Hike to Volcanic Eruption Sites & Reykjanes Tour

Explore Iceland's newest volcano, on a guided tour from Reykjavík

Aerial view of flowing lava, creating amazing textures.


Hiking the area of recent eruptions from 2021 and explore the Reykjanes Peninsula

You will be in safe hands with highly professional guides


You will learn about geology, volcanology and more

From Reykjavík

Explore the Reykjanes Peninsula, a short drive from Reykjavík, to discover its unique geological features. Positioned along the fissure line of the mid-Atlantic ridge, this region experiences frequent eruptions, earthquakes, and seismic activity. Embark on a journey to witness geothermal wonders, natural phenomena, and breathtaking landscapes.

The tour’s highlight is hiking in the area of the recent eruptions from 2021 until today near  Fagradalsfjall Volcano . The eruption in July 2023 took place close by, at  Litli Hrutur and the newest eruption is also in the vicinity of the  Sundhnukagigar Volcano  eruption site, which erupted in December 2023.

Tour Description

We will meet at your chosen hotel or bus stop in Reykjavik at around 8 am. 

Our Volcano hike and Geothermal tour is a great introduction to the influence volcanic activity has had on the landscape of iceland. This tour explores the Reykjanes Peninsula which is located a short drive from the capital Reykjavík. The peninsula is situated on the fissure line of the mid-Atlantic ridge which is the cause of all the eruptions, earthquakes and other seismic activity in the region.

The highlight of the tour is of course the visit to the eruption sites at  Fagradalsfjall and Meradlir volcanoes  situated in the Geldingadalir valley. This is Iceland´s most recently active volcano. This is a rare opportunity indeed as there have been very few easily accessible and safe to visit active volcanoes in Iceland in living memory. This tour offers a chance to experience geothermal wonders, natural phenomena, and places of stunning beauty.

Along with this magnificent volcano, our experienced and knowledgeable guides will take you to some of the other highlights that Reykjanes Peninsula has to offer. These include the boiling waters and sulphuric steamy air at the  Seltún  and  Gunnuhver  hot-springs, a walk between the American and Euroasian continental plates at the  Bridge between Continents , a wonderful photo opportunity at  Reykjanesviti lighthouse  and the black sand beaches of  Kleifarvatn  Lake. The compact nature of the peninsula means that you fit an awful lot into this 10 hour day tour.

We wish you a beautiful day, filled with tons of unforgettable memories!

volcano tours reykjavik

Meradalir and Fagradalsfjall Volcano

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get up close and personal with a volcano eruption site. Normally volcanic eruptions in Iceland occur in very remote and difficult to reach locations. In the same area as the 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption, the tour includes a hike of 3-4 hours and a total distance of 6-12km. 

Your guide will take you to the nearest viewing point for the best view of the newly made lava field. During the height of the eruption, lava shot many hundreds of metres in the air and was visible over the mountains in Reykjavík, 50 kms to the north. Once expelled from the crater, the lava flowed down the valley adding to the immense mass of the newly formed lava fields. On the drive to the volcano you will have seen moss covered lava fields formed many thousands of years ago. The new and rapidly cooling lava fields will no doubt resemble them in years to come. Even if you happen to visit on a less active day, you cannot fail to be impressed by the sheer scale and landscape changing power of this eruption.

Gunnuhver Hot-springs

We proceed to Gunnuhver hot-springs, the centerpiece of the UNESCO Global Geopark. This protected geothermal area is highly active, with steam vents and mud-pools dotting the landscape.

In myth, the mischievous ghost of Gúðrun or Gúnna was trapped here in the mud-pools. Perhaps the violent, barely repressed nature of the area can be explained by the presence of this angry ghost!. Hver is the Icelandic word for hot-spring. So this is the hot-spring of Gunna or Gunnuhver.

Iceland's largest mud-pool is located here and measures 20m in diameter. Like at Seltun, the smelly sulphuric steam lingers over the area.

Geothermal power plants are common in Iceland and Iceland is a world leader in harnessing this raw geothermal energy as well as in renewable energy. The nearby Reykjanes Power Station use this thermal water for electricity generation and district heating for the locality.

Reykjanesviti Lighthouse and Coastal Features

We continue to the majestic Reykjanesviti lighthouse. Dating from the early 20th century, this popular lighthouse has guided ships for over a century with its light a shining beacon at a height of 63m above sea-level. Situated on Bæjarfell hill, the lighthouse is popular with amateur photographers and is also a good place to take in the breathtaking coastal features.  Here you can also admire Valhnúkamöl boulder ridge, sea-cliffs, sea-stacks, and skerries which are a haven and nesting ground for sea-birds of all description. Eldey Island in the distance is home to the world´s largest Northern Gannet colony, with over 16,000 breeding pairs.These coastal features are under constant attack by the furious waves of the North Atlantic Ocean.

The Bridge between Continents

Our last stop of the day is the Bridge between Continents. After witnessing the effects of seismic activity over the course of this day, here is an opportunity to visualise the root cause of all the wonders you have seen.

Reykjanes peninsula lies on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge where two major tectonic plates are moving apart from one another, the gap increasing by a few centimeters each year. This location is one of the few locations on earth in which this ridge is above sea level.The bridge between continents is a 15-meter footbridge that gives you a unique opportunity to walk between the two tectonic plates where North America and Europe drift apart.

We get back on the bus and begin our drive back to the city which will take just under 1 hour and will see moss covered lava fields, the remains of past volcanic eruptions in this region scarred and built from seismic activity.

Included (in the price)

Few people on every tour for maximum comfort

Internet access on board our minibus

English Speaking Guide


✓ Volcano hike to Fagradalsfjall & Meradalir Volcanoes

✓ Small Group Experience

✓ Wi-Fi on Board

✓ Gunnuhver hot-springs

✓ Reykjanesviti Lighthouse and coastal features

✓ The Bridge Between Continents

✓ Depending on time, we might visit Kleifarvatn lake and Seltun Geothermal area

We Guarantee....

Fast & Secure Payments

No Booking Fees

Best Price Guarantee

24 Hours Cancellation Policy

Professional Volcano Guide

What you need to Bring

Pick-up time, how does pick up work, good to know, cancellation policy.

Iceland is open for travel: check volcano updates here

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volcano tours reykjavik

Volcano Tours In Iceland

Guided day trips to iceland's best volcanoes.

Volcano Tours

  • About Volcano Tours

Volcanoes: The Pillars of the Earth

volcano tours reykjavik

Volcanoes remind us of the beauty, power, and majesty of nature — and Iceland has more than its fair share! These living mountains spit liquid fire and alter the world around them, creating lava caves  and darkened skies.

Arctic Adventures volcano tours bring you straight into the belly of the beast. Walk above volcanoes to behold them from above, or conquer your volcano of choice by wheel or foot.

Here’s a quick guide to Iceland’s mighty volcanoes and how to enjoy the country’s fieriest attractions. 

Going Underground: How Volcanoes Create Caves and Tunnels

volcano tours reykjavik

Have you ever seen a blowtorch? Industrial forging is a good indication of how lava works. The basic principle of fire forging also leads to lava tunnels: scorching liquid coursing through softer walls of resistance beneath a harder surface. During volcano tours, you walk on or under this surviving surface! Many caves and lava tunnels are sturdy and big enough for people to pass through. 

There are many ways to get to the heart of a volcano in Iceland. A popular choice is the Thrihnukagigur Volcano  – literally the only place on Earth where you can explore the inside of a magma chamber.

After crossing a lava field on foot, you take the lift 400 meters (1200 feet) down into the heart of the volcano. The burned insides are a sight to behold – shades of red, orange and other colors that cannot be seen anywhere else. You’ll see firsthand how the mountain’s insides are reshaped as lava rips through them. No wonder CNN lists Thrihnukagigur Volcano as one of the must-see places in the world!

If you’re feeling even more adventurous, why not try caving? Iceland’s volcanoes have carved out a vast, intricate and fascinating series of underground tunnels.   Our Underworld Tour  brings you into tunnels that were created thousands of years ago by searing rivers of lava. Behold the otherworldly shapes and colors created by Iceland’s volcanoes and – if you visit at the right time of year – marvel at the beautiful icicles.

volcano tours reykjavik

Scorched Earth: How Landscapes Are Shaped by Lava

Iceland’s glorious vistas are the result of the country’s turbulent environment. Over the centuries, locals created captivating mythology to explain how Iceland’s landmarks were formed. For instance, the volcanic rock formations of Dimmuborgir (roughly translated as “Dark Castles” in Icelandic) were said to be the home of the half-troll, half-ogre Grýla and her 13 children. The real stories are no less exciting!

Iceland’s Most Famous Volcanoes: Hekla, Katla, Eyjafjallajökull, Fagradalsfjall and Litla-Hrút

Hekla, queen of the volcanoes.

volcano tours reykjavik

Mount Hekla  is undoubtedly the queen of Iceland’s 100 volcanoes. Hekla last erupted on February 26, 2000. According to scientists, the volcano’s pressure measurements are now rising at a higher rate than they were at the last eruption! We don’t know when Hekla will blow her top next, but it could be very soon. 

Hekla is often called the “Queen of Iceland”. You can find the legendary volcano in the Fjallabak Mountains. Hikers from across the globe dream of climbing to the summit of Hekla ⁠— a 1491-meter trek. 

Katla Volcano

volcano tours reykjavik

Katla Volcano often makes headlines because of the belief that a future eruption is drawing closer and closer. Local Icelanders don’t understand all the hype — nothing unusual has happened at Katla, so there’s no cause for immediate concern. Then again, that could just be the typical mindset when you live in such a volcanic country! 

Katla lies beneath the surface of Kötlujökull Glacier, an outlet of Mýrdalsjökull’s Glacier in the Southern Highlands. Katla is a stratovolcano, just like the notorious Eyjafjallajökull Volcano that erupted in 2010. It’s also one of the biggest and most active volcanoes in Iceland. The volcano has erupted 16-20 times in the last thousand years. The last eruption occurred in 1918.  

Throughout history, the time between eruptions was 20 to 80 years. However, it has now been over 100 years since Katla last erupted.  This either means that Katla has “shut down,” or that its next volcanic event is long overdue. In more recent years, Katla has had smaller eruptions that didn’t disturb its glacier ice layer. The last small eruption occurred in 2011. 

Eyjafjallajökull Volcano

volcano tours reykjavik

Eyjafjallajökull is a rare stratovolcano in Iceland. You may have heard the name of this volcano before — in 2010, the ash cloud that erupted from Eyjafjallajökull brought air travel across Europe to a stop for five days! The 2010 eruption was the largest volcanic event in Iceland since the Katla Volcano eruption in 1918, nearly 100 years earlier. 

