free AdGuard for Safari. The free adblockers are better than nothing but can't block all ads. Click to expand...


macrumors 65816

NextDNS (using HaGeZi Multi PRO) + 1Blocker.  

Seamaster said: NextDNS (using HaGeZi Multi PRO) + 1Blocker. Click to expand...
bingefeller said: Thanks for the replies. @Sheepish-Lord , @gilby101 - you both would recommend AdGuard then? I have read that some of these ad blockers apparently can slow down your computer, have you found any performance issues? Are you seeing any YouTube ads when using the paid AdGuard? I read about an extension called Vinegar, which makes YouTube run a html5 player, but I'm not sure if this would show ads, or even if the videos would play at the same resolution as the regular YouTube player. Click to expand...
bingefeller said: is that using pihole? I remember looking into that and it is way over my head - it looks very complex! I like the convenience of just buying an ad blocker, or using extensions. Click to expand...
Seamaster said: No pihole, just register for NextDNS, install their app from the Mac App Store and you're in business. It's free (for me, at any rate, I never come close to their chargeable usage level). Great service. Click to expand...
ajr123 said: I also worry a bit about how much access to user data is being given to the software owner in situations like this. Are we sharing our browsing usage? Click to expand...


bingefeller said: does that mean your IP address will change, like when you're on a VPN? Or does it just mean that your traffic is routed through a different server, which blocks the ads? Click to expand...
Basic75 said: No, it's DNS based, so it should only configure your device to use a different DNS server, one that is configured to not resolve the names of the servers used for ads etc. Click to expand...
vjl323 said: I use AdGuard plus AdGuard Extras which keeps YouTube 100% ad free and with sponsor block, sponsor free too. Plus I have a raspberry pi running AdGuard Home. All these are free and keep ads out of nearly every app even Apple News. For Safari to use AdGuard Extras I have the free extension User Scripts Click to expand...



Macrumors 601.

Can vouch for AdGuard. Free version is good enough for my use on Chrome, Safari, and Firefox, on Mac, iOS, and iPad.  

antiprotest said: Can vouch for AdGuard. Free version is good enough for my use on Chrome, Safari, and Firefox, on Mac, iOS, and iPad. Click to expand...

1Blocker but with actions and scripts disabled.  


Macrumors 604.

I'm using 1Blocker. I rarely think about it and actually had to click the icon above to remember which one I had -- which to me means it's doing its job.  

Pecka said: 1Blocker but with actions and scripts disabled. Click to expand...

Help developers test beta versions of their apps and App Clips using the TestFlight app. Download TestFlight on the App Store for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, Apple Vision Pro , Watch, and iMessage.

Testing Apps with TestFlight

Getting started.

To test beta versions of apps and App Clips using TestFlight, you’ll need to accept an email or public link invitation from the developer and have a device that you can use to test. You’ll be able to access the builds that the developer makes available to you.

If you’re a member of the developer’s team, the developer can give you access to all builds or certain builds

Required platforms

  • iOS or iPadOS apps: iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch running iOS 14 or iPadOS 14 or later. App Clips require iOS 14 or iPadOS 14, or later.
  • macOS apps: Mac running macOS 12 or later.
  • tvOS apps: Apple TV running tvOS 14 or later.
  • visionOS apps: Apple Vision Pro running visionOS 1 or later.
  • watchOS apps: Apple Watch running watchOS 6 or later.

Available languages

Ios, ipados, macos, tvos, and watchos.

Arabic, Catalan, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (Australia), English (U.K.), English (U.S.), Finnish, French, French (Canada), German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Malaysian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Spanish (Latin America), Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese.

Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), English (Australia), English (Canada), English (U.K.), English (U.S.), French, French (Canada), German, Japanese, and Korean.

Installing and testing beta apps

Each build is available to test for up to 90 days, starting from the day the developer uploads their build. You can see how many days you have left for testing under the app name in TestFlight. TestFlight will notify you each time a new build is available and will include instructions on what you need to test. Alternatively, with TestFlight 3 or later, you can turn on automatic updates to have the latest beta builds install automatically.

When the testing period is over, you'll no longer be able to open the beta build. To install the App Store version of the app, download or purchase the app from the App Store . In-app purchases are free only during beta testing, and any in-app purchases made during testing will not carry over to App Store versions.

