The 10 Best Netflix Travel Shows And Documentaries In Asia

Asian Wanderlust

With international trips dissipated to pretty much non-existence, for the past few years we’ve had to turn to different forms of entertainment to try and satiate our desires to travel.

Unsurprisingly, consuming online content was one way that many people realized was going to be as close as they could get to experiencing the other side of the world.

Watching as real people explored foreign cities, ate peculiar foods, and interacted with strangers somewhat filled that void that we all wished we could go out and fill ourselves with.

Netflix saw the opportunity and absolutely leaped into the task of spoiling us with huge additions of travel shows and documentaries that were made to engage us in ways that makes us feel like we’re actually there in that moment.

Their best content has helped us keep the travel bug at bay and fed into our wanderlust desires in the best ways possible.

Watching these shows, whether it be about countries we’ve already visited or ones that we’re eager to visit once we’re allowed to, inspires us and gives us insight on how we can better plan the trip when the time comes around (and it will come, hopefully sooner rather than later!).

And to be honest, they’re just super fun and easy to watch!

There is currently a plethora of shows about food, travel, and/or culture – but the best ones are the ones that combine all three.

Let’s look into the 10 best Netflix travel shows and documentaries out right now!

1. Street Food Series – Asia (2019)

The Street Food series is a much-loved global series that’s the perfect viewing experience for foodies around the world. Every episode follows the story of a local chef and shares how their famous street food stall came to be.

If you’re a fan of journeys, this series will take you on some wild rides. You’ll be pretty much learning the origin stories of some of the chefs, some who literally started from the bottom, some of who took over flailing family businesses to completely turn them around.

The first series focuses on Asia, taking you for a tour around popular Asian destinations such as Thailand , Singapore , Delhi, Seoul , and many more. The second season focuses on Latin America.

2. Twogether (2020)

Veteran South Korean entertainer Lee Seung Gi and popular Taiwanese actor Liu Yi-Hao (stage name Jasper) are thrown in the deep end in this fun travel and exploration documentary series.

Basically, before starting filming in Indonesia, they met briefly for the first time when they were told that they would be filming this show. Fast-forward to months later and they’re both stepping off the airplane in Yogyakarta, a foreign Indonesian city neither have ever visited before.

From there, both parties must navigate through ‘missions’ (tasks) as submitted by their various fans across multiple cities around Asia, all whilst trying to overcome their language barrier and adapt to their environment.

From the get-go, you get the strong feeling that this is not scripted, as both parties are as awkward as it gets. Communicating in Taiwanese, Korean, and a sprinkle of English, you can feel them warming up to each other as the show goes on, and eventually they form a wonderful brotherhood you just can’t make up.

Both Seung Gi and Jasper are adventurous, comical and overall, wonderfully likable in this amazing series.

3. Somebody Feed Phil (2020)

In this fun and light-hearted travel, food and culture documentary, Phil Rosenthal, the creator of the classic sitcom “Everybody Loves Raymond” travels the world to indulge in delicious local cuisine and explore more about the culture of the destinations.

Some of the cities that he visits include Bangkok , Saigon , Seoul, and Singapore.

Unsurprisingly, his genuine interest in local customs, openness to trying even the strangest of foods, and amusing dry humour have hooked hundreds of thousands of people around the world. There are currently 4 seasons available to watch on Netflix.

4. J-Style Trip (2020)

Chinese artist Jay Chou is synonymous with legendary music. Many argue that it was he who put C-pop on the global map; if not, then it was he who expanded it beyond its horizons.

On the surface level, this documentary showcases Jay and his crew traveling around different destinations around the world. They perform crazy magic tricks, participate in fun and adventurous activities, and generally have good banter.

However, if you’re a long-time C-pop music lover, you’ll find that this series is much more than what it appears to be.

Whilst there is the glitz and glamor of visiting Paris and globetrotting through Singapore, there are moments of nostalgia as Jay Chou talks about his childhood dreams and inspiration. Certain conversations delve you deeper into the thoughts of the musician and remind you that he is a human before he is an artist.

Regardless of whether you’re a Jay Chou fan or not, this is a great series to binge.

5. The Hungry & The Hairy (2022)

Globally renowned k-popstar Rain and veteran South Korean comedian Ro Hong-chul are a pair of two unlikely friends in their late 30s who get together to traverse the country for light adventure and great food.

The synopsis of the series is basic enough: from Jeju Island to all the way back to Seoul, the two friends dip into various locations with their motorbikes to savour the scenery and sample the local food offerings.

This is a super laid-back, easy-going travelogue show that doesn’t take itself too seriously.  

From the ridiculous outfits to the never-ending banter, you’ll find yourself immersed in the chemistry of the two as well as the gorgeous shots of the areas they go exploring.

One highlight of this show includes the endless drone shots of the long stretches of highways with mountains and beaches flanking the sides, reminding you that there is a whole world out there to explore soon.

Another highlight is the food they devour. When Rain is not showing off his culinary skills and cooking up a storm, they’re stopping into some restaurants that are local favourites to eat until they pass out (literally).

6. Midnight Asia – Eat Dance Dream (2022)

This eclectic show is unique in that rather than show celebrities, it follows the lives of individuals living life in some of the craziest night scenes across Asia.

Brightly lit neon sign boards, big personalities, and stunning drone shots characterize this show. This travel documentary series specifically shoots late at night to really showcase the party vibes of the city it’s highlighting.

The first episode focuses on Tokyo . In Shinjuku, we’re introduced to Sumiko Iwamuro, an 85-year-old DJ.  

We get to know Rogerio Ignacio Vaz, a Brazilian born to Japanese parents, who’s a mixologist.  

We follow Shotaro Komijo, as he drags his bar cart, Twillo, to a random location and then sends an update to his followers via his social media.

These are only a few of the personalities you’ll get to meet.

From Tokyo to Mumbai, Seoul to Taipei , East Asia has its moment in this series.

7. Ugly Delicious (2020)

Part cooking show, part documentary, Ugly Delicious the gold standard for those interested in how food and culture intertwine.

David Chang is a renowned chef who is the owner of the globally popular Momofuku restaurant group. From noodles to fried chicken sandwiches to pastries, his culinary ventures have left little for the imagination.

He starred in both seasons of Ugly Delicious, traveling the world, sampling and breaking down dishes and providing commentary and insight on its concept and history.

Viewers will like how grounded this show is. It isn’t merely just about the food itself; David features guests who sit down over a meal, conversing easily and candidly. There are nostalgic memories brought up, discussions about comfort foods being commercialized, and immigrants opening up shop to provide a taste of home.

David Chang ultimately drives home the message that food is a universal language, and it brings people together.

8. Zulu Man in Japan (2019)

In this short documentary, South African rapper Nasty C takes to the streets of Japan , immersing himself into the local culture, collaborating with local artists, and exposing himself to the vibrant creative arts and music scene.

With only a 48-minute running time, this is a quick and easy watch. You follow Nasty C as he freely and liberally explores the country’s night scene, gets into the thick of the local fashion and arts, attends concerts and more.

For those who have travelled to Japan before, you would know that the vibes in this country are unmatched.

So, to witness an up-and-coming rapper who’s never visited the country before take in the electric scenery, energy, and people the same way you did – in awe and wonderment – it will make you feel things.

9. Flavorful Origins

In this colourful documentary series, Flavorful Origins masterfully takes us through the various traditional cooking techniques of the Chaoshan Cuisine.

The history and culture intertwined with the real individuals in this series provides us with an insight into this relatively unknown branch of Chinese cuisine.  

Each episode focuses on a different dish, some we may have come across before, and others we’ve likely never ever heard about.

The in-depth look at how the chefs, some of whom have had techniques passed down to them from generations before, prepare and cook the food will amaze you.

Frying, grilling, steaming – no cooking method is left off the table.

Whilst there are a whopping 20-episodes, which might seem a tad long for some people, the standardized approach yet fresh content of each episode will have you eating away at the show quicker than you realise.

10. Midnight Diner Tokyo Stories (2019)

The Midnight Diner Tokyo Series is a little bit different from the rest of shows mentioned above. Rather than filming real people traveling the world and exploring food, this show is a work of fiction.

However, it’s not fiction as you know it. Rather, with nuanced characters and clever script-writing, it can be described as a travelogue, a food review show, or even a commentary show on the Japanese lifestyle.

The show itself follows the story of ‘Master’, the owner/chef of a small diner in Tokyo who serves a variety of Japanese dishes to his customers. The diner is open from midnight to 7am, and you quickly find that customers are generally regulars who come for Master’s listening ear and comfort food.

If you’re missing hearing the Japanese language, are looking for something to watch that won’t challenge your thinking too hard, and just want to have a feel-good show on, Midnight Diner Tokyo Stories will introduce you to some unique characters.

I hope you enjoyed our selection of the best Netflix travel shows and documentaries. If you’re looking for some shows to get you out of that (lack of) travel funk, we’re sure that any pick off this list will do the job.

Travel shows and documentaries work wonders in making us feel inspired about the future of travel.

Whether you’re determined to visit your favourite country next year and just want something to tide you over for now, or looking to get some ideas about where you can go next once restrictions fully lift – we hope you find it watching one of these remarkable shows.

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5 Random TV shows set in Thailand I’m watching before my trip

5 Random TV shows set in Thailand I’m watching before my trip including Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown |

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I’m quite disappointed by the selection of TV shows set in Thailand available on UK streaming/on demand sites, tbh.

Before I went to Italy, I was spoiled for choice. There was a selection box of fictional and travel shows with episodes set in Italy that I almost couldn’t watch them all. Almost. But for Thailand? The odd foodie travel episode with some random wildcards thrown in. Has Michael Palin not visited Thailand yet? And has no one got anything to say about Phuket or the Andaman Islands ?!

Nevertheless, I’ve done my best with what I could scrounge. Here are the five TV shows set in Thailand that I’m watching before my trip to Bangkok, Phuket and Phi Phi Islands in November!