Adventure seekers love to trek across the unique paths that have been formed by volcanic activity. The most famous of these paths is Thorsmork Volcano Hike , a hike from Thorsmork Valley to Fimmvorduhals Pass. Along the way, hikers pass by the newly-created craters of Magni and Modi. These craters point to the scene of the Eyjafjallajökull eruption. 

The views along the Thorsmork Volcano Hike are among the most beautiful in Iceland. At the 800-meter summit of the craters, hikers look over stunning hillside, volcanic paths, and magnificent glaciers. This unique landscape was largely formed by rivers of lava. 

You can also try out the Eyjafjallajökull Tour , which brings you to this epic volcano on a Super Jeep. 

Fagradalsfjall volcano

volcano tours reykjavik

Fagradalsfjall volcano erupted for the first time on March 3rd, 2021, and for the second time on August 3rd, 2022, and is located in Geldingadalur on Reykjanes Peninsula. After the series of earthquakes, an eruptive fissure opened in Meradalir, a bit north of the last eruption. The eruption site is only 9 kilometers away from the nearest Grindavik village, making it one of the most accessible volcanic eruptions ever. Thousands of tourists and locals have visited the site individually or with a guided tour .


volcano tours reykjavik

On July 10, 2023, at approximately 16:40 , a volcanic eruption occurred near the Litli-Hrútur mountain, southwest of Reykjavik. This marks the third eruption in the region within three years. The eruption is classified as small and is not emitting ash into the atmosphere. Lava is flowing from a 200-meter (656 feet) fissure, creating captivating fountains. Concerns arise due to potentially high levels of volcanic gases, leading to the closure of access to the volcano. The eruption was preceded by increased seismic activity for a week. Fortunately, the eruption site is uninhabited, ensuring no immediate risks to communities or infrastructure. The lava flow is intensifying, resulting in expanding crater s. From July 12, the eruption site partially opened and visitors can explore it via the Meradalir Route from Suðurstrandarvegur. This 20km journey requires preparation, but with a guided tour, appropriate clothing, food, water, and a charged mobile phone, it can be a safe and unforgettable experience despite the site's dynamic nature.

This 20 km journey requires preparation, but with a guided tour , appropriate clothing, food, water, and a charged mobile phone, it can be a safe and unforgettable experience despite the site's dynamic nature. Follow the updates on the most recent volcano eruption in Iceland!


Sundhnukagigar volcano is known to erupt two times: first, on December 18th, 2023 . The eruption that took 3 days happened near the town of Grindavik . The area is known to be seismically active, with another eruption of the same volcano following in February of 2024 . Because of these eruptions taking place near Grindavik, the citizens of this town were evacuated. For more details about this eruption, continue to read Seismic activity in Reykjanes Peninsula . 


The new year in Iceland was already marked with an eruption that took place on January 14th, 2024 . This is when lava near Hagafell Mountain burst. Since this wasn't the first recent eruption in the area, the authorities were prepared, making sure that no citizens of Grindavik were still in the town. The flights and other services were operating as per usual.

Lunar Landscapes

volcano tours reykjavik

Geothermal activity has formed Iceland’s most beautiful landscapes, from deep green valleys to towering mountain peaks. Volcanoes are also to thank for the creation of the phenomenal Askja Caldera.  The vast Askja Caldera  is the result of a collapsed lava chamber that was ruptured during a volcanic eruption. The caldera is filled with electric blue water, forming a lake within the crater. 

The area around Askja Caldera is lifeless and scorched like a distant planet. In fact, NASA astronauts prepared for the 1969 moon landing with a visit to Askja!

The Land of Fire and Ice

Volcanoes are not just part of Iceland’s landscape. They’re also part of the national culture and mindset. Local Icelanders have a special respect and admiration for the ways that frightening aspects of nature create beauty and power. The country’s volcanic history has inspired local mythology and continues to influence lore to this day. T hese beasts’ towering reputation echoes throughout the world.

Iceland’s love for its volcanoes burns like molten lava and is solid as a mountain.

How To Visit The Volcano?

The best and safest way to visit a volcano is with a guided tour. Expert guides will be able to lead you to the eruption site, choosing the most secure paths and the optimal distance to observe the newly formed lava fields so you can get the best, safest, and most enjoyable experience. You can choose to book the hike to the eruption site or book a helicopter tour and see the volcanic eruption on the Reykjanes Peninsula from above!

Is it safe to hike up to the eruption site?

Authorities in Iceland have taken the necessary steps to ensure everyone's safety. Hiking in the area will only be allowed once they give the go-ahead. Keep an eye on the situation and regular updates .

When exploring volcanic areas, it's crucial to maintain a safe distance, be mindful of gas exposure, and know the direction of the wind to avoid any mishaps.

What to bring to The Volcano?

Make sure that you are prepared before heading out to the volcano. We recommend wearing hiking clothes and packing a backpack with:

  • Extra layers, gloves and headwear
  • Good waterproof hiking shoes
  • Waterproof jacket and pants
  • Snacks for the hike & water
  • Camera and extra batteries

Is it possible to go to the restroom during the hike?

There are no restrooms at the area just nature 😊 We do recommend that people use the restrooms in Grindavík where we stop for lunch before we start the hike.

Is The Eruption Site Open For A Visit?

Currently, the area near the eruption site is closed for safety reasons, until further notice. Please check regularly for updates on on accessible areas and safety rules.

Do I Need A Guide To Accompany Me To The Eruption Site?

When the eruption area will be safe and open for visitors, it is not obligatory to be accompanied by a professional guide to visit the site. However, taking a guided tour is safer than visiting the eruption site as fellow travelers will accompany you, and a local professional guide will ensure your safety.

Is The Eruption At Meradalir Still Ongoing?

No, the eruptions at Fagradalsfjall and Meradalir have concluded. The current volcanic activity is centered at Hagafell, located near Grindavík on the Reykjanes Peninsula, and involves a new eruption that began on December 18 .

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Awarded Private tour company in Iceland with a top-quality local guide. We offer private day tours to the most amazing stops in Iceland such as  In our comfortable vehicles, you will have the day of a lifetime...

Check our private tours and have a day to remember self.__wrap_n=self.__wrap_n||(self.CSS&&CSS.supports("text-wrap","balance")?1:2);self.__wrap_b=(n,r,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${n}"]`);let t=e.parentElement,c=f=>e.style.maxWidth=f+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let i=t.clientWidth,s=t.clientHeight,o=i/2-.25,a=i+.5,u;if(i){for(c(o),o=Math.max(e.scrollWidth,o);o+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e);})).observe(t):process.env.NODE_ENV==="development"&&console.warn("The browser you are using does not support the ResizeObserver API. Please consider add polyfill for this API to avoid potential layout shifts or upgrade your browser. Read more: https://github.com/shuding/react-wrap-balancer#browser-support-information"));};self.__wrap_n!=1&&self.__wrap_b(":R97am:",1)

Snæfellsnes Peninsula Full Day Private Tour

Snæfellsnes Peninsula Full Day Private Tour self.__wrap_n=self.__wrap_n||(self.CSS&&CSS.supports("text-wrap","balance")?1:2);self.__wrap_b=(n,r,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${n}"]`);let t=e.parentElement,c=f=>e.style.maxWidth=f+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let i=t.clientWidth,s=t.clientHeight,o=i/2-.25,a=i+.5,u;if(i){for(c(o),o=Math.max(e.scrollWidth,o);o+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e);})).observe(t):process.env.NODE_ENV==="development"&&console.warn("The browser you are using does not support the ResizeObserver API. Please consider add polyfill for this API to avoid potential layout shifts or upgrade your browser. Read more: https://github.com/shuding/react-wrap-balancer#browser-support-information"));};self.__wrap_n!=1&&self.__wrap_b(":R4p67am:",1)

Snæfellsnes has it all. Old mountains, a stratovolcano under a glacier and lava fields from recent millennia, with breathtaking views around every turn and stunning places to see on a whole day private tour.

Golden Circle Private Day Tour

Golden Circle Private Day Tour self.__wrap_n=self.__wrap_n||(self.CSS&&CSS.supports("text-wrap","balance")?1:2);self.__wrap_b=(n,r,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${n}"]`);let t=e.parentElement,c=f=>e.style.maxWidth=f+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let i=t.clientWidth,s=t.clientHeight,o=i/2-.25,a=i+.5,u;if(i){for(c(o),o=Math.max(e.scrollWidth,o);o+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e);})).observe(t):process.env.NODE_ENV==="development"&&console.warn("The browser you are using does not support the ResizeObserver API. Please consider add polyfill for this API to avoid potential layout shifts or upgrade your browser. Read more: https://github.com/shuding/react-wrap-balancer#browser-support-information"));};self.__wrap_n!=1&&self.__wrap_b(":R4pa7am:",1)

You will see all the main attractions, and some extra stops according to your wishes. The main Golden Circle attractions are: Thingvellir National Park, Geysir geothermal area and the magnificent waterfall Gullfoss.

Reykjanes Volcanoes - Full day private tour

Reykjanes Volcanoes - Full day private tour self.__wrap_n=self.__wrap_n||(self.CSS&&CSS.supports("text-wrap","balance")?1:2);self.__wrap_b=(n,r,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${n}"]`);let t=e.parentElement,c=f=>e.style.maxWidth=f+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let i=t.clientWidth,s=t.clientHeight,o=i/2-.25,a=i+.5,u;if(i){for(c(o),o=Math.max(e.scrollWidth,o);o+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e);})).observe(t):process.env.NODE_ENV==="development"&&console.warn("The browser you are using does not support the ResizeObserver API. Please consider add polyfill for this API to avoid potential layout shifts or upgrade your browser. Read more: https://github.com/shuding/react-wrap-balancer#browser-support-information"));};self.__wrap_n!=1&&self.__wrap_b(":R4pe7am:",1)

Take the road less traveled, see lava field, climb up to craters, smell the sulfur of the hot springs and have a wonderful time with a knowledgeable, local private guide

A Magical Day in Iceland - a private custom made tour

A Magical Day in Iceland - a private custom made tour self.__wrap_n=self.__wrap_n||(self.CSS&&CSS.supports("text-wrap","balance")?1:2);self.__wrap_b=(n,r,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${n}"]`);let t=e.parentElement,c=f=>e.style.maxWidth=f+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let i=t.clientWidth,s=t.clientHeight,o=i/2-.25,a=i+.5,u;if(i){for(c(o),o=Math.max(e.scrollWidth,o);o+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e);})).observe(t):process.env.NODE_ENV==="development"&&console.warn("The browser you are using does not support the ResizeObserver API. Please consider add polyfill for this API to avoid potential layout shifts or upgrade your browser. Read more: https://github.com/shuding/react-wrap-balancer#browser-support-information"));};self.__wrap_n!=1&&self.__wrap_b(":R4pi7am:",1)

Sometimes our wishes don't quite fit into the regular boxes. Tell us what you are thinking and we will plan a great day tour according to your wishes.