Note: To automatically download additional in-app content and assets in the background once a beta app is installed in iOS 16, iPadOS 16, or macOS 13, turn on Additional In-App Content in your App Store settings for iPhone , iPad , and Mac .


To get started, install TestFlight on the device you’ll use for testing. Then, accept your email invitation or follow the public link invitation to install the beta app. You can install the beta app on up to 30 devices.

Note: Managed Apple Accounts can't be used to test builds.

Installing a beta iOS or iPadOS app via email or public link invitation

  • Install TestFlight on the iOS or iPadOS device that you’ll use for testing.
  • Open your email invitation and tap "View in TestFlight" or tap the public link on your device.
  • If you’re a new tester for the app, tap Accept.
  • Tap Install to install the app on your device.
  • If you’re a returning tester, tap Update or Open.

Installing a beta macOS app via email or public link invitation

  • Install TestFlight on the Mac that you’ll use for testing.
  • Open your email invitation and click "View in TestFlight" or click the public link on your Mac.
  • If you’re a new tester for the app, click Accept.
  • Click Install to install the app on your device.
  • If you’re a returning tester, click Update or Open.

Installing a beta tvOS app via email invitation

  • Install TestFlight on Apple TV.
  • Open your email invitation on a mobile device or computer.
  • Tap or click "View in TestFlight". You'll be taken to a web page with a redemption code.
  • Open TestFlight on Apple TV.
  • Go to Redeem and enter the redemption code.

Installing a beta tvOS app via public link invitation

  • Install TestFlight on an iOS or iPadOS device and Apple TV where you can sign in to the same App Store account.
  • Tap the public link on your device.
  • Tap Accept for the app you want to test.
  • Open TestFlight on Apple TV . You must be signed in to the same App Store account you used on your device.
  • Install the app you want to test.

Installing a beta visionOS app via email or public link invitation

  • Open your email invitation and touch "View in TestFlight" or touch the public link on your device.
  • If you’re a new tester for the app, touch Accept.
  • Touch Install to install the app on your device.
  • If you’re a returning tester, touch Update or Open.

Installing a beta watchOS app via email or public link invitation

  • Install TestFlight on the iOS device paired with the Apple Watch that you’ll use for testing.
  • Open your email invitation and tap "View in TestFlight" or tap on the public link on your iOS device.
  • If you're testing an app that’s for Apple Watch only, tap "Install" from the Apps list.
  • If the app is an iOS app that includes an Apple Watch app, install the iOS app first, then go to the App Details page in the Information section. If the Apple Watch app is available and compatible with your watch, there will be a button to install, update, or open it.

Testing iMessage apps (iOS or iPadOS 10, or later)

  • Open your email invitation and tap “View in TestFlight” or tap the public link on your iOS device.

If you’re testing an iOS app that includes an iMessage app, launch the beta app from the Home Screen.

If you’re testing an app that’s for iMessage only or a sticker pack, launch it from within Messages.

Testing beta App Clips (iOS or iPadOS 14, or later)

After accepting your email or public link invitation to test the app, you’ll see the option to test the App Clip in TestFlight. You can install either the app or the App Clip on your device (but not both at once), and can replace one with the other at any time. If the app is installed on your device, testing the App Clip will replace the app and some app data may be lost. You can reinstall the app by tapping Install on the app’s page in TestFlight.

  • Go to the app’s page in TestFlight.
  • In the App Clips section, tap TEST next to the beta App Clip you want to test.

Managing automatic updates

After installing TestFlight 3 or later for iOS, iPadOS, or tvOS, TestFlight for visionOS, or TestFlight for macOS, you’ll be prompted to turn on automatic updates. This allows the latest available beta builds to install automatically. TestFlight will notify you each time a new build is installed on your device. Automatic updates can be turned off at any time.

Use TestFlight to change automatic update settings for all of the beta apps you’re testing using TestFlight:

Note: This setting will apply to all new beta app builds. Beta apps that have automatic updates set at the individual app level won’t be affected

TestFlight for iOS or iPadOS

  • Open TestFlight and tap Settings in the top right.
  • Tap Automatic Updates for New Apps.
  • Tap On or Off.

TestFlight for macOS

  • Open TestFlight and choose Preferences from the TestFlight menu.
  • Under General, select Automatic Updates for New Apps.