Random TV shows set in Thailand I’m watching

5 Random TV shows set in Thailand I’m watching before my trip including Jack Whitehall: Travels with my Father, Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown, Somebody Feed Phil, Highland: Thailand's Marijuana Awakening and Louis Theroux's Weird Weekends |

1.  Jack Whitehall: Travels with my Father

Despite it being one of the most cringe-inducing, fake reality shows you will ever see,  Jack Whitehall: Travels with my Father  has to feature on my list. Though their ‘banter’ is so scripted. I genuinely believe anyone could portray the part of Jack Whitehall’s dad.

Season one follows British comedian Jack Whitehall on a ‘delayed gap year’ style jaunt around the Banana Pancake Trail in South East Asia. He invites his dad along for the laughs. They begin their trip in Bangkok before moving onto Phuket , Koh Phangan for a Full Moon Party and Ko Panyi . Thailand is only featured for the first three episodes of season one , but that’s more than most other TV shows set in Thailand!

You can watch  Jack Whitehall: Travels with my Father  on Netflix  whenever you like. It’s a Netflix production so won’t be going anywhere any time soon!

5 Random TV shows set in Thailand I’m watching before my trip including Jack Whitehall: Travels with my Father |

2.  Highland: Thailand’s Marijuana Awakening

Give me strength. They really tried, and it’s an interesting subject matter, but  Highland: Thailand’s Marijuana Awakening  is very biased and gets quite tedious towards the end. Unsurprisingly, this show is about Thailand’s relationship with weed. South East Asian countries are super strict with drug offenders, and Thailand is no different. But this documentary looks at the changing attitudes in Thailand about using Marijuana for medicinal and recreational purposes.

It’s just a three-parter and the three episodes are only 20 minutes long (why this isn’t a one-hour special, I’ll never know). They only seem to interview people who are all for the legalization of Marijuana for medical and recreational purposes, and one dude even thinks it will be legalized completely in two years (lol, what).

It’s great to watch documentaries with a more  local  insight as opposed to travel shows, but it was a bit dull by the third episode.

Highland: Thailand’s Marijuana Awakening  is also on Netflix , but it’s a Coconuts TV production so it might not be there forever.

5 Random TV shows set in Thailand I’m watching before my trip including Highland: Thailand's Marijuana Awakening |

3. Louis Theroux’s Weird Weekends

I thought I’d watched every episode of  Louis Theroux’s Weird Weekends  on Netflix, but currently, they only stream two seasons. There’s actually a third season that you can   find on BBC iPlayer right now .

Episode five is set in Bangkok where Louis becomes involved in ‘Thai bride’ agencies. These are agencies, usually run by fifty-something creepy men, who pair Thai women with British men. It’s so gross, as expected. The men running the agencies claim it’s great because Thai women want the respect that can, apparently, only be found in Western men. And the British men want a more  subservient  wife. Simple (and as gross) as that.

This is Louis Theroux at his finest. It’s an old show, like the early 2000s, but does Theroux ever go out of style?

4.  Somebody Feed Phil

I had never heard of  Somebody Feed Phil  before my research into TV shows set in Thailand. However, I’m definitely going to catch up on all two seasons. This show is so entertaining and makes me feel so hungry.

It’s a really classic food/travel show premise. Presenter, usually white male, visits ‘exotic’ location and eats yummy food on camera. Pretty standard so far, yes? But presenter/food worshipper Phil Rosenthal is so joyous to watch onscreen , he clearly just  loves  food. He was even making me hungry eating a bowl of chicken soup and I’m a vegetarian.

The Bangkok episode is episode one of The First Course season on Netflix . And this is also a Netflix show. They take you all over the food markets and top restaurants of Bangkok , which is actually super handy. You can make a list for your next trip!

5 Random TV shows set in Thailand I’m watching before my trip including Somebody Feed Phil |

5.  Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown

Even though I’ve only recently started watching  Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown  on Netflix in the last week or so, I still find it extremely sad that this funny, culinary genius is no longer with us.

This series goes beyond the normal foodie fare; it’s named  Parts Unknown for a reason. The Thailand episode is season three, episode seven . It’s so interesting comparing this episode to the Bangkok one from  Somebody Feed Phil.  Instead of Thailand’s capital, Bourdain heads to the more obscure Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand and hangs with farmers eating local delicacies which include raw blood and bile. The rest of the episode is essentially him going on an all-night food and beer binge with a famous Thai food chef from the USA. Madness.

So both shows are actually very different, even though they are food and travel TV shows. And I’ve got to say, though Bourdain is such an interesting dude,  Somebody Eat Phil  is much more useful as a travel guide.

You can watch  Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown  on Netflix . It’s Netflix run was extended after the tragic news of Anthony Bourdain’s death earlier this year, but I doubt it will be accessible for much longer.

5 Random TV shows set in Thailand I’m watching before my trip including Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown |

And those are the five TV shows set in Thailand that I’m watching right now! Do you have any good travel show recommendations? Let me know in the comments below! 

30 Films set in Thailand to watch before visiting

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10 Best Documentaries About Thailand (In 2024)

  • by Jonny Duncan
  • January 5, 2024 January 6, 2024

These documentaries about Thailand show a captivating land of vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and a rich history.

Countless documentaries have aimed to capture the essence of this Southeast Asian gem, delving into its diverse tapestry of traditions, bustling urban centres, and serene natural beauty.

From the bustling streets of Bangkok to the tranquil shores of its tropical islands, these documentaries about Thailand provide an immersive journey into the heart of the country, exploring its unique blend of ancient traditions and modern dynamism.

Documentaries About Thailand

Whether uncovering the intricacies of Thai cuisine, examining the spiritual allure of its temples, or shedding light on the challenges faced by its people, these documentaries about Thailand offer a window into the soul of a nation that continues to captivate and enchant global audiences.

On a personal note, I have been visiting Thailand since 1998 and have lived in Bangkok and Chiang Mai for several years. The documentaries about Thailand that I’m recommending cover many different aspects of the country and will give you better insight for any visit to Thailand.

Thailand: Earth’s Tropical Paradise (2017)

Thailand: Earth’s Tropical Paradise is a three-part documentary series produced by the BBC Natural History Unit and explores the diverse ecosystems and wildlife of Thailand, showcasing the country’s rich natural beauty.

The series covers various aspects of Thailand’s geography, from its lush rainforests to its pristine beaches and coral reefs. It delves into the lives of the unique and sometimes elusive wildlife that inhabits these environments, offering viewers a closer look at the country’s biodiversity.

The Rescue (2021)

The Rescue is a documentary film directed and produced by Jimmy Chin and Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi. It was released in 2021 and focuses on the dramatic rescue of the Wild Boars soccer team from the Tham Luang Nang Non-cave in Thailand in 2018.

The documentary provides a detailed account of the international rescue effort that captured global attention. The rescue operation involved expert cave divers, including members of the Thai Navy SEALs and divers from various countries.

The young soccer team and their coach were trapped inside the cave complex due to rising floodwaters. The documentary captures the challenges, risks, and complexities involved in the mission to bring the boys and their coach to safety.

This is one of the best recent documentaries about Thailand to watch as it is gripping to see how intense the rescue was.

Railway Sleepers (2016)

Directed by Thai filmmaker Sompot Chidgasornpongse, this documentary is a meditative exploration of people’s lives along the Thai railway. It beautifully captures the landscapes and stories of those who live and work near the train tracks.

The film is known for its unique structure, as it features 2,000 people recounting their dreams while riding the train across Thailand. Each dream story is presented through a single static shot, providing a diverse and intimate glimpse into the dreams and aspirations of the people.

This is an exploration of the cultural and social landscape of Thailand, capturing the dreams of individuals from different backgrounds and perspectives. It offers a poetic and contemplative look at the dreams of ordinary people, creating a mosaic of stories that reflect the complexities of life.

Buffalo Girls (2012)

Buffalo Girls explores the world of Muay Thai boxing in Thailand, focusing on the lives of two eight-year-old girls, Stam and Pet, who are professional child boxers.

Muay Thai is a traditional Thai martial art, and the documentary delves into the cultural and societal aspects surrounding the participation of young girls in this sport.

The film raises ethical questions about child labour, exploitation, and the impact of cultural traditions on the lives of the young girls involved in Muay Thai.

Buffalo Girls sheds light on the challenges faced by these young boxers and provides a platform for discussions about cultural practices, gender roles, and the rights of children.

Thailand’s Ancient Modern Kingdom | Ayutthaya (2020)

This is a great documentary if you have any interest in the history of Thailand. The host of the documentary, Peter Lee, travels around Thailand to see how the ancient kingdom of Ayutthaya came to be.

Ayutthaya, with its 1 million residents, was the capital of one of the great empires of Asia which controlled much of Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. This gives a great insight into that past and its influences that still linger to this day.

You can watch the full episode on YouTube:

Legend Kru Yodthong Senanan – Muay Thai Documentary

This is another excellent Muay Thai documentary that you should watch. One of the founders of the Kru Muaythai Association (KMA), Kru Yodthong, who is a legendary Thai Muay Thai boxer, teaches his craft and shares the true art of Muay Thai in this documentary.

This video also features the first World Amateur Thai boxing competition held in Bangkok in 1995 by General Tienchai Sirisambhand.

This is a must-watch if you have any interest in Muay Thai.

Have a read of my article about learning Muay Thai in Chiang Mai as a beginner .

The Sacred Tattoos Of Thailand (2018)

This is a very short documentary that takes a look at the traditional tattoos of Thailand called a Sak Yant, which is deeply connected to the Buddhist culture in the country.

They are given by masters and monks and are a mix of art and Buddhism and are believed by Thai people to have magical powers that can help with many aspects of life, such as protection, good fortune, power, etc.

This documentary also shows the l Wai Khru ceremony where wearers of Sak Yant tattoos come to pay respect to their tattoo masters. It’s a sight to see!

Thailand’s Fearless Cop (2022)

Out of all these documentaries about Thailand, this is one of the darkest to watch. It follows a police officer, Paween Pongsirin, who is in charge of an investigation into a human trafficking network, where mass graves were found.