Northern Lights Private Tour

Northern Lights Private Tour self.__wrap_n=self.__wrap_n||(self.CSS&&CSS.supports("text-wrap","balance")?1:2);self.__wrap_b=(n,r,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${n}"]`);let t=e.parentElement,c=f=>e.style.maxWidth=f+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let i=t.clientWidth,s=t.clientHeight,o=i/2-.25,a=i+.5,u;if(i){for(c(o),o=Math.max(e.scrollWidth,o);o+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e);})).observe(t):process.env.NODE_ENV==="development"&&console.warn("The browser you are using does not support the ResizeObserver API. Please consider add polyfill for this API to avoid potential layout shifts or upgrade your browser. Read more: https://github.com/shuding/react-wrap-balancer#browser-support-information"));};self.__wrap_n!=1&&self.__wrap_b(":R4pm7am:",1)

Enjoy the luxury of private tour in a Mercedes minivan and maximize your chances of seeing the lights with the help of a knowledgeable local guide

South Coast Private Day Tour

South Coast Private Day Tour self.__wrap_n=self.__wrap_n||(self.CSS&&CSS.supports("text-wrap","balance")?1:2);self.__wrap_b=(n,r,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${n}"]`);let t=e.parentElement,c=f=>e.style.maxWidth=f+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let i=t.clientWidth,s=t.clientHeight,o=i/2-.25,a=i+.5,u;if(i){for(c(o),o=Math.max(e.scrollWidth,o);o+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e);})).observe(t):process.env.NODE_ENV==="development"&&console.warn("The browser you are using does not support the ResizeObserver API. Please consider add polyfill for this API to avoid potential layout shifts or upgrade your browser. Read more: https://github.com/shuding/react-wrap-balancer#browser-support-information"));};self.__wrap_n!=1&&self.__wrap_b(":R4pq7am:",1)

The waterfalls Skógafoss and Seljalandsfoss, and the Black Sand Beach with a seismic twist

The Golden Circle is a must self.__wrap_n=self.__wrap_n||(self.CSS&&CSS.supports("text-wrap","balance")?1:2);self.__wrap_b=(n,r,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${n}"]`);let t=e.parentElement,c=f=>e.style.maxWidth=f+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let i=t.clientWidth,s=t.clientHeight,o=i/2-.25,a=i+.5,u;if(i){for(c(o),o=Math.max(e.scrollWidth,o);o+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e);})).observe(t):process.env.NODE_ENV==="development"&&console.warn("The browser you are using does not support the ResizeObserver API. Please consider add polyfill for this API to avoid potential layout shifts or upgrade your browser. Read more: https://github.com/shuding/react-wrap-balancer#browser-support-information"));};self.__wrap_n!=1&&self.__wrap_b(":Rm6bam:",1)

If you are planning a trip to Iceland, the Golden Circle is a must. Dofri has the knowledge, space in his Mercedes van, and the personality to make it a trip to remember. Dofri picked us up at our hotel downtown and we then traveled the Golden Circle- waterfalls, Viking history, geysers and local food. Probably the greatest part was the Icelandic knowledge/history that Dofri provided. He is truly a Renaissance man w/ in depth knowledge due to his upbringing in this West w/ horses, education, and multiple careers. The scenery is beautiful and a must see but don’t do it without Dofri. We hope to return again and travel w/ Dofri to see the northern lights, volcanoes and possibly even a horse tour in the west.

20 September 2023

Best Guide Ever! self.__wrap_n=self.__wrap_n||(self.CSS&&CSS.supports("text-wrap","balance")?1:2);self.__wrap_b=(n,r,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${n}"]`);let t=e.parentElement,c=f=>e.style.maxWidth=f+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let i=t.clientWidth,s=t.clientHeight,o=i/2-.25,a=i+.5,u;if(i){for(c(o),o=Math.max(e.scrollWidth,o);o+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e);})).observe(t):process.env.NODE_ENV==="development"&&console.warn("The browser you are using does not support the ResizeObserver API. Please consider add polyfill for this API to avoid potential layout shifts or upgrade your browser. Read more: https://github.com/shuding/react-wrap-balancer#browser-support-information"));};self.__wrap_n!=1&&self.__wrap_b(":Rmabam:",1)

We were picked-up at our hotel by our guide at 8:30 AM - We were dropped-off by our new friend. We have traveled the world for more than 40+ years and without a doubt Dofri is the very best guide we have ever had the pleasure to meet. As if his wonderful personality, and stories of his family history, expert knowledge, and delightful humor were not enough, he also toured us around in a brand-new Mercedes Sprinter van fit for kings. Thank you, King of Trolls!

11 July 2023

Fagradalsfjall self.__wrap_n=self.__wrap_n||(self.CSS&&CSS.supports("text-wrap","balance")?1:2);self.__wrap_b=(n,r,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${n}"]`);let t=e.parentElement,c=f=>e.style.maxWidth=f+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let i=t.clientWidth,s=t.clientHeight,o=i/2-.25,a=i+.5,u;if(i){for(c(o),o=Math.max(e.scrollWidth,o);o+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e);})).observe(t):process.env.NODE_ENV==="development"&&console.warn("The browser you are using does not support the ResizeObserver API. Please consider add polyfill for this API to avoid potential layout shifts or upgrade your browser. Read more: https://github.com/shuding/react-wrap-balancer#browser-support-information"));};self.__wrap_n!=1&&self.__wrap_b(":Rmebam:",1)

We spent a magical day with Gylfi, touring the active volcano and the surrounding area. How fortunate we were to see the earth perform in this spectacular fashion. How fortunate we were to have had such an excellent tour guide.

Absolutely amazing!!!! self.__wrap_n=self.__wrap_n||(self.CSS&&CSS.supports("text-wrap","balance")?1:2);self.__wrap_b=(n,r,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${n}"]`);let t=e.parentElement,c=f=>e.style.maxWidth=f+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let i=t.clientWidth,s=t.clientHeight,o=i/2-.25,a=i+.5,u;if(i){for(c(o),o=Math.max(e.scrollWidth,o);o+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e);})).observe(t):process.env.NODE_ENV==="development"&&console.warn("The browser you are using does not support the ResizeObserver API. Please consider add polyfill for this API to avoid potential layout shifts or upgrade your browser. Read more: https://github.com/shuding/react-wrap-balancer#browser-support-information"));};self.__wrap_n!=1&&self.__wrap_b(":Rmibam:",1)

We were out as a trip with other coworkers. The day didn´t look very good as the weather was all what you could expect in Iceland: windy, wet and cold. Our tour guide, Finnbogi made the difference out of this and ending as one of the most amazing experiences that we had in Iceland. He drove us around Reykjanæs peninsula, adapting each stops on the way to give us the best of each place. We had a little hike as we were a small group in our 30ies, nothing to complicated. Full of information a patience Finnbogi will answer every single question related to volcanoes, earthquakes and so on. We were in dreaming places, JUST US and the immensity. Could not be better!!!! Guys, thank you so much for being so wonderful.

25 January 2019

Best experience, perfect end !! self.__wrap_n=self.__wrap_n||(self.CSS&&CSS.supports("text-wrap","balance")?1:2);self.__wrap_b=(n,r,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${n}"]`);let t=e.parentElement,c=f=>e.style.maxWidth=f+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let i=t.clientWidth,s=t.clientHeight,o=i/2-.25,a=i+.5,u;if(i){for(c(o),o=Math.max(e.scrollWidth,o);o+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e);})).observe(t):process.env.NODE_ENV==="development"&&console.warn("The browser you are using does not support the ResizeObserver API. Please consider add polyfill for this API to avoid potential layout shifts or upgrade your browser. Read more: https://github.com/shuding/react-wrap-balancer#browser-support-information"));};self.__wrap_n!=1&&self.__wrap_b(":Rmmbam:",1)

Me (25) and my mom (50) decided to go on a Tour to see the vulcanic and geothermal área we choose Reykjavik erupts ans they was simple the best!!! They came to pick us up in a Land Rover Jeep, was perfect for groups of friends or family! They come to pick us up after a little documentary about vilcanos and I find it very important for guests to know the vulcanic activity in Iceland. After that we went to the area of Reykjanes. Started in a . Beautiful black sand beach walk to drink the cleanest water from the lake!!! After that we visited the area where is located the volcano and tectonic plats. We visited a geothermal area and our guide Finnbogi was perfect! In the end of the visit he brought a veeeeeeery warm hot chocolate with Icelandic donuts, as well a special touch of rum if you would dike. This was the perfect end since we are outside, we could warm up and have a great time! The whole visit was made with a 4 friends from Boston. super nice people ! I defiantly recommend was an amazing day and my mother who is 50 loved! She was literally amazed by the beauty of those places that was simply hidden. Was only us and no one else! No tourists!!

Luke Bitencourt

24 January 2019

My Favorite Tour in Iceland! self.__wrap_n=self.__wrap_n||(self.CSS&&CSS.supports("text-wrap","balance")?1:2);self.__wrap_b=(n,r,e)=>{e=e||document.querySelector(`[data-br="${n}"]`);let t=e.parentElement,c=f=>e.style.maxWidth=f+"px";e.style.maxWidth="";let i=t.clientWidth,s=t.clientHeight,o=i/2-.25,a=i+.5,u;if(i){for(c(o),o=Math.max(e.scrollWidth,o);o+1 {self.__wrap_b(0,+e.dataset.brr,e);})).observe(t):process.env.NODE_ENV==="development"&&console.warn("The browser you are using does not support the ResizeObserver API. Please consider add polyfill for this API to avoid potential layout shifts or upgrade your browser. Read more: https://github.com/shuding/react-wrap-balancer#browser-support-information"));};self.__wrap_n!=1&&self.__wrap_b(":Rmqbam:",1)

I had an absolute, stellar, and fun-filled time in Iceland! The first country I ever went outside the U.S. Finn was an absolute, genuine, friendly guy. He truly makes you feel and understand the Icelandic culture. Finn offers a bright and personal tour experience than all the other I took during my stay. He brings unique, homemade, and authentic elements to make your Iceland trip from a 10/10 to an 11/10. I would recommend him to the highest degree and is definitely coming back to book another tour with him! Great character, he deserves the world.

Evan Wilson

15 January 2019

We believe in quality and not quantity. We offer few tours filled with information and joy about a specific area – volcanoes. We feel that the energy of Mother Earth presented by the volcanoes is interesting for other people than just us. We have extended knowhow and want to give you the possibility of tapping into our stories of volcanoes, the hidden people, how the energy is use, the history and geology of the Earth we stand upon in each spot. We invite you to affordable, still luxurious private tours.

We attend to your need of experience and we help you create memories to take back to tell with the stories. We are small, so we try harder to please our customers. You are special to us. We are all locals, so we know Iceland inside out. We are all middle aged, so we understand life a bit. You are our guest and we treat our guests with old fashioned hospitality. We think you like it that way. Iceland can be dangerous and we do not take big changes. You are safe in our hands. Welcome to the adventure of your life.