TestFlight for tvOS

  • Open TestFlight and click the Settings tab at the top.
  • Select Automatic Updates
  • Turn Automatic Updates On or Off

TestFlight for visionOS

  • Open TestFlight and from the bottom left, touch open your profile.
  • Under App Settings, touch Automatic Updates for New Apps to turn it on or off.

Use TestFlight to change automatic update settings for individual beta apps you’re testing:

  • Open TestFlight and go to the app’s page.
  • Under App Information, turn Automatic Updates On or Off.
  • Under App Settings, touch Automatic Updates to turn it on or off.
  • Under App Settings, select Automatic Updates.
  • Under the app icon, click More.
  • Click Turn On Automatic Updates or Turn Off Automatic Updates.

Testing builds from previous versions and build groups

When viewing an app in TestFlight, you'll see the latest available build by default. You can still test all other builds that are available to you.

If you already have the App Store version of the app installed on your device, the beta version of the app will replace it. After you download the beta app, you’ll see an orange dot next to its name that identifies it as a beta.

When you accept a TestFlight invitation through a public link, your name and email address aren’t visible to the developer. However, they’ll be able to see your number of sessions and crashes, the day you installed their app, and the latest installed version.

TestFlight for iOS and iPadOS

  • Tap Previous Builds or, if you're using Xcode Cloud, tap Versions and Build Groups.
  • Tap either the Versions tab or Build Groups tab, then tap and install the build you want to test. The build you choose will replace what's currently installed.
  • Next to Build Information, click View Previous Builds or, if you're using Xcode Cloud, click Versions and Build Groups.
  • Click either the Versions or Build Groups tab, then select and install the build you want to test. The build you choose will replace what’s currently installed.
  • Select View Previous Builds or, if you're using Xcode Cloud, click Versions and Build Groups.
  • Click the Versions tab or the Build Groups tab, then select and install the build you want to test. The build you choose will replace what’s currently installed.
  • Next to Build Information, touch View Previous Builds.
  • Touch either the Versions tab or Build Groups tab, then touch Install next to the build you want to test. The build you choose will replace what's currently installed.

Giving feedback

While testing a beta version of an app or App Clip, you can send the developer feedback about issues you experience or make suggestions for improvements based on the “What to Test” content. Feedback you submit through TestFlight is also provided to Apple as part of the TestFlight service.

iOS, iPadOS, macOS, or visionOS apps

You can send feedback through the TestFlight app or directly from the beta app or beta App Clip by taking a screenshot, and you can report a crash after it occurs. If you were invited to test an app with a public link, you can choose not to provide your email address or other personal information to the developer. Apple will also receive all feedback you submit and will be able to tie it to your Apple Account.

Sending feedback through the TestFlight app

For iOS or iPadOS:

  • Open the TestFlight app on your device.
  • From the Apps list, tap the app you want to send feedback for.
  • Tap Send Beta Feedback.
  • In the share dialog, tap Include Screenshot to choose a screenshot. If you don’t want to send an attachment, tap Don't Include Screenshot.
  • Add your comments (up to 4,000 characters), and optionally enter your email address if you were invited with a public link.
  • Tap Submit.

If your device is running an OS earlier than iOS 13 or iPadOS 13, tap Send Beta Feedback to compose an email to the developer. The feedback email contains detailed information about the beta app and about your iOS device. You can also provide additional information, such as necessary screenshots and steps required to reproduce any issues. Your email address will be visible to the developer when you send email feedback through the TestFlight app even if you were invited through a public link.

For visionOS:

  • From the Apps list in the sidebar, touch the app you want to send feedback for.
  • Touch Send Feedback.
  • In the feedback dialog that appears, add your comments (up to 4,000 characters) by touching the Feedback text field.
  • Optionally, attach a screenshot by touching Attach Screenshot .
  • Pinch Submit.
  • Open the TestFlight app on your Mac.
  • From the Apps list in the sidebar, select the app you want to send feedback for.
  • Click Send Beta Feedback.
  • In the feedback dialog that appears, add your comments (up to 4,000 characters), and optionally enter your email address if you were invited with a public link.
  • Optionally, attach a screenshot by clicking Attach Screenshot.
  • Click Submit.

Note: You can drag and drop screenshots into the feedback text field.