He comes into difficulty with some of the country’s elite after it is discovered an army general may be linked to the case and he flees to Australia fearing for his life.

In Australia, he tells everything that he knows and follows his fight for justice in Thailand.

Thailand – The Wild Heart – Wildest Indochina (2022)

Let’s finish these best documentaries about Thailand with another wildlife and nature documentary, as Thailand is so beautiful.

Description from the YouTube video:

Thailand lies at the heart of Indochina. It’s a melting pot for wildlife from across the region. Tigers still roam, maintaining the status quo as apex predators, and Assamese Macaques live in large troops to avoid such threats.

The range of wildlife here creates great biodiversity but also presents huge challenges. Thailand is a land with extreme environments and remarkable creatures; they all play their part in maintaining the balance of their worlds.

Watch the full episode on YouTube:

travel tv show thailand

Thailand truly is a gem of a country to visit and a personal favourite of mine as I have been visiting here since 1998. I love the people and their culture.

It’s called the “ Land of Smiles ” for a reason.

For more reading on Thailand take a look at the 10 best books about Thailand .

Also for more on the region have a read about the 10 best documentaries about Cambodia .

Share these best documentaries about Thailand:

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Bangkok stars in worldwide premiere of new Netflix series on iconic Asian cities

For the first time, tat partners with global streaming service to promote thai tourism and culture through film and series..

Photo of TAT Newsroom

Bangkok, 21 January, 2022 – The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has entered into an official partnership with leading streaming entertainment service Netflix to promote the tourism and culture of Thailand, with Bangkok starring as the first feature destination of a new Netflix documentary series that premiered worldwide yesterday (20 January).

Mr. Siripakorn Cheawsamoot, TAT Deputy Governor for Marketing Communications, said “Officially partnering with Netflix is a key milestone in our effort to continue promoting Thai tourism through films, series, and documentaries that meet the tourists’ expectations of impressive experiences. This will help stimulate Thailand’s creative economy.”

Called ‘Midnight Asia: Eat · Dance · Dream’, the new documentary series exclusively on Netflix is about a night-time journey through six iconic Asian cities – Bangkok, Seoul, Tokyo, Taipei, Mumbai, and Manila – and the food, art, night entertainment venues, and subcultures that help make each of them some of the world’s most fascinating metropolises.

The premiere episode on Bangkok celebrated the launch of the series, the first time TAT and Netflix have partnered to promote the destination of Thailand. The episode was commissioned by Aloke Devichand, Netflix’s Original Documentary Programming Manager, who also partnered with Pailin Wedel to produce ‘Hope Frozen: A Quest to Live Twice’ – Thailand’s first Emmy award-winning documentary.

Bangkok stars in worldwide premiere of new Netflix series on iconic Asian cities

Mr. Siripakorn said “Over the past years, many foreign films have been filmed primarily in Thailand. With these films available on Netflix, audiences of series and documentaries around the world can see Thailand from different lenses, especially the unique cultural tourist spots and beautiful nature, making Thailand more attractive to both Thai and foreign tourists.”

Inspired by the partnership with TAT, Netflix – which has 214 million paid memberships in over 190 countries – is keen to produce more world-class content on Thailand. Mr. Yongyoot Thongkongtoon, Netflix Director of Content for Thailand, said: “Together, we’d love more opportunities to present Thailand as a culture-rich country and one-of-a-kind travel destination to global audiences.”

Photo of TAT Newsroom

TAT Newsroom

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Lost Cities with Albert Lin (2020)

10 best travel shows and documentaries on Netflix and Disney+ Hotstar

International borders are slowly opening up. Time to reawaken your traveler’s spirit!

Arpiwach Supateerawanitt

Now that the global health crisis has subsided, which opens up many borders for international tourism to return, let's wake our traveler's spirit up and revisit what it feels like to hop on board and venture into exciting destinations around the world with these travel shows and documentaries on Netflix and Disney+ Hotstar.

Travel Shows and Documentaries on Netflix

Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby (2018)

Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby (2018)

Hosts Giles Coren and Monica Galetti check into a hotel in world-renowned locations but with a catch: they go on board as hotel staff to get an insider’s glimpse of the hotel industry in various countries like Singapore, Sweden and Kenya.

Dark Tourist (2018)

Dark Tourist (2018)

Journalist David Farrier braves it out to explore tourist-unfriendly locations and experiences that most of us would avoid. The most intriguing episodes have had Farrier taking part in an exorcism in Mexico, traversing a deserted island in Japan and dining with a “vampire” family in New Orleans.

Expedition Happiness (2017)

Expedition Happiness (2017)

Filmmaker Felix Starck and his musician beau Selima Taibi—both free spirits—embark on a one-year expedition around the world aboard a revamped school bus and accompanied by their dog. This one’s a good watch with your significant other!

Twogether (2020)

Twogether (2020)

Lee Seung-gi of South Korea and Jasper Liu of Taiwan team up to discover what Asia has to offer. They shoot the show without a script, and rely instead on “missions” given by fans who help them journey through unfamiliar territory in Indonesia, Thailand, Nepal and many more countries in the region.

The World's Most Amazing Vacation Rentals (2021)

The World's Most Amazing Vacation Rentals (2021)

BFF trio—Jo Franco, Megan Batoon and Luis D. Ortiz—cruise all over the world with a mission to seek out only the best and most wonderful accommodations. So far, they’ve featured an over-water villa in Bali, a floating mansion in Miami, an ice cabin in Finland, a snake house in Mexico City, and a cosy but cheap bungalow in the Bahamas.

Splendid cinematography, useful tips and tricks and the inclusion of reasonably priced places make this show all-around entertaining. There’s no way the travel bug won’t bite after watching it.

Travel Shows and Documentaries on Disney+ Hotstar

Expedition Everest (2020)

Expedition Everest (2020)

A team of scientists climbs 8,000 meters to the top of Mount Everest to find out more about the effects of global warming.

Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (2019)

Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted (2019)

Notorious chef Gordon Ramsy sets out on journeys in search of elusive ingredients for his next scrumptious creation. Apart from learning a thing or two about cooking, you’ll find yourself rooting for Ramsay to succeed as he overcomes obstacles in locations such as Peru, Laos, Morocco, Hawaii, Alaska and New Zealand.

India from Above (2020)

India from Above (2020)

India is one of the destinations that has long fascinated many world voyagers. India from Above can help you come up with a thorough itinerary across this extraordinary country, as the team traverses India and captures its fascinating diverse cultures and people.

Inside North Korea (2019)

Inside North Korea (2019)

You’re probably intrigued as we are about the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea aka North Korea, and this insightful documentary may just satisfy your curiosity. The team ventured into the elusive nation and recorded various aspects, from its culture to its history, to how people from all walks of life make a living.

Lost Cities with Albert Lin (2020)

Lost Cities with Albert Lin (2020)

National Geographic explorer and scientist Albert Lin explores ancient archaeological sites across the globe using science and technology. In his quests, he unveils hidden secrets and exciting stories about El Dorado in Colombia, Petra in Jordan and Stonehenge in England.

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The Travel Sisters

Best travel shows to watch right now (on tv, netflix, amazon prime & other streaming services).

by The Travel Sisters | Oct 20, 2020 | Travel Inspiration | 3 comments

Best Travel Shows to Watch Right Now (On TV, Netflix, Amazon Prime & Other Streaming Services)

And if you are looking for more travel related things to watch, here is a list of the best travel movies of all time .

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Best Travel Shows and Series

Pin Best Travel Shows to Watch on TV, Netflix, Amazon Prime and More Streaming Services

Best Travel Shows on Netflix

The following travel shows and series are available on Netflix only.

Ugly Delicious

Recommended by Stephanie from Explore More Clean Less

Ugly Delicious is a relatively new food focused travel show that follows celebrity chef David Chang, founder of Momofuku, as he explores both across the United States and internationally. The episodes are loose and casual, showing Chang investigating the history of different regional cuisines and food rivalries. His guests range widely including other chefs, writers, actors, and artists, but they tend to share similar air time to the restaurant owners and people off the street. The focus blurs between culture and personal, feeling like you’re the fly on a wall while interesting people who love food hang out and chat about it. There’s no way to watch it and not be itching to travel to a new region and try some of the foods they highlight!

Travels With My Father

Recommended by Lee from The Travel Scribes

From the moment they touchdown in Bangkok, Thailand and make their way to the famous Khao San Road, the Netflix series Travels with my Father  will capture your heart, and tickle your funny bone.

Chronicling the experiences of British father and son duo, Jack and Michael Whitehall, this laugh a minute series not only showcases some of the globe’s most famous destinations but features the offbeat, slightly sarcastic relationship between Jack, a 30-something comedian still longing for his backpacker days and Michael, his elderly ever-suffering dad. The drama (and the giggles) are mostly driven by the vastly different travel styles of the two: Jack, the singlet and loud shorts-wearing millennial who is most comfortable in questionable hostels and eating street food and Michael, a slightly uptight luxury traveller who insists on wearing his ‘Sunday best’ on the streets of Southeast Asia and checking into five star hotels.

The show, now in its third season, sees the unlikely pair traverse the globe with jaunts in South East Asia, Europe and, more recently, a tour of the USA. This is must-watch viewing for anyone who loves British comedy and travel, in each measure.

Somebody Feed Phil

Recommended by Amber from Food And Drink Destinations

From the creator of the hit comedy series, Everyone Loves Raymond, comes the Netflix food travel series, Somebody Feed Phil. Following the culinary journeys of Phil Rosenthal, Somebody Feed Phil presents food travel from the “average” travelers perspective. Phil is by no means a food professional like Anthony Bourdain or Andrew Zimmern. Phil is an easy going family man who just happens to LOVE food. Over 2 seasons and 12 episodes, Phil with his mall crew, including his brother, travel to some of the best food destinations around the world. Phil’s childlike enthusiasm for each new destination, cuisine and culinary experience is priceless. His inquisitive nature and ability to connect with people makes Somebody Feed Phil a one of a kind culinary travel show. For those interested in traveling for food, Somebody Feed Phil attempts to alleviate the fear of trying the local food. It’s certainly worth watching. Netflix has also previously announced a season 3 with episodes scheduled to air sometime in 2020.