  • Airport Transfer
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Inside the Volcano Tour

The inside the volcano tour offers a unique opportunity to explore the depths of a dormant volcano. journeying through its top crater and descending into the once fiery magma chamber, visitors can witness the remnants of red-hot molten lava. this extraordinary experience is exclusive to iceland, making it one of the few places in the world where you can venture inside a volcano's magma chamber..

  • Descending into the heart of a volcano
  • Exploring the colossal magma chamber
  • Amazing colours in hues of red, yellow and purple
  • Learning about volcanoes and volcanic activity
  • Round-trip transportation
  • Professional travel guide
  • All necessary safety gear, helmets, harness etc.

Tour Itinerary

Located in a historic lava field near Reykjavik, the extraordinary Thrihnukagigur volcano stands as a rare gem among only a few destinations in the world where you can venture deep into the core of a volcano and explore its immense magma chamber.

Typically, after a volcanic eruption, magma chambers collapse. However, in the case of Thrihnukagigur, the lava drained away, leaving behind an empty plumbing system within the volcano. This unique characteristic allows visitors to enter the volcano and discover its remarkable magma chamber.

Embarking on an inside-the-volcano tour is an awe-inspiring experience that takes you right into the heart of the volcano. From the top crater to the very bottom of the magma chamber, you will witness the remnants of molten magma that once flowed during an eruption approximately 4,000 years ago.

To reach the Thrihnukagigur volcano, you'll embark on an hour-long walk through captivating surroundings. Once you arrive, you'll descend 120 meters into the volcano's depths using an open cable lift.

Once inside, you'll be astounded by the vastness of the space. The ground area within the volcano is equivalent to approximately three basketball courts, while the central cavity is large enough to easily accommodate the Statue of Liberty.

Prepare yourself for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure as you step into Thrihnukagigur volcano and witness the awe-inspiring beauty of its majestic magma chamber.

Please note

  • Wear outdoor clothing and proper walking/hiking shoes - trainers and jeans are not sufficient.

Part of this tour is operated by our partners

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Pickup Info

Please present your electronic travel voucher/ticket at the time of tour departure. Pick up and drop off Pick up from hotels, guesthouses and designated bus stops starts 30 minutes before the tour departure time stated on your voucher.

Need assistance? Call:  +3545401313 or e-mail: [email protected]

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Reykjavik Outventure

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Volcano Tours

Showing all 2 results

Immerse yourself in the raw power and beauty of Iceland’s volcanoes with Reykjavik Outventure Tours! Join us in Iceland Volcano tour and see it erupting!

Fly over all the newest volcanic area that has been forming in Iceland in a helicopter.

Little-Ram volcano tour

Tour details.

Parking Fee, Free wifi, Hotel pick up

PRICE: !--> 20.000 kr.

Volcano in Iceland | Helicopter tour with a landing on a volcano

Volcano & craters helicopter tour with a landing on a volcano

Landing on a volcano

No fixed starting time

PRICE: !--> 79.900 kr.

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volcano tours reykjavik

zz Geldingardalur Volcano Hike from Reykjavik

Tour highlights.

  • Get up close and personal with an active volcano. A truly once in a lifetime experience.
  • Small group tour / personal experience
  • Pick up and drop off in Reykjavik included

Tour Details

  • Duration : 6 hours. Return to Reykjavik 3:00pm (Full Day of Fun!)
  • Difficulty : Moderate (3 hours total hiking)
  • Bring with you : Good walking or hiking shoes, Warm clothing (Hat, gloves, puffy jacket), Water and small snack.
  • Pick up : Arrives between 8.30-9:00 in downtown Reykjavik. Choose your hotel/pick up spot when booking tour.

Tour description

Have you ever wondered how it feels to be near a volcano, gazing down on the pouring hot lava? Well now is your chance! Volcanic eruptions are extremely rare and once in a lifetime events. This tour will take you on a guided hike to the Fagradalsfjall active volcano.

Daníel Andri (Dan)

Why I think you'll LOVE this volcano tour adventure! 🧡

We have an active Volcano in Iceland RIGHT NOW! This is one of the most fascinating, unique and beautiful natural phenomenons that you'll ever come across. We don't know if the volcano will be active for a few more months or years but we do know that If you're visiting Iceland in 2021 then you need to see and experience this truly once in a lifetime event. Pack your warm clothes, get your camera ready and get excited for your incredible volcano adventure ahead!


Tour bus was comfortable, and Tom, our guide, was top-notch. Knowledgeable, engaging, and had great flexibility/awareness about what the group wanted to do. We even made a stop to look at another geothermal area on our way home. A wonderful experience through and through, would do again.

Wake Up Reykjavik Tour Review by Liam R

Wanting to be guided safely and professionally to see the volcano. Our guide picked up each party at their hotels, drove us to the staring point, accompanied us all - of differing abilities - and returned us safely back to his Mercedes touring van. He gave us his cellphone number and instructions when to call, such as being separated. My wife and I did not make it all the way to the top of the hike, but we were not expecting to, and were overjoyed to see the lava flow in the Natthagi valley. That portion of the trip was an easy and flat. An unexpected thrill was seeing the many varieties of alpine wildflowers along the trail, juxtaposed with lava flows.

Wake Up Reykjavik Tour Review by annazara

Once in a lifetime time experience. Everything was well organised and our guide was very friendly. I highly recommend it!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Full Refund / Cancellation Policy If there are any changes to your trip to Iceland, it's always possible to either put your booking on hold (bookings never expire) or reschedule to your new travel dates. We also offer full refunds if you cancel your booking with more than 24 hours prior to your tour :) All bookings cancelled within 24 hours of the tour departure are not refundable.
  • What should I bring/wear to the volcano tour? We'll need to hike approx. 1.5 hours to get to the volcano. Since Iceland can get chilly, we recommend bringing warm clothing (hat, gloves, puffy jacket), good walking/hiking shoes along with water and small snack. If you don't bring a snack then it will be possible to make a stop to purchase refreshments.
  • Do we stop for food on the tour? We recommend bringing water and a light snack with you to the tour. It's also possible for us to make a stop to buy refreshments on the way :)
  • How many people will be with me on the volcano tour? To ensure a personal and fun small group experience, the group size on this tour never exceeds 15 people and is very often quite less!
  • Do you have free WiFi in your vehicles? Yes, you can brag to your friends in real time on Instagram with the free WiFi included in all vehicles!
  • How much hiking is involved in this tour? The hike to get to the volcano isn't too difficult but it takes approx. 1,5 hours to get to the volcano + 1,5 hours to get back to the vehicle. The hike isn't fast paces and is actually quite fun!

Is your question not listed above?

Book your tour

Price: 10,990 ISK

  • Best Price Guarantee
  • Small Group Experience
  • Flexible Cancellation

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  • [email protected]
  • +354 45 40 222
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Reykjavik helicopters


Reykjavik Helicopter Tour with Reykjavik Helicopters


Experience the Thrill of a Lifetime with Exclusive Lava Eruption Tour

From ISK 69 000,-

We invite you to witness this once-in-a-lifetime event, offering an unparalleled vantage point to observe the raw energy of the Earth. See the most recent lava sites from above!



Iceland’s Ultimate Helicopter Adventure: Your Passport to the Extraordinary!

With our helicopters you can unlock Iceland’s most remote wonders in just one thrilling day. This whole-day journey promises an immersive experience like no other. Feast your eyes on the way to Glacier Lagoon Jökulsárlón with Iceland’s most majestic features, from cascading waterfalls to volcanic giants. Available as a private tour only, it’s your personal adventure tailored to your desires.



Your rapid express to Thorisjökull Glacier

From ISK 99 000,-

Explore Iceland’s beauty on our Glacier Express. From Reykjavík, we head to Whalefjord to see the magnificent Glymur waterfall. Then, we’ll ascend to Thorisjokull glacier’s summit for 20 minutes of pure Arctic beauty, photo ops, or serene contemplation. After this we explore Þingvellir National Park’s unique tectonic-plate boundary. Join us for a memorable Icelandic adventure.



Iceland’s Golden Circle: A Majestic Aerial Exploration

From ISK 139.000,-

Experience Iceland’s wonders in just 2.5 hours. Depart from Reykjavík to Þingvellir, Geysir, and Gullfoss, then explore hidden gems like Þórisjökull Glacier and a serene geothermal oasis at Mount Hengill. Join us for an adventure that redefines exploration, showcasing Iceland’s boundless natural treasures.



Explore Eyjafjallajökull, Fimmvörðuháls, and Þórsmörk

From ISK 169 000,-

Explore Eyjafjallajökull, Fimmvörðuháls, Þórsmörk, and Hekla on this 2.5-hour adventure. Start on the black sands of the south coast, ascend Eyjafjallajökull for a unique view of the 2010 eruption aftermath, and journey to Þórsmörk. See in a distace volcano Hekla and make two stops: near Eyjafjallajökull and at a remote geothermal site on Mt. Hengill. Witness Iceland’s volcanic beauty and geological marvels on this unforgettable tour.



Explore Glymur, Þingvellir, and Hengill: Iceland’s Natural Wonders

From ISK 89 000,-

Embark on an aerial journey from Reykjavík to witness Glymur, one of Iceland’s tallest waterfalls. Soar over Þingvellir National Park, a UNESCO site where tectonic plates drift apart. Continue to Mount Hengill’s geothermal wonderland.



Discover Iceland’s Variety in One Tour!

From ISK 199 000,-

This tour offers a comprehensive exploration of Iceland’s diverse features, including waterfalls, geothermal wonders, forests, glaciers, and more. It’s a unique opportunity to witness the country’s natural beauty in a single day.



From ISK 59 000,-

Let the whispers of the ancient forces guide you to a secret mountain retreat—the old Volcano Hengill

Discover a hidden realm as you take flight on our helicopter journey, escaping the routine of everyday life. This unique adventure unfolds a story beyond the ordinary, guiding you to a secret mountain retreat. Picture yourself landing in this secluded place, experiencing the very essence of the Earth—a direct connection to the ancient forces that have shaped our world.



Iceland’s Wonderful Westfjords: A Remote Paradise Awaits

Embark on an exceptional 8-9 hour journey through the oldest and most secluded part of Iceland—the Wonderful Westfjords. Begin with an enchanting view of thousands of islands scattered across Breidafjordur. Continue to the vibrant and colorful Rauðisandur, and venture to the westernmost tip of Europe—Latrabjarg, where towering cliffs meet the North Atlantic Ocean. Witness the awe-inspiring Dynjandi waterfall. With the exclusivity of a private tour, you’ll enjoy personalized attention and the flexibility to tailor the experience to your preferences.

Privacy Overview

Aurora Reykjavik


Our active volcano tours.