Sending feedback through the beta app

When you take a screenshot while testing a beta app or beta App Clip, you can send the screenshot with feedback directly to the developer without leaving the app or App Clip Experience. Developers can opt out of receiving this type of feedback, so this option is only available if the developer has it enabled.

  • Take a screenshot on your device. For details on how to take screenshots, see Take a screenshot on your iPhone , Take a screenshot on your iPad , and Take a screenshot on your iPod touch .
  • A thumbnail of your screenshot appears in the lower-left corner of your device. Tap the thumbnail and, if needed, add drawings and text with Markup . Then tap Done.
  • Tap Share Beta Feedback .
  • Optionally, you can add comments (up to 4,000 characters), and your email address if you were invited with a public link.
  • Take a screenshot on your Mac. For details on how to take screenshots, visit Take a screenshot on your Mac .
  • A thumbnail of your screenshot appears in the lower-right corner of your Mac. Click the thumbnail to open the Quick Look window and, if needed, add drawings and text with Markup .
  • From the Share menu in the Quick Look window, click Send Beta Feedback.
  • Click Submit

Sending crash information

If you experience a crash while testing a beta app or beta App Clip, you’ll receive an alert asking if you want to send crash details to the developer through TestFlight. Developers can opt out of receiving this type of feedback, so this option is only available if the developer has it enabled.

When a crash alert displays for TestFlight for iOS or iPadOS, tap Share, add any additional comments, then tap Submit.

When a crash alert displays for TestFlight for macOS, click Report, add any additional comments, then click OK, Send, or Reopen.

When a crash alert displays for TestFlight for visionOS, touch Share, add any additional comments, then pinch Submit.

To provide feedback on a tvOS app, open TestFlight, go to app’s page, go to the Information section to view the developer's email address, and send them an email. Provide as much information as you can, including screenshots and steps required to reproduce any issues you encountered. Please note that your email address will be visible to the developer when you send email feedback through TestFlight.

Contacting the developer

If you need to contact the developer while you’re testing their beta app for reasons other than feedback, you can view their email address. In TestFlight, go to the app’s page, go to the Information section, and tap App Details to view the developer’s email address.

Opting out from testing

If you don’t accept your email invitation, the beta app won’t be installed, you won’t be listed as a tester, and Apple won’t take any action with respect to your email address. Additionally, you can unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of the invitation email to notify the developer that you’d like to be removed from their list. If you accepted the invitation and no longer wish to test the app, you can delete yourself as a tester by visiting the app’s Information page in TestFlight and tapping Stop Testing.

Your Privacy and Data

When you test beta apps or beta App Clips with TestFlight, Apple will collect and send crash logs, your personal information such as name and email address, usage information, and any feedback you submit to the developer. Information that is emailed to the developer directly is not shared with Apple. The developer is permitted to use this information only to improve their App and is not permitted to share it with a third party. Apple may use this information to improve the TestFlight app and detect and prevent fraud. For more information, visit TestFlight & Privacy .

Navigation Menu

Search code, repositories, users, issues, pull requests..., provide feedback.

We read every piece of feedback, and take your input very seriously.

Saved searches

Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly.

To see all available qualifiers, see our documentation .

  • Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings

AdGuard for Safari app extension


Folders and files, repository files navigation.

AdGuard for Safari

The most advanced ad blocking extension for Safari

Free and open source, highly customizable and lightning fast ad blocking extension.

Download on the AppStore

AdGuard for Safari

Ad blocking extensions for Safari are having hard time since Apple started to force everyone to use the new SDK. AdGuard extension is supposed to bring back the high quality ad blocking back to Safari.

Unlike other major ad blockers, AdGuard provides some extra features you are used to have with the traditional (now deprecated) extensions:

  • Managing protection from Safari
  • Choose among popular filter subscription
  • Custom filters
  • Creating your own filtering rules
  • Manual blocking tool
  • Allowlisting websites

AdGuard for Safari is based on the Safari native content blocking API, which makes it lightning fast, but somewhat limited in capabilities. For instance, Safari limits the number of rules a content blocker can have.

Better yet, there is a full-fledged AdGuard for Mac

With all above said, there is a solution that is even more effective than AG Safari extension. I mean, of course, AdGuard for Mac . It can:

  • filter your traffic in all browsers and apps on your Mac
  • have an unlimited number of filter rules
  • provide a better filtering quality (due to the lack of browser API restrictions)

You can try it out for free .

