How to prevent bedbugs when traveling

Caroline Tanner

French officials are attempting to quell Paris ' bedbug problem ahead of the 2024 Paris Olympics after footage claiming the appearance of bedbugs across France — in Airbnbs, on public transportation and at movie theaters — has gone viral on social media.

It's a timely reminder that bedbugs are an unfortunate yet common reality, whether you're at home or traveling. It has even led guests to sue hotels following outbreaks. There have also been instances of bedbugs found on board airplanes and at airports .

Approximately 20% of U.S. homes and hotels have bedbugs annually, and nearly 68% of the reported bedbug infestations stem from hotels.

"Bed bug populations have experienced a resurgence in many parts of the world over the past couple of decades, especially within the last couple of years due in part to increased travel postponed during the height of the pandemic," an entomologist from Orkin Pest Control said. "However, other factors have led to an increase in bed bug infestations in recent years, including resilience to treatment, lack of public awareness and changing pest control practices."

Travelers shouldn't worry about regularly encountering bedbugs in hotels, especially since reputable accommodations proactively control pests through treatments and routine inspections.

However, with all travel comes inherent risk, so it's important to be aware of the possibility and take preventive measures when traveling. This can help with early detection, especially in densely populated areas with lots of tourists.

"Cities and regions with major airports or transportation hubs often see higher rates of bedbug infestations because they can unknowingly hitchhike along with travelers from different locations," according to Orkin.

To help protect you and your belongings from bedbugs while on the road, here are five tips to follow, plus what steps you should take if you find bedbugs.

Tips to prevent bedbugs when traveling

Believe it or not, bedbug prevention starts before you begin your trip, though there are also several steps you'll want to take once you leave home to ensure your travels remain bedbug-free.

Check bedbug policies before making any hotel reservations

As you research properties for your trip, reach out to any hotel you're interested in to see what its bedbug policy is before you reserve a room.

Hotels should be able to speak to their bedbug prevention and control program, including regular inspections and access to a professional pest control company, according to the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene .

Inspect hotel beds, cushions and drapes, and put luggage in the bathtub or shower

Do your due diligence the next time you're checking into a hotel room. A quick visual scan is your best defense (not all people who get bitten by bedbugs have a skin reaction, so you could be packing them up in your luggage and have no idea). Bedbugs are nocturnal, so if you arrive during the day, you likely won't be able to spot them in the flesh.

First, put your suitcase somewhere that is not on your bed. If there's no luggage rack, leave it in the entryway or even the bathroom. Anywhere is better than putting it on the bed — especially before determining whether your bed may be infested. Bedbugs hide in soft spots, so using a luggage rack is your best bet, as they can't climb up the metal legs.

When it comes to luggage, consider that bedbugs are less likely to attach to hard-shelled suitcases versus soft-shelled bags.

travelling bags on bed

When you're ready to check for bedbugs, peel back the linens of your bed until you can see the mattress, particularly the corners and the lining. Instead of looking for actual bugs, you'll want to see if there's any bedbug excrement, which mimics tiny little ink blots that a pen might leave.

Search the sheets, inside pillowcases and, most importantly, alongside the seams of the mattress. Look under the mattress while you're at it, but be prepared to find a few crumbs here and there.

travelling bags on bed

Be thorough with this process, and look beyond the mattress to include the headboard and any upholstered furniture.

Throughout your trip, regularly examine your clothing and luggage to catch a bedbug infestation in the early stages.

Bring a portable bedbug trap

travelling bags on bed

If you want to take it a step further, you can purchase a portable bedbug trap to accompany you on trips.

One such option is the Ortho Home Defense Bed Bug Trap , which retails for $17 and promises to attract any particularly evasive bedbugs within one hour of setting it up.

Clean your luggage with a steamer and spray

travelling bags on bed

Once you complete your bed sweep, if you want further peace of mind, you can consider using a travel steamer to clean your luggage. To effectively kill bedbugs, the surface temperature needs to be at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit, so you'll need a steamer strong enough to reach those temperatures, such as the Beautural travel steamer .

For $35, this steamer provides 15 minutes of continuous steaming via a detachable 8.79-ounce water tank. It claims to heat up in 30 seconds and is safe on all fabrics, including clothes, curtains and furniture. It has three additional attachments for versatile steaming options.

Be sure to steam every inch of your luggage inside and out, remembering to unzip the lining and steam inside the pockets, around the handles and by the wheels.

If you are still concerned, consider removing and washing all clothing in hot water before drying your items on high heat.

If steaming your suitcase and washing your clothes is too much effort, pack a travel-size bedbug spray like this one from Hygea Natural for $10.99. At 3 ounces, it meets the Transportation Security Administration's 3-1-1 liquids rule guidance, so you can carry it on a plane. It's even child- and pet-safe and doesn't have an odor, so it won't leave a residue.

travelling bags on bed

Simply spray it upon the affected surface to exterminate any concerns about bedbugs.

Check your airplane seat

"While people mostly think of bedbug infestations at hotels, other common bedbug hiding places are taxis, buses and airplanes," according to Orkin. "Bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers, so they have plenty of opportunity to catch a ride with unsuspecting travelers. The insects creep into upholstery, carpeting, and gaps along seat frames."

To avoid bedbug issues while on a plane, Orkin suggests inspecting the upholstery, carpeting and gaps along seat frames after you board and before you sit down to look for eggs or even full-size bugs near the cracks and crevices of the seatback cushions.

Steps to take if you find bedbugs

In the event that you discover signs of a bedbug infestation at a hotel, immediately tell the front desk agent and ask to be moved to a room that is neither above, below nor next to the offending room.

Your next order of business is getting your money refunded and leaving the property immediately. If the hotel offers to move you to another room, ask to speak to a manager. Chances are, if the bugs are in one room, they'll be in others.

After you've booked other accommodations, make sure no bugs have been transported with you to the new location by washing and drying your clothes on high heat.

If you have a credit card that offers trip protection , call the issuer to find out if the company will cover the purchase of new luggage since there isn't an easy way to treat large baggage.

Once you get to the new hotel, place the clothes you've worn in a plastic trash bag and seal it up until the clothes can be washed. Lastly, consider packing clothing in resealable plastic bags for an extra layer of protection.

If you find bedbugs at home, start with containing the infestation by isolating the affected areas.

"Do not move items from infested rooms to non-infested ones to prevent the bugs from spreading," the Orkin entomologist said. "Keep in mind if you start sleeping in another area of the house, you may spread infestation there, too."

Once the mess is contained, declutter and clean, as this will make it easier to spot and find the other bugs. Immediately wash your bedding, curtains, clothing and any other affected fabric in hot water and dry on hot heat to kill any remaining bugs or eggs.

"Because bed bug infestations can be difficult to treat, if you wait too long to get help, the problem only gets worse," Orkin said. "Hiring a pest control company is the best way to get rid of bed bugs for good. They will inspect your home, identify the source of the problem, and create a treatment plan that will eliminate these pests."

Bottom line

On your next trip, Orkin reminds travelers to keep the acronym SLEEP in mind:

  • Survey the hotel room for signs of an infestation.
  • Lightly lift and look in bedbug-hiding spots (the mattress, behind baseboards, pictures and torn wallpaper).
  • Elevate luggage away from the bed and wall, and place belongings in the bathroom or on counters instead of on the bed.
  • Examine your luggage carefully while repacking and once you return home. Always store luggage away from the bed.
  • Place all your clothing from your luggage in the dryer for at least 30 to 45 minutes at the highest setting once you return home.

Also, remember that bedbugs have nothing to do with cleanliness.

"You can pick them up in the finest hotels, and they can hitchhike into the cleanest homes at any time," the Orkin entomologist said. "You can help reduce your chances of a costly bed bug infestation by catching them early."

Even once the bugs themselves are gone, the trauma can stay with you for a while. Taking the time to do your homework ahead of time before riding an airplane or checking into a hotel is well worth the effort.

Related reading:

  • Bedbug infiltrating Paris: What it's like dealing with an infestation
  • Should you get travel insurance if you have credit card protection?
  • The best travel insurance policies and providers

Pest Control Las Vegas

Shielding Your Valise: A Definitive Guide to Safeguarding Your Luggage from Clandestine Bed Bug Intruders

Pleased stylish traveler posing for camera in airport shuttle bus

Bed Bugs and the Luggage Menace

The creepy crawlers invading our suitcases.

Picture this: you return from a long-awaited vacation, excited to unpack your bags and revel in the memories of your recent adventure. But suddenly after just one night, your excitement transforms into horror as you discover uninvited guests lurking within your luggage—bed bugs.

Yes, those notorious blood-sucking pests have made their way into the travel world, and they’re more than happy to hitch a ride on unsuspecting travelers’ belongings. The growing concern of bed bugs infesting luggage during travel has become an unsettling reality for many globetrotters.

Take Control of Your Home: Equip yourself with the knowledge to combat bed bugs effectively. Explore our comprehensive guide, Mastering the Art of Bed Bug Eradication , and gain valuable insights into control and prevention strategies.

Why Protecting Your Luggage is Essential

travelling bags on bed

Bringing home bed bugs from your travels might sound like something out of a horror movie, but unfortunately, it’s all too real. These tiny critters are experts at hiding in the seams and crevices of luggage, clothing, and other personal items.

Once they infiltrate your bags, they can easily accompany you back to your abode unseen. Even before settling into their new home in cracks and crevices around your bedroom or living room furniture, these resilient pests can cause havoc during their journey inside that innocent-looking suitcase.

Nobody wants to deal with a bed bug infestation—those itchy bites resembling mosquito marks can quickly escalate into a full-blown nightmare. Not only do these bites cause irritation and discomfort but eradicating an infestation can take time, effort, and money.

Prevention is undoubtedly the best course of action when it comes to avoiding this unwelcome souvenir from any trip. So how can one protect their precious belongings while on the move?

Fear not! In this article, we’ll explore practical tips and tricks to safeguard your luggage against bed bugs during travel.

From pre-trip preparations to in-room habits that deter them, we’ll leave no stone unturned in our quest to keep those pesky critters at bay. But first, let’s delve into the nitty-gritty of why bed bugs infesting luggage has become such a pressing concern in recent times.

Understanding Bed Bugs

The tiny, sneaky pests lurking in the shadows.

When it comes to understanding bed bugs, it’s crucial to grasp their appearance and behavior. These minuscule insects, usually measuring about 5-7 millimeters in length, are reddish-brown.

With flat oval bodies and no wings, they may resemble tiny apple seeds scuttling around. Bed bugs are primarily active at night and have a knack for hiding in crevices near beds or other furniture where humans spend a lot of time.

Nowadays, bed bugs have become notorious for their ability to hitch a ride on luggage and infest new environments. These crafty critters can easily switch rooms and latch onto your personal items without being detected.

So when you embark on an exciting travel adventure or even stay at a hotel for a few nights, beware! Your luggage becomes an unwitting vehicle for these blood-sucking pests to relocate themselves and infest fresh hosts.

A Free Ride: Bed Bugs’ Preferred Mode of Transportation

Bed bugs possess exceptional mobility skills that allow them to effortlessly crawl onto luggage or any other belongings left unattended near infested areas. They can sense the warmth emitted by humans and are adept at locating potential victims. Once they find their way into your luggage, it becomes the perfect hideaway spot as they nestle amidst clothing and personal items.

The key reason why bed bugs are so drawn to luggage is that it provides an ideal mode of transportation. Whether you’re staying in a hotel room with a bed bug issue or sitting next to someone who unknowingly carries them on their clothing during public transportation, these sneaky pests will seize any opportunity to move around unnoticed.

To protect yourself from these unwelcome travel companions, it’s essential to educate yourself about their appearance and behavior while understanding how easily they can hitch a ride on your luggage. By staying vigilant and implementing preventive measures, you can ensure a bug-free journey and safeguard your home from unwanted intruders.

Preparing Your Luggage Before Travel

Inspect your luggage for any signs of existing bed bug infestation.

Before embarking on your journey, it is crucial to carefully examine your suitcases for any signs of these pesky critters. Bed bugs typically leave behind visible traces such as dark spots, blood stains, or even live insects. Start by inspecting the seams and corners of your luggage, as these are the favored hiding spots for these unwelcome pests.

Don’t forget to check the pockets and zippers of the vacuum bag too! If you encounter any indication of an infestation, it’s best to quarantine that particular suitcase and consider professional treatment options to avoid spreading the problem.

Use a protective cover or liner for your suitcase to create a barrier against bed bugs

People croosing the street with baggage. Travel tourism backgrou

An effective measure safeguard on how to protect your luggage from bed bugs while traveling is by utilizing a sturdy protective cover or liner specifically designed for this purpose. These covers act as an impenetrable shield, preventing any hitchhiking bed bugs from crawling into crevices or hiding in fabric folds.

When selecting a cover, ensure it completely encloses your suitcase without leaving any gaps. Opting for light-colored covers can also facilitate early detection if bed bugs are inadvertently introduced during travel.

Another useful tip is lining the interior of your suitcase with a large plastic bag before packing. This extra layer adds a barrier against potential infestations while allowing easy visual inspection throughout your journey.

Be diligent about sealing the plastic bag once you’ve packed all items inside. Remember that preventing contact between clothing and suitcases may help keep bed bugs at bay while maintaining peace of mind during your trip.

By implementing these preparatory measures, you significantly reduce the likelihood of bringing home unwanted souvenirs in the form of bed bugs. The next section will delve deeper into packing strategies that further minimize this risk and ensure a worry-free travel experience.

Packing Strategies to Minimize Bed Bug Risk

Blue Plastic Trolley  Travel Case with Metal Handle isolated on

Opt for hard-sided suitcases with fewer hiding spots for bed bugs compared to soft-sided ones

When it comes to choosing the right suitcase, opt for a hard-sided one over a soft-sided counterpart. Bed bugs, those pesky hitchhikers, prefer cozy hiding spots, and soft-sided suitcases offer them plenty of nooks and crannies to snuggle into.

On the other hand, hard-sided suitcases provide a smoother surface that not only makes it difficult for bed bugs to find hiding spots but also easier for you to detect them during a thorough bed bug inspection. Additionally, while selecting a hard-sided suitcase, consider those with smooth finishes such as polycarbonate or ABS plastic.

These materials are less likely to have crevices or seams where bed bugs can lurk undetected. By minimizing their preferred hiding spots, you are significantly reducing the chances of bringing these unwanted stowaways home with you.

Pack clothing in sealed plastic bags to prevent direct contact with your suitcase

An effective way to create an extra layer of protection is by packing your clothing in sealed plastic bags. Not only does this prevent direct contact between your garments and the interior of your suitcase, but it also acts as an additional barrier against bed bugs. Plastic bags can make it harder for bed bugs to infiltrate and infest your belongings.

Before sealing each bag, ensure that all items are dry and free from any potential hitchhikers. It’s especially important not to store dirty clothes in plastic bags as they can attract bed bugs due to sweat or blood stains.

Adding dryer sheets or even a sprinkle of bug spray inside the sealed bags may act as further deterrents against these persistent pests. Remember that while using plastic bags helps protect your clothes from potential bed bug infestation during travel, regular inspections and thorough cleaning upon returning home remain crucial steps in ensuring you keep your luggage and belongings bed bug-free.

During Your Trip: Keeping Bed Bugs at Bay

Crop businessman unpacking luggage on bed

Avoid placing your luggage directly on hotel beds or floors where bed bugs may be present

As you settle into your hotel room, resist the temptation to toss your luggage onto the bed or leave it sprawled on the floor. Remember, these are prime areas where bed bugs thrive and easily latch onto unsuspecting travelers’ belongings.

Instead, opt for a smart and simple precautionary measure: keep your luggage away from potential infestation zones. One of the best ways to prevent bed bugs from infiltrating your luggage is by using luggage racks or stands.

Look for sturdy metal options, as they offer fewer hiding spots for these pesky critters compared to fabric or wooden racks. By using luggage rack and elevating your suitcase off the ground, you significantly reduce the chances of any lingering bed bugs crawling their way into your belongings.

Utilize luggage racks or stands to keep your suitcase elevated and away from potential infestation zones

When choosing a suitable spot for your suitcase, it’s essential to be mindful of any clues that might indicate a bed bug issue. Take a moment to inspect the room carefully before settling in.

Look out for telltale signs such as tiny bloodstains on sheets or mattresses, dark fecal spots near crevices, or even dead bugs trapped in mattress seams. If you notice any suspicious signs of a possible infestation, alert hotel management immediately and request a different room.

Once you’ve found an insect-free environment within the hotel rooms in which to protect your luggage, position it securely on the metal rack or stand provided by the hotel. Ensure that all zippers are closed tightly so that no sneaky insects can crawl inside unnoticed.

By taking these precautions during your trip, you’ll minimize any chances of bringing home bed bugs and spare yourself from dealing with an unfortunate situation upon returning home. Remember that cleanliness is of utmost importance when it comes to keeping bed bugs at bay.

Avoid placing your dirty clothes near your suitcase, as bed bugs are attracted to the scent and may find their way into your belongings through soiled garments. Keep your luggage organized and separate your clean clothes from the dirty ones.

By maintaining good hygiene and following these simple practices, you can enjoy a worry-free travel experience without the fear of bringing home unwanted guests.

Returning Home: Preventing Bed Bugs from Spreading

Inspect your luggage thoroughly before bringing it inside your home.

After a trip, it is crucial to conduct a meticulous inspection of your luggage before bringing it into your home. Find a well-lit area and open your suitcase carefully, looking for any signs of bed bugs. Examine the seams, folds, and pockets of your bag thoroughly.

Look for live or dead bugs, shed skins, or dark spots that may indicate their presence. If you notice anything suspicious, take immediate action to prevent spreading the infestation further.

Remember to also inspect any other belongings that accompanied you on the trip. Items such as backpacks or purses can serve as hiding spots for bed bugs as well.

Wash and Dry All Clothing at High Temperatures Upon Returning from Travel


To eliminate any potential bed bugs or eggs that may have hitched a ride on your clothes, it is vital to take used clothes and wash and dry them at high temperatures immediately upon returning home. Place all clothing in sealed plastic bags until they can be laundered to prevent spreading any possible infestation within your house.