Volcano Tours: aerial view of the Fagradalsfjall volcano



  • Spectacular 45 Minutes Helicopter flight
  • See the site of Iceland’s only current eruption
  • Stunning views over Reykjavík and Reykjanes

Red lava springing from the black ground at litla hrut during the 2023 volcanic eruption


  • Hike to the site of the current Litla Hrut eruption
  • See the lava flow
  • Challenging 8hrs tour (hiking time: 4hrs on demanding terrain )

volcano tours reykjavik


  • Hike to the site of the 2021 and 2022 eruptions
  • View the new eruption from a safe viewpoint
  • Soak in the milky waters of the Blue Lagoon
  • 10hrs tour ( Moderate 4hr-hike )

Aerial view of the Sky Lagoon at sunset


  • Challenging hike to the site of the current volcanic eruption at Litla Hrut
  • Relax in the warm waters of Sky Lagoon
  • 11,5hrs tour (including 4 – 5 hrs hike on demanding terrain )


  • Blue Lagoon
  • Diving and snorkelling
  • Glacier Lagoon
  • Glacier tours and caving
  • Golden Circle
  • Golden circle tours
  • Horse riding
  • Snaefellsnes
  • Snowmobile & Quad bike
  • South shore
  • Whale watching























































NATURE COMFORT RIDE (incl. transfer)

NATURE COMFORT RIDE (incl. transfer)





















volcano tours reykjavik

Extras category

  • Allar ferðir & afþreying
  • Gönguferðir
  • Náttúrulaugar & heilsulindir
  • Aðgangur í söfn og afþreyingu
  • Hópar & sérferðir

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HeroFrontur Volcano-2

Ferðir að gosstöðvum

Visit the otherworldly eruption site.

Reykjavik Excursions offers guided tours to the volcano eruption site in Geldingadalur Valley on the Reykjanes Peninsula. Now is your chance to experience the world's most recent volcanic eruption site in a safe manner with our expert guides!


Gunnuvher hot spring on Reykjanes peninsula Iceland


Volcanic Wonders of Reykjanes Geopark

RE SUMMER tour card SRE26



RE SUMMER tour card SRE09


Golden Circle & Lava Tunnel

Volcano bluelagoon combo v1

Reykjanes Ferð ásamt Bláa Lóninu

Volcano skylagoon combo v4


Volcanic Wonders & the Sky Lagoon

Lava Tunnel Aðgangur


Lava Tunnel - Aðgangur

RE SUMMER tour card AI03

Eyjafjallajokull & South Coast Super Jeep Tour



Lava Show - Vík


Lava Centre Volcano & Earthquake Exhibition

RE SUMMER tour card SRE14

Raufarhólshellir og hvalaskoðun


Lava Beach ATV & Blue Lagoon Transfers

Volcano tours - frequently asked questions.

A most recent eruption started on the 3rd of August 2022 in Mt. Fagradalsfjall and ended on September 21st. Even though the eruption site is currently dormant, geologists forecast that this eruption is only a small chapter of a bigger story. Iceland is likely entering a volcanic period with many more eruptions like this on the Reykjanes Peninsula.

These last two volcanic eruptions have not posed any threat to the nearby populated areas or infrastructure. Neither have they caused any disruption to international aviation.

So if you have booked a flight or a tour in Iceland, you can continue with your travel plans.

It's important to dress according to weather and wear good hiking shoes. We recommend packing a lunch, as the hike to the eruption site is challenging and can take up to 2 hours.

Our partners at Iceland Camping Equipment can provide you with the perfect gear for a small fee, please rent your gear at least 24 hours prior to departure.

Travelling King

8 of the Best Volcano Tours in Iceland 2024

Have you been wondering the best volcano tours in iceland i’ve got you covered.

Iceland is known for its stunning landscapes, and its active volcanoes are some of the most unique geothermal attractions available worldwide. The country has over 30 active volcanoes, which can be explored through guided tours.

For those who want to witness the incredible power of nature, these tours offer an unbeatable experience. From the picturesque natural beauty to the roaring eruptions, a volcano tour in Iceland creates memories that will last a lifetime.

I’ve travelled to Iceland several times and have been lucky enough to see some of these active volcanoes. For any traveller unsure which volcanic tour in Iceland to take, this article will provide you with several options depending on your budget.

Table of Contents

My Top 3 Picks: the Best Volcano Tours in Iceland

Iceland Volcanic eruption 2021. The volcano Fagradalsfjall is located in the valley Geldingadalir close to Grindavik and Reykjavik. Hot lava and magma coming out of the crater.

Volcano Tour- Litli Hrútur

  • Best viewpoints
  • Max of 19 people

View into the crater of an active volcano with strong lava flow at the beginning of an eruption. Landscape on the Reykjanes Peninsula of Iceland. dark magma rock cooled around the volcanic crater

Volcanic Helicopter Tour

  • 30 to 40 minutes
  • Pass over Reykjavik 
  • Private Flight

Aerial view landscape of Landmannalaugar surreal nature scenery in highland of Iceland, Europe. Beautiful colorful snow mountain terrain famous for summer trekking adventure and outdoor walking.

Landmannalaugar Hiking Tour

  • Small Group
  • Natural hot springs

8 of the Best Volcano Tours in Iceland

1. volcano tour- litli hrútur, reykjanes peninsula, icelandic snacks.

⭐️  RATING:  4/5 Stars | ⏳  LENGTH:   6-8 hours |📍 LOCATION: Fagradalsfjall | ✅  Book it!

The Fagradalsfjall Volcano began erupting in early 2021, and its fiery display continued for around six months. Despite the eruption ending, the sight of the fresh lava fields and newly formed craters shaped by volcanic activity remains a fantastic sight to behold. Suppose you are intrigued by this natural phenomenon.

In that case, an exciting tour departing from Reykjavik offers an excellent opportunity to explore these wonders up close. This tour takes you to the most advantageous viewpoints, allowing you to see the impressive Fagradalsfjall crater and the expanse of lava flows. However, this tour is not just limited to the volcanic sights.

In addition to seeing the volcano, the tour includes visits to nearby locations with geothermal activity. During the tour, you will have the chance to learn from your knowledgeable guide about the fascinating underground heat processes that shape Iceland’s unique landscape.

One of the places you will visit is Seltún, a location renowned for its bubbling mud pools and incredibly hot springs.

These natural wonders give you a firsthand glimpse into the powerful forces beneath the Earth’s surface. It is an experience that can help you appreciate the dynamic processes that have shaped Iceland’s environment over thousands of years.

Emily says: “Brilliant tour with absolutely stunning views! Johannes was our tour guide, and he was really friendly and informative. A few stops on the way, of which the scenery was beautiful. A good hike up to the volcano (I didn’t realise how much of a hike!) and you could see all the formed lava, still smoking! All in all, the views, tour and Johannes was amazing and would definitely recommend.”

This Volcano Tour Iceland begins with a hassle-free and efficient pick-up service. You will be conveniently picked up from a hotel in the centre of Reykjavik or from various other pick-up spots around the city. This eliminates the stress of finding transportation and ensures a smooth start to the adventure.

Throughout the tour, knowledgeable guides share their insights into the geological and geothermal features of the region. The tour takes you to the volcanic landscapes of the Reykjanes Peninsula. This region is situated along the Mid-Atlantic Rift, a significant geological boundary between tectonic plates.

The experience of witnessing this unique landscape, shaped by tectonic forces, offers a deeper understanding of the Earth’s dynamic processes. You will then get to see the aftermath of the Fagradalsfjall volcano eruption that occurred in 2021. This eruption was remarkable because it had been 800 years since any volcanic activity had been recorded in the area.

You can see the aftermath up close, observing the black, twisted lava still warm to the touch (please don’t actually touch it!). This provides a rare opportunity to witness the power of nature. One of the tour’s highlights is the opportunity to see a live volcanic eruption and molten magma at the Litli Hrutur Active Volcano.

The journey to the eruption site might be physically demanding, but the reward is insane. You get to experience sceneries of vast lava fields and ongoing volcanic activity. The tour also includes visiting the Seltún Geothermal Area, where you can witness bubbling mud pools and boiling hot springs.

You will also drive by Kleifarvatn Lake, the largest lake on the Reykjanes Peninsula. In summary, this tour offers a combination of educational experiences and sights, allowing you to witness the aftermath of a volcanic eruption, explore geothermal wonders and learn from expert guides.

Important details

  • Start time and location: 8:30 am from one of the hotels in the center of Reykjavik or from one of the many pick up spots dotted across the city.
  • Duration: approximately 6 to 8 hours
  • Includes: Parking fees and fuel surcharge

🤩 Check Prices and Availability!

2. New Volcanic Eruption Area: Helicopter Tour in Iceland

⭐️  RATING:  4.5/5 Stars | ⏳ LENGTH:   30 to 40 min |📍 LOCATION: Fagradalsfjall | ✅  Book it!

When you find yourself in Reykjavik, prepare for an extraordinary experience by taking a helicopter ride over the Fagradalsfjall Volcano. This adventure promises an up-close encounter with some of the most vigorous and dramatic fissure openings Iceland offers.

As you embark on this 20-minute flight, the helicopter will lift you above the heart of the volcanic activity, granting you a bird’s eye view. Your journey will also include the insightful commentary provided by your expert guide.

They will share their knowledge about the geological forces and the region’s volcanic activity history. This educational element adds a layer of depth to your experience.

Not only will you witness the raw power of the volcano itself, but you will also have the privilege of admiring the cityscape of Reykjavik from an entirely new perspective.

With its distinctive architecture, the urban landscape takes on a different charm when viewed from the air. Lastly, you will fly over Faxafloi Bay, an expanse of aquamarine waters stretching out to the horizon.

The helicopter ride will carry you over this natural wonder, offering a unique vantage point to appreciate its beauty.

As you prepare for this unforgettable journey, ensure your cameras are ready. The sights you will encounter during this helicopter ride are the stuff of dreams and the makings of exceptional photographs.

Carmen says: “Flying next to the area where the volcano erupted was simply amazing! My granddaughter and I (9 yo & 75 yo) had an incredible experience. Everything worked well with ground operations team. Despite changing weather conditions and closure of air-space we managed to get on the air and enjoy the view! Thank you team!”

On this Fagradalsfjall Volcano tour, you can witness the Fagradalsfjall Volcano Eruptions of 2023, 2022 and 2021. You will soar over Iceland’s most sizzling fissure openings, where you can take in the striking panorama of the cone-shaped tuya, recent streams of molten lava and traces of cooled magma.

On your 20-minute-long helicopter flight, you can also fly over Reykjavik and Faxaflói Bay. It provides you with many insights into Iceland and its different types of landscapes. Do not miss the opportunity to capture some stunning Instagram-worthy shots of the aftermath of the August 2022 eruption.