How to build AdGuard for Safari

AdGuard for Safari consists of three parts:

  • An Electron application.
  • Safari Content Blocker extension
  • Safari Toolbar icon extension


  • MacOS 13.1 or above
  • Xcode 14.3 or above
  • Xcode Command Line Tools
  • Node.js v18.17.1 or higher

Also, you need to install these packages globally:

  • electron-packager
  • electron-osx-sign

How to build

To run application in development mode.

Install local dependencies by running:

How to debug the app

Debug window.

Launch the application via:

Open menu View -> Toggle Developer Tools

Debug main process

Launch the application via

Open URI chrome://inspect in Chromium

Then add a network target localhost:5858 via button "Configure" and select this target below.

Build and run in production mode

Replace the following line in file ./AdGuard/Config.xcconfig

where <YOUR APPLE DEVELOPER COMMON NAME> is your codesign identity

Make sure your system Nodejs version higher v8.9.4.

Steps to check it: if you use nvm run

Open AdGuard.xcworkspace in Xcode and run building project

How to run tests

Preparing and building adguard., environment requirements.

  • MacOS 13.1+
  • Xcode 14.3+
  • Install Xcode command line tools
  • Install the ruby module bundler if it is not in the system
  • Fastlane manages development and distribution certificates according to the documentation described in fastlane match . The file ./fastlane/env.default contains variables ( SENSITIVE_VARS_PATH , APP_STORE_CONNECT_API_KEY_PATH ) that define the paths to files with private information necessary for fastlane match to work. Create these files in a hidden location with the appropriate contents and specify their paths in the these variables.
  • You need to run the dev script, which will install the necessary components and certificates locally.

Check certificates names in Scripts/ExportOptions.plist

SafariConverterLib dependency

For converting rules to content-blocker format we use an external library as a binary built from , that ConverterTool binary should be placed in ./libs/ .

You use ./Scripts/ to download the latest release version of that binary from Github.

Common issues

Use fixed electron-osx-sign

How to release standalone builds

  • update version package.json and AdGuard/standalone.xcconfig or AdGuard/standalone-beta.xcconfig
  • notarize builds
  • publish release on Github
  • refresh updates/updates.json and release.json in gh-pages branch

Build application

  • mas -- Mac App Store
  • beta -- standalone beta
  • release -- standalone release
  • [--notarize=0] -- optional parameter to skip notarization

Output directory build contains:

  • Adguard for -- signed and notarized app.
  • Adguard for -- zip of signed and notarized app.
  • Adguard for Safari.xcarchive -- app archive.
  • Adguard for -- zip of app archive
  • version.txt -- version info (CI requirement).
  • updates.json -- json file with updates info.
  • release.json -- json file with updates info.

Clean install

  • Disable all AdGuard for Safari extensions in Safari browser settings and close browser
  • Close AdGuard for Safari
  • ~/Library/Application Support/AdGuardSafariApp
  • ~/Library/Containers/ - all directories started with com.adguard.safari.AdGuard (if there’s any)
  • ~/Library/GroupContainers/
  • ~/Library/Preferences/com.adguard.safari.AdGuard.plist
  • Quit all “AdGuard” and “cfprefsd” processes in Activity monitor
  • Reinstall AdGuard for Safari

Releases 93

Contributors 17.

  • JavaScript 78.4%
  • Objective-C 14.6%
  • Objective-C++ 0.8%

A safari experience like no other

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Bring the little ones on the Serengeti Trek Bus this September!

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Guineafowl, Vulturine

The bright blue vulturine is the largest of the guineafowl species.

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Safari West Presents! California Bluebird Recovery Project

Conservation Dinner Series: Georgette Howington of California Bluebird Recovery Project joins us in the elephant room after dinner to give a talk about bluebirds.

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Safari West Presents! Bee Dirt

Conservation Dinner Series:  Brenden Shanks of Bee Dirt joins us in the elephant room after dinner to give a talk about bees and honey.

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Monarch Butterflies at Safari West

Thank you, Sergio and Merle, for your fantastic butterfly show at Safari West! With so many Sonoma County residents providing critical...

Meet our hand-reared kookaburra chick

Meet our youngest laughing kookaburra chick, currently being hand-reared by our animal staff at Safari West. Early in the morning...