Be sure to follow the care instructions on each garment’s label and use hot water settings for washing if possible. Similarly, drying clothes at high heat in the dryer will help kill any lingering bed bugs effectively.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Consider using portable garment steamers or dryer sheets as deterrents against bed bugs.

If you wish to take extra precautions against bed bugs while traveling or when returning home, there are additional measures you can consider. Portable garment steamers can be an effective way to kill bed bugs on contact.

Simply aim the steamer at your luggage or clothing, ensuring the steam reaches all potential hiding spots. The high temperatures will eliminate any bed bugs or eggs present.

Alternatively, you can also place dryer sheets in your suitcase or among your clothes. While not proven to repel bed bugs completely, some individuals claim that the strong scent of dryer sheets may act as a deterrent and make your luggage less appealing to these pests.

Research and Invest in Specialized Products like Insect Repellent Sprays Designed Specifically for Luggage Protection

If you frequently travel to areas known for bed bug infestations or want an extra layer of protection, consider researching and investing in specialized products designed to repel and deter bed bugs from infesting your luggage. Insect-repellent sprays formulated specifically for this purpose can be applied to your bags before and during travel, creating a barrier that discourages bed bugs from approaching.

Make sure to read and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer when using these products. It is important not to oversaturate your belongings or expose yourself unnecessarily to chemical substances.

Unusual Facts about Bed Bugs

The history of bed bugs.

Did you know that bed bugs have been tormenting humans for thousands of years? These elusive pests date back to ancient times when even Egyptian pharaohs encountered them! Bed bug fossils have been discovered in archaeological sites dating back more than 3,500 years.

In fact, during World War II, bed bug infestations were so widespread that they became a significant concern for soldiers fighting on the front lines. This led to extensive research on their behavior and control methods.

Protecting your luggage from bed bugs while traveling is essential for ensuring a pest-free return home. By conducting a thorough inspection of your bags before bringing them inside and promptly washing and drying your clothes, you can significantly reduce the risk of spreading any potential infestation. Additionally, considering extra measures to avoid bed bugs, such as garment steamers or specialized insect repellents adds an extra layer of protection.

Remember, prevention is always easier than dealing with a full-blown bed bug infestation. So adopt these practices consistently to enjoy worry-free travel experiences, knowing that you are taking proactive steps to safeguard yourself and your home from these pesky pests.

Say farewell to bed bugs with D-Termination: The premier pest control in Las Vegas!

travelling bags on bed

Are you facing the challenge of bed bugs in Las Vegas? Don’t worry, D-Termination is here to assist you. Our skilled team specializes in eradicating bed bug infestations and bringing back comfort to your living area. Choose D-Termination today for effective pest control and bid adieu to bed bugs!

To book your bed bug control service and reclaim your space from these resilient pests, reach out to us at 702-919-6310 or visit .

Frequently Asked Questions:

Bed bugs can survive in checked luggage, as they have the ability to hide and remain undetected until reaching their destination.

Ziplock bags or similar containers can help contain bed bugs and prevent their spread, but they are not completely foolproof. Bed bugs may still find small openings or hitch a ride on items placed inside the bags.

While it is possible for bed bugs to spread on an airplane, the risk of infestation during a flight is relatively low. Bed bugs are more likely to infest luggage or personal belongings rather than actively moving from passenger to passenger.

The prevalence of bed bugs on airplanes is generally considered to be low. However, isolated incidents of bed bug sightings on planes do occur, and airlines typically take prompt action to address such situations.

If you found this article to be of interest, you may also find the following recommended readings worth exploring:

Unveiling the Art of Bed Bug Prevention: A Masterful Guide to Safeguard Your Home

Shielding Sanctuaries: A Comprehensive Guide to Bed Bug Prevention in Hotels and Accommodations

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What to Know About Bed Bugs—and How to Avoid Them While Traveling

A recent outbreak in paris served as a crucial reminder that it’s important to know how to spot and prevent these pests from invading your sleep, belongings, and personal health..

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Illustration of an oversized bed bug tucked into a bed with planters and rugs on either side

Few places are safe from bed bugs. Here’s what travelers should know to avoid them.

Illustration by Shutterstock

Bed bugs, you could say, are having a moment—or, perhaps, un moment .

Paris was the latest scene of an outbreak that made global headlines as the city that’s hosting the 2024 Summer Olympics scrambled to arrest a resurgence of the insects that are on every traveler’s no-go list.

But Paris is hardly alone when it comes to the pests; bed bugs can be found almost anywhere in the world and at any time.

So, what can travelers do should they encounter the pesky problem on the road? Here’s what to know.

What are bed bugs?

Bed bugs are wingless parasitic insects found across the Americas, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Oceania.

The University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences describes bed bugs as “blood-feeding parasites of humans, chickens, bats and occasionally domesticated animals,” and adds that they are sometimes referred to as chinches, red coats, or mahogany flats.

“Bed bugs have probably been associated with humans for more than 100,000 years,” says Rob Anderson , an associate professor in the biology department at the University of Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada, who teaches a class on blood-feeding pests, which include bed bugs as well as mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, and other insects. “They are obligate blood feeders, which means they must have blood to survive and reproduce.”

Considered nest parasites—organisms that reside in the immediate area where the animal host (that would include you) spends most of its time—they live off the blood or skin tissue of the host animal. “Bed bugs are aptly named because they hang out in and around the bedroom where their blood hosts spend lots of time and reliably return. Bed bugs only come onto a host such as a human to blood feed then return to a nearby crevice or hiding place to digest the blood ,” says Anderson.

Adult bed bugs are flat and oval-shaped, grow to about 4 to 5 mm long, and are equipped with “piercing-sucking mouthparts, so they bite and suck blood like a mosquito” according to the University of Florida.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says two species of bed bugs are “usually implicated in human infestations”— Cimex lectularius and C. hemipterus , the former of which is considered cosmopolitan (meaning they are “found or present all over the world,” says Anderson) and the latter appear mostly in the tropics and subtropics.

Bed bugs most often feed on people at night while they sleep and tend to bite the exposed upper part of the body. And while they’re undoubtedly a nuisance, bed bugs are not considered to be “effective vectors of disease” according to the CDC, which notes that the primary medical risk is associated with inflammation from their bites.

Where are bed bugs commonly found?

Bed bugs are some of the world’s most ubiquitous travelers.

“They are to be found in street-side hostels, huts in small villages, and first-class hotels,” says Anderson.

“Many hotel chains regularly deal with them, but they seldom admit it because it’s not good for business,” he says, attributing the presence of bed bugs in hotels to the “the nature of their transitory, ever-changing clientele,” he wrote in an email to AFAR.

According to the CDC’s website, bed bug infestations tend to happen near areas where people sleep, which could mean anywhere from hotels and cruise ships to buses and trains.

The bugs tend to feed at night and hide during the day in the seams of mattresses, behind headboards, inside cracks and crevices in a room, in bed frames, furnishings, and box springs, among other locales, according to the CDC.

Once inside a dwelling, says Anderson, bed bugs’ numbers can build up long before humans even notice them—especially if there are pets in the house that they can feed on. That’s because pets might take the brunt of the early blood-feeding attention of the initial few bed bugs introduced, he says, before they’re present in enough numbers to attract the attention of humans.

He adds, “They move around the world every day with travelers (usually hitching rides in luggage) and sometimes to home where they may establish.”

For people who bring bed bugs home with them from their travels, Anderson warns you might not realize you have a stowaway until some time after returning home.

How do you know if you have bed bugs?

The most common sign of having bed bugs or having been exposed to them is the appearance of their bite marks on your upper body, namely on the face, arms, neck, or hands, after sleeping someplace where they live.

“Often the red spots are in groups of two or three because bed bugs often poke their needle-like mouthparts into the skin several times until they lacerate good blood vessels with enough blood to flow and feed on,” says Anderson.

According to the CDC website, most people won’t feel the bed bug bite itself when it happens since the insects inject an anesthetic and anticoagulant when they bite their victim (how thoughtful of the buggers).

“They tend to feed at night when people are sleeping because they’re less likely to be detected, and they only stay on the human skin for as long as it takes to feed,” says Anderson, adding, “after which they return to the nearest hiding place, some kind of crevice.”

You can look for signs of bed bugs—both their physical forms in the crevices of mattresses and folds of sheets as well as signs of rust-colored blood spots on your mattress (it comes from them being crushed and their fecal material, which is filled with blood, according to the CDC). “The adults are easily visible,” Anderson says. “In large infestations, they often leave a line of blackish, stinking blood feces deposited wherever they hide when off the blood host.”

Look for a dark line right where the mattress or box spring sits against the bedroom wall, he says, which is an indicator that bed bugs are present.

illustration of two people in hazmat suits fumigating a sofa with two pillows

If you bring bed bugs into your home from your travels, you may want to contact a reliable pest control company to help quell an outbreak.

What should you do if you do get bed bugs?

If you get bed bug bites, try to avoid scratching them, as that’s likely to cause more problems by opening up your skin to secondary infections, Anderson says.

Thankfully, “They’re not transmitters of worrisome pathogens as far as an astounding amount of evidence goes,” he adds. “But the bites can be annoying, especially for people with allergic sensitivity to the saliva bed bugs inject when they are feeding (as all blood feeding pests do).”

To relieve the itchiness, he suggests applying topical antihistamines such as Benadryl spray. (As with the use of any drug, consult with a doctor beforehand to make sure you’re not allergic or to address any other concerns.)

If you suspect a bed bug invasion where you live, contact a trusted pest control company experienced in treating bed bugs to inquire about fumigation services and other available methods of dealing with them.

What are the best ways to avoid getting bed bugs?

You’re at risk of encountering bed bugs both at home and nearly any place you travel.

According to the CDC, “Anyone who travels frequently and shares living and sleeping quarters where other people have previously slept has a higher risk of being bitten and/or spreading a bed bug infestation.”

Lyndsey Matthews, senior commerce editor at AFAR, and a firm believer of never putting your suitcase on your bed (in part to help prevent the spread of bed begs), has herself experienced bed bugs three times and has some advice.

“They are bigger than you think—an adult is the size of an apple seed,” she says, so look for them in the seams of headboards and mattress and under sheets, where you may find their eggs, feces, or the bugs themselves.

When you get home from a trip, she suggests washing and drying everything on high heat. If your suitcase can’t be washed in a washing machine, it’s a good idea to steam clean it at a high temperature, she says.

There are some things you can do to avoid bringing bed bugs home with you, too.

Anderson says you can reduce the risk of bed bugs invading your bags and suitcases by keeping them inside well-sealed large garbage bags when staying in temporary housing, including hotels. He says he inspects any hotel room or apartment he rents to look for the obvious signs of bed bugs and checks his belongings for signs of them, too, before packing up and returning home.

In 37 years of traveling around the world and doing research on bed bugs, Anderson says he’s encountered them and been bitten by more than his fair share—but he has so far managed to avoid bringing any of the insects back home with him as a souvenir.

“Bed bugs have been an occupational hazard for me because of the travel to the tropics and often staying in remote, very rudimentary digs in field research sites where bed bugs just exist in significant numbers,” he says. “I’m pretty rigorous about inspecting my luggage, or spraying it or sealing it in containers if I suspect there are bed bugs wherever I’m staying at a given time.”

Courtesy of Kessler Collection

travelling bags on bed

Few things are more gross to think about than imagining teensy little bed bugs crawling all around your bed while you're sleeping soundly. It's a traumatizing ordeal no matter where you are, and unfortunately, it happens often. It doesn't only happen in the comfort of your own home, either: you can experience the nightmare of bed bugs when you're traveling. Bed bugs frequent hotel rooms (people are going in and out, they aren't clean enough, etc.), and no one wants to deal with that infestation when they're supposed to be traveling and having fun. There are some ways to watch out for bed bugs, but also some items to help you protect against bed bugs while traveling .

Before you put these items to good use, though, you should always check your hotel room for signs of bed bugs when you check in. The United States Environmental Protection Agency recommends checking the mattress, sheets, headboard, and luggage racks for signs of bed bugs. If you notice any signs, try getting a different room or staying elsewhere. But even if you don't, it doesn't mean there aren't any around.

If you're nervous about it, it's always better to be safe than sorry. The below products will probably bring you some comfort, even if they are kind of a pain to lug around while traveling. They'll help ensure you don't deal with bed bugs... or, even worse, they'll prevent you from bringing them home. Here are a few items to buy if you're worried about bed bugs when traveling:

A Mattress Protector

Lock-Up Total Encasement Bed Bug Protection for Extra Large Twin Size Mattress

Mattress protectors or encasements won't exactly prevent bed bugs, but they will kill them off by basically trapping them and starving them. If you plan on staying in a hotel for a long period of time and want to take this step, bring along a mattress protector like this one.

An Insect Interceptor

Aspectek Bed Bug Trap

Freaked out by the possibility of bed bugs or other little critters climbing up into your bed with you? Bring these interceptor cups. They're small enough to pack in your suitcase and easy enough to set up, if you can get them under the legs of the bed. They prevent bugs from crawling up there.

Laundry Bags

2 Pack Extra Large Travel Laundry Bag Set Nylon Rip-stop Dirty Storage Bag

Bed bugs are attracted to dirty clothes , so prevent them from coming home with you by keeping your dirty clothes sealed away. These nylon bags are easy to take with you and are machine washable. Keep your dirty clothes tied tightly in there instead of just throwing them in your suitcase.

A Bug Heater

ZappBug Heater

If you are unfortunate enough to run in to some bed bugs and now you're freaking out about bringing them home, this little heater might be good to have on hand. You basically place your items in there and it uses heat to kill any bugs that might be on them. Better safe than sorry!

Insect Repellant

PEST OFF Ultrasonic Pest Repeller

This might not work for bed bugs, but it will keep any other insects that might be in the hotel room far away from you. Simply plug this into the wall socket and it will ward off creepy crawly things you want nowhere near you.

A Travel Sheet

Allersac S-01 100-Percent Cotton Travel Sheet

If you're very worried about the possibility of bed bugs, bring your own sheets. This set zips up to keep you enclosed and safe, and just lays on top of the bed so it's super easy to set up.

Bed Bug Traps

Harris 4-Count 4 Count Natural Bed Bug Killer

It certainly doesn't hurt to place these traps around your hotel room if you're worried about bed bugs. They're inexpensive and easy to travel with because they're small.

A Pillow Protector

Remedy Bed Bug and Dust Mite Pillow Protector in White

Your sheets aren't the only thing that could be infected by bed bugs - your pillow could be too. Bring your own bed bug pillow protector to ensure you sleep soundly.

Luggage Liners

AllerEase Bed Bug Proof Luggage Liner

Keep your suitcase bed bug free with these luggage liners. They zip up to keep everything extra enclosed and safe, and it's just nice to have that extra security.

This article was originally published on June 13, 2019

travelling bags on bed

Packing Light Travel

8 Compelling reasons to pack a silk sleep sack

by Anne Betts | Apr 6, 2024 | Packing Light Travel Gear | 10 comments


Updated April 6, 2024

I confess. There are times at home when I’ve broken open my silk sleep sack because I crave sleeping in my personal cocoon of luxurious, natural silk. I bought it for camping, hiking huts, staying in hostels, and for times when the cleanliness of off-the-beaten-path accommodation might be suspect. These benefits aside, there are plenty of other reasons to pack a silk sleep sack  while travelling at home and abroad.

Table of Contents

What is a silk sleep sack?

Why silk what are the benefits, 1. regulates body temperature, 2. protects against biting insects, 3. offers trusted bedding, 4. saves money, 5. can be useful when plans change, 6. protects a sleeping bag, 7. oozes comfort, 8. silk is sustainable, what are the disadvantages of a silk sleep sack, my choice in a silk sleep sack, where to buy.

A silk sleep sack is a travel sheet or sleeping bag liner made of silk. Most liners come in mummy or rectangular styles. Some include an envelope to insert a pillow. 

  • Silk is breathable, lightweight, packable, compact, and quick drying: perfect features for hikers and carry-on travellers.
  • The extremely fine natural fabric feels soft against the skin. The smooth surface of silk is particularly important for sensitive skin or folks with skin allergies. Sericin, the natural gum that binds the silk cocoon together, contains many essential amino acids believed to contribute to healthy skin (much like lanolin in wool).
  • Silk keeps skin dry. The hygroscopic silk fibre absorbs one third its own weight in moisture without feeling damp. The absorbed moisture is evaporated into the environment or absorbed by outer clothing or bedding layers.
  • Silk is one of the safest fibres you can wear next to your skin because it is naturally flame resistant. Where synthetics melt, silk burns to harmless ash.
  • Silk is biodegradable and will decompose easily in landfills.


Reasons to pack a silk sleep sack

When travelling in warm climates, a silk sleep sack can be used alone as a perfect lightweight alternative to a regular sleeping bag or bedding. You’ll feel cool and comfortable as your silk sleep sack keeps your skin dry and your temperature down.

When used inside a sleeping bag, a silk sleep sack adds warmth, working with you to keep your body temperature even. It provides an insulating layer that traps warm air next to the body. It also offers warmth when a fan or air-conditioning unit is working overtime. Estimates are that a silk liner can add up to 10 degrees Fahrenheit (approximately 5 degrees Celsius) of warmth.

In a nutshell, silk keeps you warm if you’re cold and cool if you’re hot.

The silk cocoon offers a measure of protection from biting insects. My silk sack came in handy in Marrakech when open windows of the hostel room let in a few bugs during the night.

If bed bugs are present, the tightly woven fabric may provide a barrier but there are no guarantees. Anecdotal evidence from hikers and travellers suggests that bites are reduced when a traveller is encased in a silk sleeping bag liner. The Mulberry Silk Company claims that silk bedding is inhospitable to bed bugs as the natural protein in silk repels both bed bugs and allergy-inducing bed mites.

Have you ever questioned the cleanliness or quality of the bedding at a hotel, hostel, or holiday accommodation? Do you wonder if the cleaning products will be harmful to your skin? A silk sleep sack, especially one with a pocket for a pillow, limits your contact with the provided bedding and any harsh detergents used in the laundering process..