  • Start time and location: Book your time and head to Ace FBO Reykjavík
  • Duration: approximately 30 – 40 minutes in total
  • Includes: Fuel surcharge

3. Landmannalaugar Hiking Tour – Highlands of Iceland

⭐️  RATING:  4.5/5 Stars | ⏳ LENGTH:   5 Hours |📍 LOCATION: Landmannalaugar | ✅  Book it!

Join a full-day Landmannalaugar hiking excursion and Volcano tour from Reykjavik, where an accredited hiking expert will accompany you.

You will get to hike across rugged trails through the heart of the Fjallabak Nature Reserve, where you will admire sprawling lava fields, glacial lakes, and peaks that have formed high into the sky.

On your journey, you will go through the Vondugil Canyon, a striking passage that leads you further into the heart of the reserve before then ascending the slopes of the Brennisteinsalda Volcano. This iconic summit is where vigorous geysers send columns of scorching steam soaring into the air.

Next, you will explore the Grænagil Canyon as you descend towards the base of Mount Bláhnúkur. Here, the option to climb this ancient volcano is presented, provided that time and weather conditions permit.

Afterwards, you will enjoy a moment of well-deserved rejuvenation as you indulge in a soothing soak within the natural hot springs of Landmannalaugar. You will get to soothe your muscles after the memorable hike.

Darya says “We had an awesome hike in Landmannnalaugar! Our guide Biggi offered fantastic information throughout our drive down from Reykjavík, and guided us on a great and beautiful hike throughout the region. It takes about 4 hrs to get there, with 2 on the highway and the other 2 on a bumpy lava field, which had great views too! The soak in the hot springs at the end provided a great ending to the hike.”

Embark on a 4-hour hiking experience leading you through Landmannalaugar’s highland area and nature reserve. The landscape you will encounter is like an artist’s canvas brought to life, where vibrant colours blend and merge, creating a beautiful visual that you will not forget.

Landmannalaugar has long held its place as a magnet for adventurers and nature enthusiasts. Its reputation is well deserved for a world worth exploring within its borders. The terrain offers both challenge and reward, with each step leading to a new view.

You can enjoy a natural hot pool after your hike and adventure through the rugged terrain. The sensation of the warm water against your skin is both rejuvenating and relaxing, a perfect ending to your experience.

  • Start time and location: Meet at 11:30 am in front of the Main Hut in Landmannalaugar Camping. Please note that you will require a 4×4 Jeep that is permitted to drive on F-roads to drive to Landmannalaugar. Alternatively, you can request a pick up from several locations.
  • Duration: approximately 5 hours
  • Includes: Small group guarantee, transport to and from Reykjavik and an expert hiking guide

Heimaey Island of the Vestmannaeyjar Archipelago. Iceland

4. Volcano ATV Tour

⭐️  RATING:  5/5 Stars | ⏳ LENGTH:  1 Hour |📍 LOCATION: Heimaey Island | ✅  Book it!

This ATV tour is an exciting adventure where you explore the Eldfell Volcano and the scenic Heimaey Island coastline. Alongside a small group (14 participants max), you will also be accompanied by an experienced guide.

You will be taken on a comprehensive journey across the island, uncovering its hidden gems and unique features. Witness the beauty of Prestvik Beach and learn about the founding tale of these islands.

The ATVs that are used are comfortable, and each accommodates two riders. They are easy to drive and therefore offer an accessible driving experience that does not require advanced driving skills.

All drivers must have a valid driver’s license to take the wheel. This excursion is suitable for ages six and above, making it a family-friendly adventure.

Miroslav says “Awesome tour. Island is pretty small and this ride let us explore the most recent volcanic activity. Our guide Christof was great and shared funny stories. Recommend to all visitors as one of the most fun things to do in Heimaey”.

This ATV tour takes you to Prestvik Beach, where you will see the stranded fishing ship Pelagus. You will learn the story of its fate and how it stands as a testament to maritime history.

Additionally, you will explore the site where Guðlaugur Friðþórsson’s remarkable story unfolded after he had to swim 5-6 km through the dark and cold sea after the sinking of Hellisey VE 503.

The main event of the adventure is driving through the lava fields and delving into the heart of the Eldfell volcano, where you can drive right into the middle of it.

This tour is an ideal fit if you seek a blend of historical exploration and thrilling ATV riding. The automatic and user-friendly ATVs require no prior experience, making them accessible to all.

  • Start time and location: Book your time slot and meet at Strandvegur 65. This is located 2-3 minute walk from the ferry Herjólfur.
  • Duration: approximately 1 hour
  • Includes: Overalls, gloves and helmet

Lateral flow of lava from the crater from the volcanic eruption in Iceland. Crater from Fagradalsfjall volcano at night to the blue sky. Volcano on the Reykjanes peninsula in the GeoPark

5. Litli Hrutur active Volcano

⭐️  RATING:  4.5/5 Stars | ⏳ LENGTH:   10 Hours |📍 LOCATION: Geldingadalur | ✅  Book it!

Experience the adventure of a lifetime on this Iceland Volcano trip and see an active volcanic eruption and flowing molten lava! Your expert guide will greet you in Reykjavik before you leave for the trip.

The trek to the Litli Hrutur Active Volcano is challenging due to its considerable distance of up to 9 kilometres each way. So ensure you are physically fit enough to endure this hike and enjoy it. However, the rewards are tremendous.

Once you reach the volcano’s summit, you can witness expansive lava fields and a continuously erupting volcano. Upon reaching the volcano’s location, you will see the lava fields, where you can observe fresh lava coming out of the Earth and cascading everywhere.

While spending time at this natural wonder, your guide will take you to a safe spot to sample some Icelandic chocolate called Hraun, which translates to “lava.”

It’s advisable to bring ample snacks and water for the trip to ensure your comfort. It is also mandatory to wear sturdy hiking boots. These are available for rental if you do not have any.

A Trip Advisor reviewer says “Quite possibly the highlight of my trip. 11+ miles round trip to see it erupting. We parked at Parking 2 but this may change. Great views. The hike had a lot of flat spots but one particular incline was a bit tough because it was dry. Definitely take hiking poles if you have them for this part of the hike. The view from the very top is well worth it! We could see the volcano erupting – when we first got there it was good, but we spent about ½ hour or more there and it increasingly got higher. You couldn’t hear anything but you could smell it. A lot of people on the hike but because the hike is so long they are spread out. This was amazing to experience.”

Prepare for a truly once-in-a-lifetime encounter as you step into the extraordinary realm of Geldingadalur. It’s home to the magnificent Litli Hrutur Active Volcano. In the middle of untouched natural beauty, you will have the privilege of witnessing a real-time volcanic eruption that will leave you with incredible memories.

As you stand on the threshold of the volcano, you will be greeted by the sight of red magma and flowing lava. You might even be able to feel the Earth beneath your feet hum with the energy of the molten lava as it makes its way down the slopes.

On this tour, you will be accompanied by a guide who will be well-versed in the stories behind the volcanic landscapes. Therefore, you will not only witness the eruptions but also delve into the science behind the eruptions

  • Start time and location: Pick up will be at 9:00 am and will be from either hotels or bus stops
  • Duration: approximately 10 hours
  • Includes: There is WiFi on board, snacks and a first-aid kit is available

Aerial view of the crater opening from Fagradalsfjall volcano. Crater with strong lava flow on Iceland in the GeoPark. Daytime volcanic eruption on Reykjanes peninsula. Clouds and steam in the sky

6. Small Group Volcano Hike with a Geologist

⭐️  RATING:  4.5/5 Stars | ⏳ LENGTH:   6 Hours |📍 LOCATION: Fagradalsfjall | ✅  Book it!

Embark on this fun adventure to Iceland’s freshest volcano with this small group tour (max 6) from Reykjavik. Accompanied by an experienced geologist and volcanologist guide, you will explore the fascinating story of the 2021 eruption at Fagradalsfjall.

Walk across the lava-strewn landscape and observe the forming of new terrain from the lava flows. You will gain insights into how the lava’s composition moulds the characteristics of the rocks it forms.

During the group hike, you will ascend to the vantage point of the crater, where you will see breathtaking views of the sprawling lava.

This unique Iceland volcano tour – Fagradalsfjall presents the chance to stand at the foot of Iceland’s most recent volcano while learning comprehensive knowledge about the eruption from your knowledgeable geologist guide.

With the group size limited to a maximum of six participants, you will receive a truly personalised trip.

Benjamin says “Aside from being a highly educated geologist, Jasmin was extremely friendly and personable. The tour was absolutely breathtaking, and very educational about the volcanic history of Iceland and recent events. We highly recommend this tour to anyone, as well as any other tours Jasmin offers.”

On this trip, you will learn about Fagradalsfjall Volcano’s eruptions across multiple years, including 2023, 2022 and 2021. The journey to the eruption site on the Reykjanes peninsula goes through ancient lava fields, offering an initial glimpse into the creation of Iceland and the gradual shaping of the local terrain.

The hike commences with an overview of the volcanic history within the Reyjanes peninsula and the initial indications of renewed activity at this site. Within the lava field, you will then admire the creation and composition of the different lava rock formations before you hike to the volcano vantage point.

You will then get to admire the views of the extensive lava fields in front of you and get an idea of how expansive they are. The return journey to Reykjavik does not mean the tour is over, as you travel through landscapes flanked by hot springs, lakes and mountains.

Please note that the eruption’s activity can swiftly change, so the visibility of the molten lava’s radiant glow cannot be guaranteed. Please ensure you have approximately 2 to 3 hours to enjoy this experience.

  • Start time and location: The tour starts at 10:00 am with a pick up in Reykjavik at Bus stop 8 (Hallgrimskirkja).
  • Duration: approximately 6 hours
  • Includes: Air-conditioned vehicle and parking fees. Crampons and headlamps are available if needed.

Heimaey town aerial view from Eldfell volcano. Iceland landscape. Westman Islands

7. Puffin and Volcano Tour in Vestmannaeyjar

⭐️  RATING:  5/5 Stars | ⏳ LENGTH:   1.5 – 2 Hours |📍 LOCATION: Vestmannaeyjar | ✅  Book it!

This guided tour takes you on a fun journey through Iceland’s Westman Islands, where you will learn about its rich history, vibrant culture and charming wildlife. Your first stop is the picturesque Herjólfsdalur and Kaplagjóta, where a lovely and peaceful puffin colony will greet you.

Next up, explore the surrounding landscape by heading into the heart of the Eldfell crater, a site once transformed by the volcanic eruption. Continuing the wildlife encounter, witness another delightful puffin gathering at Stórhöfði.

The tour does not stop there; you also enter the exclusive Herjólfstown, the original Viking settlement. Here, you will gain access to learn about the island’s early inhabitants and their fascinating way of life.

Other elements of the Icelandic Volcano tour include going to Elephant Rock, where you can capture photos and watch your knowledgeable guide demonstrate the art of Sprangan, a traditional rope swinging technique.