Dark Tourist

Recommended by Martha from Quirky Globetrotter

Nowadays, travel is often painted as an Instagrammable pastime. Yet, there is a surge of tourists who are looking for quite the opposite and want to see the not-so-glamorous parts of the world. We’re not talking off the beaten path. We’re talking more about what happens behind closed doors and what rumors try to speculate. The trend of traveling and diving into the taboo and unknown comes to life in the Netflix show, “ Dark Tourist .”

Whether it’s visiting radioactive nuclear sites or learning about gruesome assassinations, it’s the sense of forbiddenness or coveted secrets that these tourists ache for. Have you ever wondered why people are so enthralled by serial killer documentaries? The same thrill takes place in these destinations. (Don’t worry, there’s a Jeffrey Dahmer tour for you true crime aficionados.) Dark tourism profits off exposing the occult or veiled history of these locales.

Recommended by Laura from What’s Hot?

Our Planet is one of David Attenborough’s latest documentary series and was made directly for Netflix. Like all his other series, this one is beautifully shot, highly informative and well-loved by all the family. What sets One Planet apart from some of the others however is the focus upon how human life and global warming are destroying these natural havens. Attenborough takes us to some of the most beautiful and peaceful places on Earth before showing us the tragic consequences that have left other, similar areas barren wastelands.

Alternating between land and sea, you’ll go to the desert, the depths of the ocean, the jungles and the coast. This is an important one for avid travellers because it will jointly inspires us to travel more of the world’s secluded locations but also to do so in a way which doesn’t disturb our planet.

Emily in Paris

Recommended by Matilda

Emily in Paris is about a young American woman who lands a job in a Parisian marketing firm. The show was created by the same person as Sex and The City and has a similar vibe only instead of New York heavily features Paris. It is fun, somewhat campy and an easy watch. While I wouldn’t recommend it as an entirely accurate portrayal of French culture, the scenery is absolutely beautiful and reminds me why Paris is one of my all-time favorite cities.

Best Travel Shows on TV, Amazon Prime Video and Other Streaming Services

The following travel shows and series are available on TV, Amazon Prime Video and/or various streaming services (such as Hulu).

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An Idiot Abroad

Recommended by Haley Plotkin, Ready Set Jet Set

An Idiot Abroad is a hysterical British travel docu-series following Karl Pilkington, a man that one could call an “idiot savant”. What everyone has to know about Karl is, he really does not like to travel. Knowing this, his friends Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, who one may know as famous British comedic actors, send Karl on epic adventures all across the world, with some twists and pranks along the way. These are the kind of trips that most people would kill for, but to Karl, he’d rather be home with a cup of tea. One of the highlights of the show is the Karl-isms along the way, such as: “The Great Pyramid is overrated. It’s a bad design. The lounge is going to be huge, but the bedroom is going to be tiny.” This is really not your typical travel show, and that’s what makes it a must-watch!

Where to Watch: This show is a few years old, so it is not currently airing anywhere in the US (it was created for Sky TV in the UK). In the US, you can buy it digitally on platforms such as Amazon Prime , Vudu , and iTunes .

The Layover

Recommended by Paula Morgan from Expert Abroad

The Layover was just one of the many travel shows that featured everyone’s favourite food traveller Anthony Bourdain. It aired for three seasons between 2011-2013 and after watching the very first episode on a 48-hour visit to New York it will likely change the way you travel forever.

No longer will you book the fastest trip to your destination. A stopover is not viewed as a hardship it is now something to embrace. The series covered 20 cities and racing against the clock Bourdain showed the audience the best things to eat, see and do, usually with a knowledgeable local as his sidekick.

The pace at times seems a little exhausting and you may not manage to cover as much in your 24 hours as the pro’s do but they make it easy for you to pick a few things for your next visit.

The team covered almost all of the main transit hubs across Asia, Europe and the USA including Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, San Francisco and NYC. Next time you find a cheap flight because of a long stopover check the series list and start making some plans.

Where to Watch: You can watch The Layover on Amazon Prime or The Travel Channel . Some episodes are also on YouTube .

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown

Recommended by Arrianne Guzman from Travel Habeat

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown is a travel and food show featuring an amazing chef exploring destinations less traveled by. As it inspires you to explore off-the-beaten paths, you’ll delve into intricate cultures, rich history, and beautiful people. You’d realize that a dish is more than what goes in a plate, it’s about tradition, heritage, and way of living. Catch Anthony tries a delectable Filipino dish called sisig and a scrumptious dessert fondly named “halo-halo” while grasping how the Philippines spend an extended Christmas season. Unravel with him the complicated past of Koreatown in Los Angeles and see what it was like to grow up Korean American. Or maybe you’d agree with him how a salad of fermented tea leaves can taste good in Myanmar.

Where to Watch: An original CNN series, it is available in digital media platforms including Amazon Prime , iTunes, and Vudu .

Expedition Unknown

Recommended by Albi from Ginger Around the Globe

Expedition Unknown is a TV show that will sparkle the heart of every traveler, who loves history. Josh Gates will take you around the globe and at the same time, you will see him and other archeologists, solving ancient mysteries. You will get to know about Kruger treasure, where is the tomb of last Inka king and more Indiana Jones mysteries like this. So you will see all kinds of places and at the same time, know their history and local culture. It is very informative, fun and wanderlusty.

Where to Watch: You can watch the show on the Discovery Channel or on the Travel Channel . If you prefer streaming services, you can also find the show on Hulu or Amazon Prime Video .

Rick Steves Travel Series

Recommended by Noel Morata from Travel Photo Discovery

One of my favorite travel shows that turned me onto traveling was watching the PBS travel programs with Rick Steve’s. Primarily focused on travels in Europe, Rick Steve’s showcased an amazing series of places to visit around Europe and each lovely country. He initially visits a destination and hops around with a local expert to show the highlights, enjoy some local food and drink and see some cultural treasures along with connecting with locals, merchants and everyday people. It makes it so fascinating to watch his programs and really shows audiences the connection with people, place, culture and food makes traveling to Europe so wonderful and fun. Rick Steve’s has created a lot of guide books about individual countries that you can purchase or just watch his TV series on PBS for inspiration for planning a trip to a specific country in Europe that has always been on your bucklist of places to visit. So if you are looking for inspiration about a particular country with all the bells and whistles of what makes each area so unique and special, check out any of his programs on TV. You’ll be hooked and wanting to binge watch all of his programs in a row.

Where to Watch: On TV at PBS and Amazon Prime Video

Booze Traveler

Recommended by Megan Starr

One of the best shows to watch for those that love combining travel with beverages and food is Booze Traveler, a show by The Travel Channel that showcases a host traveling around the world in search for special alcoholic drinks in countries that he visits. I actually helped with a couple of the episodes back in the day (Lithuania and Armenia ) and it really brought to light how many unique drinks exist in every place that you travel! They travel across the globe from Hawaii to Armenia to Nepal and beyond. It is a really refreshing show!

Where to Watch: The best way to watch Booze Traveler is to catch reruns on-demand from The Travel Channel in the US. You can watch it on Amazon Prime Video .

Recommended by Coni from Experiencing the Globe

Three Canadian friends decide to leave the Great White North behind and explore the world. They pack a bag, say goodbye to friends and family, and off they go. The initial plan is to spend a year traveling, but it quickly transforms into three whole years.

They spend a month in India, another in Japan, another in New Zealand. As they start feeling more comfortable on the road, the push their own boundaries and head to tougher destinations, like Libya and North Korea. They explore Greenland during winter, meet ancient tribes in Papua New Guinea and travel across the different scientific bases of Antarctica .

It’s impossible not to get inspired with the tons of wanderlust Departure sends our way.

Where to Watch: Available on Apple iTunes and Hoopla .

James May: Our Man in Japan

Recommended by Emma from Emma Jane Explores

Top Gear’s James May might seem like a strange choice for a travel show host, but the bumbling Englishman is an endearing host as he takes viewers on a comprehensive trip around Japan from North to South. Always happy to throw himself into any bizarre situation, Our Man in Japan sees May participate in all sorts of activities from dog sledding in Hokkaido to painting Mount Fuji with a renowned Japanese artist. Streaming on Amazon Prime, Our Man in Japan covers a whole lot of unique quirks that make the country a must-travel destination for all kinds of traveller types. Whether you’re a first timer to Japan or a serial visitor, Our Man in Japan will make you all kinds of eager to get back over to the land of the rising sun soon.

Where to Watch: You can watch on Amazon Prime Video only.

Planet Earth

Recommended by Roshni from The Wanderlust Within

The award-winning, BBC documentary series, Planet Earth was first shown in 2006. It took four years to film, using 71 cameramen in 64 different countries. The series was the most expensive nature documentary series ever commissioned by the BBC and the first to be filmed in high definition. The 11 episode series is narrated by David Attenborough and celebrates the natural world in a way you’ve never seen it before. Each episode features a different biome or habitat on Earth and lasts 50 minutes plus an extra 10 minutes of behind the scenes footage showing the challenges of filming the episode.

Ten years after the first series, Planet Earth II was released showing how animals meet the challenges of surviving in the most iconic habitats on earth. A third sequel is planned to air in 2022.

Where to Watch: All 11 episodes of Planet Earth , and all 6 episodes of Planet Earth II are available for streaming on BBC iPlayer, Amazon Prime Video and iTunes.

Samantha Brown: Places to Love

Recommended by Francesca Makana of Homeroomtravel

Samantha Brown has been an icon in the travel world for my entire life. Back in the day, she was best known for her Passport series . Present-day she hosts Samantha Brown: Places to Love. In this show, Brown showcases some lesser-known destinations, like the Texas Hill Country, and covers things to do in that area. Although she does still cover larger, well-known cities, such as Shanghai, she will not just list the main tourist sites. Instead, she interacts with the locals and finds unique things to do in that location.