Have you ever rented a sleeping bag? I did, for a three-day hike on New Zealand’s Banks Track . The hike was a small part of a three-month trip and renting a sleeping bag for 40 NZD was more appealing than packing my own and carrying it as dead weight for the other 85 days. The sleeping bags were laundered between guests but my silk sleep sack inside the rented sleeping bag added a significant amount of confidence that I’d made the right decision.

Do you trust the cleanliness of airplane blankets? If you think you’ll need extra warmth or privacy on a flight, toss your silk sleep sack in your personal bag just in case.  

Travellers on a limited budget or travelling for extended periods invariably choose budget accommodation at some point. Some charge extra for bedding and towels. Packing a silk sleep sack and travel towel result in considerable savings over time and offset the costs of the initial investment.

Being stuck in an airport overnight, or, heaven forbid, longer while waiting for your flight can be very uncomfortable. Slip into your silk sack for warmth, comfort, and to keep your purse, electronics, or other valuables hidden from prying eyes. 

Silk is recognized for its odour-resistant and moisture-wicking properties. It’s washable and dries quickly. Sleeping bags aren’t as easy to clean. After an energetic day of hiking with no shower in sight, oils from perspiration and general grunge from an active day transfer to the liner instead of the sleeping bag. When a silk sleep sack is consistently used as a liner between your body and the sleeping bag, the bag doesn’t need to be cleaned as frequently and this can extend its lifespan.

As I attempted to convey in the opening paragraph, the comfort of pure silk can’t be understated. After an exhausting day on the trails or an active travel day pounding city streets, sliding into the luxuriousness of 100% silk will set you up for a comfortable sleep. The soft silk is so soothing to the skin that it feels like a luxurious hug.

Sericulture (silk production) is organic, sustainable, and earth-friendly. Silk caterpillars have an exclusive diet of mulberry leaves from trees that produce year after year. The trees are replaced after eight years, after which they’re not such vigorous growers and the leaves aren’t so tasty to caterpillars.  Pesticides can’t be used on mulberry trees as silk caterpillars demand the purest and best quality leaves. Caterpillars are voracious eaters and their waste is used as fertilizer.

  • A sleep sack made of silk can be pricey. My approach is to buy quality that’s built to last. Liners made of synthetic fibres are cheaper but they don’t hold a candle to the quality and features of 100% silk. Buying quality and taking care of it translates into many years of faithful service and savings in the long run.
  • Climbing out of a liner when nature calls (and climbing back in) isn’t as easy as negotiating your way in and out from under a flat sheet or duvet.
  • Some silk liners can be machine washed but for longevity, hand washing is preferable.

I purchased my silk sleep sack in 2013. After much research, I settled on the family-owned New Zealand company Silk Living, producers of the Silksak .

  • I was attracted to the company’s commitment to sustainability, fair wages for the employees of its Asian-based suppliers, and its use of recycled packaging.
  • Silk Living doesn’t add any treatments or flame retardants to improve anti-static, wash-and-wear, flame resistance, or anti-bacterial properties because their silk is already naturally endowed with these properties.
  • I purchased the Pillow Silksak. What attracted me to this version is the built-in pillow envelope. A glorious layer of silk separates my head from the pillow nestled inside the pocket.
  • Entry to the sleep sack is via a side-split opening with a gusset.
  • A storage bag is attached. It will never go missing. I appreciate this feature.
  • My Silksak takes up next to no room in my travel pack. It’s lightweight, compressible, compact, easily washed in the shower or a sink and dries very quickly.
  • I like the rectangular (as opposed to mummy) style.
  • Size: 86 cm (34 in) wide x 220 cm (87 in) long (including pillow slot)
  • Weight: approximately 136 g (4.8 oz), including stuff bag
  • It comes in a multitude of colours

Silk Living has produced a fascinating video of the production process from the rearing of silkworms to the making of silk garments.

The Pillow Silksak is available from Silk Living’s online store . It currently (2024) costs USD 72 plus shipping costs that vary depending on the destination.

It’s also available from other suppliers in New Zealand .

If you found this post helpful, please share it by selecting one or more social media buttons. How about you? Do you travel with a silk sleep sack? Please share your thoughts in the comments. Thank you.

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This post is neither sponsored nor solicited. I’ve not received any requests, instructions, or rewards from the manufacturer. I purchased the product for my own use and paid the full price.



Sleeping in a silk sack sounds so luxurious! I’ve heard of silk pillowcases but not a sleep sack! It sounds like my kind of thing, I’m definitely going to check it out! Thanks for the great guide!


I’ve never heard of a silk sack, but now I need one! My next trip will be long and I’m sure budget oriented, so I may need some of those protections!


I haven’t heard of this kind of sleeping bag before. Thanks for sharing this informative post – I’ll have to look into it more.

Tiffany Smith

I’ve never heard of this before! It sounds like it would be very useful as my skin is quite sensitive to random things!!!


Wow I’ve never heard of silk sacks. But it sounds like a really good investment, I really liked the fact that it is useful when hiking and camping and can reduce bug bites!!


So this is definitely something I didn’t even know I needed?!? Appreciate you including the drawbacks, too, as it does seem a bit more high maintenance than other materials!

Sarah Camp

This sounds super handy for travel! Seems like the ideal investment and I love that it doesn’t take up a lot of space either! It sounds super cozy – something I never knew about yet something I don’t think I can live without haha. Thanks for letting know about this!

Monica Champagne

This is so interesting. I’d like to see a picture of what it looks like with someone in it.


I haven’t heard of a silk sleep sack before but feel it’s something I need in my life after reading this. Thanks for sharing.


I can’t wait to try one of these. This was the first time I had heard of a silk sleep sack. It sounds wonderful!


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Tips for Travel

Información relacionada disponible en español  

When traveling:

Person inspecting a hotel luggage stand for bed bugs

  • Check the mattress and headboard before sleeping.
  • Inspect luggage racks.
  • In hotel rooms, use luggage racks to hold your luggage when packing or unpacking rather than setting your luggage on the bed or floor. Try to keep luggage away from bed.
  • Upon returning home, unpack directly into a washing machine and inspect your luggage carefully. Remember that time in a dryer at high temperatures kills the bed bugs (just washing will generally not kill bed bugs).
  • Store suitcases away from your bedroom, such as in the basement or garage. Never store suitcases under your bed.

More Information

  • Print a card to carry with you when traveling
  • View videos and other information on preventing bed bugs while traveling
  • How to find bed bugs
  • Bed Bugs Home
  • Learn about Bed Bugs
  • — Characteristics of Bed Bugs
  • — Finding Bed Bugs
  • Protecting Your Home
  • Protecting Yourself in Public Places
  • Getting Rid of Bed Bugs
  • — Do-it-yourself Bed Bug Control
  • — Pesticides to Control Bed Bugs
  • Bed Bug Information Clearinghouse
  • Bed Bug Product Search Tool
  • Finding Help with Bed Bug Problems
  • EXPLORE Random Article

How to Avoid Bed Bugs when Traveling

Last Updated: May 25, 2021 References

This article was co-authored by Kevin Carrillo . Kevin Carrillo is a Pest Control Specialist and the Senior Project Manager for MMPC, a pest control service and certified Minority-owned Business Enterprise (MBE) based in the New York City area. MMPC is certified by the industry’s leading codes and practices, including the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), QualityPro, GreenPro, and The New York Pest Management Association (NYPMA). MMPC's work has been featured in CNN, NPR, and ABC News. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 56,303 times.

Imagine finally finding time to take a much needed vacation. Then, when you return home relaxed and feeling rejuvenated, you discover you now have a bed bug problem! It is no surprise that traveling is one of the easiest ways to bring the unwelcome pests into your home. While traveling, there are several precautions you should take to keep this nightmare from happening.

Booking Your Trip

Step 1 Investigate hotels.

  • Keep in mind that negative comments may simply be an unhappy guest who just wants to ruin the hotel’s reputation. However, if you see several comments around the same topic like bed bugs, consider it a legitimate concern.

Step 2 Call the hotel directly.

  • Enjoy the outdoors Head to the nearest camp ground and sleep under the stars or in a cozy tent. Many camps are extremely clean, and offer hot showers for very reasonable rates.

During Your Hotel Stay

Step 1 Inspect the mattresses.

  • Bugs are brown with a long, oval shaped body. Most are tiny, about the size of an apple seed but they can be larger, about the size of a nickel. You should also look for black fecal matter and a musty smell. [1] X Trustworthy Source United States Environmental Protection Agency Independent U.S. government agency responsible for promoting safe environmental practices Go to source

Kevin Carrillo

  • Place the luggage rack away from any furniture. If the closet is large enough, keep it in there.

Step 4 Hang your clothes.

  • Before wearing any garment, shake it out as an extra precaution.

Step 5 Take a large plastic bag.

  • If you forget, ask the hotel to supply something like an extra trash bag.

Step 6 Alert the hotel.

  • Do not move to an adjacent room. Request a move to another floor.

Returning Home

Step 1 Inspect your luggage.

  • If your luggage is a dark color it may be difficult to see. Use a lint roller, covering the entire bag, seams and zippers. [4] X Research source

Step 2 Unpack and wash.

  • Don’t hang dry your clothes either. Tossing items into a scorching hot dryer will kill the bugs.
  • Even items that weren’t worn should be washed. Bugs could have crawled throughout the bag. Better to be safe than sorry.
  • Shoes can be wiped down with a cloth and some hot water. Leave them outside in the sunlight if possible for a couple of hours too.

Step 3 Clean bags.

  • Never store suitcases under your bed.

Step 4 Look for bites.

  • Contact a professional to discuss the extermination options available to you. They may recommend chemical or steam treatments. [9] X Research source
  • Research pesticides but be clear on their use. While some are great for indoors, others can only be used outside. [10] X Trustworthy Source United States Environmental Protection Agency Independent U.S. government agency responsible for promoting safe environmental practices Go to source

Expert Q&A

  • If you happen to notice that white powder is present within drawers, the closet, or around floorboards, it is likely that the room has already been treated for bed bugs. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Don't avoid travel for the fear of bed bugs. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1
  • Bed bugs can reproduce quickly so don't procrastinate with treating a problem. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 4

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Travel Fashion Girl

The Best Travel Sheets and How to Choose One for Your Trip

Backpacking , LUGGAGE

travel sheets

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Sleeping bag liners and travel sheets are an essential part of getting a good nights sleep during your travels. Because there are so many to choose from, we have rounded up some TFG favorites!

Best Travel Sheets

Table of contents.

There are many benefits to using a set of travel sheets or a sleeping bag liner.

Sleeping bag liners for travel guarantee a certain level of cleanliness, particularly if you will stay at budget accommodations (which might require some additional cleanliness measures).

With travel sheets, you may experience more comfortable sleep and stay warmer or cooler, depending on your needs. They also can help you avoid bugs and bites during adventure travels!

You can choose from different fabrics and styles to find your perfect fit. Silk, polyester, cotton, and even microfiber fabric sheets and liners are available. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about travel sheets and sleeping bag liners.

Silk Sleeping Bag Liners


The Friendly Sleeping Bag Liner

Compact Sleeping Bag Liner

This compact little travel sleep sheet is perfect if you need something small and portable. The Friendly is a pocket-sized sleep sheet that weighs less than your typical can of soup (8.3 ounces), which makes it easy to pack, because it doesn’t take up a lot of space or add a lot of weight to your luggage!

The Friendly is one of the best sleeping sacks for adults due to its small size and the fact that it spans over 5 feet 5 inches in length. It’s silky-smooth, durable, and machine washable ó so after you get home from your trip you can throw it right into the machine.

The Friendly is an excellent choice for those looking for a small pocket-sized travel sheet for on the go!

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Sea to Summit Premium Silk Travel Liner

Riptop Silk Travel Sheet

If you’re looking for a larger travel sheet but still need it to be compact, then the Sea to Summit might be perfect for you. The Sea to Summit is a silk sleeping sack made with ripstop silk, so it’s soft and smooth. Plus, it adds up to 10 degrees of warmth, making it great if you often feel a little cold.

You’ll have to sacrifice a tad bit of weight to pack this silk sleep sack, it weighs in at 25 ounces, making it about as heavy as two soup cans. But what you give up for in weight you get back in the size as it sits 73 by 73 inches (or 6 feet both ways).

This travel sleep sack is machine washable and colorfast, meaning it won’t fade when you wash it. It’s also double-folded and has reinforced seams (durability, check).

The Sea to Summit is great if you’re looking for a compact silk travel liner that has a bit more size. Plus it comes in two colors: pacific blue and navy!

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Browint Silk/Cotton Travel Sheet with Double Zippers

Cozy Sleeping Bag Liner

The Browint Silk MummyLiner  is a chic silk sleeping sac that provides comfort and protection without sacrificing on style. This travel sleep sheet is made out of breathable silk that feels cool in the summer and cozy in the winter.

If you’re looking for color choices when it comes to your travel sheets , the Brownit has you covered. In addition to neutral colors (like green, khaki, and white) the Brownit has choices for the more adventurous travelers like crimson or purple.

The Brownit  travel sheet won’t take up much space in your bag, either. It weighs about the same size as an iPhone!

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Vumos Silk Like Sleeping Bag Liner

Soft Silk Travel Liner

If you’re looking for a soft, silk sleeping sac, then look no further than the Vumos . Their sleep sheet is 100% polyester with a silk finish and is super ultra light-weight, weighing only 11.5 ounces.

If you’re looking for the best sleeping bag liner , then the Vumos is a great choice. It comes in four chic silky colors — black, blue, gray, and orange — opens on the side so you can slip right in, and has a length of 7 feet.

This silk travel liner is durable and machine-washable. It can also be recycled when its time is up (go green)!

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Cotton Travel Sheets


Pike Trail Sleeping Bag Liner

Cotton Sleeping Bag Liner

Some travelers aren’t fans of the slip and feel of a silk sleep sheet, so if that describes you, the Pike Trail Sleeping Bag Liner might be just what you’re looking for. This travel sheet is made from 100% breathable cotton, so it is cool in the summer and warm in the winter, but feels more snuggly!

The Pike Trail sleeping bag liner comes in a variety of colors from bubble gum pink to metallic lavender and three different sizes, so you can pick and choose the best model for you. Plus this is one of those sleeping sacs for adults that is both durable and machine-washable, making it great for your travels and easy to clean.

This travel sleep sack is also compact and travels in a small polyester waterproof sac that is 7.5 by 6 inches when packed. It weighs about as much as a can of soup or your standard ceramic coffee mug, making it easy to cart along with you!

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Silk Travel Sheets


Brave Era Naturally Hypoallergenic Silk Travel Sheet

Spacious Travel Sheets

The   Brave Era Travel Sheet is a spacious and soft silk sleeping bag liner . It’s 86 inches by 36 inches, able to fit a sleeper who is 6’6″ feet tall, making it perfect for you to stretch out and cuddle in, and you can slide your pillow right into the sheets built-in pillow pocket.

At 6 ounces, this silk sleep sac weighs a tiny bit more than your average billiard ball, and it comes packed in a small bag, making it perfect to put in your luggage or even handbag!

Brave Era sheets are 100% silk, meaning your travel sheets will be warm in cold weather and cool in warm. Plus they are machine washable, making them no hassle.

If you’re looking for a silk sleeping bag liner that offers a little extra legroom, is easy to care for, and will ensure you’re comfortable in any weather look no further than the Brave Era. 

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Cocoon Silk Travel Sheets

Lightweight Travel Sheets

If the MummyLiner shape doesn’t suit you, Cocoon also makes traditional travel sheets. The Cocoon Silk TravelSheet also provides a chic silk sleeping bag liner that gives you just over 7 feet in length and a pocket for a pillow insert to ensure comfort while you sleep snuggled and protected.

The Cocoon travel sheet is a touch lighter than its MummyLiner counterpart, weighing a bit less than a D battery, and while it’s likely not noticeable to the touch it does shave a bit off your packing weight!

This silk sleeping bag liner is machine washable and has double-stitching to ensure durability. It also comes in cute colors so you can get a little wild with the sheets (check out the leaves pattern)!

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Polyester Sleeping Bag Liner


ALPS Mountaineering Brushed Polyester Rectangle Sleeping Bag Liner

Quick-Dry Sleeping Bag Liner

The ALPS sleeping bag liner  has made from a special type of polyester to keep you extra cozy. It is 33 inches by 80 inches, ensuring you can stretch out and get comfortable–especially for taller travelers.

The ALPS has a silk-like finish which means it is breathable and feels soft to the touch. It can be used as a lightweight sleeping bag on its own, or added to your traditional bag and used as a travel sleep sack to add between 5 and 10 degrees of extra warmth. Plus, it comes with a small stuff sack that won’t take up much room in luggage.

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Microfiber Sleeping Bag Liner


Coleman Stratus Adult Fleece Sleeping Bag Liner

Warm Sleeping Bag Liner

If you’re looking for a sleeping bag liner that will provide you with a little extra warmth on your next trip, then the Coleman Stratus  t ravel sleep sac is the model for you.

The Coleman Stratus travel liner is specifically designed to add extra warmth, making it perfect for your next cool destination. This is one of the best sleep sacks for adults headed out to a cold-weather destination or even somewhere you’ll be out in nature, as it’s insulated and can even double as a blanket when fully unzipped.

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Best Travel Sheets Comparison Chart

[wpsm_comparison_table id=”90″ class=”center-table-align”]

What’s the Difference Between a Mummy and Regular Sleeping Bag Liner?

The only difference between a mummy and a regular sleeping bag liner is the shape . The shapes are based on different types of sleeping bags, since a sleeping bag liner is originally meant to be used inside it.

If you plan to use your sleeping bag liner as travel sheets, then the shape doesn’t make a whole lot of difference.

Who Should Travel with a Travel Sleep Sheet?

Travel sleep sheets are good for any type of traveler. But if you’re traveling on a budget or are headed out on a long-term trek — backpack-only — then a sleeping bag liner is a good idea. They’re also for you if you just need a little extra warmth!

Perhaps a travel sleep sheet is most important for those of us who are germaphobes or are sleeping at more highly trafficked but likely lower maintained venues, such as hostels.