Safari West's Heroic Effort Saves Critically Ill Newborn Giraffe

On June 26, 2024, Safari West welcomed its 52nd giraffe calf, Safiri, whose name means "Journey" in Swahili. From the...

Safari West’s Heroic Effort Saves Critically Ill Newborn Giraffe


  1. Adguard Extension for Safari

    adguard safari test

  2. Join the AdGuard for Safari beta

    adguard safari test

  3. AdGuard for Safari (Mac)

    adguard safari test

  4. AdGuard for Safari (Mac)

    adguard safari test

  5. iPhone/iPad上Safari去广告:AdGuard完全指南

    adguard safari test

  6. AdGuard for Safari

    adguard safari test



  2. Tata Safari & Harrier Conveniences and Features

  3. Tata Safari/Harrier: Not Niggle Free, Still?

  4. toyota Hilux desert safari test. #desert #automobile #racing #extreamoffroad #offroad

  5. PiHole gegen AdGuard Test

  6. Safari Test .30-30 Pedersoli Droptine Sightmark Solar M2 Solitude 7x36HD Contessa B&P BP107 2nd Part


  1. AdGuard for Safari

    AdGuard for Mac is a unique ad blocker designed with macOS in mind. In addition to protecting you from annoying ads in browsers and apps, it shields you from tracking, phishing, and fraud. App Store. Install. By downloading the program you accept the terms of the License agreement. 13,223 13223 user reviews.

  2. AdGuard

    Blocks cookie consent forms, popups, online assistant tools, and mobile app banners. Advanced protection. Advanced protection module allows AdGuard to apply advanced filtering rules, such as CSS rules, CSS selectors, and scriptlets, and therefore to deal even with the complex ads, such as YouTube ads. Extension: running.

  3. Is AdGuard for Safari good? : r/MacOS

    Then open AdGuard settings, click on "Filters" at the top of the settings window, then enable and click on "User Rules." In the User rules window, paste the full text of that second list. Click the "Save" button and close AdGuard settings.

  4. Test Ad Block

    Looking for an easy way to check the efficiency of your ad blocker?Toolz offers a simple and beautiful design test that allows you to quickly and easily test the performance of current ad/content blocker solution. Intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate and use, and the beautiful design ensures that the experience is visually appealing. With just a click, you can see how well the ad ...

  5. Can You Block It ?

    The various tests help you in identifying what formats of advertisements are blocked or unblocked so that you can understand your ad-blockers effectiveness. Use the various tests to test ad-blockers such as AdBlock, AdBlock Plus, AdBlocker Ultimate, AdGuard, Ghostery, uBlock Origin, Pi-Hole, NoScript and more with various ad formats such as Web ...

  6. How do I find out if AdGuard is actually working? : r/Adguard

    Check the log from the app. Reply reply. [deleted] •. There is a filter log you could check out and see if the ads are being blocked. Reply reply. AqueerianCat. •. The filter log doesn't seem to show that every ad tracker is blocked.

  7. AdGuard Review 2024 : How Good Is It?

    AdGuard's free version only blocks ads in browsers and is only available on Android (Chrome) and iOS (Safari). To access more features, like in-app ad blocking and malware protection, you'll need a full paid version. Those looking to try it out without spending anything can utilize AdGuard's 3-day free trial or 60-day money-back guarantee.. AdGuard issues refunds but can decline them if a ...

  8. How to create your own ad filters

    In this article, we explain how to write custom filtering rules for use in AdGuard products. To test your rules, you can download the AdGuard app. ... AdGuard Safari and AdGuard for iOS do not fully support regular expressions because of Content Blocking API restrictions ...

  9. AdGuard Is Better Than Pi-hole in Blocking Ads. Here's Why

    Pi-hole has long been such a popular choice when it comes to network-wide ad blocking for so long that it's easy to forget that alternatives do exist. I recently gave one such alternative, AdGuard, a try and decided to make the switch permanently. Here I'll explore the five key reasons why AdGuard won me over in the AdGuard vs Pi-hole matchup.

  10. AdGuard beta testing

    3. Test. Download the latest beta version of AdGuard and start using it. To report a bug or suggest a new feature, go to GitHub, find the repository you need, click New issue, select Feature request or Bug report, and click Get started. Fill out all fields and click Submit new issue.