Where to Watch: Viewers can catch Places to Love on PBS and select episodes on the PBS website .

Joanna Lumley’s Silk Road Adventure

Recommended by Emily from Wander-Lush

There are few parts of the world that inspire wanderlust more than Central Asia. In this 2018 miniseries, British actress and supermodel, Joanna Lumley (you may recognize her from the 1990s comedy sitcom Absolutely Fabulous) retraces parts of the fabled Silk Road trading route from the perspective of a tourist.

Over four episodes, she travels from Venice to Uzbekistan via Iran, Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan, visiting caravanserais, fire temples and bazaars along the way. This series brings to life the cross-pollination of ideas and influences that characterizes this part of the world where East intersects with West.

Lumley’s dry British humor and insatiable curiosity make her a terrific host. Even if you’re never considered visiting Central Asia and the Caucasus before, this series will inspire you to follow the footsteps of Marco Polo on one of the most epic overland journeys of all time.

Where to Watch: Joanna Lumley’s Silk Road Adventure is currently available to stream via Amazon Prime UK . Some episodes are also on YouTube .

Recommended by Ruby from A Journey We Love

Travel Man is a 30 minute British TV show hosted by Richard Ayoade shown on Channel 4 (UK). Each week, he travels with someone for a quick getaway (48-72 hours) and breaks down tourist sites, what to eat, facts about the city and banters around with his co-presenter for the week. For people living abroad, you can watch some of the shows on Channel 4’s website, and there are also full episodes available on Travel Man’s official YouTube channel . What makes the show interesting is that the host, Richard Ayoade, is not a big traveler nor is he a big fan of trying new things. It makes for a great perspective on how to plan quick weekend getaways for those who are planning trips with people who don’t like to travel and how to make it interesting for them. It also makes the series very funny because watching the host’s reactions and monologues is absolutely priceless.

Where to Watch: For people living abroad, you can watch some of the shows on Channel 4’s website, and there are also full episodes available on Travel Man’s official YouTube channel . You can also find episodes on Amazon Prime Video .

The Amazing Race

Recommended by us

The Amazing Race is our favorite travel show and we have been watching it from the beginning. The American reality competition show has aired 32 seasons on CBS since its premiere in 2001. If you enjoy the drama of reality competition shows and are also a travel lover then you will love The Amazing Race . Each season takes place in a few different countries and in total The Amazing Race has visited over 90 different countries and six continents. Teams of two people (usually couples, friends, or family members) race around the world, solving clues and completing tasks and challenges along the way. Relationships are tested and there are sometimes arguments between teammates and with other teams. The last team to finish each leg is eliminated until three teams race to the finish line in order to win $1 million. Fun fact: We actually applied to be on the show as a sisters team (more than ten years ago and long before we started this blog) but alas we were not chosen!

Where to Watch: You can stream old seasons of the Amazing Race on CBS All Access , Amazon Prime Video and various streaming services such as Hulu .

Did your favorite travel show or series make the list?

Some good recommendations on this list for sure. James May also has some other travel shows that can be found on Netflix, Youtube, etc. Although it’s a Vlog and not a true TV show I would add Kara and Nate’s Vlog show from Youtube. They have visited over a 100 countries and it’s one of the best. If you’ve never watched them, just start with their first show and binge watch it through to today.

Thanks for the suggestion. Will check them out!

I’ll recommend a few new ones. AppleTV has “Long Way Up” from the “Long Way Down” and “Long Way Around” fame. Actor Ewan McGregor and his friend, Charley Boorman from the tip of South America to Los Angeles on electric Harley Davidson motorcycles. I pretty much hate AppleTV+ but this show is so very good. You might check out Max&Lee on Youtube which has recently continued on with Max&Occy. This is one of many Vanlife travel vlogs but it’s better than most. Start at the beginning with Max & Lee and work your way forward for good binge-watching. I will also add in a bonus travel vlog from YouTube and that is Sergio & Rhoda in Isreal. This couple travels around Isreal and shows details about various historical sites with a local flair. Very interesting for those that enjoy this region.

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travel tv show thailand

10 Best Thai TV Shows On Netflix To Get Hooked On Besides The Usual K-Dramas

travel tv show thailand

Thai series on Netflix to binge-watch

Passing time in the 20th century is truly something. With everything available at a single touch of a button, we can find ourselves spending hours and hours in one place – yep, I’m talking about all you binge-watchers out there.

We all know we’ve got a variety of great Thai movies out there, from tearjerker romances and comedies that’ll have you LOL-ing, to blockbuster hits . 

This time, we’re bringing you a list of 10 recommendations for Thai series you can’t miss watching.

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1. Diary of Tootsies (2016)

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance

Based on Toodsdiary , this LGBT series follows a bunch of friends as they traverse life’s shenanigans, with lots of laughs, romance, and tears along the way. 

The beginning of the series sees Gus, who has just been dumped by his boyfriend, bursting into tears and being soothed by his close mates: Golf, Kim, and Natty.  He later finds out that the rest of his friends are having troubles too, and their story begins.

Thai Series

One day, Gus unexpectedly meets Top, who seems perfect…except that his mother isn’t into the idea of her son being gay. 

Why you should watch: The series does a good job in bringing across the camaraderie between best friends, as well as “forbidden” relationships, which many members of the LGBT community might relate to. 

Watch it on Netflix here .

2. Love Destiny (2018)

Genre: Comedy

Based on the award-winning book from 2010, Love Destiny tells the story of Karaket, a wicked lady from the Ayutthaya-era who passes away and travels forward in time. Her spirit then meets Ketsurang, a girl from present-day who died in a car accident. 

Thai Series

Karaket takes this opportunity to ask Ketsurang to live in her body in the past and do good deeds to make up for her evil doings. 

Back in ancient times, Karaket (who is actually Ketsurang) confuses everyone around her by simply being a nice person – not without some consequences, of course.

Why you should watch: The show shows Thailand used to be in ancient times, even down to the way they speak, which is rather interesting. Plus, it maintains a lighthearted tone with romance and comedy, which is rare to see in most Thai period-style dramas.

3. Hormones (2013)

Genre: Drama, Romance

Thai Series

High school is never easy, and Hormones proves just that. The series follows 9 students from different backgrounds as they navigate school and all the problems that follow, from broken relationships and emotions, to more hard-hitting themes like violence, drug use, and abortion. 

Thai Series

By the end of it, it’ll make you realise that there are still good things that come out of hardships, and the memories made in our youth can’t be easily forgotten.

Why you should watch: Hormones is one of the very first teen series in Thailand to focus on more taboo topics, which sheds light on the reality many kids face. But besides its serious undertones, the show also includes storylines like puppy love that will make you blush.

4. Project S – Side By Side (2017)

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Part of the Project S series, Side By Side is famous for bringing sports as a starring theme in a show. In the show, we watch P’Yim, an aspiring badminton player. 

Thai Series

However, nothing goes according to plan, with P’Yim being bullied to the point of freaking out in his competitions. Dong, his younger brother, decides to do something about it

Thai Series

Why you should watch: Besides the fast paced sports-based storyline, the show presents familial love in the form of P’Yim and his brother, Dong, which is really heartwarming. Plus, watching the characters fight through their hardships is very inspiring too.

5. Girl From Nowhere (2018)

Genre: Crime, Fantasy, Mystery

Girl From Nowhere is quite a strange yet interesting series that follows the mysterious schoolgirl Nanno, who transfers to various schools and has the uncanny ability to expose people for their wrongdoings. Nee

Thai Series

Why you should watch: This series is quite the game changer in terms of genre in Thai media, and stands out for its engaging plotlines. From psychological mind games to fear and anger, this is one series that will have you on the end of your seat.

6. Revenge (2017)

Genre: Drama, Thriller

After finding out her husband had an affair, Mathusorn decides to get a divorce and takes her only daughter, Phung, to live somewhere else. But no thanks to a bankruptcy, she barely has any money and this forces her to settle down in an unsafe neighbourhood surrounded by unfriendly residents, even though she has been warned. 

Thai Series

Things only get worse when Mathusorn and her daughter are accidentally embroiled in a drug-dealing conflict. 

Thai Series

Why you should watch: Lalita Panyopas, who stars as Mathusorn, is well known among Thais for her roles in movies and TV dramas. In Revenge, you can expect to see the actor in chilling, emotional scenes as a mother who seeks revenge on those who have hurt her family.

7. Thirteen Terrors

Genre: Horror

Thirteen Terrors is an anthology of short horror films based on classic school ghost stories. Though the stories have been modified to fit present-day contexts a little better, it still does the job of conveying terror from across the screen.

Thai Series

Thai superstitions are an ongoing theme in the series, which is no wonder such stories always get passed on from students to students of all generations.

Thai Series

Why you should watch: Each chapter has a totally different plot to shock its viewers. We assure you, there’s no need for a “I’ll try watching to see if I like it,”, as the very first episode will be enough to do the trick. School will never be the same again.

8. Stupid Cupid

Bangkok Traffic Love Story fans might find this title familiar – Stupid Cupid was actually a fictional TV show that aired in the movie. It caught the attention of viewers so much that the production team decided to make this a series for real.

The story focuses on the chaos happening within the Amaraporn family. Chawee, the only grandson, has disliked Araya since they were children, but now have an impending arranged marriage between the two of them.

Thai Series

From conspiracies of Araya planning on inheriting the family’s wealth to a mysterious man on an island who is planning on exacting revenge on the Amaraporns, this show is one hilarious roller coaster ride from start to finish. 

Thai Series

Why you should watch: Stupid Cupid takes on a soap opera style, so expect overexaggerated characters and dialogue that make the show so funny. The characters find a way to be endearing too, and you’ll be stuck to the screen the whole time.

9. O-Negative

Genre: Romance, Drama

Based on the original 1998 movie of the same name, the series follows 5 schoolmates who share the same blood-type as they go through university. Everything is going well until budding relationships don’t go according to plan – especially when the besties realise they’ve fallen for the same person.