Who Should NOT Use Sleeping Bag Liners?

We would not suggest sleeping sacks for adults who are claustrophobic, as you might feel uncomfortable when you have your travel sleep sack fully sealed.

Likewise, if you’re tall, you might not be comfortable in a sleeping bag liner ó check out our taller suggestions like the Yala Dreamsacks Silk Travel Liner that is 7 feet 9 inches long.

You are also less likely to need travel sheets if you’re staying at a hotel or resort, unless you’re a germaphobe or simply looking for more protection.

Should You Make Your Own Travel Sheets?

While there are options to DIY and make your own travel sheet, I wouldn’t recommend it unless you’re using silk fabric . Cotton is heavy and bulky, which you don’t want in a sleeping bag liner if you’re trying to pack light.

I traveled with a cotton travel sheet on my RTW trip , and it was three times the size of other travelers sheets, which were silk or microfiber! I bought my sheet at the time because it was the cheapest, but for a little more cash, I could have packed lighter and saved space (which is especially important on a long-term trip).

What’s the Best Fabric to Choose?

When it comes to picking out the best sleeping bag liner for you, we highly recommend avoiding cotton whenever possible because of its bulk and weight.

Microfibre blends are the most cost-effective, easy to wash, and lightweight to carry. I travel with one similar to this travel sheet and highly recommend it.

If you’re able to dish out a few extra dollars, then silk sleeping bag liners are the best sleeping bag liner choice. They are incredibly lightweight and tiny, making them easy to pack. Plus they’re breathable and adapt to the weather to keep you from being too hot or cold.

What’s my Recommended Sleeping Bag Liner?

We believe that all of the sleeping bag liners we’ve provided in the above list are exceptional choices for different travelers. But if you’re curious, my lightweight microfiber blend sleep sheet was purchased in the Lake District in England. It is most similar to this travel sheet .

What type of sleeping bag liner or travel sheets do you like to use? Share it in the comments below!

For more camping and hiking tips, please read:

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  • Best Hiking Shoes for Women
  • Summer Camping Essentials Checklist
  • What to Pack for a Trekking Holiday



I hope you enjoyed this post on travel sheets. Please share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Thanks for reading!


I like to be able to put my feet out of the sheet. Do any of these allow for 2 way zipping?


Hi Judy, thank you for your question! We’ll share your question here so the author of the article can reply!


Whats microfiber feel like? Texture sensitive


It’s very soft, in my opinion. Not like a fleece but not like a silk.


The problem with silk is it doesn’t stretch, so the bag tends to rip along the seams after a while. It would help if it was a stretch silk like they use for clothing but I haven’t seen one.

Travel Fashion Girl

Stretch Silk would be a great option. Alternatively try the Microfiber Blends mentioned in the article 🙂

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The Best Toddler Travel Beds We've Tested on the Road and in Our Lab

Solve at least one of your toddler sleep challenges!

Our Favorites

Our testing process, our experts.

  • Factors to Consider

Your Questions, Answered

Parents / Nick Kova

Traveling with toddlers isn't easy, but you can still have a wonderful time exploring new places with your family—you just need to be prepared. Toddler travel beds provide consistency and a protected sleep space, resulting in a well-rested child and a smoother trip for everyone. To help you shop for the best suited to your kid and your travel plans, we've tested dozens of travel beds , mattresses, and pack-and-plays in our lab and at home with our kids. For some parents, portable beds are must-haves to provide young children with a secure place to sleep while on vacation. “Simpler is always better, especially when thinking of traveling with toddlers . So, when it comes to a toddler travel bed, you don't need all the bells and whistles,” says Anjuli Gans , M.D., a pediatrician at the Karabots Pediatric Care Center in West Philadelphia. “There are a lot of fancy ones out there on the market, but your baby really just needs a safe and comfortable place to sleep ." 

We spent hours testing these products in the lab and our homes by assembling and disassembling them—even seeing if we could do it one-handed—and timing the whole process. We also studied the beds' features, how well they hold a toddler's weight, and how easy they are to clean. Here, we've selected the best toddler travel beds we’ve tested, and we’ll continue to test new models as they come out.

  • Best Overall:   JetKids by Stokke CloudSleeper
  • Best Inflatable:   Eltow Inflatable Toddler Bed
  • Best With Pump:   Hiccapop Inflatable Toddler Travel Bed
  • Best for Camping:   EnerPlex Kids Inflatable Travel Bed
  • Best Pop-Up Crib:   BabyBjörn Travel Crib Light
  • Best Budget:   Hugbino Inflatable Toddler Bed
  • Best Crib to Fly With:   Guava Family Lotus Travel Crib
  • Best for Naps:   Milliard Toddler Nap Mat
  • Best Twin:   Intex Dura-Beam Deluxe Air Mattress

Best Overall: JetKids by Stokke CloudSleeper

Why we like it.

If you plan to hit the road with your little one and need a toddler travel bed that is comfortable and easy to travel with, then the JetKids by Stokke CloudSleeper Kids Inflatable Bed is our top pick for you. Designed for children ages 3 and up, this travel bed features  side bumpers  to keep your child from rolling onto the floor. There's also an air mesh cover to keep your child cool at night. 

We loved this inflatable bed's unique design, which is very easy to fill up and took us only five minutes to put together and inflate, which is great when traveling with little kids. And since it's light and comes with a small bag with handles, it's not hard to move around. The mattress also has a removable and washable cover that can be spot-cleaned and dries quickly, so your little one can get back to bed after any accidents. 

When you’re done with it, deflate the mattress, pack it back into its packing cube, and you're good to go!

But Take Note

We noticed it can sound a bit noisy when a child moves on it. Otherwise, we didn't experience any additional issues.

The Details

  • Material:  Nylon
  • Weight:  4.1 pounds
  • Size:  59.1 x 29.5 x 6.7 inches inflated; 15 x 11 x 4 inches in travel bag
  • Recommended Age/Weight Limit:  Ages 3 years and up; up to 68 pounds

Parents/Tamara Staples

Best Inflatable: Eltow Inflatable Toddler Bed

The Eltow Inflatable Toddler Bed is portable and easy to set up, and it comes at a lower price than our top pick, the Stokke. Unlike other inflatables, the Eltow toddler travel bed consists of an outer section with bumpers on two sides and a mattress that fits snugly inside the outer shell . It's not sitting directly on the floor but is at floor level.

We love that it took us just five minutes to set up and is  lightweight and portable . It comes with a high-speed pump, two patches in case of punctures, and a travel bag for storage. And thanks to a vinyl layer that protects against punctures, it's well-equipped to withstand wear and tear. Plus, it comes with a bag, so it's super portable. Unfortunately, it doesn't come with a sheet, so you'll have to pack one in your luggage. 

One flaw is that the mattress has a plastic smell that sticks around for a few hours once the mattress is removed from its packaging. (It should go away if you allow the product to air out for a day or two before use.) Assembly is straightforward, but removing the pump nozzle without losing air can be difficult when done alone, so we recommend getting a partner to help you out.

  • Material:  Vinyl
  • Weight:  10.21 pounds
  • Size:  63 x 40 x 12 inches inflated
  • Recommended Age/Weight Limit:  Up to 310 pounds

Best With Pump: Hiccapop Inflatable Toddler Travel Bed

The Hiccapop Inflatable Toddler Travel Bed is ideal for parents who want their toddler close to the ground with bumpers on all sides of the bed. A  removable mattress  rests in a higher outer shell that ensures your little one cannot roll off. It's designed for kids making that transition between cribs and big-kid beds, and it's easy to deflate and pack into its carrying bag before moving to your next destination.

Setup is relatively quick once you get the hang of detaching the electric pump, and it's easy to move around with the handles. Another plus: It comes with a patch kit. The handles are not as easy to clean as the rest of the bed, but we do appreciate that the removable mattress comes in three different colors for kids who definitely have their design preferences. It's also very durable due to its  thick vinyl material .

The mattress has a faint chemical smell at first, but it's not as eye-watering as some of the other inflatables we tested.

  • Weight:  8 pounds
  • Size:  62 x 39 x 12 inches inflated

Parents / Tamara Staples

Best for Camping: EnerPlex Kids Inflatable Travel Bed

This nearly puncture-proof  toddler travel bed can be used during trips or at home as a transitional bed for toddlers who are still getting used to not having crib walls. A 120-volt electric pump (and three universal nozzles) is a game changer and makes inflating the bed a breeze. We love how quickly and easily this bed can be put together: It took us five minutes to blow up both parts of the bed and attach a fitted sheet. Best of all, we didn’t even need to glance at the instructions while doing so.

In case you worry about your toddler rolling off the mattress, the EnerPlex Kids Inflatable Travel Bed has bumpers along three sides. The removable coil-beam mattress rests snugly inside the outer shell and fits a standard crib sheet. Even though the bed is bulky, it comes with a large carry bag that you can wear as a backpack, freeing your hands for luggage or a kid. We also like that the  electric pump comes with an adapter for your car , making it ideal for camping. It can be wiped down and the crib sheet can be tossed in the laundry for cleanup.

One downfall: It has a chemical smell.

  • Material:  Not listed
  • Weight:  11.88 pounds
  • Size:  66 x 44 x 13 inches inflated
  • Recommended Age/Weight Limit:  36 months and up; up to 150 pounds

Best Pop-Up Crib: BabyBjörn Travel Crib Light

The BabyBjorn Travel Crib is a great option for parents who prefer more of a crib design than an inflatable mattress. Toddlers who need more than bumpers to keep them safe in bed can benefit from this travel crib’s high mesh walls and a mattress that sits low to the floor—which means it's difficult to climb in and out of, let alone roll off of. Another advantage is that you won't need to worry about punctures, as this is not an inflatable mattress. The fabric can be wiped down quickly, and the exterior fabric can be removed from the frame and washed.

The BabyBjorn is a dream to assemble: Setup takes two minutes, and you can put a standard crib sheet on the bed without a struggle, even after attaching the mattress to the four corner safety latches. The mattress is comfortable and a  standard crib size . It is also a good pick if you need a travel bed that isn't hard on your back. It is very light, comes with a carrying case, and fits into a car trunk. However, the mattress does lie low to the ground, so picking up your child may be tough on your back if they are lying down.

The main reason this crib isn't our top pick is that it's much more expensive than most of the other products on this list, but it's a worthwhile investment if you have the room in your budget.

  • Material:  Polyester
  • Weight:  13 pounds
  • Size:  Mattress 23.5 x 41 x 1.2 inches; assembled crib 32 x 44 x 24 inches; 19 x 23.5 x 5.5 inches in bag
  • Recommended Age/Weight Limit:  0–3 years, or until your toddler can climb out of this travel crib

Parents / Jessica Juliao

Best Budget: Hugbino Inflatable Toddler Bed

The Hugbino provides a lot of the same features as other inflatable mattresses on this list, but at a lower price. The removable mattress is coated in  soft velvet flocking  to keep your little one comfortable while they snooze, and bumpers along all four sides of the outer shell keep them in bed. It's also a cinch to clean. We appreciate that the mattress can be spot-cleaned, and a sheet can go over the mattress for extra protection.

This inexpensive bed does come with an electric pump, but the setup is not as easy as with other travel beds we tested. We had to use two sets of hands to get the nozzle on before it started to deflate.

  • Material : Polyvinyl chloride
  • Weight:  6.63 pounds
  • Size:  63.6 x 42.5 inches inflated
  • Recommended Age/Weight Limit : 130 pounds

Best Crib to Fly With: Guava Family Lotus Travel Crib

This crib can’t make traveling on a plane with a toddler less challenging, but it can simplify your life when you get to your destination. We like the travel crib's packaging, which comes with  shoulder and backpack straps  that make it easy to carry around in an airport. In terms of ease of use, this travel bed only took us five minutes to set up and didn't require too much prep work to understand how to put it together. The setup process isn't as straightforward as other travel beds we tested, but it's not difficult.

An access door makes it easier to get to your little one without leaning over the side. You can use the entrance to lay them on the  padded, waterproof mattress  inside the mesh enclosure or to let them go in and out of the crib when they are awake. You can unzip the bed cover and throw it into the washer for a deep clean.

It is a tad heavy to carry for long periods of time. Also the mattress is easy enough to wipe, but the fabric around the top of the crib is so absorbent that it's tough to give it a good cleaning.

  • Material:  Polyvinyl chloride
  • Weight:  13 pounds, 15 pounds with bag
  • Size:  Mattress 41.5 x 23.5 x 1.4 inches; crib 45.5 x 31.5 x 25.5 inches; 24 x 12 x 8 in backpack
  • Recommended Age/Weight Limit:  0–3 years, or until child can climb out

Best for Naps: Milliard Toddler Nap Mat

The Milliard Toddler Nap Mat Tri Folding Mattress can be used for napping anywhere. Simply unfold it at the hotel, a relative's house, or a camping tent, and your little one is good to get their sleep on. It doesn't come with a carrying case, which may make it a pain to carry. But if your toddler spills a drink or has an accident on this mattress, the good news is that it's effortless to clean: It has a  removable bamboo cover  that can be machine-washed and a foam mattress that can be spot-cleaned. Plus, it's got a cozy, thick mattress that's comfortable for naptime.

This folding mattress doesn't require any assembly—just take it right out of the box. However, after unboxing, it takes 48 hours to reach the highest comfort level.

  • Material:  Foam mattress, bamboo cover
  • Weight:  8.74 pounds
  • Size:  58 x 24 x 3 inches unfolded; 24 x 19 x 9 folded
  • Recommended Age/Weight Limit : Not listed

Best Twin: Intex Dura-Beam Deluxe Air Mattress

The Intex Dura-Beam Standard Series Pillow Rest Raised Airbed is a good pick for families who want a larger travel bed without bumpers that’s a little higher off the floor (16.5 inches) than the toddler beds on this list. A  built-in pump  makes for easy assembly, since you just turn the panel to either inflate or deflate, and you’re done! When it needs a cleaning, just wipe down as needed. It also has a  built-in pillow rest , so you won’t have to pack an extra pillow for your kid when you travel.

The mattress comes with a duffel bag for storage and travel, but it's not the most compact, and the bag isn't as comfortable as others we tested.

  • Weight:  10.16 pounds
  • Size:  75 x 39 x 16.5 inches inflated
  • Recommended Age/Weight Limit:  Up to 300 pounds

To find the best toddler travel beds, we tested 20 travel beds and more than 20 pack-and-plays in the Parents Testing Lab, in our own homes, and on the road. We first tried to assemble the travel beds—with one hand, if possible. After that, we noted whether we needed to use both hands or had to get another adult to help. We also timed just how long the setup took for each bed. We then tested how well the toddler travel beds hold a toddler's weight using a 25-to-30-pound sandbag.

Next, we looked at how hard it would be to clean messes on the beds, examining hard-to-reach areas and taking note of the material and what it felt like to wipe it. We tested whether we could use a standard crib sheet as well, and then we tried to disassemble the beds one-handed. After breaking them down, we considered how long it took us and how difficult it was to place the beds inside their carry bags, if bags were included. Finally, we lifted the carrying bags to assess the beds’ portability. 

In addition to lab and real-world testing, we spoke with medical experts to gather their input on how to choose a toddler travel bed. We spoke to the following experts:

  • Anjuli Gans, M.D., a pediatrician at Karabots Pediatric Care Center, West Philadelphia
  • Lynelle Schneeberg , PsyD, a pediatric sleep psychologist and author

Parents / Leticia Almeida

Factors to Consider in a Toddler Travel Bed

  • Comfort:  As you’ve probably realized when getting a kid to sleep at home, comfort is key. Comfort for some toddlers may mean a favorite blanket, while others require a crib. Parents should consider various must-haves to make traveling easier and smoother when trekking across the country—or a few hours away—with your little one.
  • Safety:  Dr. Gans recommends researching products on the  Consumer Product Safety Commission  (CPSC) website to determine their safety and ensure that they haven't been recalled. When purchasing a crib or bassinet, parents of babies should also practice the same  safe sleeping rules  they implement at home. "Every toddler travel bed has age and weight requirements, so I would definitely check those first and make sure it matches up [with your toddler's age and weight]," she explains. Then, stick to simple beds without all the added features. "The less they have, the better.” Once you've narrowed down your selection to simple beds, make sure there are no bumpers or parts that can potentially trap your child, and check corner points and sharp corners. "Corner points are sometimes a place where kids can get clothing caught or get injured, so make sure it doesn't have sharp corners," explains Dr. Gans. "And remember that pillows and blankets are still [only] recommended for toddlers age 2 and over."
  • Ease of Use:  If you need a toddler travel bed that is easy to carry, quick to assemble, and doesn't require much work, then ease of use and portability must be considered when selecting a toddler travel bed. Some toddler travel beds can be assembled using one hand and only take minutes to assemble. That is very helpful if you arrive at a destination with a  sleeping or cranky tot . You may want to look for bags that allow hands-free carrying. Another consideration is whether the bed is easy to put in those bags so you don’t find yourself fighting to pack it back in when it’s time to go home. If you are in a situation where you don't have a toddler travel bed, don't worry. "If you are staying somewhere, and they allow you to request a crib, you can pull out the mattress and just lay it on the floor," Dr. Gans adds. "If it's in a safe place for your toddler, then it is perfectly fine. Make sure it is somewhere they can have adult supervision at all times and within eye view, because you may not be able to safety-proof rooms the way you can at home."

How can I keep my toddler in bed while traveling?

A pack-and-play or travel bed with inflatable bumpers (which are  not  recommended for babies, of course!) can help keep a toddler from rolling onto the floor. If your child is still sleeping in a crib at home, you will probably want to keep them in a pack-and-play or travel crib while traveling. You can also bring along some of their favorite items from home to help them want to stay in bed in a strange new place.

"The best thing to do when traveling is to bring along items from the child's home bedroom," recommends Dr. Schneeberg. "Parents can bring along the child's favorite pillow, 'bedtime buddy,' and favorite books, for example. If the child is used to a certain night-light or a  sound machine , these can be brought along as well."

Can my 2-year-old sleep in a travel cot?