Maryellen says “One of the best tours we have ever taken. The local operator is EYJA Tours. Be sure that they are running your trip. The gentleman who was our driver guide, I think his name was EMMY, is so authentic and so knowledgeable, and so devoted to his island. We had seven or eight different stops in our two hours, and he really could tell us about each place and he’s personally devoted a couple of years to restoring some of the sites you will see. Highly highly recommend this tour.”

You will make unforgettable memories on this tour as you explore the destinations of Herjólfsdalur and Kaplagjóta. These picturesque locations, known for their natural beauty, also host a small puffin colony.

Next up, your adventure takes you to the heart of Eldfell, the volcanic crater that serves as a powerful reminder of the island’s fiery past.

Spend time amidst the rugged terrain, where you will stand on the very ground where the eruption once began. As you journey, you will reach Stórhöfði, a cape renowned as Europe’s windiest spot. This wild and untamed landscape is home to the largest puffin colony in all of Iceland.

Find yourself surrounded by this natural wonder’s beauty and witness these beautiful creatures’ lively interactions. One of the tour’s highlights awaits you in Herjólfstown, where you will get to step back in time to the days of the first Viking settlers.

Gain exclusive access to this historic site, where you will learn about the history of the island’s earliest inhabitants. This privilege is only available through Eyjatours, making your experience even more special.

As you continue, your guide will showcase a local sport, Sprangan, adding cultural insight to your journey. Watch as your guide skill-fully demonstrates this traditional rope activity. On tour, you will also catch sight of the famous Elephant Rock, a natural formation that has captured the imagination of many.

  • Start time and location: Book your time slot and then you need to take a ferry to get to Vestmannaeyjar. Then head to Eyjatours – Puffin Tours in Iceland.
  • Duration: approximately 2 hours
  • Includes: Admission to Herjólfstown, the first Viking family that settled in Vestmannaeyjar. Plus a local guide and an air conditioned vehicle.

Eruption of an active volcano on the Reykjanes Peninsula. strong lava flow from a volcanic crater in Iceland. liquid magma from crater at day in sunshine with clouds and blue sky

8. 7-Hours Hiking Tour in Geldingadalir Volcanoes in Reykjanes

⏳ LENGTH:   7 Hours |📍 LOCATION: Geldingadalir | ✅  Book it!

On this Geldingadalir Volcano tour, you will get to experience volcanic activity’s influence on Iceland’s landscape. You will create memories on this unforgettable journey through the Reykjanes Peninsula, a short drive from Reykjavík.

Positioned along the mid-Atlantic ridge’s fissure line, this peninsula has been shaped by eruptions, earthquakes and seismic activity for centuries.

The focal point of this tour is undoubtedly the exploration of the Fagradalsfjall and Meradlir volcanoes within the Geldingadalir Valley, where recent eruptions have occurred.

You will get to witness Iceland’s most recently active volcano up close. This remarkable opportunity has only presented itself due to the scarcity of easily accessible and safe-to-visit active volcanoes in the country’s recent history.

This tour a new tour on Viator and is Idea for groups of up to 7 People

The first activity on the tour includes taking a stroll between the American and Eurasian continental plates at the Bridge Between Continents before heading over to discover the mysteries of Kleifarvatn Lake, the third largest and one of the deepest lakes in the South of Iceland.

The southern part of the lake is subject to geothermal heat, rumored to be the dwelling place of a worm-like monster. Next up on this tour, you will pass the Seltún Geothermal Area, filled with mud pots and fumaroles.

The vibrant hues stem from mineral deposits left by geothermal solutions, creating beautiful colours. Afterwards, you will drive over to the Reykjanes Peninsula, where you will explore the mid-Atlantic ridge’s fissure line.

Witness the incredible history of the region’s most recently active volcano, Fagradalsfjall, which has erupted in recent years, including 2023, 2022 and 2021. You will also encounter the fascinating Gunnuhver Hot Springs, where steam from geothermal reservoirs combines with surface water.

This gives birth to mud pools and accompanying gases like carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide. The last part of the tour showcases the history of the Reykjanes Lighthouse.

The first lighthouse stood on Valahnúkur in 1878, yet earthquakes and powerful waves destroyed it. Since then, a new lighthouse has been built on Bæjarfell Hill, serving as a testament to resilience and change in the area.

  • Start time and location: 10 am pick up time most hotels in Reykjavik .
  • Duration: approximately 7 hours
  • Includes: Snacks, lunch and free Wifi

🤩 Check Prices and Availability

FAQs About visiting volcanoes in iceland

What is the best time of year to visit a volcano in iceland.

The best time of year to visit a volcano in Iceland is usually during the summer months, from June through August. During this period, the weather is warmer and more stable than other times of the year, making volcano visits easier and more comfortable.

How do I get to an Icelandic volcano?

The easiest way to get to an Icelandic volcano is by car or bus. Many tour companies offer trips that will take you right up to the edge of a volcano.

If you don’t have your own vehicle or don’t want to join a tour group, there are also public transportation options available. Buses and taxis can take you directly from Reykjavik to many major volcanoes in Iceland.

Are there any safety regulations when visiting an Icelandic volcano?

Yes, it’s important to follow all safety regulations when visiting an Icelandic volcano. Visitors should stay on marked paths and trails at all times, as off-trail exploring can be dangerous due to unstable ground and hazardous gases emitted from the volcano.

Additionally, visitors should keep a safe distance from lava flows and volcanic craters for their own safety.

where to see lava in iceland 2024

Iceland is a land of geothermal power and active volcanoes. In 2024, you can visit some of the most remarkable volcanoes in the world. Reykjanes Peninsula, located near the capital of Reykjavik, is home to several active volcanoes.

You can visit two hiking trails on the Peninsula—Krýsuvík and Seltún—which will provide you with amazing views of the mountains and bubbling lava fields.

Mýrdalsjökull glacier in the southern part of Iceland also has an active volcano underneath it—Katla Volcano—a must-see for adventurous travelers. For those looking to take things a step further, there are helicopter tours available that will take you right above these volcanoes!

do you need a tour to see the volcano in iceland?

Yes, a tour is necessary to see the volcano in Iceland. Hiring a licensed tour guide or joining an organized tour is the best way to safely view the sights and learn more about the volcano.

Tour guides are knowledgeable and can provide insight into the geological environment around you as well as offering helpful safety tips when exploring up close.

With their help, you can get an unforgettable experience of this incredible natural wonder.

EYJAFJALLAJOKULL, ICELAND -  The volcano Eyjafjallajokull erupting in Iceland on May 12th 2010, Ash cloud rises into the air wreaking havoc in international flights

Final Thoughts: volcano tours iceland

You’ll discover the incredible power of nature as you make your way to the volcanoes of Iceland. With these amazing day tours, you will be able to explore a landscape that is both unique and mesmerizing.

Along with stunning landscapes, you will also witness incredible eruptions from active geysers and hot springs. These experiences are nothing short of spectacular!

The beauty of Iceland’s volcanoes is something that should not be missed. So don’t wait – book one of these great tours today and explore the wonder and power of these majestic places for yourself! Don’t forget to take plenty of pictures, because these memories will last a lifetime.

Read More about Iceland:

  • Iceland ring road accommodation
  • Top 10 Budget Friendly Hotels in Iceland

15 Remarkable Things to see and Do in Iceland

  • 48 Hours in Iceland – A 2 Day Itinerary
  • 10 Day Itinerary for Iceland
  • The Best Day Trips from Reykjavik
  • 7 of the Best Golden Circle Tours in Iceland
  • 9 of the Best Iceland Glacier Tours
  • 9 of the Best Iceland South Coast Tours
  • Budget Guide to Iceland

Luxury Travel Guide to Iceland

Guide to visiting iceland.

  • Is a Tour to Iceland’s South Coast worth it?

Samantha King

Sam, a seasoned traveler across four continents and 49 countries, is a leading authority in travel planning. Her website, Travelling King, offers tailored itineraries and expert guides for seamless trips. Sam's expertise in luxury travel, fast travel, and destination guides keeps her at the forefront of the travel community.

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Exceptional 11-Hour Combo Tour of Meradalir Volcanic Site & Northern Lights from Reykjavik

volcano tours reykjavik


Witness two of the most spectacular nature shows in Iceland when you book this combo tour of northern lights hunting and hiking to the Fagradalsfjall volcano in Meradalir valley. Travelers who don't wanna miss the rare opportunity to see the aftermath of a recent volcanic eruption up close should look no further than here.

The small-group tour starts in Iceland's capital, Reykjavik, where you will meet your experienced guide as you get picked up from your hotel. Aboard a comfortable small bus with Wi-Fi, you will journey for 39 miles (63 kilometers) to reach the first destination of your adventure.

The Reykjanes Peninsula, a region in Southwest Iceland, is famous for its dramatic lava landscapes, Blue Lagoon spa, and active geothermal areas. But thanks to a back-to-back eruption in the Fagradalsfjall area, the peninsula became even more popular, attracting thousands of tourists worldwide.

The volcanic eruption of the Fagradalsfjall volcano began in early 2021 and lasted for six months. The event created stunning new lava fields and formations in the valley. In August of 2022, a massive fissure eruption happened again in the nearby valley of Meradalir, followed by more successive eruptions on the peninsula.  

Today, you are one of the few lucky ones who will get to see some of these eruption sites by hiking. Beginning near the fishing town of Grindavik, you will have a thrilling hiking experience covering at least seven miles (12 kilometers), including the return trip. 

The rugged terrain might be challenging for some people because of the uphill hike, but the breathtaking scenery and landscapes around you are good distractions. These panoramic views of mountains and lava fields are also excellent subjects for photography.

At the Meradalir eruption site, you may still see steam rising from the 1000-foot (300-meter) fissure. In addition, you will also see streaks of color from the lining of the large crack near the crater of the Fagradalsfjall volcano. These are fresh traces of the recent eruptions.

All in all, the first part of the combo tour would take around seven hours. Soon after, you'll return to Reykjavik early in the evening for a quick dinner and preparation for the northern lights hunting.

Later in the evening, your guide will pick you up again, and you will venture away from the city, where the possibility of seeing the enchanting aurora borealis is higher. Aboard another bus with free Wi-Fi, you will travel to a secret location in the wilderness of Iceland.

Although there is no assurance that you will see the northern lights on your tour because they are natural phenomena, Iceland is still one of the best places to hunt for them. Moreover, your tour guide knows the exact and best locations to see the magical lights, so always ready your camera to not miss this great opportunity.

Should the lights not appear, or if this part of the tour is canceled due to an unpromising forecast, you'll get to try northern lights hunting again without charge. 

The tour ends as you return to Reykjavik with great photos and memories of the land of fire and ice.

Don't miss this rare chance to see not one but two spectacles of nature, from the eruption site of a volcano to the elusive aurora borealis, with this 11-hour combo tour. Check availability now by choosing a date.

volcano tours reykjavik


Reykjavik is the northernmost capital city in the world.