Thai Series

Why you should watch: Having feelings for a friend is a nostalgic feeling many of us can relate to, and this drama uses it as a foundation for a touching yet lighthearted drama that’s easy to watch.

10. In Family We Trust

In Family We Trust revolves around a wealthy Thai-Chinese family that struggles with tragedies and conflict in their personal lives. Things go awry after the eldest son and head of the family business gets murdered, with the family having to pick up the pieces to find out what has happened while struggling to deal with each other.

Thai Series

Why you should watch:  Big families, wealth, and murder – with these in the bag, you know you’re in for one heck of a Thai drama. Besides that, the show also covers deeper perspectives like Thai-Chinese cultures and gender roles in society.

New shows to watch on Netflix

Just last November, Netflix had its first Thai original series The Stranded , which appealed to thriller fans. But beyond that, there’s a variety of other TV shows from Thailand to watch, from classic fan favourites to newer dramas.

Cover images adapted from: sanook (bottom left) , @teresomza (top right) , tv spluge (top left) , starupdate (bottom right)

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  • Episode aired Aug 3, 2015

With miles of tropical beaches and an exotic climate, Thailand attracts more than 26 million tourists each year to its shores, making it the most popular destination for Brits visiting Asia. With miles of tropical beaches and an exotic climate, Thailand attracts more than 26 million tourists each year to its shores, making it the most popular destination for Brits visiting Asia. With miles of tropical beaches and an exotic climate, Thailand attracts more than 26 million tourists each year to its shores, making it the most popular destination for Brits visiting Asia.

  • Vickie Ager
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  • Johnny Vegas

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  • Connections References E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

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  • August 3, 2015 (United Kingdom)
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  • Runtime 46 minutes

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Thai Food TV Show in Thailand (& I’ll Be the One Eating)

About two months ago I received an email (in Thailand)…

It went something along the lines of this:

“Hi Mark Wiens, we’ve seen your YouTube videos , and we like how you express your passion for food. We’re producing a food tv show documentary about Thai food, and we’d like you to be part of it.”

At first I didn’t know what “part of it” meant, so I asked for more information.

A few emails later, I realized the production company was asking if I’d be a host for a Thai food tv show.

Traveling around Thailand and eating delicious Thai food , is something I love doing, and something I already do, and so I agreed to be part of the show.

After a few months of the production company arranging all the details, and just 1 meeting with the producers and the entire crew, we were ready to get started.

One of the things that enticed me about this particular tv show, was that they showed me some examples of what we’d be filming, and it was about real Thai food, not touristy toned down Thai food, but real Thai food.

We’d travel around Thailand searching for some of the best tasting Thai dishes, things you shouldn’t miss eating  when in Thailand.

Food TV Show

I’m quite excited to announce to you that for the next two months or so, I’ll be traveling around Thailand, filming a Thai food documentary show (I’m still not sure where it will be shown, but it’s some Thai cable station).

It’s my first time to ever do something like this, the only person I’ve stood in front of the camera for so far is my wife – so it will be a little different this time.

I know it will be a great learning experience, and an adventure.

( NOTE : I’ll still posting videos to YouTube on schedule as normal during this time)

What can you expect from me?

During the next few months, while I’m traveling around Thailand, I’ll be posting frequent blog updates, probably not daily, but every couple of days I’ll try to post some photos and an overview of what we did and ate.

As I write this update, we just finished filming two days of the food show, and it’s been quite a packed two days already.

Day 1: Silom, Bangkok

The first episode of the food show is about Thai salads, known in Thai as yam (ยำ).

We started the very first episode at the food court in Silom Soi 10. The funny thing is, Ying and I had just filmed a video about the Silom Soi 10 food court a few weeks before (I had no clue we were going again for the show).

At the beginning of the food section of the Silom Soi 10 food court, there’s a famous Thai salad stall, which attracts quite a line each day for lunch.

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For the show, we ordered yam woon sen (ยำวุ้นเส้น), a very popular Thai mix salad, and also yam hed (ยำเห็ด), Thai mushroom salad.

They were both quite good, the dressing was nice and sour and spicy, but I’m not a huge fan of luncheon meat and hot dogs. I mostly prefer my yum woon sen with more natural meats, like minced pork, as opposed to tube steak.

After polishing off the salads and completing the footage at the food court, we headed off to Thanon Chan to go to another famous food stall serving Thai salads.

The owner of the restaurant was extremely nice, and she allowed me to cook with her and talk to her about all sorts of different ingredients in the different salads that she was whipping up furiously.

After filming the salad preparation, the crew proceeded to order a whopping 10 different Thai salads for me to eat on camera.

Pictured above in yam mamuang (ยำมะม่วง), a green mango salad with shrimp, onions, peanuts, and cilantro, all dressed in a spicy lime and chili sauce.

Out of all the 10 different Thai salads, my favorite was the yam pla meuk (ยำปลาหมึก), a squid salad.

The squid was blanched, and then mixed up with white onions, mint leaves, and a dressing of lots of lime juice, chilies, and just a hint of sugar to balance it out . It was marvelous.

Day 2: Vegetable Farm in Bang Khae, Bangkok

Bang Khae is a district, located about 45 minutes to 1 hour from central Bangkok, and the area is home to the Khlong Lay Mayom floating market as well.

We woke up really early on day 2, and took a van out to Bang Khae, and to continue on with the Thai salads theme, we headed to a small organic vegetable farm.

We arrived just as the sun was rising, and a few farmers were already tending to the crops.

The goal for visiting the farm was to mainly walk around and see some of the main local herbs and ingredients used in popular and traditional Thai salad recipes .

There’s a term in Thai known as pak suan krua (ผักสวนครัว). There’s no direct translation, but it sort of means easy to grow, everyday types of vegetables.

Things like basil, lemongrass, chilies, ivy gourd leaves, long beans, and a number of other vines and herbs can be included.

Eating raw vegetables and herbs, like chilies, sweet basil, lemongrass, and even traditionally winged beans (ถั่วพลู), are just a few of the many small vegetables that were thriving in this garden.

One of the highlights of my morning was walking around the garden, sampling marvelous herbs right off the vines and bushes, with one of the owners of the farm.

Among the many herbs I ate (by the end of my herb eating session, my mouth was tingling from all the peppery fresh herbs), one of my favorites was red holy basil (ใบกระเพราแดง).

Normal holy basil, used in making pad kra pao , is found in every market in Bangkok, but the red stuff is very hard to find. It has a slightly stronger flavor than its green sibling.

Another herb I hadn’t eaten before, but got to eat handfuls of, was bai yeera (ใบยี่หร่า), or jeera leaves.

It had an amazing strong herb flavor, and the lady told me it was especially delicious stir fried up with wild pig. My mouth started watering immediately, but too bad we didn’t have any wild pig on hand.

After spending a while eating a huge amount of herbs in the garden, I was able to hang out for a bit with a man, who taught me how to pick a few of the essential Thai vegetables.

One of the vegetables he was harvesting, he called watercress, and it’s not common at Thai markets, but I do see it in grocery stores in the organic section.

The watercress was just slightly bitter, but had a lovely green healthy flavor.

One of the most common Thai vegetables is pak bung (ผักบุ้ง), or Thai morning glory.

I’ve eaten uncountable plates of morning glory at hundreds of restaurants throughout Thailand, but I can’t say I’ve ever seen it being grown, and for sure I had never harvested it myself.

To grow morning glory, it takes a lot of water.

At the farm, they water the morning glory using sticks that look quite a bit like lacrosse sticks, and just sort of fling water from the canal ditches across the plot of morning glory.

Normally after picking their stock of morning glory, they sell it at the local nearby market.

They kindly gave us a bundle of fresh morning glory to bring home, which I was extremely grateful for.

After filming the herb and vegetable gardens, we then headed under the shelter to do some filming about making a Thai salad using some of the ingredients I had just freshly picked.

For dressing, Thai salad mostly uses lime juice, fish sauce, chilies, and a hint of sugar. This is the balance of flavors that Thai food is so well known for.

I mixed up some of the vegetables and herbs into a healthy Thai salad that was quite complex with different herbs. I used quite a generous amount of red holy basil to give it a serious kick.

I couldn’t get enough of that red holy basil (ใบกระเพราแดง).

During the day at the farm, I got to hang out with Grandma, who was awesome.

After finishing up at the farm, we had a quick lunch, and then headed over to a restaurant known as Ran Soei (ร้านเส่ย), a place I had never been to, but I can assure you I will be going back.

The restaurant was located right at the Sam Sen railway station, quite close to the glories of Ratchawat and Gaeng Pa Sriyan .

We went to the restaurant to prepare and eat a Thai salad known as plaa goong (พล่ากุ้ง).

I stood with the owner’s wife as she whipped up the combination of ingredients, and I watched in awe at the creation.

She mixed up a sauce, full of wonderful herbs and flavors, and then piled it onto half cooked shrimp, which were already butterfly cut.

plaa goong (พล่ากุ้ง)

I’ve had plaa goong (พล่ากุ้ง) quite a few times in Bangkok, but it has never even compared to the version at Ran Soei (ร้านเส่ย).

The jumbo prawns were meaty and buttery, and drenched in an extremely sour and spicy dressing, then covered in chilies, raw garlic, and slices of lemongrass.

Finally, to round out our second day of filming, we also had a few plates of gaem pla too (แก้มปลาทู), or what translates to deep fried mackerel cheeks – but really they were more like mackerel jaw bones.

They were incredibly crispy, like a fish chip, and absolutely amazing tasting.

Again, I’m really excited and honored to be a part of this Thai food tv show.

We’ve only filmed for two days so far, and already I’ve had some very fun and unique food experiences.

Along with keeping you updated with a blog post every couple of days, I’ll also be posting current updates and photos on  Facebook and Instagram .

This is something totally new for me, I’m grateful for this opportunity, and I’m pretty excited about the filming, and especially the EATING!