Certain travel cots are appropriate for 2-year-olds, but young 2-year-olds who haven't yet  transitioned to a toddler bed  may be more comfortable and safer in more crib-like pack-and-plays or travel beds with safety rails.

Can I put my 3-year-old in a toddler cot?

Unless a manufacturer suggests otherwise (usually based on a child's weight or height), most toddler travel cots are appropriate for 3-year-olds who have already transitioned from a crib to a bed.

How much is a toddler travel bed?

A high-quality travel toddler bed will generally cost between $60 and $100, although some can be cheaper, and certain models can cost upwards of $200. Pricier travel beds often come with more accessories and features, although not every family will need extra bells and whistles.

Ambrosia V. Brody  is a California-based editor, journalist, and mother of three. She has worked as a professional journalist for more than 16 years. You can find her at the library, Starbucks, or the park with her kids when she isn't writing.

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Bedbugs: how do I avoid them when travelling?

Learn more about bedbugs.

Bedbugs can easily hide in luggage, clothing, and other personal items, so take a few precautions while travelling to keep them from coming home with you.

While travelling

  • Don't bring your pillow. It gives bedbugs another place to hide and a chance to come home with you.
  • Pack some large white sealable plastic garbage bags in case you need to separate any belongings while on the road.

On the road or in the air

  • Light-coloured plastic luggage is best, because bedbugs are less attracted to plastic and the lighter colour makes them easier to spot. If you have dark-coloured or cloth luggage, you could enclose the luggage in a white plastic garbage bag and seal it.

In the hotel room

  • What are they?
  • How do I prevent an infestation?
  • How do I get rid of them?
  • How do I make sure they don't come back?
  • Where do I go for more information?
  • Do a complete inspection of the room before bringing luggage, pets or other items in.
  • Do not put your luggage on the bed. Place your luggage on a tile floor (like in the bathroom), away from any upholstered (soft) surfaces.
  • Once you have checked the luggage stand (including where the straps are attached to the metal bars), keep your luggage on the stand instead of unpacking your belongings and placing them in the drawers.
  • Inspect the sleeping area. Slowly lift up each corner of the mattress and examine the creases and tufts of the mattress and box spring, behind the headboard and the wall behind the bed, the pillows, bed coverings and bed skirt, the bed frame and legs.
  • Use a flashlight to inspect the inside of the closet, paying special attention to any cracks or crevices.
  • During your stay, place your shoes in an open area. Do not store anything under the bed.
  • If you find signs of bedbugs, notify the front desk and ask for another room, or stay somewhere else. If you change rooms in the same hotel, make sure your new room is not next to the possibly infested room.

travelling bags on bed

When you return

  • Before bringing luggage into your home, place it on a hard surface away from any places bedbugs could crawl to and hide, and check it carefully.
  • Unpack your clothing and check personal items (like hairbrush and cosmetic case).
  • Wash all clothing and fabric items in hot water, regardless of whether you wore them or not.
  • Dry non-washable items in the clothes dryer on the highest heat for 30 minutes.
  • Vacuum your luggage. Throw out the vacuum bag in a sealed garbage bag right away. Wash any vacuum cleaner brush or nozzle attachments you used in hot water with detergent. For a bagless vacuum cleaner, empty the dust collector into a garbage bag, throw out the bag immediately, and also wash the dust collector in hot water with detergent.

At the Laundromat

  • Avoid bringing your laundry in a cloth bag unless you plan to wash and dry the bag. Use light-coloured plastic baskets that are easy to inspect when they are empty.
  • Do not set your laundry basket on the floor, or near the seating area or trash cans. Place your basket on top of the washer and check it thoroughly before putting clean laundry back into it.
  • Check any chairs before you sit down.
  • Check the table used for folding laundry before putting your clean laundry on it, or fold your clean laundry at home.

For more information on pesticide use and regulation, contact Health Canada's Pest Management Information Service .

travelling bags on bed

For more information

  • Health Canada Warns Canadians Not to Use Unregistered Bedbug Control Products
  • Stop Bedbugs! Start By Checking Your Room
  • Use pesticides safely
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)

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  • Backpacks, Totes + Small Bags

The 9 Best Foldable Travel Bags to Stash Just About Anywhere

Here are the best just-in-case bags to use on your next trip, including backpacks, totes, and more.

travelling bags on bed

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Travel + Leisure / Joy Kim

Whether you tend to pack light — and hate the idea of lugging around any more than necessary — or always seem to come back from vacation with more than you arrived with, foldable travel bags can come in quite handy. They typically don’t take up much space but the extra room they provide makes all the difference. The best ones come in an array of shapes, sizes, and silhouettes at any price point — which means options abound, depending on your specific needs and preferences. 

To help narrow things down, we’ve gathered testing insights for our favorite foldable travel bags, plus researched others from brands like Baggu, Away, Lipault, and more. Our top picks combine fashion and function, while prioritizing key features like durability and portability at the same time. 

Best Overall

Paravel fold-up backpack.

Made with water-resistant nylon, this lightweight backpack offers plenty of built-in organization, making it ideal for those on the go.

The soft material means that larger items can sag down or poke out noticeably.

If you’re looking to dip a toe into folding bags for travel, it’s hard to get more practical than the Paravel Fold-up Backpack. Whether you’re using it at your destination or as your in-flight personal item, it’s roomy enough to hold an extra pair of clothes, a 15-inch laptop, and more in the main compartment, plus small essentials such as chargers, a smartphone, and travel documents in the zippered front pouch. There's an interior zip pocket to keep smaller items separated and safe like keys or a wallet, as well. 

We’ve used this bag on our travels and as a personal item and love that the back pocket doubles as a luggage sleeve as needed. It’s also worth mentioning that its lightweight, water-resistant nylon material is made from 15 upcycled plastic bottles. 

When it’s time to unpack, just fold and zip the backpack up into itself — with no extra pouch (to lose). Coming in six colors including canyon yellow, safari red, and scuba navy, you can also opt for personalized initial embroidery to add a custom touch to the shade of your choice.

The Details: 13 x 16 x 9 inches (unfolded); 6 x 6.5 x 2.5 inches (folded) | 0.63 pounds | Nylon

Travel + Leisure / Jhett Thompson

Away The Packable Carryall

It folds down very small compared to its size when open.

The nylon material is ultra-thin and the bag has minimal structure.

Coming in at 43 liters, Away’s Packable Carryall is spacious enough to hold pretty much all of your essentials, from clothes to books to a laptop. It weighs around half a pound and folds down to around 4 x 6 inches, making it a compact and lightweight secondary bag, too. With that in mind, we recommend packing this inside your main carry-on or checked bag to use as a backup personal item for souvenirs and other travel trinkets. While the carrying strap is thick, we did find the bag itself lacks the structure that would allow it to stand on its own (so, if you set it down with your items inside, they all melt toward the ground). On a similar note, although the built-in luggage sleeve can come in handy, you’d have to make sure to pack well — with weighty things in the middle — to keep the bag from slipping off your suitcase.

Despite how thin the recycled nylon construction (which comes in four colors) is, it does happen to be water-resistant, making it an excellent choice for the beach or pool. Alternatively, because it’s so spacious inside, it could also serve as an overnighter or weekender bag as part of a longer trip. 

The Details: 15 x 19.7 x 9 inches (unfolded); 6.3 x 4.3 x 2.4 inches (folded) | 8.8 ounces (with pouch), 8 ounces (without pouch) | Nylon

Travel + Leisure / Joy Kim

Best Expandable Bag

Longchamp le pliage expandable travel bag.

This chic bag, which expands in height up to 20 inches, can be carried several ways, making it among the most versatile picks on this list. 

Overpackers may be burdened by how heavy it gets when stuffed with weighty items.

We’re big fans of Longchamp bags in general, and the Le Pliage Expandable Travel Bag in particular for its ability to be expanded and contracted in a matter of seconds. Leather trimming adds extra flair whether you’re using it as a daily bag at its shorter 14-inch height, or fully expanded at 20.5 inches for a trip instead. In fact, our team has used the bag in both sizes on nearly every occasion: A three-week trip to Europe, weekend visits to the beach, strolling around on hot summer days, long road trips, plane rides, or as an everyday purse.

This bag pulls double duty as both a handheld and hands-free bag thanks to top handles and a long adjustable strap (for crossbody or shoulder carrying instead). Meanwhile, the interior lining and zippered closure offer an extra sense of security, protecting against leaks and other mishaps. We found the nylon material incredibly easy to clean in the event of spilled water, coffee, or even food. We especially love how easy it is to use just about anytime since it folds up into a small square that can be thrown into another bag, perfect for trips where you return home with more than when you left.

The Details: 17.75 x 9 x 14-20.5 inches (unfolded) | 1.56 pounds | Nylon with leather details

Travel + Leisure / Jessica Juliao

Best Duffel

Tumi voyageur just in case duffel.

This versatile duffel can be carried four different ways. 

The bag can feel flimsy if not filled completely. 

First off, there are not one, not two, but four different ways to carry the Tumi Just in Case Duffel — crossbody with one long strap, over-the-shoulder (with two medium-sized straps), by hand (with two additional two straps), and, lastly, hands-free (thanks to the sleeve, which slides onto your suitcase). Also, when fully open, the storage pouch actually snaps inside the duffel bag, serving as an extra interior pocket that’s roomy enough to store keys, a wallet, headphones, and other small but essential travel items. This clever design is especially noteworthy because, in many cases, the folding bags’ storage case ends up 1) becoming wasted space and 2) is only too easy to lose. An additional front slip pocket also offers easy access to essentials such as your smartphone, ID, and boarding pass. 

Additionally, despite the bag’s seemingly compact size, it offers a surprising amount of storage space: In fact, we were able to fit four dresses, two shoes, a pair of pajamas, and a toiletry bag — with room to spare! Available in four colors, this foldable duffel is constructed with lightweight nylon, which is water- and stain-resistant. Shoppers also have the option to add embroidery for an extra-special personalized touch. 

The Details: 10.3 x 18.9 x 10.3 inches (unfolded) | 1.1 pounds | Nylon 

Travel + Leisure / Morgan Ashley Parker

Best Water-repellent

Caraa baby hospital bag.

Made of water-repellent cotton, this oversized bag can be carried as a backpack or tote thanks to its long cushy straps. 

At around $300, this foldable bag isn’t exactly a bargain.

Don’t be fooled by its name: The Caraa Baby Hospital Bag is so much more than a hospital bag — in fact, this chic foldable bag is especially ideal for travel. The ultra-spacious bag is outfitted with several compartments, including a zippered interior pocket for magazines and other in-flight reading materials and two zippered side pockets that are roomy enough to hold shoes, water bottles, tablets, and more. The interior also features a water-repellent cotton lining to protect your belongings from accidental spillage. 

Travelers can carry the bag by the straps, which feature a fashionable bow detailing. It’s also worth mentioning that the straps are long enough for the bag to be worn as a backpack or carried like a tote bag. When not in use, simply roll, fold, and stash the bag away in the corresponding pouch. Oh, and did we mention it’s machine-washable, too?

The Details: 12 x 24 x 14 inches (unfolded) | 2.2 pounds | Cotton

Best Budget

Baggu nylon ripstop tote.

This machine-washable reusable tote can hold up to 50 pounds. 

There are no zippers. 

Baggu’s signature reusable tote is an editor favorite for its ultra-lightweight construction, and affordable price. In fact, several T+L staffers rarely leave home for vacation — or the day! — without one. The compact design, which folds into the corresponding pouch for convenient storage, is an added bonus. Despite the fact that it weighs less than 2 ounces, this one-of-a-kind bag is sturdy enough to hold up to 50 pounds, and we've used the same one for over nine years. It’s also machine-washable and made with recycled nylon so leaky groceries or drippy sightseeing lunches are no problem at all. Lastly, the durable bag is available in 20 colors and patterns to suit anyone’s style preferences from pistachio green to a raspberry print. 

The Details: 25.5 x 15.5 × 6 inches (unfolded); 5 x 5 inches (folded) | 1.9 ounces | Nylon

Best Suitcase

Lipault foldable plume cabin.

We can fold this down and pack an extra carry-on inside our checked luggage.

The collapsable material doesn't hold its shape very well when unfolded.

If you’re planning on bringing home a lot of souvenirs, you might want something sturdier than a duffle bag or a backpack. That’s where the Lipault Foldable Plume Cabin comes in: this bag works as a standard carry-on but can be folded to a more compact size at the touch of a button. It features two wheels instead of four, which can make it a little more difficult to maneuver but allows you to collapse the bag with minimal bulk. This also helps to keep the bag lightweight, which is helpful when packing it in a larger suitcase.

Although the bag is light enough to break down, it’s sturdy and durable, so you don’t have to worry about transporting it through the airport. Inside, you’ll find one bottom compartment and three pockets for organization in addition to a single exterior pocket. We like the versatility of this bag and appreciate that we can stash it at the bottom of our checked luggage to have an extra suitcase to use on the way home. The foldable design also makes this easy to store at home – just compress it, then slide it under the bed or into a closet until your next trip.

The Details: 8.7 x 21.7 x 14.6 inches (unfolded) | 5.2 pounds | Nylon

Best Sling Bag

Away the packable sling bag.

This bag takes up hardly any room when folded, so it's a no-brainer to pack.

It's on the larger size for a sling bag when unfolded.

A sling bag is a great travel companion, keeping small items like your phone and wallet easily accessible. The Packable Sling Bag from Away folds up and fits into a small zip pouch when not in use, so it’s easy to throw into your suitcase before a trip. It’s lightweight (under four ounces without the carrying pouch) so it’s an ideal second bag option to tote along on long travel days. But don’t let its weight fool you – heavy-duty nylon keeps it sturdy and durable, so you can trust it to carry your phone, wallet, keys, and other valuables.

This sling bag has other features we like to see in our bags, including an adjustable strap to accommodate various sizes, an interior organization pocket, and a zip closure to prevent items from falling out. The bag is also water-resistant, so it can stand up to a walk in the rain from the airport to the bus stop.

The Details: 12.6 x 5.9 x 2.4 inches (unfolded); 3.7 x 5.5 x 2.4 inches (folded) | 3.2 ounces | Nylon

Best Mini Backpack

Paravel mini fold-up backpack.

This lightweight yet sturdy bag contains multiple zippered pockets for organization.

The straps are difficult to adjust when the backpack is on.

Whether it’s being used for traveling or running errands, we loved this mini backpack from Paravel for its compact yet sturdy design. Made from water-resistant nylon, this compact backpack folds flat and can be stored in a small pouch between uses, making it easy to throw into another bag before heading out. Some folding bags can feel like a puzzle but during testing we found that this was a cinch to close back up – just two folds and a zip. The material felt high-quality but still lightweight, and we were impressed to find zippered pockets inside and outside – something we don’t always see in folding bags.

During our lab tests, we found this mini bag could fit a water bottle, hand sanitizer, wallet, keys, phone, and two T-shirts easily. Even when stuffed full, the backpack was comfortable to wear thanks to soft straps that didn’t chafe or rub. We did find it difficult to adjust the straps while the backpack was on, but this wasn’t an issue once we found our ideal size the first time.

The Details: 10 x 12 x 6 inches (unfolded); 4.5 x 5 x 2 inches (folded) | 7.04 ounces | Recycled nylon

Travel + Leisure / Tamara Staples

Tips for Buying Foldable Travel Bags

Decide how much space you need.

While shopping for folding travel bags, it’s important to consider how much room you’ll need for gear and other essentials. For example, if you want it for everyday use, you’ll want to prioritize a smaller bag you can easily carry as backup. If you tend to take a fair amount of shorter weekend trips, you likely won’t need a large piece of luggage. Instead, you can probably get away with a duffel bag , travel backpack , or even a large tote. On the other hand, if you often embark on longer trips, buying a larger bag, like a compressible checked suitcase, is a good idea.

Consider how compact the bag gets

As you narrow down your top picks for foldable travel bags, you’ll want to take into account how compact they actually get — because, in this case, size truly does matter. Can the bag fold small enough to fit in your pocket or purse? If it’s a bulkier piece, such as a rolling suitcase, make sure it can fold flat for easy storage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Foldable bags function the same way as standard bags, except they’re even more convenient for travel. Put simply, what you can fit inside all depends on the size and type of foldable travel bag you’ve purchased. The folded bags can be carried inside another day bag while at your destination, and used for souvenirs, groceries, and other purchases. For fuss-free organization, consider snagging one equipped with built-in zippered or slip pockets to maximize space. 

Foldable travel bags come in an array of shapes and sizes. With this in mind, it’s worth flagging that foldable travel bags can serve as a carry-on or personal item , depending on the specific one you’ve purchased. Just keep in mind that in order for your foldable travel bag to count as a personal item (as opposed to a carry-on) it has to fit underneath the seat in front of you. As always, check with your carrier before bringing it on board.

Why Trust Travel + Leisure

For this article, T+L contributor Lauren Dana Ellman used her personal experience as a freelance travel writer and editor to choose the very best foldable bags for every type of trip. 

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travelling bags on bed

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travelling bags on bed

MSU Extension

Keep bed bugs from moving in after travel.

Cathy Newkirk, Michigan State University Extension - March 14, 2013

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Follow these important steps if you encounter bed bugs in your travels.

When traveling for spring break, summer vacation or business, it’s important to check for bed bugs anytime you stay in a hotel, motel, resort or other place that has lots of visitors. If you find bed bugs or signs of bed bugs after conducting an inspection or after sleeping in the room, let the management know. Ask for another room – One that doesn’t share a wall with the room you just vacated.

If you encounter bed bugs while traveling, then you will need to take some immediate precautions to avoid potentially bringing them home with you. It is a good idea to put all of your belongings into sealed plastic bags. It is possible that bed bugs may have crawled into your belongings or luggage if they were stored near the bed; placing the items in bags will keep the bed bugs from dropping out where you don’t want them. If you can, place items that can be laundered through a dryer on medium or high-heat for at least 30 minutes. This will kill any bugs or eggs in those items. Place them back in clean, sealed plastic bags.