What to bring

Good to know.

- This tour is not recommended for people with heart and back conditions, as the hike can be challenging.

- The volcanic activity on the site varies from day to day. But the whole valley is stunning, regardless.

- You may join the northern lights tour again for free if you don't see it on your first tour.

- Departure for the first leg of the tour is around 11:00-11:30 AM, while departure for the second part is around 9:30 and 10:00 p.m.

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Book These 10 Best Iceland Tours To Uncover The Wonders Of The Land Of Fire And Ice

I celand is a magical destination that can be life-changing. From the incredible colors of the Northern Lights illuminating the night sky milky blue waters of the Blue Lagoon, there is no shortage of memorable experiences to enjoy here. The Land of Fire and Ice is full of natural wonders that can be discovered as part of a guided tour. Whether travelers are driving the Icelandic Ring Road or basing themselves in cozy hostels in Reykjavík for day trips, these are some of the top sights and tours to experience.

South Coast Full Day Tour

Go beyond the capital city of Iceland with this full-day tour of Iceland’s south coast from the capital, Reykjavík . Top attractions that the tour visits include the famous waterfalls of Seljalandsfoss and Skógafoss, Reynisfjara black sand beach, and Sólheimajökull glacier. Travelers can also spot puffins and glimpse Eyjafjallajökull Volcano during the excursion. Transportation is included, but travelers should bring cash for buying lunch and snacks throughout the day since meals are not part of the ticket price for this tour.

  • Tour: South Coast Full Day Tour by Minibus from Reykjavik
  • Cost: From $112.00
  • Duration: 10 hours
  • What’s Included: Wi-Fi on the bus, hotel pick up and drop off, and an Icelandic treat.

Book this tour

Golden Circle Day Trip From Reykjavík

The Golden Circle is a must-do day trip from Reykjavík when visiting Iceland. The tour encompasses three natural wonders of Iceland which are the Gullfoss Waterfall, Strokkur at Geysir, and Thingvellir National Park. The full-day tour includes bus transportation from a hotel in Reykjavík and allows travelers time at each stop to appreciate the incredible scenery, take photos, and ask the tour guide questions. Meals are not included in this full-day tour, so budget cash accordingly for lunch and snacks at stops along the way.

  • Tour: Golden Circle Classic Day Trip from Reykjavik
  • Cost: From $79.30
  • Duration: 7 hours
  • What’s Included: Professional tour guide, bus transfer, Wi-Fi on board

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Snorkeling Between Continents

Iceland offers the unique opportunity to swim between two continents at the Silfra Fissure. This waterway occurs where the North American and European tectonic plates meet and is located inside beautiful Thingvellir National Park. Travelers can show up ready for an adventure with no prep work on their part. All necessary gear is provided to stay warm and dry while swimming and snorkeling in this cold waterway. The views of the clear blue water from below are exceptional and are captured through GoPro photos during the tour. There is no additional fee to receive these photos.

  • Tour: Snorkeling Between Continents in Silfra with Photos Included
  • Cost: From $168.79
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • What’s Included: Professional English-speaking Guide, snorkeling tour in Silfra Fissure, GoPro photos from the tour, help from a Certified PADI dive / Dive-master, drysuit, snorkeling equipment, hot drinks, and cookies

Local Foodie Adventure

Enjoying the local cuisine is one of the best ways to learn about a destination, so why not take a food tour while in Reykjavík? This tour allows travelers to sample food from a variety of eateries and food trucks in the city, tasting an array of traditional Icelandic foods. Guests will try Icelandic street food, homemade ice cream, and the famous Icelandic hot dogs. The small group tour is limited to 12 people to ensure a personalized experience that allows travelers to ask questions.

  • Tour: Reykjavik Food Walk - Local Foodie Adventure in Iceland
  • Cost: $119.00
  • What’s Included: Tour guide, 4–5 stops, 8+ dishes to try

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Blue Lagoon Ticket And Transport

The Blue Lagoon is a staple for travelers visiting Iceland. The hot, inviting mineral water is an otherworldly shade of blue, and the in-water bar is a fun feature of the experience. Relaxing here for a full day is worthwhile, especially for the tour price. Book in advance to avoid disappointment since this attraction is so popular among tourists. The package allows travelers to book the Comfort or Premium ticket for the Blue Lagoon and add a bus transfer if necessary. The Comfort ticket includes a towel, one beverage, and a silica face mask, while the Premium ticket also includes a bathrobe and algae face mask.

  • Tour: Blue Lagoon Ticket with Optional Transportation
  • Cost: From $169.43
  • What’s Included: Bus transfer, Premium or Comfort Entrance Ticket

Lake Myvatn, Hot-Springs & Godafoss Waterfall Tour

Travelers who find themselves in northern Iceland in Akureyri have a whole new set of attractions to explore in this part of the country. The half-day tour includes a chance to soak in the Myvatn hot springs and view the incredible cascades of Godafoss waterfall. The tour also stops at the craters of Skútustaðir and the lave fields of Dimmuborgir. The tour ticket price also includes a packed lunch. This is a great opportunity to explore the northern highlights of Iceland in a single day.

  • Tour: Lake Myvatn, Hot-Springs & Godafoss Waterfall Tour from Akureyri
  • Cost: From $154.00
  • Duration: 6 hours
  • What’s Included: Transportation and Wi-Fi on the bus

Whale Watching Tour From Reykjavík

Whale watching is a top thing to do in Iceland, so travelers can embark on this exciting adventure to look for majestic creatures off the coast of Reykjavík. The peak season for whale watching is from June to August. While companies can never guarantee that travelers will spot whales while on the tour, the success rates for this tour is extremely high, with 95% success during the summer months and 80% success in the winter. Guests are provided with the necessary gear to remain warm and comfortable on board the ship in every season.

  • Tour: The Original Classic Whale Watching from Reykjavik
  • Cost: From $87.00
  • What’s Included: Live guide, overalls, raincoats, blankets, admission to Wildlife Exhibition, free Wi-Fi on board

Related: 10 Best Iceland Hotels That Showcase The Charms Of The Land Of Fire And Ice

Icelandic Horse Back Riding Tour

The Icelandic Horse is a unique creature that is the only horse breed in Iceland. Among their many interesting and unique traits is the ability to perform one or two additional gaits: Tolt and, sometimes, pace. Riding through the Icelandic countryside on horseback is a magical experience that will stay with travelers for a lifetime. Before getting on the horse, guests of the tour are fitted with helmets for safety and briefed on how to ride. The tour is suitable for all levels of experience.

  • Tour : Icelandic Horseback Riding Tour from Reykjavik
  • Cost: From $118.94
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • What’s Included: Helmet, boots, rain gear, tea or coffee

Hike Inside A Volcano

See the inside of Iceland’s dormant Thrihnukagigur volcano on this small group tour that is limited to a maximum of 18 guests. The tour is led by an expert travel guide and takes guests to the Blue Mountains of Iceland where they will journey inside the volcano to see the geological remnants of an eruption that took place 4,000 years ago. Hotel pick-up and drop-off is included as part of the package price.

  • Tour: Inside the Volcano: Small Group Thrihnukagigur Hike and Tour from Reykjavik
  • Cost: From $367.02
  • Duration: 5 to 6 hours
  • What’s Included: Hotel pickup and drop-off, a professional guide, helmet, harness, and safety equipment, light refreshments

Northern Lights Sightseeing Tour

Seeing the Northern Lights in Iceland is a bucket-list activity and travelers can do their best to have this experience by booking a guided tour. There is never a guarantee of seeing the lights, but they are best seen from November to March when skies are dark and days are short. The tour takes travelers outside the city, away from light pollution, to improve the chances of spotting the phenomena. Guests also enjoy delicious homemade hot chocolate made from real Icelandic chocolate to help keep warm.

  • Tour: #1 Northern Lights tour in Iceland from Reykjavik with PRO photos
  • Cost: From $141.60
  • Duration: 4 hours
  • What’s Included: Professional local driver and guide, hotel pickup and drop-off, Wi-Fi on board, cinnamon buns, wool blanket, professional photos

Book These 10 Best Iceland Tours To Uncover The Wonders Of The Land Of Fire And Ice

Watch live: Volcano in Iceland erupts again

Wednesday's eruption is the eighth on the Reykjanes peninsula since 2021, and the activity is a result of geological systems reawakening after 800 years of being dormant.

Wednesday 29 May 2024 22:59, UK

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Previous eruptions prompted evacuations, flattened houses and closed key roads in the area.

An Icelandic volcano has started erupting again - the fifth time since December.

The outburst happened on the Reykjanes peninsula, home to 30,000 people, just south of the capital Reykjavik.

The eruption began in the early afternoon following a series of earthquakes north of Grindavik , a fishing town of 3,800 people that was evacuated.

Lava was shooting around 50 metres into the sky from a fissure that is roughly 1.5 miles long and growing, Iceland 's Met Office said.

The Blue Lagoon thermal spa, which is popular with tourists, was evacuated before the eruption, Iceland's national broadcaster RUV reported.

Flights to and from Reykjavik's Keflavik Airport are currently operating as normal but passengers are being encouraged to monitor travel information.

Iceland's civil defence was put on high alert, police said.

More on Iceland

Smoke and orange glow seen from Grindavik in this picture taken by Sky News' Alex Crawford

Iceland volcano eruption: Piercing alarm rang loud as orange glow of a mushroom cloud filled the sky

Lava erupts from volcano. Pic: Iceland Civil Defense via AP

Iceland volcano erupts for fourth time in three months - the 'most powerful so far'

Pic: @IcelandToursX

Spectacular photos capture Northern Lights above Iceland

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A volcano spews lava in Grindavik, Iceland, Wednesday, Wednesday, May 29, 2024. A volcano in southwestern Iceland is erupting, spewing red streams of lava in its latest display of nature's power. Pic: AP Photo/Marco di Marco

Iceland is home to almost 400,000 people and sits above a volcanic hotspot in the North Atlantic. The island nation sees regular eruptions - which it is highly experienced at dealing with.

Authorities had warned of the risk of volcanic activity in the area as studies showed magma accumulated underground.

Smoke billows from a volcano in Grindavik, Iceland, Wednesday, May 29, 2024. Wednesday, May 29, 2024. Pic: AP

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In an attempt to prevent damage, man-made barriers are in place to steer lava away from a geothermal power plant, the Blue Lagoon spa and Grindavik.

Previous incidents had forced evacuations, disrupted district heating, closed key roads - and even razed several houses in Grindavik .

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The spectacle underlines the challenges Iceland is facing as scientists have warned the Reykjanes could face eruptions for decades or even centuries.

Iceland's most disruptive volcanic activity of recent times occurred in 2010, when the Eyjafjallajokull volcano erupted - spewing out huge ash clouds that closed airspaces across Europe and grounded 100,000 flights.

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