That’s it for now, I’ll keep you posted, and thank you for your continued support.

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‘conan o’brien must go’ is a wacky travel show: review.

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In “Conan O’Brien Must Go,” the comedian and talk show host puts his own irreverent spin on the well-worn travel show format. 

Premiering Thursday, April 18 on Max, the four-episode series is based on the podcast “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend.” 

The show follows O’Brien, 60, as he visits “friends” that he’s made (aka, fans who have called into his podcast). 

The result is a travel show that feels self indulgent, at times – as all celebrity travel shows often do – but it’s also entertaining and provides an off-beat and quirky look into a variety of countries. 

Conan O'Brien in a hat and red vest.

It should appeal to fans of O’Brien, and it may also appeal to viewers who feel indifferent to him, but enjoy amusing insights into other cultures. 

Each episode opens with idyllic scenes of gorgeous landscapes. 

There’s a voiceover similar to what you’d hear in a nature documentary, narrating how O’Brien was once “a proud talk show host,” but “a changing ecosystem” has sent him to a “drier and harsher climate: the weekly podcast.” 

The voice further describes O’Brien as “This clown with dull tiny eyes, the eyes of a crudely painted doll,” and talks about how he is “forced to feed on that meagerist of morsels, the random calling fan, unhinged by the feral scent of their mild enthusiasm…..He scavenges in distant lands. Uninvited, fueled by a bottomless hunger for recognition and the occasional selfie.”

The first episode then cuts to O’Brien showing up to ring one fan’s doorbell in Norway. 

The shocked fan lets him into his apartment, and O’Brien proceeds to critique his living situation on the fly, pointing out how the bread in his kitchen is stale. 

Conan O'Brien

O’Brien then leaves to do segments exploring Norwegian culture – including a segment visiting Viking enthusiasts, an interview with a psychologist about the modern day sex and dating customs in the culture, and he visits another fan who works on a fishing boat. 

“That’s right, I have two fans in Norway!” he boasts. 

The result is an hour that feels fairly well-rounded, digging into different aspects of the country and culture. But it never loses sight of doing it in O’Brien’s idiosyncratic way . 

When his second fan turns out to be laconic, O’Brien says, “We have zero chemistry, what are we going to do?” 

That breaks the ice, and it demonstrates O’Brien’s talent for thinking on his feet and making conversation with just about anyone.

Conan O'Brien on a horse.

However, sometimes his jokes and bits get tedious – like a scene when he loses his luggage, so he dons traditional “Norwegian” attire from a nearby store. He then interviews a local man on the street about how nobody really wears that, and O’Brien looks foolish. It’s mildly funny, but the man isn’t that chatty. So the result is a repetitive conversation where O’Brien keeps prompting a man, who gives terse “yes” answers. 

But, O’Brien is an old pro, and the show clips along at a steady pace. Just when a segment feels like its overstaying its welcome, the show moves onto new and fresh material. 

Other episodes include the comedian taking trips to Thailand, Argentina and Ireland. 

Conan O'Brien dancing in Argentina.

The Emerald Isle episode has an amusing bit where O’Brien hunts for Bono in a park among the shrubbery, as if he’s searching for a wild animal. Finding a pair of Bono’s trademark sunglasses, he comments that he’s close to finding the musician because “He sheds these.” He then uses a Global Humanitarian Award statuette as “bait.” 

“Conan O’Brien Must go” fits comfortably into the genre of “celebrity travel shows,” and it may not win over viewers who never much cared for him, but it’s an amusing watch.

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Conan O'Brien in a hat and red vest.


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Downey’s Dream Cars on Max and Christian Cooper of National Geographic’s Extraordinary Birder with Christian Cooper were among the winners Saturday night the 51st Daytime Creative Arts & Lifestyle Emmys.

Held a day after the Daytime Emmys at downtown Los Angeles’ Westin Bonaventure Hotel, the Creative Arts & Lifestyle awards honored legal/courtroom dramas, travel/adventure programs, and arts and culture shows, as well as lighting and technical direction specialists and costumers, cinematographers and hairstylists.

Multiple winners Saturday also included Nat Geo’s Animals Up Close with Bertie Gregory , Netflix’s Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones , and Netflix’s African Queens: Njinga .

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Judy Justice (Amazon Freevee)

Executive Producers Randy Douthit, Scott Koondel

Co-Executive Producer Amy Freisleben

Supervising Producer Victoria Jenest

Line Producer Yusufu Henry

Senior Producers Matt Pomfret, Marisa Van Den Borre

Coordinating Producer Jeff Kueppers

Segment Producers Jave Galt-Miller, Luci Kwak, Melanie Manooki, Milena Rhodes, Alan Stein

Co-Supervising Producer Cybil Jordan-Malachi

Host Judge Judy Sheindlin

Co-Hosts Whitney Kumar, Kevin Rasco, Sarah Rose


Animals Up Close with Bertie Gregory (National Geographic)

Executive Producers Drew Jones, Anwar Mamon

Senior Producer Jennie Hammond

Series Producer James Brickell

Producer Will West

Co-Producer Bertie Gregory Line Producer Ashley Lorenzo-Feldman


Hack My Home (Netflix)

Executive Producers Ross Breitenbach, Nicole Elliott, Ming Lee Howell, Christian Sarabia

Co-Executive Producers Anne Hill, Cody Shelton

Supervising Producer John Lewis

Line Producer Jeff West


Downey’s Dream Cars (Max)

Executive Producers Emily Barclay Ford, Susan Downey, Robert Downey Jr ., Dave Larzelere, Todd Lubin, Chris Mazzilli, Jay Peterson, Kyle Wheeler, Benjamin Wood

Coordinating Producer Paola Espinosa

Supervising Story Producer Louis Waxman

Producer Kyle Bedell

Story Producers Steph Baca, Alexis Freitag

Line Producers Chris Hansen, Samantha Nestor

Consulting Producer Kirsten Korosec


Oprah and “The Color Purple” Journey (Max)

Executive Producers Tara Montgomery, Brian Piotrowicz, Oprah Winfrey

Co-Executive Producer Brad Pavone

Supervising Producers Colleen Dunnegan

Producers Fatima Elswify, Kareka Green


Leveling Lincoln (PBS)

Executive Producer Arden Teresa Lewis

Producers Rita Cofield, Tinks Lovelace, Kimberly Woods


Culture Quest: Ukraine (PBS)

Executive Producer Ian Grant

Senior Producer Ian Levasseur

Creative Producer Nata Zhyzhchenko

Consulting Producers Trevor Hyslop, Olesia Ostrovska-Liuta


The Dads (Netflix)

Executive Producers Jon Marcus, Dwyane Wade

Director Luchina Fisher


Buddy Valastro

Legends of the Fork (A&E)


Christian Cooper

Extraordinary Birder with Christian Cooper (National Geographic)


Reconnecting Roots (PBS)

Head Writers Dave Boyd, Ryan Estabrooks

Associate Head Writers Joel McAfee, Gabe McCauley

Writers Josh Childs, Emma King, Asia Mechikoff, Ben Oddo, Julian Vaca, Wesley Vis


Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones (Netflix)

Director Clay Jeter


The View (ABC)

Director Sarah de la O

Associate Directors Janean Elkins, John Keegan, Craig Viechec, Christopher Wayne

Stage Managers Rob Bruce Baron, Paul Tarascio, Edward Valk


Music By Steve Gernes, Tyler Sabbag, Duncan Thum


“We’re Home”

Composer & Lyricists Heidi Feek, Dillon Hodges, Mandy McCauley


The Kelly Clarkson Show (Syndicated)

Lighting Designer Darren Langer

Lighting Director John Daniels


Disney Parks Magical Christmas Day Parade (ABC)

Senior Technical Directors Ryan Balton, John Diperna, Travis Elkins, Tony Martin

Director of Photography Rick Siegel

Tech Managers Billy Butler, James Coker

Camera Operators Deb Brozina, Chris Ferguson, Ricky Fontanez, Shaun Harkins, Travis Hays, Tom Hildreth, Jill Sager, Fed Wetherbee


Cinematographers Bertie Gregory, Sam Stewart


Drive with Swizz Beatz (Hulu)

Lead Editors Max Rosenfeld, Lauren Staller

Editors Sujit Agrawal, Jared Aston, Ben Bolton, Jordan Browne, Katie Covell, Sherman Pascoe, Lyric Ramsey, Ashley Rath, Matt Valdez


TrueSouth (ESPN/ABC/SEC Network)

Editors Joe Canali, Timothy Horgan, Dave Lynch


Audio Engineer James Slanger

Monitor Mixer Bob Lewis

Front of House Mixers Omatali Beckett, Eddie Marquez

Pre-Production Mixers Danny Cruz, Jeff Hickman, Rosa Howell Thornhill, Jennifer Vannoy-Rounsaville, Bryan Smith, Marilyn Vigilante

Pre-Production Music Mixers Rachel Orscher, Kevin Shannon


Re-Recording Mixer Phil Detolve

Supervising Sound Editor A. Josh Reinhardt

Dialogue Editor Graham Barclay

Sound Effects Editor Louie Recinos


Searching for Soul Food (Hulu)

Graphics Producers Carson Hood, Kristen Pritchett

Designers Eun Sung Do, Paolo Garcia, Sohyun Park

Creative Director Mark Thompson

Animators Addy Afzali, Liu Chia-lung, Carl Dempsey

African Queens: Njinga (Netflix)

Casting Directors Olissa Rogers, Christa Schamberger


Art Director Warren Gray


The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS)

Costume Designer Jeresa Featherstone

Wardrobe Supervisor Anabel Shuckhart

Wardrobe Stylists Lucy Flores, Jennifer Johns, Patrice Johnson

Costume Stylists Ross Fuentes, Gail Mosley, Angelo Santos


Hair and Makeup Department Head Gale Shepherd

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$105m global bow; best u.s. r-rated start since ‘oppenheimer’.