When arriving home, unpack your bags in some location other than the bedroom, such as the garage, mud room, laundry room, or foyer, for example. Any non-clothing items that may have come in contact with bed bugs should not be brought into the house at all. Depending on the item, it can be treated with heat or cold. You may be tempted to throw away your luggage and/or clothing after discovering a bed bug infestation, but that isn’t necessary. Heat treatments are effective at killing bed bugs. More information about heat treatments is included later in this article.

Unpack suitcases on a hard surface under bright light so you can see any bed bugs. Clothing should be placed directly from the sealed plastic bags into the laundry. Wash on the highest heat setting that the clothing can handle. Ideally the water temperature should be 100 degrees Fahrenheit to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Dry on medium or high heat as well, and keep the items in the dryer at that setting for at least 30 minutes . Items that can’t be laundered can be put directly into the dryer at medium to high heat for 30 minutes .

If you have items that need to be dry cleaned, put them in a sealed plastic bag, and tell your dry cleaner that the items may have bed bugs. The items can be kept in the plastic bags until just before being loaded into the dry cleaning machines .

Once the items inside your suitcase have been taken care of, it’s time to inspect your luggage. Use a flashlight to check seams, folds and pockets for bugs or eggs. Vacuum the suitcase using a brush and crevice tool attachment. Once finished, enclose the vacuum bag or the dirt into a plastic bag sealed with tape. The suitcase can then be washed with hot soapy water or other common household cleaners. Use a scrub brush along the seams and folds. You may also wish to use a household or industrial steamer to heat-treat the luggage. Commercial products are also available for frequent travelers that heat-treat the luggage and contents.

If you encounter bed bugs in your travels there is no need to panic! Just follow these steps to keep them from moving in to your home with you when you return.

Michigan State University Extension has partnered with the Michigan Department of Community Health to address the bed bug issue. For information on how to prevent or treat bed bug infestations, visit the Michigan Department of Community Health website, .

This article was published by Michigan State University Extension . For more information, visit . To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit . To contact an expert in your area, visit , or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464).

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Summer travel season is here. Not to make you itch, but here's how to check for bedbugs

travelling bags on bed

The summer travel season has kicked off.

With that comes stays in hotels, motels, vacation homes , any place that isn’t your own, which means there’s a potential of exposure to – brace yourself — bedbugs.

These pesky, little things can cause big headaches and lots of trouble if you encounter them. Best to be informed and on the lookout when you arrive at your destination, rather than experience a case of red, itchy skin.

Now that we have your skin crawling, here’s the 411 on bedbugs.

W hat are b edbugs ?

Scientifically known as cimex lectularius, these bugs are said to have originated in Europe, the Middle East or India, and moved across the world as humans did, according to Center for Invasive Species Research.   

They are little, brown, oval-shaped bugs that have six legs and antennas. They move quickly and reproduce a lot. Their lifespan is only 6-12 months, but during that timeframe females produce 200-500 eggs.

Bedbugs feed off human and animal blood. They usually bite at night when people are sleeping. Most people often are not aware when they are being bitten .

How to spot bedbugs when you’re traveling

Check all those little crevasses and hidden spots. Think seams of bedsheets, chair cushions, folds of mattresses, piping along curtains or headboards – any dark, cozy, tight areas .

Also be aware of a musty, slightly sweet odor, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Also look for reddish stains from bedbugs being smashed.

Lucky for all the summer travelers, bed bugs thrive in warmer months. They cannot fly and rely on people or things, like clothing or suitcases, to get from place to place.

How to tell if you’ve been bitten by bedbugs

Bedbug bites usually appear on areas of the skin that are exposed while sleeping , like the face, neck or hands. The bites are typically small, itchy red bumps.

If you have been bitten, you can expect the irritation and symptoms to last about a week, according to Over-the-counter medicines, such as antihistamines or itch creams can help provide relief.

It’s believed bedbugs do not transmit illnesses and diseases, however, you should not scratch the bites because it could lead to infection.

What to do if you have a bedbug infestation

High heat of 120 degrees Fahrenheit will kill bedbugs. It’s recommended to wash all clothes and bedding in hot water for 30 minutes and then dry the items on high heat for another 30 minutes.

Any mattresses, couches or other areas where bedbugs may have been hiding should be steam cleaned.

Worst bedbug cities in the nation, according to Orkin

  • No. 1 Chicago
  • No. 2 New York
  • No. 3 Philadelphia
  • No. 4 Cleveland-Akron, OH
  • No. 5 Los Angeles
  • No. 6 Detroit
  • No 7. Washington, D.C.
  • No. 8 Indianapolis
  • No. 9 Charlotte
  • No. 10 Champaign, IL
  • No. 11 Columbus, OH
  • No. 12 Cincinnati
  • No. 13 Atlanta
  • No. 14 Grand Rapids, MI
  • No. 15 Denver
  • No. 16 Baltimore
  • No. 17 Richmond, VA
  • No. 18 Greensboro, N.C.
  • No. 19 St. Louis
  • No. 20 Youngstown

Spitzer is a Trending Reporter. She can be reached at [email protected].

We've been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our review process.

best sheets

The Best Sheets For Your Bed

The most comfortable, high-quality sheet sets (that also don't cost a fortune).

Luxe Sateen Core Sheet Set

Best Overall Sheets

Brooklinen luxe sateen core sheet set.

400 Thread Count Sateen Sheet Set

Best Value Sheets

California design den 400 thread count sateen sheet set.

Iconic Collection Microfiber Sheet Set

Best Microfiber Sheets

Mellanni iconic collection microfiber sheet set.

Legends Hotel Wrinkle-Free Sheets

Softest Sheets

The company store legends hotel wrinkle-free sheets.

Performance Sheet Set

Best Cooling Sheets for Hot Sleepers

Slumber cloud performance sheet set.

Silky Tencel Sheet Set

Best Silky Sheets

West elm silky tencel sheet set.

Pima Cotton Percale Sheet Set

Best Percale Sheets

L.l.bean pima cotton percale sheet set.

Microfiber Sheet Set

Best Sheets on Amazon

Amazon basics microfiber sheet set.

Organic Cotton Sheet Set

Best Luxury Sheets

Riley organic cotton sheet set.

Organic Cotton Bed Sheets

Best Organic Sheets

Delilah home organic cotton bed sheets.

If it seems like there are endless bed sheet options to choose from when you shop, we hear you: We've tested over 300 sheet sets in recent years. Good sheets should feel comfortable, remain durable and offer temperature regulation, depending on your needs. It also doesn't hurt to have ones that look great and are easy to make on the bed.

You can find more information about how we rigorously test sheets, how to shop for your perfect set and other helpful tips at the end of this guide. Read on to learn more about the best sheets to buy for your bed, with prices listed for Queen size.

Material: 100% cotton sateen | Colors: 9 options, plus seasonal colors available | Sizes: Twin, Twin XL, Full, Queen, King, California King

This popular set is consistently an excellent performer in our tests and has an easy online shopping platform with free shipping. The smooth cotton fabric comes in a variety of neutral colors and prints, with limited edition options added regularly. Brooklinen has a variety of sheet offerings available (including a cotton percale ), but the Luxe Sateen set is its bestseller and our favorite because of its durability and positive feedback from users. In fact, it earned the Good Housekeeping Seal (meaning we stand behind it with our limited warranty) and it's the set I prefer on my own bed.

As a bonus, making my bed is easier with this set thanks to clever tabs labeled "long side" and "short side" on the fitted sheet. The brand offers a lenient any-reason return policy for an entire year (minus a $9.95 return fee), so there's low risk in trying it out. The fitted sheet is 15 inches deep which should be generous enough to fit most mattresses, though it may be a tighter fit on taller models or beds with mattress toppers .

TESTING NOTES: We found the fabric to be durable across the board in our Lab tests: It was strong, didn't pill easily and held up well to repeated laundering. Testers liked its basic, no-frills construction and shared comments like, "These are a classic sateen sheet — soft and smooth," and, "I really liked the material they were made of. It was a much softer material without being a silk sheet. They feel nice on my skin."

READ OUR FULL REVIEW: These Luxury Brooklinen Sheets Are Actually Worth the Hype

Material: 100% cotton sateen | Colors: 35 options | Sizes: Twin, Twin XL, Full, Queen, King, California King, Split King, plus six-piece sets with extra pillowcases

This one is hands down your best bet on a budget. I t's hard to find any cotton sheets for under $100, let alone any that perform as well as this set. The sheets feel substantial with a good weight and the fabric is comfortable with a balance between soft and crisp. I regularly recommend this set to friends and family, and they always tell me they're thrilled with the purchase after trying it out. It's also popular on Amazon with over 70,000 reviews and an average 4.5-star rating.

It comes in a wide range of colors, patterns and sizes to fit just about any bed. You can purchase pillowcases separately if you need extras (a simple yet genius offering that we don't always see with popular sheet sets!). The brand says it's made to fit mattresses ranging from 8- to 16-inches tall, and our testers found that to be true in their reviews.

TESTING NOTES: Most of our reviewers loved the feel of these sheets and provided feedback like, "I like the weight and quality of the fabric. It also had a nice sheen and a smooth feel." One tester said they weren't quite as soft as other sheets she's slept on but noted, "I liked the shape and fit of these better than any other sheets I've tried. There wasn't any additional fabric that bunched or came untucked easily." In Textiles Lab tests, we especially loved how this set could be washed in warm water (which is better for keeping your sheets clean ). It had average scores for fabric strength but perfect ratings in our pill-resistance tests, meaning you're less likely to see those unsightly balls on the surface.

Material: 100% polyester microfiber | Colors: 45 options | Sizes: Twin, Twin XL, Full, Queen, King, California King, Split King, plus extra deep options for taller mattresses

If you're looking for something less expensive and smoother than cotton, this best-selling Amazon sheet set is a great option. I first tested it years ago because of its popularity and low cost — and it continues to be a top performer year after year. The set stands out for its soft, buttery feel, and it has over 320,000 reviews from real users . On top of that, it comes in variations to fit a wide range of bed sizes — with options for split or extra deep mattresses — plus dozens of colors and prints.

Besides having a smooth feel, the polyester material also helps keep it durable and easy to care for. Just keep in mind that the synthetic fabric might not be as substantial or breathable as natural cotton, and those who prefer a crisp sheet might find the fabric too soft.

TESTING NOTES: Our panel loved the comfy feel and shared comments like "extremely soft," "smooth and luxurious" and "silky and lightweight" in a feel test. Some noted that it felt thinner than other sheets in a blind comparison, but that can be expected for this material. One at-home tester described them by saying, " I like the softness and smoothness of these sheets. My body felt like it was gliding over them as I moved." In Lab tests, the sheets were generously sized on our sample bed, hardly shrunk in the wash and stood up to pilling tests.

RELATED: Top-Tested Microfiber Sheets For a Smooth and Cozy Feel

Material: 100% cotton sateen | Colors: 17 options | Sizes: Twin, Twin XL, Full, Queen, King, California King, plus deep pocket options

This high-quality set has one of the softest cotton fabrications you can find. Some ultra-soft sheets made from polyester and rayon feel noticeably thinner, but this sateen fabric is thicker and made with Supima cotton, a premium fiber grown in the U.S. It also comes in plenty of colors to match any bedroom.

Another perk: If you prefer to build your own set, you can purchase the fitted sheet , flat sheet and pillowcases separately, with the option for a deep-pocket version that fits mattresses up to 20 inches tall. You can even request a free swatch from its customer service if you want to see and feel the fabric before you buy it.

TESTING NOTES: This fabric earned a higher softness rating than other cotton sheets in a side-by-side comparison test. One tester described it as "buttery soft and very luxurious without being slippery." In fact, several testers told us they wanted to buy these sheets after feeling them. The fabric was also strong and shrink-resistant in our tests, though it did show some pilling after the fabrics were rubbed together and some creases after laundering, despite the "Wrinkle-Free" claim in the name.

RELATED: The Softest Sheets for a Blissful Bed

Material: 60% Tencel lyocell, 40% Outlast viscose | Colors: 4 options | Sizes: Twin, Twin XL, Full, Queen, King, California King

If you sleep hot or experience night sweats, this cooling sheet set can help keep you cool and dry all night . The fabric is a blend of moisture-wicking Tencel lyocell and viscose with Outlast technology, which uses phase-change materials to store and release your body heat, thereby keeping your temperature regulated at night. Besides its cooling features, it's also incredibly soft and smooth against skin.

The brand offers a 60-day any-reason return period, meaning you can get a full refund if you don't love the set after sleeping on it. Just note that this set only comes in white, grey, blue or tan.

TESTING NOTES: At-home reviewers unanimously said they stayed at a comfortable body temperature throughout the night while sleeping on this set. The fabric also earned high ratings for softness and overall comfort from our panel, who told us they wanted to continue using it on their beds. One tester also noted, "I didn't have trouble making the bed, and the elastics on the fitted sheet were functional and didn't shift in the night." The fabric held up to wash testing without shrinkage, though it wasn't as durable as other materials in our fabric strength evaluations.

RELATED: The Best Cooling Sheets to Prevent Overheating

Material: 100% Tencel lyocell | Colors: 10 options | Sizes: Full, Queen, King, California King

Lyocell is a type of rayon that's super trendy in bedding because it feels substantially softer and smoother than cotton , and Tencel is a brand of lyocell that's known for its sustainable production practices. West Elm's set is made entirely from Tencel and outperformed over a dozen other rayon sheets in our evaluations .

The fabric is both lightweight and moisture-wicking (great for managing night sweats!). Besides its sustainable sourcing, it's also made at a Fair Trade Certified factory. I've used this set many times on my bed at home and can attest to its softness, though it certainly doesn't feel quite as substantial or crisp as cotton.

TESTING NOTES: Despite being lightweight, the fabric proved to be strong and pill-resistant when we tested it with our Lab equipment. It experienced slight shrinkage that was on par with sheet sets made with similar fabrics. During sleep testing, users loved that it was cooling and soft without feeling too slippery.

Material: 100% cotton percale | Colors: 9 options | Sizes: Twin, Twin XL, Full, Queen, King, California King

Percale sheets are ideal for anyone who prefers a light and crisp feel instead of a silky smooth one, but they sometimes get a bad rap for feeling rough. This luxe set stood out for outperforming other percale fabrics, both in our Lab and with consumer testers.

It's made of premium Pima cotton, which uses longer cotton fibers for more softness, and it has a simple weave that offers good breathability. It's also more affordable than other premium cotton sets on the market. Besides its range of solid colors, the set is also available in prints at a slightly higher cost.

TESTING NOTES: Lab analysts were all impressed by the set's durability after the fabric held up to strenuous strength, shrinkage and pilling evaluations. And while some percale sheets wrinkle easily, these became noticeably less creased than others. One tester who felt the fabric in a blinded comparison described it as feeling "like quality hotel sheets" and said, "It also feels a bit cool to the touch, which I like. I would love these sheets in my home."

RELATED: The Best Airy and Crisp Percale Sheets

Material: 100% polyester microfiber | Colors: 30 options | Sizes: Twin, Twin XL, Full, Queen, King, California King

If you're looking to spend as little as possible, you can find popular sheets on Amazon that'll help you save. In fact, this set from Amazon's own brand is a total steal under $20. Similar to the Mellanni set, the polyester microfiber has an incredibly smooth feel which the brand describes as a "peach-like finish." The synthetic fiber also has built-in shrink- and wrinkle-resistant properties .

On top of that, it comes in tons of colors and has nearly 400,000 reviews with an average 4.5-star rating. With its low cost and impressive feedback, it's an ideal set for anyone on a budget.

TESTING NOTES: Despite its low cost, this was another top performer in our tests thanks to its durable material, meaning you can expect it to hold up to long-term use. And while some testers thought these sheets felt thin and flimsy compared to others, most raved about the smoothness, with one calling it "soft and lightweight."

RELATED: The Best Sheets to Buy on Amazon

Material: 100% cotton sateen | Colors: 5 options | Sizes: Twin, Twin XL, Full, Queen, King, California King

Riley's splurge-worthy set uses an indulgent sateen weave, long-staple cotton (ideal for smooth and durable fabrics) and a combing technique so there are no short fibers to poke you. The result is a sturdy yet soft fabric that impressed our testers and analysts alike.

Besides its quality material, this set was also beloved for its convenience features, like its side envelope-closure pillowcases, "top" and "bottom" tabs on the fitted sheet and generous sizing that fits even tall mattresses. Just note that while the set is made of organic cotton, without proper certification, we weren't able to verify that the entire production process follows organic standards. We also notice that it typically has some sizes and colors listed as out of stock.

TESTING NOTES: Testers especially loved that these sheets were comfortable yet still lightweight. One even highlighted how they felt "more breathable than most sateen sheets." And while cotton sheets tend to wrinkle easily, these resisted creases better than other sets in our Lab's evaluations. Beyond that, they held up to washing with minimal shrinkage and didn't pill during our durability tests.

Material: 100% organic cotton sateen | Colors: 3 options | Sizes: Twin, Twin XL, Full, Queen, King, California King, Split King

Good news: You don't have to spend a fortune or sacrifice quality to go green. Smooth luxury sheets that are truly organic can cost several hundred dollars, but this set is GOTS-certified and costs less than $200.

The GOTS certification is especially important because it means the entire manufacturing process is organic, not just the way the cotton is grown. This set doesn't come in a wide of variety colors like some others, but it is available in neutral hues to go with almost any bedroom palette. You can also purchase extra pillowcases and a matching duvet cover to complete your set.

TESTING NOTES: This fabric outperformed other organic sheets in our series of tests. Though the sheets did see some shrinkage and creases after washing, the sateen fabric proved to be both soft and strong in Lab and consumer evaluations. Sateen sheets tend to be thicker, but one tester noted of these, "I love the lightweight feel and overall smoothness."

RELATED: The Best Organic Sheets for Eco-Conscious Shoppers

Coyuchi Organic Crinkled Percale Sheets

Organic Crinkled Percale Sheets

Material: 100% organic cotton percale | Colors: 12 options | Sizes: Twin, Full, Queen, King, California King

This sheet set stands out for being GOTS-certified organic as well as crisp and breathable thanks to its airy percale weave. It's ideal for people who like a relaxed, lived-in look and feel for their bed as opposed to one with super crisp fabric; the brand uses a special process to achieve its unique crinkled texture.