  11. AdGuard for Safari: mehr Stille im Netz

    AdGuard for Safari sorgen Sie für Ruhe diesbezüglich. Menü . ... Mesh-Set Orbi RBE973S im PCtipp-Test. Downloads. Tool-Tipp für Macs Tool-Tipp: Pure Paste. Jetzt Newsletter abonnieren!

  12. The most effective ways to block ads in iOS (ranked by ...

    Great tool thanks for sharing. AdGuard for Safari seems to have the highest rating with a test of 97%. 4 or 5 other popular apps were around 50-60%. Adblock and Firefox Focus extensions added bring it to 99%. Actual browsing still seems snappy so far.

  13. AdGuard for Safari: in-depth review

    AdGuard for Safari was released in November, 2018. Though it's closer to youngsters, it soon became one of the most popular ad blockers for browsers. It replaced our classic browser extension that existed before Apple's restrictions, and we had to do our best to make the current extension comparable to the previous one. AdGuard for Safari ...

  14. Which ad blocker are you using on Safari?

    I use AdGuard plus AdGuard Extras which keeps YouTube 100% ad free and with sponsor block, sponsor free too. Plus I have a raspberry pi running AdGuard Home. All these are free and keep ads out of nearly every app even Apple News. For Safari to use AdGuard Extras I have the free extension User Scripts

  15. AdGuard AdBlocker Browser Extension

    AdGuard extension blocks all types of browser ads, including video, full-screen, floating, popups, banners, and text. Its element-blocking feature allows you to remove any unwanted item on a webpage. Protect your privacy and be safe. AdGuard protects your personal data by blocking third-party trackers, spyware, and adware.

  16. Join the AdGuard for Safari beta

    TestFlight for iOS and iPadOS. Open TestFlight and go to the app's page. Tap Previous Builds or, if you're using Xcode Cloud, tap Versions and Build Groups. Tap either the Versions tab or Build Groups tab, then tap and install the build you want to test. The build you choose will replace what's currently installed.

  17. AdGuard for macOS App vs. AdGuard for Safari Extension

    The AdGuard for Safari app loads an extension into Safari that in turn loads content blocking filters that interact directly with the page to remove elements, etc. The AdGuard macOS app installs custom DNS settings to provide system wide blocking. This is somewhat similar to what iCloud Private Relay does although iCloud Private Relay is a VPN ...

  18. Block ads in Safari

    Keith White AdGuard: Content Blocker does work like advertised the only real drawback is it only works with Samsung Internet Browser, Samsung Browser Lite, Samsung Browser Beta, Yandex Browser and every other version of Yandex Browser. It should have universal1. Bhavish Nadar Which there is support for other browsers like firefox and edge.

  19. Adblockers for Safari, Chrome, and iOS Safari : r/MacOS

    The final two received more advanced testing using an adblock testing site called Toolz by d3ward. Below are the findings. Chrome (MacOS): AdGuard scored a 91 out of 100 on this test. Adblock Plus scored a 90. The biggest difference was that Adblock Plus blocked Google ads which AdGuard did not. Safari (MacOS): This is where things took a turn ...

  20. Is this safe. To use with safari? : r/Adguard

    AdGuard is a company with over 12 years of experience in ad blocking and privacy protection mostly known for AdGuard ad blocker, AdGuard VPN, and AdGuard DNS. ... If you still don't trust it, ditch safari and get google chrome. Adguard requires less permissions for the chrome extension and it doesn't include stuff like seeing and altering ...

  21. AdguardTeam/AdGuardForSafari: AdGuard for Safari app extension

    AdGuard extension is supposed to bring back the high quality ad blocking back to Safari. Unlike other major ad blockers, AdGuard provides some extra features you are used to have with the traditional (now deprecated) extensions: Managing protection from Safari. Choose among popular filter subscription.

  22. Safari West

    Safari West's Heroic Effort Saves Critically Ill Newborn Giraffe. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Site Footer. Safari West ® 3115 Porter Creek Road Santa Rosa, CA 95404 (800) 616-2695. High Contrast Mode ...

  23. AdGuard Browser Extension for Chrome MV3: release version

    The best iOS ad blocker for iPhone and iPad. AdGuard eliminates all kinds of ads in Safari, protects your privacy, and speeds up page loading. AdGuard for iOS ad-blocking technology ensures the highest quality filtering and allows you to use multiple filters at the same time