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Where to watch UEFA EURO 2024: TV broadcast partners, live streams

Saturday, June 8, 2024

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travel tv show thailand


  1. The Best Programs on Travel Channel Thailand (True Visions 73)

    travel tv show thailand

  2. একদিনে ফুকেট ভ্রমণ

    travel tv show thailand

  3. 13 Best Netflix Thai TV Series 2021, Must Watch!

    travel tv show thailand


    travel tv show thailand

  5. Destination Thailand TV

    travel tv show thailand

  6. Destination Isolation: Best Travel Shows and Movies for Major Inspo

    travel tv show thailand


  1. Thailand Happiness

  2. Thailand: A Dream Destination for Every Traveler

  3. The Travel Show

  4. Passport 246 with Leah Marville

  5. Revisit Thailand with Amazing Thailand

  6. LIVING ON 7-ELEVEN for 24 Hours 🇹🇭 (Thailand)


  1. BBC News

    Fri 8 Sep 2023 21:30 Local time. BBC News. Sat 9 Sep 2023 06:30 Local time. BBC News. Show more. Lucy Hedges is in Thailand to explore the beaches made world-famous by Hollywood.

  2. The 10 Best Netflix Travel Shows And Documentaries In Asia

    6. Midnight Asia - Eat Dance Dream (2022) This eclectic show is unique in that rather than show celebrities, it follows the lives of individuals living life in some of the craziest night scenes across Asia. Brightly lit neon sign boards, big personalities, and stunning drone shots characterize this show.

  3. 5 Random TV shows set in Thailand I'm watching before my trip

    Random TV shows set in Thailand I'm watching. 1. Jack Whitehall: Travels with my Father. Despite it being one of the most cringe-inducing, fake reality shows you will ever see, Jack Whitehall: Travels with my Father has to feature on my list. Though their 'banter' is so scripted.

  4. 10 Best Documentaries About Thailand (In 2024)

    The Rescue (2021) The Rescue is a documentary film directed and produced by Jimmy Chin and Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi. It was released in 2021 and focuses on the dramatic rescue of the Wild Boars soccer team from the Tham Luang Nang Non-cave in Thailand in 2018. The documentary provides a detailed account of the international rescue effort that ...

  5. Joseph Rosendo's Travelscope

    Joseph Rosendo's Travelscope Season 11 features Taiwan, Maine, Ontario, Thailand, Zambia. Joseph Rosendo's Travelscope is presented by your local public television station. Distributed ...

  6. Travel Channel Thailand

    ช่องท่องเที่ยวคุณภาพอันดับ 1 ของเมืองไทย โดยคนไทย ให้คุณได้รับข้อมูล ...

  7. Thailand

    Thailand. After close encounters with elephants in the mystical north of the country, Sam hits the busy streets of Bangkok to get a taste of her favorite dish before heading to paradise on Thailand's picturesque beaches. See Tune-In Times.

  8. Bangkok stars in worldwide premiere of new Netflix series on iconic

    The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has entered into an official partnership with leading streaming entertainment service Netflix to promote the tourism and culture of Thailand, with Bangkok starring as the first feature destination of a new Netflix documentary series that premiered worldwide on 20 January 2022.

  9. The Travel Show

    The Travel Show. Overview. Episodes. More like this. BBC. Thailand: Protecting Paradise. Lucy Hedges is in Thailand to explore the beaches made world-famous by Hollywood. Record. 3 May 4:30pm.

  10. 10 best travel shows and documentaries on Netflix and Disney+ Hotstar

    Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond the Lobby (2018) Hosts Giles Coren and Monica Galetti check into a hotel in world-renowned locations but with a catch: they go on board as hotel staff to get an insider ...

  11. The Local Traveler in Thailand (2019)

    The Local Traveler in Thailand: Directed by Zsolt Luka. With Libby Vincek. The Local Traveler in Thailand, a reality travel documentary, puts Libby Vincek, a solo millennial traveler, on a mission to explore the Kingdom of Thailand, with a twist: she can only live with locals throughout her journey. In this authentic and immersive journey, Libby explores people and places far off the usual ...

  12. 5 Netflix documentaries that feature Bangkok city

    Season 1, Episode 1: 'Bangkok, Thailand' The debut edition of Netflix's Street Food docuseries spotlights the culinary scene in Asia in the first season entitled Street Food: Asia.The food-based docuseries kicks off the season with the 'Bangkok, Thailand' episode where Jay Fai - both the iconic owner and the Michelin-starred street-side restaurant - is the star of the show.

  13. Best Travel Shows to Watch on TV, Netflix, Amazon Prime & Other

    The best travel shows and series to watch right now on TV, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu and other streaming services. ... From the moment they touchdown in Bangkok, Thailand and make their way to the famous Khao San Road, ... Travel Man is a 30 minute British TV show hosted by Richard Ayoade shown on Channel 4 (UK). Each week, he travels ...

  14. 10 Best Thai TV Shows On Netflix To Get Hooked On Besides The Usual K

    Why you should watch: The show shows Thailand used to be in ancient times, even down to the way they speak, which is rather interesting. Plus, it maintains a lighthearted tone with romance and comedy, which is rare to see in most Thai period-style dramas. Watch it on Netflix here. 3. Hormones (2013) Genre: Drama, Romance. Image credit:

  15. Discover Thailand Through the Lens of Netflix Films and Series

    4. Sanctuary of Truth. 5. Nong Khai province. Claim to fame: Nature lovers can enjoy panoramic views of the mist and the Mekong River at Wat Phra Tak Suea, located on a high peak along the Thailand-Laos border, and Pha Chom Mok, a newly opened tourist attraction formerly known as Pha Hin Taek.

  16. 26 Best Underrated Travel Shows & Documentaries On Netflix

    1. The Dawn Wall. I have read Tommy Caldwell's The Push and for this reasons the Dawn Wall is such a gripping tale as they take on a staggering challenge of free-climbing Yosemite's most formidable rock formation. The documentary even highlights Tommy's story of being taken hostage by rebels in Kyrgyzstan.

  17. "Travel Guides" Thailand (TV Episode 2015)

    Thailand: Directed by Vickie Ager, Mark Littlewood, Anna Mears, Tim Harcourt. With Johnny Vegas. With miles of tropical beaches and an exotic climate, Thailand attracts more than 26 million tourists each year to its shores, making it the most popular destination for Brits visiting Asia.

  18. Netflix's Thailand travel guide features locations from its movies and

    The streaming giant now has a solution, at least for Thailand. Netflix has launched "Uncover Thailand: A Creative Travel Guide", to help viewers locate and perhaps visit locations in Thailand that have been featured in Netflix shows and movies. The website includes a map that pinpoints locations and a travel guide with a number of ...

  19. Travel Guides Season 1 Ep 2 Phuket, Watch TV Online

    Our guides embark on an action packed adventure in Thailand's hottest tourist spot, rating and reviewing all the must-do's on a budget stay in Phuket. ... More of Travel Guides. Gordon Ramsay's Food Stars 8 Episodes. Iron Chef 25 Episodes. Guga Foods 10 Episodes. Good Chef Hunting 4 Episodes. Hot Ones 12 Episodes. Explore TV Viking Cruises ...

  20. Thailand travel/ food tv show recommendations? : r/Thailand

    Thailand travel/ food tv show recommendations? Hi all, Me and my wife are excitedly planning a trip to Phuket for December 2022 with our 2 year old daughter. We have both been to Thailand (independently and together)in the past and it is our favourite place to visit, and can't wait to take our daughter there for the first time.

  21. Thai Food TV Show in Thailand (& I'll Be the One Eating)

    Yam mamuang (ยำมะม่วง) - green mango salad. After filming the salad preparation, the crew proceeded to order a whopping 10 different Thai salads for me to eat on camera. Pictured above in yam mamuang (ยำมะม่วง), a green mango salad with shrimp, onions, peanuts, and cilantro, all dressed in a spicy lime and ...

  22. 12 essential food and drink experiences to try in Thailand

    1. Dig into pad thai, Thailand's "national dish". Designed as part of a nation-building exercise in the first half of the 20th century, pad thai ( pàt tai) was conceptualized to represent Thailand on a plate. A wok-fried dish featuring flat noodles, shrimp, beancurd, bean sprouts, spring onions, peanuts, assorted spices and sauces, pad thai ...

  23. 'Conan O'Brien Must Go' is a wacky travel show: review

    The show follows O'Brien, 60, as he visits "friends" that he's made (aka, fans who have called into his podcast). The result is a travel show that feels self indulgent, at times - as all ...

  24. Stories

    Travel Stories. Nothing says summer in the USA like heading to the lake. We asked our writers to share their favorite lakes in the country. Look beyond the French capital's most famous sights and you'll discover many free things to do in Paris - and get a local's perspective on the city too.

  25. 2024 Daytime Creative Arts & Lifestyle Emmy Awards Winners List

    See the complete list of Creative Arts winners below. LEGAL/COURTROOM PROGRAM. Judy Justice (Amazon Freevee) Executive Producers. Randy Douthit, Scott Koondel. Co-Executive Producer. Amy ...

  26. Official Broadcasters

    Official ICC Cricket website - live matches, scores, news, highlights, commentary, rankings, videos and fixtures from the International Cricket Council.

  27. BBC iPlayer

    TV Guide; Watchlist; Lifestyle. The Travel Show. ... Thailand: Protecting Paradise. Lucy Hedges is in Thailand to explore the beaches made world-famous by Hollywood. 23 mins. The Best of Australia.

  28. We Were The Lucky Ones

    Based on Georgia Hunter's New York Times bestselling novel, the television adaptation of "We Were the Lucky Ones" is a limited series inspired by the incredible true story of one Jewish family separated at the start of WWII. The series follows them across continents as they do everything in their power to survive, and to reunite. "We Were the Luck

  29. Where to watch UEFA EURO 2024: TV broadcast partners, live streams

    The full drama of UEFA EURO 2024 is available to watch throughout the world thanks to UEFA's official broadcast partners. Fans can find their local UEFA EURO 2024 broadcaster (s) below. Check the ...