Besides its GOTS certification, it's also Fair Trade Certified , which focuses on ethics throughout the supply chain. So even though this one's a bit pricier than others, the brand works to improve the wages and working conditions at the farms and factories where it's produced.

TESTING NOTES: At-home users praised the comfort and aesthetics. One user even described it as "soft, luxurious and yet crisp and cool." The fabric also held up to in-Lab laundering tests with hardly any shrinkage. It did show some pilling, and the fabric looked creased after washing, but that's expected for these "crinkled" sheets and their casual appearance.

Cuddledown Hotel Sateen Sheet Set

Hotel Sateen Sheet Set

Material: 100% cotton sateen | Colors: White with 10 color embroidery options | Sizes: Twin, Full, Queen, King

If you love the elegant and smooth look of a hotel bed, this sateen set has a wrinkle-resistant finish that keeps it looking smoother than other cotton fabrics. And while there are sometimes concerns around chemicals like formaldehyde in wrinkle-resistant fabrics, this one is Oeko-Tex certified so you know it's been tested to ensure there are no unsafe levels in the fabric.

The cotton is also combed, which means short fibers are removed so it feels extra soft. It comes in white with various options for colored stitching as a decorative accent, and the brand says these sheets are used in luxury hotels throughout the country.

TESTING NOTES: Compared to other cotton sheets, this set had the smoothest appearance after laundering. Our testers also said the fabric had a smooth feel and gave it high softness ratings in a blind comparison . The fabric wasn't the strongest in our test, but it still proved to be durable overall, and the set was generously sized, fitting our test mattress with room to spare.

RELATED: The Best Hotel Sheets for a Five-Star Bed

Novelty sheet sets to consider

line break

Besides the traditional sheet fabrics described in this article, there are also some non-traditional materials on the market that I recommend trying if you're interested in a unique feel.

  • Best Flannel Sheets: The Garnet Hill Hemstitched Supima Flannel Sheet set performed better than any other flannel set in our test. It's made of 100% cotton and is brushed on both sides to trap warmth and provide ultimate softness. In fact, it earned a perfect softness score from sleep testers. It pilled easily, which is typical for flannel fabrics but was fairly strong in our durability evaluations.
  • Best Brushed Sheets: The Parachute Home Brushed Cotton Sheet Set is ideal if you want the softness of flannel sheets without the warmth. Its fuzzy texture gives it a cozy feel that the brand describes as feeling like "your favorite lived-in T-shirt." It also was more durable than flannel, and testers liked how soft it was compared to traditional percale fabrics.
  • Best Linen Sheets: We recently tested the The Citizenry's Stonewashed Linen Sheet Set and it outperformed all other linen sheets in at-home consumer evaluations. Users especially loved the comfort, appearance and temperature-regulation, with one adding, "I like these sheets more than other linen sheets I have slept on."
  • Best Hemp Sheets: The Tuft & Needle Hemp Sheet Set has the unique texture of linen sheets but feels substantially softer. It's pricey — a Queen set costs $270 — but hemp is considered sustainable because it doesn't require as much water to grow. Testers gave it nearly perfect ratings across the board, though it's less ideal for people who prefer the traditional feel of cotton.
  • Best Jersey Sheets: Most bed sheets are woven, but jersey sheets are knit and feel more like comfy apparel fabrics. The Pact Organic Favorite Tee Jersey Sheet Set was a top performer in our most recent jersey sheet test. It earned high softness ratings in a blind comparison and good resistance to both wrinkling and shrinkage in Lab tests.

How we test sheets

an instron machine testing fabric strength of a sheet swatch at the good housekeeping institute, part of good housekeeping's best sheets test

We've put over 300 bed sheets through the wringer in recent years, both in our Textiles Lab and with consumers to see how comfortable they feel and how well they'll hold up over time. Here's what we consider when we test sheets in our Labs:

  • Fabric strength : As part of our durability evaluations, our specialized machine called an Instron (pictured here) pulls swatches of fabric until they break, letting us know how sturdy each material is.

best sheets

  • Washability: Each sheet is repeatedly washed according to its care label and gets scored multiple times on both shrinkage and appearance after laundering.
  • Wrinkle resistance: Immediately after the sheet dries, each one is taken to our specialized lighting room and visually measured for wrinkles and creases following industry standards.

best sheets

  • Softness : Dozens of consumer testers feel and rate each fabric in a blind comparison (pictured here), which occurs after laundering to remove any leftover finishes from production. Fabrics are compared against similar constructions — e.g., sateen sheets, percale sheets, linen sheets, etc.
  • Sleep tests: Our panel of reviewers try out sheets for several weeks at a time, weighing in with feedback like the ease of making the bed, softness, comfort, temperature regulation, appearance and overall satisfaction. They also share responses to open-ended questions, which gives us more insight into their experiences.

best sheets

  • Pilling resistance: We use our abrasion machine (pictured here) to rub swatches together, which mimics tossing and turning as well as regular wear and tear. We then visibly score signs of pilling against textile industry standards.
  • Other factors: We also check measurements to see how well the sheets fit onto a mattress and consider any special specifications, from cooling features to organic claims.

What type of sheet is the best quality?


The best sheet quality is 100% cotton sateen, based on extensive Lab data and consumer feedback scores. This fabric tends to have the best balance of durability and comfort. Also keep an eye out for long staple cotton (meaning the fibers are longer and more uniform) and combed cotton (meaning shorter fibers have been "combed" away), which makes the fabric even softer and more durable. That being said, shopping for sheets is largely based on your personal preferences, so read on to ensure you're finding the right fit for your needs.

How to choose your best sheet set

line break

The two most important aspects of a bed sheet are the fiber content and the construction. Here's the difference between the two:

  • Fiber content tells you what the sheet is made of and it's the first thing you should look at when you shop. You can find the fiber content on the website listing or product packaging, and all fabrics should be labeled with their fiber content on the product tags.
  • Construction tells you how the fabric is built (regardless of the fibers used) and has a major effect on how the sheets feel. Most brands list the construction in online descriptions and packaging.

First, check the fiber content


✔️ Cotton: It's by far the most popular sheet material, and with good reason. Cotton is soft, durable and feels the most luxurious against your skin.

Long-staple cotton is considered the highest-quality sheet material because the fabric is smoother and more durable than regular cotton. Types of long-staple cotton include Egyptian and Pima (depending on where they're grown), but just note that there have been instances where brands falsely label their sheets with these premium cotton names.

Sometimes cotton is described as "combed." This is a special production process that removes shorter cotton fibers, which are weaker and could stick out and poke you. As a result, it leaves behind only the longest, smoothest and strongest cotton fibers to be used in the sheets.

✔️ Polyester: This fabric costs less than cotton, plus it's more affordable, shrink-resistant and wrinkle-resistant. Polyester sheets feel super smooth, though not as luxurious or crisp as cotton. You can also find cotton and polyester blends, which typically feature more cotton than polyester but give you the benefits of both materials.

✔️ Rayon, viscose or lyocell: These are called "regenerated cellulose" fibers because the raw material is some type of plant, which gets chemically processed into a fiber. Rayon is the umbrella term, and viscose and lyocell are types of rayon. They stand out for feeling incredibly soft; in fact, they're usually softer than cotton, though they're typically thinner and less substantial.

You may see these fibers described as bamboo or eucalyptus. That's because rayon is often made using bamboo or eucalyptus trees as the raw material. Just note that although it may sound luxurious and eco-friendly, there is actually no trace of this original raw material in the finished rayon fabric.

✔️ Linen: Breathable and airy, these textured sheets are the most popular during summer. They also have a relaxed look and feel, and some people even prefer them for year-round use. Similarly, hemp sheets feel like linen and are starting to gain popularity for their sustainability aspects; hemp needs very little water to grow.

✔️ Silk: Incredibly smooth and naturally temperature regulating, silk sheets are considered a luxury option and are likely not ideal for most shoppers. They're expensive (usually several hundred dollars per set) and won't hold up to laundering as well as other sheet materials. You can always opt for a silk pillowcase to get the smooth feel without outfitting your entire bed.

Headshot of Lexie Sachs

Lexie Sachs (she/her) is the executive director of strategy and operations at the Good Housekeeping Institute and a lead reviewer of products in the bedding, travel, lifestyle, home furnishings and apparel spaces. She has over 15 years of experience in the consumer products industry and a degree in fiber science from Cornell University. Lexie serves as an expert source both within Good Housekeeping and other media outlets, regularly appearing on national broadcast TV segments. Prior to joining GH in 2013, Lexie worked in merchandising and product development in the fashion and home industries.

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The Best Packing Cubes for Travel, Editor-Tested

Organize and optimize your space.

best packing cubes on oprah daily

Our editors handpick the products that we feature. We may earn commission from the links on this page.

Our Top Picks

Compression Packing Cubes for Travel (Set of 6)

Best on Amazon

Bagsmart compression packing cubes for travel (set of 6).

Packing Cubes (Set of 5)

Best for Families

Calpak packing cubes (set of 5).

Insider Packing Cubes (Set of 4)

Away Insider Packing Cubes (Set of 4)

Compression Packing Cubes (Set of 6)

Best Compression

Quince compression packing cubes (set of 6).

Packing Cube Quads (Set of 4)

Best Water-Resistant

Paravel packing cube quads (set of 4), what to look for with packing cubes.

Size: You'll find that most packing cubes arrive in sets ranging from two to six+ cubes in each. From long, narrow styles ideal for storing socks and underwear to larger packs for sweaters and shoes, there's a range of sizes to fit every category. We've noted the dimensions for each individual cube for your reference.

Compression: While all packing cubes are essentially offering compression, there are some options that are designed with specific compression capabilities. These styles have a second zipper that allows you to trim down on space to create more room in your carry-on or luggage.

Material: From soft mesh to more structured nylon styles, different fabrics will indicate durability as well as affect the overall look and feel of each cube.

From breezy mesh styles to structured options and Amazon gems, the best packing cubes for travel make prepping for your next trip a breeze. Below are the best packing cube sets we recommend.

Bagsmart's compression packing cube set is not only affordable but also high-quality and durable. When it came time to pack our own suitcases, we opted for these. The nylon keeps a soft structure that makes the most of your available packing space while holding the overall shape. We found the medium-size bags to be particularly useful for the bulk of our clothes ranging from tees to trousers and swim cover-ups.

Editor's Review

bagsmart amazon packing cubes

How satisfying is this to look at? We appreciated the unwavering structure and versatile sizes of these Bagsmart packing cubes.

Calpak's packing cube set is made from high-quality, durable nylon and mesh materials that hold their soft structure when testing. We like that you can personalize each bag—making these ideal for families who need to keep things organized and perhaps separate for different members. This set of five packing cubes also includes a water-resistant pouch to protect your most delicate belongings.

calpak packing cubes

Calpak's softly structured packing cubes allow you to see the inside components while optimizing space.

calpak packing cubes

Two of Calpak's larger cubes are enough to hold a weekend's worth of outfits while making the most of your storage space.

Crafted from a premium nylon mesh, Away's packing cubes are unique from the others that we tested in that they lie completely flat when empty. The material is silky and lightweight but also offers the durability you'd expect from the trusted travel brand. They're already spacious but will effortlessly expand as you fill them.

away packing cubes

Whether you're organizing your favorite weekender or carry-on suitcase, Away's packing cubes will keep your space optimized for maximum space.

away packing cubes

Away's soft mesh packing cubes are surprisingly spacious and can expand while holding a weekend or week's worth of clothes.

Quince's packing cube set offers the greatest range in terms of the different size offerings. The two larger cubes are ideal for packing ready-to-wear like tops, pants, and sweaters, while the smaller options help bathing suits, socks, and underwear. These also feature a second zipped compression layer to take your space optimization to the next level.

quince packing cubes

Quince's recycled nylon cubes come in an array of sizes that you can rearrange for a personalized packing experience.

Paravel has graced Oprah's Favorite Things list over the years—including its fold-up backpack in 2022 that can be easily stored in your luggage. The beloved travel brand's packing cubes are made from the same sturdy, water-resistant nylon that comes from upcycled water bottles. The made-t0-fit system ensures that each of the four packing cubes fits perfectly inside your carry-on luggage. Pro tip: A monogrammed set makes a thoughtful personalized gift for your favorite traveler and is available only through the Paravel site.

How We Chose the Best Packing Cubes

shape, rectangle

Our fashion and commerce team is dedicated to finding you the best of travel accessories. We researched and tested top-rated and brand-new packing cubes that hit the market to help you find the best products out there.

Sara Klausing covers all things fashion and style for Oprah Daily . Follow her on Instagram .

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The Best Carry-On Luggage and Weekender Bags for Summer Travel: Away, Samsonite, Calpak and More


The right luggage or carry-on bag for your upcoming vacation can help make any trip as smooth as possible.

If you're gearing up for your summer travel plans, you may be searching for the perfect luggage to accompany you on your upcoming getaway.  Carry-on luggage  — including weekender bags and spinners — is probably the best way to travel if you want to beat the lines at busy airports, especially if you're traveling on a Friday.

No matter where your travel destinations are, one thing's for sure: the right luggage will make all the difference. We've found the best luggage to shop for all of your travels, from spacious duffle bags and practical backpacks to large and luxurious carry-ons  for your next flight.

Need a new tote bag to toss everything in for an upcoming July 4th weekend getaway or a bigger carry-on for a tropical vacation? The Beis Weekender Bag will fit all your essentials and help you travel in style. Need a new go-to suitcase for every travel situation? Away’s  standard carry on traveler bag has plenty of packing space while still fitting in the overhead bin. Trying to avoid the checked baggage fees and long bag drop line? The Samsonite Underseat Carry-On Luggage helps you save money and time by going straight to TSA.

Below, we've rounded up the best carry-on luggage and weekender bags this year to take along on your summer trip.

The Best Carry-On Suitcases for 2024

Samsonite freeform carry-on spinner.

Samsonite Freeform Carry-On Spinner

Not only is the Samsonite Hardside Spinner perfectly sized and extremely durable, it's also incredible lightweight so you won't have to strain putting it in the overhead airplane compartment. With all kinds of pockets, you can easily organize all your belongings confidently. 

$200   $140

Away The Carry-On

Away The Carry-On

This Away bag boasts flashy features such as a durable polycarbonate hard shell, spinner wheels and a TSA-approved, ejectable USB charger. The classic rolling hardside luggage with a retractable handle is designed to fit in most major airlines' overhead compartments, making it a great go-to Carry-On bag for travel, regardless of your destination.

Rockland Melbourne Hardside Expandable Spinner Wheel Luggage

Rockland Melbourne Hardside Expandable Spinner Wheel Luggage

This Rockland Melbourne Spinner Luggage makes traveling easier by being extremely lightweight. While protecting your items, the wheels rotate 360 degrees for a smooth and seamless stride in the airport. Although it is compact, this carry-on luggage has the ability to hold everything you need for a short vacation.

Take OFF Luggage Personal Item Suitcase 2.0

Take OFF Luggage Personal Item Suitcase 2.0

The perfect-sized luggage that doubles as a personal item — just pop off the wheels and slide it under your seat. 

Travelpro Platinum Elite Hardside Expandable Spinner

Travelpro Platinum Elite Hardside Expandable Spinner

Travelpro is a pilot-founded brand that you've likely seen used by flight crews. Travel stress-free with the Travelpro hardside carry-on luggage that effortlessly fits in the overhead bins of major domestic airlines, thanks to rigorous sizer bin testing and enhanced packing capacity. The PrecisionGlide System delivers impeccable control and a seamless rolling experience, so you can get through the airport with ease.

$370   $314

Samsonite Underseat Carry-On Spinner with USB Port

Samsonite Underseat Carry-On Spinner with USB Port

Compact and convenient, this soft-sided luggage can slide smoothly under the seat in front of you or be tucked away in an overhead bin. The bag's main compartment can fit several outfits and a spare pair of shoes. Interior pockets lining the compartment will keep your toiletries organized. The telescoping handle and rolling wheels make this bag easy to navigate around a crowded airport, making it a great choice for the frequent flyer looking to pack light.

$145   $100

Monos Carry-On

Monos Carry-On

Traveling is a breeze with the minimalist Monos carry-on, designed to fit in the overheard bin of almost any flight.

Travelpro Maxlite 5 Softside Expandable Luggage

Travelpro Maxlite 5 Softside Expandable Luggage

This Travelpro Maxlite softside luggage has spinner wheels and is lightweight, making it easy to maneuver airport terminals and your flight's overhead storage bins. 

The Best Travel Backpacks and Totes for 2024 

Samsonite detour travel backpack.

Samsonite Detour Travel Backpack

Built to protect your belongings from the elements, the Detour Travel Backpack has enough capacity for your business, overnight or weekend trips.

$150   $105

Béis Travel Tote

Béis Travel Tote

The Beis Travel Tote, from Shay Mitchell's baggage line, can conveniently slot into place atop a suitcase with its trolley sleeve, but can also be carried on its own with a detachable shoulder strap, and top handles designed to rest comfortably on your shoulder. This bag boasts a bottom zip shoe compartment, padded tech sleeve and multiple exterior and interior pockets. 

Calpak Luka Backpack

Calpak Luka Backpack

With multiple storage compartments including a separate laptop sleeve and a space to store your shoes that has its own exterior access, this lightweight Luka backpack will help you stay organized on the go.

Cotopaxi Allpa 35L Travel Pack

Cotopaxi Allpa 35L Travel Pack

This travel backpack comes with a weight-distributing, low-profile harness system and a 35L capacity, making it suitable for carry-on use. It is designed with a full-wrap zipper opening on the main compartment, along with large and subdivided zippered mesh compartments on the sides, providing convenient packing options. Additionally, its attractive design ensures you can easily identify your bag wherever you go.

Troubadour Featherweight Tote

Troubadour Featherweight Tote

A modern classic and easy-access bag. This Featherweight Tote features a light and waterproof fabric with vegan leather handles, and is perfect for gym trips or a day out!

Dagne Dover Jemi Puff Tote

Dagne Dover Jemi Puff Tote

Whether you're traveling to work or a weekend getaway, this lightweight tote is perfect with pockets for days to keep all your belongings organized. 

The Best Weekender Bags for 2024 

Lululemon go getter bag 2.0.

lululemon Go Getter Bag 2.0

This sleek, modern bag looks like a tote and duffel rolled into one. There's also a little strap in the back that you can attach to your luggage. 

Away The Everywhere Bag

Away The Everywhere Bag

Away Travel's The Everywhere Bag lives up to its name: you can take it everywhere from work to the gym to a weekend away. It also pairs nicely with The Carry-On and The Bigger Carry-On.

Calpak Stevyn Duffel

Calpak Stevyn Duffel

Enjoy the benefits of a large bottom compartment, ideal for stowing shoes or enhancing the organization of your items.The roomy main compartment comes with interior pockets, ensuring you have plenty of space to store your belongings in a well-arranged manner.

SwissGear Apex Travel Duffle Bag

SwissGear Apex Travel Duffle Bag

This duffle bag will come in handy during your next vacation. You can wear it multiple ways and it has reinforced sides to keep your belonging secure.

Dagne Dover Landon Carryall Bag

Dagne Dover Landon Carryall Bag

For weekends away, this extra-large duffle includes a laptop sleeve, shoe bag and plenty of space for all your essentials.

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Most useful travel products on Amazon under $50

N ow that Memorial Day has passed and your summer travel plans are coming together, it's time to consider all the gear and goods you'll need to pack to make your summer travel easy and fun. 

We're not just talking about shirts and swimsuits for when you reach your destination. You'll also need gear for the traveling part -- think eye masks, phone adapters and holders, ear plugs and cleaning supplies 

All that new gear can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be. To save you some cash, we've taken a trip through the virtual aisles of Amazon, searching for affordable travel necessities you'll need this summer but don't need to splurge on. You'll have extra room on your summer travel budget thanks to these travel products you can find on Amazon for under $50.

Useful necessities to upgrade your travel experience don't have to break the bank. We found reviewer-loved travel essentials that will seriously enhance your summer trip. 

  • The best rolling bag under $50 : Wrangler Wesley rolling duffel bag
  • Best accessory for in-flight entertainment: Avantree Relay Bluetooth adapter
  • Best packing organizers : Veken packing cubes
  • Best phone charger set for travel : Portable charger with built-in cables
  • The best mask for flying : Lightimetunnel Sleep Bluetooth-enabled mask and headphones
  • Best packing solution for shoes : JJ Power travel shoe bags
  • Best rain gear for light rain : Hood to Go portable hood travel accessory
  • Best travel beauty hack : Neutrogena makeup remover facial cleansing towelettes
  • The most useful in-flight phone mount : Perilogics universal in-flight phone holder mount
  • Best earplugs when flying red-eye : EarPlanes 3-pair earplugs

The best rolling bag under $50: Wrangler Wesley rolling duffel bag

Constructed with high-quality nylon, the Wrangler Wesley rolling duffel bag is built to withstand the rigors of frequent travel. Its lightweight design makes it easy to maneuver, while the heavy-duty blade wheel system ensures smooth rolling on any surface. The spacious main compartment provides ample room for packing and multiple additional zippered pockets offer convenient organization for smaller items. You can use it like a rolling suitcase or hold it like a duffel bag. The check-in suitcase size makes it ideal for longer trips or those who need extra storage capacity.

This 30-inch piece of luggage is available in black, charcoal gray, tannin and navy blue colors. Rated 4.3 stars.

The Wrangler Wesley rolling duffel bag is available at Amazon for $45.

Best accessory for in-flight entertainment: Avantree Relay airplane Bluetooth adapter

This device lets you enjoy movies in-flight with your own headphones or earbuds, thanks to its included dual adapter that fits any plane's audio jack. It works with any aux audio device and connects to Bluetooth headphones. Its impressive 20-hour battery life keeps you powered up, and you can use it while it charges.

The best part is that you can easily connect up to two devices, so you and your travel partner can watch shows and movies together in flight.

This Amazon pick has a 4.5-star rating from over 1,300 reviews. The Avantree Relay airplane adapter is available on Amazon for $40.

Best packing organizers: Veken packing cubes

After your first trip using packing cubes, you'll wonder how you traveled the world without them. This set includes a laundry bag and toiletry case, three packing cubes, an accessories bag, a shoe bag and an underwear bag. 

Each bag is made from durable thick fabric featuring sturdy two-way zippers. Each bag features transparent, breathable mesh panels that keep clothing fresh and visible. 

Packing cubes will spare you a suitcase full of wrinkled clothing while keeping your shoes and dirty clothing separate from all those clean outfits you have yet to wear.

This packing cube set is $25 at Amazon.

Best phone charger set for travel: Portable charger with built-in cables

This slim high-speed phone charger features four built-in charging cables for almost all types of devices, including iPhones , iPad tablets and Samsung phones . This charger has six outputs and three inputs, meaning you can charge up to six devices at the same time.

A travel necessity, this portable charger saves you the inevitable cable wad and lost chargers that seem to accompany one's family trip without fail.

This portable charger is $20 (reduced from $40). 

The best mask for flying: Lightimetunnel Sleep Bluetooth-enabled mask and headphones

You need this wireless music sleep headphones eye mask if you struggle to sleep in planes, trains, cars and beds that aren't your own. With a 3D ergonomic design and 100% light blocking, the mask is perfect for problem sleepers -- or if you just don't want to be disturbed on a flight. The machine-washable eye mask has an ultra-soft, breathable feel. Plus, the battery lasts over 10 hours for a full and peaceful night's sleep. 

The Lightimetunnel sleep Bluetooth-enabled mask and headphones are $23 at Amazon.

Best packing solution for shoes: JJ Power travel shoe bags

Don't want your dirty shoes to touch the clean clothes in your suitcase? We have a solution: these durable and functional travel shoe bags. Made with waterproof nylon, double stitching and two-way zippers, they're built to last. They offer ample space for your shoes, with an extra slot for slippers. Not just for travel, these versatile bags can be used for packing, organizing and even as laundry pouches.

These shoe bags are a must-have for any adventurer. Rated 4.6 stars.

JJ Power 2-pack travel shoe bags are available at Amazon for $10.

Best rain gear for light rain: Hood to Go portable hood travel accessory

Imagine this: you're at an amusement park or on a hike, enjoying your surroundings. Then, low and behold, a downpour occurs. What can you do? Well, this hood attaches to any jacket, or you can wear it on its own. It's a lot easier to handle than trying to open a cheap plastic poncho while it's raining.

There's a drawstring that you can adjust to protect you on windy days, and the hood is made from 100 percent water-resistant microfiber that can protect your hairstyle. Rated 4 stars on Amazon.

Hood to Go portable hood travel accessor is $29 at Amazon.

Best travel beauty hack: Neutrogena makeup remover facial cleansing towelettes

Did you know that travel can be rough on your skin? The air on the plane is drying, and the sweat and grime from being in close quarters can add up.

Washing your face with a travel-friendly face wipe can make you feel refreshed. Take off your makeup before you sleep on a flight, rejuvenate your skin in a gas station bathroom or cleanse your face right before you deplane. The ultra-soft, single-serving towelettes are made of plant-based compostable material. They'll make it through the TSA checkpoint and won't take up much space in your travel bag.

Neutrogena makeup remover facial cleansing towelettes are $7 at Amazon, reduced from $9.

The most useful in-flight phone mount: Perilogics universal in-flight phone holder mount

Not all airlines offer an in-seat TV these days -- travelers are increasingly expected to use their phones or tablets for in-flight entertainment. Luckily, the Perilogics universal in-flight phone mount is a versatile and practical accessory loved by over 500,000 travel enthusiasts on Amazon.

With a strong clamp, it securely attaches your phone to airline tables, luggage handles or gym equipment. Its dual joints and 360-degree rotation provide the perfect viewing angle. Compatible with various phone sizes.

Perilogics universal in-flight phone holder mount is $14 at Amazon. 

Best earplugs when flying red-eye: EarPlanes 3-pair earplugs

Do you struggle with ear discomfort on planes? These amazing earplugs are tested by U.S. Navy pilots and approved by flight attendants. They provide relief from air pressure discomfort, making your journey much more comfortable. Additionally, EarPlanes earplugs help reduce noise for a more peaceful travel experience.

This three-pack of EarPlanes earplugs for adults is available at Amazon for $19, reduced from $23.

Kids may struggle with ear pressure on planes even more than adults do. Pick up the children's version for all your littlest travelers.

EarPlanes 3-pair earplugs for kids are $19 at Amazon.



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  1. How to prevent bedbugs when traveling

    To effectively kill bedbugs, the surface temperature needs to be at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit, so you'll need a steamer strong enough to reach those temperatures, such as the Beautural travel steamer. For $35, this steamer provides 15 minutes of continuous steaming via a detachable 8.79-ounce water tank.

  2. Guarding Your Luggage: A Complete Bed Bug Protection Guide

    Protecting your luggage from bed bugs while traveling is essential for ensuring a pest-free return home. By conducting a thorough inspection of your bags before bringing them inside and promptly washing and drying your clothes, you can significantly reduce the risk of spreading any potential infestation. Additionally, considering extra measures ...

  3. How to Prevent Bed Bugs With 3 Items From Experts

    LED Flashlight. Amazon. Buy on Amazon $13 $10. And finally, experts recommend "packing a small, bright flashlight to inspect your room when you arrive," to check for any signs of bed bugs in ...

  4. How to Prevent Bed Bugs While Traveling: 8 Effective Tips

    Bed bugs thrive in darkness, so turn off the lights and close the curtains to make sure you're as thorough as possible. Using your flashlight, take the sheets off the bed and inspect the corners of the mattress. If you see little dots, it could be blood, waste, or carcasses of bed bugs. Also, shine your flashlight in outlets, furniture screws ...

  5. How to Avoid Getting Bed Bugs When You Travel

    Anderson says you can reduce the risk of bed bugs invading your bags and suitcases by keeping them inside well-sealed large garbage bags when staying in temporary housing, including hotels. He says he inspects any hotel room or apartment he rents to look for the obvious signs of bed bugs and checks his belongings for signs of them, too, before ...

  6. Bed Bug Prevention Tips for Before, During, and After Travel

    Go straight from vacation to the dryer. If travelers suspect they've been bitten or came into contact with bed bugs, they shouldn't panic. Instead, they should unpack their clothing directly ...

  7. 10 Best Portable Travel Beds for Families

    This portable bed stands 16.5 inches off the ground and has mesh windows plus a domed top for additional headroom. The camping cot comes with an air mattress with a foot pump and matching covers, pillow, and sleeping bag plus a carrying bag for taking it on the go. 8. Regalo My Cot Extra Long Portable Bed Best cot-style travel bed for little kids

  8. 9 Items For Preventing Bed Bugs While Traveling That Will Help ...

    Allersac S-01 100-Percent Cotton Travel Sheet. $69.95. Buy on Amazon. If you're very worried about the possibility of bed bugs, bring your own sheets. This set zips up to keep you enclosed and ...

  9. 8 Compelling reasons to pack a silk sleep sack

    Reasons to pack a silk sleep sack. 1. Regulates body temperature. When travelling in warm climates, a silk sleep sack can be used alone as a perfect lightweight alternative to a regular sleeping bag or bedding. You'll feel cool and comfortable as your silk sleep sack keeps your skin dry and your temperature down.

  10. How to Avoid Bedbugs When You're Traveling

    Consider traveling with a hard-sided case or pack which is harder for bedbugs to infiltrate. Pack clothes in ziplock plastic bags and if you're only on a short stay, leave your clothes in the case. Consider carrying your own sleeping bag liner and pillow slips. Check ahead with your accommodation to see if they have a bedbug policy around ...

  11. Tips for Travel

    Check the mattress and headboard before sleeping. Inspect luggage racks. In hotel rooms, use luggage racks to hold your luggage when packing or unpacking rather than setting your luggage on the bed or floor. Try to keep luggage away from bed. Upon returning home, unpack directly into a washing machine and inspect your luggage carefully.

  12. How to Avoid Bed Bugs when Traveling: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

    1. Inspect your luggage. Before entering your home, check the outside of your bags for any bed bug evidence like small eggs, a faint smell, etc. If you suspect you brought a few home with you, leave the bags in the garage or backyard. Do not take them inside. If your luggage is a dark color it may be difficult to see.

  13. JetKids by Stokke BedBox, Blue Sky

    Goplus 2 PCS Kid Luggage, 18" Ride on Suitcase W/Spinner Wheels, 12" Backpack W/Anti-Lost Rope, Carry Strap, Sit on Rolling Carry on Luggage Set for Girls Boys Travel (Yellow Bee) 41 $75.99 $ 75 . 99

  14. Why You Should Never Put Your Suitcase on the Bed

    And as bedbugs become more of a global issue, keeping your suitcase on a luggage rack reduces your risk of encountering those little life ruiners. However, Rob Anderson, an associate professor who ...

  15. The Best Travel Sheets and How to Choose One for Your Trip

    The Cocoon travel sheet is a touch lighter than its MummyLiner counterpart, weighing a bit less than a D battery. Check Price. ALPS Mountaineering Brushed Polyester Rectangle Sleeping Bag Liner. It is 33 inches by 80 inches, ensuring you can stretch out and get comfortable--especially for taller travelers.

  16. Bed Sacks For Traveling bed sacks for traveling. ... Sleeping Bag Liner Camping Travel Home Bed Sheet Lightweight Breathable Hotel Compact Sacks. 4.4 out of 5 stars. 416. $23.99 $ 23. 99. FREE delivery Tue, Apr 23 on $35 of items shipped by Amazon. Or fastest delivery Fri, Apr 19 . Add to cart-Remove.

  17. The 11 BEST Baby Travel Beds & Travel Cribs for 2024

    Here are all the best travel cribs for babies. These portable baby travel beds are lightweight compared to a regular pack n' play, while still giving your baby a safe place to sleep while traveling. 1. Lotus Travel Crib. Lotus Travel Crib by Guava Family.

  18. Bed Bug Travel Bag

    Travel Bed Bug & Mite Killer Spray by Premo Guard 3 oz - Child & Pet Safe - Fast Acting - Stain & Odor Free - Best Protection - Carryon Bag Approved. 4,147. 1K+ bought in past month. $1497 ($4.99/Fl Oz) List: $16.97. $13.47 with Subscribe & Save discount. FREE delivery Thu, May 16 on $35 of items shipped by Amazon. Small Business.

  19. The 9 Best Toddler Travel Beds of 2024, Tested by Parents

    Best Inflatable: Eltow Inflatable Toddler Bed. Best With Pump: Hiccapop Inflatable Toddler Travel Bed. Best for Camping: EnerPlex Kids Inflatable Travel Bed. Best Pop-Up Crib: BabyBjörn Travel ...

  20. Bedbugs: how do I avoid them when travelling?

    Dry non-washable items in the clothes dryer on the highest heat for 30 minutes. Vacuum your luggage. Throw out the vacuum bag in a sealed garbage bag right away. Wash any vacuum cleaner brush or nozzle attachments you used in hot water with detergent. For a bagless vacuum cleaner, empty the dust collector into a garbage bag, throw out the bag ...

  21. The 9 Best Foldable Travel Bags of 2024

    Best Tote: Away The Packable Carryall at ($75) Jump to Review. Best Expandable Bag: Longchamp Le Pliage Expandable Travel Bag at Nordstrom ($275) Jump to Review. Best Duffel: Tumi ...

  22. Keep bed bugs from moving in after travel

    Unpack suitcases on a hard surface under bright light so you can see any bed bugs. Clothing should be placed directly from the sealed plastic bags into the laundry. Wash on the highest heat setting that the clothing can handle. Ideally the water temperature should be 100 degrees Fahrenheit to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

  23. What to know about bedbugs before summer travel, how to spot them

    How to spot bedbugs when you're traveling. Check all those little crevasses and hidden spots. Think seams of bedsheets, chair cushions, folds of mattresses, piping along curtains or headboards ...

  24. Best Hardside Luggage of 2024, Tested by Experts

    The Best Hardside Luggage for Traveling in 2024. A hardshell suitcase keeps your stuff safe and un-squished. By Amanda Constantine Updated: Jun 3, 2024. Save Article. AWAY, OPEN STORY.

  25. 16 Best Bed Sheets of 2024, Tested & Reviewed

    Best Flannel Sheets: The Garnet Hill Hemstitched Supima Flannel Sheet set performed better than any other flannel set in our test. It's made of 100% cotton and is brushed on both sides to trap ...

  26. The Best Packing Cubes for Travel, Editor-Tested

    Whether you're organizing your favorite weekender or carry-on suitcase, Away's packing cubes will keep your space optimized for maximum space. Away's soft mesh packing cubes are surprisingly spacious and can expand while holding a weekend or week's worth of clothes. Now 55% Off. $50 at

  27. The Best Carry-On Luggage and Weekender Bags for Summer Travel

    The 15 Best Toiletry Bags for Spring Travel: Cosmetic Cases, Dopp Kits and More Starting at $10. Best Lists. Best Smart Luggage of 2024 to Make Travel Easier: Shop Smart Suitcases.

  28. Folding Travel Bed folding travel bed. ... YITAHOME XL Camping Cots 4+2 Portable Cot w/Mattress Outdoor Folding Cot Heavy Duty 330lb Capacity 600D Oxford w/Carry Bag Removable Pillow Travel Camp Bed for Camping, Home, Office, Traveling, Grey. 4.0 out of 5 stars. 2. 50+ bought in past month. $59.99 $ 59. 99.

  29. Most useful travel products on Amazon under $50

    We found reviewer-loved travel essentials that will seriously enhance your summer trip. The best rolling bag under $50: Wrangler Wesley rolling duffel bag. Best accessory for in-flight ...

  30. Samsonite Freeform Carry-On Spinner review

    The Samsonite Freeform carry-on is a popular choice among travelers, consistently ranking as one of Samsonite's top-selling luggage options. Samsonite's Freeform Hardside Luggage collection ...